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Cottar’s: Safari in 1920s Style

A special camp in Kenya's Olderkesi Conservancy

Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp - Cottar's Safaris Kenya

It’s on the plane ride to Nairobi that I watch a stunning documentary about a rare coalition of 5 cheetah brothers roaming the Maasai Mara together on the hunt for prey. And of course the story sticks. Might we be able to witness them in action? Where in the Maasai Mara are they hiding? And how likely is it to encounter them in a reserve three times the size of Vienna?

Spoiler alert: We found them – on the way to Cottar’s 1920s camp!

Table of Contents

The coalition of 5 cheetah brothers

On a cloudless January day we get picked up at the Maasai Mara Talek gate by our Cottar’s guide named Letura. It’s been six days in the Maasai Mara for us, but in a different region. It’s here – the South East of the Maasai Mara – what the famous cheetah coalition calls their home.

But actually seeing specific wildlife is always game of chance.

Just a few minutes from the gate we see a few cars standing together – so we approach and ask them what they are looking for. They tell us they are waiting for a serval cat, the thad been seen a bit ago. Not much later a few other cars join us who report to have seen a leopard. We wait around a few minutes with neither the serval nor the leopard showing up. So Letura turns around to see what’s happening on the other side. And there it is. We all see a cheetah head poking out from the tall grass. First it’s one, then two, then three and just seconds later the two additional brothers join the coalition.

There they are – all five of them, just like in the movie! The famous coalition of 5 cheetah brothers. Right next to us.

A gentle kiss is shared amongst two of the five brothers of the famous cheetah coalition.

Let’s just say we’re off to a good start on our last leg of our Kenya round-trip. Cottar’s should be our final destination after 11 incredible days in Kenya, but it doesn’t shy away from any comparison with what we experience until then.

Read more about our 2 weeks in Kenya here!

At the border of the Serengeti

But let’s start at the beginning! I obviously had booked our stay at Cottar’s 1920s camp before I had watched the cheetah documentary and also before I knew more about the region where the camp is located. The South-Eastern part of the Maasai Mara is quite different from the Mara Triangle where we had stayed before. Here you can walk along the border to Tanzania – a green border, that is only demarcated by occasional stone plates. It’s here where the thousands of wildebeest and zebras leave Kenya when the circle of the great migration leads them back to the Serengeti.

The landscapes in the South East of the Maasai Mara are dominated by rolling hills and some soft escarpements.

Step into the time machine at cottar’s.

It’s also here that the Cottar’s family started their safari business over 100 years ago – ahead of the trends. And that’s what the initial reason was why I chose this camp. It offers a peak into the history of safari traveling, while still being in the hands of the same family and has also tailored it’s offering to visitors seeking a retro experience and historical charm.  So just my cup of tea!

Welcome to Cottar’s 1920s camp – overlooking spectacular views right from your tent!

Retro vibes deluxe: the iconic canvas bush baths at cottar’s.

The tents of Cottar’s 1920s camp are spread out at the slopes of the Olderkesi community conservancy’s mountain range – overlooking the plains all the way to Tanzania. Upon arrival we plan the next days at the camp and our first item on the list are the famous canvas bush baths they only offer here . While the sun is slowly setting the Cottar’s team sets up two canvas bathtubs right on the terrace of our tent, slowly filling them with hot water and foam, neatly folding a few towels and even bringing fresh bubbly drinks and some cheese and grapes to nibble.

Setting up the iconic canvas bush baths at Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp in Kenya

It’s like a scene from another movie – one about adventurous travelers roaming Kenya a hundred years ago, while unwilling to let go of the comforts they are used from back home in England.

We feel like we stepped back in time when we sit in the bubble baths overlooking the sunset from Cottar’s elevated position. The time travel has just begun and shouldn’t stop there.

The very best bubble baths we ever took – guaranteed!

From typewriters to community conservation goals.

The tents are furnished with all sorts of antiques – we even have an old typewriter and some cut glassware inside the tent. Everything seems like it was transported to Cottar’s on board of ships a hundred years ago (although we later learn, that they are constantly shopping on flea markets these days to add to the charm of the camp) 😉

If you are into the 1920s flair you should definitely consider staying at this camp!

