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When Is the Best Time of Year to Visit Tbilisi?

Summer is hot in Tbilisi, so remember to keep hydrated as you stroll alongside the Kura River

Tbilisi enjoys pleasant weather throughout the year. Spring in the capital of Georgia is short and warm, sunny days turn into hot summer months by late April. Summers are quite hot and humid, while autumn and winter are reasonably mild – it rarely snows in the capital. We’ve run through the best months to visit Tbilisi.

You can now visit Tbilisi and a whole host of other fantastic destinations with Culture Trip on our epic nine-day Georgia adventure, led by our local insider .

Winter months in Tbilisi are laid-back, especially during January when the nation celebrates New Year for at least two weeks. Georgians follow the Orthodox Calendar, so New Year is a much bigger deal than Christmas. They celebrate Christmas on 7 January and the Orthodox New Year on 14 January. If you’d like to experience how locals celebrate this holiday, the first weeks of the month are a perfect time for your visit. Moreover, there’s a religious procession every year on 7 January called Alilo, in which people walk from Rose Revolution Square to the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Rainfall: 4 days

Temperature: 41F (5C)

There’s an annual religious procession in Tbilisi on 7 January named Alilo

February is equally laid-back. The weather is similar to January: a bit cold during the day, even if the sun is shining. There are no special holidays or celebrations in this month and locals start to count down the days to spring. However, you can still have a pleasant walk in the city centre, exploring the backstreets, visiting museums and indulging in tasty Georgian cuisine .

people cheering on a mountain

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Locals have dubbed March the ‘crazy’ month, as the weather changes numerous times per day. Even though this is the month that ushers in spring, the weather can still be wintery: it can be gloomy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon, or it can rain suddenly on a warm sunny day. Come prepared with an umbrella or raincoat. Nature starts to flourish from the second half of the month, making Tbilisi a perfect backdrop for your Instagram.

Rainfall: 5 days

Temperature: 50F (10C)

Flowers begin to bloom in the second half of March

In April, the weather is warm and it becomes pleasant to walk around the city and take day trips from Tbilisi. The first few days may still be chilly, but as the weeks go by, the weather gets warmer and you’ll notice more people sitting in the parks and recreational areas. Georgian Easter typically falls in April, depending on the Orthodox calendar. Georgians also mark 9 April, the day of the 1989 tragedy when an anti-Soviet demonstration was dispersed by the Soviet Army, resulting in 21 deaths and hundreds of injuries – it’s now a public holiday known as the Day of National Unity. The Parliament of Georgia was the epicentre of the event, so you’ll see many bouquets laying around this area.

Rainfall: 7 days

Temperature: 59F (15C)

Locals love May, when the weather is warm enough to wear light clothes but not as hot as summer. There are also several public holidays and events throughout the month. On 9 May, the country celebrates Victory Over Fascism, so you’ll see veterans in their uniforms in Vake Park and lots of bouquets on monuments throughout the city. On 26 May is Independence Day. The central roads are closed for cars to allow for a military procession and speeches by the President and government representatives. There’s also a fair on Rustaveli Avenue where the different ministries have their stands and showcase their achievements to the public.

Additionally, the city hosts the New Wine Festival in the first weeks of the month, where you can try wines from late-harvest grapes made either by traditional or European methods. For book lovers, Tbilisi hosts an international book fair where local publishers and bookstores exhibit their products with promotional prices. Documentary film lovers will appreciate a CinéDOC-Tbilisi film festival, which brings some of the most influential movies to the capital.

Rainfall: 9 days

Temperature: 68F (20C)

There’s an annual military parade on 26 May to mark Independence Day

June is a great month for those who don’t like the sweltering summer heat. Locals love spending days outdoors, either at the terrace cafes, parks or at the festivals. In June, Tbilisi Open Air hosts music festivals in the outskirts of Tbilisi, bringing together local and international artists of rock and electronic music. Moreover, you’ll see many locals at Lisi and Turtle Lakes, appreciating their spare time with family and loved ones.

Rainfall: 8 days

Temperature: 77F (25C)

The temperature slowly gets higher from the month of July, and many locals take a vacation to either a Black Sea coast or abroad. However, those who stay in the city try to escape the heat at the neighbouring Lisi and Turtle Lakes. Additionally, the city hosts a traditional folk festival called Art Gene at the Ethnographic Museum of Tbilisi, where local bands and dance ensembles host concerts. Do remember, however, there is no air conditioning in the public transport or many of the museums, so stay hydrated.

July brings the traditional folk festival Art Gene

Usually, August is quite hot in Tbilisi and many can’t take the heat. If you are one of these people, it’s better to stay in Tbilisi for only a couple of days before moving on to either the lowlands or mountain regions of the country. The city tends to be a bit deserted for at least half of the month as many vacation to Batumi or other parts of the country. Those who stay try to escape the hot summer evenings at open-air bars or parks.

Temperature: 86F (30C)

Autumn in Tbilisi is beautiful, with falling leaves and colourful nature. The weather still stays warm, so it’s still pleasant to wander around the city. It’s in September the city celebrates Tbilisoba, the day of Tbilisi. The exact date of the foundation of Tbilisi is unknown, and the celebration might change date from year to year. Previously it was held on the last weekend of October when the grape harvest was over. But the festivities have been moved to the sunny days of September instead.

The end of the month also brings Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre that continues through to the beginning of October. The festival includes international and local theatre companies, masterclasses, exhibitions and workshops.

The Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre is a major event in the Georgian artistic calendar

The weather from October usually starts to get chillier. However, it’s still mild enough to explore the city – just bring a jacket and umbrella with you. The outdoor activities might be limited due to the weather, but there are plenty of things you can do. On 14 October, Georgia celebrates Svetitskhovloba, so make sure to visit Mtskheta and attend the celebration there. You can also enjoy plays in the theatre, listen to live music in various bars, visit museums, attend Kolga Photo Festival or try all sorts of local wines in the wine bars .

November can get quite cold and wet, limiting the things you can see and do. It’s not the best time to visit Tbilisi compared to other months of the year; however, the prices for accommodation and flights do drop rapidly and you might get a great deal. Fortunately, there are some events you can still enjoy despite the weather. For instance, Tbilisi Jazz Festival brings internationally acclaimed jazz artists to the city and is one of the most beloved local events. Meanwhile, photography lovers can visit Tbilisi Photo Festival and see the works of Asian, European and Middle Eastern photographers.

Music lovers descend on the Georgian capital in November for the Tbilisi International Jazz Festival

December is one of the most boring months in Tbilisi, as there are not many cultural events happening in the city. The weather is a bit too cold for walking around and it rarely snows. When the nearby mountains are snow-covered, many winter sports-loving locals flock to the closest ski resort, Gudauri. Towards the end of the month, everything gets hectic in preparation for the New Year.

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The Best Time to Visit Georgia: Month by Month Comparison

When is the best time of year to visit the country of Georgia? Find the answers you’re looking for in this month-by-month guide to weather in Georgia, seasonal activities, festivals, events and more.

Trying to figure out the ideal month (or even just the best season) to visit Georgia can be tricky. For such a tiny country, Georgia has a very diverse geography and climate – the east differs vastly to the west, while the different mountain regions and coast have their own microclimates.

This means there’s no definitive ‘best time to visit Georgia’: Every season offers something different.

Having said that, there are certainly months that are better suited to travel – and a few times of year you should try to avoid.

Four seasons in the country of Georgia.

I’ve lived in Georgia for over three years now and have experienced every season. This guide draws on my knowledge to give you a seasonal overview and month-by-month breakdown of weather to help you decide the best time to travel to Georgia for your interests.

I’ll also cover the best places to visit in each season plus key festivals and events to plan your trip around.

Please note: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you make a purchase by clicking a link (at no extra cost to you). Learn more.

Travel Georgia Like a Pro

Planning a trip to Georgia? Here are 5 essential resources that I recommend you check out.

  • For private transfers in Georgia: GoTrip.ge . Find a professional, English-speaking driver. Prices are locked in when you book & you can stop wherever you want.
  • For hiring a car in Georgia: Local Rent . Save money when you rent directly from a local agent. Pick-up & drop-off are available from any address in Georgia.
  • For finding accommodations: Booking.com . This website has the biggest selection of properties in Georgia, including guesthouses in rural areas.
  • For Tbilisi tours & day trips: Friendly.ge . Friendly.ge has knowledgeable guides, safe drivers & creative itineraries. I especially like their off-road tour to David Gareja.
  • For tailored advice: Book a call with me! My Georgia Travel Consultation service is perfect if you need feedback on your itinerary or personalised travel tips.

Understanding the climate in Georgia

I don’t want to dwell too much on this, but having a general understanding of Georgia’s climate can be useful.

Briefly, eastern Georgia has a Mediterranean-like climate, while the west of the country and Black Sea Coast has subtropical conditions. Tbilisi is dry, while Batumi and the coast are humid. As mentioned, the weather varies immensely from north to south, east to west.

There are four seasons in Georgia, but spring and autumn are generally short and pronounced. Summer lingers well into September in many parts of the country, while areas at higher elevations have prolonged winters. The major cities of Tbilisi , Kutaisi and Batumi are mild year-round (relatively speaking).

The east of Georgia (including Tbilisi and Kakheti region ) is dry and sees more dramatic seasons: Summers are unforgiving and winters bitter. Parts of Southern Georgia (especially Samtskhe-Javakheti region ) are under snow more often than not. The west of Georgia , by contrast, is warmer, wetter and more humid. Temperatures are more consistent here throughout the year, as are the menacing rain clouds.

One thing the whole country has in common is that the weather can be quite temperamental. Gusting winds can take the temperature up or down by 10 degrees Celsius in a matter of days, and storms and impenetrable fog can roll in extremely quickly.

While I can offer you some general guidance, you should always come prepared for anything!

Tip: This website is generally considered to be the most reliable for forecasts.

Tip: See my all-seasons Georgia packing list for guidance on what to bring with you and how to dress in Georgia.

Map of the best time to visit Georgia by location

Here is a rough map of popular destinations in Georgia with my recommendations for the ‘best’ time to go. Of course this is a bit subjective, but I’ve taken into account the average temperatures and rain fall, as well as special events and other factors.

Map of the best time to visit the country of Georgia.

Summer high season in Georgia: Late June-early September

→ Best time for mountain hiking & beaches on the Black Sea coast.

Lailashi Secret Pool, a mountain pool in Racha, Georgia.

In Tbilisi and the lowlands around the capital, summer is dependably hot and arid. The landscape dries out to a crisp brown in early summer, and the unrelenting sunshine makes it difficult to stay outside for more than a few hours at a time.

The very warm weather (where temperatures can push 40 degrees Celsius in the shade for several consecutive days) generally sets in around mid-June and builds throughout July before peaking in August.

Most locals promptly leave the cities as soon as school holidays roll around in July, heading to the mountains or the coast for some reprieve. Because of this, popular hotels and resorts are often full, and domestic flights and trains sold out. It can be difficult to get a seat on the Tbilisi Batumi train especially. Prices go up with increased demand.

One advantage of summer travel is that the days are much longer (the sun sets well after 9pm by late June), so you can fit a lot more into your day.

Say no to sweaty marshrutka vans – summer is a great time for a Georgia road trip instead. All roads and passes are open and accessible, just watch out for flash flooding and landslides in the highlands.

Summer is prime time for trekking in the mountains of Svaneti and around Kazbegi . The wildflowers are out, and daytime temperatures are pleasant, while evenings bring short but punishing storms.

This is the best time of year to visit Tusheti , Khevsureti, Upper Adjara, Gomismta and Bakhmaro , which are all difficult (or impossible) to reach during the colder months.

In mid-September, ‘Velvet Season’ kicks off in Batumi and along the Black Sea coast and lasts until early October. This is a short window of time when crowds disperse but skies remain clear and the water is still warm enough to swim.

→ See my guide to beating the heat in Tbilisi in summer

Autumn shoulder season in Georgia: Late September-October

→ Best time for wine & cultural events.

Autumn foliage in Tbilisi, Georgia.

September is sometimes referred to as the ‘fourth month of summer’ because temperatures remain warm in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and the lowlands. By mid-September and throughout the month of October, the weather is usually near perfect: Warm, breezy days, crisp nights, and clear skies. The only downside is the gusting winds that hit Tbilisi and Kutaisi – something to be mindful of if you suffer from allergies.

Autumn is my favourite time of year in and the best season to visit Georgia in my opinion. Tbilisi has an upbeat atmosphere, with outdoor markets on Rustaveli Avenue, the annual Tbilisoba festival in October, and plenty of live music , opera and ballet.

Harvest season brings a festive feel to the entire country – which is why you’ll sometimes hear autumn referred to by another name, the ‘fifth season’. Dates for the wine vintage or Rtveli differ year to year, but generally it takes place in Kakheti from early September and lasts until early November in western Georgia.

Resplendent fall foliage can be found in the highlands of Racha and Samegrelo from as early as September, while Tbilisi’s fall colours come into their own in October. Rust-coloured foliage is visible in areas such as Rkoni until November.

Autumn also brings a cornucopia of produce, including mushrooms, pomegranates and persimmons. Tbilisi restaurants often put on special menus to showcase fall’s bounty.

Most mountain areas and trails remain accessible throughout September and into early October.

→ See my guide to the best places to visit in Georgia in autumn

→ See my guide to the best things to do in Tbilisi in autumn

Winter low season in Georgia: November-March

→ Best time for winter sports or a quiet city break.

View of Tbilisi, Georgia in snow.

Relatively mild winters in Tbilisi make the city quite pleasant between November and March, especially when the sun is shining. Snow in Tbilisi is a rarity but there may be a few flurry days right at the end of the season, usually in late February or early March. With quiet streets, snug wine bars and the thermal baths at your disposal, Tbilisi is wonderful for a winter city break.

Conditions are freezing in the highlands, but mountain areas that are still accessible by road are a winter wonderland. The highways to Kazbegi and Svaneti remain open throughout winter (only closing temporarily in case of avalanche risk or heavy snow). Along with lower Racha, these mountain regions are the perfect place to snuggle up in a cosy cabin .

Winter sports season at Georgia’s ski resorts in Gudauri, Bakuriani , Goderdzi, Hatsvali and Tetnuldi usually starts from late December and runs through until April. It gets extremely busy in Gudauri and Bakuriani especially, so I don’t recommend staying here unless you are skiing.

→ See my guide to the best places to visit in Georgia in winter

→ See my guide to the best things to do in Tbilisi in winter

→ See my photos of snow in Tbilisi

→ See my beginner’s guide to skiing in Georgia

Spring shoulder season in Georgia: April-early June

→ Best time for hiking at lower elevations & exploring the cities.

Spring pink blossoms in Batumi, Georgia.

You know it’s spring in Tbilisi when powder-pink cherry, plum and magnolia blossoms start to appear. In Kakheti, lavender shrubs and sunflowers come into bloom, while wildflowers in the mountains take their turn later in June and July.

‘Moody March’ is very unpredictable all across the country, with gusting (pollen-laden) winds and sometimes snow. The start of April can still be quite chilly.

In the east of Georgia, the weather seems to shift towards being warm right after Orthodox Easter (I know that doesn’t make much sense since the dates change every year, but it just does!), while temperatures are already rising in Kutaisi and the west by mid-month. Nights remain pleasantly cool until early June. But rain is common in most parts of the country and can put a dampener on your plans.

Georgia’s rich Orthodox traditions are on full display in the lead up to Easter, while spring also brings vibrant produce and special foods such as chakapuli (lamb, sour plum and tarragon stew) and paska , a traditional Georgian cake .

Spring is the time when vintners open their clay qvevri for the first taste of last year’s harvest. This is a wonderful tradition to observe if you can organise to visit a cellar . The New Wine Festival and Zero Compromise Natural Wine Festival both take place in Tbilisi in May, drawing hundreds of winemakers from around the country for tastings and a food bonanza.

On the Black Sea Coast, spring is normally grey and wet. It’s still too brisk for any serious hiking in the Greater Caucasus. Instead, spring is better suited to hiking at lower elevations, e.g. around Borjomi and Lagodekhi national parks .

→ See my guide on where to go in Georgia in spring

→ See my guide to the best things to do in Tbilisi in spring

When is the best month to visit Georgia?

Now that you have a rough idea of the seasons in Georgia, here is a month-by-month breakdown of weather and conditions.

I’ve also included major holidays and events to look out for, plus my tips for where to go and where to avoid for each month of the year.

Traditional Chichilaki Christmas trees on display in Tbilisi in January.

January in Georgia

Temperatures in Tbilisi are relatively mild, hovering around 5-10 degrees Celsius during the middle of the day. Without the ice, sleet and drizzle typical of other European capitals, the city is quite pleasant throughout the month – especially on clear, crisp blue-sky days, of which there are many. The best way to warm up on a wintry evening is with a session at the sulfur baths .

Conditions are similarly cold but wetter in the west, while snowfall nears its peak in the mountains. High passes that close off in October/November remain inaccessible throughout winter , so this is not a time for hiking or visiting remote villages.

Orthodox Christmas falls a fortnight or so after Roman Catholic Christmas, meaning Georgia celebrates its second-biggest religious holiday in early January. Christmas is traditionally a time for family, but visitors can revel in December 31 celebrations .

As well as marking the International New Year, this is the biggest evening on the Christmas calendar (a hangover from Soviet times ) and sees a massive fireworks display take over the streets of Tbilisi. Crackers and rockets spring from windows and street corners at every angle – you’ve never seen or heard anything like it.

January 2 is Bedoba, a unique tradition where one is obliged to treat oneself and others in order to set the tone for the year ahead. A wine tasting could be just the thing.

The Alilo Parade takes place on Orthodox Christmas Day (January 7) with a procession through the streets of Tbilisi. Orthodox Epiphany in mid-January designates the official end of the holiday season, and the decorations come down shortly before that.

Unique traditions can be observed in the mountains during winter, including Lipanali , a day-of-the-dead-like commemoration in Svaneti that starts on Epiphany eve.

A woman stands in a vineyard against a backdrop of blue mountains.

February in Georgia

February is cool and fresh in the cities. Or it could be grey and miserable. You never know!

Winter sports season really starts to take off on the slopes of Bakuriani and Gudauri in particular, making this a great time for skiing or snowboarding. Traditionally, Mestia and Gudauri both have their highest number of snowy days in February.

February is the coldest month of the year for most of the country so remember to pack your woollens. Snow has been known to fall in Tbilisi (and even Batumi) towards the end of the month – but it almost always melts away by nightfall.

This is a great month for riding the Kukushka train in Bakuriani (currently out of commission, sadly), snowshoe hiking, lounging in a natural hot spring , or viewing the stone towers in Ushguli on a bed of snow.

The Russia-Georgia Friendship monument in Gudauri, covered in snow.

March in Georgia

March (AKA ‘Mad March’ or ‘Moody March’) is a transition month in Georgia and the weather is normally very unpredictable as a result. Generally speaking, temperatures sit at around 7-12 degrees Celsius in Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi and the lowlands, while the mountain regions are still frosty. But in reality you should expect anything: Storms, gusting winds, snow, sun – or all of the above!

Snowfall remains steady in Gudauri and Mestia before trailing off at the start of April, signifying the end of the ski season.

Cherry blossoms in Tbilisi in March.

April in Georgia

April puts a full-stop on winter and is the definitive start of spring in Georgia. The mercury rises above 10 degrees Celsius in the cities and stays there. Tbilisi and Kutaisi are both a little rainy. On the plus side, Tbilisi’s parks are festooned with cherry and magnolia blossoms, giving the city a cheery atmosphere.

Being a predominantly Orthodox country, Georgia celebrates Easter after the Roman Catholic calendar. In 2024, Easter Sunday falls on May 5, meaning preparations will be underway throughout the second half of April.

Red Friday, Great Saturday, Easter Sunday and Bright Monday are all public holidays. Easter culminates with midnight liturgy on the Saturday/Sunday, where you can hear resplendent chanting. For something truly special, head to Lanchkhuti in Guria region for Lelo Burti , a cultural festival based around a traditional full-contact ball game.

Easter is traditionally preceded by 40 days of fasting. Look out for paska fruit cake being sold at bakeries. Another tradition is dying eggs red with Madder root and displaying them at home with green wheatgrass. You’ll see these items sold on the streets in the lead-up to Easter.

If you suffer from allergies, be aware that there is usually a lot of pollen and floral debris in the air towards the end of spring.

A man pours wine from a bottle into a glass.

May in Georgia

May is a crowd-pleaser and another of the best times to go to Georgia, with generally pleasant weather, hiking trails available at lower elevations, and a peaceful tempo in the cities. The downside is that the weather can still be unpredictable so you need to plan for anything. May brings rain to much of the country.

Still, it’s a nice time to visit the arid parts of eastern Georgia, including Vashlovani National Park and David Gareja Cave Monastery as it’s not too hot yet. The road to Tusheti normally opens at the end of May or in the first week of June. Spring arrives earlier in Kutaisi and Batumi. On May 2, Kutaisi celebrates Kutaisoba.

Kakheti is particularly nice in May, with blossoming flowers, budding vines, and the ceremonial cracking of the previous year’s qvevri. In Tbilisi, the New Wine Festival is held every May at Mtatsminda park , bringing more than 200 winemakers to the capital to showcase their latest concoctions. The cultural celebration includes bottomless tastings, live music and food.

May 26 is Independence Day, when Georgia commemorates its split from the Russian Empire in 1918. Part of Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi is closed to traffic and an open-air street festival takes over, with pop-up restaurants and bars, live music and a market.

A green hill with yellow wildflowers and large metal sculptures.

June in Georgia

In most parts of the country, the first half of June feels like a continuation of spring. Temperatures become pleasantly balmy and it’s not too crowded yet, making this a nice time to visit the cities, coast and even popular mountain areas such as Svaneti – which is plastered with wildflowers come summer.

At some point (usually around mid-June) the weather changes rapidly and it gets very hot in the cities. Travelling in marshrutka vans is almost unbearable, so it’s a great time to hire your own car , taking advantage of the longer days to venture out to Georgia’s harder-to-reach corners.

More hiking trails become available, with trekking season officially on by the third or fourth week of June. The ski lifts in Gudauri open to summer visitors at the end of the month. Overall, the mountains are spectacular in June, making this the best time to rent a secluded cabin or go glamping .

White Lotus Belle glamping tents in the mountains of Adjara, Georgia.

