
Whale Watching Loreto

From around January through March, many whales make the journey to the Sea of Cortez including: Humpback, Finback, Minke, Sei, Orcas, Pilot and even Blue Whales. 

Whale sharks can sometimes be spotted too! Along with dolphins, sea lions and manta rays!

The Sea of Cortez off the Loreto coastline, is teaming with life.

whale watching, loreto, tours, companies, costs

Loreto Blue Whales

Loreto is known for their blue whales. Loreto blue whale sighting are most popular in February and March. The Blue whales are usually patrolling off in the deep waters from Chile to California during the other months. The whales come to Loreto to feed, clave and mate. 

The blue whale can reach lengths of 100 feet and is the largest animal that has ever existed. that is right, the blue whale is larger than even the largest dinosaur and you can get close to them in a panga in Loreto. 

The global blue whale population is estimated to be between 10,000–25,000 blue whales, which is roughly only 3–11% of the population size estimated in 1911. Blue whales live for about 70 years. If you see a blue whale in Loreto one year, it may be the same blue whale you see the next year. 

Whale Watching Businesses In Loreto

Loreto sea & land tours.

Blue Whales in Loreto Bay Marine Park

(Also do tours to Magdalena Bay)

$130.00 Half day: 7:30AM-2:00PM

Price is per person and includes:

Wildlife viewing

Picnic lunch

i.e. ​Burritos, Empenadas,Tamales),fresh veggies, fruit, cheese

Times are flexible

We also see fin whales, humpbacks, dolphins, mantas

whale watching, loreto, tours, companies, costs

Photo by Business' Website

Wild Loreto

Magdalena Bay, Pacific Ocean

$140 Eight Hours ($70 per child)

What's Included:

Eight-hour interactive whale watch

Transportation to Magdalena Bay

Lunch in a local restaurant

Views of the Sea of Cortez and Baja

whale watching, loreto, tours, companies, costs

Vive Loreto

Loreto Bay Marine Park


Price is per person includes:

Certified bilingual guide, 

Sea transportation

Snacks, drinks and tickets to the maritime park (if visiting the islands). 

Tips not included.

whale watching, loreto, tours, companies, costs

Loreto Blue Whales​

Loreto Marine Park

$8,600 Pesos (about $410.00 USD)

Price is for four (4) persons:

Bilingual guide

Park permits

whale watching, loreto, tours, companies, costs

Video by Thore Noernberg Creative Commons

Complete Guide to Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico


In this post, we’ll share everything you need to know about blue whale watching in Loreto, and how you can encounter the largest animal in the world!

Blue whale watching in Loreto

This article may contain affiliate / compensated links, that may earn me a small commission, at no extra cost to you. For full information, please see our disclaimer here . While all efforts have been taken to ensure the information included in this post is correct and current, travel information such as opening hours, business operations and prices change frequently. If you find anything in this post that is incorrect or outdated please let me know in the comments so I can update it for other readers.

Table of Contents

Blue whales in Loreto Mexico

There aren’t too many places where you can get up close with the largest animal in the world.

Loreto in Baja California Sur, Mexico is one of them.

Located in the northeast of the state, the small city of Loreto sits on the shores of the Gulf of California (aka the Sea of Cortez).

The Loreto Bay National Marine Park is a sheltered bay and protected area inside the Sea of Cortez. The bay is home to five uninhabited islands and an abundance of marine life.

The calm, sheltered waters provide the perfect haven for blue whales.

For a short period each year, the whales migrate to the waters of Loreto Bay, and visitors have the opportunity to lay eyes on the largest animal to ever roam the earth.

A screenshot of a Google Map of the Baja Peninsula with Loreto Mexico circled with a dark pink circle

Loreto blue whales quick facts

  • 📍 Where:  In the Loreto Bay National Marine Park, with tours departing from either the Loreto Marina in town or from the Marina Puerto Escondido south of the city.
  • 🗓️ When:  February – March, can be mid-February depending on the year.
  • 🛥️ How:  A single-day whale watching boat tour that generally runs for 4 – 6 hours.
  • 🐋 Tour Recommendation:  For a shared tour,  Loreto Sea and Land Tours , or for a private boat for just your group, Loreto Blue Whales .

A blue whale tail sticking vertically out of the water, with red desert mountains behind it

About blue whales


Blue whales are the biggest animals on the earth.

I know I said that already, but it is worth repeating because these ginormous creatures are HUGE!

An adult blue whale can grow up to 200 tons, but they usually weigh about 150 tons on average.

That is the equivalent of eight large school buses or 85 standard cars.

To put that into context, elephants are the largest terrestrial animals, and they weigh in at just 5 tons on average!

A blue whale’s tongue alone can weigh as much as an elephant. And the size of their heart is equivalent to a Volkswagon Beetle.

Blue whales grow to around 80 – 100 feet / 24 – 30 metres in length, longer than two large school buses. Mind-blowing.

A huge blue whale sticking the top of its head out of the water in Loreto, with its two blowholes visible


Blue whales most commonly eat krill, a small crustacean. A big whale can ingest up to 6 tons per day!

Blue whales are baleen whales, meaning they don’t have teeth, but rather a ‘baleen’.

The baleen is a filter system that allows the whales to intake large amounts of water, trap their food and then expel the water.


They are considered the loudest animals on the planet, emitting up to 188 decibels. A jet plane only reaches around 140 decibels.

Their calls are used for communication and sonar navigation and can be heard up to 1,000 miles away.


Blue whales are one of the longest-living animals in the world. On average, they live to around 90 years old.

The oldest living blue whale ever discovered was 110 years old!


Like many whale species, blue whales were hunted to near extinction in the 1900s.

These days they are a protected species, and their populations are slowly increasing.

However, they are still listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List .

It is estimated there are only 10,000 – 25,000 blue whales left in the wild.

Due to their sheer size, they don’t have a lot of predators, but there have been cases of blue whales being killed by sharks and orcas.

Their main threat is habitat and food loss, with climate change disturbing the population of their main food source, krill. Boat accidents with large vessels are another major issue.

The blue whales that visit Loreto are protected as part of the national park. Activities such as fishing and tours are highly regulated, and development has been limited around the bay.


Blue whales are one of the most elusive whales, and not much is known about their migration patterns.

There are five sub-species concentrated in different oceans around the world.

Those who come to Loreto each year are part of the eastern North Pacific population.

It’s thought that they spend the warm summer months feeding off the west coast of the USA and Alaska in the North Pacific.

Come winter, they migrate south to warmer waters in Mexico and Central America, with a lot of whales turning up in the Sea of Cortez in Loreto.

Many say they come to Loreto to mate and give birth, like the other species of whale in Baja.

But that is not confirmed, and a lot of marine biologists believe it is purely to feed in the nutrient-rich waters of the Sea of Cortez.

They lead a mostly solitary life but are occasionally spotted in pairs.

Mothers have been spotted with calves in the bay, giving credit to the theory they come to Loreto to give birth.

A blue whale tail sticking vertically out of the water as it divers underwater, with red desert mountains behind it in Loreto Baja California Sur

🐋 Interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures? I loved reading these sources and used them as references for the facts I shared here:

  • National Geographic
  • IUCN Red List

When to see blue whales in Loreto

The blue whales have the shortest migration period of all the whales that come to Baja California Sur.

The season for blue whale watching in Loreto runs from just February – March each year.

The exact timing changes every year. Sometimes the whales don’t arrive in Loreto until mid-February.

The blue whales are quite shy, and there is no guarantee you will spot any.

Staying in contact with experienced local tour operators in Loreto is the best way to plan your tour, as they are constantly monitoring the Loreto Bay National Marine Park and can advise when the first whales are spotted for the season.

We did our Loreto whale watching tour on the 6th of February, and we were very lucky to spot five whales!

However, we were in frequent contact with our tour company beforehand and were fully prepared to not be able to do the tour if they hadn’t sighted any whales by the time we wanted to go.

The dorsal fin of a blue whale sticking out of the water in Loreto Baja California Sur

Blue whale tours Loreto

There are only two main local tour operators that run blue whale tours in Loreto.

🐋 Loreto Sea and Land Tours

  • Group tours
  • 7 – 19 passengers
  • 5 – 5.5 hours (usually 8 am – 1:30 pm)
  • Priced from $110 USD + per person
  • Lunch included
  • National park entry fees not included (approx. $5 USD per person)

🐋 Loreto Blue Whales

  • Private tours – you book the entire boat
  • 2 – 4 passengers
  • 8 hours (usually 6-7 am – 2-3 pm)
  • Priced from 2,500 MXN + per person (~ $140 USD)
  • National park entry fees included

We personally went with Loreto Sea and Land Tours and can vouch for them. We loved that there was a qualified marine biologist on board, who taught us lots about the whales and their behaviour.

Alternatively, if you are a bigger group or looking for something private, Loreto Blue Whales organises tours solely for your group, and you will have the entire boat to yourselves.

A small boat on the ocean in Loreto, with a blue whale fluking (sticking its tail vertically in the air) next to it

What to expect going blue whale watching

The tours usually depart first thing in the morning at 7 or 8 am.

Where you will board the boat depends on the exact area of the bay the whales decide to ‘settle’. This changes each year.

Most commonly, they are found in the south of the bay, around Isla del Carmen and Isla Danzante.

You will most likely meet in the morning at the marina in town on the Malecon .

However, if the whales are in the very south area of the bay, you may sometimes depart from the Marina Puerto Escondido about 20 minutes south of Loreto. This reduces your travel time on the boat and gives you more time on the water with the whales.

From there, you cruise for around 30 minutes to wherever the whales have recently been sighted. Then the wait begins!

The waters in the bay are (usually) calm, and in the morning light, it looks like silk.

During our visit, we were hanging around off the coast of Isla del Carmen, and before we even spotted any whales I was in absolute awe of the mountainous island against the blue waters. Just beautiful!

Silky blue ocean against a backdrop of red rugged mountains in the Bay of Loreto

Remember that blue whales are wild animals, and there is no guarantee that you will see any.

On the flip side, the tour operators won’t offer the experience if they don’t believe the whales are there. So you have a pretty good chance of seeing them, but how long you need to wait depends on the whales!

On our visit, we got incredibly lucky and spotted five different whales throughout the four hours we spent in that area of the bay.

Due to their sheer size, blue whales aren’t acrobatic like humpback whales , and they aren’t interactive like the grey whales in Magdalena Bay .

What is so impressive about these guys is their enormity! Even just seeing a sliver of their back as they arch out of the water, you can gauge how huge these creatures are.

Blue whale watching in Loreto watching a blue whale arch its back out of the water from behind

We were very impressed with our tour with Loreto Sea and Land Tours, and we had a marine biologist on board who shared a lot of valuable and interesting information about the whales, and the behaviours we were seeing.

We were blessed to see the whales performing a lot of different behaviours. We were able to see them feeding, eating, and pooping.

Trust me, that is way cooler than it sounds, their poos are huge and red from all the krill they eat!

