Travel at State – Office of the Controller

Traveler Support

As you prepare for your trip....

Use the following links as a guide to ensure a safe and successful travel experience.

Before You Take Off...

Refer to the resources below for important pre-departure information.

While You're Traveling...

Stay connected by signing up for travel alerts and knowing who to contact in case of emergency during your trip.

Currency Exchange Services

Office of Spartan Experiences

If the RSO is intending to travel at any time on behalf of the organization, there are processes that will need to be followed based on the individuals traveling and how the travel will be paid for/reimbursed. To aid in this, please select the option below that best aligns with the travel method the RSO is utilizing.  

*The following options were established in conjunction with the University Travel Office to follow all university related travel policies.  

Option 1 : RSO is using an on-campus account to pay for members to travel without an MSU affiliated Adviser. 

  • All related expenditures, as approved by the responsible parties of the organization, must be processed through the RSO reimbursement process. 
  • Plane tickets 
  • Registration 
  • Hotel accommodations 
  • Parking 
  • Meals 

Option 2 : RSO is using an on-campus account to pay for members and an MSU affiliated Adviser to travel. 

  • All related expenditures, as approved by the responsible parties of the organization, for the Adviser will be placed in the Concur system using the RSOs AR or AU account number being charged. The Adviser, or their designee, cannot use their department or other affiliated Travel, Event, or Agency cards to purchase any part of the travel items. 
  • If the adviser makes any out-of-pocket purchases on behalf of a student traveling, the responsible parties of the organization must follow the RSO reimbursement process to reimburse the Adviser.   
  • An Email must be generated by two members designated as responsible parties of the RSOs accounts to be attached to the Concur travel request.  

Option 3 : RSO is using an on-campus account to pay for members to travel while the accompanying MSU affiliated Adviser is covered by an MSU Department. 

  • All related expenditures for the Adviser will be placed in the Concur system using the department account number being charged. The Adviser, or their designee, will follow all university and departmental directives related to travel accordingly. 

Option 4 : RSO is using department funds/accounts to pay for all expenses related to members to travel with or without an MSU affiliated Adviser. 

  • All related expenditures will have to be processed via the travel sponsoring department in accordance with university policies and guidelines. The RSO cannot reimburse the university department for travel-related expenses.  

Option 5 : RSO is using an off-campus account to pay for members to travel with or without an MSU affiliated Adviser. 

  • All related expenditures will have to be processed via the off-campus account.  
  • If traveling with an Adviser, please reach out to the Office of Spartan Experiences for further instructions. The Adviser’s travel requires documentation that will have to be handled on a case-by-case basis for this type of situation.  

Option 6 : RSO is using non-student or non-University funds to travel. 

  • All related expenditures will have to be processed via the sponsoring group in accordance with their respective policies and guidelines. The RSO cannot reimburse travel-related expenses within this scenario. 

If your organization hosted an event off-campus or traveled off-campus as an organization and meets one of the below criteria you must submit the   Clery Non-Campus Property Form . This expectation is due to the Clery Act requirements we are expected to follow.

Criteria are:

  • If the RSO is hosting an event, meeting, practice, etc and has a written agreement for use of a building or property (including fields, parks, event venues, etc.).
  • If the RSO is traveling and has a written agreement for use of a building or property (including lodging or event venue, etc.).

Information that you will need to provide is:

  • If there is a MSU faculty or staff in attendance for possible Campus Security Authority (CSA) designation).
  • Address of the location the RSO is renting or owns.
  • Date(s) and time(s) for the event(s), meeting(s), practice(s) or trip(s).

If your international RSO trip is MSU-sponsored, please follow the directions below under “Global Travel Registry” section to register your trip and to activate the relevant benefits. The definition of MSU-sponsored international travel may be found at: .

O nly RSO trips that are MSU-sponsored can be registered in the MSU Global Travel Registry and can access the benefits described below. If you are unsure whether an RSO trip is MSU-sponsored, please contact the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security at  [email protected]  or 517-884-2174.

If your trip is not considered MSU-sponsored, your group is encouraged to purchase International SOS membership and international health insurance independently at: . For coverage comparable to MSU’s, select a plan that includes medical benefits.

MSU RSOs traveling internationally on trips that are MSU-sponsored, but not part of an Office for Education Abroad program, must register their travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry: . It is not necessary to submit a travel request to Concur. Travel registration can be completed by the individual travelers, a group leader, or an RSO advisor. We recommend registering the group together.  

  • Activates free international health, evacuation and repatriation insurance.
  • Allows travelers to utilize International SOS 24/7 support for urgent or routine medical and security issues.
  • Allows travelers to utilize MSU emergency support services.
  • Provides important pre-departure information.
  • Serves as a crisis response tool.
  • Enroll all US citizens and nationals in the US Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Plan at . Encourage international students to register with their local Embassy.
  • Individual travelers should discuss travel plans with their primary care physician and/or International SOS at 1-215-942-8478 or  (their pre-travel consultations with a medical professional are free to MSU travelers).
  • Consider making an appointment with the MSU Travel Clinic ( ) or another travel health professional if you need immunizations, malaria prophylaxis, etc.
  • Maintain a high level of vigilance and avoid traveling alone whenever possible.
  • Regularly monitor local and international media to increase awareness of local events and entry restrictions.
  • Heed the advice of local authorities.
  • Do not participate in protests or demonstrations even those with peaceful intentions.
  • Pre-program important contact numbers into your mobile phone.
  • Consider purchasing trip cancellation or trip insurance coverage.

The Office for Global Health, Safety and Security (Global Security) supports the health, safety, and security of all MSU-sponsored international travelers. Global Security can offer travel safety guidance and are available 24/7 to respond to a crisis. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Global Safety.

Telephone: 517-884-2174

Email:  [email protected]  



24/7 International SOS Medical and Security Assistance: +1-215-942-8478 24/7 MSU International Emergency Assistance Line: +1-517-353-3784

International SOS recently extended some of its services to MSU-sponsored domestic travel. The following is now available to those on MSU-sponsored domestic travel:

Pre-travel security and medical briefings (contact  [email protected]  to arrange).

  • Medical advice during travel by contacting the International SOS 24/7 Assistance Center: 1-215-942-8478.
  • Travel alerts. Download the  International SOS app  and enable location sharing (recommended to get more location-specific alerts) or log in to  with MSU membership # 11BCAS798617 and select “Sign Up for Email Alerts”.

Printable  COVID-19 Pocket Guides .

Importantly, these International SOS services do not include medical insurance for MSU-Sponsored domestic travel. Travelers would still need to work through their usual domestic insurance to cover health care costs. 

  • International SOS:  and download the app (MSU Membership #: 11BCAS765781)
  • S. Department of State:  and .
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):  and .
  • For the latest travel policies and travel health resources, please visit: .

Information Security Practices During Travel

Michigan State University (MSU) personnel travel globally for various purposes, including participation in our highly ranked Study Abroad program, visiting family abroad, and attending conferences. It is crucial to prioritize the security of our devices and the information they contain whenever Spartans are on the move.

Ensuring the safety and security of our devices involves implementing numerous protocols and adopting a specific mindset, which can be challenging to navigate, especially when traveling internationally. To address these concerns, MSU's has developed guidelines for all students, staff, and faculty. This resource serves as a reference guide to help individuals maintain data security vigilance, regardless of their destination.

Before You Go

Register your travel . All faculty, staff, and students traveling on  MSU sponsored international travel  must, before their departure, register their travel in the  MSU Global Travel Registry . Registration is an essential tool in supporting the health and safety of MSU travelers abroad.

