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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from RPGs
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from games
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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online
  • Breen starship classes
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from short stories
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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from novelizations
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from eBooks
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from novellas
  • Humanoid species
  • Races and cultures
  • Alpha Quadrant races and cultures
  • Dominion races and cultures
  • Typhon Pact races and cultures
  • 1.1 Subsidiary species
  • 1.2 Biology
  • 1.3 Culture
  • 1.4.1 Starships
  • 1.5.1 Early contact with other races
  • 1.5.2 23rd century
  • 1.5.3 24th century
  • 1.5.4 The Dominion War
  • 1.5.5 25th century
  • 1.5.6 32nd century
  • Postwar
  • Typhon Pact
  • 2 Known individuals
  • 3.1.1 Appearances
  • 3.1.2 References
  • 3.2 External links

History and specifics [ ]

Subsidiary species [ ].

Starfleet Intelligence analysts concluded in 2382 that Breen society might be comprised by members of as many as a dozen species, all of which were thought to be humanoid , and which appeared to be of typical humanoid height and build. ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Zero Sum Game )

As of April 2382 in the First Splinter timeline , Starfleet was aware of at least four subspecies, the Amoniri , Fenrisal , Paclu , and Silwaan . ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Zero Sum Game )

Another of the Breen species were the Vironat . ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Plagues of Night )

Biology [ ]

Very little is known about the Breen. They are thought to be humanoid , as they appear to be of typical humanoid height and build, though Ezri Dax speculated that they had a wolf-like appearance. ( DS9 episode : " Strange Bedfellows ")

Xenologists speculated that the Breen could be a silicon-based lifeform . No one has seen the Breen outside of their sealed, refrigerated suits of armor; it is said that those who have, did not live to tell of it. ( DS9 episode : " Strange Bedfellows ")

Since it had been reported that the Breen homeworld was a frozen wasteland, it was thought that the refrigerated suits were intended to keep them comfortable in warmer alien climates, though Weyoun once mentioned that Breen is "actually quite comfortable", leaving the purpose of their suits a source of speculation. ( DS9 episode : " The Changing Face of Evil ")

It was speculated that the Breen body may be composed of ammonia and gelatin, which are held together in freezing temperatures but evaporate in warmer temperatures. Evaporation upon contact with warm temperature would account for why Gul Dukat and Major Kira failed to report on the Breen appearance after stealing the suits of two Breen guards. ( DS9 episode : " Indiscretion ")

They likely have a skeletal structure but, as they have no blood, contain few organs. The internal structure of the Breen body is said to consist of layers of gelatin-filled chambers, with the gelatin serving a similar function to blood, as it transfers chemicals vital for bodily functions. Therefore, when a Breen sustains an injury, a layer of gelatin will clot around it and seal the wound, which will leave a scar if left untreated. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

The Breen are often regarded as ruthless and devoid of humanoid compassion, a depiction that is augmented by their lack of blood. During the Dominion War, their unprecedented attack on Starfleet Headquarters was seen as a symbol of their ferocity. The Romulans have a saying: "Never turn your back on a Breen" ( DS9 episode : " By Inferno's Light ").

Like the Ferengi, the Breen were immune to telepathy. ( TNG episode : " The Loss ", DS9 episode : " In Purgatory's Shadow ")

This resistance to telepathic intrusion had led many to speculate that the their brains were multi-lobed, thus preventing any such technique from working. ( Decipher RPG module : Worlds )

It was not until 2382 that definitive information was obtained relating to the Breen and their biology. Initially it was believed that the Breen were a single race; however, as detailed by Sarina Douglas and Julian Bashir , the name Breen is a name taken on by the member species of the Breen Confederacy. It has been claimed that the individual races (the Amoniri , Fenrisal , Paclu , Silwaan ) take on the shared name and the concealing uniforms in order to prevent any biases or prejudices from interfering with the development of their society. The uniform design has been designed to support the distinctive features of the individual races. ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Zero Sum Game )

Culture [ ]

Breen and Ferengi doing business

Breen doing business with the Ferengi.

Little was known about the race as they tended to keep to themselves. What was known was that they were both secretive and aggressive, though it must be stated that they did not exalt violence for its own sake and that it was aggression that served a purpose. Furthermore, they were known to intentionally keep their motives and feelings hidden from other races which, when combined with the fact that they cannot be sensed by Betazoids, further adds to the mystery of the Breen. Common speculation among other races was that the Breen were more open to their own kind but this was never confirmed. Their spoken language (at least to non-Breen) sounds like uncomprehensive static, although this electric chatter is understood by Vorta and Founders .

Members of this race were not excessively individualistic and were in fact commonly encountered in groups. Furthermore, the level of secrecy that they have maintained about their society and homeworld hints at a high level of clan cohesion or possibly even a government structure. This form of society has yet to produce any form of rebel that was willing to break the silence about their customs, culture or homeworld. When alone, Breen tend to act unpredictably, with displays of neurosis due to the fact that they are working apart from their group. While this hinted that Breen are incapable of working alone, xenologists have stated that this behavior may in fact be faked in order to produce the illusion of such traits in order to fool other races. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

The Breen were disliked by the Romulans , who had a saying: "Never turn your back on a Breen." ( DS9 episode : " By Inferno's Light ")

The nature of why the Romulans distrust the Breen so much remains unknown. They, however, earned this reputation through their opportunistic tendencies of preying on the conflicts of other species while at the same time, rarely interacting directly. This was because they wished to profit on such activities which included slavery . ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens , DS9 episode : " Indiscretion ")

Ultimately, the Breen acted for their own self-interest and thus engaged in ruthless actions without caring for other species. Their motivations for doing so were always a secret and the Breen never revealed what their next actions were going to be. ( Decipher RPG module : Worlds )

What was known about the Breen race was that they tended to act out of their own self-interest with little weight placed on the hardships by those that stand in their way. They appeared callous to the suffering of others and in fact do not heed calls for aid unless there was something to gain from such an endeavor; be it monetary, technology or simply territory. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

While the Breen were quite capable of acts of deceit, Elias Vaughn thought it unlikely they would attempt to build up a military presence in hiding-as it did not fit with their cultural psychology. ( DS9 - Avatar novel : Book One )

It's known that they are not above using others in their schemes where the relationship was that of a pawn rather than a partner. Regional conflicts among other empires was noted to result from Breen provocation, with the race being blamed for activities that they themselves have not committed even. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

Their society also was believed to contain some aspects of a manifest destiny. ( TNG novel : The Buried Age )

Although elements of their society remain a mystery, it was known they possessed two genders and that it was typical for them to bear children at a young age. The reason for this puzzled xenologists who conclude that the Breen possibly suffer from a high mortality rate and that they encourage this behavior in order to ensure their population remains at a steady level. Another theory was that they had a shorter lifespan compared to Humans and simply reached maturity quicker. However, the truth of the matter continues to be unknown. ( DS9 episode : " For the Uniform ", VOY episode : " Elogium ")

The Breen were politically nonaligned and did not take part in official treaties or alliances, though their representatives on occasion visit certain diplomatic gatherings. However, the selection process of which gathering they do attend was a mystery to other races. What was determined, however, was that they seek to gather information in such meetings, not to participate in them. The fact that they do not appear to be an expansionist race has meant that other races typically leave the Breen alone.

The government itself appeared to resemble a form of primitive tribalism, except that all Breen were a member of the same tribe. Members were noted to form into groups where different individuals assume different roles on a voluntary basis rather than an autocratic dictate. Their leaders rule as long as their groups allow them to do so. Their starship tactics follow a similar role, with each vessel seeming to possess a high degree of autonomy. These ships appear to only work with others through mutual consensus or agreed-upon tactics. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

The Breen employ slave labor , capturing and enslaving many Deferi citizens. ( DS9 episode : " Indiscretion "; STO mission : " Breen Invasion ")

Those Breen in command of starships were referred to as masters instead of the commonly used captain . ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Plagues of Night )

Technology [ ]

Chel Grett battlecruiser in battle

Breen warship in a battle with Starfleet.

Breen refrigeration suits appear to be of military issue, as they have different designs to signify various ranks. Command officers wear golden lining on the shoulders and arms, as well as distinctive gold stripes that run down the center of the top of the helmet and down the top of the "snout" section of the helmet.

Their technology consisted of an element of biotechnology that was based on the algae on their homeworld. The Breen learned to manipulate the algae's genetic structure and use it to create biomaterials with special properties such as metal, plastic, silicon as well as other such substances. Such a key trait meant that every Breen vessel included its own hydroponics bay where damage components could be regrown. ( TNG module : Star Trek: The Next Generation Core Game Book )

Breen ground troops make extensive use of Cryogenic weaponry. Breen refrigeration suits may be capable of firing a "cryo beam" from a helmet-attached emitter. Breen starships use polaron weapons and transphasic torpedoes . ( STO video game : Star Trek Online )

The Breen were also known to use type-3 disruptors . ( TNG movie : Generations )

Starships [ ]

  • Breen fighter ( TNG - Strange New Worlds 9 short story : " Home Soil ")
  • Bleth Choas -class fighter ( STO episode : " Breen Invasion ")
  • Plesh Brek -class frigate / heavy raider ( STO episode : " Breen Invasion ")
  • Breen destroyer ( TNG novel : Immortal Coil )
  • Chel Grett -class cruiser (a.k.a. Gor Taan -class, Warship -class, Breen battlecruiser ) ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 7)
  • Reikin -class fast-attack cruiser ( ST novels : Section 31 , Disavowed )
  • Sarr Theln -class carrier ( STO episode : " Breen Invasion ")
  • Rezreth -class destroyer ( STO episode : " Breen Invasion "

History [ ]

Early contact with other races [ ].