We saw the huge puffs of air and water flying out of their blowhole, which is usually the first sign you have that a whale is surfacing.

We watched them swimming along, arching their backs and dorsal fins out of the water.

We also learned a fun fact that not all blue whales exhibit ‘fluking’.

This behaviour, very common in other species like humpback and grey whales, is when the whale dives down deep, sticking their tail (fluke) out of the water as they go.

Blue whales don’t always do this, and most whales will dive down without revealing their large fluke above the surface.

As you can see from the photo below, we were lucky enough to see a blue whale fluke. It was very interesting to know that what we saw was a unique behaviour.

A blue whale in Loreto diving under the water with its tail sticking up, with red rugged desert mountains in the background

We had lunch served on board, which was burritos, fruit and an agua fresca to drink. All very yummy.

Usually, lunch will be served on a beach on one of the nearby islands. But the whales were still very active when we were ready to eat, so we stayed on the boat, and abandoned the food on many occasions to zoom over to where the latest whale had popped up.

In addition to blue whales, you’ve got a good chance of seeing a ton of other wildlife whilst you’re out on the water in Loreto Bay.

Humpback whales, fin whales and sei whales are also regulars in the bay. As well as dolphins, rays, sea lions and turtles.

We saw a humpback whale, dolphins and a turtle on our tour as we were coming and going from the area with the blue whales.

The scenery of the islands is simply spectacular too. The entire experience of being out on the water was incredible, even when we were waiting for the whales to surface.

Is blue whale watching ethical?

We were very impressed with the ethics of the blue whale watching experience in Loreto.

Boats and guides must be trained and registered with the national park agency, and follow strict rules regarding approaching the whales.

There was just a handful of boats out on the bay, and (most) were following the rules.

Our captain never directly approached the whales head-on and always stopped a respectful distance away.

We even spotted CONANP, Mexico’s national park authority, out on the water, checking everyone was doing the right thing.

The whales are in complete control of the experience. If they are not interested, they dive deep and swim away.

The feeding behaviours that we saw indicate that the whales were comfortable and not bothered by our presence. They just continued on with their day, because we respected them from afar.

The back and blowholes of a blue whale, swimming away from the camera in Loreto

What to pack

Most things are provided by your tour company on board the boat, but a couple of things to remember for your tour:

  • 🧥 Jacket – although sunny, winter in Loreto can be chilly. It’s windy out on the water, so bring a jacket and layers.
  • 💧 Reusable water bottle – to fill up on board. Both companies are conscious of single-use plastic waste.
  • 😎 Sunglasses – it’s bright on the water. Applying some sunscreen wouldn’t hurt either.
  • 📸 Camera – fully charged with spare batteries to capture your amazing encounters!

❌ Drones are not allowed to be flown in the marine park. Don’t bother bringing it if you have one.

Final thoughts: Loreto whale watching

Being able to witness first-hand the largest creature to ever roam the planet is a pretty special experience.

I read an interesting statistic somewhere that less than 1% of the world’s population will ever be able to see these animals up close.

It’s an amazing opportunity to be one of those lucky few. I encourage you to take it up if you’re in Loreto!

Blue whales are elusive creatures, but going blue whale watching in Loreto at the right time of the year gives you a very good chance of spotting them.

We highly recommend planning your Baja California Sur trip around the abundance of whales in the area, the blue whale is just one!

Check out our post about whale watching in Baja California Sur to learn more about how you can also see grey whales, humpback whales and whale sharks.

And don’t forget our Loreto Travel Guide to help you plan some other activities in this charming little town.

🐋 Looking for more whale encounters? Baja is blessed with rich seas full of whales and other marine life. We have a dedicated guide to  whale watching in Baja California Sur , and you can also read more about  kissing grey whales in Magdalena Bay ,  humpback whale watching in Cabo  and  swimming with whale sharks in La Paz.

Blue Whale Watching in Loreto Pinterest pin

Sally Rodrick

Sally Rodrick is the voice behind Sally Sees. She has spent 12 months travelling in Mexico and Central America, and has her sights firmly set on South America. Sally helps thousands of readers discover the magic of Latin America. Sharing detailed guides to inspire and equip them with the knowledge they need to plan their own epic adventures in this incredible part of the world.

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The comments.

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Diana Gutiérrez López

-La ballena gris no es común en la Bahía de Loreto, en cambio es muy común observar ballena de aleta, la segunda más grande del mundo. -No es correcto llamar el “mar de Cortez”, utilicen “Golfo de California” por respeto a la historia de los grupos indígenas que fueron invadidos y saqueados durante la colonización. -Recordar a los visitantes que deben pagar y usar su brazalete personal de ingreso al Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto. -El método de observación de ballena azul dentro del Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto, está basado en investigación científica y es el único lugar en el mundo en que es posible escuchar y ver a la ballena azul. – Solo se puede hacer la observación de ballena azul por medio de un tour autorizado, no es posible ir en embarcaciones privadas.

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Thankyou for your comment and additional information Diana, much appreciated. Sally

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This is great info. We are going to Loreto in 1st of Feb and would love to see the whales. What is the weather like?

Thanks for your comment Justin! February is winter in Loreto, but we experienced beautiful blue sunny days. The wind often picks up in winter, so expect to be chilly on or around the water. Heading inland or hiking you’re likely to be warm in the sun, but on our blue whale tour we were rugged up with jackets and beanies. But seeing the sunshine everyday was incredible! I hope you have a fantastic trip. Sally

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Lisa Belkin

Greetings My family of three, myself and two adult daughters will be staying in La Paz. What is the best way possible to join up with a group further north towards Loreto to see the Blue Whales? We do have a car. We already have plans for Magdalena Bay and the 17th to snorkel with the whale sharks. We had done this trip in 1999 where we flew up to the bay from Cabo. My daughter and I really want to see the Blue Whales. My whole life I’ve walked under the model in the hall of Ocean Life at the American Museum of Natural History where I used to work. My other daughter has seen them off of Cape Town and in New Zealand. She currently works in South Sudan for Fauna-Flora International managing Southern National Park which was decimated during South Sudans war for independence. I hoping that if you are not able to get us in can you recommend a way to get up close enough to board a ship. Much appreciated. Best regards Lisa Belkin.

Hi Lisa, how exciting! It sounds like you have some whale-filled adventures planned in Baja, and yes, blue whales absolutely need to be a part of that! Especially considering how much your family is involved with wildlife and nature. If you have a car, and you’re already going to Magdalena Bay, I would suggest driving on to Loreto from there. It’s actually closer to go to Loreto from Magdalena Bay (~2.5 hours), than it is to go back to La Paz (~3.5 hours). You could possibly return your rental car in Loreto, if not, the drive to La Paz would probably be a full day – but so worth it! I would recommend doing the whale sharks in La Paz, driving to Magdalena Bay for your grey whale experience, and then on to Loreto for the blue whales. All the best, Sally

THE BEST Dolphin & Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico

Dolphin & whale watching in loreto.

  • Fishing Charters & Tours
  • Dolphin & Whale Watching
  • Scuba & Snorkeling
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Tours En Parque Nacional Bahia De Loreto
  • Guaycura Adventures
  • Loreto DMC & Travel
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

1. Blue Whale Watching in Loreto

whale watching tours loreto mexico

2. Blue Whale Watching Experience in Loreto

whale watching tours loreto mexico

3. Whale Watching Tour

whale watching tours loreto mexico

4. Gray Whale Sighting in López Mateos

Best Nature & Adventure tours in Loreto!

Join our tours!!

Whale Watching

Only in February & March... Whale Watching, with the biggest mammal on earth and with the friendliest whales.

Nature Tours

ATV Tours Hiking

Whale Watching Scuba Diving & Snorkeling Island Tours Sport Fishing

Culture Tours

Missions Ranches Cave Paintings

Enjoy Loreto

with your Family, friends, & in couple, the best place to enjoy nature.

Loreto Bay Marine Park

One of the biggest Marine Parks in México.

LORETO, Baja México: Live the Adventure with us

We know what to do in loreto, the place to enjoy your vacation.

Family business, since 2010. We discovered the best way to show how beautiful is Loreto. We offer the best nature and adventure tours in LORETO , Mexico. Our eco tours are based on beautiful semi desertic landscapes and we have one of the biggest marine parks in Mexico. LET US SHOW YOU WHAT SURROUNDS LORETO real contact with nature and the habitat of wild animals, through our guided tours to the Mountain Range "La Giganta" and the "Aquarium of the World", amid where the modern civilization coated the Californias.

Join us and Live Loreto!

Whale watching tours, make a memory of a lifetime.

Blue or Gray choose the color. The biggest whale on earth or the friendliest whale.

In the Loreto bay Marine Park, we have different species of whales that visit us every year. Blue whales, Humpack whales, Fin whales, Minke whale, Bryde's whale, Orcas, sometimes Sperm whale, Pilot whale. In the Pacific coasts of South baja, the grey whales!!. Tours are available on February and March. * In our vessels we have the government permits of Semarnat to do the whale watching tour

Nature walks in canyon, mountain and desert environments. Enjoy solitude and stark beauty on this 4 hour tour. A unique ecosystem and terrain where virgin tracks are the norm. Ground transportation, lunch in the mountains, and Nature guide included. SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE..your bring it! *

For all riders... fun is guaranteed! For experienced drivers... ride along the competition tracks of the famous Baja 1000 race, but there are tracks for every experience level. For beginners... we teach for free how to ride an ATV, and you'll really love it, as well as the plenty of natural sights Loreto has for you! This tour requires between 2 and 4 people. You'll spend between 2 to 2.5 hours living a great experience.

We will take you to stunning places worth to be explored Also, hikes on islands are available and can be combined with island trips. Hiking, canyons and mountains climbing are the regular activities in the Sierra. You'll enjoy one of the most beautiful landscaping in the south baja . This tour will happen on a party min.of 4, if you are 2 let us know , and will figure it out. Dress code : closed shoes, long pants or shorts, long or short sleeve t-shirt, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen.

In baja there are more than 400 species of birds, in Loreto we have more than 100. Come and find them with us. The most common birds in Loreto that you can find are brown pelicans, california sea guls, blue footed boobies, cormorans, frigatebird, snowy egret, etc.

Loreto is the entrance to the Aquarium of the World, we have in Loreto one of the Biggest Marine Parks in México, we take care of our Protected Area everytime that we go on a trip.

A “must” within your list of things to do... is whale watching. With us, you can take a look at these amazing animals: The giants of the world! We´ll take you to the best spots to enjoy the BLUE & GRAY WHALES. You will learn of them with our English speaking certified guides that will explain all you see during this unforgettable tour.

The amazing Marine Park in Loreto Bay , is one of the largest in Mexico. Coronados, Danzantes, Carmen, Montserrat & Catalana are the 5 islands of the Loreto Bay Marine Park, with more than 509,000 acres of natural beauty. Each island has its own beauty, where you can snorkel, swim, go for a hike or lie down for a sunbathe.

