Crazy Horse’s Billy Talbot on Neil Young, the ragged glory of their live shows, and the road ahead

Neil Young (second from right) with (from left) Nils Lofgren, Billy Talbot, and Ralph Molina of Crazy Horse. On tour, guitarist Micah Nelson has taken Lofgren's place.

There is acoustic Neil Young. There is solo Neil Young. But there is no Neil Young like Crazy Horse’s Neil Young: Some wild alchemy explodes from the gate, kicks up red dirt, never relents.

For original Crazy Horse bassist Billy Talbot, the ride is as natural as breathing.

“It’s just the way it’s supposed to be,” Talbot, 80, says of the chemistry between Young and the band, a kinship formed more than half a century ago. “When Neil straps on that electric guitar, the Horse plays with him. We just do it. We don’t think about it. That’s the key.”

Perhaps no album better captures that spirit than 1990′s “Ragged Glory.”

So for Young and Crazy Horse to play “Ragged Glory” in its entirety, live, and then release the fiery show last month as the album “Fu##in’ Up,” feels like a gift to fans. Young writes in the liner notes: “made this for Horse lovers … The Horse is runnin’ … I don’t want to mess with the vibe.”


Recorded at a private show in Toronto in November, it offers new tweaks for fans — like the addition of some classic Young harmonica, always a crowd-pleaser. Save for “Farmer John,” a cover, Young renamed every “Ragged Glory” track with a lyric from that song: “Country Home” becomes “City Life.” “Over and Over” is now “Broken Circle.” “Days That Used to Be” is “To Follow One’s Own Dream.”

Original Horse members Talbot and Ralph Molina — along with new member Micah Nelson, Willie’s son — will jam with Young on the first Young & Horse tour in more than a decade, which includes a date May 17 at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield. (Nelson also played on “Fu##in’ Up,” along with Nils Lofgren. Lofgren is touring now with Bruce Springsteen.)

Ahead of the tour, Talbot spoke by Zoom from his South Dakota ranch about how those plans came together, his admiration for Young, his early friendships with his Crazy Horse bandmates, and creating a sound that could stop traffic — literally.

Q. I was starting to think we wouldn’t get another show in Massachusetts. How did this new tour and album come together?

A. I guess it just had to. We’ve recorded, I think, three albums in the last couple of years. Because of the pandemic we didn’t tour. Then [in September 2023] we did shows at the Roxy for charity [ the Bridge School and the Painted Turtle ]. That brought us together.

At the Roxy we did [the full albums] “Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere” and “Tonight’s the Night.” In Toronto we decided to do “Ragged Glory.” It was a lot of fun. We’d hardly played those songs live through the years. The audience loved it. It wound up being recorded, because we usually record everything. Neil called me up later and said: “You should hear this! It’s great!”

From left: Micah Nelson, Billy Talbot, Ralph Molina, and Neil Young perform at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival earlier this month.

Q. Why rename the songs?

A. You’ll have to ask Neil.

Q. Micah Nelson is touring with you and played on the album. Both he and Lukas [Nelson, his brother and frontman of Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real, named after a Young song] often play with Neil, and fit in so naturally. Is Micah part of Crazy Horse now?

A. Yes. I would consider Micah as part of Crazy Horse. He just loves the music. He loves Neil’s songs, as we all do. We’re lucky we have Neil writing such great songs. They really sustain us.

Q. How did you meet Neil?

A. Back in the day, we were young puppies, trying to get along and make music. That’s all we were interested in doing. [The late] Danny [Whitten] and I and Ralph started playing in my garage up in Laurel Canyon. Cars would go by and stop and listen.

Q. Oh, wow.

A. Well, they had no choice. Traffic would jam up.

Q. [Laughs] OK.

A. But they seemed to enjoy it. In any case, Neil came along, then he came up to the house. We just started getting together after that. All we need to do is give him the beat. It was the right beat. He liked it. That’s the story and it’s been the same ever since.

Q. You were born in New York, and [have been] singing since 14. How did you go from there to bass?

A. I was in vocal groups back in New York in the bebop days. So was Ralph, in vocal groups in New York. [In Los Angeles] Ralph and I and Danny Whitten started singing together. Then we figured we better start learning how to play. I had a piano in my basement. Ralph sat on a stool with a telephone book on a chair, and a tambourine hanging on the corner of the chair as the hi-hat. Danny played guitar. It wasn’t bad with piano, but we realized we needed a bass guitar in there.

Q. Before that, you’d left high school and moved by yourself out to LA.

A. Yeah, I left high school and took a bus. All my friends knew I was gonna go to California because my mom and brother had moved out there. I was living on my own. I was 16. I decided to take a bus out to Los Angeles. Seemed like a good place to go at the time, especially — ‘66, ‘67.

