The Camping Trip Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Camping Trip Questions & Answers. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Little Swans’ Lesson , Meeta Gets Her Turn and If I Was a Superhero so, you can check these posts as well.

Question 1: Which happened first? Put these events from the story in the order in which they happened.

…5… Lata got out some paneer cubes. …4… They held the kebabs over the fire and turned the sticks slowly. …1… Lata and Mum collected sticks to start a bonfire. …2… They started a fire in the bonfire pit. …3… Lata and Roshan looked for long pointy sticks. …6… They all roasted the paneer cubes over the fire.

Question 2: What did Roshan and Dad do? What did Lata and Mum do?

Answer: Roshan and Dad set up the tent, while Lata and Mum collected sticks to start a bonfire.

Question 3: Where did they start a bonfire?

Answer: They started a bonfire in the bonfire pit.

Question 4: Why did Lata and Roshan look for pointy sticks?

Answer: Lata and Roshan looked for pointy sticks to use for cooking kebabs over the fire.

Question 5: What did Lata bring out after they had eaten the burgers?

Answer: Lata brought out some paneer cubes after they had eaten the burgers.

Question 6: What is their favourite part of camping?

Answer: Their favourite part of camping is sitting around the bonfire and eating burgers and other delicious food.

Question 7: Which part of Lata and Roshan’s camping trip did you like?

Answer: I enjoyed the part where they all sat around the bonfire and enjoyed their delicious burgers and roasted paneer cubes. It sounds like a cozy and enjoyable family moment. So, these were the Questions & Answers.

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Camping Quiz – 50 Questions & Answers

Welcome to my ultimate Camping Quiz Questions! 

If you’re looking for some camping quiz questions and answers to keep you busy this Christmas, then, here you go.

I’ve written this camping quiz to test your knowledge of one of my favourite ways to travel. From camping in Devon as a child, taking my tent to festivals through my teens and twenties, and then camping in various coastal spots around England this year – I love camping!

my tent wild camping

Here are 50 fun camping questions for you and your family / friends / self to see how well you know your camping trivia.

Great if you’re looking for unusual camping quiz questions!

There are five rounds to this camping quiz, with a bonus one at the end.

So, let’s crack on with the camping trivia shall we? 

Camping Quiz Questions

This camping quiz has four rounds of food and drink questions, a picture round, and a points stealer questions at the end.

scotland wild camp

Camping Quiz Round 1: General Camping Trivia 

See how well you can do on these camping trivia questions to warm you up…

1. When wild camping and looking for a spot, what 3 things should you look out for? 

2. In camping, what is a fly?

3. When you’re picking wood for firewood, where should you get it from? 

4. When buying a tent what does HH stand for?

5. When buying a sleeping bag what does the TOG rating mean?

6. What should you do if you need a poo in the wilderness? 

7. Which type of tree bark is best for lighting a campfire?

8. Guide rope or guy rope? 

9. What is cowboy camping? 

10. Where is the most expensive campground in the world?

england wild camping

Camping Quiz Round 2: Books & Films 

These camping quiz questions and answers are all about camping in the media…

11. Which film featured friends camping in the woods, with a video camera following them?

12. In which film / book is the female protagonist hiking the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)? 

13. And do you know the name of Bill Bryson’s book walking the same trail?

14. Which camping film concludes with the message ‘Happiness is Only Real When Shared?’

15. If I say Barbara Windsor and camping in the same sentence, you say:

16. Which camping film featured 4 12-year old boys on a coming of age story in Oregon? 

17. Who famously said, “Light a campfire and everyone’s a storyteller”?

  • Henry David Thoreau
  • Sylvia Plath

John Geddes

18. Which nationality popularised camping as we know it in the 1800s?

19. In the US, camping is traced to  William Henry Harrison Murray ‘s 1869 publication of  Camp-Life in the _____________ .

20. True or fales: In the UK we have an entire magazine dedicated to Camping called, ‘Camping’?

Campsite Well's Gray

Fancy another quiz?

How about this airport quiz ? See how many funny airport codes you can name, and do you know the busiest airport in the world? Test your airport knowledge here!

Camping Quiz Round 3: Name that tent…

How well do you know your types of tent?

21. What are the tents that hang on a mountain called? 

22. What are the usually white tents often used for glamping at festivals called? 

23. What’s the name of the tents that go up in a few seconds, cheap and popular at festivals? 

24. A tent that’s low to the ground, barely there, and just for one person? 

25. A tent where the poles criss cross and intersect to form triangles? 

26. A tent where there’s a larger, higher space in the middle section, and then two sleeping compartments to each side? 

27. A tent that’s popular with families, and is long, and generally the same shape?

28. This tent does for spring, summer, autumn AND winter? 

29. These tents are popular in deserts, especially Wadi Rum in Jordan for example?

30. This tent is traditionally used by Indigenous people all over the world? 

Camping quiz round 4: picture round camping essentials

Picture round for the camping lovers out there!

the camping trip question answer

Camping quiz round 5: camping food 

Let’s test your culinary skills in this quiz on camping…

40. Name everything you’d need to bring if you wanted to cook beans on toast?

41. How do you put out a campfire properly?

42. How long do you need to boil water to kill any parasites in it? 

43. What are S’mores?

44. What’s the best thing to do with not used boiled water, so as not to waste the energy of heating it? 

45. What should you look for in a can / tin when shopping? 

46. When it comes to camping food – what are tic tac boxes good for? 

47. Is there anything more useful than tin foil when it comes to cooking for camping? 

48. How can you make the ice in the cool box last as long as possible?

49. If you’re camping in bear country, name three things you can do to be bear aware…

Eating Smores Canada

Camping quiz round 6: big question

Final round in these outdoor quiz questions…

50. You have 90 seconds to write down your camping packing list – GO!

Mental health when camping

Answers to the camping quiz

The camping quiz answers are coming very soon.

If you’re not ready….

Not near water, or trees overhead, or a trail 

2. In camping, what is a fly? Waterproof material that goes above your tent to protect against the elements.

The ground 

Hydrostatic Head

A way of measuring how warm the bag will keep you.

6. What should you do if you need a poo in the wilderness ? 

Take a spade, do it, and cover it back up with soil.

Sleeping on the ground without a shelter; no tent, no tarp, no hammock, and no bug net.

Glastonbury Festival can charge over £1000 a night for a tent

Terrorism at Glastonbury

Blair Witch Project

A Walk in the Woods 

Into the Wild

Carry On Camping 

Stand By Me

Brits – it was the Victorians camping on the Thames that made it popular.

Camp-Life in the Adirondacks

hill wild camp


Bell tents 

23. What’s the name of the tents that go up in a few seconds, cheap and popular at festivals ? 

Pop up tent 

Bivy tent 



4 Season tent 

Bedouin tents 

Traditional Bedouin tents are made out of black goat hair. The Bedouin term for tent is buryuut hajar , which literally means ‘house of hair’.

30. This tent is traditionally used by Indigenous people all over the world 

Tipi or teepee 

31. Camping stove

32. Camping chair

33. Marshmallows

34. Toilet roll

35. Hiking boots

36. Camping mug

38. Tent pegs

39. Water bottle

40. Name everything you’d need to bring if you wanted to cook beans on toast:

  • Camping stove
  • Can of beans 
  • Something to open beans 
  • Plate 
  • Bread 
  • Pepper 
  • Pot to cook in 

Answer: The US Forest Service’s website states:

“1. First, drown the campfire with water! 2. Next, mix the ashes and embers with soil. 3. Scrape all partially-burned sticks and logs to make sure all the hot embers are off them. 4. Stir the embers after they are covered with water and make sure that everything is wet. 5. Feel the coals, embers, and any partially-burned wood with your hands. 6. Everything (including the rock fire ring) should be cool to the touch. 7. Feel under the rocks to make sure no embers are underneath. 8. When you think you are done, take an extra minute and add more water. 9. Finally, check the entire campsite for possible sparks or embers, because it only takes one to start a forest fire. 10. Remember…if it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave. Please take the time to completely put out your campfire, it could prevent a wildfire.”

At least 1 minute.

They’re a North American sweet snack consisting of a chocolate bar and toasted marshmallows sandwiched between graham crackers. Something along those lines will do!

Keep it in a vacuum flask for later

That it has a ring pull 

Yes, fire. 

c) Keep the cooler out of the sun and keep the lid closed tight.

  • Make noise!  Let bears know you’re there. Call out, clap, sing or talk loudly especially near streams, dense vegetation and berry patches, on windy days, and in areas of low visibility. Bear bells are not enough.
  • Watch for fresh bear sign.  Tracks, droppings, diggings, torn-up logs and turned-over rocks are all signs that a bear has been in the area. Leave the area if the signs are fresh.
  • Keep your dog on a leash  at all times  or leave it at home. Dogs can provoke defensive behaviour in bears.
  • Larger size groups  are less likely to have a serious bear encounter. We recommend hiking in a tight group of four or more. Never let children wander.
  • Use officially marked paths and trails  and travel during daylight hours.
  • If you come across a large dead animal , leave the area immediately and report it to park staff.
  • Dispose of fish offal  in fast moving streams or the deep part of a lake, never along stream sides or lake shores.

Tips from Parks Canada

Camping in Canada

Whoever has the most appropriate items, wins! Or if you’re playing this camping quiz by yourself, get 20 and you can have a point. For a full list of recommendations, check out my camping at festivals packing lists .

quiz about camping

Camping quiz

Hope you’ve enjoyed the camping trivia – makes me want to get out there and get exploring!

If I’ve whet your appetite for quizzes then check out my festival quiz , or my world food quiz . Or if all you want to do now is read about camping, then how about my advice on camping in Canada , or wild camping in the Outer Hebrides ?

