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United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA)

Union des fédérations des associations d'agences de voyages Union de Federaciones de las Asociaciones de Agencias de Viajes

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

Contact Details

URL: https://uftaa.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/UftaaCeo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uftaa.org

1966-11-22 Rome Italy

Founded on merger of H-XH4976 - Fédération internationale des agences de voyages (FIAV) and H-XH4862 - Universal Organization of Travel Agents' Associations (UOTAA) . Statutes adopted by General Assembly, 23 Nov 1973, Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire); amended in Nov 1997, Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Started operation as a confederation, 1 Jan 2003.

Act as an international forum where matters affecting the world travel industry are addressed; represent and defend the interests of incoming and outgoing tour operators, travel and tourism agencies before governmental bodies, suppliers and other entities of international scope; strengthen its members' image; enhance the world travel and tourism industry and a sustainable tourism.

General Assembly (annual, during the World Congress); Board of Directors; Regions (9); Secretariat.


Relations with inter-governmental organizations, relations with non-governmental organizations, type i classification, un sustainable development goals **.

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

UFTAA – Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations

Universal Federation of Travel Agent Association is an association of travel agents and tour operators . It is one of the largest organizations in the field of travel and tourism industry.

In 1919, the International Federation of Travel Agencies (IFTAA) was established in Brussels. However in 1996 IFTAA merged with the Universal Organisation of Travel Agents (UOTA) with the objective to ensure better coordination, co-operation among travel agents, and to spread professionalism at the globe.

The new organization established was known as the Universal Federation of Travel Agent Association (UFTAA). The main objective of the association is the promotion, development, and expansion of the travel and tourism industry worldwide.

Practically, it acts as the negotiating body between travel agents and international organizations. That is why UFTAA is called one of the principal organizations/associations of the travel agent at global. Its membership is open to all national travel agents, associations such as TAAI, AATTA, and EATTA.

Presently, it has more than 30,000 travel agencies from 120 member countries. The membership is divided into various regions. The association is managed and operated by its members. Each national association sends delegates to attend the general assembly which appoints the board of directors.

Presently, the board has 18 members elected for two years. The association is managed by the board of directors assisted by the secretary and management.

Objectives of UFTAA

The Universal Federation of Travel Agent Association plays an important role in the promotion and development of travel and tourism and its products. Some important aims and objective of Universal Federation of Travel Agent Associations are following as:

  • To ensure public recognition of members.
  • To protect interest from legislation and other forms of the legal point of view.
  • To act as a negotiating body.
  • To improve the professional status and business standing.
  • To improve up to date information.

Contribution and Role of UFTAA

Universal Federation of  Travel Agent Associations is an organization which is dedicated to travel and tourism. It is a global travel and tourism organization at the world level.  UFTAA promotes and develops tourism at the national level as well as the international level. Some important role and contribution of UFTAA are following as:

  • Promotion travel sector.
  • Promote destination
  • Negotiation.
  • Co-operate with international bodies.
  • Promotion status/development process.
  • Help to settle a dispute.
  • Up to date informal.
  • Develop payment systems.
  • Research studies.
  • Develop ethics.
  • Helps to standardize relations.
  • Develops vocational training courses.
  • Organize seminars, conferences for the development of technology.
  • Helps the members in transferring foreign currency payments to their suppliers.

UFTAA also negotiates on the behalf of travel agencies with the international organization like IATA, IHA, IUR, and IRU.

United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations

United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations (UFTAA) is a world body representing the travel agency and tourism industry. UFTAA represents represents and defends the interests of incoming and outgoing tour operators, travel and tourism agencies before the governmental bodies, suppliers and other entities of international scope such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IH&RA). UFTAA has consultative status with the UN/NGO/ECOSOC, and works closely with other world bodies such as UNESCO and WHO. UFTAA is an affiliate member of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) and its Business Council (WTOBC).

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United Federation of Travel Agents' Association (UFTAA)

Executives & departments.

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Organizational Structure / Affiliations / Networks / Memberships / Relations