Q. So for a time you were just making it on your own as a teenager in New Jersey?

A. Yeah. My mom and brother left. I wasn’t going to school anymore. So I got a job and made enough money to sustain myself. The grocery store owner on the corner would lend me money to take the bus to work; I’d pay him back when I got paid. Stuff like that. I was a young guy. People help young people do things. Then I eventually stopped working because I was working in factories and didn’t really want to do that. So I hopped on a bus for greener pastures.

Within a few months, I was singing and playing with a couple of guys I met at the Whisky a Go Go. The owner of the Whisky would pay me and Danny Whitten and a couple of other guys to dance with people, to make it lively. We’d get the party going.

Then Danny and I and Ralph started singing in the alley next to the Whisky. That’s how it began. Ralph and I have been playing together all these years. That’s one of the reasons the band works — the history.

Q. What’s Neil like to work with? Seems like he’s always got something cooking.

A. He’s an incredible artist. He’s come into his own through the years. The more he realized how much he could do, the more he did.

Frank Sampedro (left) and Billy Talbot of Crazy Horse perform with Neil Young in New Orleans in 2012.

Q. Looking back on over 50 years together, what are some highlights?

A. Sometimes the music takes over and we get to this other place. That’s really magical. It’s happened all over the world in different places at different times. I think of all of that as one thing: this really magical place.

When Poncho [Crazy Horse guitarist Frank Sampedro] retired, we didn’t really know how it would work out. But recording three albums with Nils, and now with Micah on this — I don’t know what the name of it is. What is the name of this record? Do you know?

Q. “Fu##in’ Up.”

This album cover of "Fu##in' Up."

A. [Expletive] up. Something that we all do. Trauma and drama is part of life. [Solemnly, slowly] Why do I keep [expletive] up?

Q. [Laughs] The timeless question. You said you last toured more than 10 years ago. Did you think that was the last tour?

A. No. But then Neil started playing with Promise of the Real. We had other things to do. We were busy. Then Neil said, “Wait a minute, let me see what those guys are doing.”

Q. On that phone call you mentioned, did he suggest a tour?

A. No, we just talked about how great the Toronto recording was. Then he decided that this is an album. Then he decided maybe we should set up a tour. It came in bits and pieces.

We don’t have a master plan. It seems to be that the master plan is written somewhere else. We’re just following it.


At Xfinity Center, Mansfield. May 17 at 7:30 p.m.

Interview was edited and condensed. Lauren Daley can be reached at [email protected] . She tweets @laurendaley1.

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Meet the artist – Come Together: Neil Young’s Harvest

Meet the Artist - Come Together: Neil Young's Harvest

It’s New Zealand Music Month and what better way to celebrate than with one of the greatest albums of all time. Check out Neil Young’s Harvest will be recreated live and in person by a fabulous, supergroup band of much-loved New Zealand musicians. Witness this iconic album in its entirely track-to-track, front-to-back plus a bonus set of Neil Young classics and deep cuts!

We had the privilege of sitting down with musician and (band member) Dianne Swann to hear her stories, insights and what drives her performing in a band an awesome as this!

come together tour neil young

Introduce yourself and your art practice: My name is Dianne Swann, I have lived had a life full of writing songs, playing shows, singing and playing guitar. And many things in-between. 

What’s your favourite thing about what you do?   I feel lucky to have discovered a form of self expression at a young age, it keeps me grounded, inquisitive. 

What’s the hardest thing about what you do? Honestly, the hardest thing about what I do is the uncertainly of what may or may not be coming up next, and how to afford the next project to generate more work and more shows.  It always has been, but it is the nature if what we do. It helps to live in a city where the arts are valued and therefore more opportunities and colour for us all. 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?   Be nice to the crew! They make you sound and look good. 

What’s the best show you’ve seen this year? Touring is not always helpful, you pften miss the exact shows you want to see because you are playing on the same night.. but I did get to see the Dance Exponents/ Exponents at a sold out Auckland Town Hall. It was brilliant hearing those earlier songs. I love the Town Hall. 

How have Auckland Live supported you through the years and what does this support mean to you? Through inclusion in many of the shows they have supported and facilitated, from a professional point of view as a performer and also as an audience member. Performing and having a place to perform and a purpose are important. Having a rich and diverse range of arts events to attend and experience is key to a successful city. 

What does it mean to you for Tāmaki Makaurau to be recognised as a UNESCO City of Music? It is important but we have to ensure we keep venues open in the inner city and keep innovating and thinking ahead to provide more opportunities for music of all styles and all levels. 

Tell us about your upcoming project/show. I am currently rehearsing for The Liberty Stage Come Together Album tour Neil Young Harvest performed back-to-back and then other classic songs and deep cuts- this one will be guitar heaven and a not to miss for any Neil Young Fans out there. Those who attended the sold out Neil Young Live Rust tour/show are still talking about it in the threads! A lovely line-up of musicians who love Neil's music so much - they will treat it with the reverence and care it deserves. 

What can audiences expect from the project/show? It will be a celebration of music and a lot of joy on stage amongst the musicians. This always translates to a special experience for the audience. 

