Brazil Tours & Vacations

Woman dancing in colourful red and yellow costumes, with headdresses at the Rio carnival in Brazil

Everything in Brazil is bigger, brighter and bolder – from the waterfalls and jungles to the street parties and beaches. It’s no wonder there’s always a festival.

Brazilians are famous for their zest for life. The country is loaded with incredible natural attractions – the Amazon, roaring Iguazu Falls and jungle-clad mountains where you feel on top of the world (much like Christ the Redeemer). And let’s not forget Brazil’s infectious music – from samba and bossa nova to Afro-Brazilian beats – and a party to be had around every corner. And of course the pumping beaches, where you can play football until the sun dips low behind Corcovado.   Brazil   is your cue to pick up a caipirinha and join the fun.

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Best of Brazil

Rio Carnival Experience

Articles of Brazil

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Beach bliss: Why Florianopolis is a must-visit in Brazil

5 new UNESCO World Heritage Sites worth a visit

Brazil at a glance

Capital city.

Brasilia (population 3 million)

214.3 million

Brazilian real (BRL)

(GMT-03:00) Brasilia



Type A (North American/Japanese 2-pin) Type B (American 3-pin) Type C (European 2-pin) Type I (Australian/New Zealand & Chinese/Argentine 2/3-pin)

Learn more about Brazil

Best time to visit brazil.

In most parts of Brazil, temperatures range from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, regardless of the season. The summer months between December and February can be hot and humid, bringing temperatures to the high 30s – perfect weather to enjoy Brazil’s famous beaches. It’s also festival season, so it’s well worth visiting during this time.

Rainfall varies greatly around Brazil so depending on where you’re traveling, you could experience some rain. Around the Pantanal, Manaus and the Amazon basin, expect patches of rain all year round. Rio and the areas around Foz de Iguacu don’t have distinct rainy seasons and are typically drier than some other areas of Brazil.

The south of Brazil experiences extreme seasonal changes, so pack accordingly.

Read more about the best time to visit Brazil

Culture and customs

Brazilians are universally known for their infectious enthusiasm and lust for life. The wild celebratory atmosphere of Carnaval isn’t a one-off —impromptu street parties, heaving nightclubs and busy dance halls all display the same vibrant energy and passion all year round. Travelers will find that music, dance and good times are all passionately pursued by most Brazilians, regardless of income, gender or age. But it doesn’t stop there. Fun is not limited to the dynamic bars and clubs of the big cities - the natural world is also enjoyed by most Brazilians. With so many spectacular beaches, national parks, mountains and forests, there are plenty of places for Brazilians to enjoy their favorite past times – football, surfing, swimming, hiking, volleyball and capoeira (a Brazilian blend of martial arts and dance). Brazilians are also known for being one of the most open, friendly and affectionate nationalities – personal space isn’t regarded as highly in Brazil as in most other countries, so expect to be hugged and kissed by new and old friends when traveling here.

In contrast to the exuberant, modern life that Brazil's city dwellers live, are the humble, traditional ways of the indigenous tribes that live in the Amazon and surrounds. Despite modern advances, many still live off the land – hunting for wild animals and gathering fruit and berries - although sadly this is rapidly changing due to deforestation and urbanization. In the face of this, many tribes still cling to their ancient culture through traditional clothing, dance and song.

Eating and drinking

Intrepid believes that one of the best ways to experience a country is by eating! Whether you're sampling street food, savoring a cheap eat or indulging in a banquet, there are endless options to choose from wherever you are in the world. 

Brazil’s major cities feature a wide range of international cuisine, so it’s possible to eat a western-style breakfast, Mexican for lunch and Italian for dinner, with a few traditional Brazilian snacks in between. For an in-depth look at what you can eat in Brazil, visit our   South American food guide . 

Things to try in Brazil

1. Churrasco

This traditional Brazilian barbecue is a true pleasure for meat eaters. Beef, pork, chicken, duck, lamb and fish are all skewered and cooked to perfection over hot coals, creating a smoky flavor and tender texture.

Brazil’s coastline is home to a bounty of marine life so when on the coast, be sure to eat seafood while it’s at its freshest. Fried baby octopus, king prawns and fragrant, seafood stew are great options.

3. Feijoada

This stew of beans and beef is Brazil’s national dish, and reflects its rich immigrant history. The flavors and style are a mix of African, Indian and Portuguese food traditions, making it a direct culinary link to Brazil’s past.

4. Caipirinha

This refreshing cocktail made from cachaca (a spirit derived from sugar cane), sugar, crushed ice and lime is the Brazilian national drink, and the perfect accompaniment to a beachside sunset.

Brazil has plenty of tropical fruits and berries – so for a quick snack, head to the markets and buy fresh bananas, limes, oranges, guava, jackfruit and acai berries.

Discover the must-try foods in Brazil

Geography and environment

Being the fifth largest country in the world, Brazil shares land borders with many other countries including   Venezuela , Guyana,   Colombia ,   Peru ,   Bolivia , Paraguay,   Argentina , Uruguay, Suriname and French Guiana. Home to many different landscapes and ecosystems, Brazil’s natural environment is one of the most famous in the world. From the steamy tropical rainforest that surrounds the Amazon River and the swirling torrents of white water at Iguazu Falls, to the stunning beaches, reefs and islands of the coast, Brazil is certainly blessed with the very best of Mother Nature. Home to many of the world's most rare and endangered species, travelers will be able to see the full spectrum of colorful bird life, curious mammals, gigantic snakes and unique marine life.

With such a large population, Brazil’s major cities are busy, crowded and chaotic. It can take some getting used to, but once you’re working with the flow of the Brazilian way of life, you’ll begin to enjoy the pace. With a widening gap between the rich and the poor, housing can vary from large mansions in upscale neighborhoods and modern apartments right in the heart of the city, to humble tin sheds in the sprawling favelas. In some ways, Brazil’s major cities are full of contrasts but the universal appeal of partying, dancing and drinking seems to cross all cultural and social barriers.

History and government

Early history.

Indigenous tribes inhabited Brazil for centuries before the arrival of the first European settlers from Portugal in the 1500s. Colonization brought agriculture and crop growing to Brazil, resulting in extensive land clearing which dispossessed much of the indigenous population. The growing of sugar cane resulted in an influx of new residents, mainly slaves who brought rich African traditions with them. Remnants of this can still be seen in much of today’s music, dance and food. By the 19th century, coffee had taken the place of sugar as Brazil’s most valuable crop. The increase in coffee production brought a new wave of migrants to Brazil, mainly from Europe, and Brazil’s economy continued to flourish until the military coup of 1889.

Recent history

Brazil’s more recently history has also been characterized by wide spread immigration – especially during and after World War II - with large numbers of Jewish people choosing to flee persecution to live in Brazil, as well as significant numbers of people from the Middle East and other European countries.

In 1989, Brazil held its first democratic election in almost 30 years after decades of military rule. More recently, a stable government has resulted in increased economic prosperity, although many of Brazil’s residents are still impoverished, living well below the poverty line.

Top 10 beach spots of Brazil

1. praia do rosa.

The big surf and relaxed vibe of this hip holiday haven in Southern Brazil makes it a firm favorite with visitors and locals alike. Praia do Rosa manages to balance development with tradition - elegant small-scale hotels and eco-lodges provide the perfect place to rest after hiking, whale watching or surfing.

The cosmopolitan charms of this world-famous beach make it popular with people from all walks of life. Expect to see enthusiastic travelers, smug millionaires, bohemian artists and indifferent locals all enjoying Ipanema’s magnetic magic.

3. Jericoacoara

Far away from the showy extravagance of Rio lies this secluded spot only accessible by 4x4. Strictly protected from overdevelopment, the slow pace suits the windsurfers and kite surfers who prefer to get their thrills from the ocean's wild tides.

4. Lopes Mendes

This beach, located on the island of Ilha Grande, is considered one of Brazil’s best. The killer combination of fine white sand, great waves and clear, blue water guarantee perfect conditions for swimming, surfing and sun-worshipping.

5. Canoa Quebrada

This mellow hippie haven boasts stunning sand dunes and a deep blue-green sea. Horse riding on the dunes at sunset or cruising the coast on an old fishing boat are great ways to make the most of this picture perfect piece of Brazil.

Put on the world map by Bridget Bardot back in the 1960s, Buzios is the epitome of Brazilian sophistication. The designer boutiques, glam hotels and cool bars attract the celebrity jet set – but it’s the beautiful bays and beaches that are the true superstars of Buzios.

7. Copacabana

One of the world’s most famous urban beaches, Copacabana, is a top spot to indulge in a bit of people watching. Watch an eclectic mix of people play football, work on their tans and strut their stuff on this busy meeting spot that attracts all walks of life.

8. Praia da Mole

Soft white sand for lazing in the sun and a year-round supply of waves for surfing make this beach in Florianopolis a top pick. Paragliding, wakeboarding and other water sports provide more thrills, while the nearby bars and clubs ensure good times when the sun goes down.

9. Maragogi

Found on the Coral Coast of Brazil, Maragogi’s calm waters offer some respite from the big breaks found on many other Brazilian beaches. Colorful offshore reefs make snorkeling or scuba diving a must for visitors looking for aquatic adventures.

10. Tambaba

One for the free spirits of the world, Brazil’s only official nudist beach is flanked by steep, dramatic cliffs and dotted with swaying coconut palms. Choose to get cheeky and take advantage of lying on Brazil’s only sanctioned nudist beach in all your glory, or keep your kit on and stick to the “non-naturist” side.

Brazil’s two largest cities – Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo – offer a wide range of shopping opportunities, from high-end designer shops to independent boutiques and everything in between. Every mid-sized city will have at least one ‘shopping’ (what Brazilians call their shopping malls), but as you move to more rural and remote areas, your best bet is the local market.

Shopping tips in Rio

Peddlers roam Rio’s beaches offering an enormous range of items including footballs, bathing suits and jewelry. Be aware that the price might be good but the quality likely isn’t. For better quality bikinis and swim trunks, consider heading to Blue Man, Brazil’s most successful beachwear label. Or visit Barra Shopping, one of the largest malls in South America, which boasts more than 570 stores, a movie theatre, a bowling alley and a range of restaurants and bars. Rio also hosts a number of popular markets including the Hippie Fair in Ipanema, where more than 700 vendors sell one-of-a-kind jewelry, clothing, leather shoes, paintings and gourmet goods each Sunday. Like many markets, bargaining is accepted.

Responsible travel tip 

You may come across goods made from the skins of protected species (such as reptiles or wild cats). Keeping with Intrepid’s commitment to responsible travel, please refrain from supporting any business that exploit or abuse endangered animals. 

Festivals and events in Brazil

Rio carnival.

Colorful, raucous and hedonistic, there’s a reason Rio’s Carnival is one of the best-known parties in the world. The parade of elaborate floats and colorful, bejeweled dancers in barely-there costumes dancing to samba may be the main event, but the revelry begins a whole month before. Each February in the lead up to Lent, the caipirinhas are free-flowing as clubs hold glitzy parties and bandas (street parties also called blocos) take over the streets.

