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Goechala Trek

The closest you can get to Mt Kanchenjunga without climbing it

sikkim himalayan trek



sikkim himalayan trek


sikkim himalayan trek


The biggest reason to do the Goechala trek is the grand views of the big mountains you see. You don’t just see one summit — the Kanchenjunga — but 14 other big summits. That’s a lot for any trek — especially as close to the eyes as on the Goechala trek. It is no wonder that trekkers consider Goechala to be the closest to the big mountain treks of Nepal.

Before we dive into the details about the Goechala trek, here is a little backdrop of why Goechala is well-known among trekkers all over the world:

While the trail to Goechala is old, it wasn’t always so famous. The change that occurred during the Nepalese Civil War lasted from 1996 to 2006.

Disturbances in Nepal during this time shut the country to trekkers. Suddenly trekking to the highest mountains of the world was out of bounds. It was a massive blow to the trekkers, who frantically started looking for alternatives.

At that time, Goechala emerged as the closest solace. The trail promised a brilliant close-up of the third highest mountain in the world and offered breathtaking views of the Singalila range from Dzongri Top.

Sunrise on the Kanchenjunga Range

One of the biggest highlights of the Goechala trek is the sunrise scene on the Kanchenjunga range. Even though trekkers are not allowed to the actual Goecha Pass, the view from ViewPoint 1 and Dzongri is worth an arm and a leg!

Rhododendrons in April and May

The trail to Goechala is blessed with rhododendron forests. And come spring-summer months of April and May, they burst to life with pink and red flowers! It’s an enormously pleasant walk through the wooden-log trails of these jungles!

The Samiti Lake

Samiti Lake is another big attraction on the Goechala trek. The view of the still waters, and the reflection of Mt Pandim in the lake, especially in the early hours, is a visual treat.

Goechala - Complete Trek Information

We have always wanted trekkers to be well-informed before they go on a Himalayan trek . Knowledge is the difference between a safe trek and a dangerous one. It’s also the difference between a wholesome experience and a superficial experience.

Use this section to learn about the Goechala trek. It has in-depth information about each day of the trek, what to expect, and how you need to prepare for it. Many years of expertise have gone into this content. Trekkers find that extremely useful.

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How Difficult is the Goechala Trek?

This will tell you just how fit you must be

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Best Time to do the Goechala Trek

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How to Reach the Base Camp

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Expert Speak

Sandhya UC, Co-Founder, COO

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Sandhya is a founding partner at Indiahikes. Over the past ten years, she has explored and put on the map a few of the greatest Himalayan treks in India, including Kashmir Great Lakes and Kedarkantha. She is a TedX Speaker and has been awarded the " Women of Worth" Award by Outlook Business in 2017. She believes in sustainable living just as she believes in sustainable trekking.

Here’s Sandhya talking about one of the well-known treks in our country.

What I Like and Don’t Like About the Goechala Trek

What I Like About the Goechala Trek

Sandhya is a founding partner at Indiahikes. Over the past ten years, she has explored and put on the map a few of the greatest Himalayan treks in India, including Kashmir Great Lakes and Kedarkantha. She is a TedX Speaker and has been awarded the "Women of Worth" Award by Outlook Business in 2017. She believes in sustainable living just as she believes in sustainable trekking. Here’s Sandhya talking about one of the well-known treks in our country.

1 . Dense jungle at 12,000 feet

There are very few treks with tree lines at such a high altitude. If you compare it with treks from Uttarakhand or Himachal Pradesh, the tree line skirts around 10,000 ft. But not on this trek which snakes through the Kanchenjunga National Park. And I found that exceptional. This is also one of the  Best Himalayan treks for Bird Watching . 

Especially the thick canopy of Rhododendron trees which flower during the misty spring and are dark and cold during autumn.

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Trekking through thick rhododendron forests is a walk you will remember for a long time. Picture taken by Vishal Gupta

2 . Three suspension bridges

You will cross these suspension bridges over three deep gorges – Pha Khola, Tshushay Khola and Mentogang Khola –  through which the Prekchu river flows. I was taken aback by how suddenly the bridges appeared. And the experience of staring into the deep gorge from these suspension bridges is rare.

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Kanchenjunga National Park is blessed with dense jungles, through which you trek the initial 3 days. You will also cross suspension bridges on your first day of the trek. Picture by Sarth Rastogi

3 . A monastery at Tshoka

This happens on the second day. Now you are almost at 9,500 ft and there is a monastery here! Can you believe that?

The monastery is not exactly at Tsokha. You will need to take a trail that goes out of the campsite and cross a wooden bridge over a pond. It’s such a peaceful setting. I’ve always seen mountains as a place where you can meditate. And so I was elated to find this monastery plonked into the Goechala trek.

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Tshoka is a unique campsite with a monastery at almost 10,000 ft, and a small pond close by. Picture by the Indiahikes team

4 . Dramatic changes in scene

The first one is from Tsokha to Dzongri. Initially, the trail meanders through rhododendron and pine trees. But on reaching Phedang, the dense forest cover suddenly gives way to a barren terrain. The change is startling.

Another dramatic change in scenery is from Kokchurang to Thansing. Here the Prekchu river, which you had seen flowing deep in the gorges, suddenly cuts through the jungle. Yes, now you are with the river.

And it lends such a mystical ambience to the setting. The shift in scene, with a wooden bridge going over the river, was surprising.

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The wooden bridge that connects the trail from Kokchurang over the Prek Chu river gives you an eerie feeling when the clouds sweep low. Picture by Bhaskar Debnath

5 . First sunrise on Kanchenjunga from Dzongri Top

This is the acclimatization day where you stay at Dzongri. Early morning, wake up at 4.30 am and head to Dzongri top at 13,670 ft. It is a steep climb. But worth it.

I still remember the first time I saw the morning rays lighting up Mt. Kanchenjunga. The mountain changes colour as the morning progresses. And you get a panoramic view from the Dzongri top. It was a different feeling altogether. An unforgettable sight that has stayed with me.

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The first light of the sun on Kanchenjunga makes it up for all the hard work you have done to reach Dzongri Top Picture by Prasath

6 . Camping at the foot of Mt Pandim

Thansing is the most picturesque campsite on the trek. It is a stark meadow on the riverbed of Prekchu. And it lends itself to a unique experience. At Thansing, I pitched my tent just at the foot of Mt. Pandim, right next to Prekchu. Sitting next to the river, watching Mt Pandim for long moments was a magical experience for me altogether.

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Thansing campsite lies right at the foot of Mt Pandim, with the view of Mt Kanchenjunga far ahead in the valley. Picture by Sourav Mukherjee

7 . A perfect challenge for endurance

I have always leaned towards treks that test my endurance. And Goechala does that beautifully. On this trek, you cover 65.7 km in 10 days. And that too with a considerable ascent. Here, although the trails are well-laid, the altitude gain and long days put your endurance to the test.

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The approach to Viewpoint 1 is one of the longest and hardest of all our treks. Doing the trek requires solid physical preparation. Picture by Nikhil Agarwal

8 . The sunrise on Kanchenjunga from View Point 1

Finally, my favourite memory of the treks begins with waking up at 1 am for ViewPoint 1. Initially, I was grumpy about the unearthly hour start. But once we got to ViewPoint 1, everything changed.

Watching the first rays fall on Kanchenjunga is an ethereal experience. It lights up the world’s third-highest mountain along with others with a magical light. I was spellbound. My eyes welled up with tears, just watching the magnificent sight.

And then, on the way back I saw the beautiful Samiti lake. That lake, with its deep turquoise waters, was the perfect finish to the summit day.

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The view of sunrise on Kanchenjunga stays with you for a very long time. Picture by Ashish Bhatt

What I Don't Like About the Goechala Trek

1 . The cramped campsite at Sachen

The campsite on Day 1 of the trek, Sachen is a really small flat land in the middle of the forest inside the Khangchendzonga National Park. There is enough space for just 5-6 tents at a time.

This makes it extremely cramped when compared to the campsites on our other Himalayan treks.

While the lush green atmosphere gives you a feeling that you're somewhere inside a thick rainforest, the lack of space can be a bummer at times.

Trek Trivia

Things Nobody Tells You About Goechala

  • The Story of Yuksom
  • The Rich Biodiversity
  • A Mythical Landscape

Did You Know about the Chogyal Community of Sikkim?

Yuksom is known as the meeting place of three monks. A long time ago, three monks travelled down here from Tibet. They crowned the first king of that region and named the community ‘Chogyal’. Since then, all those who were crowned kings belonged to the Chogyal community. In 1642, the first Chogyal king, Phuntsog Namgyal established Yuksom as the first capital of Sikkim. The Chogyal dynasty ruled there for over 300 years.

The Chogyal community, today too, plays an important role in their society. They banned any expedition in the mountains in the region from the Sikkim side. They considered it a dishonour to their Gods. After putting pressure on the government for some time, the central and state government both finally banned climbing from Sikkim in the early 2000s. That's why Kanchenjunga cannot be climbed from Sikkim and has to be climbed from Nepal.

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Kanchenjunga, a Treasure Trove

Kanchenjunga in Nepali translates to ‘five treasures of snow, as it has five peaks in total. Three of them can be seen from India and two from Nepal.

The Goechala trek takes us through the Kanchenjunga National Park. The significance of this is that it is the first and one of the rarest UNESCO World Heritage Sites which is selected under the Mixed Category (Cultural and Environmental Significance). It has high cultural as well as environmental importance.

Some communities here, like the Lepchas, have traditional practices which are still maintained. The indigenous community of the Lepchas have deep knowledge of medicinal plants. They, along with many other local communities, consider mountains to be their gods. These mountains are seen as sacred and are worshipped. Dense vegetation and myriad flora and fauna can be found here. It is also the home of snow leopards.

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The Myths of Kanchenjunga

A myth of this region is that there is supposed to be a valley to paradise somewhere in the lower reaches of Kanchenjunga. Once, a monk in Sikkim took many followers down this valley, and the whole lot of them were never found again.

Another story from local mythology tells us how Kanchenjunga is said to be the home of Yeti. It is a mythical creature that has never been seen. But folklore has identified massive footprints seen in the Himalayas as those of Yeti. This Yeti is said to be found in the lower reaches of the mountain.

There are stories of the war between the Lepcha community and Yetis too. If you catch hold of people from the Lepcha community, don't forget to ask them about this mythical war.

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Trekking In Sikkim: A Secret Himalayan Paradise (2024)

  • Last Updated: May 10, 2024
  • Asia , Destinations , India

There are many incredible experiences you can have in India. Trekking in Sikkim is one of the very best.

Forget the Taj Mahal and other touristy sights. The untouched Himalayan paradise of Sikkim is beautiful beyond words.

I’ve done several treks in Sikkim and have put together this guide to help you plan your own trekking adventure in this spectacular region.

Table of Contents

Where Is Sikkim?

Sikkim is a tiny state in the northeast of India , in the eastern Himalayas.  Sandwiched between Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan, it’s remote and relatively unexplored.

Before 1975, Sikkim was an independent Buddhist kingdom. 

Today, it’s a fully integrated Indian state.  However, it’s also both geographically and culturally distinct from the rest of the country.  

Most people here speak either Nepali or Tibetan and share many cultural traditions with their Himalayan neighbours.

Why Go Trekking In Sikkim?

When you think of trekking in the Himalayas, the country that springs to mind first is probably Nepal. 

True, Nepal does have extensive mountain infrastructure that is well geared up for foreign trekkers.  Certainly more so than Sikkim.  Nepal also receives far more tourists every year.

Sikkim, on the other hand, is relatively unknown in backpacking/trekking circles.  

This is why it’s so awesome.   You can trek for a whole day here and see very few other people.  Far, far fewer than on the popular trails in Nepal.  

It usually feels like you have this ridiculously beautiful place all to yourself.  You’ll probably see more yaks than people.

The northwest corner of Sikkim is dominated by Mount Kangchenjunga (also spelt Khangchendzonga), the third-highest mountain in the world (at 8,590 metres).  

This giant, its surrounding peaks and forested foothills make up Khangchendzonga National Park, a UNESCO world heritage site .  Many of the best treks in Sikkim are found here.

As well as its staggering physical beauty, Sikkim is also an ecological hotspot .  A huge variety of animals and plants can be found here.  It’s one of the most biologically diverse places on Earth.

This is largely because of the huge differences in altitude found across a relatively small region.

Sikkim’s lowland valleys have a humid tropical climate, which changes to temperate, alpine, then trans-Himalayan cold desert, as you climb higher into the mountains.

Red pandas, wild cats (including snow leopards!), Asian black bears, yaks and Tibetan wolves are all found across Sikkim, as well as countless species of birds.

Important: Trekking Guides

It is mandatory to have a guide for all treks in Khangchendzonga National Park.  You won’t be issued with the necessary permits without one.  (For more on permits, see below.)

There are several companies in Yuksom which can help set you up with a guide. 

Mountain Tours & Travels is a decent option and offers smaller group sizes (minimum 2 people) than most other companies.  

Expect to pay approximately US$50-60 per person per day.

If you’d prefer to do the trek with higher levels of comfort and convenience, this company is more expensive but offers a (comparatively) more luxurious experience.

They include transfers to and from either Bagdogra Airport or NJP railway station.  Click here to learn more and to book.

Best Treks In Sikkim

There are too many incredible treks in Sikkim to mention in this post. 

I’ve chosen a few of the best-known and most accessible treks here to give you a flavour of the awesomeness that you can experience.

The historic village of Yuksom is the former capital of Sikkim.  Its name translates as “ the meeting place of the three learned monks “.  

It’s also the gateway to Khangchendzonga National Park.  Lots of treks start and finish in Yuksom, and it’s a good place to base yourself.

1. Dzongri Trek

The trek from Yuksom to Dzongri (and back again) is probably the most well-known trek in Sikkim.

It is relatively short (50 kilometres, taking 4-5 days to complete, roundtrip), and of moderate difficulty.  

This route would make a perfect introduction to Himalayan trekking.  It’s also a great short-ish hike for more experienced trekkers who are pushed for time but still want to experience fantastic scenery. 

Yuksom lies at 1,780 metres above sea level.  From here, you trek alongside the Rathong River, following a valley gently uphill through lush green forests.  

You’ll see varieties of orchids, rhododendrons, bamboo, ferns, fig trees, magnolias and banana palms.  Keep an eye out for monkeys swinging in the tree tops.

As the valley narrows into a gorge, you’ll cross a few suspension bridges, then the path becomes steeper.  

After a fairly tough couple of hours, climbing up through the cloud forest, you’ll reach Bakhim (2,700 m).  Here you can take a well-deserved break, eat some dal, and enjoy the view.

It’s then a relatively easy hike up to Tsokha (3,000 m), a small yak herders’ settlement, where you’ll probably spend the night.

In clear weather, there are great views from Tsokha, over the Yuksom valley and beyond.

You can either camp here or stay in one of the trekking huts.

From Tsokha, you will climb through pine, magnolia and rhododendron forests.  At points, the path is rocky and steep, and you will notice the air starts to become thinner.  

The scenery is stunning though, and you can take regular rest breaks to enjoy the dramatic views.

With weary legs, you will finally arrive at your destination, Dzongri (4,030 m).  Put up your tent (or nab a spot in one of the trekkers’ huts), grab a steaming bowl of dal, and celebrate.

But not too much.

The next day, you’ll want to wake up at least an hour before dawn…

After an hour or so trudging uphill in the pre-dawn, you reach the top of a hill that rises 300 metres above Dzongri.  Just in time for the sunrise.

Tibetan prayer flags flutter in the breeze, and an epic 360-degree panorama opens up before your eyes.  You are surrounded by giant snow-capped mountains.  

Golden sunlight hits and illuminates each of the towering peaks in turn.  It’s truly awe-inspiring, and a moment that you will remember forever.  

Spend the rest of the day either relaxing in Dzongri or start the long descent back to Yuksom.

From Dzongri it takes about a day and a half to get back down to Yuksom.  Depending on your speed and preference, you can either spend the night at Tsokha or Bakhim.

2. Goecha La Trek

If you’re looking for a slightly longer, more challenging trek , look no further than Goecha La.

This is one of the most famous (and best) hiking trails in India.  The trek is about 90 kilometres in total, takes  7-9 days , and is of moderate-to-hard difficulty.

The first half of the Goecha La trek is identical to the one above.  From Dzongri (4,030 m), trekking uphill becomes more difficult, mainly due to the high altitude.

This is why most people choose to spend two nights at Dzongr i , taking a full day to rest and acclimatise to the altitude.  It’s not strictly essential.  

But by taking this time, you will significantly reduce the risk of altitude sickness later on (and so increase the chances that you’ll be able to make it to Goecha La).  I’d definitely recommend it.

After leaving Dzongri, it’s a relatively straightforward, slightly downhill hike through a rhododendron forest to Thangsing (3,841 m).  Spend another night here.

There’s a trekking hut at Thangsing, or you can camp.

The next day, hike up to Samiti Lake (4,300 m).  Or, if you’re still feeling fit, you can continue up through the glacial moraine to Zemanthang (4,450 m).

The higher you can get, the better.  However don’t push yourself too hard, as the next day is the toughest of the entire trek.

Spend the night at either Samiti Lake or Zemanthang (there’s a hut at the latter).

After hopefully getting a good night’s sleep (high altitude dreams are WEIRD), you rise early to make the final push to Goecha La (5,000 m).  

It’s a long, tough slog, made much harder by the altitude. But at the top, you’ll feel on top of the world.  Even if you’re unlucky with the cloud and fog…

I’m told the views from the top of the pass are out of this world.

Most of the return trek is downhill and takes about three days.  Depending on your pace, you can spend the night at any combination of the teahouses/ camping spots that you stayed at on the way up.

Here’s a collection of the  best hiking quotes and captions .

3. Kangchenjunga Base Camp (add-on to Dzongri Trek)

Kangchenjunga’s name in Tibetan translates as “the five treasures of the high snow”.  The Limbu people also describe it as “the abode of the Gods”.  

The mountain is sacred to local people, and climbers are not allowed to set foot on its peak.

Earth’s third highest mountain (after Mount Everest and K2) also has three base camps.  Two are in Nepal, one is in Sikkim.

The Sikkim base camp (also known as Chowri Khang) is located just below the foot of Rathong glacier, at 4,450 metres.

To get there, it’s a 10-kilometre hike from Dzongri.  This can be done in one, relatively long, day. 

See the section on the Dzongri Trek, above, for details of the first section of the trek.

The Himalayan Mountain Institute runs  mountaineering courses  from Chowri Khang.

You can camp here, and return to Dzongri the next day, before continuing the trek back down to Yuksom.

When To Go Trekking In Sikkim

The best time for trekking in Sikkim is from either March until May  or mid-September until November . 

The weather should be mostly clear and dry, and you will have fantastic views of the surrounding mountains.

The monsoon arrives in Sikkim in June, and rains fall for most of the summer.  There is also usually a period of “winter rains” from December until late February.

It’s not a good idea to try and trek during the rainy periods.  As well as the obvious (you’d get soaked), rivers can become difficult to cross, and the risk of landslides increases significantly.

How To Get To Sikkim

Getting to Sikkim is part of the adventure.

As of 2018, you can fly to Gangtok Pakyong Airport directly from Delhi and Kolkata . Pakyong Airport is one of the highest airports in India, and one of the most scenic in the world.

The two other main transport hubs for the region are Bagdogra Airport , and New Jalpaiguri Junction railway station (“NJP”) .  Both are in West Bengal .

Domestic airlines fly to Bagdogra from various cities across India, including Delhi, Kolkata , Bangalore and Chennai.

NJP is a major railway station.  You can take a long-distance train to here from a large number of Indian cities.

Taxis and buses will take you onwards to various locations in Sikkim.

You can also book a private road transfer between Gangtok and Bagdogra.

Transport Around Sikkim

Virtually all of Sikkim is mountainous.  Unless you feel like splashing out on a helicopter ride, the only way to get around the state is via road.  

Most roads in Sikkim are extremely windy and steep, due to the terrain.  It takes a long time to get anywhere.  But, on the plus side, the views out of the window are fantastic.

From either NJP station or Bagdogra airport, it’s 150 kilometres to Yuksom, where the above treks originate.  This drive takes about 8 hours.  

If you’re coming from  Darjeeling , it’s 80 km, which takes 4-5 hours.

Some roads in Sikkim are sealed and in excellent condition.  Others, less so. 

Either way, most journeys will take considerably longer than you expect.

The cheapest way to get around Sikkim is in a shared 4×4.  These ply the routes between major towns and other popular destinations. 

Some leave when full, others operate on a fixed schedule.  These change quite frequently, so it’s best to ask around for the latest info.

Another option is to hire your own taxi.  This is more expensive, though you’ll be more comfortable and able to dictate the schedule. 

Guesthouses can usually help you to find a driver.

Permits Needed

As anyone who’s travelled in India knows, this country loves bureaucracy.

All foreign visitors need to obtain an Inner Line Permit (ILP) to visit Sikkim.  Assuming you are travelling to India on a regular tourist e-visa, you can get the ILP at the border crossing into Sikkim.  

This is valid for 30 days initially (extendable once) and is free.  Make sure you have (i) colour copies of your passport and e-visa; and (ii) two official passport-sized photos.

You’ll also need a Protected Area Permit (PAP) to do most high-altitude treks, including the ones up to (and from) Dzongri.  

These are only available through government-authorised tour operators and require you to be trekking with at least one other person (not including your guide, which is also mandatory).

