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Two people sharing meeting cheese fondue outside chalet enjoying traditional food.

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  • Updated   Global Polio April 26, 2024
  • Diphtheria in Guinea April 23, 2024
  • Chikungunya in Timor-Leste April 05, 2024

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  • COVID-19 travel advice

Considering travel during the pandemic? Take precautions to protect yourself from COVID-19.

A coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine can prevent you from getting COVID-19 or from becoming seriously ill due to COVID-19 . But even if you're vaccinated, it's still a good idea to take precautions to protect yourself and others while traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you've had all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses, including boosters, you're less likely to become seriously ill or spread COVID-19 . You can then travel more safely within the U.S. and internationally. But international travel can still increase your risk of getting new COVID-19 variants.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you should avoid travel until you've had all recommended COVID-19 vaccine and booster doses.

Before you travel

As you think about making travel plans, consider these questions:

  • Have you been vaccinated against COVID-19 ? If you haven't, get vaccinated. If the vaccine requires two doses, wait two weeks after getting your second vaccine dose to travel. If the vaccine requires one dose, wait two weeks after getting the vaccine to travel. It takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccination.
  • Have you had any booster doses? Having all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses, including boosters, increases your protection from serious illness.
  • Are you at increased risk for severe illness? Anyone can get COVID-19 . But older adults and people of any age with certain medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 .
  • Do you live with someone who's at increased risk for severe illness? If you get infected while traveling, you can spread the COVID-19 virus to the people you live with when you return, even if you don't have symptoms.
  • Does your home or destination have requirements or restrictions for travelers? Even if you've had all recommended vaccine doses, you must follow local, state and federal testing and travel rules.

Check local requirements, restrictions and situations

Some state, local and territorial governments have requirements, such as requiring people to wear masks, get tested, be vaccinated or stay isolated for a period of time after arrival. Before you go, check for requirements at your destination and anywhere you might stop along the way.

Keep in mind these can change often and quickly depending on local conditions. It's also important to understand that the COVID-19 situation, such as the level of spread and presence of variants, varies in each country. Check back for updates as your trip gets closer.

Travel and testing

For vaccinated people.

If you have been fully vaccinated, the CDC states that you don't need to get tested before or after your trip within the U.S. or stay home (quarantine) after you return.

If you're planning to travel internationally outside the U.S., the CDC states you don't need to get tested before your trip unless it's required at your destination. Before arriving to the U.S., you need a negative test within the last day before your arrival or a record of recovery from COVID-19 in the last three months.

After you arrive in the U.S., the CDC recommends getting tested with a viral test 3 to 5 days after your trip. If you're traveling to the U.S. and you aren't a citizen, you need to be fully vaccinated and have proof of vaccination.

You don't need to quarantine when you arrive in the U.S. But check for any symptoms. Stay at home if you develop symptoms.

For unvaccinated people

Testing before and after travel can lower the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 . If you haven't been vaccinated, the CDC recommends getting a viral test within three days before your trip. Delay travel if you're waiting for test results. Keep a copy of your results with you when you travel.

Repeat the test 3 to 5 days after your trip. Stay home for five days after travel.

If at any point you test positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 , stay home. Stay at home and away from others if you develop symptoms. Follow public health recommendations.

Stay safe when you travel

In the U.S., you must wear a face mask on planes, buses, trains and other forms of public transportation. The mask must fit snugly and cover both your mouth and nose.

Follow these steps to protect yourself and others when you travel:

  • Get vaccinated.
  • Keep distance between yourself and others (within about 6 feet, or 2 meters) when you're in indoor public spaces if you're not fully vaccinated. This is especially important if you have a higher risk of serious illness.
  • Avoid contact with anyone who is sick or has symptoms.
  • Avoid crowds and indoor places that have poor air flow (ventilation).
  • Don't touch frequently touched surfaces, such as handrails, elevator buttons and kiosks. If you must touch these surfaces, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands afterward.
  • Wear a face mask in indoor public spaces. The CDC recommends wearing the most protective mask possible that you'll wear regularly and that fits. If you are in an area with a high number of new COVID-19 cases, wear a mask in indoor public places and outdoors in crowded areas or when you're in close contact with people who aren't vaccinated.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If soap and water aren't available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub your hands together until they feel dry.
  • Don't eat or drink on public transportation. That way you can keep your mask on the whole time.

Because of the high air flow and air filter efficiency on airplanes, most viruses such as the COVID-19 virus don't spread easily on flights. Wearing masks on planes has likely helped lower the risk of getting the COVID-19 virus on flights too.

However, air travel involves spending time in security lines and airport terminals, which can bring you in close contact with other people. Getting vaccinated and wearing a mask when traveling can help protect you from COVID-19 while traveling.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has increased cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and equipment, including bins, at screening checkpoints. TSA has also made changes to the screening process:

  • Travelers must wear masks during screening. However, TSA employees may ask travelers to adjust masks for identification purposes.
  • Travelers should keep a distance of 6 feet apart from other travelers when possible.
  • Instead of handing boarding passes to TSA officers, travelers should place passes (paper or electronic) directly on the scanner and then hold them up for inspection.
  • Each traveler may have one container of hand sanitizer up to 12 ounces (about 350 milliliters) in a carry-on bag. These containers will need to be taken out for screening.
  • Personal items such as keys, wallets and phones should be placed in carry-on bags instead of bins. This reduces the handling of these items during screening.
  • Food items should be carried in a plastic bag and placed in a bin for screening. Separating food from carry-on bags lessens the likelihood that screeners will need to open bags for inspection.

Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds directly before and after going through screening.

Public transportation

If you travel by bus or train and you aren't vaccinated, be aware that sitting or standing within 6 feet (2 meters) of others for a long period can put you at higher risk of getting or spreading COVID-19 . Follow the precautions described above for protecting yourself during travel.

Even if you fly, you may need transportation once you arrive at your destination. You can search car rental options and their cleaning policies on the internet. If you plan to stay at a hotel, check into shuttle service availability.

If you'll be using public transportation and you aren't vaccinated, continue physical distancing and wearing a mask after reaching your destination.

Hotels and other lodging

The hotel industry knows that travelers are concerned about COVID-19 and safety. Check any major hotel's website for information about how it's protecting guests and staff. Some best practices include:

  • Enhanced cleaning procedures
  • Physical distancing recommendations indoors for people who aren't vaccinated
  • Mask-wearing and regular hand-washing by staff
  • Mask-wearing indoors for guests in public places in areas that have high cases of COVID-19
  • Vaccine recommendations for staff
  • Isolation and testing guidelines for staff who've been exposed to COVID-19
  • Contactless payment
  • Set of rules in case a guest becomes ill, such as closing the room for cleaning and disinfecting
  • Indoor air quality measures, such as regular system and air filter maintenance, and suggestions to add air cleaners that can filter viruses and bacteria from the air

Vacation rentals, too, are enhancing their cleaning procedures. They're committed to following public health guidelines, such as using masks and gloves when cleaning, and building in a waiting period between guests.

Make a packing list

When it's time to pack for your trip, grab any medications you may need on your trip and these essential safe-travel supplies:

  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol)
  • Disinfectant wipes (at least 70% alcohol)
  • Thermometer

Considerations for people at increased risk

Anyone can get very ill from the virus that causes COVID-19 . But older adults and people of any age with certain medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness. This may include people with cancer, serious heart problems and a weakened immune system. Getting the recommended COVID-19 vaccine and booster doses can help lower your risk of being severely ill from COVID-19 .

Travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19 . If you're unvaccinated, staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 . If you must travel and aren't vaccinated, talk with your health care provider and ask about any additional precautions you may need to take.

Remember safety first

Even the most detailed and organized plans may need to be set aside when someone gets ill. Stay home if you or any of your travel companions:

  • Have signs or symptoms, are sick or think you have COVID-19
  • Are waiting for results of a COVID-19 test
  • Have been diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past five days and you're not up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines

If you've had close contact with someone with COVID-19 , get tested after at least five days. Wait to travel until you have a negative test. Wear a mask if you travel up to 10 days after you've had close contact with someone with COVID-19 .

  • How to protect yourself and others. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • Domestic travel during COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • Requirement for face masks on public transportation conveyances and at transportation hubs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • International travel. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • U.S citizens, U.S. nationals, U.S. lawful permanent residents, and immigrants: Travel to and from the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • Non-US. citizen, non-U.S. immigrants: Air travel to the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • People with certain medical conditions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • Stay up to date with your vaccines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • Pack smart. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022.
  • Travel: Frequently asked questions. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed Feb. 7, 2022.
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) information. Transportation Security Administration. Accessed Feb. 7, 2022.
  • WHO advice for international traffic in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (B.1.1.529). World Health Organization. Accessed Feb. 7, 2022.
  • VRHP/VRMA Cleaning guidelines for COVID-19. Vacation Rental Management Association. Accessed Feb. 7, 2022.
  • Safe stay. American Hotel & Lodging Association. Accessed Feb. 7, 2022.
  • Khatib AN, et al. COVID-19 transmission and the safety of air travel during the pandemic: A scoping review. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. 2021; doi:10.1097/QCO.0000000000000771.

Products and Services

  • A Book: Endemic - A Post-Pandemic Playbook
  • Begin Exploring Women's Health Solutions at Mayo Clinic Store
  • A Book: Future Care
  • Antibiotics: Are you misusing them?
  • COVID-19 and vitamin D
  • Convalescent plasma therapy
  • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • COVID-19: How can I protect myself?
  • Herd immunity and coronavirus
  • COVID-19 and pets
  • COVID-19 and your mental health
  • COVID-19 antibody testing
  • COVID-19, cold, allergies and the flu
  • COVID-19 drugs: Are there any that work?
  • Long-term effects of COVID-19
  • COVID-19 tests
  • COVID-19 in babies and children
  • Coronavirus infection by race
  • COVID-19 vaccine: Should I reschedule my mammogram?
  • COVID-19 vaccines for kids: What you need to know
  • COVID-19 vaccines
  • COVID-19 variant
  • COVID-19 vs. flu: Similarities and differences
  • COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms?
  • Debunking coronavirus myths
  • Different COVID-19 vaccines
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
  • Fever: First aid
  • Fever treatment: Quick guide to treating a fever
  • Fight coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission at home
  • Honey: An effective cough remedy?
  • How do COVID-19 antibody tests differ from diagnostic tests?
  • How to measure your respiratory rate
  • How to take your pulse
  • How to take your temperature
  • How well do face masks protect against COVID-19?
  • Is hydroxychloroquine a treatment for COVID-19?
  • Loss of smell
  • Mayo Clinic Minute: You're washing your hands all wrong
  • Mayo Clinic Minute: How dirty are common surfaces?
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pregnancy and COVID-19
  • Safe outdoor activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Safety tips for attending school during COVID-19
  • Sex and COVID-19
  • Shortness of breath
  • Thermometers: Understand the options
  • Treating COVID-19 at home
  • Unusual symptoms of coronavirus
  • Vaccine guidance from Mayo Clinic
  • Watery eyes

U.S. travel resources

  • Check CDC recommendations for travel within the U.S.
  • Review testing requirements for travel to the U.S.
  • Look up restrictions at your destination .
  • Review airport security measures .