July in Georgia

Things really start to heat up in July and by the middle of the month, temperatures in Tbilisi are pushing 40 degrees Celsius in the shade. Kutaisi is similarly hot but with the added bonus of humidity, while Batumi is slightly cooler thanks to the sea breeze, but much more crowded.

The dynamics of Tbilisi shift in July as local families depart for the villages or the coast and tourists flood the city in their place. It’s far too hot and dry in Tbilisi for my liking – the better move is to follow the locals’ example and escape to the mountains or to a lake.

Everyone has the same idea though, so accommodation prices can be inflated and availability limited during July and August. Summer resorts such as Abastumani , Sairme and Borjomi are at maximum capacity (as is Batumi), while the mountain regions of Racha and Upper Adjara are a nice alternative.

July is a great time in Georgia for music lovers, with the Lagodekhi Blues Fest, the Black Sea Jazz Festival and GEM Fest in Anaklia all taking place.

Sunset over the water at Shekvetili beach on Georgia's Black Sea coast.

August in Georgia

Much like July, August brings oppressive heat to most of the country. It even starts to get hot under the collar in Svaneti and Kazbegi.

This is summer storm season in the mountains and the forecast often paints a grim picture – but in reality, downpours usually come in short, sharp bursts towards the end of the day, with clear periods in between.

Tbilisi is full of people and the Old Town especially can feel choked and claustrophobic. The only solution is to set up in the shade by a swimming pool , a tub of your favourite Georgian ice cream (or maybe a bottle of sparkling Pet Nat) on hand.

August is the hottest and most humid month of the year in Batumi, too. Combined with summer crowds that persist until the end of school holidays, it’s far from the best time to visit the Black Sea.

Instead, you’re better off making for the higher mountain ranges. Upper Adjara, Gomismta and Bakhmaro – sealed off in winter – are stunning in summer, their colourful A-frame cottages wreathed in green pastures.

Tusheti celebrates its biggest annual festival, Tushetoba, in August, with displays of folk music, dance, archery, horse racing and sheep-shearing. As with most festivals in Georgia , the exact dates are normally finalised a couple of weeks in advance.

In both Tusheti and Khevsureti , there are cycles of roving festivals that travel from village to village throughout the month of August.

A man stands on the wooden balcony of an old house in Kakheti.

September in Georgia

September is an auspicious time of year in Georgia as the Rtveli wine vintage formally begins. Harvest dates vary year to year depending on any number of factors. As a general rule, the plucking of grapes starts in the first weeks of September in Kakheti and continues throughout the month. In western Georgia’s wine regions, the harvest starts later and continues into October/November.

One of Georgia’s biggest music festivals, Tsinandali Festival, also takes place in September at the estate in Kakheti .

As summer peak season winds down, many mountain hotels , resorts and wine chateaux offer great deals during the month of September, making the end of the month a terrific time for budget travellers to visit. The start of September is ‘Velvet Season’ on the Black Sea coast, when it’s still warm enough to swim but far quieter. This is a great time to experience the beaches sans summer crowds.

Temperatures remain warm in Tbilisi, but cooler evenings take the edge off. The first of Georgia’s fall colours can be seen in September at higher altitudes around Racha, Kazbegi and Svaneti. Most hiking trails are still open throughout September.

Fall foliage in Georgia's Dashbashi Canyon.

October in Georgia

In the cities, festival season continues into October while in the mountains and rural areas, people start preparing for the fast-approaching winter. October is one of my favourite months in Georgia.

Tbilisi’s biggest celebration, Tbilisoba (‘Day of Tbilisi’), is normally held on the first weekend of the month and sees the entire Old Town transformed into an open-air carnival. The program includes a gastro market where farmers showcase their produce and wine, and folk performances on outdoor stages.

Meanwhile in Mtskheta , Svetitskhovloba is celebrated every year on October 14 with a street festival and mass-baptism. Both these events are worth timing your travels for.

Weather-wise, crisp temperatures become the norm, and fall colours start to show themselves at lower elevations. The best places for fall foliage include Samegrelo (especially around Martvili ), Bateti lake, and closer to Tbilisi near Rkoni, Dashbashi and Birtvisi Canyons, and Sabaduri Forest to the north.

One of the most spectacular October events is the Tusheti sheep drive, when shepherds deliver their flocks from high-altitude summer pastures down into the Alazani valley. Tusheti is well and truly closed to traffic by mid-month.

Kazbegi and Svaneti remain open throughout winter, only ever closing temporarily if there’s an avalanche risk, but it can be quite cold, wet and muddy in the mountains in October. Racha is the best mountain region to visit late in the season, because there are beautiful autumn colours and it’s usually not too wet.

Fall colours at Sairme Resort in November.

November in Georgia

Come November, temperatures drop dramatically in many parts of Georgia, with daytime averages almost halving in a matter of days. Fall colours linger on in Tbilisi for the first part of the month, making this a nice time to wander the city with your collar up against the wind.

Batumi on the other hand starts to live up to its reputation for being one of the wettest cities in Europe. November is usually the dampest month of the year on the coast. Combined with warm temperatures, it can feel unpleasantly sticky and cloying.

Kutaisi remains warm, while in Tbilisi, dance companies and performers return home after touring Europe during the summer to grace the stages of the Opera Theatre, New Theatre, and other venues.

Winter arrives early in the higher mountain regions, with snow starting to fall in Mestia and Gudauri by the middle of the month.

The Mother of Georgia statue in Tbilisi dusted with snow.

December in Georgia

By December, the whole country is in full winter mode. Temperatures generally remain above freezing in Tbilisi. This is one of the driest months of the year in the capital, so provided you have appropriate attire, it can be nice to get outdoors and test your mettle on one of the hiking trails around the city .

Kutaisi and Batumi have similar temperatures, but more rain.

Christmas lights and decorations go up in mid-December, with the biggest displays along Rustaveli Avenue, in Freedom Square and on Atoneli Street in the capital. December 25 is a normal working day and goes by without much fanfare in lieu of Orthodox Christmas celebrations in January .

December 31 is a huge affair, with Tbilisi being the best place in Georgia to ring in the New Year.

Final words: When is the best time to visit Georgia?

Georgia offers something different in every season, so when you choose to visit really depends on your interests and priorities.

Remember that the climate and therefore the weather varies dramatically between east and west, the mountains and lowlands.

Here are my general recommendations for when to visit Georgia:

  • For hiking & mountains: Late June to September
  • For cities & culture: April/May or September/October
  • For wine: September/October
  • For beaches: July/August
  • For skiing & snowboarding: February/March

Overall, September/October and April/May are by far my favourite times of year in Georgia. Even though spring weather can be volatile, temperatures are pleasant throughout most of the country.

Outstanding festivals and events are held during both periods, including Rtveli harvest celebrations in autumn and Orthodox Easter festivities in spring.

You might also be interested in…

  • The ultimate Georgia itinerary : Four detailed & custom-designed itineraries
  • Georgia Travel Guide : All of my 200+ posts plus my top travel tips
  • Georgia travel tips : 25 essential things to know before you go
  • Places to visit in Georgia : 50+ unique & underrated destinations around the country
  • The best things to do in Tbilisi : Favourites, hidden gems & local picks
  • 35+ best restaurants in Tbilisi : Where to eat Georgian food
  • 15 best day trips from Tbilisi : With detailed transport instructions
  • The best time to visit Georgia : Month-by-month guide to weather, festivals & events


Hello dear! Thanks for such a wonderful post.. I am Planning to visit georgia in november 1st week.. Not interested to see the snow but to move around the city.. Is the time ok to travel? Will I be able to enjoy all the scenic destinations of the country?

Hi Shraddha – November is normally a nice time of year! Not too cold, not too busy. Some mountain passes will be closed but popular destinations (Kazbegi, Svaneti) should still be easy to access by road. Wishing you a wonderful trip!

Hello! My sister and I plan on visiting Georgia in either July or August to go hiking in Svaneti and Stepantsminda. If we go in August, will there be wildflowers remaining? Will the grass be brown? Thanks!

Hi Janki, it should be nice and green in August at high altitudes. If you take a look at this guide (from Sno valley near Stepantsminda) you will see there were lots of wildflowers at the time of my visit in early August.


Hi my partner and I are thinking of visiting Georgia from mid April for just over 2 weeks. We love outdoor pursuits – hiking kayaking etc but having researched I’m not sure April is the best time of year although the reviews I’ve read are mixed. I’d love your opinion. We are thinking of doing a circuit taking in places across the state.

Hi Tracy, the hiking season doesn’t really get underway until early June. Many passes and trails will still be closed in April. You can hike at lower altitude (e.g. Borjomi National Park, Lagodekhi), and some watersports will be available (although with the snow melt, the water levels might be too high – it depends). Ideally I would aim for June for this type of holiday.

Hey Emily! Loved reading this article and discovering more gems about Georgia in your blog. Me and my partner are planning to visit Georgia for 2 weeks towards the end of March and Early April in 2024. We’re open to most everything and wanted to explore the mountains and the cities both- just wanted to see if you had any particular suggestions for that time of year and for a 2 week holiday?

Hi Devika, thanks so much! March and April can be funny weather-wise. I would recommend heading west – Borjomi, Guria etc. can be really beautiful at that time of year, and spring arrives a bit earlier. Also Samegrelo region is a great choice.

Hi Emily My husband and I are planning to visit Georgia in the 3rd week of December. I am jit fond of very chilly weather or the snow, so please can you suggest if it’s the ideal time for us to visit this place. Thanks

Hi Padmini, it depends where you are going. Parts of Georgia (including Tbilisi and Kutaisi) are still reasonably warm in December, while in the mountains it is quite chilly of course.

I red your article and it is very helpful. We are planning to go by Mid December this year and we would love to see snow, Is there will be a snow on this date in Kazbegi?

Hi Mariel, it is impossible to say for sure. Last year the snow arrived quite late.

Hi Emily, I am planning to visit Kazbegi in the 2nd week of November with 2 kids, 8 & 3 Year old respectively. Came to know that there are chances of road closure due to snow? I hope not… What would you suggest if I wanted to travel directly from Tbilisi International Airport to Kazbegi.

Thanks for your comment! I can’t say with 100% certainty but it would be very unusual for the road to be closed at that time. There has been a little bit of snow in the previous days, but nothing to warrant a road closure. Past experience tells me that it should be fine.

There might not be snow at all in early November. Last year there was no significant snow fall until late January.

I would recommend booking a GoTrip driver to collect you from the airport and take you directly to Kazbegi. You can stop along the way for sightseeing – this guide has some ideas: https://wander-lush.org/georgian-military-highway-road/

I hope this helps!

Hi, We are planning 7 day trip in the last week of November. We would like to spend 4 days in the mountain region say gadauri or kazbegi, can we self drive in these regions during that time of the year? Also what will be the temperature we would be expecting? And what are the places you think is better around that time. Thanks.

Hi Sanah, if you are a confident driver then yes, you can. You will need winter tires so do make sure the rental car provides them.

Hi Emily I am planning a 4-5days trip in the middle of December to Tbilisi, does it snow there and is it a good month to explore the city and surrounding areas, wine fields, etc.? Please help!

Much Thanks Vikas

Hi Vikas, it sometimes snows in Tbilisi in late spring – but honestly you will not find snow in December in many places in Georgia except maybe the high mountains. It is a fine time to visit Kakheti, but it will be chilly and the vines are bare.

Hi Emily, firstly – You are amazing!! I can’t believe how informative your guides are AND how you respond to everyone who posts – that’s just great service. I have a few questions I’m hoping you can answer. In the video, there is a drone shot of you in what appears to be a hot spring – where is that? Also, I’m going to be traveling solo end of summer and wondered if you knew of any private guides who can take me around – moreso because I have a list of places I want to visit in Tblisi and they aren’t all close. Thoughts on that? Do you have any local photographers you could recommend in Tblisi – so many beautiful spots in that city alone. Thanks in advance

Hi Dee, thanks so much!

The hot spring is in Vani, not too far from Kutaisi. Here is my guide to visiting: https://wander-lush.org/vani-sulfur-pool-dikhashkho-geyser-georgia/

Do you mean a guide for Tbilisi only or for Georgia more broadly? Let me know and I can email you a couple of names.

Do you need a photographer to take photos of you, or are you just looking for some inspiration?

Hi Emily. Thanks for most informative article! We are from India and are thinking of a short holiday( around 7-8 days) to Georgia during the second half of November this year. From 15th onwards. we have two boys aged 13 & 6. Do you think this is a good time climate wise ? We are not looking for anything rushed. Thanks

Hello Suraj, it really depends on what you hope to do. November is not the best season for hiking, but I suppose you wouldn’t be doing anything too strenuous with kids anyway. The weather should be pleasant during the day and you will still find fall colours in lower-lying areas such as Martvili and even parts of Racha. The cities will be much quieter compared to summer which is another plus. Enjoy!

Hi! Great blog very informative. I’m planning to travel solo(for the first time)this first week of april and came across your page. It’s been a delight reading your blogs and it’s really helping me with my itinerary. Keep writing!

Hi Emily, my family are planning to go to Kazbegi for a day tour this coming March, and drop by to Gudauri to enjoy the snow and try skiing at least 1-2 hours, which day can you suggest to go there? Sunday or weekdays? thanks

Hi Pat – I don’t think it matters too much but a weekday could be a little quieter. Enjoy!

Hi, My name is Samy from Bahrain, we are (four families, 16members) planning to visit Georgia on 23-28th March 2023. Can we expect snow in Kazbegi, Gudauri areas – planning to do paragliding & skating activities during our visit. Please guide us, what are all the other places can we visit too.

Thanks in advance.

Hi there, thanks for your comment. The season has been late to start but March is a snowy month so the ski resorts should definitely be in full swing! Paragliding was banned in Gudauri last summer after a terrible accident occurred. Another activity you might like to check out is snow shoe hiking in Juta or Truso Valley. Enjoy your trip!

Hi Emily, we are planning to go to Georgia by April 2023 around the third week, during the Eid celebration, which place is better to visit, and is it good to travel by that time? I would highly appreciate your response. Thank you.

Hi Chloe – sure, April is usually quite nice! Tbilisi is great, cherry trees might be blooming in Kakheti, and you can hike at lower altitudes for example near Borjomi. Have a wonderful trip!

I am planning for Last week of December (22nd to 28th) in Georgia. Can we expect snow in Kazbegi, Bakuriani areas – planning to stay in Skii resort to experience winter activities?

Hi Josy – yes certainly, there should be plenty of snow by then! I believe the season starts in Gudauri on December 10 this year, so the lifts should be open. Have a wonderful trip!

Hello we are planning a tour to Georgia around 25th of November to 10th of December. would like to see some snow and outdoor activities too. we have never experienced snow. would like to visit even small villages and stay each place at least for 2 days to get feel of country. Is this is good time to go? Me and my husband are 60 yrs.old and never stayed in very cold place. kindly guide us Thanks

Hi Kalindi, certainly you should be able to find snow in the high mountains in December (Bakhmaro, Svaneti, etc.). I hope you have a wonderful trip!

Planning to go mid November with 4 year old kid who wants to see snow. It is good still? We’re coming from Dubai..

Hi Maricel – it depends on the weather but you should be able to see snow in the high mountains. It’s been snowing a bit in Svaneti already. But for Gudauri, Bakuriani etc. it won’t be snowing reliably until later in winter. Have a wonderful trip!

this will be our first trip as family, with 9 years old boy, please advise if we travel to Georgia tblisi or armenia or azarbhaijan in December 2022 will that be good or no. your honest feedback and suggestion is needed. thank you

Hi Sonali, thanks for your comment. I am writing a guide to family travel right now. Sure, it’s a nice time to visit the cities and mountain areas for snow. Just keep in mind that days are short and you’ll need to plan your travel logistics accordingly!

Thank you for this nice article! I’ve been reading about Georgia in November and this has been helpful. Unfortunately, I will only have the chance to travel in November (only time off I get from studies/work this year, 2 to 14 Nov). I am a huge fan of hiking/trekking and cultural/religious sites. I know weather is unpredictable but I am hoping to at least be able to go on one scenic and interesting hike… Will that be feasible? Or should I just skip Georgia for a few years? (I suffer from FOMO, though.) Many thanks in advance for any advice you might have!

Hey Rawad, great to hear that! November is not the best time for hiking unfortunately, but you might still be able to do one of the trails in the lower areas such as Lagodekhi or Borjomi National Park. If you want to hike the Greater Caucasus I would suggest postponing your trip – or planning a return visit!

Hi Emily, my friend and I will visit Georgia for a week this coming Sept. Planning to stay 3 days in Tbilisi and looking for another great place to spend the rest of our trip at another part of Georgia. Aside from Tbilisi, any recommendation? Looking for some serene place and just have a relaxing day. Thanks!

Hi Mary, there are so many options… Kakheti for wine, Kazbegi for mountains, Kutaisi for history. Take a look through my guides for more ideas.

Hi, I have planned to visit khazbegi at the first week of coming February.Do you think the road remain open.

Normally the road is open all winter with short closures due to the weather. It’s impossible to say this far in advance. Best to check the weather forecast/road conditions closer to the date. Safe travels!

Hi My name is Sandeep and I want to know if we travel around mid of August with my family (including kids of age 5 and 10) due you recommend to travel Georgia from Dubai is a good option. If yes which places we should visit. Pls guide. Thanks

Hi Sandeep, August is very hot, it’s better to visit in late September. You can find info about my itinerary planning service here: https://wander-lush.org/itinerary-planning/

Hi Emily, I ready your article and it’s very helpful I was planning come Tbilisi mid November for around one week. Mainly I’m interested in outdoor activities such as walking and hiking in nature. Do you recommend I postpone till early May? As I don’t want go now and regret it as it seems temperatures is low and worried that outdoor activities might not be practical. Thank you

Hi Hanan, we spoke via email and I think you decided to visit Georgia in spring instead. It’s getting pretty chilly by mid-November so if you plan on doing a lot of outdoor activities, May would be more comfortable. Thanks!

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Champion Traveler

The Best Time to Visit Tbilisi, Georgia for Weather, Safety, & Tourism

The best times to visit Tbilisi for ideal weather are

April 30th to July 8th

September 3rd to november 4th.

based on average temperature and humidity from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Read below for more weather and travel details.

Tbilisi Travel Guide


  • Perceived Temperature
  • Rain and snow
  • Humidity and wind
  • The busiest and least popular months
  • Overall travel experience by time of year

Other Tbilisi Travel Info

Weather in tbilisi.

Average temperatures in Tbilisi vary drastically. Considering humidity, temperatures feel cold for about half of the year and otherwise nice with a very low chance of rain or snow throughout the year. The area is somewhat temperate — in the 45th percentile for pleasant weather — compared to tourist destinations worldwide. Weeks with ideal weather are listed above . If you’re looking for the very warmest time to visit Tbilisi, the hottest months are July, August, and then June. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally mid July where highs are regularly around 90.8°F (32.7°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 69°F (20.6°C) at night.

Tbilisi Temperatures (Fahrenheit)

Tbilisi temperatures (celsius), “feels-like” temperatures.

The way we experience weather isn’t all about temperature. Higher temperatures affect us much more at higher humidity, and colder temperatures feel piercing with high winds. Our perceived temperatures factor in humidity and wind chill to better represent how hot or cold the day feels to a person.

Tbilisi Perceived Temperature (F)

Tbilisi perceived temperature (c), average tbilisi temperatures by month.

Daily highs (averaged for the month) usually give the best indication of the weather. A significantly lower mean and low generally just means it gets colder at night.

Show Fahrenheit

Show celsius, precipitation (rain or snow).

If dry weather is what you’re after, the months with the lowest chance of significant precipitation in Tbilisi are December, August, and then September. Note that we define “significant precipitation” as .1 inches or more in this section. The lowest chance of rain or snow occurs around early August. For example, on the week of July 30th there are no days of precipitation on average. By contrast, it’s most likely to rain or snow in early to mid May with an average of 2 days of significant precipitation the week of May 7th.

Chance of Precipitation

The graph below shows the % chance of rainy and snowy days in Tbilisi.

Snow on the Ground

The graph below shows the average snow on the ground in Tbilisi (in).

Average Rain and Snow by Month

Show inches, show centimeters, humidity and wind.

Tbilisi has some slightly muggy months, with moderately humid months on the other side of the year. The least humid month is August (46.3% relative humidity), and the most humid month is November (65.4%).

Wind in Tbilisi is usually moderate . The windiest month is March, followed by June and April. March’s average wind speed of around 11.8 knots (13.6 MPH or 21.9 KPH) is considered “a moderate breeze.” Maximum sustained winds (the highest speed for the day lasting more than a few moments) are at their highest in early to mid March where average top sustained speeds reach 24.1 knots, which is considered a strong breeze.

Relative Humidity (%)

The graph below shows the average % humidity by month in Tbilisi.

The graph below shows wind speed (max and average) in knots.

Average Wind Speeds

Show wind speeds.

All wind speeds are in knots. 1 knot = 1.15 MPH or 1.85 KPH.

Show Relative Humidity by Month

Is it safe to travel to tbilisi.

Our best data indicates this area is generally safe, except in a few regions. As of Dec 04, 2023 there are regional travel advisories for Georgia; exercise normal security precautions and avoid some areas. Check this page for any recent changes or regions to avoid: Travel Advice and Advisories . This advisory was last updated on Oct 03, 2023.

The Busiest and Least Crowded Months

The busiest month for tourism in Tbilisi, Georgia is August, followed by June and July. Prices for hotels and flights will be most expensive during these months, though you can save if you purchase well in advance. Tourists are unlikely to visit Tbilisi in January. Those willing to visit at these times will likely find it the least expensive month.

Estimated Tourism by Month

Most popular months to visit, overall tbilisi travel experience by season, spring (march through may).

Humidity and temperatures combine to make this season feel moderately cold. Highs range from 80.7°F (27.1°C) and 50.2°F (10.1°C) with warmer temperatures in the later months. Rain is somewhat common with 3 to 7 days of significant precipitation per month. Spring is the second busiest for tourism, which makes it a good time for those looking for things to do.

Summer (June through August)

The middle-year months have very comfortable weather with high temperatures that are quite warm. These months see moderate precipitation with 2 to 5 days of precipitation per month. June – August is the busiest season for tourism in Tbilisi, so lodging and other accommodations may cost more than usual.

Fall (September through November)

Fall daily highs range from 85.1°F (29.5°C) and 52.4°F (11.3°C), which will feel comfortable given the humidity and wind. It rains or snows a normal amount: 2 to 4 days per month. Tourism is the slowest during these months due to the weather, so hotels may be affordably priced.

