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Ultimate Ecuador Amazon Guide ( + Best Amazon Jungle Tours)

While visiting the Galapagos may be number one on many visitors’ bucket lists in Ecuador, visiting the Ecuadorian Amazon is becoming more popular than ever . This area of the Amazon is home to the most biodiverse areas on the entire planet , and an Ecuador Amazon tour is a fantastic way to experience it, with more ways than ever to visit sustainably.

From deep in the Amazon at Yasuni National Park to the backpacker town of Tena, there is so much to see and do in the Ecuador jungle. After living in Ecuador for two years, we still only were able to see just a small portion of all that this diverse area of the country has to offer, but fell in love with it fast.

In this guide to the best of Ecuador Amazon travel and tours, we’re covering some of the best ways to experience the Ecuador Amazon, including the best Ecuador Amazon lodges and their tour experiences , as well as independent tour companies. Keep reading for more about the best experiences the Amazon Rainforest Ecuador has to offer .

yasuni national park

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The Ecuadorian Amazon

While Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in South America, its slice of the Amazon rainforest is anything but secondary, making the country one of the best places to visit the Amazon.

In fact, Ecuador is home to what many consider to be some of the Amazon’s most crucial areas , and the best Amazon tours around.

Ecuador is home to Yasuní National Park and the Yasuní Biosphere Reserve, which is believed by many to be the most diverse area on all of planet Earth.

Yasuní National Park, with its super-diverse Biosphere Reserve, is the best-known national park in the Ecuador Amazon Rainforest. It is the most protected area of the Ecuadorian Amazon and has the greatest number of species of flora and fauna living there.

What To Pack for Ecuador

Check out our  Ultimate Ecuador Packing List   to help you pack for your trip – we’re sharing exactly what to bring to Ecuador and what we never travel without.

However, the Amazon jungle of Ecuador is also composed of three other national parks (Sumaco Napo-Galeras, Cayambe-Coca, and Llanganates). In addition, there are several private nature reserves and areas of nature and wildlife protection in the Ecuador Amazon rainforest like the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve .

Generally, Ecuador jungle tours and lodge stays in the Yasuní National Park are more expensive than they are in the rest of the Amazon region in Ecuador. This is largely because the area is so protected and so remote to access.

Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve , also quite deep in the Amazon, is generally less expensive to visit, though just as impressive in many ways.

Many private lodges, such as the popular Sacha Lodge , have their own ecological reserve surrounding their property – Sacha Lodge has over 5,000 protected acres surrounding it.

We love recommending visiting the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, and taking an Ecuador jungle tour because they tend to be more affordable and accessible than jungle tours in neighboring countries such as Brazil can be . However, there are plenty of incredible ways to visit the Amazon in Peru as another great alternative to Ecuador!

Check out our guide to affordable Amazon travel in Ecuador with our Complete Guide to Visiting Tena, Ecuador for more of our top tips for your trip.

Indigenous Peoples in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Some of the indigenous groups in the Ecuadorian Amazon include the following:

  • Huaorani (or, Waorani)

There are still two known uncontacted tribes living in the Amazon in Ecuador: the Taromenane and the Tagaeri . These groups are composed of only a few hundred individuals, and their rights to live in isolation and free from contact in the Ecuador Amazon are protected by the constitution.

Their way of life is threatened by illegal logging and oil discovery operations .

ecuador amazon

Ecuador Amazon Map

Located in the eastern part of the country, Ecuador’s Amazon region is known as El Oriente , or simply, the East. There are six provinces in the Ecuador Amazon that compose this region: Sucumbíos, Orellana, Napo, Pastaza, Morona Santiago, and Zamora Chinchipe.

The most common cities to Amazon jungle trips in Ecuador – located in or on the border of the rainforest – are Tena, Nueva Loja, and Coca (also known as Francisco de Orellana).

Check out this clickable Ecuador Amazon map below to get a better understanding of this expansive region and its layout within Ecuador for a better idea of the Ecuador Amazon tour that might be best for you.

Nueva Loja is often the starting point for trips to the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve , while Coca is the most common starting point for trips to Yasuni National Park . Either Ecuador jungle starting point is a great choice – keep reading below for more specifics on each destination!

Ecuador jungle tours that start from Tena often do not go as deep into the Amazon as those that start from Nueva Loja or Coca, and are therefore less expensive and a great option for budget travel in the Amazon .

The Best Ecuador Jungle Tours

There are many options for jungle tours in the Amazon in Ecuador, including those run through independent tour companies and those that are booked through lodges in the Amazon.

Often when booking a stay at one of the many Ecuador Amazon lodges, visitors select a package of days and nights that include activities and excursions run through the lodge .

When booking a tour with a tour company, companies specify where visitors will be staying, but run their own activities and excursions, often through different areas of the Amazon.

Ecuador Amazon Tours

Tours in cuyabeno.

Tours in Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve are generally less expensive than those in Yasuní , but allow visits to still encounter plenty of wildlife. Multi-day tours generally hover around $100 per day all-inclusive , though they can more expensive depending on the lodging planned for the tour.

  • 4-Day Ecuador Amazon Jungle Tour
  • 4-Day Ecuador Amazon Jungle Tour – Tapir Lodge

Some tours of Cuyabeno also start from the town of Lago Agrio rather than Nueva Loja. While not generally as common, this is still quite convenient, as there are regular buses and flights from Quito to Lago Agrio.

This tour departs from Lago Agrio and heads into the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve, with lodging at the Waita Lodge .

ecuador backpacking

Travel Essential

Don’t head out on your adventure without comprehensive travel insurance! Good travel insurance may cover lost or stolen gear, medical emergencies, delayed or canceled flights, and more.  Check out the policies available from  SafetyWing or compare plans using  Visitors Coverage .

Tours in Yasuní

Tours in Yasuní National Park are generally the most expensive you’ll find in Ecuador , as it is the most remote area and most protected area of the forest. However, the lodges here are extremely nice, and will provide the most incredible experience you can find along the Ecuador Amazon river.

If you’re looking for an unforgettable and luxurious adventure, consider looking into a tour with lodging at Sacha Lodge if it’s in your budget – this is the best of the best in the Ecuadorian Amazon!

I was able to find some more affordable tours that visit the Yasuní with lodging at homestays in the local community , which is a great way to save money on an incredible experience and also exchange with locals.

There are also camping and kayaking tours in Yasuní that are popular as well for those looking for being as close to nature as possible and explore as much as possible of the jungle. It isn’t a typical lodge experience but is definitely an incredible adventure.

Tours in Tena

Since Tena is the most easily accessible jumping-off point in the Ecuador jungle, and just on the edge of the forest, jungle tours in Tena are generally the best options for budget travel in the Amazon . There are some incredible Ecuador rainforest tours to be found here at a great price!

While tours here are not in the deep Amazon and you may not see certain wildlife you’ll see in Yasuní or Cuyabeno, having visited Tena I can tell you that I still had an incredible experience and felt like I saw plenty.

Tours from Tena generally are a bit shorter than those deeper in the Amazon, generally two days to four days.

Three-day or four-day tours from Tena generally center around the Mishuallí area of the rainforest near Tena.

  • 2-day Jungle Tours in Tena
  • 3-day and 4-day Jungle Tours in Tena

There are also plenty of tours that leave from Quito , which is a great Ecuador Amazon travel option for those with limited time frames, as they arrange transport to and from the city.

  • Ultimate Travel Guide to Ecuador
  • Where to Stay in Quito
  • How to Visit Cotopaxi National Park
  • Ultimate Guide to the Otavalo Market

Ecuador Rafting Tours

In addition to traditional nature and wildlife tours, Tena is a popular destination for rafting through the Amazon , some of the most unforgettable Amazon tours Ecuador has to offer.

Tour operators offer rafting excursions departing from Tena on rapids of all different levels , so even first-timers can get involved (me!). There are also safety kayaks that accompany rafters to ensure safety.

Raft Amazonia is one of the most well-known and respected rafting tour operators in Tena – they also organize other tours around Tena as well.

Many of the rafting excursions and tours can also be extended over a couple of days with additional jungle walks, and include basic lodge accommodations in the rainforest near Tena.

Tours like this one from Tena along the Napo River combine rafting and exploring the Amazon if you’re interested in both experiences.

best ecuador amazon tours

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Ecuador Amazon Lodges

There are plenty of Ecuador Amazon lodges that offer independent package stays that include all jungle tours and excursions as a part of the package . These are some of the most popular or well-known lodges in the best areas of the Amazon that offer their own tours.

Tapir Lodge Ecuador

Located in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve, Tapir Lodge is an excellent lodge for a mid-range travel budget , with some fantastic deals on rooms and jungle tour experiences.

Their 4-day excursions are quite affordable for being so in the deep Ecuador Amazon.

Tapir Lodge has been operating for nearly two decades and the guides know the area well, including having close relationships with the local Siona indigenous group , which makes for a great experience.

Napo Wildlife Center

The Napo Wildlife Center and the newer Napo Cultural Center are sister lodges within the Yasuní National Park and are considered some of the nicest and most luxurious places to stay within the Amazon in Ecuador.

Stays at the Napo Cultural Center are less expensive than those at the wildlife center and are closer to a local Kichwa indigenous community, which allows for excursions to visit this community.

These excursions are organized by the Añangu Kichwa community and benefit this community and are easily some of the best Amazon tours you’ll find anywhere.

Sacha Lodge

Sacha Lodge is another one of Ecuador’s finest eco-lodges in the Amazon, also located in Yasuní National Park . One interesting feature of Sacha Lodge is its elevated canopy walk, which allows visitors to walk above the treetops of the Ecuadorian jungle and enjoy the view of the Amazon from above.

The most popular stays at Sacha Lodge are the 4-day, 3-night stays , which include all of the most important sights in and around Sacha’s private 5,000-acre nature reserve.

carley rojas avila

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila is a bilingual New York-based travel writer, editor, content marketer, and the founder of the digital travel publications Explorers Away and Home to Havana. Carley is an expert on all things Latin America, the Caribbean, and Cuba, having lived and worked in four different countries in the region. Her writing has appeared on the Associated Press wires and in Travel + Leisure, Yahoo, MSN, Euronews, The Weather Channel, and more. When she's not writing about her travels, find her front row at a Bad Bunny concert, befriending street cats, and taste-testing every pizza in Havana.

Alajode Travel Blog

The Best Amazon Tours From Quito + How To Choose Your Ecuador Jungle Tour

Visiting the Amazon rainforest is a bucket list dream for many – and dreamy it is!

