Vargis Khan

Best Itinerary for Kashmir Trip – How to Plan your Itinerary

itinerary for kashmir trip

In this post, I will share a few examples of an itinerary for Kashmir trip. It is one of the most common questions I get asked by people wanted to visit Kashmir. So hopefully, the information below can be of some help.

Your final itinerary will depend on the time you have in hand and the places that you want to visit. Keeping that in mind, I will break down the travel plans based on the number of days. For each segment, I will provide a few different examples and you can pick the one that you like.

If none of these itineraries suit your plan, or if you already had one in mind and had a few questions, you can contact me on Instagram  and I will be happy to answer. You can also consider  subscribing to my YouTube channel  and asking a question there.

For other details on visiting Kashmir like places to visit, things to do, public transport, where to stay, etc, you can also take a look at How to Plan a Trip to Kashmir – A Complete Travel Guide .

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Minimum Time Needed for Kashmir Trip

So how long do you need to visit Kashmir? This really depends on your mode of travel but a minimum of 4 days in Kashmir is what I will recommend.

If you have more time then you will be able to explore better but you should at least have 4 days in hand between your arrival and departure from Srinagar.

The itineraries I am suggesting below assume that you have arrived in Srinagar, either by road or by flight. Day 1 hence will be Srinagar.

If you were traveling by road, the time you spend traveling to Kashmir and then the journey back home will need to be added to the travel plan.

2 Days Trip to Kashmir

Can you plan a 2 days trip to Kashmir? Is it possible to visit Kashmir over the weekend? The answer to this question is a yes but I will not recommend it at all. A 2 days trip means that you just touched Kashmir and returned home.

But if you still want to do it, below is how the journey can be planned.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Srinagar. See the Mughal Gardens, go for a Shikara ride, see the sunset from Pari Mahal , and stay for the night in Srinagar.
  • Day 2: On this day, depending on your preference, you can go for a day trip to either Gulmarg, Sonamarg, or Pahalgam. You will return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 3: Catch an early morning flight home

This is the best way that this trip can be planned. If you were thinking that you will return home on Day 2 itself, then you must give up the idea of visiting Kashmir. Plan another time when you can add more days to the trip.

3 Days Itinerary for Kashmir

Now let us take a look at the itinerary if you are able to throw in one more day. It will give you a little more time and you will be able to add a couple of other places to your travel plan.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Srinagar
  • Day 2: On this day, you can go for a day-long drive to Gulmarg. Enjoy the Gondola ride, spend some time visiting the local attractions, and return to Srinagar by evening.
  • Day 3: In a similar manner, go for a day trip to Sonamarg. See the Thajiwas Glacier , Zojila Pass, and Zero Point, and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Alternatively, you can also go for a day trip to Pahalgam. See Betaab Valley, Chandanwari, and Aru Valley, and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 4: Fly Out

An important thing to remember is that a trip for 2 or 3 days by public transport will be extremely difficult. The best option is to travel by your self-owned vehicle. If not, then you should either hire a taxi or rent a bike in Srinagar .

Itinerary for Kashmir for 4 Days

Let us now take a look at a few more examples of how this journey can be planned if you had 4 days to spend in Kashmir. This is the minimum time that I recommend and it really widens your sightseeing choices.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Srinagar. Local sightseeing and night stay in Srinagar.
  • Day 2: Day Trip to Gulmarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 3: Day Trip to Sonamarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 4: Day trip to Pahalgam. Return to Srinagar by the evening. You can also choose to stay in Pahalgam if your flight the next day was a little later in the day. Spend the night in Pahalgam and go straight to the airport the next day.
  • Day 5: Fly Out

If you have already been to popular tourist spots before and want your trip to cover more offbeat destinations, you can plan the trip like this.

  • Day 2: Srinagar to Yusmarg. Night stay in Yusmarg .
  • Day 3: Srinagar to Doodhpathri. Night stay in Doodhpathri.
  • Day 4: Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall. Spend the latter half of the day in Srinagar.

vargis khan

Itinerary for Kashmir for 5 Days

Below is an example of how this trip can be planned if you had a total of 5 days in hand.

  • Day 2: Srinagar to Gulmarg. Night stay in Gulmarg. You can also visit Drang waterfall on the way.
  • Day 3: Gulmarg to Doodhpathri . Spend some time in Doodhpathri and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 4: Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall and then continue to Pahalgam. Night stay in Pahalgam.
  • Day 5: Spend the day in Pahalgam visiting the local places. You can also trek to Baisaran Hills if you wanted to go on a short trek. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 6: Fly Out

itinerary for kashmir trip

Itinerary for Kashmir for 6 Days

If you had a total of 6 days to spend in Kashmir, below is how this trip can be planned.

  • Day 3: Gulmarg to Doodhpathri. Spend some time in Doodhpathri and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 4: Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall and then continue to Pahalgam . Night stay in Pahalgam.
  • Day 6: Day trip to Sonamarg
  • Day 7: Fly Out

Another way to plan the trip can be like this.

  • Day 2: Day trip to Gulmarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 3: Day trip to Sonamarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 4: Day trip to Pahalgam. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 5: Srinagar to Gurez Valley . Night stay in Dawar
  • Day 6: Dawar to Srinagar

Itinerary for Kashmir for 7 Days

Below are a few examples of how the trip can be planned if you had 7 days in hand.

  • Day 2: Srinagar to Gulmarg. Night stay in Gulmarg. You can also visit the Drang waterfall on the way.
  • Day 7: Day trip to Yusmarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening on both days 6 and 7.
  • Day 8: Fly Out

Another way to plan the trip can be like the one mentioned below.

  • Day 5: Srinagar to Gurez Valley. Night stay in Dawar
  • Day 6: Dawar to Chakwali road trip. Return to Dawar by the evening.
  • Day 7: Gurez Valley to Srinagar

itinerary for kashmir trip

Itinerary for Kashmir for 8 Days

Let us now take a look at a couple of examples on an itinerary for Kashmir if you had 8 days to spend in Kashmir and will fly out on Day 9.

  • Day 3: Go for a Gondola ride in the morning. You can also rent a local cab and drive all the way to Bota Pathri. Stay for the night in Gulmarg.
  • Day 4: Gulmarg to Doodhpathri. Spend some time in Doodhpathri and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 5: Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall and then continue to Pahalgam. Night stay in Pahalgam.
  • Day 6: Spend the day in Pahalgam visiting the local places. You can also trek to Baisaran Hills if you wanted to go on a short trek. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 7: Day trip to Sonamarg
  • Day 8: Day trip to Yusmarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening on both days 7 and 8.
  • Day 9: Fly Out
  • Day 2: Srinagar to Yusmarg. Night stay in Yusmarg.
  • Day 3: Yusmarg to Doodhpathri. Night stay in Doodhpathri.
  • Day 4: Doodhpathri to Gulmarg. Night stay in Gulmarg.
  • Day 5: Gulmarg to Srinagar and continue to Gurez Valley. Night stay in Dawar.
  • Day 6: Dawar to Chakwali road trip.
  • Day 7: Dawar to Srinagar and continue to Sonamarg. Night stay in Sonamarg.
  • Day 8: Sonamarg to Srinagar.


Itinerary for Kashmir for 9 Days

Mentioned below is how this trip can be planned for a total of 9 days in Kashmir and a return flight on Day 10.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Srinagar. Go straight to Gulmarg and stay there for the night.
  • Day 2: Local sightseeing in Gulmarg. Enjoy the Gondola ride.
  • Day 3: Gulmarg to Doodhpathri to Srinagar. Night stay in Srinagar
  • Day 4: Day trip to Aharbal waterfall. You can also go all the way to Peer ki Gali Pass on Mughal road
  • Day 5: Day trip to Yusmarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 6: Srinagar to Gurez Valley. Night stay in Dawar
  • Day 7: Dawar to Chakwali to Dawar
  • Day 8: Return to Srinagar and go straight to Sonamarg. Night stay in Sonamarg
  • Day 9: Spend the day in Sonamarg and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 10: Fly Out

Another way to plan the trip can be like the one mentioned below. This focuses more on the popular tourist attractions in Kashmir.

  • Day 4: Srinagar to Sonamarg day trip. Start early, see Thajiwas Glacier or Zojila Pass and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 5: Srinagar to Pahalgam
  • Day 6: Spend the day in Pahalgam. See Betaab Valley, Aru Valley, and Chandanwari, and trek to Baisaran Hills. You can break this sightseeing between days 5 and 6.
  • Day 7: Pahalgam to Srinagar
  • Day 8: Day trip to Yusmarg. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 9: Day trip to Aharbal waterfall. You can also go to Peer ki Gali Pass on Mughal road.

Itinerary for Kashmir for 10 Days

Last but not least, mentioned below is how this trip can be planned for a total of 10 days.

  • Day 3: Srinagar to Sonamarg. Go all the way to Zojila Pass and return to Sonamarg to spend the night.
  • Day 4: Trek to Thajiwas Glacier in the morning. Have lunch in Sonamarg and return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 6: Spend the day in Pahalgam. See Betaab Valley, Aru Valley, Chandanwari, trek to Baisaran Hills, and spend the night in Pahalgam. You can break this sightseeing between days 5 and 6.
  • Day 7: Pahalgam to Srinagar. You can also visit Aharbal Waterfall on the way back.
  • Day 8: Srinagar to Gurez Valley. Night stay in Dawar
  • Day 9: Gurez Valley to Srinagar. Night stay in Srinagar
  • Day 10: Day trip to Yusmarg
  • Day 11: Fly Out

itinerary for kashmir trip

Srinagar Gulmarg Pahalgam Sonmarg Itinerary

If you want your trip to be limited to just the popular destinations and want to explore those properly, below is how the trip can be planned.

  • Day 1: Arrival in Srinagar. Local sightseeing and night stay
  • Day 2: Srinagar to Gulmarg. Local sightseeing in Gulmarg. Enjoy the Gondola ride.
  • Day 2: Gulmarg to Doodhpathri to Srinagar. Night stay in Srinagar
  • Day 3: Srinagar to Sonamarg. Start early, go all the way to Zojila Pass, and return to Sonamarg by the evening.

Srinagar Gulmarg Pahalgam Itinerary

If you do not want to include Sonamarg in the travel plan then remove those days and shorten the itinerary.

  • Day 3: Srinagar to Pahalgam
  • Day 4: Spend the day in Pahalgam. See Betaab Valley, Aru Valley, Chandanwari, trek to Baisaran Hills, and spend the night in Pahalgam. You can break this sightseeing between days 5 and 6.
  • Day 5: Pahalgam to Srinagar

itinerary for kashmir trip

Itinerary for Kashmir Trip in Winter

Now let us briefly take a look at how the journey can be planned if wanted to visit Kashmir in the winter season. Places like Sonamarg, Gurez, Doodhpathri, and Yusmarg remain accessible at this time.

Also, if you are visiting Kashmir in the winter season, I am assuming that you want to see snow and hopefully catch snowfall as well. For that, Gulmarg and Pahalgam are the best places.

The itinerary can be planned like this.

  • Day 2: Srinagar to Gulmarg. Spend the day walking around and enjoying the views and the snow.
  • Day 3: Early morning Gondola ride. Return to Srinagar by the evening.
  • Day 4: Srinagar to Pahalgam
  • Day 5: Spend the day in Pahalgam. Betaab Valley will remain accessible but you may not be able to go to Chandanwari and Aru Valley, depending on the snow on the road.
  • Day 6: Return to Srinagar. If you were short on time, you can return on Day 5 itself, in the evening.

I am not saying that these itineraries are the best ones or perfect. But the information below should be able to give you an idea of how the journey can be planned.

You can pick either of these travel plans and modify it in any way that you like. If you need my input, I will be happy to suggest changes.

Bangus Valley / Lolab Valley / Tangdhar / Teetwal / Keran

Let us also take a look at some offbeat destinations in the Kupwara District. These are the names that I mentioned in the header. Tourism in this area has just started and not a lot of people come in this direction. This is what you can truly call offbeat Kashmir.

To explore this region, you will need at least 4 to 5 days. This will be in addition to the days you spend exploring the popular destinations listed above. The itinerary can be planned in the following manner.

  • Srinagar to Lolab Valley – Day 1
  • Explore Lolab Valley and reach Chowkibal Rest House – Day 2
  • Chowkibal to Bangus Valley to Chowkibal – Day 3
  • Day trip to Keran Village. Return to Chowkibal – Day 4
  • Chowkibal to Srinagar – Day 5

Another way to plan this journey can be as mentioned below.

  • Lolab Valley to Sadhna Pass to Tangdhar – Day 2
  • Day Trip to Teetwal and return to Tangdhar – Day 3
  • Tangdhar to Bangus Valley to Chowkibal – Day 4
  • Day trip to Keran Village. Return to Chowkibal – Day 5
  • Chowkibal to Srinagar – Day 6

I hope the information above on planning your itinerary for Kashmir trip was of help. If you have any questions, you can  contact me on Instagram  and I will be happy to answer. You can also consider  subscribing to my YouTube channel  and asking a question there.

A Timelapse captured in Nubra Valley of Ladakh


Not much to write about me really except for that I love to travel around whenever I can and to wherever I can. This blog is just a small attempt to share my travel experiences with the world. Hope you like it !!!

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Hi, Ur vlogs r so informative . I m a solo female traveler planning to visit in May. Can u please guide me with the itinerary. Is it possible to include Gurez, Yusmarg, Chandwari, Aru, Aharbal waterfalls, Bangus all in one trip?

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information about taxi. if can have stay and Srinagar. then what will be tax cost. total. plus change of taxi in some destination. guide cost. planned air book for 15th (in Srinagar) to 21 (checkout flight)

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Hi Vargis Bhai, The posts are so helpful. I planned my trip inspired by your suggested itinerary as below. Kindly let me know if I have planned right. Also, I have spoken to 2-3 car rentals who are telling me day 2 and day 6 is not possible. Kindly help me with your suggestion and some car contact.

Day 1 (30 Mar): Bagdogra to Srinagar (evening) night stay in Houseboat Day 2 & 3 (31 Mar & 1 Apr): ( 4.30 hrs ) Srinagar to Aharbal Waterfall and then continue to Pahalgam. Night stay in Pahalgam for 2 days. Day 4 (2 Apr): Pahalgam to Gulmarg. Night stay in Gulmarg. (3.30 hrs) Day 5 (3 Apr): Gulmarg to Sonmarg (3.30 hrs). Visit the Drang waterfall on the way Day 6 (4 Apr): Sonmarg to Srinagar (2 hrs)—-local (Hotel stay)……..(On the way visit Doodhpathri) Day 7 (5 Apr): Srinagar to Yusmarg (1.40 hrs) to Srinagar hotel Day 8 (6 Apr): Srinagar local and late evening fly out

Hi Abhishek – The itinerary is doable. The cab drivers do not agree to this because they expect you to break this in two different days. They would want to charge you for Sonamarg to Srinagar and then separately for Doodhpathri. The same is the case with Aharbal as well.

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Hello Vargis Bhai… I Plan to do Kashmir in Jan 2023, and Yes, seeing a snowfall being one of the of the Objective.. Need your guidance… Firstly,… which week of January can I see a snow fall say in Srinagar itself.. My Trip would be mostly of 8 days…. If you could please give a suggestive Itinerary .. Apart from the regular tourist Places like Pahalgam .. Sonmarg, Gulmarg etc,,, could you also please suggest some Off beat places which can be accessible during that period of time… Thank you…

Hi Nilesh Bhai – The entire month of January is one of snow so you can plan any week that suits you the best. Srinagar, Pahalgam, and Gulmarg are the places that will be easiest to reach and explore. Even Sonamarg may remain closed. Those are the places you should keep in your itinerary

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And yeah have to fit in Doodhpatri, Aharbal Waterfalls as well

You can travel like this Bhai

1 – Srinagar arrival and sightseeing 2 – Srinagar to Pahalgam 3 – Pahalgam to Gumlarg 4 – Gulmarg to Srinagar while visiting Doodhpathri on the way 5 – Srinagar to Dawar (Gurez) 6 – Dawar 7 – Dawar to Srinagar – Evening sightseeing in Srinagar 8 – Srinagar to Sonamarg day trip 9 – Srinagar to Kupwara – Visit Lolab Valley 10 – Bangus Valley 11 – Srinagar Sightseeing 12 – Fly Out

Thanks a ton Bhai… Highly appreciate your help ….

You are welcome Bhai !!!

Always a pleasure reading your posts! Always will remain a big fan of your work. Have planned Spiti /Ladakh purely based on your website. I am planning Kashmir next late September early October kinds with my family of 3 (2 adults 1 5year old) and I want to cover Valleys of Kupwara (Lolab, Bangus etc), Gurez Valley, Pahalgam, Sonamarg/Gulmarg and of course Srinagar. Can you kindly assist how to fit in all this in a 10 or 11 day itinerary?. Thanks in advance

How will you be traveling around Vivek? Private taxi or your own vehicle?

Hi Vargis Bhai, I will be entering via flights and then private taxi either point to point or for the entire trip. Thanks in advance.

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How to plan Kashmir trip – Your ultimate guide

How to plan Kashmir trip

Discover the Ultimate Kashmir Travel Guide – Uncover Hidden Gems, Budget Tips, and Seasonal Insights! Plan Your Trip Stress-Free with Expert Advice

If you’re contemplating a visit to the enchanting Kashmir and seeking the latest insights on safety, look no further than our personal guide: Is it Safe to Visit Kashmir Now . We crafted this guide with your safety in mind, drawing from our own experiences to provide you with the most up-to-date information for a worry-free and delightful journey. Your adventure in Kashmir starts here!

Kashmir, often dubbed “Paradise on Earth,” is a destination that beckons with its pristine landscapes, charming culture, and serene atmosphere. Planning a trip to this breathtaking region requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure an unforgettable experience. In this detailed and engaging guide, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and provide you with the tools to plan your dream Kashmir trip.

Let’s embark on this incredible journey together.

How to Plan Kashmir Trip

Imagine waking up to the melodious chirping of birds, surrounded by snow-capped mountains and serene lakes. That’s the magic of Kashmir – a destination often referred to as “Paradise on Earth.” Planning a trip to this picturesque region can be both exciting and overwhelming. But fear not, because in this personalized guide, we’ll take you through every step of planning your dream Kashmir trip.

Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

Best Time to Visit Kashmir: When to Experience Magic

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Choosing the right time to visit Kashmir is vital for a remarkable adventure. The region showcases its beauty in different seasons:

  • Spring (March to May): During this period, you’ll witness blooming gardens, pleasant weather, and the famous Tulip Festival in Srinagar.
  • Autumn (September to November): Enjoy the vibrant landscapes as the leaves change color, making this season perfect for photography and trekking.
  • Winter (December to February): Snow lovers rejoice! Kashmir transforms into a winter wonderland, ideal for skiing and snowboarding.
  • Monsoon (June to August): While the region remains lush during these months, it’s best to avoid this season due to heavy rainfall and potential travel disruptions.

Tip: Avoid planning your trip during the Amarnath Yatra season. During this period, millions of pilgrims flock to the Amarnath Cave, causing increased congestion and potential accommodation shortages in the region. Planning your visit outside of this time ensures a more tranquil and hassle-free experience in Kashmir.

The first step in planning your Kashmir trip is setting the dates. Consider the best time to visit based on your preferences. Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November) are ideal for pleasant weather and blooming gardens, while Winter (December to February) offers a snowy wonderland. Avoid the monsoon season (June to August) to ensure clear skies.

Crafting a well-rounded itinerary is pivotal to making the most of your Kashmir trip. Consider the following aspects, keeping in mind that the ideal itinerary can vary for different types of travelers, whether you’re traveling with kids, as a couple, or with a family:

Destination Prioritization:

Begin by listing your must-visit places, taking into account your interests and the time available. Prioritizing your destinations helps you allocate sufficient time for each one and ensures you don’t miss out on any highlights. If you’re traveling with kids, consider including child-friendly attractions and activities.

Travel Duration:

Calculate the number of days you’ll be spending in Kashmir. This will determine the pace of your trip and how much time you can allocate to each destination. Keep in mind that traveling with kids or as a family may require a slower pace to accommodate their needs and interests.

Local Events and Festivals:

Check for local events, festivals, and celebrations that might coincide with your visit. Participating in or witnessing these cultural events can add a unique dimension to your trip. Conversely, it’s essential to be aware of any festivals that could lead to increased crowds and accommodation challenges, especially when traveling with a family.

Seasonal Activities:

Consider the time of year you’re visiting and plan activities accordingly. For example, if you’re traveling with kids, you might want to incorporate visits to parks, nature reserves, and attractions suitable for children. If you’re a couple seeking adventure, plan activities like trekking or skiing.

Weather Conditions:

Kashmir’s weather can be unpredictable, so be prepared for fluctuations. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and pack accordingly. If you’re traveling with kids, ensure you have appropriate clothing and gear to keep them comfortable and safe.

Local Cuisine Exploration:

Factor in time for culinary experiences. Don’t rush through meals; savor the local Kashmiri cuisine at various restaurants and cafes. Try traditional dishes and savor the flavors that make Kashmiri food renowned. Consider the dietary preferences and needs of your fellow travelers, especially if you have kids.

Relaxation and Leisure:

Allocate moments for relaxation and leisure. Kashmir’s serene landscapes invite you to unwind, soak in the tranquility, and reflect on your experiences. Customize your leisure activities based on the preferences and energy levels of your travel companions, whether they are family members or your significant other.

Local Culture and Interaction:

Engage with the local culture by attending cultural events, interacting with the friendly Kashmiri people, and exploring local markets. These interactions can provide deep insights into the region’s heritage and traditions, and they can be both educational and enjoyable for children.


Lastly, maintain flexibility in your itinerary. Different types of travelers have unique needs and interests, so be open to adjustments based on their feedback and preferences. Being adaptable will allow you to cater to the diverse experiences and expectations of your travel companions.

By considering these aspects and tailoring your itinerary to the specific needs and preferences of your travel group, whether it’s a family with kids or a couple seeking a romantic getaway, you’ll be well-prepared to create a balanced and fulfilling Kashmir experience that caters to everyone’s interests and ensures you make the most of your time in this mesmerizing destination.

Kashmir, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be explored. While the region boasts famous destinations like Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, and Sonamarg, there are also offbeat gems that promise unique adventures. In this guide, we’ll uncover both the well-known and hidden wonders of Kashmir, along with tips for exploring them, including places like Doodhpathri.

1. Srinagar: The Enchanting Capital

  • Dal Lake: A shikara (traditional wooden boat) ride on the serene Dal Lake is a quintessential Kashmiri experience. Stay in a houseboat to immerse yourself in the culture.
  • Mughal Gardens: Nishat Bagh and Shalimar Bagh are exquisite Mughal gardens that offer stunning views of the Zabarwan Range.

Offbeat Tip: Visit the less-explored Nishat Bagh during early morning hours for a peaceful experience away from crowds.

2. Gulmarg: The Meadow of Flowers

  • Gulmarg Gondola: Ride the world’s second-highest operating cable car for panoramic views of the Himalayas.
  • Golf Course: The Gulmarg Golf Course, one of the highest in the world, doubles as a scenic picnic spot.

Offbeat Tip: Explore the charming St. Mary’s Church, a hidden gem nestled amidst pine forests, offering tranquility away from the tourist hustle.

Also Read – Srinagar to Gulmarg – Your Ultimate Travel Guide

3. Pahalgam: The Valley of Shepherds

  • Betaab Valley: Named after the Bollywood movie “Betaab,” this valley is a lush paradise with crystal-clear streams.
  • Aru Valley: A haven for trekking and camping, Aru Valley is less frequented and perfect for nature lovers.

Offbeat Tip: Take a leisurely horse ride through the Lidder River, immersing yourself in the beauty of the Pahalgam Valley.

4. Sonamarg: The Meadow of Gold

  • Thajiwas Glacier: A short trek from Sonamarg leads to this majestic glacier. The journey offers breathtaking views and the chance to play in the snow.

Offbeat Tip: Venture off the beaten path with a trek to the Gangbal Lake, an alpine high-altitude lake surrounded by lush meadows.

5. Doodhpathri: The Valley of Milk

  • Lush Meadows: Doodhpathri is known for its lush meadows, pristine streams, and scenic landscapes.
  • Srinagar-Doodhpathri Road: The drive to Doodhpathri offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

Offbeat Tip: Pack a picnic and enjoy a day surrounded by the natural beauty of Doodhpathri. It’s an excellent spot for a serene family outing.

6. Gurez Valley: The Hidden Gem

  • Dawar Town: Experience the rustic charm of this small town with wooden houses and terraced fields.
  • Tulail Valley: Hike through the picturesque Tulail Valley, known for its stunning landscapes and warm hospitality.

Offbeat Tip: Stay in a local guesthouse for an authentic Gurez Valley experience and engage with the friendly locals.

Tips for Exploring Offbeat Places in Kashmir:

  • Local Insights: Seek advice from locals or hire a local guide who can provide valuable information about offbeat destinations and help you navigate lesser-known routes.
  • Weather Preparedness: Offbeat places may have limited infrastructure, so be prepared for changing weather conditions. Pack accordingly, and check the local weather forecast before heading out.
  • Permits and Permissions: Some offbeat areas may require special permits. Research the entry requirements and obtain the necessary permissions in advance.
  • Respect Nature and Culture: Be respectful of the environment and local customs. Leave no trace and engage with the local culture in a respectful manner.
  • Safety First: Safety should always be a priority. Inform someone about your itinerary, carry essential safety gear, and be cautious when venturing into remote areas.

Exploring the offbeat treasures of Kashmir offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and experience the region’s authenticity. While famous destinations are undoubtedly stunning, don’t miss the chance to uncover the hidden wonders, such as Doodhpathri, that make Kashmir a truly enchanting destination.

When it comes to mobile network connectivity in Kashmir, understanding the landscape of service providers is essential for a seamless communication experience. Here’s a breakdown of the network options, along with some important insights:

1. BSNL: The Widest Network in Kashmir

  • BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) offers the broadest coverage in Kashmir, making it a reliable choice for staying connected, especially in urban areas.

2. Airtel: Quality Network for Better Connectivity

  • Airtel stands out for its network quality in Kashmir. Travelers seeking a dependable connection often opt for Airtel due to its reliable performance.

3. Jio: A Decent Choice for Connectivity

  • Jio, while not as widespread as BSNL or Airtel, still offers decent connectivity in many parts of Kashmir, including popular tourist destinations.

4. Vodafone and Idea: A Mixed Bag

  • Vodafone and Idea, while present, may not offer the same level of service quality as BSNL, Airtel, or Jio. Travelers might experience variable connectivity with these providers.

Postpaid vs. Prepaid: A Crucial Distinction

  • The most critical piece of information for travelers to Kashmir is that only postpaid connections work in the valley. If your phone had a prepaid connection, it will be rendered unusable as soon as you enter Kashmir.

Where to Expect Connectivity:

  • In popular tourist destinations like Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Pahalgam, postpaid connections from any major service provider should provide you with good reception and data connectivity.
  • When venturing into offbeat areas, the availability of network coverage can vary significantly based on the service provider. It’s advisable to check with the local population or consult your service provider for information on connectivity in specific offbeat locations.

