Opinie o Student Travel. (Biuro Podróży) w Lublin (Lubelskie).

Student Travel

Informacje o Student Travel, Biuro podróży w Lublin (Lubelskie)

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6 Best Student Travel Companies

Study Abroad

Are you looking for the best student travel companies?

Traveling as a student is a great way to see the world, make new friends, experience new cultures, and broaden your horizons.

I traveled as much as I could as a college student, including spending a semester studying abroad in Paris, visiting multiple countries in Europe, and traveling in Latin America.

One of the best ways to travel as a student is with a student travel company that specializes in group trips for young people.

If you’re worried about handling the logistics and planning of a trip yourself, taking a group trip is a great way to just relax and enjoy without having to do any of that. Or if you’re traveling solo, joining a group trip is the perfect way to make friends with other young travelers.

Group trips for young travelers are usually priced more affordably too, since most students are on a budget. They often aren’t as luxurious as other group tours, although you can certainly find higher-end trips targeted at younger travelers too if you’re willing to splurge.

Here are the best student travel companies to check out:

1. EF Ultimate Break

EF Ultimate Break is part of the wider EF travel brand, which runs educational trips and tours around the world. EF Ultimate Break is technically for anyone aged 18 to 35, but I can tell you that the average traveler skews younger, and there are lots of college students.

You can find EF Ultimate Break tours for destinations all around the globe: some of their most popular trips include Japan, Thailand, the Greek Isles, and Machu Picchu in Peru.

For college students, you can filter trips by spring break, winter break, and summer break. You can also search by length of trip, whether you’re looking for something for under 7 days or a month-long travel adventure for summer vacation.

You can also filter by budget-friendly trips if you’re looking to save as much money as possible.

2. G Adventures

G Adventures is another travel company that is great for students. While this company runs tours for all ages, they have a large collection of 18-to-30s tours that are designed for younger travelers (and are more affordable!)

I have personally traveled with G Adventures twice (to Morocco and to Costa Rica), and the average age of travelers was mid-twenties. However, depending on where you go (and when) you might have an even younger age range.

G Adventures has some off-the-beaten-path destinations as well as more popular destinations around the world, so there’s really something for everyone.

You can save even more money if you book a “Roamies” tour with G Adventures. These tours are even more budget-friendly because they utilize hostels instead of hotels.

Another one of the best student travel companies is Contiki. I haven’t been on a Contiki trip myself, but I have heard a LOT about them from other travelers.

Namely, that this is the company to book with if you want to party. Contiki trips are known for putting a big emphasis on going out and having fun, so if that’s what you’re after, you know where to find it. And if that’s not the vibe you’re looking for, you may want to look elsewhere.

I have also heard that the crowd on Contiki tours tends to skew younger, even though they are technically open to anyone aged 18 to 35. You will mainly find people aged 18 to 22 on these tours making them ideal for college students.

Some of the most popular destinations for Contiki tours include Costa Rica, the Thai islands, Ireland, and Portugal.

4. Bus2Alps

Bus2Alps is a popular student travel company based in Europe. This company is designed for students who are studying abroad in Europe and want to explore more of the continent.

The age range for these trips is 18 to 29 but it will mainly be a younger crowd of college students aged 18 to 22. Tours depart from cities around Europe including Florence, Rome, Barcelona, Prague, London, and more.

What’s great about these tours is that many of them are short in duration (for example, Florence to the Amalfi Coast in 4 days) so you can do them on long weekends and breaks while you’re studying abroad in Europe.

Bus2Alps tours are also very affordable, making this one of the best ways to travel as a student without having to spend a ton of money.

5. Intrepid Travel

Another one of the best student travel companies is Intrepid Travel. This well-established group tour company offers tours for all ages, but similar to G Adventures, they also have a specific collection of trips for travelers aged 18 to 35.

I haven’t done one of these trips myself, so I can’t say what the actual age range is, but I would imagine it does skew younger like many of the others on this list.

You are likely to be traveling with other students in their early twenties on one of these trips, and you can explore exotic destinations all around the world.

These tours are budget-friendly because they are part of the “Basix” collection of tours from Intrepid Travel, meaning you might be staying in hostels or using a lot of local transportation. But it all adds to the authentic travel experience!

6. Semester at Sea

This final entry is a bit different from the other companies on this list, but I wanted to include it anyway because it’s such a cool opportunity.

Semester at Sea is a unique study abroad program for college students that allows you to live on a cruise ship and travel around the world for a semester! You’ll be sharing the ship with other students and taking your classes together onboard, while exploring countries all around the globe in your free time.

It doesn’t come cheap, but the price for Semester at Sea can actually be less than tuition alone at some private universities in the US — and it includes room and board too!

You can also use financial aid and scholarships to pay for Semester at Sea. Honestly, this is something I really wish I had done in college and I think this is one of the best ways to travel as a student which is why I’m including it on this list!

Best Student Travel Companies

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Typeon.pl – vortal zakupowy

student travel – opinie

Zamierzałam z siostra wybrać się w tym roku na wakacjie ze student travel bo już tyle o tym slysząłysmy, ale najpierw to aj bym wolała poznać opinie innych, ale jakoś z tego roku to ich nie znalazłam. A widziałam, ze już w   tym roku gdzieś wyjeżdżali. Macie może jakieś opinie tegoroczne?

Wasze opinie:

Zamierzałam z siostra wybrać się w tym roku na wakacjie ze student travel bo już tyle o tym slysząłysmy, ale najpierw to aj bym wolała poznać opinie innych, ale jakoś z tego roku to ich nie znalazłam. A widziałam, ze już w tym roku gdzieś wyjeżdżali. Macie może jakieś opinie tegoroczne?

Na moje to nie ma co panikować, pewnie jakby były to takie same jak te z zeszłego roku. Ja z nimi to wyjeżdżam co roku i powiem ci, że co do jakości to nic się nie zmienia. Poza tym jeszcze się nie zawiodłam, zawsze były fajne imprezy i w ogole. Raz tylko wzięłam większy pokój i skrzyknęłam ekpię, która nie do końca mi pasowała, ale to chyba tez nie ich wina, co nie. Także dla mnie fajna sprawa, że organizują wakacje dostsowane do naszego wieku

Jak dla mnie to spoko, w sumei fajnie się bawiłam. Ja to nie bardzo lubie latac po wszystkich zabytkach, większość i tak mnie nie interesuje, a niewiele zapamiętuje z tego co przewodnik mowi w ogóle, ja tam lubie się bawić, a jak bylam z nimi na wakacjach to imprezki były tematyczne i takie tam. Mnie takie wakacje odpowiadają

w zasadzie ja też nie miałam z nimi problemów, raz odwołali wycieczke bo coś tam nawaliło, ale zwrot pieniędzy był w całości nawet dość szybko. Zdarza się, ale złego słowa jak na razie powiedzieć o nich nie mogę.

Powiem tak, biuro podróży dla tych co nie liczą na wielkie luksusy, jak ktoś już napisał cena w zasadzie adekwatna do standardu, im taniej tym gorzej, ale też bez przesady, nie lata się do kibla za obore…takie sudenckie wakacje, jak ktoś lubi te klimaty to pewnie będzie zadowolony. Jak z kolei ktoś jedzie na wakacje taplać się w luksusie na który go nie stać i szuka taniej alternatywy to będzie później psioczył, takie moje zdanie…

to prawda, mnie na jednej wycieczce z tym biurem trafiła się w grupie taka blondyna co chyba miała tone tapety na sobie i wiecznie narzekała, że be…takie ludzie są żałosne bo nie mają kasy, a szukają luksusu za śmieszne pieniądze.

a wiecie czy jest jakieś oficjalne forum tego biura student travel??

No pewnie, na stronie na samym dole w niebieskim tle jest sekcja ludzie i tam jest forum, to chyba najlepsze miejsce jak ktoś szuka opinii o nich.

Nie jest źle, a dobrze też nie, przeciętnie bym powiedział i tyle, takie tam niskobudżetowe wakacje dla freaków xD

na sylwka to oni tysz organizują jakies fajne wyjazdy czy nie bardzo?> Nie mam pomysłu co robić w tegorocznego sylwka, a ze kiedyś z nimi byłam na wakacjach i było fajnie to może pojade jeszcze raz, co mysliie?

w zeszłym roku byłem na sylwestrze i nie było źle, jak trafisz na drobą grupę ludzi to będzie spoko.

Już jest świeża oferta na sylwka to sobie zobacz

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ST – czy warto skorzystać? Waszym zdaniem

Biuro Podróży ST specjalizuje się w organizowaniu wyjazdów turystycznych, kładąc szczególny nacisk na wspólne przeżycia i integrację uczestników. Firma podkreśla swoje zaangażowanie w tworzenie niezapomnianych doświadczeń, oferując klientom możliwość odkrywania nowych miejsc, poznawania kultur oraz budowania nowych relacji.

Podstawowe Informacje o Firmie:

  • Branża: Turystyka
  • Typ Usług: Organizacja wyjazdów grupowych oraz indywidualnych dla osób poszukujących zarówno przygód, jak i nowych znajomości.
  • Cechy Charakterystyczne: Firma wyróżnia się naciskiem na aspekt społeczny podróżowania, promując integrację uczestników i organizując różnorodne aktywności grupowe.

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Biuro Podróży ST oferuje szeroki zakres destynacji i aktywności, dostosowanych do różnorodnych zainteresowań i potrzeb klientów. Programy wyjazdów są zaprojektowane tak, aby uczestnicy mogli w pełni doświadczyć odwiedzanych miejsc, poznając ich kulturę, historię i lokalne legendy. Firma stawia na niestandardowe podejście do turystyki, odchodząc od typowych tras zwiedzania na rzecz bardziej autentycznych i osobistych doświadczeń.

  • Integracja Uczestników: ST zachęca do nawiązywania nowych znajomości, oferując idealne warunki dla osób podróżujących samotnie, jak i w grupach.
  • Doświadczenie i Zaangażowanie: Organizatorzy wyjazdów to osoby z pasją, które dzielą się swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem, czyniąc podróż bardziej atrakcyjną.
  • Dostosowanie do Indywidualnych Potrzeb: Firma oferuje pomoc w przezwyciężaniu ewentualnych trudności oraz zapewnia wsparcie na każdym etapie podróży.

Biuro Podróży ST kieruje swoją ofertę do osób, które cenią sobie nie tylko samą podróż i zwiedzanie, ale również możliwość poznania nowych ludzi i nawiązania trwałych relacji.

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The Best Student Travel Discounts and Where to Find Them

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Nicole DiCenso

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The words “broke” and “college student” practically go hand-in-hand. And if you’re a broke college student studying abroad (like me), your money challenges are likely to be even worse. How to cope? By taking advantage of the many discounts available to students both at home and overseas. Here are best student-only deals and student travel discounts on transportation, lodging, attractions, and getaways.

