• Aug 24, 2021

125+ Pieces of Advice FROM Bariatric Patients FOR Those Just Starting Their WLS Journey

starting my wls journey

About two weeks ago I asked in one of my Instagram stories, "If you had one piece of advice to offer someone just starting on their bariatric journey, what would it be?" And I got SO many responses (over 125 answers!) Many of them had the same message: Be patient. Follow the guidelines. Be kind to yourself.

Read them for yourself:

Inform! Inform! Inform! Talk to as many people as possible, who had surgery!

Forgive yourself.

Understand why you gained weight and what has stopped you before. Know your triggers.

Stick with it. Stick to the advice. It will work!

Don’t compare yourself to others.

Do it for yourself first!

Listen to your body.

Chew your food.

Find yourself an awesome team of specialists who you trust to see you through the journey.

Do it now, don’t wait!

Find a good therapist.

Do the work to create new habits.

Love yourself!! Even at your biggest.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t compare your journey to others.

It’s not an easy fix. There is more work than you think. But the results are worth it all!

Commit to following your doctor’s plan for at least the first year.

Relax. Don’t stress and take your time to collect all the information possible.

It will be the best decision of your life. Just go for it.

Be kind to yourself!

Start therapy as soon as possible.

Do it! And get ready, prepare yourself to embrace the changes.

This is a very hard change. There is no going back. Do it!

Just do it.

That it’s hard. I am 2 weeks out from surgery and I have lost 22 pounds + counting. The end will be priceless.

Keep trying. You can’t see progress without time. Be diligent and patient.

Exercise immediately.

It’s okay to be scared.

Self-compassion. There will be struggles!

Don’t give up. Never too late to start!

Consistency is key - Keep at it, even if it isn’t perfect.

It is a process, be patient.

It’s your journey, no one else’s. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Be kind to yourself.

Learn to eat slowly.

You have to mentally prepare for the changes before you actually go through them.

It will all be okay! You made the right decision.

Be patient.

It’s a long, hard journey. It’s frustrating. Don’t give up, freak out, or complain. It’ll happen!

It’s not the number on the scale that counts, it’s how you feel that matters!

Be kind to yourself!!

Consistency. Move every day in some fashion and meal prep and measure.

Get someone to work out with you every day!!

It’s worth it. Your body will thank you for it and emotionally you will feel great!

Each day is a new day. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Take all of the before photos!!

Follow your surgeon’s/dietitian’s advice.

Change your eating habits as much as possible before the surgery.

Just move. It doesn’t have to be planned. Just move.

Be patient and kind with yourself.

The first week after surgery is the hardest.

Don’t give up. Trust the process & do the work.

Stick to your plan!

Fight for yourself!

Everyone loses at their own pace. Do not let someone else’s achievements discourage you.

Have patience. It’s a journey, not a race.

Be patient with yourself and celebrate small goals.

Research but take it all with a huge grain of salt. We’re all different.

Be patient with yourself.

Be open to adjusting everything.

Trust the process.

Be patient. Trust the process, and keep walking!!!

Find your support system (family, friends, etc.)

Prepare your mind for a big change! I just had the surgery two weeks ago.

Small changes at a time.

Start drinking protein shakes now!

Remember that it is NOT easy but it gets better!

You can do this!

Don’t compare your journey to others.

Read as much as you can. Ask all the questions. Be ready to commit to a lifelong journey.

Workout daily.

Stay positive. Any doubts, get rid of them! Or postpone, because there are hard days!

Don’t compare your journey to anyone else.

Not everyone loses all of their weight the first year.

It’s not overnight. It’s a process!

Take it one day at a time. Trust the process.

See a psychologist regularly.

Work on mindset BEFORE surgery and move, move, move!

Research surgeons, take vitamins, educate yourself. Keep track of what you eat!

It’s worth it!

Your journey will be different from others and that's okay!

Start slow and small. Don’t give up! Each step is progress!

Get a therapist or close friend to share your thoughts with.

Be patient and forgiving with yourself.

Take all the pictures and measurements.

Focus more on the NSV.

Drink water. Lots of it.

Do not compare yourself to others!!

Just do it already!

. 99% of the journey is mental.

. Make sure you intake the necessary protein.

. Take ALL the pictures.


