Turismo Arancione Tours

Arpino, Patria di Cicerone


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LE PASSEGGIATE DEL #GrandTour2021 IN CIOCIARIA: Arpino, patria di Cicerone apertura speciale di un Palazzo, dimora storica e visita alle opere del Cavalier d’Arpino, maestro del Caravaggio

PRENOTA ORA, BASTA LA TUA PAROLA: Posti limitati è indispensabile la prenotazione [email protected] / Whatsapp 393.9229768 / tel. 0775.211417 visite nel rispetto delle norme anticovid e del DPCM vigente

Tour di Mezza Giornata

Incontro nel luogo indicato con la guida 15 minuti prima dell’inizio orario di visita.

Vieni a conoscere Arpino, paese Bandiera Arancione TCI, patria di Cicerone, Caio Mario e Marco Vipsanio Agrippa, tre celebri protagonisti della storia dell’antica Roma. Il paese è anche famoso per aver dato i natali al pittore manierista Giuseppe Cesari detto il Cavalier d’Arpino, Maestro del Caravaggio e allo scultore contemporaneo Umberto Mastroianni. La visita guidata di Arpino partirà da Piazza del Municipio, vero salotto del Settecento, ai bordi di quella strada romana calpestata anche da Caio Mario e Cicerone. Nella bella Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo la guida “Cicerone” ti narrerà dell’incontro tra il Cavalier d’Arpino e il Caravaggio. Attraversando i quartieri del centro storico ripercorrerai le origini di questa cittadina dalla storia importante lunga 3mila anni. Durante il tour apertura speciale di un Palazzo signorile dimora storica. E al termine potrai andare via solo dopo aver provato a portare la Cannata de “il Gonfalone”, tra i maggiori eventi folkloristici provinciali.


COSTO PER PERSONA: • Intero € 10,00 • Ridotto dai 7 ai 13 anni € 5,00

* Il sistema di microfonaggio è garantito al raggiungimento dei 30 partecipanti

TOUR EXTRA: – Pranzo Light/ Cena Light in ristorante = € 18 per persona Menu con piatti tipici della tradizione ciociara composto da antipasto, 1 primo piatto tipico, ciambelline al vino, acqua – Pranzo / Cena in ristorante = € 24 per persona Menu con piatti tipici della tradizione ciociara in ristorante composto da 1 primo piatto tipico, 1 secondo con contorno, ciambelline al vino, acqua

Cancellazione delle prenotazioni: BASTA LA PAROLA! – Se hai acquistato anche il Pranzo e/o Cena, basta un’email 24 ore prima per rimborsarti l’intero importo.

Per qualsiasi chiarimento leggi per intero Termini e Condizioni o contattaci a [email protected] o allo 0775.211417 / 349.4981226

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turismo arancione tour

Dos ciudades para hacer ‘Grafitti Tour’ y conocer la cultura de las calles

Descubra las historias de dos de las ciudades más importantes de Colombia detrás de sus manifestaciones artísticas.

Encuentra aquí lo último en Semana

1 . la historia tras el abuso a una niña en un colegio. ella culpó a sus compañeros, pero la fiscalía descubrió que fue el padrastro, 2 . procuradora le responde a daniel quintero calle: “a los servidores públicos les molesta cuando un órgano de control los vigila”, 3 . “pagué la plata que me pidieron, pero no sabía para qué la iban a usar”, contratista del escándalo de los carrotanques para la guajira, 4 . se conoce impactante video del momento en que le disparan a escolta de laura sarabia en bogotá, 5 . gobierno abre investigación por subsidios a la leche importada de ee. uu.: ingreso del producto aumentó 800% en el país.

Las calles se han convertido en los mejores lienzos para pintar los hechos más importantes que han marcado varios de los años de dos de las ciudades más importantes del país.

Es por eso que usted no debe dejar de hacer el Grafitti Tour , una experiencia a través de la cual se pueden reconocer los cambios que han sufrido estas ciudades hasta convertirse en centros de cultura y transformación.

turismo arancione tour

El renacer de Medellín con el ‘G raffiti Tour’

Durante muchos años la comuna 13 de Medellín fue considerada como uno de los sitios más peligrosos por haber sido el epicentro de muchas guerras y conflictos por parte de varios grupos armados. Sin embargo, esto ya es parte del pasado y de esas épocas de guerra no quedan rastros.