By understanding these nuances of mobile network connectivity in Kashmir, you can make informed choices about your communication needs during your visit. Whether you’re exploring renowned tourist spots or embarking on offbeat adventures, staying connected will enhance your overall experience in this mesmerizing region.

A trip to Kashmir is incomplete without indulging in the rich and aromatic flavors of Kashmiri cuisine. The region’s culinary heritage is a blend of traditional recipes passed down through generations, showcasing a unique amalgamation of Indian, Persian, and Central Asian influences. Here, we delve into the must-try dishes and offer tips on where to savor them during your Kashmir adventure.

Must-Try Kashmiri Dishes:

1. Rogan Josh: A delectable aromatic curry made with tender pieces of slow-cooked meat (usually lamb or goat) infused with a blend of fragrant spices, saffron, and yogurt. It’s a true Kashmiri classic.

2. Dum Aloo: This delightful potato dish is prepared in a rich and flavorful tomato-based gravy, making it a vegetarian’s delight.

3. Yakhni: A light and refreshing yogurt-based gravy, often prepared with succulent pieces of mutton or chicken, seasoned with delicate Kashmiri spices.

4. Wazwan Feast: A lavish multi-course meal, traditionally prepared for special occasions. It includes a variety of dishes like Gustaba (a creamy mutton curry), Rista (spiced meatballs), and Seekh Kebabs, all served with fragrant saffron rice.

5. Sheermal: A sweet, saffron-infused bread, Sheermal is perfect for breakfast or as a snack, often paired with a hot cup of Kahwa (traditional Kashmiri tea).

Where to Savor Kashmiri Delicacies:

1. Ahdoos, Srinagar: A legendary eatery known for its authentic Kashmiri cuisine. Don’t miss their Rogan Josh and Sheermal.

2. Mughal Darbar, Srinagar: Renowned for its delectable Wazwan spread, this restaurant offers a royal dining experience.

3. Shamyana Restaurant, Pahalgam: Try the Dum Aloo and Yakhni here while soaking in the breathtaking views.

4. Nedous Dining Room, Gulmarg: Known for its Rogan Josh and other Kashmiri specialties, this restaurant provides a cozy dining atmosphere.

5. Local Houseboats: If you’re staying in a houseboat on Dal Lake, don’t forget to savor the homemade Kashmiri cuisine prepared by the houseboat hosts. It’s an authentic culinary experience.

Tips for Savoring Kashmiri Cuisine:

1. Local Recommendations: Ask locals or fellow travelers for restaurant recommendations. They often know the best places to enjoy authentic flavors.

2. Try the Wazwan: If you have the opportunity, partake in a traditional Wazwan feast. It’s an immersive culinary experience.

3. Spice Tolerance: Kashmiri cuisine can be spicy, so inform the chef about your spice preferences when ordering.

4. Saffron Souvenirs: Consider buying saffron, one of Kashmir’s prized exports, as a culinary souvenir. It’s known for its exceptional quality.

5. Dietary Preferences: Inform the restaurant staff if you have dietary restrictions or preferences. They are usually accommodating and can suggest suitable options.

Exploring Kashmiri cuisine is an integral part of your journey through this paradise. By sampling these exquisite dishes at recommended eateries and embracing the culinary culture, you’ll add a flavorful dimension to your Kashmir adventure, leaving your taste buds yearning for more.

When you explore the picturesque landscapes of Kashmir, having a reliable mode of transportation is crucial. Taxis are a popular choice for getting around, but it’s important to understand how taxi rates work in this region.

Standard Taxi Rates

In Kashmir, taxi rates can vary depending on factors such as the season and distance. When you rent a taxi in Srinagar, for instance, it will typically cover your journey to your chosen destination, be it Pahalgam, Gulmarg, or other nearby locations.

Important Note: Places like Pahalgam and Gulmarg have their own taxi rates, which is an important aspect to remember. This means that if you hire a taxi in Srinagar to reach Pahalgam or Gulmarg, it will drop you off at your destination within these towns. However, to explore local attractions like Betaab Valley, Chandanwari, Aru Valley in Pahalgam, or Bota Pathri in Gulmarg, you will need to rent a local cab within these respective areas.

Inter-Region Travel

If you plan to venture beyond Kashmir and explore regions like Kargil, Zanskar Valley, or Ladakh after your Kashmir exploration, keep in mind that the same rule applies. You’ll need to rent another taxi or vehicle in your new destination to continue your journey.

Understanding these taxi rate variations ensures a smoother and more cost-effective travel experience in Kashmir. By being aware of the local taxi norms and planning your transportation accordingly, you can seamlessly navigate the region’s stunning landscapes and explore its diverse attractions.

Kashmir, often dubbed “Paradise on Earth,” presents a myriad of lodging choices to cater to the diverse tastes and budgets of travelers. From the charm of floating houseboats to the opulence of mountain resorts, here’s your comprehensive guide on where to rest your head during your Kashmir escapade.

1. Houseboats: Drifting on Tranquility

Unique Experience: A stay on a traditional houseboat is the epitome of Kashmiri culture. These picturesque wooden havens offer an immersive experience on the serene Dal Lake and Nigeen Lake in Srinagar.


  • Young Bombay Group of Houseboats, Srinagar: Known for their hospitality and stunning views.
  • Goona Palace Houseboats, Nigeen Lake: A tranquil oasis with comfortable interiors.

2. Hotels: A Plethora of Choices

Luxury Hotels: Kashmir boasts an array of luxurious hotels with world-class amenities, including spa treatments, gourmet dining, and sweeping Himalayan vistas. Consider The Lalit Grand Palace Srinagar and The Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa in Gulmarg.

Mid-Range Hotels: Travelers seeking comfort and affordability will find an array of mid-range hotels in Srinagar, Pahalgam, and Gulmarg. These hotels offer cozy rooms, on-site restaurants, and attentive service.

Budget Accommodations: Kashmir caters to budget-conscious travelers with guesthouses, lodges, and hostels. These options provide essential amenities at economical rates, perfect for backpackers and thrifty travelers.

3. Resorts: Immersed in Nature’s Splendor

Gulmarg Resorts: Gulmarg is renowned for its splendid resorts, offering guests a serene retreat amid lush meadows and snow-clad peaks.

Pahalgam Resorts: Pahalgam features numerous riverside resorts, providing a perfect base for exploring the valley.

4. Guesthouses: Embrace Local Warmth

Local Guesthouses: For an authentic Kashmiri experience, choose local guesthouses or homestays. These family-operated lodgings offer opportunities to connect with locals and relish homemade Kashmiri cuisine.

Tip: Reserving guesthouses in advance, particularly during peak tourist seasons, is advisable to secure your spot.

5. Camping: Beneath the Starry Canopy

Camping Sites: Nature enthusiasts will find camping in Kashmir’s unspoiled landscapes an unforgettable adventure. Several campsites near Pahalgam and Sonamarg offer an immersive connection with the great outdoors.

Tip: Ensure you’re well-equipped with warm clothing, camping gear, and check weather conditions before embarking on a camping excursion.

6. House Rentals: Your Home in the Valley

Holiday Homes: If you’re traveling with a group or family, consider renting a holiday home or villa. These accommodations provide ample living space, private kitchens, and the freedom to craft your itinerary.

Kashmir’s diverse accommodation options guarantee that every traveler discovers a haven suited to their desires. Whether it’s a traditional houseboat, a lavish resort, or a cozy guesthouse, you’ll find that Kashmir’s warmth and hospitality are integral to your unforgettable journey.

Here are accommodation recommendations for some of the key destinations mentioned in the guide:

1. Srinagar: Houseboats and More

Houseboats: Consider staying at the Young Bombay Group of Houseboats or the Goona Palace Houseboats for an authentic houseboat experience.

Luxury Hotels: The Vivanta Dal View offers luxurious amenities and stunning views of Dal Lake. The Lalit Grand Palace Srinagar is another top choice for a lavish stay.

Mid-Range Hotels: Four Points by Sheraton Srinagar and Heevan Resort Srinagar provide comfortable stays with modern amenities.

Budget Accommodations: Look into Hotel Grand Sultan or Blooming Dale Hotel for affordable yet comfortable options.

2. Gulmarg: Luxury Amidst Nature

Luxury Resorts: Opt for The Vintage Gulmarg or The Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa for a luxurious stay with access to Gulmarg’s stunning landscapes.

Mid-Range Options: The Hotel Royal Park and The Meadows Green offer a balance of comfort and affordability.

Budget Accommodations: Consider Hotel Affarwat and Hotel Pine Spring Gulmarg for budget-friendly options.

3. Pahalgam: Riverside Retreats

Riverside Resorts: The Pahalgam Hotel and The Chinar Resort & Spa are excellent choices for a riverside stay.

Mid-Range Hotels: Check out Hotel Heevan Pahalgam and Mount View for comfortable mid-range options.

Budget Accommodations: Forest Hill Resorts and Pine-n-Peak Pahalgam offer budget-friendly stays without compromising on comfort.

4. Sonamarg: A Rustic Experience

Sonamarg offers a more rustic experience with limited luxury options. The Hotel Glacier Heights and Hotel Rah Villas provide decent accommodation choices.

5. Camping in Sonamarg and Pahalgam

For camping in Sonamarg, consider staying at campsites like Sonamarg Glacier Camps . In Pahalgam, Aru Valley Camps and Lidder River Camps offer delightful camping experiences.

Please note that Kashmir’s accommodation availability can vary based on season and demand, so it’s advisable to book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.

A trip to Kashmir, the crown jewel of India’s natural beauty, can be a dream come true. However, ensuring your budget aligns with your aspirations is key to having a memorable and stress-free journey. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you plan your finances for a Kashmir trip.

1. Transportation Costs

Flights: Research flight options to Srinagar, the primary gateway to Kashmir. Prices can vary depending on your departure city and the time of booking. Consider flexible travel dates to secure better deals.

Local Transportation: Plan for local transportation expenses, including taxi fares, especially if you intend to explore beyond Srinagar.

Tip: Pre-book flights and taxis for convenience and potential cost savings.

2. Accommodation Expenses

Kashmir offers a wide range of lodging options, from luxurious resorts to budget-friendly guesthouses. Your choice will significantly impact your overall budget. Consider factors like location, amenities, and duration of stay when budgeting for accommodations.

Tip: Research and book accommodations in advance to secure the best deals.

3. Food and Dining

Kashmiri cuisine is a must-try, but dining costs can vary. Budget accordingly for meals at local eateries and upscale restaurants.

Tip: Explore local markets for affordable street food and snacks to balance your dining expenses.

4. Sightseeing and Activities

Plan your activities and excursions. While some attractions are free, others may require entrance fees. Adventures like trekking, shikara rides, or gondola rides in Gulmarg may come with additional costs.

Tip: Prioritize your must-see places and activities to allocate your budget effectively.

5. Shopping and Souvenirs

Kashmir is known for its handicrafts, rugs, and saffron. Set aside a budget for shopping if you intend to purchase souvenirs or local products.

Tip: Bargain when shopping in local markets to get the best deals.

6. Miscellaneous Expenses

Don’t forget to budget for unforeseen expenses like medical emergencies, tips, and incidentals.

Tip: Carry some cash and keep a credit card or debit card as backup.

Packing appropriately for Kashmir involves considering its varied climate and cultural norms. Here’s a detailed guide on what clothes to pack for your trip to this beautiful region:

1. Layered Clothing

Kashmir experiences distinct seasons. Summers are mild, but temperatures can drop significantly in the evenings. Pack light, breathable clothing for the day and layer with warm, insulating garments for the nights.

2. Warm Outerwear

Even in summer, warm clothing is advisable. Pack a lightweight jacket or sweater for cooler evenings. For winter trips, bring a heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat.

3. Comfortable Footwear

For sightseeing, choose comfortable walking shoes or sneakers. If you plan to trek, bring sturdy hiking boots. Flip-flops or sandals are handy for relaxed moments.

4. Modest Attire

Kashmir is culturally conservative. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. Women should have scarves or shawls to cover their heads when required.

5. Rain Gear

Kashmir experiences occasional rain, so it’s wise to pack a compact umbrella or a waterproof jacket.

6. Essentials

Don’t forget essentials like sunglasses, sunscreen, and a power bank for charging your devices.

7. Medications

If you have prescription medications, ensure you have an adequate supply for your trip. A basic first-aid kit can also be helpful.

8. Travel Documents

Finally, make sure you have all necessary travel documents: passport, visa, identification, travel insurance, and any required permits.

By budgeting wisely and packing appropriately, you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy the breathtaking beauty and rich culture of Kashmir without any financial or wardrobe surprises.

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from people planning a trip to Kashmir:

1. When is the best time to visit Kashmir?

The best time to visit Kashmir depends on your preferences:

  • Spring (April to June): Ideal for pleasant weather, blooming gardens, and outdoor activities.
  • Summer (July to September): Great for trekking, adventure sports, and enjoying cooler mountain air.
  • Autumn (October to November): Witness the vibrant autumn foliage and experience the postcard-perfect beauty.
  • Winter (December to March): Perfect for snow enthusiasts and those wanting to experience a winter wonderland.

2. Do I need a permit to visit Kashmir?

For most Indian tourists, there is no permit required to visit Srinagar and the Kashmir Valley. However, if you plan to travel to regions like Ladakh, certain areas may require permits due to their proximity to international borders. Check with local authorities or your tour operator for specific permit requirements.

3. How can I reach Kashmir?

The most common way to reach Kashmir is by air. Srinagar International Airport serves as the primary gateway. You can also consider traveling by train to Jammu and then taking a road journey to Srinagar or other destinations within Kashmir.

4. What are the top places to visit in Kashmir?

Kashmir offers a plethora of breathtaking destinations, including Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, and Dal Lake. Each place has its unique charm and attractions. Don’t miss out on exploring the local markets, gardens, and enjoying a shikara ride on Dal Lake.

5. Is Kashmir safe for tourists?

Kashmir has been a popular tourist destination for decades. While the region has experienced periods of unrest, it’s generally safe for tourists. However, it’s advisable to stay updated on the current situation and follow local advice. Register with your embassy or consulate before traveling.

6. What activities can I enjoy in Kashmir?

Kashmir offers a wide range of activities, including trekking, skiing, snowboarding, golfing, shikara rides, and exploring ancient temples and monasteries. Don’t forget to savor the local cuisine and shop for exquisite handicrafts and souvenirs.

7. What should I pack for a trip to Kashmir?

Pack depending on the season of your visit. Generally, include layered clothing, warm outerwear for evenings (especially in colder months), comfortable footwear, rain gear, and modest attire. Don’t forget essential items like sunglasses, sunscreen, and travel documents.

8. How can I find suitable accommodation in Kashmir?

Kashmir offers a wide range of accommodations, from houseboats to luxury resorts and budget-friendly options. Booking in advance, reading reviews, and seeking local recommendations can help you find the perfect place to stay.

9. What is the local cuisine like in Kashmir, and what should I try?

Kashmiri cuisine is rich and aromatic. Must-try dishes include Rogan Josh, Dum Aloo, Yakhni, and the famous Wazwan feast. Also, enjoy a cup of Kahwa, a traditional Kashmiri tea.

These answers should help you plan your trip to Kashmir with confidence, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience in this breathtaking region.

Your Journey Begins Now

Congratulations! You’ve just unlocked the gateway to an unforgettable Kashmiri adventure. From mesmerizing landscapes to rich cultural experiences, the possibilities are endless. Now, it’s time to take action.

Ready to embark on your dream Kashmir trip?

Don’t wait any longer – start planning, pack your bags, and set off on a journey that promises awe-inspiring beauty, warm hospitality, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Explore our comprehensive guides, tips, and recommendations to ensure a seamless and enriching travel experience. Your dream Kashmir escapade is just a click away. Safe travels!

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Our 9 days Kashmir trip itinerary with family

“Kashmir is not just a place, It is an emotion that everyone wants to experience!!!!”

how many places to visit in kashmir

“You have got Kashmir and Himalayas. You are the richest when it comes to natural beauty!” – While we were playing in the snow at Mount Titlis on our trip to Switzerland, our guide remarked vividly. Years later, I can now comprehend the statement completely. As I relive every moment of our 9 days trip to Kashmir . After hearing, reading and witnessing the beauty of Kashmir through books, media and our own parents, we waited for years to finally be able to experience this “heaven on earth”. There is for sure, that every Indian wants to visit this paradise at least once in his lifetime. We have compiled this complete guide for a trip to Kashmir that will help you plan your trip to Kashmir in a smooth, hassle free manner. And here we bring to you our 9 days Kashmir trip itinerary with family.

how many places to visit in kashmir

This Kashmir trip itinerary for family is based on the trip to Kashmir that we took with our family in April, 2022. It can vary for others based on their requirement. So, we will provide some alternate itineraries towards the end of the post. To get the details of how to make the hotel bookings in Kashmir, how to book a cab in Kashmir, where to stay in Kashmir, what to eat in Kashmir, how to go shopping in Kashmir and even general tourist scams in Kashmir, read our upcoming comprehensive Kashmir travel guide. Either you can follow this same itinerary on your own. Or, you can book your Kashmir trip via 

Table of Contents

Day 1 : Arrival in Srinagar

We took a flight to Srinagar from Bangalore. It was a connecting flight. As there was no suitable budget direct flights from Bangalore to Srinagar operating at this point. We had a flight from Bangalore to Delhi and then another flight from Delhi to Srinagar. We reached Srinagar early in the morning, around 8:00am. The April-June time frame is peak tourist season in Kashmir. So, the influx of tourist is high. There was a huge queue at the airport exit, after navigating it we took a cab to our hotel, Walisons Hotel, Srinagar .

Related read : Is it safe to visit Kashmir now ?

how many places to visit in kashmir

Since we had a night flight, and we arrived early at our hotel, our rooms were not ready. So, we headed straight to the Tulip Gardens near Dal Lake . Since, the Tulips were in full bloom at this point, we didn’t want the chance to miss witnessing them in full bloom. We dropped our luggage at the hotel. And then requested the driver who dropped us from airport to hotel to take us to the Tulip Gardens. By 8:30am, we reached the gardens. There was no queue at the ticket counter and no rush inside.

We thoroughly enjoyed the gardens. And then by 10:00am, we headed back to the Tulip Garden parking lot. Where we had our late breakfast.

how many places to visit in kashmir

While visiting the Tulip Gardens of Kashmir, I couldn’t help but draw a comparison in my mind with the Keukenhof Tulip Gardens of Netherlands which I had visited on my trip to Europe, from Amsterdam. Each one has it’s own surreal beauty. And I couldn’t really tell which one is better than the other. So, I will say, visit both ! (I am always greedy when it comes to travel :D)

After spending considerable time witnessing the tulips and having some picture perfect instagram moments with them, we returned back to our hotel. This time, our rooms were ready. We shifted to the rooms to catch up on some much needed sleep. And retired to bed after an early dinner later.

Note: You can also arrive in Srinagar by road from Jammu. Jammu is well connected with rest of India through road and rail network.

Day 2 : Places to visit in Srinagar

Today, post breakfast, we started our exploration of Srinagar – our one day of sightseeing in Srinagar . From this day onwards we had booked a dedicated cab till the end of our journey.

The first site we visited was Pari Mahal. It is a beautiful garden around a 7 storied building. But the best part is the views of Srinagar, Dal Lake and the surrounding mountains that you get from the garden. Take a virtual tour of Pari Mahal with us in this vlog :

Next we headed to the Mughal Gardens of Srinagar. We visited Chash-me-Shahi Garden and Nishat Bagh. Although there are other gardens also in Srinagar including Shalimar Garden, after visiting 2 mughal gardens of Srinagar, we felt we had enough 🙂 . Since, all these gardens look alike beyond a point.

how many places to visit in kashmir

So, next around 4:00pm, we headed for Shikara ride. After much hassle and bargaining, we and the shikara owners came to an agreement. And finally we had a 2.5 hrs Shikara ride on the Dal Lake . Which included visiting all the famous spots around the lake, stopping for tea and snacks and finally visiting the shops on the bank of the Dal Lake.

how many places to visit in kashmir

Watch our vlog on our Dal Lake Shikara ride here .

Day 3 : Srinagar to Pahalgam Transfer

Today, post breakfast, we traveled from Srinagar to Pahalgam . We reached our hotel in Pahalgam, the Oswal Cottage , by afternoon. And had lunch. Post this, we enjoyed the beautiful sceneries around. And just relaxed. However, some of our friends headed to explore Bisaran Valley. It takes around 3 hours for the complete round trip. Although Bisaran Valley is only 6km from where we stayed. But the terrain is rough. And only accessible through a horse ride. Since we were with kids and moreover our younger one hates any animal interactions, so, we didn’t go. Although if you are not constrained like us, I will highly recommend visiting the Bisaran Valley. Because it is very beautiful.

how many places to visit in kashmir

Day 4: Pahalgam to Aru Valley, Betab Valley and Chandwari

Today we has another action packed day in our Kashmir trip itinerary with kids. As, we spent the day visiting Aru Valley, Betab Valley and Chandwari from Pahalgam . These are the most famous and beautiful valleys around Pahalgam. Which have completely different charms in different seasons.

When we arrived here in April, the spring was in full bloom and the valley was on the verse of welcoming summer. Green meadows spread in front of the snow clapped mountain peaks reminded me of some of the beautiful scenes we had encountered in Tuscany while doing day trips from Florence when we spent almost a week in Italy.

how many places to visit in kashmir

Day 5: Pahalgam to Gulmarg Transfer

Today, post breakfast, we started for Gulmarg from Pahalgam. Watch our road trip experience from Pahalgam to Gulmarg on this vlog . Actually, Gulmarg is the most famous ski resort destination in Asia and India. By the time we booked our accommodation, almost everything in Gulmarg was either full or exorbitantly charged. So, we booked our stay at Hotel Pineview in Tangmarg which is almost 10km before Gulmarg. Nevertheless, we reached here by noon.We had our lunch on the way. After reaching Tangmarg, our driver connected us with a guide who was going to accompany us to the Gondola ride.

how many places to visit in kashmir

The guide further took us to a shop where we hired shoes, jackets and bought gloves and caps for all of us to be used the next day. Also, we rented a vehicle to take us till the Gondola. Since our regular cab drivers prefered to return back to Srinagar. The shoes were to be packed and placed in the car the next morning. So, booking them in advance really saved our time.

Day 6: Gulmarg Gondola Ride

Finally arrived that day of our Kashmir Trip itinerary with family which the kids were waiting for since day 1 – the day of Gondola Ride in Gulmarg . Today, we woke up really early in the morning. And started around 8:00am from our hotel in Tangmarg for the Gulmarg Gondola point. We had pre-booked our Gondola ride online through this government site. Also, we had booked for both phase 1  and phase 2  . Since when we reached here, the snow in phase 1 had reduced a lot. After arriving at the parking for Gulmarg Gondola, we walked to the Gondola and reached there just in time, around 8:30am. Still there was already a huge winding queue. And it was only at 10:30 that we reached the Gondola cable car.

how many places to visit in kashmir

As we sat into the Gondola and started our journey up the mountains, I couldn’t help recall the same experience scaling the heights of Mount Titlis on a day trip from Lucerne with Aashi. Who was precisely the same age at that time as Ishi is now. And once we reached the top, we had a gala time playing in the snow. The memories are as fresh as if it happened yesterday. I guess that’s why we need to spend more on experiences and less on material things.

We reached phase 1 in around 10 mins. But we decided to go to Phase 2 first. Because this year, the summer started early and there was not much snow in phase 1 left. So we went to Phase 2. However, the weather soon turned our plans upside down. It started with a snowfall and then turned into a snow storm. I and my friend decided to return back to the Gondola station with the kids. As the temperature dropped to -5 degrees and the kids started to feel cold. However Abhishek and 2 other friends decided to take the plunge and enjoy snow activities.

how many places to visit in kashmir

Day 7: Gulmarg to Srinagar Transfer

After having a gala day at the Gulmarg Gondola, we started back for Srinagar from Gulmarg on the 7th day of our 9 days Kashmir Trip Itinerary with kids. We started post breakfast from our hotel in Tangmarg, Hotel Pineview . And reached our houseboat, Chicago Group of Houseboats in Srinagar by lunch time. Yes, today we were going to experience staying on a houseboat in Srinagar . The access to the houseboat was through a short Shikara ride from ghat no 9 on Dal Lake. After reaching the houseboat and dumping our luggage, we again took another shikara to return back to the main road for lunch. Since lunch was not provided on the Shikara. After having lunch, we just relaxed in our houseboat in Srinagar. And prepared for the next day when we planned to have a day trip .

how many places to visit in kashmir

Day 8: Srinagar to Doodhpathri day trip

On the second last day of our 9 days Kashmir trip itinerary with family, we embarked on a day trip to Doodhpathri from Srinagar. Although for the past 2-3 days we were having a tussle to select between Sonmarg and Doodhpathri.

how many places to visit in kashmir

Sonmarg is yet another winter destinations in Srinagar. It witnesses a lot of snowfall in the winters. So much so that you can only travel here with special chained vehicles that can navigate snow. However, the snow cover had reduced when we visited here in mid-April. But the temperature was still very low here.

Doodhpathri on the other hand is a lush green meadow. It was not that chilling cold, not that crowded and touristy also. So, finally we picked Doodhpathri over Sonmarg. And then had a wonderful day basking in the sun in one of the most beautiful valleys of Kashmir.

how many places to visit in kashmir

Day 9: Flight back from Srinagar

Finally came the day to say goodbye to Kashmir. We boarded our morning flight from Srinagar and embarked on our way back home. With memories of a lifetime. However, we want to come back to Kashmir. This time in the winter season. To witness the completely transformed landscape of Kashmir. And the winter wonderland that it is called. Hope that materialises soon.

Alternate Kashmir trip itinerary with family

The 9 days Kashmir trip itinerary with kids that we did was a really relaxed one. Since we were traveling with little kids, we didn’t want to overexert ourselves. But, if you are pressed by time on your Kashmir trip itinerary with family, or want to cover alternate things, here are some alternate Kashmir trip itinerary with family options for you. Some of these are aggressive on timelines, you can opt them when traveling solo, with friends or backpacking.

Kashmir Trip Itinerary Option 1 : 5 days trip to Srinagar, Pahalgam and Gulmarg

how many places to visit in kashmir

  • Arrive in Srinagar in the morning. Get an early checkin at your hotel if possible. If not, at least dump your luggage. And head to the Tulip Gardens. Spend couple of hours here. Have lunch. And post lunch take a Sikara ride on the Dal Lake. Stay near Dal Lake if possible.
  • Srinagar to Pahalgam day trip. Start early in the morning by 7:00am, reach Pahalgam by 9:30am. From here, take a day trip to explore Aru Valley, Betab Valley and Chandanwari. Return to Srinagar by 6:30 or 7:00pm in the evening
  • Srinagar to Gulmarg day trip. Today, go straight to the Gulmarg Gondola from Srinagar. Pre book the gondola ride tickets. Reach here by 10:00am. And then enjoy the snow activities in Gulmarg. For a complete detail of how to book the Gondola and how to enjoy your day in Gulmarg, read this post.
  • Do a day trip from Srinagar to Sonmarg today.
  • Spend half the day sightseeing in Srinagar. Visit some of the famous gardens, Pari Mahal and some other attractions. Post noon, checkout from your hotel and start back home.

