• Aventuri extreme


Căpitanul Farului, Dina Grameni, în lotul preliminar pentru EURO 2024

Șoimii din cernavodă joacă sâmbătă ultimul meci al sezonului, csm constanța a încheiat cel mai bun sezon al handbalului masculin constănțean din ultimul deceniu, etapa decisivă în lupta pentru trofeul de campioană în liga a iv-a, de trei ori aur pentru sportiva de la csm constanța, bianca mei-roșu, la platja d’aro.


SENIOR VOYAGE: Excursii pentru toate vârstele și bugetele!

Adriana Mosoiu

  • Călătorii în perioadele de sezon redus, pentru a beneficia de prețuri cât mai bune și a te bucura de locurile respective fără aglomerație.
  • Înnoptare în aceeași locație, astfel căratul bagajelor dintr-o parte în alta nu va mai constitui o problemă.
  • Echilibru optim între relaxare și vizite. Vizitezi pe îndelete, pentru a surprinde frumusețea fiecărui loc și moment.
  • Asistență turistică pentru întreaga perioadă, care include preluarea și însoțirea turiștilor către și de la hotel, organizarea excursiilor opționale și suport oricând la destinație.
  • Ghizi profesioniști, bine pregătiți pe fiecare destinație, care știu ca-n palmă fiecare pietricică din partea locului.

Citește și Vacanță în ROMÂNIA: DELTA DUNĂRII, un colț de natură rupt din rai

  • senior voyage

program senior voyage christian tour


Buna ziua! Ma numesc Rodica Grigoras si locuiesc in Brasov. As dori sa ma inscriu la mai multe excursii in tara,realizate de Cristian Tour dar,faptul ca, se pleaca dimineata din Bucuresti este un impediment pentru mine. Ar fi foarte convenabil daca, CONTRA COST s-ar asigura un transfer de la Brasov la punctul de imbarcare din Bucuresti si retur. Am fi mai multe persoane interesate. 10 martie 2024,cu multumiri anticipate

Bună ziua, Vă rog să luați legătura cu cei de la agenția Christian Tour din Brașov, pentru a găsi o soluție.

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program senior voyage christian tour

CSM Constanța a încheiat cel mai bun sezon al handbalului masculin constănțean din ultimul...


De trei ori aur pentru sportiva de la CSM Constanța, Bianca Mei-Roșu, la Platja...


Handbaliștii de la CSM Constanța dispută joi ultimul meci al sezonului


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program senior voyage christian tour

Christian Tours for Singles Over 50

Embarking on a journey of faith and adventure knows no age limits, and for Christian singles over 50, the world beckons with captivating destinations that blend spiritual enrichment, cultural exploration, and the joy of forming meaningful connections.

Christian travel tours designed exclusively for this vibrant demographic offer an extraordinary opportunity to deepen one’s faith while basking in the beauty of diverse lands and forging lasting friendships with like-minded individuals.

  • Egypt Christian Journey – The Steps of Jesus – This tour offers a spiritually enriching pilgrimage, retracing the biblical footsteps of Jesus through significant sites in Egypt, providing you with a unique opportunity to connect with the roots of Christianity and delve into the sacred stories that unfolded in this ancient land.
  • Holy Land Galilee & Golan Tour – This tour is a spiritually enhancing and culturally immersive pilgrimage through the biblical landscapes of Galilee and the Golan Heights, offering a transformative experience connecting you to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ amidst the region’s natural beauty and historical significance.
  • Bethlehem, Jericho and Qasr al-Yahud – This tour is a spiritual journey through iconic biblical sites in the Holy Land, offering you a profound connection to the region’s cultural and religious heritage.
  • Epic Egypt and Jordan Religious Journey – This tour is another transformative pilgrimage that intertwines the sacred heritage and historical wonders of Egypt and Jordan, offering you a profound and spiritual connection to the ancient biblical stories and cultural treasures of these extraordinary lands.
  • Land of the Gods – The 13-Day Israel and Jordan Tour of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Jericho, and Petra is an immersive and complete expedition that weaves together the ancient biblical sites, modern cities, and cultural wonders of Israel and Jordan, offering you a profound and enriching voyage of historical discovery and spiritual connection.

How to Choose a Christian Tour

Choosing a Christian tour that aligns with your interests, spiritual preferences, and travel expectations requires careful consideration.

Research Tour Operators

Look for reputable tour operators that specialize in Christian travel. Check their websites, read reviews, and assess their experience in organizing similar tours. Established companies often have a track record of delivering meaningful experiences.

Review Tour Itineraries

Examine the itineraries of various tours. Ensure that the destinations and activities offered resonate with your interests and spiritual goals. Look for tours that visit places you’ve always wanted to see or that offer unique opportunities for spiritual reflection.

Consider Group Size

Determine your preference for group size. Some travelers enjoy intimate, small-group experiences, while others prefer larger gatherings. Choose a tour that suits your comfort level and desire for personal connections.

Check Accommodations and Transportation

Verify the quality of accommodations and transportation provided during the tour. Comfortable lodging and efficient travel arrangements contribute to a more enjoyable experience.

Tour Leaders and Guides

Learn about the tour leaders and guides who will accompany you on the journey. Experienced and knowledgeable guides can enhance your understanding of the destinations’ cultural and spiritual significance.

Seek Spiritual Content

Assess the spiritual content and activities included in the tour. Some tours may offer daily devotionals, worship services, or prayer gatherings, while others may focus more on historical or cultural aspects.

Compare Costs and Inclusions

Compare the costs and what is included in each tour package. Take note of any additional fees or optional excursions. Consider the value of inclusions like meals, entrance fees, and guided tours.

Read Testimonials

Look for testimonials or reach out to previous participants to get firsthand feedback about their experiences with the tour operator and the overall trip.

Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a tour that resonates with you on a spiritual and personal level. If a particular tour feels right in your heart, it’s likely the one that will offer you the most enriching experience.

How to Prepare for a Christian Tour

Preparing for a Christian tour involves a combination of practical considerations and spiritual readiness. Here are some steps to help you prepare for a meaningful and fulfilling Christian travel experience.

Define Your Purpose

Determine the purpose of your trip. Are you seeking a tour that focuses on spiritual growth, historical Bible sites, humanitarian outreach, or a mix of these elements? Understanding your intentions will guide your search.