Here’s how to plan your trip to the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador and the best Ecuador Amazon tours.

If you’re planning a trip to the Amazon rainforest, there’s a good chance you’ll start your Ecuador trip in Quito. And Quito is one of the best starting points for visiting the Amazon.

Not only is the Amazon in Ecuador one of the most accessible ways in, but it also offers a more varied trip. 

As well as welcoming flights from all over the world, Quito is a vibrant capital city with plenty to do on either side of your jungle adventure.

Booking an Amazon tour from Quito is fairly easy, too.

While the Amazon’s remoteness doesn’t exactly make it one of the easiest places on Earth to travel, Quito is one of the easier destinations to travel from.

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Where to go in the Amazon

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Every Amazon tour is a little different, so it’s a good idea to understand your options before you book.

From areas to visit to accommodation styles, every tour will give you a different experience. 

Here’s what to keep in mind when choosing your Amazon tour.

If you’re visiting the Amazon in Ecuador, you have two choices of where to go: the Cuyabeno Reserve or Yasuni National Park. 

Both are about the same in terms of travel times from Quito, so it really comes down to personal preference. 

Many travellers say that Yasuni feels more untouched – which may be a positive or negative, depending on what you’re looking for!

On the one hand, it allows you to switch off entirely. On the other, though, photographers and people who need to charge electronics may struggle in Yasuni.


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Accommodation in Cuyabeno also tends to be a little nicer.

Don’t get me wrong – you won’t find anything close to a 5-star hotel in either park. But the lodges in Cuyabeno are as comfortable as they come (but still very, very rustic!). 

If you want a more comfortable experience where you still get close to nature, choose Cuyabeno.

If you want to feel completely absorbed in nature and forget modern life entirely, you might prefer Yunasi. 

A riverside hammock at Green Forest Ecolodge in cuyabeno, Ecuador

There are two main seasons in the Ecuadorian Amazon: wet and dry. The latter runs from December to March, while the latter covers the rest of the year. 

Again, there are advantages and disadvantages to visiting the Amazon in both seasons. 

Both seasons are hot and humid, but the dry season tends to be a little cooler.

More land is visible during this time, which means it’s easier to spot land wildlife, but it may be harder to see other animals. It’s also the best time to avoid mosquitoes since there will be fewer during this time.

TRAVEL TIP : Pack lots of good quality insect repellent – like this one – anyway! Mosquitoes exist all year round, as do many other bugs and spiders.

If you want to see as much of the wildlife as possible, the wet, warm season from March to July is probably your best bet.

Just be prepared for thunder showers during these months. While they happen all year round – it is the rainforest, after all! – you can expect more rain around April. A lightweight rain jacket is a must-have at all times of year.

Before you jet off on your dream Amazon trip, don’t forget to take care of the boring bits (sorry!). 

Some travel vaccinations need to be given well in advance, so check with your doctor to make sure you have everything you need. If you don’t, get them as soon as possible.

According to the NHS website , vaccinations you may need include Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Rabies and more. Your doctor may also recommend anti-malaria tablets, depending on the length of your trip.

The Amazon is a very unique environment, so you’ll want to make sure your travel insurance covers you too. 

I use and recommend Heymondo .

Their coverage is much more comprehensive than most and they will cover activities, circumstances and people that other policies won’t.

As a partner of Alajode, they’re offering 5% extra off for my readers. Click here to find out more, get an instant quote and save even more!

Amazon rainforest kingfisher in the Cuyabeno Reserve

Most Amazon tours from Quito last 3-5 days, ending back in Ecuador’s capital. 

I would say 3 nights is enough to immerse yourself in jungle life and give yourself the chance to see a whole load of wildlife. 

The one exception, perhaps, is if you’re a photographer.

If you’re hoping to find or photograph a particular animal , give yourself as much time as you can. Some days can be a total wipe out, while on others you see three anacondas in a row (true story!).

If you’re continuing your Ecuador travels after the Amazon, 3 nights in the rainforest is more than enough. If you’re spending 2 weeks in Ecu a dor , it’s the perfect amount.

One of the best things about any type of safari is that every day is different. An Amazon safari is no different. 

A typical day on an Amazon tour can be packed with as much (or as little) adventure as you like.

As well as the standard river safaris, which usually last around 3 hours, you’ll have a chance to go on walking safaris, explore hiking trails, swim in the Amazon river and even go on a night walk. 

Most days in the Amazon begin early to give you best chance at spotting wildlife. Breakfast will usually be served at around 7am and followed by a morning river safari. 

After a filling lunch back at your lodge, you might embark on another river safari or head out by foot. If you want a more relaxing break, many of the lodges have hammocks, relaxation areas or viewpoints to enjoy nature from.

If there’s something in particular that you’d like to experience, make sure you choose a tour that includes it (or offers it as an extra).

A motorised canoe tour in the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador

The best Amazon tours from Quito

Now you know what to look for in your Amazon tour, here are some of the best ones.

The most popular way to visit the Amazon from Quito is on a 4-day trip. 

This 4-day / 3-night jungle trip will take you to the Cuyabeno Reserve. There, you’ll spend every night in one of the premium lodges, providing a completely immersive experience. 

As well as exploring the rainforest by both motorised canoe and on foot, you’ll have the chance to visit one of the small, local communities. This unique visit will give you a glimpse into the lives of those who still live in Ecuador’s rainforest.

You’ll also get to try some local treats, such as kassava bread, while you’re there!

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most peaceful places in the world. With limited electricity and very little human life, it’s one of the best places in the world to switch off. 

If you want a truly unique experience, choose an Amazon tour that includes stand up paddle boarding. You’ll experience the stillness and peacefulness in a whole new way. 

This 4-day tour to the Cuyabeno Reserve includes several opportunities to explore the Amazon by SUP. There are plenty of hikes and canoe safaris to break up the adventure, too, offering an active yet relaxing way to experience the Amazon in Ecuador.

An anaconda in the Amazon

If you want to see the Amazon in a more adventurous way, choose a camping trip. 

This 5-day Amazon tour includes 4 nights at the Amazon Explorer Campsite, where you’ll be completely disconnected from city life. 

During the daytime, you’ll explore the surrounding rainforest by kayak, canoe and on foot. You’ll go in search of the largest snake in the world, the anaconda, and visit the parrot clay lick to see a large concentration of parrots, macaws and other local bird life. 

On the penultimate day, there will also be chance to visit a local Kichwa community. Before the visit, you’ll get to hike in the rainforest and see local medicinal plants. 

If sustainability is always front of mind when you travel, it’s no surprise you’ve chosen Ecuador! As well as being one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world , it’s also leading in the ecotourism space. 

With Ecuador’s strict eco initiatives, you’ll hardly have to think about the impact your trip is having. But if you want to go even further, this unique tour visits some of the region’s sustainable community projects.

You’ll also get the full Amazon experience, too, with plenty of time to spot and learn about the wildlife.

A Kichwa woman making kassava bread in an Amazon community

Have a little longer in Ecuador? There’s plenty more to see! 

If a few days of wildlife isn’t enough, here are some longer and additional wildlife tours in Ecuador to consider. 

If you want to spend longer in the Amazon… Try a longer trip, such as this unique 8-day jungle adventure .

You’ll have even more time to enjoy the rainforest and even more opportunities to spot wildlife. With 8 days and plenty of community interaction, you’ll be one with the jungle in no time and come back with a fresh perspective and newfound sense of calm.

If you want maximum wildlife in one tour… This nature-centric tour has the perfect Ecuador itinerary for wildlife lovers. It does everything in the perfect order, too!

After spending three nights in the Amazon, you’ll head back to Quito and fly on to the Galapagos (so make sure you pack for both !).

You’ll then have five jam-packed days in the Galapagos to soak up of the local wildlife here. 

If you want to add on the Galapagos… Add this 7-day Galapagos cruise.  

Once you travel back from the Amazon to Quito, spend a night in the capital before hopping on a flight.

On this 7-day cruise, you’ll get to see all of the best places in the Galapagos. Isla Espanola, with its abundance of sea lions, iguanas and hawks, is sure to be a highlight!

A cayman in the Amazon jungle in Ecuador at night

Still got questions about visiting the Amazon in Ecuador?

These are some of the most frequently asked questions about planning an Ecuador Amazon trip. 

The Amazon rainforest covers nine countries, and each offers a different experience. While there’s no one size fits all best place to visit the Amazon, Ecuador is one of the easiest. 

As well as having plenty of Amazon tours to choose from, Ecuador’s rainforest is relatively accessible. It is well serviced, with comfortable accommodation, yet still maintains its ecotourism credentials.

Add in the possibility to visit the country’s many other unique sights, and Ecuador is a great country for visiting the Amazon rainforest. 

The Amazon is full of dangerous animals, but few of them have any interest in humans. Anacondas, jaguars, frogs and caimans all pose threats to other wildlife, but it’s very rare that they attack humans. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be cautious. You will have a guide with you at all times while visiting the Amazon, so make sure you do as they say. 

Perhaps the biggest danger to humans in the Amazon is the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes in the Amazon can carry diseases such as malaria and yellow, so make sure you take the necessary precautions. At the very least, pack a good bottle of strong insect repellent . 

The land covered by the Amazon jungle in Ecuador represents 80% of the country’s forested land. That’s a pretty big amount!

Although the Amazon rainforest covers such a large part of Ecuador, the Ecuadorian Amazon contains only 2% of the Amazon basin. 

Compared with the other countries covered by the Amazon, Ecuador’s land is on the lower side of things. Just over a quarter of the land mass in Ecuador is covered by the Amazon.  

The Amazon Basin in Ecuador covers six provinces: Morona-Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Sucumbíos, and Zamora Chinchipe. They are all situated in the east of Ecuador, bordering Peru and Colombia.

So, now you know what to look for in a tour of the Amazon in Ecuador, all that’s left is to book! 

The Amazon is a truly magical place and any tour there is sure to be thrilling and relaxing all at once. 

If you can, spend a little longer in Ecuador and explore more of this beautiful country. This 2-week Ecuador itinerary covers all the most unique spots.

If you love wildlife, the Galapagos are another must-visit and an entirely different experience. 

RELATED READ: How to spend 3 nights in an Amazon lodge in Iquitos, Peru.

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About Jodie Marie Dewberry

Jodie has been travelling the world full time since 2017, sharing the most unique places in the world along with tips for living as a digital nomad. She is a passionate wildlife photographer and has worked with a number of prominent travel brands, including airlines, tourism boards, hotels and tour operators.

