• Travel Planning Guide

Travel Budget for Seoul Visit Seoul on a Budget or Travel in Style

  • Seoul Costs


  • Seoul Hotel Prices
  • Best Hotels for First Time Visitors in Seoul
  • Best Hotels for One Night in Seoul
  • Best Family-Friendly Hotels in Seoul
  • Best Romantic Hotels for Couples in Seoul
  • Best Cheap Hotels in Seoul
  • Best Luxury Hotels in Seoul
  • Best Business Hotels in Seoul
  • Best Hotels for a Weekend Getaway in Seoul
  • Best Hotels for One Week in Seoul
  • Is Seoul Expensive?
  • How much does a trip to Seoul cost?
  • 3 Days in Seoul: Travel Itinerary
  • Is Seoul Worth Visiting?
  • South Korea Costs
  • Pyeongchang
  • Busan (Pusan)
  • Cheju (Jeju)
  • How much does it cost to travel to Seoul? (Average Daily Cost)
  • Seoul trip costs: one week, two weeks, one month

Is Seoul expensive to visit?

  • How much do I need for a trip to Seoul?
  • Accommodation, Food, Entertainment, and Transportation Costs
  • Travel Guide

How much does it cost to travel to Seoul?

You should plan to spend around $108 (₩148,114) per day on your vacation in Seoul. This is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors.

Past travelers have spent, on average for one day:

  • $30 (₩41,265) on meals
  • $16 (₩21,287) on local transportation
  • $109 (₩149,579) on hotels

A one week trip to Seoul for two people costs, on average, $1,518 (₩2,073,591) . This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

All of these average travel prices have been collected from other travelers to help you plan your own travel budget.

  • Travel Style: All Budget (Cheap) Mid-Range Luxury (High-End)
  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day $ 108 ₩ 148,114
  • One Week Per person $ 759 ₩ 1,036,796
  • 2 Weeks Per person $ 1,518 ₩ 2,073,591
  • One Month Per person $ 3,253 ₩ 4,443,410
  • One Week For a couple $ 1,518 ₩ 2,073,591
  • 2 Weeks For a couple $ 3,036 ₩ 4,147,183
  • One Month For a couple $ 6,505 ₩ 8,886,820

How much does a one week, two week, or one month trip to Seoul cost?

A one week trip to Seoul usually costs around $759 (₩1,036,796) for one person and $1,518 (₩2,073,591) for two people. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

A two week trip to Seoul on average costs around $1,518 (₩2,073,591) for one person and $3,036 (₩4,147,183) for two people. This cost includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and sightseeing.

Please note, prices can vary based on your travel style, speed, and other variables. If you're traveling as a family of three or four people, the price per person often goes down because kid's tickets are cheaper and hotel rooms can be shared. If you travel slower over a longer period of time then your daily budget will also go down. Two people traveling together for one month in Seoul will often have a lower daily budget per person than one person traveling alone for one week.

A one month trip to Seoul on average costs around $3,253 (₩4,443,410) for one person and $6,505 (₩8,886,820) for two people. The more places you visit, the higher the daily price will become due to increased transportation costs.

Independent Travel

Traveling Independently to Seoul has many benefits including affordabilty, freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to control your own experiences.

All of the travel costs below are based on the experiences of other independent travelers.

Prices in Seoul are reasonable and comparable to your average travel destination. Hotels, food, and sightseeing are generally within normal price ranges.

Within Asia, Seoul is a somewhat more expensive destination compared to other places. It is in the top 25% of cities in Asia for its travel costs. While some cities in the region are more expensive, Seoul is generally more expensive than most.

For more details, and to find out if it's within your travel budget, see Is Seoul Expensive?

How much money do I need for a trip to Seoul?

The average Seoul trip cost is broken down by category here for independent travelers. All of these Seoul travel prices are calculated from the budgets of real travelers.

Accommodation Budget in Seoul

Average daily costs.

Calculated from travelers like you

The average price paid for one person for accommodation in Seoul is $55 (₩74,789). For two people sharing a typical double-occupancy hotel room, the average price paid for a hotel room in Seoul is $109 (₩149,579). This cost is from the reported spending of actual travelers.

  • Accommodation 1 Hotel or hostel for one person $ 55 ₩ 74,789
  • Accommodation 1 Typical double-occupancy room $ 109 ₩ 149,579

Hotel Prices in Seoul

Looking for a hotel in Seoul? Prices vary by location, date, season, and the level of luxury. See below for options.


Find the best hotel for your travel style.

Actual Hotel Prices The average hotel room price in Seoul based on data provided by Kayak for actual hotel rooms is $45. (Prices in U.S. Dollars, before taxes & fees.)

Kayak helps you find the best prices for hotels, flights, and rental cars for destinations around the world.

Recommended Properties

  • BJ Hotel Budget Hotel - Kayak $ 26
  • The Shilla Seoul Luxury Hotel - Kayak $ 212

Transportation Budget in Seoul

The cost of a taxi ride in Seoul is significantly more than public transportation. On average, past travelers have spent $16 (₩21,287) per person, per day, on local transportation in Seoul.

  • Transportation 1 Taxis, local buses, subway, etc. $ 16 ₩ 21,287

Recommended Services

  • Private Airport Transfer: Seoul City to Incheon Airport 1-12 pax Viator $ 204
  • Airport Private Transfer : Seoul Hotel to Incheon International Airport (ICN) Viator $ 78

Flights to Seoul

Rental cars in seoul, what did other people spend on transportation in seoul.

Typical prices for Transportation in Seoul are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Seoul, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Subway Card ₩ 5,000
  • Short Taxi Ride ₩ 7,000
  • Metro Ride ₩ 1,350
  • Seoul City Pass Plus ₩ 10,000

Food Budget in Seoul

While meal prices in Seoul can vary, the average cost of food in Seoul is $30 (₩41,265) per day. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when dining out an average meal in Seoul should cost around $12 (₩16,506) per person. Breakfast prices are usually a little cheaper than lunch or dinner. The price of food in sit-down restaurants in Seoul is often higher than fast food prices or street food prices.

  • Food 2 Meals for one day $ 30 ₩ 41,265


  • Traditional Private Korean Cooking Viator $ 99
  • Half Day Seoul Afternoon Food Tour and visit 3 landMarks of Seoul Viator $ 67

What did other people spend on Food in Seoul?

Typical prices for Food in Seoul are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Seoul, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Rice with Kimchi & Bacon ₩ 6,000
  • Waffle ₩ 1,000
  • Dippin' Dots ₩ 2,000
  • Chicken Fried Rice ₩ 5,500
  • Chicken Stick ₩ 2,000
  • Drinking Yoghurt & Mi Chew ₩ 1,900
  • Lunch Buffet ₩ 6,000
  • Donut ₩ 1,000

Entertainment Budget in Seoul

Entertainment and activities in Seoul typically cost an average of $27 (₩36,419) per person, per day based on the spending of previous travelers. This includes fees paid for admission tickets to museums and attractions, day tours, and other sightseeing expenses.

  • Entertainment 1 Entrance tickets, shows, etc. $ 27 ₩ 36,419

The Go City Seoul Pass offers great discounts on attractions in Seoul. With the Go City Explorer pass, you can choose to visit specific sights and attractions at a discount. Or, you can visit as many included attractions as you like with a multi-day All-Inclusive Pass. The average visitor saves 30% off of the regular admission prices.

Recommended Activities

  • Flexible Private Guided Tour in Seoul (Optional Layover) Viator $ 160
  • Rare Chance : Korea's White House Walking Tour Viator $ 36

What did other people spend on Entertainment in Seoul?

Typical prices for Entertainment in Seoul are listed below. These actual costs are from real travelers and can give you an idea of the prices in Seoul, but your costs will vary based on your travel style and the place where the purchase was made.

  • Palace Tickets ₩ 8,000
  • Movie Ticket ₩ 8,000
  • Kimchi Museum ₩ 3,000

Tips and Handouts Budget in Seoul

The average cost for Tips and Handouts in Seoul is $1.83 (₩2,500) per day. The usual amount for a tip in Seoul is 5% - 15% .

  • Tips and Handouts 1 For guides or service providers $ 1.83 ₩ 2,500

Alcohol Budget in Seoul

The average person spends about $12 (₩16,662) on alcoholic beverages in Seoul per day. The more you spend on alcohol, the more fun you might be having despite your higher budget.

  • Alcohol 2 Drinks for one day $ 12 ₩ 16,662
  • Soju Tasting at Distillery - story of 3 pigs Viator $ 42
  • Seoul Pub Crawl by Absolute Viator $ 20

Water Budget in Seoul

On average, people spend $2.05 (₩2,796) on bottled water in Seoul per day. The public water in Seoul is considered safe to drink.

  • Water 2 Bottled water for one day $ 2.05 ₩ 2,796

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Seoul on a budget.



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We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works .

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How Much it Cost to Travel to Seoul: Detailed Prices

An underrated Asian city until recently, Seoul is suddenly on fire in popular culture. Korea’s capital is a huge, modern city with plenty to see and do, although it’s the cuisine and pop culture that seem to be capturing imaginations lately.

Is Seoul Expensive or Cheap?

Seoul is truly a massive city, and it has things in nearly every price range available. It’s definitely cheaper than Tokyo, but more expensive than most of the larger cities in China. Bargains can be found in Seoul hotels and hostels, and extreme luxury is also available.

Most of the main attractions are well within reach of nearly any budget so at least once you arrive you can see all the major sights without having to go hungry.

Seoul City Featured Image

Travel Costs to Seoul

What is the average price of a hotel in seoul.

Finding a place to stay in Seoul is fairly straightforward since the downtown area is packed with hotels and the public transportation system is convenient that getting around is simple. You’ll pay more for a place near the shopping and nightlife districts in the city center, but generally room rates are reasonable by international standards.

Seoul Hotel Seasons

Just as the city has its best weather in spring and fall, hotels in Seoul tend to have their high season prices during these periods as well. From April through early June and again from September through November you’ll find the highest prices. The warm and wet months of July and August can offer small discounts, but only December through February (outside of the holiday period) is considered low season for Seoul hotels and hostels.

Seoul Hotel Prices

Seoul hostels prices, how much does it cost to visit top attractions in seoul.

Doing a food tour is one of the most popular things to do in Seoul, and the city is compact enough that it’s even quite easy to do on your own.

The city’s main shopping areas are worth some time as well, especially the outdoor pedestrian zones with stall set up each evening.

The Gangnam district (made famous by the song) is the upscale neighborhood and a great place to see Seoul’s trendy people in action.

Seoul Tower is a standard tall tower with an observation deck on top, and it’s worth a visit to see the entire area at once.

Best tours in Seoul

The hop-on, hop-off bus tours of Seoul are quite a good introduction and they even stop at the Seoul Tower and other points of interest so they can be used as transportation as well.

The free (tips-based) walking tour of Seoul are a great way to learn the history of the city and get oriented at the same time.

What’s the average price of food and drink in Seoul?

Food and drink can also be found to meet nearly any budget, with an abundance of lower-priced options that are generally aimed at the local workforce. If you go to a place with an English-language menu you’ll often be paying a higher price for it, but still there are cheaper options available even for those who don’t speak Korean.

Featured articles

What are the costs of transportation in seoul, getting to seoul.

Since South Korea only has land borders with North Korea, pretty much all visitors will fly into Seoul and specifically into Incheon International Airport. Fares are good from within Asia especially.

Airport transportation is simple as a direct train connects the airport with Seoul Station, which is the main station in the heart of downtown.

Getting around Seoul

The city center of Seoul is flat and it’s mostly pedestrian friendly, but the city also has a modern subway system and reasonably priced taxis.

When to visit Seoul

Temperature and rainfall, seoul weather advice.

Seoul is probably best visited during either spring or fall, since winters can be very cold and a bit snowy, while summers tend to be hot and humid, with especially heavy rainfall during July and August. May, June, and October offer mild temperatures without much threat of major rainstorms.

Sunrise and sunset

Where to go before and after.

Champion Traveler

Cost of a Trip to Seoul, KR & the Cheapest Time to Visit Seoul

The average price of a 7-day trip to Seoul is $1,705 for a solo traveler, $3,062 for a couple, and $5,741 for a family of 4 . Seoul hotels range from $47 to $201 per night with an average of $58, while most vacation rentals will cost $130 to $340 per night for the entire home. Average worldwide flight costs to Gimpo International Airport ( GMP ) are between $1,307 and $1,841 per person for economy flights and $4,101 to $5,777 for first class. Depending on activities, we recommend budgeting $37 to $75 per person per day for transportation and enjoying local restaurants.

See below for average , budget , and luxury trip costs. You can also look up flight costs from your airport for more tailored flight pricing.

The Cheapest Times to Visit Seoul, KR

On average, these will be the cheapest dates to fly to GMP and stay in a Seoul hotel:

  • January 8th to March 18th
  • August 20th to December 9th

The absolute cheapest time to take a vacation in Seoul is usually late October to early November .

Average Seoul Trip Costs

Average solo traveler.

The average cost for one person to visit Seoul for a week is $1,287-$2,473 ($184-$353 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $37 to $75 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $698 to $1,546 for economy

Lodging : $62 to $62 per night for one 2 or 3-star hotel room

or $55 to $67 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Average Couple’s Trip

The average cost for a couple to visit Seoul for a week is $3,462-$5,134 ($495-$733 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $74 to $150 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,396 to $3,092 for economy

Average Family Vacation

The average cost for 4 people to visit Seoul for a week is $4,356-$9,028 ($622-$1,290 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $148 to $300 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $2,792 to $6,184 for economy

Lodging : $124 to $124 per night for two 2 or 3-star hotel rooms

or $88 to $94 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Traveling Cheap to Seoul

How cheap can you make a vacation to Seoul? The cheapest trip to Seoul is about $134 per person per day for travelers willing to take standby flights, deal with inconvenience, and otherwise limit travel expenses. About 1% of rentals are available in the $0 to $100 range for an entire place, and vacation rentals can be booked for as low as $21 per night. These inexpensive rentals must be booked as early as possible and may not be in the most desirable areas. 1-star hotels are more likely to be available, with rooms starting at around $39.

Even cheaper trips are possible depending on where you live and whether you can drive. Check the cheapest times to fly for more saving ideas.

Budget Solo Traveler

The lowest cost for one person to visit Seoul for a week is $936-$2,052 ($134-$293 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $16 to $32 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Lodging : $39 to $47 per night for one 1-star hotel room

or $21 to $41 per night for a 1-bed vacation rental

Budget Couple’s Trip

The lowest cost for a couple to visit Seoul for a week is $1,746-$3,822 ($249-$546 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $32 to $64 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Budget Family Vacation

The lowest cost for 4 people to visit Seoul for a week is $3,414-$7,644 ($488-$1,092 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $64 to $128 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Lodging : $78 to $94 per night for two 1-star hotel rooms

or $29 to $62 per night for a 2-bed vacation rental

Overall it is very possible to travel to Seoul cheaply.

The Cost of a Luxury Seoul Trip

There is no true ceiling on the cost of a luxury trip, so our estimates are based on what most people do in Seoul.

Luxury Solo Traveler

The high-end price for one person to visit Seoul for a week is $3,010-$8,102 ($430-$1,157 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $67 to $158 per day for one person’s daily expenses

Flights : $1,989 to $3,324 for first class

Lodging : $92 to $201 per night for one 4 or 5-star hotel room

or $340 to $612 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Luxury Couple’s Trip

The high-end price for a couple to visit Seoul for a week is $5,468-$12,532 ($781-$1,790 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $134 to $316 per day for two people’s daily expenses

Flights : $3,978 to $6,648 for first class

Luxury Family Vacation

The high-end price for 4 people to visit Seoul for a week is $10,936-$22,862 ($1,562-$3,266 per day)

Food, Travel, and Sightseeing : $268 to $632 per day for four people’s daily expenses

Flights : $7,956 to $13,296 for first class

Lodging : $184 to $402 per night for two 4 or 5-star hotel rooms

or $476 to $857 per night for a preferred vacation rental

Seoul Hotel Prices

The cost of staying in Seoul is slightly lower than the average city. On average hotels are less expensive than vacation rentals. Luxury vacation rentals are more expensive in Seoul due to very high property costs. The graphs below show how much cost can vary depending on the type of experience you’re looking for.

Seoul Lodging Cost by Star Status

The average price for the class of hotel is on the (y) axis. The hotel class (out of 5 stars) is on the (x) axis.

Prices are based on Seoul hotel averages and may not reflect current prices. In some cases, we extrapolate prices to estimate costs, and hotels with your desired star rating may not be available.

Vacation Rental Prices

The percent of vacation rentals in the price range is on the left (y) axis. Price range is on the bottom (x) axis.

There are a healthy amount of vacation rentals serving all budgets in Seoul.

Flight Costs to Seoul

Averaging flights around the world, prices go from a high of $1,841 average in late July to a low of $1,307 in late October to early November. Median flight price is $1,309. These prices are based on millions of flights. For Seoul our data includes 138 originating airports, and 74 airlines. The area has average variance in price compared with other locations. Flying to Seoul from an airport like Henry E. Rohlsen ( STX ) in Christiansted, VI (the United States) for an average $9,536 trip fare will obviously cost a lot more than from an airport like Taegu International ( TAE ) in Taegu (South Korea) at an average of just $88.

Average Flight Cost by Season

Average flight cost by day of week.

The cheapest day to fly in is typically Wednesday, and the cheapest day to fly back is usually Wednesday. Click here to see data for the cost of flights from your airport. In Seoul, the difference between the cheapest and the most expensive week is about $535, so you can easily save about 41% simply by using our free flight guides and booking in advance.

Daily Expenses Budget

Daily vacation expenses vary more based on what you’re interested in doing. A fine dining restaurant with drinks around Seoul can easily cost $240 per person or more, while a standard nice meal might be about $16 per person. Private tours can cost $481 per day, but self-guided tours to see the outdoor sights can be free. Costs vary wildly, so recommendations are made based on the cost of living and averages we see for this type of vacation.

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Never Ending Footsteps

The Cost of Travel in South Korea: My 2024 Budget Breakdown

I was so excited to return to South Korea.

I haven’t been to many places where I’ve felt such a cohesive blend of old and new, but South Korea is one of them. Steeped with 5000 years of culture and history, but integrated with modern music, technology, and infrastructure, it’s a country that surprised and delighted me at every turn.

And Seoul? It’s one of my favourite cities in the world. If you think New York City is the place that never sleeps, just wait until you arrive in Seoul. During my first visit to the country, I landed in the South Korean capital expecting to spend three or four days in town, but ended up leaving after three weeks . Yes, I loved this city so much that I simply couldn’t bring myself to leave.

I’d be walking the bustling streets of popular neighbourhood Hongdae in the early hours of the morning and realise that there was nowhere on earth quite like it. Street performers are sharing their best routines to the latest K-pop songs, shops are bright and open, karaoke is everywhere, and clubs have lines out the door. Talk about a sensory overload, but in the best possible way. 

On my return visit, though, I knew I needed to see more of this wonderful country. South Korea is so much more than it’s biggest city.

From the colourful houses in Busan to the scenic coastal views and tea plantations on Jeju Island to the towering mountains of Seoraksan National Park: I loved each and every destination I visited in the country. Get ready to be swept away by all that Korea has to offer, from Korean BBQ, K-pop, karaoke, palaces, temples, and arcades.

But how are the prices? In this post-pandemic world, the cost of travel has been skyrocketing, but this country has managed to remain relatively inexpensive.

Today, I’m going to be revealing exactly how much you can expect to spend on a trip to South Korea.

I’ve been recording every single dollar, peso, and baht that I’ve spent on my travels since 2011 (I now have  over 65 budget breakdowns on the site !), aiming to give you an accurate picture of how much you can expect to spend in every country around the world. Today, it’s South Korea’s turn and I’m so excited to start sharing.

Grab yourself a cold bottle of soju because this post’s a long one!

seoul travel price

What’s Included in this Post 

This budget breakdown covers how much I spent on accommodation, transportation, activities, and food during my trips to South Korea.

The amounts in the guide are listed in U.S. dollars, simply because the vast majority of my readers are from the U.S. I’ve also included prices in the South Korean won (KRW) — the local currency — as you’ll be using that throughout your time in the country.

At the time of writing (February 2024):

  • 1 USD: 1,300 KRW
  • 1 EUR: 1,450 KRW
  • 1 GBP: 1,675 KRW
  • 1 AUD: 875 KRW

Yes, this does make calculating the prices of things rather tricky when you’re in South Korea! For me, I kept in mind that 10,000 KRW is roughly 8 USD (€7, £6, or 11.50 AUD) and it made figuring out the prices of things far easier.

One quick note I do want to make about travel in South Korea is that it’s kind of complicated to pay for things! Korea is, these days, a cashless society — everybody pays with cards and there aren’t a lot of places that are happy to accept cash.

Now, that would be all well and good if it wasn’t for the fact that the vast majority of payment terminals don’t accept foreign bank cards. Apple Pay is very limited and Google Pay doesn’t exist at all.

Yes, really.

I’d say that we were able to successfully use our debit/credit cards 30% of the time in South Korea — and it made no difference whether we were using our U.K., Australian, or New Zealand cards.

So, what to do?

Honestly, there isn’t an elegant solution. Expect that every time you try to buy something, you might need to try four cards until one of them works. Carry a lot of cash with you in case none of your cards are accepted. It didn’t end up being a huge problem for us, as we were able to pay with cash whenever our cards were declined, but it was frustrating to have to continually deal with payment rejections everywhere we went!

Okay, let’s get started! Up first: accommodation!

seoul travel price

The Cheapest Accommodation Options in South Korea

Like practically every country in the world, prices have increased post-pandemic in South Korea, so you’ll be paying a little more for everything than you would have done a few years ago. Despite that, costs are lower than most Western countries, so accommodation in the country still offers up good value for money.

Let’s start on the lower end of the spectrum. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, it’s possible to avoid paying for accommodation entirely.

Couchsurfing  exists in South Korea and allows you to stay with a local for free, usually sleeping on their sofa and enjoying a local’s insight into life in their country. It’s not the most comfortable of living situations, but if your budget’s tight, it’s worth sending out a few requests to hosts to see if anything comes of it. You can browse through the 150,000+ Korean hosts on  the Couchsurfing site .

Housesitting  is a more upmarket option, aimed at mid-range and luxury travellers. Housesitting involves taking care of somebody’s house for free while they’re away, often (but not always) looking after their pets, too. It’s best for long-term travellers or retirees, as you can’t pick and choose dates and destinations, so you’ll need to have a lot of flexibility as to where you go and at what time of year. If you do have that freedom, though it’s a wonderful way to cut down your travel expenses, soak up some home comforts, and live like a local for a while. Trusted Housesitters  is the best site for getting started with housesitting, as they have the highest number of listings.

And then we have hostels . In South Korea, you’ll come across hostels all over the country, finding them on tiny islands, large cities, and even within the national parks. They’re one of your best options for saving money.

All prices are in U.S. Dollars, by the way, as that’s where the vast majority of my readers are from.

Hostels in Korea  are on a par with the rest of major cities in East Asia, and you can expect to spend between  $18 a night for a dorm bed  for a well-reviewed hostel, with the price increasing slightly to about  $24 a night  for the absolute best of the best.

When it comes to private rooms in hostels, you’ll be looking at  $30 a night  for a clean, basic room in a good location, so if you’re travelling with friends or with your partner, you may find it cheaper to grab some privacy over settling for two beds in a dorm room.  $70 a night  will get you an exceptionally well-reviewed private room in a hostel.

I use  HostelWorld  to find the cheapest hostels, as they tend to have the greatest number of listings at the lowest prices.

And then there are hotels, which I’m going to jump into next.

seoul travel price

The Cost of Accommodation in South Korea 

I found hotels in South Korea to be pretty reasonably priced. You won’t get the cheap, cheap rates that you do in places like Southeast Asia, but prices are generally lower than more expensive countries in Western Europe.

  • As mentioned, well-rated hostels come in at an average price of $18 a night for a dorm bed, while private rooms are around $30 a night .
  • Inexpensive guesthouses are typically around $50 a night .
  • Four-star hotels are between $150 and $200 a night
  • And five-star hotels are $250-350 a night

As always with these posts, I like to share where I personally stayed in the country and what I thought of each of my accommodation choices. On my most recent trip, I splurged in Seoul because I wanted to stay in two of the best-rated hotels in the country, but kept my accommodation costs relatively low in the other destinations I visited.

Seoul (Hongdae): RYSE Hotel (240,000 KRW, or $183 per night)

If you’re going to stay anywhere in Hongdae (my favourite Seoul neighbourhood), RYSE Hotel is the place to be. It’s one of the best hotels in the city! It’s in the perfect location, in the heart of Hongdae’s cafe-and-nightlife scene, but so well-insulated that you don’t hear any of it. The rooms had a modern, industrial design, great views over the city, and there were tons of gifts, from facemasks (this is Korea, after all!) to local games to even a bottle of wine. There’s a rooftop bar with some of the best views in Seoul, one of the best equipped hotel gyms I’ve ever used, and the staff were amazing. I’d absolutely stay here again on future visits!

Seoul (Myeongdong): Hotel 28 (189,000 KRW, or $144 per night)

Our itinerary in South Korea saw us spending two separate stints in Seoul, so for our second visit, I dragged myself away from my beloved Hongdae and gave Myeongdong a try — this is the neighbourhood to head to if you want to shop ’til you drop then eat ’til you’re… replete! We chose Hotel28, which is the best-rated option in the area; one of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World. It’s a cinema-themed hotel (you get bags of free popcorn when you check in!) in one of the best areas for eating in the city. The rooms are spacious, the bathroom had the best bathtub ever, and the staff were so sweet. It’s right by one of the city’s best night markets, too, which was so much fun to eat my way around! The hotel gym was great, too.

Gyeongju: Maison Mini Hotel (62,000 KRW, or $49 per night)

Dave and I loved our stay at the adorable Maison Mini Hotel in Gyeongju and found it to be a fantastic mid-range accommodation option. The rooms were spotless and cleaned everyday throughout our stay. The owner was so sweet and welcoming, and the shared kitchen and laundry facilities were definitely appreciated. Having access to a proper coffee machine was particularly useful! The guesthouse is a 10 minute walk from all of the wonderful sights of Gyeongju and a five minute walk from the main bus station, so it made for a great base while we were in town. I can’t recommend this place highly enough!

Busan: Urbanstay Seomyeon (61,000 KRW, or $47 per night)

Like Seoul, Busan is a big old city with plenty of neighbourhoods to choose from. Seomyeon, however, is the best spot for new visitors to town — it’s in a convenient location for visiting all of the most popular spots and has plenty of vibrant nightlife and restaurants to explore. Urbanstay is right beside a metro station, which makes getting around even easier. The rooms are clean, modern, and basic — very minimalist! — with lightning-fast Wi-Fi. There actually aren’t any staff at the hotel, so you’ll be emailed a key code to get into your room, which works well. The washing machines are, as always, very much appreciated!

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Seoraksan National Park: Smile Resort (70,000 KRW, or $53 per night)

If you’re going to be hiking in Seoraksan National Park, you’ll want to be staying as close to the park entrance as possible. Unfortunately, this area of South Korea seems to be full of mediocre accommodation options. Still, Smile Resort was the best option that was close to the entrance while not being obscenely expensive. While the interior was a little old and tired, it was a perfectly acceptable place to stay! The owners were welcoming and kind, the free breakfast (a rarity in South Korea) was definitely appreciated before a big day of hiking, and it’s just a five-minute walk from the bus that takes you to the national park entrance. Rooms also have a private kitchenette and fridge, which was useful for keeping our water cold overnight.

My partner, Dave, wrote an in-depth itinerary on how to spend 10 days in South Korea after our most recent trip, so do check that out if you’re looking for advice how to structure a trip to the above places!

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The Cost of Transportation in South Korea 

I’m somebody who doesn’t get an awful lot out of travel days in unfamiliar places, but even I can admit that travelling around South Korea is a joy! From the buses to the high-speed trains to the comprehensive subways: getting around this country is convenient, comfortable, and hassle-free.

Your first encounter with the transportation system will be at the airport. There’s two options for getting the train from Incheon International Airport to Seoul: the Airport Railroad Express (AREX) or the All Stop Train. The former takes 43 minutes and costs 9,500 KRW ( $7.20 ), while the latter is half the price at 4,150 KRW ( $3.15 ) and takes 53 minutes.

I recommend jumping on the All Stop Train, then, as it’s cheaper, takes just 10 minutes longer, and runs more frequently than the AREX so will most likely get you into Seoul faster anyway.

I wouldn’t recommend taking the bus or the taxi, as both are more expensive and slower than the train. The bus costs 10-15,000 KRW ( $9 ) and takes around 80 minutes, while taxis cost a whopping 70,000 KRW, or $55 , and take around an hour.

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What to Know About T-Money Cards

Before we go any further, it’s time for a primer on T-Money! This is my one travel essential in South Korea and I highly recommend getting your hands on one before you leave the airport.

A T-Money card is designed to make your public transportation experiences seamless. You simply buy your T-Money card from any convenience store, or the vending machines at the airport, and then you can use it on subways, buses, taxis, and even vending machines and grocery stores — all across the country. Simply tap your card on the T-Money scanner and you’re good to go!

I recommend buying yours at the airport, where there are T-Money vending machines located beside the All Stop Train (and then you’ll pay for said train journey with the card). You’ll pay 4,000 KRW ( $3 ) for the card.

Once you’ve bought your card, remember to top it up with some cash. I topped-up with 40,000 KRW ( $30 ), which was the perfect amount for two weeks in the country — I had 2,000 KRW left over at the end. If you do end up with any money left on your T-Money card at the end of your trip, you can get that refunded to you at any subway station (including the airport) in Seoul.

I mentioned in the photo caption above that Dave’s T-Money card came free with his SIM card purchase. He bought his SIM card in advance from LG and picked it up in the arrivals hall at the airport. The SIM card included unlimited data (35,000 KRW or $25 for 10 days of usage) plus a Korean phone number — the latter of which is surprisingly useful in Korea (you often need a local phone number just to join a queue for a restaurant!) but tricky to get from many other providers.

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The Cost of Trains in South Korea

If you’ll be venturing outside of Seoul then odds are, you’ll be travelling by train. This is one of the best ways to explore the country, thanks to the modern carriages and speedy services. And expect your trains to be punctual — just as in nearby Japan , this country thrives on an on-time departure.

I’m a huge fan of the KTX — the Korean Travel Express — which whips you up and down the length of the country at speeds of 300+ kilometres an hour (190 mph). It’s the priciest option, for sure, but the amount of time you’ll save will likely make it worth it.

As an example, the KTX from Seoul to Busan — running from the top to the bottom of the country — takes just over two hours (at a price of 59,800 KRW/$45 ). In comparison, the equivalent buses and slower trains complete the journey anywhere between four and six hours (but costing 28,000 KRW/$21 ).

