cruise control kit for bike

Ultimate Guide to Motorcycle Cruise Control Options: Factors to Consider and Adaptive Technology Spotlight

Let’s talk about motorcycle cruise control. It’s a game-changer for long rides, but choosing the right one can be a bit overwhelming. I’m here to help you navigate through the maze of options available.

In this article, we’ll delve into the different types of motorcycle cruise control systems. We’ll discuss their pros and cons, and what you should consider before making a purchase.

Get ready to make your long rides more enjoyable and less tiring. Stick around and I’ll guide you through your options to help you find the best motorcycle cruise control for your ride.

Types of Motorcycle Cruise Control Systems

When it comes to enhancing your long rides, there’s a variety of motorcycle cruise control systems you can consider. Let’s dig into the three major types: electronic, mechanical, and adaptive cruise control systems.

Electronic Cruise Control

These are high-tech offerings designed to maintain a motorcycle’s speed without throttle input. Engaged using a button, they’re often found in more advanced, feature-rich models. Unlike old-school systems, electronic controls give precise speed control. But this precision isn’t cheap – these systems are typically more expensive and complex to install.

  • Precise speed control
  • Ease of use
  • Usually integrates seamlessly with modern control systems
  • Generally more expensive
  • Complex to install

Mechanical Cruise Control

A simple, time-tested solution. This would be the throttle lock, a device that physically locks the throttle in place. While less precise than electronic counterparts, throttle locks are easy to install, affordable, and work on pretty much any bike with a throttle cable.

  • Easy to install
  • Universally compatible
  • Less precise speed control
  • Not as user-friendly

Adaptive Cruise Control

The newest player in the game, these systems adjust speed based on the proximity of vehicles in front of you. Currently, adaptive systems are generally limited to high-end touring models.

  • Enhances safety
  • Allows for dynamic speed adjustment
  • Limited to premium motorcycles
  • Expensive and complex to install

Remember, when choosing a motorcycle cruise control system, consider your needs, your motorcycle’s compatibility, and your budget.

Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Cruise Control

When speaking of superior precision and performance, Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Cruise Control is a standout in motorcycle cruise control systems. It uses advanced electronic mechanisms to monitor and regulate your motorcycle’s speed.

This type of cruise control is often found in high-end models. ETC integrates sensors and electronic controls, allowing for more efficient engine operation. Through ETC, you can set the exact speed you want and maintain it until you decide to change it or deactivate the system.

Isn’t this great? Just think about it: riding for miles, never having to constantly adjust your speed. The ETC cruise control does that for you! It’s worth noting: ETC is a bit pricier. Yet, you’re paying for the technology and sophisticated controls translating to precision and comfort while cruising.

However, complexity in installation is somewhat of a downside. When planning an ETC cruise control installation, it’s better to let professionals handle it — especially if you’re not tech-savvy.

The ETC cruise control offers:

  • Better fuel efficiency : With precise speed control, fuel consumption reduces as your engine runs more efficiently.
  • Minimal manual intervention : Once activated, it seldom calls for manual speed adjustments.
  • Increased comfort : Long drives become less strenuous as you don’t have to constantly monitor and adjust your speed.

In the realm of motorcycle cruise control systems, Electronic Throttle Control sets the bar high with precise speed control and improved functionality. Increased cost and complexity might make some folks think twice, but when considering the benefits, it presents a solid choice for the discerning rider.

Mechanical Throttle Lock Cruise Control

Moving on from the sophisticated  Electronic Throttle Control  (ETC) systems, let’s explore more cost-effective options that offer simplicity and ease of installation. Enter  Mechanical Throttle Lock  cruise control: A twist and go solution appealing to those looking for basic speed regulation.

Unlike ETC systems, which rely on advanced electronics, Mechanical Throttle Lock systems are manually operated by the rider. These systems  lock  the throttle grip in place and maintain a steady speed until the lock gets released.

Comfort, cost-effectiveness, and simplicity are the main aspects of these mechanical systems. When it comes to fuel efficiency and precision though, they fall short compared to electronic or adaptive systems. They, more often than not, require the rider’s intervention for speed adjustments, especially in varying terrains or traffic.

Installation and cost are where  Mechanical Throttle Lock  systems excel. They’re likely the least complex motorcycle cruise control system and can be installed in a few hours. While offering  less control precision  than ETC, their  low cost  makes them an attractive choice for many riders.

As you can guess, comfort comes at a cost. If you’re on a tight budget or prefer to keep things simple, the  Mechanical Throttle Lock  system will do the trick. However, for those willing to invest in more advanced functionality, remain patient as you won’t want to miss learning about Adaptive Cruise Control Systems upcoming next.

Electronic Cruise Control (OEM)

Moving past the basic functionality of Mechanical Throttle Locks, I’ll now move to a more sophisticated motorcycle cruise control variant – the Electronic Cruise Control (OEM). OEM, standing for Original Equipment Manufacturer, implies this system generally comes factory-installed on your bike.

The Electronic Cruise Control does not merely lock the throttle at a desired speed. Instead, it uses electronic sensors and a mini control unit to maintain a preset speed, making it more precise than its mechanical counterpart. This system makes riding long distances less tiresome, offering a stable speed that adapts to various road conditions.

However, not every feature is rosy about the Electronic Cruise Control system. It’s not available on all motorcycle models; only certain high-end or touring bikes come with this feature pre-installed. Upgrading to a bike with factory-installed Electronic Cruise Control means spending some significant dollars.

Despite the limited availability and high cost, I can’t ignore the valuable benefits the Electronic Cruise Control offers:

  • Consistent Speed : No sudden acceleration or deceleration, offering a smoother ride.
  • Automatic Speed Adjustment : Responds to changes in road conditions, maintaining a set speed without manual intervention.
  • Reduced Rider Fatigue : Long rides become less tiring as the system reduces the need for constant throttle adjustments.

Jumping from Mechanical Throttle Locks to an Electronic Cruise Control system certainly comes with a price. Still, considering the added convenience, it might just be a worthy investment for avid tourers. Yet, for riders looking for the most advanced technology available, Adaptive Cruise Control Systems take this technology a step further. I’ll tackle those next, so stay tuned.

Aftermarket Cruise Control Options

After we’ve discussed  Electronic Cruise Control (OEM)  systems, it’s only fair we examine aftermarket cruise control options. These systems are a beautifully viable choice for those whose rides do not come pre-installed with an OEM system, or for those looking to avoid the steep costs that come with buying a new bike.

One popular aftermarket solution is the  Vacuum Operated Cruise Control  system. It works by using an actuator driven by the engine’s vacuum. This system offers a middle ground in terms of sophistication and price between the Mechanical Throttle Lock and Electronic Cruise Control systems. Its main benefits include better speed consistency, easy disengagement, and less rider fatigue.

  • However, be informed that like any other system, it has its cons too. Installation can be slightly complicated. Moreover, sudden throttle responses might cause disengagement.

Another aftermarket option worth considering is the  Throttle-by-Wire Cruise Control . These systems have seen rising popularity in the market, thanks to their revolutionary design that eliminates the need for a physical throttle cable.

  • Using signals from the rider to control the throttle valve, these systems can give you enhanced precision and an overall improved riding experience. Watch out for a higher price tag though.

A variety of adaptable aftermarket systems are available in the market, catering to the needs and budgets of different motorcyclists. It’s all about finding the system that complements your ride.  Adaptive Cruise Control Systems , an even more advanced technology, is something I’ll be discussing next.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Motorcycle Cruise Control

In the quest for the perfect  motorcycle cruise control system , several factors come into play. It’s not merely about picking the most expensive or the most advanced – it revolves around choosing what works best for you and your ride.


