How to choose the right carrycot? The ultimate stroller's carrycot buying guide

What is essential when it comes to choosing a suitable carrycot? Do I even need a carrycot? Read all about bassinets in Strollberry's ultimate guide.

With your baby on the way, there surely will be a point when you finally start looking for the right stroller (system). It is also very likely that your search will begin with the right carrycot since it is the first place providing the little one with sweet dreams while being outside. The tiny, vulnerable newborn will need a comfortable and cozy spa - giving many moms a reason to focus, at least at the start, on the carrycot more (compared to other parts of a stroller system). Another extreme sometimes, of course, takes place as well - not considering a carrycot at all...

These days, choosing a stroller amongst the hundreds (even thousands) of various options is almost rocket science. The problem is not just choosing the right model. There are thousands of questions, such as: Does the chosen stroller system come with the right carrycot? What is essential when it comes to choosing a suitable bassinet? What is not that important? Do I even need a carrycot? What features to look out for, and to what extent? What insights from others are crucial and which are well-intended, but in fact, useless pieces of advice? I will try to help you with this detailed guide for choosing the carrycot , one of the main parts of a conventional stroller system.

Types and materials

The first factor is rather apparent after looking at the carrycot for the first time - its design. There are many kinds of plastic carrycots available. The shape of these large and robust carrycots is usually oval, and although they often look rather spacious, don't get baffled by the thick plastic and large opening. Don't rush and take measurements of the mattress if necessary. Always check the quality of the materials, because your child won't levitate - it will be laying on the mattress you have chosen. The second most important thing to consider about any carrycot with a solid base is the ventilation. The condensation and moisture retention can be present in the base of plastic carrycots - predominantly in the case of the cheaper stroller systems. A lower-quality mattress may emphasize this issue even more. This is not the best place to try to save the money too much. On the other hand, many plastic carrycots are well designed, spacious, and practical. You need to consider the overall design as well as the price. We will talk about ventilation in-depth later.

Fabrics-based carrycots (meaning a lot of fabric used as the main protection factor - and often good foldability) are usually lighter and more compact. How much space they offer depends greatly on the model - they can be really tiny but also extremely spacious. When it comes to material, fabrics are good enough and don't influence the quality of the carrycot much. Sides of each soft carrycot are reinforced with either solid bars or a foldable system, and don't forget - the baby is in every case more or less protected with a hood and an apron as well.

One of the preconceptions I can't get my head around is the sentence: "The wind will blow through the carrycot / The baby will be cold in such a type of a carrycot." I think this is one of the most absurd statements related to strollers and carrycots in particular. Just imagine, jackets and coats we are wearing in cold weather are made of similar fabrics. Moreover, in autumn or winter, you don't just put your child into the carrycot in the hope the carrycot will sufficiently protect your child against all of the bad weather.

I am quite sure you will dress your child appropriately and put him into a footmuff (which covers the head of the child too). You may even add a warm blanket.

There is always a chance you'd like to take the child out of the carrycot to feed him or just to show him the surroundings - it will need to be nice and warm even when outside of the carrycot. Talking about a wind blowing through the carrycot part right on your child is, therefore, absolutely irrelevant, even if the carrycot was made out of thinner materials. It is simply not happening like that 🙂

The hybrid carrycots are somewhere between textile and plastic carrycots, usually featuring a plastic base and fabric sides, meaning a possible folding option. There is not much difference between the hybrid and the other two (basic) types - mostly, it offers the advantages of both. I don't have a specific preference, and the material doesn't bother me too much if the carrycot is functional. The features of the carrycot are more important, and even more so in the case of the seat unit. Both carrycot types have a lot to offer, and in general, you can't go wrong, choosing any of them. The carrycot should suit your needs and lifestyle. If you often need to transport or carry the carrycot upstairs and downstairs, you will probably appreciate the more compact and lightweight one more. Outdoors-tackling fans or parents of autumn/winter babies will be, on the other hand, more drawn to the robust and enforced type.

The leatherette-covered carrycots should be included in their own specific category. The PU leather (eco-leather if you will) exterior of these elegant and luxuriously looking carrycots is easy to wipe clean, which is a great plus - especially with little babies. Their disadvantages, however, are related to the material as well - the leatherette is easy to scratch; requires occasional maintenance (for example, an application of suitable care in the form of a cream or a spray); and there is the possible cracking because of aging of the material or exposure to unsuitable weather conditions (for ex. direct sun, rain, etc.) The breathability of the leatherette, mainly of the cheaper models, is often not too great either. If you are going to use the carrycot in summer, the breathability has to be taken into account together with choosing the suitable carrycot color. Later, if the leatherette carrycot comes with a matching seat unit, you may find it quite strange and possibly slippery for your older child.

By any means, I am not trying to put you off leatherette material. I just think that it is important to consider all the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision based only on the look.

Inner dimensions of the carrycot

As I already hinted in the previous part - the total size (length, width) doesn't equal to the size of the mattress (= the inner measurements ~ length and width of the carrycot ). Quite often, the difference is remarkable. Be aware of some Polish and other, predominantly cheaper brands, as they usually use in their descriptions the larger number to get your attention. The measurement is often taken over the top of the carrycot, in some cases even over the outer 'shell', while in reality, the dimensions of the mattress are considerably smaller. If you consider the real measurements of the mattress important, I would advise you to get it out of the carrycot and take the measures for yourself.

The inner dimensions of the carrycot are, of course, essential, but often not the only thing to consider - no matter what other people say. It all depends on the time of the year the child was born . In general, the usage of the carrycot is approximately six months. However, this is subjective, and it could be 3-4 months or 10-12 months, depending on the size of the carrycot as well as the size, character, and actual needs of the baby. The time of switching from the carrycot to the seat unit t is mainly up to you. Being happy in the seat and crying in the carrycot (because of, e.g., the lack of view) are often relevant indicators for a swap. It is absolutely fine if the seat unit can be fully reclined for a child that does not sit independently yet.

It is highly unlikely that a baby born in spring will need a carrycot over the following winter. In spring and summer, the baby will still be tiny, so the inner dimensions of the carrycot are not that important for such a baby. You should focus on a quality seat unit, in this case, much more. Things may get more complicated for a summer baby , depending on whether you are insisting on using a carrycot through the whole winter or you are open to a switch for a seat unit.

Two of my sons were born in May, and we had switched an average-sized carrycot (approximately 73.5 cm long) to a seat unit somewhere in December / January (when they reached circa 7.5 months of age). Both of them were big boys with a birth weight of over 4 kg, and we, naturally, used a winter footmuff too at the end of bassinet-use!

_If you still prefer to use the carrycot for your summer baby throughout winter, go for the inner length of 75-77 cm minimum. That's because you will need to accommodate your growing baby as well as the winter footmuff._

An excellent alternative for your summer baby is also a stroller with either a soft carrycot, a cocoon, or at least some head hugger. This option is not too costly and saves some storage space later since you don't need to find space for the full-sized carrycot that is not in use anymore. The seat unit is usually more open and better ventilated than the carrycot, and therefore more appropriate for hot summer days.

For an autumn baby , you will be looking for an average-sized or bigger carrycot. It is highly likely that the baby will use the carrycot during the whole autumn and winter, so you will need enough space to accommodate your growing baby wrapped in warm clothes and footmuff. Because of the possibility of snow and cold wind, I would recommend a bigger hood or an elevated apron. Alternatively, to extend the hood, you could get an additional shade, hood extension or a sun visor accessory.

Similar to an autumn baby, choosing the right carrycot for a winter baby is relatively easy, although many moms actually think the opposite. During winter, the baby will be the smallest, so the size of the carrycot doesn't matter too much. Even the smallest carrycot can accommodate such a tiny baby even when it's in warm clothes, wrapped in a blanket and/or a footmuff. Don't stress too much about the size of the carrycot, focus on an adequate hood, an apron, and other protection against cold, snow, and rain, and don't forget to choose a high-quality footmuff.

I want to emphasize the important fact that is often forgotten.

Your baby doesn't require an extreme amount of space in the carrycot, and it certainly doesn't suffer in a 'smaller' carrycot.

Not long ago, your child was squeezed in your uterus for weeks (and months). The baby is used to feeling snug; it reminds him of you and makes him or her feel safe and cozy. So, don't worry too much if your baby doesn't have a 10 cm gap all around him. My sons found a more narrow carrycot (or being wrapped in a swaddling blanket) very soothing. If it doesn't bother you, it is highly likely that your baby will be happy and content.

The depth of the carrycot is not too significant unless you need to use a footmuff or feel like buying an extra mattress. The depth of the carrycot doesn't add to the overall comfort for the baby - a shallower carrycot actually may provide a better view. The stroller systems with a 2in1 seat and carrycot in one part are usually quite shallow and, therefore, more suitable for spring/summer, but acceptable in winter too - with the right protective accessories.

The mattress

Often not that apparent, but the quality of the mattress is also a factor to take into account. As a general recommendation, newborn babies need to lie flat on a horizontal, firm surface . Therefore, if you want a healthy, ergonomic, and durable mattress for your baby, look for a thicker and firmer mattress. A cheaper, thin mattress will usually give up relatively quickly and start to sag. If it starts happening, you should consider replacing the mattress with another one. Alternatively, you can place an extra mattress on top of the original one (check the manufacturer's guidelines in the pram manual, some don't allow this).

Currently, there is a wide choice of materials available - from memory foam to the biomaterials such as coconut fibers or hemp . With the fiber ones, watch out for crumbling. The presence of ants was once or twice reported inside coconut fiber mattresses - but no worries, it is a rather extraordinary situation where hygiene probably failed a bit. If you keep the mattress clean and inside of the house, you shouldn't worry about any unpleasant surprises.

Based on my own experience, an ordinary foam mattress of adequate thickness, quality, and firmness will do.

The cover of the mattress, together with the internal lining of the carrycot, can be removed and washed, which is helpful and practical . A baby can get a carrycot dirty quite quickly 😉 In case of an accident, don't forget to let the mattress dry sufficiently after cleaning so that it doesn't get moldy. You can also use a disinfectant spray for the bigger "nappy-leaking" accidents.

I want to add a short remark regarding the protective sheets and other rubber covers we use to keep the mattress clean.

From the point of health and safety of a newborn baby, and to prevent SIDS, it is not recommended to put the baby on any non-breathable materials. Such a young baby can't regulate its body temperature properly, and therefore, it can get overheated, especially in summer.

The inclining function

One of the functions mommies like to have is the possibility to incline the mattress under the head/back of the baby. I think this function is often overrated and not very practical - mainly because an inclined surface is not recommended for children that cannot sit independently yet.

Until the time the baby's back and neck muscles are strong enough to hold him upright (without any help from your part), the baby should be lying flat.

Lying on the mattress inclined underneath the baby's head, the baby often slips down. Even worse, the head may be pushed closer to the chest, making the child's breathing more difficult, which is another bug con of inclining carrycots. Moms often say that the baby wants to have a better view. I disagree - if the baby is big enough for an inclined position, it is time to switch for the seat unit offering a more natural body position while providing your kid with a better view (even when fully reclined) . I just can't see the need for an inclining carrycot, where the baby has no other choice than just kind of sit clumsily without any safety belts. So much better to rather use the seat unit. The last argument against the inclining of the carrycot mattress is that the mechanism often gets damaged or broken, mainly in cheaper models.

Nevertheless, you may find some justification for an inclining carrycot - a baby suffering from reflux . Some babies do; some babies don't… I wouldn't worry beforehand. You can still go around this by placing a wedge pillow in an ordinary (non-inclined) carrycot . A wedge pillow slightly elevates the head along with the shoulders and torso, which is actually a more ergonomic and safe way in reflux prevention and treatment.

You can definitely survive without the inclining function, and I wouldn't consider this function important when choosing the right carrycot.

There is, of course, no accounting for taste, and I am sure many moms enjoyed having an inclining carrycot.

The canopy of the carrycot, the seat unit, and even the car seat is for sure an important detail to look at. The rule applying to the carrycot canopy is that it's always better to have more of it (and not to use it) than to get less (and struggle with not-protective-enough sun coverage).

A sun visor (the longer, the better), a floating follow-the-sun canopy, or an option to unzip a panel and extend the hood is always an advantage. If you need to use it, you will; and if not, you can leave it as it is.

A large hood is crucial in summer when the sun can be fierce and sharp, as well as in winter, as partial protection against the elements. When the low sun in the mornings and afternoons is preventing your little one from having a good nap, you will certainly appreciate the option to extend the hood.

