

With casey’s skellig islands tours.

On the  Skellig Michael Landing Tour you get off the boat and step on to the island . With the Skellig Michael Boat Tour you stay on the boat as it goes around both the Skellig Islands getting right up close to see the historic sites and wildlife on Skellig Michael and the gannet colony on Little Skelligs. The Skellig Landing Tour season begins mid May and finishes on Sept 30th . The Skellig Boat Tour season runs from April to end September .

Skellig Michael - Pathway to monastery with little Skelligs in background


See the wildlife, historical sites and little Skelligs gannet colony

Monastery on Skellig Michael with little Skelligs in the background


Climb the 618 steps to the monastery on Great Skellig

View of the peak of Skellig Michael where Star Wars was filmed


Scenes from the latest Star Wars trilogy were filmed on Skelligs

Puffin on Skellig Michael


Thousands of birds such as puffins, gannets and guillemots nest here.

Two types of Skellig Michael Tour

Skellig Michael Eco Tour around both Islands and Skellig Michael Landing Tour

The Skellig Michael Eco Tours depart regularly throughout the day. On this tour the boat circles around Skellig Michael and Little Skelligs. This allows you get up close to both Skellig Islands. From here you can see both the wildlife and the historical sites. The Skellig Michael Landing Tour departs Portmagee marina only once per day. The departure time changes frequently depending on the sea conditions as well as the available Skellig Michael Landing time slots. The boat arrives back from the Skellig Islands in the afternoon. There is also an option of an  Audio Visual Boat Tour   about Skelligs History and Wildlife. All our Skelligs Michael Tours are dependent on the sea and weather conditions. The tours are popular especially in the busy season so it is advisable to book well in advance.

Little Skelligs with Skellig Michael in the background

SKELLIG MICHAEL (Great Skellig Rock)

The Skellig Islands are 12 km (8 miles) off the coast. However, they can be accessed by boat from Portmagee in South West Kerry. Skellig Michael rises from the sea, reaching a height of 218 metres above sea level. On the summit of Skellig Michael there is a well-preserved 6th century monastic settlement. Skellig Michael gets its name from Saint Michael the Archangel.

How much are the Skellig Michael Tours?

SKELLIG MICHAEL ECO TOUR Adults: €45 Students / Seniors: €42 Children: €37  Family: €150 (2 adults + 2 children) Each additional child:  €30 (Plus booking fee)

SKELLIG LANDING TOUR € 125 plus booking fee per person

What options are there to see the wildlife on Skellig Michael and Little Skelligs?

The Skellig Michael Boat Tour around the Skellig Islands (Skellig Michael and Little Skelligs Nature Reserve) has multiple departure times throughout the day. The boat tour lasts approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes and circles both islands getting right up close to Skellig Michael and the Little Skelligs to see both the wildlife and the historical sites.  This tour can get quite busy especially in the peak season so it is advisable to book well in advance.  The season runs from April to the end of September. The tour departs from the marina in Portmagee, Co. Kerry .


On our Skellig Michael Tours you will see the 6th century monastic settlement on the north peak of the island. Great Skellig was home to the monks of St Fionan. These monks led very simple lives out in the wild Atlantic, living in stone beehive shaped huts. The huts are round-shaped on the outside. In contrast, they are rectangular on the inside. In fact, they were carefully built to prevent a single drop of rain from coming in. The monks spent their days praying in the church, while dedicating some of their time for studying and tending to their gardens. In general, it is thought that the rock was the permanent home to about 12 monks. In the 13th century the climate started to change and life became very harsh out in the Atlantic. For this reason, the monks left the Skelligs and moved to the mainland in Ballinskelligs. Subsequently, the Great Skellig became a place of pilgrimage.

Skellig Michael South Side


On the Skellig Michael Tours and the Audio Visual Boat Tour you will see the Kerry Cliffs and Puffin Island. Kerry Cliffs were formed more than 400 million years ago. The cliffs are located on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. For the most part, they reach 300m in height. For this reason, they are a spectacular sight to look up at from the boat at sea level. Puffin Island is a designated a nature reserve under the conservancy of BirdWatch Ireland. It is separated from the mainland by a narrow sound. Hence, it is isolated from the mainland. As a result, it is home to thousands of pairs of birds such as Puffins, Manx Shearwaters, Storm Petrels and other breeding seabirds.

Where do the Skellig Michael Tours depart from?

All our tours depart from the marina in Portmagee, County Kerry. – Ask for BRENDAN CASEY. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the tour is due to depart.

How do I change or cancel my Skellig Tour booking?

Login to our customer area to update or cancel your booking. Enter the same email address you used when you made your booking.

It is advisable to stay as near as possible to Portmagee.

You should stay locally the night before the tour because the sea conditions vary a lot and we are often not sure if the tour will go ahead until right before it is due to depart.


The  interactive boat tour  is an Audio Visual experience and is both educational and fun. As an alternative to our Skellig Michael Tours, the boat stays within relatively calm waters. The boat moves from the departure point at Portmagee marina to explore the harbour and the small coastal islands. To begin with, you will learn the history of Skellig Michael and the birdlife living in the area. At the same time, you will experience the joy of wildlife and nature.  Find out about the movies that were filmed in the area including Star Wars and Harry Potter. In summary, the tour is a fun adventure and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The tour takes about 1 hour.

The Audio Visual Tour is not running for the 2023 season .

Passengers taking photos of the wildlife

The Irish Road Trip

How To Visit Skellig Michael In 2024 (A Guide To The Skellig Islands)

By Author Keith O'Hara

Posted on Last updated: February 1, 2024

How To Visit Skellig Michael In 2024 (A Guide To The Skellig Islands)

The Skellig Michael tours are some of Ireland’s most sought-after. They’re also some of the most misunderstood .

There are two types of Skellig Islands tours:

  • Landing tours : You physically explore Skellig Michael Island
  • Eco tours : You sail around the two Skellig Islands but don’t leave the boat

In the guide below, you’ll find info on the different tours of the Skellig Islands, their history and, of course, the Star Wars link . Enjoy!

Table of Contents

Some quick need-to-knows if you want to visit Skellig Michael

skellig islands map

Click to enlarge map

So, if you want to visit Skellig Michael Island, there are several  need-to-knows before you start planning your trip.

1. Location

The ancient Skellig Islands jut from the Atlantic Ocean around 13km from Ballinskelligs Bay off the tip of the Iveragh Peninsula in County Kerry .

2. There are 2 islands

There are two Skellig Islands. The smaller of the two, known as Little Skellig , is closed to the public and cannot be accessed. Skellig Michael (AKA ‘Great Skellig) is over 750 feet tall and is home to a number of historic sites.

3. There are 2 tour types

If you’re wondering how to get to Skellig Michael, you have 2 options – the Skellig Michael landing tour (you physically go onto the island) and the eco tour (you sail around the islands). The majority of Skellig Michael tours leave from Portmagee pier, although one leaves from Derrynane Harbour and another leaves from Valentia Island .

4. Star Wars fame

Yes, Skellig Michael is the Star Wars Island in Ireland. It featured Star Wars Episode VII “The Force Awakens” in 2014 . If you’ve watched the movie, you’ll see Skellig Michael at the end of the movie when Luke Skywalker gets reintroduced to viewers.

5. Warnings

  • Book tickets well in advance:  They book out frequently
  • Good fitness levels needed:  You’ll need to climb a bit on the landing tour
  • Tours don’t run all year: The ‘season’ runs from from April until the beginning of October

6. Where to stay nearby

The best place to base yourself when visiting Skellig Michael, in my opinion, is Portmagee , however, Valentia Island and Waterville are two other great options.

About the Skellig Islands

Skellig Michael monastery

Photos via Shutterstock

You’ll find Skellig Michael Island and Little Skellig jutting from the Atlantic around 1.5km from Ballinskelligs Bay off the tip of the Iveragh Peninsula.

And it’s from here that the Skellig Islands have been delighting those that have dared to visit long before George Lucas and Hollywood came knocking.

How they were formed

It was during the Armorican/Hercynian Earth Movements that Skellig Michael first peeked above the Atlantic Ocean.

These movements led to the formation of the mountains of County Kerry, which Skellig Michael is connected to.

The mass of rock from which the island was formed dates back over 400 million years and consists of compressed sheets of sandstone mixed with silt and gravel.

