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Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor

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  • Bird Aviary
  • Komodo Island
  • Penguin House
  • Primate Center
  • Reptile Tunnel
  • Safari Siang
  • Istana Panda
  • Safari Malam
  • Safari Trek & Outbound
  • Conservation
  • Amusement Area
  • Special Experience
  • Royal Safari Resort
  • Safari Lodge Hotel


  • Flight + Hotel Packages


Taman Safari, Modern Zoological Garden with Various Collections of Flora and Fauna

Bogor Botanical Garden is located in Bogor city and spread about 87 hectares with the impressive out-of-town Bogor Presidential Palace fronting it and soaring Mt. Salak at its background and boasts over 400 species of palm trees, 5,000 trees gathered from around the tropical world, and an orchid house containing 3,000 varieties. Records show that the Bogor Botanical Gardens harbours 3,504 plant species, 1,273 genus in 199 families.

The Gardens are said to have been initiated by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who, between 1811-1816, became Governor General of the East Indies during the interim reign of the British over the archipelago. With the help of botanists from London’s famed Kew Gardens, Raffles first laid out a small garden. However, the Gardens were officially established by the Dutch in 1817 under the directorship of CGC Reinwardt. A memorial to Raffles’ wife still stands in the Gardens. The Bogor Gardens today function as an ex situ conservation site, a research center for taxonomy and plant utilization. In horticulture the Gardens study adaptation, planting and propagation of plants and develop the science of plant growing.

The Gardens are open daily to visitors. There are paved walkways for visitors to stroll at leisure to admire the variety of old, gnarled trees, walk under the canopy of their foliage and listen to the river rushing over large boulders. On Sundays and public holidays, the Gardens are usually very crowded.

From Jakarta , you can rent a car (complete with a chauffeur) to go to Bogor. As mentioned above, the journey to Bogor will be about one hour. Be advised that the traffic on weekends and long holidays will be more packed.

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Mas Bellboy

07 Sep 2024 - 4 min read

7 Kegiatan Seru di Taman Safari Solo, Family Friendly!

Solo (Surakarta) tidak hanya terkenal dengan batiknya yang beragam, tetapi juga memiliki banyak wisata menarik untuk dijelajahi, termasuk Taman Safari Solo yang menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata kekinian di kota ini. Di sana, kamu dapat melihat berbagai satwa liar secara dekat dan mengajak keluarga atau anak-anak untuk berkenalan dengan mereka serta mendengarkan bunyi khas mereka.

Taman Solo Safari menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata baru yang diresmikan pada Jumat, 27 Januari 2023, setelah mengalami revitalisasi dan rebranding dari Taman Satwa Taru Jurug (TSTJ). Kebun binatang ini telah ada sejak tahun 1878 dan mengalami revitalisasi tahap pertama dengan konsep baru serta penambahan banyak satwa baru.

Ingin tau apa saja hal menarik yang bisa kamu lakukan di Taman Safari Solo? Traveloka akan menjawab rasa penasaranmu di artikel ini!

Mengenal Taman Safari Solo

Gajah di Taman Safari Solo

SETYA HERY KURNIAWAN / Shutterstock.com

Di Solo, kamu dapat mengunjungi Taman Safari Solo untuk melihat beragam binatang dan berinteraksi langsung dengan mereka. Kebun Binatang ini menawarkan pemandangan serta aktivitas menarik lainnya. Dulunya dikenal sebagai Kebun Binatang Jurug Solo, namun karena rendahnya jumlah pengunjung, pemerintah melakukan revitalisasi dan mengubah namanya menjadi Solo Safari Zoo.

Setelah diresmikan kembali pada tanggal 27 Januari 2023, kebun binatang ini menjadi lebih atraktif dan menarik, menarik banyak wisatawan untuk berkunjung. Dengan luas area mencapai 9,8 hektar, Solo Safari Zoo memiliki berbagai spesies hewan yang dapat kamu temui.

Selain berfungsi sebagai kebun binatang, tempat ini juga berperan sebagai area konservasi untuk tanaman langka. Kamu bisa menghabiskan waktu berlama-lama di sini dengan berbagai aktivitas yang menyenangkan.

Salah satu keunggulan utama dari Solo Safari adalah lokasinya yang berdekatan dengan sungai Bengawan Solo. Taman Safari Indonesia dan Yayasan Konservasi Margasatwa Indonesia (YMKI) telah merancang Taman Safari Solo sedikit mirip dengan habitat asli satwa, hal ini memungkinkan pengunjung dapat berinteraksi langsung dan memberi makan satwa di sini.

Alamat serta Cara Menuju ke Taman Safari Solo

Taman Safari Solo atau dulu dikenal sebagai Taman Satwa Taru Jurug (TSTJ), terkenal di Surakarta (Solo). Lokasinya pun cukup strategis, yaitu berada di Jalan Ir. Sutami No. 40, Kentingan, Jebres, Kota Surakarta. Tempat ini dekat dengan Taman Jurug dan Stasiun Jebres, membuatnya mudah diakses oleh pengunjung.

Selain itu, lokasi dari tempat wisata ini berjarak sekitar 10 menit atau sekitar 4,5 kilometer dari Kantor Wali Kota Solo. Rute terbaik untuk mencapai lokasi ini adalah melalui Jl. Jenderal Urip Sumoharjo dan Jl. Ir. Juanda.

Aktivitas Menarik yang Bisa Dilakukan di Taman Safari Solo

Kambing di Taman Safari Solo

Taman Safari Solo memiliki nama dan konsep baru, yakni mengusung tema walking zoo. Hal ini memungkinkan pengunjung untuk berkeliling sambil berjalan kaki dan menikmati keindahan satwa langsung di dalam area seluas 9,8 hektar.

1. Menaiki Kuda Poni

Pony Ride di Taman Safari Solo adalah salah satu kegiatan menarik yang tidak boleh dilewatkan, terutama bagi anak-anak. Pengunjung yang datang bersama anak-anak dapat mengajak mereka untuk menunggang kuda poni yang mungil dan cantik ini.

2. Pengalaman Melihat Berbagai Jenis Hewan

Saat ini, Taman Safari Solo menampung sekitar 480 hewan. Beberapa satwa masih dalam proses observasi dan pengembangan sehingga mungkin belum dapat dilihat oleh pengunjung.

