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Halo sobat AbduWeb! Artikel ini akan membahas contoh brosur travel mobil yang efektif, lengkap dengan tips dan trik untuk membuat brosur Anda tampil menonjol.

Simak juga: Contoh Brosur Wisata Simple untuk Promosi

Dengan mengikuti panduan ini, Anda dapat membuat brosur yang tidak hanya estetis, tetapi juga mampu mengkomunikasikan keunggulan jasa travel mobil Anda dengan jelas.

Contoh Brosur Travel Mobil

1. Judul dan Logo yang Menarik Perhatian

Hal pertama yang dilihat calon pelanggan adalah judul dan logo brosur. Pastikan judul brosur Anda singkat, padat, dan jelas. Judul seperti “ Liburan Nyaman & Aman: Sewa Mobil + Supir ” atau “ Jelajah Indonesia dengan Travel Mobil Terpercaya ” langsung menyampaikan layanan inti yang Anda tawarkan.

Selain judul, logo perusahaan juga berperan penting. Logo yang profesional dan mudah diingat akan meninggalkan kesan positif. Jika belum memiliki logo, pertimbangkan menggunakan jasa desain grafis untuk membuat logo yang sesuai dengan citra perusahaan Anda.

2. Gambar Berkualitas Tinggi

Gunakan gambar berkualitas tinggi yang menampilkan destinasi wisata populer, kendaraan yang Anda sewakan, dan suasana kebersamaan di dalam mobil. Pilih gambar yang relevan dengan target pasar Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda menyasar keluarga muda, gunakan gambar keluarga bahagia berlibur dengan mobil.

Hindari penggunaan gambar yang terlalu generik atau beresolusi rendah. Gambar buram akan membuat brosur terlihat tidak profesional dan kurang menarik.

3. Informasi Jelas dan Ringkas

Brosur bukanlah novel. Sampaikan informasi penting secara jelas dan ringkas. Berikut beberapa informasi yang perlu dicantumkan dalam brosur travel mobil Anda:

  • Deskripsi singkat layanan travel mobil: Jelaskan secara singkat apa yang Anda tawarkan, seperti jenis kendaraan yang tersedia, layanan sewa supir, dan paket wisata yang ditawarkan (jika ada).
  • Keunggulan layanan: Tonjolkan keunggulan jasa travel mobil Anda dibandingkan kompetitor. Apakah Anda menawarkan harga yang kompetitif? Supir berpengalaman dengan pengetahuan wisata? Atau armada mobil terbaru yang nyaman?
  • Harga sewa: Cantumkan daftar harga sewa mobil per hari atau per paket wisata. Jika memungkinkan, sertakan tabel perbandingan harga untuk paket yang berbeda.
  • Kontak informasi: Pastikan calon pelanggan dapat dengan mudah menghubungi Anda. Sertakan nomor telepon, alamat email, situs web (jika ada), dan akun media sosial perusahaan.

4. Desain Menarik dan Mudah Dibaca

Desain brosur yang menarik tentu akan lebih diperhatikan. Namun, jangan sampai estetika mengorbankan keterbacaan. Gunakan kombinasi warna yang selaras dan hindari penggunaan terlalu banyak warna yang ramai.

Pilih font yang mudah dibaca, seperti Arial atau Times New Roman. Hindari penggunaan huruf terlalu kecil atau terlalu dekoratif. Sisipkan ruang kosong yang cukup agar brosur tidak terkesan penuh dan sesak.

5. Call to Action yang Jelas

Jangan lupa sertakan ajakan bertindak (call to action) yang jelas pada brosur Anda. Misalnya, “ Hubungi kami sekarang untuk penawaran spesial! ” atau “ Kunjungi website kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut. “

6 Desain Contoh Brosur Travel Mobil

Contoh Brosur Travel Mobil

sumber img: https://rentalmurahbandung.com/ https://dongkrakusaha.com/ https://www.khaylatourbandung.com/ https://sribu-2022.s3.amazonaws.com/

Mungkin itu saja yang bisa kami sampaikan mengenai contoh brosur travel mobil, kami harap dengan membaca artikel ini bisa membantu Anda menemukan desain brosur travel mobil yang tepat. Terimakasih!

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Blog Data Visualization 17 Travel Brochure Examples For Traveler & Tourism

17 Travel Brochure Examples For Traveler & Tourism

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Oct 12, 2023

Travel Brochure Examples

Travel brochures are vital, acting as silent ambassadors for countless destinations. At their core, travel brochures are printed or digital guides, crafted with precision by graphic designers, meant to showcase intriguing destinations, unforgettable experiences, and enticing offers, all with the purpose of beckoning tourists.

These aren’t just mere pages filled with colorful images and minimal text; they are the heartbeats of travel agencies, painting vivid dreams of beach getaways, wildlife watching, and outdoor activities.

In this blog post, I’ll explore various travel brochure examples and provide helpful information on creating designs that not only catch the eye but also encourage visitors to embark on a journey.

If you’re looking to enhance or create your own masterpiece, Venngage offers an easy way to create irresistible travel brochures . With our user-friendly platform and a plethora of travel brochure templates , even those new to design can craft brochures that take potential customers on a journey before they even set foot at the destination.

So, let’s set forth on this journey together, ensuring that your travel business and its offerings take the center stage in the minds of tourists and travelers alike.

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Trifold travel brochure example

Travel guide brochure example, adventure travel brochure example, cruise travel brochure example, beach travel brochure example, vintage travel brochure example, minimalist travel brochure example, modern travel brochure example, city tour brochure example, travel brochure example for students, travel brochure example for travel agency.

  • What to include in a travel brochure?

How to make a travel brochure?

Final thoughts.

Widely preferred by travel agencies and businesses, the travel trifold brochure template is a compact, yet effective means to showcase travel destinations with finesse and clarity. This tri-fold brochure design, meticulously crafted by graphic designers, is an art of balancing minimal text, colorful images, and strategic placement of details to captivate the potential customer.

Creative Travel Brochure Template

The beauty of the trifold design lies in its structure. With three distinct panels, it allows a business to segregate information efficiently, dedicating space for highlighting specific travel destinations, detailing travel insurance options, and even showcasing enticing beach getaways or outdoor activities.

brosur travel mobil

Creating an effective trifold travel brochure requires more than just filling in a template. It involves understanding the target audience, selecting images that resonate, and providing helpful information without overwhelming the reader. 

Vacation Tours Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

Travel guide brochures serve as a comprehensive roadmap for tourists, encapsulating the essence of a destination. These brochures, often crafted by skilled graphic designers, emphasize not just the beauty of travel destinations but also offer helpful information to potential tourists.

Such brochures not only highlight the picturesque landscapes and popular spots but delve deeper into the local culture, hidden gems, and off-the-beaten-path treasures that make every trip memorable.

