royal enfield tours

  • India / Himalaya
  • India / North India
  • India / Southern India
  • Nepal & Bhutan
  • South Africa
  • Thailand & Laos
  • United Kingdom
  • August 2024
  • September 2024
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  • November 2024
  • December 2024
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  • February 2025
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  • October 2025
  • term_id); ?>" class="stretched-link"> Adventure Tour
  • term_id); ?>" class="stretched-link"> Luxury Tour
  • term_id); ?>" class="stretched-link"> Motorcycle Ramble
  • term_id); ?>" class="stretched-link"> Motorcycle Training

Motorcycle road trip and motorcycle travels

The Wild Spirit of the Steppe

From design to completion, Vintage Rides humanizes travel. Over 500,000 of you have experienced it around the world.

Everything was well organised. I’ve gained new skills and had a great time on and...

Claus 29 May. 2024

An amazing experience alround – discovering the lovely Beaujaulai region and local treasures (thanks, Reshad)...

Christoph 23 May. 2024

For me you make a very good job… And i ll come with you in...

TACHAS 22 May. 2024

Header article Blog Tanzanie

Adventure is about broadening your horizons by delving into the unknown. This is the “raison d'être” of Vintage Rides, a premium agency for distinctive motorcycle adventures, created to encourage as many people as possible to embark on an adventure.

Explore wild trails of the world on a Vintage Rides motorcycle tour

Our motorcycle travel concept: awakening adventurers.

Our concept is simple: Embark on a motorcycle trip astride a Royal Enfield to discover new exotic places, far from the main tourist routes. Travelling off the beaten path will undoubtedly provide new experiences and unforgettable panoramas. One thing is certain: you’ll return home with plenty of long-lasting memories! Whether you want to travel alone on your motorcycle road trip or with a group, you’ll be sure to meet other bikers on one of our fixed departures. Travelling with a group of up to 12 pilots, you’ll share unique moments with other like-minded motorcycle travel enthusiasts who may be fellow compatriots or from further afield. What could be better than being surrounded by other motorcyclists who love the freedom and adventure of a motorbike tour ? You’ll also get to experience the sheer pleasure of riding, meet locals and explore your surroundings, a sure-fire bet that you’ll enjoy every moment intensely. After this authentic motorcycle road trip , you’ll be planning when you’ll next be able to set off behind the handlebars of Royal Enfield.


From Europe to Asia, South America to Africa, we offer classic tours all around the world. Join us on an unparalleled motorcycle trip to discover unspoilt splendor of nature: the Mongolian Steppes, the Himalayan Peaks, the Golden Triangle and many more! Our goal: to make your motorcycle travel dreams a reality! As true travel buffs, our teams are constantly devising new routes so that you can discover the hidden beauty in these regions. With more than 40 different motorcycle tour itineraries to choose from, you can travel across the continents, living a completely unique experience every time. From the get-go, you’ll be astounded by the stunning landscapes that pass before your eyes. Not only will you fulfill your passion for riding, you’ll meet local people and immerse yourself in their culture, such intense experiences that will give you the motorcycle travel bug. What’s more, fun and adventure are guaranteed!


Whether you are an adventurer at heart, always seeking new challenges, or prefer to travel at a slower pace, Vintage Rides has you covered. With such a vast range of destinations and itineraries, you are sure to find a motorbike tour that is perfect for your needs. If you are looking for thrills, our “Adventure Tour” style of motorcycle travel is adrenaline fuelled and ideal for you! If you are planning to take things slower, we recommend the “Luxury Tour” for a relaxed motorcycle road trip getaway with plenty of R&R and special moments. And if you’d prefer to mix it up, you can get the best of both worlds with a “Motorcycle Ramble” style of motorbike tour . No matter which you choose, you can expect a classic motorcycle road trip that combines the pleasure of riding and discovering local culture, always in a breathtaking setting.


Thanks to your Royal Enfield, your motorcycle trip will easily transport you to the more isolated villages where you will have authentic encounters with friendly locals. As a popular means of transport, your motorcycle enables you to create connections and start conversations. In the company of other riders, you bond over the camaraderie of the road. You will live a true human adventure!


Choosing a motorcycle tour with Vintage Rides means stimulating all your senses on a truly incredible journey. Mount up on your Royal Enfield and lose yourself to the purring of the engine. So many beautiful landscapes await! Let yourself be seduced by those new and exciting feelings. Manufactured since 1901, this motorcycle brand is one of the oldest in the world. Emblematic in India, the Royal Enfield is timeless in its beauty and performance. Not only is it affordable for riders of all levels, it is also the perfect bike for getting off the beaten tracks. Authentic and hearty, the Royal Enfield Bullet 500 is ideal for motorcycle travel . At a leisurely cruising speed, you can enjoy every inch of scenery that passes before you on your motorcycle trip . The Himalayan, built for off-road adventure, will no doubt appeal too. Adaptable to all types of terrain, this versatile bike will give you a thrilling motorcycle road trip experience. Difficult to make a choice, isn’t it? Don’t worry, Vintage Rides will give you the model best suited to your motorcycle trip .


Dreaming of an Asia motorcycle tour ? Has a South America motorcycle tour been calling your name? Or perhaps another continent that has captured your imagination? Our motorcycle tour options have been created to suit your personal taste. We offer many kinds of itineraries, depending on your level of experience and holiday goals. Whether you’re looking for a rugged off-road motorbike tour or more relaxing luxury experience, we’ve got you covered! You can also choose to travel alone or with a group of people, whichever best suits you! We offer three different motorcycle tour options to meet the needs and wants of every rider. The first one, called “Fixed Departure”, lets you be part of a group of 12 people maximum. This will be the opportunity to share a motorcycle trip off the beaten tracks with passionate bikers. If you already have a group of rider friends with whom you want to plan an adventure, that’s possible too! With the “Tailor-Made” formula, you can arrange a motorcycle road trip in line with your expectations with a departure date that will suit everyone. If you prefer, you can fully customise your trip with the “A la carte” solution.


Whether you’re exploring the wilds on an Africa motorcycle tour or unearthing hidden gems a little closer to home on a Europe motorcycle tour , our riders’ comfort and safety is paramount for Vintage Rides. Our team of passionate motorcycle tour professionals will accompany you every step of the way, from the initial designing of your motorcycle trip to the tour itself. Worried you may have a query or an unexpected problem? Fear not! You’ll be supported by experienced staff both on the tour and at Vintage Rides offices around the world. Throughout your motorbike tour , our teams are on hand to look after you. Our goal? We want to make sure you feel safe and comfortable at all times. That’s why an English motorcycle tour guide or an English speaker will always be available. We also have mechanics on staff so if you experience a breakdown, help is never far away. A support vehicle also transports your group’s luggage and carries tools as well as spare mechanical parts. It’s pretty simple: you focus on enjoying your motorcycle road trip and we take care of the rest!


