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Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer

Elspeth Tirel, knight errant, sun's champion, and all-around awesome Planeswalker, led the humans of Theros to a great victory over Mogis's trampling horde of minotaurs. Her reward?


But Elspeth is a hero, and a great one at that, so when the sun god Heliod called upon her, she answered...


The call for heroes has gone out. Will you join Elspeth and travel to Nyx? Will you, this weekend, Forge a Godslayer to kill a god?

The Prerelease Experience

The hero's path, journey into nyx mechanics.

Deicide | Art by Jason Chan

A Prerelease is your first chance to play with cards from a new set (in this case, Journey into Nyx !). In this section, I'll walk you through the basics of attending one. (If you've been to Prereleases before, feel free to skip down to The Hero's Path .) At a Prerelease, players of all play levels mingle in a friendly, low-stress environment. So let's go through what to do and expect.

First, find a store . Hopefully, one is near you! Once you've done that, contact the store and find out if it does preregistration. If it does, preregister. Prerelease events across the globe have been selling out for a while now, so it behooves you to preregister if your store allows!

On the day of the Prerelease, make sure to pack some essentials with you:

  • Water and snacks. Fuel up; play better!
  • Cards. People bring decks to play and cards to trade at Prereleases, so make sure to bring yours as well!
  • Sleeves. Protect your cards from sticky tables and spilled drinks!
  • Accoutrements. Dice, tokens, paper, pencils—that sort of thing. Bring something to track counters, creatures, and life totals. Yes, your store will have a lot of these things, but it's always better to be prepared.

All that might seem obvious, but don't be That Person, always borrowing supplies from others.

Seeded Deck

The main event at a Prerelease is the Seeded Deck tournament, a version of Sealed Deck. Like the Theros and Born of the Gods Prereleases before it, the Journey into Nyx Prerelease will feature seeded packs. We'll come back to that , but the important thing to know is that your Prerelease Pack's seeded pack will help you play the color you want to play—it's still not a guarantee, though.

Seeded Deck is based on Sealed Deck, a kind of Magic (known, along with drafting, as "Limited") where you build a deck out of cards you open at that particular Prerelease. In the case of the Journey into Nyx Prerelease, that is one seeded pack and five booster packs (two Journey into Nyx , one Born of the Gods , and two Theros ). You open up all those packs and that becomes your pool, from which you build your deck. The basic guidelines and advice for building a seeded deck are:

  • At least forty cards. You can play more, but you can't play less. (Playing forty exactly makes your deck more consistent, but some people point out that adding an extra land for forty-one cards helps your mana percentages. Which way you go is up to you!)
  • Twenty-three spells and seventeen lands. Of those twenty-three spells, you want sixteen or seventeen creatures, with the balance in removal or support spells.
  • Two colors. Stick to two colors no matter what! Okay, "no matter what" doesn't really apply to Magic . If you have enough playable cards in one color you can go monocolored, but because every color in Magic has its weaknesses, adding a second color helps you shore up where your deck might struggle. Adding a third, fourth, or fifth color challenges your deck's mana base, though, leading to inconsistencies. On the other hand, if you get enough Temples, go for it! Sometimes, playing Five-Color Good Stuff is the right (or at least most fun) strategy.

Two-Headed Giant

Some stores also support a version of Seeded Deck called Two-Headed Giant (often abbreviated "2HG"), where two players team up against other pairs of players. Each pair gets two Prerelease Packs (they don't have to be the same ones, even!) from which the players build their decks. Your tournament organizer can tell you more about 2HG if your store supports it.

Open Dueling

Play with more Journey into Nyx cards by getting involved in Open Dueling. In this side event, you get an Intro Pack and use it to do battle against others participating in Open Dueling, including those playing in the main tournament who are between rounds! This is a great way to learn more about Magic if you're new to the game, and for experienced players it's also an excellent way to teach newer players or help them get better. Also? It's just a lot of fun.

Godsend | Art by Daniel Ljunggren

(Quick Aside. One of the hardest parts of writing these primers is not getting completely distracted by the new set's gorgeous art. End Aside.)

Once again, Experience Designer Dave Guskin and his team came up with a really cool play experience for us. And, I mean, check out what it's called:

Forge a Godslayer

The Journey into Nyx Prerelease presents Quest #7 along the Hero's Path, "Forge a Godslayer." This one is a little involved, so let's walk through it.

