Sailing Gear Essentials: the Ultimate Packing List (and PDF)

When I first started, I wish I had an overview of what I need right now, and might possibly want in the future. So here's the list with all sailing essentials.

What gear do I need for sailing? You need clothes that dry quickly, deck shoes with good grip that don't leave marks, and multiple layers of clothing. You also want to bring water and sunscreen. Depending on your type of sailing and your role onboard, you need different kinds of specialty gear.

It really matters what sort of trip you're planning. Also, if you're the skipper, you're responsible for bringing a lot of additional skipper & boat gear. I've specified the complete list below for all different conditions and roles.

I've also made a printable checklist that you can download for free.

Download free sailing gear packing list

essentials for boat trip

Interactive Sailing Packing List

Sailing safety gear hanging from rail on boat

On this page:

Gear essentials: quick summary, essential sailing clothes, skipper gear, gear you need if you own a boat, related questions.

What you need to bring depends on the sort of trip, the trip length, and your role.

I categorize gear into four types of gear:

Clothing - There are some basic rules for clothing, which I'll explain below. But the best way to know what kind of clothes to wear is asking the skipper or sailors that are regulars in the area. Weather conditions on the water are very different from land.

Crew gear - All other personal things like paperwork and toiletries. Only applies for trips of multiple days or international journeys.

Boat gear - Navigation equipment, electronics, and safety gear. Boat gear is always the responsibility of the skipper, so if you're joining as crew, you don't have to worry about this.

Supplies - You always need supplies, and with long trips, this can really add up. But with one-day trips, you don't really need to worry beyond water, since there will probably be restaurants and stores around. However, you never know: a simple trip around the lake can end up in spending the night there. Mechanical breakdown happens all the time, so perhaps you want to bring at least some food and extra water.

Below I'll go into more detail for each of the different gear categories. You'll also find all of these items on the downloadable checklist. But first, let's quickly take a look at the packing list for beginner day-sailors.

What you need to bring as crew on a 1-day sailing trip:

If you're tagging along for a short trip as (beginner) crew, you don't need to bring much. You need to wear appropriate clothes and bring a bottle of water and sunscreen. Appropriate clothes are:

  • multiple base layers of clothing that are comfortable and dry quickly
  • non-marking deck shoes that provide a good grip like sneakers or boat shoes
  • sweater and (sailing) jacket
  • sun protection, like a hat or cap, and long sleeve shirts

I'll go into multiple day trips below, but first I want to take a look at the stuff each skipper needs to consider when planning a trip.

Factors that determine the supplies and boat and crew gear

If you're the skipper, you're responsible for the boat gear and any necessary supplies. You need to decide what navigation equipment you need, and how much fuel, food, and what safety gear to bring. To make planning easier, I've created a system for myself.

There are basically three kinds of trips that determine what safety and boat gear I need to bring:

  • freshwater trips - not a lot needed besides basic navigation tools
  • coastal and offshore trips - more safety gear required by the USCG
  • ocean passages - besides more safety gear, also more supplies and tools needed

Freshwater trips - Freshwater trips are the easiest to plan. There isn't a lot of safety gear required by the Coast Guard, and you don't need a lot of supplies or fuel, because there's always a gas station nearby. So no worries here. You just need to bring your basic navigation tools. Something like a compass and marine chart will do fine, or perhaps a chartplotter.

Coastal and offshore trips - For coastal and offshore trips you need to bring a lot more safety gear, especially on larger boats. You'll also want more navigation gear, and you'll need more anchors.

Ocean passages - Ocean passages are the ultimate planning challenge. Besides all safety gear, navigation, and so on, you also need to think about your supplies and bring extra tools. Once you're out there, you're on your own, so you need to be able to do minor repairs yourself.

Make sure to check out my Ultimate Guide to Required Safety Equipment on a Boat . There you'll find a USCG safety gear checklist for all different hull lengths.

Trip length

The second factor that determines required gear is the trip length. Obviously, the longer your trip, the more you'll need to bring.

  • short trips (1-2 days)
  • extended trips (2 - 14 days)
  • ocean passage (multiple weeks)

I mention ocean passage again here because it's usually the longest kind of trip, but it also requires special planning. You need to bring a lot more fuel than on an ordinary two-week trip along the coast because chances are you won't find any gas stations in the middle of the Atlantic.

Also, you need to bring a lot more water onboard, and spare parts for minor engine and sail repairs. With long trips along the coast, you can always find a safe harbor with a store, or request Coast Guard assistance. They will probably be there within a couple of hours at most. But in the middle of the Atlantic, chances are nobody will come for at least a couple of days.

What you need to wear depends on your role and ambitions. If you're just tagging along as crew or a curious landlubber on a sailing yacht, you need to take a good look at your clothes, but you don't need to worry as much about specialty gear. If you're a pro sailor (or want to become one), you need special sailing gloves and wetsuits. And then there are foul weather clothes for heavy weather.

For sailing clothes, the rules of thumb are:

  • you want to wear clothes that are appropriate to the climate
  • you want to wear multiple layers because the temperature on the water can change quickly
  • you always want to bring dry clothing
  • wear clothes that dry quickly; neoprene and polyester are great for cold weather, linen is great for warm weather
  • wear clothes that can't be caught in lines or winh; no scarfs or shawls, rather a large blanket or a thick coat for when you get cold

Beginner sailing outfit

  • in cold weather, wear heavy, thick undergarments made from water repellant materials. Neoprene sailing socks are great, but wool works as well. Always bring plenty of spares.

Professional sailing clothes

  • sailing gloves
  • boat shoes or sailing boots
  • water shoes
  • polaroid sunglasses with croakies
  • sailing hat, helmsman hat, or cap with retainer clip
  • high-quality sailing jacket (inshore, coastal, and offshore jackets all have different linings)
  • sailing trousers - this can be a polyester legging, made from wetsuit material, or a UV protective, water-repellent chino
  • canvas sailing belt - works than a leather belt in wet conditions
  • drysuit for cold weather

Foul weather/offshore clothes

  • foulies (heavy weather rain suit)
  • ocean trousers or salopettes

Crew gear is stuff every crew member needs to have, including the skipper. The safety gear is the responsibility of the skipper, the rest is up to you.

Safety gear

Each crew member should wear the following safety gear:

  • life jacket - also called a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) - if you go sailing regularly, you might want to consider buying your own
  • whistle for signaling when you go overboard
  • waterproof headlamp for signaling when you go overboard
  • For coastal and offshore sailing: harness and tether - clips you to a fixed padeye onboard to stay within reach when you go overboard

Toiletries (for multiple-day trips)

If you're going out for multiple days on end, be sure to bring your the following toiletries:

  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • medications and perhaps medication for seasickness
  • dry shampoo

If applicable, make sure to bring:

  • passport for international trips
  • diving certificate
  • drivers license
  • dry bag - to protect your precious gear
  • swimming/snorkeling/diving gear
  • fishing gear

Additional gear for multiple-day trips

  • sleeping bag
  • cellphone and charger
  • electronics like an e-reader, tablet, laptop, camera, and chargers
  • 12V to DC adapters
  • power banks and spare batteries for all electronic equipment
  • outlet travel multi-adapters for international trips

As skipper, you need to carry some tools to ensure a safe boat and the general safety:

  • Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) to transmit location in case of emergency
  • utility knife and marlin spike, or:
  • mariners knife (has a marlin spike) - used to work on the rigging, splitting lines, and so on
  • sailing watch - A digital sailing watch has at least an alarm, which you need for reminding you to do check-ups on the course, weather conditions, and so on. Most sailing watches also have a digital compass and barometer, which is great as a backup.
  • captains log if you use one
  • marine binoculars (with rangefinder)

The skipper needs some additional paperwork:

  • International Certificate of Competence (ICC) - for international trips only
  • USCG skipper's license
  • VHF certificate
  • sailing guides on the area
  • legal paperwork for the boat and captain - like boat registration document, and a photo ID like a driver's license

Boat gear consists of cockpit gear, navigation, communication, and safety gear. For short inland trips, you only need some of that gear. You don't need a lot of navigation equipment since the waters are well mapped and finding your way isn't very difficult. First I'll give you the bare minimum, and then I'll specify each category for longer trips.

The bare essentials:

  • boat compass
  • marine chart
  • required safety gear
  • first aid kit
  • small tool kit or multitool
  • working anchor and rode

Cockpit equipment:

  • wind vane and/or handheld wind meter
  • Cockpit Mayday procedure card
  • compass deviation card
  • boat maintenance log

Navigation equipment:

Bring at least one (but preferably two) the following:

  • handheld compass
  • chartplotter - make sure you bring updated charts
  • backup chartplotter - this can also be a laptop, tablet, or even smartphone
  • sextant & up-to-date navigation almanac
  • marine charts

I always want to bring at least two means of navigation. My favorites are the compass (by far) and the GPS since these are very reliable. I also plan to dive into celestial navigation, since this is a great backup, and it's more accurate than you might think.

You can get a cheap but reliable chartplotter and compass for less than $500 - in total. If you want to learn more, head over to the recommended gear section:

  • Click here for my recommended chartplotter
  • Click here for my recommended compass
For a complete overview of types of marine navigation, I recommend to check out my in-depth article about it .

Communication equipment:

  • satellite phone
  • marine VHF radio
  • handheld depth sounder
  • signaling flags for international waters

Safety gear:

  • air horn or whistle
  • bosun's chair for rig work
  • radar reflector
  • flares or LED signaling light
  • emergency weather radio
  • first aid kit - needs to contain at least
  • fire extinguisher(s)
  • life raft for offshore sailing


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Cruise Packing Tips

Cruise Packing Tips

  • >> Cruise Essentials – 50 Brilliant Things to Bring on a Cruise

Cruise Essentials – 50 Brilliant Things to Bring on a Cruise

Cruising is so much fun and thinking about what to bring on a cruise is one of the best ways to create some excitement before your trip. Putting together your cruise essentials can start a few months before you set sail. Allow yourself enough time to get all the things to bring on a cruise ordered online, out of storage and packed up ready to go.

Whether you’re a new cruiser wondering what the essential items for a cruise are or an experienced cruiser looking to freshen up your cruise essentials packing list, we’re sure you’ll find something useful on our cruise essentials list! What to take on a cruise depends somewhat on the destination, how light you prefer to pack and the duration of the cruise. All of the things to take on a cruise we’ve listed below are useful items but it’s up to you to decide what cruise travel essentials you’ll pack for your trip.

Start thinking about cruise essentials to pack and laying them out on a spare bed or in a storage box in a quiet corner of your house. Use our cruise essentials checklist to mark off items as you find or purchase them.

You don’t need to purchase every single one of the cruise ship essentials we’ve mentioned but a lot of these items are very helpful. We have covered cruise packing essentials to organize your luggage, useful items for organising your stateroom, essentials to take on a cruise to avoid seasickness

  • 1.1 Our Top 10 Cruise Essentials
  • 1.2 More Essential Items to Take on a Cruise
  • 1.3 Essential Cruise Accessories for Organizing Your Cabin
  • 1.4 Cruise Wardrobe Essentials
  • 1.5 Cruise Packing Essentials

Cruise Essentials

Top 10 Cruise Essentials - What to Bring on a Cruise

Our Top 10 Cruise Essentials

These are the top 10 essentials to pack for a cruise. Everyone should have these items (or a variation of them that suits your needs):

  • Waterproof phone case – FFor keeping your phone, cash and sailing card safe when you’re swimming or at the beach
  • Lanyard – For wearing your cruise card around the ship
  • Seabands / Seasickness medication
  • Highlighters – For highlighting your daily cruise schedule
  • Lysol disinfecting wipes or Lysol to Go spray – For sanitizing your cabin on arrival
  • Powerstrip without surge protector – Surge protectors are not allowed on board
  • Conditioner – You’ll be swimming a lot and they often don’t have it in cabins
  • Sunscreen / Aftersun  – Bring a spray sunscreen for your body, a face sunscreen and aftersun lotion
  • Bathing suit coverup / UV swim vest
  • Packing cubes – For organizing your suitcase

More Essential Items to Take on a Cruise

  • Ginger candy
  • Downy Wrinkle Release (travel size)
  • Travel coffee cup
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Earplugs or portable sound machine – If you’re a light sleeper or in case of noisy neighbors
  • Travel alarm clock
  • Wine bottle – One 750 ml bottle per adult depending on cruise line you’re with
  • Wine bottle protector
  • Soda – 12 cans per person depending on cruise line you;re with
  • Tide to Go – Stain remover pen for emergencies
  • Tide pods – Carnival has laundry rooms on board if you need them
  • Travel laundry sheets – For handwashing laundry in your room if necessary
  • Hand sanitzer – Travel size
  • Beach towel clip
  • Rain poncho
  • Travel umbrella
  • Anti-chaffing balm
  • Small first aid kit
  • Portable speakers
  • Refillable perfume atomizer
  • Tea bags or instant coffee if you’re fussy about what you drink
  • Antacid tablets
  • Download a few Netflix shows or movies to your ipad

Tip: These cruise essentials make great gifts for your travel companions or to give to cruise lovers over the holidays.

Essential Cruise Accessories for Organizing Your Cabin

  • Small dry erase board – Magentic ones are useful for the outside door of your cabin
  • Magnetic hooks
  • Ziploc bags
  • Plastic document wallet
  • Bungee cord – For holding open your balcony door
  • Overdoor shoe organizer – For adding additional storage in your room
  • Post It notes

Tip: Keep all these items to take on a cruise packed in a storage box for any future cruises you take. It will make packing for a cruise easier next time!

Cruise Wardrobe Essentials

  • Aqua shoes – If planning on an excursion that requires them
  • UV swim vest
  • Bathing suit coverups
  • Packable sunhat or sunvisor
  • Cheap sunglasses you can wear in the ocean or pool

For a full list of cruise clothing essentials for your specific cruise type, check out our cruise packing lists . We go into great depth on the cruise essentials clothing you’ll need for the various cruise types.

Tip: Read our guide to  fun things to bring on a cruise for more ideas!

Cruise Packing Essentials

These packing essentials to bring on a cruise will help you organize your luggage.

  • Travel wallet / organiser
  • Packing cubes
  • Cruise luggage tags
  • Hanging toiletry bag
  • Garment bag
  • Laundry bag or pop up hamper
  • Prescription medication organizer
  • Folding backpack
  • Cooler – 12 can, soft sided
  • Travel toiletry bottles
  • Wet-dry bag – For traveling home with wet swimsuits

What do you think the best items to bring on a cruise are? If you’ve got any questions about what to take on a cruise ship or want to share your ideas on the best things to bring on a cruise, leave us a comment below.

If you want to chat more about what to bring on a cruise ship, you can join our Facebook group to chat with other cruises. It’s a great way to get ideas on the best things to take on a cruise.

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If you still need help deciding what to pack for your upcoming cruise, sign up to take our short email course. You'll learn what to wear on a cruise, what little cruise essentials can really help, how to pack your bag, what the best suitcase to take is and what to leave behind. Sign up now. It's totally FREE!

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We created Cruise Packing Tips to share our extensive knowledge on how to pack for a cruise. As seasoned cruisers who loves to pack just the right amount for each trip, we will help you get your cruise packing list down to a fine art.

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essentials for boat trip

Boat Trip Checklist | Things You Need on a Boat

If it’s your very first time heading out on a boat trip, you might feel a little overwhelmed. With questions whirring in your head like “what should I expect?” and “what do I need to on a boat?”. Well, the experience you should be expecting will be different for each and every trip. But the things you need to pack in your bag stay relatively the same. 

If you are unsure, then it’s best to have a boat trip checklist to ensure you have everything you’ll need with you when it’s needed. For the most part, these are the things needed on a boat. 

Boating Trip Checklist 

What do you need on a boat? I’m about to answer your most pressing question with a list of items you won’t want to go without. This is exactly what you’ll need on a boat. 

1. Sunglasses

It’s one thing to be out in the sun on a clear day without sunnies, but it’s another thing entirely to be on the water. The glare caused by the water actually means that there is sunshine coming at you from all angles (as opposed to just the sky). So trust me when I say you do not want to be leaving your sunnies at home for this excursion. 

As an added plus, it’s best to have UV-protected sunglasses to ensure the sun’s most harmful rays don’t get in. 

2. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is an absolutely dia necessity when you’re going on a boat trip. For the reason mentioned above, the sun is coming at you from all angles when you’re on the boat. This means that if you’re not wearing sunscreen, you won’t just get burnt on the shoulders and the face like usual. You’ll get burnt from all angles. 

If you don’t want to walk around looking like a hot tomato and with blistering hot skin, then it’s best to go prepared. Don’t just lather on the high SPF sunscreen before you go, but take it with you and reapply regularly to ensure the sun’s harmful rays don’t damage your delicate skin.

essentials for boat trip

3. Seasickness pills

If you’re prone to seasickness, or even if you’re not, it’s best to take some seasickness pills with you on your trip. Believe it or not, seasickness can hit you out of nowhere, even if it’s something you’ve never experienced before. 

And it doesn’t only happen when you’re out on the ocean, a particularly rough river cruise could induce the same nauseating feeling. So it’s better to have some seasickness pills on hand just in case this is the boat trip that makes you sick to your stomach. 

4. Ziplock bag for important belongings

Because all boat trips happen on the water, you never really know what might happen. A splash from a wave could come aboard, soaking a handful of passengers. The wind could pick up and blow spray into the boat. 

For this reason, you need to ensure that your most important belongings stay dry during your trip. I would recommend taking along a waterproof ziplock bag for things like your cellphone, car keys, and ID. This way, even if you do get a little wet, there’s nothing you need to be overly stressed about. After all, this is an enjoyable boat trip, and you’ll want to be completely stress-free to lap up every last bit of the experience. 

A hat is another important item to take with you. While a wide brim hat will give your face the most protection from the sun, a cap is an alternative that is still better than nothing. Protecting your face from the sun is important while you’re on a boat as you’ll likely be directly exposed to sunlight for the entire duration of the trip. 

It’s best to take a hat that fits tightly to your head or has a chin strap so that if the wind picks up, your hat will remain tightly in place. 

essentials for boat trip

6. Spare set of clothes

While you’re not hoping to get entirely soaked on your boat trip. Sh*t happens. Sometimes a big wave comes and laps over the side of your boat, other times its spray that makes its way into the boat because of the breeze. But either way, it’s best to be prepared. 

Take a spare set of clothes in a ziplock bag to ensure you have a dry set to change into, either after the boat trip or during (if need be). You’ll be grateful you don’t have to walk around town for the rest of the day in clothing that’s soaked to the bone. 

7. Food or snack

If your boat trip lasts for longer than an hour, then food, snacks, and beverages are one of the most important things to have on a boat. If you need some inspiration, check out my blog post on boat-friendly food ideas. 

In terms of beverages, it really depends on personal preference. It’s a good idea to bring some water, a cool drink, and an alcoholic beverage if you’re allowed. Just keep in mind whether or not you’ll have to drive home after the trip. 

essentials for boat trip

8. Insect repellant 

If you’re heading out on a riverboat, insect repellant is something you’ll be very grateful for! Insects tend to breed near bodies of water, and for a multitude of reasons, there can be an influx of certain bugs. In this case, you’ll want those pesky creatures to be as far away from you as possible. 

Take some insect repellant to make sure you are not supper for some blood-sucking insect. 

9. Waterproof jacket

Taking a rain jacket, or waterproof jacket is another vital item to have with you on your boat trip. You never know when the boat could get an influx of spray from the ocean or river. It also acts as a guard for the clothes you’re wearing underneath. So even if you do get wet, it’s just the top layer that you can easily peel off after the tour. 

