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mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Overview and HistoryWelcome to Paris, the City Of Lights, La Ville-Lumiere! We're going to depart from the standard timeline here and just start looking at pictures. You can put the history together in your mind along the way, or live contentedly with an abstract expression of images, whichever you prefer.For lessons in light from the expressionist masters, blur yourself directly to the Orsay Museum and find Monet, Renoir and Cezanne waiting. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.The River Seine divides the city into two halves, called the Left Bank and Right Bank. The right bank is on the north side, left to the south. In general the right bank claims the sophistication and modern development in Paris, while the left bank has the universities, parks and historic areas.There are two islands on the river in the middle of the city, Ile de la Cite and Ile de St. Louis. Here's a beautiful Flower Market on Ile de la City, which is the oldest section of the city. It's also home to Notre Dame cathedralThe Right Bank has a big hill called Montmartre, literally translating to "Mount Mars" or "Mountain of the Martyr", depending on which time period you take the story from. Its name dates back to at least 250A.D and it's home to the Sacre Coeur Basilica among many other things of note, such as the studios of Salvadore Dali, Picasso and Van Gogh.And what else? The Champs-Elysees, of course! The Champs-Elysees is the most prestigious avenue in Paris. L'Arc de Triomph stands at the western end of the Champs-Elysees, at the star shaped intersection of twelve major avenues which is called Place d'Etoil. The Arch is a monument to all who fought for France, especially during the Napoleonic wars.By the way, the sprint finish of the Tour de France -- the most prestigious bicycle race in the world -- comes down the Champs-Elysees. Catch it in the early summer.You may have heard of a museum called Le Louvre. Before you attempt to visit it, go through some tour de france training to build up your stamina. This is a museum big enough to take your whole summer to walk through, and that's without even stopping to look at any of the art.Situated right along the river is the Place de la Concord, the largest open square in the city. It's where Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and 2,798 of their closest friends met the guillotine during the French Revolution. The smell of blood was so strong, according to the tale, that a herd of cattle refused to cross the square.Let's see what we have on the Left Bank. How about Les Invalides, a stately group of museums and monuments dedicated to military history, which also houses a hospital and residences for veterans.The Left Bank has for decades been the center of academic life in Paris, which can be summed up in a word: La Sorbonne. La Sorbonne is the nickname for the University of Paris, founded in 1257. It sits in a historic scholarly sector called the Latin Quarter, which connects La Sorbonne to the Left Bank (Place Maubert). If Paris was a tropical island, this would be the coral reef.Near La Sorbonne can be found Le Jardin de Luxembourg, where Marie d'Medici's chateau stands. It's a pleasant little country house in Florentine style. They used it for a prison during the French Revolution and for Luftwaffe headquarters during WWII. It now houses the French Senate. Shakespeare and Co Library sits in the heart of the Latin Quarter and has earned an international reputation for being more than just a bookshop.Getting ThereTake a look at the Gare du Nord Paris North Station. One of six large train stations in Paris, it's the busiest one in Europe. If you're already on the continent, you very well may arrive here.As for airports, there are two: Charles De Gualle and Orly. De Gaulle airport is about 25 minutes by train from Gare du Nord station, Orly is a bit closer. Here's the train information for connections to the city.TransportationHere's one of the 380 metro stations in Paris, the Palais-Royale at the Louvre. Looking good! This is Europe's second-largest metro system and it's connected with the buses the commuter rail network to get you around the city.People and CultureBeside the fact that Paris contains all walks of life, "people and culture" in Paris is synonymous with food and wine. Here we are smack in the middle of it, La Contrescarpe at Mouffetard Street.Remember, champagne was perfected here during the Belle Epoque, and you need the proper setting in which to drink it.And check out this fish shop!! This is what the zoom tool was made for!In case you're wondering, there's a gritty side to Paris, too. Here's a little mobile graffiti.In the same vein, by which I mean "cheap" or "free", stroll around Left Bank to the flea market at Place Maubert.Street musicians are another great thing about Paris. Here are some drummers, some visual artists on the Quai de Conti, and there should be an organ grinder on the corner when you get there. Let me know if you see him.Things to do & RecommendationsStreet food -- get a croque monsieur or croque madam, it's a toasted cheese sandwich with or without ham. They're so good, it's the pizza slice of Paris! I can't for the life of me understand why nobody has shot a panorama of one.Street food part 2, and I quote:"the motherfucking best falafel in the world is there in the Marais. it's called La Du's and it's on the Rue de Rosiers. it's the 5th I think, right bank. If you flirt with the take out boys they'll give you more falafel too, I'm not kidding it's a fucking transcendant experience." "there's also this bar in the 11th, called the baron rouge, where on sunday a friend of the owner drives in from normandy with a truck full of oysters and just parks it in front of the bar and sells oysters out the back and you just eat them on the street and drink Muscadet off the top of parked cars." (Thank you Allison O'Leary)Spend a little time outdoors in the beautiful Botanical Garden, see if you can find the recycled dragon.No trip to Paris would ever be complete without... well actually the reason Paris is Paris because you never finish seeing it all.Move there, spend a lifetime there, walk everyplace you go and you still won't see it all. It's like New York, London or Tokyo; anyplace in such a state of constant change will remain eternally elusive.I almost said, "no trip to Paris would be complete without going up the Eiffel Tower and seeing the view from the top."Text by Steve Smith.

From the 'Mona Lisa' to 'The Wedding Feast at Cana' - The Salle des États

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From the 'Mona Lisa' to 'The Wedding Feast at Cana' The Salle des États


The world’s most famous painting, the Mona Lisa , needs a space big enough to welcome its many admirers. It is therefore housed in the Louvre’s largest room, the Salle des États, which is also home to other remarkable Venetian paintings such as The Wedding Feast at Cana by Veronese.

