Joey Fatone Reveals Where *NSYNC Really Stands on a Reunion Tour

*nsync's joey fatone exclusively revealed to e news how likely he, justin timberlake, chris kirkpatrick, jc chasez and lance bass are to go on tour together again..

*NSYNC isn't saying bye, bye, bye to the possibility of a tour quite yet. 

But as Joey Fatone explained, getting his fellow alums Justin Timberlake , JC Chasez , Chris Kirkpatrick and Lance Bass back on the road together for the first time in 20 years is easier said than done. 

"The five of us need to get together to have that conversation to say yes or no," he told E! News' Francesca Amiker  in an exclusive interview. "What does it look like? If we're going to do a tour, are we going to do new music?" (For more with Joey, tune into E! News tonight, June 6, at 11 p.m.)

Joey also noted that it might be difficult as they all have separate careers, especially as he himself is set to tour with Backstreet Boys ' AJ McLean this summer for their Legendary Nights tour.

"We're on tour, Justin's still on tour," he explained. "Lance has been doing a podcast, JC's been writing, Chris has been doing a radio called Name Drop and also on tour as well. So, once we get that where our heads are in the same bucket."

But the 47-year-old admitted that *NSYNC's reunion would be different than their 2002 Celebrity Tour.

"It's weird because again, like back in the day when we were younger, nobody was married, nobody had kids, but as we got older, we're married, we have kids," Joey reflected. "It takes a different perspective. I think, for us, it's one of those things of going, 'OK, it would be great to tour because then it's going to honestly financially help my kids, let's be real.'"

"But the thing is, for me, do we want to do it?" he continued. "Everybody's older, everybody has different personalities now. How do we deal with that? I'm not saying that it's bad. It's just a matter of making it cohesive."

Joey's update comes over two months after *NSYNC reunited for their first onstage performance since the 2013 VMAs. Justin brought out his pals to perform during his March One Night Only show in Los Angeles, including their new single, "Paradise."

A song, Lance explained ahead of its release, dedicated to the love the band has received from fans over the years.

"This song is truly a love letter to all of our fans who have been our incredible support system," he wrote on Instagram Stories in September. "You guys have always thought that this would happen even when we didn't. I am truly grateful for every single one of you."

If you've been tearin' up your heart waiting for a reunion tour, keep yourself busy by reading some fun facts about the ‘90s heartthrobs.

1. After Chris Kirkpatrick , 23 at the time, was passed over for the  Backstreet Boys —the first instance of shady impresario Lou Pearlman  capturing boy band lightning in a bottle—he dusted himself off and told Pearlman he was still interested in being in a group.

Pearlman agreed to put up the money if Kirkpatrick would do the work of actually finding other talented guys to join him, and so the sifting through demos and watching countless hours of tapes began. They eventually happened upon  The All New- Mickey Mouse Club alum and aspiring singer  Justin Timberlake , 14, who recommended fellow former Mouseketeer JC Chasez , 19. ("JC was the cool older guy, and Justin wanted to be just like him," co-star Christina Aguilera remembered fondly to Rolling Stone .) 

They continued the search in Orlando, and Kirkpatrick thought of Joey Fatone , 18, who he knew from his days performing at Universal Studios—and who Chasez knew from his time living in Florida when he was working for Disney. But they still needed a deeper voice.

Timberlake's vocal coach advised them to check out this kid from Mississippi,  Lance Bass , who flew down to Florida on Oct. 1, 1995. Pearlman and Timberlake picked the appropriately named 16-year-old up at the airport in the former's black Rolls Royce.

Backstreet Boy Howie Dorough , who knew Kirkpatrick way back when, gave himself a little pat on the back later on for all this serendipity, telling Pop Crush  in 2015 that BSB asked Pearlman "to help [Chris] out in any way that he could and still fulfill his dream. He went back with Chris and formed a group and little by little that spun off to eventually be 'N Sync."

2. But wait, Lance wasn't the first fifth member of 'N Sync!

That role was originally played by Jason Galasso , who had known Fatone from choir in their high school days and was dabbling in the singing-group arts when he got a page (1990s, FTW) out of nowhere from his old acquaintance. Coincidentally, he also knew Chasez because, as Galasso explained on The Digital Get Down  podcast in 2019, he "used to kind of hang out with  The Mickey Mouse Club " stars like Chase Hampton and Keri Russell .

After they "locked in perfectly" on a rendition of Boyz II Men 's "End of the Road," that was it, he was in the as-yet unnamed group. "I remember I'm like, 'Dang, Justin's young!'" he recalled. "But then I heard him sing, I'm like 'Oh, it doesn't matter how old he is, he can sing his butt off."

At the same time, however, the bass singer was also in a three-man group called Unreal, "so I'm still trying to decide, you know, what I want to do, what direction I want to go in as far as which group I want to go with," Galasso, who's in the mortgage loan business these days, recalled. "Because I remember, the first time Lou Pearlman brought over some music, he was thinking about the type of music that we would be doing, and I come from an R&B, hip-hop background. That's my love, my heart, my soul."

So when Pearlman came over with "this European-style techno, I was just like, 'Hmm, okay.'" So, he went ahead and traveled with the other guys in Unreal to Atlanta to cut a demo, which he thought turned out great.

Meanwhile, 'N Sync was starting to fashion a look and they were talking about putting a showcase together for Disney's Pleasure Island. They even took a field trip to Shaquille O'Neal 's house to check out his home studio in Orlando, but they had not yet recorded any music. And, more consequentially for Galasso, they hadn't yet signed any contracts.

Pretty soon, both groups were trying to get him to sign. Galasso said he took the dueling contracts to a lawyer and, while the deal with the trio was pretty standard issue, Pearlman had himself written into the 'N Sync contract as a sixth member, and that contract was "thick as a phone book." He felt that the other members of 'N Sync were more gung-ho than he was about the deal—which was true, because they all proceeded to sign it, whether they truly understood what it entailed or not.

So Galasso ultimately went with the group that wasn't 'N Sync.

3. Aside from Timberlake's mom complimenting that they sounded so "in sync," the group's name—sometimes NSYNC, other times *NSYNC, but for our purposes, 'N Sync—incorporates the last letter of their first names: Justi n , Chri s , Joe y , Jaso n and J C .

Oh, wait...The guys asked Lance if he wouldn't mind tweaking his name a bit to make the whole 'N Sync thing still work. And so, Lanceton was born. "They did call me Lanceton for a good year, just basically as a joke," Bass told in 2015. "I think it was Justin who first was like, 'Okay, Lanceton.' Then it kinda faded out once we got a deal and then came out. It didn't stick very long. It was either Lanceton or Landon."

4. After a couple of years in which their biggest following was in Germany, ahead-of-their time fans of the  Max Martin -penned "I Want You Back" and "Tearing Up My Heart" ("In Europe, we were on the cover of every magazine," Bass recalled), 'N Sync finally got its big break in the U.S. when the Backstreet Boys turned down a "Disney Channel in Concert" gig.

Instead,  NSYNC   in Concert  came out in 1998 and—thank you, cable—Disney Channel aired it over and over again. "The Disney Channel concert really changed our career," Bass told  20/20 . "It was incredible, and that one gig right there, to me, is what made us in America." 

5. While they were all in Miami to play in their Challenge for the Children charity basketball game, the guys ordered room service to their hotel room not long before they were due at a press call. Fatone showed up at least 15 minutes late because, as it turned out, he had been waiting for a fresh burger—because the one on his plate had a bite taken out of it! But it wasn't delivered that way, Bass  recalled  on the  Inside of You With Michael Rosenbaum  podcast. Timberlake had totally taken a bite out of it to screw with his pal.

"It was so funny. I've never seen Joey get so upset about something like that," Bass said. He "was probably tired or something," but "we make fun of him all the time for that outburst. All the time."

6. Fatone may have blown up over a partially eaten burger, but Bass admitted he wasn't always the picture of patience. He told Rosenbaum that he sometimes lost his cool when Kirkpatrick would take his resident funnyman persona too far during interviews. "Chris, you know, he's very animated," Bass said, "and he's funny and he's always cracking a joke. But when someone is always cracking the joke in every single interview, and you do like 20 a day and there's five guys, your days get long and long and long."

"So, there have been many times I'm like, 'Shut up. Just answer the question so we can move on because we are so tired right now.' So, he would always make all our interviews at least double the time."

7. At one point they were too busy to even stop by a barbershop for haircuts (or bleach jobs), so, Bass said, "that's when I started just kind of getting this bleach and putting it in my hair and just putting my fingertips in it, and that's how the frosted tips were born."

Now you know.

8. In 2000, to celebrate the diamond-selling status of their 1997 debut  'N Sync , meaning 10 million copies sold, their manager  Johnny Wright  (who had previously been the road manager for  New Kids on the Block  along with his wife  Donna ) gifted the five with diamond-and-platinum pendants. "We are diamond," Timberlake announced, mostly facetiously,  according to  Rolling Stone . "Screw all of you. I'm done. Forget this boy-band thing."

