Wapiti Travel

56 travel together quotes for friends and loved ones

By: Author Sylvia

Posted on Last updated: February 21, 2024

Are you looking for the best travel together quotes? You came to the right place.

I’m the sort of person who doesn’t like to travel alone.

Although I always hear from people who travel alone that it is super fun because you get to know a lot more new people, it is not for me. For me, nothing is more fun than traveling together.

Therefore we made an overview of the best quotes about traveling together.

But traveling together doesn’t always mean you should travel with your partner.  Traveling with friends or with your best friend can also be lots of fun.

That’s why besides travel together quotes we also include couple travel quotes, couple adventure quotes, travel partner quotes, travel companion quotes, quotes on traveling with friends, and travel buddy quotes.

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Couple travel quotes 

We start off with a collection of the best couple travel-together quotes. You must admit, what is more, beautiful than to travel with your loved one.

1.  “It doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you.” –  Anonymous 

I partly agree with this quote. Whom you travel with is super important.  You could be in an epic destination and your company could ruin the complete experience. 

The opposite is true as well, an evening in a subpar guesthouse could turn into one of the most memorable experiences if you make some new friends.

We are fortunate to have already seen a lot of wonderful things like Antarctica, Japan , India , Alaska , etc.

Because of this, the destination has become somewhat more important for us.

Unfortunately, it seems that the more you travel, the harder it gets to get that wow-feeling. That’s why we now focus more on unique experiences instead of merely visiting places.

For example, I have been dreaming of a dog sledding trip in Lapland for years and spotting gorilla’s in Africa is also on my list.

Hopefully, we can scratch those items from our bucket list in the near future.

We will see what the future will bring.

2. “Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” – Antoine Desaint-Exupery

In a long-term relationship, I think it is extremely important to have the same opinion about the important issues and to have the noses in the same direction on these issues. That makes having a long-term relationship much easier.

And it helps if your ideas about traveling are the same. 

When we just met I had planned a trip around some African countries with a tent. 

I still remember how relieved Kris was that, when I came back after spending 3 weeks in a tent, I admitted that I would appreciate somewhat more comfort on our next trips. 😊

3. “Our goal is to run out of pages in our passports.”

Travel together quotes

I think this is a nice goal, but to be honest, we will have a lot of work to get our passport full.

Now that it is valid for 10 years, who know, we may succeed.

Have you already got your passport filled out?

4. “In Life, It’s Not Where You Go, It’s Who You Travel With.” –   Charles Schulz

I completely agree with this travel quote. Kris and I have already made many beautiful trips to eg Korea , Borneo , India and much more.

And despite the fact that these are beautiful destinations, it is always more special to share this together with Kris.

Read also: Where to go in Europe in winter. 

After all, we have always made the most special memories together and without his presence, those trips would be less special.

The following quote fits in nicely with this.

5. “I want to travel the world with you.”

I think, as someone who is addicted to traveling, that this is really a romantic quote.  This is one of the most romantic things someone can say to me.

6. “Let’s travel together and get lost in beautiful places.”

Couple travel quotes

We like nothing more than to wander through small streets and supposedly get lost. This is how we usually discover the nicest spots.

The best travel with friends quotes

7. “Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” – Ernest Hemingway

Some people say that taking a vacation is the best way to get to know each other. And just as I agree with this quote, I think they are right.

When you’re going on a journey together, and certainly when you go to a somewhat adventurous destination, you can sometimes face surprises. 

Discover things about each other that you didn’t know yet and didn’t expect.  Some positives and some negatives.

With your loved ones you will manage to see through some of the annoyances but we’re sometimes reluctant to go on a trip with our friends because we’re afraid it would cause trouble in our friendship. 

Then again, your trips with your friends can also bring you closer together.

Vacations cost money and you should be sure that you get to enjoy them. 

That’s why I agree with this travel quote and I only take my loved ones and best friends with whom I’m sure I will have a good time.

8.   “I just want to hold your hand and wander the streets with you.”

Sometimes, even when we’re on a holiday, we tend to impose a schedule on ourselves.  It’s almost as if we are at work.  An hour to visit the first site, 20 minutes to rush to the next, a quick picture, and on to the next sight.

Yet it feels so good letting go of time and plans!

We both really enjoy just heading to a neighborhood and wandering around, holding hands, like a romantic couple just watching daily life.

9.  “ I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once, to see the world. Twice to see the way you see the world.”

travel buddy quotes

10. “I want to travel the world with you, go to every country, every city, take pictures and be happy.”

I think this is certainly a romantic idea for a bucket list. Although we have traveled already a lot an visited many amazing places such as the Azores , Lisbon , Rajasthan, and Kerala in India , Borneo , Korea , Japan and much more.

Unfortunately, there are far too many countries and places in the world and it is absolutely impossible to do them all in one lifetime.

So as it usually goes in life, we should make choices. I certainly want to discover the Azores , Hawaii, Iceland, Namibia, The Philippines and so on.

Which countries are still on your bucket list?

11. “Let’s find some beautiful place to get lost together.”

And there are so many beautiful places to discover. I do not know how it is for you but for every destination that we can scratch off our bucket list, we add at least 2 new destinations.

As much as I love the idea of spending some months in one location it would be really hard to choose.  We have seen so many beautiful places already…

12.  “Will you give me yourself? Will you come to travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” – Walt Whitman

Couple adventure quotes

This quote could definitely be used for me as a marriage proposal. I would certainly say yes if the right person asks me to marry him with these words. 

Marriage is a lifelong journey in itself, with ups and downs.  The journeys we did together only brought us closer together.

