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50 Funny Cruise Memes to Brighten up Your Day

Adam Stewart

  • February 13, 2024
  • Cruise Chuckles

Cruise Ship Meme Cover Image

Embarking on a cruise is an adventure filled with endless possibilities, from the majestic view of the ocean to the thrill of exploring new destinations. However, it’s the quirky and unexpected moments on board that often turn into the most memorable stories.

In our collection of 50 funny cruise memes, we dive into the lighter side of cruising, capturing those relatable experiences and humorous observations that anyone who’s set sail can appreciate.

What Is a ‘Meme’?

A ‘meme’ is a funny picture or video, usually captioned with text, that people share on the internet. It often has a humorous message and is spread from person to person online.

Memes can be jokes, social commentary, or just something silly to make people laugh. They’re a popular way for people to communicate and share their thoughts or feelings in a light-hearted way.

Cruise Obsession Memes

Cruise obsession memes often poke fun at how much people love going on cruises. Many people can relate to the anticipation of counting down the days until their next cruise adventure.

Cruise Ship Meme - The Best Therapy is Taking a Cruise

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rick Stover (@rickstover1)
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Cruise Memes (@cruise.memes)
View this post on Instagram A post shared by James (@cruisememes24)

Cruise Meme - Excited About Seeing the Ship

Cruise Withdrawal Memes

All good things come to an end, and that includes cruises! Feeling the post-cruise blues is common, and cruise withdrawal memes capture this emotion with a smile. They remind us of the joy of cruising and the inevitable longing to return, poking fun at how everything else seems dull in comparison.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people were unable to cruise, which intensified their feelings longing and withdrawal. They found themselves reminiscing about past voyages and eagerly awaiting the day they could sail again.

Cruise Meme - Just Another Day Not Waking up on a Cruise

Cruise Food Memes

From the endless buffets to gourmet dining at every turn, cruise food memes humorously capture the sheer abundance and variety of food offered on cruise ships. The memes also highlight how hard it is not to overeat while cruising, something that many people can relate to.

Cruise Meme - Cruise Diet Plan Try Everything

Cruise Drinks Memes

When it comes to cruise vacations, the allure of unlimited drink packages is often the highlight, sparking countless memes about the adventurous spirit (and potential consequences) of free-flowing cocktails at sea.

Cruise Weather Memes

Cruise weather memes humorously reflect the unpredictable nature of sea travel, especially when it comes to navigating through rough seas. These memes often capture the dramatic, sometimes exaggerated experiences of passengers and crew alike as they face the challenges posed by rough waters.

Cruise Ship Meme - Cruise Ship Brochue VS Actual Cruise Weather

Cruise Struggles Memes

From battling for the last deck chair to navigating the many corridors of the ship on the first day, cruise struggle memes capture the lighter side of these common challenges. They offer a humorous reflection on the quirks and annoyances that come with the cruise experience.

Criuse Meme - Trying to Find Room on First Day

Cruise Preparation Memes

When it comes to preparing for a cruise, the experience can be filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Cruise preparation memes capture the funny and relatable moments of getting ready or planning for a cruise.

Cruise Passenger Memes

Nothing says ‘cruise life’ quite like the early morning dash to claim a deck chair with a towel and a book you’ll pretend to read. Cruise passenger memes perfectly capture the behaviors of those on board in a way that we can all relate to, whether we’ve been on a cruise or not.

Cruise Meme - Finding a Deck Chair

Cruise Photographer Memes

As anyone who’s set sail on a cruise knows, photographers are the unsung heroes of the high seas, always ready to freeze our best (and sometimes awkward) moments in time. Although the eagerness of cruise photographers to snap that perfect shot can sometimes mean they’re everywhere you turn, and not all photos are winners, sparking funny memes about them.

Cruise Disembarkation Memes

When a cruise ends, the toughest part isn’t packing; it’s having to say goodbye to the sea and the ship you’ve called home. Disembarkation memes capture these sad goodbyes and the struggle of getting up early to leave, in a funny way.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Steve Jones (@stevejonesvacations)

Other Funny Cruise Memes

Here are some other funny cruise memes that will make you smile:

Final Words

We hope that these memes have not only brought a smile to your face but also a wave of nostalgia for the unique experiences that cruising offers. You can check out more funny cruise memes on the ‘Cruise Memes’ Instagram and Facebook pages.

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  • Hilarious Cruise Puns to Brighten Your Day

Adam Stewart

Adam Stewart

Adam Stewart is the founder of Cruise Galore. He is a passionate traveler who loves cruising. Adam's goal is to enhance your cruising adventures with practical tips and insightful advice, making each of your journeys unforgettable.