Don't worry if your chosen stroller meets almost all your criteria, except for the hood of the carrycot not being as great as you'd wish for. It is very complicated - almost impossible - to find the perfect stroller/travel system . The issue with the hood is one of those things that, luckily, can be fixed . Many universal sun visors and shade accessories are now available. Moreover, if necessary, you can get a tailor to make you a new, bigger hood.

I have to warn you, though - if you are using a blanket or thick terrycloth over the opening under the hood (no matter if against the sun or cold), make sure the carrycot is not fully covered. It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to keep the air flowing.

The lack of oxygen and the risk of overheating of such a small space as a carrycot can be very dangerous for a baby. Always remember to leave an open passage for airflow - even for the sharp winter air, which is not a problem. Given that the baby is dressed accordingly to the outside temperature, having a slightly cold nose, cheeks and hands won't hurt it at all. Don't overheat your baby and let the air (even if cold and/or humid) circulate in the carrycot.

The ventilation, as well as the apron, are function-wise closely related to the hood, and thus deserve more attention.


There is a number of ways of providing ventilation to the carrycot. It is always beneficial if some kind of special ventilation system is present, but of course, you can live without it 😉

The most common way of **providing airflow is through the hood*. It could be a zip-open mesh panel, a closable viewing window with a net, or a fabric part that you can pull aside, opening a mesh section. It is, however, an advantage if the hood can be fully covered even - as opposed to the situations where there is a mesh-only panel, which could be a problem when you need to extend the hood in cold weather without bringing extra cold air into the carrycot. Having said that, even a mesh panel is always better than having no means of extending the hood at all.

The second way of ventilation in a carrycot, usually found in better/more expensive models, is through its base . Using a lever or a button, you can open and close the vents on the bottom of the carrycot. Thanks to such an air circulation system, the temperature of the mattress and the inside of the carrycot are kept at an optimal level. Apart from Italian brands (such as Cam , Chicco , Peg-Pérego ) boasting a flip-out ventilation system, you can find them present in many Polish brands and robust, oval-shaped prams, too.

The third way of ventilation is through the side openings in the carrycot , often hidden behind the fabric. By pulling the material away, you will let the air in, and at the same time, the baby lying either on his back or on the belly can see the world around him some more. So far, only a handful of carrycots feature this function, so if your carrycot sports this advantage, it is probably one of those more expensive ones. Cybex Priam and Mios have recently swapped to this style of the carrycot.

The apron is a functional accessory, and you are going to need it (not only) in winter.

Thanks to creating shade and protecting the child not only against the cold, the apron comes in handy during the whole year, including some summer days.

An important characteristic of the apron is its height. Be aware of some designer-style (or cheaper) carrycots, where the apron doesn't even reach the neck of the baby when being put on. The more you can extend it and keep it secured in an elevated position, the more your baby will be protected against the sun and wind. Although not necessary, you will appreciate this function when it's freezing or when the wind is too strong.

Another practicality to consider is the attachment system of the apron to the carrycot. The poppers are excellent, rather quiet, holding well - that's until one of them gets loose (then you are in trouble). The magnets are getting popular in modern prams, and just like the poppers, they are great, silent, and quick, but a livelier baby may easily kick the apron off. The velcros work too, although not so quiet, and they often look worn out over time. The conventional zipper holds well, but might be tricky to secure if you are in a hurry.

Attaching the carrycot to the chassis

It is best to check the chosen carrycot in a store before purchasing it (if unsure) - so you can see for yourself how to attach it to the chassis beforehand. The smoother and more comfortable it is for you, the better. An important thing is also to verify for yourselves whether the height suits both of you, parents.

It would be useful for a tall parent to buy a stroller system with a carrycot that's not on his or her knee level. Bending down to reach the carrycot is not something you will enjoy shortly after giving birth.

The opposite situation is not great, either. If you are on the shorter side height-wise and the carrycot's hood is above your eye level, you won't be able to see what's in front of you. Apart from that, the not-so-tall mom probably won't enjoy the loading of such a big pram into the car as well as the overall manipulation with it.

Usually, you are adding the carrycot to the chassis directly (without adapters). However, adapters are often necessary for stroller systems featuring a fixed, world-facing seat unit, as the attachment system for the carrycot has to be added. Occasionally, the adapters can be found in systems with a reversible seat unit as well. There are also those stroller systems where the use of adapters is not necessary, but an adapter is available anyway, helping you regulate the height of the carrycot. Using adapters, the carrycot will be sitting slightly higher on the chassis, thus closer to you, allowing bonding. These adapters are standard for brands such as iCandy or Easywalker . An even more sophisticated related function is the adjustment of height directly on the chassis by moving the attaching point, found in, for example, the Stokke Xplory or the Mima Xari lines.

In theory, attaching the carrycot in a forward-facing mode is often possible. Actually, some (predominantly Polish) brands are presenting this option as an advantage. Not for me, thank you.

With such a small baby in the carrycot, you need to keep a close eye on them and act fast if something happens.

With the carrycot facing forward, you wouldn't have a chance to see if, for example, they threw up a bit or an uninvited insect entered the carrycot. A baby's sight is rather short-ranged, so the argument about a better view doesn't apply for the smallest children needing a carrycot. Later, when they are old enough, they will have an opportunity to enjoy the view and all its advantages with a forward-facing seat unit.

Another thing that's nice to have - but not really necessary - are memory buttons . After pushing a memory button, it stays clicked in, so you can remove the carrycot without holding onto any mechanisms. One click (sometimes on both sides) and a lift is all it takes. With memory buttons, a carrycot can be taken off one-handed, which is quite comfortable.

Some carrycots can be folded - predominantly the lighter and smaller types with fabric sides (so, usually not the plastic oval prams). A foldable carrycot comes in handy (especially) for parents who enjoy traveling a lot (no matter how long the journey is), and they need to take the carrycot with them. A foldable bassinet doesn't take as much space as a conventional one, so its easier storing is an advantage once your baby has outgrown it for good. A large carrycot taking a lot of space is often sold or given away quickly because of space issues.

There are two main types of folding the carrycot . Mostly you will fold a carrycot by folding down folding the sides of the carrycot, so it folds flat while retaining its length. The carrycot of some brands, such as Peg-Pérego or Bugaboo , can even be folded together with the chassis (the folded package will, however, be quite bulky).

Another folding system, more suitable for parents on the go, is to 3D fold the carrycot into halves or sections to create a compact, handbag-sized package. The Cot To Go, the most compact carrycot from GB , would be a champion of such a 3D folding system. What is more, the Cot To Go is compatible with Maxi-Cosi adapters, allowing it to be clicked on other stroller brands as well.

Carrying the carrycot

Whether you need to carry an empty carrycot or a bassinet loaded with a baby, some sort of a carry handle or carry strap will be handy.

You can survive perfectly well with a carrycot without a carry strap, but if you, for example, live in a building with no lift, moving a carrycot like that would be rather tricky.

The most common system for moving the carrycot is a handle that is either integrated into the hood or situated just above the hood . Such a handle offers the most stable and most comfortable manipulation. There are also carrycots featuring side straps , but because you have to hold onto and balance two objects in one hand, this system is slightly less comfortable (although still manageable). The third, rather rare option involves using fixed attachments on the side of the carrycot, where you have to use both hands, which makes the manipulation even less comfortable.

Some carrycots (e.g., the Bugaboo bassinets) feature a bumper bar that's normally more typical for a seat unit. Never, however, use such a bumper bar for moving a carrycot that is loaded with your baby (= not empty)! Because of the risk of the bumper bar getting open and the fact that there mostly are no safety belts in a carrycot, there is a risk of the child falling with and out of the carrycot, potentially getting hurt.

The rocking base of the carrycot

Rocking the carrycot is a nice feature, and it is possible to use it as a rocker/crib in case you make frequent visits to friends and family. To tell you the truth, with three kids, I have used this function maybe twice overall… so I wouldn't recommend putting much priority there. However, for a child who loves the rocking motion, this may be of help if you don't have a real swinging crib at home or if you can't use your stroller inside.

I would consider getting a carrycot suitable (and certified) for overnight sleeping if you do overnight stays a lot with your child - no matter if it's visiting friends, family, or on trips. Otherwise, the feature is not really a thing I would use at home, where a normal crib is present.

0+ Carrycots usable instead of car seats (Car seat / carrycot hybrids)

Some carrycots have a safety mechanism to keep them fixed in the car, and therefore, they may be used instead of the Group 0+ car seats. Such carrycots provide maximum comfort for a child as the baby lies flat instead of sitting arched in the car seat, but unfortunately, the degree of safety is lower, which will mainly be evident in a serious accident. So far, none of the carrycots proved to be extremely safe, so they should be used more for occasional, short journeys only.

In general, this type of carrycot is less generous space-wise because of the thicker sides restrict the internal space in case of a collision. One of the few exceptions providing more than enough space are the carrycots of the Cam brand.

If you have decided to go for this type of carrycot, check the type of safety harness too.

Often, the in-car usable carrycots only offer a 2-point safety system with the belt going around the baby's belly, which, I think, is definitely not enough. Better to look for carrycots with a 'car kit' consisting of the conventional 3-points safety system, which is sometimes available separately. When not in use, the seat belts can be tucked away under the mattress.

Moreover, an important fact to take into account is that car-approved carrycots are bulkier and take a lot of space in the car. If you have a small car with short seat belts or often ride with more passengers on board, better to look for an alternative (like a reclinable car seat, e.g., a Joie i-Level).

Lie-flat car seats

If you travel a lot and like the idea of carrycots with auto-kit usable instead of a car seat, but at the same time, you want to prioritize the safety of your child the most, you may want to look into lie-flat car seats. I know - this is not a carrycot per se, but it is still important to mention this option for parents often traveling with their young baby. Look at those that can be reclined while traveling, not only on the pushchair frame. The price of such a car seat is obviously at the higher end of the market, but you possibly won't even need a conventional full-featured carrycot if you're always on the go. I talk more about choosing the right car seat in this guide .

Is the country of origin of my stroller/pram/carrycot important?

I would say no, not really. Most of the strollers are made in countries with cheap manpower (Poland, China, etc.). Some brands, such as Hartan , are keeping to tradition with products made in the country of origin of the brand - Germany in this case. This results in products being more expensive, and not everyone is willing (or able) to pay as much, even if it means quality. Instead of dwelling on the country of origin, I would move the focus on the quality of materials, reliable customer service, and the overall status of the brand, reflecting customer satisfaction (= stroller reviews ).

Should I buy a pram (carrycot mode) only?

One of the options, when your expectations of the carrycot and the stroller/seat unit differ, is to buy a pram-only stroller (without a pushchair mode/seat unit). The choice is not as great, however, and if you find some, they are usually the cheaper types or the retro-style ones. Quite often, they are retro-type models featuring an X-shaped or C-shaped rocking chassis and fixed wheels. Although these prams may look good, only so many of us will find them practical since they don't feature the agile swivel wheels we modern moms've gotten so used to.

Some brands, such as Stokke , Mutsy , Cam , Inglesina offer the carrycot, the seat unit, and the chassis separately so that you can put together any combination you want. Chance is, if you ask for it, the manufacturer of your chosen stroller system may be able to provide you with only the carrycot part with the stroller frame, so it is worth asking if you really need that.

Because the carrycot is generally used only for a few months anyway and usually doesn't get worn out much, a second-hand pram with only the carrycot attachment (and no seat) may be a relatively safe, budget-friendly, and eco-friendly option too.

Another - and a rather good - approach is to choose the stroller system with a seat unit you like and just survive any carrycot that' fits it for those first few months, no matter how large or functional it i

In the end, unlike the carrycot, you will use the seat unit for much longer, and most of the disadvantages of the carrycot are bearable or easily resolved anyway.

Prioritizing is essential when it comes to choosing the right stroller - and with carrycot, this is even more prominent. I know I talked a lot about the carrycot here, but my last words want to say: DO think about the carrycot, but don't prioritize it above other parts and features, because in the end, your baby will be more or less OK in any carrycot, but not so much in any (bad) seat unit.__

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Being musicians as well, we created a special holiday song for you to share a wintery, Christmas vibe with us. We hope it brings you a bit of calm (we all need it). ♥️


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  • Prams & pushchairs

Best travel system for babies 2023: Car seat, carrycot and pushchair in one

  • Catherine Hufton
  • Kat de Naoum

carrycot travel system

Getting out and about with your little one needn’t be a faff, with our pick of the best travel systems that offer the perfect solution

Finding the best travel system for your baby can feel a little daunting. After all, there’s plenty to consider when making your choice – they need to be able to transport your little one safely; they need to be comfortable to manoeuvre, while remaining relatively portable; and they need to be compatible with carrycots, car seats, and toddler seats to accommodate your baby from birth well into their toddler years. With an array of models vying for your attention, there’s a lot to think about with, potentially, a significant cost.