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International driver’s license for U.S. citizens

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Apostilles and authentication certificates show U.S. documents are genuine. Learn when to use each.

Is it ‘traveling’ or ‘travelling’?

What to Know When it comes to spelling the forms of the verb travel , traveled and traveling are more common in the U.S., and travelled and travelling are dominant everywhere else.

Spelling is typically clear-cut in modern English: forty unfailingly betrays four ; the sweet treat after dinner is spelled dessert , not desert .

But some words have two forms that appear often enough in edited text to make it clear that something else is going on. And so it is with forms of the verb travel : traveled and travelled , and traveling and travelling .

woman looking at departures board

It might have a different spelling wherever you're going.

One or Two L 's?

If you look at where the single l forms originate and where the double l forms originate a pattern emerges: in the United States, traveled and traveling predominate, and everywhere else travelled and travelling are preferred.

The reason mostly comes down to one man we at Merriam-Webster hold especially dear: Noah Webster. Our lexicographical father (brothers George and Charles Merriam bought the rights to Noah Webster’s 1841 dictionary after Webster died) was a great believer in spelling reform and wanted English spelling to make more sense—and if the English of his homeland had more logic to it than its British parent, so much the better. He decided that travel needed only one l in its past and present participle forms.

Webster’s logic is the reason behind the spelling of canceled and cancelled as well: in the U.S., they have just one l , but elsewhere two l ’s are the norm.

American English Words that Use 2 L 's

Webster didn’t think all double l ’s needed to be reduced to one, however: in cases in which the accent, or emphasis, is on the syllable with the l , two l ’s are preserved: expelled and expelling ; controlled and controlling ; patrolled and patrolling .

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  • Hi New York City Hostel $56+
  • West Side Ymca $114+
  • Central Park West Hostel $160+
  • Radio Hotel $171+
  • Pod 51 $177+
  • Pod Times Square $188+
  • Paramount Times Square $193+
  • OYO Times Square $195+
  • The Gallivant Times Square $196+
  • Pod 39 $196+
  • The Manhattan At Times Square $211+
  • DoubleTree by Hilton New York Downtown $215+
  • The Washington by LuxUrban, Trademark Collection by Wyndham $219+
  • The New Yorker A Wyndham Hotel $221+
  • Hotel Edison Times Square $226+
  • Flight Miami - Newark (MIA - EWR) $40+
  • Flight Atlanta - Newark (ATL - EWR) $41+
  • Flight Atlanta - New York (ATL - LGA) $49+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Newark (FLL - EWR) $50+
  • Flight Chicago - New York (ORD - LGA) $52+
  • Flight Orlando - Newark (MCO - EWR) $52+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - New York (FLL - LGA) $57+
  • Flight Orlando - New York (MCO - LGA) $65+
  • Flight Houston - New York (HOU - LGA) $71+
  • Flight Dallas - Newark (DFW - EWR) $83+
  • Flight Dallas - New York (DFW - LGA) $88+
  • Flight Chicago - Newark (ORD - EWR) $91+
  • Flight Miami - New York (MIA - JFK) $117+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Newark (LAX - EWR) $118+
  • Flight Los Angeles - New York (LAX - LGA) $119+
  • Monumental Movieland Hotel $48+
  • Grand Hotel Kissimmee At Celebration $53+
  • Developer Inn Downtown Orlando, a Baymont by Wyndham $58+
  • Flight Atlanta - Orlando (ATL - MCO) $38+
  • Flight Baltimore - Orlando (BWI - MCO) $38+
  • Flight Cleveland - Orlando (CLE - MCO) $38+
  • Book A Bed Hostels $25+
  • Nx London Hostel $37+
  • Generator London $37+
  • Ramada London North M1 $63+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LGW) $377+
  • Flight New Windsor - London (SWF - STN) $389+
  • Flight Boston - London (BOS - LGW) $445+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LHR) $453+