A home for an icon

A superstar deserves an appropriate setting! That is why, in 1966, the Louvre chose to show Leonardo’s masterpiece in the Salle des États, the largest room in the palace.

Mona Lisa’s famously enigmatic smile has fascinated viewers for centuries. Among her first admirers was King François I, who invited Leonardo da Vinci to France and bought the painting from him in 1518. This is how the world’s most famous painting entered the royal collections that have been shown at the Louvre since the French Revolution.

Since 2005, the Mona Lisa has been exhibited in a protective glass case, in solitary splendour in the centre of the room. This special treatment stems partly from the need to ensure the safety of such a famous work, but is also due to conservation requirements: the work was not painted on canvas, but on a panel of poplar wood which has warped over the years, causing a crack to appear. To prevent further damage, the Mona Lisa has to be kept in a temperature and humidity-controlled glass case.

Did you know?

This is the most famous portrait in the world. It shows Lisa Gherardini, wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo – hence her Italian name La Gioconda and her French name La Joconde . Painted against a distant landscape, she stares out at us with her famously enigmatic smile...but another aspect of the painting that makes it so special is Leonardo da Vinci’s sfumato technique, based on the use of glazes to create a ‘smoky’ effect with subtle contours and contrasts. Leonardo captured the sitter turning towards the viewer in a natural movement that brings the painting to life.


Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass

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The theft of the century

On 21 August 1911, panic broke out at the Louvre…the Mona Lisa had disappeared! The news spread like wildfire and generous rewards were promised for her return – but all in vain. Nothing was heard of the painting for over two years. Then one day, Vincenzo Peruggia, a glazier who had worked at the Louvre, tried to sell the world’s most famous painting to an Italian art dealer...who alerted the authorities. So the Mona Lisa was recovered – and her fame was all the greater.

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

The Louvre odyssey

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The Theft of the Mona Lisa

Watch with Louvre Kids

In 2019, the Salle des États underwent the latest in a series of embellishments when its walls were repainted a deep midnight blue, heightening the contrast with the rich palette of reds, yellow, oranges and greens in the Venetian masterpieces on display in this room.

A historic room

The Salle des États, designed by the architect Hector Lefuel, was built between 1855 and 1857. During the Second Empire, it accommodated major legislative sessions presided over by Napoleon III, who insisted on a lavish painted decoration to the glory of the Empire. After his fall from power in 1870, the room became part of the museum and was used to display 19th-century French painting. At the beginning of the Third Republic, the architect Edmond Guillaume adapted the room to suit its new purpose: the windows were sealed off to make more room for the artworks and a glass ceiling was added, introducing light from above to avoid reflections on the paintings. After World War II, the works by French artists were replaced by Venetian paintings.

Venetian painting

Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese…The greatest Venetian painters shared a love of dazzling colours. Veronese’s monumental Wedding Feast at Cana fills the display space opposite the Mona Lisa , and all around are other famous paintings! They include Titian’s Pastoral Concert and Man with a Glove, Tintoretto’s vigorous sketch for The Coronation of the Virgin , also known as Paradise (part of a vast decorative scheme for the Sala del Maggiore Consiglio in the Doge’s Palace in Venice), magnificent portraits such as Veronese’s Portrait of a Venetian Woman, known as La Bella Nani , and many more…a burst of light and colour reflecting the extraordinary skill of Venetian Renaissance artists.

Venetian painting masterpieces

Don’t forget to look around the Mona Lisa at the artworks by other Venetian masters!

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Leonardo da Vinci, Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, Wife of Francesco del Giocondo, known as the Mona Lisa

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Veronese (Paolo Caliari), The Wedding Feast at Cana

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), The Pastoral Concert

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Woman with a Mirror

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Veronese (Paolo Caliari), Supper at Emmaus

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Man with a Glove

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Veronese (Paolo Caliari), Portrait of a Venetian Woman, known as La Bella Nani

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Veronese (Paolo Caliari), Jupiter Hurling Thunderbolts at the Vices

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), The Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine and a Shepherd, known as The Madonna of the Rabbit

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti), The Coronation of the Virgin, known as Paradise

mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Veronese (Paolo Caliari), The Crucifixion

The biggest painting in the Louvre

At over 6 metres high and almost 10 metres wide, The Wedding Feast at Cana is the biggest painting in the Louvre. It depicts an extraordinary banquet with a crowd of some 130 different characters in a blaze of light and colour. Veronese painted the scene for the refectory of the monastery on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. In 1798, Napoleon’s troops confiscated the painting and had it shipped to Paris. When the Empire fell in 1815, most of the confiscated paintings were returned to Italy, but it was feared that the return journey would damage this large work, which was therefore kept in exchange for a painting by Charles Le Brun, The Feast in the House of Simon . Nonetheless, Veronese’s huge masterpiece had to be moved twice in later years, when Paris was at war, in 1870 and 1939.


More to explore

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Italian painting in perspective

The Grande Galerie

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Ideal Greek Beauty

Venus de Milo and the Galerie des Antiques

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Secrets of the Louvre Museum Tour with Mona Lisa

Get to know Venus de Milo, Liberty Leading the People, and Napoleon's Coronation like never before

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This small group guided tour makes seeing the best of the world’s largest museum easy! With your passionate guide, you'll skip the line for a fascinating tour of the Louvre’s most famous attractions, including the Mona Lisa, Winged Victory of Samothrace, and even France’s crown jewels. With expert insights and stories that’ll bring the art to life, there’s no better way to see this unmissable museum!

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Friendly English-speaking guide

Skip-the-Line Louvre tickets

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa

Liberty Leading the People

Venus de Milo

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Louvre Museum

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Highly recommended!

Helen Serrano

May 30, 2024 03 am EST

The tour was well organized, from our greeter to our guide Kasia. They are both very friendly. Kasia has been wonderful, very knowledgeable and fun!