Beberapa dari koleksi satwa yang dapat ditemui meliputi Anoa, Beruang, Binturong, Banteng Jawa, Komodo, Blackbuck, Musang pandan, Wallaby, Rusa Timor, Rusa Bawean, Gajah, Kuda, Lechwe, Otter, Orangutan, Zebra, Ular Piton, Unta, Watusi, dan Nilgai.

Selain itu, terdapat berbagai jenis unggas seperti Burung unta, Merak, Elang, dan Ayam mutiara. Di samping menyaksikan beragam satwa, pengunjung juga dapat menikmati pertunjukan edukatif pada jam-jam tertentu, termasuk Elephant Education Show, Animal Show, dan Otter Keeper Talk.

Baca Juga: 9 Wisata Alam di Solo Ini Belum Diketahui Banyak Wisatawan

3. Beristirahat di Snack Corner

Snack corner di tempat wisata yang satu ini menawarkan beragam pilihan makanan ringan dan minuman yang tidak boleh dilewatkan. Mulai dari jajanan tradisional khas Solo hingga kudapan kekinian, tersedia untuk menemani momen berwisatmu.

Suasana nyaman dan asri di taman yang teduh, dikelilingi pepohonan rindang dan kicauan burung, menambah keseruan saat bersantap dan beristirahat. Di sini, kamu juga bisa menikmati pemandangan satwa liar yang sesekali terlihat di kejauhan. Hal tersebut menjadikan snack corner ini bukan hanya tempat untuk mengisi perut, tetapi juga pengalaman bersantap yang unik dan menyenangkan.

4. Petting Zoo

Petting Zoo di Taman Safari Solo adalah tempat yang wajib dikunjungi bagi pengunjung yang datang bersama anak-anak. Di sini, pengunjung dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan hewan-hewan kecil sambil memberi mereka makan. Kamu dapat memberi makan hewan seperti ayam, kambing, kelinci, dan kura-kura dengan membeli makanan khusus seharga Rp10.000 sebelumnya.

5. Mengabadikan Momen di Spot Foto

Di sini juga terdapat banyak spot menarik yang ideal untuk berfoto. Pengunjung dapat berswafoto bersama hewan-hewan lucu dan unik, serta menggunakan berbagai tempat lainnya yang tersedia. Patung-patung hewan berukuran besar juga tersedia untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai latar belakang foto.

Liburan di kebun binatang memberikan pengalaman yang menarik dengan flora dan fauna yang jarang ditemukan di alam liar Indonesia. Bagi yang tertarik untuk berfoto bersama hewan, ke Taman Safari Solo adalah pilihan yang tepat.

6. Melihat Para Hewan di Pentas Satwa

Di area pentas satwa, pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai pertunjukan menghibur yang menampilkan bakat dan kecerdasan satwa. Mulai dari atraksi anjing terlatih, kelincahan burung pemangsa hingga pertunjukan lumba-lumba yang memukau, pengalaman ini tidak hanya menghibur tetapi juga edukatif.

Melalui pertunjukan ini, pengunjung dapat belajar lebih banyak tentang perilaku dan habitat satwa, memberikan kesempatan untuk mengenal mereka lebih dekat. Bagi anak-anak, ini merupakan pengalaman tak terlupakan yang dapat menumbuhkan rasa cinta dan kepedulian terhadap hewan.

7. Wahana Bermain Anak yang Beragam

Di Taman Safari Solo, selain bisa berkenalan dengan flora dan fauna, terdapat juga berbagai wahana permainan yang cocok untuk anak-anak. Wahana ini dirancang untuk membuat anak-anak betah berlama-lama menikmati kebun binatang. Beberapa di antaranya termasuk ayunan, permainan kora-kora mini, jungkat-jungkit, dan banyak lagi.

Selama anak-anak bermain, disarankan agar tetap diawasi oleh orang tua atau anggota keluarga lainnya. Di area kebun binatang, terdapat juga patung Naga berukuran besar dan berwarna kuning yang menarik untuk dilihat dan dikenali oleh anak-anak.

Baca Juga: 11 Rekomendasi Destinasi Terbaik untuk Solo Traveling Wanita

Fasilitas yang Terdapat di Taman Safari Solo

Taman Safari Solo yang memiliki slogan ‘Edukasi, Konservasi, serta Rekreasi’ telah menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata favorit di Solo setelah mengalami revitalisasi yang signifikan. Proses ini dimulai dengan peletakan batu pertama pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2022 dan melibatkan sejumlah perubahan besar.

Selain mengubah nama dari TSTJ menjadi Taman Solo Safari, tambahan fasilitas yang bisa digunakan untuk mendukung berbagai kebutuhan wisata di antaranya sebagai berikut.

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Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia – Bogor

Taman Safari Indonesia offers a rich experience as a zoo and animal theme park that has grown to become one of Indonesia's most famous destinations.

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Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia – Bogor

aman Safari Indonesia (Bogor) is located in the mountainous area of Cisarua, Bogor regency, West Java. The vast complex is a zoo and animal theme park that has become a popular destination, drawing visitors from nearby areas as well as from across the nation and even from abroad.

Taman Safari Bogor is one of three safari parks in Indonesia, the two others being Taman Safari Prigen in East Java and the Bali Safari and Marine Park. 

How to get there 

Entrance to Taman Safari Indonesia

Located in Cisarua in the Bogor regency, the easiest way to get there from Jakarta is by car, which would also be convenient for visitors wanting to experience the park's Safari Journey. 

Alternatively, visitors can catch the train to Bogor Station, taking them to the city of Bogor, which is still approximately 28 kilometers away from the park. From there, travelers can continue by ride-hailing app services or use the local angkot (public minivans) plying three routes. 

Weekday entrance tickets for domestic visitors cost Rp 195,000 (US$13) per person and Rp 170,000 for children below the age of 6 years. Prices go up on weekends to Rp 230,000 for adults and Rp 210,000 for children. 

Tickets are valid for one day only.

Meanwhile, international visitors are charged Rp 400,000 for adults and Rp 350,000 for children five years and below, regardless of the day of the week.

The entrance ticket includes access to the Panda Castle, the park's newest addition, which welcomed giant pandas Hu Chun and Cai Tao last year on a 10-year loan from China. 

