Letter How

Write it Well

  • How To Write Field Trip Letter To Parents –  3 Samples.
  • By: Ray Martins
  • Date: January 14, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

field trip letter to parents preschool

Once in a while, students are required to go for field trip so that they can see firsthand, the different theories and concepts that they study in the classroom. However, before the children can go for the field trip, the school has to obtain consent from the parents. Thus, the school has to write a letter to the parents or guardians requesting them to consent that their children take part in the field trip.

In order to write a good field trip letter to the parents, it is important that the letter details the specific location that the children will visit, what they intend to see and learn, and any necessary preparations that need to be made by the parents in order to ensure that the field trip will be a success.

The introduction of the letter should be precise. Specifically, it should brief the parent on the actual date when the field trip is supposed to take place, the time that the school bus will be leaving, and when the bus is expected to arrive back from the trip.

How Do You Write No Objection Letter From Parents To Allow A Child To Travel?

If you have received a field trip letter from school informing you that your child is expected to go for a field trip, you will be required to write a no objection letter that will show you agree your child to take part in the trip. Here is a simple format you can use to indicate that you have agreed your child takes part in the field trip.

I have no objection to my child taking part in the field trip scheduled to take place on 15 th January 2022.

Sign and Date

Mary’s parents.

Sample 1 : Field Trip Letter To Parent

Dear Parent / Guardian

The fifth grade are scheduled to go for a field trip to the animal park in Texas on 23 rd January 2022 . In this trip, the children are going to see different wild animals that they have studied in the classroom. The school bus will leave at exactly 9.00 am and return about 2.00 pm. It is crucial that your child is not late for school on that date so that he/she does not miss the trip.

The field is paid for by the school. I however, require that you ensure you have consented and returned this letter by 16 th January 2022 so that we can have the names of the children going for the trip registered with the animal park. You are requested to pack snacks for your child so that he/she can enjoy the snacks on the bus.

This is a unique opportunity that shouldn’t be missed as the children will get a chance to see many wild animals that they have only seen on TV. The children should be dressed as they normally dress when coming to school on normal days.

It is my hope that you are going to consent your child takes part in the trip. In case you have any questions or concerns regarding the planned field trip, feel free to contact me any time.

Your Sincerely

Fifth Grade Sciences Studies Coordinator

Teacher Anne


Parent Trip Consent Slip

I _________________________ consent my child _______________________ attends the planned field trip on 23 rd January 2022.


Sign and Date 


Sample 2 : Field Trip Letter To Parent

Dear Parents

The school has planned for your child to go on a science field trip with the science club. The trip is a unique opportunity for your child to gain hands-on experience on different environmental issues such as how human activities have contributed to degradation of the environment.  The field trip might include a walk of about one mile in the forest, and in the farm. We are certain that this trip will be informative and beneficial to learning of your child.

In order to make sure that your child has unforgettable experience, we seek your assistance in the following:

  • Make sure that your child wears ideal shoes – no sandals. Hiking or sports shoes are the best.
  • Dress your child well. Layers are ideal so that they can be removed as needed.
  • Let us know about any underlying health conditions such as allergy and medication.

Thanks for doing your best in ensuring that your child has a positive learning experience. For any queries or questions, feel free to contact me.

Emma Watson

School Events Coordinator


Sample 3 : Information Letter To Parent About Planned Field Trip

I am writing to inform you that your child who is a 6 th Grader has an opportunity to visit Texas for a curriculum trip. We are all thrilled about this opportunity and it’s our hope that you are also thrilled.  The luxury coach is planned to leave school on Wednesday 8 th June 2021 at 5pm. We come back to school at 9:00am on Monday, 12 Th June . The total cost for the trip is $550 and it incorporates all costs to be incurred by the students.

Students are expected to be in school-appropriate dressing during the entire trip. When parking clothes for your sons and daughters, take into consideration the fact that the trip will happen during summer season. We will try our best to advise students prior to leaving about the forecasted temperatures.

We request that you sign the attached student consent slip and return it before 30 th April 2021 . After that, we are not going to accept any other reservations. We also request that you pay the fee of $500 before 30 th April so that we can be able make all the necessary arrangements.

I hereby conform that I have consented my child to go to the Texas trip taking place from June 8 to June 12 2021.

Name of student: ____________________________________________

Name of the Parent :_________________________________________

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School Trip Announcement Letter to Parents Template

school trip announcement letter

We are with you from start to finish for your group trip, and all the steps in between. Throughout every stage of your tour planning, we want you to have the highest quality materials.

Customize this school trip announcement letter to announce your trip to parents and invite them to your first meeting. The earlier you can start planning, the more time parents have to plan for the trip financially. Announce your trip as soon as the school year starts to get everyone excited for the year ahead. Not sure where to travel? View our sample school trip itineraries.

  • Download the Field Trip Letter to Parents

There are many free resources available on our Resources page. We suggest that you book mark that page for future reference. Sign-up to receive monthly newsletters so that you never miss a resource!