Buy your KTX tickets through the official Korail website to score the cheapest fare — we had no problems using it with our foreign debit/credit cards.

I’ll briefly mention the existence of the Korea Rail Pass (KR Pass) here, which works similarly to the Japan Rail Pass or a Eurail Pass. You can choose from either a consecutive pass or a flexible pass, but to be honest, the prices are around the same amount as the individual tickets, so I didn’t see the point. If you’ll be racing around the country and visiting multiple places in a single day, it may be worth it, but it wasn’t for us.

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The Cost of Buses in South Korea

You can take the bus to just about anywhere in South Korea.

There are two types of long-distance buses in the country: express and intercity; due to time constraints, we opted for the express option for every journey we took (intercity buses are cheaper but take way longer because they make stops all along the way; express buses take you directly to your destination). Our two-hour express bus from Seoul to Sokcho ( 21,000W, or $16 ) was bordering on luxurious with wide, comfortable reclining leather seats, tons of legroom, and even power sockets.

You can find bus departures either through Kobus (express buses only) or Bustago (express and intercity buses). However , you can only purchase through these sites if you have a Korean bank card and a local number — yes, it’s frustrating and only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Korea making travel difficult for foreign visitors.

We used these booking sites, therefore, to see which departure time we wanted to aim for and to check there were still tickets available. We then bought the tickets from the bus station an hour or so beforehand — departures typically run multiple times an hour so you don’t have to worry too much about buses being booked.

To give you a sense of ticket prices, here are some average one-way costs for a few routes you might take: 

  • Seoul to Busan: 33,000 KRW ($26)
  • Seoul to Gyeongju: 20,000 KRW ($15)
  • Busan to Daegu: 12,000 KRW ($9)
  • Seoul to Jeonju: 20,000 KRW ($15)

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The Cost of Flying in South Korea

South Korea isn’t a gargantuan country. And with fast and frequent overland options available throughout, you probably won’t need to fly very often — if it all. But if you plan on going to wonderful Jeju Island (which you should), then flying is the easiest way to get there.

A one-way direct flight from Seoul to Jeju will cost around $42 , and if you’re flying from Busan, a one-way fare is roughly $33 . 

In terms of alternative options to flying, you do have the ferry from Busan. At a journey time of around 12 hours, though, and a cost of 60,000W ($45) , there’s no real reason to put yourself through the discomfort.

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The Cost of the Metro in South Korea

The underground systems in Seoul and Busan are in a league of their own. In fact, Seoul has one of the most extensive subway systems in the world — it’s clean, modern, and safe. If you don’t have to use it during rush hour, it’s pretty calm, too. It’s one of the best and most efficient ways to get around Seoul, and with the exception of a couple of local bus trips, I relied on the subway during my entire stint in the city.

Fare is calculated by distance, so a subway ride of less than 10 km will cost 1,350 KRW ($1) with 100 KRW added on for every additional 5km (you’re unlikely to take a journey this far, though). When taking the subway over a typical day of sightseeing, I usually averaged around 5,000 KRW ($4) per day . 

Overall, my daily transportation costs in South Korea worked out to: $10.20 per day

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The Cost of Food in South Korea

Long-time readers of the site will already know that food is my primary driver to travel. It won’t come as any surprise, then, to learn that my favourite thing to do in Korea was eat .

There are so many incredible local dishes to sample in this country that I often found myself panicking that there weren’t going to be enough meals in the day. By the end of my weeks in the country, I was officially inducting South Korea into my list of the top five places to eat in the world (the others being India, Vietnam, Mexico, and Greece).

Yes, you’ve got all the classics you’ve probably come across before, like kimchi, bibimbap, and bulgogi, and you’ll be able to find them on practically every street you walk along. But for me, the delight came in wandering into a crowded restaurant without any idea what was on the menu, sitting down and being presented with one of the best dishes I’ve ever tried. Yes, I’m looking at you, samgyetang.

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Of course, Korean BBQ reigns supreme and provides a super-fun food experience — I definitely recommend trying it at least once while you’re in the country. Gather around a table with a group of friends, order yourselves an inordinate amount of meat, marinate it in a variety of sauces, then cook it up at your table on your own little grill.

And let me tell you that Korean fried chicken may have ruined me for all of my future fried chicken experiences. Before arriving in the country, I’d made a vow to never eat the same thing twice while I was there. After my first taste of crispy fried chicken, however, I found myself meekly eating it again a couple of days later. It was just so freaking good!

The kimchi in South Korea is amazing and I was regularly blown away by the depth of flavour that was contained in such a simple dish. You’ll be given a couple of versions of it (cabbage and radish) as a free side with practically every meal you order, and it was nearly always a flavourful highlight for me.

One particularly epic food experience we had in the country is depicted in the photo at the very top of this section — the one where I’m surrounded by about 35 different dishes! Hongsi Hanjungsik in Gyeongju offers up a traditional Korean banquet, run out of the owner’s home, with so many high-quality, tasty things to try. And despite the multitude of dishes, we didn’t come away feeling overly full. At a price of 20,000W (or $15.50) each, it felt like phenomenally good value!

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So let’s get into the food prices.

In general, if you’re eating out at a Korean restaurant, look to spend around 10,000 – 15,000 KRW ($7.50 – $11.50) for a meal. When eating at a more Western restaurant (which you absolutely should not do because the Western food in Korea is probably the worst I’ve ever eaten — a ham and cheese sandwich I ordered was drizzled with condensed milk!) then you might spend 20,000 KRW ($15) for a meal. Fast food, street food, or a smaller meal will range around 5,000 – 7,000 KRW ($4 – $5) . 

Here’s some examples of what we spent on some of the various dishes we tried:

  • Fried chicken for lunch: 10,000 KRW ($7.50)
  • Bibimbap for lunch: 9,500 KRW ($7)
  • Bindaetteok (mung bean pancake) as a street food snack: 5,000 KRW ($4)
  • Dakgalbi (stir-fried chicken) for dinner: 6,500 KRW ($4.50)
  • Unlimited Korean BBQ on a weekday lunch: 15,000 KRW ($11.50)
  • Samgyetang (chicken ginseng soup) at a fancy restaurant for lunch: 19,000 KRW ($14.50)
  • Street food snacks: 3,000 KRW ($2) each
  • A pint of local draft beer in a restaurant: 4,000 KRW ($3)
  • A bottle of soju in a restaurant: 4,000 KRW ($3)
  • A 750ml bottle of makgeolli in a restaurant: 4,000 KRW ($3)
  • An extremely fancy cocktail in a world-class bar: 23,000 KRW ($17.50)

Dave and I are usually intermittent fasters when we travel, so we rarely opted for breakfast while we were travelling in South Korea. Instead, we’d have a large meal for an early lunch and often hit the street food carts for dinner. Our daily meal costs were sometimes then as little as 15,000 KRW ($11.50) a day but averaged out at 25,000 KRW ($19) a day .

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The Cost of Activities and Entrance Fees in South Korea    

When it comes to activities in South Korea, there’s so much to keep you entertained — and it’s pretty affordable, too.

If there’s one activity to cross off your list when you’re in Seoul, it has to be the royal palaces. For just 10,000 KRW , you can purchase a combo ticket that gives you entrance to Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung (and its separate secret garden), Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, and Jongmyo Shrine. To visit each of these individually would cost 14,000 KRW , so it’s well-worth getting the combo and crossing all of them off. We managed to see all of them in a single day of hardcore sightseeing, and while we were undoubtedly templed-out by the end of it, we were still glad we’d made the effort to do so.

If you only have a limited amount of time, then just head to Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung — the two most impressive of the palaces. You’ll be able to catch the impressive changing of the guard in the morning at Gyeongbokgung, then take a tour of the wonderful secret garden at Changdeokgung in the afternoon.

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Many visitors to Seoul spend their time shopping, eating, and partying. This is one livable, lively city, crammed full of excellent skincare products, world-class vintage stores, delicious street eats, and more karaoke bars than you could possibly imagine. There’s lots to keep you entertained.

Simply strolling through the different neighbourhoods provides a way to keep costs down. I loved spending my time cafe-hopping in student-filled Hongdae, shopping in bustling Myeongdong, picking up traditional souvenirs in Insadong, and admiring the street art in Itaewon.

One particular highlight from my most recent trip was walking the 10 kilometre, or seven mile, Cheonggyecheon Stream, which runs through downtown Seoul from Cheonggye Plaza to Dongdaemun. Once a busy highway, it has since been transformed into a peaceful oasis, where friends come to chill beside the water, surrounded by plants, trees, and fun water features.

Most visitors to South Korea want to hit up the DMZ: the border between South and North Korea, and specifically the Joint Security Area (JSA) — those famous blue barracks where North and South Korean soldiers stand face-to-face. It’s the closest you can get to North Korea without actually entering it.

You’ll want to be careful, then, when you do book your DMZ tour. There are plenty of these general DMZ tours running (priced at 76,000 KRW/$56 ), but the closest you’ll get to North Korea is standing on a hill and looking into the country from afar with binoculars. You won’t visit the JSA on these trips. It is, however, a third of the price of the JSA tours, so a great option for budget travellers. These non-JSA tours are incredibly popular, so do book early to ensure you manage to get a space. You can check availability for your travel dates using the widget below:

The JSA-specific tours are even more popular, but unfortunately, they’re currently (as of early-2024) on pause. This is a common occurrence, especially during these post-pandemic years. It’s only been open to tourists for about three months in total since 2020!

VVIP Travel and Hana Tour are the two JSA tour operators to go with, so do check out their websites before your trip, just in case the tours are up and running again. Tours cost 195,000 KRW ($150) per person and last for a full day.

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I knew I wanted to get out into nature while I was in South Korea, as I didn’t want my entire trip to focus around gigantic, bustling cities. This country, after all, is 70% mountains. Seoraksan National Park provided the perfect opportunity to do just that. It’s a two-hour bus ride from Seoul and when you arrive, you’ll feel as though you’re in a whole other country.

With an entrance fee of just 3,500 KRW ($2.50), this was an affordable way to see a part of the country that few tourists opt to explore. The scenery was incredible and a couple of days in town enabled us to tackle all of the most popular hikes.

Speaking of gigantic, bustling cities: Busan!

Busan often ends up being most people’s favorite spot in South Korea and there’s plenty to do while you’re there. From beach-hopping your days away (my favourite free activity!) to hitting up bustling fish markets; eating allll the street food then exploring amazing colourful villages, blanketed with murals. Busan is well-worth visiting, that’s for sure. But for us? We quickly realised that nearby Gyeongju was more our type of place.

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Dave and I adored Gyeongju, a compact city that’s perfect for some respite after a few days in Busan. Gyeongju is crammed full of cultural sites and attractions, from royal tombs to ancient observatories, to one of the most impressive Buddha statues we’ve ever seen. The vast majority of attractions in town were free to visit, so we spent very little money while we were there, too — an added bonus!

And I can’t write about South Korea and not include beautiful Jeju Island — the iconic volcanic island off the southern coast of the country that’s known for its beaches, waterfalls, and mountains, as well as its local delicacies. Just wait until you try the local black pork! There’s tons to do on the island — you could spend two weeks on Jeju alone — but so much of it is focused around landscapes and scenery (so much hiking!) that you can easily visit on a budget.

With all that being said, here’s a breakdown of the main activity costs you may encounter in South Korea:

  • Entry to Donggung Palace, Gyeongju – 3000 KRW ($2)
  • Bulguksa Temple & Seokguram Grotto, Gyeongju – 5,000 KRW ($4)
  • Gyeongju Expo Park – 8,000 KRW ($6)
  • Daereungwon Tomb Complex, Cheomseongdae Observatory, Woljeonggyo Bridge, Gyochon Traditional Village – Free
  • Royal palaces combo ticket, Seoul – 10,000 KRW ($7.50)
  • N Seoul Tower – 21,000 KRW ($16)
  • Kimchi Museum entrance – 5,000 KRW ($4)
  • Nanta cooking show – 44,000 KRW ($34)
  • Lotte World entrance – 62,000 KRW ($47)
  • Bukchon Hanok village, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Cheonggyecheon Stream, War Memorial of Korea, National Museum of Korea, Seoul – Free
  • Entrance to Seoraksan National Park – 3,500 KRW ($2.50)
  • Busan Sky Capsule – 15,000 KRW ($11.50)
  • Songdo cable car, Busan – 15,000 KRW ($11.50)
  • Busan Tower Observatory – 7,000 KRW ($5)
  • Haedong Yonggungsa Temple, Gamcheon Cultural Village, Busan – Free
  • Jeongbang Waterfalls entrance, Jeju Island – 2,000 KRW ($1.50)
  • Camellia Hill entrance, Jeju Island – 7,000 KRW ($5)
  • Jeju Folk Village, Jeju Island – 12,000 KRW ($9)

As you can see, there’s very little that’s going to break the bank in South Korea — there’s tons of free attractions and any entrance fees are reasonable.

Over my two weeks in Korea, I averaged just $3 a day on activities and entrance fees.

The Cost of Miscellaneous Expenses in South Korea

An eSIM:  A few years ago, I made the switch to eSIMs and it’s an act that’s significantly improved my travels.

I used to hate having to spend my first few hours in a new country wandering around in search of a way to get connected. There’s locating a store that will sell you one, language barriers to deal with (I was surprised to discover South Korea has one of the highest language barriers I’ve ever encountered!), various forms of ID and information you might need to bring, scams to navigate, and… well, it’s a headache.

These days, I buy my SIM cards in advance through AloSIM , which sells local e-SIMs for travellers. What that means is that you can buy your SIM card online  before  you arrive in South Korea, and then as soon as you land in Seoul, can switch on your phone and be online before the plane’s even come to a halt. It’s worked flawlessly for me in over a dozen countries, including South Korea.

I paid  $15 for 5 GB of data for 30 days in South Korea. Readers of Never Ending Footsteps can get a 5% discount on AloSIM eSIMs by using the code FOOTSTEPS.

There’s one small detail I need to mention. Before arriving in South Korea, I read dozens of articles insisting that you need a local Korean phone number to successfully travel in the country.

Most of the taxi apps require a local number (especially if you want to pay by card in the app), and most popular restaurants operate a waitlist where they call or text you on a local number when a table is ready — if you don’t have one, you can’t join the queue!

Dave specifically bought an LG SIM card that gave you a local phone number and… we used it close to zero times. It turned out, we didn’t need to call a taxi even once and none of the restaurants we went to had waiting lists. A couple of takeaway joints that we went to required a local number to place an order, but that was it. I’m glad we had at least one SIM card with a Korean number for peace of mind but we also didn’t really need to use it, so I don’t think it’s as much of a travel essential as people say.

Travel insurance : If you’ve read any other posts on Never Ending Footsteps, you’ll know that I’m a great believer in travelling with travel insurance. I’ve seen far too many Go Fund Me campaigns from destitute backpackers that are unexpectedly stranded in a foreign country after a scooter accident/being attacked/breaking a leg with no way of getting home or paying for their healthcare. In short, if you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel. These costs can quickly land you with a six-figure bill to pay at the end of it.

Travel insurance  will cover you if your flight is cancelled and you need to book a new one, if your luggage gets lost and you need to replace your belongings, if you suddenly get struck down by appendicitis and have to be hospitalised, or discover a family member has died and you need to get home immediately. If you fall seriously ill, your insurance will cover the costs to fly you home to receive medical treatment.

I used  SafetyWing  as my travel insurance provider in South Korea. They provide worldwide coverage, don’t require you to have a return ticket, and even allow you to buy coverage after you’ve left home. If you’re on a long-term trip, you can pay monthly instead of up-front, and can cancel at any time. Finally, they’re affordable, and have a clear, easy-to-understand pricing structure, which is always appreciated.

The cost of two weeks of travel insurance with SafetyWing was $21, or $1.50 a day.

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How Much Does it Cost to Travel in South Korea? 

It’s time to tally up all of my expenses to see my total travel costs! In U.S. dollars, my average daily costs in South Korea were:

  • Accommodation: $104.50 per day
  • Transportation: $10.20 per day
  • Food: $19 per day
  • Activities/Entrance Fees: $3 per day

Average amount spent in South Korea: $137 a day!

As I mentioned in the accommodation section, I did splurge a little when it came to accommodation, so if you’re on a tighter budget, that’s where you’ll be able to cut costs.

For example, if you’re a backpacker who plans on staying in dorm rooms, you can expect to spend $18 a night on accommodation, making your total daily costs around $50 a day .

Alternatively, if you’re part of a couple and staying in budget-to-mid-range guesthouses, you’ll be looking at $50 a night for accommodation, which will make your daily total costs $82 a day .

So what do you think? Is South Korea more or less expensive than you expected? Let me know in the comments below!

Lauren juliff.

Lauren Juliff is a published author and travel expert who founded Never Ending Footsteps in 2011. She has spent over 12 years travelling the world, sharing in-depth advice from more than 100 countries across six continents. Lauren's travel advice has been featured in publications like the BBC, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Cosmopolitan, and her work is read by 200,000 readers each month. Her travel memoir can be found in bookstores across the planet.

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Thank you so much for sharing all your infos, they are always clear and straight to the point which makes it really handy, i have been reading you for a while and always enjoy, i am now doing a 3 months trip through bali, south korea and japan, and your infos on south korea are going to be usefull, once again, Lauren,thank you!

Thanks a lot for your excellent article Lauren! South Korea is much more affordable than I thought it was. And apparently there’s nature too :) We just decided against a South Africa trip this September due to the safely situation and power outages, but now adding South Korea to the wishlist for when the boy is a little older and traveling purely by public transport is more feasible.

We’ve been living in the SoKorea for almost 2 years now. A couple things …

* DMA/JSA tours ARE available through visitjsa.com. US military and USDoD-associated individuals have first dibs, but we booked the end of July as “general tourists” without an issue. These tours leave from right OUTside several US military bases in SoKorea, include lunch and are half the price of just DMZ tours from Seoul. There is a dress code, which is STRICTLY enforced.

* In regard to the language barrier. Many Koreans – especially “younger” generation Koreans – DO know English. They, as a whole, are EXTREMELY shy about using it, though. I have found most have excellent English skills – much better than my Korean skills!! Give grace here, folks. And, download the Papago app as EVERYONE (Koreans & foreigners) uses this to communicate. Don’t be shy – just Papago it!

* Korean phone number – during covid, you needed a Korean number to register at restaurants and retail shops for contact- tracing/tracking purposes. We haven’t been anywhere lately that required a Korean # to get a table or anything.

* For taxis, subway directions/maps, download Kakao – there are various Kakao apps – 1 for subway, 1 for taxis, etc.

* Credit cards – AMEX tends to work more places than my Chase or Citibank VISA cards. I carry a couple hundred kwon with me just in case my cc doesn’t work. If you have significant leftover kwon when you leave, I’d suggest looking for Americans at the airport and strike up a conversation – with so many US military bases here, there’s a good chance someone will buy your kwon off you at a reasonable exchange rate.

Thanks for all the extra information!

The language barrier wasn’t a criticism or complaint — just in case you interpreted it as one! I came across a few younger Koreans who spoke excellent English and I didn’t personally have any problems with the lack of English spoken. It was just a brief sidenote that after travelling to 100-odd countries, the language barrier was higher in South Korea than the vast majority of other places I’ve visited.

I used Papago and Naver and Kakao, etc while I was in the country, but as this is an article about the cost of travel, I didn’t want to turn it into a travel guide and add too much detail that was unrelated to the costs. I’ll definitely publish a more general travel guide over the coming months!

The Korean phone number thing wasn’t a reference to COVID contact tracing but rather that the popular restaurants operate waitlists — and to join those waitlists, you’ll sometimes be asked to give your phone number so that they can text/call/KakaoTalk you when your table is available. I had one restaurant turn me away because Dave wasn’t with me so I couldn’t give them a local number, and a couple of takeaway places, where you ordered from a screen, required a local number to confirm the order. I read about this on r/KoreaTravel ( example ) quite a bit before getting here — it wasn’t as bad as expected but it does still seem to be a good idea to get a local number just in case.

Good to know that AMEX works well — the one bank we don’t have accounts with! I’m not American so wasn’t sure if US cards would fare better than ours.

Great to see new articles again! Cant wait to hear what you have been up to!

Thanks so much! I’m relieved to see I still have readers after my extended break! Lots to share from the past year, but the biggest news is probably gaining my Australian permanent residency and setting up a new home base in Melbourne! Other than that, lots of travel in Southeast Asia, as always :-)

Hi! Thanks so much for this :) we are travelling in October to South Korea & Tokyo and I too have read about needing a korean number. Do you happen to know if you need a local number for Kakao app? Thank you!

Hi Lucy! Yes, you can use an international number to sign up for Kakao, but the app won’t let you add a credit or debit card. You’ll need to pay the driver directly with cash.

Just wanted to let you know I found this post incredibly helpful as I´m planning a South Korea trip for later this year! Great to have an idea of costs, and you´ve made me consider putting Jeju island on our itinerary (would mean cutting time in other countries on the way – still figuring it out!).

Thank you so much for all the info! I just have one more question: Do you happen to know of any budget travel agency that organizes Korean land tours for a week or so? I found a few, but the prices are rather high.

wow..learnt so much from your article. thanks a ton. planing a 4day trip to S.Korea and 4 days in Taiwan… do you have any info on taiwan? also is S.Korea clean and safe? Im planning to stay in Seoul. would love to know where i can do some clothes shopping……..also are there any night markets around?

Thanks so much for the detailed breakdown and recommendations. You really have broken it down very well. I hope to visit South Korea next year and will definitely take all this into consideration when planning. I am just wondering about which time of year is best to visit…

Hi Joy! Based on my own experiences, I really enjoyed visiting in late-May — perfect temperatures, blue skies, and not many tourists — and found October to be too cold for my liking.

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Plan Your Trip to Seoul: Best of Seoul Tourism

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Seoul, South Korea

Essential seoul.

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How to do Seoul in 3 days

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The best day trips from Seoul

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  • Lotte Hotel Seoul
  • Hotel28 Myeongdong
  • JW Marriott Hotel Seoul
  • Grand Hyatt Seoul Hotel
  • Four Seasons Hotel Seoul
  • Myeongdong Kyoja Main
  • Mija Restaurant
  • Gyeongbokgung Palace
  • Myeongdong Shopping Street
  • Starfield COEX Mall
  • Bukhansan National Park
  • Best DMZ Tour Korea from Seoul (Red Suspension Bridge Optional)
  • Korea DMZ Tour from Seoul-Hotel Pickup /option: Suspension Bridge
  • DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel and Suspension Bridge Day Tour from Seoul
  • Day Trip to Nami Island with Rail bike and The Garden of Morning Calm
  • Seoul City Sightseeing Tour Including Gyeongbokgung Palace, N Seoul Tower, and Namsangol Hanok Village

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Search hotels in Seoul

Enter your dates to see the latest prices and deals for seoul hotels, star rating, review score, seoul – 709 hotels and places to stay.

LOTTE City Hotel Myeongdong, hotel in Seoul

LOTTE City Hotel Myeongdong

Offering an in-house fitness center and a café, LOTTE City Hotel Myeongdong is located a 3-minute walk from Exit 1 of Euljiro3-ga Subway Station (Line 2 and 3). Free WiFi is available.

seoul travel price

Nine Tree Hotel Myeongdong

Offering free WiFi access, Nine Tree Hotel Myeongdong is located 0.8 mi from Myeongdong shopping district.

seoul travel price

Hotel Thomas Myeongdong

Featuring an on-site business center and free WiFi in all areas, Hotel Thomas Myeongdong is located a 3-minute walk from exits 7 and 8 of City Hall Subway Station (Line 1 and 2).

seoul travel price

Hotel28 Myeongdong

Designed with a cinematic theme, Hotel28 Myeongdong is Korea's first hotel to be a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World Ltd.

seoul travel price

Koreana Hotel

Less than 656 feet from Seoul Finance Center, Koreana Hotel offers elegant and spacious rooms with a flat-screen TV. Overlooking Cheonggyecheon, the property also provides free parking.

seoul travel price

ENA Suite Hotel Namdaemun

Located in Seoul and with Dongwha Duty Free Shop reachable within a 12-minute walk, ENA Suite Hotel Namdaemun provides concierge services, non-smoking rooms, a fitness center, free WiFi throughout the...

seoul travel price

GLAD Gangnam COEX Center

GLAD Gangnam COEX Center is located next to Exit 1 of Samseong Subway Station (Line 2) and houses a fitness center, lounge and front desk open around the clock.

seoul travel price

Imperial Palace Boutique Hotel Itaewon

Making no compromises to style and comfort, Imperial Palace Boutique Hotel offers ultra-modern rooms with free WiFi.

seoul travel price

Best Western Premier Gangnam Hotel

Best Western Premier Gangnam Hotel is centrally located in Gangnam business district, a short 5-minute walk from Shinnonhyeon Subway Station served by Line 9.

seoul travel price

Ibis Styles Ambassador Seoul Gangnam

Ibis Styles Ambassador Seoul Gangnam is located in the Gangnam area, next to Posco Center. It offers modern accommodations with a fitness center facilities and rooms with free internet.

seoul travel price

Most-booked hotels in Seoul in the past month

Fairfield by Marriott Seoul, hotel in Seoul

Fairfield by Marriott Seoul

Popular with guests booking hotels in Seoul

Toyoko Inn Seoul Gangnam, hotel in Seoul

Toyoko Inn Seoul Gangnam

Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Myeongdong, hotel in Seoul

Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Myeongdong

Toyoko Inn Seoul Yeongdeungpo, hotel in Seoul

Toyoko Inn Seoul Yeongdeungpo

LOTTE City Hotel Myeongdong, hotel in Seoul

Hotel Skypark Dongdaemun I

L7 Hongdae, hotel in Seoul

Hotel Skypark Central Myeongdong

GLAD Yeouido, hotel in Seoul

GLAD Yeouido

Sotetsu Hotels The Splaisir Seoul Myeongdong, hotel in Seoul

Sotetsu Hotels The Splaisir Seoul Myeongdong

Seoul's best hotels with breakfast.

The Prima Hotel Jongno

The Prima Hotel Jongno

Located in Seoul, a 2-minute walk from Jogyesa Temple, The Prima Hotel Jongno has accommodations with a fitness center and private parking.

Conveniently located, big and clean rooms. The staff was very nice.

Stanford Hotel Myeongdong

Stanford Hotel Myeongdong

Stanford Hotel Myeongdong has a fitness center, garden, a terrace and restaurant in Seoul. This 3-star hotel offers room service, a 24-hour front desk and free WiFi.

Staffs are nice. Room is new and clean. Location is great.

Henn na Hotel Seoul Myeongdong

Henn na Hotel Seoul Myeongdong

Well set in the Jung-gu district of Seoul, Henn na Hotel Seoul Myeongdong is located a 9-minute walk from Myeongdong Cathedral, 0.7 miles from Namdaemun Market and 1.1 miles from Dongwha Duty Free...

Great location and very easy check in & check out

Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Myeongdong

Located in Seoul, a 6-minute walk from Myeongdong Cathedral, Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Myeongdong provides accommodations with a fitness center, private parking, a restaurant and a bar.

Great location, friendly staff, clean & big rooms.

Nine Tree Hotel Dongdaemun

Nine Tree Hotel Dongdaemun

Located in Seoul, a 5-minute walk from Bangsan Market, Nine Tree Hotel Dongdaemun provides concierge services and free WiFi throughout the property.

The view was sick honestly. Great location. 10/10

Nine Tree Premier Hotel Insadong Myeongdong

Nine Tree Premier Hotel Insadong Myeongdong

Located in Seoul, 197 feet from Jogyesa Temple, Nine Tree Premier Hotel Insadong features air-conditioned rooms and a fitness center.

Central location, comfortable big rooms with comfortable beds

Sotetsu Fresa Inn Seoul Myeong-dong

Sotetsu Fresa Inn Seoul Myeong-dong

Well located in the Jung-Gu district of Seoul, Sotetsu Fresa Inn Seoul Myeong-dong is set 1 mi from Namdaemun Market, 1.1 mi from Bangsan Market and 1.1 mi from Jongmyo Shrine.

very convenient and close to everything myeong-dong.

Holiday Inn Express Seoul Hongdae, an IHG Hotel

Holiday Inn Express Seoul Hongdae, an IHG Hotel

Located in Seoul, Holiday Inn Express Seoul Hongdae has a number of amenities including a fitness center and free WiFi.

Great location, clean and neat room. Laundry facility.

Budget hotels in Seoul

Union Hotel

Union Hotel

Union Hotel has accommodations in Seoul. With a terrace, the 3-star hotel has air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi.

Toyoko Inn Seoul Yeongdeungpo

Toyoko Inn Seoul Yeongdeungpo is offering accommodations in Seoul. This 3-star hotel offers a 24-hour front desk, a business center and free WiFi.

Clean rooms, good view. Very close to Singil subway station.

Toyoko Inn Seoul Dongdaemun II

Toyoko Inn Seoul Dongdaemun II

Conveniently set in the Jung-gu district of Seoul, Toyoko Inn Seoul Dongdaemun II is located a 10-minute walk from Dongdaemun Market, 0.7 miles from Bangsan Market and a 13-minute walk from The Shilla...

Clean white linen, friendly staff, had everything I needed

Toyoko Inn Seoul Gangnam

Offering free WiFi, Toyoko Inn Seoul Gangnam is located 5 mi from Lotte World Tower & Lotte World Mall. The property is also located within 3.1 mi from Seven Luck Casino Seoul Gangnam COEX Branch.

Very comfy room, nice location everything was okey

Shilla Stay Guro - Guro Digital Complex Station

Shilla Stay Guro - Guro Digital Complex Station

Open from February 2016, Shilla Stay Guro is conveniently located a 5-minute walk from Exit 6 of Guro Digital Complex Subway Station on Line 2.

Price paid for the room is really value for money.

Hotel 8 Hours

Hotel 8 Hours

Nestled in the center of Seoul, Hotel 8 Hours features a common area with printers and computers readily available. The hotel is located a 5-minute walk from the City Hall Station Exit.

great location, everything was perfect, nice staff

Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Station

Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Station

Offering a restaurant and a fitness center, Four Points by Sheraton Josun, Seoul Station is directly connected to Seoul Station via an underground passage.

Good location and easy to get to from Seoul station

LOTTE City Hotel Guro

LOTTE City Hotel Guro

Located in the Guro Digital Complex that offers a variety of shops and restaurants, LOTTE City Hotel Guro is a luxurious hotel.

The room and bathroom were very clean and well equipped.

Hotels located in the center of Seoul

Parkavenue Guesthouse

Parkavenue Guesthouse

Well located in Seoul, Parkavenue Guesthouse provides air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi and free private parking. This 3-star hotel offers luggage storage space.