It’s all about the flair and charm, but there’s much more to it, then just it’s design. Leading a safari camp in the outskirts of the Maasai Mara comes with it’s own challenges – especially for a period as long as one hundred years . One of the challenges of the last decades has been in relation to population growth and an influx of more and more cattle grazing the lands.

The communal tent at Cottar’s 1920s camp offers old-world charm and comfort.

The foundation of the olderkesi wildlife community conservancy.

Cottar’s 1920s camp is located on a private stretch of land, that used to be a so called “group ranch”. In 2006 it was transformed into a community conservancy with ambitious wildlife conservation goals with a strong emphasis on benefiting the local Maasai community. In fact Cottar’s set up the Cottar’s Wildlife Conservancy Trust to lease back land from the Olderkesi community with the idea to work on achieving the goals together.

Wildlife still has to share space with cattle once in a while in the Olderkesi community conservancy – but that’s about to change!

Learning more about the goals of the conservancy.

We had the pleasure to meet up with Doug Braum, the manager of Cottar’s Wildlife Conservancy Trust (CWCT) . He explained the conservancy model and plans, that are now in phase one, where the first part of the conservancy is in process of becoming 100% dedicated to wildlife conservation . The result of phase one is that a group of families are currently moving to another section of the Olderkesi area on a plot of land, that was paid by the trust. This way the families benefit from the wildlife conservation efforts directly, while still being able to maintain their pastoral lifestyle.

This also means that cattle grazing (and other pastoral activities like logging) will stop in the first segment of the Olderkesi conservancy, exactly in the part where Cottar’s 1920 camp is located . The result of this will be an increased influx of wildlife back into the conservancy and higher chances for successful game drives with wildlife sightings .

In fact Doug tells us that the success of the last years of the conservancy are already tangible now and they had wild dogs on the lawn in front of the 1920s camp just recently. The resident leopards, that live close-by to the camp prove to be shy during our two days at Cottar’s, but there’s more to come. With the last cattle moving out of the area Doug is certain, that wildlife will learn they can roam the land undisturbed again within a matter of just days or weeks. The animals are incredibly smart and learn fast when a region becomes safe for them.

This land is part of a transformational process – from group ranch to wildlife conservancy!

The future of cottar’s: more space for wildlife.

All these developments are promising for Cottar’s and will add to the appeal of the camp. While we did see many giraffes, buffalos and so on – our cat sightings were limited to parts of the Maasai Mara National Reserve, that are about 1-2 hours of driving away from Cottar’s 1920s camp. It’s not that they are impossible close to the camp, but less likely in an area where you still see herds of cows today.

This will change in 2021 and we can’t wait to see how this will affect the wildlife sightings at Cottar’s!

While giraffes are abundant around Cottar’s lions have yet to return to the surroundings of the camp. We saw these two mating lions about a one hour’s drive away from the camp.

What makes cottar’s special.

If you’re planning a trip to Kenya there’s many things to consider. But if you’re into retro vibes and staying in a camp, that is run by the oldest established and continuing safari family in Africa this is the right place for you. Here’s some more reasons why you should book a stay at Cottar’s 1920s camp:

  • Family-owned and run lodge
  • Private concession – no other vehicles around
  • Professionally trained Maasai guides and staff at the lodge
  • Unique experiences like the canvas bush baths
  • Conservation learning experiences like meet-ups & talks with the female ranger unit, visits of the raptor rescue station, etc.
  • Supporting the establishment of the Olderkesi wildlife conservancy that serves as essential wildlife corridor between the Maasai Mara and the Serengeti

Staying under the cream-coloured canvas tents of Cottar’s 1920s camp has a very unique charm. Additionally Cottar’s also offers a private Bush Villa with it’s own 25 meter swimming pool that can be rented to families or larger parties with up to 10 guests.

If you prefer a private safari home – Cottar’s Bush Villa offers plenty space for 10 guests of one party or family.