Finally, you must also obtain a  Kanchenjunga National Park (KNP) permit to trek here.  Your guide will organise this for you once you get to Yuksom.

This is India though, so these rules might change at any point.  I recommend checking out sikkimtourism.gov.in for up-to-date info on permits before travelling to Sikkim.

What To Pack

To enjoy your trekking adventure in Sikkim, you must bring the right clothes and other gear.  

You’ll experience a large range of temperatures and need to be prepared accordingly.  You must bring both lightweight, breathable clothes, as well as warm stuff.

Days are typically warm, and you’ll probably be trekking in a t-shirt until you get up to higher altitudes.  However, the temperature really drops at night, even in the valleys.

At higher altitudes, it gets colder still.  Between 4,000-5,000 metres (i.e. from Dzongri up to Goecha La), temperatures often drop below minus 10 degrees Celsius at night, especially later in the year.  

Suggested packing list:

  • Base layers – thin, breathable, sweat-wicking tops
  • Thermal top and bottoms
  • Walking trousers (not jeans)
  • Fleecey pullover
  • Warm outer jacket  (e.g. down jacket )
  • Warm gloves and hat (Sherpa hats are ace)
  • Decent walking boots (make sure they are adequately worn in, to prevent blisters)
  • Camp shoes /  flip-flops  (optional)
  • Decent  waterproof jacket  &  trousers
  • Large comfortable backpack  ~70 litres (carried by a porter)
  • Medium daypack ~30-40 litres (carried by you)
  • Decent lightweight tent   (tour companies & guides can usually lend you this if you don’t have one // see my article on the best wild camping tents )
  • Warm sleeping bag   (ideally 4 seasons – it gets very cold at night in the mountains!)
  • Thermarest (or a similar insulated sleeping mat)
  • Reusable water bottle  (I really rate the  Grayl Geopress )
  • Wash kit / personal hygiene stuff
  • First aid kit   (including blister plasters)
  • Sunglasses & suncream
  • Snacks (main meals are available at tea houses en route)

** Check out some of my other hiking-related posts, including:

  • Walks in Galloway Forest Park (Scotland)
  • Tbilisi to Mestia: Hiking in Svaneti (Georgia)
  • Day trips from Almaty (Kazakhstan) **

Level Of Fitness Required

You certainly don’t need to be an athlete to go trekking in Sikkim.  However, to enjoy the experience, a moderate level of fitness is recommended.

Most treks require you to be able to hike for about 5-7 hours per day , covering between 7 and 15 kilometres each day, depending on the altitude. 

The terrain is rocky at times, and there are often long uphill sections.

If you are concerned about your level of fitness, I’d suggest doing a few long day walks as practice. 

Try hiking up some smaller hills, carrying a light backpack, to test your cardio levels.  If you can manage that okay, you should be fine. 

However, one thing to bear in mind is altitude.

Many of the best trekking routes in Sikkim are at fairly high altitudes, which makes trekking more difficult.  

To reduce the risk of altitude sickness, slow your pace when walking at higher altitudes (especially over 4,000 m).  Take regular breaks (including rest days, where appropriate), and drink lots of water.

Ethics Of Trekking In Sikkim

People are talking about sustainable tourism  far more nowadays than they used to.  This is a great thing.

Travelling can can be hugely impactful , not just on you, but also on the people you encounter and the places you visit.  That impact can be hugely positive.  

But it also has the potential to be negative, even damaging, if not done right.

Clearly, we all need to maximise the positive impact  and minimise the negative.

This applies whenever and wherever you go travelling.  But the stakes are particularly high when trekking in places like Sikkim.

Porters in the Himalayas are, sadly, frequently exploited and badly treated.  

They are often poor people from disadvantaged communities.  They do an extremely physically difficult job, carrying heavy loads up and down giant mountains, year after year.  And they are horribly underpaid.

Please, help these guys out.  Be kind to them.  And don’t ask them to carry more weight on their backs than they should (7 kg per person, max).  

And, yes, that means don’t carry loads of unnecessary crap with you on the trek.  Take only what you absolutely need. Leave the rest in the valley.

The environment

Sikkim’s ecosystem is unique and extremely fragile.

There are a few easy, but very important  things you can do to protect this amazing place.

  • Bring a reusable water bottle.   Ideally one with an integrated filter (the Grayl Geopress is the best one I’ve ever used and goes everywhere with me), or sterilisation tablets.  Do not buy water in disposable plastic bottles unless you absolutely have to.
  • Avoid bringing single-use plastic where possible.   There are no facilities for recycling plastic in the mountains (and even in the valleys, they’re not great).  Up here, sadly, plastic is often burnt.  This is obviously terrible for the environment.  Stick to sustainable packaging wherever possible.
  • Take all of your trash with you.  Do not leave it at teahouses, the people who live there don’t want your junk!
  • Pick up any rubbish you see on the trek.  Try to leave the place even more beautiful than it was before you came.
  • Use toilet facilities wherever possible.   If you have to go in the wilderness, dig a hole and bury all evidence.
  • Leave no trace.

(For an excellent guide to sustainable travel in a post-Covid world, check out this post on Wild & Green .)

Local people and culture

Respect local people and their culture.   It’s simple.  

Sikkim is a fairly traditional place.  Respect religious symbols and items.  Always ask someone’s permission before taking their photo.  

Treat everyone you meet as you’d wish to be treated. Take cues from local people and, if in doubt, just ask!  (Kinda obvious I know, but a surprising number of travellers don’t seem to get it.)

Don’t give money or gifts to children.   It may seem like a kind thing to do.  However, if kids become accustomed to receiving money or gifts from tourists, it encourages them to beg. 

This is damaging in the long run, both to the children themselves and their communities.

Pay fair prices.   When in markets or arranging taxis, haggling is fair game (and often expected).  But if a price seems fair, don’t try to lower it just for the sake of it. 

Do not try to haggle for accommodation or at tea houses.

Here are answers to a few frequently asked questions to help you plan your trek in Sikkim.

What is the best 4-day trek in Sikkim?

The best 4-day trek in Sikkim is the Dzongri Trek, offering a condensed trekking experience in the Himalayas. It’s a shorter version of the Goecha La Trek and takes you through magnificent rhododendron forests, offering stunning views of some of the world’s tallest peaks like Mt. Kanchenjunga.

Which time is best to visit Sikkim?

The best time to visit Sikkim is either during spring (March to May) or autumn (mid-September to November). These seasons offer clear skies and pleasant weather, ideal for trekking and sightseeing. Spring brings blooming rhododendrons and lush greenery, while autumn provides clear views of the Himalayan peaks.

Can you see Mt Everest from Sikkim?

You can see Mount Everest from a few places in Sikkim, but it’s not prominently visible like some of the other peaks. You can only see Everest from a few high-altitude locations in Sikkim due to the height of the other mountains that lie between Sikkim and Everest.

Final Thoughts

Sikkim’s breathtaking landscapes, hospitable locals, and unique trekking experiences make it a must-visit destination for any adventurer.

Trekking in Sikkim will leave you with unforgettable memories and a deep connection to nature that will stay with you long after you’ve left.

Remember, as you embark on your trekking journey, respect the local customs, pay fair prices, and immerse yourself in the beauty of this enchanting region.

Check out some of my other posts on India, including:

  • 6 Best Hill Stations Near Kolkata, India: A Helpful Guide
  • 16 Unique Places to Visit in Kolkata: India’s Cultural Capital
  • Best Time To Visit Kerala: A Comprehensive Guide

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Alex Tiffany

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sikkim himalayan trek

Great overview of the hikes and requirements. A lot of my questions answered and re assured. Great list as well for gear and clothing. Looking forward to completing a trek this month!

sikkim himalayan trek

Glad it’s been helpful. Enjoy the trek! 🙂

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Dedicated to those who loves to explore and experience the Himalayas - The abode of God!


Trip Overview

Trip highlights, health and fitness, trekking/tour tips.

  • Inclusion / Exclusion

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Sikkim himalayan heritage trek, 10 nights/11 days.


Easy to Moderate


Maximum Altitue

Pickup Point

Pickup Point


Drop Point

Min/Max Age

4 to 70 years.

Best time to visit

Best time to visit

Jan to june & sept to dec.

sikkim himalayan trek

Himalayan Heritage Trek is one of the most popular low-altitude village treks in Sikkim. This low altitude trek is specially designed for those adventure enthusiasts who love to be around nature and the Himalayas but at the same time want to avoid high altitudes.

Himalayan Heritage Trek offers an ideal opportunity to explore and experience the real lifestyle of the local peoples of Sikkim. Exploring different villages every day and experiencing the day-to-day activities of the local tribal people is an ideal way to understand and live their life.

Visiting Monasteries, Temples, Lakes, and Rivers, offering prayers to spiritual sites, hiking through semi-tropical forests, exploring hidden locations around villages, and sharing candid times with the local children and villagers are some of the activities involved during Himalayan Heritage Trek. One gets ample time and opportunity to interact, share and exchange stories with a host.

One can even get involved in village activities like Milking cows, collecting firewood, cutting fodders, preparing local foods, plowing cultivation fields, cardamom harvesting, etc. One can even volunteer at a local village school to share experiences.

Airport/Railway station to Nambu (1700m/6-7 hrs drive) (Camping/Home Stay) - D

Upon your arrival pick up by our driver/guide and drive through the scenic trail to Nambu Village via Melli check post. Overnight stay at Nambu.

Nambu to Chongri (2050m/6-7 km/4-5 hrs trek) (Camping/Home Stay) - B/L/D

The first day of the Trek starts with refreshing morning tea and short interaction with the guide and staff. After breakfast trek to Chongri Village which is a small beautiful hamlet situated at the lap of the famous Yambong singalila range trek route. The trail today is mostly through a semi-tropical evergreen forest and passes. The trail throughout the trek is scenic and captivating. Overnight stay at Chongri.

Chongri to Topung (2000m/5-6 km/4-5 hrs trek) (Camping/Home Stay) - B/L/D

Today after breakfast we trek towards scenic Topung village. A typical picturesque village surrounded by dense forest. The trail today mostly passes through old village footpaths and dense lush green forest. The trail today mostly descends downwards with occasional scenic views of the surrounding hills and mountains. Overnight stay at Topung

Topung to Melli Aching (1700m/5-6 km/4-5 hrs trek) (Camping/Home Stay) - B/L/D

Today we trek towards Melli Aching through the village footpath passing through dense forest. Melli Aching is a small beautiful village located at the top of the hill and offers gorgeous views of the surrounding hills and mountains. A visit to the holy monastery at Melli Aching in the evening for meditation is ideal. Overnight stay at Melli Aching.

Melli Aching to Khechuperi (1800m/5-6 km/4-5 hrs trek) (Camping/Home Stay) – B/L/D

Today we trek towards Khechupelri Village which is home to the holiest lake of Sikkim ‘Khechuperi lake, popularly known as the wish-fulfilling lake. The trail today passes through a scenic village footpath overlooking the surrounding hills and valleys. Today the trail occasionally passes through motorable roads and involves uphill trekking. A visit to the old Khechupelri monastery in the evening is awakening. Overnight stay at Khechupelri.

Khechuperi to Yuksam (1780m/10-11 km/5-6 hrs trek) (Camping/Home Stay) - B/L/D

Today after breakfast trek towards the gorgeous village of Yuksam. Yuksam is the first capital of Sikkim and also serves as a base camp for many famous high altitude trekking routes in Sikkim. The trail today towards Yuksam is mostly downwards passing through the dense semi-tropical forest and scattered village. One can have a spectacular view of the surrounding hills and forest in most parts of the trek. Today one has to trek through the motorable road as well for some time. One can visit the famous KANCHENDZONGA WATERFALLS on the way before heading up for Yuksam. Overnight stay at Yuksam.

Yuksam Rest with Full-Day Hiking including famous Goechala Kanchendzonga Trekking Trail (1780m-1900m/5-6 hrs trek) (Camping/Home Stay) - B/L/D

Today after breakfast trek for 30 minutes towards famous Goechala – Kanchendzonga trekking trails which fall inside the Kanchendzonga National Park and World Heritage Sites. On the way back visit DUBDI MONASTERY, CORONATION THRONE, KARTHOK LAKE & TRIBAL COMMUNITY VILLAGE. DUBDI MONASTERY is the oldest Monastery of Sikkim and houses the oldest Buddhist scriptures and idols. It is one of the holiest and most powerful Buddhist monasteries and an ideal place for meditation. After spending some time in the monastery trek back through SUBBA (tribe) community village to visit KATHOK LAKE. After lunch trek to visit CORONATION THRONE and NORBUGANG MONASTERY AND CHORTEN. The Coronation throne is made up of natural stone. On this very throne, the first king of Sikkim was consecrated as the first religious king of Sikkim by the three learned monks. Nearby the coronation throne footprint of one of the lamas, Latsun Chembo, who consecrated the first king of Sikkim can also be seen.. Evening free to explore Yuksam village. Overnight at Yuksam.

Yuksam to Pokhari Dara (2000m/8-9 km/5-6 hrs trek) (Camping / Home Stay) - B/L/D

Today we trek towards Pokhari Dara Village, a beautiful hamlet situated at the top of the ridge overlooking a small town of Pelling and surrounding hills and mountains. Today the whole trekking trail is easy and pleasant with gradual height gain. One can have a panoramic view of the surroundings throughout the trek. Overnight at Pokhari Dara.

Pokhari Dara to Lapdang (1950m/8-9 km/6 hrs trek) (Camping/Home Stay) - B/L/D

Today we will trek towards another beautiful remote Village called Labdang. Labdang is mainly inhabited by Gurung tribes and also serves as a gateway to the famous pilgrimage site Lha-ri-nying-phuu cave (Heart of the Gods Cave) and exit point of the famous GOECHALA KASTURI TREK. The trekking trail today is mild and occasionally passes through motorable roads. Throughout the trail, one can have a beautiful view of the mountains, meadows, and forests. Overnight at Labdang.

Lapdang to Tashiding (1200m/10-11 km/6-7 hrs) (Camping/Home Stay) - B/L/D

After breakfast trek to Tashiding village which is famous for its world-renowned monastery Tashiding Monastery built in the 17th century. Tashiding Monastery is regarded as one of the holiest and powerful Buddhist monasteries in the world. A holy BUM CHU festival is celebrated each year on the 15th day of the first month of the Lunar calendar that is between February and March. The trek today from Labdang to Tashiding mostly passes through scattered villages along the village footpaths with occasional walking over the motorable road. Overnight at Tashiding.

Tashiding to Bagdogra Airport/NJP Railway Station (6-7 hrs drive) - B

After breakfast drive towards the Airport or Railways station according to the scheduled time of the flight or train. Or can drive or head towards other destinations around Sikkim for further trips.

The above-given Itinerary is a regular customized day-wise Itinerary for Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek however, it is flexible and can be modified according to your preferences and likes. In the given Itinerary we have Included arrival and exit day. Both arrival and exit days are flexible and can be changed according to your preference.

1)  All of the Villages covered during this trip are beautiful and have different charms of their own. This trip will provide a unique experience of Himalayan Lifestyle, Culture, and Tradition.

2)  Hiking through dense lush green forest and village footpaths

3) Staying with different local tribes at their Home Stay each day

4)  Visiting Monasteries, Temples , and village viewpoints hidden in regular trip plans.

5) Experiencing and Learning Local tradition and culture

6) Learning to make local cuisine and dishes

7)  Making friends with local Himalayan peoples

8)  Trekking and Hiking with Local Guide and Staffs

9) Trekking through century-old village footpaths and shortcuts 

You have to be Relatively Fit and Healthy to undertake Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek. Trekking for 5 to 7 hours a day is one of the most important requirements for this trek. Apart from good health conditions, basic mental preparation is also very important to undertake this Trek.

People suffering from Acute Heart and Lungs diseases, Asthma, and High blood pressure are not recommended to take up this trek. However, since this trek only goes up to 2200 m at the maximum it can be undertaken with proper guidance and preparation. 

To complete this trek regular exercises like running, skipping, aerobics, Zumba, and long-distance uphill trekking (4 to 5 times a week) are highly recommended. One should start making basic physical preparation at least a month before a trek. These exercises help you during the Trek.

The packing of right and comfortable clothing also makes a difference in the completion of Trek, so it is necessary to be disciplined while packing your clothing for the trip. You can contact us for help with clothing choice and packing!

We will advise you to bring your basic medicine kit which should include medicine for altitude sickness, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, common cold, and other basic required medicine.

1. A common tendency among young blood and beginners is to show enthusiasm by walking fast with excitement. Even the experienced sometimes try to show off by walking fast, this is soon exhausting and not recommended. Walk slow - warm up gradually and continue at a slow comfortable pace before pushing yourself a little more.

2. Develop a personal rhythm. Maintain your steps to synchronize with breathing. This will help minimize getting out of breath.

3. Walking in Himalayan trails with loose soil and rocks is tricky. So, avoid stepping on loose soil and rocks and place the foot flat and firm with a better grip. Always follow the rule ‘heel first’ while walking on the Himalaya trail. 

4. Walking in a zigzags manner while ascending on a very steep slope is advisable. While descending walking zigzag is a good technique to avoid excessive pressure on knees and avoid knee pain and blisters.  

5. Avoid stepping on loose stones and soil to avoid an accident.

6. Avoid overtaking fellow travelers on a narrow trail. Only Overtake at comfortable wide space if necessary. 

7. While ascending and descending a slope or over loose stones, leave sufficient space between the next person so that any stone rolling down does not hit trekkers below.

8. Do not run down a slope. Bend knees a little while descending. Dig heels into soft snow or soft ground.

9. Our Himalayan condition is mostly wet so avoid wet grass, wet roots, and the muddy zone which can be very slippery. Be careful while walking on them.

10. Shortcuts on a foot trail should be avoided.

11. Always put on warm clothing while taking a rest. This will help avoid getting cold, cough, and high-altitude sickness

12. Respect the sentiments and traditions of the local hill people.

13. Always carry enough water in your water bottle as water is essential in avoiding altitude sickness.

14. Wear a comfortable and right set of trekking boots, pants, and jackets. Avoid wearing new trekking boots directly for the Trek. Get used to it by wearing it before the trek. Carry all necessary clothing.

 Halts and Rests:

1. While taking a rest, lie against a tree trunk, a big stone, or on flat ground. Place your legs on your bags or any other higher ground. This helps regulate blood circulation.

2. Stop at any comfortable point after the first start to readjust your rucksack, jackets, or tie a shoelace for better comfort and adjustment.

3. Do not make frequent or prolonged halts. Too many small stops destroy the walking rhythm. Frequent rests are not helpful. You should follow your own rhythmic walking pace and technique to avoid unnecessary tiredness. A stop should be made only at natural stopping points, like on the top of a ridge, or before an ascent, or at a scenic viewpoint.

4. Stop and place yourself on the safer (Mountain) side to give way for the pack animals to pass through. Avoid bags carried by the animals that can push you. Be aware of the yak's horn too.

Inclusion Exclusion

Services included:.




HOW TO REACH NAMBU? The closest airport to Nambu, Sikkim is PAKYONG AIRPORT & BAGDOGRA AIRPORT. You have to fly either to Bagdogra Airport or Pakyong Airport. From there we will pick you up to Nambu with a private reserve vehicle.

Pakyong Airport is around 6 hours’ drive and Bagdogra Airport is around 7 hours’ drive from Pelling.

WHAT GEARS AND CLOTHING TO CARRY FOR SIKKIM HIMALAYAN HERITAGE TREK? No matter what season you are planning for the mountains are always going to be cold, rough, and tough so it is necessary to pack yourself with adequate and proper clothing. Here is the standard kit checklist for the Trek.

Proper packing of the trekking gears is necessary with eyes on the weight limit. It is important to have a good brand of clothing.

Basic Gears: BackPack & rain cover or Duffel bag (50 to 70 ltr) Day Pack & rain cover (20 to 30 ltr) Walking stick (1 pair or at least one) Water Bottle (2 bottles of 2 ltr each) Thermos flask (1 n) Head Light (1 Nos with 4 pairs of batteries)

Upper and Lower Clothings: T-Shirt (2 to 3 full sleeves). Mostly noncotton Fleece T-shirt (1 nos) Thermal Inner-wears or base layers (1 nos or 1 pair) such as long jones Fleece Jacket (1 no) Light Down, Feather, or Holofil Jackets (1 no) Wind and Waterproof jackets & pants (1 pair) Trekking Pants (1 pair). Comfortable and durable Short Trekking Pants (1 nos or 1 pair) Poncho (1 nos)

Headgears: Woolen cap (1 nos) Sun cap (1 nos) Balaclava or scarf (1 nos) Sunglasses (1 nos) U/V protected and dark

Hand gears: Waterproof gloves (1 nos) Woolen gloves (1 nos)

Feet gears: Waterproof Trekking boots (1 nos) preferably ankle high Goretex, North face, Colombia or Quechua Snickers or running shoes (1 nos) preferably from any reputed brand Sandals or flippers (1 nos) Cotton socks (4 pairs) Woolen socks (2 pairs)

Personal utilities: Sunscreen cream Moisturizers Hand sanitizers Toilet papers and wipes Anti-bacterial powders Lip balm Toothbrush and toothpaste

CAN I EXIT ON THE LAST DAY OF THE TREK DIRECTLY? Yes, you can if you are looking to reach any other location near Tashiding OR if it is too urgent and necessary. Driving to Airport and Railway station directly after the trek is not recommended.

We will advise not to plan to leave Tashiding directly after the last day of Trek as it will be too tiring and hectic. Driving at night on the Himalayan road is not comfortable and enjoyable.