Good Location Clean room Nice staff Good breakfast

Tong Tong Petit Hotel

Tong Tong Petit Hotel

Located within a 2-minute walk of Jongmyo Shrine and 600 yards of Changdeokgung Palace, Tong Tong Petit Hotel provides rooms with air conditioning and a private bathroom in Seoul.

Everything was in accordance with my expectations.

Hotel Firststay Myeongdong

Hotel Firststay Myeongdong

Located in Seoul and within a 13-minute walk of Myeongdong Station, Hotel Firststay Myeongdong has a terrace, non-smoking rooms, and free WiFi.

Great location, friendly staff and fantastic service!

Moxy Seoul Myeongdong

Moxy Seoul Myeongdong

Ideally set in the center of Seoul, Moxy Seoul Myeongdong has air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi and free private parking. This 3-star hotel offers a bar.

Amazing team, perfect płace to spend your vacation!

Daeyoung Hotel Myeongdong

Daeyoung Hotel Myeongdong

Located in Seoul and with Myeongdong Station reachable within a 8-minute walk, Daeyoung Hotel Myeongdong has concierge services, non-smoking rooms, a garden, free WiFi throughout the property and a...

Excellent location Fabulous staff. Really good hotel

K'STAY Sinchon

K'STAY Sinchon

Well set in the Seodaemun-gu district of Seoul, K'STAY Sinchon is located a 15-minute walk from Ewha Women’s University, 0.8 miles from Hongik University Station and 1.2 miles from Hongik University.

Very convenient, great location. Clean with great facility.

Le Méridien Seoul Myeongdong

Le Méridien Seoul Myeongdong

Located conveniently in Seoul, Le Méridien Seoul Myeongdong has air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi, free private parking and room service.

Close to subway. Shops nearby. Easy to walk places

Westin Josun Seoul Hotel

Westin Josun Seoul Hotel

The Westin Josun Seoul Hotel is a 5-minute walk from the popular Myeongdong and 1148 feet from the City Hall Subway Station.

The service is fantastic and staffs were very considerate

FAQs about hotels in Seoul

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What Guests Said About Seoul:

Seoul really exceeded my expectations., walking the city wall, the palaces and their gardens, 14th....

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We had done a 3 city tour across South Korea, including...

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8-10 days is the perfect amount of time to rest and see the...

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Seoul is full of nice tree, green area, they preserve very...

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Seoul is a wonderful city, but my trip was ruined because of...

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Explore guest reviews of hotels in Seoul

Zzzip Guesthouse in Hongdae

Zzzip Guesthouse in Hongdae

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Western Coop Hotel & Residence Dongdaemun

seoul travel price

E Livingtel

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Hotel Skypark Myeongdong 3

seoul travel price

YOLO Guesthouse

seoul travel price

Amare Hotel Jongno

seoul travel price

LOTTE City Hotel Mapo

seoul travel price

Nine Tree Premier Hotel Myeongdong 2

Batwo Stay - For foreigners only

Batwo Stay - For foreigners only

Hotel Aventree Jongno (Myeongdong)

Hotel Aventree Jongno (Myeongdong)

seoul travel price

The Stay Classic Hotel Myeongdong

seoul travel price

Hotel Doma Myeongdong

seoul travel price

Mercure Ambassador Seoul Hongdae

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Dormy Inn SEOUL Gangnam

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Flights to Seoul

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$433 Find cheap flights to Seoul

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight to seoul departing on 7/13. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to seoul.

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Cheap flight deals to Seoul

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If traveling to Seoul, the cheapest city to fly from in the last 3 days was San Francisco , with flights as low as $433 one-way and $755 round-trip. Flights from Los Angeles are the most searched and start at $755 for a return trip.

How much is a flight to Seoul?

On average, a flight to seoul costs $1,125. the cheapest price found on kayak in the last 2 weeks cost $436 and departed from los angeles. the most popular routes on kayak are los angeles to seoul which costs $1,232 on average, and san francisco to seoul, which costs $1,247 on average., see prices from:, what is the cheapest day to fly to seoul, based on kayak data, the cheapest day to fly to seoul is wednesday where tickets can be as cheap as $1,496. on the other hand, the most expensive day to fly is saturday, where prices are $1,606 on average., what is the cheapest month to fly to seoul, the cheapest month for flights to seoul is february, where tickets cost $1,512 on average for one-way flights. on the other hand, the most expensive months are december and june, where the average cost of tickets from the united states is $2,098 and $2,058 respectively. for return trips, the best month to travel is november with an average price of $1,268., what is the cheapest time of day to fly to seoul, the cheapest time of day to fly to seoul is generally in the evening, when flights cost $1,532 on average. the most expensive time of day to fly to seoul is generally in the afternoon, which is peak travel time and where the average cost of a ticket is $1,689., what is a good deal for flights to seoul, if you’re looking for cheap airfare to seoul, 25% of our users found tickets to seoul for the following prices or less: from honolulu $577 one-way - $905 round-trip, from los angeles $581 one-way - $854 round-trip, from boston $641 one-way - $1,092 round-trip., how far in advance should i book a flight to seoul, to get a below average price, you should book around 1 week before departure. for the absolute cheapest price, our data suggests you should book 51 days before departure., which is the cheapest airport to fly into in seoul, prices will differ depending on the departure airport, but generally, the cheapest airport to fly to in seoul is seoul gimpo intl airport, with an average flight price of $107., which airlines fly to seoul, if you’re traveling from united states, you might fly to seoul with korean air, asiana airlines, or delta as they are the most frequent flyers. see the amount of flights per week for popular airlines flying to seoul., which airline offers the most flights to seoul, of the 8 airlines that fly to seoul, korean air offers the most flights, with around 295 per week, followed by asiana airlines with 189 flights per week., how many airports are there in seoul, there are 2 airports in seoul: seoul incheon airport (icn) and seoul gimpo intl airport (gmp). the busiest airport is seoul incheon airport (icn), with 75% of all flights arriving there., how long is the flight to seoul, the duration of your flight to seoul depends on your departure and arrival airports. obviously any flights that include a layover will also be longer. the most popular routes to seoul on kayak are from san francisco , which takes 12h 30m, los angeles , which takes 12h 55m, new york , which takes 14h 30m, and newark , which takes 14h 54m., how many direct flights to seoul are there each day, there are around 48 direct flights from within united states to seoul every day. most flights depart in the morning, with 12:00 pm the most common departure time and 44% of flights departing in the morning., how many direct flights to seoul are there each week, each week there are around 333 direct flights from within united states to seoul. the most common day for departures is friday, with 15% of flights taking off on this day., how many long-haul flights are there to seoul each week, there are not any medium-haul (3-6 hour flight duration) or short-haul (up to 3 hour flight duration) flights to seoul. instead, there are 333 long-haul flights (6-12 hour flight duration), with the most arriving from los angeles., how many cities have direct flights to seoul, from the united states, there are direct flights to seoul from 13 cities. the city with the most direct flights is los angeles, with 63 direct flights each week., good to know, when to book flights to seoul, faqs - booking seoul flights, are there nonstop flights to seoul airport from major u.s. hubs.

Yes, there are regular nonstop flights to ICN from U.S. hubs. Mostly, these fly from the west and include Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), San Francisco International Airport (SFO), Honolulu International Airport (HNL), and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). However, there are also a few nonstop flights from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK), and Atlanta Hartsfield–Jackson International Airport (ATL).

What type of amenities are there for business travelers to Incheon Airport?

Business travelers arriving at ICN will find plenty of helpful services to freshen up and continue working. Alongside the free shower facilities, dry cleaning and other laundry services are available on the basement floors of both terminals. For working, the Relax zones provide a comfortable and quiet place to use the free Wi-Fi. If you need any postal services, those are available on the 2nd floor of Terminal 1.

Are there lounges at Incheon International Airport?

Yes, ICN has multiple lounges on the 4th floor of both terminals. For Terminal 1, these include Asiana Business Lounge (near Gate 11), Matina Lounge (near Gate 43), KAL Lounge (near Gate 28), and Sky HUB Lounge (near Gates 25, 29, and in the center). For Terminal 2, these include Asiana Business Lounge (near Gate 231), Matina Gold Lounge (near Gate 252), Matina Lounge (near International Departures), KAL Lounge (near Gates 249 and 253), Lounge L (near Gate 231), and SPC Lounge (near Gate 268).

Are there shower facilities at Incheon Airport?

Yes, there are a variety of shower facilities available at ICN. Free showers are located in both Terminal 1 (near Gates 25, 29, and 118) and in Terminal 2 (near Gates 231 and 268). Shower kits are free for transit passengers, and only a small fee for others. They’re open 24h. Alongside that free service, there are shower facilities in some of the pay-per-use lounges.

What facilities are available for children and families at Incheon International Airport?

There are multiple Kids Zones at the airport just waiting for kids and families. Here, families can find playgrounds for the kids and cafes for the parents. There are also nursing rooms located nearby.

How do I get from Incheon International Airport to downtown Seoul?

Incheon International Airport is extremely well-connected via public transportation to Seoul and other cities in Korea. The Airport Railroad Express (AREX) is one of the quickest and cheapest ways to get into the city. There are two trains available, one express train and one regular train that stops off at each stop along the way. Bus connections also run from the airport to various locations throughout the city.

What is there to do at Incheon International Airport?

There are many activities and events held daily at Incheon International Airport. For instance, passengers can take photos with actors dressed in traditional Joseon Dynasty garb, walk through a tour of the royal palaces of South Korea, and delve into the Korean cultural experience at the Korea Traditional Culture Experience Center. Aside from these activities, there are also art and relics on display along with artists performing live throughout the airport.

What are the restaurant options at Incheon International Airport?

The food options at Incheon Airport, like all amenities the airport has to offer, are wide and expansive -- you can find Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and all sorts of international cuisines here. Some of the top Korean options include Hanok, Bon Juk, and Bibigo. For Western fare, check out Mozza Luna, Burger Hunter, or Villa de Charlotte.

Which Seoul airport is closest to central Seoul?

Seoul is served by 2 major airports. Seoul Gimpo Intl (9 miles) is the closest to the center of Seoul and Seoul Incheon Airport is 14 miles from the center.

On average, a flight to Seoul costs $1,125. The cheapest price found on KAYAK in the last 2 weeks cost $436 and departed from Los Angeles Airport.

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights to Seoul?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights to Seoul.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket to Seoul?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to Seoul is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights to Seoul?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to Seoul with an airline and back with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight to Seoul?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to Seoul up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Seoul

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest Seoul flight deals.
  • If you need to store some luggage at ICN, lockers are available on the third floor near Check-in B and Check-in N. Storage is available 24h and costs roughly $5 to $9 per day.
  • If you need to smoke, there are a variety of dedicated smoking rooms on the first and third floors of both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.
  • If you want some muscle relaxation after a long flight to ICN, consider checking out the spas for skin care and massage treatments. In Terminal 1, they’re near Gates 25 and 29; in Terminal 2, they’re near gates 231 and 268. Both are open from 7 am to 8 pm.
  • Do you want to get your blood flowing and muscles moving after a long flight to ICN? If so, check out the digital gyms near gates 231 and 268 in Terminal 2. They use digital devices to offer virtual exercises.
  • For those wanting a quiet place to pray, ICN offers prayer rooms in both Terminal 1 (on the 3rd floor near Gate 24, on the 4th floor west side, and at the 4th-floor center) and Terminal 2 (on the east side of the basement first floor).
  • Travelers with flights to Seoul will almost certainly land at Incheon International Airport (ICN), Seoul’s major international airport. However, Incheon International is not the only airport in Seoul; Gimpo International Airport also serves the city. Gimpo International was originally the major airport of Seoul, but nowadays it is a secondary and more domestically-focused airport.
  • Got a few hours to spare at Incheon International Airport? Check out the CGV Movie Theater in Terminal 1. There’s no better way to kill a few hours than by seeing what is on the silver screen -- after all, a trip to the theater could even be considered a cultural experience, as you could see the latest Korean flick while you are there.
  • Many hotels offer complimentary shuttle service to and from Incheon International Airport. For travelers looking to go straight to their hotel after their flight to Seoul, options to consider are Grand Hyatt Incheon, Hotel Hu Incheon Airport and Orakai Songdo Park Hotel. There is even a capsule hotel, Capsule Hotel Darakhyu, located right within the airport.
  • Fashion and cosmetics are two of South Korea’s biggest businesses nowadays, and Incheon International Airport certainly does these two industries proud. The selection of premier brands and products is truly expansive in the duty free shopping areas of the airport. Travelers can find a wide selection of both international and homegrown Korean products available for purchase.
  • Looking for a place to relax while at Incheon International Airport? Multiple Relax Zones are located throughout the airport, allowing travelers to find lounge chairs and electronic outlets. There is also a Nap Zone with numerous plush recliners specifically designated for napping.

Prefer to fly non-stop to Seoul?

Find which airlines fly direct to Seoul, which days they fly and book direct flights.

Nonstop departures

United States to Seoul

ANA, Air Busan, Air China, +15 more

ANA, Air Busan, +16 more

ANA, Air Busan, Air China, +14 more

ANA, Air Busan, +15 more

Nonstop returns

Seoul to United States

Top 5 airlines flying to seoul.

Overall, very uneventful and pleasant experience. Most importantly, no delays.

The flight crews were extremely professional, helpful, and courteous. Departure and arrival times were accurate. No delay. I will use K airline again. Thanks

We were seated at the back and that was very uncomfortable for me with the turbulence we experienced on our way to Chicago.

I enjoyed flying on Korean Air. The service was great and the food was yummy. They served white fish.

I enjoyed flying on Korean Air. The service was great and the food was yummy, especially the bibimbap and cold spicy noodles. The only thing that bummed me out on this red-eye flight was that my seat did not properly recline so I was not able to sleep.

On time and flight crew are always so happy to help and always smiling unlike other airlines.

Great crew, decent food Charging plugs were broken on both seats next to me. Only the USB port was available, and that charges, very, very slowly. Seat was also broken, it would not lock into position when reclining.

Korean Air had great service and the Bibimbap dish was the best airplane food I’ve ever had. It was a long flight so in between the two meals they served customers could get Shin ramen. The flight attendants let my children use a pair of nice headphones for the flight and had earbuds and slippers for all the adults. The flight was long but the time passed by relatively quickly because they have many great shows in their entertainment TV. I watched the BTS Love Yourself and Speak Yourself concerts 💜

Stewardess are nice. Food could have been better and should have a better dessert. They do not offer scotch or beer. You have to ask for it. I also was not happy that you do not serve ginger ale and or cranberry juice. This is my first time that an international flight do not have this. I go home overseas every year and when I travel through ANA, Delta, Qatar, JAL, Asiana Air, United Air. they all serve this two very famous drink. You do not have a great snack tray.

You did not put me on a Korean Air flight! so I do not have nothing to say

Seems like crew assumed you're korean. Not impressed by crew

One of the flight was delayed. The flight attendant of returning flight to LA was mean.

Flight attendants rude, they disappear for almost 3 hours not doing rounds to see what people needed. The laboratories were full of empty water cups, because they never come back to collect them.

Flew on an Airbus 350-900. Excellent aircraft properly cleaned and serviced. Flight crew was excellent plane departed and arrived on time. The A350 has excellent air circulation far better than the 777. I would recommend Asiana to anyone looking to fly in a clean comfortable environment. This is my second round trip flight from New York to Bangkok via Asiana and I will book Asiana again!

I could not choose my seat prior to check in

I had the most wonderful experience from CEB bag drop through deplaning. The staff, the aircraft, food, and cabin crew were all amazing. I want to give a kudos to Marky from Mactan Cebu's Asiana airport staff for his exceptional customer service and assistance.

JetBlue's check-in was great, but there was an in-flight attendant who was very rude and unkind. I didn't realize that the bathrooms were already locked 30 mins prior to landing and needed to use the restroom. Instead of politely asking me to return, she rudely told me, 'NO, bathrooms are locked! Go back to your seat!' The JetBlue flight was more than an hour delay, which made me almost miss my connecting flight with Asiana. I understand the reasoning, but the action they took to get a hold of maintenance was time consuming. It took them more than 30 mins to get a hold of maintenance and for maintenance to get started. The Asiana flight and crew were wonderful, in general. They waited for us who were delayed from the previous flight before they took off and were very kind to take my checked baggage's info. Seats were a little uncomfortable for such long flight, but service and flight attendants were great! However, my 3 checked baggages are missing! They're lost somewhere in the transition. I'm writing this review 3 days after my arrival to the Philippines, and my 3 checked baggages, where my wedding dress is, are all still missing! I and the CEB airport crew have sent multiple emails to both JetBlue and Asiana, and neither has responded to any of our emails. Although, I was able to get in contact with JetBlue's Interline Department who confirmed that the bags were turned over to Asiana without confirmation details.

The full flat bed was not that comfortable, hard and lumpy., too much space wasted with those bulky walls and divisions instead of making the bed 3-4 inches wider. The compartment where you put your feet is like a shoebox, poor design. Toilets of A350 are just too small, sink is too small

Aside from a LOT of turbulence the flight was perfect! The flight crew was superb and the food was delicious!

The seats (legroom) are tight and chairs cushion is stiff (not comfortable). The crew was courteous, professional and friendly. There was no food / snack for this flight (very short flight, but still would be nice to provide some snack for the enjoyment).

Most of them are OK! But, meals service was not enough. I felt hungry after eating the meal for the first time. I had to buy some other food. So I had to buy a sandwich and drinks for the return flight. And I am not sure it's only my feeling or not, I felt my butt is getting forward. I will use Korean Air or Asiana Airline for next time to visit Korea.

Plane and service were great. The entertainment is only for Koreans. Wish there were vegetarian options for food. All in all pleasantly surprised. Economy premium was quite good.

This form doesn’t work. Can’t type in, had to copy-paste. The crew constantly telling everyone about minor things is unnecessary. Did you put the belt on, push your bag more under the seat… The seat space was good for tall people, the food was decent for airplane.

Roomy seats for the given price! I couldn’t ask more!

Great airline, but there was no English entertainment (movies or shows)

Check-in was an absolute disaster, taking more than an hour and half because they offered no online check-in and Kiosks were not available to use. In-flight entertainment was exclusively Korean media with a selection of only 5 or 6 movies to choose from. Korean television shows were also available. The food was lackluster. My chicken and tomatoes had 3 small pieces of chicken next to a mountain of soggy wedge potato fries. The seats were more comfortable than other airlines I’ve flown with and the staff aboard was extremely pleasant and helpful.

One of our luggage items was damaged during our flight to Newark from Incheon. Although our email communication was not responded to, when discussing the matter with the staff at the Newark checkin before our return flight to Incheon, we were provided with a free replacement luggage item. This customer service was, overall, very satisfactory.

I would have enjoyed some hot tea, preferably green tea, but they only serve hot coffee.

10 Hours delay on departure of the return flight and in-flight Wi-Fi was not available entire flying time all that caused monetary loss to my business.

Some favorite food ran out of service and I have to eat what was left available. Also I had to drink cold red wind! Why could not have been kept in room temperature?

Really bad baggage handling. Had my Rimowa bag badly damaged at the latches.

It was pretty good I was worried with the short Layover that I might not catch my connection but the gate was there

It was good until there was a 3 hour delay because there was not any pilots to fly the plane.

There was plenty of overhead room but half of the passengers were told they had to check their carryon bags. My partner and I checked in as early as possible and our seats were split across the aisle.

Friendly flight attendants. Comfort plus seats were very comfortable and had lots of leg room. 10A and 10 B.

I've flown many many times on Northwest and then Delta. The crew on this flight were absolutely the best I've had the pleasure of being looked after by.

Flew first class so everything was great. But maybe because the flights were red eye, no meals were served, just chips. I flew Alaska Air 1st class at 9PM (2 hour flight) and they served beef short rib sliders!

Had to change aircraft due to a faulty door. Surprisingly it only caused about an hour and a half of delay. Delta handled this situation as well as can be expected.

Awful. Flight was continuously getting delayed and gates kept changing without any reason. Flight was delayed for more then 3 hours

Paid premium for Delta only to be on safe but tired old 767 with ancient cabin in mediocre condition. Poor wifi and horrible inflight entertainment. Hardly a premium experience. Should have flown SW and had fun flight crew and no pretense

This flight was canceled and delayed several times without explanation. The plane was freezing cold and no wifi for messaging. Getting off the plane was terribly unorganized and felt like it took forever….

The flight was delayed several times without explanation. The seats were terribly uncomfortable and wifi isn’t included. All these make for a less than ideal flight.

The flights was delayed by hours and it was the firmest landing I have experienced in my life. My back is still sore.

Internet service was erratic. Crew service was poor and slow. My luggage on this non-stop flight was lost and not recovered

Terrible. I didn’t fly and I had an important meeting the next day.

Missed this flight due to the first AA flight delay

Equipment swap led to 2+ hour delay on international flight. And to top it off, boarding took forever.

Wretched scheduling - they got themselves into a critical crew situation and didn’t try to address it until 15 minutes before they had to cancel my flight

They cancelled two flight and got us onto another airline, which was also delayed.

Nothing, terrible travel experience due to weather and maintenance delays and was left stranded in Austin.

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Seoul Travel Guide: What To Do and Must-Visit Attractions

Jason Park

With airports opening back up and tourism increasing in the past year, there’s plenty of destinations for you to choose from.

One of those places is Seoul, South Korea, which is home to brilliant exhibits of culture and art. What is there for you to do in Seoul, and is it worth it?

Seoul, South Korea is a large city filled with culture and tourist activities that make it worthwhile. Not only is Seoul a very safe city to visit, but it is rising in popularity due to the impacts Korean culture, entertainment, and business has had on the rest of the world. Seoul is among the most visited cities in the world. 

The rest of this article will cover what to do in the city, where to stay, what Seoul is known for, and a brief conclusion.

What To Do In Seoul

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Seoul (서울) is a vibrant city with gorgeous sights and culture you have to see. But before we get into that, we have to talk about one of the most important parts of South Korean culture: the food. Between side dishes, street food, and stews, South Korea has a versatile cuisine!

Side Dishes

A staple of Korean culture are the side dishes served with each meal. Called Banchan (반찬) by Koreans, side dishes is an idea that dates back to the Korean royal court cuisine, which consisted of anywhere between 2 to 12 side dishes.

Cheaper restaurants tend to serve less, but each side dish is tasty and compliments the meal. Banchan arrives before meals, but don’t confuse them with an appetizer. 

They are included in the cost of the meal, and the best part: they have free, unlimited refills!

Some common side dishes are: kelp noodle salad (cheonsachae salad or 천사채), spicy Korean coleslaw, sweet and salty soybeans (kongjabean or 콩자반), sweet and salty lotus roots (yeonkeun jorim or 연근조림), and Korean style sausage stir fry.

Street Food

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If you’re looking for an alternative to dine-in restaurants, street food is just for you! Street food is ready-to-eat food you can buy from local vendors. 

Even better: vendors are easy to find and are lined up and down the Seoul streets, all you have to do is find the one that suits you!

There are plenty of foods to choose from, so get your chopsticks ready. For starters, you have to try Korean style fried chicken. It’s a must when you’re in Seoul. 

Street vendors will absolutely sell Korean fried chicken, and you should at least try them while you’re there!

There’s also bibimbap (비빔밥). Bap (밥) in Korean literally means rice, or meal. Therefore, bibimbap translates to mixed rice. 

Bibimbap has warm rice and sauteed and or seasoned vegetables. A raw or fried egg and sliced meat, normally beef, are included as well.

Korean dumplings ( mandu or 만두) are another commonly served street food dish. There are many different types of dumplings you can get such as vegetable dumplings, beef dumplings, and or pork dumplings. These foods are all super tasty and super affordable!

With Seoul having a cool climate, soups and stews are a significant portion of a Korean’s diet. One popular stew is known as Army stew. 

This stew has American processed meat such as Spam, ham, bacon, and hot dogs. Those meats are mixed into a Korean stew with kimchi .

Kimchi-jjigae (김치찌개) is a stew made with kimchi and various other ingredients such as pork or seafood, scallions, onions, and diced dubu. This stew is a popular choice in South Korea, and it’s a common stew to find in Seoul.

Lastly, another popular stew is Korean crab stew (kkotgetang 꽃게탕). This stew is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a stew with a flower crab as the primary ingredient. 

There’s also Korean radish, garlic, dried anchovies, and other ingredients that vary by the recipe.

The Sights In Seoul, South Korea

Seoul itself is an architectural landmark. There are specific sights in Seoul that are places you have to visit while you’re there. 

A few of those places are: N Seoul Tower, the Ansan Starlight Village, and the Jogyesa. There’s also entertainment like underground shopping.

N Seoul Tower

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The N Seoul Tower is famous for its location and height allowing access to the gorgeous skyline of Seoul. 

Back in 1969, it was utilized as Korea’s first general radio wave tower. TV and radio broadcasts would play from the N Seoul Tower to the surrounding metropolitan area.

This tower is 236 meters high and is the second-highest point in Seoul. It is a communication and observation tower on Nam Mountain. 

The N Seoul Tower is in the center of Seoul, which is why the height and location is so perfect for tourists looking to get amazing pictures.

Ansan Starlight Village

Perhaps the brightest pick on this list, the Ansan Starlight village is a radiant garden along the expressway of Ansan. 

It is known for being festive and romantic all-year-round, and displays of over 200 animals are there. These animals include: owls, cranes, swans, elephants, and more.

Not only does it provide an astonishing atmosphere for relaxation and Instagram posts, but it’s also an area that sparks romance. 

Marriage proposals are a common occurrence there due to the perfect lighting and activities.

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The Jogyesa (조계사) is a Korean Buddhist temple. It is the chief temple of the Jogye Order. The building itself dates back to the 14th century, becoming the chief temple in 1936. It is located in central Seoul, and it is known for its zen environment.

Not only is the architect magnificent, but the nature surrounding it is fresh and preserved, just like the temple. 

The Jogyesa is a common tourist site for experiencing royal palace life. You can tour the building with a guide and see all the history and architecture with your own eyes.

Underground Shopping

seoul travel price

A famous activity in Seoul is underground shopping. Two examples of underground shopping areas are the Express Bus Terminal Underground Center and the Gangnam Underground Shopping Center. 

These shopping areas are perfect for good finds, even on a rainy day.

Many of the shopping centers, both above ground and underground, are located in Myeongdong , the shopping district of Seoul. 

Underground shopping centers don’t risk putting a large dent in your budget. They’re cheap yet fashionable and useful.

Some tips for underground shopping are to bring cash with you and check out the trendy stores. Some items require cash, no credit. 

As for the trendy stores, you can find the latest fashion trends at underground stores for more affordable prices, so be on the lookout for that!

Where To Stay In Seoul

When it comes to the size of South Korea, it’s not as large as other countries like America. So, their compromise was to build their buildings upwards to make more space, not side-to-side. This means there are many apartment buildings and hotels all around Seoul.

There are 5 main districts in Seoul you should consider staying near: Myeongdong , Hongdae , Gangnam , Itaewon , and Jamsil .

seoul travel price

Prices and quality depends on which area you choose. There’s Myeongdong (명동), which is known for being a huge shopping district. 

The Westin Josun Seoul Hotel is only a 5-minute walk away from the bustling life of Myeongdong. It’s a highly rated hotel with many activities inside.

The shopping district has everything you’ll need from body care items you misplaced to trinkets and K-pop albums. There are department stores, shoe stores like Adidas, perfume shops, skincare stores, H&M, and many more for all your traveling and souvenir needs.

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Hongdae (홍대) is for those craving an adventure more indie and fashionable. It’s a creative district with plenty of cafes and Korean BBQ. Mono House Hongdae is a minimalist housing property that’s affordable and only 5 minutes away from the Hongik University Subway Station.

The entertainment value at Hongdae is incredible. The Tricky Eye Museum Seoul relies on visual tricks to keep you on your toes and show you various art. There’s also clubs for dancing and music. Hongdae as a whole values urban arts, indie music culture, and entertainment.

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Gangnam (강남구) is a wealthier district of Seoul, meaning higher quality living, but at the cost of much higher prices. The Park Hyatt Seoul is an expensive 5-star hotel that has a relaxing spa and gorgeous views of Gangnam. It’s worth the price for the views alone!

There’s also the Aloft Seoul Gangnam. This is a cheaper, 4-star hotel that’s the better option for those wishing for a taste of the high life without losing a significant amount of money in the process. It includes business services, an on-site restaurant, free Wi-Fi, and a lounge.

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If you were called the life of the party growing up, Itaewon (이태원) is for you. It’s nicknamed the “Western Town” of Seoul due to the variety of international cuisine and entertainment offered there. It has multiple unique bars, restaurants, and activities around town all worth visiting.

The Grand Hyatt Seoul is a 5-star hotel with over 600 rooms and over 50 suites. It’s close to both Itaewon and Myeongdong, but it is expensive. However, it may be worth it since some amenities include an on-site restaurant, an indoor pool, and free Wi-Fi.

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Jamsil (잠실동) is the best spot for families. It’s also great for those who love sports. Jamsil is home to not one, but two professional Korean baseball teams: the LG Twins and Doosan Bears. It’s rich with K-pop culture, and it’s also home to Lotte World, an amusement park.

The Lotte World Hotel is right beside the amusement park of the same name, and it is a 5-star hotel that also sits on top of Jamsil Subway Station. 

It’s the perfect hotel for your family to travel across Seoul and Jamsil, experiencing the amusement park as well as the culture.

What Seoul Is Known For

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It would be impossible to talk about Seoul without mentioning the entertainment industry that has brought us popular K-dramas such as Squid Game, and the K-pop industry that brought us the worldwide superstars BTS. Seoul is overflowing with creativity and art.

Fun fact: Seoul is the birthplace of K-pop. Although the term wasn’t coined until 1999 by Cho Hyun-jin, Korean music groups rose from Seoul. 

History and culture is thriving in the city, and that’s what tourists go to visit. Places like the Gyeongbokgung Palace (경복궁) are famous destinations.

One of the most famous aspects of Seoul is the street food. Street food is cheaper than restaurant food and it still tastes yummy. It’s a perfect alternative to when you don’t want to spend a lot of money, and you want to wander around the streets of Seoul while eating.

South Korea is known for its beauty standards and skincare . Koreans use natural ingredients to keep their skin clean and smooth. In the west, Korean skincare products and routines are popular because of the glowing skin they cause. Many of these products come from Seoul.

Lastly, Seoul is known for the preserved royal temples around the land. There are more than 900 traditional Buddhist temples that are centuries old. In total, there are over 20,000 temples in Seoul.

Seoul is a beautiful and safe city for tourists that has grown in popularity over the years. It is known for its rich culture, entertainment, skincare, K-pop, and preservation of traditional Buddhist temples.

The food is a must-have. There are various types of food such as side dishes, street food, and stews that will keep you invested in the culture surrounding you. There’s also the sights of Seoul like the N Seoul Tower, and those sights encourage you to snap countless pictures.