As is the case when you buy almost anything, what you pick will often come down to your own circumstances and lifestyle. If you travel frequently and use public transport often, then a travel system that’s lightweight and folds down with minimal effort will likely be a priority. If you’re more of an off-road adventurer with a dog or two to walk, then sturdy suspension and durable wheels will top your list of requirements. If size or road conditions aren’t a concern, then you might be free to prioritise style over more practical elements.

Whatever your needs, we’ve put together a brief buying guide with some FAQs and rated some of the top travel systems on the market to help you make the best choice for you and your family.

Best travel system: At a glance

  • Best luxury travel system: Bugaboo Fox 5 | £1,115
  • Best overall complete travel system:  Mamas & Papas Ocarro | £1,509
  • Best travel system for city living: Nuna Triv 4 Piece | £1,050
  • Best affordable travel system: KinderKraft XMoov 3-in-1 Travel System | £279

How to choose the best travel system for you

What is a travel system.

It’s a do-it-all pushchair with a modular design that allows you to slot in a carrycot, car seat or toddler seat as needed. The majority of models are presented in a variety of different packages, or bundles as they’re commonly known, ranging from the barebones with just the frame or stroller, right through to deluxe versions comprising everything from the carrycot, car seat, and accessories such as footmuffs, canopy, nappy bag, and even cup holder bundled as standard.

Do I need a travel system?

Not necessarily. You could instead choose to buy a separate pushchair with a carrycot, a stroller , a third-party car seat – or any combination of products that works for you. The appeal of a travel system is integration and the convenience that it brings.

Everything in a travel system is designed to work together, so it potentially means less overlap. For instance, you can just click the car seat onto the travel system chassis and push your baby around town, which saves you transferring your child from a car seat to a pushchair or cot.

What key features should I look for?

Size and weight are crucial, meaning it’s a good idea to go to a store or showroom to have a good play around with the models you’re considering. Will it fit in your boot and/or hallway? Can you carry it upstairs, if you live in a flat? Make sure you’re happy with the folding mechanism, too, since some are more tricky to operate than others.

Note that babies need to lie flat in a pram until they’re six months old, so you’ll need to ensure you’re happy with the size and comfort level of the carrycot. Don’t forget to check details such as whether it’s suitable for occasional overnight sleeping, too.

The size of the wheels is also important: big sturdy wheels are great if you walk a lot on rougher terrain, while slimmer wheels are better suited to city life. It’s worth noting the smaller details, too, such as built-in sunshades, buggy boards for older children, the size of the shopping basket and the stroller seat. Will the travel system accommodate your baby as they grow into a toddler, or will you need to spend more money further down the line? Can it accommodate two (or more) kids, if and when you have more?

How much should I spend?

It’s tempting to assume that the more expensive a travel system is, the better it will perform; but this isn’t necessarily the case. There are a variety of models on offer, at all kinds of price points (starting at around £300 and soaring to well over £1,000), so the best place to start will be to prioritise your main needs and work from there.

At the other end of the spectrum, while the high price of some of these travel systems may appear extortionate at first, factor in the cost of buying all the parts that feature in the bundle separately, and you may well find that an all-in-one travel system actually offers good value for money.

How we test travel systems

To test the best travel systems on the market, our reviewers spend several days putting each pram through its paces. As well as assessing how easy each travel system is to assemble, we also evaluate how it performs in everyday life, covering the school run, trips to the supermarket, as well as on public transport. We also consider extra details such as how easy it is to load and how well it fits into the boot of the car, and the amount of space it takes up in the hallway.

This real-life testing means we can highlight any areas that could prove problematic, or where a product truly shines. In addition, such testing allows us to more accurately categorise each travel system according to people’s different needs, such as storing in a small space, carrying up a flight of stairs, or navigating a muddy sports field. Finally, we include details such as the age range for which each travel system is suitable, the type of wheels it has, and its dimensions.

READ NEXT: The best car seats you can buy

The best travel systems you can buy in 2023

1. bugaboo fox 5: best luxury travel system.

carrycot travel system

For those who wish to personalise their pram, they can choose from 12 different colourways and add-on many of the luxury Bugaboo accessories, such as the baby bag and cup holder. We recently tested the Bugaboo Fox 3, which similarly feels weightless to push and manoeuvre; but the Fox 5 is even more comfortable to use.

This is a great travel system to use right from your front door, taking you from the school run to out and about on all terrains. It’s a little big for folding down frequently as a result of its large wheels, and you may find lugging it in and out of the car a little annoying. Likewise, if you need to pull it up stairs and fold it down in a hallway, there are more lightweight travel systems that may be better. But if comfort and style are your main needs, and you have the space for it in your car and your home, this is one of the best travel systems we’ve tested.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable for 0 to 4 years or 22kg; Wheels: Lockable swivel; Unfolded Dimensions: 93 x 60 x 105cm; One-piece standing fold: 44 x 60 x 90cm; Weight: 10.4-12.2kg

Check price at John Lewis

2. Ocarro 9 Piece Complete Bundle: Best overall complete travel system

carrycot travel system

This bundle is also available with a carrycot and cushioned mattress that can be used from birth, a foot muff, changing bag, cup holder, baby blanket, Cybex Aton 5 Car Seat and the base fixing to fit it in the car. Overall, we found this pram super-easy to assemble and fold down, which will be music to the ears of any sleep-deprived new parent.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable for 0 to 4 years or 22kg; Wheels: Lockable swivel; Dimensions: 101 x 59 x 101cm; Weight: 13.7kg

Check price at Mamas & Papas

3. Cybex Priam Travel System: Best high-end travel system

carrycot travel system

Suitable from birth, when it’s used with the carrycot included in this bundle, right up to when your child is four years old (or 22kg), this stroller can handle any on- and off-road terrain thanks to its rubber wheels and impressive all-wheel suspension that make for a super comfy, and quiet, ride.

Extra features include an SPF50+ canopy, a backrest pocket to store your smaller valuables, and a shopping basket that folds down when not needed. Almost everything you require comes in this bundle, except for the extension pack that replaces the front wheels with a pair of skis for when you head to Meribel.

Key specs – Age range : Suitable for 0 years to 22kg in weight; Wheels : All-terrain wheels; Folded dimensions : 83.5 x 51.5 x 31.5cm; Unfolded dimensions : 92-83 x 60 x 98.5-108cm; Weight : 12.6kg

Check price at Pramworld

4. Nuna Triv 4 Piece: Best travel system for city living

carrycot travel system

The main pram in this travel system has an easy-to-fold design and a large storage basket underneath, while the spacious flip-fold seat features an adjustable leg rest that can easily accommodate a toddler up to the age of around three.

The additional carrycot can be attached for newborns and this bundle includes a Pipa Next i-Size car seat. The stroller also includes lots of thoughtful details such as a wallet slip at the back of the seat, attractive leather detailing and a peekaboo panel along the back of the canopy.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable from birth to 22kg max; Wheels: Front swivel wheels; Folded dimensions: 32 x 52 x 65cm (LWH); Unfolded dimensions: 77-87 x 106-110cm (LH); Weight: 8.8kg (without canopy, armbar and insert)

Check price at Little Angels

5. Ickle Bubba Eclipse All-In-One: Best affordable travel system bundle

carrycot travel system

The car seat comes with the Isofix car seat fitting system base that makes carrying the baby in and out of the car a breeze: this eliminates the need to faff around with a seat belt as the baby is already securely strapped into its 5-point car seat harness. Just clip the car seat into the Isofix’s two metal clip fixing points to lock it into place, and unclip to release. Other perks include a full winter footmuff, a smart baby bag that fits neatly on the back handle, an extendable UPF 50+ hood, puncture-proof, high-grip tyres and a wallet slip across the back of the buggy seat.

While the pram is lightweight and incredibly easy to push or lift up onto high pavements, that’s not to say it’s by any means a small buggy. In fact, it’s rather on the larger side, partly due to its bigger wheels which make it great for active families who love the great outdoors. It also, unfortunately, doesn’t fold down completely flat, which may be slightly cumbersome if you have limited storage space.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable from birth to approximately 4 years old; Wheels: Lockable front 360-degree swivel wheels; Folded dimensions: 58 x 80 x 37cm (WLH); Unfolded dimensions: 58 x 116 x 106cm (WLH); Weight: 8.6kg (chassis with wheels)

Image of Ickle Bubba Eclipse 3 in 1 Travel System, with Galaxy Car Seat, Isofix Base & Built in 'Bubba Board (Black with Tan Handles)

Ickle Bubba Eclipse 3 in 1 Travel System, with Galaxy Car Seat, Isofix Base & Built in 'Bubba Board (Black with Tan Handles)

6. micralite getgo: best for affordable style and great design.

carrycot travel system

If you enjoy long walks and trips into the countryside, the multi-terrain, puncture-proof tyres and dynamic four-wheel suspension will come in handy too. The carrycot is lined with a super soft antibacterial bamboo fabric and is fitted with an integrated pull-out sun visor. There’s also a built-in storage pocket for your purse and keys.

Once your baby has outgrown the carrycot, you can switch it out for the seat unit, which has adjustable calf support and a lie-flat design. We also love the extra details such as the extendable hood with UPF50 protection, zip-out airflow panel and pull-out sunshade.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable from birth to 22kg; Wheels: Four-wheel suspension; Folded dimensions: 76 x 59 x 38cm (LWH); Unfolded dimensions: 72 x 59 x 89-105cm (LWH); Weight: 10.8kg

Check price at Micralite

7. KinderKraft XMoov 3-in-1: Best affordable travel system

carrycot travel system

A nappy bag with removable changing mat, a rain cover, cup holder, footmuff, extendable canopy and a height-adjustable handle are just some of the XMoov’s features, and the reclinable car seat has adjustable shoulder straps with protectors for the baby’s optimal safety and comfort.

For strolling, the all-terrain pumped wheels have a shock-absorbing mechanism allowing it to glide effortlessly on all kinds of roads, making it the perfect option whether you live in a busy city or in the country. The front wheels swivel and can be locked in position for solely going straight, while back wheel brakes have a simultaneous double clamp.

Key specs – Age range : Suitable for 0 years to 22kg in weight; Wheels : Pumped, all-terrain, locking, swivel, self-aligning; Folded dimensions : 92-116 x 110 x 60cm; Unfolded dimensions : 75 x 42 x 62cm ; Weight : 11.8-14kg

Check price at Baby and Child Store

8. iCandy Peach 7: The most comfortable travel system

carrycot travel system

While this pram is super-stylish, it’s also loaded with ultra-practical details such as the zipped pocket on the back of the seat, and the integrated stand-on board – which is invaluable if you have an older child. One of the other major pros about this pram is the comfort and security it offers your little one and the fact that it just makes a day-to-day routine feel much easier.

We really liked that the main bundle comes with everything you need to get started, including a carrycot, seat unit, chassis, removable ‘Pip-Zip’ bag, car seat adaptors and elevator adaptors. But you can also add on lots of personalised extras, such as the matching baby bag, footmuff and liner and cup holder, to really make it your own.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable from birth to 25kg; Wheels: Puncture-proof, ultra-smooth rolling PU tyres; Folded Dimensions: No wheels (cm) L70 x W54 x D28; Weight: 12.9kg

9. BabaBing Raffi: Best iCandy alternative

carrycot travel system

The travel bundle also comes with everything you need to navigate all four seasons, such as an adjustable forward- and rear-facing seat unit, a UPF50+ canopy, a spacious carry cot with a Kose Cool breathable lining, 2-in-1 rain cover and an Ubersnugg Footmuff. That’s a lot of kit for a very reasonable price.

This is a great travel system that’s super stylish, pleasurable to push and with plenty of storage space to boot. It’s definitely worthy of serious consideration and is a much more affordable option to some of the very expensive options in this list.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable from birth to 15kg; Wheels: Full suspension off-road tyres; Folded Dimensions: 70cm x 60cm x 29cm; Weight: 12.5kg

Image of BABABING Raffi Pushchair 3-in-1 Travel System, Baby Pushchair Buggy with Infant Car Seat Adapter & Rain Cover, Adjustable Stroller for Newborn - Navy Blue

BABABING Raffi Pushchair 3-in-1 Travel System, Baby Pushchair Buggy with Infant Car Seat Adapter & Rain Cover, Adjustable Stroller for Newborn - Navy Blue

10. thule urban glide 2 complete bundle: best running buggy.

carrycot travel system

There’s a twist hand brake for quickly stopping safely and it offers superior control even on hilly terrain. You can fold this buggy with just one hand while holding the baby in the other, and it weighs a touch over 11kg, so you can easily lift it in and out of the car’s boot and even up stairs.