The earliest you will reach Tashiding on the last day of the trek is around 2 pm so long hours drive thereafter is not possible.

CAN I LEAVE SOME EXTRA BAGS AT STARTING POINT AND COLLECT THEM ON THE LAST DAY OF THE TREK? Yes, you can keep a bag of clothes with us and collect them at the end of the trek. We will advise you to leave one set of clean clothing for the last day.

You can even keep valuables and cash at our office safely and collect them at the end of the trek.

WHAT DOCUMENTS NEED TO BE CARRIED? It is mandatory for Indian trekkers to carry identification documents such as VOTER ID CARRD, DRIVING LICENSE, AADHAR CARD, INDIAN PASSPORT. Original documents need to be carried along with 4 pcs PASSPORT SIZE photograph.

Foreigners need to carry INDIAN VISA, PASSPORT & SIKKIM INNER LINE PERMIT along with 4 pcs PASSPORT SIZE photographs.

IS THERE CONNECTIVITY DURING THE TREK? There is phone connectivity and internet connection throughout the Trek. Internet connection is available only on certain mobile networks such as Vodafone, Airtel, and Jio.

There is electricity throughout the trek.

HOW IS THE WEATHER & TEMPERATURE DURING THE SIKKIM HIMALAYAN HERITAGE TREK? There are two distinct seasons for doing Village to Village Trek. Mid-March, April to May (Spring) and Mid-September, October to November (Autumn). Since the highest altitude in Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek is 2200 m it can be undertaken on any given month of the year except the rainy season.

Normally weather remains good and clear in those above given periods however there is no guarantee as Himalayan weather is extremely unpredictable and does change within hours and days.

The temperature at each location depends largely on each day's specific weather condition.

Spring (Mid-March, April till May) Morning and Evening – 12 to 18 degrees centigrade

Day time – 18 to 24 degrees centigrade Late Evening and Mid Night – 8 to 14 degrees centigrade

Autumn (Mid-September, October till November) Morning and Evening – 8 to 12 degrees centigrade Day time – 12 to 20 degrees centigrade Late Evening and Mid Night – 2 to 14 degrees centigrade

Essential Information

  • Best Season and time to do Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • Health and Fitness required for Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • Foods during the Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • How difficult is Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • How to stay safe during Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • How to avoid Acute Mountain Sickness during Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • Gear check list for Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • Weather and Temperature on Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • Connectivity during Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • How you can HELP locals by booking with Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek
  • Bookings and Cancellation Policy for Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek

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Best 8 Treks of Sikkim

1. dzongri trek.

The Dzongri Trek is one of the most popular moderate-level trekkings in Sikkim that is full of amazing views of the Himalayan giants, including Mount Kanchenjunga. The best time to visit is in March, April, May September, October, and November. The route’s altitude is from 4,500 to 5000 meters, so the children with good endurance can go well. The acclimatization process is fundamental to staying safe from altitude sickness.

sikkim himalayan trek

2. Goecha La trek

Goecha La trek , named after the Goecha La pass, is a moderately difficult route covering over 66 kilometers with gradual ascent. The pass offers stunning views of the Kanchenjunga massif, Trekkers can also see Mount Pandim, a stunning peak at 6,691 meters/ 21,952 feet, from the Goecha La trek. The campsite of Thansing, located at the foot of the peak, offers unique camping experiences with Kanchenjunga in the background.

sikkim himalayan trek

3. Bhangajyang Lakes Trek

Bhangajyang Lakes Trek is an unexplored, scenic trail in Sikkim, India, where you can take many pictures of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Suitable for families with children and beginners, it offers landscape views, and different greenery to dense forests, alpine meadows, and scenic lakes. It not just camping, it also offers a quiet place to escape city life.

sikkim himalayan trek

4. The Green Lake Trek

The Green Lake Trek , which weaves itself through Sikkim in India, is about 5,500 meters high in altitude, making it a difficult trek. It sets an amazing view of mountains and is top for advanced trekkers. The trek is well-suited for nature lovers and will be managed with consideration for children from families. Campsites have unique outlooks and are monitored.

sikkim himalayan trek

5. Barsey Rhododendron Trek

The Barsey Rhododendron Trek in Sikkim, India, is a moderate, well-marked trek, which is suitable for families and amateurs. Sitting at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the vistas of hills, forest, and rhododendron flowers in the blooming season cover a lot of area. The route runs within the Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary which is a natural habitat for many creatures including the red panda.

sikkim himalayan trek

6. Singalila Yambong Trek

The Singalila Yambong Trek is a famous trekking place in Sikkim, India, that has breathtaking scenery, peaks cladded with snow, and dense green forests. Starting from Yamborg, go through Bakhim, Dzongri, Thangsing, and Goechalag Pass, then reach an altitude of 5000 meters. Although recommended for families with older children, adults, and experienced hikers, camping and outdoor activities are available.

sikkim himalayan trek

7. Dafeybhir Pass Trek

Dafeybhir Pass Trek , an unspoiled trail in Sikkim, is lined up by the Sikkim and Nepal mountains that include Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and Kanchenjunga The track that was endorsed by legendary mountaineer Tenzing Norgay Sherpa features steep rocky slopes, green valleys, and azure lakes. From Uttarey village which is near the Nepal border, the trail goes along the Singalila ridge that is south-west of Sikkim and furthermore into Nepal and ends in the Upper Nombu region.

sikkim himalayan trek

8. Uttarey Singalila Trek

The Uttarey Singalila Trek in Sikkim which is one of the most favored and beautiful trails in India during the summer season provides visitors with the charming Himalayan outlook. It begins at Uttarey runs through the forests and reaches the top point, which is, Sandakphu. This will be ideally suited to families with children and the best time to visit is from April through June and September to November.

sikkim himalayan trek

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sikkim himalayan trek

Sikkim is one of the far eastern states of India and one of the best kept secrets in the Indian Himalayas. Trekking in Sikkim has its own charm providing allowing visitors to experience crossing over from sub-tropical to temperate zones, followed by alpine and high- altitude areas in a short span of time. Treks in the region for the most part skirt the lowlands around the Kangchenjunga massif or head directly to one of its basecamps as in the case of the Goecha La and Green Lake treks. Mt. Khangchendzonga (28,169ft/8,586 m) is the third highest peak in the world and considered sacred no every climber to summit has stopped just short of the summit. More than a peak the it's a giant massif consisting of 5 peaks that dominate the skyline of Sikkim. In fact, the word Khangchendzonga in Sikkimese means "The five treasures of the high snow" which refer to the various peaks of this massive mountain. Gangtok, the capital, is the primary hill station lying at an elevation of 1,650m / 5,410ft and with a population of just over 100,000 it is a bustling community whose economy is primarily dependant on tourism. The small village of Yuksom is a gateway and trail head for trekkers setting off on the Goecha La and Dzongri Treks. Lachung another small village in the northern part of the state provides access to the Green Lakes trek. Sikkim is famous for its tasty momos and thukpas as well as its locally brewed millet beer. Image From Flickr: Roopesh Chander , Arindam Bhattacharya , Denis De Mesmaeker , Kshitij Rai , juicyrai , Franck Zecchin , John Town , Ben Larpent

Sikkim Facts

sikkim himalayan trek

Sikkim is one of the far northeastern states of India surrounded by the north and east by China and Nepal to the west. Kanchenchunga.

sikkim himalayan trek

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Ready to take you're trekking to the next level? The Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) has designated 33 trekking peaks that can be tackled without an expedition permit.

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Goechala Trek

Yuksom, West Sikkim

Moderate to Difficult

Maximum Altitude

5000 meters

INR 17000/- per person NJP to NJP

Available Date

9th Oct to 18th Oct 2024

26th Oct to 4th Nov 2024

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Goechala, the only trekking trail in India which can bring you to a touching distance of one of the fourteen eight thousanders, Mt. KhangchennDzonga, the third highest peak in the world. Difficult, but spellbounding trail takes the traveler to the core heart of adventure in the Sikkim Himalayas. One could feel the achievement and emotional attachment with the mountains, the Himalayas, on reaching the View Point 1. The mighty Gigantic third highest peak of the World, KhangchenDzonga stands with pride at a stone throwing distance with Pandim and several other peaks. The trail starts from Yuksom, a town in West Sikkim and goes as, Tshoka (2,960m) via Sachen and Bakhim, Thansing (3,960m), Phedang, Dzongri(4020m), Lamuney and then finally to the Goechala View Point 1. The early morning sunrise view over Kanchenjunga (8,586m), Talung (7,349m), Rathong (6,689), Kabru N (7,353m), Kabru S (7,318m), Simvo (6,812), Pandim (6,691m), is a lifetime memory, an achievement as well, which one could relish throughout the lifetime. A must do trek in the Sikkim Himalayas, is a bundle of big summits, making it an absolute adventure to embark on. The trail link with the famous Kanchenjunga National Park, where one can witness the true nature, enough to revitalize your senses. To watch the mountains clearly, April and May are the ideal months. Since the sky is completely clear during this time and the sunset-sunrise views can be captured. There are massive temperature drop in the night, so one should be aware of the accessories and gears. After April May, September to mid November is the another best time to acces the Goechala Trail. It is a dream and desire for hundreds of adventure lovers. Bounded by the mesmerizing flora and fauna, which are so vibrant and colorful to cheer up one's mood.


Reporting at NJP/Bagdogra/Siliguri then drive to Yuksom , through Namchi, Pelling. Briefing and registration to be Completed by everyone.  Overnight stay at Homestay. 

After early morning Breakfast trek to Sachen(8km) . Trail runs through dense forests comprising of pine and oak trees, cross the Prek Chu River continue hiking uphill till you reach Sachen. Overnight stay in camps.

After breakfast trek from  Sachen  to  Tshoka(7km)  via  Bakhim.  The trail is through magnolia and rhododendron trees. Visit the beautiful but small Tshoka village, catch a breath-taking view of Mt Pandim, Aralunchong, Lamba-Lamini and spend the night in a local wooden hut in Tshoka . Overnight stay at Camp/hut.

After breakfast trek from Tshoka   to Dzongri(12kms) . It takes around 5 hours, through dense forests consisting of rhododendrons as well as 400 different flowering species. Upon reaching Phedang , take a short break and get enough time to enjoy the scenic beauty around. Continue the trek, reach Dzongri by late afternoon. Overnight stay in the huts/Camp.

Wake up early in the morning to hike to Dzongri Top,  watch the sunrise over Khangchendzonga, Kabru, Pandim, Rathong and other peaks belonging to the Khangchendzonga range. After breakfast, hike to Laxmi Pokhari and witness the magical beauty of the region. Return to Dzongri . Overnight stay in  Dzongri in camp/hut.

After breakfast trek to  Lamuney(14kms),  get prepared for another scenic uphill trek, since this will be the most important day of the trek crossing 4,000m. From Lamuney,  can have mesmerizing views of the Koktang, Rathong, Kabru, Khangchendzonga, Simvo, and Pandim peaks.

 Overnight stay in a Camp.

Wake up early morning to hike to the Goechala View point 1(2kms),  climbing uphill through the moraines, you will then be descending to Samiti Lake and then cross the Zemathang Valley. From here, you will once again start ascending over a moraine and after trekking for around 1 hour, will reach to the Goecha La Pass view point 1. This magnificent pass, behold the magical views of the Kanchenjunga and Pandim, Rathong, Kabru South -North, Kabru Dome, Talung and other distant peaks. Return to  Lamuney,  after breakfast trek to Kokchurang(16kms).  Overnight stay at camp.

After breakfast start trekking back to  Tshoka(18kms),  via  Dzongri   to avoid the long climb. The trail passes through Prek Chu and the deciduous forests of Phedang . Overnight stay camps.

After breakfast start trekking back to  Yuksom(15kms),  via Bakhim.  Overnight stay homestay in  Yuksom.

Drive to NJP, we will leave you in NJP railway station/Siliguri Railway Station/Tenzing Norgay bus Terminus. Our Journey ends here, leave only footprints, take only sweet Himalayan Memories.

"What included"

Cost of transportation NJP to NJP Cost of accommodation in Huts/Hotels/Homestays.(Two nights in Yuksom) Cost of Fooding while on trek (Morning and evening Tea, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner- meals will be provided. Breakfast-Roti, Sabji/Maggi, etc., Lunch/Dinner-Rice/Roti, Sabji, Dal, Achar, etc.).(Day 1:- Dinner to Day 9:- Dinner) Cost of Permit fees. Guide, Cook, Support staff, Equipments:- Tent(on sharing basis), mattress, sleeping bag, Utensils etc. Medical and first aid kit  

"What not included"

Cost of Personal expenses Cost of Insurance Cost of extra stays Cost of emergency due to bad weather conditions. Cost of personal porter. Meals during transit i.e. meals while on road or travelling will not be provided. No meals will be provided in Last day (Day 10) Cost of personal porter to carry his/her backpack.

Things to carry on a trek, photo gallery.

sikkim himalayan trek

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+91-9748955458   +91-9674715111

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Booking Policy:

To book your trek, you need to pay 30% of the trek fees as advance. Rest 70% to be paid in cash when you reach the basecamp, to be collected by the team leader.

One can pay the amount online(Net Banking, GPay, UPI ID). 

Details to be shared on request.

Cancellation Policy:

30 days before the trek date, full refund of the paid amount

15 days before the trek date, 50% refund of the paid amount.

Cancellation less than 15days to the start date of the trek, no refund possible

In case Himalayan Passion cancels the trek or trip, full refund will be paid.

One has option to send another person on their behalf.

One has option to adjust the paid amount on any other trek, if a person cannot join the trek he/she paid for. 

Check out Our Goechala Achievement Story

Goechala Trek 2021, Sikkim | Best Himalayan Peak

Goechala Trek

Starting from

₹ 27763 ₹ 20822 +5% gst.

  • 10 Days 15,100 ft. 90 Km
  • Difficult Sikkim
  • Best season : Summer ,Winter

Trek Highlights

  • There is dramatic change in the landscape during this trek.
  • Goechala trek in Sikkim lies under Kanchenjunga National park.
  • The view of Himalayas from Goechala is featured in 100 rupee note also.
  • You can see HD views of nature on the whole trek.
  • The trek landscape is filled with exotic colors and landscapes that make your walk a remembering one.


  • Inclusion in cost during the trek:
  • 01 Nights Accommodation in Yuksom will be provided using Guest House / Home Stay or triple Sharing basis.
  • 08 Nights Accommodation during the trek will be provided using Dome / Alpine trekking tents on triple sharing basis.
  • Meals as specified in the itinerary (it will be basic Indian vegetarian Meals).
  • Experienced Trekking Guide for 9 Days i.e. Yuksom to Yuksom.
  • Experience trekking Cook for the Trek.
  • Trekking Crew.
  • Sleeping Tents.
  • Dining Tents.
  • Kitchen Tents.
  • Toilet Tents.
  • Sleeping Bags (You may also carry your own sleeping bags as per your comfortability).
  • Sleeping Liners (We do provide the same, however its recommend to carry your own for comfort).
  • Sleeping Mattress.
  • Exclusion in cost during the trek:
  • Mandatory GST of 5% on Invoice Amount.
  • Any kind of Travel / Health Insurance (Trekveda strictly recommend each traveller to please carry your own travel / health insurance).
  • Any Meals /Snacks / Beverages in during trip.
  • Any of Cost for Airfare, Train fare.
  • Any kind of medical expenses.
  • Any tips, laundry, Phone call, liquors, mineral water, camera fee or any other personal nature expenses.
  • Airport pickup and drop services ( Will be subject to additional cost).
  • Any other fee / charges not mentioned in the cost included section.
  • Backpack offloading charges, the backpack should not weigh more than 9 kgs. Suitcases/strollers/duffel bags will not be allowed (Subject to additional cost).


Have any question?

contact us @

+91 8958094170


Short Itinerary

Day 1: Yuksom - Tshoka (3,050 Mtrs) by Trek 13 Kms approx 6-7 Hrs.

Day 2: Tshoka - Phedang (3,750 Mtrs) by Trek 7 Kms 3-4 Kms.

Day 3: Phedang - Dzongri (4,030 Mtrs) by Trek 5 Kms approx 2-3 Hrs.

Day 4: Dzongri – Acclimatization / Dzongrila (4,300 Mtrs) by Trek approx 40 Minutes.

Day 5: Dzongri - Thangsing (3,930 Mtrs) by Trek 6 Kms approx 5-6 hrs).

Day 6: Thangsing - Lamune (4,130 Mtrs) 6 Kms approx 4-5 Hrs.

Day 7: Lamune to Goechala (4,940 Mtrs) by Trek 14km approx 5 Hrs Thangsing by trek approx 2 hrs.

Day 8: Thangsing - Tsokha (3,050 Mtrs) by Trek 12 Kms approx 5-7 Hrs.

Day 9: Tsokha to Yuksom 2250 Mtrs.

Day 10: Departure from Yuksom.

Goechala Trek Map

Goechala trek is something every person should add to their bucket list if you are the fan of prominent mountain peaks. Goechala trek in Sikkim lies under Kanchenjunga National park, the view of Himalayas from Goechala is featured in 100 rupee note also. Goechala is among the dreamiest Treks of India because of its big mountain peaks view, and the world's third-biggest Mountain (Kanchenjunga) View is your treat in this trek.

However, the trek wasn't really into the queue in the past. After the Nepalese civil war, it came into existence when the trekkers started looking for something in India that can replace their solace in Nepal trekking. As during the civil war, Nepal trekking wasn't entertaining trekkers. So people have found this spellbound trek to satisfy their adventure appetite.

Nestled at an altitude of 15,100 Ft. is a beautiful trek falling under Moderate to Difficult Trek. The trek is an abundance of flora and fauna. The colorful ambiance and the view of big mountain peaks will not let you keep calm. The trek landscape is filled with exotic colors and landscapes that make your walk a remembering one.

Difficulty level : Goechala Trek

Goechala trek is a moderate to difficult trek. The highest point of this trek is 15,100 ft. it is a high mountain pass in Sikkim.

Is it suitable for children’s?

No, the trek is not favorable for children till 15 years of age.

Is it a good option for the first time trekkers /or families?

No, if the people do not have any prior experience in Himalayan trekking, then this trek is not for a family.

Highest Altitude : Goechala Trek

The altitude of the Goechala trek is 15,100 Ft. one can attain the maximum altitude depending on his endurance and other conditions such as climate and temperature.

Season : Goechala Trek

The best season for the Goechala trek is in April to June or much later in autumn from September to October.

Average Temperature : Goechala Trek

March to May: The temperature ranges from 11 °C to 19 °C during daytime and two °C to 10 °C at night. September to November: The temperature ranges from 6 °C to 12 °C during daytime and five °C to -3 °C at night

What makes this Trek Different?

In the summer, this trek is a haven for bird lovers. And after the monsoon, you can see HD views of nature on the whole trek. After the monsoon, this trek upgrades itself from moderate to difficult due to snow, but most trekkers also love to visit the Goechala trek after the monsoon. The perspective of prominent mountain ranges makes it a different trek. The view of the world's third-highest mountain makes it the most preferred trek of all time.

The landscape and the abundance of flora and fauna, along with the vibrant ambiance in each step, make your soul-fulfilling.

Trek Itinerary : Goechala Trek

We begin our trek today through a small village and stop at the Kanchendzonga National Park, check post for checking formalities. Continue to walk through semi-tropical forests, home to a variety of flora and fauna. Crossing the last of the two hanging bridges over rivers Paha Khola and Tshuchey, we arrive at Sachen. Break for lunch and continue to walk to Bahkim. We cross a long old swinging bridge over Prek-Chu, it’s a steep climb of 70 degree uphill to Bakhim and we continue climbing steeply to the Tibetan Refugee settlement of Tsokha as we trek through pine and giant rhododendron forests. Here we also get our first view of Mt.Pandim (6780m) and Mt. Tenchinkhang which could be seen from all points of our trek (Subject to clear weather). Tshoka itself is a small village consisting of about a Dozen houses and monastery, inhabitated by the Tibetan refugees. Evening at leisure, free for your own activities.

Overnight stay in Trekking Tents / Huts on sharing basis Meal Dinner Only

Today after breakfast we continue to walk uphill Trek through the properly maintained trail till one reaches Phedang – A small clearing in the middle of the pristine Rhododendron Forest with excellent views of the Kanchenjunga range of mountains. One can have a spectacular and pristine view of the Panoramic Mountain Views from the Phedang Camp site itself. This Camp site is one of the most important location for proper Acclimatization before reaching 4000 + meters and is good for one night camping.

Overnight stay in Trekking Tents Sharing basis Meal B/L/D

Today we continue our uphill journey through temperate to Alpine forest till we reaches Dzongri Camp site, 40 minutes steep walk, as we reach the ridge’s top, Deorali Dara or Windy hillfrom where one gets the awesome views of the Mountains and its peaks. A nice leisurely hour walks through the smaller rhododendron trees and juniper bushes before we reach Dzongri.

Rise early at dawn, a 30-40 mins steep hike amidst thin air to Dabla Gang (Dzongri-la OR view point) to view the sunrise on Kangchenjunga and the neighbouring peaks; Rathong 6683m; Kokthang 6150m; Kabru Dome 6604m and Forked Peak 6116m. Return to camp for breakfast. Free to explore, Day hike to Laxmi Pokhari or take a walk toward the Black peak for acclimatization from where we can see Frey’s peak and the Rathong valley. Rest of the day at leisure for acclimatization.