Come Together: Neil Young's Harvest

Buy tickets to come together: neil young's harvest, what's on during nz music month.

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Neil Young reunites with Crazy Horse after a decade, performs double encore

come together tour neil young

On Thursday night, magic happened in Tennesseee.

Singer-songwriter Neil Young and rock band Crazy Horse came together to perform their hits over a two-hour show at FirstBank Amphitheater on their first tour together in a decade.

The 2024 "Love Earth Tour" features the now 78-year-old singer alongside the Los Angeles rock band yet again.

Canadian singer-songwriter Young, best known for songs "Heart of Gold," "Harvest Moon" and "Old Man," released the album "Fu##in' Up" with Crazy Horse on April 25, featuring nine rock 'n' roll tracks. The two have released 15 studio albums together.

Young and Crazy Horse kicked off their brief 16-stop tour on April 24 in San Diego and will continue with upcoming stops in Virginia, New Jersey, New York and more.

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Thursday's concert in Franklin was originally slated for Wednesday evening, but was postponed by a day due to  inclement weather .

But Thursday night brought the calm after the storm; the evening was serene.

Neil Young returns to Spotify after 2-year hiatus following Joe Rogan controversy

After opener Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping , a musical performance art experience that draws from religion, Young hit the stage.

The set-up featured a backdrop with a galloping horse and giant speaker cabinets and road cases, the same ones Young took on the road with him for his "Rust Never Sleeps" tour in 1978.

Young appeared in a striped cap, a denim work shirt that featured paint splatters and a Spartan Truck Equipment patch, black pants, black shoes and of course, his guitar, Old Black .

He mentioned the venue's beauty multiple times — a stage nestled in the woods of Graystone Quarry in Thompson’s Station.

"How you doin out there? Nice to see you," Young said to the Franklin crowd.

"What a beautiful place. You guys are very lucky to have this place."

Alongside Young was the band, comprised of 80-year-old Billy Talbot on bass and 80-year-old Ralph Molina on drums. They also have a new member, Micah Nelson on guitar.

Nelson, Willie Nelson 's 33-year-old son, took over for the band's previous guitarist Nils Lofgren earlier this year.

Throughout the show, Neil Young and the band played a 17-song set, full with jam sessions and occasional harmonies. Young was energized and playful, captivating the crowd with his trademark nasally, emotional voice.

The set list was mostly comprised of older hits, like 1969's "Cinnamon Girl" and 1972's "Heart of Gold."

The band didn't play any songs from their recent album; the most recent song was 1996's "Scattered (Let's Think About Livin')." Nelson's big moment came during the tune; he traded his guitar to play a swinging keyboard that descended from the ceiling.

Young's guitar playing—both electric and acoustic—was adept and agile. Though Young shared in January he has been playing guitar with arthritis in his hand for years, audience members wouldn't have guessed.

He played the blues on song "Vampire Blues," hitting guitar licks with a precision like Stevie Ray Vaughan's. He also performed drawn-out, warping guitar solos on songs like "Like a Hurricane" and "Powderfinger."

Between songs, Young would hand his guitar off to his techs (who all wore white lab coats), but was audibly uncomfortable until he had a guitar in his arms yet again.

The night's concert walked the line between a Young that leaned into classic, grunge rock 'n' roll with Crazy Horse and a Young that gently cooed with Crosby, Stills & Nash in '69, strumming an acoustic.

Young pulled off the balancing act.

Here are some of the top moments from the night.

Neil Young opens with 'Cortez the Killer,' sings newly released verse

On a purple-lit stage, Neil Young and Crazy Horse kicked off the show with the 1975 song "Cortez the Killer."

The first lyrics from Young brought cheers from the audience as he sang, "He came dancing across the water / With his galleons and guns."

Young surprised fans at the first concert of the tour by singing unreleased lyrics to the song, ones he said did not record due to a power outage on the recording console in 1975.

Young found the lyric manuscript, he said in an interview mid-April this year.

The verse was lost for nearly 50 years. Young sang the verse again in Franklin.

“I floated on the water / I ate that ocean wave / Two weeks after the slaughter/ I was living in a cave / They came too late to get me / But there’s no one here to set me free / From this rocky grave / To that snowed-out ocean wave.”

Neil Young calls on local non-profits to support his eco-friendly mission

Neil Young has been vocal about his environmental efforts throughout his career .

In 1985, Young helped establish the annual Farm Aid concerts . In 2022, he released album "World Record," an album that focuses on climate change. Later that year, Young said he refused to play venues that are supported by factory farms .

The environmentalism was felt at his Franklin show.

Upon entering the concert, fans saw a series of tents and tables from local environmental organizations all hand picked by Young, including Tennessee Local Food . The organizations attended the concert and chatted with fans about their missions.

Young calls it the "LOVE EARTH Village."

At different stops on the tour, hundreds of non-profits working for sustainability and social equity will join to chat about issues like organic farming, wildlife protection, Native American rights and climate change solutions.