While staying all 5 nights in Srinagar, you can spend a couple on a houseboat – a different kind of experience.

Kashmir Trip Itinerary Option 2 : 3 days visiting Pahalgam and Gulmarg

how many places to visit in kashmir

If you are really pressed by time, I will suggest, skip Srinagar. And head straight to Pahalgam and Gulmarg. Do a day trip to each of these from Srinagar. And then head back to your home on the third day. Of course, you will miss the Sikara ride on the Dal lake and the other attractions that Srinagar has got to offer. But then you have to make a choice when you are that limited by time.

Kashmir Trip Itinerary Option 3 : Srinagar, Pahalgam, Kargil and Ladakh

how many places to visit in kashmir

This is a very different itinerary than the rest two I proposed above. If you are visiting Kashmir in summer months, like June, there is not much of snow to enjoy. So, you can altogether avoid the snow destinations like Sonmarg or Gulmarg. Spend the first couple of days in Srinagar enjoying the local sites. And then do a day trip to Pahalgam from Srinagar on the third day. On the fourth day head to Kargil. And from there, embark on a trip to Ladakh for the next 5 days!! Making the most of your time in Kashmir. And combining two most exotic destinations of India into one single trip!!

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37 thoughts on “Our 9 days Kashmir trip itinerary with family”

Join us on a captivating 9-day journey through Kashmir with our family-friendly itinerary, carefully crafted to ensure an unforgettable experience for all. From leisurely shikara rides on Dal Lake to thrilling adventures in the mountains, discover the beauty and charm of Kashmir while creating cherished memories with your loved ones.

Your Kashmir trip itinerary is incredibly detailed and inspiring! It’s evident you put a lot of thought and effort into crafting a well-balanced mix of must-visit destinations and offbeat experiences. Your personalized insights make it an invaluable resource for families planning their own unforgettable Kashmir adventure.

Thank you so much!

The 9-day Kashmir trip itinerary shared by you offers a comprehensive exploration of the region’s beauty, culture, and adventure. From iconic destinations like Srinagar and Gulmarg to off-the-beaten-path gems, it provides a well-balanced mix of experiences for families, making it an inspiring guide for planning a memorable Kashmir vacation.

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Roadtripping through heaven – 9 days of bliss in Kashmir

Setting off on an epic road trip to the mesmerising realm of Kashmir was a dream come true for me. The allure of its majestic mountains, tranquil lakes, and vibrant culture had always captivated my imagination. So, with an insatiable wanderlust burning inside me, I meticulously charted out a thrilling nine-day Kashmir itinerary from Delhi and back. Going through all the places to visit in Kashmir so carefully, trying not to miss anything.

Little did I know that this adventure would be made even more incredible, thanks to the fantastic folks at Savaari Car Rentals and their amazing drivers. These road trip experts not only made our journey comfortable and hassle-free but also added a touch of warmth and personalisation to the whole experience. Buckle up as I take you along the winding roads, picturesque vistas, and cultural encounters that made this escapade through the enchanting valleys of Kashmir truly unforgettable. So, here is your Kashmir itinerary that will take you through the wonders of the state.

Kashmir road trip itinerary

Table of Contents

  • Delhi to Amritsar  
  • Amritsar to Doda
  • Doda to Kishtwar
  • Kishtwar to Pahalgam
  • Pahalgam to Pulwama
  • Pulwama to Srinagar
  • Srinagar to Gulmarg
  • Gulmarg to Sanasar
  • Sanasar to Delhi

Day 1 – Delhi to Amritsar

The road trip from Delhi to Amritsar was like stepping into a world where history, spirituality, and culinary delights collided. With a tank full of gas, an open mind, an insatiable appetite for adventure, and my Savaari driver, I set off on this thrilling journey. As we left the bustling streets of Delhi behind, the landscape transformed into a picturesque panorama of lush fields and quaint villages. Along the way, we couldn’t resist stopping at roadside dhabas to indulge in mouthwatering Punjabi delicacies, from buttery parathas to finger-licking tandoori delights. The food is truly one of the best things about being on a road trip. 

Finally, as we arrived in Amritsar, the city’s vibrant energy and rich heritage embraced us. The iconic Golden Temple stood tall, radiating an aura of tranquillity and spiritual devotion. It was late, and I was hungry again, so we tried some amazing street food, relishing the world-famous Amritsari kulchas.  For more things to do in Amritsar, visit our blog. 

Distance – 466 KM

Time taken (approximately) – 8 hrs

Things to do in Amritsar –

  • Visit the various monuments like Jalianwalah Bagh, Golden Temple, Wagah Border and other attractions.
  • Indulge in the authentic flavours of Amritsari street food, from crispy samosas to lip-smacking lassi.
  • Experience the vibrant and bustling atmosphere of the bustling local markets, such as Hall Bazaar and Katra Jaimal Singh.
  • Pay a visit to the historic Durgiana Temple, often referred to as the “Silver Temple” due to its striking resemblance to the Golden Temple.
  • Enjoy a boat ride in Amritsar’s serene and picturesque Sarovar Lake, located within the Golden Temple complex.

Amritsar, Punjab

Day 2 – Amritsar to Doda

The next morning we left from Amritsar to Doda. It was like venturing into a hidden gem nestled amidst the scenic landscapes of Jammu and Kashmir. With the thrill of the open road coursing through our veins, we left Amritsar behind, bidding adieu to its vibrant energy and rich heritage. As we drove through the winding roads, the countryside unfolded before our eyes, adorned with rolling hills, verdant meadows, and glistening streams. The journey was not only about the destination but also about the experiences along the way. Booking a Savaari allowed us to make pit stops in quaint towns, savouring the local delicacies and immersing ourselves in the warmth of the people.

 Finally, we reached Doda, a place of tranquillity and breathtaking natural beauty.  It was almost insane how drastically the landscape changed in just a few hours. I visited the ancient Chinta Valley, where time seemed to stand still amidst the mystical ruins and sacred temples. As the evening approached, I found myself captivated by the mesmerising sunset at the picturesque Doda Viewpoint, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. I am glad Doda was not missing from my Kashmir itinerary.

Distance – 338 KM

Things to do in Doda –

  • Explore the scenic beauty of the Chenab River and Chamera Lake enjoy waterside picnics.
  • Trek through the lush meadows and forests to witness the captivating landscapes of the region.
  • Visit the ancient Chinta Valley to discover its mystical ruins and sacred temples.
  • Discover the rich cultural heritage of Doda by visiting local markets and interacting with the warm-hearted locals.
  • Take part in adventurous activities like paragliding and river rafting for an adrenaline-pumping experience.
  • Immerse yourself in spirituality at the Vasuki Nag Temple and Machail Mata Temple.

Doda, Kashmir

Day 3 – Doda to Kishtwar

The next morning, I started my day by immersing myself in the pristine beauty of the Chenab River, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the surrounding verdant hills. The melodious sound of chirping birds accompanied me as I hiked through lush meadows and dense forests, breathing in the crisp mountain air. We had to leave to the next spot on the Kashmir itinerary.

As our wheels traced the winding roads, leaving Doda, the towering mountains and cascading waterfalls mesmerised us at every turn. The air was filled with the aroma of pine forests, and the sound of gushing rivers provided a symphony to our adventure. Along the way, we encountered charming villages, where the locals greeted us with warm smiles and tales of their mountainous homeland.

Although there is a lot to do in Kishtwar, I decided to connect to nature.  As I ventured into this pristine sanctuary, a sense of tranquillity enveloped me. The lush greenery, dense forests, and snow-capped peaks formed a stunning backdrop for wildlife enthusiasts like myself. With each step, I immersed myself in the rich biodiversity that thrived within the sanctuary. From spotting elusive species like the Himalayan black bear and the Kashmir stag to witnessing vibrant birdlife, the sanctuary offered a glimpse into the natural splendour of the region. I was able to trek without worrying because I just asked my Savaari cab driver to wait for me at the ending point so that I could just sit in the car and relax after it. 

Distance – 55 KM

Time taken (approximately) – 2 hrs 

Things to do in Kishtwar-

  • Visit the Chandi Mata Temple, an ancient and revered religious site with stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Explore the local markets to experience the vibrant colours, flavours, and culture of Kishtwar.
  • Embark on a trek through the picturesque trails of Kishtwar Wildlife Sanctuary, home to diverse flora and fauna.
  • Witness the breathtaking beauty of Machail Mata Temple, located just a short drive from Kishtwar.
  • Interact with the warm-hearted locals to learn about their unique customs, traditions, and way of life.
  • Experience the thrill of adventure sports like river rafting and paragliding in the midst of nature’s wonders.
  • Attend local festivals and cultural events to immerse yourself in the rich heritage of the region.

Kishtwar, Kashmir itinerary

Day 4 – Kishtwar to Pahalgam

The journey to Pahalgam was a short one but long enough for me to rest up for the exciting destination.  As I travelled along winding roads, I encountered majestic mountains, gushing rivers, and untouched villages before reaching the serene beauty of Pahalgam. We first went sledging in Chandanwari, which was so much fun. Except for the part when I had to drag the sledge back up the hill. I even bought some souvenirs from the local shops around. To learn about which souvenirs to buy on your travels around India, visit this blog. 

In the night, I rented a tent from a nearby shop to camp under the sky in Betab Valley. It was an item from my bucket list that I just had to strike off. I was a little sceptical at first. Alone, in a valley, in the wild. But my driver reassured me. He told me that we could fill the car with emergency supplies and that he would park the car just nearby on the road in case something was required. I could peacefully spend the night looking up at the night sky, thinking of all the thousand fleeting thoughts all at once and yet nothing at all. Interestingly, Doda was not in my initial Kashmir itinerary, but driver bhaiya suggested it, and I am glad I did not miss it.

Distance – 188 KM

Time taken (approximately) – 5 hrs 30 mins

Things to do in Pahalgam –  

  • Embark on a thrilling trek to Kolahoi Glacier, surrounded by towering peaks and magnificent views.
  • Visit the iconic Sheshnag Lake, a tranquil spot nestled amidst the mountains, offering a mesmerising reflection of its surroundings.
  • Discover the ancient ruins of the Martand Sun Temple, an architectural marvel that reflects the region’s rich cultural heritage.
  • Engage in pony rides or trekking to explore the scenic trails of Aru Valley, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and verdant meadows.
  • Experience the thrill of skiing during the winter season, as Pahalgam transforms into a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts.
  • Pay a visit to the picturesque Mamleshwar Temple, a sacred site dedicated to Lord Shiva, known for its peaceful surroundings and intricate architecture.
  • Enjoy a picnic amidst the sprawling meadows of Baisaran, also known as Mini Switzerland, offering stunning views and tranquillity.

Pahalgam, Kashmir

Day 5 – Pahalgam to Pulwama 

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my tent, and there is no better way to wake up. As I realised that I was in a tent in Kashmir, the smile on my face broadened so much that I was worried that my jaw would start hurting. Leaving behind the serene charm of Pahalgam, I embarked on a road trip that promised to unveil new wonders at every turn. As the scenic route unfolded before me, I was captivated by the majestic mountains, lush meadows, and the gentle flow of the Lidder River accompanying my journey. It was so beautiful, and I wanted to stop for a picnic. This is what makes road trips fun. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers and the melodies of chirping birds. 

On reaching Pulwama, my first stop was the Pari Mahal, a fort that brought me back in time with it. Then we were off to the Swami Temple Ruins, this place is so eccentric and beautiful. And I ended my day with a nice golden hour photoshoot at the tulip garden. The driver bhaiya was nice enough to click the endless streams of pictures for me. As the sun set below the horizon, I watched it go down and bid adieu to the day. Pulwama should definitely be on your Kashmir itinerary.

Distance – 70 KM

Things to do in Pulwama –

  • Visit the famous Aharbal Waterfall, a majestic cascade surrounded by lush greenery, offering a picturesque spot for relaxation and photography.
  • Explore the beautiful Tarsar and Marsar Lakes, known for their crystal-clear waters and breathtaking mountain views, perfect for trekking and camping.
  • Take a leisurely stroll through the scenic saffron fields of Pampore, a town famous for its high-quality saffron cultivation, offering a unique cultural and agricultural experience.
  • Discover the historical Awantipora Ruins, ancient temple ruins showcasing intricate stone carvings and architectural remnants, providing insights into the region’s rich history.
  • Enjoy a peaceful boat ride or fishing experience in the serene Doodhpathri Valley, surrounded by rolling meadows and snow-clad mountains.
  • Experience the vibrant culture and traditional Kashmiri cuisine at the bustling Pulwama market, where you can sample local delicacies and shop for handicrafts.


Day 6 – Pulwama to Srinagar

The journey from Pulwama to Srinagar wasn’t very long, but every corner of Kashmir is just perfect for driving around. Which is maybe the reason why making a Kashmir itinerary is so difficult. Once in Srinagar, The day began with a serene Shikara boat ride on the iconic Dal Lake, gliding through the shimmering waters while being surrounded by floating gardens and traditional houseboats. Then the driver bhaiya suggested this amazing kebab and tea place for some snacks. He always has the best suggestions.

Then I went exploring the bustling lanes of the old city and the lively markets. As the day drew to a close, I witnessed the breathtaking sunset from the iconic Shankaracharya Hill, overlooking the city with panoramic views that took my breath away. Srinagar left an indelible mark on my heart with its timeless beauty, cultural treasures, and warm Kashmiri hospitality, making the day a truly unforgettable experience.

Distance – 30 KM

Time taken (approximately) – 1 hrs 

Things to do in Srinagar –

  • Take a peaceful Shikara boat ride on the iconic Dal Lake, gliding through the serene waters and exploring the floating gardens and houseboats.
  • Visit the magnificent Mughal Gardens, including Nishat Bagh, Shalimar Bagh, and Chashme Shahi, known for their stunning terraced lawns, vibrant flower beds, and cascading fountains.
  • Explore the bustling lanes of the old city and indulge in shopping for traditional Kashmiri handicrafts, such as Pashmina shawls, Kashmiri carpets, and intricate woodwork.
  • Enjoy a scenic drive to the nearby hill station of Gulmarg, where you can experience thrilling activities like skiing, snowboarding, and cable car rides.
  • Explore the intriguing history and architecture of the Shankaracharya Temple, situated atop a hill and offering panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains.
  • Visit the floating vegetable market on Dal Lake, where local farmers and vendors sell fresh produce from their boats, offering a unique and vibrant shopping experience.
  • Take a serene walk along the picturesque Nigeen Lake, surrounded by charming houseboats, lush gardens, and breathtaking views, providing a peaceful retreat away from the city’s hustle and bustle.

Dal Lake, Srinagar

Day 7 – Srinagar to Gulmarg

The next morning, as we hit the road, the crisp mountain air and breathtaking views set the tone for an unforgettable journey. The first stop in our Kashmir itinerary was the charming village of Tangmarg, where we decided to take a thrilling detour. We hopped on sturdy mountain bikes and explored the scenic trails that led us through lush forests and rolling meadows. The adrenaline rush as we navigated the challenging terrains was truly invigorating.

After a memorable biking experience, we continued our road trip to Gulmarg, a winter wonderland that transforms into a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts during the summer months. Upon arrival, I wasted no time before engaging in exciting activities like horseback riding or taking the exhilarating cable car ride to Kongdori Mountain. The panoramic views of snow-capped peaks and vast meadows left us in awe. The road trip from Srinagar to Gulmarg was a perfect blend of adventure, natural beauty, and unforgettable moments, leaving us with cherished memories of this enchanting region.

Distance – 51 KM

Time taken (approximately) – 1 hrs  27 mins

Things to do in Gulmarg –

  • Enjoy skiing or snowboarding on the pristine slopes of Gulmarg, known for its excellent winter sports opportunities.
  • Take a thrilling gondola ride on the Gulmarg Gondola, one of the highest cable car systems in the world, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Embark on a scenic trek to Khilanmarg, a picturesque meadow nestled amidst snow-capped peaks, offering breathtaking views of the Himalayas.
  • Try your hand at ice skating on the frozen surface of Alpather Lake during the winter season, creating unforgettable memories amidst the stunning landscapes.
  • Explore the stunning Apharwat Peak, accessible by a chairlift ride, and soak in the mesmerising vistas of the Himalayan ranges and the Kashmir Valley.
  • Engage in a thrilling snowmobile ride through the snow-covered trails, experiencing the thrill of zooming across the wintry landscape.
  • Visit the iconic Maharani Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva’s consort, located amidst lush greenery and offering a peaceful atmosphere for spiritual seekers.
  • Play a round of golf at the Gulmarg Golf Course, one of the highest golf courses in the world, known for its stunning views and challenging terrain.

Gulmarg, Kashmir itinerary

Day 8 – Gulmarg to Sanasar 

After the bike ride in Tangmarg, I wanted more. More adrenaline, more adventure and more fun. So, next on the Kashmir itinerary was Sanasar. The road trip from Gulmarg to Sanasar was an adrenaline-fueled adventure through the stunning landscapes of Kashmir. As we left Gulmarg late at night, we reached our destination nice and bright. I set out for my day in Sanasar.

First, I went to kill this adrenaline keeda that was constantly on my mind. I went paragliding. It was insanely scary and fun at the same time. Post that, I wanted to thank God for not killing me and to do that, we went atop the Patnitop hill to the Nag temple to pay my thanks. And since I had a very long journey the next morning, it was early indoors and just admiring the beauty of this state.  It was a last-minute addition to the Kashmir itinerary, but it was definitely worth it.

Distance – 235.7 KM

Time taken (approximately) – 7 hrs 

Things to do in Sanasar –

  • Experience the thrill of paragliding and soar through the skies, enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  • Engage in exciting adventure activities like zip-lining, where you can zip through the air and feel the adrenaline rush.
  • Embark on a scenic trek to the Shank Pal Peak, offering breathtaking views of the Pir Panjal Range and the Chenab River.
  • Camp amidst the serene beauty of Sanasar, spending a night under the starry sky and immersing yourself in the tranquillity of nature.
  • Try your hand at rock climbing and challenge yourself to conquer the rugged cliffs and boulders in Sanasar.
  • Enjoy a leisurely picnic by the picturesque Nagin Lake, surrounded by lush greenery and offering a peaceful ambience.
  • Visit the ancient Suru Temple, a revered religious site known for its architectural beauty and serene surroundings.

Sansar, Kashmir itinerary

Day 9 –  Sansar to Delhi

Taking a road trip from Sanasar to Delhi in a chauffeured cab was an absolute delight, combining convenience and fun into one incredible journey. The comfort of having a dedicated driver allowed us to sit back, relax, and fully immerse ourselves in the scenic landscapes that unfolded before me. As we cruised along the smooth highways, the picturesque beauty of the countryside and the changing vistas kept us captivated throughout the day.

The journey was made even more enjoyable with stops at charming roadside dhabas, where we savoured delectable local delicacies and refreshed ourselves with hot chai. The seamless travel experience offered by the chauffeured cab allowed us to make the most of our time, ensuring that we reached Delhi in a single day without any hassles or stress. It was a truly convenient and fun-filled road trip experience that left us with lasting memories of the diverse landscapes and the joy of exploring the wonders of India at our own pace. Looking back, I feel like any Kashmir itinerary does not do justice to the beauty of the place.

Distance – 689 KM

Time taken (approximately) – 13 hrs 

Embarking on a journey through the enchanting landscapes of Kashmir proved to be a truly unforgettable experience. From the breathtaking valleys of Pahalgam and Pulwama to the adventure-filled destinations of Gulmarg and Sanasar, every step of the Kashmir itinerary offered a glimpse into the region’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. The road trips, guided by the expert chauffeurs of Savaari Car Rentals, provided convenience, comfort, and the freedom to explore at our own pace.

Whether it was indulging in thrilling activities, immersing ourselves in spirituality, or simply relishing the serene beauty of the surroundings, Kashmir offered a kaleidoscope of experiences that left us in awe. The warm hospitality, delicious cuisine, and vibrant local markets added a touch of charm to our journey. As we bid adieu to the picturesque landscapes and fond memories created, we carry with us a deep appreciation for the wonders of Kashmir and a longing to return and explore more of its hidden treasures. I can’t wait to make another Kashmir itinerary for round -2 of the road trip.

Useful travel information

  • NH blocked, 3000 vehicles stranded; flood alert sounded in Kashmir
  • Monsoon Rain: Alert issued for heavy rains in Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand for next 2 days

Last Updated on January 17, 2024 by Swati Deol

Roadtripping Through Heaven: 9 Days of Bliss in Kashmir

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A perfect 7-day itinerary for Kashmir

Panchali Dey , TIMESOFINDIA.COM , TRAVEL TRENDS , KASHMIR Updated : Aug 29, 2022, 12:01 IST

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If you are planning a trip to Kashmir, you might be having a hard time creating an itinerary that doesn't miss the must-visits. With Kashmir, being one of India’s most sought-after destinations, it's normal to be confused about the itinerary. So, to help you save time, here’s our comprehensive 7-days itinerary that ensures that you do not miss the prominent attractions.

Day 1 - Arrival in Srinagar

The best and the easiest way to arrive at Srinagar is by air; it is largely affordable and will save your time too. After you reach Srinagar, take some time out to relax and use the rest of the day to explore nearby areas. If possible, do enjoy a shikara ride over the Dal Lake and witness a beautiful sunset.

Day 2 - Sonamarg

After breakfast, get ready to head out to Sonamarg. It will take around two and a half hours to reach Sonamarg from Srinagar by car.

Sonamarg translates to a meadow of gold, and this place rightly justifies this title. As you reach here, your vision is graced by breathtaking views, which seem nothing less than magical. Here, you can either indulge in some adventurous activities or take in the beauty around, before heading back to Srinagar.

Day 3 - Gulmarg

Whether you are in Srinagar or Sonamarg, your next ideal stop will be Gulmarg. It's one of the most famous ski destinations not only in India, but also in the world. It's also a paradise for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and photographers. When here, don't miss gondola rides and mountain biking.

Day 4 - Pahalgam

Next in your travel itinerary will be Pahalgam, another breathtakingly beautiful place that you shouldn't skip. Pahalgam, the Valley of Shepherds , is famed for its lush green forests, scenic landscape, and makes for a great spot to visit. If possible, enjoy an overnight stay at Pahalgam.

Day 5 - Spend the day to explore Betaab Valley and much more

Visit Betaab Valley, and be prepared to be blown away with its beauty. Then don't miss Chandanwadi, which is gorgeous and serves as the starting point of Amarnath Yatra, and the Aru Valley. Wander around and see how nature turns you into a photographer, while surrounded by greenery here. If you have time you can also check out the Lidder River.

Day 6 - Get ready for Srinagar

If you don't feel like leaving this place, you can opt to spend some more time in Pahalgam and then head out to Srinagar in the afternoon. On your way to Srinagar, you can stop by Awantipura and check out the ruins of the 9th century Avantiswami Temple that is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Vishnu. You will reach Srinagar by the end of the day after which you can relax and enjoy some local Kashmiri delicacies

Day 7 - Explore Srinagar

Spend the day exploring Srinagar or just relax the way you want. If you are keen to see what the city has to offer, then start with the Mughal gardens, which were built by Shah Jahan. Then, you can check out Nishat Gardens, Pari Mahal Gardens, Shalimar Gardens, whereas the Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden is also worth a visit. Also, visit the local markets to buy saffron, some Kashmiri pashmina, and souvenirs to take back home.

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A perfect 7-day itinerary for Kashmir

If you are planning a trip to Kashmir, you might be having a hard time creating an itinerary that doesn't miss the must-visits. With Kashmir, being one of India’s most sought-after destinations, it's ...

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how many places to visit in kashmir

30 Best Places to Visit in Kashmir - A Heaven Of Earth

April 16, 2024

With numerous breathtaking places to visit in Kashmir, it is an appealing gateway that welcomes millions of tourists annually. This bizarre city, located near several lovely sites, has many intriguing attractions. From stunning valleys and quaint villages to breathtaking fruit orchards, untouched meadows, fresh mountain air, and snow-covered slopes, Jammu is the ideal starting point for discovering Kashmir's attractions, and the Kashmir tour packages allow you to realise your dreams.

Unlock the wonders of this stunning region with carefully planned Kashmir tour packages , which provide a memorable journey through the magnificence that awaits around every corner.

Whether you're on a single trip, a romantic vacation, or a family vacation, these Kashmir tourist places will undoubtedly be on the to-do list. While visiting the beautiful Chashmashi Gardens or the Verinag Spring is a wonderful way to spend time with a loved one, a short trip to Dachigam National Park or Yusmarg would be excellent selections for a healthy family vacation.

So why delay? Plan a trip to Kashmir with Trip Planners India today.

Here Are The Top 30 Places To Visit In Kashmir

1. srinagar.

Srinagar  is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Srinagar is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir for honeymoon and concrete reasons. The city set along the banks of Jhelum has some of the best honeymoon places in Jammu & Kashmir. Whether it's the enigmatic Dal Lake or the beautiful Mughal gardens, you will have a beautiful time in this enthralling city with the Best Srinagar tour packages .

Experience the Best places to visit in Srinagar , including serene Dal Lake, lush Mughal Gardens, vibrant markets for unique handicrafts, and authentic Kashmiri cuisine for a memorable journey.

You can also explore the floating vegetable market at the edge of Dal Lake and visit the apple orchards to pluck fresh fruits from the trees.

  • How to reach: Fly to Srinagar Airport or get down at Udhampur Railway Station to reach Srinagar. 
  • Must do: Stay in the boat house, Visit the Mughal gardens, Take the shikara ride
  • Best time to visit: June to October, and for snow, you must visit Srinagar in December or January
  • Famous for: Gardens, lakes, and houseboats.
  • Ideal duration: 5 days

Gulmarg is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

The cosy and ideal weather makes Gulmarg one of the best Kashmir tourist places for tourists to visit. The mature pines grace the meadows and make the snow-capped peaks even more stunning. Even the cheapest Gulmarg travel package will give you a glimpse of some breathtaking places and things to do in Gulmarg , including the Anglican Church of St Mary's and the Strawberry Valley. 

The Apharwat Peak is one of the best places to visit in Gulmarg and is the perfect place for a gondola ride and exploring the snowclad slopes. It would help if you also visited the Ningle Nallah to witness a calm, cooling mountain stream. Seven Springs is another place to explore seven natural water outlets. Visit Gulmarg with the cheapest tour packages for Kashmir for an affordable and exciting vacation.

The Maharani Temple is perfect for couples with a religious side and is one of the most popular places to see in Srinagar. Moreover, Gulmarg is one of the best snowfall places in India to accompany your partner and have a romantic time. In this regard, you can visit Gulmarg with the best couple tour packages.

  • How to reach: Fly to Srinagar Airport or take a train to the Jammu Tawi Railway Station to visit Gulmarg. 
  • Must do: If you are visiting Gulmarg with your beloved, you should go for a gondola ride. Skiing and bird watching are some other activities to try in Gulmarg. The Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve is also great for mammal viewing. 
  • Best time to visit: April to June
  • Famous for: Picturesque view of the Himalayan peaks in the background.
  • Ideal duration: At least 2 days.