Louvre Tour Guide

Barbara Slater

May 28, 2024 13 pm EST

He was profesional, entertaining, knowledgeable and made the whole experience such a good one.

Natasha Banks

May 27, 2024 20 pm EST

Great guide for our Louvre tour

David Bacon

May 27, 2024 12 pm EST

We cannot recall his name, but he is from Nord, France and he was an excellent guide. Very passionate about the artwork, the artists, and protecting his clients. Took us to see the big ticket items but also showed us less known but just as important pieces that a typical visitor wouldn't appreciate as much. Worth skipping the lines for and the guide knows the best ways to get to all the big items so you are wasting time search or getting lost.

Kim Pietrenka

Cheryl Eggers

May 18, 2024 12 pm EST

Melanie led a great tour with interesting stories and balanced information and navigation. She was very knowledgeable about everything we encountered. She was accommodating to those of us who were a bit slow or needed time to rest. She covered a lot of ground in the three hour tour.

Lillian McDonell

May 17, 2024 05 am EST

Hugo was a 10

Harry Vamos

May 17, 2024 03 am EST

Hugo was great! Very informative and enjoyable. Highly recommended. Thank you!

Alysia Tickner

May 16, 2024 12 pm EST

David LaMarche

May 16, 2024 08 am EST

Ramona(sp?) was our tour guide. VERY knowledgeable and had fascinating back stories. It made me realize that art is far more than looking at beautiful objects but are really pieces representing historic stories, tragedies. Well done!

Louvre Museum Tour

Mary A Vandiver

May 15, 2024 10 am EST

We really enjoyed the tour. It is the only way to go if you have limited time and want to see the highlights. Meeting up with the tour was easy. Appreciated the small group and the guide was very informative. Highly recommend this tour! Thanks!

Valentina Price

May 14, 2024 05 am EST

Thankyou Avi for an informative and entertaining tour. There’s just too much to see in one day and this highlights tour was just right.

Rita McCallister

May 13, 2024 08 am EST

Suzanne Guarino

May 12, 2024 18 pm EST

This was the perfect tour for us. Our guide was very knowledgeable and very personable. We were able to see all the highlights and learn about the history of the museum. Good quality headsets and audio.

Farouk Rhymaun

May 09, 2024 21 pm EST

Nicolette George

May 09, 2024 08 am EST

Tina was the absolute BEST! So glad she was our guide! She made everything interesting, explaining history behind works of art and what was going on at that time, just wonderful!

Excellent tour, very informative guide

May 09, 2024 07 am EST

This was a great tour through the Louvre. Our guide was knowledgeable and personable. We definitely recommend the Tour Guy if you want to see the Louvre and skip the lines. It was worth it just for that! All the rest was icing on the cake.

Edward Golden

May 03, 2024 03 am EST

Imad was great

Denise Edinger

May 01, 2024 00 am EST

Great morning at the Louvre

Charles Lawrence Hartwig

April 29, 2024 15 pm EST

We had a 9am tour with our guide Avi. He was extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of the Louvre collection and its history. The tour was very well organized and run. We successfully dodged most of the crowds and Avi’s great storytelling and deft sense of humor made it special. Great morning!

Louvre tour

Joyce bogin

April 22, 2024 23 pm EST

Our guide clearly knew all about art. She efficiently took us all over the museum hitting the highlights and then some- she was so interesting to listen to that the 3 hours flew by! Fantastic!

Charles Samples

April 18, 2024 20 pm EST

LuAnn DellaPietro

April 14, 2024 06 am EST

Brenda Hicks

April 13, 2024 07 am EST

Nicole Notar

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See the ‘mona lisa’: a 360° tour at the louvre museum in paris.

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mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

Visit the Louvre museum Paris in stunning 360° HD and marvel at Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting. The Louvre has millions of visitors every year because of its art collection and is arguably the most popular art museum in the world.

Video by 360 Vacation VR , who cites these additional credits: – Long Time Coming Kevin MacLeod ( – Licensed under Creative Commons

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Find Out the Facinating Story of the World’s Most Famous Painting | The Mona Lisa at Louvre

The Mona Lisa, also known as the La Gioconda, is one of the most famous paintings in the world. Worth about $870 million, it holds the record for being the highest valued painting across the globe. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the Mona Lisa before your visit to the Louvre .

Timeline | Mona Lisa

  • 1503: Da Vinci begins painting the Mona Lisa , which will take him about four years to complete.
  • 1514: Leonardo accepts the invitation of Francois I of France and moves into the Cloux manor near Amboise. He allegedly gifts the painting to King Francois I during his stay there.
  • 1519: Da Vinci dies at the age of sixty-seven in France.
  • 1530s: Francois I showcases the  Mona Lisa  in an art gallery at Fontainebleau.
  • 1800: The  Mona Lisa  is hung makes its way to the Tuileries Palace and is hung in Napoleon Bonapart's bedroom.
  • 1804: The  Mona Lisa  is moved to the Grand Gallery of the Louvre.
  • 1910: The Mona Lisa is stolen from the Louvre.
  • 1913: November 29:  The painting is discovered in the possession of a man named Leonardo Vincenzo. December 31: The Mona Lisa is carefully brought back to Paris and re-installed in the Louvre.

Where is the Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa is located inside the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Because of its high value and its global popularity, it is on display inside the biggest room of the museum, the Salle des États. You can find this room on level 1 of the Denon Wing.

In 2005, the Mona Lisa was placed inside a protective glass case, right in the center of the room. This was because of two reasons - the first being that it is one of the most famous paintings in the world and requires safekeeping and the second was because it was painted on poplar wood instead of on an oil canvas. The wood has warped over the years and even has a crack in it. To avoid further damage, the Mona Lisa is kept in a humidity and temperature-controlled glass case.

Can I see the Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa

Despite its heavy casing and security due to a robbery that took place in 1911, you can still get a close look at the Mona Lisa. Keep in mind that there will be lots of people waiting to marvel at the world's most fascinating painting!