Foremost, make sure the cruise control system you’ve got your eyes on is  compatible  with your motorcycle’s make and model. Every system won’t fit every bike – do your homework before diving in.

Consider your budget. Higher-end systems like the Throttle-by-Wire or the upcoming Adaptive Cruise Control systems may be more sophisticated, but they also come with a higher price tag. If you’re working with a modest budget, the Vacuum Operated Cruise Control could be your optimal choice.

Riding Style

Your riding style should also inform your decision. For folks often touring or covering long distances, an advanced system that reduces hand fatigue and enhances comfort will be worth the investment. Conversely, city riders might not find much value in a complex setup.

Installation Complexity

Just as it’s crucial to consider the product’s price, don’t overlook the installation process. How potent is the system if it’s too complicated for you to install? Don’t forget, some systems might require professional help, leading to potential extra costs.

In the upcoming discussion, we’re going to dig deeper into the newest technology in cruise control systems: the  Adaptive Cruise Control System . A marvel of modern engineering, it might just change the way we view motorcycle cruising forever.

Choosing the right motorcycle cruise control system isn’t a decision to take lightly. It’s crucial to weigh up factors like compatibility, cost, and your personal riding style. Don’t forget to consider the complexity of installation too. Aftermarket options provide a wide variety of choices, ensuring there’s a system out there that’s perfect for every rider. As technology continues to evolve, we’re seeing some incredible advances, such as the Adaptive Cruise Control System. This new tech promises to revolutionize the way we ride, offering unprecedented levels of control and convenience. So, whether you’re a seasoned rider or a relative newbie, there’s never been a better time to explore the benefits of motorcycle cruise control. It’s a game-changer that’s well worth considering.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the different types of motorcycle cruise control systems.

There are two main types of motorcycle cruise control systems: electronic or throttle-based systems, and mechanical or friction-based systems. Electronic systems use the motorcycle’s electronic throttle control to maintain a set speed, while mechanical systems use a friction mechanism to hold the throttle in place.

2. Can I install a cruise control system on my motorcycle after purchasing it?

Yes, you can install an aftermarket cruise control system on your motorcycle. However, it is important to consider factors such as compatibility with your motorcycle’s make and model, cost, riding style, and installation complexity before making a decision.

3. What is the Adaptive Cruise Control System for motorcycles?

The Adaptive Cruise Control System is the newest technology in cruise control systems for motorcycles. It utilizes advanced sensors and radar technology to automatically adjust the motorcycle’s speed and maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead.

4. What factors should I consider when choosing a motorcycle cruise control system?

When choosing a motorcycle cruise control system, it is important to consider factors such as compatibility, cost, riding style, and installation complexity. Ensure that the system is compatible with your motorcycle, fits your budget, suits your riding style, and can be installed easily.

5. Are there any safety considerations with using a motorcycle cruise control system?

Yes, there are safety considerations when using a motorcycle cruise control system. It is important to always remain focused on the road and be prepared to disengage the cruise control if necessary. Additionally, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the system’s operation and adjust your riding style accordingly.

6. Can a motorcycle cruise control system improve fuel efficiency?

Yes, a motorcycle cruise control system can help improve fuel efficiency by maintaining a consistent speed and reducing throttle fluctuations. This can result in smoother acceleration and deceleration, leading to better fuel economy. However, the actual impact on fuel efficiency may vary depending on factors such as riding conditions and individual riding habits.

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Motorcycle Cruise Control Review

cruise control kit for bike

Motorcycle Cruise Control makes a terrific motorcycle-specific aftermarket option for a lot of different makes and models of motorcycles.

Their customer service and manufacturing quality exceed my expectations substantially.

I keep thinking “What can I add to the motorcycle that will make the riding experience better?”

It seems like I’ve been doing a lot of that lately.

There are two major things that make a long ride less enjoyable:

1.) An uncomfortable saddle and 2.) A wrist cramp.

This article focuses on the latter. I’ve played around over the years with a few different throttle locks and grip modifications to help hold the speed on my bike.

These work, after a fashion, but they’re not as effective as a real cruise control.

There are lots of manufacturers of touring-class motorcycles that offer cruise control. Sadly, my model Honda isn’t one of them.

In the interest of science, and perhaps due to my own desire to travel as comfortably as possible, I made the decision to research options for adding an electronic cruise control.

I found a few articles on adapting an automotive-specific Audiovox CCS-100 to my motorcycle — I even spent the meager amount on the parts and gave it a whirl.

Sadly, it produced mixed results. I read plenty of places where folks were able to get the cruise control working on their motorcycle; but I just decided that kludging something together wasn’t an option I really wanted to go with.

I’d rather not be in the middle of nowhere when the cruise control decides to give up the ghost, leaving me with few options.

After a little more research, I located Motorcycle Cruise Control in Australia. Yep — the land Down Under.

I know it was a stretch, but their website included detailed articles on their cruise controls and more importantly, their units were made exclusively for motorcycles.

As I was getting ready to leave for a 2,700 mile journey in a week, I decided to give their unit a try.

I want to start this section with a disclaimer: the folks at Motorcycle Cruise Control are fantastic. They provided nothing but prompt, friendly customer service. I can’t say enough about them.

But any time someone starts a paragraph like that, you probably know what’s coming next. Indeed.

Disassembling the bike for the cruise control installation.

Where to Buy Motorcycle Cruise Control Accessory

See More:  Motorcycle Accessories ,  Motorcycle Tire , Motorcycle Helmets

Choosing a Motorcycle Cruise Control

I chose the unit I wanted for my bike and went through the steps to make the online purchase. Now it says the retail for my unit is $628.00, but that’s Aussie dollars.

Since the exchange rate shifts each day, there’s no way to price this consistently in Greenbacks. In this case, the US cost translated to around $543.00.

I entered my VISA Check Card information into the system and promptly got declined. I thought I must’ve entered the digits wrong on the card, because there was nearly $7,500.00 available in that account.

So I entered the information again and — yep, got declined once more.

Frustrated, I decided to call Australia. I’m sure this wasn’t an inexpensive call — I haven’t gotten the bill yet, but I bet it’ll be a surprise when it comes.

At 9:00pm U.S. Mountain Time, it’s something like 2:00 pm the next day in Australia, and Tony Guymer from Motorcycle Cruise Control was happy to take my call.

I explained what was going on, and he said “‘right mate. Sometimes folks from the states have this happen as part of fraud protection on their card. There’s nothing we can do from our end. You’ll need to contact your card issuer.”

So I did — U.S. Bank. When I say they were less than helpful, it’s an understatement.

Apparently, to protect cardholders (you can read that as U.S. Bank protecting themselves and passing it off as protecting the cardholder) they subscribe to a service called “Falcon” that determines whether or not your purchase is legitimate.

U.S. Bank has no control over the decisions that “Falcon” makes and their decision is, apparently, final.

Oh, and by the way — there’s no way for the consumer to contact them to tell them this is a legitimate purchase.

So, let’s see: If I want to use my VISA card to purchase something, a third party screener will determine whether or not I can spend my money? Sounds a little “Big Brother” to me my friends.

So I had to pull out my Bank of America VISA card and give that a try. This time, instead of doing it over the Internet, I called Tony back personally and read the card numbers to him.

Guess what?

The authorization went through immediately. Apparent Bank of America doesn’t use this helpful service, so there’s a consumer safety tip for you.

Anyway, Motorcycle Cruise Control told me they’d get everything packaged up and shipped out via priority worldwide shipping so I can have the unit in time for an install, a checkout and the big ride.

Thank you, Motorcycle Cruise Control! True to their word, the package from Australia arrived on my doorstep in Colorado three days later; inside is the kit, cables, instructions and a roll crimper I purchased from them.