Fishing has been an activity during human life in order to survive. We offer you to feel the battle against some of the biggest species of fish, Such as Yellow Tail, Mahi mahi, Grouper. We prefer to practice Catch & Release! Our captains will take you to the best place to practice this great sport. The activity takes up to 6 hours (or when you catch the fish). We start at 6:30 AM.

For information on scuba diving and snorkeling, please visit our partner: Dolphin Dive Baja.

Loreto was the Capital of the High and Low Californias, since its foundation in 1697. Visit a Ranch will transmit the peaceful of the local people that reminds us why we choose to live here. Going to the Cave Paintings will transport us more than 5000 years ago.

Discover the stunning and historic MISSION of SAN JAVIER. Journey up into the mountains to the quaint community of San Javier and hear about the history and way of life of the surrounding rancheros. We'll stop in a couple of interesting spots of the area, on our way to San Javier.

Know the local rancheros that open their ranch to live the authentic ranch experience, milk goats, learn to cook your flour tortillas, while enjoy a coffee.

We'll visit our guide who discovered the Snake Cave , we'll do an easy climb into a rocky mountain for 700 ft. To arrive into the snake cave that has prehistoric simbols.

Most of our trips involve a lot of sun. Please make sure you keep yourself well protected (sunscreen, hat and long clothes) and properly hydrated. All prices are in US-Dollars per person, including taxes. Everything is payable in cash (USD or Mexican Pesos) and all major credit cards except American Express, bookings require an advance payment of half up front.


Safety first.

Our pangas and vehicles have insurance.

We have the permits of the Marine park to do our tourist activities.

We have full communication with our guides everytime they are in a tour

we manage small groups per guide.

Our vessels and van are very comfortable.

8 years of experience in Loreto.

Trained professionals by Padi and the tourism board of Mexico.

For packages, groups and rates please send us an email to [email protected]

Daily tours

  • Island tours, since $65 usd per person ( varies depending on the island)
  • Hiking in the moutains, since $55 usd per person (varies depending on the route)
  • ATV tour, $85 usd per person
  • San Javier, $65 usd per person
  • Ranches, $65 usd per person
  • Cave paintings to santo domingo, $85 usd per person
  • Sport fishing, $350 usd for 2 to 3 fishermen

Eco expeditions

We'll send the price depending on the needs of your groups.

Whale expeditions

  • Blue whale watching: $115 usd per person
  • Whale watching: $125 usd per person

Our awesome team

General manager & Guide

Marketing Manager & Guide

Shop Assitant & Guide

Marketing Coordinator & Guide


Ian | United Kingdom We went for a blue whale watching trip in the sea of Cortez with Maria as our guide, and we had a fantastic time. Unlike the grey whales, the whales here are not looking to interact with humans - they just go gracefully about their business. But this is still a fantastic experience - Maria is very knowledgable and informative and the sea of Cortez is just breathtaking. A great way to spend the day in Loreto.

Doris | Canada Loved the service! Eric is so knowledgeable. The captain is really skilled. Maria is super helpful with planning. If you are visiting Loreto you have to check out Coronado. The team took good care of all 7 of us!

Cliff | Oregon, USA We took two trips with Vive Loreto and both were excellent. The first was a boat trip out of Loreto to see Blue and Fin Whales. Our guide, Maria, was knowledgeable, a good communicator and very careful to follow the rules for not disturbing the animals. We saw quite a few Blue and Fin whales and learned how to identify them. On our second trip we were taken in a van from Loreto Bay across to the Pacific side to see Grey Whale mothers and their calves. Maria was an excellent guide for this trip as well; she was highly knowledgeable and very respectful of the whales.

Jason | Washington, USA The people at Vive Loreto tours & Dolphin Dive are amazing. We booked three trips through Maria at the Loreto Bay office and every one of them exceeded our expectations. We told her the activities that we wanted to do, the days we had available, and she planned our outings for the best weather conditions. Our 17 year old son went on the ATV tour with a friend and had a blast. Our second trip was a hiking excursion with Rafa out into the Sierra de la Giganta. We hiked out a river bed, up and over several small waterfalls, finishing with a dip in a cool mountain pool and lunch. Rafa had extensive knowledge of the local wildlife and plants and made sure that everyone in our group was comfortable with the route we chose. The last trip that we took was a tour of Coronado Island with Abraham, who has extensive knowledge about the island and all of the species that inhabit the island and the waters surrounding it. We will be returning to Loreto again and booking trips with Vive Loreto again. They made our adventures so memorable!

find us on social media

Travel info.

Where is Loreto? Loreto is located just about 350 km north of La Paz, right between the unique Sierra La Giganta and Jacques Cousteau´s Aquarium of the World: The Sea of Cortez Here are some options direct flights airlines

Calafia Airlines

Alaska airlines.

Plaza Santuario #170 Loreto Bay, Nopolo. Loreto BCS. México

[email protected]

+52 613 1351914 & +52 613 1182311

Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico

All information submitted to us is 101% confidential

Payment methods.

New 6-Day 5-Night San Ignacio extended stay

The most extraordinary whale interaction on the planet

Image 2

Loreto – Blue Whales

  • Post author By alan
  • Post date July 14, 2022

Loreto - Blue Whales

Loreto Blue Whales

January – March


Liveaboard, Private Charter

Destination Overview

Whale Watching Tours

The entire Mechudo Corridor is alive with whales including blue, fin, humpback and dolphins and if we are lucky, orcas or sperm.

Enjoy unique whale watching and exploration opportunities from Loreto south through the Mechudo Corridor towards La Paz. Blue and fin whales are not just around Loreto but all the way south to Bahía de La Paz. Plus mangrove exploration, snorkelling and watching sea lions at Los Islotes, Espirito Santo Island UNESCO world heritage site, beach walks, hikes, kayaking and, weather permitting, snorkelling with whale sharks.

Spotter Plane - Baja

About the Whales

Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are the largest animals to have ever lived on our planet. Including dinosaurs. Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) are almost as big. Blues are loners, extremely endangered and spend most of their time in open ocean hunting for food where they consume 5 to 8 tons every day. Their tongue weighs as much as an elephant! Every winter they gather south of Loreto in the Mechudo Corridor to mate and calve which gives an extraordinary whale watching opportunity whether it’s from our kayaks, sailboat, 55-ft Westerly or 116-ft expedition yacht.

Baja Ultimate Whales

Loreto Blue Whale

Try our Baja Ultimate Whale Adventure!

Start in San José del Cabo. Afternoon Humpback whale watching out of San José. Transfer from boat directly to La Paz. Dinner and overnight stay at Marea hotel.

Morning activities, snorkelling with sea lions and whale sharks in La Paz. Afternoon sailing north towards Loreto.

Two full days out at sea. Looking out for blue and finback whales. Visiting Espiritu Santo, Loreto, Isla San Jose and the Mechudo Corridor. You will have a chance for snorkelling, kayaking, paddleboarding, cocktails on the beach, airplane support and more! Finishing back at La Paz.

Air transfer from La Paz to San Ignacio Lagoon camp site. Out on the water in the afternoon for two whale watching sessions.

Two days at camp with amazing gray whale encounters. Finially, one last morning whale watch and then flight back to SJD.

This is an awesome trip. Whale watching does not get any better than this!

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Whale Watching in Baja

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Baja Ultimate Whales

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  • Tags Blue Whales , Finback Whales , Humpback Whales , Kayaking , Liveaboards , Loreto , Scuba Diving , Sea Lions , Sea of Cortez , Snorkelling , Swimming , Whales Encounters

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A blue whale shows its fluke (tail) and dives beneath the waves.

Everything you need to know about Blue Whale Watching in Loreto

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A complete guide to ethical Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Baja California Sur – The best place in Mexico to see the largest animal on earth!

(Updated 2024)

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Loreto is a small town on the east coast of Baja California Sur that sits on the Sea of Cortez. The waters around the town, known as Loreto Bay National Park , contain 5 large islands which are home to lots of animals, including several endangered species. The bay offers protected water for the largest animal on earth, blue whales , who migrate here every year to feed, calve and mate. Loreto is definitively the best place to see blue whales in the world so a trip to Baja California Sur should be on your Mexico bucket list. Read on to discover everything you need to know about blue whale watching in Loreto, Mexico.

About blue whales

Blue whales (known scientifically as Balaenoptera musculus ) are the largest animal in the world . A blue whale’s tongue can weigh as much as an elephant, its heart as much as a car and its total weight can be up to as much as 33 elephants! Blue whales can live up to 90 years old and are among the loudest animals on the planet. It’s thought that, in good conditions, blue whales can hear each other up to 1000 miles away.

Blue whales are part of the baleen family. They spend a lot of time in shallower waters or at the surface, feeding on planktonic creatures like krill. They use plates (teeth) in their mouths to sieve food from water. From the surface, their skin appears grey but in the water it appears a true blue colour. Blue whales are gentle creatures and don’t display acrobatic or interactive behaviours like grey whales and humpback whales , who also migrate down to Baja California Sur each year.

Due to aggressive hunting in the 20th century, blue whales were driven to the brink of extinction. The International Whaling Commission banned all blue whale hunting in 1966. While efforts are being made to conserve the species, they are unfortunately still endangered .

Where to see blue whales

As a popular filming location for international broadcasters like BBC and National Geographic, Mexico is one of the best places in the world to spot the endangered blue whale. Here, on the east coast, the Pacific Ocean separates the Baja California Peninsula from the Mexican mainland by a patch of water called the Gulf of California (also known as The Sea of Cortez or Cortés). It was French Explorer Jacques Cousteau who described this area as “ the world’s aquarium ” – a testament to the sheer diversity of wildlife found in this patch of ocean. And it’s also here that blue whales transit the Gulf during their annual migration.

It’s thought that there are between 10,000 to 25,000 blue whales left. Of these, around 2800 can be found transiting the coast of California (USA) to the Gulf of California (Mexico) – the largest known population in the world . While it is possible to spot blue whales from other parts of the peninsula, such as La Paz and Los Cabos, the best place in Mexico to see blue whales is without a doubt Loreto .

The waters around Loreto give you the most reliable opportunity for whale sightings. The area of ocean here is known as Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto (Loreto Bay National Marine Park). The marine park provides blue whales with perfect conditions to mate and calve, with babies learning to swim and feed. Blue whales migrate to Loreto Bay every year to take advantage of the warmer waters, which are protected by the curved coastline and 5 outer-lying islands.

Loreto Bay National Marine Park didn’t always offer blue whales this protection though. In the 1990s, local citizens became concerned about the impact fishing and development was having on the bay. They campaigned and petitioned for over three years to preserve the bay’s natural environment, and in 1996 the waters around Loreto were declared a National Park . Fishing in the park is now highly regulated with lots of restrictions to allow the fish population to return.

The park contains 5 large uninhabited islands : Isla Coronado, Isla del Carmen, Isla Danzante, Isla Monserrat, and Isla Santa Catalina. Due to its protected status as a national park, the waters and islands around Loreto are home to lots of animals, including several endangered species. Some of the animals you might see here include blue, fin and humpback whales, dolphins, turtles, sea lions, frigate birds, blue footed boobies, brown pelicans, angel fish, parrot fish, sierra, dorado, rainbow wrasses and pufferfish. As a testament to its natural beauty, in 2005 the bay was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Interactive Loreto Map

When to see blue whales in baja california sur.

