angel visits mary sunday school lesson

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angel visits mary sunday school lesson

The Angel appears to Mary

by truewaykids | Dec 5, 2019 | Bible Lesson , Christmas Lessons , New Testament | 0 comments

The Angel appears to Mary - Free printable Bible lesson for kids. Includes Christmas worksheets, Angel crafts, Bible coloring pages and more.

This week, we will look at our second week of the Christmas lessons. ( If you missed week one click here ). We will focus on Mary and her reaction to the angel’s message. This passage can be found in Luke 1:26-38.

Some of the key points we will look at are–

  • Nothing is impossible for God.
  • God works in ways we don’t understand.
  • We can ask wise people for advice and counsel.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

The Angel appears to Mary – Lesson Guide

There are some helpful animated videos and song ideas included in a youtube playlist to go along with this lesson.

Share with your child, how God often gave important messages to angels to deliver for him. Try to remember some from the Old Testament. Abraham for example.

Ask the child if they know who Mary is. Explain that Mary was a simple Jewish girl who honored God. Talk about how God chose her to give birth to His Son. Point out that people would be mean to Mary for obeying God, but she obeyed Him anyway. Explain that people thought Mary had done a bad thing, but she hadn’t. Remind the child that they should obey God, no matter what other people say.

Pull out baby photos of your child, you, your parents, etc. Point out characteristics that you have in common with your child, or they have in common with your parents. You can play a matching game, such as these two people have this similar feature or personality trait. Remind the child that every baby ever born needs both a mommy and a daddy. Then point out that God told Mary she would have a baby without a daddy, because God would be the baby’s Father. Marvel that nothing is impossible with God.

Mary sang a song to praise God. Talk about how God likes it when we sing praises to Him. Sing a song of praise to God with your child. You may also choose to create a song such as singing “Jesus is the Light of the World, Light of the World, Light of the World. Jesus is the Light of the World. He came on Christmas Day.” Sing these words to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb. You may select another phrase or tune (very simple children’s tunes are best) to allow your child to have the joy of creating their own song to praise God.

Point out that God works in ways we don’t understand. Pull up an online clip of a cartoon or other children’s show in a foreign language. Watch the clip together (make sure the content has speaking in it). Ask the child if they understood the talking in the video. Point out that we cannot understand the clip since we do not speak the language. Select a verse in a foreign language (if you know someone who speaks a foreign language, choose that one) or a children’s Bible song. Learn the verse or song with your child (you may use an online video to ascertain correct pronunciation). Then learn the verse or song in English. Talk about how God reveals some things to us, but others, only He understands.

Explain that just like we watched a video or asked a friend about the correct way to say something in another language, people can help us understand God better. Point out that when Mary needed help, she went to Elizabeth.

Ask the child who they can go to for advice. Point out that the Bible is filled with instructions on how to live. Ask the child if they can think of a verse that tells us how to live.

Share how God had also allowed Elizabeth to have a baby, even though she was too old and had waited a long time. Speak how God has a plan for people of all ages. You are never too young or too old to God.

If the child has memorized the song or verse in a language known to a friend, have the child share the song/verse with the friend.

As it is the second week, add Mary and Joseph to the nativity scene you are building. Point out that the time for Jesus’ arrival is getting close.

Pray with your child and thank God that nothing is impossible for Him. Ask Him to help you always obey Him.

Free Printable Bible Story

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Games and Activities

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Visit a friend

Christmas is a great time to catch up with friends who maybe we don’t see to often. Reflect on how Mary planned a trip to visit Elizabeth, by planning a trip to visit a friend or family member. Thank God for the people He puts in our lives.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Make cards for a care Home

We all love receiving Christmas Cards. Remind your child how the angel delivered important messages from God. Make some Christmas card with your child and deliver them to your local care home. You could use the template provided or make your own. Ask the staff to give them to some of the residence who maybe otherwise wouldn’t have any. Remind your child the Christmas is for everyone, young and old. (Zechariah and Elizabeth thought they were to old).

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Leap for Joy:  Remind your child how Elizabeth’s baby jumped with joy as Mary and Jesus approached. Give jumping directions for your child to follow. For example: jump high, jump low, jump forward, jump to the side and so on.

You could also turn it into a game by seeing who can jump the highest, furthest, funniest etc.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Nativity Character Coloring pages

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Build out your Nativity Scene

Last week, we began to build our nativity scene. If you haven’t printed it yet, it’s free in last week’s lesson.