Lastly, the 5 main districts of Seoul you should consider visiting are: Myeongdong, Hongdae, Gangnam, Itaewon, and Jamsil.

Each individual place has its own lifestyle and culture. There’s the shopping, the indie culture, the wealthy, the partying, and the amusement park.

Don’t forget to check out Ulsan , Sejong , and Daejeon .

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What to know before you visit Seoul

Jordan  McCutcheon

Feb 4, 2024 • 8 min read

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The hustle and bustle of Seoul can be overwhelming, but we've got the top insider tips to make your trip a success © Mongkol Chuewong / Getty Images

When I moved to Seoul , I had a clear plan that I was determined to stick to – teach English for one year and then move on to explore other parts of the world. But my plan didn't account for the way Seoul captivated and delighted me, and that single year I was committed to soon rolled into two, three, and then, ultimately, six years.

From the moment I stepped off the crowded bus from the airport and onto its bustling streets, I became enamored with its colorful neighborhoods, eclectic markets and diverse nightlife.

Here are my top insider tips to make your first trip to Seoul as special as mine was.

1. Buy a local SIM card

While many businesses around Seoul offer free wi-fi, a local SIM card ensures you're connected when you're out and about, too. Order a prepaid SIM card from Internet providers like KT and SKT and pick it up when you arrive at Incheon Airport, or purchase one from almost any convenience store around the capital.

Having a local SIM means making calls and accessing apps for restaurant reservations and late-night taxis won't result in a painful bill once you're back home again. It's also a great way to ensure you don't get lost on one of the many hikes outside of the city. SIM cards are cheap, and prices are based on the length of your stay, starting from about ₩5500 for one day.

2. Choose accommodations based on the Seoul attractions that inspire you most

Each of Seoul's neighborhoods has its own personality  – consider which district best matches your interests and base yourself there. Relish nightlife and multicultural menus? Itaewon is the place to be. Shopaholics and foodies should stay in Myeongdong or Dongdaemun , where outdoor food stalls and high-rise (and high-end) retail empires reign.

Art connoisseurs and history buffs will thrive and delight in the local art galleries and Gyeongbokgung Palace in Insadong. If staying up all night for pop-up art shows, buskers and noraebangs (karaoke rooms) is your thing, then Hongdae won't disappoint.

To dive into Korean culture, book a stay at a hanok (a traditional Korean house). These homes show off Korea's past through traditional architecture, complete with ondols (heated floors) and scenic courtyard gardens tucked away from the noisy city.

A woman holds the strap while standing on the Seoul underground

3. Download this app to navigate Seoul's subway system

Seoul's subway system is clean and safe, and it's the most efficient way to cruise around the sprawling city. Entrances and exits are marked with numbers and station names in English. Use a subway navigation app like Subway Korea (available on both iOS  and Android ) to figure out which exit number will get you closest to where you want to go. All stations and trains have wi-fi.

While subways get crowded during rush hour, the rest of the day is an easy ride. Even when the trains are packed with people, you'll find your personal space is always respected.

4. Use Kakao Taxi for late-night travel

The subway closes at midnight and doesn't reopen until 6am, so taxis are the only options for late-night journeys. The hardest places to find a ride are the bar districts – especially Gangnam , Itaewon and Hongdae – so download the Kakao T app to get better visibility of available cars. You can select exactly where you want to go and secure the price of the ride before getting into the car. It's fine to pay in cash, and the price won't change after the ride is secured.

5. Buy a Tmoney card for public transportation

Tmoney cards are rechargeable, easy-to-use travel cards that cover all of Seoul's public transportation, and they cost just ₩2500. Just pick one up from any of the ubiquitous convenience stores around the city and load it with money – congratulations, you no longer need to wait in line to buy individual tickets! Each time you scan your card, the balance is shown. When the amount gets low, head back to a convenience store or subway station kiosk to add more funds. All kiosks have a button for English-language options.

Myeong-Dong shopping street, Korean people tourists walking shopping the neighbourhood. It is fashionable to be the most popular. neighbourhood is must when traveling.

6. Korean navigation and translation apps are essentials

Some popular phone apps that work fine in other countries don't fare well in Korea, including Google Maps. While it can be useful when searching for restaurants in English, attempting to find that restaurant is a challenge. Instead, download KakaoMap to easily navigate the city – it also highlights nearby sightseeing spots and popular restaurants with user reviews.

If you're not fluent in Korean, don't despair – download Papago , which translates text, speech and images of Korean words. You can take a picture of nearly anything with Korean writing on it, from signs to bags of potato chips, and the app will translate any words it detects.

7. Familiarize yourself with Korean etiquette and key phrases

Korea embraces social harmony as an extension of the Confucianism engrained in the culture. Being polite when you speak is imperative, and knowing a few words and phrases in Korean goes a long way. Practice saying simple greetings such as " gamsahabnida " (thank you), " annyeonghaseyo " (hello) and " juseyo " (please).

In every subway car and bus, a specific seat is designated for pregnant women. It's very much frowned upon to use it unless you're pregnant. Age is highly valued in Korean society, and elders are treated with the utmost respect. If offered food or drink from someone older than you, accept it and show gratitude. A small bow will go a long way.

8. Use two hands when giving or receiving gifts, drinks and money

When meeting someone for the first time, it's best to clasp their hand with both of yours. The rule is also key when drinking in Korea. Never pour your own drink – instead, take turns pouring for one another. Whether pouring or receiving, always use two hands.

Also, when giving or accepting a gift or exchanging money in a store, the two-hand rule also applies.

Asian women holding silver chopsticks to eat Korean seaweed rice roll with cheese or cheese kimbap (sometimes spelled gimbap) and kimchi on wooden table.

9. Mind your table manners

Dining out in South Korea is a social affair. Soju (Korean rice liquor), beer and banchan (Korean side dishes) are set out on the table to share before the main course. In many restaurants, pushing the yeo-gi-yo ("over here") button located on the table summons the server. If there isn't a button, it's fine to wave down staff to get their attention. It might feel rude, but it's customary in Korea, so don't feel shy.

Koreans use metal chopsticks, which tend to be more slippery than the wooden kind. No one judges chopstick skills or lack thereof, but it's important not to pick up chopsticks until the eldest at the table does first. Avoid sticking chopsticks straight into a bowl of rice, which symbolizes a funeral ritual. Koreans use a spoon to eat rice.

Tipping is not required at restaurants and is considered impolite.

10. Take caution on Seoul's sidewalks

Seoul is not dangerous, but its traffic is a different story. Motorbikes speed down sidewalks without much regard for who's in the way, and cars use them as parking spaces. When exploring Seoul on foot, stay alert and be prepared to get out of the way quickly.

11. Public restrooms are fine to use

Many cafes and restaurants give the passcode to their restrooms only after the customer has ordered from the menu. To save some time and money, keep an eye out for public bathrooms. They are clearly marked for men and women in English and are commonly found in subway stations as well as busier districts.

Seoul's public toilets are clean, and they are one of the only places to find trash cans when you're out and about. They're also often quite sophisticated, with bidets, heated seats and a button that you can push to play rushing water if you get stage fright.

A street view of people inside and outside bars drinking at night in Seoul

12. Understand Korea's drinking culture

Drinking alcohol is a national pastime in Korea, and Seoul is a haven for throwback dive bars and strobe-lit nightclubs. You might spot young revelers rallying outside convenience stores at 7am or suited business people passed out on benches after rowdy hoesiks (after-hours business dinners and drinks). Korean drinking etiquette encourages no glass to be left empty as a rule. If someone offers you a shot of soju , it's rude to refuse it. Stores selling alcohol are open 24/7, and there are no open container laws. Walking the streets with a drink in hand on the way to the next bar is common and accepted.

13. You'll feel safe in the city

Confucianism teaches that mutual respect and trust are of the utmost importance. Take the usual big-city precautions, but walking back to your accommodations alone at night is generally pretty safe. You can save a seat at bars and restaurants with your jacket or purse without worrying too much about it being stolen. Phones left in taxis are usually dropped off at the police station by the driver.

14. Don't worry about North Korea, but stay informed

What appears to be an ominous threat an hour and a half to the north is one mostly felt outside of Korea's borders. North and South Korea have been at a stalemate since the 1950s, and while scaremongering headlines are frightening to read, the actual threat is apparently low . You'll find Korean citizens generally unconcerned about their northerly neighbor.

This article was first published Aug 20, 2022 and updated Feb 4, 2024.

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THAT BACKPACKER - A travel blog about food, culture and adventure.

10 Tips to Visit Seoul on a Budget | Frugal Korea Travel Guide

Whenever I chat with people about travel in Seoul, the cost is the first topic that comes up. Indeed, this isn’t the cheapest city in Asia (especially if you’ve just wrapped up a trip in Southeast Asia), however, the Korean capital isn’t a destination that is going to break the bank either. There are many ways to visit Seoul on a budget if you know where to look, so today I’m going to share a few budget-friendly tips to help you enjoy the city without restricting yourself in terms of the things you get to experience – because if you’ve come all the way to Seoul, you may as well enjoy your time here!

Seoul on a budget for frugal visitors 

Seoul on a Budget | This Seoul travel guide shares 10 tips to visit Seoul while keeping your budget in check! Frugal Korea Travel Guide!

Find cheap accommodations in Seoul

The first way to do Seoul on a budget is by choosing your accommodations wisely, and thankfully, there are plenty of cheap accommodations in the city. I’m going to list a few different types of accommodations starting with the most basic and then slowly working my way up in price, but also make sure to check out this handy Seoul neighbourhood guide to help you decide what’s the best area for your visit:

Jjimjilbang (찜질방): A jjimjilbang is technically a spa and bathhouse , but this shouldn’t stop you from spending the night there. In fact, jjimjilbangs have sleeping areas, where you can either sleep in a communal room (picture lots of mats and people scattered in a massive room) or you can crawl into one of the individual cubby holes and sleep in your own little cave. While I would not recommend spending your entire trip at a jjimjilbang, it’s a good option if you’re coming into Seoul for a night or if you’re catching an early flight and don’t want to pay for a hotel room. Just keep in mind that you’ll have to get naked to use the baths and steam rooms (no bathing suits here!), but if you’re okay with that, it’s a good option. Staying at a jjimjilbang can cost anywhere between $10-15 / night depending on the place.

Goshiwon (고시원): A goshiwon is the smallest type of room you can find in Korea . It’s basically a closet-sized room large enough to fit a single bed and a little desk, but not much else. You’ll also likely be sharing a kitchen and a bathroom with other people, but there’s a reason why these places are so cheap. This type of accommodation is geared at university students or out-of-towners who work in the city during the week, but if you plan on being in Seoul long enough, you could also snatch up a room. Stays at a goshiwon can start as low as $200 for the month .

Hostels / Guesthouses: Another option is to stay in a hostel or a guesthouse. These can average between $25-45 a night depending on whether you’re looking at a dorm or a private room.

Renting an AirBnB in Seoul to save on accommodations.

AirBnB: AirBnB is quite popular in Seoul and you can easily find a good bargain, especially if you book well in advance. The listings include a mixture of officetels, lofts, and 2 bedroom apartments. I have rented a lot of places in Seoul through AirBnB and I have found really nice listings for $35-50 per day , though you can go a lot higher if you’re looking for modern places with extra conveniences.

Hotels: There are also lots of hotels to choose from across the city. On average, you’ll be looking at $75-100 a night for something in the mid-range, but prices do go up from there based on the location. You can compare prices here .

Hanok (한옥):  A hanok is a house built in the traditional Korean style  and it features tiled roofs, wooden architectural elements, and heated floors. You can sometimes luck out with stays between  $40-100 per night though again, it can be a lot higher. You can get more information about Korea’s Hanok Stay Program here.

Use public transportation like a pro

First things first, you need to get yourself a T-money card . This is a transportation card that will give you access to Seoul’s buses and metro system. It’s better to get a card instead of paying per ride because it makes your fare cheaper and you end up saving quite a bit in the long run. You can pick these up at any metro station or at a convenience store like GS25, CU, 7-Eleven, Mini Stop, With Me, and Buy The Way .

The cool thing about the Seoul Metropolitan Subway system is that the network doesn’t just cover Seoul; it’s so spread out that it reaches Incheon, the Gyeonggi province, the Chungnam province, and the Gangwon province. You could potentially cover a lot of ground just using the metro, and you also have express lines to get you further faster. Don’t forget to return your T-money card at the end of your visit for a refund on the balance and the cost of the card.

Taxis are also surprisingly affordable, and while I wouldn’t use them during the day when there’s heavy traffic, they are perfect if you’ve been out late and have missed the last subway home.

Lastly, let’s talk about transportation to and from the airport . The most efficient way is the AREX (Airport Railroad) , which has an Express Train and an All Stop Train. The All Stop Train is cheaper and it only takes a few more minutes to get into Seoul, so I don’t find it a significant enough difference to pay extra.

Another option is to take the bus. You have the deluxe bus, which makes fewer stops and provides more comfort, or you can take the standard bus which makes more stops along the way but is cheaper.

You can get more info on transportation to and from Incheon Airport   here.

Enjoying Korean food in Seoul

Try street food & dine at local eateries

Eating out in Seoul is very affordable if you know where to go; the key to eating well and on the cheap is to veer towards little restaurants geared at locals .

These little hole-in-the-wall eateries can be easy to miss if you’re not looking for them. They are typically located in residential neighbourhoods and hold between 5-10 tables. Keep in mind that most Korean apartments are very small, so it makes sense that people would go out for food and that it would also be affordable. An average meal at a local eatery will cost $3-6 . Also, all of these meals come with free re-fillable side dishes ,  free water , and there is no tipping .

Some foods to consider trying in eateries include:

Korean food comes with free side dishes, which can help you eat Seoul on a budget!

Dolsot bibimbap (돌솥 비빔밥) – rice served in a hot stone pot with mixed vegetables and a fried egg. You then mix the ingredients and let them cook and sizzle in the pot.

Sundubu jjigae (순두부찌개) – A soft tofu and spicy red pepper paste stew. It usually has clams and a raw egg is dropped in the stone pot to continue cooking once it’s at the table. This is served with a bowl of rice.

Mandu are Korean dumplings.

Kimchi mandu (김치만두) – Dumplings filled with spicy fermented cabbage. You typically get a set of 10 when you order.

Chamchi kimchi bokkeumbap (참치 김치 볶음밥) – Fried rice with red pepper paste, tuna, fried kimchi, and seaweed flakes, served with a fried egg on top.

Look at the size of that Donkasu - a very filling Korean meal!

Donkasu (돈가스) – Pork cutlet that is breaded and then fried. It can be served with different sauces and gravies, and it comes with a bowl of rice.

Mandu guk (만두국) – Light broth with chives, whisked egg, seaweed, and dumplings.

Omurice (오므라이스) – The name is short for omelette and rice. It’s made by frying rice in a bit of ketchup, and then wrapping the rice in a light omelette. This can then be topped with more ketchup or gravy.

Ramyeon (라면) – Ramen noodles in a spicy broth. You can add extras to it like slices of cheese.

The only potential hurdle at some of these local eateries is that they tend to only have Korean menus. If you luck out, you’ll be able to point at a picture or point at someone else’s dish if you like what you see, but it would be a good idea to show up with a list of foods you’d like to eat , especially if you don’t read Hangul or speak Korean.

Street food is a great way to eat Seoul on a budget - this dish is Tteokbokki.

Another option for eating cheaply in Seoul is  the street food markets . Here you’ll find a lot of dishes that you can eat on the go for just a few dollars, plus the language barrier isn’t so scary since all you have to do is point at what you want. Some classic street food eats are:

Tteokbokki (떡볶이) – Soft rice cakes served in a sweet red chilli sauce.

Odeng (오뎅) – Boiled fishcake served on a skewer.

Twigim (튀김) – An assortment of battered and deep-fried snacks that can include slices of sweet potato, egg, dumplings, squid and more. Very similar to tempura.

Kimbap (김밥) – A rice roll typically stuffed with cucumbers, spinach, carrots, pickled radish, and you can add extras like canned tuna or sweet beef. It looks like a sushi roll, but it’s not.

Hotteok (호떡)  – A cross between a donut and a pancake filled with cinnamon and sugar.

Most street food snacks are $0.50-$3 , so you could either have one as a little snack, or make a meal by picking up different items from food vendors.

Visit all the free (& nearly free) museums

So according to my friend Google, there are over 100 museums in Seoul. I clearly haven’t been to them all, so I’m just going to stick to the main ones which I know and have enjoyed. Most of these are either free or very cheap to visit, though access to special exhibitions does come at an additional cost.

National Folk Museum of Korea (국립민속박물관) – FREE

This museum is located within the grounds of Gyeongbokbung Palace (East Entrance) and it focuses on the daily life and culture of Korea from prehistoric times to the end of the Joseon Dynasty.

National Palace Museum of Korea (국립고궁박물관) – FREE

This next one is also located within the grounds of Gyeongbokgung and it showcases artefacts from the Joseon Dynasty which were found in the nearby palaces and shrines.

Visiting all the free museums in Seoul when travelling on a budget.

National Museum of Korea (국립중앙박물관) – FREE

The National Museum of Korea has a massive collection focused on Korean history and art. The collection starts with prehistoric artefacts and then moves into medieval and early modern history.

Visiting the hangul museum in Seoul.

National Hangul Museum (국립한글박물관) – FREE

This museum deals with the history of the Korean alphabet , which is a heck of a lot easier to learn than hanja! It’s also really close to the National Museum of Korea, so you can easily hit both on the same day.

Visiting the War Memorial of Korea in Seoul.

War Memorial of Korea (전쟁기념관) – FREE

The War Memorial of Korea has both an indoor and outdoor component , the latter of which features military equipment and machinery used during the war. While the focus is on the Korea n War, this museum also covers other wars and conflicts Korea has faced.

Seoul Museum of Art / SeMA (서울시립미술관) – Depends on exhibition

This museum holds rotating exhibitions throughout the year, so you never know what you’re going to find. I went to their Tim Burton exhibition a few years back and loved it, but this is one museum where you want to check that there’s something on before you show up. Also, the price of the admission ticket varies depending on the exhibition.

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art / MMCA Seoul (국립현대미술관) – 4,000 won

For all you modern and contemporary art lovers, this is another museum to add to your list. Admission is cheap and they have rotating exhibitions throughout the year.

Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art (리움 삼성미술관) – 10,000 won

So this museum is not free, but if you enjoy traditional Korean art and contemporary art, it might be worth the admission fee; 10,000 won will give you access to the permanent collection, and 8,000 won for special exhibitions.

Also, certain museums are free once a month as part of Culture Day. You can see a list of participating museums here and hopefully free admission day overlaps with your visit!

Visit the main attractions

Alright, so I’ve told you all about the free and nearly free museums, now let’s have a look at some other fun sights and attractions across Seoul . In many cities, the top attractions generally come with hefty price tags, but that is not the case in Seoul. Here are a few activities that you can check out:

Grand Palaces – 10,000 won for 5 sites

There are 5 Grand Palaces in Seoul: Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung, Deoksugung, Gyeongbokgung and Gyeonghuigung. You can either pay for individual admission tickets, or you can pay 10,000 won for a pass , which will give you access to the first four palaces (the fifth one is already free) as well as the Jongmyo Shrine. That’s cheaper than paying to visit each palace individually, and you don’t have to see everything on the same day.

Dressing up in hanbok in Seoul gives you free admission to the palaces.

Another alternative is to rent a hanbok (traditional Korean dress), which will then grant you free access to the palaces and the shrine. The rental of a hanbok is usually between 12,000-15,000 won, which is just a little more than getting the pass, but it means you can have fun taking photos around the grounds.

Jogyesa Temple – FREE

This is a Buddhist temple located in Jongno, which puts it in walking distance of many of the Grand Palaces. My favourite time of year to visit is for Buddha’s birthday when the entire temple is covered in colourful paper lanterns.

Cheonggyecheon – FREE

The Cheonggyecheon is an urban public space with a stream that flows more than 10 kilometres across the city. It’s a really nice spot for a stroll or a picnic lunch, and it has lots of bridges and footstones so that you can crisscross back and forth. It’s nice to visit any time of year, but especially during the Lantern Festival when you can see one-of-a-kind lanterns on display.

Visiting the Namsangol Hanok Village which is free.

Namsangol Hanok Village – FREE

This is a village where hanok (traditional Korean houses) have been preserved to showcase what the area would have looked like in centuries past. This was once the site of a  Joseon-era summer resort, so it feels quite peaceful even though you can see modern structures off in the distance.

Bukchon is another major attraction in Seoul which is completely free.

Bukchon Hanok Village – FREE

This neighbourhood is full of traditional Korean houses , but unlike other villages that have been turned into open-air museums, people still live in these homes. Some of the hanok have been repurposed into workshops, cultural spaces, and private galleries, but for the most part, they are private residences. This is a beautiful area to wander on foot and it doesn’t cost anything.

N Seoul Tower – 10,000 won

For expansive views of Seoul, you’ll want to ride the elevator up N Seoul Tower . You can either pay to take the cable car or walk up the hill if you’re looking to save a few won. Once you’re done visiting the observatory, you can also watch free cultural performances on the square or lock your love like thousands of others before you.

You can view my complete list of things to do in Seoul here.

Shop in subway stations and university areas

When it comes to shopping for clothes , shoes, and accessories, the vicinity around major universities is a great place to do so. The prices in these areas are geared at young students on a budget so aside from finding really trendy items, you can also get great deals. Some places to consider shopping in Seoul include:

Hongdae – This is the area around Hongik University, which is one of Korea’s top universities for the fine arts. This means there’s a lot of experimentation with fashion, which makes it a great place to discover new trends before they become mainstream. Hongdae is home to a lot of independent clothing stores and outdoor stands.

Ewha Womans University in Seoul can be visited for free.

Ewha – This area is usually referred to as Edae and it is home to Ewha Womans University. Being next to a women’s university means that this area is filled with shops geared towards girls. The shops feature a lot of feminine and girly pieces and you can also pick up all sorts of accessories: headbands, hats, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, handbags and so much more.

Sinchon – This is the area around Yonsei University, the oldest university in Korea and one of the most prestigious. Sinchon is just one stop away from Ewha on Line 2, so you can easily cover both in one outing. Like with Hongdae and Ewha, you can also expect to find a lot of indie shops with experimental yet affordable fashion .

Sinchon is a lively university area.

All of the areas I’ve mentioned above also boast plenty of Korean beauty shops. One thing to keep in mind if you’re shopping for Korean makeup products is that they often give out free samples. These can be face masks, facial cleansers, or moisturizers. Sometimes they’ll hand out samples outside the stores as a way to lure you in, and other times you’ll get them as a little freebie with your purchase. It may not be huge, but it’s free!

If you’re visiting Seoul on a budget , you can also consider shopping in the underground metro stations . It may sound a bit odd, but most major stations have underground shopping areas where you’ll find independent clothing stores as well as major beauty brands.

Hiking and green spaces

Another way to make the most of your visit to Seoul on a budget is by enjoying all the green spaces the city has to offer. Here are a few to consider:

The Han River is a great place to visit on the weekends. If the weather is nice, this is where people come to picnic for the day with tents in tow. My favourite stretch of waterfront is along Yeouido, where you can rent bikes, watch teenagers longboard like pros, take out paddle boats and more.

Seoul Forest

Seoul Forest has some beautiful tree-lined paths and it’s a great little escape from the city . The area was once used as the royal hunting grounds, but thankfully these days there’s a greater focus on animal conservation so you can see deer and even feed them.

Seonyudo Park

Seonyudo is an island in the middle of the Han River that was once home to a water filtration plant. The entire place has been turned into an ecological park, while still retaining a bit of an industrial feel, so it’s a pretty cool place to wander around. To reach the park you’ll either have to cross Yanghwadaegyo Bridge from Hapjeong in the north or Yeouido in the south.

Hiking in Bukhansan National Park for free! Talk about visiting Seoul on a budget.

Bukhansan National Park

For something a little more active in the form of a day-long hike, you can head up to Bukhansan National Park, which is located directly north of Seoul. They have a vast network of trails that range in length and level of difficulty, plus there are lots of temples that you can visit along the way.

Make use of convenience stores

Convenience stores in South Korea take things to a whole different level and they will really help you do Seoul on a budget. They are fully stocked so that you can piece together a meal at all hours of the day, and you also can’t walk more than a few steps without stumbling across one. So what can you eat?

Ramyeon bowls – What flavour would you like? Kimchi, cheese, beef, chicken, squid, vegetable, mushroom, spaghetti…wait, spaghetti?! There are countless types of ramyeon bowls and most of them don’t cost more than 1,000 won. Also, convenience stores usually have a hot water station where you can prep your meal and pick up a pair of chopsticks.

Rice and curry – Rice and curry bowls are another popular food option. These are sold in separate bowls which you can microwave and enjoy on the spot.

Food trays – These are similar to bento boxes and they usually include rice, a pork cutlet or some kind of meat, kimchi, and a few different vegetables.

Korean snacks – We’re talking seaweed chips, Pepero sticks (chocolate-covered pretzels), rice crackers, honey cakes, red bean dumplings, choco pies, shrimp puffs and more. All of these cost no more than 2,000 won each.

Enjoying Korean food on a budget.

Free activities through Seoul Global Cultural Centre

The Seoul Global Cultural Centre puts on a wide array of activities and workshops for visitors passing through.  This is done as a way to introduce visitors to Korean culture and guess what, these events are free ! Some of the activities you can expect to try include:

  • Take a K-POP dance lesson
  • Take a Korean cooking class
  • Take a Hanji craft class
  • Take a Korean folk painting class
  • Try on traditional Korean hanbok

You can have a look at their website for current and ongoing events, and then you can reserve your spot in the workshops.

Korea's quirky cafe culture. This city has themed cafes galore!

Experience Seoul’s unique cafe culture

I know, I know, I like to mention Seoul’s themed cafes anytime I get the chance, but how can I not? They are amazing! Would you rather enjoy a warm beverage at a coffee chain or somewhere unique? In Seoul you can find a:

  • Comic Book Cafe
  • Hello Kitty Cafe
  • Raccoon Cafe
  • Flower Cafe
  • and so many others!

The way it works with these cafes is that they either charge you an admission fee and you get a free drink, or you buy a drink which acts as your admission fee. The cost is generally between 6,000-10,000 won at most, and you get to spend a few hours in a rather unusual setting.

A traditional tea house in Seoul.

If the above doesn’t really sound like your kind of thing, you can also consider visiting a traditional tea house in Insadong , where you can enjoy a cup of tea in a serene setting.

More ideas of things to do in Seoul

Lastly, let me leave you with this video that Sam and I filmed over the course of our summer and autumn visit to Korea this year. We ran around town and captured 50 things to do in Seoul, so hopefully, this will give you a few ideas of what this city has to offer and get you pumped for your trip!

Have you been to Seoul? Do you have any other tips to visit Seoul on a budget?

Visiting Seoul on a Budget | Seoul Travel Guide


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Thanks for these tips! I really like to visit seoul, one day 🙂


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So great, that the museums are for free! That´s where usually most of my money goes.

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These are all handy tips, I’ll definitely have to remember these! I’m not sure I’d want to visit the poo cafe though. Maybe I’d just stick to the racoon one…

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Great post! This makes me so nostalgic for my life in Seoul T_T I mostly miss the food…and of course all the beauty shops everywhere you go…I swear I’m going back at some point, if just to eat everything I possibly can O_O

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Great tips! It often baffles me how ready travellers sometimes are to throw money at taxis rather than get to grips with public transport. I find I see a lot more of a place when I rely on walking as much as possible too.

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This blog entry makes me want to fly to Seoul right now!!!

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Great content! Definitely saving this to refer back to when we plan our trip. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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Bookmarked! Will recommend your article to some of my friends who will go to Korea next month. Thanks!

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I wonder how that “Poo Cafe” looks like… OMG! Seems interesting…

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Hello, I just wonder what do you mean by local eateries. Are these the restaurants further from tourists attractions in a local neighborhood? And usually run by old ladies.

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I mean small neighbourhood restaurants geared at locals. These eateries are usually quite small with only a handful of tables, Korean-only menus, but a cheap selection of tasty dishes.

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Enjoyed your itinerary. The Seoul Global Cultural Centre is a great tip for free activities and workshops! We will have to give it a try on our next trip to Seoul.

Because you liked Bukchon, we think you also would like the nearby Ikeseondong as a unique, and free, activity. It has some traditional Korean houses that aren’t quite as fancy as Bukchon, but that are still enjoyable and full of fun shops. Give it a try the next time you are in Seoul.

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hello Audrey What a packed, informative post I’ve just read! it is awesome and yes, thank you a lot for these golden tips. I’ve always dreamt about trip to Seoul and I guess this post inspired me more than enough to plan my trip.:)) The one thing I’m confused with is what weather i’d better choose for my trip, what month ? rove.me/to/seoul tells me I’d better go in october or november due to a wide range of activities. and I don’t sure about rain showers at that time. are they possible? travel.usnews.com/Seoul_South_Korea/When_To_Visit/ says that it’s impossible, but what if? Help!

Hi Jena, autumn and spring are the best times of year to visit Seoul. Of course, you can still get occasional showers, but the weather is generally very pleasant and ideal for long days of sightseeing.

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Ooh I love university neighborhoods, too! I love the youthful vibe of Hongdae. 🙂

Just to add, Hyehwa-dong is also worth a visit. It’s also near Sungkyunkwan University, Naksan Park, and Ihwa Mural Village. 🙂

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Thanks for all this heads up!! Your content is always so interesting and informative, thanks again!

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Seoul - The estimated travel expenses for food, public transport, attractions entrance and accommodation.

How much does a trip to seoul cost.

Seoul - Prices

Currency in Seoul is South Korean Won

Seoul prices guide., if you are travelling alone to seoul, depending on your expectations, you will pay for an overnight stay from 24 usd (33,000 krw) for a hostel to 164 usd (224,000 krw) for a luxury hotel., the other daily costs you have to pay when travelling to seoul are:.

  • Food 16 USD (22,000 KRW)
  • Meals in restaurants 12 USD (16,000 KRW)
  • Bottled water 1.10 USD (1,500 KRW)
  • Local transportation 4.20 USD (5,700 KRW)
  • Entrance tickets 33 USD (45,000 KRW)
  • Alcoholic beverages 8.60 USD (11,000 KRW)

As you can see - a stay for a few days in Seoul can cost 233 USD (317,000 KRW) or 1,100 USD (1,515,000 KRW) , depending on whether you are a frugal tourist or you are planning to spend a luxurious holiday in Seoul.

How much South Korean Won should I have for one week in Seoul?