The day’s walk starts with a short climb to a ridge followed by a rapid steep descend of 100m to Kockchurung and Prek River. Continue crossing some boulders and climb gently to the campsite of Thangsing for our lunch with view of Mt. Pandim and Mt. Kanchenjunga.

A gentle 2-3 hrs walk to camp at Lamune. While the camp is set up, we take a walk to Samiti Lake, 4453 Mtrs. with Kanchenjunga looming ahead of us. The trail goes past stunted rhododendron bushes, azaleas and past a prayer wall before ascending a moraine path to a ridge from where you can look down at Samiti Pokhari (4200m) a beautiful and sacred lake surrounded by snow capped peaks Mt. Kanchandzonga, Mt. Pandim and Mt. Thenchinkhang. Return to camp for lunch. O/N camping.

Early morning excursion to Goechala (pass), one walk along the moraine path by the side of Samiti lake to view the east face of Mt. Kanchendzonga bathed in the rays of the early sun. We cross the ½ km sandy plain known as Zemathang, footprints of Bluesheeps and other animals are common sighting. After 2 hours, we arrive at the 1st view point of Goechala and walk further 2 hours to 2nd view point to enjoy the close up views of Mt. Kanchendzonga 8534 Mtrs. Return to camp for late lunch and later walk to Thangshing campsite.

After breakfast, trek back the same trails till Kockchurung, from where we take another trail via Phedang to Tshoka. Hot lunch at Phedang and continue to walk to Tshoka.

Overnight stay in a Guest House / Trekking Tents Sharing basis Meal B/L/D

Day 9: Tsokha to Yuksom 2,250 Mtrs.

After breakfast trek back to Yuksom (4 to 5 hours).Hot Lunch on the half way or can request for pack lunch to staff/cook/Guide.

Overnight stay in a Guest House Meal B/L/D

Today morning well in time after breakfast, we check out from the hotel and departure for our onwards destination.

No Accommodation Meal B

Goechala Trek: Essentials

Trekking, no doubt, is one of the most thrilling adventure one could ever have in his/her life. With an elegance of nature and unmatchable experience of the pristine mountain ranges, trekking stands out among all the adventures across the world, but nothing comes free, there are certain aspects of the trekking which one needs to consider while he/she is making up his/her mind for trekking. Here’s a list of some basic requirements which one would need during his/her camp trekking. Let’s pay some heed to these prerequisites for trekking.

Pretrip checklist

Things You Can’t Afford Missing On Trek

1. A Sturdy Backpack/RukSack


A high-quality backpack with an ease of carrying facility with durable and stern straps is one of the pivotal thing that you’d need during the entire trekking. The easier it’s to carry, the more fun you can have during your trek.

2. A Pair of Trekking Shoes

Trekking Shoes

Your regular sports shoes can be a mess during the trek and one of the most regretting thing that might take away the joy of trekking. To prevent yourself from slippery patches through the streams, a pair of trekking shoes with good grip would do a great work for you and reciprocate your experience of trekking to the manifolds.

Clothing is one of the most important aspect of trekking but that doesn’t imply the “what if situation”, hence carry the clothes that you’d need normally. Carrying more and more clothes will only add the weight, thus problem. Once on the trek, you’d not generally need to change the clothes every now and then, provided if you maintain your hygiene properly.

Three Warm Layers Jacket


On high altitude treks, temperature after the sunset drops to the considerable degrees. So during these campsites, you might need an additional layer along with the padded jacket coupled up with a fleece and a warmer.

Trekking Pants

Please don’t go for jeans/ denims for the substitute for the trek pants since they’d not add comfort to your stay at the campsites. Wear one pair and carry the remaining two.


It’s advised to wear full sleeved t-shirts in order to prevent ourselves from the sun-burn. Carrying a dry-fit t-shirt or two can be a wise idea if you’re trekking during the rainy season. Regardless of the cold weather, trekkers’ bodies tend to sweat and to prevent yourself from falling ill, you’re advised to change your clothes at campsites.


Warmers or thermals can be added on one’s own concern related to their health and their exposure to the cold climate.



Sunglasses are to counteract snow visual deficiency. While at the same time you're probably not going to discover snow in October, convey a couple in any case.


The sun feels more grounded while at the same time strolling on the mountain slants. Convey a sun cap to shield your head and neck from the warmth, particularly in case you're trekking later in the day.

Engineered Hand Gloves

Hand Gloves

One sets of downy or woolen hand gloves. One sets of water evidence/safe, wind verification gloves.


You may utilize woolen scarves rather too.


A part from two sports socks, you can take a couple of woolen socks for the night as they’d spare you from the dripping temperature.

Headlamp/LED Burn


Trekking Pole

Trekking pole

Having a trekking pole in your hand during the trek is boon, although at times it may bother you as an unnecessary article but it proves out most handy during the submit as it curbs your effort of straight inclinations of the high altitudes which often turns out tiring.

Other Essentials to Carry

An Additional Pack: This is one of the best practice you can do on one-day submits or treks where you need to get back to your campsite by the end of the day. Here you can pack your essentials like, water bottle, medical aids and snacks. This keeps you away from carrying the unnecessary weight.


Be wise while choosing your cosmetic needs and daily use products. Refrain from using the non-biodegradable products, if you do so then make sure that you leave residue on the mountains. Always carry a zip bag to put such piece of stuff after use. Sanitary napkins also needs to be treated in the same manner.

Indispensable Water Bottles

Water Bottles

To keep your body hydrated during the trek, you are advised to carry your own water bottles during the treks since leaving plastic and its product is not advised on the mountains since they are not suitable for the environment of the altitudes.

Plastic Bags

Plastic Bags

To keep everything organized, you should compartmentalize the stuffs into plastic zip bags and also carry a few in spare for wet clothes and other by-products.

Mandatory Documentation

There are certain rules and laws that you need to abide by, while going for the treks, however Trekveda takes care of all such kind paper works which is inclusive in the package. Certain registration fees and document verification along with some permissions are required in order to protect the nature and its evergreen heritage for future. In addition to this, if you need to avail a guide, you can also hire a guide with some bucks and a nominal paper work.

Please carry the documents mentioned below. Documents two and three need to be downloaded (PDF), filled in, signed and handed over to the trek leader at the base camp.

  • 1 passport size photos and an original + copy of government photo ID document – required for Sanctuary registration and TIMS (Trekker’s Information Management System)
  • Medical Certificate (first part to be filled by a doctor and second part by the trekker)
  • Disclaimer form (to be filled by the trekker)

Measures Taken by Trekveda to Ensure the Security of Trekkers

Trekking is altogether a different kind of adventure where you required to be physically and mentally prepared for the best and adverse, all at once. With high altitudes making it tough to breath, the scenic beauty of those pristine mountains leave you spell-bounded so that you forget to breath for a moment or two. In addition to the physical and mental preparation, there are certain aspect of the health that are needed to be considered at the first hand when you make up your mind for the trekking,

Trekveda, by dint of its team of trained professionals, leave no stone unturned to provide you with the best trekking experience while ensuring your safety as its priority. Here are some vital aspects that Trekveda includes in its checklist to ensure the safety of its trekkers.

Criteria for Fitness Analysis

Trekking at high altitudes demands endurance and fitness and those who are prone to any kind of physical or physiological ailments are advised to not to go for high altitude treks in the beginning. To get assurance about the trekker’s fitness, we comply with certain aspects of the being fit such as BMI (Body Mass Index) along with the fitness proof since we can’t put the trekkers into the risk.

Acclimatization is another important aspect when it comes to getting an adaptation to the climate at the high range treks. A day at rest is not just the rest but a chance to get used to of the place and its habitat.

Monitoring the health is one thing that is conducted regularly during the trek by the trek leaders which includes the monitoring of your blood pressure, oxygen level and pulse rate. Details of your health during the trek is maintained in the health card on the regular basis. Health card can be collected from the trek leader at the end of the trek.

Medical Kit for High Range Trekking

An ideal medical kit that’s developed for the trekking has Blood Pressure Monitor/checker, Stature, Oxygen checker and Oxygen Cylinder coupled up with certain must have medicines, in case of medical emergency:

  • Dexamethasone
  • Asthalin Inhaler

Trekking Equipment for High Altitudes

Trekveda provide you all the necessary equipment for trekking from tents to ropes. In addition to that, our trek leaders also ensure the safety by various safeguards they take time to time for your safety. Micro spikes are provided to attach to your shoes which help you to keep the traction on the snow and make it easier to climb. An additional gaiters are provided to cover the shows which prevent the entering of snow into the shoes. Customized tents are provided to the trekkers which ensure the warmth and temperature 10 degrees higher than the outside coupled up with high quality sleeping bags which can endure the temperature up to 15 degree Celsius below the freezing point.

Nutrition and Hydration

Trekveda, keep all your nutritional and hydration requirements on its checklist, our trek leaders will guide you to keep your body hydrated on the high altitudes as de-hydration can attract to the severe medical emergencies on high altitude treks.

We provide the highly nutritious meal to energize your body for the trek, however before certain long trails we ensure your nutritional requirements to be fulfilled with some high energy snacks or packaged lunch.

Make sure you keep up with your hydration and nutritional part as this can lead to some fatal consequences for your health.

In case of any symptoms you feel during the trek, don’t ignore or avoid them, immediately tell the trek leader.

Keeping up with the pre-defined processes and the guidelines will help you to have a memorable trekking experience.

What Trekveda has to offer in case of medical emergency like AMS, HAPE or HACE?

In case of medical emergencies, Trekveda and its trek leaders bear the sole responsibility to get you back to your wellbeing with their training and techniques. Suspecting any physiological disturbance in your body, immediately report to your trek leader as they are trained to counter such problems.

Problems like Acute Mountain Sickness can be prove fatal if not taken into consideration seriously on time. If you encounter/experience any of the symptoms such as persistent headache, fatigue or weakness, nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, difficulty in sleeping, you shouldn’t let it go or treat it by your own either.

Acute mountain sickness is one of the most common yet the fatal problem trekkers face due to number of reasons, if the problem continues to persist, then you’re advised to descend down to the basecamp and then to visit the doctor immediately.

People with AMS are treated with number of medicines such Diamox, Nifidipine etc. coupled up with methods like Triple One Test- where one disprin is given with a liter of water along with the rest for an hour.

While AMS is most common at the high altitudes yet it can’t be risked taken casually as it leads to severe fatal conditions like HAPE (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema) or HACE (High Altitude Cerebral Edema) which, if not treated on time can lead to number of serious chronic disorders. These conditions need to not to comply with AMS, they can occur without AMS preceding.

It’s suggested to take every single disturbance into the consideration while you’re on the trek.

However, Trekveda is capable of tackling all the medical emergencies with its trained professionals yet there are several things that you need to consider, specially the intake of medicines and the knowledge about their advantages and side-effects. Don’t administer the medicine if you’re trekking through an organization, always seek help from the trek leaders, they are trained for such purposes, while in case of being a solo trekker, you should know about the medicines.

Keeping yourself hydrated and nutritionally fulfilled curbs the chances of AMS.

Risk and Response

A high altitude trek requires an audacious state of mind, however leaving on a bold excursion without computing the dangers is absolute idiocy. That is the reason we have recorded a couple of Risk and the Response arranged by Trekveda to limit or address the dangers in the most ideal way.

Risk: Altitude

Before you begin the trek, it is critical to comprehend the ramifications of high altitude on your body. Know about side effects of AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) like mellow cerebral pain, queasiness and general distress.

Response: If you feel any of these indications, illuminate the trek pioneer on need and take after his directions. Each campground has as stretcher, completely prepared medical aid pack, oxygen chambers to address the circumstance.

Risk: Weather

Weather is unusual in the Himalayas. Despite the fact that we are constantly attentive about the evolving climate, nobody can ensure a snowfall, rain or Sun. Do comprehend that your security is of most extreme significance to us and we won't continue any further from the campground if the climate isn't ideal.

Response: The choice of the Trek Leaders and Guides to continue or sit tight for the climate to show signs of improvement will be last.

Risk: Injuries

Often, while trekking over troublesome territories, you may have minor wounds like leg sprain, wounds and so forth. Genuine wounds like breaks or real cuts are exceptionally uncommon.

Response: All our Trek Leaders are Certified Wilderness First Aid responders. They are prepared to deal with crises and can handle minor wounds with an all-around prepared medical aid unit. If there should arise an occurrence of genuine wounds, the patient is carried on a stretcher to the closest street head and is directed to closest therapeutic focus.

Risk: Lack of Communication

In the remote zones of the Himalayas, portable systems don't reach. On a trek, one is cut off from the universe of calls, SMS or WhatsApp Messages.

Response: We’d depend on walkie-talkies and sprinters to communicate between the campgrounds and the base camps.

Pre-Trek Preparations

Trekking, for its ever-lasting memories and experience, demands just a few things which involve physical endurance with physiological wellness. Not just the one who’s physically fit would do the magic in trekking but one also needs to be mentally fit as well in order to cope up with the adversities one might have to face during the treks such natural calamities, rains or other unforeseen conditions. To keep up with such requirements of trekking here are a few things you can do to get yourself physically fit.

Prerequisites of the Trek

Cardiovascular Endurance and Stamina

Cardiovascular endurance is the primordial thing that this trek asks for along with the stamina to withstand the stringent conditions during the trek. There are number of ways you can increase your endurance level but Jogging regularly with gradual increase in the pace would do the magic in just 2 or 2 and a half months. You can also increase your endurance and stamina through swimming, cycling and much more.

Combining the speed and distance target is the most effective way to get your body and mind prepared for the Trek. If you’re planning to build your stamina in a phased manner then here you should pay heed to:

  • Target completing the distance of 5 km in 35 minutes or less at the beginning
  • Pace up your legs to complete the 5 km in 30 minutes or less
  • Before you begin the trek, you should be able to complete 10 km in 60 minutes or less

To build the strength is another most important thing and a major requirement for this trek. The whole journey of the trek is like an eternal staircase, the more you climb the better you can have the view. It goes with a climb followed by a flat then again, a climb followed by a flat. All the scenic beauty of the trek demands no less than the power of your legs.

The strength of your legs is something you need to work upon. Here is what you can do to strengthen your leg muscles to bear the pain of the trek.

Doing the squats can help. Goal for 3 sets of 15 repetitions without fail. You can begin with 8 squats in each set at the beginning, subject to your core strength for the exercise.


The more flexible you are the more you have the chances to get the glimpse with lesser hustle. Stretching is another major aspect of the trekking which provides you the much-needed flexibility to climb the altitudes with ease while carrying the backpack altogether is not an easier errand.

Stretching your body at large can bring you the utmost comfort during the trek. Here are some stretching you can do to get the flexibility-Stretch your hamstring, quadriceps, hip flexors, lower back muscles and shoulders. They’ll give strength and help you arrive on the slopes with the relaxed muscles. All these exercises would help you to get through the trek with ease and comfort provided you give an ample time to these.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most sought-after method which provide not just the physical endurance but also the strength to withstand any unavoidable circumstances sternly. Trekking demands the high endurance which you can develop in a month or two where you need to begin with the jogging or running (only if you could do). This practice needs to be combined with the speed and distance targets. You need to keep on increasing both with the time.

Begin with the small chunks of the targets and gradually increase for the bigger one. For instance,

Begin with a target of completing a distance of 5km. in 45 minutes and then gradually increase it to 7 km. in the same time and remain stick to this practice until you are able to cover 10 km. in 80-90 minutes without fail, at a stretch.

Strength Building Exercise

Another vital area of improvement, you need to work upon. Before you head to the trek, you need to have the physical strength in order to carry backpacks on the uneven terrains. Considering everything under the sun, you ought to prepare yourself for the core strength. A strength would be make you suffer less than others who’d not pay the heed.

Flexibility in the body is what the trekking demands the most. Carrying the backpacks without flexibility in your hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulder, lateral sides etc. can prove out to be fatal. More the muscles relaxed, easier would be your trekking experience. Carrying a backpack, however light in weight, can bring you the unnecessary pain which may spoil your entire trek.


To pacify yourself or any other companion, yoga and meditation are the key. These practices not only give you the mental peace but also provide you with a placid inner conscience which is extremely important in order to withstand the cons during the trek.

This also improves your decision-making ability in the direst stressful situations, during the trek.

Terms and Conditions

Tour Payment Terms

Initial amount of 20% of the Invoice amount, the Client must pay the balance amount 15-20 days prior to the date of departure of the Tour.

Adventure Tours (Trek & Expedition) Payment Terms:

  • INR 1500/- per person as an advance booking amount to confirm your adventure tour.
  • Remaining amount of your booking will have to be paid 1 days before the date of travel.

Tour Amendments / Cancellations Policy

If the Client is willing to amend or cancel his/her booking because of whatsoever reasons including death, accident, illness, or any other personal reasons including non-payment of the balance payment, the Company is liable to recover Cancellation charges from the Client, as company had already paid your amount in advance in order to Guarantee your services.

For Adventure Tours (Treks & Expedition)

For Other Tours.

  • 100% Voucher will be provided if the trek/ tour is canceled due to unforeseen circumstances or any kind of Natural Calamities, Political Unrest, and Sudden Global Health Concern, Riots, Lockdown Government instructions etc. in this case Trekveda will issue you a voucher of respective amount having 1 year validity from Voucher date, which can be used in any trek of your interest operated by Trekveda.
  • In case of any restriction/health issue (guest gets Covid +ve), we will be avoiding charging any cancellation basis documents been shared .The credit note for the same amount will be issued which guest can use in future.

Itinerary Policy

This itinerary is a sample itinerary based on the information available at the time of publication, all information given in this program Trekveda reserves the right to change any program information before or after your booking the tour due to any events beyond our control. In case if we are aware of any changes sufficiently in advance we will notify you at the time of booking, otherwise our Tour Manager or Local representative will inform you of the changes. Major road works or floods, landslides may necessitate route changes in the itineraries. All of these may cause us to make changes in the itineraries. The Company has mentioned the detailed itinerary, price inclusions & exclusions, special notes etc. in the pdf.

Activities Of The Itinerary

Trekveda is a travel and holiday organizers only, we do not control or operate any airline, neither do we own or control any shipping company, coach or coach company, Hotel, Transport or any other facility or service mentioned in this program. We take care in selecting all the ingredients in your holiday; but because we only select and inspect them and have no control in running of them, we cannot be responsible for mechanical fault or any injury, death, loss or damage which is caused by the act or default of the management or employees of any hoteliers, airlines, shipping company, coach owner/ Transport operator who are the company’s independent contractors arising outside our normal selection and inspection process.

Terms & Conditions:-

  • There is no Contract between the company and the client until the company has received the initial deposit amount per person as specified for each tour package. The full payment must be received in accordance with procedures laid down under Payments Terms. If not paid in that time, the company reserves the right to cancel the booking with consequent loss of deposit and apply scale of cancellation charges as mentioned in the cancellation policy hereunder.
  • The Company has the right at any time and for any reason:-
  • To terminate the Contract after acceptance of the deposit but prior to the Commencement of Tour without assigning any reason whatsoever. In the event, the Company terminates the Contract, the company shall refund the initial deposit amount without payment of any interest.
  • To amend, alter, vary or withdraw any tour, holiday, excursion or facility it has advertised or published or to substitute an Independent Contractor of similar class if it is deemed advisable or necessary. In either case, the Company shall not be liable for any damage, additional expense, or consequential loss suffered by the Clients or for any compensation claims made.
  • The Company would be operating its Group Tours with minimum group strength of 6 adult passengers in each group. If the group strength falls below 6 passengers, the Company reserves the right to Pre-pone OR Postpone OR Merge or Cancel the group. If the Company cancels the Group Tour for any of the above reasons then the monies paid till then by Clients will be refunded against the receipt copies. It is clear understanding between either parties that any loss arising on account of cancellation of flight / train / bus tickets booked by the Clients; either through the Company or on his/her own or through a third party; the Company shall not be liable for such losses or additional expense, or consequential loss suffered by the Clients.
  • No person other than the Company, in writing, has the authority to vary, add, amplify or waive any stipulation, representation, term or condition in this program.
  • In the event of the Company exercising its rights to amend or alter any of the services as mentioned in the itinerary, after such tour or holiday has been booked, the Client shall have the right:
  • To continue with the tour or holiday as amended or altered.
  • To accept any alternative tour or holiday which the company may offer. In either of these above cases the Client shall not be entitled to, or the Company shall not be liable to the Client for any damage. Additional expense, consequential loss suffered by him or to pay any amount as refund.
  • In case of any dispute, decision of TREKVEDA will be final and binding.
  • TREKVEDA reserves the right to call you back on the contact number shared by you on the website.