This week, we will add Mary’s and Elizabeth’s houses and use them as we tell the story to make it interactive.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Angel Decoration Craft – Includes free template

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

What you need

  • The template page printed on white card or paper.
  • Colouring pencils or crayons
  • Cut out the cone and glue or tape together. If teaching a group, do before class to save time.
  • Colour the Angel and wings.
  • Glue the body and wings onto the cone.

Download the lesson

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Lesson 1: gabriel visits mary.

Lessons in this series: 1 2 3 4 Overview

After completing this Sunday school lesson, children will learn that God has great things in store for all of us as we live lives that are pleasing to Him.

Angels, Birth of Jesus, Christmas, Mary, Pleasing God

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Give an index card and pencil to each child as they arrive. Ask them to write down at least four things about themselves that make them likeable. When everyone has at least four things, collect all the cards. Then read them one by one to the class and have the kids try to guess who it is. After everyone has guessed, let the owner of the card speak up. How many did each child guess correctly?

This activity will prepare the kids to think about characteristics that are pleasing to God. They will also use this information as a reference during the scripture reading discussion questions.


Further info? Click here

MEMORY WORK (12 minutes)

"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Colossians 3:12 NIV Missing Vowels (Memory Verse Puzzle) Click here


Introduction: Many years ago in Galilee, in a town called Nazareth, there lived a young woman named Mary. She was about to be married. During those days, it was customary for girls to be promised to be given away as young brides as soon as they reached puberty, which is about twelve years old. This custom was called betrothal, or engagement. The girl's parents had a lot to do with these decisions, not like today where the man and woman decide if they want to get married. A betrothal is not a practice in our culture today, but that was not the only unusual thing about Mary's engagement. She also had a strange visitor just before she was married. This visitor gave her news that was not only surprising, but it turned out to be Good News for all ages to come. Our story today is found in Luke 1:26-38.

Read Luke 1:26-38 (Jesus' Birth Foretold) Have the kids find this story in their Bibles. Ask for volunteers to read the passage, or if you prefer you can read it to the children.

Discussion Questions: 1. Does anyone know the significance of Gabriel's visit being on the 6th month? (Refer to Luke 1:5-25 for background information. Gabriel also visited Zechariah before the birth of John the Baptist, who was to be a prophet of the most high, and a forerunner of Jesus. Zechariah's wife was named Elizabeth, who was also Mary's cousin. John needed to be born before Jesus so he could tell the people to get prepared for the arrival of Jesus. The angel visited Mary about six months after John the Baptist was conceived.) 2. How did Mary react when Gabriel greeted her? (She was troubled at the greeting.) 3. After telling Mary not to be afraid, what was the Good News that Mary received? (She will give birth to a son named Jesus. He would be great, and called the Son of the Most High.) 4. Why was Mary chosen to be the mother of Jesus? (She found favor with God. See Luke 1:28.) 5. God was pleased when Mary surrendered to His Will and became obedient to Him. What other characteristics do you think Mary may have had that were pleasing to God? (The kids may want to refer to the list they created when they arrived.) 6. How about you? In what ways can you be pleasing to God, your parents, or your friends? Will others see you as a good person with these characteristics? (Allow for discussion.)

CLASS EXERCISE (15 minutes)

Knock-Knock (Game) Click here

APPLICATION (2 minutes)

There are many words in the English language that mean "pleasing to God". Virtue, goodness, holiness, righteousness, honor, uprightness, integrity, and morality are a few. When these characteristics are missing, the person is not complete. Just like a memory verse with missing vowels. But a person who is pleasing to God and pleasing to others can be used in a mighty way. That's how God used Mary above all the other virgins to be the mother of His only Son. How wonderful! Who knows what great things are in store for all of us as we live lives that are pleasing to God.

Do you know who your grandfather is? How about your great-grandfather? How about your great-great-grandfather? Next week, we will discover who the great-grandfather of Jesus was, with great said 38 times. Any guesses?

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Take home page.

Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home. Click here for NIV or KJV [PDF]

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Mary and the Angel Sunday School Lesson

Mary and the Angel Sunday School Lesson

Mary and the Angel  Sunday School Lesson For Kids :


The Birth of Jesus is Good News.

Kids will learn that the good news of Christmas pushes away our fear and worry.


Luke 1:26-38. Mary receives a blessing.