Mentioned as far back as 1400 BC

Of the two islands, Skellig Michael boasts the most Religious and historical significance.

The island was first referenced in history in   1400 BC and was called ‘home’ by a group of monks for the first time during the 8th century.

In pursuit of a greater union with God, a group of ascetic monks withdrew from civilisation to the remote island to begin a life of solitude.

A UNESCO World Heritage site

The remote and isolated islands have an almost prehistoric feel about them and the Skelligs are widely regarded as one of Europe’s most perplexing and remote sacred sites.

In 1996, UNESCO gave recognition to Skellig Michael and its “outstanding universal value” , placing it upon the World Heritage List , where it sits proudly next to the likes of the Giants Causeway and Yellowstone National Park.

“An incredible, impossible, mad place”

Once upon a time, over 20 years before Star Wars creator George Lucas was born, a Nobel Prize and Oscar-winning Irish playwright discovered the wonders of the Skellig Islands.

On September 17th, 1910, George Bernard Shaw left the Kerry coast in an open boat and sailed across the choppy waters that lay between the islands and the mainland.

In a letter penned to a friend, Shaw described the island as  “An incredible, impossible, mad place”  that is  “part of our dream world” . If that doesn’t make you want to visit, nothing will.

How to get to Skellig Michael in 2024

Skelligs View

We get emails asking how to get to Skellig Michael constantly . They tend to start mid-summer. But by that time many tours are booked up.

So, there are several different Skellig Michael boat tours on offer. Now, as mentioned above, just 180 people can access the island each day .

So, getting a ticket on one of the boat trips that land on the island can be tricky. Here’s an overview of each of the tours:

1. The Eco Tour around the islands

The first of the two Skellig Michael tours is the Eco Tour. This is the tour that takes you around the islands, but that doesn’t ‘land’ on Skellig Michael.

These Skellig Island tours tend to involve visiting Little Skellig first and seeing some of the wildlife (ganets and seals to name a fiew) before sailing around Skellig Michael.

2. The Skellig Michael Landing Tour

The Skellig Michael Landing Tour involves taking a ferry to the larger of the islands and heading for a wander around it.

The landing tours is more expensive (info below) but it’ll treat you to one of the most unique experiences in Ireland.

Skellig Michael tours compared

skellig michael tours

Good God. It’s taken me over an hour to collect the info below about the various Skellig Michael tours. Why?!

Well, because some of the websites are an absolute mess and a half!

WARNING : The prices and times listed below may change so  please  double check them in advance!

1. Skellig Michael Cruises

  • Run by: Paul Devane & Skellig Michael Cruises
  • Location : Portmagee
  • Eco tour : Lasts 2.5 hours. €50
  • Landing tour : You get 2.5 hours when you visit Skellig Michael. €140
  • Learn more here

2. Skellig Boat tours

  • Run by: Dan and Donal McCrohan
  • Eco tour : It lasts 2.5 hours and it costs €50 per person
  • Landing tour : Costs €125 per person

3. Kerry Aqua Terra Boat & Adventure Tours

  • Run by: Brendan and Elizabeth
  • Location : Knightstown (Valentia)
  • Skellig Coast Tour : Takes you around the most scenic sites in the area including the islands and the Kerry Cliffs. 3 hours. €75 p/p.

4. Sea Quest Skellig Tours

  • Eco tour : It lasts just under 2.5 hours and it costs €50 for adults with lower priced tickets for kids
  • Landing tour : €130 and you get 2.5 hours on the island

5. Casey’s Skellig Island Tours

  • Eco tour : €45
  • Landing tour : €125  

6. Skellig Walker

  • Eco tour : €50 per person
  • Landing tour : Tickets cost €125 per person 

Things to see and do on Skellig Michael

Skellig Michael was first referenced in history in   1400BC and was called ‘home’ by a group of monks for the first time during the 8th century.

It’s thanks to these monks that the island is home to a number of historical sites (the views are also out of this world).

1. Enjoy the journey over

how to get to skellig michael

If you do get a chance to visit Skellig Michael, your adventure begins from the moment you step on the ferry.

The journey across takes an hour from Portmagee (above) and you’ll be able to start soaking up views soon after your departure.

Now, if you’ve ever taken a ferry anywhere in Ireland, you’ll know that the water can be very choppy at times, so keep that in mind.

I’d recommend decent footwear, also. Aside from the fact that you’ll be doing a lot of walking on the island, the area where you step off the ferry can be slippy.

This isn’t helped by the fact that the boat will be rocking. So, decent footwear and a sturdy belly (keep away from the pints the night before!) are both needed. 

2. The Stairway to Heaven

the stairs on skellig michael

Cast your mind back to a time when monks lived on Skellig Michael (AKA ‘Great Skellig’). They needed to eat, and the water was their main source of food.

The monks needed to conquer a grueling 600+ steps each day as they made their way from the summit, where they lived, to the icy waters below, where they caught fish.

Those that visit the island will need to climb these 600+ steps to reach the top of the island. This will be a challenge for those with poor mobility.

3. Views galore

the views when you get the boat to skellig michael

If you visit Skellig Michael on a clear day, you’ll be treated to outstanding views of Little Skellig and the Kerry coastline. 

And after climbing the 600+ steps to the top, you’ll have earned a bit of kick-back-and-take-it-all-in-time.

When you arrive here, try and switch off, put the phone/camera away and bask in the brilliance that surrounds you. 

4. The beehive huts

beehive huts on great skellig

Life in the middle of the Atlantic was by no means easy, so the monks got to work and built several structures to make the island suitable to live on.

Over time, they managed to construct a Christian monastery, six beehive huts, two oratories and some terraces.

The cluster of six beehive huts that housed the island’s inhabitants were constructed with slate and stand proud to this day – an immense feat considering the intense storms they’ve been subjected to over many years.

5. The Skellig Michael monastery

Although the Skellig Michael monastery is a ruin, much of the inner and outer enclosure is still visible. The monastery is situated on the east side of the island, as this location gets some good shelter.

The monks built three different staircases that would allow them to access the area, depending on the weather. Only the steps I mentioned earlier are accessible to the public today, for safety reasons.

You’ll be able to see one of the staircases from the monastery. This was one of the paths that was shown in Star Wars: Force Awakes.

FAQs about visiting Skellig Michael

We’ve had a lot of questions over the years asking about everything from whether or not the Skellig boat trips are worth the price they charge and where to stay nearby.

In the section below, we’ve popped in the most FAQs that we’ve received. If you have a question that we haven’t tackled, ask away in the comments section below.

Is Skellig Michael worth it?

Yes. It’s worth the hassle of planning your trip and dealing with the potential cancellation if the weather is bad. This is one of those experiences you’ll remember forever.

Are there many Skellig Islands boat trips to choose from?

There are a lot of different tour operators, each of which tends to offer both an Eco Tour (where you sail around the islands) and a landing tour (where you visit Skellig Michael).

Was Star Wars filmed on Skellig Michael?

Yes. The Skelligs featured in Star Wars film Episode VII “The Force Awakens” in 2014. If you’ve watched the movie, you’ll see Skellig Michael at the end of the movie when Luke Skywalker gets reintroduced to viewers.

Is Skellig Michael open in 2024?

Yes, tours are running to the Skellig Islands in 2024. The ‘season’ runs from from April until the beginning of October.

skellig michael tour

Keith O’Hara has lived in Ireland for 35 years and has spent most of the last 10 creating what is now The Irish Road Trip guide. Over the years, the website has published thousands of meticulously researched Ireland travel guides, welcoming 30 million+ visitors along the way. In 2022, the Irish Road Trip team published the world’s largest collection of Irish Road Trip itineraries . Keith lives in Dublin with his dog Toby and finds writing in the 3rd person minus craic altogether.

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Tuesday 25th of April 2023

Very useful info for planning our trip. Thanks for taking the time.

Sunday 16th of April 2023

Thank you for this post. Because of it, I was able to find a tour that actually had space on their boat!

