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United Earth Space Probe Agency

Emblem of United Earth Starfleet Command, including UESPA's name.

The United Earth Space Probe Agency (abbreviated UESPA ) was a part of the United Earth government which was responsible for space exploration. [1]

  • 2 Alternate realities
  • 4 External link

History [ ]

UESPA evolved, in part, from the United Earth AeroNav Forces of the early 21st century . ( TOS novel : Strangers from the Sky )

In 2067 , UESPA launched the Friendship One probe toward the Delta Quadrant , as part of a series of unmanned exploration. ( VOY episode : " Friendship One ")

By the 2130s the United Earth Starfleet had taken UESPA's place as Earth 's leading exploratory agency, but the two would continue to cooperate. ( ENT episode : " First Flight ")

UESPA personnel also aided in the construction of the Enterprise in 2150 . ( Star Trek: Enterprise )

After the founding of the Federation , UESPA became one of the five sub-commands of the new Federation Starfleet . UESPA was responsible for the exploratory division of the new Starfleet; the USS Enterprise was part of this division. ( ENT - Rise of the Federation novel : A Choice of Futures )

UESPA continued to help control Starfleet vessels into the 2260s . James T. Kirk reported the destruction of the USS Antares to UESPA. ( TOS episode : " Charlie X ")

Later, Kirk informed John Christopher that UESPA was the USS Enterprise 's operating authority. ( TOS episode : " Tomorrow is Yesterday ")

Wheeler Stinson studied accounts of the first days of UESPA. ( DS9 novel : Ascendance )

Alternate realities [ ]

In one alternate timeline, the IKS Qu' was a UESPA vessel prior to its capture by Klingons . ( TNG novel : Q & A )

In another alternate universe, UESPA became a purely military organization after several other powers established the Interstellar Coalition . They operated the UESS Enterprise in the 2260s . ( Star Trek: Myriad Universes novel : A Less Perfect Union )

Insigina [ ]

UESPA is commonly represented by a golden arrowhead. [1]

External link [ ]

  • United Earth Space Probe Agency article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
“Below the piping, next to the vertical zipper of the left-hand tunic pocket, was the gold arrowhead insignia of the United Earth Space Probe Agency, the government department that administered Earth’s Starfleet.”
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)
  • 3 Lamarr class

United Earth Space Probe Agency

  • Edit source

The United Earth Space Probe Agency (often UESPA ) was a space exploration and scientific research organization, based on Earth , from at least the 21st through 23rd centuries . ( TOS : " Charlie X ")

  • 1 21st century
  • 2 22nd century
  • 3 23rd century
  • 5 External links

21st century [ ]

Though the Traité d'Unification creating the United Earth Republic was not signed and ratified until 2130 ( TNG novel: Articles of the Federation ), the agency was in existence as early as 2067 , when the unmanned interstellar probe Friendship 1 was launched towards the Delta Quadrant under UESPA's auspices. ( VOY : " Friendship One ")

UESPA was formed from NASA, ESA and other national space agencies sometime after World War III . ( Orion Press : "Lexicon, U-Z", 2010 revision) Its precursor organization was the International Space Agency , which had subsumed many national agencies -- but not NASA -- as early as the 2030s . ( VOY : " One Small Step ")

22nd century [ ]

Cargo ship UES Baikal was modified to carry a short-range subspace communications system and a 100-metre-diameter antenna in 2146 . This ship was intended to serve as a mobile command platform supporting United Earth Space Probe Agency operations. ( The Starfleet Museum : Baikal Class and Marconi Class )

Prior to the founding of the Federation , UESPA and the Earth Starfleet worked jointly to administer the NX Project as well as the first warp-5 capable ships such as Enterprise (NX-01) . ( ENT : " First Flight ", " Demons ")

23rd century [ ]

UESPA was the operating authority for both the USS Enterprise and the SS Antares , c. 2267 . ( TOS : " Charlie X ", " Tomorrow is Yesterday ")

Personnel and matériel from UESPA contributed to the building of the Enterprise -B , so the organization existed at least as late as 2293 . ( Star Trek Generations artwork)

See also [ ]

  • UESPA ranks

External links [ ]

  • United Earth Space Probe Agency article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • United Earth Space Probe Agency article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
  • 1 Daniels (Agent)
  • 3 Dominion War

United Earth Space Probe Agency

  • Edit source

The United Earth Space Probe Agency (abbreviated UESPA ) was an agency of the United Earth that's duty was to explore space and was later replaced by Earth Starfleet and then the Federation Starfleet .

The UESPA was involved in the construction of the Enterprise (NX-01) and aided the Earth Starfleet in other ways including the opening of the Coalition of Planets meeting.

The UESPA was still involved with the Federation Starfleet in the 2260s aiding in the operation of the USS Enterprise .

The Agency is also responsible for the launch of the unmanned Friendship One .

Den of Geek

Star Trek: The Difference Between the Federation and Starfleet

We know that Captains Kirk and Picard work for Starfleet. Or do they work for the United Federation of Planets? Which is it? What's the difference?

star trek space probe agency

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Cast

After a long wait, the U.S.S. Enterprise has received a response from the planet Eminiar VII. They had hoped to contact the planet and establish diplomatic relations with the inhabitants in the star cluster. But the message they receive in return is simple: stay away.

When Kirk gets that reply, he intends to respects their wishes. But no sooner does he order the Enterprise to change course than a man arrives on the bridge and overrides Kirk. This moment must have shocked the first viewers of “A Taste of Armageddon” from the first season of The Original Series of Star Trek . After all, who could override the Captain on his own ship?

The answer is the United Federation of Planets, for whom the man, Ambassador Robert Fox (Gene Lyons), works. Although “A Taste of Armageddon” aired in 1967, the distinction between Starfleet and the Federation still confuses viewers today. So what is the difference between the Federation and Starfleet?

The simple answer is this: the United Federation of Planets is a galactic government founded by humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites. By the time of Star Trek: The Next Generation , the Federation contained over 150 member worlds. Starfleet is a branch of the Federation, devoted to exploration and defense. But the two organizations have a long and fascinating history that reveals a much more complex working relationship.

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How Starfleet Took Flight

In the earliest episodes of TOS , Kirk identified several different organizations as the source of his authority, including United Earth Space Probe Agency, Space Central, Star Service, and Spacefleet Command. The term Starfleet doesn’t show up until “Court Martial” in season one.

Starfleet’s primary mission is the one that Captains Kirk, Picard, and Pike describe at the start of their respective TV shows. Starfleet searches the galaxy for new forms of life and new civilizations, in the name of peace and the gaining of knowledge.

At least, that’s the idea. However, the various Star Trek shows and movies also feature a lot of shooting. That’s because Starfleet is responsible for the Federation’s military actions as well. The balance between peaceful exploration and military function has always been blurry in Star Trek history, as demonstrated in the franchise’s first two movies.