Tokyo Gradient Professional Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

Travel agencies recognize this and invest in high-quality brochure designs, often leveraging free travel brochure templates to kick-start the creative process. Such brochures can easily be customized with one’s own photos, brand assets, and unique design elements to resonate with the target audience.

Simple Vacation Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

For businesses, the travel guide brochure also doubles as a marketing tool. An effective brochure, which is more than just a compilation of images and minimal text, encourages visitors to explore the destination, engage with local businesses, and soak in the experiences offered.

Adventure travel brochures are designed to ignite the spirit of adventure in potential travelers. Unlike regular travel brochures, these focus on adrenaline-pumping activities, remote locations, and experiences that push boundaries. 

Utah Travel Brochure

Each page aims to evoke a sense of thrill, showcasing activities like wildlife watching, mountaineering, deep-sea diving, or exploring rugged terrains. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey and the challenges that come with it.

Teal Europe Tourism Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

Knowing that the reader is seeking thrills, the brochure design prioritizes showcasing outdoor activities, perhaps offering details on off-season perks or travel insurance tailored to adventure sports.

Every element, from the photos to text boxes, is strategically placed to offer the reader just enough information to pique their curiosity, but not too much to give everything away. 

After all, adventure is about the unknown, and a well-designed brochure ensures the potential customer is eager to embark on that journey of discovery.

Cruise travel brochures serve as a beacon to those seeking luxurious adventures on the high seas. These beautifully curated pieces often give potential travelers a glimpse into the grandeur of life aboard a majestic liner. 

With pictures of expansive sun decks, gourmet dining experiences, and panoramic ocean views, the cruise travel brochure is designed to captivate. Additionally, detailed itineraries often accompany these images, showcasing the various ports of call, on-shore excursions, and cultural events passengers can partake in. 

Moreover, the brochure provides insights into the various amenities on board, be it rejuvenating spas, entertainment options, or themed nights. For many, the allure of a cruise lies in the harmonious blend of relaxation and exploration, and a well-designed brochure ensures that this balance is perfectly conveyed.

Beach travel brochures are an invitation to a world of sun, sand, and serenity. Evoking the rhythmic sounds of crashing waves and the gentle warmth of golden sands, these brochures are crafted to transport readers to idyllic coastal paradises. 

Vivid photographs of palm-fringed shores, azure waters, and sun-drenched landscapes take center stage, promising a retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Beyond the natural beauty, these brochures delve into the experiences that beach destinations offer. 

World Travel Tri Fold Brochure

From thrilling water sports and beachside activities to local seafood feasts and tropical nightlife, readers are given a comprehensive overview of what awaits.

A well-constructed beach travel brochure doesn’t just showcase a destination; it encapsulates the very essence of a beach holiday, offering both tranquility and excitement in equal measure.

Vintage travel brochures harken back to an era of classic adventures, romanticizing travel in a way that’s nostalgic and deeply evocative. With designs reminiscent of the golden age of travel, these brochures showcase destinations using sepia tones, retro fonts, and artistic illustrations. 

Beyond the visuals, vintage brochures transport readers through time, recapturing the charm of old-world journeys, steam trains, and early air travel. 

These travel brochures, often sought after by collectors and history enthusiasts, serve as a beautiful reminder of how travel used to be, making them not just informative pieces but also treasured keepsakes.

Minimalist travel brochures are the epitome of the adage “less is more.” Rooted in clean lines, muted color palettes, and uncluttered design, these brochures present travel information in a straightforward yet impactful manner. 

Gone are the excessive embellishments; instead, every element, from images to text boxes, is thoughtfully curated and placed. 

Such a design approach prioritizes clarity, ensuring that the potential customer isn’t overwhelmed but is instead drawn into the essential aspects of the travel offering. 

Minimalist brochures resonate particularly well with a target audience that appreciates simplicity, elegance, and the sheer beauty of unadulterated visuals.

Modern travel brochures embody the zeitgeist of contemporary design. They are vibrant, dynamic, and often interactive, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of today’s travel trends. 

brosur travel mobil

These brochures leverage the latest in graphic design techniques, incorporating bold colors, innovative layouts, and often, digital elements like QR codes linking directly to immersive online experiences. 

France Travel Tri Fold Brochure

Modern brochures cater to the tech-savvy traveler, ensuring that while they provide essential details in print, they also seamlessly bridge the gap to the digital realm. 

Tokyo Professional Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

Be it through embedded videos, virtual tours, or interactive maps, these brochures represent the cutting edge in travel marketing, appealing to a generation that seeks both adventure and convenience at just a click.

Navigating the urban jungle becomes an exhilarating journey with the right city tour brochure. Tailored to showcase the pulsating heart of metropolises, these brochures offer vivid glimpses into architectural wonders, historic landmarks, bustling markets, and hidden gems. 

Destination Travel Tri Fold Brochure

Maps take center stage in many of these designs, guiding tourists seamlessly from one point of interest to another, ensuring they soak in the essence of the city. 

France Tri Fold Travel Brochure

Additionally, the city tour brochure provides helpful information, from local dining spots to modes of transportation. 

Creative Travel Brochure Template

For travelers keen to explore a city’s fabric beyond its main attractions, such brochures are invaluable, granting them both direction and inspiration.

Travel brochures for students prioritize experiences that are both enriching and budget-friendly. Recognizing the unique needs and aspirations of the student traveler, these brochures highlight destinations and packages that offer a mix of learning, adventure, and cultural immersion. 

Details on affordable accommodation options, group discounts, and off-season deals are crucial. Graphics and images within these brochures often resonate with youthful energy, focusing on outdoor activities, wildlife watching, and community engagements. 

Simple Blue Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

Moreover, with students often relying on digital platforms for planning, a good travel brochure for this demographic would seamlessly integrate QR codes or links to websites, ensuring detailed information is available at just a click.

Trekking brochure example

Trekking brochures are aimed to attract the hikers’ attention to visit the routes and trails described on them.  In case a reputable trekking company intends to sell  Tour du Mont Blanc  the detailed info will be referred exclusively to this route. 

image (3).png

For travel agencies, the brochure is more than just an informational tool; it’s a potent marketing asset. These brochures are meticulously designed to showcase the agency’s expertise in curating memorable vacations. 

Tourist Travel Brochure

From the selection of travel destinations to the arrangement of tours, the brochure communicates the agency’s commitment to providing unparalleled experiences. High-quality photos and colorful images of destinations take the reader on a visual journey, while testimonials and reviews build trust. 

The design often reflects the brand assets of the travel agency, ensuring consistency in messaging. 