You can’t get anywhere without proper transportation, and flights can cost you an arm and a leg if you purchase them directly from the airlines or major OTAs (online travel agencies). Thankfully, there are websites like STA and Student Universe that offer discounted airfare just for students. Another great site to check out is Travel Cuts . This Canadian company helps you save on flights all over the world.

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Two more great discounted flight websites are OneTravel and Student Flights , which both offer deals and discounts on domestic and international travel.

Maybe you don’t need to fly to get where you’re going. Your next best method of transportation would be the train. Especially in Europe, trains are one of the best ways to go from country to country in a quick and easy way. As a student, you can get up to 35 percent off train travel with Eurail. Another option in Europe is Rail Europe , which offers discounted rates on passes and tickets for select trains to students between the ages of 12 and 25.

If you’re traveling in the United States, Amtrak offers a Student Advantage Card that can save you up 50 percent on clothes, food, entertainment, books, and, of course, rail fare.

RELATED: Getting the Most Out of a Rail Journey


Two of the best bus travel companies offering deals for students are Megabus and Eurolines , both of which provide coach-class transportation for a fraction of the cost of other bus lines.

Perhaps you’re planning to hit as many countries as you can during the course of your stay abroad? Then Busabout is the purchase for you. Busabout is a hop-on hop-off sightseeing tour bus that lets you ride as many times as you want for a one-time fee.

If you’d prefer to handle the traveling yourself, you should probably look into renting a car ( even if you’re under the age of 25 ). Just make sure you have the proper license to drive. You could also join a carpool through websites like Karzoo and Ride Finder .

Instead of paying insane amounts of money to stay in a hotel, why not spend a little less and stay at a hostel? Websites like Hostel World and Hostelling International list all of the best hostels all around the world and even offer memberships that would allow you to pay a little now to save a lot on each hostel later on.

If you’re looking for an even cheaper experience, sleep on someone’s couch for the night with the Couchsurfing.com . Of course, this section on lodging wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Airbnb . Stay in a shared or private room, or book the entire place for yourself, for usually less than what you would spend at a hotel.

RELATED: Will Airbnb Be the Death of Hostels?


At Viator.com , you can find more than 100 sightseeing cards and passes that will save you a few dollars per each activity that the card holds. We Love Citycards has many of the same offers for cards in 21 different countries. Just feel like exploring the U.S? CityPass has discount cards for all of the major cities across the country.

Some tour companies offer weekend trips specifically geared toward students. Contiki offers hundreds of trips for anyone ages 18-35. WSA has plenty of guided weekend trips to choose from at far less than you’d pay with a standard travel agency.

If you want to travel with a group of other students, EF College Break has a handful of educational tours with plenty of free time to allow you to do your own thing, too.

Students Discount Cards

If you’re looking for discounts on everything from clothes to food to entertainment, consider purchasing a student discount card. Some of the top providers are International Student Identity Card (ISIC) , National Union of Students (NUS) Extra , International Student (ISE) , and International Youth Travel Card (IYTC) . Each of these cards costs less than $25 to purchase and offers discounts and benefits at more than 125,000 locations.

More from SmarterTravel

  • 10 Hostels Too Upscale to Believe
  • 10 Authentic Ways to Travel Like a Local
  • 10 Tips for Women Traveling Alone

Nicole DiCenso is currently studying abroad in London, England. She loves to travel and document her journeys, so follow along on Instagram @GirlLostAbroad .

Last Updated: September 14, 2015

We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

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10 Inspiring Travel Blogs Written by Students for Students

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Travel blogs can be a fantastic source of inspiration, especially for students looking to explore the world. Here are ten student-written blogs that provide insights and tips tailored to young adventurers who want to experience travel thoroughly and frugally.

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1. The Student Traveler

Amy, a university student who balances her studies with her passion for travel, writes the Student Traveler blog. Her blog features:

  • Budget travel tips for students
  • Packing lists specific to different destinations
  • Guides on how to balance academics and travel
  • Personal stories from her journeys around the globe

Amy’s engaging style and practical advice make The Student Traveler a go-to resource for students who aspire to travel without breaking the bank.

In the energetic world of student travel blogs, a standout feature is professional writing services, particularly beneficial for those balancing travel and academic commitments.

Many student bloggers, under pressure to maintain high-quality content while moving, often wonder, “Who can write my paper with professionals ?” High-quality writing services ensure their blogs are engaging and well-crafted. They also help learners manage their academic workload effectively, allowing them to continue sharing inspiring journeys and practical tips with fellow students.

2. Backpacks and Books

George, a graduate student and seasoned backpacker, runs Backpacks and Books. His blog offers:

  • Detailed city guides
  • Reviews of hostels and budget accommodations
  • Tips for using student discounts effectively
  • Strategies for managing time and money while traveling

Backpacks and Books are perfect for students who want thorough, researched content that explores the student travel experience.

3. Globetrotting Grad

Jessica’s Globetrotting Grad blog started during her first semester abroad. She zeroes in on solo travel experiences, cultural immersion tips, safety advice for student travelers, and ways to earn academic credit through travel. This resource-rich blog offers inspiration and practical guidance, making it invaluable for students striving to improve their education by exploring the world.

4. Nomadic Notes

Nomadic Notes is crafted by student travelers from diverse universities who share their collective experiences. The blog features group travel adventures, affordable destinations, essential travel apps, and beginner photography tips . It perfectly encapsulates the spirit of student group travel, making it an excellent resource for friends planning trips together.

5. The Erasmus Blogger

Sarah, who blogs at The Erasmus Blogger, shares her experiences studying abroad in Europe. Her posts include:

  • City guides from a student perspective
  • Advice on living abroad as a student
  • Erasmus program tips and insights
  • European travel itineraries

Sarah’s insights are invaluable for students in the Erasmus program or those considering studying in Europe.

6. The Budget Backpacker

Tom’s blog, The Budget Backpacker, is a goldmine of tips for globetrotting on a tight budget. It offers insights into securing cheap flights, selecting affordable travel insurance , and finding backpacking essentials under $50. With stories of unexpected travel savings, Tom’s practical advice is invaluable for students exploring the world without breaking the bank.

7. Study Abroad Corner

Karen from Study Abroad Corner offers a mix of travel and academic advice for students overseas. Her blog features:

  • How to select study abroad programs
  • Tips for acclimating to a new country
  • Must-visit places for students in major cities
  • How to stay connected with home while abroad

Karen’s blog is a great starting point for any student considering or currently in a study abroad program.

8. The Vegan Voyager

Lauren’s The Vegan Voyager blends her passions for travel and veganism, spotlighting vegan-friendly destinations, dietary tips for travelers , restaurant reviews, and ethical travel experiences. This blog is a valuable resource for vegan students and anyone aiming to travel sustainably and ethically.

9. The Weekend Explorer

Mike’s blog, The Weekend Explorer, focuses on turning brief periods into memorable adventures. It offers quick getaway ideas, efficient packing tips, and strategies to maximize short trips, featuring top destinations for weekend excursions. Perfect for students with limited time, this blog makes every weekend an opportunity for discovery.

10. Digital Nomad Diaries

Sophie’s Digital Nomad Diaries explores how students can combine travel and online studies or freelance work. Her posts offer:

  • Guides on finding remote work
  • Tips for balancing work and travel
  • Best gadgets and tools for digital nomads
  • Personal anecdotes of remote work challenges

Sophie’s blog is perfect for students exploring the digital nomad lifestyle and wanting to travel without pausing their education or career.

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These blogs provide travel insights and tips and inspire students to explore the world thoughtfully and affordably. Each blog offers a unique perspective, making them invaluable resources for student travelers everywhere.

A note about the author – Ammie Barger

Ammie Barger is an accomplished article writer with a knack for uncovering hidden gems in student travel. Her insightful pieces offer practical advice and inspiration for fellow students looking to explore the globe on a budget. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, Ammie’s work will captivate and motivate aspiring travelers everywhere.


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13 Best College Student Travel Programs [Locations, Reviews, Tips, & Prices]

Table of contents.

Ever dreamed of feeding a baby elephant in Thailand, or conserving turtle habitats in Bali? What about teaching English at local schools in Vietnam, or coaching sports in South Africa? If any of these sound like fun to you—you’ve come to the right place! Our college student travel programs give you the opportunity to do all of this and more. 

Traveling is one of the most rewarding things that a college student can do. A survey by the Student and Youth Travel Association found that 69% of teachers say student travel increases independence and confidence, and 66% say respectfulness and ability to adapt. 

So why don’t more college students like you travel? Well, it can be overwhelming and confusing , because it’s hard to plan a trip abroad, make an itinerary, and know where you can volunteer and make community impacts. We’re here to help!

At Further Travel , our mission is to help college students travel sustainably, learn skills, make a difference, and make new friends. 87% of travelers want to travel more sustainably, and we’re helping them do so. Since the acquisition of Invasion by Intrax in 2021, we’ve worked with thousands of students to match them to the best travel program while keeping the entire process easy. 

On our travel programs, you’ll volunteer at local schools, complete community service projects, and even work on animal and marine life conservation! In fact, each person who books with us equals one tree planted. 

Below are our 13 best college student travel programs:

  • Camp Bali: 20-Day Explorer
  • Camp Bali: 20-Day Island Hopper
  • Camp Bali: 10-Day Adventure
  • Camp Thailand: Camp Elephant
  • Camp Thailand: 12-Day Adventure
  • Camp Thailand: Island Explorer
  • Camp Thailand: Ultimate Adventure
  • Camp South Africa: Sports Coaching & English Teaching
  • Camp South Africa: Animal Conservation
  • Camp Philippines: Island Experience
  • Camp Maldives: Island Experience
  • Camp Europe: Eurotrip
  • Camp Vietnam & Cambodia: Combo

Camp Bali: College Student Travel Volunteering & Conservation

From turtle conservation to monkey forest visits, Camp Bali is the perfect destination for college students who want to make an impact while visiting a tropical Asian country. 

The beautiful wildlife and stunning beaches get you some pretty amazing photo ops–you might even be able to check out The Most Instagrammable Spots in Bali . 

From surfing lessons to community service—Camp Bali has something for you!

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20-Day Explorer [From £1,499]

The beauty and culture of Bali make it the perfect destination for college students . On our 20-Day Explorer program, you’ll visit Ubud, Seminyak, and Nusa Penida, where you’ll do activities like:

  • Learn to surf
  • Teach English at local schools
  • Help out with turtle conservation
  • Raft white water rapids
  • Snorkel in coral reefs
  • Visit monkey forests

This ultimate itinerary includes everything you need to learn about the amazing Bali culture and help out with local school projects. Most importantly, you’ll meet tons of people who love to travel and give back sustainably—just like you!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Camp Bali 📍🌎 (@campbali)

20-Day Island Hopper [From £1,549]

Sunset yoga, turtle conservation, waterfalls–the 20-Day Island Hopper program has it all. Visit Seminyak, Ubud, Lombok, and the Gili Islands where you’ll get a once-in-a-lifetime experience of Bali’s famous destinations and local views. 