Blue whales migrate to the Gulf of California near Loreto each year. The best time to see whales in Loreto is in winter, which runs between January-March. But the best time for blue whale watching in Loreto, Mexico is between February and March , when numbers are highest so you have more chance of a sighting.

The Eco Alianza Loreto holds a festival each year to celebrate the blue whale. The Blue Whale Festival (Festival de la Ballena Azul) is a three day event, typically held in February or March and features educational workshops, competitions, exhibits, lectures and presentations, as well as amateur and professional live music concerts. You can find all the information on their Facebook page .

You may also be wondering if there’s a best time of day to see blue whales in Loreto? The answer is no – whales sightings are often down to luck. Having said that, we tend to have better luck on morning whale watching trips as there are less boats out on the ocean and conditions can be calmer. But whether you choose morning, afternoon or evening, you’re bound to have an amazing time.

How to see blue whales in Loreto

Due to tight regulations in Loreto Bay, it’s not possible to go whale watching on your own. Mexico has a strict code of conduct for whale watching, to protect whales from a multitude of stressors, such as boats getting too close, chasing them and too many boats crowding around at once.

Read next: Should You Touch a Grey Whale in Baja California Sur, Mexico?

To see blue whales in Mexico, you’ll need to book onto a tour. Whale watching tours in Loreto typically depart from the central Loreto Marina or Marina Puerto Escondido, which is south of the city. There are a few companies to choose from, all who offer blue whale tours in Loreto, but we would highly recommend Loreto Sea and Land Tours . They are a locally owned, fully-licensed company with 12 years of experience offering guided whale tours. All of their guides and captains have the upmost respect for local wildlife and are incredibly knowledgeable. Many of their trips also give you the opportunity to visit the islands of Loreto and see other species of wildlife too. Alternatively, Loreto Blue Whales offers private whale watching trips for a more intimate experience.

Blue whale behaviours

You might be wondering what you can expect to see on a blue whale tour in Loreto. Each trip is different, but when you see a blue whale, you’ll likely spot it from it’s breath first. Whales breathe air at the ocean’s surface and when they exhale, you’ll see a huge plume of mist drift away, like in the above photo. Then its sleek back rises from the water, followed by a small dorsal fin breaking the surface.

Blue whales often surface for a few minutes at a time , before diving for up to ten minutes as they feed. Unlike other species, blue whales follow a circular pattern when they feed. This makes it easier to predict where a whale might re-appear, so you can follow the path slowly and at a distance.

When some whales dive, they lift their tail (fluke) out of the water, in a behaviour known as fluking . The deep sea feeders, like grey and sperm whales, often show their fluke when they dive. Humpbacks are also known for fluking. It’s much less common to see the tail of a surface feeder, like blue, fin and sei whales – but not impossible. As you can see from the photo below, if you get lucky, you might see a blue whale fluke too.

Which whales and dolphins can you see in Loreto Bay?

As we mentioned earlier, it’s not just blue whales who are attracted to the waters around Loreto. More than 10 species of whale can be found here, including humpback, grey fin, sei, sperm, minke, pilot, orca and tropical bottlenose whales (also known as beaked whales). On our blue whale watching trip in Loreto, we came across a pod of fin whales. There is also a good chance you’ll see dolphins on your trip too. Many different species of dolphin can be found in the Sea of Cortez, but the most frequently spotted dolphins near Loreto are bottlenose, common and spinner.

What other wildlife can you see in Loreto?

And it’s not just cetaceans you can see in Loreto. Sightings of turtles and stingrays are also common, while seeing sea lions is all but guaranteed. Isla Coronado is home to a large colony of these cheeky sea-puppies and you can actually get in the water with them too! Swimming with sea lions in Loreto is truly a bucket-list opportunity. Watch as they zip gracefully through the water and marvel at the inquisitive pups, who curiously approach swimmers and sometimes even nibble on their snorkel gear.

Read next: Snorkelling with Sea Lions (ethically) in La Paz

Bird-watchers will be delighted to know that Loreto Bay National Park is home to some unique bird species too. You don’t need to visit the Galapagos to see blue-footed boobies , as they can be found on the rocky cliffs of Loreto’s surrounding islands. Other bird species that can be spotted here also include the frigate bird, osprey, plover, pelican, hawk, eagle and turkey vulture.

Loreto Bay’s Islands

All 5 of Loreto Bay’s islands are uninhabited and strict regulations mean they are the perfect habitat for lots of species of animal. You can cruise the islands, which are actually extinct volcanoes, on boat trip within the bay, where you’ll likely see lots of wildlife too. We’d recommend this Snorkelling and Kayaking Catamaran Cruise , which includes a cruise of the islands, a snorkelling and kayaking stop, lunch and transport.

Due to a wealth of diverse marine life, Loreto Bay National Park is also really popular for diving. There are more than 40 dive sites in the park and the protected nature of the bay means the water is often as flat as glass, with great visibility. Check out the 10 best scuba diving companies in Loreto on TripAdvisor .

What is there to do in Loreto?

There’s plenty left to explore when you’re not whale watching. From ancient cave paintings, to historic missions and a wealth of diverse marine life, there are so many things to do in Loreto, it can be hard to fit it all in! Use our concise list of the best places to visit in Loreto , as well as the top activities, attractions, day trips and meals out to make your visit unforgettable.

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Should You Touch a Grey Whale in Baja California Sur, Mexico?

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Lucy and Dan are travel writers, photographers, content creators, and founders of Thoroughly Travel. They're on a mission to help others travel for less money, with less environmental impact. You'll find them whale watching, wildlife spotting, road-tripping and seeking authentic experiences around the world. After quitting their 9-5s to backpack Mexico and Central America, they travelled New Zealand for a year on working holiday visas. They're currently Digital Nomad-ing their way around Europe.

Loreto Whale Watching Cruises

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  • Wildlife & Safari Exploration
  • Photography Seminars
  • Small Ship Cruises
  • Whale Watching
  • Wildlife Viewing
  • National Geographic Sea Bird
  • National Geographic Sea Lion
  • National Geographic Venture
  • Safari Voyager

Wild Baja Escape: The Whales of Magdalena Bay

  • Discover whales in Magdalena Bay
  • Hike through island landscapes
  • Kayak on the glassy waters
  • Learn about ecosystems

Northern Gulf of California: Whales, Birds & Sealife Adventure

  • Visit Sea of Cortes UNESCO
  • Diverse Birdwatching
  • Seasonal Wildlife Spectacles
  • Snorkel with Sea Lions & reef fish

Baja California: Among the Great Whales

  • Observe California gray whales
  • Hike across desert islands
  • Experience the Baja California
  • Snorkel with sea lions

Baja California Holiday Voyage: A Living Sea and Desert Isles

  • Explore the islands and caves
  • Search for marine animals
  • Snorkel among fish and sea lions
  • Visit the town of Santa Rosalia
  • Visit UNESCO World Heritage sites
  • Visit Isla Rasa

Baja California: A Remarkable Journey

  • See gray, sperm, blue & fin whales
  • Hike islands of Gulf of California
  • Snorkel among playful sea lions
  • Learn photo techniques from experts

Mexico Travel Guide

  • All Mexico Trips
  • Mexico Adventure Cruises
  • Mexico Overview
  • Mexico Festivals!
  • Beaches in Mexico
  • Mexico FAQs
  • Shuffle your feet in the sand

Favorite Mexico All Trips

  • Yucatan Explorer
  • Chiapas Adventure
  • Chiapas Maya Heartland
  • Baja's Bounty
  • Oaxaca Traditions
  • Into the Canyon
  • Trekking Copper Canyon
  • Oaxaca Culinary Tour

Loreto Trips by Departure Date

  • 2025 Loreto trips (6)
  • 2026 Loreto trips (5)

Loreto Trips by Activity

  • Loreto whale watching (6)
  • Loreto wildlife viewing (6)
  • Loreto small ship cruises (5)
  • Loreto kayaking (5)
  • Loreto snorkeling (4)
  • Loreto hiking (3)

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whale watching tours loreto mexico

whale watching tours loreto mexico

The world you have never seen

Eco Explorer


Eco Explorer Vallarta immerses you in the great wonders of Loreto, Mexico, where your soul of "explorer" will be filled with exciting adventures to be in real contact with majestic Humpback Whales, Dolphins and endless beautiful creatures that live underwater

Our company is dedicated to ecological tourism and adventure in Loreto, is composed of passionate professionals to the natural sciences, as well as committed to the conservation of natural resources.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

There is an incredible world out there, come and explore it with us.

One of the most exciting activities in life is to meet nature directly. Taking into account that the most amazing animals are found in the marine world and that fortunately for all of us we have in our waters the majestic gray whales every year, we have designed a magical encounter with these amazing marine mammals so that you are face to face with them.

Baja Ecotours


Perhaps the most extraordinary wildlife encounter on the planet is a visit to San Ignacio Lagoon to meet up close 40-ton Grey Whales and their newborn calves. Grey whale mothers often seek out human interaction as they approach our boats to present their newborn calves to us while encouraging visitors to scratch their heads, back, and baleen as they lounge around our boats. Over the years this behavior has become a regular occurrence only at San Ignacio Lagoon.

Three Trip Options

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Our most popular trip - Our private chartered aircraft takes you directly to San Ignacio Lagoon.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Best of Baja: Marine wildlife on the Sea of Cortez to the breeding lagoon of San Ignacio on the Pacific Ocean.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Get to our eco-lodge by your own means of transportation and pay the all inclusive daily rate.

P2: February 12 - 16

Book Your Trip Now!

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Baja Ecotours Whale Blog

Gray Whale Blowing

2023 San Ignacio Lagoon Whale Census

2023 Whale Census for San Ignacio Lagoon. This is a an extremely positive outlook given there were so many newborn calves seen along with the high concentration of whales making the southbound journey. Over the past few years of 2021... Continue reading →

petting gray whales

Fred Greene’s 5 Day Air Trip to San Ignacio Lagoon

Thanks Fred for this great video of your trip on March 12-16. Fred shows us a full accounting of our 5 day air trip to San Ignacio Lagoon and Campo Cortez to see the Gray Whales. Private flight from Tijuana... Continue reading →

Whale Petting

Whale Watching for Kids at Laguna San Ignacio

A day of up close whale encounters unique to Laguna San Ignacio. Campo Cortez Ecolodge on the shores of San Ignacio Lagoon is proud to bring our guests up close and personal with the Pacific Gray Whales that are born... Continue reading →

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Fresh Oysters Served at Campo Cortez

It’s our last night of a group trip at Campo Cortez and we always have a fun treat with locally grown and harvested oysters from “SOL AZUL” oyster farms here at San Ignacio Lagoon. Since we are asked about the... Continue reading →

What Our Guests Are Saying

  • "This is an absolute MUST! Baja Ecotours was a huge part of why my trip was so extraordinary. Go with this company! You won’t regret it!" Kelly Moore
  • "The most incredible experience I've ever had, an incredibly beautiful and remote place, where the connection with nature and other people is impossible not to happen. " Sandra Naylor
  • "Watching gray whales play around the boat is some of the most amazing wild animal encounters I've ever had. Baja Ecotours made that experience even more enjoyable." Peter Kragh
  • "What a fantastic experience...a trip of a lifetime with Baja Ecotours!!! Would highly recommend this trip to anyone interested in nature and big animals!" Curtis McNamee
  • "I have returned to Campo Cortez and Baja Ecotours for two decades. There are no equal companies for seeing whales up close and learning how to appreciate and protect them." James Dorsey
  • "Magical people and magical place. The whales literally followed us with Captain Maldo. This is a must experience for everyone!" Azimuth Properties


San Ignacio Whale Watching

San ignacio lagoon gray whale watching.

