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Facebook scrolling on Mac keeps jumping around on its own

Firstly, everything on my Mac is updated and in good order. Other websites work fine.

What happens is that when I'm viewing my Facebook news feed and start scrolling down the page (it then automatically loads new posts) my news feed "jumps". In other words, in doesnt keep in order and it jumbles me up back to stuff I've read.

In other words, somehow, loading the new posts causes my Safari to forget where I am on the page and take me somewhere else.

Has anyone else experienced this? Has anyone got some advice for me? I want to keep using Safari (not too keen on Chrome, etc).

[Re-Titled by Moderator]

Mac OS X (10.6.7)

Posted on May 8, 2011 8:22 PM

Carolyn Samit

Posted on May 8, 2011 9:31 PM

From your Safari menu bar click Safari / Preferences then select the Extensions tab. If you have any installed, turn that off, quit then relaunch Safari, try FaceBook.

If it's not an Extension issue, from the Safari menu bar click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 7 buttons, click Reset. Quit / Relaunch Safari. Try FB.

Just in case, make sure you are running Safari 5.0.5. Click Safari in the menu bar then click About Safari. If it's a prior version, click your Apple menu / Software Update...

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May 8, 2011 9:31 PM in response to thombecker

May 9, 2011 8:44 AM in response to Carolyn Samit

Did everything you suggested but didn't fix it.

I'm almost sure the same problem happens to you, because I don't think it's that simple. I think this is a Safari bug and we need Apple to fix it. 😟

And yes, I'm using the latest version, 5.0.5 (6533.21.1).

May 9, 2011 1:17 PM in response to thombecker

No. Not happening here.

May 9, 2011 3:50 PM in response to Carolyn Samit

I beg you to please test again. Go to your news feeds and scroll down slowly. You'll see it "jumps" as more posts are loaded.

May 27, 2011 6:21 PM in response to thombecker

So, any progress on this problem?

This misbehavior doesn't happen to me only. You can see here ( ) that there 2 people (besides me) complaining about the same problem. Here ( ) there is one more.

If you google for it, you'll find more. I do believe there are many people that get annoyed by this issue since this happens to facebook after all, millions of people access it every day.

I think Apple should give this problem higher priority as I'm sure it's inducing people to dislike the already-not-so-popular Safari browser, especially when either Firefox and Chrome don't present it.


Jun 23, 2011 10:15 PM in response to thombecker

I have the same problem that the OP has and others have experienced it as well. It does not happen in Chrome, IE, Firefox, or any other browser. As you scroll down the Facebook news feed and near the end, the feed loads more posts automatically for you. When this happens, the page jumps up at least 10 or so posts causing you to have to go back to see what you missed. This is a problem with Safari as I have a brand new MacBook (2011) and experience the issue only in Safari or using the (which is using a Safari browser).

Like the OP said, try it on your Facebook news feed in Safari. Make sure to scroll slowly as you near the bottom, or else you will miss it.


Apr 4, 2012 1:59 PM in response to DustinLH00

just download the facebook app

Apr 4, 2012 4:54 PM in response to 868686868686877

Are you ********? We are talking about Safari on OSX, not the iPhone. There is no official app for OSX and telling us to go with a different product does not address the real issue. If you complained about OSX and I told you to go get Windows, would you find that answer to be satisfactory?

Apr 4, 2012 10:16 PM in response to DustinLH00

Yeah, that was plain dumb. Plus he resurrected a ~10 month old thread.

Anyways, this problem has been solved in Lion with Safari 5.1.x 😉


Oct 18, 2012 5:42 PM in response to thombecker

It only happens on my iPad.


Oct 23, 2012 5:02 AM in response to thombecker

I had the same problem. I had Magic Scroll installed as an extension on Safari. Once I uninstalled, the problem disappeared.

Oct 23, 2012 5:50 AM in response to RobWisner

I don't have magic scroll or any other extensions. Maybe it's a safari bug. That's my only complaint with Apple,you must use safari.

safari facebook jumping around

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[Updated] Facebook scrolling (or jumping) issue troubles Safari users on macOS, iOS and iPad after latest update

Aashish Singh

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on Jan. 16, 2023) follows:

Multiple reports suggest that Facebook is lately causing trouble for a section of macOS, iOS, and iPadOS users as they report a weird scrolling glitch when browsing it through Safari.

Not long ago, Facebook users reported a similar issue where the page would scroll or jump to the top when pressing the backspace key while commenting.

However, the recently emerged problem seems much more serious since it isn’t letting users browse Facebook on Safari at all.


As per the reports ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ), users are complaining that Facebook is automatically scrolling or jumping on their devices, preventing them from accessing their feeds.

Facebook app recently received a new update ( 397.0 ) on iOS and iPadOS, so it’s possible that the new version has triggered the problem as users have been complaining about it ever since then.

Here are some reports for reference:


Just noticed this behavior today, today and it makes Facebook unusable. I’m on Safari, iOS 16.2, iPad. I noticed this behavior about three weeks ago for a couple days. I’ve restarted the iPad, cleaned the cache, cleaned browser history etc. Facebook is the only website with this erratic scrolling behavior. ( Source )
When viewing Facebook and scrolling down, the main page keeps “jumping” on it’s own. I have tried many online suggestions to fix the issue, and none have helped. Two computers (MacBook Pro 16″ 2019 and MacBook Air 13″ M2), both using the latest version of Safari and Monterey 12.6.2. ( Source )

Although a majority of reports are coming from those on macOS Ventura 13.1, iOS 16.2 and iPadOS 16.2, some on older versions are also encountering the same behavior.

This further hints that there is indeed some glitch in the most recent version of Facebook. However, an official confirmation on the same is still awaited.

Unfortunately, the support team hasn’t yet acknowledged this glitch. Also, we haven’t come across any potential workaround that might help you fix this glitch. That means you’ll have to wait until a definitive fix arrives.

Rest assured, we will update this story with the latest information as and when we come across anything noteworthy.

Update 1 (Jan. 17, 2023)

10:42 am (IST): According to some users ( 1 , 2 , 3 ), the Facebook scrolling issue on Safari has now been resolved. If you continue facing the issue, do ensure you’re running the latest version.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Apple section , so be sure to follow them as well.

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Why Is Facebook Jumping Around On Safari

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Facebook's erratic behavior on the Safari browser has left many users scratching their heads. It's not uncommon to encounter instances where the Facebook page jumps around, making it challenging to navigate and interact with the content. This issue has sparked frustration and confusion among Safari users, prompting them to seek answers and solutions to regain a seamless browsing experience.

The unpredictable nature of this problem has led to a surge in inquiries and discussions across online forums and social media platforms. Users are eager to understand the root cause of this peculiar behavior and find effective ways to mitigate its impact. As the issue persists, it becomes increasingly important to delve into the possible reasons behind Facebook's erratic performance on Safari and explore potential remedies to restore stability and usability to the browsing experience.

In the following sections, we will unravel the complexities surrounding Facebook's behavior on Safari, dissect the potential factors contributing to this issue, and examine its implications on user experience. Furthermore, we will delve into actionable solutions and workarounds that can empower users to navigate the Facebook platform with ease, even within the confines of the Safari browser . Let's embark on this journey to unravel the mysteries behind Facebook's erratic behavior and equip ourselves with the knowledge to overcome this challenge.

The Issue with Facebook on Safari

Facebook users accessing the platform via the Safari browser have encountered a perplexing and disruptive issue that has significantly impacted their browsing experience. The problem manifests as the Facebook page exhibiting erratic behavior, often characterized by sudden jumps and shifts, making it challenging for users to interact with the content seamlessly. This issue has been a source of frustration and bewilderment for Safari users, prompting them to seek clarity and effective solutions.

The erratic behavior of Facebook on Safari can manifest in various ways, including sudden jumps to the top or bottom of the page, unexpected shifts in the layout, and difficulties in scrolling through the content. These unpredictable movements not only disrupt the user's browsing flow but also hinder their ability to engage with posts, comments, and other elements on the platform. Such erratic behavior can lead to a disjointed and disorienting browsing experience, detracting from the overall usability and enjoyment of the Facebook platform.

The issue has been a topic of concern among Safari users, sparking discussions and inquiries across online communities and support forums. Users have expressed their frustration and confusion regarding the disruptive nature of Facebook's behavior on the Safari browser, highlighting the need for a comprehensive understanding of the underlying causes and effective remedies.

As users strive to make sense of this issue, it becomes evident that the erratic behavior of Facebook on Safari poses a significant obstacle to a smooth and seamless browsing experience. The impact of this issue extends beyond mere inconvenience, as it can impede users' ability to engage with content, connect with others, and derive value from the platform. Consequently, there is a pressing need to delve into the root causes of this issue and explore viable solutions to restore stability and functionality to the Facebook browsing experience on Safari.

The next section will delve into the potential reasons behind Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari, shedding light on the factors contributing to this perplexing issue. By unraveling the complexities surrounding this phenomenon, we can gain valuable insights that pave the way for effective solutions and workarounds to mitigate its impact.

Possible Reasons for Facebook's Behavior

The erratic behavior exhibited by Facebook on the Safari browser may stem from a confluence of technical and compatibility challenges. One potential reason for this behavior could be attributed to the complex nature of modern web applications and the intricacies of rendering dynamic content within the Safari environment. As Facebook continually evolves its platform with new features, interactive elements, and real-time updates, the browser's ability to handle these dynamic components effectively becomes paramount.

Moreover, the utilization of advanced web technologies, such as JavaScript and asynchronous data fetching, to deliver a seamless and interactive user experience on Facebook may pose compatibility challenges when interfacing with the Safari browser. The intricate interplay between Facebook's codebase and Safari's rendering engine could lead to unexpected behaviors, including the observed erratic movements and layout shifts.

Furthermore, the optimization of Facebook's platform for a diverse range of browsers and devices introduces the potential for discrepancies in rendering and performance across different environments. Safari's unique rendering and layout engine, which distinguishes it from other popular browsers, may encounter compatibility issues when processing the complex web components and interactions present on the Facebook platform.