9. The members of 'N Sync did get rich—but not right away, and not until they took matters into their own hands. As it turned out, Pearlman, who died in prison in 2016 while serving a 25-year sentence for money laundering and other crimes committed in the running of a Ponzi scheme, was seemingly screwing them  and  the Backstreet Boys (and  O-Town  for that matter) out of money.

Talking to ABC News'  20/20   in 2019, Bass recalled Pearlman flying the members of 'N Sync and their families to Los Angeles in 1998 for a promised check-presentation party. The amount: $10,000 apiece.

"I was in the biggest band in the world and selling millions of records…but I can't even afford my apartment in Orlando. I couldn't even get a car," said Bass, who tried to be polite but then ripped up his check when he got back to his hotel room. Added Kirkpatrick, "With all the success you would think that we were making hand-over-fist money and we were printing money and whatever, and it just wasn't the case."

After realizing their contracts, like the members of BSB, treated Pearlman as a sixth member, meaning he got one-sixth of the group's profits as well as management fees, 'N Sync jumped ship for Jive Records—and were promptly sued by TransContinental Records and RCA parent BMG Entertainment, which had distributed their first album. It was a $150 million lawsuit, but Pearlman's big goal was to prevent them from continuing to use the name 'N Sync. They countersued for $25 million and settled for an undisclosed amount in 1999—and, most importantly perhaps, they retained the right to press on with their name intact.

10.  No Strings Attached , their smash-hit sophomore album released in March 2000, was metaphorical AF.

" No Strings Attached  just became the theme," Kirkpatrick, who thought of the concept after "I've Got No Strings" from Disney's  Pinocchio  popped into his head, told  20/20 . "It became our battle cry of, 'We don't owe anybody anymore…we have no ties to anything but each other...and our fans."

Chasez, who won a talent show in the seventh grade singing  Richard Marx 's "Right Here Waiting" only to have Marx write and produce "I Promise You" for  No Strings , told  Rolling Stone , "This album is really in your face. Nothing is sang passively; everything is chopped and punched. You can definitely hear a  Michael Jackson  influence in the way the words chop off—that's the way Michael delivers a line."

Added Timberlake, "We're pissed off now—that's what it is. We're angry white boys who didn't get our props. No, I'm kidding—I'm kidding."

Moreover, they were musically homeless for most of the time they were making it, unhappy with TransContinental and not yet ensconced at Jive, whose artists included Timberlake's then-secret (albeit a poorly kept one) girlfriend  Britney Spears  and the Backstreet Boys.

No Strings Attached  sold 2.4 million copies in its first week out, including 1.1 million on day one.

11. A year later, Jackson was delivering  on stage with them— first at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards, appearing just as 'N Sync was winding down its performance of "Pop" and sending the crowd into a frenzy even though he didn't sing—and then for real all together days later on "Dancing Machine" at the  Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration . The two-day concert event held at Madison Square Garden aired on CBS that November.

In 2016, Bass  revealed on  The Meredith Vieira  Show  that Jackson didn't speak to him for a year after the MSG show because, when Jackson insisted that Bass and Fatone (who had a movie premiere to attend) stay until the end for a group rendition of "Heal the World," saying it was "for the children," Bass giggled, not realizing the King of Pop was perfectly serious.

12. Once they all had more money in the bank, naturally they started spending it. In March 2000, Timberlake bought a Mercedes jeep (his first big purchase) and a BMW M Roadster, and would add a Dodge Viper, an Audi TT, a Porsche 911 and a Cadillac Escalade to his collection by the following year. Fatone treated himself to a black Cadillac truck and homes and cars for his parents and siblings. Several of them purchased homes in Orlando, and Kirkpatrick bought a house for his mom, too. Bass got a house in Orlando, one in his home state of Mississippi, and one in the border area known as Floribama.

"There's a white grand piano, a white couch and a tapestry of knights on horses, and I have this beautiful acrylic statue of a nude man and woman that my friend got me," Timberlake described the decor in his Orlando bachelor pad to  Rolling Stone . "It's a beautiful piece: You shine a light on it and it shines right through. I've got a game room that we call the  Jimmy Buffett  room, because it's Orlando tropical, and I have a country kitchen to remind me of where I grew up. The bedroom is a whole safari motif, with a Japanese screen and a big sleigh bed."

The following year, Chasez revealed he'd become a red wine aficionado, and had sprung for a $2,500 book of Helmut Newton photographs.

13. In 2000, just before No Strings Attached came out, Kirkpatrick was dating the girlfriend he'd had for about a year before 'N Sync became a global phenomenon. They weren't meant to be, as he married Karly Skladany in 2013 after three years together, with all of his former bandmates in attendance. 

Timberlake was still playing coy about whether he and Spears were actually dating ("Britney's a good friend of mine"), informing  Rolling Stone , "If I do decide to have a personal relationship with someone, I think it's best to keep it that—personal."

Bass had previously dated  Boy Meets World Star Danielle Fishel , even accompanying her to her high school prom. He'd choose to wait until 2006 to publicly come out as gay, and he's now been married to Michael Turchin since 2014.

Fatone had been on and off with high school sweetheart Kelly Baldwin since 1993—but they were decidedly back on when they welcomed daughter Briahna in March of 2001. They got married in 2004 and had second daughter  Kloey Alexandra  in 2010, but as of 2019 they were divorcing and Fatone was dating Izabel Araujo .

Chasez, meanwhile, usually had girlfriends around (in 2001 he was dating Bobbie Thomas , who was  inspired to start her own blog when she saw how the media treated Spears), but he has kept an impressively tight lid on his private life.

14. By 2000, Bass had started Freelance Management, hoping to develop country artists. Timberlake launched his eponymous foundation to benefit music and arts education in public schools. Chasez was producing music for girl group Wild Orchid and Kirkpatrick had started his own fashion and music production company called Fuman Skeeto.

15. Legions of screaming tween fans aside, they weren't  trying  to be extra adorable to appeal to as many kids (and their moms) as possible.

"We don't try to make ourselves do cute, we just are who we are," Timberlake told  Rolling Stone  in 2000. "We're boys. We burp and fart, just like boys."

16. Kirkpatrick considered himself the stereotypical guy's guy among them, telling Rolling Stone in 2001, "I'm like a bunch of college guys got together and said, 'Let's make a dude, a crazy dude.' And they made me."

The writer described Bass as a "supernice, humble, patient guy who's so pretty he almost looks like a girl, and who never, ever stops smiling." Chasez was said to be the one whose offstage personality was furthest from his onstage persona, "the one most likely to meander right past you so silently you wouldn't even notice him."

Fatone was "a giant wild boy with a rambunctious electricity bubbling constantly beneath his skin, as if he's about to make a party break out anytime, anywhere." 

17. During rehearsal in New Orleans in 2001, a platform shot up too early and Fatone's lower leg was caught between it and the stage, somehow not breaking the bone but exposing a  lot  of the interior of his leg.

"There was a hole," Bass told  Rolling Stone . "You could see the bone, you could see everything. So we applied pressure on it, and the fat was coming out, and it was not good. He can take pain good, but he was in pain. Oh, he screamed. It looked like a bullet went through his leg."

Added Chasez, "He ended up going to the hospital and they cut a piece of his leg out and had to rinse the metal out because his leg was caught between two pieces of metal. I don't know how it didn't break. He's a tough kid."

A few weeks later, Fatone, who had been using a cane to get around, was back on stage dancing. "He's in pain," Chasez observed. "But Joey's got great showmanship. He knows how to cover his steps 'cause he's been onstage longer than any of us."

18. When you think about it, 'N Sync had a relatively tame run. They're first to admit they had their fun, but they were  not troublemakers, nor did trouble have a habit of "finding them." Bass liked a Jack and Coke, but would more likely volunteer to be the evening's designated driver.  "If some twelve-year-old sees on the news that I got arrested for cocaine, that affects a lot of people," he told Rolling Stone . "I remember when I was ten and I caught my sister drinking. It was so devastating to me." He added, "I can have water and feel like I'm getting drunk."

19. Fame hadn't come overnight, but once it did, it was a whole new world.

"You realize what hard work it is and that it's not glamorous," Bass told  Rolling Stone . "It's like going to Disney World, going into the tunnels and seeing Cinderella smoking a cigarette. The whole magic is gone."

Timberlake admitted, "It's been a little tough There's definitely been times when I was totally depressed. But, you know, my spirituality helped me through that. I just feel like there's two of me: the public-eye me and the guy-who-brushes-his-teeth-twice-a-day me. They're getting along all right now. Sometimes brush-his-teeth doesn't get enough attention, but it's worth it."

"You don't want to say or do too much," acknowledged Fatone. "You know, it's like breaking the fans' hearts if there's something out there that they don't know about and might get upset about."

20. In case anyone was under the impression that 'N Sync was composed of five disparate parts who just got lucky, they'd be wrong.