Parintins Folklore Festival (Bumba-mei-boi)

An annual spectacle that commemorates a legend about a pregnant woman’s craving for bull tongue, the murder of a bull to satisfy said craving, and the bull’s magical resurrection. Two teams retell the myth and attempt to outdo each other using flamboyant song and dance routines, colorful costumes and giant floats. Spectators cheer and moo to performances at this three-day June celebration.

Festa Junina

This nationwide festival held each June celebrates saints John the Baptist, Anthony and Peter, but celebrations in the north-east take on a distinctly country flair. People flock to rural fairs wearing straw hats and plaid shirts to feast on corn and sweet treats, play games and dance the quadrilha (similar to a square dance).

Rio New Year’s Eve

Join two million revelers decked in white at Copacabana beach for a unique New Year’s celebration. Before the concerts and massive fireworks display begins, Candomble worshippers (an Afro-Brazilian religion) push boats filled with flowers and other offerings into the sea in exchange for safe sailing in the upcoming year.

Further reading

Brazil travel faqs, do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Do you need a visa to visit Brazil?

Foreign nationals from over 80 countries – including folks from EU countries, the United Kingdom , New Zealand, South Africa and Japan – can travel to Brazil without a visa for up to 90 days per entry. You’ll need an empty page in your passport, as a border officer will stamp it on arrival.

If you’re not from a visa-exempt country, you’ll need to apply for a Visitor Visa (VIVIS) through Brazil’s consular website.  Find out whether you require a VIVIS or not .

As of 10 April 2024, passport holders from Australia , Canada and the United States must apply for an e-visa to enter Brazil for tourism, transit or business  on the Brazilian government's e-visa website . If you have a valid physical visa on your passport for the purpose of your visit, you do not need to apply for a new visa.

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 15 Jan 2024

Is tipping customary in Brazil?

Tipping is up to the individual when traveling in Brazil. It isn’t expected but will be happily received by service workers like taxi drivers and waiters. Restaurants in Brazil add a 10% surcharge, which is included in the bill. Feel free to leave spare change or tip extra if the service is particularly good.

What is the internet access like in Brazil?

Internet access is widely available in cities and tourist areas like Rio and Sao Paolo, where there are many internet cafes. Internet access is less frequent in rural and remote areas.

Can I use my cell phone while in Brazil?

You will be able to use your cell phone in most urban areas of Brazil, although some of the more remote areas may not have network coverage. Ensure you have global roaming activated with your cell carrier before you leave home if you wish to use your cell while in Brazil.

What are the toilets like in Brazil?

Toilets in Brazil will vary depending on what area you are traveling in. Flushable, western-style toilets are common in the cities large hotels, malls and clubs but more modest squat toilets are the standard in rural areas and while camping. Either way, carrying a supply of toilet paper and soap is a good idea, as these aren’t always available in public toilets.

What will it cost for a…?

Cup of coffee in a café = 2 BRL Beer in a bar = 3.5 BRL Budget meal = 10 BRL Three course meal in a restaurant = 60 BRL

Can I drink the water in Brazil?

Drinking tap water isn't recommended in Brazil. For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water and fill a reusable water bottle or canteen with filtered water instead. It's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and peel fruit and vegetables before eating.

Are credit cards accepted widely in Brazil?

Major credit cards are widely accepted by large shops, hotels and restaurants in Brazil. However, they may not be accepted by smaller vendors such as small family restaurants, market stalls or in remote towns and rural areas. Make sure you carry enough cash for purchases, since credit cards aren't always an option everywhere in Brazil.

What is ATM access like in Brazil?

ATMs are found widely throughout Brazil and withdrawing cash shouldn't be problematic in most areas. Some smaller villages and rural areas may not have ATM access, so prepare for this before venturing too far from a city or major town.

What public holidays are celebrated in Brazil?

  • 1 Jan: New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday*
  • 21 Apr: Tiradentes
  • 1 May: Labour Day
  • 7 Sep: Independence Day
  • 12 Oct: Our Lady of Aparecida
  • 2 Nov: All Soul’s Day
  • 15 Nov: Republic Day
  • 25 Dec: Christmas Day

*Please note these dates may vary. See a current list of public holidays in Brazil .

Do I need any vaccinations before visiting Brazil?

No vaccines are required in order to enter Brazil but some are recommended for protection against disease. Visit your doctor or travel clinic for advice and make sure to schedule vaccinations 4-6 weeks before your departure date, as some require time to become effective.

Is Brazil a safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers?

Brazil is a welcoming destination for LGBTQIA+ travelers. There is no law against homosexuality, and the country tends to be more tolerant than anywhere else in South America. Rio is considered the gay capital of Latin America, though Sao Paulo and Salvador have lively gay scenes as well. That being said, discretion is still advised in smaller towns, which tend to be more conservative.

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

Does my trip to Brazil support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. In fact, we make a donation on behalf of every traveler. Trips to Brazil directly support our foundation partner, Gastromotiva Brazil . 

Gastromotiva Brazil  

Gastromotiva Brazil is tackling youth unemployment and homelessness while promoting a zero-waste movement. Gastromotiva addresses important social and environmental issues through job training, advocacy, and sustainable cooking classes. Donations from our trips support their professional cooking courses for vulnerable youth in Rio De Janeiro. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

  • South America Tours
  • Brazil Tours
  • Tour Operators

Top Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Brazil 2024/2025

Top Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Brazil. Below you will find 23 of the best tour operators and travel agencies in Brazil offering in total 141 tours and holidays through-out Brazil. Combined they have received 172 customer reviews and an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. The top tour activities offered in Brazil are: Adventure and sport, Wildlife, landscapes and nature & Sightseeing, attractions, culture and history.

  • Tours in Brazil
  • Brazil Travel Guide
  • Best Time to Visit Brazil

22 Tour Operators in Brazil with 172 Reviews

Exodus Travels

Exodus Travels

  • Address Grange Mills, Weir Road, London, England
  • Response Rate 85%
  • Response Time 2 hours

brazil world tour operator

  • Best-in-Class Top 5% of companies
  • Excellent Service Top 10% of companies
  • Superior Service Top 15% of companies

Terra Brazil

Terra Brazil

  • Address Rua Gal Severiano 217, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Response Rate 99%

On The Go Tours

On The Go Tours

  • Address 3 Shortlands, 4th floor, Office 19, Hammersmith, England
  • Response Rate 88%
  • Response Time 3 hours


  • Address Rua Barão de Itapagipe, 543, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • Address Nelson House, 55-59 Victoria Rd, Farnborough, England
  • Response Rate 95%
  • Response Time 1 hour

Destination Services

Destination Services

  • Address Edificio TUI, SM2, Calle Rita Levi, Parc Bit, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
  • Response Rate 98%

Say Hueque Argentina & Chile Journeys

Say Hueque Argentina & Chile Journeys

  • Address Thames 2062, Palermo, Comuna 14, Argentina

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel

  • Address 380 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Australia
  • Response Rate 90%


  • Address 33 Kern Road, Toronto, Canada



  • Address Jorge Newbery 3466 - 5th Floor, Office 503, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Luxury Gold

Luxury Gold

  • Response Rate 60%

Expat Explore

Expat Explore

  • Address 10 Merryweather Place, London, England


  • Address 38-51 Bedford Way, London, England

Traveling to Brazil? Chat with a local travel specialist in Brazil who can help organize your trip.

Rodrigo Fernandez

Brazil Tour Reviews

  • MaryAnn Labant
  • Jackie Richey
  • Brazil budget tours
  • Eco tours in Brazil
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  • Brazil travel deals

Popular Destinations

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Upcoming Departures

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10 Best Brazil Tour Operators 2024 [Unbiased & With Reviews]

10 best brazil tour operators 2024.

Are you planning to visit Brazil, but unsure which tour provider to select? Now, you no longer have to waste time searching the internet and filling out dozens of contact forms. Simply fill out ONE form, we’ll send it off to multiple tour providers and they’ll contact YOU! You’ll be able to compare rates and find the lowest cost tour for the most affordable trip abroad.

Get Free Quotes From 10 Best Brazil Tour Operators

Has a fun and exciting trip to Brazil been something of desire to you recently? Would you like to have the opportunity of a lifetime while living your dreams in the home of the amazon? Do you want an amazing experience under professional supervision and guidance of a top-rated Brazil tour operators?

As a country, Brazil is world famous for many things. It is the perfect location for soccer fans, beach goers, and explorers of all kinds. In Brazil, you can spend the day at the beach soaking up the sun, and the next morning be whisked away to the Christ Redeemer. Regardless of where you decide to spend your time, participating in a tour in Brazil will be a great way to see a beautiful country while staying safe and creating lifelong memories.

Choosing a tour in Brazil can be challenging due to the multitude of options. Sorting through reviews and information on different companies takes time. With numerous tour operators in Brazil, it’s essential to ensure your money is well-spent for a satisfying experience. The risk of overspending on a subpar tour is high without proper research.

To help, we’ve compiled an unbiased list of the top 10 reputable Brazil tour operators.

Table update Jan 7, 2024

Macuco Safari

Macuco Safari is a leading tour operator in Brazil, renowned for offering high-quality tour packages that provide an exceptional vacation experience. As an ecological tourism company, they prioritize sustainability and environmental education. With over 35 years of operation within Iguaçu National Park, Macuco Safari collaborates with the local government for environmental initiatives, including enhancing accessibility. They are dedicated to safety, ecosystem preservation, and ethical practices. Pioneers in using electric vehicles and tram systems, they hold certifications in Adventure Tourism and Environmental Management. The company ensures a memorable and responsible exploration of the breathtaking sights in Iguaçu National Park.

Macuco Safari Best Brazil Tour Packages

Macuco Safari has plenty of top-rated options for you to make memories in Brazil. From rafting to a safari, they have something for everybody.

Enjoy Macuco Safari in all its glory with the jungle and boat tour package. You will see the beautiful wonders of Iguassu National Park and its variety of flora and fauna. You can even bring your family on this trip since there is no age restriction.

Also, you can enjoy rappelling down into Salto Macuco waterfall, accompanied by professional guides.

For a private tour of the Iguassu National Park, the Macuco Private tour package is specialized in providing you personalized service upon request.

Macuco Safari Reviews

Macuco Safari is one of the highest reviewed Brazilian tour operators. Their dedication and passion is unmatched in the Brazilian tourism industry. They have received over 6,200 reviews on TripAdvisor and are ranked top boat tours & water sports providers in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. They also received the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023 for their exceptional service. A satisfied customer wrote:

This was so much fun! The experience is worth it – you will get SOAKED. One of the funnest activities I’ve done in a while!… Knock_me_out_please

Read all reviews of Macuco Safari on TripAdvisor .

Discover the beauty of Argentina by joining one of the 10 Best Argentina Tour Operators , ensuring a memorable travel experience.

Passeio Rio

Passeio Rio

Passeio Rio is a local but highly admired tour company in Brazil. They are a receptive company that serves their customers with the utmost care and respect. Passeio Rio prides itself on personalized attention, ensuring each visitor encounters the soul of Rio through engaging and knowledgeable guides. With a commitment to safety and comfort, they provide expertly maintained equipment, making every journey a seamless and enjoyable adventure.

Passeio Rio Best Brazil Tour Packages

Passeio Rio provides the best tour packages of Rio de Janeiro that you just cannot miss out on! You can start with a trip to Petropolis where you will see various landmarks like the Imperial Museum and the Cathedral of Saint Peter. This tour is carried out with utmost safety and comfort in mind and you will also be provided a multilingual guide with a vast knowledge of the place.