We have shared our passion for pure motorcycling adventure with you for nearly two decades. From our very first India motorcycle tour to today, offering dozens of unique itineraries on four continents, our goal has remained the same: we want you to discover the roads of the world differently. We want to help you make your motorcycle road trip dreams of exploring faraway lands come true. That’s why our motorcycle tour itineraries combine the undeniable pleasure of riding with experiencing local cultures and unusual destinations. More and more of you are choosing Vintage Rides to organise your motorcycle travel and we thank you for it. With more than 1,400 riders travelling with us every year, your trust in us is essential. We work daily to make your motorcycle trip as successful as possible. It is therefore important for us not only to collect your opinions , but also to share them with you.

What are you waiting for? Schedule your motorbike tour on our departure calendar now.

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royal enfield tours


royal enfield tours

Welcome to Enfield Tours India

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Discover Most Popular Motorcycle Tours

For an Adventure of a lifetime, you can’t get much better than a motorcycle ride with Enfield Tours India .

12 Day | Total Distance: 1400 KM

Leh ladakh bike trip 2022.

Ladakh 12 DAYS Classic 500 CC

11 Day | Total Distance: 1400 KM

Manali leh srinagar bike trip 2022.

Leh/Srinagar 12 DAYS Classic 500 CC

Srinagar Leh Manali Bike Trip

Srinagar/Leh 11 DAYS Classic 500 CC

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Our concept is simple: ride a Royal Enfield to discover new exotic places off the beaten path. Off-the-beaten-path travel will undoubtedly provide new experiences and unforgettable views. One thing is certain: you will return home with a plethora of unforgettable memories! Whether you travel alone or in a group, you will undoubtedly meet other bikers on one of our scheduled departures. Traveling in a group of up to 12 pilots, you'll share unforgettable experiences with other like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts, who may be fellow countrymen or visitors from further afield. What could be better than being surrounded by other riders who appreciate freedom and adventure? You'll also get to enjoy the pure joy of riding, meet locals, and explore your surroundings.

We specialise in planning expeditions on Royal Enfield Adventure Motorcycles in the Himalayas and other regions of India. We offer guided motorcycle tours to many locations in Leh Ladakh , Srinagar , Spiti Valley ,  Himachal Pradesh , Rajasthan , South India , Bhutan , and Nepal , among others. We offer Himalayan motorcycle tours and other motorbike tours in India , Nepal, and Bhutan, with departures from cities such as Delhi, Shimla, Srinagar, Manali, Chandigarh, Jodhpur, Mumbai, Goa, and others. Our road trips take you to some of the most scenic landscapes, highest mountain passes, remote villages, oldest monasteries, majestic forts, and much more.

In India, Nepal, and Bhutan, we at Enfield Trips India are always glad to design specialised Royal Enfield motorbike tours. Enfield Tour India also offers pre-planned Royal Enfield trips with knowledgeable tour guides across the Himalayas, Leh Ladakh, North India. Consider looking at our motorcycle tour packages.

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Himachal Pradesh

South India


Looking for something truly unique?

It could be a birthday, an anniversary, or a get-together with old friends. Perhaps you're simply looking for something to challenge and change you.

Whatever the reason, we can provide advice and design a personalised motorcycle tour across India, Nepal, or Tibet. Your path. Your schedule. Your final destination. Simply tell us more...

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Why Choose Enfield Tours India?

Maintained Motorcycles

Well Planned Routes

Best Available Accommodation

Well Managed Logistics

No Hidden Charges

GPS Tracks & Road-book

Looking for Real Adventure?

Discover the thrill of Adventure.. You will definitely savor the memories of your trip with us for a very long time

Here is a list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not in this list, just contact us .

I have never been on tour before - will I hold everybody up?

No, this is a tour, not a race - whenever there is a group of riders together, you get a wide range of experience and riding abilities. We are quite used to this, and you will never be asked to ride beyond your capabilities. However, you owe it to yourself and the others on tour to be a competent rider and choose a tour within your riding capabilities.

How many people go on tour?

Believe it or not, in the early days, we have toured with just one! We are pleased to say that those days are long gone and numbers now very much depend upon the bookings we receive. However, it is our policy not to run with a large number of bikes.

Which motorcycle would I be riding on your tours?

Depending on the tour you select, it will either be a Royal Enfield 500cc motorcycle or a 411cc Royal Enfield Himalayan dual-sport motorcycle with gears on the left and the brake on the right hand side.

Can I ride my own motorcycle on the tour?

On our tours, we have identical make and model of Royal Enfield motorcycles for all riders and road captains. This ensures that we have adequate spares and required tools in case of any breakdown. Hence we do not allow riders to do the tour on their motorcycle.

Would I be carrying my own luggage on the motorcycle?

No, we have back-up vehicles on all our tours that will carry your luggage for you. But you should carry your valuables like passport, cash, camera and other important equipment with you at all the time. We shall be providing you with a tank bag for the same.

Can I bring a partner with me on the tour?

Yes, you surely can. We believe that the travel experience is more enhanced when you have your partner with you on the journey. That is why we have discounted couple packages for our tours. Please note that if you book the couple package, we only provide one motorcycle.

What should be my fitness level?

We definitely are not making you climb Mount Everest. But if you can climb few flights of stairs without getting breathless, you are fit enough! But you should consult your doctor if you want to join any of the tours to Ladakh, where all the action is at high altitudes.

What is the risk involved?

The risk factor is about the same when you drive or ride to work every day in our country. Just because you are riding a motorcycle in India does not mean that all of a sudden you are in a high risk zone. Motorcyclists around the world get overwhelmed after watching images and videos of Indian traffic, but all our tours are in remote regions of India where traffic is minimal. It all depends on your mindset, whether you want to call tough riding conditions as adventure or risk, or understand the paradox behind this argument.

Ride On Your Own terms

Hire Royal Enfield Motorcyle and explore India

Starting INR 1,199/day*


“ I took the long trip from Kolkata solely to explore Ladakh's splendour in the most daring way possible, and it was well worth the effort. Both the service and the meal were excellent. ”

Rajat Biswas

Paras vardhan.

“ Prior to getting engaged, my bike ride to Ladakh served as my bachelor party and final outing with the guys. It was, to put it mildly, the best and most refreshing thing I could have hoped for. I adored every aspect of it. The rental bikes were excellent and in excellent condition for driving on smooth roads, good highways, river bed roads, or even off-roading. ”
“ Although this is my second trip with Adventure Nation, this is my first time bicycling. The previous time I visited Hampta Pass Trek. I also had a wonderful time there. This time, it was a lot of fun! It was so much pleasure to have everyone with us, including the crew that was there to take care of the motorcycles, our food, and our lodging. I'm still so happy. I've never had a better encounter. ”

Harmeet Kapoor

“ Take the journey of your life, but make sure you are well-prepared before you leave. It is preferable to make your reservations through a company like Adventure Nation because we received a comprehensive itinerary and continuous mechanical support. And if you go with them, you won't need to carry any extra items like camping gear and other things. Additionally, going with these guys is safer if you're travelling alone because you'll undoubtedly make some riding companions. ”

5 Adventurous LocationsFor Motorcycle Tours In India

5 Adventurous LocationsFor Motorcycle Tours In India

Introduction India has some of the best places for road trips. While you can travel across India by car or train and bus, motorbikes are a great way to see more of the country on your own terms. T