Spiritual Preparation

Take time to pray and meditate on the purpose of the trip. Reflect on your spiritual goals and expectations for the journey. Consider reading relevant scriptures related to the destinations you’ll visit to deepen your understanding and connection.

Get to Know Fellow Participants

If possible, connect with other participants before the tour. Many tours have online groups or forums where you can introduce yourself, ask questions, and foster a sense of community before you even start your travels.

Understand Local Customs

Research the cultural norms and customs of the countries you’ll be visiting. Understanding and respecting local practices will help you make the most of your interactions and leave a positive impact.

Prepare Emotionally

Be open to new experiences and be willing to step out of your comfort zone. Traveling can sometimes be challenging, but approaching it with an open heart and a positive attitude can lead to transformative experiences.

Pack Thoughtfully

Pack appropriate clothing and essentials based on the destinations and activities on the tour. Don’t forget to include comfortable walking shoes, a Bible, a journal for personal reflections, and any items you use for daily devotionals.

Pack an Attitude of Gratitude

Approach the tour with an attitude of gratitude, knowing that this is an opportunity to grow spiritually, meet new people, and witness God’s beauty in different parts of the world.

As the demand for travel experiences catered to mature Christian singles continues to rise, an array of specialized tours awaits, promising an unforgettable blend of spiritual rejuvenation, breathtaking discoveries, and the boundless camaraderie that arises when hearts align in the pursuit of God’s grace across the globe.

Egypt Christian Journey – The Steps of Jesus

This tour, offered by Look at Egypt Tours, is a remarkable pilgrimage that retraces the footsteps of Jesus in the land of Egypt, a country deeply intertwined with biblical history. This spiritually rich voyage spans over several days and takes you to significant biblical sites, providing a unique opportunity to connect with the roots of Christianity and immerse in the sacred stories that unfolded in this ancient land.

The tour commences in Cairo, Egypt’s bustling capital, where you will have the chance to visit the renowned Egyptian Museum, home to a vast collection of artifacts from ancient times, including exhibits with potential biblical relevance. The journey then leads to Old Cairo, a district rich in Coptic Christian heritage. Here, you will explore the Hanging Church (Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church), which dates back to the 3rd century and is one of the oldest Christian churches in Egypt.

Next, the tour takes you to the serene city of Aswan, where a felucca sailboat expedition on the Nile River allows for a contemplative experience amid the scenic beauty of the Nile’s banks. The itinerary continues with a visit to the Philae Temple, dedicated to the worship of the goddess Isis but also associated with the legend of the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra, and her encounters with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

From Aswan, the trip moves to Luxor, where a captivating exploration of the East Bank and West Bank awaits. On the East Bank, you will witness the grandeur of the Luxor Temple, an ancient site that holds historical significance as a place of worship for both pharaohs and early Christians. On the West Bank, you will visit the Valley of the Kings, the final resting place of several pharaohs, including the tomb of Tutankhamun, and the awe-inspiring Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut.

The tour then culminates in the ancient city of Alexandria, where you can delve into the remnants of early Christianity at the catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa and the Roman Amphitheater, both emblematic of Alexandria’s historical Christian past.

Throughout the Egypt Christian Journey – The Steps of Jesus tour, knowledgeable guides offer insights into the biblical significance of each site, weaving together the tales of the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt with the vast historical tapestry of this storied nation. You will have ample opportunities for prayer, reflection, and spiritual contemplation in the very places where Jesus’ presence was believed to have left an indelible mark.

Tour Operator: Look at Egypt Tours

Days: 9 days, 8 nights

Max Group: 15

Holy Land Galilee & Golan Tour

This tour is an exceptional and soul-stirring pilgrimage that invites you to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ through the serene landscapes of Galilee and the majestic expanses of the Golan Heights. With a focus on spiritual enrichment and cultural discovery, this meticulously designed tour promises an unforgettable experience that will resonate deeply.

The tour starts in Galilee, a region of profound biblical significance where Jesus spent much of his ministry. Amidst the rolling hills and picturesque shores of the Sea of Galilee, you will visit hallowed sites such as Capernaum, where Jesus performed miracles and taught his disciples, and the Mount of Beatitudes, where the timeless Sermon on the Mount was delivered. The tour also includes a visit to the Baptismal site on the Jordan River, a place of profound spirituality where pilgrims can partake in baptismal ceremonies and renew their faith.

As the tour ventures into the Golan Heights, you are greeted by awe-inspiring panoramas and an abundance of natural beauty. This region, renowned for its captivating landscapes and historic significance, offers you a unique opportunity to explore ancient fortresses, such as Nimrod Fortress, which echoes with stories of the past, and the ancient city of Banias, where the ruins of a pagan temple bear witness to the region’s historical tapestry.

Throughout the trip, experienced guides share their profound knowledge of the biblical events that unfolded in these sacred lands, breathing life into ancient stories and providing a deeper understanding of the scriptures. Daily reflections and moments of prayer allow you to connect spiritually with the essence of the Holy Land, fostering an atmosphere of reverence and contemplation.

Tour Operator: Click Tours

Days: 3 days

Max Group: NA

Bethlehem, Jericho and Qasr al-Yahud

Not looking for a multi-day tour? This 1-day tour is a captivating and comprehensive trip that takes you on a remarkable exploration of some of the most iconic and historically significant sites in the Holy Land. This full-day tour provides a unique opportunity to delve into the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region while immersing yourself in the biblical stories and ancient wonders that have shaped the course of history.

The tour begins with a visit to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, where you will have the chance to witness the revered Church of the Nativity. This ancient basilica, a UNESCO World Heritage site, stands atop the traditional birthplace of Jesus and is a testament to centuries of Christian devotion.

The tour then ventures to Jericho, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, and a place steeped in biblical history. As you explore the ancient ruins and archeological sites, including the excavated Tel Jericho, you will gain a deeper understanding of the city’s pivotal role in biblical events and its significance as a symbol of faith and perseverance.

Next on the itinerary is Qasr al-Yahud, another site of immense religious importance, located on the banks of the Jordan River. This holy site is traditionally believed to be the place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ. You can partake in moments of reflection and prayer along the riverbanks, creating a memorable and spiritually enriching experience.

Throughout the tour, knowledgeable guides share insightful commentary, offering historical context and religious significance, ensuring that you gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural and spiritual aspects of each site visited.