3. Sonmarg

One of the best Kashmir tourist places to visit in May in India, Sonmarg also looks enchanting during the winter months. The natural beauty of the place, packed with peaks, lakes, falls, and forests, makes Sonmarg one of the most serene and aesthetic Kashmir honeymoon places. The Gangabal Lake, Satsar Lake, and Gadsar Lake are pristine water bodies that heighten the scenic appeal of Sonmarg. You can plan to travel to this place from any location.

This pass connects Sonmarg with Ladakh and is a hub of snow-covered peaks, Zojila Glacier, and deep denes. Baltal Valley is yet another undamaged attraction to immerse yourself in tranquillity, stunning beauty, and peaceful terrain. Sonmarg is also home to the Kargil War Memorial, a keepsake reminding us of the courage and bravery of our war heroes. It is one of the most beautiful places in Jammu and Kashmir.

  • How to reach: If you want to reach Sonmarg, you can fly to Srinagar Airport or go to the Jammu Tawi Railway Station. 
  • Must do: If you are in Sonmarg, don’t forget to trek amidst the snow-capped mountains or camp under the starry sky. White water rafting, fishing, and sledding are some of the other activities to try in Sonmarg. 
  • Famous for: Verdant vegetation and snow-capped mountains.
  • Ideal duration: 2 days

4. Betaab Valley

Betaab Valley is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Betaab Valley, one of the best hill stations in Srinagar, served as the backdrop for a hit Bollywood film and can be visited with the best tour packages in India . This valley's coniferous forests and gushing streams will let you escape into a serene world. 

Despite the need for more organised tourist spots, the best Betab Valley Pahalgam travel packages will cover several destinations for weekend getaways and picnics. It is one of the picturesque places to see in Srinagar.

  • How to reach: Fly to Srinagar Airport or get down at Udhampur Railway Station to reach Betaab Valley. 
  • Must do: Trekking, camping, and hiking are some of the best activities for couples visiting Betaab Valley. 
  • Best time to visit: June to September
  • Famous for: The Bollywood film, Betaab, starring Sunny Deol and Amrita Singh, was shot here in 1983.

5. Pahalgam

Pahalgam  is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

The picturesque destination of Pahalgam sits amidst the Liddar Valley. Often referred to as the Valley of Shepherds, Pahalgam is one of the best places to visit in Srinagar. Once you step into Pahalgam, you will be transported to a world of tranquillity with breathtaking destinations. The best Betaab Valley Pahalgam honeymoon packages include stunning spots like Sheshnag and Tulian Lake. 

If you are a fan of the luxury sport of golf, play it with a scenic view of the Himalayas on the Pahalgam Golf Course with the recommended Pahalgam tour packages . If you are looking for the best season to visit Kashmir, then winter is the best to visit Pahalgam.

  • How to reach: Fly to Srinagar Airport or get down at the Udhampur railway station to reach Pahalgam. Some tourists also prefer getting down at the Jammu Tawi Railway Station to reach Pahalgam. 
  • Must do activities: Go for a picnic, pony riding, or zip lining at Baisaran. Kolahoi Glacier is a great destination for trekking. Shop for Kashmiri handicrafts, carpets, kaftans, Namaz prayer rugs, and other lovely items with Kashmiri embroidery. 
  • Best time to visit: March to June and October to February
  • Famous for: The annual pilgrimage to Amarnath Yatra.

6. Dal Lake

dal lake  is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

The Dal Lake, also known as the jewel of Srinagar, is connected with a visit to the town, serves as a visual representation of it and is one of the top places to see in Jammu Kashmir. It is Jammu and Kashmir's second-largest lake, spanning 15 kilometres. The mirror-like Dal Lake reflects the snow-dusted peaks of the Pir Panjal Himalayas as colourful shikaras (gondolas) float by. The houseboats and shikaras are the main attractions.

The Dal Lake in Srinagar, one of the best places to see in Kashmir, is also famed for its floating market (known as Raad), where traders have their own Shikaras and are not afraid to approach tourists with their most charming handicrafts, saffron, delicacies, and even ice creams in sight. During the winter, ice skating on the frozen Dal Lake is popular among tourists. The Kashmir tour package provides a complete guide to exploring Kashmir in September .

  • How to reach: Tourists can also hire a cab to Lal Chowk and then use public transport like the bus to reach Dal Lake.
  • Best time to visit: Shikara ride, shopping, houseboat stay.
  • Famous for: Scenic beauty and pilgrimage centre.
  • Ideal duration: 3 to 4 hours

7. Vaishno Devi

Vaishno Devi is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Additionally, the Ardhkuwari Gufa is a popular place for tourists visiting Vaishno Devi. This place is believed to be the place of meditation for Mata Vaishnodevi and is one of the most popular places to see in Kashmir.

  • How to reach: Fly to the Jammu Airport or get down at Udhampur Railway Station to reach Vaishno Devi. 
  • Must do things: Apart from worshipping at the shrine, you can also go trekking in Vaishno Devi.
  • Best time to visit: March to October
  • Famous for: One of the pilgrimages for Hindus in North India.
  • Ideal duration: 4 to 7 hours

Kupwara is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Among the most beautiful places in Jammu and Kashmir., Kupwara is a destination for couples with an unadulterated love for nature. You will find everything in this district, ranging from glowing valleys to picturesque meadows. Several Kashmir trips from Hyderabad include a trip to the Army Camp with brave soldiers guarding us and doing a thankless job. 

The Bangus Valley is another location to explore in Kupwara, with contracted trees and taiga. Chandigram, included within Lolab Valley, is yet another of the places to see in Jammu Kashmir for honeymoon couples. If you visit Kupwara, Sibam Valley and Lallab Valley are some of the best places to see in Kashmir.

  • How to reach: Fly to Srinagar Airport or get down at the Sopore Railway Station to reach Kupwara. 
  • Must-do things: Hiking, trekking, bird watching, and fishing are some of the most iconic activities tourists can try in Kupwara. 
  • Best time to visit: December to April
  • Famous for: Lush green forests and pastures.
  • Ideal duration: 2 or 3 days

Pulwama is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Pulwama, a quaint little town, is one of the best places to see in Jammu Kashmir for a honeymoon. The aromatic saffron fields, pleasant weather, and beautiful orchards lend this place encapsulating beauty. Numerous tourists from Kolkata plan this trip to Pulwama every year.

December is the best time to visit Kashmir, and Pulwama is one of the top places.

  • How to reach: How to Reach: Tourists can fly to Srinagar Airport to reach Pulwama. 
  • Must do things: If you are an adventure-lover, you should try activities like snowboarding, skiing, trekking, and mountaineering in Pulwama. 
  • Best time to visit: April to October
  • Famous for: Rice production
  • Ideal duration: 2 to 3 days

10. Anantnag

Anantnag is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Situated 53 kilometres away from Srinagar, Anantnag is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir for honeymoon in India on a low budget. The freshwater springs and gushing streams in the area make it extremely soothing. The lush gardens of Anantnag are a treat to the sore eyes. 

If you check out kashmir tour packages, you will find some religious spots, including the Ziarat Baba Hyder Reshi, Martand Sun Temple, and Masjid Baba Dawood Khaki. Some other captivating spots to explore in Anantnag include Verinag, Achabal, and Kishtwar National Park. 

As a meeting point of three streams, Arapath, Sandran, and Brengi, Anantnag is among the best Jammu and Kashmir tourist places. 

  • How to reach: Fly to Srinagar Airport or get down at the Udhampur Railway Station to reach Anantnag.  
  • Must do things: If you are in Anantnag, you will have to go river rafting, golfing, skiing, trekking, and mountain biking. 
  • Best time to visit: November to March
  • Famous for: Natural beauty, historical sites, and hospitable people.
  • Ideal duration: 4 days

11. Nishat Garden

Nishat Garden is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Nishat Garden, established in 1633 by Asif Khan, Nur Jahan's elder brother, is the second biggest Mughal garden and is one of the few unique places to visit in Kashmir. The Nishat Garden, often known as the "Garden of Bliss," is a stunning 12-terraced garden surrounded by towering Chinar trees. The park features a central water channel as well as other stunning fountains.

The Nishat Garden's design is inspired by Persian architecture, but the landscaping incorporates Kashmiri river patterns and landscape. The Nishant Garden also provides beautiful panoramic views of the lovely Dal Lake, with the magnificent Zabarwan Mountains providing the ideal backdrop. It is one of the most beautiful places in Jammu and Kashmir.

  • How to reach: 42 hr (2,355.7 km) via NH 44
  • Must-do things: Sightseeing, walking, shopping, and taking pictures.
  • Best time to visit: April to June and September to November
  • Famous for: Offers a breathtaking view of Dal Lake.
  • Ideal duration: 2 to 3 hours

12. Shalimar Garden

Shalimar Garden is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

The wonderfully laid-out Shalimar Bagh is the largest of Srinagar's three classic Mughal gardens. The Shalimar Garden was built in 1619 on the orders of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, who dedicated it to his wife Nur Jahan. This public park, nicknamed the "Crown of Srinagar," overlooks the glittering waters of the stunning Dal Lake.

'Shalimar' means 'Abode of Love' in Sanskrit and is also known as Farah Baksh and Faiz Baksh. The magnificent Shalimar Garden combines stunning artificial structures, dazzling architecture, natural attractiveness, and well-maintained vegetation.

  • How to reach : 41 hr (2,255.8 km) via NH 44
  • Must do things: Picnic, walk, and sightseeing
  • Best time to visit: Mid-February to Mid-April and September-October.
  • Famous for: Known for chini khanas, or arched niches, behind garden waterfalls.
  • Ideal duration: 1 to 2 hours

13. Chashmashahi

Chashmashahi is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Despite its many attractions, the city's Mughal Gardens are among the most breathtaking locations to visit in Kashmir. And the Chashma Shahi Gardens is one of them. This ancient garden was constructed in the early 17th century for Prince Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah Jahan. A freshwater spring flowing through terraces is in the middle of the garden.

  • How to reach: The Chashma Shahi is located within the jurisdiction of Srinagar city, 14 kilometres (9 mi) northeast of the Srinagar Airport.
  • Must do things: Picnic, walk, sightseeing
  • Famous for: Natural spring known as Rupa Bhawani

14. Yusmarg

The surreal beauty of Yusmarg, a short drive outside of Srinagar Main, has earned it the moniker "Meadow of Jesus." Yusmarg, one of the most popular destinations in Kashmir for weekend vacations, is a small paradise with lengthy stretches of expansive green fields stretching beyond the horizon.

Pir Panjal's highest peaks are located in The Meadow, including Tattakutti and Sunset Point, which provide unmatched scenery of the valleys below. Several Hindu temples and shrines can also be seen around the area. Yusmarg has continuous snowfall throughout the winter, making it an excellent location for winter activities like skiing. Winter is the best time for Kashmir vacation.

  • How to reach: 1 hr 32 min (48.9 km) via Charar-i-Sharief Yusmarg Rd
  • Must do things: Hiking, walking, sightseeing
  • Best time to visit: Between April and June and September to November.
  • Famous for: Long stretches of green pastures.
  • Ideal duration: 1 day

15. Aru Valley

With untrodden valleys and scenic landscapes, Aru Valley is one of the best places to visit in North India. Nestled away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the place oozes calming vibes. The Aru Valley Pahalgam tour packages include incredible places like the Tarsar Lake and Kolahoi Glacier. Aru Valley has several spots for picnics and trout fishing in the magnificent lakes. 

  • How to reach: Fly to Srinagar Airport or get down at Katra railway station to reach Aru Valley. 
  • Must-do things: Some of the best activities to try in Aru Valley include trekking, horse riding, and trout fishing. 
  • Best time to visit: July to September
  • Famous for: It is famous for its scenic meadows.
  • Ideal duration: 1 to 2 days

16. Amarnath

Amarnath is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Amarnath Shrine is one of Kashmir's most treasured tourist destinations and one of the most well-known Hindu sanctuaries worldwide. Amarnath is over 3,800 feet above sea level, so getting there requires significant walking. Along the route, one may see where the Amaravati and Panjtarni rivers converge and stop for a quick swim in the former.

Because of its height, the cave is only accessible to devotees for a few brief months of the year, during which time it is mostly covered in snow. The naturally occurring Shiva Lingam, which is kept inside its womb and is made of water droplets that gather and freeze inside the cave, is the main attraction of the Amarnath Cave shrine. It is one of the popular Kashmir places to see.

  • How to reach: Take a flight from the Srinagar airport.
  • Must do: Trekking, hiking, sightseeing, and peony rides.
  • Famous for: Narrating the secrets of immortality and the creation of the Universe to Maa Parvati ji.
  • Ideal duration: 1 or 2 hours

17. Sanasar

A little meadow in the Jammu region built like a cup, Sanasar is one of the least frequented locations in Kashmir. The meadow is named after the two settlements, Sar and Sana, and is renowned for its beauty, which is comparable to Gulmarg. One of the most well-liked locations in Kashmir for trekking and camping is Sanasar. Several moderately challenging hiking paths run through the area's hills, making it a great spot for novice and experienced hikers.

Here is the Shank Pal Temple, a renowned 400-year-old temple devoted to the snake-God Naga, accessible after a 5-hour hike. One of the nation's highest 9-hole golf courses is also located in the town. December is the best month to visit Kashmir.

  • How to reach: The Jammu Tawi Railway Station is the nearest railway station to Sanasar. From here, one can either hire a cab or take a bus to reach Sanasar.
  • Must do: Paragliding, camping, trekking, and golfing.
  • Best time to visit: May to June and September to October
  • Famous for: It is the aero-adventure-sports capital of Jammu

18. Khilanmarg

Khilanmarg is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

The claim that Khilanmarg is the most picturesque location in Kashmir will only be made by those who have been there. The valley's seductive scenery and jaw-dropping views will leave you in a trance. Situated 6 miles ahead of Gulmarg, this location is only frequented by the brave few. Even though there isn't much to do here, nature lovers will enjoy spending time here. It is ranked top among the Kashmir famous places.

The main draw in the summer is the fragrant flowers; in the winter, skiing draws visitors to this location. It is one of the famous Kashmir places to see.

  • How to reach: Take a train from Jammu Railway Station, or you can reach Khilanmarg by gondola from Gulmarg.
  • Must do: Visit temples, trekking, skiing
  • Best time to visit: November to February
  • Famous for: Scenic beauty, trekking and skiing
  • Ideal duration: 7 to 10 days

Baltal is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Baltal's stunning surroundings are why it's one of the most well-known locations in Kashmir. The Amarnath caves are barely 14 kilometres distant, providing a place for pilgrims to stay the night. This valley is among the most breathtaking tourist destinations in Kashmir because of its breathtaking beauty. This site is a must-see because it's conveniently close to Pahalgam and Srinagar. It is one of the popular Kashmir places to see with your family and friends.

  • How to reach: 2 hr 26 min (92.6 km) via NH1
  • Must do: Trekking, sightseeing, hiking, and camping
  • Best time to visit: May to September
  • Famous for: Best treks and camping sites

20. Drung Waterfall

Drung Waterfall is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Every year, visitors to Drung are drawn to this unusual waterfall, which is among Kashmir's top tourist destinations. The Drung Waterfall freezes over when the land is covered in snow; like a moment frozen in time, the water here clings to the rocks in massive pieces of ice. In the summer, the cascading waters of the waterfall blend seamlessly with the green river below, making it quite a sight to behold.

The lake below is still clear and blue, giving the location an ethereal beauty.

  • How to reach: Drung Waterfall can only be accessed through ATV or the chain taxis that are available in Tangmarg.
  • Must do: Skiing, sightseeing, picnic
  • Best time to visit: Mid-December to February
  • Famous for: A breathtaking waterfall amidst the lofty mountains

21. Doodhpathri

Doodhpathri is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Nestled in the Kashmiri district of Budgam is a meadow called Doodhpathri that is deeply rooted in local legend. Legend has it that Sheikh ul Aalam Sheikh Noor din Noorani, the saint of Kashmir, came to this place in search of water but discovered milk instead. As a result, the meadow became known as Doodhpathri.

Doodhpathri is now one of the most peaceful locations in Kashmir and is popular with hikers and picnickers. The hill station's most picturesque picnic locations may be found in the meadow, with several moderately challenging hiking routes winding through it.

  • How to reach: Take a cab from Srinagar or Srinagar airport to reach Doodhpathri. 
  • Must do: Sightseeing, trekking, hiking, walking on the riverside, fishing
  • Best time to visit: April to September
  • Famous for: It is believed that the saint of Kashmir, Sheikh ul Aalam Sheikh Noor din Noorani, found milk while searching for water.

22. Apharwat Peak

Apharwat Peak is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Apharwat Peak, located at an altitude of 4,200 metres above sea level, is one of the key locations in Gulmarg that contributes to the allure of this sight. Strategically located near the Line of Control, the summit is bordered by Pakistan. With its extensive snow cover for most of the year, it's a must-see tourist destination that you can experience with one of Kashmir trip packages. Additionally, the majority of Gulmarg's winter sports operate from this location.

  • How to reach: By Gondola cable car ride
  • Must do: Hiking, trekking, and sightseeing
  • Best time to visit: Between March and October
  • Famous for: Ideal location for skiing

23. Nigeen Lake

Nigeen Lake is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Nigeen Lake, which is in Srinagar's eastern region, is regarded as a part of the stunning Dal Lake. Despite being divided from it by a little causeway, it provides an equally breathtaking sight to see while travelling with the well-designed Kashmir tour packages. The name of this lake, which is also known as "The Jewel in the Ring," comes from the great number of tall trees that surround the lake.

  • How to reach: By air, you will reach Nigeen Lake, which is 22 Kms from Sheikh ul Alam International Airport Srinagar.
  • Must do: Shopping, picnic, sightseeing
  • Best time to visit: June to August
  • Famous for: Famous for its pristine waters

24. Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden

Indira Gandhi Tulip Garden is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

The Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden was constructed with the intention of enhancing Kashmiri tourism and floriculture, and it was made public in 2007. The project was a great success, and this lovely garden was listed as one of the top 5 tulip gardens in the world in 2017. With the unique Kashmir tour packages, you may experience this well-known attraction during your visit to Kashmir at its best. 

The "Queen of the Night" and other extremely rare tulip species are a blessing in this garden. Visit during March and May, when the amazing yearly celebration takes place at the Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, which is the garden's major attraction. It is a top Jammu and Kashmir tourist point.

  • How to reach: 22 Kms from Sheikh ul Alam International Airport Srinagar by air.
  • Must do: Sightseeing, photography, shopping
  • Best time to visit: April
  • Famous for: Largest tulip garden in Asia.

25. Baisaran Valley 

With its stunning beauty, Baisaran Valley, a paradise to see during your Kashmir tour, is sure to attract visitors. This verdant meadow, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, offers a captivating view of grazing horses and alpine flowers. The peaceful atmosphere encourages walks and relaxing picnics, making it the perfect getaway for those who enjoy the outdoors and want to be at peace with the natural surroundings. Purchase the recommended Baisaran Valley Pahalgam travel package to go to Baisaran Valley.

  • How to reach: From Srinagar, hire a cab, and then just a 5-kilometre walk from Pahalgam. 
  • Must do: Horse riding, hiking, sightseeing, photography
  • Best time to visit: January to March
  • Famous for: Magnificent beauty

26. Mughal Gardens

The Mughal Gardens, which provide a variety of beautiful gardens, are regarded as some of the best places to go in Srinagar when booking a Kashmir trip package. Constructed during the Mughal era, these gardens showcase exquisite Persian architecture and are abundant with verdant grass and vibrant flowers. The Mughal Emperor Jahangir designed the location of these gardens, and as such, the splendour of the area is a tribute to him.

  • How to reach: 41 hr (2,351.4 km) via NH 44
  • Must do: Trout fishing, trekking, skiing
  • Best time to visit: February to March
  • Famous for: One of the seven most majestic Mughal gardens.

27. Gurez Valley

Gurez Valley

Gurez is one of the unique places to visit in January in Kashmir, India, due to its pleasant weather. In fact, it is one of the best places to celebrate New Year in India . Since Gurez Valley is a lesser-known hill station, it is one of the best honeymoon places in Kashmir to enjoy some quiet and solace. The Krishna Ganga River is one of the best spots to explore as part of Gurez tour packages. 

Dawar Swamp is a great location for exploring some cheerful birds amidst an unnatural location. The Razdan Pass is yet another spot to take a look at the green gorges of Kashmir and click some breathtaking pictures. The Habba Khatoon Peak in Gurez is one of the most romantic places in the world, with a gorgeous waterfall. 

  • How to reach: You can reach Gurez by going down to Jammu Railway Station or the airport. 
  • Must do: Trekking, birdwatching, and festivals
  • Best time to visit: October to April
  • Famous for: Famous for the peak Habba Khatoon

28. Jamia Masjid

This mosque, which is one of the most significant sites in Srinagar, is situated near Nowhatta. Sultan Sikandar built the mosque in the year 1400 AD. Furthermore, Zain-ul-Abidin, Sikandar's son, enlarged the mosque. This mosque is known for its captivating courtyard and its 370 wooden pillars, which are regarded as its main features. It is one of the most unique places to visit in Kashmir.

  • How to reach: 41 hr (2,342.3 km) via NH 44
  • Must do: Try local food, sightseeing, temples
  • Best time to visit: October to mid-March
  • Famous for: It is a sy mbolic gesture of Islamic power across India

29. Sinthan Top

Sinthan Top is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

Sithan Top is a mountain pass located along the Kokernag-Sinthan Top-Kishtwar Road National Highway in the Pir Panjal Mountain Ranges and is one of the popular Jammu and Kashmir tourist attractions. Jammu and Kashmir are connected via this route. 

Recently, the snow-covered mountain top has become a popular tourist attraction because of its picturesque surroundings and breathtaking vistas. Trekking, skiing, and mountaineering are also popular there. It is one of the most beautiful places in Kashmir.

  • How to reach: You can take a car or a taxi from Pahalgam, and it should take you about 2.5 to 3 hours to reach Sinthan Top. 
  • Must do: Horse riding, paragliding
  • Best time to visit: Between April and September
  • Famous for: Beauty and appealing tourist attractions.
  • Ideal duration: 24 hours

30. Shankaracharya Temple

Shankaracharya Temple is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir

One of the oldest temples in Kashmir is the Shankaracharya Temple in Srinagar, which is devoted to Lord Shiva and is situated atop Shankaracharya Hill. The temple is named after the famous philosopher Shankaracharya, who was thought to have visited Srinagar roughly ten centuries ago. It is also known as the Jyesteshwara Temple. The temple has the Shiva Linga that he revered.

This is thought to be the location of Adi Shankaracharya's spiritual enlightenment. Following this, he is associated with founding the four Advaita schools of Hindu philosophy, which upholds non-dualism. It is one of the unique places to visit in Kashmir with your partner.

Situated on a sturdy rock, the Shankaracharya temple is built upon a lofty octagonal platform that a flight of around 243 steps may reach. The temple's summit has a wide viewpoint of the valley below. It is a top Kashmir sightseeing destination.

  • How to reach: 33 min (10.6 km) via Reserve Forest Rd
  • Must do: Praying, sightseeing, hiking
  • Famous for: Dedicated to Lord Shiva and is thought to be the oldest shrine for worship in the Kashmir valley.

How Do Trip Planners India Help You?

If you want to explore the beautiful land of Kashmir hand in hand with your beloved friends or family, Trip Planner India is here for you. We are one of the best trip planners in India, with exceptional tour packages covering majestic locations all over Kashmir. We have some of the best tour packages in India to create a memorable travel experience for you.

Which is the best month to visit Kashmir?

The best time to visit Kashmir is during the summer months, from April to June when the weather is pleasant and the flowers are in bloom. September to November is also a good time, known as the autumn season when the weather is cool and the landscapes are vibrant with autumn colors.

In which month Kashmir has snowfall?

Snowfall in Kashmir usually occurs from December to February, with January being the peak month for snowfall. This is when the region transforms into a winter wonderland, attracting tourists for snow-related activities.

How many days are enough for Kashmir?

The ideal duration for a trip to Kashmir depends on your interests and the places you want to visit. A typical itinerary could range from 4 to 7 days to cover the main attractions adequately.

How much does it cost to visit Kashmir?

The cost of visiting Kashmir can vary based on factors such as accommodation, transportation, activities, and dining preferences.

Which are the main tourist attractions in the Kashmir region?

Some of the main tourist attractions in Kashmir include Dal Lake, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, Shankaracharya Temple, and the Mughal Gardens.

What are the best things to buy in Kashmir?

Kashmir is famous for its handicrafts such as Pashmina shawls, Kashmiri carpets, papier-mâché items, saffron, spices, and traditional Kashmiri attire like pherans.

What are the best places to visit in Kashmir for a honeymoon?

Popular honeymoon destinations in Kashmir include Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, and the romantic houseboats on Dal Lake in Srinagar.

What are places to visit in Kashmir in May?

In May, you can visit places like Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, Sonamarg, and the Mughal Gardens to enjoy the pleasant weather and scenic beauty.

What activities can we do in Kashmir?

In Kashmir, you can indulge in various activities such as shikara rides on Dal Lake, trekking in the Himalayas, skiing in Gulmarg, river rafting in Pahalgam, and enjoying the scenic beauty of Sonamarg.

What is the famous food of Kashmir?

The famous food of Kashmir includes Rogan Josh (a flavorful lamb dish), Wazwan (a multi-course meal), Yakhni (a yogurt-based curry), Kashmiri Pulao, and Kahwa (a traditional Kashmiri green tea infused with spices and saffron).

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  • Travel Guides

10 Best Places To Visit In Kashmir

From Charming Valleys To Alpine Meadows, These Places In Kashmir Are More Picturesque Than You Can Imagine


Kashmir is a region that exudes nature’s beauty at its best. this state in India boasts of some of the most picturesque attractions in the country making it a must-visit on every traveller’s list. Snow-clad mountains and gleaming lakes surround this gorgeous haven making it an abode of tranquillity. Whether you are travelling solo, travelling with your friends, or taking a romantic vacation, here is a list of the best places to visit in Kashmir. 

List Of The Best Places To Visit In Kashmir

Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and famous places to visit in Kashmir, Srinagar offers breathtaking views and mesmerizing locations to die for. The largest city in Kashmir, Srinagar is known as the mirror to the mountains, enclosed by the green mountains and the gorgeous Dal lake which is the highlight of this place. Mughal gardens are what adorn the less urbanized eastern shore of the lake. June to October is the best time to visit but if you wish to see the dazzling snow you must visit in December or January.

Places to visit in Srinagar

Spreading across an area of around 26 square kilometers the Dal Lake is aptly Known as “The Jewel of Srinagar”. one of the most spellbinding places to visit in Kashmir this hillside lake is flanked by colourful Shikaras, traditional wooden houseboats, and floating markets. When you visit make sure to take a ride in these beautifully decorated Shikara and also shop for traditional Kashmiri items. Dal Lake is flocked with houseboats that have intricate carvings and floral motifs on them which also provide accommodation to tourists. They are equipped with single rooms and luxury suites which are known to be comfortable.

