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wow druid change travel form appearance

wow New Druid Travel Form Color Variation Added in Patch 9.2.5

By Stan , March 23, 2022 in News

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Stan    5,077.

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Blizzard added a new color variation for Druid's Travel Form in the first Patch 9.2.5 build.

The Travel Form was first updated in Eternity's End  to a high-resolution cheetah.


In Patch 9.2.5, there's a new color tint for it. We do not know at this time how to unlock it, but here's the new appearance in more detail.


What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments.

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Finally, a racoon form!


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Unable to Customize Druid Travel, Flight, or Aquatic Form in the Barber Shop

Common problems.

  • I can't customize my Druid's flight or aquatic forms in the barber shop.
  • I learned a glyph to change my Travel form a while back but it's not working anymore.

Glyphs are not unlocking additional forms anymore. Additional forms are unlocked with Marks, for example, Mark of the Orca . Once a Mark is learned, the customization option will be permanently available to you at the Barbershop. You can customize your Druid's Travel, Flight, or Aquatic forms, depending on which glyphs you have learned.

If you have not learned any forms other than the standard ones, the UI option to change the form in the Barbershop will not be available. We are receiving reports that some Travel forms are not showing up as a Barbershop option even after the marks are learned. We do not have a workaround for this at the moment. Please submit a bug report if you have learned Marks and the option to use them are not appearing in the Barbershop. 

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[Druid] Unable to change travel/moonkin forms in barbershop?

As per title, can only change bear and cat… Moonkin and travel dont appear as an option but other druids seem fine???

Similar issue. I have only options for legion flight form or swift flight form. I have lost my humble flyer and sentinel form. There is no option for aquatic or ground travel forms.

Same thing here.

Anything that was previously a glyph (sentinal form, dolphin form, Doe form etc) you have to re-buy the glyph, apply it and it will unlock it in the barber. Travel form wont show up until you do this, and unless you have the legion class mount flight form wont show up either until you apply the sentinel glyph. Moonkin form however it dosnt seem like it can be changed in the barber which is disappointing, if you want glyph of stars you have to re-apply the glyph to whatever spec you are playing

Your misunderstanding… It doesnt even give me the option to change either form. I has the option to change human form, cat form and bear form. No travel form option at all, no moonkin form option at all.

This is very strange because i had all of those options on the PTR.

seems to be a bug. same thing happened to me, moonkin, aquatic and travel(mount) forms (the whole form, not just individual appearances) were missing from the barbershop customization. bought and applied the mark of the tideskipper (formerly glyph of the tideskipper) as well as the mark of the cheetah (formerly glyph of the cheetah) and the 2 forms show up in barbershop. Not sure about moonkin form tho, that one is still missing for me.

Ugh really? I don’t want to spend the gold o that again. is it, at least, account wide?

Just race changed (i was planning on race changing anyway) and i now have options to change travel form, aquatic form, moonkin form, etc.

Im not sure i havent tried another druid but i sure hope so. The Legion artifact ones certainly sre though so thats something XD

ok thats strange then because i also race changed but i cant change moonkin form only everything else

To update- I did try as I have way too many druids. Unlocking it for one, unlocks it for all!

You need to have alternative looks for those forms before the option shows up. I have multiple druids. The first one I logged in didn’t have any appearance glyphs for flight or aquatic forms. So I only got the options for the other forms. Since he’s a Troll druid, there’s no alternative forms for Moonking form except glyphs, which I don’t have, so no Moonking form selection either.

I then logged into the second druid, which has flight and aquatic form glyphs. Also, he’s a Zandalari, so he has multiple color choices for the regular aquatic form. So he had those options, plus the glyph options to select from.

Then I logged back into the first druid, now the glyphs forms from the Zandalari druid show up as options for the Troll one.

It’s not quite clear this glyph thing. I’m towards to think this is a bug.