Additionally, the utilization of browser extensions and plugins by Safari users can introduce further variables into the equation. Certain extensions, designed to enhance browsing functionality or provide additional features, may inadvertently interfere with the rendering and execution of Facebook's code, leading to unexpected behaviors and disruptions in the user interface.

It's also worth considering the impact of browser updates and version disparities. As both Facebook and Safari undergo iterative updates to introduce new features, security enhancements, and performance optimizations, disparities in version compatibility may contribute to the observed erratic behavior. The dynamic nature of web technologies and browser standards necessitates ongoing adaptation and refinement to ensure seamless compatibility between platforms.

In essence, the potential reasons for Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari encompass a spectrum of technical intricacies, compatibility challenges, and the evolving landscape of web technologies. By acknowledging these factors, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities at play and pave the way for effective solutions and workarounds to address this perplexing issue.

Impact on User Experience

The erratic behavior of Facebook on the Safari browser exerts a profound impact on the overall user experience, significantly impeding the seamless interaction with the platform. Users navigating the Facebook interface via Safari encounter a myriad of challenges stemming from the platform's erratic behavior, ultimately diminishing the usability and enjoyment of their browsing experience.

The disruptive nature of Facebook's erratic movements and layout shifts on Safari introduces a sense of disorientation and frustration among users. As they attempt to scroll through their news feed, engage with posts, or interact with various elements on the platform, the unpredictable jumps and shifts hinder their ability to maintain a coherent browsing flow. This disjointed experience not only detracts from the platform's usability but also diminishes the overall satisfaction derived from engaging with Facebook's content and features.

Moreover, the erratic behavior of Facebook on Safari undermines the fundamental principles of user interface stability and predictability. Users rely on a consistent and intuitive browsing experience to navigate and engage with the platform seamlessly. However, the unexpected movements and layout disruptions introduced by Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari erode this sense of stability, leading to a sense of unease and dissatisfaction among users.

The impact of this issue extends beyond mere inconvenience, as it directly impedes users' ability to consume and interact with content effectively. Whether users are attempting to read posts, view images, or engage in discussions, the erratic behavior of Facebook on Safari introduces unnecessary hurdles, hindering their ability to derive value and utility from the platform.

Furthermore, the disruptive nature of Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari may erode users' confidence in the platform's reliability and performance. As users encounter persistent challenges in navigating and interacting with the interface, their trust in the platform's ability to deliver a consistent and seamless browsing experience may diminish, potentially leading to a decline in user engagement and satisfaction.

In essence, the impact of Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari transcends mere technical inconveniences, permeating the core of the user experience. By impeding users' ability to navigate, consume, and engage with content seamlessly, this issue undermines the fundamental principles of usability and user satisfaction, necessitating effective solutions and workarounds to restore stability and functionality to the browsing experience.

The next section will delve into actionable solutions and workarounds that empower users to mitigate the impact of Facebook's erratic behavior on the Safari browser, offering insights and strategies to navigate this challenge effectively.

Solutions and Workarounds

Addressing the erratic behavior of Facebook on the Safari browser necessitates a strategic approach aimed at mitigating the impact of this issue and restoring stability to the browsing experience. While the complexities underlying this phenomenon may pose challenges, users can leverage a range of solutions and workarounds to navigate this issue effectively.

Browser Updates : Ensuring that Safari is updated to the latest version can mitigate compatibility issues and leverage performance optimizations that address the erratic behavior exhibited by Facebook. Regular updates can align the browser's rendering capabilities with the evolving web technologies utilized by the platform, potentially enhancing stability and usability.

Extension Management : Users can review and manage their installed browser extensions and plugins, particularly those related to ad blocking, content filtering, or script management. Disabling or selectively enabling extensions can help identify and mitigate potential conflicts that contribute to Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari.

Alternative Browsers : Exploring the use of alternative browsers, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, can provide a temporary workaround for users encountering persistent issues with Facebook on Safari. While this approach may not directly address the root cause, it offers a viable alternative to access the platform with improved stability.

Mobile App Usage : Leveraging the Facebook mobile app on iOS devices can offer a streamlined and consistent browsing experience, circumventing the erratic behavior observed on the Safari browser. The app's native optimization for iOS devices can provide a reliable alternative for engaging with Facebook's content and features.

Feedback and Support : Users encountering persistent issues with Facebook on Safari can provide feedback to both Facebook and Apple, highlighting the specific challenges and behaviors experienced. This proactive approach can contribute to the identification and resolution of underlying technical issues, potentially leading to targeted improvements.

Community Insights : Engaging with online communities, forums, and support channels can provide valuable insights and potential workarounds shared by fellow users encountering similar issues. Collaborating with the community can yield innovative strategies and temporary fixes to navigate Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari.

By embracing these solutions and workarounds, users can proactively address the challenges posed by Facebook's erratic behavior on the Safari browser, empowering themselves to navigate the platform with improved stability and usability. While the underlying technical intricacies may persist, these strategies offer tangible pathways to mitigate the impact and enhance the overall browsing experience.

The article concludes here, offering actionable insights and strategies to empower users in overcoming the challenges posed by Facebook's erratic behavior on the Safari browser.

In conclusion, the erratic behavior of Facebook on the Safari browser presents a multifaceted challenge that extends beyond mere technical inconveniences, significantly impacting the overall user experience. The observed erratic movements, layout shifts, and disruptions undermine the fundamental principles of stability and predictability, hindering users' ability to navigate, consume, and engage with content seamlessly. This issue has sparked frustration and bewilderment among Safari users, prompting them to seek clarity and effective solutions to restore stability and functionality to their browsing experience.

As we navigate the complexities surrounding Facebook's behavior on Safari, it becomes evident that the potential reasons for this phenomenon encompass a confluence of technical intricacies, compatibility challenges, and the evolving landscape of web technologies. The utilization of advanced web technologies, the interplay between Facebook's codebase and Safari's rendering engine, and the impact of browser updates and extensions contribute to the observed erratic behavior. Understanding these factors is crucial in devising effective strategies to mitigate the impact and empower users to navigate this challenge effectively.

The impact of Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari permeates the core of the user experience, introducing a sense of disorientation, frustration, and diminished usability. Users encounter hurdles in maintaining a coherent browsing flow, engaging with content, and deriving value from the platform. Furthermore, the disruptive nature of this issue may erode users' confidence in the platform's reliability and performance, potentially leading to a decline in user engagement and satisfaction.

However, amidst these challenges, users can leverage a range of actionable solutions and workarounds to address the erratic behavior of Facebook on Safari. From ensuring browser updates and managing extensions to exploring alternative browsers and leveraging the Facebook mobile app, users have tangible pathways to mitigate the impact and enhance the overall browsing experience. Additionally, proactive engagement with feedback channels and online communities can yield valuable insights and potential workarounds, fostering a collaborative approach to navigating this issue.

In essence, the journey to unravel the mysteries behind Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari equips users with the knowledge and strategies to overcome this challenge. By embracing proactive measures and collaborative insights, users can navigate the platform with improved stability and usability, reclaiming a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience within the Safari environment. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the pursuit of effective solutions and the spirit of community collaboration remain pivotal in addressing and overcoming technical challenges, ensuring that users can engage with their favorite platforms with confidence and ease.

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Fix Facebook Scrolling and Jumping Problems

“ While looking over a Facebook profile, the page will jump while scrolling and refresh back to the top of the page. “

The problem of Facebook continuously refreshing and jumping while scrolling continues to affect users from time to time despite continuous updates from Facebook. It can be very frustrating and make it impossible to use Facebook and load profile pages.

If you’re experiencing this bug, it’s likely that many other users are as well. It may be a bug from a recent Facebook update and Facebook should work to fix the issue.

There have been some reported fixes, however, so here is what you can try to get Facebook to stop refreshing:

Let the page load completely before scrolling

Although there is no certain solution for this problem, a common cause is when users are not waiting for Facebook pages to fully load before beginning to scroll.

If you are experiencing this problem, make sure you waiting for the entire page to load before scrolling down. Once the page is loaded completely, it should no longer jump while scrolling.

Page Loading Symbols

Try another browser

There have also been reports that the problem is happening mainly with users of Edge so you may want to try switching your browser to FireFox, Safari or Google Chrome.

It is also plausible that a future updates could affect any browser so if you found this page and you’re already using Chrome, it’s still a good option to try some of the other browsers before moving on to other solutions.

I’ve had confirmation from many readers that switching to another browser to use Facebook solves the issue.

It has also been reported that if you use Facebook on another browser for a little while, you should be able to switch back to the original browser and the jumping / scrolling problem will be resolved.

If you don’t want to do that, you may have wait for Facebook to patch the bug or try one of the other suggested solutions below.

Desktop Browser Logos

Disable smooth scrolling in your browser

Edge and Chrome users have also reported that disabling the smooth scrolling feature has resolved the problem, at times. Follow these steps:

  • Open up either Edge or Chrome.
  • In the web address bar type either (depending on your browser: edge://flags/ or chrome://flags/
  • Search for Smooth Scrolling in the search box at the top.
  • Click on the dropdown to the right and change it to Disabled .
  • Relaunch your browser.

Note: This option is only available for Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuschsia and Lacros users.

Smooth Scrolling Setting in Google Chrome

Reset your browser’s zoom level

Users have reported that having your browser zoomed in or out can cause Facebook to jump around and refresh.

To reset your zoom level, while in your browser, press ctrl + 0 on a Windows computer or cmd + 0 on a Mac computer to reset it to 100%.

Changing Zoom Level in Google Chrome

If you have any additional details about the Facebook scrolling and refreshing problem please send me an email so we can help others troubleshoot the problem.

