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How to Zoom Out on Safari for iPhone

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Zooming out on Safari on an iPhone helps users see more of a webpage. It’s easy to do and can make browsing better. You can zoom out by using gestures on the screen. If you want to make the zoom level permanent, you can change the settings in the ‘Accessibility’ and ‘Page Zoom’ sections of the ‘Settings’ app. Understanding these methods is important for navigating web content effectively, especially for those who need to adjust the zoom frequently.

Making Things Smaller: Zooming Out in Safari

Zooming out on websites in Safari for iPhone gives you a wider view and makes things easier to see at a glance. Here are the best ways to do this:

Pinch to Zoom

The quickest and most intuitive way to zoom out is by using the classic “pinch” gesture:

  • Open the website: Navigate to the website you want to zoom out on.
  • Finger Placement: Place your thumb and index finger on the screen, fairly close together.
  • The Pinch: Move your fingers apart in a spreading motion. The website will zoom out as you do this.

Zoom Settings

For more permanent zooming, adjust your Safari settings:

  • Go to Settings: Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  • Find Safari: Scroll down the list of apps and tap on “Safari.”
  • Adjust Zoom: Under “Settings for Websites,” tap on “Page Zoom.”
  • Choose Your Zoom: Select the desired zoom percentage for websites. This will be the new default zoom level for Safari.

Website-Specific Settings

Sometimes, you might want to adjust the zoom level on a single website without changing your global Safari settings. Many websites have a built-in zoom function:

  • Accessibility Settings: Look for a menu symbol (often three lines or dots) near the top of the website, which might offer zoom controls or an accessibility menu.
  • Keyboard Shortcut: Press “Command” and “-” (minus) keys at the same time to zoom out incrementally.

Summary Table of Methods

Choose the method that best suits your needs and enjoy the comfort of a zoomed-out view on your iPhone!

Key Takeaways

  • Adjust Safari’s zoom level to fit more content on the screen for a better overview.
  • Use the pinch gesture on the screen or change settings in the ‘Settings’ app for default zoom levels.
  • Learn how to manage zoom to navigate web content with ease on an iPhone.

Optimizing Zoom Level on Safari iPhone

Adjusting the zoom on Safari for iPhone helps you see small text and details on webpages better. Here are ways to set your default zoom level and make manual adjustments.

Adjusting Default Zoom in Safari Settings

Go to the iPhone ‘Settings’ app and tap ‘Safari’. Scroll down to the ‘Page Zoom’ setting under ‘Settings for Websites’. Here you can set the zoom level that Safari will use by default. This makes content bigger or smaller when you open pages.

Utilizing Manual Zoom Methods

Besides setting a default, you can zoom in and out on any webpage. Do this by putting two fingers on the screen and moving them apart to zoom in, or pinching them together to zoom out. Double-tap the screen with one finger to quickly zoom in and out on a specific section.

Accessibility Features for Visual Impairments

For those with visual impairments, Safari provides full screen and window zoom features. Find these in the ‘Accessibility’ settings of your iPhone. They can magnify the entire screen or just parts of it, making content easier to read.

Navigating Web Content Effectively

Getting around web content with ease often involves zooming out to see more on your screen. This section provides clear instructions on how to view webpages effectively using various methods in Safari on iPhone.

Expanding Content View on Webpages

Expanding your view of a webpage allows you to see more content at once. To reduce the magnification and fit more on your iPhone screen, try a pinch gesture. Place two fingers close together on the screen and slide them apart. This gesture makes everything smaller so you can view more.

Mastering Safari Browsing Gestures

Safari supports a range of touch gestures to help you move through content quickly. Swipe left or right to switch between open tabs or use a light double-tap with one finger to zoom out. These actions give you smooth control over navigation and let you manage what you see and how you see it.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts for Efficiency

While iPhone Safari doesn’t support keyboard shortcuts natively, adding an external keyboard opens up new methods for fast browsing. You can quickly switch tabs or enter full-screen mode. An example is pressing Command + Shift + \ to show all open tabs, letting you pick the one you want with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zooming out in Safari on an iPhone can be simple. Here are answers to some common questions about managing the zoom level in Safari.

What steps are required to zoom out in Safari on an iPhone?

To zoom out, place two fingers on the screen and move them together. This gesture is the standard way to zoom out on any webpage in Safari.

How can I reset Safari view to normal size on my iPhone?

Double-tap the screen with three fingers. This should reset the zoom level to the default size.

Is there a way to disable the zoom feature in Safari on my iPhone?

Yes, go to Settings, tap Accessibility, select Zoom, and toggle it off. This will disable zoom across all apps.

Why is my iPhone Safari view stuck zoomed in, and how can I fix it?

Often, triple-tapping the screen with three fingers will unstick the zoom. If that does not work, restarting Safari or your iPhone may resolve the issue.

How can I zoom out on a webpage in Safari when my iPhone is locked?

When an iPhone is locked, the screen content should not be able to zoom in or out. Unlock the phone to adjust the zoom in Safari.

What is the method to zoom out in Safari on an iPad?

The method is the same as on an iPhone. Use two fingers to pinch the screen together to zoom out on a webpage in Safari.

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How to Zoom Out on Safari iPhone: A Comprehensive Guide

Method 1: using pinch gesture to zoom out.

To zoom out on Safari iPhone, you can utilize the pinch gesture. This method allows you to adjust the zoom level by using your fingers to pinch the screen. Follow these simple steps to zoom out using the pinch gesture:

  • Open Safari : Launch the Safari browser on your iPhone and navigate to the webpage you want to zoom out on.
  • Double-tap : Double-tap on the screen with one finger to activate the zooming feature.
  • Pinch-out gesture : With two fingers placed on the screen, pinch them together, moving them closer. This action will zoom out the webpage, allowing you to see more content at once.
  • Adjust zoom level : Continue pinching your fingers together until you achieve the desired zoom level. The more you pinch, the further you will zoom out.

By utilizing the pinch gesture, you can easily zoom out on Safari iPhone and browse webpages more comfortably.

Method 2: Utilizing the Double-Tap Gesture to Zoom Out

Another way to zoom out on Safari iPhone is by using the double-tap gesture. This method allows you to quickly adjust the zoom level without the need for multiple finger gestures. Follow these steps to zoom out using the double-tap gesture:

  • Open Safari : Launch Safari on your iPhone and navigate to the webpage you want to zoom out on.
  • Double-tap : Double-tap on the screen with three fingers to activate the zooming feature.
  • Zoom out : As you double-tap, Safari will automatically zoom out, fitting more content on the screen. Repeat the double-tap gesture to zoom out further if necessary.
  • Zoom in : If you accidentally zoom out too much, you can use the reverse double-tap gesture to zoom in. Simply double-tap on the screen with three fingers again.

The double-tap gesture provides a convenient method to quickly zoom out and in on Safari iPhone.

Method 3: Adjusting Safari Settings to Zoom Out by Default

If you frequently find yourself needing to zoom out on Safari iPhone, adjusting the Safari settings to enable automatic zoom out can be a time-saving solution. Follow these steps to modify your Safari settings and ensure webpages are zoomed out by default:

  • Open Settings : Go to the Settings app on your iPhone's home screen.
  • Scroll and tap Safari : Locate and tap on the “Safari” option from the list of settings.
  • Access Page Zoom : Under the “Appearance” section, tap on “Page Zoom.”
  • Adjust Zoom Level : Move the slider to the left to decrease the zoom level. The further left you move the slider, the more zoomed out the webpages will appear.
  • Verify Changes : Return to Safari and open a webpage to confirm that the zoom level has been adjusted according to your preference.

By adjusting the Safari settings to zoom out by default, you can save time and enjoy a consistently optimized browsing experience.

Troubleshooting: Common Issues and Solutions

While zooming out on Safari iPhone is generally straightforward, you may encounter a few common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve these problems:

  • Unresponsive pinch gesture : If the pinch gesture isn't working as expected, ensure that you are using two fingers and pinching them together. Make sure your fingers are firmly touching the screen and try again.
  • Accidental zooming : If you find yourself accidentally zooming in or out while browsing, try adjusting the sensitivity of the pinch gesture in the Accessibility settings. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Zoom > Zoom Region and choose “Full Screen Zoom” or “Window Zoom” based on your preference.
  • Persistent zoomed-in webpages : If certain webpages always open zoomed in, it could be due to their design or formatting. In such cases, use the pinch gesture or double-tap gesture to manually zoom out on those specific pages.

If you encounter any other issues while zooming out on Safari iPhone, consider reaching out to Apple Support or seeking assistance from online forums for further guidance.