I can see a lot of camping trips in my 2021 – how about you?!

READ MORE: 9 Tips for Eco Friendly Camping


the camping trip question answer

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  • The BIG World Festival Quiz: 50 Questions & Answers
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Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.

Question 50 camping list

The answer given for question 12 is not correct. The book/movie Wild is about a woman who hikes the PCT (Pacific Crest Tail), not the Appalachian Trail.

Hello Shane, thanks so much for taking the time to comment. You’re right. I’ve updated that now. Thanks, Vicky

so… where are the answers?

Derek, if you keep scrolling to the end you’ll see them. Thanks for doing the quiz!

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the camping trip question answer

Land of Trivia

100 Camping Trivia Questions To Celebrate The Outdoors

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers

If you’re a camping enthusiast or just someone who can never really get enough of the great outdoors, we have something you will LOVE. This camping trivia quiz!

Get ready to put your outdoor knowledge to the test with our carefully curated trivia questions that cover everything from wildlife encounters to survival gear.

In this outdoor-themed trivia challenge, we’ve crafted multiple rounds that will keep you entertained and guessing. From identifying iconic national parks’ inhabitants to testing your knowledge of survival skills, we’ve got all the fun topics you know and love covered.

And to add an extra twist of fun, don’t miss our picture round at the end—where you’ll need a keen eye for detail to ace the challenge.

And if you happen to be looking for a camping trivia quiz perfect for the kids , we’ve got you covered there too.

Before we get started — we invite you to bookmark or save some of these other trivia quizzes sure to entertain your group while you’re out camping!

  • 50 Fun National Parks Trivia Questions For Nature Lovers
  • 115 Fun and Fascinating Sports Trivia Questions And Answers
  • 115 Action Movie Trivia Questions For True Movie Buffs
  • 115 Movie Quote Trivia Questions For Movie Buffs

225 Geography Trivia Questions and Answers

  • 175 Fifth Grade Trivia Questions: Are YOU Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

Table of Contents

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: General Knowledge

Camping Trivia Questions

Q: If you forget to bring cooking sticks with you to roast marshmallows, what can you find in the wild to use instead?

Answer : Tree branches. If you can, whittle the end of your stick into a point, uncovering the wood beneath the bark and removing the parts that were exposed to the elements. Once you do that, you’ll have a fresh, germ-free spot for your marshmallows to roast away.

Q: What cooking item allows you to pack up food nicely into a packet and throw it directly into the fire to cook?

Answer : Aluminum foil.

Q: True or false: You should put your food away in your tent when you are not eating it.

Answer : False. In fact, you should never put your food inside your tent when camping in the wilderness. The reason for this is to prevent attracting wild animals like bears, raccoons, or rodents to your tent. These animals have a keen sense of smell and may be drawn to the scent of food. Storing food in your tent not only risks the safety of both campers and wildlife but can lead to dangerous encounters.

Q: True or false: If you get thirsty, you can go scoop some water right out of a lake or stream that is near your campsite.

Answer : False. Natural water sources can contain harmful bacteria, parasites, and other contaminants that can make you sick. To stay safe, either bring your own clean drinking water or use a water purification method, such as water filtration or purification tablets, to make water from natural sources safe to drink.

Q: What guidelines emphasize the importance of minimizing human impact on the environment during outdoor activities?

Answer : Leave No Trace principles.

Q: Which outdoor skill involves using a map and compass to navigate through unfamiliar terrain?

Answer : Orienteering.

Q: What is the practice of shedding weight from your backpack to make hiking easier called?

Answer : Ultralight backpacking.

Q: In camping, what is the primary purpose of a ground cloth or footprint placed under your tent?

Answer : To protect the tent floor from abrasion and moisture.

Q: What is the process of seasoning a cast-iron skillet, and why is it important for camping cooking?

Answer : Seasoning involves applying a layer of oil and heating the skillet to create a non-stick surface. It’s important to prevent food from sticking and protect the skillet from rusting during outdoor use.

Q: What is the purpose of a bivy sack in camping?

Answer : A bivy sack provides minimal shelter and is primarily used for emergency situations. It is smaller and more lightweight than a tent.

Q: What is a bear hang, and how is it properly set up to protect food from bears and other wildlife?

Answer : A bear hang is a method of suspending food and scented items high between two trees to keep them out of reach of bears. It involves using a rope, pulley system, and bear-resistant bag.

Q: Which knot is commonly used in camping to secure a load to a vehicle roof rack or tie down a tarp?

Answer : The trucker’s hitch knot.

Q: What type of tent design features a single vertical support pole and is known for its quick and easy setup?

Answer : A pop-up tent or instant tent.

Q: In sleeping bag ratings, what does the “mummy” style refer to, and why is it a popular choice for cold-weather camping?

Answer : A mummy-style sleeping bag is designed to closely fit the body, reducing dead air space and improving warmth retention, making it suitable for cold conditions.

Q: What is the purpose of the “fill power” rating in down sleeping bags, and how does it relate to insulation?

Answer : Fill power measures the loft or fluffiness of down insulation. Higher fill power indicates better insulation properties.

Q: What is the optimal angle for setting up a ridge line for a rainfly or tarp to provide effective rain protection?

Answer : Around 30 to 45 degrees.

Q: What is the ideal way to store food while camping in bear country to prevent bears from accessing it?

Answer : Using bear-resistant food containers or hanging a bear bag from a tree.

Q: What outdoor cooking method involves placing food in a waterproof bag and immersing it in hot water to cook slowly and evenly?

Answer : Sous-vide cooking.

Q: Which type of camping food preservation involves drying food to remove moisture and extend its shelf life?

Answer : Dehydrating.

Q: When foraging for wild mushrooms, what is the golden rule for safety, emphasizing the importance of accurate identification?

Answer : “When in doubt, throw it out.” If you’re unsure whether a mushroom is edible, it’s best not to consume it.

Q: When using a map and compass for navigation, what is the term for the difference between true north and magnetic north?

Answer : Magnetic declination.

Q: What is the most important factor to consider when selecting a campsite for a winter camping trip?

Answer : Protection from the wind and exposure.

Q: What type of sleeping bag insulation is best for cold and wet conditions due to its ability to maintain warmth when wet?

Answer : Down insulation.

Q: What’s the commonly used abbreviation for “Leave No Trace,” the ethical framework for outdoor practices?

Answer : LNT.

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Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: Treks Around The World

Alaska - Land Of Trivia

Q: What is the highest mountain in North America, located in Alaska?

Answer : Denali (Mount McKinley).

Q: What mountain range stretches across the western coast of South America, spanning several countries including Colombia and Venezuela?

Answer : The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Q: What trail, known as the “AT,” spans over 2,000 miles along the eastern United States?

Answer : Appalachian Trail.

Q: Which mountain range stretches across Europe, encompassing countries like France, Italy, and Switzerland?

Answer : The Alps.

Q: What is the name of the iconic long-distance trek through the Andes in South America, spanning Peru, Bolivia, and Chile?

Answer : The Andes Trail.

Q: What famous route crosses the Himalayas, connecting Nepal and Tibet, and offers breathtaking views of Mount Everest?

Answer : The Everest Base Camp Trek.

Q: This outdoor brand was founded by Yvon Chouinard and is known for its commitment to environmental sustainability. What is it?

Answer : Patagonia.

Q: Which mountain range in the western United States includes famous peaks like Mount Whitney and Mount Rainier?

Answer : The Cascade Range.

Q: What long-distance trail extends from Georgia to Maine, covering over 2,100 miles through diverse landscapes?

Answer : The Appalachian Trail.

Q: What is the highest mountain in Africa, located in Tanzania?

Answer : Mount Kilimanjaro.

Q: Which challenging trek in Nepal features dramatic suspension bridges and leads to the foot of Mount Kangchenjunga?

Answer : The Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek.

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: Outdoor Gear

Q: What company with the initials ‘DT’ produces versatile and reliable hiking socks, including styles suitable for various outdoor conditions?

Answer : Darn Tough.

Q: This outdoor brand, founded by Leon Leonwood Bean, is known for its waterproof boots and outdoor clothing.

Answer : L.L.Bean.

Q: Best known for their hammocks, which brand that starts with the letter ‘N’ specializes in producing lightweight and compact camping and hiking gear, with an emphasis on innovation?

Answer : NEMO Equipment.

Q: Known for its high-performance hiking and trail running shoes, which brand’s name refers to the thick, cushioned part of a shoe’s sole?

Answer : Altra.

Q: Which Canadian outdoor brand is known for its high-performance cold-weather jackets and innovative outdoor clothing and gear?

Answer : Arc’teryx.

Q: What brand with a bird as its logo is renowned for its backpacks, especially those designed for hiking and backpacking?

Answer : Osprey.

Q: Brands like Marmot, Patagonia, and Mountain Hardwear are recognized for their outdoor clothing. What is the name of their waterproof and breathable fabric technology?

Answer : GORE-TEX.

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: National Parks

Half Dome Yosemite National Park California

Q: Which national park in California is known for its towering granite cliffs, waterfalls, and giant sequoias?

Answer : Yosemite National Park.

Q: In which state can you find the Grand Canyon, a massive natural wonder carved by the Colorado River?

Answer : Arizona.

Q: Which iconic national park features geysers, hot springs, and diverse wildlife, including bison, moose, and wolves?

Answer : Yellowstone National Park.

Q: This iconic trail within a U.S. national park leads you through a deep gorge carved by the Virgin River. Can you name the park and the trail?

Answer : Zion National Park, The Narrows.

Q: You can witness the incredible “Mist Trail” in which U.S. national park?