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Anson Alexander

I am an author, digital educator and content marketer. I record, edit, and publish content for, provide technical and business services to clients and am an avid self-learner. I have also authored several digital marketing and business courses for LinkedIn Learning (previously

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safari facebook jumping around

How to Fix Facebook Auto-Scrolling Issue

  • By Ali Zain
  • Updated on November 17, 2023


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Have you ever gone through the weird issue of unwanted Facebook scrolling on its own? Isn’t it frustrating enough to seek an immediate solution? Don’t fret; you have landed on the right article. It happens sometimes, though an irritating problem, but can be resolved easily by using relevant fixes. This article aims to assist users who are suffering from the Facebook auto-scrolling issue . TECHBYTEX provides some of the best workarounds to eliminate Facebook scrolling problems . In the age of other social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat the stardom and Facebook have not yet faded.

Facebook auto-scrolling issues can spoil your daily feed of media posts and you must be curious to know the cause, along with the fix to snub it. We have provided below every bit of information from causes to fixes regarding Facebook jumping around the problem on your device. Facebook scrolling automatically glitches and ruins the browsing experience. On this platform, you will have answers on why Facebook scrolling on its own and how you can fix it with precision and effortlessly.

So, here you go!

Common Reasons for Facebook Auto-Scrolling Issue

There can be multiple reasons triggering the Facebook scrolling issue . However, the most common are the following:

  • Incompatibility across various browsers
  • There might be an extension conflict in your browser
  • You are using an outdated browser
  • There can be JavaScript errors causing Facebook to scroll weirdly
  • Cached data or cookies can disrupt Facebook’s functionality
  • There might be some internal problems with Facebook
  • Your browser is incompatible with the operating system
  • Your internet connection is unstable , causing poor loading
  • There can be a problem with your mobile device, app, or in setting configurations
  • Browser zooming can also affect Facebook scrolling
  • Your Facebook may be overwhelmed by multiple tabs or windows running in the background

Potential Fixes to Resolve the Facebook Auto-Scrolling Issue

Facebook scrolling problem on iPhone, Android, or PC can be triggered by several contributing factors, a few of which are highlighted above. This piece of writing is an ultimate delight for users distressed by the disrupting glitch of Facebook scrolling issues on their respective devices.

So, start exploring the troubleshooting methods to restore the usual operation of your Facebook feed.

1- Disable the “Smooth Scrolling” Feature in Chrome

This fixing method does not accommodate Mac users. Furthermore, Google Chrome is integrated with an experimental feature, “smooth scrolling” which aims to smooth scrolling on Windows or ChromeOS desktop. Though this feature is still in the grooming stage and sometimes causes a “scrolling glitch” on websites like Facebook. To eliminate this fuss, you need to disable the function from Chrome Settings.

Here is how to stop Facebook from scrolling automatically by disabling the “smooth scrolling” feature:

Step 1: Launch the Google Chrome browser on your PC

Step 2: Type chrome://flags in the address bar

Step 3: Hit Enter to continue

Step 4: Search for “Smooth Scrolling”

Step 5: This will display the menu from where you will have to select the “disabled” option

Step 6: Restart Google Chrome

Now, browse Facebook and see if it has resolved the auto-scrolling or if the problem persists. Switch to the next method, if you are still facing the unnecessary scrolling issue on Facebook.

2- Reset the Browser’s Zoom Levels

Resetting zoom levels on the browser is worth trying as a troubleshooting method to stop Facebook from scrolling automatically.

Here’s how you can reset your preferred browser’s zoom levels:

Step 1: Open the Google Chrome browser on your desktop

Step 2: Locate and click the three vertical dots menu placed in the top right interface

Step 3: Open “Settings”

Step 4: Choose “Appearance” from the sidebar

Step 5: Maximize the “Page Zoom” and set it to 100% from the drop-down list. You can also reset the zoom levels using keyboard shortcuts

This is box title Press Ctrl + 0 (PC) or Cmd + 0 (Mac)

Step 6: Reboot Google Chrome

Now, visit Facebook and see if you can browse the feed normally or are still experiencing auto-scrolling glitches.

3- Set Scrolling Intensity on Mac and PC

If your system’s settings are set at high scrolling intensity, it might cause scrolling problems on websites like Facebook.

Let’s learn how to adjust the scrolling intensity on Windows and Mac to fix the scrolling issue on Facebook.

Here is how to adjust the scrolling intensity on Mac:

Step 1: Click the Apple icon located at the top-left corner of the menu bar

Step 2: Select “System Settings” from the Apple menu

Step 3: This will display the System Settings window; from the left sidebar, click on “mouse”

Step 4: Using sliders set, the “Tracking Speed” and “Scrolling Speed”. Set them to the slowest

Here is how to adjust the scrolling intensity on Windows:

Step 1: Press the Windows + I keyboard shortcut to launch the Settings app on your PC

Step 2: From the left sidebar, select “Bluetooth & devices”

Step 3: From the right-side pane, select “Mouse”

Step 4: Using the slider set the ‘Mouse pointer speed’ to the slowest. This will also fix the mouse auto-scrolling issue on your system

Step 5: Drag down the slider for ‘Lines to scroll at a time’ to the left

4- Clear Your Browser-Cached Data

If your Facebook not scrolling smoothly , disrupting your daily social media dose, one contributing factor might be your browser’s cached data. What you need to do is simple and straightforward, simply delete the cached data to fix auto-scrolling problems with websites like Facebook or Reddit.

Here is how you can remove the cache data across various browsers:

Here is how to remove cache data on Google Chrome:

  • Click the three-dot menu icon located in the top right interface of Chrome
  • Select “More tools”
  • Go to the “Clear browsing data” option
  • Choose a time range
  • Select the “cached images and files”
  • Click “Clear data”

Here is how to remove cache data on Safari:

  • Click the “Develop” menu
  • Navigate and click “Empty Caches”

Here is how to remove cache data on the Edge browser :

Computer scrolling on its own can be fixed easily. Follow these steps:

  • Click the three-dot menu
  • Locate and select “Settings”
  • Head to the “Privacy” option
  • Go to search and services
  • Choose what you wish to remove
  • Checkmark the box next to “Cached images and files”
  • Click “Clear now”

Here is how to remove cache data on Firefox:

  • Click the three-line menu icon
  • Select “Settings”
  • Go to the “Privacy & Security” option
  • Find ”Clear Data”
  • Choose what you want to remove from your browser
  • Click “Clear”

Hopefully, this will resolve the Facebook auto-scrolling issue. Resume the interrupted connection with social media through posts related to news, politics, current affairs, or entertainment media.

5- Try Using a Different Web Browser

It is one of the tried, tested, and approved workarounds by IT professionals and developers. Simply switching from your current web browser to any other browsing option can resolve Facebook scrolling on its own crisis.

So, if you are experiencing the jumping/scrolling problem on Facebook, changing the browser might affect Facebook scrolling. You can test this method easily to evaluate its effectiveness. By switching from the Facebook app from Chromebook to any other browser such as Firefox or Safari can restore Facebook entertainment.

Your browser options are:

Chrome , Edge , Firefox , Opera and Safari

5- Reinstall the Facebook App

If your Android or iPhone keeps scrolling up and down on Facebook; you can easily fix this issue. Whether you are using a Facebook mobile app or a desktop application, simply uninstall and reinstall it.

Here is how you can reinstall the Facebook app across various devices:

For Android, iPhone, or iPad:

Tap and hold the Facebook icon until it wiggles, then tap Uninstall. Now, download and install Facebook from the Google Play Store .

For Computer

If you’re using the Facebook app on a computer, simply delete it by right-clicking the app’s “F” icon and choosing the “Uninstall” option. Now, reinstall Facebook by visiting in a web browser.

Hopefully, by reinstalling the Facebook app on your device the problem of auto-scrolling will be resolved.

6- Update Your Device

Whether you are using a computer, phone, or tablet, IT enthusiasts always recommend keeping your device updated to avoid glitches and bugs.

Here is how you can update your device to resolve the Facebook auto-scrolling problems:

To update your Android, iPhone, or iPad:

go to Settings > General > Software Update.

To update Windows:

Go to Settings > Update & Security > Check for updates > Download and install.

To update Mac:

Go to System Settings > General > Software Update. The same procedure will be applied to update Safari.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few instances of frequently asked questions users commonly encounter while experiencing a Facebook scrolling-on-its-own problem.

I have tried every method, but Facebook auto-scrolling persists. What should I do now?

If, after trying a bunch of troubleshooting methods, the disappointment persists, you need to check for pending updates or contact the Facebook support team.

Why am I experiencing a screen jumping issue while scrolling on Facebook?

A simple software update can fix this issue. So, if you are an Android user, check your software version by going to Settings > System > System update.

How to fix the “auto-scrolling Chrome” issue?

Simply turn off the Chrome auto-scroll feature by going to Settings > Advanced > Auto Scroll. Now, uncheck the “Auto scroll” box to restore normal Chrome scrolling.

Is there any platform where I can share and discuss auto-scrolling problems?

Certainly, there are several tech communities on Facebook where you can share your tech queries and get solutions regarding auto-scrolling.

Is there any specific content that causes Facebook auto-scrolling frustration?

There is a rare possibility that a specific image or video clip is linked with an auto-scrolling issue . You will have to identify by scrolling through the media posts.

Why is my Android phone scrolling on its own?

There can be multiple reasons causing this issue, such as:

  • Corrupted cache files
  • Compatibility issues
  • Software glitches, and more

Final TakeAways

Well, as you read the concluding lines of this article, we hope users facing a Facebook auto-scrolling problem have resolved the issue. TECHBYTEX has laid down some of the best workarounds that are not only reliable, and convenient but are practically feasible too. Effective solutions, include updating your device, reinstalling the Facebook app, considering a different web browser, disabling smooth scrolling in the browser, and more. We recommend trying all the methods to fix the annoying issue to restore the fun on Facebook, which is one of the best social media platforms for staying connected.

Ali Zain

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Why Does My Facebook Page Keep Jumping?

Richard Hebert

Facebook is almost like every individual’s information geek. The platform lets you know what’s going on with everyone.

Imagine how frustrating it is when a juicy story suddenly disappears right before opening it. Little wonder you are unhappy and wondering why your Facebook keeps jumping.