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best ecuador amazon tours

Check Availability of La Selva Amazon Lodge Here

La selva amazon eco-lodge, the spirit of the rainforest.

Located within Ecuador’s Yasuní Biosphere Reserve and on the borders of the famous Yasuní National Park — one of the most biodiverse areas of the planet — La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat was among the first Amazon rainforest lodges in Ecuador and today is still regarded as the premier eco lodge in Ecuador’s Amazon basin.

Uniquely located on the shores of stunning Lake Garzacocha, a full 70 km into the rainforest from the nearest urban center, the lodge is a veritable cocoon of comfort and luxury, offering breathtaking views of the incredible life in the Amazon from wherever you are.

La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat is Golden Experiences & Travel’s latest acquisition, marking its expansion across the four regions of Ecuador as a full-service luxury travel company.

The impeccable reputation of Golden’s products, our commitment to excellence, and our profound understanding of the needs of the luxury sector ensures that our guests enjoy enchanting, distinctive and redefined products and adventures in the most remote and privileged places on our planet.

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A Sustainable Lodge

With premium confort.

Caring for rainforest wildlife species is one of the pillars of Golden Sustainability, our multi-faceted sustainability program that we channel our efforts through to care for the delicate ecosystem and pristine reserve where the Lodge is located. La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat is signed its commitment to carbon neutrality, joining our sister company Golden Galapagos in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the Amazon rainforest for future generations to cherish.


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Wellness and Spiritual

Our remote location and specialized spa services create a heightened sense of relaxation and connection with the unique wonders of the forest.

Enjoy our yoga sessions with expert teachers, having an invigorating select spa treatment after of day of wonder, or simply relaxing to the incredible symphony of nature in the heart of the Amazon.

Disconnect from the outside world and connect with spirit of the amazon jungle with our ceremonies and spiritual packages overlooking the waters and energy of the lake…


Epicure Cuisine

Amazon flavors and sensations.

Overlooking the glassy waters of Lake Garzacocha, our main lodge and restaurant will become your favorite place to spot birds and other wildlife, exchange stories with other guests or simply relax, cocktail in hand, before enjoying the dishes prepared by our passionate team of talented chefs, a gastronomic experience to remember: international cuisine coupled with the finest Ecuadorian ingredients and influences.

Staterooms in the Jungle

Premium and genuine hospitality.

La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat offers 16 spacious luxury suites, three scenic premium rooms overlooking the lake, and four sumptuous family staterooms. Our luxury suites and premium rooms have rainforest showers and private balconies, while the family staterooms have extra-large bathrooms, hammock, and large decks equipped with hot tubs.

The design of the lodge is inspired by the architecture native to the area, and the soaring ceilings and unique layout of the rooms and the lodge help to keep everything cool, even when the renowned Amazon sun is at its hottest.

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Connect with Magic Wildlife

Deep in the amazon.

From your base at La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat, set out to explore Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest and its people, accompanied by our English-speaking naturalist guides and indigenous guides, whether paddling by canoe, kayaking on the lake, walking along trails, birdwatching or seeking out incredible wildlife encounters, enjoying fascinating night walks to discover rare nocturnal species, climbing canopy towers and visiting native communities.

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Promotions & Combinations

Enjoy special offers.

Be sure to check out our special promotions for Amazon rainforest tours, as well as the option to combine your journey to our Amazon ecolodge with a cruise to view the fabled wildlife of the Galapagos Islands or a chance to discover the wonders of Peru.

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Ecuador Amazon Highlights

Enjoy unique experiences.

Deep within the Amazon rainforest lies La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat, an extraordinary destination that immerses guests in the wonders of nature.

Towering trees, vibrant foliage, and captivating sounds of birds surround you. Guided by an experienced team, explore the jungle’s marvels through treks, canoe rides, and wildlife encounters. Witness the astonishing biodiversity and raw beauty of the Amazon, forging lasting connections with nature all while being responsible with the environment. Memories of this extraordinary experience will linger with you beyond your departure!

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife Viewing

You don-t have to be an expert! With the help of our specialist naturalist and native guides, you’ll soon be spotting parrots, monkeys, toucans, caimans, frogs and much, much more.

Birding at La Selva

Birding at La Selva

Bird life is exceptionally diverse at La Selva and one of the highlights of our Amazon ecolodge — even if you’re not a serious birder, you’ll soon become a bird-lover of some of our 600+ species.

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism

We believe in responsible tourism and are proud of the mutually-beneficial relationships we have created with local communities. Interact with local wildlife as well as local people in a sustainable way.

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Winner of South America’s Leading Eco-lodge at World Travel Awards 2024

La Selva Eco Lodge & Retreat has proudly achieved the coveted 2024 World Travel Award, a reflection of its extraordinary […]

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Romantic experiences in the Amazon Rainforest

Experience an extraordinary adventure where you can rekindle your love in a stunning jungle paradise. La Selva Ecolodge and Retreat, […]

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La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat is a paradise of natural beauty and cultural richness

How to get the most out of a trip to the Ecuadorian Amazon

Bailey Freeman

Apr 15, 2023 • 5 min read

best ecuador amazon tours

One of the world’s most extraordinarily diverse environments, the Ecuadorian Amazon offers white-water rafting, bird watching, forest walks and more © Bailey Freeman / Lonely Planet

In Lonely Plan-It, we take you step by step through how we put together some of the most complicated travel adventures – so you can recreate them yourself with ease. Here, Bailey Freeman shares the steps to planning an incredible adventure to the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Despite its small size, Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse places on the entire planet – and a visit to its Amazon region is the feather in the cap of any person who wants to see the natural world at its most astonishing.

I visited the Ecuadorian Amazon – also known in-country as the Oriente – for my work as a travel writer and was pleasantly surprised how accessible the region was for travelers. Still, there are still several things to keep in mind as you plan your trip. 

Here’s our guide to planning the perfect visit to the Ecuadorian Amazon, an incredible place of cultural and environmental beauty. 

People birdwatch from a tower in the Amazon Rainforest.

Step 1: Decide what activity you want to do

Plan your route around what interests you the most. 

The Amazon is home to a wealth of adventure: white-water rafting, wildlife watching, forest walks and more. It’s best to decide on your main priorities prior to your arrival, as different access points offer different experiences. 

If you’d like to marvel at the biodiversity of Ecuador’s famous Parque Nacional Yasuní , the town of Coca will be your starting point. Want to go rafting on tributaries to the mighty Amazon River? Start in Tena or Macas instead. Visiting the hot springs at Baños and want to tack on some Amazon adventure? Puyo would be a good place to put on your radar.

Passengers in a traditional canoe along the rivers of the Amazon River Basin inside Yasuní National Park, Ecuador, South America

Step 2: Choose a home base 

Whether you choose a jungle lodge or a hostel, adventure awaits. 

Accessing the edge of the Amazon in Ecuador is pretty easy, as roads are well maintained and Amazon travel hub towns aren’t too far from Quito . But things get a bit more complicated once you start to head deeper into the forest. If you’re looking for convenience, we recommend choosing a jungle lodge that can serve as an all-in-one adventure coordinator. These atmospheric hotels offer transport to their location, meals and tours, often specializing in experiences unique to their region of forest. For example, I crashed at the Cabañas San Isidro , a launchpad hugely popular with birders. Other great options are Achuar-owned Kapawi Lodge and the Añangu-owned Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge .

If you don’t have the budget for a full lodge experience, don’t worry: you can opt for a wallet-friendly hostel or hotel in towns like Tena and Coca and book individual operators offering experiences à la carte. You’ll have to plan a few more logistics yourself, but you’ll still get to experience the majesty of the Amazon. 

View of the Pastaza River from the Indichuris viewpoint in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Ecuador, South America

Step 3: Pick the right time of year to go

Find what works best for you, but expect some rain. 

Due to its location along the equator, Ecuador doesn’t really experience substantial swings in weather with the seasons. That said, some months in the rainforest are wetter than others, so it doesn’t hurt to look at the calendar before you hit the road.

The Amazon experiences a rainy season February through September. While the sogginess may put off some travelers, more rain means better waterway navigability, more spottings of water-loving creatures and cooler temperatures. The cons? The potential for washed-out trails and more mosquitos. The term “dry season” is relative as rain is still common – yet the period from October through January does provide some relief from the moisture (and mosquitos), more access to hiking paths and warmer temperatures. 

Step 4: Pack smart

You'll need proper gear for exploring this region. 

In brief: pack for sun, rain and lots of bugs. In addition to staples like good (waterproof) hiking boots, water/adventure sandals and bug spray, we also recommend breathable long-sleeve shirts and long pants: you may be a bit hot, but it’s better than being a walking buffet for biting bugs. You’re going to want to protect your belongings from rain and a potential tumble into the Amazon’s rivers, so a dry bag for electronics or a waterproof daypack will come in extremely handy. Finally – and we can’t emphasize this enough – slather on the sunscreen. Ecuador sits at the equator, the part of the Earth that receives the most intense sun exposure, so those who are prone to sunburning will need to apply hourly. Pick an eco-safe and water-resistant option. 

Step 5: Be respectful

There are many ways to help protect this incredible place. 

The Amazon is one of our planet’s biggest treasures, so visiting with respect is absolutely essential. On the environmental side, make sure you pack out any and all trash, and opt for eco-safe bug spray and sunscreen options. While on your nature walks, remember to look around for – but never touch – all the incredible plants and animals you’ll encounter. 

The Amazon is also home to thousands of Indigenous communities, some of which work with tourism projects throughout the region. When you visit, they are your hosts. While every group is different and we can’t speak for them, here are a few general guidelines. Don’t take pictures of anyone unless permission is given to do so, especially children. Be kind and respectful about the elements of their culture they share with you, and be sure to support their communities in the ways they request (in particular, don’t bring “‘donations” like toys or toiletries unless specifically asked to). 

If I could do it all again…

I’d slow down . While it’s tempting to hop from activity to activity, half the magic is spending time in such a storied and ecologically essential place. Include some time for unhurried wanderings or hammock naps. You won’t regret it. 

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Ecuador jungle - rainforest lodges, cuyabeno amazon.

Rainforest Tours Ecuador, Best Amazon Tours Ecuador, Jungle Tours, Honeymoons, Canoeing, Camping Trips and Expeditions!