Tourism in Kashmir


Pine-fringed and situated at an elevation of 2730 meters above sea level, is what India has closest to a ski resort. Known as the Meadow of Flowers, Gulmarg is given a visual highlight by the 1890s Anglican Church of St Mary’s sitting on a lonely hillock. Traversing you to the elevation of bald Mt Afarwat at Gulmarg are the backing stands of the mature pines and a perfect place for a trek. Not a fan of trekking, another fascinating way to reach Mt Afarwat using the two-stage gondola cable car, whisking you more than 12,000 feet up, providing you with the most spectacular view. 

Tourist places in kashmir

Also known as the “Meadow of Gold” Sonamarg” is the last major town in Kashmir. situated 9,000 km above sea level at the bank of the gushing Sindh river this picturesque town is located in the Ganderbal district of Jammu and Kashmir and is just 70 km away from the Srinagar International Airport. The town is the connecting point of glorious Himalayan peaks like Kolhoi Peak, Amarnath Peak, and what added to its charm were pastures of attractive and varieties of flowers and alpine trees, gracing the town. Famous for its Thajiwas Glacier which is accessible with a five-hour hike many Bollywood movies have been filmed in the area. As a tourist, you can enjoy fishing trout and other fish in Vishansar Lake, Krishnasar Lake, and Gangabal Lake.

Beauty of Kashmir

Betaab Valley

With a backdrop of coniferous forests, gushing streams, and meadows, the beauty of Betaab Valley is one of the most tranquil places to visit in Kashmir. It came to be called Betaab because in the year 1983 the valley formed the backdrop of the Bollywood movie Betaab. Though the valley does not have many tourist spots, you can enjoy a weekend gateway here. 

Places to see in Kashmir on a budget

Located in the Anantnag district in Jammu at an elevation of 2740 meters above sea level. sits a picturesque place to visit in Kashmir, Pahalgam. Known as the Valley of Shepherds Pahalgam is a popular destination for trekking and people looking for an adventurous vacation If you visit this place in the right season, you will have one of the most remarkable skiing experiences as well. Entrance to the Valley is regulated and costs 10 rupees. Other possible activities around Pahalgam include golfing, trout fishing, and river rafting.

Places to see in Kashmir

Vaishno Devi 

One of the most popular religious places to visit in Jammu and Kashmir, Vaishno Devi draws in millions of devotees. In Hindu mythology, Vaishno Devi is believed to be a trio of three Goddesses: Mahalaxmi, Mahasaraswati, and Mahakali. Dedicated to Goddess Durga the shrine, holy cave, and this is where people come to pay their respects. Devotees undertake a 13km trek which involves an uphill climb and can be done in 6 to 9 hours. However, you can also use helicopter services/ ride a horse to reach the shrine on the top. The trail to the top is also filled with many shops selling religious souvenirs and refreshments.

List of places to visit in Kashmir

Lying at an approximate distance of around 90 kilometers from the capital of Srinagar, perched at an altitude of around 1,577 meters above sea level,  Kupwara boasts dense trees, deep valleys,  and shimmering lakes. Spread across an area of around 2,379 square kilometers, the town of Kupwara is also known for its bountiful wildlife and is a haven for nature enthusiasts.  Spread across an area of around 2,379 square kilometers, the town of Kupwara is also known for its bountiful wildlife. Kupwara is known mainly for its valleys and attracts tourists with its Bangus Valley, Lolab Valley, and Seemab Valley.

Kashmir the beauty

Fondly known as the “Rice Bowl and lying at a small distance of around 40 kilometers from Srinagar lies Pulwama a quaint scenic town known famously for its aromatic saffron fields. Pleasant weather,  majestic waterfalls, and picturesque apple orchards are what attract tourists to this amazing place in Kashmir. And for all the adrenaline Pulwama is also the perfect place to visit as it offers excellent trekking, and mountaineering experiences, as well as amazing snowboarding and skiing opportunities in the winter. 

Kashmir destinations you should visit

Anantnag happens to be the financial and commercial capital of Kashmir and is located around 53 kilometers from Srinagar. One of the most divine places to visit in Anantnag is surrounded by freshwater springs, gushing streams, and breathtaking lush gardens. It also has several religious destinations like Martand Sun Temple, Kheer Bhawani Asthapan, Ishmuqam Shrine, Ziarat Baba Hyder Reshi, and Masjid Baba Dawood Khaki.

Places to visit in Kashmir

Also Read: A Few Houseboats In India That Are Worth Your Visit

Witness Tranquility And Bask In The Beauty Of Nature 

Blessed with the most scenic views, Kashmir’s beauty knows no bounds. To add to that there are many activities to keep you entertained. Often referred to as India’s Switzerland, Kashmir has many picturesque attractions making it a must-visit place. Tourism here has finally picked up after two back-to-back lockdowns.  To ensure maximum safety and precautions, tourists with Covid-19 negative certificates are allowed to visit the valley.

Gurez Valley should have been on the list.

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Kashmir Tourist Places

Here is the list of best places to visit in kashmir:, quick navigation.

Shikaras in Dal Lake, Srinagar

The capital city of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places to visit in Kashmir. Nestled on the picturesque banks of the Jhelum river, Srinagar is known fondly as the “Heaven on Earth”. The biggest city of Kashmir, Srinagar is known famously for its colorful Shikaras and houseboats floating on the postcard-perfect Dal Lake. Srinagar has also gained a lot of fame across the globe for its dreamy Mughal gardens, namely Nishat Bagh, Shalimar Bagh and Chashm-E-Shahi Garden. Srinagar also makes for an excellent shopping destination in Kashmir, where you can shop for Kashmiri apples, dried fruits, fragrant local spices, and Kashmiri shawls. Highlights: Stay in a boathouse, shikara ride, Mughal gardens

Top Experiences To Do in Srinagar

Winter Kashmir Offbeat Expedition

Nicknamed as the ‘Meadow of Flowers’, Gulmarg is one of the most romantic places to visit in Kashmir. Gulmarg lets you soak in the picturesque views of colourful flowers spread against majestic snow-clad mountains. Perched at an elevation of around 2,730 meters above sea level, Gulmarg is a famous skiing destination. Packed with lush forested valleys, deep ravines, and breathtaking flowerbeds, Gulmarg also has the second-highest Gondola ride in the world. Gulmarg is also packed with a host of amazing attractions to visit such as the Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve, Gulmarg Golf Course, Alpather Lake, and Strawberry Valley. Highlights: Trekking, Gondola rides, skiing, mountain biking

Top Experiences To Do in Gulmarg

Gulmarg Sightseeing Tour Flat 18% off

Lying 80 kilometers north-east of Srinagar, Sonamarg translates to "The Meadow of Gold '' in English. Nestled at an altitude of about 2,800 kilometers above sea level, this place is known popularly for its serene lakes, majestic glaciers, and snow-clad fields. Packed with magnificent peaks like Sirbal Peak, Machoi Peak, Kolahoi Peak, and Amarnath Peak, Sonamarg makes for an excellent trekking destination. Sonamarg serves as the base camp for a number of scenic trekking routes that take you to picturesque mountain lakes, including Satsar, Kishansar, Gangabal, Vishansar, and Gadsar. The Thajiwas range divides the Sonamarg Valley into two parts with one part housing the fir-clad Thajiwas and the other housing the Thajiwas glacier and cascading waterfalls. Highlights: Nature walks, camping, trekking, waterfalls

Betaab Valley

Betaab Valley

 In the year 1983, this little Kashmiri Valley formed the backdrop of the hit Bollywood flick Betaab. Since then, the former Hagan Valley has earned its name ‘Betaab’ Valley. With its backdrop dotted with coniferous forests, gushing streams and meadows, the beauty of Betaab beckons to all those looking to escape into the serenity of the natural world. Although lacking in organized tourist spots, Betaab can be one of the best places to visit in Kashmir for day picnics or weekend getaways. One can also enjoy a number of trekking trails here. Location: near Pahalgam, Baramulla, Hajan, Jammu and Kashmir 192126 Highlights: Photography, trekking, nature camping, ‘Bobby’ hut Checkout:  Luxury Tour Package to Kashmir


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Lying in the Anantnag district and perched at an elevation of around 2,740 meters above sea level, Pahalgam is a paradise on earth. Located at a distance of around 95 kilometers from Srinagar, Pahalgam boasts breathtaking flower-clad meadows, serene lakes, and lush dense forests. Sprawled on the calm banks of River Liddar, the town of Pahalgam is a hub for adrenaline enthusiasts, offering a range of adventure sports, such as trout fishing, trekking, and hiking. The natives also offer thrilling sledge rides on the icy glaciers. Pahalgam also serves as the base camp for one of the most significant Hindu pilgrimages, the Amarnath yatra. The top attractions of Pahalgam include Aru Valley, Betaab Valley, and Kolahoi Glacier. Highlights: Betab Valley, canoeing, horse riding

Top Experiences To Do in Pahalgam

Pahalgam Sightseeing Tour from Srinagar flat 20% off

Known to be “The Jewel of Srinagar”, Dal Lake spreads across an area of around 26 square kilometers and is one of the major attractions included in our Kashmir tour packages. Popular as one of the most spellbinding places to see in Srinagar , this hillside lake flaunts colorful Shikaras, traditional wooden houseboats, and floating markets. Tourists visiting Dal Lake love to take a ride in the beautiful Shikaras, which are basically wooden boats decorated beautifully with canopies overhead.

Top Experiences To Do in Dal Lake

Vaishno devi.

Vaishno Devi

Vaishno Devi is believed to be a trio of three Goddesses: Mahalaxmi, Mahasaraswati, and Mahakali, in Hindu mythology. One of the most popular places to visit while touring with our Kashmir tour package , this spiritual attraction-spot draws in millions of devotees from all over the world.

Top Experiences To Do in Vaishno Devi

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Perched at an altitude of around 1,577 meters above sea level, Kupwara boasts dense trees, rugged mountains, rolling meadows, deep valleys, gushing streams, and shimmering lakes. Spread across an area of around 2,379 square kilometers, the town of Kupwara is also known for its bountiful wildlife. Lying at an approximate distance of around 90 kilometers from the capital of Srinagar, Kupwara offers astounding views of nearby mountain ranges including Dajalongun, Bulbeer, and Feshiltong. Offering a number of amazing trekking routes, this place lets you enjoy excellent trekking opportunities. Famous primarily for its valleys, Kupwara attracts tourists with its Bangus Valley, Lolab Valley, and Seemab Valley. Other top attractions of Kupwara town include Kheer Bhawani Temple, Badra Kali Temple, Jamia Masjid Handwara, and Gazi Masjid. Highlights: Valleys, religious places, trekking, boating Planning for a Honeymoon in Srinagar, Checkout & Book:   Srinagar Tour Packages For Couple

Jammu and Kashmir

Best of Jammu and Kashmir

10 Places to Visit Near Dal Lake For Your Next Vacation!

Lying at a small distance of around 40 kilometers from Srinagar, Pulwama is known fondly as the “Rice Bowl of Kashmir”. This quaint scenic town is known famously for its aromatic saffron fields, pleasant weather, and picturesque apple orchards. Flaunting majestic waterfalls, verdant valleys, and mesmerizing natural springs, Pulwama is also nicknamed as the “Anand of Kashmir”. Pulwama also offers a host of adrenaline-pumping options for the adventure junkies. During the summers, Pulwama becomes an excellent trekking and mountaineering destination, while in the winters it offers amazing snowboarding and skiing opportunities.  Highlights: Natural Springs, Apple Orchards, saffron fields, Mountaineering, trekking, skiing, snowboarding Explore the Beauty of Srinagar, Checkout & Book :  Srinagar  Tour Packages You Can Also Book:  Things To Do In Paris At Night


Set around 53 kilometers from Srinagar, Anantnag happens to be the financial and commercial capital of Kashmir. Packed with mesmerizing freshwater springs, gushing streams, and breathtaking lush gardens, Anantnag is one of the most divine places to see in Kashmir. Right near Anantnag lies the meeting point of three streams, namely Brengi, Sandran, and Arapath. Anantnag is packed with a number of religious destinations, such as Martand Sun Temple, Kheer Bhawani Asthapan, Ishmuqam Shrine, Ziarat Baba Hyder Reshi, and Masjid Baba Dawood Khaki. Other attractions of Anantnag include Kishtwar National Park, Verinag, and Achabal. Highlights: Religious places, sightseeing, nature walks Planning a Trip to Kashmir, CheckOut & Book:  Best Kashmir Holiday Packages Also Checkout:  Uffizi Gallery Tickets

Nishat Garden

Nishat Garden

Established by the elder brother of Nur Jahan, Asif Khan in 1633, Nishat Garden happens to be the second largest Mughal garden. Nicknamed as "Garden of Bliss", the Nishant Garden is a spectacular 12 terraced garden encompassed by lofty Chinar trees. The garden is home to a central water channel and a number of beautiful fountains. While the design of the Nishat Garden is based on Persian architecture, the landscaping is based of Kashmiri water patterns and terrain. The Nishant Garden also offers breathtaking panoramic views of the stunning Dal Lake, with the magnificent Zabarwan Mountains serving as the perfect backdrop.

Location: Bagh Hussain, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, India

Highlights: Watching flowers, nature walks, chinar trees, water fountains Planning to Visit Jammu & Kashmir, Click Here to Book:   Jammu and Kashmir Packages You Can Checkout Great Discounts On:  Keukenhof Tickets

Shalimar Garden

Shalimar Garden

The beautifully laid Shalimar Bagh happens to be the largest amongst the three iconic Mughal gardens in Srinagar. The Shalimar Garden was constructed back in 1619 under the orders of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, who dedicated it to his wife Nur Jahan. Nicknamed as the “Crown of Srinagar”, this public park is set overlooking the shimmering waters of the picturesque Dal Lake. The very term ‘Shalimar’ translates to ‘Abode of Love’ in Sanskrit and is also referred to as Farah Baksh and Faiz Baksh. The exquisite Shalimar Garden offers an amazing amalgamation of stunning man-made structures, brilliant architecture, natural allure, and well-manicured gardens. Location: Chinar chowk, Shalimar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 191121 Highlights: Picnicking, bird watching, chinar trees Click Here to Book:   Kashmir Tour Package From Kolkata


Best of Srinagar

10 Places to Visit in Srinagar in One Day {{year}} (Updated List)



Among its many attractions, the city’s Mughal Gardens stand out as some of the most beautiful places to visit in Kashmir. And the Chashma Shahi Gardens are only one of them. Dating back to the early 17th century, this historic garden was built under the command of Emperor Shah Jahan for his elder son, Prince Dara Shikoh. At the centre of the garden is a freshwater spring which flows in terraces. The garden also has a number of little springs discovered by the saint Rupa Bahini, who was also known as Sahibi, thus giving the garden its name. The lush flowering lawns exhibit a striking display of Iranian designs, and stand testament to the architectural brilliance of the erstwhile Kashmir, making it one of the most sought after of historical Kashmir places. Location: 7, Boulevard Rd, Chashma Shahi, Rainawari, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190001 Highlights: Freshwater spring, traditional Persian architecture, Chinar orchards Planning for a Honeymoon in Kashmir, Check out & Book:  Kashmir Honeymoon Packages

Jama Masjid

Jama Masjid

Nestled in Downtown Kashmir, Jama Masjid is the biggest mosque in the city and one of the most important of Kashmir tourist places. Renowned for its historic importance, the inception of the Masjid dates back to the early 15th century, when it was constructed by Emperor Sultan Sukder. Since then, the Masjid has suffered several fire breakouts and undergone several reconstructions, with its existing construction taking place under the reign of Aurangzeb in 1672. The grandiose Masjid stands out in its Indo-Saronic style of architecture. A vast courtyard flanks its entrance, and is dotted by 370 wooden pillars. The expansive halls here can accommodate up to 33,333 people at once, and is thronged by devotees on each Friday of the week. Location: Nowhatta Kathi Darwaza Road, Nowhatta, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190003 Highlights: Deodar pillars, black marble mehrab, Chaar-Bagh style courtyard Checkout & Book :  Cheapest Jammu Kashmir Tour Package                                 Kashmir Tour Package from Pune


A short drive outside Srinagar Main, the ethereal beauty of Yusmarg has earned it the title of the ‘Meadow of Jesus’. With its long stretches of vast green pastures stretched across the horizon, Yusmarg is a little paradise of its own, and is one of the most sought after Kashmir places for weekend getaways. The Meadow is home to some of Pir Panjal’s highest peaks, such as Tattakutti and Sunset Point, which command unparalleled views of the valleys below. A few Hindu shrines and temples can be found scattered across the meadow as well. During winters, Yusmarg remains covered in unbroken blankets of snow, and can be a great place for snow sports like skiing. Highlights: River sports, snow sports, temples, trekking trails Suggested Read:  Best Places to Visit near Jammu                                Best Places to Visit in Srinagar

Aru Valley

One of the most underrated places to visit in Kashmir, Aru Valley stands out in its quiet beauty. Riddled with pristine lakes and scenic meadows, the untrodden valley can be a great place for a weekend escapade or a day picnic. The many lakes here offer several scenic picnic spots, although one can spend a happening time trout fishing in their waters as well. Horse riding and trekking are also popular tourist spots in Aru, with several hiking trails making their way through the hills here. Aru Valley is a popular Kashmir tourist places for snow sports as well, with Heli skiing and skiing being some of the most sought after winter adventures here. Highlights: trout fishing, winter sports, horse riding, trekking Do Checkout:   Kashmir Tour Packages For Family


Best of Jammu

15 Best Places to Visit in Jammu for Couples

One of the most priceless of Kashmir tourist places, the Amarnath Shrine is among the most popular of Hindu shrines across the world. Perched at an altitude of over 3,800 feet above ground, reaching Amarnath requires a fair bit of trekking. On the way, one can witness the confluence of the river Amaravati with Pantjarni, and can also take a quick dip in the former. Owing to its height, the cave remains sealed shut with snow through a major part of the year, and is open to devotees only for a few short months. The biggest highlight of the Amarnath Cave shrine is the naturally occurring Shiva Lingam housed within its womb, formed out of water drops that collect and freeze inside the cave. Location: Baltal Amarnath Trek, Forest Block, Pahalgam, Jammu and Kashmir 192230 Highlights: Amaravati snaan, naturally occurring Shiva Lingam, stunning views Click Here to Book:   Amarnath Yatra Helicopter Package

Amarnath Yatra Helicopter Package

One of the least visited of Kashmir places, Sanasar is a little cup shaped meadow in the Jammu region. Named after the two villages of Sana and Sar, the meadow is known for its Gulmarg-like beauty. Sanasar is one among the most popular of places to visit in Kashmir for trekking and camping; several hiking trails of moderate difficulty snake their way through the hills here, making it an ideal place for amateurs as well as experts in the sport. A 5-hour long trek leads to the Shank Pal Temple here, a famed 400-year-old Temple dedicated to the snake-God Naga. The town is also home to one of the highest 9-hole golf courses in the country. Highlights: Trekking, camping, Naga temple, snow sports

Also Checkout:   Kashmir Group Tour

Dachigam National Park

Dachigam National Park

Popular as the only home to the now endangered Kashmir stag, Dachigam National Park nestles a little outside main Srinagar. Formerly a game reserve for the Emperor of Kashmir, the National Park has been a protected area since 1910. Brimming with carpets of grassland that bloom in spring and freeze in winter, Dachigam is among the most beautiful places to visit in Kashmir. Apart from the Kashmir stag, herds of musk deer, langurs, black bears and much more. The sheer strength of its bird population makes it one of the best Kashmir famous places for birdwatchers as well. Location: Near Harwan, Dachigam Rd, Jammu and Kashmir 191202 Highlights: Jeep safaris, birdwatching tours, trekking, Valley of Flowers Also Checkout & Book:  Gulmarg Packages


A short walk from the Gulmarg Bus stop, Khailnmarg is breathtaking in summers. One can reach this little valley via a short trek across the meadow, or even take a pony ride to it. One of the most underrated of Kashmir tourist places, Khilanmarg offers the perfect getaway from the busy city life. During spring, the meadow remains virtually covered in a blanket of flowers, and offers quite a spectacle. During winters, Khilanmarg transforms into a thriving winter sports destination, with its slopes giving way to ski trails. The valley is also well known for commanding panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks. On a clear day, one can also catch a glimpse of the Nanga Parbat from here.  Highlights: Picnic areas, Himalaya views, snow sports You Can Also Checkout:   Tour Packages From Delhi To Kashmir


Best of Gulmarg

10 Places to Visit in Gulmarg in December

Baltal is best known as the base camp for Amarnath Yatra. The little valley, however, is blessed with enchanting sites of its own, and is among the most picturesque of Kashmir tourist places in its own right. A plethora of waterfalls, glaciers and mountain peaks dot the landscape here, making it an ideal visit for photographers and all those looking for a quiet retreat in the heart of nature. The Sindh River flows happily through Baltan, and is a great place for trout fishing or white river rafting. Trekking is a popular activity here as well. Owing to its altitude, however, Baltan remains open to tourists for only six months a year- between April and September. Highlights:  Trekking, camping, snow sports, river rafting Book Now:  Jammu Kashmir Tour Package From Mumbai

Doodhpathri Gurez Valley

Doodhpathri Gurez Valley

 Nestled in the Budgam district of Kashmir, Doodhpathri is a meadow closely attached to local myth. According to legend, the Kashmiri saint Sheikh ul Aalam Sheikh Noor din Noorani had arrived here in search of water, and found milk instead. Thus, the meadow earned its name Doodhpathri. Now one of the quietest places to visit in Kashmir, Doodhpatri is frequented by picnickers and trekkers. Not only is the meadow home to some of the most scenic picnic spots in the hill station, but several hiking trails of moderate difficulty snake their way through it as well. Highlights: Trekking, picnic, river fishing Click Here To Book Now:  Tour Packages From Ahmedabad To Kashmir


Nestled in the laps of the Pir Panjal mountains, this natural spring stands out in its stunning blue hue. A beautiful Mughal Garden and arcade sprawls around the spring, built by the 17th century Emperors who were bewitched by Verinag’s beauty. The Jhelum River, which flows through Kashmir, is also said to originate at the Verinag spring. The flowers in the garden change color with every season, making it one of the most picturesque places to visit in Kashmir. The tank at Verinag is usually teeming with a variety of colorful fish, and can be a great place to enjoy a casual evening stroll as well. Location: Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir Highlights: Guided tours, spring, gardens and picnic areas You Can Also Book:   Jammu Kashmir Tour Packages From Pune

The Great Lakes Trek

The Great Lakes Trek

A route often followed by trekkers here, the Great Lakes Trek takes you across some of the most beautiful places to see in Kashmir. Riddled by steep ascents and descents, the trek is a fairly difficult one, and is best suited to seasoned trekkers only. The long 6-day effort, however, is quite worth it- travelling across 7 of Kashmir’s most beautiful valleys, the Great Lakes trek validates the hill station’s status as ‘heaven on earth’. Patches of snow, alpine leaks and vast stretches of flowering meadows cut their way through the serrated mountains here, with each new valley offering an adventure of its own. Highlights: High altitude lake views, trekking across 7 valleys, panoramic Himalaya views Checkout & Book:   Trek to  Kashmir Great Lakes

Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

Best of Pahalgam

10 Places to Visit in Pahalgam in Winter for a Dreamy Getaway!!

Aharbal Waterfall

Aharbal Waterfall

Also known as the Niagara Falls of Kashmir, Aharbal flows in seclusion. Among the least known of Kashmir's famous places, the beauty of Aharbal is largely untouched. Here, the thunderous river Vishav tumbles down over 25 feet to create the mighty waterfall. Although the height is not much, the sheer volume of Aharbal’s water creates a roar so majestic that it can be heard from quite some distance. Reaching Aharbal is quite easy; one can trek right till the edge of the ridge here and enjoy the view without any interruptions. One can also try fishing in its waters, although they’d need a permit for the same. Location: Jammu and Kashmir, Sedew - Aharbal Rd, Aharbal, 192303 Highlights: Photography, fishing, trekking You Can Checkout Great Discounts On:   Jammu And Kashmir Tour Packages From Chennai

Drung Waterfall

Drung Waterfall

One of the best tourist places in Kashmir, this unique waterfall attracts tourists to Drung throughout the year. During summers, the gushing waters of the waterfall merges seamlessly with the green river below, and is quite a sight to behold in winters, however, when the land is steeped in snow, the Drung Waterfall too, freezes over- like a moment stuck in time, the water here clings to the rocks in massive pieces of ice. The lake below remains crystal blue and clear, adding an ethereal charm to the place. Location: Drung, Jammu and Kashmir 193402] Highlights: Frozen waterfall, refreshment shops Checkout & Book:  Tour Packages To Kashmir From Kerala

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View of Gangabal and Nundkol Lake

Trending in Kashmir

Kashmir top attractions.


They also enjoy shopping authentic Kashmiri items from the floating market or lake market. These markets lay amidst the lake and sell a number of items like saffron and handicrafts. The houseboats on Dal Lake feature floral motifs and intricate carvings and offer breathtaking sights of the majestic lake. These boats are equipped with single rooms and luxury suites and offer comfortable accomodation to the visitors. During the winter season, the visitors also enjoy ice skating on the frozen lake.Location: Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir.Timings: Anytime.Best Time to Visit: May to November. 

Shankaracharya Temple

Get ready to set out on a journey to the Shankaracharya Temple, situated atop a hill called Takht-e-Suleiman in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Built during the reign of King Gopadatya in 371 BC, it is believed to be one of the oldest temples in India. You can soak in the peaceful ambience at this historic shrine dedicated to Lord Shiva. Also known as Jyesteshwara Temple, it pays homage to the great philosopher Shankaracharya, who visited Srinagar around a thousand years ago. The temple houses the revered Shiva Linga which was worshipped by Adi Shankaracharya himself. You can learn more about the legend here which states that Shankaracharya attained spiritual enlightenment at this sacred site. Experience the stunning beauty of the valley and the famous Dal Lake as you gaze from the circular chamber at the main shrine, forming a captivating view.Visit this spiritual and historical landmark in Kashmir as it is also a remarkable piece of architecture that gives insight into ancient forms of art. Additionally, the stunning views from the temple allow you to marvel at the city and appreciate the natural beauty around it.

Gulmarg Gondola

The Gulmarg Gondola is the second largest and second longest cable car ride in the world. You can take the ride with Kashmir tour packages and capture the panoramic views of the surrounding Pir Panjla ranges. It is a major attraction of Kashmir, ferrying hundreds of people to and from the Apharwat Mountain.Gulmarg Gondola is divided into two phases. Phase 1 starts from Gulmarg Gondola and reaches Kongdoori Station at an elevation of 2,990 metres. Every hour, it transports around 1,500 people to a height of 3,100 metres. Upon reaching the top, you can take part in various beginner-friendly skiing runs near the station.Moving forward, Phase 2 links the Kondoori Mountain to the Apharwat Peak. It ascends to nearly 4,000 metres. This phase transports 600 people per hour to the mountain to let them enjoy a 30-minute trek to the top. On the ride, you will see panoramic views of the Line of Control (LOC), the stunning Nanda Devi, and the Pir Panjal Range. Besides the scenic views, the Gulmarg Gondola offers horse riding and snow skiing activities as well.