For nature-lovers, a trip to Buzios is the perfect option! You can visit the sandy beaches of Ugly Island and see the magnificent rock formations and a variety of aquatic fish in Turtle Beach and Azeda Beach.

A trip to Brazil would be incomplete without visiting the famous attraction of Christ the Reedemer . You will be blown away to see the statue engulf the city from atop its hill.

 Passeio Rio Reviews

Passeio Rio has been consistently providing the best travel services to their customers. As one of the top-rated travel agencies in Brazil, their packages have gathered a lot of praise. They have 3.941 reviews on TripAdvisor, where most of them are 5-star ratings. They are also ranked top tours & activities provider in Rio de Janeiro. They also received the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023.

We went with raphael, a wonderful experience! Would recommend it to anyone who wants to see the most famous places in Rio!… Tom Alex C

Read all reviews of Passeio Rio on TripAdvisor .

Gregtur Tourism

Gregtur Tourism

Gregtur is one of the leading local tour agencies in Brazil that cater to a large number of domestic and international tourists. They mostly focus on short trips and excursions so that they can offer their clients the best experience in the shortest time. They primarily run their operations in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Foz Do Iguacu. At Gregtur, they value professionalism, creativity and sustainability. Their travel itineraries are full of fun and exciting expeditions for you to experience. If you want to travel across all of Brazil and see its world-famous attractions, Gregtur has you covered!

Gregtur Tourism Best Brazil Tour Packages

Gregtur boasts a massive array of tour packages in most major cities in Brazil. If you want to see all the major attractions in Sao Paulo , then this is the trip for you! Visit famous landmarks like Ibirapuera Park, Batman’s alley, Paulista Avenue and many more. Transportation services are included in this package.

A trip to Brazil would be incomplete without spending some time in Rio de Janeiro. In this package called Rio’s Full Day , explore everything from the bohemian neighborhood of Santa Teresa to the famous attractions of Christ the Redeemer and Sugar Loaf Mountain.

To get your festive spirit going, take part in the Latin folklore show and dancing spectacle in Foz Do Iguacu. The show will have a huge, well-stocked buffet so you can enjoy everything that the place has to offer.

Gregtur Tourism Reviews

Gregtur is a Brazilian tour operator with some of the best reviews on TripAdvisor. With 2,105 positive reviews on TripAdvisor, Gregtur Tourism is ranked as #1 of 271 Tours & Activities in Sao Paulo. A past customer wrote:

Tour was very good and well organised. Bruno wealth of knowledge about the historical sites we visited was impressive. He made the tour engaging with fascinating anecdotes… Divya M

Read all reviews of Gregtur Tourism on TripAdvisor .

Dive into the heart of Peru with one of the 10 Best Peru Tour Operators , providing exceptional services for your exploration.


Helisight is a reputed and award winning travel company in Brazil that started giving helicopter rides in Rio de Janeiro in 1978. They picked three places in the city where people can take off: Dona Marta Lookout, Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, and Sugar Loaf. They chose these spots based on what tourists like.

In 1994, they even began doing special nightly flights over the Sambódromo during Carnival, and it was featured in Time Magazine. They’ve been around for a long time and have taken 600,000 tourists, including famous people like Michael Jackson, Vin Diesel, and Hugh Jackman. If you want to see Rio de Janeiro from high up, you should definitely go on a helicopter ride with Helisight!

Helisight Best Brazil Tour Packages

Helisight provides several tour packages based on your price range and preference. If you prefer a short trip where all of Rio is covered , then the short helicopter ride shows you all of the nearby attractions like Allah Garden, Ipanema Beach, Diabo Beach and Copacabana Fort.

 For a complete tour of the city , you can embark on this 60-minute helicopter ride that does a circuit tour around the city. You will see the breathtaking sights of Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain, Santa Cruz Fortress and many more.

Helisight also provides a short 9 minute door-less scenic flight where you will get to see the major sights like Christ the Reedemer and the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro.

Helisight Reviews

Helisight has established itself as a prominent tour operator in Brazil. Through their distinct approach, they have garnered tourists from all parts of the world. With 1,942 reviews on TripAdvisor, they are ranked as #5 of 1,045 Tours & Activities in Rio de Janeiro. They also received the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023.

A treasured memory that I will now have for life thanks to the wonderful Abner – for arranging an alternative day and collection point for us!… Alexandra190

Read all reviews of Helisight on TripAdvisor .

Amazon Gero Tours

Amazon Gero Tours is one of the best Brazilian tour operators that offer exclusive tours in the Amazon rainforest. With over 20 years of experience, the company has continuously provided the best jungle tours and wildlife excursions. Their main goal is to re-invent tourism with sustainability in mind.

Amazon Gero Tours has highly trained and professional tour guides and their logistics is sound in every tour they offer. They are enthusiastic about travelers wanting to explore the Amazon rainforest and welcome every tourist with open arms. If you are an adventure lover wanting to travel through the Amazon Rainforest, there is no better tour operator in Brazil than Amazon Gero Tours!

Amazon Gero Tours Best Brazil Tour Packages

Amazon Gero Tours provides a wide variety of tour and travel packages to their customers. The Amazon Explorer Package will offer you an exciting and adventurous time traveling through the Amazonian landscape. For 5 days and 4 nights, you will get to engage in many different activities and even spend time in a jungle lodge!

If you prefer boat trips, you can travel in a regional boat and see the wonderful sights of Rio Negro . In this package, you will also be able to go on hikes, go fishing, alligator spotting and many exciting activities.

Similarly, if you take the Arara tour package , you will be in for a thrilling adventure as you travel through the Amazon Forest. The guides will even teach you how to survive in the wild!

Amazon Gero Tours Reviews

Amazon Gero Tours is one of the top-rated travel agencies in Brazil. Their organization and customer service has been praised by many tourists. They have 1,742 reviews on TripAdvisor and most of them are 5-star ratings. They have also earned the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023 and are ranked as #3 of 165 Tours & Activities in Manaus. A satisfied customer wrote:

In the jungle of Manaus agencies, Gero is a perfect tour operator to live a real experience in a lodge in the jungle. The guides are people who know very well… Andrea M

Read all reviews of Amazon Gero Tours on TripAdvisor.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Colombia by choosing one of the 10 Colombia Best Tour Operators , ensuring a seamless and exciting journey.

Free Walker Tours

Free Walker Tours

Free Walker Tours is a pioneering travel agency in Brazil that provides immersive walking tours.  The company was founded by three business graduates driven by a passion for exploration and cultural immersion. Founded in 2013, they are a company that is committed to providing top-notch walking tours. They have redefined city tours in Rio de Janeiro and Paraty, with their team of 15+ Walkers that specialize in their respective city’s history and culture. Their mission is to provide exceptional, interactive, and informal tours so that you can have an unforgettable experience traveling the streets of Brazil.

Free Walker Tours Best Brazil Tour Packages

At Free Walker Tours, there is no price for their tour packages and each customer tips what they think the tour is worth. Thus, their tour packages are highly-detailed and suitable to all customers.

Join them on their Rio Free Walking Tour of Downtown and Lapa and see all the local attractions like Colombo Bakery, XV Square, Cinelandia and many more. You will be accompanied by a friendly and knowledgeable guide that knows their way around the city.

For an exciting experience in the city, you can go pub crawling in Ipanema . You will travel from bar to bar and meet exciting & funny people. Have some drinks, sit back and enjoy an overall great night!

If you truly want to immerse yourself in Brazilian culture, go on a Food tour in Rio de Janeiro . Explore the local Brazilian cuisine while being entertained by local Brazilian music!

Free Walker Tours Reviews

Free Walker Tours has been providing fun and immersive tours inside Brazilian cities for everyday tourists. Their friendly and approachable manners have made them one of the best tour operators in Brazil. They have 1,466 reviews on TripAdvisor and are ranked as #2 of 229 Nightlife in Rio de Janeiro. They also received the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023. A customer that recently toured with them wrote:

Natalia was great—we learned a lot about the history of the city. It was helpful for orienting ourselves and understanding the city… ab326

Read all reviews of Free Walker Tours on TripAdvisor .

Dream Destination Rio

Dream Destination Rio

Dream Destination Rio is one of the best tour and travel companies in Brazil that provide only the best services to their customers. They specialize in custom, tailor-made tours so that their customers enjoy what they like. They provide other services like bachelorette parties and wedding engagement parties as well. They have well-trained and friendly staffs who ensure your wishes are always fulfilled. They are dedicated to providing you unique experiences touring around Brazil so that your vacation becomes a fond memory for you.

Dream Destination Rio Best Brazil Tour Packages

Dream Destination Rio wants what is best for you. Their tour packages are designed to cater to all your travel needs. You can go on a private sunset tour along the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Sail along the coastline as you witness the most beautiful sunset in the world with added snacks and drinks!

For a luxury experience, Dream Destination Rio provides a Pearl Tour where you will sail on a 43 feet French Trawler. On this 3-hour personalized tour, you will have complete privacy and can even enjoy a barbecue!

For one of their unique services, you can call ahead and book a bachelorette party tour aboard a luxury boat. You will also be supplied with a professional photographer to capture all the exciting and incredible moments.

Dream Destination Rio Reviews

Dream Destination Rio has always kept the customers’ best interests in mind. For this reason, they have risen to be one of the best-rated travel companies in Brazil. They have 1,316 reviews on TripAdvisor and have received the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023. They are also ranked as #4 of 332 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Rio de Janeiro. A past customer wrote:

Fantastic experience! Clarisse and her team was amazing! Everything from food to music on the board was excellent!… Aibek A

Read all reviews of Dream Destination Rio on TripAdvisor .

Unearth the cultural treasures of Guatemala by choosing one of the 10 Best Guatemala Tour Operators , providing expert guidance.

Iguana Turismo

Iguana Turismo

Iguana Turismo is a leading Brazilian tour operator. The company was established 25 years ago by Wilson Castro and Gerry Hardy and since then, it has been a beacon of exceptional experiences for global travelers.

They are a company that guarantees quality of service and a good time for all their travelers. They have native bilingual guides that are extremely passionate about their job. Their key focus is on sustainable eco-tourism in the Amazon. They value innovation and excellence and aim to be the best tourism company in Amazon and later, in the whole world!

Iguana Turismo Best Brazil Tour Packages

With eco-tourism as their key focus, Iguana Turismo provides some of the best tour packages in the Amazon. You can visit January Ecological Park where you will get a chance to interact with dolphins and admire the beautiful water lilies. 

For a thrilling and unforgettable experience, you can book the Alligator Package . For 4 days and 3 nights, you will completely immerse yourself in the Amazon environment. You will visit Juma Lake, travel through ecological jungles and explore the wide variety of flora and fauna found in the Amazon.

You also have the option to go on a boat trip through the Amazon River . This tour will last for 3 nights where you go through Rio Negro and visit the Anavilhanas Archipelago.

