15 Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Ankara

Written by Jess Lee Updated May 11, 2023

Author Jess Lee lives in Turkey and has been visiting and writing about Ankara regularly for guidebooks for over a decade.

Ankara sometimes gets left off people's travel itineraries, which is a shame because Turkey's capital has more to offer than most visitors realize. If one of your prime travel goals is to discover the vast breadth of Turkey's history, Ankara is a great place to visit.

Ankara view from the citadel district

Both the country's top museum and Atatürk's mausoleum, two of the country's most important historic tourist attractions , are found here, plus a sightseeing stroll around Ankara's citadel district offers a glimpse of the city's past, before it was promoted to capital status.

With its central location, Ankara is also an excellent base from which to jump off on further forays into the Anatolian heartland, where you'll find many archaeological sites and other historical things to do within day-tripping distance.

While you're in town, planning whether to head east to Cappadocia , south to Konya , or west to Safranbolu , use our list to help find the top attractions and things to do in Ankara.

1. Visit the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

2. pay your respects at the anitkabir (atatürk mausoleum), 3. walk the citadel neighborhood, 4. see the collection inside erimtan archaeology & art museum, 5. discover ulus' roman remnants, 6. visit the haci bayram i-veli cami, 7. explore ankara's art galleries, 8. day trip to hattuşa, 9. visit the archaeological site of alacahöyük, 10. check out the cultural scene at ankara state opera house, 11. day trip to gordion, 12. feast on local flavors in beypazarı, 13. relax in gençlik park, 14. shop for local crafts in the hamamönü neighborhood, 15. stroll around eymir lake, ankara, turkey - climate chart.

Carved orthostat from Carchemish in the Stone Hall

Highlights: Neolithic wall paintings, Bronze Age stonework, Hittite clay cuneiform tablets, and Phrygian gold

The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations is reason enough to include Ankara on your Turkey itinerary. It's the only place in the country where you can grasp the full scope of Anatolia's pre-Classical-era human history.

The most important finds from the Neolithic village site of Çatalhöyük , near Konya, including the wall painting thought by some archaeologists to be the world's first town map and the famed fertility goddess statue, are displayed here in the first hall.

Farther on, halls are devoted to the Hittite Empire of the Bronze Age that had their capital at Hattuşa (192 kilometers to the east) and the Phrygian and Urartian Empires, which thrived on the Anatolian steppe during the Iron Age.

The central Stone Hall exhibits the most important stone reliefs and statuary from across the eras.

Here, you'll find numerous finely detailed orthostat reliefs from the Hittite site of Carchemish (70 kilometers southwest of Gaziantep ), renowned, long before its actual discovery, as the site of the Battle of Carchemish between Egypt and Babylonia relayed in the Old Testament.

Address: 2 Gözcü Sokak, Ulus, Ankara


Highlights: Sprawling city views from the plaza and a monumental mausoleum

Ankara's most visited tourist attraction is also Turkey's most important modern pilgrimage site. Sitting on a hilltop, just to the west of the city center, is the mausoleum of Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal), the founder of the state of Turkey.

As well as the actual mausoleum, with its lavish use of marble, the site, centered round a vast plaza, contains a large museum complex.

It contains both exhibits on the War of Independence, led by Atatürk, which resulted in the birth of Turkey as a modern nation, and displays focused on Atatürk's life.

Outside, there are excellent views across Ankara from the arcade that edges the plaza. The mausoleum itself is decorated with gilded inscriptions of Atatürk's speeches.

Inside, a cenotaph stands above the placement of Atatürk's tomb. Visitors entering the mausoleum should respect the atmosphere of somber reverence inside as Turks pay their respect to the founder and first president of their modern nation.

Address: Yücetepe, 31 Akdeniz Caddesi, Çankaya, Ankara

Ankara's citadel (kale) district

Highlights: A historic district of cobblestone alleys enclosed within ancient walls

A wander through this neighborhood is one of the most atmospheric things to do in Ankara. The citadel (Kale) area dates from the Byzantine era and is ringed by, still immense in places, fortifications raised in the 9th century.

Inside, narrow cobblestone alleyways are rimmed by creaky Ottoman-era houses, some of which have been painstakingly restored in recent years, though others are slowly slipping into various levels of dilapidation.

The main attraction inside the inner walls is the Eastern Tower (Sark Kulesi), which offers vistas that span across modern Ankara from its crenelated ramparts.

Heading downhill from the inner citadel area's main gate, known as Parmak Kapısı, the winding lanes are crammed with traditional craft workshops, antique stores, and cafés. This is a great place to hunt for souvenirs.

While here, make sure to stop in and see the Aslanhane Cami, one of Ankara's most interesting mosques. The interior of the mosque, with its prayer hall lined with wooden pillars topped by Roman stone capitals and its ornate ceramic tile mihrab (wall niche), is well worth a visit.

Address: Gözcü Sokak, Kale, Altindag, Ankara

Erimtan Archaeology & Art Museum

Highlight: Ankara's premier collection of Graeco-Roman artifacts from sites throughout Turkey

The Erimtan Museum's collection mostly focuses on the Classical era, so it works as an excellent addition to the city's main Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. As they both sit on the road leading up to the citadel neighborhood, they're easily viewed together in one morning or afternoon.

Eschewing traditional museum curation, the Erimtan's contemporary storytelling displays bring the exhibits of this private collection to life, allowing you to understand more about daily life during the Greek and Roman periods.

As well as the permanent collection, the Erimtan also hosts regular temporary exhibitions in its lower hall, which often focus on specific archaeological sites or Turkish culture. The museum grounds also host a periodic program of evening classical music concerts.

Address: 10 Gözcü Sokak, Kale, Altindag, Ankara

Ankara's Roman bath ruins

Highlights: Delving into Ankara's Roman period amid the ruins of Ulus

Ankara is often thought of as a modern city – the nation's planned new capital after the modern state of Turkey was formed.

There has been a settlement on this spot, though, since the Bronze Age. In the Roman period, this settlement gained prominence when it became known as Ankyra, and Emperor Augustus made it capital of the Roman province of Galatia.

The remaining Roman ruins of this era are all in the downtown district of Ulus.

To understand the importance of ancient Ankyra, pay a quick visit to the sparse remnants of the Temple of Augustus and Rome on Haci Bayram Veli Caddesi. Just some partial ruins of the temple's once impressive walls remain, next door to the Haci Bayram i-Veli Cami.

The most extensive set of ruins left over from Ancient Ankyra are the Roman baths on Çankiri Caddesi. The foundations, along with plenty of stone reliefs and some remaining intact arched ruins, of this sprawling imperial baths complex can be easily viewed, though you'll have to stomp through the weeds to see them.

If you're walking from Ulus up Hisarparki Caddesi to the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations and the citadel neighborhood, peer over the northern side of the road to take in the ruins of the Roman theater.

It's currently under restoration, so you can only view the remains of this theater, which once accommodated between 3,000 and 4,000 spectators, from above.

Restored houses around Haci Bayram plaza

Highlights: Major local pilgrimage site and historic mosque amid a landscaped garden area

Built in honor of the Muslim holy man and Bayramiye dervish founder, Haci Bayram Veli, this 15th-century mosque is a major pilgrimage center. For non-pilgrim visitors, a stop here is more interesting for the surrounding area than for the mosque's interior.

The area around the mosque, with its gardens and restored Ottoman-era mansions, has been prettily landscaped and is a popular spot for local families in the early evening.

It includes a plaza with a pond, fountains, and shops selling religious paraphernalia for pilgrims, as well as the remaining walls of the Temple of Augustus and Rome, which rub up against the mosque (and were once used to house the mosque's madrassa).

There are also brilliant views up to the citadel neighborhood from here.

Address: Haci Bayram Veli Caddesi, Ulus, Ankara

Ankara Painting & Sculpture Museum

Highlights: The major names in Turkish modern art, from its birth to the artists working today

Ankara may not have the modern art scene of Istanbul, but there are two galleries, both in the central city, that are well worth a visit.

The most important is the Ankara Painting & Sculpture Museum (Türkocagi Sokak, Hacettepe), which has a large permanent collection of Turkish art from the 19th and 20th centuries. All the major names of the Turkish art scene have works on display here.

For completely contemporary art, the CerModern (3 Altinsoy Caddesi, Sihhiye) is Ankara's best site. This gallery, based in a disused train depot building, near Ankara's train station, hosts a regular program of temporary exhibitions focused on both local and international artists.

The Lion Gate at Hattuşa

Highlights: Exploring Hattuşa's city gates before admiring the rock reliefs of Yazılıkaya

The ruins of Hattuşa , the capital of Anatolia's Bronze Age Hittite empire, sit on the edge of the sleepy village of Boğazkale, 192 kilometers east of Ankara. If you don't want to stay the night in Boğazkale itself, Ankara is the best place to base yourself to day trip to the ruins.

During the Bronze Age, the Hittites controlled a vast tract of land that encompassed much of modern-day Turkey and into Syria. Today, the rugged hillside that rises above Boğazkale contains the remnants of their most important city.

The most distinctive ruins that have survived are Hattuşa's fortifications, which ring the hillside. In particular, the Yer Kapı's (Earth Gate's) earthen mound, with its 70-meter-long tunnel entrance; the Sphinx Gate, atop the mound; and the Aslanlı Kapı (Lion's Gate), with its stone lions are impressive remnants of the city's vast defensive structures.

Just two kilometers from the main ruins is the site of Yazılıkaya, which was Hattuşa's religious sanctuary. The rocks here hold finely carved, well-preserved reliefs showing images of the major Hittite kings giving offerings to their gods.

Main entrance to Alacahöyük

Highlight: Walking the rampart pathway around this important Hattian culture site

If you start off from Ankara early enough in the day, you can fit a visit to Alacahöyük into a day trip to Hattuşa.

This archaeological site dates back to the Chalcolithic era, and during the early Bronze Age became a center of Anatolia's Hattian culture, which was later absorbed into the Hittite Empire.

Alacahöyük is chiefly famous for its royal shaft graves, from which a dazzling cache of decorative gold objects and jewelry was excavated by archaeologists. Most of the grave goods are now on display in Ankara's Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, but the skeletons themselves and a selection of grave goods have been left in situ on-site.

The site's fortifications, with a monumental gate entrance decorated with reliefs, and the corbeled tunnel entrance at the back of the site, both dating from Alacahöyük's later Hittite period, are also worth visiting.

Alacahöyük is 28 kilometers north of Hattuşa and 196 kilometers east of Ankara.

Ankara State Opera House

Highlights: Turkey's most important venue for ballet, opera, and theater performances

If you want to add a bit of evening culture to your trip, the Ankara State Opera House is the top venue in town. This theater is the central hub for catching performances of the Turkish State Opera, Turkish State Ballet, or Turkish State Theater companies.

The site hosts a regular and varied program of concerts and events from September to June, ranging from contemporary theater productions to classical ballet.

As well as being home base for all the national theater and arts companies, the theater is also used to host big name international classical music performances and is a major venue for local festivals.

Address: 20 Atatürk Bulvari, Ankara

Midas Tumulus

Highlights: Delving deep inside the Midas Tumulus and then exploring the hilltop ruins

Ankara is the best base for a day trip to the Iron Age Phrygian capital of Gordion . This was the site once home to the legendary King Midas and the location where Alexander the Great cut the Gordion knot.

Today, the remnants of this Phrygian city sit amid the fields of the sleepy farming hamlet of Yassihöyük (96 kilometers southwest of Ankara).

There are two main sites in the village. The most famous is the Midas Tumulus – an artificial earthen mound over 50 meters high that contains the tomb of a Phrygian king.

Despite its name, there is no evidence that the king buried here was actually the Midas of legend. You can walk through a tunnel in the tumulus up to the tomb, though the burial goods found here are in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, not on-site.

There's a small museum across the road from the tumulus, which holds some finds unearthed from the archaeological work here as well.

At the other end of the village is the citadel mound, which is home to ruins from a range of eras.

Although the ruin layout of various walls, arches, and foundations is rather confusing to non-experts, there are plentiful information panels on the citadel mound, which explain both the site and Gordion's history .

Address: Yassihöyük, Polatli


Highlights: Preserved Ottoman-era architecture, cobblestone lanes, and local foodie treats

The town of Beypazarı, 102 kilometers west of Ankara, is hugely popular with Ankara locals as a day-trip destination on sunny weekends. This is due to both the glut of finely restored Ottoman-era buildings in its small historic center and for its culinary reputation.

The town sits in the heartland of Turkey's carrot-growing region, and people flock here to munch on the town's carrot baklava and carrot Turkish delight, and drink their local carrot juice.

The town's non-carrot cuisine includes many other regional specialties produced only in the local area, so the cafés and restaurants here are jam-packed during the warmer months with Turkish foodies, who've come here solely to feast on Beypazarı's flavors.

After lunch, weave your way through the lanes of the old town to admire the red-roofed, timber framed mansions, and make sure to call into some of Beypazarı's small specialist museums, all in converted Ottoman houses, dedicated to Turkish folk heritage and local culture.

Gençlik Park

Highlights: Popular, central city green space with pretty garden-side walkways for strolling

This is Ankara's most central green space. Hugely popular with local families for evening strolls and weekend picnics, Gençlik Park is a good place to visit to take a breather from the capital's hustle.

The park has a large lake and various promenades lined by fountains and manicured gardens.

The southeast corner of the park is home to Ankara's Luna Park, which holds a number of amusement park rides, including a Ferris wheel, two roller coasters, and plenty of gentler rides such as carousels and bumper cars suitable for younger children.

If you're traveling with tots, it's a good place to keep the kids distracted for an hour or two.

Address: 50 Atatürk Bulvari

Street in the Hamamönü neighborhood

Highlight: Craft shopping and café-life amid a central district of restored Ottoman architecture

This small area of traditional, wooden-beamed Ottoman-period mansions in central Ankara has been fully restored and has become a popular weekend destination for café life and arts and crafts.

Hamamönü is one of the few areas in the central city that has managed to preserve its architecture, so a stroll here is a taster of what the city looked like before the modern era.

It's a good place to browse for traditional Turkish crafts, with market stalls set up just off the cobblestone alleys.

For foodies, many of the cafés and restaurants set within the old houses here specialize in local Anatolian cooking.

Address: Talatpasa Bulvari 126, Hacettepe, Ankara

Eymir Lake

Highlights: Nature break on the edge of the city with opportunities for hiking and cycling

Eymir Lake (17 kilometers south of the central city) and its surrounding pine tree forest is one of Ankara's most popular spots for a nature break from the big city bustle. On sunny weekends, the lakeside area can get packed with locals out for a picnic, but on weekdays, it's much more peaceful.

For a long stroll, run, or cycle, the road that loops for 10.5 kilometers around the lake is Ankara's nearest outdoor destination. For cyclists, bicycles can be rented on-site while keen walkers wanting to head farther into nature can tackle the various walking trails that head into the forest.

The southern side of the lake has plenty of restaurants and cafés, which are hugely popular with locals for long and lazy breakfast feasts on weekends.

Address: Oran-Eymir Yolu, Oran, Ankara

The best time to visit Turkey's capital, Ankara, is during the months of June, July, August, and September. This is when the weather is at its warmest and most dependably pleasant.

In July and August, temperatures range on average between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius, and the summer weather brings plenty of sunny blue skies that are perfect for city strolls and sightseeing.

June and September tend to be milder, with average temperatures normally peaking at 25 degrees but dropping as low as 9 degrees at night. Even in August, bring along a warmer layer to throw on during the evenings, as Ankara sits at 938 meters above sea level and temperatures do drop after dark. If you're out late enjoying Ankara's many streetside or terrace dining options, it can get chilly in short sleeves.

Rainy weather isn't unheard of even midsummer, but July, August, and September tend to be the driest months, with an average of four to five days of rain each month. June has damper weather with an average of nine days of rain.

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The Top Things to See and Do in Ankara, Turkey

Statue at Anitkabir, the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey

Though Ankara wasn’t pronounced the capital of Turkey until 1923, the city has long symbolised independence and modernity to the nation’s people. Though often trumped by Istanbul in the tourism stakes, Ankara is packed with history and culture. From Roman remains to Ottoman castles, the Turkish capital is an attraction in and of itself. Here are the top things to see and do in Ankara…

Discover Ankara and book Culture Trip’s 12-day group tour where you’ll get to visit Kemal Atatürk, the first leader of the Turkish Republic’s tomb, as well as discover its ancient history.

1. Ankara Castle (Kalesi)

Historical Landmark

Ankara Kalesi Castle, Ankara, Central Anatolia Region, Anatolia, Turkey

2. Anıtkabir

Historical Landmark, Museum

Ataturk Mausoleum, Anitkabir, Ankara, Central Anatolia Region, Anatolia, Turkey

3. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara. Turkey

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5. Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koç Museum

Museum, Park

Old clocks Rahmi M. Koc Museum, Ankara

6. Gençlik Park

Amusement Park, Park, Swimming Pool, Theater

Genclik parki waterpark Ulus district Ankara central Anatolia Turkey Asia

7. Ankara Festivals

Building, Architectural Landmark, Cinema

Chansu Folk Dance Group folk ensemble from Ankara, Turkey, performing at 26th Folkart International CIOFF Folklore Festival

Try to time your Ankara trip so it coincides with a fantastic festival. The Ankara International Film Festival runs yearly from April to May, with around a dozen events a day over the month. Then there’s the Ankara Music Festival, which sees world-class European and Turkish music arrive each April courtesy of international musical institutions and local cultural organizations. Ankara International Cartoon Festival, also in April, is adored for its huge cartoon competition in which professional cartoonists from all over Turkey submit their work to be judged by a secret committee. Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival takes place each May and celebrates women’s contributions to filmmaking. In December, Ankara International Dance Festival holds various concerts, shows and workshops by internationally renowned dancers and artists in a celebration of the performing arts and fashion industries.

8. Kuyumcular Çarşısı in Beypazarı

Beypazari, Ankara / Turkey - July 24 2020: Beypazari district center and traditional houses

9. Haci Bayram Mosque

Haci Bayram Mosque in Ankara City, Turkey

10. Roman Bath

The ruins of the Tepidarium (warm room) at the ancient Roman Bath ruins at Ankara in Turkey.

11. CerModern

Architectural Landmark

Phosphoric tank figure at the Cer Modern Art Gallery

Inhabiting a former railway workshop close to the city centre, this modern art and photography space is a must-visit not only for what it contains but as a beautiful example of repurposed architecture. Like all outstanding museums, the building itself is a stand-out, with the train garages turned into light-filled, airy exhibition spaces full of contemporary paintings and sculpture, as well as a modern section housing an excellent cafe and bookshop.

12. Wonderland Eurasia

Amusement Park

Ankara, Turkey. 20th Mar, 2019. A general view on the opening day of Wonderland Eurasia, which is dubbed as Europes largest theme park. Credit: Altan Gocher | usage worldwide/dpa/Alamy Live News

About 10 minutes outside the city, this vast theme park is Turkey’s answer to Disney World. In fact, it’s one of the biggest theme parks in Europe, with 26 large rollercoaster experiences as well as thousands of smaller rides and activities spread over the 130ha (321-acre) sprawl. There’s also a huge multi-dimensional theatre, an enormous Dinosaur Jungle featuring a beast measuring 70m (230ft) in length, and fountains spraying water more than 120m (394ft) into the air.

13. Kuğulu Park

Kugulu swan park Kavaklidere shopping fashionable district Ankara Turkey

Alex Allen contributed additional reporting to this article.

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Turkey Things

15 Things to Do in Ankara

As the capital city of Turkey, Ankara offers a rich blend of history, culture, and modern attractions. Discover the top 15 things to do when you visit this vibrant city.

1) Visit Anitkabir

ankara tourist

Anitkabir is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey . This monumental site is not only a significant symbol of Turkish history but also a marvel of architecture. Admire the grandeur of the monument, explore the museum on-site, and witness the changing of the guards.