10. Towel 

This comes in handy not only if you get off and have a swim duing the boat trip, but just in case you do end up getting wet during the trip. It’s always good to have a towel handy to dry you off after the tour. 

I have never regretted taking a towel with me. Even if you leave it on dry land for when you get back from your boat trip. 

essentials for boat trip

Fun Things to Bring on a Boat

While these are far from essentials, they’re items that are sure to make your boat trip a little more exciting. These are a few things to bring on a boat for a bit of added fun and excitement. 

11. Swimsuit

While you’re not going to swim during each and every boat trip, the chances get higher if you take a swimsuit with you. Especially on warmer days, you’re not going to regret giving yourself the opportunity to swim in the ocean or in a river. 

12. Waterproof camera

Another non-essential but really nice to have is a waterproof camera. It can be a little risky taking your nice camera with you, but a waterproof camera can handle the spray and allows you to take home a couple of precious memories from your trip. 

13. Music playlist

If you have the opportunity to control the vibe aboard the yacht or boat trip, then why not take this responsibility seriously. Construct a playlist you know will be just perfect for your boat trip so you can enjoy your favorite tunes out on open waters. 

14. Water sports 

If you have an adventurous spirit, water sports can make a trip all the more fun. So why not take all the equipment you have with you to make the day a real blast (only if you know you will have the opportunity to use it). 

Wakeboards, banana boats, water skis, and any other water sporting equipment you have access to can make the trip a party. And if you know you’ll get the opportunity to stop for short periods of time, snorkeling equipment can also be fun. 

essentials for boat trip

Final Thoughts on a Boating Trip Packing List

Now that you have a better idea of things needed for boating, you can go book your next boat trip with ease of mind. Although those in charge of your boat tour will bring all the essentials needed for a successful trip, you’ll be a lot more comfortable along the way if you pack the items listed in this post. 

While I always love a good boat trip, the whole experience is a lot more pleasant when you come prepared. A little preparation can go a long way and can prevent after-effects like sunburn, or eye sensitivity (which can happen when sunglasses and sun cream are forgotten. 

Now that you’re well prepared with this boat trip checklist, have an enjoyable and comfortable boat trip!

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Hi, I’m Tyla. I have been working toward gaining freedom from the constraints of the everyday grind since the very start of my career. Working remotely in digital marketing allowed me the freedom to start my own passion projects that center around the adventures I enjoy most.

Having lived near the ocean my entire life, I have an affinity toward spending time on the water, and I want to share that passion with all of you. I hope you enjoy reading about my boat trips as much as I enjoyed taking them!

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The Ultimate Boat Trip Checklist: Don’t Leave Anything Behind

essentials for boat trip

A boat trip is an excellent way to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, and the excitement of being on the water. But to ensure your trip goes smoothly, it’s important to prepare and pack all the essentials. Making sure you have everything you need is key, so we have compiled the ultimate boat trip checklist to make sure nothing gets left behind.

Safety Equipment

It’s imperative to prioritize safety when preparing for a boat trip. The following items are essential:

  • Life jackets : Ensure you have enough life jackets for every passenger, and that they fit correctly.
  • Throwable flotation devices : These can be used to help rescue someone who has fallen overboard.
  • Fire extinguishers : Check for expiry dates and ensure they are fully charged.
  • Signal flares : Pack both handheld and aerial flares to enable communication in case of an emergency.
  • First aid kit : Include bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, seasickness remedies, pain relievers, and any personal medication.
  • VHF radio : This is crucial for establishing communication with the coast guard, as well as other vessels.
  • Whistle or air horn : These can be used to signal for help.
  • Emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB): This device emits a signal that assists the coast guard in locating you during an emergency.

Navigation Tools

  • GPS device : A GPS device helps with navigation, ensuring you remain on course to your destination.
  • Compass : A backup option in case your GPS device malfunctions.
  • Nautical charts : Another backup option for navigation; these maps show maritime features such as depth, water currents, and hazards.
  • Binoculars : Useful for scouting distant landmarks.
  • Depth finder : This device indicates water depth, which is essential when anchoring or avoiding shallow areas.

Boat Maintenance and Tools

Even a well-maintained boat may need minor repairs while on the water. Ensure that you pack:

  • Spare engine parts : Including spark plugs, fuel filters, belts, and hoses.
  • Marine tool kit : Including wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, and a hammer.
  • Duct tape and sealants : For temporary fixes on the boat.
  • Spare rope, lines, and fenders: These can be used for towing, mooring, or as extra fender protection.
  • Spare anchor : In case your primary anchor fails or is lost.
  • Flashlight or headlamp : Useful for night time navigation or repairs.

Clothing and Personal Items

Pack clothing according to the weather conditions and expected activities. Some staples include:

  • Waterproof and windproof jackets
  • Insulated clothing for colder weather
  • Quick-drying clothes for warmer conditions
  • Swimwear and towels
  • Hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen
  • Personal hygiene items, including toilet paper, toothbrushes, and soap
  • Insect repellent

Food and Beverages

  • Freshwater: Pack enough drinking water for each person, taking into account the trip’s duration.
  • Non-perishable and easy-to-prepare foods: Granola bars, instant noodles, and canned goods are some options.
  • Cooler with ice or ice packs for perishable items
  • Portable stove and cookware: In case you need to prepare hot meals
  • Collapsible or reusable dishes, utensils, and cups
  • Trash bags for waste disposal
  • Snacks, beverages, and any specific dietary items


  • Fishing gear and tackle
  • Water sports equipment, such as paddleboards or snorkeling gear
  • Portable speakers and electronic devices
  • Board games, cards, or books

Using this ultimate boat trip checklist, you can be confident that you have all the essentials for a safe, enjoyable, and relaxing journey on the water. Remember to double-check all safety equipment, tools, and personal items before setting sail. Bon voyage!



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10 Things You Need to Pack For Your Next Boat Trip

Planning a day long boat trip? Here’s a quick list of 10 things you need on a boat to help make your day a wonderful memory!

Some of you may laugh at this topic. But, take it from a girl who grew up on the prairies of Montana – not all of us know how to “do” a day of boating!;)

Thanks to some wonderful friends of ours, I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy a few day boat trips! Each time I go, I learn more tips and tricks, and I thought you’d like it if I’d pass on my new-found wisdom to you. So, get out your list and start packing. It’s time for a fun boating day on the ocean – or lake!

A picture of a boat with the caption "12 Must Haves to Pack for your next day long boat trip"

10+ Things for a Boat Trip + Tips and Tricks to help make the day wonderful!

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1.Sunscreen + Sunglasses

essentials for boat trip

I do everything in my power to avoid sunburn. Not only do I believe it to be un-healthy for my skin, I really dislike the discomfort of it!

To prevent sunburn, apply your first coat of sunscreen before you even leave the house, and reapply it throughout the day.

Also, put on your sunglasses to protect your eyes from the bright glare of the sun on the water.

Although a little pricey, this sunscreen works for my sensitive and allergy prone skin happy.

2. Thin, quick-dry towel

I guess any towel would do, but a thin, quick-dry towel ( like this ) takes up less room in your bag – and yes, it will dry quick! It’s perfect if you decide to go for a swim and also doubles as a sunshade for your legs or a poncho if you get chilly in the evening!

3. Bucket hat

Two women sitting in the back of a boat with bucket hats on.

I admit that I don’t own one of these yet, but I want to get one like this! I borrowed one yesterday and discovered it is a perfect thing for boat day. Look for a wide brim, neck strap (so you won’t lose it in the wind), and an adjustable strap on the back of the hat that will help it fit snug on all sizes of heads. 

4.Water bottle and plenty of water!

Water is one of the most important necessities when out in the sun for a day. Be sure to drink lots of it so you don’t get sun stroke.   This type of water bottle is my highest recommendation and my friend raved about how incredible this one is. We put ice cubes in ours, then water – and our ice cubes were still clinking at the end of the day! Cold, cold water is so refreshing on a hot day.

5. Snacks in a cooler

We love this inexpensive small cooler for day trips on the boat. We fill ours with a few small ice packs and then pack snacks like:

  • Tortilla roll-ups (with lunch meat, veggies, and cheese)
  • Fresh fruit (cherries, blueberries, or strawberries are our favorite)
  • Granola Bars

6. Shoes that can get wet

Sometimes you may decide to anchor near the shore and walk onto a beach. It’s helpful to have shoes that can go right in the water if you need on a rocky beach. These are my favorite Summer sandals that are all-purpose for me. These and these also look like nice options that are made for water.

7. A swimsuit

Although you may think you don’t want to swim, you just might change your mind after a few hours in the sun. Pack the swimsuit just in case!

(Sidenote. The older I get, the more I dislike wearing a swimsuit! However, I LOVE to swim, so I put on my swimsuit anyway. I prefer wearing a tankini top and swimsuit shorts bottoms. I think this striped  tankini top and navy swim shorts are so cute.)

8. Lip Balm with sunscreen

Swollen, chapped, sunburned lips feel awful. Don’t forget take lip balm with sunscreen to give your lips a little love throughout the day. (See what I did there?;))

9. Binoculars

You just might see some whales in the distance! Have a pair of binoculars on hand to see them up closer.

10. Your wallet or cash

There are some really cute marinas in nooks and crannies around Vancouver Island. You just may stop at one with a store. Buying an ice cold Hagaan Daas salted caramel ice cream bar will be a special treat! You’ll need some moolah to do that. This is my husband’s favorite slim wallet that is so handy!

11. Sweatshirt/ Sweatpants

A boat driving into a sunset.

Dressing in layers is the appropriate attire for boating adventures. Although the day might start sunny and hot – perfect for shorts and a tank top – it will most likely end up being chilly as the sun goes down. Packing a sweatshirt and sweatpants are perfect for the changes in weather temperature. (Also, if it looks rainy, definitely throw in some rain gear!!)

I have a sweatshirt very similar to this and I LOVE it. A pair of sweatpants are handy to just pull over a pair of shorts as the evening gets chilly.

12. Simple First Aid Kit

Although the boat you’re going on probably has its own first aid kit, I like to pack a small cosmetic bag with a few simple first aid items like band aides, tylenol or advil, & non- drowsy Dramamine (if someone gets seasick).

A boat motor with a water wake behind it.

Want to see where we go boating?

I share lots of behind the scenes action of where we live here on Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada on my Instagram channel . In fact, I shared parts of the day that I pictured here on this post – along with the whales we spotted. Be sure to click over and follow me there so you don’t miss out on the fun.

More travel related posts:

My husband and I love travelling and exploring new places. Here are a few places I’ve written about before:

  • How to visit The Oregon Coast (on a budget).
  • Our trip to Maui, Hawaii was a dream come true.
  • What we saw while visiting Savannah, Georgia
  • How to pack everything you need for an 8 day trip in just a carry on !

Don’t miss a thing!

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essentials for boat trip

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Great list for the must-haves for a day of boating, Rita! This would work for almost any type of day trip! Pinned!

Fantastic list! We live on a lake in Georgia and you covered it all perfectly. Couldn’t have done it better.

I’ve never spent a whole day on a boat, but it looks like a good list! Love your cute photos.

Great tips! Your boat loving friend couldn’t agree more with what you suggest.

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Must-Have Items for a Boat Day Trip in Sarasota, Florida

  • Boat Concierge Services
  • October 14, 2023

Are you planning a boat day trip? Whether you’re headed out for a relaxing day on the water or an adventurous fishing expedition, it’s essential to be prepared with all the necessary items. In this article, we’ll discuss the must-have items that will ensure your boat day trip is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.

From essential safety gear and navigation tools to sun protection, snacks, and entertainment, our boat concierge service have got you covered. Embark on your maritime journey with confidence, knowing that you’re equipped with the knowledge of what it takes to make your boat day trip a seamless and delightful experience provided by the benefits of a boat concierge service .

Safety Essentials For Boat Day Trip

Ensure you have all the must-have safety essentials for your boat day trip, like a life jacket and a first aid kit. Life jackets are crucial when it comes to boating safety. They are designed to keep you afloat in case of an emergency and can be the difference between life and death. Make sure to have enough life jackets on board for every passenger, and ensure they are properly fitted and in good condition.

In addition to life jackets, having a well-stocked first aid kit is vital for any boat day trip. Accidents can happen anytime, especially when you’re out on the water. A comprehensive first aid kit should comprise bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, tweezers, and pain relievers. It’s important to regularly check your first aid kit before each boat trip to make sure all supplies are up-to-date and replenished if necessary.

By being prepared with these safety essentials, and with a professional captain , you can enjoy your boat day trip with peace of mind, knowing that you have taken the necessary precautions for any unforeseen circumstances. Remember, safety should always be a primary priority when out on the water.

Comfort Items

Bringing some cozy cushions and blankets will ensure a comfortable boat day experience. As you embark on your boat trip, having the right items is important to make your journey enjoyable and relaxing. Here are four comfort essentials that should be at the top of your list:

  • Beach Towels: Whether you’re lounging on the deck or taking a dip in the water, having beach towels onboard is essential for drying off and keeping comfortable. Opt for quick-drying towels that are lightweight and easy to pack.
  • Sunscreen: Spending a day on the water means being exposed to the sun’s rays for an extended period. Protect yourself from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen regularly throughout the day. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a strong SPF rating to ensure maximum protection.
  • Cushions: Boat seats can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially if you’re planning on spending long hours aboard. Bringing along some cushions will provide much-needed support and cushioning, making your seating experience more enjoyable.
  • Blankets: Even on warm days, having blankets onboard is always a good idea for added comfort and coziness. They can come in handy during cooler evenings or when you want to nap while gently rocking with the boat’s motion.

With these comfort essentials packed, you can fully relax and enjoy your boat tours in Sarasota without any discomfort or worries about sunburns or chilly nights. So don’t forget to bring along beach towels, sunscreen, cushions, and blankets – they’ll make all the difference in ensuring a pleasant boating experience!

Food and Drinks

Planning your food and drinks properly is vital to having an enjoyable and comfortable boat day trip. Here are some tips to consider when preparing your food and beverages:

  • Cooler Essentials: Use a high-quality cooler with ample ice to keep your drinks and perishable foods cold. Consider using ice packs instead of loose ice to avoid any water leakage.
  • Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential, especially when you’re out in the sun and potentially engaging in physical activities. Pack plenty of bottled water and electrolyte-rich drinks to replenish fluids lost through sweating.
  • Snacks: Opt for a mix of snacks that are easy to handle and won’t spoil quickly. Think about options like pre-cut fruits, nuts, trail mix, granola bars, and single-serving packs of crackers or chips.
  • Sandwiches and Wraps: Prepare sandwiches or wraps with fillings that won’t become soggy over time. Deli meats, cheeses, and veggies work well. Pack them in airtight containers to sustain their freshness.
  • Condiments and Spreads: Consider packing condiments and spreads separately to prevent sandwiches from becoming too soggy. You can use small, spill-proof containers for mayo, mustard, ketchup, etc.

By planning and selecting a variety of snacks and drinks that cater to different tastes, you’ll ensure a satisfying and enjoyable dining experience during your boat day trip. Just remember to prioritize safety, hygiene, and environmental responsibility throughout your journey.

Entertainment and Recreation

boat day trip

Combining card games, water sports, and outdoor activities will make for a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Here’s a breakdown of your plan and some tips to enhance the entertainment and recreation on your boat day trip:

  • Card Games: Opting for a deck of cards is a fantastic idea. Card games are adaptable and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Classics like Poker, Rummy, Crazy Eights, and Go Fish can keep the competitive spirit alive and create a fun atmosphere on the boat. Remember to bring a waterproof container for the cards to ensure they stay safe for any accidental splashes.
  • Water Sports: Engaging in water sports like wakeboarding, tubing, and waterskiing is a great way to get everyone’s adrenaline pumping. Make sure to have the necessary equipments, such as life jackets, and safety ropes, and ensure that the participants are aware of the safety guidelines and precautions. Consider having an experienced individual or guide onboard to help beginners with these activities.
  • Outdoor Games: Classic outdoor games like frisbee, cornhole (bean bag toss), and beach volleyball are excellent choices for creating a lively and competitive atmosphere. Ensure you have enough space on the boat’s deck to set up these games and establish some basic rules. You might want to pack extra frisbees and bean bags in case some get lost in the water.
  • Music and Atmosphere: Enhance the overall experience by creating a lively atmosphere with some background music that everyone can enjoy. Create playlists in advance or let different people take turns in being the “DJ” on the boat.
  • Capture the Memories: Carry a waterproof camera or smartphone case to capture fun moments during water sports, outdoor games, and card games. These photos will serve as great mementos of the day.

With a well-rounded plan that includes card games, water sports, and outdoor activities, your boat day trip will surely be a hit. Enjoy the company of your friends and family while making lasting memories and enjoying the beauty of the waters and the outdoors.

Communication and Navigation

Now that you have taken care of your entertainment and recreational needs for your boat day trip, let us focus on the essential aspects of communication and navigation. These are crucial elements to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience out on the water.

Here are essential items for communication and navigation during your boat day trip:

  • Marine radio – A reliable means of communication with other boaters and emergency services.
  • GPS navigation system – An indispensable tool for accurate positioning and efficient route planning.
  • Charts or maps – Supplementary aids to complement the GPS navigation system.
  • Compass – A traditional navigational instrument that serves as a backup in case electronic devices fail.

With these crucial communication and navigation tools at hand, you can confidently sail away knowing that you are well-prepared for any situation that may arise during your day trip.

The Bottom Line

Proper preparation is vital for a safe and enjoyable boat day trip. Essential items like life jackets, first aid kits, and sun protection ensure safety and comfort. Adequate food, drinks, and entertainment add to the experience. Communication tools like marine radios and waterproof phones are critical. With these in place, you can embark on a worry-free water adventure.

At the Boat Concierge , we understand the importance of a well-prepared boat day trip. Contact us today to ensure your safety, comfort, and enjoyment on the water. Explore our day trip services and let us make your maritime adventure truly unforgettable.

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Boat Day Checklist

By:  Crest Pontoon Boats on Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Aside from the safety essentials like a life jacket for everyone on board, here’s a list of boat day must-haves that will have you ready to spend all day out on the water.

Some yummy snacks. Everyone on board will be in need of food to fuel back up at some point in the day. Make sure you’ve got some snacks that are good on the go and in the heat, like sandwiches, nuts, pretzels, fruit, granola bars— the list goes on!

Sun. Screen. There’s no better way to cut a weekend out on the water prematurely short than getting sunburned. Make sure you’re stocked with plenty of sun protection to go around. And the waterproof kind can’t hurt!

Towels. It’s tough to bring too many towels out on a boat day. Whether it’s for drying off after a dip in the water or to keep you warm on the ride home, an abundance of towels tends to come in handy.

Refreshments. Water is most important. However, fun additions like Gatorade or some adult beverages (to drink responsibly) are a bonus.

A cooler. A cooler full of ice is another boat day essential. It can be for fishing or for keeping your food and drinks cold, but it’s a necessity either way. In the Crest Classic DLX , you’re all set with a bow cooler drawer containing an all new, soft insulated cooler.

A dry bag. This might not be one of your first thoughts, but be sure to not skip it. A dry bag is a guaranteed way to keep your keys, wallet, and any other personal items safe and dry throughout the day.

Water toys. Whether they’re for the kids’ or the adults’ enjoyment, water toys are always a good idea. Snag some skis, noodles, a wakeboard, tube, floating mat, or anything of the sort for some extra entertainment out on the water.

Warm, dry clothes. Trust us, you’ll be glad you grabbed a change on the way home.

Good music. Every good boat day is made better by a solid soundtrack. Put your favorite tunes on a playlist for the whole crew to enjoy. The Crest Luxury Line —which is made up of the Continental , Continental NX , and Savannah —incorporates a Klipsch Premium Audio system. The Bongiovi DPS technology and bluetooth connectivity provide top-notch audio quality for your day out on the water.