If you want to spend a week in Seoul the cost of your stay will be:

  • 543 USD (741,000 KRW) - a cheap stay for 7 days in Seoul
  • 731 USD (998,000 KRW) - a budget travel for 7 days in Seoul
  • 1,000 USD (1,373,000 KRW) for a one week of comfortable stay in Seoul
  • 2,500 USD (3,536,000 KRW) for a week of luxury holidays in Seoul

How much money do I need per day to stay in Seoul?

If you are travelling alone to Seoul, 78 USD a day should be enough. If you choose a hotel for your stay in Seoul, the price will rise to 100 USD. A couple will have to pay around 180 USD for one day in Seoul. A family with two children should have 320 USD for one day stay in Seoul.

How to visit Seoul on a low budget? How to travel Seoul cheaply? How to save money while travelling in Seoul?

In order not to exceed reasonable expenses during a trip to Seoul, which we estimate at 104 USD (142,000 KRW) for a one day, you must comply with the following rules:

  • Choose to stay in a hostel (24 USD (33,000 KRW) ) or in a cheap hotel (34 USD (45,000 KRW) ).
  • Use public transport. The price for a one-way ticket is 1.10 USD (1,400 KRW) and for a monthly pass 44 USD (60,000 KRW) .
  • Make your own breakfast and own dinner. Daily shopping cost in the shop is around 16 USD (22,000 KRW) in Seoul.
  • Choose restaurants outside the city centre and close to tourist attractions. Meal in a cheap restaurant cost around 7.70 USD (10,000 KRW) in Seoul. McMeal at McDonalds (or equivalent meal in other fastfood restaurant) costs approximately 5.90 USD (8,000 KRW) .

Car-related costs are mainly fuel, road tolls and parking fees. Of course, the price depends on the purpose of the journey and energy efficiency of a vehicle.

In Seoul, you will pay for the fuel accordingly:

  • Petrol price in Seoul is around: 1.20 USD (1,600 KRW)
  • Diesel fuel price in Seoul is around: 1.20 USD (1,500 KRW)
  • 1kg sausage: 33 USD (44,000 KRW)
  • 0,5 kg bread: 3.10 USD (4,100 KRW)
  • 10 eggs: 3.30 USD (4,400 KRW)
  • 1kg cheese: 12 USD (15,000 KRW)
  • 1 liter milk: 2.10 USD (2,900 KRW)
  • 1 kg apples: 6.70 USD (9,100 KRW)
  • Bottle of local beer (0,5 liter): 3.70 USD (5,000 KRW)

Car rental prices in Seoul

  • What is the average price for a car rental in Seoul?
  • How much does it typically cost to rent a car in Seoul?
  • Is it cheaper to rent a car for a week in Seoul?

What is most famous in Seoul? How much does an average entrance to travel attractions in Seoul cost?

The most important tourist attractions in seoul that we recommend:, the museums worth a visit in seoul:, are there any free attractions in seoul what can you do for free in seoul, on warmer days, we recommend walking in parks in seoul. below is a list of the largest and most interesting parks in seoul. parks in seoul:, view map of hotels and accommodation.

Show larger map of Seoul

Nicole Collins

Nicole is travel expert at hikersbay.com (24 years old, zodiac sign: sagittarius).

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BEST First-Time Visitor’s Seoul Itinerary (3-7 Days)

Last Updated: Nov 11, 2023 by Max · This post may contain affiliate links · 2 Comments

South Korea is a land of mountains, palaces, and busy streets, and this 3 to 7 day Seoul itinerary will put you right in the middle of it all. With the city’s futuristic architecture and state-of-the-art technological advancements, people sometimes get culture shock when they see how integrated they are into more traditional lifestyles.

Everywhere you go, there’s always an event happening or a festival on, and there are plenty of surprises in store – especially if you visit any of the Seoul hotspots detailed below. But while Korea is truly a magical place, it’s far from what we see in the K-Dramas.

Fans often come here expecting to meet a dashing chaebol randomly in the streets (which is highly unlikely), and are disappointed when they’re not hit on in the nightclub. Dramas and idols are just a small fraction of Korean culture .

To truly experience it for yourself, you’ll have to immerse yourself in Seoul for 3 days or more, before heading further south. That way you’ll get to try everything Korea has to offer; from delicious food to astounding historical landmarks.

So if you’re figuring what to put in your Seoul itinerary, let us help you plan how many days in Seoul you should spend, and what to do and where to go during your South Korea vacation. Use the 'Jump To' box below to go to a specific section.

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Basics of Travel in South Korea

How to maximize your seoul experience, faq about seoul, where to stay in seoul, seoul itinerary 3 days, seoul itinerary 7 days, tips for visiting seoul.

Visa: Most travelers will need a K-ETA ( Korean Electronic Travel Authorization ), applied for at least 72 hours before departure. If you needed a visa before, you'll need a K-ETA now. Note that from April 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024, passport holders from 22 countries, including the US, UK, Canada, and several EU nations, can visit visa-free – no K-ETA required!

Currency: South Korean won ( KRW or ₩ )

Arrival in Korea: all international flights arrive at Incheon Airport (ICN), one of the best-rated airports in the world. It usually takes about 1 hour to get through security & pick up checked bags.

Getting Around: Korea has an extensive & reliable public transport system. A refillable T-Money card is your ticket to buses and trains across the country; you can buy and refill yout TMoney card at any subways station or convenience store in Korea.

Internet & SIM Cards: Rent a Wi-Fi egg or purchase a prepaid Korean SIM card at the airport, available for up to one month of connection.

Travel Insurance: always recommended, though some credit card companies offers limited coverage when booking.

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How many days should I spend in Seoul? While most guides will tell you that three days in Seoul is enough, we recommend that you stay in Seoul for a week.

But for those with tight budgets, we can help maximize your Seoul itinerary for as many days as you have, and thanks to the advanced metro system in Seoul, you’ll jump from one place to another without issue.

That being said, Seoul at night is a treat for the eyes, and most of the attractions in Seoul occur when the sun begins to set. Banpo Bridge, for example, has an incredible fountain show and the title of the World’s Longest LED-light display.

Around the same time each evening, stalls are set up where people enjoy delicious foods while waiting for fireworks to decorate the sky. The best part is, there’s a way to do all of these things in Seoul for free.

Simply purchase a Discover Seoul pass before your trip, and you can get into most of these attractions (once each) without worrying too much about your budget. There are three kinds of passes you can choose from (24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours), and even if you run out of hours, you can still use it to avail of discounts in any of the partner tourist attractions.

Other sites that provide discounts are kkday , Trazy and Klook .

Unfortunately, each attraction’s opening hours may change due to public holidays or unforeseen events. So if you follow this Seoul itinerary, please develop a habit of checking attractions’ schedules first if you don’t want to wait hours for a show that has already been cancelled.

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For a solo traveler, a vacation in Seoul may cost between ₩1,000,000-2,000,000 ($800-1,600USD). This takes into account 3 meals a day, a public transport card, and a week in a hotel, which can all vary widely in price. The rest of your money will go to experiences and souvenirs.

The best time to visit Korea is from May to June and September to October, since this is the best time to see the cherry blossom trees bloom or watch the fall colors in the mountains. Moreover, the weather at this time is generally pleasant for locals and foreigners alike, making walking around more pleasant than in summer or winter.

Three days should be sufficient for a first trip to Korea, especially if you have a Discover Seoul pass , though one week is ideal. The pass enables you to visit key locations once for free, and best of all, get discounts on other destinations and experiences.

Here are the essentials to pack for Seoul: passport, credit cards, and travel medical insurance, as well as shorts, a sun hat, and tops with sleeves. Moreover, certain cellphones do not work in Korea, so you need to check if your phone is not region-locked or that it is equipped to intercept the networks provided in Korea, and possibly rent a phone for your trip.

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Seoul is known for having culturally diverse neighborhoods, full of history, good food, and memorable experiences. There are several fantastic neighborhoods I'd recommend staying in when you visit Seoul.

There’s always something that will pique your interest, but you have to make sure that the neighborhood matches your preferences - since you might choose to add to your Seoul itinerary by experiencing the bustling Seoul nightlife .

Specifically in Ichon-dong, this is probably the most convenient place to look for accommodation, especially if you want something quick and cheap. This is also a convenient location if you want to visit the most popular areas in Seoul for free , like the National Museum of Korea, Yongsan Family Park, and Ichon Han River Park.

Creatives and digital natives love coming to this hub because this neighborhood is panned towards the younger crowd. If you’re reminiscing about your college days, this is the neighborhood in Seoul for you.

Cafés regularly host language exchange parties, coffee and pub crawls , and art appreciation guilds. Sometimes buskers hold small concerts in the streets, from late afternoon into the wee hours of night.

Rub elbows with the rich and famous by staying in this Seoul neighborhood . With large-scale suites with spectacular views of the Seoul night sky, this area boasts popular attractions for those with luxurious tastes.

Apgujeong-dong and Garuso-gil, for example, hold multiple high-end luxury chains with clothes made by internationally renowned designers, and worn by the famous K-Celebrities we know and love (like Lisa of BLACKPINK and V of BTS).

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This is the city where tradition meets modernity, and you deserve to experience both sides during your 3 days in Seoul. This itinerary covers the basics and the must-sees of the city if you have limited time, with an optional extension to 7 days below.

Seoul Itinerary Day 1: Embracing Korea’s Traditional Side

Note: If your first day falls on a Monday or a Tuesday, you’ll want to move this day’s schedule to a later date— most of the palaces are closed on both those days.

Did you know that entry to any of the five Grand Palaces in Seoul is free when dressed in a hanbok ? Be sure to reserve a full day’s use online ahead of time to avoid the stress of long lines on the day of. The best thing about reserving online is that it also comes with a hefty discount.

Try checking the massive selection provided by the Hanboknam Gyeongbokgung Store , which actually has a Korean hairstyling service too! 

Stop 1: Gyeongbokgung Palace

Time: 9:30AM

Address: 161, Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩3,000, Children: ₩1,500; Groups have a discount, with ₩2,400 for Adults and ₩1,200 for children; It is free if you come wearing a hanbok.

The best way to start your day is to arrive at Gyeongbokgung Palace 30 minutes before it opens. That way you get to see the Opening Ceremony of the Palace Gates, and the procession that takes place as the guards shift their duties.

As you enter, the first thing you should do is fall in line to see Geunjeongjeon Hall. It’s quite a bit of a walk, and you’ll initially pass by the pumgyeseok (the markers court officials used to indicate where they should stand if the King calls for a meeting) before reaching the steps.

However, the view of the majestic ancient Korean architecture and the people wearing hanboks will make you feel like you have time-traveled all the way back to the Joseon Dynasty. As soon as you get to the red throne, you only have a few minutes to admire its splendor, so make sure to bring your camera with you.

If you’re able to join an English-language tour, your guide will certainly point out the parts of the palace that were heavily influenced by Chinese architecture , a fact quite revealing of the times.

Other notable parts of the palace are the Gyeonghoeru Pavillion, or what used to be the setting for lavish official banquets, and the beautiful Hyangwonjeong, a small temple-like structure on top of an artificial island on Hyangwonji Lake. 

There are plenty of things to do at Gyeongbokgung, but there’s a special tea ceremony that lets you drink the tea that delighted the King and Queen back then, and I’d highly recommend it. You’ll feel like royalty after just one sip. 

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Stop 2: Hwangsaengga Kalguksu

Address: 78, Bukchon-ro 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03053 South Korea

Prices: ₩₩-₩₩₩

Notorious for being the “best noodle and dumpling shop” near Gyeongbukgung Palace, expect long lines of people dying to have a taste. Since these dishes don’t take long to cook, people don’t have to wait long to try some of their most famous offerings, like the cold soybean soup or the rich ox bone noodles. 

Stop 3: National Palace Museum of Korea

Time: 2:00 PM

Address: 12 Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Nearest Metro Stop: Gyeongbokgung Station (Line 3, Exit 5)

Once you’ve enjoyed your meal, head back to the steps leading to the museum and walk further on in. This facility has everything you need if you wish to know more about Korea’s glorious and often difficult past.

Fourteen of Korea’s ‘National Treasures,’ including recovered pieces from the Joseon Dynasty and the Korean Empire, are housed in this free museum . Periodically they even host events to educate the people who come, usually involving activities like calligraphy, tea ceremonies , and even Korean traditional dance lessons.

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Stop 4: Gwanghwamun Square

Time: 4:00PM

Fee: Adults: ₩3,000, Children: ₩1,500; Groups have a discount, with ₩2,400 for Adults and ₩1,200 for children.

This wide park is actually a huge commemoration site for the military strategist that led Koreans to victory during the Japanese invasion, Admiral Yi Sun-sin. His statue stands proudly next to the water fountain which entertains local kids every summer, and may be even more famous than the statue!

But this installation actually has a meaningful story behind it, because the water jets shoot exactly 18 meters high, with 300 smaller jets to symbolize the battles the Admiral fought on sea.

Meters away from the great admiral’s statue, an intimidating gold statue of Sejong the Great watches over you, perfect for taking selfies and startling visitors.

Stop 5: Cheonggyecheon Stream and Cheonggye Plaza

Time: 5:00PM

Address: 530 Cheonggyecheon-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul

Just a 10-minute walk from Gwanghwamun Square is a long man-made stream that doubles as a public recreation space. I recommend coming here in the late afternoon because the sunset view is legendary; you can rest your weary feet in the stream as you wait for the night to come.

By then, the lights will turn on, illuminating the traditional lanterns above and the long strip that makes the stream sparkle below. This makes for a beautiful sight, most especially if you look at it from above.

If your trip hits around summer, the sunset may come around 8PM, and the wait can get quite hot & sweaty. So if you have plans to really see the sunset, swing by Cafe imA, a coffee shop next to the Ilmin Art Museum. Visitors rave about their Hamburg Steak (₩13,500), but you can also try their desserts and waffles (₩6,500-₩8,000).

There’s also Dal.Komm Coffee on the other side of the stream, near the starting point. Most of their coffee, juice, and tea selection ranges from ₩4,100 to ₩6,100, but their Real Strawberry Lemonade (₩5,300) is the best drink to beat the summer heat.

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Stop 6: Deoksugung Palace

Time: 7:00PM

Address: 99 Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul

Fee:  Adults: ₩1,000, Children: ₩500; Groups have a discount, with ₩800 for Adults and ₩400 for children; It is free if you come wearing a hanbok.

Cap off your first day by visiting Deoksugung , or the small palace that used to be the residence of Korea’s Royal Family. Unlike the other Five Grand Palaces , this one has the Seokjojeon , a building that features a more prominent modern & western style that King Gojong would use to enthrall the diplomats who came to visit Korea.

It’s also a beautiful sight at night, and if you arrive before 7:30 PM, you should sign up for “Seokjojeon at Night.” This is an evening tour program that lets you stroll and observe Deoksugung’s highlights, enjoy tea at the terrace, and watch a musical performance at the reception area (where the King used to meet with important figures in history).  

Seoul Itinerary Day 2: Feel Young Again in Hongdae

Stop 1: Thanks Nature Cafe 

Time: 8:30 AM

Address: 29 World cup buk-ro 4-gil, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Fee: ₩₩-₩₩₩

For breakfast , there’s a famous cafe nearby that lets you make friends with two massively fluffy and docile sheep. You can mingle with them in the playpen while waiting for your breakfast, or watch from afar if you’re just there for the pics.

They have a wide selection of coffee, smoothies, and breakfast waffles; you have to try the latter, as they only use seasonal fresh fruits on the waffles. Unfortunately, breakfast in Korea is always enjoyed at home, so not many spots are open super early.

An alternate nearby recommendation for vegans or vegetarians is Salad Brothers , a fantastic salad bar that lets you put as much dressing as you want. Their Cobb Salad is a crowd favorite because it packs quite a punch, even though the portions are small. Plus, the food is just as photogenic as their menu.

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Stop 2: Coconut Box – formerly known as the Trick Eye Museum

Time: 10:00 AM

Address: 20 Hongik-ro 3-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Fee: ₩23,000  

I was sad to learn that they closed the Trick Eye Museum in Seoul; I had many fond memories there. Still, the replacement attraction of Coconut Box is a worthy visit— they reinvented the entire place into a Southeast Asian beach, with sand on the floor and wooden huts you can sit in.

You can pretend that you’re vacationing in a tropical island garden, but the real highlight of the visit is the “metaverse play” in one of their bungalows. Getting there at 10am, shortly after they open, will guarantee you’ll have the chance to enter & interact in one of the most famous paintings in the entire world: Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night.

Stop 3: Abiko Curry

Address: 25, Hongik-ro, Mapo-gu Hotel Seokyo Annex B106, Seoul

Fee: ₩-₩₩

If you’re craving a good Japanese curry, Abiko Curry lets you enjoy variations of this dish at a reasonable price. Sure it’s a little cramped, but if you don’t mind that, I swear their tonkatsu is to die for, and Koreans basically consider it a local dish at this point. Set meals are also good for sharing, and the servers are kind to foreigners. 

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Stop 4: Caface Seoul

Address: 20 Hongik-ro 3-gil, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Near Abiko Curry stands Caface Seoul. This popular spot is one of those ‘only in Korea’ kind of things, that lets you have your face printed as latte art. This is also the perfect way to commemorate your day in Hongdae, and then bring your masterpiece on a stroll around the neighborhood.

Just give them any of the selfies you took earlier, hand over ₩2700, and you can have a “face latte.” I know you’re too pretty to drink, but their coffee definitely tastes better warm – so drink it while it’s hot!

Stop 5: Hongdae Shopping Street

Time: 3:00 PM

Address: 365-8 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

In any trip, it is important to have a bit of time to do some quick retail therapy. In Hongdae, where the hip, young, and fashionable gather, most of the clothes for sale are aimed at the younger crowd.

But it’s amazing how much branded stuff has heavy discounts here, albeit mostly ‘free size’ (generically large or stretchy clothes), and there are a lot of ‘2 items for $8’ offers.

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Stop 6: Mapogalmaegi

Time: 7:00 PM

Address: 14 Hongik-ro 5an-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Expect lots of young women in here, because this restaurant is located close to Ehwa Women’s University. I’m a meat-lover, so I can’t let you vacation in Seoul without eating in at least one typical barbecue-type restaurant.

All Korean BBQ spots are best enjoyed with a group of people due to the layout, but most places will accept a single person unless they’re packed. Aside from meat, this spot offers soju or beer, and you can try a variety of delicious banchan to go with your meats of choice.

Another option is the Analog Garden, a charming coffee house that serves delicious salads. Though most of their dishes have meat and egg in it, a there's a vegan-friendly option called the "Falafel Wrap" worth ₩7,500.

If that is too small for you, get the "Falafel Plate" instead for ₩11,000. But what people actually come for is a homemade fake-meat set meal (soy-based), that’s said to go well with their roasted coffee.

Stop 7: Come back to Hongdae Shopping Street

Time: 9:00 PM

Come back here after dinner, because this is when the buskers come to perform. Around the performance areas are food stalls packed with delicious Korean foods for a couple bucks each; if you couldn’t or didn’t want to eat KBBQ for dinner, you can find something here.

The beauty about this place is that you can stay out late and still spot people roaming around, browsing and entering restaurants and bars. This is why most shops close past midnight here.

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Seoul Itinerary Day 3: See Iconic Locations in Seoul

Stop 1: K-Pop Square

Time: 10:30 AM

Address: Right outside Samseong Station, Exit 5

K-Pop Square is a large public area in Samseong, featuring a massive LED-screen that promotes show-stopping performances from the past. This is an ode to K-Pop, which is responsible for a large portion of the country’s tourism, and why Korea is so well known across the world.

Fans will also be happy to know that somewhere in the area is a wall that lets them hold hands with their favorite idols. Also known as the “K-Pop Handprint Wall,” big stars like BTS, Shinee, and even EXO are among the artists featured here.

Stop 2: Statue of Gangnam Style

Time: 10:45 AM

Address: 524 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

At first I just thought this was a strange gold installation of two hands shielding you from the sun, but when I finally got close to it, I knew immediately who it was: Psy oppa !

Though this ‘Gentleman’ has been relatively quiet since his 2012 hit, the song Gangnam Style remains in the Youtube hall of fame as one of the fastest to hit a billion views. If you know how to dance Gangnam Style, this is the perfect location for you to shoot a dance cover of the video. 

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Stop 3: Bongeunsa Seoraewon ( 봉은사 서래원)

Address: 531 Bongeunsa-ro, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Imagine enjoying a warm meal inside a small Korean temple, without ever leaving Seoul. Bongeunsa Seoraewon lets you have that experience in the heart of the city, and the noodle prices are affordable too; most especially the sets.

After your meal, you can just walk outside and visit Bongeunsa Temple directly. What’s cool about this place is that it also has options for vegans (ask for their Bongeun Tofu).

Stop 4: COEX Starfield Library

Time: 1:30 PM

Address: 513 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

This is by far the most famous library in Seoul. It’s a real operating library, located inside the largest underground shopping mall in all of Asia: CoEx Starfield. Book lovers will cry at the sight of tens of thousands of books filling the 13-meter shelves.

Visitors also come to watch famous authors do book signing events, and famous poets visit to motivate young children to write.

The downside about this place is only that it is always crowded and noisy – it’s hard to appreciate the rare book you found if there are couples chatting on either side of you. But did I mention that this space is free? This is why people often try to sneak out the books, which I discourage you from trying. 

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Stop 5: COEX Aquarium

Time: 5:00 PM

Address: 513 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, 서울특별시

Fee: Adults: ₩28,000; Children: ₩24,000; Senior Citizens: ₩20,000

CoEx Aquarium in Seoul is for those who want to see marine life up close, with more than a hundred display tanks and over 40,000 sea creatures in various themed zones. Shark lovers will be thrilled to know that this is the aquarium that houses the highest number of sharks in Korea.

Touch pools also let you feel the fish (like the manta ray), allowing you to have a healing experience with nature in a safe setting.

Stop 6: Gosoo Dalgalbi Gangnam

Time: 7:30 PM

Address: 20, Teheran-ro 5-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩-₩₩

For dinner, you should definitely try the tastiest dakgalbi in Seoul. This is a famous Korean dish not common internationally, but very popular domestically. The dish consists of loads of chopped cabbage with tender bits of chicken rib meat, stir-fried in a thick, spicy sauce (that tastes so much better with cheese, in my opinion!).

What’s so wonderful about this place is that their special, the 치즈모듬사리 ( Cheese Modeumsari ), is a party plate full of cheesy rice cake and glass noodles that is perfect for sharing.

For a fun vegan option, come to Veg Green, a delicious vegan buffet that has a homey vibe - the staff will still smile at you, even if you come late at night for dinner. At just ₩12,000 per person, it’s full of options for those who enjoy large mixed salads, including fruits and jam in a cozy ambiance.

Stop 7: GSM Terrace

Address: 327-45 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩10,000 for unlimited drinks

Friends are important, and meeting fun people from diverse, cultural backgrounds may also make your stay in Korea a fulfilling one. Sure, it’s an activity for international people, but you may spot some Koreans who are seeking places to practice their English.

Additionally, you can play all sorts of games with them if you run out of things to talk about. Everything comes easy and natural here, and all people are welcome to join in the fun.

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If you find that 3 days in Seoul is not enough, you’re not alone. Most visitors spend 5-7 days in Seoul to get a taste of the culture, nightlife, and food in Korea.

The suggestions below are ideal for people who are looking for other things to visit on their Seoul vacation, since the first three days have pretty much hit all the popular places. A good alternative to Everland is Lotte World.

Seoul Itinerary Day 4: Everland Theme Park

Everland is a popular theme park in Seoul, perfect for people who just want to have a magical day with their date, family, or friends. With over 40 attractions scattered across five different themed areas, it might take an entire day or two to exhaust all of the attractions.

What I love about this place is that it always has festivals and seasonal events to entertain guests of all ages.

Operating Hours: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Address: 199 Everland-ro, Pogog-eup, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do

Fee: Adults: ₩54,000 to ₩64,000; Children: ₩43,000 to ₩51,000; If you want to skip the line, you can buy the tickets ahead of time . There’s also a fun option of wearing a Korean school uniform, which you can rent online or on-site.

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Stop 1: Global Fair

If you’ve always wanted to travel to far-flung destinations, this fair lets you see the world all at once. Historical structures, both existing and ancient, line one area of this zone - and here you can see various architecture from different points in time, instantly turning you into a time traveler.

Stop 2: Live Hologram Adventure (Global Fair)

Time: 11:00 AM

Never been to a K-Pop concert before? That’s okay, because the Live Hologram Adventure lets you experience a 30-minute snippet of a K-Pop concert in high definition.

If you also decide to take pictures and videos, it’d look so realistic that you can trick your friends into thinking that you actually went to a BIGBANG concert.

Stop 3: Snack Buster for Lunch

When you’re in a theme park , you need a lot of grub to keep your energy levels high. Unlike other theme parks with food in small, reduced servings, Snack Buster has generous servings of high-quality Korean foods sold at an affordable price.

I highly recommend their Korean fried chicken with french fries and tteokbokki, because it’ll come in a plate that’s big enough to share with your family or friends.

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Stop 4: Carnival Square (European Adventure)

Time: 2:30 PM

Around this time you should join the people gathering by the Carnival Square, because this is when you get to witness a spectacular event only seen in Everland.

Here they’ll launch flowery floats with vivacious dancers and mascots, all inviting you to come join their party. Imagine being in Rio de Janeiro, but when you leave, you’re back in Korea.

Stop 5: Panda World (Zootopia)

Time: 3:15 PM

Need I say more? Pandas are such gentle creatures, and imagine entering a world full of these adorable bears. Everland’s Zootopia should be in your Seoul itinerary for this very reason. If you don’t like pandas and prefer a different animal, then next to this enclosure is the Friendly Monkey Valley.

Stop 6: Lost Valley (Zootopia)

Enjoy zipping through a safari, riding a tram that crosses difficult terrain dotted with real animals. To enjoy this experience, then join the queue at the Lost Valley, where you’ll find your ride crossing the stream.

The trip will take you  into landscaped enclosures full of large animals including elephants, giraffes, camels, and rhinos. And then, if there’s still time, your guide will let you hand-feed these animals, giving you a chance to interact with them up close.

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Step 7: Thunder Falls (Magic Land)

Time: 6:00 PM

Speaking of getting wet, there’s a fun flume ride in Everland that features backward drops and steep falls. It’s such a thrill to be on this ride, and the danger can be so exhilarating! But if you need more adrenaline rush, see if you can queue for the T-Express (aka. Everland’s Scariest Ride).

Step 8: Robot VR and Gyro VR (American Adventure)

Have you ever fantasized about channeling your inner Han Solo? These rides let you pilot a futuristic spaceship and navigate the stars. Sci-fi fans love this ride because the effects feel so real— the ride itself even follows the joystick you’re controlling!

Step 9: Four Seasons Garden & Rose Garden

Time: 8:00 PM

When the sun sets, this is the best area to end your day in Everland.  There’s always a light show with fireworks around this time, and a variety of performances that go along with it.

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Seoul Itinerary Day 5: Feel the National Pride

As a tourist, one of the best ways to experience Korea is to visit the location where they played host to countries from all over the world. Coming here, you’ll see the effort Korea puts forth in promoting peace and harmony, as well as soak in the welcoming spirit. Plus, Olympic Park is 100% free to visit!

Stop 1: World Peace Gate

Time: 9:30 AM

Address: 424 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

The World Peace Gate is a marvelous winged structure that reveals a beautiful painting of a phoenix, tiger, turtle, and a dragon if you stand beneath it. This is called “A Painting of Four Spirits,” signifying the desire of Korea to be friends with everybody in the world.

As you stand underneath, it’s like a gate that genuinely welcomes you to enter and experience Korea. I’ve always thought it was a beautiful place to stand and reflect on your experiences in the country.

Stop 2: Olympic Museum

Learn more about the athletes that represented Korea in the past Olympic Games! Documentation about Korea’s best athletes, their training process, and even their histories are comprehensively explained here. Also, thanks to this museum, you’ll get to closely observe the gear used in the recent 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang. 

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Stop 3: Olympic Park’s Peace Square

Address: 326, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

If you time your visit around the last week of September to the first week of October this year, there will be a grand festival called the Hanseong Baekje Cultural Festival in the Olympic Park’s Peace Square.

Coming here lets you experience the rich Hanseong era in Korea, featuring food tastings, tea ceremonies, parades and performances, and even a demonstration of a hawk-aided hunting!

Moreover, the reason why they’re holding it here is because the Mongchontoseong Fortress area is known to be a remnant of the Baekje capital. Hopefully you’ll get to see this festival in person, because it truly is a fascinating way to learn more about Korea’s fascinating past.

Stop 4: Bukchon Hanok Village

Time: 4:00 PM

Address: 37, Gyedong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Perhaps one of the oldest villages in Seoul, this area dates back all the way to the Joseon Dynasty. Also called the “northern village,” this is also where two significant Seoul landmarks, Cheonggyecheon Stream and Jongno, are located.

What’s admirable about this area is that people hold traditional events here, giving curious tourists an opportunity to get to know the Joseon dynasty even better. Fun activities such as hanbok wearing, etiquette demonstration, and even tea ceremonies are hosted by the people here, and all of these usually occur in the afternoon.

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Stop 5: Insadong Street

Address: Insadong, Jongro-gu, Seoul

One of the popular destinations in Korea, Insadong Street has a long array of lively stalls and shops to give you something to look at everywhere.This is also the best place to grab a quick snack, because they serve a variety of Korean foods you should make it a point to try.

If you’re interested in trying something new and enjoy green tea , track down O’Sulloc Tea House and order their matcha cake. Since this is one of your last days in Seoul, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Insadong is one of the best places to buy souvenirs for your family and friends!

Stop 6: Noryangjin Fish Market

Address: 674 Nodeul-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul

I know that capping your day in a fish market is unusual, but after you swing by Insadong Street, head to the Jonggak Station and ride the subway to Noryangjin , because this is where people can eat the freshest seafood in Seoul.

You can even try the unique dishes they serve, most especially try delicacies that you definitely haven’t before - like the penis fish. You should come try the small octobps, king crab, and hwe (sliced raw fish) here, for example.

Don’t be shy if you can’t speak a lick of Korean because the people are so used to seeing foreigners that they have devised a way to make things easier and enjoyable for you.

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Seoul Itinerary Day 6: See Korea’s Highest Point

Stop 1: Namsan Park

Address: 231, Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul

This public park is a nature-friendly rest area smack in the middle of the city. It has clear walking trails leading to Namsan Seoul tower, but I’d encourage you to take your time appreciating this quiet, vast expanse, because it has more facilities than your average park.

Aside from seeing gardens and free physical activity facilities, there’s also a library, a botanical garden, a memorial hall, and a culture center. 

Stop 2: Mok Myeong San Bang

Address: 71 Toegye-ro 20-gil, Namsandong 2-ga, Jung-gu 1F, Hannam Building, Seoul 04629 South Korea

People might have a hard time locating this place, but keep your eyes peeled for a hanok within Namsan Park. Mok Myeong San Bang is a vegetarian-friendly, healthy, traditional lunch restaurant that serves authentic Korean cuisine.