In Star Trek: The Motion Picture , the Enterprise spends all of its time investigating the V’Ger probe, a contemplative mission performed by a crew wearing pastel pajamas. For the sequel, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was pushed to the background and the studio brought in director Nicholas Meyer. Meyer saw Starfleet as a military organization, and thus shot the film like a submarine warfare movie and gave the crew more military-like uniforms.

The tonal differences between these two movies capture the tension at the heart of Star Trek . As much as the characters describe their mission in terms of peaceful exploration, the writers and directors haven’t always succeeded in making that look exciting. It’s much easier to give the characters standard adventures, in which they shoot laser guns and do two-handed chops onto the backs of aliens.

The prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise does a nice job working that tension into the show’s overall plot. Set 100 years before TOS , Enterprise follows Starfleet’s first deep space mission, aboard the Enterprise NX-01 , under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. Although the mission began focused on exploration, starting with returning a waylaid Klingon back to Qo’noS, it soon became enmeshed in larger conflicts, especially the Xindi War. During that conflict, Starfleet served as Earth’s defense against the Xindi, which necessitated putting combat before exploration.

Founding the United Federation of Planets

While “A Taste of Armageddon” first introduced the world to the Federation, Star Trek: Enterprise traces the actual in-universe founding of the Federation. Initially, Earth learned about life on other planets after Vulcans noticed Zefram Cochrane take humanity’s first Warp-driven flight, as depicted in Star Trek: First Contact . From that event, dubbed First Contact Day, the Vulcans guided humanity’s first steps into deep space. But not every human liked that Vulcan oversight, especially not Captain Archer, who held the Vulcans responsible for problems in his father’s career.

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Things only grew worse when the NX-01 got involved in a conflict between the Vulcans and the Andorians, one that led humanity to meet Andoria’s other rival, the Tellarites. While the four species squabbled regularly, they came together during the Babel Crisis. The Romulan Star Empire used a drone disguised as an Andorian ship, hoping to put the four worlds at war with one another. Instead, Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar worked together to dispel the Romulan threat, a project that led to talks of a Coalition of Planets.

The first Coalition conference included the four primary planets, as well as dignitaries from Denobula, Coridan, Ktaris, Rigel V, and others. An attack from the human terrorist group Terra Prime disrupted the Coalition conference, but the actions of Archer and his crew convinced the other planets to continue the talks. Six years later, the four primary planets formed the United Federation of Planets.

The Federation tends to be an aspirational organization. However, it must also be recognized as a political organization, which makes it attractive to schemers. Where Starfleet gets some terrible Admirals, the Federation can get weak leaders such as President Jaresh-Inyo, who is immediately overwhelmed by the Dominion war in Deep Space Nine . However, we have seen evidence of more competent Presidents, such as Laira Rillak on Discovery , whose work rebuilding the Federation has left her with no patience for Michael Burnham’s shenanigans.

To Boldly Imagine

So, the Federation and Starfleet aren’t exactly separate institutions. Rather, their mission and functions bleed into one another on a regular basis. It’s easy to see why newcomers get confused and longtime fans seem to use the terms interchangeably.

However, the Federation and Starfleet also represent Star Trek ‘s fundamentally optimistic worldview. Star Trek believes that humanity is fundamentally good, and that we can overcome racism, capitalism, sexism, homophobia, and all other forms of division to work together. And when we work together, we can go farther than we ever dreamed.

Simply put, the Federation shows us how we can come together, and Starfleet shows what we can accomplish, boldly going where no one has gone before.

Joe George

Joe George | @jageorgeii

Joe George’s writing has appeared at Slate, Polygon,, and elsewhere!

UESPA Assignment patch.jpg

The United Earth Space Probe Agency ("UESPA") was a space exploration agency during and after Earth 's World War III . In the wake of the world's post-atomic horrors, the planet still strived to explore the unknown of local space.

  • In 2067 , this organization launched the " Friendship 1 " probe, its heading set towards the Delta Quadrant . It was just one of many unmaned exploration probes.
  • By the 2130s , the organization was folded into Starfleet .
  • In the 2150s , UESPA personnel helped to construct NX Class starships .
  • The 2155 conference regarding the forming of the Coalition of Planets was overseen by both UESPA and Starfleet.
  • By 2267 , UESPA was the operating authority of the five-year missions .
  • In 2293 , UESPA personnel were still involved in construction of Starfleet starships.
  • When referenced colloquially, this organization is pronounced "you-spah".
  • UESPA also appeared on the bridge dedication plaque of the USS Enterprise-B
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United Earth Space Probe Agency

Central UESPA Insignia

The United Earth Space Probe Agency , commonly abbreviated UESPA , was an organization centered on Earth responsible for the exploration of space.

History [ ]

UESPA evolved, in part, from the United Earth AeroNav Forces of the early 21st century . In 2067 , the agency launched the Friendship One probe toward the Delta Quadrant , as part of a series of unmanned exploration.

By the 2130s the United Earth Starfleet had taken UESPA's place as Earth 's leading exploratory agency, but the two would continue to cooperate. UESPA personnel would also aid in the construction of the Enterprise (NX-01) in 2150 . UESPA would continue to help control Starfleet vessels into the 2260s . James T. Kirk would report the destruction of the USS Anatres to UESPA. Kirk would also inform John Christopher that UESPA was the USS Enterprise 's operating authority.

Alternate Realities [ ]

In one alternate timeline the IKS Qu' was a UESPA vessel prior to capture by Klingons . In another alternate universe, UESPA became a purely military organization after several other powers established the Interstellar Coalition . They also operated the UESS Enterprise in the 2260s .

External Links [ ]

  • United Earth Space Probe Agency article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • United Earth Space Probe Agency article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
  • 1 Invincible class
  • 2 William V of the United Kingdom
  • 3 George VII of the United Kingdom

United Earth Space Probe Agency

  • Edit source

The United Earth Space Probe Agency is the name for the chief space exploration agency of United Earth from 2065 until 2295, when it was folded into Starfleet.

History [ ]

Shortly after First Contact with the Vulcans , the various governments of Earth chartered a world-wide stellar exploration service in the rush of excitement after finding humanity was not alone in the universe. They created the United Earth Space Probe Agency , with the various national space agencies being members of its board of directors, representing their national governments' interests.

The first efforts of UESPA were the Friendship Probes, of which there were four launched from Earth from 2067 - 2075. The agency, finding numerous M-class (Minshara class) planets that were habitable in the vicinity of Earth, was pressed by widespread public pressure to start the Earth Interstellar Colonization Agency, licensing Zefram Cochrane's warp drive to bring people to the various planets. Earth's various nations claimed planets and fought over rights to the planets, before the EICA division of UESPA agreed to allot the planets to the various nations with the best claims and abilities to develop the planets. The wide push of the humans to colonize various planets worried the Vulcans, who had just given humans artificial gravity, antigravity, atmospheric recycling systems and a few other basic (to Vulcans) technologies, stifled their technology sharing, believing the humans would cause an interstellar conflict if they didn't recover from their war and advance socially first before venturing out into space.