Pat Mulcahy

Thursday 16th of February 2023

Very useful information Keith thanks

Tuesday 21st of June 2022

Very useful info. A great website source. Well done

Monday 21st of March 2022

As the world's foremost Star Wars scholar, I feel I must point out that The Force Awakens premiered on December 17, 2015, not 2014. :)

skellig michael tour

Murphys Sea Cruises To Skellig Michael


Contact: e: [email protected] t: +353 876762983

Explore the wonderful Skellig Michael with Pat Joe Murphy Operating boat tours to Skellig for over 30 years! LANDING TOURS & ECO (around the islands) TRIPS availabe - Book in advance to secure your spot as tours are limited to 12 passengers per day!  

Skellig Michael Tours

The Skellig Islands, Skellig Michael and Small Skellig, stand aloof in the Atlantic Ocean some 13km southwest of Portmagee & Valentia Island, County Kerry. From any angle, or from any vantage point on the nearby Ring of Kerry, they are spectacular pinnacles, which have magnetised viewers for gene rations. 


M urphys offer boat tours to Skellig Michael daily from Portmagee durin g the summer months. There are many imitators but only a few are the original boatmen to the islands. Patrick Murphy is the Skipper of the wonderful "Shelluna". Patrick was born & raised in the beautiful village of Portmagee and lives in the village. With over 30 years of captaining boats on the atlantic, you know you are in safe hands.

Murphys Sea Cruises was established in the 1980's, at the time there were only a few boatmen "licensed" to go to the Great Skellig. Patrick & crew have brought thousands of people to and from the islands and promises them a trip of a life time .

Now taking reservations  for 2023 - book in advance to secure your spot!



"A lovely boat trip going around the smaller Skellig to view the birds on the way to Skellig Michael. The boat drivers were really helpful, friendly and informative with a lovely enthusiasm about nature, we were fortunate to see jumping dolphins and a baby seal. A reall fantgastic experience."

"There are a dozen purveyors of trips to the Skelligs, but you'll feel confident about your boating safety if you choose Pat Joe Murphy, Captain of the beautiful Shelluna. Pat Joe has a yellow cottage office down the road and across the street from the Portmagee docks (picture included), but everyone in the area knows him to call for you to arrange your passage. On the trip back, Pat Joe stopped alongside LIttle Skellig, a bird and sea lion colony, so that we could take photos of the tremendous wildlife. The smooth ride, both there and back, was in large part enjoyed because of Pat Joe's skill at the helm. I would recommend this adventure for preteens and older. I had quite a memorable day!"

"Very enjoyable experience. We set off on time and the journey was very comfortable. It was a beautiful day and the crossing wasn't difficult. Skellig Michael was amazing. Murphy Cruises were professional and I have no problem recommending them for the trip."


The Skelligs are world famous, each in its own right. Skellig Michael is known throughout the world of archaeology as the site of a well preserved monastic outpost of the early Christian period, now designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Small Skellig is equally renowned in matters of ornithology as the home of some 27,000 pairs of gannets, the second largest colony of such sea birds in the world.   

The monastic site on Skellig Micheal is reached by climbing over five hundred steps on up a 1000 year old stone stairway. Stone beehive huts where monks lived and prayed centuries ago cling to cliff edges alongside oratories, a cemetery, stone crosses, holy wells and the Church of St Michael. These isolated archaeological remains show the dramatically spartan conditions in which this early Christian community lived. Enduring several Viking raids, the monks eventually left the island in the thirteenth century and it subsequently became a place of pilgrimage.  A boat trip to The Skelligs allows one to experience these magnificent natural monuments first hand, book with Murphys today and experience the trip of a lifetime tomorrow.

visit Skellig Michael, Little Skellig with our Skellig Island Tours

Explore The Best Of The West With Skellig Michael Tours

Visit one of UNESCO’s World Heritage sites from the comfort of a well-equipped passenger boat and take back home a treasure trove of memories of an unforgettable trip.

skellig island tours

A Confluence Of Natural & Cultural Heritage

Experience a different world altogether, far away from the mainland, encompassing natural rock formations, monastery, hermitage, and lighthouses, of historic and cultural relevance.

skellig michael landing tour

Enjoy A Leisurely Sail Around Skellig Islands Onboard The Skellig Star

Let our Skellig Michael boat trips offer you a spectacular view of the mesmerizing islands, rich in biodiversity and home to sites of cultural importance.

skellig michael boat trips

Skellig Michael Tours

skellig michael tours

About Skellig Island

The twin crags of Skellig Michael Islands appears in the horizon, shortly after the Skellig Michael Boat Trips start off from Portmagee Village.

The natural formation of the islands could date back to at least 300 million years ago in the prehistoric period. The islands can be divided into two portions— The Great Skellig Michael & Little Skellig.

The Skellig Michael landing tour is not permitted on the Little Skellig island, while the Great Skellig Michael, with its easily noticeable twin peaks, is among Europe’s most ancient and sacred places. It used to be home to a group of Gaelic monks in the 6th century. The monks had built the Skellig Monastery to mark as the finishing line of an ancient pilgrimage going through France, Italy, Greece and Palestine — The St. Michael Axis. The monastic settlement is also highly regarded for its architectural genius, exemplified by the beehive huts and the 3 steps and pathways, with over 600 stairs leading up to the monastery— all still in brilliant condition to this day.

Apart from the historical importance of the site, the island also has a rich biodiversity and is home to one of the world’s largest colonies of Northern Gannets. Other fauna includes seabird species like puffins and razorbills and marine animals including a thriving population of grey seals. Earlier known as just Skellig, which in Gaelic means “splinter of stone” the site, especially the twin crags was later named after the Archangel Michael, as a dedication. It got the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. It was recently the filming location for the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015.

Why Choose Skellig Michael Tours

  • Gives You A Memorable Experience With An Up & Close View Of The Islands From The Comfort Of Spacious And Cozy Passenger Boats
  • Offers Two Different Options Of Skellig Islands Boat Trips & Skellig Michael Eco Tours
  • Wheelchair Accessible Boats Allow Tourists Of Different Physical Conditions To Gain Access
  • Takes You On A Fully Insured And Licenced Passenger Vessel
  • Competitively Priced For A Wider Range Of Tourists

The Most Important Sites Include

  • The Skellig Michael Monastery
  • The Stairs & Pathways leading up to the Monastery’s main complex
  • The Christ’s Saddle Valley between the two mountains
  • The Tower House, or Wailing Woman — a megalithic rock formation, from where you get breathtaking sites of the Little Skellig in the distance

About Skellig Star (The Boat)

Skellig Star is an accommodating boat of ours. It is definitely a true charmer! Built to take you around the Skellig Islands, it’s a 40ft Lochin running on twin engines, promising a smooth and safe sail, all the way to the Skellig Michael and Little Skellig islands. Its specialty lies in accessibility, presenting you breathtaking sights you wouldn’t have had access to by land. Rest assured by taking the Skellig Michael landing tour the Skellig Star is well capable of bringing you as close as possible to the island and landing you safely.

Our Skellig Star is well-equipped with life jackets and waterproof gear for our passengers. While safety is mandatory for every passenger as we value lives more than anything, the latter is optional and intended to keep you dry even during the heaviest downpour. Accommodating a maximum of 12 passengers at once, our boat is spacious, with cabin seating offering marvelous views of the Skellig Islands. Purposely designed with the seating arrangement inside the cabin, it ensures shelter from harsh weather conditions without compromising on passenger comfort.

Among its other state of the art facilities, there’s a toilet on-board. All in all, it’s a true star, completely insured and licensed, encompassing advanced facilities so that you enjoy a leisurely Skellig Michael boat trip.

skellig michael tours

Bookings Are Now Open For  2024 Skellig Michael Tours

Book Your Skellig Michael Tour Early In Advance. You Can Book Online, Or Give Us A Call at 00353 87 617 8114 for guidance.

Skellig Michael Eco Tour Departure Timings:

10:00 am, 12:30 pm, 3.00pm, 5:30pm

From where does Skellig Michael Tours depart?

Portmagee situated in County Kerry is the exact location from where our boats depart. For further information, kindly refer to our Contact Us page.

Is it necessary for an enthusiastic passenger to book in advance for Skellig tours?

We don’t want to disappoint you. Therefore, our advice would be to book in advance to avoid the rush during the peak season.

Can I cancel my bookings during adverse weather/sea conditions?

Skellig Island tours are entirely weather-dependent. We will cancel the tour if the sea conditions are not suitable to travel and refund your money. To get a better insight, kindly refer to our Cancellation Policy.

How can I identify the Skellig Star?