The Mona Lisa is one of the prime attractions in the Louvre Museum, bringing in millions of visitors throughout the year.

Book Tickets to the Louvre Museum

Who painted the mona lisa.

Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16th century. Da Vinci was an Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, and scientist who is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time. 

He was born in 1452 and died in 1519, leaving behind a legacy that still inspires people to this day. He is most famous for his painting of the Mona Lisa, but he also painted other masterpieces such as The Last Supper and The Virgin of the Rocks.

History of the Mona Lisa in a Nutshell

The Mona Lisa is the work of renowned artist Leonardo da Vinci. He began working on this masterpiece around 1503 and took a few years to complete it. It remained in his art studio until he died in 1519, after which it was acquired by the French King Francis I. Da Vinci spent the last few years of his life in the King’s court.

It soon became a part of the royal collection of artworks and was kept in the King’s palace for centuries to come. During the French Revolution between 1787 and 1799, people began claiming that the painting was the property of the people. The painting spent some time hanging in the bedroom of Napoleon, following which it was placed inside the Louvre Museum during the 19th century.

Description of the Painting

Mona Lisa

Like most Renaissance depictions of the Virgin Mary, the Mona Lisa also bore a strong resemblance to her. The woman in the painting is seen sitting on an armchair with her hands crossed and placed on her lap. Her iconic gaze is fixed on the eyes of viewers. Da Vinci gave the painting a lifelike appearance by omitting outlines on the figure, a method known as sfumato. 

This was one of the first paintings to depict a person sitting in front of an imaginary landscape in an aerial view. She has no visible eyebrows or eyelashes, although they allegedly were present before but disappeared over time. 

Theft of the Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa

Shockingly, the most famous painting in the world was stolen from the Louvre Museum in 1911. A handyman named Peruggia was hired by the museum to build protective glass cases for some of its paintings, one of which was the Mona Lisa. The man hid in a nearby closet overnight, slipped the painting under his coat, and made his way out of the museum. 

After 2 years of investigation by the French police, the painting was finally discovered when Peruggia tried to set up a meeting with an art dealer in Florence. When word reached the police, Peruggia was sentenced to seven months in prison.

Interesting Facts About the Mona Lisa

  • Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa on poplar wood instead of a canvas.
  • The Mona Lisa is worth about $870 million and is currently the most expensive painting in the world.
  • The lady in the painting is thought to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo.
  • There are many conspiracy theories about the painting, including one that claims da Vinci painted two versions of the Mona Lisa to cover up an illegitimate pregnancy.
  • French Emperor Napoleon hung the painting of the Mona Lisa in his bedroom for about four years in the 1800s.
  • Many vandals have tried to ruin the painting over the years. It is now protected with a firm glass covering.
  • The Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911, but it wasn't recovered until 1913 when the thief attempted to sell it.
  • There is a French heritage law that prohibits the painting from being bought or sold.

The Mona Lisa at Louvre Today

The Mona Lisa is one of the most popular paintings in the museum and is always crowded with visitors. If you're planning on visiting the Louvre , make sure to add the Mona Lisa to your list of must-see attractions!

View the Mona Lisa Virtually

'Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass' is the first Virtual Reality project by the Louvre Museum to recreate the artistic process of Da Vinci. This app offers a scintillating experience, making viewers see the famous painting in a brand new light. Anyone can download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. Additionally, it is also available on all VR platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings across the globe.

The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

The Mona Lisa was created during the 1500s.

The Mona Lisa is worth about $870 million.

The Mona Lisa is inside the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

Yes. You can take a look at the Mona Lisa on your visit to the Louvre Museum .

The Mona Lisa is located on the first floor of the Louvre in the Denon Alley.

The name of the woman in the painting of Mona Lisa is La Gioconda.

Yes. The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre Museum in 1911.

The Mona Lisa has been stolen once, however, it has been vandalised many times.

The Mona Lisa was stolen by a handyman hired by the Louvre Museum .

The Mona Lisa was found in December 1913, two years after its theft.

The Mona Lisa is so famous because it is a masterpiece painting by one of the greatest painters of all time. It is also the most valuable painting across the globe, which contributes to its fame.

At the Louvre Museum , you can see the Mona Lisa and many other popular paintings, as well as historical artifacts like ancient Greek statues!

Yes, the Mona Lisa was officially moved to the Louvre in 1804.

Louvre Pyramid

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Paris - Activities & things to do , Paris - Attractions & museums - what to see , Paris - What you need to know before coming to Paris , Travel

How to make sure you enjoy your Mona Lisa visit at the Louvre

The Best Way To visit the Louvre Museum Paris

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Study a little about the painting before seeing it in real life, why is it so famous.

Mona Lisa is famous

Look at its details and try to interpret them

Details of the Mona Lisa painting

Buy your tickets in advance

Pick the right entrance.

The Louvre entrance

Come at the right time

Mona Lisa painting

Know where to find it inside the museum

Map of the Louvre

Enjoy the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition


Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

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Anna was born and raised in Paris. She studied Languages in Paris and Social Communication in Lisbon. Anna also lived in Madrid for a year. She has been to many places and hopes to go places. Wherever she goes, she always tries to experience each city as locals do. Anna usually has croissants for breakfast in Paris, takes a walk in Camden Town in London, eats lunch in Chiado in Lisbon, and enjoys Madrid's nightlife.

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Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa

Set out on a mesmerizing journey through art history with the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour featuring the enigmatic Mona Lisa. From the intricate details of The Raft of the Medusa to the graceful beauty of the Nike of Samothrace, this tour promises a curated experience like no other.

With insider access and expert guidance, participants are in for a treat. But what we love about this tour? Stay tuned to uncover the hidden gem that makes this tour a standout among art aficionados.