We have been married now for several years.  Kris didn’t ask me with these exact romantic words but I said yes anyway. 😍

13. “Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go. And here’s to me, whispering again and again and again and again: I love you” – John Green.

This is the perfect quote to toast on with your loved one.

14. “Love is being with you anywhere.”

Certainly true for me.  I love nothing more than discovering new places with Kris.

15. “Go the distance, couples who travel together are more likely to stay together and feel more connected.” – Anonymous

Travel together quotes

This quote absolutely refers to us. By discovering new destinations and doing things together, our relationship remains fascinating. What about you?

16. “I would gladly live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the world with you.”

I do not fully agree with this quote. No matter how much I love to travel, always living from my suitcase is nothing for me. I am always happy to go back home after a trip.

17. “I want to laugh often, feel love, have a lot of insanely dirty sex and travel the world with you.”

18.  “some souls just understand each other upon meeting” – n.r hart.

travel together quotes

With some people, it clicks from the first moment you meet them. I remember the first time I met Kris.

We met through common friends and it immediately clicked. We also immediately had a common topic.

The whole evening we only spoke about traveling. Meanwhile, we are more than 10 years further and travel is still something we can not stop talking about.

19. “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” –  John Steinbeck

This is true in a way.  We do prepare our trips quite extensively and always have a very good idea about what we’re going to do,  but we still need to change our plans sometimes. 

Unexpected things interfere with our plans, sometimes for the good. 

Because of some of the hiccups we have encountered we met interesting people we would not otherwise have met and we discovered beautiful places that we would not have known existed.

20. “Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all around the world and go to places that are hard to get to and hard to get out of. And when you come back… and if you’re still in love with that person… get married at the airport.”– Bill Murray

I think this is very good advice.

Only when you leave your comfort zone you can really experience who your partner is, how you both react to certain situations and whether you are suitable for each other.

21. “That is why best trips like best love affairs, never really end.” – Pico Iyer

Travel partner quotes

Your best trips don’t end with the flight back home.  Several years later we still reminisce great stories about our journeys together over dinner. 

When we’re out with friends we have good laughs about the funny things we encountered during our trips and when we look at the pictures we imagine ourselves being back there. 

The memories of your best travels will stay with you for a lifetime.

22. “Fifty years from now, when you’re looking back at your life, don’t you want to be able to say you had the guts to get in the car?” -Sam Witwicky

23. “home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. some of us travel the whole world to find it. others, find it in a person.” – beau taplin, adventure couple quotes .

Here’s a list of the best adventure quotes for couples we came across during our journeys. I’m a person who gets quickly bored.

I’m always looking for new things to do and new adventures to experience. 

And nothing is more fun than undertaking these adventures with your partner.

24. “Date someone who is a home and an adventure all at once.”

In my opinion, it keeps the relationship fascinating.

25. “Maybe it won’t work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.”

I think this quote applies to everyone who starts a relationship. It is always a bit of a step into the unknown and, unfortunately, often it doesn’t work out.

They say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince. And this is absolutely true.

Sometimes, however, it becomes the greatest adventure of your life. 

So if you are single and you get the chance to start a relationship, do not hesitate and go for it.

That first date may be the start of the most beautiful adventure of your life.

26. “As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.”- A.A. Milne

Couple adventure quotes

I can still vividly remember how on the evening we met, and again on our first date, we both talked passionately about all the destinations we had seen. 

It was so much fun to exchange those stories. 

We did of course talk about other things as well but those travel stories made us dream about all the adventures that we could still do together.

27. “Let’s go on an adventure. I’ll make some sandwiches and a flask of tea, we’ll get out walking boots on and get lost somewhere.”

We find nothing more fun than putting on our walking shoes during the weekend and going out to explore.

28. “I’ve fallen in love with adventures, so I begin to wonder if that’s why I’ve fallen for you.” – E.Grin

29.  “actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.” –  lewis carroll.

Travel together quotes

This quote definitely refers to me. You can not give me a better present than enough variety and adventure in life.

30.  “Why should a relationship mean settling down? Wait for someone who won’t let life escape you, who’ll challenge you and drive you towards your dreams. Someone spontaneous who you can get lost in the world with. A relationship, with the right person, is a release, not a restriction.” –  Beau Taplin

I certainly found someone like that with Kris. And you, have you already found someone who challenges you and drives you to your dreams?

31. “What we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame, but something wild to run with.” – Robert Brauld

32. “you keep me safe, i’ll keep you wild.”.

Couple adventure quotes

33. “Oh darling, let’s be adventurers.”

This is a quote that absolutely suits me.

As a child, I always wanted to become an explorer.

And although we now like to travel in a comfortable way, there is nothing more fun than to undertake new adventures.

34. “We must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong.”

Everywhere we go we wonder how it would be to live there.  Sometimes we just try to imagine it by watching daily life. 

But in our opinion, the best way to find out is to engage in conversations with locals in pubs.  This is so much fun and we even created some new friends doing this. 

Sometimes our opinion about a particular city changes completely after we have spoken with the residents. 

And despite the fact that we’re annoyed by many things in our home country (the sky-high taxes just to name one thing), it is often only when we travel that we value certain aspects of our home country more.

35. “If happiness is the goal, and it should be, then adventure should be a top priority.” – Richard Branson

Couple adventure quote

I am, as I  said already, someone who gets bored very quickly. So I need variety and new things to make me happy. What about you?

Travel partner quotes 

I still have keen memories of some of the trips I took with my best friends back in college. 

Traveling is so much fun and being able to share it with your best friends makes it even better.

Years later we still feel connected by those fun and crazy adventures that we have experienced together.