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field trip letter to parents preschool

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Permission Letter For Field Trip: How To Write It Right!

In this article, I’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of creating an effective permission letter, providing a template and personal insights to assist you.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the Purpose : Recognize that a permission letter serves as a formal request for consent and an informative document for guardians.
  • Be Clear and Concise : Use simple language to convey all essential details about the trip.
  • Include All Relevant Information : Ensure to mention the destination, date, time, reason for the trip, transportation, and contact information.
  • Personalize Your Letter : While following a template, add a personal touch to make the letter more engaging.
  • Seek Feedback : Encourage parents to provide feedback or ask questions to ensure clarity and build trust.

Step 1: Start with a Professional Layout

Begin your letter with a professional letterhead, if available, or simply start with your name, position, school name, and address at the top. Follow this with the date and the recipient’s address. This sets a formal tone for the letter.

Step 2: Craft a Clear Introduction

In your opening paragraph, briefly introduce the purpose of the letter. Mention that the letter seeks permission for the child to attend a field trip and provide a brief overview of the trip’s educational value.

Example : “I am writing to request your permission for your child, [Child’s Name], to attend the upcoming field trip to [Destination]. This trip is an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of [Educational Purpose].”

Step 3: Provide Detailed Information

This is the core of your letter. Clearly mention the following details:

  • Destination : Where the field trip will take place.
  • Date and Time : Specify the departure and return times.
  • Purpose : Explain the educational or recreational objective of the trip.
  • Transportation Details : Describe the mode of transportation and safety measures in place.
  • Food Arrangements : Specify if students need to bring their lunch or if it will be provided.
  • Cost : If there’s any cost involved, mention the amount and the payment method.

Step 4: Include a Call to Action

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Encourage the recipient to sign the permission slip and return it by a specific date. Also, provide your contact information for any questions or concerns they might have.

Step 5: Express Gratitude

Close your letter by thanking the parents or guardians for their time and support, reinforcing the value of the field trip for their child’s education.

Step 6: Provide a Signature Line

End with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,” followed by a space for your signature and printed name.

Template for a Permission Letter for a Field Trip

[Your Name] [Your Position] [School Name] [School Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Address]

Dear [Parent’s Name],

I am pleased to inform you about an upcoming field trip that we have organized for [Grade/Class]. We plan to visit [Destination] on [Date], which will be an enriching experience for the students as they learn about [Educational Purpose].

Details of the Field Trip:

  • Destination : [Destination]
  • Date and Time : [Date and Time]
  • Purpose : [Purpose of the Trip]
  • Transportation : [Transportation Details]
  • Food : [Food Arrangements]
  • Cost : [Cost Details]

Please sign the attached permission slip and return it to us by [Return Date]. If you have any questions or require further information, feel free to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in enhancing our students’ learning experiences.

[Your Signature] [Your Name] [Your Position]

Personal Tips from Experience

  • Double-check the details : Ensure all the information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any confusion.
  • Engage with empathy : Understand that parents might have concerns. Addressing these proactively can build trust.
  • Follow-up : Consider sending a reminder or making a follow-up call as the return date approaches.

I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences with writing permission letters for field trips. Have you found a particular approach effective? Do you have any tips to share? Please leave your comments below, and let’s discuss!

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Ultimate Guide to Planning Field Trips for Kids

Welcome to our guide for planning and preparing for a field trip! As a preschool teacher , here I provide you with comprehensive information and helpful tips on organizing a successful and enriching field trip for kids , specifically geared towards preschool-aged children. Join me as we dive into the exciting world of field trip planning and activities!

Section 1: Choosing the Perfect Destination

field trip location

When planning a field trip, selecting the right destination is key. Consider the educational objectives, curriculum relevance, and age appropriateness of the location. Look for interactive exhibits, guided tours, and activities that align with the topics you want to cover. Some popular choices for preschool field trips include museums, nature centers , farms , aquariums, and planetariums.

Section 2: Field Trip Planning

Set Clear Goals : Determine the learning outcomes and objectives you want to achieve through the field trip. Tailor your activities and discussions accordingly to maximize the educational value.

Research and Pre-Visit : Familiarize yourself with the destination by researching online, contacting the facility, and even scheduling a pre-visit. This will help you anticipate any potential challenges and tailor the experience to meet the needs of your young learners.

Obtain Permissions : Communicate with parents and obtain necessary permissions and waivers well in advance. Inform them about the field trip’s purpose, date, duration, and logistics. Provide them with emergency contact information and any specific requirements for the day.

Volunteering Teachers : Coordinate with teachers and parent volunteers to ensure sufficient supervision during the field trip. Assign specific responsibilities to each volunteer, such as group leaders, first aid assistants, or photographers. Clearly communicate the expectations and guidelines for the volunteering teachers to maintain a safe and organized trip.