In fact, they pride themselves as chefs who never use artificial seasoning. I highly recommend their bibimbap , which is known to be the best in Seoul, but you should explore dishes like the crispy cheesy pancake and the yukhoe (raw beef).

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Stop 3: Namsangol Hanok Village

Address: 28 Toegye-ro 34-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul

After a savory lunch, walk to Namsangol Hanok Village on the north side of Namsan Mountain. Here you get to see homes that were restored to their original form to give tourists a sense of how people in the Joseon dynasty used to live.

Sometimes you may chance upon demonstrations that show people how to play a traditional board game ( yunnori ) or fold a traditional paper called hanji . Sometimes there’s also a fun segment on how traditional herbal medicines are made and used.

Stop 4: N Seoul Tower

Time: 4:30 PM

Address: 105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Fee: (Observatory) Adults: ₩11,000; Children: ₩9,000

Also known as the second highest tower in Seoul, Namsan Tower’s Observation Deck provides an unobstructed view of the whole city. There’s also a powerful telescope available for use that lets you have a high quality LCD view of wherever you’re pointing it at. 

Aside from museums and exhibitions, what people really come here for is attaching their own lock to Love Lock Bridge. This is the infamous site in Seoul where couples fasten a lock to symbolize their everlasting love— hence why there’s an area full of locks, and a booth that lets you customize your own to add to the bridge.

Stop 5: Lotte World Tower

Address: 300, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩27,000; Children: ₩24,000; Fast Pass for all ages: ₩50,000

After seeing the second highest point, go to the tallest building in the entirety of Korea! Lotte World Tower, just 55 minutes away from Namsangol Hanok Village. Sleek and slender with a gentle curved design, you can end your evening in a fantastically fast elevator, taking you directly to the highest point in Korea.

The ride also allows you to take great photos, because you get to see the entire city transition to night time as you arrive. Inside you can also test your courage as you walk through the highest indoor glass floor, giving you perspective of how high up in the sky you are (and how teeny every person looks from above).

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Seoul Itinerary Day 7: Enjoy the Night at Dongdaemun

Stop 1: Dongdaemun Seonggwak Park

Address: right outside Dongdaemun Station Exit 1

If you feel like doing a bit of walking in the afternoon, this little tourist trap has an uphill road that takes you to a nice park. It’s not as pretty as the other ones, but it has everything you need, and it's very conveniently located for a chill afternoon out.

Since it is a little bit elevated, you get to have a clear view of Dongdaemun , which lets you see the fusion of traditional and modern elements scattered around the city. Moreover, this is where the beautiful Heunginmun gate is located, perfect for pictures on your last day in Seoul.

Stop 2: Heunginjimun (Dongdaemun Gate)

Address: 288 Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Don’t skip this gate before you leave. This is an ancient monument which used to stretch longer, as it used to be a fortress with three other gates. All four gates apparently have a meaning attached to their name, and Heunginjimun is loosely translated as “benevolence, with good energy.”

There’s also a semi-circular ongsung inside, which is a pagoda-like traditional structure that makes it stand out compared to the existing gates in Seoul. Plus, the reason we’re coming to see it at 6pm is because it lights up beautifully against the backdrop of cars.

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Stop 3: Bulgwangsikdang ( 부광식당 )

Time: 6:30 PM

Address: 207-26 Sungin-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Not many are comfortable in crowded places, but for this one, most will surely make an exception. If you feel like eating a proper home-cooked meal for dinner, this is the best option in Seoul. Since this is more frequented by the elderly and locals, most of the meals are made to appeal to their taste.

But who knows, you might find your favorite Korean meal here! Plus, the owners are kind and friendly, making it a less intimidating place for foreigners to try. Vegans might want to swing by Vegan is Hip (비건이즈힙), a wide sandwich and waffle bar that offers choices that range from sweet potato, tofu salad, fruits, and vegetables.

Their waffles are super delicious, even if they are made with rice flour and plant-based cream, a combination that most non-vegans find challenging to like. If you choose to come here, try their apple jam whipped cream waffle, and you won’t regret it.

Stop 4: Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Address: 43 Eulji-ro 45-gil, Sindang-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul

See that majestic neon embryo thing? That’s Dongdaemun Design Plaza. This huge building is absolutely worth seeing at night, since it glows brightly and makes for a good aerial photo. There are lots of free things to do inside since this also doubles as a museum and an exhibition center.

Speaking of which, there’s a large LED screen that allows you to relax your eyes with soothing colors that dance along to therapeutic music. Take your time strolling around inside. There are plenty of fun things you can do, like browse inside for things to buy or check out the books on the shelves.

You can even play on the funny chairs that let you spin without falling! There are also rest areas that let you charge your phones while you sip the coffee from the food carts outside. If you’re a K-Pop fan and you like artists from SM Entertainment, you’ll be happy to know that SM Town is inside.

Stop 5: Dongdaemun Night Market

Time: 10:30 PM

The reason you should come here late in the day is to experience one of the best night markets in Seoul . Known as a fashion destination throughout Seoul, plenty of people frequent Dongdaemun Night Market to shop, play, and eat. The best part? Most of the stalls are open until as late as 5am!

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So you’re finally coming to Korea. Your bags are packed and your ticket is ready. Congratulations! But before you leave, here are helpful tips for visiting Korea that you might want to read before you arrive.

  • Learn some key phrases in Hangul – or download Papago

While most of the buildings and public spaces in Seoul provide English translations for foreigners, it is rarely enough to travel without learning a few key phrases . Trust me, you’ll want to know what to say if you need to know where the nearest station is or the cost of something.

If you cannot cram these many Korean phrases into your memory, I can relate, and I recommend that you have the Papago translation app ready to assist you just in case.

  • Learn basic etiquette 

Of course people don’t expect you to bow everywhere, but you should show them respect. One way to do this is, when you are giving or receiving things, you use both of your hands. As a foreigner, never call strangers ‘ahjussi’ or ‘ahjumma’ if you happen to talk to them, and most of all, learn how to respectfully address people in Korea .

  • You can connect to the internet almost everywhere in Korea, but get a Korean SIM card or wifi egg just to be safe 

Don’t assume that everywhere you go, the Internet will always be with you; most Koreans have cell phones with unlimited data now, so wifi is ironically harder to access. One of the hacks I’ve used to be able to connect while on the go is to find a metro station and connect to the free Wi-Fi in there.

But in cases where a station is quite far from you, and you need to use apps like KakaoMaps to sort out your route, it’s best to have a Korean sim card handy.

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  • Bring a power bank!

You never know when you’ll run out of battery, and Korea is a big city. Even though cafes let people stay for a long time, you may happen to come on days when most are either closed or crowded, so you can’t count on that.

Sometimes you can visit a convenience store and ask if they have ports to charge your phone, but if you don’t want a dead battery to ruin your trip, take a power bank with you (or buy one when you arrive).

  • Don’t rely on Google Maps

I cannot stress this enough! Google Maps doesn’t work in Korea, and what’s worse is that what they tell you is rarely accurate. Instead, download Kakao-brand apps when possible. Even though KakaoMaps is made primarily for Koreans in Korea, it is foreigner-friendly and even has an English version.

  • Ride public transportation instead of taxis

Taxis are expensive, but Seoul is even more expensive. Also known as the 7 th most expensive capital in the world, most of the fun things to do require you to shell out more money than you might want to.

So to save on your vacation to Seoul, when you can, choose to ride the subway or the bus. Both systems are very clean, extensive, and reliable.

  • Carry your own trash

Bring your trash back home with you. Unlike other cities where you can freely throw garbage in any bin, Seoul has very few public trash cans and a very specific system for sorting their waste.

In South Korea, there’s actually a national Zero Waste Policy which has resulted in 5 different types of trash and recyclables, each of which warrant a separate type of bin (I got a stern talking-to a few times over the years for using the wrong types of bags to toss my various types of trash).

I know this has been quite the Seoul travel guide, but that’s just proof that there’s plenty of things to do in Seoul. So whether you’re in Seoul for a week or just three days, I hope this Seoul itinerary can help you make the most of your trip.

More South Korea

A shuttle bus in an airport.

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Reader Interactions

vincent Liptrot says

July 13, 2023 at 2:57 am

great info in here about Seoul. As you can see many fun places are in small allies and harder to reach places. it can be tricky to navigate on your own an tiring by foot to get between sights, though have a wonderful time in Seoul and enjoy this excellent blog!

July 16, 2023 at 10:05 am

Thanks, Vincent!

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Wapiti Travel

The ultimate Seoul itinerary for 3-7 days (2024 edition)

By: Author Sylvia

Posted on Last updated: June 8, 2024

Are you looking for the perfect Seoul itinerary but not sure what to do while you’re there? Don’t worry, we have got you covered.

Seoul represents the futuristic race South Korea has run over the past years. 

The city was mostly flattened after the Korean War, and the pace at which this city has been undergoing development since then is just phenomenal. 

The few historical buildings that survived the war are now surrounded by modern skyscrapers.

In this Seoul travel blog post, we share an epic Seoul itinerary for 3 to 7 days.

We completely updated this Seoul itinerary in January 2023.

Table of Contents

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South Korea Essentials

  • We have always found the best flights to Seoul on Momondo . You also have Skyscanner and recently WayAway , a new and promising travel aggregator, has popped up. It may be worthwhile to compare these three sites.
  • Looking for more inspiration for your South Korea trip? Here are all our Korean posts.
  • Use this step-by-step guide to plan your trip to South Korea.
  • Looking for the perfect itinerary? Check out our 1 week Korea itinerary and 2-week Korea itinerary .
  • Since foreign credit and debit cards don’t always work, we advise that you bring some spare cash.
  • Don’t waste time upon arrival at the airport and order your Korea travel sim or portable WiFi device in advance so that it’s ready and waiting for you at the airport when you arrive.
  • Consider getting the  Discover Seoul Pass  which covers 65 of Seoul’s best tourist attractions. It also has a T-money function that will save you ₩2,500 from buying a separate T-Money card. As an extra benefit, you get one free one-way A’rex Express train ride.
  • Note that the Discover Seoul Pass is not always available. If it isn’t, you can see if they have the BTS edition. It’s a 24-hour edition of the Discover Seoul Pass without the T-money option. Instead, you get a Korea Tour T-money Card as a bonus. The BTS edition covers the same attractions as the regular Discover Seoul Pass. Here is more information about this pass and other Seoul discount passes.
  • Visiting the DMZ is on the bucket list of many travelers. Check out the  best DMZ tours  here.
  • Looking for accommodation? Look at this list of highly-rated boutique hotels or this list of cool hotels in Seoul . We also have a selection of Airbnb’s in Seoul . Accommodation posts for other places in South Korea are here .
  • Here is a post with more travel tips for Korea.
  • Last but not least, make sure you have travel insurance .

Seoul E-Guide

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For the price of a single cup of coffee, you can get this Seoul itinerary as a nicely formatted PDF document.

It contains all the information in this post.

You can print it or store it on your phone so you can access it anytime during your visit to Seoul.

Have a look here for more information and a preview.  

Seoul Travel Itinerary

Here we share our recommended Seoul travel itinerary for 3-7 days.

The map below shows all the places you visit during these 7 days. Read on to discover which places you absolutely need to visit in Seoul.

Seoul Trip Itinerary 3 Days – What To Do in Seoul For 3 days

Brace yourself, this will be three thrilling days filled with amazing sights and activities.

After these 3 days in Seoul, you will have already seen many of the highlights of this fantastic city.

However, fear not. There is still more than enough to do during the remaining days.

Day 1: Discover The Palaces, Bukchon Hannok village, And Insadong

The palaces in seoul.

The Joseon Dynasty was the last kingdom in Korea.  

Over the reign of this dynasty, Seoul became the capital city and center of state affairs.

Throughout the years, the kings had many grand palaces built here. 

5 of them are currently open to the public.

Gyeongbokgung palace Seoul, South Korea

Gyeongbokgung Palace

If you can only go to one palace during your Seoul trip, I suggest you visit   Gyeongbokgung Palace ,   because it is the main royal palace and also the largest of the 5.

It’s also the most popular and often regarded as the most beautiful as well.

Try to be there during Royal guard Changing Ceremonies.

The Royal Guard ( Sumunjang ) changing ceremony can be seen for free on weekdays, except on Tuesdays, at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM in front of Gwanghwamun.  This is the main gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

If these time slots don’t work for you, you can also witness a shorter Guard-on-Duty Performance at the Gwanghwamun gate at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM on weekends.

The Sumungun (Gatekeeper) Military Training at the Hyeopsaengmun Gate at 09:35 AM and 1:35 PM is temporarily canceled.

Here’s the latest schedule with all the details about the above ceremonies.

There is a free guided tour of the Palace building in English at 11.00 AM, 1.30 PM and 3.30 PM.  Check the schedule on the official website to make sure the hours are still correct.

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₩3,000 or included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below). 

Free entrance if you’re wearing a complete and correct Hanbok .  (see the explanation on the website of what exactly qualifies)  Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass .

Here you can rent a hanbok.

Changdeokgung Palace Secret Garden Seoul South Korea

Changdeokgung Palace

Changdeokgung was the second royal villa built after the construction of Gyeongbokgung was completed in 1405.

It was the main palace for many kings of the Joseon Dynasty and is the most well-preserved of the five remaining palaces.

It has been recognized as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO in 1997.

The  “Secret Garden” (Huwon)  in Changdeokgung, one of the  most beautiful places in Korea,  remains a little bit mysterious up until today because there are only a limited number of people admitted each day.

The secret garden boasts a gigantic tree that is over 300 years old, a small pond, and a pavilion.

It’s a beautiful place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Be sure to reserve your tour online well in advance  if you want to visit the garden. (click on tour reservation on top of the page)

There is a free guided tour of the Palace building in English at 10.15 AM and 1.15 PM.  Check the schedule on the official website to make sure the hours are still correct.

₩3,000 for the palace building or ₩8,000 for the palace building area including the Secret garden.  Access to both is included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below). 

Free entrance to the palace building if you’re wearing a Hanbok.  Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass.

Deoksugung Palace

Deoksugung Palace is located at the corner of Seoul’s busiest downtown intersection and is famous for its elegant stone-walled road.

The palace is also worth a visit because it is the only palace that sits alongside a series of western style buildings that contribute to the uniqueness of the surrounding scenery.

Deoksugung Palace has its own Changing of the Royal Guards Ceremony. It is held at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM except on Mondays.  Due to another event, the ceremonies on Saturday afternoon are often canceled.

Once the ongoing construction is completed the ceremony at 3:30 PM will be resumed.

There is a free guided tour in English at 10.45 AM and 1.30 PM.  Check the schedule on the official website to make sure the hours are still correct.

₩1,000 or included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below).  Free entrance if you’re wearing a Hanbok. Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass.

Changgyeonggung Palace

Changgyeonggung and Changdeokgun Palace

Changgyeonggung Palace is located in the heart of Seoul. It is located next to Changdeokgun. 

Both palaces used to share the rear garden and were commonly known as the East palaces as they are located East of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

The palace was often used as residential quarters for queens and concubines.

During the Japanese colonial rule, it became a park with a zoo and a botanical garden.

In 1983 the government of Korea decided to remove the zoo and began working on the restoration of the palace. 

The botanical garden was preserved and gradually the palace is regaining its old glory.

₩1,000 or included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below).  Free entrance if you’re wearing a Hanbok.  Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass .

Gyeonghuigung Palace

Gyeonghuigung Palace   is located Southwest of Gyeongbokgung Palace and towards Deoksugung Palace.

Gyeonghuigung Palace served as the secondary palace for the king in the latter half of the Joseon period.

The secondary palace is there where the King would move in case of an emergency.  The palace was also called Seogwol which means ” a palace of the west”, as at that time it was located on the west side of Seoul.

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You can also choose to visit the 6th palace,  Unhyeongung .

It’s one of Seoul’s smaller and less touristic palaces and is located near Bukchon.  

A visit is therefore easy to combine with a visit to Bukchon Hanok Village.

If you plan on visiting all the palaces you can save by buying the Four Palaces ticket which grants you access to Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, Changgyenggung Palace, Deoksugung Palace, and the Jongmyo Royal Ancestral Shrine for ₩10,000.

The ticket can be bought at any of these locations and is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase.

Here is a list of more free things to do in Seoul.

Seoul, Bukchon Hanok Village, South Korea

Bukchon Hanok Village

From Unhyeoungung you can make your way to  Bukchon   to stroll between  the traditional Hanok houses. 

This district is composed of many streets and alleys. You’re free to wander around and explore the cozy inner courtyards as long as you respect the privacy of the people who live there.  

Some of the beautiful traditional Korean Houses that you will pass date back to around 600 years ago. All of them have been renovated with great respect for the cultural heritage.

There are many small alleyways and long roads for great pictures.

Bukchon lies on a hill, so there will be some uphill climbing involved.

If you want to spend the night in one of the hanok houses, check out this post in which we share an overview of the best hanoks in Seoul.

Bus icon

  Nearest subway station: Anguk Station, Exit #2

Insadong shopping Seoul, South Korea

Bukchon it’s not far from  Insadong , one of the most traditional and cultural districts in Seoul.

It is one of those places you absolutely must visit while you are in Seoul. It’s full of coffee shops, art galleries, and restaurants.

A great place for lunch and for souvenir buying.

If you like to spoil yourself with a good brunch, take a look at the best places to brunch in Seoul.

Best Things To Do in Insadong

Make sure to drop by the beautifully decorated Jogyesa temple , one of the most famous temples in Seoul.

Noteworthy museums are  the Kimchi Museum  (Renamed to Museum Kimchikan in 2015) and The Alive Museum.   Museum Kimchikan is situated in the center of the cultural street of Insa-Dong on the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors of the Insa-dong Maru building.

It was named one of the top 11 best food museums by CNN in 2015 .

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish and often recognized as one of the healthiest foods in the world.  Koreans eat Kimchi with almost every meal but only recently does it start to appear on tables outside the Korean borders.

A little bit further out and technically not in Insadong, but worth the detour is  Gwangjang market.

This is a traditional street market where you can mingle with the Koreans to taste some of the local street-food delicacies.

Have a look at the stalls that sell San-nakji which is a raw octopus that is killed by cutting it in pieces on your plate so that the tentacles are still moving while it is served. 

I can assure you that we did not try this either but there’s a lot more you can enjoy like the Soonday (blood sausage), different kinds of rice rolls, and bindaetteok, a kind of pancake.

Nearest subway station: Anguk Station, Exit #6

If you only have 1 day in Seoul, check out our Seoul 1 day itinerary post.

Seoul, Gwangjang market, South Korea

Day 2: Namsan Park, Seoul tower, Myeongdong, and Hongdae

Visit namsan park and n seoul tower.

Mt. Namsan – Namsan Park is a symbolic place in the center of Seoul.

It is the largest park in Seoul attracting over 20,000 people a day.  

Most visitors come to this park to enjoy nature, see the city skyline, or hike one of the trails.

A number of events take place at the park and one of the biggest is the annual cherry blossom festival in April. The Cherry Blossom Path in Namsan Park is the longest trail of cherry trees anywhere in the city and is spectacular in full bloom.

Discover all the things Seoul is famous for.

To get up the mountain you can ride the Namsan cable car or take the Yellow Bus. 

To get to the base station of the Cable car you take the metro to Myeongdong Station where you take exit 3 and head South. 

The cable car is probably the most convenient option to reach the top. 

The Yellow bus stops at Exit 2 of Chungmuro Station or Exit 6 of Dongguk University Station.

Alternatively, you can also just simply walk to the top of the mountain. 

There is a pedestrian walkway that starts about 50 meters from the parking lot of the Namsan Cable Car.  If you keep a steady pace you only need 30 minutes to reach the foot of the N Seoul Tower.

At the bottom of N Seoul Tower, you have some dramatic views of the Skyline of Seoul and the surrounding area.  Better yet are the vistas from the viewing platform of the N Seoul Tower.

Since 1980, the N Seoul Tower has been a landmark of the skyline of downtown. It’s also the first tower-type tourism spot in South Korea.  Rising at almost 480m above sea level, it is one of the tallest towers in Asia.

The great vistas of Seoul from Mt. Namsan are completely free if you walk to the top, you have to buy a ticket for the cable car or bus.

Check prices and availability: Seoul Tower Tickets

Seoul, Seoul Tower Love locks, South Korea

Shop till you drop in the  Myeongdong district which is situated at the foot of Mt. Namsan. 

This is a good place for shopping in Seoul. Here you will find everything you want from skincare to makeup, clothes, and more!

Starting at 4 PM vendors will get their carts in place and it becomes one of the best places to try the delicious Korean street food.

You will be surprised by the huge variety of sweet to spicy snacks that you can buy.

In Myeongdong you can feast on grilled lobster, tteokgalbi meatballs, and other delicacies in addition to the classics like bungeoppang (fish shaped waffle), gyerranppang (waffle with egg on top), and gimbap (Korean version of sushi).

A great place to get a snack after you come down from Mt. Namsan.

Make sure you have some spare cash for the street food as credit cards are usually not accepted.

Nearest subway station: Myeongdong Station

Hongdae Eatery Seoul South Korea

Its location near a few of Seoul’s colleges makes Hongdae  the mecca of nightlife, shopping, cafes, and activities.

It’s also home to one of the funniest museums in Seoul,  the Trick Eye Museum.

The Trick Eye Museum is an interactive museum that gives off impressive optical illusions.

A trip to Hongdae will also be incomplete without taking a look at the colorful collection of street art in the area.

Every Saturday from March to November, there is  the Hongdae Free market where you will find an array of local artists’ work.

Free admission to the Trickeye museum with the Discover Seoul Pass  or you can buy discounted tickets on Klook .

Nearest subway station: Hongik University Station, Exit #9

JSA Panmunjom, South_Korea, DMZ

Day 3 Visit DMZ

Tours to the DMZ have restarted, but the JSA still cannot be visited. The JSA is the actual border post pictured above. The JSA is a highlight of this tour, but even without this stop, the DMZ tour remains an informative and fascinating trip where you will learn a lot about this unique border area.

A visit to the  DMZ  is a must-do when you’re in South Korea.  The DMZ area is located around 60 km up north of Seoul and can only be visited with a guided tour. 

Make sure to book your tour well in advance as they are often sold out. Tours to the DMZ, including the JSA,  run Tuesday to Friday. The regular DMZ tours continue over the weekend.

We recommend booking a full-day tour that includes the  JSA , the Joint Security Area.  This is the official building with the conference room where the leaders of both countries meet. 

The conference room is built on the border and you can step across the room, passing the border, to spend a few minutes in North Korea. Don’t forget your passport on the day of the excursion!

Here is an overview of the tours that can be booked today.

Check prices and availability: Overview DMZ tours

Or you can read our full guide about the best DMZ tours.

Seoul Bukhansan National Park, South Korea

Seoul Itinerary 4 days – 4 Days in Seoul

Day 4:  go hiking in bukhansan national park.

If you are like us and you like nature you should definitely spend a day at Bukhansan National Park . Bukhansan National Park borders Seoul in the north.

It’s the perfect place to unwind after some busy days in the city.

Things To Do At Bukhansan National Park

There are several walks of varying lengths. You should be able to find a hike in line with the time you want to spend in the park.

We hiked up Munsubong peak to  the Bogungmun gate. 

The climb is strenuous and demanding but the view from the top is awesome.

I dare to say this might have been the best view on Seoul we had.

At the top can either follow the old city enclosures further to the North or to the South.  We continued our way south and continued to follow the ramparts to get one beautiful vista after another on the skyline of Seoul below us.

Once we got to the Daeseongmun gate we descended back towards the entrance of the park. 

This loop took us approximately 2.5 hours with the occasional stop to take pictures and enjoy the magnificent views.

This is just one of the many hikes that you can do. 

On  the National Park’s website , you will find much more hikes along with their start locations and their difficulty grade. You can get a map that shows all trails at the visitor centers.

South Korea - Seoul - Bukhansan National Park

How To Get To Bukhansan National Park

The park is quite large and has 10 different entrances. 

We started our hike at the Jeongneung Visitor Center as we came by car and this is one of the few entrances with a parking lot. 

By Public Transportation

It may not be the best entrance if you use public transportation. 

In that case, you might opt for the Weondobong entrance further north at the Bukhansan National Park Dobong office . 

Nearest subway station: The Dobongson metro station (Line 1 or 7, exit 1) is just 10 minutes walking from this entrance. 

You should be able to follow the Koreans in their colorful hiking clothes to the entrance, hiking is very popular in Korea.

Directions to all entrances are very well explained on the National Park’s website .

Check out this alternative 4-day Seoul itinerary to get an even better idea about all the things that you can do in this amazing city.

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Seoul Itinerary 5 Days – 5 Days In Seoul

Day 5: gangnam.

If you are 5 days in Seoul, you definitely should visit Gangnam.

Gangnam is very known from  Psy’s song Gangnam style .

Gangnam literally means ‘south of the river,’ the neighborhood borders the southern banks of the Han river.

It’s a district where many wealthy South Koreans live. You should reserve a day to explore this exclusive upscale district.

Fun Things To Do In Gangnam

Shop til you drop.

The Gangnam district is one of the most popular districts to go shopping.  It counts many shopping malls and department stores.  They are spread out across various areas in this district.

The main areas are Apgujeong, Garosugil, COEX , and Gangnam Station.  

At Gangnam station, there is a large underground shopping center with loads of stalls with affordable clothing, fashion items, shoes, etc. 

The mall is mainly aimed at millennials and is a great place to keep up with the so-called “Gangnam Style”.

The underground shopping center below Gangnam station is your best bet to shop if you are looking for bargains in the chic Gangnam District.

Stroll Along The Streets Of Gangnam

As we walked along the wide boulevards that traverse Gangnam we felt like actors playing a role in a futuristic movie.

It seemed like any minute we could expect a flying car to pass buzzing above our heads.

Nothing as futuristic as that happened but those flying cars wouldn’t be out of place in the pictures of this district. 

The huge boulevards are lined with skyscrapers and are best enjoyed after dark when Gangnam comes alive and the huge billboards lighten up the neighborhood.

We enjoyed discovering this neighborhood and admired the classy architecture and the shiny cars that are parked in front of the exclusive bars, restaurants, and nightlife venues.

The Bongeunsa Temple

Visit The Bongeunsa Buddhist Temple

Bongeunsa is a Buddhist Temple in the center of Gangnam.  

The moment you cross the doorstep of the temple you leave the bustle of the city behind and you will find yourself surrounded by the serenity of the Buddhist mantras and the peaceful landscape of the temple’s gardens.

The  Bongeunsa Temple features a more secluded and quieter atmosphere than Jogyesa Temple in Insadong .  The various buildings of the temple complex are spread out on a forested hillside.

Twice a day, at 4:10 PM and 6:40 PM, a percussion ceremony using four instruments is performed by the monks of the temple.

This ceremony is meant to save and awaken beings on the ground using the drum, beings underwater using the wooden fish, beings in the sky using the cloud drum, and beings under the ground using the gong.

Take Subway Line 9 to Bongeunsa Temple Station (Exit 1) 

seoul travel price

COEX – Shopping Mall And Aquarium

The COEX shopping mall is located underneath the Korea World Trade Center and is one of the largest underground shopping centers in South Korea. 

It underwent a complete renovation in 2014. 

It is a shopping mecca for international brand name stores but besides stores, it also contains a movie theater, a concert hall, an aquarium, and an extensive food court just as well as several fine dining restaurants.

Note that the Kimchi museum used to be located in the COEX mall but has moved to Insa-Dong in 2015. (see higher)

Take Subway Line 2 to Samseong Station (Exit 6) or Subway Line 7 to Cheongdam Station (Exit 2).

Best indoor activities in Seoul. 

Seoul Olympic park, South Korea

Seoul Olympic Park

Seoul Olympic Park, often referred to as Olpark, is absolutely enormous and a popular date spot for Seoul residents.  

It’s also popular with families with small children, people playing sports, and couples strolling. 

There are bikes, kites, balls, and skates, all of which visitors can rent at a low price. It costs about 15,000 won to rent the bike for an hour.

The park is divided into several zones and houses impressive leisure facilities legacy of the 1988 games. But besides the 6 sports stadiums that are all still in use, you also find a large collection of art and sculptures. 

At the entrance of the park, near the peace square, is the winged world peace gate that symbolizes the ability of the Korean people and peace and harmony.

Recent efforts have also succeeded in re-introducing animals like raccoons, ducks, woodpeckers, pheasants, and many more.

The vast area covers approximately 1.4 million square meters and it takes about 3 hours to explore the park completely.

Jamsil (Green Line 2, Pink Line 8) and Mongchontoseong (Olympic Park) Station (Purple Line 5)

Samsung D’light

Samsung D’light is a global promotional and exhibition center that showcases the latest technology founded by Samsung.

The name is derived from the company’s vision of being a guiding light in the digital world’. 

The center occupies three floors in the Samsung Electronics building.

The first floor is an exhibition space for Samsung’s technology and devices.

The second floor is a showcase of the possibilities of the future with Samsung solutions.

The basement floor houses Samsung’s flagship store.

All Samsung devices are available for purchase but ironically foreigners can often find Samsung devices cheaper in their home countries.

Line 2 Gangnam Station (subway line 2, Shinbundang Line) exit 8

Lotte World, Magic Island, Seoul, South Korea

Lotte World Adventure, Magic Island & Aquarium

Lotte World Adventure in Jamsil , just outside Gangnam, is the world’s largest indoor amusement park. 

It’s a Korean version of Disneyland and a great place to go if you’re traveling with kids. 

The park can get crowded, certainly during holidays and on weekends when you may have to queue for 90 to 120 minutes for some of the popular attractions.

Next door is Lotte World Magic Island (entrance is included with your ticket for Lotte World Adventure) with many outside attractions.  The magic castle on the magic island looks like an exact copy of Disney’s castle. 

On the opposite side of the road is the Lotte World Mall which houses the Lotte World Aquarium.

You can buy a combi-ticket to visit all three parks on the same day but in Lotte World Adventure and Magic Island you can easily spend a day.

Check prices and availability: Dicount and combi tickets for Lotte World

Nearest subway station: Jamsil (Green Line 2, Pink Line 8) Exit 4

Here is a list of more fun theme parks in and around Seoul.

Lotte World Tower, Seoul, South Korea

Seoul Sky @ Lotte World Tower

The Lotte World Tower completed in 2017 is Seoul’s tallest tower and is ranked as the 5th tallest building in the world.

The top floors of this 123-floor skyscraper house Seoul Sky, the highest observation platform in Seoul which is also the world’s highest glass-floored observation deck.

Tickets are not cheap but worth every cent as Seoul Sky offers a great experience and a fantastic view over Seoul.