Winter (December through February)

Weather is too cold this time of year in Tbilisi to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. The average high during this season is between 50.2°F (10.1°C) and 42.6°F (5.9°C). On average, it rains or snows a smalll amount: 2 to 3 times per month. These times of year are fairly slow with tourists.

Best Times to Travel › Georgia › Tbilisi, Georgia

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31 Things To Know Before You Travel To Tbilisi, Georgia

best time of year to visit tbilisi

After my trip to Batumi, Georgia in December 2017 I always dreamed of coming back to this lovely cwhountry and in October 2018 I finally did. I decided to travel to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia to live like a local for 2 weeks and explore the city as much as I could. All these Tbilisi travel tips I bundled in this travel blog to inform you about the best restaurants, rooftop bars, viewpoints, things to do, places to see, day trips and everything else you need to know before you travel to Tbilisi.

Tbilisi tourism

The capital of Georgia is a very upcoming travel destination and probably one of the most popular places to visit in the Caucasus. The liberal politics compared to the surrounding countries attract a lot of Western tourists and also digital nomads like me. Georgia is a flourishing country trying to get rid of the old Soviet Union image many people still have. Tbilisi tourism is doing all they can to show off that they are a modern place to visit in the Caucasus. In this Tbilisi travel guide I will give you all the info you need to know to make the most of your trip.

tbilisi georgia 1

My trip to Tbilisi

All I can say is that if you are debating whether to visit Tbilisi you have to give it a go. I got in touch with Georgia tourism first time when I visited Batumi on the Black Sea and fell in love with the easy going culture. People are extremely nice and life still feels laid-back (although Georgians drive like idiots)! On my trip to Tbilisi I lived in the city center for 2 weeks and did a lot of day trips as well. Most of the days I went out eating in restaurants, drank wine in the evenings, visited cute coffee places, found some hidden gems around the city and ticked of the best places to see in Tbilisi. Read here more about how I spent two weeks in the city in my Tbilisi travel blog .

tbilisi georgia 4

Visa for Georgia

There is a big chance with your passport you can travel to Georgia visa free. Visa free entry is permitted for all Western countries and almost all others can opt for an e-visa. Georgia is very open to tourists and let foreigners stay up to 1 year without any issues. See here a map of all the visa free countries.

visa for georgia

How to get to Tbilisi, Georgia

Flights to tbilisi.

The international airport of Tbilisi has daily direct flights to most European countries as well as the surrounding countries like: Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan, UAE, Saoudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and China. 

Direct flights from UK to Tbilisi

There are direct flights from London Gatwick to Tbilisi, check them out here.

Georgian Airways also flies directly to Amsterdam Airport, Koln/Bonn Airport, Brussels Airport, Paris Charles De Gaulle and Rome Fiumicino.

peace bridge tbilisi 1

Busses to Tbilisi

If you travel to Tbilisi by bus there is a big chance you will get there by a so-called Marshrutka. These are basically little vans or big cars. Most of them are pretty luxurious and even have free wifi on board. To get from Yerevan, Armenia to Tbilisi, Georgia there are several Marshrutka services in luxury Mercedes vans including wifi for 35 GEL ($13).

Trains to Tbilisi

You can also travel to Tbilisi by train. From Yerevan, Armenia and Baku, Azerbaijan there are daily trains going to Georgia. The overnight train from Baku to Tbilisi takes about 13 hours and cost $35 for a first class ticket, second class is about $20.

visit tbilisi narikala

Domestic Georgia travel tips

When you are coming from another city in Georgia the best way to to visit Tbilisi is by Marshrutka's. Ask around, Im pretty sure there are daily busses that travel to Tbilisi. From Batumi and Kutaisi there are modern high speed trains serving the capital multiple times a day. A train ride only costs about $8.

Planning a trip to Georgia? Make sure you don’t end up with high roaming costs. Buy a Georgia sim card ! For less than $10 you get 30GB data.

Best time of the year to travel to Tbilisi

Every Tbilisi travel guide will tell you that spring and autumn are the best months to visit Tbilisi. Summer months can be extremely hot and winter months extremely cold. The city is most vibrant when it starts to get hot. People are out on the terraces enjoying the spring sun. So April to June is a good time to travel to Tbilisi. In Autumn you will be able to enjoy the beautiful colors of this season, its dry and has pleasant temperatures. I spent two weeks in the city in October and had one afternoon rain.

tbilisi travel tips 3

As you can see on my Tbilisi pictures it was such good weather that I walked around in a t-shirt in October.

Is it safe to travel to Georgia

Georgia is a very safe country to visit. The crime rate in Georgia is lower than in Western European cities and from terrorists they have never really heard here. Georgia is safer than Western Europe in my opinion. Although always use common sense when travel, it will get you out of trouble in the first place.

travel to tbilisi 4

Is Georgia Europe or Asia?

Regardless its location, Georgia feels more like Europe than Asia. Officially it is part of the Asian continent, but Georgia and especially the modern capital feels more like Europe. This is also what the locals prefer to be associated with.

Everything you should know when you visit Tbilisi, Georgia

1. how to pronounce tbilisi.

May be one of the hardest to pronounce capitals in the world. Or actually when you know how to pronounce it is not, but almost everyone is saying it wrong! Officially it is: Te-BIL-Lee-See.

2. Currency

The currency that is used in Georgia is called Lari. About 3 GEL = €1 and around 2,5 GEL = $1.

3. Tbilisi is not the government city

In most countries the government is situated in the capital, but not in Georgia. A couple years ago they decide to move the government to Kutaisi. Since then the majestic and amazingly beautiful government building on Rustaveli Avenue is not in use. It is a shame!

4. Price levels in Tbilisi

Because this is the capital it also is one of the most expensive places to visit in Georgia. But don’t worry your well earned dollars, pounds and euros are worth a lot when you travel to Tbilisi. Price levels for Western tourists are like heaven. Meals in a restaurant are about $5, a pint cost not more than $1, for a mid range hotel you will pay $30.

travel to tbilisi 3

Typical street food or a snack in Georgia. These things are nuts in grape residue and cost about 40 cents per piece.

5. It is safe to drink tap water

The tap water in Tbilisi is perfectly fine to drink. Actually almost everywhere in Georgia you can drink the tap water. Because of its locations next to the Caucasus mountains there are many fresh water sources. Bottled water is cheap and can be bought everywhere for those who want to stay on the safe side. But please people reduce the use of single used plastics!

6. Electricity plugs

If you are traveling from mainland Europe there is no need to buy a travel adapter. I always travel with one just in case but in Georgia they use the the standard European plugs with 230 V. If you are traveling to Tbilisi from the UK, you will have to get a travel adapter .

tbilisi travel tips 1

The Ananuri monastery, a popular day trip from Tbilisi.

things to do tbilisi 1

Strolling through the old city was one of my favorite things to do in Tbilisi.

things to do tbilisi 2

There are a couple hiking trails going uphill from the city center. The views get better with the minute.

7. Tbilisi Airport

The international airport of Tbilisi operates from a recently renovated terminal. For some reason a lot of international flights from Tbilisi tend to leave in the middle of the night. Arrivals are pretty early as well. I landed at 3.00am, pretty annoying arrival time I would say. There is free wifi and can also buy a Georgia sim card at Tbilisi Airport .

8. Taxi apps

The way to get around in Tbilisi is Yandex. This is the local Uber, so when you are planning a trip to Tbilisi download this app. A trip around the city will never cost you more than 5 GEL ($2). If you stop a driver on the streets Im sure it will be a hassle to let him know where you are going, plus if they see a tourist prices go up! Downloading the Yandex app definitely is one of my best Tbilisi travel tips!

9. Georgia sim card

When you want to avoid crazy roaming costs then buy a Georgia sim card. I found out that the best Georgia sim card for tourists is either Beeline or Magti. Geocell has a much smaller 4G network than the other two mobile internet providers. I chose Beeline as they have a massive data package: 30GB for less than $10. You can buy a sim card at either the airport or find the internet provider shops on Rustaveli Avenue. Click on the link to find the best Georgia sim card .

10. Religion

Most people in Tbilisi are Orthodox Christians and religion is still practiced and part of their lifestyle. Even younger people still go to church although most of them just do it to please their parents as they told me. Orthodox Christian is very traditional, but a lot of younger people are diverting in to another direction, mostly atheists. The many Muslims that are settling in Tbilisi are turning the city into a multi cultural city. Read why I called one area in the city Little Iran in my Tbilisi travel blog .

what to do in tbilisi 1

11. Everyone smokes in Tbilisi

At least I got that feeling after traveling to Georgia two times now. It is honestly incredible (disgusting) how many people smoke cigarettes. It is such a normal thing to do in the daily life of someone in Tbilisi. Don’t be surprised when your taxi driver suddenly lights a cigarette. Don’t be too shy to tell him not to, you pay, you decide! I hate smoking.

12. Smoking inside forbidden

But luckily a couple months ago the government made it prohibited to smoke inside bars, restaurants, cafe’s, pubs, clubs. Also they banned displaying advertisement for cigarettes. If they would only double the price, I think that would already help a lot. A pack of cigarettes can be bought for less than a dollar! Western tourist will love this new law when visiting Tbilisi. Before it was horrendous inside bars.

13. Marijuana is decriminalised

That said since a year now smoking marijuana is legalised in Georgia. Don’t ask me where to buy it, because I hardly smoke weed. Nowadays, I prefer real drugs! ;) Anyway I am sure you can easily get it on the streets. Just ask someone who is smoking. Im sure for many travelers this is one of those valuable Tbilisi travel tips.

Compared to the conservative countries around, Georgia is pretty progressive! Legalising marijuana is another step towards an open-minded society.

travel to tbilisi 2

It is hard to explain but Tbilisi just has an amazing vibe!

14. LGTB in Tbilisi

Although it is a criminal offence in Georgia to discriminate LGTB people in Georgia, it is still not commonly accepted in Tbilisi. The strict religious culture makes it a sensitive topic in Georgia. There is a gay bar in Tbilisi but in the past several incidents have been reported there. 

15. Georgian food is heavy

At first when traveling to Batumi I loved the Georgian food and when I was about to visit Tbilisi I got excited again to eat Khachapuri and Khinkali. But honestly said after traveling in Tbilisi and around for more than two weeks, I am not sure about Georgian food (sorry Georgians)! The food is really heavy with a lot of carbs, cheese and meat. And the cheese is strong! I am not saying it is bad, but I am more a lover of Indian, Thai or Italian food.

16. Best Khachapuri in Tbilisi

But when traveling to Tbilisi you have to try Khachapuri. It is kind of like a pizza, but Georgians won’t like it when you say this. It looks the same and in fact it is a lot of cheese on a round bread. For the best Khachapuri in Tbilisi you have to go to Laghidze Water restaurant according to the locals.


This is actually a kind of Khachapuri, but without cheese. A Lobiani is made with beans.

17. Best Khinkali in Tbilisi

Another typical Georgian dish is Khinkali. When you see them you will think: ooooh dumplings. But Georgians get offended when you call them dumplings. But in essence it is of course the same. Eat them with your hands, grab them by the top and bite a little piece out of the dough. Then suck the juice out of it and eat the rest. You have Khinkali filled with cheese, potato or meat. I prefer the ones with meat and when I think about them now it makes me hungry. They are gooooood! Find the best Khinkali in Tbilisi at Zakhar Zakharich .

18. Drink Chacha

You can’t get away with traveling to Tbilisi and not drinking Chacha. The locals will force you to, haha. Chacha is a grape pomace brandy, made from the grape residue after making wine. It is a clear strong shot that often after the meal is served. Often before the meal as well! Haha, welcome to Georgia.

19. Meet the Tamada

When there is drinking involved there is always a Tamada. This is the toastmaster on the table. Anytime the Tamada brings out a toast you have to drink a Chacha again. This can be fun, but can also be horrible.

visit tbilisi freedom square

Freedom square in Tbilisi, the start of Rustaveli Avenue.

20. Wine originates from Georgia

Recent studies discovered that the oldest wine making methods originate from Georgia. And according to Nat Geo and the BBC wine therefore comes from Georgia. Wine is religion in Georgia and the locals are very proud at this fact. Ordering wine in restaurants is cheap. A bottle of wine in a restaurant can be found for only a couple dollars. 

21. Best Restaurants in Tbilisi

There are of course way too many restaurants in Tbilisi and it is hard to tell you the best places to go in Tbilisi. Of course I also did my research before going out for dinner. But from the restaurants I have visited, I would definitely recommend you the following ones for fine dining.

21.1  Barbarastan

A extremely charming restaurant with a cool story. You will need to make a reservation as this is one of the most popular places to go when people visit Tbilisi. A couple years ago they found a very old book with traditional old Georgian recipes somewhere in the rural countryside. These dishes are now being served in this classical restaurant. One of my secret Tbilisi travel tips for you is to reserve a table downstairs in the basement. May be one of the most romantic things to do in Tbilisi. I also must admit that the food was not my all time favorite, but the atmosphere made up for it.

barbarestan tbilisi

21.2  Black Lion Restaurant

This bistro style cute restaurant with Georgian cuisine is another favorite in the city. They have limited indoor seating available, so making a reservation is a must. The outdoor area is pretty big, but cold in winter I guess. It is a very traditional restaurant and so is the food. Very typical, but a food lovers dream if you are into trying new things.

21.3  Melograno

It was just next to one of my Airbnb’s and since I passed it by many times I had to check it out and was pleasantly surprised. The outdoor area is pretty small, but its pergolas covered with green bushes make it a very charming restaurant. The international food is very tasty and the indoor area is modern-chic. Dress a little more sophisticated, because at this Tbilisi restaurant just off Rustaveli Avenue you will meet some beautiful locals.

22. Best rooftop bar

Tourists love rooftop bars in big cities, right? There are not that many rooftop bars in Tbilisi. You can try the one in the Radisson Blue Hotel, but it is behind glass and not my favorite. A charming rooftop bar is Marani Restaurant . It is located in Old Tbilisi and has good views over the old city.

If you are looking for the Tbilisi restaurant with the best view many Tbilisi travel guides will send you to the Funicular restaurant on top of the hill. Undoubtedly the restaurant in Tbilisi with the best view, but not really my favorite spot though. A little bit too fancy!

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23. Nightlife in Tbilisi

As a tourist I am sure you are also interested reading about the Nightlife in Tbilisi. There are several clubs around the city. For some reason Techno is very popular and Tbilisi nightlife is trying to become the Eastern European Techno capital. They have looked at Berlin and are trying to bring that vibe to the Caucasus. The Georgian capital is also a great place for hidden bars, jazz clubs, live music and wine bars.

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24. Bassiani Club

The number one place to go if you are into Techno is Bassiani. This raw industrial club is known for hosting amazing Techno parties. It is located under the Dinamo Tbilisi Arena and is where dark house parties are held over the weekend. International renown DJ play here often. 

Don’t ask me where to get drugs now, because I don’t know and I did not try it in the Tbilisi nightlife. All I know is that of course it is illegal. Though Im not afraid to tell you that I love Techno in combination with hard drugs. It is one of the travel adventures from around the world that I got in touch with while traveling.

25. Jazz cafe Singer

Come here to enjoy Jazz music at its best in Tbilisi. Every night there are local talents showing off their Jazz skills and I was able to enjoy some really great gigs. Lovely staff and a cosy atmosphere make this place for a great Jazz night out in Tbilisi.

26. Wine bars

With so many wine bars you are spoiled for choice in the Tbilisi nightlife. I have ticked off quite some wine bars in Tbilisi. Some standard and cheap, some really nice and a little more upscale. Choose your vibe when diving into the Tbilisi nightlife. These are my TbilIsi travel tips for wine bars:

26.1  8000 Vintages

One of the most amazing wine selections can be found at 8000 Vintages. Highly rated on the internet as one of the best places in Tbilisi and I must admit it was a great night out. There are wine bottles in every direction. You can choose a bottle from the shelve, open it and drink it. This place is wine heaven!

26.2  Schuchmann Wine

This place on Rustaveli Avenue is a local hotspot. It is located in an old Caravansarai from the time of Marco Polo in the same building as the Tbilisi Historical Museum. The atmosphere feels very much like the Middle Ages and the wines are amazing. They also serve really good food here.

26.3  Azarphesha

This is more like an Old Georgian restaurant, but I loved hanging out here drinking wine. This place with a historical atmosphere serves amazing wines and equally delicious food.

For a great night out contact Katti Tours. She organizes group trips showing you the best nightlife in Tbilisi. Her gastronomy tours are lovely and so is she! You can join one of her groups or contact her for private groups tours: +995 558779111. She is a beautiful and adorable girl and Im pretty sure your group is gonna have an amazing night out.

27. Davit Aghmashenebeli Avenue

A completely different side of the Tbilisi nightlife can be found on the other side of the river. Find a multicultural vibe at the Davit Aghmashenebeli Avenue. A popular place for the Muslim community to smoke shisha. But don’t worry alcohol is served in all these bars too. Most of this avenue is turned into a walking street with bars, restaurants and outdoor seating. It is a very lively area at night and a tourist spot in Tbilisi.

visit tbilisi davit aghmashenebeli avenue

28. Things to do in Tbilisi

Enough now about the Georgian culture, handy things to know and where to eat. Lets talk about Tbilisi tourism stuff and let me start with things to do in Tbilisi.

28.1 Cable car

One of the most popular things to do in Tbilisi is a ride with the cable car. The ride is short, but is a great way to see the city from the top. The cable car starts across the river from old town and crosses Old Tbilisi. It brings you to the top of the hill behind Old Town. From here you will have some of the best views of the city.

cable car tbilisi

28.2 Zip lining

There is a zip line right next to the top station of the cable car. I did not try it myself, but had a look as it is only 40 GEL. Honestly I was not impressed. The zip line will take you down on the other side of the hill and you will have to walk up again yourself. The ride is only like 10 seconds and definitely for Georgian standards 40 GEL is then a lot of money.

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28.3 Wine tours Tbilisi

As I said before already when mentioning wine bars there are also Gastronomy tours. You will get to go to some wineries, sample food and of course taste wine. Wine tastings are a fun thing to do in Tbilisi. Remember that this is where wine comes from and that Georgians are passionate about their wines. Tastings get real here, not just a little sip! The gastronomy and wine tours organized by Katie were amazing, you can contact her through whatsapp: +995 558779111

28.4 Shopping in Tbilisi Mall

If you are a fan of shopping there is one place in particular I want to send you. In the heart of the city on Rustaveli Avenue you will find the Tbilisi Mall. This modern shopping mall is the largest of its kind in the Southern Caucasus. Find here elegant locals shopping for international brands across more than 250 stores. There is a family entertainment center, a food court and also one of the most modern cinemas in the Caucasus. There are constantly held events in the Tbilisi Mall so keep an eye out for runway shows for example. 

28.5 (Free) Walking tours Tbilisi

There are many walking tours in Tbilisi available. One night I stayed at Fabrika , the most popular hostel in the city and saw a Tbilisi walking tour for 50 GEL. Don’t pay that much, it is a ridiculous price! Every city around the world has free walking tours, just google this. You will meet at a given prime location in the city and a volunteer will guide you around some of the best tourists spots in Tbilisi. Free walking tours depart every day and are tip based and definitely not $20 per person! On top of that locals know best!

More about where to stay in Tbilisi at the end of this travel blog.

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28.6 Ferris wheel 

Undoubtedly the best view over the city you will get when you take a ride in the ferris wheel. It is hard to miss when you visit Tbilisi as it towers high above the city. The ferris wheel is located next to the tv-tower.

28.7 TV Tower Tbilisi

Unfortunately the tv-tower is not (yet) a tourist spot in Tbilisi. Rumours are that the impressive tower on top of Mtatsminda hill will be opening up for tourists in the future. Until now we can only imagine how incredible the view from up here would be. The tower is almost 275 meter high and stands on top of a 400 meter mountain. The TV tower looks beautiful when it is lit up at night.

28.8 Mtatsminda Park

Fun to pay a visit if you travel to Tbilisi is the Mtatsminda Park. This small amusement park is not the worlds most spectacular, but hey the entrance fee is just a couple dollars. There is even a rollercoaster! Since it is located on top of Mtatsminda Hill good views from some of the attractions are included.

28.9 Funicular Tbilisi

For just a couple cents it is worth taking a funicular ride in Tbilisi. This old little train will bring you up to Funicular Complex where you can find the ferris wheel, the funicular complex restaurant, the tv tower, the Mtatsminda amusement park and a couple cool bars and coffee places.

28.10 Georgian National Opera Theater

Not something I would normally mention, but it was a great thing to do in Tbilisi. The entrance fee is not that much depending on the show so if you ever want to attend an Opera show for a couple dollars, this is your chance. The interior is amazing and the show was actually pretty cool to witness.

28.11 Tbilisi Sea - summer club

Something completely different and only a summer activity in Tbilisi if you ask me. But when you are here in summer the Tbilisi Sea Summer Club is where locals go for their beach cravings. Beach clubs erect this time of year and people watching and chilling in the hot summer sun is then one of the best things to do in Tbilisi.

29. Places to visit in Tbilisi

Apart from the above activities there are some really interesting places to visit in Tbilisi as well. Churches, monasteries, castles, shopping streets, bazaars and more.

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29.1 Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi

Unmistakably one of the best places to see in Tbilisi is the Holy Trinity Cathedral. This majestic Orthodox Church with golden cupola is actually one of the biggest of its kind in the world. You can enter the complex for free and wander around, but you can also visit the church. You have to dress appropriate if you go inside, but there are free cloths at the Cathedrals entrance to wrap around. From here you also have good city views. You can easily get there on foot. From Old Tbilisi it is like 15 minutes walk.

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29.2 Rustaveli Avenue

When you visit Tbilisi it is impossible to miss the aorta of this city. Rustaveli Avenue is where it is all happening. The most famous street in Georgia and probably the most expensive place to buy in Georgian monopoly. Find here the best hotels, restaurants, shops, government buildings, churches and much more. Take a stroll along the avenue is always a good idea when you are looking for what to do in Tbilisi.