The ticket does not include a parking fee. Visitors without private vehicles can still enjoy the safari journey with on-site buses serving tours around the area. 

Read also: Jakpost guide to Ragunan Zoo

What to wear

Elefant shows are one of the attractions.

Situated more than 1,000 meters above sea level at the foot of the Gunung Gede Pangrango national park, Taman Safari enjoys a cooler tropical climate than much of the country. The Panda Castle, the highest point in the park, sits at 1,800 meters above sea level and is surrounded by lush forests. Make sure to bring a jacket to stay warm.

Spanning over 160 hectares, it would also be convenient to wear comfortable shoes to enjoy an easy walk around the mountainous grounds, which also include a short hike to see a waterfall. 

A bawean deer roams freely inside the safari park.

Taman Safari is a vast complex with a plethora of activities, including a zoo cluster named "Baby Zoo" that allows up close interactions with a wide range of bird species, along with rides and various animal shows, such as elephants, sea lions and dolphins. There's also swimming with dolphins. For nature lovers, there is the Jaksa Waterfall to check out. 

The following are the highlights of Taman Safari. 

Safari Journey

The Safari Journey allows for a close look at animals along the way, including African Ankole-Watusi.

One of the park's main draws points is the Safari Journey. Here, visitors can see, interact and learn about various animals from the comfort of their vehicle. 

A wide range of animals roam the open grounds, and guests are strictly forbidden to exit their vehicles. Visitors can get close up to elephants, emus, giraffes, hippos, wildebeests and crocodiles, among other animals.

Visitors can see hippos relaxing by the water while they go on the Safari Journey.

Along the way, several sections are also safe for visitors to feed various animals, who would approach the car window for a munch, such as deer and zebras. To know when it is appropriate for a feed, pay attention for signs that say "Feeding Starts Here!", with a picture of a hand holding carrots, along with images of the animals that may be fed. 

Clusters with dangerous predators, such as tigers, lions and bears, are gated separately. Inside these areas, visitors must keep the windows closed at all times. There are always zookeepers overseeing each cluster to ensure the safety of both visitors and animals. 

Sumatran tigers play with each other.

The Safari Journey also provides a night adventure, which is only available on Saturday evenings. 

Panda Castle

The Panda Castle opened in 2017 and houses two popular pandas, Hu Chun and Cai Tao.

Taman Safari in 2017 opened its Panda Castle - a Chinese-style pavilion - to accommodate special guests from China. Giant panda bears Hu Chun and Cai Tao share the home with four red pandas named Shing Shing, Mey Mey, Pai Pai and Hao Hao. 

Red pandas can also be found in the Panda Castle.

To get there, visitors must catch the shuttle bus, as it is forbidden to drive up to the castle area. If you’re prone to carsickness, note that while the drive is short, it take you up along a steep and winding road. 

Once there, visitors can enjoy the fresh mountain air, with temperatures averaging 15-24 degrees Celcius. The cool climate is deemed a suitable environment that resembles the pandas' natural habitat. 

Cai Tao is one of the two pandas currently living in Indonesia.

Don't forget to take in the view, as the castle is surrounded by lush forests and mountains. 

Stay inside Taman Safari

With so much ground to cover and so many things to see, it's unlikely visitors can explore the entire park within one day. Those who are curious to see everything the park has the offer could opt to stay inside the Taman Safari complex, as it provides a Safari Lodge for accommodation, with options ranging from a treehouse to a caravan and a bungalow. Guests staying do not need to pay for another entrance ticket.

Read also: Jakpost guide to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Where to eat

A traditional rice dish is among the options available from various eateries found inside Taman Safari.

There are numerous places to eat inside Taman Safari, where visitors can find a rich selection of cuisine, including restaurants serving traditional Indonesian dishes, food courts with varied fast food options, as well as cafes. 

Among them is the Rain Forest Restaurant, conveniently located in the center of the park. Uniquely designed to live up to its name, the restaurant features a jungle design. The food available includes local delights such as rice dishes and satays.

The interior of the Rain Forrest Restaurant is designed to live up to its name.

Meanwhile, for a caffeine fix, there is Cafe Onta, located just across from the Rain Forest Restaurant.  

However, for a more exotic and exciting selection, opt for the Panda Castle. Upon reaching the area, visitors are welcomed by an outdoor cafe, which offers a picturesque view of the mountains and a range of snacks, some of which come in the shape of a panda face. 

There is also a glass floor view point balcony that stretches out toward the mountain. Be sure to obey the limit for the number of people allowed onto the platform at a time.

There is a spacious food court inside the Panda Castle area, with a wide range of Chinese cuisine to choose from.

  • During the Safari Journey, look out for signs to ensure safety and be reminded that it is forbidden to exit the vehicle at all times. 
  • Buy carrots at stalls selling vegetable prior to entering the Taman Safari complex. The carrots can be fed at certain parts along the Safari Journey. When driving along the Safari Journey, watch out for the signs indicating what animals you may feed. (wng)

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Car Rental with English Speaking Driver Guide in Jakarta, Bogor, & Bandung

Taman Safari (Safari Park) Day Tour from Jakarta or Bogor

Taman safari (safari park) tour.

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Table of Contents

About taman safari.

  • History of Taman Safari
  • Safari Journey Using Car
  • How Long it Takes from Jakarta?
  • Prepare Some Carrots & Bananas

Opening Time

Entrance fees, safari journey, animals in safari park, recreational park, restaurants in the park.

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Taman Safari Indonesia is a wildlife park built in 1982 at Cisarua district, Bogor. The park is situated in a wild forest and ex unused tea plantation on the slope of Mount Gede-Pangrango. It covers an area of 170 hectares. It is the first wildlife conservation park in Indonesia and one of the best safari parks in the world. In the park, you will see thousands animals from all over the world live in their habitat. Most of the animals are live freely outside the cage. At the park, you will also get an amazing experience by feeding animals from inside your car while driving thru. Mostly they were not shy to come to you and look for a carrot. Even, some animals like zebra, deer, and giant eland will aggressively look for some carrots by inserting their head into the car window.

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History of Taman Safari in A Timeline

Battle of shanghai.