During the 22nd century , the Breen were largely confined to their own home system with few forays being outside their region of space due to refrigeration technology being too primitive to allow them to survive on other worlds. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

The Vulcan race were aware of the existence of the Breen before the year 2155 , though the Vulcan Security Directorate knew little beyond the fact that they made use of disruptor technology, and kept to themselves. ( ENT novel : Kobayashi Maru )

The Breen also had early contact with the Ferengi , and were responsible for selling that race modern warp drive technology. ( ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story : " A Dry Day on Ferenginar "; DS9 reference : Legends of the Ferengi )

The two races became regular trading partners, with the Breen purchasing iced tube grubs , frozen icoberry juice , and snow-themed holographic programs from the Ferengi Alliance . ( DS9 reference : Legends of the Ferengi )

In the time of the Second Klingon Empire , Chancellor Mow'ga sent a fleet into Breen space to conquer the race, but they were never heard from again. ( DS9 episode : " 'Til Death Do Us Part ")

23rd century [ ]

By the 23rd century , the race had improved their environmental suits to the point that they had the capacity to travel far greater distances. It was during this period that the race offered their services to other governments that required covert agents or mercenaries. Despite this expansion into space, the Breen generally kept to themselves, with the Federation not being aware of the existence of the species. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

The Romulans made first contact with the Breen in 2268 and were soon using them in covert operations and illegal work. ( Last Unicorn RPG module : All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook )

First contact between the Breen and the Federation came in 2275 when the Andorian crewed starship USS Eagle encountered a Breen Confederacy ship on routine patrol. Captain Igrilan Kor reported that the Breen were peaceful though somewhat withdrawn. However, the uncertainty in his report meant that further diplomatic overtures were not conducted. ( Decipher RPG module : Worlds )

While the Federation avoided contact with the Breen, a minor clash erupted between the two in 2283 . ( Last Unicorn RPG module : All Our Yesterdays: The Time Travel Sourcebook )

During this time, the Breen made a reputation for themselves in both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants by working as mercenaries, pirates as well as freebooters. They were considered valuable hired help as well as fearsome brigands who were augmented by the use of cloaking technology as well as other advanced forms of weaponry. ( Decipher RPG module : Worlds )

24th century [ ]

In the 24th century , they had fully developed the means to join the galactic community but remained inscrutable with their goals being enigmatic to other empires. They tended to enter specialized markets to leverage skills in intelligence work, mining and technology that dealt with survival on colder environments. The Federation had become fully aware of this empire's existence and recognized that they had developed several technologies like the disruptor from trade with the Romulans or other races. ( TNG movie & novelization : Generations )

However, it was concluded that the mysterious insular species were neither a threat or potential ally. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

In 2328 , the Federation constructed Deep Space 3 to monitor the Breen and those species that resided in their space. ( Last Unicorn RPG module : Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Core Game Book )

Relations between the Federation and the Breen were described as tenuous at best by the year 2360 . ( TNG novel : The Buried Age )

During Benjamin Sisko 's time on the USS Saratoga , the starship encountered a hostile Breen ship near Guldammur IV . In a plan devised by Sisko and Zar , a narrow-gauge phaser spread was fired from the weapons of the Saratoga , making several small gaps in the Breen's shields. This allowed the Saratoga crew to beam unwanted items into the Breen's weapon banks, clogging them and leaving the Breen unable to fire. ( DS9 novel : Saratoga )

In 2366 , the Breen attacked the Ravinok and forced it to crash on Dozaria . The Bajoran and Cardassian survivors were forced to mine dilithium for the Breen. ( DS9 episode : " Indiscretion ")

Following the discovery of this incident, the Cardassian government was unwilling to open a potential conflict with another power as they were already engaged in conflict with the Federation. Thus, the Cardassian Central Command registered a diplomatic protest to the Breen over the attack on the Ravinok , though they later let the matter go when the Breen chose the ignore it. ( Decipher RPG module : Worlds )

In 2372 , Breen privateers were operating near Bajor . ( DS9 episode : " To the Death ")

Some years prior to 2377 , Captain Marcus Refelian distinguished himself in defending a group of Federation colonies from attacks by Breen raiders. ( TNG video game : Away team )

The Dominion War [ ]

At some point in 2374 , the USS Enterprise on one of its first mission's encountered a Breen destroyer commanded by Thot Vog who intended to attack the Starfleet vessel. However, he was convinced to withdrawn after a speech by Rhea McAdams after she explained the destructive power of quantum torpedoes . ( TNG novel : Immortal Coil )

The Dominion made attempts to forge an alliance with the Breen as early as 2374. It was the possibility of finding themselves on the same side as the "accursed" Breen that made the Romulan Star Empire reticent to ally itself with the Dominion. ( DS9 episode : " The Magnificent Ferengi ", ST short story : " Blood Sacrifice ")

At the same time, the Federation was engaged in talks, and by 2375 , Starfleet Admiral Marcus Holt reportedly made some progress in improving Federation/Breen relations. ( Last Unicorn RPG module : Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Core Game Book )


San Francisco following the Breen attack.

However, in the same year, the Confederacy allied themselves with the Dominion in the Dominion War and shortly after launched an attack on San Francisco on Earth . ( DS9 episodes : " Strange Bedfellows ", " The Changing Face of Evil ")

This was a surprise to many military strategists, as the Breen were considered strategically unimportant, even though their fleet strengths had never been charted, the ferocity and boldness of the attack caused Klingon General Martok to mention that even his people had never attempted such a move. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

Thot Pran led the Breen forces at the Battle of Cardassia . However, after the Cardassians broke ranks with the Jem'Hadar and began fighting alongside Federation Alliance forces, the Breen ships fled from the battle and retreated back into their space. ( DS9 episode : " What You Leave Behind ")

Following the signing of the Dominion War Accords , the Federation Alliance were put under pressure from the Cardassians who demanded war reparations for the Breens involvement in the conflict. Ultimately, the Cardassians were forced to settle for less than they had desired, and payments continued to reach Cardassia by way of the Cardassian representative on Breen. ( Decipher RPG module : Worlds )

25th century [ ]

In 2409 , Breen forces attacked the Deferi in search of artifacts left by the Preserver for use as weaponry. Their efforts, led by Breen commander Thot Trel, were foiled by both Starfleet and Klingon forces in the region. ( STO - Cold War missions : " Cold Comfort ", " Cold Case ", " Cold Storage ")

32nd century [ ]

By 3191 , the Breen were ruled by the Breen Imperium and they were hunting Moll and L'ak , the latter of whom was a Breen with an eirgah , a blood bounty on him. ( DIS episodes : " Red Directive ", " Under the Twin Moons ", " Jinaal ", " Mirrors ")

Alternate realities [ ]

First splinter timeline [ ], postwar [ ].

The Breen continued to be a source of some concern following the war. In April 2376 the USS Enterprise -E was sent to investigate the Badlands for a Klingon reported Breen presence. Nothing was found and Elias Vaughn thought it unlikely the Breen would build up a military presence in hiding, though it was consistent with other, need-to-know only, reports he had received not long before. ( DS9 novel : Avatar, Book One )

Cole of Section 31 told Julian Bashir several weeks later that he thought it likely the Breen would be watching the Federation's borders and would make raids when they found a weakness. However, Cole also told Bashir he thought the Breen could be useful in fighting off a future Borg attack. ( DS9 novel : Abyss )

An unusual amount of Breen activity was detected along the Federation-Cardassian border near Starbase Deep Space 10 in mid 2377 . They were briefly considered as possible culprits in a series of malfunctions that had plagued the station, but eventually ruled out. ( CoE eBook : Troubleshooting )

In 2379 , a contingent of Starfleet Special Operations personnel was able to capture a Breen vessel in the Ravanar system , although their actions were officially denied by the Federation Security Council . Ambassador Worf was able to obtain these schematics to trade to Imperial Intelligence agent Lorgh in exchange for blackmail information against Klingon Councilor Kopek . ( TNG - A Time to... novel : A Time to Kill )

Typhon Pact [ ]

In 2381 , there were fears that the Breen might get involved in a possible Romulan Civil War following the devastation and death of Praetor Shinzon of Remus . ( TOS novel : Captain's Blood ) During the Borg Invasion , the Ferengi Alliance , acting on behalf of the Federation, hired a large number of Breen warships to assist in the defense of the Azure Nebula , precluding the possibility that the Tholian Assembly would hire them to attack the weakened Federation. Unfortunately, every Breen ship was destroyed by a Borg armada of over 7,000 cubes ( ST - Destiny novel : Mere Mortals )

After learning of the behind-the-scenes deal-making, the Confederacy joined with the Tholians, along with four other local powers, to form the Typhon Pact . ( ST novel : A Singular Destiny )

In 2382 , the Breen accepted a mission on behalf of the Pact and sent an operative to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards to capture data pertaining to the quantum slipstream drive . The Breen were soon after contracted to build the first Typhon Pact prototype slipstream vessel . The lead researcher of the project, Thot Keer, intentionally withheld information from the other members relating to the drive's development in order to promote the Breen to a level of authority within the Pact as equals to the Romulans. Shortly before the initial trials, however, the prototype, its designer, and all information relating to the project was destroyed. ( ST - Typhon Pact novel : Zero Sum Game )

Known individuals [ ]

  • Masked Breen

Appendices [ ]

Appearances and references [ ], appearances [ ], references [ ].