Health & Safety: The Company shall in no circumstances whatsoever will be liable to the Client or any person traveling for:

  • Any death personal injury, sickness, accident, loss, delay, discomfort, increased expenses, consequential loss and / or damage or any misadventure howsoever caused.
  • Any act, omission, default or Independent Contractor or other person or be any servant or agent , employed by them who may be engaged or concerned in the provision of accommodation, refreshment, carriage facilities or service for the Client or for any person travelling with him howsoever caused.
  • The temporary or permanent loss of or damage to baggage or personal effects howsoever caused In this condition the expression “Howsoever caused” includes negligence on the part of any person.
  • No liability on the part of the Company arising in any way out of this Contract in respect of any tour, holiday, excursion facility shall exceed the total amount paid or agreed to be paid for the tour holiday, and shall in no case include any consequential loss or additional expense whatsoever.
  • If the Client has any complaint in respect of the services provided by any of the Independent Contractors, the Client shall immediately notify the same in writing to the Independent Contractor and a copy thereof should be handed over to the Tour Manager of the Company in order to enable the Company to take up the matter with the Independent Contractor so that in future other Clients do not face the same difficulty.
  • Any claim or complaint by the Client must be notified to the Company in writing within 07 days of the end of this holiday tour. No claim notified to this Company beyond this period will be entertained and the Company shall incur no liability whatsoever in respect thereof.
  • Each of this condition shall be severable from the other end if any provision be invalid, illegal or unenforceable. The remaining provisions shall nevertheless have full force and effect.
  • Insurance: The tour cost does not include any costs towards the Travel / Meclaim Insurance premium. In case if the Client needs an Insurance coverage, it is suggested to go for suitable insurance policy on your own. The Client has to deal directly with the Insurance Company in case of settlement of any claim.
  • Change in Tour Price: The tour prices printed / advertised / quoted to Client are dynamic prices. The person booking tour early is likely to get the lowest price as communicated / offered by the Company, subject to availability of seats. Similarly, person booking tour at the last will be offered the highest prices. This pricing module has been adopted to get early bookings on tours. Hence it is quite obvious that persons travelling on a same group tour are likely to have paid different tour prices. The Company will not entertain any claim whatsoever on account of the same. Also it is clear agreement between either parties that the prices quoted in the proposal / brochure have been calculated based upon the prevailing hotel / transport tariffs and applicable taxes thereon at the time of printing this brochure. The Company reserves the right to amend the price published in this program in case of costs increased before the date of departure. All such increases in price must be paid for in full before departure by the Client. The company also reserves the right to charge offer time to time as per the present situation demand / circumstances.
  • Force Majure:-Acts of god (including exceptional adverse weather conditions), earthquake, fire , war (declared or undeclared), invasion, rebellion, revolt, riot, civil commotion, civil war, nuclear fission, Lockdown, strike, act(s) of omission/commission by any concerned government(s), or government agencies, judicial or quasijudicial authorities, occurrence of any event can force the Company to change or extended. Hence any additional expenditure occurred due to the above reasons the same will be borne by the passengers.
  • Please note trekking / driving time given in the program are approximate and it may vary due to break for refreshments, photography, bad weather and Road conditions

The menus are pre – set menus provided for breakfast/lunch/dinner on the tour as mentioned under each Tour itinerary and inclusions as printed in our brochure. The meals will be served at restaurants of hotel of stay. The enroute meals or meals during excursions could be packed meals or served by enroute/local restaurants / Dhabas. We cannot process a special meal nor do we guarantee the special diet to the customer. We however reserve the right to change the meal arrangement if circumstances make it necessary to do so. If a tour participant does not avail his/her meal in stipulated time; he/she has to avail the meal on his/her own arrangement and expenses. No claim can be made for the meal which he/she has missed and not utilized.

Itinerary Changes

For the comfort and convenience of our clients, we will sometimes reverse the direction, or slightly amend the itinerary. We will try to advise you of these amendments, prior to the start of the tour or on tour. In the event that a tour participant misses on any part of the sightseeing tour or any such tour due to delay on his part, he will not be entitled to claim refund of the same.

We have mentioned the indicative names of the Hotels for each tour. We reserve the right to change the same due to unavoidable circumstances. In that case we may provide alternative, similar accommodation for which we are not liable to pay any refund. We will not be responsible or liable in case of loss of property or life at the Hotel. Similarly any damages caused to the hotel rooms during your stay, shall be payable by the Clients and the Company will not be liable for the same.

Transport / Coach / Sitting

We use Deluxe 2 X 2 Coaches or vehicles such as Tempo Traveller, Tata Winger, Chevrolet Tavera, Mahindra Scorpio, Toyota Qualis, Tata Sumo or similar as per the availability of vehicles and actual size of the group. Our tour manager / local representative will take reasonable care of your luggage but if you are carrying any high value items on the coach, we advise you not to leave them behind when you leave the coach. We will not be responsible or liable in case of theft or robbery of the said items from the coach. All baggage and personal effects are at all times and under all circumstances your responsibility. Any damages caused to the hotel rooms / coach during your stay, shall be payable by the Clients and the Company will not be liable for the same. The drivers of the vehicles are bound by specific rules like maximum driving hours within a day/during a week, rest period per day/week etc. Clients will have to strictly adhere to the prescribed timetable for the day so that the driver can complete the travel. In case, any of the sightseeing schedules is missed due to delays caused by the client, the same will not be refunded to the client under any circumstances. Please note that AC will not work in Hills and no claims to this regard shall be entertained.

Risk and Liabilities - Clients shall agree that Trekveda shall not be held responsible for consequences of natural calamities, weather condition, failure of scheduled airline, detention and delays due to quarantine, strike, theft, force major, civil disturbance, government restriction or regulation, accident by aircraft, car, bus or any other form of transport relating to program schedule. The travelers understand that such situations may occur, and we will inform you of the situation as soon as we have knowledge of it. The right is reserved to cancel or alter any package as conditions require, all additional cost occurs in such case will fully be borne by the travelers. Also, Trekveda shall not be held responsible for any loss/damage of your personal belongings.

  • Price is subject to change without any prior notice.
  • Price is based on the “Base” Category of Hotel Room; this is Irrespective of the Package Category Chosen. Upgrade to Higher Category is available at an extra cost.
  • All domestic Hotels/Transport rates are based on current tariff & subject to change without prior notification; the revised rates will be charged extra.
  • Many regions do not have star category hotels. Generally there isn’t any star categorization in this sector, however the same is demarcated as per prices and put into slabs of 2*/ 3*/ 4*or STD/ DLX/ PRM or equivalent.
  • Quote based on Non-Ac Rooms in Hills. AC Rooms on Extra Charges.
  • Please be reminded that all special requests like early check-in, smoking, non-smoking, views, floors, king, twin, adjoining and/or interconnecting rooms are strictly subject to availability upon arrival and cannot be guaranteed prior. Any expenses arising out of this is to be borne by the customer.
  • Only 01 extra bed/mattress is allowed per room. This extra bed means a Mattress / Roll over Extra mattress on floor provided where proper extra bed isn’t available.
  • In case of guests cannot climb the higher floors, we request you to update this at the time of booking so that we may take appropriate action and try for rooms in the Ground floor. This is again subject to availability and difference if any will have to be settled directly before check out.
  • There will not be any refund in cased any of the sightseeing is missed/uncovered during the trip.
  • In hills, hotels may be located in a way where the view might be of a building in the front, beside or behind it.
  • The Hotels may/may not have some of following amenities as per its policy. Tea/coffee maker/ mini fridge/ enhanced toiletry kit (with moisturizer, tooth paste, brush, shaving kit, lufa, bathroom sleepers, bath-robe) etc.
  • For meal plans, menu will be on fixed plan/ buffet basis and not on A-la-Carte basis. MAP & AP Meal plans do not include Evening snacks & cold drinks / liquor, Soups or Deserts. For order on A-la-Carte basis, guests are requested to make direct payment for additional items.

Incidental charges due to unforeseen situations

All arrangements made by Company are in the capacity of an agent only. Company will not be liable for claims or expenses arising from circumstances beyond our control such as accidents, injuries, delayed or cancelled flights & acts of Force majeure/ traffic jams / traffic halts/ diversions/ bandh/ curfew, Union strike, VVIP movement, etc. – We will request you to bear with us the situations beyond our control. We will arrange for alternate sightseeing. In case of discontinued itinerary due to these reasons no refund on the hotel booking will be provided and alternate accommodations (as per availability) are managed in the place where you have to stay back. While it is our endeavor to manage the alternate arrangements during such scenarios, please note the difference may be charged for the same.

1. Is Goechala Trek suitable for the Beginners?

Goechala is graded as difficult trek with an altitude of 15,100 Ft. A beginner can’t opt for Goechala.

2. Where Goechala is situated?

The trek starts from Yuksom situated Sikkim.

3. What is the physical fitness requirement for Goechala?

Goechala is a difficult trek that offers the adventure as well as fun, Hence, a person physical and mentally fit can prefer this trek, and having prior experience in trekking. However prior 2 week of trek, one can start walking for 30 mins daily and speed up later on to get a good fitness for the trek.

4. What is the best time to do Goechala?

5. What is an age limit for Goechala?

Age limit for Goechala is minimum 15 to 20 years.

6. Which mobile network works in Goechala?

On your trek of Goechala you can’t have access on any Sim card because of the high altitude. Therefore you need to inform your family before the trek starts.

7. Is there any risk of wild animal or avalanche in Goechala?

There is fewer chance of Avalanche in Goechala, and a little risk of wild animals. Therefore, it is advised to not go beyond your trekking group.

8. Is liquor and smoking allowed in Goechala?

No, Liquor and smoking aren’t entertaining in Himalayas, for your own health where people get easily sick of high altitude. Having liquor in Himalayas is not at all advisable and smoking? A big no, because one needs fresh oxygen to trek, therefore smoking is like a Trauma.

9. What is a trek distance of Goechala?

Goechala distance is 90 Km.

10. Is Goechala hard to Conquer?

No, the trek is not hard to conquer; anyone with decent fitness and prior experience can choose this trek.

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Choose your date.

Trekking in Sikkim For A Quaint Himalayan Activity

Trekking in sikkim, here is the list of 12 trekking in sikkim for a quaint himalayan activity, 1. dzongri trek.

Dzongri Trek

Nestled at an altitude of 4,200 m, Dzongri Trek serves as one of the most popular high altitude trek destinations in Sikkim that can be completed in a short time. The trek offers some enchanting sights while hiking through the fascinating trail comprising of varied terrains, from patches of land streaked with green and gold and lush green meadows to dense forest and mighty peaks covered in snow. Being a shorter version of Goecha La Trek, this particular trek commences from Yuksam and ends at Yuksam within a span of 5 days.

2. Sandakphu Trek, Darjeeling

Sandakphu Trek, Darjeeling

Sandakphu Peak (11,941 Feet) is the highest peak in West Bengal. The highest peak of Singalila Ridge in Darjeeling district, almost near the border of Nepal, it is located very close to Singalila National Park. Sandakphu, the highest peak in West Bengal, gives you a spectacular view of four out of five highest peaks in the world. The best view possible is of mountain Kanchendzonga. You can reach the peak either by car or trekking.

3. Aritar Trek, Sikkim - Paradise for trekking in Sikkim

Aritar Trek, Sikkim - Paradise for trekking in Sikkim

Aritar apart from offering beautiful panoramic vistas is also a paradise for adventure enthusiasts. Situated near Lungchok valley is some of the amazing trekking routes leading towards Lokdara and Chujachen. You will also find trekking options available to Phushrey Lake, Pangolakha and Rachela. Some wild orchids, rare species of butterflies, red panda and birds can also be spotted along these trails making the experience unforgettable.

4. Kasturi Trek, West Sikkim

Kasturi Trek, West Sikkim

Kasturi trek is a round trek passing Goecha la pass and offers extraordinary panoramic mountain views. The Trek starts from Yuksom and goes up to Goecha La, the highest point of this trek. From here, you can see the stunning view of Talung Glacier and Mt Kanchenjunga. The views are simply amazing and captivating. From green meadows to shiny glaciers, the Kasturi Trek is a trekker's haven.

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5. Goecha La Trek, West-sikkim

Goecha La Trek, West-sikkim

Goecha La is a high mountain pass located at a height of 4,940 m and acts as the base camp for the southeast face of Kanchenjunga. This place can only be accessed by trekking from Yuksom and it roughly takes 7-8 days for a person to reach Goecha La and come back to Yuksom. The area is accessible only after proper permits are granted. The trek's highlights include the awe-inspiring sunrise over the Kanchenjunga range, a spectacle best witnessed from ViewPoint 1 and Dzongri. 

6. Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek is the most exciting trek as it is the world’s highest peak at an elevation of 8586 metres spread in the boundaries of India, Tibet and Nepal. It offers stunning views of valleys and landscapes where you will find nature at its best. The trail starts from Darjeeling from where you will walk through Yukhsang, Bakkhim, Phedang, Dzongri, Bikhbari to Chaurikhang and Rathong Glacier. The trek is a real adventure waiting for you to witness panoramic views of mountain ranges and pass through lush dense forests, varied flora and fauna, tribal villages and grazing yaks.

7. Singalila National Park Trek

Singalila National Park Trek

Singalila National Park is very popular due to its trekking trails. Trekking in the region is popular during the months of March and April as this is when the rhododendrons and orchids bloom, providing a marvellous outlook to the whole forest. There is s government-run hut in the park providing living accommodations to the trekkers. Within the park, it is necessary for tourists to be accompanied by trained and registered guides of the Wildlife Department. The guides are available at the entry point from any of the following places:

8. Varsey Trek

Varsey Trek

An offbeat trek that is perfect for nature-lovers who would like to enjoy some alone time amidst the beauty of nature. A no-sweat trail, Varsey Trek offers mesmerising views of pink and red rhododendron forests. Trot up to a height of 3300 metres while you enjoy the verdant landscape that surrounds the hills. The hanging mosses and abundant flora and fauna beautify the region. If you are looking forward to a short weekend getaway, Varsey Trek is for you.

9. Kasturi Orar Round Trek

Kasturi Orar Round Trek

Have you always been dreaming of clicking some mind-blowing pictures against the backdrop of stunning glaciers? Plan for Kasturi Orar Round Trek, which, as the name suggests is a round trek that will give you a wonderful opportunity to go beyond the gigantic glaciers. These are Goecha La, Dzongri Thangsing Valley and Tashiding. While on the trail, you can also visit some unexplored territories such as the Kanchenjunga National Park and a few remote villages where you might make a pitstop to rest and start off for the ascend with a fresh wave of energy. While you get to go up to 4500 metres, you will also get to observe the Nepali culture and tradition practices in these villages.

10. Rhododendron Trek

Rhododendron Trek

You can enjoy a variety of landscapes on the Rhododendron Trek where you can see the most natural form of Himalayan beauty as you move across scented flower beds across your path. The pretty sights of blooming rhododendrons have made this trek as one of the most popular choices in Sikkim. To visit this luscious and vibrant region with abundant scenic beauty, one needs to reach the basecamp Yuksom. One can quickly take a taxi from Sikkim to reach the base camp after a journey of approximately four hours. Some of the most exotic species of rhododendrons found here are Arboretum, Barbatum Campanulatium, Falconeri, and Hodgsoni.

11. Green Lake Trek

Green Lake Trek

12. Lachung Trek

Lachung Trek

Lachung, a tourist hotspot situated in North Sikkim is a splendid destination that is sited at the spot where two tributaries Lachung and Lachen meet. This town is a popular tourist attraction because of the many waterfalls that gush in this area. Glimpses of snow covered mountains can also be caught from this place and offer a spectacular sight. Lachung is also a preferred base to visit the famous Yumthang Valley, quite a landmark in Sikkim's tourism scene.

Planning to go trekking in the Himalayas? Let us know which of these treks have made it to your bucket list in the comments below!

This post was published by Holidify.com

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sikkim himalayan trek

Best Himalayan Treks in Sikkim That You Need to Bookmark!

Photo of Namrata Das Adhikary

How is it that one single place can uphold the soft whisper of nature and also possess the roaring spirit of adventure? Sikkim, tucked away in the northeastern corner of India, is a mesmerising blend of these two seemingly opposite elements. Blessed with snow-capped mountains, lush valleys, and centuries-old Buddhist monasteries, this Indian state is a hidden gem perfect for adventure seekers and nature lovers alike. And what better way to experience the best of Sikkim than through its breathtaking Himalayan treks?

Credit: Unsplash

Photo of Best Himalayan Treks in Sikkim That You Need to Bookmark! by Namrata Das Adhikary

So here are the top Himalayan treks in Sikkim that you need to bookmark for your next mountainous adventure! Gathered your courage yet?

1. Rhododendron Trek (Easy to moderate difficulty)

Duration: 10 days.

This 10-day trek takes you through vibrant flowers in full bloom, picturesque meadows, and charming Sikkimese villages. It's the perfect blend of nature and culture for all age groups. With a moderate difficulty level, it's the ideal romantic getaway during spring and fall. Starting in Yuksom, you'll journey through the Singba Rhododendron Sanctuary, spotting various species of rhododendrons and other flora. The highest altitude of this trek is 1728m, making it accessible for beginners.

2. Dzongri Trek (Easy to moderate difficulty)

Duration: 5 days.

Known as the shorter version of the famous Goecha La trek, this 5-day expedition leads you to the Dzongri viewpoint where you can catch a panoramic view of snow-capped mountains, including Kanchenjunga. With an easy to moderate difficulty level, this trek starts in the picturesque town of Yuksom and takes you through Tshoka, a refugee settlement, and stunning viewpoints like Laxmi Pokhari. It's best to visit during March-June or September-November and requires a good level of fitness.

3. Singalila Sandakphu Trek (Easy to moderate difficulty)

Experience the best of Sikkim's landscapes on this 5-day trek, with majestic views of Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, and other peaks. Starting in Maneybhanjang, this trek takes you through Singalila National Park, home to red pandas, tragopan birds, and aconite trees known as the "height of the poison plant." With easy to moderate difficulty level and availability of oxygen, this trek can be attempted by all age groups.

4. Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek (Challenging difficulty)

Duration: 8 days.

Known as the third highest peak in the world, Kanchenjunga offers breathtaking views on this 8-day trek. Starting in Yuksom, you'll journey through small villages and lush forests, with an opportunity to witness the the stunning view of the Frey’s peak (5830 meters), Koktang (6,148 meters), Kabur and Rathong glacier. The trek's highest point is 5086m, and it's best to visit in March-May or September-November. It's a challenging trek, requiring a good fitness level and caution due to low oxygen levels.

5. Kasturi Orar Round Trek (Challenging difficulty)

Duration: 15 days.

This challenging trek takes you on a journey through lesser-known paths of Kanchenjunga and the beautiful village of Tashiding. With stunning views and a strong cultural backdrop, this trek is for the adventurous at heart. Starting in Yuksom, you'll travel through Goecha la and Dzongri glaciers, lush valleys, and dense forests. It's best to visit in March-May and September-November.

6. Green Lake Trek (Challenging difficulty)

Duration: 13 days.

Located in North Sikkim, the Green Lake Trek is a unique and mesmerising experience. With a duration of 13 days, this trek takes you through tribal villages, monasteries, and the stunning Green Lake, surrounded by snow-capped peaks. It's a challenging trek, reaching a height of 5002m, and it's best to visit in April, May, October, or November.

7. Varsey Trek (Easy to moderate difficulty)

The Varsey Trek is a colourful journey through blooming rhododendron trees and majestic views of Mt. Kanchenjunga. With a base camp in Damthang and a trek route of 12km, this trek can be done in less than 5 days. It's best to visit in spring when the flowers are in full bloom.

What to pack for your Himalayan trek:

- Sturdy hiking boots

- Warm layers of clothing

- Backpack with essential supplies (water bottle, energy bars, first aid kit)

- Sleeping bag and tent (for overnight treks)

- Trekking poles

- Sunglasses and sun protection

- Waterproof jacket and pants

- Personal medication (if needed)

- Camera to capture all the stunning scenery

- Positive attitude and a thirst for adventure!

Best time to go trekking in Sikkim:

Each trek has its own ideal season, but overall, the best time to visit Sikkim for trekking is from March to June and September to November. During these months, the weather is pleasant and the skies are clear, offering the best views of the mighty Himalayas.

How to reach Sikkim:

The nearest airport to Sikkim is Bagdogra Airport in West Bengal. From there, you can take a shared taxi or bus to reach Sikkim. Alternatively, you can also take a train to New Jalpaiguri Station and then travel to Sikkim by road.

Ah, the thrill of conquering rugged terrain, surrounded by the tranquil beauty of Sikkim. From the easy and moderate treks suitable for beginners to the challenging ones that test your endurance, Sikkim offers a diverse range of trekking experiences. Ready to lace up your boots and embark on a journey through vibrant rhododendron forests, majestic glaciers, and remote Himalayan villages? Bookmark these treks right away!

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sikkim himalayan trek

Further Reads


Trek to Goechala in Sikkim Himalayas

Life is very short and full of venture but we need to memorize the lovely glance of every second in our life. I had never thought of visiting on any trek and enjoy the lovely cherishable moments. I visited online many site but my friends told me about  Trek The Himalayas  who helped me in experiencing the great treasure of life. I have been to  Goechala Trek which was enamored and attractive sightsee which made my journey enchanted The magnificence beauty and the copious forest, waterfalls and superb views of Mt Kanchenjunga, Pandim high peaks, Mountain Kabru sky-scraping peak  stole away my heart. Walking in the Sikkim region, where the mild wind holds the aromatic aroma of alpine flowers is the greatest experience that cannot be illustrate in words.

Goechala Trek

The Goechala Trek in Sikkim  is one of the most idealistic tracks, the gigantic Dzongri and Thansing pastureland, the astonishing dell of Samiti Lake, the frozen track to  Goechala makes a lovely trail. After crossing the most fascinating path I reached to splendid garlands and crossing the immense forest swag I reached to plateau region of Tshoka which was situated at high altitude.

Goechala Trek

Trekking in Sikkim made my trek glorifying and attention-grabbing. There was the gigantic sandy dell almost like in a desert, surrounded by snowy ice which hit the highest point and looks very mesmerizing. It looked very incredible and after that I walked through a striking basin from where an elevated garland can be seen. There were snowy glaciers on the way which fascinated my trip. This trek indisputably provided me a chance to explore the striking sightsee view of high peaks and know more about the Kanchenjunga stack region.