It’s a long process but don’t quit! It also feels overwhelming but you’ll get through it.

The mental aspect is the hardest. Start there.

Find your community and stick to them!

You will not do every single thing perfectly and that’s okay.

Give yourself some grace.

Do as much as you can before surgery. Lose weight, exercise, and eat healthy.

Patience. You might not lose as fast as you would want. But each step, even the small ones, is good.

You’re worth the hard work.

Exercise as soon as you are cleared too!

Trust the process!

Start your exercise journey sooner than later!

Don’t overthink the process.

Give yourself grace.

Don’t do yourself a disservice. Journal all of your foods. Be honest with yourself.

This is a life change that is worth it!

Do not compare yourself to others. We are all different and our journeys are different, too!

Start forming new habits now! It makes it easier after surgery since it’s already in your routine.

Trust the process and follow the instructions. This works only if you follow it correctly.

Stay away from slider foods!

Please make sure to keep exercising!

Take every one day at a time.

Don’t give up the first time it gets hard. I promise it’s with it!

Take one day at a time and enjoy every victory. Take pride in every step.

Know that the majority of this journey is mental!

Be patient and kind to yourself.

Remember why you started and never lose faith. The journey wasn’t made to be easy.

If you need any support or have any questions, please reach out via Instagram or email!

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10 Lessons I Learned from My Weight-Loss Journey

I've kept 70 pounds off for more than 10 years. Here are 10 key lessons I've learned along the way.

Emily Abbate is a wellness coach and motivational speaker aiming to encourage everyone to live a healthier life, whatever that looks like for them. Emily has worked for Self magazine, Fitness magazine, the Hartford Courant and Rodale, and her writing has been published by Good Housekeeping , Health , Glamour , and more.

starting my wls journey

  • Don't Compare
  • Don't Eliminate Foods
  • Believe in Yourself
  • Change It Up
  • Invest in Yourself
  • Reward Yourself
  • Give Yourself Grace
  • Drink Water
  • Positive Self-Talk
  • Make It a Lifestyle

From a young age growing up in the Connecticut suburbs, the number on the scale ebbed and flowed as my relationship with sport did as well. At age 14, I was a soccer whiz, running laps up and down the field feeling confident and great. Come 17, I didn't make the junior varsity volleyball team because I couldn't run a sub-10:00 mile, and my interests became a lot less active.

As I leaned heavily into the arts and a local youth group, I started to gain weight. Despite feeling excited by my extracurricular activities, I began feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable in my own body .

This carried on to college, and like many, I gained the freshman 15—or perhaps the freshman 30 would be more accurate. In the spring of 2007, I was procrastinating studying for a final exam when I decided to step onto a dusty scale I had tucked under my bunk bed. After what felt like an eternity, waiting for the screen to populate, the number that glared back at me from the floor took my breath away. I was forced to come to terms with a harsh reality: I had to change.

While I believe that people can find health at different sizes, I was definitely not healthy or more importantly, happy. I knew that making changes wouldn't be easy, but even so, I was ready to start.

Over the next three years, I lost 70 pounds through making healthier eating choices and learning to love running . Today, movement is my medicine, enabling me to better show up both personally and professionally. Now a nine-time marathoner, certified personal trainer and run coach, and wellness coach with my own podcast , I've learned a handful of lessons along my journey that empower me to give back to others and help them determine what wellness looks like for them.

Here's what I learned during my personal transformation, plus some insight into why I feel like a forever work in progress.

1. You've Got to Meet Yourself Where You're At

Especially in the age of social media , it's easy to compare yourself to others. Your journey is just that— yours . Instead of being made to feel like you're not good enough based on what you see someone else doing, focus on where you are and progress from there. This is important in all aspects of wellness, whether it's trying out a new strength training routine or shifting your eating habits. Just because you can't do a difficult movement like a dumbbell snatch, for example, doesn't mean you won't get there one day. Show yourself some compassion and embrace honesty, and the rest will come with time.

2. Never Eliminate Anything Completely

Many popular diets advertise cutting things out—at least in small portions—like complex carbs or sugar. When we eliminate things from our diet, it's almost guaranteed that we will crave them more.