The answer to your question might surprise you, but your Facebook page is probably jumping because of your browser or Facebook app. Facebook page jumping is the same as page refreshing. Usually, when this happens, the page jumps back to the top of the page, no matter if you were at the middle or bottom.

Reason #1: Impatiently Scrolling

Reason #2: the web browser, reason #3: the zoom on your web browser, reason #4: facebook’s fault, reasons why your facebook page keeps jumping.

There might be several reasons for your Facebook page jumping. Here are the four most popular ones that people across the Internet have reported.

This is most certainly the part that has to do with you and how you handle Facebook. When you get tired of waiting for the page to load, you might scroll across the screen thinking, “It’s so slow; maybe this would get it moving.”

This thought pattern and action is one of the reasons why your Facebook page keeps jumping. When you impatiently scroll on a page that is still loading, it’s almost like you are giving it a double command to refresh .

So, while the page is still loading and you start scrolling down, it may just end the current loading to carry out your second command. In other words, your Facebook page is jumping to obey you.

To fix this, always wait patiently for your Facebook page to load before trying to refresh it. Loading or refreshing a page only takes a while, even when the internet connection is slow.

Web Browser Logos

This reason hasn’t been proven to be scientifically valid. But numerous people have similar complaints regarding this thought line.

A web browser is a computer program used to browse the Internet. There are numerous web browsers, but the most consistently used ones are Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge. Most people using either of those web browsers have complained of jumping Facebook pages.

This reason only applies to persons who log in to Facebook through these browsers. As said earlier, there’s no proven scientific fact for this reason, but changing web browsers has worked for other people . So if you have tried the solution for the first reason and it’s not working, maybe changing your web browser is worth the try.

But if you don’t want to change or don’t have another browser, you could modify some settings if you are using Edge or Chrome . Follow the steps below for the necessary change.

  • Open the Edge browser on your PC.

Flags Url In Google Chrome

Try this out and see if you see a difference. If your Facebook page still doesn’t stop jumping, change the browser or try other solutions described in the article.

Click On + Or – To Zoom In Or Out

Honestly, even I could not believe how this played a role. But if there is one thing you can’t argue with, it’s facts.

This reason doesn’t have a fancy scientific explanation, but many people have discovered this has been the cause of their disappearing stories and jumping pages.

I know this might be unfavourable for a few people who like seeing tiny details, but you have to do what is needed. So, try changing the zoom size on your web browser to a lower or higher percentage.

In most cases, lower has proven better, but either way may work for you. Try out and solve the mystery of why your Facebook page keeps jumping.

This reason is an infrequent case scenario, and we would urge you not to rely on this cause because the first three reasons are the most common causes. When numerous persons began experiencing jumping Facebook pages, a recommended answer stated that research was in progress.

After researching, it was discovered that the issue resulted either from a disabled function or a malfunction in the programming of Facebook . While there is no reliable answer for this, it doesn’t make it untrue. So to fix this, patience is expected. Check out this link to find out more on this subject.

But remember, the thought of this should only come after you have tried the solutions mentioned above.

Why your Facebook page keeps jumping might have been a mystery to you at the beginning of this article. But each reason above could have provided an answer to this riddle.

The answer you seek is probably in your impatient scrolling, your web browser or its zoom size, or a Facebook app malfunction.

And though you came looking only for the problem, we decided to drop a few hints on how to solve each reason for your Facebook page jumping.

So solving any issue that has to do with jumping Facebook pages should be a piece of cake for you by now.

Firstly, try changing to another web browser or reinstalling the one you were using. Reinstalling it should only occur in very desperate situations. But if this still doesn’t work, there’s a second option to try.

The second thing to try would be to clear your cache and change your zoom size. If all fails, then there’s most likely no other solution.

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Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms with over 2.9 billion monthly active users, many of us rely on Facebook to stay connected with friends, family, brands, groups and pages that interest us. However, a common and frustrating problem that I and many other Facebook users face is our Facebook page randomly jumping or refreshing while we are browsing. This page jump can disrupt and ruin our Facebook experience.

In this detailed guide, I will analyze the reasons why Facebook pages tend to jump around and refresh unexpectedly. I will also provide actionable solutions and preventative best practices you can apply to stop your Facebook page from jumping around. Whether using Facebook on your desktop browser or mobile app, these tips should improve your scrolling and reading on the platform.

Why Does My Facebook Page Keep Jumping and Refreshing?

Before we get into the fixes, let’s first understand what causes Facebook pages to jump back to the top or refresh suddenly when browsing on a desktop or mobile.

Impatient Scrolling Before Page Load Completion

One of the most common triggers for Facebook page jumps is impatient scrolling before the page has fully loaded all its content.

The Facebook feed contains diverse content – text, photos, videos, ads, and comments. All this rich media can take time to load, especially on a slow internet connection.

When I scroll down the page before all images, videos, and plugins are done loading, it can inadvertently trigger a refresh. To avoid this, I’ve learned to wait patiently to finish loading before scrolling now patiently.

Overscrolling on Mobile Devices

Similarly, overscrolling past the end of the loaded content can cause the page to jump on mobile devices.

Since mobile screens are smaller, it’s easier to accidentally scroll too fast and hit the end of the loaded content. This results in the page snapping back up.

Being more gentle and paced with my scrolling has helped reduce page jumps significantly. Letting the content load before reaching the end also helps.

Browser Smooth Scrolling Feature

Browser Smooth Scrolling Feature

Some browsers like Google Chrome have a “smooth scrolling” feature enabled by default for a more natural, fluid feel when scrolling pages.

However, this animated scrolling can sometimes conflict with Facebook’s feed and cause unexpected page jumps or refreshes.

I managed to fix this issue by turning off smooth scrolling in Chrome’s settings. The process may vary for other browsers but generally involves:

  • Opening Flags settings by typing chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling in the URL bar
  • Changing the Smooth Scrolling flag from “ Enabled ” to “ Disabled “
  • Relaunching the Chrome browser

Browser or App Needs Update

Outdated browsers or apps can also be a culprit for Facebook feed jumping. New Facebook updates bring code changes that may not be compatible with old browser or app versions.

I keep my Chrome browser and Facebook mobile app updated to the latest versions. This prevents conflicts and ensures the best experience on Facebook.

Too Many Tabs Open

Having too many browser tabs open can overload the computer’s resources, cause lag, and trigger unexpected Facebook page refreshes.

To rule out this possibility, I tried having only one tab open with Facebook. The page scroll worked perfectly without any jumps. This indicated that excessive tabs were likely causing the issue.

Now, I make sure to close all unnecessary tabs before browsing Facebook for an extended stretch. I also limit the number of tabs to reduce resource overload.

Incompatible Browser Extensions

Browser extensions, though useful, can sometimes interfere with page loading and functionality. I realized ad blockers and VPN extensions were possibly causing Facebook feed jumps when scrolling.

Disabling or removing such extensions from Chrome fixed the issue for me. Do keep in mind that extensions like ad blockers also provide security and privacy benefits. So assess your risk comfort and needs before turning them off.

Network Connectivity Issues

Unstable internet connections can also result in abrupt Facebook page jumps, failure to load new content, or even timeout errors.

I have faced this a lot when browsing Facebook on public Wi-Fi networks that have spotty connections. Similarly, low mobile data reception areas also pose problems.

The only reliable fix is to switch to a faster, more stable internet connection. Beyond that, there’s not much else within our control. Having patience with slow networks can help in the interim.

  • 7 Fixes to Stop Facebook Page Jumping

Now that we’ve understood what causes Facebook page jumps and refreshes let’s look at some proven solutions to address this annoying problem:

1. Clear Browser Cache and cookies

Over time, the browser accumulates temporary internet files, cached data, and cookies that can slow it down. Clearing them out frees up space and speeds up browser performance.

To clear cache and cookies in Chrome desktop browser:

  • Click the 3 vertical dots to open the menu
  • Hover over History and select  Clear browsing data
  • Choose the desired timeframe for deletion
  • Checkboxes for  Cookies and other site data  and  Cached images and files
  • Click  Clear data

2. Update Your Browser and Facebook App

As mentioned earlier, outdated software versions can cause conflicts and page jump issues.

I make sure to check for and install the latest updates regularly:

  • Chrome desktop browser  – through Chrome menu > Help > About Google Chrome
  • Facebook mobile app  (for Android or iOS) – through Google Play Store or Apple App Store

This best practice keeps the software up-to-date and prevents version conflicts.

3. Switch Browsers and See if it Helps

Some browsers work better than others with Facebook’s code. For instance, I found Chrome to have fewer Facebook page jump problems compared to Firefox.

If adjusting browser settings doesn’t help, try switching browsers:

Best desktop browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari

Best mobile browsers:

  • Facebook App

See if the issues persist across different browser options. Stick with the one that works best with Facebook.

4. Disable Smooth Scrolling

Disable Smooth Scrolling

As mentioned earlier, smooth scrolling can sometimes conflict with Facebook page loading and cause jumps.

To turn off this feature:

On Chrome desktop:

  • Go to chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling
  • Disable smooth scrolling
  • Relaunch browser

On Firefox desktop:

  • Type about: config in the URL bar
  • Search for general. smooth scroll
  • Toggle general.smooth scroll. Current to false

5. Reset Zoom Level to Default

Over-zooming in or out on the page can also cause unexpected page jumps in some instances.

To quickly reset to the default zoom level:

  • On Chrome:  Press CTRL+0
  • On Firefox:  Press CTRL+0
  • On Safari:  Go to View > Zoom > Reset Zoom

This takes zoom out of the equation.

6. Update Graphic Card Drivers

Outdated or faulty graphic card drivers can also mess with browser scrolling and trigger Facebook refresh issues.

I updated my Nvidia graphic drivers to the latest Game Ready version through the GeForce Experience app. This noticeably improved Chrome’s scrolling and eliminated Facebook jumps.