"We started out as best friends, and you know, I think it shows—it shows in everything we do," Kirkpatrick, sitting down on CNN's  Larry King Live   with the rest of the group, said in January 2001. "From when we're on stage, when we're clowning around, we do, like, so many shows that each show is so different because of the interaction amongst each other. And we'll goof around with each other."

In response to King's observation that a lot of band members don't really get along behind the scenes, Timberlake added, "Well, the chemistry we have is unreal. I can't tell you, you know even with this tour last summer, I could just look at Chris and it could say 10 things at the same time, and he would know exactly what I meant just by looking at him, because we've been together...Even before everything took off, we were together, some of us working 9:00 to 5:00. But every day, singing, and you know, trying to get our act together."

21. The channeled their misgivings about living life in a fish bowl to varying effect with their third album, 2001's  Celebrity .

By then, Timberlake was openly dating Spears ("When we get together, that's just my girl, and I love her, and that's it. I don't think about what everybody's thinkin' about. She makes me happy. She's like salvation," he  told  Rolling Stone ; Bass added, "They're so perfect for each other, it's scary") and the group was making a reported $2.5 million a night on their PopOdyssey stadium tour.

22. In 2000, Timberlake told  Rolling Stone , talking about the influx of boy bands onto the music scene, "I think the next couple of years will separate the boys from the men. What worries me is the oversaturation of the market."

Well, the other boy bands wouldn't have to worry about it for long.

23. 'N Sync went on so-called "temporary hiatus" in 2002 after wrapping up their Celebrity Tour, mainly so Timberlake could focus on his solo career, and that turned out to be it. Though no one came right out and said it and the group never officially announced that they were disbanding. One Direction fans know the concept well.

"After you do something for a certain amount of time, you get into a rhythm of it and then new things spark your curiosity; you need new brain food," Chasez, who had a solo hit that year with "Blowin' Me Up (With Her Love),"  reflected to Huffington Post in 2019. "At that time, we just felt like we had exhausted every kind of idea for what we were doing and we just felt like, 'OK, let's do something different.' So, that's what we did." 

As for Bass, he said, "me and the guys were never on bad terms at al...The thing I was most disappointed in was not just Justin leaving the band. It's that our whole team, our record label, our management, everything like that, they all knew. They all knew it was over for three years before they told me.

"So, for three years, I'm sitting there getting ready for a new album as everyone else knows we're moving on."

24. The guys from 'N Sync pretty much went their separate ways as they embarked on their solo aspirations and Timberlake became a superstar in their own right (though that's not why none of them went to JT's wedding in Italy when he married Jessica Biel in 2012), having released  Justified  in November 2002 and never  really  looking back.

So could their reunion performance at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards have  been  more hyped?!

It was short but sweet, and their moves were intact.

25. Reflecting on why he didn't come out while he was in 'N Sync, Bass said at the group's Hollywood Walk of Fame induction in 2018 that "at the time, I thought that I would never be able to tell anyone because not only was I terrified of the lasting rejection—I was certain that that would happen—but more than that I didn't want to jeopardize the careers of these guys up here, much less the hundreds of amazing people who worked tirelessly to bring 'N Sync to the world."

Bass continued, "I thought if I had come out, 'N Sync would be over. So I kept my secret. And our wildest dreams were coming true and we were so incredibly thankful—and I still am. But so many nights onstage, I'd see so many young, gay fans singing their hearts out and I wanted so badly to let you know, I was you. I just didn't have the strength then. But I do today and so let me say loud and proud to all my LGBT brothers and sisters, who embrace me and show me the way to be who I am, thank you so much."

We can only imagine he's gained plenty of new fans since going public with his true self. And if he lost any, those people never deserved him in the first place.

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NSYNC officially reunite at VMAs for first time in 10 years and it was glorious

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2023 MTV Video Music Awards - Show

The 90s are back in a big way as NSYNC become the latest iconic pop group to reunite.

Justin Timberlake ,  Lance Bass , Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez, and Joey Fatone were reported last month to be planning a reunion as well as a brand new song – their first in over 20 years.

But while we’ve been hurt in the past with speculation around Spice Girls reunions and Britney performing at Glastonbury , these brilliantly nostalgic rumours have come true – and the legendary group appeared together at the 2023 Video MusicAwards.

The Bye Bye Bye stars hit the stage together in their first reunion in 10 years – the last one being the 2013 VMAs, where they performed two of their biggest hits.

There was no musical performance this time around, but fans lost their minds to see the former teen heartthrobs together again to present the award for best pop.

And the winner – Taylor Swift, who else? – was also suitably freaking out as she went on stage, having also grown up with JT and the crew’s dulcet tones.

She told them eagerly that she had all of their dolls when she was growing up, and pleaded with them to ‘do something’ now they were all together.

NSYNC attends the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards at the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, U.S., September 12, 2023. REUTERS/Brendan Mcdermid

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It’s been 20 years since NSYNC last released music with their final single Girlfriend in 2002, and unfortunately, we didn’t get any confirmation on the rumoured new track set to appear on the upcoming Trolls movie, which like most Hollywood projects is affected by the strike.

But each of the members looked overjoyed to be back together, still in sync after all these years as they wore matching outfits: suits in shades of blue and grey, with T-shirts beneath.

Leading man Justin, who went on to secure an incredibly successful solo career, was the only one in a slightly different outfit, standing out in a wool blazer over a T-shirt and suit trousers.

NSync Instagram

Off-stage, the crew looked to find themselves in easy company with each other, as they posed, laughing, in an elevator.

The reunion comes after Entertainment Tonight reported the band were due to reunite and release a new single for the third Trolls movie Trolls Band Together.

If this seems like a strange choice, it’s worth remembering Justin voiced the character Branch in the first two installments of the franchise films: Trolls (2016) and Trolls World Tour (2020), and is returning for the third outing which is expected to premiere in November.

The trailer has already dropped, with plenty of hints a new NSYNC song could feature – as the movie sees Branch reveal he was once in a band, BroZone, with his brothers, but they split up.

And with one of his brothers getting kidnapped in the trailer, it’s up to them to get the band back together…

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MORE : Justin Timberlake to ‘reunite with NSYNC and release first song in over 20 years’

MORE : NSYNC star Lance Bass supports SAG-AFTRA strikes by delivering pizza to protesting actors

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Will there be an NSYNC reunion tour? New music fuels comeback rumours

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Earlier this month, NSYNC sent fans into meltdown when they shared a teaser of a new song that’s expected to drop on September 29.

The 90s boyband, made up of JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone , Lance Bass, and Justin Timberlake , have been fuelling rumours of a comeback after they came together at the recent MTV VMAs .

Since then, the heartthrobs have confirmed they’ve been in the studio and working on a new track called Better Place, which was created for Timberlake’s new film, Trolls Band Together.

The last time NSYNC released an album was way back in 2001. However, given all the new work they’ve been doing, some fans are hopeful that a reunion tour could also be on the cards.

NSYNC hasn’t publicly addressed rumours of a tour - but here’s all we know about what the band have been working on.

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Is NSYNC working on new music?

NYSYNC recently came together at the MTV VMAs to present Taylor Swift with the Best Pop Award. The whole group haven’t actually been together since 2018, so this was a huge moment for NSYNC fans even though the band didn’t perform.

Then, Timberlake took to social media to share a video of the band working together in the studio on a new track. It turns out this is going to form part of the soundtrack for Trolls Band Together.

Alongside the post, he wrote: “When the stars align… got my brothers back together in the studio to work on something fun and the energy was special. Better Place is coming 9/29 LOVE Y’ALL.”

In the clip, one of NSYNC can be heard saying “who’s ready for a reunion?” before the group gets to work on recording the music.

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While the band seemed excited about promoting the new song, it’s unlikely to evolve into an album at this time. According to Lance, because of ongoing SAG-AFRA strikes in Hollywood, they haven’t promoted the film or the song.

“It was kind of bittersweet because we did have bigger plans for this song,” Lance told E! News .

“Unfortunately, there is a SAG strike and, in solidarity with WGA and SAG, we’re not able to promote the film and song. We were supposed to perform it.”

Will there be an NSYNC reunion tour?

Again, there’s been plenty of speculation about whether NSYNC might take this opportunity to kickstart a reunion tour. Naturally, their loyal fans are hopeful that this could become a reality.

However, a tour seems unlikely at this stage and several band members have played down the idea of it happening anytime soon.

Speaking at the 90s Con in Tampa, Joey Fatone told the audience: “No, I don’t know if there is a tour!” before adding: “If the fans want it that much yell at the companies, yell at Sony, yell at them.”

Another spanner in the works is a rumour of an upcoming solo tour for Timberlake in 2024. The artist is said to be working on a new album and is expected to hit the tour route in the coming year.

This means that any hopes of an NSYNC comeback are unlikely throughout next year as the band are busy with other commitments.

When did NSYNC last perform together?

NSYNC was born in 1995 when the five performers soared to the top of the charts with iconic tunes such as Bye Bye Bye .

During their time as a band, they released three studio albums and were also nominated for multiple Grammys. However, the group decided to go on hiatus in 2002 before eventually parting ways permanently.