The newly added “Explorer’s tent” tells more about the history of the Cottar’s enterprise, but also displays a large array of interesting items, like an animal poop collection 😉 Guests are encouraged to get guided tours of the

The new Explorer’s tent at Cottar’s 1920s camp in Kenya showcases the history of the area, Maasai culture and the Cottar’s family.

How to get to cottar’s 1920s safari camp.

We came to Cottar’s 1920s Camp from the Mara Triangle by car. Usually guests fly in to  Cottar’s Private airstrip directly or to Keekorok. Our drive took us all the way from the Northwest of the Maasai Mara to the Southeastern corner. Luckily this is not just a “transfer”, but comes down to a nice extended game drive. In fact we got lucky and saw the famous coalition of 5 cheetahs close to Talek gate – and therefore would even recommend to drive in via that route if it makes sense in your itinerary.

Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp

  • Ol Derkesi Community Conservancy, Nairobi, Kenia
  • Starting at 963 US$ per person + 116 US$ Conservancy Fee
  • Includes full board, water, tea & coffee, local drinks – soft drinks, house wines, beers, & select spirits, safari activities, Cottar’s Warrior School – Kids entertainment program, Cottar’s Private Airstrip transfers, Canvas Bush Baths, Transfers to cultural visits, Laundry, Nanny

Make sure to check our full Kenya itinerary here!

Cottar's safari vehicle

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Safari in 1920s style at Cottar's in Kenya

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, but we stayed at Cottar’s 1920s camp as part of a press trip. The views in this blogpost are our own.

Cottar's 1920s camp Cottars Cottars safari Olderkesi Community Conservancy Retro safaris Safari in style

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Cottar's Safaris

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Cottar’s Safaris is a portfolio of two transformative properties in the Maasai Mara area in Kenya, that work with the local community to unite wildlife conservation and sustainable luxury travel. We are a 5th generation family-run safari company that has been operating safaris in Africa for more than 100 years. Our 1920s Camp and Private Bush Villa are located in the private Olderkesi Conservancy which borders the Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Our motivation goes far deeper than simply providing a place to stay. As a fellow member of The Long Run, we operate under the guidelines of The Long Run’s 4Cs: Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce and are one of less than a dozen Global Ecosphere Retreats in the world. Each guest’s visit contributes directly to the sustainability of our conservation and social development efforts. These include the restoration of the natural environment to a pristine condition, re-establishment and protection of biological diversity, anti-poaching, on-site research and rehabilitation projects, the provision of healthcare services and a local preschool.

Situated in the untouched exclusive Olderkesi Conservancy bordering the Maasai Mara, Serengeti and Loliondo reserves; the area guarantees privacy and an abundance of wildlife. Our 1920s Camp provides the romance of safari under nine cream canvas tents, spacious and luxuriously furnished in the style of the bygone era of the twenties. Our private Bush Villa boasts 5 en-suite bedrooms, amazing views over the Masai Mara, a 25m private pool, a private chef and guides. Both properties extend an era of luxury and quality, as we return to the original spirit and essence of “safari”, reminiscent of a golden era; an era of romance, professional guiding, adventure and elegance. Our low-impact, high-value approach to sustainable ecotourism helps fund the vital work that is conserving land for biodiversity.

Cottar’s 1920s Camp

Cottar’s bush villa, cottar’s experiences.

The Cottar family provide genuinely stunning wildlife and wilderness experiences, engaging in the original spirit and essence of ‘safari’: an abundance of wildlife, a guarantee of privacy, and the highest standards of professional guiding, in a luxurious and authentic safari environment.

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Cottar's Safaris The Long Run

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Kenya, Masai Mara

+254 733773377 (Nairobi office)  |  +254 733773378 (Bookings & Reservations) [email protected]

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Cottar's Safari Services

Cottar’s 1920s Camp

Representing vintage safari luxury at its best, the award-winning Cottar’s 1920s Camp boasts its own 7,608-acre private conservancy and is situated just one kilometre from one of Earth’s natural wonders: the Masai Mara National Reserve and, across the border in Tanzania, contiguous Serengeti region. Run by the continent’s first and longest-running safari family owners, it embodies the original, romantic spirit of adventurous African travel.

