PerDiem101 - Government Per Diem Rates

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Per Diem Tools:

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Per Diem Rate Finder:

Utah 2024 CONUS Per Diem Rates

The GSA (General Services Administration) sets per diem rates on a monthly basis for each of the 29 counties in Utah. Per diems are broken down county-by-county, so to determine the rates applicable to your business trip in Utah choose the county or counties in which you will be travelling to access detailed per diem rate sheets.

Click county for rate sheet

The per diem rates shown here for lodging and M&IE are the exact rates set by the GSA for the month of July, 2024. Click on any county for a detailed breakdown of the per diem rates applicable in that area, and a table of per diem rates by month for the entire year of 2024.

Utah State University

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University policy 515: travel.

Category:  500 Operating Policies Sub Category:  General Covered Individuals:  Employees, Students, and Visitors Responsible Executive:  Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services Policy Custodian:  Controller’s Office, Controller Last Revised: 2023/10/25 Download the PDF File for Policy 515


Utah State University operates an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Accountable Plan for University business related travel expenses. When IRS criteria are met, travel expenses allowed under an Accountable Plan are considered to be non-taxable to the employee, whether reimbursed to the employee or guest , or paid directly to the vendor with University funds.

This policy determines when an actual expense is allowed or whether a per diem or mileage allowance may be used. The University reserves the right to set per diem or mileage allowances at or below the applicable current Federal rates. Rates will be reviewed annually. Travel expenses are to be allowed uniformly throughout the University.

The University is accountable for how public monies are spent and expects that travel expenses will be scrutinized. Those who travel on behalf of the University hold a position of trust and authority, requiring the demonstration of integrity by judicious use of such funds.

It is the responsibility of the Department Administrator to determine when travel is authorized. It is the responsibility of the traveler to certify via electronic approval that all expenses are correct and incurred in performance of University related business. Wherever possible, the University will establish controls to ensure that departments meet their fiduciary responsibilities related to University travel.

When University funds are not available for all expenses, an individual is not obligated to travel. However, if the individual chooses to travel, it is expected that the traveler will assume the remainder of the cost.

All University travel must be supported by a properly completed Travel Authorization (TA) form unless the only expenses are relating to the operation of University owned vehicles, including departmental and Motor Pool vehicles. The TA form is available at .

515.2 POLICY

2.1 approved rates for reimbursement, 2.1.1 transportation, private automobile.

The allowed rate for University business related use of a private automobile will be determined utilizing Motor Pool data for cost of operation adjusted for cost of fuel. Rates will not be greater than the approved IRS rate. The current rates can be found at . Automobile at Airfare Rate

When traveling out-of-state, and the traveler elects to drive his or her own vehicle the entire trip (in lieu of using a commercial carrier), allowed expenses will be the lesser of: The allowed mileage rate; or The associated expenses of flying as allowed and documented by the department. Rental Vehicles

Allowed expenses for rental vehicles will be based on actual receipts with reductions for any personal use outside of the University travel period.

Travelers should always use the car rental agencies which are under contract with the State of Utah (listed within Travel Procedures, ). These contracts include insurance coverage for damage to the rental vehicle and liability coverage for third party property damage and injuries. If non-contracted rental agencies are used, both the damage and liability insurance offered by the rental agency should be procured, otherwise there is a $10,000 deductible with State Risk that would be the responsibility of the department. Commercial Aircraft

Allowable air transportation costs are limited to those fares less than first class as supported by an itemized receipt. Private Aircraft

The allowed rate will be ten cents higher than the private automobile rate per mile for one person and fifteen cents higher than the private automobile rate per mile for two or more persons.

2.1.2 Lodging domestic and international travel.

Lodging will be allowed at actual costs as supported by itemized receipts. Airbnb, VRBO or other Alternative Lodging

Travelers may use services such as Airbnb or VRBO, but it is important to note that the University is not the contracting party for any agreements (electronic or otherwise). Instead, the agreement will be between the service and the individual, since it is the individual choosing this method of service, and the individual is responsible for any and all liability associated with the use of such services. Hotels and other commercial properties offer insurance that cover their guests in case of injury or property loss. The type of properties offered via Airbnb and similar services vary widely in the type of coverage available for guests. Because of this we do not recommend their use for university business. However, if you choose to utilize these services, please be aware that you are accepting personal responsibility for any incidents that may occur during your stay. Travelers may elect to stay with friends, relatives, or other alternative lodging options such as campgrounds, rather than staying in a traditional motel or hotel. With an authorized TA and proof of staying overnight away from home, the traveler will be reimbursed as follows:

2.1.3 Meals travel requiring an overnight stay – either actual costs or per diem must be used for the entire trip., actual costs (applicable to both domestic and international travel).