In my experience, I'd binge on the very thing I told myself I couldn't have—and there is research to back this up, including a 2023 study in Frontiers in Psychology . Instead of eliminating things from your life, the practice of moderation and portion control along with paying attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues are much safer alternatives. It's a practice that truly helped me along my journey.

For example, rather than nixing my college's famous banana chocolate chip ice cream completely, I let myself have a scoop on Fridays. When it came to indulging in Grandma's Sunday sauce, I made sure to also serve myself a hearty helping of salad in addition to the oh-so-good pasta bowl. By embracing the foods that made me happy in smart amounts, I was able to enjoy the process without feeling like I was missing out.

3. You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind To

I really, really wanted to love running. But in the earliest stages, I felt as though I would never. I felt as though because I wasn't "good" at it (see the high school volleyball reference above), it would never be for me.

Toward the beginning of my personal weight-loss efforts, I worked at a summer camp, without access to a typical big box gym. This encouraged me to give running another hard try, as it was one of the few ways I could get active and really break a sweat without any equipment.

The first week of running was awful. I did it for about 15 minutes per day and ran the exact same route every single time. However, after a week of sticking it out, I slowly got to a place where I realized that it was nowhere as bad as I had been making it out to be. With time, the enjoyment grew. I didn't have to be the best runner. I just had to be me— running. This realization empowered me to try and stick with other things that felt hard in the past.

4. Your Get-Moving Options Are Endless

I went through phases over my three-year journey dabbling in a slew of different fitness modalities. I've done it all, from barre and Spin class to dance cardio and even CrossFit. Some of these love affairs lasted longer than others, but what I most enjoyed about the process was that I had the opportunity to mix up my routine as often as I liked. There was no reason to stick with something that didn't bring me joy or light me up. By diversifying my go-to sweat method, I had a lot more fun and even made some great friends along the way. Plus, research published in 2020 in Translational Behavioral Medicine has shown that adding variety to an exercise program can increase your physical activity.

5. Invest in Your Own Personal Wellness

During the summer of 15-minute runs, I lived in Hanes white v-neck T-shirts and cotton leggings from Target. Over time, I began to realize that if I wanted to perform better and feel more comfortable, I needed to invest a little bit more in my workout wardrobe. The good news is there are tons of great options out there, from Old Navy to Champion, that have technical gear at lower price points. Rather than buy six-packs of T-shirts every month, I started to accrue a collection of gear that lasted the washing machine test—and also made me feel more confident when the workout began.

6. Reward Yourself for the Small Wins

When I started my weight-loss journey, I didn't set out and say "I want to lose 70 pounds." Rather, I set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that helped me go in the right direction. For instance, a goal like "I want to drink three bottles of water every day before 6 p.m."

If I made it through two weeks of this goal, I would take some time to celebrate the positive progress , whether that be with a trip to the local mall or simply setting aside some "me" time to take an extra long walk come the weekend. When the journey is long, the small wins are what keep your tank fueled up and help you stay motivated for more.

7. You Will Not Be Perfect

How many times have you told yourself "OK, today I'm going to have a good day of eating," and then a few bites of a chocolate bar later, you feel as though you've completely blown it? Listen, we've all been there.

Here's the thing: That all-or-nothing mentality isn't going to do you any good. Have some grace with yourself and know that from time to time, things aren't going to go as planned. Rather than get angry and throw your hands up in the air, be proud of yourself for prioritizing your wellness in the first place. Every single second, you have an opportunity to start with a clean slate.

8. Water Really Is Your BFF

I've never been "good" at drinking water. I don't particularly love the taste of it (which sounds weird, perhaps) and making sure to get enough felt like a total struggle. Alas, H20 accounts for 60% of our body —or about 11 gallons or 92 pounds inside a 155-pound person—and is essential to every cell.

When I made getting healthier a priority, I started downing at least six glasses each day. With that, I started to notice a real difference . I felt better, my skin looked better, and I performed well when it came to my regular workouts. I also started staving off that ever-annoying headache that likely was a result of previous dehydration.

9. The Mental Transformation Is Just as Important as the Physical

Honestly, I'm still working on my inner dialogue and being kinder to myself. When a big transformation happens on the outside, it's important to take the time to really think about who it is that you are, what's important to you and who you want to be going forward.