Be sure to download drivers only from official manufacturer websites like Nvidia, AMD, or Intel.

7. Report Issues to Facebook

Despite your best troubleshooting efforts, if the Facebook page continues to jump around, it likely requires fixing on Facebook’s end.

To report issues directly to Facebook:

  • Go to the Facebook  Help Center
  • Click  Report a Problem
  • Select issue type (e.g.,  Something Went Wrong )
  • Fill details like when an issue occurs, steps to reproduce, browser info
  • Click  Submit

This user feedback helps Facebook engineers to identify and resolve persistent technical bugs.

  • Best Practices to Prevent Facebook Page Jumps

In addition to fixes, also pay attention to the following best practices to avoid Facebook page refresh issues in the first place:

1. Wait for Page Load After Scrolling

As explained earlier, impatient scrolling often causes Facebook pages to jump back up. I’ve trained myself to now pause for 1-2 seconds after reaching the end of loaded content before attempting to scroll further. This gives time for new content to load and prevents over-scroll triggers.

2. Use Minimal Browser Tabs

Having just one or two browser tabs open dedicated to Facebook prevents resource constraints and lag that can interfere with page loading. I avoid working on 10 other projects while browsing Facebook.

3. Disable Unnecessary Browser Extensions

I closely evaluate if all my Chrome extensions are required when visiting Facebook. For instance, Grammarly grammar checker likely isn’t needed on Facebook. Turning off such optional extensions for Facebook access prevents potential conflicts.

4. Don’t Overzoom-In on Page

Excessively pinching and zooming the Facebook mobile page can cause alignment issues and unexpected jumps. I now mostly use default zoom and only zoom manually on rare occasions.

5. Enable Data Saving Mode

Facebook’s Data Saver setting reduces data consumption by not auto-playing videos or loading high-res images. This helps lighten page load and resources.

To enable it, go to Facebook Settings > Media and Contacts > Data Saver.

6. Use Stable High-Speed Internet

Spotty internet connectivity itself can ruin the Facebook experience and cause abrupt page jumps. I aim to access Facebook primarily through fast home Wi-Fi or solid LTE/5G cellular data. This minimizes network-related page loading disruption.

7. Update Facebook App Automatically

Rather than having to install Facebook app updates, enable auto-update manually:

On Android:

  • Open the Google Play Store
  • Tap menu icon
  • Select Enable auto-update
  • Go to the App Store
  • Tap your profile icon
  • Toggle on App Updates

This ensures I always have the most up-to-date Facebook app.

8. Extend Your Patience

Lastly, it also helps to be more patient and conscious when scrolling Facebook feeds . Unlike static websites, Facebook delivers constantly updating, dynamic content. Rapidly swiping without giving time for new posts or stories to load can unintentionally trigger refreshes.

I’ve noticed exercising some restraint and intentionally pausing between scrolls improves my Facebook browsing experience and reduces frustrating jumps significantly.

Random Facebook page jumping or refreshing is a common annoyance faced by many users like myself when casually browsing the platform. However, a bit of awareness around what causes it and applying the right troubleshooting tips can help eliminate this problem.

This detailed guide explaining the reasons, fixes, and best practices to stop Facebook feed from jumping helps improve your overall experience on the platform. Do share any other remedies that worked for you!

  • How to Fix It
  • Why Is My Facebook Page Jumping Around?

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Safari & Facebook

  • Thread starter ColG
  • Start date Jan 14, 2023
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macrumors member

  • Jan 14, 2023

Running an M1 iMac on fully updated Ventura. Facebook scrolling is awful; it starts out ok but ends up jumping about with threads vanishing. It is unusable. On Chrome it is absolutely fine. I have tried clearing cache and history to no avail. Any ideas? Is this a known issue? Thanks Colin  

macrumors newbie

I just upgraded my M2 MacBook Pro to Ventura yesterday and have also been having this issue.  

I've started experiencing the same issue today on my 2019 MBA running Ventura 13.1. Clearing cache, history and rebooting not effective. Does not happen w/Chrome browser.  

Probably a bug then as I have just done the recent upgrade. I too have tried clearing cache etc.  


macrumors 603

My “clean Safari” AppleScript It can be used just as a guide to what could be deleted.  


Macrumors 6502a.

I have been having this same issue starting today. It is only in Safari. Scrolling is fine when using Edge. I even tried the Safari beta 16.3 and Technology Preview versions and had the same problem. At least I know it's not just me.  

Make sure to let Apple know so that we can get this fixed. Feedback - Safari - Apple Be as detailed as possible.  

Me too! Just started happening today and I am on High Sierra running Safari 13.1.2 - I have done no recent Safari updates. My guess is that it's a Facebook update that broke all Safari. Good luck finding a way to get Facebook to listen.  



  • Jan 15, 2023


Same problem 16" MacBook Pro latest software.  


macrumors 6502

It's facebook, not safari. Screws up on Mac and iPad, but supposedly not on phones.  


Joined just to say this is happening to me too. It does look like if I go over to Chrome it isn't jumping around, so thanks for that tip. It's just going to get it's own special window for a while until this gets straightened out. UGH.  

Also happening to me. M1 MacBookAir, Ventura 13.1. Works OK for me in FireFox. I left a message on the FB Help page. Betting I will never hear from them. Hoping it gets addressed.  

Whoopie Cat

ColG said: Running an M1 iMac on fully updated Ventura. Facebook scrolling is awful; it starts out ok but ends up jumping about with threads vanishing. It is unusable. On Chrome it is absolutely fine. I have tried clearing cache and history to no avail. Any ideas? Is this a known issue? Thanks Colin Click to expand...


Subbing - same issue. Facebook and Safari Intel iMac - no issues with anything else. Using Chrome for now.  


Piling on, same problem. I filed a report with Apple and switched to Chrome for Facebook.  

Whoopie Cat said: Same here. I've found that if you set your window's zoom level to 100%, it doesn't jump anymore, but I don't want a frikken huge window thank you very much. Ugh. Click to expand...


ColG said: Running an M1 iMac on fully updated Ventura. Facebook scrolling is awful; it starts out ok but ends up jumping about with threads vanishing. Click to expand...
BotchQue said: It's facebook, not safari. Click to expand...



Same issue here, noticed it last day or two only on Facebook using Safari. Pretty unusable. If I scroll once then it auto scrolls down in whole page jumps, usually two screens worth every time, pausing momentarily between each jump. If I manually repeat scroll a few times, it seems to store that up and then will repeatedly step through a load of pages on its own which gets completely out of hand, and impossible to navigate the feed. Happens with either mouse scroll wheel or keyboard Page Up/Down keys. Running on a Mac Studio M1 Max, recently updated to Mac OS Ventura 13.1 , Safari 16.2.  

totnesfirefly said: If I scroll once then it auto scrolls down in whole page jumps, usually two screens worth every time, pausing momentarily between each jump. If I manually repeat scroll a few times, it seems to store that up and then will repeatedly step through a load of pages on its own which gets completely out of hand, and impossible to navigate the feed. Click to expand...

Clix Pix

macrumors Core

First experienced this last night, and then again just now..... Fortunately I am not a huge fan of or major participant in FB so I can live without it until they get around to resolving this issue.  

Doesn't look like an OS, platform (M1/Intel) or machine issue; I saw this today on my late-2013 MBP running Mojave! I upgraded to Big Sur and the most recent Safari Apple let me update to (16.2), same deal. Chrome does seem to work OK at the moment though I thought I noticed some of this behavior there earlier.  

safari facebook jumping around

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Facebook Scrolling Problem? Feed Jumping In Safari (2023)?

facebook scrolling problem Safari on Mac

Facebook scrolling problem Safari on Mac.

Facebook Scrolling Problem In Safari?

facebook feed jumping around by itself in safari on ipad

“Since upgrading my 8th generation 128g iPad to iPadOS 16.2 i am having problems with Facebook. the page won’t keep still to read. My husband has the same iPad and upgraded to 16.2 and he’s having the same problem.”

The Facebook scrolling glitch has been immediately confirmed by Karin :

“I am also having the same issue with Facebook feed auto scrolling when viewing in Safari.”

and Barbara :

“I am also having the same issue with Facebook after updating my iPad to iOS 16.2.”

We’ve tried to replicate this bug and indeed Facebook feed starts jumping around after about a minute of scrolling. The timeline seems to jump back and forth every time a scrolling motion ends and you want to stop to read the text!

Update 1: Facebook feed is also auto scrolling on Mac, if computer is updated to macOS Ventura, as reported by plotdoctor :

“I have same issue on both my MAC laptop running Venturi and iPad (OS16.2) using Safari, but not my old Mac desktop that runs Big Sur!”

Fact: Indeed glitch seems even more accentuated when browsing Facebook in Safari on Mac! The content jumps 5,6 times before stopping , while on iPad the auto scroll unfolds in only 3 stages!

How To Fix Facebook Feed Auto Scrolling In Safari

We’ve tried to quit Safari and re-open, doesn’t work. We’ve also rebooted the iPad and it doesn’t seem to help either.

Facebook must have changed something to the web version of its website and there doesn’t seem to be anything that you can do to fix this scrolling issue.

Hopefully Meta will be able to fix it server-side soon, as the problem is widespread. A thread opened on Apple’s discussion forums, yesterday has over 500 users confirming the scrolling glitch!

Update 4: Safari Facebook scrolling issue seems to have been fixed server-side by Meta. It’s been pointed out by cashxx and we can confirm it too: “This seems to be fixed now. Had previous alerts that were enabled again and I checked scrolling and all is back to normal. Like they reverted a snapshot or something.” Is the Facebook auto scrolling fixed for your Mac or iPad too? Confirm it in the comments! Else, use the troubleshooting options provided below:

Workaround for facebook scrolling issue.

At the moment, we could identify two ways to bypass this issue:

1. Facebook App for iPad

For the time being, we recommend you to use the Facebook app for iPad ( direct link ).

We’ve tested it out and the feed scrolls normally without jumping around!