Fort Lauderdale

  • Red Carpet Inn Airport Fort Lauderdale $65+
  • Days Inn by Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Airport Cruise Port $67+
  • HomeTowne Studios by Red Roof Fort Lauderdale $69+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Fort Lauderdale (PHL - FLL) $37+
  • Flight Atlanta - Fort Lauderdale (ATL - FLL) $38+
  • Flight Dallas - Fort Lauderdale (DFW - FLL) $39+
  • Green Tortoise Hostel Seattle $60+
  • Coast Gateway Hotel $152+
  • Travelodge by Wyndham Seattle By The Space Needle $160+
  • Flight Ontario - Seattle (ONT - SEA) $73+
  • Flight Phoenix - Seattle (PHX - SEA) $78+
  • Flight San Diego - Seattle (SAN - SEA) $80+
  • Fabhotel Royal Residency Lakdikapul $18+
  • The Altruist Business Hotel Hitech $33+
  • Katriya Hotel & Towers $36+
  • Flight New York - Ahmedabad (JFK - AMD) $552+
  • Flight New York - Mumbai (JFK - BOM) $595+
  • Flight Newark - Ahmedabad (EWR - AMD) $632+
  • Smile Hotel Premium Sapporo Susukino $31+
  • Nest Hotel Sapporo Ekimae $34+
  • Best Western Sapporo Odori Koen $37+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Tokyo (LAX - NRT) $645+
  • Flight San Francisco - Tokyo (SFO - NRT) $647+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Tokyo (LAX - HND) $740+
  • Kuhio Banyan Club $120+
  • Royal Grove Waikiki $120+
  • Ohia Waikiki Studio Suites $136+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Honolulu (LAX - HNL) $239+
  • Flight San Francisco - Honolulu (SFO - HNL) $248+
  • Flight San Diego - Honolulu (SAN - HNL) $258+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Dallas Love Field Airport $52+
  • Dallas Love Field Inn $58+
  • Wyndham Garden Dallas North $64+
  • Flight Chicago - Dallas (ORD - DFW) $40+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Dallas (FLL - DFW) $40+
  • Flight Phoenix - Dallas (PHX - DFW) $43+
  • The STRAT Hotel, Casino & Tower $23+
  • OYO Hotel And Casino Las Vegas $27+
  • Excalibur Hotel & Casino $43+
  • Circus Circus Hotel, Casino & Theme Park $45+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Las Vegas (LAX - LAS) $24+
  • Flight Burbank - Las Vegas (BUR - LAS) $33+
  • Flight Oakland - Las Vegas (OAK - LAS) $34+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Las Vegas (MSP - LAS) $40+
  • Freehand Chicago $43+
  • Chicago Getaway Hostel $54+
  • Travelodge by Wyndham Downtown Chicago $114+
  • Flight Atlanta - Chicago (ATL - MDW) $37+
  • Flight Atlanta - Chicago (ATL - ORD) $40+
  • Flight Dallas - Chicago (DFW - ORD) $42+

San Francisco

  • Hi San Francisco Downtown Hostel $49+
  • The Mosser $79+
  • BEI San Francisco, Trademark Collection By Wyndham $125+
  • Flight Ontario - San Francisco (ONT - SFO) $38+
  • Flight Los Angeles - San Francisco (LAX - SFO) $40+
  • Flight San Diego - San Francisco (SAN - SFO) $79+

Washington, D.C.

  • Generator Hotel Washington DC $62+
  • Days Inn by Wyndham Washington DC/Connecticut Avenue $116+
  • Georgetown Residences by LuxUrban, Trademark Coll by Wyndham $153+
  • Citizenm Washington DC Noma $156+
  • Hyatt Place Washington DC/US Capitol $163+
  • Hotel Harrington $164+
  • Motto by Hilton Washington DC City Center $169+
  • Beacon Hotel & Corporate Quarters $171+
  • Arc Hotel Washington DC, Georgetown $171+
  • Citizenm Washington Dc Capitol $175+
  • The Churchill Hotel Near Embassy Row $178+
  • Morrison Clark Historic Inn $179+
  • Flight Atlanta - Baltimore (ATL - BWI) $40+
  • Flight Boston - Baltimore (BOS - BWI) $40+
  • Flight Orlando - Baltimore (MCO - BWI) $40+
  • Flight Dallas - Baltimore (DFW - BWI) $75+
  • Flight Chicago - Baltimore (ORD - BWI) $80+
  • Flight Houston - Baltimore (IAH - BWI) $81+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Baltimore (LAX - BWI) $94+
  • Flight Boston - Washington, D.C. (BOS - DCA) $133+
  • Flight Boston - Washington, D.C. (BOS - IAD) $139+
  • Flight Seattle - Baltimore (SEA - BWI) $139+
  • Flight Atlanta - Washington, D.C. (ATL - DCA) $149+
  • Flight Dallas - Washington, D.C. (DFW - DCA) $154+
  • Hotel Boutique Casa Mallorca $68+
  • Suites Malecon Cancun $73+
  • Wyndham Garden Cancun Downtown $80+
  • Flight Dallas - Cancún (DFW - CUN) $178+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Cancún (FLL - CUN) $181+
  • Flight Houston - Cancún (HOU - CUN) $181+

United States

  • Flight Newark - Fort Lauderdale (EWR - FLL) $40+
  • Flight Newark - Miami (EWR - MIA) $40+
  • Flight New York - Chicago (LGA - ORD) $46+
  • Kauai Palms Hotel $189+
  • Tip Top Motel Cafe & Bakery $194+
  • Kauai Inn $252+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Hawaii (LAX - USHI) $213+
  • Flight San Francisco - Hawaii (SFO - USHI) $248+
  • Flight San Diego - Hawaii (SAN - USHI) $258+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham San Diego Hotel Circle $94+
  • California Suites Hotel $99+
  • Best Western Seven Seas $105+
  • Flight Phoenix - San Diego (PHX - SAN) $38+
  • Flight San Jose - San Diego (SJC - SAN) $40+
  • Flight Sacramento - San Diego (SMF - SAN) $48+
  • Shared Living Not A Hotel $39+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Phoenix West $54+
  • HomeTowne Studios by Red Roof Phoenix West $59+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Phoenix (LAX - PHX) $41+
  • Flight Dallas - Phoenix (DFW - PHX) $42+
  • Flight Ontario - Phoenix (ONT - PHX) $43+

