Driver Binaries

To run automation based on the WebDriver protocol you need to have browser drivers set up that translate the automation commands and are able to execute them in the browser.

Automated setup ​

With WebdriverIO v8.14 and above there is no need to manually download and setup any browser drivers anymore as this is handled by WebdriverIO. All you have to do is specify the browser you want to test and WebdriverIO will do the rest.

Customizing the level of automation ​

WebdriverIO's have three levels of automation:

1. Download and install the browser using @puppeteer/browsers .

If you specify a browserName / browserVersion combination in the capabilities configuration, WebdriverIO will download and install the requested combination, regardless of whether there's an existing installation on the machine. If you omit browserVersion , WebdriverIO will first try to locate and use an existing installation with locate-app , otherwise it will download and install the current stable browser release. For more details on browserVersion , see here .

Automated browser setup does not support Microsoft Edge. Currently, only Chrome, Chromium and Firefox are supported.

If you have a browser installation on a location that cannot be auto-detected by WebdriverIO, you can specify the browser binary which will disable the automated download and installation.

2. Download and install the driver using Chromedriver , Edgedriver or Geckodriver .

WebdriverIO will always do this, unless driver binary is specified in the configuration:

WebdriverIO won't automatically download Safari driver as it is already installed on macOS.

Avoid specifying a binary for the browser and omitting the corresponding driver binary or vice-versa. If only one of the binary values is specified, WebdriverIO will try to use or download a browser/driver compatible with it. However, in some scenarios it may result in an incompatible combination. Therefore, it's recommended that you always specify both to avoid any problems caused by version incompatibilities.

3. Start/stop the driver.

By default, WebdriverIO will automatically start and stop the driver using an arbitrary unused port. Specifying any of the following configuration will disable this feature which means you'll need to manually start and stop the driver:

  • Any value for port .
  • Any value different from the default for protocol , hostname , path .
  • Any value for both user and key .

Manual setup ​

The following describes how you can still set up each driver individually. You can find a list with all drivers in the awesome-selenium README.

If you are looking to set up mobile and other UI platforms, have a look into our Appium Setup guide.

Chromedriver ​

To automate Chrome you can download Chromedriver directly on the project website or through the NPM package:

You can then start it via:

Geckodriver ​

To automate Firefox download the latest version of geckodriver for your environment and unpack it in your project directory:

  • Windows (64 bit / Chocolatey)
  • Windows (64 bit / Powershell) DevTools

MacOS (64 bit):

Note: Other geckodriver releases are available here . After download you can start the driver via:

Edgedriver ​

You can download the driver for Microsoft Edge on the project website or as NPM package via:

Safaridriver ​

Safaridriver comes pre-installed on your MacOS and can be started directly via:

  • Customizing the level of automation
  • Chromedriver
  • Geckodriver
  • Safaridriver

Welcome! How can I help?

Safaridriver Packages


WebdriverIO service to start & stop Safaridriver


Node.js binding for selenium browser drivers. Sets up your system environment and keeps drivers up to date for various browsers and operating systems.


Controls Safari on OSX using the WebDriver interface via safaridriver without Selenium.


Node.js package to extract YouTube video titles and corresponding URLs for a specific channel and write the information to CSV and txt files with sections to mark a particular video as watched, to mark a video for rewatching, and for taking notes.


An NPM wrapper for handling the Safaridriver binary.

  • Appium Clients
  • Appium Plugins
  • Appium-Related Tools
  • More Resources

Appium Drivers

You can't use Appium without at least one driver! Click on the link for each driver to see the specific installation instructions and documentation for that driver.

Generally, drivers can be installed using their listed installation key, with the following command: appium driver install <installation key>

To learn more about drivers, check out the Driver Intro .

Official Drivers ¶

These drivers are currently maintained by the Appium team:

Other Drivers ¶

These drivers are not maintained by the Appium team and can be used to target additional platforms:

If you maintain an Appium driver that you would like to be listed in the Appium docs, feel free to make a PR to add it to this section with a link to the driver documentation.