Imagine Ecuador is the indisputable leader when it comes to Amazon Tours in the Cuyabeno Reserve. No other agency can compete because our general manager grew up in the Amazon, and spent 10 years working as a naturalist guide in the Cuyabeno Reserve. With his wealth of experience and knowledge, Imagine Ecuador is able to provide precise and concise information unavailable at other agencies. Additionally, we have the best guides, promotions, and last minute deals, making us the best choice for booking your Amazon tour!

The Cuyabeno Reserve is one of the most amazing place to see in the Amazon: jungle walks, biodiversity, birdwatching, shamanism and indigenous culture is just something what you can experience out here!

The accommodation can be in different jungle lodges in the Cuyabeno Reserve, these offer huts with single, double, triple, familiar and matrimonial rooms, all of which are equipped with a private bathroom, and offer hot and cold water. Electricity for recharging electronic devices is generated by eco-friendly solar panels and accessible in the common areas. Altogether, it is a simple, yet attractive accommodation. Apart from these budget lodges, there are also accommodations available that are more luxurious.

best ecuador amazon tours

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  • Cuyabeno Lodge

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  • Nicky Lodge

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  • Piranha Ecolodge

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  • Siona Lodge

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  • Tapir Lodge

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  • Green Forest Lodge


Mesa de trabajo 13


  • La Selva Jungle Lodge
  • Napo Wildlife Center
  • Sacha Lodge
  • Napo Cultural Center
  • Yacuma Ecolodge
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Années de Pèlerinage - The luxury & culture travel blog

The perfect amazon rainforest tour from Quito, Ecuador

What to expect from a trip to the amazon rainforest from quito, ecuador, and which jungle lodge is the best..

Ecuador is an amazing country for wildlife lovers. Most people will instantly connect Brasil with the Amazon Rainforest, but the largest habitat on this planet is bigger than just one country. Ecuador has access to the upper regions of the Amazon river and it is here the highest biodiversity on this planet can be registered. It’s a trip of a lifetime, but certainly not a cheap one. So for all those people searching for the “best Ecuador Amazon tour” I felt like sharing my personal experiences in the rainforest, which are the best national parks in Ecuador and if it’s worth it (yes!!!).

Seen on an Ecuador Amazon tour: A giant mahagony tree on the banks of the Nappo river near the Yasuni National park

It is my honest opinion that no trip to Ecuador is complete without a visit to the Amazon rainforest. There are few places on earth more fascinating and it’s certainly (and sadly) one of the few last remaining frontiers . Above all, it’s a place to observe wildlife in an unprecedented variety and get in contact with the indigenous people of the Amazon basin.

1. Best choice: Tour to Yasuni National Park in Ecuador

The tapir looking straight into my camera at the yasuni national park ecuador

As you are probably preparing a trip to Ecuador, you are looking for the best National Park in Ecuador and the best place to observe the fabled wildlife . Not an easy question, as there are a couple of nature reserves in Ecuador, but not all of them are equality suited. Sadly, mining operations (especially oil) and other commercial interests lead to deforestation and a general decline in the biodiversity – especially around the more populated parts of the Upper Amazon.

smallest monkey in the world sitting on a branch in ecuador amazon rainforest tour

In my humble opinion, the Yasuni National Park is the best place for demanding tourists to get in contact with the fascinating world of the Amazon rainforest. It covers the largest area, it’s home to the best lodges and also the place with the least human interference in the past years. But it’s also one of the hardest to reach (at least the good lodges).

Three howler monkeys sitting on a palm tree in the amazon rainforest in Ecuador

Yasuni is a wonderful combination of b(l)ack water areas and jungle trails and has two famous clay clicks (at the Nappo wildlife center). There are a couple of impressive observation towers for bird lovers and some lodges even have their own canopy walks. You can also do a day trip to the Panacocha lagoon where it is possible to see Pink River Dolphins.

Animals you could observe:  (Jaguar, Puma, Tapir, Anteater), all 5 species of monkeys, sloths lots of parrots & parakeets, Pink River Dolphins, caimans, otters, anacondas, toucans, harpy eagles and lots of insects, snakes, frogs, and lizards.

How to get there: The only possible way to get to Yasuni National Parks is via airplane to the small town of Coca. From there you have to take a canoe down the Napo River for around 3 hours (depending on your lodge).

PRO: Possible to see the big mammals, many very good lodges CON: Harder to reach and expensive lodges, lots of oil exploration on the outskirts

2. The Cuyabeno National Park

A amazon tour to the Pannacocha lagoon in Eucador

The area around Cuaybeno National Park is often flooded, making the canoe the prime mode of travel. As such, it is so much easier to spot all the wildlife living close to the shore . BUT: There is also a peccary clay lick, where wild forest pigs will show up each morning, though other mammals make infrequent visits here as well.

A tiny possom sitting on a branch in the amazon rainforest in Ecuador

Either way. Cuyabeno is distinctively different from Yasuni, where you won’t find as many permanent lakes (like the Laguna Grande). If you are into bird watching, picking Cuayabeno is probably the better choice , as you will be able to observe Hoatzines, macaws, parrots, parakeets, toucans, herons and so much more directly from your boat.

A beautiful green lagoon in the Yasuni national park in Ecuador

Generally speaking, Cuyabeno National Park is a little less well-developed than Yasuni National Park – but obviously, that coin has two sides. It really boils down to your budget and preferences. Most lodges tend to be rather close to Nueva Loja, and are thus quite easy to reach.

How to get there: Take the plane from Quito to Lago Agrio. Most lodges are located in the surrounding area and you’ll proceed by car or canoe. But from Quito (Quitumbe bus terminal) takes 8 hours and there are even night buses.

Animals you could observe:  (Jaguar, Puma, Tapir, Anteater), most monkeys, lots of parrots & parakeets, pink river dolphins, Manatees, caimans, otters, anacondas, toucans, harpy eagles and lots of insects, frogs, snakes, and lizards.

PRO:  Fairly easy to reach, excellent for bird watching and canoeing CON: less chance to see big mammals and do jungle trails

Tena is more or less the very origin of the Amazon river and it’s mighty Napo River branch. As such, the area is distinctly different from the Yasuni National Park or Cuyabeno . It is not a National Park and you should not expect to see undisturbed nature and pristine primary rainforest.

But as some people feel less inclined to visit the far reaches of the planet, where insects, snakes and other crawly things are abundant Tena can be a good alternative. You won’t be able to see the kind of animal variety as in Cayabeno or Yasuni, but it’s still possible to see amazing birds, monkeys and get a general feeling of the Amazon Rainforest.

A canoe tour through the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador

As the area around Tena is a lot more civilized, o utdoor adventures such river tubing,  rafting or even hiking (e.g. the Sumaco Volcano) is possible. There is also a museum and local community (quite touristy though) you could visit.

Animals you could observe: The animal Rescue center “AmazOOnico” is very close. There you can see most of the big animals (such as Tapir, etc), as spotting them in the dense forests around Tena will be difficult. Still, Howler Monkeys or Squirrel Monkeys and the occasional parakeet are observable.

How to get there:  Tena is by far the closest to Quito and accessible by car or bus. Expect 4-5 hours as you have to cross the mountains.

PRO: Rather cheap to reach & cheap lodges CON: Fewer animals, doesn’t have the true deep jungle feeling

4. Kapawi Lodge

A monkey sitting on a branch in the amazon rainforest in Ecuador

Probably the most authentic experience you could possibly have in Ecuador is the Kapawi Lodge. It’s not located in a National Park, but that shouldn’t put you off. It is run by the Achuar community in the very Southwest of Ecuador very close to the Peruvian border – right in the middle of nowhere.

A pink river dolphin quickly surfacing to breath air - picture by Allen Sheffield

The only feasible way to reach it is via small aircraft (4-6 passengers), which tells a lot about the flora and fauna you will be able to see in the pristine primary forest surrounding the lodge. As the property is run by the Achuar people, you get, by default, in contact with their traditional lifestyle. A very good alternative for those who really want to go off the beaten tracks.

Animals you could observe:  Jaguar, Puma, Tapir, most monkeys, lots of parrots & parakeets, pink river dolphins, caimans, otters, anacondas, toucans, harpy eagles and lots of insects, frogs, snakes, and lizards.

PRO: As deep in the jungle as you can get; Local community project owned by locals Con: Almost impossible to reach, rather rustic, despite its price.

3: Amazon day trip from Quito: Is it possible?

Me on an a tour through the amazon rainforest in Ecuador

The Cayambe Coca Ecological Reserve is only a 100 kilometers from Quito while getting to the Yasuni National Park will take a full day and cost considerably more. It is quite possible to get to Cayambe Coca on a day trip from Quito – but it’s certainly not the Amazon rainforest or anything. It’s an amazing national park, but probably not what you are looking for.

Tena would be the closest destination from Quito (only 200 kilometers away), but don’t expect a highway. You’d be spending the day on the road with an hour or two to explore the jungle.

It’s sadly not feasible to go on Amazon day trip from Quito. It takes too long to get there and seeing the wildlife takes time and preparation. Sorry :(

5-day tour or 3-day tour to the Amazon Rainforest?

The mighty Amazon river in Ecuador

Most lodges offer different tours and you could possibly even spend two weeks (money permitting) and really get intimate with the jungle. That being said five and three day Amazon tours are the most common, though I strongly recommend staying at least five days.

Why? First of all, it takes quite a while to reach most lodges. On a 3-day tour that usually leaves one full day to explore the Amazon rainforest. Depending on the weather, the season, the skill of your guide, the location of your lodge and sheer luck you may or may not be able to see the wildlife you have come to for. To put it quite simply: A five-day  tour will increase your odds to see anything meaningful by a thousand times .

The best Amazon Lodges in Ecuador

The La Selva lodge amazon tour in Ecuador

Note: I get commissions for purchases made through some of the links below.

So, what and where are the best Amazon Lodges in Ecuador? Though question, as it really depends on your budget and your expectations! Some people value comfort over the wildlife experience and vice versa. All of these lodges offer multi-day tours and all will have excellent ecologist and locals working towards one goal: An amazing wildlife experience for you. Either way, I tried to pick my favorite lodges. I also took the average rating on the most common booking sites as a second factor.

A luxury amazon lodge in the Yasuni National park in Ecuador

The La Selva Jungle Lodge is, without doubt, the best lodge in Amazon rainforest (at least in Ecuador). Why? First of all, it’s located in a very remote blackwater region of the Yasuni National Park. It takes a while to get there, but there are two clay licks nearby, an amazing lagoon right in front of your doorstep and a couple of observation towers in the close vicinity.