Los Angeles

  • Boutique Hostel $34+
  • Freehand Los Angeles $43+
  • City Center Hotel $104+
  • Four Points by Sheraton Los Angeles International Airport $112+
  • Rotex Western Inn $115+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites LAX $117+
  • The Dixie Hollywood $122+
  • Flight Oakland - Los Angeles (OAK - LAX) $35+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Los Angeles (SLC - LAX) $38+
  • Flight San Francisco - Los Angeles (SFO - LAX) $38+
  • Flight Dallas - Los Angeles (DFW - LAX) $61+
  • Flight Seattle - Los Angeles (SEA - LAX) $65+
  • Flight San Jose - Los Angeles (SJC - LAX) $66+
  • Flight Houston - Los Angeles (HOU - LAX) $71+
  • Selina Gold Dust $59+
  • Motel 6 Miami. Fl $78+
  • La Quinta Inn by Wyndham Miami Airport North $78+
  • Miami Gardens Inn & Suites $87+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Miami Airport East $92+
  • Days Inn by Wyndham Miami International Airport $94+
  • Holiday Inn Miami West - Airport Area $102+
  • The Palms Inn & Suites Miami, Kendall, Fl $108+
  • Holiday Inn Express & Suites Miami-Kendall $108+
  • Radisson Red Miami Airport $113+
  • Courtyard by Marriott Miami West/FL Turnpike $113+
  • Flight Atlanta - Miami (ATL - MIA) $39+
  • Flight Dallas - Miami (DFW - MIA) $39+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Miami (PHL - MIA) $39+
  • Flight Baltimore - Miami (BWI - MIA) $40+
  • Flight Chicago - Miami (ORD - MIA) $40+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (HOU - MIA) $43+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (IAH - MIA) $43+
  • Flight Charlotte - Miami (CLT - MIA) $48+
  • Flight Raleigh - Miami (RDU - MIA) $54+
  • Flight New York - Miami (LGA - MIA) $56+
  • Hometowne Studios by Red Roof Denver - Glendale/Cherry Creek $59+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Denver Stapleton $93+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites By Wyndham Denver Airport Dia $105+
  • Quality Inn & Suites Denver International Airport $108+
  • Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Denver International Airport $109+
  • Baymont by Wyndham Denver International Airport $111+
  • Hyatt Place Pena Station Denver Airport $112+
  • Flight Chicago - Denver (ORD - DEN) $57+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Denver (MSP - DEN) $58+
  • Flight Ontario - Denver (ONT - DEN) $61+
  • Flight Austin - Denver (AUS - DEN) $62+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Denver (LAX - DEN) $84+
  • Flight Baltimore - Denver (BWI - DEN) $86+
  • Flight Cincinnati - Denver (CVG - DEN) $88+
  • Hi Boston Hostel $67+
  • Found Hotel Boston Common $92+
  • DoubleTree by Hilton Boston Bayside $175+
  • Flight Baltimore - Boston (BWI - BOS) $40+
  • Flight Newark - Boston (EWR - BOS) $47+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Boston (PHL - BOS) $48+
  • Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Atlanta Airport $58+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Atlanta Airport North $98+
  • Sonesta Atlanta Airport North $102+
  • Flight Orlando - Atlanta (MCO - ATL) $24+
  • Flight Baltimore - Atlanta (BWI - ATL) $33+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Atlanta (FLL - ATL) $33+
  • Generator Madrid $31+
  • C&h Aravaca Garden $40+
  • Toc Hostel Madrid $41+
  • Flight New York - Rome (JFK - FCO) $317+
  • Flight Newark - Barcelona (EWR - BCN) $354+
  • Flight New York - Paris (JFK - CDG) $357+
  • Rodeway Inn Fairgrounds-Casino $67+
  • Tampa Inn Near Busch Gardens $68+
  • Econo Lodge Airport at RJ Stadium $69+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Florida (PHL - USFL) $38+
  • Flight Baltimore - Florida (BWI - USFL) $40+
  • Flight Newark - Florida (EWR - USFL) $40+
  • Flight Atlanta - Tampa (ATL - TPA) $38+
  • Flight Raleigh - Tampa (RDU - TPA) $38+
  • Flight Baltimore - Tampa (BWI - TPA) $46+

New Orleans

  • Ramada by Wyndham New Orleans $66+
  • Maison Saint Charles by Hotel RL $95+
  • Hampton Inn & Suites New Orleans Canal St. French Quarter $96+
  • Flight Dallas - New Orleans (DFW - MSY) $38+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - New Orleans (FLL - MSY) $40+
  • Flight Atlanta - New Orleans (ATL - MSY) $45+

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U.S. reissues Level 2 travel warning for Germany. Here’s what you need to know before your next trip

  • Updated: May. 04, 2024, 10:10 a.m. |
  • Published: May. 04, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

German flag

The U.S. State Department has reissued a Level 2 travel advisory for Germany due to fears of terrorism. AP

  • Katherine Rodriguez | NJ Advance Media for

The U.S. State Department has reissued a Level 2 travel advisory for Germany due to fears of terrorism.

The State Department issued the advisory on Wednesday, ranking the travel advisory on a scale of two out of four. This means that those traveling to an area must “exercise increased caution.”

“Terrorists may attack with little or no warning,” the State Department noted.