Class SafariDriver

Nested class summary, nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.openqa.selenium.remote. remotewebdriver, nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium. webdriver, constructor summary, method summary, methods inherited from class org.openqa.selenium.remote. remotewebdriver, methods inherited from class java.lang. object, methods inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium. hasdownloads, methods inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium. javascriptexecutor, constructor details, safaridriver, method details, setpermissions, getpermissions, attachdebugger, setfiledetector.

  • FileDetector
  • LocalFileDetector
  • UselessFileDetector
  • safaridriver
  • 0 Dependencies
  • 3 Dependents

Safaridriver for Node.js

A Node.js untility to manage Safaridriver sessions.

The Safaridriver utility is used to launch an HTTP server that implements the WebDriver REST API. When launched, Safaridriver allows for automated testing of web content using the version of Safari that is installed with macOS.

To install the package, run:

To start a Safaridriver server, import the package and run:

Specifies the port on which the HTTP server should listen for incoming connections. If the port is already in use or otherwise unavailable, Safaridriver will exit immediately with a non-zero return code.

Type: number Default: 4444

Path to Safaridriver binary.

Type: string Default: /usr/bin/safaridriver


If set to true , it will start the Safaridriver for Safari Technology Preview. Make sure you have it installed by installing Safari Technology Preview on Apple's offical website .

Type: boolean Default: false

Applies configuration changes so that subsequent WebDriver sessions will run without further authentication. This includes checking "Enable Remote Automation" in Safari's Develop menu. The user must authenticate via password for the changes to be applied.

When this option is specified, safaridriver exits immediately without starting up the REST API service. If the changes were successful or already applied, safaridriver exits 0; otherwise, safaridriver exits >0 and prints an error message to stderr.

Enables diagnostic logging for all sessions hosted by this safaridriver instance.

For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage .

  • webdriverio

Package Sidebar

npm i safaridriver


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Unpacked size, total files, last publish.

4 months ago



Introduction ​

Each version of Playwright needs specific versions of browser binaries to operate. You will need to use the Playwright CLI to install these browsers.

With every release, Playwright updates the versions of the browsers it supports, so that the latest Playwright would support the latest browsers at any moment. It means that every time you update Playwright, you might need to re-run the install CLI command.

Install browsers ​

Playwright can install supported browsers. Running the command without arguments will install the default browsers.

You can also install specific browsers by providing an argument:

See all supported browsers:

Install system dependencies ​

System dependencies can get installed automatically. This is useful for CI environments.

You can also install the dependencies for a single browser by passing it as an argument:

It's also possible to combine install-deps with install so that the browsers and OS dependencies are installed with a single command.

See system requirements for officially supported operating systems.

Update Playwright regularly ​

By keeping your Playwright version up to date you will be able to use new features and test your app on the latest browser versions and catch failures before the latest browser version is released to the public.

Check the release notes to see what the latest version is and what changes have been released.

Configure Browsers ​

Playwright can run tests on Chromium, WebKit and Firefox browsers as well as branded browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. It can also run on emulated tablet and mobile devices. See the registry of device parameters for a complete list of selected desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Run tests on different browsers ​

Playwright can run your tests in multiple browsers and configurations by setting up projects in the config. You can also add different options for each project.

Playwright will run all projects by default.

Use the --project command line option to run a single project.

The VS Code test runner runs your tests on the default browser of Chrome. To run on other/multiple browsers click the play button's dropdown from the testing sidebar and choose another profile or modify the default profile by clicking Select Default Profile and select the browsers you wish to run your tests on.

selecting browsers

Choose a specific profile, various profiles or all profiles to run tests on.

choosing default profiles

For Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and other Chromium-based browsers, by default, Playwright uses open source Chromium builds. Since the Chromium project is ahead of the branded browsers, when the world is on Google Chrome N, Playwright already supports Chromium N+1 that will be released in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge a few weeks later.

Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge ​

While Playwright can download and use the recent Chromium build, it can operate against the branded Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers available on the machine (note that Playwright doesn't install them by default). In particular, the current Playwright version will support Stable and Beta channels of these browsers.

Available channels are chrome , msedge , chrome-beta , msedge-beta or msedge-dev .

Certain Enterprise Browser Policies may impact Playwright's ability to launch and control Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Running in an environment with browser policies is outside of the Playwright project's scope.