Having been providing safaris for more than 100 years, the Cottar family focuses on providing authentic, individualised safari experiences and continuing a legacy founded on wilderness, wildlife, comfort and security, as well as honouring a balance between conservation, prosperous commerce, community and culture.

Our 1920s Camp provides the romance of safari under cream-coloured canvas tents – the bygone style of safaris’ golden age while, at the same time, supplying amenities required by modern-day travellers and professional guides whose qualifications rank among the highest in Africa.

” Within Kenya, Cottar’s and their 1920’s Camp keep a very low profile, but globally – this small family-run, purpose-driven company punches way above its weight. Travel + Leisure
  • One of The Long Run’s certified Global Ecosphere Retreats (GERs ) – with only 11 around the world
  • Located in the Olderkesi Conservancy, which borders the so-called “eighth natural wonder of the world”, the Maasai Mara National Reserve.
  • Secures the Olderkesi Conservancy for wildlife use: in a community partnership, the Cottar’s Wildlife Conservation Trust leases these 7608 acres from the local Maasai community , conserving biodiversity on the land
  • Fifth-generation family owners with more than 100 years of authentic history of arranging safaris in Africa
  • Highest standards of guiding, with two KPSGA gold-standard guides and one silver-level guide

safari 1920

  • Game drives
  • Guided walks
  • Visit a Maasai warrior school
  • Traditional canvas bush bath
  • Talk on sustainability and conservation
  • Talk on Maasai culture
  • Talk on the life of a hunter-gatherer
  • Talk on history of African travel
  • Coffee-tasting experience
  • Talk on pangolins
  • Carbon footprint, recycle and upcycling talk and experience
  • Raptor talk and visit
  • Foraging and medicinal walk
  • Ecological monitoring (must be pre-arranged at least one day ahead)
  • An hour with female conservation rangers (must be pre-arranged at least two hours ahead)
  • Talk on the history of Cottar’s
  • Reforestation seedball dispersal activity
  • Educational visit to The Explorers’ Tent, showcasing the history of safari

Activities at an Additional Cost

These activities will need to be pre-arranged – please enquiry for prices:

A conservation helicopter flight with the Mara Elephant Project (MEP) over the Maasai Mara

Immersive raptor experience with The Kenya Bird of Prey Trust

  • Mara educational cheetah experience
  • Visit the local Maasai village
  • Elephant research/monitoring experience
  • Beading lesson with Mamma Nashiro Batian
  • Massage or other spa treatments
  • Hot-air balloon flight over the Maasai Mara. PLEASE NOTE: The day begins with a wake-up call at 3.30am including tea and coffee before departure to the launch site. The drive takes about 90 minutes
  • Professional photography experience – with 20% of all proceeds going towards the Cottar’s Wildlife Conservation Trust


Conservation at their Core

Laikipia - Maasai Mara

safari 1920

Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp & Bush Villa

Olderkesi private conservancy, maasai mara, kenya.

The Cottar Safari tradition began in 1919. Almost 100 years on, we continue to provide an unparalleled safari experience to discerning clients in Africa. Extending an era of luxury and quality, we return to the original spirit and essence of "safari‟ , reminiscent of a golden era ~ an era of romance, professional guiding, adventure and elegance. Situated in an untouched exclusive concession bordering the Serengeti, Maasai Mara and Loliondo reserves, the camp and the area guarantee privacy and an abundance of wildlife .

Cottar’s is located in the famous ‘seventh’ natural wonder of the world, the Maasai Mara which has the largest concentration of terrestrial wildlife on earth - the immense wildebeest, zebra and plains game migration that numbers over to 2.5 million animals with some of the highest success rates of big five sightings in the business. Guiding is very important to us and we have the highest number of Gold Safari Guides within one camp in Kenya. All of our guides are chosen for their unique skill set, great personalities and a full understanding of the Cottar’s guiding ethos.  

Situated in an untouched and exclusive concession bordering the Serengeti and Maasai Mara National Reserve we are the only camp situated in the 6,000 acre private conservancy . Exclusivity is guaranteed, with no hot air balloons flying overheard, no minibuses buzzing around , no nearby lodges and no low-flying aircraft to disturb.  