Expenses for meals based on actual costs are allowed but must be supported by itemized receipts. Per Diem domestic travel.

Travelers may be allowed a per diem for any given trip. The current per diem rate can be found at . International Travel

Travelers may be allowed a per diem for any given trip. The per diem rates applicable are the meals and incidental expense (M&IE) rates outlined in the Federal Travel Regulations. These rates can be accessed through the Department of State website at . Partial-Day Travel

The per diem rate of the first and last day of any travel requiring more than a single day will be allowed at 75% of the full per diem rate. Multiple Destination Points

The per diem rate will be based on the destination point. Where there is more than one destination point, the per diem could be different for any given travel itinerary. For example, travel might include a conference in Washington D.C. and then a departure to London, England. The initial per diem rate would be based on the rate effective for Washington D.C. Upon departure from Washington D.C. the per diem rate would be the rate effective for London, England. Adjustment for Meals Provided

The per diem will be adjusted for any meals provided by the conference or event, included in the cost of lodging, or provided as part of a group travel meal or business meal . Since per diem rates vary, the adjustment for meals provided will be a percentage of the total per diem allowed; 25% for breakfast, 30% for lunch, and 45% for dinner. Travel Not Requiring an Overnight Stay

For single day travel where the individual is in travel status for more than 12 hours but is not required to stay overnight, the allowed meal expenses will be at the actual cost as supported by an itemized receipt or 75% of the per diem rate, and will be reported as taxable income in accordance with Internal Revenue Service regulations.

2.1.4 Other Out-of-Pocket Expenses parking fees.

Parking fees are allowed at the actual cost as supported by a receipt. Taxi, WIFI, etc.

All other University business related expenditures are allowed at actual cost. Individual transactions of $15.00 or more must be supported by an itemized receipt. ATM Fees

ATM fees charged to obtain a cash advance related to the travel will be allowed.


For those occasions when it is determined that family/companion travel is essential or beneficial to the University for the accomplishment of a bona fide business purpose, University funds may be used for the family/companion travel expenses with approval by the appropriate Dean of Vice President.

3.1 Essential Family/Companion Travel

If the family/companion travel is determined to be essential to the University for the accomplishment of a bona fide b usiness purpose (not just beneficial), the allowed travel expenses will be non-taxable to the employee.

3.2 Beneficial Family/Companion Travel

If the family/companion travel is determined to be beneficial to the University for the accomplishment of a bona fide business purpose (not essential), the allowed travel expenses will be taxable to the employee and withholding taxes will be deducted from the next available payroll.


4.1 controllers office.

The Controller's Office is responsible for monitoring and updating this policy.

4.2 University Departments

Departments are responsible for adhereing to this accountable plan.

  • Policy 516: Meals and Entertainment
  • Policy 529: Procurement
  • Policy 536: International Travel


6.1 group meal.

A meal where two or more employees eat together while on University business related travel and one employee pays for the entire cost of the meals of all employees in attendance.

6.2 Business Meal

A meal when one or more employees attend a meal with clients, customers, etc., whether the meal is paid for by the employee or the non-employee.

6.3 Per Diem Adjustment for Group Travel Meals or Business Meals

The per diem for meals will be adjusted for all employees in attendance at the group travel meal or business meal, including any employee who paid for the meal.

A guest is a non-employee traveling for University business such as a job interview, a guest lecturer, etc.

  • Travel Procedure,
  • IRS Publication 463: Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses,

Related Forms and Tools

  • Foreign Per Diem Rates,
  • Private Automobile Reimbursement Rate,
  • Travel Authorization Form,
  • Dan Christensen, [email protected]
  • Michelle Bair, [email protected]


Original issue date: 2010/07/01 Last review date: 2023/02/08 Previous revision dates: 2015/01/28, 2018/01/01, 2019/02/27, 2019/04/01, 2019/11/13, 2021/06/02, 2022/06/23, 2023/02/08, 2023/10/25

Scam Alert: Utah Toll Services

Example of Scam Text Message

We’ve been made aware that some Utahns are receiving a text message asking for personal information and money for a toll service. Do not respond or give any information. UDOT’s databases have not been compromised and this is part of a nation-wide scam .