View of the cockpit on the Honda during cruise control installation.

Motorcycle Cruise Control Installation

Let me say this clearly: this is not a project for the faint of heart!

Installing an electronic cruise control requires reading and then re-reading the instructions before you turn a screwdriver.

Although some models of the Motorcycle Cruise Control units come with customized wiring looms, mine wasn’t one of those models, unfortunately.

This meant that I was not only going to install a cruise control, but that I would be customizing it to fit my motorcycle.

To be able to access the areas that I needed on the bike, such as the vacuum takeoff on the carburetors, I had to virtually disassemble the entire bike.

Thankfully, taking this step made everything else go much easier, although it added significantly to the time on the overall project.

The instructions are excellent — well thought out, well laid out and with photos that help you visualize what is required at each step along the way.

I fortunately discovered a convenient place in the trunk of a saddlebag to mount the “brain” of the cruise control, and I followed Motorcycle Cruise Control’s directions on how to lay everything else out to fit.

They even tell you which end of the cables to trim and how to crimp the connections and get everything reconnected. It’s crucial that you take your time and follow the instructions step-by-step.

If you do, the final product will be installed in a manner that looks as if it could have been installed by the manufacturer.

Cruise control buttons on left handgrip.

Cruise Control Calibration

I re-assembled the bike and began reading the sections on calibrating the cruise control for my ride.

Again, it is important to read the instructions carefully and perhaps even take them with you on the test and tune portion of the ride.

For the record: this is a time consuming process as well. You must perform the calibrations step-by-step as described, and minor adjustments to certain settings may require you to start over at the beginning.

After running through the speed sensor, throttle pull and various other tests it was time to make a ride and see how it performs. For whatever it’s worth, I had nearly seven hours of labor installing the unit at this point.

Most of that is the disassembly and reassembly time for the fairings and such on my bike, but the cruise and wiring loom does take a fair amount of time for proper fitment.

I went on a quick jaunt around the area on varied road conditions.

There were some slight hills but no monsters. The cruise control performed extremely well on the initial ride — it held the speed within 3-4 MPH even on the hills, which is better than some cars I’ve seen.

I was all ready to take the big ride a see how this thing performs on the long haul.

Remember how I’ve emphasized, if not over-emphasized, reading the directions very carefully? That’s because I didn’t.

During the initial speed sensor calibration, I set it while going up a slight hill at 45 MPH.

Turns out, this gives you a “softer” throttle pull when you engage the cruise. I found that at 75MPH and going up a hill the cruise control would lag significantly.

This is important, because there’s a built-in safety feature that forces the cruise to automatically shut off if the speed drops below 80% of the set speed.

What this means is that if you are going up a steep hill on cruise at 75 MPH and the cruise engages late and soft, it’s possible for your speed to drop below 60 MPH at which time the cruise automatically turns off. See the issue?

After re-reading the instructions, I re-calibrated the system in Idaho Falls, Idaho and tried again. This time,  voila ! Everything works like a charm. I can hold a consistent and steady speed no matter what the terrain.

The cruise works very much like an automotive cruise with on/off, set/accelerate and resume/decelerate functions on three buttons that are also illuminated.

There’s also an LED on the far right that provides visual feedback on cruise control operation and status.

I rode this unit from Idaho Falls through Yellowstone National Park to Billings, Montana to Rapid City, South Dakota and not only did it keep a consistent speed, I found that my gas consumption improved as well.

Prior to using the Motorcycle Cruise Control manufactured cruise, I would average 42.5 MPG on the highway. When using the cruise, I averaged 46 MPG.

That may not seem like much, but when you consider a savings of 3.5 MPG and gas costs at or above $3.00 per gallon, you can quickly add up the savings on a long ride.

Throttle control unit.

So here’s my conclusion: Motorcycle Cruise Control makes a terrific motorcycle-specific aftermarket option for a lot of different makes and models of motorcycles.

The unit mated perfectly with my ride and the performance is fantastic — as long as you take time to follow the directions step-by-step.

The unit may need to be recalibrated a couple of times for best performance, but in the end it will be a much better working product that adds, rather than detracts, to the enjoyment of riding.

The bottom line is that you can have less rider fatigue and it just might even save you some money in the long run.

Owner Comments and Feedback

From “K.K.”:   “Glad to see you reviewed the MCCruise control. I bought one last year and installed it on my FJR1300 with the help of a friend more knowledgeable about motorcycle electrical systems.

Yes it took awhile, but it was well worth it.

The documentation could have been better organized, but was very thorough. technical support from the company was excellent.

By the way, if your reviewer had done a bit more research (such as Googling MCCruise) he would have found that there is an internet vendor in the U.S. selling these products. I bought from them.

They also provided good support and I got the product quickly.”

Shawn’s Reply:   The U.S. distributor merely orders the stuff from the Aussies once the order is placed. They don’t keep a Honda Pacific Coast cruise in stock!

Anyway, since I wanted in an expedited fashion, I ordered it direct from the manufacturer rather than using a distributor.

So, it wasn’t that I wasn’t aware of US distributors; it was that I wanted it faster and adding in a “middle man” for the order would have slowed things down for me.

From “G.K.”:   “Thanks so much for your motorcycle cruise control review. Unfortunately I just got finished rebuilding the engine on my Harley, but as soon as I can justify the $500 I will be purchasing/installing one of these.

I noticed you didn’t mention safety at all. Do you feel using cruise control on your bike makes it any more or less safe?

Shawn’s Reply:   If anything, it’s made my ride more safe. I say this because I find I’m not as fatigued thanks to the throttle control on the long rides.

The safeties on the system disengage the cruise anytime you activate either brake or if you pull in the clutch. It’s very quick to disengage and I’ve never felt like I wasn’t 100% in control of the bike at all times.”

From “D.C.”:   “I have the unit on a 2006 Suzuki Burgman Executive 650. This is one of the models with an available wiring harness. It was already installed when I bought the scooter so I can’t attest to the ease / difficulty of installation.

I will say that the installation instructions are good enough that even a klutz like me could complete the process successfully.

I can categorically state that the system works flawlessly and it has really enhanced the riding experience on long rides; especially in freeway riding.

It may be an expensive proposition but it’s a high quality product that’s well engineered and does what you expect of it. If you change bikes every season, it may not be cost effective but if you keep your ride for several years the benefits far outweigh the cost.”

Other WebBikeWorld Accessory Posts

I inherited one of these units when I bought my used 2017 Suzuki 650 V-Strom. It works perfectly. One trip across eastern Colorado and most of western Kansas will have you doing high fives with friends on Gold Wings. Five stars.

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Cruise Control Alternative for all Motorcycles

What is this thing.

The ATLAS Throttle Lock is the most intuitive cruise control alternative ever built. When engaged, the ATLAS holds your throttle in place with friction so that you can relax your grip, shake out your hand, adjust your jacket, etc.

Calling it a throttle lock is a little misleading because it doesn’t actually “lock” the throttle of your motorcycle. You can override the ATLAS at all times. When you want to increase or decrease your speed, simply rotate the throttle like normal and the ATLAS will hold that new position.

How does it work? The ATLAS mounts to most motorcycles in 10 minutes. It clamps to the plastic throttle tube, between the grip flange and the throttle housing. The ATLAS Throttle Lock has two buttons. One to engage the unit and another to disengage the unit. When the ATLAS is engaged, a friction pad on a stainless steel tab presses against the throttle housing wall and, using pressure and friction, stops the return spring from snapping back. When disengaged, your throttle will function exactly like it did from the factory.

Who cares? We do. That's why we offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee as well as a 2 Year Manufacturer Warranty. We want you to be stoked on the new function your bike will have once you bolt on the ATLAS Throttle Lock.