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - Key Points

  • Expertly guided tour of Louvre’s highlights, including the Mona Lisa and Nike of Samothrace.
  • Skip-the-line access saves time and hassle, ensuring a smooth museum visit.
  • Maximum of 20 travelers per tour, offering a personalized and engaging experience.
  • Highly recommended by visitors for knowledgeable guides, engaging tours , and memorable experiences.

It's also worth checking out some other tours and experiences nearby.

  • Eiffel Tower Guided Climb Tour by Stairs
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Tour Overview

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - Tour Overview

With 513 reviews and a Badge of Excellence in Paris, France , the Louvre Museum Skip-the-Line Highlights Tour offers an expertly guided exploration of renowned masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and The Raft of the Medusa.

Visitors can explore art appreciation with expert insights provided by knowledgeable guides. This tour is designed to enhance the understanding and connection with the artworks, providing a deeper appreciation for the masterpieces housed within the Louvre Museum.

Tour Highlights

Explore the must-see highlights of the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line tour, including iconic masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and the Nike of Samothrace. These famous masterpieces hold immense historical significance and offer a glimpse into different artistic interpretations .

The Mona Lisa, a renowned portrait by Leonardo da Vinci, captivates visitors with its enigmatic smile and intricate details. On the other hand, the Nike of Samothrace, a stunning sculpture of the Greek goddess Nike, showcases the cultural exploration of ancient Greek artistry.

Tour Details

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - Tour Details

Discover essential information about the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour by examining the detailed tour itinerary and inclusions.

This tour offers a skip-the-line Louvre Museum ticket, ensuring quick access to renowned artworks. A local English-speaking guide leads the way, sharing insights on art history and facilitating cultural exploration .

Hotel pickup and drop-off add convenience, with the meeting point at Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel and endpoint at Musée du Louvre. The tour isn’t wheelchair accessible but is near public transportation for easy commuting.

With a maximum of 20 travelers per group, the experience remains intimate and engaging. Full names are required for booking, and there’s a maximum of 6 guests for the 10:15 AM tour.

The flexible cancellation policy allows for a full refund up to 24 hours before the tour, starting from $76.44.

Customer Reviews

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - Customer Reviews

Visitors’ feedback on the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour guides’ expertise and engaging approach highlights the value of experiencing renowned artworks like the Mona Lisa and Nike of Samothrace.

Engagement Level : Many visitors praised the guides’ ability to make the tour interactive and informative, keeping them captivated throughout.

Visitor Satisfaction : Numerous reviews expressed high levels of satisfaction with the tour, citing the knowledgeable guides as a major highlight.

Recommendation: The tour was highly recommended by visitors for those seeking an enriching experience at the Louvre.

Efficiency: The skip-the-line feature was commended for saving valuable time, allowing visitors to make the most of their museum exploration.

Additional Information

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - Additional Information

For a deeper understanding of the Louvre Museum experience, explore exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes access provided by knowledgeable guides. These tours offer visitors the opportunity to gain exclusive insights into the artworks, enhancing their artistic experiences .

Customers have shared memorable moments and appreciated the friendly and engaging guides who make the tours thoroughly enjoyable. The well-organized and informative nature of these tours ensures that participants have a comprehensive understanding of the masterpieces housed within the Louvre.

Plus, recommendations for other tours in Paris are often provided, allowing visitors to continue their exploration of the city’s rich cultural offerings. Choose these tours for a unique and immersive art experience, guided by experts passionate about sharing their knowledge.

Booking and Cancellation

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - Booking and Cancellation

To ensure a hassle-free experience, travelers can secure their spot on the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour with ease, benefiting from flexible booking options and a convenient free cancellation policy up to 24 hours before the tour.

  • Enjoy peace of mind with a full refund available up to 24 hours before the tour.
  • Benefit from flexible scheduling options for a stress-free booking experience.
  • Secure your spot hassle-free with the reserve now, pay later option.
  • Receive detailed information on refund policies and changes to bookings.

Meeting Point Information

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - Meeting Point Information

The meeting point for the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour is conveniently located at the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel. This iconic monument is situated near other popular attractions like the Tuileries Garden and the Musée de l’Orangerie, offering visitors a chance to explore nearby sights before or after the tour.

Tour guides with expertise in art history and the Louvre Museum will meet participants at this location, providing insightful commentary and ensuring a smooth experience. Their knowledge enhances the visit to famous works such as the Mona Lisa and the Nike of Samothrace, making the tour not only informative but also engaging.

Meeting at the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel sets the stage for an exciting and educational journey through the Louvre Museum.

End Point Information

Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa - End Point Information

Upon concluding the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour, you will find themselves at the Musée du Louvre, where they can further explore the renowned artworks and exhibitions at their leisure.

Meeting Point Alternatives :

Visitors can choose to meet at the museum directly for convenience.

Consider exploring the nearby Jardin des Tuileries for a relaxing post-tour stroll.

Museum Layout Insights :

The Mona Lisa is located in the Denon Wing, 1st floor, Room 711.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace (Nike of Samothrace) can be found on the Daru staircase leading to the 2nd floor.

Participants can continue their art journey through the diverse sections of the Louvre, discovering hidden gems and iconic masterpieces.

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  • Paris Top Sights Half Day Walking Tour With a Fun Guide
  • Louvre Museum Semi-Private Guided Tour (Reserved Entry Included)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can visitors take photographs of the artworks during the tour.

Visitors on the tour can take photographs of the artworks following Louvre Museum’s photography permissions . It is essential to adhere to etiquette guidelines to maintain the integrity of the museum experience and respect for the artworks.

Are There Any Restrictions on the Type of Bags or Backpacks Allowed Inside the Louvre Museum?

Bag restrictions at the Louvre Museum are in place for security measures . Large bags and backpacks are not allowed. Visitors with such items may need to store them in the museum’s cloakroom before entering to ensure a smooth visit.

Is There a Recommended Dress Code for the Tour of the Louvre Museum?