Please make a call to our booking office once you reach the vicinity. One of our staff members will assist you to Skellig Star.

How would advise on clothing & shoes for a boat ride to the Skellig Islands?

Our advice to you would be to put on warm comfortable clothes. We have waterproof gears ready on-board.

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Welcome to skelligs rock cruises.

Experience the best that the Wild Atlantic Way has to offer and join us on a boat tour to the Skellig Islands. A World Heritage site, and so listed with Mount Everest and the Great Barrier Reef for its significance to humankind, you’ll be glad you made the trip.

The Skellig Islands float on the Atlantic Ocean, twelve kilometres off the coast of county Kerry. When you first reach the Islands you will be struck by their rugged beauty – as they scale some 700ft above you. An internationally renowned bird sanctuary, you’ll encounter a wonderful array of birdlife as you climb the six hundred steps to the peak. Here you’ll find  one of the oldest and best-preserved monasteries in Europe . At the summit allow your imagination to take you back to the time of the Monks or to transport you to a ‘Galaxy far far away’.

The makers of Star Wars were so taken by the Skellig Michael that they used it as a location for 2 Star War movies The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. Find out more about  how the Skelligs were used in the Star Wars movies here .

How can you describe the Skellig Michael to someone who has never visited this place of peace, serenity and absolute beauty, yet with ruggedness all around you?

No one has ever painted a picture of the Skellig Michael with words, better then the famous Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw when he wrote to Frederick Jackson: “Parknasilla Hotel, Sneem, 18th September 1910.”

“The most fantastic and impossible rock in the world: Skellig Michael… where in the south west gales spray knocks stones out of the lighthouse keeper’s house… the Skelligs are pinnacled, crocheted, spired, arched, caverned, minareted; and these gothic extravagances are not curiosities of the islands:they are the islands: there is nothing else.The rest of the cathedral may be under the sea for all I know …An incredible, impossible, mad place…I tell you the thing does not belong to any world that you and I have lived and worked in: it is part of our dream world.”

skellig michael tour

“This was a brilliant experience and nothing will ever compare to the sight of Skellig Michael appearing above the mist as we headed into the fresh Atlantic from the calm waters of Portmagee harbour.”

-Farranboy62, Dublin

“We travelled to the Skelligs with Sea Quest and they could not have been more helpful. From the well-run and friendly first approach on the quayside to leaving them 4 hours later nothing could have been improved. The Captain was extremely personable and told us things of interest throughout the trip.”

skellig michael tour

“The islands are even more remarkable up close and in person than they are in pictures and movies. We took a boat ride around them, and it was the most rewarding investment of time we have had here in Ireland.”

-Charles M, UK

“If there is a chance still to go by boat to Skellig, this should definitely be used. Even the rocks from the ship is incredibly impressive, the monastery huts and the stairs are clearly visible. Cost: €35 per person. Highly recommended!!”

-Uetliberg, Switzerland

skellig michael tour


skellig michael tour


skellig michael tour


skellig michael tour


skellig michael tour

Skellig Michael Cruises

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Skellig Michael Tours - Important information

Skellig michael tours for 2024 are now open, bookings are open for   skellig michael landing tours and non- landing eco tour around both skellig islands for 2024., bookings for our skellig michael tours around both islands are currently open. this tours brings you up close to see all the spectacular areas of both skellig michael and small skelligs. the boat stops at the island , you can take pictures in front of skellig michael ,view the wildlife , the lighthouse at the back and the steps carved into the rock by the monks but you do not get off the boat. .

People who do this tour are never disappointed and often comment that it is as good as climbing the island. This tour is more accessible and affordable for families.

Skellig Michael Landing Tours

Bookings for the skellig michael landing tours  2024 are now open – season start 11th may.

We are currently taking bookings for the Skellig Michael Landing tours for the 2024 Season.

You can book the landing tour now on our booking page. If the tours are cancelled due to weather then we will issue a refund or you will have the option of rescheduling your booking for later date.


All our tours are weather permitting and customers will be updated in advance by email of any changes to the tours. Please ensure you provide your phone number  also with country code so we can contact you if there are last minute changes.

Tour Cancellation

Should we need to cancel the  skellig michael tour due to weather or any other reason you will be contacted by email and we will give you a full refund..

The only way to see Skellig Michael and Little Skelligs outside of the dates set by the OPW is to undertake our  tour around both Skellig islands where you get up close to see the island, the monastery and steps carved by the monks in the 5th century. The Skellig Michael Eco tour  operate from St Patricks Day through to the end of October (weather permitting). All tours can be booked online using the button below.

A Guide to using our online booking system.

Click on the blue button for booking, that takes you to our secure booking page, then follow the information below. First look at the options section you need to enter the number of passengers, then select  the day and date you wish to take the tour. Our tour departs at various times during the day so you need to select your preferred time and follow the instructions to complete your booking. Should you have any problems contact us using our contact form

Cancellation Policy

As all our tours are weather dependant we reserve the right to cancel the tour due to adverse sea and weather conditions.

We also reserve the right to cancel any tour bookings resulting from multiple bookings, bookings made with the intention of being resold individually or part of an organised activity or tour package, any booking activity that we feel is not right or inapproriate.

Should we need to cancel the tour due to weather or any other reason we will give you a full refund.

Departure times may also change for a number of reasons such as weather, demand etc. We will contact you by email if there are any changes.

Landing Tours can be delayed up until 1pm or may have to depart as early as 7:30am depending on the weather conditions at the Skellig Michael Landing pier. Short notice of time change are often given therefore we advise people to stay locally the night before the tour.

  • If you cancel your reservation more than 14 days in advance of the departure time,  you will receive a full refund.
  • No refunds will be given for cancellations made less than 14 days in advance of the departure time, or in the case of a no-show.
  • Booking fees are non-refundable.

If we have to cancel any tour due to adverse weather conditions  a refund will be issued.

Skellig Michael Eco tours around both Skellig Islands can be cancelled up to 7 days before departure date and a refund will be issued. Cancellation less than 7 days before departure date – no refund will be issued.

There are certain times during the season when the tour around Skellig Michael is possible but the  Skellig Michael Pier may not be suitable  to land. In this case you will only be charged for the tour around the island and a refund  of the balance will be issued

Please note: booking fees are non-refundable

Skellig Michael Safety Information and Video

Should you require further information regarding safety on Skellig Michael visit the opw website .


Frequently asked questions

How do I book the tours?

All bookings are done online through our website. Click the following link to check availability and book your tour with Skellig Michael Cruises.

Where do the tours depart from?

All our boats depart from the marina in Portmagee, Co. Kerry. See our Contact us page for details of how to find us.

How do I know which boat to get on?

book office portmagee

What should I do if Landing Spaces are full?

Option 1: Add contact details to our wait list and if there is a cancellation we will email you

Option 2: Stay Local and come to our booking office in Portmagee Marina early in the morning around 8:30am and you might be lucky to get a last minute cancellation. People often cancel last minute for various reasons.

Option 3 : Take our non-landing eco tour around both islands

Departure times for the Skellig Michael Eco Tour around both Islands.

The Eco tour departs at 10am, 12:30pm, 3:00pm and 5pm and takes approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. Boat journey to Skellig Michael takes approx. 50 minutes each way, the rest of the time is spent at the island.

Does the eco tour allow you to land (get off the boat) at Skellig Michael?

No, The boat tour circles both Islands and you get right up close to Skellig Michael and the small Skelligs to see both the wildlife and the historical sights. Plenty of time is given to take photos etc…

Departure times for the Skellig Michael Landing Tour

The landing tour departs daily at 8:30am and 10am. There is one only trip per day for this tour. Boat journey to Skellig Michael takes approx… 50minutes. You are allowed 2.5hours on the island before returning to Portmagee marina.

Is there toilet facilities on Skellig Michael?

Yes, there are toilets on Skellig Michael and we also have a toilet on all our boats.

What do I need to wear: for the Skellig Michael Eco Tour?

Wear warm comfortable clothing and shoes. We have shelter for all passengers on board and we also have rain gear available if passengers want to remain seated outside.

What do I need to wear: for the Skellig Michael Landing Tour?

Wear warm comfortable clothing and suitable walking shoes for climbing the steps to the monastery. We have shelter for all passengers on board. It is advisable to bring rain gear for climbing and something to eat and drink. Sunscreen should also be worn.