7 Most Adventurous Motorcycle Tours Which You Should Experience In India

7 Most Adventurous Motorcycle Tours Which You Should Experience In India

One of the most spectacular activities for adventure lovers is touring on motorcycles in India. Because it is one of the best-kept secrets in the world, many motorcycle tourists from all over the wor

Indian Motorcycle Touring: The Ultimate Safety Guide

Indian Motorcycle Touring: The Ultimate Safety Guide

If you read the news, you might think that motorcycle touring in India is only for death-wishers. Although Indian roads do not always receive favorable press coverage, they serve as a gateway to some

Ladakh Motorcycle Expedition

Ladakh Motorcycle Expedition

So you finally have decided to gather your guts and take a step towards adventure motorcycling. And what better place to start with than the vast mountain ranges of the Himalayas in Ladakh? Magni

Motorcycle Riding Experience in Maharajas State Rajasthan

Motorcycle Riding Experience in Maharajas State Rajasthan

Rajasthan is the largest state in the entirety of India. Considering it shares its borders with five different states including Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat, and a vast

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Himalayan Escape

8 day motorcycle tour of the indian himalayas, asia himalayas india.

This Royal Enfield motorcycle tour takes in the most spectacular locations and routes of the Ladakh region in the Indian Himalayas. You’ll visit…

Home > Trips > Asia > Himalayas > Himalayan Escape

royal enfield tours

  • Destinations: Asia Himalayas India
  • Max Group Size: 14 Riders
  • Trip Type: Guided & Supported
  • Riding Type: Royal Enfield

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Tour highlights.

royal enfield tours

You’ll visit ancient monasteries, ride over some of the world’s highest passes, pass through the vast Nubra Valley, spend a night next to the world’s highest salt lake and wander the Tibetan markets that line the streets of the Leh – the capital of Ladakh.

If you want to experience the very best of Ladakh on a fully supported Royal Enfield motorcycle tour, this is the trip for you!

Tour Itinerary Click to expand

Day 1: arrive in leh - welcome to ladakh click to expand.

You’ll touch down in Leh, the capital of the Ladakh region. With breathtaking mountain peaks in every direction, it’s a truly special place to start your holiday!

You’ll be met at the airport by your tour leader and transferred to the hotel for checking in. After lunch on the terrace, you’ll be given a briefing of the trip ahead. You’ll then have some time to explore this wonderful little town before everyone gets together for the welcome dinner and campfire.

  • Accommodation: 4* hotel.
  • Included Meals: Lunch, dinner.

royal enfield tours

Day 2: Leh - Lamayuru 165km Click to expand

The first riding day of this Royal Enfield motorcycle tour will instantly have you grinning from ear to ear! It’s an exhilarating ride on excellent tarmac roads that wind alongside the Indus River.

The conditions today are excellent, giving you the chance to really get to know the Royal Enfields and enjoy the outstanding scenery.

Our destination for the day is Lamayaru – a beautiful 11t century monastery set within a moonlike landscape. The relaxed vibe of this place is infectious, with the peaceful sounds of the occasional jingling bells from slow spinning prayer wheels and monks going about their daily business. This is a very special place that will make you feel a very very long way away from home, in a good way!

  • Accommodation: Hotel.
  • Included Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

royal enfield tours

Day 3: Lamayuru - Leh 165km Click to expand

After a relaxed morning and a stroll around the monastery we’ll hop back on the trusty Enfield’s and make our way back towards Leh. We’ll branch off onto some new roads, visiting a giant golden buddha and Alchi Monastery – Ladakh’s oldest monastery – along the way.

royal enfield tours

Day 4: Leh - Pangong Lake 180km Click to expand

We start the day with fast sweeping roads that cut through the Indus Valley before reaching our first checkpoint.

After your guide has sorted out all the paperwork we will begin the climb up ChangLa pass. Sat at 5,360m above sea level, the air is thin but the views are simply spectacular.

Dropping down the other side we’ll weave through the green valley, stopping for a picnic next to a stream with nearby wild horses and roaming yaks.

Our destination is Pangong Tso – a 134km long lake, two thirds of which is in Tibet. It’s a beautiful place and riding alongside the crystal clear waters with reflections of snow capped mountains is an amazing feeling.

  • Accommodation: Cosy yurts close to the water’s edge.

royal enfield tours

Day 5: Pangong Lake - Nubra Valley 190km Click to expand

Start the day with a cup of tea, sat next to the highest salt lake in the world before saddling up for another incredible day’s riding Royal Enfields through the Himalayas!

Leaving the lake behind us, we follow a narrow valley alongside the raging Shyok River. The scenery is fast changing, producing fresh breathtaking views around every corner.

We reach Nubra where the mountains part and the valley opens up into a vast expanse of sand dunes and leafy villages.

  • Accommodation: Luxurious safari style tents.

royal enfield tours

Day 6: Nubra Valley - Leh 130km Click to expand

It’s the final day of riding on this Royal Enfield motorcycle tour and today is the big one: KhardungLa pass. Sitting at 5,380m above sea level, it is reputed to be the highest civilian motorable road in the world. The roads up to the top are incredible and when we reach the summit we’ll stop for the celebratory group photo with the sign! It’s high fives all round before we hop back on the Enfield’s and cruise the newly tarmacked, beautifully windy roads back down to where we started. Cold beer on the terrace? Why not.

royal enfield tours

Day 7: Leh Rest Day Click to expand

With the riding done, you have some time to relax and explore. The tiny market streets of Leh are a great place to do some souvenir shopping and the 9 storey palace overlooking the town is well worth a visit.

In the evening we’ll get together for a farewell dinner at an excellent restaurant in the town. It may have only been a one week trip, but you’ll be blown away by the amount you’ll have seen and experienced!

  • Included Meals: Breakfast, dinner.

royal enfield tours

Day 8: Departure - Transfer to the Airport Click to expand

We’ll taxi you to the airport where we will say our goodbyes. It’s an incredible flight out of the mountains so make sure you fight for the window seat!

  • Accommodation: Not included.
  • Included Meals: Breakfast at the hotel.

royal enfield tours

Inclusions Click to expand

Included click to expand, accommodation click to expand.

Quality twin-share accommodation is included as per the itinerary. Please see ‘Optional Extras’ for the single room supplement option.

Please see the daily itinerary details for more info on each nights accommodation.

Airport Pickup / Drop-off Click to expand

You’ll be collected from Leh airport (IXL) on the morning of the first day.

At the end of the trip we will arrange transfers back to the same airport in Leh (IXL).

Entrance Fees / Permits Click to expand

All entrance fees and riding permits needed for the tour.

Expedition Leader Click to expand

Your tour will be led and managed by a highly experienced member of the Ride Expeditions team (trained as a wilderness first response medic).

Financial Protection Click to expand

Ride Expeditions Ltd is committed to customer satisfaction and consumer financial protection. At no extra cost to you, and in accordance with ‘The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018’, all passengers booking with Ride Expeditions Ltd are fully insured for the initial deposit, and subsequently the balance of monies paid as detailed in your booking confirmation form.

The policy also includes repatriation if required, arising from the cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of Ride Expeditions Ltd. This insurance has been arranged by Towergate Travel through Evolution Insurance.