Iguana Turismo Reviews

Iguana Turismo is a highly-respected tour operator in Brazil that is favored by many tourists. With over 1,000 positive reviews on TripAdvisor, their services have satisfied many tourists wanting to visit the Amazon. They are ranked as #4 of 165 Tours & Activities in Manaus. A past customer that toured with them wrote:

We had a great time during both our Iguana and Presidente Figueiredo packages. The guides Andersson and Geff was really helpful and full of energy… Hyder m

Read all reviews of Iguana Turismo on TripAdvisor .

Carioca Tropical

Carioca Tropical

Carioca Tropical is a well-known and well-respected travel company in Brazil. Founded in 2003, Carioca Tropical is owned and operated by passionate individuals deeply acquainted with Rio de Janeiro. They offer an immersive experience beyond the city’s landmarks, allowing travelers to explore Rio’s culture, cuisine, and friendly environment. Their certified guides, fluent in multiple languages, ensure a relaxed and safe exploration of the local attractions.

At Carioca Tropical, they emphasize a personalized approach with tailored tours for small groups, minimizing waiting times during hotel pickups. They provide pre-set travel itineraries as well as custom private tours so that you can have an absolutely amazing experience touring Brazil.

Carioca Tropical Best Brazil Tour Packages

Carioca Tropical provides tour packages according to group size that are well-suited to your travel needs. In their Early Access Corcovado Express Tour , be among the first tourists of the day to reach the Christ the Redeemer statue. You will be driven up the mountain in air-conditioned minivans while professional guides brief you about the place.

For an even immersive experience, travel with Carioca Tropical for a full day experience of Rio de Janeiro . You will get to ride the cable car at Sugar Loaf Mountain and see all the popular attractions.

Similarly, take an afternoon trip on the Olympic Boulevard Walking Tour . You will be provided a guided tour through the Olympic Boulevard and the Museum of Tomorrow.

Carioca Tropical Reviews

Carioca Tropical is well-known for providing excellent tours around Rio city with plentiful services. Their dedication and passion for tourism has made them one of the best tour operators in Brazil. They have 1,151 reviews on TripAdvisor, with most of them being positive. They also earned the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023 for their fantastic approach to tourism. A satisfied customer wrote:

The absolute best trip to take if you’re in a time crunch! very punctual! We were one of the first to Christ the Redeemer, beat the crowds and got amazing pictures!… Imani S

Read all reviews of Carioca Tropical on TripAdvisor .

Amazon Green Tours

Amazon Green Tours

Amazon Green Tours is a successful, top-rated travel agency in Brazil. Founded in 2011 by owners Paula Arcangela and Elso Lima, the company is an authentic Amazonian family business rooted in the jungle. As passionate tour guides, they established a responsible enterprise prioritizing both employment opportunities for locals and environmental preservation.

Their relentless focus on eco-tourism and environmental conservation has earned them a lot of respect and their efforts have always been appreciated by the locals. You are warmly invited to experience the heart of the Amazon and learn more about their impactful journey firsthand!

Amazon Green Tours Best Brazil Tour Packages

Amazon Green Tours provides well thought-out travel plans and tour packages. For an authentic experience, their Macuxi Package will take you on an interesting trip through the Amazon. For 2 days, you will see many different fish, go piranha fishing and dolphin spotting on the Mutuca River and stay in their self-made jungle lodge.

For those that seek adventure, Amazon Green Tours will take you on a boat tour to the Madeira River through the heart of the Amazon. From June to August, this tour is one that is not provided by any other tour operator. You will see breathtaking sights, while being assured of safety and comfort.

Embrace the total Amazon nature in their Nature Safari Package . You will steadily move through most of the Amazon area in this 6 days, 5 nights tour. From hiking and canoeing to alligator spotting, be prepared for a thrilling ride!

Amazon Green Tours Reviews

Through their dedication to eco-tourism and their passion for their homeland, Amazon Green Tours has successfully established itself as one of the best tour operators in Brazil. With over 1,000 positive reviews on TripAdvisor, they are ranked as #2 of 165 Tours & Activities in Manaus. They were also awarded the TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award in 2023 for their excellent service. A customer that toured with them recently wrote:

Great! The accommodation was very good. The tour guides are enthusiastic and knowledgeable. The food at every meal was delicious… Cris

Read all reviews of Amazon Green Tours on TripAdvisor .

Dive into the rich history and culture of Cuba. Join one of the 10 Best Cuba Tour Operators , ensuring an immersive and authentic experience.

The most popular tourist attractions in Brazil are the Amazon Rainforest and Amazon River and the Christ the Redeemer Statue, a part of the New Seven Wonders of the World. They are also well known for their carnivals, soccer and colorful beaches. The vibrant culture in Brazil also attracts many tourists to its cities.

Brazil is ranked as #65th safest country for solo female travellers. Although one will need to exercise caution as well as have some knowledge of the country, Brazil is relatively safe for solo female travellers wishing to explore the deep jungles of the Amazon.

Brazil is home to a lot of people from a lot of different cultures. However, this mix of culture has fostered friendliness and cordiality in their communities. They are exceptionally friendly to tourists and they aim to share the rich, local culture to everyone that is interested.

Brazil is home to the Amazon River, the longest river in the world. Along with this, the forests and rivers foster one of the richest biodiversity on the planet. Christ the Redeemer, a statue atop Corcavado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. From world-famous attractions to a rich cultural experience, Brazil attracts tourists by the handful.

The Latin America Travel Company

Guided Brazil Tours & Escorted Brazil Tour Packages 2024 & 2025

Brazil only tours, expertly curated guided tours to brazil for 2024 & 2025.

Our guided Brazil tours are made simple for 2024 & 2025 when you work with our experts to create the perfect escorted Brazil tour itinerary. Whether spending two weeks or two months on one of our Brazil private tours, we deliver the ideal travel schedule that allows you to indulge in everything you want to experience as a part of your unforgettable Brazil tour and South American adventure.

All of The Latin America Travel Company Brazil tours packages are highly bespoke to give you the immersion into this fantastic place you crave. We will produce a travel program for your tour to Brazil that will take away any concerns you may have over Brazil tours travel between destinations, hotel bookings, or local guides. It ensures that your Brazil tour package has everything organised from the moment you arrive in the country so you can relax and enjoy your guided tour of Brazil. The below multi-country tours incorporate tours to nearby countries including Argentina escorted tours and Chile guided tours .


Brazil escorted tour packages to suit your requirements and budget.

Each customer we see has different wants and needs when booking tours to Brazil and our carefully tailored Brazil tour packages offer the best flexibility. The country is so diverse in what it can offer when travelling that the cost of escorted Brazil tours can vary greatly. We will work with you to create the Brazil private tour you want working to your budget.

During your escorted tour to Brazil, you may wish to travel to multiple destinations within the country, so having us create your itinerary with appropriate accommodation as part of your Brazil tour package is essential. We will deliver on the requirements of your Brazil vacation tour with a tailored schedule. It will allow you to enjoy and immerse yourself in all that this magnificent part of South America has to offer whilst staying within your budget and being attentive towards your Brazil tour cost.

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Aventura do Brasil Logo

Tours in Brazil From Your Local Travel Experts

We live in brazil.

Brazil is our new home, and we would like to help you discover this breathtaking and multi-faceted country for yourself. Due to its endless number of natural wonders and sights, it is nearly impossible to travel and experience all of Brazil in just one trip. We would be happy to help you identify the most relevant destinations for your vacation and put together a tailor-made tour of Brazil just for you!

Our Most Popular Travel Packages:

Water-filled lagoons in the Lencois Maranhenses

Lencois Maranhenses National Park

Visit one of the natural highlights of Brazil: the worldwide unique landscape of Lencois Maranhenses National Park. The wavy sand dunes spread like an endless bed sheet and give the region its name. This remote region between dunes and the ocean is home to indigenous villages and nature along rivers such as the spectacular Rio Preguicas.

Enjoy beautiful views on Salvador and Hiking in Chapada Diamantina

Salvador and Hiking in Chapada Diamantina

This journey will expose you to the wide diversity of Bahia: the famous historical center of Salvador, adventurous tours in Chapada Diamantina National Park, and palm-lined dream beaches. Colorful little streets, waterfalls, caves, table mountains, tropical culinary specialties, and much more await you on this tour to the most beautiful places in Bahia.

Our Most Popular Tours and Round Trips:

Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro

Best of Brazil

This journey will take you to the most beautiful places in Brazil: the tropical metropolis of Rio de Janeiro, the spectacular waterfalls of Foz do Iguacu and the exceptional nature of the Amazon Rainforest. Many different and individual day trips and excursions are on the program. You will gain distinct impressions of Brazil's diversity, visit the most famous sights, and get to know the breathtaking variety of animals and plants of the jungle. Our local English-speaking guides will make sure that you have a great time and show you the best of Brazil.

Nature in the Amazon

Brazil for Nature Lovers

Experience the unique and breathtaking nature and amazing variety of flora and fauna in the Amazon and the Pantanal in Brazil. On many different excursions you will explore the equatorial rainforest and one of the largest wetlands on earth by boat, jeep, and on foot. On this tour, wildlife observation and the experience of nature are in the foreground. Apart from exotic plants and giant trees, you will have the chance to see countless bird species, different monkeys, caimans, anteaters, tapirs, and even jaguars. Immerse yourself in the dense foliage of the Amazon Rainforest, explore the waterways of the Pantanal, and let yourself be enchanted by the wonders of Brazil's nature.

Why plan your Brazil trip with us?

As a team of travel-experienced expatriates who love to work in intercultural settings, we thrive in matching your expectations with the various travel options Brazil has to offer.

  • We live in your travel destination.
  • Our team carries out constant quality assessments.
  • Secure payment via credit card or transaction in multiple currencies.
  • Fair prices.
  • A direct English operated emergency support line in Brazil is available 24/7.
  • Tailor-made travel quotes.
  • Quick replies.

Experience Your Tailor-Made Tour in Brazil

For more than 20 years, Aventura do Brasil has been organizing tailor-made and custom tours in Brazil. Since we are at home in the largest country in South America with its cultural and scenic diversity, we know exactly what to pinpoint for your visit to a metropolis like Rio de Janeiro or the tropical rainforest in the Amazon. As a Brazilian tour operator, we will faithfully guide you from wonders such as the Iguaçu falls to the dune landscapes of Lençóis Maranhenses. On your trip to Brazil, we will ensure that you have an unforgettable experience in the Pantanal or enjoy your vacation in small towns with a lingering charm of the colonial era.

Interesting Facts for Your Vacation in Brazil

We understand that before you travel to another continent, especially a tropical one, you would have countless inquiries. Therefore we have collected the most frequently asked questions of our guests in the "Info" tab. There you can find useful information on the following topics:

- Visa and entry to Brazil

- Paying and exchanging currency in Brazil

- Best time to visit, weather and climate for different regions in Brazil

- Time zones and differences

- Recommended vaccinations for Brazil and other travel medical information

- Cell phone usage in Brazil and much more

If your inquiry was not addressed among these topics, feel free to contact us!

Profit from our Partner Network

Our partner agency specializes in flight bookings to and within Brazil. We would be happy to explore attractive flight offers for you from your point of departure and/or within Brazil , to keep airfare as reasonable as possible. Choose from our offers of round trips to Brazil or just let us know which regions of Brazil you would like to visit. We will be happy to arrange a custom tour just for you.