The best thing about this travel program is the opportunity to make it your own. On our beach days, choose between surfing, snorkeling, or just soaking up the Bali sun. In Kuta, take some time to unwind with paddle boarding, group surf lessons, or local shopping—it’s up to you! On our Gili Trawangan beach day, you can create your own itinerary with these options:

  • Do some extra scuba-diving
  • Rent a bike and cycle around town
  • Kayak and paddleboard
  • Book a traditional yoga or meditation class

Most importantly, you’ll meet an amazing group of people and make lifelong friends. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Brooke🌴 (@brookemegantravels_)

10-Day Adventure [From £1,099]

Looking for something a little more affordable, or looking to fit travel into your busy schedule? Our Camp Bali 10-Day Adventure’s got you covered!

This travel program is jam-packed with the best Bali hot spots of our full trip. You’ll take surfing lessons, visit the monkey forest, do a community service project, and board a boat for some white water rafting. This travel program features incredible historical attractions, like the Lempuyang Temple, one of the oldest temples in Bali!

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Trying new foods when traveling is definitely at the top of our bucket list. In Bali, you’ll have the opportunity to broaden your palate with fresh and clean foods. In fact, Bali is big on clean eating, with tons of vegetarian and vegan foods for our veggie friends! If you’re not sure what to try or a little intimidated by the dish names, check out The Best Food To Try In Bali !

Camp Thailand: Learn & Explore With This College Student Travel Program

Camp Thailand is one of our top choices for college student travel. Volunteering opportunities, elephant conservation, cultural destinations, natural views—Camp Thailand has everything you’re looking for in a travel program. 

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Check out our Camp Thailand programs below!

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Camp Elephant [From £1,449]

Camp Elephant is your all-in-one stop for learning about elephant conservation and history. Even better, you get to live out the dream of taking mud baths with baby elephants! You’ll visit elephant sanctuaries at:

  • Elephant Haven: A partner with Camp Thailand for 5 years now, Elephant Haven lets you meet the elephants, walk with them through the jungle, prepare their food and feed them their favorites, and even take a mud bath with them in the lake!
  • Kui Buri: Take a look at elephants roaming freely in the beautiful Kui Buri national park, photograph wild elephants, and ask any questions you have about these amazing creatures!
  • Petchaburi: Visit the Wildlife Friends Foundation Elephant and Animal Sanctuary where you learn the stories of the rescued elephants, take a tour and learn about the other animals (including tigers!), and prepare food for the elephants. 
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Louise Blanche (@loublanchexx)

While the elephants are the star of the show, Camp Elephant has a diverse itinerary! You’ll create your own Pad-Thai at traditional Thai cooking lessons, visit the 9 waterfalls of Erawan National Park, visit Black Mountain Water Park, and take a yoga class! For 4 days, teach English at local schools and orphanages to give back to the local community. Camp Thailand participant Hannah shared that working with kids on this trip is something she’ll remember forever!

12-Day Adventure [From £999]

Camp Thailand’s 12-Day Adventure is our cheapest travel program for college students. Starting at £999, this program includes the ultimate itinerary:

  • Elephant sanctuary visit
  • Phi-Phi Viewpoint
  • Hot spring visit
  • Tiger Temple
  • Emerald Pools

Visit the perfect locations: Bangkok, Phuket, Koh Phi Phi, and Krabi! This travel program is the best way to visit Thailand’s hot spots, learn about the local culture, and relax at the stunning beaches and springs. 

20-Day Island Explorer [From £1,549]

20-Day Island Explorer is the ultimate Camp Thailand program. It gives you the perfect balance of Thailand activities, from cultural experiences to relaxing on beautiful Thailand beaches! 

On our Island Explorer program, you’ll visit the amazing island destinations of:

  • Phuket: In Phuket, take in the breathtaking views, visit the Big Buddha statue, learn Muay Thai boxing, teach in local schools, visit an elephant sanctuary, and enjoy a barbeque on the beach!
  • Koh Phi Phi: Take a ferry to explore the islands of Koh Phi Phi, boat tour to local hotspots like Monkey Beach, and watch fire shows.
  • Krabi: Climb 1,273 steps to visit Tiger Cave Temple, visit the Emerald Pools, explore Railay Beach, and embark on another island hopping tour!

This program gives you the opportunity to teach children in local schools and make a real difference for them. Past camper Laura said “When you teach the children in schools you form a close bond with them, which is a great experience; you’re given support before you [teach] and teach in pairs so anybody who may not be experienced in a classroom has the support of another member of the group.” If teaching seems a little intimidating, we’re here for you!

Most importantly, you’ll make lifelong friends who love traveling and giving back just as much as you do! It really does have everything you could ever want. We hope to see you there!

21-Day Ultimate Adventure [From £1,599]

If you’re looking for a tour that encompasses all of Thailand’s beauty and wonder, our 21-Day Ultimate Adventure is the perfect travel program for you. This program combines the wonders of all of Camp Thailand’s programs, so you can have the craziest all-in-one trip of a lifetime.

Our most travel-oriented tour, you’ll visit Phuket, Bangkok, Singburi, Hau Hin, Kanchanaburi, Khao Sok, Koh Phi Phi, and Krabi! Take part in all of these amazing activities:

  • Bangkok River Tour: Use your IG selfie skills to get some beautiful pics on the water!
  • Temple visits: Get to know Thailand culture and history at Wat Pho, Wat Arun, and Golden Mountain.
  • Lopburi Monkey Island: Where monkeys and humans live in harmony, this island is a must-see in Thailand!
  • Erawan Falls: Explore all 9 waterfalls in Erawan National Park and make stops at the waterfall slide and fish spa along the way.
  • Elephant Sanctuary: Spend an entire day feeding, caring for, and learning about the majestic elephant! You’ll even have the opportunity to take a selfie with an elephant. 
  • Floating markets: A perfect way to get to know Thai culture, the Ratchaburi floating market is famous for its traditional food, crafts, and souvenirs. 
  • Muay Thai boxing classes: Try out this traditional sport loved by Thai communities to get even closer with the culture!
  • National parks & caves: Visit Phraya Nakhon Cave, Khao Sok National Park, and Tiger Cave.
  • Fun on the water: Kayak around Khao Sok, explore on a boat safari tour, take a dip in the Emerald Pools and hot springs, and have some free beach days where you can scuba dive!
  • Island hopping: Tour Koh Phi Phi islands and visit stunning beaches like Railay Beach.

This travel program really does have everything you could ever want!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Natalie Ann Barrientoss (@natalie_bazzer)

Camp South Africa: Students Making A Difference

From teaching local students and coaching sports to working with animal conservation organizations, Camp South Africa is the perfect way for college students to make a difference. 

Work with some amazing kids, learn about local wildlife, and get to know your camp friends with weekend activities with our Camp South Africa travel programs!

student travel opinie google

Sports Coaching & English Teaching [From £1,449]

Making a difference in a community is easier than ever with our Camp South Africa Sports Coaching and English Teaching travel program!

Here, you’ll spend 5 weeks getting to know local township communities, helping kids with their Math and English assignments, and coaching sports like netball, hockey, rugby, and football. Since football is such a widely-loved sport in South Africa , some of the kids might even coach you!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Camp South Africa 🇿🇦 (@campsouthafrica)

On the weekends, you’re free to do whatever fun stuff you want to with these optional activities:

  • Bungee jumping
  • Shark cage diving
  • Safari & game reserves drives
  • Canoeing trips
  • Waterfall visits
  • Boat trips & snorkeling

(Note: optional activities come at an additional cost and are subject to availability).

This program is our only one open to 17 year olds too, so come get some great volunteering experience before you even head off to college!

Animal Conservation [From £1,349]

Do you love animals and want to make a difference in their lives while traveling to a bucket list destination? Our Camp South Africa Animal Conservation travel program has it all! See the Big Five (lions, leopards, buffalo, elephants, and rhinos), feed and care for reserve animals, participate in wildlife lectures, and maintain the reserve facility. 

On the weekends, you’re free to participate in these fun optional activities:

  • Bayworld Natural History Museum
  • Seeing wild penguins in Cape Recife
  • Sardinia Bay Beach
  • Storms River Bridge
  • BayWest Mall

(Note: optional activities come at an additional cost and are subject to availability). 

Camp Philippines Island Experience [From £1,499]

Camp Philippines Island Experience lets college students teach local communities and clean up beautiful beaches, all while visiting stunning Philippines main spots and participating in once in a lifetime fun!

You’ll experience a perfect balance of exciting city life and relaxing tropical views. You’ll make a difference in the lives of kids by visiting local schools. You’ll even help out the locals and support marine life by cleaning up the beach!

Explore one of the most beautiful places in the world, while helping out the community and making lifetime memories—you won’t regret visiting Camp Philippines!

Camp Maldives Island Experience [From £1,999]

Do you want to travel to a bucket list destination while helping preserve the wildlife? Walk off the beaten path and get a real cultural experience with the Island Experience program!

At Camp Maldives , you’ll work with Save The Beach to clean up the beach, plant coral, conduct reef surveys, clean coral frames, and assess coral health for their online database. Learn about marine conservation in an interactive way, while actively helping out the local community and environment! 

Alongside helping marine life, you will help ecosystems on land! You’ll get to learn about seagrass conservation, local flora and fauna, and give back by planting coconut palm trees. 

Not only will you have the rewarding experience of helping the environment in a local community, but you will take part in activities like:

  • Optional scuba diving
  • Island exploring
  • Paddle boarding
  • Cooking class
  • Rooftop pool

Camp Europe Eurotrip [From £2,499]

With 7 countries and an unlimited list of activities, Camp Eurotrip is our most customizable camp experience! Camp Eurotrip is the party destination travel program.