First, you have to choose how you want you want forge the weapon. You have five choices, which correspond (not coincidentally) with the five colors in Magic . Here is a handy chart to provide you with an overview:

Once you choose how you want to craft your weapon, you will be provided a Prerelease Pack that looks like this:

Here's a quick list of what you will get in your Prerelease Pack:

  • 2 Journey into Nyx booster packs
  • 1 Born of the Gods booster packs
  • 2 Theros booster packs
  • 1 seeded booster pack
  • 1 promo card
  • 1 Forge a Godslayer activity card
  • 1 Spindown™ life counter
  • 1 welcome letter
  • 1 Hero Card

Your Prerelease Pack is full of neat content, but for right now I'm going to focus on the Hero Card, since it is central to the "Forge a Godslayer" event. That said, your Hero Card isn't played at the Prerelease; it's for the Journey into Nyx Game Day event, which happens May 24–25, 2014.

As an example, let's look at Lash of the Tyrant (because black is the best my favorite color):

If you've seen other Hero Cards, you'll note that this one is a little different. First, it's an Equipment (which Dave Guskin talks about that in his Hero's Path FAQ ). Second, while it has a pretty neat ability, there's an unusual space between the type line and the first line of text for that neat ability. Here's why:

In your Prerelease Pack, you will also receive a Forge a Godslayer activity card with three spaces on it for component stickers. A component sticker is a... well, sticker... that you get after each match (the winner of the match gets first pick from among three, then the loser gets to pick one of the two remaining).

Combine three component stickers in specific ways to create one of seven different enhancements, then hand in your activity card to your tournament organizer to receive the corresponding enhancement sticker. Then you take that sticker and put it on your Hero Card in the blank space as a new permanent ability.

Congratulations! You have created your god-slaying weapon!

Okay, I've covered the Hero Card and the Forge a Godslayer activity card, and the booster packs are self-explanatory. Your welcome letter and Spindown™ life counter are color-coordinated with your Prerelease Pack, as are your promo card and seeded booster pack. I'll talk about that last one in a mo, but for now let me show you what your choices look like , so you have a better sense of what you want to pick:

If your weapon is Forged in Glory (white), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in Intellect (blue), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in Tyranny (black), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in War (red), you get:

If your weapon is Forged in Pursuit (green), you get:

You can play your promo card in your deck at the Prerelease, which should help you play the color you picked for your Prerelease Pack. And speaking of helping you play that color, your seeded pack contains a selection of Journey into Nyx cards weighted toward the chosen color. So, for example, if you pick Forged in Tyranny (black), you will get a seeded pack with mostly (but not exclusively) black cards in it, all from Journey into Nyx , including one rare. Oh but wait! That rare can actually be a mythic rare God card that shares the color you picked (but no other mythic rare).

Final note for your Prerelease Pack: You are not in any way required to choose the color for Journey into Nyx that corresponds to your path(s) or destiny(s) for Theros or Born of the Gods (if you went to either or both of those Prereleases).

Mechanics of Journey into Nyx

Solidarity of Heroes | Art by Eric Deschamps

Once again, helpful editor and steward of Uncharted Realms, Kelly Digges, has provided us with an overview of the mechanics of Journey into Nyx . Each section here provides a link to the appropriate mechanic in the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article, in case you want to know more.

Constellation: Enchantments with constellation abilities represent the divine constellations that fill the night sky of Theros .An enchantment's constellation ability triggers every time it or another enchantment enters the battlefield under your control. For more details, see the constellation section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Strive: As you cast a spell with strive , you can choose any number of targets, paying an additional cost for each target beyond the first. For more details, see the strive section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Bestow: A creature with bestow gives you the option to cast it as an Aura that enchants a creature, granting that creature its power, toughness, and abilities. For more details, see the bestow section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Heroic: A creature with a heroic ability gives you powerful benefits every time you cast a spell that targets it. For more details, see the heroic section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Scry: Scry is a keyword action that always has a number associated with it. To scry , look at that many cards from the top of your library, put as many of them as you want on the bottom of your library, and leave the rest on top in any order you choose. For more details, see the scry section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Monstrosity: A creature with monstrosity lets you pay a one-time cost to grant it greater power and toughness, sometimes with additional abilities and effects. For more details, see the monstrosity section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Gods: Each God in Born of the Gods is two colors and manifests as a creature if your devotion to its two colors is high enough. Your devotion to two colors is the total number of mana symbols of those colors among the mana costs of permanents you control. For more details, see the Gods section of the "Mechanics of Journey into Nyx " article.