“And Mary said, 'My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.'” - Luke 1:46-47 (NIV)

The birth of Jesus was the cause for much joy on earth and in heaven. But when the angel came to deliver an important message to Mary, her first reaction was fear. When the angel explained how she would give birth to the Savior of the world, Mary rejoiced. Even today, the good news of Jesus pushes away fear and worry.


The birth of your son, Jesus, is reason to celebrate. Be with us, and take away our fear and worry so that we may worship you freely.

In Jesus’ name,


“Mary said, 'My soul gives glory to the Lord. My spirit delights in God my Savior.'” - Luke 1:46-47 (NIrV)


Divide the room into girls and boys. Have the girls and boys read the verse aloud together, alternating every other word, so girls say the first word, boys say the second word, girls the third, etc.


Work as a group to create motions to accompany the verse. Say the verse several times while acting out the motions. (K-2nd)

Give all the kids a Bible. After you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible. (3rd-5th)



Robes for the angels



Harold – an angel who thinks he can sing

Phanuel – angel supervisor

Phanuel enters carrying a clipboard. He looks out at the audience.

PHANUEL: What a beautiful day to be up in heaven. Just like yesterday. And the day before. Well, they're all beautiful day, now that I think about it.

Harold enters and rushes up to Phanuel.

HAROLD: Harold the Angel reporting for duty, sir.

PHANUEL: Ah, you must be the new transfer from Cloud 9.

HAROLD: Yes, sir.

PHANUEL: Oh you don't have to be so formal. Just call me Phanuel. And what did you say your name was again?

HAROLD: Harold, sir. I mean, Mr. Phanuel.

PHANUEL: Just Phanuel. Harold? That's kind of an unusual name for an angel, isn't it.

HAROLD: I wouldn't know. I'm glad to be here, sir. I'm ready to go to work. Do you have an assignment for me?

Phanuel consults his clipboard.

PHANUEL: Well, let's see now. Do you have any special skills?

HAROLD: I can sing.

PHANUEL: We could use a few new guardian angels to help protect the humans. They always seem to be getting themselves into trouble.

HAROLD: I'm a singer.

PHANUEL: Well, I don't really need a singer right now. We're always looking for good messengers.

HAROLD: What do they do?

PHANUEL: They go to earth and talk to humans, delivering the message that God has given them. In fact, we've got a special message that needs to be delivered soon to a young girl in Nazareth named Mary. God wants her to know that she has found favor with him. She is going to give birth to the son of God.

HAROLD: Jesus?


HAROLD: He's going down to earth?

PHANUEL: Yes. It's all part of a very special plan that God the father has to save the world.

HAROLD: Wow, that's exciting.

PHANUEL: I know. Jesus' arrival on earth is going to be the cause of a lot of rejoicing and celebration here in heaven and down there on earth.

HAROLD: That's a big message.

PHANUEL: Does it sound like something you could handle?

HAROLD: It depends.

PHANUEL: On what?

HAROLD: Can I sing the message?

PHANUEL: You're really into singing, aren't you? Okay, Harold, let's hear what you've got.

Harold takes a few moments to warm up.

HAROLD: Me, me, me, me. ( screaming, ugly ) JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD IS COME, LET EAR-

PHANUEL: Thank you, Harold. That's enough now. I've heard all I need to hear.

HAROLD: What do you think? Ain't I a natural born singer?

PHANUEL: You. . . You are. . . something else, Harold. I've never heard anything like you.

HAROLD: So, what time do you need me to go down to earth and sing for this lady who's going to give birth to Jesus?

PHANUEL: You know what? I think I'll send Gabriel. He was down there a few months ago talking to Mary's relative Elizabeth. He knows the lay of the land pretty well already.

HAROLD: Okay, that's fine. So what assignment do you have for me?

PHANUEL: I'm not sure yet, Harold. But we will find something for you to do.

HAROLD: No sweat. It just gives me all the more time to practice my singing. ( Screams, uglier than ever ) JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD IS COME, LET EARTH RECEIVE HER KING-

PHANUEL: We better find you an assignment soon.


Guitar, badly out of tune.

Christmas is a time of celebration. It's a time to rejoice in Jesus our Savior. One of the ways that we can celebrate is through singing. Songs like “Joy to the World” remind us of the gift that Jesus is, and how he is worthy of all our praise.

Bring out the guitar. Get in position as if to play.