Hadi Manansang (Tjoa Kim Hian) was an acrobatic performer from Shanghai. He is the only one survivor when his family in Shanghai became victims during Battle of Shanghai (China vs Japan) and World War II. He then worked for Harmston’s Circus British and took a world tour, performing circus in many countries including South East Asia countries. When in Indonesia he married an Indonesian girl named Tuti and lived in Jakarta.

Acrobatic Group

Hadi established an acrobatic group named Bintang Akrobat dan Gadis Plastik (Acrobatic Star and Plastic Girl). He trained kids including his three sons to be the best acrobatic performers. They are: Jansen Manansang, Frans Manansang, and Tony Sumampau.

Oriental Show

Hadi established Oriental Show, the first oriental circus troop perform inside circus tent in Indonesia. His mission was to entertain the public and soldiers who faced an unstable security situation caused by communist rebellion in Indonesia. His dream was to be the best circus in the world.

Acrobatic, plastic girl, and traditional somersault were their leading program.

Oriental Circus Indonesia

The show started involving animals. That’s why the name of the Oriental Show was changed to Oriental Circus Indonesia. Animals involved were Sumatran tiger, Thailand elephants, and chimpanzees.

Their animals attractions, clowns, and acrobatic performance attracted a lot of people attention.


The inn also provided small zoo. The inn is the pioneer of the starred hotel named Royal Safari Garden Resort.


The Elephant Training Center was created to reduce conflicts between elephants and humans in several places in Indonesia.


Taman Safari Indonesia construction was begun on an area of ​​50 hectares. The land was a tea plantation that were not used anymore.


Taman Safari was officially opened for public. It covered an area about 68 hectares and collected 400 animals from 100 species.


A hotel was built and named Royal Safari Garden.


Taman Safari II was built on the slope of mount Arjuna in Prigen, East Java. The park is the main conservation for Javanese Banteng (Bos Javanicus) beside of Alas Purwo National Park.


59 souvenir shops named Safari Wonder were opened inside the Safari Park.


Built Taman Safari Bali and Marine Park in Gianyar, Bali. The park was officially open by Mr. President Susilo Bambang Yodhoyono.


Built Batang Dolphin Center in Batang’s beach, Central Java. The center is used as conservation place and research center for dolphin and other sea animals.


Brought a pair of giant panda from China. They are Cai Tao (male panda) and Hu Chun (female panda). Bringing them to Indonesia is not easy. It takes years, hard working, and high-level diplomatic lobby. Finally, Indonesia has successfully lobbied China to loan pandas. It is a 10 years loan agreement between China government, Indonesia government, and Taman Safari. Indonesia is the 16th country which get permission from the Chinese government to brought and look after pandas.

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Safari Journey Using Car is Recommended

Feeding zebra and other animals in Taman Safari

It is highly recommended for you to explore the park by car. By car, you can interact with many animals by feeding them or touching them, except for wild animals like lions and tigers. It is impossible to interact with animals if you take the Safari bus.

By car, you can also stop everywhere for a while to take some photos of the animals. Put down the car window, choose the best angle, and take some great photos!

Car with driver service for Safari Tour

Need to rent a car with an experienced driver? Contact us via WhatsApp/Signal: +6285226126069 or email: [email protected] . Our driver will pick you up from your location in Jakarta or Bogor to go to Taman Safari to take this amazing tour experience.

How Long It Takes From Jakarta

It takes about 2 hours driving from Jakarta city in normal condition (with few traffics) and weekday. It can be longer on weekend because traffic is busier in the weekend. It is advisable to start morning before 9am (earlier is better) from Jakarta in weekday to beat traffic and enjoy everything inside the park. The less traffic, the better, because you can feed animals on the road in the park without being rushed by other cars behind you. They want to feed too.

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Purchase Some Carrots and Bananas Before Entrance

Carrots and bananas seller

Before reaching Safari Park, there are many stalls selling carrots and bananas. Stop at one of the stalls for buying some carrots and bananas. Normally they sell fresh carrots in tied bunch. The price is normally about IDR 20,000 for few bunches of carrots and IDR 25,000 for a cluster of bananas. Purchase lots of carrots and some bananas to feed many animals inside the park. You can also purchase white carrots too with different price. Animals that like to eat carrots and bananas in the park are deers, antelope, elephant, llama, hippopotamus, zebra, etc.

leaf divider

  • Monday: 9.00am – 5pm
  • Tuesday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Wednesday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Thursday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Friday: 8.30am – 5pm
  • Saturday: 8am – 5.30pm
  • Sunday: 8am – 5.30pm

Night Safari is open every Saturday night and every holiday night from 7pm – 11pm. Ticket booth is open since 6.30pm.

leaf divider

The entrance ticket is IDR 450,000 for adult foreigner and IDR 400,000 for foreigner below 5 years old including Panda house. The park charge driver as a domestic visitor with the price IDR 265,000 and the car entrance fee is IDR 20,000. The ticket price includes the safari journey, baby zoo, Panda house, animals exhibits, bird aviary, some children rides, and animal shows.

If you are a foreigner working or studying in Indonesia, don’t forget to bring local id card or KITAS to get domestic price. KITAS (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Tetap/Terbatas) is a Limited Stay Permit issued to foreigners who want to stay in Indonesian for certain period of time.

The ticket fee does not include: waterpark, photo with animals (lion, tiger, and orang utan) at Baby Zoo, Safari tram, cable car, animal rides, and 4D rider.

Safari journey

Put down your car’s window, breathe the fresh clean air, then be ready to meet the wildlife animals as part of your Safari adventure at the jungle. Prepare your carrots and bananas. Some animals will come to you, stuck out their heads onto your window to ask for their lunches. Few animals are shy, while the others are aggressively reaching the carrots by their mouths from your hands.

Entering the wild animal areas, you must close your car windows. Follow the sign. Our driver will warn you to put up your window. It is forbidden to open the window. There are some animals in this wild areas: Bengal Tigers, Sumatran Tigers, Lion, and Brown Bear. They are wild, dangerous, some of them live outside the cages! Sometime they will walk around the car you are in. Sometimes they sit in the middle of the road. You must close your window, watching the animals from inside the car without feeding the animals. If you want to take few pictures, just shoot them from the car with window closed.