Our Types of Tours and Guides

Of course you can take an organized tour and enjoy a potpourri of Brazil's treasures, which is certainly a safe and comfortable way to discover a foreign culture. But as local travel experts on the ground, we can do even more. With us you will have the opportunity to combine your dream vacation flexibly with our numerous travel packages. You tell us which regions in Brazil you would like to visit, and we will start to put together a tailor-made itinerary for your vacation . In addition, you can also set thematic priorities for your custom tour:

• Active travel: Hike through intact ecosystems in the Northeast of the country and enjoy refreshing waterfalls, caves and natural swimming pools far away from mass tourism. Perhaps consider exploring the Northeast on your own in a buggy. Drive along the coast of the state of Ceara and explore dunes, river landscapes and tranquil fishing villages. Alternatively, you can cycle around Santa Catarina or ride through the Serra Catarinense plateau.

• Adventure travel: Do you want to experience the South of Brazil in a more thrilling fashion? Embark upon hiking and camping in the Atlantic Rainforest! In addition to the diverse surroundings of nature, a whitewater expedition with kayaks is offered and, as a highlight, canyoning which includes abseiling in the jungle river. Survival tours in the jungle are also part of our program.

• Family travel: Brazil also has a lot to offer for families. Whether along the coconut coast or in the state of Santa Catarina, traveling through Brazil with a tailor-made itinerary for the family means pure vacation fun for both young and old.

• Nature travel: Brazil offers nature in abundance. You can spend your whole vacation in the rainforest, go hiking or enjoy the country on horseback between the mountains and the ocean.

• Language travel: You can never have enough foreign languages. Why not combine pleasure with education and learn some Brazilian Portuguese while on vacation? Our language school is located in Florianópolis, Brazil’s top city for quality of life, where you can relax between lessons on the beach and explore the country.

• Luxury travel: Sometimes you just have to give yourself a special treat on vacation. Our Deluxe Tour takes you to the most beautiful locations in Brazil, with private guides and accommodations in first class hotels.

Your Journey Has a Face

Enjoy your tour through Brazil and dive into the country, its people, nature and culture. With us you will find hotels and typical accommodations for every budget , which are guaranteed to meet your satisfaction. For us it is important that you feel in good hands. For this reason, our guides are not just faceless hosts, but have been carefully chosen and haved worked with Aventura do Brasil for years. With us you will encounter both native Brazilians and expatriates who have been living in Brazil for many years and have become very familiar with their second home. With their local know-how, the guides will ensure a comfortable vacation full of ideas and a varied program. To get to know who will accompany you on your vacation in Brazil, we would like to introduce you to our Guides in more detail . Make yourself at home with us during your trip to Brazil!

Also for Larger Groups and Special Needs

Whether you have special wishes and ideas for your trip to Brazil as a single traveler/couple or are looking for professionally planned group trips (e.g., universities, schools, companies, clubs and associations), our team on site will find the right option for you and will be happy to advise you! We are available to assist you with the concept design as well as the implementation of your corporate trip incentives . We are also happy to plan your very momentous and unforgettable honeymoon in the most beautiful and extraordinary places Brazil has to offer. Even if you are planning a trip for a silver wedding or birthday celebration, you are welcome to contact us. Are you planning your vacation with children? We have options for the entire family, and always put together suitable travel offers just for you!

More than 20 Years of Experience

Enchant your senses on your tour through Brazil and experience this multifaceted country and its people with the comfort, know-how and quality planning of our local Brazil travel experts . For more than 20 years we have been collecting the most beautiful destinations and hotels in Brazil and present them here on our site, for you to be well informed for your trip! While we know Brazil like the back of our hand, we also understand the demands of our international clients. To that end, we are more than equipped to ensure an unforgettable vacation experience for you and yours.

You will find numerous pousadas, hotels and travel packages that can be flexibly combined. In addition, we offer round trips with different themes and focal points. You will find a selection of tours filtered by nature travel, adventure travel, active travel, family travel, luxury travel, language travel, round trips and self-drive tours . Travel to different regions and cities and choose from our offers of authentic accommodations, such as:

• Hotels in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador

• Pousadas and lodges in the Pantanal and Amazon

• Pousadas and hotels in Florianópolis, Foz do Iguaçu, Manaus, and other popular travel regions of Brazil

Do you prefer to explore Brazil on your own, yet don't want to miss the amenities of an organized trip? With our travel packages you can put together your very own tailor-made tour in a very flexible way . For example, you can combine sustainable tourism in the Amazon with a tour of the Pantanal swamp area with its over 700 bird species, or you can travel six days on the " Rota das Emoções " from São Luis to Jericoacoara—not only with four-wheel drive vehicles, but also with boats and beach buggies. We would be pleased to arrange your custom tour through Brazil according to what you have in mind. We look forward to your request!


We Focus on Sustainability

Good tourism is responsible and adapts to the country and its conditions. Therefore, we decided to champion sustainability as Brazil travel experts and support the project " Salve Floripa " in our home town of Florianópolis. The project promotes awareness for the local environment and seeks to preserve the Atlantic Rainforest and its biodiversity . We support various projects within this initiative, for example the creation of the first ecological map of Florianópolis. For you as a traveler in Brazil, this social commitment has an added value, as the ecological map also provides you with information about hikes or places for water sports. The preservation of nature in Ilha de Santa Catarina is particularly close to our hearts. Therefore, on World Environment Day on June 5th, we actively support beach maintenance in Barra da Lagoa. If you want to experience the project up close, we have attractive travel packages in and around Florianópolis for you!

Personal Recommendation From Our Team

We have grown particularly fond of the small and rather unknown state of Santa Catarina in the South of Brazil, which we have made our new home. Santa Catarina, with its capital city of Florianópolis, offers beautiful landscapes, fantastic beaches and an unimaginable variety of activities for your vacation. Small romantic fishing villages, secluded bays, white dream beaches, the Atlantic Rainforest and untouched canyons offer the best conditions for varied tours in Brazil. Discover with us the wondrous South of Brazil, hardly known outside of the country until now, and enchant your senses with its beauty and warm people!

Keep up to Date With the Brazil Blog

Are you already familiar with our blog? Here we report about everyday life in Brazil and collect stories from the country and its inhabitants . Of course, we don't skimp on a lot of insider knowledge that will help you to plan your trip to Brazil. Even if you feel wanderlust after your trip, our Brazil Blog is ideal reading material to get back in the vacation mood. Take a look!

Brazil Travel 2024

Brazil is always worth a visit. It is not happenstance that the country will be one of the top South American travel destinations in 2024, with paradisiacal beaches, the Atlantic Rainforest, Table Mountains, sand dunes, lagoons, the fascinating Amazon Rainforest, the species-rich natural paradise of the Pantanal and many other highlights. As a water sports enthusiast, hiker, bird lover and nature lover you will get your money's worth in Brazil. The cities entice historical and futuristic architecture as well as a rich cultural scene. Florianópolis in the South of Brazil, for example, offers a perfect mixture of beach, nature and cultural experiences. Browse our Brazil travel offers now and be inspired for your next trip in 2024 with Aventura do Brasil. An inside scoop that we will leave you with is the cocoa coast in the state of Bahia, which you can discover on our Road Trip from Salvador to Ilheus . Our local travel experts will be happy to provide you with more information!

Brazil Blog


Feasting, enjoying, socializing

Whether in the big city or the countryside, "comida de boteco" can be found everywhere. On a trip to Brazil, a visit to a boteco should be planned in order to sample the various delicacies.


The Gold Rush in Brazil

Not only since today we know Brazil as a country rich in minerals. Gold is one of them, after all, it was already taken from Brazil at the time of the Portuguese colonization. How the gold rush affect(ed)s Brazil and where gold seekers travel(ed) to in Brazil, you will learn in this article!


The Importance of Judo in Brazil – Martial Art, Competitive Sport and Philosophy of Life

Judo focuses on important social values such as respect, discipline and cooperation. Originating in Japan, judo has had a unique development in Brazil and has become one of the most popular martial arts in the country, crowned with Olympic gold medals.


The school was very well organized - heidi.

The place is a class location for something like this. Thanks again for the organization.

We especially loved the accommodation Cantos e Encantos! - Evelyn and Denny

The roundtrip was planned very well. We especially liked Urubici.

The many impressions, encounters, impulses have enriched us, we will feed on them for a long time! - Karl and Bettina

In any case we are very very grateful, for the amazing support and advice, which made this trip possible.

Rainforest Cruises

  • Amazon River
  • Galápagos Islands
  • Indonesian Archipelago
  • Mekong River
  • Irrawaddy River
  • India Cruises
  • Pacific Coast
  • Patagonia Cruises
  • Machu Picchu
  • Iguazu Falls
  • South America Tours

Brazil Tours & Trips

Looking for the best Brazil Tours & Trips? Choose from the finest tours available in Brazil, expertly crafted by our destination specialists. The tours here are just examples of what we can create for you – all our tour packages are bespoke and completely customizable to your tastes and budget

View of Ipanema boardwalk Brazil Rio

Rio, Iguazu Falls & Machu Picchu

Manaus Amazon Indigenous Ceremony

Buenos Aires, Iguazu & Rio

coupls sipping champagne Iguazu

Best Of Brazil

Child playing with a foot ball in Brazil

Private Rio & Rainforest

Group Capybara Argentina Wetlands

Buenos Aires, Ibera & Iguazu Falls

brazil world tour operator

Rio, Iguazu Falls & Amazon

Indigenous ceremony Brazil

Rio & Amazon Tour

Hand Feeding Pink River Dolphin

Brazil Amazon Adventure

brazil world tour operator

Get in touch

  • Destinations
  • Travel Styles
  • Customer Reviews
  • What are the 10 Best Brazil Travel Agencies & Tour Companies in 2024?

What are the 10 Best Brazil Travel Agencies & Tour Companies in 2024?

Take part in the raucous festivities of Carnival, laze on the golden beaches of Rio, or spot slow-moving three-toed sloths in the Amazon. As a vast and vibrant country, there are endless possibilities for what a dream trip to Brazil could look like.

So when planning yours, leave it to the experts at one of these 10 best Brazil travel agencies that promise to exceed your expectations and more. These agencies caught our eye for the number of years they’ve been in the industry, the presence of local offices for quick and reliable assistance, commitment to environmental sustainability, as well as their extensive collection of Brazil tours, including to the Amazon jungle.

#10  Brazil Vip

With the extensive experience of Brazil Vip's specialists, you can create tours that take you to the natural wonders of Brazil, its sun-soaked beaches, and energetic cities. Custom design a romantic honeymoon and stay in a secluded jungle lodge deep in the Amazon rainforest, or explore the region on an Amazon Clipper cruise instead. In one of the world's most biodiverse places, you can easily spend days hiking in the wild, piranha fishing, and watching pink and grey dolphins play in the water. 

#9  Trip Brazil

Trip Brazil has designed tailor-made holidays to Brazil since 2003 and organizes themed tours, like agricultural tours with visits to coffee farms, as well as eco, and winery tours. Browse their sample itineraries for inspiration, which range from eight days of lounging on Brazil’s best beaches to 10 days of golfing. Meet wild sloths and monkeys, and watch the sunrise over the Rio Negro on an Amazon tour, whether it's by land or cruise. 