Installing Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge ​

If Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge is not available on your machine, you can install them using the Playwright command line tool:

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge installations will be installed at the default global location of your operating system overriding your current browser installation.

Run with the --help option to see a full a list of browsers that can be installed.

When to use Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge and when not to? ​

Using the default Playwright configuration with the latest Chromium is a good idea most of the time. Since Playwright is ahead of Stable channels for the browsers, it gives peace of mind that the upcoming Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge releases won't break your site. You catch breakage early and have a lot of time to fix it before the official Chrome update.

Regression testing ​

Having said that, testing policies often require regression testing to be performed against the current publicly available browsers. In this case, you can opt into one of the stable channels, "chrome" or "msedge" .

Media codecs ​

Another reason for testing using official binaries is to test functionality related to media codecs. Chromium does not have all the codecs that Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge are bundling due to various licensing considerations and agreements. If your site relies on this kind of codecs (which is rarely the case), you will also want to use the official channel.

Enterprise policy ​

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge respect enterprise policies, which include limitations to the capabilities, network proxy, mandatory extensions that stand in the way of testing. So if you are part of the organization that uses such policies, it is easiest to use bundled Chromium for your local testing, you can still opt into stable channels on the bots that are typically free of such restrictions.

Playwright's Firefox version matches the recent Firefox Stable build. Playwright doesn't work with the branded version of Firefox since it relies on patches.

Playwright's WebKit version matches the recent WebKit trunk build, before it is used in Apple Safari and other WebKit-based browsers. This gives a lot of lead time to react on the potential browser update issues. Playwright doesn't work with the branded version of Safari since it relies on patches. Instead you can test against the recent WebKit build.

Install behind a firewall or a proxy ​

By default, Playwright downloads browsers from Microsoft's CDN.

Sometimes companies maintain an internal proxy that blocks direct access to the public resources. In this case, Playwright can be configured to download browsers via a proxy server.

If the requests of the proxy get intercepted with a custom untrusted certificate authority (CA) and it yields to Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain while downloading the browsers, you must set your custom root certificates via the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable before installing the browsers:

If your network is slow to connect to Playwright browser archive, you can increase the connection timeout in milliseconds with PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT environment variable:

Download from artifact repository ​

Sometimes companies maintain an internal artifact repository to host browser binaries. In this case, Playwright can be configured to download from a custom location using the PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST env variable.

It is also possible to use a per-browser download hosts using PLAYWRIGHT_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD_HOST , PLAYWRIGHT_FIREFOX_DOWNLOAD_HOST and PLAYWRIGHT_WEBKIT_DOWNLOAD_HOST env variables that take precedence over PLAYWRIGHT_DOWNLOAD_HOST .

Managing browser binaries ​

Playwright downloads Chromium, WebKit and Firefox browsers into the OS-specific cache folders:

  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ms-playwright on Windows
  • ~/Library/Caches/ms-playwright on MacOS
  • ~/.cache/ms-playwright on Linux

These browsers will take a few hundred megabytes of disk space when installed:

You can override default behavior using environment variables. When installing Playwright, ask it to download browsers into a specific location:

When running Playwright scripts, ask it to search for browsers in a shared location.

Playwright keeps track of packages that need those browsers and will garbage collect them as you update Playwright to the newer versions.

Developers can opt-in in this mode via exporting PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH=$HOME/pw-browsers in their .bashrc .

Hermetic install ​

You can opt into the hermetic install and place binaries in the local folder:

PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH does not change installation path for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Stale browser removal ​

Playwright keeps track of the clients that use its browsers. When there are no more clients that require a particular version of the browser, that version is deleted from the system. That way you can safely use Playwright instances of different versions and at the same time, you don't waste disk space for the browsers that are no longer in use.

To opt-out from the unused browser removal, you can set the PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_GC=1 environment variable.

Uninstall browsers ​

This will remove the browsers (chromium, firefox, webkit) of the current Playwright installation:

To remove browsers of other Playwright installations as well, pass --all flag:

  • Introduction
  • Install browsers
  • Install system dependencies
  • Update Playwright regularly
  • Run tests on different browsers
  • Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge
  • Install behind a firewall or a proxy
  • Download from artifact repository
  • Hermetic install
  • Stale browser removal
  • Uninstall browsers

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WebdriverIO service to start & stop SafariDriver


Folders and files, repository files navigation.