This tour is designed to be inclusive and accommodating to participants of various Christian denominations, creating a space for personal reflection, spiritual connection, and an authentic encounter with the sacred history that permeates the Holy Land.

Tour Operator: Bein Harim Tourism Service

Days: 1 day

Epic Egypt and Jordan Religious Journey

This tour is a meticulously curated and deeply meaningful expedition that transcends time and space, immersing you in the profound spiritual legacy and awe-inspiring history of Egypt and Jordan. This comprehensive pilgrimage embraces the essence of both faith and cultural exploration.

The tour starts in Cairo where you have the opportunity to explore the legendary Pyramids of Giza, a testament to the remarkable achievements of the ancient Egyptians and a reminder of the divine mysteries that have captivated humanity for millennia. Adjacent to the pyramids lies the enigmatic Sphinx, shrouded in myth and symbolism, creating an atmosphere of wonder and reverence.

Continuing the expedition, you will venture to Old Cairo, where a treasure trove of Coptic Christian heritage awaits. The Hanging Church and the Church of Abu Serga stand as enduring symbols of Egypt’s early Christian history, each holding sacred stories that intertwine with the tapestry of the Holy Family’s voyage in this ancient land. Moments of prayer and reflection in these holy sanctuaries allow for a profound spiritual connection and an appreciation of the enduring faith that has withstood the tests of time.

The journey then takes flight to the historical city of Luxor, home to the splendid temples of Karnak and Luxor, hallowed sites that bear witness to the religious devotion of ancient Egyptians and reflect the intricate interplay between spirituality and human endeavor. You will also embark on a serene cruise along the Nile River, mirroring the travels of ancient pharaohs and biblical figures alike, creating a sense of unity with the past and the divine.

As the tour transitions to Jordan, the ancient city of Petra awaits, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its majestic rock-cut architecture and enduring Nabatean legacy. Among the awe-inspiring structures of this “Rose City,” you can reflect on the intertwining of faith, culture, and history in the heart of the desert.

The pilgrimage concludes with a visit to the iconic Baptism Site of Jesus Christ at Bethany Beyond the Jordan, located on the eastern banks of the Jordan River. This sacred location offers a poignant opportunity for you to retrace the steps of the baptismal rite performed by John the Baptist, fostering a profound spiritual encounter and a connection to the foundations of Christianity.

Travel Operator: Look at Egypt Tours

Days: 8 days

Max Group: 10

Land of the Gods

The 13-Day Israel and Jordan Tour of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Jericho, and Petra is a carefully crafted adventure that offers a deeply immersive experience that unveils the captivating blend of ancient traditions, modern vibrancy, and spiritual heritage that these remarkable lands embody.

The tour commences in Tel Aviv, Israel’s cosmopolitan and cultural hub, where you are greeted by the city’s dynamic atmosphere, beautiful beaches, and bustling markets. You have the opportunity to explore the city’s historical and modern facets, gaining insight into Israel’s contemporary lifestyle and its deep-rooted connection to its biblical past.

As the tour progresses, it moves to Jerusalem, one of the world’s most revered cities, brimming with spiritual significance for multiple faiths. Here, you embark on a profound exploration of sacred landmarks, such as the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, revered by Christians as the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Amidst the cobbled streets and ancient walls, the diverse and harmonious tapestry of Jerusalem’s religious heritage becomes apparent, fostering an atmosphere of reverence and awe.

The tour then takes you to the ancient city of Jericho where biblical tales intertwine with archeological wonders. Jericho, renowned as one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, offers you a unique glimpse into its storied past.

Continuing the expedition, you then venture into Jordan, where you are greeted by the mesmerizing city of Petra, an architectural marvel hewn into rose-red cliffs. Exploring the ancient Nabatean city, with its intricate facades and hidden tombs, becomes a surreal trip back in time, evoking a sense of wonder and amazement at the ingenuity and artistry of its creators.

Beyond Petra, the tour takes you to the mesmerizing desert landscapes of Wadi Rum, known for its ethereal beauty and association with the exploits of Lawrence of Arabia. A thrilling jeep safari allows you to venture into the heart of this vast desert expanse, soaking in the rugged grandeur of the landscape.

Throughout the tour, experienced Trafalgar guides offer their wealth of knowledge, providing historical context, cultural insights, and stories that bring each destination to life. The itinerary is thoughtfully designed to strike a balance between guided exploration and free time, allowing you to delve into the local flavors, traditions, and interactions with welcoming locals.

Tour Operator: Trafalgar

Days: 13 days


Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you been on a Christian tour? Are you planning on joining one of the tours on our list? Tell us about it in the comments below.


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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

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The future of travel

The founder of Christian Tour, Cristian Pandel, has gone through all the stages of a successful story, starting from a simple idea, working hard and with passion, becoming an entrepreneur with an unique approach concerning travel and related services.

After 24 years, Christian Tour is one of the most prominent companies in SE Europe, with a dedicated team of more then 200 travel professionals active in +40 travel office all over Romania and Republic of Moldova.


We understand the families’ needs for vacation: a peaceful, serene trip for  adults and entertainment for children.

Nearly half million customers travel with Christian Tour every year . All our customers, looking for sunny beaches destinations, city breaks or niche holiday spots, can and will find ideas for their next holiday.


We know that the active people go on vacation for new experiences. Especially for them, Christian Tour  has created cultural tours, weekend breaks and pilgrimages all over the world.


Nowadays we want to explore the world, to discover new destinations, to change the décor for a while. We offer city breaks in the European capitals and flight tickets to any destination around the world.


You dream of paradise? Christian Tour will take you there! Exotic islands,  turquoise horizons, bizarre foods and exquisite cocktails. This is the scenery of an exotic holiday created by Christian Tour.

WE FOCUS on what our customers want; we constantly introduce new destinations and new services; we are very selective regarding our suppliers; nevertheless our rates for all holiday packages stay at the range of affordable.


Senior Voyage, our dedicated brand for senior citizens is well known for its unrivaled tours throughout the most spectacular destinations in Romania and in many European countries.

Christian Tour is the unique owner and developer of the „Senior Voyage” brand in Romania.  


WE ARE PROUD to show our guests the beauties of our country – Romania, our natural treasures, historic sites, our distinctive and unique traditions. Christian Tour welcomes guests from around the world since the very beginning of its existence.