Arrange Transportation : Determine the most suitable mode of transportation based on the distance, group size, and accessibility of the destination. Ensure you have sufficient adult supervision during transit.

Create a Schedule : Develop a detailed itinerary that includes arrival and departure times, activity timelines, lunch breaks, and restroom breaks. A well-structured schedule ensures a smooth and organized experience.

Dietary Considerations : Before the field trip, collect information about any dietary restrictions or allergies among the children. Communicate these requirements to the facility or arrange packed lunches accommodating everyone’s needs.

Snacks and Water : Plan snack breaks throughout the day to energise the children. Encourage parents to pack healthy snacks such as fruits, granola bars, or cheese sticks. Additionally, ensure an adequate water supply or provide refillable water bottles for each child.

Section 3: Field Trip Activities

Field Trip Activities teacher working with the kids

Guided Tours: Arrange guided tours led by knowledgeable staff or docents who can provide relevant information and engage the children in interactive discussions. Encourage students to ask questions and actively participate in the tour.

Hands-on Experiments : Seek out activities that allow children to engage in hands-on experiments and exploration. This tactile experience will deepen their understanding and leave a lasting impression.

Interactive Workshops : Many educational destinations offer workshops tailored to specific age groups. These workshops often involve interactive demonstrations, experiments, or crafts, providing a valuable and engaging learning experience.

Scavenger Hunts : Incorporate scavenger hunts or treasure hunts to make the field trip more exciting and interactive. Prepare age-appropriate clues or questions related to the exhibits or environment for the children to solve.

Reflection and Discussion : Allocate time for reflection and group discussions at various points throughout the trip. Encourage children to share their observations, ask questions, and express their thoughts and feelings about the experience.

Read more on: Places to take preschool kids for an educational field trip

Section 4: Safety Considerations

 Safety Considerations during field trips

First Aid and Emergency Preparedness : Ensure you have a well-stocked first aid kit and designate a responsible adult with first aid training. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and establish a plan for any unforeseen situations.

Adult-to-Child Ratio : Maintain an appropriate adult-to-child ratio to ensure the safety and supervision of all participants. Consider dividing the children into smaller groups, each with a designated adult supervisor. This allows for better management and attention to individual needs.

Medical Information : Collect and carry necessary medical information for each child, including allergies, medications, and emergency contact details. Keep this information easily accessible in case of any medical emergencies.

Rules and Behavior Expectations : Clearly communicate the behaviour expectations to both children and accompanying adults before the trip. Emphasise the importance of following instructions, staying with the group, and respecting the facility and its exhibits.

Communication Plan : Establish a communication plan to keep parents informed throughout the trip. Share contact details and schedule regular updates, ensuring parents know of any changes or delays.

Section 5: Post-Trip Follow-up

Kids with teacher outdoor for a field trip

Reflection Activities : Engage the children in post-trip activities that encourage reflection and reinforce learning. This could include discussions, journaling, or creating artwork inspired by their experiences.

Parent Engagement : Share highlights and photos of the field trip with parents through newsletters, emails, or a dedicated online platform. Encourage parents to discuss the trip with their children and extend their learning at home.

Thank-You Notes : Have the children write thank-you notes or draw pictures expressing their gratitude to the destination and any staff members who made the trip memorable. This teaches them the importance of appreciation and reinforces social skills.

Evaluation and Feedback : Gather feedback from both children and accompanying adults to evaluate the success of the field trip. Use this feedback to improve future trips and enhance the overall experience.

Volunteer Appreciation : Express your gratitude to the volunteering teachers for their support and dedication. Recognize their contributions through thank-you notes, certificates, or small tokens of appreciation. This gesture fosters a sense of teamwork and encourages continued involvement in future field trips.


Organizing an educational field trip for preschool kids requires careful planning and preparation, but the rewards are immeasurable. By selecting the right destination, creating a well-structured itinerary, and incorporating engaging activities, you can provide a valuable and memorable experience that nurtures young minds. Remember to prioritize safety, communicate effectively, and follow up with post-trip activities to maximize the educational impact. So, embrace the excitement of field trip planning, and watch as your preschoolers embark on an educational journey they’ll cherish for years to come.

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20 Engaging and Educational Field Trip Ideas for Preschoolers

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educational field trip ideas for preschoolers

Field trips are momentous times in a preschooler’s life. Preschool field trips allow children to enjoy a change of scenery and spend time outside the classroom doing more hands-on learning.

In addition to the memories children create on field trips, they’re a valuable opportunity for educators to reinforce lessons. With the right planning and preparation, field trips for children can be an engaging, educational day for all involved.

Children standing on the shore pointing out toward a body of water

Why are preschool field trips important?

Field trips are more than extra-curricular activities. They can be an integral part of a child’s early education. Preschool field trips afford many substantial benefits for children:

Broadens their education

Children are exposed to only so much in a classroom setting. Field trips allow children to get a richer picture of educational subjects by observing them outside of books, lessons, or videos.