All of the destinations you’ll visit have so many opportunities for exploration:

  • Paris, France: Check out the local cafes, take part in bar crawls, and experience “The City of Light’s” nightlife. Take a boat tour around the city or a walking tour to visit hotspots like Notre Dame de Paris, the Louvre, and the Parc des Tuileries. Book tickets for Moulin Rouge or snap some amazing Instagram pics at Montmartre!
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands: Visit the best Amsterdam bars and explore this amazing city. Head to the Anne Frank House, take a tour through the Heineken Factory, and check out Rijksmuseum, the largest museum in the city—the possibilities are endless!
  • Berlin, Germany: Berlin is famous for its beer, so head to Hofbräuhaus and later, soak it up with some currywurst! Visit the Reichstag Building, take our private walking tour of the city, and take part in the amazing nightlife at raves and modern clubs. 
  • Prague, Czech Republic: Explore beautiful cultural monuments, ride beer bikes around the city, visit Charles Bridge, or even climb the 299 steps up to Petrin Tower. Check out the nightlife at the largest club in Europe—Club Karlovy Lazne. 
  • Budapest, Hungary: Take part in SPArty time at the world-famous thermal bath, one of the biggest events in Hungary. Take a sightseeing tour along the river, tour historical monuments, and of course–enjoy Hungarian beer at the best bars in the city!
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia: Explore this beautiful European city and visit Ljubljana Castle. Take a day trip to Lake Bled, where you’ll get your adrenaline up on the toboggan and take in the sights of the lake. 
  • Venice & Rome, Italy: Visit two of the most iconic cities in Italy. Get lost in the ancient architecture and don’t miss hot spots like the famous Rialto Bridge and the Colosseum. 

(Note: some of these activities require prior booking– contact us if you need help or tips!)

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Camp Vietnam & Cambodia [From £1,899]

Camp Vietnam and Cambodia is one of our most exciting travel programs for college students , with visits to bustling cities, beautiful wildlife, famous temples, and giving back to the community! You’ll travel to a variety of destinations while learning about and experiencing the amazing culture of these places. 

Most importantly, teach English at a local school, do community service projects in Angkor Kreav, and clean up the beach in Cam Thanh village. Popular with students, many say that these community activities are the highlights of their trip!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Camp Vietnam✈️ (@campvietnam)

College Student Travel Programs with Sustainability & Culture

Further Travel is dedicated to our four pillars of travel:

  • Fun: Laughter and the friendships you make while traveling are important to Further Travel. Alongside volunteering and cultural impacts , you’ll have some of the most fun, once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
  • Community: 80% of our travelers are solo travelers, so travel with us to make lifelong friendships with people like you!
  • Culture: At the heart of Further Travel, we care about giving back to the communities we visit and gaining authentic cultural experiences. Our programs are designed to give you the best possible cultural experience and get you off the beaten track!
  • Volunteer: Giving back is important, and that’s why Further Travel offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities, from animal conservation, teaching English, beach clean up, and planting trees–have a rewarding experience and know you are making a difference. For our teaching programs, you’ll even get your Young Learner’s Qualification.

We know how hard it can be to plan a trip, learn about local activities, and get your friends together—which is why we offer the best college student travel programs so that you can expand your global knowledge and make a real difference, all while making forever friends. 

Want to learn more? Check out our FAQs . Email us or call 0161 222 3780 to get started on planning your trip of a lifetime. 

We hope to see you soon!


Vietnam travel group opportunities for university students, visiting a thai elephant conservation center in thailand: what to expect, 6 summer programmes with tangible impact, how to become a wildlife sanctuary south africa volunteer with further travel, a summer of impact: international volunteering opportunities for college students, life changing travel, bucket list experiences.

Bucket list activities, experience local culture, and make a difference to local communities in mind blowing destinations around the world. This is Intravelr.


My Complete and Brutally Honest StudentUniverse Review (2024)

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When I studied abroad summer of 2019, my university recommended booking my flight with StudentUniverse, a company I had never heard of. Since then, I have booked twelve flights with StudentUniverse for six separate trips spread across five years. In this post, I will give you an honest StudentUniverse review based on those experiences.

Disclaimer : All of these thoughts and experiences are my own. I was not paid or compensated in any way to provide this StudentUniverse review.

What Is StudentUniverse?

StudentUniverse is a flight search engine that aims to provide discounted flights, hotels, and tours to university students and young adults under the age of 26. That being said, anyone is free to use the platform to book flights, hotels, and tours. Non-college students will just not have access to every discount service available.

A picture of a plane at sunset.

Is StudentUniverse Legitimate?

Nowadays, there are a lot of third-party flight search engines. A good portion of them are either a dysfunctional mess or a straight-up scam, so you are rightfully justified in wanting to do your due diligence by researching the company. The quick answer is yes . StudentUniverse is a legitimate and trustworthy company.

Why Is StudentUniverse So Cheap?

You may be wondering how they acquire the discounts posted on their website. StudentUniverse works by directly contacting airlines to negotiate discounted flight offers for students and youth. As a result, they can provide some flight options that are cheaper than what may be seen on Google Flights or Skyscanner .

StudentUniverse Flights Review

Over the past five years, I have booked several round-trip flights to Tahiti , Canada , Paris , Seattle , London , and most recently, Paris (again for the 2024 Roland Garros tennis tournament (my second time) 🤩), through StudentUniverse. Based on the seven separate occasions that I have utilized StudentUniverse, I have found them to be quite reliable. If I book my flight on a third-party website, I’m the type of person who will immediately use the booking reference code in the receipt to check if my reservation exists on the airline’s website. Every time I have done this with StudentUniverse, my reservation has shown up on the official airline’s portal promptly.

A picture of Tahiti's Taharuu Beach. I booked my round trip flight tickets to Tahiti through StudentUniverse. This experience contributed to my review.

Whenever my flight itinerary changed or was completely canceled, at no fault to StudentUniverse, StudentUniverse notified me immediately via email. For me, this was reassuring because staying updated on even the smallest changes is important for building my travel itinerary. In terms of my review of how things went on the day of my flight’s departure, I have not experienced any problems. I’ve always checked in easily and my ticket has never suddenly not existed on the day of departure. Therefore, I have had a fairly positive experience booking flights through StudentUniverse.

✈️ Click to sign up and get $20 off your first purchase with StudentUniverse!

Review of StudentUniverse Customer Service

In general, I would say that StudentUniverse’s customer service is both responsive and helpful. They have various customer service lines available for people located everywhere, so if there’s an emergency, you can call them. And although I have not called them during an emergency, I have called them because of canceled flights or to reconfirm my new flight itinerary. Each time, customer service was pleasant and supportive. When my flight was canceled, they helped me understand the process for booking flights with my flight credit. Then, when the flight I wanted was not an option, they helped me find an alternative.

A picture of a plane flying at sunset.

Oh, and a perk is that you can avoid long wait times by opting to have them call you back when it’s your turn in the queue. This is what I did. Unlike other companies, they will call back, twice if you do not answer the first time. Thus, I would say that StudentUniverse’s customer service is a solid 4.5 stars out of 5.

✈️ NOTE: Nervous about flying? Check out my useful guide that’s packed with tips for navigating airports and having a smooth flight experience.

StudentUniverse Complaints

It is no secret that no company is perfect, especially not in the travel industry. One of my big issues with StudentUniverse is that utilizing their flight credit is a tricky process. It can only be utilized under very specific circumstances. Let me give you an example. When my flight was canceled, my flight credit was split up based on the ticket price for each respective airline: $150 for Alaska Airlines and $113 for American Airlines. To use your flight credit, you have to call StudentUniverse when you have identified the flight you want. After calling customer service, I discovered that the flight credit is only good for one ticket with the same airline. This means that if I have $150 in-flight credit and the flight I want to book is $120, I lose $30 if I book with my flight credit.

A picture of a plane flying in the background with the sunset in the background.

Furthermore, you are only allowed to book a ticket for the same class as the one you originally booked . For context, I originally booked a student ticket in economy class with American Airlines and Alaska Airlines. This made finding a flight worthy of using my flight credit challenging. My new flight had to be a student ticket in economy class, with American Airlines or Alaska Airlines, and close to or over the amount of my flight credit to minimize the amount of wasted credit. Additionally, it’s important to note that every fare includes a non-refundable service fee of up to $25 . I know this is part of being a sustainable business, but it can be annoying if your flight is canceled. If this sounds complicated to understand, it’s because it is. This experience was the only time I was frustrated with StudentUniverse.

Advantages of StudentUniverse

The good news is that there are notable perks to using StudentUniverse to book your flights.

1. Discounted Flights

A picture of a plane flying.

One obvious advantage is that they provide discounted flights. Each time I’ve booked flights with them, it is because they had the best deals I could find for flights. Does StudentUniverse always offer the best-discounted flight prices? Of course not. Sometimes StudentUniverse has the best deal and other times another search engine does. You should always compare prices and flight plans from various flight search engines to find the one that works best for you.

2. Double up With Flash Sales

A picture of Lake Bled in Slovenia, which is a cheap location to day trip to from Ljubljana.

Another perk I have found is that StudentUniverse frequently does flash sales. These are short windows of time where the company promotes a promo code to save you an extra $10 – $40 USD on your already discounted flight. This may not seem like much, but a little free money is better than nothing! Saving those few extra dollars can mean adding in a day trip from Ljubljana to beautiful Lake Bled in Slovenia or going to Moorea from Tahiti ! 🙂

3. You Pay What You See

A picture of sample flight options on StudentUniverse's website. One feature that influenced my positive review is that the price you see is what you can expect to pay at the end.

A benefit of StudentUniverse is that the price you see for the flight route is the price you can expect to pay. The price already factors in both the flight base fare and the added taxes and fees we all hate. Thus, the number we see is what represents the total cost, assuming you don’t knowingly add upgrades. I find this to be a bonus because I hate reaching checkout and seeing other fees and taxes have been added. Suddenly, I have to pay an extra $100 or more from the price that was originally listed. It’s honestly refreshing to just be straight up told the cost…unlike Airbnb which bamboozles you every time with the cleaning and service fees.

4. Schedule Flexibility

A picture demonstrating how StudentUniverse makes it easy for you to see prices for flexible departure and return dates. This enhanced my experience and influenced my review.

A feature I genuinely appreciate on StudentUniverse’s platform is its flexible scheduling. They make it super easy to see the differences in the total price for different departure and return dates. Furthermore, the cheapest options are marked with a diamond for quick reference. This makes planning your itinerary simple, and sometimes you can save more than $100 by leaving a day later. And yes I know this feature is fairly commonplace now, but in 2019… this feature was not. So, I like to give credit where credit is due.

Should You Use StudentUniverse?

As someone who was formerly a broke college student and is now simply a broke adult, I’m always looking for ways to save money on traveling. For me, booking through StudentUniverse has been a relatively good experience, minus when I had to use flight credit. I think the platform has several benefits and there isn’t a lot to complain about. Therefore, if you’re a student or young adult, I would recommend creating an account. It’s worth trying it out because you quite literally have nothing to lose. You may find cheaper deals and you might not. There is no guarantee, but at least you will have given yourself the potential to save money.

A picture of a plane flying over snow-capped mountains..