La transformación de la comuna 13 es evidente y ahora es el ejemplo a seguir de resiliencia que mostró que sí es posible llegar a un cambio social a través del arte y la cultura , de acuerdo con lo que se registra en el portal sagtourmedellin.com .

Es así como durante 13 minutos usted podrá adentrarse en la cultura de la calle de la comuna 13, durante los cuales podrá visitar varios de los sitios en donde se centra gran parte de la más reciente historia de Medellín.

A través de este recorrido conocerá la historia del conflicto y transformación de la comuna 13 y conocerá las galerías de arte de artistas grafiteros y muralistas locales, mientras disfruta de shows de breakdance y hip hop callejero.

Se encontrará con 6 tramos de escaleras eléctricas y dos miradores de la ciudad de Medellín y de la comuna 13.

Además, este lugar cuenta con atracciones lúdicas como la Casa de Neón o la Terraza Helicóptero y disfrutará de los helados típicos de esta ciudad.

turismo arancione tour

El grafiti político bogotano

El grafiti de la capital de la república se caracteriza por su mensaje político a través del cual se descubre el pasado bogotano, su proceso de paz y las aspiraciones que guarda su arte para un futuro mejor.

Los guías de este recorrido le presentarán a una amplia gama de artistas y sus técnicas, compartiendo sus fuentes de inspiración y brindando el contexto político, cultural e histórico necesario para comprender y apreciar realmente su trabajo.

Es un viaje extraordinario por las calles más tradicionales de Bogotá en donde el arte cobra vida, las historias se despliegan y el espíritu de la creatividad florece.

Y es que la técnica, los colores y los mensajes se unen en las coloniales calles del Centro Histórico de Bogotá, en el barrio bohemio de La Candelaria, donde se fundó la ciudad en 1538. Es allí en donde florecen los grafitis con murales coloridos que inundan las paredes con obras de arte de autores nacionales e internacionales.

turismo arancione tour

Las calles de este reconocido sector bogotano se han convertido en un gran museo al aire libre que cuenta la realidad social y la convulsa situación política del país suramericano a los turistas que llegan a este reconocido lugar.

Las paredes de las casas de este tradicional barrio se han convertido en un lienzo en blanco para que cientos de artistas estampen la multiculturalidad del país desde el Amazonas, hasta la cordillera de los Andes y las zonas costeras.

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Our goal is to provide the highest quality services to make your clients fall in love with Russia.

turismo arancione tour

Whether you are looking to get the most out of a tight budget or prefer premium luxury when discovering Russia, Olta Travel will be your perfect partner.

Let us make your tour to Russia a memorable experience, so you can enjoy a worry-free journey!

Olta Travel Broshure

  • FROM BIG GROUPS TO INDIVIDUALS: we craft a tailored offer for almost any budget, thanks to our distributed network of trusted partners, direct connections with service providers and our own profound knowledge of destinations in Russia. 
  • TOP SERVICE GUARANTEE:  We take care of everything to secure travelers’ satisfaction and are prepared to deal with unexpected issues should they arise.
  • COMFORTABLE PRICING:  Olta Travel keeps the cost of discovering Russia at a fair, reasonable level because we love our country and seek to share this love with you.
  • NATION-SPECIFIC PROGRAMS : based on our experience working with tourists from all parts of the world, we know how to surprise and amaze your compatriots with Russia.


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Benvenuti in Ciociaria in provincia di Frosinone

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Journey to Moscow

   Welcome to Moscow - the capital of Russia, its political, scientific, historical, architectural and business centre, from which power and might of the Russian state developed.

Put-in tours

Original tour agency in moscow and st petersburg..

Onboard a Soviet van!

Welcome to Russia!

We are Sergey and Simon, a Russian and a Frenchman, both  passionate about Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and classic cars. Together, we have created Put-in tours. Our goal is to help you experience Russian culture off the beaten path. Join us onboard our classic Soviet van and let’s get rolling!

In Moscow we offer you a city tour to discover most of the city in an original way as well as a night tour to admire the lights. Our pubcrawl is ideal to explore Moscow’s night-life and have fun. If you are craving to discover Russian culture, come impress your senses during our monastery diner or join our 100% Russian Banya Excursion . The latest will also bring you to Sergiyev Posad and it’s famous monastery!

For the most extreme travellers, our shooting tour will deliver your daily dose of adrenaline whereas our tank excursion will let you ride a real tank and shoot a bazooka.