Legendary San Ignacio Lagoon in Baja is one of our two locations for one of life’s most soul-stirring experiences.  For reasons that no one understands, a select number of Pacific gray whales enjoy contact with people, and on these whale-watching tours you will get up close and personal with these gigantic animals.

San Ignacio whale watching is not to be missed and our camp, set on the edge of the water, is an ideal base of exploration.  We head out twice each day to observe, discuss and get close to these gentle creatures that dwarf the motor skiffs (pangas) aboard which we travel.  After each excursion we return to our camp to relax, enjoy a meal and after dinner, watch the sunset over this large Pacific lagoon. 

San Ignacio Lagoon is one of our sheltered lagoons that are connected to the migratory path of the gray whales as they travel the Pacific Coast of North America from Alaska to Mexico, where they arrive every December and January to calve.  Thousands of these awe-inspiring animals arrive each winter to bear their young, after having traveled over 5000 miles from the north.

For the past several decades, these gray whale birthing lagoons in Baja California have enjoyed strict Federal protection.  Permits for the whale watching boats are limited and closely monitored.  A lagoon guard notes exactly what time any boat enters the whale watching area and assures that each boat spend no more than the two hour limit.  From the stable and comfortable skiffs, you watch  the whales and their young calves (which may vary from a month to a couple of months old).  There is also fascinating adult behavior to observe as well such as breaching, fluking and spy-hopping.   It is not uncommon for a mother whale and her calf to approach our motor skiffs close enough that we are able to lean out and touch them.  The key here is that the whales approach us and not vice versa.  No one knows for sure why they exhibit this behavior, but looking into the eye of a whale is a very powerful experience.   While the whales don’t always swim close enough to be touched,  it is not uncommon and at the very least, you will be within 15-20’ of these athletic whales.

Additional Information:

Our whale watching trips at San Ignacio Lagoon take place within the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino that comprises two coastal lagoons, Laguna Ojo de Liebre and Laguna San Ignacio, along with their surroundings.  The region includes a spectacular mosaic of wetlands, mangroves, dunes and desert habitats.  The area is huge – over 800,000 acres and is part of the even larger El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve which is the biggest Biosphere Reserve in all of Latin America.

The two whale calving lagoons are the World's most important place for the reproduction of the once-endangered North Pacific Gray Whale. The protection of these winter breeding grounds has been a key factor in the remarkable recovery of this species after near-extinction that was the result of commercial whaling, which took part along the Pacific Coast and even inside these very lagoons.  The whales that come here each winter migrate between these lagoons and the summer feeding grounds in the Chukchi, Beaufort and Bering Seas.

In addition to the gray whales, the lagoons are habitat for numerous other marine mammals, such as the California sea lion, bottlenose dolphin and harbor seal. There are four marine turtle species that live in the shallow waters which are also an important habitat and nursery-area for a large number of fish, crustaceans, and others marine life. As well there are numerous breeding and migratory bird species.  Not far from the glistening blue waters are desert sands and this biogeographically part of the Sonoran Desert, boasting highly diverse flora and fauna is also protected.

It is fabulous that the first conservation effort that came into force was in 1937 with the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds and Game Mammals -  a bilateral agreement between Mexico and the United States of America. Another important protection came with Mexico's adherence to the International Whaling Commission in 1949, which has been protecting Gray Whales from commercial whaling since its establishment.

A marine refuge zone was established, by Federal Decree in 1971, for whales in Laguna Ojo de Liebre, followed by another decree one year later establishing several refuges around the lagoons. In 1988, the federal government declared El Vizcaino a biosphere reserve, which was then internationally recognized under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program in 1993.

We invite you to join us in this remarkable corner of the world for a life-enriching adventure to view whales, and the possibility to extend your vacation to hike and see the cave paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco.

Images & Videos

touching a gray whale in san ignacio lagoon

Welcome to Loreto in Baja!

We offer whale watching tours at San Ignacio Lagoon as a stand-alone experience with transportation to and from Loreto (about five hours south), or in combination with our sea kayaking tours in Loreto.  You can combine a 4-day sea kayak tour of the Islands of Loreto with a 3-day whale watching tour in San Ignacio Lagoon.  The San Ignacio Whale Watching with Kayaking combination tours run from mid-March to mid-April.

Arrive in Loreto, headquarters for ROW Sea Kayak Adventures’ operations in Baja!  We have been based in this lovely town since 1993 and consider ourselves part of the fabric of the community.  We are proud that we employ over 15 Mexican guides, support a number of local businesses, buy all our supplies locally and generally have a large economic impact within Baja California.  

On your arrival catch a short cab ride to your hotel.   Drop off your bags and head out to explore this tranquil colonial town.  Founded in 1697 by Jesuit Missionaries, it is the region’s oldest permanent settlement.   Located on the Sea of Cortez, Loreto today remains idyllic in many ways.  There are gorgeous beaches, whale watching opportunities, snorkeling, and superb hiking and, is our base for kayaking tours to nearby Islands of Loreto Bay National Marine Park.  Enjoy the town and waterfront promenade before we gather an orientation meeting at Hotel Oasis.

Please see our   Baja Travel Guide  for full details on travel to and from Baja.

ACCOMMODATION : (not included)

Drive from Loreto to San Ignacio Lagoon

Today is a fabulous day of discovery!  We rise and shine early then begin our drive north along the coast, and then west across the desert to the Pacific Ocean.  This is the perfect introduction to the mountains and landscape of Baja California, and we will stop for some memorable highlights along the way.  We will visit the old mining town of Santa Rosalia, founded in 1884 by a French copper mining company, where we see a handsome metal church designed by Gustave Eiffel, of Eiffel Tower fame!  By early afternoon we arrive in the old mission town of San Ignacio. We arrive in the afternoon just in time for our first Whale Watching session in San Ignacio Lagoon. Breathe in the salty air of our secluded, quiet stretch of beach before settling into tonight’s accommodations.  We dine together outside under the stars. Our seaside camp, perfectly located on the lagoon, provides everything you need for a rustic, but comfortable experience.

ACCOMMODATION : Whale Camp at San Ignacio

MEALS INCLUDED : Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Whale Watching Galore!

It is hard to capture in words the powerful experience of an intimate whale encounter.  To be close to these powerful, yet gentle animals, is the dream of many, and our whale watching adventure will fulfill that dream.  We head out from our camp in small, motorized boats, locally called “pangas” with expert skippers.  During our whale-watching sessions we are likely to see whales spy hop, breach and even witness a rare mating romp.  Our small pangas allow us to observe the whales at close range.  Once we near a whale (or whales) at a respectful distance the engine is put into neutral and it’s up to the whale to come closer or not.  It is not uncommon for a whale, or a whale and her calf, to come up right next to the boat for a back scratch or head rub!  It’s impossible to know why they exhibit this behavior, but we are the lucky recipients!  To look into the eye of a whale is truly one of life’s most rare and moving experiences.

Whale watching activity is closely monitored and a limited number of boats are allowed in the lagoon whale watching area each morning and afternoon.  Generally, we spend a hour and a half whale watching per excursion, and take two excursions today, but this could vary depending on whale activity, weather and regulations. Each excursion is different and a variety of whale behavior is witnessed while our naturalist guides offer you a wealth of knowledge to enrich your journey.

When not on the boats, we may hike, birdwatch, or explore the local mangrove estuaries.

San Ignacio back to Loreto

Awake and say goodbye to San Ignacio Lagoon.  We have a morning whale watching session before we catch our van transport and return to Loreto where some may be continuing to our Islands of Loreto Bay Kayaking Tour, or concluding their adventures in Baja.

MEALS INCLUDED : Breakfast, Lunch

Depart Home or Extend Your Trip

Return to the Loreto Aiport to catch your return flight home.  Or, you may want to extend your trip with a kayaking tour around the islands of Loreto!

Dates & Rates

Supplementary information, 2025 tiered pricing.

  • 4 - 6 Guests $ 1860 per adult, 1795 per youth
  • 7+ Guests $1560 per person, $1500 per youth

Accomodations:  On our San Ignacio whale camp trips we use the same standard tents we use on our sea kayak tours that are different from the stand-up tents we have in Magdalena Bay. San Ignacio tents are smaller and do not have cots. Groups of 6 or more may opt to upgrade their accommodations to tents with cots, or to private cabins at San Ignacio. This would be a custom arrangement and we would be delighted to quote you pricing for the option of your choice.

Tour Includes:

  • Full services of our Adventure Consultants
  • Professional naturalist and bi-lingual guides
  • All meals and beverages as indicated on the itinerary
  • All transportation while on tour
  • All camping equipment
  • All National Parks & Biosphere Reserve access fees required by itinerary
  • Whale watching sessions by Panga

Tour Does Not Include:

  • Hotel before and after the tour 
  • Transportation to and from the airport
  • Items of a personal nature

ALL PRICES IN US DOLLARS. We will do our best to adhere to the itineraries and trip descriptions listed on our website. However, tour itineraries or sub contractors (such as taxi, cruise boats or hotels) may change slightly due to reasons beyond our control including but not limited to Acts of God, wind, waves, inclement weather or other. We always welcome you to call us to clarify any item - often this is the best way to fully clarify expectations - call us collect or on our toll-free number. You will be sent pre-trip email with latest details within a month of your tour - it is your responsibility to check in with us prior to your trip to see if you have all the information you need. We will always do our best to provide you with the best possible tour and to fully meet your expectations to the best of our ability.

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Faq & more, how do i get to loreto, do you provide transportation to and from the airport.

Airport transfers are not included in your tour package price.

Are your tour prices in USD?

Yes, all of our tour pricing is in US Dollars.

What’s included in this whale watching package? What’s not included?

Packages Include: all camping equipment, all meals and beverages once the tour begins, all National Parks & Biosphere Reserve access fees required by itinerary, bi-lingual certified guides and the full service of our Adventure Consultants. Dates provided reflect your arrival date; all packages include a arrival and departure day.

Packages do not Include: Hotel accommodations before and after the tour, Airfare, transportation to and from airport, gratuities, and items of a personal nature.