The agency added that terrorists could target tourism and transportation hubs, as well as shopping destinations, hotels, clubs, restaurants, local government facilities and major events.

The State Department noted on its website that for those who do decide to travel to Germany, travelers should pay attention to their surroundings , follow the instructions of local authorities, be aware of the latest breaking news in the area and adjust your plans, if necessary. The organization also urges travelers to Germany to create a contingency plan for emergency situations as well as sign up for the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive alerts and make it easier for the State Department to locate you in case of an emergency.

The U.S. Department of State has issued several travel warnings this year with those most recently centered around the Caribbean.

One was a Level 4 “do not travel” warning against traveling to the country of Haiti due to kidnappings and gang violence.

Another warning from the State Department cautioned travelers to “reconsider travel” to the country of Jamaica after 65 people were murdered in one month.

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Update April 12, 2024

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A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, which is placed in the traveler’s passport, a travel document issued by the traveler’s country of citizenship.

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Apr 15, 2024 Visa Information for Nationals of Haiti

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Dec 21, 2023 Important Update on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for Certain Nonimmigrant Visa Applicants

Dec 21, 2023 Department of State to Process Domestic Visa Renewals in Limited Pilot Program


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E-passes mandatory for visitors travelling to Ooty, Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu from May 7: Know reasons

In case you are planning to travel to ooty and kodaikanal in tamil nadu make sure to seek an e-pass as the madras high court has made it mandatory for visitors. in the article, we have mentioned the reasons behind it..

Kristina Das

According to the TOI report , a special division bench comprising two justices N Sathish Kumar and D Bharatha Chakravarthy had introduced the e-pass. Its purpose was to deal with the problems caused by the increasing number of visitors to the hill stations. The number of e-passes issued, however, is unlimited, and residents are free from this rule.

The ruling by the Madras High Court is also a reaction to traffic jams. The court wants to gather information on vehicle traffic on the difficult ghat roads that lead to these locations by introducing e-passes.

In response to a report that detailed the tremendous flood of more than 20,000 vehicles every day—11,500 cars and 6,500 motorcycles—during peak season, the court directed District Collectors to set up an online e-pass issue platform. These passes will be required to enter, allowing controlled access and reducing traffic on congested roads.

Ooty, also known as the Queen of Hill Stations, is located in the Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu. It is famous for its tea plantations, picturesque views, and colonial charm. The best time to visit Ooty is from October to June when the weather is pleasant and perfect for sightseeing.

The first place that comes to mind when talking about Ooty is the iconic Nilgiri Mountain Railway. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers a scenic train ride that takes you through tunnels, bridges, and lush green forests. The journey starts from Mettupalayam and ends in Ooty, covering a distance of 46 km. It is a must-try experience for anyone visiting Ooty. Next on the list is Ooty Lake, one of the most popular tourist spots in Ooty. It is an artificial lake surrounded by lush greenery and offers boating facilities for visitors. Another must-visit place in Ooty is the Emerald Lake. Located in the lap of the Nilgiri Mountains, this serene lake offers breathtaking views and is perfect for a picnic with family and friends. 

For nature lovers, the Botanical Gardens in Ooty is a must-visit place. One cannot miss visiting the Doddabetta Peak while in Ooty. It is the highest peak in the Nilgiris and offers stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Apart from these famous tourist spots, Ooty also has some hidden gems waiting to be explored. One such place is the Pykara Lake and Waterfalls.

Kodaikanal, also known as the Princess of Hill Stations is located in the Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal is famous for its serene lakes, misty mountains, and beautiful waterfalls. The best time to visit Kodaikanal is from September to May when the weather is pleasant and perfect for outdoor activities.

The first place on our list is the Kodai Lake, one of the most popular tourist spots in Kodaikanal. Next up is the Coaker's Walk, a one-kilometre-long paved pedestrian path that offers stunning views of the surrounding valleys and hills. The walk is named after Lt.Coaker, who commissioned the path in 1872.

For adventure enthusiasts, the Dolphin's Nose is a must-visit place in Kodaikanal. Then one of the most popular waterfalls in Kodaikanal is the Bear Shola Falls. This waterfall gets its name from the bears that used to come here to drink water in the olden days. The waterfall is surrounded by lush greenery and is a perfect spot for a picnic with family and friends.

If you want to experience the beauty of Kodaikanal from a different perspective, then take a boat ride on the Berijam Lake. Another hidden gem in Kodaikanal is the Mannavanur Lake. Located 35 km from the main town, this lake is surrounded by picturesque landscapes.

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MS Dhoni and Jitesh Sharma repeat 12-year-old unwanted feat in PBKS vs CSK clash

IPL 2024

IPL 2024: How can Mumbai Indians qualify for playoffs? Here are scenarios

Israeli Defense Forces tank drives away from Gaza  Strip.