Appropriate attire for the Louvre Museum tour includes comfortable shoes and modest clothing. Respect the photography policy by refraining from flash photography near artworks. Following these guidelines ensures an enjoyable and culturally respectful experience.

Are Food and Drinks Allowed Inside the Museum During the Tour?

Food restrictions are common in museums, including the Louvre. While drinks are usually allowed, it’s best to check the specific policy. Remember to respect the cultural and preservation guidelines by avoiding bringing certain food items inside during the tour.

Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participating in the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour With Mona Lisa?

Age restrictions for the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour with Mona Lisa are typically not specified, but most travelers can participate. It’s essential to check the tour details for specific participation rules and requirements.

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  • Paris Ultimate Food Tour

Don’t miss out on the Louvre Museum Skip-The-Line Highlights Tour with Mona Lisa.

Dive into art history with expert guides, skip the long lines, and explore iconic masterpieces in an intimate setting.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned art enthusiast, this tour offers a seamless and immersive experience at one of the world’s most prestigious cultural institutions.

Book now for an unforgettable journey through the Louvre’s treasures.

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Activist arrested for attacking Monet painting in Paris

A climate activist was arrested on Saturday for sticking an adhesive poster on a Monet painting at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris to draw attention to global warming, a police source told AFP.

The action by the woman, a member of "Riposte Alimentaire" (Food Response) -- a group of environmental activists and defenders of sustainable food production -- is the latest in a string of protests aimed at drawing attention to global warming by defacing art.

In a video posted on X, the woman -- introducing herself as a "concerned citizen" --- is seen placing a blood-red poster over the "Coquelicots" (Poppy Field) painting by Claude Monet, a French Impressionist artist.

In the video she said of the poster covering Monet's art that "this nightmarish image awaits us if no alternative is put in place".

She added: "At four degrees, we can expect hell", a reference to forecasts saying that Earth's temperature could rise by 4 Celsius over pre-industrial levels by 2050.

Monet's painting, completed in 1873, shows people with umbrellas strolling in a blooming poppy field and is part of a special Musee d'Orsay show called "Paris 1874, Inventing Impressionism" that features 130 works by 31 artists.

A restoration expert examined the painting which suffered no permanent damage, the Musee d'Orsay told AFP, adding that it had been put back on the wall.

"The exhibition is entirely accessible to the public again," a spokesperson said.

The museum would file a criminal complaint, the spokesperson added.

- 'We love art' -

Some of Monet's works have sold for tens of millions of dollars, with his painting "Meules" ("Haystacks") even fetching over $110 million including fees at an auction in 2019.

Riposte Alimentaire has claimed responsibility for several attacks on art in France in a bid to draw attention to the climate crisis and deteriorating food quality.

They included an attack on the world's most famous portrait, the "Mona Lisa", in the Louvre in January when two protesters hurled soup at the bullet-proof glass protecting Leonardo da Vinci's masterwork, saying they had a right to "healthy and sustainable food".

The attackers were sentenced by a Paris court to carry out volunteer work for a charity organisation.

Already in 2022, a man had thrown a custard pie at the Mona Lisa because, he said, artists were not focusing enough on "the planet".

In February, Riposte Alimentaire protesters again threw soup at a painting, this time in Lyon, southeast France, targeting another Monet painting, "Springtime".

Last month activists also belonging to the group stuck flyers around "Liberty Leading the People", a painting by Eugene Delacroix in the Louvre.

In April, two of its members were arrested at the Musee d'Orsay, which is dedicated to 19th-Century art, suspected of preparing an action there.

Riposte Alimentaire calls itself a "French civil resistance movement which aims to spur a radical societal change for the environment and society".

"We love art," the movement has said, "but future artists will have nothing to paint on a burning planet."

Monet appears to be a favourite target for climate activists elsewhere, too, with paintings by the Impressionist having previoiusly come under attack in Potsdam, Germany, and in Stockholm.


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mona lisa 360 tour louvre museum paris

15 Best Museums in Paris to Visit with Kids

T his guide lists all the best museums in Paris to visit with kids so that you can keep them educated  and  entertained during your trip to the City of Light. Art museums are listed, sure, but some are more kid-friendly than others. There are also magic, science, and military museums which are the best places to learn about the history of Paris while having a fun family city break.

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something we have recommended. Please check out our  disclosure policy  for more details. Thank you for your support!

Top Museums in Paris to Visit with Kids

The French capital city is famous for many reasons. Aside from its delicious pastries and rooftop views, Paris is known for its world-class museums. There are over 130 of them! Many are niche art museums (Musée Marmottan Monet, Musée de l’Orangerie, and Musée Picasso), whereas some are temporary spaces for traveling exhibitions (e.g. Grand Palais and Petit Palais). But not all of them are the best museums in Paris for kids!

Don’t forget to look into the Paris Museum Pass to save money on entrance fees!

1. Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre)

Whether you are visiting Paris with kids or without, you cannot skip the most famous museum in France! The Louvre is the largest museum on Earth. It measures 652,300 square feet/73,000 square meters and its impressive collection is second to none.

The Louvre is on the Rue de Rivoli just a short walk from Place de la Concorde and Tuileries Garde. Its exhibition space is a former 14th-century palace. It boasts paintings and sculptures from ancient eras like the Egyptians and Romans through to the Middle Ages up to 1848. Amongst the famous works are Leonardo da Vinci’s  Mona Lisa  and the Greek statue  Venus de Milo .

Visiting the Louvre is cost-effective for families because children have free admission. We recommend families book a tour or at least a skip-the-line ticket. There are too many works by renowned artists that you can’t possibly see everything. Let an expert show you and your kids the most exciting and famous works! 

Our Favorite

Family-friendly louvre tours.