Enhance Your Safari Browsing Experience

Zooming out on Safari iPhone is an essential skill for an optimized browsing experience. Whether you prefer using the pinch gesture, the double-tap gesture, or adjusting the Safari settings, you can now navigate webpages more comfortably and efficiently.

By following the methods and troubleshooting tips outlined in this guide, you can easily zoom out on Safari and enjoy a broader view of web content. Remember to experiment with different methods to find the one that suits you best.

Make the most of your Safari browsing experience and explore the vast online world with ease!

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Change the font size or zoom level of web pages in Safari

In Safari 10 on macOS Sierra, you can adjust the font size or zoom level to see web pages better.

Change the font size

You can increase or decrease just the font size of pages that you view in Safari on macOS Sierra. Safari will remember your settings until you clear your History. 

  • To increase the font size, press Option-Command-Plus sign (+)
  • To decrease the font size, press Option-Command-Minus sign (-)

Or you can go to the View menu and hold down the Option key while you select Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller.

Change the zoom level

You can increase or decrease the zoom level – both text and images – of pages that you view in Safari on macOS Sierra. Safari will remember your settings until you clear your History. 

  • To increase the zoom level, press Command-Plus sign (+)
  • To decrease the zoom level, press Command-Minus sign (-)

Or go to the View menu and select Zoom in or Zoom out.

Clear history to reset the font size and zoom level

If you clear your Safari history, websites will go back to their default font size or zoom level.

In the History menu, select Clear History. Then click Clear History again.

Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.

How to Zoom Out on iPhone Web Pages

There are still some instances where you might need to zoom in or out to comfortably read the text on a Web page, even though many of the Web pages you visit on your iPhone will be optimized to display on the smaller device screen.

One of the benefits of knowing how to zoom in or out on Safari iPhone Web pages is that you can keep reading the websites and receive the information you require.

Our tutorial will walk you through the process of adjusting this setting so that you can find the zoom level that is ideal for your browsing habits.

Summary – How to Unzoom in Safari on an iPhone

  • Open Settings .
  • Select  Safari .
  • Choose  Page Zoom .
  • Select the desired zoom percentage.

Our guide continues below with additional information on how to zoom out on iPhone Web pages, including pictures of these steps.

When you visit Web pages in the Safari browser on your iPhone , you might find them difficult to read.

Whether the information on the pages appears too large or too small, it might have an impact on your ability to navigate the Internet.

Fortunately, there is a feature in the Safari iPhone browser that allows you to change the zoom level for each page you view.

If you wish Web page information to be larger or smaller when seen on your iPhone, our tutorial below will show you how to identify and modify that setting.

Related: This what does delivered mean on iPhone article can explain some of the messages you might see under your text messages.

How to Change the Page Zoom in the Safari iPhone Browser

The steps in this article were performed on an iPhone 13 in iOS 16.

Step 1: Find and open the Settings app on your iPhone Home screen.

open Settings

Step 2: Scroll down and select the Safari option.

select Safari

Step 3: Scroll down and select the Page Zoom option from the menu.

choose Page Zoom

Step 4: Touch the zoom level that you wish to use for the pages that you view in the browser.

how to zoom out on iPhone

Now that you know how to zoom out on iPhone Web pages, you can use this technique whenever you want to adjust the zoom level for the websites that you visit.

More Information About Zooming Out on an iPhone

Zooming on an iPhone is a basic yet helpful feature that allows you to magnify the material on the screen of your device. This can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as when trying to read small print, inspecting an image more closely, or navigating a website.

Depending on what you want to magnify, there are numerous ways to zoom in on an iPhone. The following are the most prevalent methods:

Pinch to zoom – This is the most natural way to zoom on an iPhone. Simply spread your thumb and index finger apart on the screen to zoom in, or bring them together to zoom out. This strategy works in practically every app, including the camera app, maps, and the Safari web browser.

Double-tap to zoom – This method comes in handy while reading text or seeing a picture. Simply double-tap the content you wish to enlarge, and it will zoom in automatically. To zoom out, double-tap once more. This strategy works with the majority of applications, including Photos and iBooks.

Accessibility zoom – This feature is intended for persons with visual impairments, but anyone who wants to magnify the screen can benefit from it. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom and toggle the switch to the on position to enable Accessibility Zoom. Simply double-tap with three fingers to zoom in and out, and then use the same gesture to alter the zoom level.

Magnifying glass – You can use this function to temporarily magnify a specified region of the screen. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Magnifier and toggle the switch to the on position to enable Magnifying Glass. To utilize the magnifying glass, triple-click the side button (or, on older models, the home button) and swipe left or right to change the magnification level.

You could want to zoom in on an iPhone for a variety of reasons, including:

Reading small text – If you’re having difficulty reading small writing on your iPhone, zooming in can assist.

Examining photos or images more closely: Zooming in on a picture you just took or an image in an article allows you to see the details more clearly.

Zooming in on a website might help you view the content more clearly, particularly if the writing or graphics are small.

Checking photo quality – When examining photos you’ve taken, zooming in might help you examine the image’s quality and check for any blurriness or other flaws.

Zooming in on the iPhone can make it easier for persons with visual impairments to see the content on the screen, whether it’s text or images.

Accessing hidden details – When viewing maps, photos, or other content, zooming in can help expose details that may not be immediately evident.

Zooming in can help you get a closer look at the information and improve your overall viewing experience, whether you’re watching a movie, playing a game, or reading an e-book.

Matt Jacobs Support Your Tech

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.

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How to Zoom Out on Safari iPhone 13

Even while many of the websites that you visit on your iPhone will be formatted to appear appropriately on the screen of the smaller device, there are still going to be certain instances in which you might need to zoom in or zoom out in order to read the content there in a comfortable manner.

If you have attempted to use the pinching technique to zoom in or zoom out, or if you have tried double-tapping the screen to get back to normal, but it doesn’t work, then there is another setting you could try instead.

To continue reading the websites you enjoy and obtain the information that you require, keep reading our article below about how to zoom out on Safari on iPhone 13 devices.

How to Change the Safari Zoom Level for All Web Pages

  • Open Settings .
  • Choose Safari .
  • Select Page Zoom .
  • Tap the desired zoom level.

Our guide continues below with additional information on how to unzoom iPhone Web pages, including pictures of these steps.

It’s conceivable that you won’t be able to read the Web pages on your iPhone when you’re using Safari as your web browser since the tiny text that is necessary for smaller screens can sometimes be tough to see.

Your ability to navigate the internet may be hindered if the information shown on the pages appears disproportionately large or disproportionately small.

You are in luck since the Safari browser on the iPhone has a feature that gives you the ability to adjust the amount of magnification applied to each individual website that you see.

If you want the information on a Web page to be larger or smaller when seen on your iPhone, you can follow the steps in our tutorial below, which will teach you where to find that setting and how to adjust it.

Related: Find out why Safari keeps closing your page tabs and what you can do about it.

How to Use the Page Zoom Option in Safari on an iPhone (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this section were performed on an iPhone 13 in the iOS 16 operating system.

Step 1: Open the Settings app.

open Settings

Step 2: Scroll down and select the Safari option.

select Safari

Step 3: Scroll down to the Settings for Websites section, then choose the Page Zoom option.

choose Page Zoom

Step 4: Tap the desired page zoom for all websites that you look at in Safari.

how to zoom out on Safari iPhone

Now that you know how to zoom out on Safari iPhone 13 browsers, you can use this technique whether you want the text to be larger or smaller on all of the websites that you visit.

If you aren’t interested in adjusting the zoom level for all of your Web pages, but are simply trying to get back to the normal zoom level for a page in Safari, then there are two other things you can try.

  • Pinch the screen in Safari. You would normally place two fingers on the screen and drag them apart to zoom, but the reverse action, which is essentially a pinch motion, will unzoom.
  • Double-tap the screen in Safari. If the page is not currently at the default setting, then double-tapping with one finger will return it to the default zoom level.

More Information About Settings in Safari on an iPhone

Safari is the primary web browser for the iPhone and iPad, and it is meant to make web browsing simple and convenient for consumers. Safari has various settings that allow you to tailor your surfing experience to your preferences.

General Settings : In the General Settings, you may select the default search engine, enable or disable Safari Suggestions, and configure a custom homepage.

Privacy and Security: In this section, you may manage your password and credit card autofill information, as well as restrict cookies and stop pop-ups. You may also specify whether websites can request your location or use your camera and microphone.

Safari offers a variety of search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. You can choose which search engine should be the default, as well as add or delete search engines from the list.

AutoFill: When you visit a website that requires this information, the AutoFill function will automatically fill in your personal information, such as your name, address, and email address. Safari settings allow you to manage your AutoFill information.