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29.3 Meidan Bazaar

By coincidence I found the underground Meidan Bazaar. It is close to Europe Square in Old Town and it is not so easy to find if you ask me. But if you are looking for souvenirs and asking yourself what to buy in Tbilisi then find some inspiration here. Very charming and taking a stroll through the bazaar is a pretty romantic thing to do in Tbilisi.

meidan bazaar

29.4 Narikala fortress

In every Tbilisi travel guide the Narikala Fortress will be mentioned as it is such an iconic castle looming large over Old Tbilisi. You can walk up there or you can get there by cable car and walk down a little. It is easy to access the Narikala Fortress complex, but to get to the top of the castle tower is a little more tricky and involves some serious climbing. There is no entrance fee. The views are splendid from the castle walls which can fairly easy be reached. If you are looking what to do in Tbilisi for sunset then head up here.

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29.5 Mother of Georgia

Just a little stroll to the right from the top of the cable car you can find the statue of the Mother of Georgia or Kartlis Deda in Georgian language. This woman in a traditional Georgian dress symbolises Georgia and of course is she holding a bowl of wine in one hand! I told you if you travel to Tbilisi you can’t escape wine!

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29.6 Tbilisi Sioni Cathedral

A small cathedral that is a great place to see in Tbilisi when strolling along Rustaveli Avenue. This is one of the oldest cathedrals of the city and beautifully decorated with wall paintings. I walked in twice and two times there was a priest preforming a ritual with a young couple. Cool thing to see!

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29.7 Bridge of Peace

One of the modern highlights and a top tourist attraction in Tbilisi. When you are an architecture geek you are going to love the Peace Bridge. Although some say that from above it looks like a panty liner, while walking through the Bridge of Peace I was amazed. And I am not even an archi lover that much.

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29.8 Turtle Lake

This lake in the southwest of the city is surrounded by woods and a popular place to hang out in summer. The lake is located high above the city in the hills a super cool location. Often there are festivals and events held here in summer, so ask around. You can get there for just 1 GEL by a short cable car ride.

29.9 Lisi Lake

If you want to escape the bustling city then Lisi Lake is a great place to visit in Tbilisi. Just 8 kilometers outside the city center uphill to the west. The lake feels really rural and you will forget the city is just around the corner. It was one of my favorite things to do in Tbilisi if I wanted to switch off.

30. Day trips from Tbilisi

Although there are many things to do and a lot of places to visit in Tbilisi, also have a look at some spectacular day trips and tours. All the below listed activities are worth a visit and some are actually even better on a multi day trip. Bring a little daypack and stay overnight in the mountains.

30.1 Jvari Monastery

Just 16 kilometers out of town you will find a monastery on top of a hill. It still counts as one of the tourist spots in Tbilisi as it is just a 20 minute drive away. The Jvari viewpoint is an amazing instagram spot and the dark and cosy inside of the monastery is very mysterious but captivating. You can feel the religious vibe with all the candles burning. It is ok to take photos and film inside. Dress appropriate!

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Remember one of my best Tbilisi travel tips? If you use the Yandex taxi app you can get to the Jvari Monastery for already 18 GEL, that is $7. 

30.2 Mtskheta

From the Javari monastery you are looking out over the the old capital of Georgia. Mtskheta is impossible to pronounce but a lovely charming village. Stroll through the old town and get the a slice of the amazing laid-back Georgia lifestyle. There are multiple restaurants and bars.

visit tbilisi jvari

This is Mtskheta seen from the Jvari monastery. You can also clearly see the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral from here. Also see 30.3 of things to do in Tbilisi.

For those looking for an active day trip from Tbilisi. Get yourself a taxi to the Jvari Monastery on top of the hill, then hike down to Mtskheta. Enjoy Georgian food in typical local restaurants and have some wines before you order a taxi back to your Tbilisi hotel or Airbnb! More about that later in the where to stay in Tbilisi section.

30.3 Svetitskhoveli Cathedral

When walking around Mtskheta it is impossible to miss the second largest church in Georgia, this Middle Ages masterpiece is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

30.4 Ananuri day trip

A little further out driving towards the North you will find the Ananuri Monastery. Another beautifully located monastery with a great story. This Tbilisi tourist spot is named after Ana who was captured by Muslims and tortured to reveal the secret passageway to the monastery. She eventually died without ever telling the enemy. There is a castle tower next to it which you can climb up to, but to get cool photos you will have to attempt a risky climb while on the top.

ananuri monastery

When you visit Tbilisi, the Ananuri monastery is a nice day trip, but it takes 50 minutes one-way and within 15 minutes you have basically seen it. Along the way you can stop at the Jinvali artificial lake and have a tea with good views. Find out more about this day trip from Tbilisi in my Tbilisi travel blog .

visit tbilisi jinvali

30.5 Gudauri Ski Resort

Probably the best ski resort in Georgia, so if you are looking for things to do in Tbilisi in winter you found one. Not only in winter this is a popular place to go if you visit Georgia. In Gudauri you can find multiple day treks, hiking trails and viewpoints. It is about 2,5 hours North of Tbilisi.

30.6 Kazbegi

One of the best day trips from Tbilisi is Kazbegi. This sleepy mountain village close to the Russian border is surrounded by some majestic peaks of the Caucasus. Come here for the fresh air, the hiking trails, the monastery on top of the hill and the endless mountain views. My trip to Kazbegi was one of my highlights of more than 2 weeks traveling in Georgia. Read here all my Kazbegi travel tips.

31. Where to stay in Tbilisi

Just like in any other capital there are endless places to stay in Tbilisi. Though it must be said that in summer season Tbilisi hotel rooms are in high demand. This is simply because Tbilisi tourism is flourishing. If you have read all of the above you can understand that this is an amazing city to visit. So if you are looking for a hotel in Tbilisi in peak season I recommend you to book ahead.

 There are a handful 5 star hotels in Tbilisi, but not that many as you may think. There are actually a couple openings in the next year like Sheraton and Hilton. 

31.1 Best luxury hotels in Tbilisi:

Stamba Hotel Tbilisi: trendy, urban chic design hotel. Review score: 9.6. Price: $250 .

Rooms Hotel Tbilisi: luxury hotspot in Tbilisi. Review score: 9,0. Price: $200 .

31.2 Boutique hotels in Tbilisi

Bloom Boutique Hotel Tbilisi: classical and popular boutique hotel with super homey atmosphere. Review score: 9.5. Price: $110 .

Shota @ Rustaveli Boutique Hotel: spacious rooms, contemporary interior. Review Score: 9.4 Price: $130 .

31.3 Tbilisi Hotels for under $100 per night

Moxy Tbilisi by Marriott: great location, top service, nice contemporary hotel. Review score: 8.7. Price: $90 .

Stay Boutique Hotel Tbilisi: great value for money, simple but lovely. Review score: 9.9. Price: $60 .

Ethno Hotel: quaint boutique hotel, very detailed. Review score: 9.8. Price: $90 .

31.4 Cheap Tbilisi Hotels

Let me first tell you that there are a ton of options if you are looking for cheap hotels in Tbilisi. The following crossed my path when I was looking for places to stay on a budget.

Renaissance Hotel Tbilisi: Good location, great rooftop. Review Score: 9.0. Price: $40 .

Freedom Square Apart Hotel: Central location. Modern interior. Review Score: 9.5. Price: $35 .

31.5 Hostels in Tbilisi

Fabrika Hostel: big hostel, perfect for solo travelers. Review score: 9.0. Price: $10 .

Dvizh Hostel Eli Spali: very central and homey atmosphere. Review Score 9.2. Price: $10 .

31.6 Airbnb in Tbilisi

Another option is to rent an Airbnb in Tbilisi. You will see that there are many options available. For the best location pick something close to Rustaveli Avenue, Freedom Square or Davit Aghmashenebeli Avenue.

I stayed in several places around the city. Sometimes in hotels, but most of the times in an Airbnb. To rent a complete apartment you are looking at around $30 per night. If you want $30 free Airbnb credit then sign up with this link. If you already have an account, create a new account with a different email and get $30 off as well. Easy as hell! :)

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This was the view from one of my $30 a night Airbnb's.

Enjoy your trip to Tbilisi!

Thank you for reading my travel blog and I hope all these Tbilisi travel tips were valuable to you. In case you missed it I also wrote about my daily life in the capital in Georgia. My Tbilisi travel blog is about the best coffee places and how I lived like a local. Also wrote about my trip to Kazbegi and the cheap helicopter ride. If you travel to Georgia you might also be interested to travel to Batumi on the Black Sea.

what to do in tbilisi 2

If this was helpful would you please share the link on Facebook or in relevant Facebook groups? Tweet it on Twitter or Pin it on Pinterest. Any share on social media would be wonderful. A small thing for you to do, but could make a big difference for me! Thank you very much.

World Wanderer: Explore with Passion


Best Time to Visit Tbilisi, Georgia

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When planning your trip to Tbilisi, Georgia, understanding the best time to visit is crucial for making the most out of your experience. Tbilisi, the capital city, is known for its diverse culture, historical landmarks, and vibrant nightlife. This guide will help you decide the best time to visit Tbilisi, Georgia, based on weather, festivals, and activities.

Overview of Tbilisi’s Climate

Tbilisi experiences a humid subtropical climate with significant temperature variations throughout the year. Here’s a summary of the seasonal weather patterns:

Understanding these patterns will help you determine the best time to visit Tbilisi, Georgia, based on your preferences for weather and activities.

Spring (March to May)

Weather and climate.

Spring is a delightful time to visit Tbilisi. The temperatures range from 10°C to 22°C, making it comfortable for sightseeing. The city comes alive with blooming flowers, and the air is fresh and crisp.

  • Nature and Parks : Visit the National Botanical Garden of Georgia to witness a stunning display of flora.
  • Fewer Crowds : Spring sees fewer tourists compared to summer, allowing a more relaxed experience.
  • Festivals : Participate in Tbilisoba, a local celebration marking the arrival of spring with music, dance, and traditional food.

Summer (June to August)

Summer in Tbilisi is hot and dry, with temperatures often reaching 35°C. This season is ideal for those who enjoy warm weather and bustling city life.

  • Outdoor Activities : Enjoy hiking in the nearby Caucasus Mountains or relaxing by Turtle Lake.
  • Nightlife : Tbilisi’s nightlife thrives in summer, with numerous bars and clubs open late into the night.
  • Festivals : Attend the Tbilisi Open Air festival, featuring local and international music artists.

Autumn (September to November)

Autumn is considered by many to be the best time to visit Tbilisi, Georgia. The temperatures are mild, ranging from 12°C to 25°C, and the city is adorned with colorful foliage.

  • Scenic Beauty : The fall colors provide a picturesque backdrop for exploring the city.
  • Wine Harvest : Experience the traditional wine-making process in the Kakheti region during the harvest season.
  • Cultural Events : Attend the Tbilisi International Film Festival, which showcases films from around the world.

Winter (December to February)

Winter in Tbilisi is cold, with temperatures ranging from -1°C to 8°C. While the city itself experiences occasional snowfall, the nearby mountains are perfect for winter sports.

  • Skiing : Head to Gudauri or Bakuriani for excellent skiing and snowboarding opportunities.
  • Christmas Markets : Enjoy the festive atmosphere with Christmas markets and holiday decorations.
  • Historical Sites : Winter is a great time to explore Tbilisi’s historical landmarks without the crowds.

Festivals and Events

Tbilisi is known for its vibrant festivals and events throughout the year. Here are some highlights:

Best Time for Outdoor Activities

For outdoor enthusiasts, the best time to visit Tbilisi, Georgia, is during the spring and autumn months. The weather is mild, and the natural landscapes are at their most beautiful. Activities such as hiking, cycling, and visiting parks are ideal during these seasons.

Best Time for Budget Travelers

If you’re traveling on a budget, consider visiting Tbilisi during the shoulder seasons (spring and autumn) or winter. Accommodation and flight prices tend to be lower, and there are fewer tourists.

Best Time for Food Lovers

Georgia is renowned for its culinary delights, and Tbilisi is no exception. The best time to visit Tbilisi, Georgia, for food lovers is during the autumn months when the harvest season brings fresh, local produce and the wine-making process is in full swing.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The best time to visit Tbilisi, Georgia, is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) for mild weather and fewer tourists.
  • Yes, Tbilisi can be quite hot in the summer, with temperatures often reaching 35°C.
  • Yes, Tbilisi celebrates Christmas and New Year with festive markets and events.
  • Spring offers great opportunities for hiking, visiting parks, and enjoying the Tbilisoba festival.
  • Yes, visiting during the shoulder seasons (spring and autumn) or winter can help you save on accommodation and travel costs.
  • Autumn in Tbilisi is mild, with temperatures ranging from 12°C to 25°C, and is known for its beautiful fall foliage.
  • Yes, winter offers opportunities for skiing in nearby resorts and exploring the city’s historical sites without the crowds.
  • Tbilisoba is a local festival in October that celebrates Tbilisi’s diversity with food, music, and dance.
  • The wine harvest season in Georgia typically occurs in autumn, making it a great time for wine lovers to visit.
  • The average temperature in Tbilisi during summer ranges from 20°C to 35°C.

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Best Time to Visit Tbilisi: A Seasonal Guide

Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, is a city that is steeped in history and culture. It is a city that is known for its vibrant nightlife, delicious food, and beautiful architecture. But, when is the best time to visit Tbilisi? In this guide, we’ll take a look at the different seasons in Tbilisi and what you can expect during each one.

Spring in Tbilisi

Spring in Tbilisi is a beautiful time of year. The weather is mild, and the city is covered in a blanket of greenery. It is the perfect time to explore the city’s many parks and gardens. The cherry blossoms in Tbilisi are especially beautiful in the spring, and you can find them in many of the city’s parks.

One of the biggest events in Tbilisi during the spring is Easter. The city comes alive with celebrations, and you can find many traditional events taking place throughout the city. If you’re a fan of wine, then spring is also a great time to visit Tbilisi. The city is surrounded by vineyards, and you can take a tour of some of the best wineries in the region.

Spring is also a great time to explore the city's historical landmarks, such as the Narikala Fortress, the Holy Trinity Cathedral, and the Sioni Cathedral. These landmarks are not only beautiful to look at, but they also offer a glimpse into the city's rich history.

Summer in Tbilisi

Summer in Tbilisi can be quite hot, with temperatures often reaching over 30°C (86°F). However, the city comes alive during the summer months, and there are many festivals and events taking place throughout the city. The Tbilisi Open Air Festival is one of the biggest events of the summer, and it attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.

If you’re looking to escape the heat, then you can head to the mountains. The Caucasus Mountains are just a short drive away from Tbilisi, and you can find many hiking trails and ski resorts in the region. You can also take a dip in one of the many natural hot springs in the area.

Summer is also a great time to explore the city's vibrant street art scene. Many of the city's buildings are covered in colorful murals and graffiti, and you can find them in neighborhoods like Fabrika and Marjanishvili.

Fall in Tbilisi

Fall in Tbilisi is a beautiful time of year. The leaves on the trees turn a beautiful shade of red and gold, and the weather is mild. It is the perfect time to explore the city’s many museums and galleries. The Tbilisi International Film Festival takes place in the fall, and it is a great opportunity to see some of the best films from around the world.

If you’re a foodie, then fall is also a great time to visit Tbilisi. The city’s many restaurants and cafes start to serve up delicious seasonal dishes, and you can find many food festivals taking place throughout the city.

Fall is also a great time to explore the city's underground music scene. Many of the city's bars and clubs host live music events, and you can find everything from jazz to techno.

Winter in Tbilisi

Winter in Tbilisi can be quite cold, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. However, the city is still beautiful during the winter months, and there are many things to see and do. The Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in Tbilisi are especially beautiful, and the city is covered in a blanket of snow.

If you’re a fan of skiing, then winter is a great time to visit Tbilisi. The ski resorts in the Caucasus Mountains are open during the winter months, and you can find many ski runs and snowboarding parks in the region.

Winter is also a great time to explore the city's many museums and art galleries. The Georgian National Museum is home to many important historical artifacts, and the Museum of Modern Art showcases some of the best contemporary art from Georgia and around the world.

So, when is the best time to visit Tbilisi? It really depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for mild weather and beautiful scenery, then spring and fall are great times to visit. If you’re looking for festivals and events, then summer is the best time to visit. And, if you’re a fan of winter sports, then winter is the perfect time to visit Tbilisi.

No matter when you decide to visit Tbilisi, you’re sure to have a wonderful time. The city is full of history, culture, and delicious food, and it is a city that is sure to leave a lasting impression on you. With its unique blend of old and new, Tbilisi is a city that is not to be missed.

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Best Time To Visit Tbilisi

Travel essentials.

Ideal duration: 2-3 days

Best Time: March - November Read More

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What is the best time to visit Tbilisi?

The best time to visit Tbilisi is during the spring months of March to November, offering visitors pleasant weather and a myriad of cultural experiences. These months bring mild and warm temperatures ranging from 10°C to 30°C, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and exploring Tbilisi's historic sites, lush parks, and vibrant neighborhoods. Peak Season (Summer - June to August): The peak tourist season in Tbilisi unfolds during the summer months of June to August. With warm temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C, these months attract visitors seeking to explore Tbilisi's attractions and enjoy outdoor cafes, festivals, and cultural events. Although the weather during the day can be a little hot and humid, it still gives ample opportunities for outdoor adventures. The wineries also hold various wine festivals during these months. However, visitors should expect larger crowds and higher accommodation prices during the peak season. Shoulder Season: The shoulder seasons of April to May and September to October offer a quieter and more budget-friendly alternative for travelers. With temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C, these months provide comfortable conditions for exploring Tbilisi's sights and attractions without the summer crowds. You can enjoy leisurely walks in the city's parks, visit museums and art galleries, and indulge in traditional Georgian feasts at local restaurants. Off-Season (Winter - November to February): Winter marks the off-season in Tbilisi, with temperatures dropping to an average of 0°C to 10°C. During these months, the weather can be chilly, with occasional snowfall in the surrounding mountains. While outdoor activities may be limited, you can still explore Tbilisi's indoor attractions, such as museums, theaters, and cozy cafes.

Weather in Tbilisi

best time of year to visit tbilisi

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best time of year to visit tbilisi

Best Time to Visit Georgia

Things To Do In Tbilisi

Old Tbilisi

Old Tbilisi

Sioni Cathedral

Sioni Cathedral

Narikala Fortress

Narikala Fortress

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi

Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi

Bridge of Peace

Bridge of Peace

Rike Park

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Best Time to Visit

Georgia Attractions

Best Time to Visit Georgia – Month By Month Detail Guide

Last Updated: December 13, 2022



Georgia is that magnificent combination of nature and history nestled right between the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains. Georgia has many lovely churches, quaint towns, ancient monasteries (one built into a natural cave system), majestic mountains, incredible food, and wines. There’s always the best time to visit every travel destination you have in mind, but as far as we’re concerned, any time is perfect for a visit to this country. Want to know more?

Climatic Conditions In Georgia

Georgia is separated from the rest of Europe by the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea. As a result, it does not suffer extreme cold winters, unlike its neighbor Russia. While the summers here are hot and humid, winters are mild and quite bearable with a sweater or two. It’ll be colder close to the northern mountain peaks (they are permanently snowbound), but the west coast (by the Black Sea) enjoy a nice balmy weather year round. So the best time to visit Georgia is at any time of the year. Take a look at Georgia’s climate during each season, so you can plan your perfect trip with our Tbilisi tour packages .

Spring In Georgia (March to May):

The spring months are quite pleasant, especially during the evenings. The heat won’t have built up by this time, so it’ll be neither too hot nor too cold. Georgia experiences frequent rainfall during the latter months of spring. If you’re heading to Georgia during spring, you may need to pack an extra raincoat or so. The trees just begin to flower during this season, as the snow melts on its way out and the air smells freshly washed everywhere.

Summer In Georgia (June to August):


Georgian summer temperatures range from 20 to 30 degree Celsius, which makes the weather pleasant and not too warm. Georgia experiences a lot of travel during summer, and the tourist resorts are generally packed during this season. However, the coastal areas are likely to be quite humid, so unless you’re used to tropical climates, you might want to avoid traveling to the coast. Summer is ideal for trekking the mountains, river rafting, swimming, exploring Georgia’s cities and all other active pursuits.

Autumn In Georgia (September to November):


The autumn season is truly spectacular in Georgia. The rainfall is frequent, which keeps the humidity down. The trees are multicolored and the grounds are covered with frost. This is the time when the autumn harvest takes place, especially around the vineyards of Kakheti. Recommended clothing for travel will be clothes that dry quickly, and some rain gear owing to the wet season. You may not be able to do much sightseeing during the wet season, but if you don’t mind a little rain, it’s still a good time to travel to Georgia.

Winter In Georgia (December to February):


If you’re from the rest of Europe where it’s even colder, you might find Georgian winters offer a cold bite. Winter temperatures range from 2 to 6 degree Celsius, with the nights seeing sub-zero temperatures. Snowfall is common, especially in areas close to the mountains. If you’re a winter sports enthusiast, this is the best time to get some skiing, tobogganing, and snowboarding done.

Best Time To Visit Georgia


May, June, and September are actually the three very best months to visit Georgia; you can manage to avoid both the sizzling summer and the freezing winter while you travel. Midsummer is particularly hot and humid especially in the lowlands, though the mountain ranges will be much cooler and drier. Be sure to bring a sturdy pair of boots to go trekking in the mountains and around the towns. Trekking is the best way to appreciate Georgia’s many charms at your own pace. The months of May, June, and September allow for easy exploration in a pair of shorts, tee, and boots.

Things To Do In Georgia

Things to do in Georgia

  • Ask a Georgian resident to tell you some of the country’s incredible Slavic folklore and myth that make the rounds during Georgia holidays .
  • Take the time to explore the Alaverdi Church, Davit Gareja Monastery and caves and the New Shuamta Nunnery and learn about their fascinating stories.
  • Want to know what life was like when Georgia was part of the USSR? Visit Stalin’s birthplace and museum in Gori and you’ll see.
  • Visit the Kakheti vineyards and explore the ancient methods of winemaking practiced here. Try the various wines – the sweet Kvevri, the semi-sweet Saperavi, and the dry deep red Mukuzani.
  • Take off on a cultural tour of the cities in the High Caucasus – Tbilisi , Kutaisi , and Kazbegi . Fascinating stone watchtowers and ancient monasteries in natural cave systems wait for you to discover the relation between religion and the mountains of Georgia.
  • Enjoy various outdoor activities in Kazbegi in the far north of Georgia. This region is recommended for mountain biking, horse riding and walking. There’s plenty of white water rafting to be had around the foothills of Georgia’s third highest mountain, Mount Kazbegi.