2) Explore the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

ankara tourist

Get a comprehensive overview of Turkey’s ancient history at the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. From Paleolithic era artifacts to exhibits from the Ottoman period, this museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the region’s past. Its collection is rich and diverse, making it a must-visit for history buffs.

3) Visit Ankara Castle

ankara tourist

Situated in the Citadel neighborhood, Ankara Castle is a hilltop fortress that dominates the city’s skyline. Walk along the ancient walls, admire the structure’s resilience against time, and enjoy panoramic views of Ankara.

4) Shop in the Old Quarter

ankara tourist

The Old Quarter is a haven for shoppers and those interested in local culture. Wander through the bustling markets, haggle over traditional crafts, textiles, and antiques, and soak in the lively atmosphere.

5) Visit the Haci Bayram Mosque

ankara tourist

Step into the serene world of Haci Bayram Mosque, an Ottoman-era mosque located in the city center. Its traditional architecture and tranquil courtyard make it a peaceful retreat amidst the city’s hustle and bustle.

6) Explore the Roman Baths

ankara tourist

Take a journey back in time with a visit to Ankara’s Roman Baths. Dating back to the 3rd century AD, these well-preserved ruins offer insight into the leisurely activities of the ancient Romans.

7) Soak in the views from Atakule Observation Tower

ankara tourist

Offering stunning panoramic views of the city, the 125-meter-high Atakule Observation Tower is a must-visit. The tower also features a revolving restaurant at the top, perfect for a meal with a view.

8) Spend a day at Genclik Park

ankara tourist

Genclik Park is a green oasis in the heart of Ankara. This large park features a lake, amusement park rides, and plenty of cafes for a leisurely day out.

9) Take a free walking tour of the city

ankara tourist

Get to know Ankara intimately with a free walking tour of the city. Explore Ankara’s landmarks, learn about its history and culture, and uncover hidden gems with an experienced guide.

10) Visit the State Museum of Paintings and Sculpture

ankara tourist

Art enthusiasts should not miss the State Museum of Paintings and Sculpture. Showcasing Turkish art from the late 19th century to the present day, it offers a unique perspective on Turkey’s artistic evolution.

11) Catch a performance at the Ankara State Opera House

ankara tourist

Indulge in a night of culture at the Ankara State Opera House. With a calendar filled with opera, ballet, and other performances, it’s an excellent opportunity to appreciate Turkey’s performing arts scene.

12) Visit the Temple of Augustus and Rome

ankara tourist

Witness the grandeur of Roman architecture at the Temple of Augustus and Rome. This 1st century AD temple features a unique inscription known as the “Monumentum Ancyranum,” detailing the achievements of Emperor Augustus.

13) Explore the Anadolu Medeniyetleri Muzesi

ankara tourist

Discover more of Turkey’s past at the Anadolu Medeniyetleri Muzesi. Like the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, this museum showcases the history of the Anatolian region, offering a comprehensive understanding of Turkey’s ancient civilizations.

14) Visit the Kocatepe Mosque

ankara tourist

Experience the grandeur of the Kocatepe Mosque, one of the largest mosques in Turkey. Its awe-inspiring architecture and calming atmosphere make it a memorable place to visit.

15) Enjoy Eymir Lake

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Credit: Source Link

Just outside the city, Eymir Lake offers a tranquil getaway from the city’s pace. Whether you opt for a boat ride, bird watching, or simply a leisurely walk around the lake, it’s an ideal spot for nature lovers.

With a balance of historical sites, museums, parks, and outdoor activities, Ankara offers a rewarding experience for all visitors. Its central location also makes it a convenient base for exploring other parts of Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ankara worth visiting.

Absolutely! Ankara, as Turkey’s capital, is rich with history, culture, and vibrant city life. It has a diverse offering of attractions, from ancient Roman ruins and imposing mosques to modern shopping districts and beautiful parks. For those interested in Turkish history and culture, it’s a city that shouldn’t be missed.

What’s Ankara famous for?

Ankara is famous for several things, most notably being the political center of Turkey. It is also well-known for Anitkabir, the impressive mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Additionally, Ankara’s Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, which houses an extensive collection of artifacts from Turkey’s ancient civilizations, is one of the country’s most esteemed museums. Furthermore, the city is famous for its traditional crafts and vibrant markets.

Is 1 day enough for Ankara?

While you can get a glimpse of Ankara’s highlights in a day, to thoroughly explore the city and soak up its atmosphere, more than one day is recommended. If your time is limited, prioritize visiting key attractions like Anitkabir, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, and the Ankara Castle. However, for a more leisurely exploration of the city’s museums, historic neighborhoods, and vibrant markets, consider a stay of 2-3 days or more.

Is Ankara cheap or expensive?

The cost of visiting Ankara can vary greatly depending on your travel style. Compared to many Western countries, it’s considered relatively affordable. Street food, public transportation, and entrance fees to museums and historical sites are generally inexpensive. However, upscale dining, shopping, and accommodation can add to your budget. As always, planning ahead and setting a daily budget can help manage costs.

Must-see attractions in Ankara

ankara tourist

Museum of Anatolian Civilisations

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Anit Kabir, Ataturk mausoleum, Ankara, Turkey; Shutterstock ID 5992945; Your name (First / Last): Tom Stainer; GL account no.: 65050 ; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial ; Full Product or Project name including edition: Cities app

The monumental mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938), the founder of modern Turkey, sits high above the city with its abundance of marble and air…

Erimtan Archaeology & Arts Museum

Ankara's newest museum houses the astounding collection of mostly Roman (but also Bronze Age, Hittite and Byzantine) artefacts collected over the years by…

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Ethnography Museum

Housed inside the building (built 1927) that served as Atatürk's mausoleum until the Anıt Kabir was built, the Ethnography Museum has a small but well…

Vakıf Eserleri Müzesi

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Hacı Bayram Cami

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Rahmi M Koç Industrial Museum

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Painting & Sculpture Museum

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Arslanhane Cami

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Şark Kulesi

Climb up this tower in the hisar (citadel) area for excellent views across Ankara.

Anıt Kabir Museum

The buildings on one side of the Anıt Kabir plaza (to the right of the tomb) contain an extensive museum dedicated to both the life of Atatürk and Turkey…

Roman Baths

At the sprawling 3rd-century Roman Baths ruins, the layout is still clearly visible; look for the standard Roman apoditerium (dressing room), frigidarium …

Kuğulu Parkı

At the southern end of Tunalı Hilmi Caddesi, Kuğulu Parkı is a leafy oasis with a fountain-spouting pond ringed by cafes and garden beds of pansies. On…

Gençlik Parkı

In the heart of the city, Gençlik Parkı has a lake and fountains (lit up after dark), colourful flower beds and plenty of space for kids to run about. It…

Alaettin Cami

The Alaettin Cami is the oldest mosque in Ankara, dating from the 12th century, but has been extensively rebuilt. Another full restoration was ongoing in…

Kocatepe Cami

The huge outline of Kocatepe Cami is the symbol of Ankara. It is one of the world's largest mosques but it is also a modern addition, built between 1967…

Located in an old train depot, this huge artists' park and gallery exhibits modern and challenging art from across Europe, plus there's an excellent cafe…

Melike Hatun Cami

This huge modern mosque, with a capacity of up to 7000 worshippers, was built in 2017 in traditional Ottoman style. It's a major landmark on Atatürk…

Temple of Augustus & Rome

Except for a couple of imposing, inscribed walls, not much remains of this temple (AD 25) built to honour the Roman emperor Augustus.

Parmak Kapısı

The Parmak Kapısi is the main gate into Ankara's citadel neighbourhood.

Atatürk Kültür Merkezi

Houses the Museum of Science & Technology and the Museum of the War of Independence, although both hold little interest for non-Turkish speakers.

Republic Monument

This large equestrian statue, erected to honour the soldiers of the War of Independence is a good landmark to get your bearings while exploring Ulus.

Column of Julian

Erected in honour of Roman emperor Julian the Apostate's visit to Ankara, the Column of Julian sits in a square ringed by government buildings.

Confidence Monument

Kızılay's Confidence Monument, erected in 1935, is a good landmark to get your bearings by when first arriving in the district.

Roman Theatre

From Hisarparkı Caddesi, you can view the sparse remains of a Roman theatre from around 200 to 100 BC.

More destinations you need to see

Turkey, Black Sea Region, Amasya, cityscape with river Yesilirmak


  • Travel Guides

Top 10 Tourist Attractions In Ankara, Turkey’s Cosmopolitan Capital

Come explore Ankara, an iconic city full of Turkish vibes with our list of most outstanding tourist spots for a jaw-dropping experience.


Ankara, Turkey’s capital and second-largest city which is home to a host of ancient civilizations is an attraction in itself. But sadly the city that’s packed with history and culture is often overlooked. How can this place be skipped when two of Turkey’s most important tourist attractions are here? From stunning landscapes to Ottoman castles, from wonderful architectural design to jaw-dropping experience, Ankara has everything to tick off as a top tourist destination. Here’s a list of some of the prominent attractions which will prove that Ankara is definitely worth a visit.

Table of Contents

Top Places To Visit In Ankara For A Wholesome Experience

With so many places to see in Ankara, it might get a little overwhelming to pick the best. So here we are to help you choose the best that Ankara tourism has to offer. Here’s our pick of the top Ankara attractions that you just cannot miss. 

Ankara Castle

visit to the castle is one of the best things to do in ankara

Ankara Castle is one of the oldest sights and the most prominent landmark in the capital city of Turkey. No one knows exactly when the castle was built, but it’s believed that the castle was constructed somewhere after the 7th century. The castle is strategically located on a hilltop, both for defense and settlement purposes. The outer surrounding walls are almost three stories high and the inner section of the castle has two historic mosques (Alaaddin Mosque and Ramazan Semseddin Mosque), a white castle, and a museum. The epic views of the capital city from above make the visit to Ankara Castle completely worthwhile. 

Anitkabir Mausoleum

beautiful Anitkabir Mausoleum in Turkey

This is where Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the leader of the Turkish War of Independence who led the people to fight for their liberation was buried. Millions of people from all over Turkey come to pay their respect to the great Turkish leader every year. The lavish architecture and grand feat of design stand proudly against a backdrop of clear blue sky. It is Turkey’s most important modern pilgrimage site and has even been featured on several Turkish banknotes. Apart from the tomb it also contains exhibits of the War of Independence and displays focused on Atatürk’s life. Anitkabir is one of the most significant architectural examples that Turkey has ever seen. 

Anatolian Civilizations Museum

thousands of interesting Anatolian archaeology in Anatolian Civilizations Museum

Anatolian Civilizations Museum is one of Ankara’s most prominent tourist spots. The Museum is home to thousands of interesting Anatolian archaeology items including the Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Bronze, Seljuq, Byzantine, and Ottoman eras. The beautifully arranged exhibits from the Paleolithic era to the present day take one through every aspect of Turkey and Ankara’s human history. Remains of Anatolian civilizations like earthenware receptacles, stamps and artifacts from all eras can be seen in the museum. In 1997 the Museum was also bestowed with the title of ‘Museum of the Year’ in Switzerland. This museum alone is reason enough to add Ankara to your itinerary.

Genclik Park

best places to visit in ankara

Located in the Ulus district of Ankara is the spectacular Genclik Park, another iconic tourist attraction. The vast 69 acres are home to an amusement park, a swimming pool, walking paths, a Ferris wheel, two small trains, and a unique open-air theater. Once the sun is down the entire park gets lit with colorful lights, so an entire day and night of fun can be experienced at Gençlik Park! Not just the tourists but also the permanent residents prefer spending time in Gençlik Park as it is a great place to take a breather from the capital’s hustle. Apart from the many restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues within the park, Gençlik Park also puts on many festivals and events throughout the year. Hence check for festive dates before booking your tickets. 

Kizilay Square

beautifully lit Kizilay square in the night

Kizilay, a neighboring town of Ankara is the main center of the town as this place is always bustling with activities. This is the favorite place for the city’s youth and party lovers as it is the epicenter of the different social hubs. If you are looking to experience the amazing nightlife, then this is the place to be as Kizilay Square is the hub for meet-ups and hangouts. The best part about this square is that it is easily accessible by bus as well as the metro. So the connectivity to other important tourist areas of the city like Guven Park, Ataturk Boulevard, and Selanik Street is great from here.

Atakule Tower

best ankara sightseeing place

Atakule is derived from two independent words, ‘Ata’ which means ancestor, and ‘Kule’ which means tower. The 125-meter-high tower from where you can enjoy a spectacular view of Ankara is another top destination you should visit while here. Built-in 1989 by the country’s first president Ataturk, this tower is Ankara’s oldest and Turkey’s second-oldest shopping mall. The highlight of this modern shopping and entertainment complex is its open terrace with an observation deck and a 360-degree revolving restaurant. If the weather is in your favor you can also see the snow-capped mountains of the nearby Anatolia region. The spellbinding panoramic view of the city from above is totally worth the visit. 

what to do in ankara

Just 17 kilometers from the Ankara city center brings you to this beautiful lake that is sheltered inside a natural park. Its calm natural environment makes it a paradise for nature lovers. From cycling to jogging, walking to having a picnic, bird watching to fishing, all these exciting activities make this place the most popular spot for a nature break. The many restaurants and cafés along the lake provide great space to enjoy some lazy breakfast feasts. Some even set up tables near the lake and bonfires during the winter for a great lakeside dining experience. Eymir Lake is so beautiful that not just tourists but even locals love to come here for a walk week after week. 

Aqua Vega Aquarium

View the under water world from Aqua Vega Aquarium

Visiting the Aqua Vega Aquarium with your family and friends is one of the best indoor activities that you can do in Ankara. If you are interested in the aquatic world and want to know more about them, this is the place to be. Located on the 2nd floor of Nata Vega Outlet (one of the largest malls in Turkey) the aquarium is home to over 12,000 sea creatures. The thematic salt and freshwater tanks with underwater tunnels have different species of fish and sharks. The entire place is well organized and professionally run, making the experience very wholesome. 

Kocatepe Mosque

best architectural designs inside Kocatepe Mosque

Standing 288 feet tall, the Kocatepe Mosque (the largest mosque in Ankara) is visible from most parts of the city on a clear day. The mosque is so huge that it can accommodate around 24,000 worshipers at one time. It is stunning Islamic art and intricate carvings are what enchant the visitors. With lavish decor, stunning marble interiors, gold plates, tinted windows, stylish steps, decorative tiles, and large crystal chandeliers is what makes the interior of the mosque looks strikingly rich. The mosque’s four minarets, a large central dome, and the mosque’s terrace from where you can enjoy panoramic views of the city are the highlights of this place. The well-illuminated Kocatepe Mosque at night is a treat for the eyes.

Old Quarter

must see in ankara is the market place

End your tour with a visit to the Old Quarter which is a great shopping destination. The place is filled with charming alleyways, bustling shops, and old-fashioned markets which is nothing short of paradise for shopaholics. Is a great place to find unique items, enchanting décor, utility products, and souvenirs to take back home. This is where you can purchase things at a reasonable price if you have great bargaining skills. Apart from being a great shopping point, the Old Quarter is also known for its glorious and rich history. Just a walk in the quarter will introduce you to the different historical structures which have a blend of the old and the new. The Old Quarter is where one can experience real pictures of Ankara in Turkey.

Suggested Reads: Cappadocia Hot Air Balloon Ride: All That You Need To Know And More

Packed with endless experiences and historical sites, Ankara is a destination that can change an ordinary experience into an extraordinary holiday. So, don’t wait any longer, visit this historic city on your next vacation and tell us which among the above list of top attractions is your favorite.

FAQs On Ankara City

Sitting in Turkey’s central Anatolia region, the cosmopolitan city is home to an impressive selection of attractions and experiences that is absolutely worth a visit from anywhere in the world. To top it all, the very reason that it is one of Europe’s less-explored tourist destinations makes it a top pick from your Turkey itinerary. 

Winters in Ankara can get cold, snowy, and cloudy, so it’s very important to pack right. With January being the coldest month, the temperature can go down to -5°C (23°F). The Institut Français de Turquie’s Christmas Market is a must-visit if you are planning a trip during this time. Other attractions during the Christmas time are the many book fairs, delicious food, and mulled wine. On the whole, winter is a good time to visit.

Istanbul which is the king of them all, Antalya which is the second most visited tourist destination, and Ankara which is the capital city are Turkey’s three most important cities.

How do you travel, where do you stay, where do you eat, and how many days? The cost of a trip depends on all these factors. However, a trip to Ankara can be cheaper than any other nearby European destinations if you travel on a budget. 

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Im Jess Traveling

19 Things to do in Ankara, Turkey (Türkiye)

There are plenty of things to do in Ankara, Turkey that a visit to the capital city will only leave you wanting to explore more of this fascinating country.  From friendly locals to exquisite museums, there’s things to see in Ankara for every type of traveler.

After we’ve gone over what to do in Ankara, at the end of this post I’ll also include some practical information that will aid you in your trip to Ankara. Including where to stay , how to get there, best time to visit and any useful tips to know before you go.

ankara tourist

For full transparency,  I have sprinkled some affiliate links in this post which gives me a small commission at no extra cost to you if you decided to make a purchase. As always, I would never recommend a product or service that I didn't truely believe in. If you find this post useful, you can also treat Jess to a cup coffee by clicking the icon on the bottom of the page. This will allow me to continue to create more content for you to enjoy ☕️. 

For the purpose of this article I will continue to call Türkiye, Turkey as that’s how most still refer to the country as and how this post will get found on google.

Table of Contents

Things to do in Ankara Quick List

Below I have a listed the best things to do in Ankara for easy viewing.  If you are in a hurry and don’t have time to read the whole article you can just screen shot this page and be on your way.

If you’d like more information on a certain activity, click on the blue links below for a detailed post or vlog of that specific thing to do in Ankara.

  • Explore Ankara Castle   ( YouTube Skip to 2:00 )

Wander Through Local Markets

Drink cay with locals.

  • Antikabir Museum  ( YouTube Skip to 4:08 )
  • Check out the Roman Baths
  • Soak in the Views from Atakule

Relax at Gençlik Park

Go souvenir shopping in old quarter.

  • Kocatepe Mosque (Turkish: Kocatepe Camii)
  • Free Walking Tour

Haci Bayram Mosque

Visit the museum of anatolian civilizations.

  • Catch a Performance the Ankara State Opera House

Day Trips from Ankara Quick List

Kartalkaya ski resort.

  • Beypazari 

Ruins of Hattuşa


📌 In a hurry?  These are the best private tours to check try that will allow you to see the best of  Ankara.

  • Private Tour: Ankara Sightseeing
  • Ankara : Private Walking Tour With A Guide ( Private Tour )
  • Ankara: Private Tour with a Local

Beautiful Mosque in Ankara, Türkiye

Is Ankara worth visiting?

You may be wondering, is Ankara worth visiting?  Located in the northwestern part of the country, Ankara is often skipped on the typical tourist route.

That’s why I’m here to let you in on all the wonderful places to visit in Ankara – Turkey’s second largest city . To let you know that, Ankara is definitely worth a visit when exploring Turkey.

Best Things to do in Ankara, Turkey

Best Things to do in Ankara

Explore Ankara Castle

Ankara Kalesi aka the Ankara Castle is a historic castle located in the popular tourist area of Ulus District in Ankara.  The castle has been an important landmark in the city since the 12th century when it was constructed by the Seljuks.

Ankara Castle is strategically located on a hill that overlooks the city skyline and is surrounded by walls that were built during the Byzantine Empire.  Inside the castle you can wander around and walk on the walls for epic views of the city.

There was even a cat hanging out on the castle accepting as many pets that you could give em’ and a few guys playing music on drums.  Definitely check out the Ankara Castle to take in the views and soak up the history of Ankara.