The sun canopy can be adjusted to multiple positions and offers side ventilation and a peekaboo window that closes with a magnet. The complete travel bundle comes with a bassinet that can make the stroller suitable from birth onwards, and you’ll also get the Cabriofix i-Size car seat along with the base and adaptors.

Key specs – Age range : Suitable for 0 to 4 years, or 22kg; Wheels : Swivel front wheel, 16-inch rear wheels; Folded Dimensions : 87 x 69 x 34cm; Weight : 11.4kg

12. iCandy Core: The best travel system for second babies

carrycot travel system

This premium travel system from iCandy is a great option if you have other children and regularly interchange between urban and rural environments. It can be used from birth, starting with the fleece-lined carrycot that can be used for permanent overnight sleeping. When your baby grows into a toddler, simply switch over to the adjustable clamshell seat, which can also be used with the compatible car seat (if you purchase the full travel system bundle).

One of our favourite design features with this travel system is the built-in buggy board; it’s a lifesaver if you have older children. It will also save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to buy an additional buggy board or a double buggy, depending on the age of your other children.

Other details to note are the front-wheel swivel lock, bag hooks, an on/off brake indicator (which is flip-flop friendly), and ergonomic adjustable handlebar. Plus, the one-handed fold with the chassis still attached. The basket is also a good size at 48 litres, providing plenty of room for shopping and the baby bag. Finally, it comes with interchangeable wheels: the lighter wheels make it more of a compact city stroller, while the second set is more substantial and ideal for more rural areas. All in all, this is a smart and stylish travel system that will take you from birth to toddlerhood with ease and comfort.

Key specs – Age range: Suitable from birth to 25kg; Wheels: Interchangeable and removable (1 x rural wheel set and 1 x urban wheel set); Folded dimensions: L69 x W61 x H24; Unfolded dimensions: L68 x W61 x H105; Weight: 12.6kg

  • First Year Products

The 15 best baby travel systems 2024

best baby travel systems

Joie Finiti with Calmi


Mamas and Papas Ocarro


Ickle Bubba Stomp V4

Nuna TRIV Next

Nuna TRIV Next

Venicci Upline 3in1

Venicci Upline 3in1 + Isofix Base Travel System


Venicci Tinum SE Stylish Black 3in1


Kinderkraft EVERYDAY Travel System

Silver Cross Reef

Silver Cross Reef pushchair

Fox 5

Bugaboo Fox 5


Cosatto Giggle 3in1 Travel System and Accessories Bundle

Joie versatrax

Joie Versatrax Travel System


Maxi-Cosi Zelia Luxe 2


Ickle Bubba Eclipse


BabaBing! Raffi


Rose Gold Marble Belgravia Travel System

Whether you're off for a walk in the woods or popping into town, the best baby travel system makes getting around with your little one easy peasy. Attach the best car seat to the pushchair frame, and you can move your baby from car to pushchair and back again, without disruption.

In general, a travel system consists of a pushchair that is compatible with a Group 0+ car seat, suitable from birth to the age of 12 months. You can easily attach or detach it from the frame, and it will either clip on top of the pushchair seat component or attach directly to the chassis with the seat component removed.

Travel systems for babies often also come with a carrycot attachment, so you can use the pushchair as a lie-flat pram. It's vital when choosing a pushchair for your baby that they can lie flat in it until they're six months old to support the healthy development of their spine and lungs.

Best travel systems at a glance:

• Best overall baby travel system overall: Joie Finite With Calmi - Buy now on Joie • Best baby travel system for on the go: Mamas and Papas Ocarro - Buy now on Very • Best for a bundle: Ickle Bubba Stomp V4 - Buy now on Ickle Bubba • Best baby travel system for assemble: Nuna TRIV Next - Buy now on Very

To help you out, we've picked out our favourites. Every year we thoroughly test and review the best new products on the market, including the best travel systems for babies. We can then bring you comprehensive reviews from real parents who've tried out the travel systems in real life. Our annual Mother&Baby Awards also help us bring you the best advice about current products on the market.

The best baby travel systems 2024

1. joie finiti with calmi, best overall baby travel system.

Award: Won Gold in the Mother&Baby Awards 2023

The Joie Finiti with Calmi bundle is suitable from birth up to 22kg, and includes a pushchair, carrycot and car seat with a base. Our tester loved that it was quick and easy to fold and unfold, and the harness on both items was also really easy to use. The Calmi isn't just a carry cot, it can be used in a car and has the security of a car seat, so there's no need to wake your sleeping baby when they're under six months, moving them from cot to car.

With an extendable UPF50+ canopy, the Joie Finiti pushchair has three backrest positions which allows for a lie-flat position, it can also be folded up with just one hand, which is very useful when you're a busy parent with your hands full.

Our mum tester said: "From the minute the Joie Finiti travel system and Calmi arrived, I was impressed, arriving in just one box each. Quick and easy to build with informative manuals, the included accessories (a cup holder, rain cover and detachable pram organiser) were a nice surprise to have included as standard. The pram is quick and easy to unfold/fold with no need to double over due to the quick release on the seat.

It folds flat with the seat attachment making it quick and easy to put up/pack away if in a rush or in bad weather. The harness is really easy to use on both items and the four various modes this system caters for meant that we could choose the best combination for us for that moment in time. The clever storage pockets built into the Calmi carrycot on both the outside and the inside meant that I was never without a blanket/comforter and could easily and quickly find the items rather than having to rummage in a changing bag."

Read our full Joie Finiti With Calmi review.

  • Lightweight to push
  • Ample under-seat storage
  • Durable suspension
  • One hand fold
  • Canopy doesn't completely cover the seat when fully reclined

2. Mamas and Papas Ocarro

Best baby travel system for on the go.

If the grandparents-to-be are chipping in, or if you've saved hard for a top-of-the-range travel system, we think every penny is well spent on this Mamas and Papas Ocarro travel system. We love the puncture-proof off-road tyres – perfect for rural adventures in style. The reversible, lie-flat pushchair seat ensures maximum comfort during snoozes on the move.

Mother&Baby tester review: "I must admit I do love this pram! I love the fact that you can put it up and down using just one hand which did make my life easier (especially when caught in the rain)! I like the fact the hood comes down quite far but there's a zip to let some air in and a flap to check on your baby as you're pushing (my previous pushchair didn't have this) which does put your mind at ease, especially the first time you put your baby forward facing! Also, the fact that you can fold the pushchair down with the stroller seat on, and it folds down just as neat as it would without the seat is an added bonus as it saves time when out and about in the car! All in all these little features do make a huge difference!"

Read our full Mamas&Papas Ocarro review.

  • Choice of colours
  • One-hand fold
  • Easy to carry when folded
  • Dual suspension for even terrain
  • Basket can be difficult to access with larger item

3. Ickle Bubba Stomp V4

Best for a bundle.

If you've got a little more to spend on a travel system, you'll want to know you're getting more bang for your buck. The Ickle Bubba Stomp V4 ticks that box, and is sturdy and felt safe, according to our reviewer. It's achingly cool and stylish, yet the highly functional design is also great for parents with differing heights, with a fully adjustable handle. With this travel system you'll get the carrycot, seat unit, i-Size car seat and Isofix base, raincover, footmuff and changing bag all included in the price.

Mother&Baby tester review: "This pushchair was a pleasure to use! It was sturdy and felt safe. It steered well and collapsed relatively easily. It reclined nicely and the sunshade was large enough to provide good cover for my daughter. This was a great feature. I have a dog, and it pushed surprisingly well on grass and pebbles whilst walking her. The handle positioning was easy to adjust and great for my husband who is tall.

Read our full Ickle Bubba Stomp V4 Special Edition All in One Travel System with Isofix Base review.

  • Easy to connect to the car
  • Lightweight
  • Quite compact once folded
  • Useful extras included
  • Our parent testers found it hard to fold down

4. Nuna TRIV Next

Best baby travel system for assemble.

The Nuna TRIV Next was awarded Gold for Best Travel System  at the Mother&Baby Awards 2024.

Another travel system that really looks and handles well, the Nuna TRIV Next was a hit with our tester, who found it easy to assemble, and was impressed at how simple it was to change the positions. The all-season seat keeps your baby warm in winter and converts to breathable mesh in summer, while the rain cover provides extra protection no matter the weather. This travel system is also compact when folded, and will stay standing by itself which is a huge bonus to many.

Our mum tester said: "The assembly process of the pushchair was so easy, I was able to assemble the pushchair alone at 40+2 weeks pregnant. I also tried out a few of the different seat positions, and changing to the collapsible carrycot the first time I set it up and I was really impressed with how simple that was to do. It all felt very good quality, especially the stylish colour scheme of black, really set off by the brown leatherette handle and front bar."

Read our full Nuna TRIV Next review

  • Easy to use and super straightforward assemble
  • Great colour scheme
  • Suspension isn't great
  • Travel cot hood cover is hard to get zipped up

5. Venicci Upline 3in1 + Isofix Base Travel System

Best baby travel system for quick interchanges.

The Venicci Upline 3in1 + Isofix Base Travel System was awarded Silver for Best Travel System  at the Mother&Baby Awards 2024.

If you're looking for a travel system to use in towns or cities, then the Venicci Upline 3in1 + Isofix Base Travel System could be what you're looking for. Our tester thought it was easy to use and folded down really small, even fitting into a small car with room to spare. This product has a long lifespan, lasting from birth to four years, and comes with a carrycot, seat unit, car seat (with adapters), changing bag, foot muff, insect netting and rain covers.

Our mum tester said: "This is a great travel system for towns and cities. It was really easy to put together with clear instructions and it’s easy and quick to interchange the different components. The pushchair and bassinet are great, folding down nice and small so that they fit easily even in a small car such as a Fiesta, with a bit of room to spare!"

Read our full Venicci Upline 3in1 + Isofix Base Travel System review.

  • Modern design and luxurious finish
  • Water-repellent fabric
  • Large with solid wheels
  • Cozy footmuff included
  • Adjustable footrest

6. Venicci Tinum SE Stylish Black 3in1

Best baby travel system for simplicity.

Award: Won Silver in the Mother&Baby Awards 2023

The Venicci Tinum SE Stylish Black 3in1 travel system won a silver award at the 2023 M&B Awards, and with good reason. One reviewer said she loved the one-hand fold, and how it was compact too. It has a lightweight frame, easy-to-fold mechanism and modern design, as well as having a pram, car seat and carrycot included, it comes complete with all the accessories needed to make going out and about with your little one as easy as possible. These include a footmuff, changing bag with mat, rain cover and mosquito net.

One mum said: "This product is extremely user-friendly. Everything about the pushchair is easy to do, with strong smooth mechanisms. The pushchair seat and bassinet are both really easy to attach and detach. Everything feels great quality. It is so easy to fold and unfold the pushchair with one hand and there is no need to remove the seat which is so handy for me. The fold is nice and compact too which is great and it stands freely. The nice big chunky wheels make it great for all terrain and it is really smooth to push."

Read our full Tinum SE Stylish Black 3in1 review.

  • One-handed folding
  • Looks stylish
  • Some mums struggled at first to attach the car seat to the base

7. Kinderkraft EVERYDAY Travel System

Best baby travel system for easy use.

Award: Won Gold in the Mother&Baby Awards 2022

Kinderkraft EVERYDAY is a multifunctional 2-in-1 baby stroller with a large carrycot (with a handle) and a soft mattress; it has bamboo viscose fibres in the cover for good ventilation and antibacterial properties. Our reviewer loved that it has good suspension and is easy to use on different terrains. Together with the Kiddy Evoluna car seat, this makes a comprehensive travel system and the car seat lies flat, both inside and outside the car. *At the time of writing, the travel system which won our award was no longer available, but we have linked through to the 2-in-1 pushchair.

Mother&Baby tester review: "This is a great pram to use as the bassinet sits higher up than others. This means it is easier to see the baby and also lift them in and out. It has good suspension and is relatively easy to use on different terrains. The sunshade is excellent and clips on to the hood and base of the bassinet meaning good shade cover. There is a useful cupholder and also storage pocket within the bassinet for keys/phones etc."

Read our full EVERYDAY 3-in-1 Pushchair review.

  • Easy to use and adjust
  • Spacious basket
  • Good suspension for different terrains
  • Quite heavy
  • Doesn't come with anything to hold the stroller in place once folded to keep it compact

8. Silver Cross Reef pushchair

Best baby travel system for newborns.