There are more than 2,500 animals in the Safari Park. They were brought from all over the world. You will find animals from Indonesia, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America. Here is few of them:

Blue Wildebeest (Gnu)

Blue wildebeest

Wildebeest is a herbivore animal from Africa which eat short grasses and foliage. They live in savanna. This animal has two species: the black wildebeest which has white tail, and the blue wildebeest which has white beard, brindled skin, and has horns go out to the side, then curving up. Both species are native to Africa, wide-spreaded in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, etc. In Taman Safari, you will meet the blue one only.

Wildebeest is well-known for its big migration. Each year, in East Africa, the are many Gnus migrating from dry area to wet area depend on the seasons, accompanied by Zebra and Gazelle. They are constantly seeking fresh grazing and good water supplies. Daily, they can travel around 30 miles, and approximately 1K miles a year to follow the rains in order to seek them. Every one upto two days, the blue wildebeest drinks 9 to 12 litres of water.


Cassowary is a flightless bird species which has a very large body size and beautiful head. It is native to North Australia and Papua New Guinea. Behind its beauty, the bird is aggressive and tend to attack if disturbed. Their legs are very long and strong, and become the main weapon that can kick and knock down his enemies.

Cassowary is the heaviest bird next only to ostrich. It weighs about 50 Kg. It is also the third tallest bird after ostrich and emu. Adult cassowaries are 1.5 to 1.8 M tall.

Cassowary is also known as a reliable runner because it can run up to 50 Km/hour.

The name cassowary comes from Papuan words: “Kasu” means horned, and “weri” means head, referring to the bird’s horned head.

Once the female lays her eggs, she will leave the male to incubate the eggs. Yes, the male will incubate the eggs, look after them, and protect them for about 60 days from their predators: dogs, cats, and foxes. The maturity age of the bird is four years and its life span is 25 years.

This bird is protected in Indonesia and has endangered status in Queensland, Australia.

Zebra (Equus Quagga)


Zebra is an African wild horse known for their unique black-and-white stripes and mohawk hair. The stripes come in different patterns. It is unique to each individual, just like a fingerprint. These unique stripes make them one of the famous animals in the world to people. They are fast-moving animals, aggressive and can reach speeds of up to 65 kmph when running, and can easily escape from their predators by running in a zigzag style.

Zebra is part of the equidae family (horse family) along with horse and donkey. Like horse, zebra sleep standing up and eat grasses. But unlike horse, zebra is not willing to cooperate with people. They like to bite and kick in self-defense. Zebra’s body is also not suitable for riding.


Ankole watusi

Ankole-Watusi, also has name Ankole Longhorn, is a medium sized cow with huge distinctive horns. It is an ancient animals, found in pictographs of Egyptian pyramids. Watusi can be found widespread in Africa. In Uganda, the Nkole tribe’s cattle variety is known as the Ankole. In Rwanda and Burundi, the Tutsi tribe’s cattle variety is called the Watusi. In the late 19th, the cattle were imported by European zoos from Africa. In early 2oth centuries, American zoos imported the cattle from European zoos.

Watusi are able to adapt to climates with poor quality forage and limited water. People breed them for their milk and meat. Normally they have red color and can grow their horns until 2 meters in length. Their horns are used for defense and help them cool the temperature of their body.


Ostrich is the largest flightless bird in the world. They come from Africa. This animal has a fantastic size. An adult ostrich can reach 2.5 meters in height with 140 kg weight!

Ostriches cannot fly, but they are blessed with strong, long legs. With these long legs, they can run very fast until 70 km/h. The legs are also useful to fight against their predators by kicking them strongly.

An Ostrich has a long neck and big eyes. It helps him to see predators at long distance.

Because ostriches cannot fly, they make their nest on the ground. They dig the ground and put their eggs there. Ostrich egg is the biggest egg in the world. On average it is 1.4 kg with 15 cm in length and 13 cm in wide. It is equal to 20 chicken’s egg.

White Bengal Tiger

White bengal tiger

This is a beautiful white color tiger from India. The white tiger has a bigger body than orange tiger, has white fur with dark stripes, has blue eyes and pink nose. It also has a white spot on the back of its ears, which looks like eyes if seen from its back or top.

This tiger is not an albino animal. They are normal animal that can be bred. If two bengal tigers have a recessive gene are bred together, new baby white tigers can occur. White tigers are fully grown at age 2 or 3 years. Male White Bengal tigers can reach weight of 200 – 230 kilograms and up to 3 metres in length. The female is smaller, with weight about 130 – 170 kilograms and up to 2.5 metres in length. They sleep long hours, between 16 – 18 hours per day. They have lifespan between 10 up to 20 years.

Tiger is a carnivore. They eat herbivores like deer, goat, buffalo, chicken, etc. They are very patient. They will stalk their prey until the right time to move, approaching it quitely without being detected. They can also swim and move swiftly in the water. They have extremely strong jaws to bite the throat of their prey and bring them. They bite the throat to cut the flow of air and blood to the prey’s head, so their prey can die faster.

After Safari journey is finished, you will arrived at a huge amusement park. This recreational park features baby zoo, bird aviary, panda house, children rides, waterpark, cable car, animals exhibits, swimming with dolphins, animals shows, waterfalls, and restaurants.

Taking photo with a white tiger

In the Baby Zoo, visitors are allowed to touch snake, and orangutan, and are allowed to take picture with them and other wild animals such as tiger and lion with small fees. The entrance for Baby Zoo itself is free. Here you can also see kangaroos from Australian outback, lemurs from Madagascar, leopard, African white lion, etc.

Bird Aviary

Feeding bird

In Bird Aviary, you can see thousands beautiful birds from all over the world live freely in a giant aviary netting such us parrot, julang mas, owl, peacock, cendrawasih or bird of paradise, pelican, and more for free! Walk around the aviary and see colorful birds flying around you. Purchase some bird food there, put it at your hand, then some beautiful birds will come to eat.

Panda Palace

Giant panda

There are two pandas live on their house on the top of the hill in Taman Safari. They are Cai Tao and Hu Chun. Both of them were born in China in 2010. They were brought to Taman Safari in 2017 and will live here for about 10 years according to the breeding-loan agreement between Taman Safari, Indonesia government, and China. The park management is optimistic that Cai Tao and Hu Chun will be married and have children here. We hope so. Let see!