P.S. In case you’re wondering, I do not have the Student discount anymore since I’m not a verifiable student. This means to the platform, I’m just a regular adult under 26. Therefore, I don’t receive the added-on student benefits that sweeten the pot. Regardless of this, I still use StudentUniverse in some capacity for nearly every trip I take. Why? Because they genuinely have some of the best deals out there. And, people under the age of 26 can still receive some of the student discounts. You can tell which student deals aren’t available as the deal will show up as “locked” until you verify your student status.

✈️ Check out or sign up for StudentUniverse

Does StudentUniverse Verify Student Status?

To get the most out of StudentUniverse and access all of the discounted flight prices available, you will have to first make a student account. They do require you to verify your student status by uploading a picture of one of the various forms of identification: student ID card, paid tuition bill, current class schedule, etc.

A picture of me wear my graduation stole. To have the best access to all the discounts, you need to verify your student status. Overall, my review of StudentUniverse is that it is a helpful flight search engine, especially if you are a student.

From my experience, the process is pretty quick and easy. Within 15 seconds of uploading a picture of my university ID card, my student account was approved.

✈️ NOTE: StudentUniverse also offers Youth fares for people aged 16-25, but if you are eligible, a student account will offer you the most deals.

Tips For Using StudentUniverse

If you decide you want to give StudentUniverse a try for booking your next trip, I have some recommendations for you that have helped me in the past. ✈️ Incognito Tab: If you are tracking the prices for flights, be sure to use an incognito tab. Like other flight search engines, this will help prevent them from tracking your interest and possibly increasing prices. ✈️ Amazon Prime Student: If you are a college student, you can create or link your Amazon Prime Student account to StudentUniverse. This will give you up to an extra 10% off on flights and at minimum, an additional $5 off.

A picture of a KLM plane flying over clouds during sunset.

✈️ 24-hour hold: If you see a flight that you might be interested in, you can call StudentUniverse. They will hold any fare for 24 hours without any payment. This is convenient if you are figuring out some last-minute details but don’t want to miss a good deal. ✈️ Check with the official airline: If you want some extra peace of mind, view the official airline’s website to confirm what is included in your ticket, like baggage and seat choice. Also, do this if you want to make a particular meal request.

Wrap-Up: My Honest StudentUniverse Review

My honest review is that StudentUniverse is an awesome flight search engine to use for discounted flights. It can be extremely beneficial to students but offers discounted flights available for everyone. Of course, it is not perfect. However, I still would, and frequently do recommend it to all of my friends. I believe the money saved in discounts outweighs the small non-refundable service fee you have to pay. At the end of the day, everyone wants to save money and get a good deal while traveling! So, I believe it’s worth giving the platform a shot. Regardless of whether you choose to use the platform, I hope this StudentUniverse review has helped you learn more about the platform, and I wish you the best of luck in your next travel escapade!

✈️ Click to sign up with StudentUniverse. You will receive $20 off your first purchase with them !

Traveling Soon? Here Are the Travel Resources I Use!

🏡 Accommodations: I use Expedia or Booking for hotels and Hostelworld for hostels ✈️ Flights: I find the best deals on StudentUniverse & Skyscanner 🗺️ Travel Insurance: I suggest Safetywing as an affordable option 🤿 Tours & Experiences: I love to use Viator and Get Your Guide 🚗 Car Rentals : I recommend DiscoverCars for all your rental car needs! 📱 E-Sim: The company I’ve had the most positive experiences with is Airalo Use code ‘KRISTI7012’ for an extra $3 off your ESIM from Airalo!

More Travel Hacking

  • 🛋️ Nearly Free Housing: Interested in saving a crap ton of money on housing accommodations? Read my in-depth review of this beloved hospitality platform .
  • 🇪🇺 Europe: Traveling to Europe for the first time? Read about how to easily find the best routes for inter-Europe travel here.
  • 🧳 General Travel Tips: Want to see a list of all my favorite travel resources that I like to use when traveling? Head on over to my travel resources page — lots of good information over there! 👀

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Kristin is the founder of Global Travel Escapades, a blog dedicated to helping travelers explore beautiful destinations and planning their wildest travel dreams. She has explored 30 countries and is on a mission to visit 50 by age 30. Along the way, she has lived in places like sunny San Diego and the vibrant French capital! Ultimately, Kristin hopes her passion for adventure, delicious food, and all things F1 & tennis inspires others to plan their next travel escapade!

5 Charts Showing Student Traveler Preferences in the U.S. and Abroad

Dan Peltier, Skift

July 15th, 2016 at 5:30 AM EDT

Student travel is a market that travel brands have been serving for many years, but some brands now better understand its value and realize that giving students a great experience while they're young likely leads to repeat business when they're older.

The U.S. student group-travel market is one of the best for repeat business. A $5.6 billion market, travel brands should be doing more to court it.

That’s the view of the Student Youth & Travel Association , which promotes U.S. domestic and international student and youth travel. The association surveyed more than 2,100 U.S. teachers, group leaders, tour operators and international tour operators from 70 countries between August 2013 to November 2015 to measure the impact of student travel.

The survey considered students up to 18 years old, and primarily those taking trips in middle school and high school, and focused on the importance of teachers in the travel planning and organizing process.

Student travel is mostly group travel, said Carylann Assante, the association’s executive director, but a trip is the brainchild of a teacher. U.S. teachers organize an average of 1.7 trips per academic year and travel with 59.7 students per year for domestic and international trips.

Nearly two-thirds of domestic U.S. student trips are for destinations within 50 miles from a school or within the same state as a school, according to teacher respondents. U.S. tour operator respondents, however, said that 62 percent of their student trips involve traveling through more than one state.

Both U.S. teachers (66 percent) and tour operators (52 percent) said European destinations are the most popular for international U.S. student travel. Canada and Latin American destinations were the second- and third-most popular regions.

“Teachers are traveling with their students with an altruistic perspective and parents are also starting to travel with their kids at earlier ages because they’re having fewer kids,” said Assante. “But there are many parents who also feel that having their kids travel with a class is easier than the family vacation. There’s the perception that ‘I’m improving my child’s chance at high school and college by letting them go on this trip.'”

“Student groups are repeat business at its best because there will always be a new eighth grade class every year to take that trip to Washington, D.C., for example, and once a teacher gets comfortable with a trip and the itinerary they’ll want to rebook every year.”

Students themselves are also reliable for repeat business. The survey found 28 percent of students who travel take more than one trip per year and those traveling between ages 10 and 18 are likely to return to the destination later in life.

Languages and College Tours are Key Student Travel Interests

Respondents representing both inbound and outbound student travel to and from the U.S. cited language learning as one of the top purposes for traveling. Some 66 percent of international tour operators said their tours have a language focus for international students visiting the U.S.

“Languages are really coming back now because people are meeting people from around the world online and through travel,” said Shakil Khan, co-founder of Student.com, a UK-based accommodations booking site that caters to the global college study abroad market . “We’re noticing more adventurous kinds of travel on Student.com with more students studying in non-traditional destinations.”

Last year more than 255,000 Chinese students younger than 17 visited the U.S. to tour colleges, for example, which is a 20 percent increase in such arrivals from 2014, according to U.S. Commerce Department data. In 2014 Chinese students spent nearly $10 billion on trips to tour U.S. colleges.

Brexit and Terrorism’s Impact on Student Travel

Assante hasn’t seen mass cancellations of domestic or international student trips among school groups and tour operators her association works with following recent terror attacks in the U.S. and abroad.

She said exchange rates for international students traveling to the U.S. have been a more pressing issue. “We’re seeing the number of Canadian students coming to the U.S. down which is similar to Canadian tourists. But the U.S. is still the second-most popular country for international student travel after the UK,” (see Chart 3 below).

“Maybe fewer students will go or you’re not going to Paris but instead to the south of France, but teachers aren’t outright canceling. They’re identifying a city that will still meet the same education goals. Schools also want to know that safety procedures are in place and we’ve seen a shift in crisis communications. There’s more of a focus on cancellation insurance now.”

There’s also the fact that most students only get one chance at a particular class trip. “They don’t have the option to go next year, the opportunity won’t happen again,” said Assante.

With last month’s Brexit vote, the impact on student travel to the UK is so far not evident, Student.com states.

But it’s still unclear what Britain’s exit from the European Union means for the thousands of students across Europe who study at UK colleges and universities, given EU membership makes it easier for students to obtain visas to study in other EU countries.

“The UK is such an established academic center and I think academic is slightly different from the business side of things,” said Khan. “International students will continue coming over because it’s a fundamental part of our country. In fact, we’re seeing demand for the UK more than double from last year for students from other European countries.”

Chart 1:  Language is one of the top reasons international students up to age18 are looking to travel to the U.S.

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Chart 2:  Hotels have historically been the most popular accommodation option for groups and 32 percent of respondents in this survey said they prefer hotels. Assante said limited service brands in particular like Courtyard by Marriott and Hyatt Place have become more popular with student groups. Suite style and extended stay brands like StayBridge Suites are also more popular, she said.

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Chart 3:  The UK is the most popular destination for students, according to tour operator respondents.

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Chart 4:  For U.S. teachers and tour operators, there are some differences in their preferred destinations but European destinations are generally most preferred.

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Source: Student & Youth Travel Association

Chart 5:  Bookings from European students going to the UK have dramatically increased year-over-year in July. Keep in mind, however, that this data only consider bookings for July 1 to 10 that were likely made before the Brexit vote occurred so this doesn’t portend a longer-term outlook.

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Note: this data consider college age students (older than age 18) booking accommodations in the UK and is separate from the Student & Youth Travel Association data.

Source: Student.com

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Photo credit: Student travel is both reliable and resilient, a new survey finds. Pictured here is a school group touring the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Ron Cogswell / Flickr

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Practical Advice for Students Who Dream of Traveling

Picture of Ivana Greslikova

  • Last updated: April 1, 2024
  • Travel Tips

Home » Travel Blog » Practical Advice for Students Who Dream of Traveling

Students who want to travel across countries are drawn to more than academic freedom. It is a profound voyage of self-discovery, an opportunity to immerse oneself in various cultures, and a way to gain information outside the classroom. Financial constraints and rigorous school schedules sometimes prevent people from pursuing their wanderlust ambitions.

In this post, we explain how students can seamlessly and affordably include travel in their academic studies. It emphasizes travel’s educational value in broadening perspectives and deepening worldviews. This guide empowers students to overcome hurdles and realize their global exploration ambitions by offering practical guidance on budgeting, trip timing, and academic programs.

Understanding the Value of Travel

Broadening perspectives.

Student travel is more than a vacation; it’s an educational trip. Stepping into a new country with its customs, languages, and lifestyles helps one grow. Immersion in diversity enhances cultural knowledge and fosters global citizenship, which is crucial in today’s interconnected world. It challenges preconceptions, promotes adaptability, and creates empathy for our planet’s diverse cultures.