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  • 4 Days Itinerary For Kashmir: Gondola Ride, Scenic Drives & Idyllic Stay On Dal Lake

27 Mar 2023

Kashmir has always been more than a mere place. It has the quality of an experience, or a state of mind, or perhaps an ideal.” — Jan Morris

Jan Morris was right. Kashmir is like an ecstasy, a place so beautiful that you can never have enough of it. I had heard so much about how beautiful Kashmir is from my friends that I could not wait to visit this place. My husband and I had to visit Delhi for a function. So, it felt like a perfect opportunity to extend our visit and spend a few days in Kashmir. I had to see for myself how heavenly this place was and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

We planned our 4 days itinerary for Kashmir with TravelTriangle and flew to heaven on earth. The locals were too good contrary to what we thought. We were very well received and treated so well by the locals. People in Kashmir were so friendly. We made good friends there. We loved the Kashmiris. They were very well behaved, kind, and lovely to the tourists.

Trip Details

Trip Type: Group holiday Number of people: 5 Adults, 2 children Trip Duration: 4D/3N Trip Cost: INR 50,000 per person Trip Planner: Ritz Tour & Travels Inclusions: Breakfast, Dinner, Transport, Accommodation, Airport Transfers, sightseeing Exclusions: Flights, Gondola Ride, Pony rides

4 Days Itinerary For Kashmir

Day 1: Gulmarg Day 2: Sonmarg Day 3: Pahalgam Day 4: Departure

Here’s What Makes Kashmir A True Heaven On Earth

Weather In Kashmir

July seemed like a good time to visit Kashmir. Although we feared facing rainfall during this time, we got to see snow in Gulmarg and the weather was all nippy and clear.

Best Experiences In Kashmir

Here are the best experiences we had on our holiday. The 4 days itinerary for kashmir that we had planned was recovered with fun and exciting adventures.

1. Gondola Ride

in Kashmir with partner

The Gondola Ride to Phase 2 was spectacular. We enjoyed sweeping the breathtaking panoramic views of the valley from the cubicle. It was oh-so-romantic!

2. Sledging & Skiing

witness the snow at valley

Our 4 days itinerary for Kashmir also included sledding and skiing in Kashmir. We had our share of fun in the snow. We were not expecting to see so much of snow in July in Kashmir but we got lucky.

witness the beauty of Sonmarg

Sonmarg felt like a ‘gateway to heaven’. I have never seen such a beautiful place in my life. I can visit Kashmir n number of times just to witness the beauty of Sonmarg over and again. You simply can’t get enough of the beautiful landscapes here. The drive from Srinagar to sonmarg itself was so beautiful but that’s just the trailer. Two eyes are not enough to witness the beauty of Sonmarg!

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4. Pahalgam

scenic drive to phalagam

We enjoyed the scenic drive from Srinagar to Pahalgam. It is breathtaking and serene. The ride goes along the beautiful Lidder River banks. There were quite a few vantage points in Pahalgam from where we enjoyed the astounding landscapes of the Kashmir Valley like Kanimarg and Baisaran. Nature looked at its best at these places. We also explored one or two waterfalls in Pahalgam and they were simply amazing.

Where To Stay In Kashmir

Here are the hotels we stayed in during our 4 days trip in Kashmir. Our experience on the houseboat was the best and we recommend everyone to spend a few days on Dal Lake.

1. Hotel Zaryab

We enjoyed staying in comfortable and well-equipped rooms although service could have been Better.

2. Hotel Four Seasons

Four Seasons Hotel is one of the oldest in Kashmir. Though the rooms were old, hospitality was amazing.

3. Houseboat Anarkali

It was an awesome experience living on a houseboat in Dal Lake. The rooms were exceptionally good and the hospitality of the staff was spot on. We truly enjoyed our stay.

20 Best Hotels In Kashmir For Both Luxury And Budget Vacationers (2022)!

Shopping in Kashmir

We did not get much time for shopping but there were a few essential and famous items we absolutely had to buy in Kashmir:

  • Pashmina Shawl
  • Organic Saffron
  • Dry Fruits like almonds, walnuts, cranberries, blueberries
  • Pashmina Poncho
  • Handmade Sweaters

What To Pack For Kashmir Trip

Here is what we packed for our 4 days trip in Kashmir. Don’t leave these essential items from your packing list.

  • Some snacks

Is Kashmir Safe To Travel? See This Man’s Wonderful Family Trip And Judge For Yourself

Kashmir Travel Tips

  • Here are a few tips that would come in handy to fellow travelers visiting Kashmir to have an amazing holiday in the valley.
  • Bargain for pony rides. Take help from your driver and get the nominal rate otherwise these people will charge you 4x-5x rates.
  • You don’t need pony rides in Gulmarg as the Gondola Ride is at walkable distance from the parking lot.
  • Buy pashmina shawls and saffron from authentic shops for pure quality instead from dal lake floating markets.
  • Pack some snacks with you as you don’t get many options except maggi and tea when you go to places like Sonmarg and Pahalgam.
  • Be early to the attractions to get cheaper pony rides and photos without being photobombed. After around 9.30 or 10am, the parking lots at sonmarg and pahalgam get overcrowded and you really can’t take your time to bargain as its flooded with ppl.

How To Reach Kashmir

We took direct flights from Delhi to Srinagar. We were picked by our executive at the airport and later dropped to our hotel room in the car. Flight is the only best way to reach here as it saves you time.

Experience With TravelTriangle

This is my second package with travel triangle after we had a memorable trip in mauritius. Kashmir was indeed a hassle free trip. Our agent Ritz Tours & Travels went way beyond to make sure we were comfortable on our trip at all times.

The owner Shoukat Meer did meet us in person and made sure everything was going fine. Our executives were constantly in touch with us and helped us in every possible way throughout the trip. Our driver Fayaz was very friendly and was of utmost help. He helped us get the best rates for pony rides and other shopping stuffs.

Choosing travel triangle and Ritz tours and travels was the best decision. Highly recommend Ritz tours and travel. I could actually rate them 6 on 5. Excellent service and support .

23 Things To Do In Kashmir In 2022 To See The Best Of This Heaven On Earth!

Our 4 days itinerary for Kashmir proved to be successful as we had so much fun and delight in the heaven. Anyone who has never been here before should plan a vacation to Kashmir and see for themselves what the hype is all about. I can visit this place over and over again. Kashmir is heaven on earth.. True. Kashmiris are no less than angels.

Common Asked Questions

How many days do I need in Pahalgam?

One day is enough for Pahalgama. You can start early in the day and spend the entire day sightseeing and soaking the beautiful views of Pahalgam.

How can I go to Gulmarg from Srinagar?

There is only one way to reach Gulmarg from Srinagar i.e. by car. You can book a cab or ask your travel agent to arrange transport for you.

What is the best time to visit Gulmarg?

The best time to visit Gulmarg is in summers from March-June. There is just enough snow for you to enjoy adventure activities and the scenery is immensely beautiful.

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4 Days in Kashmir: A Travel Guide to the Paradise


“Heaven on Earth” is what people call Kashmir. The princely state lies in the north most part of India residing in the lap of Himalayas. You cannot just visit and see places in Kashmir, you need to feel the beauty and experience them to get the true essence of this place. If you find yourself in Kashmir for the first time, just follow this itinerary to experience every inch of the heaven.

If you’re seeking an unforgettable Kashmir experience, your search ends here! Explore these handpicked Kashmir tour packages designed to be both budget-friendly and immersive, offering a complete experience of the breathtaking “Paradise on Earth” 😍.

Table of Contents

Day 1: Houseboat, Temple visit & Nature walk


Morning: Take an early morning flight from New Delhi to the summer capital of Kashmir, Srinagar. To experience the local essence, a 2-day stay in a houseboat is a must. The only way to reach your houseboat is a Shikara ride that costs around 200 INR. The houseboats on the Dal Lake look like mini floating villas are one of the best things to experience in Kashmir.

Afternoon: After luggage quick rest, take a Shikara ride back to the land and head to the famous Shankaracharya Temple. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is located at a height of 1000 ft. To reach the temple, you need to climb 284 steps. From the top of the temple, you get a 360-degree view of Srinagar city and is worth it!

Evening: Time for some royal experience? Head to the Nishat Bagh, located on the eastern side of the Dal Lake. This heaven-like garden is second largest in the city and has a terrace style design with twelve terraces surrounded by beautiful flowers. You also get a glimpse of the snow-capped Himalayan Mountains. After treating your eyes with breath-taking scenery head back to your Houseboat for delectable Kashmiri Wazwan.

Day2: Brunch, Pahalgam & Floating Market


Morning: After all that binge eating last night, you must be thinking of skipping your breakfast, Don’t you? But there’s nothing to worry, you can find many local bakeries on your way to Pahalgam that serve amazing Bakarkhani. Passing through the saffron and mustard field, you reach Pahalgam which is 2 ½ hours away from Srinagar. After brunching at Nathu’s Rasoi, a famous Indian food chain, you start your pony back ride from Aru to Baisaran.

Afternoon: As you climb up the Lidder and Sheshnag River and the view of the valley and peaks gets more picturesque. A 12km pony back ride takes you to your final stop, Baisaran plains which are called the Switzerland of Kashmir. Spend some time here strolling around, taking pictures of the snow-capped mountains and sipping cinnamon tea.

Evening: Spend some time exploring the floating market on the Dal Lake. You’ll find elusive boatmen selling homegrown vegetables and household stuff like biscuits, ready-to-eat snacks. Along with houseboats selling handicraft, Kashmiri shawl and dresses. Rest the day with some soothing Kashmiri local music and delicious food.

Day 3: Gulmarg, Gondola Ride & Sports


Morning: After a relaxing evening, we have an adventurous day planned for you. Starting the day with Gulmarg, which is 2 hours away from Srinagar. Its a pristine town in Kashmir known for its snow-capped mountains. If you are visiting during summers, you can explore the Gold course, which remains covered under snow during winters. Visit the shrine of Lord Shiva located on top of a small hillock. After paying a visit to the shrine, head to the Gondola booking office to buy tickets for your gondola ride that will take you to level 1 & 2.

Afternoon: Take the gondola to reach level-1, which remains covered in snow throughout the year. Try your hands at winter sports such as snow bike, skiing or you can just make snow angels. Head to level-2 in a gondola to get a stunning view of the valley.

Evening: On the way back to Srinagar, visit the Cricket bat factory. Fuel up with some Kashmiri Kahwa and indulge yourself in a shopping spree at the Lal Bazaar.

Day 4: Gardens, Shrines & Final Farewell


Morning: After an adventurous time, start the day in the lap of nature. Visit the Badamwari (almond garden) which is a must for the first-timers. The garden is located on the foothills of Koh-e-Maran and displays a wide variety of flowers like tulips, lavenders, daffodils and many more.

Afternoon: Once you’re done exploring the garden, head to famous Muslim shrine Hazratbal. It is said to be the holiest place among the Muslims in the city, an epitome of love and respect for Prophet Muhammad. Then head to the holy shrine of Goddess Kheer Bhavani, which is built over a sacred spring.

Evening: There is no better way of ending the trip than visiting the most famous and the largest garden in Srinagar, Shalimar Bagh also called the crown of Srinagar. Built by Mughal Emperor Jahangir for his wife Noor Jahan, this Persian style garden is a feast to the eyes. Head to the final stoppage of the trip, the garden with mystical water Chashme Shahi. It is said that the spring water in this garden has healing powers. Enjoy the setting sun behind the Dal lake, a perfect way to end the trip.

How to reach Kashmir?

To reach here you need to take a flight to Srinagar. Alternatively, you can also take a bus or train to Udhampur and hire a taxi till Srinagar.

Got a spare day? Visit the Alpine valley of Sonmarg & explore the lakes and glaciers of the region.

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Meenakshi is a designer by profession and traveller by heart. Photography is something that she cherishes and goes on a Click! Click! Click! spree wherever she goes.

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Places To Visit In Kashmir

Epitomizing heavenly beauty on earth, Kashmir takes you closer to Nature’s magic through its pleasant weather, snow-capped mountains, gorgeous meadows, lush green gardens, stunning water bodies, traditional houseboats, scrumptious food, quaint valleys, magnificent architecture, world-famous pashmina, and sheer natural beauty. The more you explore the Kashmir tourist destinations, the more you get mesmerized. It is also a gateway to several other beautiful valleys of Kashmir.

Whether you are a nature lover or an adventure enthusiast, Kashmir Tourism has a lot to keep you spellbound. How about a Kashmir honeymoon tour ? Ahh, what can be more romantic than this? This paradisiacal land attracts honeymooners just like a magnet attracts iron nails. The popular tourist places in Kashmir have something to offer to every kind of traveler. So whether you are planning holidays with your family, friends, or even alone, Kashmir is the best bet!

So, are you ready to make your holidays once in a lifetime experience? Here are some of the top places to visit in Kashmir that offer experiential journeys to its travelers:

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Gulmarg Travel Tips

Gulmarg main highlights, gulmarg facts, popular attractions of sonamarg, sonamarg travel tips, sonamarg main highlights, sonamarg facts, popular attractions of gurez, gurez travel tips, gurez highlights, gurez facts, popular attractions of pahalgam, pahalgam travel tips, pahalgam highlights, pahalgam facts, popular attractions of yusmarg, yusmarg travel tips, yusmarg highlights, yusmarg facts, 1. srinagar.

Dal Lake in winter

If you have not visited Srinagar, you have not visited Kashmir! Synonymous with natural beauty, Srinagar is the capital city of Jammu & Kashmir ideally located along the banks of the Jhelum River. The word Srinagar originated from the Sanskrit words ‘Sri’ meaning ‘wealth’ and ‘Nagar’ meaning ‘city’, denoting its historic significance as a prosperous trading hub.

Surrounded by the Himalayas, the city boasts amazing landscapes, sheer natural beauty, mesmerizing gardens, Shikara ride, houseboats, and much more. You can spend a night on a houseboat while enjoying the sound of sprinkling water under a moonlit night.

Shikara boats floating on Dal Lake

It is an enthralling lake famous for its Shikara ride. Enveloped in astounding natural beauty, the lake is a big hit with travellers as well as locals for spending evenings capturing heart-warming hues of sunset on the waters against the mountainous backdrop. Anybody visiting Srinagar looks forward to this experience. The floating markets on Dal Lake make the shopping experience interesting and exciting!

Tulip Garden

Promise, you will gape in awe at the sight of the colourful tulips spread across 30 hectares in this world-famous garden. You will feel as if you have landed in paradise! Surrounded by mountains, it is the largest Tulip garden in Asia which opens from March to April. The garden is dotted with 15 lakh tulips with 68 different varieties of tulips. The garden has Dal Lake on one side and the Zabarwan Hills on the other.

Shalimar Bagh

Established in 1619 by the Mughal emperor Jehangir, the Shalimar Bagh is a must-visit attraction of Srinagar . Its fountains, gorgeous trees, variety of flowers that blossom in spring and autumn and plenty of tranquillity make it a famous garden of Kashmir.

Shankaracharya Temple

According to the legends, it is the oldest temple in the valley. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The great saint Adi Shankaracharya attained spiritual enlightenment at this place and hence it attracts people from far and wide. Offering a bird’s eye view of the city, this temple is located on the Shankaracharya hill at a height of 1100 feet above sea level.

Nishat Bagh

Impeccably laid out against the mountain background, Nishat Bagh, also known as the ‘Garden of Bliss’, is one of the famous Mughal gardens. A visit to this garden located on the banks of the Dal Lake will treat your eyes with beautiful terraces, fruit & chinar trees, and colourful flowerbeds. Take a leisurely walk or just sit in one place and enjoy the natural beauty.

Nigeen Lake

Pristine deep blue water and mesmerizing ambiance are what await you at this lake! Just get onto a houseboat and explore its beauty. It is a perfect place to get engrossed in Nature. Also known as ‘The Jewel in the Ring’, this lake’s name is inspired by the plethora of tall trees surrounding it.

Nishat garden srinagar

April to October is the best time to visit Srinagar as it remains covered with blossoms and looks enchanting. It is advisable not to visit during extreme winters (December & January) as due to heavy snowfall the roads might get blocked.

Plan a stay on iconic houseboats on the pristine Dal Lake for an enthralling accommodation experience.

Rejuvenate yourself by visiting the world-famous Tulip Garden boasting of hundreds of varieties of colourful tulips. Open from March to April, it is the largest tulip garden in Asia.

Do visit Polo View market for handicrafts like pheren, pashmina shawls, saffron, wood crafts, carpets, papier mache artefacts, kahwa (Kashmiri tea), and walnuts. Also, while shopping at Polo View, you can check out some bakeries where you will find amazing delicacies of walnut.

Treat your taste buds with Wazawan, the traditional Kashmiri food.

Srinagar is home to mesmerizing lakes such as Dal Lake which is famous for its scenic beauty & Shikara ride and Nigeen Lake which boasts pristine deep blue water and a captivating ambiance.

It is the perfect place to experience the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir.

Srinagar experiences a pleasant climate throughout the year, with mild summers and chilly winters. One can visit Srinagar any time throughout the year.

Take blessings at the Shankaracharya Temple, the oldest temple in Kashmir named after the great Indian philosopher Shankaracharya. Located on a hill at 1100 feet, it is dedicated to Lord Shiva and it is the place where he attained enlightenment.

Srinagar is a gateway to the famous pilgrimage of Hindus, Amar Nath Yatra, and other beautiful valleys like Gulmarg, Sonamarg and Pahalgam.

The famous Dal Lake freezes in winter during the ‘Chilla-i-Kalan’, a 40-day harshest winter period.

The Dal Lake floating market is India’s first floating market established in 1854. Here you can buy fresh vegetables and lovely flowers.

Srinagar has its own international airport offering flights to major cities in India like Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Amritsar, etc.


Gulmarg is a snow paradise, a cup-shaped valley ideally nestled in the Pir Panjal range of the western Himalayas. One of the best skiing destinations in India, Gulmarg offers adventure in plenty. The word Gulmarg is derived from two Persian words ‘Gul’ meaning flowers and ‘Marg’ meaning meadow.

The breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, gardens blossoming with flowers of varied hues, and pine vegetation make this valley a treat for the senses. It is popularly known as the ‘Meadow of Flowers’ because it boasts a variety of wild mountain flowers. From sheer natural beauty to snow adventure, this valley has a lot to offer to every kind of tourist. So, whether you are a honeymooner, adventure enthusiast, or willing to spend some quality time with your family, Gulmarg tour is waiting for you!

Popular attractions of Gulmarg

Rope ways Gandola Cable car

Gulmarg Gondola Ride

Synonymous with Gulmarg, Gondola Ride is Asia’s largest & highest and the world’s second-largest & highest cable car ride. It is the top attraction of Gulmarg where travellers come from far and wide. During the gondola ride, you can experience the adventure as well as the scenic views of the mountains. The gondola can ferry 6 people at a time. It is open from 10 am to 5 pm. The ride takes place in two phases:

First phase: Begins from the Gulmarg resort to Kongdori Station (2600 m), which takes 9 minutes.

Second phase: It starts from Kongdori Station to Kongdori Mountain (3747 m) to Apharwat Peak, which takes 12 minutes.

Third Phase: It begins from Kongdori to Mary’s Shoulder (Chairlift phase).

Note: Children below 11 years of age are not allowed for the third phase of Gondola ride.

Skiing is on your mind? Head to Gulmarg, the world’s third-highest ski resort popular for its powdery snow runs. The majestic Apharwat Peak in Gulmarg is the longest ski slope in Asia, at an altitude of 4390 m. One can reach this peak through a 12-minute ropeway ride. If you are uncomfortable with skiing, you can enjoy snow through sleighing and snowboarding. There are opportunities for both experienced as well as amateur skiing enthusiasts.

Gulmarg Golf Course

Established in 1911 amidst alpine mountains, Gulmarg Golf Course is known to be the world’s highest green golf course at an altitude of 9000 feet. Come summer and golf lovers head to Gulmarg for golfing holidays! It is an 18-hole golf course located on an arresting meadow offering a variety of blooming flowers. It is aptly famed as the best summer golfing destination in the world.

Gulmarg skiing destination

Gulmarg is a winter wonderland so the best time to visit Gulmarg is winter i.e. from October to March when it is covered with snow and perfect for adventure activities. In winter the temperature reaches to sub-zero range. And if you wish to enjoy the lush greenery and picturesque scenery, then visit during summer i.e. from May to August.

Must go for world famous Gandola Ride in winter.

Children and elderly may face mountain sickness at phase II of the Gulmarg Gondola Ride as it is almost at an altitude of 4000 m. The first phase of the ride is almost suitable for all.

Book tickets for Gondola Ride online in advance to avoid last-minute hassle.

Take gumboots to protect your feet from cold and easily accessibility on snow when you go for snow activities and avoid wearing your own normal shoes.

Carry really warm jackets, lowers, mufflers, gloves, and shoes when in Gulmarg to face extreme cold in winter.

The Gondola Ride in Gulmarg is a star attraction that one must experience. Although cable car is operational throughout the year, the perfect time to experience a Gandola ride is in winter.

Gulmarg can be visited throughout the year as it offers different hues and charms in different seasons.

It is a popular honeymoon destination.

Gulmarg’s ski slopes are considered among the best ski destinations in the world.

Gulmarg Golf Course (2,650 m above sea level) is the most elevated green golf course in the world and is the longest in India measuring 7505 yards.

The nearest airport is in Srinagar, at a distance of 56 km.

Gulmarg mostly experiences a cold climate throughout the year so always carry some woolens while travelling to this valley.

Gulmarg enjoys a literacy rate of 99.24 %.

3. Sonamarg

Sonamarg valley, Srinagar

Famous as the ‘Meadow of Golden Light’, Sonamarg is a popular tourist destination in Kashmir. It is derived from two Hindi words, ‘Sona’ meaning gold and ‘Marg’ meaning meadow. As you travel through this wonderful hill station through its winding roads you will be greeted with changes in its landscape. Its green meadows, scenic beauty, lovely streams, gushing rivers, glaciers, and majestic mountains will surely adorn your Kashmir holidays with great memories. For adventure lovers, it offers activities such as trekking, skiing, hiking, fishing, river rafting, etc. Visit walnut orchards for their beauty.

Sonmarg, Kashmir valley

Thajiwas Glacier

Located at an altitude of 9,186 feet, Thajiwas Glacier is a must-visit tourist attraction of Sonamarg. Surrounded by meadows, frozen lakes and conifer trees, and overlooked by Thajiwas mountain, this glacier leaves the visitors spellbound with its natural beauty. There are several lovely waterfalls surrounding this glacier. You can enjoy a sledging ride here to add some more adventure to your trip. April to October is the best time to visit this glacier. It is so much fun to take a pony ride to reach the glacier.

Baltal Valley

Perched at an altitude of 2,743 m, Baltal Valley offers spectacular natural beauty through its snow-capped mountain peaks, glaciers, waterfalls and the Sindh river that flows through it. It is perfect for clicking some picture-perfect photographs and soaking in Nature’s bliss. It also offers mind-blowing views of the Zoji La Pass and camping opportunities. It serves as a base camp for pilgrims going for the Amarnath Yatra. It is open only for six months starting from April to September as it enjoys a pleasant climate during this period.

Zoji La Pass

Famed for its extraordinary beauty, Zoji La Pass is located at an altitude of 11,575 ft connecting Kashmir to Dras and Suru valley. It experiences heavy snowfall during winter and remains closed on Fridays for maintenance work. While traveling to this pass it is better to start around 7 am to avoid traffic which increases by 10 am. May to October is the best time to visit Zoji La Pass.

Gadsar Lake

Beautifully located at 5,000 m above sea level, Gadsar Lake is also called the Lake of flowers. Surrounded by Alpine meadow, this lake is home to some rare and endangered fishes like brown trout fish. Other attractions include floating icebergs and a variety of wildflowers.

riding horse in Sonamarg Valley during winter

In summer, the best time to visit Sonamarg is from April to June as the weather remains pleasant and the valley gets beautified with flowers and greenery. If you wish to enjoy snowfall and snow activities, the October to March (winter season) is perfect.

Visit Thajiwas Glacier for adventure and scenic beauty. A pony ride to this glacier is an added attraction.

Zoji La Pass beckons you to explore sheer adventure and stunning mountain beauty.

Sonamarg is very scenic and is perfect for family holidays, adventure lovers and honeymooners.

Sonamarg attracts tourists in summer as well as in winter as it offers different charms in different seasons.

It is a paradise for fishing enthusiasts with its rivers teeming with mahseer and trout.

It is a heli base for the renowned Amarnath Yatra and a link that connects Srinagar and Kargil.

The nearest airport is the Srinagar International Airport which is 70 km from Sonamarg.

Sonamarg is a gateway to Ladakh.

As per the records, Sonamarg was once a part of the famous Silk Route that connected India with Tibet.

4. Gurez Valley

Gurez Valley

Located at an altitude of 2,400 m and surrounded by snow-capped mountains, Gurez Valley is a destination with indescribable grandeur. It is an offbeat tourist attraction of Kashmir where Natural beauty and serenity are served in plenty. It is a perfect place to just rejuvenate your body and mind! Its charm is different from the rest of Kashmir. It boasts sparkling rivers, lakes and dense forests complemented with diverse species of flora and fauna including the rare Himalayan brown bear and snow leopard.

gurez valley kashmir

Kishanganga River

It is a picturesque and fierce river flowing through the Gurez valley, finally merging into the Jhelum River near Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir. Lined with pebbles on its banks, the Kishanganga River is an ideal place for rafting. You can also enjoy camping near the river as there are several camping spots there. There is also a dam on this river where one can capture beautiful sunrise.

You will find this mesmerizing lake on the way to Gurez in Bandipora district, and is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia. It sprawls across 24 km in length and 10 km in width. The source of water for this lake is the Jhelum River. The lake has a small island at its centre called ‘Zaina Lank’. Capture spectacular sunset views from this lake and indulge in boating, water skiing, etc.

Razdan Pass

Your journey between Srinagar and Gurez brings you to a high-altitude (3,300 m) Pass called Razdan Pass. You can take a break here to enjoy the scenic beauty.

Habba Khatoon Peak

It is a pyramid-shaped peak which is a dominant attraction of Gurez Valley. Named after the well-known Kashmiri poetess Habba Khatoon, this fascinating peak offers amazing sunset and sunrise views. There is a small stream of underground water emerging from the peak and flows down into the Kishanganga River. This stream is believed to have medicinal properties.

April to October is the best time to visit Gurez Valley as the weather remains cold yet pleasant. It is not accessible by road during January and February as it remains covered in snow and the temperature drops up to -10 degrees Celsius.

The nearest airport is the Srinagar International Airport which is 133 km.

Gurez has a unique cultural heritage reflected beautifully through its Dard tribe.

The charming Kishanganga River, lofty Hibba Khatoon Peak and huge Wular Lake are must-visit attractions of Gurez.

Gurez remains cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snowfall in winter.

Razdan Pass remains closed in winter.

Gurez Valley holds historic significance as it was once an important trade route connecting the Indian subcontinent with Central Asia and beyond.