Dos And Don’ts When You’re In Georgia

  • When you’re in Georgia, be careful never to discuss politics, Georgia’s past, the government or the bloodbaths of a couple of decades ago. These are sensitive topics and Georgians don’t appreciate outsiders getting too familiar with their issues.
  • If you’re invited to dine in a family home, you will need to drink quite heavily. If this is a problem for you, decline the invitation and do it politely. Georgians love to drink and every feast is preceded by at least three or maybe countless toasts before the meal begins.

Georgia is a country where the richness is not just in the culture and history but in the very air. Explore as much of Georgia as you can on foot; in this way, you’ll get to see and experience a great deal more than if you were to drive to attractions. Grab a few maps from any local tourism center, pull on your hiking boots, grab some raingear and go exploring. It’s fun to make friends with local people and get to know their culture and customs firsthand while on foot, don’t you think?


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Avatar for Anu Murthy

This is a comprehensive guide that can help readers plan their visit to Georgia month wise. I have time in April and would like to know how the weather is in Georgia in April.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

April is a good time to visit Georgia since the temperature is mild and you can enjoy the charming streets of Tbilisi and the botanical gardens.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

The details on climatic conditions in Georgia is extremely helpful. I also liked the graph that depicts the temperature month-wise.

We are happy that you found the information helpful.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

This guide is a helpful resource for planning a Georgia trip! How is Christmas celebrated in Georgia? I have plans for December and want to know if there are festive events to enjoy.

Yes! Christmas, like all over the world, is celebrated with pomp and fervour. You can enjoy festive events at the Christmas markets in Tbilisi. Since it will be winter, you can also enjoy snow-capped landscapes.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

Planning a trip to Georgia, and this guide is incredibly helpful! Any specific recommendations for activities in September.

If you enjoy wine and thinking of exploring vineyards for savouring world-renowned wines of Georgia, then visit the country in September. The most famous city for wines in Georgia is Kakheti. You can also enjoy grape harvest festivals during this time.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

I am planning a Georgia trip in July this year. Is it a decision?

Yes! July is a fun time to visit Georgia. July offers a perfect weather for outdoor activities like trekking.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

Georgia is one of my favorite destinations. I enjoyed its picturesque mountains, captivating landscape, mix of Persian and Russian architectural style, wine, and food.

Georgia is amazing and can easily satisfy all types of travellers.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

I have read a lot about Georgia and am interested in visiting it. Just want to know from where to start exploring it.

Start with Tbilisi, which is the capital of Georgia. You will love orthodox churches, nature, and food, and outdoor activities.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

I travelled to Georgia in the winter season since I am not comfortable with the hot and humid climate. For a winter sports lover, Georgia is one of the best destinations in the world.

Georgia receives plenty of snowfall in its mountain regions. It is best to explore for winter sports enthusiast.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

Very useful post to enjoy Georgia! It will help in planning a vacation season-wise.

Thank you for your thought.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

I had to postpone my Georgia visit last year due to Pandemic. It’s one of my favorite European countries. I will wait how the situation is post Omicron and then plan my trip.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

Have read so many travel blogs on Geogia but never came across one that guides on traveling to this fabulous country month-wise. This makes easy to plan a Georgia trip.

Avatar for Anu Murthy

This post is good for travelers to plan their trip as per their choice of activities, be it hiking, ice skiing, exploring mountain regions, trekking, and for leisure.

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Best Time To Visit Tbilisi

  • Things to do
  • Best time to visit
  • How to Reach
  • Tourist Map

Best Time to Visit Tbilisi, Georgia

Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia, is a destination with a rich tapestouristy of culture, architecture, and natural beauty. The best time to visit Tbilisi is during the spring and fall months . Specifically, May through June and September through October are ideal as the weather is comfortable, with average temperatures ranging between 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F). During these months, the climate is mild, and you can enjoy exploring the city's outdoor attractions without the extreme heat or cold found in summer and winter. The spring season not only offers pleasant weather but also the city blooms with colorful flowers and lush greenery, making it a perfect time for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Fall in Toulouse also provides a picturesque experience as the tree leaves turn into beautiful shades of yellow, gold, and crimson, creating a breathtaking landscape. Additionally, this period is dotted with various festivals and cultural events that can give tourists a deeper insight into the local traditions and lifestyle. However, off-peak travelers may prefer to visit during the winter months (December to February) , when the city is less crowded, and hotel rates are generally lower. Despite the chilly weather, winter in Tbilisi comes with its own charm, sometimes offering a light dusting of snow that blankets the historic buildings and cobbled streets, providing a different perspective of the city's beauty.

Monthwise temperature in Tbilisi


Other Suggested Reads for Tbilisi

  • About Tbilisi Tourism
  • Things to do in Tbilisi
  • How to Reach Tbilisi
  • Tbilisi Tourism History
  • Food in Tbilisi
  • FAQS about Tbilisi
  • Tbilisi Tourist Map

A guide to visit Tbilisi (includes off-beat things)

By Joan Torres 10 Comments Last updated on April 25, 2024

things to do in Tbilisi

I lived in Tbilisi for 7 months. And every time someone asks me why they should visit Tbilisi, I say:

I love Tbilisi because it has the perfect balance between something very exotic and traditional, yet it is European and Westernized enough to live in comfortably. 

From traditional bazaars to craft beer scene growing daily, a perfectly-shaped Old City with colorful facades and wooden balconies, a great Communist heritage, epic cathedrals, lakes, and much, much more, Tbilisi is an absolutely great capital to visit.

Based on my experience in this city, I have written this comprehensive travel guide to visit Tbilisi in a 5-day itinerary, with a special mention of off the beaten track things to do in Tbilisi , as well as loads of travel tips, from transportation to my favorite restaurants in the city. 

visit Tbilisi

In this travel guide to Tbilisi you will find:

Table of Contents

  • Where to stay
  • Tbilisi off the beaten track
  • Transportation
  • Where to eat
  • Where to drink
  • Best cafés for digital nomads
  • More information

our recommended travel insurance for Georgia

With its backpacker plan, IATI Insurance is the best insurance for any kind of trekking destination, like Georgia.

🪪 Visa for traveling to Tbilisi

A total of 94 countries can get a 365-day FREE visa upon arrival in the country. 

As a tourist, you won’t be staying there for 1 year, but this is a great visa policy for those digital nomads who want to live in a cheap country without going through any bureaucratic hassle. 

The best part is that you can get this 1 year automatically renewed by leaving the country and re-entering immediately, including crossing the Armenian border.

Moreover, people from countries who don’t appear on the list may apply for an e-visa through this website . 

Soviet Tbilisi

🏨 Where to stay in Tbilisi

Hostel  – Fabrika ( My preferred choice) – Fabrika is a hostel built in a massive abandoned factory in the area of Marjanishvili, a pretty cool area where you find several cafés and hipster-like bars. It is kind of where the open-minded Georgians and expats hang out. They have both dorms and private rooms and host travelers of all ages. 

Best Hotel – Stamba – Stamba is a really beautiful, relatively new hotel, located in downtown. The decoration is very rustic and it has a couple of independent boutiques and concept stores. They also have a very famous restaurant that is always stuffed with wealthy Georgians. 

Budget Guest House Old City – Guest House Lile – A beautiful, very cozy guest house, located at the heart of the traditional part of the Old Town. 

Best Super Budget Hostel – Pushkin 10 Hostel – A cheaper option than Fabrika, this hostel is just outside the walls of the Old City. Really comfortable and everything is brand-new. 

🗺️ Best tours from Tbilisi

This blog always tries to encourage independent travel but, if you are short in time, and want to travel comfortably, GetYourGuide offers a wide range of budget tours which can be booked with just one click and are always conducted by professional local guides.

So far, these are some of their most popular tours in and from Tbilisi:

  • Day trip to Kazbegi – One of the most stunning mountain regions in Georgia.
  • Day trip to the wine region of Kakheti – Wine tasting and lovely European-like towns.
  • Day trip to Mtskheta, Gori, and Uplitsikhe – UNESCO World Heritage Churches, Stalin’s birthplace and a cave city.
  • Day trip to Davit Gareja & wine-tasting   – The best cave monastery city in Georgia and 
  • Tbilisi walking tour – Explore Tbilisi with a professional guide.

Top places to visit in Tbilisi

If you have more than a few days, here you can read a complete 1-week Georgia Itinerary

Tbilisi Itinerary on day 1 – Exploring the Old Town, from Freedom Square to the Mother of Georgia

You should explore the beautiful Old Town when you visit Tbilisi on day 1. 

On this Tbilisi travel guide, I have highlighted the most important landmarks in the map below but you should also wander around all the narrow alleys to discover the beautiful facades Tbilisi is famous for, as well as the many peculiar statues, churches, and synagogues. 

Remember that, for more generic insights to the Georgian culture, read my Georgia travel guide

Day 1 What to visit in Tbilisi – Map

1 – Freedom Square

Start your day in Freedom Square (or Liberty Square). This is the busiest spot in the city, the most used metro station and the square from where you can go in pretty much any direction.

During the Soviet Union, it used to be called Lenin Square and, where you see a golden statue of Saint George and the Dragon, there used to be a Lenin Statue which was pulled down shortly after Georgia got its independence in 1991.

Do you want to explore Tbilisi with a professional local guide ? CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Things to do in aTbilisi Georgia

2 – Pushkin street

From Freedom Square, go down to Pushkin street, where you will see the last remains of the Old City wall, as well as quite a few buildings with traditional facades. Then, turn right just before  Ambassadori Hot el .

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3 – The Puppet Theatre and the clock tower

This twisted and architectonically weird, but pleasant to the eyes building, is the most Instagrammable spot in the city. On the hour, a small window in the upper part of the tower opens with some creepy mannequins coming out from it.

Actually, this is one of my least favorite places to visit in Tbilisi, but not because of the building but the cheesy atmosphere. 

I recommend, however, you sit at the terrace of Hangar Bar, a popular spot for expats despite its touristic location. They sell really cheap beers and you get a clear view of the building. 

Places to visit in Tbilisi Georgia

4 – Anchiskhati Church

After no more than 20 meters, you will see the 6th-century Anchiskhati Church, the oldest in the country. It contains some really nice frescoes. 

5 – The Peace Bridge

If you continue straight, at some point you can turn left and see a sort of futuristic bridge called the Peace Bridge. It was built in 2010 to represent the transition from the dark past of Georgia to a more prosperous future. Some people don’t like because it looks too modern. I like it 🙂

The river that goes through the middle of Tbilisi is called the Mtkvari river (or Kura), and it flows 1,500km river from Turkey to the Caspian Sea, in Iran . 

Peace Bridge Tbilisi

6 – Meteki Church

The iconic church that sits at the edge of the cliff is from the 13th century and it was built by a Christian Georgian King, but later served several purposes, from barracks to a jail, and a theatre. During the last years of the USSR, a group of Christian people launched a campaign to restore its original purpose as a Church. 

Places to visit in Tbilisi

7 – The sulfur baths

It is said that a Georgian King named Vakhtang, who lived in today’s Mtskheta in the 5th century, went hunting in this part of today’s Tbilisi when a wounded deer got miraculously healed after falling into a hot spring. He was so amazed by the curative properties of that place that he decided to move the capital from Mtskheta to Tbilisi. 

This part of the Old Town has been home to several bathhouses since the 12th century and today, they are a must-visit, especially if you visit Tbilisi during the colder months.

For more information, including prices, etc., check this guide: Visiting Tbilisi Sulphur Baths.

In the old Georgian language, Tbilisi literally means ” warm place ”, a name that originated after discovering the hot springs.

What to do in Tbilisi

8 – Jumah Mosque

This is one of the very few mosques in the world where Sunni and Shia Muslims pray together.

Built in the 18th century by the Ottoman Empire (but destroyed and rebuilt several times), with its mud-brick walls, the building is totally camouflaged among the facades of the Old City.

Pro Tip – For some reason, the viewpoint from where you get the best perspective of the city is barely known for by most travelers. It is exactly here: 41.685942, 44.811485.

best time of year to visit tbilisi

9 – Take the cable car to Narikala Fortress

When you travel to Tbilisi, one of the highlights is going up to Narikala Fortress before sunset, from where you can enjoy amazing panoramic views of the city.

You could actually walk but, if you want to take the cable car, you need to go back to Rike Park (the park right across the Peace Bridge).

The fortress dates from the 4th century. It was built by the Persians but it has served similar purposes for the Umayyads, several Georgian Kings, and the Mongols.

Travel to Tbilisi

10 – The Mother of Georgia

This massive 20-meter aluminum female statue is frankly impressive, and polemical, as well.

The glass of wine that she holds in her left hand represents Georgian hospitality towards foreigners, whereas the sword that she holds in her right hand represents hostility to foreign invaders, a message clearly referring to the Russians. 

Read: Azerbaijan 3-week itinerary

Mother of Georgia

Tbilisi Itinerary on day 2 – From Sameba Cathedral to Station Square

When you visit Tbilisi on your second day, I recommend you explore the other side of the Kura river.

Day 2 What to do in Tbilisi – Map

Sameba Cathedral

Sameba Cathedral is an utterly tall Church, the tallest in the country and one of the largest Orthodox Churches in the world. It is not an old Church, however, as it dates from 2004 and was built to commemorate the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus. Still, it is an impressive complex.

Sameba Cathedral Tbilisi

Avlabari neighborhood

Avlabari is the neighborhood just down from Sameba Cathedral. You won’t see any tourists here but a very local vibe, so different from the Old Town.

It is on your way to the next destination, so I recommend you check out its many traditional shops. By the way, this is the best place to buy churchkhela (the traditional candle-shaped candy).

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Mushroom building

This mushroom-shaped building is where the administrative offices are. It worth checking out from outside and it is on the way anyways. 

The Soviet Market (Flea market)

In Daedena park, there is a flea market selling all sorts of Soviet artifacts, from gas masks to coins with Stalin’s face and more.

By the way, in this park, there are also some second-hand book shops which, basically, are wooden shelves placed on the handrail of the river. 

Read: A guide to visit Iran

Flea market Tbilisi


Marjanishvili is the new trending neighborhood and the area I used to spend most of my time in, as it had a few bars, good restaurants, digital nomad cafés, and there weren’t many tourists around.

Here you will find a few abandoned factories from the USSR, an abandoned theater and traditional architecture.

Dezerter Bazaar

If you continue straight towards Station Square, you will bump into Dezerter Bazaar, the largest traditional market in the city, selling absolutely everything, from loads of coffee to fruit, electronics and everything you may think of. It is a chaotic bazaar in its most Middle Eastern style.

You can also find stalls selling grain coffee and buy an awesome espresso for 0.50GEL. 

Dezerter Bazaar Tbilisi

Tbilisi Itinerary on day 3 – Downtown, Tbilisi Sea, Chronicles of Georgia

On your day 3 visiting Tbilisi, explore the new part of town by walking Rustaveli Avenue all the way to Vake. Then, go to the suburbs to visit a very unique monument and a massive lake. 

Rustaveli is one of the main avenues in Tbilisi and was named after Shota Rustaveli, a Georgian poet considered the greatest contributor to Georgian literature.

Day 3 What to visit in Tbilisi – Map

The National Museum of Georgia

From the first pre-historic civilizations that inhabited the region until the invasion of the USSR, the National Museum of Georgia showcases all the layers of history of today’s Georgia.

I was mainly interested in visiting the Soviet museum but, unfortunately, most of the shown documents shown were in Russian and the English explanation was rather poor, so I didn’t learn much about it. You can, however, hire a guide or get an audio speaking guide. The entrance fee is 7GEL.

best time of year to visit tbilisi

The Georgian Parliament

The Georgian Parliament is the place which is currently witnessing the transition from a religious, conservative state into a modern, progressive society. You should know that, in Tbilisi, two kinds of society coexist: the ultra-religious, homophobe wing and the open-minded young crowd who are demanding change.

For more information, read the ”Country” section of my Georgia Travel Guide . 

Well, this Parliament is the place where this young crowd gathers for protesting every single week, like the massive electronic rave that was organized against the closing of Bassiani, a famous techno club that welcomes the LGBT community, in which the police organized a nonsensical, abusive and violent raid.

That peaceful protest was disturbed by Georgian religious nationalists and ended up with some crazy violence. I witnessed it myself. 

The rest of Rustaveli Avenue

From checking the Opera House to fancy shops, some churches, and quite a few majestic buildings, Rustaveli is a pleasant place to walk through. 

If you want to check out a different area, Vake is the neighborhood where the Georgian middle-upper class lives, hence where you will find the fanciest restaurants and shops, but also the most open-minded Georgians and still, traditional architecture.

I recommend you walk all the way until Mziuri Park, a beautiful park with very nice statues whose center is dominated by a really nice outdoor café where the young students gather for coffee or beers. 

Chronicles of Georgia

The Chronicles of Georgia is a massive, odd monument visible from many places in the city and composed of giant pillars whose walls are decorated with some outstanding carvings that showcase different episodes of the history of Georgia and Christianity, like a representation of  Saint Nino, the woman who brought Christianity to Georgia, and several Georgian Kings. 

Chronicles of Georgia

Moreover, from here you get a double epic view, Tbilisi Sea on one side and the Soviet suburbs on the other. 

How to get to the Chronicles of Georgia: 

  • By metro: Get off at Guramishvili or Grmagele Metro Station and then walk for 20 minutes. 
  • By taxi: By Yandex, from downtown, it should cost around 15GEL.

What to do in Tbilisi Georgia

Tbilisi Sea

A nearly 10-kilometer artificial lake that serves as a reservoir, Tbilisi Lake is a different dimension from Tbilisi’s urban jungle.

It has plenty of beaches and picnic spots but I recommend you go on the area highlighted on the map, as it has a few pretty cool bars which are perfect places to end your day over a few beers. You can only come here by car.

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Tbilisi Sea

🧭 Extending your Tbilisi itinerary – Off the beaten track places to visit in Tbilisi

You will need at least 2 days to discover all these places.

Map of the off the beaten track things to do in Tbilisi

Soviet Modernism and buildings

If you like Soviet relics, Tbilisi has a great offering of Communist Heritage which doesn’t appear in any Tbilisi travel guide but most importantly, it seems to be one of the pioneers of Soviet Modernism, an artistic movement that flourished during the last decades of the USSR and mainly consisted of buildings with weird shapes and lots of murals.

Soviet architecture seems to have its momentum among travelers who like to get off the beaten track and Tbilisi will not disappoint you. 

Bank of Georgia Headquarters

Built by the Soviets in the 70s to serve as the Ministry of Highway Construction, this piled-brick, unique and extravagant building was later acquired by the Bank of Georgia. You can’t enter inside but seeing it from outside is the best part.

Best places to visit in Tbilisi

Soviet Murals & statues

There is a large collection of Soviet murals and statues all over the city. I have highlighted 3 of them on the above map but you can check all the locations on this link . These are the location of my 3 favorite ones:

  • Technical University Metro station
  • Fire Station Sarbutalo
  • Georgia Exposition Center

If you like offbeat Soviet stuff, you will definitely enjoy the capital of Minsk. Read my travel guide to Minsk

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Wedding Palace

Another example of extravagant Soviet Modernism, this cathedral-shaped building was built as a wedding palace. Later, it was purchased by a wealthy Georgian and today, it is leased for private events. 

Triple Soviet Block

Not part of the Soviet Modernism movement but for Soviet architecture lovers, this is an absolutely impressive piece and one of the best places to visit in Tbilisi.

It consists of three massive Soviet, concrete buildings connected by a metal bridge from where you get stunning views of Tbilisi’s Communist skyline.

Soviet block Tbilisi

The bridge is crossed quite often, as it is the only way to access the upper part of the neighborhood on foot. You can go up, no problem. The elevator works with coins (like most elevators in this area).

best time of year to visit tbilisi

The Soviet cable car that takes you to Turtle Lake

If you think the cable car that goes all the way up to Narikhala fortress is too modern, and boring, then I recommend you take the one in Vake that takes you straight to the Turtle Lake.

It is one of those tuna can-shaped, rusty boxes, not very stable, but as solid as any Soviet artifact/construction. 

Abandoned hippodrome

An abandoned hippodrome today has become a place where Georgians come for a run or to hang out with their dogs. From here, you can also get a pretty cool view of Tbilisi’s Soviet skyline.

I lived 10 minutes away from this place, so used to come here for a run every couple of days.

Hippodrome Tbilisi

More off the beaten track things to do in Tbilisi

These are other off the beaten track places to visit in Tbilisi.

They aren’t Soviet Heritage but still worth to visit. 

Kyiv also has plenty of off the beaten track stuff. Read my travel guide to Kyiv

Abandoned trains of Gostiridze

Right next to the train station of Gostiridze there are, literally, one hundred abandoned trains of all colors and some of them have been turned into houses which actual families live in.

the trains of Gostiridze

You can walk around the area, enter inside the trains and do whatever the hell you want. Even the people living in those trains didn’t tell me anything. 

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Abandoned Cable Car Station of Rustaveli

Located downtown, in one of the fanciest spots in the city, but hidden among the buildings, you find this circular, abandoned building that used to serve as a cable car station until they shut it down due to an accident in which some people died. 

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Tbilisi underground Street Art

As you may notice, Tbilisi is packed with underground passages all over the city which, somehow, replace the crosswalks from the main streets.

These underground passages are actually pretty interesting to see because they are home to some sub-cultures, from musicians to traditional shops and, of course, pieces of very elaborated street art.

The two most impressive ones are the passages located down of Heroes Square and at the end of Pushkin Street (river side). Both places are highlighted on the map.

street art Tbilisi

Not a very off-beat thing but still, a spot barely visited by most tourists. Lisi Lake is a tiny lake located in Sarbutalo, whose shores are filled with many bars and it is a popular meeting point among the young crowd who gather to have a bath or drink some beers.

A really cool place to spend the day. 

I recommend visiting Tbilisi’s Chinatown to those people who have (a lot of) time and like weird, stuff because this place is really weird and obscure. 

All right, Chinatown is a ghost mall, absolutely huge by the way, where you find weird stores, like a one selling souvenirs and clothes from Turkmenistan.

The shops are open and all people working are Chinese, yet, there is no one shopping and, in the outdoor part, you find super authentic Chinese restaurants always packed with Chinese. 

It doesn’t make sense and it is a waste of money but Georgians say that it was built for money laundering purposes. 

best time of year to visit tbilisi

🛺 Transportation in Tbilisi

How to get from/to the airport.