Mist Trail Yosemite National Park

Q: This unique sandstone formation, known as “The Wave,” is a famous hike within which U.S. national monument located in Arizona and Utah?

Answer : Vermilion Cliffs National Monument (Coyote Buttes).

Q: In which African national park can you find the striking Victoria Falls, one of the largest and most famous waterfalls in the world?

Answer : Victoria Falls National Park (Zimbabwe/Zambia).

Q: The “Inca Trail” is a world-famous trek that leads to which ancient city located within a Peruvian national park?

Answer : Machu Picchu (Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary).

Q: You can explore the impressive limestone formations of “The Pinnacles” in which Australian national park known for its unique wildlife?

Answer : Nambung National Park.

Q: This U.S. national park features the challenging “Angel’s Landing” hike, offering breathtaking views of the canyons below. What’s the park’s name?

Answer : Zion National Park.

Q: The “Great Ocean Walk” in Australia takes you along coastal cliffs, including the famous Twelve Apostles, located in which national park?

Answer : Port Campbell National Park.

Q: In which U.S. national park can you take a hike to witness the breathtaking beauty of “The Subway,” a unique, curved slot canyon?

Q: This Canadian national park, known for its dramatic fjords, features the “Skyline Trail,” offering stunning vistas. What’s the park’s name?

Answer : Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

Q: Which U.S. national park, famous for its red rock formations, includes the “Delicate Arch” trail, where you can see this iconic natural arch up close?

Answer : Arches National Park.

Q: The “W Circuit” is a famous trek within a Chilean national park known for its glaciers and turquoise lakes. What’s the park’s name?

Answer : Torres del Paine National Park.

Q: Which national park in Montana is known for its massive glaciers and pristine alpine lakes?

Answer : Glacier National Park.

Q: Name the Californian national park with surreal rock formations such as its “Jumbo Rocks”, starry skies, and unique desert flora.

Answer : Joshua Tree National Park.

Q: Which national park straddles the border of Tennessee and North Carolina, offering lush forests and views of misty-looking mountains?

Answer : Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Q: Located in Washington state, this park boasts various ecosystems including temperate rainforests, rugged coastline, and alpine meadows.

Answer : Olympic National Park.

Q: In what Canadian national park can you find Moraine Lake with its turquoise waters and surrounding Valley of the Ten Peaks?

Answer : Banff National Park.

Moraine Lake - Banff National Park Canada

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: Survival Skills

Q: What basic shelter-building technique involves leaning large branches against a sturdy central support?

Answer : Lean-to shelter.

Q: What small, handheld device emits a loud sound to signal for help in emergency situations?

Answer : Whistle.

Q: What versatile item, often made from paracord, is valuable for creating shelter, tying objects, and more?

Answer : Survival rope.

Q: Which portable, foldable tool is used to cut through various materials and is an essential for survival kits?

Answer : Swiss-army knife.

Q: What compact and lightweight shelter option is often used in emergency situations to retain body heat?

Answer : Emergency blanket.

Q: In a wilderness survival situation, what common method can be used to create fire by rapidly spinning a stick against a wooden base?

Answer : Fire by friction (fire bow drill).

Q: What important skill involves finding and identifying edible plants, insects, and other food sources in the wild?

Answer : Foraging.

Q: To attract rescuers or signal for help, what international code involves creating a series of three dots, followed by three dashes, and then three more dots?

Answer : SOS (Morse code).

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: Movies/TV In The Wild

Q: This 2023 Netflix TV series places 16 players, split into four teams, in the Alaskan wilderness, where they must survive off the land with meager supplies. What is the show called?

Answer : Outlast

Q: Based on a true story, this film follows a young man who abandons his possessions to live in the Alaskan wilderness.

Answer : Into the Wild

Q: In this movie based on a book of the same name , Reese Witherspoon portrays a woman who hikes over 1,000 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail to heal from personal loss.

Answer : Wild

Q: Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this intense survival drama set in the 19th century American frontier.

Answer : The Revenant

Q: Wes Anderson directed this quirky coming-of-age film about two young lovers who run away together and camp on an island.

Answer : Moonrise Kingdom

Q: Robert Redford and Nick Nolte team up for this comedy-drama about two aging men attempting to hike the Appalachian Trail.

Answer : A Walk in the Woods

Q: This thriller follows a group of friends whose canoeing trip in the Georgia wilderness takes a dangerous turn.

Answer : Deliverance

Q: John Candy and Dan Aykroyd star in this comedy about a family’s misadventures during a vacation in the great outdoors.

Answer : The Great Outdoors

Q: This documentary chronicles the life and controversial work of bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell, who lived unarmed among grizzly bears in Alaska.

Answer : Grizzly Man

Q: Which reality TV show strands contestants in remote locations where they must survive using their outdoor skills?

Answer : Survivor

Campfire Smores

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: Animals

Q: Which large yet gentle mammal is known for its dark fur and hump on its back and can be found in North American national parks?

Answer : Bison.

Q: In Native American legends, what bird is often considered a symbol of wisdom and is said to bring good luck?

Answer : The owl.

Q: What iconic bird of prey, also the mascot of the USA, can often be spotted soaring high above the mountains in many national parks?

Answer : Bald eagle.

Bald Eagle

Q: What large and powerful species has subspecies that start with “sun”, “sloth” and “black”?

Answer : Bear.

Q: Which species of deer, known for its strikingly large and flattened antlers, is native to North America?

Answer : Moose.

Q: What small and agile mammal, often mistaken for a large rodent, is known for its climbing and tree-dwelling abilities?

Answer : Marmot.

Q: What furry mammal, equipped with webbed feet and a flat tail, is commonly seen swimming in North American water bodies and building dams with tree branches?

Answer : Beaver.

Q: This North American wildcat is elusive and has distinctive tufted ears and a spotted coat. What is it?

Answer : Bobcat.

Q: This sleek predator is known for its speed and agility, and its presence in national parks helps control rodent populations. What is it?

Answer : Fox.

Q: What species of wild sheep, with distinctive curved horns, can be found in rugged mountainous terrain of national parks?

Answer : Bighorn sheep.

Q: What small carnivore, often associated with mischief, is known for its opposable thumbs and ringed tail?

Answer : Raccoon.

Q: This iconic North American canid species, known for its howls, is a symbol of wilderness and often seen in packs.

Answer : Wolf.

Q: What bird species, with a recognizable hooting call of 8–9 notes that sounds like “who cooks for you, who cooks for you all,” inhabits wooded areas of national parks?

Answer : Barred owl.

Barred Owl - Camping Trivia Questions

Camping Trivia Questions And Answers: Picture Round

Camping Trivia - Picture Round

Camping Trivia Picture Round: Answers

  • North Face logo
  • Cotopaxi logo
  • Half Dome, Yosemite National Park
  • Bryce Canyon National Park
  • Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park
  • Joshua Tree National Park
  • Machu Picchu
  • Bear canister

And with that, we hope you had fun with our camping trivia questions and answers! Did you learn anything new from it?

If you enjoyed reading this article, check out some of our other travel-related trivia topics and quizzes!

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Over 100,000 Free Trivia Questions & Answers with Printable Quizzes

Are You a Happy Camper? Quiz: 71 Camping Trivia Questions

April 13, 2023 By Jamie Rotante Leave a Comment

Photo of a couple sitting in camp chairs beside a campfire in front of a red tent with the night sky behind them.

Welcome, all you happy campers, to our tent-rrific camping quiz! Are you ready to pitch in and test your knowledge on the wild and wonderful world of camping? We hope you’re not in-tents-ly nervous, because this quiz is packed with fascinating facts that are sure to spark your curiosity like a campfire! So, gather ’round and get ready to embark on a pun-derful adventure through national parks , camping history, facts, and firsts. Remember, there’s no need to feel camp-ative; it’s all just for fun!

1. What is the oldest known camping organization in the world?

2. What is the largest camping tent commercially available?

3. Which famous American writer was an avid camper and wrote about his experiences in the wilderness?

4. What is the most expensive campsite in the world?

5. In which national park was the first official campground established in the United States?

6. What is the world record for the largest s’more ever made?

7. Which country has the highest number of campsites per capita?

8. What is the highest elevation campground in the United States?

9. Which famous entrepreneur founded a luxury camping company that offers upscale tents and amenities?

10. What is the longest hiking trail in the world?

11. What is the most poisonous plant commonly found in North American campgrounds?

12. What is the smallest camping trailer commercially available?

13. Which African country is home to the world’s first wildlife camping safaris?

14. What is the rarest animal you can potentially encounter while camping in North America?

15. What is the coldest temperature ever recorded at a campground?

16. Which insect is considered the most dangerous to campers in the United States?

17. What is the world’s largest campground by area?

18. Which famous Hollywood actor is known for his love of camping and outdoor adventures?

19. What is the oldest known type of tent used for camping?

20. What is the world’s highest altitude campground?

21. Which U.S. state has the most campgrounds per square mile?

22. What is the largest species of bear you might encounter while camping in North America?

23. What year was the first portable camping stove invented?

24. What is the most remote campground in the world?

25. Which famous environmentalist and naturalist helped establish the U.S. National Park System and often camped in the wilderness?