Here is the facts for my druids in barber shop:

Kultiran: Shows to change: Bear, Cat, Moonkin, Fly, Travel and Aquactic. Don’t have any glyphs

NE: Shows to change: Bear, Cat and Fly. Have some glyphs

Zandalari Troll: Shows to change: Bear, Cat and Fly. Don’t have any glyphs

Tauren: Shows to change: Bear, Cat and Fly. Have all the glyphs

Tauren here no travel forms other than fast flight form and lunarwing so far @ lvl 20

Worgen here, and I have just the bear, cat, and travel. No aquatic or flight either.

I have access to all forms I previously had access to except for the early forms, which you have to purchase a glyph for (or in my case, have to level an inscriptionist to do it yourself, since it seems to be available nowhere). I did not have to repurchase anything, and having the doe glyph on some characters meant all others have access to it now.

Which variants of these forms did you have previously but are not available in the barbershop?

As far as I know the only variant of travel form is doe form. If you didn’t have that before, you will have to buy and learn the glyph on at least one character. Which travel form are you missing?

I’m not seeing an option for aquatic form. I presume this is because I never purchased a glyph to unlock one.

This is not a racial thing. I have checked and I have the same options on trolls, taurens, night elves, and worgens.

I figured out what to do! There are new items on the AH called “Marks of the…” all are there for all the forms just have to buy or make (Inscription?) the marks now.

Same thing is happening to me, but ONLY Aquatic Form options are missing. I have two druids, both Alliance, and BOTH had the Tideskipper glyph applied to Aquatic Form prior to pre-patch dropping. However, one of them has the Aquatic Form appearance selector show up in the Barber Shop options, and the other does not.

My wife has a max level Druid (120 now 50), and she had all options available to her at the barber upon login after the prepatch launch. I have a Druid that is 44 after prepatch, and even though we had the exact same glyphs equipped for: flying, ground, aquatic, and balance forms, I don’t have the option to change anything other than bear and cat forms. I shouldn’t have to buy glyphs that I already have equipped again.

There’s also a glyph of cheetah which allows you to use the old cheetah travel form.

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Travel Form

  • View history


  • 2 Tips and tactics
  • 3 Improvements
  • 4 Speculation
  • 5.1 Travel Form on the ground
  • 5.2 Travel Form in water
  • 5.3 Travel Form in the air
  • 6 Patch changes
  • 8 References
  • 9 External links
  • This form can only be used outdoors .
  • This form changes the druid into a stag if in land-restricted areas, a very fast bird in flying-enabled areas, and a seal in the water (which is immensely useful in Vashj'ir ).

Spell nature sleep

  • Your caster form will start regaining mana 5 seconds after you change to Travel Form.
  • Unlike a mount , which players cannot use while in combat, a druid is able to shift into travel form while fighting either a mob or another player if they choose to.
  • Travel Form is instantly cast, making it even better for those sticky situations. With Travel Form, druids are able to escape from nearly any fight or simply put distance between themselves and their attackers practically whenever they wish.
  • As with any form, you may harvest herbs through herbalism , and skin dead beasts through skinning . This makes it an excellent way to achieve the fastest results with a gathering profession.
  • The ground based travel form increases your speed by 100% when activated out of combat, and 40% when in combat or when in an arena or battleground. Previously it always increased speed by just 40%. Which speed you get depends on your combat status when you shapeshift.

Tips and tactics [ ]

  • This form is instant cast, so it can be used to beat a strategic retreat if a fight is going badly. However when used in combat you'll be considered land-restricted, even in flying-enabled zones, and so must wait until you're out of combat to use the flying form.
  • The travel form does not stack with speed enchants or speed gems, with the exception of the level 60 and 70 Feral PvP 4 piece set bonus.

Ability racial darkflight

Improvements [ ]

Inv misc book 07

Speculation [ ]

It was widely speculated that a stag model was intended to be implemented from day one but changed before release, explaining the odd hoof-shaped icon, and the fact that while the other forms had unique skins, this form looked identical to cheetahs in the game.