UESPA coordinated the construction of numerous colony ships from Earth, leading to an exodus of several dozen million humans from Earth to a number of colony worlds . Soon after the colonies were officially founded, the Earth Cargo Service (ECS) was chartered by UESPA to ship cargo to and from the colonies. Many families became generational cargo runners in this service, upgrading their ships as needed to keep up with technology, though most ships kept warp 2 engines till the 2090s.

UESPA successfully coordinated the founding of the Lunar Colonies, with the city-states of New Berlin, Tycho City, and Lake Armstrong being among the first cities to form after their predecessor bases were absorbed under UESPA authority.

Timeline [ ]

  • 2065: United Earth Space Probe Agency chartered, with founding members being NASA, DZLR , UKSA, ISA,ROSCOSMOS, JAXA, and CNSA.
  • 2067: Friendship One launched
  • 2069: Earth Interstellar Colonization Agency chartered by UESPA to coordinate and assign planets to various nations of Earth and regulate their claims to planets.
  • 2072: SS Conestoga arrives at Terra Nova; SS Vladivostok arrives at New Slavonia; SS Columbia arrives at Columbia, and SS Beauregard arrives at 'America'; SS Bismarck at New Germany ; SS Victoria at Britannia; SS Xia to New China; SS Nippon to New Japan; SS Mohammed to New Islamiyya; SS Ramses to Om El Donia ; SS Constantinople to New Byzantium ; SS Augustus to Nova Roma; SS Indus to New India ;
  • 2130: Daedalus Class ship is launched with a Warp 3 engine.
  • 2131: a series of conflicts with Orions, Kzinthi, and other species over the last decade prompt the UESPA to organize a commission to investigate the creation of a stellar defense service.
  • 2133: The UESPA Commission into Stellar Defense and Exploration officially recommends the creation of a stellar navy, charged with defense and exploration. Many on Earth find the report controversial, mixing space and the military, and many don't want anything to do with other species, just with fellow Earth colonies.
  • 2135: Starfleet is chartered as UESPA's official interstellar space exploration and defense agency
  • 2151: The NX-01 Enterprise is launched as the first ship of its class.
  • 2153: An attack on Starbase 1 prompts Starfleet to recall Enterprise, and put a squad of MACO enlisted on the ship to help with military issues.
  • 2156: Enterprise is refit with a secondary hull, and at Archer's recommendation, is named 'Columbia class'
  • 2161: Starfleet and UESPA are merged together into the Federation Starfleet, and all personnel are grandfathered into the new service; approximately 18% of the humans from Earth decide to retire around this time, leading to a recruitment crisis. The new Starfleet doesn't mix crews too much due to how new its structure is.
  • 2295: UESPA is dissolved as a division of Starfleet.

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Difference Between Earth Starfleet and the UESPA?

  • Thread starter LutherSloan
  • Start date Sep 7, 2008



Fleet captain.

  • Sep 7, 2008

I have been trying to figure out the difference between the Earth Starfleet and the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA), both of which were mentioned throughout 'Kobayashi Maru', and possibly other 'Enterprise'-era books. Anyone have a clarification?  



Onscreen, there isn't a difference. In the fourth season of ENT, we saw a logo that said STARFLEET COMMAND - UNITED EARTH SPACE PROBE AGENCY: We also saw a UESPA logo by itself in the "Friendship One" probe in VGR and in the flashbacks in ENT: "First Flight." So maybe Starfleet was formed out of UESPA or merged with it. We know that the term UESPA continued to be in use throughout the 23rd century; Kirk mentioned it as the body he reported to in "Charlie X" and "Tomorrow is Yesterday," and its name appears on the Enterprise -B's dedication plaque. Perhaps UESPA continued to be used as a traditional name for the Earth Starfleet that grew out of it, or maybe Earth Starfleet was a subdivision of UESPA that eventually overtook the whole thing. And then when the Federation Starfleet was formed, the Earth branch of the combined service, which had formerly called itself Starfleet, went back to calling itself UESPA instead. Perhaps it and the Vulcan Space Command and the Andorian Guard and so forth continued to have some existence, at least in organizational terms, within Starfleet through the late 23rd century or so. But apparently the term had fallen out of use by the TNG era.  

Well, I find it interesting that in 'Kobayashi Maru', the captain of that vessel talks about his ship having trouble with meeting UESPA regulations, after Archer tells that captain that his ship does not meet a lot of their standards. I found it kind of odd that he said that, rather than Starfleet regulations. It made me think that Starfleet and the UESPA were somewhat different, with Starfleet in control of everything except cargo and transport vessels, which seemed to fall under the UESPA's jurisdiction. Maybe both of them still existed separately as of 2156?  


Fleet Admiral

I would presume that the United Earth Starfleet is a division of the United Earth Space Probe Agency, in the same sense that the United States Marine Corps is a division of the United States Department of the Navy.  


Christopher said: Perhaps UESPA continued to be used as a traditional name for the Earth Starfleet that grew out of it, or maybe Earth Starfleet was a subdivision of UESPA that eventually overtook the whole thing. And then when the Federation Starfleet was formed, the Earth branch of the combined service, which had formerly called itself Starfleet, went back to calling itself UESPA instead. Perhaps it and the Vulcan Space Command and the Andorian Guard and so forth continued to have some existence, at least in organizational terms, within Starfleet through the late 23rd century or so. But apparently the term had fallen out of use by the TNG era. Click to expand...
Sci said: I would presume that the United Earth Starfleet is a division of the United Earth Space Probe Agency, in the same sense that the United States Marine Corps is a division of the United States Department of the Navy. Click to expand...

Lieutenant Junior Grade

  • Sep 8, 2008
Christopher said: That makes sense. So UESPA is the branch of the government that oversees it and Starfleet is the organization itself? Click to expand...

Well, the Enterprise had a mostly Earth-human crew, so maybe Starfleet was divided into different fleets under different planetary governments' administrations. The Starfleet we saw in TOS seemed very Earth-centric; maybe there were other subfleets that were Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, etc. The Intrepid could've been under the supervision of the Vulcan branch of Starfleet, for instance.  

Nerys Myk

A Spock and a smile

My guess is that UESPA is the organization that oversaw all of Earth's space related ventures. It included the UE Starfleet (exploration and defense), the Earth Cargo Service (commerce), what ever organization controlled Colonial operations and anything else space related.  

Christopher said: Sci said: I would presume that the United Earth Starfleet is a division of the United Earth Space Probe Agency, in the same sense that the United States Marine Corps is a division of the United States Department of the Navy. Click to expand...
Christopher said: Well, the Enterprise had a mostly Earth-human crew, so maybe Starfleet was divided into different fleets under different planetary governments' administrations. The Starfleet we saw in TOS seemed very Earth-centric; maybe there were other subfleets that were Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, etc. The Intrepid could've been under the supervision of the Vulcan branch of Starfleet, for instance. Click to expand...
Sci said: Christopher said: Well, the Enterprise had a mostly Earth-human crew, so maybe Starfleet was divided into different fleets under different planetary governments' administrations. The Starfleet we saw in TOS seemed very Earth-centric; maybe there were other subfleets that were Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, etc. The Intrepid could've been under the supervision of the Vulcan branch of Starfleet, for instance. Click to expand...