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  • Travel Tips

Why Is My Cruise Ship Rocking So Much

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Gillian Sharpe

  • Travel Guide



Going on a cruise is an exhilarating experience for many travelers. The anticipation of exploring new destinations, indulging in gourmet cuisine, and enjoying entertainment onboard can fill one’s heart with joy and excitement. However, for some passengers, the rocking motion of the cruise ship can sometimes become a cause for concern. The gentle swaying that accompanies life at sea can become more pronounced during certain times, leaving passengers wondering why their cruise ship is rocking so much. In this article, we will delve into the dynamics of a rocking cruise ship, exploring the various factors that contribute to this motion. By understanding the science and mechanics behind it, we can ease any anxieties and provide valuable tips for navigating through the rocking motion. Whether you are a seasoned cruiser or a first-timer, it’s important to know that ship motion is a natural occurrence. Cruise ships are designed to effectively navigate through the open waters while providing a comfortable and stable experience for passengers. However, several factors can influence the degree of rocking experienced onboard, including weather conditions, ship design, and even passenger behavior. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind a rocking cruise ship and provide you with practical tips to make your sea voyage as enjoyable as possible. So, sit back, relax, and let’s embark on this journey to understand why your cruise ship may be rocking more than you expected.

Understanding the physics behind a rocking cruise ship

To understand why a cruise ship rocks, we need to delve into the physics of ship motion. A cruise ship operates on the principle of balance and stability, but it is constantly subject to external forces that can cause it to sway. The main forces at play are the ship’s center of gravity, buoyancy, and external factors such as wind and waves. A cruise ship’s center of gravity is crucial for maintaining stability. It is the point through which the entire weight of the ship is considered to act upon. The ship’s design and distribution of weight aim to keep the center of gravity low, providing stability in calm seas. However, when external forces come into play, the ship’s balance can be disrupted, causing it to rock. Buoyancy, on the other hand, comes into play due to the ship’s displacement in the water. The upward force exerted by the water on the hull is what keeps the ship afloat. This principle helps counteract the rocking motion to some extent. As the ship encounters waves, it rises and falls, displacing water and maintaining equilibrium. External factors play a significant role in the rocking motion of a cruise ship. Wind, for example, can exert forces on the exposed surface of the ship, causing it to sway. Similarly, waves can have a substantial impact on ship motion. The size and direction of waves can determine the degree of rocking experienced onboard. Ships are designed to handle a range of wave conditions, but extreme weather can still lead to more pronounced motion. It’s important to note that modern cruise ships are equipped with stabilizers. These are retractable fins located on the sides of the ship below the waterline. They work by counteracting the rolling motion caused by the waves, reducing the ship’s rocking considerably. Stabilizers are particularly effective during moderate sea conditions but may have limited impact in more extreme weather. Overall, a cruise ship rocks due to a combination of internal and external factors. Understanding the physics behind ship motion can help us appreciate the complexity of maintaining stability at sea. In the next sections, we will explore the specific factors that contribute to the rocking motion of a cruise ship and how they can be mitigated.

Factors that contribute to the rocking motion

Several factors contribute to the rocking motion experienced onboard a cruise ship. While some of these factors are beyond our control, understanding their influence can help us better prepare for and cope with the movement at sea. 1. Sea conditions : The most significant factor affecting a cruise ship’s rocking motion is the state of the sea. The size, frequency, and direction of waves all play a role in determining the degree of ship movement. Stormy weather with large swells will result in more pronounced rocking compared to calm seas. 2. Wind : Wind can exert considerable force on the exposed surface areas of a cruise ship, causing it to sway. Strong gusts can lead to increased rocking, especially when they are hitting the ship broadside. Ships are designed to minimize wind resistance, but strong winds can still impact stability. 3. Currents : Ocean currents can affect the direction and intensity of a cruise ship’s movement. Depending on the ship’s course and the strength of the currents, the rocking motion may become more noticeable at times. 4. Size and design of the ship : The size and design of a cruise ship can contribute to its stability. Larger ships, due to their increased mass, may be less affected by the rocking motion compared to smaller vessels. Similarly, ships with more efficient design features, such as a lower center of gravity and advanced stabilization systems, can help reduce the impact of the rocking motion. 5. Location on the ship : The position of your cabin on the ship can also influence how much you feel the rocking motion. Cabins located in the middle of the ship and on lower decks tend to experience less rocking compared to those located at the ends or on higher decks. 6. Ship speed : The speed at which the ship is traveling can affect its stability. Higher speeds may lead to increased rocking, especially if the ship encounters rough sea conditions. 7. Passenger distribution : The movement of passengers onboard can contribute to the rocking motion. If a large number of passengers congregate on one side of the ship, it can cause an imbalance and lead to increased rocking. It’s important to distribute weight evenly and be mindful of your movement when onboard. While these factors contribute to the rocking motion on a cruise ship, it’s essential to remember that modern ships are built to withstand various conditions and provide a stable experience for passengers. However, understanding these factors can help us prepare for potential motion and adopt strategies to minimize any discomfort. In the next sections, we will explore additional factors that can influence ship stability and provide tips for managing motion sickness.