Ride With The Best

The ATLAS isn’t simply a novel design, like some other throttle locks. The ATLAS is the most universal and intuitive throttle lock ever made, built for motorcycle world travel. It will be the last throttle lock you’ll ever need to buy.

The ATLAS was built for YOU

not just your motorcycle.

cruise control kit for bike

Rotates with the throttle for an ergonomic position at all times

cruise control kit for bike

the low profile design stays out of the way and doesn't take up any grip space

cruise control kit for bike

Maintain a constant speed while engaging & disengaging

cruise control kit for bike

Universal Fit so you don’t have to sell it with your motorcycle

cruise control kit for bike

Quick and easy installation doesn't require removing anything

Better materials make better products.

The ATLAS Throttle Lock is made of hardened stainless steel and will last the life of your motorcycle. These high quality materials allow us to laser cut extremely thin parts while maintaining strength and resilience.

Top Kit vs. Bottom Kit

The ATLAS Throttle Lock comes in 2 different configurations. A Top Kit and a Bottom Kit. Most riders will be using the Bottom Kit, but some will need the Top Kit.

The Top Kit was designed for motorcycles with certain interferences.

- Throttles with heated grip wires on the lower half of the grip

- Right-hand turn signals on the throttle housing

- If there is less than 1.5 inches (38 mm) of clearance between the tank and the throttle housing at full right turn.

The Bottom Kit will work best with the majority of motorcycle on the road.

- Works with throttles that have a heated grip wire that runs out the top half of the throttle grip flange.

Simple Installation

Leave the grips, bar ends, handguards and Dremel alone! The ATLAS Throttle Lock bolts on to your throttle tube with minimal effort. Our intelligent ratcheting mechanism will clamp the ATLAS to any throttle tube diameter, from 7/8” to 1-1/4”.

cruise control kit for bike

Easy Shipping

We say yes to Free US Shipping and offer affordable International Shipping! Wherever you are in the world, we have you covered with affordable, trackable shipping. We guarantee all shipments or your money back.

Find Your Bike

The ATLAS works with nearly every motorcycle out there. 

My Passion for Riding Collides with my Love for Photography (pun intended)

My Passion for Riding Collides with my Love for Photography (pun intended)

When is a convenience also a distraction.

Based on the inadequacies of current automotive ACC technologies—like over enthusiastic compression braking caused by entering a rolling-coal exhaust plume—there’s reason to be skeptical of this virgin motorcycle technology.

ATLAS Throttle Lock—When a Broken Wrist is the Mother of Invention

ATLAS Throttle Lock—When a Broken Wrist is the Mother of Invention

In keeping with their entrepreneurial spirit, creators of the ATLAS Throttle Lock, David and Heidi Winters are sharing their story about traveling around the world—two-up on a motorcycle, as well as the highs and lows of building a motorcycle accessory business from the ground up. The ATLAS Blog is now live!  

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Universal Bike Cruise Control

Universal Bike cruise control

With the proliferation of models of motorcycles, it is both economically and physically impossible to develop model-specific kits for all motorcycles on the market.

In order to address this problem and to help ourselves during development, our computer is designed to be able to quickly calibrate the module for different bikes.

The core problem in fitting a 'universal cruise control' then becomes determining which off-the-shelf components we already manufacture for other bikes, most closely match YOUR bike. To assist you in precisely tailoring the kit we sell to your requirements, we have developed a PDF on 'How To Order your Universal Cruise Control Kit.' If you Click Here the PDF will open in another window on your computer so that you can work through it and toggle back to the Universal Products page to order the parts you need.

Purchasing Universal Kits and installing them successfully requires quite a lot of homework BEFORE purchase and typically quite a bit of interaction with the staff at MotorCycle Cruise Controls AND the installer needs to be very capable mechanically. The installation is quite labour intensive and also takes time sitting and thinking about the best way to do things. We do NOT recommend paying someone to install these kits - it simply gets too expensive!

These kits are designed for the capable home mechanic with time to spare to do the job right. The pressure on any professional trying to install one of these universal kits such that the labour cost doesn't blow out beyond a day, inevitably results in a poorer installation. Please consider carefully before purchasing and email us with a phone number so we can call to discuss your application before purchasing any parts, as we often know which parts are likely to be best for your bike.

Click on PRODUCTS / BikeCruise / MCC Universal Cruise Control Parts on the MAIN MENU to purchase the Universal Cruise Control parts.

Find Our Store

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13/137-145 Rooks Road Nunawading 3131 AUSTRALIA Email:  [email protected] Phone:  +61 3 9808 2804

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The Best Motorcycles With Cruise Control: Ultimate Guide For Long-Distance Riders

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  • The Best Motorcycles With Cruise…

a sports motorcycle rider cruising on a long distance trip

What motorcycles have cruise control ? That’s a question many riders ask, especially those who love long road trips.

Cruise control isn’t just about comfort. It can also help reduce fatigue and improve fuel efficiency.

But not all bikes come with this feature. A few bikes provide this feature as an option, but some don’t offer it at all.

If you’re curious to know what motorcycles have cruise control and how it impacts your ride, then stick around!

Understanding Cruise Control on Motorcycles

Cruise control, once a luxury feature in the world of motorcycles, has become increasingly common. It’s not just about riding with ease; it changes the entire experience.

Here are some key insights into cruise control and how it works.

The Nitty-Gritty of Electronic Cruise Control

Have you ever pondered the process that occurs when your bike is set to cruise at a constant speed? The electronic brain – an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) – communicates with the engine management system. Together, they adjust fuel delivery to maintain that steady pace. Pretty cool, right?

Premium touring bikes from renowned brands like BMW, Harley-Davidson, and the Honda Goldwing series now come equipped with this technology right out of the factory.

A Peek Into Throttle Locks

If electronic cruise control is too high-tech for your taste or budget, there’s another option: throttle lock or manual cruise control. This little gadget physically holds your throttle open at any position you desire. Say goodbye to sore wrists during those long straight rides.

You can add these aftermarket modifications to many motorcycles, regardless of make or model, because let’s face it – we all need comfort while cruising down highways.

While both types offer increased comfort during long rides, especially if highway riding makes up most of your journey, using them responsibly is paramount due to potential safety concerns.

Grasping the mechanics of an object and employing it securely go together.

Types of Cruise Control Systems in Motorcycles

Cruise control systems have revolutionized the riding experience for motorcycle enthusiasts. What was once considered a luxury has now become a necessity, with these systems becoming increasingly prevalent.

You may think that all cruise controls are identical, however this is not the case. Different cruise control systems exist, each with its own set of characteristics.

Standard Cruise Control

The first type is the standard electronic cruise control system, which can be found on many motorcycles across various brands. This system allows riders to maintain their desired speed without constantly gripping the throttle, providing an extra set of hands when needed.

Active Cruise Control

One step up is the active cruise control, a clever technology that utilizes radar sensors to automatically adjust the bike’s speed based on the road conditions ahead. This feature truly makes life easier for riders.

Adaptive Cruise Control

A recent innovation in the cruise control landscape is the development of adaptive cruise control (ACC), which takes the technology a step further by incorporating radar-based assistance systems. ACC systems allow the motorcycle to not only maintain a set speed but also adjust that speed according to surrounding traffic conditions.

Motorcycles equipped with adaptive cruise control use radar sensors to detect vehicles ahead and calculate their distance and speed. The ACC system then adjusts the motorcycle’s throttle and engine output as necessary to maintain a safe following distance from the leading vehicle. This feature provides an added layer of convenience and safety for riders, especially during long journeys or in congested traffic.