Throughout the years, the group have come together on multiple occasions but talk of a reunion never materialised.

The last time the five artists came together to perform onstage was in 2013. Since then, the group have appeared without Justin Timberlake on several occasions.

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Chriskirkpatrickmas – the festive *NSYNC musical with absolutely no *NSYNC music

The show is currently running in central London


We often say Chris kirkpatrick mas started as a joke, and in a lot of ways it did. A bottle of cheap red wine may or may not have been involved as we first pondered, in a small LA apartment in 2012, the rise and pause of the world’s biggest boy band. What did the guys who weren’t Justin Timberlake think about how things went down with *NSYNC, and how were they adjusting all these years into their indefinite “hiatus”? Had they moved on, or were they still holding onto an old idea of what their lives could have been? And what if there was a musical about it, set at Christmas, that used absolutely none of the band’s own music?

But as is often the case, at the heart of the joke was something uncomfortably real, and it had a lot to do with how our lives in 2012 as newly-minted “adults” weren’t turning out the way we thought they would back in the late nineties/early noughties either. The big dreams that seemed attainable in our childhood bedrooms were proving tricky to achieve in real life, so we escaped into a world of 90s nostalgia where one of the biggest dreams ever—founding one of the most successful musical groups of all time and becoming a genuine pop star—came true for a guy named Chris Kirkpatrick . But our 90s nostalgia wasn’t just for the music we grew up with, the slumber parties where we learned choreography from MTV, or the days before social media—it was for the hope we used to have for the future, and a time in our lives when anything seemed possible.

Watch a performance from the show:

Now, over ten years into the journey of Chris kirkpatrick mas , times have changed again. The long-awaited *NSYNC reunion feels not only possible but potentially inevitable. While we’d love to take credit (and over a slightly less cheap bottle of red wine, we sometimes do), it more so feels like Chris kirkpatrick mas and *NSYNC are part of a larger cultural moment where things have felt so heavy for so long that people are craving art and music and theatre that makes them feel good and happy and hopeful.

If the band does reunite, it might change Chris kirkpatrick mas ; in some ways it already has. Since our Edinburgh Fringe run, we’ve updated the show with new references from Trolls 3 to a certain recently published memoir. But if you’ve seen the show (and if you haven’t, we hope you will!) you’ll know our story has always been ready for a reunion to happen, whether or not it ever actually does. Because that’s what Chris kirkpatrick mas is all about—acknowledging the joys and achievements of the past, staying open to possibilities for the future, and ultimately being very much ok with where you are right now. With lots of festive 90s nostalgia. And *NSYNC.

Chriskirkpatrickmas is on at Seven Dials Playhouse until 30 December.

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NSYNC VIP Tickets & Hospitality Packages


NSYNC VIP Tickets & Hospitality Packages | N SYNC Tour 2024 - 2025

Having recently reunited in the studio to a record a brand new song, rumours are speculating that beloved 90's boyband nsync may be heading on a potential tour - register your interest now in exclusive nsync vip tickets..

Following their upcoming single ‘Better Place’, fans across the globe have been speculating that their may be an NSYNC reunion tour in the works; register your interest to be among the first to find out about exclusive NSYNC VIP tickets should the group headline at UK music venues.

Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass and Joey Fatone made quite the storm when they reunited at this year’s VMA’s and announced that they will be releasing their first track in over 20 years.

With the excitement of this news, fans have now been stirring up speculation that the 90’s heartthrobs will announce a reunion tour, however this is yet to be confirmed from the boys themselves.

Their new song ‘Better Place’ is set to be released at the end of the month and be featured in the new ‘Trolls: Band Together’ film which features Justin Timberlake as one of the characters.

The band have never been on tour in the UK, therefore if UK dates were to be announced, demand for premium tickets and NSYNC VIP packages would be astronomical.

If NSYNC did decide to go on a reunion world tour with some tour dates in the UK, there are an abundance of arenas that they could headline; including The O2 Arena , Arena Birmingham , Manchester Arena and Resorts World Arena.  

Best known for their hits like ‘ Bye Bye Bye, It’s Gonna Be Me and Tearin’ Up My Heart’ NSYNC were one of the beloved boy bands of the 90’s/2000’s so the kids from this generation would be hoping that they perform these classics should the group decide to tour.

Until the news of a tour becomes announced, NSYNC fans will be desperately waiting for dates and venues. Make sure you do not miss out on the opportunity to see NSYNC at UK venues by registering your interest for official NSYNC VIP tickets for incredible nights of entertainment.

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NSYNC VIP tickets

NSYNC VIP Tickets benefits include:

  • VIP entrance at The O2 Arena
  • Premium tickets in the VIP blocks to see the NSYNC at The O2 Arena
  • Access to the American Express Invites VIP Lounge
  • Relaxed, informal bar and lounge style seating inside the VIP Lounge
  • Option to purchase food and drinks inside the VIP Lounge
  • Experience O2 Arena hospitality staff in attendance

NSYNC VIP packages

Manchester Arena VIP Tickets include:

  • Fast track entry to the Prime View Bar through the VIP entrance adjacent to box office, via the City Room
  • Pre-show VIP entry to the Prime View Bar
  • NSYNC VIP tickets in the appointed VIP blocks section at the Manchester Arena
  • Range of food and drink options to purchase available to order at the bar
  • Experienced AO Manchester Arena hospitality staff in attendance

NSYNC hospitality

Utilita Arena Birmingham VIP Tickets include:

  • Arrive via the Utiltia Arena Birmingham VIP entrance
  • VIP check in upon arrival at the venue
  • Access to the exclusive hospitality lounge inside Arena Birmingham
  • Inclusive two-course relaxed, informal dining inside the hospitality lounge
  • Three complimentary drinks per guest
  • NSYNC VIP tickets in the VIP section at Arena Birmingham
  • VIP drinks ordering service during the show interval
  • Cloakroom facilities in the hospitality lounge
  • Car Parking at the arena available on request
  • Experienced Arena Birmingham hospitality staff in attendance


The ultimate way to entertain a larger group of guests at your favourite venue is undoubtedly within an ultra-exclusive NSYNC VIP box overlooking the arena. Inside each luxurious private box is a smart, contemporary interior which provides the ideal setting to relax and enjoy the atmosphere and refreshments with your guests, before taking up your balcony seats located directly outside of each private box. Private Boxes can accommodate groups of between 12 to 24 guests (subject to availability).

NSYNC VIP Suite benefits include:

  • Arrive via the VIP entrance
  • VIP access to your exclusive Busted VIP Suite throughout the event
  • Private cash bar inside your suite with a dedicated box waiter
  • Option to pre-order food for your suite or order on the day
  • Padded balcony seats adjoining the suite offering prime elevated views of the arena
  • Private lounge space to relax and mingle with your guests
  • Experienced VIP Suite host/hostess in attendance
  • HD TV screen
  • VIP bathroom facilities
  • Experienced box hospitality staff in attendance

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To register your interest about NSYNC VIP tickets and VIP packages, simply send us your details using the form below and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible with all the event information, when it becomes available. 

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nsync tour london

Is *NSYNC Going On Tour? Here's Everything We Know.

Is *nsync going on tour here’s everything we know..

In the realm of pop music nostalgia, one question has been reverberating through the hearts of fans worldwide: Is *NSYNC Going On Tour?

As the iconic boy band that captured the hearts of a generation with their harmonious melodies and synchronized dance moves, *NSYNC remains a timeless symbol of 90s and early 2000s pop culture.

The mere mention of a potential reunion tour sends waves of excitement and anticipation rippling through their dedicated fanbase.

And with the band’s recent public outing at the VMA’s after nearly a decade, fans everywhere cannot help but wonder what is next from the band?

Is *NSYNC Going On Tour? Here’s Everything We Know

If you grew up in the 90s, early 2000s it’s likely that you know and love every single song from *NSYNC. They were one of the top boy bands of the century.

And if that is true, then it is also true that you would probably cash out your 401K or even sell your home to afford concert tickets should they go on a reunion tour.

So, is that actually happening? Is *NSYNC actually going on tour and more importantly, is *NSYNC making more music?

The short answer is, no – there is not OFFICIAL confirmation from the band or the band’s manager that a reunion or a tour is happening.

In fact, earlier today, TMZ said that sources told them that the band has “no plans to tour, do a residency, album, or any other pop-up reunions.”

However, there are tons of signs and clues that there may be something coming from *NSYNC and soon.

Let’s take a look at what we know…

Is *NSYNC releasing a new song?

Rumors have been circulating that *NSYNC has new music. The first clue was a video that began circulating of Justin Timberlake and JC Chavez in a recording studio.

Turns out, fans were right – *NSYNC will have a new song. According to TMZ, sources confirmed that the band is recording a new song for the new Trolls movie. They said:

we’ve confirmed the rumors the group is featured on a song for the upcoming movie, “Trolls Band Together” … which focuses on Justin Timberlake’s character reuniting with his 4 brothers who were all part of a boy band in the past — pretty meta. TMZ

Therefore, we will see new music for the movie.