According to a venue employee, Young also changed the menu for the venue's offerings on Thursday, opting for more eco-friendly options (Coke products were nowhere to be seen).

On a handout at the venue, Young wrote, "Support your friends, support your land, and support the people that want to care for the land.

"The revolution starts with us. The revolution starts with you."

Neil Young goes acoustic mid-show, takes stage alone

At one point, Young took an empty stage, traded Old Black for an acoustic, and donned the harmonica around his neck.

He sang songs, "Comes a Time," "Heart of Gold" and "Human Highway" onstage alone, leaning into his folk singer-songwriter roots.

Despite the occasional hoot or holler in the audience, a hush crept over the amphitheater as Young sang, played plucky guitar and showcased his harmonica skills between verses.

It was a gentler, softer and more intimate side to the evening.

"Heart of Gold" stood out among the acoustic section.

Young sang his biggest hit: "Keep me searching / For a heart of gold / I've been a miner / For a heart of gold."

An encore and...another encore

Before the encore, Young ended his set with song "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)," leaving the audience with the classic and singing, "Hey hey, my my / Rock and roll can never die."

And it didn't die just then, Young and the band returned to the stage to play "Roll Another Number (For the Road)" as their encore.

After the song finished, the audience didn't stop cheering. Young and company came back to deliver a second encore, this time three songs long.

For encore two, they performed "Danger Bird," "Don't Cry No Tears" and "Sedan Delivery," ending the night on a grungy rock 'n' roll note that included pink lights and plenty of reverb.

Afterwards, the band and Young gathered arm-in-arm in a single spotlight and gave their final bow.

Neil Young's Set List

  • Cortez the Killer
  • Cinnamon Girl
  • Scattered (Let's Think About Livin')
  • Like a Hurricane
  • Vampire Blues
  • The Losing End (When You're On)
  • Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
  • Powderfinger
  • Love and Only Love
  • Comes a Time
  • Heart of Gold
  • Human Highway
  • Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)
  • Encore: Roll Another Number (For the Road)
  • Encore II: Danger Bird, Don't Cry No Tears, Sedan Delivery

For more information on Neil Young's tour, head to .

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Come Together 2023

Come Together 2023

New Zealand’s greatest rock musicians come together once more for an extraordinary series of concerts in 2023, starting in  MAY  with Neil Young’s  HARVEST,  then  JUNE  with Dire Strait’s  MAKING MOVIES  and finally in  AUGUST  repeating Fleetwood Mac’s  RUMOURS  honouring the late, great Christine McVie.

This Super group in various incarnations will perform these great albums live, in their entirety – back to back, track by track along with a bonus set of classics and deep cuts.

This epic line-up and absolute killer band across the 3 album concert tours include Jon Toogood, Julia Deans, James Milne (Lawrence Arabia), Sam Scott, Milan Borich, Dianne Swann, Mel Parsons, Adam Hattaway, Arahi, Brett Adams, Matthias Jordan, Sam Scott, Jol Mulholland (MD), Alistair Deverick, Mike Hall, Michael Barker, Finn Scholes, Nick Atkinson and more to be announced.

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Past events

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The Opera House , Fri 4 Aug 2023

Isaac Theatre Royal , Thu 3 Aug 2023

Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre - Aotea Centre , Sat 10 Jun 2023

Isaac Theatre Royal , Thu 8 Jun 2023

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come together tour neil young

Neil Young, Dire Straits and Fleetwood Mac’s most iconic albums to be recreated for NZ Come Together concert series

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The Come Together Concert Series will include performances of Fleetwood Mac's iconic album, Rumours. Photo / Sandra Roberts Publicity

Do you love Neil Young, Dire Straits and Fleetwood Mac? If you answered yes, then you’re going to love this announcement.

Travelling to Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland, a super group of rock musicians are coming together to recreate three of the world’s greatest albums.

Performing Neil Young’s Harvest , Dire Strait’s Making Movies and Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours, New Zealand’s greatest rock musicians will team up to create a supergroup and perform the albums live, track by track along with a bonus set of classics and deep cuts.

Young’s iconic fourth studio album was released in 1972 and featured guest performances from David Crosby, Graham Nash, Linda Ronstadt, the London Symphony Orchestra. It has not only become a chart topping album but also landed a spot in the Grammy Hall of Fame.

The Come Together Concert Series will include performances of Neil Young's hit album, Harvest. Photo / Sandra Young Publicity

Other performances from the Come Together Album Series will see their recreation of Dire Straits’ Making Moves album which was released in 1980. Featuring singles such as Tunnel of Love, Romeo and Juliet and Skateaway , it is regarded as one of the band’s best albums - and for any guitar lover, it’s a dream while also being a challenge.