We work hard to provide authentic and respectful Maasai cultural experiences and have developed some unique engagements such as ‘The Maasai Warrior School’, cultural visits, Maasai wedding blessings and invitations to certain Maasai ceremonies. The camp is situated on Maasai-owned land and employs members of the Maasai community and supports numerous initiatives including a school, medical facilities, water supply and ambulance service. Cottar’s 1920’s Camp is only one of ten accredited  Global Ecosphere Retreats  as part of The Long Run initiative.

Accommodations are under cream canvas safari tents in the 1920’s style in the Safari Camp , or in the modern Cottar’s Bush Villa with its own 25 yard swimming pool. Our accommodation choices are authentic and luxurious, providing the right mix of adventure and adrenaline and comfort .  

We have also designed the camp so that everyone, from honeymooners to families, can have their own space, experience and fun without necessarily disturbing others. From our family tents, to our honeymoon suite, from our bush villa that accommodates 10 to private dining, to  children’s menus, we can serve all guests respectfully. 

Cottar’s 1920’s Safari Camp has won numerous accolades including ‘Best Tented Camp in the World’ (Tatler Magazine), ‘Top Guides of Africa’ (Conde Nast Traveler), ‘101 Best Hotels’ (Tatler Travel Guide), ‘Best Trip of a Lifetime’ (Fodors), among many others. 

Reservations: [email protected]

US Contact: Brooke Berlin

[email protected]

Camp Fact Sheets, Images and Video: ​

Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp

Cottar's Bush Villa


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Pioneering The Safari - Our 100 year Story

The Essence of a Safari Through Calvin Cottar's Eyes

Cottar's 1920s Video - A Family on Safari

Calvin Cottar speaks about Cottar's, Conservation, and Community - May 2020

– masai mara luxury tented camp s

Cottar’s 1920s Camp

★★★★★ Rated Accommodation

Olderkesi Conservancy-Luxury Masai Mara Safari camp

Cottars 1920 safari camp-A luxury Masai Mara Camp

Experience the Elegance of a Bygone Era at Cottar’s 1920s Camp

Nestled in the heart of the breathtaking Masai Mara, Cottar’s 1920s Camp offers a unique blend of adventure, luxury, and colonial-era charm. This exclusive safari camp promises an unrivaled African experience, combining wildlife viewing and sophisticated comfort.

Located in the secluded Olderkesi Conservancy, the camp harkens back to the golden age of safaris. It features vintage-styled tented accommodations that ensure both grandeur and luxury.

The camp offers five-star amenities and services, ideal for discerning travelers seeking an extraordinary safari experience.

Discover Timeless Elegance

At Cottar’s 1920s Camp, the past thrives in luxurious authenticity. The camp captures the essence of East African safaris of yesteryear, set amidst the vast expanse of the Masai Mara.

Tented Accommodations with Classic Charm

Experience the following luxurious features of Cottar’s 1920s Camp:

  • Spacious, elegantly furnished canvas tents with en-suite bathrooms
  • Private verandas with sweeping views of the plains
  • Exclusive honeymoon tents for a romantic escape
  • Large, comfortable beds with the finest linens
  • Traditional safari showers and canvas baths


Exclusive Amenities

Cottar’s ensures an unforgettable stay with personalized services and facilities:

  • Unmatched Privacy : Enjoy the seclusion of the camp within the private Olderkesi Conservancy.
  • Fine Dining : Savor gourmet meals with fresh, locally-sourced ingredients.
  • Relaxation and Wellness : Indulge in spa treatments and massages set against the African bush.
  • Bespoke Safari Experiences : Explore the wilderness with expert-led game drives, walking safaris, and night drives.
  • Conservation and Culture : Engage in community visits and local conservation efforts.