  • Document Library

Travel Memo

Travel memo, description:.

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) uses the Federal Government’s General Services Administration (GSA) travel rates established for the lower 48 Continental United States (CONUS) determining the domestic maximum per diem, lodging and mileage reimbursement as may be referenced at GSA Per Diem Rates. – Form

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  R25-7. Travel-Related Reimbursements for State Employees  

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  • Travel Concur
  • Travel Online Training
  • Travel Concur FAQ
  • Concur Access Form
  • Concur Account Code Request Form
  • Request and Expense Delegates (Travel Arranger)
  • Travel Allowance (Meal Per Diem)
  • Ground Transportation
  • Travel Card
  • TCard Temporary Suspension
  • TCard Change Information
  • TCard Cancellation Form
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  • Christopherson Business Travel
  • Book a Trip
  • Book a Car / Hotel
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  • Group Travel
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  • Non-Employee Travel
  • University Guest House Available in UShop
  • Approval Delegations
  • Supervisor Delegation Form
  • Concur User Setup for 5+ Travelers
  • Travel Foreign Wire Request Form

Schedule of Allowable Rates

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Travel Financial Services

Airfare cost guidelines.

  • International trips funded by federal contracts and grants must comply with the Fly America Act.
  • Christopherson Business Travel may be able to book published first or business class fares at negotiated discounts.

Airline Fees/Rules Guidelines

The Travel office always strives to keep its information current. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the airline industry changes fees without notice to their customers. Christopherson Business Travel is our best resource to help us make appropriate business decisions based upon current conditions as we book travel. Some frequent travelers will be exempt from some of the fees listed here, but please consult with Christopherson Business Travel. Often, using the state-contracted fares are the best way to avoid some fees. It’s important that travelers and travel planners be aware of what fees will be reimbursed to the traveler as an allowable business expense.

Baggage Fees (varies by airline and paid by personal credit card at check-in)

First Bag Fee

Travel where duration is 7 days or less

Subsequent Bag Fees

Travel where duration is 8 days or longer

Unallowable – without memo of explanation

Exchange Fees

Allowed by Airline

First 24-hour hold

Penalty Fee: None

Not Allowed by Airline

Second 24-hour hold

Penalty Fee: Delta = $50 per segment – Cost to be passed to Dept.

Churning (Holding Air Reservations)

If booking non-refundable tickets, you must provide the travel number and chartfields once the first hold is released if your traveler wants to book that itinerary. If we are asked to hold the reservation for a second time, and the airline assesses a penalty, your department will be charged for the penalty. Our booking system does not hold reliable information to monitor these instances. State-contracted fares are not subject to these rules, so if your traveler is unsure of exact times or dates or may not be in the office in the next 24 hours to accept the itinerary, you may want to request state rates. Consult with Christopherson Business Travel for help.

Seat Preference Fees

Allowable with Explanation

Cost Varies by Airline

Some frequent travelers will be exempt from these fees. In most cases, our OnSite Agents will confirm seating at no charge.

Unused Ticket Credits (MCOS) Not Accepted by All Airlines (Rules Vary by Airline)

Re-Usable within 1 Year of Original Issue Date

Airline Change fees will be applied against value of credit.

If your traveler has unused tickets, they should use the credit to book their next trip within 6 months to avoid the ticket used for institutional credit.

Private Automobile Mileage

Travelers may, when most appropriate and cost effective, be reimbursed for personal auto mileage.

Upon approval of their department, travelers may be reimbursed for mileage expenses that exceed the expense of their normal commute.

Travelers will be reimbursed according to the following rates from the  United States General Services Administration .

  • Effective for travel beginning January 1, 2024: 67 cents per mile
  • Effective for travel beginning January 1, 2024 : 67 cents per mile

Fleet Vehicle Usage

State agencies, including the University of Utah and the Board of Regents, should support the investment of the state fleet when its use is the most cost-effective option. We have outlined some examples to guide departments in employing this guideline. The Travel office may determine that lower rate is most appropriate for reimbursement.