Why would I choose this tour over another that flies directly to San Ignacio?

Apart from the cost, the guest, have more flexibility when flying into Loreto. First, there are simply more flights and it's more affordable. Second, it's a great location to extend your vacation experience by either kayaking, snorkeling, joining a cave painting hiking tour , or any other activity Baja has to offer.  Although we don't fly directly into San Ignacio, our guests have found that the cost savings, and flexibility, of not having to fly to San Diego, then bus to Tijuana to then take a charter flight to San Ignacio lagoon, is in fact much easier. Loreto is an ideal base for exploring other regions of Baja and there are several flight options to get there.  In addition, on the day we drive from Loreto to San Ignacio lagoon, you get a great feel of the Baja landscape and people we meet along the way during our special activities that day.

San Ignacio vs Magdalena Bay

Visit this page for a better understanding of which whale watching tour is best for you:  San Ignacio Lagoon vs Magdalena Bay .

What’s the difference between San Ignacio and Magdalena Bay?

Visit this page for a better understanding of which whale watching tour is best for you: San Ignacio Lagoon vs Magdalena Bay .

When is the best time to see whales?

We design our wilderness adventures to provide you with the best whale encounters imaginable. San Ignacio Lagoon is a whale-watchers' paradise and we GUARANTEE gray whale sightings on this tour! The whales migrate down from their Alaskan home waters to calve in San Ignacio from January through mid-April, so this is the only window to see them in Baja.

How long are the whale watching sessions?

You will spend two-hour sessions on the water in motorized skiffs (called pangas) whale watching. Be ready to go immediately when the boat arrives to maximize your time out whale watching, as the 2-hour session starts promptly.

How many people are in a panga during the whale watching session?

All whale watching excursions are in open fiberglass 22-foot motorized boats called “pangas” that hold a maximum of six passengers each, plus a guide and driver. Each panga is equipped with life jackets, radio, first aid kit, and piloted by an experienced, government-licensed Mexican “pangero” who will allow us safe and proximate viewing of the California Gray Whale.

Can I kayak with grey whales?

No kayaks or private boats are allowed in the nursery lagoons of Baja’s Pacific Coast including San Ignacio. Only licensed Mexican whale watching boats are allowed in the lagoons when the whales are present.

Are there any physical requirements?

It is important to understand that this is a camping trip and we want to be sure that you are prepared, both mentally and physically, for the challenges it will present, and have clear expectations about the trip. During the day, we'll spend two hour sessions on the water in motorized skiffs (called pangas) whale watching. While whale watching from a boat is not strenuous and the water is usually calm, the bay can be choppy when it is windy, so if you are susceptible to seasickness, bring medicine or whatever you need. The hiking could best be described as leisurely. We do require that anyone over 70 or with any health or weight concerns consult us before signing up to make sure you are up to fully participating.

What is whale camp like? Are there toilets and showers at camp?

A roomy full-height wall tent with two cots, night stand, rectangular sleeping bag with clean sheet, small pillow, and comfortable self-inflating pad are provided for your convenience at camp. There is also a washroom tent with a portable toilet. We recommend packing biodegradable shower wipes to freshen up with as there is no fresh water at whale camp.

What common space is available?

We have a spacious 30’ wide dome tent that serves as an evening gathering space if it’s too cool or rainy outside (rare) or just a place to get out of the sun during the day.  There are also miles of beach and sand dunes to explore!

How big are the tents at whale camp?

Our tents are 8’ x 12’ and about 7’ tall.  They are made of canvas and have a nice big window on one side.  They are equipped with cots, comfortable sleeping pads, sleeping bags and pillows.

What gear do I need?

Sea Kayak Adventures will provide you with a detailed packing list prior to your trip. We provide all of the necessary camping, paddling and snorkeling equipment, which you will need to fully enjoy your adventure. If you are interested in more specific information, check out our general Baja packing list here ! If you have any questions, or need help deciding what to bring, you can call or e-mail one of our friendly Adventure Consultants at any time for some extra advice!

Who will my guides be?

We know your Guide will make the biggest difference on your trip! Which is why we pride ourselves on employing only the best local guides for all of the incredible locations that we visit. Part of this is to support our eco-tourism efforts, but we also believe that there is no better way to experience a new destination than through they eyes of a local! We find talented and skilled local guides, train and certify them, and provide a positive and consistent source of income to them and their families. Most of our guides are with us for the long-term, despite the seasonal nature of the industry.

What kind of food will I eat? Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?

Our renowned wilderness meals are prepared daily by our guides using local, fresh, healthy ingredients. In Baja you can expect an authentic dining experience, with savory dishes like chiles rellenos, tostadas, ceviche, and chicken mole. We even serve delicious desserts like brownies and pineapple upside-down cake! Each morning, we serve up freshly brewed coffee or tea. Throughout the day we provide an abundance of local fruits, vegetables, and other snacks. Wine and mixed drinks are served with hors d’oeuvres each evening for happy hour.

We do our best to accommodate special dietary requests, working within the parameters of the destinations in which we operate. If you have a very strict diet, we recommend packing extra snacks that you know you can eat.

How many guests per tour?

To keep our group size small and our impact minimal, we typically limit our tours to 14 people or less. Our standard minimum to confirm a departure is 4 guests for our San Ignacio whale watching tour.

What’s the weather like in Baja?

Please check out this great website Weather Underground for temperature averages in Baja.

Is there a single supplement fee for solo travelers?

 Solo travelers will typically have their own tent at whale camp, at no additional cost.  However, we are unable to guarantee individual tents at whale camp due to limited tent capacity.  If you are asked to share a tent at our whale camp, rest assured that tents are very spacious, full-height canvas wall tents, with two cots and plenty of room to stand and maneuver around your tent-mate without difficulty.

Where can I store my luggage while I’m on your tour?

You can leave your luggage at your hotel while you are on tour. We recommend getting a luggage lock if you are leaving any electronics in the bags. We’ve never had any issues with guests leaving their bags at the hotel but it’s always better to be safe just in case.

Do I Get to Touch the Whales and What is a "Friendly" Whale?

Some of the gray whales in Baja exhibit what is known as "friendly" behavior.  While they have the entire sea as their home, some whales choose to come very close to our boats to interact.  When this happens, there are times when it is appropriate to touch the whales.  In fact, if we don't interact they will sometimes swim away in search of another boat of humans to play with.  We can't know the emotion that the whales are experiencing, but clearly they have a choice to approach the boats or not.  Equally fascinating is the fact that often these friendly whales bring their babies up close as well, sometimes even pushing the calf closer to the whale-watching skiffs.  On some tours the whales choose not to get close to us and it's important to remember that these are whale watching trips, not whale touching trips.

What are your Terms and Conditions?

Please see our full Terms and Conditions HERE.

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The gray whale Advocate

Whale Watching Loreto Mexico

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Specific Tour


One of the best whale watching areas you can find is Loreto Bay and we offer amazing whale watching loreto tours. Whale watching there is a world class experience. Blue and grey whales, humpbacks, fin whales all travel to Loreto National Marine Park. These largest creatures on the earth prefer this place as their playing ground, here they seek mates, play with their calves etc.

The town of Loreto is a great town of a few hundred people. Their bread and butter is whale watching tourism these days. The town presents great opportunities for whale camping tours. These whales watching tour camps in Loreto and small and you get to meet people and hence you get to know the culture more.

Just of the coastline of Loreto in Loreto Bay there are 5 great islands, namely Del Carmen,Coronado,Santa Catalina and Montserrate. These islands are protected as part of the Loreto National Marine Park.

The length of Loreto coastline stretches to 100 miles and can offer you a great whale watching experience.

You can go for our tours with your family, friends or even solo if you like that way, we charge no extra cost for this. Our guide one of the most experienced guide you have ever see on a whale tour. He knows everything about these amazing creatures. This will be luxurious adventure trip, with great food and amazing people.

Our tents are high quality and spacious tents, the sleeping mattresses we use on our tours will give you the feel of luxurious stay, they will give you a very comfortable sleep.

In a nutshell, Loreto Bay whale watching experience will be an experience you have been longing for.  For more information on our whale watching trips, please feel free to give us a call the above-mentioned number, also you can also fill up the form on this page.

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The gray whale Advocate

Member Since 2019

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Wild Loreto Tours

Transportation sea and land tours - loreto, ocean tours.





What We Offer

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Ocean Tours

whale watching tours loreto mexico



Half day Private Cruise & Snorkel

Choose the route you want to sail, whether it’s stopping for snorkeling in crystal-clear waters or following the trail of playful dolphins. Indulge in a special treat and experience ultimate freedom on the open sea with this unforgettable tour.

  • Clock 6 Hours

Top-Rated Tours in Loreto


"Amazing. The resort was a great surprise. My husband and I spent a week celebrating our 10th anniversary. There were so many unseen staff to us during their shifts we would have loved to mention. Let me begin with Jorge, Duvi, Anaid, Julio, Candalario, Eduardo, Julian, Benjamin, Edgar, Jerardo, Guillermo, Alejandro, Ariana, Ricardo, Julio, Candalario, and many, many more. As Duvi would say 'I Lobe you!'"

tour group in in loreto

"At villa del Palmar did a whale watching trip to Madelena. MARIO is the sweetest best guide you can have. Was amazing!"

Sunset Cruise

"We had a great time with Wild Tours! Our guide Mario was awesome, super friendly and funny. He picked us in a MB Sprinter fully equipped and drove us to Magdalena Bay for a 2 hour grey whale watch. Highly recommended expedition."

chips and guac and salsa

"I flew into Loreto for vacation I booked my shuttle service with wild Loreto tours. They provide Great service, reasonable prices. Staff was friendly they were waiting at the airport when I walk through customs. They had a nice clean new shuttle van waiting for me. Wild Loreto tour is a quick, clean, safe, shuttle service in Loreto. I would recommend them."

Fun For Everyone!

Wild Loreto is the number one tour operator in Baja California Sur, Mexico offering unique outdoor nature adventure tours in Loreto, island tours, historical tours, cave paintings tours, and beautiful sunset catamaran cruises. Wild Loreto Tour’s staff goes above and beyond to make your visit a memorable unique experience.

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  • Adventure Overview

Whale Watching

The Sea of Cortez is a whale watcher’s paradise! Enjoy sightings of several whale species—including blue whales, humpback whales, orca whales, pilot whales, gray whales, and fin whales. During virtually every seasons, we are here to help you plan your whale watching adventure, keeping whale sighting information at your fingertips as well. See Outpost Charters at the marina to arrange your whale watching experience, in addition to sport fishing trips.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

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whale watching tours loreto mexico

Honored to run the marina as his family business, Guadalajara native Enrique oversees every aspect of Marina Puerto Escondido, including daily operations, staff management, and government relations.

He takes pride in personally ensuring that clients of the marina have an exceptional experience. Enrique and his family are truly committed to making the marina a well-loved destination for yacht adventurers.