  • ACAVe - Asociacion corporativa de agencias de viajes especializadas , BARCELONA, CATALONIA, SPAIN
  • Andorran Travel Agents Association (AAVA) , ANDORRA LA VELLA, ANDORRA, ANDORRA
  • Angolan Travel Agents & Tour Operators Association (AAVOTA) , LUANDA, ANGOLA, ANGOLA
  • Argentina Travel & Tourist Agents Association (AAAVYT) , BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA, ARGENTINA
  • Association of Brazilian Travel Agents (ABAV) , SAO PAULO, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL
  • Association of Canadian Travel Agents (ACTA) , MISSISSAUGA, TORONTO, CANADA
  • Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA) , ZAGREB, CROATIA, CROATIA
  • Association of Cyprus Travel Agents (ACTA) , NICOSIA, CYPRUS, CYPRUS
  • Association of Finnish Travel Agents (AFTA) , HELSINKI, FINLAND, FINLAND
  • Association of Flemish Travel Bureaus (VVR) , BRUGGE, WEST FLANDERS, BELGIUM
  • Association of Haiti Travel Agents , PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI, HAITI
  • Association of Hungarian Travel Agencies (MUISZ) , BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, HUNGARY
  • Association of Latvian Travel Agents & Operators (ALTA) , RIGA, LATVIA, LATVIA
  • Association of Southern African Travel Agents (ASATA) , JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, SOUTH AFRICA
  • Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA) , BANGKOK, THAILAND, THAILAND
  • Association of the Indonesia Tour & Travel Agencies (ASITA) , JAKARTA, INDONESIA, INDONESIA
  • Association of Travel & Tourist Agents in Lebanon (ATTAL) , BEIRUT, LEBANON, LEBANON
  • Association of Turkish Travel Agents (TURSAB) , ISTANBUL, TURKEY, TURKEY
  • Association of Zimbabwe Travel Agents (AZTA) , HARARE, ZIMBABWE, ZIMBABWE
  • Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) , SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA
  • Bolivian Travel & Tourist Agents Association (ABAVYT) , LA PAZ, BOLIVIA, BOLIVIA
  • Bulgarian Association of Travel Agents (BATA) , SOFIA, BULGARIA, BULGARIA
  • Business Federation of Regional Associations of Spanish Travel Agencies (FETAVE) , MADRID, SPAIN, SPAIN
  • Chilean Tourist Enterprises Association (ACET) , SANTIAGO, CHILE, CHILE
  • Colombian Travel & Tourist Agents Association (ANATO) , BOGOTA, COLOMBIA, COLOMBIA
  • Costa Rica Travel Agents Association (ACAV) , SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA, COSTA RICA
  • Cote d' Ivoire Travel & Tourist Agents Syndicate (SAVTCI) , ABIDJAN, COTE D'IVOIRE, COTE D'IVOIRE
  • Cuba Travel Agents Association (ACAVI) , HAVANA, CUBA, CUBA
  • Cyprus Hoteliers Association (CHA) , NICOSIA, CYPRUS, CYPRUS
  • Danish Travel Agents & Tour Operators Association (DRF) , COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, DENMARK
  • Dutch Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (ANVR) , BAARN, NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS
  • Ecuadorian Travel & Tourist Agents Association (ASECUT) , QUITO, ECUADOR, ECUADOR
  • Egyptian Travel Agents Association (ETAA) , CAIRO, EGYPT, EGYPT
  • El Salvador Travel Agencies Association (ASAV) , SAN SALVADOR, EL SALVADOR, EL SALVADOR
  • Enterprise Federation of Norway (VIRKE) , OSLO, NORWAY, NORWAY
  • Entreprise Nationale Algirienne du Tourisme (ONAT) , ALGIERS, ALGERIA, ALGERIA
  • Estonian Travel & Touism Association (ETFL) , TALLINN, ESTONIA, ESTONIA
  • Federated Association of Travel and Tourism Agents (FATTA) - Malta , VALLETTA, MALTA, MALTA
  • Fiji Travel Association (FTA) , SUVA, VITI LEVU, FIJI
  • Guinea Tourism & Travel Syndicate , CONAKRY, GUINEA, GUINEA
  • Iraqi Travel & Tourist Agents Association (ATTAI) , BAGHDAD, IRAQ, IRAQ
  • Irish Travel Agents Association (ITAA) , DUBLIN, IRELAND, IRELAND
  • Italian Federation of Travel & Tourism Associations (FIAVET) , ROME, LAZIO, ITALY
  • Jamaica Association of Travel Agents (JATA) , KINGSTON, JAMAICA, JAMAICA
  • Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA) , TOKYO, JAPAN, JAPAN
  • Jordan Society of Travel & Tourist Agents (JSTA) , AMMAN, JORDAN, JORDAN
  • Kenya Association of Travel Agents (KATA) , NAIROBI, KENYA, KENYA
  • Korea Association of Travel Agents (KATA) , SEOUL, KOREA, REPUBLIC, KOREA, REPUBLIC
  • Kuwait Travel & Tourist Agencies Association (KTTAA) , KUWAIT, KUWAIT, KUWAIT
  • Kyvernitis Business Travel S.A. , VOULA, ATTIKI, GREECE
  • Lithuanian Tourism Association , VILNIUS, LITHUANIA, LITHUANIA
  • Malaysian Association of Tours & Travel Agents (MATTA) , KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA
  • Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI) , MALE, MALDIVES, MALDIVES
  • Mali Travel & Tour Agencies Association , BAMAKO, MALI, MALI
  • Marcopolo Asia Tourism Development Co. , TEHRAN, IRAN, IRAN
  • Mauritania Professional Association of Tourism (APT) , NOUAKCHOTT, MAURITANIA, MAURITANIA
  • Mauritius Association of IATA Travel Agents (MAITA) , PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS, MAURITIUS
  • Mexican Travel Agents Association (AMAV) , MEXICO CITY, MEXICO, MEXICO
  • Monaco Travel Agents Association (AAVM) , MONTE CARLO, MONACO, MONACO
  • National Association of Cabo Verde Travel Agents (AAVT-CV) , PRAIA, CAPE VERDE, CAPE VERDE
  • National Association of Nigeria Travel Agentcies (NANTA) , LAGOS, NIGERIA, NIGERIA
  • National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS) , SINGAPORE, SOUTH EAST ASIA, SINGAPORE
  • National Federation of Travel Agents of Morocco (FNAVM) , CASABLANCA, MOROCCO, MOROCCO
  • Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (NATTA) , KATHMANDU, NEPAL, NEPAL
  • Oman Tourism Marketing & Promotion Committee , MUSCAT, OMAN, OMAN
  • Panamanian Travel & Tourist Agents Association (APAVIT) , PANAMA CITY, PANAMA, PANAMA
  • Paraguayan Travel & Tourist Agents Association (ASATUR) , ASUNCION, PARAGUAY, PARAGUAY
  • Peruvian Travel & Tourist Agents Association (APAVYT) , LIMA, PERU, PERU
  • Philippines Travel Agencies Association (PTAA) , MANILA, PHILIPPINES, PHILIPPINES
  • Polish Chamber of Tourism (PIT) , WARSAW, POLAND, POLAND
  • Portuguese Association of Travel & Tourism Agencies (APAVT) , LISBON, LISBOA, PORTUGAL
  • Romanian National Association of Travel Agents (ANAT) , BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, ROMANIA
  • Russian Association of Travel Industry (RATA) , MOSCOW, RUSSIA, RUSSIA
  • Senegal Travel & Tourist Agents Syndicate (SAVTS) , DAKAR, SENEGAL, SENEGAL
  • Serbia National Association of Travel Agencies (YUTA) , BELGRADE, SERBIA, SERBIA
  • Sierra Leone Travel Agencies Association (SLTAA) , FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE, SIERRA LEONE
  • Slovak Association of Tour Operators & Travel Agents (SACKA) , BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, SLOVAKIA
  • Society of IATA Passenger Agents Ltd. (SIPA) , HONG KONG, CHINA, CHINA
  • Sudanese Association of Travel & Tourism Agents (SATTA) , KHARTOUM, SUDAN, SUDAN
  • Swiss Federation of Travel Agents (SRV) , ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, SWITZERLAND
  • Syndicate of Gabon Travel Agencies , LIBREVILLE, GABON, GABON
  • Syrian Association of Travel & Tourist Agents (SATTA) , DAMASCUS, SYRIA, SYRIA
  • Tanzania Association of Travel Agents (TASOTA) , ARUSHA, TANZANIA, TANZANIA
  • Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI) , MUMBAI, INDIA, INDIA
  • Travel Agents Association of New Zealand (TAANZ) , WELLINGTON, NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND
  • Travel Agents Association of Pakistan (TAAP) , KARACHI, PAKISTAN, PAKISTAN
  • Travel Agents Association of Sri Lanka (TAASL) , COLOMBO, SRI LANKA, SRI LANKA
  • Travel Agents Association of Zambia (TAAZ) , LUSAKA, ZAMBIA, ZAMBIA
  • Tunisian Association of Travel Agents (FTAV) , TUNIS, TUNISIA, TUNISIA
  • Uganda Association of Travel Agents (UGATA) , KAMPALA, UGANDA, UGANDA
  • Uruguayan Travel Agents Association (AUDAVI) , MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY, URUGUAY
  • Vanuatu Travel Agents Association (VTAA) , PORT VILA, VANUATU, VANUATU
  • Venezuela Travel & Tourist Agents Association (AVAVIT) , CARACAS, VENEZUELA, VENEZUELA

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What is the role of UFTAA?