Passwords: Safari lets you securely save website passwords so you don’t have to remember them. You can check and manage your saved passwords in the Passwords section, and you can also turn on or off the function that allows Safari to generate strong passwords for you.

Reader: Safari’s Reader feature allows you to view web content in a clean, uncluttered format. You can enable or disable the Reader feature, as well as change the font size, background color, and text color.

Material Blockers: Content blockers are browser addons that allow you to filter undesirable web content such as advertisements, trackers, and other distractions. Safari’s settings allow you to install and manage content blocks.

Advanced: In the Advanced area, you can toggle capabilities like JavaScript, WebGL, and plug-ins on and off. You may also specify whether new tabs should be opened in the background and the default font size for online pages.

Safari has a variety of experimental features that are still under development. You can enable or disable these features in the Experimental Features section.

These are only a few of the options accessible with Safari on the iPhone. You may make your browsing experience faster, more secure, and more customized to your requirements by modifying these options. However, bear in mind that some changes to your settings may alter how websites perform and show, so proceed with caution while modifying your Safari settings.

Kermit Matthews Live2Tech

Kermit Matthews is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with more than a decade of experience writing technology guides. He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science and has spent much of his professional career in IT management.

He specializes in writing content about iPhones, Android devices, Microsoft Office, and many other popular applications and devices.

Read his full bio here .

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How to zoom in or out in any app on an iPhone using Accessibility features

  • To do a standard zoom-in on an iPhone , you'll place two fingers on the screen of an applicable app and move them apart, or move them closer together to zoom out.
  • iOS includes its own built-in zooming options that let you zoom in at any time, which you can activate in your Accessibility settings.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Depending on the size of your iPhone's screen, there may be times when you can't quite see the details of what you're looking at. 

Whether it's the writing on someone's shirt in an Instagram photo, or the fine print on a webpage, you'll probably need to make use of iPhone's zoom features at some point. 

While there's a standard and straightforward way to zoom within certain apps that allow it, if you need more permanent zooming capabilities, you can set your preferences via the Accessibility menu.

Both methods offer the same result, in a sense, and thankfully, they're each easy to use.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Iphone xs (from $999.99 at best buy), how to zoom in and out on an iphone in apps that allow it natively.

If you're looking at a photo in your Photos app, using Safari, reading an email, or using many other apps, you can zoom in with just a finger gesture.

To use the standard zoom feature: 

1. Within the app you want to zoom in on, place two fingers on the area of the screen you want to magnify. 

2. Still applying light pressure on the screen with your fingers, begin to move them apart. The part of the screen beneath your fingers should begin to zoom in as the gap between your fingers grows. 

3. If you want to zoom back out, place your fingers on the screen again, and begin to move them closer together. In many cases, you can also zoom out by quickly tapping the screen twice.

Note that this method of zooming does not work in all apps or on all sites. In all other cases, you should use the Accessibility menu. 

How to zoom in or out on your iPhone using the Accessibility menu

1. On your iPhone's home screen, tap the Settings app icon to open it. 

2. Tap "General," then find the Accessibility menu. Tap it to open the customization options. 

3. Tap "Zoom," which will likely currently be marked as "Off." 

4. In the Zoom menu, tap the toggle beside the Zoom button so that it appears green, indicating the feature is turned on. 

5. Once Zoom is enabled, you can enable and disable it on the fly by double tapping with three fingers anywhere on the screen. 

6. If you then tap the "Zoom Region" tab, you can select whether you'd like a "Full Screen Zoom" or a "Window Zoom." Full Screen Zoom will magnify the entire screen at once, meaning that you'll only be able to see part of the screen at any given time. Window Zoom will open a small window that will magnify anything under it. You can drag the window around by pressing the bar at the bottom of it and moving your finger.

7. Double-tapping with three fingers also allows you to resize the Zoom lens, which is set by 5x by default but can be changed to Zoom from between 1x and 15x the normal size. If you're using Window Zoom, you can change your zoom level by tapping the bar at the bottom of the zoom window and use the toolbar in the menu that appears.

Note that you can disable the Zoom feature permanently at any time by toggling the Zoom button so that it's no longer green. 

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How to Change Page Zoom in Safari on iPhone 14

If you want to adjust the zoom level in the iPhone 14 Safari browser, then you need to go to Settings > Safari > Page Zoom > and then choose the desired option.

Our guide continues below with additional information about zooming in Safari, including pictures of these steps.

You can also check out our video about how to change page zoom in Safari on iPhone 14 for more on this topic.

How to Adjust the iPhone Safari Zoom Level (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this article were performed on an iPhone 14 Plus in the IOS 16.6 operating system.

These steps also work on many other iOS versions, as well as many other iPhone models, including the following:

  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max

Step 1: Locate the Settings icon on your Home screen and tap it to open the menu.

open Settings

Step 2: Scroll down and choose the Safari option.

choose Safari

Step 3: Scroll down again and select the Page Zoom option.

select Page Zoom

Step 4: Tap the desired zoom level you wish to use for the Web pages you view on your iPhone.

how to change page zoom in Safari on iPhone 14

Now that you know how to change page zoom for Safari on iPhone 14, you will be able to adjust this setting as needed until you find the level that makes Web browsing most comfortable.

Note that this won’t affect the zoom level in other Web browsers like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. You will need to change the zoom level for those browsers as well.

Additionally, this won’t affect the appearance of any other apps or menus on the device. You can, however, change the zoom level for the entire phone by going to Settings > Display & Brightness > choosing Display Zoom and then selecting the Larger Text or Default option there.

Video About Safari Zoom

Summary – Zooming in Or Out in Safari on an iPhone 14

  • Open Settings .
  • Select Safari .
  • Choose Page Zoom .
  • Select an option.

Related: How to Pin a Safari Tab on an iPhone 14

The iPhone 14 screen has a high resolution, and depending on the phone model that you own, it can also be a pretty large screen.

This allows you to see a lot of information on the screen at one time, such as when you are looking at a Web page.

But you might feel that the information on the screen is either too large or too small and that you would like to change that.

One way that you can accomplish this is by adjusting an option called “Page Zoom” for Safari.

Hopefully, our article above about how to change page zoom in Safari on iPhone 14 has provided you with the information that you need in order to switch the Safari display to something that is more comfortable for you.

All Content is the sole property of Matthew Burleigh and Solve Your Tech. If you are reading this blog on another site, it has been reposted without the author’s permission and is in violation of the DMCA. © Solve Your Tech.

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How to unzoom iPhone and entirely turn this feature off

Zoom is an iOS accessibility feature , which, as the name suggests, zooms or enlarges the contents on the screen, making it easier for people with weak eyesight. If you accidentally enabled this option, navigating the iPhone screen may get challenging and tapping the buttons confusing.

How to unzoom iPhone Screen

How to unzoom iPhone and iPad screen

Just for the record, you cannot zoom out the iPhone screen by simply double-tapping or pinching in with two fingers as you do with photos, web pages, etc.

To unzoom your iPhone or iPad screen, quickly double-tap anywhere on the screen with three fingers , and then with one finger, tap Zoom Out .

Immediately your iPhone screen will go back to normal. After this, you may follow the steps described below to turn off this feature. This will ensure you do not accidentally enable it ever again.

Double tap with Three Fingers and tap Zoom Out to turn off iPhone Screen Zoom

You can also use Accessibility Shortcut to turn off zoom if you had enabled the shortcut in the first place. It is found under Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut .

On iPhone with Face ID, triple-press the right Side button . On other iPhones, triple-press the Home button .

If only Zoom was added as the Accessibility Shortcut, triple-pressing will turn it off (and turn it on when triple-pressed again).

However, if more than one shortcut was added to Accessibility Shortcut, triple-pressing the Side or Home button will ask you to choose one of the shortcuts. Drag the zoomed screen around with three fingers. Finally, tap Zoom to disable it.

Triple Click Side Button on iPhone with Face ID to see Accessibility Shortcuts

How to turn off zoom on iPhone

Once the iPhone screen returns to normal, follow these steps to turn off the system zoom. Turning off would ensure that you do not accidentally zoom the display again by double-tapping with three fingers or triple-pressing the Side/Home button. Plus, even if after following the above steps you could not unzoom, you may use the steps below to turn it off. Just remember to drag the screen with three fingers . You can tap like you usually do with one finger.

  • Open iPhone Settings and tap Accessibility .
  • Turn off the switch for Zoom .

Turn off iPhone Zoom from Accessibility Settings

What to do if you cannot turn off screen zoom on your iPhone?

After you follow the above steps, you should be able to successfully unzoom iPhone screen and even turn off this feature. However, if in rare cases, double-tapping with three fingers did not work for you or you could not navigate around the screen to turn off zoom, use this method.