We also offer help to receive your visa , safe and multilingual airport transfers , as well as organisation services for team-building events or bachelor parties .

All our excursions (but the monastery diner) happen onboard our Soviet military vans and can be covered by our  professionnal photographer or videographer.

In Saint Petersburg

We welcome you in Saint Petersburg onboard our Soviet van to discover the imperial city with our city tour and night tour .

Continue your discovery in style! The adrenaline lovers will like our shooting tour  which brings 3 Russian weapons to the tip of your trigger finger.

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At Put-in tours, we put you in our classic Soviet vans to go explore Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Russian culture off the beaten path. Discover our Moscow city guided tour, visit Moscow by night, join our banya & Sergiyev Posad excursion, visit and dine in one of Moscow's oldest monastery or even Luzhniki stadium, before you party on our famous pubcrawl! Original and atypical tours : Shoot AK47 and a bazooka after riding on a tank with our tank & bazooka excursion ! Extreme tours: Fly a fighter jet in Moscow onboard a L-29 or L-39 aircraft!

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Moscow, Beregovoy proezd, 5A/1 Office: +7 (499) 702-33-93 Email: [email protected]

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  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictions
  • Allergology
  • Bariatric surgery
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Diabetes Type 2
  • Endoprosthetics
  • Fasting on Lake Baikal
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hepatitis C
  • Neurosurgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Organ transplantation
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngology (ENT)
  • Plastic surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Second opinion
  • Spina Bifida
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Tradicional chinese medicine
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Czech Republic
  • Northern Cyprus
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

Agency of medical tourism from Moscow (Russia). Treatment in Russia, CIS countries and worldwide

Company MedicaTour Ltd. is one of the leading medical tourism companies in the world. It is based in Moscow (Russia) and is engaged in the organization of treatment in Russia, CIS and around the world. Company works with the best hospitals of the world and leading doctors and can select quality treatment for any budget.

  • All areas of medicine
  • Both classic and innovative treatments
  • Large government medical centers and private clinics around the world
  • Selection of a medical institution for any budget

Our experts will provide you information about medical institutions in different countries and help you make an effective and safe choice of treatment.

  • orthopedic operations (spine, joints, hernias, etc.)
  • heart surgery
  • cancer treatment
  • diabetes treatment
  • hepatitis C treatment
  • all procedures for aesthetic and plastic surgery
  • organ transplantation
  • removal of stones from the kidneys, gall bladder, bladder
  • all ENT diseases
  • a ll types of eye surgery and ophthalmic procedures
  • infertility treatment, IVF
  • rehabilitation programs
  • childbirth organization
  • treatment of female diseases
  • treatment of male diseases
  • treatment of alcohol, drugs and other addictions
  • chronic diseases
  • healing spa
  • detox programs
  • anti-aging programs
  • diagnostic programs
  • weight loss programs

We also work with children's medical centers.

If you are diagnosed and have any doubts about this, we strongly recommend that you get a second opinion (second opinion of a specialist) from another country, or even from several countries.

Innovative treatments

The company is constantly monitoring the medical services market around the world and is aware of the emergence of new innovative treatment methods:

  • stem cells treatment
  • prostatectomy by Robot da Vinci;
  • dendritic cells cancer treatment
  • non-surgical treatment of the spine
  • virotherapy of cancer
  • CAR T-cells treatment of leukemia
  • TIL therapy for ovarian cancer
  • Vacuum aspiration biopsy (non-surgical removal of breast lesions)

Large state medical centers and private clinics

The main advantage of our services is that we offer you only well-studied and verified data on medical institutions, doctors and surgeons from Asia to the Middle East, Latin America and Europe, Moscow and the near abroad. In many institutions, our specialists visited themselves on study visits.

Contact us - call, send your requests  - we will provide you with the best options and answers. And then the choice is yours.

On June 22, the autograph session of the Founder and CEO of MedicaTour Tatiana Sokolov was successfully held on the occasion of the release of her first fiction book "The Way to Dehradun". At the meeting, the author was asked questions in an informal setting, all participants signed books with wishes and an autograph by Tatiana Sokolov.

From March 20 to 22, MedicaTour management was invited to visit Volgograd city in Russia in order to get acquainted with the possibilities of medicine in this region. On March 21, CEO of MedicaTour took part in a training master class for hospitals "Export of medical services", which was organized at the Export Support Center of the Volgograd region.