The hotel combines luxury (there is even a spa) with an ecological approach. It truly is one of a kind and I enjoyed my stay in a way hard to describe. The ecologist, the local guides, the rooms and the wildlife experiences were beyond amazing ( click here for prices & more information )

Sascha Lodge is not far away from La Selva and just as good. Where La Selva puts an emphasis on being in the middle of nowhere, the Sascha Lodge is a bit easier to reach but sports its own (quite gigantic) canopy walk.

A lovely mid-price lodge with excellent ratings would be Sani Lodge . The rooms are maybe not as luxurious as in the two lodges mentioned above, but the wildlife experience will be just as good.

The clay lick at the Nappo wildlife centre in Ecuador

Another beautiful luxury amazon tour option is the Napo Wildlife Center . They have two famous clay lick and their own canopy tower, though are a bit less remote and a bit more touristy.

If you’d rather choose Cuyabeno National Park, then the Nicky Lodge is where you would have to go. It combines the best location in the reserve with the highest tour and accommodation standards.

Cruise ship or Amazon Lodge?

A cruise ship on the amazon river in Ecuador

The Amazon is big enough for small river boat style cruise ships. But now you are probably wondering what’s better: going on a multi-day amazon cruise or staying at one of the many lodges? To tell you the truth, there is not much of a difference . You got the same chance to see the same animals and the comfort is more or less the same.

Me on a boat in the Pañacocha Lagoon in Ecuador looking out for pink river dolphins

Perhaps most importantly: You will be able to see very few animals from the boat itself, as you will have to stick to the deep waters of the bigger side arms. The boat will stop for similar excursions and won’t get you anywhere else, a river canoe from your lodge couldn’t.

It’s not more convenient either. If you want to go on a night walk (highly recommended, if a bit scary), you will have to leave your boat, just as you will have to leave it when you want to see about everything else living in the dense jungle.

The green canopy of trees and leaves on an amazon tour in ecuador

Now, I’m not saying that sitting in your cabin or on deck and watching the mighty Amazon pass by is not wonderful. You absolutely will see birds passing overhead and maybe even see pink river dolphins. But most lodges are located in very scenic places as well, and sitting on the veranda will award you with equal opportunities .

It really boils down to preferences, vacancies, and price. Most people prefer cruises, as there will be organized group tours. Fair point, but most Amazon lodges (if not all) offer full board and only organized tours as well. So, really pick what you feel the most comfortable with . If you are an avid cruiser, you might prefer the cruise and those who rather travel a bit more independently might want to pick a cruise.

One of the deciding factors might be if you travel on to Galapagos or not. The wonderful Galapagos Islands can only feasibly seen on a cruise ship and maybe picking a lodge (and thus some variety) will be a smart move. (Just in case you missed it: Check out my Galapagos guide here  & my review of the best Galapagos cruise ship here ).

Last thoughts on choosing the best Ecuador Amazon tour

Birding in the amazon rainforest in Ecuador

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most amazing places on this planet. Few places, if any, can compare in terms of the quality of the wildlife experience. But the Amazon rainforest is no zoo – big animals flee from humans and it’s not possible to step out of the aircraft and see a giant anteater. You will have to take a canoe deep into the forest and this takes time and money.

And even then, after you booked the best tour at the best lodge, there are no guarantees. There’s this one lucky guy who saw a jaguar, a tapir, all five kinds of monkeys and pink river dolphins on his first trip (that would be me *lol*) and then there are people who didn’t see a single of the big mammals in a week. There just are not guarantees – but you will always see something. Even the bountiful insects (think of the leaf-cutter ants), the frogs (so many shapes, so many colors) are amazing, as is the whole canopy forest and the many birds.

A traditional hut of the indigenous people in the amazon rainforest in Ecuador

Last but not least, there are the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest. Current research hints that there are still two (maybe three) uncontacted tribes in the Amazon rainforest. The word uncontacted already implies you are not allowed to visit them (though there are ways to learn all about them) – but there are many traditional communities. Personally speaking, I’m not a big fan of treating locals like a museum piece or a trophy for your picture album. But at the end of the day, you have to decide for yourself if that is something you like to experience.

I hope you liked my little guide to the best Ecuador Amazon tours. Got any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments below! And don’t forget to pin this to your Pinterest board.

The perfect Amazon tour from Quito in Ecuador. How to choose your tour through the Amazon rainforest and get the most bang for your buck. Cruise or lodge? Where to see the most animals and which national park is the best in Ecuador. Click for more #wildlife #ecuador #travel #amazon


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Norman, thanks for the article post.Really thank you! Great.

I really like your images and your comments about the Amazon

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Amazon Basin (Oriente Region) > Napo province

Amazon Basin (Oriente Region) > Sucumbios province

Amazon Basin (Oriente Region) > Orellana province

15 Beautiful places to visit in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Ecuador is a treasure trove for travel. Create your own adventure with our list of the top places to visit in the Ecuadorian Amazon. On your next trip to Ecuador, visit these places to have a blissful and thrilling experience!

Ecuador's Amazon, Oriente Region

Facts & Information

Language: spanish currency: us dollar, location: south america country: ‎ ecuador, main destinations: cuyabeno wildlife reserve, yasuni national park, provinces: morona-santiago, napo, orellana, pastaza, sucumbíos, zamora-chinchipe, average temperature: 72º-80º f (22º-26ºc) weather / climate, best destinations, tourist attractions, best destinations to visit.

Misahualli river, Tena, Napo. Amazonas. Ecuador

Cayambe Coca National Park

Llanganates National Park. Napo. Amazonas. Ecuador

Llanganates National Park

Yacuri National Park, Loja-Zamora. Andes. Ecuador

Yacuri National Park

Misahualli river, Tena, Napo. Amazonas. Ecuador

Puerto Francisco de Orellana (Coca)

Indichuris - Lookout point, Pastaza. Amazonas. Ecuador

San Rafael waterfall

Limoncocha Biological Reserve, Sucumbios. Amazonas. Ecuador

Limoncocha Biological Reserve

Papallacta, Napo. Amazonas. Ecuador

Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve

Yasuni National Park, Sucumbios. Amazonas. Ecuador

Yasuni National Park

Macas, Morona Santiago. Amazon. Ecuador

Nature Galapagos & Ecuador

Ecuador Amazon Tours & Jungle Lodges

Amazon Rainforest Trips

Ecuador Amazon Tours & Jungle Lodges

Ecuador Amazon Tours & Jungle Lodges will take you on a journey deep into the evergreen, pristine jungle. Additionally, check out these multiday jungle trips and explore the rich biodiversity of the most important protected areas in Ecuador: Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve and Yasuni National Park.

Amazon Jungle tours are carried out by lodges and eco-lodges that work closely with the local communities. Furthermore, most activities are planned on the spot to ensure the best experience. This selection includes what we consider the best jungle lodges in the Ecuador Amazon Jungle: Cuyabeno River Lodge, La Selva Jungle Lodge, Tapir Lodge, Napo Wildlife Center, Suchipakari Jungle Lodge, and the famous Manatee River Cruise, an innovative way to sail and explore the jungle. As a result, they all meet in the most diverse and incredible areas of the Ecuadorian Rainforest.

Experiences include daily excursion

Moreover, Ecuador Amazon Rainforest Lodges experiences include daily excursions in jungle trails, canoe rides, birding, wildlife observation, and close encounters with the local community. Ecuador Jungle tours can last for 3, 4, 5, or 7 days.

We have classified jungle tours according to the class of the Lodge to fit your preference and budget:

  • Premium Class Jungle Lodge 
  • Comfort Class Jungle Lodge
  • Budget Class Jungle Lodge

Check your options here and choose your ideal Ecuador Amazon Tour.

Premium Class Amazon Jungle Lodges

Premium jungle lodges are high-end lodges with superior instalations and gourmet style restaurants. The rooms and the social areas are spacious and have all the amenities allowed by the delicate rainforest ecosystem.

Sani Lodge

5, 6, 7 and 8 Day Tour | Sani Lodge near Yasuní Reserve

Ecuador amazon River Cruise

3, 4 and 7 Days Tour | Manatee Explorer Amazon River Cruise

Napo Wildlife Center 2

4 & 5 Day Tour | Napo Wildlife Center Lodge Yasuní

La Selva Jungle Lodge Trip

4 & 5 Days Tour | La Selva Jungle Lodge near Yasuní Reserve

– – –

Comfort Class Amazon Jungle Lodges

Comfort class jungle lodges are mid-range lodges and less expensive and luxurious than premium class lodges. The rooms and the social areas are standard size and have all the amenities allowed by the delicate rainforest ecosystem.

Tapir Lodge Cuyabeno Ecuador

4, 5 and 7 Day Tour | Tapir Lodge Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve

– –  

Budget Class Amazon Jungle Lodges

Budget jungle eco-lodges are economy lodges. The jungle experience is still be the same, as guides and operations are high-standard,but the amenities and rooms are budget-style and less spacious.  You will still get a private room and bathroom and all the amenities allowed by the delicate rainforest ecosystem.

Samona Lodge

5 Day Tour | Samona Jungle Lodge in Cuyabeno

4 day tour | samona jungle lodge in cuyabeno, 3 day tour | samona jungle lodge in cuyabeno.

Suchipakari Jungle Lodge Adventure

3, 4 and 5 Day Tours | Suchipakari Jungle Lodge in Napo

Cuyabeno River Lodge

4, 5 and 6 Days Tours | Cuyabeno River Lodge

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  • South America
  • The Best Amazon Tours In...

The Best Amazon Tours in Ecuador

Amazon rainforest

It can be overwhelming to even think about the lush, green, unknown vastness of the Amazon, let alone planning a trip there. How do you even begin to get to grips with this vast region, the lungs of planet Earth? Here are some of the best Amazon tours you can take in Ecuador .

Cuyabeno national park.

Paradoxically, Lago Agrio, the heart of Ecuador’s oil industry, is the gateway to one of the most remote places on earth. There are plenty of lodges to stay in and tours that you can take for a weekend or longer, depending on your needs. If you’d like to understand the impact of oil extraction on the natural world, starting out in Lago Agrio and booking a tour of Cuyabeno National Park (you can do this in the city’s downtown area) will give you a whole new way of seeing the Amazon.