During the COVID-19 crisis, every rider that requested a refund was issued a cash refund.

Fuel Click to expand

All fuel for your motorcycle is provided by us and we carry spare fuel in our support vehicle for the sections of the route where fuel stations are scarce.

Local Guide Click to expand

Your motorcycle tour in India will be guided by an experienced local.

Meals Click to expand

Breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided on most days.

Please see the daily itinerary to see what meals are included on each day.

Mechanic Click to expand

A mechanic will be riding at the back of the group, ready to attend to any issues that may arise.

Medical Support Click to expand

At least one member of the support team will have been trained as a Wilderness First Response medic.

An extensive medical kit including a defibrillator (AED) & stretcher is carried in the support vehicle.

We also have consulting doctors on call, 24/7, who are always ready to assist in the case of an emergency. Our doctors are fully briefed on all riders medical info prior to the tour, they know what we do, where we are riding, exactly what we have in our medical kit and what training our medics have.

Tours are accompanied by GPS trackers and a satellite messenger device so our doctor and office can see exactly where we are and can maintain communication.

Motorcycle Hire (if selected) Click to expand

If you have you your own suitable & reliable motorcycle at the start point, you are quite welcome to use that for this trip. If not, we will provide a rental motorcycle for you… Please see the Dates & Prices section for available bikes.

Part Profits Donated to Charity Click to expand

Since the day Ride Expeditions started running tours in Cambodia back in 2012, we have been dedicated to supporting the local community.

Part profits from every motorcycle tour are donated to M’Lop Tapang – a local Cambodian charity dedicated to bettering the lives of young children & their families.

Personalised Jersey Click to expand

A Ride Expeditions riding jersey with your name printed on the back.

Rainforest & Wildlife Conservation Click to expand

Playing our part in rainforest & wildlife conservation and in an effort to off-set our carbon emissions, we donate part profits to World Land Trust .

Support Vehicle Click to expand

Our Himalayan motorcycle tours are accompanied by at least one support vehicle. There will always be space for any of the riders to sit inside should they need a rest at any point throughout the tour.

These backup vehicles will also carry all of your luggage, spare parts, tools, extensive medical kit (in addition to the kit carried by the tour medic), defibrillator (AED) & stretcher.

Our support vans will usually be no more than 5-15 minutes behind us on the bikes & meet with us at the rest/ drink stops & lunch. The drivers will hand out water, fruit juice, chocolate bars & fruit etc at each of the rest stops.

The truck will follow behind us all the way to our accommodation where the driver will have your bags sent to your rooms.

Welcome Pack Click to expand

We’ll welcome you with a bag of Ride Expeditions goodies which will include:

  • Water bottle;

Not Included Click to expand

Flights click to expand.

You’ll need to book a return flight to Leh, India (IXL) to arrive on or before the morning of Day 1 of this trip. You will then fly out of the same airport on the last day of the trip. (If you are booking a flight home from Delhi on the same day, please allow yourself ample time to make the connection).

It is important you either:

  • Book a flexible flight ticket that allows you to make amendments or cancel without penalty;
  • Have travel insurance that you will reimburse you for out of pocket expenses incurred by a cancelled trip;
  • Do not book your flights until we have notified you that this departure is guaranteed.

Motorcycle Damages Click to expand

Please be aware that you are liable for all damages caused to the motorcycle.

If you don't want the potential hassle of being charged for motorcycle damage at the end of the ride, we offer our own damage protection plan. Please see the 'optional extras' section for more information.

Other Expenses Click to expand

  • Any meals that are not mentioned in the itinerary;
  • Emergency transportation;
  • Any other item, optional excursion, activity or entrance fee that is not specifically mentioned as being included.

Personal Travel Insurance Click to expand

It is a condition of booking that you obtain appropriate travel insurance that covers you for riding the same capacity motorcycle that you’ll be riding on this motorcycle tour.

The insurance must cover emergency evacuation, medical bills, repatriation etc.

Riding Kit Click to expand

Road / adventure style kit is the way to go on this motorcycle tour, rather than off-road or enduro gear. So that means a good helmet, protective riding jacket and trousers, ideally with CE or equivalent approved armour on the pointy bits – elbows, knees and shoulders.

You are also going to need good leather gloves, a neck tube, thermal base layers and a sturdy pair of motorcycle boots.

Please bring waterproofs if your kit doesn’t keep out the wet stuff.

Optional Extras Click to expand

Single room supplement click to expand.

Single room accommodation is available for every night of the trip.

FAQs Click to expand

Do i need a visa click to expand.

Yes, unless you are a national of Nepal, Bhutan or the Maldives. If you are from an eligible country, the easiest way to get one is to apply for an e-tourist visa online, but make sure you visit the official site… Here’s the link .

Assuming you live in an eligible country / territory you can apply online up until a minimum of 4 days in advance of the date of arrival with a window of 120 days. So for example, if you are applying on 1st Sept you can select arrival date from 5th Sept to 2nd Jan.

For peace of mind, we recommend you do this nicely in advance to avoid any delays or issues. The visa lasts 60 days so unless you decide to extend your trip for vastly more than the length of the tour, then this should be plenty. When you arrive at Delhi airport, there is an immigration form to fill in before you queue up to show your visa. Now we all know Brits love to queue but don’t wait to get to the front just to have the man send you to the back past everyone to fill in the form, it’s just embarrassing.

Follow this link for the most up to date entry requirements. This is a link to the UK foreign office website – if you are not a UK resident, please search for the equivalent info from your home country’s foreign office.

Visa costs, if applicable, are not included in the tour price.

How can I avoid altitude sickness? Click to expand

  • Stay well hydrated. Caffeine and alcohol impacts hydration, so it’s a good idea keep intake to a minimum until you are acclimatised.
  • Apparently a high potassium diet helps. Lots of bananas then…
  • Make a conscious effort to breathe properly as we climb to higher altitudes – you want to saturate your blood with oxygen. Your tour leader will explain this in more detail in your welcome briefing.
  • Diamox is an altitude sickness tablet – please do your own research on this – if you decide you would like to take these, we always carry a stock with us. You’ll want to start taking these in Delhi, before we start climbing.
  • Oxygen – we carry oxygen bottles with us on every trip. Our medic will keep an eye on everyone and monitor peoples stats. He will administer oxygen if necessary.
  • Ibuprofen if you start to feel a headache coming on.

How do I book? Click to expand

To secure your place we simply need a 20% non-refundable deposit (subject to a minimum of £500). The remainder does not need to be paid until 60 days prior to the tour start date.

How do I carry my main luggage? Click to expand

This Royal Enfield motorcycle tour will be followed by either one or two support vehicles depending on group size. This means that all your luggage goes in there rather than having it bounce around on the back your Royal Enfield for miles on end. You just need to take either a tank bag or small rucksack for your camera and any travel essentials.

Is Ride Expeditions insured? Click to expand

Yes. Here at Ride Expeditions, we take the necessary precautions to ensure that we protect both ourselves and you as the customer, with insurances covering financial failure, public liability, professional indemnity and employers liability (you will need your own travel insurance).