June 30, 2023

By Daniela Howard

What is UFTAA?

The United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations, or UFTAA, is a global non-profit organization that represents over 80 national and regional travel agents’ associations from around the world. UFTAA acts as a united voice for the travel industry and provides guidance and support to its members through education, training, advocacy, and representation.

History of UFTAA

UFTAA was founded in Rome, Italy, in 1966, with the aim of creating a network of national travel agents’ associations that could collaborate and share knowledge and resources. Since then, UFTAA has grown to become a leading global organization in the travel industry, with a strong reputation for excellence and professionalism.

UFTAA’s Objectives

The main objectives of UFTAA are to promote and enhance the role of travel agents in the tourism industry, to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and best practices, and to advocate for the interests of travel agents at the national and international level. UFTAA also aims to foster cooperation and collaboration among its members, and to promote the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and quality in the travel industry.

UFTAA’s Structure and Organization

UFTAA is governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of representatives from each of its member associations, who are elected every two years. The Board is responsible for setting UFTAA’s strategic direction and policies, and for overseeing its operations and finances. UFTAA also has a Secretariat, based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which provides administrative and technical support to its members.

Key Functions of UFTAA

The key functions of UFTAA include education and training, advocacy and representation, and networking and collaboration. UFTAA offers a range of training and certification programs for travel agents, including courses on sales and marketing, customer service, and business management. UFTAA also works to promote the interests of travel agents at the national and international level, and to ensure that their voices are heard in policy-making and regulatory processes. Finally, UFTAA provides a platform for its members to connect, share ideas and best practices, and collaborate on joint initiatives and projects.

UFTAA’s Code of Ethics

UFTAA has established a Code of Ethics for its members, which outlines the principles and standards of conduct that they are expected to adhere to. The Code emphasizes the importance of honesty, transparency, and fairness in all dealings with clients and suppliers, and requires members to maintain high standards of professionalism and quality.

UFTAA’s Membership Criteria

To become a member of UFTAA, an association must be a national or regional association of travel agents, with a minimum of 50 members. The association must also agree to abide by UFTAA’s Code of Ethics and pay an annual membership fee.

UFTAA’s Education and Training Programs

UFTAA offers a range of education and training programs for travel agents, including online courses, seminars, and workshops. These programs are designed to help travel agents improve their skills and knowledge in areas such as sales and marketing, customer service, and business management.

UFTAA’s Advocacy and Representation

UFTAA works to promote the interests of travel agents at the national and international level, by advocating for policies and regulations that support the growth and development of the travel industry. UFTAA also represents its members in discussions and negotiations with government agencies, tourism organizations, and other stakeholders.

UFTAA’s Contribution to the Tourism Industry

UFTAA’s members play a key role in the tourism industry, by providing valuable services and support to travelers around the world. UFTAA’s work helps to ensure that travel agents are recognized and valued for their contributions to the industry, and that they have a strong voice in shaping its future direction.

UFTAA’s Partnerships and Collaborations

UFTAA has established partnerships and collaborations with a range of organizations in the travel industry, including airlines, hotels, tourism boards, and other associations. These partnerships help to promote the interests of UFTAA’s members and to create new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Conclusion: Importance of UFTAA

UFTAA plays a critical role in promoting and supporting the interests of travel agents around the world. Through its education and training programs, advocacy and representation, and networking and collaboration activities, UFTAA helps to ensure that travel agents are recognized and valued for their contributions to the tourism industry, and that they have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to succeed in a rapidly changing and competitive environment.

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Daniela Howard

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united federation of travel agents association

The UFTAA Opened A Global Tourism Office In Istanbul

Çetin Gürcün, secretary-general of the Turkish Travel Agencies Association (TÜRSAB), has been elected vice president of the United Federation of Travel Agents’ Association (UFTAA) at the organization’s general assembly meeting.

Founded 50 years ago, the UFTAA is the longest established negotiating partner with leading travel and tourism organizations in the world with members from 65 countries.

In the 1960s at the dawn of mass tourism, a few tourism professionals with great foresight saw the need of a global umbrella organisation for the travel agency industry. By merger of Fédération internationale des agences de voyages (FIAV) and Universal Organization of Travel Agents’ Associations (UOTAA), the Universal Federation of Travel Agents ‘Associations (UFTAA) was formed on November 22nd 1966 in Rome. Its first President was an Italian, Giuliano Magnoni, later followed by 24 leading personalities from all parts of the world. The federation was later renamed United Federation of Travel Agents´ Associations, still known under the same well-established acronym UFTAA.

united federation of travel agents association

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  • Sunil Kumar re-elected as UFTAA President

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  • ETTravelWorld
  • Published On Jul 5, 2021 at 02:54 PM IST

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  • Updated On Jul 5, 2021 at 02:54 PM IST

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New Travel Agency Commissioners Announced

  • November 5, 2020

Brussels  – The International Air Transport Association (IATA), the World Travel Agents Associations Alliance (WTAAA) and the United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations (UFTAA) announced the appointment of Travel Agency Commissioners.

The Travel Agency Commissioner Program was established 30 years ago and resides within the Travel Agency Program overseen by the Passenger Agency Conference (PAConf). It enables IATA Accredited Agents to raise cases of actions taken by IATA or IATA Member Airlines which may impact the Agents’ business or where the Agent believes the action was not aligned with PAConf Resolutions.

The newly appointed Travel Agency Commissioners are:

  • Andrea Simoes and Lina Pettersson for Area 2, encompassing Europe, Middle East and Africa. Both Simoes and Pettersson have extensive experience with the IATA Agency Programme and the IATA Billing and Settlement Plan, both having been employed by IATA until earlier this year.
  • Abhilash Raju for Area 3, encompassing Asia, Australia and South West Pacific. Raju operates a legal practice in Bangalore, India, primarily focused on arbitration and commercial dispute resolution.