  • TNG episode : " The Loss "
  • TNG episode : " Hero Worship "
  • Star Trek Generations
  • DS9 episode : " To the Death "
  • DS9 episode : " For the Uniform "
  • DS9 episode : " The Magnificent Ferengi "
  • DS9 novel : The Never Ending Sacrifice
  • VOY episode : " Elogium "
  • VOY novel : Fusion

VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella : Places of Exile

  • DSC episode : " Rubicon "
  • PIC novel : Stardust City Rag

External links [ ]

  • Breen article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Breen (Star Trek) article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • 1 Achilles class
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Odyssey class

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Published Jul 3, 2013

One Trek Mind -- A Tip of the Cap to the Breen

star trek breen

“To seek out new life and new civilizations.” The phrase is part of the ethos of all that is Star Trek . Of course, right before it in the opening narration there's the even more famous use of three oft-repeated words: “strange new worlds.”Gene Roddenberry and the original producers of Star Trek were far too polite to cast aspersions on any of our cousins from beyond the farthest star – but what they really were implying was this: weird aliens.

star trek breen

There's a theory that the Breen's alliance with the Dominion is actually more Founder subterfuge. In “ In Purgatory's Shadow ,” when Garak and Worf come to Internment Camp 371, there is a rather tame Breen there alongside Martok and Dr. Bashir. One could interpret this to mean that this was a high-ranking Breen who, like the others, had a Changeling in its place, bending fate to the Dominions' whim.And that's what's so great about the Breen is that we'll never really know for sure. For those that go deep, David Mack's book from 2010, Zero Sum Game , is a big, fat wet kiss for Breen fans. In it he digs into (non-canon, of course) Breen culture, explaining that the Breen are actually made up of multiple species hailing from the same planet who appear the same to us because of their refrigeration armor. To me, the complete distance with which the Breen is kept from the audience is something of a breath of fresh air, in a way. In Star Trek , no one is all evil. Even the Jem'Hadar, who are BRED to be killing machines, are shown in a light that captures our sympathy. Their dependence on Ketracel-white, it is implied, is all that's keeping them mindless instruments of violence.

star trek breen

Jordan Hoffman is a writer, critic and lapsed filmmaker living in New York City. His work can also be seen on , ScreenCrush and Badass Digest . On his BLOG , Jordan has reviewed all 727 Trek episodes and films, most of the comics and some of the novels.

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Star Trek Just Addressed One of Deep Space Nine’s Biggest Unanswered Questions

The Star Trek: Discovery episode "Mirrors" includes a HUGE reveal about the Breen, an odd alien species from Deep Space Nine.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

This Star Trek: Discovery article contains spoilers.

“I wonder what the Breen look like under those helmets?” asks Ezri Dax in the Deep Space Nine season seven episode “‘Till Death Do Us Part.” That’s a strange question, given that Ezri and Worf had been captured by the Breen and interrogated for some time. But despite their close and uncomfortable contact with the hostile alien species, neither hostage learned much about them.

“They say no one has ever seen one and lived to speak of it,” Worf answers.

Ezri continues in her usual lighthearted manner. “Maybe they’re all furry. It’s supposed to be very cold on Breen.”

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“One thing is certain.”

“They’re horrible cooks?”

“They are dangerous,” responds Worf, with even greater gravity than the Klingon usually assumes. “They do not tolerate incursions into their space. During the Second Empire, Chancellor Mow’ga sent a fleet of Klingon ships to conquer their homeworld, and they were never heard from again.”

Until today, that bit of dialogue encapsulated everything that Trekkies knew about the Breen. First mentioned in The Next Generation, the Breen appeared most prominently in the final season of Deep Space Nine , in which the Breen presented a threat that undid whatever gains the Federation had made in the Dominion War.

When the Dominion first entered the Alpha Quadrant through a wormhole from the Gamma Quadrant, they threatened to immediately overwhelm the Federation. As a result, the Federation had to align with longtime antagonists the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. That confederation was more than a match for the Dominion/Cardassian alliance, but then the Dominion upped its hand by enlisting the terrifying Breen. It would take a miracle for the Alpha Quadrant forces to win. Fortunately, the Federation had a miracle on its side in the form of the Prophets (and the morally flexible Section 31 ) and won the war.

The Breen rarely appeared after Deep Space Nine concluded, and it’s easy to see why. They felt like they came from another universe, even moreso than the alien oddities that often appeared on Star Trek . With their monocular helmets and gravelly, indistinguishable voices, they felt like something out of Star Wars — specifically, they felt like riffs on Princess Leia’s bounty hunter disguise at the start of Return of the Jedi . Although they get a couple of nods in Voyager and, of course, Lower Decks , the Breen were largely relegated to a handful of non-canon novels.

That is, until the Star Trek: Discovery season five episode “ Mirrors .” In that episode, we finally learn that L’ak, a courier who has been chasing past Discovery in a search for Progenitor tech with his partner Moll, is a Breen who doesn’t wear helmet that hides his face, showing us for the first time what the species actually looks like under the armor. That’s a surprise because L’ak appeared to be just a regular green-skinned alien, a little lizard-esque in appearance, almost like a Reptilian Xindi from Enterprise .

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In fact, “Mirrors” does a lot more than just show us the face of the Breen. We also learn more about their culture, getting a sense of why they refuse to use a Universal Translator in conversation with other races and of their political system. In a move that recalls another Star Wars property, The Mandalorian , the Breen consider their helmets their true faces, and in fact have a transparent look when they remove that helmet.

But as L’ak makes clear, the Breen have the capacity to change, something hinted by the warmth and softness performer Elias Toufexis brings to his imposing character. Not only has L’ak made his skin non-translucent, but he’s adopted Federation Standard (aka English) and moved beyond his hierarchical culture.

Those changes are a good thing, because the Breen have always created problems for Star Trek canon. As many fans have noted, although Worf insisted that no one had seen the Breen under their costumes, Kira and others stole Breen uniforms to move behind enemy lines at one point on the series. They must have gotten a glimpse of the Breen then, right?

For Ronald D. Moore , one of the key creatives during the ’90s Star Trek era, that’s not necessarily the case. “There’s nothing in those helmets. I don’t think there’s a guy in there, which is something we never got around to saying,” Moore said in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion . “Or maybe there’s a little slug, some tiny little creature in there. I never wanted them to be humanoid in any way.”

“Mirrors” goes against Moore’s wishes then, but that shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Discovery started its life by radically altering the Klingons. Looks like it will be ending its life by radically altering the Breen. But this time, it’s for the better.

Star Trek: Discovery is streaming now on Paramount+.

Joe George

Joe George | @jageorgeii

Joe George’s writing has appeared at Slate, Polygon,, and elsewhere!

Star Trek: Discovery Finally Gave Us A Closer Look At The Franchise's Most Mysterious Villain

Star Trek: Discovery

Warning: This article contains spoilers for the latest episode of "Star Trek: Discovery."

"Star Trek" might represent an idealistic vision of a bolder and brighter future, but the last few seasons of "Discovery" have proven that there will always be bad guys with a penchant for muddying up those ambitions in unexpected ways — even in the 32nd Century. While the Borg, Romulans, and the warlord Khan often have a stranglehold on the title of "Best 'Trek' villains," one alien species in particular has remained shrouded in mystery for decades. First mentioned in foreboding whispers in "The Next Generation" and finally seen in the flesh (well, so to speak) in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," the Breen have played a significant role throughout the franchise in the years since ... yet Trekkies still had to wait until now to actually see what lies underneath their distinctive helmets.

The advantage of never showing us a Breen's face, as it turns out, is that "Discovery" was able to hide one in plain sight all along.

So far, the addition of scavengers Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis) has felt like a shoe waiting to drop. The close-knit pair continue to frustrate Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the rest of the Discovery crew (nowhere more dramatically than in last week's time-traveling bottle episode ), remaining one step ahead of our heroes in their quest to recover whatever Progenitor technological treasure hides at the end of this galaxy-spanning rainbow. About midway through episode 5, titled "Mirrors," the writers unleashed their big twist. L'ak, thus far considered an unknown type of extraterrestrial, actually reveals himself as a Breen. Or, rather, an emotional Moll lets this information slip by accident during a particularly fraught moment. In the process, "Trek" finally unmasked its most enigmatic aliens.