  • Useful News
  • Conditions on Services
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  • Enogastronomic Ciociaria
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  • Viterbo and surroundings
  • Roma and surroundings
  • Turismo Arancione Special


Pacchetti Turistici

27-28 Ottobre | 2 Giorni - 1 Notte

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CICERONE, CAIO MARIO E LA VIA LATINA Le Aree Archeologiche di Arpinum, Aquinum, Casinum, Fregellae

CIAK SI GIRA! DA MANFREDI A MASTROIANNI A DE SICA Sui luoghi natali dei grandi del Neorealismo Italiano: Vallecorsa, Castro Dei Volsci, Fontanaliri, Arpino, Sora


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Tour in Evidenza (premi il pulsante del mouse per scorrere i pacchetti)

La Ciociaria e il Lazio Unesco

La Ciociaria e il Lazio Unesco

La Ciociaria e la Riviera di Ulisse

La Ciociaria e la Riviera di Ulisse

I Tesori della Ciociaria

I Tesori della Ciociaria

Ciociaria incoming.

The Cyclopean Walls

The Cyclopean Walls

Route of St. Benedict

Route of St. Benedict

Comquering the "Lombard Sword"

Comquering the "Lombard Sword"

The Romantic Route of Flavours

The Romantic Route of Flavours

Viaggio nella Storia 800.000 anni da Argil a  Nino Manfredi

Viaggio nella Storia 800.000 anni da Argil a Nino Manfredi

A day of Cicero

A day of Cicero

The route of the Cesanese del Piglio

The route of the Cesanese del Piglio

The Battle of Montecassino

The Battle of Montecassino

The route of the Cabernet Doc Wine

The route of the Cabernet Doc Wine

From D.H. Lawrence to Sait Francis Convent

From D.H. Lawrence to Sait Francis Convent

Lazio incoming.

Ciociaria and the Roman Castles

Ciociaria and the Roman Castles

Tivoli and the Roman Castles

Tivoli and the Roman Castles

Exhibitions and events in rome

Exhibitions and events in rome

The Sabina of Saint Francis of Assisi

The Sabina of Saint Francis of Assisi

Ciociaria and the Ulysses Riviera

Ciociaria and the Ulysses Riviera

The Ulysses Riviera

The Ulysses Riviera

Turismo arancione europa.

Bulgaria il Paese delle Rose

Bulgaria il Paese delle Rose

Transilvania la Terra di Dracula

Transilvania la Terra di Dracula

Le Perle del Mar Nero in Bulgaria

Le Perle del Mar Nero in Bulgaria

turismo arancione europa2022

TuAtour - Turismo Arancione Tours T.O. after ten years of promoting villages, towns of artistic interest and Ciociaria's typical products and beauties, is pleased to announce the first catalogue about the province of Frosinone, Ciociaria as well as lesser known tourist destinations such as the small Italian and Bulgarian villages.. [ Read Moreead More ]

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Moscow Visitor Guide 2024: Everything you need to know

Zhivopisny Bridge in Moscow

Searching for a new adventure in Eastern Europe? Consider a trip to Moscow. Russia's capital and largest city, this frigid megacity is known for its political, scientific, and literary pursuits. With traditional Russian architecture, unique cultural traditions, and several world-class museums, Moscow is a city that should be on everybody's bucket list.

With a population exceeding 12 million, Moscow is one of the world's largest economies and one of the richest cities in Europe. Moscow is also a very popular vacation destination and has four international airports, linking the Russian capital with locations worldwide. Check in at a Russian luggage locker, and check out some of the best sights Moscow has to offer. 

A weekend in Moscow

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Saint Basil's Cathedral

8 Best Ways To Experience Moscow In 2024

From the Red Square to the Bolshoi Theater to the Red October Chocolate Factory , Moscow is overflowing with unique and diverse attractions as well as endless examples of eye-boggling architecture. Moscow is not just the biggest city in Russia, but one of the largest in the world and has a history covering over eight centuries. For those two reasons alone it makes sense to explore it with people in the know. The companies and guides detailed below will make sure your visit to Moscow is as fascinating and exciting as the Russian capital itself. Don’t forget to drop off your luggage at a Bounce luggage locker in Moscow so that you won’t be carrying more than you need to.