To obtain this insurance we must meet strict safety standards and local regulations. We must also carry out thorough risk assessments about all aspects of a tour before tyres can hit tarmac (…or dirt!).

Is it safe to drink the tap water? Click to expand

NO! Although the locals may be drinking tap water, doing the same has a strong possibility of playing havoc with your insides. It’s called Delhi Belly for a reason.

We recommend that you drink only bottled water and that you check the seal before drinking. If you choose canned drinks, give the lid a good wipe beforehand just to be sure. And when brushing your teeth, rinsing with bottled water is a good idea too.

Is my money safe? Click to expand

Yes. All passengers booking with Ride Expeditions Ltd are fully insured for the initial deposit, and subsequently the balance of monies paid as detailed in your booking confirmation form. The policy also includes repatriation if required, arising from the cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of Ride Expeditions Ltd. This insurance has been arranged by Towergate Travel through Evolution Insurance.

Is this trip suitable for those with limited mobility? Click to expand

Not riding the motorcycle, no (although this will of course depend on the extent of your limited mobility). However, we may be able to accommodate you in our support vehicle. We advise you to give us a call and we can discuss.

Is wi-fi available throughout the trip? Click to expand

In theory yes, although in practice, Wi-Fi coverage can be slow at best, slower on average and non-existent on many occasions. We advise you activate your ‘out-of-office’!

What are the health / immunisation considerations? Click to expand

For the most accurate and up to date info, we advise you visit the Indian page of the ‘Travel Health Pro’ website .

Please also consult with your own doctor at home at least 8 weeks before your trip.

What currency should I bring with me? Click to expand

This one is both simple and complicated. The local currency is Indian Rupees – INR. However, unless you are a resident of India, importing rupees is prohibited so you cannot actually obtain the notes outside the country itself like you can for other countries.

You can either bring in other currencies to exchange when in India, or simply withdraw rupees from ATMs as you would back at home. Well we say that, but if you are in a remote village with only three residents, a yak and an elderly donkey, there may not be an ATM, so don’t expect universal coverage throughout the trip!

If you do bring cash, US dollars are universally welcome. Bitcoin, coloured buttons and belly button fluff are not. Whatever you bring, try not to exchange too much at the arrival airport – the exchange rate is terrible! There are ATMs at the airport too.

What documents / licenses do I need? Click to expand

To be legally riding in India you are required to carry your local driving licence, which must cover the size of bike you will be riding. This will also be a stipulation of any travel insurance company too.

You will also need an International Driving Permit (IDP). An IDP is basically an official, multi-language translation of your driving licence.

What is the average group size? Click to expand

Average group sizes are 8-9 riders and we limit the groups to 14 riders.

What is the cancellation policy? Click to expand

If you cancel your booking before departure, cancellation charges will be applied as follows:

  • 61 days or more before tour start date – retention of deposit
  • 42-60 days before tour start date – retention of 50% of tour price
  • 28-41 days before tour start date – retention of 70% of tour price
  • 0-27 days before tour start date – retention of 100% tour price

Please refer to our Terms & Conditions for further info regarding cancellations, changes and transferring your trip to a friend.

What is the official travel advice? Click to expand

For the most accurate and up to date info on travel advice for India, we advise you to visit the foreign office website.

Follow this link for Indian advice from the UK foreign office. As we are a UK company, this is the official government advice we follow. If you are not a UK resident, we advise you search for the equivalent info from your own country’s foreign office, as travel advice may differ.

What's the minimum number of riders required for this tour? Click to expand

The minimum required number for this trip to run is 6 riders. We reserve the right to cancel the tour if this number is not met and we will provide you with a minimum of 56 days notice. Please know that this is an absolute last resort for us and we will always do everything in our power to avoid this happening.

Which payment methods do you accept? Click to expand

We accept GBP payments by Visa, Mastercard & American Express and direct bank transfers. Please get in touch if you would rather pay in another currency – we’ll do our best to accommodate!

Which plug types are used in India? Click to expand

There are 2 types of sockets in India – 3 Pin connections – Type D, or 2 pin connections -Type C.

Dates & Pricing

June 30, 2024 - july 7, 2024 (premium package).

  • Rider (Incl. Royal Enfield Himalayan): £1870
  • Rider (own bike): £1765
  • Pillion: £1445

The Motorcycles

  • Royal Enfield Himalayan Included [7 Available]

Optional Extras

  • Motorcycle Damage Protection Plan + £105
  • Single Room Supplement + £255
  • Start Date: June 30, 2024
  • End Date: July 7, 2024

Expedition Leader:

royal enfield tours

July 7, 2024 - July 14, 2024 (Private) (Premium Package)

  • Rider (Incl. Royal Enfield Himalayan): £1700
  • Rider (own bike): £1595
  • Royal Enfield Himalayan Included [Sold Out]
  • Start Date: July 7, 2024
  • End Date: July 14, 2024
  • Only 6 places remaining.

Private tour for Peter

July 14, 2024 - july 21, 2024 (premium package) sold out.

  • Start Date: July 14, 2024
  • End Date: July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024 - July 28, 2024 (Premium Package)

  • Royal Enfield Himalayan Included [1 Available]
  • Start Date: July 21, 2024
  • End Date: July 28, 2024
  • Only 1 place remaining.

royal enfield tours

August 22, 2024 - August 29, 2024 (Private) (Premium Package)

  • Start Date: August 22, 2024
  • End Date: August 29, 2024

royal enfield tours

Private tour for Nick

June 29, 2025 - july 6, 2025 (premium package).

  • Rider (Incl. Royal Enfield Himalayan): £1935
  • Rider (own bike): £1825
  • Pillion: £1495
  • Royal Enfield Himalayan Included [2 Available]
  • Motorcycle Damage Protection Plan + £110
  • Single Room Supplement + £285
  • Start Date: June 29, 2025
  • End Date: July 6, 2025
  • Only 2 places remaining.

royal enfield tours

July 6, 2025 - July 13, 2025 (Private) (Premium Package)

  • Rider (Incl. Royal Enfield Himalayan): £1755
  • Rider (own bike): £1645
  • Royal Enfield Himalayan Included [6 Available]
  • Start Date: July 6, 2025
  • End Date: July 13, 2025
  • Only 4 places remaining.

Private tour for Neil

July 13, 2025 - july 20, 2025 (premium package).

  • Rider (Incl. Royal Enfield Himalayan): £1940
  • Pillion: £1590
  • Royal Enfield Himalayan Included [4 Available]
  • Motorcycle Damage Protection Plan + £115
  • Start Date: July 13, 2025
  • End Date: July 20, 2025

Tour Gallery

royal enfield tours

Related Trips

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Himalayan Heights

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  • August 26, 2024
  • September 02, 2024
  • September 16, 2024
  • July 21, 2025
  • July 28, 2025
  • August 04, 2025
  • August 11, 2025
  • August 18, 2025
  • August 25, 2025
  • September 01, 2025


For  all  tours cancelled by Ride Expeditions, riders can choose to receive a  100% refund  or to transfer all monies paid to any future tour.

Full details can be found in our  terms & conditions.