Business Travel

We offer complete solutions for business travel by combining technology with experienced and well trained travel specialists. We provide complete counselling and support services such as accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance.


Our evets team is experienced, creative, innovative and enthusiastic.  We will work alongside you to create complex and memorable events. We aim to make your work easier, by taking over your responsibilities and saving you time, while also fully complying with your budgets and policies. 

Who are we - THE JOURNEY

We make everything simple

IT ALL BEGAN ALMOST 24 YEARS AGO when, together with a group of other enthusiasts, we started exploring the Romanian mountains. We discovered the excitement of experiencing new places and the joy of escaping the everyday bustle. Three years later, Christian Adventure Mountaineering School was founded. We wanted to make these wonderful experiences accessible to as many people as possible.  

Following the success of the mountaineering school, the next natural step was to extend the activity outside the borders. Therefore, in 1997, Christian Tour was founded. Since the philosophy of the newly founded travel agency was based on the same values as the school, to open up new experiences and places, we chose as logo a symbol that reminded of those special early days: the Bucegi Sphinx.  

In the past years, due to an excellent team of tourism professionals and the economic force behind us, Christian Tour has become one of the most important brands on the Romanian tourism market. Our field of activity is one of the most fascinating anyone can imagine: we set out our clients for dream destinations!  

Christian Tour, as part of Memento Group, stands out as NO 1 tour operator in Romania and a major player in SE Europe. We are committed to fulfill the need of travelling, to make the journey as enjoyable, accessible and memorable as possible, to deliver the right experience to all our customers.  

Corporate Services

BUSINESS TRAVEL: Ticketing, accommodation, transport, transfers, rent-a-car, medical assurance, visa assistance

BENEFITS: Employee benefits, gift vouchers, discount packages

MEETINGS: Consultancy on accommodation and meal choices, transport, technical equipment, graphics

INCENTIVES : Consultancy on destinations, transport, accommodations, meals, conference venues, party planning, teambuilding activities, tour guides, customized gifts

CONGRESSES : Event concept, on-site coordinator, participants registration, accommodation, meals, catering, transport, graphic design, technical equipment, multimedia solutions, translation services, hostess services, airport meet& greet, photo and video services, voting and videoconference facilities, VIP services, speakers booking, entertainment, security services

EXPOSITIONS : Planning, contracting, concept design, logistics, graphic production, marketing and promotion services

Benefits for our customers

  • A single provider that manages the entire travel business of the company
  • Personalized and complete services adapted to their needs
  • Negotiated rates
  • Access to our global network of partners
  • Optimized travel costs
  • Safe travels through verified services
  • Advantageous payment terms
  • Dedicated travel consultants
  • Specialized assistance during the trip in case of flight cancellation or schedule changes
  • Event planning
  • Compliance with the company’s SLAs
  • Detailed and efficient reporting
  • Specialized help in designing travel policies

Happy Clients


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  • Plata cu Tickete de Vacanta
  • Contract cu turistul
  • Termeni si conditii generale
  • Termeni si conditii pentru rezervari hoteliere
  • Asigurari medicale si STORNO
  • Informatii utile pentru siguranta platii cu cardul
  • Modalitati de ridicare/livrare a biletului
  • Politica de confidentialitate
  • Impresii turisti
  • Despre afiliere hotel pe directbooking.ro
  • Inregistrare unitate turistica
  • Management unitate turistica

Oferte Last Minute Litoral

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  • Nisipurile De Aur
  • Sunny Beach
  • Sf. Constantin Si Elena
  • Eforie Nord
  • Riviera Olimpului
  • Insula Creta
  • Insula Lefkada
  • Insula Corfu
  • Insula Evia

Early Booking

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  • Gran Canaria
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  • Insula Tenerife
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  • Insula Menorca

Pachete cu transport avion cursa charter

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  • Marea Egee Turcia
  • North and Central Greece

Pachete cu transport autocar inclus

  • Alexandroupoli

Pachete fara transport inclus

Circuite cu autocar si avion

Pachete de Rusalii

  • Baile Felix
  • Calimanesti Caciulata

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Info turist.

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Oferte Seniori

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Seniori cu transport

  • Pachete Avion Seniori (29 oferte)

Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024, Costa Brava

Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024

Costa Brava, Costa Brava, Spania

  • Avion (10.05 - 16.05.2025)

program senior voyage christian tour

Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024 Cluj

  • Avion (17.05 - 16.05.2025)

Senior Holidays Costa Del Sol 8 Zile Avion 2024, Costa Del Sol

Senior Holidays Costa Del Sol 8 Zile Avion 2024

Costa Del Sol, Costa Del Sol, Spania

  • Avion (09.05 - 16.05.2025)

Senior Holidays Costa Del Sol 8 Zile Avion Cluj 2024, Costa Del Sol

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Senior Holidays Toscana 8 Zile Avion 2024, Toscana

Senior Holidays Toscana 8 Zile Avion 2024

Toscana, Regiunea Toscana, Italia

  • Avion (11.05 - 05.10.2024)

Senior Holidays Toscana 8 Zile Avion 2024 Iasi, Toscana

Senior Holidays Toscana 8 Zile Avion 2024 Iasi

  • Avion (06.10 - 13.10.2024)

Senior Holidays Valencia – Sejur Costa Del Azahar 8 Zile Avion 2024, Valencia

Senior Holidays Valencia – Sejur Costa Del Azahar 8 Zile Avion 2024

Valencia, Regiunea Valencia, Spania

Senior Holidays Puglia 8 Zile Avion 2024, Puglia

Senior Holidays Puglia 8 Zile Avion 2024

Puglia, Puglia, Italia

Senior Holidays Sicilia 8 Zile Avion 2024, Sicilia

Senior Holidays Sicilia 8 Zile Avion 2024

Sicilia, Insula Sicilia, Italia

Senior Holidays Tara Bascilor Si Nordul Spaniei 8 Zile Avion 2024, Tara Bascilor

Senior Holidays Tara Bascilor Si Nordul Spaniei 8 Zile Avion 2024

Tara Bascilor, Tara Bascilor, Spania

  • Avion (13.05 - 30.09.2024)

Senior Holidays Elvetia Si Italia De Nord 8 Zile Avion 2024, Elvetia

Senior Holidays Elvetia Si Italia De Nord 8 Zile Avion 2024

Elvetia, Elvetia, Elvetia

  • Avion (10.05 - 18.10.2024)