As a self-proclaimed forever work in progress, I find that regular journaling and making time to reflect on my feelings helps me stay grounded. I'll never forget about the teenage girl who had trouble finding jeans that fit at her local mall. But I know, now, that she's not who I am anymore.

10. If You Want Lasting, Permanent Change—It's About Your Lifestyle

This is something I can't stress enough. No amount of exercise will help you against an unhealthy diet. But diet and exercise aren't the only things that influence weight and health. Sleep and stress do, too. Making sure you're getting plenty of quality sleep and dealing with your stressors makes weight loss and maintenance easier—and helps you keep a level head when it comes to the occasional not-so-healthy meal or streak of exercise-free days (and those can be important, too!). We want to focus on lasting change and better health for years to come.

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The trusted team for all your weight loss, body contouring, and spine surgery needs! Gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, gastric balloon, appetite suppressants and more!

A Journey To WLS Success

I started my journey with JourneyLite in April 2023. My starting weight, 254 lbs, was the heaviest I’d ever been. My experience with JourneyLite was excellent. I live outside of the immediate Dayton, Cols, Cincinnati areas, so their virtual visits were a lifesaver. The staff communicates well with the patient to assure you don’t miss anything or get off track and delay your procedure (the patient has to be committed as well). I loved the texting option for Q&A. Today, August 2023, I’m 3 days VSG post-op and feeling well. JourneyLite has supplied me with the tools to continue on this journey for a long-lasting weight loss success. I’m excited for the future.

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My WLS Journey: 12-Week Food & Activity Tracker for Gastric Bypass, Sleeve & Lapband Patients, 8"x10" Paperback – September 5, 2019

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  • Print length 105 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date September 5, 2019
  • Dimensions 8 x 0.24 x 10 inches
  • ISBN-10 1691097101
  • ISBN-13 978-1691097104
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (September 5, 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 105 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1691097101
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1691097104
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 8 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8 x 0.24 x 10 inches
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Starting my journey

  • Thread starter Tobi
  • Start date Jun 22, 2012


  • Jun 22, 2012

Hello all Trying (and failing) pretty much every diet and exercise program out there for the last 10 years or so, I have finally made the decision to go for a gastric band despite my fear of general anesthesia. I think most of you would understand that it takes a while to get to this point when all else fails, WLS becomes your last hope. I have let myself down 5 years ago when I promised myself I would fix my problem before I'm 30... I have also failed once again when I promised myself I will not be morbidly obese by the time I'm 35... I've turned 35 a few weeks ago, still 10+ stones to lose. I feel like I've had enough trying and failing and I'm not ashamed to admit that my willpower sucks and I need serious help. I'm in a funny place in my life right now where I feel like a bunch of strangers on a website can understand and help me more than anyone else I know. In the last month or so, I have been researching gastric bands while my family kept trying to talk me out of it and telling me they love me the way I am as they are terrified of the horror stories they read about WLS. But I don't love myself like this and I find my life difficult while carrying all this weight around, I just want to be healthy. I have full confidence in my decision since my husband agreed with me and gave me his full support (and the funds for the operation, haha!) so here I am, so excited and dying to get a first appointment but I know that first thing I need to do is to find myself a surgeon. Looking forward to share my story as I go and read about yours. Here we go... : ) Tobi x  


Hi, welcome to the site an good luck with your journey. I have taken great comfort from the members on here. I had a band on the 12th June and I've only had a general anaesthetic once before and it wasn't a very good experience as Just as the anaesthetist started the injection someone shouted wait she's not ready yet!! So I was pretty frightened this time. However I had it done at dolan park an the team were lovely and relaxed, there was music playing, the anaesthetist was so calming I actually woke up saying wow that was lovely! I enjoyed that! Ha ha. Think I was a bit high from all the drugs! That aside I think it was the best decision I ever made. I have about seven stone left to lose now and I know it is much more achievable now. There are so many helpful threads and people on here. Ask as many questions as you can and even if it sounds daft ask because someone else will have gone through it. My daft question was will I always burp this much?! Ha ha. I'm assured not. Good luck! X  


Hi Tobi, I'm just starting out too and it sounds like I'm in the exact same position as you! Let's hope the time passes quickly until we can get the solution we want. Good Luck xxx  

Paula Garner

Paula Garner

Well-known member.