Goechala Trek

This was adding more rejoice and excitement when I was crossing exquisite stack and can feel the essence and magnetism. Then coming down from slope side I reached to Bakhim region. It was one of the most eye-catchy treks for me as I went on a trek very first time and specially enjoyed the river rafting. The meadows tend to get rockier as I moved ahead. This route deals with some main elevation but the track was very encouraging and the guides of Trek the Himalayas  were very much professional. Thanks to them who actually made my trek wonderful.

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  • Adventure Tours

Trekking along the majestic Himalayas will reckon up your life with a brew of thrill and excitement. We offer tour packages that will allow you to trek through some exceptional trials of the Himalayan Mountains where one can sense their true fortitude.

Goechala Trek

Goechala Trek

09 Nights/10 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 18,000. Duration : 10 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 4,610 Mtr. ( 15,100 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 90 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-November.

The Goechala trek in Sikkim is also one of the most romantic trek route in the Indian Himalayas. This trek has offer the enchanting walk through the Tshoka Rhododendron forests, the vast Dzongri and Thansing meadows, the startling blue waters of Samiti lake, enchanting panoramic view of some of the highest mountain peak of world like Kanchenjungha, Pandim, Talung, Kabru, Rathong, Gocha Peak, Tinchenkhang, Jopuno etc. The icy trail to Goechala make lots about the trek very romantic. Goechala is also known as Kanchendzonga Trek, Dzongri Trek, Goecha Pass, Samiti Lake Trek. Goechala trek is the most popular High Altitude Trekking in Sikkim Himalaya. This trek is the best trek route of Sikkim as well as India offers almost everything making it a trekkers delight. Sunrise view over Kanchenjungha range from Dzongri Top and Goechala is most popular among the trekkers. This route has lot of things to enjoy like alpine forest walk, Rhododendrone forest, Beautiful Prekchu river, Samiti Lake, Grand views of big mountains from Dzongri top & Goechala sunrise point, Sunrise on the Kanchenjungha & his family, 14 majestic mountain peaks. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Sandakphu Phalut Trek , Danphebir Pass Trek ,  Kishong La Trek ,  Phoktey Dara Trek ,  Varsey Phalut Trek  etc.

Phoktey Dara Trek

Phoktey Dara Trek

04 Nights/05 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 9,000. Duration : 5 Days. Grade : Moderate. Highest Altitude Gain : 3,733 Mtr ( 12,245 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 26 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : October-May.

Phoktey Dara is Situated at 3733mtr. and famous for the hill top view point to witness the panaromic view of 4 out of 5 highest peaks in the world, Mt.Everest, Mt.Makalu, Mt.Lhotse, Mt.Nuptse and in the east one can see the magnificent view of Mt.Khanchendzonga, Mt.Pandim, Mt.Kabru, Mt.Narsing, Mt.Rathong, Mt.Sinolchu, Mt.Kokthang. You can see the 360 degree opening view of all mountains and Kanchenjungha range in a famous 'Sleeping Buddha' formation. From Phoktey Dara top one can also see the ariel view of Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary, green and blossoming alpine trees, a nature’s paradise, Darjeeling, Phalut, Sandhakpu, Nunthaley view point can be seen from here. For the majestic sunrise and sunset, Phoktey Dara Top is considered as a very extraordinary view point of Sikkim and relatively lesser known trekking trail in West Sikkim. The trail inside Barsey Rhododendrone Sanctuary goes through the undisturbed pathches of forests in Sikkim. Chewabhanjang Pass, located at an elevation of 10,300 ft. is one of the important and famous Pass in the Indo-Nepal border. Phoktey Dara Trek is famous for Rhododendrons and different species of birds & Phoktey Dara is the gateway of the Singalila Ridge Trek. Spreading across an area of 104 Square Km, this sanctuary is home to endangered Red Panda, Barking Deer (Kakar), Himalayan Black Bear, Marbled Cat and many other mammal species. The name Chewabhanjang means a ‘peeping valley’ in the local Limboo language. Lies under Indo-Nepal Pass, ewabhanjang pass has a famous trade route connecting many villages of Sikkim and Nepal. Phoktey Dara Trek is also known as Everest- Kanchendzonga View trek, Singalila Range Trek, Singalila Pass trek, Chewabhanjang Trek. This trek is still unexplored trek route in sikkim Himalaya which Majestic Himalayan Treks & Tours, the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri, Darjeeling & Sikkim, can arrange for you. Phoktey Dara trek starts from Uttarey. Uttarey is a small village located on the northern slope of Singalila Range in West Sikkim which is 160 km from Siliguri or Bagdogra. Phoktey Dara trek is not so famous among trekkers like Goechala, Sandakphu, Roopkund or Hamta Pass. But this trek route is very scenic and diversified. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Sandakphu-Phalut Trek , Kishong La Trek , Danphebir Pass Trek ,  Varsey Phalut Trek etc.

Danphebir Pass Trek

Danphebir Pass Trek

08 Nights/09 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 18,000. Duration : 9 Days. Grade : Moderate. Highest Altitude Gain : 4,530 Mtr. ( 14,860 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 76 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-November.

Danphey Bir Pass trek begins from the village of Nambu and culminating at Uttarey. This trek passes through Singallia Range bordering with Nepal from where you will have a chance to observe mountains of the Sikkim, East Nepal. This himalayan trekking trail is called as a treasure mountain, and we could explore this beautiful hidden paradise. It provides the panoramic view of Mt. Khangchendzonga, Mt. Pandim, Singalia Trek and its affixing ranges. The area of the park of spectacular wilderness with one of the highest mountain peaks towering above virtually undisturbed forest cover. There are many glaciers in the park area. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Kishong La Trek ,  Sandakphu-Phalut Trek ,  Phoktey Dara Trek , Tosar Lake Trek etc.

Kishong La Trek

Kishong La Trek

07 Nights/08 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 15,800. Duration : 8 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 4,900 Mtr. ( 16,070 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 75 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-December.

The Tholung-Kishong trek is an exhausting and strenuous trek. The ultimate destination is the Kishong La with the Kishong Lake. It is also called Keushong Tso Lake or Kishong Lake. It lies at an altitude of of about 14,800 ft above the sea level. The crystal clear lake is surrounded by forests of rhododendron, pine trees and medicinal herbs. The lake is the major source of the Ringpi Chu River, which later joins the Rungyung Chu. It offers great views of the Kanchenjunga peaks. The region have a very rich variety of flora and fauna. Lakes have always been sacred to the Lepchas as they believe that some of the clans originated from the lakes. Kishong lake is believed to be the route to heaven. On the way, You will come across herds of Yak (long haired Himalayan bovine). If you are lucky, you may catch a glimpse of blue sheep which is one of the endangered species, native to this area. Plenty of high altitude birds can be seen on this trek. There are also huge varieties of different plants in the valley. One has to go there to really appreciate the beauty of the place. Various flowers cover the valley, adding rich colors and sweet fragrances to the valley. Our other trek routes are  Goechala Trek ,  Sandakphu-Phalut Trek ,  Danphebir Pass Trek ,  Varsey Phalut Trek , Green Lake Trek  etc.

Dzongri Trek

Dzongri Trek

06 Nights/07 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 12,000. Duration : 7 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 4,200 Mtr. ( 13,780 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 58 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-November.

The Dzongri trek in Sikkim is also one of the most romantic trek route in the Indian Himalayas has to offer the enchanting walk through the Tshoka Rhododendron forests, the vast Dzongri meadows, enchanting panoramic view of some of the highest mountain peak of world like Kanchenjungha, Pandim, Talung, Kabru, Goecha Peak, Tinchenkhang, Jopuno etc., the icy trail to Goechala make lots about the trek very romantic.This is also known as Kanchendzonga Trek, Goechala Trek, Samiti Lake Trek, these are the most popular High Altitude Trekking in Sikkim Himalaya. This is one of the best trek route of Sikkim as well as India offers almost everything making it a trekkers delight. Sunrise view over Kanchenjungha range from Tiger Hills, Dzongri Top and Goechala is most popular among the tourist. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Green Lake Trek , Uttarey Dzongri Round Singalila Trek , Varsey Phalut Trek , Tosar Lake Trek etc.

Tosar Lake Trek

Tosar Lake Trek

10 Nights/11 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 21,000. Duration : 11 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 3,999 Mtr. ( 13,120 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 66 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-November.

Tosar Lake is located at an altitude of 13,120 ft. in between the Mangan Ridge and the Chola Range. To the south east of the lake, is a giant cliff or mountain overlooking the Lake. It is considered sacred and worshiped by the local people. Some of the best views of the Khanchendzongha East face is seen from this region. This trek begins from the road head at Naksuk, Naga Reserved Forest above Naga village which is about an hour drive from Mangan. It follows the old traditional yak and cow trails in the Reserve forest. It passes through soggy temperate forest of broad leaved species and bamboos. This trek is especially popular for its mountain views, floral spectacle in summer, beautiful birds and views of pristine forest. Tosar Lake is located at the junction of the Mangan and Chola range. The maximum height of the ridge is about 14,239 ft. at Maram Chu. The other important peaks of the Mangan ridge are Phyakchung (12,270 ft.), Anden peak (12,139 ft.) and Pandot peak (7,792 ft.). The important spur is the Phodong spur running southwards from the main ridge. The southern face of the Mangan ridge is very steep whereas the north facing slope is gentler. The trek passes through the northern slope of the Mangan Ridge. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Sandakphu-Phalut Trek , Kishong La Trek , Phoktey Dara Trek , Green Lake Trek etc.

Varsey Phalut Trek

Varsey Phalut Trek

05 Nights/06 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 12,000. Duration : 6 Days. Grade : Moderate. Highest Altitude Gain : 3,700 Mtr. ( 12,130 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 67 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-November.

Barsey or Varsey is a tiny place in Sikkim. Located at an altitude of 10,000ft, Barsey is renowned for its Rhododendron Sanctuary. The sanctuary falls in the West Sikkim district and can be accessible by road via Hilley, Dentam or Soreng from Geyzing. If you want to try trekking in Sikkim, it would be an amazing idea to proceed up (4 kms) the hill from Hilley. The sanctuary falls in the Singalila range, and is a starting point to Singalila Ridge trek route. Lying at an elevation of 2900 mt. and has motorable road access up to Hilley. An easy 4 km trek from there takes one up to the Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary. One can also trek from Soreng to Dentum in West Sikkim. The Sanctuary boast of over 40 variety of Rhododendron and during full bloom, the whole sanctuary looks colorful. From versey there are lot of trek routes through the forest, Versey to Phalut is one of this. Phalut or Falut (3600 m) is the second highest peak of West Bengal, India. Part of the Singalila Ridge in the Himalayas, it is located at the border of the Indian states of West Bengal and Sikkim and the country of Nepal. It is located inside the Singalila National Park. A small bunkhouse is near the top of the peak and is administered by the Indian army. The indigenous tribes surrounding the mountain peak are known as Falutians by outsiders. Falutians have a 300 year history of worshipping the mountain peak, and believe that phalut is an omniscient god. They refer to the mountain peak as "Omna Re Ay". If you want to trek in unexplored area of Sikkim then try Versey to Phalut trek. It is also called Phoktey Dara Trek. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour opertor of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all arrangement of trek with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Sandakphu-Phalut Trek , Kishong La Trek , Uttarey Dzongri Round Singalila Trek ,  Tosar Lake Trek etc.

Bajre Dara Trek

Bajre Dara Trek

Cost : INR 9,000. Duration : 5 Days. Grade : Normal. Highest Altitude Gain : 3,350 Mtr ( 10,990 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 32 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : October-May.

Bajre Dara is Situated at 3350 mtr. and famous for the hill top view point to witness the magnificent view of Mt.Khanchendzonga, Mt.Pandim, Mt.Kabru, Mt.Narsing, Mt.Rathong, Mt.Sinolchu, Mt.Kokthang. You can see the 360 degree opening view of  Kanchenjungha range in a famous ' Sleeping Buddha ' formation. For the majestic sunrise and sunset, Bajre Dara Top is considered as a very extraordinary view point of Sikkim and relatively lesser known trekking trail in West Sikkim. This trek is still unexplored trek route in sikkim Himalaya which Majestic Himalayan Treks & Tours, the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri, Darjeeling & Sikkim, can arrange for you. Bajre Dara trek starts from Melliaching, Near Pelling. Melliaching is a small village located on West Sikkim which is 150 km from Siliguri or Bagdogra. Bajre Dara trek is not so famous among trekkers like Goechala, Sandakphu, Roopkund or Hamta Pass. But this trek route is very scenic and diversified. Our other trek routes are Phoktey Dara Trek , Goechala Trek , Kishong La Trek , Danphebir Pass Trek , Sandakphu Phalut Trek  etc.

Green Lake Trek

Green Lake Trek

11 Nights/12 Days Sikkim

Cost : INR 60,000. Duration : 12 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 5,050 Mtr. ( 16,569 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 92 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : March-May & October-November.

Green Lake trek is one of the most beautiful trek of Sikkim. It will takes you to a high altitude lake. The trek to Green Lake, the base of Majestic Mt. Khangchendzonga on the Zemu glacier in North Sikkim is one of the best of all treks in this area with a variety of flowers such as rhododendrons, primulas and blue poppies which poses a challenge and rewards you with unsurpassed views of Sikkim and Bhutan Himalayan peaks. The view of the Majestic Mt. Khanchendzonga is fantastic. The Green Lake base camp is more than 5000 meter and so proper acclimatization is essential to avoid altitude sickness. Since there are no trekkers’ hut, so any team attempting the trek must be entirely self sufficient, with proper trekking equipments, food, guide, porters etc. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Sandakphu-Phalut Trek , Phoktey Dara Trek ,  Uttarey Dzongri Round Singalila Trek , Varsey Phalut Trek etc.

Uttarey Dzongri Round Singalila Trek

Uttarey Dzongri Round Singalila Trek

Cost : INR 17500. Duration : 12 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 4,530 Mtr. ( 14,860 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 115 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-November.

The Uttarey Dzongri Round trek in Sikkim is said to cover the political boundary between Nepal and Sikkim. Uttarey Dzongri Round trek or Singalila Trek has a barren landscape, which is devoid of many trees and boasts of steep and rocky hills. The grassy meadow of Singalila range adds delight to trekking at Singalila. It offers majestic view of the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas including king of mountains Kanchendzonga, Mt Everest and other peaks of himalaya. During trek you have to cross a high pass called Daphe Bhir La at 4,530 meters, the Pass of the Pheasant. A further hour’s contouring and a small ascent reveals the Kag Bhir La (the Pass of the Crow) where we may be lucky enough to towering view of panoramic Himalayan peaks including Khanchendzonga. The trek offers the various mountain peaks, lush green valleys, fast flowing rivers, beautiful monasteries and terraced hills. Uttarey Dzongri Round trek or Singalila Trek is the most unexplored trekking route in Sikkim Himalaya. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Sandakphu-Phalut Trek , Phoktey Dara Trek , Varsey Phalut Trek , Tosar Lake Trek etc.

Rathong Glacier Trek

Rathong Glacier Trek

Cost : INR 15,000. Duration : 10 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 4,650 Mtr. ( 15,225 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 88 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : October to May.

The Goechala Trekking experienceand Rathong Glacier mission begins with your arrival in NJP, from where you will drive down to the beautiful basecamp of Yuksom. This adrenaline-charged Goecha La trekking expedition takes you through the exciting beauty of Yuksam and Tshokha while striding onwards towards Dzongri and Lamuney. Enjoy quiet nights in camps amidst the charming serenity and embark on a trek will lead you to experience nature in its simplicity Pass through the silvery Rathong Glacier that stands at 4,600m and let yourself be lost in a romantic trekking trail at Sikkim. Breathe in the crisp mountain air, meet the fascinating people, witness their distinctive culture and explore the mesmerising trail that leads you to a paradise of sorts. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Sandakphu-Phalut Trek , Phoktey Dara Trek ,  Uttarey Dzongri Round Singalila Trek , Varsey Phalut Trek etc.

Kasturi Orar Round Trek

Kasturi Orar Round Trek

Cost : INR 15,000. Duration : 11 Days. Grade : Difficult. Highest Altitude Gain : 4,940 Mtr. ( 16,200 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 120 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & October-November.

The Kasturi Orar Round trek in Sikkim is also one of the most romantic trek route in the Indian Himalayas has to offer the enchanting walk through the Tshoka Rhododendron forests, the vast Dzongri and Thansing meadows, the startling blue waters of Samiti lake, Lampokhari lake enchanting panoramic view of some of the highest mountain peak of world like Kanchenjungha, Pandim, Talung, Kabru, Goecha Peak, Tinchenkhang, Jopuno etc., the icy trail to Goechala make lots about the trek very romantic. Kasturi Orar Round Trek, the best trek route of Sikkim as well as India offers almost everything making it a trekkers delight. Sunrise view over Kanchenjungha range from Tiger Hills, Dzongri Top and Goechala is most popular among the tourist. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Sandakphu-Phalut Trek , Phoktey Dara Trek ,  Uttarey Dzongri Round Singalila Trek , Varsey Phalut Trek etc.

Khedi Trek

Cost : INR 10,000. Duration : 7 Days. Grade : Normal. Highest Altitude Gain : 3,150 Mtr. ( 10,335 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : April-May & November-December.

Khedi which is located at an elevation of around 2803 Mtr. The remote and quintessential surrounding blessed by bliss of solitude makes it a different call altogether and here one would have an occasion to understand the serenity and bounty of Mother Nature. The historical significance and chronology its shares with the line of Tibet would take you back the days when people used to use the rough surface to cover the distance between Tibet and Sikkim for business and trading purpose. With an evolution of time the rough surface were identified as moral trekking circuit and its virgin forest where you would get to view the vivid species of vegetation lured traveller to hike its trekking circuit and today it stands as one of the most renowned trekking point of Sikkim. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Phoktey Dara Trek , Danphebir Pass Trek ,  Kishong La Trek , Varsey Phalut Trek etc.

Neytham Holy Cave Trek

Neytham Holy Cave Trek

Cost : INR 12,000. Duration : 5 Days. Grade : Moderate. Highest Altitude Gain : 3,600 Mtr. ( 11,811 Ft. ). Approx Trekking Km : 28 Kms.  Activities : Trekking, Camping & Photography of Nature. Best Time to Go : October to May.

Neytham holy cave trek is a treasure mountain, and you could explore this beautiful hidden paradise. This is an extremely pleasant trek for those who love nature and respect culture. It provides the panoramic view of Mt. Khangchendzonga, Mt. Pandim, Mt. Kabru, and its adjoining ranges. In Limboo Language  “Ney”  means  “existing place”  and  “Thaan“  means  “devine enshrinment” , i.e., “Ney- Thaan” means “place of devine enshrinement” and this place of pilgrimage later on became popularly known as Neydham is located on the ridge of the boundary line of two constituencies Maneybong-Dentam Constituency and Yangthang Constituency. Accordingly, as mentioned above “ NEY DHAM “ hill top is still called as “ NEY-THAM DARA”.  The word “Neydham” is also formed with the combination of Lepcha and Nepali languages.  “Ney” in Lepcha language means “Holy Place” and “Dham” in Nepali language means  “dwelling place of god and goddess” . People believed that if one worshiped there with true faith, one’s wishes are fulfilled.  With this regard, its comparison can be made with the famous holy place Nepal-Manokamna.  Its physical feature resembles with Kailash Parbat.  There is a beautiful cave in the middle of the main big cave with at least 20ft. deep from the entrance and there is also a place of performing prayer and worship. Majestic Himalayan, one of the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri - Darjeeling - Sikkim, will take care of your all trek arrangement with their expertise. Our other trek routes are Goechala Trek , Danphebir Pass Trek , Phoktey Dara Trek ,  Kishong La Trek , Varsey Phalut Trek etc.

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Ashmita Trek & Tours

  • Trekking & Hiking

Trekking in Sikkim

The Best Trek in India for Big Mountains Views

The Best Trek in India for Big Mountains Views

The northeastern Indian state of Sikkim is one of the world’s most unappreciated trekking destinations.in Sikkim’s Himalayas lies a vast expanse of land that is nearly unspoiled. Come join us in discovering thewonderful village-to-mountaintop trails. You will not be disappointed when you finish the trip. By the end of it, you might already be making plans for your next trip to Sikkim.

Dominating the mountain views of Sikkim is Kanchenjunga (also spelled Khangchendzonga) (8586 meters / 28,169 feet).  This colossal mountain is the world’s third highest, after Mount Everest (8848 meters / 29,029 feet) and K2 (8611 meters / 28,251 feet). As a matter of fact, Mount Everest is even visible from parts of our Sikkim treks. Sikkim is a true mountain-lover’s paradise. Nothing beats spending days among the highest mountains in the world, which seem to soar into the heavens.

Also, alongthe majestic trails in Sikkim lies several pristine, sacred lakes. For example, look at Samati Lake. This brilliant emerald-green body of water rests and the base of snow-capped, rugged peaks. In each of our Sikkim treks, we cross high mountain passes. The Goechala Pass (5002 meters/16,406 feet) exposes trekkers to jaw-dropping mountain panoramas. Pictures do not do this scene justice. You just have to see it for yourself!

Another special part about our treks in Sikkim is that they are not only adventures into nature, but they are meaningful cultural experiences as well. Take pleasure in the excitement of learning about a new culture and way of life. Fill yourself with the knowledge about the local language, festivals, rituals, etc. in your exploration of Sikkim. Along the trail, you will meet Gurung, Limbu, and more groups in the ethnically diverse state of Sikkim.Trekkers find the locals to be delightfully hospitable. People come to Sikkim for the landscapes, but it is the people that make visitors want to stay.