Senior Holidays Malta 8 Zile Avion 2024, Malta

Senior Holidays Malta 8 Zile Avion 2024

Malta, Malta, Malta

  • Avion (21.05 - 20.05.2025)

Senior Holidays Napoli Coasta Amalfitana 8 Zile Avion 2024, Coasta Amalfi

Senior Holidays Napoli Coasta Amalfitana 8 Zile Avion 2024

Coasta Amalfi, Campania, Italia

Senior Holidays Napoli Coasta Amalfitana 8 Zile Avion Cluj 2024, Coasta Amalfi

Senior Holidays Napoli Coasta Amalfitana 8 Zile Avion Cluj 2024

  • Avion (19.05 - 18.05.2025)

Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024 Iasi, Costa Brava

Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024 Iasi

  • Avion (18.05 - 17.05.2025)

Costa Del Sol Program Social Fara Limita De Varsta Fara Taxa De Nonseniori!, Costa Del Sol

Costa Del Sol Program Social Fara Limita De Varsta Fara Taxa De Nonseniori!

  • Hotel cu Pensiune completa  
  • Avion (23.05 - 03.10.2024)

Paste Belissima Coasta Amalfitana Coasta Amalfitana, Coasta Amalfitana

Paste Belissima Coasta Amalfitana Coasta Amalfitana

Coasta Amalfitana, Italia, Italia

  • Avion (14.05 - 23.10.2024) Date de plecare: 23.05, 28.05, 30.05, 04.06, 06.06, 02.09, 09.09, 18.09, 25.09, 02.10, 09.10, 16.10

Mallorca Insula Verilor Fara Sfarsit Senior Voyage Mallorca, Palma De Mallorca

Mallorca Insula Verilor Fara Sfarsit Senior Voyage Mallorca

Palma De Mallorca, Mallorca, Spania

  • Avion (18.05 - 17.05.2025) Date de plecare: 09.06, 15.09, 22.09

Tenerife O Vacanta Tropicala Senior Voyage Tenerife, Tenerife

Tenerife O Vacanta Tropicala Senior Voyage Tenerife

Tenerife, Insula Tenerife, Spania

  • Avion (17.05 - 16.05.2025) Date de plecare: 02.06, 09.06, 07.07, 14.07, 08.09, 15.09, 22.09

Barcelona Si Costa Brava Costa Brava, Costa Brava

Barcelona Si Costa Brava Costa Brava

  • Avion (15.05 - 28.10.2024) Date de plecare: 29.05, 05.06, 02.09, 09.09, 16.09, 23.09, 30.09, 07.10, 14.10, 21.10

Thassos Soare Temple Si Masline Senior Voyage Thassos, Thassos

Thassos Soare Temple Si Masline Senior Voyage Thassos

Thassos, Thassos, Grecia

  • Autocar (14.05 - 28.05.2024)

Tunisia Bijuteria Ascunsa A Africii De Nord Senior Voyage Plecare Din Cluj Napoca Tunisia, Tunisia

Tunisia Bijuteria Ascunsa A Africii De Nord Senior Voyage Plecare Din Cluj Napoca Tunisia

Tunisia, Tunisia, Tunisia

  • Avion (15.05 - 16.10.2024) Date de plecare: 29.05, 05.06, 12.06, 03.07, 10.07, 11.09, 18.09, 25.09, 02.10, 09.10

Tunisia Bijuteria Ascunsa A Africii De Nord Senior Voyage Tunisia, Tunisia

Tunisia Bijuteria Ascunsa A Africii De Nord Senior Voyage Tunisia

Creta Un Labirint De Experiente Unice Plecare Din Cluj Napoca Senior Voyage Creta Heraklion, Creta

Creta Un Labirint De Experiente Unice Plecare Din Cluj Napoca Senior Voyage Creta Heraklion

Creta, Insula Creta, Grecia

  • Avion (13.05 - 30.09.2024) Date de plecare: 27.05, 03.06, 02.09, 09.09, 16.09, 23.09

Dubai Senior Voyage 2024 2025 Dubai Senior Voyage, Dubai Senior Voyage

Dubai Senior Voyage 2024 2025 Dubai Senior Voyage

Dubai Senior Voyage, Regiunea Dubai, Emiratele Arabe Unite

  • Avion (18.10 - 11.04.2025) Date de plecare: 18.10, 25.10, 01.11, 08.11, 15.11, 29.11, 13.12, 24.01, 07.02, 21.02, 07.03, 21.03, 04.04


Direct Booking ofera persoanelor peste 55 de ani pachete si sejururi turistice in hoteluri, pensiuni si vile clasificate, atat in Romania cat si in tari precum Bulgaria, Spania, Cipru sau Italia, in statiuni si regiuni turistice, la preturi ieftine, prin programele sale dedicate turismului social sau prin ofertele turistice Senior. Pachetele, continand cazare si servicii de masa la tarife decente, sunt in exclusivitate oferite celor care si-au alocat bugete mai mici planurilor de calatorie si care vor sa redescopere destinatii turistice sau sa isi petreaca o mica vacanta departe de casa. Direct Booking ofera celor peste 55 de ani posibilitatea de a rezerva online sau telefonic pachetele si sejururile oferite prin programele Tursim Social si Senior Voyage, indiferent de destinatia turistica aleasa, la tarife mici, prin ofertele speciale inscrieri timpurii (early booking) sau last minute.

Intrebari frecvente despre

Creta Un Labirint De Experiente Unice Plecare Din Cluj Napoca Senior Voyage Creta Heraklion , Tenerife O Vacanta Tropicala Senior Voyage Tenerife , Paste Belissima Coasta Amalfitana Coasta Amalfitana , Barcelona Si Costa Brava Costa Brava , Dubai Senior Voyage 2024 2025 Dubai Senior Voyage sunt cele mai populare hoteluri din

Costa Del Sol Program Social Fara Limita De Varsta Fara Taxa De Nonseniori! , Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024 , Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024 Cluj , Senior Holidays Barcelona Si Costa Brava 8 Zile Avion 2024 Iasi , Senior Holidays Costa Del Sol 8 Zile Avion 2024 sunt cele mai apreciate hoteluri din ce au restaurant propriu. Mai multe hoteluri ce au restaurant propriu din .