Check prices and availability: Lotte World Tower Seoul Sky admission

Nearest subway station: Jamsil (Green Line 2, Pink Line 8) Exit 1,2,10 or 11

Seoraksan National Park, South Korea

Seoul Itinerary 7 Days

If you have 7 days in Seoul we recommend taking some day trips from Seoul.

One of the highlights of our Seoul trip was a day trip to Seoraksan National Park .

Day 6- 7: Seoraksan National Park

Seoraksan National Park lies in the Northeast of Korea.

It offers some of the most beautiful sceneries of Korea and is a must-visit if you are 7 days in Seoul.

What To Do In Seoraksan National Park

You can choose from a whole selection of hikes, the shortest hikes take just a few hours the longest treks take 3 days. 

We hiked to the top of  the Ulsanbawi Rock , it took us somewhere between 3 to 4 hours. 

This is seen as the best hike if you don’t want to camp overnight in the park.

The description on the national park’s website lists 2 hours and 20 minutes but that’s quite a challenge knowing that the last kilometer of the hike is one giant flight of stairs that takes you steeply uphill along the mountainside.

Although it’s possible to get an impression of the park in one (long) day.

The interesting and impressive hikes will probably all take you up rocks or mountains and will require at least 4 hours. 

That’s why we recommend spending the night in Sokcho so that you don’t need to rush and instead enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the park.

Seoraksan National Park, South Korea

How To Get To Seoraksan National Park

The easiest way to reach Seoraksan National Park is by car or with an organized day trip from Seoul .

If you have a car, it’s a 3h easy drive to the Park along the Yeongdong Highway ( road 50). 

It’s very easy to do a road trip in South Korea, we wrote an article about hiring a car and driving in South Korea in which we share some useful tips.

By Public Transport

It’s quite a hassle to reach the park from Seoul by public transport.

You would first need to take a bus from the Seoul Express Bus Terminal to Sokcho from where you continue your trip to the park with bus number 7 or 7-1. 

The first part from Seoul to Sokcho takes 2 hours and a half and it takes an additional 45 minutes to get from Sokcho to the park.

Seoraksan National Park, South Korea

Where To Stay in Seoraksan

Ramada gangwon sokcho hotel.

We stayed in  the Ramada Sokcho hotel.  From here it was a 30-minute drive to the park. 

We had a big comfortable room with a balcony where we could see how the boats sailed in and out of the harbor.

We liked the extensive breakfast buffet although the restaurant isn’t really cozy.

A great place to stay if you like seafood.  It’s right next to the harbor. Boats arriving at the port drop their catch at one of the many seafood restaurants along the pier.

Check prices and availability:


Cherry blossoms South Korea

General Information About Seoul

Here we answer some general questions you may have about your trip to Seoul.

What Is The Best Time To Visit Seoul In South Korea? 

Seoul can be visited all year round. But some seasons are better than others especially if you don’t like hot and humid summers or cold winters. 


Mid-March to May is a great period to visit South Korea’s capital. After a cold winter, the weather starts to warm up.

This is one of the most beautiful seasons to visit Seoul.

Around the beginning of April, the cherry blossoms start to bloom making this a great time to visit Seoul. May until the beginning of June brings warmer weather.  These months are some of the most popular as well as the busiest months to visit Seoul.


July to August brings rainy and humid summers. There is also a risk of typhoons. 

The typhoon season starts around the end of June and lasts until the end of September. 

Although this is not our favorite season to travel to Seoul due to the weather, the many festivals that are organized at this time of year can partly make up for it.

Late September until November is one of the best times to visit Seoul.

This time of the year brings mild temperatures and low rainfall. Fall is also a great time to admire the beautiful colorful foliage in Bukhansan and other parks.

Winter is also the low season in Seoul, which means fewer crowds and lower accommodation costs.

It’s a great time to visit Seoul if you don’t mind the cold or if you like to do some winter sports such as skiing.

seoul travel price

How Many Days in Seoul?

How many days do you need to visit Seoul?

The highlights of Seoul can be visited in a few days but you will need weeks to discover all areas of this stretched-out megapolis.

3 days ( 72 hours in Seoul) is a good amount of time to visit the highlights of the city.

4 to 7 days will give you the time to go hiking, visit more of-the-beaten-path attractions, or take a few day trips from Seoul. 

Passport page with Korean visa and immigration control stamps.

South Korea Visa Requirements

We didn’t need a visa and you probably won’t either except if you’re living in Africa or Asia.

Here you can check if you need a visa. 

K-ETA South Korea

If your country is part of Korea’s Visa Waiver program you won’t need a visa but you will need to apply for a K-ETA, a Korea Electron ic Travel Authorization . Do this at least 72 hours before your flight, the approval process can take this long and you will need to show the approved K-ETA to board your flight.

Make sure to enter all information exactly as it appears in your passport. The travel authorization will usually be valid for 2 years or until the expiry date of your passport if that expires earlier.

The K-ETA costs 10,000KRW (approx. $10 USD) at the time of writing.

The application can be done on the official site , if you feel uncertain about the process or want help with the paperwork you can use a visa agency like  iVisa  which will take care of everything for you.

Airplane sunset clouds

Cheap Flights To Seoul

  Skyscanner and Momondo are both good sites to check for cheap flights. 

Read our full review of 10 booking sites here or check out this  post where we review 10 booking sites. 

How to Get From Incheon Airport to Seoul

Most international passengers will arrive at Incheon International Airport.

South Korea’s largest airport is 47km from Seoul Station , which is considered to be the center of Seoul.  The airport is well-connected to this station.

Some hotels have courtesy shuttles to Seoul station but if they don’t you could continue your journey with the subway, the train, the limousine bus, or organize a private transfer.

The A’REX Airport Express

The fastest and cheapest way to get from Incheon International Airport to Seoul Station is using the A’REX Airport Express.

If you don’t have the Discover Seoul Pass, you can purchase your A’rex Airport Express tickets in advance here: A’rex Incheon Airport Express train tickets

Tourist is waiting the bus in Seoul, South Korea.

Take The Limousine Bus

Another option is taking the limousine bus. There are 4 lines that stop at various places in Seoul.

  • 6701 Airport: Seoul City Hall
  • 6702 Airport: Dongdaemun/Namsan
  • 6703 Airport: Gangnam/COEX
  • 6705 Airport: Jamsil/East Seoul Bus Terminal

The buses run from early in the morning until 9 or 10 PM. Each bus has a slightly different schedule so definitely check the bus hours before booking a ticket.

Please refer to the Klook page to see which hotels are served by which bus.

How To Get Around Seoul? 

The easiest way to travel around Seoul is to use   the subway. 

Seoul’s subway is well-connected and quite cheap.

Single ride cards can be purchased on vending machines with coins and bills, credit cards are not accepted.

To avoid the hassle of buying tickets for each and every ride you can opt for the T-money recharge card .

Marking seats for pregnant women on the Korean subway line This seat for interpretation is for pregnant women

T-Money Recharge Card

The card can be used on subways, buses, and taxis and you will save ₩100 on each subway and bus ride if you pay with this card. (not all taxis accept T-money, look for the T-money or Cashbee symbol or check with the driver before you get in)

The card can be recharged at the vending machines with coins and bills, credit cards are not accepted.

The card costs ₩2500 and this fee is not refundable. Cards can be bought in convenience stores a

At the end of your trip, you can get a refund of the funds that are still on the card minus a transaction fee of ₩500.

In addition to the regular T-money cards, there’re also some special editions that are exclusively available to tourists. We mention the most popular ones below.

Korea Tour Card

The Korea Tour card is a T-money card that can be used in the whole of Korea.

In addition to the comfort of just having to tap the card whenever you use public transportation, you also get discounts at a number of popular attractions, including Lotte World, Everland, and several more.

The Korea Tour card can also be bought in convenience stores and in a limited number of subway stations (at the airports and at Seoul Station).

The card costs ₩4000.

Users of Android phones can also use a digital version of the T-money card. It offers the same benefits. To pay for transportation you just tap your phone. NFC needs to be enabled and you need to have a data connection.

To top up the card you use the app on your phone. All major credit cards are accepted. Refunds can also be arranged in the app.

This card is a great deal as it is even cheaper than a regular T-money card. It costs ₩6000 and has a ₩5000 value that can be used towards rides.

Check prices and availability: Digital T-Money Tour Card ( Android Only)

seoul travel price

Korail RailPlus Transport Card

In addition to the subway and busses, this card can also be used on Korail’s intercity trains, including the fast KTX trains. Some taxis also accept the Rail+ card and you can also pay your highway toll fees with this card.

You need to top up the card before you can use it. This can be done at the train and subway stations or in convenience stores. If you don’t want to use cash to add money to your card you can use the Rail Money App.

The card costs ₩2500.

Know that this card is not a T-money card. We’ve included it in our overview because it serves the same purpose and we particularly like it because you can use it to pay your highway tolls. It also offers a ₩100 discount on subways and busses (similar to T-money). You may never notice the difference with an actual T-money card but there can be instances where T-money cards are accepted but the Rail+ card isn’t.

At the end of your trip, you can go to a Korail station or eMart24 convenience store to have your remaining balance refunded.

Check prices and availability: RailPlus Card

M-pass card

During our first trip to Seoul, we used an M-pass card.

This is a transportation card exclusively for international tourists traveling in the Seoul metropolitan area.

M-PASS comes in five different durations: 1-day, 2-day, 3-day, 5-day, and 7-day passes. 

For the duration of the pass, you can do 20 free rides a day on the subway, and on the bus, and also the all-stop A’rex airport express is covered. 

You will only benefit from this card if you will be using public transport a lot, that’s also the reason we only got it once.

20 rides a day is normally more than enough but you can load extra funds on the card if needed as it basically is just another T-money card.  It cannot be used to pay for taxis though.

Discover Seoul Pass

If you plan to visit a lot of Seoul’s tourist attractions then the  Discover Seoul Pass is your ideal travel companion. 

The pass has a 1-day, 2-day, and 3-day variant and gives you discounted or free access to many top tourist destinations.

It also has a T-money function that will save you ₩2,500 of buying a separate T-Money card. As an extra benefit, you get one free one-way A’rex Express train ride.

Check prices and availability: Discover Seoul Pass

Discover Seoul Pass BTS

The Discover Seoul Pass is not always available. If it isn’t, you can see if they have the BTS edition.

It’s a 24hr edition of the Discover Seoul Pass without the T-money option. Instead, you get a Korea Tour T-money Card as a bonus.

The BTS edition covers the same attractions as the regular Discover Seoul Pass.

Check prices and availability: Discover Seoul Pass (24h+Korea Tour Card)

Hop-On-Hop-off Bus

If you don’t feel at ease using the subway, you can always jump on one of the hop-on-hop-off buses to see the highlights of Seoul.

They also have a special night tour where you drive along the river with the illuminated bridges and have beautiful views of the illuminated skyline of the city. Discover Seoul by night on a bus.

The Myeongdong Cathedral

Where To Stay In Seoul

Seoul is a large city with lots of districts each with its own atmosphere and attractions.

Here we share the best places to stay for tourists and first-timers based on our own experience.

Myeongdong – City Center

Myeongdong  is right in the heart of Seoul’s city center.  This is one of the most popular places to stay. 

The Metro hotel is a good choice in Myeongdong. It is within walking distance of shopping areas, street food, and public transportation.

Insa-Dong – Palace Quarter

Insa-dong  is one of the most traditional and cultural districts in Seoul and a very touristy district.  The streets are lined with souvenir shops, restaurants, and tea houses.  You are within walking distance of most palaces, the Jogyesa Buddhist Temple, Bukchon Hanok village, and Gwanghwamum square

The Sunbee hotel lies in an excellent location for sightseeing. It is close to 2 subway stations, the Bukchon Hanok village, and the Seoul city center. You will also find many nice restaurants, tea houses, and cafes in the area.

For an overview of more amazing hotels in Seoul, check out the following posts:

  • Where to stay in Seoul: Our ultimate guide that explains all areas in detail.
  • 16 best hanok stays in Seoul: For those that one to experience a traditional stay.
  • Cool hotels in Seoul: For those that are looking for a cool and comfortable hotel
  • Best boutique hotels in Seoul : For those that are looking for a quintessential holiday experience in Seoul.
  • Best Airbnbs in Seoul: For those that are looking for a list of vacation homes.

DMZ freedom bridge, South_Korea

Organized Seoul tours

Here is an overview of the best-organized tours in Seoul. 

An organized tour saves you time and, moreover, the tour guide will enlighten you about the different sights you visit.

We selected 3 great tours in Seoul just for you.

  • The DMZ: A visit to the Demilitarized zone is a must-do when visiting Seoul. Read more here.
  • Seoul City Bus Tour : For those that want to comfortably discover the highlights of Seoul in a short amount of time.
  • Nanta Show: For those that are looking for a fun night out in Seoul this nonverbal Nanta show is perfect for you. 

KT Olleh SIM South Korea

Internet in Seoul

The internet in Seoul is super-fast and many places offer free WiFi.

We don’t know why, but often our phones wouldn’t connect to these WiFi hotspots.

We, therefore, advise you to buy a local SIM card.

Another option is bringing or renting a Pocket Wifi Device.

South Korean won and currency money exchange. background of money.

Cash Is King for Visitors

Bring some cash money.

Koreans can swipe their cards everywhere but foreign cards are not always accepted.

We were surprised by the number of ATMs at Incheon airport, and even more surprised by the number of ATMs that didn’t accept our cards. 

We have been trying different machines for at least an hour before we found one that worked for us. 

Once we had left the airport things didn’t get better. 

It was always a hit or miss with the ATMs we tried.  There was no particular bank where we could say with certainty that our card would work.

The majority of times it wouldn’t work but luckily every once in a while the machine would start counting bills, a noise that made us very happy at that time. 🙂

We, therefore, advise strongly you to bring some cash money.

On the other hand, we had no problem at all using our cards for payments. Restaurants and shops would all accept our cards. We could also use it in hotels and for the deposit of our rental cars. The only place it wasn’t accepted was the highway toll booths, be sure to have some spare cash for those.

Korean street food

Handy Seoul Apps

  • Korea Seoul Metro Navi will guide you quickly and efficiently through Seoul’s extended subway network.  The app calculates the fastest route to your destination.

Available on: Google Play – Apple

  • Mangoplate is a good app to check for restaurant reviews and the best places to eat.

Do I Need Travel Insurance For Seoul

Flights are usually one of the most expensive and least flexible items in your travel expenses. 

To find a good deal on airfares you usually need to book a few months in advance and when you want a flexible rate you need to pay two- or threefold of the normal fares. 

Compare that with hotel bookings which you can book a few weeks in advance and where you only need to add a few euros to get the flexibility to cancel for free on the same day or one or two days in advance.

It would be a shame to lose this investment in a beautiful holiday through a stupid accident. 

Believe me, many things can happen in the run-up to your vacation. 

We once broke our leg in the last weeks before our vacation and had to cancel our travel plans.  

That’s why we always get travel insurance .

Travel insurance is much cheaper than paying for flexible airline tickets and protects you from any losses in case you need to cancel or change your plans. 

In addition, it covers a whole range of other things. 

Seoul is an amazing city where modern life and traditions go hand in hand.

We hope this itinerary for Seoul will help you plan an unforgettable trip.

Enjoy your trip!

Monday 3rd of June 2019

Help! We are going to Seoul in a week and im still not quite organized with our itinerary. We are planning to visit the Gyeongbokgung , Changdeokgung Palace, Bukchon Hanok Village , Namsan Tower , MBC World, SM Town Theater, Trickeye Museum , Figure Museum , Grevin Living Museum and we only have a full 2 days to do this. Pls help me maximize our time, i tried to google which one is closest to one tourist destination but getting confused. We are planning to take train and will be staying in Myeongdong. Thanks

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

I'm sorry, we were traveling ourselves so we just saw your message now. Hopefully, it turned out fine and you had a wonderful time in Seoul.

Best regards,

Thursday 28th of March 2019

This is the best- by far- guide I've seen online. I am planning to visit South Korea in December (by myself). So, for a first timer like me, this is very helpful! :) Thank you!

Thanks a lot for your kind words. We do our best to provide in-depth information. We are happy you appreciate it.

Wednesday 20th of February 2019

Great post! It is so in-depth, and I really appreciate that. I completely agree with you that having 5-7 (or more) days in Seoul is best for exploring the city. There is so much to see and so many different neighbourhoods that having only 3 days would be so hectic. I was there for a week my first visit and 5 days my second visit and still feel like there is so much more to see. Yes to your suggestion to bring cash. I thought I could take cash out of an ATM on my first trip and was horribly wrong. It was incredibly stressful, and I ended up paying a large fee to take cash from my credit card because it was the only thing that worked. Cash really is king!

Thursday 21st of February 2019

Thanks for your nice comment.

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Home » Asia » South Korea » Seoul

SEOUL Itinerary • MUST READ! (2024)

Seoul straddles both the contemporary and the historic and fuses tranquility and excitement effortlessly. Whether your Seoul itinerary involves sipping herbal tea in a small teahouse or making your way through the crowds at Everland theme park there’s such a remarkable zest for life in the city.

Seoul’s put on a dazzling show of making the best of its tragic history by preserving old traditions and blending them with modern technology!

From imperial capital to sophisticated metropolis, Seoul has undergone amazing transformations during its 2000-year history. Royal palaces are nestled beside towering skyscrapers and stunning new museums. Whether you’re interested in the modern or ancient, we’ve got the best of both worlds on our Seoul itinerary!

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Best time to visit Seoul

Where to stay in seoul, seoul itinerary, day 1 itinerary in seoul, day 2 itinerary in seoul, seoul itinerary – day 3 and beyond, staying safe in seoul, day trips from seoul, faq on seoul itinerary.

when to visit Seoul

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If you’re planning a trip to South Korea , remember that the city experiences monsoon season. Summers are rainy and humid, while winters are both dry and cold.

Peak season falls during summer (June to August) so don’t expect any bargains! On the upside, though, there are exciting events to put on your Seoul itinerary during this season, such as the Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival and the Seoul Fringe Festival.

Low season is in the winter months, from December to February. It will be cold outside but the low costs may keep things cheery!

The best time to visit Seoul, then, is during shoulder season: March to May or September to November. There’s an ideal combination of medium crowds, average costs, and good weather at this time. Also, nature brings color to the city with delicate cherry blossoms in spring and vivid red-orange leaves in autumn? keep your camera ready!

Where to stay in Seoul

Seoul is an enormous city that stays busy: even in low season, there are 10 million locals bustling around the capital! Finding the perfect accommodation in Seoul may be overwhelming but we have plenty of advice on where to stay in Seoul !

If you’re a first-time traveler to Seoul, the best place to stay is Gangnam neighborhood. Gangnam is as flashy and hectic as the iconic song it inspired but it’s also a solid practical choice as a base for your Seoul itinerary.

The area is a bit further from the top attractions but it’s the perfect place to immerse yourself in contemporary Korean culture! Beneath the shiny skyscrapers, the streets are jammed with KPOP stores and Korean restaurants. The nightlife, too, is lots and lots of fun!

Insadong is another great place to stay during your trip to Seoul! It’s more arty than Gangnam and much more laid-back but it’s also conveniently situated for access to the major Seoul landmarks. Insadong is full of wooden tea houses and stunning temples, such as the Cheondogyo Central Temple. There are also plenty of art galleries to lose yourself in! Culture-lovers, this one is for you!

There are hostels in Seoul as well as hotels, home stays and apartments for rent. It depends on what you want and of course, your budget.

Best hostel in Seoul – Zzzip Guesthouse

Zzzip Guesthouse

If you’re looking for perfection on a budget, then this is it! Zzzip Guesthouse offers impeccably clean facilities, welcoming hosts and a convenient location. Guests continue to praise Zzzip for its friendly, social atmosphere. It also provides guests with a wide array of free services like Wifi and luggage storage, and also serves free breakfast daily!

Best Airbnb in Seoul – Artist’s luxury flat @Trendy area

Artists luxury flat

Looking for somewhere uber-trendy to stay in Seoul? This artist’s flat features vintage record players, Beatles memorabilia and traditional Korean furniture. Not only will interior fans be in their element, they’ll have easy access to the city’s best shopping area and transport links all over the city.

Best budget hotel in Seoul – Hanok 24 Guesthouse

seoul itinerary

You may mistake Hanok 24 Guesthouse for a historical attraction but it really is a hotel and a budget hotel at that! The traditional building offers authentic traditional Korean living arrangements.

The beautiful structure is built around interleading courtyards and walkways. The rooms are very minimalist and there aren’t any western-style beds. The location is also wonderful with easy access to public transport and top Seoul attractions.

Best luxury hotel in Seoul – RYSE Hotel, Autograph Collection by Marriott

seoul itinerary

The RYSE hotel embodies contemporary, yet characterful luxury. The rooms have a minimalist, yet comfy atmosphere. They’re decorated with warm fabrics, statement lamps and breathtaking views of the cityscape. The hotel is also a hub of creative activity, with workshops taking place regularly. There’s also a library, a fitness center and a sophisticated gallery.

Seoul Itinerary

There are so many wonderful places to see in Seoul that it’s best to be organized. We’ve compiled a Seoul itinerary especially for you that will take you around the city for as many days as you like.

It’s impossible to visit Seoul and not use some form of transport because the attractions are quite far apart. Your nerves need to be truly shock-proof if you want to hire a car because drivers in Seoul have no time to lose! We recommend sticking to public transport, a system which is excellent in Seoul!

The public transport system is based around the subway and the buses. The subway is the most convenient method of transport and mastering the Seoul network is really proof that you visited the capital city! Buy a Seoul City Pass or a T-money card to save on public transport. And don’t worry about getting confused: the stop announcements are made in English, too!

seoul travel price

We don’t want you to miss out on any part of this stunning country, which is why we recommend purchasing a Rail Pass. This is the best, and cheapest, way to explore South Korea using the well-connected transit system.

Enjoy unlimited train and bus rides on South Korea’s largest transportation network. Available for  7, 14, or 21 days  of travel.

Gyeongbokgung Palace | Bukchon Traditional Village | Jongmyo Shrine | Insadong | Gwangjang Market

Day 1 of your Seoul itinerary will give you a thorough grounding in the major historical landmarks in Seoul. It’s incredible how much you can see in just one day in Seoul!

Day 1 / Stop 1 – Gyeongbokgung Palace

  • Why it’s awesome: It’s the most magnificent of the royal palaces in Seoul.
  • Cost: $3 USD or free with the Integrated Ticket of Palaces
  • Food nearby: Hwangsaengga Kalguksu wins rave reviews from everyone. The delicious noodle soup and dumplings will keep you well-energized on day one in Seoul!

Gyeongbokgung was once the home of the powerful Joseon Dynasty which ruled Korea for around 500 years from the 14th century. The Joseon Dynasty bequeathed much of its language and culture to modern-day South Korea. Building on the palace began in 1385 and it has been carefully restored to give visitors a unique experience. In its hay-day, the palace consisted of about 330 buildings that bustled with 3000 members of staff serving the Korean emperor!

Gyeongbokgung Palace

The complex was designed using both Chinese and Joseon styles. In fact, Gyeongbokgung is Korea’s version of the Forbidden City! Geunjeongjeon is the main building, a splendid, double-storied masterpiece. It was the throne hall for the Joseon kings: they were crowned here and carried out state business here. Also look out for Gyeonghoeru , a pavilion that was used for state banquets. It overlooks a man-made lake which the king used for boating.

Insider’s Tip: There are free English guided tours of the palace that run at 11:00, 13:30 and 15:30.

Day 1 / Stop 2 – Bukchon Traditional Village

  • Why it’s awesome: Put on a hanok (traditional Korean attire) and you might as well be back in the era of the Joseon dynasty! This little area has hardly changed at all and is a must on your Seoul itinerary!
  • Food nearby: Cha Masineun Tteul is a renowned spot to try out traditional Korean herbal teas along with unusual desserts (try the yummy Steam Pumpkin Cake).

Even though it’s surrounded by imposing imperial palaces, Bukchon still manages to stand out! The beautiful houses with their iconic curved roofs and wooden features were originally inhabited by the nobility. Today, the remaining homes have been preserved as a cultural and tourist attraction.

The structures have been renovated into trendy cafes and sophisticated art galleries. And it’s not just tourists that love Bukchon , the local youth have injected a contemporary energy into this historic district!

Bukchon Hanok Village

There are many craft studios in the area that offer workshops to visitors: learning to make a paper doll or to imprint fabric with gold leaf are some of the best things to do in Seoul. Also, make sure that you peek around the corners to glimpse the charming little alleys that wind around the area!

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Jongmyo Shrine

  • Why it’s awesome: Jongmyo is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that houses the remains of early Joseon rulers.
  • Cost: $1 USD or free with the Integrated Ticket of Palaces
  • Food nearby: The ultra-modern Cafe Tong is a perfect contrast to Jongmyo but it’s a good spot to get a cool drink and a bite to eat.

Jongmyo is one of the most spectacular Seoul attractions. It’s the oldest and most authentic Confucian royal shrine in the world where royals worship their royal ancestors. The Jeongjeon, the main hall in the complex, is thought to be the largest single wooden structure in the world with a length of 109 meters.

Jongmyo Shrine

Even though the Joseon dynasty is no longer in power, Jongmyo Jerye rituals are still carried out regularly as they have been done for the past 600 years.  As it’s such a spiritual space, Jongmyo Shrine is a lovely, tranquil wooded area that’s a good place to just pause and reflect.

  Insider Tip: Entrance to Jongmyo is free on the last Wednesday of the month! Also, be very careful of where you walk: certain pathways are for the ancestral spirits only! These paths are marked as such so keep an eye out.

Day 1 / Stop 4 – Insadong

  • Why it’s awesome: A DIY walking tour of Insadong will let you experience vibrant street-life in Seoul.
  • Food nearby: Street food in South Korea is a serious business in Insadong so look out for corn cookies, dumplings and the legendary King’s dessert (16 000 strands of honey wrapped around an almond, chocolate or peanut center). Yum!

Insadong is full of some of the most interesting places to visit in Seoul. The Kyung-in Museum of Fine Arts hosts excellent collections of traditional Korean (and Japanese) craftsmanship. Also worth a visit is the Beautiful Tea Museum .

By now you will have realized how central tea is to Korean culture and you won’t be surprised to stumble on this little gem. There are displays on the history tea-drinking but if you want to just experience the history, pull up a chair and browse the extensive tea menu. Meanwhile, Tapgol Park is a small, pretty park that’s lined with national memorials.


Most visitors, however, end up in Insadong to stroll along the Ssamzie-Gil Market . This mall, which spills over into the street, is one of the best places in Seoul for souvenir shopping!

Day 1 / Stop 5 – Gwangjang Market

  • Why it’s awesome: Just catch a whiff of the scintillating smells coming out of Gwangjang and there’s not much you can do to stop yourself from wandering in!
  • Cost: Entrance is free; dishes are around $4 USD
  • Food nearby: Take your pick of dumplings or braised pig trotters: it’s all right here!

If you’re touring Seoul, you have to visit a food market and there’s no better way to celebrate day one of your Seoul itinerary than with a delicious meal! There’s no need to worry about finding Gwangjang Market: just mention the name to passers-by and when you’re close, you’ll be able to smell wonderful things!

Gwangjang Market

Create your own dinner menu as you drift from one stall to another, sampling bean pancakes, rice wine and raw, live octopus! One of the nice things about Gwangjang is that it’s not just tourists who eat here, locals have been loving the cuisine here for decades! Grab a bench, tuck in and enjoy the buzzing atmosphere! Oh, and you can find some cheap food here so this place is great if you are backpacking Seoul on a budget .

seoul travel price

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  Changdeokgung Palace | National Museum of Korea | Leeum Samsung Museum of Art | N Seoul Tower | Nanta Show

If you have two days in Seoul, you’ll be able to appreciate more of its imperial history and get to grips with its contemporary side. Day 2 will round off the most important Seoul landmarks to see on your trip with a real focus on Korean art and culture.

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Changdeokgung Palace

  • Why it’s awesome: Gyeongbokgung may be the most important royal palace but Changdeokgung is the most beautiful!
  • Food nearby: Yongsusan offers delicious Korean fare, specializing in seafood, in an atmospheric setting.

Lovely Changdeokgung Palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that attracts plenty of starstruck visitors through the Donhwamun Gate . The large gate with three doors dates from 1609, the original version having been built in 1412. Gyujanggak , the labyrinth of small offices, was originally assigned by the emperor to various courtiers.

The star attraction is Huijeongdang Hall , a large hall used by the king for state business. The original building was burned down in 1917 so the version you see today is a newer structure. However, the hall offers a unique example of Eastern and Western decor. Injeongjeon Hall is another space that was used by the Joseon rulers. It was the venue of the traditional New Year’s Festival, national ceremonies and diplomatic greetings.

Changdeokgung Palace

Most visitors come to Changdeokgung Palace to see Huwon Gardens . It’s also called “The Secret Garden” as it was originally for the exclusive use of royalty. Even though it’s open to the public now, it still retains a magical atmosphere. The garden is an expansive area that’s full of charming lotus ponds, pavilions and 100 different species of flora! Beside one of the lily ponds is the Juhamnu Pavilion which was used by the king as a private library.

Insider Tip: You can only visit Changdeokgung on a tour and English tours run only twice a day ( at 11:15 and 13:15). To visit the Huwon, take the 10:30, 11:30 or 15:30 tours. You must book the Huwon tickets in advance so do so online or by coming very early (only 50 people are allowed in at a time).

For a truly special experience, book a moonlight tour of the palace. These are only available once a month, for $27 USD.

Day 2 / Stop 2 – National Museum of Korea

  • Why it’s awesome: This museum makes history very attractive as it takes visitors through thousands of years in a swanky environment.
  • Cost: Free for the Main Exhibition Hall and the Children’s Museum; Special Exhibitions have various charges around the $9 USD mark.
  • Food nearby: Mirror Pond Restaurant is the in-house museum eatery. It’s a bit on the pricier side but it sure gets convenience bang-on. The park surrounding the museum is also a popular spot for picnics (you can buy snacks at the convenience store by the main entrance).

The National Museum does a wonderful job of imparting knowledge about Korea to visitors. It chronicles the country’s history from prehistoric time to the age of the Korean Empire. Make sure to admire the Baekje Incense Burner (a 6th/7th-century artefact);  the Golden Treasures from the Great Tomb of Hwangham ; and the Ten Storey Pagoda which comes from the Gyeongcheonsa Temple in the grounds of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

National Museum of Korea

The National Museum is also a modern architectural masterpiece. It’s built with steel, granite and concrete in an aesthetically-pleasing combination of lines and curves. The building was designed so that the sheer volume of space would be a centerpiece. The museum also emphasizes the harmony between the mountains and the water, and nature and culture.