Vice Admiral

I think I like Christopher's take on it. And Osquevel's. It makes the most sense.  

I'm not sure. From TOS onward, we no longer see any indication that the Vulcans, Tellarites, and Andorians had their own fleets, at least non-Earth style vessels. We know that the Vulcans had transport craft, but it generally doesn't seem to make much sense that each of these worlds would continue to build their own ships after the founding of the Federation. It makes more sense to have one singular Starfleet charged with exploration and defense of the various member worlds/systems. Although it begs the question why, even though Vulcan ships were more advanced and powerful at the time of the Federation's founding (based on ENT), their ships weren't the basis for the Federation Starfleet. The only answer I can come up with is the hostility between the Vulcans and Andorians, who would both rather work with humans than each other.  

Somehow, I find it very, very hard that Earth's local space military could ever have accepted the name "UE Space Probe Agency". Militaries do not accept wussy, sissy, completely nonmilitary and nonpatriotic names like that. They just don't. It is much easier for me to think that Starfleet would work together with a "peaceful" UE organization dedicated to space exploration, closely enough to warrant a joint seal, and that this peaceful organization would somewhat predate the space combat force because probes like Friendship 1 are probably much easier to execute in practical terms than credible space combat starships, early on in the history of starflight. Having Kirk work, at least part time, for a peaceful Earth-run space research organization sounds quite acceptable, OTOH. And this is something he'd be happy to declare to a fellow Earthling from the 1960s, as opposed to confessing to his day job as the minion of an interstellar and thus essentially foreign military. Timo Saloniemi  


Keith R.A. DeCandido

Timo said: Somehow, I find it very, very hard that Earth's local space military could ever have accepted the name "UE Space Probe Agency". Militaries do not accept wussy, sissy, completely nonmilitary and nonpatriotic names like that. They just don't. Click to expand...
  • Sep 9, 2008
KRAD said: Timo said: Somehow, I find it very, very hard that Earth's local space military could ever have accepted the name "UE Space Probe Agency". Militaries do not accept wussy, sissy, completely nonmilitary and nonpatriotic names like that. They just don't. Click to expand...
LutherSloan said: I'm not sure. From TOS onward, we no longer see any indication that the Vulcans, Tellarites, and Andorians had their own fleets, at least non-Earth style vessels. We know that the Vulcans had transport craft, but it generally doesn't seem to make much sense that each of these worlds would continue to build their own ships after the founding of the Federation. It makes more sense to have one singular Starfleet charged with exploration and defense of the various member worlds/systems. Click to expand...
Christopher said: LutherSloan said: I'm not sure. From TOS onward, we no longer see any indication that the Vulcans, Tellarites, and Andorians had their own fleets, at least non-Earth style vessels. We know that the Vulcans had transport craft, but it generally doesn't seem to make much sense that each of these worlds would continue to build their own ships after the founding of the Federation. It makes more sense to have one singular Starfleet charged with exploration and defense of the various member worlds/systems. Click to expand...
It's not the United States writ large. It's more like the European Union (though not exactly, just relatively). Click to expand...
Sci said: Christopher said: I don't see how that makes sense, because the Federation is just that, a confederation of sovereign nations cooperating for mutual benefit and defense. Click to expand...

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star trek space probe agency

Starfleet Command / UESPA

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Welcome To Starfleet HQ. Here you can review our members and checkout our profile page. if you have any questions about what we do. and where were headed be sure to check in with our officers in command positions being. ( SFC ) Captain Data. ( SFC ) Admiral Nanoo. ( SFC )Ambassador johnathan Archer.

The History of starfleet command dates as far back as the 22nd century in star trek lore. it was formerly known as the united earth space probe agency who later formed up a team to create the nx project. it was right here that mankind discovered that it was possible to travel faster then light speed among the stars. To allow man to boldly go where no man has gone before,

all thanks to the help of a man named zephram cochrane who launched the first warp capable ship named phoenix with the speed of warp 1 Light Speed which took him to jupiter in just a few minutes. Which to him broke the light barrier , This is also what caused first contact with the vulcans who discovered a strange and faint warp signal, They had no idea that humans were capable of this, So they sent out a science vessel to investigate. an so this is where the story starts and how starfleet came to be what it is today,

So here at starfleet command being inspired by all of this, it is our goal to reach out in the verse of star citizen where we will explore an go boldly where no one has gone before, Being based on the same ideals and morels of star trek, We intend to march forward into a new ere of gaming and space flight sim, Following a similar set of rules known in star trek as the prime directive to not only help build a better gaming community, But one whom all can trust in times of weakness and the times of fear, Here at starfleet we make it our primary goal to not only improve up on our selves but to help others improve in ways they would like to grow in, and take inspiration from, So to all whom is reading this,We wish you good luck in your journeys in star citizen, and as always feel free to add some of our members and get to know us, and will see you around the verse

Space is the final frontier. and here at both the united earth space probe agency and starfleet command makes its primary goel to chart out the unknown and pave safe trade routes for all whom seek safe passage and secure trading in the outer fringes of space and the known universe. as well as explore various aspects of star citizen. concluding many professions. if this is some thing that interests you dont hesitate to send a request to join us. As we are very open to others and there opinions and welcome both old and new gamers to our community.

The Prime Directive. This blog here is going to cover all the rules in which starfleet and the united earth space probe agency will follow. in the star citizen universe. How ever keep in mind. Not all of these rules will apply to new comers to us. So fear not when you gain rank. All the rules which apply to the one your geting. Will be explained to you. So you dont have to read the entire book if you dont want to.

As we do understand hat some people dont like reading. Here at starfleet chain of command designed this book to enforce both justice regulations and orderly peaceful solutions to all things. We know it off by heart. an wont force you to read through it. All though as a pointer which will apply to new comers. is very simple. Dont be rude or nasty to other members of the group. Were a team an all on the same side. So there is no need for conflict.

1st of all and this applies to everyone. No harassing one another or being plain rude an disrespectful if your reported doing this on multiple occasions you maybe court marshaled for such. and promptly removed from starfleet. naturally starfleet will launch a investigation to determine if the reports are indeed valid and true. So there shall be no foul play here. So if some one was rude or nasty to you report it to a starfleet admiral

2nd. Only people that are officially ranked as captains and above may promote people in our group. How ever people below the rank of captain may give others commendations. But only if they are higher then the rank of said person. Further more individuals can only promote people to the rank that is +1 below them and cannot be promoted to the same rank as them selves or above. The only instance where a individual can promote another person to there own rank is when a admiral of the fleet decides to promote a vice admiral to there own rank.