Best Free Tour – The Guide In Moscow

Keep more rubles in your rucksack by taking a free tour of Moscow with The Guide In Moscow . You'll find the guide under the statue of Karl Marx in the Red Square holding a white umbrella. Once the group of the day has gathered, you'll set off to go around all the best sights by foot while the guide narrates interesting facts and anecdotes about the famous landmarks you're seeing.

To find out more details of this free tour of Moscow send an email to [email protected] or call The Guide In Moscow on 79-670-273-002.

Best Food Tour – Moscow With Locals

The best way to learn all about the gastronomy of a city is to experience it with a local. Try a food tour with Moscow with Locals and you'll be amazed at the eateries and dishes they introduce you to. It definitely beats eating in McDonalds every day because you haven't got a clue what the food on the restaurant menus contains. Once you've eaten Russian dumplings, you'll never eat a burger again.

Prepare for a food adventure in Moscow by emailing Moscow With Locals at [email protected] or call them on 79-032-400-786.

Best Sightseeing Tour – Lovely Moscow

There are as many interesting monuments outside of Moscow as there are in it. Head away from the city with a guide from Lovely Moscow and they'll take you on a journey of discovery to see the Kremlin of Suzdal, the Golden Gates of Vladimir, and the monastery in Sergiev Posad. This tour is also a great way of getting to see rural Russia where the landscape is dotted with scenic lakes.

Get ready to explore rural Russia with Lovely Moscow by calling them on 79-267-253-159 or by emailing them at [email protected].

Best Off-The-Beaten-Path Tour – Spasibo Tours

Sometimes doing something totally different from the regular touristy things makes for a more memorable visit no matter where you go. You can take an off-the-beaten-path tour of Moscow with Spasibo Tours that will give you a real insider view of the city. By the time you've finished photographing several metro stations or visited half a dozen vodka museums, you'll feel just like a local yourself.

Plan to do something different in Moscow by contacting Spasibo Tours on 79-036-194-438 or email them at [email protected] for more information.

Best Metro Tour – Maria Moscow Tours

The metro stations in Moscow are an underground world of amazing architectural finesse. Take a tour of ten of them with Maria Moscow Tours and you'll be impressed from the first to the last by the elaborate Art Deco and Baroque designs. There are incredible mosaics, giant marble columns, and even stained glass panels, so plenty of opportunities for some great social media-worthy photos.

Get in touch with Maria Moscow Tours by calling 79-096-903-661 or by emailing [email protected].

Best Private Tour – We Heart Moscow

If your free time in Moscow doesn't coincide with the day of the tour that's caught your eye, take a private tour with We Heart Moscow instead. They have a super range of tours covering all of the city's main attractions and then some. You can choose the pre-organized itinerary that suits your schedule and interests or arrange your own tailor-made tour.

Make the most of your time in Moscow by contacting We Heart Moscow by email at [email protected] or call them on 74-951-667-269.  

Best Cultural Tour – MoscowMe

Moscow is world-renowned for its ballet, theater, and art. To learn more about all three of these aspects of the city's culture, and some food too, go out and about with a guide from MoscowMe . They have in-depth knowledge of the history of the arts in Moscow and enjoy nothing more than sharing their knowledge with interested visitors.

Get arty with MoscowMe by calling them on 79-100-965-565 or email them at [email protected] for more details.

Best Adventure Tour – Travel Real Russia

Forget all about sedate sightseeing and go off-road in a pimped-up UAZ van along mud trails in the Russian forests. You'll ford rivers and go below ground with a session of caving before taking a break while your hosts cook you a big barbecue lunch. This tour is great fun but definitely only for the truly adventurous.

Plan your off-road adventure with Travel Real Russia by emailing them at [email protected] or by calling them on 79-263-614-981.  

Home to several world-famous landmarks and fascinating museums, planning a weekend away in Moscow is no easy feat. Maximize your time by dropping your cumbersome belongings at a Moscow luggage storage service, and head to some of these top attractions in Moscow.

  • Plan a tour of the world-famous St Basil's Cathedral. Constructed in the 16th century under orders from Ivan the Terrible to celebrate military victories over Kazan and Astrakhan, St Basil's Cathedral is one of the finest examples of Russian architecture globally. 
  • Take a stroll through Red Square. Moscow's central plaza is a must-see and is flanked by two of Russia's best-known buildings, the Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral.
  • Catch a show at the iconic Bolshoi Theatre. Home to the world's largest ballet company, the Bolshoi Theatre is one of the most highly respected venues in the world. 
  • Chow down at one of the top restaurants in the Russian capital. Moscow is home to dozens of classy eateries, including Tkemali, Sabor de la Vida Restaurant, and Dzhumbus.