Pandas Ebook

If you want to know more about Cai Tao and Hu Chun, please read our ebook titled Meet Pandas At Taman Safari Indonesia. The book is available on Google Play Book.

Meet Giant Pandas ebook

The book not only tells you about the giant pandas, it also provides good information and knowledge about their home, the Panda Palace and their older but smaller cousin, red panda.

Animal & Edutainment Shows

There are some educational shows for family. All of the shows are free or included in the ticket. Check the shows schedule first, before you come to the location of the shows, because shows locations were spread in the park. If you don’t have enough to see all the shows, you can make a priority. Most popular shows are Cowboy Show, Dolphin Show, Tiger Show, and Various Animals. See the below image to know their shows schedule.

Educational animal shows schedule

See Indonesian birds fly down from the sky show off their skills at Bird of Prey Show. At Cowboy Show, watch a stunning action of Cowboys and Indian performing daredevil acts among spectacular explosion, dramatic fight scenes, and humor in a taste of what the Wild Wild West was really like. At Tiger Show, watch the Sumatran Elephant performance while you learn all about them. See dolphin counting number and doing simple math like addition and subtraction at Dolphin Show.

Elephant Trail

Be like a King, enjoy the majesty of traveling on an elephant’s back. On the top of the elephant, you will see the beautiful view of Mount Pangrango. Your trail also will take you through the green tropical forest filled with amazing sights and sounds from wild animals. The weather is nice surrounded by big trees, so you’ll walk under the tree shades. Your elephant will also cross a small river and will pass few part of safari journey, so people from inside their car can feed your elephant while driving thru the park.

Safari Waterpark

Safari waterpark

Bring change of clothes and let’s get wet at the Safari Waterpark! A fresh, cool water come from Jaksa waterfall, a waterfall located on the highest part of Taman Safari. There are also several water slides to fresh you up.

Hungry in the park? Don’t worry, there are several restaurants inside the amusement park after you finish your safari journey.

  • Rain Forest Restaurant Located at Parking A in front of Plaza Gajah (Elephant Show) and near Bird Aviary. The interior and exterior were decorated naturally with beautiful parrot bird, tree, wood, and animals-motif chairs. This restaurant selling traditional, chinese, and western food.
  • Cafe Onta Coffee & Bakery Near the Rain Forest restaurant, there is a Cafe selling bread, cakes, and coffee. It is Cafe Onta. Located in front of Bird Aviary and beside camel ride station. That is why it is called Cafe Onta. Onta is Indonesia word for Camel.
  • Safari Bento It is a local Japanese food restaurant located in front of Waterpark. Selling shrimp roll, chicken roll, ebi katsu, salad, rice, etc.
  • Rimba Foodcourt Do you want to see various menu? Come to parking B, there is a foodcourt here with many small restaurants.
  • Safari Kuring Restaurant Located at Parking C, near Penguin exhibit and Primate Center. Offers local food, such as sayur asam, empal, bandrek (ginger tea), nasi timbel, and other rice set menu.
  • Rodeo Cafe Small cafe located at Cowboy show parking area. Also near to Dolphin show and Globe of Death show. Offers hotdog, burger, instant noodle, coffee, and soft drinks.
  • Safari Fried Chicken Similar to KFC, it is the only fried chicken restaurant at Taman Safari. Located inside Baby Zoo, next to African white lions exhibit and orangutan photo booth.
  • Panda Resto This restaurant is located at 2nd floor of Panda Palace. Its interior is designed like a food court. It sells Chinese and local food such as dimsum, noodle, satay, etc. The restaurant also provide a VIP room for visitors who want to eat near Panda. The room is only separated from the Panda room with a glass panel.
  • And few stalls selling otak-otak (fish cake), pop mie (instant noodle in a cup), snacks, steamed corn, coffee, and bread.

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Elephant Safari Journey

Elephant Safari Journey at Taman Safari Bali offers the breathtaking one of the largest land mammals through an African-themed Bushveld surrounded by Wildebeests, Zebras, and Rhinoceros, roaming free. Taman Safari Bali homes to Sumatran elephants and has made conservation efforts to keep these clever creatures around for a long time. Take a close view of real wildlife in one of the biggest safari parks in Asia on this private ride!

The educational safari led by our trained and qualified mahout (handlers) that will guide you through the tour where you will learn more about the fascinating behavior, skills, intelligence, and natural habitat of these gentle giants .

Elephant Safari Experience

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Meet all our animals

We have hundreds of animals in our park from over 100 species, including some of the rarest and endangered.

Not only are we one of the leading wildlife conservations in Indonesia, we are devoted to caring for the animals in our own safari. We ensure the highest standards of wellbeing is given to all our animals.

Browse below to see the animals that we have given a loving home to.

The world's largest land mammals gather in groups and are led by females! It requires them to drink 150 litres of water per day to quench their thirst.

Lions are the second largest cats in the world after the tiger and can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa (West African Lion) and in western India (Asiatic Lion). They live [...]

The word rhinoceros is derived through Latin from the Ancient Greek: which is composed of rhino, "nose" and keras, "horn". There are five living species of Rhinoceros. The two African [...]

The third largest mammals on land are the hippopotamus. These animals can weigh up to 2000 kg. The common hippopotamus lives near rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps. During the day, [...]

Tigers are as majestic as they appear. The tiger is the largest member of the "big cat" species, as they can weigh up to 350kg. There are 6 subspecies of [...]

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  • Top 10 Free Things To...

Top 10 Free Things to Do in Moscow

Moscow, Russia. Tsaritsyno Museum Reserve. Grand Palace.

Although Moscow is known to be one of the world’s most expensive cities, there are still lots of things you can enjoy for free, you just need to know where to look. We’ve put together a list of things that will help you make the most of your Moscow vacation without breaking the bank.

Make the most of moscow’s parks.

Moscow is home to over 60 parks, most of which offer free admission. While they are all perfect for a green respite, some of them can actually keep you busy for days. Gaze at Tsaritsyno ’s 18th-century palaces and admire the music fountain in the evening, stroll around the riverside Kolomenskoe , walk in the location of Russia’s most heart-breaking love story between count Sheremetev and his serf actress Praskovia Kovalyova in Kuskovo park , take a bike ride at forest-like Izmailovo , or experience the soviet grandeur of VDNKh – you can always find an activity to your taste.