We lead treks and hikes in both Kanchenjunga National Park as well as Singalila National Park. Find an array of amazing wildlife here, including the rare red panda, leopard, barking deer, Himalayan black bar, serow, takin, the Himalayan blue sheep, the Himalayan tahr, and dozens of other species. The parks are also home to some majestic bird species, including the Tibetan snowcock. On any given trek, you are sure to run into some of these wild animals!

The best time to trek in Sikkim is during the spring time (March to May) and autumn (September to November), though we do lead treks throughout the year. One bonus of trekking during the off season, though, is that you will see much fewer trekkers along the trail, giving a closer connection to the landscapes and local people.

So, have a look and come revel in the marvelous beauty of Sikkim! See our Trekking packages below like Sikkim Goechala Trek , is most popular treks in sikkim for weekend trek and if you looking for offbeat trek we offer Sikkim Singalila Uttarey Trek is best trek through between india nepal border via Goechala and Dzongri which is for two weeks. and we also offer Sikkim Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek  The thrilling trek to Kanchenjunga base camp originates from Yuksom; further, it continues towards Bakhim, Dzongri, Laxmi Pokhari, Bikhbari Chaurikhang and Rathong Glacier, Bikhbari and then finally ends at Bakkhim. Within the 11 days expedition, trekkers will enjoy the astounding view of Mt Khangchendzonga (8,586 m), Mt Kokthang (6,148 m), Mt Pandim (6,691 m) and several other peaks in the region. 

Overall, homestay trekking in Sikkim is an excellent way to experience the local culture, support the local economy, and promote sustainable tourism. It is a unique and immersive experience that every traveler should try at least once. Some of our famous homestay trekking packages are the  Pelling Yuksom Tashiding Home Stay Trek in Sikkim , Sherpa, Bhutia and tamang Culture Trek, etc. and more short trek also avilable book your trek today! We are always here to tailor our packages to your preferred itinerary. If ours do not match your wishes, let us know and we will do the best we can to accommodate you.

Sikkim Kanchenjunga Goechala Trek

Sikkim Goechala Trek - 11 Days

Yuksom Dzongri Trek in Sikkim

Yuksom Dzongri Trek in Sikkim - 8 Days

Sikkim Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek

Sikkim Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek - 11 Days

Sikkim Singalila Uttaray Round Trek

Sikkim Singalila Uttaray Round Trek - 19 Days

Green Lake Trek in Sikkim

Green Lake Trek in Sikkim - 17 Days

Home Stay Trek in Sikkim

Pelling Yuksom Tashiding Home Stay Trek in Sikkim

Singalila Phoktey Dara Trek

Singalila Phoktey Dara Trek - 7 Days

Darjeeling Singalila and Sikkim Goechala Combined Trek

Darjeeling Singalila and Sikkim Goechala Combined Trek - 18 Days

Bajre Dara Trek

Bajre Dara Trek in Sikkim - 5 Days

Ashmita Trek & Tours


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Singalila Trek, Sikkim: Guide To The Most Scenic Himalayan Ridge

Strap on your boots, pack your sense of wonder and prepare for a journey that will tickle your senses and ignite your spirit of adventure as you embark on this trek with our adventure Sikkim tour packages .

Singalila Trek, located in the Himalayan region of India, offers adventurers a mesmerising journey through lush forests, picturesque landscapes, and panoramic views of the majestic Himalayas. Here, we present a comprehensive guide to the various locations and activities one can experience during the Singalila Trek in Sikkim with an adventure tour plan. This adventure has many best things to do in Sikkim for a memorable and refreshing trip.

1. Manebhanjan during Singalila Trek in Sikkim

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3. Kalipokhri

4. sandakphu.

Suggested Read: 12 Restaurants In Sikkim To Experience Culture On A Platter

Things to do in Singalila Trek

1. Trekking: The primary activity of the Singalila Trek, trekking allows travellers to traverse diverse landscapes, including forests, meadows, and high-altitude passes while experiencing the thrill of adventure.

2. Birdwatching: Singalila National Park is home to a rich diversity of bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts. Travellers can spot colourful Himalayan birds like the crimson sunbird, blue-fronted redstart, and Himalayan monal.

3. Photography: With its breathtaking vistas, diverse flora and fauna, and vibrant cultural heritage, Singalila Trek offers endless opportunities for photography enthusiasts to capture stunning landscapes, wildlife, and local life.

4. Cultural Interaction: Along the Singalila trek route, travellers can interact with local villagers, learn about their traditions and customs, and gain insights into the rich cultural heritage of the Himalayan region.

5. Meditation and Yoga: The serene environment of Singalila Trek provides the perfect setting for meditation and yoga practice, allowing travellers to rejuvenate their minds, body, and soul amidst the beauty of nature.

Suggested Read: 12 Sikkim Travel Tips For A Wanderlusting Getaway

Singalila Trek Route:

Singalila trek duration:, singalila trek altitude sickness:, singalila trek accommodation:, singalila trek guided tours:, singalila trek weather :.

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Itinerary for the Singalila Trek

Arrival in Mane Bhanjang. Acquire any necessary permits for the trek. Spend the night in Mane Bhanjang, resting and preparing for the trek ahead.

Start the trek early in the morning after breakfast. Trek from Mane Bhanjang to Tumling, which takes around 6-7 hours. Enjoy the scenic views of the Himalayas along the way. Reach Tumling and rest for the night at a guesthouse or campsite.

Begin the trek from Tumling to Kalipokhri. Trek through beautiful forests and rhododendron-filled trails. Reach Kalipokhri, a small lake surrounded by prayer flags. Set up camp or stay at a guesthouse for the night.

Trek from Kalipokhri to Sandakphu, the highest point of the trek. Marvel at breathtaking panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks, including Mt. Everest and Kanchenjunga. Reach Sandakphu and spend the night at a guesthouse or campsite.

Begin the trek from Sandakphu to Phalut, another stunning viewpoint. Trek through high-altitude meadows and forests. Enjoy uninterrupted views of the Himalayan range. Reach Phalut and rest for the night at a guesthouse or campsite.

Trek from Phalut to Gorkhey, descending through lush forests and picturesque villages. Pass by streams and waterfalls along the way. Reach Gorkhey and spend the night in a homestay or campsite.

Trek from Gorkhey to Srikhola, the endpoint of the trek. Descend through beautiful landscapes and quaint villages. Reach Srikhola and conclude the trek. Depart from Srikhola and head back to your onward destination.

Singalila Trek Experiences:

Singalila Trek difficulty is varying levels and attributes, with some sections offering relatively easy terrain while others pose more challenging ascents and descents. Trekkers should be prepared for the Singalila Trek difficulty, which can range from moderate to strenuous depending on factors such as altitude, weather conditions, and individual fitness levels.

In conclusion, the Singalila Trek is a captivating journey through some of the most spectacular landscapes and cultural treasures of the Himalayas. With its diverse locations and array of activities, this trek offers a truly immersive experience that leaves travellers spellbound and yearning for more. Whether it’s trekking amidst towering peaks, birdwatching in pristine forests, or interacting with local communities, Singalila Trek promises an adventure of a lifetime that will be cherished forever.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q: what is the difficulty level of the singalila trek, q: how long does it take to complete the singalila trek, q: do i need permits for the singalila trek, q: when is the best time to embark on the singalila trek.

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Panch Pokhari Trek – An Unexplored Trek in Sikkim

When you read the name of the trek or look it up on the internet, in all probability you will be reminded or be informed of the Panch Pokhari Trek that lies on the Eastern Himalayas in Nepal . But there is a beautiful trek route with the same name in Sikkim that people hardly know of.

sikkim himalayan trek

While there are many other popular treks in Sikkim like Goecha La that are walked upon by a huge number of trekkers every year and are considered one the Topmost Treks in the Himalayas , this lesser known trek route is truly a hidden gem in Sikkim.

About Panch Pokhari Trek

‘Panch Pokhari’ translates to ‘five lakes.’ On this route, you’d be accompanied by enchanting greenery and panoramic views of the Kanchendzonga ranges. What makes this trek unique is the fact that it is not frequented by many people as it is the case with other trekking routes. There is no tinge of commercialisation and there are very few trek organizers who are mostly locals, giving you an experience of community-based tourism.

sikkim himalayan trek

The trailhead of the trek is Phamthang , a secluded village in South Sikkim and the nearest town to the base village is Ravangla. Even though Phamthang is the base of the trek, it will be ideal to consider staying at Borong , another village which lies about 10km before Phamthang and has several homestays and options for accommodation.

The trek route cuts through Reserve Forests and Maenam Wildlife Sanctuary which opens up possibilities of spotting a Red Panda or Himalayan Black Bear .

It takes 3-4 days to ascend till Panch Pokhari – the five gorgeous fresh water lakes situated at an altitude of 14166 feet surrounded by snow capped peaks of Himalayan ranges. The view from Panch Pokhari is dreamy enough to make you feel that you have landed up in a magical world. From the highest point of the trek, it takes 2-3 days , depending on your capacity to descend back to the base – Phamthang.

The difficulty level is moderate and it takes 5-6 days to complete this high altitude trek.

Best time to go for Panch Pokhari trek

The best time to trek to Panch Pokhari is the months of April and May. During this time the various species of Himalayan flowers are in full bloom and the mountain villages are dotted by multiple shades of rhododendrons, making the sceneries reach an epitome of beauty. The exceptionally beautiful Himalayan flower Rheum nobile , locally known as ‘Sikkim sundari’ also blooms on the trek route during this time. The height of these flowers range between 3-5 feet and are fascinating to look at.

sikkim himalayan trek

The time between August and October too is a favourable time to go for this trek. The skies are clear offering stunning views of the snow clad mountain ranges.

Winter months of November-February should be avoided as the route is covered in snow and the weather becomes extremely chilly.

How to reach Borong

  • The nearest airport is Bagdogra Airport.
  • The nearest railway station is New Jalpaiguri.

By private/reserved vehicle

  • From Bagdogra or New Jalpaiguri, you can directly reach Borong by a private cab. The charges would be INR 4000 approximately.
  • If no cab agrees to take you till Borong, ask them to drop you at Ravangla . The cost should be between INR 3000-3500.
  • From Ravangla, take a second cab till Borong, that’d cost you around INR 1000.
  • The journey would roughly take 6 hours including a halt.

By shared vehicle

  • If you wish you to travel by a shared vehicle, head to SNT bus terminus in Siliguri from the airport or railway station.
  • From SNT bus terminus there are shared sumos available for Ravangla that’d cost INR 250 per person.
  • Upon reaching Ravangla, take a private cab till Borong, which would cost you around INR 1000. There are little chances of getting a shared cab from Ravangla to Borong as it is a secluded hamlet.

Panch Pokhari Trek – Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: borong – phamthang – aloo tar.

There is a motorable road till Phamthang so you can choose to cover this 8-10 kms by a car. The probability of finding a cab instantly in Borong is bleak and hence it is advisable to sort this out with your homestay host or trek organizer.

From Phamthang, the trek towards the first campsite starts where walk for about 5 hours to reach Aloo Tar. The trail is impressive and is covered with chestnut and oak trees. You would reach this site by late afternoon and can spend the next few hours to explore the area.

Day 2: Aloo Tar – Chandu

On day 2, you begin walking towards Chandu which is about 7 kms from Aloo Tar . This trail takes you through alpine forests and you get to see rhododendron forests. As you reach this campsite by afternoon, you can have your lunch and rest at an altitude of 9242 feet.

Day 3: Chandu – Gairi Orar

Day 3 is a long walk where you reach your last camping site, Gairi Orar where you’d camp at an altitude of 11286 feet just below the five lakes. Upon reaching, you can explore the vast alpine meadows or take rest to prepare for your final ascend on the next day.

Day 4: Gairi Orar – Panch Pokhari – Gairi Orar

The most waited day is finally here where you walk the last stretch of 9 kms with a halt in the forest of Majnagi Kharkha, to reach Panch Pokhari, the highest point of your trek. You could start very early on this day so that you get to spend some time by the lakes. When you reach Panch Pokhari, you’d realize that the view is worth the climb. The crystal clear waters of the five holy lakes will leave you mesmerized and it will be difficult for you to make your way back.

By afternoon, you can start to descend back to the campsite in Gairi Orar where you’d spend the night.

Day 5: Gairi Orar – Chandu

You take the same trail to climb down to the campsite at Chandu and spend the night on fifth day of your trek.

Day 6: Chandu – Aloo Tar – Phamthang – Borong

Pick up your pace on the last day of descend and descend down to Phamthang through Aloo Tar. You can choose to spend the night at Phamthang if arrangements can be made or may travel back to Borong.

sikkim himalayan trek

Major attractions around Borong

After you finish your trek you may add in a few days to experience the vibe of Sikkim . Some may want to rest in the village while some may want to explore a few more places. A few of the nearby places of interests are listed below:

Buddha Park

You must have come across this place on the day you had arrived. Once you finish the trek, you may head over to Buddha Park which houses a 130 feet high statue of Buddha and a beautifully maintained garden. This is the most popular tourist spot in Ravangla.

sikkim himalayan trek

Doling Monastery and Seven Mirror Lake

About 6 kms from Ravangla, lies Doling Monastery and Seven Mirror Lake , away from the attention of tourists. This secret spot in South Sikkim has a very interesting story attached to it and it is believed that the footprints of deity Kanchendzonga’s Horse is still in the premises. There is a tiny lake in front of the monastery which is surrounded by prayer flags.

sikkim himalayan trek

Bon Monastery

Located in Kewzing, Bon Monastery is one of the only two monasteries in India that belongs to Bon Sect. You can head to this monastery and have a look at the paintings of the Bon deities and well preserved scriptures of this sect.

Where to Stay in Borong

  • Ashwin Homestay
  • Homestay Borong

Recommended trek organiser

You can contact Mr. Deepak Thapa from Eco Tourism of Dhupi Karjee who has been organizing sustainable treks on the principles of eco-tourism while promoting lesser known destinations in rural Sikkim.

  • Contact number: 8172041495
  • Whatsapp number: 9600327819

Things to carry on the trek

Depending on what camping gears your trek organiser provides you, you will have to plan your part. But the basic trekking gears you should have in your bag are:

  • Trekking Poles
  • Raincoat and raincovers for rucksack
  • Water resistant shoes
  • Extra socks
  • Munchies, snacks and energy bars
  • Reusable water bottles
  • Personal Medical kit
  • Tissue paper and toilet paper
  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Sleeping Bag (if you don’t want to use the one provided by your trek organiser)

General Guidelines

  • Indians do not need a permit to enter Sikkim but Foreign Nationals need an Inner Line Permit to enter Sikkim.
  • You must be well accustomed to high altitudes and be moderately fit to go on this trek.
  • It is not advisable to do this trek independently as it is not yet explored at great lengths and maps are not available yet.
  • You could plan the trek through a trek organizer (check the recommendation) and plan the night stays and campsites accordingly.
  • It’s advisable to plan the trek during the spring season –April and May, to experience the best of this trek.
  • If this is going to be your first trekking experience, do have a look on How to get ready for your first Himalayan Trek.

To know more about how to plan a trip to other places in Sikkim , check this detailed Sikkim Travel Guide.

If these offbeat trekking experiences interest you, you must also check this guide to Hatu Peak Hike. And don’t forget to Pin this detailed guide about Panch Pokhari Trek for future reference.

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Michelle Tirkey

Hailing from the foothill town of Siliguri, Michelle takes immense interest in storytelling, through words and photographs. Having a home so close to the mountains is what she considers a gift. A law student at present, she often takes time out to travel to the mountains and pen down her experiences. She believes in giving back to the community through volunteering in local projects and strongly supports community tourism.

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4 replies to “panch pokhari trek – an unexplored trek in sikkim”.

This sounds like such a nice trek. I always enjoy a challenging hike, I always feel so good afterwards! Must plan this one out.

This trek looks wonderful, I am also bowled over by the beauty of Sikkim Sundari and the surroundings. Probably sometime when I am in Sikkim, I would like to try out this trek.

Being on the trek which is less explored by others must be an enthralling experience. Your detailed post on the trek is a perfect checklist for all enthusiasts.

There is perhaps no greater joy in exploring such hidden beauties through trekking! I hadn’t even heard about this trek before but I love how comprehensive this guide is. The Sikkim Sundari flower just had me!

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Sikkim & Darjeeling

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Trekking in Sikkim & Darjeeling:

Treks which are in the Indian state of Sikkim or part of Darjeeling (and Kalimpong) in West Bengal. When we think a trek in Eastern Himalayas, probably it will be in either Sikkim or Darjeeling.

Being geographically connected, Sikkim and Darjeeling are similar in many aspects. Be it weather wise or culturally.


The area has significant amount of international border and protected forest areas. So it has its related permit procedures. Check here to know various permits that you require for trekking in Sikkim .

Below are the diversified trekking options in this relatively smaller region from which you can surely pick one as suits your taste.

Major trekking routes in Sikkim & Darjeeling are following alphabetically:


Bajre Dara Trek


Barsey Nature Trail

Dafeybhir trek

Dafeybhir Trek


Darjeeling Tea Gardens Trek


Dzongri Trek

Goecha la trek

Goecha La Trek


Maenam Hill trek


Mulkharka Lake Trek


North Sikkim Tour


Rachela Neora Valley Trek

Sandakphu phalut trek

Sandakphu Phalut Trek

sandakphu trek

Sandakphu Trek

Submit this form that we can email you all the necessary details and call you to discuss., tour starting date: green boxed dates indicate starting of a scheduled fixed departure tour (day 1 of our tour itinerary). please check the calendar and choose a suitable fixed departure date (green boxed) unless dates are not matching or you are looking for a customised/private trip., i accept the terms & conditions.

Welcome to Sikkim, visit Sikkim with us.

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Our company is professionally managed by a team of esteemed personals who have good knowledge and experience in organizing tours and treks and we have young, energetic, hospitable and trained staffs who has undergone various training programmes related to the tourism industry organized by the department of tourism and Travel Agents Association of Sikkim (TAAS). Our company organizes various kinds of eco-friendly tours and treks in Sikkim, Bhutan and we also arrange mountain biking and white water rafting on the river Teesta. The fun and challenge of Himalayan Holidays package and services experience are unforgettable and a life time memory. Organizing Tours and Treks and various activities in and around Sikkim is not only our profession but also our love and passion to this business. Gomphu Tshering Bhutia the Managing Director of this company has a vast knowledge about Flora and Fauna of Sikkim. He has joined this business at a very early age after finishing his studies in one of the renowned school of West Bengal – St. Augustine`s School at Kalimpong. He is also the executive member of Travel Agents Association of Sikkim (TAAS) He has also participated in the Travel & Tourism Fair in Kolkata number of times. You can rest assured that your tours and treks are being choreographed by the best person in the line. Lie back and relax, and leave the rest to me. Experience "THE HEAVEN ON EARTH". Sikkim was earlier a protectorate of India with a monarchy government, but in 1975 it metamorphosed as the twenty second state of Indian Union. The population of the whole state is about 5, 40,000 as per the last census, less than a populated colony of Delhi? Tucked away in the eastern corner of the mighty Himalayas, Sikkim nestles among the snow-clad- ranges like a precious jewel waiting to be discovered. Bordered by Tibet in the north, Bhutan in the east, Nepal in the west and the Indian state West Bengal in the south, Sikkim is an enchanting land that inspires divine imaginations in the hearts of all who come within its magical range. The sacred and exotic land is blessed by the great Buddhist saint Guru Padmasambhawa. Sikkim harbors nearly 4000 varieties of flowering plants including 600 varieties of orchids, exotic collection of fauna and some of the rare and endangered species of wildlife like red panda, snow leopard, and shapi etc.An ancient land treasured with seemingly endless visual vistas, pristine environment, and hospitality which is genuinely legendary. Here lies Mount Kanchendzonga (8586mts) the third highest peak in the world revered and worshipped by sikkimese as “Protective Deity”. The name Sikkim is an appellation of the Nepalese word “Suk-him” meaning “A land of happiness” the Bhutias call it “Bayul Demazong” or the “Hidden Valley of Rice”, the name Sikkim is also an apt metaphor for enchanting experience, adorable myths, and a mystical bliss. In short, Sikkim is a desirable destination to go serenading seraphic sensuality of the Great Himalayan foothills where the nature is at its best and the closest. The customs and cultures of the different communities that reside here also present a kaleidoscopic picture. A visit to Sikkim is to let you loose on a grand tour of a place that is still very much virgin, unpolluted and innocent. Sikkim offers the perfect destination for those wanting an escape from the sanitized complexities of the city life and longing for some warmth and friendship in the lap of nature. Districts headquarters: East (Gangtok 5500 ft) West (Geyzing 5200 ft) North (Mangan 4800 ft) South (Namchi 4600 ft)

sikkim himalayan trek

Himalayan Adventure: Visit These 5 Local Places In Sikkim To Experience The Enchanting Beauty Of North-East India

F or those seeking solace and rejuvenation, this place offers a unique blend of natural wonders, vibrant culture, delightful amenities, and mesmerising activities.

Notably, Sikkim has recently made remarkable strides by becoming the world's first organic state, setting an example for other cities. With its expertise in adopting 100 per cent organic farming techniques and sustainable living, travelers can take pride in supporting such an eco-friendly destination. Additionally, the region's stunning glaciers and frozen lakes add an irresistible charm to the seven sisters.