3rd. The United Earth Space Probe Agency and Starfleet Command. Will NEVER ask you for login details or personal information. Anyone who violates this rule. Shall be court marshaled if reported doing such. Said reporter would have to provide starfleet with screenshots of chat history as proof of such prior to any engagements with the individual whom asked the personal question.

4th. This is morely a sub rule. We have been called RP group many times. and to a dagree this is true. So to all of you newcomers that think the same. Your correct but only to a dagree. We respect all members within the fleet and will likely call you by your rank not your name. As a token of respect. To your accomplishments within starfleet. And encourage others to do the same. As we do like to be formal since we a lot take pride in our fleet.

5th. This rule applies to anyone below the rank of admiral rear half. As a captain and anyone below this rank may not intervine with internal Affairs. For example. if some one is kicked from the fleet because he/she is a poatcher/poser or if they undermined us by recruiting our members into there organization These poeple are not to be interacted with. Even if they are remotely subject to starfleet commands suspicions. a code called violate will be called on said person.

Not that we intend to just kick people. Or demote. Before we do this will make sure we have our facts first. Furthermore if demoted cannot be promoted by the captain or anyone above. until the disput has been settled first in a appropriate manner.

6th. Here at starfleet we dont believe in violence. So when serving on a starfleet vessel under a captain. You are not allowed to have even a small disput with another united earth space probe agency or starfleet officer while the captain or admiral is present. As the situation may require his undivided attention and wont want to be bothered by petty bickering.

7th. A sub rule that applies to all members of the fleet. if you are invited to a event or challenge and have accepted.. e.g vanduul swarm pirate swarm. or team death matches or last ship flying and ring racing on the tracks. You are required to use discord and have a working mic. So you can communicate with your dog fighting friends or racing team

8th. This is a heads up for all admirals and captains of the United Earth Space Probe Agency and starfleet. if you demote some one on a basis that is not valid. You may be court marshaled for such and promptly demoted your self.

As a group based on a realy high standard we expect only the best of everyone in our group. Same applies to all members. So im inacting a form of protection which is going to cover to all members of the United Earth Space Probe Agency and Starfleet. Which were calling the right of nobility.

With this we mean. No single admiral or captain may demote you without having a hearing called forth as a ensign or a chief. No matter your rank. With this rule we encourage all members of the United Earth Space Probe Agency and Starfleet. To call for a hearing if at any point you are demoted. So unless the bear minimum of 3 superior officers agree YOU shall NOT be demoted.

9th. While its a clear and rooted rule this one may not under any circumstances be broken. As we explain to all new members coming to the United Earth Space Probe Agency and Starfleet command. Were a none affiliate group. So in other words. By signing up to be part of the our organization. Were to be your main group. Not your 2nd.

This rule how ever does indeed ONLY apply to active in game groups. We enforce this rule to protect the interests of the United Earth Space Probe Agency And Starfleet Command. As well as the group that is being conflicted. if a member of the organization is found to be part of two in in game groups. a investigation will likely be made to determine if there are any conflicts of interests how ever if this group is meerly a social one. and not a in game one. We cannot by any means object to this.

How ever if found other wise. That member would have to choose. SFC /UESPA or the other said organization. Again some may think this is a bit out of order for a rule. How ever. This is not only to protect us. But it is to protect your interests and that of the other group you are with. As we take privacy seriously. We expect that no one shall brake this rule.

10th. Based on the same ideals and morels starfleet in star trek had. This rules quite simple how ever should never be broken. Here at starfleet command we make it a polacy to NEVER question the word of a starfleet officer. So as a whole to all Ensigns and Admirals alike in starfleet. if you say your going to do a particular task. Or assignment. Naturally we will expect you to do it as it was planed.

If broken heres the terms. For the 1st time you brake it. You will be given a Written Warning. if you brake it a second time. You shall be removed from the fleet. This may seem harsh. But again. if we are to improve up on our selves. These kind of principles must be made to ensure it. As a human its impossible to avoid error or be perfect. Doesn’t mean we cant try to be 99% perfect.

11th. This Rule Which applies to everyone. Anyone who wishes to increase in rank. is to undergo a officer evaluation process to make sure you are fit for the rank you are trying to gain. So we may put you up to some additional tests to determine if you are truly fit for the rank. a officer evaluation process can be done promptly or by request.

12th. As a note to “The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy. And a very correct one. History has proved again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization. No matter how well intentioned that interference may be. the results are invariably disastrous.”

13th. This applies to captains and above. When a Captain is assigned a crew and starship. They most give the solemn oath that he will give his life. even his entire crew. Rather than violate the Prime Directive.

star trek space probe agency

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The United Federation of Planets, the fictional space government present within the Star Trek universe, was designed to show a utopia of human creativity and ingenuity, a fictional representation of humanity's future. While the franchise plays with this idealized image in the later series ( especially during Picard ) it is often shown to be the pinnacle of a united Government. A large part of this is Starfleet, an organization run by the Federation — but what exactly is it?

Starfleet actually predated the formation of the Federation. It was originally created specifically by the united Earth government, specifically the United Earth Space Probe Agency, or UESPA for short — essentially, it was a more practical NASA . Things get a little hazy when regarding when exactly it was founded, though its origins are thought to be somewhere between 2112 and 2136. Around this time it funded projects by Zefram Cochrane, who went on to discoverer warp capabilities and initiate first contact with the logic fanatics, the ever-so-stoic Vulcans . Once the Federation formed in 2161, Starfleet gradually shifted from being a human-run, specifically UESPA, organization, to being one supported and maintained by, and thus serving, the Federation as a whole.

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While it might be easy to classify Starfleet as the Federation's military, that definition wouldn't be quite right. Fans are divided on this definition, as Starfleet has numerous parallels with modern military organizations, but these parallels also stir a lot of conflicting emotions. They use the same military ranks, such as commander and captain, follow the same military chain of command, and even have very similar regulations and terminology. On top of this, someone who breaks the rules set by Starfleet is court martialed, a term used multiple times throughout the franchise, which literally means "a judicial court for trying members of the armed services and military." If this was not enough to draw striking parallels, each vessel within the fleet is armed, even the science ships and shuttles. And whenever there is any cause for a combat situation, like a mass scale invasion from the Borg or a war with the Klingons, Starfleet is the one to respond.

The reason classifying Starfleet as a military organization doesn't sit well with fans is that, while in essence it is military grounded, it embodies and represents a lot more. Starfleet was founded to defend the Federation, not just to act as the arm that beats its enemies. A lot of people think of the military as a device used by governments in times of war, or to intimidate or defend a populous by force. However, this is a very modern view on the military. Starfleet is much more like Western militaries of the 18th and 19th centuries, specifically the navy. Back then, the British Royal Navy conducted trade missions, partook in diplomacy and, most importantly, conducted missions of exploration. It’s no coincidence that the names of the starships sound familiar: the SS Beagle , USS Challenger, USS Endeavour, and of course, the USS Enterprise. All these were also Royal Navy ships that were set apart from the warships. These vessels were designed specifically for explorations rather than battle, while still armed like one just in case of hostile interactions. It was a time when the world was a much bigger place, and these embassies had to act on behalf of their government that was too far away. This is much like what space becomes for a culture of space-faring people.