In addition,

  • Verónica Pacheco-Sanfuentes, the current Travel Agency Commissioner for Area 1, encompassing the Western Hemisphere (excluding the USA), has been reappointed. Pacheco-Sanfuentes has served as Travel Agency Commissioner for Area 1 for the past 11 years.

“On behalf of the industry, IATA, WTAAA and UFTAA take this opportunity to welcome the new Commissioners and to thank Andreas Körösi and Jo Foged for the valuable work that they have performed in support of air travel stakeholders,” said Aleks Popovich, IATA’s Senior Vice President, Customer, Financial and Digital Services.

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Tourism Beast

Tour Guide Organizations

Tour Guide Organizations: Today they are over one billion tourists and growth are set to continue with emerging new markets. The nature of tourism is unique among industries with selling a product that is not owned by anyone and is shared among many.

A fragile product that needs protection but tourism today operates in a process is driven market where margins are increasingly squeezed. If care is not taken the quality is dripping down, destination degraded and the opportunities to offer an enriched holiday experience to customers is missed. 

In such regards, a different &more sustainable approach can offer greater rewards for business by benefitting the environment, communities living in destinations and the tourists simultaneously. When businesses start to actively care for the destinations & people they experience creating a real competitive advantage over others. 

Apart from the problem of sustainable development, the world organizations in the tourism sector are confronting another critical issue of Tourism safety. It is one of the contemporary issues the world organizations are facing.

Indeed, in recent times more and more holidaymakers became victims of armed conflicts and terrorist attacks. In such horrifying situation, the tourists nowadays are considering their safety at the top of their priorities. 

Therefore, in such context, it has become inevitably imperative in respects to tourism sector to have such organizations which would act as mentors by keeping a check on various tourists activities throughout the global by monitoring and regulating them simultaneously.

The proper functioning of such organizations is directly linked towards the affluence of tour guides and other people in this service industry. 

United Federation of travel agents’ associations (UFTAA)

In order for effective coordination and spread of professionalism amongst travel agents across the globe, the United Federation of travel agents’ associations (UFTAA) was

established in Rome in November 1966. It was formed after the merger of two large organisations namely Universal organisation of travel agents’ association (UOTAA) and Federazione Italiano Agent di Viaggio (FIAV) of Italy. Located in Monaco (France) the UFTAA aims at the promotion and development of tourism related activities worldwide.  Figure 5: UFTAA (Source:uftaa.org)

Its membership includes the association of travel agents and tour operators working professionally across the globe. At present, UFTAA constitutes nearly 80 national organisations and more than 33000 travel agents’ worldwide as its members. Tour Guide Organizations

It thoroughly corporates and works with other organisations and federation for the betterment of tourism and other related services or activities.  It works with organisations like IATA, IH & RA (International Hotel and Restaurant Association) etc. UFTTA mainly aims at following aspects:

  • To inspire cooperation between national associations of travel agencies.
  • To homogenize activities and procedures in the industry.
  • To help its associates in provide in value added services and to negotiate with other bodies for the overall effectiveness.
  • To organise meetings and sessions for such disseminations.
  • To work as a machinery for adjudication and for relaxing bilateral disagreements related to commercial relations which could not be settled cordially between parties.  

Federation of tourist guide (FEG)

Federation of tourist guide (FEG) is an association of qualified tourist guides in the Europe and is considered as a believer of high values and excellence in holiday business. It is an energetic associate of numerous European organisations and assemblies and a contributor or spectator in key European mediums.

The present members of Federation of tourist guide associations are Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

However, it’s other associate members are Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Luxemburg, Poland, Slovenia and Ukraine. FEG knows where to go and whom to speak to about Tourist Guiding issues. It is the Expert Traveller Guides organisation in Europe. It is appreciated and it is consulted.

It was founded in the year 1986. It was founded to publicise and improve the service quality offered to all the visitors who are travelling to Europe, to reinforce and bring together specialised tourist guiding associations across Europe, to represent the profession of a tour guide at European level. Following are its prime proposes: 

  • To offer know-how where wanted to guarantee that the Tourist Guide’s part is understood and encouraged.
  • To talk about the Tourist Guides on issues such as equivalence of professional qualifications, standards in tourist guiding and tourist guide training. 
  • To attain a mutual approach on professional issues by understanding the requirements and demands of industry & consumers and what they are expecting about an expert tourist guide in Europe.
  • To provide a prospect for the association and individual interactions through its conferences, meetings and submits. Tour Guide Organizations

Tourist guide federation of India (TGFI)

Tourist guide federation of India (TGFI) was formed After immense parleying in 1996 Regional Level Guide Associations on a common platform and deliberated to constitute a National body which would undertake the required actions for the mutual interest of tour guides in the various province of Country.

The basic objective before constituting such federation at the national level is to have an established organisation specifically deals and represents the interest of Indian Government in the tourism and related sector. Today tourist guides federation of India (TGFI) includes more than 15000 working professionals as its full-time members, representing it across the sun-continent and the globe.

Following are the prime objectives and aims of Tourist guide federation of India (TGFI):

  • To endorse countrywide incorporation, well-being, and benevolence
  • To adopt all the actions which are required for sponsoring, inspiring and supporting the expansion of tourism throughout the country and to take initiatives to protect the well-being of the Tourism Trade in all respects.
  • To Interconnect with Chambers of Commerce, other Merchants and Civic Figures in India, Government Divisions or Committees, International Air Transport Association and various overseas and local associations and businesses, corporations and concerns and promote measures in the interests of the travel trade and nominate members to act on them.
  • To inspire and encourage sociable feelings among the tour operators and travel agents on all topics connecting their mutual upright and profit.
  • To try to cordially settle down all the disagreements of other associations and federations. 
  • To protect the interest of the members of Tourist guide federation of India (TGFI) from the malpractices of foreign tour operators.
  • To set up and maintain high ethical standards in the industry.
  • To undertake such welfare activities which the members can not undertake individually.
  • To get affiliation with the asimilar organisation in other countries.

Tourist Guides’ Federation of South India (TGFSI)

It signifies all the Government of India certified Guides and their affiliation Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala. Few of the like-minded elder guides who were certified as official guides felt that there is a necessity for an association parallel to the Federation to characterise the guide community and convey the requirements and expansions to the correct echelons at the exact period. 