So here we share the best travel partner quotes, travel with friends quotes and get-together quotes.

36. “Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life.” —  Pythagoras

It is so important to have good friends who support you when you have a hard time but also share and celebrate your successes when you’re on a roll.

37. “In the end, what you do isn’t going to be nearly as interesting or important as who you do it with.” — John Green

I agree completely with this quote. 

I do need some time for myself from time to time, but when it comes to going out, it’s so much more fun when you’re in good company.

And that goes for many things.  It’s always much more fun to share the good things in life with somebody else whom you care about, and who cares about you.

That’s why it is so important to find a great travel companion with which it really clicks and with which you share the same interest.

38. “Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life, touch your heart, and nourish your soul.”

It is so necessary to surround yourself with people who believe in you and who see a better version of yourself than you see. Only in this way can you grow.

Travel journey quotes

39. “When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.” – Helen Hayes

A very wise quote. Even though you may be best friends, and you may share the same interests in daily life, it is possible that you have a completely different idea about a vacation.

You may be someone who is up early, excited about the new adventures that are coming and who is out and about all day long. 

Your travel partner may not get so excited about an active vacation and would rather relax by the pool.

This is an example with extreme opposites, a situation that is not likely to occur, but possibly over the course of your vacation, some small habits of your travel partner may start to annoy you.

Making some good arrangements in advance and showing the necessary understanding for each other will bring you a whole lot further.

40. “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” — Mark Twain

Unfortunately, I have heard this from others and even personally experienced it.

I will not go into details here, but that holiday together was almost the end of our friendship. 

So there is certainly truth in this quote from Mark Twain.

41. Everyone needs a friend who will call, and say, ‘Get dressed, we’re going on an adventure.” — Unknown

Travel buddy quotes

Sometimes spontaneous decisions result in the best experiences!

42.“Sometimes all you need is a great friend and thirst for adventure.”

When you have the feeling that life is boring and all days look-alike, a good friend and some sense of adventure can definitely change that. 

Let go of control and have your friend take you on an adventure.

43. “The most beautiful things in life are not things. They’re people and places, memories, and pictures. They’re feelings and moments, and smiles and laughter.” — Unknown

It’s sad to see that we are increasingly evolving towards a materialistic society. Brands want us to believe that we will be happier with a bigger house, a bigger car, and a more expensive watch. 

But the most beautiful things in life aren’t bought with money.

Enjoying a beautiful sunrise, and spending a pleasant evening with good friends. These are things that do not cost money but are priceless.

44. “Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you traveled.” – Mohammed

I’m not saying you should quit school early to do a world tour but I did learn a lot from my trips around the world.  

There are so many things that you can not learn from books. 

You only completely understand them once you have experienced them yourself. 

I do believe the world would be a better place if everybody traveled more and showed real interest in the places they were going.  Connecting with the people and being open-minded about their culture, beliefs and habits.

The best travel buddy quotes

Last but not least, below we share the best travel buddy quotes.

45. “A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.” — Unknown

46. “life was meant to great adventure and close friends.”.

Adventure and good friends are very important to me.  I always feel good when I’m surrounded by my best friends. Adventures keep life exciting and when you can enjoy them with good friends they’re twice as fun.

The best travel proverbs

47. “There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go.”

travel together quotes

Although we have exchanged our backpack for a suitcase a long time ago, this is certainly a quote that still applies to us. There are still so many destinations on our bucket list and there is so much to discover.

So we regularly pack our suitcase and we are gone.

What’s your next destination?

48. “Life is about doing things that don’t suck with people who don’t suck.”

This is a straight-to-the-point quote. Maybe it can be better expressed but it is entirely right.

49. “We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world & the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Friendships are so important. Everyone should have at least one sincere friend to share successes and failures with.

50. “Be careful whom you make memories with. Those things can last a lifetime.” – Ugo Eze

travel together quotes

Nothing is more beautiful than reminiscing about things that you have experienced together. 

Most often the person you have experienced it with is just as important as what you did. 

The real profound memories create a bond for life.

Looking back at those great moments that you enjoyed together with your friends, acquaintances and family members will not only give you a good feeling, it will also reinforce the bond you have with each other.

51. “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Izaak Walton

I am fortunate that I can travel together with Kris and even though I hear from solo travelers how great it is to travel alone and how many cool and interesting people they meet.

Yet I would not want it any other way.

After all, nothing is more fun than to experience unforgettable things such as spotting a tiger or seeing a beautiful sunset together with your partner.

It is always more fun to be able to share experiences with someone else.  It makes the memory for me more beautiful.

But if you aren’t in good company I do think that good music and a good book will also help to kill time.

52. “I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

53. “you and me, we are more than friends. we are like a small travel gang”.

Travel buddy quotes

I think this is such a nice travel buddy quote and I would love to be a member of such a travel gang with which I could regularly discover a new destination. I think it’s a lot of fun.

How about you?

54. “A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

55. “travel only with thy equals or thy betters; if there are none, travel alone.” – the dhammapada.

I do agree with this quote when it concerns my daily life.  I believe that you become like the persons you spend the most time with.  So I like to spend time with people that are positive and at least equal or better than me.

But I don’t yet see myself traveling alone.  I met people who are really enthusiastic about it but it would be a big step for me. I have not tried it yet, so maybe I’ll change my mind once I’ve done it.

56. “Friends that travel together, stay together.”

travel buddy quotes

Or they argue so much during their holiday that the friendship is partly over after it. 😆 But I firmly believe that if the journey is a success this will strengthen the friendship that already existed. 

That is why it is so important to make good arrangements in advance, you don’t want to risk losing a friend over a vacation.