The local Markets of Ankara

Wandering through the local markets was one of my favorite things to do in Ankara.  From the bright, vibrant displays of traditional Turkish spices and fruits to the rich, smoky aromas of freshly-cooked kebabs and baklava, the sights, sounds and smells only added to the experience.

If you are staying in the Ulus district of Ankara, there are several markets within walking distance.  We checked out these markets on our first morning in Ankara looking for a hijab (headscarf) for me so I could enter the mosques.

We found lots of stores selling hijabs and got several from an awesome family for less than $2 a piece.  Whether you’re looking to take home a souvenir or just looking to soak up the atmosphere, make sure you check out a few of the local markets.

Tea or as it is called locally, çay is a sign of hospitality in the Turkish culture.  If a local invites you for çay, you accept.  This beloved beverage is Turkey’s national drink.

It is brewed from a combination of black tea leaves and fragrant herbs and is usually served in a small, traditional tulip-shaped glass.  When it’s served, the cay is usually accompanied with a cube of sugar or a sweet pastry.

When Joe and I were wandering through the markets of Ankara, a delightful family invited us in for tea. Of course we said yes!  The communication barrier was real it was one of our most memorable moments in Ankara.

Im Jess Traveling at the Antikabir Museum in Ankara

Antikabir Museum

Visiting the Antikabir Museum is one of the best things to do in Ankara.  Located in the city’s largest park, the museum is dedicated to the memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Turkish Republic.

The museum consists of a number of buildings and monuments and is a stunning sight when you see it in person.  There were soldiers performing a Turkish military march which I think happens multiple times a day in the middle area of the museum.

Besides the interactive exhibits, audio-visual displays and interactive tours – the Antikabir Museum offers great views of Ankara. The best part is, this museum is totally free to enter .  This is must-see destination for any visitor or local to learn about the history and culture of Turkey.

Roman Baths of Ankara

Visit the Roman Baths

The Roman Baths in Ankara are a fascinating site to explore.  Built over 2000 years ago, the baths are still in remarkable condition.  The Roman baths are another Ankara attraction located in the Ulus district.

You can explore the intricate mosaic floors, the underground tunnels and the central courtyard when exploring the area.  The baths are believed to have been used for socializing, bathing and religious ceremonies.

Today, visitors can still experience the baths in their original form as they have been carefully preserved by the Turkish government and turned into an open air museum.

Ankara Castle one of the best things to do in Ankara

Soak in the Views from Atakule Observation Deck

Atakule Tower is a modern shopping and entertainment complex located in the heart of the city and is one of the best things to do in Ankara at sunset.  

The complex is 125 meters tall and consists of four floors of retail stores, restaurants and on the top floor is the observation deck.

The observation deck is a popular spot for travelers to take in the beautiful panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside including the Anitkabir Museum I talked about earlier.  

The observation deck is a great place to catch sunset as theres also a revolving restaurant.  On a clear day, it is possible to see the snow-capped mountains of the nearby Anatolia region. Opening hours are from 10am – 10pm daily.

Genclik Park is a popular park located in the Ulus district of Ankara.  The park is home to a variety of attractions including a lake, playgrounds, picnic areas, walking paths and a ferris wheel.  

We could actually see this park from the hotel we stayed at in Ankara.  It looked beautiful all lit up at night. The park puts on many festivals and events throughout the year so make sure you look into this as you are planning your trip to the capital.  

When you’re exploring Gençlik Park, you can enjoy restaurants, shops and an entertainment venue within the park. This is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and one of the best places to visit in Ankara.

Souvenir shopping in Old Quarter

Located in the center of the city, the Old Quarter is filled with charming alleyways, old-fashioned markets and unique souvenir shops.  Old Quarter is known for its variety of souvenirs and is a great place to find unique items to take back home.  Proof you were in Ankara!

From handmade jewelry to Turkish coffee pots you’re bound to find something cool and antiquey to take home.  The Old Quarters are what to see in Ankara if you are looking for insight into local life.

Kocatepe Mosque in Ankara

Kocatepe Mosque

Kocatepe Camii or Kocatepe Mosque in English is an impressive landmark in Ankara.  Built in 1987, the Kocatepe Camii is the largest mosque in the city.

The mosque has four minarets and a large dome which is covered in beautiful tiles.  It also features a grand prayer hall and a library.  Inside, you will find a stunning Islamic art and intricate carvings.

Visiting this mosque you will find stunning Islamic art and intricate carvings.  This is a popular thing to do in Ankara and when you’re here you can enjoy panoramic views of the city from the mosque’s terrace.

A building in Ankara

Go on a Free Walking Tour

The best way to get to know a city and your bearings is by going on a free walking tour.  It’s even better when you can do so with a local guide and a group of like-minded travellers.  Plus it’s pretty cheap!

A walking tour is a great introduction to a new area and in my opinion one of the best free things to do in Ankara.  You can usually book a tour with your hostel if that’s where you happen to be staying.

Tours usually last around 2 hours and a local guide will be able to answer any questions that you have.

Book a (Almost Free) Walki n g Tour →

Another mosque to make the best things to do in Ankara list is the Haci Bayram Mosque.  This beautiful Ottoman mosque was built in 1427 and is considered one of the most important mosques in Turkey.

The mosque is made of cut stone, brick and plaster and is decorated in various shades of blue, green, red and yellow.  The Haci Bayram Mosque is visited by thousands of people each year so prepare for crowds and a stunning sight.  The mosque is open 24 hours to visitors and is free to enter.

Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations is one of the most renowned museums in Ankara.  Located in the historical center of the city, the museum features an impressive range of artifacts from the ancient civilizations of Anatolia.

Some of its permanent galleries include historical artifacts from the Paleolithic era through the Ottoman Empire including sculptures, jewelry, pottery and other artworks.  The art museum also houses a library, a research center and education workshops if you’re a history buff and into that sort of thing.

The museum is open 7 days a week from 8:30am to 5:30pm and costs 40 Turkish Lira to enter, which is roughly $2 USD’s.  Don’t miss out on this place to visit in Ankara.

Catch a Performance at the Ankara State Opera House

One of the coolest buildings in Ankara is the Ankara State Opera House. The building itself is a masterpiece, with its ornate architecture and elegant design.  

The grand and beautiful building is a symbol of the city’s vibrant artistic culture and is home to some of the best performances in the country.

Opera and ballet season generally runs from September to June so if you happen to be visiting Ankara during that time, I’d be awesome to try to catch a performance, concert or play .

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Day Trips from Ankara

Best day Trips from Ankara, Turkey

If you love skiing or snowboarding as much as I do, then make sure you organize a trip the Kartalkaya Ski Resort if you are traveling to Ankara during the winter months.  This is a popular ski destination for skiers of Ankara.

This ski resort offers a variety of ski runs for all levels of skiers but is best suited for beginner and intermediate skiers.  There are 16 lifts and it even has a terrain park.

You can reach the Kartalkaya Ski Resort several different ways – on a tour, in a private vehicle or by bus.  It will take you anywhere from 1 -3 hours each way depending on which mode of transportation you take.

Book a Tour →

Beypazari is a charming town located about 2 hours west of the city and is one of the best day trips from Ankara.  The adorable town is known for its traditional architecture, with wooden houses lining the narrow cobblestone streets and carrots.

That’s right, Beypazari is located in the epicenter of Turkey’s carrot growing region and there’s even a giant carrot statue proudly displayed in the center of town.

When you explore the town, you can stroll the town sampling baklava, biscuits and made to order carrot juice. The streets are full of bakeries, spice shops, jewelry stores and souvenir shops.  There’s also a viewpoint marked by a flag if you don’t mind a bit of a hike.

📚 Read Full Post:   Beypazari – Ankara’s Best Day Trip

Located about 3 hours north of Ankara is Safranbolu.  The designated UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its well-preserved Ottoman era architecture, which includes mosques and old stone & red roofed Ottoman houses.

Safranbolu has a vibrant culture as its holds several festivals and traditional events throughout the year.  When visiting the small town, you can wander the winding streets of the old town and shop for local handcrafts and souvenirs.

If you want to experience a traditional Turkish bath on your trip to Turkey check out the nearby Tarihi Cinci Hamam.  It is a restored 17th century bathhouse still in operation today.

Another awesome day trip from Ankara are the Ruins of Hattuşa.  This incredible archaeological site dates back to the Hittite Empire.  Built in the 13th century BC, these ruins are the remnants of an ancient city and have been incredibly well preserved.

The UNESCO site is home to a plethora of archaeological remains including impressive fortifications and a variety of temples, palaces and city walls.  You can explore the ruins as well as view a variety of artifacts and remains that have been uncovered by excavations over the years.

The Ruins of Hattusa are located about 100 miles east of Ankara and can take 3 – 5 hours to get there depending on what form of transportation you take.

Alacahöyük day trip from Ankara

Alacahöyük is another set of archaeological ruins located only 20 miles northeast of Hattuşa so you can visit both of these sites on the same day trip from Ankara.

This ancient Hittite city was first inhabited in the 3rd millennium BC, which makes it one of the oldest cities in the world.  Back in its time, Alacahöyük was the capital of the Hittite Empire and a center of religious and political activity.  

If you love ruins, this archaeological site will offer an insight into the history of the Hittite civilization.

The last day trip from Ankara that I will be mentioning in this post is Gordion.  Gordon is best known as the home of King Midas, you know the man with the golden tough.

The ancient city dates back to the 8th century BC and was the capital of the Phrygian Empire.  Present day, it is a major archaeological site with excavations revealing the citadel, a number of temples, tombs and other structures.  

It is also home to a museum of Phrygian antiquities and the remains of the wooden yoke that was famously cut by Alexander the Great.

Ankara Travel Vlogs

Would you rather see what visiting Ankara is like.  Ankara was the first stop on my month long Turkey travels.  I definitely didn’t get to visit all the places in Turkey that I wanted to but that’s okay because I am already planning a trip back.

🎥   Watch theTurkey series on YouTube!

Where to Stay in Ankara  

There are lots of places to stay in Ankara that will accommodate every type of traveler and on every type of budget.  These are the top picks on where to stay in Ankara.

  • Where to Stay in Ankara on a Budget – Grand Sera Hotel 
  • Mid Range Accommodations in Ankara – Divan Cukurhan
  • Best Hotel in Ankara for Luxury – Lugal, A Luxury Collection Hotel
📚 Read Full Post:   Best Hotels in Ankara

How to Get to Ankara

If you are already in the country, all major towns and cities have buses or trains going to and from Ankara.  This will be your cheapest option Sometimes these bus rides can be long and exhausting though.

I do not recommend taking an overnight bus in Turkey !  Turkey does not have lay down seats and you’re in for a uncomfortable and restless night.  Trust me, I made this mistake once and will not make it again.

You may surprised to find out that flying domestically within the country of Turkey is extremely affordable .  So if you are coming from Istanbul or Izmir , I would look into flights before buses.

Renting a car in Turkey and exploring with your own two wheels is also a great option.  Roads are paved, well marked and very westernized. We rented a car twice during the month we traveled Turkey and we wish we had a car the entire time.

Best Time to Visit Ankara

The best time to visit Turkey is during the spring season, from April to mid-June and during the autumn months.  During these months, the weather is pleasant and mild which allows you to explore the city without feeling too hot or too cold.

This allows you to take advantage of the outdoor activities in the city like shopping at the markets, visiting the parks and walking from Ankara attraction to attraction.  

During these months you can also have a chance to attend popular festivals and cultural events that occur throughout the year like the Nevruz Festival, the International Ankara Music Festival and the Jazz Festival .

Inside of Antikabir Museum in Ankara

Ankara Travel Tips

  • You need a visa to enter Turkey .  Planning ahead for these make the visa more affordable.
  • Women must have their heads, shoulders and knees covered before entering mosques.
  • Using the okay symbol 👌 is offensive in Turkey.
  • Opening hours for Ankara attractions are usually shorter in the winter opposed to the summer.
  • Credit cards are widely accepted throughout the country.
  • Tea is a sign of hospitality
📚 Read Full Post: Turkey Travel Tips | 21 Things to Know Before you Go

Hot air balloons at sunrise in Cappadocia

Onward Travel from Ankara 

  • Cappadocia – Located about 3-4 hours by road, Cappadocia is famous for its surreal landscapes, cave dwellings , and hot air balloon rides . 
  • Istanbul is Turkey’s largest city and cultural hub known for its historic sites, vibrant bazaars, delicious cuisine, and stunning architecture. Ankara is connected to Istanbul by domestic flights, trains, and buses.
  • Situated on the Aegean coast, Ephesus is home to one of the best-preserved ancient cities in the Mediterranean region and one of the best things to do in Izmir .
  • Pamukkale is famous for its terraces of travertine pools filled with mineral-rich thermal waters, referred to as the Cotton Castle . 
  • Antayla known as the “Turkish Riviera”, is a popular coastal destination offering beautiful beaches, ancient ruins, and happening nightlife. It’s accessible from Ankara by domestic flights or long-distance buses.

Final Thoughts on the Best Things to do in Ankara 

Those are the best things to do in Ankara and the best day trips from Ankara that will only leave you wanting to explore more of this incredible country.

If you found this article helpful, let fellow travelers know in the comments below 👇.

 Turkey Travel Guides ↓

📍 Planing a trip to Turkey? Check out these guides for more tips and inspiration to help plan your trip.

16 Epic Places to Visit in Turkey 

The Ultimate Guide to Turkey

Uchisar Castle in Cappadocia 

Enjoy this Post?!?! Pin in for Later ↓

Top Places to visit in Ankara

Thanks for sharing. After reading this list, no one can claim that Ankara is a boring city! It is also good that you mentioned daily trips to other cultural centers in Anatolia. History lovers should not miss Alaca Hoyuk and Hattusa. Greetings!


Thanks for reading! We really enjoyed our time in Ankara.

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Iconic Mausoleum of Ataturk in Ankara, showcasing Turkish architectural grandeur.

The Ultimate Ankara Travel Guide: Unveiling the Heart of Turkey

Ankara’s rich tapestry: a historical and cultural melange.

Ankara is not just the political heart of Turkey but also a cultural and historical treasure trove. The city’s roots go deep into the annals of history, with civilizations dating back to the Hittite era. Today, Ankara is a vibrant metropolis, boasting a mix of Ottoman, Roman, and modern Turkish influences.

Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara

Key Attractions in Ankara

  • Anıtkabir: The mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, is not just a monument but a symbol of Turkish independence and pride. Its architecture and the panoramic view of Ankara it offers are truly breathtaking.
  • Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Housing artifacts from various epochs of Turkey’s history , this museum offers a deep dive into the country’s rich past, from the Paleolithic era to the Ottoman period.
  • Ankara Castle: This ancient fortress offers a glimpse into Ankara’s medieval history , with stunning views of the city from its walls.
  • Kızılay Square: The beating heart of Ankara, this bustling square is surrounded by shops, cafes, and government buildings, reflecting the city’s vibrant urban life.

Culinary Delights: Taste the Authentic Flavors of Ankara

Ankara’s culinary scene is a reflection of Turkey’s diverse palate, offering a blend of Central Anatolian and traditional Turkish cuisines . Don’t miss out on trying the local specialties like Ankara Tava (lamb cooked with tomatoes and green peppers) and the famous Beypazarı Kurusu, a traditional crispy pastry.

FAQs: Planning Your Ankara Adventure

What is the best time to visit ankara.

Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) offer the most pleasant weather, ideal for exploring the city’s attractions.

How can I get around Ankara?

Ankara boasts an efficient public transportation system, including buses, a metro, and Ankaray (the light metro). Taxis and ride-sharing services are also readily available.

Are there any cultural etiquettes I should be aware of?

Turkish culture values hospitality and respect. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites, and always remove your shoes before entering a mosque or a Turkish home.

Can I find English-speaking guides in Ankara?

Yes, many tour operators and historical sites in Ankara offer services in English. It’s always helpful to learn a few basic Turkish phrases to enhance your experience.

Where can I find the best shopping in Ankara?

Visit the traditional markets like Çıkrıkçılar Yokuşu for authentic Turkish crafts, or explore modern malls like ANKAmall for a more contemporary shopping experience.

Embracing the Spirit of Ankara

Ankara is a city where the past and present coalesce, offering a unique journey through Turkey’s heartland. From its ancient ruins to modern streets, every corner tells a story, waiting to be discovered.

Top 3 Essential Tours in Turkey for an Unforgettable Experience

Explore Turkey's wonders on a 12-day tour featuring Istanbul, Cappadocia's landscapes, Antalya's beaches, Pamukkale's springs, Ephesus, and Ankara.

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19 Things to do in Ankara – Exploring Turkey’s Capital

Compared to many other cities of Turkey, Ankara, might not be a popular destination for many tourists. Pretty much everyone flocks to Istanbul , which I understand completely. It’s one of my favorite cities I have traveled to. However, the capital is very different from the bustling Istanbul, with its architecture, people, and sites. So without further ado, here are the top things to do in Ankara for three days. 

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things to do in ankara

Is Ankara worth visiting? 

Ankara is a very old city; here you’ll find examples of Roman, Byzantine, Hellenistic, and Ottoman architectural and archeological sites. The historical center laid out on the rocky hill is one of the best representations of Ottoman architecture and incorporates the remains of the Roman period, including the Temple of Augustus and Rome, dating back to the 20th century BC, and Roman Baths.

things to do in ankara

Therefore, for history buffs, Ankara is definitely a place to be. City explorers will love wandering not only in the historic part but in the central district of the capital, Kizilay. While museum lovers will find quite interesting venues to check out. So basically, there is something for any kind of traveler. 

How to get to Ankara?

Ankara has one airport called Ankara Esenboga Airport, located around 30 km from the city center. Depending on where you are traveling from, finding a flight to Ankara should not be a problem. Both local and international airline companies fly to Ankara.

things to do in ankara

If you are traveling from any city of Turkey , the cheapest and a bit comfortable air carrier is Pegasus, which also flies internationally to dozens of countries, including in Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. You can also find flights to Ankara from many parts of the world operated by Turkish Airlines, Ukrainian Airlines, Lufthansa, and LOT to name just a few. 

Getting around Ankara

Ankara is quite a big city with a very good public transportation system, with buses, metros, railway, and ‘dolums’ (minibusses). There’s a special airport to the city center bus, operated by company Havas. Cost per ride costs 11 Lira. Every airport in Turkey has those buses. 

As some attractions are far from each other, and you are not keen on walking, buy Ankara Card instead of single-use tickets. The card is valid for buses and metro, and you get a discounted price for the second ride within 75 minutes.

things to do in ankara

You can purchase Ankara Card in metro stations. The price of the card is 6 Lira, and one ride costs 2.50 Lira. You can deposit as much money on the card as you want. It should be noted that unlike similar cards you can find in Europe, this particular one is not limited to hours or days of your stay. 

19 Awesome Things to do in Ankara

Visit the mausoleum of ataturk.

Anitkabir, translated as a memorial tomb, is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey and its first President. Visiting the venue is one of the first things to do in Ankara.

things to do in ankara

The mausoleum is huge, nothing I have ever visited elsewhere. It includes four parts: the Ceremonial Plaza, the Road of Lions, the Hall of Honor, and Peace Park. 

The Road of Lions is a pedestrian-only walkway lined with twelve pairs of lions on both sides. They represent 24 Oghuz Turkik Tribes. The lions are seated to symbolized both peace and power. 

Ceremonial Plaza is the central area that can accommodate around 15,000 people. The floor is quite beautiful, designed in 373 kilim (Turkish carpet) and rug patterns. 

things to do in ankara

Ataturk’s tomb is in the Hall of Honor, in a symbolic 40-ton sarcophagus. The real body is buried right below the sarcophagus, seven meters down, surrounded by the soil of every region of Turkey , as well as Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan .  Besides, Ataturk, the second president of the country, Ismet Inonu is also buried here. 