In recent years, multiple motorcycle manufacturers have begun integrating adaptive cruise control systems into their models, making this advanced technology more accessible to riders across the globe. As the technology continues to evolve and improve, it is likely that we will see further innovations and advancements in motorcycle cruise control systems that will enhance both the convenience and safety of motorcycling.

Notable Motorcycles with Cruise Control Features

Ducati: a pioneer in motorcycle cruise control.

How does Ducati pull off integrating cruise control into their models like the Multistrada and XDiavel ? Simple – by being innovative. They’ve designed advanced systems that make long rides more comfortable than ever before.

Their approach is all about balance. Performance meets convenience especially in the Ducati Multistrada V4 S , making it a standout choice for riders who want both speed and comfort.

Cruise Control: The BMW Way

If there’s one thing we know about German engineering precision (hello, BMW.), they never disappoint. Their motorcycles are fitted with top-notch electronic aids including an optional or standard cruise control system in models such as the BMW F 900 R and F 900 XR .

BMW has been at the forefront of motorcycle innovation, and their bikes are no exception when it comes to cruise control features. From adventure motorcycles to sport touring options such as the BMW R 1250 GS , riders can enjoy the comfort of cruise control on various models.

Honda’s Innovative Approach to Cruise Control

Moving onto Honda – another big player in the game. Models like the Honda Gold Wing and Rebel 1100 come loaded with high-tech systems offering multiple levels of adjustability – adaptive speed controls included.

The Honda Africa Twin also shares these features which make sure your long-distance trips are comfy from start to finish. This level of innovation clearly showcases Honda’s dedication towards enhancing riding experiences through smart solutions.

Kawasaki is another manufacturer that has incorporated cruise control into its lineup. The Kawasaki ZX-10R and ZX-10RR from 2021 onwards come equipped with this feature, making them great choices for sportbike enthusiasts.

Yamaha is continuously improving its motorcycles with new technology, and has recently introduced the Yamaha MT-09 Tracer 9 GT+ with adaptive cruise control. This addition makes it an attractive option for sport-touring enthusiasts.


Harley-Davidson is expected to release models with adaptive cruise control in the near future, enhancing the ride experience for its loyal customer base. Their cruisers such as the Harley Davidson Sportster are already known for their comfort and style, and adding cruise control will enhance these features even further.

Indian Motorcycles, another prominent cruiser manufacturer, is also working on introducing adaptive cruise control in their upcoming models. Riders can look forward to enjoying an even more comfortable journey on Indian bikes soon.

CFMoto, a Chinese motorcycle manufacturer, offers cruise control on its 650GT sports tourer model. This feature enhances the already impressive list of advanced technologies found on this affordable yet high-quality motorcycle.

Another premium brand that offers cruise control on its bikes is Moto Guzzi. The Moto Guzzi California 1400 Touring is a prime example, featuring a relaxed cruiser riding position and additional cruise control for long-distance comfort.

The Unexpected Bikes With Cruise Control

Motorcycles with cruise control aren’t limited to high-end models alone. Some middleweight sportbikes, cruisers, and adventure tourers also come equipped with this feature. And it’s not always an optional extra – some bikes have a standard throttle lock or electronic version.

“Who would’ve thought that affordable brands like CFMOTO could offer motorcycles equipped with cruise control?” – A surprised motorcycle enthusiast

Cheap but Reliable Options for Cruise Controls

If you’re looking for affordable yet reliable bikes, CFMOTO is worth considering. In spite of being less costly than the majority of other brands, they don’t skimp on quality or features.

Their 700CL-X and 800MT models are among the cheapest new motorcycles that come with this nifty feature. It’s amazing how much value these machines offer.

Motorcycle Cruise Control: The How-To of Aftermarket Add-Ons

Cruise control isn’t just for cars anymore. Your motorcycle can get in on the action too. So, if your bike’s model year missed out on this feature, don’t worry. You can still enjoy the open road with a little less hand fatigue.

“Adding cruise controls to many bikes is totally doable through aftermarket modifications.”

Finding Your Perfect Fit: Choosing an Aftermarket Kit

The first thing you’ll need to do is pick out an aftermarket kit that suits your specific motorcycle brand and model like a glove. These kits usually come packed with everything you need – throttle servo, control module, wiring harnesses…you name it.

You’ve got some homework though – check out each product’s specs before making any decisions. Things like installation ease and compatibility with your ride are key.

Diving into Installation

So what does adding cruise controls look like? Well, typically it involves connecting the control module to your bike’s existing throttle system using cables or wires from the kit. It might sound tricky, but don’t panic. If you’re having trouble, there are experienced technicians who can assist.

A heads up though – handlebar adjustments may be needed sometimes for new buttons or switches related to operating cruise control. Here’s a helpful resource from RevZilla on how to safely make these tweaks yourself.

Safety Features Complementing Motorcycle Cruise Controls

Motorcycle cruise controls are pretty cool, aren’t they? They’re like a breath of invigorating air in the motorcycling world. But here’s the thing – they aren’t self-driving and have their limitations. So, what’s the deal?

We’ve got other safety features that are often found alongside motorcycle cruisers, taking things up a notch.

Traction Control: The Unsung Hero

Traction control plays a crucial role in enhancing motorcycle safety, particularly in conjunction with cruise control systems. This feature uses sensors to detect any differences in wheel speeds, such as those caused by slippery surfaces or abrupt accelerations. Upon identifying the loss of traction, the system steps in to reduce power or apply the brakes as necessary, ensuring prevention of wheel-spin. In turn, this provides riders with increased stability and control over their bikes, especially during critical situations where maintaining a grip on the road is paramount.

The Cornerstone: Cornering ABS

Now, let’s talk about another player in our safety feature team – cornering ABS. This is one tech-savvy component. It works as part of the bike’s overall safety and controls system, using sensors to maintain a set distance from vehicles ahead while adjusting brake pressure during corners.

This feature shines bright when sudden braking could lead to skidding or loss of vehicle control – yikes.

Coupled with cruise control functions, these integrated systems significantly improve road safety for bikers worldwide – score.

So, remember folks – it’s not just about having cool gadgets on your bike, but also understanding how they work together for optimal performance and rider security.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does cruise control work on a motorcycle.

Cruise control is a feature that allows a motorcycle rider to maintain a constant speed without manually controlling the throttle. It can be a factory-installed system or an aftermarket add-on.

What types of motorcycles are more likely to have cruise control?

Cruise control is more commonly found on high-end, modern motorcycles, especially those with ride-by-wire systems. Touring and adventure motorcycles are more likely to have cruise control because it provides a comfortable and convenient experience for long distances. However, it is also becoming more common in middleweight bikes like the Aprilia RS 660 and the Yamaha MT-09 SP .

Are there any reliable used motorcycles with cruise control?

Yes, there are reliable used motorcycles with cruise control features. Some popular options include the BMW R1200GS , and the Yamaha FJR1300 . It’s essential to inspect any used motorcycle carefully for wear and tear, and to ensure the cruise control system is functioning correctly.

Can I use cruise control on a motorcycle with a manual transmission?

Yes, cruise control systems can be used on motorcycles with manual transmissions. However, you will need to disengage the cruise control before shifting gears or coming to a stop.

What are the different types of aftermarket cruise control systems for motorcycles?

There are two main types of aftermarket cruise control systems: mechanical and electronic. Mechanical systems, such as throttle locks, are simpler and less expensive but offer less precise speed control. Electronic systems, like the MCCruise or Rostra, provide more accurate speed control but are more complex and costly.

Motorcycle cruise control is not just a luxury; it is a game-changer for long rides. You have learned about the mechanics of how this feature works on bikes and its influence on your ride. We have delved into different types of systems, from adaptive to active, showcasing the future of motorcycle technology.