I really enjoyed writing this article.  It brought back many good memories, both to the journeys I did with Kris and the ones I did with my friends.

I’m sure you will be able to cheer up your travel buddy or travel partner with one of these quotes if he or she is in a bad spot. 

Or you could use them to surprise them and show how much you appreciate their friendship.

And don’t forget to keep your travel partner adventurous, because he or she will do the same for you.

I hope that you enjoyed reading these travel together quotes as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Here you can find more  travel quotes. 

Passions and Places

A travel + outdoors blog

49 Couples Travel Quotes to Inspire Love and Adventure

January 11, 2020 By Jen Ambrose 31 Comments

Updated February 1, 2024

Looking for some couples travel quotes? Here are 41 of the sweetest, funniest, most inspiring quotes about love and adventure. Whether you're looking for travel captions for Instagram, quotes to include in a love letter, or inspiration for your wedding vows, these romantic travel quotes are the place to start. #couplestravel #romanticquotes #travelquotes

A meaningful quote can stay with you for a long time. It can be a reminder, an inspiration, a comfort, or a reality check. A quote can help you express something you struggle to put into words, or it can bring up a feeling or belief you didn’t even know you had. If you’re a traveler, you probably love travel quotes for these very reasons.

As two people who’ve dedicated our marriage thus far to exploring the world together, couples travel quotes hold a special place in our hearts. (And as two people trying to put our experiences into words, well, sometimes it’s best to leave it to the experts!)

We’ve read a lot of quotes about love and travel, and these are a few (well, many) of our favorites. Whether you need inspiration for your wedding vows or some couple travel captions for Instagram , one of these quotes might be just what you’re looking for.

Looking for some couples travel quotes? Here are 41 of the sweetest, funniest, most inspiring quotes about love and adventure. Whether you're looking for travel captions for Instagram, quotes to include in a love letter, or inspiration for your wedding vows, these romantic travel quotes are the place to start. #couplestravel #romanticquotes #travelquotes

The Best Couples Travel Quotes

The most romantic travel quotes, the best honeymoon trip quotes, inspiring quotes about love & adventure, my own love quotes about traveling together, puns & funny couple travel quotes, more quotes about traveling together.

Since we’ve been traveling together for so long , it can be too easy to lose sight of how incredibly precious this experience is. Taking a step back to reflect on one of these travel quotes for couples always brings us back to a place of gratitude.

“Let’s find some beautiful places to get lost together.”

Romantic travel quote: Let's find some beautiful places to get lost together.

“And if travel is like love, it is, in the end, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.”  – Pico Iyer

“Couples who travel together stay together.”

“Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.” – Anonymous PostSecret (commonly misattributed to Alice in Wonderland creator Lewis Carroll)

Lewis Carroll Romantic Travel Quote: Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.

“Oh darling, let’s be adventurers.”

“We are the luckiest people in the world. How many couples get to travel together and spend quality time like we do?” – Lindsey Gormley

If you need inspiration for a love letter, anniversary card, or Valentine, look no further than these romantic travel quotes.

“I want to travel the world with you, go to every country, every city, take pictures and be happy.”

“I’m in love with you and with the world.”

Romantic travel quote: I'm in love with you and with the world.

“Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go. And here’s to me, whispering again and again and again and again: I love you.” – John Green

“Kiss my lips and let’s run away together.”

“And we will travel together and just be in love forever.”

Romantic travel quote: And we will travel together and just be in love forever.

“I just want to hold your hand and wander the streets with you.”

“Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” – “ Song of the Open Road, 15 ,” by Walt Whitman

“Escape and breathe the air of new places together.”

Even if society doesn’t really approve of our lifestyle of long-term travel , it does approve of one thing: travel for newlyweds. In fact, society believes so strongly in the power of getting away together, it’s the first thing couples are expected to do after their wedding .

Looking for some couples travel quotes? Here are 41 of the sweetest, funniest, most inspiring quotes about love and adventure. Whether you're looking for travel captions for Instagram, quotes to include in a love letter, or inspiration for your wedding vows, these romantic travel quotes are the place to start. #couplestravel #romanticquotes #travelquotes

“Our honeymoon will shine our life long: its beams will only fade over your grave or mine.”  – Jane Eyre , by Charlotte Bronte

“These words are so sweet: honey, moon.”  – Kelly Link

“A wedding without a honeymoon is like a birthday without the cake.”  – Virginia Andrews

“A honeymoon is an opportunity to connect with each other and lose ourselves in blissful romance.”

“Traveling is the best thing any couple can do. That’s how we had the idea of the honeymoon. Newly wed couples going to a new place on their own so that all they could have is each other.”  – Salil Jha

The thing about traveling as a couple, though, is that it makes you realize the parallels between travel and love. Sometimes what we’re seeking when we travel is the same thing we’re looking for in another person or a relationship. If you ask me, these quotes about adventure and love say it best.

“I don’t want to be tied down to someone. I want to be set free with someone.”

“I’ve fallen in love with adventures, so I begin to wonder, if that’s why I’ve fallen for you.” – E. Grin

“Find someone who is a home and an adventure all at once.”

Romantic quote: Find someone who is a home and an adventure all at once.

“You keep me safe, I’ll keep you wild.”

“Why should a relationship mean settling down? Wait for someone who won’t let life escape you, who’ll challenge you and drive you towards your dreams. Someone spontaneous who you can get lost in the world with.” – Beau Taplin

“What we find in a soul mate is not something wild to tame, but something wild to run with.” – Robert Brault

Robert Brault Romantic Quote: What we find in a soul mate is not something wild to tame, but something wild to run with.