  • Connect your iPhone to Mac or PC using a Lightning cable. If you are on a Mac running macOS Catalina or later, open Finder . If you are on macOS Mojave or earlier or a Windows PC, open iTunes .
  • Click on your iPhone name (in the Finder sidebar) or icon (in iTunes).
  • From the General tab, click Configure Accessibility .
  • Uncheck the Zoom checkbox and click Ok . Immediately, the iPhone screen will return to normal.

Turn off iPhone Zoom using Mac or PC

This is how you can get out of the zoomed iPhone or iPad screen. I hope this quick guide was helpful. iOS has multiple such accessibility features, and some of them, like Back Tap and Magnifier , are useful for all. Give them a try. Plus, if interested, you may explore more accessibility features and news here.

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Can't zoom out web page on safari

User uploaded file

(Screenshot of web page can't zoom out web page

I had a problem on safari I can not zoom out web page on the site of my university this only happens in iphone 5s with ios 9.2.1 , I've tried using other iphone ( iphone 4 ios 7 ) even android device to open the site up and this running smoothly I was can zoom in and out of the page, if you ever have problems like me tell me ? And how to fix it ?

And please fix this issue on ios 9.3 coming update.

iPhone 5s, iOS 9.2.1

Posted on Feb 9, 2016 12:42 AM

Loading page content

Page content loaded


Feb 10, 2016 7:55 AM in response to yogie20

Greetings yogie20,

Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

I understand that you are unable to use multi-touch gestures to zoom out in Safari on your iPhone 5s. Does this only happen on this one site, or all sites?

To begin troubleshooting, there are a couple of different steps I would recommend.

First, quit Safari completely using the information in the following article.

Force an app to close in iOS - Apple Support

After Safari has been quit, I suggest reading over the next article and working through the suggestions, specifically the section Clear information from your device .

Safari web settings on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support

Once that has been completed, restart your iPhone.

Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support

After the restart, open Safari and test out your website again. Please let us know the results so we can further assist if needed.

Have a great day!

Feb 11, 2016 4:04 AM in response to AppleJoe

I've done it all, but it does not fix anything, until now the problem can not be resolved only on iphone 5s, ios 9.2.1, this problem began to appear after I updated to ios 9.2.1. but I try to use iphone 6, ios 9.2.1 the web was running smoothly and I was able to zoom in or zoom out.

Feb 11, 2016 6:05 AM in response to yogie20

Hello yogie20,

Thank you for replying with this information. I do understand that your iPhone 6 does not experience this behavior and it only happens on the iPhone 5s.

To continue troubleshooting the iPhone 5s, if the above steps did not help to resolve the issue, I would suggest reinstalling the iPhone Operating System. Reinstalling iOS should not affect any of your data on the iPhone 5s, but I always suggest making sure you have a current backup in either iTunes or iCloud.

How to back up your devices using iCloud or iTunes - Apple Support

Once you have a backup of your iPhone 5s, proceed with the following steps to reinstall iOS. After the reinstall finishes, open Safari and test its behavior.

Connect your device to a computer and open iTunes. If you don't have a computer, you can borrow one, or go to an Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider for help. While your device is connected, force it to restart. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time. Don't release when you see the Apple logo. Keep holding until you see the Recovery mode screen. When you get the option to restore or update, choose Update. iTunes will try to reinstall iOS without erasing your data. iTunes will download the software for your device. If it takes more than 15 minutes, your device will exit recovery mode and you'll need to repeat steps 2 and 3 again.

If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond or won't turn on - Apple Support

Feb 11, 2016 7:09 AM in response to AppleJoe

okay thanks I'll do it as soon as possible, if that does not work I'll posted again

Feb 13, 2016 2:15 AM in response to AppleJoe

yesterday I've done in ways such as the above, I have been doing a restore on the computer but after that process is complete, and I try to open the site my university that problem can not be resolved I still can not zoom in or zoom out, it seems a bug in safari, finally I try to install google chrome for ios and i try to open the site but the problem can not be resolved, so I try to install opera mini for ios and the site was so much better, the site was not too zoom in but I could see the site content and but zoom function still does not work on opera mini, I was so confused by a problem on my iphone. I hope after ios 9.3 launched this problem can be resolved.


Feb 20, 2016 10:43 PM in response to yogie20

Hi, did you solve the bug already?

i also cannot zoom out when i visit camsy, i have the same problem with you

Feb 21, 2016 2:07 AM in response to TanJynXin

No, until now i can't solve this problem, this bug only happen when i updated to ios 9.2.1, i hope this bug is solved when i updated to 9.3 ios next update.


Nov 26, 2016 12:57 PM in response to yogie20

I also facing this issue.Not sure what's the reason.I am using 10.1.1. I can't see the right side portion of the page.Even after rotating can't see it. Must be issue with iOS as others on android device can see the page completely.

can't zoom out safari iphone

Apple's WWDC 2024 Invite Is Out. The Wait for iOS 18 and AI Is Almost Over

A pple on Tuesday morning sent out invites for its upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference  keynote, which is set for 10 a.m. PT (1 p.m. ET) on Monday, June 10. The invite shows the Apple logo and "WWDC24" in the center of multiple colorful circles. 

The iPhone-maker hasn't shared much about what to expect from this year's event, but with the growing focus on AI throughout the tech industry, it's likely we'll see a preview of iOS 18 that incorporates new AI capabilities. A Sunday report from Bloomberg suggests Apple could bring AI into photo editing, messages, emoji and email. It could also add voice memo transcriptions, faster search and a more conversational Siri. 

We also expect to get updates for the company's other operating systems, including MacOS, iPadOS and VisionOS.

Earlier this month, Apple unveiled a lineup of new iPad Airs and Pros , with the Pros sporting the more powerful and efficient  M4 chip . Apple said the chips also feature improved machine learning for AI-based tasks. If past WWDC keynotes are any indication, it's possible the company will spend a decent chunk of this year's keynote touting its in-house chips -- and all their AI capabilities.

Read more:   It's Rumored That iOS 18 Will Change Your iPhone in Big Ways. Here's How

Apple earlier this month also unveiled some accessibility updates coming to the  iPhone , iPad,  Vision Pro  and CarPlay later this year, like Eye Tracking, Vocal Shortcuts and Live Captions in VisionOS. It's possible the company could share more about the timing of that rollout during WWDC. 

Apple sent both online and in-person WWDC invites on Tuesday, with the event once again taking place at Apple Park in Cupertino, California. If you weren't lucky in enough to score an invite, you'll be able to watch a livestream. And, as always, CNET's experts will be on the ground sharing all the updates.

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Apple's WWDC 2024 Invite Is Out. The Wait for iOS 18 and AI Is Almost Over

How To Zoom Out In Safari

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Welcome to our guide on how to zoom out in Safari! Safari is a popular web browser with a sleek interface and advanced features. However, sometimes webpages may appear too large, making it difficult to view or navigate through the content. In such cases, zooming out can be a useful solution to adjust the size of the page and improve readability.

In this article, we will explore various methods to zoom out in Safari , catering to different preferences and situations. Whether you prefer using keyboard shortcuts, accessing the zoom option through the view menu, utilizing the pinch-to-zoom gesture on a trackpad or magic mouse, or customizing the zoom settings in the Safari preferences , we’ve got you covered.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to zoom out in Safari and be able to easily adjust the zoom level to suit your needs. So, let’s dive into the methods and start zooming out in Safari !

Method 1: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the quickest and most convenient ways to zoom out in Safari is by using keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts allow you to adjust the zoom level without having to navigate through menus or settings. Here are the steps to zoom out using keyboard shortcuts:

  • To zoom out in Safari, press and hold the “Command” key (⌘) on your keyboard.
  • While holding the “Command” key, press the “-” (minus) key.
  • Each time you press the “-” key, Safari will zoom out by a preset amount.
  • Continue pressing the “-” key until the page is zoomed out to your desired level.

The keyboard shortcut “Command” + “-” is a handy way to quickly decrease the zoom level in Safari. It is especially useful when you want to shrink the page to view more content at once or if the webpage appears too large for your screen.

Keep in mind that using keyboard shortcuts to zoom out in Safari will decrease the overall size of the webpage, including text, images, and other elements. If you find that the page becomes too small to read comfortably, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Command” + “+” (plus) to zoom back in and increase the size.

Now that you know how to use keyboard shortcuts to zoom out in Safari, you can easily adjust the zoom level with a few simple key combinations. Let’s move on to the next method and explore another option for zooming out in Safari.