Begin Your Journey!

I hope this primer has helped you ready yourself for the Journey into Nyx Prerelease. Remember to preregister if your store allows it!

We are always looking for ways to improve the primers, so if there is anything you particularly like or dislike, please feel free to send me an email (at the link below) or tweet at me . It's hard to balance the primer to be helpful for both new and experienced players, so let us know how we're doing!

Speaking of the article and "us," although I am the lone author, putting together a Prerelease Primer is definitely a group effort that reaches all across the building's fourth (brand, organized play, web, legal, sales) and third (R&D) floors. I couldn't do it without everyone's help, so... thanks teams! :)

And to bring this back around to the "you," if you've read this far and want to delve even deeper, there's a lot of advice out there on how to build great sealed decks and on playing Limited Magic in general. Here are some of my favorite advice articles about Limited from DailyMTG:

  • " How I Break Down My Sealed Pool "
  • " Prerelease Prerogatives "
  • " Sealed Deck Reality Check "
  • " Foundations "
  • Nate Price's Price of Progress series
  • " Prerelease Primer " (the original!)

Good luck; have fun!

Choose Your Path: My Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer

With the Prerelease taking place this upcoming weekend, Melissa dives into what's you should expect and how things work. Find out what she thinks of each of the colors and their Prerelease promos before you start busting your packs.

By Melissa DeTora | @MelissaDeTora | Published 2/7/2023 | 13 min read

The Journey into Nyx Prerelease is happening this weekend and today I'm going to talk about the Prerelease packs with the hope that I can guide you in choosing the color that's right for you. Many of you may know that Prereleases no longer use the traditional Sealed Deck format that is used for Grand Prix and PTQs but instead use a special Prerelease pack that is weighted toward one particular color. This format is now known as "Seeded Deck" because of the special seeded booster pack that is used for the event. These Prerelease packs have been in place since Return to Ravnica block and have been widely popular among players of all types.

In addition to actually playing Magic at the Prerelease, the Journey into Nyx Prerelease also offers a sort of a mini-game. For quest #7 in the Hero's Path, you get to Forge a Godslayer. The path you choose corresponds with the five colors in Magic and your prerelease pack will contain a new Hero card and an activity card if you wish to participate. It's pretty fun, even if you're more of a competitive player. For more information on the Hero's Path, check out this Prerelease Primer that was published on the Mothership a few days ago.

Before we begin, it's important to know what's actually in your Prerelease pack. For Journey into Nyx, each Prerelease pack contains:

2 Journey into Nyx booster packs 1 Born of the Gods booster packs 2 Theros booster packs 1 seeded booster pack 1 promo card 1 Forge a Godslayer activity card 1 Spindown life counter 1 welcome letter 1 Hero Card

For our actual matches, all we care about are our booster packs, seeded pack, and promo card. The rest of the stuff is pretty cool but we won't need that stuff while playing our games.

The first thing to note is that we will be playing with one booster pack of Born of the Gods and two booster packs of Theros. That means that we will only have three packs of new cards to work with. Opening two packs of Theros is huge and should definitely influence your color decision. Theros strategies such as black devotion or white heroic will be present at the Journey into Nyx Prerelease, so keep that in mind when choosing your color.

We'll only be using one Born of the Gods pack. Receiving packs from the middle set is something that is pretty new for Prereleases. In the past, the third set of a block would be paired only with the large set of the block and the middle set would be left out completely. For example, at the Dissension Prerelease, we got a starter deck of Ravnica along with three Dissension boosters and no Guildpact boosters at all. The point of the Prerelease was to play with the new cards and giving Guildpact boosters didn't make much sense. These days, Wizards wants us to play with the entire block as a whole, so they include all of the sets in the Prerelease pack.

The seeded booster will be weighted toward the color you choose, but keep in mind that there will be other colors represented in the pack as well. You will receive an on-color rare no matter what unless you open a mythic in your pack, which can only be a god of your color. Since the gods in Journey into Nyx are multicolored, there's no guarantee that you'll even be able to play the god you open. Additionally, your seeded booster pack will only contain about 50% on-color cards, so don't be surprised if you're forced to play a different color.