The Silver Cross Reef pushchair is an multi-terrain travel system, which is suitable from newborn to 22kg. Our reviewer thought the system was well designed and sturdy, and loved the one-hand fold, but one downside is its weight. This might be an issue for those who have had a c-section, or struggle moving heavier objects out of a car boot. However, the car seat is very sturdy and comfortable and was a hit with the tester's baby.

Mother&Baby tester review: "If you find that you are comfortable with the weight then you would be hard-pressed to find a better travel system out there. It is very well designed, intuitive to use, safe, sturdy, secure, user-friendly and very good to look at."

Read our full Silver Cross Reef pushchair review.

  • Feels safe and sturdy
  • Looks and feels luxurious
  • Well-designed and user-friendly

9. Bugaboo Fox 5

Best baby travel system for style.

If you're looking for something that uses sustainable products, then the Bugaboo Fox 5 could be the right travel system for you. It is a versatile and stylish solution for parents seeking a premium pushchair. Our tester loved its lightweight design, and it seamlessly transitions between a comfortable carrycot for infants and a reversible seat for older children. The Bugaboo Fox 5 features a robust chassis, all-terrain wheels, and adjustable suspension for a smooth ride. Its modular design and high-quality materials make it a top choice for modern, active parents.

Dad tester Ashley said: "It is impeccably well-designed, managing to be both totally functional and stylish. The fact that sustainable products have been used to manufacture it is a huge plus point in this modern age. The suspension system makes the ride silky smooth and coupled with the lightness and quality steering makes it very easy to push and manoeuvre."

Read our full Bugaboo Fox 5 review.

  • Stylish appearance
  • Lightweight but strong
  • Brilliant steering and handling
  • Fits into the boot without removing the seat
  • Can be difficult to first put together

10. Cosatto Giggle 3in1 Travel System and Accessories Bundle

Best baby travel system for vibrant design.

Rrp: £ 599.95

One thing about Cosatto products is you can never call them boring. Their fun designs are perfectly eye-catching for parents and kiddies too, and this travel system, the Cosatto Giggle 3in1 Travel System & Accessories Bundle, is no different. The bundle includes the chassis, convertible pram to seat unit, car seat (with adaptors) and raincover. Our tester thought it was brilliant for the price, but would have liked a larger basket and felt the rails scratched too easily.

Mother&Baby tester review: "I am very pleased with my pram. It looks amazing and it is easy to drive. I have tried it so far on the pavement but went off-road too. My little one loves to observe cute foxes inside. There is only a couple of downsides: rails are a little too easy to scratch and the basket could be bigger. However I highly recommend this pram, you can't get a better design at this price. Love it!"

  • Three wheels for easy manoeuvrability
  • Lightweight chassis
  • UPF100+ protection sunshade hood
  • Storage basket could be bigger

11. Joie Versatrax Travel System

Best baby travel system for excellent storage.

The Joie Versatrax is another stylish travel system, which is free-standing when folded. Appealing to those who are eco-conscious, this travel system is made from 153 recycled bottles. It comprises of a carrycot, infant carrier and stroller, and was easy to push according to our tester. Along with the travel system, you'll get a raincover, bumper bar, cupholder and adapters.

Mother&Baby tester review: "My son found this buggy really comfortable and had no problems falling and staying asleep in it. I found it really easy to push and liked the colour and materials used, it felt really stylish. I particularly liked the large basket that was easy to access and the fact that the buggy was really easy to push and was a smooth ride for my son."

Read our full Joie Versatrax review.

  • Easy to use
  • Large basket
  • Sturdy build
  • Excellent foldability
  • Carry handle included
  • Not as easy to adjust compared to other prams
  • Quite big in size

12. Maxi-Cosi Zelia Luxe 2

Best stream-lined baby travel system.

Rrp: £ 369.99

The Maxi-Cosi Zelia Luxe 2 pushchair is the perfect 2-in-1 pushchair for cool, relaxed city living. This travel system can fit into a small flat without compromising your baby's comfort, and is suitable for newborn to 3.5 years. The Maxi-Cosi Zelia 2 pushchair is the second version of the Maxi-Cosi Zelia stroller, which won bronze in the Mother&Baby Awards in 2019.

Our testers thought it was better suited as a second pushchair, as it wasn't as robust as some of the market, and more suited to a city environment.

Mother&Baby Tester review: "I really loved the Zelia Travel System. It was lovely to steer and push and easy to slot into place. I especially like that it is suitable for all ages. I like that I have the option to use it if I were to have another child with the Pebble Plus car seat. This is a bonus as it's so much easier to have it all as one rather than separate car seats and buggies."

Read our full Maxi-Cosi Zelia review.

  • Good value for money
  • Comfy and cosy
  • Fairly compact fold
  • Rain cover included
  • Could be sturdier

13. Ickle Bubba Eclipse

Best all-in-one baby travel system.

Another travel system with a one-hand fold, loved by our reviewers, is the Ickle Bubba Eclipse. This travel system won the silver M&B award last year and with good reason. Our reviewers found it to be appealing to look at with easy-clean fabrics and a very spacious basket. They also said they would definitely recommend it because it is reasonably priced and features everything you might need. A brilliant addition is the Bubba Board, a built-in board, which can hold another child weighing up to 20kg.

Mother&Baby tester review:  "The pram is very easy to fold up (with one hand) and unfold. The under pram basket is very spacious. But in addition to this, the change bag that comes with the pram is also huge and attaches neatly on the back. Easy to access both the change bag and basket on the go. The pram is very stable - even with a full change bag attached to the back, it did not tip when my toddler was stood up in the seat." 

Read our full Ickle Bubba Eclipse review.

  • Easy to clean and use
  • Simple to fold
  • Spacious storage basket
  • Could do with a handlebar brake

14. BabaBing! Raffi

Best trending baby travel system.

The BabaBing! Raffi looks stylish and one reviewer thought that it was amazing quality for the price, however this travel system doesn't come with a car seat, which would be an extra cost. But it does come with a number of accessories, as well as the carrycot and seat unit, it also comes with a 2-in-1 raincover, a waterproof footmuff and car seat adapters.

One review said: "The Raffi Pushchair is perfect for my little one due this year, and such amazing quality for the price. Everything comes with it which makes life so much easier, its easy to use and has a nice sturdy frame but isn't too heavy. I really love it, and can't wait to use it."

  • Sturdy one-hand fold
  • Generous storage basket
  • Reasonably lightweight

15. Rose Gold Marble Belgravia Travel System

Best baby travel system for a compact fold.

Award: Won Bronze in the Mother&Baby Award2022

The Rose Gold Marble Belgravia Travel System was designed with celeb mum Dani Dyer as part of her Cherish range. It's design adapts as your family grows and includes a bassinet which can attach to the stroller frame for family strolls and fresh air, eventually progressing to the reversible seat.

Like the Ickle Bubba, it comes with a built-in buggy board for tots and detachable wheels for compact storage at home or on the go. It is also really well priced for such a versatile product, and folds down to a compact size, perfect when you have a lot to fit in your boot!

Mother&Baby tester review:  "This travel system is amazing. It's so easy to put up and fold with one hand, and switch between seat styles, which is everything you need In a travel system. The fact it all comes as a package and you don't need to worry about finding the correct accessories anywhere else, the box has it all. The shopping basket being large with zips is a godsend."

Read our full Dani Dyer Rose Gold Marble Belgravia Travel System review.

  • Compact fold
  • Easy to use and fold
  • Larger seat for prolonged use
  • Stunning style
  • Some parents didn't even consider it gender-neutral in design

What to look for in the best travel system

Convenience is the main benefit, as you can transfer your baby to and from a pushchair without removing them from their car seat. This is less disruptive for your child and saves time and stress. A travel system is often more expensive and sometimes bulkier than a standard pushchair, so it's only worthwhile if a car is your main form of transport.

It's important to keep in mind that different travel systems are compatible with different car seats, although there is some crossover. The most important thing about buying the best travel system is to make sure it will fit in your car.

Here are some things to look out for when considering your purchase.

Shopping basket

A big basket is essential! It should be large enough to hold everything you need when you're out with your baby, including the rain cover and your baby changing bag . The basket should be accessible, even when the carrycot is attached, or the pushchair seat is fully reclined.

Seat recline

The recommended sleeping position for babies is flat on their back, so a pushchair seat that reclines fully flat is a must for naps in the pushchair. It should be easy (and quiet!) to adjust with your baby in the seat.

A height-adjustable handlebar ensures the pushchair is comfortable for you, your partner or anyone else who might use it regularly. Check that it's easy to adjust and comfortable to hold.

Is the car seat included in the price, or do you have to buy it separately? Factor in the price of the base, too, and don't forget car-seat adaptors to attach it to the chassis.

Babies shouldn't sit in car seats for more than two hours at a time - we've looked at the research into how long a baby should stay in a car seat - including when it's attached to a pushchair chassis. Choose a travel system with a comfy lie-flat carrycot. Your baby will outgrow it by six months old, so check how bulky it is to store – some are cleverly designed to convert to an upright seat.

Baby travel system

Seat direction

A travel system with a reversible seat unit means you can choose which way your baby faces. A parent-facing seat encourages your baby's communication skills, but an inquisitive toddler might prefer to face where they're going. There are regulations and advice on how to keep your baby rear-facing for longer .


Some travel systems come with coordinating accessories such as a footmuff or change bag. Think about which ones you actually need and whether they're included in the price.

Fold mechanism

A travel system will be in and out of your car boot. Choose one that's compact and easy to fold, leaving room for shopping or luggage.

The brake should be comfortably positioned and easy to operate without the risk of applying it by accident or scuffing your shoes. Check how reliable it feels and whether it's easy to release.

All-terrain wheels make for easy manoeuvrability on muddy walks. Smaller, solid wheels make light work of city pavements and shiny shop floors. If you're likely to switch between different types of terrain, go for lockable, swivel wheels.

Do I need a baby travel system?

A baby travel system can be convenient has they come with all the travel essentials you need for your baby. They are often good value, however if you buy an ISOFIX car seat to stay in your car, you wouldn't need a travel system that comes with a car seat.

What other things do I need to consider when buying a baby travel system?

Not all infant car seats can be attached to all pushchairs, and you may need to buy adaptors. If you'd prefer an i-Size car seat, which sits your baby in the safer rear-facing position until they are at least 15 months old, you'll need to choose a pushchair frame that's compatible. If you want to keep your child rear-facing in the car beyond 15 months, you'll need an extended rear-facing car seat. However, these are designed to stay in your car, so a travel system isn't an option.

The car seat will either clip on top of the pushchair's seat component or attach directly to the chassis with the seat component removed. Adapters are sometimes required to fix the car seat onto the pushchair or chassis. Check if these are included. If they aren't, find out what the additional cost will be.

carrycot travel system

What about the pushchair?

A travel system often has a seat component that enables it to be used as a 'normal' pushchair. Many mums use the car seat clipped into the frame when their baby is very young, using the larger seat component as their little one grows. If you intend to keep your newborn in the pushchair for long periods, you will need a travel system with a fully reclining seat component.

Newborns should only remain in car seats for a few hours at a time, as lying horizontally is better for their breathing and healthy spine development. Some travel systems also offer the option of a pram-style carrycot. While this can add expense, the carrycot can double as a Moses basket and portable travel cot.

Can you use a travel system for toddlers?

Only Group 0+ car seats will fit on the travel system. These will be outgrown at around 12-15 months. Most mums will continue to use the travel system with the seat component fitted after that.

For toddlers, a seat that reclines for naps is useful, but it doesn't have to be fully horizontal. Some pushchair seats are reversible, so your baby can face you, to begin with, but face outwards to get a better view of the world as they get older. For older children, you may want to look into the best car seat for 4-year-olds .

How easy is it to fold?

All travel systems fold up so that they can be stowed in a car boot. Try out the folding mechanism in the shop – your 'tricky' might be another person's 'easy'. Consider that you may sometimes need to hold your baby while you fold and unfold the chassis. You'll also have to lift the folded pushchair chassis in and out of the car boot, so consider its weight – anything over 10kg could be a struggle.

How big is your car boot?

Travel systems are more compact than ever, but some models are still pretty bulky to allow for all the extra functionality they offer. Before you buy one, check it fits in your car boot. You can always remove the carrycot or seat unit from the chassis and store it on your back seat. Although, this will limit space in your car for other passengers.

Can I use a second hand travel system?

While it can be perfectly fine to use a second hand travel system, it is not advised to use a second hand car seat unless you are absolutely sure that it has never been in an accident.