Activities for Every Interest

Cottar’s 1920s Camp offers an array of activities for adventurers, wildlife enthusiasts, and culture seekers:

  • Game Drives & Guided Walks: Witness the Masai Mara’s rich wildlife.
  • Maasai Cultural Visits: Gain insights into vibrant Maasai culture.
  • Pool with a View: Relax beside a canvas-fronted pool overlooking the savannah.
  • Warrior School: Learn traditional Maasai skills.

safari 1920

Secluded Luxury in the Wild

At Cottar’s 1920s Camp, embrace the spirit of original East African safari pioneers. This is more than just a place to stay—it’s a return to the quintessential safari era with the luxuries of the modern world.

Cottar’s 1920s Camp Rates

View gallery, sample safari itineraries.

Cottar’s offers stunning wildlife and safari packages that encompass the true spirit of ‘safari’ with an abundance of wildlife and unparalleled privacy:

  • 6 Days Classic Explorer Mara Safari
  • Rich Cultures and Game Changing Conservation Safari
  • Wildlife-Rich, With Unique Charm
  • History Meets Conservation
  • The Game Changers Safari
  • Bush Villas Safari
  • Bush and Beach Villas Safari

Discover Additional Luxury Experiences At Nearby Camps

  • Mara Nyika Camp
  • Mara Plains Camp

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Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp

Africa Uncovered › Kenya Safari › Masai Mara › Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp


Features & Highlights

  • Authentic luxurious tented safari camp
  • Excellent game viewing
  • Just 10 luxury tented rooms
  • Some of the best safari guides in Kenya

Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp Summary

Cottar’s 1920’s Camp is located in a private concession bordering the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya. The camp is within a 22,000 acre exclusive concession, allowing for night drives as well as walking safaris and cultural visits to an authentic Masai village. This 1920’s camp experience returns to the original spirit and essence of ‘safari’, reminiscent of a golden bygone era, an era of romance, adventure and elegance. Here one will experience the ultimate in personalised service & guiding.

The Cottar’s Safari tradition began in 1919. Nearly ninety years on, the family continues to provide this unparalleled safari experience to discerning clients from all over the world. ocated just outside the South East section of the world re-knowned Masai Mara and bordering the Serengeti and Loliondo reserves.

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Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp Description

Cottar’s 1920’s Camp has 10 tents in total (one unique honeymoon tent, five double tents and four family suites), all with en suite bathrooms. The family tents have living rooms with fireplaces. The entire camp is situated to ensure that tents are private and quiet whether for honeymooners or families with young children.

Each tent is luxuriously furnished with safari antiques from the 1920’s, private ensuite dressing rooms/bathrooms, showers and flush toilets. The camp is equipped with a tented library/reading room and the cuisine and silver service is of the highest standard to be found in the bush.

Each tent has its own private butler.

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Cottar’s 1920’s Safari Camp and Bush Villa

A luxurious camp that takes guests back to the golden age of african safaris.

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Cottar’s 1920’s Safari Camp

Located on the Olderkesi Conservancy, bordering the legendary Maasai Mara National Reserve, Cottar’s 1920’s Safari Camp and Bush Villa capture the romantic spirit of safari from a bygone era.

The camp’s 11 spacious tents are sumptuously furnished with safari antiques, four-poster beds, dressing rooms, ensuite bathrooms, outdoor verandahs and the diligent attention of private butlers. Also set within the camp is the Cottar’s Bush Villa, the only private luxury home in the Maasai Mara. Rented only on an exclusive basis, the Bush Villa comes with a dedicated staff of eight, a large living room, a dining room, a magnificent viewing deck, five ensuite bedrooms, a private swimming pool and a dedicated game drive vehicle and guide.

Adhering to the highest standards of guiding, Cottars offers one-of-a-kind day and night game drives, bush walks, swimming and fishing. After an unforgettable day of exploring the plains of the great annual wildebeest migration, catching sight of the Big Five, and respectfully interacting with the local Maasai community, guests can look forward to delectable fine dining, relaxing in the reading room, cooling down in the sparkling pool with a sundowner or indulging in a pampering spa treatment.

What we love about Cottar’s 1920’s Safari Camp

  • Run by a fifth generation safari family with over 100 years of experience, this award-winning camp offers a bespoke safari experience like no other.
  • Relax in a traditional canvas bath outside your tent as you sip champagne and soak in the outstanding view.
  • Go for an early morning run with a member of the local Maasai community.