Method 2: Using the Zoom Option in the View Menu

If you prefer a more visual approach to zooming out in Safari, you can utilize the built-in zoom option available in the view menu. This method provides a user-friendly way to adjust the zoom level and is particularly useful if you’re not familiar with keyboard shortcuts. Here’s how you can zoom out using the view menu:

  • Open Safari and navigate to the webpage you want to zoom out.
  • Click on the “View” option in the Safari menu bar at the top of the screen.
  • In the drop-down menu, hover your cursor over the “Zoom Out” option.
  • Click on “Zoom Out” to reduce the zoom level of the webpage.
  • You can click on “Zoom Out” multiple times to further decrease the zoom level.

The zoom out option in the view menu allows you to easily adjust the size of the webpage with just a few clicks. By reducing the zoom level, you can fit more content on the screen and improve readability.

In addition to the zoom out option, you’ll also find other useful zoom-related options in the view menu, such as “Zoom In,” “Actual Size,” and “Zoom Text Only.” These options provide additional flexibility to customize your browsing experience according to your preferences and needs.

Using the zoom option in the view menu is a straightforward method to zoom out in Safari. Whether you’re new to Safari or simply prefer a visual approach, this method allows you to easily adjust the zoom level and optimize your browsing experience.

Now that you’ve learned about using the zoom option in the view menu, let’s explore another method that utilizes the pinch-to-zoom gesture on a trackpad or magic mouse.

Method 3: Using the Pinch-to-Zoom Gesture on Trackpad or Magic Mouse

If you’re using a trackpad or a Magic Mouse with your Mac, you can take advantage of the pinch-to-zoom gesture to easily zoom out in Safari. This method provides a seamless and intuitive way to adjust the zoom level with just a simple gesture. Here’s how you can use the pinch-to-zoom gesture:

  • Place two fingers on the trackpad or Magic Mouse.
  • Pinch your fingers together, moving them closer towards each other.
  • As you pinch, Safari will zoom out, reducing the zoom level of the webpage.
  • You can continue pinching your fingers together to further decrease the zoom level.

The pinch-to-zoom gesture offers a natural and intuitive way to control the zoom level in Safari. By using your fingers to pinch or expand, you can easily adjust the size of the webpage to your liking. This method is especially convenient for those who prefer tactile interactions and want a more hands-on approach to zooming out.

It’s worth noting that the availability of the pinch-to-zoom gesture depends on your device’s compatibility. Most Mac laptops and trackpads , as well as Magic Mouse, support this gesture. If you’re using a different type of mouse or trackpad, this gesture may not be available. In such cases, you can try using the keyboard shortcuts or other zooming methods mentioned in this guide.

The pinch-to-zoom gesture not only allows you to adjust the zoom level in Safari but also gives you precise control over the size of the webpage. Whether you want to shrink the page to fit more content or make it smaller for comfortable reading, this gesture provides a convenient and efficient solution.

Now that you’ve learned about using the pinch-to-zoom gesture on a trackpad or Magic Mouse, let’s explore another method by customizing the zoom settings in the Safari preferences.

Method 4: Using the Zoom Options in the Safari Preferences

If you prefer a more permanent solution for adjusting the zoom level in Safari, you can customize the zoom options in the Safari preferences. This method allows you to set a default zoom level or enable text-only zoom for a consistent browsing experience. Here’s how you can use the zoom options in the Safari preferences:

  • Open Safari and click on “Safari” in the menu bar.
  • In the drop-down menu, select “Preferences” to open the Safari preferences.
  • Click on the “Advanced” tab in the preferences window.
  • Check the box next to “Never use font sizes smaller than” to enable text-only zoom.
  • Use the slider or input a specific percentage in the “Page Zoom” section to set the default zoom level.

By customizing the zoom options in the Safari preferences, you can have more control over how webpages are displayed. Enabling text-only zoom ensures that only the text size adjusts when zooming in or out, preserving the layout and preventing images from becoming distorted.

The ability to set a default zoom level allows you to always have your preferred view when loading webpages. Whether you prefer a larger zoom for easier reading or a slightly smaller zoom for a compact layout, you can tailor the default zoom level to your preferences.

Keep in mind that customizing the zoom options in the Safari preferences will apply to all webpages you visit using Safari. This can be particularly useful if you frequently visit websites with similar designs or if you prefer a consistent browsing experience across various sites.

Now that you know how to customize the zoom options in the Safari preferences, you have a more permanent solution for adjusting the zoom level to your liking. Let’s wrap up this guide with a quick summary of what we’ve covered.

Zooming out in Safari is a useful feature that allows you to adjust the size of webpages for improved readability and convenience. In this guide, we explored four different methods to zoom out in Safari:

  • Using keyboard shortcuts: By pressing “Command” + “-” (minus), you can quickly decrease the zoom level.
  • Using the zoom option in the view menu: Navigating through the “View” menu, you can easily access the zoom options and adjust the zoom level.
  • Using the pinch-to-zoom gesture on trackpad or Magic Mouse: By pinching your fingers together on the trackpad or Magic Mouse, you can intuitively decrease the zoom level.
  • Customizing the zoom options in the Safari preferences: By adjusting the settings in the Safari preferences, you can set a default zoom level or enable text-only zoom.

Each method offers a unique approach to zooming out in Safari, catering to different preferences and situations. Whether you prefer keyboard shortcuts for quick adjustments, visual options in the view menu, tactile interactions with pinch-to-zoom gestures, or customized settings in the preferences, you can find a method that suits your needs.

Remember that zooming out in Safari can be helpful when webpages appear too large or when you want to fit more content on the screen. It’s important to find a balance between zooming out for better visibility and ensuring that the page remains legible and easy to navigate.

We hope this guide has been informative and helpful in assisting you with zooming out in Safari. Now, you can confidently adjust the zoom level and enhance your browsing experience. Happy zooming!

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can't zoom out safari iphone

Refurbished iPhone 14 128GB - Midnight (Unlocked)

can't zoom out safari iphone

All refurbished iPhone models include:

  • The same one-year warranty as a brand new iPhone
  • All manuals and accessories
  • A new battery and outer shell
  • A new white box

Product Information

Originally released September 2022

Unlocked, SIM-Free, Model A2649¹

6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display with OLED

A15 Bionic chip with 16-core Neural Engine

Video playback: up to 20 hours

5G, Gigabit LTE and 802.11ax Wi‑Fi with 2x2 MIMO

Bluetooth 5.3 wireless technology

NFC with reader mode

Dual 12MP Main and Ultra wide cameras

Digital zoom up to 5x and 2x optical zoom out

4K video recording, 1080p HD video recording

6.07 ounces and 0.31 inch

Apple Certified Refurbished Products

Quality products at great prices

Rigorous refurbishment process prior to sale

Covered by Apple’s one-year limited warranty This will open a new window.

Covered by Apple’s 14-day returns policy This will open a new window.

AppleCare This will open a new window. product can be purchased

Engraving and gift wrap not available for refurbished products

Supplies are limited

What’s in the Box

Refurbished iPhone 14

USB-C to Lightning cable


System Requirements

Apple ID (required for some features)

Internet access 2

Syncing to a Mac or PC requires:

Mac: OS Catalina 10.15 or later using the Finder

Mac: OS High Sierra 10.13 through macOS Mojave 10.14.6

PC: Windows 10 or later

iTunes 12.8 or later on Mac and iTunes 12.12.10 or later on PC (free download from )

Environmental Requirements

Operating ambient temperature: 32° to 95° F (0° to 35° C), Non-operating temperature: -4° to 113° F (-20° to 45° C), Relative humidity: 5% to 95% noncondensing, and Operating altitude: Tested up to 10,000 feet (3000 m).

iPhone 14 is designed with the following features to reduce environmental impact:

Arsenic-free display glass


Brominated flame retardant–free


Emergency SOS via satellite. Peace of mind when you’re off the grid.

If you don’t have cell service or Wi‑Fi, iPhone lets you text emergency services over satellite.³

Crash Detection calls for help when you can’t.

iPhone 14 can detect a severe car crash, then call 911 and notify your emergency contacts.⁴

A huge Plus for Battery.

Get awesome all-day battery life and up to 20 hours of video playback on iPhone 14.⁵

A bright, beautiful OLED display.

OLED technology delivers incredible contrast for bright whites and true blacks. High resolution and color accuracy make everything look sharp and true to life. True Tone makes your display easier on the eyes by adjusting to the ambient light.

A remarkably durable Ceramic Shield front.

Ceramic Shield is tougher than any smartphone glass. It’s made by introducing nano-ceramic crystals - which are harder than most metals - into glass for far greater durability. Our dual-ion exchange process also protects against nicks, scratches, and everyday wear and tear.