Enrique earned his degree in Business Administration from the Tecnologico de Monterrey in Guadalajara in 2005. In his free time, he enjoys all kinds of watersports, especially sailing. Enrique has a taste for adventure that makes Loreto a unique and beautiful place for him to call home.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Javier has worked at the marina since March 2014. Making clients feel happy and comfortable is a passion for this Loreto native. With a degree in Tourism Administration, Javier oversees customer service and all major day-to-day operations at the marina. During his spare time, he enjoys photography and exploring the outdoors. Javier is a fluent English speaker.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Luis Carlos joined the Marina Puerto Escondido team in August 2016. Carlos worked on a condominium project in La Salina, where the Hamann family took notice of his skill. Born in Guanajuato, Mexico, he earned his Master's in Real Estate in 2011 and his Bachelor’s in Architecture in 2002. Working hard to realize our goals is his favorite part of working at the marina. Luis Carlos is a novice English speaker.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Loreto native Dagoberto is committed to the security of our harbor community. He loves learning all there is to know about day-to-day operations at the marina. In his spare time, Dagoberto volunteers with the Loreto Fire Department and as an EMT. He is an intermediate level English speaker.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Calling Loreto home for 20 years, Lucio is a father of three and a native of Guerrero State. Lucio assists guests at the front desk and enjoys seeing to their every need. He currently studies Political Science and Public Administration at Loreto University. Lucio is a fluent English speaker.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Oaxaca native Nestor enjoys being in charge of our fuel station. He constantly challenges himself to improve his already excellent customer service at the marina. Nestor graduated from high school at Oaxaca. He is an intermediate level English speaker.

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Guadalajara-born Guillermo takes pride in ensuring that business runs smoothly at the fuel station. Guillermo studied at a technical school in Guadalajara, and is a proud supporter of the Chivas soccer team. He is a novice English speaker.

whale watching tours loreto mexico


Tours * fishing * islands * snorkeling * missions, ground transportation , tours by sea.

Tour a la isla Coronado Discovery

Coronado Island 


Experience the magic of the world's aquarium exploring Coronado Island encountering casual friendly dolphins surrounded by exotic views of deserted islands while disembarking on a white sand beach to enjoying crystal clear turquoise waters, turning into an unforgettable experience..

whale watching tours loreto mexico

Danzante & Carmen Island tour  

A thrilling adventure as you explore the enchanting Danzante and Carmen Island offering a wide array of nature's secret wonders, Explore the island or dive in crystal clear waters to spot dolphins, tropical fishes and sea turtles  


whale watching tours loreto mexico

  Historical Walking Loreto Tour

Discover in an interesting walk at the historic downtown Loreto where you will learn the secrets of the first Jesuit Mission in the Capital of the Californias ... Loreto "Conchó" 

Visita la misión de San Javier en Loreto

  San Javier Mision Outback

Explore  San Javier Mission, a timeless "jewl of Baja's mission. This guided tour reveals Sierra de la Giganta's desert stunning desert, a Unesco site and California's oldest olive orchards. Discover on this adventure local life, scenic stops, and savor a homemade ranchero-style lunch for a great finale.


Servicio de transportación de aeropuerto en Loreto

Airport Transportation

Arrange your private or share transfer to and from the airport in advance and avoid the discomfort of booking a service upon arrival. This convenient means of transportation takes you from Loreto International Airport to your hotel, areas of Loreto or private residence, and thereafter back at the end of your trip.  

Servicio de Transportación de Aeropuerto Loreto a Villas del Palmar

Airport to Villa del Palmar Resort

Book your private or collective transfer from the airport to Villa del Palmar Resort & Spa  in advance and avoid the inconvenience of booking a service upon arrival .

Transportación de Aeropuerto Loreto a Loreto Bay

Private Transportation 

To loreto / bay .

Discover the best snorkeling, island exploring, cultural mission Tours, excursions & fun activities   


Descubre la Isla de Coronado

Learn More & Book Here!

Coronado Island Discover 

Experience the magic of the world's aquarium by cruising to encounter casual friendly dolphins surrounded by exotic views of deserted islands while disembarking on a white sand beach and enjoying crystal clear turquoise waters, an unforgettable experience..

Pesca deportiva en Loreto

Sport Fishing charters  

Spend a day and catch whatever you fancy. Enjoy a choice of different targets, such as Mahi mahi, yellowtail (seasonal), cabrilla, sea bass, and much more. We will refer the best restaurant to prepare your catch for dinner. 

Tour a la Isla Danzante Carmen

Danzante & Carmen

Island hopping  .

Live a breathtaking experience with the magnificent giants that visit us in the bay or the Pacific in this season. Enjoy an excellent ambience during the excursion and awsome whale watching .

Tour historico de Loreto

Walking Tour Loreto

The best way to learn in a fun and interactive way how the Jesuit explorers established the first mission of the legendary California. Discover with us among stories and legends of Baja California also the hidden secrets of Loreto and the mythical Island and queen Calafia.

Tour a la mission de San Javier

San Javier Mission  

This is an unmatched cultural journey into the past legacy of the Jesuit missionary founders who started the historic "camino real" of Baja California. We travel the ancient mountain roads to enjoy the incredible desert views of the Sierra de la Giganta, where "the jewel of the Baja Missions awaits after three centuries.


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Excursions & Ground Transportation 

  Loreto Baja Tours m

CONTACT US  MX +52 (613) 111 0138

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whale watching tours loreto mexico

  • Mexico & Central America Adventures
  • The Great Gray Whales of Baja

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Physical Rating: Easy

Among the great whales.

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  • 8 am to 5 pm, Monday - Friday
  • 8 am to 3 pm on Saturday
  • Closed on Sunday




Loreto Sea and Land Tours and Dive Center

If making a booking less than 24 hours before your tour, you must contact us or come by our office location .  If you do not confirm with our staff your reservation will not be valid.

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Tours in Villa del Palmar at The Islands of Loreto


Experience the best of Loreto while participating in one of the many tours available to our guests. Whether you're sport fishing, exploring the Islands of Loreto, or discovering life beneath the sea, you'll be amazed.

Ocean Tours

Snorkeling at danzante and del carmen islands.

Experience the thrill of your life as you explore the sea surrounding magical Danzante Island and Del Carmen Island aboard one of our comfortable boats. Visit an array of nature’s secret wonders, which you are only able to experience at the Islands of Loreto. As you arrive on the beach, jump into a snorkeler’s paradise and inviting waters; also be sure to keep your eyes open for Baja bottlenose dolphins, manta rays, green sea turtles, and other unique marine life encounters.


Spend a day in full control of your own captained boat and fish for whatever catches your fancy. Indulge in sport fishing from your panga (skiff) and reel in the catch of the day. From Dorado “Mahi Mahi” to Yellow Tail(seasonal), cabrilla, sea bass, and more, this is your destination for the ultimate fishing experience.


Discover the “Aquarium of the World” at the Islands of Loreto. Along with one of the largest Marine Parks in the world, Loreto offers divers one of the most diverse aquatic ecosystems on the planet. The Islands themselves being volcanic in nature are marked by rocky shorelines, dynamic wall dives, huge underwater rock formations, and finger reefs of rock and coral that make diving here absolutely incredible. Advanced, as well as novice, divers are sure to find numerous locations to their liking, such as wreck dives on a Navy sunken minesweeper and dives in Punta Coyote, which both offer a rich diving experience and diverse marine life encounters.


Have you always wondered what it’s like to breathe underwater? If you want to try scuba diving, but aren’t quite ready to take the plunge into a certification course, DISCOVER SCUBA DIVING is for you. DIVE RESORT PADI at Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto offers the best beginners program so that you can visit natural sites from island reef areas to natural coral banks filled with thousands of multicolored tropical fish. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to try scuba while you are on vacation at a spectacular dive destination such as Loreto.


From mid-January to March, the Bay of Loreto becomes a wildlife watcher’s dream when migratory whales are visiting the warm waters of the Sea of Cortez for calving and breeding. This whale watching tour will provide casual, but magical encounters with Mother Nature’s largest animals. Discover the world´s most spectacular sightings today.


Discover the incredible underwater world surrounding Loreto by following our guide and kayaking alongside the resort’s beach to nearby coral reefs filled with multicolor tropical fish.


This tour offers a unique experience that allows you to enjoy nature night cruising aboard a paddle board. Together we’ll head towards the reef located in the south of Ensenada Blanca with LED lights connected to the bottom of our boards, illuminating the seabed and attracting the many species that can only be enjoyed during the afternoon and evening. Accompanied by an experienced guide, we offer a fun, safe, innovative, and interactive activity for our guests.


Coronado island is home to great snorkeling next to beautiful, white, sandy beaches. It is also home to a large sea lion colony and one of the most visited islands due to its close proximity to Loreto. A snorkelers paradise! The turquoise waters surrounding the island offer outstanding visibility for those wishing to explore the sea bottom. The island itself is covered with rocky crags, except for the southeast corner which becomes a marine turtle sanctuary at certain times of the year. Female sea turtles swim to the beaches to lay their eggs. If you prefer to stroll around the island instead of relaxing at the beach under a “beach palapa,” you will find many species of animals and indigenous plant life. Our three-hour adventure doesn’t just stop at the beach, we take you for a lap around the island to see all the wildlife, including the sea lion colony.


Come and ride among landscapes that only Loreto Baja can offer! To get you started, we provide you with top brand protection gear such as goggles and a helmet along with the keys so that you can get a feeling for your single or two-passenger 420 cc TRX Honda Deluxe ATV. Professional pilots will guide you as you explore the beauty of this rugged environment, on stunning paths snaking between the mountains and Sea of Cortez on our Off-Road Runners tour.


The San Javier excursion into the past is a three-hour air-conditioned trip riding in the comfort of a modern Mercedes van. You will enjoy dazzling views while climbing into the Sierra de la Giganta Mountains. Visit the historic edifice of a fully standing ancient Jesuit mission. Stroll through the cobblestone streets of town, luscious fruit orchards, and the oldest olive garden in Baja. Afterward we travel back down the mountain roads to view the ancient cave paintings at “Cuevas Pintas.” Our journey into the past would not be complete without trying the unique tastes of delicious Mexican food, including handmade tortillas and fresh cheese from a local ranch. After touring the Mexican village, we will stop to enjoy a tasty lunch. Upon heading back to Loreto, we experience our best moment yet as we catch more panoramic sunset views.


Come and enjoy one of the most relaxing experiences in the Baja desert while admiring the Sierra la Giganta Mountain range and the Sea of Cortez in the distance. During the tour, our expert guide will show you our local and endemic flora and fauna, have a talk about the history of the people who lived in this region before the arrival of the missionaries, and explain how the life of the descendants was developed. The walk starts with a short introduction of the tour and a 10-minute horse management explanation. After leaving the meeting point, we head off to the desert, taking one of the oldest roads and crossing several canyons, all while enjoying breathtaking views of the Sierra la Giganta and Sea of Cortez. Our journey lasts approximately two and half hours, making a stop to have a cold drink or enjoy an energy bar. It is one of the best experiences in the Baja desert and definitely a must do on your list!