Thanks for reaching out. A Crest representative will be in contact shortly.

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Asher & Lyric Travel & Family Journalism

17 Top Sailing Packing List Items for 2024 + What to Wear & NOT to Bring

17 Top Sailing Packing List Items for 2024 + What to Wear & NOT to Bring

There’s a way to travel almost anywhere on the planet without having to haul along a suitcase, pay for flights and hotels or wait around in lines. People who travel this way get to explore for years and take their home along with them. They aren’t restricted by roads or international borders, and they get direct access to the world’s most beautiful islands and beaches by harnessing the power of the wind and currents. All you need is a sailboat and the wind.

If this sounds appealing to you, then maybe a sailing passage is a good option for your next vacation. If you are new to sailing and don’t know what gear you’ll need to bring to the high seas, we’ve got you covered. Below is a packing list of essential items to bring on any sailing trip with links to Amazon for your convenience, plus info on what NOT to bring or wear.

What to Pack for a Sailing Trip - 17 Essentials

1. neck wallet.

You probably won’t need to worry about your valuables while out on the high seas, but this neck wallet is perfect for ports of call along the way. The truth is that many popular sailing destinations have high levels of poverty, which means you could encounter a pickpocket. With the HERO Neck Wallet, you can keep your cash, credit cards, passport, keys, and other valuables safely hidden away inside your clothing.

neck wallet

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2. Garmin InReach

On a sailboat, you will often find yourself beyond the range of cell and internet service. In order to keep in touch with friends and family, you’ll need to use some kind of satellite communication. The Garmin InReach is the satellite messenger of choice for sailors and adventurers. With this small handheld unit, you can send and receive texts, navigate, receive weather info, track your position, send an SOS signal, and more.

Garmin InReach

3. Packing Cubes

On a sailboat, every inch of space must be utilized and safety gear always takes priority over clothing. In order to fit your sailing clothes into the smallest possible space, you’ll want to use packing cubes. These HERO Packing Cubes come in a set of five different sizes to stow all of your clothes, plus they come with two free laundry bags.

Packing Cubes

4. Sleeping Bag

Even in moderate latitudes, it can get quite cold at night on the water, especially if there is a strong wind blowing. At sea, I end up sleeping in a proper sleeping bag nine out of ten nights, especially if I choose to nap in the cockpit. The TETON Sports LEEF 20F+ sleeping bag is cozy, comfortable, reasonably priced, and more than adequate to keep you warm throughout the sailing season in most boating destinations.

Sleeping Bag

5. Quick-dry Travel Towel

It should be no surprise that on a sailing trip, one can expect to get wet often. Whether that is due to jumping over the side for a swim in the Caribbean or getting hit by a rogue wave, you’ll always be happy you brought the HERO Microfiber Quick Dry Towel for drying off. This towel takes up almost no space and dries itself in minutes, unlike a regular towel.

HERO Travel Towel - Blue

6. Headlamp

One of the first items that I pack before any sailing trip is my headlamp. On a sailboat, you’ll need both your hands for hanging on, steering the vessel, and working the lines, so a headlamp is absolutely essential for sailing after dark. I love the GEARLIGHT S 500 LED because it lasts for ages without needing a new battery, and it has the red light function to save your night vision.


7. Cooling Towel

One towel is rarely enough on any boating trip, and I like to pair my HERO Quick Dry Travel Towel with the HERO Cooling Towel. This one comes in a two-pack and is the perfect size for drying off after a quick swim or washing the salt off my face after a long stint at the helm.

cooling towel

8. Waterproof Duffel Bag

On a long sailing trip, it’s best to assume that everything you bring will get wet at one point, especially if you plan to sail offshore. In order to keep your gear dry, you’ll want to pack things away in a proper dry bag. I brought the Earth Pak Waterproof Voyager Duffel on my last crossing to Hawaii, and it kept my gear bone dry the entire voyage.

Waterproof Duffel Bag

9. Hanging Toiletry Bag

Whenever I go on a sailing trip, I like to keep all my toiletries together in one place. I found that this hanging toiletry bag functions perfectly for this purpose, with just enough space for my toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, shaver, deodorant, and shower supplies. The hook is perfect for hanging it up from the yacht club shower room or the onboard head.

Hanging Toiletry Bag

10. Inflatable Life Jacket

This is an extremely important one. It goes without saying that each crew member needs to be prepared to survive in case they fall overboard, but unfortunately few sailors choose to wear a bulky life vest unless it’s an emergency. This inflatable vest solves the problem since you’ll barely remember you’re wearing it until you fall in and it automatically inflates.

Inflatable Life Jacket

11. Floating Wrist Strap

Until I started using this floating wrist strap, I can’t tell you how many valuable items I’ve lost to Davy Jones’s Locker. But that all stopped once I purchased a few of these floating straps to attach to my keys, camera, and other easy-to-drop items. Now if I drop something into the water all I have to do is turn the boat around and scoop it back up.


12. Lifestraw Water Bottle

In many popular sailing destinations, the drinking water can be of questionable quality, or even unsafe to drink. But sometimes there is no alternative except to fill up with water from the marina. That’s why I always bring my Lifestraw Water Bottle, which filters out 99.9% of dirt and dangerous bacteria. Just remember to only use it with fresh water.

LifeStraw Water Bottle

13. Universal Waterproof Phone Case

There are few things more frustrating than pulling out your phone to capture the perfect sunset shot, only to have an unexpected wave soak your device with water. Fortunately, there is an easy way to prevent your phone from suffering water damage. Simply keep your phone in a JOTO Universal Waterproof Phone Case whenever you are on the boat and you’ll be safe – even if it falls in the drink!

Universa Waterproof

This is one of those things that you hope to never need, but should always bring just in case. In 30 years of sailing, I have only used an EPIRB once, but I was very glad I had it. The ACR ResQLink 400 is small enough to fit in your pocket, but it could save your life if an emergency comes up offshore.


15. Travel Insurance

Like an EPIRB, travel insurance is another thing that you hope to never need, but if you do it could make all the difference. In many ways, sailing is safer than driving to work, but there are certain risks that cannot be eliminated. Protect yourself and your traveling companions with a travel insurance policy. It doesn’t cost that much but could save you tens of thousands of dollars in an emergency. We like to use to compare policies from top companies and find the one that’s best for us.

Travel Insurance

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16. Daypack

For me, one of the greatest pleasures on a sailing adventure is leaving the boat in port and exploring the surrounding areas on foot. For that, you’ll need a daypack that is light and comfortable but roomy enough to store all the essentials for an all-day adventure. I found the TETON Sports Oasis 18L perfect for day hikes, plus it comes with a free hydration system.


17. Portable Charger

When it’s my turn to watch the helm, I like to bring my phone to listen to music or an audiobook. But before I discovered this handy portable charger, I would often find myself stuck with a dead battery halfway through the night watch. Now I always keep this charger in my sailing jacket pocket, and I haven’t had a dead cell phone battery in years.

Portable Charger

Other Sailing Trip Packing List Items Not to Forget

  • Luggage Locks
  • Luggage Belts
  • Waterproof Tablet
  • Handheld GPS
  • Solar Power Generator
  • Navionics Charts
  • Nautical Chart Book
  • Sailing Guidebook
  • Gerber Multitool
  • Handheld VHF
  • Waterproof Bags
  • GoPro Camera
  • Rugged Laptop
  • Rigging Knife
  • Emergency Drinking Water Containers
  • Navigation Watch
  • First Aid Kit
  • Portable Solar Panel
  • Inflatable Kayak
  • Portable Shortwave Radio
  • Fishing Lures

What to Wear on a Sailing Trip

What to Wear on a Sailing Trip

On a sailing voyage, women should wear clothes that are comfortable, durable, and keep out the wind and water. The most important thing is to dress to stay warm and dry at all times (unless it’s hot and you are planning on getting wet intentionally, of course). Many sailing routes will expose you to a wide variety of weather conditions, which means you’ll need to be prepared for anything from extreme heat to stormy weather with strong winds and breaking waves. The most important clothing item for any sailor is their set of foul weather gear, so choose a high-quality set. Don’t forget to bring plenty of layers so that you can change out your clothes to suit the current conditions. What Should MEN Wear on a Sailing Trip? – (Click to expand) Below is a sample men’s clothing list. (All items link to for your convenience).

Foul Weather Gear Overalls

Dressing for the Seasons

Spring – march, april, may.


SUMMER – June, July, August

In the summer, you’ll want to dress to protect yourself from the sun reflecting off the water. Put on plenty of sunscreen and don’t forget to wear your sunhat and glasses . On warm days, wear shorts or a swimsuit , as well as an activewear shirt that can easily dry once wet. For your feet, wear sandals or go barefoot.

On the ocean, foul weather can hit any time of year, even at the height of summer. Don’t forget to bring your foul weather gear and waterproof boots in case rough weather comes up. It’s better to have it and not need it than the other way around.

FALL – September, October, November


WINTER – December, January, February

Sailing in the wintertime is reserved for a hardy breed known as “frostbite sailors”. 95% of boat owners who live in temperate climates pack away their boats for the winter. But those who brave the storms and freezing temperatures may be rewarded with empty anchorages, Robinson-Crusoe-style islands, and winter bonfires on lonely beaches. For some, it’s the best time of year to sail.

If you plan to sail in the winter, make sure you are dressed for it. Start with a warm base layer and insulate with sweaters , a down jacket , and fleece pants . Cover up with offshore foul weather gear and protect your extremities with waterproof gloves and sailing boots .

On the coast, you’ll often be able to sail in short hops and wait out rough weather in port. Since you can choose the best times for sailing, you’ll be able to take advantage of nice weather. Wear jeans and a nautical sweater , as well as a sunhat and glasses . Sandals work well as deck shoes, or you can go barefoot. Don’t forget to wear your inflatable life vest at all times underway.

Offshore Passages:

At sea, you are exposed to the best and the worst that the ocean can throw at you. It’s up to your skills and endurance to make the most of the conditions. Keep yourself warm and dry with a high quality set of foul weather gear , and wear plenty of layers underneath when it’s cold. If the sky is clear, use proper sun protection , and always remember to stay connected to the boat with a safety harness .

Exploring Ports of Call:

What NOT to Bring on a Sailing Trip

1. don’t bring jet skis or noisy generators.

People sail to get away from the noise and pollution. If you respect the ocean and the animals (and humans) who call it home, keep the noise down and bring a paddleboard or kayak instead.

2. DON’T Bring Too Much Cash

At sea, there are no restaurants, hotels or casinos to blow your money, so too much cash is likely to just get lost or destroyed. Instead, bring a book or a musical instrument and enjoy the solitude.

3. DON’T Bring Delicate Items

The ocean is a harsh place and delicate items are unlikely to survive long at sea. It’s best to bring only the most durable items on a long sea voyage and leave things that are likely to break back home.

4. DON’T Bring a Schedule

The sea can ruin the most well-thought-out plans and Poseidon laughs at those with a pre-planned itinerary. At sea you must learn to be flexible, so leave your daily planner ashore.

5. DON’T Bring Guns

International laws make it almost impossible to sail to different countries with firearms. If you get in a dangerous situation, a gun will likely make it worse. Bring your guns on a hunting trip, not sailing.

6. DON’T Bring a Pirate Flag

The novelty of pirate flags has long since worn out in the sailing community. Don’t be like the guy on the broken down boat at the end of the marina. Be creative and find an interesting flag to fly.

FAQs About Sailing Voyages

1. do you need a captain’s license to sail a boat.

Do you need a Captain’s license to sail a boat?

In the United States (and most countries around the world) you don’t need a captain’s license in order to skipper a boat. Unlike a car, anyone can legally steer a recreational vessel if they own it or have permission from the owner. If you plan to sail professionally with passengers or as a paid captain, you will need to obtain your captain’s license.

2. What should I do if I get seasick?

Seasickness is common on sailboats, especially if you sail offshore or in rough weather. Fortunately, 99% of people get over it in a few days, even if the conditions remain rough. Some people choose to take Dramamine or crew ginger candies to help their bodies adjust to the motion.

3. How can I get the necessary experience?

How can I get the necessary experience?

It takes many years to gain the necessary experience to sail your own boat offshore. You can begin by reading books and articles about sailing and offering to crew for friends with boats. Even sailing a small dinghy helps you learn the basic fundamentals of sailing. Many boat owners will offer lessons in exchange for helping with boat work and repairs.

4. Should I expect to encounter a storm?

If you sail coastally in the right seasons, there is little reason to get caught out in a storm. Modern forecasting tools make it possible for any professional captain to take advantage of safe weather windows and avoid storms. Offshore, when you sometimes sail for weeks or months between ports, it’s often impossible to avoid dangerous weather, and you must be prepared to deploy storm sailing tactics.

5. What are the dangers involved with sailing?

What are the dangers involved with sailing?

Like anything on the ocean, sailing is not without risk. At sea, you can suffer from equipment failure, a medical emergency, storms, calms, collision with debris or ice, pirates, or various other dangers. Fortunately, an experienced captain who carefully prepares for each voyage can eliminate 95% of that risk. The last 5% is left to skill and luck.

6. How far should I sail each day?

If you plan to make short coastal passages on a medium-sized cruising sailboat (30-45 feet), you should have no problem sailing 20-30 miles each day. Offshore, when you are sailing 24 hours a day, most boats can average between 100 and 150 miles per day. Smaller boats tend to sail slower, and some racing sailboats are capable of covering more than 500 miles in a day.

7. Should I sail a small or large boat?

Should I sail a small or large boat?

New boaters tend to aim for the larger boat right from the start, thinking that a bigger boat is faster and more comfortable. But the reality is that a large boat is much more difficult to handle and costs far more to operate. Unless you can hire your own captain, it’s best for beginning sailors to start with the smallest boat that they can live on comfortably.

8. How do you sleep on a long sailing passage?

This is one of my most frequently asked questions. No, sailors cannot anchor in the middle of the ocean to sleep at night. Boats use self steering systems like electric autopilots or windvanes to steer 24 hours a day, and the crew set a watch schedule so that someone is always keeping a lookout. Solo sailors nap for a few minutes at a time in between checking on the boat.

9. How much does it cost to go on a sailing trip?

How much does it cost to go on a sailing trip?

Your budget depends entirely on your lifestyle, size and type of boat, and where you plan to sail. Some sailors on large yachts can easily blow tens of thousands of dollars in a single night. On the other end of the spectrum, I have sailed happily for over a month and spent less than $100. Most full time cruisers spend between $1500 and $5000 a month on expenses.

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Boating Essentials: What To Have On Your Boat

Boating Essentials: What To Have On Your Boat

No two boating adventures are the same. Scenarios can arise that can quickly turn your average day on the water into something totally different. You can't control everything during your trip, like mother nature or mechanical failure, but you can minimize the chance of having these potential risks ruin your day by being prepared and bringing the right gear.

One of the best ways to be prepared is to compile a checklist and run through it before each trip. A good checklist takes the guesswork out of preparing and will go a long way to ensure you have the best possible time on your trip. We have assembled a list of tips and good practices to keep you, your boat, and your guests safe.

Pre-Departure Checklist

Boating Checklist

  • Check the weather forecast
  • Take some time to examine the boat and make sure all electrical and operational controls are functioning properly
  • Check that your bilge pumps are working correctly
  • Make sure your engine battery is charged and your oil and fuel levels are topped up
  • Check that all safety gear is aboard and easily accessible
  • If you’re taking an extended trip, be sure to complete a float plan to let someone know where you’re going and what to do if you don’t arrive as planned

US Coast Guard Required Safety Gear

This list is the USCG minimum required list for boating safety gear. New boats generally come supplied with the gear needed to meet these requirements, but new boaters and used boat owners should double-check their inventory to make sure they have these items. While this list is a great starting point, you should also check your own state laws and requirements.

Boating Safety - Life Jackets

  • Life Jackets - All recreational vessels are required to carry one wearable life jacket for each person on board. Any boat 16 feet or longer (except for kayaks and canoes) must also have one throwable (Type IV) flotation device.
  • Visual Distress Signals - A ll boats used on coastal waters, including the Great Lakes, the territorial seas and the high seas must be equipped with visual distress signals (VDS) - such as flares. Boats under 16' in length are required to have one VDS while boats over 16' must have three coast guard approved distress signals.
  • Fire Extinguishers - Boats 26' or less must have a minimum of one B-1 type portable fire extinguishers on board. Boats 26' - 40' must have two B-1 type extinguishers or one B-2 type fire extinguisher. Boats that are 40' to 65' are required to have three B-1 type extinguishers or a combination of one B-1 and one B-2 type fire extinguisher.
  • Ventilation -  Boats built after 1980 must have at least two ventilation ducts able to ventilate the bilges of every closed engine and fuel tank compartment using gasoline. Boats built before 1980, must have at least two ventilation ducts which are capable of efficiently ventilating every closed compartment that contains a gasoline engine and/or tank, except those having permanently installed tanks which vent outside of the boat.
  • Sound Producing Devices - Navigational rules require sound signals, such as whistles or bells, to be used under certain circumstances when meeting, crossing, or overtaking. Recreational boats are also required to use sound signals during periods of reduced visibility.
  • Navigation Lights - Recreational boats are required to display navigation lights between sunset and sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility such as fog, rain, or haze.

For a complete guide to federal requirements for recreational boats please click this link .

Essential Boating Equipment

Essential Boating Equipment

Inevitably you will need to dock your boat at some point on your trip. Quality dock lines are a necessity to secure your boat to the dock, other boats, or any other type of docking posts.

While some might not consider these a necessity, a few strategically placed fenders can save you from a lot of financial and frustration related headaches. Fenders provide quick and easy protection for your boat while giving you peace of mind in tricky situations.

Last But Not Least

helicopter rescue

First Aid Kit

Whether you buy a first aid kit or assemble your own, don't leave home without one. Regularly check the expiration dates and store your kit in a watertight container.

 A simple pair of pliers, an adjustable wrench, and a screwdriver will go a long way to repair miscellaneous wear and tear that can happen on the water.

Cell phones may not work in certain areas. A simple waterproof VHF radio is a great backup in case of an emergency. Toss one in the boat and be ready for any situation.

Manual Bailers

Hopefully you will never have to use these, but if a bilge pump fails you may want to have a plan B on board. A manual bilge pump or an extra bucket could give you enough time to get to safety and keep your boat off the bottom.

Flash Light

A bright flashlight can be a huge help if you find yourself quickly losing light. Don't get stuck on open water without any way to see where you're going.

Extra Food & Water

It sounds simple enough but we've all been in a situation when we underestimated how much food and water we need. Always pack more than you think you need. If you end up in an emergency situation, you'll be happy you did.

Published October 18, 2019

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best boat accessories for 2022

Top 10 Must-Have Boat Accessories for 2022

essentials for boat trip

Table of Contents

Last Updated on March 23, 2022 by Boatsetter Team

Every experienced boater knows that the boat is just the beginning. Whether you’re just renting a boat for the day , or you own your own boat , having some smart boat accessories and boat gadgets on board can turn a good day on the water into an epic one.

Boat gear and gadgets are like any other kind of accessory or supply item: some are truly must-have, while others are gimmicks that will just take up space. Not to mention, how you want to use your boat will affect the kinds of accessories and gadgets you ultimately keep on board—whether that’s spending time fishing, .

Here’s a look at what most boaters think about when creating their shopping list of the best boat accessories and must-have gadgets for the 2022 boating season:

  • Waterproof dry bags
  • GoPro camera
  • Personal locator beacon
  • Portable solar charger
  • Yeti cooler
  • SubSafe containers
  • Marine grade boat grill
  • Portable, waterproof Bluetooth speaker
  • Shatter-resistant drinking glasses
  • Outdoor blankets

Let’s dive into some of the best options for each of these 10 items, which you can find at a variety of different recreational retailers.