We can sing these songs of celebration on instruments like this guitar.

Strum the guitar. It should sound horrible.

Unfortunately, if I play this guitar, there won't be any celebrating. This instrument sounds awful. Does anybody know why?

Allow the kids to come to the conclusion that the guitar is out of tune.

These strings aren't tuned properly. Some are too loose and some are wound too tight to make the joyful noise that they are supposed to.

That's how it is with fear and anxiety in our lives. We may want to celebrate, but fear robs us of our focus, making us too loose. And then worry comes in and gets us all tightened up. There's no room for joy and celebration.

Tune the guitar if you have the ability.

But if we bring our fears and worries to God, he can take them away. He can settle our spirits and get us back to the place where we are in tune with him.

And when that happens, we can praise God and celebrate Jesus freely. Exuberantly.

Strum the freshly tuned guitar.



Artificial Christmas Tree

2 – Baskets

12 – Red Plastic Ornaments

12 – Green Plastic Ornaments


Select two kids to be the red team and two kids to be the green team. On opposite ends of the stage, place two baskets. In one basket are the red ornaments and in the other basket are the green ornaments. In the middle, place the Christmas tree.

Give the kids 30 seconds to place all 12 of their ornaments on the tree. At the end of time, the team with most ornaments on the tree wins! In the event of a tie, the winner is selected by an audience vote of which is more beautifully decorated.

For the younger kids, mix the colors and have the kids work together to decorate the tree in the time allotted.


Traditions like decorating the tree help remind us that Christmas is a season for joy and celebration.


It's just about that time again: Christmas! The time where we remember Jesus' birth. It's a season filled with celebration. There are the gifts and the parties and the singing. One of the most famous songs celebrating Jesus' birth is called “Joy to the World.”

I'm sure you've heard it. “Joy to the World. The Lord has come. Let earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare him room. And heaven and nature sing. And heaven and nature sing. And heaven and heaven and nature sing.”

It's true. Christmas is a time for all of creation to sing – whether they be the angels in heaven or the lowliest person here on earth. The birth of Jesus was the beginning of our story of redemption. Jesus was born so that he could live a perfect life and then suffer the death that we deserved, so that we could live.

What an amazing reason to celebrate – both then and now. Unfortunately, sometimes things get in the way of our ability to rejoice. One of those obstacles is fear. Another one is worry.

When we are consumed with fear and worry, we can't see the good that is before us. It's hard to praise God when we are focused on all the bad “what ifs?” that could happen. Fear gets in the way of our ability to celebrate.

When the angel Gabriel visited a young girl named Mary, he had good news for her. But at first Mary was too troubled and fearful to understand it. Let's see what Gabriel's message was, and let's see how Mary responded.

READ Luke 1:26-38.

The first thing Gabriel told Mary was that she was highly favored and that the Lord was with her. Those would be pretty good things for any of us to hear. But the Bible tells us that Mary was greatly troubled at Gabriel's words and she wondered at what the angel was trying to tell her.

Mary was afraid. That seems like a perfectly reasonable response to me; you don't get visited by angels every day. But the problem is, if Mary had held on to that fear, she would have missed out on the good news that Gabriel had for her.

The angel told Mary not to be afraid. And then he told Mary that she would give birth to Jesus, God's son. And Jesus would reign as king forever. Now Mary's fear gave way to confusion. How could she have a baby? She wasn't even married yet.

The angel said again that Jesus' father was none other than God himself. For nothing is impossible with God.

At this, Mary's fear, worry, and confusion gave way to acceptance. She humbly and gladly accepted the mighty assignment that God had entrusted to Mary. Now, she was able to take the angel's words to heart and celebrate this child which she would soon give birth to.


How are you doing today? Are you ready to celebrate who Jesus is and all that he has done for us? Or is there something holding you back?

Maybe it's fear. Sometimes we can be afraid that we're not good enough for God. We imagine that we can't come to God unless we've done all of the right things and not done any bad stuff. But that's not true. The very reason Jesus came was to make a way for us to get to God when we couldn't do it on our own. Do not be afraid.

Maybe you don't think Christmas this year will be much worth celebrating. Some of you have families that are split up, or seem to constantly be fighting. For you, Christmas is a source of worry and anxiety. But you can give this to God, too. You can ask him to take away your worry and to give you more and more of his joy and his peace.