Peace Park surrounds the whole complex. The name comes from Ataturk’s famous phrase: Peace at home, peace in the world. 

There’s a museum within the complex, showcasing his memorabilia starting from his birth certificate, personal items, clothing, books, gifts from various countries, and a Lincoln car of 1935 to name just a few. Trust me, these are just drops in the ocean! There’s even a piece of stone from the house in Macedonia where Ataturk was born! 

things to do in ankara

What I liked most about visiting the mausoleum is its layout. Every period of Ataturk’s life is perfectly displayed, with special corners dedicated to the reform he did to create one of the powerful countries in the 20th century. Apart from this, there are three panoramas dedicated to the Independence War of Turkey with a simulation of the war. When walking in the rooms, you hear sounds of gunfire, people screaming, and the sounds of water splashes.

We really enjoyed the visit here. And make sure to spend around 2 hours to see everything. 

  • Opening hours:  1 February – 14 May: 9 am – 4:30 pm; 15 May – 31 October: 9 am – 5 pm; 1 November – 31 January: 9 am – 4 pm. 
  • Entrance Fee: Free

Wander through the old town

The main historical area in Ankara is the Hamamönü district full of old architectural buildings, shops, and cafes. The history of the area goes back to the time when Ankara became the capital of Turkey , but scholars believe that the base of it is even older. 

things to do in ankara

In 2011, the district underwent major renovation works, making it a popular spot and one of the important things to do in Ankara. The area is one of the best examples of late Ottoman-era house dwellings and neighborhoods. Those charming white houses incorporate patterns of Ottoman civic architecture, serving as a time machine to travel to old Ankara. 

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 1

Besides cafes and residential houses, the neighborhood is home to Karacabey Hamami, the bathhouse dating back to the 15th century, Taceddin Sultan Mosque, Haci Musa Mosque, and a clock tower. 

Enjoy the view of Ankara Castle and old town

The road to Ankara Citadel follows through a cobblestone steep street, where various shops, be it a souvenir, towels, textiles, spices, or stones, adorn both sides of it. Moreover, this part of Ankara also features Ottoman-era-like white houses, made either from wood or stone. 

things to do in ankara

The castle itself dates back to the late antique, early medieval era, and offers a panoramic view of the capital. Originally built as military defense, today, it serves a popular destination for tourists. You can climb its walls and enjoy views of Altindag district boasting with red-tiled rooftop houses of Ottoman-era, while on the horizon, there’s modern Ankara. 

See the development of technology of our era

Hands down, Rahmi M. Koc Museum Ankara is probably my the most favorite museum of all the museums I have ever visited! It’s a museum of technology, past, present, and future! I can’t recommend it enough, so make sure you put this on your list of things to do in Ankara.

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 5

Here, you witness the evolution of any kind of machinery, be it computers, typewriters, radios, television, calculators, scientific tools, military equipment, cars, boats, bicycles, motorbikes, steam engines, you name it! You’ll find something that you either have never seen, heard of, or didn’t think it existed. It’s a mindblowing exhibition.

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 7

The museum is a private collection of a Turkish businessman, Rahmi Mustafa Koç. Forbes, in 2016, ranked him as the 906th richest man in the world with a fortune worth $2.6 billion. It should be noted that he not only donated all those items he collected throughout the years but also took part in the process of making the museum, especially in its layout and thematic rooms. 

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 9

Situated in a historical building built during the reign of Suleyman the Magnificant, Cengelhan building is one of the few constructions of that time which remains in its original form. The building was home to the shop of Rahmi’s father, Vehbi Koc, where he started his business career and became the richest man in Turkey.

During the making of the museum, the Koc family made sure that the building remained in its original state. The museum also encompasses another historical building called Safranhan, built in 1511. It used to be a typical Anatolian caravanserai. You can even see the layout of those Anatolian shops within the museum. 

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 11

Apart from being absolutely stunned by the items here, we loved the fact that some of them are still operating and you can see them working by pushing the button at some displays. Make sure you have at least (!) two hours to spend in the museum. 

  • Opening Hours: Tue-Fri: 10 am – 5 pm. Weekends: 10 am – 6 pm from October to March, and during April – September from 10 am – 7 pm. 
  • Entrance Fee:  Adults – 10 Lira

Admire the beauty of Kocatepe Mosque

This is the largest mosque in Ankara, built between 1967 and 1987. The mosque has a modern and innovative design, in particular, it carries a neo-classical Ottoman architectural style. The design was influenced by Sultan Ahmet (Blue Mosque) of Istanbul and the Selimiye Mosque in Edirne. 

Relax in various parks of Ankara

The capital city is home to many parks scattered across the city. Genclik Park, located in the center, spans on 27.5 ha of land. Nearby, there’s Ulus Square, the Ankara Opera House, Ankara Central Station, and a stadium. 

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 13

There’s an Amusement Park inside, with various attractions and a Ferris Wheel to keep you entertained. During our visit, as the tourist season was still low, it was opened only on weekends, so we only managed to stroll down the main park. 

Kuğulu Park, which translates as Swan Park, is another great alternative to enjoy peace and nature in the Çankaya neighborhood. As the name already suggests, the park is home to swans, as well as geese, and ducks. The park is quite big, covering around 1ha of land, making it a perfect spot to enjoy a sunny day in Ankara and admire the everyday life of the locals. 

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 15

Visit the Roman Baths of Ankara

This open-air museum showcases the remains of the Roman bath of the ancient city of Ancyra, the predecessor of modern Ankara.  During the Roman Era on the territory of today’s Turkey, the strategic location of Ancyra made it the capital city of the Galatia province. 

These baths built in the 3rd century by Emperor Caracalla, in honor of the God of Medicine, Asclepios. The complex consists of three main rooms: hot, warm, and cold baths. Upon entering the site, you find yourself at the old wrestling court which used to be enclosed by a portico and 128 marble columns.  The area was used until the 8th century. It was destroyed by fire and left only the remains of the first floor and the basement. 

  • Opening Hours: Everyday: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
  • Entrance Fee:  6 Lira

Have fun at Upside Down House 

If you are looking for a bit different things to do in Ankara, you might want to check out the Upside Down House or Tepetaklak EV in Turkish, located on the outskirts of the capital. This two-floor house has three rooms on the upper floor and one on its ground floor. It looks like an ordinary apartment, however, every item is upside down. Kids will have a blast here, but so did I 🙂 

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 17

The place is part of an entertainment park and apart from the Upside Down House, there’s a Museum of Illusions, cafes, train for kids, and domesticated ducks and geese. I guess the place is much busier in spring and summer when the weather is warmer, but during our visit at the beginning of March, the place was quite empty. 

How to get there: If you are renting a car in Ankara, getting to the Upside Down House is easy peasy. It’s a bit challenging when using public transportation, but it’s doable. You need to get in at any stop of red metro line M1-2-3 and get off it at Koru station. Exit the metro towards Ankaralilar Cd. and walk to the bus station.

You need bus number 589, or any other that goes to Eski Kapi bus stop. Note that the bus stop is on the highway and the bus will be driving from the opposite side of the Upside Down House. Don’t get off of the bus, it goes to a small neighborhood and drives towards the right side of your destination –  Eski Kapi. You need to get off near the Petrol Office petrol station. The Upside Down House is located behind cafes and shops. 

The way back to Ankara is the same. Just wait for the bus in front of the petrol station. 

  • Opening Hours: Everyday 10 am – 7 pm
  • Entrance Fee: Upside Down House and Museum of Illusions 15 Lira each

Find the hidden gem of Ankara

This is a true gem of Ankara that no one knows about. Even I stumbled upon it by accident, through browsing Google Trips app when planning the trip. Its Turkish name is Altın Köşk, situated in Bilkent neighborhood. The house, built in 1996, belongs to Ali Riza Bozkurt, a Turkish businessman who owns several international companies and resides in the United States. 

things to do in ankara

What makes this residence so special and unique? It’s one of its kind in whole Ankara as it features replicas from different palaces and mansions all around Turkey . Even though the dominant color of the house is golden, both the interior and exterior are done in style. Luxurious furniture adorns massive rooms, while painted patterns on its walls and ceilings, along with enormous chandeliers do attract the eye. 

How to get here: Take any stop of red metro line M1-2-3 and get off at Bilkent station. Exit the metro towards Bilkent Blv. and walk towards Beytepe Koyu Yolu street in order to find Bilkent bus stop. You’ll need bus number 111. Get off from the bus at Şafak Sitesi bus stop. The museum is right in front of the street, so you’ll be able to see it when approaching the bus stop. Take the same route to go to the center of Ankara. 

  • Opening Hours: Closed on Mondays. Tue-Sun: 9 am – 5 pm
  • Entrance Fee: Free but donations are appreciated

Enjoy panoramic views of Ankara

Atakule Tower is a shopping mall with an observation tower of 125 meters high to enjoy a panoramic view of Turkey’s capital. There’s even a restaurant called Sevilla, which rotates 360 degrees in one hour.  On top of this restaurant, there’s another one called Dome, but it’s not revolving, while a cafe is located under the viewing terrace. 

things to do in ankara

Unfortunately, there are ongoing renovations of the tower and we couldn’t go up. However, according to the personal, it should be open in summer. So instead, we walked around, sipped a coffee at its indoor restaurants and popped in at some of the shops.

Ankara attractions we missed

Due to the fact that Ankara is quite big and some of the venues we wanted to visit are far from the city center or even outside of it, we messed up with timing and didn’t realize we would have needed more than an hour by public transport to get to those locations. Therefore, we had to prioritize. Some of those venues listed below were out of our interests but still decided to include them to show you that there are plenty of things to do in Ankara.  

Museum of Anatolian Civilizations 

History lovers will enjoy their time in Anadolu Medeniyetleri or the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, where visitors can see a large collection of Anatolian items in well-arranged rooms from the Paleolithic era to the present day. The museum serves as an introduction to early Turkey and its capital. 

  • Opening Hours: Open every day. Hours vary according to the season. 
  • Entrance Fee: 30 Lira

Ethnography Museum of Ankara

If you like learning about civilizations, then visiting the Ethnography Museum should be on your list. The museum showcases the cultures of Turkic civilizations through various artifacts like manuscripts, jewelry, glass and tile items, hand-woven and hand-embroidered goods, and metalwork to name a few. 

  • Opening Hours: Open every day, except religious holidays. Hours vary according to season
  • Entrance Fee: 12 Lira

War of Independence Museum

This is another great museum for those who are interested in learning the history of Turkey in detail. The museum displays important photos, documents, and furniture of the war. Explore the corridor with oil paintings showcasing the events of 1918-23 and the Presidential Room features original items including the presidential seal. Moreover, you can see Ataturk’s personal items in the administration room.  

  • Opening Hours: Open every day. Hours vary according to season
  • Entrance Fee: 10 Lira

Aqua Vega Aquarium

Located in one of the largest shopping malls of Turkey, the Aqua Vega Aquarium has a long walk-in tunnel from where you can see the life and natural habitat of underwater creatures. There are different rooms with various themes to watch freshwater and salt life. It is a fantastic place for both kids and adults. Apart from the aquarium, you can also visit a reptile house, touch pools, a souvenir shop, and a cafe. 

Ulucanlar Prison Museum

One of the weird and interesting things to do in Ankara is to visit Ulucanlar Prison Museum, a former state prison converted into a  museum after the renovations carried out by Altındağ Municipality. Being one of its kind in Turkey.

Visiting the museum is quite emotional, as it takes you through a very past via dark and cold corridor. You will learn about those famous people who were imprisoned here due to various reasons and see the photos and documents showcasing the 81 years history of the venue. 

  • Opening Hours: Closed on Mondays. Tue-Fri: 10 am – 4 pm; Weekends: 10 am – 5 pm

Opened in 2010, CerModern is a place for art lovers. Housed in an old railway workshop, the gallery showcases fascinating modern art. The exhibitions always vary, with no permanent displays in the venue. Apart from visiting its exhibition halls, you can take part in various workshops or events hosted by the gallery. 

  • Opening Hours: Closed on Mondays. Tue-Sun: 10 am – 8 pm
  • Entrance Fee: Adults: 20 Lira; Students: 10 Lira

Ankara Air Force Museum

If you are interested in military airplanes, visiting this museum should be on your list of things to do in Ankara. Note that there are two museums in the city dedicated to the air force. This one is in the city, located in Altindag district, while another, Ankara Aviation Museum, is in the Etimesgut district.

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 21

With more than 700 artifacts, photographs, and documents, the Ankara Air Force Museum does a great job to show its visitors the history of Turkish aviation. The museum also displays certificates, uniforms, and medals of the pilots. The garden of the museum is home to original aircraft and their models. There’s a parachute tower for those adrenaline junkies who’d love to jump from it and have a somewhat unique experience.

Altinkoy Open Air Museum

If you’d like to see what life used to be in the villages in Turkey, visit this open-air museum. The complex includes examples of houses, mosques, fountains, and everything else that perfectly describe rural life some hundred years ago. There’s a farmer’s market to buy some groceries and a restaurant if you get hungry. 

My favorite travel Resources

✈ Book affordable flights on WayAway , a platform that shows the best flight deals, tours, and hotels. With a WayAway Plus membership, you can earn cashback . Get 10% off with code: RFD10

🚫 Get compensation for up to 700$ with Airhelp if your flight was canceled or delayed within the last 3 years.

🚗 Rent a car with DiscoverCars , a trusted international car rental website.

💻 Get a VPN from Surfshark to protect your devices from hackers when using public Wi-Fi when traveling.

📱 Install the Airalo app , which provides local eSIMs for a more affordable internet connection when traveling. Get 3 USD with code: BAIA2592 .

💸 Use Wise to withdraw money in local currency without hidden fees and avoid high exchange rates. On top of that, you might get a Visa or Mastercard debit card .

🏨 Find budget-friendly deals on all sorts of accommodation types on .

❣ Pre-book a private car transfer with Welcome Pickups to your hotel.

🩺 Buy the most flexible and budget-friendly travel insurance, SafetyWing , covering COVID with add-ons for adventure sports and electronics theft.

☀ Book in advance some of the best city walks, cultural experiences, and day tours to maximize your stay and experience here.

19 Things to do in Ankara - Exploring Turkey’s Capital 22

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Aww man, I was considering skipping Ankara but this post really changed the tone. I LOVE that mansion – it’s such a great feeling to find something that’s not popular. I’ll have to go whenever I get the chance!

Glad you decided not to skip it 🙂

Thanks for sharing. It is a very good list of things to do in Ankara. Besides other things, I am always impressed with Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara. Ankara can also be used as a base to make daily trips to other cultural attractions in Anatolia like Cappadocia, Hattusa, Konya, etc.

We haven’t made the day trips and that’s why it’s not there, but thanks for the suggestion. Maybe next time we are in the city, we go explore the region more.

The first picture doesn’t belong to Ankara. Its Trabzon.

Thank you Begum for your comment, but this is definitely Ankara, the view from Ankara Castle I took myself during my travels. I’ve been to Trabzon too and this is not that 🙂

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ankara tourist

Ankara travel guide

Ankara tourism | ankara guide, you're going to love ankara.

Turkey's capital is youthful, innovative, and exciting, with the galleries and museums befitting a great world city, plenty of superb Turkish restaurants, and a cultural calendar that constantly turns up new festivals and exhibitions.

ankara tourist

Top 5 Reasons to Visit Ankara

1. a collection of fantastic museums.

The star of the show in Ankara is undoubtedly the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, but Vakıf Eserleri Müzesi also houses a stunning carpet collection and isn't to be missed.

2. A Dynamic Gourmet Restaurant Scene

Dining out is always a pleasure in Ankara. Bolder diners shouldn't miss a kocorec (offal) kebab, while everyone can enjoy gourmet joints like Trilye.

3. The Mausoleum of Ataturk

If Washington has the Lincoln Memorial, Ankara has the Ataturk Mausoleum. This stunning classical structure is a fitting memorial to the father of the Turkish nation.

4. The Nightlife and Shopping in Kizilay

Ankara's trendiest area, Kizilay is one of Turkey's most vibrant shopping areas, and it's the place to be if you want to sample the city's lively nightlife.

5. The Stunning Citadel

Ankara is dominated by the citadel which, aside from being a fascinating historic fortress, also offers extraordinary views (and photo opportunities).

What to do in Ankara

1. anitkabir: a grand memorial tomb.

The Anıtkabir is a monument worth standing before. It is a mausoleum that was designed to honor the burial of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the first president of the Republic of Turkey who also led the country's fight for independence, and also serves as his tomb. Made of a mix of concrete, travertine, and marble, the sombre and symmetrical mausoleum features beautiful arcades that surround the ceremonial courtyard. The steps leading to the front are flanked by walls carved with beautiful stonework that are almost Egyptian in style. The vast courtyard facing the front is comprised of gorgeous mosaic tiling. Visit all four of Anıtkabir's main parts to get a sense of its sheer scale: the Road of Lions, the Ceremonial Plaza, the Hall of Honor, and the Peace Park.

2. Kizilay Square: A Square to Remember

The Kızılay Meydanı is also known as the Kızılay Square. Today, it features the meeting point of two major boulevards running from south to north and east to west. The Emek Business Centre lies to its southeast and the beautiful Güven Park is at the southwest corner. It is also home to the Kızılay AVM shopping mall, which lies to its northwest. In May 1960, the Square played venue to a failed coup but today it's a bustling commercial and business center, as well as being a major transportation hub.

3. Ankara Kalesi: A Taste of Old Ankara

The history of Ankara castle goes back several hundred years to Roman, Byzantine, and Seljuk empires. Overlooking the red-tiled roofs of Old Ankara, the Ankara Castle stands tall, with the red Turkish flag flying proud on its peak. Visitors and locals who make the climb to the top are here for more than just a stunning view of an ancient city steeped in significant global history. They're also here to wind around the periphery of the city, which is fortified with 20 towers and move through the beautiful stone-encased alleyways.

4. Kocatepe Camii: The Art of Worship

Somewhere between 1967 and 1987, the conception and subsequent construction of the Kocatepe Mosque began and ended. Its result? An incredible, innovative, and truly modern re-imagining of an Islamic beacon: the mosque. Rivaling any cathedral, the sheer size of the Kocatepe Mosque or the prominence of its sleek and thin minarets is not its only call to excellence. The interiors are flush with high, domed ceilings, intricate and hand-crafted mosaic tilework, and gorgeous chandeliers.

5. Atakule: Spotted in Ankara

The city is not at a loss for monuments and historic sites that either provides visitors with panoramic views of the city or that are large enough that they themselves can be viewed from a far distance on a clear day. The 410-foot-high communications and observation tower Atakule is one of those view-worthy masterpieces. The tower's upper-most section has a revolving restaurant, Sevilla, and an open terrace where the ancient breezes of the East and West meet, while the bottom section features a vast indoor shopping mall.


Activities & attractions in Ankara

ankara tourist

Where to Eat in Ankara

Street food is everywhere in Ankara - with kebabs at the fore. But if you want a high-class sit down meal, try Trilye (which focuses on seafood) or Boyacizade Konağı, which is housed in an elegant Ottoman mansion. Meals will cost around ₺15-20 per head.

When to visit Ankara

Spring is a superb time to travel to Ankara. Not only is the weather warm (but not stifling), it's also festival season, with dance and classical music every day during the International Ankara Music Festival.


How to Get to Ankara

Ankara Esenboğa Airport (ESB) is around 20 miles north of the center of town. From there, take the 442 Bus (₺8). Taxis will cost about ₺60.

High-speed trains from Istanbul run into Ankara's station, which is just outside the center of town. However, the subway runs from nearby Ulus, so getting to hotels isn't hard.

From Istanbul, take the E80, then the E89, while the E90 runs from Bursa and the E96 from Izmir.