It’s interesting to note here that, while modern-day Earth has been explored to the point where there are very few mysteries left to discover, the modern military still supports large-scale scientific explorations in the few areas that are still shrouded in some form of mystery. The frozen wilds of the Antarctic are one example, but so is an effort to map out the ocean floor, a place almost as alien to us as actual space itself. Humanity has only successfully mapped a staggeringly small 5% of it — who know what could be lurking down there . It could be argued that if more of the world was undiscovered, modern-day military might look and act a lot more like Starfleet.

It is far to say then that Starfleet is military, but is more akin to the navy than the army. Even today, the navy shares a lot of similarities to that of Starfleet, as many navies engage in not only milliary missions, but also in emergency relief and humanitarian aid, protecting from modern-day pirates and assisting various cultures around the world. If anything, when looking specifically at the modern US military (arguably the most common comparison to Starfleet) it's fair to say that their involvement with diplomacy and engagement with foreign counties outweighs actual combat missions.

Starfleet adds to this model, however, emphasizing a massive scientific exploration element. And of course, it incorporates the directive of first contact. These elements cannot be compared to modern military organizations. The biggest differentiation here is that, while they are a military force capable of great destruction, it is not militaristic in nature like the Klingons , for example. Starfleet is designed to be an embassy of peace. They're never looking for a fight, but rather exploring the universe, and protecting it when necessary. Their main directive, after all, is to “seek out new life and new civilizations” not destroy them.

MORE: Star Trek: What Is Q?

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Memory Alpha

Georges Picard

According to background material created for Star Trek Generations , Major General Georges E. Picard was an officer within the United Earth Space Probe Agency in 2161 . He was an aide to Ambassador Thomas Vanderbilt at the founding of the Federation after the Romulan War , and he noted the irony of the ceremony taking place in the same place as the founding of the United Nations in 1945 after World War II . He was quoted as saying, " What is occurring here today is a sign that some good can come of such a scourge. "

This information was stated within a newspaper article entitled " It's Federation Day! ", written by Larry Nemecek . General Georges Picard was obviously intended as an ancestor of future Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard , as a clipping of the article was contained within the Picard family album during the filming of Generations . Picard would presumably have served solely in the solar system, since Captain Picard states that he was the first member of the Picard family to leave it in Star Trek Nemesis .

Nonetheless, the clipping, and thus all information on Georges Picard, was never visible on-screen and is therefore considered non- canon .

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  • Georges Picard at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
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Star Trek Ship Names Ordered by Class – From TOS to Picard

By: Author Brad Burnie

Posted on Published: September 23, 2021  - Last updated: November 9, 2022

Star Trek Ship Names Ordered by Class – From TOS to Picard

Share the Universe!

For those who consider themselves as die-hard fans of the popular sci-fi Star Trek universe, you may already know that Star Trek’s 24 th century has some astounding array of Starfleet ships that we can stare at with admiration. Star Trek has had strong starships designs since the very beginning. Let’s dig a bit deeper to know more.

The history of Star Trek dates back to 1966-1967 with The Original Series Season 1. All this began when a writer and former Air Force pilot, Gene Roddenberry , wanted to make a science fiction TV show that featured characters that show humanity at its best.

Since then, there has been no looking back as Star Trek has become one of the most popular sci-fi television shows of all time. While it has been entertaining its audience for decades and is globally known for its genre of science fiction, it’s also known for it’s the great space battles with different alien species.

Over the years, the show came up with dozens of iconic starship designs, many of which are even known to people who don’t follow Star Trek. The idea behind the creation of these ships was to represent the diversity of various races, cultures, and factions. So, whether it’s the TOS ( The Original Series ), Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) , Deep Space Nine (DS9), Voyager, or Picard , the show has always lived up to the expectation of producing some vast fleets that demonstrated the abilities at their best.

If you have to rank these astonishing ships, what do you think? Which are the most powerful ships of all? Not sure about the answer? No problem, here we are, revealing a list of 30 most powerful Star Trek ship names today.

From TOS to Picard, we’ve covered and presented some of the powerful Star Trek ships . Their rankings are based on specifications, including speed, size, and power. So, are you ready and excited to know their names? Let’s begin!

See awesome great details in this book Ships of the Line on amazon.

List of Powerful Star Trek Ship Names Revealed

30. ss botany bay.

SS Botany Bay

Built in the late 20 th century by the United States of America, this DY-100-class sleeper ship played a great role in helping Khan Noonien Singh and his group to escape Earth after being defeated at Eugenics Wars . You can explore the nuclear power of this ship and know more about it by watching the prime timeline of Star Trek – TOS.

29. Phoenix

Phoenix, an Earth spaceship, was constructed during the mid-21 st century. The interesting fact about this ship is that it used to be a nuclear missile. Yes, Lily Sloane and Zefram Cochrane later converted this missile into a prototype spaceship. Isn’t it amazing? That’s not it; it is also known to be the first human-made spacecraft launched from Earth to travel faster than the speed of light by using warp-drive technology.

28. Friendship 1

You will come across this Star Trek ship name in a Star Trek: Voyager episode. Launched in 2067 by the United Earth Space Probe Agency, four years after the Phoenix’s game-changing flight, this deep space probe came to find other species. The Friendship 1 ship’s exquisite feature is that it contained a lot of scientific, technological, and cultural information that helped to seek out new worlds and new civilizations.

27. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-J)

You can get a glimpse of this starship in the “Azati Prime” – The Star Trek: Enterprise episode. It bags one of the top spots in the list as it boasts some of the advanced technologies. However, it is not that popular due to two reasons – one, it just has a brief glimpse, and second, a time-traveling Captain said that the Enterprise-J exists in a possible future timeline.

26. Galileo (NCC-1701-7)

Assigned to the USS Enterprise in the 2260s, Galileo was a Class F shuttlecraft and bore the name of the great astronomer and mathematician of all time. They first used a telescope – Galileo Galilei. However, this craft was lost near Taurus II in 2267, at the time of the Murasaki Effect investigation. It was then replaced with the same numbered craft that was dubbed as the ‘Galileo II.’

25. USS Raven (NAR-32450)

This Federation exploration vessel was the home and the workplace of Magnus and Erin Hansen, the Borg-studying scientists. Check out its remains in the Star Trek: Voyager episode, “The Raven.”

24. Deep Space Nine

Deep Space 9 - space station

While this isn’t technically a ship, its a space station, we though it was important to include. There are two sides to this. On one side, it is simply an old Cardassian mining station for the same-titled TV series. While on the other hand, the same mining station is modified and reconstructed into a battle station with 5,000 photon torpedoes in Deep Space Nine – Season 4 of Star Trek.