26. What is the fastest land animal you can potentially encounter while camping in Africa?

27. What is the longest running camping music festival in the world?

28. Which famous American author wrote a book about his camping trip from New York to California in the 1960s?

29. What is the largest RV (Recreational Vehicle) ever made?

30. Which country has the largest network of free, public campgrounds?

31. What is the most venomous snake you can potentially encounter while camping in North America?

32. What is the world’s longest running camping TV show?

33. Which famous British explorer is known for his love of camping and wilderness survival?

34. What is the tallest waterfall you might encounter while camping?

35. What is the most common type of tree found in North American campgrounds?

36. Which famous scientist conducted research while camping in the Galápagos Islands?

37. What is the deepest lake you can camp near in the world?

38. What is the longest continuous camping trip ever recorded?

39. What is the most dangerous weather phenomenon campers should be aware of?

40. Which U.S. president was known for his love of camping and the outdoors?

41. What is the highest peak you can climb and camp on in Europe?

42. What is the most popular camping snack in the United States?

43. What is the largest national park in the world where you can camp?

44. Which famous astronaut was an avid camper and outdoor enthusiast?

45. What is the highest elevation campground in Europe?

46. Which country is home to the “Ice Hotel,” where you can camp in sub-zero temperatures?

47. What is the longest river you can camp along in the world?

48. Which famous musician is known for hosting camping music festivals?

49. What is the largest species of shark you can potentially encounter while camping near the ocean?

50. Which U.S. state is home to the “International Dark Sky Park,” where you can camp and stargaze without light pollution?

51. What is the most famous long-distance hiking trail in the United States where you can camp along the way?

52. Which country is home to the “Grand Tour,” a 1,200-mile (1,931-kilometer) long camping and hiking route?

53. What is the oldest national park in the world where you can camp?

54. Which famous actor starred in a movie about a solo camping trip that went awry?

55. What is the most biologically diverse national park in the world where you can camp?

56. What is the largest sand desert in the world where you can camp?

57. Which famous inventor was known for camping trips and outdoor adventures?

58. What is the world’s largest cave system where you can camp and explore?

59. Which famous children’s book author wrote a story about a family camping trip?

60. What is the largest freshwater lake in the world where you can camp along its shores?

61. Which U.S. president signed the Wilderness Act, protecting millions of acres of land for camping and outdoor recreation?

62. What is the longest stretch of continuous beach where you can camp?

63. Which famous explorer was known for his camping expeditions in Africa?

64. What is the tallest volcano you can climb and camp on?

65. Which famous naturalist and broadcaster is known for his camping and wildlife adventures?

66. What is the largest glacier in the world where you can camp and explore?

67. Which famous American poet was known for her love of camping and the outdoors?

68. What is the world’s longest coral reef system where you can camp and snorkel or scuba dive?

69. Which famous scientist conducted research on chimpanzees while camping in Tanzania?

70. What is the most isolated island in the world where you can camp?

71. Which U.S. state is home to the “Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes,” a unique volcanic landscape where you can camp?

Final Words

Photo of various colorful tents on grass at day

We hope you had a s’more-ific time with this camping quiz! If you’re still itching to hike through the world of trivia, make sure to check out Trivia Bliss’s other quizzes . They’re guaranteed to fuel your curiosity and leave you wanting s’more! Happy quizzing, and remember: the adventure never ends with Trivia Bliss!

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About Jamie Rotante

Jamie is an Editor/Writer from New York and the lead editor at Trivia Bliss. She's been an avid trivia fan for years and has even been a part of a few pub league trivia competitions. Aside from editing for Trivia Bliss, she's also a professional comics editor and writer. In her free time, she loves reading, writing, listening to music, and attending her local weekly trivia night, hosted by her husband!

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We Love Quizzes

31 camping quiz questions and answers: outdoors.

Camping is definitely one of the most favourite outdoor activities, either with friends or families. The feeling of sleeping in nature with fresh air and chirping birds around can make anyone elated. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the 31 following camping quiz questions and answers to see how much you know.

Camping Quiz Questions And Answers

Camping Quiz Questions And Answers

1. Which basic type of camping knots is used to tie two ends of a rope together?

A. Bowline knot

B. Taut line

C. Square knot

2. Which of the following terms refers to camping in a motorhome, van, or RV without sewer, water, or electrical connections?

A. Dry camping

B. Austere camping

C. Desert camping

3. The word “glamping” is a blend of which word and “camping”?

B. Glamourous

4. Which of the following is the best thing that you should do with the camping trash?

A. Bury it at least 20 centimetres deep

B. Pack it out

5. What is the best way to get rid of human waste while camping in nature?

A. Dump it in a lake or river

B. Hide it under the grass

C. Bury it in a cathole

6. Which of the following words refers to the process of assembling a tent?

B. Pitching

7. What is the most useful knot to pitch a tent correctly?

A. Taut line

B. Butterfly loop

C. Half hitch knot

8. Who was considered the founder of modern recreational camping?

A. Thomas Hiram Holding

B. Robert Baden-Powell

C. Luther Halsey Gulick

9. In which of the following European countries is wild camping allowed?

C. Switzerland

10. What is the most common type of tent for camping?

A. Pop-up tent

B. Tunnel tent

C. Dome tent

11. Which type of sleeping bag is contoured to the body with a highly tapered leg area and foot box?

A. Barrel-shaped sleeping bag

B. Rectangular sleeping bag

C. Mummy sleeping bag

12. Which type of material for sleeping bags can be well insulated and lightweight?

13. what can you use during a camping trip to purify water.

A. Hydrogen peroxide

B. Iodine tablets

C. Carbon tablets

14. What is the name of the outer layer of a tent typically made of waterproof material to protect inner components against the weather?

C. A shield

15. What is cowboy camping?

A. Camping without a tent

B. Camping in Texas

C. Camping in the desert

16. Which unit is used to measure the thermal insulation or the thickness of sleeping bags?

A. TOG rating

B. CF rating

C. IET rating

17. A typical bivy tent can accommodate how many people?

18. what is an outhouse in a campground.

A. A kitchen

B. A toilet

C. A bathroom

19. What is the name of the piece of protective material or fabric that campers can lay under a tent to protect the floor against moisture, punctures, or abrasion?

A. A handprint

B. A fingerprint

C. A footprint

20. Wild areas in which part of the United Kingdom are the best for wild camping?

B. Scotland

C. Northern Ireland

21. The term “billy can”, which refers to a lightweight cooking pot commonly used for cooking over a campfire, is typically used in which country?

A. The United States

B. Australia

C. The United Kingdom

22. Which of the following types of tents is most suitable for receptions or parties?

A. A frame tent

B. A pup tent

C. A dome tent

23. What is the typical shape of a Sibley tent?

A. A pyramid

24. How long should you boil the water to inactivate or kill waterborne pathogens?

A. 1 minute

B. 3 minutes

C. 5 minutes

25. Despite its name, a 4 season tent is generally used only in which season of the year?

26. which type of tent is a portaledge.

A. An automatic tent

B. A hanging tent

C. A very big tent

27. Recreational camping first became popular in which country in the late 1800s?

28. what is the simplest type of campfire to build.

A. The teepee

B. The trench fire

C. The log cabin

29. What type of rope is used to keep a tent from falling over or flying away when camping?

A. A boy rope

B. A man rope

C. A guy rope

30. When you purchase a tent for camping, what does the letter HH or hydrostatic head indicate?

A. Durability

B. Wind resistance

C. Water resistance

31. Which material is best for water bottles during the winter?

A. Polycarbonate

B. Aluminium

C. Stainless steel

What do you think about these camping quiz questions and answers? We hope you learn some interesting facts and enjoy your time. For more challenges on the same topic, check out the following trivia gardening quiz .

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Growing Play

Camping Quiz – Fun Facts about Camping

Did you know that tents are the most popular type of shelter when people go camping? Or that the average camper age is 35 years old?  I would have guessed that tents were the most popular but would have thought the average camper age was lower.  If you follow my blog, you would know that our family is a big fan of camping.  Some die-hards may say that we don’t go camping since we own a travel trailer, but to me, it is the best camping of all!  I thought it would be fun to create a little camping quiz.  Are you up for the challenge?

Take the camping quiz around the campfire, in the car on the way to camping or anytime you want to challenge a friend about camping facts.  In our family, we love to sit around the campfire, roast marshmallows, play games and chat.  Apparently, we are not alone, since 81% of all people who go camping, picked hanging around the campfire as their favorite activity!  Makes perfect sense to me.  Nothing beats that cozy feeling of when it gets dark out, there is a little chill in the air and you let your mind wander as you stare at the burning flames of the campfire.  And who doesn’t love that smell that stays with your clothes?  Just the thought of a campfire brings up fond memories for me as a child and as an adult.

Here we go – let’s take the camping quiz:

1. How many vehicle accessible campgrounds are in the USA and Canada?

2. Where is the most expensive campground in the world?

3. Approximately, how many people go camping per year in the USA?

4. What is the MOST popular camping purchase?

5. On average, how many nights do most people camp?

6. What percentage of people camp in tents?

Camping Quiz - Fun Facts about Camping

You can have people write down their answers or my preferred method would be to go around the campfire and say them out loud.

Want to know the answers to the Camping Quiz?

Now that is obviously a silly question.  Of course, you do!   I didn’t want to include them right here or everyone would cheat.  Access the questions and the answers below by clicking on the link.  The download includes the questions (page 1) followed by the answers (page 2) with the sources.


Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire

Check out Camp Chat for 50 questions to ask around the campfire!   Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire digital download is the perfect addition to any camping trip. Download and get the conversation going with questions about camping, the outdoors, memories and more! You will learn so many new things about everyone sitting around the campfire. Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire isn’t just for around the campfire. Use it on road trips, for dinner conversation starters or waiting at a restaurant!  FIND OUT MORE.

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Free Printable Camping Trivia Quiz with Answer Key

  • May 10, 2022 July 14, 2022

Last Updated on July 14, 2022 by Mary

Today I have made a Free Printable Camping Trivia Quiz with Answer Key . I have made this trivia quiz in two different designs. Camping is fun and you can enjoy singing songs and playing games when you are sitting by the campfire. This trivia quiz has 15 camping-related questions. All the questions are multiple-choice so just anyone can take part with their wild guesses.