The Prerelease pack will also contain a promo card in your color. Being guaranteed a bomb rare is always nice to have at a Prerelease and a very good incentive to actually play the color you choose. Unlike Prereleases years ago, you are allowed to play with your Prerelease card which may be confusing if you're an old school player who is just getting back into the game.

So what Prerelease pack should you choose? Let's go over each color below. White

journey into nyx prerelease kit

Promo Card: Dawnbringer Charioteers

I think that Dawnbringer Charioteers is great and with the white commons being as deep as they are in Theros Block, white is a very solid choice. You have access to the heroic creatures like Wingsteed Rider and some great bestow creatures like Hopeful Eidolon and Observant Alseid . Born of the Gods won't give you much besides Akroan Skyguard , and with only one pack of Born to work with, it's unlikely that that it will be helpful.

There are a lot of great removal options in white, including one of my favorite new cards, Banishing Light . Reprisal is also great and just what white needed in this block. Excoriate and Divine Verdict are fine, but Reprisal is half the mana cost and can be cast at any time while the other spells each have restrictions. Compare Reprisal to the unplayable Vanquish the Foul . It's easy to see that Reprisal is quite the upgrade. Oppressive Rays is a situational removal spell that can give you some great tempo and can be amazing in an aggro deck but terrible in the late game. I'd play it in a very aggressive heroic deck but would cut it if my deck is more midrangey. I think the card is much better in draft than sealed. Armament of Nyx is a pretty good Pacifism-type card, as long as the enchanted creature isn't an enchantment. Overall, white has a lot of removal for a small set.

While white's common creatures aren't all that impressive, the white combat tricks in Journey into Nyx are great. We have Ajani's Presence at common. It's a great heroic enabler and good at any stage of the game. The card can be a blowout if you target even two creatures with it, and if you are able to save three creatures in combat, then it will be really hard for your opponent to recover. Blue

journey into nyx prerelease kit

Promo Card: Scourge of Fleets

Scourge of Fleets looks kind of bad at a first glance. It's seven mana for a 6/6 with no evasion of any kind, but it's triggered ability can win the game on the spot. By turn seven you're going to have at least three Islands in play and you're probably going to return most of your opponent's board to their hand. The 6/6 body can easily deal with whatever creature didn't get bounced. I think the card is pretty good and if you want to play blue, Scourge of Fleets is the reason to.

I really like all of the blue tricks in Theros and Born of the Gods such as Crypsis , Voyage's End , and Griptide , but I don't think blue is a very good main color for the prerelease. Most of the creatures are unimpressive. Blue didn't really need any more Snapping Drake s or 2/4 creatures for four mana. Blue is super slow and feels like only a support color to me. Two 2/2 flyers for six mana? We were making two 2/2 flyers for four mana in M13!

We do get a new bounce spell, Hubris , and even a pseudo-removal spell in Pin to the Earth . I also think that War-Wing Siren is pretty good and Triton Cavalry can be great in the right deck, but that's still not a reason for me to choose blue at the Prerelease. I'd rather choose white and hope to open the blue heroic creatures.

While I do like Scourge of Fleets , I'm not very impressed with blue overall. It's really sad too because blue was my first choice in Born of the Gods. While I would absolutely play blue cards at the prerelease, I'd rather not choose it for my Prerelease pack. Black

journey into nyx prerelease kit

Promo Card: Doomwake Giant

I think that Doomwake Giant is awesome and even has potential to see constructed play. Giving your opponent's team -1/-1 whenever an enchantment comes into play is very strong and can even be a mini Wrath of God in some decks. There are lots of ways to make Enchantment tokens in Born of the Gods and in Journey into Nyx, so this guy can do some work in the right deck. He's also a 4/6 creature for only five mana which is quite sizeable.

There is a lot of black removal in Journey into Nyx. Spiteful Blow , Nyx Infusion, Nightmarish End , and Feast of Dreams are just some of the ways that we can kill creatures in black, and that's not even counting the rares! Theros and Born of the Gods also offer plenty of ways to destroy creatures in Pharika's Cure, Asphyxiate, and Lash of the Whip just to name a few. If you want to play a removal-heavy deck, black is the color to be in.