  • Bus – You can take bus #37 which goes from the airport to Freedom Square, right in front of the fancy mall. It costs 0.50GEL, like a single metro/bus ride. 
  • Taxi – If you have Yandex (the Russian Uber), a taxi ride to the city center should cost around 20GEL (6-7€). If you don’t have the app, good luck bargaining the price with the taxi drivers. Their rates start at 30GEL and if they see you are a tourist, they may ask 50 or 60GEL. 

The metro in Tbilisi consists of those very deep metro stations characteristic of the Soviet Union. There are two lines and they go to pretty much all the places I mentioned in the Tbilisi itinerary. One single ticket costs 0.50GEL, but remember to buy the metro card, which costs a few additional GEL. 

Where the metro doesn’t go, you can take the bus and Google Maps tells you the bus number when you calculate the route. It works with the same metro card, but you can also buy single tickets in the bus. 

Yellow mini-vans

The abundant yellow mini-vans are a faster alternative to the buses but they are more difficult to use because the signs are in the Georgian alphabet. A single ride costs 0.80GEL. 

As I said, download Yandex or Taxify (it is slightly more expensive). With these two apps, rides within the city cost 3 to 5GEL. 

There are two functional cable cars, the one that takes you to Narikala fortress and the one that goes to Turtle Lake. Both work with the regular metro card. 

There is a funicular that takes you all the way up to Mtatsminda Park just behind Rustaveli. You need to buy a special card. 

Bus station to Mtskheta, Kutaisi, Kazbegi , Batumi or Borjomi

To go in those directions, you should go to the station located in Didube, where you also find a traditional bazaar worth checking out. Didube is also a metro station. A taxi from the city center would cost around 8GEL. 

Bus station to Sighnaghi, Telavi, Yerevan

To go in these directions, the bus station is named Ortachala and this is the location: 41.675794, 44.834233 . (By the way, buses and marshrutkas to Yerevan also leave from Didube and Station Square but I think in Ortachala you have more options. The closest metro station is  Isani, 15 minutes away on foot. 

Train Station

The train station is located in Station Square and the different lines connect Tbilisi with Batumi and go all the way up to Zugdidi and everything in between. You can also take a train to Yerevan and Baku . Tickets can be purchased at the station itself, but you can also book in advance on this website . 

best time of year to visit tbilisi

🍲 Where to eat in Tbilisi

This section focuses on my favorite restaurants in Tbilisi. For a detailed explanation of Georgian food, remember to check my travel guide to Georgia . 

Mid-range restaurant (My favorite) – Culinarium Khasheria – The chef is a lady who used to live in different parts of Europe and then she opened this restaurant serving traditional food with a modern touch. It has a great selection of local wines as well. By the way, the restaurant is located in a very touristy area and, for this reason, you are likely to see some tourists but there are many locals as well and, in any case, several Georgians recommended this place to me. 

Mid-range restaurant – Shavi Lomi – An outdoor, very quiet restaurant at the heart of Marjanishvili serving traditional food. All the Georgian food on the menu is great and I recommend you get gobi as a starter. 

Fancy restaurant – Barbarestan – The fanciest restaurant in town serving local, high cuisine. In my opinion, it is a bit overrated but that it is because you also pay for the excellent service and the setup. 

Local budget restaurant – Mapshalia – For just a few laris, this traditional local eatery is very authentic and barely discovered by travelers.

Best Khachapuri Adjaluri – Retro – This restaurant was right next to my apartment and the locals told me that they serve one of the best Khachapuri Adjaluris (boat-shaped bread with cheese) in town. 

Best Khinkali and traditional food – Shemoikhede Genatsvale – Also pretty cheap and not discovered by travelers, this is the best budget restaurant to taste the largest variety of traditional food and many locals claim that they serve some of the best khinkalis . 

Try to avoid Machakhela – A popular Georgian chain which has restaurants all over the city. Seriously, they have 30 or 40, and always in the most convenient locations. They tend to be busy but the food is average compared to the restaurants from the list, so don’t go there.  

🍻 Where to drink in Tbilisi

These are some of the bars I used to go drinking:

Amodi – Local vibe and good for both beers and dinner. This bar is located on the upper part of the Old Town, so you get a pretty panoramic view of the city. 

Bauhaus – Outdoor bar located in Daedena Park and a place where you can be drinking beer from early afternoon to 4 or 5am. It is always filled with locals. 

Fabrika – Fabrika was my favorite after-work place. Great atmosphere and several bars to choose from. 

Warszawa – When you don’t know where to go, you go to Warszawa to have some quick shots. You will recognize it because there are always groups of people standing and drinking outside of it. 

Dive Bar – This is like an institution in Tbilisi. They serve cheap, craft beer and the people are a mixture of regular expats and cool Georgians. 

☕ Best cafés for digital nomads in Tbilisi

These are just some of the cafés where I used to work:

Prospero’s Books – Really quiet, nice outdoor area and a working atmosphere. 

Fabrika – The best internet plus it has the main advantage that the best after work area is right next door. 

Kiwi Café – A vegan-friendly café. 

The Coffee Lab – The best coffee in town. 

Hurma – Nice breakfast and a working atmosphere as well.

❗ More information for visiting Tbilisi

📢 In my Travel Resources Page you can find the list of all the sites and services I use to book hotels, tours, travel insurance and more.

All guides and articles for traveling in Georgia destination

  • Travel Guide to Kakheti
  • Travel Guide to Kazbegi
  • Georgia Travel Guide
  • Georgia Itinerary
  • Best Books on Georgia
  • Trekking Guide to Georgia

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travel guide Tbilisi


wow, I wish you had published this earlier, as I just went to Tbilisi last week. Anyways, what a great guide to Tbilisi. Sadly, I didn’t visit any of the of the off the beaten track places, even though I passed by that station Gostiridze on my way to Didube 🙁 Question: you said you lived there. Did you rent an apartment on Airbnb or what did you do? I just found the Airbnb apartments to be quite pricey.

Hi Marc, we rented it through a local website named place.ge. It was difficult because many of the agents didn’t speak english but we found a few who did. We paid 300USD for a 1-bedroom apartment in Sarbutalo. Pretty good and you could sign a 6-months contract. The people I met who rented it through Airbnb paid doubler than us.

Great info!

We’ve been in Tbilisi for 2 months so far and love all your suggestions of things to see and do. We did, however, get arrested while walking through the abandoned trains so anyone hoping to see them should keep that in mind. The police weren’t too bad and just made us delete our photos but it was a bit nerve wracking being escorted to the station…

really? I am so sorry to hear that, i had no idea you could get in trouble for doing that. I just walked around freely without any problem!

Hi , did you run the trip to Kurdistan, and will you be running the expedition to Georgia soon? Thanks

Hi Michael, the trip to Kurdistan will take place on May 21st. Georgia expedition doesn’t have a date set

I really like your blog. I think you’re the best travel blogger I’ve come across. Your writing style is easy to read, but detailed enough. Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate what you’re doing. Keep it up!

thanks for your kind comment Patrick! Yes, I like to keep it simple but at the same time insightful 🙂

You are a perfect guide writer:) Thank yo so much!

I have a feeling that in a place like this, you won’t experience the ugliness of political cultures like you would in developed regions. The isolation in this town seems to give people a sense of escapism.

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  • Best Time to Visit Tbilisi
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Weather and Seasons in Tbilisi

Best time to visit tbilisi.

Tbilisi has a humid subtropical climate that has significant rainfall throughout the year with no dry months. Bounded by the mountains, the city's climate is hugely influenced by the air masses that blow from the Caspian and the Black Sea. The average annual temperature in Tbilisi is around 13 degree Celsius.

  • Spring (March - May): There is a rise in the temperature scale during the start of the spring and the season is totally mild with a moderate temperature that comes along with a lot of rainfall, especially in the month of May.
  • Summer (June - August): The city of Tbilisi experiences warm summers and the month of July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 24.9 degree Celsius.
  • Autumn (September - October): There is a sudden drop in the temperature during this time of the year and due to the presence of the mountains on all its sides, the clouds get trapped within the city resulting in a cloudy and a rainy weather.
  • Winter (November - February): Winters in Tbilisi are moderately cold, except during the month of January, when the temperature comes down to as low as 2.3 degree Celsius which is also accompanied by the occasional snowfall.

The best time to visit Tbilisi in Georgia is during the spring and the autumn season. 

  • 20℉ 0℉

Highest temperature in Tbilisi is recorded as 96.8℉ in July and August.

Lowest temperature in Tbilisi is recorded as -18.4℉ in December.

Most humid month in Tbilisi is January.

Least humid month in Tbilisi is August.

Old Town

  • Everyday : 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM

The Bridge Of Peace

  • Everyday : 09:00 AM to 09:00 PM

Aerial Tramway In Tbilisi

  • Everyday : 12:30 PM to 09:00 PM


  • Everyday : 09:30 AM to 04:00 PM

Best Time To Visit Tbilisi

The peak travel months to Tbilisi are during the months of May, July, August .

Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia. Its cobblestoned old town reflects a long, complicated history, with periods under Persian and Russian rule. Looming over it all are Narikala, a reconstructed 4th-century fortress. The Kartlis Deda is an iconic statue of the “Mother of Georgia”.

Tbilisi’s many celebrated churches include the post-Soviet Sameba Cathedral, 6th-century Anchiskhati Basilica and clifftop Metekhi Church. The city’s main boulevard, Rustaveli Avenue, is lined with upscale stores, cafes and museums. To the south, the neighborhood of Abanotubani is known for its dome-shaped sulphur bathhouses.

Map of Tbilisi

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Source Numbeo.com

Do not travel to Georgia overall.

Do not travel overseas due to the health risks from the COVID-19 pandemic and the significant disruptions to global travel. Do not travel to South Ossetia and Abkhazia due to the risk of landmines, violence and fighting.See Safety 

Global COVID-19 Outbreak Notice

Ongoing community transmission of respiratory illness caused by the novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19) is occurring globally. Older adults and people of any age with serious chronic medical conditions should consider postponing nonessential travel.

Photos of Tbilisi

Tbilisi Photo

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Journal of Nomads

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi – Tbilisi Travel Guide

Wondering what are the top things to do in Tbilisi? Here is our guide to the best things to do and the best places to visit in Tbilisi. Keep reading this article to make the best out of your visit to Tbilisi.

Beautiful churches, amazing singing, great food, and a fantastic culture …that’s Tbilisi in a nutshell! Cynthia and I lived for about four months in Tbilisi, the gorgeous capital of Georgia . Just thinking about this city brings back thousands of beautiful memories .

Tbilisi has a huge cultural and historical richness, unlike anything we have experienced anywhere before. When we lived there, we fell in love with the city and its people and took our time to discover this gorgeous place.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

We fell in love with this gorgeous city…

Tbilisi is a fantastic city! It’s a place where you can taste some of the most iconic Georgian dishes , the best Georgian wines , see some amazing traditions and it’s also a good starting point to do some of the most amazing hikes in Georgia !

If you’re a remote worker and work online, you should also know that Tbilisi is one of the best cities in the world for digital nomads !

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

Tbilisi is positioned right in the center of the country and it’s easily reached by public transport from the borders of Turkey and Azerbaijan . It also takes only a few hours to reach the city by train from Batumi .

We loved this city so much that we just can’t wait to go back! To help you fall in love with Tbilisi, here is a guide to the top activities to do in the city. It also includes the best places to visit in Tbilisi, as well as where to stay and where to eat in Tbilisi.


A few things you need to know before going to Tbilisi

Tbilisi is a very big city. It’s the biggest city in Georgia and now has a population of over one million inhabitants.

Tbilisi literally means ”warm place” in the Georgian language because the city was built in an area where there are a lot of sulfurous hot springs (I’ll tell you how to bathe in them farther down).

Because Tbilisi has the most important airport in the country, usually, most of the people will start their Georgian journey in Tbilisi, or Tbilisi will be the only place they will visit in Georgia.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

The city of Tbilisi has different districts but most of the interesting sights and places to see are located near the old town.

The old town of Tbilisi looks the same way it has for centuries and is super well preserved. It has beautiful narrow alleys and old houses built around small courtyards.

If you love churches, you’re in the ideal city to see plenty of beautiful ones! Tbilisi has a lot of gorgeous churches and I’ll tell you which ones to visit in this guide.

Holy Trinity cathedral - Best things to see in Tbilisi

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Have a look at all our articles about Georgia!

Where is Tbilisi?

Tbilisi is located right in the center of Georgia. It’s 5 hours from Tusheti and 6 hours from Batumi by car.

The city lies in the Eastern part Georgia on both banks of the Mt’k’vari River.

Find out what are the top things to do in Batumi!

Recommendations and tips before visiting Tbilisi

The younger generation in Tbilisi generally speaks a bit of English but if you want to get closer to the Georgian culture, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to pick up a few Georgian words.

Here are a few Georgian expressions that will help you in Tbilisi:

Gamarjoba : Hello

Didi madloba : This means thank you very much

Gaumarjos : Cheers

old town of Tbilisi - Best things to do in Tbilisi

Because Georgia has been part of the Soviet Union for a very long period of time, the older generation also speaks perfect Russian.

Learning a few words or expressions in Georgian or Russian before visiting the country will definitely be handy.

If learning languages is not your thing, I would recommend getting your hands on the Lonely Planet Russian phrasebook and dictionary . It’s packed with thousands of sentences that will help you in different situations and scenarios such as ordering food or finding a place to stay.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

I would also recommend getting a map software on your phone that works offline.

Maps.me has helped us navigate the narrow streets of Tbilisi and many other Georgian cities.

One of the cool features of Maps.me is that it can be used both online and offline. Connect to the wifi at your hostel and download a map of the part of Tbilisi you wish to explore. This map works with the GPS chip in your phone so it will continue working, even when you’re offline.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

And finally, I highly recommend getting a Lifestraw Water Filter Bottle . Although the tap water in Tbilisi is not dangerous, it may contain many new bacteria that your body just isn’t used to.

If you drink water using this bottle, any dirt, bacteria or parasites gets trapped in its filter, while the clean water passes through.

Check out these awesome itineraries around Georgia !

Arriving at Tbilisi airport and reaching Tbilisi airport from the city center

There are three different ways that you can reach the city center of Tbilisi from the airport, by taxi, by bus or by train.

By train : You can take a train from the airport to the main train station in Tbilisi, however, it only runs at 8.45 am and 6.05 pm.

By bus : There’s a minibus (#37) that runs daily (from 7 am to 11 pm) to and from the airport to the city center (Rustaveli station or Freedom Square). It costs only 0.50 GEL and you pay the driver but it can take up to 45 minutes to reach the city center as it stops everywhere along the way.

By tax i: There will be plenty of taxi drivers at the airport who will be very happy driving you to the city center. You’ll have to bargain for the price but the normal rate for a taxi to and from the airport shouldn’t be more than 30 GEL!

Alternatively, instead of hailing a cab at the airport, you could use Yandex providing that the airport wi-fi works well. Yandex is an app that works in Georgia the same way Uber does in other countries. Taxi drivers in Tbilisi tend to ask exorbitant prices if they see you’re a foreigner.

For Georgia as for Central-Asian countries like Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan , it’s better to download the Yandex app on your phone.

Yandex works as a cab-hailing app meaning you won’t have to negotiate directly with the driver and you can avoid being ripped off. If you use Yandex in Tbilisi, the taxi rides become extremely cheap.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

Discover Tusheti, Georgia’s most beautiful and remote region

Should you exchange money at Tbilisi airport?

Airport exchange offices are never the best place to change money, I would suggest just changing a small amount of cash into Lari at the airport and then heading to the city center.

It’s better to exchange money directly in Tbilisi. However, I would advise not changing money in the very touristic parts of town such as in Freedom Square or near the Old Town.

Also, another thing you need to be wary about is that some exchange offices in Tbilisi have commission rates as high as 30%. Before you exchange any currency in Tbilisi, make sure that the company where you’re exchanging money does not have any commission fee.

Is Tbilisi safe?

After living in Tbilisi for four months and visiting it countless times afterward, I would say that Tbilisi is a very safe city.

There is a strong presence of police in the touristic parts of the city so no need to feel unsafe. Violent crime happens very rarely in Tbilisi and it never targets foreigners.

With the recent increase in tourism however, it’s important to be aware that the most popular parts of town might attract pickpockets.

The best solution to avoid being pick-pocketed in Tbilisi is to stay aware of your belongings and surroundings at all times. You should leave all your important items at your hotel and walk around only with what you need.

I suggest always keeping your wallet in your front pocket or carry a money belt . Another great option is to travel with a slash-resistant and lockable anti-theft bag . I would also recommend getting good travel insurance that covers theft .

When is the best time of the year to visit Tbilisi?

Winters in Georgia can be extremely cold while in Summer, the city of Tbilisi will become super busy and crowded with tourists.

I would say, the best time to visit the city, in terms of tourist density and ideal weather is in the Spring and during Fall.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

What are the top things to do in Tbilisi?

1. visit the gorgeous cathedrals of tbilisi.

The amount of beautiful churches and cathedrals in Tbilisi is absolutely mind-boggling. If you’re a fan of stunning old buildings with beautiful architecture, Tbilisi is the place for you! Wherever you stand in the city, there will always be a church not too far from you.

One of the most beautiful and impressive churches in Tbilisi is the Holy Trinity cathedral. The Georgians know it as ”Sameba”.

It’s located on Elia Hill above the left bank of the Mtkvari in the historic neighborhood of Avlabari.

This huge cathedral was built between 1995 and 2004 so it’s not as historical as the other cathedrals in the city. It’s still very impressive though.

Sameba is the third largest Orthodox cathedral in the world.

best churches to visit in Tbilisi

Another very beautiful church to visit in Tbilisi is St. Nikoloz church. This church is located at one of the oldest fortress of the city, the fortress of Narikala.

The view you’ll get of the city from this church is stunning! The shortest and most exciting way to reach Narikala is going there by the cable car from Rike Park.

Here is where you’ll St. Nikoloz church and Narikal fortress in Tbilisi:

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

2. Get lost in the old Town of Tbilisi

Whenever I visit a new city, one of my favorite things to do is to walk around the older, more historical part. When Cynthia and I arrived in Tbilisi, one of the first things we did was going for a stroll in the old town.

The Old Town of Tbilisi is a mix of old and new architecture. It’s a gorgeous mix of cobblestones, cafes, local art shops and colors.

It has been renovated a lot over the last few years. These renovations maintained the authentic look and style of construction that was originally used to build the houses so it’s an area that still feels very authentic.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

The old town is where you’ll find all of the most awesome cafes in town. It’s also where you can enjoy some hot sulfur baths (see below).

3. Enjoy a Georgian sulfur bath

Taking baths of boiling water was quite popular during the Soviet period. Many people would do it as a form of therapy since long immersions in hot water were supposed to have some healing benefits.

Tbilisi was built in an area that was known for its hot springs, in fact, the name Tbilisi itself means the ”hot place”. It’s possible to enjoy hot sulfur baths in the old town of Tbilisi near the Abanotubani district.

These hot indoor pools are the best place in Tbilisi to relax your calves after a long walk around town. The baths feel especially good if you visit them during the colder months of the year.

Prices for the sulfur bath vary a lot. There are public rooms available for 3 GEL. The cheapest private rooms are 30 GEL while the more expensive ones go for 100 GEL.

The style of the private rooms also varies depending on the price you pay for them. The cheaper rooms are very basic, they have a soviet-era kind of look with just a hot bath and a cold shower.

The more expensive rooms, on the other hand, can be quite luxurious. They sometimes come with their own private saunas and they are much bigger.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

4. Walk across the bridge of peace

Although my girlfriend use to joke that this bridge looks like a sanitary pad flipped upside down, it’s a very beautiful and romantic place to spend the evening.

Some locals even say that you haven’t really been to Tbilisi if you haven’t crossed that bridge.

It crosses the Kura river and connects the old town with Rike Park.

great places to see in Tbilisi

The bridge is equipped with LED lights that glow at night with the colors of the Georgian flag.

Here is the location of the peace bridge in Tbilisi:

5. Visit the Mtatsminda park and get a gorgeous view of the city

If you want the most gorgeous view of the city, you should head over to Mtatsminda Park. It’s the highest point in Tbilisi and the view you can get from this park is stunning!

It’s a particularly good place to enjoy the sunset and a famous romantic spot for young Georgian couples.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

You’ll have a gorgeous view of the city from the Ferris Wheel in Mtatsminda Park…

The park has a lot of restaurants and bars as well as a Ferris wheel from which you can see the whole city. There’s also an amusement park with plenty of roller coasters to go on.

You can reach this park with the bus 124 or by the Funicular railway.

6. Take a cable car to the mother of Georgia

Going up to the statue of the mother of Georgia located above the old town is an absolute must while in Tbilisi. The best way to get there is to take a cable car from Rike Park.

These are two great activities in one! By taking the cable car (you could also walk up) you’ll get a fantastic view above the old city.

The cable car is also super cheap (just one Lari).

cable car to the mother of Georgia

The cable car to the mother of Georgia will give you an amazing view of the old town…

The perfect representation for the Georgian national character is the 20-meter aluminum statue of Kartvlis Deda in Tbilisi.

This monumental “Mother of Georgia” is holding a cup of wine in one hand, which stands for hospitality and a sword in the other, which represents the Georgian’s love of freedom and fierceness to fight for their liberty.

places to visit in Tbilisi Georgia

The mother of Georgia statue is quite impressive…

She is the protector and the definition of what Georgia was, is and will be: friends will be welcomed with wine, enemies with a sword!

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

Here is where you’ll see the gorgeous statue in Tbilisi:

7. Swim under some waterfalls

When people hear the name Tbilisi, they rarely associate it with waterfalls but surprisingly enough, Tbilisi has two of them and stunning ones on top of that!

One of these two waterfalls is located in the botanical garden of Tbilisi and it’s not forbidden to swim underneath it so don’t forget your swimsuit!

The other one is in the old town, close to the sulfur bath. It’s better to swim there on a hot summer day since this water never really warms up and stays rather cool throughout the year.

8. Enjoy savory traditional Georgian dishes

Alexander Pushkin once said – ”Every Georgian dish is a poem” and it’s absolutely true! Nowhere will you have dishes as savory and delicious as in Georgia.

The food in Georgia is fantastic and the best place to try it is in Tbilisi. It’s meat-heavy and usually contains a lot of cheese but if you don’t like eating meat too much, Tbilisi also has some great vegetarian and vegan restaurants.

Have a look at our article 10 dishes from the Georgian cuisine you absolutely have to try . It will give you an insight into Georgian cuisine and will give you an idea about the dishes you could sample in Tbilisi.