Whatever you are going through this season, remember that Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Fear and worry can rob us of the joy that Jesus brings. If we turn to God and ask him, he can take away fear and worry. That's a reason to celebrate!


The birth of your son, Jesus is reason to celebrate. Be with us, and take away our fear and worry so that we may worship you freely.


What is your favorite Christmas tradition?


Luke 1:46-47

Work as a group to create motions to accompany the verse. Say the verse several times while acting out the motions.


Play a few rounds of telephone. Talk about the difficulties of delivering an important message through this method. Discuss why God would choose to deliver his message to Mary through an angel.


Read Luke 1:26-38.

Who was Gabriel?

What message did Gabriel have for Mary?

Why was Mary “greatly troubled”?

Who was the other woman the angel mentioned was going to have a baby?

How can we get rid of fear and worry?


We celebrate the gift of Jesus this Christmas. Thank you for Jesus. He is the reason that all of heaven and nature sing.


Give all the kids a Bible. After you read the verse, give them the reference and see who can find it first in their Bible.

Play a few rounds of telephone. Talk about the difficulties of delivering an important message through this method. Discuss why God would chose to deliver his message to Mary through an angel.

What were the different emotions that Mary felt during her conversation with Gabriel?

How can you get rid of fear and worry?

For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this  Mary and the Angel Children's Ministry Lesson  (just click the link). 

Here's a video from Saddleback kids that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Mary and the Angel. 

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Mary and the Angel Sunday School Lesson:  

Christmas sunday school lesson: an angel appears to mary, a visit from an angel - children's sermons from, gabriel visits mary (kids bible lesson) isaiah 9; luke 1:26-38, free christmas lesson: the birth of christ ... - kids sunday school, subscribe to our newsletter.

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angel visits mary sunday school lesson


Family devotional  , "a blessing with every lesson", week 25 - an angel visits mary -, bible time fun through the bible, kids bible lesson 25 - an angel visits mary.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Welcome to week 25!

This week your children learn the Bible story about a faithful girl named Mary.

God sent an angel, Gabriel, to deliver a special message to Mary. Gabriel told Mary that she would be the mother of the Son of God. What an honor! Mary did not believe that she, a virgin, would have a miraculous pregnancy of the world’s most important baby, Jesus. Mary was very excited to be the Lord’s servant. 

In this Bible lesson, the children will learn that God can do anything and he is worthy of our trust. We must be willing to serve God with all our hearts. Have fun learning this wonderful story!

If you haven’t read the introduction to Bible Time yet, I recommend you read the outline about the   Bible lessons for children  first.

Children's bible lesson about An Angel Visits Mary -  Key Concepts The key concepts that we focused on this week are:

God can do anything.

God is worthy of our trust.

We must be willing to serve God.

You can also come up with your own key concepts.

Bible Verse for kids The Bible verse for this lesson is ​ Luke 1:30 ICB

“Do not be afraid, Mary, because God is pleased with you” . This Bible verse should be simple enough for your toddler to memorize after a week of practice.

Bible Story Tips

We read “An Angel Visits Mary” beginning on page 49 of the children's Bible Storybook called  Bible-Time Stories and Rhymes .

During story, draw attention to the key concepts for this lesson.

Don't forget to ask questions related to the story, for example, “What message did the angel have for Mary?”

Throughout the Bible lesson we reiterated how important it is to trust God.

After the Bible story and discussion session, we stand up and do the interactive rhyme found in the Bible storybook . 

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Prayer After the story and rhyme, we say a prayer that is related to the Bible story. You can either have your children repeat after you or allow them to come up with their own prayer.

Bible Song about An Angel Visits Mary

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

The Bible song for this week is "Rejoice in the Lord Always" .

We cast the song from YouTube to the television, so our children can see the   motions on the big screen.

bible Activities  about An Angel Visits Mary

We did different Bible activities each day - related to An Angel Visits Mary. We also have a selection of free Bible activities about An Angel Visits Mary here.

The Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all of the An Angel Visits Mary activities (plus more), printed and arranged for your convenience. Some fun and kid-friendly Mary  Bible activities include: ​

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

An Angel Visits Mary bible coloring Page

While our daughters colored the An Angel Visits Mary Bible Coloring Page, we talked about how Gabriel told Mary that she would be the mother of the Son of God.