Thank you ladies, wishing us all lots of luck! X  



Im finally getting there.

  • Jun 23, 2012

Hello and welcome, it does feel odd knowing strangers know how u feel more than anyone else but sometimes you have to take advantage of that to get the information you need to make the right choices .... This lot here have helped me so much on my journey so far ..... Good luck huni were all here for you xxxxzxxxxx  


Active Member


  • Jun 24, 2012

good luck with your journey  



Hi Tobi, I am going for WLS on Tuesday in Prague and I am absolutely terrified!!! But what's even more terrifying is the thought of living another 50-60 yrs being obese and miserable!! Keep focused on the positive things like being able to shop in 'normal' shops and never walking into a public place and feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed about your size again. It's going to be a long journey but the destination will be well worth it!! xxx  

  • Sep 22, 2012


Hi Tobi! Great news on your date. I'm being banded by Mr Super at Dolan Park a week after you on the 22nd =) I have to do the milk and yogurt diet for 2 weeks starting on the 8th (can't remember if I was supposed to have 2 or 3 pints of milk a day, will have to check!). Sounds like you're doing well so far. Keep us posted! The people on this forum are lovely!  

Thats greats news good luck xx  

  • Sep 23, 2012

Hi Tobi, just wanted to wish you luck for your surgery x  

Thank you all for the good wishes - back at ya! x  

  • Sep 24, 2012

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Do I qualify for Lap-Band®?

Wellness comes in all shapes and sizes. See if the Lap-Band is right for you.

Lasting weight loss is possible

Weight loss doesn’t have to be complicated. With the ReShape Lap-Band®, you can lose weight and do more of the things that bring your joy. Here’s how it works.

Find a surgeon

Want to research weight loss specialists? Use our Surgeon Finder to locate a qualified Lap-Band surgeon near you.

Schedule a consult

Schedule your consult with a surgeon to ensure all your questions are answered.

Adjust your lifestyle

We’ll send information to support your lasting weight loss and show you how to work with the band to meet your goals.

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Follow @lapbandprogram to find a community of over one million people worldwide who have chosen the ReShape Lap-Band.

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Real people, real stories

Ronalis' Lap-Band® Success Story

137 lbs lost (since 2010)

Read ronalis' story.

Nicole's Lap-Band® Success Story

180 lbs lost

Follow nicole.

Renata's Lap-Band® Success Story

66 lbs lost

Read renata's story.

Onnig's Lap-Band® Success Story

121 lbs lost

Read onnig's story.

Brighton's Lap-Band® Success Story

100 lbs lost

Read brighton's story.

Zoey's Lap-Band® Success Story

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Read zoey's story.

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Debra's Lap-Band® Success Story

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Jonathan's Lap-Band® Success Story

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Common questions.

Prepare for an informed conversation with your local Lap-Band® specialist.

What is Lap-Band?

The Lap-Band® System is an adjustable gastric band that helps to limit the amount of food you can eat at once. Through healthy portion control and a healthy lifestyle, you can lose excess weight and keep it off, too. Unlike other bariatric procedures, the Lap-Band Program provides a weight-loss solution that is non-anatomy altering, minimally invasive, and provides proven long-term weight loss. We highly recommend signing up to start your journey today .

Why should I choose Lap-Band over other bariatric procedures?

Unlike other bariatric procedures, the Lap-Band® program provides a weight-loss solution that is non-anatomy altering, minimally invasive, and provides proven long-term weight loss. In addition, it has the lowest complication rate and shortest recovery time. But that’s not all — visit our website to learn more!

What are the other benefits of Lap-Band?

Weight loss resulting from the Lap-Band® program has been shown to resolve or improve serious obesity-related health conditions in many people, including Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Sleep Apnea, and GERD. 4-7 In fact, 73% of all Lap-Band Patients reported remission of their Type II Diabetes due to their weight loss after two years on the program.

In addition to chronic conditions, obesity is highly correlated with cancer risk including uterine, gallbladder, kidney, liver, and colon cancers. Recent studies have pointed to the link between obesity and higher COVID-19 complications and risk of mortality. Lowering your weight now can help protect you from avoidable risk and a possible health emergency even in the short term.

Is ReShape Lap-Band covered by insurance?