Downside: There is not Facebook app for macOS, which means that this fix won’t for Mac users!

2. Change Internet Browser

facebook scrolling works in Chrome

If you want to continue using the web version on iPad, or you’re a Mac user, you can avoid the Facebook auto scrolling problem by switching Safari in favor of Microsoft Edge !

Aparently, Microsoft’s web browser won’t allow the FB feed to jump around by itself. Use this direct link to download it on your iPad.

Or this direct link , to download and install it on your Mac!

Credits: This workaround has been mentioned by danvin67 .

Update 2: Google Chrome works too! Here is the download link for Mac and iPad . Thanks RGD for confirming.

More: Jeff informs that Facebook feed jumping around happens in Mozilla Firefox too, but hints that Brave browser ( direct link ) is not experiencing this glitch!

3. Change User Agent In Safari Developer Mode

fix facebook auto scrolling in safari on mac

  • 1. Click Safari , on Mac, in the top-right corner of the screen and go for Settings .
  • 2. Click on Advanced , far-right in the header.
  • 3. Check Show Develop menu in menu bar .
  • 4. Go for Develop -> User Agent and select one of the available agents. TB informs that Microsoft Edge – Windows fixes the Facebook scrolling problem for him. Does it work for you too? What about an other agent?

Facebook Feed Auto Scrolling In Older macOS and iOS Versions Too?

  • ThisIsAnnoying has confirmed this issue on macOS Monterey 12.6.2 and Safari 16.2 (17614., 17614).

Fact: We’re not sure yet what’s causing this problem, but it affects all recent Safari versions and it started all of a sudden on January 15th. This hints to a server-side change done by Meta to the Facebook desktop version. What’s your take?

  • TB informs that he’s experiencing the same issue on macOS 10.14.6 running Safari 14.1.2 !

Conclusion: This means that this Facebook scrolling problem affects most Safari version on macOS and iPadOS and iOS. This hints that the issue isn’t caused by an Apple software update, but more likely a Meta server-side update to the Facebook desktop version!

Have you managed to fix Facebook scrolling problem in Safari? Do you have a better solution or other issues to report? Use the comments section and share your feedback!

Related: For other iOS 16.2 bugs and available workarounds check our detailed review !

80 Responses to Facebook Scrolling Problem? Feed Jumping In Safari (2023)?

works ok in Chrome (as much as I hate using Chrome)

Thanks for confirming. Indeed it does. Just checked it on MacBook Air running macOS 13.1.

Updated your info in the main content of the article.

Tried several agents and it does not work.

Arghhh…. on the phone with apple for an hour Nadia. Tech said to download Monterey again. It’s been hours, bet it ain’t gonna work as I hadn’t seen all this info prior, grrr.

It’s been fixed server-side by Meta. It should work now even without a Monterey reinstall. Pls confirm.

That’s strange indeed. What Chrome version are you running on your Mac? I’m on Version 108.0.5359.124 (Official Build) (arm64).

Chrome is up to date Version 109.0.5414.87 (Official Build) (x86_64)

Works /Facebook stable

This is not from IOS version 16. This is occurring on my second device which I have not upgraded iOS 15.7 Also the scrolling continues when using Google Chrome.

Thanks for the feedback. Try Microsoft Edge please.

My fb scroll is lagging and jagged. Help

Started jumping on Chrome today on my ipad

Not only is my Mac doing this but my I phone is doing it as well even as I am trying to read this article

Should be fixed now. Meta has addressed it server-side. Can you confirm?

Not! Meta is joke and a hackers dream. Shame on Zuckerberg. Now I’m getting “not connected to internet” Refresh then “reconnected”. Horrible on Facebook. It’s is getting worse not better. Chrome???? Wow!

Same here. It works with Chrome but I don’t like Chrome. I hope MZ will notice soon and fix it. (The silver lining is that it has kept me out of FB jail for three days.)

Haha nice one. You should go back to jail now, it’s been fixed!

Having the same jumping issue and other Safari Navigation issues, such as when when clicking on a image to enlarge it on the timeline, if you try to escape using the x in the upper left it takes you to another area on the timeline. There is also faint writing saying (for more info). I am using Big Sure on my imac. Chrome is working the best currently.

Thanks for reporting. The auto scrolling has been fixed now. Can you also please confirm if Escaping the image still jumps the feed for you?

I’m having this same problem after updating to macOS Monterey 12.6.2 and Safari version 16.2 (17614., 17614). I can’t update to the newest macOS because I have an Intel based MacBook Pro, and the latest OS requires the new M1/2 chips now.

Facebook is unusable, I even tried the Favourites feed, it does the same thing. I don’t want to use another browser because all my passwords are saved in iCloud Keychain. I know I can copy and paste the password to Edge or another browser, it’s just annoying I have to use another browser just to use Facebook. And since I have two factor other browsers don’t fill in the SMS code like Safari does.

Hope it gets fixed soon.

I’ve had a new MacBook Air with Ventura for almost a year using Safari with no problems. Then just a few days ago it started jumping around and I’ve made no changes since. I bought it. I think it’s on Facebook’s end.

Thanks for confirming. Is it happening only with Facebook?

Thanks for your feedback. I can confirm Facebook feed auto scrolling problem in macOS Ventura 13.1 and Safari Version 16.2 (18614.

For now I switched my FB accounts to Google Chrome. Works fine. I will use it only until this FB issue is fixed in Safari.

My auto scrolling issue continued on Chrome. This is most definitely a Facebook issue regarding Mac devices. Yes I can view through the App but I miss many features that the online facebook has

Thanks for the feedback. What Chrome version are you On?

Yes, I know that app is missing features, but it’s suggested as a temporary workaround as I don’t imagine this glitch to last for too long. It’s affecting way too many users.

Facebook autoscrolling problem also occurring in Safari version 14.1 iMac.

Should be fixed now. Pls confirm.

I am seeing this all the way back to Safari 14.1.2 on MacOS 10.14.6, so I’m suspicious about this being something “new”… This make it look like a certain person whose initials are MZ has declared war on Safari.

Ok. Thanks for the info. So, this affects older Safari versions too. However, we’re quite sure that it started recently (January 15th). This hints to a server-side change implemented by Meta (Facebook).

What is really interesting is if I enable Developer Tools in my Safari and masquerade as a different user agent, I do not see this issue… Although I did have to find an appropriate User Agent example online (Windows -> Edge seems to work… Although I’m trying a few other ones to see what I see).

Thanks for sharing this. I tried with Microsoft Edge – Windows but it still jumps around. Please let us know if you find one that works. Anyway I will update this as a potential fix in the content of the article.

Same FaceBook jumping problem on MacBook Air Ventura 13.1. On phone with Apple tech for over 2.5 hrs. His final suggestion was to back up my computer on a hard drive, wipe my computer and reinstall from backup. Told him I didn’t have a big enough external hard drive. Didn’t know if I wanted to do that until more research. Wait to see if FaceBook or Apple does anything to fix the issue.

It’s been fixed server-side. Not need to wipe your Mac. Just try now and it should work normally. Pls confirm.

I checked this morning and it is fixed! Thanks for the help and discussion.

You’re welcome. Thanks for confirming.

I am experiencing this problem on every browser, I.e., Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, DuckDuckGo. FB has some fixing to do.

OK, that’s new. Only having it on Safari at the moment. Chrome and Edge works. But it’s true that I just downloaded them and used Facebook for a couple of minutes.

Have you tried to clear the cache for one of these browsers and log into Facebook again to see if it makes a difference?

Yes. Still happening on all browsers.

Thanks for the follow up. We’ve updated a new fix in the article. Check it out.

I don’t want the FB app on my iOS stuff – it’s a memory hog, and it bugs me that it saves so much data. Hope Meta fixes this. But in my paranoid dreams – I’ve noticed the web site has always been a bit dodgy – I think they’d rather you let them infect your devices with their apps – so they throttle the web experience to make you use the app – who knows what data they are scraping and saving? It may not make any difference – but I use the web, and clear cookies daily – and have never been hacked and don’t get any spam.

That makes sense Roger. Try with Microsoft Edge web browser until this Safari Facebook scrolling issue gets fixed.

This problem started on 1/14/23 after restarting my computer. I get onto Facebook and then after about a minute it starts scrolling. I have things on Facebook that I don’t want to lose, but it’s so frustrating that I’m thinking of closing out my account.

I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one. I was thinking that I had some kind of malware that got activated after rebooting.

This problem is happening on Big Sur version 11.6.8 as well.

Thanks for sharing. Try to switch your Facebook browsing to Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

It is happening to me also. I have tried searching online for a fix . I shut down, reboot to no avail in fixing this glitch.

It should be fixed now. Please try again Facebook feed should scroll normally.

Is there a plan for Meta to resolve this problem soon? It is driving us crazy!

This is very annoying indeed. We’ve reported it to Facebook on Twitter and have added this thread for clarification. I’m sure others have done it too. Meta should address it soon, as it affects a big number of users.

Started yesterday on my macOS Monterey 12.5.1 Can get FB on my iPhone but what a pain!

Thanks for confirming. Try to install Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome on your Mac and switch Facebook desktop browsing to one of these browsers.

Jumping on Facebook is on Mac Ventura 13.1 as well. Very disturbing. Should have never up graded to a new version. Thinking of downgradeing back to my original.

Thanks for confirming. This most likely isn’t a macOS Ventura issue. It occurs in various other macOS versions.

I’m on Safari 16.2 (iMac) and it jumps around to the point of being unreadable. works OK on Chrome.

Thanks for the feedback. It’s annoying indeed. We’ve updated a fix using the Safari Develop Mode. Please check it out.

Thanks for letting me know it is not just me!! Been happening for days on MacOS Ventura 13.0 and making me crazy. I dislike using Chrome but it is OK there. Have not tried my iPad yet but will do that. Hope there is a fix soon.

You’re welcome. Thanks for confirming. Yep, fingers crossed.

This is happening to me even on this page search! It’s not just facebook. Hope it get s fixed asap as like the other users all my passwords are save and I prefer not to use google chrome.