“As soon as I saw you, I knew you would be an adventure of a lifetime.” – Winnie the Pooh

“You’d be surprised who the love of your life turns out to be. After all, adventure fell in love with lost.” – Mary Oliver

“A couple who travel together grow together.” – Ahmad Fuadi

“Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” – Wind, Sand, and Stars , by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

As someone who’s inspired by travel, love, quotes about travel and love, and words in general, I thought I’d try my hand at writing some of my own sayings. And if you think one of them could make an Instagram caption for travel with love, feel free to use it – and tag us @passionsandplaces !

“Even if we stay in one place, being married to you is adventure enough.”

“When you love someone, you even love them when your luggage is lost.”

“Here’s to road trips, red eyes, and a lifetime of adventure together.”  

“Travel keeps you young and free, even when you’re an old married couple.”

“Take me anywhere; just take me with you.”

“Long drives feel shorter when they’re done in love.”

Not all couples travel quotes have to be serious. Here are some entirely terrible travel-inspired pick-up lines and super cheesy quotes to roll your eyes at. (Note: Ryan hates puns more than anything and wants to make it clear that he did NOT approve of including these.)

“I’d fly in the middle seat to get to you.”

“Did you overstay your visa? ‘Cuz you got ‘fine’ written all over you.”

“A romantic getaway? Alpaca the bags!”

“Are you a pilot? ‘Cuz you look pretty fly to me.”

“The only baggage in this relationship is our suitcases.”

“If you were a TSA agent, I’d be happy to get a body scan.”

Here are a few more of the best couple travel quotes to inspire you and your loved ones.

“I want to travel the world with two things in my hands: your hand in one and a camera in the other.”

“Happiness is planning a trip to somewhere new, with someone you love.” – Marie Cribaillet

“In life, it’s not where you go. It’s who you travel with.” – Charles Schulz

Charles Schulz Travel Quote: In life, it’s not where you go. It’s who you travel with.

“I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once, to see the world. Twice, to see the way you see the world.”

“I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m going. Are you coming with me?”

“No road is long in good company.” – Turkish proverb

“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” – Ernest Hemingway

“I would gladly live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the world with you.”

Looking for some couples travel quotes? Here are 41 of the sweetest, funniest, most inspiring quotes about love and adventure. Whether you're looking for travel captions for Instagram, quotes to include in a love letter, or inspiration for your wedding vows, these romantic travel quotes are the place to start. #couplestravel #romanticquotes #travelquotes

And there you have it! The top 49 couples quotes we could find about adventure, travel, and experiencing life together. Reading these quotes made us reminisce about our wedding and the most romantic trips we’ve taken. We hope they’ll do the same for you!

What are your favorite travel and adventure quotes couples for couples?

Looking for some couples travel quotes? Here are 41 of the sweetest, funniest, most inspiring quotes about love and adventure. Whether you're looking for travel captions for Instagram, quotes to include in a love letter, or inspiration for your wedding vows, these romantic travel quotes are the place to start. #couplestravel #romanticquotes #travelquotes

About Jen Ambrose

Jen Ambrose was born and raised in Montana, but has lived on both coasts and abroad. She and Ryan got married in 2016, and promptly got rid of their stuff, quit their office jobs, and left their Boston apartment to travel long-term. Now, they travel together (and occasionally apart) while working remotely, often housesitting along the way. Jen previously served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Rwanda and earned a Masters degree in International Development - both of which have shaped her passion for responsible tourism. She's also a yoga teacher and personal trainer, working both online and in many of the places she visits.

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September 10, 2023 at 1:19 am

thank you so much ! 🙂

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July 18, 2023 at 2:25 pm

Keep me safe, I’ll make you wild.

This fits me and hubby to a tee. I will use several of your quotes. Thanks for the inspirations. Travel on!

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August 3, 2023 at 4:15 pm

Thanks Lisa, so glad you liked them – and found one that fits so well 😉

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June 29, 2023 at 4:47 am

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May 31, 2023 at 11:08 am

Passions and Places, your collection of couples travel quotes is a delightful and inspiring read. The quotes you have compiled beautifully capture the essence of traveling together as a couple, from adventure and exploration to shared experiences and deepening connections. It’s wonderful to see how travel can bring couples closer and create lasting memories. Thank you for sharing these inspiring quotes that remind us of the joys of traveling as a couple.

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May 10, 2023 at 4:38 am

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April 6, 2023 at 10:50 am

Great quotes thanks for sharing with us.

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March 25, 2023 at 2:34 am

Amazing Travel Quotes. thank you for sharing this information

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February 11, 2023 at 4:46 am

very sweet and unique quotes never ever read before.

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November 26, 2022 at 12:13 am

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April 28, 2022 at 10:17 pm

And…..this is pinned! and bookmarked, yes I am an old fashioned girl who still uses bookmarks. Thanks for this post

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February 12, 2022 at 10:19 am

I loved your punny quotes. This one made me laugh “Did you overstay your visa? ‘Cuz you got ‘fine’ written all over you.”

February 13, 2022 at 7:17 pm

Haha! Thank you 😀

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February 12, 2022 at 9:04 am

These are all such beautiful quotes to use. They would be great if you have a couple Instagram page!

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February 11, 2022 at 11:16 pm

Great quotes! Thanks for sharing.

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November 22, 2021 at 4:09 am

Thank you soo much for sharing this wonderful quotes. I love this.

November 22, 2021 at 3:25 pm

Thanks for commenting, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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September 24, 2021 at 5:23 am

Have read many travel quotes, but first time I am reading a collection of couple travel quotes. Nice collection

September 24, 2021 at 6:14 pm

Thanks, Seema!