It would be advisable to only use second hand if it's from a very close relative or friend.

What is the difference between a 2in1 and 3in1 travel system?

A 3in1 travel system includes a car seat, carry cot and a pushchair all on the same frame, where as a 2in1 would only include the car seat and pushchair.

The bonus to both is that they are interchangeable with a car seat, which can be handy when you're out of the house and don't want to disturb your baby if they fall asleep.

Emily Gilbert  is the Features & Reviews Editor for Mother&Baby and has written for the website and previously the magazine for six years. Specialising in product reviews, Emily is the first to know about all the exciting new releases in the parenting industry.

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Versatrax On The Go Bundle

4in1 travel system.

This complete travel system includes our Versatrax pram, i-Snug 2 infant car seat, Ramble XL carry cot, and i-Base Advance.

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coming soon

Infant car seat icon

Available exclusively at some one


  • 4in1 stroller offers carry cot, infant carrier and world and parent facing seat options all in one
  • Quick and intuitive fold and setup, whether seat is rearward or forward facing
  • Flex™ comfort ride in-seat spring suspension takes on any terrain that may cross your path and provides your little one up to a 50% smoother ride
  • Spacious storage basket with front and back access so you can easily take along everything you need and access it from anywhere on the go 
  • PunctureProof™ foam-filled rubber tyres won’t leave you stranded with a flat 

View all Versatrax details


  • The i-Snug™ 2 infant car seat meets the highest ECE R129 safety standard , including side impact testing, plus has i-Size certification for that guaranteed back seat fit in i-Size approved vehicles
  • Tri-Protect™ headrest and Intelli-Fit™ memory foam provide three layers of safety where it matters most 
  • Ultra lightweight and easy to carry at just 3.35 kg
  • Spins 90 degrees for easy ins and outs when paired with the i-Base™ Encore (sold separately) 

View all i-Snug 2 details


  • Lies flat 180° in the position best for sleep, breathing and spinal development, creating a cosy, ergonomic haven for your new baby 
  • The plush mattress is fully lined with ultra-soft knits to keep baby cosy  
  • Durable UPF 50+ and water repellent canopy provides full coverage to protect baby in any forecast 
  • Interior storage pockets offer a convenient spot to secure essentials like your keys and an extra dummy 

View all Ramble XL details


  • i-Size certified for that guaranteed fit in i-Size approved vehicles 
  • On-the-go recline adjusts without reinstalling so you can easily keep your child reclined and relaxed even from the front seat.  
  • Integrated rebound bar on base with dual adjust support leg to reduce rotation in the event of an impact 
  • Quick release button for switching infant or toddler car seats from one vehicle to another 

View all i-Base Advance Features

Please note, the pebble On-The-Go bundle includes a pebble i-Snug™ 2. Shale, Laurel, and Moonlight On-The-Go bundles include a shale i-Snug™ 2.  

  • Product Weight: 12.98 kg  
  • Open Size: l 92.4 x w 65.5 x 109.7 cm  
  • Folded Size: l 86 x w 65.5 x 36 cm 
  • Usage: birth to 22 kg 
  • Product Weight: 3.35 kg 
  • Product Size: l 65 x w 43.5 x h 57 cm 
  • Testing Certification: ECE R129/03 
  • Usage: birth to 75 cm, approx. 12 months 
  • Product Weight: 3.55 kg 
  • Product Size: l 88 x w 41.2 x h 58 cm 
  • Usage: birth to 9 kg 


  • Product Weight: 6 kg
  • Product Size: l 63 x w 32 x h 60 cm
  • Testing Certification:  ECE R129/00

Versatrax Features

i-Snug 2 Features

Joie pushchair versatrax instruction manual

Joie carseat i snug 2 instruction manual

Joie pushchair ramble xl instruction manual

Joie carseat i base advance instruction manual

what's included in the bundle

Joie light green versatrax pram positioned at a right angle.

a mode for every mood

Transfer your sleeping baby or adventure with your busy toddler – with carry cot, infant carrier and parent and forward-facing modes all included, you can create a deluxe 4in1 travel system that meets your child’s needs from birth to big kid.

 Joie I-Snug 2 infant car seat facing to the right at an angle with the I-Size logo beside the seat.

supreme safety

The included i-Snug™ 2 infant car seat meets the highest ECE R129 safety standard, including side impact testing, plus has i-Size certification for that guaranteed back seat fit in i-Size approved vehicles.

 Mum lifting a folded green Versatrax pram into the boot of a white car.

pack up easy

A quick and simple fold tucks the Versatrax down into a compact package, taking you from strolling to storage in a flash. Secure the lock so that the pram is freestanding – it’s perfect for stowing in small spaces!

  Black Joie Ramble XL carry cot in profile facing to the right.

keep naptime rolling smoothly

Conquer that to-do list as your little one naps on the go. Even brand-new babies can relax with the included Ramble XL carry cot that’s perfect for safe and ergonomic snoozing as you stroll.

Closeup on a green Versatrax pram seat with a cutaway showing an orange Flex comfort in seat suspension spring.

settle in for a smooth ride

With flexible spring technology built into the cushion, Versatrax’s innovative Flex™ comfort pram seat softens even the roughest rides, making them up to 50% smoother. Your little passenger will be seated snugly in the lap of luxury as they glide over every pothole or puddle.

Closeup on a Joie Versatrax pram basket.

fits it all

Go on and pack the extra jumper, blanket and snacks – Versatrax’s spacious storage basket fits everything you and baby might need - and it’s always reachable, regardless of travel mode.

carrycot travel system

smartest side impact

3 layers of foam protection in the headrest plus Guard Surround Safety protection panel

“just spin, buckle, tighten and go!” -@joie_mum123

carrycot travel system

headline goes here

Smart Ride™ lock-off offers smarter security by locking the spinner seat until it’s time to transition to forward

made for life

Your baby gear should work hard for you every single day. That's why we push our products to the extreme during testing: We want to make sure they're up for any challenge you may face.

formula for safety

We test for more than 150 different toxic substances to make sure your child's gear is safe even down to its basic ingredients.

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iCandy Peach

iCandy Peach

The definitive, luxury single to double pushchair

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The multi-function, compact-fold pushchair


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Peach All-Terrain

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Peach Designer Collection Cerium

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The New iCandy Orange

The New iCandy Orange

Ready When You Are

A Peach for everyone.

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Single - Pushchair and Carrycot

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A timeless piece of furniture.

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iCandy Lime

iCandy Lime

iCandy Peach 7

iCandy Peach 7

Black Edition

iCandy Peach 7

iCandy Orange

iCandy Orange Pushchair & Carrycot

iCandy Orange Pushchair & Carrycot

Light Slate Marl

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Free delivery plus 2-year warranty!

  • Where to Buy

Graco® Evo® Trio


From birth to approx. 3 years (0-15kg)


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Free Shipping & Return

Free delivery usually within 1 to 2 working days

2-Year Warranty

All the essential products for families who love to explore

All the features you will love.

Graco® Evo® Trio 3-in-1 travel system


Comes with everything you need.

Baby can slumber in style in the Graco Evo carrycot that connects seamlessly to the Graco Evo pushchair. Want to make the transition from your vehicle more smoothly? SnugEssentials i-Size infant car seat attaches securely with just one click.​

Little girl riding in Graco® Evo® XT while mum pushes her


Ride your way.

The versatile seat of the Graco Evo pushchair easily switches from front to back, allowing your little one to interact with either you or the world ahead.

Little boy riding in Graco® Evo® XT while dad pushes him


Comfort for parent and child.

Parents love the handle that adjusts up and down to best suit their height, and your growing child will ride in a relaxing position thanks to the adjustable calf support.

Graco® Evo® XT pushchair compactly folded


Quick ups and downs.

Collapse the Graco Evo pushchair with one hand while holding baby in the other thanks to the simple one-hand fold.

Is Graco Evo Trio Right for Me?

Ready to pull it all together? Suitable from birth to approx. age 3 (15kg), the Graco Evo Trio travel system has everything you need for travelling with your little one. Especially great for busy parents, the quick, click-and-go system gets you out the door faster no matter what your day has in store.

With the carrycot’s lie-flat riding position, you can transform the pushchair into a cosy pram for your newborn. On the go? Pair the Graco Evo pushchair with the included SnugEssentials i-Size infant carrier for a road-trip-ready travel system.

Graco Evo pushchair - Adjustable handle - One-hand fold mechanism for quick and easy folding - Rearward and forward facing seat​ - Apron and raincover included - Large canopy provides extra shade and protection​ - Multi-position recline ensures your child is comfortable​ - Easy-release bumper bar for quick ins and outs​ - Adjustable 3- or 5-point harness​ - Front swivel-lock wheels for easier manoeuvrability - One-step brake - Adjustable calf support​ - Removable seat liner with harness and buckle covers included

SnugEssentials i-Size infant car seat - ISOFIX compatibility with isoFamily base - EPS energy-absorbing foam provides effective impact energy management - 5-point harness that easily adjusts with one hand - Integrated colour-coded indicators show when the seat is secure and ready to go when used with isoFamily base - Intuitive vehicle belt routing - Super lightweight baby car seat at only 3.66kg - Compatible with all Graco strollers that have Click Connect compatibility - Ergonomic carry handle that rotates - Machine-washable covers - Padded memory foam insert and headrest will keep baby comfortable and happy - Large canopy provides shade and sun protection - Rearward facing i-Size car seat from birth to approx. 12 months (40-75 cm)

Graco Evo Carrycot - Easily collapsible for practical and space-saving storage - Reclining canopy with integrated handle - Padded carry handle to easily transport carrycot and baby - Use for occasional overnight sleeping - Easily attaches to the Graco Evo XT pushchair frame with one click

(1) Graco Evo pushchair with canopy and bumper bar

    - (1) luxury fleece-lined footmuff

    - (1) raincover

    - (2) harness pads

    - (1) stroller chassis with 2 front and rear wheels

    - (1) rear brake assembly unit

(1) SnugEssentials i-Size infant car seat

    - (1) headrest

    - (1) crotch pad

(1) Graco Evo carrycot

    - (1) mattress

    - (1) apron

(1) instruction manual

Graco Evo pushchair

L 99.5 x W 62.7 x H 115.7 cm

Folded dimensions:

L 106.2 x W 62.7 x H 39.4cm

Product Weight: 11.55kg

SnugEssentials i-Size infant car seat

L 45.4 x W 57.5 x H 63.5cm

Product Weight: 3.66kg

Graco Evo carrycot

L 84 x W 42 x H 62.5 cm

L 39 x W 17 x H 84.2cm

Product weight: 4.82kg

What products are included in the Graco Evo Trio? With the purchase of the Graco Evo Trio, you receive 3 products: 1 Graco Evo pushchair, 1 SnugEssentials i-Size infant car seat and 1 Graco Evo carrycot. This makes shopping for baby gear more straightforward.

Does the canopy on the Graco Evo pushchair offer UPF protection? Yes, Graco Evo pushchair's canopy has UPF 50+, giving your child the necessary protection from the sun.

carrycot travel system

The pushchair is suitable from birth to approx. 3 years (0-15kg).

Use of the pushchair with a child weighing more than 15kg in rearward or forward facing mode will cause excessive wear and stress. For newborns, always use the most reclined seat position.

The car seat is suitable from birth to approx. 1 year (40-75cm). Rearward facing seat only.

The carrycot is suitable from birth to approx. 6 months (0-9kg).

To wash the removable seat pad: hand wash only with warm water and household soap. Drip dry only. Do not use bleach.

Metal and plastic parts: clean with mild soap and cool water. Do not use bleach or detergents.

To wash the apron and raincover: hand wash only with warm water and household soap. Drip dry only. Do not use bleach.

From time to time check your pushchair for loose screws, worn parts, torn material or stitching. If damage is found, contact Graco Customer Services for advice on replacement or repair.

To wash the covers: machine wash in cold water only on delicate cycle 30 degrees and drip dry. Do not use bleach.

Inspect and clean harness buckle from time to time to remove any objects or debris that could prevent correct installation.

Metal and plastic parts: clean with mild soap and cool water. No bleach or detergents.

To clean the harness straps: surface wash only with mild soap and a damp cloth. Do not immerse the harness straps in water, doing so may weaken the straps.

Remove the mattress from the carrycot and mattress pad from the liner. Clean liner and mattress with a damp cloth and dry flat. After removing mattress pad from liner, hand wash and drip dry. Do not use bleach. Only use a damp cloth to clean the mattress pad. Never iron.