Exposure to real-life experiences

In preschool, children are developing their understanding of life and the world around them. Field trips expose them to everyday life in a setting where their teacher can help them connect what they’re learning to what happens in the real places in their community. Experiential learning (authentic, first-hand, sensory-based learning) through field trips is a way for children to reflect on and apply their new knowledge.

Research shows academic improvement

Studies support the idea that field trips have real effects on a child’s education. Field trips are linked to improvements in academic performance. According to a study on youth educational trips by the Wagner Group and the U.S. Travel Association, adults who took educational trips when they were younger…

  • Had better grades (59% of study respondents)
  • Graduated from high school at a higher rate (95% of study respondents)
  • Reported that educational trips had a positive impact on their education (89% of study respondents)

Expands their world

Field trips allow all children to experience more of the world. Whether they live in a busy city or a rural town, field trips introduce children to experiences and environments they may not have access to otherwise. Preschool teachers have the opportunity to make a child’s world a little larger with each field trip and show them new places, people, and adventures.

Child holding pinecones outside in nature

How to plan and prepare for preschool field trips

A lot of preparation goes into a successful field trip. For teachers and administrators, there are people, places, and schedules to coordinate weeks or months in advance.

Consider the below areas as you plan your trip:

Teaching moments

Sometimes preschool field trips are planned around a specific topic the class has been covering. Sometimes trips are simply a good learning opportunity that you’ll weave a lesson into. No matter which scenario you’re in as a teacher, it’s helpful to have your notes and activities prepared in advance.

How many adult chaperones will you need for the field trip? When you’re planning field trips for kids, it’s crucial to have a confirmed, appropriate number of chaperones based on the number of children attending. 

You can request family volunteers or set up a rotating schedule so families can plan ahead. Consider offering incentives like free lunches or gift cards and remind them it’s a great opportunity to have a meaningful experience with their child and get to know the other children and families in your program.

Plan to bring extra snacks in case meal times run late. Prepare to answer questions from parents about whether to pack a lunch or work out an eating arrangement at the field trip location. If you'll be serving meals on the field trip, prepare the food before and determine how you will transport it. Consider packing a cooler for any perishable foods that need to be kept cold, and pack plenty of water if there is no water available at your destination.


Some preschool policies require that school vehicles are used for field trips. Before the trip, determine transportation needs, such as how many vans or buses will be needed and if parents are permitted to drive.

If there’s a cost associated with the trip, how will you secure funds from the school or handle payments from parents? Use your communication platforms to alert parents of any expenses they’ll need to cover as far in advance as possible.

Sometimes drop-off and pick-up schedules can be impacted by field trips. Create an agenda and itinerary that shows where the class will be and breaks down how long you’ll be at each location. This helps parents plan their day and gives school administration information they would need in an emergency. 

If any children have medication, medical equipment, or anything else that needs to be on hand for them, it needs to be accounted for in field trip planning. Bring any health and safety documents such as an accurate roster to count the children and emergency contact information. Teachers should also pack first aid kits and antibacterial hand wipes if there is no access to clean running water on your trip. 

Families' participation on field trips is a great way to include them in the curriculum and share a day in the life of the class. Check out our calendar template to keep families up-to-date with all major school events and spark new ideas for family engagement year-round. 

Download our free calendar template for early education programs for more  activity ideas!

Field trip safety tips

Taking young children on a field trip can be an overwhelming experience without the right preparation. Field trips are very exciting, so be aware that the children may have extra energy or be more distracted. To have a fun, safe, and smooth trip, focus on safety measures before and during the excursion.

Before the field trip

  • Review the schedule with the children and tell them what to expect 
  • Give children safety guidelines and procedures to follow
  • Assign pairs or small groups for headcount checks
  • Involve children in checking the field trip supply checklist
  • Instruct children to wear bright clothes or a certain color to make them easy to spot
  • Prepare and bring a first aid kit

  During the field trip

  • Do headcount checks frequently and always before leaving or entering any location
  • Follow pedestrian rules carefully when walking such as using sidewalks and crosswalks and only crossing the street when traffic signals say it is safe
  • For traveling by bus or van, check every seat before exiting
  • Ensure children understand and follow the security and safety measures of the field trip location
  • Continue practicing basic hygiene, such as washing hands or using hand wipes before eating
  • Keep a copy of emergency contact lists with you at all times
  • Take bathroom breaks together as a group

Field trip ideas for preschoolers

Choosing where to take the children in your preschool class is one of the most exciting parts of field trip planning. Here are 20 engaging and educational field trip ideas for preschoolers:

Apple orchards and pumpkin patches can show children how these foods are grown and offer a truly hands-on education as they pick their own.

Nature walk

Nature walks are an educational adventure that allow children to discover various plants, leaves, critters, and trees. It’s also great physical activity!

Farmer’s markets

A field trip to the local farmer’s market or grocery store can be an opportunity to teach children lessons about nutrition and where their food comes from.