You can easily print this game by using a home printer. There are two different designs to choose from.

Free Printable Camping Trivia Quiz with Answer Key

How to Play

Print the game cards according to the number of the camping group members and you should do that prior to your camping trip. Distribute the game sheets among the players and ask them to choose the right option from the choices that are provided under each question. The person with the most correct answers wins.

Free Printable Camping Trivia Quiz

Free Printable Camping Trivia Quiz

This is the first printable sheet for this camping trivia quiz. This game card is decorated with a chevron pattern, s’mores, fire, and a cute fox. Just click or tap on this thumbnail image as per your device’s requirements and save the bigger printable sheet.

Camping Trivia Quiz Free Printable

Free Printable Camping Trivia Quiz

Here is the second printable sheet for this camping trivia quiz. The questions on this game sheet are the same as in the sheet above, but the design is different. This game card is decorated with an image of a tent and a very cute font.

Camping Trivia Quiz Answer Key

Camping Trivia Quiz Answer Key

Here is the answer key to this camping trivia quiz. All the correct answers are highlighted in red color. Just click or tap on this thumbnail and save the bigger printable sheet.

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2 thoughts on “free printable camping trivia quiz with answer key”.

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Questions 1 and 2 are the same but the answers are different. Curious what the second question really is.

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I am so sorry. Let me correct it.

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Best camping trivia questions

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Home » Questions » Best camping trivia questions

Are you a camping enthusiast? Do you know everything there is to know about spending time in the great outdoors? Test your knowledge with these camping trivia questions and see how well you stack up against your fellow campers!

Camping is a popular activity that allows people to reconnect with nature, bond with friends and family, and create lasting memories. Whether you are a seasoned camper or just starting out, it’s always fun to challenge yourself and learn something new. So, gather around the campfire and let’s dive into these camping trivia questions!

From basic camping skills to interesting facts about wildlife and outdoor survival, this list of camping trivia questions covers a wide range of topics. Challenge your fellow campers, or use these questions as icebreakers during your next camping trip. Who knows, you might even discover something new about the great outdoors!

See these camping trivia questions

  • What is the maximum number of people allowed in a single camping tent?
  • Which famous national park is home to the Old Faithful geyser?
  • What does the term “Leave No Trace” mean in camping?
  • What is the most important item to pack for a camping trip?
  • Which state is known as the “Land of 10,000 Lakes”?
  • What is the proper way to store food to prevent attracting wildlife?
  • What is the first thing you should do when setting up a tent?
  • Which type of knot is commonly used for securing tents and tarps?
  • What is the main purpose of a camping sleeping bag?
  • What is the best way to extinguish a campfire?
  • What is the most popular camping activity in the United States?
  • Which animal is known for stealing food from campers?
  • What is the term for a temporary camping shelter made from natural materials?
  • Which outdoor brand is famous for its durable camping equipment?
  • What is the recommended distance to keep between your campsite and a water source?
  • What is the best time of day to spot wildlife while camping?
  • Which famous trail in the United States spans over 2,000 miles?
  • What is the most important rule when camping in bear country?
  • What is the main purpose of a camping stove?
  • What is the average lifespan of a camping tent?
  • Which famous national park is home to Half Dome?
  • What is the most effective way to protect yourself from mosquitoes while camping?
  • Which U.S. state is known for its red rock formations and canyons?
  • What is the term for spending a night in the wilderness without a tent?
  • Which plant is known for its three leaves and can cause a rash?
  • What is the proper way to dispose of trash while camping?
  • Which famous mountain range is located in California?
  • What is the main purpose of a camping lantern?
  • Which U.S. national park is famous for its geothermal features?
  • What is the term for a camping trip that includes hiking and overnight stays?
  • What is the best way to protect your food from bears while camping?
  • Which type of camping is known for its luxury amenities and facilities?
  • What is the main purpose of a camping hammock?
  • Which U.S. state is known for its dense forests and maple syrup production?
  • What is the term for a portable shelter used for camping?
  • What is the recommended distance to keep between your campsite and a campfire?
  • Which famous national park is known for its granite cliffs and waterfalls?
  • What is the most important rule when camping in snake country?
  • What is the main purpose of a camping cooler?
  • Which U.S. state is known for its breathtaking coastline and rocky beaches?
  • What is the term for a camping trip that involves staying in a vehicle?
  • What is the best way to protect your belongings from rain while camping?
  • Which type of camping is known for its minimalistic approach and connection to nature?
  • What is the main purpose of a camping tarp?
  • Which U.S. state is known for its vast deserts and cactus-filled landscapes?

Now that you have seen these camping trivia questions, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test! Challenge your friends and family on your next camping trip or share these questions on social media to see who knows the most about camping. Remember, camping is not just about enjoying the great outdoors, but also about learning and appreciating the beauty of nature.

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True or False: Are You Ready for Your Next Camping Trip?

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True or False: Are You Ready for Your Next Camping Trip?

About This Quiz

Modular kits keep small items pre-packed, and the boxes are easier to fit into your car or truck.

There are lots of uses for tarps while camping, from covering the ground under your tent to blocking heavy rain. Bring a few.

Without a list, packing for your trip will be a chaotic mess. Making a list is step one.

You can get by with minimal changes of clothes on your camping trip -- but bring plenty of clean socks.

A few outfits will last a long time when you can wash them every couple of days.

Some tents can be tricky to set up. Make sure you learn how to do it in your back yard, before your trip.

Leveling your trailer, connecting your electric, water and sewer lines, and making sure your refrigerator and A/C are running properly can be pretty complicated. Make sure you know how it all works before you leave home.

Tents may have water resistant properties, but they will leak along the seams. Apply some seam sealer to your tent before your first trip.

Tomato soup won’t eliminate the smell. Bring a quart (946 ml) of hydrogen peroxide, which you can mix with 1/4 cup (60 ml) of baking soda if your dog gets sprayed. The resulting solution chemically breaks down the oils in the skunk's musk. Just keep it out of your pet's eyes!

Make sure you haven't run out of items like bandages, and check to see if medicines have expired.

A sturdy plastic container will keep out critters and moisture, letting you store your gear in a secure place.

Outfitters offer gear like lightweight sleeping bags, cooking utensils and clothing that can trim some pounds from your camping load. Whether you're carrying it all in a backpack or in a trailer, shedding weight from your gear is a big deal.

Group related items together, like pillows, blankets and the air mattress.

Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and other wealthy industrialists of the early 20th century made camping popular via the media coverage of their annual trips.

Everyone has different things they like to bring camping, and different items they can live without. Make your list your own to make sure your camping trip suits your goals and interests.

Experienced campers acquire new gear and gadgets over the years and end up carrying around too much stuff without realizing it. It's a good idea to evaluate your camping gear every year or so.

The only person who can decide what is and isn't necessary is you. If an air mattress helps you have a more enjoyable trip, bring one along. But be willing to compromise on other items, based on how much space you have to carry your gear.

Ropes are useful as clotheslines, to help secure a tent on a windy day, to hang tarps, tie out dogs, and to practice knot tying.

Many states and state and national parks have regulations banning the transport of firewood across county or state lines. Transporting wood helps spread pests that devastate tree populations, like the emerald ash borer. Acquire your firewood at or near the campground.

Of course it should -- the whole point of camping is to have fun! Your entertainment section might list books, sports gear, your fishing pole or a tablet computer that you can use to watch movies.


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The most commonly asked questions asked by camping guests

  • By Lindsay Stroud
  • 1st March 2023

the camping trip question answer

Your campsite or caravan park is where guests come to make memories, escape the hustle and bustle of urban life, and unwind. Help your guests to relax from the moment they book with you to long after their departure, by getting acquainted with your campers’ and caravanners’ frequently asked questions. And answering them upfront!

In familiarising yourself with guests’ questions – especially before they think to ask them – you’re helping campers ease into their time with you. Your knowledge of not only your setting but your local area, creates trust between host and guest, and adds to the overall guest experience.

Today we’ll cover why it’s helpful to acquaint yourself with commonly asked camping questions, as well as provide helpful tips for uncovering yours. We’ve also included a number of questions you might expect to receive from visitors at varying stages of their stay, to help inspire your own ideas.

Table of Contents

Why familiarise yourself with your camping guests’ frequently asked questions?

Camper faqs to answer in advance, how do i uncover my guests’ faqs.

So, what’s so important about getting to know your guests’ commonly asked questions, anyway?

“ Can’t I field them as they trickle in? ” we hear you pondering.

By all means, you can approach your campers’ questions by taking this route. However, we’re more than positive you’d love to have a spare moment or three in your day when you’re not addressing questions that could otherwise be answered for you and that time spent running your camping or caravan park.

Let’s dive into a few more reasons why it can be beneficial to get to know your guests’ FAQs. Above all, it’s about creating a stellar guest experience and positioning yourself as a caring, informative and intuitive host!

1. Everyone loves a mind reader

After a while of familiarising yourself with your caravanners’ frequently asked questions, you can start to pick up on patterns of said questions from your guests. Figuring out which questions are being asked most often and thereby supplying an answer ahead of time, could save your guest from having to ask it in the first place.

If you’re able to answer your campers’ questions before they think to ask, you’ll truly wow them, not only for your seemingly mind-reading capabilities but also in positioning yourself as an all-star caravan park manager before they’ve even arrived – win-win for all parties involved!

white and black van near green palm tree during daytime

2. It saves your guests time they don’t have

Nothing bursts a guests’ trip planning bubble like not having all of the information about where they’re going readily available at their fingertips.