Simple Orange Travel Tri Fold Brochure Template

Clear call-to-action prompts, such as “Contact us for customized packages” or “Visit our website for exclusive deals,” encourage potential clients to take the next step.

In essence, a travel agency’s brochure serves as a bridge between the agency and its potential customers, emphasizing reliability, variety, and expertise.

What to include in a travel brochure? 

Crafting an effective travel brochure requires the amalgamation of essential information, captivating visuals, and purposeful design.

Whether you’re a seasoned travel agency or just trying your hand at travel brochure design, having a checklist of indispensable elements can help in creating an impactful brochure that appeals to your target audience. Let’s delve into the key components to include:

  • Destination name : Clearly mention the travel destination to set expectations for potential tourists.
  • Eye-catching cover photo : Use a colorful image or a collage of images that captures the essence of the destination, ensuring it takes center stage on the brochure cover.
  • Brief description : Give a succinct overview of the destination, highlighting its unique selling points and major attractions.
  • Map : Include a map to highlight key attractions, accommodations, and transportation options.
  • Travel itinerary : Detail day-to-day activities, sites to visit, and recommended spending time at each location.
  • Accommodation options : Provide a list of recommended places to stay, catering to a range of budgets.
  • Local attractions : Spotlight on main tourist spots, wildlife watching areas, outdoor activities, and lesser-known hidden gems.
  • Travel tips : Offer helpful information about local customs, necessary travel insurance, off-season travel benefits, and other points of interest.
  • Photos and images : Integrate high-quality photos of the destination, ensuring they resonate with the overall theme of the brochure.
  • Testimonials : Include positive feedback from previous customers to build trust and encourage visitors.
  • Contact information : Detail the travel agency’s contact information, including website link, phone number, and physical address.
  • Call to action : Encourage potential clients to reach out, book a trip, or visit the agency’s website for more information.
  • Customizable templates : If offering free travel brochure templates for potential clients or graphic designers, ensure they can easily customize them with their own photos or brand assets.
  • QR code : Integrate a dynamic QR code linking to additional resources, booking pages, or exclusive offers, ensuring details are just a click away.

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Creating an engaging travel brochure is both an art and science, capturing the essence of a destination while ensuring practicality. From enticing travelers with stunning visuals to offering valuable details that assist in planning their journey, a well-crafted travel brochure is a fundamental tool for every travel business. Let’s delve into the intricacies of designing a brochure that stands out.

Understanding the target audience

Every destination has its unique allure, captivating a distinct set of travelers. While some might be in search of adrenaline-pumping adventures, others could be seeking a serene beach getaway.

Recognizing the target audience’s preferences is pivotal in crafting a brochure that resonates with them. Analyzing feedback from previous clients, surveying potential customers, and studying travel trends can provide insights.

These insights inform not only the content but also the overall design, ensuring the travel brochure effectively engages its intended readers.

Selecting the optimal format

Travel brochures come in various formats, each serving a specific purpose. For a concise snapshot of a destination, the tri fold brochure is a popular choice among travel agencies.

On the other hand, a more extensive booklet format allows for an in-depth exploration of the travel destination, perfect for those offering a range of experiences or a comprehensive guide to a region.

Use a color scheme

The power of color in evoking emotions and setting the mood cannot be understated. The colors chosen for the travel brochure can transport readers, offering a glimpse of the destination’s ambiance. For example, earthy tones might suggest wildlife watching adventures, while cool blues could evoke images of serene beach getaways.

Moreover, the color scheme should complement the images and align with the brand assets of the travel business. Working with a graphic designer can help in selecting a palette that both represents the destination and appeals to the target audience.

Integrating practical information

While captivating visuals and narratives are vital, the functionality of a travel brochure is equally crucial. A well-designed map highlighting essential attractions, transportation hubs, and recommended accommodations aids travelers in their journey.

Additionally, crucial details like travel insurance options, off-season benefits, and links to associated travel agencies enhance the brochure’s utility. Equally essential is the inclusion of contact details right on the cover, ensuring potential clients can reach out with ease.

Comprehensive directions, both within the brochure and via digital means like QR codes or website links, further support travelers in their planning phase.

Embracing modern design elements

Today’s travelers expect a blend of traditional and digital touchpoints. Incorporating QR codes, which lead to immersive video tours or detailed websites, can seamlessly bridge this gap.

Furthermore, ensuring the brochure’s design is optimized for both print and digital ensures a broader reach, catering to varying preferences of tourists.

Use a pre-designed template

For those not looking to start from scratch, utilizing pre-designed travel brochure templates, like those offered by platforms such as Venngage , can be a time-saving choice. These templates, crafted by professional designers, ensure that the brochure design is visually appealing.

They can then be customized with their own photos, details, and branding, creating a professional travel brochure with ease.

Related: Top 10 Best Brochure Design Software in 2022

It’s evident that every brochure serves a unique purpose, reflecting the essence of its respective travel destination. A travel brochure is more than just a collection of colorful images and enticing descriptions; it’s a bridge between potential clients and unforgettable experiences.

Whether you’re a travel agency aiming to draw tourists to a hidden beach getaway or a graphic designer hoping to showcase a city’s charm, the right brochure design takes center stage.

The wide selection of travel brochure examples showcased here is a testament to the versatility and significance of these tools in the world of tourism. As travelers, these brochures become our initial window to the world, guiding us, inspiring us, and fueling our wanderlust.

Ready to craft your own captivating travel brochure? Dive into the world of effortless design with Venngage and create a travel brochure that stands out with our customizeable templates.

Embark on your creative journey now!

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August 20, 2023

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Contoh Brosur Travel Mobil: Panduan Lengkap untuk Memilih yang Terbaik

Apakah Anda sedang merencanakan perjalanan liburan bersama keluarga atau teman-teman? Jika iya, maka Anda pasti memerlukan jasa travel mobil yang dapat membantu Anda dalam perjalanan. Namun, dengan banyaknya pilihan yang tersedia, memilih jasa travel mobil yang tepat bisa menjadi tugas yang rumit. Untuk membantu Anda dalam proses pemilihan, kami telah menyusun contoh brosur travel mobil terbaik yang dapat menjadi panduan Anda. Bacalah artikel ini dengan seksama untuk mengetahui apa yang perlu Anda perhatikan saat memilih jasa travel mobil yang tepat untuk keperluan perjalanan Anda.

1. Perencanaan Perjalanan

Sebelum Anda memilih travel mobil, pertama-tama Anda perlu merencanakan perjalanan Anda dengan baik. Tentukan tujuan perjalanan Anda, berapa lama Anda akan berada di sana, dan berapa banyak orang yang akan ikut serta dalam perjalanan tersebut. Dengan memiliki gambaran yang jelas tentang perjalanan Anda, Anda akan lebih mudah menentukan jenis travel mobil yang Anda butuhkan.