Putting on a brave face (or two)

Star Trek: Discovery season 5

In the span of one episode, "Discovery" officially made "Star Trek" history.

Long treated as a mystery that left everything up to our own imaginations, the Breen reveal puts a specific face to what had previously only been a name ... actually, make that two faces. While Moll and L'ak come to a tense faceoff with Burnham and Cleveland Booker (David Ajala) on board the mirror-universe version of the USS Enterprise while trapped in multidimensional space (it's a long story), the writers treat this as the perfect opportunity to delve into the scavengers' shared past. In a series of flashbacks, we find out that L'ak was part of the Breen royal family and disgraced by his powerful Primarch uncle. Hoping to earn his way back to his people's good graces, all his plans are upended by a torrid romance with then-courier Moll. With their backs against the wall and nowhere else to turn, the lovers choose their own path altogether and, along the way, L'ak reveals his most private aspect of himself: his Breen face.

Of course, the episode adds another twist and introduces the concept of the Breen having two  faces — a solid, corporeal form they can present to others if they so choose, and a more translucent one. (Really, it can only be described as  squishier. ) In fact, this creepy and altogether unique visage symbolizes a much more meaningful difference, as we learn when L'ak's uncle calls his chosen face an "insult to your heritage." Apparently, most Breen have moved beyond this "weak" form and consider this some sort of societal faux pas. In just a few minutes, we discover more about Breen culture than we've ever known before.

New episodes of "Star Trek: Discovery" stream every Thursday on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Who Are The Breen?


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Originally meant to be just a one-off species of the Star Trek franchise, the Breen were first mentioned in the fourth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1990. Even though they were referenced in several other episodes from then on, they did not actually appear on-screen until the episode "Indiscretion" of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in 1996.

The writers admitted that they had previously used the name "Breen" whenever they needed a random alien species for a storyline. Hence, not much was known about them up until much later on. So, who exactly are the Breen, and where do they fit into the expansive universe of Star Trek ?

RELATED: Star Trek: Exploring The Deep Space 9 Problem

What Do the Breen Look Like?

There is a lot of speculation on what these bloodless creatures actually look like, as the Breen are always seen in environmental suits that cover them from head to toe. It is suggested that this is because their home planet experiences extremely low temperatures. During the Dominion War, the Dominion and Cardassian leaders receive intelligence reports that describe the Breen planet as "a frozen wasteland." However, the Vorta field supervisor Weyoun describes it "quite comfortable" later on.

The Breen’s suits feature metal armor and a detachable and 'vented snout,' giving the impression they are a snouted species. The top of the helmet has a visor that either glows green, or has green and red lights on it. The suits are of two types: a standard suit that most of the Breen wear, and a more elaborate suit worn by Thots, the authority figures of the Breen Confederacy. (The Thots are comparable to the Legate of the Cardassian military in terms of rank, according to the Cardassian leader Damar.) With distinct gold lines running across the helmet, this decorative suit reinforces the elevated status of the Breen leaders.

They are also more resilient than other humanoids. For example, when a Breen is struck by the Klingon warrior Worf , the Breen seems to be completely unaffected by the attack and proceeds to assault him instead. The Klingons have famously coined the phrase: "No one has ever seen [a Breen] and lived to speak of it." This is partially in reference to the fact that Breen are extremely territorial; a fleet of Klingon warships had been sent to conquer their home world during the Klingon Second Empire, which never returned and was never heard from again.

The Breen also have an unusual and incomprehensible speech, further adding to their mysterious image. The scratchy, electronic warbles cannot even be deciphered by the universal translator, which is not the case with most of the other species in the franchise. Empathic species such as Betazoids are also unable to sense the Breen’s feelings and emotions, much like the Ferengi .

What Role Did the Breen Play in the Dominion War?

The Dominion, a planetary alliance in the Gamma Quadrant , came into conflict with the Alpha Quadrant powers, ultimately leading to the Dominion War seen throughout much of the Deep Space 9 series. Although the Breen have never been inclined to make political alliances, the writers felt that their involvement could heighten the stakes of the war. Thus, talks with the Female Changeling, the head of the Dominion, led to Breen leader Thot Gor agreeing to provide reinforcements in 2375. The Dominion were interested in the Breen’s military weapons , and made a deal with them: they would hand over the control of several Cardassian and Federation planets once the war was won. However, it is later implied that this was a false promise.

To honor their partnership, the Breen ‘gifted’ Worf and the Deep Space 9 counselor Ezri Dax to the Dominion. They went on to win the Second Battle of Chin'toka, after destroying most of the ships that belonged to the Federation and causing major damage to Earth. A highly advanced weapon called the energy dissipator, which can drain a starship’s power systems, enable the Breen’s victory. Only the Klingon’s ship turned out to be immune to the device, while the rest were defeated.

The growing relations between the Breen and the Dominion caused the Cardassian Union, another major ally, to become bitter. Cardassian leader Damar was not pleased with the terms of the alliance between the two parties, which gave the Breen full access to the Dominion’s database — which wasn't permitted to the Cardassians. This turned out to be one of the major reasons why Damar eventually chose to switch to the other side and lead a rebellion to free Cardassia .

This major development, combined with the fact that the Federation have created a defense against the energy-dampening weapon, led to power shifts in the war. Thot Pran, who succeeded Thot Gor as military commander, asked the Female Changeling for confirmation that the Dominion were not surrendering, but strategizing for another attack instead. This, once again, showcases how the Breen are ruthless fighters. The Romulans, much like the Klingons, have a saying regarding this race: "Never turn your back on a Breen." This is demonstrated when a captive Breen takes a disruptor from the holster of a guard when his back is turned, and uses it to kill two guards at once.

In the Battle of Cardassia, the Breen fought on the front lines, even ahead of the tough and devoted Jem'Hadar forces of the Dominion. They proved to be a tough adversary for the Federation once again. Even though they lost the war, the story arc could not have been as compelling without their formidable strength and their willingness to die for the cause till the very end.

As allies of the Dominion, the Breen are present at the signing of the Treaty of Bajor. Though their status after the war has not been discussed in any later media, the treaty has no implications regarding the Breen, seemingly leaving them in the clear.

MORE: Star Trek: What Happened To The Dominion After The War?

  • Movies & TV

Star Trek: 10 Things We Now Know About The Breen

Green-eyed monster or great big softie? What's beneath the mask of Star Trek's coolest species?

Breen Star Trek Discovery DS9 Deep Space Nine Lak

We wanted to give these guys something special. I couldn't make them the toughest guys in the galaxy — that's the Jem'Hadar. Or the most arrogant guys — that's the Cardassians. Or the most untrustworthy guys — that's the Vorta. So we decided to make them the most  mysterious  guys in the galaxy.

10. Not To Be Indiscreet, But May I Have Your Helmet?

Breen Star Trek Discovery DS9 Deep Space Nine Lak

I wasn't really in the mood to come up with a new alien race. So I said, 'Let's not see them. Let's just put them in costume because they normally live in the cold.'

Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.

Screen Rant

Ds9’s breen comeback sets up star trek: discovery’s darkest future timeline.


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Every DS9 Alien In Star Trek: Discovery

Star trek: discovery vs. ds9's breen is now inevitable, star trek: discovery’s captain burnham opening starfleet academy is ironic.

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery, season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange".

  • The Breen's return in "Star Trek: Discovery" sets up a dark future timeline for the crew.
  • Captain Burnham and Commander Rayner travel between past, present, and future to face a chilling alternate 32nd-century universe.
  • The Breen's possession of Progenitors' technology spells doom for the Federation unless stopped.

The return of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's Breen sets up a dark future timeline for the crew of Star Trek: Discovery . The Breen Imperium is one of the biggest threats to the peace and stability of the Federation in Discovery 's 32nd century, proving that their defeat during DS9 's Dominion War did nothing to suppress their hostile urges. Discovery season 5, episode 4 , "Face the Strange", written by Sean Cochran, and directed by Lee Rose , reveals that the Breen are potential buyers for the Progenitors' technology, a prize that could have devastating consequences for the future of the Star Trek universe.

In Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange", Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) are thrown between past, present, and future by a Krenim time bug. Over the course of their travels in time, they arrive in a dark future timeline where the Breen used the Progenitors' technology to destroy the USS Discovery and the entire Federation. As well as answering the mystery about the timeline of Star Trek: Short Treks ' "Calypso" , this dark alternate future acts as a warning to Burnham and Rayner about what will happen if they let the Progenitors' technology fall into the wrong hands.

Star Trek: Discovery has reintroduced many popular aliens from Deep Space Nine. Here are all of the species who have survived into the 32nd century.

Who Were The Breen In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?

The breen nearly changed the course of the dominion war..

The Breen were first mentioned in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 5, episode 11, "Hero Worship" , when they were suspected of attacking the SS Vico. However, the Breen wouldn't appear on screen until Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 4, episode 5, "Indiscretion", in which Gul Dukat (Marc Alaimo) and Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) infiltrate one of their labor camps. "Indiscretion" established that the Breen wore refrigeration suits, presumably to maintain their body temperatures on hot worlds like Dozaria. The Breen were also an incredibly warlike species, which made them crucial allies of the Dominion following their defeat in the First Battle of the Chin'toka System .