Save your guests from having to go down Internet dead-ends and email rabbit holes, by supplying all essential information up front. 

From what’s included as part of their stay to knowing what to pack, what sort of hiking trails are nearby to what sort of kayak or e-bike rentals you provide – provide this information ahead of time.

Not only does it get your guests excited again about planning their vacation – it also returns valuable time to you to run your business. Spending a quarter of your operational hours answering guest questions is time that could be spent focusing on other tasks – like… 

  • uncovering your guest avatar
  • training your staff to speak in your campsite’s brand voice
  • researching key upsells to increase your bottom line

3. It positions you as the knowledge expert for your area

Answering your campers’ frequently asked questions doesn’t have to be limited to your site – it can extend to supplying insight about nearby places, diving into all of the wonderful sites and attractions your region has to offer!

Addressing upfront elements like tour packages or local points of interest, even including that walking trail only locals know about, demonstrates your thoughtfulness and knowledge. Supplying this sort of information makes your guests feel extra special while planning their trip and upon arrival to your caravan park, knowing they won’t find it on any Top 10 TripAdvisor list. 

You don’t have to do this manually or on a guest-by-guest basis. Scheduled, proactive communications are very much your friends!

While this won’t be an extensive list of commonly asked questions ( otherwise, this article would turn into a novel! ), we’ll actively surface some camper frequently asked questions that might pop up for you while uncovering your own consistent guest questions. 

Feel free to use these questions as a guide – hopefully they’ll spark your own questions to answer as part of the guest experience. Or even include an FAQ category in your Touch Stay guidebook with a topic for each type of FAQ.

Booking FAQs

These sorts of questions might pop up at the time your guests are looking to book with you either via your direct booking site or your OTA listing. Easy to find and easy to understand answers could transform them from potential guests into bona fide guests of your campsite!

  • What is your cancellation policy?
  • How can we contact you if we have questions regarding our upcoming stay?
  • Are children permitted?
  • Is your property pet-friendly?
  • Is your property accessibility friendly?

Campsite and caravan park FAQs – Check-In

Create a smooth, effortless check-in experience for guests by supplying all they need to know ahead of arrival. Feel free to include information pertaining to extenuating circumstances too, in the event guests arrive later than expected or what you do in the event of an after hours check-in.

  • What time is check-in?
  • What happens if I arrive after hours?
  • Is early check-in available?
  • When will my pitch or plot be ready?
  • Upon arrival, where should we go?
  • Do the gates to the caravan park or campsite have hours or operation (i.e. do they close and open at certain points?).
  • Are there quiet times for your campsite or caravan park?

Parkland Camping & Touring provides their guests a quaint reminder in the check-in section of their digital guidebook about where to access handy driving directions.

Screenshot of Parkland digital guidebook

Directions and access FAQs 

Consider addressing these transportation based questions for guests wondering what travel options are available for getting to your campsite. You can also thread these questions when providing guests with things to do, like offering up directions to local attractions and sights.

  • How far away are you from the nearest (blank)?
  • What transportation options are available in the area?
  • How far away is (insert specific attraction)?
  • How do I get to your property?
  • Directions from major towns or cities?
  • How do I know if there’s any construction or roadwork?

Paperbark Camp provides a number of transportation methods to their campers within the Getting There section of their digital guidebook , including driving directions from major cities, as well as options for airport and train station transfers.

Screenshot of Paperbark Camp digital guidebook

Campsite essentials FAQs 

The list below contains required information – think the essentials your guests will need-to-know as part of staying with you in order to have a comfortable yet delightful time. 

  • What do I need to bring with me?
  • What’s included as part of my stay via your onsite facilities?
  • Are there bathroom facilities onsite?
  • Are there laundry facilities onsite? (i.e. coin operated laundry or laundromat nearby?)
  • Is smoking permitted on the property?
  • What sort of security options are implemented for your property?
  • Is there a map of your campsite/caravan park we can access?
  • Is WiFi available?
  • What is phone reception like on your property?

Plots & pitches FAQs

Give your guests the low down on your campsites’ plots of land, or your caravan park pitches before they think to ask. Guests will likely want to know how far away they can expect to be from fellow campers or caravanners, alongside key information for what’s included as per each pitch or plot.

  • How big are your pitches/campsite plots?
  • How widely spaced out are your pitches?
  • How far apart is each pitch from our neighbours?
  • What sort of power options are available for caravans/general electronics?
  • What comes included with each pitch or campsite? (i.e. electric hook-up, drinking water tap, waste disposal, picnic bench)
  • Our caravan has a flat tire/needs last-minute servicing – are there options available nearby for us to do that?

Nolton Cross Caravan Park supplies happy caravanners all the crucial details regarding their pitches on their accommodation page of their Touch Stay digital guidebook. For instance, pitches 1-5 are hard standing electric pitches (gravel and grass), with each pitch size approximately 7 metres wide and as much depth as needed.

Screenshot of Nolton Cross Caravan Park Digital Guidebook

Campsite amenities FAQs 

These questions have you covered for fielding guest questions related to groceries, equipment rentals and all those special touches that make camping a memorable experience for guests of all ages.

  • Where is the nearest grocery store?
  • Do you provide groceries onsite?
  • Do you provide equipment rentals (i.e. kayaks, or bikes?)
  • Do you have a general store where we can purchase ice, firewood and propane?
  • What sort of kids activities are available? (i.e. sidewalk chalk, nature learning experiences, etc.)
  • Are BBQs permitted? Do you have BBQs readily available?
  • Do you allow day visitors?
  • Do you have fire pits? Do you allow open fires?
  • Where is the nearest ATM?
  • Where can I rent kayaks or e-bikes?

For instance, Nolton Cross Caravan Park supplies campers with all the details regarding groceries within the Before You Leave Home section of their digital guidebook. They include information about their local farm shop, available farm fresh eggs (so long as the chickens are behaving!), as well as larger grocery retailers nearby, like Tesco.

Screenshot of Nolton Cross Caravan Park digital guidebook - Groceries

Attractions & sights FAQs

This is where you get to have a little fun, letting your know-how shine as well as all of the amazing activities available to your guests within your region. 

Focus on recreational activities your guests will likely be aiming to take advantage of as part of their camping trip – think walks, hikes and water sports. This is in addition to answering questions that appeal to the more urban camper, like shopping and dining options.

  • Where is the nearest tourism centre?
  • What options are available for us to get around? (think walking, buses or car hires).
  • What sort of walking trails are nearby?
  • What sort of hiking trails are nearby?
  • How far is the nearest beach?
  • Where is the nearest shopping centre?
  • Can you recommend the best watering holes for fishing?
  • What lakes are nearby for canoeing or kayaking?
  • What dining options are available onsite? 
  • Can you recommend a good restaurant for dine-in or takeaway?
  • Where are the closest breweries?
  • Can you book us an e-bike wine tasting tour of the local vineyards?
  • Can you book dinner reservations for us?

Screenshot of Alp Safari Nax

Alp Safari Nax provides their campers a number of Top Days Out under their Things To Do section of their Touch Stay welcome book. From easy to challenging walks and hikes, to thermal baths and a stroll with avalanche rescue St. Bernards, they provide loads of suggestions for their guests to do.

Campsite check-out FAQs

Just because it’s time for your guests to depart doesn’t mean the questions will necessarily stop. Providing sufficient information related to check-out times, waste disposal and instructions on how they can leave you a review alongside options to book with you again, will continue to wow your guests as you wave them goodbye.

  • What time is check-out?
  • Do you offer late check-out?
  • Where do we dispose of our waste?
  • How should we leave the pitch when we depart?
  • If I have an issue, where can I leave it?
  • Where can we leave a review for you?
  • Where can I find you on social media?
  • How do I book in with you again?
  • Do you have a loyalty programme?
  • Do you offer discounts if we decide to book again with you?

Seeking additional tips on how to surface your own commonly asked questions by caravanners and campers? The answers you seek are likely hidden in your past guest communications (or via Touch Stay’s example guides!).

1. Review prior questions

A great starting point in revealing what sort of commonly asked camper questions you should pop into your digital guidebook is reviewing prior guest questions! Having a glance at emails and OTA inbox correspondence with prior guests, can really help you get a sense of the sort of FAQs you need to be including.

Dig even deeper by reviewing your OTA reviews and property listings. Such places like TripAdvisor (in addition to reviews on TripAdvisor, Google and Airbnb), can provide a wealth of insight into the sort of questions guests are asking and the information they seek.

2. Explore example guidebooks

Seeking inspiration from fellow campsite owners or caravan parks managers? Have a look at some of Touch Stay’s example guidebooks for the kind of information Touch Stay users are including for their guests.

It can also be helpful to explore example guides for lodging types outside of campsite or caravan parks, too. While the type of accommodation might differ, all properties are united by the common goal of a top-notch guest experience. Don’t be afraid to explore the sort of information a short term rental or bed and breakfast property manager might be supplying their guests for the purpose of answering your campers’ or caravanners’ questions.

Screenshot of New Park Farm

Quell guest questions with a Touch Stay digital guidebook

Provide your guests answers to questions they haven’t thought to ask yet with a Touch Stay digital guest welcome book. Customisable to the wants and needs of any and all campsites and caravan parks, no matter size, theme or location, a Touch Stay digital guidebook satisfies all guest queries, grants you back valuable time to effectively run your business, all while amplifying the guest experience.

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How to Prepare for a Camping Trip

Last Updated: May 13, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Hannah Young . Hannah Young is an Outdoor Education Expert with more than three years of experience. She specializes in educating others on backpacking and hiking, land ethics and best practices, and wilderness Restoration. Hannah earned a BS in Earth Systems from Stanford University. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 80% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 239,223 times.