#8 was founded by Jonah Golan, a Seattleite who was captivated by the people's warm hospitality and the country’s natural beauty on his first trip to Brazil. This top Brazil travel agency works to create the perfect personalized holiday, and sample itineraries of trips they've created in the past include a 13-day kitesurfing tour to the coastal states of Ceara and Maranhao, as well as trips to the famed Vale dos Vinhedos region for some wine tasting. Whether you’re a chic boutique hotel or rustic eco-lodge kind of traveler, can help materialize your perfect vacation to Brazil. 

#7  Aventura do Brasil

Staffed by expats who know the country like the back of their hand, travelers can count on Aventura do Brasil to provide the most up-to-date and relevant info for any type of trip. Plan your vacation using their website's interactive map by clicking on a destination and browsing through the tours that operate in each. Their handful of Amazon tours include jungle lodge stays as well as an expedition cruise. But for the ultimate Amazon experience, take part in the six-day Mamori Survival Tour, where participants have to build their own shelter using wood, straw, and twigs. A host of other outdoor activities on this trip introduces travelers to all types of ecosystems in the Amazon, including lowlands, highlands, and the igapós, all of which are perfect for observing the region's diverse wildlife. 

#6  Sabrina Brazil Travel

Founded by São Paulo local Sabrina Bohcali, Sabrina Brazil Travel is dedicated to crafting personalized itineraries to her home country. With over 20 years in the travel industry, this travel agency promises an unforgettable holiday whether you're a budget, luxury, business, or adventure traveler. Aside from organizing cultural and eco-themed tours, this agency can also arrange for multi-day stays at the rustic Acajatuba Jungle Lodge in Manaus, as well as cruises that include opportunities to go bass fishing in the Amazon.

#5  Brazil Adventure Tours

Those looking for a thrill will appreciate the adventure component of the flexible and tailor-made itineraries crafted by Brazil Adventure Tours. Based in Rio de Janeiro, the staff here know the ins and outs of hiking, biking, kayaking, and even hang-gliding in the country. They aim to go beyond Brazil's major highlights by introducing their international clients to the historic towns and remote mountain ranges for an authentic experience. Discover the natural wonders of the Amazon by cruise, or stay at one of their partner jungle lodges as part of a two-week-long nationwide tour. 

#4  Mauricio Travels

With 19 years of experience in the travel industry, Mauricio Travels is skilled at catering to the needs of a wide variety of globetrotters. They specialize in organizing excursions for the adventurous, with options to take part in a buggy trip to the sand dunes of Genipabu, and a Jeep safari to the interior of Rio Grande do Norte. For travelers to the Amazon who are eager to paddle through the igapós on a canoe or visit Marajó Island, Mauricio Travels has you covered with their multi-day land tours to Manaus, as well as cruises on the Amazon Clippers fleet. To make the trip your own, customize any one of their Brazil package tours.

#3  Bromelia Brazil Travel

This luxury travel agency was founded by a California local who’s lived in Brazil for many years and specializes in designing personalized itineraries so you can experience the real Brazil. Bromelia Brazil Travel also offers a number of half-day tours from Rio, and travelers can experience the spirit of Carnival year-round by visiting a samba school or discover the city's culinary scene by participating in a number of food tours. To help you plan your trip, visit their “where to go?” tab, which introduces the country’s most popular destinations, complete with a suggested number of days to stay.

#2  Brazil Nature Tours

Based in Campo Grande, Brazil Nature Tours has introduced travelers to the beautiful landscapes and vibrant culture of Brazil since June 2000. Their staff are fluent in English, Dutch, German, French, and Portuguese, and so far have served mostly international travel agents. Brazil Nature Tours designs a wide range of special interest programs, with options to go horseback riding deep in the Pantanal wetlands, birding in the Atlantic rainforest, or whale watching along the Santa Catarina coastline. They also offer options to stay in the cozy Juma Lodge as you explore the Amazon, or you can choose to see the region by leisurely cruise or week-long expedition up the Rio Negro. Take advantage of this tour company’s free customization service that allows you to personalize any pre-existing Brazil package tour. 

#1  Latin Discoveries

Offering over 40 land tours and cruises, Latin Discoveries has one of the most comprehensive collections of Brazil tours. They even have a separate page on their website dedicated to jungle lodge stays and cruises in the Amazon, as well as offers to Pantanal. But their most popular Brazil tour is the Rio Carnival Tour, which introduces travelers to the soulful music and colors of the country during this festive period, and also allows you to lay on Rio’s sandy beaches to recoup from the partying afterward. For the ultimate journey, combine your trip to Brazil with up to five other South American nations, like Argentina, Peru or Chile. With a local office in Rio de Janeiro, this top Brazil tour company guarantees quick and reliable on-the-ground assistance when you're in the country. Latin Discoveries also organizes themed tours, so whether you're traveling to Brazil for a romantic honeymoon, on a family trip, or want to take part in an outdoor adventure, they’ve got what you’re looking for. Latin Discoveries is also committed to preserving South America's wildlife through its partnership with NGO Nature & Culture International.

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With a rich culture, history, and diverse culinary landscape, knowing where to start trip planning can be overwhelming. Take a no-fuss and effortless approach by leaving it to the pros at one of these top Brazil tour companies when it comes to crafting your dream vacation. Soon, you’ll be on your way to tanning on Copacabana Beach and moving to the musical rhythms of Brazil.


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Pure Brazil

The time in the Pantanal was amazing. Did the day trip to see the jaguars which was a long day, but worth it. Lots of animals around the lodge too. If you are lucky,...

Visit to the pantanal. Amazing lodge and wildlife.

Covered the highlights of Brazil making sure the traveller saw the best of its highlights with sufficient enough time to take in the various areas and experience wha...

Pure Brazil was one of the few tours that covered my personal highlights of the country, Amazon, Pantanal, Iguazu falls and Rio. Accommodation overall was both comfo...

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Your incoming tour operator in Brazil

Experts in creating amazing trips around brazil..

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itinerary planning

Exceed your customers' expectations with incredible and unique itineraries throughout Brazil. Talk to our team and learn about our customizable itinerary suggestions!

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Family trip

Hey tour agent, need to plan the dream family trip for your client? Soultour provides the best trip with all the safety and comfortthat your customer seeks and deserves. Talk to our team.

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groupal trips

We help you plan group trips, with unique experiences that are fully customizable. Guide your client through the best destinations in Brazil through SoulTour itineraries.

For over 40 years making dreams come true. Discover Brazil safely and comfortably . Make your budget with SoulTour .

SoulTour is an inbound tourism agency specialized in helping travel agents around the world to provide unforgettable trips to their clients who wish to travel to Brazil . Due to our long experience in the travel industry, we partner to offer customers special services and unique customizable packages. Discover our routes, destinations and main offers .


Enjoy Brazil and its plurality of cultures and landscapes. Discover the mysterious and ancestral Brazilian Amazon .


A magical destination that combines stunning natural beauty with Brazil’s tropical climate. Meet Morro Branco , in Ceará.

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Brazil Tour - Paraná's Iguacu Falls

Brazil Tours & Vacations

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Customers rate Zicasso's travel referral service  5  on a scale of 1 to 5 based on  1541  reviews on Trustpilot

We match you with top tour companies that specialize in the trip you want,  whether it's a customized private tour or a group tour.

Brazil is as diverse as the colors of Carnival, where the unique pulse and rhythm of the parade fills every crevice of the country all year round. The waters glow with brilliant iridescence, and friendly smiles line sandy beaches. From the vibrant foliage of rainforests to vivacious cities, the colors of Brazil are unforgettable.

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Zicasso in the News

Colorful street in the historical center of Paraty, Brazil

10  Day Custom Tour

Dynamic pricing from  $3,895

Let the natural beauty of the green coast charm you on this 10-day Brazil tour from the colorful capital of Rio to the charming coastal town of Paraty, and the immaculate island of Ilha Grande. Discover the atmospheric carnival energy, sweeping views atop rocky summits, thriving wilderness, and forests to hike through. The sun-washed shorelines rarely traveled by the crowds will exemplify your captivating adventure on the Brazilian coast.

Deserted beach with coconut trees in Ilhéus on the coast of Bahia Brazil

13  Day Custom Tour

Dynamic pricing from  $14,360

The fascinating local culture, immaculate Iguazu landscapes, and crisp Bahia coastline will blow you away on this 13-day tour of Brazil’s classic cultural and wilderness experiences. You will explore the carnivals and markets of Rio de Janeiro beneath the towering Christ the Redeemer monument, wander the lush wilderness that wraps around the impressive Iguazu Falls, and walk along the breathtaking Bahia coastline of Itacaré to capture the country’s natural wonders.

View of the city and the Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

12  Day Custom Tour

Dynamic pricing from  $10,135

Embrace adventure in cosmopolitan cities and charm on colonial lanes as you explore history and modernity on your cultural 12-day Brazil trip. Discover the bright lights of the exotic night and the soothing sounds of lapping waters, the enticing rhythm of the cities and the contrasting crash of hidden waterfalls as you experience legends brought to life around the iconic cities of Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Paraty, and Sao Paulo.

Couple on a romantic paragliding flight over the coast of Brazil

Create a treasured experience with a romantic escape into luxury, coastal ambiance, artisan beauty, and historic charm during your 13-day couple’s Brazil tour. Explore exotic islands around Paraty. Embrace the vibrant atmosphere of Rio. Indulge in the colonial lanes of Olinda. Find beachside bliss in Fernando de Noronha. During your unforgettable getaway to Brazil, you can customize every day to your preferences to discover local beauty and embrace true passion.

Ouro Preto, Brazil

8  Day Custom Tour

Dynamic pricing from  $8,107

Explore the modern cityscapes that boast captivating contemporary museums and art, colonial communities that share authentic Mineiran cuisine, and lush forest reserves that present the breathtaking wilderness on your 8-day Brazil tour with excursions to Minas Gerais. Uncover the cultural treasures of Belo Horizonte, Ouro Preto, Congonhas, and Tiradentes en route to the illustrious natural paradise of Ibitipoca as you indulge natural wonder and tropical charm.

Jaguar in natural habitat of the Pantanal, Brazil

Dynamic pricing from  $7,795

Embrace the wonders of the natural world where wildlife teems beneath the jungle canopy during your 10-day Brazil adventure. Experience the elusive world of jaguars and macaw, winding rivers and enticing mangroves as you explore Brazil’s famous Amazon Rainforest. Lounge in luxurious accommodations, bask in the splendor of authentic beauty, and enjoy an active exploration through countless possibilities as you uncover layers of nature’s majesty.

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View of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

11  Day Custom Tour

Dynamic pricing from  $4,285

Awesome scenery and astounding urban marvels? Check. World-class culture and otherworldly beauty? Check. Passionate locals, scrumptious food, and wonders of natural and divine provenance? Check. From the streets of Rio to the banks of the Amazon, there is simply no other country on the planet like Brazil. And while all of the world will be seeing it on TV, there’s never been a better time to come experience a Brazil vacation for yourself.