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  • Drepturi principale în temeiul Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 2/2018 privind pachetele de servicii de călătorie şi serviciile de călătorie asociate
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Cele mai vandute oferte

  • Circuit Georgia 7 zile Avion - 849 euro 
  • City Break Istanbul 5 zile Avion - 409 euro 
  • Circuit Italia Elvetia 8 zile Avion - 600 euro 
  • Circuit Italia Coasta de Azur 8 zile Avion - 549 euro 
  • Circuit Dubai Emiratele Arabe Unite 7 zile Avion - 590 euro 
  • Circuit Italia Toscana Florenta 8 zile Avion - 529 euro 

Top destinatii

  • Oferte Vacante Franta
  • Oferte Vacante Anglia
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  • Oferte Vacante Benelux
  • Oferte Vacante Portugalia
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SC Bavaria Concept Tour SRL | J40/3143/2018 | CUI RO 38970773 | Licenţa de turism nr. 377/04.07.2023 | Brevet Turism nr.10797/20.01.2006 - Badiu Camelia | Operator de date cu caracter personal nr. 31581 M.D.R.T. - 0800.86.82.82 |  A.N.P.C. - www.anpc.gov.ro | SOL  

Adresa: Bucuresti, Str Banu Antonache, 40-44, Et 1 | Telefon: 0744.300.309 | Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2024 Bavaria Concept Tour. Toate drepturile rezervate



Seniorii din București și alte 10 localități, invitați să se înscrie la ateliere practice care deschid accesul în lumea digitală

Câți seniori au apelat (la serviciul) telefonul vârstnicului în 2023 și care este topul nevoilor lor, carta albă a drepturilor persoanelor vârstnice din românia. federația seniorinet strânge 10.000 de semnături pentru a susține în parlament drepturile seniorilor, răsăritul de argint a lansat proiectul forever fit.

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Christian Tour: Superoferte turistice de ultimă oră

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Agenția de turism Christian Tour, cel mai mare tour operator de vacanțe din România, a lansat o campanie de reduceri la pachetele sale turistice, cu oferte pornind de la câteva zeci de euro de persoană.

Christian Tour oferă reduceri generoase de până la 40% până în data de 16 iulie a.c. Potrivit unui comunicat de presă al Anchor Group, promovat pe site-ul ComunicatedeAfaceri.ro, ofertele sunt disponibile la agenția Christian Tour din Plaza România. Reprezentanții  Christian Tour informează însă că vă puteți adresa oricărei agenții pentru detalii și rezervări. Ofertele Christian Tour pot fi consultate pe site-ul agenției.

Christian Tour este recunoscută pentru programul său turistic adresat seniorilor. Prin Senior Voyage, persoanele de peste 55 de ani (și nu numai) pot beneficia de pachete turistice reduse în perioada octombrie – mai.

Programul Senior Voyage are „atașat” un card de loialitate pe care îl puteți obține contra sumei de 25 de euro și care se activează în momentul în care achiziționați primul pachet turistic Senior Voyage.

Ofertele de ultimă oră ale agenției pot fi consultate aici .

Detalii despre programul Senior Voyage, aici .

  • Christian Tour
  • oferte seniori
  • reduceri seniori
  • Senior Voyage
  • turism seniori

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Christian Tour a lansat noile oferte Senior Voyage

Christian Tour a lansat oficial noile pachete Senior Voyage.  Dacă Portugalia a fost noutatea sezonului 2016-2017, destinația fiind reintrodusă în portofoliul Christian Tour la cererea turiștilor, românii au acum ocazia să descopere New York -ul prin programul Senior Voyage.

Turiștii plătesc de la 995 euro/persoană , tarif în care sunt incluse 5 nopți de cazare cu mic dejun la un hotel de 4* situat chiar în inima Manhatann-ului, bilet de avion București – New York – București, tururi pietonale, vizite ghidate și ghid însoțitor pentru întreaga perioadă.

”New York, I love you!”, nu este doar o metaforă, e sentimentul pe care îl trăiești din prima clipă când pășești pe străzile celui mai cosmopolit oraș din lume. Metropola vibrantă de văzut măcar o dată în viață, te surprinde cu numeroase atracții: de la Manhattan-ul sclipitor, Statuia Libertății și pană la Central Park sau Times Square – denumită extrem de sugestiv, intersecția lumii.

La fel de popular este și programul Senior Voyage Egipt – Hurghada, cu tarife începand de la 295 euro/persoană, pentru care exista curse charter de la București și Oradea . De un mare interes în rândul seniorilor se numără și Costa del Sol datorită menținerii tarifelor mici încă de la lansarea programului: de la 395 euro/persoană , pentru un sejur de 7 nopți cu demipensiune și transport cu avion, dar si noile programe pe Scoția si Istanbul .

”Pentru prima dată, seniorii pot călători în New York prin pachetele speciale destinate acestora, spune Marius Pandel, CEO Christian Tour .

New York în oferta Senior Voyage

Dacă anul trecut surpriza sezonului era reintroducerea Portugaliei pe lista cu locuri de văzut, acum New York este metropola care atrage toate privirile! La fel de căutate sunt vacanțele în Egipt – Hurghada, Costa Brava, Costa del Sol sau Cipru. În ultimii 6 ani, Senior Voyage a devenit fără nicio îndoială cel mai iubit brand turistic în rândul seniorilor.

De altfel, mai bine de 78.000 de turiști au ales să călătorească în destinațiile preferate, atu-ul acestui program fiind tariful accesibil. Mai mult decât atât, mare parte dintre seniori au intrat și în Clubul Senior Voyage prin care au parte de reduceri la numeroase programe dar și de discounturi la peste 50 de parteneri în țară (precum clinici medicale, stomatologice, saloane de înfrumusețare, magazine, restaurante etc).

Cei mai mulți dintre seniorii care aleg aceste vacanțe au vârste cuprinse între 55 și 65 de ani, cu un procent egal între bărbați și femei. Peste 85% dintre turiști provin din mediul urban, iar aproximativ 30% dintre ei călătoresc însoțiți de partener (nepoți, copii sau prieteni) și rareori singuri, preferând să aloce între 430-450 de euro pentru o vacanță , cifră constantă în ultimele 6 sezoane. Din aceleași date reiese faptul că mai bine de jumătate dintre seniori sunt sprijiniți financiar de copii sau de nepoți, în timp ce tinerii plecați în străinătate preferă să-și surprindă părinții cu vacanțe-cadou de tip Senior Voyage.