While the final round of shows from the series will see the Kiwi musicians recreate Fleetwood Mac’s unforgettable album, Rumours . While it was the eleventh studio album released by the band, it has become one of their most well-known having sold over 40 million copies worldwide. In New Zealand alone it achieved platinum 13 times over and still sits in the top 20 album charts nearly 45 years after its release.

Titled the Come Together Album Concert Series, past shows have attracted over 30,000 music punters and included renditions of Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and Tom Petty’s Damn The Torpedoes .

At the time the shows received outstanding reviews and promise to deliver just as much of a spectacular show as previous years.

Shows will take place in May, June and August with tickets going on sale this Friday.

Meanwhile, the supergroup will include performances from the likes of Jon Toogood, Julia Deans, and James Milne (Lawrence Arabia) with more artists expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

What: Come Together Concert Series

Who: New Zealand musicians

What: Recreation of Neil Young’s Harvest , Dire Strait’s Making Movies and Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours

When: May, June and August

Tickets: Available at Ticket Master

come together tour neil young

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Come Together: Neil Young’s Harvest -May 12, 2023

Marty Duda 0

Come Together: Neil Young’s Harvest was more than just a run though of a classic album, it was a celebration of one of our greatest living songwriters by this country’s finest musicians.

My my, hey hey, this is a band that came to play.

Come Together: Harvest

The evening began with Harvest , an album that, I dare say judging by the age of the crowd, everyone in the house knew the running order.

So there were no surprises but plenty of excellent performances.

Sam Scott sang Out On The Weekend , Dianne followed with Harvest , keyboard player Matthias Jordan (Pluto) gave us A Man Needs A Maid, Jon Toogood sang Heart Of Gold and young whippersnapper Adam Hattaway sang Are You Ready For The Country proving that anyone with talent and appreciation to Neil’s music can sing his songs convincingly.

The album closes with Words and the blistering guitars played (mostly) by Brett Adams gave us an indication of what was yet to come this evening.

Diane sang, and the guitars wailed…an early highlight.

“That’s Harvest done” announced Dianne after 40 minutes. But the best was yet to come.

Indeed, it felt like Harvest served as the opening act for a much bigger showcase of Neil Young’s finest.

That showcase began quietly with James Milne on the piano playing and singing See The Sky About To Rain and Expecting To Fly, quite beautifully.

But that beauty quickly turned into the beast that was Cowgirl In The Sand with Brett leading the charge with another jaw-dropping guitar performance.

Time for a break.

Come Together: Harvest

Clocking in at 11 ½ minutes the band made it clear they came to play, and play hard.

Other than Brett Adams , it’s tough to pick out a performer who stood out, only because they were uniformly excellent. Maybe Jol Mulholland, the bandleader who, I assume, assembled this stunning setlist.

After The Goldrush, Ohio, Cinnamon Girl, Southern Man …the hits just kept coming.

And 45 minutes into this second set, the bar was set even higher with the one-two-three punch of Powderfinger, Hey He, My My and Like A Hurricane with the punky Sedan Delivery thrown in for good measure.

To the guy who insisted on shouting out, “Long version please!” I say, shut your mouth and open your ears.

Come Together: Harvest

Then Dianne urged everyone to get up and a brief chant of “Let them dance!” was heard before the music went back to being the focus.

Like A Hurricane may have seemed like a perfect way to end the show, given the recent weather, but this band was not done rocking.

The encore consisted of Cortez The Killer and Tonight’s The Night , both over 9 minutes long and both featuring stunning guitar performances, not just by Brett, but Jol, Sam, Jon, Adam and James all proved they could crank out those riffs and solos with the best of them.

Before the show, someone asked me which was my favourite Come Together show so far, and we both agreed it was Tom Petty: Damn The Torpedoes but after hearing this band playing this music for 2 ½ hours, I’ve gotta say, we have a new winner!

Click any icon to view a full gallery of the show. All photos by Veronica McLaughlin Photography

  • Out On The Weekend
  • A Man Needs A Maid
  • Heart Of Gold
  • Are You Ready For The Country
  • There’s A World
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The last thing people in the front in their high priced seats want, is rude wrigglers obscuring the musicians and bumping them about. Hats off to the Civic for keeping them in their seats, this is not a discotheque.

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Jon Toogood on Harvest Come Together concerts

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Come Together concerts are back for 2023. This time some of the greatest rock albums of all times will be featured.

First up is Harvest by Neil Young with a superstar line up of local musicians playing the album live at three venues throughout Aotearoa in the coming weeks.

One of the stars, Jon Toogood, joins Jesse to talk about their concerts and playing the Neil Young blockbuster tracks live. 

Come Together Neil Young's Harvest concerts will be at the Isaac Theatre Royal in Christchurch on May 11, The Civic in Auckland on May 12 and the St James in Wellington on May 19.