Many children’s books are full of stories and illustrations of sea creatures, so the aquarium is sure to be a hit with preschoolers. They’ll get a chance to see these creatures up close and learn more about them.

A local bakery is another food-focused field trip that supports a small business and allows children to see how some of their favorite sweet treats are created.

Zoos are a common preschool class favorite! Children can visit and hear facts about a wide variety of animals, including birds, mammals, and reptiles.

Local library

Libraries are often a familiar place for young children, but a preschool field trip to the library gives children a chance to learn details about what a librarian does and the many types of books available to them.

Fire station

Preschoolers tend to love fire trucks. Use a field trip to a fire station to teach them about the work that happens behind the scenes and age-appropriate fire safety tips.

Local events

Sometimes the best educational events don’t need to be booked—they’re already happening in your community! From holiday celebrations and parades to the annual fair, local events can provide children with a wealth of learning opportunities.

Farmers have so much they can teach young children, from lessons about the way food is grown to how the animals are raised.

Children’s museum

Museums that cater specifically to young children are educational and interactive places that are ideal for preschool field trips. They also tend to change exhibits regularly, which means they’re a great choice for multiple trips.

Home improvement store

Show children how chairs, tables, and other items they use on a daily basis are built. Another way to do this is to find a local builder with a small shop who’s willing to give a workshop tour and demonstration.

If you have a child-friendly state park nearby, they make excellent field trip destinations. State parks are a beautiful place to teach about the great outdoors and ways to protect and respect our planet. 

Recycling center

Teach children the importance of recycling and how everyday items like plastic water bottles and aluminum soda cans are recycled. 

Local ponds are perfect for a low-cost, science and nature focused field trip. They’re often home to frogs, ducks, and aquatic plants, making great lesson topics for preschool children.

Around town scavenger hunt

Teach children about where they live with a scavenger hunt in your community. Downtown areas are usually ideal locations for this field trip activity.

Expose children to the performing arts with a preschool field trip to the local theater. This trip can teach them about storytelling on the stage, theater etiquette, and stage acting as a career.

Train station

Learning about different types of transportation expands children’s minds and view of the world. Add in a train ride to make it both engaging and educational!

Botanical garden

Botanical gardens are a stunning environment to teach children about the beauty of nature and various types of plant life.

Historic monuments

A field trip to an age-appropriate historic site can provide early lessons on important historical figures and events.

Post-field trip actions and education

Get the most out of your day away from the classroom by following up with children and their families after your field trip. Parents will appreciate knowing what their children learned and children will get a chance to relive the best moments of their trip.

To update families, consider including a brief summary of your field trip in your preschool newsletter . Ask children to share their favorite parts of the trip and include photos! 

Plan a memorable outing

There are plenty of details to consider and plan when it comes to executing preschool field trips. Taking a trip is a great opportunity for educators to build upon everything their children are learning in the classroom and engage them in hands-on, memorable experiences. 

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Field Trip Permission Letter

Last Updated On September 17, 2018 By Letter Writing

A field trip permission letter is written by a school to parents or guardian to ask permission for a field trip which is organized by his or her school. A lot of parents are a little skeptical about field trips as they fear that the trip might not be completely safe. So the letter has to be written in such a way that it is easy for the parents to trust the school authorities who are taking the students out for the field trip. Also, if the child wants to go, he needs to make his or her parents trust him so that he is allowed to go. The parents should feel like the school as well as the child is responsible enough to take care.

Tips on Writing the Letter

  • Be polite and try not to force decisions on them.
  • Try to convince as much as you can.
  • Give the necessary details of the field trip.
  • Make sure you come out as trustworthy in the letter.

Letter Template

Use our free Field trip permission letter to help you get started. If you need additional help or more examples check out some of the sample letters below.

Date:_____________ (date of the day when the letter has been sent)


Subject: Request for field trip permission

Dear Sir/Ma’am (write a proper salutation and title for the recipient),

This letter is to inform you that our school _____________(name of the school) wants to take our students of class ___(mention the standard) for a field trip to the nearby windmills. The field trip will be on the 18th of October. The students will be taken at ________(mention time) and will return back to school by _______(mention time). This field trip is financed by the school as we aim for it to be an educational trip.

We request you to send your child for this field trip as it will be a very educational experience and he or she will get to learn a lot from it. We guarantee you full safety as we are taking a lot of teachers with us to take care of them.

R. J. Taylor

Yours sincerely,

(your name)

Sample Letter

Rob Taylor,

Andhra NGO,

Date: 6th February 2017

Dinesh Agarwal,

Subject: Request for sentence reduction

This letter is to inform you that our school Modern High School for girls wants to take our students of class 5 for a field trip to the nearby windmills. The field trip will be on the 18th of October. The students will be taken at 8:00 a.m. and will return to school by 5:00 p.m. This field trip is financed by the school as we aim for it to be an educational trip.