Black is very deep in this set. I really like most of the creatures including Grim Guardian and Thoughtrender Lamia. My vote for sleeper card of the set for limited is Tormented Thoughts. It may look bad because you have to spend two cards to cast it but it can make your opponent discard their entire hand! A three mana Mind Twist is a limited bomb and I'll be definitely playing it in my deck if I open one. Red

journey into nyx prerelease kit

Promo Card: Spawn of Thraxes

We were really spoiled back in 2001 when were able to play with Flametongue Kavu. Flametongue Kavu was so good that most creatures with four or less toughness were unplayable because they just died to it. These days, we have to pay seven mana for our Flametongue Kavus and we need to control a bunch of Mountains to kill something relevant. Don't get me wrong, Spawn of Thraxes is still very good. The flying makes this guy a bomb but even without it, it would still be very playable.

Red is a very aggressive color in Theros and Born on the Gods draft, which makes it a weaker color in sealed compared to the other colors. You really don't want to be playing too many 2/1s for two in sealed, and unfortunately that's what red is all about. I do like a lot of red cards in Journey into Nyx however.

First, I really like Flurry of Horns . It provides four power with haste for only five mana in the form of two creatures. They are also minotaurs which can provide some synergy with Kragma Warcaller or Rageblood Shaman from Theros. I also like Magma Spray a lot and I think it's just the card that red needed. Forgeborn Oreads is another excellent card. I wish it was a 3/3 instead of a more fragile 4/2, but its ability is quite powerful. Of course it's not as good as Doomwake Giant , but this guy definitely has the potential to Pyroclasm your opponent's board which is very strong in limited. Riddle of Lightning is a reprint but it was amazing in Time Spiral block and I'm sure it will be just as good in Theros block. Finally, I think that Lightning Diadem is pretty good. It's no Galvanic Arc but it is a removal spell nonetheless and can make one of your little 2/1s into an actual threat. Red also has some really nice finishers such as Rouse of the Mob and Blinding Flare .

Red is not the strongest color in the set in my opinion but it's a great support color and pairs very nicely with green or white. I would fault no one for choosing red at the Prerelease. Green

journey into nyx prerelease kit

Promo Card: Heroes' Bane

Heroes' Bane is an upgraded version of Chameleon Colossus . It gets the +1/+1 counters permanently unlike the Colossus which only got bigger until end of turn. Heroes' Bane will get out of hand very quickly and will have to be chump blocked the second time you activate him. There really isn't much removal that kills him either outside of white and black. I think this guy is great and I would be more than happy to have him in my Prerelease deck.

As I was looking through the green cards in the spoiler, I was very impressed. Nearly all of the cards are good. That definitely says a lot about a color if practically all of your cards are playable. The strive mechanic really shines in green. Colossal Heroics , Consign to Dust , and Nature's Panoply all provide card advantage which is something that green usually lacks.

Journey into Nyx also gives green two forms of mana acceleration, Font of Fertility and Golden Hind . Combine that with Voyaging Satyr from Theros and you can build a really good ramp deck. There are lots of strong creatures to ramp into and playing your slow creatures a turn earlier will gain you a huge advantage in a game.

Green has a lot of good creatures at common and uncommon in Journey into Nyx, the most impressive being Goldenhide Ox , Oakheart Dryads , and Humbler of Mortals. All of these guys make use of the constellation mechanic and can make combat really tricky for your opponent. Nessian Game Warden is also really good and is another way to gain card advantage in green.

I like green a lot in this set. Green was already strong in Theros and Born of the Gods and is therefore a great choice for your Prerelease pack. Wrapping Up

I think the best choice for the Journey into Nyx Prerelease is probably black, with white and green not too far behind. Red and blue are pretty weak in my opinion but each have their strengths and are still good support colors. Regardless of which color you choose, with five random booster packs in your pool there is no guarantee that you will even be able to play your color. I am going to be playing in two prereleases this weekend and will be choosing black for the first one and green for the second. I think these colors are very deep and both have excellent, hard to deal with promo cards.

Good luck at your Prerelease this weekend no matter what color you choose!

Melissa DeTora on twitter on Facebook

journey into nyx prerelease kit

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Magic: The Gathering (MTG)- Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack - White - Forged in Glory

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Magic: The Gathering (MTG)- Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack - White - Forged in Glory

Purchase options and add-ons.