Come join us on an adventure to one of the most beautiful beach spots in Mexico! Turquoise waters and white sandy beaches blanket Conception Bay! Venture off on our Mulege Surf and Turf tour where you will explore the beach and learn about Baja culture and history on our visit to the Mission in town. Take in magnificent views of the Baja Desert, Sierra de la Giganta, and part of the Sierra de Guadalupe. On arrival to the town of Mulege, we take a light walk around the village, passing by the 3rd mission established in Baja California by the Jesuits, take in a panoramic view of the village, and enjoy a delicious meal at a local restaurant! Join us while we find beaches of white sand, hills of volcanic stone, and history filled with cobblestone streets and crystalline waters of turquoise color.


In the northern region of the State of Baja California Sur, there is the San Francisco Mountain range where there is one of the nuclei of cave paintings that abound throughout this area. Hundreds of years before the arrival of the Missioners, the inhabitants of the Baja California Peninsula organized in tribes of huntsmen. Most of the knowledge that we have from that time has been collected from the accurate reading of cave paintings. Join us for a time travel activity with our knowledgeable guides. Along the way you’ll enjoy beautiful landscapes that go from the imposing La Giganta mountain range to hundreds of hectares of fertile soil till we reach the meeting point where we will leave the van to start a 45-min walk into the heart of the mountains to discover the cave paintings. As we walk, your guide will explain details of the fauna and flora found there.


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Phone: +52 (613) 134 1037

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Villa del palmar at the islands of loreto by danzante bay.

Resort Phone: +52 (613) 134 1000

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Km. 84, Carretera Transpeninsular, Ensenada Blanca Loreto, 23880 Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Danzante Bay

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  1. Complete Guide to Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico

    whale watching tours loreto mexico

  2. Complete Guide to Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico

    whale watching tours loreto mexico

  3. Whale Watching in Loreto Mexico

    whale watching tours loreto mexico

  4. Complete Guide to Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico

    whale watching tours loreto mexico

  5. Complete Guide to Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico

    whale watching tours loreto mexico

  6. Gray and Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico

    whale watching tours loreto mexico


  1. Bahia de Loreto National Park

  2. Puerto Vallarta travel and experience Whales watching and more in this amazing Mexican resort city 😍

  3. Sea Kayak Adventures 25th Anniversary

  4. Kayaking Baja California

  5. Whale Shark swim near Loreto, Mexico

  6. Mexico Baja


  1. Whale Watching Tours, Loreto

    Loreto Sea & Land Tours. Blue Whales in Loreto Bay Marine Park. (Also do tours to Magdalena Bay) $130.00 Half day: 7:30AM-2:00PM. Price is per person and includes: Wildlife viewing. Picnic lunch. i.e. Burritos, Empenadas,Tamales),fresh veggies, fruit, cheese. Times are flexible.


    Blue Whale Watching Tours in the Loreto National Marine Park . Whale-watching tours from Loreto are a world-class experience. Every Spring, the Loreto National Marine Park hosts the most giant creatures on earth, Blue Whales. ... I Madero and Hidalgo Loreto, B.C.S. 23880 Mexico. 011-52 (613)135-0680. Office: 9:30am-8pm 7 days a week. payments ...

  3. Complete Guide to Blue Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico

    Where: In the Loreto Bay National Marine Park, with tours departing from either the Loreto Marina in town or from the Marina Puerto Escondido south of the city. When: February - March, can be mid-February depending on the year. How: A single-day whale watching boat tour that generally runs for 4 - 6 hours.

  4. THE BEST Loreto Dolphin & Whale Watching Tours (with Prices)

    5 hours. The boats are small and comfortable, so you will have better viewing, having 6 to 8 people per panga. Free cancellation. from. $165. per adult. Reserve. 2. Blue Whale Watching Experience in Loreto.

  5. Vive Loreto Nature and Adventure Tours| Vive Loreto

    Loreto is located just about 350 km north of La Paz, right between the unique Sierra La Giganta. and Jacques Cousteau´s Aquarium of the World: The Sea of Cortez. Here are some options direct flights airlines. Vive Loreto has the best tours and adventure experiences at Loreto, Baja California, Mexico: Whale watching, nature, sea, and culture.

  6. Loreto Whale Watching Tours and Cruises

    Going on a whale watching tour in Loreto is a must-do! Driving in the natural scenery along Baja´s mountain range we take you to Magdalena Bay to take pleasure and admire one of the most exceptional grey whales encounters; where we get close to experience them onboard a full-equipped, open boat "Panga.". Enjoying a succulent lunch in a ...

  7. Whale Watching in Loreto, Mexico: Everything You Need to Know

    Where is the Best Whale Watching in Baja? Loreto stands out as one of the best whale watching destinations in Baja, thanks to its diverse marine ecosystem and the convergence of nutrient-rich waters. Best Time for Whale Watching in Loreto. The optimal time for whale watching in Loreto is during the winter months, from December to March. This is ...

  8. Loreto Sea and Land Tours and Dive Center

    Popular Summer Tours in Loreto, B.C.S. ... Whale watching in the Spring or diving in the Summer and Fall, here's a list of our favorite activities to enjoy by season. ... I Madero and Hidalgo Loreto, B.C.S. 23880 Mexico. 011-52 (613)135-0680. Office: 9:30am-8pm 7 days a week. payments accepted. Visa Stripe MasterCard Discover. Translate ...

  9. Blue Whales Watching in Loreto, Mexico

    Enjoy unique whale watching opportunities from Loreto south through the Mechudo Corridor towards La Paz ⏩ Blue whales watching tours. Skip to the content. ... Mexico: +52 (612) 125-3828. International: +1 (800) 843-6967 ...

  10. Everything you need to know about Blue Whale Watching in Loreto

    To see blue whales in Mexico, you'll need to book onto a tour. Whale watching tours in Loreto typically depart from the central Loreto Marina or Marina Puerto Escondido, which is south of the city. There are a few companies to choose from, all who offer blue whale tours in Loreto, but we would highly recommend Loreto Sea and Land Tours. They ...

  11. 6 Whale Watching Cruises in Loreto, Mexico

    Build your ideal Mexico trip. Call 1.406.541.2677. Start Planning My Trip. Embark on a journey to the serene waters of Baja's Loreto with our 6 meticulously curated whale-watching tours for 2024-2025. Here, the majestic dance of the gray whales in Magdalena Bay awaits, offering a spectacle that is both humbling and awe-inspiring.

  12. Eco Explorer Loreto

    Presentation. Eco Explorer Vallarta immerses you in the great wonders of Loreto, Mexico, where your soul of "explorer" will be filled with exciting adventures to be in real contact with majestic Humpback Whales, Dolphins and endless beautiful creatures that live underwater. Our company is dedicated to ecological tourism and adventure in Loreto ...

  13. Baja Whale Watching

    Sustainable Whale Watching Eco Tours in the Lagoon of San Ignacio March 25, 2023; ... 2023; Driving to Campo Cortez as a Self Arrival February 26, 2023; Big Whale Trip in Loreto February 26, 2023; From Whale-Watching to Tide-Pooling: The Adventures Never Stop in San Ignacio February 25, 2023; Baja Ecotours 2024 - Grey Whale Tours - Ecolodge ...

  14. Whale Watching in Loreto Mexico

    When you spot blue whales in Loreto Baja Mexico, you'll be looking at the biggest animals to have ever existed. While blue whales will live as long as a human, most other animals are miniscule in comparison. These whales measure between 82 and 105 feet and weigh in at up to 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh the same as an adult elephant.

  15. Baja Whale Watching

    You can combine a 4-day sea kayak tour of the Islands of Loreto with a 3-day whale watching tour in San Ignacio Lagoon. The San Ignacio Whale Watching with Kayaking combination tours run from mid-March to mid-April. Arrive in Loreto, headquarters for ROW Sea Kayak Adventures' operations in Baja! We have been based in this lovely town since ...

  16. Whale Watching Loreto Mexico, Blue and Gray Whale Season

    Whale watching there is a world class experience. Blue and grey whales, humpbacks, fin whales all travel to Loreto National Marine Park. These largest creatures on the earth prefer this place as their playing ground, here they seek mates, play with their calves etc. The town of Loreto is a great town of a few hundred people.

  17. The Best Whale Watching Tours Near Loreto, Baja California Sur

    What are people saying about whale watching tours in Loreto, BCS? This is a review for whale watching tours in Loreto, BCS: "Probably one of the best snorkel tours I've been on. Small group 8 people, none of which were annoying. Cpt Galle was great both in English and Spanish, funny and informative. Got to see Blue and Fin whales, multiple ...

  18. Wild Loreto Tours

    Wild Loreto is the #1 tour operator in Baja California Sur, Mexico. We offer ocean tours, land tours, catamaran cruises, and airport transportation. ... "At villa del Palmar did a whale watching trip to Madelena. MARIO is the sweetest best guide you can have. Was amazing!" ... Wild Loreto is the number one tour operator in Baja California Sur ...

  19. Whale Watching

    The Sea of Cortez is a whale watcher's paradise! Enjoy sightings of several whale species—including blue whales, humpback whales, orca whales, pilot whales, gray whales, and fin whales. During virtually every seasons, we are here to help you plan your whale watching adventure, keeping whale sighting information at your fingertips as well ...

  20. Loreto Baja Tours

    Loreto Baja Tours +52 (613)1110138] [email protected] Carretera Transpeninsular Km 4, S/N Nuevo Loreto B.C.S., México C.P. 23880 Google Sites

  21. Whale Watching Trip

    Day 1: Loreto, Mexico. Our whale-watching tour begins upon arrival in the small coastal town of Loreto on the Sea of Cortez. A Nat Hab representative meets you at the airport and joins you on the short transfer to our waterfront hotel where our Expedition Leader will be waiting to greet you. Loreto was founded as a Spanish mission by Jesuit ...

  22. booking

    GREY WHALE WATCHING TOUR; MISSION SAN JAVIER AND DESERT TOUR; CAVE PAINTING DAY HIKES ... Loreto Sea and Land is a family owned and operated business commited to quality tours that are safe, informative, and of course fun! ... Loreto Sea and Land Tours Fco. I Madero and Hidalgo Loreto, B.C.S. 23880 Mexico. 011-52 (613)135-0680. Office: 9:30am ...

  23. Tours in Loreto, Mexico

    From mid-January to March, the Bay of Loreto becomes a wildlife watcher's dream when migratory whales are visiting the warm waters of the Sea of Cortez for calving and breeding. This whale watching tour will provide casual, but magical encounters with Mother Nature's largest animals.

  24. Full Day Gray Whale Watching Experience 2024

    Agustin Arriola M. 25, Zona Comercial, 23000 La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico. Open in Google Maps. Our staff will be waiting for you on Paseo Álvaro Obregón on the corner of Agustín Arreola, they will identify you with a white t-shirt with the Baja Whales logo. We do not have our own parking lot, for the rest of the group we will only give 10 minutes ...