Come summer and Gurez valley blooms with vibrant wildflowers making the landscape picturesque.

5. Pahalgam

Aru Valley Near Pahalgam

Pahalgam Valley boasts enchanting landscapes and the majestic Himalayan peaks. With sparkling rivers, soaring pines, apple orchards, and verdant forests, Pahalgam is a popular attraction of Kashmir. Located in the Anantnag district of Kashmir on the banks of the gushing Lidder River, Pahalgam is known as the ‘Valley of Shepherds’. Apart from getting soaked in the sheer natural beauty of Pahalgam, you can also indulge in river rafting and trout fishing at Lidder River. Many Bollywood movies have been shot in this valley.

Baisaran Valley pahalgam

  • Betaab Valley

Earlier known as Hagan Valley or Hagoon, this captivating valley was later renamed Betaab Valley after the hit Bollywood movie Betaab which was shot here. Located 15 km away from Pahalgam, Betaab Valley lures travellers with its gorgeous green meadows, dense vegetation, winding streams, lofty mountains, and picturesque vistas. It also serves as a trekking base and camping area for travellers who desire to explore the nearby mountain routes. The Lidder River flows through this valley adding more charm to it.


Let loose in the enthralling charm of snow at Chandanwari, a stunning valley that is also a gateway to the holy Amarnath Yatra of Hindus. It is an offbeat tourist destination located at an altitude of 2,895 m. It remains enveloped in snow from November till May and offers amazing sights of glaciers melting down into the Lidder River and offers opportunities for sledging.

Located 12 km from Pahalgam in the Anantnag district of Kashmir, at an altitude of 2,414 m, Aru Valley takes pride in its meadows sprawling far and wide, snow-capped mountains, charming lakes, and picture-perfect views. Come winter and this valley gets covered in snow offering great opportunities for skiing and heli skiing. It also serves as the base camp for trekking to the Tarsar Lake and Kolahoi Glacier. Other activities that you can enjoy here are horse riding, photography, and fishing.

Baisaran Valley

Located just 5 km from Pahalgam, it is a valley with extraordinary beauty where several Bollywood movies have been shot. Encircled with pine forests, this valley offers plenty of natural beauty to keep you spellbound. It is popularly known as the mini Switzerland of India. It is also a base for trekkers visiting Tulian Lake.

Pahalgam during winter season

Pahalgam can be visited at any time of the year as it enjoys a pleasant climate. In winter it gets cold but it doesn’t experience harsh winter.

Srinagar International Airport is the nearest airport to Pahalgam, located around 92 km from it.

A trip to Pahalgam is incomplete without visiting the enchanting Betaab Valley.

Explore the valley on a pony ride for the ultimate thrill.

Pahalgam serves as a base for the famous Amarnath Yatra taken by the Hindu pilgrims.

Baisaran Valley near Pahalgam is famed as mini Switzerland of India.

Enjoy snowfall in December

hill station in yusmarg

Surrounded by lofty mountains and forests, Yusmarg is a beautiful lush green valley located at an altitude of 7861 feet in Budgam district of Kashmir. Known as the ‘Meadow of Jesus’, this valley is believed to be the place where Jesus once lived. Its gorgeous grassy pastures sprawl across acres of land, and the marvellous landscape beauty makes it look like a place straight out of a fairy tale land. A pony ride for exploring the valley would add fun to your expedition. There is also a wonderful trekking route from Yousmarg leading to a famous spot called Tosa Maidan, a lovely meadow where you will find nomads grazing their cattle.

Lush green meadows of Yusmarg

Doodh Ganga

Flowing through Yusmarg, Doodh Ganga is a lovely river known for its water that appears milky, and hence it was named Doodh Ganga. It is a starting point for several trekking expeditions and is also a wonderful camping site. The river teems with trout fishes and is perfect for angling and fishing.

Tosa Maidan

Surrounded by dense forest, Tosa Maidan is a gorgeous meadow located at an altitude of 3,000 m and sprawling across 100 sq. km. It inhabits a variety of flora and fauna including rare species such as musk deer and Himalayan black bear. It was once used as a firing range by the Indian Army. You can enjoy trekking and camping here.

Nilnag Lake

It is a captivating high-altitude lake, cradled by hills, located 4 km downhill from Yusmarg. Its blue water gives it the name Nilnag. It offers great trekking opportunity as a trek to this lake pass through a beautiful pine forest dotted with several water streams. It is a 13 km uphill trek and once you reach there you will be amazed with the sheer natural beauty.

The best time to travel to Yusmarg is from April to June, September, and October.

Yusmarg offers great trekking trails, so try it out.

Visit the Bobby hut at Yusmarg for it is the place where the super hit Bollywood movie Bobby was shot.

Trek to the famous Doodh Ganga River from Yusmarg (just 2 km) and you will be greeted with immense natural beauty.

Explore the valley on a pony ride for thrill and fun.

Yusmarg is an offbeat travel destination offering plenty of natural beauty and tranquillity.

Srinagar International Airport is the nearest airport to Yusmarg, located around 44 km from it.

Choose from these top places to visit in Kashmir to make your Kashmir holidays memorable and pleasurable!

Places To Visit In Kashmir In Summer

Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden

Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden

Betaab Valley

Dachigam National Park

Shri Amarnath Cave Temple

Shri Amarnath Cave Temple

Sri Shankaracharya Temple

Sri Shankaracharya Temple

Gulmarg Gondola

Gulmarg Gondola

Sinthan Top

Sinthan Top

Shalimar Bagh Mughal Garden

Shalimar Bagh Mughal Garden

Shah Kashmir Arts Emporium

Shah Kashmir Arts Emporium

how many places to visit in kashmir

Cheshma Shahi Garden

Jamia Masjid Srinagar

Jamia Masjid Srinagar

Dal Lake

Places To Visit In Kashmir In Winter




  • Gurez Valley


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3N Srinagar

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  • Tour to Chandanwari, Aru & Betab Valley IN Pahalgam

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Magical Kashmir Tour

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Kashmir Exotic Tour

2N Srinagar (01 IN HB)

2N Pahalgam

Magnificent Kashmir Valley Tour

Magnificent Kashmir Valley Tour

2N Srinagar

1N Srinagar HB

Kashmir Marvellous Tour

Kashmir Marvellous Tour

Kashmir Valley Tour

Kashmir Valley Tour

Offbeat splendors of kashmir.

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Gurez Valley Tour

1N Srinagar

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True Gems Of Kashmir Valley

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Kashmir with Kargil

People also read kashmir, people also read ladakh, frequently asked questions, q: when is the best time to visit kashmir.

The best period to explore Kashmir spans from March to October. Spring and summer, running from March to May, unveil vibrant blooms and verdant landscapes, while June to August is an ideal time for trekking enthusiasts. The autumn months of September to October paint a picturesque scene with a palette of golden hues. Winters, spanning from November to February, cater to snowfall enthusiasts and winter sports aficionados, offering an excellent time for activities like skiing.

Q: What are the top places to visit in Kashmir?

Explore the allure of Kashmir with must-visit sites such as Dal Lake in Srinagar, the charming towns of Gulmarg and Pahalgam, the exquisite Mughal Gardens, the iconic Shankaracharya Temple, and the historic Jamia Masjid. Don't miss the opportunity to discover Sonmarg, known as the meadows of gold, and revel in the beauty of Srinagar's enchanting tulip gardens during the vibrant spring season.

Q: Are there any offbeat places to explore in Kashmir?

Certainly! If you are an avid explorer looking for offbeat destinations in Kashmir, Doodhpathri and Yusmarg are hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.


Nestled amidst dense forests and breathtaking meadows, Doodhpathri is a pristine escape from the usual tourist trail. The name, translating to "Valley of Milk," perfectly captures the untouched beauty of this serene destination. Far away from the hustle and bustle, Doodhpathri offers a tranquil ambiance with gushing rivers and meadows blanketed with vibrant flowers. It's an ideal spot for those seeking solitude and a connection with nature.

Tucked away in the lap of snow-capped mountains and dense forests, Yusmarg is a haven for nature lovers. The tranquil meadow, surrounded by pristine landscapes, offers a peaceful retreat from the more crowded tourist spots. The Doodh Ganga River adds to the serenity, providing a soothing soundtrack to accompany your exploration. Whether you choose to indulge in horse riding or prefer a leisurely nature walk, Yusmarg promises an immersive experience away from the usual tourist hustle.

Both Doodhpathri and Yusmarg offer a unique blend of untouched beauty, making them perfect choices for those who appreciate tranquility and desire to explore the lesser-known facets of Kashmir. These offbeat gems add a touch of authenticity to your Kashmiri experience, creating memories that go beyond the conventional tourist destinations.

Q: Which local dishes should one try in Kashmir?

Enjoy the delicious food of Kashmir that reflects the region's essence. Try Kashmiri dishes like Rogan Josh, Dum Aloo, Gushtaba, and Yakhni, each with a unique blend of spices and local ingredients. Explore various rice dishes, including pulao and biryani, showcasing the diverse culinary styles of the region.

Discover Wazwan, a traditional multi-course meal symbolizing Kashmiri hospitality. This feast introduces you to delightful dishes, carefully prepared and served with cultural flair.

Vegetarian options in Kashmir include Lyodur Tschaman, a cottage cheese dish with local spices, and Nadir Monje, a curry featuring lotus stems.

Don't miss the famous Kashmiri Kahwa, a traditional green tea with spices and almonds, offering a delightful beverage and embodying the warmth of Kashmiri culture. Savor this aromatic tea while taking in the beauty around you, creating a memorable sensory experience. Embark on a food adventure, relishing the diverse and flavorful offerings that Kashmir's culinary scene has to offer.

Q: What are the popular activities in Pahalgam?

Nestled in the lap of breathtaking landscapes, Pahalgam stands as a haven for adventure enthusiasts, offering a myriad of activities that cater to every taste. Here are some of the popular activities that make Pahalgam a sought-after destination:

1. Trekking:

Pahalgam is adorned with an extensive network of trekking trails that lead to some of the most scenic spots in the region. Whether you are a seasoned trekker or a novice, the trails cater to various difficulty levels, ensuring an immersive experience amidst lush greenery and panoramic vistas.

2. River Rafting:

For those seeking an adrenaline rush, Pahalgam boasts the thrilling activity of river rafting. The Lidder River, coursing through the region, provides an ideal setting for this exhilarating water adventure. Brace yourself for an exciting journey as you navigate through the river's twists and turns, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of Pahalgam.

3. Horse Riding:

The undulating meadows and charming landscapes of Pahalgam make horse riding a delightful activity. Set against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, this leisurely ride allows you to explore the town at a relaxed pace, immersing yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings.

4. Betaab Valley:

Named after the Bollywood movie "Betaab," this valley is a visual treat with its lush greenery, crystal-clear streams, and breathtaking views. It serves as a perfect location for nature lovers, providing an opportunity to unwind and connect with the pristine beauty that defines Pahalgam.

5. Aru Valley:

Aru Valley, another jewel in Pahalgam's crown, is renowned for its meadows and alpine scenery. Offering a serene escape from the bustling city life, Aru Valley is perfect for nature walks and picnics. The meandering Lidder River adds to the picturesque charm of this valley, creating an idyllic setting for relaxation and exploration.

Q: Are there any famous shopping markets in Srinagar?

Yes, explore markets like Lal Chowk and Polo View.

Srinagar, with its rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions, beckons visitors to explore its bustling shopping markets, each a treasure trove of local crafts and vibrant experiences. Among the noteworthy shopping destinations, Lal Chowk and Polo View stand out as iconic hubs where visitors can immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Kashmiri craftsmanship and culture.

Lal Chowk, situated at the heart of Srinagar, is a bustling market that pulsates with energy. This vibrant bazaar is renowned for its diverse range of goods, from traditional Kashmiri handicrafts to contemporary fashion. As you navigate through the narrow lanes, you'll encounter shops adorned with intricately woven Pashmina shawls, handcrafted carpets, and exquisite papier-mâché artifacts. Lal Chowk is not just a shopping destination; it's a cultural odyssey where every item tells a story of Kashmir's artistic heritage.

For those seeking a more leisurely shopping experience, Polo View offers a delightful promenade with shops lining the road, providing a picturesque view of the snow-capped mountains. This market is a haven for those in search of Kashmiri souvenirs, traditional jewelry, and handwoven fabrics. The unique charm of Polo View lies in its ambiance, allowing visitors to peruse the goods at their own pace while soaking in the scenic beauty that surrounds them.

What to Explore:

1. Handwoven Carpets and Rugs: Lal Chowk and Polo View are known for their exquisite collection of handwoven carpets and rugs, displaying intricate patterns and vibrant hues that reflect the artistry of Kashmiri weavers.

2. Pashmina Shawls and Kashmiri Apparel: Delve into the world of luxury with Lal Chowk's offering of authentic Pashmina shawls and traditional Kashmiri attire. Polo View, with its collection of boutique stores, also presents a unique array of fashion items reflecting the region's distinct style.

3. Papier-Mâché Artifacts: Both markets are adorned with shops showcasing the intricate beauty of Kashmiri papier-mâché artifacts, including decorative boxes, trays, and figurines. These pieces are not just souvenirs but embodiments of Kashmir's artistic legacy.

4. Local Cuisine and Street Food: Beyond the shopping delights, these markets also offer a culinary journey. Indulge in local Kashmiri street food, savoring the flavors of Wazwan cuisine and traditional teas.

Q: Is it possible to visit both Gulmarg and Pahalgam on a single trip?

Yes, with proper planning, you can explore both destinations. But it is advisable not to do both on the same day as you will be very tired and will not have enough time to explore both places nicely. It is better to keep both destinations for different days to be able to grab the essence of the destinations properly.

Q: Can I visit Kashmir in winter, and what activities are available during that time?

Kashmir, adorned with a pristine blanket of snow during the winter months, transforms into a mesmerizing wonderland that beckons adventurers seeking the thrill of snow activities. Embracing the chilly temperatures becomes a rewarding experience as a myriad of snow-centric activities, with skiing taking center stage, unfold against the backdrop of the majestic Himalayas.

Winter Wonderland Activities:

1. Skiing Extravaganza:

Winter in Kashmir opens up a playground for skiing enthusiasts. The region boasts world-class skiing slopes, particularly in Gulmarg, where the Gulmarg Ski Resort stands as a premier destination for skiers of all levels. From beginners to seasoned professionals, the slopes cater to diverse skill sets, ensuring an exhilarating experience against the breathtaking snow-covered landscapes. The Gulmarg Gondola, one of the highest cable cars globally, whisks visitors to the Apharwat Peak, providing access to some of the finest skiing terrains.

2. Snowboarding Adventures:

Alongside skiing, winter in Kashmir invites snowboarders to carve through the powdery slopes. Gulmarg's terrain offers ample opportunities for snowboarding enthusiasts to showcase their skills and relish the thrill of gliding down the snowy expanses.

3. Snowshoeing and Winter Hiking:

For those seeking a more serene winter experience, snowshoeing and winter hiking present ideal options. Trails in places like Pahalgam and Sonmarg allow visitors to explore the snow-clad landscapes at a leisurely pace, reveling in the tranquility of Kashmir's winter wonder.

4. Frozen Lake Adventures:

Lakes like Dal Lake in Srinagar and the frozen Sheshnag Lake near Pahalgam provide unique settings for winter activities. Ice skating and ice fishing are popular pastimes, allowing visitors to interact with the frozen landscapes in a different way.

5. Winter Festivals and Cultural Experiences:

Winter in Kashmir is not just about adventure sports. The season also marks the celebration of winter festivals, where locals and visitors come together to revel in the cultural richness of the region. Traditional festivities, local performances, and vibrant markets add a touch of warmth to the snowy surroundings.

Q: Is Kashmir safe to travel?

Yes, Kashmir is safe to travel to. But it is advisable to keep following the local news for recent updates.

Q: What are the famous Mughal Gardens in Srinagar?

Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, and Chashme Shahi.

Srinagar, often referred to as the "Venice of the East," is not only renowned for its serene lakes and houseboats but also for its enchanting Mughal Gardens that stand as testaments to the grandeur of Mughal architecture and landscape design. The trio of Shalimar Bagh, Nishat Bagh, and Chashme Shahi unfolds a botanical tapestry that captivates visitors with its intricate layouts, cascading fountains, and vibrant flora.

1. Shalimar Bagh:

Translated as the "Abode of Love," Shalimar Bagh is a sprawling Mughal garden that dates back to the 17th century. Commissioned by Emperor Jahangir for his wife Noor Jahan, this garden is a masterpiece of symmetry and aesthetics. Divided into three terraces, each representing a different facet of paradise, Shalimar Bagh is adorned with terraced lawns, flowing water channels, and a central water canal flanked by Chini kiosks. The garden's ethereal charm is heightened by the presence of fountains, pavilions, and meticulously manicured flower beds.

2. Nishat Bagh:

Nestled on the eastern side of Dal Lake, Nishat Bagh, meaning the "Garden of Joy," is the largest Mughal garden in Kashmir. Built by Asaf Khan, the brother-in-law of Emperor Jahangir, the garden showcases a 12-terrace layout, each representing a zodiac sign. Nishat Bagh offers a panoramic view of the lake and the Zabarwan Range, creating a picturesque backdrop. Strolling through the terraces adorned with cypress trees, blooming flowers, and cascading water channels, visitors experience a serene connection with nature and Mughal opulence.

3. Chashme Shahi:

Translated as the "Royal Spring," Chashme Shahi is a smaller but equally captivating Mughal garden, renowned for its natural spring believed to have healing properties. Commissioned by Emperor Shah Jahan in the 17th century, this garden is perched on the foothills of the Zabarwan Range. Chashme Shahi's terraced layout, Persian-inspired architecture, and the refreshing sound of the natural spring create a tranquil oasis. The terraces are adorned with vibrant flowers, fragrant roses, and terraced lawns that invite visitors to unwind in the lap of nature.


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15 Top Places to Visit in Kashmir in 2024

Budget Hotels > Travel Blog > Best Places to Visit in Kashmir

Kashmir’s blissful aura can never be expressed in words. Snowy glaciers, pristine lakes, expansive grassland, and stunning orchards await visitors in this paradise. The unbelievably beautiful places to visit in Kashmir have fascinated tourists from worldwide, and now it is your turn to discover this ‘ Paradise on Earth’ . 

If you are planning a trip here in 2024, we have compiled a list of 15 tourist places in Kashmir to include in your itinerary for a memorable vacation.

List of  Best Places to Visit in Kashmir in 2024 with Friends and Family


Srinagar (5200-ft), Kashmir

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Gulmarg (8,694 ft.), Kashmir


Pahalgam (7,200 ft.), Kashmir


Pulwama (5,419 ft.), Kashmir


Aru Valley, Kashmir


Yusmarg Valley (7,861 ft.), Kashmir

We have carefully selected these attractions to ensure that there is something for everyone. All of these places to see in Kashmir are among the top-rated attractions by tourists from around the world. It is now up to you to plan your itinerary as per the days in hand and get mesmerised by the heavenly charm of Kashmir.

Q. Which is the most beautiful place in Kashmir?

A. Some of the beautiful Kashmir places to visit are Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Pahalgam, and Aru Valley.

Q. Is 4 days enough in Kashmir?

A. Some of the famous places in Kashmir to explore in 4 days are Srinagar, Pahalgam, and Sonmarg.

Q. What is the famous food in Kashmir?

A. The famous food dishes in Kashmir are Goshtaba, Rogan Josh, Dum Aloo, Naat Yakhni, Kashmiri Rajma, Aab Gosht, Nadir Monji, and Tabak Maaz.

Q. Which is the best month to visit Kashmir?

A. The best month for Kashmir sightseeing is from April to October.

Q. Which time snowfall is best in Kashmir?

A. The best time for a Kashmir view with snowfall is from December to February.

Q. What is the best time to visit the tulip garden in Kashmir?

A. The best time to visit the Tulip Garden, one of the most beautiful places to visit in Kashmir is from late March to April end.


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15 Most Beautiful Places To Visit in Kashmir

Photo of Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Jammu and Kashmir

Kashmir , a land of unimaginable beauty, is cradled between the mighty Himalayas and the Pir Panjal mountain range. The bracing air of the valley offers a wholesome treat as you sip a cup of Kahwah and enjoy the glorious view. Offering a variety of experiences, a trip to Kashmir with your family will enrich your mind.

There is no shortage of words to describe the beauty of Jammu & Kashmir; however, the truth is the power of words is incapable to comprehend the mysticism that this state possesses. It is said that this northern-most state of India has nature’s gift, this state has been endowed with nature’s best that makes it an object of interest for many travel enthusiasts. This state dwells on the top of many honeymoon couples, every year multitude of tourist visit Jammu & Kashmir to seek a perfect romance, adventure, peace and explore natural beauty.

Photo of 15 Most Beautiful Places To Visit in Kashmir by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

While this place comprises of many spiritual or cultural places, the adventure enthusiasts with a determination to create history are often seen here. For some it is a dream destination, and some others take it as a challenge, while for rest it is a place for practicing yoga and peace.

Well, no matter what is the purpose to visit this state and what interests inspire to visit it; our list of best places to visit in Jammu & Kashmir can help you learn about your options better.

1. Srinagar

Photo of Srinagar by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

A famous tourist place in Kashmir is the serene city of Srinagar. Home to the beautiful Mughal gardens; you can spend the morning admiring acres of exotic flowers. Enjoy a local Kashmiri lunch and head out for a Shikara ride at Nehru Park. In the evening, book a stay in a boathouse on Dal Lake for a truly mesmerizing experience.

What to see & do: Dal lake, Botanical gardens, Shikara rides, mosque of Shah-e-Hamdan, Mughal lawns of Chashme Shahi, Shalimar and Nishat Bagh, Noorbagh for a community of potters and carpet weavers and more.

How to get here: There are direct flights to Srinagar Airport from all metropolitan cities.

Here is a detailed article on all the must-see places in Srinagar.

Credits: Devesh Sangwan

Photo of Gulmarg by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

A skier’s paradise, Gulmarg is a must-visit spot in every tourist’s Kashmir itinerary. From vibrant flowers to snow-capped mountains, Gulmarg is paradise for adventure buffs. Stop for lunch at one of the local dhabas and if the weather is favorable. It gets dark early, so it is best to enjoy the view with your family after dinner, over laughter and conversation.

What to see & do : Picturesque snow-capped mountains in winters and rich green valleys in spring. Gulmarg gondola, skiing, trekking, photography, bird watching, mountain biking.

How to get here: Gulmarg is up to 50 km from Srinagar and takes about 2 hours by road. You can drink up the valley or take local taxis and busses scheduled at regular intervals.

3. Sonamarg

Photo of Sonamarg by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Sonamarg, a hill station located to the northeast of Srinagar, is another popular tourist place in Kashmir. This was one of the highest getaway on the silk route between India and China. Set at an altitude of 9186 feet against scenic meadows and a clear blue sky, the name literally translates to ‘Meadow of Gold’. Check out the Kheer Bhawani Temple located in the middle of a natural spring and the Gadsar Lake that is at 16,400 feet and remains frozen throughout the year. Surrounded by snow-covered mountains and alpine flowers, Sonamarg also has beautiful walnut orchards that you definitely must visit.

What to see & do: Zojila pass, Thajiwas glacier, Gadsar lake, Baltal Valley, Vishansar lake, Satsar lake, paragliding, mountain biking, bird watching.

How to get here: Sonamarg is 80 km from Srinagar and takes 2.5 hours by road, bus or taxi.

4. Patnitop

Photo of Patnitop by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Lushed with deodar and pine forests all over the hill this place is mainly known for its pleasant weather. This is a quick getaway for a day around Vaishno devi.

What to see & do: Naag Temple, Nathatop, Sanasar lake, Childrens park.

How to get here: 112km from Jammu, 86km from Vaishno Devi katra and 50km from Udhampur.

Check out this article for all the details of Patnitop.

5. Pahalgam

Credits: Suhail Mir

Photo of Pahalgam by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

A favorite tourist place in Kashmir, Pahalgam is a small hill station that embodies the beauty of Kashmir. Also known as the Valley of Shepherds, Pahalgam is perched at the intersection of the Lidder and Sheshnag rivers. This tiny town has the beautiful Baisaran Hills that are just the place for a trek with your children. This is an ideal picnic spot for families and couples.

What to see & do: Mamaleshwar Temple, Kolahoi Glacier, and Betaab Valley later in the evening (before sunset) for a picturesque view of the valley.

How to get here: It is 54 km from Srinagar and takes under 3 hours on the road. There are regular busses that depart form Srinagar main bus station or you can a hire a private cab.

6. Chandanwari


Photo of Chandanwari, Pahalgam by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

At a distance of only 15 km from Pahalgam is Chandanwari, a glacier point and the starting point of the sacred Amarnath Yatra. Located at an elevation, it’s an offbeat destination to stop and have breakfast in the lap of nature. After a 30-minute detour, you can go on with your journey back to Srinagar.

What to see & do: Trekking, Biking, Photography.

How to get here: It is 30 minutes from Pahalgam on the way to Srinagar.

Check out this article to know everything about Chandanwari .

Photo of Doda by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

With varying landscape, this place has conquered the hearts of many travel enthusiast. A precise place for adventure enthusiasts and natural beauty explorers, No doubts indeed it is a great place of Jammu & Kashmir for spending holidays. Here take easy trekking routes and keep your holiday relaxing and adventurous at the same time.

What to see & do: Mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain biking, Machail Chandi Mata Temple and Athra Buja Devi Temple.

How to get here: 210 km from Srinagar, under 5.5 hours by road.

Photo of Kupwara by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

This place is a crown to Kashmir valley, very enchanting and spectacular the place noted for its natural beauty and charm, while comprising is indeed of Jammu & Kashmir tourism. Kupwara is an important tourist place in Jammu & Kasmir due to lush green meadows, mesmerizing alpine mountains, and the gushing clear water.

What to see & do: Historical villages like Gushi Karnah and Keran, Lolab Valley, Hazrat Mehmood Shah Shrine, Mata Kheer Bhawani Asthapan, and Shaloora shrine.

How to get here: 85 km from Srinagar, under 2.5 hours

Credits: Aditya Samadhiya

Photo of Poonch by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Poonch is one place that touches the senses. While locating on India-Pakistan border, Poonch has something different to offer people. Certainly, its beauty confined with a pull that draws travel aficionados from all over the globe. Poonch surrounded by Pir Panjal range no matter how far it is But it is most scenic places that you will encounter including alpine mountains, Verdant green meadows, stunning freshwater lakes and nature’s exquisite beauty.

What to see & do : Noori Chamb, seven lakes named Sukhsar, Neelsar, Bhagsar, Katorasar, Kaldachnisar, and Nandansar at Girgan Dhok, the 18th century Poonch Fort and small villages like Mandi and Surankote, Gurudwara Deri Sahib, Buddha Amarnath in Mandi, Ziarat Sain Illahi Bakash Sahib, Battal kote.

How to get here : 170 km from Srinagar via Mughal Road, takes up to 5.5 hours.

10. Gurez valley

Gurez valley.