  • 2 Journey into Nyx boosters, 1 Born of the Gods booster, 2 Theros booster, 1 Seeded booster pack & 1 Premium promo card, 1 Forge a Godslayer activity card & 1 Spindown life counter, 1 Welcome Letter, 1 Hero Card.

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Magic: The Gathering (MTG)- Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack - White - Forged in Glory

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2 Journey into Nyx boosters, 1 Born of the Gods booster, 2 Theros booster, 1 Seeded booster pack & 1 Premium promo card, 1 Forge a Godslayer activity card & 1 Spindown life counter, 1 Welcome Letter, 1 Hero Card.

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journey into nyx prerelease kit

Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit 5-Pack

  • Wizards of the Coast

Each Kit Contains:

  • 2 Journey into Nyx booster packs
  • 1 Born of the Gods booster packs
  • 2 Theros booster packs
  • 1 seeded booster pack
  • 1 activity insert
  • 1 welcome letter
  • 1 spindown life counter

Estimated ship date is May 1, 2015 PT .

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MtG Journey into Nyx Forged in Glory Pre-Release Pack

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Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in Intellect (Blue)

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Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in Pursuit (Green)

Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in Pursuit (Green)

Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in Pursuit (Green)

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Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit

$ 25.00


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This prerelease kit includes (2) Journey Into Nyx Booster Packs, (1) Born Of The Gods Booster Pack, (2) Theros Booster Packs and (1) Color Themed Booster Pack.

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  3. Magic The Gathering Trading Card Game Journey into Nyx Forged in War

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  2. "Walking Among the Clouds: A Journey to Genting Highlands Temple"?


  1. Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer

    The Journey into Nyx Prerelease presents Quest #7 along the Hero's Path, "Forge a Godslayer." This one is a little involved, so let's walk through it. First, you have to choose how you want you want forge the weapon. You have five choices, which correspond (not coincidentally) with the five colors in Magic.

  2. Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit 5-Pack

    Often used in tournament play at the beginning of a set's release, this Prerelease Kit includes two booster packs from the Journey into Nyx set, one booster pack from the Born of the Gods set, two booster packs from the Theros set, and a seeded booster pack with deck-specific cards and an exclusive alternate art promo card.

  3. Prerelease Kit (Set of 5)

    Journey Into Nyx - Prerelease Kit (Set of 5) - Journey Into Nyx (JOU) Journey Into Nyx. Unopened $137.97. Shipping: Included . Sold by Super Games Inc PRO. 1 . of 1. Add to Cart. View 2 Other Listings As low as $137.97. Sell this . Report a problem . Product Details . Contains one of each Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit.

  4. Journey into Nyx

    Here's a quick list of what you will get in your Prerelease Pack: • 2 Journey into Nyx booster packs • 1 Born of the Gods booster packs • 2 Theros booster packs • 1 seeded booster pack • 1 promo card • 1 Forge a Godslayer ... Magic The Gathering March of The Machine Prerelease Kit - 6 Packs, Dice, Promos. 7 4.3 out of 5 Stars. 7 ...

  5. Journey into Nyx Pre-Release Pack: Forged in Pursuit

    This item: Magic The Gathering - Journey into Nyx Pre-Release Pack: Forged in Pursuit . $32.99 $ 32. 99. Get it Oct 12 - 17. Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Ships from and sold by ToyWiz. + Magic: The Gathering (MTG)- Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack - White - Forged in Glory. $29.99 $ 29. 99.

  6. Choose Your Path: My Journey into Nyx Prerelease Primer

    These Prerelease packs have been in place since Return to Ravnica block and have been widely popular among players of all types. In addition to actually playing Magic at the Prerelease, the Journey into Nyx Prerelease also offers a sort of a mini-game. For quest #7 in the Hero's Path, you get to Forge a Godslayer.

  7. Journey in Nyx Pre-release Pack- Forgerd in War- Red

    Magic the Gathering Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack - Red (6 Booster Packs) Forged of War (Possible Divine Gift???) 2:42. Magic: The Gathering - The Brother's War: Urza's Iron Alliance Prerelease Kit 230. $2694. 3:56. Magic The Gathering Magic: The Gathering The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Prerelease Pack D2399000001EN 177.