What is the minimum age for a child going on the landing tour?

We recommend that children are at least 10 years old to go on this tour. As there are 600 steps to the monastery you require a reasonable level of fitness to take this tour.

When does the season start?

The eco tours begin on March 17 th and end on November 5 th .

The landing tours begin on May 15 th and end on September  30th. There are no landing tours outside these dates.

All tours are weather dependant.

Is it necessary to book in advance?

Spaces on the landing tour are limited and booking well in advance is necessary, however space sometimes become available due to cancellations. Ring Paul on 087 6178114 for availability. For the Eco Tours it is advisable to book at least a few days in advance to get your preferred departure time as they get quite busy especially in the peak season.

Cancellation/Waiting List

All our bookings are taken online and if there is a cancellation the spots automatically become available again on our website. However we often get last minute cancellations so it is advisable to call to our booking office in the morning at 8:00am and a member of staff will do his best to accommodate you.

If you need to cancel a tour?

If you need to cancel for any reason  please  let us know as soon as possible to allow someone else to book the places. If you cannot call or text please send an email.

Weather Conditions

All our tours are dependent on both the sea conditions and weather conditions. If we need to cancel the tour you will be contacted by email and  you will be given a full refund. Refunds are transferred back on to the credit/debit card you used to make the booking.

happy customers on skellig michael cruises Marber Theres II

Latest News

We have started operating tours around Skellig Michael. You can book your preferred time of departure here :           Read Full Story here

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skellig michael tour

Skellig Coast Adventures

skellig michael tour

skellig michael landing tour

skellig michael tour

The Skellig Michael landing tour is a truly unique, once in a lifetime experience. Skellig Michael is a UNESCO World Heritage site and renowned tourist attraction that is steeped in history both past and present. The monastery and hermitage built by the monks of St. Finian inspire solitude and contemplation; the wildlife that inhabits the islands and the waters that surround them instil a strong connection to this unique place and its importance in the natural world.

As part of the landing tour, visitors will get the chance to disembark the vessel and climb the famous steps of Skellig Michael. When you step foot on the island you will be met by the O.P.W (Office of Public Works) From there you will be expertly guided to the top. Our fleet consists of 4 vessels, The Skellig Walker, Ursula Mary, Celtic Victor and The Deva. We have an expert tour guide who will bring the trip to life for you. You will be told the history and stories of the Skellig Coast while learning all about the wildlife that call the Skellig Coast home.

Our vessels will depart Portmagee Marina between 8.30 a.m and 9.30 a.m. All excursions are weather dependent, and we advise that you check in half an hour prior to departure. We will keep you up to date with departure times and weather information to ensure all customers are aware of the sea conditions.

The Skellig Michael landing tour requires a reasonable level of fitness and we advise customers to wear appropriate clothes and footwear. Skellig Michael is situated 11.6 km (7.2 miles) west of Valentia Island and transit time is approx. 1 hour.

The cost of the landing tour is €120 p.p plus a non refundable booking fee of €5.00 p.p.

We provide shelter from the weather, inside seating and life jackets which must be worn on board at all times. For safety reasons, passengers under the age of 10 are not permitted on this cruise.

Tour Details:

  • Arrive at Portmagee Marina half an hour before departure.
  • Depart Portmagee Marina between 8.00 am and 10.0 am. (Departure times depend on landing slot)
  • Land at Skellig Michael where visitors are met by the Office of Public Work. (OPW)
  • Visitors climb the 640 steps to the top, and a guide will provide information on the history of the island and the monastic settlements. Visitors are allowed 2.5 hours on the island.
  • Return to Skellig Michael pier and board your vessel.
  • Tour around Little Skellig and observe the magnificent wildlife creatures that are home to the Skellig Coast.
  • The total trip time is approximately 5 hours.
  • Depart your vessel and enjoy the rest of your day.

Here Is What Our customers say

Book your skellig michael landing tour today.

  • +353 (0)87 901 7338
  • Portmagee Marina, Portmagee, Co. Kerry
  • @skelligcoastadventures
  • Skellig Landing
  • Skellig Coast Eco
  • Celtic Victor
  • Skellig Walker
  • Ursula Mary

skellig coast

Boat Tours to to The Skellig Islands

Landing Tours Begin on May 11th 2024

Non-Landing Tours Operate from March 18th 2024

Booking for the 2024 season is now open.

Skellig Michael Boat Tours are popular especially in the peak season so booking is advance is advisable.

Skellig Michael non-landing eco tour Around The Skellig Islands

skellig michael tour

This tour operates form March 18th 2024 to 1st November 2024 and departs daily at 10am, 12:30pm, 3pm and 5:15pm. It takes approximately 2.5 hours in total. This tour takes you up close to Skellig Michael, you see all the island has to offer, wild life( puffins, gannets etc), light house, the monastery, old path taken by the monks etc… but you do not get off the boat.

We depart from Portmagee Marina. Eircode V23 TN30

Please ensure that the phone number and email address provided is correct so we can contact you if departure times change or if tour needs to be cancelled.

About the Non-landing tour

It takes approximately 1 hour to get to Skellig Micahel

The boat circles the small Skelligs and Skellig Michael itself for approximately 40minutes – you get up close to the island to see historical sites before returning to Portmagee.

Tour tour is suited for all ages and abilities.

We have a toilet on the boat.

Cost of Non-landing Tour: Adult €50, Student €45, child €40, family (2adults & 2 children) €170

What time do I arrive for the tour?

You need to arrive at Portmagee Marina 15minutes ahead of your tour to check in.

Skellig Michael Landing Tour – Available from May 11th – September 30th 2024

skellig michael tour

Landing Boat Operator Dermot Walsh.

This tour departs daily between 8:30am and 9:30am. It takes approximately 1 hour to get to Skellig Michael, you are allowed off the boat and onto Skellig Michael for approximately 2.5 hours before returning to Portmagee.

We recommend that children are at least 12 years old to do this tour.

About the landing Tour

This tour is approx. 5 hours in total. We depart daily from Portmagee Marina between 8:30am and 9:30am. When you arrive at Skellig Michael you can get off the boat onto the island. There are approx. 618steps to climb to the Monastery. You are allowed 2.5hours to explore the island. There are guides on the island to give you the full history.

This is a very popular tour and is usually booked well in advance.

Cost of Landing Tour: €140 per person

Departure times can change due to weather conditions as we are in contact with the guides on Skellig Michael while we monitor the landing conditions at Skellig Michael. Times can be delayed up to 12:30/13:00 depending on sea conditions.

Please be aware of this when booking and planning activities for later in the day.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before departure time to check in

What to bring:

Wear comfortable footwear suitable for walking

Warm clothes and rain gear

A packed lunch, Water

About The Skellig Islands

skellig michael tour

Skellig Michael is a UNESCO World Heritage site . It is one of the only two in the republic of Ireland.

On the summit of this magnificent island off the South Kerry coast is St Fionan’s monastery. It is one of the earliest foundations in the country.

The monks lived there in the 6 th century. They prayed and slept in beehive-shaped huts made of stone, many of which can be seen on the island today.

The monks left the island in the thirteenth century. It became a place of pilgrimage and, during the time of the Penal Laws, a haven for Catholics.

There are 618 steep steps to the Monastery at the top of Skellig Michael. This is a challenge but well worth the effort.

There are guides on the Island who will give the full history of Skellig Michael.

There are many types of birds on and around the island with the most popular being the Puffin. Skellig rock puffins come here to breed at the beginning of April and leave by the beginning of August, back towards the east coast of Canada (across the pond) and the mid-Atlantic ridge where they forage for the winter months on shoals of Capelin. The Skelligs have one of the largest Puffin populations which is of international importance.

Little Skellig is the second-largest gannet colony in the world. The rock looks white as it is occupied with so many gannets.

There is limited availability for the landing tours to Skellig Michael which are very popular so booking well in advance is advisable.

We also operate the non-landing eco tour around Skellig Michael where you get up close to the island but you do not get off the boat. This is also a popular tour for families and people who are unable to do the climb.

skellig michael tour

When do the tours operate?

We operate the non-landing tours from March 18th until 1st November.