23. USS Defiant (NX-74205)

Built for Borg battles, this amazing Federation craft was armed with a cloaking device that was lent from the Romulan Star Empire. It is known to be one of the successful warships that you can see for yourself in Star Trek: Deep Space Nin e as well as Star Trek: First Contact . Also know for it’s “mining” capabilities in games.

22. La Sirena

Memory Alpha states that this newcomer Star Trek ship is a Kaplan F17 Speed Freighter, a class of civilian ships equipped with phasers and shields but a whole lot of hologram capacities. Not to forget, it is the only entry from Star Trek: Picard.

21. USS Franklin (NX-326)

This ship is small, but at the same time, tough, just like other Freedom-class starships. You can see this 22 nd -century ship in the Kelvin timeline of Star Trek: Beyond, seat belts. It is equipped with stealth technology, cannons, and torpedoes, and its warp four power was used to get to the Starbase Yorktown from the planet, Altamid .

20. Enterprise (NX-01)

In the 22nd century of Star Trek: Enterprise , you can see how this starship has the potential to carry a huge crew of almost 100 people. It is remembered as a victory of Zefram Cochrane’s theories of space travel.

19. Sh’Raan

Even though the Vulcans are known better than combat ships for logic, the pre-Federation years have seen Spock’s forerunners ready to throw down in Sh’Raan – the Star Trek: Enterprise -era starship that was capable of Warp 7 power.

18. USS Shenzhou (NCC-1227)

This Walker-class Federation USS starship was introduced in the 23 rd century, and you can see it in Star Trek: Discovery. It had everything, including phasers, cannons, and torpedoes, but unfortunately, it got smashed in the Battle of the Binary Stars that occurred in 2256.

17. Sarcophagus

Bigger than the Shenzhou, Klingon starship of the 23rd-century can be witnessed in the Star Trek: Discovery pilot. One interesting feature of the Sarcophagus is that its armor contains the remains of Klingon warriors in the form of a patchwork of caskets.

16. Jem’Hadar Warship

Simply put, it’s all interconnected when we talk about this warship. The story of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is incomplete without the Dominion, and the story of Dominion is incomplete without the Jem’Hadar warship, i.e., its military division.

15. USS Prometheus (NCC-71201)

This Nebula-class Federation USS starship is in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . It was introduced as a floating science trial. It not only gets the job done but is also famous for its magnificent goal of reigniting a dead sun.

14. USS Excelsior (NX-2000)

It is featured in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country as the first Federation starship having trans-warp drive. This 23rd-century ship was operated by Starfleet and served Captain Hikaru Sulu , who commanded the Excelsior from 2290 to at least 2320.

13. D7-class Battle Cruiser

This Klingon starship is considered the largest of its era as it was 748 feet long and had 430 crew members. Although many other cooler introductions came along in the 24 th century, this starship still holds a higher rank. It is also termed as ‘ the pinnacle of combat warships in the 23rd century ’ as per

12. Scimitar

This Reman-made ship boasts about a lot of things. Featuring in Star Trek: Nemesis , it is loaded with photon-torpedo bays and disruptor banks. Additionally, Scimitar can convert itself into a Thalaron weapon. It is similar to a nuclear weapon but has far more destructive attributes than the latter.

11. Vor’Cha-class Attack Cruiser

This was yet another heavily armed Klingon starship used during the middle and later part of the 24 th century. It was almost as long as a Galaxy-class Federation craft and was similarly used as the backbone of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance fleet in the mirror universe.

10. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A)

Have you seen the original iconic Enterprise? USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) is a Constitution-class starship that is essentially a replica of it. It was first featured in the prime timeline of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . Additionally, it also appears in the Kelvin timeline of the J.J. Abrams-era Star Trek films.

9. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-B)

USS Enterprise-B is a polished version of the prime timeline’s Constitution-class Enterprise. This Excelsior-class Federation starship was introduced in the 23rd century and can be seen in Star Trek Generations .

8. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Prime Timeline

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) was a 23rd century Federation Constitution-class starship launched in 2258. Officially Federation was a flagship, this starship was operated by Starfleet. Unfortunately, it was destroyed during the planet Altamid battle in 2263.  

7. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), Kelvin Timeline

This starship was introduced in the 23rd century, so it has the potential of more than warp 8. In fact, it became the first Federation starship to start a five-year mission under the command of Captain James T. Kirk . It is said to be more than double the size of the Prime Timeline’s Enterprise.

6. Romulan Warbird

Romulan Warbird

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew were awestruck by this Romulan Warbird for obvious reasons in Star Trek: The Next Generation . According to, it is considered to be the largest and the most powerful Romulan spacecraft.

5. Negh’Var Warship

Negh’Var Warship was the largest class of starship, running more than 2,250 massive feet long. This powerful starship was operated as the emperor’s flagship in the Klingon Empire during the late 24 th century.

4. USS Vengeance

USS Vengeance

Designed and developed by Khan Noonien Singh and Section 31, Star Trek: Into Darkness reveals how scary this 23rd-century starship is. From Star Trek’s Kelvin timeline, this ship was specifically created for combat and was commissioned in 2259. It has very assassin type feel.

3. The Whale Probe

You cannot stop boasting about the exquisite features of this starship – the Whale Probe. Featured in the Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , defeating it is out of the question as it is a massive, power-sucking, starship-disabling, and ocean-vaporizing craft that visited Earth in 2286 to contact members of the humpback whale species.

2. Xindi Probe

Xindi Probe

We can define this starship as a pure beam of destructive force. Seen in Star Trek: Enterprise, this Xindi Probe not only attacked Earth in the 22nd century but also successfully killed more than 7 million people from Florida to Venezuela leaving complete destruction in it’s wake.

Nomad starship was designed by Dr. Jackson Roykirk and served in the first part of the 21st century. It was created with two goals: to create a ship that could function as an accurate thinking machine while using logic and find new lifeforms in interstellar space. This powerful starship had the potential to clear out at least 4 billion people from four different planets. You can see how Captain Kirk and his team face it in the Star Trek TOS episode, The Changeling.

Wrapping It Up

See awesome great details in this book Ships of the Line on amazon . There are more powerful Star Trek ships in addition to this list. The Doomsday Machine, the Krenim Temporal Weapon Ship , the Species 8472 bioship , the Narada , the Borg Cube , and V’Ger are undoubtedly powerful Star Trek ships featured in different timelines. The high-tech development and their powerful specifications have made them the most powerful ships of the Star Trek era.

Star Trek Ship Names Ordered by Class From TOS to Picard generated pin 56653

Brad Burnie is the founder of He loves all video game genres. In his spare time, he loves reading, watching movies, and gaming

star trek space probe agency

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What does UESPA stand for?