If you don’t need it, don’t take it. If you can do without the device/data, leave it at home. Back up and clear any unnecessary data from devices you must take (e.g., texts, pictures, phone numbers, voicemail. Consider the consequences if your information were stolen.

Back up your information . Back up your contacts, photos, videos and other mobile device data with another device. Using a cloud service will keep data you leave behind available to you, provided you can find a secure connection.

Save restoration images of vital devices. If the device must come with you, creating a restoration image will allow you to wipe any data storage areas and revert the device to it’s trusted, pre-travel state. It is the best way to ensure whatever compromise may have occurred while travelling is contained and not spread to MSU’s network or your own home network.

Encrypt your data. Any device that must come with you should have encryption software, so any data retrieved will still be unusable (where permissible). Windows OS devices have Bitlocker installed for use; if the PCs are managed by ITS Workstation Services, ideally the system is set up with BitLocker enabled (the default). If neither of these is the case refer to your usual area/dept. representative from that team.

  • Encryption Guidelines

Have a Travel Phone . If feasible, use a different mobile phone from your usual one and remove the battery when not in use.

Change your passwords. Change the passwords (not PINs) granting access to your devices - at least 12 characters long with full complexity – and continue doing so at regular intervals throughout the trip. Never store passwords or other authentication information on the outside of the phone or in the case.

Enable multifactor authentication wherever it is available. This will help prevent unauthorized use of your credentials even if they are compromised.

Disable auto-login to MSU resources . Devices are often configured to automatically connect to Outlook or Teams. Ensure that you only do so when you intend to.

Disable “Remember Me”-type features. Type the password (or require one for your password manager app) every time. Shield yourself while you type.

Disable wireless peer-to-peer technologies. Infrared, Near-Field Signal (ie ApplePay) Bluetooth, and other such technologies can be a significant risk; these convenience- oriented connection types are convenient to attackers as well. Only activate them in immediate need, then turn them back off.

Disable automatic connections. Vet and intentionally connect to any network you want to use. Remember that Anything sent over a network can be intercepted, so be mindful when transmitting confidential information. Any transmission can be intercepted, but if they are encrypted, they are secured to the level expected by MSU IT. Submissions to https sites are encrypted. Transmissions to an MSU service while connected to the MSU VPN are encrypted. Encryption does not guarantee security in extreme circumstances. If you have doubts about sufficient protection for student information or your private information, do not transmit it over the network or in emails while in a high cyber-risk country.

Update your mobile software. Treat your mobile device like your home or work computer. Keep your operating system software, anti-virus, and apps updated, which will improve your device’s ability to defend against malware.

Set up the "find my device feature" on all your devices. This will help you find your phone, tablet or laptop if you lose it and might allow you to disable or wipe data from it if it gets in the wrong hands.

Keep it locked. Get into the habit of locking your device when you are not using it. Require a strong password to unlock it – not a PIN or swipe pattern – whenever possible.

General Travel Practices

Maintain positive control of devices. Your devices should be on your person and they (or the bag they are in) should be held by you at all times. Do not ever leave your mobile devices unattended, in checked baggage, or in a bag on the floor next to you. If your devices are ever confiscated or otherwise taken out of your direct line of sight, assume you have been compromised; have your device cleaned immediately.

Bear in mind, thieves often target travelers. Meal times are optimum times for thieves to check hotel rooms for unattended laptops. If you are attending a conference or trade show, be especially wary: These venues offer thieves a wider selection of devices that are likely to contain sensitive information, and the conference sessions offer more opportunities for thieves to access guest rooms or to offer compromised “gifts.”

Avoid using your University NetID and password as much as possible. Ensure that you connect through the MSU VPN if you require access or transfer of confidential data to or from the University, but refrain from idle use of your login info (e.g. to check emails).

When working with any confidential data housed at/with MSU, ALWAYS utilize the MSU VPN to establish that connection back to campus. Remember: the MSU VPN only encrypts traffic traveling to and from “” sites. Confidential data is defined by

  • Appendix I of the MSU Institutional Data Policy

Never store confidential data on the computer being used unless absolutely necessary. If a process does indeed require at least temporary storage of confidential data locally, be sure to clear from the system as quickly as possible.

  • There are programs that can be used for secure delete such as “Eraser” for Windows.
  • For Mac: OS X provides built-in tools to help you securely delete files by using the Secure Empty Trash option, or the secure erase options in Disk Utility . See Apple's documentation for more details. Search Apple support for details about erasing options in Disk Utility.

Don’t use thumb drives given to you. Assume any removable media that doesn’t belong to you is compromised. Don’t use your own thumb drive in a foreign computer for the same reason. If you’re required to use unknown media for some reason, assume you’ve been compromised; have your device cleaned as soon as you can.

Be aware of who may be able to look at your screen . Don’t be ashamed to turn your body or otherwise shield your screen when necessary.

Beware public charging stations. Many modern mobile charging cables and ports double as data ports. Do not physically connect your mobile device to anything you do not control.

Terminate connections when you’re not using them. Open connections are an invitation to compromise.

Clear your browser after each use : delete history files, caches, cookies, URL, and temporary internet files.

Don’t open emails or attachments from unknown sources. DO NOT click on any links in emails. Empty your “trash” and “recent” folders after every use.

Avoid Wi-Fi networks whenever possible. Especially when traveling internationally; in some countries they’re controlled by security services. In all cases they are insecure.   If MSU-controlled information or devices are stolen or otherwise compromised , report it immediately to MSU, local authorities and/or the local US embassy or consulate.

International Travel Practices

Remove all confidential data prior to any border crossing . Ideally, even clear cache and cookies from the web browser before crossing, too.

Visit the U.S. State Department's Alerts and Warnings web page to identify "high risk" countries you plan to visit.

Traveling with IT devices to some countries, most notably China and Russia, is considered high cyber-risk. The U.S. government has issued several advisories that travelers be aware that they could be targets of espionage activities when visiting these countries. Travelers are strongly encouraged to follow these recommendations:

  • Take a disposable mobile device. The only way to be sure a possible compromise is not spread is to dispose of the device upon return.
  • DO NOT travel with encrypted devices to China unless you have advance approval from China. China severely restricts the import of unapproved encryption. If you attempt to cross the border with an encrypted device, you may be asked for the decryption key or your device may be confiscated.
  • The U.S. government prohibits traveling with encrypted devices to countries that are considered state sponsors of terrorism , namely Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. DO NOT bring encrypted devices to these countries.
  • Upon your return, immediately discontinue use of the devices. The hard drive of the devices should be reformatted, and the operating system and other related software reinstalled with trusted pre-travel images, or simply disposed of. This previously suggested step is of extreme importance when returning from high- risk international travel. Contact the MSU Help Desk or your local IT administrator to assist you.

When You Get Home

Electronics and devices used or obtained abroad can be compromised. Your mobile phone and other electronic devices may be vulnerable to malware if you connect with local networks abroad. Update your security software and change your passwords on all devices on your return home.

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Michigan State University

International Studies & Programs

Office for Global Health, Safety and Security

MSU Global Travel Registry

All faculty, staff, and students traveling on MSU sponsored international travel (non-education abroad) must, before their departure, register their travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry before departure. Registration is an essential tool in supporting the health and safety of MSU travelers abroad.

Registration in the Travel Registry activates MSU-provided international health insurance, evacuation and repatriation insurance, facilitates the university's emergency support services, and provides you with important pre-departure information.  International MSU-sponsored travelers must submit a request at least 3 weeks prior to departure.

Access to the MSU Global Travel Registry

Anyone with an MSU NetID may access the MSU Global Travel Registry. Travelers may register their itineraries or may have a fellow traveler or administrative support person register travel on their behalf. All travelers are encouraged to log in to the MSU Global Travel Registry to update their personal profile.