Children's Praise Music | 5 Ways to Add Fun to Your Kids Worship Time | Bible Time Fun

Children's Praise Music | 5 Ways to Add Fun to Your Kids Worship Time | Bible Time Fun

Easy Scriptures for Children to Learn | FREE ABC Memory Verses Through the Bible | Joshua 1:9

Easy Scriptures for Children to Learn | FREE ABC Memory Verses Through the Bible | Joshua 1:9

How to Get Your Child Excited about Reading the Bible | FREE Kid Friendly Bible Study Tools

How to Get Your Child Excited about Reading the Bible | FREE Kid Friendly Bible Study Tools

A Creative Game for Bible Study Fun | Emoji Bible Stories Card Game | Bible Time Fun

A Creative Game for Bible Study Fun | Emoji Bible Stories Card Game | Bible Time Fun

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

Benefits of Playing Games | Five Reasons to Have Family Game Night | Bible Time Fun

Easy Scriptures for Children to Learn | FREE ABC Memory Verses Through the Bible | Matthew 7:7

Easy Scriptures for Children to Learn | FREE ABC Memory Verses Through the Bible | Matthew 7:7

A Beauty Battle: Ruth vs Esther | Bible Belles | Bible Lessons on Real Beauty, Leadership and Faith

A Beauty Battle: Ruth vs Esther | Bible Belles | Bible Lessons on Real Beauty, Leadership and Faith

Part 5: Be Careful Little Mind | FUN Ways to Teach Your Children to Guard Their Minds

Part 5: Be Careful Little Mind | FUN Ways to Teach Your Children to Guard Their Minds

July Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use

July Bible Time F-U-N Newsletter - Fun Facts and News you Can Use

Part 4: Be Careful Little Feet | FUN Ways to Teach Your Children to Walk in God's Will

Part 4: Be Careful Little Feet | FUN Ways to Teach Your Children to Walk in God's Will

Who is it bible Activity

It was a miracle for Mary to have this special baby. She knew it was a miracle from God.

We used the "Who Is It Bible Activity"   to teach our daughters about the importance of each character in the 'An Angel Visits Mary' Bible story.

stand up angel Bible craft

The angel Gabriel, told Mary she would be the mother of the Son of God. Mary’s pregnancy was a miracle.

This 'Angel Visits Mary' Bible craft can be made by making a standing angel with a piece of white card stock paper. First, cut the upper body (including the head) with one half of the paper.

Next, using the second half of the paper, make a cone shape that can stand to be the bottom part of the angel.

Finally, draw a face on the angel, then attach a craft stick to the back of the upper and lower part of the angel. 

(We used the “Stand Up Angel Bible Craft" found in

the Bible Time Family Fun Pack ).

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

servant of the lord bible craft activity

Mary was happy to serve the Lord!

We too should be willing and happy to serve God.

We used the   " Servant Of The Lord Bible Craft Activity" ,   to help our girls learn Mary’s response to God.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

trust bible walk 

It can be hard to put our trust in someone, especially if you don’t know what the outcome will be. Mary trusted God, even though she did not understand everything.

To help demonstrate trust to our girls, we guided them through a path blindfolded. We gave them verbal commands and they carefully followed.

We explained how this demonstration is like us putting our trust in God. We might not know where we are going, but if we listen to his guidance, he will lead us down the right path.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

ready to serve Bible gift BASKET

Mary was willing to be the Lord’s servant. Her service to God was a blessing to many other people.

For this preschool Bible activity, we made gift baskets to deliver to our local YWCA. We talked about the joy of giving and how acts of service make both us and those being served happy. 

During  the 'Ready To Serve' Bible Gift activity, I reminded the girls how important it is to serve God.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

I Believe It! bible game

God sent a message to Mary that she would have a special baby that would be God’s own Son. 

Even though this seemed impossible, Mary believed God because she knew that God can do anything.

We played a fun game called  "I Believe It! Bible Game" , that showed the girls how great God is.

angel visits mary sunday school lesson

I hope you enjoyed week 25 of Bible Time FUN Through the Bible. Please comment or share using #bibletimefun .

Don't forget, the Bible Time Family Fun Pack includes all these activities, printed for your convenience. Check them out below! Learn more about the Bible Time Family Fun Pack Subscription Box .