Email Format

The following is an Email format of a Permission for Field trip letter.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

SUBJECT: Permission for field trip

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

This letter is to inform you about a field trip organised by our school on Thursday, 14th August. the trip is to the nearest wildlife sanctuary which is situated at a distance of 40 km from the city. We are taking our students there to spread awareness about the wildlife. It is very important the the generation knows how important it is to conserve animals.

I hope you will send your daughter on the field trip. The last day for confirmation is Tuesday. Send in your confirmation through your daughter.

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  • Permission Giving Letter
  • Permission To Play Sports Letter
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  • Permission Letter

Fillable Field Trip Permission Slip and Field Trip Letter to Parents

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Field trips are a great way to bring learning to life for your daycare children. But as any daycare provider knows, they can also be a lot of work! From coordinating transportation to getting parental permission, there's a lot that goes into planning a successful field trip. But don't worry, we're here to help.

This fillable field trip letter to parents and parent consent form are perfect for your next field trip. They feature a simple, clean design. You can use the fillable field trip letter to inform parents of your upcoming field trip and any fees associated with the trip. The parent consent form is easy to understand and electronically fillable.

Both forms can be printed on 8.5 x 11-inch paper or emailed to parents to fill out electronically.

*PLEASE NOTE* This is a digital product ONLY - You will NOT receive a physical product. Upon payment, the files will be available for instant download. Before purchasing, please make sure these file types are compatible with your intended use.


1. One PDF File containing a Fillable Field Trip Parent Letter.

2. One PDF File containing a Parent Consent Form


You can print it at home or have it printed at a local print shop. Colors may vary slightly due to monitor and printer calibration differences. Additionally, the quality of your printer, ink and paper will influence the results.


1. All designs are copyrighted by Daycare Printables. You may use the template as often as you like, but do not redistribute or share it with others. You do not have the right to resell these pdfs as separate items nor as a complete set.

2. You acknowledge that this product was NOT prepared by a lawyer and may not be seen as a legal document in a court of law.

3. You acknowledge that a certain amount of computer savviness will be needed to download, fill out, email or print the PDFs

Field Trip Permission Slip For Daycares, Home Daycare, Childcare Centers and Daycare Centers

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How To Write A School Trip Letter To Parents

When it comes to booking a  school trip , there are countless things to consider and plan – it’s an exciting time for all involved. But, after you have gained approval from the necessary channels, there comes a time when you must start promoting your school trip to your students and their parents – after all, planning can only go so far without their buy in.

The most common way to spread word about an upcoming trip is to send a letter to parents. But what should you include, and how much information is too much?

To help, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide of how to write a school trip letter to parents. Take a look below for inspiration, including a downloadable school trip letter template.

What To Include In Your Letter

1. what are the benefits of a school trip.

The main aim of your letter should be to convey how enriching a school trip can be for any student.

School trips are a fantastic way for students to learn – seeing new sights and experiencing unfamiliar cultures can be a great way to stimulate the brain, while creating a memorable case study to aid their learning.

In your letter you could make parents aware of exactly how beneficial and enriching a school trip can be for students. This will help to build a case for parents to see the how a trip will aid their child in the long term.

2. The trip logistics

As with any investment, parents will want to know precisely where their money will be spent before making a decision on whether to send their child on a school trip.

To put parents’ minds at ease, you  can inform them of the logistics of the trip. Make sure to include the trip’s price , dates , what the deposit will be , how many places there are , when a response is needed by , and a general outline of what the trip will include (if possible). Make sure to include which subjects or modules the school trip will be beneficial towards.

A slip  can be also provided along the bottom of the letter which can be filled out by parents to secure their child’s place. This will help to garner how many students would like to attend the trip.

3. Your school trip provider

Finally, when writing your letter, you should make an effort to introduce the school trip  provider  you have chosen. This will allow peace of mind for parents wishing to find out more about their child’s school trip. 

When introducing your school trip organiser, it is often beneficial to mention their point of difference. What was it that made you choose them? Put their minds at rest by confirming that the company has all the  accreditations to keep their child and their money safe.  Your school trip organiser should be able to help you with this.

Is there an example I can use?

If you’re looking for help with writing a letter to inform parents about an upcoming school trip, then this example letter should lend a hand.

For more information around planning your school trip, make sure to visit the Resources  section of our website where you can find packing checklists, insurance documents, planning guides, post-trip classroom resources and much more.

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8 Field Trip and School Permission Forms to Make Your Life Easier

Because who has time to reinvent the wheel?

School Permission Forms Templates

While some schools may be lucky enough to have transitioned to electronic permission slips, many are still relying on the same photocopies that they’ve had for years. Thankfully, we’ve got some spiffy new school permission forms templates to help you retire your old forms without too much heavy lifting.

1. Class Party or Project

field trip letter to parents preschool

When you’re planning a class party or project, this template is a great start. You can use it as is to address any concerns about allergies or adjust it to collect other information, like supply donations or even available volunteers.