Jon Toogood

Jon Toogood Photo: James Dann

  • Come Together

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Come Together - Neil Young's Harvest

Come Together - Neil Young's Harvest

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One of the greatest albums of all time, Neil Young's Harvest will be recreated by a supergroup of New Zealand artists, track by track in its entirety plus a bonus set of classics and deep cuts. Featuring Jon Toogood, Sam Scott, James Milne (Lawrence Arabia), Adam Hattaway, Dianne Swann, Jol Mulholland, Bret Adams, Matthias Jordan + More 51 years ago, Neil Young released his iconic fourth studio album, Harvest. Featuring special guests David Crosby, Graham Nash, Linda Ronstadt, the London Symphony Orchestra, and more, the chart-topping album has since earned a coveted spot in the Grammy Hall of Fame. This platinum blockbuster contains the hit Heart Of Gold, Old Man, Needle & the Damage Done, A Man Needs a Maid & more.

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Neil Young & Crazy Horse: Love Earth Tour at Utah First Credit Union Amphitheatre

Neil young & crazy horse tickets, utah first credit union amphitheatre | salt lake city, utah.

  • | Neil Young & Crazy Horse: Love Earth Tour

Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Isaac Theatre Royal

Liberty Stage Presents... Come Together – Dire Straits Making Movies

  • Wed 1 March 2023

The second album of Come Together 2023.

Making Movies is Dire Straits third studio album. Released in 1980, the album includes singles Tunnel of Love, Romeo and Juliet, Skateaway & more. It is regarded as one of Dire Straits best albums and is a favourite with kiwi audiences

Making Movies is a guitarists dream and challenge, and is a favourite of the bands.

They will perform this great album live, in its entirety – back to back, track by track along with a bonus set of classics and deep cuts.

‘Making Movies  is the record on which Mark Knopfler comes out from behind his influences and Dire Straits come out from behind Mark Knopfler. The combination of the star’s lyrical script, his intense vocal performances and the band’s cutting-edge rock & roll soundtrack is breathtaking.’ – Rolling Stone.

Tickets are on sale now!


Come Together brings together the best of NZ artists and musicians to collaborate and perform legendary albums in their entirety, live in concert.  Borne out of an aspiration to showcase our greatest musicians to a wider audience, these tours have already attracted well over 30,000 concertgoers.

  • previous post: Come Together – Neil Young’s Harvest
  • next post: Isaac Theatre Royal Venue Tours

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Janet Jackson tour with Nelly is coming to Phoenix. How to get tickets

come together tour neil young

One year after announcing her highly anticipated return to the road with her Together Again tour, five-time Grammy-winning Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee Janet Jackson has added 35 dates to the tour, with Nelly as her special guest.

The new set of dates includes Phoenix, where the Together Again tour will wrap at Footprint Center on Tuesday, July 30.

Ms. Jackson’s Together Again 2024 Tour builds on the success of the 2023 run, the highest-selling trek of her career, which featured 36 sold-out shows and got rave reviews from fans and press.

Okayplayer said, “Janet has still got it, serving as our beloved sex symbol, superstar and Queen of Pop that no one has come close to emulating,” while azcentral headlined its review , “Janet Jackson's sexy, powerful Phoenix performance proves she's still the Queen of Pop.”

Produced by Live Nation, the 2024 leg of the Together Again tour will launch at Acrisure Arena in Palm Desert, California, on June 4.

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The Together Again tour also celebrates Jackson's 50th anniversary in entertainment and milestones for three of her most critically acclaimed albums — 25 years of “The Velvet Rope,” 30 years of “janet” and 35 years of “Rhythm Nation.”

In addition, fans can expect three-time Grammy winner Nelly to deliver a powerhouse performance, showcasing his greatest hits and fan favorites spanning two decades.

Janet Jackson presale information

Tickets will be available starting with presales beginning at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 17, and running through the week.

How to get Janet Jackson tickets for Phoenix

The general on-sale will begin at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 19, at

How to meet Janet Jackson with VIP package in Phoenix

Fans can purchase VIP packages that include premium tickets, meet & greet and photo op with Jackson, preshow VIP lounge, collectible concert ticket and more. Visit