But aside from that? Is anything else to come?

Well, only time will tell. While diehard *NSYNC fans like myself are trying to “read between the lines” there is just rumor and speculation out there at this point for an *NSYNC reunion tour.

Although, I can speak for all the *NSYNC fans when I say, we want this more than anything. Now that we are 30+ year olds with adult money, no amount is too much for concert tickets.

I mean, I’d even take a *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, and 98 Degrees Millennial Reunion Tour and it needs to happen STAT. None of us are getting any younger!

Seriously. Read it: Is *NSYNC Going On Tour? Here’s Everything We Know.

In the realm of pop music nostalgia, one question has been reverberating through the hearts of fans worldwide: Is *NSYNC Going On Tour? As the iconic boy band that captured the hearts of a generation with their harmonious melodies and synchronized dance moves, *NSYNC remains a timeless symbol of 90s and early 2000s pop culture....

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*NSYNC’s Joey Fatone and Backstreet Boys’ AJ McLean Hitting Road Together for 2024 Legendary Night Tour

The eight-date outing is slated to kick off on March 15 in Temecula, Calif.

By Gil Kaufman

Gil Kaufman

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Joey Fatone and AJ McLean

Joey Fatone and AJ McLean are crossing over. The *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys members announced on Tuesday (Jan. 9) that they are hitting the road together in March for an eight-date joint tour they’ve dubbed A Legendary Night.

*NSYNC, AJ McLean, Camila Cabello & More: All the Stars at the ‘Trolls Band Together…

In a post announcing the one-of-a-kind outing, Fatone wrote, “This is going to be fun!!!! @aj_mclean my dude … here we go!!!!,” with the BSB singer responding, “LEGENDARY [sign of the horns emoji].

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According to a release from promoter Live Nation, the tour will find the old friends teaming up to perform choreo, their beloved 1990s and early 2000s hits accompanied by a seven-piece band and “intimate conversations of never-before-told stories from their time on the road.” The singers, both 46, booked the tour after performing together at a gig dubbed “Joey Fatone & Friends — Welcome to Tampa 90s Party” in September; they also previously shared the stage in 2021 during Fatone’s “The AFTR PRTY” Las Vegas residency, which featured the *NSYNC member performing with McLean, Wanya Morris (Boyz II Men) and McLean’s BSB bandmate, Nick Carter.

In an Instagram Live chat hyping the tour on Tuesday, Fatone promised fans that the new dates will be a “crazy” twist on the previous team-ups, with plenty of songs from both men’s groups, as well as some tracks “that never really hit on albums or records” and some throwback 90s tracks. The show will also include a “wheel of songs” segment in which they’ll spin and sing different tracks ecah night. “Obviously a blast a lot of fun,” Fatone promised.

“You guys are in for one hell of a show,” McLean added, noting that fans will know “every song,” while teasing that he will also be performing a couple of his new tracks.

Check out the “A Legendary Night” tour announcement, teaser video and dates below.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Joey Fatone (@realjoeyfatone)

March 15 – Temecula, CA @ Pechanga Theatre

March 16 – Rancho Mirage, CA @ The Show at Agua Caliente

March 21 – Wallingford, CT @ Toyota Oakdale Theatre

March 22 – Boston, MA @ Citizens House of Blues

March 23 – Newark, NJ @ New Jersey Performing Arts Center

March 28 – Fort Lauderdale, FL @ AuRene Theater at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts

March 29 – Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Live

March 30 – Jacksonville, FL @ Florida Theatre

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Is NSYNC Going on Tour? Justin Timberlake Reunites the Band for First Performance in 10 Years

J.T. gave Los Angeles fans the surprise of their lives when he brought out the members of NSYNC during his latest concert. Find out if they're going on tour together.

nsync, justin timberlake, jc chasez, lance bass, chris kirkpatrick, joey fatone

NSYNC fans rejoice! The beloved boy band reunited for their first performance since 2013 during his latest Los Angeles concert on March 13, 2024. Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Lance Bass , Joey Fatone,   and  Chris Kirkpatrick brought the crowd to tears as they sang some of their biggest hits, like “Bye Bye Bye,” “It’s Gonna Be Me,” “Girlfriend” and their latest single “Paradise.” Last year, the group dropped “Better Place” as part of the Trolls Band Together  soundtrack on September 29, 2023. While it’s not certain what other projects will come of the reunion, it’s certainly exciting to seesinging together again. Not only that, but the band collaborated on the song titled “Paradise” on Justin’s 2024 album, Everything I Thought I Was .

Along with the new music, fans are clamoring to see the boy band take the stage again! It’s been over a decade since the group’s last musical reunion, and it’s been even longer since their last full-blown tour. Lance did hint that there was some hope for an NSYNC reunion in an appearance in the online game show Rent Free .  Hollywood Life has all the details for you, below.

The full moment leading up to @NSYNC coming out 😭😭😭 I’m not ok — 🪩 Ashley 🪩 (@ashleyhollabakk) March 14, 2024

NSYNC Reunite for New Music

Reports that NSYNC had gotten back in the studio for the new song had surfaced back in August. Before announcing the track, the boy band took the stage at the 2023 MTV VMAs to present   Taylor Swift   with the Best Pop award. “Over 20 years ago, we were just kids when we won Best Pop Video for ‘Bye Bye Bye.’ It was our first VMA, and it meant the world to us. It validated our hard work,” Justin said at the start of the presentation.

Ahead of the official track announcement, the band had lip-synced along to the audio from a Friends  scene asking “Do you know something?” It was later revealed that “Better Place” would be a part of the  Trolls Band Together  soundtrack. Snippets of the band singing the new track can be heard in the trailer . Justin voices the Branch character in the movie.

Justin also dropped the track list for his 2024 album, which includes one collab with NSYNC titled “Paradise.”

Is NSYNC Going on Tour?

While nothing official has been announced, Lance did hint that he hoped to have more to tell fans in the near future during the  Rent Free  appearance, per  Page Six .  “Look, we are talking about it — and I hope to have some good news, at some point,” he said when talking about the reunion.

Joey Fatone had spoken to Hollywood Life about the possibility of a reunion in an exclusive interview in November. He said that he hoped to have a definite answer for fans in the near future. “I don’t mind answering, because of the fact that hopefully soon, I will get an answer,” he said. “Whether it be yes, whether it be no, I hate saying, ‘I don’t know yet,’ but it is true.”

Joey also expressed some hope for a reunion so that his daughters could get to experience what the band was like. “My kids have never really seen me perform with NSYNC. So for people that are fans that grew up listening to us, I feel almost the same way. It sounds weird, but it is true because I want my kids to see what I did,” he said.

Earlier, Lance said that the quintet isn’t planning on a reunion tour, in an Entertainment Tonight   interview. As the interviewer mentioned that fans have been clamoring for a tour, he said that there’s nothing on the horizon. “Hopefully in a perfect world, that might happen one day, but again, no plans right now,” he said.

While there’s nothing set in stone, Lance did seem open to the idea. He admitted that the group were listening to the fans. “I’ve been telling the fans: we don’t have solid plans right now, because we’re waiting for the strike to end. We’ve got things to do, but they’re definitely shaping our future,” he told  ET. Ahead of Lance’s interview, a report from TMZ   said that they didn’t plan on touring, releasing an album, or doing a residency.

Most recently, Justin appeared on  The Kelly Clarkson Show   on January 30, 2024, and confirmed that he and his pals have been working on new music together. “And also as it pertains to harmonies… I’ve spent some time with four other guys doing a lot of harmonies,” he said during the talk show appearance.

J.T. also touched on their 2023 reunion. “That was fun,” he said to Kelly Clarkson . “It’s kind of crazy, like, there’s so much that just picks up right where it left off as far as the chemistry.” Additionally, Justin reassured NSYNC fans that something is coming soon. “We’ve been in the studio, so there may be a little something in the future, too,” he added. Despite the exciting tease, Justin did not reveal if he and his bandmates will release a new album or if they will head on tour this year.

Less than two months later, Justin invited his bandmates to perform with him during a concert in L.A., fueling rumors that there could possibly be a tour in the near future. Nevertheless, they haven’t confirmed the rumors.

Earlier NSYNC Reunions

While NSYNC split up in 2005, the boy band has gotten together on a handful of occasions over the years for both musical and non-musical reunions. When Justin earned the Video Vanguard award at the 2013 MTV VMAs, the group was part of his medley performance, singing “Girlfriend” and “Bye Bye Bye.”  When the group was given a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame in 2018, they all got together for the ceremony and appeared on Ellen  together.

The group has also had a few occasions that they’ve had partial reunions. All of the members except Justin joined  Ariana Grande   on stage for her 2019 headline set at Coachella, where they sang her song “Break Up with Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored” and their own “Tearin’ Up My Heart.” In April 2022, Joey, Lance, and Chris gave an impromptu performance at Ryan Cabrera   and  Alexa Bliss’  wedding.