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waterproof dry bags

Photo Courtesy: Body Glove

1. Waterproof dry bags

When you’re in an environment where everyone and everything is wet, you need a place to keep stuff like smartphones dry. This is where a couple of good-quality dry bags come in.

Dry bags are just what they sound like: waterproof bags that seal to keep things dry. They come in different sizes, so you can stuff everything from your driver’s license to a T-shirt into them, and they’re made in submersible and non-submersible styles. The non-submersible bags are usually tough enough to withstand splashing on board, and they generally cost less than submersible bags.

A great place to shop for good dry bags is with shops that outfit surfers and scuba divers.

  • Body Glove has a selection of dry bags in sizes that range from cellphone to backpack.
  • Divers Direct sells a mix that includes three-packs of dry bags in different sizes.

gopro for boating

Photo Courtesy: GoPro

2. GoPro Camera

Many good cameras and smartphones have died a watery death after getting wet or going overboard during a day out on the boat—taking all those great photo memories with them. Nobody wants to suffer that fate, which is why a GoPro camera is the best option for capturing photos and videos out on the boat.

  • GoPros are waterproof digital cameras that can be handheld, wrist-carried or mounted on everything from the boat itself to kayaks and paddles.
  • They shoot still photos as well as video—in slow-motion or regular motion, with video stabilization, and with other bells and whistles that help eliminate blurriness aboard moving boats that themselves are atop moving water.
  • If you’re using a boat for snorkeling, GoPros can go overboard alongside the fins and masks, then resurface to be used on dry land.

These cameras are versatile and durable, and make it virtually impossible to lose memories of a day out on the boat.

garmin inreach mini

Photo Courtesy: Garmin

3. Personal locator beacon

If you’ve read our Boat Safety Equipment Checklist , covering both required and recommended items to have onboard , then you probably have a good understanding that safety should always be top of mind whenever you’re on the water. A personal locator beacon is a great safety gadget for any style boater, and can be especially helpful if you’re bringing new people on the boat who feel a little nervous cruising away from shore for the first time.

These beacons are individual tracking devices that let rescuing authorities find you in an emergency. They’re small enough to be clipped onto a pair of shorts or a life jacket, and they provide real peace of mind in virtually any scenario.

  • Ocean Signal , Garmin , and ACR Electronics all make reliable personal locator beacons that can be used not only on the boat, but also during a day out hiking or biking in wooded parks or other off-road locations.

These must-have boat gadgets are versatile, and if you experience a serious problem or get lost, they can be actual life-savers.

goalzero portal solar charger

Photo Courtesy: GoalZero

4. Portable solar charger

We all know the dreaded feeling of watching a smartphone drain down to 10 percent, then 5 percent, then 1 percent battery life when we’re in a place with no option for recharging. This is the time for a portable solar charger, which can be set up anywhere—turning a boat, a beach or an island campground into a spot for rejuvenating the digital juice.

  • GoalZero makes portable solar chargers that have USB ports so you can plug in everything from a smartphone to a tablet.
  • These chargers have multiple panels that fold for easy stowage or carrying, and they’re small enough when folded up that they can be attached to a backpack without adding a lot of weight.
  • The largest models can run a portable refrigerator.

yeti soft sided cooler for boating

Photo Courtesy: Yeti

5. Yeti cooler

Yeti makes coolers that hold up in freshwater or saltwater conditions. These coolers come in various sizes, styles and colors.

A pro tip for coolers aboard boats: Get the soft-sided ones, because as you take stuff out throughout the day, the cooler takes up less and less space on board, and becomes easier to stow by folding it up and placing it under a seat or in a side compartment. You can’t do that with a hard-sided cooler that’s the same size even when it’s completely empty.

The soft-sided coolers that Yeti sells are sized for everything from a single lunch on a kayak to a family day of fun on a boat. Some of the soft-sided coolers can be carried like backpacks, making them easier to toss into a dinghy and take ashore for lunch on the beach.

subsafe containers

Photo Courtesy: SubSafe

6. SubSafe containers

If you’re packing a cooler full of sub sandwiches, the last thing you want is for them to end up soggy and mushy in a melting pile of ice by the time you’re ready to eat. SubSafe containers are watertight and crush-resistant, so they protect your pastrami and provolone even if it gets buried underneath an avalanche of cubes and cans.

  • SubSafe containers have a three-piece design that lets them hold either a 6-inch or a 12-inch sub. The containers float if wet hands drop them overboard, and they’re dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning once you get home.
  • What’s more, after you’re done eating your sub, these containers can double as a spot to keep everything from car keys to sunglasses dry.

marine-grade boat grill

Photo Courtesy: West Marine/Magma

7. Marine grade boat grill

If you prefer your onboard lunch to be hot, then a portable boat grill is the way to go. You’ll want a marine-specific grill like the ones that West Marine sells because out on the water, home-style charcoal grills are useless. The charcoal briquettes can’t withstand the marine environment. You need a portable gas grill—and, ideally, one made to be attached to the boat so it doesn’t tip over if the boat gets hit by a wake and starts rolling from side to side.

  • Magma is a brand that makes boat-ready grills as well as the mounts to keep them safe on board.
  • Magma also makes tabletop legs, so you can take the grill from the boat to a picnic table ashore and set it up there.
  • The mounts that connect the grill to the boat can be removable or permanent, attaching to either a rail or a flat onboard surface (depending on how often you plan to grill on board).

JBL Go3 speaker

Photo Courtesy: JBL

8. Portable, waterproof Bluetooth speaker

Many boats come with built-in stereos and speakers, but some are better than others, and none of them can be picked up and carried onto a kayak or the beach. Hence the need for a portable Bluetooth speaker as a must-have boat accessory . JBL is brand of choice for this purpose.

  • The JBL Go 3 is waterproof and dustproof, which means it will continue to crank out the tunes even if it gets plopped onto a spit of sand.
  • It will wirelessly connect to any device with Bluetooth.
  • It plays for five hours on a single charge.
  • And, it comes in fun colors that range from bright red to camouflage.

shatter-resistant glassware for boats

Photo Courtesy: Bed Bath & Beyond

9. Shatter-resistant drinking glasses

We’re all trying to reduce our use of single-use plastics and aluminum cans, but on a boat, traditional glasses are a hazard because they can break and cut bare hands and feet. Shatter-resistant glasses come in all kinds of sizes and styles today.

  • Bed Bath & Beyond sells a wide variety of “unbreakable” glasses for use on the boat or by the pool.
  • There are wineglasses with or without stems, pilsner beer and old-fashioned glasses, and good ol’ 12-piece assorted sets that will hold everything from soda to iced tea.
  • Some are tumblers with lids that can be ideal aboard boats where you plan to cruise fast for much of the day.

waterproof outdoor blanket

Photo Courtesy: L.L. Bean

10. Outdoor blankets

Beach towels are always one of the best boat accessories to have onboard—and oversized beach towels are even better: They can double as makeshift blankets at the end of the day when everyone is wet and tired and starting to get a chill as the sun sinks low in the sky. But the best thing to have in that moment is an outdoor blanket, the kind that can also be used during camping and RV trips.

  • L.L. Bean makes waterproof outdoor blankets with soft polyester-fleece surfaces that are also durable enough to handle everything from a splash to wet grass.
  • They come in a selection of fun colors and patterns, and can be ordered in extra-large sizes so a couple of kids can tuck under them while mom and dad pack up all the other boat accessories and set a course for home.

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Kim kavin

Kim Kavin has been on boats in more than 50 countries and islands, including in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, South Pacific, Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. She grew up learning to steer a ski boat and Hobie Holder at her grandfather’s lake house in New Jersey, and went on to spend time aboard everything from America’s Cup racing sailboats to submarines. 

Kim is a PADI-certified scuba diver and animal lover who always enjoys a good, long look around a coral reef. Her award-winning writing and editing regularly appears in national marine magazines and on leading websites. In her early years, she was a Dow Jones editing intern and a graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism. When she’s not writing, Kim can usually be found hiking northwest New Jersey’s beautiful park trails with her adopted shelter mutt, Ginger.

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Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip

Snag-A-Slip Blog - Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip - Suitcase

Start with the Basics

No matter what Mother Nature sends your way, or the length of your trip, some items are a must for safety and emergencies: 

  • Stocked first-aid kit that also contains anti-seasickness medication, extra sunscreen and lip balm
  • All necessary medications
  • Life jackets for every person on board (and a few extras should you have guests)
  • Nautical charts to supplement your GPS system
  • A two-way radio, because cell phones don’t always work at sea
  • A hat to shield your face from the sun and a light shirt or jacket with long sleeves
  • Good polarized sunglasses

Right-Size Your Packing

You’ll be tempted to bring something for every occasion. Unless, of course, you’re an old salt, then you know to pack lightly and only bring the necessities. So, leave the linen pants and cashmere sweater at home. However, no matter what time of year or the climate you’re cruising in, always pack a windbreaker or rain gear.

Snag-A-Slip Blog - Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip - Packing Light

Prepared Food will Save You

The key to eating well on your boat is to make whatever you can ahead of time.  No, it’s not the lazy way out. It’s just that cooking full meals at home in your full-sized kitchen, with all your tools and supplies, is easier than trying to do it in your gally. That’s why smart boaters pre-cook and package meals that can be frozen then defrosted and reheated on board.

Cold foods are a staple on board. Here are a few tips for packing and storing:

  • Pack lunch meats and cheeses separate from bread so sandwiches aren’t soggy
  • Hard rolls or bagels stay fresher longer than bread
  • Keep your salads in plastic bags for easy storage
  • Freeze water bottles and juice boxes so they can serve as both “ice blocks” that keep coolers cold, and drinks
  • Pack sturdy fruits that don’t easily bruise, like oranges, apples and cantaloupes
  • Freeze your favorite pasta sauce in sealable plastic bags for easy storage, laying them flat in a cooler
  • Hard boiled eggs and individual yogurts are made for boating!

Stock Your Galley

When it comes to your galley, you want only what you will use. For utensils, think of the basics, like a spatula/turner, tongs, large spoon, scissors, bottle opener, and at least one quality all-purpose knife. You’ll also need a few multi-purpose pans; a frying pan, a small saucepan and an 8-quart pot for favorites like spaghetti. And don’t forget a few versatile spices, like Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt and pepper. They go a long way.

Snag-A-Slip Blog - Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip - Stock Your Galley

Two Coolers are Better Than One

If you have the room, bring two ice chests on board. One you can use for foods that need to stay cold or frozen. The other you can use for items like sodas, fruit and snacks. By using the two-cooler system, one cooler can be opened on a regular basis, while the other can stay closed, and colder longer. Now here’s a good idea some smart boater came up with; wash out empty gallon milk jugs, fill them with fresh water and then freeze them. Not only do they work as frozen blocks of ice, but they’re drinkable fresh water once melted.

Safe Grilling

Even though many boats have galleys, we love our grills. Portable charcoal and gas grills have always been a popular cooking alternative for boaters. However, smart boaters take great precautions when grilling on board. The fact is, unless a grill is designed specifically to be used on board a boat, don’t use it. If your grill is not designed for on board, you can always take it to the beach, and cook there.

Snag-A-Slip Blog - Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip - Safe Grilling

Extra Power

Some boaters opt to bring a portable generator on board to run those luxury items they just can’t live without. You can easily find a small generator that’s lightweight and can be used to run a variety of appliances. But when shopping around, keep in mind that it will take up valuable space. Make sure it’s worth the cost in square inches.

An Inflatable has Many Uses

If it makes good sense for your particular cruise, consider towing an inflatable behind your boat. It can serve as significant stowage space, giving you more room in your boat. You can also use it as a shore tender. Win, win! However, before sunset, make sure to tie it tightly to your stern, so passing boats don’t accidentally run over your line.

Snag-A-Slip Blog - Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip - Inflatable

A Smart Boater’s Bedtime Ritual

The most experienced boaters know that it’s very important to get settled for the night before it gets dark. That’s because chores that are simple during the day, like anchoring , putting up canvas and fetching items from your towed inflatable, are far more difficult in the dark.

Reserve Your Slip Ahead of Time

If you’re planning a trip away from home, having a slip ready and waiting at the end of a long day of cruising is a must. Good planning includes knowing where you will be docking – for your whole time away, or each night. Leaving it to the last minute may mean you don’t get your first choice. Check out our interactive map to find marinas at your destination(s).

Snag-A-Slip Blog - Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip - Reserve your Slip

This may seem like a lot to think about. But, if you really love boating, and we know you do, the planning is not a chore. It’s your insurance that your overnight boat trip will be everything you hope it will be.

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Jo Montgomery

Author Jo Montgomery

Jo is a lifelong boat lover and writer. She learned the ropes of boating on her family’s 36’ Carver at the Jersey (joy-see) shore. With over 30 years of writing under her belt, she delights in seeking out, and sharing, the things most important to fellow boating enthusiasts. Jo now lives in Connecticut, near the water she adores, with her husband, two children and large, hairy dog. She is over the moon to be part of the Snag-A-Slip crew!

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essentials for boat trip

Most savvy boaters have a pre-departure checklist of one sort or another, and if they trailer their boats, they hopefully have a trailering checklist as well. Others people may have a checklist they refer to just once a year for spring commissioning , or one for sea trials on unfamiliar boats that they only focus on when they’re boat shopping. But shouldn’t everyone also have a checklist of the things they need to bring aboard, each and every time they pull of the dock? You bet.

things you need on a boat

No matter what type of boating you do, you'll always need these 10 critical on board a boat:

  • Safety gear
  • Provisions for the day
  • Extra lines
  • Basic cleaning supplies
  • An anchor and rode
  • Proper documentation
  • Chargers and chords for your electronics
  • Emergency repair items
  • Your cell phone

1. Safety Gear

Safety gear is obviously number one on our list and should be at the very top of yours, too. This includes both Coast Guard mandated gear as well as other items you should have close at hand no matter where or when you go boating. For a full accounting, see our boat safety checklist.

Boat Safety Checklist & Safety Equipment

2. Provisions for the Day

There’s no doubt that food and drink are already something you think about bringing on every outing, but when you go boating there are also some additional provisions you should carry.

what to bring on a boat

  • Extra water is always important to have on hand because it’s easy to becomes dehydrated on hot summer days.
  • It’s also good to have some fresh watermelon, yogurt, or oranges aboard, all of which both hydrate and provide a blast of energy.
  • Other important provisions include suntan lotion and bug repellent, both of which can greatly increase your comfort level aboard a boat.

One of the more common issues that can occur on the water is getting a fouled propeller . Rope, thick seaweed, or fishing line can get wrapped around the prop and bring your boat to a sudden stand-still. If you don’t have a knife available to cut it free, you may end up having to call for a tow.

4. Extra Lines

Extra lines can come in handy when you least expect it. You may decide to raft up with a friend or go to a waterfront restaurant that has a pier but no lines. And line can also come in handy for lashing things down.

How to Tie Up a Boat: Mooring Guide

5. Basic Cleaning Supplies

Even if you do your clean-up back at the dock or at home after a tow, there should be some boat soap, a soft rag, and a scrub brush aboard. Things like juice or wine, food sauces, or fish blood, will come right out if you clean up spills immediately. Let them dry in the sun, however, and scrubbing them away can become difficult if not impossible. This is particularly important when it comes to the vinyl, canvass, and carpet on a boat.

Check out How to Clean a Boat: Boat Cleaning Basics , to get the low-down on cleaning these specific parts of your boat.

6. An Anchor and Rode

anchoring a boat

Some people don’t carry an anchor and rode (the chain and line) because they never plan to anchor out. But this isn’t a wise move, because an anchor and rode are not only handy for having lunch “on the hook” or anchoring in Party Cove. They should also be considered as safety gear. If you break down and need to call for a tow, being able to anchor will maintain your position and make it easier for the tow boat to find you. It will also ensure that you don’t drift into a busy channel or a rocky shoreline.

How to Anchor a Boat

7. Proper Documentation

In most states, you’re required to carry the proper documentation for both your boat and yourself. Check your specific state’s requirements, but in most cases this will include things like the boat registration, your boater education card, and personal identification such as a driver’s license.

8. Chargers and Chords for Your Electronics

Nothing’s more annoying than when your Bluetooth speaker, cell phone or other electronics run out of juice. Most modern boats have USB outlets and older ones usually have 12-volt plugs. So if you bring the appropriate chargers and chords, you can usually plug in and get right back to having fun.

9. Emergency Repair Items

Most boaters are a lot more interested in having fun on the water than in swinging a wrench or performing on-the-water repairs. So if you’re not a do-it-yourselfer you probably won’t want to haul a fully stocked toolbox and spare parts. That said, there are a number of emergency repairs that can be performed quickly and easily to get you home and/or prevent additional damage to your boat and its gear.

The short-list of repair items that belong aboard every boat includes:

  • Duct tape, for securing things that may swing or flap when broken or ripped.
  • A screw driver with regular and Phillips heads, for tightening screws that vibrate loose.
  • An adjustable crescent wrench, for tightening bolts that vibrate loose.
  • A portable jumper pack, in case of a dead battery.
  • Electrical tape, for mending broken wires.
  • A flashlight, for illuminating enclosed compartments and/or in case you inadvertently end up staying on the water after dark.

10. Your Cell Phone

fun boat accessories

One of the great things about being on a boat is that it allows you to un-plug from the rest of the world, and enjoy nature and the great outdoors without having to answer every ring and ping of the cell phone. So we think that you should feel free to turn that cell phone off and stow it away, or at least set it to mute. You should still, however, bring it aboard.

Not only will it allow you to communicate with the wider world if you have an issue that requires calling for assistance, it can also come in handy as a navigational device, a weather monitor, or even a fishing tool.

Check out Best Boating Apps: Navigation, Fishing, Weather, and More , to discover all the different ways your cell phone can make boating a better experience above and beyond serving as a communications device.

Best Boating Apps: Navigation, Fishing, Weather & More

Bonus Items: Cool Accessories

This list of must-haves is not, of course, going to cover each and every thing you personally will want to have aboard depending on what activities you like to enjoy while afloat.

  • Watersports lovers will want to add tow-toys and PFDs designed for their specific sport;
  • Anglers will have fishing gear foremost in mind;
  • Sailors have their own list or items they need;
  • And those who love cooking out aboard the boat will have an entirely different checklist to make.

Visit our Boating Accessories pages, to get some ideas of the different goodies you may want to add to your own list of the things you need to bring aboard your boat, to make a great day on the water even greater.

Read Next: 8 Cool Things to Have on a Boat

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essentials for boat trip


10 Essential Items To Prepare For Your Next Boating Trip

essentials for boat trip

Many people invest in a boat to escape the hustle and bustle of work and busy city life. To make your boat trip enjoyable and stress-free, you need to plan your vacation carefully. Make sure you have everything you need, especially if you’re going to take seniors, kids, and pets along. Here are ten essential items to prepare for your next boating trip.

  • License And Registration

One of the things you need to be aware of is the state laws regarding owning or operating a boat. So, for weeks or even months before your expedition, you should prepare proper documentation, licenses, and registration, especially if you’re sailing to a different state. Most states require you to have a boat registration and education card.

In California, everyone who operates a motorized water vessel should have a boating license. If you don’t have one yet, you don’t have to worry. Attending interactive official boater safety education is the easiest way to get your California boating license . Just ensure that the boat safety course is offered by a company delegated or authorized to provide boat training certification by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways.