Camping is a fun and exciting experience, but to stay organized and safe, you must prepare for the trip.

Step 1 Decide with whom you are camping.

  • Try sticking with dehydrated foods that can easily be prepared with boiling water. This way, you can make a “home-cooked” meal over the campfire.

Step 6 Gather all of the other things on the "Things You'll Need" list and try to pack them in a small, lightweight bag.

Packing List for a Camping Trip

the camping trip question answer

Community Q&A

Community Answer

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  • Keep matches in a pill bottle and glue sandpaper to the top of the pill bottle. Dryer lint can be used to begin a fire when you have saved enough of it. [4] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you have a choice, you may want to sleep in a cabin. They are more sheltered, more pleasant if it is raining, and sometimes even have air conditioning. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Put your sleeping bag, floor mat, blanket, and ground sheet in a bedding roll. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

the camping trip question answer

Things You'll Need

  • Enough food for three meals and one snack (opt.) for every day you stay.
  • Sleeping bag(s)/airbed
  • Extra blanket(s) (If you are camping in the cold)
  • Sharp Knife
  • Poncho (in case it rains)
  • Tent (If you are not sleeping in a cabin)
  • Stakes for the tents
  • Water bottle
  • Tennis shoes
  • One pair of jeans or sweatpants per day
  • Long-sleeved shirts
  • Socks (pack extras)
  • Gloves/mittens (for really cold weather)
  • Hat/cap (for really cold weather)
  • Snow boots (for extremely cold/snowy weather)
  • Appropriate sleepwear
  • Flip-flops (opt.)
  • Sunglasses (opt.)
  • Visor/Baseball cap
  • Short pants and/or jeans
  • Swimsuit (If you plan to swim, sail, canoe, etc.)
  • A T-Shirt or comfortable top for each day
  • Appropriate sleeping clothes
  • Personal items
  • Books and/or games for rainy days
  • Toilet paper (if not provided)
  • Soap & Shampoo
  • Paper towels
  • Zip-lock bags
  • Flashlight(s)/Lantern
  • Extra batteries
  • Comfort pad or air mattress (opt.)
  • Stuffed animals (opt.)
  • Large cooler (for food)
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Adhesive dressings (plasters)
  • Bandage Wrap
  • Painkillers
  • Anti-itch Cream
  • Inhaler (if one of the participants has asthma)
  • Tweezers (in case someone gets a splinter or sticker)
  • Mirror (to signal for help, if needed)
  • Bandanna (These are useful in almost any situation)
  • Ponytail holders (These can be used for more than hair)
  • Small amount of fresh water (for thirst, or if someone has something in their eye)
  • "Feminine" items (for female participants)
  • Any personal medicine

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General election latest: Labour and Tories launch campaign 'battle' buses as election heats up

Labour and the Conservatives will both launch their campaign buses today, with Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak both set to give speeches on Saturday morning.

Saturday 1 June 2024 06:33, UK

  • General Election 2024

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Election news

  • Labour and Tories to launch campaign buses
  • Sunak has pledged to give £20m to 30 towns across the UK
  • Be in the audience for our general election leaders event
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler

Expert analysis

  • Beth Rigby: Starmer made an unforced error
  • Paul Kelso: How do Labour and Tory energy pledges measure up?  

Election essentials

  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: What happens next? | Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Your essential guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

It looks set to be a busy morning, with both Labour and the Conservatives preparing to launch their campaign buses for the general election.

Sir Keir Starmer has dubbed his a "battle bus", with his deputy Angela Rayner poised to travel 5,000 miles from west London, promoting the party's "power up" agenda.

The Labour leader is due to speak at the launch, while Rishi Sunak is also preparing to launch his party's campaign bus in the north east today.

We should also hear from the Conservative leader at the campaign event.

By Alexandra Rogers , political reporter

The Conservatives have pledged to give £20m to 30 towns across the country - a move the Labour Party has branded a "reckless, unfunded commitment".

Rishi Sunak's party said it would add the towns - many of which are based in the Midlands and north - to its existing long-term plan for towns, increasing the number that will receive financial support to more than 100.

The Tories said local people in each area would decide how the money would be spent, through new town boards composed of community leaders, businesspeople, local government and the local MP.

The prime minister said the "bold action" would "transform" 30 towns, as he claimed Labour's record in government "shows they don't care about towns - "neglecting their needs, allowing them to decline and focusing instead on cities."

"Sir Keir Starmer has no plan to unlock opportunities in towns and would take us back to square one," he said.

You can read more from Sky News below:

Good morning!

The tooth-and-nail fight for all 650 parliamentary seats, and the keys to Number 10, is well under way after parliament was officially dissolved this week.

Political parties are spreading out across the country to get their message out ahead of polling day on 4 July.

Here's what you need to know as campaigning continues on Saturday:

  • Labour and the Conservatives will both launch their campaign buses today, with Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak both set to give speeches;
  • Sir Keir will be in west London, while the Tories are in the north east;
  • Meanwhile, deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner has dubbed the Tories' levelling up goals a "scam and a sham", ahead of shortly heading off on the party's 5,000-mile "battle bus" tour;
  • For Reform UK , the party's honorary president Nigel Farage and Tory defector Lee Anderson will be in Nottinghamshire today for a weekend campaign event;
  • And the SNP 's Stephen Flynn and John Swinney will be out and about in Aberdeenshire;
  • Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrats have announced plans for free school meals for all primary school children funded by a new share buyback tax.

And in other news...

  • Mr Sunak has said the decision to let Diane Abbott stand for Labour at the general election shows it is Sir Keir's deputy Angela Rayner who is really "in charge" of the party;
  • And former Tory MP Julian Knight has announced he will stand as an independent in the general election.

We'll be discussing all this and more with:

  • Science minister Andrew Griffith at 7.15am;
  • Labour's Liz Kendall at 7.30am;
  • Former Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron at 8.15am.

Stick with us for all the latest political news throughout the day.

We're wrapping up our coverage for tonight.

Be sure to join us in the morning as we keep up to date with the latest in 2024 General Election campaign.

 By Alexandra Rogers , political reporter

Rishi Sunak's party said it would add the towns - many of which are based in the Midlands and the North - to its existing long-term plan for towns, increasing the number that will receive financial support to more than 100. 

The Tories said local people in each area would decide how the money would be spent, through new town boards composed of community leaders, businesspeople, local government and the local MP. 

The prime minister said the "bold action" would "transform" 30 towns, as he claimed Labour's record in government "shows they don't care about towns - neglecting their needs, allowing them to decline and focusing instead on cities."

Some of the towns proposed to be added to the scheme include Tamworth, Preston, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Corby, Halifax, Bognor Regis, Newtown, Flint, Perth and Newry.

Labour critical of funding as leaders embark on tour

Labour argued the funding ringfenced to pay for the investment was the same as that being used to fund recent announcements to create a new tax-free allowance for pensioners and the National Service plan that would compel young adults to take part in either community or military training.

Deputy leader Angela Rayner will promote the party's own "power-up agenda" with a 5,000-mile battle bus tour on Saturday, where she will be joined by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves. 

Labour has said its Take Back Control Act will devolve power from Westminster and give communities a new right to request more powers.

Read the full story below...

It's just gone 10pm - here's where we are as another day wraps up.

The main story is - what Labour will hope - is the end of the row over Diane Abbott's potential selection as a candidate.

Sir Keir Starmer confirmed she would be able to compete for her Hackney North and Stoke Newington seat if she so desires.

Elsewhere, Rishi Sunak faced more criticism from former members of his own party.

All the parties have been on the campaign trail as we remain more than a month out from the election.

Let us get you up to speed on everything you may have missed so far today…

  • Sir Keir Starmer  announced Diane Abbott is allowed to stand as a Labour candidate if she wants to;
  • Ms Abbott says the " narrative does look positive " - but nothing is finalised yet;
  • Our political editor Beth Rigby says Sir Keir needs to be more ruthless with his decision-making;
  • Faiza Shaheen, one of the shunned Labour candidates, hinted she may run as an independent ;
  • A former Labour adviser said the party had " lied through their teeth ";
  • Elsewhere, the Labour leader defended his use of a private jet to get from Wales to Scotland;
  • Sir Keir also insisted he was " not turning off the taps " on oil and gas as part of his energy plan;
  • The Conservatives claimed Sir Keir's response to the Abbott row showed he was a "weak leader" ;
  • But a minister denied Rishi Sunak  was pushed around in the same way by Suella Braverman and Lee Anderson;
  • The PM  trashed Labour's energy plan , saying "you don't deliver energy security with a logo";
  • David Cameron backed the US's proposed ceasefire deal in the Middle East;
  • Elsewhere, Julian Knight, a former Conservative politician, said he will stand as an independent;
  • He also criticised Mr Sunak as a "disastrous campaigner";
  • A Conservative candidate also spoke about having 'excrement' put through their letterbox .
  • Elsewhere, the  Liberal Democrats pledged to introduce free school meals for all children;
  • Sky correspondent Matthew Thompson says it doesn't matter to the Lib Dems if the sums don't work - they just want people talking about them;
  • Business correspondent Paul Kelso looked at the energy policies from the two main parties;
  • And Sky News heard why it is "wrong"  for politicians to prioritise older voters while putting teenagers in national service.

Here are a couple of other stories that may interest you:

Our essential political podcast,  Politics At Jack And Sam's , is going out every week day through the election campaign to bring a short burst of everything you need to know about the day ahead as this election unfolds.