Many insurance companies will assist with the cost of the Lap-Band® program. Inquire with your insurance provider for more information about coverage. Speaking to a Lap-Band surgeon can give you a better idea of the costs, insurance coverage, and financing options that are available to you. To find a location in your area, please visit  or give us a call at 1-800-LAP-BAND (527-2263).

Explore all things Lap-Band®

The weight loss journey is full of ups and downs and everything in between. Gain the knowledge and support you need to find joy in every step.

Making lifestyle changes after bariatric surgery

Making lifestyle changes after bariatric surgery

The importance of weight-loss support

The importance of weight-loss support

The problem with skipping meals for weight loss  

The problem with skipping meals for weight loss  

Adaptive fitness during your Lap-Band® weight-loss journey

Adaptive fitness during your Lap-Band® weight-loss journey

Refreshing your workout routine

Refreshing your workout routine

Is pregnancy possible after bariatric surgery?

Is pregnancy possible after bariatric surgery?

Have additional questions.

Contact a Lap-Band Bariatric Specialist at 1-800-LAP-BAND (1-800-527-2263)

Important Lap-Band® System Safety Information

The ReShape Lap-Band Systems are approved for adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher, or a BMI of at least 30 with health conditions related to obesity, who have not seen success with other weight loss methods, like supervised diet, exercise, and behavior modification programs. Choosing this surgery means committing to changes in eating habits for the long term.

The Lap-Band procedure is not approved for individuals under 18 yo, those with conditions that may make them poor surgical candidates or lead to poor results, such as inflammatory or cardiopulmonary diseases, problems with the stomach and digestion, symptoms or family history of autoimmune disease, scarring of the liver, individuals unable or unwilling to follow the necessary dietary restrictions, individuals with alcohol or drug addictions, or those currently pregnant. Individuals who become pregnant after band placement may require deflation of their bands.

The ReShape Lap-Band Systems, a long-term tool, may need to be adjusted if you get pregnant, sick, or malnourished. Be careful with anti-inflammatory drugs as they could make the band wear away. Like any surgery, placement of the Lap-Band may have complications such as risks from drugs and methods used, general surgery risks, how well your body handles a foreign object, or in rare cases, risk of death.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with metabolic and bariatric surgery that you and your doctor should discuss. Potential risks associated with the Lap-Band include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach blockage, constipation, swallowing difficulty, diarrhea, abnormal stools, abdominal pain, weakness, incision pain, infection, fever, hernia, chest pain, band movement, stomach pouch expansion, unusual healing, pain at the port site, port movement, and/or hair loss. Additional surgery might be needed. Losing weight quickly could lead to complications requiring more surgery. 

Talk to your doctor, and/or visit our website at  for more information on its benefits and risks.

  CAUTION: Rx Only

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Blog Education: Tutorials

Cypress for Beginners: 5 Commands to Kickstart Your Testing Journey

September 9, 2024

By Farah Shalwani

starting my wls journey

To any newcomers of testing: Welcome to the exciting world of Cypress! If you're new to web application testing, Cypress is a fantastic framework that makes writing and running tests a breeze. To start your journey, let's explore five essential Cypress commands that will quickly become your testing arsenal.

1. Visit Your Test Subject: cy.visit()

The first step in any Cypress end-to-end test is to tell it where to start – enter cy.visit() . This command loads the web page you want to interact with and test. Think of it as the starting line of your test race. Whether it's a live website or a simple HTML file on your computer, cy.visit() is your trusty navigator.

There's more to cy.visit() than meets the eye. You can customize its behavior:

Set a default base URL in your [Cypress configuration]( to avoid typing the full address every time.

Here's how your tests would look after the baseUrl is set:

By mastering cy.visit() , you'll be able to control the starting point of your tests and ensure your virtual user lands on the right page before you put it through its paces. 

2. Grab Elements on the Page: cy.get()

Now that you've landed on your webpage, it's time to interact with it. This is where cy.get() shines. It's your way of telling Cypress, "Hey, find this specific element on the page so I can work with it." Think of it like playing a game of "I Spy." You describe what you're looking for, and Cypress locates it for you. Here are the common ways to select elements:

CSS Selectors: These are like the addresses for elements on your page. You can target them by their tag name (e.g., button, div), class name (e.g., .my-button), ID (e.g., #submit), or any combination of these. One reliable way to select elements is by using data attributes. These are custom attributes you add to your HTML, like data-cy="login-button". This way, even if your CSS changes, your tests remain stable.