Travel Registration

MSU faculty, staff, and students traveling on MSU sponsored international travel (not related to an Office for Education Abroad program) must register their trip with MSU. Review this guidance on what is considered MSU sponsored international travel.

Education Abroad participants, including program directors and assistants, are already registered in the Office for Education Abroad system and do not need to register that travel in the registry. 

MSU does not support student (undergraduate or graduate) travel to high-risk destinations unless a waiver to the policy is received. More information may be found on the Student Travel to High-Risk Destinations webpage .

MSU units or departments registering international travelers should use the information provided on the Pre-Trip Authorization Form . Once the international trip is successfully registered, the traveler(s) and travel arranger (if applicable) will receive a confirmation email.

FAQs and Help

What is the msu global travel registry.

What is the purpose of the MSU Global Travel Registry?

The Global Travel Registry offers MSU travelers and travel arrangers a tool that is secure and user-friendly, while enhancing the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security’s ability to offer travel safety support to MSU travelers. This new system provides additional reporting functions for university leadership to aid in long-term planning, identification of new grant opportunities, and collaboration of international projects across units.

What is the URL for the MSU Global Travel Registry?

The URL is . Anyone with an MSU NetID can access the system.

Is the MSU Global Travel Registry available as an application for my phone?

Yes! Mobile apps are available for download:



What’s new about the MSU Global Travel Registry?

  • Travelers may register their own MSU-affiliated travel or choose to have a unit administrator enter their travel
  • Simplified log-in process (no need to request access to the system – anyone with an MSU NetID will have access)
  • Faster registration - registering a trip takes, on average, 2-5 minutes
  • Facilitates group travel – individuals no longer need to be registered separately
  • Enhanced integration with Google Maps
  • Creates a traveler profile to avoid re-entering the same information on subsequent trips
  • Trip information is easy to edit prior to departure

What happened to the old Travelers Abroad Database?

The MSU Global Travel Registry replaced the Travelers Abroad Database.  All web links to the Travelers Abroad Database were redirected to the MSU Global Travel Registry, effective April 19, 2017.

Who Should Register?

Who should register in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

All MSU faculty, staff, students, and approved guests (e.g. consultants) traveling on MSU sponsored international travel . Only individuals with an MSU NetID can register travel.

I am participating in an education abroad program for credit (formerly known as study abroad), do I need to register in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

No. The MSU Global Travel Registry is for non-credit, MSU-sponsored international travel only.

Do I have to register domestic travel?

No.  Only international travel should be entered in the MSU Global Travel Registry.

If you would like to learn more about domestic insurance for a visitor coming to MSU from outside of the United States, please visit Risk Management and Insurance information for Inbound Travel .

Can I register my own (MSU-sponsored international) travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

Yes, if you have an MSU NetID.

Can I still register travel on behalf of someone else?

Yes. If you are part of a team from MSU or an administrator or leader arranging a group trip, you can register others on that trip. Please follow the guidelines below.

Can we register group travel?

Yes. The MSU Global Travel Registry simplifies the process for registering group travel. One trip registration may be entered for travelers following the same itinerary and using the same accommodations. You will be asked to list the names of each traveler and the contact information for each traveler.

Should travelers coming to MSU from a country outside the United States be registered in the MSU Global Travel Registry?

No. The registry is only for outbound international travel.

Travel Information and Resources

Do I have access to itineraries that I previously registered  in the Global Travel Registry?

Yes. You are able to copy any trips registered in the MSU Global Travel Registry if you need to register a trip similar to one previously undertaken.

Will I be able to search for and see travel itineraries for others in my department or unit?

You can search for and see any travel itineraries that you have created or for which you are a traveler or trip editor. Unit administrators will receive training and access to such data for their department or unit. ISP/OIHS will administer cross-unit requests for data.

What if I am going to a high-risk destination? 

MSU does not support undergraduate or graduate student travel to high-risk destinations a waiver is reviewed by the Risk and Security Assessment Committee and approved by the Provost. If you register a trip to a high-risk destination that includes a student or students you will receive an email advising that travel cannot be registered until a waiver is approved. We recommend submitting a waiver request at least 4 weeks before departure and before the purchase of airline tickets. For more information on the waiver request process, please see the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security website .

Will registration in the new system automatically enroll travelers in international health and political unrest/natural disaster evacuation insurance coverage?

Email notification from the registry will confirm travel registration and enrollment in International SOS . Note that students traveling to a high-risk destination must obtain a waiver before registration may be confirmed and coverage activated. See the waiver request instructions  for further information.

Will the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security reach out to travelers while they are abroad?

It's possible. The Global Health, Safety, and Security team is constantly monitoring events oversees and if the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security determines there is a need to communicate with travelers, we will reach out by email. Travelers should therefore keep an eye on their MSU email while traveling internationally.

Sometimes when a health, safety, or security incident occurs abroad, the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security will reach out to travelers to share travel safety information and to confirm travelers' well-being. The Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security may not reach out every time there is an incident for a variety of reasons including if it is clear that an incident is unlikely to have affected travelers. If you are traveling abroad and looking for travel safety information, do not hesitate to reach out.

What if I have programmatic or administrative questions about using the MSU Global Travel Registry?

Please contact MSU’s Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security at globalsafety(at) or 517-884-2174.

Operational Guidelines

What type of information will I need to register a trip?

Traveler(s)’s location

Travel dates (for each leg of the trip, if applicable)

Travel Funding Source (select primary or largest source of funding)

  • MSU-Funded : traveling on MSU business using MSU general and/or designated funds (preceded by a “G” or “D” in the MSU financial system)
  • Externally-Funded : traveling on MSU business using funds from grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, endowments, or auxiliary sources (preceded by an “R” or “A” in the MSU financial system)
  • Invitational Travel : traveling on MSU business using funds provided by a non-MSU third party outside the MSU financial system (e.g. consulting, sponsored travel, hosted travel)
  • Self-Funded : traveling on MSU business using personal funds

Travel Reasons (select 1 or 2)

  • For Credit Learning : (Not registered with the Office for Education Abroad) Includes graduate student thesis work, enrollment in institution or program outside the US for credit based learning that will be transferred back to MSU, internships that are credit based, including Mastercard Foundation Scholars.
  • Not For Credit Learning : Includes service learning, engagement projects, internships that do not generate credit, but are affiliated with MSU via RSO’s, Alternative Spartan break, etc.
  • Teaching : Faculty, Staff, Graduate students, or guest faculty who are travelling internationally for the purpose of teaching/supervision at another institution or international site. This includes faculty accompanying graduate students or student groups that are going for service learning or community engagement trips that are connected to MSU via RSOs and other affiliated MSU groups.
  • Research and Creative Endeavors : Undertaken in connection with enrollment or employment at MSU. This includes international research teams employed by MSU on team research projects, based internationally.
  • Conference or Meeting Attendance : Includes attendees, presenters, or organizers.
  • Site Visit : International travel undertaken primarily to visit an actual or prospective MSU international location. Example: study abroad program proposal site visit.
  • International Capacity Building : International travel undertaken in connection with international development priorities or projects in which MSU is a partner or stakeholder.
  • Administrative : International travel undertaken to fulfill administrative duties related to employment at MSU.
  • Recruitment : MSU recruitment of either faculty or students outside of the United States.
  • Advancement: International travel undertaken to fulfill institutional advancement responsibilities relating to employment at MSU.
  • Consulting : International travel undertaken in order to consult with international partners related to traveler’s work as an MSU employee.

In-Travel Contact Information (such as local cell phone number, Skype username etc.) for as many travelers as possible.

I am having technical issues with the MSU Global Travel Registry, what should I do?