Henceforth, the language guides’ forum was formed as to constituent “Tourist Guides’ Federation of South India”. About 40 senior Guides from all over south India met at

Madurai in June 2007 and founded Tourist Guides’ Federation of South India (TGFSI).

Apart from English speaking tour guides, Several of TGFSI Guides are capable and expert in multiple languages like French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Italian and etc. Till now, many people from multiple fields of professions like from the domain of teaching,

Lawyers & professors etc. have signed up as Guides in Tourist Guides’ Federation of South India. Presently, there are around two hundred Guides employed with the visitors coming from various countries. TGFSI is also affiliated to the World Federation of Tourist Guides Associations (WFTGA).The prime purposes of the Federation are:

  • To unite all the guides of the southern province.
  • To discourse objections and to pursue redressal
  • To have more negotiating authority to signify guides in the true outlook.
  • To associate all guides with the world federation of tourist guide association (WFTGA) and to work with the federation & other associated Federations.
  • To format information database of all the guides working in the southern part of the country over a compatible website.
  • To work in collaboration with India Tourism, IATO and other interrelated forms.
  • To get appropriate gratitude for the guides.
  • To embody guides in all the imperativeconferences&summitswhere decisions concerning to Guides have been discussed. 
  • To share information and data. 
  • To conduct talks, review courses and enlightening execution tours.
  • To encourage original destinations of south India
  • To get appropriate escort fees for all guides and condemns mistreatment of guides.
  • To publish a once-a-month newsletter which would cover all the recent happing’s of tourism industry and major events directly or indirectly affecting the lives of tour guides.

Tour Guide Organizations

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Tag Archives: United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations

Ramesh marwah appointed uftaa ceo.

October 12, 2016

united federation of travel agents association

Ramesh Marwah has been appointed the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations (UFTAA) to better administer UFTAA and offer regular support to members. He will endeavour to create increased connect between members as well. This was informed by UFTAA to all its members through a formal circular. Commenting on his position, Marwah said, “I am very excited and proud to be a part of UFTAA-the illustrious global federation which is also celebrating its golden jubilee this year. Every initiative will be in the direction of retaining confidence of travel agency associations in UFTAA; making UFTAA a global platform for knowledge, learning and networking and also maintaining free flow of communication to ensure UFTAA remains first point of contact when any issue props up in any part of the industry worldwide.” He is a proven professional with about 40 years experience of serving in various leadership positions with reputed organisations including international airlines, Italian DMC, global OTAs, etc.

  • Stumbleupon

UFTAA finalises Istanbul as its 50th congress venue

September 29, 2016

united federation of travel agents association

In a show of solidarity to the tourism community, the United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA) board has decided to stick to its original decision to have its Golden Jubilee Congress in Istanbul after reviewing the current situation. Sunil Kumar, President, UFTAA, said, “November 25 and 26, 2016, will witness the Golden Jubilee Congress of UFTAA in Istanbul. One of our most prime member associations, TURSAB, will be co-ordinating this event which is being supported by the Ministry of Tourism & Culture, Turkey. The Golden Jubilee Congress is anticipated to give UFTAA a huge push to its next level and since it is held in the most beautiful locales and hotels Turkey has to offer, it is anticipated that this will be a successful event.”  

UFTAA reviews venue for its Golden Jubilee Congress

August 17, 2016

Sunil Kumar, President, United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA), has revealed that the association board is reviewing the venue it had selected for its 50th anniversary celebrations this November. It had selected Istanbul as the destination. However, recent developments have forced the board to review it. While on his way to the airport for his flight to Istanbul last night to attend a meeting with the UFTAA board members, Kumar revealed, “We will review the venue for our Golden Jubilee Congress that is expected to be held anytime after November 22, 2016. The exact dates will also be confirmed at this meeting.” UFTAA will also be getting ready for the Passenger Agency Conference (PAConf) that will take place in September in Singapore, he added.

UFTAA’s 50th Congress from Nov 21-23

July 26, 2016

Sunil Kumar, President, United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA), revealed that UFTAA’ Golden Jubilee Congress will be held on November 21-23, 2016. “The board wants to do it on the same day as the anniversary which is on November 22 and there are no major shows happening around that time. We have also closed on the venue but we will announce it only later as we are still watching the situation there. It will be held outside India,” Kumar said. UFTAA will also be getting ready for the Passenger Agency Conference (PAConf) that will take place in September in Singapore, he added.  


International Tourism Organisations

  • Post last modified: 19 January 2023
  • Reading time: 26 mins read
  • Post category: Uncategorized

Today, the business volume of tourism equals or even surpasses many of the lucrative industries like oil exports, food products or automobiles. Tourism has become one of the key players in international commerce and represents at the same time one of the main income sources for many developing countries like India. This growth goes hand in hand with an increasing diversification and competition amongst the domestic as well as international destinations.

Table of Content

  • 1.1 International Air Transport Association (IATA)
  • 1.2 United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA)
  • 1.3 American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
  • 1.4 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
  • 1.5 World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)
  • 1.6 International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)

This global spread of tourism in industrialised and developed states has produced economic and employment benefits in many related sectors – from construction to agriculture or telecommunications.

The contribution of tourism to the economic well–being depends on the quality and the revenues of the tourism offer. The tourism organisations assist destinations in their sustainable positioning in ever more complex national and international markets. The tourism organisations work on a national as well as international basis.

The important international tourism organisations are:

International Air Transport Association (IATA)

United federation of travel agents associations (uftaa), american society of travel agents (asta), pacific asia travel association (pata), world tourism organisation (unwto), international civil aviation organisation (icao).

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is an international industry trade group of airlines headquartered in Montreal, Canada, where the International Civil Aviation Organisation is also headquartered.

IATA’s mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry.

Currently, IATA is present in over 150 countries covered through 101 offices around the globe.

IATA was formed on 19 April 1945, in Havana, Cuba. It is the successor to the International Air Traffic Association, founded in The Hague (Netherlands) in 1919, the year of the world’s first international scheduled services. At its founding, IATA had 57 members from 31 nations, mostly in Europe and North America. Today it has about 230 members from more than 140 nations in every part of the world and represents 93% of scheduled international air traffic.

IATA’s stated mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry. All the Airline rules and regulations are defined by IATA. The main aim of IATA is to provide safe and secure transportation to its passengers.

The main objective of the organization is to assist airline companies to achieve lawful competition and uniformity in prices.