Click here to listen to this morning's episode - and tap here to follow Politics At Jack At Sam's wherever you get your podcasts .

Stick with us for all the latest throughout the evening.

Away from Diane Abbott, there have been rows over the Labour candidates for other seats.

One of these was Faiza Shaheen, who was set to run against the Conservative Sir Iain Duncan Smith in Chingford and Woodford Green.

In 2019, Ms Shaheen only just lost out to Sir Iain by fewer than 2,000 votes.

But she was told this week that Labour would not be endorsing her as their candidate.

Ms Shaheen has since accused the party of racism, Islamophobia and bullying.

Speaking at a rally today, Ms Shaheen hinted she could run as an independent in the seat.

She told a crowd: "I don't know what else to say apart from to say I'm going to make some decisions for the team over the next few days, and I may ask you to do something really big for all of us - and we may have to come together and take that fight on together.

"Because I can't do it on my own."

The full list of candidates for Chingford and Woodford Green is:

  • Chris Brody, Green Party;
  • Josh Hadley, Liberal Democrats;
  • Yousaff Khan, Workers Party of Britain;
  • Paul Luggeri, Reform UK;
  • Shama Tatler, Labour;
  • Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative Party.

By Paul Kelso , business correspondent

Launching his plans for Great British Energy, a state-owned clean power company, Sir Keir Starmer promised the new entity would reduce bills, create jobs and deliver increased energy security.

Specifically, Labour's press release for an idea first announced in October 2022 said: "Great British Energy will cut energy bills for good, as families face the threat of £900 annual energy price spikes under Tories."

That claim is based on analysis of fluctuations in the energy price cap set by Ofgem and the prospect of soaring energy prices, triggered by global events - specifically, the Russian invasion of Ukraine - being repeated.

Labour's analysis of the price cap calculates that in the two years since April 2022, consumers have paid around £1,880 - or around £900 a year - more than they would if prices had remained at pre-war levels. The government also spent £94bn on the energy price guarantee, further capping bills at £2,500 per household.

While the £900 figure is correct, and energy bills remain well above the long-term average, the likelihood of further spikes depends on your reading of world events.

Where Labour and the Conservatives agree is that the way to increase energy security and cut bills is to accelerate the transition to renewable and low carbon sources of power. Where they differ is how fast that should happen.

Read Paul's full analysis here: 

What are the rules on voter ID?  How does tactical voting work? In what different ways can you cast your ballot?

The countdown to the election is on - and already the amount of information can seem overwhelming. 

We cut through the noise to bring you what you need to know, from registering to vote, to election day and what happens next.

Read on here...

In the wake of the Joe Biden's proposal on a deal between Israel and Hamas, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has endorsed what was put forward.

Posting on social media, Lord Cameron said: "With a new hostage agreement on the table, Hamas must accept this deal so we can see a stop in the fighting, the hostages released and returned to their families and a flood of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

"As we've long argued a stop in the fighting can be turned into a permanent peace if we are all prepared to take the right steps. Let's seize this moment and bring this conflict to an end."

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    These camping quiz questions and answers are all about camping in the media…. 11. Which film featured friends camping in the woods, with a video camera following them? 12. In which film / book is the female protagonist hiking the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)? 13.

  3. 100 Camping Trivia Questions To Celebrate The Outdoors

    Answer: A Walk in the Woods. Q: This thriller follows a group of friends whose canoeing trip in the Georgia wilderness takes a dangerous turn. Answer: Deliverance. Q: John Candy and Dan Aykroyd star in this comedy about a family's misadventures during a vacation in the great outdoors. Answer: The Great Outdoors.

  4. The Camping Trip

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. "The Camping Trip" - a short story for kids. Fiction, 195 words. The story is followed by a reading comprehension worksheet.

  5. 20 Fun Questions & Conversation Starters for a Camping Trip

    7. Feel under the rocks to make sure no embers are underneath. 8. When you think you are done, take an extra minute and add more water. 9. Finally, check the entire campsite for possible sparks or embers, because it only takes one to start a forest fire. 10. Remember…if it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave.

  6. Are You a Happy Camper? Quiz: 71 Camping Trivia Questions

    Which U.S. state is home to the "International Dark Sky Park," where you can camp and stargaze without light pollution? Show answer. 51. What is the most famous long-distance hiking trail in the United States where you can camp along the way? Show answer. 52. Which country is home to the "Grand Tour," a 1,200-mile (1,931-kilometer) long ...

  7. 31 Camping Quiz Questions And Answers: Outdoors

    Camping Quiz Questions And Answers. 1. Which basic type of camping knots is used to tie two ends of a rope together? 2. Which of the following terms refers to camping in a motorhome, van, or RV without sewer, water, or electrical connections? 3. The word "glamping" is a blend of which word and "camping"? 4.

  8. PDF The Camping Trip

    Answers The Camping Trip 1. What does mum say the camping trip will be? Tick one. a disaster an adventure a surprise 2. Number these events 1-4 to show the order that they happened in the story. 3. Finish the sentences. Sam was excited for the camping trip because he couldn't wait to live outside, climb trees and go exploring.

  9. 179 Fun Camping Questions For Your Next Adventure

    82. Would you rather go on a big camping trip every year or go to a tropical resort? Check out our list of would you rather questions for friends, best friends, couples, and girls. Yes or No Camping Questions. Get ready for a quick-fire session of "yes or no" camping questions- where quick thinking and gut instincts are key.

  10. Camping Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers

    Test your history knowledge with our 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, or 2000s trivia questions and answers. Camping Safety Quiz Questions. Safety first, campers! Brush up on your wildlife awareness, emergency preparedness, and other practices in this round of our fun camping questions. 1.

  11. Camping Trivia Quizzes

    From Quiz 10 Suggestions for a Good Camping Trip Answer: Boiling water changes its taste. Boiling water does not change the taste of the water. (Another common method--using water purification tablets--is more likely to do that.) Boiling water can be time consuming, however, as the water must first be heated and then allowed to cool before ...

  12. Camping Quiz

    Check out Camp Chat for 50 questions to ask around the campfire! Camp Chat 50 Questions to Ask Around the Campfire digital download is the perfect addition to any camping trip. Download and get the conversation going with questions about camping, the outdoors, memories and more! You will learn so many new things about everyone sitting around the campfire.

  13. Free Printable Camping Trivia Quiz with Answer Key

    Camping is fun and you can enjoy singing songs and playing games when you are sitting by the campfire. This trivia quiz has 15 camping-related questions. All the questions are multiple-choice so just anyone can take part with their wild guesses. You can easily print this game by using a home printer. There are two different designs to choose from.

  14. Best camping trivia questions

    From basic camping skills to interesting facts about wildlife and outdoor survival, this list of camping trivia questions covers a wide range of topics. Challenge your fellow campers, or use these questions as icebreakers during your next camping trip. Who knows, you might even discover something new about the great outdoors!

  15. The Ultimate Camping Quiz

    What is a type of camping? How many fatal bear attacks occur in the U.S. in one year? Hit the road and go camping! Take advantage of nature's bounty and see the best of America, while getting some exercise at the same time. Take this quiz to learn more about camping in the great outdoors.

  16. True or False: Are You Ready for Your Next Camping Trip?

    Modular camping kits packed into boxes can make packing for a camping trip much easier. True. False. You only need one tarp on a camping trip. The most important part of getting ready for a camping trip is your packing list. One pair of jeans is enough for most camping trips. Some campgrounds have laundromats for campers on long trips.

  17. The camping trip

    The camping trip quiz for 4th grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! ... Show Answers. See Preview. 1. Fill in the Blank. Edit. 1 minute. 1 pt. What is the title of the story? 2. Fill in the Blank ... Explore all questions with a free account. Continue with Google. Continue with Microsoft. Continue with email.

  18. 8 Camping Quizzes, Questions, Answers & Trivia

    Gossip, gossip, gossip. Follow the leader. Goes around, greeting people. Finds someone who is hurt, comforts them. Walks around advertising her dress, comments on everybody's outfits. Dances, till you find a problem to solve. Take This Open Ended Questions! Trivia Quiz. Take This Open Ended Questions!

  19. A Camping Trip Trivia Game

    3. Besides food, what is an important thing to always take camping with you? Answer: A first aid kit. A first aid kit is really important to have when you go camping because there are many ways that you can cut or injure yourself while you are out there. Your favourite shirt, a good book, and a sketchbook might be nice to have too, but you can ...

  20. The most commonly asked questions asked by camping guests

    Spending a quarter of your operational hours answering guest questions is time that could be spent focusing on other tasks - like…. uncovering your guest avatar. training your staff to speak in your campsite's brand voice. researching key upsells to increase your bottom line. 3.

  21. A camping adventure

    A1-A2. Time. 5-10 minutes. Skills. Reading. Read about a camping trip and answer some questions.

  22. Camping Riddles with Answers (and Printable) for Your Next Camping Trip

    When you buy me, I am black. When you use me, I am red. When you're finished with me, I am gray. - Charcoal. You see this in the water but it doesn't get wet. - Your reflection. Mr. and Mrs. Smith went for a picnic. Mrs. Smith has 5 sons and each son has a sister who has 5 daughters each of whom have 1 brother each.

  23. How to Prepare for a Camping Trip: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

    1. Decide with whom you are camping. If it is just you or your family, the next step is not quite as important. However, if you are taking a scout troop or a group of friends, read the next step carefully. 2. Make sure you get insurance information and health information before you do anything else.

  24. General election latest: 'You don't deliver energy security with a logo

    If you would like to be part of this studio audience, and be given the opportunity to ask a question to one of the party leaders, please complete the short questionnaire in this link. 08:55:20