Osorno volcano, Southern Chile

15  Day Custom Tour

Dynamic pricing from  $5,365

The natural splendor of Argentina is captivating, deriving from bright blue glaciers, dramatic waterfalls, and inspiring wildlife. Penguins waddle along sandy beaches next to the rippling current of the Atlantic Ocean. An unbelievable ice field spans mountain ranges and compresses the shores of Argentina’s largest lake. Flamingos bask on the banks of a quiet lagoon. The Iguazu River shifts from tranquil waters to thundering cascades at Iguazu Falls. Your Buenos Aires, Patagonia and Iguazu Falls Tour is handmade to show you the best of Argentina’s eclectic beauty, from rolling snowcapped mountaintops to emerald tropical jungles.

Iguzú Falls in Argentina

Dynamic pricing from  $5,065

From the World Cup to the Olympics, from the humming streets of Rio de Janeiro to the wide stretches deep in the Amazon rainforest, Brazil is preparing for the world. As a signature tour for Zicasso’s 5 year anniversary, this trip is designed to give an insider’s access to some of Brazil’s most coveted attractions and experiences.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Dynamic pricing from  $6,340

South America reliably presents visitors wit a unique cocktail of raw natural beauty and charming urban centers, and this 15-day tour of Brazil and Peru will present plenty of both as you make your way from the rugged Andean mountains to the shores of the Atlantic ocean. A combination of leisure time and guided excursions will also ensure that you make the most out of each destination you visit.

Puerto Varas with Sacred Heart church and Osorno Volcano in Chile

18  Day Custom Tour

Dynamic pricing from  $6,439

Urbane sophistication and the grandness of nature, the epicurean pleasures of a fine glass of wine and the cultural delights of a tango show, the Great Outdoors and the Marvels of Civilization; all of this and more can be found in stupendous South America. From the Andres to the Atlantic, from the Plaza de Armas to the Plaza de Mayo, this is a journey that will stir your imagination and leave you begging for more.

Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dynamic pricing from  $2,859

Carnaval and the Casa Rosada, the samba and the tango, Rio de Janeiro and the Rio de la Plata. This Brazil and Argentina tour is filled with experiences that can never be forgotten. From the streets of two of the world’s most famous cities to the roaring waters of Iguazu Falls, you might find yourself wondering why you’d ever want to return.

Featured Articles

Praia do Forte in Brazil

Captivating and colorful define Brazil, and emerge through a combination of exceptional culture, enticing rhythm, breathtaking wildlife, and unforgettable experiences, with the following information providing insight into the most common questions travelers ask before traveling to the country.

From white-sand beaches to bustling metropolises, legendary landscapes and stunning ecosystems, you can lounge on the coastline or search for scarlet macaws, find pink dolphins or embrace endless floodplains as you uncover the known and hidden treasures of Brazil.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The best time to visit Brazil is generally between January and March and again from September to October. Depending on your preferred goals, activities, and experiences, the best months to visit Brazil may change, but overall, these times can immerse you in the ecosystems, cultures, and endless discoveries.

From exploring the world’s largest wetlands to venturing deep into the Amazon Rainforest, visiting renowned beaches dressed in gold sands to embracing the rhythm of daily life, Brazil is a destination that can take your breath away, no matter the time of year.

The best time to visit can reveal the depth of wonders across Brazil as you discover how each month is less about the weather and more about finding the opportunity for your best experience.

Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

From the winding waters of the Amazon River to the flooded plains of the Pantanal, the powdery white sands of Fernando de Noronha to the lively ambiance of Copacabana, Brazil is a destination that can entice any kind of traveler. Our Brazil Travel Guide has inspiration and helpful information for your next trip as you uncover the endless allure of the beaches to the jungle, the colonial streets to the cosmopolitan cuisine. For more information, learn how to plan your custom-tailored trip with a Brazil Travel Specialist whose expertise can guide you in crafting the perfect itinerary for your dream experience.

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Top Tours in Brazil, South America

Brazil tours.

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brazil world tour operator

1. Rio's Full Day: Selarón Steps, Christ & Sugarloaf – Tickets & Lunch Included

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2. The Best Half Day in Rio with Christ Redeemer and Sugar Loaf Hill

brazil world tour operator

3. Full Day: Christ Redeemer, Sugarloaf, City Tour & Barbecue Lunch

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4. Sunset Sailing Tour in Rio de Janeiro - DDRio

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5. Private Custom Full-Day Highlights in Rio: Only the best sights!

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6. Full Day Iguassu Falls Both Sides - Brazil and Argentina

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7. The Best Helicopter Flight Sugar Loaf and Christ the Redeemer

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8. Diving with Turtles in Floripa

brazil world tour operator

9. 25 - Full Day Tour to Angra dos Reis and Ilha Grande

brazil world tour operator

10. Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf, Lunch and Small Group City Tour

brazil world tour operator

11. São Paulo’s Full Day City Tour: Main City Sights in 7 Hours – (Shared Group)

brazil world tour operator

12. Rio's Hidden Gems: Waterfalls & Caves Trail in Tijuca Park

brazil world tour operator

13. A day in Arraial do Cabo the Brazilian Caribbean

brazil world tour operator

14. Amazing São Paulo overview in 4 or 5 hours with a private guide

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15. A day in Rio - Full City Tour

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16. Panoramic Helicopter Flight over Iguassu Falls

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17. A Whole Day in the Jungle

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18. 8 Hour Private Beach and City Tour in Santos and Guarujá

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19. 3 Hour Rocinha Favela Walking Tour with a Local Guide

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20. Ginga Tropical - Brazilian Samba and Folklore Show

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21. Rio's Cookin' Good: 9-Dish Fiesta w/ Market tour & Caipis Galore

brazil world tour operator

22. Exploring Angra Dos Reis and Ilha Grande in One Day

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23. Rio de Janeiro Sightseeing Cruise with Morning and Sunset Option

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24. Private tour: Christ the Redeemer, Maracanã,Sugarloaf, Old Downtown and Selaron

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25. Rio de Janeiro Helicopter Tour - Christ the Redeemer

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26. Private Tour: 2Day to Both Sides of Iguazu Falls

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27. 5-hour Private Tour Of São Paulo With Its Main Sights – Optional Airport Pickup

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28. 3 Hours Snorkel and Swim with Turtles Tour at Tijuca Islands

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29. Full-Day Private Tour of Rio with Pick Up

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30. Visit the Best Spots in Tijuca Forest - Hike to Caves & Falls

What travellers are saying.

Jim F

  • Luca C 1 contribution 0 5.0 of 5 bubbles Comfy view of the city highlights Really cool tour of the city highlights by car. Seen the most typical spots and got the time to take some pictures here and there, as well as a coffee. Lots of info on the city and its history/culture. Our guide, Neto, has been a gracious host. Very happy with it all! Read more Review of: Amazing São Paulo overview in 4 or 5 hours with a private guide Written 14 May 2024 This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews.

Al P

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One great big carnival of blue and yellow, Brazil bursts from the eastern edge of Latin America with gems like Rio and the mighty Amazon. Make the most of it all with a local tour guide in Brazil from

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Brazil Tour Operators

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Wildamazotours Expedition

HI Dear Travellers. My name is Magno I have been a tourguide in The Amazon rainforest for ...

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Be Free Tours - Rio de Janeiro

We’re cariocas – born and raised in Rio, in the strict sense of the word, but, more than that, ...

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Jaguar Amazon Tours

Jaguar Amazon Tours offer you a unique insight into life in the Brazilian Amazon. As a professional ...

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Fisher Sousa Pantanal Tours

My name is Fisher Mota de Sousa. I am a certified naturalist guide for this extraordinary biome ...

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Amazing Tours Agency


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Personal Brasil Incoming DMC

Personal Brasil Incoming DMC is established since 1997. As Brazilian experts, we know every ...

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May I introduce Ecomorro, a company committed to the environment and social development – a one ...

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Joshuas Amazon Expeditions

Welcome to Joshua’s Amazon Expeditions!Where Your Rainforest Adventure of a Lifetime Begins!For ...

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Rio Love Story

We love Rio and that shows in everything we do.We offer tours that are fun, comfortable and ...

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Espinhaço Operadora Turística

Operadora de Turismo receptivo em Minas Gerais desde 2013. Trabalhamos com roteiros exclusivos e ...

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Spot Jaguar pantanal South

Spot Jaguar Pantanal South with our main office located in Bonito . We are here to turn your ...

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ACQUA Turismo

ACQUA Tours is your way to get to know Rio de Janeiro as a local, we focus on your experience in ...

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Discover Chapada Turismo

Travel agency in National Park Chapada Diamantina, organize tours by car and trekking Vale do ...

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In operation since July 2012, our mission is to promote sailing not only as a sport but as an ...

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Awei Nature Tours

We are  an agency and tour operator specialized in ecotourism with exclusive groups avoiding ...

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Lets go iguassu

We at Let's go travel experience are a travel operator with a new concept of ...

Brazil is a nation of beauty and adventure, thrill and relaxation. Antique colonial provinces sit amongst urban cities thriving with the all-encompassing exhilaration of Brazilian culture. Meanwhile, its’ coast finds hundreds of tropical islands dotted along the country’s shoreline. White sand beaches welcome the warmth of regional sunshine, where crystal clear waters flow over breathtaking coral reefs. Nearby, the Amazon’s rivers welcome kayakers to meander through its’ waters amidst endangered species and tropical plantation.

Don’t let its’ ecological exoticism mislead you- Brazil is as vivacious as it is beautiful, and nothing proves this more than their annual Carnaval. Rio de Janeiro’s yearly festival finds the local sounds of samba beating through the city even more than usual, welcoming residents and visitors alike to its’ vibrant land. As any Brazil tour guide can tell you, tourism is the country’s priority commercial business; budget friendly travel opportunities and luxurious lodgings have made Brazil a universal destination, welcoming all who visit to indulge themselves in the country’s indigenous spirit and stunning respite.

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Deals of the Week   All of Europe's finest   Up to 50% OFF

Rio de Janeiro Tours & Trips

Find the right tour for you through Rio de Janeiro. We've got 323 adventures going to Rio de Janeiro, starting from just one day in length, and the longest tour is 131 days. The most popular month to go is October, which has the largest number of tour departures.

250+ Rio De Janeiro tour packages with 791 reviews

Best of Brazil Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Best of Brazil

very nice tour with perfect guide

Petrópolis x Teresópolis Crossing - The Most Beautiful Trekking in Brazil Tour

  • Hiking & Trekking

Petrópolis x Teresópolis Crossing - The Most Beautiful Trekking in Brazil

Guillame and Talus were both both excellent guides, professional, friendly, knowledgeable and open to exchanging stories. Both have good English with Talus's being excellent. The refugios leave something to be desired. The buildings are kept basically clean but are damp. The mattresses were saggy and I suspect the bites we had were bed bugs. We realise, that this is not something that Nattrip is directly responsible for but perhaps sleeping maps would be better and the mattresses removed. The walk was wonderful none the less due to the spectacular environment and guides and is recommended to those happy to have a little discomfort to experience this wonderful landscape.