An Angel Visits Mary Content Image_Page_

Bible Time Family Fun Pack - New Testament - Segment 7

Bible Time Stories and Rhymes Storybook

Bible Time Stories and Rhymes Storybook

17. Samson the Strong

18. The Call of Samuel

19. Give us a King

20. David and Goliath

21. Elijah and The Widow

22. Jonah and the Great Fish

23. T he Fiery Furnace

24. Daniel and the Lion's Den

New Testament

25. An Angel Visits Mary

26. Jesus Is Born

27. Jesus Is Baptized

28. Jesus Is Tempted

29. Jesus Chooses His First Disciples

Children's Bible Lessons There are 52 children's Bible lessons, one for each week of the year.

Every lesson, craft and activity is simple, fun and interactive -  tailored for toddlers & preschoolers!! 

To begin, select a lesson:

Old Testament

1. God Created the World 2. Adam and Eve's Sin 3. Noah and the Ark 4. The Tower of Babel

5. God calls Abraham

6. Isaac is Born

7. Sodom and Gomorrah

8. Jacob's Ladder

9. The Story of Joseph

10. Baby Moses

11. The Escape from Egypt

12. The Ten Commandments

13. Balaam’s Donkey

14. Joshua and the Battle of Jericho

15. The Sun Stands Still

16. Gideon's Army


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Lesson - An Angel Visits Mary

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Elizabeth and Mary Praise God (Luke 1:39-55) Sunday School Lesson

“Praise God!” There are many ways that we can glorify God in all that we do and with all of who we are. Children should be encouraged that worship is more than just songs in church. Our Heavenly Father blesses us with various gifts, and we can use all of them to love and serve Him. Whatever we do, we recognize and thank God for good things in our lives, honoring His love and faithfulness.

Lesson focus: This lesson focuses on Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth, and how all of the figures in the story recognized and honored the hand of God in their lives. John leapt up in utero, Elizabeth praised Mary’s faith, and Mary sang to the Lord. As these children of God glorified Him, so we can worship the Lord in a variety of ways, with our love, time, and talents.

Passage: Luke 1:39-55 

Target Audience: Kindergarten-6 th grade

Materials Needed: Construction paper; glue; markers or crayons; tape; scissors; decorative supplies; yarn/string; paper bags; popsicle sticks; jingle bells; noise makers; wrapping paper; Bibles.

More Teaching Ideas:

  • Watch the video teaching example of this children’s sermon and Bible craft ideas
  • Compare another Sunday School Lesson on Mary’s visit to Elizabeth
  • Download a teaching skit for this Bible passage
  • See more Christmas Sunday School Lessons and Bible Curriculum for Kids

Games and Learning Activities to Introduce the Lesson

Lesson Opening: This lesson looks at giving praise to God, and a beautiful Biblical visit. If following an Advent lectionary, this will take place in the last week of Advent, prior to official Christmas time. Consider opening activities that connect to Christmas, worship elements, or Mary and Elizabeth.

  • Christmas music freeze dance: Dance to some fun holiday music, pausing in a “freeze” motion when the music stops.
  • Have a mini gift exchange…provide small wrapped items, or invite students to bring their own. Take turns allowing students to select a gift and show others what is inside. Invite them to then share their gifts by trading with others around them.
  • Wrap it up race: split your group into two teams. Have each team select a designated “present” and use wrapping paper and bows to decorate the person! Be careful to leave the head free. Judge winners based on speed and creativity.
  • Jump and sing! Celebrate the story with songs that get kids dancing, singing, playing instruments, and making a joyful noise to God.
  • Run and shout: this is a game best played outdoors. Line kids up and invite them all to run as far as possible WHILE shouting at the top of their lungs. When the air runs out to shout, students must stop where they are. Great test of lung capacity and energy! 

Prepare students for the story by describing how these events took place shortly before Jesus was born, and capture some of the feelings that Mary must have been having. This passage also reminds us how important it is to praise God, and how we can do that in a variety of special ways!

Sunday School Lesson (Luke 1:39-55) Elizabeth and Mary Praise God

Bible Lesson: This passage is one that could potentially be acted out with script, puppets, or mimed action. You might have older students read or dramatize the parts, or you could read a few verses at a time and pause to discuss. You might also wish to simply read or paraphrase for younger students. 

In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to a town in Judah, 40 and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. -Luke 1:39-40

Explain (or remind students) that after the angel announced to Mary she would give birth to Jesus, he also told her that her relative Elizabeth was miraculously pregnant. Some people think that Mary went to visit her cousin to escape the prying eyes of townspeople noticing her condition. Many understand the visit to be an opportunity for rejoicing in what God had done for both women. It’s only natural to seek celebration and wise counsel in others, and Mary knew she could trust Elizabeth.