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December 12, 2020 at 12:00 pm

Travelling with your partners are the perfect to spend time with partner. These travelling quotes are great to ensure the love and adventure and also it increases the bonding in relationship.

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February 1, 2020 at 11:51 am

Aww this is so sweet! I love finding good quotes, so this is a great collection of them 🙂

February 3, 2020 at 1:45 pm

Thanks Katie! 🙂

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November 16, 2020 at 10:13 pm

this is really awsome.i love it very much

November 17, 2020 at 11:00 am

Thanks so much, we appreciate it! 🙂

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February 1, 2020 at 3:14 am

Great quotes, I loved the “I’d fly in the middle seat with you” quote. That is true love! 🙂

February 1, 2020 at 3:34 am

Haha, right?! The ultimate test! 😀

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January 19, 2020 at 3:42 pm

These are too sweet! Saving them for when I finally get a travel buddy…

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January 19, 2020 at 8:54 am

I enjoyed much…! True!

January 26, 2020 at 2:54 am

Thanks Maria! 🙂

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January 18, 2020 at 11:59 pm

I love this! Great graphics too. 🙂 I’m definitely pinning this for later.

January 19, 2020 at 6:43 am

Thank you so much!:)

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Home » Budget Travel » Traveling as a Couple 101: How to Travel as a Couple (2024)

Traveling as a Couple 101: How to Travel as a Couple (2024)

Have you DREAMED of couples travel but aren’t sure exactly where to start? 

Let me guess: you want the loved up romance, days spend lounging with drinks in hand, and steamy couple massages on exotic beaches, right?

Welllll, while traveling with your partner can have some of those deliciously dreamy days, the reality is a whole lot messier than cute Insta pics. 

When my ex and I travelled as a couple, I ended up ending literally every night in tears whilst 8000+ miles away from home.

…not exactly IG worthy if you ask me. 

And even now that I’m traveling with the love of my life, there’s still the 12 hour bus rides. The getting stuck in a dank room waiting for the worst storm of the year to pass. Ah yes, and the food poisoning at 15,400 ft…

Despite all that, I’m about to give you a full blown article on why you should travel as a couple !

Am I crazy?! Perhaps 😉

But traveling as a couple will bring you closer together and make those sluggish travel burnout days just a little easier to manage. With the right person, it will always beat solo travel in my eyes.

So without further ado, here’s how to get the most out of traveling as a couple … without killing each other!

trekking trip last fall

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Why Travel as a Couple?

How to get the most out of travelling as a couple, what to do when traveling as a couple gets rough, let’s end with a bang 😉, final thoughts on traveling as a couple.

Because how else can you make *romantic* love in the world’s most beautiful places? Ok, ok, the perks of traveling as a couple go a lot further than just bedroom fun… But let’s be real, it is essential to mention!

travelling the world together

Traveling as a couple will test AND strengthen your relationship like no other, especially when it comes to backpacking, van life, and camping.

But on the other hand, traveling with my partner has led to some of the most amazing moments of my life, hands down. From climbing to a 15,400 ft alpine lake to taking on a 1000 km motorbike road trip; trust me when I say that shit is sweeet when done with the right person. 

There are also financial benefits to traveling as a couple. For example, splitting private rooms will likely be cheaper than hostel dorms beds. And while solo female travel is empowering as hell and usually very safe, traveling with your partner is undeniably easier.

As long as your partner isn’t a dickweed, you get emotional support, a logistics manager, AND a cutie with a bootie.

travelling the world together

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Benefits of Traveling With Your Significant Other

Besides being able to bang like rabbits without fear of STDs or frightening “hooking up on the road” debacles, you can have the best love and sex on the road experiences.

No but really, traveling as a couple has PLENTY of legit benefits.

A couple posing for a selfie in front of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy

This is especially true if you’ll be dabbling in offbeat travel , where having someone around makes many things a whole lot easier.

I could go on for days about the benefits of being a traveling couple. But, I think these are the 3 main ones:

1. You get to share life-changing moments with someone you love.

Man, if this isn’t your main motivation for backpacking as a couple, you might need to re-think your relationship. Just sayin’. 

But on a real note, what makes traveling with someone you love so special is being able to have life-changing experiences together. Multiday treks that push you to your limit , camping under millions of stars, getting just a little too loose after a bit of drug tourism…

No one will be able to appreciate or understand these adventures better than someone who was there in the thick of them with you!

2. You get to save a little coin .

Traveling as a couple will for sure help you out in the budget travel department. Regardless of your arrangement with your partner, finding your travel buddy makes it a whole lot cheaper. 

travelling the world together

You can chill out in comfy private rooms on the low, share meals, the costs of drivers, tours, and other epic travel experiences. 

3. There’s safety in numbers .

Staying safe while traveling is easier as a couple. There’s strength in numbers, for one. And for two – no matter how much I don’t want this to be true – traveling with at least one guy makes for safer travels.

Plus, nothing beats having someone to hold your hair back after some type of water poisoning or a night of too much local moonshine!

Backpacking Solo VS. Backpacking as a Couple

Solo budget backpacking and budget backpacking as a couple are two completely different experiences. I’ve done both: there are definitely pros and cons. 

But in the end, traveling with someone I love has been fulfilling in ways that solo travel lacks. As empowered as I’ve felt traipsing through cities solo, heading on a motorbike trip through a remote region of Pakistan with my now husband certainly had more cheesy “I’ll remember this forever” moments.

girl staring at passu cones while traveling in pakistan

To be able to share a passion for travel with a partner, make sure your passion is matched. I once tried traveling with someone who, after 4 countries together, realised he didn’t even like traveling. You can imagine all the fun that led to while spending months on the road together.