Go Local: Sapara and Sarayaku Territory

The Sarayaku are one of the indigenous groups of Ecuador that have taken their fight against oil extraction practices in Ecuador to court. They are leading the fight to halt extraction in the area and keep oil in the ground. In order to reach Sarayaku territory, you need to start with a 30–40 minute aeroplane ride, followed by a long walk or a canoe ride, depending on exactly where you want to go.

The Sapara are one of the smallest indigenous groups, and their language is endangered. Gloria Ushigua is one of the activists fighting to preserve the group’s customs and language and to avoid oil extraction in their territory. You can stay with them, and arrange a tour with Manari, a tour guide and one of the local leaders. You can fly here from Puyo, a town about four hours from Quito. From Puyo, you can take a 30-minute aeroplane ride and then start your hike or canoe ride. You will be in the heart of the Amazon, and you will be part of the community you are visiting, eating with them and helping out in their activities. It’s a good idea to ask them for advice on what you need to bring with you.

Manari +593 958876553

Coca and Tiputini

By going to the town of Coca and then taking a seven-hour canoe ride, you can get to know the settlements and local communities of the area in a whole new way. If your curiosity to travel is fuelled by a desire to understand human cultures, this might be the best tour for you. On the canoe ride, you can see the impact of oil exploration in the area and on the communities you are visiting. A useful contact in the area is César Rodas, a naturalist guide in Nuevo Rocafuerte. He can help with finding tours and with accommodation options.

Another option is to stay at the new, community-operated Millay Lodge in Coca. The staff, part of the Cuyabeno community, can meet you at the port.

people cheering on a mountain

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All-Inclusive Lodges

If you decide to go for an all-inclusive lodge, you have several options. Kapawi Lodge is operated by the Achuar community deep in the Amazon. Napo Wildlife Center , on the other hand, is the place to go if you want to see as much nature and as many unique species of wildlife as you can. You will need to book direct with the lodges; they will also help you to arrange your travel.

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TourTheTropics.com | The Sacha Lodge Amazon Tour, Coca, Ecuador

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About The Sacha Lodge

The Sacha Lodge was founded in the 1970s when Swiss founder Benny visited Ecuador and started his first lodge on the Upper Napo River until civilization and residential development approached. To satisfy the thirst for adventure, another lodge was founded deep in Ecuador’s Amazon far away from development.

In 1992, the Sacha Lodge was completed, perched on the banks of the Pilchicocha Lake surrounded by incredible wildlife. In later years, a 5,000 acre private reserve was established surrounding the lodge to protect this incredible section of Amazon Rainforest.

The Sacha Lodge has become one of the leading tour operators in the rainforest. They consistently receive high praise from guests. And the lodge is regularly featured in international publications, including Forbes, Conde Nast Traveler, Lonely Planet, Vogue, NY Times, Boston Globe and Luxury Travel Magazine.

What's Next?

We hope you're already looking forward to your Sacha Lodge experience . Karina from The Sacha Lodge will send you your availability and booking information soon. Your tour advisor from TourTheTropics will then send you a follow-up to make sure you have received everything. For more information about The Sacha Lodge, please see below. And don't forget to check your junk folders over the next few days just in case.

Sacha Lodge

  • Founded: 1992
  • Offices In: Ecuador
  • Tour Types: Wildlife, Adventure
  • Notable Awards: Trip Advisor Travelers’ Choice 2022
  • Featured In: Forbes, Conde Nast Traveler, Lonely Planet, Vogue, NY Times, Boston Globe, Luxury Travel Magazine
  • Environmental: Private 5,000 acre reserve
  • Founded By: Benny (Swiss adventurer)
  • Sales Agents: Karina Cisneros

The Sacha Lodge Photo

The Sacha Lodge - Your request will be sent directly to the tour operator

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The Sacha Lodge Ecuador

The Sacha Lodge

Located in a 5000 acre private ecological reserve, Sacha Lodge provides a safe and comfortable base for you and your family to enjoy the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest.

– Jodi Plus

On our Sacha Lodge Amazon tour, explore the forest on rainforest walks, canoeing the lake, visiting the Yasuni parrot lick, and walking high in the trees on our 940-foot (275-meter) long canopy walkway. The walkway is a great place to spot some of the thousands of colorful birds.

As this is a private reserve, the wildlife is well protected. It’s not uncommon for different monkeys to even play on the boardwalk or cross through the canopy over your comfortable accommodation.

Enjoy delicious food with both restaurants available, the Sacha Lodge butterfly house, and miles of trails to show off the best areas of this incredible section of Amazonia.

  • Accommodation

- James Thornton

The Sacha Lodge was carefully constructed to blend in with the environment yet offer a little comfort in the rainforest. Sacha Lodge cabins are designed in a traditional style with thatched roofs and shaded terraces nestling in with the Amazon Rainforest.

Sacha Lodge has 26 rooms, including single, double and (upon request) triple accommodations. All bedrooms contain a private bathroom with flushing toilet and hot shower. The cabins are protected with insect netting and come with ceiling fans above two comfortable double beds to keep you comfortable on your stay. During free time, visitors often report seeing toucans, agoutis and monkeys from their own cabin.

Guests may also enjoy a raised lookout above our main bar and lounge, which offers a scenic view of Pilchicocha Lake and excellent opportunities to birdwatch.

Food & Drink

- Ron Thomas

Meals at Sacha Lodge are designed for international visitors with three buffets served each day offering a diversity of different food. We can cater to vegetarians and special diets can be accommodated with prior notice. And for those who would like a drink, our bar offers a wide variety of cocktails, liquors, wine and beer to enjoy after an active day

On your tour, you will explore the Amazon Rainforest with your group and naturalist guide. Enjoy finding and learning about the animals, plants and trees of Amazonia on forest walks, canoe tours, walks across our canopy walkway, and visits to the Yasuni clay lick.

One of the favored features of the lodge grounds is our 940-foot (275-meter) long canopy walkway, which stands 94 feet (30 meters) above the ground. Here you can explore the rainforest from a unique perspective and spot colorful birds of the canopy.

Another of our favored activities is a visit to the Yasuni parrot lick. This is an exposed area of clay where hundreds of parrots come to feed on the medicinal clay to help detoxify foods they have eaten in the forest.

In addition to the canopy walkway, you can also enjoy the 135 foot (43 meter) observation tower to see the rainforest from a different perspective. Built around a large kapok tree, the tower gives magnificent view of the surrounding area. You can see many different animals and birds, and a visiting ornithologist spotted 80 species in a single morning.

Of the incredible 1600 bird species registered in Ecuador, 587 (37%) have been seen at Sacha Lodge. That’s almost 7% of the species found in the entire world! If you have a particularly passionate interest in birds, we can offer our Sacha Lodge birdwatching program.

Getting To Sacha Lodge

The journey to Sacha Jungle Lodge begins in Quito, Ecuador’s capital city. From here, a 25-minute flight takes you over the Andes Mountains’ majestic snow-covered peaks and down over 8500 feet (2600 meters) into the Amazon Region. The flight destination is the port town of Puerto Francisco de Orellana, locally known as Coca, where you will be met by a bilingual guide and taken to a private dock. Here we will pause for a snack and to use the rest rooms before boarding our covered motorized canoe for a 2-hour, 50-mile (80-kilometer) trip down the sediment-rich waters of the Napo, the largest river in Ecuadorian Amazonia.

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Rates | 2024

4 Days / 3 Nights:

  • $ 1,690 Standard (Double Occupancy)
  • $ 2,028 Suite (Double Occupancy)
  • $ 2,197 Standard (Single Occupancy)
  • $ 2,636 Suite (Single Occupancy)

5 Days / 4 Nights:

  • $ 2,050 Standard (Double Occupancy)
  • $ 2,460 Suite (Double Occupancy)
  • $ 2,665 Standard (Single Occupancy)
  • $ 3,198 Suite (Single Occupancy)
  • Prices Per Person
  • Flight not available Sundays
  • Welcome Drink Water, tea and coffee in all meals
  • Aquatic transportation
  • Excursions with native and bilingual guides

Doesn't Include

  • Other alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks
  • $20.00 per person Parrot Lick entrance fee (paid locally)

Children under 12

  • 30% discount on lodge prices
  • 50% discount on airfare

Children under 5

Check availability.


Facilities: A/C, Floor to ceiling windows, High speed Wi-Fi for free, Private bathroom, Private terrace with hammock, Ceiling fan, Hot water, Windows screened against insects, Safe deposit box, 24 hour electricity, In-room 24-hour emergency contact button, Bathroom amenities, Glass bottled water, complimentary Hair dryer, Bed mosquito net (upon request),

Bed size: 2 full size beds

Room size: 36 m2

The Standard Cabins provide high ceilings and private terraces with hammocks. Each cabin is built in a traditional manner and blends with the surrounding rainforest. The cabins include single, double and (upon request) triple accommodation options. They offer a private bathroom with flushing toilet and hot shower. Each cabin contains ceiling fans and a/c above two comfortable double beds. There are 10 Matrimonial and 13 Double cabins.

Note: Family Cabins provided for families of 5 to 6 guests.


Bed size: king beds

Room size: 40 m2

The Suites offer 40 m2 of space and include a king bed and exclusive living room. They provide high ceilings and private terraces with hammocks. Each cabin is built in a traditional manner and blends with the surrounding rainforest. They offer a private bathroom with flushing toilet and hot shower. Each cabin contains ceiling fans and a/c. There are only 3 Suites as the most exclusive accommodation option.

You will be redirected to the reservation page shortly. Thank you for your patience.

Use the calendar below to select your preferred dates.

Minimum days stay 4

Select the number of rooms you wish to book

We are sorry, this accommodation is not available to book at the moment

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Jennie Wanders | Sustainable & Mindful Travel

Quito To Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve (Ecuador Amazon Rainforest)

Some links in this post contain affiliate links. I receive a small commission if you use the links at no extra cost to you! Happy reading 😀

Looking for the best ways to get from Quito to Cuyabeno?  You’re in the right place!  The Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve is one of the main areas to experience the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador,  and starting in the capital city of Quito is a common route for most backpackers!

This post outlines everything you need to know about getting from Quito to Cuyabeno , from safety concerns, journey times, prices, drop-off points and more.

And of course, I’m here to get you excited about your bucket list trip to the Amazon Rainforest !

So, let’s start and discuss  all the possible ways to travel from Quito to Cuyabeno!

Still got a question about the journey from Quito to Cuyabeno? Let me know over on  Instagram  or shoot me an email at jennie(@)jenniewanders.com!