Photo of Gurez Valley, Forest Block by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Gurez is a valley located deep in the snow-capped mountains and is one of the best places to visit in Kashmir. Due to heavy snowfall, the valley remains cut off for around six months in a year. The road to the Gurez Valley is broken and difficult, but the stunning scenery and the majestic Habba Khatoon peak make it completely worth the pain. Special permission is required to tread into this valley that can be obtained from the police station at Bandipur, which is on the way to Gurez.

Also Read: drung waterfall

What to see & do: Sightseeing and trekking.

How to get here: 123km from Srinagar, through the Bandipura and Razdhan Pass via taxi from Srinagar.

11. Tulail Valley

Tulail valley.

Photo of Tulail Valley, Badogam by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Tulail Valley is a treat for photographers and trekkers. This untouched valley is home to lush green and brown fields, potato and cumin plantations and diverse wildflowers, and is surrounded by mountains of all shapes and sizes that change colour according to how the sunlight falls on them. You are sure to be mesmerised!

What to see & do: Enjoy the picturesque mountains and get postcard worthy shots.

How to get here : 30km from the Gurez Valley by a private taxi.

12. Chatpal

Credits: Sandeep Chetan

Photo of Chatpal by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Chatpal is postcard perfect. Clean air, friendly locals, unpolluted streams and snow-covered mountains all make for an authentic experience. Spend your time here exploring the area, interacting with the native people and savoring the local cuisine or finding gorgeous trails to some great treks.

What to see & do: There isn't much to do in this quaint town. It's perfect to stop by and relax before you take off for your next adventure.

How to get here: It is 85km or 3 hours from Srinagar and private taxi is the best option, but a shared cab can be taken from Achabal till Chattergul, from from a private taxi will have to be hired.

13. Yusmarg

Credits: Aquib Insha

Photo of 15 Most Beautiful Places To Visit in Kashmir by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Yusmarg is always pretty – whether it is blanketed by a fresh bout of snow in winter or covered by blooming yellow flowers during summers. There are several treks leading into the forest from here, making Yusmarg a great place to visit in Kashmir.

What to see & do: Trekking, Mountain biking, Skiing, Photography.

How to get here: 47km to the south of Srinagar, you can reach this spot by bus or car.

14. Bhaderwah

Those who know about Bhaderwah like to keep mum about this fairy-tale town. But the ones who manage to find out can come here to enjoy the quiet beauty of the mountains.

What to see & do: Skiing, white water rafting, mountain biking etc.

How to get here: 205km or 6 to 7 hours from Jammu. You can reach here by private taxi or government and private deluxe buses.

15. Aharbal

Photo of Aharbal by Sakshi Nahar Dhariwal

Aharbal is probably the most popular destination you'll find on this list, but it's still known only to a few travellers. Aharbal is known for its greener-than-green meadows, dotted by black, brown and white sheep, making for a wonderfully picturesque scenery.

What to see & do: Aharbal waterfall, trek from Aharbal to Kounsernag.

How to get here: 75km or less than 3 hours from Srinagar by bus or car.

No matter how many time you go to Kashmir, there is always something new the Switzerland of India has to offer. From lush green valleys that bloom in spring to the frozen dal lake in winters, this quaint state in India will never fall short of picturesque locations and postcard perfect photos.

Have you travelled to Kashmir yet? Are you planning anytime soon? Here is a quick 6D 7N itinerary to help you plan one for yourself. So what are you waiting for? Book your Kashmir tour package now.

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Offbeat travel: 10 lesser known places to visit in kashmir.

how many places to visit in kashmir

Ever fancied yourself surrounded by pyramid like sharpened peaks; sound of music scenery; beautiful cottages here and there peeping through the trees; sweet songs of Black necked crane and dashing of some waterfalls around?

If you do then you must have Kashmir in your mind. The magnificence of Kashmir has been luring tourists for ages.

Kashmir – canvas of immense beauty

Kashmir is also known as “Paradise on Earth” because of many things it has to offer.

Call it a home of Lovely glades and forests. Sights of vast mists rising from rivers curling in thin spirals around the opposite mountains; lovely glades and forests; Trees of chinar, pine apple, cedar are sombre; soft air ruffling the water causing pleasant motion among the trees from which it wafted the most delightful of sounds of water, adding an air of serenity to the scene.

Clouds sometimes rise above the mountains sooth the eyes of Tourists.  It is one of the most beautiful choices for tourists to spend your holidays in the lap of Nature.

Also Check out: All Inclusive Kashmir Tour Packages

Magic of Tiny Hamlets

Kashmir is not only known for a few extensively explored travel spots like Pahalgam, Gulmarg, Yusmarg or Sonmarg but also the places which are not known to the tourists and to the world till a few decades back.

The real magic is in the enchanted tiny hamlets of Kashmir where tourists breathe a degree of renovating warmth as it is untouched by the evil effects of population burst and pollution.

It is a world where skies re not cut into the lanes and slices by overhead power lines. Yes, the lesser-known Kashmir is the real magic which makes the sightseeing more interesting and blissful for tourists all over the world.

Here is our list of top ten offbeat tourist attractions in Kashmir to record into the chambers of your heart.

  • Bangus/ Reshwari
  • Warwan Valley
  • Lolab Valley
  • Tulail Valley

Recommended Kashmir Tourism Packages

  • 5 Nights 6 Days Best of Kashmir Tour
  • 6 Nights 7 Days Kashmir Honeymoon Tour
  • 7 Nights 8 Days Magical Kashmir Tour
  • 6 Nights 7 Days Splendor of Kashmir Tour

Chatpal- The land of Sublime Ecstasy

Chatpal Kashmir

You might know about the beautiful sceneries of Srinagar , Pahalgam , Gulmarg or Yusmarg but none have described the equal beauties of the Chatpal Village in Kashmir. It is one of the most beautiful offbeat tourist destinations in Kashmir. It is located in the Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Screened by dense forests, deep green mountains; beautiful stretches of turf ringed, round with forests; shepherds and Graziers brimming with innocence; the energetic and sometimes lazy river with the absence of roads is a joyful sight. It is the treasure of solitude and serenity.

The channel of the river is narrowed by the stone embankments and the flow is further arrested by the picturesque and magnificent mountains.  This forms a beautiful contrast to the gentle beauty of the river.

Scenes of fresh green tints of the trees is one of unequalled loveliness. It is one of the best place to spend some quality time with family and friends in the lap of nature away from the hustle bustle of city life. Also, a short trek in the woods around Chatpal will be a delightful experience to the adventure lovers.

Perhaps in the whole world there is no spot as pleasant as Chatpal.

Best Time to Visit Chatpal

Every season has its own charm in Kashmir. However, summer season is the best time to visit Chatpal. (15°C to 25°C) Lush green forests,gushing streams, Scenic majestic peaks will melt the heart of tourists and make their sightseeing in Chatpal more interesting and blissful.  Winter season can be harsh but it’s the best time to view beautiful snowfall that colours the village of Chatpal in peace and splendour.

How to Reach Chatpal?

Srinagar Airport is the closest Airport, from here one can hire taxi to make 90 km journey and the closest railway station is Jammu Tawi Railway Station to reach Chatpal. By road – you need to drive through the Anantnag-Chitergul road. A local shared jeep from Achabal will take you to Chitergul. From here you need to hire a special jeep for Chatpal.

Where to Stay?

A fully furnished tourist Bungalow maintained by Jammu and Kashmir government is the best accommodation to stay in Chatpal. It provides all the basic facilities and amenities to the tourists.

Photo Credit: Sandeep Chetan

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Bangus/ Reshwari – “The Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever”

Bangus Kashmir

Lost in the mists of obscurity Bangus is one of the most unexplored tourist destinations in Kashmir. Bangus Valley is located in the scenic Kupwara District. If one looks at Bangus valley, the sight and sounds of this heaven are wonderful in their boldness. Cradled high in rich and exquisite flora and fauna, it is perhaps one of the most beautiful spots in the world.

The pine trees in the forests are breath-taking; the mountain ridges reflected in blissful streams of Tilwan Kul, Douda Kul,and Roshan Kul as in a mirror are grand and exquisite.

Call it a home to many animal species like antelope, Brown bear, musk dear, mighty snow leopard and beautiful migratory birds like Tragophan, Pheasants, Monal pheasants bush quail and many more.

This valley is surrounded by howkibal Mountains on the northern side and Qazinag and Shamsbery Mountains on the western side.

Mysterious Caves of Delight

The streams in Bangus valley are soft as silk. Strange tales are told of the Kala Roos Caves in Bangus Valley which contains the Stone Age wall paintings.

The cave is believed to be a portal to reach Russia.  It is also said that there are streams inside Kala Roos Caves which is still not entirely navigable.  These caves are recollections of the grandeur of past times.

Canvas of Bliss

Bangus is a beautiful canvas of clear streams, green turf, snow Cladded Mountains. This makes the valley an emerald set in pearls. It is one of the best place for hiking, clicking pictures of scenic beauty, Serenity for nature lovers and romantic setting for the couples. It has everything to offer to the tourists in a hope of blissful experience.

How to Reach Bangus Valley?

  • By Air – The nearest Airport is Srinagar Airport which is 90 km from Kupwara.
  • By Train – The nearest Railhead to Kupwara is Barahmullah which is 64 km away.
  • By Bus – From Srinagar Busses and Cabs are easily available to reach Bangus valley.

Tourists can enjoy comfortable stay at the guest house located on the bank of river Mawar in Reshwari village.  Many government’s run huts are available with basic facilities in Bangus Valley to provide the blissful experience to tourists.

What’s Important?

  • Permission should be taken in advance from district magistrate in Kupwara to trek in Bangus Valley.
  • Prior permission needs to be obtained from the SP of Kishtwar. Moreover, tourists are not allowed to spend night in Bangus Valley.
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Daksum – Bucket Full of Joy and Adventure

Daksum Kashmir

Daksum valley is located in Bhringi River which is ahead of the Mughal Gardens of Achabal. Daksum has something to offer to everyone- Scenic beauty for the artist; Mountains for adventure lovers; bliss and fun of picnic for family and friends and an ideal romantic setting for the couples.

Coniferous forests; hidden grassy meadows and snowy mountains are never monotonous. Every mile in Daksum Valley reveals its exquisite beauty.

Where the great dark coniferous forests cease, the brighter grassy meadows begins. It is quite difficult to describe the colours and contrasts which are seen on the Daksum valley without visiting it once.

Tourists here see the beauty of natural springs and embrace the lifestyle of traditional villages.

It is a perfect place for camping and trekking. The path that leads to the Simthan Pass is decked with exquisite beauty. It’s a combination of thrill and serenity in itself.  The wooden slopes on either sides of Daksum are covered with grass coating makes the view picturesque.

It is also a home to Trout as Bhringi River is full of Trout. Tourists can enjoy fishing by taking permission from J&K forest department.

Best Time to Visit Daksum

Summer season is the best time to visit Daksum Valley. Tourists can enjoy various activities like trekking, fishing and camping. While winter season gives the bliss of viewing snowfall which starts from November and lasts till February. Monsoon gives the chance to view the amazing energy of meandering Bhringi River.

How to Visit Daksum?

  • By Air – Srinagar International Airport is the nearest Airport. Buses and cabs are easily available to reach Anantnag. From there drive through Achabal, Kokernag to get to the mesmerizing Daksum Valley.
  • By Train – Jammu Tawi Railhead and Srinagar Railhead is the best option. From there Cabs, Taxis and Buses are available easily.
  • By Road – from Srinagar, by road one can easily reach to the valley of Daksum.
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Karnah – Beautiful and SublimeNature

Karnah Kashmir

Located in the Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir, Karnah is a small, beautiful valley with dense green meadows and undulating mountain peaks. Many small traditional villages adds to the charm of Karnah Valley.  Karnah village reveals the memories of the past through its forts, palaces, statues, weapons and utensils found here after excavation.

Forested slopes decked with Deodar forests presents a picture-perfect look. The ambiance and scenic beauty of various villages like Tangdar, Teethwal, Gundi Gujran, Amrohi, and Saidpura will land you into a different world of bliss.

Snowy Mountainous ranges of Qazi Nag and Nanga Parvat adds to the scenic beauty of Karnah.  The natives here represent distinct ancient civilizations of five thousand years old background.

It is a great place for adventure lovers as they can enjoy the thrill in activities like reli skiing, rock climbing, snow skiing. Lush meadows,scenic landscapes are an ideal setting to enjoy the bliss of camping.

From Kishtwar, Karnah is around 86km. As Karnah is located at the furthest corner of Kashmir, and LOC is not much far from this region, you have to be prepared to face the queries from the Indian Army.

It is a wide delta of fertile soil, lofty cliffs, everlasting snows, clear water which makes it a perfect destination for tourists to be lost in the Infinite thing of joy forever – Karnah.

Best Time to Visit Karnah

Summer is the best time to visit Karnah valley to enjoy the scenic bliss of green meadows, magnificent mountain peaks, and the serenity of mysterious forests. In winters Tourists can enjoy the picturesque sights of undulating mountains but the climate is only suitable for tourists who wants to enjoy the beauty of snowfall.

How to Reach?

Karnah valley is 86 km from the town of Kishtwar and 78km from Kupwara. One has to go through the beautiful Sadhna Pass over Shamsbari Range. Srinagar Airport is the nearest airport to reach Kupwara, one can reach easily by Cab or bus in Karnah valley.

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Warwan Valley –   Electric Vibes and Thrill Paradise

Warwan Valley Kashmir

Warwan Valley is a blissful destination to tune into the rhythm of Mother Nature away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It lies 150 km from Srinagar the capital of Jammu and Kashmir. It is 3 hours’ drive from Anantnag District.

The charm of Warwan valley consists in its deep clear water coming from splendid waterfalls, huge Cidar trees which looks sombre in this scenic atmosphere and mysterious thickly wooded forests.

Beautiful and melodious gushing of Warwan River, the source of which is the mighty Kanital Glacier provides whole new experience of bliss and tranquillity to the tourists. The villages of Warwan Valley gives a picture perfect setting.

This quaint tourist spot is untouched by the evil effects of modern world and thus experiences an unpolluted weather.

Trail of Never Ending Adventures

It is a paradise for trekkers. The trekking routes head to different places like sheshnag in pehalgam,Sukhnai- Chittergul- Aishmuqam and Sukhnai- Kanital- Panikhar. The trees and vegetation of Warwan Valley is of exquisite beauty, the paths are decked with the views of many pristine lakes and the colours of the lakes offers a charming spectacle to the tourists. It seems that nature has done much for Warwan Valley.

To reach here one needs to drive from Kokernag of South Kashmir and it will take around 3 hours to reach here.

Where to stay?

Inshan Village has a couple of official accommodation options. But it’s better if you return to Kokernag.

Best Time to Visit

Warwan Valley is not accessible to tourists all the time so tourists can arrive only in accessible months. June to October is the best time to visit Warwan Valley.

  • Heritage Sites in Jammu and Kashmir

Watlab Kashmir

The untamed natural beauty of Watlab is waiting for you if you haven’t experienced the scenic views of unexplored Kashmir. It is the most beautiful destination for nature lovers.

A noteworthy travel destination among the lesser known places to visit in Kashmir, Watlab is known for its hilltop Muslim Shrine of Baba Shukurddin, one of the four disciples Sufi saint Nundresi.

It is a combination of scenic beauty with touch of spirituality. This place still has an aura of Baba Shukurddin. Jamadi- us- Saini, 27 th of Islamic calendar month is celebrated the urs of Baba Shakur-Ud-Din Wali.

Once you reach the hill top, you get to witness the mesmeric views of Wular Lake, one of the largest fresh water lakes in Asia and the golden-green shades of the nearby paddy fields.

It is also a great spot for bird watchers as unique birds like Himalayan golden Eagles, Himalayan Monal, Rock Dove, Barn Shallow and others adds to the charm of Watlab. The area is also cradled with rich flora and fauna species. Interesting activities like bird watching, fishing, and Shikara rides makes the sightseeing in Watlab more thrilling.

The forest rest house of Watlab is the best accommodation for tourists. It is located amidst abundant jungle and apple orchard, so be rest assured, you will enjoy the best out of your trip to Kashmir if you are travelling on this route.

Summer is the best time to visit Watlab. Weather is quite clear which is suitable for tourists for enjoying fishing and bird watching.  However, winter season gives the bliss of rainfall and snow to the tourists travelling Watlab.

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Gurez – Bliss Hidden by Snow

Gurez Kashmir

Gurez is a high altitude Himalayan village perched at a height of around 2400m. Around 86km from Bandipore and 123km from Shrinagar, the valley is surrounded by snow-coated mountains and exudes a sparkling view for the presence of the Kishanganga River flowing through the valley.

Counted among the most amazing places to visit In Kashmir, this valley gives shelter to a small number of exotic wildlife including snow leopard and brown bear.

Due to heavy snowfall Gurez is absolutely cut from the world from November to May. By this time Razdan Pass will be completely snowed out. The tourism department of Kashmir provides Gurez Helicopter services for tourists to promote tourism.

Trekking can be dangerous due to its close proximity to the border. However, the scenic landscapes, the beautiful green turf on the woodlands, fishing in Kishen Ganga River, Potato and maize fields possess distinctive charms of their own.

Endless forests clings from the bottom of the valley to the peaks; mesmerizing beauty of the Habba Khatoon Peak offers blissful experience to the tourists. It is difficult to describe the colours of Gurez valley without visiting it once in life.

Dak bungalow maintained by J&K tourism is one of the better options to stay in Gurez. However few hotels like Kaka Palace Guest House, Sikender hotel and Noorani hotel and others offer a comfortable stay to the tourists in Gurez. Also, one can ask the local people to use their accommodation as guest house. The best thing to do is to consult a tour operator.

The valley of Gurez remains closed during winter due to heavy snowfall. The best time to visit Gurez valley is summer season. The weather is appropriate to enjoy the bliss of scenic landscapes and click awesome pictures.

A shared taxi or bus from Udhampur o Srinagar is a better option to reach Gurez. By Air Srinagar Airport is the most suitable option to reach Gurez.

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  • Popular Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks in Jammu and Kashmir

Lolab Valley – Valley of Bliss

Lolab Valley Kashmir

Lolab valley also known as Wadi – e Lolab is one of the most serene and blissful destinations in Kashmir. is comparatively more famous than the other place and is easily accessible by Road.

Lolab is known among the tourists for its beautiful apple orchards, lake, springs and shaded paddy fields. Lolab comprises of three enigmatic valleys called Kalaroos valley, Potnai valley and Brunai valley.

Nagmarg Meadows scenic beauty is a delight for the photographers and it separates Lolab from Bandipora District.  Presence of Lahwal River offers a mesmerizing sight to the tourists.

A village called Lalpur is the resting place of sage Kashyap. Tourists along with scenic beauty tune into the serenity and spirituality of this exquisite village. It is around a kilometre from Lolab. So, you can explore this quaint village.

Springs called Lavnag and Gauri close to Lolab Valley adds to its magnificence. The crystal clear water of the spring is very soothing to the soul.

Himalayan Black Bear, Snow Leopard, Ibex, Hangul are some of the commonly found animals in Lolab Valley.

Jammu and Kashmir Government Accommodations in Chandigham, ahead of Lolab is the best option to stay for a blissful experience.

Summer is the best time to visit Lolab valley and be lost in the beauty of scenic landscapes. Walnut, peach, apple, Cherry trees is a sight worth seeing.  However, winter has a different sights and sounds to offer. Tourists can enjoy the exquisite beauty of Lolab covered in snow.

From Srinagar Airport a bus or a cab to reach Kupwara to reach Lolab is a better option. However, by road Lolab can be easily accessible from NH1.

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Tulail Valley-   Hidden Drops of Serenity

Tulail Valley Kashmir

It will be good, if you also add Tulail Valley to your Kashmir Tour list. It is one of the hidden gems of Kashmir. It can be covered on a same day trip from Gurez as it is a Himalayan sub – valley of Gurez. The road to Tulail from Gurez passes through scenic landscapes of Kishanganga River.

En route you will cross the villages of Barnai, Chakwali, Kashpat, Zargai and finally you can get to see the Purani Tulail Village. The scenic landscapes are a visual treat to the eyes and senses. Houses of Tulail region built with interlocking logs without any nails. The virgin valley keeps flourishing in summer and is ideal for photography sessions. His area is also very famous for its fresh water trout.

The play of misty clouds over the green mountains, flower meadows, and unbound horizon add to the ever alluring beauty of this valley. You need a permit to enter Tulail region from Dawar Police Station. As the village is on the LOC, it is compulsory to seek a series of permissions from Army Camps and SP of this area.

From Srinagar Airport best option to reach Tulail and Barahmullah railway line is the better Railway option to reach Tulail. It takes 6-7 hours to reach Tulail from Srinagar by road.

The ideal time to visit Tulail valley is summer season. The weather is appropriate to enjoy the bliss of scenic landscapes with family and friends away from the noise of city life.

  • Top Things to Do in Jammu and Kashmir

Bhaderwah – The Naaga Bhoomi

Bhaderwah Kashmir

If you want to relish the flavour of lesser known Kashmir and that too without having to go through too much hassle, simply go for Bhaderwah. Bhaderwah is places at the foothills of Himalayas of the doda district of Jammu& Kashmir.

Bhaderwah is very much distinctive from the hyped tourist spots of Kashmir. For its mountainous location, Bhaderwah possesses significant potential to boost adventure activities.

Glittering water bodies, rich variety of flora and fauna, Rocky terrains, Lush green grasslands, snow Cladded Mountains adds to the charm of Bhaderwah.

It is also referred to as “Nagon Ki Bhoomi” because it is a home to different species of snakes. One can tune into the bliss of spirituality by visiting the Nagraj Vasuki Temple which is carved out of a single stone.

If you are a spirited soul, try some of the adventure activities like Paragliding, Skiing, Mountaineering, Rafting, Rock Climbing or even Angling.

In the beautiful terrains of Bhaderwah lies Seoj Meadow which offers paragliding opportunities to tourists. The meadow is a paradise of tranquilly and serenity for nature lovers.

Also, you can give your summer holidays in Kashmir a new turn simply by camping in Jai Valley of Bhaderwah.

Winter season is the best time to visit Bhaderwah as it provides plenty of adventure opportunities to tourists. It is the best time for sightseeing in Bhaderwah because of its soothing weather.

There are both private and Government run accommodation options in Bhaderwah which include hotels like Bagwan Guest House, Trc Bhadarwah, Winners Guest House, Snow Valley Guest House etc.

  • By Air – Jammu Airport is the nearest Airport to reach Bhaderwah. One can easily get a bus or taxi to reach Bhaderwah from Jammu Airport.
  • By Rail – Jammu Tawi is the best railway option to reach Bhaderwah. Bhaderwah is just 206 km from Jammu.
  • By Bus – It takes 6-7 hours to reach Bhaderwah from Jammu by bus and 5-6 hours via Udhampur.

Photo Credit: Atif Malik

Other Important Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Links

  • Complete Jammu Kashmir Travel Guide
  • Best Time to Visit Jammu and Kashmir
  • Popular Trekking Tours in Kashmir

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. q. is trekking allowed in gurez valley.

Gurez Valley is in close proximity to the border hence trekking is not allowed in Gurez valley. However, tourists can enjoy the scenic beauty of blissful landscapes and click awesome pictures.

Q. Q. What are the popular top things to do in Kashmir Valley?

The various kinds of activities that can do in Kashmir Valley are Shikara ride on Dal Lake, Skiing in Gulmarg, Horse Riding in Gulmarg and Pahalgam, Mountain Biking in Gulmarg, Pahalgam and Sonmarg, Trekking and Golfing in Gulmarg.

Q. Q. What are the some lip smacking regional delicacies in Kashmir?

Kashmir offers variety of regional cuisines to tourists like Kashmiri dishes of meat Rogan josh, Yakni, traditional Wazwan style of cuisines, Dam Aloo, Aab Gosht, Tsochvoru, Tsot and others.

Q. Q. What are some popular tourist attractions in Bhaderwah?

Some popular tourist attractions in Bhaderwah are Chaandi Mata Temple, Vasuki Naag Temple, Seoj Meadow, Bhaderwah Fort and others.

Published: 15 Feb, 2021 | Last Updated:  23 Feb, 2021

About the author

Pallavi Roy

Pallavi Roy

She is a candle who burns and melts in the chaos of infinity, from where her visceral whistles and leaves an imprint of desire in her heart to know the map of an Island where there are different sunrises and sunsets. Her curiosity brightens to conquer the hearts unrelieved and sometimes mysterious. Her name is - Pallavi Roy - A traveller by soul and a writer by Profession.

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1.25 Million Tourists And Counting In 2024 So Far - Kashmir To Set New Record

Officials of the local tourism department have said that over 12.5 lakh tourists have so far visited Kashmir and going by the present trend, the year 2024 is likely to break all previous records.

1.25 Million Tourists And Counting In 2024 So Far - Kashmir To Set New Record

More than 12.5 lakh tourists (1.25 million) have visited Kashmir so far this year.

Tourist arrivals in Kashmir are set to break all previous records as more than 1.25 million tourists have already come here to date this year.

At present, all local hotels in Srinagar city, in the ski resort of Gulmarg and the hill stations of Pahalgam and Sonamarg are completely sold out till the middle of June.

"What is true of hotels in these places is also true of guest houses, homestays, houseboats on the Dal and the Nigeen Lakes and other such lodging facilities in Kashmir at the moment," said an official here.

More encouraging this year is the fact that with the improved law and order situation and the prevailing peace, foreign tourists have started coming to Kashmir in good numbers.

"We earn foreign exchange once the foreign tourists start coming to Kashmir. In addition to this, most of the foreign tourists are high-end tourists whose average spending during their stay is more than the average domestic tourists. Not that the domestic tourists do not include high-end guests. The few 5-star hotels we have in the Valley are also completely sold out these days and the majority of their guests are domestic spenders," said a member of the Hoteliers Club of Kashmir.

Normally the tourist arrivals start coming down with the beginning of the annual Amarnath Yatra due to the heavy rush of pilgrims who come for 'Darshan' at the cave shrine situated 3888 metres above sea level in Kashmir Himalayas.

This year, Amarnath Yatra starts on June 29 and will conclude after 52 days on August 19.

Hoteliers believe that given the number of bookings being made presently, it is unlikely that the tourist arrivals would be affected by the ensuing Amarnath Yatra.

One of the reasons for the unlikely fall in the number of tourist arrivals this year in Kashmir is the soaring temperature in the rest of the country.

"There are of course other hill stations like Shimla, Darjeeling and Nainital in the country, but they cannot match the tourist uptake capacity of Kashmir", said a local tour and travel operator who has been in business for more than four decades.

At present, tourists are mainly coming to the Valley from Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra. Local tour and travel operators say the tourist flow from Delhi and Punjab will start in the middle of the next month.

The tourism industry is the second main industry in Kashmir after horticulture. While horticulture is believed to generate Rs 10,000 crore for the local economy, the tourism industry is believed to pump in another Rs 8000 crore annually into the local economy.

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While the earnings from horticulture are restricted to orchard owners, tourism sustains hoteliers, houseboat owners, Shikarawallahs on the Dal Lake, taxi operators, pony wallahs, tourist guides and travel operators in addition to handicraft artisans like shawl, carpet, wood carving and papier machie craftsmen.  

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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