If you are using Internet Explorer, try switching to a different browser such as Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. If you continue to experience issues, contact IT Services at 517-432-6200 or ithelp(at) . 

I have feedback about the MSU Global Travel Registry. Who should I contact?

Please feel free to email feedback to globalsafety(at) . We appreciate your feedback! If we need more information from you, we will be in touch. 

MSU Global Travel Registry Training Video

International SOS Emergency Assistance


MSU systems access from sanctioned countries

Mental Health Resources

on campus and while abroad

Travel Security Update:

Russia Ukraine Conflict

Make a Gift

International Travel

MSU faculty, students, and staff traveling internationally may be subject to federal Export Control Regulations depending on the destination for international travel and what type of data, materials, equipment, or software are taken. For MSU personnel, there are export compliance and IT Security issues to consider when planning to travel. International travel for MSU-Sponsored academic and business purposes must comply with applicable federal regulatory and MSU policy requirements. The key requirements for international travelers include:

  • MSU policy requires that all faculty, staff, and students traveling abroad for MSU-Sponsored academic and business purposes register their travel. Please review guidance on what travel is considered MSU Sponsored should you have questions.
  • Consider using a clean loaner laptop.
  • Follow MSU’s Information Security Best Practices during travel .
  • Export control regulations may apply to certain data and technologies you take abroad, depending on the specific items and where you’re traveling.
  • In addition, travel to comprehensively embargoed countries/regions around the world, even just for brief research trips or conferences, may require federal licenses be obtained prior to travel.

Michigan State University masthead graphic

For Employees

The Travel Clinic supports faculty/staff's global research, educational programs and international partnerships by providing comprehensive travel consultations.

The Travel Clinic provides MSU faculty/staff with a comprehensive and cost effective way to receive travel counseling, as well as appropriate vaccinations and medications.

MSU Global Travel Registry

All MSU faculty and staff traveling out of the country on MSU business must have their trip registered in the MSU Travel Registry.

Maps and Parking

Maps and Parking for the Travel Clinic

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MSU’s international travel procedures are adapting to reflect the current global travel landscape.

After careful consideration of the high COVID-19 vaccination rate on campus, the re-opening of international borders, and the successful resumption of many global programs and activities, the Faculty and Staff Travel Review Committee (FASTR), the Office for Global Health, Safety and Security (Global Safety), the associate provost and dean for International Studies and Programs, and the provost have approved the following international travel policies and procedures for faculty, staff, and MSU-sponsored guests,  effective Monday, May 2, 2022.


·         The MAU approval form and COVID-19 international waiver request form are no longer required for faculty, staff and sponsored guest travel.

·         All MSU-sponsored travelers must  register their travel in the Global Travel Registry  and, as applicable,  submit a Request in Concur . Please refer to the MSU Manual of Business Procedures, Travel Policies & Procedures.

·         Travel to  elevated or extreme risk destinations  is subject to additional review by Global Safety. Global Safety may prompt the traveler to complete an online travel waiver as needed as well as refer the waiver to FASTR for further review. Travel requests must be submitted three weeks in advance of departure date.

·         MSU-sponsored travelers are eligible for  MSU-provided international travel health insurance  and support from the Office for Global Health, Safety and Security. A new coverage benefit has been added to MSU’s international travel health insurance for travelers directed to quarantine by a physician; please  review complete coverage details .

·         Travel to the U.S. from an international location does not require Global Safety approval.


·         Non-Education Abroad student travelers must submit a  COVID-19 international travel waiver request . This process is under review by the Risk and Security Assessment Committee (RSAC); however, the MAU approval form is no longer required.

·         For details regarding travel with Education Abroad programs, please refer to the  COVID-19 Guidance for EA Programs  and the Office for Education Abroad .

These policies and procedures are subject to regular review and may change as needed to protect the Spartan community. As always, refer to the  Office for Global Health, Safety and Security website  for the most up-to-date international travel policies and procedures.

Please share this information widely within your college or unit.  If you have any questions, please contact the Office for Global Health, Safety and Security at  [email protected] , and  sign up for their mailing list  to receive regular updates.


Steven D. Hanson, Associate Provost and Dean International Studies & Programs Michigan State University 427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 207 East Lansing, MI 48824-1035 phone: (517) 355-2352

Click here to download a copy of this announcement.

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  • Faculty/Staff Resources
  • Programs of Study Browse the list of MSU Colleges, Departments, and Programs
  • Graduate Degree List Graduate degrees offered by Michigan State University
  • Research Integrity Guidelines that recognize the rights and responsibilities of researchers
  • Online Programs Find all relevant pre-application information for all of MSU’s online and hybrid degree and certificate programs
  • Graduate Specializations A subdivision of a major for specialized study which is indicated after the major on official transcripts
  • Graduate Certificates Non-degree-granting programs to expand student knowledge and understanding about a key topic
  • Interdisciplinary Graduate Study Curricular and co-curricular opportunities for advanced study that crosses disciplinary boundaries
  • Theses and Dissertations Doctoral and Plan A document submission process
  • Policies and Procedures important documents relating to graduate students, mentoring, research, and teaching
  • Academic Programs Catalog Listing of academic programs, policies and related information
  • Traveling Scholar Doctoral students pursue studies at other BTAA institutions
  • Apply Now Graduate Departments review applicants based on their criteria and recommends admission to the Office of Admissions
  • International Applicants Application information specific to international students
  • PhD Public Data Ph.D. Program Admissions, Enrollments, Completions, Time to Degree, and Placement Data
  • Costs of Graduate School Tools to estimate costs involved with graduate education
  • Recruitment Awards Opportunities for departments to utilize recruitment funding
  • Readmission When enrollment is interrupted for three or more consecutive terms
  • Assistantships More than 3,000 assistantships are available to qualified graduate students
  • Fellowships Financial support to pursue graduate studies
  • Research Support Find funding for your research
  • Travel Funding Find funding to travel and present your research
  • External Funding Find funding outside of MSU sources
  • Workshops/Events Find opportunities provided by The Graduate School and others
  • Research Opportunities and programs for Research at MSU
  • Career Development Programs to help you get the career you want
  • Graduate Educator Advancement and Teaching Resources, workshops, and development opportunities to advance your preparation in teaching
  • Cohort Fellowship Programs Spartans are stronger together!
  • The Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society (BGHS) A national network society for students who have traditionally been underrepresented
  • Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) A gateway to graduate education at Big Ten Academic Alliance universities
  • Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) A community that supports retention, and graduation of underrepresented doctoral students
  • Recruitment and Outreach Ongoing outreach activities by The Graduate School
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Funding Funding resources to recruit diverse students
  • Graduate Student Organizations MSU has over 900 registered student organizations
  • Grad School Office of Well-Being Collaborates with graduate students in their pursuit of their advanced degree and a well-balanced life
  • Housing and Living in MI MSU has an on and off-campus housing site to help find the perfect place to stay
  • Mental Health Support MSU has several offices and systems to provide students with the mental health support that they need
  • Spouse and Family Resources MSU recognizes that students with families have responsibilities that present challenges unique to this population
  • Health Insurance Health insurance info for graduate student assistants and students in general at MSU
  • Safety and Security MSU is committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive campus community characterized by a culture of safety and respect
  • Why Mentoring Matters To Promote Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education at MSU
  • Guidelines Guidelines and tools intended to foster faculty-graduate student relationships
  • Toolkit A set of resources for support units, faculty and graduate students
  • Workshops Workshops covering important topics related to mentor professional development
  • About the Graduate School We support graduate students in every program at MSU
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  • History Advancing Graduate Education at MSU for over 25 years
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Traveling Scholar

Graduate students might need to attend other institutions to complete course work. There are several programs offered to assist students with that kind of travel (see Inter-Institutional Study below). When graduate students need to travel abroad for research, professional development (conference presentation), or course work, there are specific processes and procedures that must be followed (see the Traveling Abroad section below).