For fare calculations, IATA has divided the world in three regions:

  • South and North America
  • Europe, Middle East and Africa: IATA Europe includes the geographical Europe and the countries Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
  • Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific Ocean

These areas are called as traffic conference areas and abbreviated as TC1, TC2 and TC3 respectively. IATA assigns 3–letter IATA Airport Codes and 2–letter IATA Airline Designators, which are commonly used worldwide.

The United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations (UFTAA) emanates from the Universal Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations created in Rome, Italy, on November 22nd, 1966. UFTAA was originally founded as a result of a merger of two large world organisations, FIAV and UOTAA, recognising the need to unify travel agencies and tour–operators into one international federation.

In 1989, coming from Brussels (Belgium) UFTAA set up its General Secretariat in the Principality of Monaco (a microstate in Europe).

UFTAA started its operation as a Confederation on January 1st, 2003. It is a non–profit Confederation of international scope, representing Regional Federations comprising some 80 national associations.

UFTAA is a world body representing the travel agency and tourism industry. UFTAA effectively represents Travel Agents and Tour Operators’ views on both Inbound and Outbound travel by continuous dialogue and consultation with other international organisations such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IH & RA), the International Union of Railways (IUR), the International Road Union (IRU) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

UFTAA has consultative status with the UN/NGO/ECOSOC and works closely with other world bodies such as UNESCO, WHO etc. for sustainable and responsible tourism. UFTAA is an affiliate member of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) and its Business Council (WTOBC).

UFTAA’s mission is to be an international forum where matters affecting the world travel industry are addressed, representing and defending the interests of incoming and outgoing tour operators, travel and tourism agencies before the governmental bodies, suppliers and other entities of international scope. It also aims at strengthening its members’ image and enhancing the world travel and tourism industry and a sustainable tourism.

To comply with its mission, the Confederation develops the following functions:

  • To unite and consolidate the Federations of Travel Agents’ National Associations and to globally enhance the interests of their members
  • To represent the travel agents’ activities before various world–wide bodies, governmental authorities and suppliers
  • To work towards the adoption of measures that will ease travel for the consumer and to offer services to its member federations
  • To be an investigation and information centre supporting the member Federations’ work and to offer information for technological development
  • To offer, as a voluntary mechanism, an arbitration service which assists in solving conflicts resulting from commercial relations for which amicable settlement cannot be reached
  • To organise a world congress of travel agents and other meetings necessary to the exchange and transmission of knowledge

About UFTAA Members and Membership

Affiliates or Partners: These categories include individual travel agencies, hotels, tourist offices and, generally speaking, the stakeholders of the tourism and travel industry.

Members: This category includes the national or regional associations of travel and/or tourism.

The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) is a business improvement organisation which represents and defends the business and regulatory public policy interests of travel intermediaries including travel agencies (including traditional “brick and mortar” agencies, online portals, mega– and corporate agencies and small and mid-market businesses) and tour providers (including wholesalers and operators).

The headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia state, (USA). Its members include travel agents, intermediaries and supplier companies who offer travel products and services such as tours, cruises, hotels, destinations, tourist bureaus, ground transport, car rentals, local guides and hosts.

ASTA calls itself the leading advocate for travel agents, the travel industry and the travelling public and has over 20,000 members in 140 countries. It is governed by a 15– member US-based Board of Directors drawn from members eligible to vote.

Most members are based in the USA. Voting members are only US-domiciled Travel Agent Members and Premium Members. According to ASTA bylaws (last revised in August 2009), ASTA has eight membership categories:

  • Travel Agent Members
  • International Travel Agency Company
  • International Travel Professional
  • Travel School
  • Allied Company (product, service and information suppliers to travel agencies)
  • Allied Associate

Aim and objectives of ASTA, India are as follow

  • Increase membership to ASTA International by creating awareness of ASTA’ International’s activities, like trade shows, road shows, destination expo, IDE’s etc.
  • Encourage International members to become ASTA India Chapter members by highlighting the benefits like attending the Road Shows, Destination Expos and the business opportunities that it brings along with it.
  • Educate the Indian membership on the various segments of travel market in the US and allow them the opportunity to explore a segment that they specialise in.
  • Educate the Travel Agents in the US on Incredible India and its potential in the different segments of the market.
  • Organise seminars and invite specialists as guest speakers.
  • Maintain relations with Indian Tourism authorities and keep them updated on the ASTA International and ASTA India initiatives.
  • Maintain a continuous line of communication with newsletters, destination and product updates and circulate it amongst ASTA International and ASTA India membership.
  • Keep ASTA India members updated on the happenings in the US Political, Economic scenario and the American Travel Market in general.
  • Organise FAM Trips for ASTA International agents to India.
  • Meet regularly amongst ASTA India Membership and exchange views and have a guest speaker.

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is a membership association acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of the Asia Pacific travel and tourism industry. In partnership with PATA’s private and public sector members, we enhance the sustainable growth, value and quality of travel and tourism to, from and within the region.

On Tuesday, January 15, 1952, it was officially announced that 25 active and 12 allied members had signed the constitution and bylaws of what was now known as the Pacific Interim Travel Association (PITA). PITA was legally incorporated in the state of Hawaii two months later.

In its first year, PITA also worked with governments to ease entry and exit requirements for foreigners, seeing success in Japan, the US and the Philippines. By the second conference in March 1953 (held in Hawaii like the first) PITA had increased its membership from 33 active and allied members to 49. It was also at this conference that it was decided to change the association’s name to the ‘Pacific Area Travel Association’ – or PATA.

Even with the clarity of vision that hindsight provides, it would be difficult to imagine a better time to have started the Pacific Interim Travel Association* than that chosen by the organisers and 91 delegates to the First Pacific Area Travel Conference in 1952. They had displayed an uncanny sense of timing in addressing an issue whose time had come, which, in the largest sense, was developing travel to the Pacific region.

By the early 1950s, those who had an interest in the region were facing a tremendous range of opportunities. In 1952, commercial use of the jet airplane was still several years away and so was the explosion in Pacific travel that would occur in the 1960s. However, the Pacific Area Travel Conference of 1952 began to lay the essential foundation for the boom years to follow.

Fast forward to the present and travel and tourism is viewed by many notable economists to be one of the great growth industries of the 21st century. The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)’s advantage is that it continues to influence the direction the industry takes through its unique membership structure of public–sector tourism organisations; air, land and sea carriers; and organisations engaged in the production, distribution, financing, consulting, educating and other technical aspects of the travel industry.