Cam-Packed. More detailed details. More colorful colors. More epic pics.

A new Main camera and improved image processing let you capture even more sensational shots in all kinds of light — especially low light. Up to 2.5x better low‑light photos on the Main camera. Up to 2x better low‑light photos on the Ultra Wide camera. The TrueDepth camera and A15 Bionic also power Face ID, the most secure facial authentication in a smartphone

Whether you’re filming while hiking up a rocky trail or chasing your kids through the park, try Action mode for smooth handheld videos.

Home movies that look like Hollywood movies.

Cinematic mode automatically shifts focus to the most important subject in a scene, just like filmmakers do. And now you can record in 4K at 24 fps — the same frame rate you see in the movies.

Selfies you’ll flip over.

Snap your sharpest, most colorful close-ups and group shots, thanks to a new TrueDepth front camera with autofocus and a larger aperture.

A15 Bionic. Fast that lasts.

A15 Bionic, with a 5‑core GPU, powers all the latest features and makes graphically intense games and AR apps feel ultrafluid. An updated internal design delivers better thermal efficiency, so you can stay in the action longer. The Secure Enclave in A15 Bionic protects personal information like your Face ID data, contacts, and more.

So long, SIM tray.

eSIM makes things simple. You can activate your new iPhone or add carriers digitally, so you’re calling and texting in no time.⁶ And unlike a physical card, eSIM can’t be removed if your iPhone is lost or stolen. eSIM lets you have multiple phone numbers and data plans on one phone. Traveling is a breeze. Before you go, activate an eSIM for the country you’re visiting.

Oops resistant.

Industry-leading IP68 water resistance.⁷ Also resists spills and splashes from everyday liquids like coffee, tea, soda, and juice. Dust doesn’t stand a chance, either.

The products you love also love the planet.

iPhone 14 uses 100% recycled gold wire in all its cameras to reduce mining of precious resources. Antenna lines are made from up-cycled water bottles and 100% recycled rare earth elements are included in all magnets.

A15 Bionic chip

6-core CPU with 2 performance and 4 efficiency cores

16-core Neural Engine

Super Retina XDR display

6.1‑inch (diagonal) all‑screen OLED display

2532‑by‑1170-pixel resolution at 460 ppi

HDR display

Wide color (P3)

Haptic Touch

2,000,000:1 contrast ratio (typical)

800 nits max brightness (typical); 1200 nits max brightness (HDR)

Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating

Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously

The iPhone 14 display has rounded corners that follow a beautiful curved design, and these corners are within a standard rectangle. When measured as a standard rectangular shape, the screen is 6.06 inches diagonally (actual viewable area is less).

Splash, Water, and Dust Resistant

Rated IP68 (maximum depth of 6 meters up to 30 minutes) under IEC standard 60529) 7

Power and Battery

Video playback: Up to 20 hours 5

Video playback (streamed): Up to 16 hours 5

Audio playback: Up to 80 hours 5

Built-in rechargeable lithium‑ion battery 5

MagSafe wireless charging up to 15W 8

Qi wireless charging up to 7.5W 8

Fast‑charge capable: Up to 50% charge in around 30 minutes 9 with 20W adapter or higher (available separately)

Wireless charging up to 15W 8

Magnet array

Alignment magnet

Accessory Identification NFC


External Buttons and Connectors

Front camera

Side button

Lightning connector

SIM tray (available on models purchased outside the U.S.)

Volume buttons

Ring/Silent switch

Rear cameras

Dual eSIM (two active eSIMs; stores eight or more eSIMs 6

iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus use eSIM technology and are not compatible with physical SIM cards.

eSIM not supported in all regions.

Video Calling

FaceTime video calling over Wi-Fi or cellular¹⁰

FaceTime HD (1080p) video calling over 5G or Wi-Fi¹⁰

Share experiences like movies, TV, music, and other apps in a FaceTime call with SharePlay¹⁰

Screen sharing¹⁰

Portrait mode in FaceTime video¹⁰

Spatial audio¹⁰

Voice Isolation and Wide Spectrum microphone modes¹⁰

Zoom with rear-facing camera¹⁰

Audio Calling

FaceTime audio¹⁰

Voice over LTE (VoLTE)¹¹

Wi-Fi calling¹¹

Supported formats include AAC, MP3, Apple Lossless, FLAC, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, and Dolby Atmos

Spatial Audio playback

User‑configurable maximum volume limit

Dual ambient light sensors

High dynamic range gyro

High-g accelerometer

Proximity sensor

Front Camera

TrueDepth Camera

12MP camera

ƒ/1.9 aperture

Autofocus with Focus Pixels

Retina Flash

Photonic Engine

Deep Fusion

Smart HDR 4

Portrait mode with Focus and Depth Control

Portrait Lighting with six effects

Animoji and Memoji

Photographic Styles

Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos

Lens correction

Auto image stabilization

4K video recording at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps

1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps

Cinematic mode up to 4K HDR at 30 fps

HDR video recording with Dolby Vision up to 4K at 60 fps

Slo-mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps

Time‑lapse video with stabilization

Night mode Time-lapse

QuickTake video

Cinematic video stabilization (4K, 1080p, and 720p)

Dual-camera system

12MP Main: 26 mm, ƒ/1.5 aperture, sensor‑shift optical image stabilization, 100% Focus Pixels

12MP Ultra Wide: 13 mm, ƒ/2.4 aperture and 120° field of view

2x optical zoom out; digital zoom up to 5x

Sapphire crystal lens cover

True Tone flash

Panorama (up to 63MP)

Lens correction (Ultra Wide)

Advanced red‑eye correction

Photo geotagging

Image formats captured: HEIF and JPEG

Video Recording

720p HD video recording at 30 fps

Action mode up to 2.8K at 60 fps

Slo‑mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fps

Sensor-shift optical image stabilization for video (Main)

2x optical zoom out

Digital zoom up to 3x

True Tone flash

Cinematic video stabilization (4K, 1080p, and 720p)

Continuous autofocus video

Take 8MP still photos while recording 4K video

Playback zoom

Video formats recorded: HEVC and H.264

Stereo recording

Enabled by TrueDepth camera for facial recognition

Pay with your iPhone using Face ID in stores, within apps, and on the web

Send and receive money in Messages with Apple Cash 12

Complete purchases made with Apple Pay on your Mac

Pay for your ride using Express Transit 13

Cellular and Wireless

Model A2649 1

5G NR (Bands n1, n2, n3, n5, n7, n8, n12, n14, n20, n25, n26, n28, n29, n30, n38, n40, n41, n48, n53, n66, n70, n71, n77, n78, n79)

5G NR mmWave (Bands n258, n260, n261)

FDD‑LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 66, 71)

TD‑LTE (Bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 48, 53)

UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

5G (sub‑6 GHz and mmWave) with 4x4 MIMO 14

Gigabit LTE with 4x4 MIMO and LAA 14

Wi‑Fi 6 (802.11ax) with 2x2 MIMO

Bluetooth 5.3

Ultra Wideband chip for spatial awareness 14

Express Cards with power reserve

For details on 5G and LTE support, contact your carrier and see .

Video Playback

Video formats supported: HEVC, H.264, and ProRes HDR with Dolby Vision, HDR10, and HLG Up to 4K HDR AirPlay for mirroring, photos, and video out to Apple TV (2nd generation or later) or AirPlay 2–enabled smart TV Video mirroring and video out support: Up to 1080p through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold separately) 15

Intelligent Assistant

Use your voice to send messages, set reminders and more 16

Activate hands-free with only your voice using "Siri" or “Hey Siri” 16

Use your voice to run shortcuts from your favorite apps 16

Learn more about Siri:

Rating for Hearing Aids

Mail attachment support.