  • Context Travel – Louvre Museum Tour for Kids
  • With Locals – Louvre at Night Tour with a Local
  • Viator – Family-Friendly Skip The Line Private Guided Louvre Tour
  • GetYourGuide – Louvre Treasure Hunt for Families

2. Orsay Museum (Musée d’Orsay)

The Musée d’Orsay is also one of the best art museums for kids in Paris to visit. Or for anyone to visit! The museum’s permanent collection and temporary exhibits date from 1848 to 1914.

Most are 19th-century realist and post-impressionist paintings and sculptures by famous artists like Henri Matisse, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, and Edgar Degas. It boasts one of the biggest collections of paintings of water lilies by Claude Monet.

One of the reasons why it’s one of Paris’s most famous museums is the building itself. The museum is housed in a gorgeous train station which originally opened in 1900, meaning it could easily be one of the museum’s exhibits! Kids will also love the huge train station clock by the café which is still in use. 

Follow the audio guide specifically created with young people in mind to make the visit more enjoyable for your children. Don’t forget to book skip-the-line tickets because it’s a popular and busy museum at any given time of year.

3. Fairground Art Museum (Musée des Arts Forains)

Another fun art museum in Paris is the Musée des Arts Forains. Located slightly outside of the city center near Bercy Train Station, Musée des Arts Forains is situated in a former wine cellar full of old fairground rides and props from theaters and concert halls.

Musée des Arts Forains is a small museum that can only be visited by guided tour. Be sure you book in advance ! 

This is an off-the-beaten-path fun museum that is a great experience for older kids who will have fun participating in all the old funfair rides and games. It is recommended for children above five and all kids aged 11 and under benefit from discounted tickets.

4. National Museum of Modern Art at the Pompidou Center (Musée National d’Art Moderne)

If your kids are art lovers, you don’t want to miss the National Modern Art Museum at  Le Centre Pompidou . With over 10,000 works in its permanent and temporary exhibitions, it boasts the largest collection of modern and contemporary art in Europe. 

You’ll find works dating from 1905 to the present day by top artists like Marc Chagall’s  The Fall of Icarus , Frida Kahlo’s  The Frame , and  La Muse  by Pablo Picasso.

Like Musée d’Orsay, one of the best things about visiting the Pompidou Center is the building. Originally opened in 1977, its glass and metal structure resembles brightly-colored arteries feeding into a heart. 

Younger kids will love the  Galerie des Enfants,  a gallery designed for children. Older kids aged 13 – 16 might enjoy Studio 13/16. Because many modern works are brightly colored, children might find the works at the National Museum of Modern Art more engaging and interesting.

5. The Army Museum at Hôtel des Invalides (Musée de l’Armée)

There are tons of museums for kids in Paris that aren’t art galleries! A great place to visit with kids is the Army Museum .

The museum is split into two departments: the old and the modern. The Old Department covers battles and military life between the 13th and 17th centuries while the Modern Department focuses on everything from King Louis XIV’s reign to Napoleon III including the French Revolution.

One of the best things to see in the museum is Emperor Napoleon I’s tomb which is just behind the museum. The building itself, Hôtel des Invalides, is also stunning. It’s a 17th-century Baroque structure built to house wounded military but today it’s a church, government office, and museum.

Children under 18 have free admission and activity books are available for young kids. Storytelling and other guided tours for kids are available from the museum guides but unfortunately, these are only in French.

6. National Museum of the Middle Ages at the Cluny Museum (Musée National du Moyen Âge)

Housed in yet another incredible building, Musée de Cluny is inside a beautiful Gothic mansion with turrets only a short walk from Paris’s iconic Left Bank. It’s one of the best history museums for kids in Paris and covers medieval paintings, crafts, and other decorative arts in the Middle Ages. If you are visiting Paris with teens , this is one of our favorites.

Just some of the permanent exhibits include the Altar from Basel Cathedral, stained glass windows from the church Sainte-Chapelle, and various tapestries. There’s also a medieval-inspired garden and a video guide where kids can learn more about what’s on display.

It’s a popular museum for school groups to visit during the week which is a good sign that it’s the perfect place to take kids! The Cluny Museum is also free for children ages 18 and under.

7. Grévin Wax Museum (Musée Grévin)

Not every museum you visit has to be educational – there are many museums for kids in Paris that are just for fun!

Musée Grévin is a super family-friendly waxwork museum with models of over 200 French people throughout history to the present day. Napoleon, Joan of Arc, and even famous animated figures are all on display. Plus, the baroque building that Musée Grévin is housed in is gorgeous with ornate gold carved ceilings.

Children under five can enter for free and there is a discounted rate for kids under 18. Feel free to interact with the waxworks and take as many photos as you want!

8. National Museum of Natural History (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle)

First established as a botanical garden by King Louis XIII in 1636, the National Museum of Natural History is one of the best museums in Paris for kids. It’s housed in a beautiful building in Jardin des Plantes which also boasts a zoo, so it’s a must on any Paris family vacation itinerary!

Not only does the museum house rare plants thanks to the museum’s inception as a botanic garden, but it also displays dozens of dinosaur skeletons, taxidermied mammals and sealife, insects, and more.

The Gallery of Evolution is a separate building but is the  pièce de résistance  of the Natural History Museum complex. It boasts over 7,000 animal species showcasing the evolution and life cycles of various animals.

This museum is the perfect place to take animal-loving children. It’s well worth looking into pac kage passes if you want to visit one or more museums and attractions in Jardin des Plantes. You could save a lot of money!

9. Museum of Magic (Musée de la Magie)

Musée de la Magie is tucked away in the Saint Paul neighborhood across the Seine from Notre Dame Cathedral. It’s part museum, part performance venue. It’s perfect for children who are fascinated by magic or the macabre.

In the museum section of the building, you’ll find costumes, posters, gadgets, and more dating from the 1700s to the present day. Check their program before visiting if your children are interested in performances, workshops, and card trick classes as many of these are specifically run for kids.