The theme “Proud Past, Promising Future” was adopted for the 50th PATA Annual Conference in 2001, during which members reflected on their Association’s achievements. PATA has unquestionably contributed to the sustainable development and success of travel and tourism in both the Pacific and Asia; has become the leader of Asia Pacific travel and tourism. The story of PATA is the story of the Association’s dedicated people – its members, officers, board and staff.

2004 saw PATA change its Mission Statement to include tourism ‘to, from and within’ Asia Pacific, thereby recognising the importance of the region as a growing outbound market. In 2010, PATA launched the Travel Intelligence Graphic Architecture (TIGA) initiative to enable better decision making by tourism professionals.

Anyone from the following sector can be a member of PATA.

  • Cruise Line
  • Destination Management Company
  • Event Venue
  • Government (Tourism Organisation)
  • Hotel Chain/Hospitality Management Company
  • Individual Hotel property
  • On–line Travel Business

The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), based in Madrid, Spain, is a United Nations agency dealing with questions relating to tourism. It compiles the World Tourism rankings. The World Tourism Organisation is a significant global body, concerned with the collection and collation of statistical information on international tourism. This organisation represents public sector tourism bodies, from most countries in the world and the publication of its data makes possible comparisons of the flow and growth of tourism on a global scale.

The World Tourism Organisation plays a role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism, paying particular attention to the interests of developing countries.

The Organisation encourages the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, with a view to ensuring that member countries, tourist destinations and businesses maximise the positive economic, social and cultural effects of tourism and fully reap its benefits, while minimising its negative social and environmental impacts.

UNWTO is committed to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, geared toward reducing poverty and fostering sustainable development.

council and the UN agreed to establish the WTO as a specialised agency of the UN. The significance of this collaboration would lie in “the increased visibility it gives the WTO and the recognition that will be accorded to. Tourism will be considered on an equal footing with other major activities of human society.

As of 2010, its membership included 154 member states, seven associate members, two observers.

15 of these members have withdrawn from the organisation for different periods in the past

  • El Salvador
  • Philippines
  • Puerto Rico

Additionally, there are some 350 affiliate members, representing the private sector, educational institutions, tourism associations and local tourism authorities.

Aims and objectives of WTO

  • Promotional development of tourism
  • International understanding, peace, prosperity and human rights
  • Fundamental freedom of all without distinction to race, caste, sex, language or religion.

To attain this aim, the organisation shall pay particular tension to the interest of the developing countries in the field of tourism. The organisation shall establish and maintain effective collaborations with appropriate organs of UN and other agencies.

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), a specialised agency of the United Nations, codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth. Its headquarters are located at Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

The ICAO should not be confused with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a trade organisation for airlines also headquartered in Montreal, or with the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), an organisation for Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP’s) with its headquarters at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands.

The forerunner to the ICAO was the International Commission for Air Navigation (ICAN).

  • It held its first convention in 1903 in Berlin, Germany but no agreements were reached amongst the eight countries that attended.
  • At the second convention in 1906, also held in Berlin, 27 countries attended.
  • The third convention, held in London, United Kingdom in 1912 allocated the first radio call signs for use by aircraft.

The ICAN existed until 1945, when the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organisation (PICAO) was established. The PICAO became the ICAO in 1947.

CAO members are 189 of the United Nations members and the Cook Islands. The non–member states are Dominica, Liechtenstein, Niue, Tuvalu, Vatican City and the states with limited recognition.

The ICAO also standardises certain functions for use in the airline industry, such as the Aeronautical Message Handling System AMHS; this probably makes it a standards organisation.

The ICAO defines an International Standard Atmosphere (also known as ICAO Standard Atmosphere), a model of the standard variation of pressure, temperature, density and viscosity with altitude in the Earth’s atmosphere. This is useful in calibrating instruments and designing aircraft.

The ICAO standardises machine–readable passports worldwide. Such passports have an area where some of the information otherwise written in textual form is written as strings of alphanumeric characters, printed in a manner suitable for optical character recognition. This enables border controllers and other law enforcement agents to process such passports quickly, without having to input the information manually into a computer.

ICAO publishes Doc 9303, Machine Readable Travel Documents, and the technical standard for machine-readable passports. A more recent standard is for biometric passports. These contain biometrics to authenticate the identity of travellers.

The passport’s critical information is stored on a tiny RFID computer chip, much like information stored on smartcards. Like some smartcards, the passport book design calls for an embedded contactless chip that is able to hold digital signature data to ensure the integrity of the passport and the biometric data.

Communication, Navigation, Surveillance /Air Traffic Management (CNS/ ATM) systems are communications, navigation and surveillance systems, employing digital technologies, including satellite systems together with various levels of automation, applied in support of a seamless global air traffic management system.

The ICAO airport code or location indicator is a four-letter alphanumeric code designating each airport around the world. Following are the examples of commonly used ICAO codes

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Join TAAI and get prominently connected with industry leaders. About 2,300 companies/organisations/agencies make TAAI formidable and India's oldest and largest travel and tourism association. TAAI membership is open to all travel companies, Tour Operators, MICE Specialists, Airlines, Tourism Boards including National/ Regional Tourism Authorities, Hotels, Technology Companies, Transporters, Cruise Companies, Educational Institutions, Service providers in areas of Visas, Foreign Exchange, Consulting, Media and and tourism industry. TAAI also offers 'Overseas Membership' to those beyond India get connected with the most trustworthy.