The Romulans have an old proverb "Never turn your back on a Breen", inspired by their untrustworthy reputation.

The Breen and the Dominion's negotiations led to an alliance that lasted until the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . The Breen had superior technology, including an energy-dampening weapon that could disable the Federation Alliance's ships, including the USS Defiant. The Breen's energy dissipater played a crucial role in the Second Battle of the Chin'toka System, severely weakening the Federation Alliance's armada and their morale . The Breen planned to roll out their energy dampening weapon across the entire Dominion fleet, but were foiled by a covert mission led by Colonel Kira Nerys, Elim Garak (Andrew Robinson) and Constable Odo (Rene Auberjonois).

In tandem with Kira's mission, the Federation Alliance used a series of countermeasures against the Breen's weapon. These measures helped the Federation Alliance to turn the tide against the Dominion, launching a final assault on Cardassia Prime and eventually winning the war. Breen representatives were present at the historic signing of the Treaty of Bajor, putting an end to their war against the Federation. However, 800 years after the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , it appears that the Breen are just as big a threat in Star Trek: Discovery season 5.

The Breen later made an incursion into the Delos System, where they attacked the USS Cerritos in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3, episode 9, "Trusted Sources".

DS9’s Breen Create Star Trek: Discovery’s Darkest Future Timeline

"but the outcome you feared came to pass. the progenitor's technology fell into the wrong hands." - zora.

In the alternate timeline where Burnham and Rayner didn't destroy the Krenim chronophage in time, Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis) handed the Progenitors' technology to the Breen. The Breen used the incredibly powerful Progenitors' technology to launch a devastating attack against the Federation. Standing aboard a devastated USS Discovery, Burnham and Rayner look out at the ravaged remains of Federation Headquarters. After a false start during the Dominion War, the Breen will finally get to destroy the Federation once and for all unless Burnham and Rayner can stop them acquiring the Progenitors' technology .

Discovery's darkest timeline makes a fight between Burnham and DS9's Breen inevitable, seriously upping the stakes for Star Trek: Discovery season 5.

As Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) surmised earlier in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, the Progenitors' technology can both create life and destroy it. In the hands of the Breen, it will be used not to save lives, but to take them. It's unclear exactly what the destructive capabilities of the Progenitors' technology are. However, the fact that the USS Discovery is completely empty of organic life or material suggests that it could have the power to completely break down the building blocks of humanoid life in the galaxy . With such a devastating weapon in their arsenal, the Breen could rule the entire cosmos without opposition.

Star Trek: Discovery’s Future Breen Can Finish What They Started On DS9

"to launch an attack against starfleet headquarters... even my people never attempted that." - general martok.

Star Trek: Discovery 's dark future timeline isn't the first time that the Breen have attacked Federation Headquarters . The Breen's first act after allying themselves with the Dominion was to launch a devastating attack on Earth in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 7, episode 20, "The Changing Face of Evil". The Breen's attack on Earth in DS9 seriously damaged Federation Headquarters and took a huge chunk out of San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge. Starfleet fought off the attack, destroying the Breen interceptors, but the attack still had the desired effect of seriously damaging the morale of the Federation-Alliance .

The Breen attack on Earth took place in 2375, but the damage was apparently fully repaired by 2376, as revealed in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Pathfinder".

The Breen's attack in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine caused heavy civilian casualties and an unknown number of military losses. However, it was as much a psychological attack as it was a physical one, proving to the Federation that they couldn't even protect their homefront during the Dominion War. The Breen in the 32nd century seem not to care about getting into the heads of their enemies and are instead focused on their total destruction. They may have struck a powerful blow against the Federation 800 years ago, but in Star Trek: Discovery 's 32nd century, the Breen can finish the job with the help of the Progenitors' technology.

Star Trek: Discovery streams Thursdays on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery

Not available

Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, also known as DS9, is the fourth series in the long-running Sci-Fi franchise, Star Trek. DS9 was created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller, and stars Avery Brooks, René Auberjonois, Terry Farrell, and Cirroc Lofton. This particular series follows a group of individuals in a space station near a planet called Bajor.

Star Trek: Discovery

star trek breen

star trek breen

This Star Trek: Discovery Finale Scene Made Burnhams Ship Infinitely More Cool

The USS Discovery's saucer separation in Star Trek: Discovery 's series finale made Captain Michael Burnham's (Sonequa Martin-Green) starship even cooler. I was an early adopter of Star Trek: Discovery, and one reason why is that I was dazzled by the show's production values, especially the stunning USS Discovery itself. Star Trek: Discovery' s eponymous Crossfield Class starship is a sleek and roomy science vessel that also housed the show's greatest (and most controversial) innovation: the displacement-activated spore hub drive.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 was a sequel to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "The Chase." Discovery followed up on TNG 's reveal that a race dubbed the Progenitors seeded the galaxy with humanoid life. Captain Burnham and the USS Discovery's interstellar hunt for the clues to the Progenitors' treasure took Michael into an interdimensional space where the ancient technology was hidden. Meanwhile, the USS Discovery led by Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) was outmatched by a Breen dreadnought, with even more Breen on the way. But Discovery beat the Breen by taking a page from Star Trek: The Next Generation 's playbook.

USS Discoverys Saucer Separation Made Captain Burnhams Ship Even Cooler

One last tng tribute by discovery season 5.

I loved that the USS Discovery did a saucer separation in Star Trek: Discovery season 5's finale. It was a perfect respectful, final ode to Star Trek: The Next Generation , which introduced the USS Enterprise-D's ability to split its saucer and stardrive sections. Even better, Disco's saucer separation was the key to overcoming the might of the Breen. With the Breen dreadnought caught between Discovery's saucer and stardrive sections, Commander Rayner ordering a spore drive jump instantly sent the Breen to the Galactic Barrier. It was as if Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: The Next Generation teamed up , and I adore that symbolism.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Finale Ending & Shocking Epilogue Explained

Star Trek: Discovery comes to an end with season 5's finale wrapping up the Progenitors treasure hunt and an epilogue concluding the entire series.

The USS Discovery's saucer separation was a fantastic surprise because it was never previously established that Discovery could be split in two. Even better was that Discovery's saucer separation was used tactically to achieve victory. On Star Trek: The Next Generation , the USS Enterprise-D's saucer separation was usually a defensive or emergency measure to safeguard the population in the saucer section. But Discovery used saucer separation for offense. It's the coolest saucer separation in Star Trek , and only the USS Discovery could have done it.

Why Didn't USS Discovery Do A Saucer Separation Before?

There was no need to separate discovery's saucer.

It's possible the USS Discovery wasn't originally designed to separate its saucer from its stardrive section. Although the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series was purportedly able to execute a saucer separation, it never happened due to budget issues, the limited special effects of the 1960s, and lack of story purpose. If Captain James T. Kirk's (William Shatner) Enterprise could have separated its saucer, maybe the USS Discovery could have too. But it wasn't necessary in Star Trek: Discovery' s first two seasons for Disco to separate its saucer.

Star Trek Beyond saw the USS Enterprise execute an emergency saucer separation in the alternate Kelvin timeline.

It's hard to see how a saucer separation would have benefited the USS Discovery in Star Trek: Discovery season 1's Klingon War or the multi-ship battle against Control that ended Star Trek: Discovery season 2 . It's also possible that saucer separation is a new feature that came with the USS Discovery's refit with 32nd-century programmable matter technology in Star Trek: Discovery season 3. Between saucer separation and its spore drive, there isn't another ship in Star Trek that boasts the level of cool factor as Captain Michael Burnham's USS Discovery.

Star Trek: Discovery

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Directors Jonathan Frakes, Olatunde Osunsanmi

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

This Star Trek: Discovery Finale Scene Made Burnhams Ship Infinitely More Cool

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  • September 5, 2024 | Interview: Elias Toufexis Talks Breen Backstory And Not Playing L’ak As A Villain In ‘Star Trek: Discovery’
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First Wave From New Star Trek Starships Die Cast Collection Revealed; Pre-Orders Open Today

star trek breen

| September 6, 2024 | By: Staff 30 comments so far

The baton for making die-cast Star Trek ships passed to Fanhome earlier this year and today we are getting our first look at the actual models from the first wave. The new Starship Collection launches in November and you can now pre-order ships to extend (or start) your collection.

Fanhome’s Starships Collection begins

Fanhomes’s new collection will cover all the modern Star Trek series including Picard , Strange New Worlds , Discovery , Lower Decks and Prodigy . Fanhome is working with Paramount Global to ensure the models are as accurate as possible and they will all be based on the original visual effects models that were used to make the effects for the show.