We operate the landing tours from May 11 th – September 30 th

Where do the tours depart from? All our tours depart from the Portmagee Marina, Co. Kerry, Ireland

Do I need to book in advance? It is advisable to book well in advance to reserve your preferred departure date and time.

Weather Conditions and Cancellations All our tours are weather dependent. If we need to cancel you will be given the option of rescheduling your tour for another time or a full refund.

Can I reschedule my Tour if it is cancelled due to adverse sea/weather conditions? Yes, if your Tour is cancelled we will try our best to get you on the next available Tour when the weather/sea conditions improve.  The landing tours are usually booked well in advance so therefore are difficult to reschedule.

How do I book the tours? We take all our bookings online via our website using a safe well known payment processing service – if you have any difficulty please email [email protected]

Do you take group bookings? Yes  we can accomodate large groups for the non-landing tours.

Get in touch

Portmagee Marina,

Eircode: V23 XD93

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +353 (0)87 901 0994

skellig michael tour

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Booking Skellig Michael Landing Tours in 2024: The Definitive Guide

Booking a skellig michael landing tour in 2024.

We get it. Booking a landing tour to Skellig Michael is not always easy. Even more so now thanks to its appearance as Ahch-To in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. So, being locals, and knowing this process very well, we’ve put together the Definitive Guide to Booking a Skellig Boat Landing Tour so that you know exactly how to maximise your chances of getting to land on Skellig Michael this year .

So scroll down to learn about:

The Absolute Bare Minimum You Need To Know About Booking A Skellig Michael Landing Tour

The Skellig Michael Landing Tour Season

Skellig Michael Landing Tour Passenger Number Limits

The Influence Of The Weather On Landing

The Full Range Of Skellig Michael Booking Options

How Different Skellig Boats Accept Bookings At Different Times

The Different Departure Points

The Different Boat Types

Skellig Landing Tour Costs and Payment

Tour Cancellations

What If Your Desired Date Is Booked Out

The Need to Book Early

How Booking Later In The Season Helps Your Chances

Why You Should Stay Local

The Absolute Bare Minimum You Need To Know

  • Landing Season is generally from mid-May to the end of September. For 2024, the official season is expected to run from May 15th – September 30th. As of the current date, this is subject to confirmation by the OPW, who are in charge of the island. Tours around the island are available outside of this but not landings.
  • All bookings are subject to cancellation due to weather .
  • Boats land on Skellig Michael , typically, 100 days out of a 130 day season due to adverse weather conditions preventing the boats from landing. Therefore,  landing is not guaranteed .
  • A maximum of 180 people per day  can visit, on one of the 15 licensed landing tour boats carrying only 12 passengers each.
  • 13 boats leave from the marina at Portmagee. 1 from nearby Ballinskelligs. 1 from Derrynane further down the coast.
  • The price is typically 100 euros per person but prices range from 90 euros to 130 euros depending on the operator.
  • Each boats handles their own bookings individually. There is no centralised booking system.
  • Some boats have online booking systems, some have booking enquiry forms, some only have email and one is only contactable by phone.
  • There was unprecedented demand for tickets in 2018 in the wake of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. With only a slight decrease in 2019.
  • The earlier you book, the better your chances .
  • Boats leave as early as 8:30 am so we strongly advise that you Stay Local and  book accommodation in the local area the night before at the very least.
  • If your booking is cancelled because of weather, because of current demand, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be put on a boat later in the week when the weather is fine.
  • Cancellations can occur later in the season and free up spaces. Some operators make those dates available on their booking system. Some use waitlists and some fill those spaces with people staying locally or people showing up at the marina in the morning.
  • Boats have individual cancellation policies but tend to require at least 3 days notice for a full refund . Check with each individual operator.
  • Availability tends to be better later in the season .
  • If all the boats appear booked up for your desired date, try contacting a local accommodation provider who may have a long-standing relationship with one of the boat operators.
  • Alternatively, there are days when passengers don’t show up at the departure point in time. You can get lucky and get their place. Arrive well before 8 a.m. to maximise your chances.
  • If you can’t land on the Skelligs, Eco Tours around the island are available throughout the day from a number of providers .
  • There is also the nearby Skellig Experience Interpretive Centre which provides historical context on the islands.
  • The Skellig Coast Region is a fantastic destination to visit with plenty to do even if you can’t land on the island itself.

Confident That You Already Know Everything?

Book a Landing Boat Tour To Skellig Michael Book an Eco Boat Tour Around The Skellig Islands

Otherwise, let’s continue…

The Landing Tour Season

The Landing Tour season for 2024 is expected to be from May 15th the 30th of September . This is dictated by the Office of Public Works , the official custodial body for Skellig Michael, who provide guides for landing visitors and oversees conservation and safety on the island. The OPW also decides which boats receive licenses to land.  If you are under the impression that you can land on the island outside of these times, I’m afraid you’re mistaken.

Some operators offer Eco tours from mid-March onwards but these do not land on the island.

The best way to be notified of any season changes is to follow us on Twitter at or

Skellig Michael Passenger Number Limits

In order to protect the integrity of this ancient site, only 15 boats are licensed to carry 12 passengers to the island, once daily. That’s 180 people per day . On an average season, that’s between 15,000 to 17,000 people. By contrast, Petra in Jordan, receives between 500,000 and 900,000 visitors annually and Macchu Piccu in Peru receives about 2.1 million visitors a year. If you land on Skellig Michael, you are among a very, very select club.

The Influence Of The Weather on Landing

Ah, Irish weather. As abruptly capricious as a baby goat, the weather is the final arbiter of whether or not you get to the island, even if you have a booking. The island is 8 nautical miles out into the Atlantic and landings are only possible if the sea is on its best behaviour.

The odds of landing in any particular season vary but, typically, boats expect to land on the island about 100 days out of a possible 130 . Last year it was a little lower, in the low to mid-90s. So, while it can be disappointing, it does make getting to the island all the sweeter.

The Full Range of Skellig Booking Options

We’re seeing a lot of this type of misunderstanding this year.

Skellig Michael landing tours went on sale at 7pm tonight. The website was initially down due to volume of traffic, and now they are all sold out. I'l have to swim out instead. — Noel Hayes (@BigCityBanker) February 21, 2018

This is actually due to people confusing one landing tour operator site’s booking system with a centralised booking system for all the boats. It’s an easy enough mistake to make unless you’re familiar with the booking landscape.

The main thing is that you realise that you have lots of options for booking . Just because you see a site or multiple sites with online booking systems all booked up for the date you want, that doesn’t mean that all the boats in the fleet are already booked out .

Of the 15 landing tour operators most now have dedicated websites but only about 2 or 3 will surface on your average Google search within the first 2 pages of results.

Most have full online booking facilities, where you can see availability ahead of time, secure your booking with a credit card etc. like you have on your average hotel site. Most of those were only added this year.

Other sites use booking enquiry forms which ask you for pertinent information about your bookings – Date, Number of Passengers, Email Address etc – and then submit that information to the boat owner so they can check if they have availability. If they do, they will reply to you to confirm the booking, sometimes asking you to secure the booking with your credit card details.

Of course, we here at provide a convenient enquiry interface to a large number of the Skellig boats as well as providing a list of available Skellig landing tour operators .

Not All Boats Take Bookings At The Same Time

Because there are different boats, with different web sites and different booking systems, not all of the seats are available to be booked at the same time .

Some boats have open booking windows. You can enquire from them at any time. Others have online booking systems with specific dates that they make their seats available. Some in Late January. Some in mid February. So, while one site might appear to be booked out for the season, another boat can be completely empty because it hasn’t opened its booking system yet .

There are two main reasons some boats hold off on taking enquiries:

  • Waiting for the Office Of Public Works , who are in charge of the site, to officially announce the date of the starting season
  • Waiting for confirmation that they have received a landing license for the year in question.

Last year, the OPW awarded licenses for the years 2020 – 2022 so any delay in operators taking bookings tends to be related to a decision on the opening date.

Of the 15 boats:

  • 13 left from Portmagee
  • 1 from nearby Ballinskelligs
  • 1 from Derrynane, which is slightly farther down the coast.

A small number of the boats also collect passengers from the nearby Skellig Experience , just across the bridge in Valentia.

There are arguments in favour of the different locations.