Ride Expeditions Ltd is a company committed to customer satisfaction and consumer financial protection. At no extra cost to you, and in accordance with ‘The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018’,  all passengers booking with Ride Expeditions Ltd are fully insured for the initial deposit, and subsequently the balance of monies paid  as detailed in your booking confirmation form. The policy also includes repatriation if required, arising from the cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency of Ride Expeditions Ltd. This insurance has been arranged by Towergate Travel through  Zurich Insurance PLC .

Book your next tour with confidence with Ride Expeditions.

Privacy Overview


Himalayan motorcycle tours.

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This royal enfield himalayan tour has it all. endless hairpins, spiti valley adventure riding, iconic manali to leh highway, then ride the high passes to leh, the highlights.

Start in the hilltop town of Shimla, at the foothills of the Himalayas, in the mist-covered mountains

Travel through the pine forests, up into the higher altitudes of Sarahan, and visit the famous Bhimakali Temple

Moto tour near the old Indu Tibetan road to the remote village of Kalpa

Ride along roads cut into the sides of cliffs to Nako on the Tibet border. Wander through the village streets that time forgot.

Visit the Tabo monastery, the oldest continuous monastery in India (and maybe the Himalayas)

Travel to the highest post office in the world at Hikkim and send postcards to your family and friends back home

Tackle the challenging road from Kaza to Chandratal, with adventurous water crossings, rock, and gravel riding along the way. Our guides will be there to help you through if needed.

Visit the stunning deep-emerald Chandratal Lake

Journey to the village of Keylong, and then across the highest pass in the Zanskar region, Baralacha La.

Stay in glamping tents at Sarchu, and tell stories around the fire

Ride your Royal Enfield up the infamous Gata Loops, roar across the big open More Plains, and then drop down on the twisty road to Leh

Spend time in Leh visiting the fort and palace, or relax with a day shopping and watching the Himalayan world go by 

DURATION : 12 days

DIFFICULTY : Beautiful riding, a mix of on road and off-road, water crossings, gravel, rock and sand in stunning scenery. Guides to help along the way if needed.

GUIDE : English and Hindi-speaking guides

BACK UP : Excellent mechanics who specialise in Royal Enfields, van with snacks and drinks

WHEN : Tours run from June until October

ACCOMMODATION : Luxury hotel to glamping tents

COOL PHOTOS : Unlimited


Twin Share Accommodation: $3,080 USD per person

Single Accommodation: $3,750 USD per person

Pillion (Twin Share):  $2,560 USD per person

Please email us for upcoming dates.

Or we can custom-make a tour for you and your friends on a date that suits you.

royal enfield tours

Day 1 - Welcome to the Himalayas - We meet you at Chandigarh airport for your transfer, or meet us at the hotel in Shimla. Welcome dinner to meet everyone.

Day 2- Shimla to Sarahan - Travelling Distance: 155 km

First day on your Royal Enfield! An easy ride out of the Shimla traffic and up into the mist-wrapped pine forests. Twisty roads lead through small villages and apple orchards. Finish at Sarahan, near the old Indo-Tibetan road. Visit the 800-year-old Bhimakali Temple, a mix of Hindu and Buddhist styles.

Day 3 – Sarahan to Kalpa- Travelling Distance: 80 km  Riding along roads carved into the side of cliffs, dense forests, and snow-peaked mountains, today lives up to this area being known as the land between earth and paradise. End the day in the small village of Kalpa.

Day 4 – Kalpa to Nako - Travelling Distance: 100 km Travelling to one of our favourite places, the road is diverse as you climb up higher towards the Tibetan border. Ride the Kah Loops,  cross the clanking metal bridges and make your way through the gorges and cliffs of rock. Tonight is glamping in one of the most serene places on this planet.

Day 5 – Nako to Kaza - Travelling Distance: 115 km Gorgeous day riding, down through the rock, and trying not to be distracted by the stunning views. Stop at Tabo Monastery for lunch, the oldest continuously operating monastery in India (and possibly the Himalayas).  Finish the day touring along the Spiti River to Kaza.

Day 5 – Kaza Rest day in Kaza. Wander around town, or ride to Hikkim and the highest post office in the world. Well worth the short trip to post some cards home, and then head on to the highest village in the world.  Second night in Kaza.  

Day 7 – Kaza to Chandratal Lake - Travelling Distance: 100 km Great days riding with everything in it. Rock, water crossings, gravel, narrow roads. Everything about today is big - vast scenery and adventurous riding.  This road is only open from May to around October, otherwise, it is blanketed in snow and impassable.  Visit  possibly the most beautiful lake in the region, Chandratal Lake.  

Day 8 – Chandratal to Keylong - Travelling Distance: 115 km

Another great day riding, dipping down the green mountains, and awesome water crossings (our support staff will give you a hand if you need one). Onto the famous Manali-Leh highway into the village of Keylong. Ano  

Day 9 – Keylong to Sarchu - Travelling Distance: 100 km Heading out of the tranquil valley, up to Baralacha Pass, the highest pass in the Zanskar region.  We stop at dhabas along the way for chai and lunch and end up at the high plains of Sarchu camp. Dinner, campfire and stories from the day.

Day 10 - Sarchu to Leh -  Travelling Distance: 260 km

Another favourite day's riding. Heading out in the morning, today is a showcase of the best Himalayan motorcycle travel. From riding the Gata Loop hairpins to blasting across the More Plains and going over the second-highest motorable pass in the world (Tangla La). You then dip down the twisty roads into Leh, past the Buddhist monastery and prayer flags, to finish in this Ladakh township.

Day 11 - Leh Sight Seeing

Day off, sightseeing in mountain-framed Leh. Visit the market for souvenir shopping, lunch overlooking the square, or head out to the 16th-century Tsemo Fort and Leh Palace. Ask your guide for suggestions.

Day 12 - Leh to Airport

Goodbye from the Himalayas. We drop you at the airport for your transfer if you are flying out. The flight out of Leh will take you over the majestic Himalayas that you have just toured on a Royal Enfield, taking home some awesome stories.

Manali Spiti Valley Leh Lahaul Valley Mototouring Map.jpg


Transfer from Chandigarh airport to Shimla at the beginning of your trip, and transfer to Leh airport at the conclusion.

A Royal Enfield motorbike for the duration of your trip

Experienced, English-speaking mechanics and guides

Support vehicles that are carrying  spare  bike/parts /gas/tools, mineral water, snacks

Accommodation (best in-area hotels and glamping)

All meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, mineral water, and juices on the way)

Petrol (for the bikes and support vehicles for the trip)

First-aid kit with all necessary medicines in the mountain region

All line permits for the controlled area for Kinnaur Valley and around Ladakh

Unforgettable memories and cool moto touring stories to take home


All flights (international and domestic)

Travel insurance - you must organize this before you leave home. Make sure it covers you for moto touring on the size bike you will riding and covers medical evacuation, medical bills, repatriation

International motorcycle license -some travel insurance requires you to have one of these for your insurance to be valid, a good idea to check.

Motorcycle damage - you are liable for all damage to your bike on the trip. 

All alcohol and any extra drinks you may order. We ask that you settle your extra drinks and alcohol bill each day before you leave, directly with the accommodation.