Such experiences foster independence, problem-solving, and intercultural communication, which enhance personal development. These skills are crucial for career advancement beyond academic performance. Student travel is an investment in one’s future, offering the information and abilities needed to navigate the global world.

Enhancing Academic Learning

Advice for Students Who Dream of Traveling

Travel is essential, so many colleges offer study-abroad programs. These programs are crucial to education, giving students academic credit and global perspectives. They are beneficial in many ways, including providing unique perspectives on international concerns,  language skills, and subject matter beyond textbooks.

Good grades are essential when studying abroad to balance your education. Students can buy coursework online to manage their workload effectively, ensuring they meet academic requirements while exploring new cultures. This is especially helpful for maintaining high educational standards in new school settings. Studying abroad balances travel with academic commitments, making it a cornerstone of modern education that values global viewpoints as much as traditional learning outcomes.

Budgeting for Travel

Planning and saving.

Advice for Students Who Dream of Traveling

Traveling gives pupils new perspectives and thoughts. However, student travel finances might seem overwhelming. Traveling abroad is possible with careful planning and rigorous saving. Starting a trip fund is essential. Regular payments, no matter how small, can help students create a trip nest egg. It helps set travel goals and discipline finances.

Budgeting for travel goes beyond savings. It needs thorough cost analysis, inexpensive vacation options, and value-packed activities. This travel budgeting method encourages students to regard their trips as educational opportunities. Students can expand their travel experiences economically and more affordably by prioritizing world-learning activities.

The influence of various aspects of life and finances, such as fashion, on students’ styles and attitudes towards travel cannot be underestimated. Fashion, in particular, plays a significant role in shaping students’ identities and preferences. For those interested in delving deeper into this topic, particularly the impact of Italian fashion on students worldwide, you can read more at driftwoodjournals.com/the-influence-of-italian-fashion-on-the-style-of-students-around-the-world/ .

Seeking Scholarships and Grants

Many students seek overseas study and volunteer scholarships and fellowships to pay for travel. These financial resources can cover travel costs but should be used more. These possibilities, from educational and charitable scholarships to government and international awards, cover a wide range of interests and academic areas.

The key to using these financial aids is comprehensive research and a desire to apply, which can be challenging yet rewarding. Successful applicants save money on travel and earn the endorsement of prominent organizations, boosting their academic and professional profiles. Thus, scholarships and grants are more than financial aid; they open doors to educational opportunities that might otherwise be unreachable, allowing students to travel without financial strain.

Choosing the Right Time to Travel

Leveraging school breaks.

Advice for Students Who Dream of Traveling

Students must balance their wanderlust with academic duties, so choosing the best travel time is crucial. Students can organize their excursions around semester breaks, summer vacations, and long weekends. These times provide a break from academics and are ideal for short-term travel or study abroad.

Traveling during these windows promotes academic success and a more relaxing travel experience without the stress of imminent homework or tests. Early booking frequently gets better flight and hotel discounts, saving you money. Thus, by intelligently aligning vacation plans with the academic calendar, students can enrich their education with global discoveries without compromising academic goals.

Gap Year Considerations

Some students seek gap years because they want to travel and experience other cultures beyond short-term holidays. This extended period, before college or during one’s academic career, allows for profound personal and educational growth. Volunteering, cultural exchange, internships, and independent travel can all be part of a gap year. Such an experience broadens one’s worldview, builds independence and resilience, and defines academic and career goals.

A well-planned gap year with significant experiences might boost a college application or résumé by showing a dedication to personal growth and proactive learning. However, a gap year must be carefully planned to meet educational goals and not impair academic advancement. When planned well, a gap year can boost a student’s personal and academic life.

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Picture of Ivana Greslikova

Ivana Greslikova

  • Published: April 1, 2024

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Embarking alone: A Solo student traveler’s guide to adventure

Published by sarah williams on october 6, 2023 october 6, 2023.

Solo student travel is an incredible opportunity that not only broadens horizons but also fosters personal growth and development. This unique experience allows students to step outside their comfort zones, navigate unfamiliar territories , and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. By immersing themselves in different cultures and environments, students can develop essential life skills such as problem-solving, adaptability, and cultural sensitivity, which are invaluable assets in today’s globalized world. Moreover, solo student travel provides a sense of empowerment, as individuals learn to rely on their own judgment and resourcefulness, boosting their self-confidence and independence.

One of the most compelling reasons why students should consider solo travel is the opportunity for self-discovery. It’s a chance to break away from the academic routine and discover their passions, interests, and strengths in a real-world context. Whether it’s exploring ancient ruins, engaging with diverse communities, or conquering personal fears, solo student travel allows them to create lasting memories and life-changing experiences. Additionally, it offers a unique perspective on their studies, providing a broader context for academic learning and a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity.

So you’re wondering now, “Where do I even start?” , right? Totally understandable. Traveling alone is similar to traveling with friends, family, or peers – but it’s also totally different. So here’s our guide on finding your adventure through solo travel!

Start small

Young adult traveler overlooking the sunset on the water in the mountains in Fethiye, Turkey while on a solo student travel trip.

When it comes to embarking on a journey into the world of solo student travel, starting small can be a wise strategy. Beginning with shorter trips or exploring nearby destinations is an excellent way to prepare for the adventures that lie ahead. These initial experiences not only help students build their confidence in navigating new environments and cultures but also allow them to test their budgeting skills and travel planning acumen. By easing into solo student travel, individuals can gain valuable insights into their own preferences, travel style, and the challenges they may encounter, ensuring that they are well-prepared for more extended journeys in the future. For aspiring solo student travelers, embracing the “start small” approach is a practical and strategic way to set the foundation for a successful and enriching exploration of the world through solo travel.

TLDR; If you’re new to solo travel, consider starting with shorter trips or exploring nearby destinations. This allows you to gain confidence and experience before embarking on longer journeys.

See also: Best destinations for a solo getaway

Budget wisely

For students aspiring to venture into the world of solo student travel, budgeting wisely is an essential aspect of planning their adventures. With limited financial resources, it’s crucial to create a comprehensive travel budget that accounts for all expenses, including accommodation, transportation, food, activities, and unforeseen circumstances. Prioritizing budget-friendly options, seeking out student discounts, and considering alternatives such as youth hostels can help stretch their funds and ensure that their solo travel experiences are both enjoyable and financially sustainable. By mastering the art of budgeting, students can unlock the door to a world of exploration and self-discovery through solo student travel, making the most of their academic breaks and gaining valuable life experiences.

TLDR; As a student, finances are likely limited. Create a travel budget that includes all expenses such as accommodation, transportation, food, activities, and emergency funds. Look for student discounts , youth hostels, and budget-friendly options to stretch your funds.

Research your destination

Before embarking on your solo student travel adventures, it’s imperative for students to invest time in thorough destination research . Understanding the local culture, customs, and potential safety concerns is paramount to ensuring a smooth and enriching travel experience. By delving into online resources, travel forums, blogs, and guidebooks, students can gain valuable insights, insider tips, and recommendations from fellow travelers who have explored their chosen destination. This preparatory research equips them with the knowledge needed to navigate unfamiliar territories confidently, embrace local traditions, and make the most of their solo student travel experiences, while also ensuring their safety and cultural sensitivity throughout their journeys. As you embrace the idea of solo student travel, comprehensive destination research is a key step that paves the way for unforgettable adventures and lifelong memories.

TLDR; Thoroughly research the place you plan to visit. Understand the local culture, customs, and any safety concerns. Check travel forums, blogs, and guidebooks for valuable insights from fellow travelers.

See also: 5 Destinations perfect for black female solo travelers

Safety first

When embarking on the exciting journey of solo student travel, prioritizing safety should be at the forefront of every student’s planning process. Being proactive and vigilant is crucial to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience. Students should share their detailed travel itineraries with trusted individuals, carry copies of essential documents, and stay aware of their surroundings at all times. It’s essential to trust one’s instincts and avoid risky situations while making informed decisions. Additionally, investing in comprehensive travel insurance can provide invaluable peace of mind, offering financial protection in case of unexpected emergencies.

By making safety your top priority , you can embark on your solo student travel adventures with confidence, knowing that they have taken essential precautions to safeguard their well-being and make the most of their memorable journeys. In the world of solo student travel, safety isn’t just an option; it’s an imperative consideration for a successful and enriching experience.

TLDR; Safety should be your top priority. Share your travel plans with someone you trust, keep copies of important documents, and be aware of your surroundings. Trust your instincts, and avoid risky situations.

Young woman walks in front of the Eiffel tower on a sunny day.

Packing lightly is a cardinal rule for students venturing into the realm of solo student travel. By adhering to this principle, students can enjoy a multitude of benefits, including increased mobility, lower travel costs, and reduced stress. Traveling with only the essentials not only streamlines airport check-ins and transportation logistics but also allows students to explore freely and adapt to different situations with ease. It’s a key strategy for avoiding excess baggage fees and ensuring that limited student budgets are stretched further. Moreover, packing light cultivates a minimalist mindset, encouraging students to focus on experiences rather than possessions. By mastering the art of packing lightly you not only increase your convenience; it’s a strategy for unlocking the full potential of enriching and budget-friendly adventures.

TLDR; Packing light is key to hassle-free travel. Only bring the essentials, and consider versatile clothing items that can mix and match. Don’t forget to pack important documents like your passport, visa, and travel insurance.

See also: How to pack light for summer trips

Learn basic phrases

For students embarking on the exhilarating journey of solo student travel, acquiring a few basic phrases in the local language can be a game-changer. These language skills are more than just a means of communication; they are a bridge to cultural understanding and meaningful connections. Learning greetings, please, and thank you in the local tongue demonstrates respect for the culture and fosters positive interactions with locals. It can enhance the travel experience by allowing students to navigate daily activities, order food, and seek assistance more effectively.

This linguistic effort not only opens doors to authentic cultural experiences but also showcases a willingness to engage with the local community, ultimately enriching the solo student travel adventure in a profound way. To fully embody solo student travel , learn a few basic local phrases. They will be a valuable tool for enhancing cultural immersion and fostering memorable encounters that go beyond the surface of traditional tourism.

TLDR; Familiarize yourself with a few basic phrases in the local language, such as greetings, please, and thank you. This can go a long way in making connections and showing respect for the local culture.

Stay connected

Staying connected with loved ones back home is a crucial aspect of solo student travel that should not be overlooked. It serves as a safety net, providing reassurance to both students and their families. Regular communication through phone calls, messages, or video chats allows students to share their experiences, check-in on their well-being, and seek guidance if needed. It’s also a source of emotional support, helping students combat homesickness and feel connected to their roots. By maintaining a lifeline to home, students can embark on their solo adventures with greater peace of mind, knowing that their loved ones are just a call away in case of emergencies or when they simply need a familiar voice. Staying connected bridges the distance during a solo travel travel experience, providing a sense of security and emotional well-being, making it an essential consideration for any student traveler.