  8. Magic: The Gathering (MTG)- Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack

    Magic The Gathering March of The Machine Prerelease Kit - 6 Packs, Dice, Promos 172. $25.40 $ 25. 40. 3:53 . Magic The Gathering March of The Machine Prerelease Kit ... - Journey into Nyx Prerelease Pack - White - Forged in Glory. Share: Found a lower price? Let us know. Although we can't match every price reported, we'll use your feedback to ...

  9. Journey Into Nyx Prerelease

    Journey Into Nyx Prerelease - Forged in War - Journey Into Nyx (JOU) Journey Into Nyx. Unopened $39.92. Shipping: Included . Sold by PowerNine. 1 . of 28. Add to Cart. ... Khans of Tarkir Prerelease Kit - Temur. 2 listings from $39.84. Market Price Unavailable . Magic: The Gathering. Dragons of Tarkir.

  10. Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit

    Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in Pursuit (Green) Out Of Stock $24.95. Add to Wishlist.

  11. Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit 5-Pack Details

    Discover 48 Community discussions, tips, and reviews on Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit 5-Pack from the Trading Card Games enthusiast community on Drop.

  12. MtG Journey into Nyx Forged in Glory Pre-Release Pack

    347 West Route 59. Nanuet NY 10954. 845-624-2224. 2 Journey into Nyx boosters, 1 Born of the Gods booster, 2 Theros booster, 1 Seeded booster pack & 1 Premium promo card, 1 Forge a Godslayer activity card & 1 S.

  13. Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit

    Here at Gators, we strive to meet all your tabletop gaming and hobby needs! Check us out online, or on social media!

  14. Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit

    Geek out and get the best value on MTG Prerelease Kits Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in Pursuit (Green) for only $25.00 at Magelings Games. Fast shipping and great deals. Shop now!

  15. Magic the Gathering Journey Into Nyx Forged In Intellect Prerelease Kit

    Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Magic the Gathering Journey Into Nyx Forged In Intellect Prerelease Kit Blue NEW at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! ... The Gathering Journey into Nyx Blue Individual Trading Card Games in Spanish, Creature Magic: The Gathering Journey into Nyx Blue ...

  16. Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit

    This prerelease kit includes (2) Journey Into Nyx Booster Packs, (1) Born Of The Gods Booster Pack, (2) Theros Booster Packs and (1) Color Themed Booster Pack. Additional information. Weight: 10 oz: Dimensions: 8 × 6 × 2 in: Color: Blue, Red. Reviews . There are no reviews yet.


    Watch us crack Journey into Nyx Pre-Release kits and hit a God Pack!!!Looking for a way to support the channel? Check out our Patreon to sign up! https://ww...

  18. MTG Journey Into Nyx Prerelease Kit Sealed English Set of 5 FREE ...

    This auction is for an English language, factory sealed case of Journey Into Nyx Prerelease kits for Magic: The Gathering (MTG) produced by Wizards of the Coast (WOTC). The case contains 5 kits, and inside each kit are the following: 2 Journey into Nyx booster packs 1 Born of the Gods booster packs 2 Theros booster packs 1 seeded booster pack 1 ...

  19. MTG English Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit

    Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for MTG English Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in War (Red), Brand New, En at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! ... Magic: The Gathering Journey into Nyx Sealed Collectible Card Game Decks & Kits in English, Magic: ...

  20. TCGplayer

    Magic: The Gathering Journey Into Nyx Price Guide. Magic: The Gathering Journey Into Nyx Price Guide Magic . Yu-Gi-Oh! Pokémon . Disney Lorcana . One Piece . Digimon . Flesh and Blood ... Guild Kits; JingHe Age Token Cards; Magic Game Night; Ultimate Masters; Ultimate Masters: Box Toppers; Ravnica Allegiance; MagicFest Cards; Renaissance;

  21. Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit

    Journey into Nyx Prerelease Kit - Forged in Tyranny (Black) Out Of Stock $24.95. Add to Wishlist.

  22. Journey into Nyx Intro Pack The Wilds and the Deep-sealed ...

    Journey into Nyx Sealed Cheapest Newest. $ 32. -. Journey into Nyx Intro Pack The Wilds and the Deep-sealed card price from Journey into Nyx (JOU) for Magic: the Gathering (MTG) and Magic Online (MTGO).