Here's how you'd use cy.get() with some selectors:

cy.get() is incredibly versatile. You can also chain it with other commands to perform more specific queries or actions on the elements you find. For example:

By mastering cy.get() , you'll be able to target and manipulate elements on your web page, making your tests truly interactive.

3. Click Away:

Once you've used cy.get() to grab hold of your target element, it's time to unleash the power of interaction with . This command does exactly what it says – it simulates a real user clicking on the selected element.  Whether it's a button that triggers an action, a link that takes you to a new page, or any other clickable element, is your virtual fingertip.

The basic usage is beautifully simple:

But has a few tricks up its sleeve:

Multiple Clicks: Want to click multiple elements? Use the multiple: true option:

Forced clicks: sometimes, elements might be visually hidden or obstructed. no problem can push through with the force: true option:, click positions: you can even control where on the element the click happens (top left, center, bottom right, etc.):.

With , you can mimic a wide range of user interactions, from simple button clicks to complex navigation sequences. This makes your Cypress tests feel like a real user is exploring your application, ensuring a robust and comprehensive testing experience.

4. Type Like a User: .type()

Let's face it, most web applications involve some form of text input – filling out forms, searching for products, writing comments, and so on.  Cypress has you covered for all of these scenarios with the .type() command. This command emulates a user typing into a type-able element. 

Imagine you have a login form with an email field:

This simple command finds the email input field and types " [email protected] " into it. But .type() can do much more:

Special Characters: Want to simulate typing symbols or key combinations? Use curly braces to enclose special character sequences:

Delayed typing: by default, .type() types each character every 10ms to simulate how a user might type. you can slow or speed this up by using the delay option:, typing events: cypress also triggers events like keydown , keypress , and keyup as it types, making your tests even more accurate..

With .type() , you can automate the input of any kind of text, making your Cypress tests comprehensive and user-friendly.

5. Check Your Work: .should()

After you've navigated to your web page, selected elements, clicked buttons, and filled out forms, it's time for the moment of truth: verifying that your application is behaving as expected. That's where .should() steps in. This command is your quality control inspector, allowing you to make assertions about the state of your web page.

Think of assertions as questions you ask Cypress about the elements on your page:

"Is this button visible?"

"Does this heading contain the correct text?"

"Does this element have a specific CSS class?"

With .should() , you can pose these questions and Cypress will give you a definitive answer – either the assertion passes (the condition is true) or it fails (the condition is not met). Here's the basic structure:

In this example, we're first selecting the `<h1>` element and then using .should() to assert that it contains the specified text. Cypress provides a wide range of built-in assertions you can use:

Existence: exist , not.exist

Visibility: be.visible , be.hidden, content: contain , have.text , have.value, classes and attributes: have.class , have.attr, length and count: have.length , have.length.greaterthan.

You can even combine multiple assertions:

.should() not only helps you catch bugs but also makes your tests more readable and self-documenting. By clearly stating your expectations, you create tests that are easy to understand and maintain.

Bonus Tip: Pause and Synchronize with cy.wait()

While cy.visit() , cy.get() , .click() , .type() , and .should() are the bread and butter of Cypress, the cy.wait() command is your secret weapon for handling the asynchronous nature of web applications. 

Many web apps make requests to servers to fetch data or update information. cy.wait() can wait for these requests to complete before proceeding:

By intercepting requests and waiting for their responses, you can ensure your tests are synchronized with your application's data flow.

Important Considerations

Cypress already has built-in retry mechanisms for most commands. For example, cy.get() will automatically retry until the element is found or until the default timeout has passed.

Explore the cy.intercept() command to gain more control over network requests and how you wait for them. By incorporating cy.wait() judiciously into your tests, you can handle asynchronous behavior gracefully and ensure that your Cypress tests are reliable and robust.

Remember, these are just the building blocks.  Cypress has a rich set of commands to explore. The best way to learn is by doing, so try building a small test suite using these five commands. Don't hesitate to dive into the Cypress documentation for more details and discover even more powerful features. 

Happy testing!


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