When Was the Last Time NSYNC Toured?

While there have been a handful of performances since the group split up, the boy band’s final tour was in 2002 to promote their album Celebrity. The tour ended in April 2002, and the band began a hiatus, which they never returned from. The members’ final appearance as NSYNC was in 2005 at the “Challenge for the Children,” but they didn’t perform. They released a greatest hits album that same year.

While the band has not toured together in over 20 years, Justin has set out on numerous tours as a solo artist. His most recent time on the road was in 2019 for his  The Man of the Woods  tour. 

nsync tour london

NSYNC Stadium Tour Reportedly in the Works, Already Attracting Big Bids

nsync tour london

NSYNC could be hitting the road, and, if they do, big bids could be in the works,

More details below…

According to TMZ , both Live Nation and AEG have both thrown their hats in the ring and have reached out to the members of the group to explore the idea of a reunion tour.

What’s more, the group has allegedly been presented with serious financial figures, though sources for the news outlet did not say what exactly those numbers were.

Additionally, sources told TMZ that interest was piqued after companies began witnessing the love that the group has received over the last year.

The group is allegedly considering the idea, but that they are not close to making a decision anytime soon. If they were to reunite and tour, it wouldn’t be until 2025.

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This is a good move for Justin. His color project flopped. Time to get back with the crew to build up some steam, and then he can toss em back to the side again.

*Color is a typo

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Prince died in April. It is April 2024 but no mention of Prince. Justin did the tribute in 2018 at SB TGJ didn’t post nothing about Prince death anniversary this month Justin let everyone know he loved Prince and stop comparing him to MJ

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They better stick to arenas like their old man flop lead singer is doing

Prince died in April. It is April 2024 but no mention of Prince. Justin did the tribute in 2018 at SB TGJ didn’t post nothing about Prince death anniversary this month Justin let everyone know he loved Prince and stop comparing him to MJ

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A stadium tour is a bit of a reach, people don’t miss them that much lol.

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JT said N’Sych wasn’t his thing because he didn’t like the music they made together while he was selling now that his last few albums have flopped and he’s being held accused for all of his wrong doings he wants to return to the group. This is why I won’t ever have any respect for him, he’s a user.

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  • Juicy Comments

That Grape Juice

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*NSYNC ‘planning to tour after reuniting on Justin Timberlake’s new album’

Connor Gotto

*NSYNC are reportedly planning to hit the road for their first tour in over 20 years. 

The group has reunited on several occasions over the past few months, recording the track Better Place for the ‘Trolls Band Together’ soundtrack and featuring on Justin Timberlake’s album cut Paradise . 

Now, insiders say the group is planning to return to the road once Timberlake’s ‘Forget Tomorrow’ tour is done. 

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“The lads are raring to go and have unfinished business as far as touring is concerned,” they tell The Sun’s Bizarre column . 

“They’ve seen the huge success their contemporaries Backstreet Boys have had travelling the world in recent years, and they are currently carving out time in their diary to do the same.

“It’s been a long time coming and the fans will snap up tickets.”

Last year, Lance Bass opened up about *NSYNC’s latest projects and admitted the group – also starring JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick and Joey Fatone – had no idea fans would “go this nuts” for their comeback. 

“It is beautiful, you know?” he said. “To be this age and the fans are still this excited, it is a dream come true. I had no idea the fandom would go this nuts.

“It was pretty emotional, the first time we all got in the studio together. Back in March, we decided to, you know, get back together and have some fun and it was like no [time] had passed.

“But there was a lot of tears. It was just tears of joy. And it was just a beautiful moment. Like, time does so much and for us to finally be together, it just feels right.”

On the possibility of a tour, at the time he insisted the group “don’t have solid plans”, but maintained that future live shows aren’t off the cards. 

“I’ve been telling the fans, like, we don’t have solid plans right now. Because, you know, we’re waiting for the [SAG-AFTRA] strike to end [and] we’ve got things to do,” he added. “But [the fans are] definitely shaping our future.”

Connor Gotto

Founder and editor of RETROPOP. Self-proclaimed pop aficionado. Usually seen with a wine in hand.

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NSYNC Reunion Tour 2022: Is This a Sign of It Coming Soon?


The boy band surprised guests at Ryan Cabrera's wedding to WWE star Alexa Bliss with an unplanned performance of "Bye, Bye, Bye." As far as witnessing an NSYNC reunion tour for 2022, this has to do for now. Unfortunately, the performance was sans Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez.

Is this a sign of an actual concert happening in the near future?

On Saturday, April 9, three members of the boy band NSYNC came together for a spontaneous performance at Ryan Cabrera's wedding to Alexa Bliss in Los Angeles.

Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, and Lance Bass joined the couple on their wedding day in Palm Desert, California, to perform a song from one of their hit albums for the lucky wedding guests in attendance.

Despite the absence of Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez, it was still an amazing performance on the track. 

Meanwhile, the three singers were quite dressed in a laid-back manner. Chris sported a black t-shirt and matching jeans, as well as a number of chain necklaces that were on full display.

For the event, Joey dressed in a white button-down shirt and black capris, while Lance donned a kilt for the occasion! It appeared as though all three of the members were enjoying themselves, and the visitors were going crazy at the unexpected performance.

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A People magazine story revealed that the reunion was appropriate for Ryan and Alexa's wedding, which they described as "Rockstar" themed in an interview with the magazine. 

The band has reunited on a few occasions for one-off performances or informal reunions despite the fact that they officially ended their career in 2003. 

The biggest one and the most talked about reunion so far would be when Justin's four former bandmates joined him onstage at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards to accept the Video Vanguard Award, which was the band's most significant reunion to date. The band has gotten together since the award event and will be honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next year, according to Variety.

Per Teen Vogue , the boy band (minus Justin) reunited in 2019 to perform with Ariana Grande at her Coachella festival performance.

Whether an actual NSYNC reunion tour can happen in the near future remains to be seen. One thing's clear - no fan is really ready to say bye, bye, bye for good. 

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*NSYNC reunion tour 'on hold as Justin Timberlake is planning a big solo tour'

The reunited boyband reportedly have no plans to hit the road as a group due to Justin Timberlake's big plans for new solo music and touring in 2024


  • 18:55, 17 Sep 2023

*NSYNC fans have had their dreams shattered after it was revealed that the band reportedly won't be doing a comeback tour.

Followers of the band were delighted to see them back together as they took to the stage at the MTV VMAs this week presenting Taylor Swift with an award. Then things were taken up a notch as Justin Timberlake shared a behind the scenes look at him and bandmates Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass and JC Chasez recording their first new song in more than 20 years.

However, things have now taken a turn for the worse for *NYSNC fans as it's been reported that there will be no time for a tour for the boyband as Justin plans on releasing new solo material that he will be touring with in 2024. A source told Page Six: "“Justin is coming out with a new album, so he’s planning a big US tour for 2024."

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The move sees the band missing out on a potential $100m in revenue according to Billboard had they decided to go on the road as a group. Justin confirmed that the bands new song Better Place will be released on September 29 with his Instagram post.

He wrote: "When the stars align… got my brothers back together in the studio to work on something fun and the energy was special. Better Place' is coming 9/29. LOVE Y’ALL." Meanwhile, the third instalment in the Trolls movie franchise, Trolls Band Together, which features the song on it's soundtrack, will get its release on November 17.

*NSYNC have not released an album since their 2001 hit Celebrity. The group had a string of hit singles including Tearin’ Up My Heart and It’s Gonna Be Me between 1995 - 2004. While they haven't made music in over two decades they have reunited previously. One time saw them perform at the 2013 VMAs and they also regrouped to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2018.

Justin, 42, meanwhile has carved out not only a successful solo career but a career in Hollywood since the band parted ways in 2004. He has released five solo studio albums and had a string of hit singles including Cry Me A River, Senorita, SexyBack and Mirrors. He has also appeared in box office hit movies including Friends With Benefits, Bad Teacher, and The Social Network. He also headlined the Super Bowl LII halftime show.

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*nsync: music labels bidding on new single or album amid tour talks, *nsync music labels bidding on new single or album ... amid stadium reunion tour talks.

* NSYNC has major music labels poking around to produce a new single or album, amid talks of a possible reunion stadium tour ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... the band, which hasn't released a stand-alone *NSYNC single since 2002, has been receiving calls from multiple music labels like Warner Music and Universal Music that are eager to learn about the band's current status.

We're told the guys could find themselves in the middle of another bidding war -- this time with the labels possibly wanting a new single or album from the group.

We broke the story ... Live Nation and AEG started reaching out to *NSYNC members a month ago, expressing interest in a reunion stadium tour .

Back in its heyday, the group was signed to JIVE Records, which later was acquired by RCA Records, with whom Justin Timberlake is currently signed. The band as a whole is not currently signed by a label.

The band, which has sold over 70 million records and been nominated for 8 Grammy Awards, has some seriously tempting financial figures on the table to entice all 5 members back on stage.