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About Paul Barbu

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  • Europa s-a regrupat împotriva Marii Britanii din cauza noii tulpini de coronavirus - 21/12/2020

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Moscow Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 60 most popular moscow trips. compare tour itineraries from 45 tour companies. 308 reviews. 4.7/5 avg rating., popular moscow tours.

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Winter

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Winter

  • Explore the majestic St Petersburg & Moscow on private city tours
  • Admire the rich Russian history, art and architecture
  • Travel to Moscow on a highspeed train
  • Enjoy the local cuisine in stylish restaurants

Lower Volga Voyage

Lower Volga Voyage

  • Visit magnificent Red Square and Kremlin and examine the collection at theKremlin’s State Armory.
  • Experience Russia’s diverse musical traditions at lively folk music performances
  • Explore Volgograd, the site of the decisive battle of World War II’s eastern front

Volga Dream Russian River Cruise

Volga Dream Russian River Cruise

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Summer

St Petersburg & Moscow in Style - Summer

White Russian - 7 days

White Russian - 7 days

  • Discover Moscow's UNESCO-listed Red Square, home to spectacular St Basil’s Cathedral, Lenin's Mausoleum and the historic GUM Department store
  • Explore the grounds of Moscow's mighty Kremlin, with its numerous governmentbuildings, gold-domed cathedrals and the giant tsar bell
  • Celebrate New Year's Eve in Moscow!
  • Take in the highlights of St Petersburg including a guided tour of the exquisite Church on Spilled Blood, Peter & Paul Fortress and Cathedral
  • Take a guided tour of the remarkable Hermitage Museum at the Winter Palace

Vodka Shot - 6 days

Vodka Shot - 6 days

  • Explore the beautiful city of St Petersburg, including the exquisite Church on Spilled Blood, Peter & Paul Fortress and Nevsky Prospekt
  • Marvel at the dazzling array of art and exhibits in the world-famous Hermitage Museum, at the Winter Palace in St Petersburg
  • Discover a lavish residence of the tsars on a day trip to Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo (winter: mid-October to April) or Peterhof Palace and gardens (summer: May to mid-October)
  • Take in the highlights of the capital on a walking tour, visiting Moscow's famous Red Square, home to the historic GUM Department Store, Lenin’s Mausoleum and spectacular St Basil’s Cathedral
  • Take a guided tour of the Moscow Kremlin, Russia’s political power house. Stroll around the grounds of this fortified complex, visit the Kremlin's cathedrals and see the mighty Tsar Bell

Route of the Romanovs - 10 days

Route of the Romanovs - 10 days

  • Learn about the last days of the Romanovs in Yekaterinburg, visiting the sites where Tsar Nicolas II and his family were assassinated and buried
  • Straddle two continents at the famous obelisk Europe/Asia border marker in Yekaterinburg
  • Experience the Trans-Siberian railway on an overnight train journey from Moscow to Yekaterinburg

New Year's in Moscow - 9 days

New Year's in Moscow - 9 days

  • Visit Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo on Christmas Day and marvel at the incredible Amber Room
  • Spend a night in Novgorod, an ancient city by the Volkhov River - explore the kremlin, cathedral and other sights and enjoy a traditional Russian banya (sauna)

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Russian Revolution - 9 days

  • Visit historic Novgorod, an ancient city which straddles the Volkhov River. Explore the attractive riverside kremlin and experience a traditional Russian banya (sauna)

The Snowball - 6 days

The Snowball - 6 days

  • Visit Catherine Palace at Tsarkoe Selo and marvel at the incredible Amber Room

Mood for Moscow - 4 days

Mood for Moscow - 4 days

  • Head underground to visit a Stalinist-era Soviet Bunker on an optional excursion
  • Stroll to the vibrant Izmailovo Market, which lies behind the walls of an ancient Kremlin, and shop for an array of souvenirs

Best Moscow Tours by Duration

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

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Moscow Tours & Travel

Moscow Attractions & Landmarks Guide

Trip reviews, capitals of the north.

some hotels could have been better

It was jam packed with every place I wanted to go and see. I especially love my photo of us setting out on the night time river cruise in St Petersburg and the Peter...

I really did not buy much and what I did buy was small gifts for others .


Good hotels, some better than others. Interesting itinerary

Too rushed. Optional tour rather too short

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  1. Christian Tour-Senior Voyage Programe Portugalia, Elvetia, Cipru

    program senior voyage christian tour

  2. Catalog Senior Voyage 2019 Christian Tour by Christian Tour

    program senior voyage christian tour

  3. Senior Voyage

    program senior voyage christian tour

  4. christiantour.ro

    program senior voyage christian tour

  5. Christian Tour

    program senior voyage christian tour

  6. Senior Voyage

    program senior voyage christian tour


  1. Monopoli

  2. Bari

  3. Early Booking 2024

  4. Christian Tour-Senior Voyage Programe Portugalia, Elvetia, Cipru

  5. Altamura

  6. The Voyage


  1. SENIOR VOYAGE: Excursii pentru toate vârstele și bugetele!

    SENIOR VOYAGE: Excursii pentru toate vârstele și bugetele! Ca în fiecare an, și în 2024 touroperatorul Christian Tour pune la dispoziție mai multe variante de excursii pentru seniori (peste 55 ani), cu autocarul sau cu avionul, în România dar și în străinătate, cu puncte de îmbarcare în mai multe localități din țară.

  2. Senior Voyage

    E timpul sa te gandesti si la parintii tai! Senior Voyage e conceptul Christian Tour gratie caruia cetatenii de peste 55 de ani (si nu numai) pot beneficia d...

  3. Catalog Senior Voyage 2019 Christian Tour

    Catalog Senior Voyage 2019 Christian Tour Ce e un nume Nu suntem o companie specializata în pelerinaje, deși acestea ocupă locul cuvenit în oferta noastră.

  4. Senior Voyage

    E timpul sa te gandesti la tine! Senior Voyage e conceptul Christian Tour gratie caruia cetatenii de peste 55 de ani (si nu numai) pot beneficia de programe ...