TLDR; Stay in touch with loved ones regularly to let them know you’re safe. Carry a fully charged phone and a portable charger. Consider getting a local SIM card or an international data plan to stay connected.

Meet locals

Engaging with locals while embarking on solo student travel is not just a recommendation; it’s a transformative experience that enriches the journey in countless ways. Meeting locals offers students unique insights into the culture, traditions, and way of life of the destination they are exploring. It’s an opportunity to foster genuine connections, share stories, and gain a deeper understanding of the world. Locals can provide invaluable advice, recommend hidden gems, and introduce students to authentic local cuisine and activities that might not be found in guidebooks. Beyond the practical advantages, these interactions foster cultural exchange, broaden perspectives, and create lasting memories. As a solo student traveler, connecting with locals is not just a travel tip; it’s a powerful means of enhancing the adventure and creating a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.

TLDR; Interacting with locals can enhance your travel experience. Attend local events, visit markets, and strike up conversations with people you meet.

Travel insurance

Obtaining comprehensive travel insurance is a non-negotiable for students embarking on the exciting journey of solo student travel. It serves as a safety net that shields students from unexpected and potentially costly emergencies. Travel insurance covers a range of scenarios, including medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost or stolen belongings, and more. Given that students often have limited budgets, this financial protection is invaluable, ensuring that unforeseen circumstances don’t derail their travel plans or burden them with significant expenses. It provides peace of mind, allowing students to focus on exploration and personal growth while knowing that they have a safety cushion in place. In solo student travel, obtaining travel insurance is more than a prudent decision. It also stands as a crucial measure to protect both the journey and the traveler’s financial well-being.

TLDR; Don’t underestimate the importance of travel insurance. It can provide financial protection in case of emergencies, such as medical issues or trip cancellations.

Embrace solo time

Young guy traveling in a city crosses the street on the sidewalk in his wheelchair.

Embracing solo time is a pivotal aspect of the solo student travel experience that sets it apart from other forms of exploration. It’s a unique opportunity for students to connect with themselves, their interests, and the world on a profound level. In these moments of solitude, students can reflect, set intentions, and truly immerse themselves in the culture and environment they’re exploring. It allows for a deeper connection with the destination and fosters personal growth, self-confidence, and independence.

While making new friends and engaging with locals is fantastic, embracing solo time offers a distinct dimension to the journey, enabling students to discover hidden passions, overcome challenges, and return from their travels with a heightened sense of self-awareness and fulfillment. Cherishing and embracing solo time is a cornerstone of the transformative and enriching experiences that await those who dare to embark on this remarkable adventure of solo student travel.

TLDR; Solo travel offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery. Embrace moments of solitude, reflect on your experiences, and use the time to learn about yourself.

Be flexible

Flexibility is a cardinal virtue for students embarking on the exhilarating journey of solo student travel. While meticulous planning is essential, remaining adaptable is equally crucial. Travel plans can pivot unexpectedly due to weather, transportation delays, or unmissable opportunities that arise on the road. Being open to change not only minimizes stress but also allows students to seize the unexpected and turn it into an adventure. It’s a mindset that fosters resilience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to navigate various situations with grace. By embracing flexibility, students can fully immerse themselves in the dynamic and transformative nature of solo student travel, savoring every twist and turn along the way. In solo student travel, flexibility goes beyond a mere travel strategy; it serves as the gateway to discovering unforeseen opportunities and creating unforgettable experiences.

TLDR; Travel plans can change due to various factors like weather, transportation delays, or unexpected opportunities. Stay flexible and open-minded, and be prepared to adapt your itinerary.

Document your journey

Young solo student traveler takes a selfie with her coffee while at the train station.

Documenting one’s solo student travel journey is not only a creative outlet but also a way to preserve memories and share experiences with a wider audience. From travel journals and photography to blogs and social media posts, capturing the adventure in real-time allows students to relive the moments and reflect on their personal growth. It creates a sense of accountability, encouraging them to fully immerse themselves in each destination, seeking out unique experiences to share. Moreover, documenting the journey can inspire and inform others who are considering solo student travel, offering valuable insights, recommendations, and a sense of camaraderie within the travel community. As a traveler, documenting the journey isn’t just a little hobby. It’s a means of leaving a lasting impact, both personally and for the benefit of fellow aspiring travelers.

TLDR; Keep a travel journal, take photos, or start a blog to document your experiences. This not only helps preserve memories but can also be a creative outlet.

Respect the environment

Respecting the environment is a fundamental responsibility for students embarking on solo student travel. As travelers, they have a unique opportunity to minimize their ecological footprint and leave a positive impact on the destinations they explore. Embracing Leave No Trace (LNT) principles , which advocate for practices such as responsible waste disposal, minimizing noise pollution, and preserving natural habitats, is essential. By adhering to these principles, students can help protect the environment, wildlife, and the beauty of the places they visit for future generations.

Additionally, practicing eco-conscious habits like using reusable water bottles, reducing plastic waste, and supporting sustainable tourism initiatives ensures that the natural beauty of travel destinations remains intact for years to come. By showing respect for the environment you make a commitment to safeguarding the planet’s natural wonders and ensuring that the allure of solo student travel can be enjoyed for generations to come.

TLDR; Be an eco-conscious traveler. Minimize your environmental impact by using reusable water bottles, reducing plastic waste, and supporting eco-friendly activities.

Stay healthy

Prioritizing health is paramount for students venturing into the world of solo student travel. Staying healthy ensures that students can fully immerse themselves in their adventures, make the most of their experiences, and handle the physical demands of travel. It’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, get enough rest, and practice good hygiene to prevent illness on the road. By taking these proactive measures, students can minimize the chances of disruptions to their travel plans due to health issues and focus on embracing the transformative and enriching aspects of solo student travel. A commitment to staying healthy is both a personal wellness choice and a strategy for unlocking the full potential of unforgettable journeys that foster personal growth and self-discovery.

TLDR; Prioritize your health by eating well, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and practicing good hygiene.

Enjoy the journey

Young adult backpack hiking in the mountains.

Embracing the journey is at the heart of solo student travel. While it’s essential to have an itinerary and objectives, students should also allow themselves the freedom to savor each moment. Solo travel offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and forging lifelong memories. Whether it’s getting lost in a bustling market, sharing stories with fellow travelers, or simply taking in breathtaking scenery, it’s these unscripted moments that often become the most cherished. By adopting a mindful and present mindset, students can extract the fullest value from their solo student travel experiences, ensuring that every adventure becomes a transformative and unforgettable chapter in their academic journey and personal development. As someone going out for a solo student travel experience, the true essence lies in the journey itself. Those who embrace it with an open heart are richly rewarded.

TLDR; Solo travel is about personal growth and exploration. Embrace the challenges, savor the moments, and cherish the freedom it offers.

In conclusion…

Solo student travel is a life-enriching adventure that offers numerous benefits for students. It’s a unique opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, gain independence, and develop essential life skills like problem-solving, adaptability, and cultural sensitivity. By exploring new destinations alone, students can foster personal growth and self-discovery, gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Additionally, solo travel encourages students to be budget-conscious, resourceful, and resilient, as they navigate the challenges and rewards of independent exploration.

For students curious about solo travel, it’s important to remember that the journey begins with careful planning. Start small by exploring nearby destinations, create a travel budget, and research your chosen location thoroughly. Embrace safety measures, stay connected with loved ones, and consider travel insurance for peace of mind. While on the road, be open to meeting locals, document your journey, respect the environment, prioritize your health, and, most importantly, enjoy the journey. Solo student travel is not just an adventure; it’s a transformative experience that can shape your perspective, broaden your horizons, and create lasting memories. So, if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to travel solo, take that leap of faith, and embark on a solo student travel adventure—it’s a decision you won’t regret.

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11 Benefits of Student Travel: Culture, Education, and More

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All educators know that students learn best through engaging, real-world activities. Travel allows students the opportunity to not only apply their learning in a new context, but also experience new cultures, historical sites, and even practice life skills. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of student travel including:

  • Strengthening your curriculum through real-world experiences
  • Practicing social emotional skills
  • Experiencing new cultures, food, languages and more

11 Benefits of Student Travel: Culture, Education, and Much More

Not all education can and should happen within the classroom. Sometimes, traveling is the best form of education, as students can get a number of personal and educational benefits from travel. From learning about other cultures first-hand to seeing where historical events took place with their own eyes, educational travel gives students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of art, science, history, and culture in ways they never have before. But the benefits of student travel go far beyond the actual subjects taught during the trip. Here are 11 ways that students traveling domestically and abroad benefit from their journeys.

#1. Enhanced Curriculum

Education becomes a whole new experience when students can see the Colosseum for themselves or see the tools and equipment scientists used in decades or even centuries past to make discoveries that make our modern world possible. Regardless of what subject students are going to study, there are a number of experiences in dozens of ideal locations to deepen their learning and make it much more relatable and “real” to them. Educational travel brings the material off the pages and into reality, allowing students to connect to it in a stronger and more meaningful way.

#2. Cultural Learning

When students travel, they learn that there are people out there who live life a bit differently, and those cultural differences aren’t defined by national borders. There are cultural differences within one’s own country as well; ask any Southerner who has ever been to New York, or any New Yorker who has traveled to California. Whether traveling abroad or within their own country, students can learn about how different people live their lives, eat their food, and so much more, but they will also learn that people aren’t so different, either. They’ll also probably find a number of cultural similarities when they travel and find ways to break down barriers between themselves and those they once classified as “other.”

#3. Learn Languages (if Traveling Abroad)

For students traveling abroad, one major benefit is the ability to learn another language and practice it among native speakers. Traveling students can better develop their listening, comprehension, reading, and speaking abilities when they interact with those who speak the language on a day-to-day basis. That’s why so many foreign language classes love taking language immersion tours .

#4. Broaden Culinary Horizons

No matter where students go, it’s almost guaranteed that they’ll find some kind of food that is unique to that place or done better there than anywhere else. If someone gets Chicago-style pizza in Chicago or bagels in New York City , they’re going to have a different tasting experience than they would if they were getting the same type of thing in, say, Texas . At the same time, getting chili in Texas would be a whole different experience from getting chili in New York or Chicago. Eating Italian cuisine in the U.S. is going to be different than eating Italian food in Italy . Students can learn a lot about a culture by what they eat on a daily basis and what they consider a special meal, so it’s good to take a taste of the local cuisine and learn through all of the senses.