Valley of the Gods - The Three Peaks Park Trekking - 03 days - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Tour

Valley of the Gods - The Three Peaks Park Trekking - 03 days - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Tailor-Made Private Brazil Tour to Rio, Ilha Grande & Paraty, Daily Departure Tour

Tailor-Made Private Brazil Tour to Rio, Ilha Grande & Paraty, Daily Departure

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Costa Verde Explorer 5D/4N Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Costa Verde Explorer 5D/4N

Sooo nice to not have to worry about booking transfers and hostels myself and just check the app for pickup times! (Just be patient with that, as they're rarely on time, in normal true Brazilian style.) Breakfast wasn't booked on my second hostel, but I let Bamba know through the Trip Plans app and they fixed it. Also, my boat tour was cancelled on Ilha Grande due to the weather but replaced with another one, which I enjoyed anyway, so all good. In Paraty, you must pick up your boat tour ticket at the tour office in town, do that the day you arrive! I didn't think the shuttle transport times were too bad (like the other review says), it's nice to just sit back and relax sometimes. Enjoy!
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Rio +Angra and Ilha Grande day tour (5 Days) Tour

Rio +Angra and Ilha Grande day tour (5 Days)

4 days Experience @ Ilha Grande - Unlocking Brazil\'s \'Garden of Eden\' - Brasil - **NEW** Tour

4 days Experience @ Ilha Grande - Unlocking Brazil's 'Garden of Eden' - Brasil - **NEW**

Rio de Janeiro Starter Package – 3 Nights Tour

  • Sightseeing

Rio de Janeiro Starter Package – 3 Nights

Brazil and Argentina with Iguazu Falls 4 Star Tour

Brazil and Argentina with Iguazu Falls 4 Star

Wanderful Holidays tour company did an excellent job for us. When we arrived at Iguazu Falls, we realized we were missing one of our suitcases. It turns out, Aerolineas Argentinas had lost our suitcase. Your customer service representatives went above and beyond in assisting us and trying to help us locate our suitcase. They even had a representative go to the airport to track our suitcase down. Although, it was ultimately Aerolineas Argentinas that located and returned our suitcase, I still want to commend and recognize the wonderful customer service your team provided us during a stressful time in a foreign country. Thank you very much!

Premium Argentina & Brazil Tour

Premium Argentina & Brazil

Action-packed sightseeing of amazing waterfalls, great food and beautiful beaches. Hotels were wonderful and nice and the team was very organized

Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro: Falls & Footy Tour

Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro: Falls & Footy

My recent tour with G starting in Buenos Aires, through to Uruguay and to Rio was amazing! It was a 18-39 and I really had the best group. Around half the group had already been on a previous tour together from Peru through to BA, but they were all friendly and it didn't seem to matter that they'd formed friendships already. The group was quite large (18 including our guide) which can be difficult if you want some alone time, but there was some free time on the trip if it was needed. BA is just amazing and I'd love to spend more time there. Uruguay - Colonia was beautiful, Montevideo is cool but not too much there and Mercedes (the ranch) was lovely to just chill. Iguassu was stunning (though the overnight journey and then going straight in to Iguassu was a bit tiring, but you just get on with it!), Paraty is beautiful and we had the best time on the boat trip, Ilha Grande has a lot to do if you like watersports and the weather is good, if not then it's just time to relax and Rio is awesome. Luckily they added a favela tour to our Rio part just before the tour started and it was such a great experience. The city tour around Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain and Selaron Steps was fab. The hostels and some of the hotels were great, though a couple left a bit to be desired but you're only staying for one or two nights so it's not the end of the world. I'd highly recommend this tour and G Adventures and we had an awesome guide Ari too. This is my third G tour now (done Japan and Burma before) and all experiences have been positive - I can't wait for the next one!

Best of Argentina & Brazil Tour

Best of Argentina & Brazil

Great trip! Very well organized and lots of fun! Perfect amount of activities, adventure, and free time to explore on your own.

Iguassu & Beyond Tour

Iguassu & Beyond

Really nice tour. Saw quite a lot but didn't feel rushed. Visited all the places you would expect to in that part of the world. Transport all was very smooth and efficient. CEO was helpful and friendly. Do note that the tour doesn't include any time at all in Buenos Aires or Rio so these should be added on as days before and after the trip.

Colonial Coast Adventure 4D/3N Tour

Colonial Coast Adventure 4D/3N

4 days Discovery the Best of Rio de Janeiro Tour

4 days Discovery the Best of Rio de Janeiro

Tour to sugar loaf mountain and Christ redeemer were an excellent experiences by Warley. His experiences and sense of humor had made us feel comfortable and fun. I am glad that Wardley is our tour guide. Tk

What people love about Rio De Janeiro Tours

Luma was amazing. The trip was basic, but she made the trip
Guillame and Talus were both both excellent guides, professional, friendly, knowledgeable and open to exchanging stories. Both have good English with Talus's being excellent. The refugios leave something to be desired. The buildings are kept basically clean but are damp. The mattresses were saggy and I suspect the bites we had were bed bugs. We realise, that this is not something that Nattrip is directly responsible for but perhaps sleeping maps would be better and the mattresses removed. The walk was wonderful none the less due to the spectacular environment and guides and is recommended to those happy to have a little discomfort to experience this wonderful landscape.
Sooo nice to not have to worry about booking transfers and hostels myself and just check the app for pickup times! (Just be patient with that, as they're rarely on time, in normal true Brazilian style.) Breakfast wasn't booked on my second hostel, but I let Bamba know through the Trip Plans app and they fixed it. Also, my boat tour was cancelled on Ilha Grande due to the weather but replaced with another one, which I enjoyed anyway, so all good. In Paraty, you must pick up your boat tour ticket at the tour office in town, do that the day you arrive! I didn't think the shuttle transport times were too bad (like the other review says), it's nice to just sit back and relax sometimes. Enjoy!

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  1. Best Brazil Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    Brazilians are famous for their zest for life. The country is loaded with incredible natural attractions - the Amazon, roaring Iguazu Falls and jungle-clad mountains where you feel on top of the world (much like Christ the Redeemer). And let's not forget Brazil's infectious music - from samba and bossa nova to Afro-Brazilian beats - and a party to be had around every corner. And of ...

  2. 10 Best Tour Operators and Travel Agencies in Brazil

    Nattrip. of 7 reviews. Address Rua Barão de Itapagipe, 543, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Response Rate 88%. Response Time 3 hours. Nattrip is an adventure travel agency, tour operator and DMC specialized in Brazil that offers high quality eco-adventure tours and activities that promotes the local industry.

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    Book your tour to Brazil with one of the world's leading tour operators. Search and compare 62 guided tours and adventures to Brazil, with 22 past traveller trip reviews and book your trip with confidence supported by Global Journey's expert tour advisors.

  4. 10 Best Brazil Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    4. Luma was amazing. The trip was basic, but she made the trip. Best of Brazil. Amanda Hawkins 3 Jul, 2023. 5. We had a blast and all of our tours, drivers, and tour guides were great! A truly unforgettable trip for a family of four (including 9 and 11yo). It all went off without a hitch and we have made some lasting memories.

  5. 10 Best Brazil Tour Operators 2024 [Unbiased & With Reviews]

    To help, we've compiled an unbiased list of the top 10 reputable Brazil tour operators. Get Free Quotes From 10 Best Brazil Tour Operators. >. Providers. Reviews. Macuco Safari. Trip Advisor - 6,205 reviews. Passeio Rio. Trip Advisor - 3,941 reviews.

  6. Escorted Tours to Brazil

    Expertly Curated Guided Tours To Brazil for 2024 & 2025. Our guided Brazil tours are made simple for 2024 & 2025 when you work with our experts to create the perfect escorted Brazil tour itinerary. Whether spending two weeks or two months on one of our Brazil private tours, we deliver the ideal travel schedule that allows you to indulge in ...

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  8. Tours in Brazil from Your Local Travel Experts

    Experience Your Tailor-Made Tour in Brazil. ... As a Brazilian tour operator, we will faithfully guide you from wonders such as the Iguaçu falls to the dune landscapes of Lençóis Maranhenses. ... The preservation of nature in Ilha de Santa Catarina is particularly close to our hearts. Therefore, on World Environment Day on June 5th, we ...

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    Uncover new and exciting adventures in Brazil by taking part in our small group tours. Go sightseeing at your own pace surrounded by travellers like you. Provided by top tour operators & travel companies, our small group tours in Brazil will offer you the perfect balance between spending time on your own and group activities.

  10. Tailor Made Brazil Packages 2024/25

    Rio, Iguazu Falls & Machu Picchu. Tour the man-made & natural world wonders of Peru's Machu Picchu and Brazil's Rio and Iguazu Falls. Regions: Amazon, Machu Picchu, Iguazu Falls, Brazil, Peru. Destinations: Peru Amazon, Machu Picchu, Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu Falls, Lima, Cusco, Iquitos, Sacred Valley. Starting From. $7,425 USD.

  11. Top Brazil Tours & Vacations 2024/2025 [reviews & photos]

    The Pantanal, a unique world conservation area in Brazil. Lakes and rivers with crystal clear water. Bonito, the land of rich flora and fauna. A Trip to the heart of the Amazon jungle.-12 % $8,915. 14 days From $7,820. ... Since there are thousands of tour operators around the globe, Preferred or Premier badges are awarded to companies that ...

  12. 2024-2025: Best Brazil Travel Agencies and Tour Companies

    Discover the natural wonders of the Amazon by cruise, or stay at one of their partner jungle lodges as part of a two-week-long nationwide tour. #4 Mauricio Travels. With 19 years of experience in the travel industry, Mauricio Travels is skilled at catering to the needs of a wide variety of globetrotters. They specialize in organizing excursions ...

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    Search 107 Brazil tour operators and travel companies, with 245 reviews. # 1. of 107. matches. preferred. Say Hueque. 4.8. 470 reviews. 5 trips to Brazil . Type : Regional Expert. ... World's best tour companies. COVID travel restrictions interactive map. Brazil trip reviews. Brazil Landmarks. All Brazil Trips.

  14. SoulTour Brazil

    For over 40 years making dreams come true. Discover Brazil safely and comfortably. Make your budget with SoulTour. SoulTour is an inbound tourism agency specialized in helping travel agents around the world to provide unforgettable trips to their clients who wish to travel to Brazil. Due to our long experience in the travel industry, we partner ...

  15. Best Brazil Vacation Packages, Tours & Vacations 2024-2025

    Dynamic pricing from $3,895. Classic 13-Day Brazil Tour of Rio, Iguazu, Salvador & More. 13 Day Custom Tour. Dynamic pricing from $14,360. Cosmopolitan Brazil: 12-Day Art and History Discovery Tour. 12 Day Custom Tour. Dynamic pricing from $10,135. Ultimate Honeymoon in Brazil: City Charm and Exotic Islands. 13 Day Custom Tour.

  16. THE 10 BEST Brazil Tours for 2024 (with Prices)

    An enlightening tour showing the real lives of people living in Rocinha Favela. Edson, who lives in Rocinha, led the tour, along with Bruno supporting, and we spent 3hours navigating from the very top to the bottom, going through the main areas and many allies and side streets.

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  18. Private Local Guides & Guided Tours In Brazil

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  19. Brazil's Leading Tour Operator 2022

    The following nominees (listed alphabetically) were nominated for Brazil's Leading Tour Operator 2022. Compass Brazil; Passion Brazil; Rio Cultural Secrets; Terra Brazil; Award History. Brazil's Leading Tour Operator 2023 ... Subscribe to the World Travel Awards newsletter to keep up to date with our latest news. Subscribe. Our other awards ...

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    World Travel Awards is proud to announce the 2024 nominations for Brazil's Leading Tour Operator

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