Hamas says it accepts Gaza ceasefire proposal hours after Israel orders Rafah evacuation

Columbia University students stage protest against Israel

Columbia University cancels graduation ceremony as pro-Palestinian protests roiled campuses

Qantas Airways

This Australian airline sold tickets for cancelled flights, now paying a hefty fine of $79 million

Aftermath of IDF attacks Gaza region

Rafah under attack: IDF rages war on Gaza hours after it asks over 1 lakh Palestinians to vacate

Navjeet Sandhu killed in Australia

Haryana farmer sold land to fund his son's education, fellow Indian friends killed him in Australia

  • Celebrities

Ranbir Kapoor with fan

Parineeti Chopra's singing debut resurfaces, charms fans in viral throwback clip

Dhruv Vikram in Bison Kaalamaadan

Bison Kaalamaadan: Chiyaan Vikram's son Dhruv begins filming for Mari Selvaraj's directorial

Preity Zinta and Shah Rukh Khan

'When we get a...', Preity Zinta about reuniting with Shah Rukh Khan for future projects

Vikrant Massey

12th Fail star Vikrant Massey enjoys quality time with son, wife Sheetal Thakur shares first glimpse

  • Live Scores
  • Other Sports

Harmanpreet Kaur and Richa Ghosh stitched a 28-ball 44

Harmanpreet Kaur, debutant Asha Sobhana star as India make it 4-0 against Bangladesh

A view at the Dharamsala stadium.

What is a hybrid pitch as Indian cricket embarks on new innovation?

T20 World Cup 2024

India's T20 World Cup jersey launched, fans come up with mixed reactions

Instagram, instagram kiss challenge,

Instagram faces lawsuit over Kiss Challenge: All you need to know

iPhone 15 Pro Max, tech news, india tv tech

Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro Max: Best-selling smartphone in Q1 2024


World's first 6G device unveiled: All you need to know

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Vivo X100 series launch confirmed for May 13: Price, availability and more


Apple Watch saves Delhi woman's life, thanked Tim Cook: DETAILS

Mumbai Indians will be up against the Sunrisers Hyderabad

Explained: How 8 teams will benefit from Mumbai Indians' win against Sunrisers Hyderabad in IPL 2024

Rae Bareli's tryst with Gandhi family

Feroze Gandhi to Rahul Gandhi: Rae Bareli's tryst with Gandhi family in Lok Sabha polls | Explained

Digital House Arrest

What is Digital House Arrest and how to avoid it? | Explained

US, MiG aircraft, Kazakhstan

Why is US acquiring 81 'obsolete' Soviet-era combat aircraft from key Russian ally Kazakhstan?

Recycled Mobile Number

Getting unknown calls on new number? Here's what is Recycled Mobile Number, how this policy works

Horoscope Today, May 6

Horoscope Today, May 6: Profitable day for Pisces; know about other zodiac signs

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Horoscope Today, May 4: Capricorn to help old friend; know about other zodiac signs

weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope (May 6-May 12): Virgos must manage finances better; know about other zodiac signs

Horoscope Today, May 3

Horoscope Today, May 3: Fruitful day for Capricorn; know about other zodiac signs


Sensex ends marginally higher after volatile trade; Nifty below 22,500

Stock markets update

Stock markets update: Sensex surges over 450 points, Nifty opens above 22,550 points

Warren Buffet

"India holds untapped, unattended opportunities," says Warren Buffett

Foreign portfolio investors, fpi return as buyers in Indian stock market, National Securities Deposi

Foreign portfolio investors return as buyers in Indian stock market

Bhavesh Gupta quits as Paytm COO

Paytm COO Bhavesh Gupta quits, company rejigs senior management

World Asthma Day 2024

World Asthma Day 2024: Date, theme, history, significance and more about the lung disease

FLiRT, new COVID Variant

FLiRT, new COVID-19 variant, spreads in US: Is it dangerous? Know symptoms and more

anger bad for heart health

Is anger bad for your heart health? Know reasons and how to avoid rage

coffee on an empty stomach

5 reasons why you should avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach


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  2. 20 tips for traveling around the world. Everything you need to know

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  3. Seven underrated benefits of travelling you should know

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  5. Travel Airplane Wallpapers

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  6. Tips For International Travel

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  1. Travelers look to trains, buses to avoid canceled flights

  2. Traveling is continuing despite inflation

  3. Travel tips: How to handle flight delays, cancellations

  4. Expert says travel takes more planning these days

  5. It's a busy travel day with many returning from their holiday destinations

  6. Holiday Travel Guide: Let's talk pricing, strategy


  1. International Travel

    International Travel. The highest priority of the Bureau of Consular Affairs is to protect the lives and serve the interests of U.S. citizens abroad. Across the globe, we serve our fellow citizens during some of their most important moments - births, adoptions, medical emergencies, deaths, arrests, and disasters.

  2. Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)

    Signing up for STEP helps the U.S. embassy get in touch with you if there's an emergency. And, if your family or friends in the U.S. can't reach you with urgent news while you're traveling, we can use the information in STEP to try and contact you. Become a Smart Traveler Now! STEP is an easy first step to being a smart traveler.

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  5. Travel advice

    Policy and technical considerations for implementing a risk-based approach to international travel in the context of COVID-19. 5 February 2021. COVID-19 Travel Advice. ... Travelling can increase risks to personal health and wellbeing, and these risks should be understood when planning travel, particularly to unfamiliar, distant or remote areas

  6. Travelers' Health

    More. Learn about CDC's Traveler Genomic Surveillance Program that detects new COVID-19 variants entering the country. Sign up to get travel notices, clinical updates, & healthy travel tips. CDC Travelers' Health Branch provides updated travel information, notices, and vaccine requirements to inform international travelers and provide ...

  7. COVID-19 travel advice

    By Mayo Clinic Staff. A coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine can prevent you from getting COVID-19 or from becoming seriously ill due to COVID-19. But even if you're vaccinated, it's still a good idea to take precautions to protect yourself and others while traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you've had all recommended COVID-19 ...