Janet Jackson Together Again 2024 tour dates

  • Tuesday, June 4 — Acrisure Arena in Palm Desert, California
  • Thursday, June 6 — North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre in Chula Vista, California
  • Saturday, June 8 — The Kia Forum in Los Angeles
  • Sunday, June 9 — Honda Center in Anaheim, California
  • Tuesday, June 11 — Golden 1 Center in Sacramento, California
  • Wednesday, June 12 — Chase Center in San Francisco
  • Friday, June 14 — USANA Amphitheatre in Salt Lake City
  • Sunday, June 16 — Ball Arena in Denver
  • Tuesday, June 18 — Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Wednesday, June 19 — United Center in Chicago
  • Friday, June 21 — Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre in St. Louis, Missouri
  • Saturday, June 22 — Riverbend Music Center in Cincinnati
  • Sunday, June 23 — Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indianapolis
  • Tuesday, June 25 — Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland
  • Wednesday, June 26 — Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia
  • Friday, June 28 — TD Garden in Boston
  • Saturday, June 29 — The XFINITY Theatre in Hartford, Connecticut
  • Tuesday, July 2 — Pine Knob Music Theatre in Detroit
  • Wednesday, July 3 — Scotiabank Arena in Toronto
  • Friday, July 5 — Darien Lake Amphitheater in Buffalo, New York
  • Saturday, July 6 — Hersheypark Stadium in Hershey, Pennsylvania
  • Tuesday, July 9 — Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey
  • Wednesday, July 10 — Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York
  • Friday, July 12 — Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C.
  • Saturday, July 13 — CFG Bank Arena in Baltimore
  • Sunday, July 14 — PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Tuesday, July 16 — MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre in Tampa,
  • Thursday, July 18 — iThink Financial Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach, Florida
  • Saturday, July 20 — Kia Center in Orlando, Florida
  • Sunday, July 21 — State Farm Arena in Atlanta
  • Tuesday, July 23 — Smoothie King Center in New Orleans
  • Thursday, July 25 — Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, Texas
  • Friday, July 26 — Paycom Center in Oklahoma City
  • Saturday, July 27 — Moody Center in Austin, Texas
  • Tuesday, July 30 — Footprint Center in Phoenix

Janet Jackson Together Again Tour setlist

Here's what Janet Jackson played at Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre in Phoenix in June 2023 on the Together Again Tour.

"Damita Jo"

"Together Again" (DJ Premier Remix)

"So Much Betta"

"If" (Containing elements of the KAYTRANADA Remix)

"No Sleeep"

"Got 'til It's Gone"

"That's the Way Love Goes"

"What Have You Done for Me Lately" (containing elements of “BURNITUP!”)

"The Pleasure Principle"

"Because of Love"

"When I Think of You"

"The Best Things in Life Are Free"

"When We Oooo"

"Together Again" (Jimmy Jam Deeper Remix)

"Come Back to Me"

"Let's Wait Awhile" (containing elements of "Lonely” and “Funny How Time Flies (When You’re Having Fun)”)

"Any Time, Any Place"

"I Get Lonely"

"Doesn't Really Matter"

"All for You"

"Come On Get Up"

"Throb" (containing elements of “Free Xone”)


"Like You Don't Love Me"

"Do It 2 Me"

"So Excited"

"The Knowledge"

"Miss You Much"

"Love Will Never Do (Without You)"

"Scream" (containing elements of “Black Cat”)

"Rhythm Nation"

"Together Again"

Reach the reporter at  [email protected]  or 602-444-4495. Follow him on Twitter  @ EdMasley .

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  1. Come Together Album Tour: Neil Young’s Harvest

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  2. Photos from Come Together -- Neil Young's Live Rust

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  3. Live Photos: Come Together -- Neil Young's Live Rust

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  4. Photos from Come Together -- Neil Young's Live Rust

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  5. Photos from Come Together -- Neil Young's Live Rust

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  6. Photos from Come Together -- Neil Young's Live Rust

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  1. Come Together Tickets

    Come Together 2024. 3 Epic albums, 3 Rock Concerts, Over 3 Months! The Joshua Tree. Led Zeppelin IV. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. As pop splinters into torrents of fleeting soundbites, a handful of masterworks defy time and fashion to grow in historic stature and popularity.

  2. Come Together: Neil Young's Harvest

    The first album of Come Together 2023, 51 years ago, Neil Young released his iconic fourth studio album, Harvest. Featuring special guests David Crosby, Grah...

  3. Neil Young Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

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  4. Come Together

    Come Together - Live Albums Tour. 3.3K likes. Three rock concerts. Three epic albums. Three amazing months! NZ's greatest rock musicians unite for

  5. Come Together Album Concert Series 2023 Announced!

    The 13th Floor. Come Together Series pays tribute to Neil Young, Dire Straits and Fleetwood Mac in 2023 with an all-star Kiwi line-up. Three of the world's greatest rock albums, Neil Young's Harvest, Dire Strait's Making Movies and Fleetwood Mac's Rumours will be recreated during three rock concerts, over three amazing months and three ...

  6. Come Together Album Tour: Neil Young's Harvest

    The first album of Come Together 2023, 51 years ago, Neil Young released his iconic fourth studio album, Harvest. Featuring special guests David Crosby, Graham Nash, Linda Ronstadt, the London Symphony Orchestra, and more, the chart-topping album has since earned a coveted spot in the Grammy Hall of Fame.

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    By Lauren Daley Globe correspondent, Updated May 9, 2024, 2:05 p.m. Neil Young (second from right) with (from left) Nils Lofgren, Billy Talbot, and Ralph Molina of Crazy Horse. On tour, guitarist ...