Georgian cuisine - khinkali- Journal of Nomads

9. Try some Georgian candies

Tbilisi is the best place to try some traditional Georgian candies. The most delicious one, in my opinion, is Churchkhela . It looks like a sausage and has walnuts inside.

The first time my girlfriend and I saw churchkhela, we thought it was some kind of decoration. Maybe people liked to hang colored sausages in the front windows of their stores

We later found out that it’s a traditional Georgian candy. The main ingredients are almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts or sometimes raisins that are threaded onto a string.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

The string is repeatedly dipped in concentrated fresh grape juice which dries into a chewy gelatin-like coating around the nuts. It’s packed with protein and sugar and is often served at home with coffee. A healthy candy for sweet teeth like us!

Another great Georgian candy to try is called Taklpi . It’s a fruit roll that comes in various flavors, plums, apple, and kiwi, just to name a few.

10. Go on a day trip or on a multi-day trip outside of the city

Tbilisi is the perfect base for a day trip around the city or for a week-long adventure around Georgia . The most popular day trip from Tbilisi is to a holy Georgian town called Mtskheta.

Mtskheta is located just 20 km away from Tbilisi and it’s one of the 15 best places to visit in Georgia . We explain how to reach this little town in this article .

day trips from Tbilisi

If you plan to go on a big tour of Georgia and use Tbilisi as a base you can find some great itineraries in Georgia in 15 days – 3 Complete Travel Itineraries for backpackers, adventurers, and culture lovers .

If you would prefer a guided day trip outside of Tbilisi have a look at these great tours:

-From Tbilisi: David Gareji Monastery Where Time Stands Still

-Tbilisi: Mtskheta, Gori, Stalin Museum & Uplistsikhe Tour

-Borjomi & Bakuriani: Small-Group Full-Day Tour from Tbilisi

– Kazbegi, Gergeti & Ananuri Mountains Private Full-Day Tour

11. Enjoy the nightlife in Tbilisi

Tbilisi has a cool selection of bars, pubs, and clubs that are garnering international attention. There is always some cool event or party going on! All you need to do is to have fun.

If you want to party like a local in Tbilisi, you should check out Canudos Ethnic Bar. It has a pretty chill and fun ambiance.

Here is where you’ll find this bar in Tbilisi:

If you’re into electronic music, then the best option is the Bassiani club. This is where you’ll find it:

12. Visit a flea market filled with soviet-era antiques

This flea market is called the dry bridge bazaar and it’s the best place to find paraphernalia of old soviet-era items.

You can find absolutely everything and anything here, from paintings, and soviet buttons, to paintings and drinking horns. Yes, you heard that right, drinking horns!

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

After the fall of communism, locals started coming here to sell their goods in the hope of making a bit of cash. It became the primary means of survival for some people and they have been buying and reselling things in this market ever since.

Prices may be a bit overinflated, especially if the sellers realize you’re a foreigner. It’s better to go with a friend that speaks Russian or Georgian and that has good bargaining skills.

This bazaar is open every day of the week from 10 AM until 5 PM unless it rains.

Here is its location:

13. Walk around the stunning Chronicle of Georgia

The Chronicle of Georgia or the ”monument of kings” as it’s also called is a stunning place. It’s surprisingly enough not a very known place in Tbilisi even among locals.

The Chronicle of Georgia consists of gigantic pillars that reminded us of Stonehenge.

The top parts are decorated with scenes of the history of Georgia, mainly with the kings and queens who reigned over the country while the lower parts portray the life of Jesus.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

The monument was created by Zurab Tsereteli, a Georgian sculptor. The construction started in 1985 but it’s still partially incomplete.

It must take ages (and huge ladders) to create a monument of this size!

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

In front of the monument is a cross that represents the Cross of St Nino, the woman who brought Christianity to Georgia.

Behind the rock pillars is a small chapel and when you walk around them, you’ll have an amazing panoramic view over the Tbilisi Sea.

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

Find out how to visit this stunning monument in Discovering the Chronicle of Georgia – a hidden gem in Tbilisi .

14. Swim in Tbilisi sea

I started by telling you that Tbilisi has some waterfalls. Now I’ll make the city look even more exotic by telling you it has a sea!

Well, it’s not an actual sea but it’s a pretty decent water reservoir and it’s the perfect place to swim on a hot summer day.

Tbilisi sea opened in 1953 and became a popular spot for locals who want to escape the heat of the city during summer.

Bring some food and some water because there aren’t many food stands or restaurants near the rocky beaches of the artificial lake.

Here is where you’ll find Tbilisi sea:

You can take a taxi from Didube Metro Station to the Tbilisi sea. You’ll have to bargain for the price but don’t pay more than 12 GEL.

You could also take bus 11 or 36 to get there. Here is a website with all the different city buses in Tbilisi that can bring you to the reservoir.

Planning a trip to Georgia?

Read How much does it cost to travel and live in Georgia

Where to eat in Tbilisi – What are the best restaurants in Tbilisi?

If you’re a fan of delicious food and want to try everything the Georgian cuisine has to offer, you’ll have a blast in Tbilisi!

Tbilisi has traditional restaurants where you can sample the best of the Georgian gastronomy. There is also great European cuisine, and good vegan and vegetarian options in town.

Here are some of our favorite restaurants in the city:

Bina N37 is a lovely rooftop restaurant where you can enjoy some amazing Georgian food as well as great vegetarian dishes. This place has a very cozy and familiar atmosphere and the service is incredible!

The owner treats everyone with attention and care and the waiters are super attentive. Eating there feels almost like eating at your best friend’s house.

The spacious balcony with its wine barrels will instantly make you feel at home. If you want some traditional Georgian food , they have delicious Khinkalis and Khajapuris as well as some savory shashlik.

Here is where you’ll find this rooftop restaurant in Tbilisi:

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

If you fancy an affordable Italian meal in a romantic setting, Melograno is the place for you!

This restaurant offers Italian dishes made with the freshest and most delicious ingredients. Here, you’ll definitely get a lot for your money!

They have a great selection of pasta, fish, and vegetarian options. They also have a fantastic selection of homemade lemonades.

The outdoor courtyard is in the shade and it’s a great place to relax in the afternoon.

This restaurant is decorated to look like the inside of someone’s living room.

Black and white pictures, shelves full of books, and an old keyboard are some of the few elements that add to the cozy atmosphere of the place.

Nikolozi has very affordable prices and you’ll get nice big portions. I highly recommend the eggplant with walnut, the soup, and the khinkalli, they all taste so good. The homemade red wine is also a must!

Here is the location of Nikolozi:

Read also: Vardzia – the ancient Cave City of Georgia

Where to stay in Tbilisi? – What are the best hostels in Tbilisi?

Tbilisi is a city that is worth taking the time to discover so you’ll want to stay there at least a couple of nights.

Tbilisi has a wide choice of hostels for budget travelers who want to save money to explore during the day and swap stories with fellow backpackers in the shared kitchen or bar in the evening.

It’s a city that can get pretty expensive during the summer holidays but there are still a few comfortable and more importantly, affordable places where you can stay.

Most hostels will charge you around 15 – 20 GEL ($6 – $8) for a night in a dorm. Here are some of the hostels that we recommend in Tbilisi:

Hostel terrace

The name of this hostel says it all, it has a gorgeous terrace from which you can admire the city center of Tbilisi. Hostel terrace is perfectly located right in the heart of Tbilisi right next to all of the interesting sights and attractions.

Cynthia and I loved relaxing and having a tasty breakfast with a view on the terrace of this hostel. The dorm rooms are very spacious and they have large windows.

Something I thought was really cool is that some of the rooms have a decorative fireplace. Although these fireplaces are just for show, they give the rooms a warm atmosphere.

Click to check out rates and availability for “Hostel terrace”

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

This hostel is super quiet and relaxing and if you want a good long night of sleep, it’s the place you should book. The hostel is in a big house on a very quiet street near the old city.

M42 is a place where you can find the perfect combination of positive energy, awesome people, friendly meetings and bright colors.

This hostel is super clean and spacious and it has a big garden where you relax with other travelers in the evening. If you’d rather cook your own food instead of eating out, the hostel has a super big kitchen with all the pots and pans you could need.

Click to check out rates and availability for “M42 Hostel”

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

Namaste Hostel

This hostel has a very artsy vibe and it’s beautifully decorated. Namaste offers bright dorms and private rooms with nice city views as well as a stunning terrace. Have a look at how gorgeous the hostel is !

It’s a very cozy hostel in a picturesque place. You can grab a morning coffee sitting on the wide balcony and watch the Old City while you slowly wake up.

Click to check out rates and availability for “Namaste Hostel”

14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi - Tbilisi Travel Guide

How to get to Tbilisi?

How to get to Tbilisi from Batumi by train?

There is a train that goes from Batumi to Tbilisi twice a day. The train covers the distance between the two cities in five hours. The first train leaves Batumi at 07:30 AM and arrives in Tbilisi at 12:25 PM while the second train leaves at 18:55 PM and arrives at 23:50 PM.

We have never been able to buy a ticket on the Georgian railway official website. What we did instead was buying our tickets from the train station in Batumi one day in advance.

Here is the location of the train station in Batumi. It’s quite a long walk outside of the city, so I would advise hoping in a cab to get there:

Batumi - Journal of Nomads - Ferris Wheel Tower

Batumi is a lovely city to explore for a couple of days…

How to get to Tbilisi from Batumi by bus

There are two bus companies that operate between Batumi and Tbilisi, Metro Georgia and Book away . You can find the schedule for the different buses and their prices on this website . It takes 6 hours to cover the distance between the two cities by bus.

You can buy your tickets online ahead of time and then take the bus from this terminal:

Another option instead of taking a bus is hoping on a small shared van called a Marshrutka. They leave from the station just behind the Railway Station in the center of town, you just have to show up and they leave once they’re full.

How to get to Tbilisi from Batumi in your own car?

If you have your own car or if you’re renting one, you’ll have a pleasant journey driving from Batumi to Tbilisi. There are 374 km between the two cities and driving there takes almost 6 hours.

We hope you have a fantastic time in Tbilisi, we also hope that this guide helped you find the best activities and things to do in Tbilisi. Have you been to this city before or would you like to visit Tbilisi in the future? Let us know in the comments below or by contacting us .

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top things to do in Tbilisi Georgia


  • Everything you need to know about traveling independently in Georgia (visa, how to get to and around Georgia, where to stay,…):

The Ultimate Travel Guide to Backpacking in Georgia

  • Plan your trip to Georgia:

The best of Georgia in 15 days – 3 complete Travel Itineraries 

  • Georgia travel costs:

Georgia on a budget – How much does it cost to travel to Georgia 

  • Hiking in Georgia:

7 Beautiful off-the-beaten-path Hikes

  • Skiing in Georgia:

Everything you need to know about skiing in Georgia

  • Hitchhiking in Georgia:

Hitchhiking in Georgia – the good, the bad and the untold stories

  • Our Georgian city guides:

Top Things to Do in Batumi – Our Guide to a Perfect Stay

Top Things to Do in Tbilisi – Our Guide to a Fantastic Time in Tbilisi


  • Accommodation & Lodging:  Booking.com & Airbnb
  • Car rental in Georgia:  Rentalcars.com
  • Travel Insurance for Georgia:  World Nomads
  • Detailed guides about hiking in Georgia: Caucasus Trekking
  • Lonely Planet Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
  • Georgia Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture
  • Georgia, a guide to the Cradle of Wine
  • The First toast is to peace: travels in the South Caucasus

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best time of year to visit tbilisi

The Best Time to Visit Georgia

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Published on: April 23rd, 2024

Last updated: April 23rd, 2024

The best time to visit Georgia is from April to October. Although temperatures vary greatly between the Caucasus Mountains, the balmy Black Sea and cities like Tbilisi , spring and autumn usually bring the most pleasant weather. July and August can get very hot, but are ideal for beach breaks or mountain adventures.

Georgia is in the Caucasus region, right at the crossroads of West Asia and Eastern Europe. Generally speaking, the western areas near the Black Sea tend to be warmer and rainier than the eastern areas around Tbilisi. Climate-wise the country has a bit of everything: winter snow, spring flowers, summer heat, autumn leaves… it all depends on when (and where) you go.

Georgia Month-by-Month Weather Guide

Georgia is genuinely a year-round destination. Each month offers its own advantages, whether you’re looking for stunning scenery, local festivals or low-season perks. That said, it’s important to time your trip according to your specific plans and interests. We’ve drawn on our travel designers’ expert advice to create this month-by-month climate guide for Georgia. 

Georgia in January and February

Best for winter sports and snowscapes.

January is Georgia’s coldest month, with highs around 8ºC (46ºF) in Tbilisi . February highs are only slightly warmer, peaking around 9ºC (48ºF). One of the best things to do in Georgia during these winter months are winter sports at resorts like Gudauri, but bundle up; temperatures there are usually below freezing.

Kazbegi Trinity Church in Georgia in snow

Georgia in March

Best for low-season travel.

March in Georgia brings early signs of spring, but cold temperatures linger across the country. The winter snow often turns to rain as spring approaches, so be prepared for unexpected showers. This is among the best months to travel to Georgia for a cosy and quiet getaway without too many other visitors.

Kazbegi National Park

Georgia in April

Best for early spring flowers.

April is the best time to see Georgia’s first springtime blooms: think poppies, sunflowers and blossoming magnolia and cherry trees. Temperatures in Tbilisi fluctuate around 10–20ºC (50–68ºF): lovely weather for sightseeing. It’s also a good time to visit the Kakheti wine region before it gets too hot, with highs around 18ºC (64ºF).

georgia in spring

Georgia in May

Best for hiking and exploring tbilisi.

May is the peak of spring in Georgia, and warm weather has fully set in. Tbilisi is gorgeous at this time of year, with highs around 25ºC (77ºF), while the Kakheti wine region often exceeds 20ºC (68ºF). The weather is wonderful for hiking – although sunny skies can unexpectedly turn to rain.

hiking in Kazbegi National Park

Georgia in June

Best for summer weather without the crowds.

June in Georgia is technically summer, but temperatures aren’t quite peaking yet and the tourism rush hasn’t begun. At the Black Sea temperatures rise to around 24ºC (75ºF) and Tbilisi is still bearable, with highs around 30ºC (86ºF). Kazbegi National Park is beautiful, with cooler temperatures and smaller crowds than in July and August.

Tbilisi in summer

Georgia in July and August

Best for visiting kazbegi national park.

July and August bring intense heat to Tbilisi , where temperatures average 33ºC (91ºF) and can even reach 40ºC (104ºF). But the weather is phenomenal in Kazbegi National Park , with highs hovering around 19ºC (66ºF) and wildflowers blanketing the valleys. Summer is also lovely at the Black Sea , though it can get crowded.

Gergeti Trinity Church in Kazbegi, Georgia

Georgia in September

Best for harvest season and hiking.

September is one of the best times to travel to Georgia for pleasant weather outside the peak season. It’s still warm enough to enjoy the Black Sea ’s beaches, with highs around 24ºC (75ºF). It’s also among the best months to enjoy waterfall hikes in Kazbegi or experience the wine harvest in Kakheti .

Georgia vineyards

Georgia in October

Best for autumn leaves and tbilisoba.

October is the peak season for Georgia’s autumn foliage, particularly in the lowlands. The winter cold hasn’t yet set in, with average highs around 21ºC (70ºF) in Tbilisi and 19ºC (66ºF) in Kakheti . Visit Tbilisi in October to experience Tbilisoba, a festival that showcases the city’s culture, history and cuisine.

Tbilisoba in Tbilisi

Georgia in November

Best for indoor activities.

November marks the shift from autumn to winter in Georgia. Average highs in Tbilisi plunge to 14ºC (57ºF), while temperatures in Kazbegi National Park drop below freezing. The coastal areas stay fairly warm but also become incredibly rainy. With less-than-ideal weather, it’s a good time to enjoy museums, shows and cosy cafés.

Wine bar Georgia

Georgia in December

Best for christmas lights and markets.

Although Georgia celebrates Christmas on 7 January (per the Orthodox calendar), holiday festivities begin in December. Tbilisi is cold but manageable with highs around 9ºC (48ºF), making it the perfect place to see the glittering lights and visit magical markets. Other regions tend to be either frigid or extremely rainy in December.

Tbilisi, Georgia - Jan 8th - christmas

The Best Things to Do in Georgia by Season

The climate of Georgia (the country) allows for all kinds of activities, from winter sports on snowy slopes to sunbathing by the sea. Certain months are better for specific experiences, of course – and the best things to do in each season aren’t always obvious. Here’s some expert insight from our travel designers on what to do in Georgia, plus when and where to do it.

Harvest Kakheti

Feast on local food and wine in Kakheti

The Kakheti wine region is an oenophile's paradise all year round, but the autumn harvest season is especially dreamy. In addition to experiencing the annual rtveli (grape harvest), you can also taste freshly picked pomegranates and homemade churchkhela (a sweet made from nuts and grape juice). High temperatures range from 19–25ºC (66–77ºF).

Summer hiking in Georgia

Explore the vistas and valleys of Kazbegi

Kazbegi National Park promises stunning mountain views and plenty of outdoor adventures, whether you want to go hiking, canyoning or whitewater rafting. You can also simply wander through the wildflower-covered valleys or venture to the remote Gergeti Trinity Church. Temperatures are warmest from May to September, but usually stay below 20ºC (68ºF).

Black Sea, Georgia

Soak in the sunshine by the Black Sea

July and August are the peak season on Georgia’s coastline, with temperatures in Batumi ranging from 20–27ºC (68–81ºF). The Black Sea’s beaches can get crowded during these months, but June and September offer similarly nice weather with far fewer people. Keep in mind that water temperatures will rise throughout the summer.

Snow in Tbilisi

See the snow or head indoors

Winter in Georgia may not be ideal for most outdoor activities, but it’s the perfect time to for winter activities – or just admire the snow-capped peaks and sparkling forests. If you’d rather stay nice and warm, take advantage of the off season to enjoy indoor attractions and tuck into hearty local cuisine.

The Best Time to Visit Tbilisi, Georgia

The best time to visit Tbilisi is April–May or September–October. Spring and autumn bring the best weather to the capital, with average highs around 20–28ºC (68–82ºF). Warm (but not too hot) temperatures are ideal for exploring the city, and there are several local holidays and fun festivals in these months.

Although it can be chilly, visiting Tbilisi during winter is also an excellent option. Winter in Tbilisi lasts roughly from November to March. It doesn’t get as cold as other parts of the country; average high temperatures range from 8–14ºC (46–57ºF), sunny skies are common and snowfall is relatively rare.

Luxury Accommodation

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Ready to plan your adventure? Whatever you want from your Georgia tour, our team of expert travel designers are ready to help.

best time of year to visit tbilisi

best time of year to visit tbilisi

Best time to visit Tbilisi , Georgia

Our verdict

The best time to visit Tbilisi is May-June

The very hottest temperatures in Tbilisi get to around 33℃ (92℉) in the height of summer. In the winter, temperatures can get down to -5℃ (23℉) around January.

If you’re keen to work on your tan in Tbilisi, you’re most likely get the longest days between sun-up and sun-down around July. The wet season in Tbilisi usually falls during the months surrounding May each year. It’s not uncommon to get some decent rainfall or light showers during this time, but on some days the weather tends to be fine for a majority of the day, with only a few drops of rain falling from a passing shower.

Keep reading to find out when the best times to travel to Tbilisi are for whatever trip you’re planning. By the time you finish, you’ll have all the info you need, and you’ll be ready to start booking. Don’t know where to look or who to book with? Don’t stress! We’ve hand-picked our favourite online travel tools we use, know and love so you can rest assured you’re in safe hands. Happy reading!

Quick links: Fast facts / Seasons / Average temperatures / Monthly climate / FAQs / Map

Warmest month

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Tbilisi seasons

Before you continue, it’s important to know when the seasons are in Tbilisi as they might be different to yours depending on where in the world you’re travelling from. Tbilisi is in the Northern Hemisphere, so the seasons fall during these months:

Average temperatures in Tbilisi

If the temperature is a big factor for you to help you decide when to visit, the chart below shows the average minimum and maximum temperatures in Tbilisi for each month side-by-side so you can easily see the difference in weather throughout the year. To see the temperatures in both Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F), hover or tap the shaded boxes on the graph.

Tbilisi climate by month

If you already have a rough idea about which months you might want to travel, the section below shows a detailed breakdown of the climate in Tbilisi for each month so you can see if it all suits your wants and needs. Scroll down, or use the quick menu below to jump to your preferred month.

Tbilisi in January

  • Average temperature: 1℃ (33℉)
  • Average high temperature: 4℃ (39℉)
  • Average low temperature: -2℃ (28℉)
  • Average humidity: 71%
  • Average sunny days: 20 days
  • Average rainfall: 13mm (1") over 5 days
  • Average snow days: 7 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in January, make sure you pack a thick snow/winter jacket, thermals and some extra layers as it's always very cold.

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Tbilisi in February

  • Average temperature: 2℃ (35℉)
  • Average high temperature: 6℃ (43℉)
  • Average low temperature: -2℃ (29℉)
  • Average sunny days: 17 days
  • Average rainfall: 13mm (1") over 7 days
  • Average snow days: 6 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in February, make sure you pack a thick snow/winter jacket, thermals and some extra layers as it's always very cold.

Tbilisi in March

  • Average temperature: 6℃ (43℉)
  • Average high temperature: 11℃ (51℉)
  • Average low temperature: 2℃ (35℉)
  • Average humidity: 65%
  • Average sunny days: 14 days
  • Average rainfall: 37mm (1") over 13 days
  • Average snow days: 3 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in March, make sure you pack a thick snow/winter jacket, thermals and some extra layers as it's always very cold.

Tbilisi in April

  • Average temperature: 10℃ (50℉)
  • Average high temperature: 16℃ (60℉)
  • Average low temperature: 5℃ (42℉)
  • Average humidity: 66%
  • Average sunny days: 11 days
  • Average rainfall: 47mm (2") over 17 days
  • Average snow days: 1 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in April, make sure you pack a warm jacket or coat.

Tbilisi in May

  • Average temperature: 16℃ (61℉)
  • Average high temperature: 22℃ (71℉)
  • Average low temperature: 10℃ (51℉)
  • Average humidity: 67%
  • Average sunny days: 9 days
  • Average rainfall: 70mm (3") over 19 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in May, make sure you pack a coat or jumper for the evenings and some light clothes for the daytime.