Gallery [ ]

Travel form on the ground [ ].

Travel Form before patch 5.0.4

Travel Form before patch 5.0.4

Travel Form for night elves and worgen races

Travel Form for night elves and worgen races

Travel Form for tauren and troll races

Travel Form for tauren and troll races

Highmountain tauren Travel Form.

Highmountain tauren Travel Form.

Zandalari troll Travel Form.

Zandalari troll Travel Form.

Kul Tiran Travel Form.

Kul Tiran Travel Form.

Travel Form with Mark of the Doe

Travel Form with Mark of the Doe

Travel Form with Mark of the Cheetah

Travel Form with Mark of the Cheetah

Inv helm mask fittedalpha b 01 nightborne 02

Travel Form in water [ ]

Old model of [Aquatic Form]

Current model (base model excluding for Zandalari troll and Kul Tiran human druids)

Zandalari troll (bottom)

Zandalari troll (bottom)

Kul Tiran (bottom left)

Kul Tiran (bottom left)

Travel Form with Mark of the Orca

Travel Form with Mark of the Orca

Travel Form with Mark of the Dolphin

Travel Form with Mark of the Dolphin

Travel Form with Mark of the Tideskipper

Travel Form with Mark of the Tideskipper

Travel Form in the air [ ]

Night elf, formerly [Swift Flight Form]

Highmountain tauren

Zandalari troll

Zandalari troll

Kul Tiran

Zandalari troll with Mark of the Humble Flyer

Kul Tiran with Mark of the Humble Flyer

Kul Tiran with Mark of the Humble Flyer

Mark of the Sentinel (troll coloration, the form color depends on race)

Mark of the Sentinel (troll coloration, the form color depends on race)

Archdruid's Lunarwing Form (troll coloration, the form color depends on race)

Archdruid's Lunarwing Form (troll coloration, the form color depends on race)

Travel Form in TCG.

Travel Form in TCG .

Flight Form in TCG.

Flight Form in TCG.

Tauren druid in TCG.

Tauren druid in TCG.

Night elf druid in TCG.

Night elf druid in TCG.

Thalyss Greyoak in Traveler shapeshifted as a stag.

Thalyss Greyoak in Traveler shapeshifted as a stag.

Patch changes [ ]


  • Now learned at level 18 (was 16).
  • Rank 2 added at level 38: Land speed increased when used out of combat. This effect is disabled in battlegrounds and arenas.
  • Night elf and tauren models for Flight Form have been updated.
  • Stag Form taught by Tome of the Wilds: Stag Form .

Warlords of Draenor

  • Shapeshifting will now counteract the slowing effects of frost-based spells (Frostbolt, Frost Shock, Cone of Cold, etc.).
  • Druid shapeshift form buttons are no longer dimmed while under the effects of Polymorph.


  • Shapeshifting now breaks roots, snares, and freeze effects.
  • Shapeshift forms now include an immunity to polymorph effects.
  • Travel Form is now only usable outdoors.
  • Now considered a beast in Travel Form.
  • Shapeshifting will no longer cancel all buffs on the Druid.
  • Shapeshifting cooldown reduced from 10 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Druids now regenerate mana while in shape shift form.
  • Travel Form is no longer usable underwater.
  • Travel Form mana cost now scales with level.

See also [ ]

  • Travel Form , TCG card

References [ ]

  • ^ Through the Dark Portal , Travel Form

External links [ ]

  • World of Warcraft
  • 1 Xal'atath
  • 2 Cataclysm travel guide
  • 3 Sylvanas Windrunner

New Travel Form Appearances for Druids in 9.1.5: 4 New Appearances with 2 Color Variations Each

  • Druid Discover 4 new Travel Form appearances with 2 color variations each.