Uespa stands for united earth space probe agency (star trek).

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  4. United Earth Space Probe Agency

    star trek space probe agency

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    star trek space probe agency


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  1. United Earth Space Probe Agency

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  2. United Earth Space Probe Agency

    The United Earth Space Probe Agency (abbreviated UESPA) was a part of the United Earth government which was responsible for space exploration. UESPA evolved, in part, from the United Earth AeroNav Forces of the early 21st century. (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky) In 2067, UESPA launched the Friendship One probe toward the Delta Quadrant, as part of a series of unmanned exploration. (VOY ...

  3. United Earth

    United Earth, also known as the World Government, was the single planetary authority for all Humanity created through the unification of Earth in the 22nd century, following First Contact with Vulcans in 2063. United Earth continued to exist as a member world of the United Federation of Planets after it helped found it in 2161. Following the Burn in the 31st century, United Earth withdrew from ...

  4. United Earth Space Probe Agency

    The United Earth Space Probe Agency (often UESPA) was a space exploration and scientific research organization, based on Earth, from at least the 21st through 23rd centuries. (TOS: "Charlie X") Though the Traité d'Unification creating the United Earth Republic was not signed and ratified until 2130 (TNG novel: Articles of the Federation), the agency was in existence as early as 2067, when the ...

  5. Friendship 1

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  6. United Earth Space Probe Agency

    The United Earth Space Probe Agency (abbreviated UESPA) was an agency of the United Earth that's duty was to explore space and was later replaced by Earth Starfleet and then the Federation Starfleet. The UESPA was involved in the construction of the Enterprise (NX-01) and aided the Earth Starfleet in other ways including the opening of the Coalition of Planets meeting. The UESPA was still ...

  7. Star Trek: The Difference Between the Federation and Starfleet

    How Starfleet Took Flight. In the earliest episodes of TOS, Kirk identified several different organizations as the source of his authority, including United Earth Space Probe Agency, Space Central ...

  8. United Federation of Planets

    In the fictional universe of Star Trek, the United Federation of Planets (UFP) is the interstellar government with which, as part of its space force Starfleet, most of the characters and starships of the franchise are affiliated.Commonly referred to as "the Federation", it was introduced in the original Star Trek television series.The survival, success, and growth of the Federation and its ...

  9. UESPA

    The United Earth Space Probe Agency ("UESPA") was a space exploration agency during and after Earth's World War III.In the wake of the world's post-atomic horrors, the planet still strived to explore the unknown of local space. In 2067, this organization launched the "Friendship 1" probe, its heading set towards the Delta Quadrant. It was just one of many unmaned exploration probes.

  10. United Earth Space Probe Agency

    The United Earth Space Probe Agency, commonly abbreviated UESPA, was an organization centered on Earth responsible for the exploration of space. UESPA evolved, in part, from the United Earth AeroNav Forces of the early 21st century. In 2067 , the agency launched the Friendship One probe toward the Delta Quadrant, as part of a series of unmanned exploration. By the 2130s the United Earth ...

  11. United Earth Space Probe Agency

    The United Earth Space Probe Agency is the name for the chief space exploration agency of United Earth from 2065 until 2295, when it was folded into Starfleet. Shortly after First Contact with the Vulcans, the various governments of Earth chartered a world-wide stellar exploration service in the rush of excitement after finding humanity was not alone in the universe. They created the United ...

  12. The United Earth Space Probe Agency is Earth's contribution to ...

    In a few early episodes of Star Trek, Kirk mentions that the Enterprise is with the United Earth Space Probe Agency, part of the show's early weirdness before they had quite settled out all the worldbuilding details. Given that most Starfleet ships we see in the franchise seem to have mostly human crews, it seems likely that we are mostly just seeing UESPA ships serving as part of Starfleet ...

  13. Starfleet

    During the production of Star Trek: Enterprise, some larger Starfleet insignia designs included the name "United Earth Space Probe Agency". Multiple Star Trek: Enterprise episodes refer to Starfleet having started operation some time between 2112 and 2136, when it funded research begun by Zefram Cochrane and Henry Archer, which led to the first ...

  14. Difference Between Earth Starfleet and the UESPA?

    That was always my inference, yeah -- a bit like if the US government was to established a "United States Space Force" and place it under the jurisdiction of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I figure UESPA isn't an executive department, but rather an independent executive agency such as NASA or the Central Intelligence Agency.

  15. Starfleet Command [UESPA]

    History. The History of starfleet command dates as far back as the 22nd century in star trek lore. it was formerly known as the united earth space probe agency who later formed up a team to create the nx project. it was right here that mankind discovered that it was possible to travel faster then light speed among the stars.

  16. Star Trek: How Starfleet Has Evolved Over The Centuries

    As seen with the wayward Earth probe in Star Trek: Voyager S7 E21, "Friendship One," Starfleet began as the United Earth Space Probe Agency. This organization was designed to facilitate human ...

  17. Star Trek: The Formation Of Starfleet, Explained

    It was originally created specifically by the united Earth government, specifically the United Earth Space Probe Agency, or UESPA for short — essentially, it was a more practical NASA. Things ...

  18. United Earth Space Probe Agency

    Star Trek: The Original Series Core Game Book | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English) section, verse, paragraph, or clause. ... United Earth Space Probe Agency - WikiTrek (Italian) retrieved. 7 August 2020 . Sitelinks. Wikipedia (0 entries) edit. Wikibooks (0 entries) edit. Wikinews (0 entries) edit. Wikiquote (0 entries)

  19. Georges Picard

    According to background material created for Star Trek Generations, Major General Georges E. Picard was an officer within the United Earth Space Probe Agency in 2161.He was an aide to Ambassador Thomas Vanderbilt at the founding of the Federation after the Romulan War, and he noted the irony of the ceremony taking place in the same place as the founding of the United Nations in 1945 after ...

  20. Did the Voyager 1 and/or 2 space probes ever make it into ...

    Yes, it features in the first Star Trek movie. I believe one of the Pioneer probes is also in Star Trek V. 12. Award. Clueingforbeggs. • 3 yr. ago. Voyager 6 is mentioned in The Motion Picture (which is why people are recommending you watch it), so the Voyager probe series does exist, and as there are 6 probes there would presumably be a ...

  21. Star Trek Ship Names Ordered By Class

    Launched in 2067 by the United Earth Space Probe Agency, four years after the Phoenix's game-changing flight, this deep space probe came to find other species. The Friendship 1 ship's exquisite feature is that it contained a lot of scientific, technological, and cultural information that helped to seek out new worlds and new civilizations.

  22. Star Trek UESPA

    The other Starfleet older but smaller.This Channel is made to entertain and share the joy I have experienced watching and picking apart Science fiction serie...

  23. UESPA

    UESPA stands for United Earth Space Probe Agency (Star Trek) Suggest new definition. This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Slang/chat, popular culture; Other Resources: We have 1 other meaning of UESPA in our Acronym Attic.