We chatted with Chris Kirkpatrick earlier this week and he confirmed that reunion talks are underway .

As we previously reported ... this is all in the very early stages and the guys are looking closely at all offers. However, our sources have said not to expect a decision anytime soon, as the reunion stadium tour is at least a year out.

Stay tuned ...

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Get to Know the Real-Life Loves of *NSYNC's Bandmates

All five of the band's members have found lasting happiness

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Jerritt Clark/Getty; Monica Schipper/Getty 

They're all they've ever wanted.

The five members of *NSYNC —  Justin Timberlake , Lance Bass , JC Chasez , Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick — have been tearin' up hearts since they first hit the scene in the late 1990s, but off stage, they've all found lasting love with their longtime partners.

Not only that, the 10 often spend time together , celebrating milestones including weddings and babies.

Keep reading to discover more about the real-life loves of the members of *NSYNC.

Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake's Wife

Jerritt Clark/Getty Images

Justin Timberlake and actress Jessica Biel began dating in 2007. Despite splitting up in 2011, they eventually reconnected that November, and one month later, got engaged.

Since tying the knot in October 2012, the couple have welcomed two children together.

In November 2023, a source told PEOPLE that Timberlake is in "such a great place" with Biel and their children, sons Silas and Phineas.

"He's happy at home with Jess and their kids, and he's focusing on new music," the insider said.

Michael Turchin, Lance Bass's Husband

David Livingston/Getty

Lance Bass tied the knot with Michael Turchin in 2014 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles in a ceremony that aired on TV.

In 2021, they expanded their family as they welcomed twins Violet and Alexander via surrogate. At the time, Bass shared more with PEOPLE about the key to the couple's marriage.

"It's just [being] understanding, letting them be who they are and not trying to change someone," he said.

"I think you are who you are and you just gotta accept them the way they are," he continued. "There's beauty in the differences that you have, and we have lots of differences that intrigue me ... I think that's why I was so attracted to [Turchin] in the first place, was that we had such different lives and different talents."

Jennifer HuYoung, JC Chasez's Girlfriend

Monica Schipper/Getty

JC Chasez has found love with his girlfriend, Jennifer HuYoung.

In February 2019, Chasez went Instagram public with HuYoung on Valentine's Day. In the picture, the couple posed with their arms around each other, wearing matching shirts.

"This I promise you...when you share your love, #yourloveisheroic and that’s why we love @uheroes and what they do everyday to try and make the world better through selflessness and compassion. Happy Valentines Day ❤️," the musician captioned the post.

More recently, Chasez shared a cute selfie of the couple adventuring abroad. He wrote, "Cabaret in London. The performers are a vibe."

Izabel Araujo, Joey Fatone's Girlfriend

Leon Bennett/Getty 

After going through a divorce, Joey Fatone has found a special someone in girlfriend Izabel Araujo .

“4 years ago I met him at #halloweenhorrornights for our first date," Araujo captioned a photo of the two in 2019 to celebrate their fourth anniversary.

"We’ve been celebrating it every year at the same place ever since. Not your typical love story but I wouldn’t change a thing!!," she continued.

She added, "Looking forward to celebrating many more with my partner in crime! 😜 #happy4years #hhn #Halloween #Lovestory"

Fatone and ex Kelly Baldwin share daughters Kloey Alexandra and Briahna.

Karly Skladany, Chris Kirkpatrick's Wife

 Gilbert Flores/Variety via Getty

Chris Kirkpatrick and his wife Karly Skladany have been married for 11 years.

The couple tied the knot in November 2013 in front of 300 of their family members and friends, including the other four members of *NSYNC. A few years later in October 2017, the couple welcomed their first child , son Nash Dylan.

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Nsync Tickets

Nsync tour 2024.

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The tickets for Nsync concerts are already available.

Every fan will get a chance to experience the amazing performance of their favorite musician. This tour is going to be huge and you can be a part of it. We understand the desire to witness the live performance of a well-known band.

This year has been incredible for Nsync and their latest tour is the proof of that. There is plenty of evidence for that. After all, a music event of such proportions cannot be missed. Huge stages all around the world are set to host these incredible live shows. Thousands of people will be gathering around just to witness a star performing on stage.

Every Nsync concert is a unique event that does not disappoint. Even the best headphones or the largest TV screen doesn’t compare to the feeling of excitement and emotion at a concert while being surrounded by thousands of people who share the same passion. Thousands of people are coming together like one big family just to share their experience and love for the performer. The Nsync tour is something truly special, and if you don’t want to miss it then check our deals as soon as possible.

We are sure that here you will find tickets for the best price. Moreover, you can choose your tickets based on seat preference. With us it is much easier to follow the Nsync schedule and see where the next concert will take place. Just check the concert schedule and decide what the best spot to see and hear everything is!

Make sure not to miss the concert when your favorite band arrives to your hometown. We will provide you with our exclusive offers and tickets at a great price. Here you will find the Nsync 2024 tour dates and all the details related to their live shows.

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About Nsync

NSYNC (, / ɪ n -/ ; also stylized as *NSYNC or ' N Sync ) was an American boy band formed in Orlando, Florida, in 1995 and launched in Germany by BMG Ariola Munich. NSYNC consisted of Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, and Lance Bass. Their self-titled debut album was successfully released to European countries in 1997, and later debuted in the US market with the single "I Want You Back".

After heavily publicized legal battles with their former manager Lou Pearlman and former record label Bertelsmann Music Group, the group's second album, No Strings Attached (2000), sold over one million copies in one day and 2.42 million copies in one week, which was a record for over fifteen years. NSYNC's first two studio albums were both certified Diamond by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Celebrity (2001) debuted with 1.8 million copies in its first week in the US. Singles such as "Bye Bye Bye", "This I Promise You", "Girlfriend", "Pop" and "It's Gonna Be Me" reached the top 10 in several international charts, with the last being a US Billboard Hot 100 number one. In addition to a host of Grammy Award nominations, NSYNC has performed at the World Series, the Super Bowl and the Olympic Games, and sang or recorded with Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Phil Collins, Celine Dion, Aerosmith, Nelly, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, Mary J. Blige, country music supergroup Alabama, and Gloria Estefan. The group has received eight Grammy Award nominations.

NSYNC last recorded new material in 2002. The five members have reunited a couple of times, including at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards and to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The band completed five nationwide concert tours and has sold over 70 million records, becoming one of the best-selling boy bands in history. Rolling Stone recognized their instant success as one of the Top 25 Teen Idol Breakout Moments of all time. Justin Timberlake went on to become a ten-time Grammy Award winner throughout his solo career.

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This Star Wars Movie Cut an *NSYNC Cameo at the Last Minute


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The Big Picture

  • NSYNC filmed cameo scenes as Jedi for Attack of the Clones but were ultimately cut due to negative backlash from fans.
  • Michael Jackson wanted to play Jar Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace , and Princes William and Harry filmed cameos for The Last Jedi .
  • Other celebrities who have made successful appearances in Star Wars include John Williams, Billie Lourd, Simon Pegg, Daniel Craig, and Ahmed Best.

Perhaps the only thing rivaling the expansiveness of the Star Wars universe is the incredible scale of the multimedia franchise itself. The Skywalker Saga consists of a tremendous nine films, the extended universe is so large it split the canon, and the resurgent love for the sci-fi franchise has led to countless spin-offs that continue to illuminate the farthest reaches of the galaxy . Not just one of the most popular sci-fi franchises, but one of the most recognizable works of fiction in pop culture, Star Wars is one of those projects that has captured the hearts of generations of fans spanning across the globe. The love for Star Wars is so enormous that even some of the biggest names in pop culture can't help but be drawn to the franchise, as many fans themselves wanted to appear in the films. And back in the early aughts, as the prequels were hitting the silver screen , even the hit boy band NSYNC was among the masses wanting to be in Star Wars. They were incredibly close too, as members of the pop group got a chance to film short cameo scenes for Star Wars: Attack of the Clones , though they were ultimately cut from the film.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padmé Amidala, while Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi.

*NSYNC Members Filmed Scenes in 'Attack of the Clones'

In the lawless land of the prequel films' rumor mill, word spread that the hit boy band NSYNC would be making a cameo appearance in Attack of the Clones . However, when the film was released, even the most astute fans were unable to find the singers in the film. However, though the pop group never appeared in the final product, fans were a lot closer to seeing the singers in Jedi robes than they might have expected. Over two decades later, Joey Fatone confirmed during a panel at Fandemic Tour Atlanta that NSYNC did, in fact, film two scenes as Jedi, including a fight scene alongside the numerous other Jedi extras in the Battle of Geonosis. Fatone also shared the reasons why the scenes were ultimately cut , which were the negative backlash from Star Wars fans and the additional SAG-AFTRA fees and policies for extras.