⚠️ DEPRECATION WARNING: This service got deprecated and is no longer maintained. If you use WebdriverIO v8.14 or higher. We recommend to remove the service as dependency and from your WebdriverIO configuration as it is no longer needed. For more information, please read this blog post .

WDIO SafariDriver Service

This service helps you to run the Safari browser seamlessly when running tests with the WDIO testrunner . It uses the /usr/bin/safaridriver that comes with Safari/OSX.

Note - this service does not require a Selenium server, but uses the /usr/bin/safaridriver to communicate with the browser directly. Obvisously, it only supports:


The easiest way is to keep wdio-safaridriver-service as a devDependency in your package.json .

You can simple do it by:

Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO can be found here.

Configure Safari to Enable WebDriver Support

Safari’s WebDriver support for developers is turned off by default. How you enable it depends on your operating system.

High Sierra and later

Run safaridriver --enable once. (If you’re upgrading from a previous macOS release, you may need to use sudo.)

Sierra and earlier

If you haven’t already done so, make the Develop menu available. Choose Safari > Preferences, and on the Advanced tab, select “Show Develop menu in menu bar.” For details, see Safari Help .

Choose Develop > Allow Remote Automation.

Authorize safaridriver to launch the XPC service that hosts the local web server. To permit this, manually run /usr/bin/safaridriver once and follow the authentication prompt.


By design, only Safari is available, and will only work on Mac OS. In order to use the service you need to add safaridriver to your service array:

The port on which the driver should run on.

Example: 4444 Type: number

Array of arguments to pass to the safaridriver executable. -p will use wdioConfig.port if not specified.

Type: string[]

The path where the output of the Safaridriver server should be stored (uses the config.outputDir by default when not set).

Type: string


The name of the log file to be written in outputDir.

For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage .

Contributors 4

  • TypeScript 99.7%


  1. How to set up SafariDriver and run automation test in Safari

    safari driver npm

  2. SafariDriver: How to Run Selenium Tests in Safari

    safari driver npm

  3. node.js

    safari driver npm

  4. cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller

    safari driver npm

  5. Safari Driver Guide Emillian

    safari driver npm

  6. Safari driver Zubery

    safari driver npm


  1. Alleppey SUNSET

  2. 15. Smile (Feat. Jay Kim)

  3. Driver Safari 400 Watt Modif QUASI NPN

  4. Safari driver helped the Buddhist monk on a three-wheeler #elephant #safari #threewheeler #wildlife

  5. An experienced safari driver who knows how to manage unexpected situations #foryou #srilanka

  6. driver safari full modif bias servo (SB-108)


  1. appium-safari-driver

    Appium Safari Driver. This is Appium driver for automating Safari on macOS and iOS since version 13.The driver only supports Safari automation using W3C WebDriver protocol.Under the hood this driver is a wrapper/proxy over Apple's safaridriver binary. Check the output of man safaridriver command to get more details on the supported features and possible pitfalls.

  2. About WebDriver for Safari

    The driver is available in Safari 10 or later. Isolated Automation Windows. Test execution is confined to special automation windows that are isolated from normal browsing windows, user settings, and preferences. You can recognize these windows by their orange Smart Search field. Like a private browsing session, an automation session always ...

  3. How to Run Selenium Tests on Safari using SafariDriver

    Running Selenium Tests on Safari using SafariDriver. Prior to Safari automation, enable the Remote Automation feature from the developer menu. To do so, enable the Safari Developer menu first with the steps below: Go to Safari -> Preferences -> Advanced. Tick mark the Checkbox with the label - Show Develop menu in menu bar.

  4. WebDriver

    Use WebDriver to write robust, comprehensive tests and run them against any browser that has a WebDriver-compliant driver, including Safari.