Buses to Ankara are cheap and reliable, and terminate at the ASTI bus station, right next to Emek subway station.

Airports near Ankara

Airlines serving ankara, where to stay in ankara.

Popular luxury options in the center of Ankara include the Radisson Blu, the Latanya Hotel (which has an on-site spa), and the Surmeli Ankara Hotel, which has a lively bar.

Popular Neighborhoods in Ankara

Ulus - the city's commercial center, Ulus is north of the Old Town and is very handy for ascending to the citadel.

Kizilay - Ankara's hip, upscale neighborhood, Kizilay is packed with boutiques, bars, restaurants, and achingly fashionable young Turks.

Çankaya - the political hub of Turkey, Çankaya is home to the major museums and galleries in Ankara.

Where to stay in popular areas of Ankara

Most booked hotels in ankara, how to get around ankara, public transportation.

To ride both buses and subway services, you'll need to purchase magnetic cards (Ankarakart). The cheapest costs ₺3.50, while 20 journeys costs ₺35.

Standard taxis will charge a basic fee of ₺2.20, followed by about ₺3 per mile.

Cars can be rented from companies like Budget, Hertz, or Enterprise, and will cost around ₺20-25 per day.

Car rental agencies in Ankara

The cost of living in ankara, shopping streets.

Kizilay is the area to visit if you are after boutique jewelry or clothing, but bazaars like Çıkrıkçılar Yokuşu are a better place to find bargain textiles, pottery, or carpets.

Groceries and Other

MM Migros is the dominant supermarket in Ankara, and it's fairly cheap. For example, expect to pay around ₺10 for a gallon of milk.

Things To Do In Ankara

Top hotel collections.

ankara tourist

5 Star Hotels

Near Esenboga Airport (ESB)

  • Filter (26)
  • Historical Site (3)
  • Monument (2)

1. Panoramic View of Ankara from Ankara Castle

Panoramic View of Ankara from Ankara Castle

1 km from city center 1 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

One of Turkey's oldest sites, the Ankara Castle is a historical fortification dating back to the 7th century. The castle overlooks the city from its peak and is often associated with Ottoman, Seljuk, Roman and Byzantine empires. One of Ankara's must-visit destinations, the castle embodies different architectural styles and is home to twenty pillars and two gateways. The streets leading to the castle are studded with old Ankarian houses.

2. Explore Roman Baths of Ankara

Explore Roman Baths of Ankara

2 km from city center 2 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Roman Baths of Ankara is an open-air museum featuring the ruined remains of an ancient Roman bath complex. It is situated on Çankırı Avenue around 400 m from Ulus, the heart of the old Ankara district. Along with the baths, this site includes an entire building featuring a palaestra (area for physical exercise), a colonnaded street, and other unidentified structures.

3. Visit Ataturk Museum at Antikabir

Visit Ataturk Museum at Antikabir

2 km from city center 3 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The father of the modern Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, found his resting place at the Anitkabir, a mausoleum in Ankara. Standing tall on a hilltop, this mausoleum is elaborate and carved with intricate designs. The complex has many areas to explore, like the Hall of Honor, Peacock Park, Aslanlı Yol’, and Monument Block, among others. The mausoleum looks mesmerizing at night, with its well-lit walls and borders.

4. Haci Bayram Mosque

Haci Bayram Mosque

1 km from city center 4 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Haci Bayram Mosque is one of the most historically significant mosques in Ankara and Turkey. An iconic religious centre based on the 17th century and 18th-century mosque architectural styles, it is home to the mausoleum of Turkish poet and Sufi Haci Bayram Veli, whose name it takes. The site also includes a Roman Temple of Augustus where the walls depict how it looked during the Roman times.

Ankara Travel Packages

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Grand turkey tour package: 14 nights 15 days, 5. kecioren falls.

Kecioren Falls

5 km from city center 5 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Snuggled in Kalaba in the Keçiören metropolitan, the Keçiören Falls is a man-made waterfall that offers a mesmerizing view. There is a glass bridge over the falls, which is worth visiting. There are many pools and fountains in the area surrounding the waterfall.

6. Aqua Vega Aquarium

Aqua Vega Aquarium

8 km from city center 6 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Aqua Vega Aquarium is Turkey's longest shopping mall aquarium that houses nearly 12,000 sea creatures in thematic salt and freshwater tanks. Most of the magical creatures here, including sharks, are brought from all over the world's rivers and oceans and are only seen in documentaries.

Top Hotels In Ankara

₽ 1,787 onwards

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₽ 2,978 onwards

7. Museum of Anatolian Civilization

Museum of Anatolian Civilization

1 km from city center 7 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Located in the Atpazarı area of Ankara, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations is based in two Ottoman buildings near the Ankara Castle. The museum houses artefacts, handicrafts, tools, and furniture, among more pieces of history from the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze ages.

8. Enjoy Panoramic Views from Atakule Tower

Enjoy Panoramic Views from Atakule Tower

5 km from city center 8 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Located in the Canakaya district, the Atakule Tower overlooks Ankara from a height of 125 meters above the sea level. The panoramic view of the city alongside good food is definitely a plus, with a revolving restaurant and a café, Atakule is a great place to enjoy a romantic dinner at. The bottom structure of this tower is home to a shopping complex.

9. Erimtan Museum

Erimtan Museum

1 km from city center 9 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Erimtan Museum is an archaeology and art museum and a popular museum venue in Ankara. It houses nearly two thousand portable artefacts of Anatolian origin. Located in the Ulus region of Ankara, the Erimtan Museum showcases works that belong to civilisations such as the Hittites, Urartu, Assyrians and Achaemenids. Concerts are also held in the museum building every Tuesday, with each season having about 16 concerts.

10. Ataturk Statue

Ataturk Statue

12 km from city center 10 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Ataturk Statue, located in Ulus Square of Ankara near Atatürk Boulevard, is a group of bronze statues depicting soldiers in a battlefield. Built during the Turkish War of Independence, the central figure of the monument is that of an equestrian figure of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey and a military officer during World War I. There are three more figures of two soldiers and one woman.

11. Kocatepe Mosque

Kocatepe Mosque

2 km from city center 11 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Kocatepe Mosque is one of the largest mosques in the world. It is also the largest mosque in Ankara that can be seen from almost anywhere in the central city. Standing 288 ft tall, the four minarets of the mosque and its gorgeous gold-plated dome are a mesmerising view. Like several other attractions in Ankara, you have to climb a hill to reach the mosque which is located near the city’s famous plaza, Kizilay Square.

12. Rahmi M Koc Museum

Rahmi M Koc Museum

37 km from city center 12 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Rahmi M. Koç Museum is the first industrial and transport museum in Ankara. Facing the Ankara Citadel, it is situated in the old quarters of two historic caravanserais. There are certain sections dedicated to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. A large chunk of the collection is believed to be donated by the famous Koc family.

13. Aslanhane Mosque

Aslanhane Mosque

0 km from city center 13 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Aslanhane Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Turkey, with magnificent woodwork and stone elements. The 13th-century mosque is located in the old quarter of Ankara, next to Ankara Castle. The Aslanhane Mosque, literally translating to the house of the lion, derives its name from the lion statues surrounding it, which were buried in the walls of Şerafettin's mosque facing it.

14. Temple of Augustus

Temple of Augustus

1 km from city center 14 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

One of the most important Roman period ruins in Ankara, the Monumentum Ancyranum or the Temple of Augustus and Rome, is home to the “Deeds of the Divine Augustus” (Res Gestae Divi Augusti), the autobiography of the first Roman Emperor. Unfortunately, the temple can be viewed from the outside as it is in danger of collapse due to several climatic factors, including air pollution and earthquakes, and is not accessible to visitors for sightseeing.

15. Bird Watching & Boating at Eymir Lake

Bird Watching & Boating at Eymir Lake

13 km from city center 15 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

An alluvial set lake, the Eymir Lake, located in the town of Ankara Golbasi, is a famous picnic spot. The Lake is inside a natural park frequented by locals for walking, jogging or cycling with a bike, which can be rented at the entrance. It is also known for bird watching, and the most common bird species found at the lake are mallard duck, elmabaş patka and bahrid. Water sports activities such as rowing and fishing are also available.

16. State Art and Sculpture Museum

State Art and Sculpture Museum

1 km from city center 16 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Located in Hacettepe, Ankara, the State Museum of Paintings and Sculpture is dedicated to fine arts. It showcases an eclectic range of contemporary art from the late 19th century to the present day. The museum has a collection of permanent works that are the world’s finest pieces of Turkish art as well as some modern temporary exhibits by foreign artists.

17. Altinpark


4 km from city center 17 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Altinpark is the largest public park in Ankara with beautiful green landscape and artificial pond arrangements. Inside the park are a science centre, buffets and restaurants, playgrounds, lakeside lecture halls, a fair and congress centre, and kindergarten and summer school. There are also rashing boats, skating rink, electric excursion cars and a mini excursion train.

18. Ankara Ethnography Museum

Ankara Ethnography Museum

0 km from city center 18 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Ankara Ethnography museum is dedicated to Turkish Arts and Culture, starting from the Seljuk period. From clothes and ornaments to shoes and other accessories, the museum captures the essence of Ankaraian ethnicity quite well. In addition, there is a library that houses a specialized collection of books covering folktales from Ankarian history and ethnography.

19. Altinkoy Open Air Museum

Altinkoy Open Air Museum

9 km from city center 19 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Altinkoy Open Air Museum is based on village architecture, traditions and culture of the 1930-1950s. A beautiful picnic spot, the innovative museum, located in Altındağ district of Ankara, has a breathtaking green landscape covering 500 acres. Apart from being a delight for nature lovers, there are also many small museums inside, including a laundry place, a weaving workshop, a toy museum and workshop, and a wildlife introduction museum.

20. Cermodern Ankara

Cermodern Ankara

70 km from city center 20 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

CerModern is a modern art museum for Contemporary Art and Photography located in Anafartalar, Altınsoy Cd. in Ankara. It is set inside an old railway workshop and conveys the essence of art in the present dynamic era. Some significant past exhibits of this museum include the works of Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo and the Istanbul Photo Awards.

21. Ahmet Hamdi Akseki Mosque

Ahmet Hamdi Akseki Mosque

9 km from city center 21 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

One of the largest mosques in Turkey, the Ahmet Hamdi Akseki Mosque in Ankara is a mix of modern architecture, Arabic calligraphy and ancient Islamic features. Designed in a neoclassical style, it has a majestic moonlight effect on the dome, created by directed lights from its four 66 metre minarets.

22. Ankara State Opera House

Ankara State Opera House

0 km from city center 22 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The largest Opera house in Ankara, Ankara Opera House hosts Ballet and Opera performances. Based in the Atatürk Bulvarı area, the Opera House was originally constructed as an exhibition centre. Also known as Büyük Tiyatro, the building serves as a theatre for Turkish State movies. One can check and book shows on Ankara Opera House’s official website.

23. Admire Architecture of Melike Hatun Mosque

Admire Architecture of Melike Hatun Mosque

1 km from city center 23 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Believed to be the newest mosque in Ankara, the Melike Hatun Mosque is largely popular among the locals for its exhibition halls and modern features. Built on 19,500 square metres, the mosque can house around 7,000 people at a time and displays a unique style combining Ottoman, Seljuk and modern architecture.

24. Day Trip to Hattusha

Day Trip to Hattusha

0 km from city center 24 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Hattusha, an archaeological site, once enjoyed the status of the Hittite Empire's capital. Hattusha is known for its urban planning and the various surviving ruins, including temples, royal residences, and fortresses. The lavish Lions' Arch, Royal Gate, and the Yazilikaya group of rock art are some of the architectural delights here. Now recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Hattusha is a must-visit in Ankara.

25. Bestepe Mosque

Bestepe Mosque

7 km from city center 25 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

The Bestepe National Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Ankara. Located inside the Presidential Palace complex of Ankara's Bestepe district, it symbolises Turkish culture and traditions and is a prominent example of traditional Turkish architecture. The mosque has a beautiful fountain at the entrance and looks stunning at night with its illuminated minarets.

26. Atatürk Forest Farm and Zoo

Atatürk Forest Farm and Zoo

6 km from city center 26 out of 26 Things To Do in Ankara

Located in Yenimahalle, the Ataturk Forest Farm and Zoo is an expansive recreational park and the largest zoo in Ankara. It houses several small agricultural farms, greenhouses, restaurants, a dairy farm, and a brewery. The zoological garden is home to some big cats, monkeys, apes, ungulates, snakes, various species of birds, as well as an aquarium.

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Home > Epic Things To Do In Ankara, Capital City Of Turkey 

Epic Things To Do In Ankara, Capital City Of Turkey 

Post author Nicky

Written by our local expert Nicky

Nicky, originally from the UK, is now a local in Turkey. She moved to Marmaris, Türkiye for love 12 years ago and is now your Turkey travel planner.

If you did a quick survey of a sample of people and asked which city is the capital of Türkiye, many would tell you Istanbul. But you and I both know that they are wrong.

So, what is the capital of Turkey?  Ankara is the Capital.

Here is your guide on what to see and things to do in Ankara. Plus, ideas for day trips to take and on how to get to Ankara, Turkey.

Turkey Travel Blog_Things To Do In Ankara Turkey

While Istanbul is undoubtedly Türkiye’s largest city , it isn’t the Turkish capital; that particular honor falls to Ankara, located in the center of this huge country.

Ankara is definitely worth a visit, and if you’re heading there during the winter months , you’ll get to see a beautiful snowy scene in Ankara City and the surrounding area.

A visit here will also show you a slightly different way of life, as it’s far more traditional in this part of the country compared to the westernized beach resorts on the south coast or the tourist feel of Istanbul .

There is plenty to see and do in Ankara. It’s also the final resting place of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey Republic of Turkey and a hugely inspirational and important figure for all Turks, even today.

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Map Of Ankara Things To Do & Places To Eat

Things To Do In Ankara – Capital City In Türkiye

Ankara Turkey - Ankara Turkey -Inside of Kocatepe Mosque_Turkey_Depositphotos_2206122_s-2019

There are many historical buildings of importance in the city of Ankara, but the metropolis itself is beautiful to walk around and explore. You’ll find a great blend of old and new, and the surrounding area is also fascinating to explore if you want to get out of the hustle and bustle for a few hours.

1. Ankara Castle – Ankara Citadel

What to do in Ankara - The entrance gate of Ankara Castle. Ankara, Turkey

Ankara Castle is in the Ulus area of the city, dating back to 476 BC. The castle was originally a defensive fortress, and you can still see the military influence in its architecture today.

Despite its age, Ankara Citadel (Ankara Kalesi in Turkish) is relatively well preserved, and it has four strong walls around the outside and 42 towers along the top section.

It’s not the easiest walk to get to the castle, and you will need comfortable walking shoes, but you’ll have your mind blown when you see the panoramic views of the city. If you love views, this is one thing to do in Ankara for you.

Around the castle, there is also an excellent selection of souvenirs to check out, including antiques.

2. Anitkabir

Things to do in Ankara - Ankara, Turkey - November 09, 2021: Front view of Anitkabir. Editorial shot in Ankara.

One of the most famous buildings in the whole of Ankara, if not the country, is Anitkabir, the mausoleum of Atatürk. Not only is this Ataturk’s final resting place, but it is also the site of a large War of Independence Museum and Ataturk himself. You’ll undoubtedly learn a lot, and it’s a very somber and important spot in terms of Turkish history.

You will need comfortable walking shoes as this one is one of the things to see in Ankara that is quite large and separated into four sections – all requiring lots of walking. In the first sector of Anitkabir, you can see Turkish soldiers carrying out their daily parades.

You’ll be able to walk around Peace Park with a dazzling display of flora and fauna, and you’ll also be able to visit the Ceremonial Plaza before entering the Hall of Honour, which is where Ataturk’s tomb is located.

3. Atakule Tower

This spot will give you a fantastic view of the city. Atakule is a huge communications tower that opened in the late ’80s and stood 410 feet high.

There is an observation deck where you can check out the entire city below you, and you can also eat at a great height. This is one of those places to visit in Ankara, with a view and a top-class restaurant that rotates a complete turn every hour. You must book a table here way ahead of time to avoid disappointment!

4. Cengelhan Rahmi Koc Museum

What to see in Turkey - Cengelhan Rahmi Koc Museum

If you’re visiting Ankara as a family , this is what to do in Ankara with children.

Sat right next to Ankara Castle, this museum is full of exhibits on the world of transportation and communication, with airplanes and old telephones in abundance. Many shows are interactive so that children can learn something while visiting , and they will undoubtedly love the train ride around the grounds.

5. Gençlik Park

When the weather is warm, everyone heads to Genclik Park! This is a huge outdoor space with a Ferris wheel, swimming pool, green space to roam, fountains, miniature train rides , an amusement park, and even an open-air theatre.

Kids will love all the attractions, and the park’s size means it doesn’t tend to feel too crowded most of the time . There are also eating spots, and you can take a picnic if you want to. If you stay until the early evening, you’ll also be treated to the daily light show over the swimming pool.

6. ANKAmall

If you fancy a spot of modern-day shopping, then ANKAmall is for you. This is the country’s second-largest shopping mall , and it’s packed with high-street names and smaller boutique stores. Covering a huge 1890,000 square feet, you’ll need those comfortable shoes again! Of course, you’ll find eateries and plentiful activities for the family.

7. Kocatepe Mosque

Most Beautiful Mosques In Turkey - Kocatepe Mosque

Kocatepe Mosque is not only beautiful in design, but it’s also the largest mosque in the capital city of Ankara . It’s not that old, with construction beginning in 1967; however, you can see it from any point in the capital, so it’s undoubtedly a domineering sight. It’s also large, as it can fit 24,000 people inside at any one time.

The interior is natural, and with massive domes and chandeliers, it’s breathtaking in its design. The many colorful stained glass windows allow the sun to stream in, casting an ethereal glow.

8. Haci Bayram Mosque

Many beautiful and historical mosques exist in Ankara , but the Haci Bayram Mosque is one of the most famous. Dating back to the 15th century, the mosque is stunning on the outside and the inside, with beautiful architecture to enjoy.

If you go inside the mosque, remember that this place of worship will be closed during religious holidays and Friday prayers. It would be best if you also respected mosque etiquette.

9. Ahi Şerafettin (Aslanhane) Camii

This is the oldest mosque in the city, built in the 13th century. The mosque boasts Seljuk architecture, which makes it unique in the city as this style was used in a different era than other more ornate mosques. While visiting, check out both the incredible ceiling inside and Ahi Şerafeddin’s tomb.

10. Roman Baths

Ankara Roma Hamami. Ruins of ancient Roman baths in Ankara.

The Roman baths of Ankara are one of the Ankara sights that are like a window to the past. Inside, you will find statues and carvings dating back to the Roman period, with the baths built by Emperor Caracalla in the 3rd century.

While these are no longer functioning baths, you can explore the three main rooms: the hot bath, the warm bath, and the cold bathroom. Many people say they can feel the history when visiting this particular spot, so it’s the perfect place in Ankara for history buffs.

11. Shop ‘Til You Drop

Turkish souvenirs - Handmade ceramic meze platter set

Ankara has some great shopping opportunities, but the local markets are the best spot to head for bargains. You’ll find spices, fruits, clothes, textiles, jewelry, and souvenirs on offer, and remember to haggle for the best price .

Several local markets exist in the city’s center and the Ulus district. The Old Quarter in the middle of the city is also a great spot, with many cobbled, winding streets.

12. Take a Walking Tour

You’ll find lots of walking tours throughout the city, and many are free or highly cheap if not. A group of you will walk around the city with the help of a guide, stopping at the main sights. If you’re staying at a hostel, you’ll usually find walking tours on offer, so remember to ask.