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Graco Near2Me™ pushchair with luxury footmuff three quarter angle

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  • Baby Products
  • Strollers & Accessories
  • Travel Systems

carrycot travel system

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Venicci Gusto 2 in 1 Travel System - Navy/Black

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Gusto 2 in 1 Travel System - Navy/Black

About this item.

  • The beautiful Venicci Gusto travel system combines versatility, elegance and contemporary European style to bring you and your family an all-in-one pram system designed to last over the years.
  • This package includes a lovely gloss black frame, pushchair, carrycot, fashion changing bag, footmuff, raincover, mosquito net, and cup holder.
  • Suitable from birth, the luxurious carrycot lies flat to ensure optimal positioning for your newborn and gives you the option of adjusting the backrest when baby prefers to sit up.
  • The carrycot features UPF 50+ fabric, weather-resistant fabric, adjustable hood, detachable apron, optimised ventilation system, unique rocking mode, wind protection fabric guard, and includes a plush mattress
  • When baby reaches the toddler years they can progress to the pushchair option, a multi-functional, dual-facing seat unit that enables you to bond with your child or allow them to face the world. The pushchair is suitable from 6 months to 3 years and features a comfortable, roomy seat unit, safety harness and adjustable features that grow with your little one.

Customers also viewed these products

Chicco Corso Modular Travel System, Corso Stroller with KeyFit 30 Zip Infant Car Seat and Base, Stroller and Car Seat Combo,

Product Description

This all-in-one package includes special edition frame, newborn carrycot, toddler seat unit, bumper bar, seat unit footmuff, mosquito cover, changing bag, raincover and cup holder *Suitable from birth to 3 years approx. *Height adjustable leatherette handlebar *Ventilated newborn carrycot with adjustable backrest *Reversible, full recline seat unit suitable from 6 months *Bumper bar and seat unit harness ensure your toddler's safety *Quick, easy, compact-fold frame with detachable wheels *Compatible with the Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seats *Spacious shopping basket for groceries and essentials *Mosquito net protects baby from harmful flying insects *Adjustable leg rest, handlebar and sun hood

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Giggle 2 in 1 i-Size Bundle Birdland

Giggle 2 in 1 i-Size Bundle Birdland

Fast check - won't affect your credit rating.


Giggle 2 in 1 is a clever convertor, going from pram mode to pushchair mode in one space-saving unit, ideal for storage and adapting on the go.

The essential, convertible, single-unit, multi-featured pram-to-pushchair with Tote i-Size 0+ Car Seat

What’s in the Box?

  • Convertible pram to pushchair unit
  • Hood and carrycot apron
  • Universal Raincover
  • Tote i-Size 0+ Car Seat
  • Tote i-Size Car Seat Adaptors
  • Chest and tummy pads
  • Guarantee Card

Bundle Options:

MG, this is the original!

carrycot travel system


  • Pram Mode 9kg
  • Seat Unit Mode 18kg


  • Folded dimensions L: 97cm x W: 62cm x H: 25cm
  • Handle height: 72cm- 106cm
  • Basket dimensions: W:29cm x D:25cm x L:33cm
  • Maximum basket loading weight: 2kg 
  • Chassis: 7kg
  • Suitable from birth up to 18kg
  • Includes Convertible pram to pushchair unit matching Tote i-Size group 0+ car seat with adaptors
  • 3-wheel chassis with all-round suspension for a smoother ride
  • Height adjustable handle for your pushing comfort
  • Spacious storage basket for all your bits, bobs and big stuff
  • Quick-release, removable premium wheels with bearings for added glide
  • ‘Push on - push off’ brake
  • Compact, easy-fold lightweight aluminium chassis with handy auto lock to keep it folded in transit or storage
  • Includes the original Cosatto raincover
  • Comes with industry-leading 4-year guarantee for your peace of mind
  • Pram Mode is suitable from birth and includes a washable, padded mattress and liner that is removable.

Seat Unit Mode

  • Reversible pushchair seat suitable from approx. 6 months up to 18kg so your child can use it for even longer
  • It’s duo-directional so your baby can bond with you or enjoy the view 4 position recline
  • Attachable bumper bar

Tote i-Size Car Seat

  • Complies with the latest R129 safety regulation and is i-Size compliant when used with Tote i-Size base (sold separately)
  • Rearward facing from birth (40cm) up to approx. 15 months (87cm)
  • Removable new-born seat liner creates optimum seat shape and adjustment for small babies

Where can I fit this car seat? 

 40-87cm rearward facing, fitted using the vehicle belt only.   40-87cm rearward facing, fitted using the ISOFIX low anchorage points and support leg. 

Product Manual

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For everyday strolls with a one hand fold

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Introducing the all new Wave, our future-proof travel system that’s designed especially for growing families.

Pram Bundles

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Dune, First Bed Carrycot, Motion All Size 360 & Ultimate Pack Bundle

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Dune, Compact Folding Carrycot & Dream i-Size Ultimate Pack Bundle

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Dune, Newborn Pod & Dream i-Size Ultimate Pack Bundle

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Tide & Accessory Pack Bundle

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Tide, Dream i-Size, Base & Accessory Pack Bundle

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Reef, First Bed Carrycot & Motion All Size 360 Ultimate Pack Bundle

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Wave & Dream i-Size Ultimate Pack Bundle

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Wave, Motion All Size 360 & Ultimate Pack Bundle

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Compact Strollers

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Quilted TrueFit™ Premium Cot Bed Pocket Sprung Mattress 140cm x 70cm

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Rise Travel Cot

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Mealtime Set

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Silicone Tray

Bed & textiles.

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Bedside Crib Fitted Sheets 2 Pack

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Luxury Moses Basket Fitted Sheets

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Dune Ultimate Pack

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Reef Ultimate Pack

Seat liners, cup holders.

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Pretty Nature Muslin Swaddles (Pack of 3)

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Wave/Coast Carrycot Stand

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Dune/Reef Carrycot Stand

Tandem seats.

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Wave Tandem seat

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Wave/Coast Ride-On Board

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Dune/Reef Ride-On Board

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Smart Stroll™

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Universal Stroller Parasol

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Universal Stroller Bag

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Clic Stroller Bag

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Wave/Coast Simplicity/Dream Adaptors

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Wave/Coast Universal Car Seat Adaptors

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Dune/Reef Simplicity/Dream Adaptors

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Dune/Reef Universal Car Seat Adaptors

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Tide Universal Car Seat Adaptors

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Wave/Coast Universal Car Seat Tandem Adaptors

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Tailor your pram to suit your family’s needs with our range of bundles, designed to make parenting easier.

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Add an award-winning Dream i-Size Infant Carrier & Base with your Coast pushchair, designed for everyday strolls

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Reef Earth, First Bed Folding Carrycot & Dream i-Size Travel Pack Bundle

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Everything you need with your Dune pram including a First Bed Folding Carrycot, Dream i-Size infant carrier, changing bag, footmuff, phone holder and snack tray

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Dune, First Bed Carrycot & Dream i-Size Travel Pack Bundle

Combine your Dune pram with a Newborn Pod and an award-winning Dream i-Size infant carrier and Travel pack.

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Everything you need with your Dune pram including a Compact Folding Carrycot, Dream i-Size infant carrier, changing bag, footmuff, phone holder and snack tray

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Dune, Compact Folding Carrycot & Dream i-Size Travel Pack Bundle

Combine your Dune pram with a Compact Folding Carrycot and an award-winning Dream i-Size infant carrier

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For snacking, weaning and playtime

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Start you little one's weaning journey

Keeping little one safe and comfortable on every journey, our award-winning range of car seats will carry your child from birth to beyond.

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Awarded the safest infant carrier for your newborn by ADAC, when used with the Dream i-Size base

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The only 360° rotating car seat you need, suitable from birth to approx. 12 years

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The multi-stage car seat, growing with your child from 15 months to approx. 12 years of age

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Our high-back booster seat from 4 to 12 years old, approved to the latest R129/03 safety standard

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Travel System

Dune, our contemporary and compact urban travel system proves there’s no need to compromise when it comes to style and functionality.

Explore our Dune Bundles and save up to £535!

Stroll from birth to 4 years (approx. 22kg)

Genius™ harness system with magnetic buckle

Compact, one-hand, free-standing fold

Sustainable outer fabrics

Reversible, multi-recline seat

5kg capacity basket

L76.5cm x W58.5cm x H92.5-108cm

L68.5cm x W58.5cm x H29cm

Chassis weight

Pushchair seat weight

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Parenting Brand of the Year

A commitment to innovation and sustainability with car seat recycling, stroller refurbishment and baby bank partnership.

Stroll in style with Dune

Designed for city living

Customise your Dune to suit every stage of your child's growth and development, as well as your family's needs.

Approved for overnight sleeping with a bamboo lining and ventilation, the first bed carrycot is perfect for naptimes on the go.

The ultimate space-saver, our compact folding carrycot is modern and lightweight with ventilation and UPF50+ protection.

Lined in a gentle, antibacterial bamboo, the newborn pod cushions your baby in comfort with the integrated head-hugger.

Dune's seat unit is suitable from birth in lie-flat mode – ideal if you're struggling for storage space.

As they get older, switch your little one over to forward-facing mode and let them see the world.

Perfect if you're on the go, Dune is compatible with the award-winning Silver Cross Dream i-Size infant carrier. You can find out what other car seats are compatible with our travel systems below:

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Dune is the next generation of Silver Cross travel systems. The intelligent, minimalistic design is suitable from birth to beyond.

Compact, freestanding fold.

Dune has been cleverly designed to fold down with one hand in seconds, standing independently on its own four wheels without the handle touching the floor.

Suitable from birth straight out of the box, Dune is ready to ride from day one with its innovative design.

Genius™ harness system.

With rucksack-style adjustments and a magnetic buckle, the Genius™ system will keep baby safe and comfortable.

Sustainable fabrics

carrycot travel system

Dune's contemporary jersey fabrics were crafted using recycled plastic bottles that would have otherwise been sent to landfill.

Enhanced suspension

carrycot travel system

With never-wear tyres and enhanced spring suspension, Dune manoeuvres nimbly around busy city streets.

Car seat compatible

carrycot travel system

Create a complete travel system using our award-winning Dream i-Size infant carrier which attaches effortlessly to the Dune chassis.

Dune was created to provide the ultimate convenience for parents in the city – at home and on the go.

carrycot travel system

Sustainable recycled fabrics

An estimated one million plastic bottles are thrown away globally per minute. We put them to good use with our new sustainable outer fabrics woven exclusively with yarn made from recycled plastic bottles.

Birth to toddler

Birth to toddler

Ready to go straight out of the box, Dune features a full lie-flat seat so you’re ready to stroll from day one.

Enhanced 4-wheel suspension

Enhanced 4-wheel suspension

Combat kerbs and tackle tight corners with Dune’s enhanced spring suspension.

Sustainable fabric

Sustainable fabric

Dune’s outer fabrics are woven exclusively with yarn from recycled plastic bottles. 35 bottles were recycled to create the seat unit.

Multi-height handle

Perfect for parents of all heights, Dune features a best-in-class telescopic handle so you can find your most comfortable position.

Reversible seat unit

Bring your little one closer to you or let them see the world with Dune’s reversible seat unit.

Compact folding carrycot

Space saving design.

The ultimate space saving carrycot. Dune’s exclusive compact folding carrycot folds down into its base for easy storage.

Breathable bamboo lining

Hypoallergenic and naturally antibacterial, the soft and breathable bamboo lining helps to regulate baby’s temperature while out and about.

One-hand release

One-hand release

The simple one-hand release lets you remove the compact folding carrycot from the chassis without disturbing their snooze.

Travel ready

A handy travel bag is included with the compact folding carrycot to keep it clean at home and on the move.

Sustainable fabric

Dune’s outer fabrics are woven exclusively with yarn from recycled plastic bottles. 24 bottles were recycled to create the compact folding carrycot.

First bed folding carrycot

Overnight sleeping approved.

Thanks to its ventilated base and roomy design, the first bed folding carrycot is approved for overnight sleeping. Perfect at home or away.

Space saving fold

Perfect for popping in the car for nights away, the carrycot folds flat onto its base for easy storage and transportation.

Sustainable fabric

Dune's outer fabrics are woven exclusively with yarn from recycled plastic bottles. 12 bottles were recycled to create the carrycot.

Carrycot stand

Carrycot stand

The first bed folding carrycot is compatible with our carrycot stand – the perfect sleep solution for bedtime.

Newborn pod

Newborn ready

Newborn ready

Designed to cocoon your baby, the newborn pod features a unique head-hugger to cushion them in comfort and keep them safe from day one.