2. Ukuran dan Kapasitas Mobil

Setelah Anda menentukan tujuan perjalanan Anda, langkah berikutnya adalah memilih ukuran dan kapasitas mobil yang sesuai. Jika Anda berpergian dengan keluarga besar atau rombongan yang cukup besar, Anda mungkin memerlukan travel mobil dengan kapasitas yang lebih besar. Namun, jika Anda berpergian dengan keluarga kecil atau hanya beberapa teman, maka travel mobil dengan ukuran dan kapasitas yang lebih kecil mungkin sudah cukup.

3. Fasilitas yang Disediakan

Travel mobil yang baik harus menyediakan fasilitas yang memadai untuk membuat perjalanan Anda lebih nyaman dan menyenangkan. Pastikan untuk memeriksa fasilitas yang disediakan, seperti AC, kursi yang nyaman, audio dan video entertainment, serta jaringan Wi-Fi. Jika Anda memiliki kebutuhan khusus, seperti fasilitas untuk anak-anak atau aksesibilitas bagi penyandang disabilitas, pastikan untuk mengonfirmasikannya kepada penyedia travel mobil sebelumnya.

4. Kualitas dan Keamanan Mobil

Kualitas dan keamanan mobil juga merupakan faktor penting yang perlu Anda pertimbangkan saat memilih jasa travel mobil. Pastikan mobil yang digunakan dalam perjalanan Anda dalam kondisi baik dan terawat dengan baik. Periksa juga apakah mobil tersebut dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan yang memadai, seperti sabuk pengaman, airbag, dan sistem pengereman yang baik. Jika Anda merasa ragu, jangan ragu untuk bertanya kepada penyedia travel mobil mengenai standar keamanan yang mereka terapkan.

5. Harga dan Kelebihan Lainnya

Tentu saja, harga juga menjadi faktor yang perlu Anda pertimbangkan saat memilih jasa travel mobil. Bandingkan harga dari beberapa penyedia travel mobil untuk mendapatkan harga yang kompetitif. Namun, selain harga, periksa juga kelebihan lain yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia travel mobil. Beberapa penyedia mungkin menawarkan layanan tambahan, seperti sopir berpengalaman atau asuransi perjalanan. Pertimbangkanlah semua faktor ini sebelum membuat keputusan akhir.

6. Ulasan dan Reputasi

Sebelum Anda memilih jasa travel mobil, pastikan untuk membaca ulasan dan melihat reputasi penyedia tersebut. Baca ulasan dari pelanggan sebelumnya dan cari tahu apakah mereka puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan. Periksa juga apakah penyedia travel mobil memiliki lisensi dan sertifikat yang valid. Jika mungkin, tanyakan kepada teman atau keluarga yang pernah menggunakan jasa travel mobil untuk rekomendasi.

7. Layanan Pelanggan

Akhirnya, pastikan bahwa penyedia travel mobil yang Anda pilih memiliki layanan pelanggan yang baik. Mereka harus responsif terhadap pertanyaan dan permintaan Anda, serta memberikan solusi jika terjadi masalah selama perjalanan. Pastikan juga untuk memeriksa jam operasional mereka, sehingga Anda dapat menghubungi mereka jika diperlukan.

Dengan menggunakan panduan ini dan mempertimbangkan semua faktor yang disebutkan di atas, Anda akan lebih mudah menemukan jasa travel mobil yang tepat untuk perjalanan Anda. Jangan ragu untuk bertanya kepada penyedia travel mobil mengenai persyaratan dan kebutuhan Anda sebelum membuat keputusan akhir. Selamat merencanakan perjalanan Anda dan semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi Anda!

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A Cloud-Inspired Design, For The Luxurious Comfort

Cloud EV diciptakan dengan penuh perhatian untuk setiap perjalanan berkendara, terinspirasi dari makna namanya, yaitu "awan," yang mencerminkan kelembutan alam yang indah. Dirancang khusus untuk keluarga dan individu yang mencari kemudahan serta ketenangan dalam balutan gaya yang elegan, terutama saat menghadapi kompleksitas sehari-hari di jalan.

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Mobil listrik wuling cloud ev.

Industri otomotif di Indonesia semakin gencar menghadirkan kendaraan listrik. Salah satunya Wuling yang selalu berinovasi menghadirkan mobil listrik. Kali ini pendatang baru di tahun 2024 adalah Wuling Cloud EV, sebagai mobil listrik medium hatchback dengan kemampuan jarak tempuh hingga 460 Km yang menyematkan tampilan luxurious dan spacious .

Makna nama Cloud itu sendiri merupakan bahasa inggris yang berarti “awan”. Penamaan ini merepresentasikan kelembutan alam, seperti awan, sehingga menjadikan Wuling Cloud EV dengan tagline Driving the Future of Comfort , sebagai mobil listrik 5-seater yang nyaman untuk mobilitas harian penggunanya di Indonesia.

Spesifikasi Utama Wuling Cloud EV

Spesifikasi unggulan mobil listrik Cloud EV ada pada inovasi sistem keselamatan terintegrasi Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) dan teknologi Wuling Indonesian Command (WIND) sebagai perintah suara berbahasa Indonesia pertama dan pengemudi juga bisa memonitor kendaraan melalui MyWuling+ App.

Pada performa, mobil ini dibekali suspensi teknologi MacPherson dan Torsion Beam, sehingga dapat meredam guncangan optimal serta pengereman optimal berkat sistem pengereman Disc Brakes Front and Rear, Drive Motor dan Front Wheel Drive. Berkendara juga semakin mudah dengan teknologi Electric Power Steering dan pengaturan fitur Tilt & Telescopic Steering Wheel pada setir. Didukung fitur Tire Pressure Monitoring System di dashboard untuk mengecek kondisi tekanan ban, yang memiliki ukuran ban 21 5 /55 R18

Sebagai mobil listrik modern, Wuling Cloud EV menggunakan baterai Lithium Iron Phosphate yang tangguh dan aman dengan kapasitas baterai 50.6 kWh (tipe Cloud EV 460 Km), serta maximum power/torque yaitu 100 kW/200 Nm. Mobil listrik ini, Cloud EV memiliki empat opsi mode berkendara yang optimaI yakni ECO, ECO+, Sport, dan Normal.

Pada proses pengisian mobil listrik Wuling Cloud EV yaitu kurang lebih 7 jam untuk AC Home Charging dengan pengisian 20%-100%, dan kurang lebih 30 menit untuk jenis DC Fast Charging pengisian 30%-100%. Layanan Easy Home Charging dapat dimiliki pemilik mobil Wuling EV yaitu gratis charging device 7kW, gratis layanan instalasi charging device dan gratis layanan tambahan daya listrik rumah.