13. Museum Of Anatolian Civilizations

The Anatolian Civilizations Museum is a must-visit in Ankara, located right in the heart of the city. You’ll find countless exhibitions and artifacts dating back through history, including some from the Paleolithic era.

Museum lovers should know that this museum previously won an award known as “European Museum of the Year.” This prestigious award is given annually to European museums that have demonstrated excellence in various aspects of museum work, such as innovation, accessibility, and engagement with visitors.

14. Ankara State Opera House

Ankara State Opera House

The State Opera House is a stunning place to visit whether you catch a play or a performance. The building is so beautifully designed, and it’s really opulent. Many people head here to watch ballet and opera, which often occur between September and June.

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Best restaurants & late night snacks in ankara.

Turkey Travel Blog_Things To Do In Ankara_326 Antakya

Antakya 326  Dürüm Esat

If you are a foodie, head to this restaurant to try the local specialty – Antakya Usulü Soslu Tavuk Döner Dürüm. However, this non-fussy, doner kebab restaurant will have your mouth watering with just about anything on the menu, should you decide to try something else. Grab a seat outside and enjoy watching the city under the shade of a lantern-filled tree.

If you need a late-night snack, Aspava is a place everyone should try once. With many locations around Ankara, this is a doner wrap restaurant franchise you won’t find elsewhere in the country. Each location in the city offers slightly different menus, so check them out online to see if they have what you’re looking for. They are a little shabby, which is why we say visit after a long night out on the town.

Day Trips You Can Take From Ankara

You can visit several nearby popular spots easily as a day trip from Ankara and return within a day. Here are some of the best day tour ideas:

  • Kartalkaya Ski Resort: if you’re visiting Ankara during the winter and are a skier or snowboarder, head to nearby Kartalkaya. Even beginners will find something here, but the place is stunningly beautiful, even if you go just to admire it
  • Beypazari: around two hours from Ankara city center, you’ll find Beypazari, a small town famous for its history and old architectural styles. This is also the home of the region’s carrot industry, so if you like carrots, you know where to go!
  • Safranbolu: this is a UNESCO World Heritage site about 3 hour’s drive from Ankara. It’s famous for its Ottoman period buildings and cultural spots. Don your comfortable shoes, walk around the cobbled, winding streets, and check out the small souvenir shops before stopping for a glass of Turkish cay
  • The Ruins of Hattusa: dating back to the Hittite Empire, these ruins are from the 13th century BC and are a must-visit if you’re in the Ankara region. Considering their age, The ruins are well-preserved, and the city walls are almost intact
  • Gordion: this small town is renowned as the home of King Midas and dates back as far as the 8th century BC. It was also the Phrygian Empire’s capital and is home to many ruins and archaeological sites to explore

Where Is Ankara & How To Get To Ankara City

Being the capital city, of course, Ankara has its international airport, and you’ll find direct flights heading into that airport all year round. However, many people also travel to Istanbul and connect to Ankara from there. If you decide to do that, the flight from either of the Istanbul airports will take just one hour.

You can also choose to drive to Ankara from any major city in Türkiye or go via a long-distance bus. There are far too many combinations to mention here, but let’s give you an example of road distances from Istanbul .

If you choose to drive from Istanbul to Ankara , you’ll need to travel 450km, but the road is direct, high quality, and quite scenic. You can also choose to go by bus, and Turkey has several high-quality long-distance bus providers, including Kamil Koc, Pamukkale , and Metro. The bus will take you around 7 hours, depending on traffic.

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About Ankara

Things to do in Ankara Turkey - Ankara and Kocatepe Mosque

We’ve already mentioned that Ankara is Türkiye’s capital, and this is where all the central Government buildings can be found. There are many beautiful architectural buildings around Ankara city, and you’ll find plentiful history too.

Ankara used to be called Angora, and its first historical settlements can be dated back to the Bronze Age. Several empires have conquered the city, including the Persians, the Romans, the Byzantines, and the Ottomans. However, Alexander The Great was the first to conquer Ankara, back in 333 BC, before being taken over by the Roman Empire in 25 BC.

The city of Ankara is the modern name, derived from the Celtic language, from the word for anchor, Ancyra. This makes sense as Ankara is not only the Turkish capital but is located very centrally within the country.

Until 1923, Ankara was established as the capital of the new Republic of Turkey , growing from a relatively small city into a huge and bustling city.

Although Ankara is never one of everyone’s “favorite cities” in Turkey, city explorers always enjoy watching the daily life in Turkey’s capital, and I am sure you will, too.

Where is Ankara?

It sits in Turkey’s central Anatolia region.

Is Ankara worth visiting?

Yes – it’s the hub for Turkey’s performing arts and has plenty for history, architecture, and food lovers to discover. It also remains relatively free of tourists, making it a great place to experience local cosmopolitan life in Turkey .

When is the best time to visit Ankara?

It’s stifling hot here in the summer, so spring or fall are great times to visit. Spring is also when festival season is, so you’ll catch loads of performing arts this time of year.

How many days is enough in Ankara?

You could easily spend a week in Ankara, but two days should be enough to pack in a few major attractions and take in a show.

Is Ankara expensive to visit?

Ankara is relatively inexpensive and is much more budget-friendly than Istanbul.

So, now, do you feel ready to enjoy Ankara, Turkey?

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  • 10 Stay safe
  • 11.1 Embassies

Ankara is the capital of Turkey , central within the country on the plateau of Central Anatolia . It's a sprawling modern place around an ancient citadel, and in 2022 had a population of almost 5.2 million (second in size to Istanbul), with a further 600,000 living in the wider metropolis.

Orientation [ edit ]

City centre is the broad strip from Ulus south through Sıhhiye to Kızılay:

Citadel is the term used here to describe the older districts east of Ulus: Hisar around the hilltop castle, and Hamamönü just south down the hill.

Further south from Kızılay are the upmarket (and uphill) districts of Kavaklıdere, Gaziosmanpaşa and Çankaya. The city's most expensive hotels and restaurants are found here, as are the embassies.

Southwest from Kızılay is Bakanlıklar (meaning government ministries), then İsmet İnönü Boulevard leads into the district of Eskişehir Yolu (referring to the former highway to Eskişehir ). It's lined by university campuses and public buildings, including the National Parliament. Interminable ribbon-development eventually gives way to the open steppe.

Climate [ edit ]

Ankara has a semi-arid, continental climate, with hot, dry summers and cold, snowy winters. Most rainfall is spring, with afternoon showers and thunderstorms.

Summers are hot, regularly topping 30°C in July and August, but humidity is low. Summer nights can be chilly, especially if a breeze starts up.

Early autumn has the best climate. Nights are cold but daytimes are mild and dry, unlike the wet spring months.

Winters are cold and often snowy, though the snow is seldom heavy, and cold below -20°C is very rare - not like the mountainous east of the country with perishing cold in mid-winter.

Get in [ edit ]

By plane [ edit ].

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Transport is the major shortcoming of this airport. It's 30 km north of the centre, along a congested main road; there are no plans to extend the Metro here.

Belko Air bus runs downtown every 30 min 05:30-22:00 and overnight according to flight times. It runs via the railway station and Kızılay to AŞTİ bus terminal, which is on the Metro. With luck this takes an hour, traffic permitting, and in 2023 cost 11 TL. But belki is Turkish for "maybe" so the recurring joke is inevitable; the bus gets held up in city traffic.

Local ( belediye , city council) bus Route 442 runs from the airport (arrivals level, watch for a crowd on the very far end of the dropoff lane on the arrivals level) and takes 40-50 minutes to the train station. Driver accepts cash, journey costs 25 TL (Jun 2023).

Havaş buses run to the bus terminal, AŞTİ .

A taxi downtown costs about 180 TL.

By train [ edit ]

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Ankara is on the YHT high-speed rail network, with trains:

Other mainline trains ( anahat trenler ) are slow and scenic, with the emphasis on slow, but are called "Express" to compensate.

Some of these trains have tourist versions, though all remain suspended in 2023. For instance the Turistik Doğu Ekspresi runs from Ankara to Kars with long stops for sightseeing eastbound at İliç (for Kemaliye ), Erzincan and Erzurum ; the westbound train makes long stops at Divriği and Bostankaya. Journey time each way is 30 hours.

For all times and reservations (strongly recommended) see TCDD Turkish Republic State Railways website [dead link] .

Local trains ( bölgesel trenler ) run five times a day to Polatlı. These can't be booked.

The railway from Azerbaijan and Georgia was completed in 2017 and passenger trains have been promised ever since, but to date the line only carries freight. Trains from Syria and Iraq are all suspended indefinitely and the tracks are ruined.

Eryaman is a station in the west suburbs of Ankara where YHT trains also stop, and you can transfer to the cross-town Başkentray train. They no longer stop at Sincan (terminus of the Başkentray line) but slow trains from the west stop there not at Eryaman.

By bus [ edit ]

Buses from Istanbul depart every 15 min round the clock, and take six hours to Ankara non-stop, for a fare in 2023 of 250 TL. Slower services may stop at Gebze , Izmit , Adapazarı and Bolu . Many are running through to cities further east, all of which have good connections to Ankara, see individual pages.

Buses from Izmir take 8 hours and from Adana 7 hours, with hourly services. From Bursa is six hours, but the usual method is to take the bus to Eskişehir to join the YHT fast train. Similarly from Antalya you join the train at Konya .

The main bus operators are Metro Turizm , Pamukkale and Flixbus, who took over Kamil Koç. Buses are clean and comfortable, see Turkey#Get around for tips on using them and buying tickets.

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Get around [ edit ]


The city has a dense bus network, a two-line Metro, and an east-west suburban railway called Başkentray . Good luck finding network information, even in Turkish.

There is no provision by any mode of public transport for travellers with restricted mobility.

There are two bus operations, competing on the same routes and using the same stops. EGO ( Ankara Belediye Otobüsleri ) are white and run by the city, who also run the Metro and the Yenimahalle - Şentepe cable-car. In 2009 the system was part-privatised: ÖHO buses ( Ankara Özel Halk Otobüsleri ) are blue. Central bus stops often have displays of real-time services. There are no indicators or announcements within buses, ask other passengers where to get off, or track your location on your phone.

EGO (white) bus fares cannot be paid in cash: you need to buy a card from a kiosk or metro station. A single trip is 1.65 TL, two trips 3.30 TL, three 4.95 TL, five 8.25 TL, ten 16.50 TL and twenty is 33 TL. The same cards are used for the Metro, and each trip permits a transfer between bus and Metro not exceeding 45 min. Note these are not the Ankarakart, a discount card for Turkish students, teachers and elderly Ankara residents.

ÖHO (blue) bus fares are cash, for a flat fare of 2.75 TL.

By Metro [ edit ]

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The Metro, run by EGO the city transport operator, has three lines, which intersect at Kızılay. Remarkably, EGO have contrived to muddle their numbering.

Tickets are identical to the EGO buses and valid for transfer, see above for prices, and you buy them at kiosks or metro stations.

All stations are announced both on a display and by voice in the metros.

Suburban railway [ edit ]

Başkentray [dead link] is the suburban line, transecting the city between Sincan and Eryaman in the west, through city centre and the main railway station, to Kayaş in the east. Trains run every 10 minutes from 07:00 to 21:00, then every 30 min to 23:00. Buy tickets in cash at any station. In 2022 a one-way ticket costs 1.70 TL and a return ticket costs 3 TL.

The line is shown in blue on transport maps and may be marked as B1. It's 37 km long, all above ground, and has 24 stations. There's nothing of visitor interest near the outlying stations, but to the west Eryaman is an interchange with YHT trains to Konya, Eskişehir and Istanbul, and Sincan is an interchange with other mainline trains. Kayaş to the east is also a mainline interchange, but not for YHT.

The system is owned and operated by TCDD Turkish State Railways, and until 2016 the same track carried mainline trains. That was incompatible with YHT and expansion of the suburban service so in 2016 the system closed for a couple of years while Ankara station was rebuilt and new tracks were laid parallel. It's planned to extend it northwest to Yenikent and Akçaören.

By taxi [ edit ]

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Taxis are numerous: they are yellow, have the sign Taksi on top of the car, and the letter T in their license plates. Have nothing to do with unlicensed drivers.

Flagfall in 2022 is 7.50 TL, then 6 TL/km. The rates for day and night are same. Tipping is not usual but you round up to the next TL.

Scams are the same the world over: offering a fixed price way above the metered rate, special airport / luggage fees, failing to start the meter, going a silly route, tricks with banknotes / change, and so on.

By car [ edit ]

Avoid using a car in Ankara. Local drivers are fast, unpredictable and impatient even by Turkish standards, and parking is scarce.

See [ edit ]

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Citadel [ edit ]

  • North Tower is another bastion of the citadel, 200 m north of the castle. You're aiming for the fluttering Turkish flag.
  • Turk-Russian Friendship House ( Türk-Rus Dostluk Evi ) is a bright modern art gallery at Kale Kapısı Sk 20 below the castle, open daily 10:00-17:00.
  • Ahielvan Mosque , Koyunpazari Sk ( 200 m below Arslanhane Mosque ). Built in the late 14th and early 15th centuries, it has a richly carved walnut mimber or pulpit. ( updated Apr 2023 )

ankara tourist

  • Kelime Museum , Gözcü Sk 11 ( opposite Museum of Anatolian Civilisations ), ☏ +90 312 311 6893 . Tu-Su 10:00-17:00 . Small private art museum. Signage is only in Turkish. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Koç Museum , Depo Sk 1 ( 100 m south of Museum of Anatolian Civilisations ), ☏ +90 312 309 6800 . Tu-Th 10:00-17:00, Sa Su 10:00-19:00 . Rahmi M Koç (b 1930) is the businessman who built up Kâmil Koç bus company, now part of Flixbus. This museum, a smaller version of the one in Istanbul, is crowded with exhibits on transport, communication and science since the 1850s. It's housed in Çengel Han, a caravanserai built in 1523. Adult 175 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9348 32.8633 5 Chess Museum ( Gökyay Vakfı Satranç Müzesi ), Basamaklı Sk 3, off Ulucanlar Cd , ☏ +90 312 312 1304 . Tu-Su 10:00-18:00 . More chess sets ancient and modern than you'd think possible, including weird versions such as the three-sided game. Adult 15 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9404 32.8688 6 Molla Great Mosque ( Molla Büyük Cami ), Yasa Sk . A modest building in spite of the name, this was built around 1500. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9369 32.8705 7 Cenâbî Ahmet Paşa Mosque , Ulucanlar Cd 56 . Built by the famous architect Sinan in 1566, it's in finely-crafted Ankara stone. The mimber (pulpit) and mihrap (prayer niche) are of white marble. ( updated Apr 2023 )

Ulus [ edit ]

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  • Cardo Maximus is a stretch of Roman road 216 m long by 7 m wide, coursing north from Anafartlar Cd towards the Column of Julianus. It was discovered in 1995: its artefacts have been taken to the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations.
  • 39.9433 32.856 10 Column of Julianus ( Julian Sütunu, Belkıs Minaresi ) is a 15 m column in the square behind the İş Bankası building. It was erected in 362 CE to commemorate the visit of Emperor Julian (331-363 AD), who stopped off in town while marching against Persia. He rejected Christianity and revived earlier pagan rites, so by Christians he was derided as "Julian the Apostate". His campaign in Persia started well then was a debacle and he was fatally wounded; his successor Jovian reinstated Christianity so Julianus was the last pagan emperor. His story is retold, with many artistic liberties, in the 1964 novel Julian by Gore Vidal.
  • Aviation Association Museum ( Türk Hava Kurumu Müzesi ), Hipodrom Cd 2 ( 200 m northwest of railway station ), ☏ +90 312 303 7452 . Tu-Su 08:30-17:30 . Small collection of aircraft around a parachute training tower (only 41 m, so don't expect much freefall time). Not to be confused with the military aviation museum west edge of the city. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Korean War Memorial just west of the Aviation Museum commemorates the Turkish Brigade, which fought under UN command in the Korean War. Their biggest engagement was the series of battles at Kunu-ri in late 1950. Some 15,000 rotated through the Brigade, with 721 killed in action, 2111 wounded and 168 missing.

ankara tourist

  • Melike Hatun Mosque next to Vakif Museum was built in 2017 but in traditional Ottoman style.
  • Gençlik Park stretches east from the railway station to Hatun Mosque. It has a large ornamental lake and is sometimes a venue for open-air events.
  • Mehmet Akif Ersoy Home Museum , Hacettepe University ( within Taceddin Mosque 200 m east of Art Museum ), ☏ +90 312 312 1873 . Tu-Su 10:00-17:00 . Ersoy (1873-1936) trained as a vet but became politicised in the dying days of the Ottoman Empire. He's best known for composing the Turkish national anthem. This museum reconstructs his stay here. Free . ( updated Apr 2023 )

South [ edit ]

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Most sights are in Sıhhiye beyond the railway tracks or a couple of km further in Kızılay.

  • Hall of Honor holds the tomb. What you see is the symbolic ground-level sarcophagus. Atatürk lies 7 m below in an ornate but private Tomb Room, where he mingles with soil from all the Turkish regions of his day, including from Salonica his birthplace now in Greece, parts of Hatay now in Syria, and northern Cyprus.
  • Atatürk & Independence War Museum ( Atatürk ve Kurtuluş Savaşı Müzesi ). M-Sa 09:00-17:00 . This is beneath the Hall of Honor and displays belongings and memorabilia of Atatürk, the 1915 battles of Gallipoli / Çanakkale and the 1920/21 War of Independence, and the postwar overthrow of the Ottomans and proclamation of the republic. Free . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Mausoleum of İsmet İnönü (1884-1973) is southwest side of the Ceremonial Plaza. He was Atatürk's right-hand man, the country's second president and had three spells as Prime Minister, embedding the Republic's modernisations. The tomb is small at ground level but below is an exhibition hall - this is only open for one week from Oct 29 Republic Day and for two weeks from Dec 25 the anniversary of his death.
  • Ten towers line Ceremonial Plaza, but they're set within the colonnade and don't stand tall. Their low pitched roofs are meant to symbolise Turkic tents, and they contain various statues and inscriptions of an uplifting patriotic nature. For example the tower west side of the Hall of Honor depicts the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 23 April 1920, and holds Atatürk's Cadillac. So it's called 23 Nisan Kulesi but he didn't own 23 Nissans.
  • 39.9267 32.8552 17 Hittite Sun Disc Statue is the twee structure on Atatürk Blv as it enters Sıhhiye beneath the railway tracks. Its deer, two oxen and sun disc are supposed to commemorate Anatolian Hittite culture - a powerful realm from 18th to 12th century BC then gobbled up by Egyptian and Assyrian rivals. If you were disappointed at Anitkabir by not finding 23 Nissans, they're right here nose-to-tail in the traffic snarl.

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  • 39.8862 32.8561 21 Atakule Tower is an oh-so-Seventies telecoms tower, 125 m high, with a rotating observation deck and restaurant. However it's closed as the shopping mall at its foot is demolished, and in 2023 it's not known when it might re-open.
  • Botanical Park is the large green space north of the tower, bounded by Cinnah Cd west and Çankaya Cd east. It's free 24 hours.

Elsewhere [ edit ]

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This covers all other districts out to the ring road O-20 some 20 km out.

  • 39.945 32.7957 24 Atatürk Forest Farm ( Atatürk Orman Çiftliği ), Alparslan Türkeş Cd 68 ( Başkentray train to Gazi then one km north ), ☏ +90 312 211 0170 . W-Su 09:00-17:00 . Extensive model farm established by Atatürk, to prove that the dusty steppes around Ankara could be converted into good farmland. (His successors preferred to cover everything with concrete.) The barn has been turned into a museum of farming methods. Free . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9475 32.7044 25 Turkish Air Force Museum ( Türk Hava Kuvvetleri Müzesi ), Fatih Sultan Mehmet Blv ( corner with 2453rd Sk ), ☏ +90 312 244 8550 . Tu-Su 09:00-16:00 . A collection of two dozen military aircraft. Adult 60 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Tulumtaş caves are by the intersection of O-20 and Turgut Özal Blv. They're extensive decorated caves discovered during construction of the ring road. As of Feb 2023, people are finding their way in but they're not yet officially open as show caves.