  • Example:  Two to four people need to attend a day meeting in Logan.
  • Appropriate Use:  Those involved should meet on campus and take a fleet vehicle to attend the meeting.
  • Example:  One person needs to attend a meeting in Cedar City for up to six days.
  • Appropriate Use:  Employee should use a fleet vehicle that can be picked up after 3:30 the day prior to departure.
  • Example:  Employee needs to attend a conference in Las Vegas.
  • Appropriate Use:  Airfare can be obtained for approximately $152, so the employee should book commercial airfare. State vehicle use should, for the most part, remain within Utah.
  • Example:  Employee lives in Layton, and is attending a day meeting early in the morning in Logan.
  • Appropriate Use:  Employee should use the lowest practical cost method for attending meeting. Private auto would be the most appropriate due to the time it takes to drive to University Fleet Services to pick up the fleet vehicle.

Rental rates, availability and reservations can be made at the  University Fleet Services .

Partial Day Per Diem

Per Diem Rates (Overnight Stay Required)

We require brochures or registration summaries for trips where the purpose is a publicized meeting. We encourage departments to deduct the value of meals provided by the conference or meeting based upon the federal M&IE breakdown table. Recommended values are provided for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and incidentals.

Domestic M&IE Breakdown | Foreign M&IE Breakdown 

Extended Single-day Per Diem

Extended day meal (actual cost, with receipt, of one meal only): $15.00 maximum for extended days over 10 hours in length, where greater than 100 miles was traveled each way.

Non-Conventional Lodging

Camping or staying with friends/family while on university business: $20.00/day.

Airport Parking

The additional short-term parking fee (i.e., more than one day) may not be charged to state-appropriated funds or grant and contract funds. The Travel team will update allowable parking reimbursement amounts as costs change. For more information, refer to parking information at the Salt Lake City International Airport.

Self Insurance Rate

Charged to department when traveler rents a car and state contracts are not utilized: $3.00/day.

Personal phone calls

$5.00/day max.

10-8: Lodging

Effective : January 15, 2024 Approved by : Van Christensen References :  Utah Code 63A-3-107 ,  Administrative Code R25-7 .

This policy outlines the conditions for booking lodging and being reimbursed for lodging. It explains that loyalty points and vouchers or credits related to involuntary changes belong to the traveler.


Agency  – Any agency, board, bureau, office, department, or other administrative subunit of state government. This definition includes the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

Concur  – Software used by the state to manage travel, reimbursements, and p-card transactions.

Conference hotel  – A hotel designated by the conference sponsor or organizer as a conference hotel.

Designee  – The person who has written permission from the executive director to act on their behalf. The executive director is responsible for selecting a designee who has the knowledge, skills, and experience to make decisions in the best interest of the agency.

Executive director  – The executive leader of an agency.

GSA rate  – The generic term for the federal travel reimbursement rates, sometimes called per diem rates. Reimbursement rates for travel are determined by location and are established by the U.S. General Services Administration, Department of Defense, and the Department of State. Rates can be found on the  U.S. General Services Administration website . 

P-card  – A state-issued purchasing card used for approved business purchases.

Reimbursement  – Money paid to compensate travelers for money spent while traveling on official business.

Reimbursement request  – The general term for requesting payment for travel expenses. In Concur, travelers add their expenses to a report. Travelers who cannot use Concur use form FI 51.

Traveler  – Any person traveling on official state business for an agency or political subdivision. This definition includes employees, non-employees, board members, elected officials, vendors, volunteers, grant recipients, and award beneficiaries.

A – General reimbursement information

1 – Travelers are eligible for a lodging reimbursement when their destination is 75 miles or more from their personal residence.

2 – Lodging is considered within GSA rates when the base rate, without taxes and fees, is within the GSA rates.

3 – Travelers are not reimbursed for upgraded lodging accommodations.

B – Paying for lodging

1 – Travelers may pay for lodging with their own p-card or personal credit card.

1a – P-card holders must not pay for another employee’s lodging with their p-card.

1b – P-card holders may pay for lodging for non-employees as long as there is a valid business purpose and the non-employee is not reimbursed for any expenses.

C – Staying at a hotel

1 – conference hotel reservations.