  5. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. · March 15, 2019 ·. Program #NOU Senior Voyage Portugalia - Lisabona si Insula Madeira. #Oferta include: Plecari pe 24.09, 22.10, 05.11, 19.11 Bilet de avion Bucuresti - Lisabona si retur Bilet de avion Lisabona - Funchal si retur 7 cazari la hoteluri de 3* 7 mic dejunuri Transfer aeroport-hotel-aeroport Ghid insotitor din ...

  6. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. ·. June 17, 2022 ·. Noul catalog #SeniorVoyage Toamna 2022 este acum in agentiile din #Bucuresti, iar de saptamana viitoare in alte agentii Christian Tour din tara. Te asteapta cu destinatii noi pentru cei care vor sa petreaca toamna cu aventuri noi si tinuturi care mai de care din Romania si de afara.

  7. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. ·. January 22, 2019 ·. NOU! Program #SeniorVoyage Delta Dunarii si Dobrogea - acum si cu plecare din #ClujNapoca si puncte de imbarcare in Turda, Targu Mures, Sighisoara, Brasov. Calatoreste prin #Dobrogea, loc al nasterii noastre crestine, pamant al vechilor vestigii si al criptelor martirice si exploreaza alaturi de noi ...

  8. Christian Tours for Singles Over 50

    Christian Tours for Singles Over 50. By Sixty and Me November 21, 2023 Travel. Embarking on a journey of faith and adventure knows no age limits, and for Christian singles over 50, the world beckons with captivating destinations that blend spiritual enrichment, cultural exploration, and the joy of forming meaningful connections.

  9. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour is the unique owner and developer of the „Senior Voyage" brand in Romania. INBOUND TRAVEL & INCOMING. WE ARE PROUD to show our guests the beauties of our country - Romania, our natural treasures, historic sites, our distinctive and unique traditions. Christian Tour welcomes guests from around the world since the very ...

  10. Senior Voyage

    E timpul sa te gandesti si la parintii tai! Senior Voyage e conceptul Christian Tour gratie caruia cetatenii de peste 55 de ani (si nu numai) pot beneficia d...

  11. Pachete Seniori 2024

    Seniori 2024 in Italia, Spania, Malta, Elvetia, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Grecia - Alege din 31 oferte disponibile si Rezerva online. Cele mai Bune Oferte si Vacante de Seniori

  12. PROMOTII Programe seniori 2024

    Programe seniori, oferte si promotii seniori cu avionul, vacante seniori, programe sociale si oferte senior voyage de la agentia Bavaria Tour. 0744 300 309 / 0744 303 717 | [email protected] Contact: [email protected] 0744 300 309 / 0744 303 717. Suna un consultant. Cauta vacanta. Despre noi; Ne implicam! Cum rezerv? Cariere

  13. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. #Start programe Senior Voyage Romania! #Descopera frumusetile tarii noastre prin excursiile Senior Voyage. Prima plecare este pe 17 august, in programul "Iasiul si nestematele Moldovei". Sunteti o firmă mizerabilă, de aceea va da lumea in judecata!! #Start programe Senior Voyage 🇷🇴 Romania! 🎉🤩 #Descopera ...

  14. Christian Tour: Superoferte turistice de ultimă oră

    Ofertele Christian Tour pot fi consultate pe site-ul agenției. Christian Tour este recunoscută pentru programul său turistic adresat seniorilor. Prin Senior Voyage, persoanele de peste 55 de ani (și nu numai) pot beneficia de pachete turistice reduse în perioada octombrie - mai.

  15. Christian Tour a lansat noile oferte Senior Voyage

    Christian Tour a lansat oficial noile pachete Senior Voyage. Dacă Portugalia a fost noutatea sezonului 2016-2017, destinația fiind reintrodusă în portofoliul Christian Tour la cererea turiștilor, românii au acum ocazia să descopere New York-ul prin programul Senior Voyage. Turiștii plătesc de la 995 euro/persoană, tarif în care sunt incluse 5 nopți de cazare cu mic dejun la un ...

  16. Senior Voyage

    NOU! Program Venetia - "Regina marilor". Senior Voyage va oferă posibilitatatea să vizitaţi unul dintre cele mai celebre oraşe din lume, Veneţia. Oraşul se află în topul destinaţiilor care trebuie vizitate cel puţin o dată într-o viaţa pentru a ne bucura de frumuseţea sa, de canalele mici ce şiroiesc printre case renascentiste ...

  17. Top Moscow Tours & Vacations 2024/2025 [reviews & photos]

    Compare the best 188 Moscow Tours, vacations packages, & adventures from 33 local experts and top companies. ... Lower Volga Voyage. By 50 Degrees North. none. 5 /5. 53 reviews. Vacation / Holiday Package-NaN % $0. 14 days. Inquire. Highlights. ... How does the Member Savings program save me money? Travelstride membership is absolutely free ...

  18. Christian Tour

    Christian Tour. · June 12, 2022 ·. #turistifericiti in programul Senior Voyage 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐳𝐢𝐚 𝐬𝐢 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐒𝐨𝐥. Peisajele uimitoare, notele alerte de #Flamenco, savoarea inconfundabila a gastronomiei locale, parfumul sarat al peisajelor de coasta, istoria captivanta, iata ...

  19. Summer Camps

    Summer Camps. Logos is offering a wide array of summer camps this year. We are looking forward to a great summer! Click here for more information. For information on the Little Lady Volleyball League, click here. « Pianos are Ready for Auction! Saturday's Concert! About.

  20. Moscow Friendly Neighbors Senior Center and Meal Site

    The Moscow senior meal site, operated by "Friendly Neighbors," is in the Great Room of the 1912 Center and hot, low cost, nutritious lunches are served on Tuesdays and Thursdays with social time and limited salad bar at 11:30 AM (soup and dessert are available by 11:00 AM) with the main meal served at noon. The suggested donation for a meal for ...

  21. Christian Tour

    May 14, 2022 ·. #TuristiFericiti in programul #SeniorVoyage Andaluzia si Costa del Sol. Cum a fost experienta ta cu #ChristianTour? >> https://bit.ly/3N0wYfC. 31.

  22. MosVoyage Tour Agency

    Get fully personalized tour program, depending on your interests and budget. Learn more: Travel concierge. Online assistance 24/7 + unlimited Internet access during your trip. Learn more: MosVoyage Tour Agency offers tailor-made tours in Russian cities. We specialize on private tours, individual excursions and tour packages in Moscow & Saint ...