🇪🇨 Other Ecuador posts:

  • Amazon Tours Ecuador: BEST Cuyabeno Trip From Quito
  • What To Wear In The Amazon Rainforest (That Isn’t Ugly)
  • Ecuador Itinerary 3 Weeks: FULL Route + Guide
  • Quito To Banos: FULL Guide + Route
  • Frog Concert Mindo: Just WHAT Is It? FULL Guide
  • Quito To Mindo: BEST And Easiest Routes

Want to see epic photos and videos from these experiences?

Follow me on Instagram! As we travel, I post everything live on Instagram, so check out my recent highlights and posts. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, drop me a DM!

Amazon Tours Ecuador

Quito To Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve: A Summary

The journey between Quito and Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve is roughly 250 miles (403 km).  It will take around 12-13 hours to drive directly between the two locations, depending on traffic, road conditions and mode of transport. 

The most popular way to travel between Quito and Cuyabeno is by tourist bus. This will be booked and organised for you by your tour company (ie Community Hostel ).

The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador is, of course, remote.  It takes a long time to travel from Quito to the area you’ll be staying in, so be sure to include this in your trip time!

Even when you reach the final destination on the bus (the Cuyabeno Bridge), you’ll have another 2-3 hour boat ride to reach your lodge. It’s a mammoth journey, but it’s worth it.

It’s important to note that you cannot visit this part of the Amazon without a guided tour. You need to ‘check in’ with your tour guide, and then board a motorboat down the river to your lodge. This would simply be impossible without a tour!

If you’re unsure about what tour to book or what it’s actually like to visit the Amazon Rainforest, be sure to check out my full Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve guide.

Amazon Tours Ecuador

1. Quito to Cuyabeno by bus (+ guided tour)

The most popular way to travel from Quito to Cuyabeno is by bus. Most backpackers will book an Amazon tour (like the one we did with Community Hostel), along with transportation to and from Quito.

The bus arrives in Quito around 11.30 pm – 12 am every night. It’s more of a coach than a bus (with wifi and comfortable seats), and will make multiple stops across the city to pick everyone up from their accommodation.

After about 45 minutes of pick-ups, you’ll start your journey to Cuyabeno from Quito. On average, it’s around a 12-13 hour drive, including stops. You’ll eventually (and it will feel like a lifetime, especially if you’re excited for the Amazon trip like we were) arrive at the Cuyabeno Bridge.

The Cuyabeno Bridge is already a few hours into Cuyabeno and is where you’ll transfer over to a canoe to make the remainder of your journey. Most lodges (including the Dolphin Lodge, where we stayed) are around a 2-hour canoe from the Cuyabeno Bridge.

The bus journey is fine. It feels quite long and can be a little twisty at points, but we all managed to get a few hours of sleep in. If you suffer badly from travel sickness, I recommend taking some tablets.

There are no toilets on the bus, but you make regular stops.  If you need the loo before a stop, don’t be afraid to ask the driver.

On the journey to Cuyabeno from Quito, you do not stop for lunch or meal times (due to it being overnight). But on the way back from Cuyabeno to Quito, you’ll have a traditional roadside Ecuadorian lunch (with limited veggie options).

If you stay at the Dolphin Lodge, they actually give you a packed lunch for the journey home (which was a lifesaver for someone like me who doesn’t eat meat!)

❗️ Remember; you need to have a guided tour to travel into the Amazon Rainforest . You cannot enter independently, and need a lodge to stay in! Not sure who to book with? Check out my post with all the information you’ll ever need; Amazon Tours Ecuador: BEST Cuyabeno Trip From Quito.

Amazon Tours Ecuador

How to organise and book a trip to the Amazon Rainforest from Quito

Firstly, I recommend doing an Amazon tour from Quito with  Community Hostel  and  Community Adventures.

For your first night in Quito, stay at  Community Hostel .  The hostel can then book the Amazon tour for you (or you can pre-book to ensure a space on the tour during peak times). You will then leave for the trip from Community Hostel.

You can also leave your big bag and expensive belongings at Community.  They have a locked storage room (which is totally safe) so you can pack a small day bag to take with you to the Amazon.

The bus also picks you up and drops you directly back at  Community Hostel . It makes your life a lot easier by staying there!

❗️HOW WE DID IT:  We booked a night at  Community Hostel  on Wednesday, travelled to Cuyabeno on Thursday, and returned to the hostel on a Monday night (where we stayed again).

➡ Book your  Community Hostel stay now!

For further details on how to book the Amazon tour, check out my post: Amazon Tours Ecuador: BEST Cuyabeno Trip From Quito.

Amazon Tours Ecuador

2. Quito to Cuyabeno by plane (+ guided tour)

A rarer (and more expensive) option to get from Quito to Cuyabeno is by plane. Note that this option still involves around 1-2 hours of driving from Lago Agrio.

If you’d like to fly to Cuyabeno from Quito, you will need to board a plane to Lago Agrio. At this moment in time, there are only two flights per day, operated by the company TAME (not available on Skyscanner ).

From Lago Agrio, you will meet your tour guide, and be taken to your Cuyabeno lodge. Expect at least 2 hours in a private transfer, and 2 hours on a motorboat to your accommodation.

If your flight lands in the evening, you may not be able to travel to your reservation in the Amazon on the same day. If this is the case, you will need to book accommodation to wait for your tour to begin. Your tour guide will be able to explain this to you upon booking.

Amazon Tours Ecuador

Where to stay in Quito for an Amazon tour

If you are doing an Amazon tour from Quito, stay at  Community Hostel .  The hostel can then book the Amazon tour for you.

You can view the hostel and their Amazon tours here.

Amazon Tours Ecuador

What to pack for Ecuador

Packing for Ecuador is similar to most Central/South American countries, although you need to pack some warmer clothes for locations like Quito.

Luckily for you, I’ve written an entire, lengthy blog post about what to pack for Ecuador ; from daily clothes to gadgets and tech, the right kind of backpack and things you may have forgotten. You can check out my full Ecuador packing list here!

Related post : What to wear in the Amazon Rainforest

Quito to Cuyabeno: FAQS

1) how do you get from quito to cuyabeno.

You can either get a bus or a plane from Quito to Cuyabeno. Most tourists and backpackers take the 12-13 hour nightly bus from Quito to Cuyabeno. From here, you will board a motorboat for 2-3 hours to your Amazon Rainforest Lodge.

2) How do I get to Cuyabeno Lodge?

All of the lodges require the journey to the Cuyabeno Bridge. From the bridge, you will board a motorboat to your lodge. Depending on where your lodge is, the journey from the Cuyabeno Bridge to your accommodation will take 2-3 hours.

Need help packing for the Amazon Rainforest? Check out my post: What To Wear In The Amazon Rainforest (That Isn’t Ugly)

3) Where is the best place to visit the Amazon in Ecuador?

The Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve is the best place to visit the Amazon in Ecuador.  With more than 604,000 hectares of rainforest, the Cuyabeno Reserve is full of lagoons, rivers, wildlife and stunning nature.

If you’re visiting for the first time, I recommend booking an organised Amazon tour with  Community Hostel . They take care of everything – from transport to rooms, activities to wellie boots –  it’s a trip anyone and everyone can take to one of the most special places on the planet.

Don’t forget travel insurance for South America!

If you’re visiting South America as a backpacker, or even for a short vacation, it is  so  important to have  travel insurance .   And  if you ended up on a post that’s called ‘epic party tips’, you know (just as well as I do) that you  definitely  need travel insurance.

Personally, I recommend  SafetyWing .  As a digital nomad and world traveller myself, I can confirm it is the best travel insurance out there. And one of the cheapest – they have deals that start at  just $42 USD per month.

I know, I know, you’re thinking  ‘but I can’t afford that!’ . I was the same! It’s tough to fork out $42 a month on something ‘you might not need’. But what if something DOES happen? That extra Mezcal shot results in you falling down the stairs, or you eat something dodgy from a street food van.

If you need medical help at  any point  whilst in South America,  you need  travel insurance.

With  SafetyWing , you’re covered on travel emergencies, basic medical costs and medical expenses throughout your trip, so you can travel without worry (at a backpacker’s price!)

Don’t even think twice about getting travel insurance for South America . Trust me, I have heard enough horror stories about backpackers who haven’t had insurance and have ended up in a  lot  of debt. Don’t be that person!

If you’ve been putting the job off because it takes a lot of time and effort to research the  best travel insurance companies , I understand. That’s why I’ve done the hard work for you. Sign up for  SafetyWing , and the job is done!

Safety wing

Quito To Cuyabeno: In a Nutshell

So, there you have it!  Everything you need to know about the ways to get from Quito to Cuyabeno! If you need more information about the Amazon tour, be sure to check out my full Cuyabeno guide.

 When you’re planning a trip to Ecuador, make sure you let me know over on  Instagram  or in the comments below!

If you haven’t seen my blog before, I write posts aimed at   real-life  travellers wanting authentic and down-to-earth information.   I’m currently travelling around the world with my boyfriend  (read more  here !), creating guides and itineraries for you to follow in our footsteps!

Keep an eye out for more Ecuador content,  all written from a personal and realistic point of view. You can sign up for my newsletter and juicy travel updates  here!

As always, thanks for reading and supporting the blog!

Happy travelling 🙂

  • Quito to Mindo: Full Travel Route
  • Frog Concert Mindo: WHAT Is It?!
  • Quito to Banos: Full Travel Route + Guide


Jennie Wanders Avatar

Hi! I'm Jennie! As a part-time travel blogger based in London, I'm using my 10+ years of travel expertise to encourage & inspire you to step out of your comfort zone through sustainable, mindful and purposeful travel.

If I'm not writing, I'm either reading, drinking coffee or taking a wild swim (all at the same time if I'm feeling impressive).

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September Sale   Book now for   up to 60% off!