1a – Travelers must book rooms within GSA rates if available.

1b – If GSA rates are not available, travelers must book rooms at the best available rate within 300% of GSA rates.

1c – Travelers may book rooms directly with the hotel, through the booking tool in Concur, or through the State Travel Office, whichever offers the lowest rate.

1d – If the conference hotel rate is over 300% of GSA rates, travelers must book a non-conference hotel following the non-conference hotel procedures below.

2 – Non-conference hotel reservations

2a – Travelers must book non-conference hotel rooms through the booking tool in Concur or the State Travel Office if:

  • the rooms are within GSA rates; or
  • no rooms are available at GSA rates, but there are rooms within 300% of GSA rates. Travelers must book rooms at the best available rate within 300% of GSA rates.

2b – If no rooms are available within 300% of GSA rates, travelers must contact the State Travel Office to book a hotel.

3 – Reimbursement for hotels

3a – If travelers book hotels according to the guidelines in sections C-1 or C-2 , travelers are reimbursed the actual cost per night plus tax and mandatory fees.

3b – If travelers do not book hotels according to the guidelines in sections C-1 or C-2 , travelers are reimbursed the actual cost per night up to the GSA rates plus tax and mandatory fees.

3c – Travelers may choose to book a more expensive hotel, but are only reimbursed the GSA rates or the lowest available rates if rates were above GSA rates plus tax and mandatory fees.

D – Staying at a vacation rental property

1 – Travelers may book vacation rental sites such as Airbnb or VRBO if:

1a – the total cost of the vacation rental is less than or equal to the GSA rates per person (divide the total cost of the vacation rental by the number of travelers and number of days to check if it is within GSA rates); and

1b – a vacation rental is in the best interest of the state.

2 – Travelers may book directly with the vacation rental site.

3 – Reimbursement for vacation rentals

3a – Travelers who pay for vacation rentals with a personal credit card are reimbursed the actual cost of the vacation rental up to the GSA rates multiplied by the number of travelers and number of days. 3a.1 – Only the person who paid for the rental property may be reimbursed for lodging regardless of the number of people who stayed there.

E – Staying with friends or family

1 – Travelers may choose to stay with family or friends instead of staying at a hotel or vacation rental property.

2 – Reimbursement for staying with friends or family

2a – Travelers are reimbursed $25 per night. The reimbursement is reported as taxable income to the GovOps Division of Finance payroll team.

2b – Travelers must attach a document with the travel dates, person they stayed with, and business purpose to their reimbursement request in Concur.

F – Staying in a personal camper or trailer home

1 – Travelers may use their personal camper or trailer home instead of staying at a hotel or vacation rental property.

2 – Travelers are reimbursed the actual cost per night up to the GSA rate plus taxes.

G – Vouchers, credits, and loyalty programs

1 – Vouchers and credits given to travelers for involuntary lodging changes or disruptions are considered the property of the traveler.

2 – Loyalty programs like hotel frequent guest programs, which give travelers discounts or incentives are considered the property of the traveler.

H – Exceptions to the policy

1 – The executive director or designee has the authority to approve exception requests for lodging. See  policy 10-17: Exception requests .

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Learn the rules for state travel.

U.S. Department of State

Diplomacy in action.

You may use the input field below to enter all or part of a post name. The percent sign "%" serves as a wildcard character. Clicking "Go" will display a list of posts matching the name entered with links to the Per Diem data.

ATTENTION: *DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) receive danger pay and adjusted post differential at additional locations listed in footnote "u". **To view DOD imminent danger pay see footnote "v".

utah state travel per diem

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Per diem rates

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FY 2024 Per Diem Rates Now Available

Please note! The FY 2024 rates are NOT the default rates until October 1, 2023.

You must follow these instructions to view the FY 2024 rates. Select FY 2024 from the drop-down box above the “Search By City, State, or ZIP Code” or “Search by State" map. Otherwise, the search box only returns current FY 2023 rates.

GSA establishes the rates that federal agencies use to reimburse their employees for lodging and meals and incidental expenses incurred while on official travel within the continental United States (CONUS). A standard rate applies to most of CONUS. Individual rates apply to about 300 non-standard areas (NSAs). Most NSAs are a key city/primary destination and the surrounding county. Rates for the coming federal government fiscal year are typically announced in mid-August. Search the rates below or refer to the flat files , API , or trip calculator .