Do [ edit ]

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  • IF Performance Hall is a live music venue at Tunus Cd 14 in Kavaklıdere.
  • Ankara International Music Festival is in April, with the next on 4-28 April 2023.
  • Bilkent Mayfest is organised by Billkent University but events are open to the public. It's unlikely to happen in May 2023.
  • Burn Sonance Festival of music is next held 9-10 June 2023.
  • Jazz Festival is in Oct / Nov, dates for 2023 TBA.
  • Ankara Film Festival is next held on 3-11 Nov 2023.
  • Şefika Kutluer Festival [dead link] of music is in December, dates for 2023 TBA.
  • 39.992 32.6505 2 Goksu Park , off 1 TBMM Cd, Etimesgut ( Bus 501, 502 ). Daily 06:00-23:00 . Ranged around Susuz Lake, with an island restaurant, cafes and funfair. ( updated Apr 2023 )

Sports [ edit ]

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  • Football: MKE Ankaragücü are the city's leading soccer club, playing in Süper Lig the top tier. Their home ground is Eryaman Stadium, capacity 20,560, completed in 2019 - it's in the western suburbs, take the Metro to Devlet Mahallesi. MKE, since you were wondering, stands for Machinery and Chemical Industry.
  • Golf: courses and ranges within the city remain closed in 2023. Regnum Golf Country Club is 50 km southwest near Halaçlı village.

Buy [ edit ]

  • Citadel approaches up Kale Kapısı Sk have been a merchandising area for centuries. There are lots of tourist-trappy outlets for carpets, leather and fake antiquities. At least you hope they're fake, because if genuine it's illegal to export them.
  • 39.9127 32.809 2 Armada , Dumlupınar Blv 6 , ☏ +90 312 219 1319 . Daily 10:00-22:00 . Large mall 500 m south of the bus terminal. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Karum AVM , Iran Cd 21 , ☏ +90 312 468 4984 . Daily 10:00-21:00 . Next to the Sheraton, this is the main south-side mall. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9832 32.6107 3 Metromall , 30 Ağustos Dumlupınar Cd 2, Eryaman , ☏ +90 312 504 1515 . Daily 10:00-22:00 . Large mall with cinema, bowling alley and food court. It's northwest edge of the city so visitors might use it arriving or departing on the Istanbul motorway. ( updated Apr 2023 )

Eat [ edit ]

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Ankara has trad Turkish fare, with classics such as döner kebap , and seafood. It lacks the international variety of western capitals, though there are a handful of Chinese / Korean places. That's because in modern times it never had international immigration, but it did have incomers from other parts of the country, so regional cuisines are represented.

Budget [ edit ]

  • Meşhur Adıyaman Çiğköftecisi and Meşhur Köfteci are chains serving meatballs, multiple locations.
  • Kızılay has a pedestrianised block full of little cafes and takeaways. It's east of Atatürk Blv and north of Ziya Gökalp Cd.
  • Ward Restaurant and café مطعم ورد , Bayındır-1 Sk ( in Kızılay cafe block ), ☏ +90 505 033 0022 . Daily 08:00-00:00 . This is the place to come for Iraqi food. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9198 32.8591 1 Kızılay Komagene , Mithatpaşa Cd 56/B , ☏ +90 312 430 1112 . M-F 11:00-00:00, Sa Su 12:00-22:30 . Komagene are a chain serving meatballs and other trad fare. This outlet in Kızılay gets good reviews for food and service. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Zelal Cafe , Yüksel Cd 24 ( 50 m north of Komagene ), ☏ +90 312 431 3232 . Inexpensive trad food. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Nado's , Ataç-1 Sk 26 ( 100 m east of Kızılay cafe block ), ☏ +90 312 433 3131 . Daily 11:00-19:00 . Friendly budget pizzeria. ( updated Apr 2023 )

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  • 39.9305 32.8729 2 Kırık Oklava , Cemal Gürsel Cd 16 , ☏ +90 312 362 1989 . Daily 08:30-22:30 . Great place by Ankara University Cebeci Campus for inexpensive wraps and pancakes. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Cebeci Komagene , Cemal Gürsel Cd 51 ( just south of Kırık Oklava ), ☏ +90 312 320 3053 . Daily 10:00-02:00 . A Komagene chain outlet open late, mixed reviews for food quality. ( updated Apr 2023 )

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • Yargitay Evi Lokali , Milli Müdafa Cd 10, Kızılay ( west side of Güvenpark ), ☏ +90 312 418 5675 . M-Sa 12:00-22:00 . Inexpensive place looking onto Kızılay Square, quality erratic. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9249 32.8522 3 Tarihi Çiçek Lokantası , Necatibey Cd 15 , ☏ +90 312 229 4400 . Daily 08:00-21:00 . Smart place with good cuisine. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • James Cook Pub , Tunus Cd 19 , ☏ +44 312 419 9688 . Daily 10:30-01:00 . Good value pub and restaurant. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Sudem is a tavern at Konur Sk 63 with tapas / meze-style servings and Turkish music, open daily 11:00-01:00.
  • Korelee , Bestekar Cd 27 , ☏ +44 312 418 0688 . Daily 11:30-21:00 . Delicious Korean food. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9066 32.8611 4 Cafe des Cafes , Tunalı Hilmi Cd 83/A, Kavaklıdere , ☏ +44 312 426 5511 . M-Sa 09:00-23:00, Su 09:30-22:00 . Slick European-style cafe with Italian and Spanish choices. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Kıtır , Tunali Hilmi Cd 114 ( south of Cafe des Cafes next to Kuğulu Park ), ☏ +90 312 427 4444 . Daily 12:00-00:00 . Traditionally a rock bar but nowadays more of a restaurant. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Ege (which means Aegean) serves seafood on Tunali Hilmi Cd, open daily 12:00-01:00.
  • Göksu Lokantası , Bayındır-1 Sk 22, off Ziya Gökalp Cd ( 200 m east of Kızılay station ), ☏ +44 312 431 4727 . M-Sa 11:00-23:30 . Great dining here. They have another branch south at Nenehatun Cd 5. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.920461 32.857962 5 Marti Restaurant , Bayındır-2 Sk 37, Kocatepe . It has a nice and relaxing atmosphere. There are two outdoor seating areas. The appetizers are great, and the food is perhaps even more so. ( updated Aug 2022 )

ankara tourist

  • 39.933 32.8657 6 Hanzade Konağı , Hacettepe İnanli Sok., Hamamönü, Tacettin Dergahi Karşisi No:5 . It is a very stylish place with plants hanging on the wall and from the ceiling. Decor, presentation and taste are great. Employees are smiling and interested. ( updated Sep 2022 )
  • Uludağ Kebapçısı , Denizciler Cd 54 , ☏ +90 312 309 0400 . Daily 11:00-22:00 . Named for the mountain above Bursa, this is an above-par kebab restaurant. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Kınacızade Konağı , Kale Kapısı Sk 28 ( by castle ), ☏ +90 555 256 9755 . Daily 10:30-21:00 . Atmospheric place just outside castle, good value, not tourist-trappy. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9257 32.8649 7 Urumchi Uyghur Restaurant , Ziya Gökalp Cd 76 , ☏ +90 312 433 5204 . Daily 11:00-09:30 . Ürümqi is in the far west of China, so they've quite a range of Asian cuisines to go at. It's a great place for different flavours, try the roast macaroni. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.918838 32.85958 8 Tarihi Mutfak Lokantası , Kocatepe, Mithatpaşa Cd. No:64 . Historical Kitchen Restaurant. Typical Turkish cuisine. One of the places that make the best beyti in Ankara. A great presentation and the waiters are incredible. ( updated Sep 2022 )
  • Aşkabat Cd is a street west side of Anıtkabir with a slew of eating places. La’lozi Ocak Başı is a grill at the corner of 72nd Sk open daily 11:00-00:00.

Splurge [ edit ]

  • 39.8959 32.878 9 Quick China , Uğur Mumcu Sk 64/B, Çankaya , ☏ +90 312 437 0303 . Daily 11:00-22:00 . The name suggests a fast-food chain, and they do have other branches in Ankara and elsewhere, but this is excellent Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Thai cuisine. Pricey for Ankara but no big layout by Western standards. ( updated Apr 2023 )

Drink [ edit ]

ankara tourist

Most cafes and restaurants serve beer, wine and rakı. Free-standing bars are uncommon in Turkey away from the beach resorts, but Ankara has a strip flanking Atatürk Blv from Sıhhiye station south down to Kavlıdere Cd. Try Bestekar Cd and Tunus Cd.

Meyhanes are taverns with fixed meze-style menus, drinks and traditional Turkish music and dancing. "Meyhane" is Persian for "house of wine" though it's more likely to be rakı nowadays. They're along the same stretch as the other bars. There used to be a cluster around the citadel, but these relied on the tourist trade and disappeared during covid.

  • Telwe Bar , İnkılap Sk 6 , ☏ +90 312 433 5454 . Daily 11:30-05:00 . Bar and late spot in the Kizilay eating strip. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Soul Pub , Olgunlar Cd 18 , ☏ +90 312 424 0144 . Daily 12:00-01:00 . Friendly place with generous servings of pub food. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Corvus , Bestekar Cd 59 , ☏ +90 312 426 5480 . Daily 17:00-02:00 . Lively late-night pub with rock music. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Twister , Bestekar Cd 82A , ☏ +90 553 888 0841 . Daily 10:00-01:30 . Pub with live music and belly-dancing. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Hayyami wine bar is next door at Bestekar Cd 82B.
  • Sakal Kafe Bar , John F Kennedy Cd 13 , ☏ +90 312 424 1670 . Daily 09:00-01:00 . Cool place with a wide range of music. ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Zodiac Pub is next to James Cook Cafe at 17 Tunus Cd.
  • Manhattan Rock Bar is at Üsküp Cd 11, open W-Sa 20:30-04:00.
  • Sixtiees Pub , Tunalı Hilmi Cd 96 . The only outright gay bar in Ankara gets mixed reviews. ( updated Apr 2023 )

Sleep [ edit ]

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Accommodation is clustered in Ulus north of the railway station, in Sıhhiye south of the tracks, and in Kızılay further south. A strip of mid-range business hotels follows D200 a few km west - these are more convenient for the bus station.

  • Deeps Hostel 2 is another branch, southside at Libya Cd 2, tel +90 533 789 0886.
  • 39.9443 32.8544 2 Yeni Bahar Oteli , Çankırı Cd 25 , ☏ +90 312 310 4895 . Clean and helpful, you can find cheaper on this strip north of Ulus Square but most are dismal. B&B double 1000 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Divan Ankara Çukurhan , 3 Depo Sk, off Gözcü Sk ( facing Koc Museum near castle ), ☏ +90 312 306 6400 . Charming hotel in a han , a former marketplace. B&B double 2500 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9126 32.8559 3 Ankara Gold , Güfte Cd 4, off Tunus Cd , ☏ +90 312 419 4868 . Clean friendly central place. B&B double 1000 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9114 32.8562 4 Hotel Midas Kavaklıdere , Tunus Cd 20 , ☏ +90 312 424 0110 . Welcoming central mid-price hotel. B&B double 1500 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • King Hotel , Güvenlik Cd 13 ( east side of Parliament ), ☏ +90 312 418 9099 . Simple rooms but good value for the prime location. B&B double 1000 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9082 32.8615 6 Ramada , Tunalı Hilmi Cd 66 , ☏ +90 312 428 8000 . Functional central hotel, a bit worn. B&B double 1800 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Grand Mercure , Yaşam Cd 1 ( west side of bus station ), ☏ +90 312 999 0006 . Next to bus station, but not the ideal flop after a long journey as they play loud music to 1 am. B&B double 1500 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9031 32.8124 7 Green Park Hotel , 1443rd Cd ( block west of Mevlana Blv ), ☏ +90 312 258 0000 . Value-for-money hotel one km south of bus station, rooms kinda worn. B&B double 1500 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Airport ( ESB  IATA ): the hotel within Esenboğa airport remains closed in 2023. Ibis is 1 km south, and Holiday Inn Express is a further km south.

ankara tourist

  • Ankara Hotel , Celal Bayar Blv 78 ( within railway station ), ☏ +90 312 508 1010 . Opened in 2022, this is a smart convenient place within the YHT Gar, pity the sound-proofing is inadequate. B&B double 2000 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Mövenpick Ankara , Yaşam Cd 1 ( facing Mercure west side of bus station ), ☏ +90 312 258 5800 . Slick business hotel, the only gripe is street noise. B&B double 3000 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.8997 32.8644 8 Sheraton Ankara , Şehit Ömer Haluk Sipahioğlu Sk ( off Arjantin Cd ), ☏ +90 312 457 6000 . Good reviews for comfort and service at this hotel and convention centre, which towers like a monument above the south-side streets. B&B double 2500 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • Ankara HiltonSA , Tahran Cd 12 ( 200 m north of Sheraton ), ☏ +90 312 455 0000 . Good scores all round for this efficient friendly hotel. B&B double 2500 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )
  • 39.9468 32.7682 9 Crowne Plaza Ankara , 171th Sk ( next to Gimart shopping mall ), ☏ +90 312 320 0000 . Smart business hotel in IHG chain, clean and efficient. B&B double 3000 TL . ( updated Apr 2023 )

Stay safe [ edit ]

Ankara is generally safe, even for single females at night, since as the capital it's well-policed. (The cops are looking for traffic offences, dissident trouble-makers and squaddies in town without a liberty pass.) Take usual care of valuables. The main hazard is traffic - vehicles are driven at silly speeds with scant regard to traffic lights and pedestrians. The side walks are often in poor condition: anyone with restricted mobility will be forced onto the roadway, and on ill-lit streets at night you risk falling into uncovered drains.

For emergencies call the national police number 155 or approach any officer or go to the nearest station. Ankara nominally has a tourist police section with multilingual staff, based at AŞTİ bus station. The covid slump in tourism saw them redeployed to other duties, but perhaps staffing will resume as tourism and related incidents increase.

Cope [ edit ]

Embassies [ edit ].

ankara tourist

Ankara is the national capital so most countries have an embassy or equivalent consular service. Most are in the southern districts of Kavaklıdere, Gaziosmanpaşa and Çankaya.

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Connect [ edit ]

Ankara has 4G from all Turkish carriers. As of Jan 2024, 5G has not rolled out in Turkey.

Go next [ edit ]

  • Northwest, Highway D140 follows an ancient trade and pilgrimage route from Baghdad to Ankara and Constantinople. Towns along it westbound are Ayaş, Beypazarı , Çayırhan and Nallıhan.
  • Kızılcahamam 80 km north has thermal springs amid forests — bears and wolves lurk in Soğuksu National Park.
  • Boğazkale northeast is the hub for visiting ancient Hattuşa, the capital of Hittites.
  • Çağırkan Japanese Gardens are 10 km past Kaman on the road southeast to Kırşehir.
  • South you pass Tuz Gölü ("Salt Lake") on the road to Aksaray.
  • Aksaray is a laid-back city and great base for the attractions near Güzelyurt .
  • Haymana 80 km southwest is a down-at-heel spa town with hot springs. Gavurkale and Kulhoyuk nearby have rock friezes and Hittite burial grounds.
  • Gordion (Yassıhöyük) is 96 km west, near Polatlı off the highway to Eskişehir . One of the most important ancient cities in Turkey, it had been home for Hittites, Phyrigians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans since 3000 BC. The remnants of the city are displayed in Gordion Museum and Anatolian Civilizations Museum in Ulus.

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Places to Visit in Ankara

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Tourist Places to Visit in Ankara

Here are some of the best places to visit in ankara as follows:.

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Discover Ankara's skyline from Atakule, a striking 125-metre tower in Çankaya. Opened in 1989, it is one of the tallest towers in the city. Atakule also offers breathtaking city views from its revolving restaurant. Dive into history and panoramic sights at this iconic landmark, a tribute to Turkey's heritage and a must-visit for an unforgettable view.

Ankara Castle

Ankara Castle

Discover Ankara Castle, a fortress perched atop Ulus Hill. Built by the Phrygians and renovated by Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans, it offers panoramic views of Ankara. Wander through historic streets filled with Ottoman-era houses, quaint shops, and art galleries, immersing yourself in centuries of culture and craftsmanship.

Rahmi M. Koc Museum

Rahmi M. Koc Museum

Located at a distance of a few meters from the world-famous Ankara Castle, the Rahmi M. Koc Museum is home to a broad collection of interesting exhibits related to the transport and communication sector. A major part of this huge collection is believed to have been donated generously by the reputed Koc family.

Genclik Park

Genclik Park

Spread across a vast area of 69 acres, the spectacular Genclik Park makes for one of the best places to visit in Ankara. Known popularly for its amazing water features and lush greenery, this beautiful park is home to a thrilling amusement park, a pristine swimming pool, two small trains, and a unique open-air theatre.


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Anatolian Civilizations Museum

Anatolian Civilizations Museum

Bestowed with the title of 'Museum of the Year' in 1997 in Switzerland, the Anatolian Civilizations Museum shelters a broad collection of interesting Anatolian archaeology items. Arranged chronologically from the old Paleolithic age to the modern-day, these exhibits form the major attraction of this museum.


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Old Quarter

Old Quarter

Known popularly as a paradise for the shopaholics, Old Quarter happens to be the best destination for buying amazing souvenirs. The place is home to a plethora of bustling and colourful shops, selling out enchanting décor items and utility products at a very cheap and bargainable price.


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Discover Kızılay, the heart of Ankara, where energy and culture pulse through its streets. This bustling district offers everything from trendy shops to vibrant nightlife. Explore the historic Kızılay Square, dine at eclectic eateries, or ride the extensive metro system. It is a perfect mix for both adventurers and casual visitors alike.


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Hamamonu Restored Area

Hamamonu Restored Area

As its name suggests, the Hamamonu Restored Area is a well-restored, properly maintained, and calm area of Ankara. Known as one of the most historical places of the city, this area is famous as a hang-out destination in the present day.


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Located at an approximate distance of around 20 kilometres from the Ankara city centre, Eymir Lake is a paradise for nature lovers. Offering a quiet and calm natural environment, this beautiful place attracts people who want an escape from the traffic, noise, tension, and chaos of everyday city life.


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Mta Sehit Cuma Dag Natural History Museum

Mta Sehit Cuma Dag Natural History Museum

The MTA Sehit Cuma Dag Natural History Museum is one of the most remarkable in Ankara. The Museum exhibits a wide range of antique collectables starting from fossils, minerals, and rocks from various parts of the world.


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One of the most notable modern architecture examples sitting high on Ankara’s hilltop has to be the Atatürk Mausoleum, Anıtkabir. It was designed by Emil Onat, the renowned Turkish architect who constructed its complex between the years 1944 to 1953. This mausoleum is known to be the sepulture place of the Turkish Republic’s first president and founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.


Best of Cappadocia

20 Hot Air Balloons Rides Around The World For A Scenic View!

Ulucanlar Prison Museum

Ulucanlar Prison Museum

Considered to be the very first concept of its type in Turkey, the famous Ulucanlar Prison Museum is a real former prison of Ankara. Known to have sheltered a number of renowned political activists and journalists of the country for more than 81 years.


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Alt Inkoy Acik Hava Muzesi

Alt Inkoy Acik Hava Muzesi

AltInkoy AcikHava Muzesi is one of its kind museums that is known for its rural exhibits and culture. The special attractions of this place are Anatolian houses, craft & agriculture exhibits & farm animals.