QUITO to SANTIAGO (53 days) Andes & Amazon

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  • Overland Truck
  • Fully Guided
  • Sightseeing

Places You’ll See


  • 3 nights exploring the Amazon Jungle - taking guided walks and view the exotic wildlife by land or river
  • Relax in the thermal baths in the spa town of Banos or hike the nearby mountain trails by foot or horseback
  • A boat trip to the Ballestas Islands which are bursting with exotic and rare marine wildlife
  • Take a flight over the huge figures and shapes carved into the stony desert, known as the Nazca Lines
  • View the majestic condors, which can be seen circling lazily on the thermals rising from the Colca Canyon floor
  • Trek through the Sacred Valley of the Incas reaching the famous UNESCO World Heritage site Machu Picchu
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  • An overnight stay with a local Uros Indian family
  • Visit the colourful witches market in the highest capital city in the world - La Paz
  • Take a day trip to the vast Uyuni Salt Flats
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  • Introduction
  • Day 13-18 CUENCA TO LIMA
  • Day 33-37 CUSCO TO LA PAZ
  • Day 38-43 LA PAZ TO UYUNI
  • Day 44-47 UYUNI TO SALTA

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  • Tour Operator Oasis Overland 4.1
  • Craig · 2nd March 2024 Be warned this is a bare bones tour where Oasis provides transportation, a way to group prepare food and money for... Show more
  • Paul · 16th September 2019 Was awesome!!! Ricardo was the best guide ever, always there when you need him, and helped us to organise stuff when... Show more
  • Jyoti · 21st February 2018 As I wanted to cover as much as I could of South America, I choose Oasis Overland as they covered the most in... Show more

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  1. 10 Best Ecuadorian Amazon Tours 2024/2025

    Local Living Ecuador—Amazon Jungle. 5.0 22 Reviews by TourRadar travelers. "Awesome tour, every detail was very well planned out and excellent guide!". Abril Ruiz, traveled in May 2022. Explorer. Local Living. Wildlife. Christmas & New Year.

  2. The Top 5 Amazon Tours in Ecuador

    The Anakonda Amazon Cruise - 4, 5 or 8-day Amazon Cruise. The Anakonda is the larger sister vessel of the Manatee Cruise above. The cruise offers the same high standard of service and guided tours. And the Anakonda Amazon Cruise offers a fantastic experience of Ecuador's Amazon.

  3. Ultimate Ecuador Amazon Guide ( + BEST Jungle Tours)

    Multi-day tours generally hover around $100 per day all-inclusive, though they can more expensive depending on the lodging planned for the tour. 4-Day Ecuador Amazon Jungle Tour. 4-Day Ecuador Amazon Jungle Tour - Tapir Lodge. Some tours of Cuyabeno also start from the town of Lago Agrio rather than Nueva Loja.

  4. 18 Best Ecuador Amazon Tours & Lodges for 2024-2025 by Adventure Life

    Sep 13, 2024. Experience an 8-day expedition cruise through the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin, a place filled with teeming nature and adventure at every turn. Board the …. 0. Amazon Discovery. $3556. 5. Sep 11, 2024. Embark on an Amazon River cruise aboard the M/V Anakonda.

  5. The Top 5 Amazon Tours from Quito, Ecuador

    Compare the best Amazon tours from Quito, including cruises and lodges, and explore the wildlife-rich rainforest. Learn about the Yasuni National Park, the Sacha Lodge, the Manatee Amazon Cruise and more.

  6. 22 Best Ecuador Amazon Tours in 2024

    Call 1.406.541.2677. Experience the captivating world of the Ecuadorian Amazon on our 22 carefully curated tours and cruises for 2024-2025. Immerse yourself in the Amazon's natural beauty, wildlife observation, and remarkable experiences, providing a unique insight into the rainforest and the cultures of its inhabitants.

  7. 7 Of The BEST Amazon Tours From Quito

    Best for first timers: A classic 4-day Amazon tour. The most popular way to visit the Amazon from Quito is on a 4-day trip. This 4-day / 3-night jungle trip will take you to the Cuyabeno Reserve. There, you'll spend every night in one of the premium lodges, providing a completely immersive experience.

  8. THE TOP 10 Amazon Tours & Excursions

    The best tours in Amazon according to Viator travelers are: 3-Day Jungle Adventure from / to Tena - Napo Amazon Region. Cuyabeno Tucan lodge. 5-Day All Inclusive Cuyabeno Amazon Adventure with Accommodation in Eco Lodge. 4-Day Cuyabeno Amazon Adventure: Bird Watching, Wildlife, Hiking, Kayaking.

  9. Amazon Tours Ecuador: BEST Cuyabeno Trip From Quito (2023)

    Prices for Amazon tours in Ecuador vary depending on duration, accommodation type, time of year and what's included. If you're sticking to one of the more popular Amazon tours like Community Adventures, you can expect to pay similar to: 4 days, 3 nights: $270 USD per person. 5 days, 4 nights: $320 USD per person.

  10. La Selva Eco Lodge & Retreat

    Deep within the Amazon rainforest lies La Selva Eco-Lodge & Retreat, an extraordinary destination that immerses guests in the wonders of nature. Towering trees, vibrant foliage, and captivating sounds of birds surround you. Guided by an experienced team, explore the jungle's marvels through treks, canoe rides, and wildlife encounters.

  11. Discover the Ecuadorian Amazon: Quito & Archidona

    This five-day trip to Ecuador combines a glimpse of the capital with a whirlwind Amazonian adventure. Begin with a spin around Quito's UNESCO-listed colonial center before venturing to the edge of the Amazon rainforest. You'll base yourself at an ecolodge in Archidona for waterfall hikes, cooking classes, night safaris, and tree planting. Head back to Quito via the Papallacta Hot Springs, then ...

  12. How to plan a trip to the Ecuadorian Amazon

    Step 2: Choose a home base. Whether you choose a jungle lodge or a hostel, adventure awaits. Accessing the edge of the Amazon in Ecuador is pretty easy, as roads are well maintained and Amazon travel hub towns aren't too far from Quito. But things get a bit more complicated once you start to head deeper into the forest.

  13. Amazon Tours Ecuador

    Rainforest Tours Ecuador, Best Amazon Tours Ecuador, Jungle Tours, Honeymoons, Canoeing, Camping Trips and Expeditions! Imagine Ecuador is the indisputable leader when it comes to Amazon Tours in the Cuyabeno Reserve. No other agency can compete because our general manager grew up in the Amazon, and spent 10 years working as a naturalist guide ...

  14. 7 Best 4-Day Ecuador Amazon Tours, Trips & Cruises

    This 4-day premium tour at Napo Wildlife Center includes canoe trips along lakes and rivers, forest excursions, and birding tours. Experience an incredible adventure paddling a small canoe or hiking on the forest trails. Ascend a 36-meter canopy tower for a bird's-eye view of Eastern …. Tour Details. $2,845.

  15. Amazon Tours Ecuador

    Covering ½ of Ecuador's surface area, the Amazon is the most biodiverse region on the planet. For travelers, Ecuador's Amazon jungle is the thrill of adventure, and discovery of nature's best-kept secrets. An Ecuador rainforest tour is a big tick for any bucket list, so let's make it happen!

  16. Ecuador Amazon tours and river cruises

    Manatee Explorer Cruise - Visit two of the famous protected areas of eastern ECUADOR, the Yasuní National Park and the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve. Come and enjoy a unique journey along the lush upper Napo River, one of the tributaries of the great Amazon River See special promotions. Amazon Kayaking Adventures - 5 or 7 days camping.

  17. Ecuador amazon tour: The best wildlife spots & lodges

    1. Best choice: Tour to Yasuni National Park in Ecuador. As you are probably preparing a trip to Ecuador, you are looking for the best National Park in Ecuador and the best place to observe the fabled wildlife. Not an easy question, as there are a couple of nature reserves in Ecuador, but not all of them are equality suited.

  18. 15 Beautiful places to visit in the Ecuadorian Amazon

    Macas is a small town, capital of Morona Santiago, Ecuador. It is known as the "Emerald of the East" due to its location east of the Andes mountains. Macas lies in the Upano Valley overlooking the Upano River. About the altitude, Macas has an elevation of ‎3,445 feet (‎1,050 meters) above sea level.

  19. Ecuador Amazon Tours & Jungle Lodges

    Moreover, Ecuador Amazon Rainforest Lodges experiences include daily excursions in jungle trails, canoe rides, birding, wildlife observation, and close encounters with the local community. Ecuador Jungle tours can last for 3, 4, 5, or 7 days. We have classified jungle tours according to the class of the Lodge to fit your preference and budget:

  20. The Travel Guide to the Amazon: Ecuador vs. Peru

    The Best Amazon Tours for the Budget: Ecuador For the best value, choose a lodge-based property in the Ecuadorian Amazon where a three-night all-inclusive package can start at USD $1,420 per person. Comparatively, room rates in our preferred land-based Amazon lodges start at USD $621 per night, plus à la carte activities and dining.

  21. The Best Amazon Tours in Ecuador

    Here are some of the best Amazon tours you can take in Ecuador. Cuyabeno National Park . Paradoxically, Lago Agrio, the heart of Ecuador's oil industry, is the gateway to one of the most remote places on earth. There are plenty of lodges to stay in and tours that you can take for a weekend or longer, depending on your needs.

  22. The Sacha Lodge Amazon Tour, Coca, Ecuador

    On our Sacha Lodge Amazon tour, explore the forest on rainforest walks, canoeing the lake, visiting the Yasuni parrot lick, and walking high in the trees on our 940-foot (275-meter) long canopy walkway. The walkway is a great place to spot some of the thousands of colorful birds.

  23. Quito To Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve (Ecuador Amazon Rainforest)

    The journey between Quito and Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve is roughly 250 miles (403 km). It will take around 12-13 hours to drive directly between the two locations, depending on traffic, road conditions and mode of transport. The most popular way to travel between Quito and Cuyabeno is by tourist bus.

  24. 10 Best Ecuador Tours, Trips & Cruises to Galapagos & Amazon for 2024-2025

    Call 1.406.541.2677. Start Planning My Trip. Adventure Life's Ecuador tours take you from the heights of the Andes mountains to the depths of the Amazon rainforest to the fearless animals of the Galapagos Islands. Straddling the Equator, Ecuador is an intense mix of striking landscapes, diverse wilderness, isolated indigenous populations and ...

  25. QUITO to SANTIAGO (53 days) Andes & Amazon

    QUITO to SANTIAGO (53 days) Andes & Amazon, a 53 days tour from Quito to Otavalo, Banos and 21 destinations. Best Selection - Best Price - Trusted Payments Shop 2,500 operators

  26. Andes to Amazon

    Discover the best of mainland Ecuador: wildlife, jungles, volcanoes and coast Andean ranges, colonial landmarks, effervescent indigenous markets and verdant cloud forests are just the start of the wonders we see on this Ecuadorian adventure. We also follow the Avenue of the Volcanoes where we glimpse the snow-capped peaks of Cayambe and Chimborazo, and stay in the Amazon Rainforest, which we ...