It’s not as big or as polished as some of the national museums and art galleries, but that’s its charm (pun intended)! Children up to 12 years old get a reduced entrance fee.

10. CSI Science and Industry Museum (Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie)

Science museums are awesome and there’s no denying that the CSI is one of the best museums in Paris for kids. It’s the biggest science museum in Europe!

Located in La Villette Park, the Science and Industry Museum is worth a metro ride. It’s a shopping mall with floor after floor of exhibits including an IMAX cinema, robotics section, realistic simulations of house fires and natural disasters, and so much more. 

There are plenty of interactive exhibits and cool displays, so it’s a great place to take kids who couldn’t help touching paintings in art museums! Booking a timed entrance slot is strongly recommended because locals and tourists alike love visiting the CSI museum.

11. Quai Branly Museum (Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac)

Only a stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower, the Quai Branly Museum is one of the newer additions to Paris’s museum scene. Named after the street where it stands, this is a National Museum of Arts and Civilization that blends indigenous art with art from around the world.

This is one of the city’s largest museums. It houses one of the world’s largest collections of African Art as well as pieces from the Americas, Asia, and Oceania.

Check out their website for the museum’s program of children’s workshops and family activities during your trip. They often host performances and concerts which are always family-friendly!

12. Fluctuart Center for Urban Art (Centre d’art Urbain)

Do you think that art galleries like the Rodin Museum might not be a good fit for your children? Fluctuart not only fills the brief for being a fresh, modern urban art museum but it’s also housed in a cool structure. You’ll find Fluctuart in a purpose-built glass building on the bank of the River Seine.

Most of the artworks are bright, colorful pop art sculptures and paintings of famous people and political statements. Many works use 3D printing, mixed materials, and other artistic methods you’re unlikely to find in the Louvre! There’s also a café bar with beautiful views of the city.

There are free guided tours and everchanging temporary exhibits alongside the main collection. Even better, the museum is completely and 100% free for everyone!

13. Little Sprouts Art Museum for Children (Le Musée en Herbe)

There are tons of museums for kids in Paris. One of the best is Le Musée en Herbe, an art museum designed for children. If you’re traveling with kids older than toddlers but younger than ten, this is a great place to take them!

Le Musée en Herbe prides itself on interactive artworks based on the work of famous artists. Many works are based on video games and pop culture so they’re sensory and stimulating for little eyes. Children can also construct and deconstruct art made with blocks and tiles.

You can take self-guided or guided tours of Le Musée en Herbe but there are also treasure hunts and puzzles your kids can tackle as they walk around. It really is a perfect museum for kids!

14. Rodin Museum (Musée Rodin)

While a museum entirely dedicated to modern French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840 – 1917) might not initially strike you as one of the best museums in Paris for kids, there’s a lot here that older kids might appreciate. 

The Rodin Museum is housed in Hôtel Biron, a gorgeous 1730 mansion with beautiful formal gardens which are the perfect place for a quiet walk on a sunny day. Find some of Rodin’s best works like  The Young Mother ,  The Kiss , and  The Thinker . Sculptures can be found in the gardens and inside the museum. 

There aren’t too many works in the permanent collection so your kids hopefully won’t get bored or feel overwhelmed. The gift shop sells small replicas of Rodin’s most famous works of art as well as sculpting kits if your kids are inspired to create art like Rodin too!

15. Discovery Palace (Le Palais de la Découverte)

Just outside of the Grand Palais is a huge science museum. While it specializes in astronomy, there are exhibits in several scientific fields including geoscience, life sciences, maths, computer science and so much more.

Visiting the planetarium is a must-do at Discovery Palace but there are plenty of experiments and activities families will enjoy.

Note that the Discovery Palace is often closed temporarily during the low season. If you are visiting Paris in winter be sure to check the hours. Traveling on a budget? This is a great place to add to your itinerary because both adult and child tickets cost less than €5!

Visit the Best Museums in Paris for Kids on Your Trip

There are so many museums for kids in Paris, it won’t be difficult to find the right place for your family. Some children, especially teens, will appreciate a beautiful museum like the Rodin Museum. Most will love seeing famous works of art at the Louvre in person!

But kids who are less interested in visual art and are more hands-on will enjoy the science, natural history, and magic museums. Hopefully, this guide to the best museums in Paris for kids has given you a ton of inspiration for your next family vacation to the French capital.

The post 15 Best Museums in Paris to Visit with Kids appeared first on Kids Are A Trip™ .

Spending time in Paris with kids? You're sure to visit some of the main attractions like The Louvre, but why not visit museums kids will actually love? There are some of the best museums in Paris for kids.


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    Minimap toggle button. Zoom out. Skip intro

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    4.95. ( 437) 3h. Max 18 Guests. +5. This small group guided tour makes seeing the best of the world's largest museum easy! With your passionate guide, you'll skip the line for a fascinating tour of the Louvre's most famous attractions, including the Mona Lisa, Winged Victory of Samothrace, and even France's crown jewels.

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  14. Mona Lisa

    The Mona Lisa has its own climate-controlled room in the Louvre Museum in Paris. And was used 7 million for building it. Before having its own room in the Louvre, the Mona Lisa was damaged purposefully. In 1956 Ugo Ungaza threw a stone at the Mona Lisa and damaged a portion of the painting near her left elbow.

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  17. Mona Lisa at the Louvre

    The Mona Lisa is located inside the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Because of its high value and its global popularity, it is on display inside the biggest room of the museum, the Salle des États. You can find this room on level 1 of the Denon Wing. In 2005, the Mona Lisa was placed inside a protective glass case, right in the center of the room.

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    Come at the right time. The best way to see Mona Lisa at the Louvre is also to come at the right time, either in the morning, when she wakes up, or at night, before she goes to bed. The museum opens at 9 am, so make sure to be there at the opening time, if you want to enjoy all the angles of the Mona Lisa painting.

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