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  • Cottars 1920s Camp

Cottars 1920s Safari Camp Masai Mara, Kenya

safari 1920

Accommodation: Tented Suites including honeymoon and family and a Bush Villa

Activities: Game drives, bush walks, fishing, cultural interaction, pool, spa

Highlights: Maasai culture, unique safari experiences, bush bath

Destination: Private conservancy near Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya

At this luxury Masai Mara safari camp you'll step back in time to a different era. The antique furnishings and silver service enhance your safari experience in an unforgettable way. Alternately, for families and groups who want an exclusive fully staffed home, Cottar's Bush Villa is a contemporary retreat close to the main camp.

Cottars 1920s Safari Camp is situated in a premier location where the Serengeti, Masai Mara and Loliondo reserves meet. At Cottars you are in the perfect spot for witnessing the Great Migration on land, away from the river crossings which are a magnet for mass tourism. The annual migration occurs between July and October.

Cottars Conservancy offers an undulating wilderness where you can enjoy wonderfully private safari activities and not lay eyes on another Masai Mara safari camp, tour bus or balloon. Enjoy uninterrupted views of the game-rich landscape and the undivided attention of an impressive team of guides including the owner of the camp.

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  • Tel: +27 21 424 1037
  • Fax: +27 21 424 1036
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  • Business Hours
  • Mon - Fri. 08:00 - 17:00
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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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  1. Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp

    safari 1920

  2. FROM AN AFRICAN SAFARI ALBUM 1920's. / The Explora

    safari 1920

  3. Cottar's 1920's Safari Camp, Kenya’s Masai Mara tented camps

    safari 1920

  4. Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp

    safari 1920

  5. Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp

    safari 1920

  6. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ART DECO GIRL: African Safari 1920s Style!

    safari 1920


  1. Cheetahs chases a jackal

  2. 1920-е. Особенности эпохи

  3. ‘1920 Scoot’ mini replica set for safari

  4. Cottar's 1920's Camp

  5. Africa 1920

  6. How to find old Safari history on iPhone (FULL GUIDE


  1. Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp

    The award-winning Cottar's 1920s Camp is situated in the 7608-acre private Olderkesi Conservancy bordering the famous 'seventh' natural wonder of the world, the Maasai Mara in Kenya and the Tanzania Serengeti game reserve. Owned and managed by the oldest established and continuing safari family in Africa it extends an era of luxury and ...

  2. The luxury safari camp trying to move on from its colonial past

    A century of safari: Like it's name suggests, Cottar's 1920s Camp has been operating for 100 years in Kenya. Cottar's Safaris Taste of the past: The camp's vintage feel harks back to the colonial ...

  3. Cottar's: Safari in 1920s Style

    Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp. Ol Derkesi Community Conservancy, Nairobi, Kenia. Starting at 963 US$ per person + 116 US$ Conservancy Fee. Includes full board, water, tea & coffee, local drinks - soft drinks, house wines, beers, & select spirits, safari activities, Cottar's Warrior School - Kids entertainment program, Cottar's Private ...

  4. Welcome

    Cottar's 1920s Camp. Vintage luxury at its best, the award-winning Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp has its own 7608-acre private conservancy and is situated one kilometre from the famous 'seventh' natural wonder of the world, the Maasai Mara in Kenya and the Tanzania Serengeti game reserve.

  5. Kin Kenya: Safari at Cottars 1920s

    Cottars says it best: 1920s camp provides the romance of safari under cream canvas tents, the style of the bygone era of the twenties, while at the same time supplying the amenities required by today's modern world travelers and professional guides whose qualifications are the highest in Africa.

  6. Cottar's 1920s Camp

    Our 1920s Camp provides the romance of safari under cream-coloured canvas tents - the bygone style of safaris' golden age while, at the same time, supplying amenities required by modern-day travellers and professional guides whose qualifications rank among the highest in Africa. " Within Kenya, Cottar's and their 1920's Camp keep a ...