  • Enough Food And Water

If you’re planning to travel by water, one of the top boating tips to remember is to bring ample food and drinks for everyone on board, including your pets. Even if you’re only going for a half-day boat ride, you should still bring enough supplies for a full-day trip. For a prolonged getaway, you must consider preparing a meal plan to last for several days or the entire duration of your boating trip. By doing so, you can have enough sustenance and ensure that you have the right cooking equipment on board.

essentials for boat trip

  • Life Jackets And PFDs

Despite careful planning, you cannot control what will happen during your excursion. Having life jackets and personal flotation devices (PFDs) is an essential step to keep boating safe. According to the National Safe Boating Council, in 2017, 68% of people who died of drowning during boating trips in Guam were not wearing life jackets. Just imagine how many lives could’ve been spared if people had only heeded the advice of wearing life jackets during boat rides.

  • Emergency Essentials

Being prepared for emergencies is essential in any vacation. Mishaps, accidents, and engine trouble could happen to you during your boating trip, so you should have emergency kits that can help you signal for help even if you are in the middle of the ocean. Some of the essential items to have in your emergency kit are flares, flashlights, rope, and visual distress signals.

  • Communication Devices

If you are on a yacht or a big boat, you can bring all the communication devices you have to stay connected with friends, family, and even authorities at all times. However, if you’re traveling on a smaller boat, your options may be limited.

If you must choose two communication gadgets to bring, you should have a marine radio and mobile phone on board. Just make sure that your devices are waterproof, or better yet, keep them inside waterproof cases to prevent them from getting wet.

  • Devices That Produce Loud Sounds

You will need a boat horn and a whistle when you are out on the water, especially if you overtake, cross, or meet other vessels. In these circumstances, you can’t rely on shouting or any human-produced sounds.

  • First Aid Kit

As mentioned earlier, accidents can happen while on a boat, so it would be nice to have even a basic first aid kit . The first few minutes are the most crucial in an emergency, so make sure to always have one kit on board. In that way, you’ll be able to care for yourself if you become injured.

Your boat may suffer from a mechanical failure, such as a failed engine or an electrical problem, which will require immediate repair. Always carry a handy tool kit in case these problems occur. Also, you may want to take extra precautions that may prevent minor issues from becoming major ones.

  • Fire Extinguisher

You must include fire extinguishers in your boating essentials checklist. Vessels that have permanent fuel tanks, enclosed engines, living spaces, or combustible materials must have one or more B-1 fire extinguishers, depending on the size of the boat.

  • Nice-To-Have Items

Some other items that may be useful for a boating trip include the following:

  • Rain gear: You’ll need jackets, boots, and pants that are waterproof and windproof to keep you and your passengers dry and safe during inclement weather conditions.
  • Extra fuel: You don’t want to be in a situation where you’re stuck in the middle of the ocean because you ran out of fuel. To prevent this from happening, bring extra fuel.
  • Sun protection: Hats, visors, sunglasses, and even sunblock lotion are all necessary to protect you from the harsh rays of the sun.

Bottom Line

The key to having a fun and fuss-free boating trip is not having to worry about contingencies. It’s vital to equip yourself with everything you need during your boat trip to ensure safety. With the items listed above, you can now begin prepping for future boating excursions.



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Boat Trip Essentials, For Your Day On The Water!

destin vacation boat rentals

We are lucky to live on the gulf coast of Florida, which means lots of our summer days are spent in the water. Whether we are swimming or boating , we love to be in the water. I have to say, there is nothing like taking a boat out during Sunset, and watch the orange fade away as you sit surrounded by ones you love, on the beautiful waters of the gulf! When we rent a boat, we tend to go all day. We don’t own a boat yet, but we fully intend to own one in the future, and that’s why we love Discover Boating .

destin vacation boat rentals

Because boating can turn into an all day affair, you will want to pack your boat accordingly, with boat trip essentials.  After finding the best places to go in your area , it’s time to pack up.  Today, I want to share with you some essentials you’ll need when you are going to be boating for a day trip!

Boat Trip Essentials

  • Life Jackets. Be sure you know how many people you area allowed to have on your boat legally and have life jackets for each of them. Kids MUST wear life jackets at all times
  • Boat Registration. Just in case, you will want to be sure to show that you are the owner (or day renter) of that boat.
  • Sunscreen. Skin protection is super important when you are boating for the day.
  • At least two coolers, one for drinks and one for cold foods. Bring lots of water, lunch meat, bread, condiments, etc.
  • Snacks (forgo anything that will melt in the heat, we learned not to bring chocolate the hard way). We like to bring granola bars, dry cereal, beef jerky, and chips for dry snacks.
  • Snorkle and masks
  • First Aid Kit
  • Ziploc Bags to keep items dry (keys, phones, etc)
  • Camera, because you are going to have some memories to capture.

Those are just a few of the boat trip essentials, you will need for your day trip on a boat. This list may grow depending on what you will be doing on the boat. If you are new to boating , you will want to head over and check out the resources Discover Boating has to offer. It can be overwhelming at first, but they have most (if not all) the answers to your boating questions. If you don’t want to buy just yet, they will show you boat rentals options !

Because they want you to be safe, they have so many resources to help you! While I have given you a list of some of the items I think you’ll need, Discover Boating also has a few checklists you may want to check out! They will help you get on the water in no time!

This summer, find a place you can get on the water and relax with Discover Boating ! You will make so many memories, you’ll be aching to get back on the water just as soon as you are done for the day! I would love to hear some of the people you would want to get on the water with!

What’s your perfect boating day?

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My sister has a boat, so we all get to go boating in the Summer, and it is so much fun to go to a beach area and picnic and ride the boat. Boating is fun for the whole family, and it has been hot this year, so I have been going to the beach a lot! My perfect boating day is with family!

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10 Essential Boating Items (You Might Never Have Thought Of)

  • By Jim Hendricks
  • Updated: December 10, 2020

The dangers of boating unprepared can be scary

Recently, I spent an evening fishing aboard a friend’s boat, and in the course of events, I asked to use his onboard flashlight. “I don’t have one,” he responded. I was dismayed. This is a captain who is meticulous about his boat, but hadn’t thought to stash away a flashlight for a night trip.

I ended up using my phone—a poor substitute for a flashlight on a boat. But the experience led me to think about the small boat essential items on my boat that make a big difference in terms of convenience and safety during outings afloat, both day and night. I am thinking about gear other than the required safety equipment and other requisite loose boating accessories such a boat hook, deck brush, tool kits, firstaid kits, sunscreen, sunglasses, trash receptacle, etc.

Read Next: Top 10 Uses for an Old Koozie on Your Boat

I made a list of some of the little things that can often make a big difference, each available for less than $10.

  • Flashlight. We’ve covered this. I carry two flashlights, as well as spare batteries for each. $8.99,
  • Gloves. A pair of gloves is handy in variety of chores, such as weighing anchor or handling a spiny fish. $2.97/pair,
  • Towel. A towel keeps your hand dry. Microfiber towels are gentle for wiping clear vinyl and sunglasses. $8.99 per set,
  • Notepad and pencil. Keep a pad and pencil to jot down reminders about maintenance chores and repairs. $8.79,
  • Bungee cords. An assortment of bungee cords helps secure items such as coolers or beanbag seats. $8.86 for 20 cords,
  • Scissors. Just about every boat has a knife, but scissors are quicker and safer for cutting line, opening packages, chunking bait, etc. $6.47/9″ stainless-steel scissor,
  • Zip-ties. Like bungees, but smaller, zip-ties can temporarily batten loose canvas or quickly repair a torn landing net. $4.99/100 pieces,
  • Cutting board. A plastic cutting board prevents guests from using your teak covering boards for chopping bait. $6.97,
  • Duct tape. Every boat should have a roll of duct tape for temporarily mending hoses or patching a tear in the canvas. $9.65/roll,
  • Ziploc bags. A box of quart-size Ziploc bags is handy for stashing away small items or fresh fish fillets in the cooler. $5.29/48 bags,
  • More: Gear , marine accessories

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essentials for boat trip

Essential Tips and Ideas for Boat Camping

D reaming of a unique camping experience that combines the tranquility of camping with the thrill of being on the water? Dive into our boat camping ideas for an unforgettable journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned camper or new to the game, these tips will help you navigate through creating memories that float above the rest. 

With our creative suggestions and practical advice, your next outdoor escapade is sure to make waves. So, are you prepared to set sail on an extraordinary adventure filled with nature’s beauty and peaceful waters?

Boat Camping Ideas

If you want to have a great experience camping in the great outdoors, the entire family can have fun camping on a boat. It’s a unique experience, and one that you should add to the list for your next boat camping adventure. 

Selecting Location

Selecting the right location is crucial for a memorable experience. Research spots by identifying popular boating destinations, looking for secluded areas away from crowds, and considering available amenities nearby. Accessibility is key; choose a boat that is easy to board and disembark, ensuring proper docking facilities are available.

Safety measures should be a top priority when choosing a location for boat camping. Check for any restrictions on boat access in certain areas to avoid any unforeseen issues during your trip.

Make sure that you follow local regulations and have easy access to a first-aid kit as well as making sure that you have enough life vests for everyone on the boat.  

Privacy levels can enhance your experience; look for anchorages or marinas that offer privacy, consider using curtains or shades inside the boat, and plan your trip during the off-season to steer clear of crowded areas.

Planning the Trip

The only way to make lasting memories is to plan the trip. Here are a few great ideas to help you get out the door. 

Itinerary Creation

When planning your boat camping trip, research points of interest along your route to make stops more enjoyable. Plan for rest stops and overnight stays to ensure everyone is well-rested during the journey. Remember to allow flexibility in your itinerary for any unexpected changes that may arise.

Consider checking weather forecasts before and during your trip to stay prepared. Be equipped with appropriate gear for sudden weather changes like rain or wind. In case of severe conditions, seek shelter promptly to ensure everyone’s safety.

Mother Nature has a way of sneaking up in the middle of the night, and that’s not much fun for anyone. Know the forecast before launching. 

Weather Check

Utilize GPS or navigation apps when mapping out your route for a smoother journey. Mark important landmarks or hazards on your map to navigate effectively. Always have alternative routes planned in case emergencies occur while en route.

Create a detailed emergency plan involving all passengers onboard before embarking on the trip. Share this plan with someone on land in case communication fails at sea.

Familiarize yourself with specific emergency procedures tailored to boating situations.

Essential Gear

Sleeping equipment.

When planning boat camping, ensure you have the right sleeping gear. Invest in comfortable and compact sleeping bags or bedding for a good night’s rest.

Consider inflatable mattresses or sleeping pads to add an extra layer of comfort while onboard. Hammocks can also be a fun and space-saving alternative for sleeping arrangements.

Cooking Tools

For meal preparation, opt for portable stoves or grills that are easy to use on a boat. Pack lightweight cookware and utensils that are simple to store in limited spaces onboard.

Bringing non-perishable food items helps minimize the need for refrigeration, making meal planning more convenient during your trip.

Carrying the necessary navigation aids is crucial when boat camping. Have navigational charts or maps of the area handy to guide you through waterways safely. A compass or GPS device will assist with accurate navigation, especially in unfamiliar waters.

Installing radar or sonar systems can provide additional safety measures by helping you detect obstacles underwater efficiently.

Communication devices play a vital role in ensuring safety while boat camping. Bring along a marine VHF radio to communicate with other boaters effectively if needed during emergencies.

It’s essential to have a fully charged cellphone with waterproof protection as an additional means of communication onboard.

In remote areas without cellular coverage, considering satellite phones can be beneficial for staying connected in case of emergencies.

Optimizing Space

When boat camping, storage solutions are crucial. Utilize the boat’s storage compartments efficiently to keep items organized. Pack essentials in waterproof bags or containers to prevent damage from water exposure. Opt for collapsible storage bins that can be easily stored away when not in use.

Consider using compact furniture to save space on the boat. Choose foldable chairs and tables that can be easily set up and put away. Inflatable furniture is another excellent option as it can be deflated and stored without taking up much space. Opt for multi-functional furniture pieces like storage ottomans to serve dual purposes.

To make the most of limited space, pack multi-use items such as multi-tools or Swiss Army knives that offer various functions in one tool.

Select clothing that can be layered for different weather conditions to minimize the number of clothes you need to bring along.

Bring reusable water bottles that also double as storage containers for snacks or small items.

Safety Measures

When boat camping, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Start by preparing a comprehensive first aid kit with essentials like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.

Remember to include seasickness medication if needed and tailor the supplies to any specific medical requirements your passengers may have.

Life jackets are non-negotiable for everyone on board. Ensure each individual has a properly fitted life jacket and inspect their condition before setting sail.

Take the time to familiarize all passengers with how to wear and use these life-saving devices correctly in case of an emergency.

Fire safety is paramount on a boat. Always have at least one easily accessible fire extinguisher on board and regularly check its maintenance following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

It’s essential that all passengers receive training on how to effectively operate a fire extinguisher should the need arise.

  • Include bandages, antiseptic wipes
  • Pack seasickness medication
  • Customize based on medical needs
  • Ensure proper fit
  • Check conditions before departure
  • Fire Extinguishers

Be sure that you also pack any fishing gear that you want and have dry bags to store your electronics. You’ll also want to make sure that you have a sleeping bag, clean water to drink , and camping gear and safety gear to make the camping area comfortable. 

Provisions Organization

Food storage.

When boat camping, it’s crucial to store perishable items in coolers with ice packs or dry ice. Properly seal food to avoid contamination and odors. Dispose of waste responsibly to prevent attracting pests.

  • Store perishable food items in coolers with ice packs
  • Keep food properly sealed
  • Dispose of food waste responsibly

You can bring food without taking up a ton of storage space, so it’s a good idea to bring the food that oyu’re going to eat. 

Water Supply

For your boat camping trip, ensure you have enough drinking water for the entire journey. Consider installing a water filtration system onboard, and plan stops at marinas or ports for refills.

  • Make sure that you have plenty of fresh water
  • Install a water filtration system on the boat
  • Plan stops at marinas or ports for refilling

Waste Management

Follow regulations for waste disposal in boating areas when boat camping. Use eco-friendly cleaning products and reduce single-use items to minimize waste generation.

Find a place that has public restrooms in good working order so that you can have a place to go to the bathroom. 

Sleeping Onboard

Ensuring a good night’s sleep is essential. Investing in high-quality mattresses or mattress toppers can significantly improve your comfort level onboard.

Opt for breathable bedding materials that suit different temperatures, and don’t forget to pack extra blankets or sleeping bags for added warmth on chilly nights.

To enhance ventilation inside the boat, consider installing fans or vents to keep the air circulating effectively. Window screens are also handy additions as they keep insects out while allowing fresh air in.

When choosing a boat for camping, look for models with good ventilation options like hatches or portholes, providing natural airflow throughout the vessel.

Executing the Trip

Departure checklist.

Before embarking on your boat camping adventure, it’s crucial to have a departure checklist . This list should include all essential items needed for the trip. Check the fuel levels and ensure the engine is in good condition before setting sail.

Inspect other mechanical aspects of the boat to avoid any issues during your journey. Make sure that all safety equipment onboard is functional and easily accessible in case of emergencies.

Daily Routine Setup

Establishing a daily routine can help streamline tasks while onboard. Allocate specific times for cooking, cleaning, navigation, breaks, meals, and leisure activities to maintain order during the trip.

Coordinate duties among passengers to ensure everyone plays a part in keeping things running smoothly onboard your boat camping excursion.

Planning recreational activities like fishing, swimming, or kayaking can add excitement to your boat camping experience. Research local attractions or landmarks along your route to make pit stops more enjoyable and educational.

Don’t forget to take moments throughout each day to relax and soak in the scenic beauty surrounding you on miles of open water.

What are some factors to consider when selecting a boat camping location?

When choosing a boat camping spot, think about accessibility to amenities, weather conditions, water depth for anchoring, and proximity to emergency services. Consider the activities you want to do and ensure the location aligns with your preferences.

How can I optimize space on a boat for camping?

Maximize space by using collapsible or multi-purpose gear like foldable chairs and tables. Utilize storage compartments efficiently by packing items in waterproof bags or containers. Organize belongings strategically so that essential items are easily accessible during the trip.

What safety measures should I take while boat camping?

Prioritize safety by wearing life jackets at all times when on deck or near water. Have an emergency kit onboard with first aid supplies, navigation tools, and communication devices. Familiarize yourself with basic boating rules and regulations for a safe experience.

How can I effectively organize provisions for boat camping?

Categorize food items based on meal plans to simplify cooking onboard. Use sealable containers to store perishables securely and prevent odors from spreading. Create a checklist of necessary provisions before departure to avoid forgetting essentials during the trip.

Is it advisable to sleep onboard while boat camping?

Sleeping onboard offers convenience but requires proper bedding arrangements for comfort. Ensure adequate ventilation inside the cabin and use sleeping bags suitable for maritime conditions. Secure sleeping areas against potential hazards like shifting objects or sudden movements of the vessel.

If you’re not used to the sound of water, you can literally park the boat near the marina or boat ramp and set up camp on land for the night. This is a great way to sleep under the night sky and one of the benefits of boat camping. 

The post Essential Tips and Ideas for Boat Camping appeared first on HodgePodge Hippie .

Dreaming of a unique camping experience that combines the tranquility of camping with the thrill of being on the water? Dive into our boat camping ideas for an unforgettable journey. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or new to the game, these tips will help you navigate through creating memories that float above the rest.  With ... Read More about Essential Tips and Ideas for Boat Camping

Narrowboat Nomad

Narrowboat Nomad


What to Pack for a Canal Boat Holiday: Essential Items to Bring

Canal boat holidays are a unique and relaxing way to explore the UK’s waterways . However, packing for a canal boat holiday can be a challenge, especially for those who have never been on one before. It’s important to pack carefully, considering the limited space on board and the different activities you’ll be doing.

When it comes to clothing, it’s best to pack for all types of weather, as the UK can be unpredictable. Layers are key, as they can be added or removed depending on the temperature. Comfortable and sturdy shoes are also a must, as you’ll be walking on uneven terrain when mooring the boat. Don’t forget to pack a waterproof jacket and hat, as well as sunscreen and sunglasses for sunny days.

Planning Your Route

When planning a canal boat holiday, it’s essential to decide on the route you want to take. This will help you to estimate the time it will take to complete the trip and ensure you have everything you need for the journey.

One of the first things to consider when planning your route is the canal or waterway you want to travel on. There are many canals and waterways to choose from, each with its unique features and attractions. A good guide or map book can help you choose the right canal for your trip.

Once you have chosen your canal, you will need to decide on the route you want to take. This will depend on the time you have available, the distance you want to cover, and the sights and attractions you want to see. A good map book or guide can help you plan your route and find the best places to stop along the way.

When planning your route, it’s also important to consider any locks or other obstacles you may encounter. You will need to allow time for passing through locks and navigating any other obstacles along the way. A good map book or guide can help you plan your route and estimate the time it will take to complete the journey.

Overall, planning your route is an essential part of any canal boat holiday. By choosing the right canal, planning your route carefully, and using a good map book or guide, you can ensure that your trip is enjoyable, relaxing, and stress-free.


What to Pack

When preparing for a canal boat holiday, it is important to pack the right essentials to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable trip. Here are some key items to consider:

  • Life jackets : It is important to have life jackets for everyone on board, especially if you have children or non-swimmers.
  • Torch : A torch is essential for navigating the boat at night and for finding your way to the loo.
  • Non-slip shoes: The deck of the boat can be slippery, so it is important to wear non-slip shoes.
  • Towels and linen: Most canal boats will provide towels and linen, but it is always worth checking beforehand.
  • Toiletries: Bring your own toiletries as most boats will only provide basic items.
  • Comfortable clothes: Pack comfortable clothes that are suitable for boating and walking along the towpath.
  • Layers: The weather can be unpredictable, so it is important to bring layers that can be easily added or removed.
  • Waterproofs: Bring waterproofs in case of rain.
  • Warm socks and gloves: Even in the summer months, it can get chilly on the water.