Search by city, state, or ZIP code

Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).

Search by state

Need a state tax exemption form.

Per OMB Circular A-123, federal travelers "...must provide a tax exemption certificate to lodging vendors, when applicable, to exclude state and local taxes from their hotel bills." GSA's SmartPay team maintains the most current state tax information , including any applicable forms.


1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2021 and 09/30/2024.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.


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  6. Utah Vacation Itinerary ( Complete Day By Day Guide )

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  1. Orem, Utah

  2. UDOT: Minimal delays expected on Utah’s roads over Fourth of July weekend

  3. Utahns will definitely pay when traveling this Memorial Day

  4. 🎇Travel Tip Tuesday! 🇺🇸 #travel #independenceday #usa #travelplanning #americanholiday #traveler

  5. Utah State Aggies Vs Boise State Comeback


  1. Per diem rates

    GSA establishes the rates that federal agencies use to reimburse their employees for lodging and meals and incidental expenses incurred while on official travel within the continental United States (CONUS). A standard rate applies to most of CONUS. Individual rates apply to about 300 non-standard areas (NSAs).

  2. Travel policy

    Learn rules and guidelines for state travel. ... GSA rates, sometimes called per diem, are reimbursement rates set by the General Services Administration that determine how much you should be reimbursed each day for lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. ... Utah 84129-2128. Phone: (801) 957-7780 Fax: (385) 465-6012

  3. Book travel

    Booking through the State Travel Office. If your agency doesn't use Concur or if you'd like a person to help you book travel, contact our State Travel Office. [email protected]. (800) 367-3230. If you've worked with a specific travel agent before, you can contact them directly. Lanea Blosser (801) 327-7653.

  4. Travel Office

    A new per diem rate will apply to all travel beginning on or after July 1, 2024. The daily travel rate will be increased to $59.00 per day. Current percentage rates will still apply to travel days and meal breakdowns. The mileage rate will be increased to $0.61 per mile for personal vehicles.

  5. 10-7: Reimbursement for meals and incidental expenses

    Definitions. Business meal - Meals that are provided by a restaurant and with clients, vendors, employees, or colleagues you do business with.. GSA rate - The generic term for the federal travel reimbursement rates, sometimes called per diem rates.Reimbursement rates for travel are determined by location and are established by the U.S. General Services Administration, Department of Defense ...

  6. Procedures

    Travel Procedures. A new per diem rate will apply to all travel beginning on or after March 22, 2023. The daily travel rate will be increased to $57.00 per day. Current percentage rates will still apply to travel days and meal breakdowns. The mileage rate will be increased to $0.59 per mile for personal vehicles.

  7. PDF Utah State Bulletin

    UTAH STATE BULLETIN . OFFICIAL NOTICES OF UTAH STATE GOVERNMENT . Filed June 02, 2022, 12:00 a.m. through June 15, 2022, 11:59 p.m. ... The meal per diem rates were increaseddue to inflation. ... to anticipate how much travel state employees will do. B) Local governments: Local governments that have to comply with this rule, may ...

  8. Per-Diem Rates, State of Utah

    Per diem rates for meals, lodging, and travel, State of Utah. Click on the following links to view the per diem rates for the State of Utah for in-state and out-of-state travel. In-State Per Diem Rates - for Lodging, Meals and Mileage - Utah Department of Finance. Out-Of-State Per Diem Rates - Utah Department of Finance

  9. Utah Per Diem Rates for FY 2024

    The per diem rates shown here are effective beginning October 2023. For a full schedule of per diem rates by month and year for these areas, click on any of the Utah destination names below. General Utah Per Diems: $107.00. per night lodging. $59.00.

  10. Utah Per Diem Rates 2024

    Utah Per Diem Rates. Click county for rate sheet. The per diem rates shown here for lodging and M&IE are the exact rates set by the GSA for the month of July, 2024. Click on any county for a detailed breakdown of the per diem rates applicable in that area, and a table of per diem rates by month for the entire year of 2024. County.

  11. Policy 515: Travel

    Utah State University operates an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Accountable Plan for University business related travel expenses. ... Partial-Day Travel. The per diem rate of the first and last day of any travel requiring more than a single day will be allowed at 75% of the full per diem rate. Multiple Destination Points.