  7. Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp

    Find Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp, Ol Derkesi Community Conservancy, Masai Mara, Kenya, ratings, photos, prices, expert advice, traveler reviews and tips, and more information from Condé Nast Traveler.

  8. Cottar's 1920s Safaris

    Cottar's 1920's Camp is only one of ten accredited Global Ecosphere Retreats as part of The Long Run initiative. Accommodations are under cream canvas safari tents in the 1920's style in the Safari Camp, or in the modern Cottar's Bush Villa with its own 25 yard swimming pool. Our accommodation choices are authentic and luxurious ...

  9. Cottar's 1920s Camp-Unforgettable Wilderness Adventures at

    Cottar's 1920s Camp. Experience the luxury and elegance of a bygone era at Cottar's 1920s Camp amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Masai Mara. This exclusive safari camp offers guests a unique blend of adventure, wildlife viewing, and colonial-era charm, providing an unrivaled African experience.

  10. Cottars 1920s Safari Camp

    Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp Summary. Cottar's 1920's Camp is located in a private concession bordering the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya. The camp is within a 22,000 acre exclusive concession, allowing for night drives as well as walking safaris and cultural visits to an authentic Masai village. This 1920's camp experience returns to the ...

  11. Focus on Cottar's 1920's Safari Camp

    In 1919, Charles Cottar along with his sons Mike, Bud and Ted, established Cottar's Safari Service, one of the first registered safari companies offering superior game hunting and film safaris throughout Africa, India and Indochina. With stories running down through the ages of Charles Cottar surviving Elephant, buffalo and three leopard ...

  12. Cottar's 1920s Camp

    Cottar's 1920s Camp. Cottars 1920's Safari Camp, in its own exclusive concession bordering the Maasai Mara, is a throwback to an age of British tradition. This stylish colonial camp has an elegance that encourages you to relish in the glamour and opulance of a bygone era. Owned by Calvin Cottar, one of the most respected private guides in ...

  13. Fodor's Expert Review Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp

    Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp. If you want to turn back the clock and immerse yourself in the kind of original safari ambience that Ernest Hemingway enjoyed, this is the place to do it. From the ...

  14. Staying at Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp in Kenya

    The Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp organizes day and evening drives to the Masai Mara game reserve so that you can see the animals in their natural habitat. There are also guided bush walks, river swimming, and fishing excursions as well as cultural visits with the local Maasai people. Hotel: Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp.

  15. Cottar's 1920s Camp

    Take a step back in time at Cottar's 1920s Camp, one of Kenya's best safari lodges where the golden age of exploration meets modern-day adventure safaris in an untouched, exclusive conservancy. Expect endless savannahs straddling the Serengeti, Masai Mara and Loliondo reserves, with the chance to see an abundance of wildlife with top ...

  16. Cottar's 1920's Safari Camp

    Cottar's 1920's Safari Camp. Located on the Olderkesi Conservancy, bordering the legendary Maasai Mara National Reserve, Cottar's 1920's Safari Camp and Bush Villa capture the romantic spirit of safari from a bygone era. The camp's 11 spacious tents are sumptuously furnished with safari antiques, four-poster beds, dressing rooms ...

  17. The African Safari Lifestyle: Then and Now

    Back in the golden age of the African safari, namely the 1920s and 1930s, safari jackets, multi-pocketed vests, helmets and khaki shorts were on everyone's packing list. Pith helmets protected travelers from sun and rain. Made from the lightweight spongy tissue of certain plants, they remain the symbol of classic safari fashion.

  18. Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp

    History. Cottar's is a family business jointly owned by Calvin Cottar and his wife Louise, and the '1920s' part of the name comes from the fact that Calvin's great grandfather Charles (or 'Chas') travelled from Cedar County Oklahoma to set up Cottar's Safari Service (now Cottar's Safaris) in 1919.

  19. Cottars 1920s Safari Camp

    Cottars 1920s Safari Camp is situated in a premier location where the Serengeti, Masai Mara and Loliondo reserves meet. At Cottars you are in the perfect spot for witnessing the Great Migration on land, away from the river crossings which are a magnet for mass tourism. The annual migration occurs between July and October.

  20. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  21. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  22. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  23. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...