Thanks for the feedback. You mean that you experience the Safari auto scroll issue , outside of the facebook app, when browsing web pages like this one?

Confirming since 01\14\23 my iMac with Ventura 13.1; Safari 16.2 Facebook is glitching. Tried Firefox and get the same results. I found that the Brave browser does not glitch, Facebook scrolls as it should. Hope this helps until Meta pushes a fix for Facebook.

Thanks for the contribution Jeff. I will add your suggestions to the main content of the article.

Mac OS Big Sur & Safari 16.2: same issue Workaround is really another browser like Chrome.

Thanks for confirming.

Mine is still jumping and scrolling by itself since Sunday 15 th, I’m using safari and I don’t want to use anything else

Thanks for confirming. That makes sense. It was just a temporary fix until this get addressed.

If you want to stay with Safari on Mac and still try to fix it use the User Agent fix detailed at step 3! Go for Safari – iPadOS 16.0 – iPad or test out any other ‘user agent’ from the list. Does it help?

Happening on Monterrey 12.6 on MacBook Air. Very frustrating.

Thanks for confirming. It’s been fixed now. Can you confirm?

I have an older ipad, still having issues. Spent time yesterday trying to explain it to Apple service, but we never could understand each other. I am not so handy with these things and changing from safari is too intimidating to me. I hope it is fixed soon.

It’s been fixed server-side. No need to do anything. Just try again and it should work normally.

Happens on my iPad in both chrome and safari so it’s not browser dependent

Thanks for the feedback. Should be OK now. They fixed it server-side.

I think this issue is totallv down to Facebook/Meta. Started in last few days for me on my iPad and is also happening on my Mac desktop. I am running older iOS 14.4.2 on iPad and on desktop OS High Sierra 10.13.6. This is happening no matter what browser I use on iOS or Mac. It has nothing to do with upgrading to Ventura. I will not be installing Chrome or other new browser, why should I ? Just get it fixed Facebook, and hurry up. Very shoddy service from this major service. Might just give up on FB unless they sort it, and apologise for messing it up. Soon please!

Thanks for your feedback. It’s been fixed. Please try again and confirm.

Hi, yes it’s fixed now. Well done! Back to wasting too much time looking at Facebook :-)

I’m so glad I found this article because this problem started the 15th for me immediately after I did the update for my iPad. With the hundreds of complaints affecting several browsers, let’s hope Meta is working on the problem. This article has relieved the frustration I have been experiencing. Thank you!

You’re welcome. And the results are here too. Our reports have rushed the fix. Facebook scrolling should work properly now. Please confirm.

This seems to be fixed now. Sometime Jan 16 2023 it got fixed. Had previous alerts that were enabled again and I checked scrolling and all is back to normal. Like they reverted a snapshot or something.

Thanks for the feedback. Indeed it’s fixed for me too! Anyone else still experiencing it?

Fixed as of today. Fix also reported on other sites.

still jumping in Safari 16.2 on Mac running Ventura 13.1

REALLY annoying

Try to quit Safari and restart Mac. Let us know if it makes a difference.

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Home » Software Apps » How to Fix Facebook Problems on Safari?

How to Fix Facebook Problems on Safari?

Safari Reader

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Facebook has become one of the major players in the field of communications. It is currently the most used social media with more than 2.7 billion monthly active users. It can run on most devices because the developers have designed it to run even on devices with very low technical specifications. You can even load Facebook without an internet connection (well, you’ll be able to read the content that’s been previously loaded on your device).

Facebook works well with desktops, Macs, mobile phones, iPads, smart TVs, and other smart devices. Facebook users rely on this social network to Weconnect with friends and family, gather information about local or world events, and promote businesses online.

So, whether you’re an individual trying to communicate with friends or a business trying to engage with potential customers, Facebook is probably the best platform. Unfortunately, it is not an impregnable platform. Coming across common issues like Facebook not responding or Facebook is slow on Safari only can be really frustrating.

If you can’t connect to Facebook or Facebook is just not working on Safari , you don’t have to worry because this is common. A lot of users have also encountered various issues when trying to access Facebook via Safari. According to some reports, Facebook is often sluggish in Safari, runs out of memory often, and has other problems.

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Most of the complaints have tried other browsers and Facebook seems to work fine. This indicates that the problem is most likely related to the web browser being used, which is Safari. There are other users, though, who noted, that some of these problems also occur on other browsers, but not all.

If this is the case, you can try some of the following methods below to fix the problem.

What Causes Facebook issues in Safari?

Facebook issues on Safari could be caused by an overwhelming amount of junk files that have accumulated over time on your Mac. Cleaning up these unnecessary files might be beneficial, and there are several tools available for this purpose, including Mac repair app , that can assist you in enjoying a faster and cleaner macOS.

An outdated browser is also a common culprit when this error occurs. Since you’re accessing Facebook using Safari, then you need to check if there are updates to the browser you need to install. You can usually see an Update notification on the upper right corner of the Safari browser that warns you that your browser is outdated and an update is available for download. This is particularly true if you notice that Facebook is slow on Safari only and works fine on other browsers.

Old browser cache, cookies, and other website data might also be getting in the way of Safari connecting to the Facebook server. If it has been sometime before you cleaned up your browser, this is a good opportunity to do. Not only will this fix any problems you are having with Safari, it will also improve the browser’s speed and performance.

Another factor you have to consider is your Facebook credentials. If you changed your password recently and has not updated the saved password on your browser, then that could be the reason why you’re having problems connecting to Facebook.

You also need to check the browser extensions you have installed on Safari. In most cases, an incompatible plugin or add on is preventing Safari from communicating with the Facebook servers. One particular extension that needs to be mentioned is the ad blocker. No matter what kind of ad blocker you are using, you will certainly experience an error of one form or another, not just with Facebook but with all other websites that rely on ads for generating revenue.

To resolve the problem, it is necessary to single out its cause. The users who have encountered the problem reported trying several fixes to no avail. Nonetheless, it might be useful to go through these solutions one by one.

The most common fixes include resetting the browser, disabling parental controls and plug-ins, changing system clock to automatic updates, disabling extensions, changing a DNS, and reinstalling network settings. If after trying these solutions, you’re still unable to connect to Facebook using Safari, it’s time to consider other ways out.

What To Do About Facebook Issues in Safari?

If you encounter any issues when accessing Facebook via Safari, you can try the troubleshooting steps below to fix it.

Step 1: Update Safari.

Apple is regularly fixing bugs and improving the performance of its apps, so you need to ensure that you are running the latest version of the Safari browser. To update Safari, follow the instructions here:

  • Click Apple Menu and select System Preferences.
  • Pick Software Update from the list.
  • Choose Safari and click Update .

You can also update by clicking the Update button on the browser itself.

Step 2: Update macOS.

Big Sur introduces multiple improvements to design, interface, and support for Apple-designed processors. This macOD version can guarantee the best compatibility with application interactions. Hence, it is highly recommended to upgrade from Catalina or older versions.

To update via the Mac App Store:

  • Click on Apple Menu and select System Preferences.
  • Select Software update and follow the on-screen prompts.

Alternatively, you could also go to the official Apple webpage and download Big Sur from there.

Step 3: Remove Website Data.

Clean up Facebook’s website by following the steps here:

  • Launch the Safari browser.
  • From the Safari menu, choose Preferences .
  • Go to the Privacy tab.
  • Click on the Remove All Website Data button to delete the data collected from all websites. Or if you want to remove only Facebook data, jump to step 6.
  • Confirm the action by clicking Remove Now button. Keep in mind that deleting website data may change the way that specific website functions.
  • Use the Details button to remove data gathered by Facebook.
  • Look for Facebook from the list of websites and use the Remove button to delete stored data.
  • Click the Done button to finish.

Step 4: Remove Safari Cache.

The next step is to delete old cache files that might be causing the Safari error. To do this:

  • Quit the Safari browser.
  • Open Finder > Go.
  • Select Go to Folder.
  • Type the following path: ~/Library/Caches/
  • Press the Return key to open this folder.
  • Find the . db file inside the folder and delete it by dragging it to the Trash .
  • Relaunch Safari.

Step 5: Delete Incompatible Browser Extensions.

Some browser extensions can cause Safari not to work properly. In some instances, these might show up on your browser seemingly out of nowhere. Here’s how to delete them:

  • Click Safari > Preferences.
  • Click Extensions from the menu.
  • Choose the unwanted extension and then click Uninstall on the right.

Step 6: Set Facebook’s Certificate to “Always Trusted”.

There are times when Safari is having trouble connecting to Facebook due to certificate issues. To fix this:

  • Open .
  • Click on the Secure (Lock icon) button in the address bar.
  • Select More information.
  • Click View Certificate and check which certificate is in use.
  • Go to the Details tab and click Command + Space buttons simultaneously to launch Spotlight .
  • In the Spotlight Search, type in Keychain and press Enter .
  • On the left panel, click System Roots and look for the appropriate certificate.
  • Select it and expand the Trust section.
  • In the When using this certificate section, tick off Always trust.

What to do if your Facebook Page keeps jumping?

Kerem Gülen

If you are still experiencing the Facebook is jumping around in 2023, we got you covered. Despite regular updates from Facebook, some users continue to experience issues with the platform’s constant refreshing and jumping while scrolling. This can be very annoying and make it difficult to navigate and view profile pages.

If you are encountering this problem, it is likely that many other users are experiencing the same issue. The cause may be a recent update to Facebook, and the company should take steps to resolve it.

Facebook is jumping around 2023: How to fix it?

Here are some ways to try and stop the “Facebook is jumping around” issue:

Don’t scroll until the page loads

Use another browser, turn off smooth scrolling in your browser, your zoom setting on browser might be the issue, check if it’s a facebook-related bug.

The cause of the problem where “Facebook is jumping around” is not definite, but one common reason is when users start scrolling before the page is fully loaded. To resolve this issue, ensure that you wait for the page to fully load before scrolling down. Once the page is fully loaded, it should not jump while scrolling.