Moscow lockers

Moscow is a sprawling city, and during icy weather, the chances are you won't want to lug around anything heavy through snow-covered streets. Save yourself any unnecessary hassle by booking a spot at a Moscow suitcase storage service. Bounce provides the best luggage storage services in Moscow , with easy-to-locate and secure facilities across the city. Book online via the Bounce app, and before you know it, you'll have a safe spot to stow your suitcases while you explore the Russian capital. 

Off the beaten path in Moscow

Surprisingly, Moscow is one of the greenest cities in Europe, with around 40% of the city consisting of parks and green spaces. This makes Moscow the perfect place to relax and escape large crowds. Step off the beaten path and check out some of these parks and hidden gems dotted across Moscow. 

  • Take in views of the city from Sparrow Hills. Located 260 feet up on a hill on the banks of the Moskva River, this parkland provides some of the best natural panoramas of Moscow's skyline. 
  • Get some brief respite from the crowded streets at Gorky Park. Moscow's main public park is located at the center of the city, covering over 110 acres along the Moskva River. Challenge your fellow travelers to a game of volleyball, or peruse the park's modern art exhibitions. 
  • Go for a romantic ramble with a loved one through the Apothecary Garden. Moscow University's botanical gardens date back to the 18th century and are meticulously laid out, featuring exotic flora from across the globe.

What to do alone in Moscow

Moscow skyline at night

Travelers who find themselves in Moscow on a Russian road trip or happen to be in town on business may be wondering how to kill time during their visit. Thankfully, Moscow offers a plethora of activities for solo adventurers. Keep your luggage safe by visiting a Moscow storage locker, and add these activities to your itinerary.

  • Climb to the top of Europe at the Ostankino Television Tower. Standing at over 1,700 feet, the Ostankino Television Tower is the highest free-standing building in Europe. Enjoy the best bird's eye views of Moscow from the observation deck, or book a table at the 7th Heaven Restaurant for dinner in the clouds.
  • Pay a visit to Lenin's Mausoleum. The final resting place of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, visitors can come face-to-face with the embalmed body of one of the most important political figures in Russian history. 
  • Discover the largest art collection in Europe at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. This massive art museum has a collection of over 700,000 objects, with artworks by the likes of Picasso, Rembrandt, and van Gogh.

The best souvenirs in Moscow

With a unique culture and long history, you'll find plenty of interesting souvenirs to pick up during your travels to Moscow. By far one of the most popular inexpensive mementos you can pick up is a Matryoshka or Russian nested doll. Another great souvenir you can pick up is a fur hat to keep you warm during your vacation and when you return home. 

If you're looking to splash out on something special, pick up an ornate samovar, a type of traditional kettle dating back to the 18th century. Moscow also has plenty of culinary treats that you might want to buy as gifts for folks back home. Muscovites are famous for their love of vodka, and you won't have trouble finding a unique bottle in the capital. Russia is also known for producing world-class caviar, in case you're looking to indulge in the finer things.

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  • St Petersburg
  • Golden Ring
  • Highlights of Russia
  • Moscow Break
  • Saint Petersburg Break
  • Master-class in painting Russian matryoshka dolls
  • Roof Top trip in Saint Petersburg
  • Tour of the Bolshoi Theatre
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  1. Turismo Arancione Tours

    Turismo Arancione Tours dopo oltre 10 anni di promozione di borghi, città d'arte, bellezze e bonta ciociare è lieto di presentare il primo catalogo dedicato alla provincia di Frosinone, ... Turismo Arancione Tour | Viale Mazzini, 224 - 03100 Frosinone | Tel. (+39) 0775.211417 | Partita Iva: 02714860604 ...

  2. Tours

    Turismo Arancione Tours Via G. Mazzini, 224 03100 Frosinone (Italia) +39 0775.211417; [email protected] • P.Iva/Cod. Fisc. 027148604 • Licenza Prov di Fr n° 2012/12 • Polizza Responsabilità Civile Professionale n. 79417381 con Allianz s.p.a. • Fondo Garanzia con Garanzia Viaggi S.r.l. - n° A/402.3270/2/2020

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