  5. Testing with WebDriver in Safari

    Choose Safari > Preferences, and on the Advanced tab, select "Show Develop menu in menu bar.". For details, see Safari Help. Choose Develop > Allow Remote Automation. Authorize safaridriver to launch the XPC service that hosts the local web server. To permit this, manually run /usr/bin/safaridriver once and follow the authentication prompt.

  6. appium-safari-driver

    Appium Safari Driver. This is Appium driver for automating Safari on macOS and iOS since version 13.The driver only supports Safari automation using W3C WebDriver protocol.Under the hood this driver is a wrapper/proxy over Apple's safaridriver binary. Check the output of man safaridriver command to get more details on the supported features and possible pitfalls.

  7. How to import safari webdriver from selenium npm package?

    I am trying to load webpage in Safari via Webdriver in Selenium. As per Selenium documentation Safari is inbuilt, but not able to find any docs on how to do that in NodeJS.. Selenium officially supported browser list: There is sample code of usage on chrome driver as below:

  8. An NPM wrapper for Safaridriver binary on MacOS

    When launched, Safaridriver allows for automated testing of web content using the version of Safari that is installed with macOS. Install To install the package, run:

  9. appium/appium-safari-driver: Safari browser support for Appium

    Appium Safari Driver. This is Appium driver for automating Safari on macOS and iOS since version 13 . The driver only supports Safari automation using W3C WebDriver protocol . Under the hood this driver is a wrapper/proxy over Apple's safaridriver binary. Check the output of man safaridriver command to get more details on the supported features ...

  10. Appium-safari-driver NPM

    Appium Safari Driver. This is Appium driver for automating Safari on macOS and iOS since version 13.The driver only supports Safari automation using W3C WebDriver protocol.Under the hood this driver is a wrapper/proxy over Apple's safaridriver binary. Check the output of man safaridriver command to get more details on the supported features and possible pitfalls.

  11. Driver Binaries

    WebdriverIO's have three levels of automation: 1. Download and install the browser using @puppeteer/browsers. If you specify a browserName / browserVersion combination in the capabilities configuration, WebdriverIO will download and install the requested combination, regardless of whether there's an existing installation on the machine.

  12. Safaridriver

    Sets up your system environment and keeps drivers up to date for various browsers and operating systems. ... driver chromedriver geckodriver safaridriver IEDriverServer. 2.1.0 • Published 7 years ago grunt-safaridriver. Controls Safari on OSX using the WebDriver interface via safaridriver without Selenium. ... An NPM wrapper for handling the ...

  13. Appium Drivers

    Click on the link for each driver to see the specific installation instructions and documentation for that driver. Generally, drivers can be installed using their listed installation key, with the following command: appium driver install <installation key>. To learn more about drivers, check out the Driver Intro.

  14. SafariDriver

    public class SafariDriver extends RemoteWebDriver implements HasPermissions, HasDebugger. A WebDriver implementation that controls Safari using a browser extension (consequently, only Safari 5.1+ is supported). This driver can be configured using the SafariOptions class.

  15. safaridriver

    An NPM wrapper for handling the Safaridriver binary.. Latest version: 0.0.4, last published: 4 months ago. Start using safaridriver in your project by running `npm i safaridriver`. ... This includes checking "Enable Remote Automation" in Safari's Develop menu. The user must authenticate via password for the changes to be applied.

  16. Browsers

    The VS Code test runner runs your tests on the default browser of Chrome. To run on other/multiple browsers click the play button's dropdown from the testing sidebar and choose another profile or modify the default profile by clicking Select Default Profile and select the browsers you wish to run your tests on.. Choose a specific profile, various profiles or all profiles to run tests on.

  17. webdriverio-community/wdio-safaridriver-service

    If you haven't already done so, make the Develop menu available. Choose Safari > Preferences, and on the Advanced tab, select "Show Develop menu in menu bar." For details, see Safari Help. Choose Develop > Allow Remote Automation. Authorize safaridriver to launch the XPC service that hosts the local web server.

  18. Package

    Appium Safari Driver. This is Appium driver for automating Safari on macOS and iOS since version 13.The driver only supports Safari automation using W3C WebDriver protocol.Under the hood this driver is a wrapper/proxy over Apple's safaridriver binary. Check the output of man safaridriver command to get more details on the supported features and possible pitfalls.