  8. Come Together

    The first album of Come Together 2023, 51 years ago, Neil Young released his iconic fourth studio album, Harvest. Featuring special guests David Crosby, Graham Nash, Linda Ronstadt, the London Symphony Orchestra, and more, the chart-topping album has since earned a coveted spot in the Grammy Hall of Fame. This platinum blockbuster contains the hit 'Heart

  9. Meet the Artist

    I am currently rehearsing for The Liberty Stage Come Together Album tour Neil Young Harvest performed back-to-back and then other classic songs and deep cuts- this one will be guitar heaven and a not to miss for any Neil Young Fans out there. Those who attended the sold out Neil Young Live Rust tour/show are still talking about it in the threads!

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    Nashville Tennessean. On Thursday night, magic happened in Tennesseee. Singer-songwriter Neil Young and rock band Crazy Horse came together to perform their hits over a two-hour show at FirstBank ...

  12. Come Together 2023

    The band will perform this great album live, in its entirety-back to back, track by track, along with a bonus set of great Neil Young classics and deep cuts. Featuring: Jon Toogood, Sam Scott, James Milne (Lawrence Arabia), Adam Hattaway, Dianne Swann, Jol Mulholland, Brett Adams, Matthias Jordan + More. Music.

  13. Come Together

    One of the greatest albums of all time, Neil Young's Harvest will be recreated by a supergroup of New Zealand artists, track by track in its entirety plus a bonus set of classics and deep cuts. Featuring Jon Toogood, Sam Scott, James Milne (Lawrence Arabia), Adam Hattaway, Dianne Swann, Jol Mulholland, Bret Adams, Matthias Jordan + More. 51 ...

  14. Come Together 2023

    Come Together 2023. New Zealand's greatest rock musicians come together once more for an extraordinary series of concerts in 2023, starting in MAY with Neil Young's HARVEST, then JUNE with Dire Strait's MAKING MOVIES and finally in AUGUST repeating Fleetwood Mac's RUMOURS honouring the late, great Christine McVie. This Super group in ...

  15. Neil Young, Dire Straits and Fleetwood Mac's most iconic albums to be

    The Come Together Concert Series will include performances of Fleetwood Mac's iconic album, Rumours. Photo / Sandra Roberts Publicity. Do you love Neil Young, Dire Straits and Fleetwood Mac?

  16. Come Together: Neil Young's Harvest -May 12, 2023

    Come Together: Neil Young's Harvest was more than just a run though of a classic album, it was a celebration of one of our greatest living songwriters by this country's finest musicians.. My my, hey hey, this is a band that came to play. Led by Jol Mullolland and powered by the guitar playing of Brett Adams, Samuel Flynn Scott (Phoenix Foundation), Dianne Swann, Adam Hattaway, Jon Toogood ...

  17. Jon Toogood on Harvest Come Together concerts

    One of the stars, Jon Toogood, joins Jesse to talk about their concerts and playing the Neil Young blockbuster tracks live. Come Together Neil Young's Harvest concerts will be at the Isaac Theatre Royal in Christchurch on May 11, The Civic in Auckland on May 12 and the St James in Wellington on May 19. Come Together concerts are back for 2023.

  18. [LIVE] Come Together Album Tour

    LIVE STREAMING Come Together Album Tour - Neil Young's Harvest at St James Theatre Watch Full (livestream)) Here :

  19. Come Together

    Gig Information. One of the greatest albums of all time, Neil Young's Harvest will be recreated by a supergroup of New Zealand artists, track by track in its entirety plus a bonus set of classics and deep cuts. Featuring Jon Toogood, Sam Scott, James Milne (Lawrence Arabia), Adam Hattaway, Dianne Swann, Jol Mulholland, Bret Adams, Matthias ...

  20. The Best of Come Together

    We've meticulously selected the cream of the crop from artists Elton John, David Bowie, Dire Straits, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Fleetwood Mac, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. This is your invitation to a super rock soirée! Secure your spot at the 'The Best of' Come Together -Big End of Year Bash and let's make this a night to remember!

  21. Come Together Album Tour

    Come Together Album Tour - Neil Youngs Harvest . Event starts on Friday, 19 May 2023 and happening at St James Theatre Wellington, Wellington, WG. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information.

  22. Neil Young & Crazy Horse: Love Earth Tour Tickets

    With a history spanning over 50 years, Neil Young and Crazy Horse together are a force to be reckoned with; when they rock, they rock hard. Come witness the power, the glory, and the raggedness of the timeless classics, deep tracks, and mind-bending indulgence in raw music that will leave you wanting more, more, more!

  23. Come Together

    Come Together - Neil Young's Harvest. Isaac Theatre Royal Venue Tours. Telephone: +64-3-366 6326. Email: [email protected]. Street Address: 145 Gloucester Street. Christchurch. New Zealand. The ITR onsite Ticketek box office is open Tuesday - Friday from 10.00am - 5.00pm.

  24. Janet Jackson's 2024 tour dates with Nelly include a Phoenix concert

    Ms. Jackson's Together Again 2024 Tour builds on the success of the 2023 run, the highest-selling trek of her career, which featured 36 sold-out shows and got rave reviews from fans and press.