Traveling Abroad

Office of International Health & Safety

International travel steps for graduate students

If you are traveling to a high-risk destination, additional review is required. Register your trip at least 4 weeks in advance. More information may be found at  OIHS .

If you are traveling on MSU funds/grants: Work with your department to register your trip(s) in Concur:

  • Log-in to EBS
  • Select “Travel and Expense” tile
  • Select “Requests”
  • Select “Create New" adn the "New Request” from the drop down.
  • Enter as much detail as possible
  • Registration can be done by you or a delegate

If you are self-funding your travel: Work with your department to register your trip(s) in the MSU Global Travel Registry:

  • Log-in to  using your MSU NetID.
  • Click “Create a Trip”
  • Enter as much detail as possible (i.e.: hotel, exact city, emergency contact information, etc.)

When you register your trip, you will be automatically enrolled in international medical insurance and evacuation coverage (provided by International SOS) at no cost to you when traveling on University business or as part of official University programs.

To access any of International SOS’s services, use the MSU membership number: 11BCAS798617. If you need help with a medical or security issue abroad, or if you have any health and safety questions before your departure, contact the 24/7 International SOS Scholastic Assistance Line: +1-215-942- 8478. Travelers are also strongly encouraged to visit the  International SOS web-portal  and to  download their app  to review information about your destination, receive travel alerts, request a certificate of assistance (proof of insurance), and contact International SOS for assistance.

For immediate emergency assistance while abroad, travelers should use the local emergency number (“911 equivalent”) to contact local emergency services. The MSU 24/7 International Emergency Assistance Line (+1-517-353-3784) remains available to travelers and should be used to report a crime abroad.

To protect health, travelers should also verify whether they need preventive vaccinations or medications that are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. Certain vaccinations may be required by destination countries. The Travel Clinic located in Olin Health Center can provide these services, as does the Ingham County Health Department and other travel clinics outside of the Mid-Michigan area.

Inter-Institutional Study

Big Ten Academic Alliance Traveling Scholar

Big Ten Academic Alliance Courseshare

Michigan Intercollegiate Graduate Studies (MIGS)

If you are looking for funding for travel or conferences, please see Travel Funding .

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  • © Michigan State University

Travel at State – Office of the Controller

Table of Contents

Getting started, concur mobile.

  • My Travel Network, TripIt Pro

Travel Bookings

Connections, expense reports, how do i log onto concur.

Concur Homepage Link

Who has a Concur profile?

All MSU active employees have Concur profiles.

Will Concur work on any browser?

To view a list of Concur supported browsers and desktop operating systems, please visit Section 8&colon Browser Support in Concur’s Travel & Expense the Supported Configurations guide.

How will I know if there is a service outage in Concur or the system is just running slowly?

If the system appears to be running slower than normal or you are receiving a timeout error, you can check messages to see if there is a service outage by going to the Concur home page, scroll to bottom of page and click on “Service Status (North America). There you will see the current service status. In the top right corner of the screen, you can click “Subscribe to Updates” if you wish to receive updates when the system is experiencing issues.

Why do I need a profile?

Your profile controls multiple critical functions within Concur. If you book airfare, the name in your profile must match your state/government issued ID. If you would like to have another employee arrange travel and prepare requests and expense reports on your behalf, you must assign him/her as a delegate (see instructions below). To take advantage of the mobile technology and electronic receipts, you must activate e-receipts, verify your email, and setup your mobile PIN. For additional details on profile settings, please refer to the User Profile Settings Quick Start Guide (coming soon).

How do I become an arranger or assign an arranger to make travel reservations?

Travelers are responsible for assigning travel arrangers in their Concur Profiles.

  • To do so, go to Profile Settings, Travel Settings, Assistants/Arrangers;

Adding an assistant

  • Type in your Assistant’s name or email address and select the appropriate boxes;

Saving Assistant

  • You can add as many Assistants as you wish.
  • Once complete click “Save” on the Setting page.

How do I become a delegate or assign a delegate to create and submit Requests, and prepare Expense Reports?

  • Go to Profile Settings;
  • Select Expense Delegates under Expense Settings to assign delegates.

Add Expense Delegate

  • Select the following boxes and save:
  • You can add as many Delegates as you wish.

Who can make changes to a Concur profile?

Which mobile apps should i download, how does a user install sap concur's mobile app.

  • On the Mobile Registration page Profile > Profile Settings > Mobile Registration in the web version of SAP Concur, the user can: Request that an email is sent to their device, where the user opens the email and follows the instructions. - or - Obtain the link using the appropriate "store" icon.
  • On the mobile device, the user can go to appropriate store "store" and search for Concur.

How does a user sign in to the app?

How does a user re-set their mobile-only password, which functions can a user perform with regards to managing their expenses and reports, how much information can be edited by the user, can a user itemize an expense using the mobile app, can a user remove itemizations from an expense, can a user add attendees using the mobile app.

  • Search the user's contact list on the mobile device
  • Search for attendees in the user's favorites attendee list
  • Search for attendees in all company attendee lists
  • Search an external source (if this feature is available on the web version or Expense)
  • Add the attendee manually
  • Add attendees from the device calendar (iPhone only)

Can users enter personal car mileage?

How does a user delete a mobile expense, can a delegate manage a user's expenses and reports via the mobile app, can a user capture an image of the receipt and attach the image to the expense, does a user need to allow access to the device camera, does a digital photo of a receipt meet irs guidelines for expense documentation, does it take a long time to upload the receipt images, with sap concur's mobile app, can a user manage their trip itinerary, which request features are available for a user using sap concur's mobile app, which request features are available for an approver using sap concur's mobile app, my travel network. tripit pro, my travel network, what is my travel network, how does my travel network work, how do i enroll in my travel network.

  • Option 1: Enroll via a pop-up window that appears on the home page.
  • Option 2: Select Profile > Profile Settings > Frequent-Traveler Programs . Next, scroll down to the Frequent-Traveler Programs section and click
  • Option 3: Select App Center on the top of the home page then search for My Travel Network to enroll.

What are the benefits of enrolling in My Travel Network?

What travel partners are currently part of my travel network, what is i book a room-block for a conference with a hotel supplier that is not listed above, why do i need to verify my email address(es), what is tripit pro, how does tripit pro work, what are the benefits of tripit pro.

  • Create a master itinerary from the confirmation emails of thousands of different places including restaurant reservations, airport shuttles, and even rooms you’ve booked through conference hotel blocks.
  • Send real-time flight alerts and helpful reminders throughout your trip.
  • Help you get your expense reports started. Once a flight, hotel, or car has been added to your TripIt account, a note will be created in Concur reminding you about the expense.
  • Tell you when to leave for the airport based on your current location, flight status, and local traffic with the Go Now feature.

How do I activate my complimentary TripIt Pro subscription?

Why do i have to verify my email address(es) in my tripit account, how do i verify my email address(es) in tripit.

  • Go to and sign in with your TripIt account information.
  • Click your name in the upper right to access your settings.
  • Go to the Email Settings section.
  • Confirm the email address(es) currently there and add any additional email address(es) you may forward travel confirmation emails from.
  • Click Save .

How do I download the TripIt app?

I already have a free tripit account. how do i get access to tripit pro, why do i have to forward my travel confirmation emails to [email protected], what should i do if my personal travel plans end up in concur.

  • Option 1: Log into your TripIt account on the web or mobile app and edit your trip. Toggle off the Business Trip option.
  • Option 2: Log into Concur Solutions, select the Upcoming Trips tab and choose Hide Personal Trip to remove a personal trip from Concur.