All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKh)pr-t. Mira, 119, Moskva, 129223

The Grand Palace. The State Museum Reserve Park Tsaritsyno

Listen to classical music

If you love classical music, Moscow is the perfect city for you, since there are many venues where you can listen to it for free, just remember to check the programme beforehand. You can enjoy an evening of classical music at many of Moscow’s museums, such as Bulgakov House Museum , Chekhov House Museum , the Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva and Chaliapin House Museum among others. World famous Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory regularly plays host to free concerts on weekends and holidays. Also you can freely attend student concerts and weekend morning performances at the Russian Academy of Music .

Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Bolshaya Nikitskaya ul., 13/6, Moskva, 125009

Tour Moscow’s metro stations

Moscow’s metro is believed to be one of the most beautiful in the world – of 206 stations 44 are considered cultural heritage sites and each station has its own history. So if you don’t feel like paying for a guided tour, do a little research beforehand and explore Moscow’s ornate metro stations for the price of a metro pass, just be sure to avoid rush hour!

Arbatskaya of Moscow Metro in Moscow Russia

Explore orthodox churches

Besides being a perfect photo op, the candy-colored, onion-domed churches of Moscow are all free to enter. There are certain rules to be observed: women must dress modestly and wear a head covering, while men are not allowed to wear shorts and cover their heads. Other than that, nothing can stop you from visiting the beautiful houses of prayer , some of which date back to the 15th century. Besides St.Basil’s Cathedral and churches of the Kremlin , there are other fascinating centrally located churches like Cathedral of Christ the Saviour , Novodevichy Convent , Church of the Prophet Elijah and Yelokhovo Cathedral . But since Moscow has over a thousand of churches and cathedrals, you’re sure to stumble into some of them without even trying too hard.

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Soak up the architecture

Over it’s 870 years in existence Moscow has amassed enough historic buildings and monuments to keep you busy for weeks. You can create your own architecture tour depending on what you prefer: the 17th century mansions, Moscow baroque cathedrals, Stalinist-style skyscrapers, constructivist buildings and glass and concrete high-rises.

Visit free museums

Moscow is home to over a thousand museums, many of which offer free admission every third Sunday of the month and some of them you can visit at no cost at any time. Start your Moscow literary tour by exploring Gorky’s House , housed in a luxurious Art Nouveau mansion, then move to Bulgakov House , former home of Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov and setting of several scenes from his novel The Master and Margarita . Eager to learn more about the Moscow Metro history, then visit The National Museum of Moscow Metro , and admire the unique collection of old metro cars. You don’t have to pay to visit one of Moscow’s most controversial attractions – Lenin’s tomb , where you can see the embalmed body of the famous revolutionary.

Lenin’s tomb, Red Square, Moskva, 109012


Watch a play

Of course we’re not talking about free admission to Bolshoi or other fancy Moscow theatres. You can freely attend the Student Theatre performances at the Institute of Modern Art and the Higher School of Economics as long as you book tickets in advance. ZIL Cultural Centre is a cornucopia of all things free: as well as exhibitions, workshops and lectures, the venue regularly houses theatre productions you can attend at no charge.

ZIL Cultural Centre, Vostochnaya ul., 4, к. 1, Moskva, 115280


Go ice-skating

Ice-skating is by far the most popular winter activity in Moscow, and if you own a pair of skates, you can practice those toe loops for free. If you don’t feel like going too far from the city centre, there are always Chistye and Patriarch Ponds, two naturally formed and beautifully lit public rinks, that you can visit any time you want (as long as there’s solid ice). The fancy GUM skating-rink tends to have free morning admission, so be sure to check the website and glide mere steps from the Kremlin walls. There are more natural and synthetic ice rinks in other Moscow parks, somewhat farther from the city centre, Sokolniki park , Lyublinskiy park , “ Northern Tushino ” park complex and Filyovsky Park are good ones to try.

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Russian Last Names and Their Meanings

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The Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Russia

The Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Russia

Russian Words That Cant Be Translated Into English

Russian Words That Can't Be Translated Into English

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    taman safari free

  2. Taman Safari (Safari Park) Day Tour from Jakarta or Bogor

    taman safari free

  3. Berbagai Wahana dan Kegiatan Seru di Taman Safari Bogor

    taman safari free

  4. Get Closer with the Animals in Taman Safari Indonesia

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  5. Logo Taman Safari

    taman safari free

  6. Taman Safari Indonesia II Prigen

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  1. taman safari

  2. Taman Safari Part 1

  3. Taman Safari Part 3

  4. Taman safari part 2

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  6. Taman Safari


  1. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Bogor. MORE INFO >> ANIMAL INTERACTION "Still can't believe I was this close to this magnificent animal" Ajo Visitor of Taman Safari Prigen. Ajo Visitor of ... Feel free to have a look at our social media accounts. ABOUT US. HELPDESK. HEADQUARTERS. Jalan Gandaria Tengah III No.62 A-C Kebayoran baru, DKI Jakarta 12130.

  2. Our Story

    The story of Taman Safari Indonesia begins in the early 1980s when a group of passionate conservationists, led by Toto Suharto, envisioned a place where people could experience wildlife up close while promoting awareness about the importance of preserving natural habitats. With this dream in mind, they embarked on a journey to create a unique ...

  3. Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua

    Top ways to experience Taman Safari Indonesia Cisarua and nearby attractions. TAMAN SAFARI INDONESIA, Private tour with Guide and Lunch. Adventure Tours. from. $129.81. per adult (price varies by group size) Active Volcano, Rice Field, Hot Spring, Fruit market, Tea Plantation with Lunch. 234.

  4. Taman Safari Indonesia

    2. Please present either mobile or printed voucher along with your KITAS at the counter for redemption. 3. For more information about our promotion and programs please follow our instagram @taman_safari. Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Cisarua, Bogor is a world-class zoo and titled the best conservation site by Indonesian Ministry of Forestry.