Fitur Hiburan dan Multimedia Wuling Cloud EV

Tidak hanya unggul pada performa, spesifikasi yang membuat Cloud EV begitu praktis yaitu fitur multimedia untuk memudahkan pemilik mengoperasikan mobil. Terdapat All Around 360° Camera untuk melihat kondisi sekitar mobil saat parkir, Full Vehicle Control melalui head unit , USB Port dengan Fast Charging 20 Watt, Bluetooth, AM/FM Radio dan Wireless Charger. Menikmati hiburan juga lebih maksimal dengan 6 speakers yang jernih.

Mengakses mobil juga lebih mudah dengan teknologi Keyless Entry dan Smart Start System untuk menyalakan mesin mobil. Adanya Digital AC with PM 2.5 Filter dan AC pada row kedua di kabin pun semakin memberikan kesejukan di perjalanan.

Eksterior Wuling Cloud EV

Menjadi mobil listrik yang menghadirkan desain elegan dan modern, Cloud EV memiliki eksterior mewah. Detail pada desain terinspirasi dari bentuk awan tak bertepi. Mobil ini merepresentasikan ciri khas kendaraan masa kini untuk pengguna yang menyukai mobil dengan dimensi tidak terlalu besar, namun juga tidak kecil.

Pada bodi berukuran 4295 x 1850 x 1652 mm, dengan wheelbase 2700 mm, bagian samping Cloud EV terdapat lekukan halus, yang mana desain ini menonjolkan fitur lampu depan dan lampu belakang unik. Lampu tersebut mengusung konsep Horizon Skyline Tail Light, Automatic LED headlamp dan Infinity Luminous DRL. Di sisi lain, tampilan ini juga mengedepankan perpaduan estetika minimalis.

Tampilan yang memikat pun ada pada material roda Ferris-shaped Alloy Wheels berukuran 18 inci. Didukung teknologi Electric Side-view Mirror, Rear Defogger, Auto Rain-sensing Frameless Wiper dan Power Tailgate tentu memudahkan pemilik mobil membuka bagasi secara otomatis.

Interior Wuling Cloud EV

Elegan dan mewah menjadi tampilan utama pada interior mobil listrik Cloud EV ini. Melekatkan nuansa berlapis soft touch premium pada setiap detail interior kabin. Nuansa luxury disematkan dengan aksen Rose Gold pada panel sebagai tampilan soft touch yangberkelas.

Pada Head Unit menjadi fitur menonjol berkat 15,6 inci Control Screen dan MID 8.8 inci, sehingga memudahkan pengemudi melihat informasi lebih jelas di layar. Kabin mewah didukung kulit berkualitas pada seluruh area dashboard , Power Windows with Auto Up/Down hingga Smart Door lock/Unlock yang praktis. 

Pada bagian penumpang memberikan kenyamanan melalui konsep ergonomis serta pengaturan kursi supir yang mudah dilakukan berkat fitur Electrically Adjustable dengan 4 pilihan, dan kursi penumpang baris depan yang memiliki 6 pilihan mode pengaturan posisi. Pada jok, Wuling Cloud EV dibalut Ergonomic Italian Bubble Sofa Style dengan kulit sintetis. Kelembutan jok kabin memberikan rasa nyaman penumpang saat berada di perjalanan dalam waktu lama.

Fitur yang menjadi ciri khas pada interior mobil listrik Wuling Cloud EV yaitu ada pada jok depan yang dapat direbahkan maksimal dan jok belakang didukung Sofa Mode with 135° Backseat Recline sehingga dapat direbahkan hingga 135 derajat menyerupai sofa panjang. Seakan seperti sedang bersantai di sofa rumah yang nyaman.

Ruang penyimpanan pada kabin mobil yang banyak untuk barang penting di perjalanan. Begitu pun pada ruang bagasi dengan konsep Trunk Space yang besar dan dalam, hingga 606 L ketika bangku belakang tegak, atau dapat menampung 1.707 L dengan bangku belakang terlipat. Pada Centra Console juga dilengkapi penyimpanan cup holder , storage box dan up to 18 Multipurpose Storage.

Harga Wuling Cloud EV

Dengan segala kelebihan yang dimiliki Cloud EV, baik dari fitur hingga performa kinerja baterai mobilnya, Wuling Cloud EV resmi hadir di pasaran dengan harga Rp 398 jutaan (OTR Jakarta setelah insentif PPN).

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This free line-cutting app could save you hours at the airport

Skip the wait at customs and immigration with Mobile Passport Control, travel’s best open secret.

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A month ago, I flew from Paris back to Baltimore full of despair: My vacation was over , and the trip home seemed to take an eternity .

Then I saw the snaking line for customs and immigration.

What could have sunk me into a deeper woe actually revived me, because I didn’t have to wait in that soul-sucking purgatory. I didn’t have to wait in the shorter but still well-populated Global Entry line, either.

Instead, I headed to a third option that most people miss: the Mobile Passport Control (MPC) line. Thanks to this secret national treasure, I was out of the airport and hailing my Uber in eight minutes. (I timed it.)

You, too, can experience this completely free VIP treatment the next time you fly internationally. Here’s how.

What is Mobile Passport Control?

Think of Mobile Passport Control like a fast pass for international travel. It’s a free service that allows select travelers to access a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) express lane with a smartphone app.

To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen, a lawful permanent resident, a Canadian B1/B2 citizen visitor or a returning Visa Waiver Program traveler with approved Electronic System for Travel Authorization.

You can use the app only when returning from an international trip at an MPC-approved site . That includes more than 30 U.S. international airports, 14 pre-clearance locations (among them airports in Abu Dhabi, Aruba and Ireland) and four seaports.

Why don’t more people use it?

Although you’ll see signs promoting Mobile Passport around those sites and sometimes ads on in-flight entertainment systems, most people aren’t taking advantage of the service. Just 8 percent of eligible travelers used the app in the 2024 fiscal year, according to CPB spokesman Aaron Bowker, though that’s a 50 percent increase from the year before.

The company Airside Mobile originally developed the app and launched it in 2014, first at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Awareness of its powers seemed to spread mostly by word of mouth and some signs around airports. In 2022, CBP officially took over the app, launching an updated version that left the original defunct. Some travelers missed the memo and figured the service had been discontinued when their app no longer worked.

But CBP is invested in the program’s growth.

“We’ve expanded the population of travelers that are able to use it. We’ve started to educate the airports. Airports have started to put in a better queuing system,” Bowker said. “And so we’re expecting to see this continue to increase.”

How Mobile Passport works

First, download the Mobile Passport app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store . Unlike line-cutting services such as Global Entry or TSA PreCheck , MPC doesn’t require preapproval or an application process. Even if you forget to do it before your trip, it’s so quick to set up, you can install it as you’re walking up to customs.