The new Official Star Trek Starship Collection is being sold as a monthly subscription service, much like the old Eaglemoss collection, and in fact the series is being supervised by Ben Robinson, who also headed up the Eagelmoss Star Trek products. Fanhome starts taking pre-orders today , September 6th, and the models are expected to ship to customers in early November. The list price for the first ship – the U.S.S. Titan-A (from Picard season 3) – is $44.95. Subsequent ships will be priced at $55.00, all with free shipping and you can cancel any time.

star trek breen

USS Titan-A model

The ships in the collection are constructed with a combination of die-cast metal and high-quality ABS resin. The typical model measures between 7 and 9-inches (180-225 mm) long. The designs are all based on the original visual effects models that were used to produce the shows. Each ship in the new collection comes with a 16-page magazine that profiles the ship in the Star Trek universe and explores the design process with exclusive art and brand-new interviews with the production team.

star trek breen

USS Titan magazine included with model

Following the Titan, here are the next five ships planned as part of “Stage 1” of the new collection…

U.S.S. Stargazer NCC-82893 (Sagan class) from Star Trek: Picard Season 2

star trek breen

USS Stargazer model

U.S.S. Farragut NCC-1647 from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1

star trek breen

USS Farragut model

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-F from Star Trek: Picard Season 3

star trek breen

Enterprise-F model

S.S. Eleos XII NAR-59019 from Star Trek: Picard Season 3

star trek breen

SS Eleos model

The Shrike from Star Trek: Picard Season 3

star trek breen

The Shrike model

Fanhome has more than 20 ships planned for the collection. There will also be several oversized replicas of the most significant ships, which will be approximately 11 inches (280 mm) long (available individually and to subscribers for a premium). Subscribers will also get other exclusive gifts. Pre-orders for the subscription service open today.

Ship models will also be available individually the month after they are made available for subscribers.  Individually purchased ships will be priced at $64.99 each plus $5 for shipping.

For more details or to pre-order, visit .

Keep up with all the Star Trek collectables in TrekMovie’s collectibles category

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Will the window alignment be better with these?

Probably, but you won’t be able to see them on the Titan since Captain Shaw liked it dark.

Ùgh, I can answer my own question.

There’s some high res photos on some Facebook groups. Window alignment is terrible.

At these inflated prices, it’s a hard pass for me.

What is the window alignment problem? I’ve heard the term a lot, but it’s nothing that my eyes are obviously drawn to when I look at these pics.

What are people seeing that’s a problem?

I don’t collect these models myself but I have read that the die-cast windows aren’t always aligned correctly with the window paint.

The Titan-A / Enterprise-G model looks amazing!

I’ve never heard of an NAR ship designation before. Nice to see they added that. It’s a nice touch to add some “realism” to the ships to me. The Navy has similar ship designations for civilian/support ships that support military operations. Combat ships get the USS (United States Ship) designation while USNS (United States Naval Vessel) is designated a support ship. Likewise the Royal Navy does this with the HMS (His Majesty’s Ship) combat ships and RFA (Royal Fleet Auxiliary).

It’s from the Berman era. The Raven had an NAR registry.

What does NAR stand for?

From an Old time ‘Trekkie’ (the ORIGINAL SERIES), WE were told, at the First New York S.T.Conv., U.S.S., Meant United Star-Ship, NOT United STATES, Starship. Also, the disaster, that almost ended us, was the EUGENICS WARS !

It’s also been call United Space Ship.

NCC and NAR have never been described.

United Systems Starship (uggh, I know I know) was also mentioned, I think in TMOST.

Not entirely correct. As far as I know NCC means Naval Construction Contract

Snugglepuff was clearly referring to what “USS” means in the context of the US Navy.

In the Star Trek universe, I always thought “USS” indeed meant “United Star Ship,” although I suppose it could also mean “United Starfleet Ship.”

IIRC, Malcolm Reed said that a relative served about a Royal Navy submarine called HMS Clement that suffered a Kursk-like disaster. So that abbreviation appears to survive until around that time at least.

eheh yes there is a drydock with reg NAR-30974. Funny, I use that as my WiFi SSID.

10.6″ XL Odyssey-class… sold!

Per the Fanhome site, other upcoming XL (up to12″) versions are: Enterprise-G-labeled connie 3, Voyager-A & Protostar

Disappointed to see those cursed stands are back. I’ve got a romulan warbird with a cracked nacelle due to the poor quality of these stands.

They straight up don’t deliver to Canada, at all. Looks like they lost out on a collective $1400 from this trekkie.

Apparently we’re not allowed to watch Prodigy either.

These all look nice but I just can’t get behind it fully at this price point. I will have to pick and choose instead of collecting all. I really wish that either Star Trek Micro-Machines or something similar would get a relaunch or maybe a line like the Star Wars Micro-Galaxy Squadron could happen but with Star Trek ships.

I would love a new wave of micro machines. They were awesome! A re-release and update are well over due

Not impressed with the lack of detail on the Farragut especially around the bridge, I’d expect more for $55

Why only shipping to US,UK or Germany???! They are losing so much business from global fans.

The run is limited also. They may not have faith in these selling well. After all, the DSC line cost Eaglemoss badly, they couldn’t give those ships away, LOL

I have every one of the Discovery line, and the 31st/32nd century Constitution class USS Armstrong NCC -325XXX is rumored to be made as it was a last minute cancellation when Eaglemoss went bankrupt. I tried to watch the show, didn’t like it, but loved the outlandish ship designs, especially the Voyager NCC-74656-J and USS Jubayr.

Star Trek is for Americans and Britts only. What are you even doing on this site.

Protostar in next wave, please and thank you.

I used to have the old pewter models that you could paint yourself, I think they cost $5-8 each

They need to get with Bandai to make some snap together model kits. Would give them all the money for those.

These expensive die cast things aren’t really for me, but cool for those that are into them that someone is continuing it.

Memory Alpha

Breen attack on Earth

The Breen attack on Earth was a surprise attack against Earth launched by the forces of the Breen Confederacy in late 2375 . Although most of the attacking Breen interceptors were destroyed by Starfleet defenses, the raid caused massive damage to its intended target of Starfleet Headquarters , and the greater city of San Francisco including the Golden Gate Bridge .

The attack was a major blow to Federation morale and an equally major boost to the power of the Dominion . This bold military strike marked the Breen 's entry into the Dominion War . Klingon General Martok remarked on the daring of the act, saying " even my people never attempted that. " ( DS9 : " The Changing Face of Evil ")

Several days later, Chief Miles O'Brien cited the attack as likely being responsible for Commander Hilliard 's odd behavior towards Doctor Julian Bashir . ( DS9 : " When It Rains... ") The damage caused by this attack was repaired by 2376 . ( VOY : " Pathfinder ")

In 3191 , as a Breen dreadnaught approached the USS Federation , Commander Rayner reminded Admiral Charles Vance and President T'Rina of the devastating attack on Earth which was the last time that the Breen had crossed into Federation space. Vance insisted that the Breen had only pulled it off because Starfleet was caught flat-footed and it wouldn't happen again. Shortly thereafter, Lieutenant Sylvia Tilly brought up the attack to Commander Paul Stamets , stating that the Breen had destroyed an entire city. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

The attack may have been the first successful attack on Earth to occur in nearly two centuries. Dialogue in " Homefront " and " Paradise Lost " suggests that the last such occasion was during either the Xindi incident or the Earth-Romulan War .

The damage caused by the Breen attack was limited in comparison to the massive planetary damage depicted in previous examples of orbital bombardment , such as in " The Die is Cast ". This suggests that perhaps Starfleet was able to mitigate the damage somehow or that Breen were reluctant to inflict massive civilian casualties, fearing retaliation.

In the first draft script of " The Changing Face of Evil ", the Breen were established as having used highly effective cloaking devices to carry out this attack. Weyoun speculated that the Federation would be finding bodies in the rubble for days after the incident.

Apocrypha [ ]

The non- canon short story "Eleven Hours Out" from the anthology Tales of the Dominion War tells of major involvement of Jean-Luc Picard and the USS Enterprise -E in stopping the raiding Breen ships. It also states that an orbital defense platform was taken over by an agent of the Dominion and used to destroy any incoming vessels. "Safe Harbors" in the same anthology mentions that New York was attacked as well, But as Scotty and McCoy are piloting a runabout , they are relieved to see the Statue of Liberty survived intact. After the attack, the Breen officially announced that they were breaking off diplomatic relations with the Federation and entering into an alliance with the Dominion.

The non-canon Dominion War supplement for the Last Unicorn game goes further in-depth on the attack, stating that Beijing, Paris , and New York City were also attacked by Breen fighters, and a total of 22 million people were killed. Star Trek Online , however, claims that the attack only killed 2,147 people.

In the Star Trek Online Agents of Yesterday mission "Vorgon Conclusions", the player character is dropped off at this timeframe in pursuit of the Vorgon Ajur and Boratus . They are able to defeat a number of Breen ships and drive off an invasion of Starfleet Headquarters before confronting the two. Several "News Reports" that can be accessed during the mission reveal the state of the ongoing battle, including that the USS Cairo and the USS Enterprise -E participated in the battle, the latter would reinforce the Tales of the Dominion War short story.

External link [ ]

  • Raid on San Francisco at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

32 Star Trek Actors Who Played Multiple Characters

One role just wasn't enough for some.