Rule #1 of traveling as a couple: No travel destination will fix an already failed relationship.

But if y’all have some real love going on, get ready for the adventure of a lifetime .

Not all types of couples’ travel are the same. Meaning, you’ll want to really know what you’re getting into before heading out on your trip. That way you can get the most out of the adventure of a lifetime together!

Backpacking as a Couple

Ahh, backpacking the world as a couple. From my experience, it is a travel style that is blissful – if done right. Food poisoning, culture shock, and haggling in new cities are but some of what you can expect to experience on a long-term adventure.

Then there’s also exploring the markets of a new city and showing your partner all the kooky things you find! There are the sunrises made that much sweeter by sharing them. Backpacking as a couple will provide both of you with some of the most epic moments of your lives.

couple wearing red jackets eating in a garden

I’ve seen what goes right and what goes wrong when you’re backpacking as a couple. I dated the toxic guy, and then later, fallen head over heels for the right man. I’ve travelled solo, too. So you can say I’ve had a full spectrum of backpacking as a couple experiences!

Now time to spill the tea you’re here for! Where do I go and how do I prepare to travel the world with the person I love?

Planning a Couples Trip

First up: where to go?

ASIA, ASIA, ASIA. Full stop.

There is nowhere else on this planet that makes backpacking as worthwhile as Southeast and South Asia.

Of course, there are some other prime backpacking destinations out there. But none really compare to what you can find in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, and Pakistan.

backpacking couple kissing as girl holds a map while traveling

Friendly locals, rich cultures, and banging street food exist in every one of these countries – in abundance! I mean, I still think about this bowl of marinated octopus I had from a street food stall in Thailand for less than $2.

Tasty eats aside, let’s get into accommodation. Backpacking in popular destinations will likely mean time spent in hostels. But what is a hostel , and why are they good for traveling couples?

They’re only a little piece of magic, that is! Hostels are backpackers’ Mecca and you shouldn’t go backpacking as a couple without staying in them.

They’re where you and your boo can meet other cool people and travel couples. Party until the sun rises. Most importantly, you can be your true selves .

But while many hostels are trendy as hell these days, at some point y’all will want to escape into nature. When you are ready to leave the comfort of hostels behind, it’s time to look at camping as a couple!

travelling the world together

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

Camping as a Couple

I can’t stress this enough: it is important it is to invest in quality gear. When you’ve packed quality adventure gear together, you have a better experience.

two people sitting in a green hammock while camping as a couple

Camping for couples is something you’ll likely experience as a backpacker. But is, of course, its own type of travel too. Along with getting to rise and sleep with nature, cheap places to travel for couples don’t get much cheaper than this.

While I assume veteran campers know this, newbies need to understand that camping isn’t exactly a sexy scene. True camping also means doing your business outside, and showers aren’t really a thing unless you happen to camp near a river of some sort. 

Needless to say, camping as a couple isn’t exactly romantic. Well, it is feral and wild, and that’s a special kind of romance.

Camping Equipment for Couples

Aside from the lack of showers, getting it on in a tent isn’t exactly the most comfortable. But you can definitely make it work in a spacious 3 person tent . 😉

While I’m sure you’ll enjoy every moment spent secluded with your partner on snowy basecamps and lakeside scenes, my best advice is to start slow .

travelling the world together

I’m talking a one-night trip kind of slow .

But now let’s assume you’ve both popped your camping cherry. You want to take your adventures under the stars to another level. Three words: comfy sleeping pad .

I didn’t think I would be able to enjoy camping until I found an amazing sleeping mattress that feels like a bed.

Another key for a happy twilight amongst the trees? Bring good food!

This is especially important for long hikes. I recently got some intense sunstroke symptoms while crossing a glacier due to a lack of camping nutrition.

Whoops! I won’t be making that mistake again.

And with the number of portable travel stoves available these days, nothing is impossible, even at 14,000 feet.

But to really survive camping as a couple, you have got to accept that the unexpected is BOUND to happen. Sometimes you get caught in a lightning storm and are forced into an expensive hotel. You could get hit with food poisoning, or perhaps just a shit ton of mosquitos.

It happens. Not every couple’s camping trip (or any camping trip for that matter) is going to be perfect, and that’s ok! It’s about the journey, after all.

What’s a hardcore couples’ camping trip REALLY like?

Hear what  Indi  shares about her 8-week couples camping and vanlife adventure:

Indigo's bio picture

Back before The Great Breakup, my ex and I shared some truly special times.

We decided to go for a trip together and blend a little vanlife with a lot of multiday hikes across the South Island of New Zealand. My ex would laugh at me bundled in 4 jumpers, 2 beanies, and a buff, ipso facto, everything I needed to survive our morning coffee in New Zealand’s winter!

And when we were hiking for days on end out in the austere backcountry, the best thing was having someone to laugh with when I fell on my butt into an almost-frozen lake!

The potentially shitty times became endlessly comical and so insignificant compared to the great times when you’re sharing life with someone. No, it wasn’t all laughing at each other falling down snow slopes and having cute morning coffees.

We got bogged and the van broke down several times. We got stuck in a tiny shelter on the top of a mountains as a storm passed over us. We spent all day every day together for  8 weeks straight.

Of course, we bickered a little. But I wouldn’t trade that adventure in for all the badass solo trips in the world.

Despite the way our relationship has ended up, nothing can take away sharing the best of New Zealand with someone I cared for deeply.

Vanlife as a Couple

No type of travel REALLY forces you to get to know your significant other quite like living the van life does.