When it’s time to pass through, eligible travelers can fire up the app, answer the standard few questions about their trip that they would at a customs kiosk, take a selfie and proceed to a dedicated Mobile Passport lane, where an officer will confirm their details and wave them through. Individual travelers and families of up to 12 people can use the app at once.

It makes me feel like a fancy diplomat — not someone who just spent 12 hours in economy — every time I use it.

Mobile Passport vs. Global Entry

Mobile Passport and Global Entry both promise a faster airport experience. Both also come with pros and cons.

One MPC downside: Although it’s free to use and rarely has a line of more than a few travelers, it’s not at every airport. And Mobile Passport lanes may not always be available even in places that claim to offer it.

CBP spokeswoman Corey Daboin said the agency is aware of that problem. Sometimes, issues are due to infrastructure constraints — some airports may not have the lanes available to operate MPC continuously — or management. The agency stresses, however, that Mobile Passport is a priority, and “we are working on making that so it’s not an issue moving forward,” Daboin said.

If you fly internationally and your home airport doesn’t have MPC yet, Global Entry is a great option. It does cost $100 and requires an application and interview process. But it also comes with a TSA PreCheck membership and is good for five years — plus it’s still light-years better than waiting in that endless regular line.

More travel tips

Vacation planning: Start with a strategy to maximize days off by taking PTO around holidays. Experts recommend taking multiple short trips for peak happiness . Want to take an ambitious trip? Here are 12 destinations to try this year — without crowds.

Cheap flights: Follow our best advice for scoring low airfare , including setting flight price alerts and subscribing to deal newsletters. If you’re set on an expensive getaway, here’s a plan to save up without straining your credit limit.

Airport chaos: We’ve got advice for every scenario , from canceled flights to lost luggage . Stuck at the rental car counter? These tips can speed up the process. And following these 52 rules of flying should make the experience better for everyone.

Expert advice: Our By The Way Concierge solves readers’ dilemmas , including whether it’s okay to ditch a partner at security, or what happens if you get caught flying with weed . Submit your question here . Or you could look to the gurus: Lonely Planet and Rick Steves .

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Travel Meet Asia 2024 4+

Designed for iphone, iphone screenshots, description.

The official application for Travel Meet Asia. Travel Meet Asia 2024 is the official mobile application developed to support the Travel Meet Asia series, held at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), from 3 - 4 July 2024. Travel Meet Asia (TMA) was launched by Messe Berlin Asia Pacific in 2019 at regional locations within Asia. Originally organised as a conference and networking event, TMA has since expanded to a B2B trade show with exhibitions, conference and networking opportunities for the travel trade. The premium tradeshow brings forth opportunities for buyers and sellers to unlock key potentials in specific source markets or regions. It will welcome local and international buyers from the Leisure, MICE and Corporate sectors. Join us for two full days of business meetings with key buyers/partners and outstanding conferences that gather leading brands in the industry! Stay organised when you access these in-app features on the go: Programme and Speakers - View the overall conference program, session details and show activities - Bookmark your favourite sessions and plan your schedule leading up to the show days Exhibition - Search and navigate the show floor using the interactive floorplan - Access the Exhibitor List to explore their explore offerings Pre-schedule your meetings with various attendees on the go - Browse through the Exhibitor List and get recommendations on relevant attendees - Arrange 1-to-1 business meetings with attendees of similar interest

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Help! A Gas Station Charged Me $1,500 and My Bank Won’t Believe It’s Fraud.

After returning home from a wedding in Mexico, a traveler found a huge charge on his credit card and suspected a gas station attendant was responsible. Wells Fargo didn’t believe him.

A photo illustration of a person’s outstretched hand and arm. The hand is holding a silver credit card and a gas nozzle and black cord is wrapped like a snake around the person’s arm.

By Seth Kugel

Dear Tripped Up,

Last October, my extended family spent a week in Todos Santos, in Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, for a wedding. All went well, but when I got back, I noticed an unusual charge on my credit card: $1,500.49, made on the day we flew home to the United States from San José del Cabo. The merchant appeared to be a restaurant in Mexico City. I recalled that when we went to fill up the rental car at a Chevron station near the airport, the attendant placed the card in a hand-held machine and then told me it had been rejected, requiring me to use a second card. Nothing else unusual happened that day, and reviews on Google for this gas station contain eerily similar accusations of fraudulent charges from other tourists. I disputed the charge, but Wells Fargo repeatedly denied my claim, even when I asked the Better Business Bureau to intercede. Can you help? Nate, Wayland, Mass.

We cannot be sure the fraud occurred at the gas station, but if so, it’s a clever scam. The worker presumably slipped your card into a bogus card reader and charged you $1,500 just as you were rushing to return your rental car and catch a flight out of the country, knowing you were unlikely to report the crime to Mexican authorities. It’s a good reminder for travelers that we need to be ever vigilant on vacation, even when we’re cranky or tired or stressed or otherwise out of our element.

It’s also a good excuse to consider how dependent we have become on our credit card issuers to save the day in such situations. As you found out, that doesn’t always happen.

Humor me while I consider the situation from the perspective of a bank like Wells Fargo. What might seem like obvious fraud when it happens to us is not necessarily a crystal clear crime to a fraud claims team tasked with sifting out their clients who are honest vacationers from others who may themselves be fraudsters.

Since I trust you are in the former camp, I reached out to Wells Fargo and soon afterward, a representative got in touch with you by phone and agreed to refund the charge, plus interest. A week later, you received a check for $1,609.96.

“We take customer concerns seriously and seriously investigate all customer claims,” wrote Jennifer Langan, a spokeswoman for the company, in an email statement to me. “We worked directly with our customer on this matter, and it is resolved.”

But, of course, it should have been resolved earlier and without my intervention. Was there anything you should have done differently? Was there anything Wells Fargo should have done differently?

The answers are yes and yes.

Though you explicitly gave your permission for Wells Fargo to discuss the incident with me, Ms. Langan told me the company would not talk about the particulars of your case. But she did leave a clue, writing to me that Wells Fargo encourages customers to act “when they receive a fraud alert, phone call or correspondence about a transaction.”

So I asked you to look through your phone and email messages with Wells Fargo at the time of your travel, and the bank did send you a fraud alert, via text, at about the time of the transaction. You didn’t get it at the time, you said, because you had not been able to receive messages while in Mexico. And you somehow missed it when you got back home.

Though I encourage everyone to disconnect while traveling, I will henceforth recommend an exception for text messages so you can monitor your credit card transactions. (You might even consider having your bank alert you every time a transaction occurs, even if it is not suspicious, which can also be helpful in monitoring what exchange rate you’re getting.)