We learned that many touring bikes come pre-installed with factory cruise control out of the gate, especially newer bikes. Certain cruiser motorcycles as well as sport bikes also carry regular cruise control as a part of their features, it really depends on the specific brand as well as bike model.

Additionally, we have discussed budget-friendly motorcycles that lack this feature, which may come as a surprise. But don’t worry, aftermarket modifications are available to give any bike an upgrade. These add-ons can enhance overall performance and safety features.

Now that you are equipped with knowledge about motorcycles with cruise control, you can make informed decisions when buying new or modifying existing bikes.

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cruise control kit for bike


Harley-Davidson Cruise Control Kit – Give Your Throttle Arm A Break

Hot Bike Staff July 1, 2011

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1. The Cruise Control Kit components are pictured here. It includes the control module and cable for connecting to the throttle body induction module, replacement left and right handlebar switches, and all the mounting hardware.

cruise control kit for bike

2. Derek first rolled the Road King onto a lift. Next, he removed the seat, battery, left saddlebag, and left side cover. The battery was completely removed because the control module mounts to three holes on the left side of the battery box just above the fuse box.

cruise control kit for bike

3. Next, Derek prepared to install the module by connecting the pre-wired, 10-place plug. Note the rubber grommets for vibration isolation.

cruise control kit for bike

4. This is the control module installed and all the parts back in place. It looks like it belongs there.

cruise control kit for bike

5. Derek then routed the control cable to the induction module. It’s not mentioned in the instructions, but Derek says this task is easier with the gas tank lifted, so he removed the rear hold down screw.

cruise control kit for bike

6. The control cable (red arrow) runs along the frame under the gas tank, then down between the cylinders to the throttle. Note that Derek placed a plastic hammer under the tank to hold it out of the way.

cruise control kit for bike

7. The air cleaner assembly was also removed.

cruise control kit for bike

8. This is the cable bracket (red arrow) on the induction module.

cruise control kit for bike

9. It’s close quarters between the cylinders to mount the cable in its bracket and install the retaining Jesus clip. Derek was patient and used an extra long set of needle nose pliers.

cruise control kit for bike

10. Derek got the retainer clip (red arrow) on with no hassle. We hope you never have to mess with it again.

cruise control kit for bike

11. Next, Derek removed the stock right brake lever/master cylinder assembly and the handlebar controls.

cruise control kit for bike

12. The electrical connectors for the handlebar controls are located in the headlight nacelle. Derek had previously removed the nacelle to install other parts. You’ll have to at least remove the headlight and open the nacelle to access the plugs. The black connectors are for the right side and the grey connectors are for the left.

cruise control kit for bike

13. Derek finished installing the new right side handlebar control. Note the new Set/Res switch. The +/- symbols refer to the accelerate/decelerate functions of the same switch. To finish up, Derek installed the new left side handlebar controls and re-installed the seat, battery, saddlebag, and cover. He also adjusted the cruise cable using the Cable Lash Initialization procedure in the shop Service Manual.

cruise control kit for bike

14. Here’s the left side handlebar control with the new Cruise On/Off switch. Awesome! Now we’re ready to put on some miles without ravaging our wrist.

For iron-butt rides, we like a gel cushion to relieve the pain in our butt and cruise control to ease the cramp in our throttle arm. Getting soft in our advanced age? Probably. Nevertheless, we believe the only ache you should feel while riding is the heartache when you have to stop.

Harley-Davidson makes it easy to add cruise control to its 2002 and later Road Kings, since each one is pre-wired and pre-configured for it. Their Cruise Control Kit for FLHR/S Models (Part Number 77198-07) costs $339.95 and comes complete with new hand controls, module, and all hardware. The operating instructions are already included in the Touring Models Owner’s Manual.

To install this kit on a 2007 Road King Custom, we headed over to Mancuso’s Harley-Davidson Crossroads in Houston, TX, where our friend and mechanic Derek Rogers handled the complete project. Installation is straightforward but tedious due to the need to remove several parts and to fit a very tight retainer clip, which the shop mechanics affectionately call “the Jesus clip,” claiming it’s the hardest clip on the bike.

This article covers the complete install but focuses on the cruise control components. For example, replacing handlebar controls is standard and entirely explained in the instructions.

After Derek finished, we headed to the nearest highway for a test run. Operation is simple-it’s just like the controls in your four-wheel cage. The On/Off switch is mounted on the left handlebar. The Set/Resume/Accelerate/Decelerate switch is on the right. Turn on the system, cruise up to the desired speed, and press Set. Enjoy the ride. The system will automatically disengage if either brake is applied, if the throttle is rolled hard, or if the clutch is disengaged. However, when needed, the rider can gently increase speed up to 10 mph over the Set point without disengaging the control, then coast back to the Set point. Now we can wave or signal with either hand.

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Veridian Cruise

HONDA XL750 '23+ TransAlp

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This kit adds electronic cruise control to the Honda XL750 TransAlp adventure bike. Works like it does in your car. A few plugs and 1 wire tap gets you going.

Now includes a Honda Service Connector!


  • 2023-Onward XL750 TransaAlp

Choice of switch

Soft touch switch.

A 2 button soft touch switch for controlling the cruise functions is included. Fully watertight and durable. Mounts directly to standard 22mm handlebars. This option only provides SET and CANCEL functions, No RESUME.

Micro Toggle

We provide a waterproof micro toggle for mounting anywhere. The toggle option only provides SET and CANCEL functions, No RESUME. A 1/4" mounting bracket is provided for mounting onto your bark busters or put the switch directly into the plastics.

Heated Grips, LED lights, and other upgrade compatibility

This kit is not compatibly with aftermarket brake flashers.

This kit is compatibly with aftermarket LED kits.

This kit is compatibly with stock and aftermarket heated grips.

Cruise Stop Conditions

We know its paramount on motorbikes to quickly kill the cruise control in as many situations as possible. Our module will disengage cruise control for any one of the following conditions

  • Engine RPM signal falls below 1000 or above defined max
  • Front or Rear Brake Depressed
  • Throttle grip exceed cruise control by 5%
  • Any one of the required CANBUS packets are not updated within 100 milliseconds


The module has a weather tight USB-C connector for changing various settings such as speed increment size, PID gain, and throttle limits.

Diagnostic Port

This kit uses the diagnostic port of your bike. If you need diagnostics you can simple unplug our module and the kit will still run in bypass mode.

Install Difficulty

To install this kit you must get access to the fuel tank area. About 1 -2 hours install time with proper tools. T-harness will override the throttle signals and diagnostic connector will collect important speed data. This kit also requires a single T-Tap connection into the brake wire.

Manual /  Install

Click here for PDF Installation manual

Customer Reviews

This cruise control was generally easy to install, it took a couple hours mostly the time was spent removing the bodywork. It seems to work very well and to this point I am very happy with it .

I would give it a 5-star if it had "resume" functionality. I know the module is capable of it, but as I understood, the 3-button switch will be available as an upgrade later.

Also, the instructions could have been better structured. I saw the picture with the push-pins too late in my process to open the bike and I have broken 2-3 push-pins :( I have also broken 2-3 hooks from the tank shelter, because there is a pull-back action before lifting the plastic which is not written in the instructions.

But other than the not-so-detailed instructions and the fact that "resume" function will come as an upgrade, the product works very well and I love it!

Ordered it so I could install it here in Costa Rica, the YT video tutorial saved me so much trouble. Great detail to have on the TA. Well done guys!

This has been an excellent purchase. it is well made, easy to install and works as advertised. I highly recommend it.