#5. Better Classroom Experiences

They say that if you want to learn about someone, you should travel with them. When students go on an educational trip, they spend a great deal of time with their classmates and teachers and learn a great deal about the people they may not have spent as much time with otherwise. They also engage with the classroom material much more after the fact. Reportedly, teachers feel that middle and high school students who return from these trips participate more in class and have higher test scores. In short, better classroom experiences and atmosphere can be a recipe for deeper learning long after the educational trip is over.

#6. Compassion and Empathy

When students can see how other people live their lives, they learn so much about being able to see through another’s perspective, building their capabilities for compassion and empathy. After all, as previously mentioned, traveling students learn that cultures may have several differences, but they also learn that people from other cultures aren’t so entirely different. When they travel, they learn so much about other people and the world is no longer full of “other” people, but just people, and the world starts to feel like it, as a whole, is home.

#7. Improve Social Skills

Most people don’t realize that a hidden benefit of student travel is the improvement of social skills. When students travel abroad, no matter how shy they are, they have to learn to stick together as a group and talk to others to get to where they need to go. They’ll also have amazing opportunities to meet new people. Realistically, it’s very difficult to avoid talking to others when students have to rely on each other, their teachers, their group leaders, and the locals in order to get around properly, and it can do wonders to improve those social skills and help them overcome social anxieties.

#8. Independence

Being away from family, home, and familiar ground is a courageous and independent adventure in its own right. Educational travel provides that opportunity to allow students to open their minds regarding how they choose to live life, which can be extraordinarily helpful in preparing students for college and adulthood. Traveling – with the combined social skills and perspectives it teaches – really allows students to better understand how they can operate on their own.

#9. Teamwork

Students who travel with their schools learn group management and leadership skills in a unique way. They learn that not everyone will always get along, but they learn how to work with people they don’t get along with to make the trip enjoyable regardless. They learn that people they may not have thought they would get along with actually turn out to become great friends. They also learn how to move and work together as a group to accomplish a goal, even one as simple as getting to the next destination.

#10. Travel Skills

Another benefit of student travel is learning travel skills in a safe environment with a group, rather than learning them all on their own. From learning to pack light and focus on the necessities to understanding how, sometimes, they’ll need to improvise when they travel, there’s a lot to keeping a travel plan together, especially for a large group. They’ll see group leaders and chaperones doing just that and likely have opportunities to practice their own travel skills. Not to mention that they’ll learn about travel budgeting, asking for help, and travel safety at the same time.

#11. Increased Self-Awareness

Middle and high school students are often going through a time of heightened self-discovery and a need to figure out who they are and where they belong in the world. By giving them the opportunity to travel, you provide them with the opportunity to gain a level of mindfulness that they would not have otherwise. They see themselves in a new light and learn that the world is bigger than they thought but also smaller, and they gain new insight into who they want to be as a person and where they want to be in the future.

Help Your Students Realize the Benefits of Traveling with a Carefully Planned and Customized Trip with Son Tours

With so much to learn and so many elements to a student travel experience, it’s easy to get overwhelmed in the planning and management stages. That’s why, when you book your educational trip with Son Tours, you get a fully customized, complete package where we take care of all of the details. To learn more about us and what we offer , to start planning, or to get a quote, contact us online or call 800-416-8212 and one of our travel experts will help you get started.

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  1. Noteworthy Tours Student Travel Planners

    student travel opinie google

  2. Student travel apps you need to download ASAP

    student travel opinie google

  3. How to Travel as a Student: 11 Cheap, Easy Ways to Travel [2024]

    student travel opinie google

  4. Opinie Google

    student travel opinie google

  5. Opinie Google, jak je pozyskiwać i dlaczego są tak ważne? ️ POZEO Łódź

    student travel opinie google

  6. Student Travel korzysta z systemu płatności SOFORT

    student travel opinie google


  1. TURCJA: Przydatne aplikacje na wakacje w Turcji

  2. Реальные отзывы о GoStudy от студентов: Анна Савина


  4. 😆najgorsze opinie w Google Play 😆 #brawlstars #shorts

  5. Jak zgłaszać opinie Google, aby zostały usunięte?

  6. Dlaczego Student Travel?


  1. Google

    Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

  2. ST

    Czasem między codziennym, szarym życiem, a marzeniami stoi jakaś przeszkoda. My jesteśmy jak Czarodziej z krainy OZ - usuniemy przeszkody, wszystko ułatwiamy i zadbamy o Wasze samopoczucie ...

  3. ST

    ST - Wyjazdy z Najlepszą Ekipą. 65,533 likes · 258 talking about this. Miłość. Ludzie. Podróże. Imprezy. Koncerty. Magia. #ważnezkim #zawszespoko

  4. Opinie o Student Travel. (Biuro Podróży) w Lublin (Lubelskie)

    Informacje o Student Travel, Biuro podróży w Lublin (Lubelskie) Tutaj możesz zobaczyć lokalizację, godziny otwarcia, popularne czasy, kontakt, zdjęcia i prawdziwe recenzje wykonane przez użytkowników. To miejsce ma dobre opinie, oznacza to, że dobrze traktują swoich klientów i będziesz czuł się świetnie korzystając z ich usług ...

  5. 6 Best Student Travel Companies

    4. Bus2Alps. Bus2Alps is a popular student travel company based in Europe. This company is designed for students who are studying abroad in Europe and want to explore more of the continent. The age range for these trips is 18 to 29 but it will mainly be a younger crowd of college students aged 18 to 22. Tours depart from cities around Europe ...

  6. student travel

    student travel - opinie. Zamierzałam z siostra wybrać się w tym roku na wakacjie ze student travel bo już tyle o tym slysząłysmy, ale najpierw to aj bym wolała poznać opinie innych, ale jakoś z tego roku to ich nie znalazłam. A widziałam, ze już w tym roku gdzieś wyjeżdżali.

  7. Has anyone used StudentUniverse to book flights? : r/travel

    Key takeaways: Student Universe is real. I booked travel through them as early as 2005ish. I'll throw out there, though, that I plugged in a few itineraries into their search, and Google Flights (aka booking directly through the airline) was $40-$50 cheaper than anything they spit out. Proceed with caution. 5.

  8. ST

    ST - opinie, fakty. Czy warto skorzystać? Biuro Podróży ST specjalizuje się w organizowaniu wyjazdów turystycznych, kładąc szczególny nacisk na wspólne przeżycia i integrację uczestników. Firma podkreśla swoje zaangażowanie w tworzenie niezapomnianych doświadczeń, oferując klientom możliwość odkrywania nowych miejsc ...

  9. Travel Student

    Travel Student - wyjazdy studenckie, Marki. 15,344 likes · 1 talking about this · 1 was here. Jesteśmy biurem turystycznym nakierowanym na młodych ludzi... Jesteśmy biurem turystycznym nakierowanym na młodych ludzi (w wieku 18-30 lat).

  10. The Best Student Travel Discounts and Where to Find Them

    Especially in Europe, trains are one of the best ways to go from country to country in a quick and easy way. As a student, you can get up to 35 percent off train travel with Eurail. Another option ...

  11. Who are the Best Student Travel Companies? (Reviews/Ratings)

    Four Educational Travel companies that offer group tours: Located in Aberdeen, South Dakota, World Classroom focuses on travel experiences in Washington DC. Located in Charlottesville, Virginia, Grand Classroom specializes in student groups visiting National Parks. The company also organizes multi-day international and historic city trips.

  12. 10 Inspiring Travel Blogs Written by Students for Students

    4. Nomadic Notes. Nomadic Notes is crafted by student travelers from diverse universities who share their collective experiences. The blog features group travel adventures, affordable destinations, essential travel apps, and beginner photography tips.It perfectly encapsulates the spirit of student group travel, making it an excellent resource for friends planning trips together.

  13. 13 Best College Student Travel Programs [Locations, Reviews, Tips

    In fact, each person who books with us equals one tree planted. Below are our 13 best college student travel programs: Camp Bali: 20-Day Explorer. Camp Bali: 20-Day Island Hopper. Camp Bali: 10-Day Adventure. Camp Thailand: Camp Elephant. Camp Thailand: 12-Day Adventure. Camp Thailand: Island Explorer. Camp Thailand: Ultimate Adventure.

  14. Best Student Travel Destinations to Visit in 2024

    Continue reading to learn more about the top student travel destinations that will inspire, educate, and captivate your student. Discover the best student travel destinations. CONTENTS - In this article, you will get a list of must-visit student travel destinations in 2024, including: 1. Japan: Diverse and Futuristic.

  15. My Complete and Brutally Honest StudentUniverse Review (2024)

    StudentUniverse Flights Review. Over the past five years, I have booked several round-trip flights to Tahiti, Canada, Paris, Seattle, London, and most recently, Paris (again for the 2024 Roland Garros tennis tournament (my second time) 🤩), through StudentUniverse. Based on the seven separate occasions that I have utilized StudentUniverse, I ...

  16. 5 Charts Showing Student Traveler Preferences in the U.S. and ...

    Student travel is mostly group travel, said Carylann Assante, the association's executive director, but a trip is the brainchild of a teacher. U.S. teachers organize an average of 1.7 trips per ...

  17. Practical Advice for Students Who Dream of Traveling

    1 Understanding the Value of Travel. 1.1 Broadening Perspectives. 1.2 Enhancing Academic Learning. 2 Budgeting for Travel. 2.1 Planning and Saving. 2.2 Seeking Scholarships and Grants. 3 Choosing the Right Time to Travel. 3.1 Leveraging School Breaks. 4 Gap Year Considerations.

  18. Students Are Starting To Travel Again. Here's How They're ...

    Students are more than ready to travel. Almost two-thirds of millennials and Gen Z want to go somewhere this year, according to a recent survey by Contiki. More than half are comfortable traveling ...

  19. How to Find and Choose a Student Travel Company (Reviews/Ratings/Costs)

    The answers you receive are a good indication of delivering a high-level trip and customer satisfaction. The student travel company should be able to share medical and emergency contingency plans. This is extremely important. Reputable companies will have 24/7 customer support while groups are on tour, doctors on-call program, an emergency plan ...

  20. A Solo student traveler's guide to adventure

    Published by Sarah Williams on October 6, 2023October 6, 2023. Solo student travel is an incredible opportunity that not only broadens horizons but also fosters personal growth and development. This unique experience allows students to step outside their comfort zones, navigate unfamiliar territories, and gain a deeper understanding of ...

  21. 11 Benefits of Student Travel: Culture, Education, and More

    Travel allows students the opportunity to not only apply their learning in a new context, but also experience new cultures, historical sites, and even practice life skills. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of student travel including: Strengthening your curriculum through real-world experiences. Practicing social emotional skills.

  22. My First Ever Vlog! ️ Journey from India to Canada for Masters

    Welcome to my first-ever YouTube vlog! 🎉 Join me on an exciting adventure as I travel from India to Canada for my Masters degree. This video captures the en...