Comment by ChuckyG

And here we are, sitting with bois from earthen rings with our lizard and blue wolf forms, sadge

Comment by hamhelth213

I love this and all, but can shamans please get some new ghost wolf forms. It’s their travel form too… Personally, I'd rather see new models or a glyph to change the appearance of Ascendence. However, they could also change ghost wolf to incorporate soul shape and then we could choose from any of those forms.

Comment by worgenfear

I am very excited to see what exactly these four new travel forms are!

Comment by Trevastated

It might be travel forms for Nightelves, Tauren, Worgen and Trolls. Kul Tiran, Highmountain Tauren and Zandalaris already have special travel forms. My thoughts exactly.

Comment by glassleo

And the 9.1.5 on the ptr when ? Tonight https://twitter.com/Zorbrix/status/1433530326232428573

Comment by Czosu

Man I'm sick of druids getting all the cool cosmetics as a class. Where are the opposite sex demons we were supposed to get in Legion for warlocks, why are shamans not getting unique racial ghost forms, like orcs and trolls have. Why are death knights still stuck with the same ghoul? Unholy was supposed to get summon valkyr as baseline to improve the class flavor but it got moved to a talent again. Shadowlands was meant to be the Death Knight expansion, we got allied races death knights but no death knight skin tones, no new glyph forms for undead pets. But hunters keep getting more and more pet options every single patch. LMAO you must be trolling

Comment by dougmacaco

The year is 2040: Druid New Form number 1909238041. Come on, soon druids will have a form to wait to go offline in the game, while shamans gets stuck with 3 skins (2 are the same animal) Also all this work to make 300x animal recolors for the Night Fae (a skill with active time and CD, that they will probably remove after Shadowlands)... They could have at least done some for shamans... I'm starting to think they really hate shamans hahaha

Comment by deathlavitz

so no pictures of the forms? boo article, boo click baits!

Comment by Htiek721

Always new forms and colors for everything but the moonkin forms we been asking about since... Idk.... Forever!

Comment by thilithedruid

As a druid, I am very happy, but do get the reason why people might be upset. I think the reason druids get all the cosmetics is because they are the only class where the forms are the very essence of the class. For everyone else, the cosmetics are accessories (ghouls, ghost wolf, demons, etc.). (I am rationalizing, of course!)

Comment by Nisity

agree i want more options

Comment by Illidana

...they could have updated the Troll Flight form. It's still the Vanilla model Vanilla never had troll druids. Troll druids and their bat travel form were introduced way later in 2010 with Cata expansion.


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    Druids in World of Warcraft are all about shapeshifting. For Feral and Guardian Druids, shapeshift forms are practically is their appearance, and takes the place of tramsmog and unique armor appearances. In patch 10.2, WoW introduced a number of new appearance options for Druids, but some forms have a variety of shapeshift options that were ...

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    Druid Travel Form Customizations. The black/purple dreamtalon comes from Ristar, the Rabid. The blue dreamtalon drops from Emerald Bounties. The green/red dreamtalon drops from Matriarch Keevah. The purple/blue dreamtalon comes from Emerald Bounties. The white/green dreamtalon comes from the Silent Mark of the Dreamtalon.

  4. The 8 NEW Druid Travel Forms of 9.1.5 & How to Obtain Them ...

    💜 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mrgm💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/MrGM🎵 Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAjOm-q82HU🎵 Outro: Unity - TheFatRat (htt...

  5. Travel form glyphs

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  6. New Druid Travel Form Color Variation Added in Patch 9.2.5

    Posted March 23, 2022. Blizzard added a new color variation for Druid's Travel Form in the first Patch 9.2.5 build. The Travel Form was first updated in Eternity's End to a high-resolution cheetah. In Patch 9.2.5, there's a new color tint for it. We do not know at this time how to unlock it, but here's the new appearance in more detail.

  7. Blizzard Support

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  10. Is there a way to change your appearance of the travel form for Druids

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