I wonder if it Will be easy To install...and it was...i spend an afternoon To install the veridian cruise( mainly with the Transalp fairing )and at the end first test ride and all is ok...good job. Today i made 1oo km on the highway and it works Well and it easy To use. Ps.sory for my english,i didnt write english for a long time ...✌✌✌👍👍👍

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Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Throttle Assist Wrist/Hand Grip Lock Clamp with Silicone Ring Protect Throttle Control System for Most Any Bike Durabl (1, Black)

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cruise control kit for bike

Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Throttle Assist Wrist/Hand Grip Lock Clamp with Silicone Ring Protect Throttle Control System for Most Any Bike Durabl (1, Black)

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • 【Anti Fatigue Throttle Assist】The motorcycle throttle lock Rely on the brake lever to keep the throttle open.Eases the discomfort that long rides cause in your wrist.
  • 【Total Control Clamp】The On Top Dial helps you tune in the safest and best fit for your grips.Knurled screws can be easily adjusted.
  • 【Universal Cruise Control】Cruise control assist for your motorcycle/bike, designed for most Motorcycles and Sports bikes.Manually extinguish the throttle to disengage the cruise control.
  • 【Easy Installation】Put the silicone ring through the throttle handlebar of your motorcycle, clip the clamp and then tighten the clamp. No tool required.
  • 【Styling Design】Smooth and bright color, unique appearance for increasing your racing unique; an add-on decoration to makes your motorcycle to be eye-catching.

Customer ratings by feature

Frequently bought together.

Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Throttle Assist Wrist/Hand Grip Lock Clamp with Silicone Ring

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Product Description

motorcycle cruise control throttle lock, motorcycle lock, motorcycle throttle lock, grip puppies

How to Use:

  • Put on the silicone ring and slip cruise control on top of the ring.Get the throttle to the speed you want.
  • Use your thumb for forefinger or even your left hand,(whatever is most comfortable and safest for you)The thumb seems to work best.
  • Push the forward until it rests against your brake handle. Now you can relieve the pressure from your right hand and your bike just keeps cruising.

motorcycle lock, motorcycle cruise control, throttle lock, atlas throttle lock

Just a quick press to cut the throttle and roll back to where you want and it releases and no worries about being stuck with the throttle on.

Product description:

The cruise control is to eliminate the need to keep a constant grip on the throttle, then shake your hand a little and get some blood circulating during long rides when you need a cruise control, just throttle up to the desired speed and set the bar end throttle locks against the front brake lever with your forefinger.

Universal Cruise Control:

Cruise Assist for Your Motorcycle / BikeAnti Fatigue Throttle Assist eases the discomfort that long rides cause in your wrist On Top Dial helps you tune in the safest and best fit for your grips.


- Material: aluminum alloy

- Color: black

- Thickness: approx.0.25inch

- Package Size: approx.5.9 x 3.9 x 0.7 inches

- Item Weight: approx.0.12lb - Package Weight: approx.0.14lb

Package Includes:

1 x Cruise Control (with the top screw)

2 x Silicone Ring

1. Relieve your hand and wrist discomfort from long rides.

2. Just in few seconds the Cruise Control can be installed to fit most motorcycles.

3. The screw-on top helps you tune in the safest and best fit for your grips.

4. Comes with 2 silicone rings to increase the friction for your grips. 5.It's about 0.25 inches thick, which can fit in your pants or jacket pocket, easy to use and carry.

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motorcycle throttle lock

The Brand Concept of Ours:

The concept of our brand is "Enjoy Adventure Life With Already Hands." Our products are features as stylish designs and durable function that can offer the ultimate in comfort. We take comprehensive measures on material selection and forging process to create high performance motorcycle throttle lock.

motorcycle throttle lock

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Customer reviews.

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the performance, ease of use, and value of the handlebar grip. They mention that it serves its purpose very well, is easy to install, and is great value for the money. That said, some complain about the stability. Opinions are mixed on quality, fit, and cruise control.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers like the performance of the throttle lock. They mention that it serves its purpose very well, works perfectly for relaxing your hand, and is adequate to give you time at the set. Some say that it's a nice product and a great idea. Overall, most recommend it for its simple use and short periods of rest.

"This cruise control is easy to install and works perfectly . The quality is good and I couldn’t be more impressed by it for the cost" Read more

"The throttle lock worked as advertised ...." Read more

"...completed a 6-hour dirt and pavement ride on my KLR 650 with very little wrist pain ...." Read more

" Works great but it is kind of long and hits the mirror." Read more

Customers like the ease of use of the handlebar grip. They mention it goes on easy, it works perfectly, and is super simple. Some say it's an excellent idea and affordable. They also say it allows them to ride more comfortably and is essential on long rides.

"This cruise control is easy to install and works perfectly. The quality is good and I couldn’t be more impressed by it for the cost" Read more

"... Super easy to install and use . In fact I was unsure how you "turn it off" which now that I have it is almost comical that was a concern...." Read more

"... Riding is so much more enjoyable when you're not in pain...." Read more

"...It does that well and allowed me to ride a lot more comfortably with my carpal tunnel issues...." Read more

Customers like the value of the handlebar grip. For example, they say it's a great product for the money, affordable, and the best cheap cruise control.

"...Over all it works and has a bargain price . You do get what you pay for." Read more

"...IMO, it's cheap , but still not worth it." Read more

"For what it is designed to do, it is a huge value . Neither mine, nor my wife’s Indian Scouts came with cruise...." Read more

"...It works well for the price . Compared to the original one, it's 5 times less expensive. But it does the same job." Read more

Customers are mixed about the quality of the handlebar grip. Some mention it's well-made, holds up, and has no issues with breaking. However, others say that it broke on the highway, completely shredded, and split apart with barely any force.

"Huge crack in metal , out the bag . BAD quality control . easy to install , but noticed total split in product metal before first use . Returned ...." Read more

"...That being said, it has saved a lot of wear and tear on my wrist. Riding is so much more enjoyable when you're not in pain...." Read more

"...It does not have the safeties built in like the factory cruise does, but since I can be safe with it, it will be fine." Read more

Customers are mixed about the fit of the handlebar grip. Some mention it fits great, is fully adjustable for how tight they want it, and holds up well on all their bikes. However, others say that it's too small for their Harley grips and didn't fit at all. The tightening knob could be a little bigger for a firmer grip.

"...I like the aluminum construction. The fit and finish are very nice ...." Read more

"Works great but it is kind of long and hits the mirror." Read more

"...Gives your wrist a break. Not big and bulky so does not get in your way when you need to handle the bike quickly." Read more

"It sort of works, but is longer than it needs to be . On one of my cycles it gets stuck on the handguard...." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the cruise control on the handlebar grip. Some mention it's a great alternative for cruise control, a simple throttle cruise control and the best cruise control for a motorcycle ever. However, others say that it'd not replace cruise control.

"...long distance like this due to safety reasons, but this allows me to set the cruise , use my right hand, and then get back on the throttle...." Read more

"...for different degrees of inclines and declines, so it's not as consistent as cruise control on a car or an expensive motorbike...." Read more

"...It works surprisingly well and is not a hinderance to accessing the throttle or brake. You can activate it with just your right hand if you try...." Read more

"... Not designed to replace real cruise , but if your bike did not come with it these work just fine." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the stability of the handlebar grip. They mention that it doesn't hold steady for very long, it doesn’t hold well enough for a 5 second break, and it would immediately begin sliding. Some complain that it's hard to push it forward against the brake lever.

"...That's true.Another said it doesn't hold speed for long . That's true. In my case it held for about 30s...." Read more

"Engine vibration gradually lowers speed setting. So, will not actually hold for long distance . BUT, if initially tightened with pliers, etc...." Read more

"...The natural movement makes it faster to disable and, therefore safer than the expensive throttle lock I was looking at...." Read more

" Couldn't get it to hold maybe to much spring tension on throttle kept slipping 450RL Duel sport" Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the throttle lock. They mention that it wouldn't keep the throttle locked, it got locked in place and caused the throttle to stick open. They also say it's better than nothing but far from the best throttle locking tool.