Tbilisi in June

  • Average temperature: 21℃ (69℉)
  • Average high temperature: 27℃ (80℉)
  • Average low temperature: 14℃ (58℉)
  • Average humidity: 59%
  • Average sunny days: 13 days
  • Average rainfall: 32mm (1") over 13 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in June, make sure you pack t-shirts for the daytime and maybe a light jumper for the evenings as it cools down a bit.

Tbilisi in July

  • Average temperature: 23℃ (74℉)
  • Average high temperature: 30℃ (86℉)
  • Average low temperature: 17℃ (63℉)
  • Average humidity: 53%
  • Average sunny days: 15 days
  • Average rainfall: 23mm (1") over 12 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in July, make sure you pack t-shirts for the daytime and maybe a light jumper for the evenings as it cools down a bit.

Tbilisi in August

  • Average temperature: 23℃ (73℉)
  • Average high temperature: 29℃ (84℉)
  • Average humidity: 52%
  • Average sunny days: 16 days
  • Average rainfall: 23mm (1") over 11 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in August, make sure you pack t-shirts for the daytime and maybe a light jumper for the evenings as it cools down a bit.

Tbilisi in September

  • Average temperature: 18℃ (64℉)
  • Average high temperature: 24℃ (74℉)
  • Average low temperature: 13℃ (55℉)
  • Average humidity: 63%
  • Average rainfall: 29mm (1") over 11 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in September, make sure you pack t-shirts for the daytime and maybe a light jumper for the evenings as it cools down a bit.

Tbilisi in October

  • Average temperature: 12℃ (54℉)
  • Average high temperature: 17℃ (63℉)
  • Average low temperature: 9℃ (47℉)
  • Average humidity: 70%
  • Average rainfall: 25mm (1") over 12 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in October, make sure you pack a warm jacket or coat.

Tbilisi in November

  • Average high temperature: 10℃ (51℉)
  • Average low temperature: 3℃ (38℉)
  • Average sunny days: 19 days
  • Average rainfall: 19mm (1") over 8 days
  • Average snow days: 2 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in November, make sure you pack a thick snow/winter jacket, thermals and some extra layers as it's always very cold.

Tbilisi in December

  • Average temperature: 3℃ (36℉)
  • Average low temperature: -0℃ (31℉)
  • Average humidity: 69%
  • Average sunny days: 23 days
  • Average rainfall: 13mm (1") over 6 days

What to pack: If you’re heading to Tbilisi in December, make sure you pack a thick snow/winter jacket, thermals and some extra layers as it's always very cold.

😎 When should I go to Tbilisi for the hottest weather?

☀ when does it rain the least in tbilisi, ☔ when does it rain the most in tbilisi, 🌤 when should i go to tbilisi if i want the most daylight, tbilisi map.

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When is the best time to visit Tbilisi?

The best time to visit Tbilisi is June based on the following average weather conditions. Maximum daytime temperature = 22 - 30°C [ remove ] Daily hours of sunshine = 10 hours or more [ remove ] Change the criteria to reflect your weather preferences.

0 stars (0% score) for the weather in Tbilisi in January

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Max Day Temperature (°C)

5°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Tbilisi

Hours of Sunshine (daily)

3 hours of sunshine per day (33% of daylight hours) in January in Tbilisi


Daytime temperature {optional} 6 - 14°C 14 - 22°C 22 - 30°C 30 - 38°C

Sunshine hours {optional} 6 hours or more 8 hours or more 10 hours or more 12 hours or more

Sea temperature {optional} 19°C or warmer 22°C or warmer 25°C or warmer 28°C or warmer

Monthly rainfall {optional} 40 mm or less         60 mm or less         80 mm or less         100 mm or less        

Days with some rain {optional} 5 days or fewer         10 days or fewer         15 days or fewer         20 days or fewer        

Heat & humidity {optional} None         Low or less         Moderate or less         High or less        

The weather guide for Georgia (Tbilisi) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia) & today's weather forecast provided by meteoblue . Find out more about our data sources .

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Which is the hottest month in Tbilisi?

The hottest time of year in Tbilisi is normally July . Expect maximum daytime temperatures to reach 30°C with moderate heat and humidity .

Which month has the most rain in Tbilisi?

In terms of rainfall, June is usually the wettest month in Tbilisi with 89mm on average. There are normally 13 days in June with some rain.

When is it sunniest in Tbilisi?

The sunniest time of year in Tbilisi is normally August with bright sunshine on average for 59 % of daylight hours; that's 8 hours of sunshine per day .

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Best time to visit Georgia

Gergety church, on the hills in Georgia in the late afternoon sun

The best time to visit Georgia is from May to June or September to October as these months will have mild weather and fewer crowds. If you’re looking to catch some warm summer weather, the best months for enjoying the Black Sea beaches and hiking in the snow-free mountains are in July and August.

Best for: Christmas and New Year celebrations

The first month of the year is also the coldest month of the year but it’s also a time for several celebrations across the country. With two public holidays to bring in the start of the new year and two Orthodox Christian events later in the month, January is certainly a festive time.

Snowfall will increase this month along with the cold temperatures, although generally, in areas like Tbilisi, the most snow will fall in February.

Best for: skiing and snowboarding

Winter temperatures in the mountain regions can drop as low as -17ºC and generally won’t get warm again until May/June. Even coastal areas like Batumi on the Black Sea coast don’t see temperatures above 10ºC during February, so the best reason to visit Georgia this month is for the snow.

Georgia can get frequent power outages, meaning heating may not always be available.

Best for: low crowds and off-season prices

Although it may technically be the first month of spring, Georgia is still under the influence of winter in March. Snow will start to ease off as the summer season gets closer; however, it can be windy, especially in Tbilisi.

Best for: mild weather and small crowds

April is a transition month, with rain replacing snow and cool to comfortable temperatures found in the major travel areas. For those wanting to enjoy the sites without crowds, April is a great time to visit Georgia.

Best for: hiking and Georgian Independence Day

May is one of the best months to visit Georgia as wildflowers are blooming, hiking trails are opening, and long, sunny days are aplenty. By now, you’ll have great weather for all kinds of exploration both here in Georgia as well as in other countries in the Caucasus area .

This month also hosts Georgia’s Independence Day celebrations with parades, performances, and country pride found throughout the nation.  

Best for: good weather and exploring

Temperatures around Georgia are largely comfortable in June, sitting between 16ºC minimum and 27ºC maximum temperatures in areas like Kutaisi and Batumi. Water temperatures on the Black Sea won’t quite be as warm as later in summer but June also means fewer mid-year visitors.

Best for: swimming at the beach or hiking

July is firmly a summer month for Georgia, with its capital city having an average maximum temperature of 30ºC. For those looking to sit back and relax, now’s the perfect time to soak up the sun by the pool or beach. There can be summer rain and thunderstorms in the west and central areas, so don’t be surprised if you get a bit of an afternoon shower.

Best for: sitting by the pool and adventure in the mountains

Similar to July, temperatures in August can be hot and muggy, but with the water sitting around 26ºC, a refreshing splash can easily cool you off. Lower mountain areas should be free of snow, meaning days can be spent caving, cycling, camping, horse riding, fishing and more out in Georgia’s beautiful natural landscape.

Best for: travelling in the Central or Eastern regions of Georgia

September and October are great months for those who prefer to travel outside the hottest time of the year. The weather is typically pleasant, with temperatures neither too hot nor cold in most popular locales. Some autumnal rain will likely be falling across the country, especially by the Black Sea coast where September and October are the heaviest rainfall months.

Best for: Wine and Cheese Festival and the Tbilisoba festival

October is generally the last month for great travel in Georgia, as both snowfall and lower temperatures can roll in by November.

You might get a chance to celebrate Tbilisoba if you are in Georgia this month. Tbilisoba is a public holiday where everyone enjoys an array of fun sports, cultural performances, local food and produce and ceremonies.

Best for: low crowds and cool weather

The second last month of the year has cool to cold temperatures in popular areas like Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi. With winter fast approaching, there’ll be heavy rainfall and less chance of clear skies throughout the country. November is typically the start of the long winter period, especially in the highland region, so expect snowy conditions in the mountains from now until March/April.

Best for: Christmas markets and winter fun

Winter is now well underway. December is a festive time in Georgia with Christmas markets and festive cheer beginning later in the month for the Orthodox Christmas events held in January. 

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When Is the Best Time of Year to Visit Tbilisi?

You can now book an exclusive adventure with trips by supertravelr to explore tbilisi and beyond as part of a nine-day tour of georgia led by a local insider..


Tbilisi enjoys pleasant weather throughout the year. Spring in the capital of Georgia is short and warm, sunny days turn into hot summer months by late April. Summers are quite hot and humid, while autumn and winter are reasonably mild – it rarely snows in the capital. We’ve run through the best months to visit Tbilisi.

You can now visit Tbilisi and a whole host of other fantastic destinations with Culture Trip on our epic nine-day Georgia adventure, led by our local insider .

Winter months in Tbilisi are laid-back, especially during January when the nation celebrates New Year for at least two weeks. Georgians follow the Orthodox Calendar, so New Year is a much bigger deal than Christmas. They celebrate Christmas on 7 January and the Orthodox New Year on 14 January. If you’d like to experience how locals celebrate this holiday, the first weeks of the month are a perfect time for your visit. Moreover, there’s a religious procession every year on 7 January called Alilo, in which people walk from Rose Revolution Square to the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Rainfall: 4 days

Temperature: 41F (5C)

February is equally laid-back. The weather is similar to January: a bit cold during the day, even if the sun is shining. There are no special holidays or celebrations in this month and locals start to count down the days to spring. However, you can still have a pleasant walk in the city centre, exploring the backstreets, visiting museums and indulging in tasty Georgian cuisine .

Locals have dubbed March the ‘crazy’ month, as the weather changes numerous times per day. Even though this is the month that ushers in spring, the weather can still be wintery: it can be gloomy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon, or it can rain suddenly on a warm sunny day. Come prepared with an umbrella or raincoat. Nature starts to flourish from the second half of the month, making Tbilisi a perfect backdrop for your Instagram.

Rainfall: 5 days

Temperature: 50F (10C)

In April, the weather is warm and it becomes pleasant to walk around the city and take day trips from Tbilisi. The first few days may still be chilly, but as the weeks go by, the weather gets warmer and you’ll notice more people sitting in the parks and recreational areas. Georgian Easter typically falls in April, depending on the Orthodox calendar. Georgians also mark 9 April, the day of the 1989 tragedy when an anti-Soviet demonstration was dispersed by the Soviet Army, resulting in 21 deaths and hundreds of injuries – it’s now a public holiday known as the Day of National Unity. The Parliament of Georgia was the epicentre of the event, so you’ll see many bouquets laying around this area.

Rainfall: 7 days

Temperature: 59F (15C)

Locals love May, when the weather is warm enough to wear light clothes but not as hot as summer. There are also several public holidays and events throughout the month. On 9 May, the country celebrates Victory Over Fascism, so you’ll see veterans in their uniforms in Vake Park and lots of bouquets on monuments throughout the city. On 26 May is Independence Day. The central roads are closed for cars to allow for a military procession and speeches by the President and government representatives. There’s also a fair on Rustaveli Avenue where the different ministries have their stands and showcase their achievements to the public.

Additionally, the city hosts the New Wine Festival in the first weeks of the month, where you can try wines from late-harvest grapes made either by traditional or European methods. For book lovers, Tbilisi hosts an international book fair where local publishers and bookstores exhibit their products with promotional prices. Documentary film lovers will appreciate a CinéDOC-Tbilisi film festival, which brings some of the most influential movies to the capital.

Rainfall: 9 days

Temperature: 68F (20C)

June is a great month for those who don’t like the sweltering summer heat. Locals love spending days outdoors, either at the terrace cafes, parks or at the festivals. In June, Tbilisi Open Air hosts music festivals in the outskirts of Tbilisi, bringing together local and international artists of rock and electronic music. Moreover, you’ll see many locals at Lisi and Turtle Lakes, appreciating their spare time with family and loved ones.

Rainfall: 8 days

Temperature: 77F (25C)

The temperature slowly gets higher from the month of July, and many locals take a vacation to either a Black Sea coast or abroad. However, those who stay in the city try to escape the heat at the neighbouring Lisi and Turtle Lakes. Additionally, the city hosts a traditional folk festival called Art Gene at the Ethnographic Museum of Tbilisi, where local bands and dance ensembles host concerts. Do remember, however, there is no air conditioning in the public transport or many of the museums, so stay hydrated.

Usually, August is quite hot in Tbilisi and many can’t take the heat. If you are one of these people, it’s better to stay in Tbilisi for only a couple of days before moving on to either the lowlands or mountain regions of the country. The city tends to be a bit deserted for at least half of the month as many vacation to Batumi or other parts of the country. Those who stay try to escape the hot summer evenings at open-air bars or parks.

Temperature: 86F (30C)

Autumn in Tbilisi is beautiful, with falling leaves and colourful nature. The weather still stays warm, so it’s still pleasant to wander around the city. It’s in September the city celebrates Tbilisoba, the day of Tbilisi. The exact date of the foundation of Tbilisi is unknown, and the celebration might change date from year to year. Previously it was held on the last weekend of October when the grape harvest was over. But the festivities have been moved to the sunny days of September instead.

The end of the month also brings Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre that continues through to the beginning of October. The festival includes international and local theatre companies, masterclasses, exhibitions and workshops.

The weather from October usually starts to get chillier. However, it’s still mild enough to explore the city – just bring a jacket and umbrella with you. The outdoor activities might be limited due to the weather, but there are plenty of things you can do. On 14 October, Georgia celebrates Svetitskhovloba, so make sure to visit Mtskheta and attend the celebration there. You can also enjoy plays in the theatre, listen to live music in various bars, visit museums, attend Kolga Photo Festival or try all sorts of local wines in the wine bars .

November can get quite cold and wet, limiting the things you can see and do. It’s not the best time to visit Tbilisi compared to other months of the year; however, the prices for accommodation and flights do drop rapidly and you might get a great deal. Fortunately, there are some events you can still enjoy despite the weather. For instance, Tbilisi Jazz Festival brings internationally acclaimed jazz artists to the city and is one of the most beloved local events. Meanwhile, photography lovers can visit Tbilisi Photo Festival and see the works of Asian, European and Middle Eastern photographers.

December is one of the most boring months in Tbilisi, as there are not many cultural events happening in the city. The weather is a bit too cold for walking around and it rarely snows. When the nearby mountains are snow-covered, many winter sports-loving locals flock to the closest ski resort, Gudauri. Towards the end of the month, everything gets hectic in preparation for the New Year.


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  1. When Is the Best Time of Year to Visit Tbilisi?

    05 September 2021. Tbilisi enjoys pleasant weather throughout the year. Spring in the capital of Georgia is short and warm, sunny days turn into hot summer months by late April. Summers are quite hot and humid, while autumn and winter are reasonably mild - it rarely snows in the capital. We've run through the best months to visit Tbilisi.

  2. Best time to go to Tbilisi

    Here's some information to help you in your decision: The best months for good weather in Tbilisi are May, June, July, August, September and October. On average, the warmest months are June, July and August. January is the coldest month of the year. May is the rainiest month.

  3. The Best Time to Visit Georgia: Month by Month Comparison

    When is the best time of year to visit the country of Georgia? Find the answers you're looking for in this month-by-month guide to weather in Georgia, seasonal activities, festivals, events and more. ... December 31 is a huge affair, with Tbilisi being the best place in Georgia to ring in the New Year. Final words: When is the best time to ...

  4. The Best Time to Visit Tbilisi, Georgia for Weather, Safety, & Tourism

    Weeks with ideal weather are listed above. If you're looking for the very warmest time to visit Tbilisi, the hottest months are July, August, and then June. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally mid July where highs are regularly around 90.8°F (32.7°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 69°F (20 ...

  5. 31 Things To Know Before You Travel To Tbilisi, Georgia

    Best time of the year to travel to Tbilisi. Every Tbilisi travel guide will tell you that spring and autumn are the best months to visit Tbilisi. Summer months can be extremely hot and winter months extremely cold. The city is most vibrant when it starts to get hot. People are out on the terraces enjoying the spring sun.

  6. Best Time to Visit Tbilisi, Georgia

    Understanding these patterns will help you determine the best time to visit Tbilisi, Georgia, based on your preferences for weather and activities. Spring (March to May) Weather and Climate. Spring is a delightful time to visit Tbilisi. The temperatures range from 10°C to 22°C, making it comfortable for sightseeing.

  7. Best Time to Visit Tbilisi: A Seasonal Guide

    Spring in Tbilisi. Spring in Tbilisi is a beautiful time of year. The weather is mild, and the city is covered in a blanket of greenery. It is the perfect time to explore the city's many parks and gardens. The cherry blossoms in Tbilisi are especially beautiful in the spring, and you can find them in many of the city's parks.

  8. Best Time To Visit Tbilisi > Weather And Festivals

    The best time to visit Tbilisi is during the spring months of March to November, offering visitors pleasant weather and a myriad of cultural experiences. These months bring mild and warm temperatures ranging from 10°C to 30°C, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and exploring Tbilisi's historic sites, lush parks, and vibrant ...

  9. Best Time to Visit Georgia

    Know the best time to explore the beautiful capital city Tbilisi, the wine-rich Khaketi and the cities of Kutaisi and Kazbegi. ... mountain peaks (they are permanently snowbound), but the west coast (by the Black Sea) enjoy a nice balmy weather year round. So the best time to visit Georgia is at any time of the year. Take a look at Georgia's ...

  10. Best Time To Visit Tbilisi (Georgia) In 2024

    The best time to visit Tbilisi is during the spring and fall months. Specifically, May through June and September through October are ideal as the weather is comfortable, with average temperatures ranging between 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F). During these months, the climate is mild, and you can enjoy exploring the city's outdoor attractions ...

  11. A guide to visit Tbilisi (includes off-beat things)

    Ultimate guide to visit Tbilisi, including a 5-day itinerary, transportation tips, my favorite restaurants and a special section of off-beat things to visit ... I lived in Tbilisi for 7 months. And every time someone asks me why they should visit Tbilisi, I say: ... The best part is that you can get this 1 year automatically renewed by leaving ...

  12. Best Time To Visit Tbilisi

    The average annual temperature in Tbilisi is around 13 degree Celsius. Spring (March - May): There is a rise in the temperature scale during the start of the spring and the season is totally mild with a moderate temperature that comes along with a lot of rainfall, especially in the month of May. Summer (June - August): The city of Tbilisi ...

  13. Best Time to Visit Tbilisi

    The best time to visit Tbilisi is during the months of May, July, August. Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia. Its cobblestoned old town reflects a long, complicated history, with periods under Persian and Russian rule. Looming over it all are Narikala, a reconstructed…

  14. 18 Best Things to Do in Tbilisi (for First-Time Visitors!)

    9. Fabrika. Fabrika is known as one of the coolest spots in the city and is one of the top things to do in Tbilisi. This space actually used to be a large old soviet sewing factory, until it was abandoned and became derelict for decades. However, today it is one of the most popular and hipster spots in the city.

  15. 14 Top Things to Do in Tbilisi

    The bridge is equipped with LED lights that glow at night with the colors of the Georgian flag. Here is the location of the peace bridge in Tbilisi: 5. Visit the Mtatsminda park and get a gorgeous view of the city. If you want the most gorgeous view of the city, you should head over to Mtatsminda Park.

  16. The Best Time to Visit Georgia

    May is the peak of spring in Georgia, and warm weather has fully set in. Tbilisi is gorgeous at this time of year, with highs around 25ºC (77ºF), while the Kakheti wine region often exceeds 20ºC (68ºF). The weather is wonderful for hiking - although sunny skies can unexpectedly turn to rain. ... The best time to visit Tbilisi is April ...

  17. Best time to visit Georgia

    The best time to visit Georgia is May, June or September, especially in the lowlands around Tbilisi, as you'll avoid the summer heat and humidity as well as the freezing winter. Autumn harvest time is well worth a mention, especially around the vineyards of Kakheti. You'll need to pack quick drying and waterproof gear no matter when you ...

  18. A Guide to When to Visit Georgia (the Country)

    Fall may be the best overall time to plan a trip to Georgia. The wine harvest in late September and early October sees the Kakheti at its best. There are beautiful autumn colours throughout the country and much fewer tourists. November 23 is the celebration of St. George's Day (Giorgoba in Georgian).

  19. Best time to visit Georgia: when to go and what to do

    Spring is the best time of year to explore Crayola-coloured Tbilisi, thanks to comfortable temperatures of 19C on average between March and May. Famed for its neat package of buzzing nightlife, stand-out architecture and picturesque valleys, this place really is the beating heart of Georgia. Pay homage to the city's charming Old Town, which ...

  20. Best time to visit Tbilisi , Georgia

    The best time to visit Tbilisi is May-June. When's the best time to visit Tbilisi, you ask? Based on several factors like the weather and climate, cost of flights and hotels, peak travel seasons and much more, the best time to go to Tbilisi is May-June. The very hottest temperatures in Tbilisi get to around 33℃ (92℉) in the height of summer.

  21. Best time to visit Tbilisi in 2024/2025

    Discover the best time to visit Tbilisi in 2024/2025. Get holiday inspo, weather guides, travel advice & great deals for Tbilisi, Georgia. ... The hottest time of year in Tbilisi is normally July. Expect maximum daytime temperatures to reach 30°C with moderate heat and humidity.

  22. Best time to visit Georgia

    Here's a monthly guide on the best time to visit. My Wishlist My Booking +44 (0) 203 308 9757 ... in areas like Tbilisi, the most snow will fall in February. February Best for: skiing and snowboarding ... September and October are great months for those who prefer to travel outside the hottest time of the year. The weather is typically pleasant ...

  23. When Is the Best Time of Year to Visit Tbilisi?

    Tbilisi enjoys pleasant weather throughout the year. Spring in the capital of Georgia is short and warm, sunny days turn into hot summer months by late April. Summers are quite hot and humid, while autumn and winter are reasonably mild - it rarely snows in the capital. We've run through the best months to visit Tbilisi.

  24. 15 Incredible Things to Do in Tbilisi for Solo Travelers

    The Best Things to Do in Tbilisi: Exploring the Charming Tbilisi Old Town, enjoy the view from Mother of Georgia Monument, visit Chronicles of Georgia, and more. ... The monument was built in 1957, the year Tbilisi celebrated its 1500th anniversary (Yup, you heard that right, 1500th anniversary!), ... Depending on the time of your visit, you ...