Do I have to use the Preferred Travel Agencies and Concur for online booking?

Are there discounts for booking flights substantially ahead of travel dates, can i contact a frosch or anthony travel agent to arrange travel, how do i book a hotel that is designated as a preferred location for a conference, how can i get frequent flier miles or points on my business travel, can i select my seat in concur, will the system notify me if there is a change in flight schedule, how do i ensure that my name matches my state/government issued photo id, do i need to provide my date of birth and gender to book travel, what are unused tickets, how do i pay for my reservations, how can i view the itinerary for flights that i have already booked, is optional car rental insurance reimbursable, what should i do if i’m involved in an automobile accident while using a university-owned or rented vehicle, may i buy first class airfare when traveling on university business, will this new system “talk” to the global travel registry, how do you connect purchasing card charges, does concur eliminate entering dvs in kfs, will concur include the management/coordination of certain elements of international travel (ex: visa/passport applications, olin health vaccinations, and msu global travel registry).

  • No, Concur will not.
  • MSU Office of International Health and Safety will continue to provide resources passport/visa requirements, inoculation requirements, SMART Traveler enrollment, etc. to MSU international travelers as they do today.

Will the activity statement include the traveler’s name and destination or should that be part of the trip name?

  • When Org Level Approvers and Fiscal Officers are reviewing Approvals, the list will include Request Name, ID, and Traveler Name.
  • The Trip (Request) Name should be something meaningful to you and those who will be approving.

Setting Trip Names

Is Concur connected to EBS? Will there be a “tile” in EBS for Concur?

Can i use concur to make a motor pool reservation, how will department policies be implemented.

  • Departmental policies are not built into Concur.
  • Auditing of travel Request and Expense Reports to departmental policies will remain the department’s responsibility.
  • Many MSU policies are built into Concur.
  • Central Accounting will continue to audit Expense Reports to MSU policy.

What is Request?

Is request required, will we still be able to do blanket authorizations for in-state travel, are estimated costs required, if dates change by a day or two after submitted, does a new request have to be started, what are some features of request, what is an event request and how is it used, what are delegates how many delegates can i have, i am an approver. how can i delegate approvals to another employee, how do i become a delegate in order to prepare requests and expense reports, how do i act on behalf of another user to assist with travel reservations.

  • Go to Travel
  • From Profile, and select “Act on Behalf of Another User”.
  • In the Search by Name or ID field, find the traveler's name;

Start Session Acting as Another

  • In the upper right portion of the screen, you will see the traveler's name highlighted in green as Acting As. You are now acting as that person, and you will be able to complete the delegate functions.
  • For details, please see the User Profile Settings Quick Start Guide for information on how delegates are assigned.

How do I add assistants and travel arrangers to my profile (to assist with travel reservations)?

Adding Assistant

How are approvals handled?

If the traveler must approve his/her own expense report, can another person also be added (ex: grant pi when the traveler is a student).

  • Profiled faculty/staff travelers are required to submit their Expense Reports.
  • Delegates can assist and/or complete Expense Reports, but cannot submit.
  • Yes, ad hoc routing is available for additional approvals. Use the “+” to add routing before and after the Fiscal Officer Approval.

After submission, can travelers follow routing of their requests and Expense Reports to see where they are in the review/approval process?

  • Profiled travelers can receive notice of Expense Report status changes. Request initiators can be notified of status changes via email.
  • Travelers can view their Request and Expense Report status by logging into Concur and selecting Request or Expense. In the line description, travelers can see status.
  • To see further routing detail and view audit trail, travelers can select a specific document and view within that particular report.

Can approvers edit Requests and Expense Reports?

What happens when the chairperson approves a request, but the fiscal officer rejects for errors.

  • When the fiscal officer finds errors in a Request, they can send back for corrections and once corrected, routing begins again.
  • Request initiators can choose to cancel the Request and start anew using the copy feature.

Will approvals show up in some action list as other KFS transactions?

  • No, Request and Expense Reports pending approval will not be in KFS.
  • Pending Request and Expense Report approvals will appear at the top of your home page in Concur. If you are an approver, you can see the number of approvals required. When you select Required Approvals, Request and Expense Reports are listed under each tab.

Does the approval process go from the submitter directly to Fiscal Officer?

  • Submitted Requests will go to the Org. Level Approver before routing to Fiscal Officers.
  • Submitted Expense Reports will route directly to Fiscal Officers.

Can delegates approve in the workflow?

Will there be email notifications for approvals, are approvers able to see future and previous workflow approvers or only what you have to approve, what happens if an approver disapproves a request in expense, will auto-routing occur when request needs two different approvals from two different areas.

  • If different Org. level approvals are needed, ad hoc routing will be needed to send to the non-primary Org.
  • Fiscal Officers will be automatically routed when their accounts are utilized.

As a department Fiscal Officer, can I change account numbers at my approval step?

Will approvers have delegates (ex: if the fo is on vacation), how long does it take for approvals to go through.

  • Request and Expense Reports route through
  • Once a Request is submitted, both the Org level and Fiscal Officer have to approve.
  • Once an Expense Report is submitted, the Fiscal Officer(s) for accounts charged are routed for approval. If travel is international and an “RC” account is charged, Expense Reports will route to CGA for review and approval. Expense Reports are then routed to Accounting for audit and final approval.
  • In either case, additional routing can be added.

Can I assign another employee to review expenses before I approve them?

Will the approver know whether they are approving the travel or accounting string accuracy, will travel arrangers receive notification of requests in route and when they are approved do travel arrangers have access to a traveler’s request route log, how do i reassign an expense report for a higher level of approval, when should i complete an expense report, how can i track an expense report in the system, is there a report available for expense report details, how are exchange rates calculated, how do i itemize a hosted business meal to separate the expense for alcohol when alcohol is not reimbursed or permitted on the account.

  • Select a Group Business Meal expense type, and enter the required information, including the total charge of the meal.
  • Click Itemize and select the appropriate expense types such as Group Business Meal for the charges that are not for alcohol, and either Personal/Non Reimbursable for the alcohol charges.
  • The total of the meal and alcohol should equal the total charge.

I have incurred currency conversion charges for international transactions while traveling for the University. What expense type should I use?

What is a foreign transaction fee, and is it considered an allowable expense, if a hotel issues a credit after checkout, will i receive an e-receipt for the credit, what is m&ie per diem, and is it the same as a travel allowance.

  • The General Services Administration (GSA): GSA establishes per diem rates for destinations within the Continental United States (CONUS).
  • The State Department : The State Department establishes foreign rates (for example, Russia, Aruba, Bahamas, Europe, etc.).
  • The Department of Defense (DOD): The DOD establishes non-foreign rates such as Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Guam.

What M&IE per diem rate do I use if the city to which I am traveling is not listed?

Should i use per diem for my meals and incidentals, what should i do if i charged meals to my travel card, is there a spending limit if i am hosting a group business meal or reception, can i be reimbursed for telephone calls while traveling, when using my personal vehicle for business, is mileage computed from my place of business or from my home, when should i see my university travel card charges in the concur system, how do i allocate my expenses to a different general ledger (gl) account number or multiple gl account numbers, are the costs of vaccinations and immunizations reimbursable if they are required to enter a country that i am visiting for university business, may i be reimbursed for the cost to acquire or renew my passport and to obtain a visa for my msu business trip to another country, how do i limit the amount of an expense report, how do i reimburse a guest or non-employee (individuals only).

  • Start by creating a Request for your traveler by using the Non-Profiled Traveler Policy. Complete the Request Header, applicable segments and expenses. Then submit.
  • Once approved, you can make travel reservations for them and when their trip is completed, an Expense Report.
  • If you will be reimbursing a guest traveler, be sure they are established as a Vendor in KFS first. Complete the Expense Report and submit.