What happened on Wells Fargo’s end that led them to reject your claim multiple times? Though I couldn’t get specific details from Ms. Langan, we do know exactly what the Wells Fargo representative said, since you recorded the call with her permission.

The agent told you it was “normal procedure” for Wells Fargo’s fraud teams to deny fraud claims if a chip card was in the owner’s possession the entire time, which you told them it was. But technically speaking, that was incorrect: The card was briefly out of your hands when the station attendant took it and inserted in a hand-held machine at your car window.

OK, so you didn’t see the text alert and didn’t correctly parse exactly what “in your possession” meant. But given your continued appeals and the online reviews of the gas station and others in the area that corroborate your account, it’s disappointing Wells Fargo continued to be so stubborn.

The representative you spoke to conceded the team who worked on your case could have done better. “We are going to try to revise our procedures,” she said, noting that she had coached the person who made the decision on how to do “better, thorough research.”

That’s good to hear, although I’d feel more confident if I had heard it straight from an official company source rather than on a recorded phone call.

Here’s another piece of advice for travelers as mobile card readers become the default form of payment in many places: When possible, ask for the machine and to insert (or tap) the card yourself, watching the screen carefully. In much of the world (though for some reason, not in many American restaurants), the days of a merchant taking your card to the back to run it through a machine (and potentially a skimmer to steal your information) are long gone.

Though you were quite reasonably frustrated with Wells Fargo, let’s be clear here. The real villains are those who committed this crime in the first place and somehow, whether at the gas station or elsewhere, managed to charge $1,500 to a business called Comida Corrida in faraway Mexico City.

I got in touch with Grupo Horizon, which operates the Chevron Emerald gas station you went to, as well as dozens of Chevron stations in the states of Baja California Sur and Sinaloa.

Gilberto Gómez, the company’s business director, responded by email, saying he was unaware of such issues and encouraged you to send him details. “We take follow-ups to this kind of complaint very seriously and meticulously,” he wrote in Spanish. “If there is any harm to our customers attributable to the gas station, we address it.” (I’ve given you his email address and you told me you would follow up with him.)

But considering the Google reviews at this location and several other (non-Chevron) gas stations in the region, I am skeptical that Grupo Horizon is not aware of the problem. Mr. Gómez did not respond when I followed up twice about whether he had seen the Google reviews.

I also got in touch with the Los Cabos Tourism Board. When its managing director, Rodrigo Esponda, got back to me, he said he was “deeply concerned about the situation,” and had spoken to the Baja California Sur state attorney’s office, which told him it was investigating the matter. He also recommended that tourists who have complaints about a business in the region should register them with Mexico’s federal consumer protection organ, Profeco.

In the meantime, could the solution simply be to pay cash at Cabo-area gas stations? Alas, no: There are also reports of gas station attendants switching out large bills customers pay with for smaller ones and demanding more. And don’t even get me started on the Tripped Up complaints that come about the poor customer service travelers encounter in car rental agencies near Mexican beach destinations. The best solution for sun-seekers may be to skip the car rental altogether and hire a driver, use car-share services or take public transportation.

If you need advice about a best-laid travel plan that went awry, send an email to [email protected] .

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram , Twitter and Facebook . And sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to receive expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation.

Seth Kugel is the columnist for “ Tripped Up ,” an advice column that helps readers navigate the often confusing world of travel. More about Seth Kugel

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52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

The Alaska Highway:  On an epic road trip, a family plots a course from Alaska to the Lower 48, passing through some of Canada’s most spectacular scenery .

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  4. Contoh Brosur Travel Mobil

    brosur travel mobil

  5. Brosur Travel Mobil

    brosur travel mobil

  6. Brosur Travel Mobil: Panduan Lengkap untuk Perjalanan Anda

    brosur travel mobil


  1. Buat Desain Brosur Travel Keren Tanpa Sewa Desainer

    Canva membantu Anda membuat desain brosur travel secara mudah dan cepat, bahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Pilih salah satu desainnya, tambahkan teks, foto, gambar, ikon, lambang dan sebagainya sesuai kebutuhan. Simpan dan unduh untuk dicetak fisik, atau sebarkan melalui email dan sosial media. Semua bisa Anda lakukan dalam hitungan menit saja.

  2. 6 Contoh Brosur Travel Mobil Cocok Untuk Referensi Bisnis Travel

    Brosur bukanlah novel. Sampaikan informasi penting secara jelas dan ringkas. Berikut beberapa informasi yang perlu dicantumkan dalam brosur travel mobil Anda: Deskripsi singkat layanan travel mobil: Jelaskan secara singkat apa yang Anda tawarkan, seperti jenis kendaraan yang tersedia, layanan sewa supir, dan paket wisata yang ditawarkan (jika ada).

  3. Gratis Contoh Brosur Keren

    Brosur juga baik digunakan untuk memberi detail informasi tentang sekolah, kantor, atau organisasi Anda. Contoh brosur Canva yang gratis dan dapat dicetak memungkinkan Anda membuat pamflet sendiri dalam beberapa menit. Cukup pilih gaya yang disukai dan Anda dapat mulai menyesuaikan. Pamflet lipat tiga atau lipat dua sangat mudah dibuat.

  4. Membuat Desain Brosur Keren dengan Berbagai Contoh

    Keberadaan brosur travel (opens in a new tab or window) penting sekali untuk seseorang yang bekerja di bidang pariwisata. Buat dan sebarkan brosur wisata ... Anda bisa membuat brosur mobil (opens in a new tab or window) untuk meningkatkan penjualan pada bulan ini. Beri spesifikasi yang jelas, sertakan pula kondisi kendaraannya sekarang.

  5. T-Mobile Travel Benefits: Customer Discounts, Deals & Perks

    T-Mobile TRAVEL is a site with travel deals exclusively for T-Mobile, Sprint, and Metro by T-Mobile customers. Save up to 40% on hotels or Pay Now rental cars, book flights and more. Save up to 40% on hotels or Pay Now rental cars, book flights and more.

  6. 11 Travel Brochure Examples & Templates to Know

    11 Travel Brochure Examples & Templates. Visme offers a wide selection of professionally designed travel brochure templates you can easily customize to suit your needs, audience or services. Let's explore 10 top travel brochure examples and templates. We'll also dive deeper into some of the templates we shared earlier.

  7. Brosur Travel Mobil: Panduan Lengkap untuk Perjalanan Anda

    Brosur travel mobil seringkali menjadi sumber informasi yang penting bagi orang-orang yang ingin menyewa mobil untuk berbagai keperluan, seperti perjalanan bisnis, perjalanan liburan, atau acara khusus. Manfaat Brosur Travel Mobil. Ada beberapa manfaat utama yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan melihat brosur travel mobil sebelum menyewa mobil ...