The trip is fastest from Portmagee and Ballinskelligs. The tour offered from Derrynane is a longer time spent on the boat – about 1 and a half hours of a journey compared to Portmagee’s 45 minutes – but also includes some fishing and food along the way, so it could be argued that it’s not simply a standard Skellig Landing Tour.

Portmagee is your best chance if you just want to show up on the day of a sailing without a booking in the hope that one of boats there has had a cancellation or a free space. But Ballinskelligs and Derrynane will, accordingly, have less competition. Perhaps the best approach is to contact the Ballinskelligs and Derrynane operators directly to let them know you’re available the next day, if needs be, and then take your chances in Portmagee.

The different boat types

For years, all Skellig boats typically looked the same. Typically, 30 foot boats where passengers sit out in the elements. Recently, some operators are differentiating themselves through the provision of larger boats which provide inside seats as well as outside seats which is great on the days that the elements are a little too bracing. From what we understand, there may be an extra charge associate with this with prices rising to 150 euros in some cases.

In general, though, boat quality is largely secondary to just getting on a boat. Any boat that gets you onto the Skelligs is a good boat.

Skellig Landing Boat Tour Cost and Payment

Traditionally, an email exchange between you and the boat owner would have been sufficient to secure your place. That still is the case for some of the operators but, increasingly, because of the huge demand, booking systems which accept credit cards are being used to secure your place. This is so that boat owners are covered if passengers who have booked fail to show up and leave them with empty seats. In general, though, it is still advisable to bring enough cash with you on the morning of your trip to cover the cost of the tour in case the operator is simply holding your credit card details rather than charging them. Some operators prefer to be paid in cash. You also need to be aware that there are no ATMs in Portmagee so make a withdrawal in Cahirciveen if you need to. A quick email to your boat operator will clarify this.

The price for most boats is expected to be 120 euros per person this year. But, as mentioned, some boats are charging as high as 150 euros per person.

Landing Tour Cancellations

Plans change and you can generally cancel your landing tour up to 3 days before the trip without penalty . It’s important to let the operator know well in advance so that they can free up the spaces for other people trying to get to the island. Refund policies vary but, in general, factor in at last 3 days ahead but verify this with the Skellig Boat owner you booked with.

As mentioned previously, this works both ways. Skellig boat captains will cancel the landing trip if the conditions are deemed to be too unsafe for landing. You should expect a full refund in this instance .

What If The Landing Date I Want Is Already Booked Out?

This is an unfortunate fact of life, given the extraordinary demand and the small number of places. But don’t despair. Some operators make cancelled dates available on their booking system . Some use waitlists and some fill those spaces with people staying locally or people showing up at the marina in the morning. This last option is a high-risk strategy since you may not be alone in your desire to get a free seat that morning. But it is worth a shot. Again, we advise people to Stay Local in order to maximise their chance of landing.

You also have the option of doing a Skellig Michael Eco Tour or Cruise with one of the many Skellig Michael Eco Tour operators providing the service both before and during the Landing Season.

Here’s a preview of what is a spectacular trip in its own right.

Tip: Book Early

Like any sought after event, the earlier you book, the better . It used to be that you could show up at the marina in the morning and you’d have a pretty good shot at getting on a boat. Those days are behind us. Thanks to Star Wars and, in particular, The Last Jedi, we saw unprecedented demand for landing tour spaces in 2018 with some slightly increased availability in 2019 . You still have the odd cancellation freeing up some spots from time to time but it’s a rarer and rarer occurrence.

Tip: Book Later In The Season

Having analysed the data, certain peak periods attract the most interest – July and August, for example. But September is probably the best time of the year to try to get a booking if you’re a little late to the game. If you can get the time off and aren’t hampered by school schedules, it’s a great time to visit with the light being particularly photogenic and giving incredible sunsets. On the downside, the puffins will have already left at that stage.

Tip: Stay Locally In The Area

Look, we understand that, for most people, you want to come to Ireland get as much done and seen as you possibly can. And you might be tempted to try to squeeze your trip to Skellig into a half-day and then back on the road again so you can tick off the locations on your itinerary. But, this is a bad idea for a number of reasons.

  • If you don’t have a car and were planning on using public transport, there are no public transport options to Portmagee that will get you there in time for the landing tour in the morning unless you arrive the day before.
  • If you’re staying somewhere outside the local area, like Killarney or Dingle, driving down to Portmagee in the morning is an unnecessary risk . You are talking about getting up at 6 am and risking getting caught behind slow moving Ring Of Kerry traffic on your way here. It’s a bad way to start your day and not how you want to start the trip out to this amazing location. Boat owners are also a lot happier knowing you’re close by.
  • Boat operators will do their best to wait for you but if they tell you to be at the quay by a certain time, and you’re not there, rest assured that there are plenty of people lined up at the marina waiting to take your place.

Secondly, and more importantly for those who do not have a booking secured, many of the local accommodation providers have long-standing relationships with the boatmen who may be keeping places for guests staying locally that they are not making available online .

Thirdly, you miss out on spending time with us on the beautiful Skellig Coast. We know that we’re not as famous as some other Irish destinations that you’ve heard of but that’s a great reason to come here. We have some of the most unspoilt natural beauty in Ireland, fantastic hiking and walking all over the local area, and numerous attractions such as the Skellig Experience interpretive centre , Kerry Cliffs , Bray Head Wild Atlantic Way Signature Viewing Point , Skellig Chocolates and, in the Skellig Ring Drive, some of the most naturally charismatic and beautiful coastline, according to The Lonely Planet , who named it one of the top 10 regions in the world to visit in 2017. Check out this video for an overview.

So, we thoroughly recommend staying the night before your trip , at the very least, in the local area. This would include:

  • Ballinskelligs
  • Cahirciveen

And, if you’re taking the boat from Derrynane:

  • Caherdaniel

That’s It

That covers pretty much everything you need to know. We’ll be adding to this guide over time if anything relevant arises.

If you want, you can make a Booking Enquiry about a Skellig Michael Landing Tour or check out a List of Licensed Skellig Landing Tour Operators . Or, alternatively, enquire about a Skellig Michael Eco Tour .

Be sure to follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date with any Skellig-related news or new content from us.

Skellig Tours

Boat Trips to the Skellig Isles

Live the experience, please review us on trip advisor..

Skellig landing tours – We are now taking bookings for landing tours for Skellig Michael.  You will have roughly two and a half hours to explore this dramatic island following in the footsteps of the ancient monks of Skellig Michael.

Skellig non-landing eco tours – if you don’t fancy ascending the 618 steps to the Skellig Michael monastery, you might prefer our Skellig islands non-landing tour taking in both Skellig Michael and the awe-inspiring gannet colony on Little Skellig. We encounter numerous other seabirds too such as shags, cormorants, razorbills, guillemots, puffins and storm petrels as well as fulmars and shearwaters.

Bull Rock trips – we are also offering scenic wildlife tours to the historic Bull Rock. Our trip takes you across the mouth of Kenmare Bay past to the Beara peninsula and Dursey Island, home of Ireland’s only cable car, and weather permitting through the dramatic natural tunnel carved into Bull Rock. This trip usually encounters dolphins and whales.

Dolphin watching trips – This roughly two hour trip cruises past wild Atlantic headlands on the lookout for common dolphins, humpbacks and Minke whales, and sometimes Risso’s dolphins and occasionally other large whales. On our travels we encounter an array of seabirds such as the graceful shearwaters. 

Please book below.

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Give the gift of one of our tours. Vouchers can be redeemed against our Skelligs Landing trips or our Skellig Isles eco tours or for our Bull Rock trips or in fact our whale and dolphin watching trips.

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THE 10 BEST Dzerzhinsky Sights & Historical Landmarks

Dzerzhinsky landmarks.