How do I review/submit an Expense Report a delegate has entered for me?

Are receipts required, can i attach additional documents to expense reports (ex: conference brochure), should i include meal receipts for auditing purposes, what if i am missing a receipt, how do i attach receipts in concur.

  • Prepaid airfare and rail – no touch. Simply verify and complete accounting information and allocate as needed.
  • E-Receipts: Enable the automatic collection of electronic receipts and folio data from participating suppliers. Once activated, receipt images are sent electronically to Concur directly from the vendor.
  • My Travel Network: My Travel Network connects all your frequent traveler accounts to Concur so you can follow MSU’s travel policy without having to think about it. Your travel plans will be organized in TripIt Pro and receipts from participating vendors will be waiting in Concur Expense.
  • Concur Apps – Log into Concur and go to the App Center. Select your favorite apps and services. They will then be linked to Concur. Anytime you use apps such as Uber or Lyft, receipts are sent to your Concur receipt library.
  • Concur mobile app:
  • Within the app, use the ExpenseIt (camera) icon to take a picture of your receipt. The ExpenseIt smart capture will begin
  • An expense item will be created from the receipt, and the expense and receipt image will display under Available Expenses.
  • More information about the Concur mobile app can be found here.
  • Email receipts to [email protected]
  • Scanned images:
  • The available file formats are: PNG, JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, OR TIFF.
  • Scan your receipts and save the file(s) to your computer.
  • When scanning, the images should be scanned at 300 dpi or lower to reduce file size.
  • There is a size limit for each image file; the "upload" window displays that limit.
  • No more than 10 files can be uploaded in a single session. To upload more than 10, simply upload the first 10 and then upload another 10, until done.
  • Click the line item that requires a receipt, then click Attach Receipt on the right side of the screen.
  • Click Browse to locate the file on your computer, then click Attach and Close.
  • Email: (your email address must be verified in your Concur profile).
  • Email your receipt images as attachments to [email protected].

What is an e-receipt ?

Will an e-receipt supplier provide an e-receipt for a user in the event of a split folio, how quickly will an e-receipt be available for submission on an expense report, how long should i keep my original receipts, how do i access my receipt library, how do i remove a receipt from my receipt library.

  • At the bottom of the Expense home page (in the Available Receipts section), click the desired image.
  • Click Delete (at the bottom of the image).
  • To delete a receipt image associated with a mobile expense, you must delete the mobile expense.
  • To delete an e-receipt, you must delete it from the Available Expenses area (if available).

How do I upload a receipt image to an Expense Report? To an expense?

  • With the Report open, click Manage Receipts > Manage Attachments. The Attach to Report window appears.
  • Click Upload Report Level Attachment.
  • Navigate to the image file, then click Open. The image appears.
  • Click Append.
  • With the expense open, click Attach Receipt Image. The Attach Receipt window appears.
  • Click Upload Receipt Image.
  • Click Attach.
  • With the Report open, click the + in the Receipt column for the desired expense. The Attach Receipt window appears.

Michigan State University

International Studies & Programs

International agreement search.

  • Search Page
  • Inactive Agreements

Education Abroad 101

September 9, 2024

MSU welcomes 25 Mandela Washington Fellows

Peace Corps Application Workshop

September 17, 2024

MSU announces Fulbright student awards for 2024-25


Office of Admissions

  • Transcript requirements

International transcript requirements

Review the list below for the international transcript requirements that apply to your specific country, region or education system.

Official academic records must be mailed in an official, sealed school envelope directly to the Office of Admissions at Michigan State University or in some cases provided electronically, certified, from your school. Transcripts not issued in English must be provided in the original language along with an English translation. In general, applicants should submit official copies of external exam scores (e.g., Singapore, Rwanda and Zimbabwe), as well as official copies of internal grades. We generally advise applicants to submit secondary school (high school) official transcripts for grades 9 through 12, in order to ensure prompt processing.

If you are currently in upper secondary school:

  • Official transcripts from upper middle school/高中 (gaozhong) (grades 10-12), in both Chinese and English in a sealed, stamped envelope. Courses in progress or curriculum for grade 12. Also include an official study certificate from your school, confirming your enrollment.

If you completed upper secondary school:

  • The final, official school transcript from upper middle school/高中 (gaozhong) (grades 10-12), in both Chinese and English, as well as the diploma in Chinese and English in a sealed, stamped envelope.
  • Official, attested copy of grade 10 secondary school external exam board results. Internal, official school transcripts for coursework in grades 11 and 12.
  • Official, attested copy of grade 10 secondary school external exam board results. Official, attested copy of senior secondary school external exam board results.
  • Certified copies of latest transcripts for grades 10, 11 and, if available, for grade 12. Students should be following STTB/SMA course of study.
  • Certified copies of final transcripts for grades 10, 11 and 12 exams (STTB/SMA).
  • Official transcripts for grades 9, 10 and 11, and the latest available transcript for grade 12 (IB Diploma Programme) in a sealed, stamped envelope.
  • Official transcripts for grades 9-12 (including official copies of IB certificate and IB diploma), in a sealed, stamped envelope.
  • Certified copies of your latest upper secondary school transcripts in both the original language and in English. For example, transcripts for grades 10, 11 and additional (if available) in Brazil; Certificado de Estudios de Bachillerato Basica and latest transcripts for upper secondary school in Colombia.
  • Certified copies of upper secondary school transcripts and diploma in both the original language and in English. For example, transcripts for grades 10, 11 and 12, as well as Diploma/Certificado de Ensino Medio in Brazil; Certificado de Estudios de Bachillerato Basica, transcripts for final two years of upper secondary school, and Titulo Bachiller Academico/Bachillerato certificate in Colombia.
  • Caribbean: Certified copies of CSEC secondary school completion exams. If you completed CAPE exams, please request that certified copies of these are also sent.
  • Certified copies of all available lower and upper secondary school external examinations. This may include those related to SPM (grades 10 and 11), plus additional latest available academic records (such as those related to STPM). Students must have additional schooling beyond SPM (or equivalent) to be considered for first-year admission to MSU.
  • Students should submit all academic records from any additional schooling. This may include IB, A Levels, STPM, AP and American degree transfer programs.
  • Certified copies of all available lower and upper secondary school external examinations, such as those related to SPM and STPM. Students must have additional schooling beyond SPM (or equivalent) to be considered for first-year admission to MSU.
  • Certified copy of General Secondary School Transcript, including latest scores available, in Arabic and English.
  • Certified copy of General Secondary Education Certificate (GSEC) and Transcript, covering grades 10, 11 and 12, in Arabic and English.
  • Certified copy of transcripts for grades 10 and 11, and latest (if available) for 12.
  • Certified copy of final transcripts for grades 10, 11 and 12, indicating graduation.

Students at schools that follow a UK curriculum and exams should follow these directions. Please see the list of MSU-acceptable UK examination boards below. If you are currently in upper secondary school:

  • Certified copy of the International/General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE or GCSE) exam board results – plus, grades listed for five academic subjects, including English, mathematics and science
  • Certified copy of the General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary (AS) exam board results
  • If your AS or A-level courses are in progress, please submit predicted AS or A level exam board results
  • Official copies of internal, upper secondary school transcripts showing grades received, courses in progress, etc.
  • Certified copy of the General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary (AS) exam board results and/or certified copy of the General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level (A-levels) exam board results
  • Official copies of internal, upper secondary school transcripts showing grades received

MSU-acceptable UK Examination Boards:

  • AQA – Assessment and Qualifications Alliance
  • CEA or CCEA – Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment
  • Pearson/Edexcel
  • OCR – Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
  • CIE – Cambridge International Examinations
  • WJEC/CBAC or WJEC – Welsh Joint Education Committee

If you attended a school that follows a U.S. curriculum, please use these guidelines. If you are currently in upper secondary school:

  • Certified copy of transcripts for grades 9, 10, 11 and, if possible, latest available for 12.
  • Certified copy of transcripts for grades 9, 10, 11 and 12, indicating that a high school diploma has been awarded.