Viewable document types: .jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (rich text format); .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel); .zip; .ics; .usdz (USDZ Universal)

Language support: English (Australia, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional – Hong Kong), French (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Spain), Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Kazakh, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

QuickType keyboard support: English (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Chinese – Simplified (Handwriting, Pinyin QWERTY, Pinyin 10-Key, Shuangpin, Stroke), Chinese – Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin QWERTY, Pinyin 10-Key, Shuangpin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean (2-Set, 10-Key), Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Ainu, Albanian, Amharic, Apache (Western), Arabic, Arabic (Najdi), Armenian, Assamese, Assyrian, Azerbaijani, Bangla, Belarusian, Bodo, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cantonese – Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Phonetic, Stroke, Sucheng), Catalan, Cherokee, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dhivehi, Dogri, Dutch, Dzongkha, Emoji, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Fula (Adlam), Georgian, Greek, Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi (Devanagari, Latin, Transliteration), Hungarian, Icelandic, Igbo, Indonesian, Irish Gaelic, Kannada, Kashmiri (Arabic, Devanagari), Kazakh, Khmer, Konkani (Devanagari), Kurdish (Arabic, Latin), Kyrgyz, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maithili, Malay (Arabic, Latin), Malayalam, Maltese, Manipuri (Bengali, Meetei Mayek), Māori, Marathi, Mongolian, Navajo, Nepali, Norwegian (Bokmål, Nynorsk), Odia, Pashto, Persian, Persian (Afghanistan), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Punjabi, Rohingya, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Sanskrit, Santali (Devanagari, Ol Chiki), Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Sindhi (Arabic, Devanagari), Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Swedish, Tajik, Tamil (Anjal, Tamil 99), Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Tongan, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek (Arabic, Cyrillic, Latin), Vietnamese (Telex, VIQR, VNI), Welsh, Yiddish, Akan, Bangla (Transliteration), Chickasaw, Choctaw, Chuvash, Gujarati (Transliteration), Hausa, Hmong (Pahawh), Ingush, Japanese (Handwriting), Kabyle, Kannada (Transliteration), Liangshan Yi, Malayalam (Transliteration), Mandaic, Marathi (Transliteration), Mi’kmaw, N’Ko, Osage, Punjabi (Transliteration), Rejang, Tamazight (Standard Moroccan), Tamil (Transliteration), Telugu (Transliteration), Urdu (Transliteration), Wancho, Wolastoqey, Yoruba

QuickType keyboard support with autocorrection: Arabic, Arabic (Najdi), Bangla, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee, Chinese – Simplified (Pinyin QWERTY), Chinese – Traditional (Pinyin QWERTY), Chinese – Traditional (Zhuyin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Dutch (Belgium), French (Belgium), French (Canada), French (France), French (Switzerland), German (Austria), German (Germany), German (Switzerland), Greek, Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi (Devanagari, Latin, Transliteration), Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Japanese (Kana), Japanese (Romaji), Korean (2-Set, 10-Key), Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Norwegian (Bokmål), Norwegian (Nynorsk), Persian, Persian (Afghanistan), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Serbian (Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), Swedish, Tamil (Anjal), Tamil (Tamil 99), Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese (Telex)

QuickType keyboard support with predictive input: English (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Arabic (Najdi), Cantonese (Traditional), Dutch, Hindi (Devanagari, Latin), Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Polish, Romanian

QuickType keyboard support with multilingual input: English (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Chinese – Simplified (Pinyin), Chinese – Traditional (Pinyin), French (France), French (Belgium), French (Canada), French (Switzerland), German (Germany), German (Austria), German (Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Romaji), Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Mexico), Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), Hindi (Latin), Vietnamese, Polish, Romanian, Turkish

QuickType keyboard support with contextual suggestions: English (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified), French (Belgium), French (Canada), French (France), French (Switzerland), German (Austria), German (Germany), German (Switzerland), Italian, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), Arabic, Arabic (Najdi), Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), Hindi (Devanagari), Hindi (Latin), Russian, Swedish, Portuguese (Brazil), Turkish, Vietnamese

QuickPath keyboard support: English (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified Pinyin QWERTY), Chinese (Traditional Pinyin QWERTY), French (Canada), French (France), French (Switzerland), German (Austria), German (Germany), German (Switzerland), Italian, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Dutch (Belgium), Dutch (Netherlands), Swedish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Polish, Romanian

Siri languages: English (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), Spanish (Chile, Mexico, Spain, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese (Japan), Korean (Republic of Korea), Mandarin Chinese (China mainland, Taiwan), Cantonese (China mainland, Hong Kong), Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish (Finland), Hebrew (Israel), Malay (Malaysia), Norwegian (Norway), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Türkiye)

 Dictation languages: 
 English (Australia, Canada, India, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, UK, U.S.), Cantonese (China mainland, Hong Kong), Mandarin Chinese (China mainland, Taiwan), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Spain, U.S.), Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Arabic (Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Belgium, Netherlands), Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian (Bokmål), Polish, Romanian, Russian, Shanghainese (China mainland), Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Definition dictionary support: English (UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional – Hong Kong), Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Bulgarian, Catalan, Greek, Malay, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian

Idiom dictionary support: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese – English, Cantonese – English

Thesaurus: English (UK, U.S.), Chinese (Simplified)

Bilingual dictionary support: Arabic – English, Bangla – English, Chinese (Simplified) – English, Chinese (Traditional) – English, Czech – English, Dutch – English, Finnish – English, French – English, French – German, German – English, Gujarati – English, Hindi – English, Hungarian – English, Indonesian – English, Italian – English, Japanese – English, Japanese – Chinese (Simplified), Korean – English, Polish – English, Portuguese – English, Russian – English, Spanish – English, Tamil – English, Telugu – English, Thai – English, Urdu – English, Vietnamese – English, English – Greek, English – Malay, English – Swedish

Spell check: English (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, UK, U.S.), French (Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Austria, Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Spanish (Latin America, Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Arabic (Najdi), Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Netherlands, Belgium), Finnish, Greek, Hindi (Devanagari), Hungarian, Irish Gaelic, Norwegian (Bokmål, Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Telugu, Turkish, Vietnamese

Apple Pay supported regions: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China mainland,¹⁹ Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Guernsey, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, U.S., Vatican City, Vietnam

Digital compass

GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, QZSS, and BeiDou

iBeacon microlocation


Built-in accessibility features supporting vision, mobility, hearing, and cognitive disabilities help you get the most out of your iPhone.

Features Include:

Voice Control

Switch Control


RTT and TTY support

Closed Captions

Live Captions

Personal Voice

Live Speech

Type to Siri

Spoken Content

Size and Weight

Height: 5.78 inches (146.7 mm) 17

Width: 2.82 inches (71.5 mm) 17

Depth: 0.31 inch (7.80 mm) 17

Weight: 6.07 ounces (172 grams) 17

(1) What are Apple Certified Refurbished Products?

Apple Certified Refurbished Products are pre-owned Apple products that undergo Apple's stringent refurbishment process prior to being offered for sale. While only some units are returned due to technical issues, every unit is evaluated to ensure it meets Apple's quality standards.

  • undergoes full functionality testing and any defective modules identified in testing are replaced.
  • Apple Watch and Apple Pencil devices that require replacement parts are not included in the Apple Certified Refurbished Program.
  • is put through a thorough cleaning process and inspection.
  • is repackaged (including appropriate manuals, cables, new boxes).
  • includes either the Operating System originally shipped with the unit or, in some cases, a more recent version.
  • is placed into a Final QA inspection prior to being added to sellable refurbished stock.

Refurbishment procedures follow the same basic technical guidelines as Apple's Finished Goods testing procedures.

(2) What should I expect when I purchase an Apple Certified Refurbished Product?

  • Substantial savings
  • A fully functional unit with complete documentation
  • The assurance that the unit meets Apple's premiere quality standards, and that its defective components have been replaced by genuine Apple components

(3) Can I purchase the AppleCare plan for my Apple Certified Refurbished Product?

All Apple Certified Refurbished Products are covered by a one-year limited warranty . For more coverage, you have the option of purchasing the AppleCare Plan with your Apple Certified Refurbished Product. The AppleCare Plan provides up to three years of world-class support for Mac, and up to two years of world-class support for iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple Watch, Apple TV and HomePod.

(4) A refurbished item that I wanted is no longer available. How can I ensure that I get an item when it's in stock?

Refurbished supply is usually very limited and we often run out of refurbished inventory. We recommend that you act quickly if you see an item that you like. A product will be reserved for you once you've completed checking out and we've received full authorized payment. Please note that some payment methods take longer than others and that availability of a refurbished product is not guaranteed until we receive your full payment.


  1. [] 23 How To Zoom Out On Safari Iphone? Advanced Guides

    can't zoom out safari iphone

  2. 24 How To Zoom Out On Safari Iphone? Quick Guide

    can't zoom out safari iphone

  3. How to Zoom Out on Safari iPhone Web Browsers

    can't zoom out safari iphone

  4. how to zoom out safari mobile

    can't zoom out safari iphone

  5. Why Is My Safari Zoomed Out On Iphone

    can't zoom out safari iphone

  6. How to Re-Enable Zoom for Websites That Block It in Safari for Your

    can't zoom out safari iphone


  1. I couldn’t zoom out😭😭😭

  2. I can't zoom out that's why it's so big 💜💜#aphmau #edit

  3. full vid of

  4. Please Don't Zoom Out #indiegame #shorts #funny

  5. I can’t zoom out 😭 #capcut #roblox #funny #roboxedit #robloxedit #robloxeditz #edit #cringe ♥️🖍️

  6. Safari zoomed out on iPhone : How to Fix


  1. How to Zoom Out on Safari iPhone Web Browsers: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 3: Pinch-to-Zoom-Out Gesture. Place two fingers on the screen and move them apart to zoom out. This gesture is similar to pinching a piece of cloth and stretching it out. As your fingers move apart, you'll see the content on the screen get smaller.