Food and Drink

  • Cooking utensils: Most canal boats will have a kitchen, but it is important to bring your own cooking utensils.
  • Food and drink: Bring your own food and drink, as there may not be many shops along the way.
  • Local produce: Take advantage of the local produce available along the route and cook up a delicious meal on board.

Boating Equipment

  • Maps and guides: Bring maps and guides to help navigate the waterways.
  • Fishing rod and rod licence: If you plan on fishing, make sure you have a rod licence.
  • Binoculars : Spot wildlife and take in the scenery with a pair of binoculars.
  • Torches: Bring extra torches in case of emergencies.

When packing for a canal boat holiday, it is important to remember that space is limited. Soft bags are recommended over hard suitcases, and it is important to pack only what is necessary. With the right preparation, a canal boat holiday can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Boating Tips

When embarking on a canal boat holiday, there are a few tips that can make the experience more enjoyable.

Firstly, it is important to be mindful of the canals themselves. These waterways are narrow and shallow, so it is important to keep a slow and steady pace to avoid collisions. Additionally, it is important to be aware of locks, which can be challenging to navigate. Take your time and follow the instructions provided at each lock.

When cruising along the towpath, keep an eye out for pubs and shops. These can be great places to stop and explore the local area. Many pubs have mooring facilities, making them a convenient stop for a meal or a drink.

Fishing is a popular activity on canal boats, but it is important to be aware of the rules and regulations in the area. Make sure you have the necessary permits and follow any restrictions in place.

At night, it is important to be mindful of other boaters and to keep noise levels to a minimum. Many canal boats have limited electrical output, so it is important to conserve energy where possible.

If you are self-catering, make sure to bring along all necessary cooking utensils and ingredients. Keep in mind that storage space on a canal boat is limited, so it is important to pack efficiently.

Lastly, make sure to bring along any necessary medication and a first aid kit. It is also important to be aware of any iron or metal objects on the boat, as these can be dangerous in the event of lightning strikes.

By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable canal boat holiday.

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The Outdoor Authority

What To Take On A Fishing Trip? My Top 25 Essential Items

Not sure what to take on a fishing trip? My list of all the essential items includes everything you'll need for a successful fishing adventure.

what to take on a fishing trip? my list of essential gear

The Outdoor Authority may receive commissions for links included in articles to affiliate partners. Each of our recommendations is proudly backed by research and testing.

Going fishing is truly one of life’s great pleasures.

Tossing a line into the water and pulling a fish from the depths beneath you unlocks a primal and mystical feeling in anyone who experiences it.

But as someone who has gone fishing without the proper equipment more than once, I can say with absolute certainty that fishing is way more fun when you’ve got the right gear.

If you’re not sure what to take on a fishing trip , don’t stress! You won’t need to break the bank and can get started with just a few basics.

I’ll share with you my checklist of essential items to take on any fishing trip and break it down based on the type of fishing you might be doing.

Let’s go fishing!

Table Of Contents

A Fishing Pole & Reel (aka Rod & Reel)

Fishing line, bait and lures, polarized sunglasses, fishing license, life jacket, first aid kit, sunscreen and bug spray, proper clothing, snacks and water, extra layers of clothing, hand warmers, ice fishing auger, ice fishing sled, sun-protective clothing, water shoes, portable fan, appropriate clothing, non-marking shoes, waterproof bags, motion sickness medication, what to take on a fishing trip: final thoughts, essential fishing equipment and tackle.

You don’t need much to go fishing but at the bare minimum you’ll need a fishing pole, some line, a hook, and some bait. Let’s take a closer look at each of those plus a few other pieces of gear that I personally consider essential.

essential fishing equipment and tackle to take on a fishing trip.

You can use almost anything as a fishing pole. It could be something as basic as a cane pole or piece of bamboo or as advanced as an ultralight carbon fiber rod made from space-age materials.

You’ll also need a reel to attach to your pole, and the good news is that there are tons of great fishing poles that come with reels already attached to them.

The type of rod and reel you choose will be highly dependent on the type of fishing you’re doing, so I have to keep my recommendations somewhat board but these two are good places to start:

essentials for boat trip


Lightning Rod Spinning Combo

essentials for boat trip


Pursuit IV Spinning Reel & Rod

I like the Berkely Spinning Rod and Reel Combo as a great starter set for freshwater fishing and lakes and the PENN Pursuit IV is my pick for saltwater fishing from shore.

There are a variety of fishing lines available, each designed for specific fishing techniques and target fish species. Choose the appropriate weight, thickness, and material based on what type of angling you’ll be doing.

When it comes to selecting the right fishing line , it’s essential to consider its strength, sensitivity, and abrasion resistance.

Monofilament is an excellent all-purpose choice for many anglers due to its versatility and affordability. Fluorocarbon lines offer better visibility underwater while still providing excellent abrasion resistance, making them perfect for clear water situations where stealth is crucial.

My advice: Don’t skimp on the quality of your fishing line. It’s literally the only thing between you and a successful catch!

If you thought a hook is just a hook then you’re in for quite a surprise.

Hooks come in all sorts of shapes and styles, each suited to different types of fish and bait. It’s important to research beforehand to determine which hooks will work best for the type of fishing you’ll be doing.

So where to start? Look for self-setting hooks or circle hooks. But hooks are cheap so it’s useful to include a variety of sizes in case you encounter different species or water conditions.

Live bait such as worms, minnows, or crickets work well for many species of fish. Artificial lures like spinners or jigs mimic natural prey and can also be effective.

While live bait may require refrigeration and can be a bit messier than artificial lures, the advantage is that they offer a scent and movement that attracts fish.

Using an appropriate lure depends on factors such as water depth, clarity, temperature, and weather conditions. Try different baits until you find the one that works best for your fishing location and target species.

A tackle box is useful for keeping all your lures, lines, and miscellaneous fishing gear organized and in an easy-to-grab that is ready whenever you want to go fishing. You can find Tackle Boxes on Amazon, Walmart, or nearly any sporting goods store.

You can also DIY a Tackle Box out of other boxes or bins you might have laying around your house. My grandfather fished nearly every day off of his life and he used an old toolbox and a few used coffee containers to all his tackle storage needs.

I highly recommend getting a good pair of polarized fishing sunglasses . Polarized sunglasses provide better visibility while fishing and make it easier to spot fish even on cloudy days.

They also protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. This can help prevent eye strain and damage caused by long hours of direct sunlight exposure.

So whether you’re planning a day or weekend fishing trip, make sure to add polarized sunglasses to your checklist of essential items. Trust me, you won’t regret having them with you!

If you’re an adult you very likely need a fishing license and if you get caught fishing without one you risk getting fined or even jailed in extreme situations.

Each state, country, and area has their own regulations so I recommend Googling to see what laws are present in your area and what licenses you might need.

Be aware that different types of fishing can require different licenses. For example, in my home state of Florida, we have different licenses for freshwater and saltwater and even have special permits required for some species of fish.

Safety And Comfort Items

If you’ve got the item above, you’re ready to catch fish. But to make your fishing trip safer and more enjoyable I recommend these items as well.

things to take on fishing trips to keep safe and comfortable

If you’re going to be fishing from a boat then a life jacket is a must and even mandatory in many locations.

However, If you’re fishing from the shore a lifejacket isn’t required but they are a good idea for children or anyone who isn’t a strong swimmer.

I always make sure to pack a well-stocked first aid kit when I go on a fishing trip.

It’s important to be prepared for any possible injuries or emergencies that could happen, especially if you’re going on a longer trip or are in more remote areas. Some essential items to include in your first aid kit are adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pads, medical tape, and tweezers.

The sun can be intense while out on the water, so applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is important for protecting your skin. Bug spray is also a must-have item to keep those pesky mosquitoes away .

When choosing a sunscreen, opt for one that’s waterproof and sweat-resistant to ensure it lasts throughout the day. Apply it before leaving shore and reapply every few hours or after swimming.

For bug spray, choose one with DEET as an active ingredient for effective mosquito repellent.

Hats with wide brims are particularly suitable as they provide extra protection from the harmful rays of the sun while keeping you cool. Having some shade also helps cut through the glare of the water and make fish a little easier to see.

A hat can also help to keep you dry in case of unexpected rainfall, reducing your chances of catching a cold or getting sick. Whether it’s sunny or raining, make sure to pack a good quality hat that provides ample coverage over your head and neck.

In colder climates, it’s recommended to wear multiple layers of clothing, including thermal underwear and a waterproof jacket. It can get much colder on the water than it does on shore, so if you’re fishing from a boat I recommend planing accordingly.

On warmer trips, lightweight and breathable sun-protective clothing are ideal. I’m personally a big fan of Columbia Performance Fishing Gear shirts which are moisture-wicking, ventilated, and comfortable.

Another important factor in dressing properly is footwear. Wearing sturdy boots with good traction can prevent slips and falls when fishing near water or on slippery rocks. But boots are a big no-no on boats! Instead where shoes with non-marking soles if you’ll be fishing from a boat.

A backup pair of socks is a good idea too if you’re not a fan of wet feet.

When packing for a fishing trip, snacks and water are often overlooked but are essential for staying hydrated and energized throughout the day. It is important to bring enough water to stay hydrated, especially on hot days when dehydration can be dangerous. Snacks like trail mix or energy bars provide quick fuel during breaks while fishing.

A cooler serves two dual purposes when fishing:

  • Keeps you water and snacks cold
  • Keeps any fish you caught fresh until you can clean them

If you’re going off shore or on an extended trip then I recommend investing in a premium fishing cooler. But if you’re just heading down to a local lake or river for an afternoon of fishing then any cooler you already own will do just fine.

Gear For Fishing In Cold Climates

When fishing in colder temperatures, it’s important to bring extra layers of clothing, hand warmers, and an ice fishing auger. But that’s not all! Keep reading for more essential gear to make your cold climate fishing trip a success.

what to take fishing in cold climates

Even if the weather forecast looks mild, temperatures can drop quickly on the water or during early morning hours. Packing thermal underwear and insulating jackets are always good ideas to ensure you stay warm throughout your trip.

It’s also wise to pack rain gear even if precipitation isn’t predicted. Heavy rain can happen suddenly when out on the water, so be prepared with waterproof jackets and pants to stay dry and comfortable. Remember that being cold or wet can make for an unpleasant fishing experience, so bring those extra layers just in case!

I always make sure to pack hand warmers on my trips. When your hands get cold, it can be difficult to handle your equipment and even start a fire. These small packets of heat are easy to use – just shake them up and they’ll provide warmth for hours.

If you’re going to be fishing from a shorline you may want to consider getting a pair of waders. Waders will keep your feet dry and even provide you with the opportunity to walk out into the water for easier access.

Related: Simms vs Orvis Waders: A Fisherman’s Dilemma

If you’re ice fishing, and Auger is a must-have item. It’s the only way to break through the ice so you can drop your line and catch fish. With different sizes available, make sure to choose one that fits your needs based on the thickness of the ice.

In addition to selecting the right size, it’s important to consider the weight and durability of an ice fishing auger. You’ll want something sturdy enough to handle drilling through thick layers of ice without weighing you down too much during transport.

An ice fishing sled allows you to easily transport your gear across the ice and can also be used as a base for setting up your equipment.

Not only does an ice fishing sled make it easier to carry your gear, but it also helps distribute your weight more evenly on the ice. It’s important to note that not all sleds are created equal – make sure you choose one that is sturdy and can withstand heavy loads.

Gear For Fishing When It’s Hot Out

For fishing trips in warm climates, it is important to bring sun-protective clothing, water shoes for wading into the water easily, a portable fan to keep cool on hot days, and ice packs to keep food and drinks cold.

what to take fishing in hot weather

When going on a fishing trip in warm climates, sun-protective clothing is crucial to ensure you don’t suffer from the effects of UV radiation. You should dress in light-colored and loose-fitting clothes that provide ample coverage for your arms, legs, and neck. A long-sleeved shirt with UPF protection can block much of the harmful rays of sun exposure.

Water shoes are an essential item to bring on a fishing trip, especially if you plan on wading in the water. They provide traction and prevent slipping on wet rocks or muddy riverbanks. Make sure to choose a pair that is comfortable and fits well, as you’ll be wearing them for extended periods of time.

In addition to providing safety while walking in water, water shoes also protect your feet from sharp objects or any other potential hazards underwater. They can also be worn when boating or kayaking, offering protection against slipping on wet surfaces. Overall, investing in a good quality pair of water shoes will make your fishing experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

When going on a fishing trip in warm climates, it’s important to stay cool and avoid heat exhaustion. A portable fan is a great item to pack, as it can provide much-needed relief from the sun’s rays. It’s especially useful when there isn’t a breeze or shade available. I prefer a portable battery-powered fan since it’s rare that you’ll be fishing near a power source.

I always make sure to pack ice packs for my cooler. It’s important to keep your catch as fresh as possible, and ice packs help to do just that. Plus, they’re great for keeping snacks and drinks cold on those hot days.

Ice packs can also be useful for treating minor injuries while out on a fishing trip. If you happen to get hurt or experience swelling from a bug bite or sting, applying an ice pack can provide some relief. Just make sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel or cloth before placing it directly on your skin to avoid any potential frostbite.

What To Bring On A Deep Sea Fishing Charter

Going on a deep sea fishing charter with an experienced guide is a fantastic way to get your first introduction to fishing. The guide takes care of all the hard work and typically does a good job of helping you catch your first fish. The good news is you usually don’t need to bring much with you, but there are a few things to be aware of.

What to take on a deep sea fishing charter

I already mentioned clothing earlier in the article but I want to stress it again here. If you’re going to be in direct sunlight all day, it’s essential to wear protective clothing like long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hats. Sunscreen is also essential.

Additionally, wearing waterproof and breathable clothing can help keep you dry if there are waves or rain during your trip. Bringing extra layers such as a jacket or sweater is also advisable in case it gets cold or windy out on the water. Keep in mind that some fishing trips require specific clothing for safety reasons so check with your charter operator before packing your bags.

The number one rule for fishing from any sort of offshore boat is that you can’t wear shoes with dark soles that will leave a mark on the deck of the boat. Fortunately, most regular athletic shoes will be fine and you won’t need to buy anything special just for your trip.

I always make sure to pack a waterproof bag when going on fishing trips. This is essential for keeping my belongings dry in case of rain, waves, or accidental splashes while on the boat. It’s also great for storing fish or bait that can be messy and stinky.

When packing a waterproof bag, I always make sure to double check that it is actually waterproof and not just water-resistant. I prefer bags with zippers or roll-top closures to ensure nothing falls out. It’s a small but crucial item to bring on any fishing trip to ensure everything stays safe and dry throughout the day.

Getting seasick is THE WORST so I always make sure to have motion sickness medication with me whenever I go offshore. The constant movement of the boat can be difficult for some people to handle. Taking motion sickness medication beforehand can prevent any discomfort and ensure an enjoyable trip.

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Whether you are a seasoned angler or just starting out, using a fishing checklist can help make sure you have everything you need before leaving home. And don’t forget to bring plenty of snacks and water – after all, what’s better than enjoying some fresh-caught fish with friends or family?

So pack up your gear, hit the road, and get ready to reel in some memories on your next fishing adventure!

Photo of author

Thomas Coleman

The Outdoor Authority

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Beach packing list: 33 essentials for your 2024 trip.

Get ready for seaside, lakeside or poolside fun with this list of must-pack items.

Beach Packing List

Beach Packing List graphic

There's a lot that goes into planning a beach vacation, even after you decide where you're going and settle on a hotel , resort, vacation villa or condominium. You also have to create a packing list that has everything you need – including items for the beach you may not have even thought about.

Obviously, your beach packing list can be more extensive if you're driving to the beach and you have room in your car. In that case, you can bring along items to make your beach trip more comfortable, like beach chairs and beach umbrellas. If you're flying, on the other hand, you'll need to stick to beach essentials like sunscreen, sun hats, rash guards and of course your favorite beach bag. You can also look into travel-size items that pass muster with TSA for travel in your carry-on.

To help you decide what to pack for your beach vacation, U.S. News has compiled a list of essentials below. You can also download the beach packing list here .

Beach trip packing list

Beach pillow, water shoes, beach chairs, beach wagon, beach towels, beach umbrella or tent, bathing suits, beach blanket, reef-safe sunscreen, flip-flops or pool slides, beach cooler, rash guards, underwater camera, packable jacket, portable speaker, waterproof phone case, reusable water bottle, first-aid kit, baby powder, after-sun lotion, leave-in conditioner spray, toiletry organizer.

Your beach trip packing list should definitely include a beach bag. After all, you'll need something to carry your beach essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses and a beach read. If you have kids, you'll want extra room for snacks, toys and maybe even a change of clothes.

The Becokan Large Waterproof Beach Tote Bag is our top beach bag pick for its large capacity and lightweight waterproof construction. For beach picnics, consider a combination tote and cooler bag like the OdyseaCo Beach Bag with Cooler Compartment . It keeps cold beverages, sammies and more chilled and separated from your towels, magazines and other necessities – plus, the cooler part is fully detachable for when you don't need it. There's also an endless number of beach bags on Amazon . Be sure to browse U.S. News' list of the best beach bags .

Ballast Beach Pillow in blue against white background.

Courtesy of Ballast

A beach pillow is great for those times when you want to lay in the sun in comfort, and maybe even take a nap with the sounds of the waves crashing in the background. The best beach pillows are easy to transport, don't take up a lot of space and make your beach time even more relaxing.

One great option is the Ballast Beach Pillow because it's inflatable and made of weather-resistant fabric. It also attaches to beach chairs and comes with a compact carrying case for storage and transport.

You'll also want to have water shoes packed for everyone in your crew, or else you could live to regret it. Kids may want water shoes on as they venture into the ocean where they can't see the bottom, and parents may want them to protect against rocks, shells, coral and ocean creatures, too. Bringing water shoes is an easy way to protect feet from painful scrapes and cuts that could literally cut your fun time at the beach.

You can buy basic water shoes in a local store at home or find a range of water shoe options online at Amazon for women , men and kids .

If you're looking for beach essentials to bring in your car for a weeklong beach trip, don't forget to look for styles that fold up easily. A good beach chair can make your day on the beach considerably more comfortable, especially when you consider the toll that sitting on the sand for several hours can take on your back and neck.

Some of the best beach chairs – like the Tommy Bahama Deluxe Backpack Beach Chair , the U.S. News pick for top beach chair – have a drink holder, an insulated pouch and a zippered storage compartment. These features make it easy to relax, unwind and have everything you need.

Packed Whitsunday Collapsible Folding Cart – M-Foldable in black against white background.

Courtesy of Whitsunday

Hauling all your beach gear through the sand can be taxing and difficult. To make it easier, consider a folding option with large wheels designed for sand, like the Beau Jardin Folding Beach Wagon , chosen by U.S. News as one of the top beach wagons . A foldable style can easily go in the trunk when you're done at the beach.

While resorts and rentals may have towels to use during your stay, having a dedicated beach towel for everyone can be quite useful. It'll help avoid kids or teens arguing over which towel belongs to who, especially when they're wet.

You can pick up beach towels almost anywhere, but a large Turkish towel can make your vacation much more sand-free. The Sand Cloud beach towels on Amazon are quick-drying but also naturally repel sand. Or, let everyone express their personality with a lightweight microfiber beach towel in fun prints like flowers or sea turtles.