Haci Bayram Mosque

Haci Bayram Mosque

Constructed back in the fifteenth century, the Haci Bayram Mosque is a token of dedication to Haji Bayram Wali, the preacher and founder of the Baryam Sufi order.

Ankara Air Force Museum

Ankara Air Force Museum

Built with the aim of showcasing the Turkish aviation's rich and glorious history to the world, the Ankara Air Force Museum is home to more than 700 photographs, artefacts, and documents related to the Turkish Air Agency and Turkish Civil Aviation Authority. Important exhibits displayed in the halls of this popular museum include medals, certificates, and uniforms of the Turkish Air Force.


Visit Ankara's CerModern, an art gallery housed in a revamped railway workshop. This vibrant art centre showcases a dynamic range of modern art exhibitions, including famed works by Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Enjoy concerts, movie nights, and workshops that change with every visit, ensuring a unique experience each time.

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Ankara blog — the fullest ankara travel guide for first-timers.

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Ankara is not only the capital but also one of the most famous tourist cities of Turkey. With a long history of formation and development, this place contains countless interesting things for you to explore. And in this article, we will share with you the most complete Ankara guide. So, is Ankara worth visiting, what to do in Ankara and how to plan a budget trip to Ankara perfectly? Let’s check out our Ankara blog (Ankara travel blog) with the fullest Ankara travel guide (Ankara city guide, Ankara guide, Ankara tourist guide) from how to get Ankara, best places to do, best time to come, what to eat as well as top things to do in Ankara to help you maximize your trip as follows!

  • What to buy in Turkey? — Top 26+ must-buy & best things to buy in Turkey
  • When is the best time to visit Turkey? — The best, worst, affordable & best season to travel to Turkey
  • Top beaches in Turkey — 17+ most beautiful & best beaches in Turkey
  • Izmir blog — The fullest Izmir travel guide for first-timers
  • Fethiye blog — The fullest Fethiye travel guide for first-timers

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This is considered the cradle of many civilizations, the ancient architectural works are of great importance until today. Not only that, the Ankara economy also develops rapidly, the city is vibrant and bustling with shopping, service and tourism centers. Therefore, Ankara promises to bring many interesting things to your trip.

Overview of Ankara (#ankara blog)

ankara tourist

Ankara, also known as Ancyra or Angora, is the capital of Turkey and is also the country’s second largest city, after Istanbul. It has an area of about 25,000 square kilometers (capital city and metropolitan municipality) with a population of more than 5,3 million according to the 2022 census.

Ankara is the capital, political center and home to many great civilizations with a history dating back to the Stone Age of Turkey. It’s located in central Anatolia, walking along the streets here will find a mixture of modern elements and ancient history. Coming to Ankara is one-of-a-kind opportunity for you to experience the culture and architecture of Turkey.

ankara tourist

Since 1920, Ankara has been chosen as the capital of Turkey. Since then, this city has always been known as a leading administrative, economic and educational center of the country. Not only that, with beautiful natural scenery, ancient architectures and a unique culture, Ankara is also a great destination that anyone traveling to Turkey wants to visit.

The capital Ankara is considered the cradle of many great civilizations, the architectural works are a mixture of modern elements and ancient history. Not only that, the city’s economy develops very quickly, bustling with shopping centers, and tourist services. Ankara is the only destination where you can explore the culture and architecture of Turkey to the fullest.

ankara tourist

The city is located at an average elevation of 938 meters above sea level, on the vast plains of central Anatolia, with montane forests to the north and the arid Konya plains to the south. The main rivers are the Kızılırmak and Sakarya river systems, 50% of the land is used for agriculture, 28% is forest and 10% is grassland.

When to come? (#ankara travel guide)

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Although only a not too large city, Ankara is influenced by two types of climate at the same time: semi-arid and Mediterranean. The climate here is characterized by hot dry summer and very cold winter, the temperature often drops below 0 degrees Celsius. You should come here in the period from May to September every year. This is the time when the weather is warm, pleasant and rainfall is also little.

ankara tourist

Ankara summer is usually very hot so you should avoid coming here at this time. And spring, autumn or winter are all quite cool.

In addition to the stunning architectural works and attractions, when traveling to Ankara, don’t forget to choose a time to coincide with extremely attractive events and festivals. In April, Ankara has many special festivals, which is the Tulip festival of thousands of flowers blooming together. An international film festival featuring humorous productions by both adults and children, the winners will be screened across the city.

ankara tourist

Or in May, Ankara with the Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival. This is an annual event of the year to recognize and honor the contributions of women in the field of film.

In December, there will be an Ankara International Dance Festival, you will be immersed in concerts, enjoying fashion shows or participating in international art workshops will make your trip more special.

How to get to Ankara? (#ankara guide)

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Currently, there are quite a few airlines that are exploiting direct routes to Ankara such as Turkish Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airlines, Qatar Airways, etc. from many cities across the world with fares of about 500 – 1,000 USD/way depending on each route. You should book tickets about 1 to 2 months in advance to get the most favorable fares. Ankara international airport called Ankara Esenboğa Airport (IATA: ESB, ICAO: LTAC) is located about 29 km from the city center, you can use the bus to get to the downtown.

You can check the airfare as well as the best routes base on your location on Google Flights , Skyscanner or Kayak .

As the capital city of Turkey, you can easy to get Ankara by train from Istanbul, Eskisehir and Konya. The train from Istanbul takes around 3 hours to get to Ankara.

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Getting around Ankara (#ankara tourist guide)

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Ankara has a very developed public transport system. You can choose to travel around by bus, dolmus (minibus), metro, taxi, private car or bicycle depending on your preferences. In particular, the bus is the means of transport chosen by many tourists. Ankara has a long-distance bus system with air conditioning system, reservation, and good service. Traveling by bus in the city is very convenient, you will find buses across the city.

Where to go and what to do in Ankara? (#ankara travel blog)

Ankara castle (#ankara blog).

Address: Kale, 06240 Altındağ/Ankara, Turkey Hours: 10AM–8PM

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Ankara Castle is located in Altindag district, through many ups and downs in history, Ankara castle has been owned by many empires, including Hittites, Phrygians, persian, Byzantine, Arab and even Ottoman Turks. Through many restorations by the Romans, Seljuks and Ottomans, Ankara Castle consists of a citadel and fortress divided into 20 separate towers. Currently, the castle is both an exhibition of paintings and music, and a concert festival venue in the summer.

The castle is surrounded by walls with towers located close together, covering an area of about 350mx150m. The date of the castle’s construction has not been determined, but it was remodeled by the Persians in 622. The inner walls may date from the reign of emperor Constans II, the outer wall is believed to have been built later.

ankara tourist

Ankara Castle is the place to visit to learn about the history and culture of the city. The castle is surrounded by four solid walls, divided into 20 separate towers. Ankara Castle is a witness to many historical periods, from the Hittite empire to Persia, Ottoman, Roman… Today, the castle displays art exhibitions as well as held some major festivals and events in Ankara. Especially at the top of the castle, you can admire the beautiful view of the whole city. To climb to the top of the castle, you will have to go through a rather laborious journey. However, you will be well rewarded for passing it.

Today, the castle is used as a museum to display and exhibit art as well as to host major festivals and events in Ankara.

Anitkabir (Mausoleum Mustafa Kemal Atatürk)

Address: Yücetepe, Akdeniz Cd. No:31, 06570 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey

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Anitkabir is the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk – the leader of the war for independence in Turkey (Türkiye) and the first President of the Republic of Turkey. The mausoleum is located in Ankara and was designed by architect and professor Emin Halid Onat and assistant professor Amet Orhan Arda. Construction of the mausoleum began in October 1944 and was completed in September 1953.

ankara tourist

This site is the mausoleum of the first and second President of the Republic of Turkey. Its design is extremely majestic like a museum, attracting not only tourists but also famous historians and architects to visit. Coming to the Mustafa Kemal Mausoleum, you will see a collection with an extremely large number of paintings, watch Turkish soldiers in parades. Not only possessing a unique architecture, Anitkabir also has many valuable antique collections and unique works of art.

ankara tourist

Not only that, visiting the mausoleum, you can also visit the Peace Park filled with green trees. There is even a Turkish national flag made entirely of real flowers.

Atakule Tower (#ankara travel blog)

Address: Canakaya district, Central Ankara, Turkey

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Atakule is a tower built in 1989 by the order of then-8th President Turgut Ozal.. It has a height of up to 410 feet (125m) and is considered a great spot to admire the city of Ankara from above. In particular, there is also a restaurant that rotates 360 degrees.

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After visiting the first presidential mausoleum of Turkey, do not forget to visit the Atakule tower. From here, you can stand on the terrace area or drop by the restaurant to both enjoy the unique cuisine and enjoy the panoramic view of the city. The 360-degree view space, along with the cool breeze, watching the bustling streets will make you feel much more comfortable.

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Kocatepe Mosque

Address: Kültür, Dr. Mediha Eldem Sk. No:67, 06420 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey Hours: Open 24 hours

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As the largest mosque in Ankara, Kocatepe Mosque is very recognizable thanks to its soaring minarets and giant domes, which took two decades to complete. It has long been a prominent landmark on the skyline, as clear skies you can be seen from almost anywhere in the city.

ankara tourist

Comprised of several floors elaborately decorated with delicate details, this mosque’s inspiring design is significantly different from the traditional design and has been controversial over the years. The domes and minarets exude a patterned Gothic resemblance to the domes, the stylish terraces and the main entrance of the mosque are unique to the mosque’s architecture.

Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

Address: Kale, Gözcü Sk. No:2, 06240 Ulus/Altındağ/Ankara, Turkey Hours: 8:30AM–5:30PM

ankara tourist

The museum preserves hundreds of thousands of fascinating artifacts associated with the region’s past. Here, visitors will learn about every aspect of human history in Anatolia, from the Paleolithic Age to the recent arrival of the Greeks and Romans. Artifacts in the museum are spread throughout two buildings dating from the time when the Ottomans ruled.

You can admire fascinating historical artifacts that highlight the stories of Anatolia, the land located in the Asian part of Turkey.

Genclik Park

Address: Doğanbey Mahallesi, Talatpaşa Blv No:38, 06050 Altındağ/Ankara, Turkey Hours: Open 24 hours

ankara tourist

Genclik Park is known as the green lung of the city. Here, there are many trees, lakes, outdoor theater, giant ferris wheel… around the traditional pottery shops, in the evening the lake area will perform impressive water music. Tourists often choose to come here to take a stroll and enjoy the lively street performances.

ankara tourist

Roman Baths

Address: Anafartalar, Çankırı Cd. No:43, 06050 Altındağ/Ankara, Turkey Hours: 10AM–4:30PM

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Visiting the Roman-style baths that were built in the 3rd century will also bring you many unforgettable memories. They are divided into 3 types: hot baths, warm baths and cold baths. Although so far not as intact as before, the statues, patterns or history of this place are always told in a vivid and extremely interesting way.

ankara tourist

Where to stay?

Below we recommend more best budget, mid-range and upscale hotels with good ratings and reviews you can refer to.

  • New Park Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Divan Ankara Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Hotel Cinnah ( Agoda , Booking )
  • CPAnkara Hotel ( Booking )
  • Hotel Ickale ( Booking )
  • Radisson Blu Hotel, Ankara ( Agoda , Booking )

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Check out more top & best hotels in Ankara on or

What to eat?

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The capital Ankara is considered to have a rich, unique and attractive cuisine. Below are some dishes you should try when coming here.

Simat Donut: A favorite dish of Ankara people, the donut is round, topped with sesame, eaten with some cheese and enjoyed with a cup of tea.

ankara tourist

Doner Kebab: This is a Turkish sandwich famous around the world. Grilled pieces of meat are seasoned with delicious spices, sandwiched with bread and some vegetables and two special sauces.

ankara tourist

Pide bread (Turkish pizza): The bread is made with a thin layer of dough, topped with chicken, tuna, cheese and chopped vegetables. The cake looks very attractive when baked. Tantuni: Super delicious snack in Ankara, it is made from minced meat, tomatoes, peppers, onions, rolled into thin tortilla bread.

ankara tourist

Lahmacun: This dish is a type of Turkish pizza, served with parsley, some lemon juice, rolled up and enjoyed.

ankara tourist

Turkish Red Lentil Soup (Corba):  Traditional soup of the Ankara people as well as Turkey. The soup is fragrant, easy to eat and very nutritious. You can enjoy this dish at the hotel where you stay, or at the restaurants and bars in the city.

ankara tourist

Kofte meatballs: Turkish-style meatballs are very soft and fatty, the people of Ankara create this dish with its own unique character. Kofte meatballs are often used as the main dish in the menus of restaurants.

ankara tourist

Tips and things to know before you go

ankara tourist

Ankara is the new capital of modern Turkey, although unlike the ancient capitals like Istanbul and Konya, this city still contains many “unspoken rules” that you should follow for your trip to be complete, safe and enjoyable.

Ankara summer is usually very hot so you should avoid coming here at this time. Spring, autumn or winter are all quite cool. In particular, tourists often choose to come here in the period from April to June because the weather and nature are very beautiful at this time. In addition, there are many attractive festivals, notably the brilliant tulip festival, which attracts many people to visit and take pictures.

ankara tourist

When coming to local people’s homes or mosques you need to take off your shoes before stepping inside, or you can also put your shoes in a bag and carry them with you.

Clothing when going to mosques should also pay attention not to wear “lack of cloth, too short“ or overly flashy and extravagant costumes.

In Ankara, only certain places are allowed to sell and drink alcoholic beverages. Therefore, if you drink in public, you will be fined a huge amount. Drinking alcohol on the street is completely prohibited and violators can have to pay huge fines.

ankara tourist

If you want to travel to Turkey cheaply, you can choose a means of transportation that is a bus, but at peak hours such as early morning or evening it will be very crowded, need to be aware of theft and safety issues. In addition, you can also take a taxi, but remember to avoid going after 10pm because the price of a taxi at this time increases a lot and can make you be burnt “pocket” with just a short ride.

Choosing public transport you should pay attention to theft when it is crowded, and if you take a taxi, you should ask the price in advance to avoid losing a lot of money. And also remember to pay the price when shopping at the traditional markets here, because that’s the culture in Turkey.

ankara tourist

When you go to the markets and local shops, remember to bargain, this is a typical Turkish culture, if you don’t bargain, 99% you will be pay overpriced because sellers often increase the price by 2-4 times compared the original price.

ankara tourist

When visiting the city, you should not openly criticize any local traditions or customs as this is extremely insulting because the indigenous people of Ankara are extremely proud and respectful of the traditions of their ancestors and they’re very sensitive to criticism so if you see something you don’t like, it’s best to keep it to yourself.

ankara tourist

Tips for staff at restaurants, cafes, hotels is an act of showing the generosity and satisfaction of customers with the service of the staff, it is popular in many countries and territories around the world but not common in Ankara. If you really want to tip a waiter, you can leave 10% of your total bill or just leave a small reward, no more than 1 USD for the porter, hotel room cleaner, would be greatly appreciated. However, you absolutely should not tip the taxi driver, this behavior is not acceptable in this city.

ankara tourist

The act of taking pictures of women, especially women wearing black headscarves, is completely prohibited here, if you take pictures of men, you also need to ask for his permission first.

Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in, from and to Ankara and Istanbul you can refer to

  • Ankara: Private Tour with a Local
  • Ankara: Guided Walking Tour
  • Ankara: Unlimited 4G Internet in Turkey with Pocket WiFi
  • From Ankara: Private Cappadocia & Underground City Tour
  • Ankara: Private Romantic Tour
  • Goreme: Open Air Museum & Fairy Chimney Tours
  • Istanbul Welcome Card
  • Hagia Sophia Introduction Tour with Audio Guide
  • Istanbul Classics Tour
  • Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque Small Group Tour
  • Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, & Basilica Cistern Combo Tour in Istanbul
  • Istanbul Big Bus Hop-On Hop-Off Tours (Open-Top)
  • Hop-on Hop-off Bosphorus Sightseeing Cruise
  • 4G SIM Card (MY Delivery) for Turkey from joytel2u
  • Istanbul Museum Pass
  • [Sale] Sea Life Aquarium Ticket in Istanbul
  • Round Trip Ferry Tickets between Prince’s Islands and Istanbul
  • Princes’ Island Full Day Tour from Istanbul
  • Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise Tour
  • Istanbul: Mevlevi Sema and the Whirling Dervishes Show
  • Istanbul: Bosphorus Music and Dinner Cruise w/ Private Table
  • Istanbul: Bosphorus Cruise with Audio App
  • Istanbul: Blue Mosque & Hagia Sophia Small-Group Tour
  • Best of Istanbul in 1 Day
  • Istanbul: Topkapi Palace Guided Tour and Skip The Line
  • Istanbul: Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on a Luxurious Yacht
  • Istanbul: Basilica Cistern Skip-the-Line Guided Tour

Blue Mosque in Istanbul, architectural masterpieces

Are you looking for more top things to do in Istanbul: Tours, activities, attractions and other things? Let’s check it out here . And My trip to Istanbul — Explore the bridge city of Asia and Europe. And Turkey travel guide here .

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THE 10 BEST Ankara Tours & Excursions

Ankara tours.

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1. Ankara : Private Walking Tour With A Guide ( Private Tour )

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2. Daily Hattusas / Boğazköy Tour

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3. Cappadocia and Central Anatolia Tour with Professional Tour Guide

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4. Full Day Cappadocia Private Tour

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5. Private Tour of the Hittite Sites

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6. Half Day Private Tour in Ankara

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7. Turkey Exclusive Tour

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8. Private Tour: Ankara Sightseeing

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9. Private Historical Ankara's Bronze Age Tour in Turkey

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10. Archaeological Splendors of Anatolia Excursion

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11. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Kizilcahamam Town

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12. Daily Ankara Tour

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13. Private Tour Historical Ankara's Bronze Age from Ankara

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14. Ankara Private Walking Tour with a Professional Guide

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15. Heartbeat of Ankara: A Romantic Two-Hour Stroll

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16. Ankara in a Glimpse: A Two-Hour Walking Extravaganza

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17. Private transfer: Ankara Airport (ESB) to Ankara

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18. Private Tour of the Hittite Sites Full Day from Ankara

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19. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Amasra Town

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20. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Eskişehir City

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21. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Cappadocia Region

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22. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Abant National Park

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23. Private transfer: Ankara to Ankara Airport (ESB)

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24. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Hattusa Ancient City

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25. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Konya City

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26. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Gordion Ancient City

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27. Ankara Esenboga Airport transfers to Polatlı Hotels

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28. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Ilgaz National Park

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29. Private Transfers Ankara City or Esenboga Airport to/from Safranbolu Town

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30. Ankara Esenboga Airport transfers to Ankara City Center (Cankaya,Kizilay) Hotels

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Kocatepe Mosque

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Atakule Tower

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Ankara Citadel

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Ankara Ethnography Museum

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Temple of Augustus

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Museum of Anatolian Civilizations

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Gençlik Parkı

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    See the best attraction in Ankara Printable Tourist Map. Deutschland United States Türkiye Ankara Printable Tourist Map. Print the full size map. Download the full size map. Create your own map. Ankara Map: The Attractions. 1. Kocatepe Mosque. See on map. 2. Atakule Tower. See on map. 3. Castle.

  22. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Ankara (Updated 2024)

    2023. 3. Rahmi M. Koc Muzesi. 1,266. Speciality Museums. Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koç Museum is the first and only industrial museum in Ankara Like its namesake, it is dedicated to the history of Transport, Industry and Communications, with additional material…. 4. Haci Bayram Mosque (Haci Bayram Camii) 723.

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    See ways to experience (4) 2023. 3. Rahmi M. Koc Muzesi. 1,266. Speciality Museums. Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koç Museum is the first and only industrial museum in Ankara Like its namesake, it is dedicated to the history of Transport, Industry and Communications, with additional material…. 4.