  12. FY 2022 Per Diem Rates for Utah

    Breakfast, lunch, dinner, incidentals - Separate amounts for meals and incidentals. M&IE Total = Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner + Incidentals. Sometimes meal amounts must be deducted from trip voucher. See More Information. First & last day of travel - amount received on the first and last day of travel and equals 75% of total M&IE. Search this table.

  13. Travel Allowance (Meal Per Diem)

    Travel Allowance (Meal Per Diem) Per diem is the preferred method of meal reimbursement for employees traveling on university business. We rely upon federal per diem rates, and we pay per diem based upon a 24-hour basis. Rates vary by city, and a particular city may have different rates based upon heavy or light tourist activity throughout the ...

  14. Per Diem Rate Lookup

    Look up per diem rates by location or download annual rates for all locations. GSA sets per diem rates for the contiguous 48 States and the District of Columbia. Rates are updated annually at the start of the fiscal year (or as necessary). View recent changes. DoS sets the per diem rates for foreign locations.

  15. Travel Memo

    Description: The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) uses the Federal Government's General Services Administration (GSA) travel rates established for the lower 48 Continental United States (CONUS) determining the domestic maximum per diem, lodging and mileage reimbursement as may be referenced at GSA Per Diem Rates. - Form.

  16. R25-7. Travel-Related Reimbursements for State Employees

    (4) When the State of Utah pays for a person from out-of-state to travel to Utah, the in-state lodging per diem rates will apply. (5) For out-of-state travel stays at a non-conference hotel, the state will reimburse the actual cost per night plus tax and any mandatory fees charged by the hotel, not to exceed the federal lodging rate for the ...

  17. Schedule of Allowable Rates

    Length of Trip: 0-24 hours. Maximum Parking Charge: $35.00/day, one day max. Length of Trip: Over 24 hours. Maximum Parking Charge: $12.00/day. The additional short-term parking fee (i.e., more than one day) may not be charged to state-appropriated funds or grant and contract funds. The Travel team will update allowable parking reimbursement ...

  18. 10-8: Lodging

    2b - If no rooms are available within 300% of GSA rates, travelers must contact the State Travel Office to book a hotel. 3 - Reimbursement for hotels. 3a - If travelers book hotels according to the guidelines in sections C-1 or C-2, travelers are reimbursed the actual cost per night plus tax and mandatory fees.

  19. Per diem rates in Utah

    Per diem rates in Utah In Utah, the General Services Administration decides the per diem rates on a monthly basis for all counties. Check out our per diem calculator at the top of the page to find out which rates apply to your business trip in Utah.

  20. PDF Fixed Travel Allowances (Per Diem)

    The Report Header has Claim Travel Allowances defaulted to No. Fixed Travel Allowances (Per Diem) 1. On the Create New Report page, complete the required fields (designated with a red asterisk) and the optional fields as directed by your company, and then click Next. If report is already created, 2) Click Travel Allowances > Manage Travel ...

  21. U.S. Department of State

    Foreign Per Diem Rates by LocationDSSR 925. You may use the dropdown box below to select a country. Entering the first letter of the country name will jump to that portion of the listing. Clicking "Go" will display Per Diem data for all locations within the country selected. You may use the input field below to enter all or part of a post name.


    STATE EMPLOYEE TRAVEL INFORMATION Per Diem Rates Effective 4/11/23 through 9/30/24 In Morning Meal 12:01 am - 10:00 am -State Out of Foreign $8.25 $13 Varies Midday Meal 10:01 am - 3:00 pm $9.25 $15 Varies Evening Meal 3:01 pm - midnight $16.00 $26 Varies Total per day $33.50 $54 Varies ...

  23. Per diem rates

    Per diem rates. Rates are set by fiscal year, effective Oct. 1 each year. Find current rates in the continental United States, or CONUS rates, by searching below with city and state or ZIP code, or by clicking on the map, or use the new per diem tool to calculate trip allowances.

  24. Privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage reimbursement rates

    GSA has adjusted all POV mileage reimbursement rates effective January 1, 2024. Modes of transportation. Effective/applicability date. Rate per mile. Airplane*. January 1, 2024. $1.76. If use of privately owned automobile is authorized or if no government-furnished automobile is available. January 1, 2024.