A beach umbrella or tent is another must-have item if you plan to spend the day on the sand. The best options easily anchor in the ground and are adjustable so you can move them with the sun's movements throughout the day.

There are numerous beach umbrellas you can buy online . Choose a design that works for your beach day style or – depending on the amount of shade you may want – consider one of our picks for the best beach tents . Whichever you choose, make sure you also have a beach umbrella anchor , if the umbrella you select doesn't already include one.

A beach trip requires everyone in the family to have a bathing suit, but you may even want to bring a few extra suits along. This is especially true if you have kids who like to swim several times a day. Having a few bathing suit options means they won't have to constantly put a wet swimsuit back on, and that you can have suits not in use hanging to dry while you're out for the day.

To find an array of styles and range of sizes for the whole family, shop for bathing suits on Amazon .

Wekapo Beach Blanket in blue colors against white background.

Courtesy of Wekapo

If you want to host a picnic or have little kids who like to play the day away in the sand, a beach blanket is another must-have. You may spend the bulk of your family beach vacation watching the kids make sand castles or play in the surf, yet they'll want a sand-free place to sit from time to time. A beach blanket provides exactly that, and the best ones fold up easily for transport in your beach bag.

Check out the Wekapo Beach Blanket , which is sand-free and comes with six stakes and four built-in corner pockets. For more options, consult our list of the top beach blankets .

Maybe you don't want to sit in just your swimsuit all day, or perhaps you want something you can quickly throw on over your suit to go to breakfast or head back to your room to grab snacks and drinks. Either way, swimsuit cover-ups for the whole family (or at least those who want them) are always a good idea.

As you look for the right cover-up , remember that they come in different colors and styles. Some are dress-like or shirt-like styles, such as the Coolibar UPF 50+ Palma Aire Beach Shirt , which can provide additional sun protection. Others are sheer or made of netting like the Eomenie Contrast Lace Bathing Suit Cover Up .

You'll also want to bring sunscreen on your beach vacation, but not just any kind: Reef-safe sunscreen keeps your skin safe from the sun's harmful rays, yet it doesn't hurt the ocean, coral reefs or the animals that call the sea home.

While there are many reef-safe sunscreen brands, one top option is the Blithe Honest Sunscreen for its hydrating effect and pH balance. This reef-safe sunscreen is also made without oxybenzone and octinoxate, which can hurt coral reefs and sea ecosystems.

Green Sprouts Flap Sun Protection Hat in aqua against white background

Courtesy of Green Sprouts

A good beach hat can keep your face protected from the sun, but it can also provide you with some much-needed shade. Of course, you can just pack a hat you have at home – or splurge on a style that coordinates with your swimming attire.

From straw brims to packable options, there are a lot of beach hat choices . To narrow the options, consider the activities you'll be doing. For lounging by the pool, this Lanzom straw hat is a top option, as is the Quiksilver Men's Pierside Straw Lifeguard Hat .

For those who love wearing a ponytail, Ponyback hats have a built-in hidden slot for a ponytail. If you're bringing little ones to the beach, the green sprouts Baby Flap Sun Protection Swim Hat is perfect for infants, and the Sunday Afternoons Kids' Play Hat is ideal for protecting young children's skin. Check out all of U.S. News' top beach hat picks .

Protecting your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun is good for everyone. Choosing a timeless, full-coverage style like Ray-Ban Wayfarer Polarized or Ray-Ban Classic Polarized Aviator sunglasses will shield you from the sun, minimize squinting and maybe even help avoid a headache. For the kids, check out a variety of children's sunglasses on Amazon.

Another essential for your family beach trip is flip-flops or pool slides, and you may want to have more than one pair. Women may want a set like the Clarks Breeze Sea Flip-flops or the Cole Haan Findra Pool Slides for the beach, but you may also want a slightly more dressy pair of slides like Kenneth Cole REACTION Glam-athon sandals for dinners out and trips to the store.

For men, the Reef Rover Sandals are available in four colors, while the toddlers and kids can pick a pair of KRABOR flip-flops with back straps in a fun print or color.

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Maximize the fun in the sun and waves with fun floating swim noodles , or use one to create a floating sling chair . Of course, the kids will want to play in the sand, so grab a castle mold set for creativity by the sea (or lake). If floating is the name of the game, release your inner mermaid with a mermaid tail pool float or consider inflatable flamingo and unicorn floaties from Jasonwell.

YETI Hopper Flip 18 Portable Soft Cooler in orange against white background.

Courtesy of YETI

You will absolutely want a beach cooler that's easy to carry so you can keep food and beverages cold for your time on the sand. After all, having a beach cooler in tow means you won't have to head back to your room to get drinks and snacks, and that you can pack what you need for the day and bring it along.

Popular cooler brand YETI offers beach coolers in several sizes, including coolers with shoulder straps and backpack straps for hands-free carrying. One top option is the YETI Hopper Flip 18 Portable Soft Cooler since it holds up to 18 cans (or fewer cans and some food) and comes with a built-in strap that lets you carry it like a beach bag. Our list of top cooler bags offers even more options.

Rash guards offer extra sun protection since they cover more of your skin without keeping you out of the water. The best ones offer SPF protection of some kind, while also being comfortable and cute. You can find rash guards in every size , color and design on Amazon.

Whether you plan to go on a snorkeling trip or you just want a dry place to store some items at the pool or the beach, a dry bag can help. These bags offer a waterproof escape for items you want to keep safe and dry, and they come with enclosures that ensure water can't accidentally seep in.

There are many dry bags you can buy online, including this top-rated pack of three from Outdoor Products . Not only are these dry bags waterproof, but they come in three sizes and have a roll-top enclosure that keeps your items safe from exposure.

Three angles of the GoPro Hero 11 against white background.

Courtesy of GoPro

If you're planning a snorkeling or diving session and you want to capture images of life underwater, a waterproof camera should make your beach packing list. Having this kind of camera along can be a fun way to capture the moment, and it can also a creative activity for the kids.

The most popular underwater camera by far is the GoPro Hero 11 , and it's easy to see why. This underwater camera takes pictures and records video, and you can buy additional accessories to make the camera even more user-friendly. For example, you can purchase a floating hand grip that ensures your camera won't accidentally end up on the ocean floor.

The beach may be a hot place to be during the day, but temperatures always drop when the sun goes down. Depending on where you are, you may even find that your beach destination is downright cool at night – especially when the ocean breeze is in full force.

With that in mind, you'll want to bring a packable jacket along on your trip. Highly rated options include the Capa Hybrid Insulated Hooded Jacket for women from Cotopaxi since it's stylish but also folds up easily, plus this lightweight men's jacket from Amazon Essentials . For options that can withstand all kinds of weather, check out our top packable jacket choices .

Bringing paper books on your family beach vacation may be your best bet, but you can also add an e-reader to your packing list. Having an e-reader can help you bring more books along without taking up any extra space, and most are compact and light as well.

If you have an e-reader already, make sure to bring it along on your trip. If not, you can buy Kindles and other e-reading devices online. You'll find some are even waterproof, including the Kindle Paperwhite .

There's nothing like some good tunes to add to fun at the beach. Consider something compact, portable and waterproof like the Bose Soundlink Micro Bluetooth speaker . This product is small enough to toss in your beach bag, and you can take calls on the speaker or stream your curated playlist.

Anker 733 Power Bank against white background.

Courtesy of Anker

Make sure you have a power bank with you on your beach trip, especially if several members of your family all have their own devices. While you can always charge your phones, cameras, laptops and tablets in your vacation rental or hotel room, a portable power bank lets you charge up items wherever you are – even on the beach.

There are numerous portable power bank options online, but make sure you compare them based on their charging capacity and battery power. This Anker portable charger from Amazon is powerful enough to charge up to three devices at once.

Sure, you may be out of office, but you'll be using your phone to snap pics, share your photos on social media and stream your playlists. But days at the beach can be hard on your phone, so a waterproof phone case can help protect it from liquids, sand and sunscreen. The Vera Bradley waterproof phone pouch includes a lanyard and lets you use your phone without removing it from the case, while the Rifle Paper Co. style from Case-Mate has a watertight seal and floats.

Bringing a reusable water bottle along on your trip lets you avoid the environmental impact of single-use plastic while ensuring you always have something to drink. You can use your own water bottle and fill it up for each trip to the beach.

If you don't have a reusable water bottle at home to add to your beach packing list, consider purchasing a water bottle online so you can use it over and over again and avoid buying bottled water for the long haul. Consider this reusable water bottle from Amazon .

Welly Bandages in dog design against white background.

Courtesy of Welly

A first-aid kit is a must-have when you're traveling to the beach with kids. After all, one of them is bound to get a cut or bruise an elbow when they're out playing all day, and you'll want to be prepared.

Bandages from Welly are popular because they come in fun colors and designs that kids love. Welly even refers to some of their bandages as "bravery patches," which can give kids' self-esteem a boost after they're hurt.

Don't let pesky flies, ticks and other bugs ruin your beach day. Bring along some Babyganics natural insect repellent spray , which is DEET-free. Or, for easy transport, consider Repel insect repellent wipes .

Fun in the sand is what makes a day at the beach, but bring along some Johnson's baby powder to help remove that sand when it's time to pack up. It'll help get the stubborn sand off your skin so you don't bring half of the beach into your hotel room or vehicle.

From cleansing before you eat to getting the extra sunscreen off your hands, wet wipes – like travel-size Wet Ones – are a must-have for beach days. In addition to wiping your hands, you can use them to clean up spills or wipe something off your shirt before it becomes a stain.

After-sun lotion can soothe aching skin after you've spent too much time outside, but it can also ensure your skin stays hydrated and healthy. Some after-sun lotions come in the form of body butter, while others are made of specific ingredients like aloe vera.

Sun Bum Cool Down lotion is popular because it's made with aloe vera and cocoa butter. Not only does this lotion help heal sun-damaged skin, but it instantly nourishes too.

Carmex Weather Guard lip balm against colorful background.

Courtesy of Carmex

Lip balm is a must for long days at the beach, and some products even come with SPF protection. This ensures your lips won't get burned like your skin can, all while keeping your pout moisturized from morning until night.

Carmex Weather Guard lip balm is popular because it's affordable (around $6 each), and it automatically has SPF 30 protection built in. You can also check out Rubber Ducky lip balm with SPF 44 protection, which is waterproof and comes in a three-pack on Amazon.

The hot sun can wreak havoc on your hair, but you can get it back in shape with the right leave-in products. Some leave-in conditioner sprays are specially formulated to protect against the sun, and even to enhance the color of your hair after sun exposure.

For example, Sun Bum Blonde Tone Enhancer nourishes dry hair while using violet extract and blue spirulina to bring out your hair's natural highlights. Meanwhile, Revitalizing 3-in-1 Detangler Leave In Conditioner from Sun Bum conditions and protects hair while also serving as a detangler.

Browse our list of the best toiletry organizers if you don't have one already. This item makes it easy to pack all your beach-related toiletries like sunscreen, bug spray and lip balm in a single space. You'll be able to quickly locate beach necessities when you need to reapply your sunscreen or freshen up.

There are many toiletry organizers online in different shapes and sizes. The traveler-favorite Peak Design Small Wash Pouch is a top U.S. News pick, and there's a wide variety of toiletry bags on Amazon as well.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Holly Johnson is a veteran travel writer who has visited more than 50 countries and many of the top beach destinations in the world. She frequently heads to Florida beaches with her family, and they also love taking cruises and spending time at all-inclusive resorts. Johnson's favorite beach destination in the U.S. is Destin, Florida.  

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  • The Best Beaches in the U.S.
  • Cheap Tropical Vacations Around the World
  • Cruise Packing List: Essentials for Your Next Cruise
  • What You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-on Bag

The 26 Best Beach Resorts in the World

Aerial over beach at Montage Laguna Beach

Tags: Travel , Travel Gear , Beach Vacations

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  • # 1 South Island, New Zealand
  • # 4 Bora Bora

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Amazon Just Released a Slew of Genius New Travel Finds — All Under $50

Think Apple AirTags, Bagsmart belt bags, and Glow Recipe tinted serums, starting at $7.

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Travel + Leisure / Daisy Rodriguez

Weekend getaways, tropical excursions, and outdoor staycations are all on the horizon this summer. So if you’re on the hunt for new travel finds that’ll come in handy during your trip, check out this must-see Amazon list. 

Amazon has tons of clever travel essentials, including several new items that just dropped for May. While the Hot New Releases hub doesn’t have a designated travel section, you don’t have to worry because we did the digging for you. That said, you’ll discover breezy dresses, nifty bags, versatile plug converters, and even Apple AirTags — all under $50. 

Amazon New Releases Under $50

  • Apple AirTag , $25 (originally $29) 
  • Larmliss Crewneck Short-Sleeve Tunic Beach Dress with Pockets , $23 
  • Project Cloud Flat Sandals , $29 (originally $40)
  • Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Hue Drops , $35
  • Bagsmart Belt Bag , $11 with coupon (originally $20)
  • Simple Modern Mesa Water Bottle with Straw Lid , $23 (originally $30)
  • “Funny Story” by Emily Henry , $19 (originally $29)
  • Mapambo Travel Power Converter , $43
  • Monday Haircare Original Dry Shampoo , $7 (originally $8)
  • Taygeer Carry-on Backpack , $34 (originally $51)

Apple AirTag

Apple AirTags can locate your wallet, keys, or earbuds, but travelers particularly like to stick them in their luggage. Why? This way, you can keep tabs on your suitcase at any given moment, which will be especially helpful during connecting flights. This single AirTag, which was recently launched at Amazon, is durable, water- and dust-resistant, and is compatible with Apple phones ranging from the iPhone 11 to iPhone 12 Pro Max. 

Larmliss Crewneck Short-Sleeve Tunic Beach Dress with Pockets

An easy, breezy dress, like this cute crewneck option , is just the thing to throw on as you head to the beach, walk around the resort, or sightsee with a group. Made with cotton and polyester, you’ll notice the dress is both breathable and lightweight, which is ideal for days spent in the sun. Plus, it’s designed with hidden side pockets to stash your phone, room key, or lip balm. It’s available in midi and maxi lengths, as well as 38 colors and prints. 

Project Cloud Flat Sandals

With all that walking you’ll be doing this summer, it’s wise to invest in a good pair of sandals. These discounted Project Cloud sandals are a nice option; they have a memory foam insole, adjustable straps, and a non-slip outsole that’s great for stability. The sandals also have a wide toe box and a suede sole that’ll deliver comfort while walking and standing for hours. Shop them in five colors, including tan, black, and beige.

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Hue Drops

If you tend to wear less makeup while on vacation, you’ll want to add this Glow Recipe serum to your toiletry bag. The formula delivers all the hydration you love from the brand’s classic best-seller with an added bonus that leaves skin looking sun-kissed. The hue drops have a slightly warm tint that goes on nicely, giving the appearance that you’re wearing, well, nothing. And even though this pick recently launched at Amazon, the tinted serum was already bought more than 2,000 times this past April. 

Bagsmart Belt Bag

Anyone who hates lugging around a big bag will appreciate this Bagsmart belt bag that has pockets galore. Seriously, the bag has a big zippered compartment at the top, complete with several internal pockets to store lip balms, chargers, and micro wallets. It has a second zippered area for small items like keys and IDs, too. And because pickpocketing is no joke, you’ll love that it has an unsuspecting anti-theft zipper lock that’ll prevent sticky fingers from swiping. 

Simple Modern Mesa Water Bottle with Straw Lid

Staying hydrated is a travel must, and if you don’t like drinking lukewarm water, this insulated Simple Modern water bottle will do you a solid. The number-one new release has a double-walled design to keep liquids chilled for hours, even if it’s out in the sun. It has a large mouth and a straw lid that flips downward to prevent leakage. It’s available in 24 and 34 ounces and comes in a multitude of colors, including bright hues like lime green and lavender, as well as classic options like beige, white, and black.   

“Funny Story” by Emily Henry

Emily Henry’s “ People We Meet on Vacation ” was pretty much the summer beach read. Yes, this editor even bonded with a vacationer who was also reading the book at a resort in Mexico. So if you’re a Henry fan, check out her latest romance novel that just dropped at Amazon: “ Funny Story .” The book delivers a mix of humor, new beginnings, and a slow burn romance that’ll keep you on that lounge chair far longer than you anticipated.  

Mapambo Travel Power Converter

There’s nothing worse than realizing your travel converter doesn’t work with the outlet in your hotel room. Instead of stocking up on multiple adapters, why not opt for this Mapambo converter that’ll work in about 150 countries, including Italy, Singapore, Japan, and Fiji. It has two U.S. three-pronged outlets, one USB port, and three USB-C ports, which can juice up multiple devices at one time. 

Monday Haircare Original Dry Shampoo

You might miss a wash day or two while out and about, but that doesn’t mean your hair needs to look greasy. That’s where this recently-dropped Monday Haircare dry shampoo comes in. The dry shampoo absorbs the oils on your scalp with just a few sprays, so you can save the slickback for tomorrow. It’s formulated with strand-protecting keratin and has a floral gardenia scent that could totally pass as perfume.  

Taygeer Carry-on Backpack

A stylish backpack that can hold all your weekend essentials? Yep, that’s exactly what this is. The Carry-on Backpack is large enough to hold several outfit changes, your intimates, mini toiletries, hair care essentials, and even an extra pair of shoes due to its 11-by-17-inch build. But that’s just in the main compartment. It also has a double zipper outside with a cushioned pad for a laptop and tablet. The bag even has a luggage strap that can go right over your carry-on handle when you want a break from wearing it on your back.  

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21 things you need to buy on Amazon before your Disney World vacation

  • Published: May. 21, 2024, 5:05 p.m.

Amazon Travel Finds for Disney

No Disney trip is clear for take off without a few last-minute finds from Amazon. Get everything you need in no time at all. Amazon/Canva

  • Danielle Halibey | NJ Advance Media for

Disney is one of those vacations where you just don’t want to leave something behind — one, because you don’t want anything messing with the magic, but, two, because buying necessities and novelties, on property, won’t be cheap.

You might already have your Disney park bags set, walking shoes queued up and long-day stroller essentials crossed off your packing list, but sometimes the least obvious things can make a [Space] mountain out of a mole[skin] hill when you’re just trying to make the most of your fairy tale!

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can add a bunch of items to your cart a couple of days before your trip, opt for one or two-day shipping, and have them stowed and accounted for well before you hit the airport.

Disney-themed travel outfits , pairs of Mickey ears and matching accessories for the whole family are also not to be missed!

These travel picks may have slipped your mind at first, but you’ll be glad you had them [it’s a small world], after all:

Portable chargers. With all the picture-taking, Disney Experience navigation apps and Hidden Mickey trackers, plus the inevitable phone calls you’ll be making to your theme park pals when you all split up for preferred attractions, your phone’s battery can drain fast. Bringing along a portable phone charger can ensure you have backup battery life when you need it.

Sunscreen. It might seem obvious, but many visitors forget to pack sunscreen and end up having to purchase it at a premium price at the parks. Protect your skin from the Florida or California sun by packing your own and applying it regularly throughout the day.

Hand sanitizer. Disney does provide plenty of hand sanitizer stations throughout the parks, but having your own travel-size bottles or spritzers on hand can be super helpful.

Ponchos. Weather can be unpredictable, even in the most magical places on Earth. Disney isn’t its own ecosystem, but you can plan ahead with lightweight and compact ponchos to keep you dry.

Wet-Dry bags. If you’re traveling with little ones, you’re probably well-versed in the benefits of these versatile diaper-bag must-haves. They can be used to store snacks, phone and camera accessories, but they’re even more handy for carrying wet ponchos and dirty clothes without spills or leaks.