Facebook is jumping around 2023- how to fix

There have been reports that the issue primarily affects users of the Edge browser, so you may consider switching to Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome. It’s possible that future updates could affect any browser, so even if you are currently using Chrome, it may be worth trying other browsers before attempting other solutions.

We have received confirmation from many readers that switching to another browser to use Facebook solves the problem. It has also been reported that if you use Facebook on another browser for a while, you should be able to switch back to the original browser and the problem of jumping and scrolling will be resolved. If you do not want to do that, you may have to wait for an update or try one of the other suggested solutions below to fix the “Facebook is jumping around” issue.

Facebook is jumping around 2023- how to fix

Users of Edge and Chrome have reported that disabling the smooth scrolling feature has sometimes resolved the problem. Here is how you can do it:

  • Open Edge or Chrome.
  • In the address bar, type: edge://flags/ (for Edge) or chrome://flags/ (for Chrome)
  • Use the search box at the top to search for “Smooth Scrolling”.
  • Click on the dropdown to the right and change it to “Disabled”.
  • Close and reopen your browser.

Facebook is jumping around 2023- how to fix

We were also surprised to learn that this could be a contributing factor to the problem. However, the facts speak for themselves. There may not be a complex scientific explanation for this, but many people have found that this is the cause of their disappearing stories and jumping pages.

We understand that this may not be desirable for some who like to see small details, but it’s important to take the necessary steps to resolve the issue. Try adjusting the zoom size on your web browser to a lower or higher percentage. Lower has generally been found to be effective, but it’s worth experimenting to see what works for you and solving the mystery of why your Facebook page keeps jumping.

Facebook is jumping around 2023- how to fix

This reason is less common and should not be the first assumption made. More common causes have been identified. When many users began experiencing jumping Facebook pages, it was stated that research was ongoing. After investigating, it was found that the problem was caused by either a disabled function or a malfunction in Facebook’s programming.

While there is no definite solution for this, it is still a possibility. Therefore, patience is required to fix this. You can check out this link to learn more about this subject. But remember, this should only be considered after trying the solutions mentioned above.

Facebook is jumping around 2023- how to fix

Try another browser

Change to a different web browser or reinstall the one you were using, if necessary. It should only be reinstalled in extreme circumstances. But there’s another approach to try if this doesn’t help.

Why is Facebook jumping around?

The reason for the jumping of your Facebook page may have been unclear to you at the start of this article, but each of the reasons provided may have helped solve the mystery. The solution is likely to be found in your quick scrolling, your browser or its zoom size, or a malfunction in the Facebook app.

We have also provided hints on how to fix each of these reasons. Therefore, resolving any issues related to jumping Facebook pages should be straightforward for you now.

Facebook is jumping around 2023- how to fix

If these methods didn’t work out for you, the best thing you can do is contacting Facebook Help Center . Do you know how to fix Facebook Messenger effects not working error? If your answer is no, we have a special guide for you!

Kerem Gülen

Kerem from Turkey has an insatiable curiosity for the latest advancements in tech gadgets and a knack for innovative thinking. With 3 years of experience in editorship and a childhood dream of becoming a journalist, Kerem has always been curious about the latest tech gadgets and is constantly seeking new ways to create. As a Master's student in Strategic Communications, Kerem is eager to learn more about the ever-evolving world of technology. His primary focuses are artificial intelligence and digital inclusion, and he delves into the most current and accurate information on these topics.

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    However, the unexpected movements and layout disruptions introduced by Facebook's erratic behavior on Safari erode this sense of stability, leading to a sense of unease and dissatisfaction among users. The impact of this issue extends beyond mere inconvenience, as it directly impedes users' ability to consume and interact with content effectively.

  5. Fix Facebook Scrolling and Jumping Problems

    Follow these steps: Open up either Edge or Chrome. In the web address bar type either (depending on your browser: edge://flags/. or. chrome://flags/. Search for Smooth Scrolling in the search box at the top. Click on the dropdown to the right and change it to Disabled. Relaunch your browser.

  6. How to Stop Facebook From Scrolling Automatically

    We are using Google Chrome to show you the steps. Step 1: Open the web browser on your desktop and then go to Settings. In the case of Google Chrome, type chrome://flags, and then press Enter ...

  7. How to Fix Facebook Auto-Scrolling Issue

    Here is how to stop Facebook from scrolling automatically by disabling the "smooth scrolling" feature: Step 1: Launch the Google Chrome browser on your PC. Step 2: Type chrome://flags in the address bar. Step 3: Hit Enter to continue. Step 4: Search for "Smooth Scrolling".

  8. Safari & Facebook Problem : r/MacOS

    Safari & Facebook Problem. When viewing Facebook and scrolling down, the main page keeps "jumping" on it's own. I have tried many online suggestions to fix the issue, and none have helped. Two computers (MacBook Pro 16" 2019 and MacBook Air 13" M2), both using the latest version of Safari and Monterey 12.6.2.

  9. Why Does My Facebook Page Keep Jumping?

    Reasons Why Your Facebook Page Keeps Jumping. There might be several reasons for your Facebook page jumping. Here are the four most popular ones that people across the Internet have reported. Reason #1: Impatiently Scrolling. This is most certainly the part that has to do with you and how you handle Facebook.

  10. Why Is My Facebook Page Jumping Around? How to Fix It

    This noticeably improved Chrome's scrolling and eliminated Facebook jumps. Be sure to download drivers only from official manufacturer websites like Nvidia, AMD, or Intel. 7. Report Issues to Facebook. Despite your best troubleshooting efforts, if the Facebook page continues to jump around, it likely requires fixing on Facebook's end.

  11. Facebook jumpy and scrolling up-down all by itself : r/Safari

    Desktop Chrome displays Facebook normally. FB App on iPhone (iOS 16.2) and Facebook website opened in Safari on iPhone show no issues. iPad running iPadOS 16.2 also scrolls FB continuously as on desktop, Chrome on same iPad does as well, though only 3-half screens at a time, then pauses, different behavior than the "never stop scrolling" in ...

  12. Safari & Facebook

    Jan 15, 2023. 7. 2. Jan 15, 2023. #22. Same issue here, noticed it last day or two only on Facebook using Safari. Pretty unusable. If I scroll once then it auto scrolls down in whole page jumps, usually two screens worth every time, pausing momentarily between each jump. If I manually repeat scroll a few times, it seems to store that up and ...

  13. Troubleshooting Facebook Not Scrolling: Fixing the Issue Easily

    Follow these steps: Access the Facebook app or website on your device. Navigate to the settings or menu options. Locate the " Help & Support " or "About" section. Select the "Check for Updates " or a similar option. If there is an available update, proceed to download and install it.

  14. Safari & Facebook glitching/jumping on Mac : r/applehelp

    Safari & Facebook glitching/jumping on Mac. Mac. I've noticed the last new days my Facebook feed/page is jumping all over the place. If i scroll a little, it will jump up and down the feed. Has anyone seen this happen?

  15. Facebook Scrolling Problem? Feed Jumping In Safari (2023)?

    More: Jeff informs that Facebook feed jumping around happens in Mozilla Firefox too, but hints that Brave browser (direct link) is not experiencing this glitch! 3. Change User Agent In Safari Developer Mode. 1. Click Safari, on Mac, in the top-right corner of the screen and go for Settings. 2. Click on Advanced, far-right in the header. 3.

  16. Fix Facebook Safari Problems

    Step 1: Update Safari. Apple is regularly fixing bugs and improving the performance of its apps, so you need to ensure that you are running the latest version of the Safari browser. To update Safari, follow the instructions here: Click Apple Menu and select System Preferences. Pick Software Update from the list.

  17. Facebook is jumping around 2023: How to fix it? • TechBriefly

    Here is how you can do it: Open Edge or Chrome. In the address bar, type: edge://flags/ (for Edge) or chrome://flags/ (for Chrome) Use the search box at the top to search for "Smooth Scrolling". Click on the dropdown to the right and change it to "Disabled". Close and reopen your browser. Facebook is jumping around: Your zoom setting on ...

  18. Facebook keeps jumping back to top when reading comments

    When viewing the comments of a post on my feed, Facebook will suddenly jump back up to the beginning of the post. This happens in the middle of scrolling, or when I'm done scrolling and trying to read a comment. Very annoying. This has been happening for the last few days. I switched from an iPhone 13 Pro Max to a 14 Pro Max and it's ...

  19. Firefox scrolling jumps in Facebook

    Making moves. 07-02-2022 12:21 PM - last edited on ‎08-03-2022 03:50 PM by Jon. When scrolling posts on Facebook, there are random jumps up to 6 new posts forward. It is necessary to scroll back and look for the last displayed post (photo, video, txt). It looks like firefox doesn't remember the last displayed position before updating the cache.

  20. Tesla Is Still Down 25% in 2024 Despite Its Monster Jump. Is the Stock

    Current Price. $168.47. Price as of May 10, 2024, 4:00 p.m. ET. Tesla has had a disappointing 2024 so far, but this latest round of news may turn it around. Being a Tesla ( TSLA -2.04% ...

  21. Facebook scrolling jumps forward. : r/firefox

    The problem happens when facebook dynamically loads more posts when you get near the bottom of the page. It appears that the firefox page scroll attempts to keep you at whatever % of the page you are currently on (example 90% to the bottom) rather than wherever you currently are. When facebook loads more posts firefox drops you to 90% of the ...

  22. Turkish Inflation Nears 70% With Peak Likely Around Corner

    Consumer inflation quickened to 69.8% year-on-year, slightly less than expected by analysts but up from 68.5% in March. The median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of economists was just over 70% ...

  23. Facebook news feed jumping and scrolling by itself : r/facebook

    Firefox for the browser and Duck, Duck, Go for the search engine. I'll occasionally use Safari if a website chokes on Firefox but those are becoming quite rare. Lots of stuff on the web about it now. Looks to be a change Meta made to its Facebook page and affects even older versions of Safari.