Weather conditions and their impact on ship stability

Weather conditions play a crucial role in determining the stability of a cruise ship. While modern ships are designed to handle a wide range of weather conditions, certain types of extreme weather can still impact ship stability and contribute to a more pronounced rocking motion. Let’s explore the different weather conditions and their effects on ship stability. 1. High winds : Strong winds can exert significant force on a cruise ship, causing it to rock more than usual. This is especially true when the wind is hitting the ship broadside. Ships have advanced navigational systems that help them navigate through strong winds, but it’s not uncommon to feel increased movement during high wind conditions. 2. Stormy seas : Stormy seas, characterized by large swells and rough waves, can lead to a more intense rocking motion. The size and frequency of the waves can cause the ship to pitch and roll, resulting in a noticeable rocking sensation. Ships are designed to handle these conditions, but it’s important to be prepared for increased motion and take necessary precautions to minimize discomfort. 3. Choppy waters : Choppy waters occur when there are many small, closely spaced waves. This can result in a continuous rocking motion as the ship navigates through the waves. While not as severe as stormy seas, choppy waters can still contribute to a perceptible rocking sensation onboard. 4. Fog : Thick fog can limit visibility and affect ship stability. In foggy conditions, ships may need to slow down or alter their course, which can impact the rocking motion. The captain and crew closely monitor weather conditions and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers. 5. Ice and snow : In colder regions, the presence of ice and snow can affect ship stability. Ice can cause the ship to slide or create additional resistance in the water, impacting its balance and potentially leading to more rocking. Ships that navigate through icy waters are built with reinforced hulls and advanced navigation systems to manage these conditions. It’s important to note that cruise ships are equipped with advanced technology and safety measures to ensure stability and minimize the impact of weather conditions. However, during severe weather, certain outdoor areas of the ship may be restricted, and some activities could be altered or canceled to prioritize passenger safety. It’s always advisable to follow the instructions of the crew and stay informed about any weather-related updates. By understanding how different weather conditions can impact ship stability, passengers can mentally prepare themselves for potential motion and take necessary precautions to minimize discomfort. In the next sections, we will explore the influence of ship design and passenger behavior on the rocking motion and provide tips for managing motion sickness on a cruise ship.

Ship design and its influence on motion

The design of a cruise ship plays a crucial role in its stability and the degree of rocking experienced onboard. Ship designers employ various techniques and features to minimize the effects of motion and provide a smoother sailing experience. Let’s explore how ship design influences the rocking motion. 1. Hull shape : The shape of the ship’s hull is one of the key design factors affecting stability. Most modern cruise ships have a sleek, streamlined hull design that reduces water resistance and improves stability. This design helps to minimize the impact of waves and reduces the rocking motion. 2. Stabilizers : Stabilizers are retractable fins located on the sides of the ship below the waterline. They work by counteracting the rolling motion caused by waves, helping to stabilize the ship. Stabilizers provide significant benefits during normal sea conditions, reducing the extent of rocking experienced by passengers. 3. Low center of gravity : Cruise ships are designed with a low center of gravity, which helps maintain stability. By placing heavy components like engines, fuel tanks, and other machinery lower in the ship’s structure, the center of gravity is kept closer to the waterline, reducing the ship’s tendency to roll. This design feature helps to minimize the rocking motion. 4. Advanced navigation systems : Modern cruise ships are equipped with advanced navigation systems that help captains predict and avoid rough seas whenever possible. By utilizing weather forecasts, sea-state detection, and other technological advancements, ships can adjust their routes and speeds to minimize the effects of adverse weather conditions on ship motion. 5. Sway-reducing technologies : Some cruise ships employ additional technologies to further reduce the rocking motion. These can include active stabilizing systems that use hydraulic or pneumatic actuators to counteract motion in real-time. These systems enhance passenger comfort by minimizing the impact of wave-induced motion. It’s important to note that while ship design can significantly reduce the rocking motion, it cannot entirely eliminate it, especially during severe weather conditions. However, through careful planning and engineering, cruise ships strive to provide a stable and comfortable experience for passengers. When selecting a cruise, consider researching the ship’s design features and stability ratings. Choose vessels known for their stability and advanced technologies that enhance the overall cruising experience. Additionally, booking a cabin in the lower decks and closer to the center of the ship can help minimize the sensation of rocking. By understanding the influence of ship design on motion, passengers can make informed choices and enjoy a more stable experience while exploring the open seas. In the next section, we will explore the impact of passenger behavior on the rocking motion and provide helpful tips for managing motion sickness.