Meet & greet paraphernalia. Opt for an autograph book with a spiral binding, as it allows for easy page turning and lays flat for convenient autograph signings. And bring colorful pens along featuring your favorite characters.

Amazon Disney Essentials: Everything you need before your next trip

Shop Amazon for everything you need for your Disney vacation, including these 21 mouse-approved picks .

  • Disney Lanyard for $6
  • Birnbaum’s 2024 Walt Disney World for Kids: The Official Guide for $12, instead of $13
  • FuelRod Portable Charger Kit for $35
  • Babyganics SPF50 Kids Mineral Sunscreen Roller Ball for $20
  • Supergoop! PLAY Antioxidant Body Mist With Vitamin C for $24
  • Touchland Power Mist Hydrating Hand Sanitizer Spray, FRESH 5-PACK for $48
  • Disney Mickey Mouse Rain Poncho for $15, instead of $16
  • Disney Baby by J.L. Childress Universal Stroller Rain Cover for $31, instead of $35
  • Dr. Scholl’s Moleskin Padding Roll for $7, instead of $8
  • Dr. Scholl’s Tired, Achy Feet Soothing & Reviving Foot Mask, 3-Pack for $12, instead of $13
  • Body Glide Foot Glide Anti Blister Balm for $9
  • Body Glide Original Anti Chafe Balm for $11
  • Disney Mickey Mouse Ears 4-Pack Silicone AirTag Holder Case for $15 ($1 off coupon available at checkout)
  • Bumkins Disney TSA-Approved Travel Bags & Waterproof Mickey Mouse Wet Bag for $27
  • HL Hope & Luck 5-Piece Cute Mouse Head Character Ears Pens for $9, instead of $10
  • Disney Mickey Mouse Black Spiral Autograph Book for $7
  • MUDOR Pressed Penny Collecting Book With Archival Diary for $20, instead of $23
  • Disney Characters Vacay Mode T-Shirt for $20, instead of $23
  • Simple Modern Disney Mickey Mouse Kids Water Bottle With Straw Lid for $20
  • Kooder Portable Misting Fan for $13
  • Hero 2-Pack Cooling Towels for Travel for $20

Tips for planning the best Disney World Vacation

  • 8 of the best backpacks for Disney World
  • 14 of the best bags to bring to Disney World
  • 7 Disney stroller essentials you need to pack before your next family vacation
  • The 9 best shoes for Disney are magical in their own right
  • 14 things you need to pack for your Disney trip

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Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Share a Kiss on Romantic Boat Ride in Lake Como During Eras Tour Break — See Photos!

The pop superstar recently wrapped a string of Eras Tour shows in Paris, and the NFL player was in attendance for one of the performances

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce 's Italian love story continues.

After the couple was spotted walking the streets of Lake Como, Italy , with their arms around each other earlier this week, they were seen enjoying a romantic rainy boat ride on May 17 — and embracing one another as they shared a romantic kiss. An additional person onboard snapped cute couples photos for them on both the boat and the dock.

The pop superstar, 34, recently wrapped a string of Eras Tour shows in Paris, and the NFL player, 34, was in attendance for one of the performances. There, he was seen taking videos of the "Cruel Summer" singer with his camera flash on in a viral moment.

"Oh, you know, the settings on the camera, if it's dark, it's going to automatically put the flash on," explained Kelce on a recent episode of  New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce .

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He added, "I was just trying to get some good, you know, some good video, some good memories. I don't give a damn."

Travis also spoke about Swift's recent changes to the Eras Tour following the release of her latest album, The Tortured Poets Department , as she added several songs to the setlist.

"I'm just I'm happy for everybody that's in the tour that's performing, from the dancers to the band and obviously Taylor," he said. "It just looks like they're having so much fun up there, and they're absolutely killing it. And they're putting on a show that you know, you won't get anywhere else."

Elsewhere during the podcast episode, Travis explained he "really didn’t get to explore Paris too much" during his time in the French city. "We’ll do that some other time," he added.

Throughout his ongoing offseason, Travis has already signed a new contract with the Kansas City Chiefs, landed a hosting gig on Are You Smarter Than a Celebrity? and earned a role in Ryan Murphy 's new FX series,  Grotesquerie .

Swift's Eras Tour resumes with three shows in Stockholm from May 17-19, and she'll continue performing in Europe through August, before launching the second North American leg.

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Fly Stress-Free with These Airplane Travel Essentials for Kids & Babies

From a lightweight stroller to an airplane seat extender, these must-have items can make your next trip via airplane easy and comfortable for you and your kids..

shop_airplane travel with kids_hero

We independently selected these deals and products because we love them, and we think you might like them at these prices. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!. Prices are accurate as of publish time.

When you travel with kids , especially in the air, you can expect the unexpected. And between flight delays, turbulence, and cramped seating, sometimes staying prepared can be a challenge. And taking a long haul flight with a baby comes with its own complications. That's why I've put together a list of the best products for air travel with kids (both older kids and younger kids), that will keep everyone entertained, fed, and clean, no matter what the trip throws at you. 

What Are the Best Products to Ease Air Travel with Kids?

Whether you're packing for a long haul flight to a short plane ride, you want to look for lightweight and compact items that won't take up a lot of room in your luggage or weigh down a checked bag . You want to breeze through TSA precheck. And, older kids will typically need less accessories, while if you're flying with a baby, they'll need more. Travel cribs, a travel stroller, travel car seat, storage for the tray table, an airplane seat extender, and more, are all essentials that can keep kids, young kids, and babies, comfortable and stress-free.

So, keep on scrolling for the best products to make airplane trips easier (and more fun) with you and your kids. Get your boarding pass ready enjoy the flight.

Amazon Fire 7 Kids tablet

Keep kids occupied and entertained with the Amazon Fire 7 tablet . It's recommended for kids 3 to 7 and comes with 1-year of Amazon Kids+ content and a Kid-Proof Case with a built-in stand. The parental controls are easy to set and if you need to return it, the tablet comes with a 2-year warranty.

Maliton Inflatable Travel Foot Rest Pillow

Extend your airplane seat and create a little bed for your little one with this inflatable pillow . When it's deflated, it's easy to fit in your carry-on and it inflates within 30 seconds. However, it's not allowed on all flights, check with your airline restrictions before your trip.

Dr. Brown's Pacifier and Bottle Wipes, 40 Count

Pacifiers and bottles can get dirty so easily, especially when you're traveling. So travel with this conveniently sized, resealable wipe container from Dr. Brown's. They can also be used on teethers, toys, and more, and you can be safe in knowing they're made without alcohol, parabens, phthalates, sulfates, or fragrances.

Alpine Muffy Baby Ear Protection

Backed by over 16,000 5-star Amazon reviews, these ear muffs are designed to provide ear protection for babies up until 36 months old. They're not too tight for little ones' heads, and the soft padded ear cups easily fit over children's ears. One reviewer reported, "Thanks to this earmuff, my baby was able to sleep comfortably during the airplane takeoff and landing."

LiKee Strong Suction Cup Fidget Spinnerz

Just place these suction cup fidget spinners on your airplane window and they'll keep babies entertained for a long time. They're lightweight, and easy to pop and spin for little ones 12 months and up. If you're looking for toys for 6 months and up, you can get that here .

Summer Infant 3Dmini Convenience Stroller

Having a lightweight stroller available for tired kids is a must when you're traveling. This option weighs just 11 pounds and also reclines, includes a sun visor, and a weight limit of 45 pounds. It easily folds up and can take on any airport.

Doona Car Seat & Stroller, All-in-One Travel System

If you have a smaller child, the Doona car seat and stroller is a solid bet (and highly recommended by so many of my mom groups). It includes a car seat and stroller, and the car seat is approved for use on airplanes. Best of all, the stroller includes integrated wheels that convert it from a car seat to a stroller in a snap.

Trunki Ride-On Kids Suitcase

Make walking through an airport a little more fun, with this ride-on suitcase for kids. The luggage has wheels and a seat, so kids just need to sit and caregivers can pull them along with the included strap. It weighs just 3.5 pounds and is the perfect carry-on size.

reperkid Premium Car Seat Travel Bag for Airplane

This water-resistant car seat cover not only protects your child's car seat while you travel, it also includes padded backpack straps so carrying it around the airport is a little easier. When you get to your destination, it easily folds up in its own pouch.

EverSnug Travel Blanket and Pillow

Super soft and snuggly, this 65 x 40-inch blanket is sure to keep little ones warm up in the air. It's lightweight, easily attaches to your suitcase, and the included case can even be used as a pillow.

Lusso Gear Kids Tray Table Cover with Pockets

Instead of intensely cleaning your child's tray table, all you need to do is slide this cover over it. They can eat snacks over it and it includes a clear pocket for their tablet. When not in use, you can easily fold it up.

Momcozy Portable Bottle Brush Set

Make sure your baby's bottles are clean and ready to use when you're traveling, with this portable set . It easily folds up and includes a silicone bottle brush, bottle drying rack, straw cleaner brush, nipple brush, soap dispenser, and storage box.

CERES CHILL Breastmilk Chiller Reusable Storage Container

You don't need to stress out about keeping breastmilk cool when you're traveling if you have the Ceres Chill . It can keep milk cool for up to 20 hours and it's compatible with most pumps, so you can pump right into the container.

MineSign 2Pack Snackle Box

One way to keep kids entertained in the air is with snacks. Pack up these two snackle boxes with all of their favs and they'll stay satisfied for hours. The built-in handle makes it easy to carry and the compact size (11 x 8.3 inches) makes it easy to pack in your carry-on.

My 4-year-old is obsessed with this screen-free, storytelling toy. Get it while it's on sale.


  1. The 4 Canal Boat Essentials For Use On Worldwide Canals

    essentials for boat trip

  2. 15 Surprising Cruise Essentials You Need To Be A Maritime Pro

    essentials for boat trip

  3. This Genius Packing List Helps You Travel With Essentials Only

    essentials for boat trip

  4. 20 Best Boating Essentials: The Ultimate List (2021)

    essentials for boat trip

  5. Private Boat Essentials

    essentials for boat trip

  6. The Essentials to Bring On Every Boat Trip

    essentials for boat trip


  1. With Memorial Weekend approaching, here is a boat safety essentials checklist!

  2. (60 Items) Cruise Packing Tips Revealed

  3. this can happen on a boat #island #sailing #couple

  4. Ashley Kidd's boat day essentials

  5. FISHING ON WINDY SAYS It all about fishing boat positioning

  6. নৌকা ভ্রমণ


  1. Sailing Gear Essentials: the Ultimate Packing List (and PDF)

    Other gear: 1 anchor for inshore. at least 2 anchors for offshore (preferably 3 - 2 storm anchors) tool kit for minor repairs on rigging, sails, and engine. multimeter for checking the wiring. full tank of fuel. spare parts (plugs, fuses, etc.) heaving line 50'-70'.

  2. Cruise Essentials

    Downy Wrinkle Release (travel size) Travel coffee cup. Refillable water bottle. Earplugs or portable sound machine - If you're a light sleeper or in case of noisy neighbors. Travel alarm clock. Wine bottle - One 750 ml bottle per adult depending on cruise line you're with. Wine bottle protector.

  3. Boat Trip Checklist

    Final Thoughts on a Boating Trip Packing List. Now that you have a better idea of things needed for boating, you can go book your next boat trip with ease of mind. Although those in charge of your boat tour will bring all the essentials needed for a successful trip, you'll be a lot more comfortable along the way if you pack the items listed in this post.

  4. The Ultimate Boat Trip Checklist: Don't Leave Anything Behind

    A boat trip is an excellent way to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature, and the excitement of being on the water. But to ensure your trip goes smoothly, it's important to prepare and pack all the essentials. Making sure you have everything you need is key, so we have compiled the ultimate boat trip checklist to make sure nothing gets left ...

  5. How To Pack For A Boating Trip: All Of The Essentials

    Get Boat Ready. After a long, cold winter in the upcoming months, you could begin to Get Your Boat Ready: Spring Commissioning Checklist where you can find a checklist of essential commissioning items to help you get underway, with the complete explanation and tips for each below: Commissioning Hull, Topsides, and Decks; Commissioning ...

  6. Travel Tips! 12 Essential Items to Pack for your next Boat Trip

    5. Snacks in a cooler. We love this inexpensive small cooler for day trips on the boat. We fill ours with a few small ice packs and then pack snacks like: Tortilla roll-ups (with lunch meat, veggies, and cheese) Yogurt. Fresh fruit (cherries, blueberries, or strawberries are our favorite) Granola Bars. 6.

  7. Boat Day Trip: Important Must-Haves Before Going Out at Sea

    Safety Essentials For Boat Day Trip. Ensure you have all the must-have safety essentials for your boat day trip, like a life jacket and a first aid kit. Life jackets are crucial when it comes to boating safety. They are designed to keep you afloat in case of an emergency and can be the difference between life and death. Make sure to have enough ...

  8. 15 Things To Bring On Your Next Boat Trip

    Also, depending on where you will be boating, it's best to bring power plug adapters and check beforehand which ones you will need. Snacking and Drinking. Bringing food and water goes without saying. Don't forget to insulate it properly in portable coolers if the in- cabin refrigerator is not an option.

  9. 20 Amazon Essentials for the Perfect Boat Trip

    My Family Lives on a Lake, and These Are 20 Items We Always Have on Deck for Boat Adventures. Bose speakers, Sperry boat shoes, and a waterproof phone case are just some of our must-haves. I was ...

  10. Essential Boat Day Packing List: Enjoy Every Moment on the Water

    Snag some skis, noodles, a wakeboard, tube, floating mat, or anything of the sort for some extra entertainment out on the water. Warm, dry clothes. Trust us, you'll be glad you grabbed a change on the way home. Good music. Every good boat day is made better by a solid soundtrack. Put your favorite tunes on a playlist for the whole crew to enjoy.

  11. 17 Top Sailing Packing List Items for 2024

    5. Quick-dry Travel Towel. It should be no surprise that on a sailing trip, one can expect to get wet often. Whether that is due to jumping over the side for a swim in the Caribbean or getting hit by a rogue wave, you'll always be happy you brought the HERO Microfiber Quick Dry Towel for drying off.

  12. What to Pack for a Sailing Trip (Packing List & Must-Have Essentials)

    When it comes to packing for a seaside trip, you know the basics: dresses, swimsuits, flip flops and sunblock. However, there's a few items novice sailors might not think to bring along — that's where I come in. See below for a handful of essentials you should be packing to make any sailing trip a smooth one. Table of Contents.

  13. Boating Essentials: What To Have On Your Boat

    Check the weather forecast. Take some time to examine the boat and make sure all electrical and operational controls are functioning properly. Check that your bilge pumps are working correctly. Make sure your engine battery is charged and your oil and fuel levels are topped up. Check that all safety gear is aboard and easily accessible.

  14. Boat Items Checklist: What To Have Onboard

    United States Coast Guard required safety gear. Additional safety gear appropriate to the type of boating you do. Legal documentation for the boat and captain. A basic first aid kit. Extra food and water. An anchor and rode (line) Basic tools or at least a multi-tool. A full fuel tank.

  15. 21 Must-Have Boat Accessories: Unique Ideas For Every Boater

    The Attwood Emergency Telescoping Paddle is a must-have for anyone in need of reliable and durable boat accessory during emergencies on the water. Pros. Collapsible from 20″ to 42″ for versatility and easy storage. Designed to float and highly visible. Lightweight and durable with corrosion-resistant aluminum shaft.

  16. Top 10 Must-Have Boat Accessories for 2022

    3. Personal locator beacon. If you've read our Boat Safety Equipment Checklist, covering both required and recommended items to have onboard, then you probably have a good understanding that safety should always be top of mind whenever you're on the water.A personal locator beacon is a great safety gadget for any style boater, and can be especially helpful if you're bringing new people ...

  17. Essentials for an Overnight Boat Trip

    Here are a few essentials for an overnight boat trip that will put the fun, relaxation, and joy back into your overnights - and keep your crew from making you walk the plank! Of course, the packing list for your boat trip will depend on the type of trip you're taking; two of you on a day outing close to home will require less than a full ...

  18. 10 Things You Need on a Boat

    It's also good to have some fresh watermelon, yogurt, or oranges aboard, all of which both hydrate and provide a blast of energy. Other important provisions include suntan lotion and bug repellent, both of which can greatly increase your comfort level aboard a boat. 3. A Knife.

  19. 10 Essential Items To Prepare For Your Next Boating Trip

    Here are ten essential items to prepare for your next boating trip. License And Registration. One of the things you need to be aware of is the state laws regarding owning or operating a boat. So, for weeks or even months before your expedition, you should prepare proper documentation, licenses, and registration, especially if you're sailing ...

  20. Boat Trip Essentials, For Your Day On The Water!

    Because boating can turn into an all day affair, you will want to pack your boat accordingly, with boat trip essentials. After finding the best places to go in your area, it's time to pack up. Today, I want to share with you some essentials you'll need when you are going to be boating for a day trip! Boat Trip Essentials. Life Jackets.

  21. 10 Essential Boating Items (You Might Never Have Thought Of)

    Bungee cords. An assortment of bungee cords helps secure items such as coolers or beanbag seats. $8.86 for 20 cords, Scissors. Just about every boat has a knife, but scissors are quicker and safer for cutting line, opening packages, chunking bait, etc. $6.47/9″ stainless-steel scissor, Zip-ties.

  22. Essential Tips and Ideas for Boat Camping

    This list should include all essential items needed for the trip. Check the fuel levels and ensure the engine is in good condition before setting sail. Inspect other mechanical aspects of the boat ...

  23. What to Pack for a Canal Boat Holiday: Essential Items to Bring

    By choosing the right canal, planning your route carefully, and using a good map book or guide, you can ensure that your trip is enjoyable, relaxing, and stress-free. What to Pack. When preparing for a canal boat holiday, it is important to pack the right essentials to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable trip. Here are some key items to consider:

  24. What To Take On A Fishing Trip? My Top 25 Essential Items

    Water Shoes. Water shoes are an essential item to bring on a fishing trip, especially if you plan on wading in the water. They provide traction and prevent slipping on wet rocks or muddy riverbanks. Make sure to choose a pair that is comfortable and fits well, as you'll be wearing them for extended periods of time.

  25. Beach Packing List: 33 Essentials for Your 2024 Trip

    Don't forget anything for your beach trip with this handy list of 33 essentials. From beach chairs to sunscreen, we have you covered for a fun day in the sun.

  26. 10 New Under-$50 Travel Essentials at Amazon

    Amazon New Releases Under $50. Apple AirTag, $25 (originally $29) Larmliss Crewneck Short-Sleeve Tunic Beach Dress with Pockets, $23. Project Cloud Flat Sandals, $29 (originally $40) Glow Recipe ...

  27. 21 things you need to buy on Amazon before your Disney World vacation

    Disney Mickey Mouse Black Spiral Autograph Book for $7. MUDOR Pressed Penny Collecting Book With Archival Diary for $20, instead of $23. Disney Characters Vacay Mode T-Shirt for $20, instead of ...

  28. Family pulls dozens of balloons from sea during boat trip

    Mar 22, 2022. A Southern California family's boat trip turned into a disappointing cleanup exercise as they collected dozens of deflated balloons from the ocean.

  29. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Kiss on Romantic Lake Como Boat Ride

    Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce embarked on a romantic boat ride in Lake Como, Italy, on May 17. The pop superstar recently wrapped a string of Eras Tour shows in Paris, and the NFL player was in ...

  30. Fly Stress-Free w/ These Airplane Travel Essentials for Kids & Babies

    Trunki Ride-On Kids Suitcase. Make walking through an airport a little more fun, with this ride-on suitcase for kids. The luggage has wheels and a seat, so kids just need to sit and caregivers can ...