Insider Tip: The museum offers free Wifi to download its app which serves as an audio guide. As you progress through the collections, the app will be triggered by Bluetooth signals to provide you with extra information!

Day 2 / Stop 3 – Leeum Samsung Museum of Art

  • Why it’s awesome: There are four floors of incredible Korean art in a beautiful setting!
  • Cost: $9 USD for entrance; $1 USD for an audio guide.
  • Food nearby: The in-house cafe, Artisée, has an arty ambiance and serves light meals and beverages.

Museum 1 houses traditional Korean art: Buddhist art, metalwork, paintings, calligraphy, Buncheong ware (blue-green traditional Korean stoneware), porcelain, and Celadon (the product of a practice similar to porcelain pottery that is considered to be one of the most advanced of the ceramic arts).

Museum 2 is for contemporary pieces from both Korea and the world. Works by the renowned local artists Chungjeon Lee Sang-beom and Sojung Byeon Kwan-sik are some of the highlights. Their works have defined the modern style of Korean painting. Alongside the Korean artists, the museum is also home to works by the likes of Andy Warhol and Francis Bacon.

Leeum Samsung Museum of Art

Be sure to also admire the museum building itself: the seamless modern structure incorporates traditional craftsmanship like terra cotta tiles. It was designed by architects Jean Nouvel, Rem Koolhaas and Mario Botta. Don’t leave this wonderful attraction off your Seoul itinerary!

Day 2 / Stop 4 – N Seoul Tower

  • Why it’s awesome: The views (and especially the sunsets) from up here are just spectacular!
  • Cost: $9 USD
  • Food nearby: There are five different eateries to choose from in N Seoul Tower: you’ll find everything from Korean fare to homemade burgers here!

Namsan Seoul Tower, on the top of Mt. Namsan, is an iconic Seoul attraction that’s a must-visit while in the South Korean capital. The spiraling TV and radio signal tower was built in 1969. It’s still used as a transmission antenna but has been open to the public since 1980.

The tower has undergone something of a facelift as it’s now one of the trendiest places to visit in Seoul. It has awesome LED technology that lights the tower up in numerous neon colors and patterns, making it a true Seoul landmark!

N Seoul Tower

There are three observation decks at different levels in the tower and there are audio guides to help you pinpoint all the top Seoul points of interest!

Insider Tip: For a truly romantic experience, head up to the 7th level of N Seoul Tower to n.Grill, a French-style restaurant with stunning panoramic views. Entrance to the Observatory is free with an advance reservation at the restaurant.

Day 2 / Stop 5 – Nanta Show

  • Why it’s awesome: Nanta is a lively Korean theatre show that’s guaranteed to have you in stitches throughout!
  • Cost: $35 USD -$62 USD
  • Food nearby: We can only highly praise Myeongdong Gyoja. The lovely restaurant serves traditional Korean cuisine like noodles and dumplings.

Nanta is a funny, silent show set in a kitchen that’s based on the samulnori rhythm ( samulnori is a traditional Korean quartet of percussionists ). These shows have become so popular that they’ve toured all the premier theatres in the world. Even though the show has been going strong since 1997, visiting a Nanta show is still one of the best things to do in Korea.

Nanta Show

Watching a Nanta show is a great way to wrap up 2 days in Seoul as even foreigners can appreciate the storylines and spectacular acrobatic feats. There are three dedicated Nanta theatres in Seoul but the Myeongdong Nanta is the most popular with tourists.

See  here  for availability.

Gangnam, Seoul

Zzzip Guesthouse

Based in fashion and arts district Hongdae, this guesthouse is colorful, comfy and clean. The owners pride their venue for having a ‘family feel’ and uniting backpackers from all around the globe.

  • Free breakfast
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Everland Theme Park | Changgyeonggung Palace | Deoksugung Palace | Trick Eye Museum | Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour Gangnam Course

If you’re lucky enough to have 3 days in Seoul, there’s a variety of fantastic attractions to choose from! Enjoyed the imperial history on your first 2 days in Seoul? We’ve got more on our Seoul itinerary for you! Preferred the contemporary landmarks? We’ve got those, too!

Everland Theme Park

  • Take a trip around the world and through the ages with some of the most exciting rides in the world!
  • One-day entrance is $50 USD for adults and $39 USD for children (book online to skip the queues).
  • It’s actually located within a resort, Everland Resort, so some visitors choose to stay overnight, but it’s totally possible to just spend a few hours in the theme park!

Make sure you put Everland Theme Park on your Seoul trip itinerary because it’s one of the most fun things to do in Seoul! Between rides, live parades and stunning gardens, it’s easy to get lost inside the park. However, there are five main sections so you can easily prioritize which attractions to visit in advance.

As the name suggests, the American Adventure section is inspired by American history, particularly the era of the Wild West. Expect rodeos and rock ‘n roll!

The European Adventure section boasts a Mystery Mansion ride where visitors shoot at the resident ghosts along the ride! There’s also a wooden roller coaster!

Everland Theme Park

In Magic Land , you’ll find attractions based on the myths of Ancient Greece. Look out for the robot ride and the flying ride! If you feel like the company of animals, head to ZooTopia .

When you’re ready to take a break from all the rides, head to the Global Fair for some food and a spot of shopping!

Buy your tickets  here  before you go.

Changgyeonggung Palace

  • This imperial palace is known as the one that is “overflowing with filial devotion” as it was originally built for the king’s father.
  • Entrance is $1 USD or free with the Integrated Ticket of Palaces.
  • The palace is full of stories about the Joseon dynasty’s personal relationships!

If you have 3 days in Seoul, you’ll have enough time to visit more imperial palaces. The third palace to put on your Seoul itinerary is Changgyeonggung Palace, which was built in the 15th century by the Joseon Dynasty.

It was partially destroyed during the Japanese invasion in the 16th century so today’s beautiful structure is only a shadow of its former glory.

The first attraction inside the palace is Okcheongyo Bridge which is built over a pond, in the style of all Joseon bridges. Next, drift towards the Myeonjeongjeon , which was once the king’s office.

changgyeonggung palace

The Munjeongjeon was used as a hall for state business. In one particularly tragic case, King Yeongjo had his mentally-ill son executed outside the hall after discovering that the future ruler had been terrorizing his own people.

Tongmyeongjeon , the biggest building in the palace complex, was for the queen’s use. It’s one of the most decorative parts of the palace.

Also look out for the Punggidae , an instrument which was used to measure the speed and direction of the wind.

Deoksugung Palace

  • Deoksugung Palace is another royal residence that was used by the Joseon dynasty.
  • Changing of the Guard takes place thrice daily at 11:00, 14:00 and 15:30.

The “Palace of Virtuous Longevity” is the fifth and final imperial palace on your Seoul itinerary. The Joseon dynasty used it after the Japanese invasion damaged their other palaces. The palace was inhabited by the Jonseon emperors until 1919 when the last true emperor died in his Deoksugung apartment, the Hamnyeongjeon.

Deoksugung Palace

Deoksugung is a fascinating blend of western and eastern styles. Junghwajeon , the primary throne hall that’s decorated with dragons and gilded finishings, epitomizes indigenous design. Seokjojeon , on the other hand, was designed by a British architect in the neoclassical style. It now houses a lovely art collection.

Insider Tip: Join one of the free guided tours in English to fully appreciate the pretty palace. There are tours at 10:45 and 13:30.

Trick Eye Museum

  • Ready to have your whole world turned on its feet? There are some bizarre optical illusions here!
  • Entrance is $13 USD for adults and $11 USD for kids.
  • Download the Trick Eye app to expand the optical illusions that are showcased!

If you’re all about the weird and wacky, then put the Trick Eye Museum on your Seoul itinerary! From blending into a 3D painting to sitting in a life-size ice sculpture carriage, you can do all of it here!

The Mirror Maze is one of the most popular attractions in the museum. It may leave you breathless and a little dizzy as you continuously lose your way but it is also lots of fun!

Trick Eye Museum

The museum also presents an unusual gift shop: one where you can make your own souvenirs! Another popular activity is dressing up in a hanbok (traditional Korean attire), having your hair and make-up done and then doing a photo shoot!

See  here  for availability.

Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour Gangnam Course

  • Yes, Gangnam isn’t just a song, it’s a real place!
  • Tickets are just $13 USD each.
  • This bus tour provides the perfect combination of convenience and flexibility for your visit to Gangnam!

If you have an extra day in Seoul, then a visit to Gangnam must be on your Seoul itinerary. The area behind the hit Psy song is a busy hub of business facilities and creative outlets. You’re allowed to use the bus pass for an entire day and audio guides are available to make the most of the tour.

Some of the top Seoul attractions are stops on this tour. Don’t miss Bongeunsa Temple , a Buddhist temple built all the way back in 794. There is a 28m tall statue of Buddha and some beautiful gardens. Go at 18:40 to witness a percussion ceremony that the monks conduct daily.

Another key stop is K-Star Road which is lined with boutique stalls, K-Pop record labels and GangnamDols of top singers. Psy’s GangnamDol is 3m high!

The Seoul Olympic Park is also worth a visit. It was built for the 1988 Summer Olympics and includes 6 different stadiums. There’s also a beautiful collection of art throughout the complex.

Seoul is generally a very safe city to visit but there are a few things to look out for. The first thing that tends to alarm most people is the proximity to North Korea. Other common concerns include fears about speeding and eating street food. Don’t worry; just follow our tips on staying safe in Seoul and you’ll be just fine!

Pickpockets do frequent Seoul landmarks so keep all your valuables safely on your person and in sight at all times. Locals are generally very friendly but if someone seems just a bit too familiar, back away. Drugs are illegal in South Korea and the penalties for drug users are severe so stay clean in Seoul.

Politics is full of pitfalls in Seoul. If you see a protest taking place in the capital (which is very likely), do not join, ever! It’s illegal for foreigners to protest in South Korea. Also, avoid talking about the Korean War and be on your best behavior if you visit the Demilitarized Zone (which is still actually guarded by soldiers).

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Seoul

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

seoul travel price

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Get to see a bit more of South Korea by leaving the city on one of these fabulous day trips from Seoul!

South Korea Demilitarized Zone Half & Full Day Tour

South Korea Demilitarized Zone Half & Full Day Tour

This tour allows you to get up close with the Korean conflict by visiting the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that’s on the border with North Korea.

You’ll also be able to explore The Third Tunnel which was engineered by North Korea as part of a 1978 attempt to invade South Korea.

At the Dora Observatory , you’ll be able to look into North Korea. This may be as close to visiting North Korea as you’ll ever get.

Hope that relations between the two countries will warm up remains, though, and you can see this in the Dorasan Station . This is the railway station that will be used for journeys between the countries if that day ever comes.

This day trip from Seoul is an essential on any Seoul itinerary.

Nami Island, Korean Style Garden of Morning Calm & Rail Bike

Nami Island, Korean Style Garden of Morning Calm & Rail Bike

This lovely day trip from Seoul will show you South Korea’s natural side. Due to the beautiful landscape, Nami Island is the set location of many movies and K-dramas.

The Garden of Morning Calm displays traditional Korean gardens over 30 000 square meters! It’s particularly stunning if you visit in autumn.

There’s also an option to take a rail bike tour. With this activity, you’ll go for a rail bike ride an old train track in the countryside. There’s also the option of a Korean-style lunch.

Mt. Bukhan Hike & Korean-Style Spa with Full Body Treatment

Mt. Bukhan Hike & Korean-Style Spa with Full Body Treatment

On this full-day trip from Seoul, you’ll visit Mt. Bukhan, South Korea’s highest mountain. The hike only takes half of the day. You’ll be rewarded with lovely flora, stunning views from the top and the fresh mountain air!

If that’s not enough incentive, then remember that a spa treatment is included in the tour after your hike! During the treatment, you can enjoy a traditional sauna, a full-body scrub, an invigorating massage, a facial and a soothing hair wash! You’re sure to leave Mt. Bukhan even fresher and more energized than you were when you stepped into the bus!

Seoraksan National Park and Naksansa Temple Group Tour

Seoraksan National Park and Naksansa Temple Group Tour

Seoraksan National Park is host to the Seoraksan Mountain, the 3rd highest in South Korea. This rugged mountain range will be the setting of a day trip from Seoul that combines nature, history and culture!

Enjoy views of the landscape along the Baekdam Valley as you journey towards Baekdamsa Temple. The Buddhist temple will offer a glimpse into the Buddhist traditions.

Then it’s on to the Naksansa Temple which was built around 1300 years ago! The awe-inspiring temple complex boasts numerous monuments which are all architectural masterpieces!

Suwon Hwaseong Fortress Tour

Suwon Hwaseong Fortress Tour

This short and sweet day trip from Seoul will take you to the Hwaseong Fortress. Your guide will explain the architectural features and thrilling history that have made the fortress an iconic feature on any Seoul itinerary!

The fortress is a UNESCO World Heritage Site because, amongst other features, its original 6km long walls still survive! It’s so authentic that you may even be able to imagine yourself as a Korean soldier on the ramparts!

Things are a bit more luxurious at the Hwaseong Haenggung Palace which was the king’s palace during wartime or his travels outside of Seoul. Make sure you have your camera for the changing of the guard ceremony!

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Stash your cash safely with this money belt. It will keep your valuables safely concealed, no matter where you go.

It looks exactly like a normal belt  except for a SECRET interior pocket perfectly designed to hide a wad of cash, a passport photocopy or anything else you may wish to hide. Never get caught with your pants down again! (Unless you want to…)

Find out what people want to know when planning their Seoul itinerary.

What should you include on a 5 day Seoul itinerary?

Don’t skip out on these Seoul highlights: – Gyeongbokgung Palace – Bukchon Traditional Village – Gwangjang Market – N Seoul Tower

Where should you stay if you have a full Seoul itinerary?

Staying in Gangnam will give you easy access Seoul’s iconic landmarks and attractions. Insadong is another great choice, it’s more laid back than Gangnam but full of culture!

Is solo travel in Seoul safe?

Seoul is very safe for solo travellers! Just stay out of politics and keep an eye on your bags and you’ll be totally fine.

What are the best day trips from Seoul?

The most popular Seoul day trips include the Demilitarized Zone , Nami Island, Mt. Bukhan Hike & Spa, and Seoraksan National Park.

The fusion of East and West, and the blending of old and new, is something that’s unique to Seoul. The enormous city boasts so many fascinating attractions that you could easily spend weeks in the Korean capital. If you’re planning a vacation in Seoul, you don’t want to miss out on all this cosmopolitan city has to offer.

But luckily, it doesn’t matter whether you’re spending 1,2, 3 or more days in Seoul because there’s an itinerary for everyone. From where to stay in Seoul to what to do in Seoul, we’ve given you all the answers. All you have to do now is to book your flight because our Seoul itinerary has everything covered for you!

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photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

Hi Aaron such a amazing blog and trip, i have a plan to go to Korea soon and i also found that you visit Gwangjang Market too, i heard there are alot of snacks there, i really want to try it when i reach there :), thank you so much for this post, give me alot of knowledge and information!

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Seoul travel itinerary — Suggested Seoul itinerary 6 days & how to spend 6 days in Seoul

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Although the journey of exploring Seoul is not too long, it has brought me a lot of experiences. Below is a super detailed Seoul 6 days 5 nights itinerary that you should definitely refer to, but one thing is for sure, your field trip will depend on a lot of things such as preferences, weather, budget or simply fate. So, what to do and where to go in Seoul for 6 days? Let’s check out my suggested Seoul travel itinerary (Seoul Korea travel itinerary, Seoul solo travel itinerary, Seoul trip itinerary) on how to spend 6 days in Seoul (Seoul itinerary 6 days) perfectly to figure out the answer!

  • Seoul itinerary 6 days — How to spend 6 days in Seoul on a budget perfectly?

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bukchon hanok village bukchon village bukchon village seoul (1)

6 days in Seoul — Day 1: Saigon – Seoul – Han River – Hongdae Street

That was a rainy day in Saigon, but in Seoul, it was very sweet with gentle golden sunshine, I decided to pick up my suitcase alone and roam across this charming city.

Hunting air tickets for 7 months in advance on a sales promotion of Vietjet Air (a low-cost carrier in Vietnam), so it only costs $129/round-trip (excluding luggage), plus a visa fee of about $21.75, so I had a pretty perfect start for myself.

The plane took off at 2:40 am in Saigon and took 5 hours to get to Seoul, but because Korean timezone is 2 hours faster than Vietnam, so I arrived in Seoul at around 9:40 am.

2-incheon-international-airport-icn-best airports in asia in 2016 by skytrax ratings

Slowly got out of the plane, the first thing I did was buy a sim card (27,000 won ~ $23.44) to report to my family, then bought a T-money card to easily explore Seoul by subway.

seoul travel price

Klook Tmoney Card Pick Up and Delivery (ICN/TW/MY/TH/PH)

seoul travel price

To getting from the airport to the city center of Seoul, there are many ways to travel such as bus, taxi, Arex, subway.

Arex Express: If you go with a large group, you can take a taxi to share money for cheaper. However, traveling alone, I found traveling by Arex or subway is the most convenient way. Arex is an express train system, you have to buy separate tickets (about $6.53) but the train will running straight to Seoul Station without stop at any station. From here you can look up on the city’s subway map to find way to your hotel.

arex korea

Book AREX Incheon Airport Express One Way Train Ticket here.

Subway: As for the subway, it will take longer because you have to stop at many stations, but if you’re lucky, your hotel might located near station of this train line, don’t hesitate to jump on it. This Airport Railroad is marked in turquoise color with the departure point at right this airport. It only costs about 4,500 won and takes an hour to get to my hotel without any change another train. Like my hotel, it’s located right next to Hongik University station and this station is also on the Airport Railroad line, so even if it takes a little longer than travel by Arex, it’s still okay!

inside seoul subway train

Korea Rail Pass (2, 3, 4, or 5 Days)

Tips: You should download Subway Korea app ( Android , iOS ) which is very useful when traveling by Subway in Seoul. You just input your departure and destination points, the app will help you navigate in very detailed way.

seoul travel price

Referring to the hotel, it can’t help but mention to Moons hostel ( Agoda.com or Booking.com ) – where I stayed during my trip to Seoul. I must say that I was very lucky to find this place because everything from the price, location, comfort and friendliness here satisfied me.

seoul travel price

Because of solo travel, a 6-bed female dormitory room is an optimal choice. The price of about $15/night is absolutely reasonable compared to other common price because the cost of eating and drinking in Seoul is also quite “high”.

In another article, I will share with you the 6 days 5 nights experience at Moon Hostel!

Regarding places to stay, there are 2 areas I think you should consider to stay when planning a trip to Seoul: The first is Myeong-dong, the second is Hongdae.

First of all, let’s talk about Myeong-dong , this area is located in the center and is completely walkable to many attractions nearby, especially this is also an area with a legendary shopping street for any shopaholic. However, the prices of hotels and meals here are also very high.

Myeongdong night market

The second is Hongdae – the area I choose to stay is equally bustling with vibrant streets and bustling shops and restaurants. According to many reviewers, Hongdae is a more local area than Myeong-dong where too crowded with tourists. So if you want to feel the real life of Seoul people, I would highly recommend Moon Hostel in Hongdae.

hongdae travel blog,hongdae blog (4)

Due to my hostel only allowed to check-in at 3pm, so when I found it, I just sent my luggage and walked around the area where I stayed, having lunch with Hangover Soup (Haejang-guk is a soup to chase a hangover) which is also quite famous in Korea. Although, I ate at a fairly popular restaurant, the cost for that set lunch was also around 7,000 won, enough to know the living cost here is not cheap at all.

seoul travel price

After returning to the hotel to resting for 2 hours, I decided to go to Han River to strolling and check-in with the famous words “I Seoul You” which is a perfect spot to take virtual living photos. Because in Korea it was still bright at 5pm, I was very confident to walking around a big park nearby called Yeouido Park.

seoul travel price

It must be said that Korean student life is really diverse, dynamic, bustling and somewhat romantic. They often cooking instant noodles and spreading carpets on the banks of Han River to enjoy and have fun together. Couples also walk around the park under the chilly weather, the cold that just holding hands is warm without wearing many layers of coats. Although it was a bit sad, but the beautiful scenery and fresh air really couldn’t hold the sadness longer.

seoul travel price

On the first day, because of flying, I felt quite tired, I took advantage of returning to the hotel early, but still did not forget to take a walk around Hongdae area.

Hongdae at night was more vibrant and bustling, especially there is a road dedicated to young people who want to express their personality. From piano, singing, dancing, dancing, magic, .. all seem to be more attractive when performed for audience only with passion and nothing in return.

Although tired legs but with a good mood, I closed an interesting day. The following days I believe it will be even more wonderful and it is not wrong.

Following the quite “smooth” first day in Seoul, I “jumped forward” to explore other landmarks in this beautiful city!

Seoul travel itinerary — Day 2: Namsangol Hanok Village – N Seoul Tower – Myeong-dong

On the second day, I decided to choose Namsan area as my place to visit. Because today’s weather forecast will rain, so I brought an umbrella. In Seoul, I was told by a local friend that it is essential to check the weather forecast before planning outings.

Please note that because all of my trips are by subway, I already have bought a T-money card at the airport.

Get off at Chungmuro ​​Station (LINE 3-4) and find the exit 3 to get to Namsangol Hanok Village. This is one of the traditional ancient villages of Korea that is likened to the “land of fairies” and is considered one of the five most beautiful places in Seoul. Admission is completely free, so it is a must-visit place, right?!

seoul travel price

After taking 1001 virtual living photos, I walked out to Namsan cable car to go up to the famous Seoul TV tower ( N Seoul Tower ). It was past noon, so I stopped by at a Korean restaurant, immediately ordered a super big cheese Tobokki dish for only 5000 won.

seoul travel price

After finding for a while, I finally got to the ticket counter, the price of 8,500 won for the round-trip cable car is also reasonable. It’s a cable car, but it’s not a small cable car type like going up to Ba Na Hill but it can accommodate up to 20 people and you must stand.

After reaching the top of the mountain, the first thing to do is take a picture with N Seoul Tower – which is marked as the tallest point in Seoul. It is also famous for its love locks fence, it must be said that there are countless, more than the love bridge in Penang, but the “sacred index” is unknown, haha.

seoul travel price

N Seoul Tower Ticket in Seoul


The last place for the day 2 in Seoul is the famous shopping district of Myeongdong. It must be said that girls should be very careful to keep their wallets tight when coming here because there are countless Korean cosmetic stores gathering here from strange to familiar with countless attractive promotions. Although I tried to stay calm, but I still have to spent a little bit.

A special thing here is that familiar brands like Innisfree, The Faceshop, Natural Republic, etc. you will see a store every few steps, so if you miss something, you don’t have to go back.

Also, don’t forget to check in at the divine Line Friends store, you will cry like a river because of its “cuteness overload” and also its very expensive. But if you don’t buy, you still get some shimmering pictures with the great Brown bear, so why not stop by. I ended the 2nd day with super spicy Korean noodles, so the next day I got pimples right away.

seoul travel price

Seoul itinerary 6 days — Day 3: Bukchon Hanok Village – Gyeongbokgung Palace – Seoul City Hall – Cheonggyecheon Artificial Stream

After 2 days of getting used to walking, my legs are much stronger. I decided to make a long list of places to go for today because Seoul has so many interesting places to visit.

To get to Bukchon Hanok Village, you can get off at Anguk station (LINE 3), Exit 2.

bukchon hanok village

Along the way I found a cute Hanbok rental shop. Only 15,000 won for 3 hours. Because this old town is quite close to Gyeongbokgung palace, it takes about 10 minutes to walk, so if you rent a hanbok to take pictures here and then go to the palace, you can enter for free (the palace is free for visitors who wear traditional Korean costumes) and also have costumes to live virtual. And this combination couldn’t be more lucid.

Wearing hanbok and walking around these two places, I felt like I was transported back in time to the past several thousand years ago. Play the role of a lady and immerse myself in the unique ancient space of Korea. This is probably the most enjoyable experience the whole trip has brought me.


  • Bukchon Oneday Hanbok Rental Experience (4/24 Hrs)

Gyeongbokgung palace hanbok

After regretfully returning the hanbok, I continued to get on the subway, got off at City Hall station to visit Seoul City Hall, a unique architectural work with both modern and classic features of Korean culture.

seoul travel price

And this place is also very close to the famous man-made stream called Cheongyecheon, so I couldn’t miss it even though I was already exhausted. Cheonggyecheon, also known as Cheonggye Stream, is a modern public recreation area nearly 6km long, flowing from west to east through the northern half of central Seoul. It is very cool and fresh is also a place where many fun activities for young people are concentrated.

Cheonggyecheon stream

Returning to the Hongdae area near my hotel, I tried a dish that has an eye-catching appearance but still has good quality. It is a Korean-style steak that is delicious and satisfying with a big glass of water that can’t be better.

Hongdae Seoul

Another full day and tired feet, put on a Korean mask and recharge for the next days in Seoul.

The first three days in Korea went by quite quickly and a bit rushed, so I want to spend the remaining 3 days to slow down, relax, immerse in the romantic atmosphere of this city of love songs and romantic films.

Seoul solo travel itinerary — Day 4: Nami Island – Myeong-dong Street

Starting the next new day in Seoul is quite late because today my plans will only for Nami Island. This is considered one of the attractive attractions that no tourist to be miss because of the romantic, poetic scenery and peaceful atmosphere associated with many famous romantic Korean movies.

Many day tours are organized to lead visitors to visit. But still maintaining the spirit of “Self-Sufficiency Of Happiness”, I believe that we can absolutely go anywhere if we want. Rest assured, I had a very detailed guide on how to go to Nami Island without having to pay for any tour, you can refer here .

korea nami island blog,nami island guide,nami island one day tour,nami island travel blog (1)

After a day of exploring Nami, I decided to stop by the Myeong-dong area again to buy more paper masks for my relatives before returning. Because it was dusk, my stomach rumbled loudly, so I decided to try the street food in this area even though I anticipated that the price would not be acceptable. And yes, a bag of orange juice costs 4,000 won and a skewer of grilled meat is the same price. But fortunately, the skewers is very tasty, mouth-watering and the salesman’s demeanor is also “super-quality”. Feeling completely satisfied (a bit in love with boys hihi).

If you have the opportunity, please visit the street food paradise of Myeong dong to try, there are countless food to taste and it is certainly not too bad.


After comfortably shopping but I still has a little money because here most of the shops have Tax Refund for tourists with bills from 30,000 won or more, so before you buy anything you can think about it in advance and then collect it once to get enough money to get a tax refund. Especially, it is possible to get it immediately without having to wait to go to the airport for tax refund, so you will have more money to shopping more.


Another day passed with less money remaining, but got more knowledge and experience.

6 days in Seoul — Day 5: Siloam Sauna Jjimjilbang

Because I spent a whole week playing and walking, so on the day 5 I decided to awarded myself a Jjim Jil Bang bath experience to recharge my battery.

Because I have experienced and love this form of Korean sauna in Vietnam, I am even more determined to experience Jjim Jil Bang (traditional Korean bathhouse) in its motherland to see what is different.

Of course, there are a lot of spas in Seoul that doing this type of service, but after researching some of the most popular ones online I decided to go to Siloam Spa . From my hotel, take the subway and get off at Chungjeongno station, take exit 5, walking about 10 minutes to come.

Siloam Sauna Jjimjilbang - Slight Slope up to Siloam Sauna Building

Like Jjim Jil Bang in Vietnam, you will pay first and then receive the uniform and towel. Surprisingly, the fare here is quite cheap, only 10,000 won that is equivalent 3 cups of Korean coffee, while in Vietnam it costs about $15. In particular, Jjim Jil Bang here is open overnight, so you can sleep here with a little higher price.

Stepping inside, the space is quite spacious, a bit dark but not as bright and luxurious as in Vietnam. I think maybe this is the true popular style of Jjim Jil Bang because it originally to be a traditional public bath and sauna, so the atmosphere is appropriate. Only Vietnam is more beautiful, more luxurious, so the price is more expensive.

The most impressive is probably the “nude bath” area at downstairs, where there are also hot/cold pools like in Vietnam, but more diverse and more bustling with aunts and uncles.

review jjimjilbang siloam sauna seoul south korea

After relaxing from the feeling of hot to cold and sauna in a small room, I went upstairs and bought the “divine” boiled egg + Korean rice drink combo. It is so delicious that I just want to buy another basket to eat. After recharging, I did the same bathing process as done before in Vietnam. The saunas are quite similar to Vietnam so I was not impressed.

review jjimjilbang siloam sauna seoul south korea

At the end of a leisurely vacation, I walked around the streets one last time and went hotel early to pack up for tomorrow’s flight.

Seoul itinerary 6 days — Day 6: Seoul – Saigon

According to my schedule, I would fly at 11:40 am, but because I knew Incheon Airport was quite big, I took advantage of getting up early, caught the train on Airport Railroad to get to the airport.

If you still lack gifts to buy for your family, don’t worry, Incheon airport has “1001” stores for you to shop. I’m just afraid that you will not have time like me. Remember not to stick with shopping but forget time to boarding, because the proof is that when I returned, I saw a lot of people who missed that flight. It’s really bad to cry and laugh.

Ending the journey of traveling alone, I did not feel lonely because Seoul is so wonderful from the scenery, the people to the clear and cool climate, delectable food. I will definitely come back again to explore other unique cities like Busan, Jeju Island, to know that out there, the world is always waiting for us to embrace.

seoul travel price

Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in and from Seoul you can refer to

  • Private Incheon International Airport Transfers (ICN) for Seoul
  • Discover Seoul Pass (BTS Edition Available)
  • [SALE] Instant Ticket! Korea Rail Pass (KR PASS) 2/3/4/5 Days to travel around the cities in Korea
  • KAL Limousine Bus Ticket for Seoul
  • [Limited Offer] AREX Incheon Airport Express Train One Way Ticket in Seoul
  • Nami Island, Petite France, Garden of Morning Calm, and Gangchon Rail Bike Day Tour from Seoul
  • [Limited Offer] Incheon International Airport (ICN) Luggage Services (Between Airport and Hotel) by Safex
  • 4G Prepaid SIM Card (SK Airports Pick Up) for South Korea
  • [SALE] South Korea 4G Pocket WiFi (KR Airports Pick Up) from KT Olleh
  • 4G Portable WiFi for South Korea from Uroaming (Unlimited Data)

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Are you looking for more South Korea travel guide here . And Seoul here: Seoul travel blog — The fullest Seoul travel guide blog for a wonderful budget trip to Seoul for the first time.

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    Changdeokgung and Gyeongbokgungare among the most popular places in Seoul to rent a hanbok. If you plan on visiting multiple palaces on your own, then you may want to invest in an Integrated Palace Ticket. Suggested Length of Visit: 1-3 hrs per palace. Admission: KRW 1,000-3,000 per palace. 2.

  21. Three Seoul Pass Options: Which One is Right for You?

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