Brent Spiner on Star Trek: The Next Generation

If you watch Star Trek shows a lot, like I do, you start to notice some familiar faces. With decades of television shows and movies under its belt, it's only natural that the franchise has approached actors to play multiple roles over the years. Sometimes, it was because it made sense for the character, but other times, it just seemed like the franchise loved working with that person. 

Today, we acknowledge both of those roles. Some of these actors you'll know quite well, and others you might not even realize it was them beneath all of those prosthetics and makeup. Let's dive in, and talk about these special actors who took on multiple roles during their time in Star Trek . 

Lore in Star Trek: Picard Season 3 on Paramount+

Brent Spiner

This one is fairly obvious if you've watched Star Trek: The Next Generation , you've seen Brent Spiner play more roles than just Data. He's played his Synth twins Lore and B4, as well as various members of the Soong family across several shows. It's a fun recurring bit, and one fans are never upset to see. 

Jason Alexander as Kuros

Jason Alexander

Since  leaving the  Seinfeld  cast , Jason Alexander has performed a couple of Star Trek roles. He played the merchant Kuros in Star Trek: Voyager and is also the voice of Dr. Noum in the animated series Prodigy . Both characters are wildly different, and show a side of Alexander that casual viewers may not have seen before. 

Thomas Kopache as a train engineer in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Thomas Kopache

If Thomas Kopache's face looks familiar to Star Trek fans, it's because he's been in a good deal of shows. The actor has held minor roles in The Next Generation , Voyager , Enterprise , Deep Space Nine , and even the movie Star Trek Generations . From a Starfleet communications officer to a Vulcan, one might never know where he'll pop up!

Tony Todd as older Jake Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's "The Visitor"

While he may be more well-known for his role in Candyman which required a lot of bee stings , Tony Todd is a beloved figure in the Star Trek universe. He played a recurring role as the Klingon Kurn in TNG and DS9 , an Alpha Hirogen in Voyager , but many may most remember his role as the older Jake Sisko in "The Visitor."  

Tuvok playing Kal-Toh

Tim Russ was a beloved part of Star Trek: Voyage r's main cast as the Vulcan Tuvok, but that wasn't his only role in the franchise. He first popped up in The Next Generation as the mercenary Devor, and later in Deep Space Nine as a Klingon named T'Kar.


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Dr. Pulaski looking at the view screen

Diana Muldaur

Diana Muldaur had a few roles in the original Star Trek , but it was in The Next Generation she made her biggest contribution to the franchise. Dr. Katherine Pulaski served on the Enterprise while Beverly Crusher was away, and had a brief fling with Riker's father. Her tenure was short, though Bev fans would argue not short enough. 

Todd Stashwick in Star Trek: Picard

Todd Stashwick

Star Trek: Picard fans will sooner remember Todd Stashwick as the prickly Captain Shaw from Season 3, but that was not the actor's first role in the franchise. He had a smaller role as the Vulcan Talok in Star Trek: Enterprise . It's far less notable compared to the anti-hero he played in Picard , but still worth checking out. 

Annorax on Star Trek: Voyager on Paramount+

Kurtwood Smith

While readers may know him better as the hot-headed Red Forman in That 70s Show , Kurtwood Smith also had a couple of high-profile roles in Star Trek . He was the Federation President in Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country , as well as the obsessive captain Annorax in the iconic Voyager episode "Year of Hell." 

Jeffrey combs in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Jeffrey Combs

I don't think there's a more famous guest star among die-hard Star Trek fans. He's played many roles across all shows, even if you exclude the numerous clones of the Deep Space Nine character Weyoun. There are way too many to post for this entry, but personally, I would say his role as the Andorian Shran on Enterprise is among the best. 

Ken Mitchell in Star Trek: Discovery

Ken Mitchell

Actor Ken Mitchell was known for various roles across Star Trek: Discovery and Lower Decks and didn't let his diagnosis of ALS get in the way of interacting with the fandom along the way. The actor was remembered by many Trek actors and fans when he passed in February of 2024 . 

Nog being lectured by Sisko

Aron Eisenberg

In addition to his incredible journey as Nog in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , actor Aron Eisenberg also had a brief role in Voyager . He played the young Kazon named Kardon in "Initiations," and once readers know that, they won't have trouble spotting him in the episode. 

Kes and Tom in Star Trek: Voyager

Robert Duncan McNeill

Before he was the daring and sometimes troublesome Tom Paris on Star Trek: Voyager , Robert Duncan McNeill had played an almost identical character on The Next Generation by the name of Nicholas Locarno. Canonically, they're just two separate guys who look identical and have very similar personalities, as weird as that may be.  

The Borg Queen confronting Seven Of Nine

Susanna Thompson

Before she stepped in as the Borg Queen in Star Trek: Voyager , actress Susanna Thompson did some smaller guest roles for the franchise. She played roles like a Vulcan and an illusion in  The Next Generation  and was also a Trill scientist on  Deep Space Nine . 

Martok talking to Sisko about marriage

J.G. Hertzler

J.G. Hertzler's Martok was a beloved character for Deep Space Nine fans, but the actor also played a litany of minor characters in the series as well. He also did the same for The Next Generation , and even did some voice work for Lower Decks . 

Majel Barrett in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Majel Barrett

An accomplished actress and the wife of creator Gene Roddenberry, Majel Barrett was in Star Trek from the very beginning. While her role as "Number One" wasn't resurrected until Star Trek: Discovery and later in Strange New Worlds , she was featured in TOS as Nurse Chapel and was beloved as Lwaxana Troi in TNG and DS9 . She also did tons of voice work for the franchise, including the voice of most of the computers up until the modern era. 

Saavik in The Search For Spock

Robin Curtis 

After Kirstie Alley was allegedly blocked from returning to play Saavik, actress Robin Curtis came in to fill the role in Star Trek III: The Search For Spock . Following her work on that, she was also welcomed onto the set of The Next Generation to play the Vulcan posing as a Romulan named Tallera. 

star trek breen

George Murdock

George Murdock had two notable roles in Star Trek, but it's fair to say they're both substantial. He played "God" in Star Trek V: The Voyage Home , as well as Picard's friend and Starfleet Vice Admiral J.P. Hanson in The Next Generation . With roles like that, one has to wonder, "What would an actor want with a third role?" 

John Fleck as Silik in Star Trek: Enterprise

John Fleck has been in a lot of Star Trek , but due to fact he was always wearing prosthetics, fans may not be aware. If they watched Enterprise , no doubt they remember his Suliban character, Silik, who was a bit of a rival to Archer throughout the run of the series. 

The Keeper in The Cage

Malachi Throne

Malachi Throne was there at the very beginning of Star Trek , playing The Keeper in the pilot episode "The Cage." Throne would be welcomed back in a couple of TOS roles, and wrap up his time in TNG as the Romulan senator Pardek. Malachi passed in 2013, but it's fair to say he was instrumental in the success of the franchise with his first role. 

L'ak in Star Trek: Discovery

Elias Toufexis

Elias Toufexis played one of the main antagonists L'ak in Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, but that wasn't the first time he appeared in the series. Go all the way back to Season 1, and he played the criminal Cold, who tried to jump Michael Burnham in the mess hall with another prisoner named Psycho. Not the best thing to be proud of for a role, but at least Toufexis got to play the first unmasked Breen in Trek history, which he was understandably thrilled about . 

Armin Shimerman as Quark in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Armin Shimerman

Armin Shimerman made us all laugh as Quark in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , but it wasn't his only role in the franchise. Hilariously enough, he played a couple of other Ferengi in TNG , which might be why some fans think every Ferengi acts like him. He also played that weird Betazoid Gift Box in the "Haven" episode, though was not credited for the role. 

Worf on Star Trek: Picard on Paramount+

Michael Dorn

Michael Dorn famously played the Klingon Worf across more episodes than any other Star Trek character, but he also has another role people tend to forget. Some might forget his role as Colonel Worf in Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country , where he's an attorney meant to be an ancestor of the future Starfleet character. 

Holographic representation of René Auberjonois' Odo in Star Trek: Prodigy

René Auberjonois

There are few characters in Star Trek as iconic as Odo, and if that were the only role René Auberjonois gave us before his untimely passing, many would be ok with that. It's not his only role, however, as we can see him without his prosthetics in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country as Colonel West. 

Barbara Babcock in Star Trek

Barbara Babcock

Actress Barbara Babcock may have only had roles on the original Star Trek , but the show made the most of her. In addition to her two live-action roles, she did voice work for the cat Isis, Loskene, and the Zetarians just to name a few. Her prints are all over the original series, and she's definitely one of the more underrated guest stars of the bunch. 

Juliana talking to Data in The Next Generation

Fionnula Flanagan

Fionnula Flanagan might've made all of us shed a tear playing the unaware Android Juliana Tainer, but also popped up in places outside of Star Trek: The Next Generation . She played the Vulcan diplomat V'Lar in Enterprise , and the former lover of Curzon Dax Enina Tandro in Deep Space Nine . 