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2. School Dances

field trip letter to parents preschool

There comes a time in each student’s life when they’re presented with the opportunity to get down and funky with a group of their peers. At that time, it falls on many an adult to help students manage responsibilities and expectations. This permission slip helps do just that with student, guest, and guardian signatures, and much more.

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3. Movies and Other Media

field trip letter to parents preschool

With all of the digital learning resources available nowadays, you may think permission slips for these tools are no longer necessary. As mindful as you may be in making your selections, you still might want to solicit specific approval for certain content. This quick and easy form is the way to do it.

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field trip letter to parents preschool

Speaking of potentially sensitive content, sex ed likely requires permission, no matter what it’s called, what grade it’s for, or what class it’ll be in. In addition to documenting approval, this form provides information parents and guardians are sure to find useful before their student participates in any discussions.

5. Extracurricular Transportation

field trip letter to parents preschool

Kids today have an amazing number of options available when it comes to extracurricular activities—and just as many when it comes to getting to and from them. Coaches, leaders, and other staff will love having this form at the ready to get transportation permissions on file in record time.

6. Field Trip Lite

field trip letter to parents preschool

This is a great field trip permission slip without all the fuss. Just enter the facts and send it on its way.

7. Field Trip Plus

field trip letter to parents preschool

For those who sleep a little more easily at night when they have a bit of legalese covering their backsides, the additions in this two-pager may be the better choice. Plus, the added room in the layout gives you plenty of space to load up on trip details, if that’s more your style.

8. Overnight Field Trip

field trip letter to parents preschool

Fair warning: This one has a lot of fine print! But what else would you expect to counter the increasing liability that comes with an overnight field trip?

What school permission forms templates should we add to this list? Let us know in the comments and we’ll create more templates!

Plus, the best field trip ideas for every age and interest (virtual options too), you might also like.

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Looking for school funding? Bookmark this list. Continue Reading

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  1. How To Write Field Trip Letter To Parents

    Sample 1 : Field Trip Letter To Parent. Dear Parent / Guardian. The fifth grade are scheduled to go for a field trip to the animal park in Texas on 23rd January 2022. In this trip, the children are going to see different wild animals that they have studied in the classroom. The school bus will leave at exactly 9.00 am and return about 2.00 pm.

  2. School Trip Announcement Letter to Parents Template

    Customize this school trip announcement letter to announce your trip to parents and invite them to your first meeting. The earlier you can start planning, the more time parents have to plan for the trip financially. ... Field Trip Letter to Parents - Free Download […] School Trip Meeting Letter Template says: July 27, 2016 at 11:55 am ...

  3. Field Trip Template Letter

    Use our easy-to-download Field Trip Template Letter when you're planning a field trip for your students. This is a simple way to notify parents, guardians, and caregivers of the upcoming trip by letting them know details such as the dates, times, cost, what to wear, whether lunch is provided or not, specific planned activities, and a section that requires them to provide a signature for ...

  4. 14 {EDITABLE} Templates for Field Trip Letters to Parents ...

    The following templates to be edited to fit your needs are included: Page 1 Nashville, Tennessee 4th Grade Trip. Page 2 Three Field Trip Deposit Coupons. Page 3 A 6th Grade Letter to Parents About a Field Trip with Parent Volunteers Needed. Page 4 Reminder Note to Send Home the Day Before the Field Trip.


    • Signing and returning the attached Walking Field Trip form. Recommended Clothing: • Wool socks. • Running or hiking shoes and a pair of rubber boots. • Layers that are breathable and wick moisture away from the skin. • Outer shell of waterproof, windproof clothing, including a rain jacket and rain pants. SAMPLE LETTER TO PARENTS

  6. Field Trip Letter To Parents For Pre K Teaching Resources

    This packet includes: ~Field Trip Permission Slip ~Chaperone Information Letter ~Field Trip Reminder ~Teacher Group Sheet ~Parent Group Information Sheet ~Parent Group Information Sheet: Empty Lines ~Parent Thank You Card. Subjects: Science. Grades: PreK - 6 th. Types: Activities, For Parents. $2.00.

  7. Field Trip Letter for Parents by FirstieFanatic

    Description. This letter will inform parents of an upcoming field trip. It is a half sheet letter with two per page (we need to save that paper). This is only the information letter--there is no permission forms attached. Total Pages. 2 pages.

  8. Permission Letter For Field Trip: How To Write It Right!

    Step 2: Craft a Clear Introduction. In your opening paragraph, briefly introduce the purpose of the letter. Mention that the letter seeks permission for the child to attend a field trip and provide a brief overview of the trip's educational value. Example: "I am writing to request your permission for your child, [Child's Name], to attend ...

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    Section 2: Field Trip Planning. Set Clear Goals: Determine the learning outcomes and objectives you want to achieve through the field trip. Tailor your activities and discussions accordingly to maximize the educational value. Research and Pre-Visit: Familiarize yourself with the destination by researching online, contacting the facility, and ...