  5. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) bukan sekadar sebuah tempat rekreasi. Melainkan, tempat konservasi satwa sekaligus edukasi bagi seluruh anggota keluarga. TSI lahir dari kepedulian terhadap satwa-satwa yang makin kehilangan habitatnya

  6. Taman Safari

    Taman Safari I, also known as Taman Safari Bogor, is located in the district of Cisarua in Bogor Regency, on the old main road between Jakarta and Bandung, West Java.It is approximately 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta and 78 kilometers (48 miles) from Bandung. Taman Safari I is situated in Puncak, a popular tourist area in West Java.

  7. visitor guides

    Extra special treatments and highly individualized attention from our fantastic adventure guide, who will grant you exclusive access to restaurant bookings, entertainment seating, and safari experiences to make your trip at Taman Safari the most amazing one possible. VIP Tour including:

  8. TAMAN SAFARI INDONESIA (@tamansafari.id)

    For instance, Taman Safari Bogor sent a rescue team deep into the Riau jungle to save the Sumatran tiger named 'Bimo.' Likewise, Taman Safari Indonesia has stepped in to offer shelter and care for several Sumatran tigers involved in human - tiger conflicts, including the incidents in West Lampung.

  9. Taman Safari: Modern Zoological Wonders

    Taman Safari, Modern Zoological Garden with Various Collections of Flora and Fauna . Bogor Botanical Garden is located in Bogor city and spread about 87 hectares with the impressive out-of-town Bogor Presidential Palace fronting it and soaring Mt. Salak at its background and boasts over 400 species of palm trees, 5,000 trees gathered from ...

  10. Taman Safari Bogor: Wildlife Adventure In Indonesia's 1st ...

    Literally translated as Safari Park Bogor, it is Indonesia's first safari park, built in 1980 and it occupies 170 hectares (420.1 acres). Taman Safari Bogor contains more than 2,000 animals from around the world, and is a great place for you and your kids to spend an entire day feeding the animals, watching animal performances and playing in ...

  11. Taman Safari Bali

    Official channel of Taman Safari Bali Home to over a thousand amazing animals - Taman Safari Bali is your destination for an adventurous, fun, educational experience. Our park is home to animals ...

  12. 7 Kegiatan Seru di Taman Safari Solo, Family Friendly!

    Taman Solo Safari menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata baru yang diresmikan pada Jumat, 27 Januari 2023, setelah mengalami revitalisasi dan rebranding dari Taman Satwa Taru Jurug (TSTJ). Kebun binatang ini telah ada sejak tahun 1878 dan mengalami revitalisasi tahap pertama dengan konsep baru serta penambahan banyak satwa baru.

  13. Taman Safari Bali

    Escape Into Paradise. The Amazing Taman Safari Bali, home to over a thousand amazing animals and your finest destination for an adventurous, fun and educational experience more than just a safari. Our park represents more than 120 species, including rare & endangered species like the Komodo Dragons, Orangutan, Bali Starling bird, and many more.


    Let's get a lot of interesting education from various kinds of animals in Taman Safari Indonesia. Don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don't miss exciting videos from us ...

  15. Jakpost guide to Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari is a vast complex with a plethora of activities, including a zoo cluster named "Baby Zoo" that allows up close interactions with a wide range of bird species, along with rides and ...

  16. FAQ

    Tentu bisa banget, cara masuk ke Taman Safari tanpa mobil pribadi, seperti membawa motor, cukup parkir motor di tempat parkiran motor dan bersafari journey menggunakan bus fasilitas safari secara gratis. ... Feel free to have a look at our social media accounts. ABOUT US. HELPDESK. HEADQUARTERS. Jalan Gandaria Tengah III No.62 A-C Kebayoran ...

  17. PARK MAP

    Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) bukan sekadar sebuah tempat rekreasi. Melainkan, tempat konservasi satwa sekaligus edukasi bagi seluruh anggota keluarga. TSI lahir dari kepedulian terhadap satwa-satwa yang makin kehilangan habitatnya.

  18. Taman Safari (Safari Park) Day Tour from Jakarta or Bogor

    About Taman Safari. Taman Safari Indonesia is a wildlife park built in 1982 at Cisarua district, Bogor. The park is situated in a wild forest and ex unused tea plantation on the slope of Mount Gede-Pangrango. It covers an area of 170 hectares. It is the first wildlife conservation park in Indonesia and one of the best safari parks in the world.

  19. The Elephant Safari at Bali Safari Park

    Elephant Safari Journey at Taman Safari Bali offers the breathtaking one of the largest land mammals through an African-themed Bushveld surrounded by Wildebeests, Zebras, and Rhinoceros, roaming free. Taman Safari Bali homes to Sumatran elephants and has made conservation efforts to keep these clever creatures around for a long time.

  20. THE 10 BEST Russia Safaris (Updated 2024)

    10. Mountain Guide. 1. Multi-day Tours • Safaris. By Vacation14294292087. I do recommend this tour company as safe, comfort, and customer oriented. Our guide Irina did a great job showing the... 11. Туристическая компания "Бриз"\Travel company "Breeze".

  21. Top 10 Free Things to Do in Moscow

    Moscow is home to over 60 parks, most of which offer free admission. While they are all perfect for a green respite, some of them can actually keep you busy for days. Gaze at Tsaritsyno's 18th-century palaces and admire the music fountain in the evening, stroll around the riverside Kolomenskoe, walk in the location of Russia's most heart-breaking love story between count Sheremetev and his ...

  22. 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division

    The 2nd Guards M. I. Kalinin Taman Motor Rifle Division [a] is a Guards mechanised infantry division of the Russian Ground Forces.Its Military Unit Number is 23626.. The 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division was formed in 1941, seeing extensive combat during World War II for which it became one of the most famous and decorated formations in the Soviet military. It was named in honor of Mikhail ...

  23. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) bukan sekadar sebuah tempat rekreasi. Melainkan, tempat konservasi satwa sekaligus edukasi bagi seluruh anggota keluarga. TSI lahir dari kepedulian terhadap satwa-satwa yang makin kehilangan habitatnya.

  24. Fun Things to Do in Taman

    All the best things to do in Taman. Know the popular attractions & nearby tourist places to visit. Pro tips for food, stays, activities, transport & shopping. Skip to content. Explore Menu Toggle. 200+ Bucket List Ideas; Honeymoon Destinations; 100 Wonders of the World; 100 Most Visited Cities;