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  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • District South-Western (YuZAO)
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  • Good for a Rainy Day
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  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

skellig michael tour

1. Nikolo-Ugreshskiy Monastery


2. Church of the Savior Transfiguration of Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

skellig michael tour

3. Chapel of Phenomena Image of St. Nicholas in Nikolo-Ugreshskiy Monastery

skellig michael tour

4. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in the Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

skellig michael tour

5. Temple of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist of Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

skellig michael tour

6. Temple of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Ugresh Nicholas Monastery

skellig michael tour

7. Monument to Dmitriy Donskoi

skellig michael tour

8. Peter and Paul Church in Ugresh Monastery of St. Nicholas

skellig michael tour

9. Cathedral of St. Nicholas

skellig michael tour

10. Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

skellig michael tour

11. Monument to Creators of Missile Shield of Russia

skellig michael tour

12. Sculpture Crying Boy

skellig michael tour

13. Chapel of the Passion of Nikolo-Ugreshskiy Monastery

skellig michael tour

14. Palestinian wall of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery

skellig michael tour

15. Monument to Dzerzhinskiy

skellig michael tour

16. Dmitriy Donskoi's Temple

17. temple of holy spirit.

skellig michael tour

18. Temple of Makariy Nevskiy

skellig michael tour

19. Chapel of Our Lady of the Perishing

skellig michael tour

20. Pamyatniki A. S. Pushkinu

skellig michael tour

21. Memorial of the Great Patriotic War

skellig michael tour

22. Monument to Veterans of Local Wars

skellig michael tour

23. Monument-bust to academician B.P. Zhukov

skellig michael tour

24. Monument to St. Nicholas

skellig michael tour

25. Tserkov' Pitmana Ugreshskoy

26. pamyatnik prepodobnomu antoniyu kiyevo-pecherskomu.

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15 men brought to military enlistment office after mass brawl in Moscow Oblast

Local security forces brought 15 men to a military enlistment office after a mass brawl at a warehouse of the Russian Wildberries company in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast on Feb. 8, Russian Telegram channel Shot reported .

29 people were also taken to police stations. Among the arrested were citizens of Kyrgyzstan.

A mass brawl involving over 100 employees and security personnel broke out at the Wildberries warehouse in Elektrostal on Dec. 8.

Read also: Moscow recruits ‘construction brigades’ from Russian students, Ukraine says

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  1. A Detailed Guide Of Skellig Michael Landing Tours

    skellig michael tour

  2. Skellig Michael landing tour

    skellig michael tour

  3. Skellig Michael Landing & Boat Tours

    skellig michael tour

  4. Skellig Michael Tour

    skellig michael tour

  5. Book Skelligs Tour with Skellig Michael Island Tours For Tour 2024

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  6. Skellig Michael Guide

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  1. Skellig Michael Ireland #travel #shotrs #beautifulworld

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  5. Skellig Michael June 8th 2023

  6. Skellig Michael


  1. Skellig Michael Tours & Skellig Landing Tours: Skellig Islands Tours

    Experience the Skellig Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Star Wars filming location. Choose from the Skellig Michael Eco Tour around both islands, or the Skellig Michael Landing Tour to visit the monastery on Great Skellig.

  2. How to Visit Skellig Michael in 2024 (6 Tours Compared)

    Learn about the history, location and Star Wars fame of Skellig Michael, one of Ireland's UNESCO World Heritage sites. Compare six tours to the island, including landing and eco options, and book tickets well in advance.

  3. Skellig Michael Landing & Boat Tours

    Here at Skellig Coast Adventures, we are an amalgamation of 4 boat tour operators. We have over 50 years of experience providing boat tours of Skellig Michael. We aim to provide a quality service to all our customers. Our fleet is made up of 4 vessels - The Skellig Walker, Celtic Victor, Ursula Mary and The Deva. Learn more.

  4. Skellig Michael

    Skellig Michael Tours. The Skellig Islands, Skellig Michael and Small Skellig, stand aloof in the Atlantic Ocean some 13km southwest of Portmagee & Valentia Island, County Kerry. From any angle, or from any vantage point on the nearby Ring of Kerry, they are spectacular pinnacles, which have magnetised viewers for gene rations.

  5. Skellig Michael Tours || Landing Tour

    Bookings Are Now Open For 2024 Skellig Michael Tours Book Your Skellig Michael Tour Early In Advance. You Can Book Online, Or Give Us A Call at 00353 87 617 8114 for guidance.

  6. Skellig Michael and Skellig Islands

    The Skellig Michael Landing Tour departs daily from Portmagee marina between 8:00am and 10:00am. Landing time slots on Skellig Michael operates on a rota basis therefore departure times change weekly. Exact departure times will be emailed in advance. It takes approximately 1 hour to reach Skellig Michael. You are allowed 2.5 hours on the island to climb the 640 steps to the top and explore the ...

  7. Skellig Michael Tours

    Even the rocks from the ship is incredibly impressive, the monastery huts and the stairs are clearly visible. Cost: €35 per person. Highly recommended!!". -Uetliberg, Switzerland. Visit Skellig Michael, a UNESCO World Heritage site. A boat trip to Skellig Michael 2024 with Skelligs Rock Cruises will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

  8. Booking Skellig Michael Tours

    Bookings are open for Skellig Michael landing tours and non- landing eco tour around both Skellig Islands for 2024. Bookings for our Skellig Michael Tours around both islands are currently open. This tours brings you up close to see all the spectacular areas of both Skellig Michael and small skelligs. The boat stops at the island , you can take ...

  9. Skellig Michael Landing Tours

    The Skellig Michael landing tour requires a reasonable level of fitness and we advise customers to wear appropriate clothes and footwear. Skellig Michael is situated 11.6 km (7.2 miles) west of Valentia Island and transit time is approx. 1 hour. The cost of the landing tour is €120 p.p plus a non refundable booking fee of €5.00 p.p.

  10. The Skellig Experience Visitor Centre

    The Visitor Centre has been a famous landmark in Valentia for over 25 years and with spectacular scenery on our side we want to give you an experience like no other. Dedicated to the UNESCO World Heritage site Skellig Michael our visitor centre brings the magic and mystery of these famous rocks to you through graphics, film presentation, models ...

  11. Skellig Michael in Ireland; 2022 Boat Tours; History; Visitor Guide

    The most comprehensive and helpful source of Skellig Michael information on the Internet. We help you find the 2022 landing tour operators and book your licensed boat tour to this magical Irish island, renowned for its early Christian monastery, UNESCO World Heritage status and appearance in Star Wars.

  12. Skellig Michael

    Skellig Michael (Sceilg Mhichíl) is an island 8 nautical miles off the South West Coast of Ireland and forms part of the Skellig Islands along with Small Skellig (Sceilig Bheag).It is home to one of the world's best-preserved examples of the early Christian monastic tradition.The island and monastery are a UNESCO World Heritage site.Boat tours to the island are possible during the Summer ...

  13. Frontpage

    Skellig Michael Boat Tours are popular especially in the peak season so booking is advance is advisable. Skellig Michael non-landing eco tour Around The Skellig Islands. This tour operates form March 18th 2024 to 1st November 2024 and departs daily at 10am, 12:30pm, 3pm and 5:15pm. It takes approximately 2.5 hours in total.

  14. Skellig Michael Landing Tours: The Definitive Guide to Booking

    Boats land on Skellig Michael, typically, 100 days out of a 130 day season due to adverse weather conditions preventing the boats from landing. Therefore, landing is not guaranteed. A maximum of 180 people per day can visit, on one of the 15 licensed landing tour boats carrying only 12 passengers each.

  15. Skellig Tours

    The Skelligs Tour. The tour takes you past Deenish and Scariff Islands in the wildlife abundant Kenmare Bay and the highlight of the trip is a 2.5 hours stopover on Skellig Michael - a 1,500-year-old monastic settlement which is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site. On the return journey, you can take in close-up views of the Little ...


    Alliance. 1 review. #1 of 1 small hotel in Zheleznodorozhny. Gidrogorodok St., 3, Zheleznodorozhny 143982 Russia. Write a review. Check availability. Have you been to Alliance?

  17. THE 10 BEST Dzerzhinsky Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2023)

    Top Dzerzhinsky Landmarks: See reviews and photos of sights to see in Dzerzhinsky, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  18. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal (Russian: Электросталь, pronounced [ɛˌlʲektrɐˈstalʲ]) is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers (36 mi) east of Moscow ...

  19. Tours

    Open 10.00 a.m -7.00 p.m. 7 days a week. Last admission into visitor centre is at 6pm. If you require further information please contact by telephone on. Telephone: +353 (0)66 9476306. Mobile: 087 6359950 or 087 2843286. Email: [email protected].

  20. 15 men brought to military enlistment office after mass brawl ...

    Local security forces brought 15 men to a military enlistment office after a mass brawl at a warehouse of the Russian Wildberries company in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast on Feb. 8, Russian Telegram ...