Tips and gratuities

Riding gear including helmet, boots, gloves, etc (please bring all these with you, it is difficult to purchase in this region)

Accommodation, meals, and any attractions not included in the tour (includes any pre and post-tour extra accommodation, travel to and from the starting points)

Discover a New Adventure


Wild Yak Expeditions


royal enfield tours


Nepal is a landlocked gem, sandwiched between India and China, located in the Himalaya (“The mystic land of Yetis”).The country fascinates with mesmerizing mountains, rich cultural diversity, magnificent temples, artistic shrines, and inspiring natural scenery. Due to its geographical diversity, Nepal is one of the best travel destinations in the world. Whatever action you love to do, in Nepal you can do it! The choices to embark to a lifetime experience are endless. Either you climb high mountains, trek between the world’s tallest mountains, go for a Safari ride, mountain bike in the core of the Himalaya, raft on the wild rivers, explore the UNESCO World heritage sites, the experience is indescribable.

Bhutan is well-known for its dramatically varied topography. It boasts a great diversity of awe-inspiring landscapes of snow-clad mountains, lush valleys, dense forests and rushing streams that are considered to be abodes of the gods.To the south lies India; to the north Tibet. Having only opened its doors to the tourism in 1974, Bhutan has remained relatively isolated from western influence and enabled to maintain a rich traditional based Buddhist culture.

The autonomous region of Tibet is located at the main part of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, south-West frontier of China. Tibet borders with Sichuan, Yuannan, Qinghai and Xinjiang; to the south contiguous to India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Burma, and bounded by Kashmir on the west. Open grassland, virgin forest, Tibet is also home for some of the world’s tallest mountains, with several of them making the top ten list with Mount Everest: the highest mountain on earth. With its particular dry climate, Tibet is worth a visit almost all year long. April to November are the milder months.

A splendid Nature, a history of several thousand years, an identity like no other: the Alps. Are you dreaming of a new experience? Climbing a 4000-metre high peak, enjoying a meal at a timeless bivouac or admiring the high peaks on a journey of several days’ walking. Excited of spending the summer in the mountains? Discover this true natural gem with WILD YAK. Whether in Switzerland, France or Italy, WILD YAK takes you off the beaten track.

  • Trekking in Nepal
  • Trekking in Tibet
  • Trekking in Bhutan
  • Cultural Tours
  • Private Trips
  • Everest North

Love love love! Have you ever dreamt of going trekking in Nepal? If you have never done trekking in Nepal, then you certainly miss a magical experience in your life. However, many people assume one needs to be strong, physically very fit, and have a long holiday to go trekking in Nepal.

Open grassland, virgin forest, Tibet is also home to some of the world's tallest mountains, with several of them making the top ten list. Experience an authentic discovery of the highland of Tibet by foot. Mount Everest: the highest mountain on earth in the background gives a special taste to your adventure.

In the Himalayas' heart, landlocked between India and Tibet, Bhutan offers many possibilities for trekking off the beaten track that will leave no one indifferent. Due to the country's policy of isolation, there is little traffic on the trekking trails. With 70% of its territory covered by forests

The Himalayas are a treasure trove of traditions and culture. WILD YAK EXPEDITIONS offers a wide range of guided tours to enjoy the charm of these local treasures. Discover our cultural tours or contact us for a customized cultural tour, we will be happy to advise you!

Royal Enfield Tours

Royal enfield tours in tibet.

We are currently designing with passion and dedication the finest Royal Enfield 500Cc Motor Bike Tours in Tibet. We are looking forward to presenting you our next creations. Get prepared for your future Royal Enfield bike ride on the roof of Tibet.

Thank you for your patience!

More about Royal Enfield tours

The well-maintained roads on the Tibetan Plateau are perfect for crossing the passes over 5000-meters. And the Royal Enfield bikes are the perfect bikes for such a ride!

Why with us?

Passionate about Royal Enfield Bullet bikes, WILD YAK EXPEDITIONS’ co-founder, Norbu Sherpa, with his Tibetan origins, is the best reference for your future Royal Enfield ride in Tibet.

Which equipment to I need for such a ride?

A pre-departure meeting with Norbu Sherpa

A pre-departure will be organised with Norbu Sherpa, where all necessary information with regards the material and specific equipment will be given.



Mount Everest Cultural Tour

Max. altitude.

5200m / 17,388ft


Boutique Hotels

Per Person Cost

Upon Request

more Discovery

Motor bike tours – nepal, motor bike tours – bhutan, contact the experts, 
get better insight..

Norbu Sherpa

Norbu Sherpa

Norbu speaks fluently: English, Tibetan, Nepali and Hindi. The vision to empower the young generation and inspire the benefit of traveling to the people are Norbu’s principal aspirations behind the creation of WILD YAK EXPEDITIONS.

Andrea Sherpa

Andrea Ursina Zimmermann Sherpa

Andrea speaks fluently: Swiss German, French, German, English (with a little bit of Italian). Believing in high-quality service and responsible tourism, her aim is to give people the opportunity to discover the magnificence of the mountain world and to help support the local people. 

royal enfield tours

Come and enjoy one of our spectecular fully guided Motorcycle Tours through the fascinating scenery, history and culture which shapes this amazing land

Allow us to introduce you to Andalucia, a very different kind of destination, a whole new world just waiting to be explored on a Royal Enfield . 

  This part of Spain couldn't be more different, i t is an area of dramatic mountains sprinkled with tiny unspoiled whitewashed villages, diverse countryside ranging from deserts in the east, to marshes and plains in the west and the lush Costa Tropical in between. Over 700 km of glorious beaches sharing both the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and best of all, the awesome roads.

   Composed of eight provinces, stretching from the south-east to the south-west of the country, each one named for its capital city: Cadiz, Cordoba, Jaen, Huelva, Almeria, Malaga, Granada and Seville. We are based in the small town of Salobreña, on the Costa Tropical in Granada Province. Our Local Tours are conducted within this province.  With an average of 320 days sunshine per year, and an average temperature of 20 °C, it is the perfect location for touring on a moto.

  We offer fully guided motorcycle tours of this region on our own Royal Enfield's or if you prefer, you can make your own travel arrangements, arrive on your own classic bike and we will gladly show you around this amazing land.

royal enfield tours

If you would like more Information or would like to book one of Our Tours

royal enfield tours

“Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen.”    

   Louis L’Amour


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Adriatic Moto Tours Celebrates 20 Years

Adriatic Moto Tours

In a milestone year when the American Motorcyclist Association is celebrating its 100th anniversary and Rider is celebrating its 50th, our friends at Adriatic Moto Tours are celebrating 20 years of providing unique motorcycle tours in Europe.

“It all began 20 years ago in a home garage in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, with two motorcycles and three enthusiastic individuals: Matej and Martina Malovrh, along with their good friend, Blaz Zganjar, all of whom are still deeply involved in running the company,” according to a retrospective blog on Adriatic Moto Tours’ website. “Matej had a vision of attracting foreign riders to our neck of the woods, and Blaz and Martina joined him in pursuit of that vision. At that time, very few foreigners knew where Slovenia was, yet we succeeded in attracting a few enthusiastic riders from overseas within the first year. Our primary marketing tool was a $50 webpage.” (You can read the full story on AMT’s website.)