Clint Howard In Star Trek

Clint Howard

Few actors can say they started their career with a role in Star Trek , and later returned to play it in adulthood. I think perhaps the coolest thing about Howard's various roles is that he not only appeared in the original series, but was more recently in Season 2 of Strange New Worlds . Talk about sticking with a franchise across the decades!

Neelix on Star Trek: Voyager

Ethan Phillips

Ethan Phillips' Neelix brought a lot of personality to Star Trek: Voyager , so of course it makes sense it wasn't the only role the actor ever did. He had a small role as a waiter in First Contact and later showed up in TNG and Enterprise as a Ferengi. A pretty impressive run for someone who stood out as much on his original series, but well-deserved all the same. 

Mark Lenard as Sarek in

Mark Lenard

Mark Lenard is a national treasure in Star Trek , especially considering the powerful roles he had outside of playing Spock's father Sarek. We also see him as one of the unnamed commanders in the iconic episode "Balance Of Terror," and he also played a Klingon Captain in Star Trek: The Motion Picture . 

Gowron bulging his eyes

Robert O'Reilly

While the wild-eyed Gowron will always be the most notable role Robert O'Reilly ever did, he also had some smaller roles aside from that. This included playing a mobster in The Next Generation . He also played an accountant in Deep Space Nine , as well as a very creepy-looking Klingon in Enterprise , though I'd rather not talk about the last one because the visual freaks me out. 

Zefram Cochrane in Star Trek: First Contact

James Cromwell

Beyond playing one of the most important characters in Star Trek , Zefram Cochrane, James Cromwell has had a couple of other random roles in the franchise. This includes the mole rat-looking Jaglom Shrek in The Next Generation , as well as the Karemma Hanok on Deep Space Nine . 

Crosis in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Brian Cousins

The actor who terrified Star Trek: The Next Generation fans as the Borg "Crosis" ended up making a couple of appearances as other characters. He played a Romulan named Parem two seasons before his Borg role, and would later be cast in Enterprise to play a character by the name of Paltani in the episode "The Catwalk." 

Assan in Voyager ahead of racing Tom Paris

Patrick Kilpatrick

The Imhotep species of Voyager are some of the most unique aliens I've seen in the show, so it's a shame we only got a small bit of Patrick Kilpatrick's character. While the actor had the one-and-done appearance as that species, he also played a Kazon in the series, and later popped up in Deep Space Nine as a soldier in the Dominion War. 

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.

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star trek breen


  1. Breen

    star trek breen

  2. Breen

    star trek breen

  3. Secrets of Star Trek's Mysterious Aliens, The Breen

    star trek breen

  4. Star Trek Unveils the Breen's Terrifying Ultimate Weapon, THE CHIMERA

    star trek breen

  5. Star Trek's Breen: The Mysterious Villains Explained

    star trek breen


    star trek breen


  1. Breen

    The Breen were a reclusive and warlike humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. Learn about their history, biology, culture, technology, and appearances in Star Trek media.

  2. Breen (Star Trek)

    The Breen are a mysterious and powerful species in the Star Trek franchise, first mentioned in The Next Generation and later featured in Deep Space Nine and Discovery. They have a cold homeworld, no blood, and a history of resisting and fighting against the Klingons, Romulans, and the Federation.

  3. Who Are the Breen?

    Learn about the Breen, a mysterious and aggressive humanoid species that has clashed with many Alpha Quadrant powers. Discover their political past, physiology, culture, role in the Dominion War, and future threat in the 32nd Century.

  4. 8 New Details Star Trek: Discovery Revealed About DS9's Breen

    The Breen from Star Trek: DS9 return in Discovery season 5, episode 5, "Mirrors". Learn about their culture, their faces, their blood bounty, and their romance with Moll and L'ak.

  5. Star Trek's Breen: The Mysterious Villains Explained

    Learn about the Breen, a reclusive and powerful alien race that appeared in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Lower Decks. Discover their history, appearance, weapons, and role in the Dominion War.

  6. Star Trek Confirms the Breen Are Powerful Enough to Destroy the Federation

    The Breen are a highly mysterious and powerful species in the Star Trek universe, and were a major player in the last days of the Dominion War.; Sons of Star Trek #1 explores an alternate reality where the Breen are winning a war against the Federation.; Never underestimate the Breen, - their advanced technology and ruthless tactics make them a formidable adversary.

  7. Breen

    Breen is the name of a group of humanoid species that live in the Breen Confederacy. They are secretive, aggressive, and immune to telepathy, and have fought with the Federation and the Dominion in the past.

  8. Breen Imperium

    The Breen Imperium was a 32nd century interstellar state that opposed the Federation. Learn about its history, civil war, and involvement with the Progenitors' technology.

  9. Breen Confederacy

    An overview and history of the Alpha Quadrant's most reclusive and secretive power: The Breen Confederacy. Emerging only in the last year of the Dominion War...

  10. One Trek Mind -- A Tip of the Cap to the Breen

    A blog post that explores the mysterious and enigmatic Breen species from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Learn about their possible connection to the Founders, their culture and their appearance in the show and books.

  11. Star Trek Just Addressed One of Deep Space Nine's Biggest Unanswered

    The Star Trek: Discovery episode "Mirrors" shows the Breen, a mysterious alien species from Deep Space Nine, without their helmets for the first time. We also learn more about their appearance, language, and political system, as well as their connection to the Progenitor tech.

  12. Breen Confederacy

    Star Trek. The Breen Confederacy was the isolationist government of the Breen, located in the Alpha Quadrant. Shrouded in mystery, the Breen Confederacy were one of the most underestimated powers in that quadrant of space. In addition to Breen itself, Portas V was part of the Breen Confederacy.

  13. One Of Star Trek's Biggest Mysteries Was Just Solved And It Explains

    The Breen are a mysterious and deadly race that allied with the Dominion in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In Star Trek: Discovery, we learn what they look like under their masks and why they wear them, as well as their connection to the Founders.

  14. Who Are The Breen In Star Trek?

    The Breen are a mysterious and warlike alien species that appear in several Star Trek shows. Learn about their origin, appearance, language, and role in the Dominion War.

  15. Star Trek: Discovery Finally Gave Us A Closer Look At The ...

    The scavengers Moll and L'ak, who have been chasing the Progenitor treasure, are revealed to be Breen in the latest episode of "Star Trek: Discovery". The Breen are a mysterious alien species with two faces, one solid and one translucent, and a complex heritage.

  16. Star Trek Finally Revealed What The Breen Look Like Under The Mask

    The Breen are referenced several more times throughout that series and "Star Trek: Voyager," with each mention adding equal parts intrigue and insight to fans' knowledge of the mysterious race.

  17. Star Trek: Who Are The Breen?

    Originally meant to be just a one-off species of the Star Trek franchise, the Breen were first mentioned in the fourth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1990. Even though they were ...

  18. Star Trek: 10 Things We Now Know About The Breen

    Learn about the mysterious and enigmatic Breen, a species that first appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation and became a major antagonist in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Discover their origin, appearance, motives, and secrets in this comprehensive guide.

  19. DS9's Breen Comeback Sets Up Star Trek: Discovery's ...

    The Breen, a warlike alien species from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, return in Star Trek: Discovery season 5 to threaten the Federation with a powerful weapon. Burnham and Rayner must stop the Breen from using the Progenitors' technology to destroy the USS Discovery and the entire galaxy in a dark alternate timeline.

  20. Breen

    Learn about the Breen, a powerful and mysterious Alpha Quadrant species who evolved on a frozen planet. Discover their unique physiology, technology, history and culture.

  21. How powerful were the Breen? : r/startrek

    It's very unclear IMO; the Breen are not consistently portrayed. In DS9 they apparently have enough military strength to make useful allies to the Dominion, and they are even able to get through Earth's defense perimeter, but once they do, all they manage to destroy is the Golden Gate Bridge and a few surrounding buildings.

  22. Breen interceptor

    Background information []. The Breen ship was designed by John Eaves and executed as a CGI model by Doug Drexler; for more information see DS9 studio model.. The vessel was simply identified as "Breen ship" in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; the term "Breen interceptor" was first used in Star Trek: Lower Decks.It is unknown whether the unseen "Breen warship" referenced in the DS9 episode ...

  23. This Star Trek: Discovery Finale Scene Made Burnhams Ship Infinitely

    Star Trek: Discovery season 5 was a sequel to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, "The Chase."Discovery followed up on TNG's reveal that a race dubbed the Progenitors seeded the galaxy ...

  24. First Wave From New Star Trek Starships Die Cast Collection Revealed

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  25. Phoenix Prize Pack Event & Double XP Week

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  26. Breen attack on Earth

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. The Breen attack on Earth was a surprise attack against Earth launched by the forces of the Breen Confederacy in late 2375. Although most of the attacking Breen interceptors were destroyed by Starfleet defenses, the raid caused massive damage to its intended target of Starfleet Headquarters, and...

  27. 32 Star Trek Actors Who Played Multiple Characters

    (Image credit: Paramount+) Jeffrey Combs. I don't think there's a more famous guest star among die-hard Star Trek fans. He's played many roles across all shows, even if you exclude the numerous ...