"... Setting the lock is a bit awkward and it has no release...." Read more

"This item was working great except for the fact that the throttle would gradually give way ...." Read more

"...without the rubber ring the lock wouldn't hold my throttle very well . With the ring on, it seems to hold quite well. The price is DEFINITELY..." Read more

"...Really excited to take my next long ride. Great product for a throttle lock " Read more

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Time zone info for Elektrostal

  • The time in Elektrostal is 8 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on standard time, and 7 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on daylight saving time.
  • Elektrostal does not change between summer time and winter time.
  • The IANA time zone identifier for Elektrostal is Europe/Moscow.

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Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for elektrostal.

  • Sunrise: 03:41AM
  • Sunset: 09:10PM
  • Day length: 17h 29m
  • Solar noon: 12:25PM
  • The current local time in Elektrostal is 25 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

Elektrostal on the map

  • Location: Moscow Oblast, Russia
  • Latitude: 55.79. Longitude: 38.46
  • Population: 144,000

Best restaurants in Elektrostal

  • #1 Tolsty medved - Steakhouses food
  • #2 Ermitazh - European and japanese food
  • #3 Pechka - European and french food

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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  1. Motorcycle Cruise Control Options

    Quick Buyers Guide - Motorcycle Cruise Control Options from Cheap to Expensive. Brake lever rests - Omni-Cruise, Go Cruise (Cheap and effective) Omni Cruise. Go Cruise 2. Friction knob/bar-end throttle lock - Kaoko Throttle Lock, Throttlemeister, Wunderlich. Advanced friction plate designs - BrakeAway, Atlas Throttle Lock.

  2. Motorcycle Cruise Control Kits

    Let your bike do the work on long-distance rides with motorcycle cruise control kits from Harley-Davidson. No need to splice into the wiring harness to install.

  3. Motorcycle Cruise Control

    Motorcycles With Electronic Cruise Control. 'QuadCruise' - PRECISE, SLOW-SPEED CONTROL on Kubota RTVs and SpeedSafe - speed limiters for UTVs. Mccruise offer Motorcycles with Electronic Cruise Control Kits in North America & Canada. Aftermarket Cruise Control are available at affordable prices online!

  4. Electric Servo Universal Cruise Control Kit

    In order to get a better understanding of how the cruise control fits and works on a motorcycle, EMAIL US to ask for installation manual/s for models we have kits for, that may be similar to your bike. This kit is only suitable for bikes with throttle cables from the twist grip to the carburetor/s or throttle body/s.

  5. Aftermarket Cruise Control Kits at Summit Racing

    Cruise Control Kits. Add an aftermarket cruise control kit to your ride by choosing one of many universal cruise control kit options from Summit Racing! We carry a variety of cruise control kits, including ones from Rostra, Dakota Digital, ididit, Ron Francis, Flaming River, and more! Find your aftermarket cruise control kit today at Summit Racing!

  6. Motorcycle Cruise Control

    I rode my bike in every state west of the Mississippi River (22 states) in the month of August. Your product was amazing! I saved my hands from cramping and from being uncomfortable during the trip. ... Just wanted to let you know that I recently purchased your Cruise Control unit for my 2003 Honda Shadow Spirit VT!100 motorcycle, and took it ...

  7. Ultimate Guide to Motorcycle Cruise Control Options: Factors to

    OEM, standing for Original Equipment Manufacturer, implies this system generally comes factory-installed on your bike. The Electronic Cruise Control does not merely lock the throttle at a desired speed. Instead, it uses electronic sensors and a mini control unit to maintain a preset speed, making it more precise than its mechanical counterpart. ...

  8. MCCruise TBW Aftermarket Cruise Control Hands On Review

    Conclusion. I Wholeheartedly Endorse it. This Throttle By Wire MCCruise system is a super smart add-on for bikes like the KTM 1190 Adventure S or R, Honda VFR1200X or even the new 2018 Honda Africa Twin. These bikes and many others have TBW technology on them but still no cruise control option from the factory.

  9. Motorcycle Cruise Control Review

    Prior to using the Motorcycle Cruise Control manufactured cruise, I would average 42.5 MPG on the highway. When using the cruise, I averaged 46 MPG. That may not seem like much, but when you consider a savings of 3.5 MPG and gas costs at or above $3.00 per gallon, you can quickly add up the savings on a long ride.

  10. Cruise Control Kit 41000369

    Part Number: 41000369. Colour:Black. For long-distance runs, there's nothing better than letting your bike do all the work. This Cruise Control Kit puts you just minutes away from true touring bliss. ...Read More. Description. For long-distance runs, there's nothing better than letting your bike do all the work.

  11. ATLAS Moto

    The ATLAS is a mechanical cruise control that fits on nearly every motorcycle. It rotates with your throttle hand, is thumb activated and just over 1/4" thick. ... We want you to be stoked on the new function your bike will have once you bolt on the ATLAS Throttle Lock. ... A Top Kit and a Bottom Kit. Most riders will be using the Bottom Kit ...

  12. Motorcycle Cruise Control Kits

    About Us. Let your bike do the work on long-distance rides with motorcycle cruise control kits from Harley-Davidson. No need to splice into the wiring harness to install.

  13. Universal Bike Cruise Control

    Universal Bike cruise control. With the proliferation of models of motorcycles, it is both economically and physically impossible to develop model-specific kits for all motorcycles on the market. In order to address this problem and to help ourselves during development, our computer is designed to be able to quickly calibrate the module for ...

  14. Motorcycles With Cruise Control: A Guide For Long Distances

    Another premium brand that offers cruise control on its bikes is Moto Guzzi. The Moto Guzzi California 1400 Touring is a prime example, featuring a relaxed cruiser riding position and additional cruise control for long-distance comfort. The Unexpected Bikes With Cruise Control. Motorcycles with cruise control aren't limited to high-end models ...

  15. Harley-Davidson Cruise Control Kit

    1. The Cruise Control Kit components are pictured here. It includes the control module and cable for connecting to the throttle body induction module, replacement left and right handlebar switches, and all the mounting hardware. 2. Derek first rolled the Road King onto a lift. Next, he removed the seat, battery, left saddlebag, and left side cover.

  16. HONDA XL750 '23+ TransAlp

    OUT OF STOCK UNTIL AUGUST 2024 This kit adds electronic cruise control to the Honda XL750 TransAlp adventure bike. Works like it does in your car. A few plugs and 1 wire tap gets you going. Now includes a Honda Service Connector! Compatibility 2023-Onward XL750 TransaAlp Choice of switch Soft Touch Switch A 2 button so.

  17. Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock

    【Total Control Clamp】The On Top Dial helps you tune in the safest and best fit for your grips.Knurled screws can be easily adjusted. 【Universal Cruise Control】Cruise control assist for your motorcycle/bike, designed for most Motorcycles and Sports bikes.Manually extinguish the throttle to disengage the cruise control.

  18. Cruise Control Kit 41000369

    This Cruise Control Kit puts you just minutes away from true touring bliss. • Unlike mechanical throttle controls or friction thumb wheels, this complete electronic speed control allows you to set and maintain constant speed at the touch of a button. • After installation, cruise control function must be enabled in the Electronic Control ...

  19. Gandikap

    See all things to do. Gandikap. See all things to do

  20. Time in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia now

    Sunset: 09:07PM. Day length: 17h 24m. Solar noon: 12:25PM. The current local time in Elektrostal is 25 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

  21. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  22. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.