Note: If you completed AP exams, please send official copies of your scores.

Student visa information

In order to obtain the documents needed to file for a student visa (I-20 or DS-2019), admitted students must show adequate proof of financial support. Upon acceptance, admitted students will be required to upload a signed affidavit of support and bank statement with the name of the account holder in English through your admissions account. Please do not send financial documents in paper form at the time of application.

International applicants

  • How to apply
  • Dates and deadlines
  • Admission criteria
  • English language proficiency
  • ACT/SAT optional
  • Advanced credits


  1. Office for Global Health, Safety and Security :: MSU Global Travel Registry

    msu global travel registry

  2. Associate Dean for Research, International Studies and Programs

    msu global travel registry

  3. Office for Global Health, Safety and Security :: MSU Global Travel Registry

    msu global travel registry

  4. Office for Global Health, Safety and Security :: MSU Global Travel Registry

    msu global travel registry

  5. Office for Global Health, Safety and Security :: MSU Global Travel Registry

    msu global travel registry

  6. Office for Global Health, Safety and Security :: MSU Global Travel Registry

    msu global travel registry


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  1. MSU Global Travel Registry

    MSU Global Travel Registry. Sign in with your credentials. MSU NetID. Other Email. Global Health, Safety, and Security Help:

  2. MSU Global Travel Registry

    MSU Global Travel Registry. All faculty, staff, and students (with the exception of those on EA programs) traveling on MSU sponsored international travel must, before their departure, register their travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry. Registration is an essential tool in supporting the health and safety of MSU travelers abroad.

  3. Traveler Support

    MSU Global Travel Registry (GTR) Fly America ACT Real ID MSU Passport Office High Risk Destinations US Department of State Travel Advisories ... Michigan State University 426 Auditorium Road East Lansing, MI 48824 Photo(s) courtesy of MSU University Communications Issues & Statements.

  4. Office for Global Health, Safety and Security :: Non-Education Abroad

    MSU Global Travel Registry. All students, faculty, and staff going abroad on MSU sponsored international travel must register in the MSU Global Travel Registry. High Risk Destinations. MSU policy does not support student travel to high risk destinations unless a waiver to the policy is obtained. Familiarize yourself with the list of high risk ...

  5. MSU Global Travel Registry

    Learn how to register your trip in the MSU Global Travel Registry, a University requirement for faculty, staff and students traveling on MSU business. Find out how to access health and safety information and emergency services before and during your trip.

  6. Travel Considerations

    Where are you going? When you travel internationally for MSU-related business purposes, you must register your travel with the MSU Global Travel Registry or ViaTRM.If your destination is a U.S. government comprehensively embargoed country or region, the MSU Global Travel Registry will forward your travel registration to MSU's Office of Export Control and Trade Sanctions (ECTS) for additional ...

  7. Travel

    O nly RSO trips that are MSU-sponsored can be registered in the MSU Global Travel Registry and can access the benefits described below. If you are unsure whether an RSO trip is MSU-sponsored, please contact the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security at [email protected] or 517-884-2174.

  8. Msu Global Travel Registry • iOS and Android mobile apps available • MSU Finance has procured a new travel platform, CONCUR; IT and the Global Travel Registry Team are coordinating for data configuration and alignment, as possible • Education Abroad has procured a new student registry platform; IT and the Global Travel Registry Team are

  9. International Travel Compliance Checklist

    MSU faculty and staff traveling internationally for MSU-related business purposes need to follow a series of steps: Register your travel in MSU's Global Travel Registry at least two (2) weeks in advance. Only take equipment, materials, data, or software that are critical for MSU-related business. Leave home any unnecessary items.

  10. Michigan State University Office of the Controller

    MSU Global Travel Registry. Faculty, staff and students traveling internationally on university business who are not part of an Office Study Abroad program must be registered in the Travelers Abroad Database. Policies and Procedures. Section 70: Travel Regulations from the MSU Manual of Business Procedures. Travel Object Codes

  11. Office of Research and Innovation

    Register your travel. All faculty, staff, and students traveling on MSU sponsored international travel must, before their departure, register their travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry. Registration is an essential tool in supporting the health and safety of MSU travelers abroad. If you don't need it, don't take it.

  12. Business Travel for Graduate Students

    Obtain registration of international travel in MSU's Global Travel Registry. Information about travel policies and procedures can be found at Travel@State. Authorization requests and expense reports are all submitted through Concur. There are training guides and videos on how to use Concur. Especially when you go on your first business trip ...

  13. Office for Global Health, Safety and Security :: MSU Global Travel Registry

    The Global Travel Registry offers MSU travelers and travel arrangers a tool that is secure and user-friendly, while enhancing the Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security's ability to offer travel safety support to MSU travelers. This new system provides additional reporting functions for university leadership to aid in long-term ...

  14. International Travel

    Register your travel in the MSU Global Travel Registry or ViaTRM enrollment management system for Education Abroad. MSU policy requires that all faculty, staff, and students traveling abroad for MSU-Sponsored academic and business purposes register their travel. Please review guidance on what travel is considered MSU Sponsored should you have ...

  15. For Employees

    For Employees. The Travel Clinic supports faculty/staff's global research, educational programs and international partnerships by providing comprehensive travel consultations. The Travel Clinic provides MSU faculty/staff with a comprehensive and cost effective way to receive travel counseling, as well as appropriate vaccinations and medications.

  16. MSU's updated guidelines on international travel 5.3.22

    MSU's international travel procedures are adapting to reflect the current global travel landscape. After careful consideration of the high COVID-19 vaccination rate on campus, the re-opening of international borders, and the successful resumption of many global programs and activities, the Faculty and Staff Travel Review Committee (FASTR), the Office for Global Health, Safety and Security ...

  17. Traveling Scholar

    International travel steps for graduate students. Insurance Coverage for International Travel. If you are traveling to a high-risk destination, additional review is required. Register your trip at least 4 weeks in advance. ... Work with your department to register your trip(s) in the MSU Global Travel Registry:

  18. Concur FAQ

    Will Concur include the management/coordination of certain elements of international travel (ex: visa/passport applications, Olin Health vaccinations, and MSU Global Travel Registry)? No, Concur will not. MSU Office of International Health and Safety will continue to provide resources passport/visa requirements, inoculation requirements, SMART ...

  19. International Agreement Search

    MSU's Global Reach. MSU's International Strategy; Relationships & Partners; International Data Portal; Information & Resources. Information & Resources. News; Events; Student Funding; Faculty Funding. Global IDEAS; International Travel Safety. Office for Global Health, Safety, and Security; Travel Registry; Internships and Career; International ...

  20. International Travel Policy

    303.00 International Travel Registry. No less than 30 days before departing, all International Travelers, whether individual or group travel, must register their travel plans in the MSU International Travel Registry. Information entered into the MSU Travel Registry will be available to University officials in the event of a crisis or emergency.

  21. International transcript requirements

    Transcript requirements | International applicants

  22. For international students and partners

    For international students and partners

  23. Student documents

    Student ID card is an official document certifying that you are a student of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Your student ID card will be issued to you at the academic office of your faculty after your enrollment. To receive a student ID card, you should bring o the international office of you faculty your photo (size 3*4 cm, matte paper ...