Breathable bamboo lining

Easy to fit

The newborn pod is fitted using the headrest mechanism. Simply unclip the headrest and pop in the pod.

Easy to adjust

Easy to adjust

The newborn pod can be repositioned using the harness adjuster, making it even easier to get baby in and out.

Dream i-Size

Dream i-Size

Complete your Dune with our award-winning Dream i-Size infant carrier, the safest choice for your newborn.



Compatible with the Dream i-Size base (sold separately) and Silver Cross prams and pushchairs to create a travel system.

Adjustable newborn insert

Adjustable newborn insert

Newborn bamboo insert with removable sections to adjust as your baby grows, ensuring the most comfortable position.

Comfort and safety

Comfort and safety

Features five easily adjustable headrest positions and a secure 5-point safety harness.

UV protection

UV protection

Removable sun canopy with UV protection included.


Folds down with one hand with the seat unit attached. Handy carry handle for easy transportation. Compact design for easy storage.

Seat unit with hood

Seat unit with hood

Reversible seat unit with one-hand release. Parent or world-facing with a full lie flat seat. UPF50+ extendable hood and air vent.

Genius™ harness system

Features our unique magnetic buckle with rucksack-style strap adjustments. Designed to make parents' lives easier.

Telescopic handle'

Telescopic handle'

Bumper bar

Crafted from soft vegan leather, the bumper bar keeps your little one protected from any unexpected bumps in the road.

Rain cover

Fits neatly over the seat unit to protect your baby from the elements.

Shopping basket

Shopping basket

Family adventures come with serious kit and there’s plenty of space in Dune’s 5kg basket.


From birth to toddler, Dune is ready to go straight out of the box.

Folded Dimensions

What's in the box

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Frequently asked questions

Our frequently asked questions

Do you make a buggy board for the Dune?

Yes. The Dune Ride-On Board fits to the chassis with just one click and is suitable up until around 4 years.

What’s the difference between the compact folding carrycot and first bed folding carrycot?

The first bed folding carrycot is suitable for overnight sleeping, with a roomy design and ventilated base. It's also compatible with our Dune carrycot stand. The compact folding carrycot is a smaller option, perfect for parents with limited storage space, and comes with a handy travel bag.

What is the height of the seat?

The height of the Dune seat is 55cm.

When should I move my baby from the carrycot to the seat unit?

We would suggest the seat unit is used from 6 months of age. However, we are aware children grow at different rates and use of the seat unit pre 6 months would be down to parental discretion. We would always advise that the carrycot be used for as long as possible.

Is there a compatible footmuff?

Yes. We do make a matching Dune footmuff which is water-resistant on the outside with a soft and cosy faux fur lining and water-resistant foot area.

How is Dune different to Reef?

Dune is designed for urban living, while Reef is a multi-terrain pushchair thanks to its larger rear wheels. Both Dune and Reef are compatible with the first bed folding carrycot and newborn pod, but Dune has an additional newborn option – the compact folding carrycot.

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  • Travel Systems
  • Mamas & Papas Flip XT2 (i-Snug 2 Car Seat) Travel System with Carrycot & ISOFIX Base - Black Mamas & Papas Flip X...

Mamas & Papas Flip XT2 (i-Snug 2 Car Seat) Travel System with Carrycot & ISOFIX Base - Black

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Order within for delivery on Monday, June 10th (earliest available)

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Enjoy a FREE gift with every purchase! Spend £100 for up to 3 FREE bonus gifts. Select yours at basket.

Key things to know

  • Suitable from Birth up to 15kg
  • One-Hand Fold
  • 2-Way Facing
  • 0+ Car Seat



Package Includes: Mamas & Papas Flip XT Pushchair Stroller Mamas & Papas Flip XT Carrycot Joie i-Snug 2 Car Seat Joie ISOFIX Car Seat Safety Base Mamas & Papas Car Seat Adapters Raincover Mamas & Papas have bundled a Flip XT2 range together to help make your first time purchase even easier. Creatively chosen to help have all your travel needs all wrapped up at a great price. The Flip XT2 Stroller is has a dual-position seat unit (forward/rearward facing) helping to maximise space and with its lie-flat position, it means that it can be used as soon as your little one is ready to move to the next stage and it is just as good when your little one is ready to explore the world around them (forward-facing). With the large and comfy lie-flat seat with lots of wriggle room, your little one can enjoy lots of supported, healthy sleep. What’s more, the UPF 50+ large hood and air vent provide cooling protection from the sun while the magnetic peek-a-boo window makes it easy, and quiet, to check on your little one. Attach toys to the bumper bar to keep little ones entertained on the go. The carrycot provides a quiet, protective place to sleep for a baby in those early months. A weightless wonder as one of the lightest i-Size certified infant carriers available. Weighing in at only 3.35 kg, this on-the-go pro is incredibly light to the touch but intensely strong in safety. Both your kiddo and your mind can rest secure knowing your car seat meets the highest safety standards, including side impact testing and i-Size certification. At only 3.35kg, the i-Snug 2 is one of Joie's lightest baby car seats. Made to make transports home from the hospital and from car to pushchair effortless. The Grow Together™ headrest allows you to create the perfect fit for baby as they grow, without having to unthread the harness. Meet i-Base™ lx 2, an i-Size certified safeguard for the ultimate infant security. Built-in features make every installation accurate and effortless. Safety built in - ISOFIX connectors lock base securely to vehicle while dual adjust support leg reduces rotation upon impact. Latest and greatest - Tested and certified to the newest i-Size standard. Easy and exact - Colour indicators confirm correct installation of base, support leg, and child seat - while child seat pops off in an instant with a simple button push.

Category: Travel Systems

Pushchair: Open: (H)104cm (W): 57.5cm (L): 90cm Folded: (H): 68cm (W): 55cm (D): 50cm Carrycot: (H): 59cm (W): 38cm (L): 76cm Car Seat: (H): 57cm (W): 43.5 (L): 65.0cm ISOFIX Base (H): 57cm (W): 32cm (L): 70cm

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Exploring the Charms of Samara Oblast: A Comprehensive Travel Guide

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Samara Oblast, a region nestled in the heart of Russia, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by travelers seeking a unique blend of culture, nature, and history. Encompassing picturesque landscapes, vibrant cities, and a rich cultural heritage, Samara Oblast offers an array of experiences for all types of adventurers. In this comprehensive travel guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Samara Oblast, including the best time to visit, must-see places, exciting activities, transportation options, dining experiences, accommodation choices, famous street markets, and essential travel tips to make your journey truly unforgettable.

About Samara Oblast: Geography: Samara Oblast is located in the southeastern part of European Russia. It boasts diverse landscapes, including the Volga River, dense forests, rolling hills, and vast steppes.

Culture: The region’s culture is a fusion of Russian traditions and the heritage of the many ethnic groups residing there. Samara is known for its distinct folklore, music, and festivals.

Best Time to Visit Samara Oblast: Summer (June to August): Summer is the ideal time to visit Samara Oblast. The weather is warm, nature is in full bloom, and outdoor activities are at their peak.

Spring (May and early June) and Autumn (September): Spring and autumn offer pleasant weather, making it an excellent time to explore the region with fewer crowds.

Winter (December to February): Winter in Samara Oblast is perfect for those who enjoy snow activities like skiing and ice skating. The snow-covered landscapes are enchanting.

Places to Visit in Samara Oblast: Samara: The city of Samara, the regional capital, is known for its vibrant cultural scene. Don’t miss the Samara Art Museum, the beautiful embankment along the Volga River, and the historic center.

Zhigulevsk: This charming town is famous for its namesake Zhigulev beer. Visit the Zhigulevskye Hills and explore the local brewery to learn about the beer-making process.

Tolyatti: Tolyatti is one of Russia’s major industrial cities and offers a glimpse into modern urban life. Explore the city’s parks and the impressive Tolyatti Avtovaz automobile factory.

Volga River: The Volga River, one of Russia’s most famous waterways, flows through Samara Oblast. Enjoy a river cruise to appreciate the scenic beauty and historical sites along its banks.

Things to Do in Samara Oblast: Outdoor Adventures: Explore the region’s diverse natural landscapes through activities like hiking, camping, fishing, and birdwatching.

Cultural Festivals: Samara Oblast hosts numerous festivals and events throughout the year, celebrating music, dance, and local traditions. Check the event calendar to plan your visit accordingly.

Volga River Activities: Enjoy boat tours, fishing, and water sports on the Volga River, a central part of Samara Oblast’s identity.

Hot Air Ballooning: Get a unique perspective of the region’s landscapes by taking a hot air balloon ride, offering breathtaking views.

How to Get Around Samara Oblast: Domestic Flights: Samara’s Kurumoch International Airport connects the region to other Russian cities. Domestic flights are the most efficient way to travel.

Trains and Buses: Samara Oblast is well-connected by train and bus networks, making it easy to travel to cities and towns within the region.

Rental Cars: Renting a car is a convenient option for exploring Samara Oblast, especially if you plan to visit remote areas. Ensure you have the necessary documentation and insurance.

Local Transport: Cities like Samara and Tolyatti have public transportation systems, including trams, buses, and trolleybuses, making it easy to get around.

Where to Eat in Samara Oblast: Russian Cuisine: Sample traditional Russian dishes like borscht, pelmeni, and shashlik at local restaurants.

Local Specialties: Try regional dishes such as Samara-style kholodets (jellied meat) and the famous “Zhigulevskoe” beer.

International Cuisine: Samara Oblast also offers a variety of international cuisine, including Italian, Chinese, and European restaurants.

Famous Street Stalls in Samara Oblast: While street food culture may not be as prevalent in Samara Oblast as in larger cities, you can find local stalls offering traditional Russian and street food snacks in some areas.

Where to Stay in Samara Oblast: Hotels: Samara Oblast offers a range of hotels, from luxury to budget-friendly. Some popular options include the Renaissance Samara Hotel and the Hotel Ibis Samara.

Guesthouses and Homestays: For a more immersive and personal experience, consider staying in guesthouses or homestays in smaller towns and villages.

Camping and Eco-Lodges: If you prefer a more adventurous and nature-focused experience, consider camping or staying in eco-lodges near national parks and outdoor destinations.

Travel Tips for Samara Oblast: Visa Requirements: Ensure you have the necessary visa to enter Russia. Visa regulations can be strict, so check well in advance of your trip.

Language Barrier: English may not be widely spoken, so it’s helpful to learn some basic Russian phrases or have a translation app handy.

Weather Preparation: Depending on the season of your visit, pack accordingly. Winters can be very cold, so bring warm clothing.

Respect Local Customs: Russian culture values politeness and respect. Be courteous to the locals and follow cultural norms.

Wildlife Awareness: When exploring nature, be aware of the local wildlife, including bears. Take precautions and follow local advice to ensure your safety.

Conclusion: Samara Oblast, with its diverse landscapes, rich culture, and unique experiences, promises an unforgettable journey for travelers seeking an off-the-beaten-path adventure in Russia. Whether you’re captivated by the natural beauty, cultural festivals, or outdoor activities, Samara Oblast has something for every type of traveler. By following the travel tips provided in this guide, you can make the most of your visit to this enchanting region, whether you come in the summer, winter, or any other season. Samara Oblast is a destination where lasting memories are waiting to be created.

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Military intelligence: Railway bridge blown up in Russia's Samara Oblast

A railway bridge across the Chapayevka River in Russia's Samara Oblast has been blown up, paralyzing the traffic, Ukraine's military intelligence (HUR) said on March 4 without specifying who was responsible for the incident.

The bridge and the adjacent railway connection were used by Russia to transport military cargo, namely engineering explosives produced by the JSC Polimer in the city of Chapayevsk, the military intelligence agency said.

The agency's statement came after Russian Telegram channels reported the incident, publishing alleged photos of the bridge. According to military intelligence, the bridge was damaged at about 6 a.m. local time.

"Given the nature of the damage to the railway bridge, its use will be impossible for a long time," the agency said on its Telegram channel.

This is not the first such incident to take place in Russia in the past months.

In late January, military intelligence claimed that partisans burned down several relay cabinets on the railroad and other facilities in three regions of Russia that were reportedly used for the Russian troops' logistics.

Read also: Ukraine’s military intelligence claims cyberattack on Russian Defense Ministry

We’ve been working hard to bring you independent, locally-sourced news from Ukraine. Consider supporting the Kyiv Independent .

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  23. Military intelligence: Railway bridge blown up in Russia's ...

    The bridge and the adjacent railway connection were used by Russia to transport military cargo, namely engineering explosives produced by the JSC Polimer in the city of Chapayevsk, HUR said.