Meanwhile, Gangtok, the capital city, is renowned for its picturesque views and pleasant climate all year round. Here, you can immerse yourself in the local way of life, with a plethora of dining, shopping, and entertainment options.

If you've been contemplating a vacation that combines both conventional and offbeat experiences, Sikkim serves as an ideal destination to unwind and bask in the awe-inspiring beauty of nature.

Embarking on an Exploration of Sikkim's Upmarket Street

It is essential to pre-book a taxi for your road journey to Gangtok once you reach Siliguri or Bagdogra airport in West Bengal. Making this arrangement in advance ensures a hassle-free experience as you travel from the airport to Gangtok. With decent road conditions, you can relax and enjoy the journey.

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Upon reaching Gangtok, check into your pre-booked hotel or accommodation. Head to the main market in Gangtok, known as MG Marg get spoiled for choice with a variety of cafes, restaurants, and shopping spots once you drop off your luggage and freshen up.

Embrace Spiritual Retreats

Make your way to Rumtek Monastery, also known as Dharma Chakra Centre, which happens to be the largest monastery in Sikkim. It features a beautiful shrine temple and a monastery where monks spread the teachings of Lord Buddha worldwide. Surrounded by lush green mountains, this spiritual haven offers a serene sanctuary for travelers seeking tranquility.

For a sumptuous holiday experience, consider booking a private car charter from the range of luxury vehicles available in the city. This will allow you to indulge in comfort, luxury, and a customizable route to explore the city's finest offerings. Immerse yourself in the local life, culture, and heritage of Sikkim, making your journey truly worthwhile.

Embark on a series of Fun Escapades

Dedicate an entire day to a road trip to Tsogmo and Nathu la Pass, which marks the border between India and Tibet-occupied China. The journey to Nathu la Pass treats you to a mesmerising view of Chumbi Valley. Situated at an altitude of 4302 meters, it boasts one of the highest motorable roads in the world, adding a thrilling element to your trip.

The calmness and tranquil beauty of Tsogmo, with its glacial lake, add an adventurous touch to your day. The snow-capped mountains provide a panoramic view of Gangtok, immersing you in a hypnotic charm. Take a trek along the lake's shores and savor local cuisine at the small kiosks.

Enjoy a Mix of Nature, Heritage, and Adventure in Pelling

Surrounded by lush greenery and alpine vegetation, Pelling is a haven of natural beauty. Its scenic landscapes and pleasant weather make sightseeing even more enchanting. Marvel at the beautiful waterfalls, especially during the end of the monsoon season, when they showcase their spectacular beauty.

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Venture to Kanchenjunga National Park, located approximately 40 kilometers from Pelling. This park offers a fantastic day trip, where you can witness the blooming rhododendrons. 

Additionally, don't miss the chance to experience the archaic Singshore Bridge, the quaint Changey Waterfalls, and the sacred Khecheopalri Lake, revered by Buddhists. To make your travel more convenient, you can request a helicopter booking that connects Pelling and Gangtok.

Immerse Yourself in the Cultural and Religious Significance of Yuksom Town

No tour of Sikkim would be complete without experiencing the historical treasures and captivating monasteries while indulging in the Buddhist heritage of Yuksom town. Situated in the sub-division of West Sikkim, this unexplored historical town offers a refuge for the mind and soul of travelers. 

Visit attractions such as Tashiding Monastery, Dubdi Monastery, the Coronation Throne of Norbugane, Kartok Monastery, and more while indulging in shopping for unique and traditional trinkets.

Before bidding farewell and heading to Bagdogra Airport, take a day to do nothing but immerse yourself in the natural vibes surrounding you. 

Embark on short hikes, take a refreshing dip in the Phamrong Waterfalls, and explore the village trails, breathing in the fresh mountain air. Take a moment to delight in the melodious chirping of colorful birds before ensuring you reach the airport on time, thus avoiding any last-minute hassles.

 Himalayan Adventure: Visit These 5 Local Places In Sikkim To Experience The Enchanting Beauty Of North-East India

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  • The Great Lakes Trek In Kashmir Which Are Perfect Escapes For Adventure Seekers To Embark In 2024

27 Jun 2024

Nestled in the heart of the majestic Himalayas, the Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir promises an adventure like no other. This breathtaking journey takes you through the pristine alpine lakes, towering snow-capped peaks, and lush meadows adorned with a kaleidoscope of wildflowers. Go on a trek that challenges your endurance while rewarding you with awe-inspiring vistas at every turn. From the crystal-clear waters of Vishansar Lake to the rugged beauty of Gadsar Pass, this trek offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in nature’s grandeur and create memories that will last a lifetime.

About Great Lakes Trek In Kashmir

The Tarsar Marsar Lake in the Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir

Image Source: Shutterstock

The Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir is an amazing journey through beautiful landscapes. Covering 65-70 km in 7-8 days, this trek is rated moderate to difficult. You’ll walk through alpine meadows, dense forests, and snow-covered passes like Nichnai Pass and Gadsar Pass, reaching heights of around 13,750 feet. The views of peaks and valleys are stunning. The trek includes seven beautiful lakes, each adding to its charm. Trekkers also find lovely campsites in valleys with maples and pines. This trek shows off the natural beauty of Kashmir, often called paradise on Earth.

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Great Lakes Trek In Kashmir: Your Day-to-Day Itinerary

Go on camping or do other things while trekking in Kashmir.

Below is a day-to-day itinerary for the Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir to give you an idea of what to expect:

Day 1: Srinagar To Shirdi Your adventure starts with a drive from Srinagar to Shitkadi near Sonamarg. This 75 Km journey takes about 3.5 hours. Along the way enjoy views of rice fields, apple orchards and the Sind River flowing by.

Day 2: Shitkadi To Nichnai

Begin your trek with a climb from Shirdi (7800 ft) to Nichnai (11500 ft). This 13 Km hike takes you through pine forests and beautiful meadows. It’s about 7-8 hours of trekking.

Day 3: Nichnai To Vishansar Lake

Trek from Nichnai to Vishansar Lake (12000 ft) crossing the Nichnai Pass. The trail involves a mix of gradual ascents and steep descents. The lake’s colours change with the time of day making it a visual treat.

Day 4: Vishnusar To Gadsar via Vishansar Lake And Gadsar Pass

This day is both challenging and rewarding. Start with a trek to Kishansar Lake then climb to Gadsar Pass (13800 ft). The view from the top, with two lakes visible below, is breathtaking. Descend to Gadsar Lake (12500 ft) and camp there.

Day 5: Gadsar To Satsar

Trek through a mix of ascents and flat sections to reach Satsar (12000 ft) a cluster of seven interconnected lakes. If the weather is clear, you might catch a glimpse of Nanga Parbat.

Day 6: Satsar To Gangabal Twin Lakes

Climb through rocky terrain to Zajibal Pass, then descend to the twin lakes of Gangabal and Nundkol (11500 ft). These lakes are surrounded by towering peaks and are perfect for a serene lunch break.

Day 7: Gangabal To Naranag and Drive to Srinagar

Descend from Gangabal to Naranag (7450 ft). This final leg of the trek takes about 6 hours. From Naranag, drive back to Srinagar, bringing your trek to a close.

Things To Do

The Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir is not just about hiking. It offers a range of unique experiences that make it truly memorable. Apart from the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek price, here are six must-do activities.

1. Stargazing

Gaze at the stars in the black sky in Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir

Image Credit: By Sindre Fs on pexels

The night sky in the Himalayas is apparent. Spend your evenings lying under a blanket of stars. The Milky Way and shooting stars are often visible, making for an unforgettable sight.

Timings: Open 24 hours a day. Best time to visit: August to September

Suggested Read: Things To Do In Srinagar

2. Fishing In Gangabal Lake

 An eye-binding view of Gangabal Lake and the fishing.

Gangabal Lake is known for its brown trout population. Try your hand at fishing here. Local guides can help you with the best fishing spots and techniques. The lake is two and a half kilometres long, which helps every traveller to do fishing easily.

Timings: open throughout the day. Best time to visit: July to September

3. Visit The Vishnusar Valley

A breathtaking view of Vishnusar valley in Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir

Known as the “valley of medicinal plants”, this area is rich in unique flora. Learn about the local plants and their uses from your guides. It’s like a natural pharmacy in the wild.

Timings: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on every day Best time to visit: April To June

Suggested Read: Restaurants In Srinagar

4. Explore Hidden Waterfalls

Explore beautiful serene waterfalls while going on trekking.

Image Credit: By Luis Henrique Tasso on pexels

Along the trail, several hidden waterfalls aren’t on the usual tourist map. Take a short detour to find these beautiful spots and enjoy a refreshing break.

Timings: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm every day. Best time to visit: August to September

5. Enjoy A Bonfire

Enjoy a bonfire under the open sky with your friends in the Great Lakes Trek In Kashmir.

Image Credit: By Jens Mahnke on Pexels

After a long day of trekking, nothing beats sitting around a campfire. Here you can share stories with fellow trekkers, enjoy local music and perhaps even learn a few Kashmiri dance moves.

Timings: throughout the night. Best time to visit: October to December

Suggested Read: Hill Stations Near Srinagar

Best Time To Visit

Beautiful Krishnasar Lake at the time of trekking.

Image source: Shutterstock

The best time to Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir is from early July to mid-September, as this period offers the only opportunity to access the trails. In other seasons, the trails are usually blocked by lots of snow. While most of India has monsoon rains, Kashmir stays dry during this time because the Pir Panjal mountains stop the rain clouds from reaching the Kashmir Valley.

This rain-blocking effect affects how much rain falls and what kinds of plants grow there, making Kashmir different from the rest of India. From July to September, the weather changes from very hot to cooler, revealing a colourful landscape that changes as the season goes on.

How To Reach

Ways to reach the Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir

The starting point for the best lakes trek in Kashmir. Here’s how you can get there via different modes of transport: By Air The nearest airport is Sheikh ul-Alam International Airport in Srinagar, which is well-connected to major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a shared cab to Sonamarg approximately 70-80 kilometres away. The drive takes around 2-3 hours. By Road From Srinagar: Sonamarg is accessible via National Highway 1D. You can hire a taxi or take a bus from Srinagar to Sonamarg. The journey is scenic, passing through beautiful valleys and along the Sindh River.

From Jammu: If you’re travelling from Jammu you can take a bus or a shared taxi to Srinagar first which is about 260 kilometres away. From Srinagar proceed to Sonamarg as mentioned above. By Rail The nearest major railway station is Jammu Tawi Railway Station which is about 300 kilometres from Srinagar. From Jammu, you can take a taxi or a bus to Srinagar. Alternatively, you can take a train from Jammu to Banihal and then switch to another train to Srinagar before heading to Sonamarg.

Further Read: Valleys In Kashmir

The Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir is an adventure that will leave you spellbound. The Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir is a beautiful journey. You’ll see impressive mountains and crystal-clear lakes with stunning views. The region’s rich cultural history and welcoming vibe make it an unforgettable adventure! Unlock the beauty of Kashmir! Book your unforgettable trip to Kashmir today and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of this paradise on Earth. Embrace the opportunity to create lasting memories amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes of Kashmir. Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure!

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Cover Image Source: Shutterstock

Frequently Asked Questions About Great Lakes Trek In Kashmir

How long is the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek?

The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is about 72 kilometres long and typically completed in 7 days. It passes through picturesque landscapes of lakes and meadows, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience for trekkers.

How difficult is the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek?

Rated moderate to difficult, the trek involves rugged terrain and high altitudes, making it suitable for seasoned trekkers looking for adventure amidst the stunning Kashmiri Himalayas.

Can the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek be done solo?

Yes, while solo treks are possible on the Kashmir Great Lakes route, joining a guided group is recommended for safety, especially considering the remote and challenging terrain. You can do the Kashmir great lakes trek solo and enjoy the multiple adventures.

How to reach Great Lakes Kashmir?

To access the Great Lakes in Kashmir, travellers can fly to Srinagar and then proceed by road to Sonamarg, the starting point of the trek, surrounded by breathtaking mountain vistas.

Which month is best for KGL Trek?

The optimal time to embark on the KGL Trek is from July to September, when the weather is favourable, with clear skies and pleasant temperatures. This allows trekkers to enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of the Kashmir Valley.

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    The campsite on Day 1 of the trek, Sachen is a really small flat land in the middle of the forest inside the Khangchendzonga National Park. There is enough space for just 5-6 tents at a time. This makes it extremely cramped when compared to the campsites on our other Himalayan treks.

  2. Trekking In Sikkim: A Secret Himalayan Paradise (2024)

    1. Dzongri Trek. The trek from Yuksom to Dzongri (and back again) is probably the most well-known trek in Sikkim. It is relatively short (50 kilometres, taking 4-5 days to complete, roundtrip), and of moderate difficulty. This route would make a perfect introduction to Himalayan trekking.

  3. Goechala Trek

    Trek to the Goechala Pass at 15,100 ft while trekking in Sikkim Himalayas. Goechala Trek presents unparalleled views of the Kanchenjunga Ranges! Choose Trek. Trek By Name . Ali Bedni Bugyal Trek ... Myanmar, and Bangladesh are not allowed to trek in Sikkim. Day-2: Yuksom to Sachen. Altitude: 2,400m/ 7800 ft. Trek Distance: 8 km | 6 hr approx ...

  4. Mountain Tours & Treks

    HOW IS THE WEATHER & TEMPERATURE DURING THE SIKKIM HIMALAYAN HERITAGE TREK? There are two distinct seasons for doing Village to Village Trek. Mid-March, April to May (Spring) and Mid-September, October to November (Autumn). Since the highest altitude in Sikkim Himalayan Heritage Trek is 2200 m it can be undertaken on any given month of the year ...

  5. Sikkim's Enchanting Treks: Journey Amidst Himalayan Splendor

    Immerse yourself in Sikkim's breathtaking treks, where lush valleys and pristine peaks create a trekking paradise. Explore the unique beauty of this Himalayan gem. Plan your Sikkim adventure today! ... Trek The Himalayas, Kaintura Plaza, Badrinath Road Tapovan, Rishikesh - 249201 Uttarakhand Phone: 8191004846. Email: [email protected] ...

  6. Best 8 Treks of Sikkim

    1. Dzongri Trek The Dzongri Trek is one of the most popular moderate-level trekkings in Sikkim that is full of amazing views of the Himalayan giants, including Mount Kanchenjunga. The best time to visit is in March, April, May September, October, and November. The route's altitude is from 4,500 to 5000 meters, so the children… Continue reading Best 8 Treks of Sikkim

  7. Trekking in Sikkim

    Varsey Trekking. Sikkim offers fantastic views of the Kanchenjanga, the third highest point on Earth. This 10 days trek offers: high altitude lakes such as Kechopari, the wish fulfiller, Sanctuaries for Orchids, Rhododendrons and birds. Highest altitude of 2985 m. Treks to Everest Base Camp and Annapurna - HimalayanWonders.com.

  8. Goechala Trek

    The most beautiful trek in Sikkim - the Goechala Trek. This challenging journey takes trekkers through lush rhododendron forests, leading to the awe-inspiring Dzongri region, where snow-capped mountains and the majestic Kanchenjunga await. Trek to the Kanchenjunga Base Camp and behold the world's third-highest peak in all its glory. An unforgettable adventure in the lap of the Himalayas.

  9. 5 Best Treks in Sikkim, India

    2. Goechala Trek. Goechala Trek, at a height of 16,207 feet, is a high mountain pass in the Himalaya range in Sikkim, India. The southeast face of Kanchenjunga, the world's third highest mountain, can be seen from the pass, which also serves as a base camp for climbers.

  10. Goechala Trek 2021, Sikkim

    Goechala trek in Sikkim lies under Kanchenjunga National park, the view of Himalayas from Goechala is featured in 100 rupee note also. Goechala is among the dreamiest Treks of India because of its big mountain peaks view, and the world's third-biggest Mountain (Kanchenjunga) View is your treat in this trek.

  11. 12 Best Trails for Trekking In Sikkim

    Here is the list of 12 Trekking in Sikkim For A Quaint Himalayan Activity. 1. Dzongri Trek. 3.5 /5. Nestled at an altitude of 4,200 m, Dzongri Trek serves as one of the most popular high altitude trek destinations in Sikkim that can be completed in a short time. The trek offers some enchanting sights while hiking through the fascinating trail ...

  12. Best Himalayan Treks in Sikkim That You Need to Bookmark!

    Located in North Sikkim, the Green Lake Trek is a unique and mesmerising experience. With a duration of 13 days, this trek takes you through tribal villages, monasteries, and the stunning Green Lake, surrounded by snow-capped peaks. It's a challenging trek, reaching a height of 5002m, and it's best to visit in April, May, October, or November. 7.

  13. Trek to Goechala in Sikkim Himalayas

    The Goechala Trek in Sikkim is one of the most idealistic tracks, the gigantic Dzongri and Thansing pastureland, the astonishing dell of Samiti Lake, the frozen track to Goechala makes a lovely trail. After crossing the most fascinating path I reached to splendid garlands and crossing the immense forest swag I reached to plateau region of ...

  14. Trekking Packages

    This trek is still unexplored trek route in sikkim Himalaya which Majestic Himalayan Treks & Tours, the best adventure tour operator of Siliguri, Darjeeling & Sikkim, can arrange for you. Bajre Dara trek starts from Melliaching, Near Pelling. Melliaching is a small village located on West Sikkim which is 150 km from Siliguri or Bagdogra.

  15. Trekking in Sikkim

    Trekking in Sikkim. The northeastern Indian state of Sikkim is one of the world's most unappreciated trekking destinations.in Sikkim's Himalayas lies a vast expanse of land that is nearly unspoiled. Come join us in discovering thewonderful village-to-mountaintop trails. You will not be disappointed when you finish the trip.

  16. Sikkim Green Lake Trek

    Overview. Sikkim Green Lake Trek is a very spectacular trek to Green Lake, situated at the foothills of Mt. Kanchenjunga and considered the most enchanting of all treks in North Sikkim with natural beauty and close up views of soaring Himalayan peaks.Very few trekkers have explored this area till date. There are vast tracts of thick conifer forest, with several varieties of rhododendrons, and ...

  17. Singalila Trek in Sikkim: Best Guide for a Thrilling Adventure

    During Singalila Trek in Sikkim At an altitude of 11,929 feet, Sandakphu is the highest point of the trek and offers unparalleled panoramic views of the Himalayas. Travellers can witness the sunrise over the snow-capped peaks, including Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and Kanchenjunga, creating a spectacle of colours that mesmerizes the soul.

  18. Goechala Trek

    Goechala trek is a very beautiful and an Moderate trek in the Sikkim Himalaya The Goechala trek is great for those people who have a great passion for mountaineering and consider it a special purpose in their life. Goechala trek is such a trek where you get to see more than one Himalayan mountain range.. You can do Goechala trek throughout the ...

  19. Panch Pokhari Trek

    The trek route cuts through Reserve Forests and Maenam Wildlife Sanctuary which opens up possibilities of spotting a Red Panda or Himalayan Black Bear. It takes 3-4 days to ascend till Panch Pokhari - the five gorgeous fresh water lakes situated at an altitude of 14166 feet surrounded by snow capped peaks of Himalayan ranges.

  20. Treks in Sikkim

    Sandakphu Trek. 6 Days - 5 Nights. Sach Pass Trek a High Pass in the Pir Panjal in Himachal. Read more. ₹ 17,000.00.

  21. Trekking options in Sikkim & Darjeeling || HIMALAYA TREKKERS (HT)

    Sandakphu Trek on Singalila Ridge: Fixed group departures for Post monsoon and winter (Oct to Dec 2024) are published and. ₹ 12,500. view tour. 6D/5N. Easy. 5.5/10. 1. 2. Treks which are in the Indian state of Sikkim or part of Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts in West Bengal.

  22. Sikkim Himalayan Adventure Tours & Treks (Travel Agency)

    Sikkim. Learn about our tour and trek itinerary in Sikkim. Darjeeling. More about Queen of hills Darjeeling, and our tour info. Bhutan. Information about Bhutan and our tours and trek Itinerary. Nepal. Visit Nepal, Checkout our Nepal tour itinerary. Tibet. Find information about Tibet and our tour itinerary. Uttaranchal

  23. ::Himalayan Holidays

    Established in the year 2000, Himalayan Holidays is a reputed tour and trek company based at Sikkim. Our company is registered and recognized by the Department of Tourism. ... Tucked away in the eastern corner of the mighty Himalayas, Sikkim nestles among the snow-clad- ranges like a precious jewel waiting to be discovered. Bordered by Tibet in ...

  24. Himalayan Adventure: Visit These 5 Local Places In Sikkim To ...

    Nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas in the northeastern region, Sikkim beckons travelers with its serene tranquility and breathtaking beauty. We bring you five beautiful local spots that one ...

  25. Nepal Himalayan Trekking and Tour package

    Himalayan Smile Treks and Adventures Pvt. Ltd. is a locally owned and managed trekking company established by a team of professionals who have long years of experience in travel, trekking, tour and adventure activities in Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan.

  26. Great Lakes Trek in Kashmir Everything You Need To Know

    Begin your trek with a climb from Shirdi (7800 ft) to Nichnai (11500 ft). This 13 Km hike takes you through pine forests and beautiful meadows. It's about 7-8 hours of trekking. Day 3: Nichnai To Vishansar Lake. Trek from Nichnai to Vishansar Lake (12000 ft) crossing the Nichnai Pass. The trail involves a mix of gradual ascents and steep ...