  2. iOS Safari won't let me change page zoom.

    iOS Safari won't let me change page zoom. Running iOS 15.5 on my IPhone 13Pro max and having an issue with the page zoom in Safari. If I change the zoom on a webpage in safari it only will let me zoom out to 85% or zoom in to 115%. Seems to be this way on every website I try. So I went into Safari settings > Page Zoom and it won't even let ...

  3. My iPhone Zoomed In And Won't Zoom Out. Here's The Fix!

    How To Use The Zoom Accessibility Feature On Your iPhone. When you turn on Zoom in the Settings app, you'll see the following text: Zoom magnifies the entire screen: Double-tap three fingers to zoom. Drag three fingers to move around the screen. Double-tap three fingers and drag to change zoom.

  4. Is Your iPhone Screen Stuck Zoomed In? Here's How to Zoom Out Again

    Access the Settings on Your iPhone to Turn Off Zoom: You should be able to navigate your zoomed-in iPhone by dragging with three fingers. If you can do that, make your way to the Settings app. On iOS 13 and later: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Zoom. On iOS 12 or earlier: Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom.

  5. How To Zoom Out On Safari iPhone

    Here's how you can use the pinch gesture to zoom out on Safari for iPhone: Open Safari: Begin by launching the Safari browser on your iPhone and navigating to the webpage you want to zoom out from. Locate the Content: Once the webpage is loaded, identify the section of the page that you want to zoom out from. This could be a block of text, an ...

  6. Zoom in on the iPhone screen

    Zoom in on the iPhone screen. In many apps, you can zoom in or out on specific items. For example, you can double-tap or pinch to look closer in Photos or expand webpage columns in Safari. You can also use the Zoom feature to magnify the screen no matter what you're doing. You can magnify the entire screen (Full Screen Zoom) or magnify only ...

  7. How to Fix Safari Zoomed Out on iPhone (tutorial)

    Is your Safari browser on your iPhone stuck in a zoomed-out view, making it difficult to browse? In this tutorial, we'll guide you through step-by-step solut...

  8. How to Zoom Out on Safari for iPhone

    For more permanent zooming, adjust your Safari settings: Go to Settings: Open the Settings app on your iPhone. Find Safari: Scroll down the list of apps and tap on "Safari.". Adjust Zoom: Under "Settings for Websites," tap on "Page Zoom.". Choose Your Zoom: Select the desired zoom percentage for websites. This will be the new ...

  9. Customize your Safari settings on iPhone

    Customize your start page. When you open a new tab, you begin on your start page. You can customize your start page with new background images and options. Open the Safari app on your iPhone. Tap , then tap . Scroll to the bottom of the page, then tap Edit. Favorites: Display shortcuts to your favorite bookmarked websites.

  10. How to Zoom Out on Safari iPhone: A Comprehensive Guide

    By utilizing the pinch gesture, you can easily zoom out on Safari iPhone and browse webpages more comfortably. Method 2: Utilizing the Double-Tap Gesture to Zoom Out. Another way to zoom out on Safari iPhone is by using the double-tap gesture. This method allows you to quickly adjust the zoom level without the need for multiple finger gestures.

  11. How To Zoom Out Of Safari On iPhone

    Tap on "Page Zoom" to reveal a slider that enables you to adjust the zoom level according to your preference. Slide to Zoom Out: To zoom out of Safari using the Settings menu, slide the Page Zoom slider to the left. As you move the slider towards the leftmost position, the zoom level decreases, providing a broader view of the webpage's content.

  12. Change the font size or zoom level of web pages in Safari

    You can increase or decrease just the font size of pages that you view in Safari on macOS Sierra. Safari will remember your settings until you clear your History. To increase the font size, press Option-Command-Plus sign (+) To decrease the font size, press Option-Command-Minus sign (-) Or you can go to the View menu and hold down the Option ...

  13. How to Zoom Out on iPhone Web Pages

    Pinch to zoom - This is the most natural way to zoom on an iPhone. Simply spread your thumb and index finger apart on the screen to zoom in, or bring them together to zoom out. This strategy works in practically every app, including the camera app, maps, and the Safari web browser. Double-tap to zoom - This method comes in handy while ...

  14. Pinch to zoom in Safari not working consi…

    Here is what I see: Load a page on Safari. Attempt pinch to zoom - sometimes it works immediately, other times it does not work. Scroll the page up/down, then try pinch to zoom again - sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Sometimes when pinch in to zoom works to zoom in, it will immediately break again and I cannot unzoom with 'pinch out ...

  15. How to Zoom Out on Safari iPhone 13

    Related: Find out why Safari keeps closing your page tabs and what you can do about it. How to Use the Page Zoom Option in Safari on an iPhone (Guide with Pictures) The steps in this section were performed on an iPhone 13 in the iOS 16 operating system. Step 1: Open the Settings app.

  16. How to always zoom in Safari on iPhone, iPad and Mac

    Open Settings and tap Safari. Scroll down and tap Page Zoom. Here, you'll see the specific websites whose text size you have changed following the earlier set of steps. To change one, tap it and choose a new zoom percentage. You can also edit the list of sites on this screen. Tap Edit at the top and then Delete or Clear All Settings.

  17. How to Zoom in or Out in Any App on an iPhone

    1. On your iPhone's home screen, tap the Settings app icon to open it. 2. Tap "General," then find the Accessibility menu. Tap it to open the customization options. 3. Tap "Zoom," which will ...

  18. How to Change Page Zoom in Safari on iPhone 14

    Summary - Zooming in Or Out in Safari on an iPhone 14. Open Settings. Select Safari. Choose Page Zoom. Select an option. Related: How to Pin a Safari Tab on an iPhone 14. Conclusion. The iPhone 14 screen has a high resolution, and depending on the phone model that you own, it can also be a pretty large screen.

  19. iphone

    3. Make sure Zoom is enabled in Settings > General > Accessibility. When Zoom is enabled, you can double-tap with three fingers to zoom the entire screen of your iPhone/iPod/iPad. To move around, either hold three fingers on the screen and drag to show different parts in the viewport, or hold one finger along the edge of the screen to pan.

  20. How to unzoom iPhone screen and turn off this feature

    To unzoom your iPhone or iPad screen, quickly double-tap anywhere on the screen with three fingers, and then with one finger, tap Zoom Out. Immediately your iPhone screen will go back to normal. After this, you may follow the steps described below to turn off this feature. This will ensure you do not accidentally enable it ever again.

  21. Why Is My Safari So Zoomed Out On iPhone

    1. Reset Zoom Level. If Safari appears zoomed out on your iPhone, you can reset the zoom level to its default state. To achieve this, double-tap the screen with three fingers. This gesture is designed to reset the zoom level and return the display to its standard view. By performing this action, you can effectively counteract accidental zoom ...

  22. Can't zoom out web page on safari

    (Screenshot of web page can't zoom out web page. I had a problem on safari I can not zoom out web page on the site of my university this only happens in iphone 5s with ios 9.2.1 , I've tried using other iphone ( iphone 4 ios 7 ) even android device to open the site up and this running smoothly I was can zoom in and out of the page, if you ever have problems like me tell me ?

  23. Apple's WWDC 2024 Invite Is Out. The Wait for iOS 18 and AI Is ...

    The iPhone-maker hasn't shared much about what to expect from this year's event, but with the growing focus on AI throughout the tech industry, it's likely we'll see a preview of iOS 18 that ...

  24. How To Zoom Out In Safari

    Open Safari and navigate to the webpage you want to zoom out. Click on the "View" option in the Safari menu bar at the top of the screen. In the drop-down menu, hover your cursor over the "Zoom Out" option. Click on "Zoom Out" to reduce the zoom level of the webpage. You can click on "Zoom Out" multiple times to further decrease ...

  25. Refurbished iPhone 14 128GB

    Originally released September 2022 Unlocked, SIM-Free, Model A26491 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display with OLED A15 Bionic chip with 16-core Neural Engine Video playback: up to 20 hours 5G, Gigabit LTE and 802.11ax Wi‑Fi with 2x2 MIMO Bluetooth 5.3 wireless technology NFC with reader mode Dual 12MP Main and Ultra wide cameras Digital zoom up to 5x and 2x optical zoom out 4K video recording ...