Passenger behavior and its effect on ship rocking

Believe it or not, passenger behavior can have an influence on the rocking motion experienced onboard a cruise ship. While it may seem surprising, certain actions or habits can inadvertently contribute to the perception of increased rocking. Let’s explore how passenger behavior can affect ship motion. 1. Congregation in one area : When passengers gather in one area of the ship, it can create an imbalance and lead to increased rocking. This often happens during events or activities where a large number of people congregate on one side of the ship. To minimize rocking, it’s advisable to distribute the weight evenly by spreading out throughout the vessel. 2. Sudden movements : Quick and sudden movements by passengers can also contribute to the perception of more rocking. When individuals move abruptly or change directions rapidly, it can create momentum that translates into increased movement felt onboard. It’s best to move slowly and deliberately, especially in areas where stability may be compromised. 3. Unsteady posture : Maintaining a stable posture can help manage the perception of rocking. When passengers sway or lean excessively, it can amplify the feeling of motion. By keeping a steady stance, using handrails for support, and engaging core muscles for balance, passengers can reduce the impact of ship motion on their comfort levels. 4. Alcohol consumption : Excessive alcohol consumption can affect a passenger’s balance and perception of motion. Inebriation can make individuals feel more sensitive to rocking and increase the likelihood of experiencing motion sickness. It’s important to drink responsibly and stay hydrated to maintain equilibrium. 5. Excessive screen time : Staring at screens, such as smartphones or tablets, for extended periods can disrupt the brain’s sense of balance and amplify motion sickness symptoms. It’s advisable to take breaks, look out at the horizon, or engage in other activities to give the brain a chance to recalibrate and minimize the perception of rocking. 6. Motion sickness triggers : Different individuals have varying motion sickness triggers. By identifying personal triggers, such as reading, focusing on close objects, or strong odors, passengers can take precautions to avoid or manage them. For example, using anti-seasickness medication, wearing acupressure wristbands, or practicing relaxation techniques may help alleviate discomfort caused by motion sickness. It’s important to note that while passenger behavior can influence the perception of rocking, the ship’s design and external factors play a more significant role in actual ship motion. However, being mindful of behavior onboard can help alleviate any discomfort or anxiety related to the rocking motion. By adopting appropriate behavior and employing strategies to manage motion sickness, passengers can have a more enjoyable and comfortable journey. In the next section, we will provide helpful tips for minimizing motion sickness and maximizing enjoyment on a rocking cruise ship.

Tips for minimizing motion sickness on a rocking cruise ship

Motion sickness, characterized by nausea, dizziness, and discomfort, can put a damper on your cruise experience. Fortunately, there are several tips and strategies you can employ to minimize the effects of motion sickness and make your time at sea more enjoyable. Here are some helpful tips: 1. Choose the right cabin : When selecting your cabin, opt for a midship location and a lower deck if possible. These areas tend to experience less motion compared to cabins at the front or back of the ship. Additionally, booking a cabin with a balcony can provide fresh air and a visual reference point, which can help alleviate motion sickness symptoms. 2. Focus on the horizon : Looking out at the horizon, preferably from a stable location on the ship, can help reorient your brain and reduce the sensation of rocking. By fixing your gaze on a stable, distant point, you provide your brain with a visual frame of reference and diminish the perception of motion. 3. Stay hydrated : Dehydration can exacerbate motion sickness symptoms. It’s essential to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and maintain equilibrium. Avoid excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, as they can contribute to dehydration and increase the likelihood of motion sickness. 4. Eat light, frequent meals : Avoid heavy meals that can make you feel more uncomfortable during periods of rocking. Instead, opt for light, frequent meals that are easy to digest. Focus on foods rich in carbohydrates and low in fat, as they provide sustained energy without weighing you down. 5. Avoid strong odors : Certain smells can trigger motion sickness or intensify its symptoms. If you are prone to motion sickness, try to avoid areas with strong odors, such as the ship’s engine room or the casino. Carry a small container of fresh lemon slices or peppermint oil, as these scents are known to alleviate nausea. 6. Use medication or alternative remedies : Consider using over-the-counter or prescription motion sickness medication. These medications can help reduce symptoms and make your cruise experience more comfortable. Natural remedies, such as ginger capsules or acupressure wristbands, are also popular options for managing motion sickness symptoms. 7. Engage in relaxation techniques : Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation, to reduce anxiety and alleviate motion sickness symptoms. Calming activities like yoga or tai chi can also promote a sense of balance and wellbeing. 8. Take breaks from screens : Prolonged screen time can exacerbate motion sickness symptoms. Take regular breaks from screens, such as smartphones or tablets, to prevent visual overstimulation and dizziness. Instead, engage in activities that promote relaxation and stability. Remember, everyone’s susceptibility to motion sickness varies, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It may take some trial and error to find the methods that work best for you. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult with the ship’s medical professionals for additional advice and assistance. By employing these tips and strategies, you can minimize motion sickness and make the most of your cruise experience, allowing you to fully enjoy the destinations, amenities, and activities that the ship has to offer.