  10. 20 Engaging and Educational Field Trip Ideas for Preschoolers

    Use this guide for creative field trip ideas for preschoolers. These 20 ideas offer a variety of experiences and learning opportunities. ... Prepare to answer questions from parents about whether to pack a lunch or work out an eating arrangement at the field trip location. If you'll be serving meals on the field trip, prepare the food before ...

  11. Field Trip Editable Parent Note (teacher made)

    This helpful resource provides you with a school field trip permission slip to send home to parents. Perfect for all types of trips, this resource can be easily edited to suit your needs. How can I use this school field trip permission slip? Use this school field trip permission slip whenever your class are taking a trip outside of school.

  12. Field Trip Editable Parent Note (teacher made)

    Sending out a school field trip permission slip is part of keeping up regular contact and communication with parents of children in your class. Twinkl USA Early Childhood Prekindergarten Classroom Management Family Communication. Editable Field Trip Letter Template for Parents/Guardians. Class Supplies Editable Notes.

  13. PDF Field Trip Letter to Parents

    Field Trip Letter to Parents. Saint Patrick School 284 East Main Street Smithtown, New York 11787. December 10, 2021. Dear Parent(s) / Guardians: We are pleased to inform you that we are taking both 7th grade classes to see a live performance of "A Christmas Carol," which they have been reading in English Language Arts class. Mrs.

  14. Results for parent field trip letter

    I recommend sending home the full sheet letter a week or so before the day of your field trip an. Subjects: Classroom Community, End of Year, For All Subjects. Grades: PreK - 2 nd. Types: Printables, Classroom Forms, For Parents. Also included in: Field Trip Printables. $1.75.

  15. PDF Field Trip Letter[1]

    Field Trip Letter[1] Dear Parent/Guardian: The seventh grade will be taking a field trip to the Children's Museum in Indianapolis on Tuesday, May 20th, 2014. We will be viewing the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit, which is one of the major items we studied this year. The buses will be leaving the school at approximately 8:45 a.m. and will be ...

  16. 260+ Field Trip Ideas for Grades PreK-12 (In-Person and Virtual)

    Preschool Field Trip Ideas Marc Dufresne via iStock. ... Library: Not every student's parents take them to story time. Schedule your own trip, and show kids that having fun isn't hard when you have a library card! Farm: Whether you learn how vegetables are grown or where milk and eggs come from, the farm is always a hit. ...

  17. Field Trip Permission Letter

    The following is an Email format of a Permission for Field trip letter. To: [email protected]. From: [email protected]. SUBJECT: Permission for field trip. Dear Sir/ Ma'am, This letter is to inform you about a field trip organised by our school on Thursday, 14th August. the trip is to the nearest wildlife sanctuary which is situated at a distance ...

  18. Free Field Trip Consent Form

    How to Write. Step 1 - Download in PDF. Step 2 - The top section of the consent form must include the following information, completed by the parent/guardian: Step 3 - Next, the parent/guardian must print their name, their child's name, and the name of the organizer in the first paragraph of the form. Step 4 - The organizer must enter ...

  19. Field Trip Editable Parent Note (Teacher-Made)

    This helpful resource provides you with a school field trip permission slip to send home to parents. Perfect for all types of trips, this resource can be easily edited to suit your needs. How can I use this school field trip permission slip? Use this school field trip permission slip whenever your class are taking a trip outside of school.

  20. Child Parent Center

    We believe that parents are the core of student success. We offer parenting classes, classroom volunteer training, workshops, cooking experiences, parent field trips, employment support, community resources, host Principal Talks, virtual programming and more. There are so many ways to support your child and volunteer to earn your 2.5 hours.

  21. Fillable Field Trip Permission Slip and Field Trip Letter to Parents

    They feature a simple, clean design. You can use the fillable field trip letter to inform parents of your upcoming field trip and any fees associated with the trip. The parent consent form is easy to understand and electronically fillable. Both forms can be printed on 8.5 x 11-inch paper or emailed to parents to fill out electronically.

  22. Free Field Trip Consent (Permission) Forms (Word

    A field trip consent form is a document that is given to the parent or guardian of a child asking for permission for the child to attend an event, such as a school, church, or similar organization. The events are usually off-site. The purpose of the form is to protect the school or organization against any liability should an accident occur.

  23. How To Write a School Trip Letter To Parents

    A slip can be also provided along the bottom of the letter which can be filled out by parents to secure their child's place. This will help to garner how many students would like to attend the trip. 3. Your school trip provider. Finally, when writing your letter, you should make an effort to introduce the school trip provider you have chosen.

  24. Free Field Trip and School Permission Forms Templates

    Aug 2, 2018. While some schools may be lucky enough to have transitioned to electronic permission slips, many are still relying on the same photocopies that they've had for years. Thankfully, we've got some spiffy new school permission forms templates to help you retire your old forms without too much heavy lifting. 1. Class Party or Project.