Adriatic Moto Tours

The company was founded in 2004 as SMTours (for Slovenia Moto Tours), and started with two BMWs, an F 650 GS and an R 1200 GS. The first tour explored Slovenia and Croatia and had three guests from Florida. In 2005, the same year Matej and Martina got married, the company did five guided tours. Tour offerings expanded into other countries, and in 2007 the company’s name became Adriatic Moto Tours. 

Through hard work, dedication, and passion, Adriatic Moto Tours grew steadily over the years, adding more bikes to its fleet, more tours to its catalog, and more tour guides, van drivers, and support personnel to its team.

Adriatic Moto Tours

Adriatic Moto Tours now offers 22 unique guided tours in various regions of Europe, including the Adriatic Coast and the Balkans, the Alps, Central Europe, the Mediterranean, and – starting in 2024 – Scandinavia, with a new tour of Norway. AMT also offers self-guided tours, custom tours, and motorcycle rentals from its base in Ljubljana.

Adriatic Moto Tours

Adriatic Moto Tours: Reviews

Rider staffers and contributors have reviewed seven of Adriatic Moto Tours’ guided tours, and you can read their reports below.

  • Beautiful Balkans Adventure , reviewed by Greg Drevenstedt. This 15-day tour explorers the mountains and coast in Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Hercegovina, and includes rest days in Sarajevo and Dubrovnik.
  • Czech Hungary Tour , reviewed by Bill Stermer. This 15-day tour explores Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Austria and includes rest days in Budapest, Krakow, and Prague.
  • Adriatic Riviera Tour , reviewed by Jenny Smith. This 9-day tour explores the mountains and coast in Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Hercegovina, and includes a rest day in Dubrovnik.

Adriatic Moto Tours

  • Intriguing Southeast Europe , reviewed by Jenny Smith. This unique 15-day tour explores countries that aren’t on most travelers’ radar, including Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, and North Macedonia.
  • Romania to Istanbul Adventure , reviewed by Jim Horton. This 16-day tour explores Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania, including the world-famous Transfagarasan Road and Transalpina in the Carpathian Mountains.
  • Sardinia & Corsica – Riders’ Heaven , reviewed by Scott A. Williams. This 9-day tour explores two Mediterranean islands – one that’s part of France, the other that’s part of Italy – that offer world-class curves and scenery.
  • Western Alps Adventure , reviewed by Greg Drevenstedt. This 9-day tour explores high alpine passes and charming villages in Italy, Switzerland, and France.

Adriatic Moto Tours

Adriatic Moto Tours: Other Notable Tours

  • Alps Adriatic Adventure , a 15-day tour that explores the Adriatic coast and the Alps in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, and Italy.
  • Tuscany Sardinia Corsica Tour , a 16-day tour that explores the vibrant Tuscany region of Italy as well as the Mediterranean islands of Sardinia and Corsica.
  • South of Rome and Sicily , a 15-day tour that explores southern Italy and the island of Sicily.

Adriatic Moto Tours

Everyone at Rider congratulates Matej, Martina, and the entire Adriatic Moto Tours on a successful first 20 years. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for the next 20!

To find out more about Adriatic Moto Tours, visit their website .


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EagleRider Motorcycle Rental and Tours Announces New CEO Sebastian Schoepe

Sebastian Schoepe is the new CEO of EagleRider Motorcycle Rental and Tours

EagleRider Motorcycle Rental and Tours logo

This is a press release from EagleRider…

Los Angeles, Ca (June 3, 2024) – EagleRider Motorcycle Rental and Tours, the premier powersports experience provider with over 200 locations worldwide, proudly announces the appointment of Sebastian Schoepe as its new Chief Executive Officer.

Sebastian Schoepe, originally from Germany, launched his distinguished career in hospitality and experiential travel with global attractions powerhouse Merlin Entertainments, renowned for its LEGOLAND, Madame Tussauds, SEA LIFE, and numerous other global brands. After a successful tenure at Merlin, Schoepe held executive roles at RSG Group, a leading global fitness and lifestyle company. In 2020, following RSG Group’s acquisition of Gold’s Gym, Schoepe was appointed as its Global CEO. His mission was to inject a fresh, engaging approach from his hospitality and entertainment background into the Gold’s Gym business. His innovative strategy successfully repositioned Gold’s Gym, attracting a younger audience and revitalizing the brand across 75 US locations and over 500 global franchise locations.

Now, Schoepe will lead EagleRider’s next stage of successful growth in global rentals, tours, membership, and peer to peer services, focusing on making EagleRider the ultimate destination for adventure and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. “My journey with EagleRider began as a passionate rider and rental customer, and now I have the privilege and opportunity to be its leader. I’m truly humbled to be part of this iconic legacy brand,” said Schoepe.

“We could not be more excited to help Sebastian write the next chapter in the 32-year success story of EagleRider,” said Chris McIntyre, Co-Founder of EagleRider. “EagleRider has evolved from a rental company to a motorcycle and powersports experience company with everything from high-end guided tours to monthly motorcycle subscriptions and membership. We love Sebastian’s experience and passion, and we are excited to see him take EagleRider to a new level of success.”

Learn more at

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  • Vladivostok

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment

635-й зенитно-ракетный полк

Military Unit: 86646

Activated 1953 in Stepanshchino, Moscow Oblast - initially as the 1945th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment for Special Use and from 1955 as the 635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment for Special Use.

1953 to 1984 equipped with 60 S-25 (SA-1) launchers:

  • Launch area: 55 15 43N, 38 32 13E (US designation: Moscow SAM site E14-1)
  • Support area: 55 16 50N, 38 32 28E
  • Guidance area: 55 16 31N, 38 30 38E

1984 converted to the S-300PT (SA-10) with three independent battalions:

  • 1st independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion (Bessonovo, Moscow Oblast) - 55 09 34N, 38 22 26E
  • 2nd independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion and HQ (Stepanshchino, Moscow Oblast) - 55 15 31N, 38 32 23E
  • 3rd independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion (Shcherbovo, Moscow Oblast) - 55 22 32N, 38 43 33E

Disbanded 1.5.98.


  • 1st Special Air Defence Corps , 1953 - 1.6.88
  • 86th Air Defence Division , 1.6.88 - 1.10.94
  • 86th Air Defence Brigade , 1.10.94 - 1.10.95
  • 86th Air Defence Division , 1.10.95 - 1.5.98


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  19. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  20. Transport in Zvenigorod

    Zvenigorod is located in 50km from Moscow and has very good transport connection with Moscow. Zvenigorod Railway Station Zvenigorod Railway Station is located far from the city centre. To get to the centre from the railway station, take bus No. 23 or No. 51.

  21. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

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  23. 635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment

    635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment. 635-й зенитно-ракетный полк. Military Unit: 86646. Activated 1953 in Stepanshchino, Moscow Oblast - initially as the 1945th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment for Special Use and from 1955 as the 635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment for Special Use. 1953 to 1984 equipped with 60 S-25 (SA-1 ...