Benefits of TAAI Membership:

  • Your company is no more a standalone one in our endeavour to strengthen Principal-Agency relationship.
  • IATA matters- TAAI is on board of APJC and actively deliberates on behalf of travel agencies on all policy matters concerning day-to-day business activity. TAAI is in active relationship with IATA and helps formulate industry policies including training, settlement matters, accreditation policies, joint bank guarantee towards financial security, etc.
  • TAAI is actively involved with United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA). UFTAA is represented on PAPGJC (Passenger Agency Program Global Joint Council) where association matters pertaining to governing resolutions by IATA are taken forward.
  • Through its programs TAAI helps promote highest standard of professionalism and ethics among members in their dealing with the public and among each other.
  • TAAI offers numerous opportunities in training, skill development and tourism certification including destination education- for owners, managers, frontline staff and all those who have chosen travel and tourism as their career.
  • TAAI is active in updating members on evolving visa formalities and maintains a closer connect with embassies, high commissions & consulates in fostering learning.
  • TAAI offers B2B opportunities through jointly held road shows and familiarisation trips in cooperation with Tourism Boards and National Tourism Organisations, through active networking at Conventions and through several events including active partnership and support status with trade exhibition organisers.
  • TAAI's annual convention, popular as 'The Indian Travel Congress' is an excellent opportunity for members to take home updates and learning through our business sessions, strong networking, interaction opportunities with overseas Destination Management Companies and invaluable connectivity that supports greater success in business.
  • TAAI works closely with Government of India Tourism Offices and State Tourism Boards and is active in events/meetings organised to further the promotion of Indian tourism globally. TAAI is invited for 'Hotel Classification' and 'Airport Advisory'. TAAI also endeavours to closely work with Ministry of Civil Aviation, on aviation matters.
  • There are more areas through which any industry stakeholder can immensely benefit by becoming a member of TAAI and join this most prestigious forum.
  • Code of Ethics
  • Become a TAAI Member
  • Apply Online

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"" i saw an angel in the marble and carved until i set him free" ...", -michelangelo, travel agents association of india.

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  4. United Federation of Travel Agents Associations Corporate Office

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  2. UFTAA

    Universal Federation of Travel Agent Association is an association of travel agents and tour operators. It is one of the largest organizations in the field of travel and tourism industry. In 1919, the International Federation of Travel Agencies (IFTAA) was established in Brussels. However in 1996 IFTAA merged with the Universal Organisation of ...

  3. United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA)

    United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) | 141 followers on LinkedIn.

  4. United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations

    United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) is a world body representing the travel agency and tourism industry. UFTAA represents represents and defends the interests of incoming and outgoing tour operators, travel and tourism agencies before the governmental bodies, suppliers and other entities of international scope such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA ...

  5. Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA)

    The Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association represents 114 National Associations and additional Affiliate members in a total of 121 countries. UFTAA has consultative status with the UN/NGO/ECOSOC, and works closely with other world bodies such as UNESCO, WHO for a sustainable development and responsible tourism. ...

  6. United Federation of Travel Agents' Association (UFTAA)

    The United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) emanates from the Universal Federation of Travel Agents' Associations created in Rome, Italy, on November 22nd, 1966. UFTAA was originally founded as a result of a merger of two large world organisations, FIAV and UOTAA, recognising the need to unify travel agencies and tour ...

  7. Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations

    Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations | UFTAA | 133 followers on LinkedIn. Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations | UFTAA

  8. United Federation of Travel Agents Association reveals new Board

    The United Federation of Travel Agents Association in India held its Annual General Assembly (AGA) - Virtual, on June 28, 2021, which elected a new Board.

  9. International travel agent group, UFTAA, to issue ID card

    Reflecting a growing determination by the trade to take control of agent accreditation, the Monaco-based United Federation of Travel Agents Associations is rolling out its own ID program.. The ...

  10. Uftaa

    Uftaa - United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations. 213 likes. http://www.uftaa.org/

  11. What is the role of UFTAA?

    The Universal Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) plays a crucial role in promoting and strengthening the travel industry worldwide. ... The United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations, or UFTAA, is a global non-profit organization that represents over 80 national and regional travel agents' associations from around the ...

  12. The UFTAA Opened A Global Tourism Office In Istanbul

    The UFTAA Opened A Global Tourism Office In Istanbul. Çetin Gürcün, secretary-general of the Turkish Travel Agencies Association (TÜRSAB), has been elected vice president of the United Federation of Travel Agents' Association (UFTAA) at the organization's general assembly meeting. Founded 50 years ago, the UFTAA is the longest ...

  13. UFTAA is wiring up all its travel agents members around the world

    The United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) emanates from the Universal Federation of Travel Agents' Associations created in Rome, Italy on November 22, 1966.

  14. Sunil Kumar re-elected as UFTAA President

    Published On Jul 5, 2021 at 02:54 PM IST. Sunil Kumar Rumalla will lead the United Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA), the global organisation of the Travel agents, for another term. Immediate past-President of the Travel Agents Association of India ( TAAI ), Sunil Kumar has been reelected as President for the second term at the ...

  15. New Travel Agency Commissioners Announced

    Brussels - The International Air Transport Association (IATA), the World Travel Agents Associations Alliance (WTAAA) and the United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) announced the appointment of Travel Agency Commissioners.. The Travel Agency Commissioner Program was established 30 years ago and resides within the Travel Agency Program overseen by the Passenger Agency ...

  16. Announcing the UFTAA and Donuts Inc. Partnership

    BELLEVUE, Wash., Jan. 9, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Donuts Inc. and the United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) are excited to announce a new partnership to include the .Travel domain ...

  17. Tour Guide Organizations » UFTAA, FEG, TGFI, TGFSI, WFTGA

    United Federation of travel agents' associations (UFTAA) In order for effective coordination and spread of professionalism amongst travel agents across the globe, the United Federation of travel agents' associations (UFTAA) was. established in Rome in November 1966. It was formed after the merger of two large organisations namely Universal ...

  18. Tag Archives: United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations

    Ramesh Marwah has been appointed the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) to better administer UFTAA and offer regular support to members. He will endeavour to create increased connect between members as well. This was informed by UFTAA to all its members through a formal circular.

  19. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    The United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA) emanates from the Universal Federation of Travel Agents' Associations created in Rome, Italy, on November 22nd, 1966. UFTAA was originally founded as a result of a merger of two large world organisations, FIAV and UOTAA, recognising the need to unify travel agencies and tour ...

  20. UFTAA

    The United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA) is a non-profit confederation representing travel agencies and tour operators. It was founded in 1966 and merged two previous associations. UFTAA works to represent the travel industry in discussions with organizations like IATA and promotes sustainable tourism.

  21. International Tourism Organisations

    The United Federation of Travel Agents' Associations (UFTAA) emanates from the Universal Federation of Travel Agents' Associations created in Rome, Italy, on November 22nd, 1966. UFTAA was originally founded as a result of a merger of two large world organisations, FIAV and UOTAA, recognising the need to unify travel agencies and tour ...

  22. Travel Agents Association of India (Taai)

    TAAI is actively involved with United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA). UFTAA is represented on PAPGJC (Passenger Agency Program Global Joint Council) where association matters pertaining to governing resolutions by IATA are taken forward. ... TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA. TAAI Secretariat, Mumbai 2-D Lawrence and Mayo ...