Ask: Who would you go to if you had wonderful news to share? Who would you want to talk to if you needed advice or help?

And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, 42 and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43 And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” -Luke 1:41-45

Remind/tell students that Elizabeth was going to give birth to John the Baptist, who would prepare the way for Jesus. Both Elizabeth and the baby inside of her recognized that something amazing was happening with Mary. John, not yet born, leaped for joy when Mary approached! This child knew whose presence He was in. Elizabeth felt it and was filled with the Holy Spirit. This means God told her what was happening. She knew Who Mary was carrying, and she considered it an honor to be in her presence. Elizabeth also noted how wonderful it was that Mary believed and had been granted the ability to bear Jesus.

Ask: What do you do when you get really great news? How do you act if you’re very joyful and excited about something special? How do we give praise to God for wonderful things?   

Explain that John was rejoicing inside of Elizabeth, praising God in an infant’s way. Elizabeth glorified God and knew what He had done. There are a lot of wonderful ways that we can celebrate God’s hand and power in our lives. In this story, Mary responded with a joyful song. She rejoiced in what God had done.

Take a moment to read the words of Mary’s “Magnificat.”

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord,

47     and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant.

    For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;

49 for he who is mighty has done great things for me,

    and holy is his name.

50 And his mercy is for those who fear him

    from generation to generation.

51 He has shown strength with his arm;

    he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts;

52 he has brought down the mighty from their thrones

    and exalted those of humble estate;

53 he has filled the hungry with good things,

    and the rich he has sent away empty.

54 He has helped his servant Israel,

    in remembrance of his mercy,

55 as he spoke to our fathers,  to Abraham and to his offspring forever.” -Luke 1:46-55

Mary sings of the mighty works of God, and of His hand in her life and throughout the world. When wonderful things happen, we can celebrate and rejoice. We might sing or make music, we might jump and dance, we might do art, or just tell others that we love Jesus! There are so many ways we glorify God, and He welcomes and loves our genuine praise. No matter who we are or what we do, we can tell others of His love, and praise Him for who He is and what He does for us.

Ask: How can we praise God every day? What do we have to be joyful and excited about?

Close with prayer, thanking God for His many blessings and glorifying Him for His remarkable work in our lives and in the lives of others.

Sunday School Crafts

Craft: This lesson involves praising and glorifying God, and a joyful family visit. Crafts could center on the story or the principles within it. 

  • Make a noisemaker: use cups or plates filled with dry rice or beans; or create a fun jingle bell bracelet to celebrate the holidays and make a joyful noise.
  • Make puppets of Mary and Elizabeth. Consider an Elizabeth puppet with a small “John” within.
  • Create a baby rattle-themed craft with rattling beads inside, in honor of the babies in the story.
  • For Christmas time, decorate a paper Christmas tree and place “ornaments” on it to celebrate God’s blessings to us.

How do we express praise? There are a lot of ways to show enthusiasm: we can jump for joy, sing and dance, giggle with glee, and more! The story of Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth reminds us that there are many methods of glorifying God, and that He delights in our praise. Even John the Baptist praised, before being born! These crafts celebrate Elizabeth, Mary, and more. A jingle bell bracelet allows students to have fun and make a joyful (and festive) noise to God. A “Jumping John” puppet helps share the story with Elizabeth and John featured in a creative craft.

Biel Verses or Craft Captions to Consider…  (Luke 1:39-55)

And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb.    -Luke 1:41

“My soul magnifies the Lord,   and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…”  -Luke 1:47

Make a joyful noise…praise the Lord!

Glorify God in all things…

John leapt for joy…I will, too! Praise God.

  • Advent Sunday School Lesson: Elizabeth & the Birth of John the Baptist
  • Advent Sunday School Lesson (Luke 2:8-20) The Bethlehem Shepherds
  • Sunday School Lesson (Luke 2:22-40) Simeon and Anna Rejoice
  • Luke 1:26-38 Sunday School Lesson – Just Believe! God Does Impossible Things
  • Authentic Christianity: Sunday School Lesson from Luke 3:7-18
  • "Jesus is Coming" Sunday School Lesson from Isaiah 9:6
  • Bible Craft Ideas (Luke 2:41-52) Boy Jesus in the Temple

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