But even though they didn't appear in the theatrical release, the scenes were still filmed. Band members Joey Fatone, JC Chasez , and Chris Kirkpatrick confirmed that they received the full Jedi treatment and were dressed in the traditional flowing tan robes, the iconic Padawan braids, and were even given their own lightsabers . Fatone's brother, Steven, was also able to join them. Fellow band members Lance Bass and Justin Timberlake were reportedly too exhausted from their concurrent tour during the time of filming and were unable to participate, though the two later lamented on missing out on the experience in their Hot Ones interview. Though disappointed that they were ultimately removed, the band members nonetheless look back on the experience fondly, sharing that they found themselves making the lightsaber sound effects while playing their parts.

One of Star Wars’ Best Lightsaber Duels Isn’t Canon

The lightsaber duel at the end of 'Star Wars: Clone Wars’ second season is among the most brutal and exhilarating in the saga’s history.

The King of Pop and the Princes of England Almost Appeared in Star Wars

The popular singers, however, were not the only celebrities who wanted to appear in Star Wars , but ultimately didn't make the cut. Michael Jackson , the King of Pop himself, famously wanted to play Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. A lifelong fan of Star Wars, Jackson did get a chance to collaborate with Lucas in the 1986 short film, Captain EO . Produced by Lucas and directed by Francis Ford Coppola , Jackson starred as the titular Captain EO, a charismatic pilot leading a motley assortment of aliens on an outer space adventure. The film had visual elements evocative of Star Wars, but was wholly distinct and even featured a few musical numbers. Shown at Disney theme parks from 1986 through 1998, the film was unfortunately the closest Jackson got to appearing in Star Wars, as Lucas ultimately cast another person in his coveted Gungan role.

The King of Pop wasn't the only nobility to nearly appear in Star Wars, as England's Prince William and Prince Harry filmed a cameo scene for Star Wars: The Last Jedi in 2016. Though the two made it further than Jackson in the process, even getting a chance to appear on set, the royals' scenes never actually made it into the final cut. Playing a pair of Stormtroopers alongside actor Tom Hardy , William and Harry appeared in a scene alongside Finn ( John Boyega ), Rose ( Kelly Marie Tran ), and DJ ( Benicio del Toro ). However, William and Harry, standing at over 6 feet tall each, were unusually tall for Stormtroopers, which would have made them stand out from the visual uniformity of the soldiers.

Other Actors and Celebrities Made Cameos in Star Wars

While many celebrity cameos were left on the cutting room floor, there have been plenty of successful on-screen appearances of noteworthy actors and celebrities in the Star Wars films. The legendary composer John Williams , responsible for the iconic musical score for the series , finally made a cameo appearance in the films in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker . Williams briefly appeared as a bartender in an underworld hangout, after some convincing to even appear in the film. Director J.J. Abrams and the crew even surprised Williams by creating 51 different props to surround him in honor of his 51 Oscar nominations . Of course, he's gotten a few more Academy Award nominations since then.

Another touching addition to the Star Wars films was the inclusion of Billie Lourd , Carrie Fisher's daughter, in the sequel trilogy. As Lieutenant Connix, Lourd appeared in all three of the sequel films and even stepped in as Leia's body double in The Rise of Skywalker after her mother's passing. Other celebrity cameos were far less obvious, but have become fun Easter eggs for astute fans. Simon Pegg appeared in Star Wars: The Force Awakens as Unkar Plutt, the alien junk boss on Jakku with whom Rey ( Daisy Ridley ) traded her scavenged goods. Daniel Craig also appeared in the film , portraying the Stormtrooper whom Rey tricks using a Jedi mind trick. And Ahmed Best , the man who beat out Michael Jackson for the role of Jar Jar Binks, even appeared briefly in Attack of the Clones as one of the bar guests in the early chase scene in the movie.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones is available to stream on Disney+ in the U.S.

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)


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    NSYNC VIP Tickets. The O2 VIP Tickets. Manchester VIP Tickets. Birmingham Hospitality. VIP Suite. Guests with VIP tickets enjoy the best views of the stage from the comfort of premium seats at the venue and will feel like a VIP with exclusive access to the American Express Invites VIP Lounge where you can mingle with fellow VIPs during the show.

  10. *NSync: Musical based on '90s boyband opens in London

    New Year's Eve LIVE: London gears up for 2024 fireworks - as bad weather cancels other … london January 1, 2024 January 1, 2024 Sam Davis: London Broncos hooker signs new contract for 2024

  11. Is *NSYNC Going On Tour? Here's Everything We Know

    In the realm of pop music nostalgia, one question has been reverberating through the hearts of fans worldwide: Is *NSYNC Going On Tour? As the iconic boy band that captured the hearts of a ...

  12. Nsync Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Legendary boy band *NSYNC thrilled fans in 2013 with an explosive reunion performance at the MTV VMAs, putting a full-out reunion tour at the top of every fan's wish list. With their four massive concert tours between 1997-2002, *NSYNC filled stadiums with their killer combination of buttery smooth harmonies and intricate choreography that only ...

  13. *NSYNC's Joey Fatone, Backstreet Boys' AJ McLean Announce Joint Tour

    *NSYNC's Joey Fatone and Backstreet Boys' AJ McLean Hitting Road Together for 2024 Legendary Night Tour. The eight-date outing is slated to kick off on March 15 in Temecula, Calif.

  14. Is NSYNC Going on Tour in 2024? Everything to Know About Their Reunion

    NSYNC fans rejoice! The beloved boy band reunited for their first performance since 2013 during his latest Los Angeles concert on March 13, 2024. Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Lance Bass, Joey ...

  15. No Strings Attached Tour

    The No Strings Attached Tour was the third concert tour by American boy band, NSYNC. Primarily visiting North America, the tour supported the band's third album No Strings Attached. [1] Beginning in May 2000, the tour sold out all dates within the first day of the ticket sale. Additional dates, also in North America, were added for the Fall of ...

  16. NSYNC Reunion Tour 2024: Reliving the Boy Band Magic

    London: Wembley Stadium: June 2, 2024: Tokyo: Tokyo Dome: June 10, 2024: Sydney: ANZ Stadium: Feel-Good Flashbacks: ... The NSYNC reunion tour will undoubtedly feature exclusive merchandise that you won't want to miss. From classic tees to limited-edition memorabilia, be prepared to splurge a little on items that will become cherished ...

  17. *NSYNC Tickets

    Biography. *NSYNC was an American pop boy band that is widely regarded as one of the most successful pop acts of the late '90s and early 2000s, selling over 56 million records worldwide. Formed in ...

  18. NSYNC Stadium Tour Reportedly in the Works, Already Attracting Big Bids

    NSYNC Stadium Tour Reportedly in the Works, Already Attracting Big Bids. 178. SHARES. Published: Monday 29th Apr 2024 by Ryan. NSYNC could be hitting the road, and, if they do, big bids could be ...

  19. *NSYNC 'planning first tour in over 20 years'

    *NSYNC are reportedly planning to hit the road for their first tour in over 20 years. The group has reunited on several occasions over the past few months, recording the track Better Place for the 'Trolls Band Together' soundtrack and featuring on Justin Timberlake's album cut Paradise.. Now, insiders say the group is planning to return to the road once Timberlake's 'Forget Tomorrow ...

  20. Celebrity Tour

    Celebrity Tour. The Celebrity Tour was the fifth and most recent concert tour by the American boy band NSYNC. Promoting their fourth studio album, Celebrity (2001), this is the second tour to showcase the album. The group stated that the tour would go "back to their roots", as they would be performing obscure songs from all three of their albums.

  21. NSYNC Reunion Tour 2022: Is This a Sign of It Coming Soon?

    The boy band surprised guests at Ryan Cabrera's wedding to WWE star Alexa Bliss with an unplanned performance of "Bye, Bye, Bye." As far as witnessing an NSYNC reunion tour for 2022, this has to ...

  22. *NSYNC reunion tour 'on hold as Justin Timberlake is planning a big

    *NSYNC have not released an album since their 2001 hit Celebrity. The group had a string of hit singles including Tearin' Up My Heart and It's Gonna Be Me between 1995 - 2004.

  23. *NSYNC: Music Labels Bidding on New Single or Album Amid Tour Talks

    Amid Stadium Reunion Tour Talks. Exclusive. 1K. 5/22/2024 12:40 AM PT. Getty Composite. * NSYNC has major music labels poking around to produce a new single or album, amid talks of a possible ...

  24. See the Spouses and Real-Life Loves of *NSYNC (Photos)

    All five of the band's members have found lasting happiness. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel; JC Chasez and Jennifer HuYoung. Photo: They're all they've ever wanted. The five members of *NSYNC ...

  25. Nsync Tickets 2024

    Nsync Tour 2024. June 11, 2024 -. The tickets for Nsync concerts are already available. Every fan will get a chance to experience the amazing performance of their favorite musician. This tour is going to be huge and you can be a part of it. We understand the desire to witness the live performance of a well-known band.

  26. This Star Wars Movie Cut an *NSYNC Cameo at the Last Minute

    The Big Picture. NSYNC filmed cameo scenes as Jedi for Attack of the Clones but were ultimately cut due to negative backlash from fans. Michael Jackson wanted to play Jar Jar Binks in The Phantom ...