Embarking on a cruise is a thrilling experience filled with adventure, relaxation, and exploration. While the rocking motion of a cruise ship may concern some passengers, understanding the physics and factors behind it can help alleviate any anxieties and ensure a more enjoyable journey. We have explored the various elements that contribute to the rocking motion, including weather conditions, ship design, passenger behavior, and more. Through this understanding, we can better prepare for potential motion and take steps to minimize any discomfort. By choosing the right cabin, focusing on the horizon, staying hydrated, eating light meals, avoiding strong odors, and utilizing medication or alternative remedies, you can significantly reduce the impact of motion sickness and make your time at sea more enjoyable. It’s important to remember that modern cruise ships are designed with stability and passenger comfort in mind. Advanced technology, including stabilizers, low center of gravity, and sophisticated navigation systems, work together to minimize the effects of rocking. As you embark on your cruise journey, relax, embrace the gentle sway, and allow yourself to be immersed in the wonders of the open sea. By implementing the tips and strategies shared in this article, you can navigate the rocking motion with ease and fully indulge in the incredible experiences that await you. Bon voyage, and may your cruise be filled with unforgettable moments and smooth sailing!


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cruise ship rocking gif

Terrifying videos show Norwegian cruise ship rocked by massive waves ahead of power outage that knocked out navigation

A Norwegian cruise liner carrying hundreds of passengers weathered a “terrifying” storm before a rogue wave temporarily took out its power, stomach-churning footage showed.

Tour operator Thorsten Hansen shared a video of the foamy waves battering the hull of the MS Maud, which made headlines Thursday when its electricity failed mid-voyage.

“A few of my guests are not so happy. But most of them are very brave and find it very interesting,” he wrote on Facebook.

“We’re watching films in our room. Every time we move we nearly go flying,” one passenger commented under Hansen’s post.

Another clip shared on X showed the view of the terrifying swells from the glamorous windows of an on-board suit, which tilted precariously toward the water between each wave.

“No fun on the Maud just now,” the person behind the camera captioned the footage.

The vessel carrying 266 passengers and 131 crew suffered shattered windows on its bridge when it encountered a powerful storm in the North Sea late Thursday, Danish authorities said.

Everyone on board was marked safe, and the ship is being towed to Bremerhaven in Germany, officials with the Danish Joint Rescue Coordination Centre said.

The ship’s main engine is still functioning, so the vessel can be steered from the engine room.

One passenger, Elizabeth Lawrence, wrote on X that the storm was a “terrifying experience.”

I’ll be honest, there was about 20 minutes yesterday where I thought the ship might capsize, it was rolling so heavily and we didn’t have any idea what had happened. It really hit home when they started handing out orange survival suits to everyone (2)

“I’ll be honest, there was about 20 minutes yesterday where I thought the ship might capsize, it was rolling so heavily and we didn’t have any idea what had happened,” she said.

“It really hit home when they started handing out orange survival suits to everyone,” Lawrence explained.

Lawrence said her group took shelter between buffet tables to avoid “flying chairs and furniture.”

The MS Maud, which is run by the cruise company HX, a unit of Norway’s Hurtigruten Group, left Floroe in Norway on Thursday and was scheduled to arrive in Tilbury in Great Britain on Friday.

The ship was named after a famous polar ship from the 20th century, the cruise line’s website explained .

The MS Maud’s on-board technology makes her “exceptionally well-suited” to trips through Norway and the British Isles, the company boasted.

A trip on the Maud can cost up to $10,000, according to the website.

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Terrifying videos show Norwegian cruise ship rocked by massive waves ahead of power outage that knocked out navigation

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