  8. 17 Travel Brochure Examples For Traveler & Tourism

    Travel itinerary: Detail day-to-day activities, sites to visit, and recommended spending time at each location. Accommodation options: Provide a list of recommended places to stay, catering to a range of budgets. Local attractions: Spotlight on main tourist spots, wildlife watching areas, outdoor activities, and lesser-known hidden gems.

  9. contoh brosur travel mobil

    Contoh Brosur Travel Mobil: Panduan Lengkap untuk Memilih yang Terbaik. Apakah Anda sedang merencanakan perjalanan liburan bersama keluarga atau teman-teman? Jika iya, maka Anda pasti memerlukan jasa travel mobil yang dapat membantu Anda dalam perjalanan. Namun, dengan banyaknya pilihan yang tersedia, memilih jasa travel mobil yang tepat bisa ...

  10. Travel Brochure Design Made Easy: Free Templates

    Create a Unique Travel Brochure that Stands Out. Customize every detail of your travel brochure to echo your unique brand and message. You can tailor every element, from the placement of images to the font choice. Use Visme's extensive library of icons, images, illustrations, shapes and more to create a brochure that is truly one-of-a-kind.

  11. Travel Brochure Images

    Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Travel Brochure. 100,000+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files. Free for commercial use High Quality Images

  12. Travel Brochure Maker

    Use our travel brochure maker to add images and text to design any type of high school travel brochure project. The templates are 100% customizable, so they can be easily personalized to fit the requirements of any project. All you have to do is choose from one of our school project travel brochure examples and customize it with the required ...

  13. International Plans

    Go5G Next and Go5G Plus: Up to 15GB high-speed data in 215+ countries and destinations, then unlimited at up to 256 Kbps. Additional charges apply in excluded destinations; see www.T‑Mobile.com for included destinations (subject to change at T‑Mobile's discretion). Qualifying postpaid plan and capable device required.

  14. Un-carrier Customers Can Now Set Sail with Cruise Deals on T-Mobile

    BELLEVUE, Wash. — May 11, 2023 What's the news: T-Mobile customers just got another travel perk.T-Mobile Tuesdays just launched the app's first ever exclusive cruise booking platform powered by Cruisebound - the simplest way to find, compare and book the best cruise deals. Customers can simply go into the T-Mobile Tuesdays app, select "Travel," click the cruise tile and hit "Book ...

  15. Free, printable, customizable travel brochure templates

    579 templates. Create a blank Travel Brochure. Green Simple Creative Travel Trifold Brochure. Brochure by Marissa Abao's Images. GR. Brown And Beige City Tour Travel Inspiration Brochure. Brochure by Giuseppe Ramos J. Blue Gray Creative Travel Adventure Trifold Brochure. Brochure by Lorddiemon.

  16. Mockup Travel

    Images 100k Collections 113. ADS. ADS. ADS. Page 1 of 100. Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Mockup Travel. 100,000+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files. Free for commercial use High Quality Images.

  17. 10+ Contoh Brosur Pamflet Leaflet Poster Travel

    Harga Spesial Untuk Ambil Banyak. Jasa Desain SDM sendiri sudah membuat 7500+ Pelanggan puas, untuk informasi lebih lanjut jasa desain Brosur. Anda bisa klik link berikut: Jasa Desain Brosur atau bisa whatsapp ke 085157399349. Brosur Flyer Leaflet Pamflet Poster.

  18. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  19. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Apr 20 - Apr 21. Tonight. Apr 20 - Apr 21. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Apr 21 - Apr 22. Tomorrow night.

  20. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right. Vacation Packages. Stays. Cars. Flights. Support. All travel. Vacation Packages Stays Cars Flights Cruises Support Things to do. My Account. Members can access discounts and special features.

  21. Mobil Listrik Cloud EV: Harga, Spesifikasi & Interior 2024

    Harga Wuling Cloud EV tahun 2024 di Indonesia dengan info seputar spesifikasi, eksterior, interior, warna, serta fitur keselamatan mobil listrik ini. Tentang Wuling The Wuling Way Profil Perusahaan Pencapaian Kami Penghargaan Karir

  22. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other nearby towns. Local public transport includes buses. ... Mobile view; Toggle limited content width ...

  23. International roaming checklist

    Contact T-Mobile while abroad. We'll still be right here if you need us while you're traveling. To give us a call: From your mobile device, dial +1-505-998-3793. We won't charge you anything for this call, no matter where you are. Go ahead and store this number in your phone's contact list for easy and quick dialing while you're away.

  24. What is Mobile Passport? This free app lets you skip the customs line

    Skip the wait at customs and immigration with Mobile Passport Control, travel's best open secret. Advice by Natalie B. Compton. Staff writer. June 5, 2024 at 7:00 a.m. EDT

  25. Buat Brosur Mobil dengan Contoh Desain Menarik

    Wujudkan desain brosur mobil versi Anda dengan cara tersimpel yang pernah ada! Brosur mobil yang menakjubkan tak hanya menarik perhatian mereka yang mampu membelinya. Desain yang atraktif, elegan dan mengesankan menanamkan impian dan ambisi bagi banyak orang untuk segera memilikinya. Identitas bisnis Anda akan lebih mudah dikenal dan target ...

  26. eSIM Go checks in with Lufthansa on-brand global travel service

    It uses eSIM Go's digital mobile ecosystem to provide travellers with a range of data bundle options based on 1,000 Tier 1 mobile networks worldwide, including 250 5G networks.

  27. TSA Now Accepts Digital IDs From These Nine States

    Suzanne Rowan Kelleher writes about travel trends and news. Following. Jun 12, 2024, 07:49am EDT. Updated Jun 12, 2024, 07:55am EDT ... (TSA) announced Tuesday that it now accepts mobile driver ...

  28. ‎Travel Meet Asia 2024 on the App Store

    Travel Meet Asia 2024 is the official mobile application developed to support the Travel Meet Asia series, held at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), from 3 - 4 July 2024. Travel Meet Asia (TMA) was launched by Messe Berlin Asia Pacific in 2019 at regional locations within Asia. Originally organised as a conference and networking event, TMA ...

  29. Online Brochure Maker

    How to make a brochure. Open Canva. Open up Canva and search for "Brochures" to get started. Explore templates. Find the perfect template for your needs. Choose from real estate brochures or layouts for marketing universities, spas, sales and more. Once you've found a layout you like, simply click and start customizing.

  30. Help! A Gas Station Charged Me $1,500 and My Bank Won't Believe It's

    Here's another piece of advice for travelers as mobile card readers become the default form of payment in many places: When possible, ask for the machine and to insert (or tap) the card yourself ...