  8. U.S. citizens traveling abroad

    Authenticate an official document for use outside the U.S. Apostilles and authentication certificates show U.S. documents are genuine. Learn when to use each. Make traveling abroad easier: learn about visas, Trusted Traveler Programs, driving, and emergencies. Also, learn to authenticate documents with apostilles.

  9. Traveling vs Travelling: Which is it?

    A tale of two variants. What to Know. When it comes to spelling the forms of the verb travel, traveled and traveling are more common in the U.S., and travelled and travelling are dominant everywhere else. Spelling is typically clear-cut in modern English: forty unfailingly betrays four; the sweet treat after dinner is spelled dessert, not desert.

  10. Foreign travel advice

    Foreign travel advice. Get advice about travelling abroad, including the latest information on coronavirus, safety and security, entry requirements and travel warnings. Search for a country or ...

  11. Travel news, travel guides and reviews

    Latest travel news and reviews on UK and world holidays, travel guides to global destinations, city breaks, hotels and restaurant information from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice

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    KAYAK Trips creates a travel itinerary for you that will give you flight status alerts, can be shared with friends and more. Simply forward your booking confirmations to [email protected] or use the KAYAK app and sync your email account to keep all your travel plans organized in one app, even if you didn't book with KAYAK.

  13. Travel English: Vocabulary, phrases & expressions for traveling

    Knowing some English phrases can make your trip safer and more fun, even if you're not traveling to a place where English is the official language! Blog Language resources Articles for business. Find 1-on-1 tutors. English. Italiano; Español; Find 1-on-1 tutors. ... Knowing some essential English travel phrases will make your trip safer ...

  14. What is the difference between travel and travelling?

    23 1 2 4. 2. The form travelling (or traveling in AmE) is a form of the verb travel that can function as a gerund, which has many of the same syntactic functions as a noun. For instance, it can be the direct object of verb, as in "I like travel (l)ing." I do not think there is much of any difference in meaning between that and "I like travel."

  15. The Travel Hack You Should Know Before Travelling to Fiji

    Travelling with a toddler, the attentive crew ensured he was well-cared for, making our journey much smoother. As a benefit of flying business class, I enjoyed complimentary access to the Premier ...

  16. 21 Things to Know Before You Go to Moscow

    1: Off-kilter genius at Delicatessen: Brain pâté with kefir butter and young radishes served mezze-style, and the caviar and tartare pizza. Head for Food City. You might think that calling Food City (Фуд Сити), an agriculture depot on the outskirts of Moscow, a "city" would be some kind of hyperbole. It is not.


    TRAVELLING IN MOSCOW. by Olga 12 September 2018. written by Olga 12 September 2018. ... Although "The term life journey" is one of the most common in terms when describing travel, it is not easy to think of something more precise for Russia. With an area far more bigger than the whole of Europe and history which has set the course of the ...

  18. Travel vs Travelling

    As verbs the difference between travel and travelling is that travel is to be on a journey, often for pleasure or business and with luggage; to go from one place to another while travelling is present participle of lang=en. As nouns the difference between travel and travelling is that travel is the act of traveling while travelling is standard spelling of lang=en|from=British.

  19. Solo traveling basics: Expert advice for your first trip

    Now more than ever, more people are deciding to forgo travel companions and embark on their trips alone. Solo vacation package searches on Google shot up by more than 200% over the past 90 days as ...

  20. Travel Tips: 7 Ways To Master The Art Of Travelling Light

    Here are the 7 points that you must consider if you are willing to travel light this time around-. The Capsule Wardrobe: Embrace the art of versatility as you assemble a capsule wardrobe ...

  21. Moscow travel guide (Russia)

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  23. Number of Chinese Tourists Traveling Overseas Jumps Despite Sluggish

    In 2019, Chinese travelers made 170 million trips abroad and their spending made up 14% of global tourism revenue, according to World Travel and Tourism Council data. Analysts had expected China ...

  24. Travelling to Dubai? This is what you need to know

    My top 5 sites to visit in Dubai. Burj Khalifa: The world's tallest structure in downtown Dubai. The world's tallest structure in downtown Dubai, the iconic Burj Khalifa. Picture: Se-Anne Rall ...

  25. U.S. reissues Level 2 travel warning for Germany. Here's what you need

    The U.S. State Department has reissued a Level 2 travel advisory for Germany due to fears of terrorism. The State Department issued the advisory on Wednesday, ranking the travel advisory on a ...

  26. U.S. Visas

    A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, which is placed in the traveler's passport, a travel document issued by the traveler's country of citizenship. Certain international travelers may be eligible to travel to the United States without a visa if they meet the ...

  27. Family travel insurance: What is it and do you need it?

    Families choose their level of coverage when they purchase a travel insurance policy. A comprehensive policy is the safest option for all kinds of family travel because it provides well-rounded ...

  28. 37 best Mother's Day travel gifts for Mom in 2024

    Cadence Capsules Set of 6. Cadence. This customizable hive of containers is the perfect way to help mom stay organized on her travels. The magnetic, leakproof and compact containers can be ...

  29. E-passes mandatory for visitors travelling to Ooty, Kodaikanal in Tamil

    E-passes mandatory for visitors travelling to Ooty, Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu from May 7: Know reasons In case you are planning to travel to Ooty and Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu make sure to seek an E ...