Backpacking is hard. But spending 24/7 with your partner in an often cramped van takes things to a whole new level. 

…especially in the US where public facilities aren’t as van-life friendly as in Europe or Australia. 

how to survive van life couple in van

Couples’ van life also means ultimate freedom and the ability to fully design your own home on wheels. And if you’re planning to build your van yourselves, you and your lover will be able to develop your cooperation and problem-solving skills before you hit the road. 

Despite its challenges, and surreal moments and landscapes, it will (hopefully) only help y’all grow together and as individuals.

Couple Travel Tips to Survive Vanlife

Vanlife is a working progress, but here are my top tips to help the road be a little smoother.

vanlife couple on a road

  • Have a solid design. I’m not saying you should go out and buy a sprinter van, but you need to make sure your van is ready for the road. Breaking down is stressful, EXPENSIVE, and leads to unnecessary tension. Of course, you can’t prevent all mechanical mishaps, but starting off on solid footing is always a good move.
  • Communicate! This is a general tip too but it’s being mentioned twice because it’s that important. Especially when sharing a van, you need to talk things out. Tensions burst easily in confined space!
  • Stay organized. A messy living situation can drive relationship tensions to a breaking point. A small, unorganized van is not going to bode well. If you and your partner have wildly different opinions on cleanliness, this should definitely be discussed before the vehicle is even picked up.
  • Get out of the van! The whole point of vanlife is to explore the world is it not? Spend your days outside soaking in nature and that vitamin D. You want the van to feel like a respite and not a metal prison.

Hitchhiking as a Couple

Traveling by hitchhiking is one of the coolest types of couples travel you can go for. It will undoubtedly lead to some wild memories!

Sometimes it’s 6+ hours waiting for a lift, finding yourself in the car with a wild driver, or being forced on a bus by authorities. And sometimes it’s sharing a cup of chai with a family who become your dear friends.

It’s all just part of the experience – one that is definitely worth having. Especially in a beautiful, far-flung land.

Two people hitchhiking in the back of a pick up truck in Southeast Asia.

Here’s how you can survive (and love!) hitchhiking as a couple :

  • Be patient . Don’t expect a ride within a few minutes. Although it happens, it’s not the norm.
  • Start early . This is ESPECIALLY important in remote regions that don’t have a lot of transport to begin with. Since you’ll need room for two, finding a ride will be slightly more difficult.
  • Trust your instincts . Even when traveling as a couple, you’ll still want to steer clear of seedy vibes.
  • Listen to your partner . If they’re not feeling it, be understanding. Hitchhiking ain’t always easy, and it can take some getting used to.

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

Digital Nomad Life and Working Jobs as a Couple

Living the digital nomad life is a dream in many ways. And doing it with your significant other? Even better.

Of course, like with all other types of couples travel, the foundation of your relationship before you hit the road is even more important than your finances.

…which, btw, might be a bit trying at times as you make your way into online entrepreneurship. 

But on the bright side, having your person there to support you and motivate you is unmatched.

Working online isn’t the only type of job that traveling couples can get, though. Teaching English abroad is an easy way for couples to travel and make money abroad together. 

Everywhere from Thailand to Oman has options for teaching English, and for a pretty penny too!

Hostels in various parts of the world (notably the iconic Southeast Asia) are also great places to find couple travel jobs. Many are keen to hire foreigners in exchange for accommodation, meals, and sometimes a little cash. 

guy working at a hostel bar

Classic volunteer organizations like WWOOF offer farming work to traveling couples, where you can work in everything from sharecropping to direct animal care.

Workaway is another top option for couples’ travel jobs in general and has been a trusted name in the industry for years. They also have a wider variety of jobs available than WWOOF.

Work Around the World With Worldpackers!

I’ve already mentioned Workaway so now let me tell you about another amazing travel jobs platform: Worldpackers! This is another volunteering platform that the Broke Backpacker has reviewed and loved.

While Worldpackers may not operate as far and wide as Workaway, it makes up for in quality and some seriously unique experiences. With Worldpackers, you’re just about guaranteed an epic stay, and the platform has LOADS of community features that Workaway is missing.

Sound cool?

Click the buttons below to join the Worldpackers community as a Broke Backpacker reader–with the code BROKEBACKPACKER –to get a nifty discount off the signup fee to the tune of 20% of the annual subscription price.

travelling the world together

Worldpackers: connecting travellers with  meaningful travel experiences.

Backpacking and traveling as a couple isn’t always easy. And even for couples in solid, loving relationships, there absolutely WILL be days where you’re pretty far from “having fun.”

Whether y’all are a long-term pair, LGBTQ+ travelers , or even if y’all married, rough moments are inevitable. But at the end of the day, it’s the unreal meals shared, a nice hit of hash from the top of a glorious viewpoint. It’s those other souls you and your partner meet along the way that will stick with you forever.

Now let’s get into some must-knows about traveling the world as a couple.

How to Deal With Fights on the Road

Fighting on the road is NOT easy. But it’s especially rough when fighting morphs into abuse. It happens, and it happens (unfortunately) often.

And those are fights you shouldn’t ignore . Do something: be strong, like I wish I could have been sooner.

But, not all fights are the be-all end-all. Some are typical petty, driven by lack of sleep, too many bottles of beer on a Thai island, or far too many hours on a non-AC train in India.

After you discern which type of fight you’re dealing with, then you can decide what to do next. Take some time to chill out and pause, and hopefully, y’all can get back to baseline. If it was just a disagreement, my best advice is to talk and apologize.

couple standing apart under orange sunset

But if a systematic pattern of belittling occurs, or if the fighting becomes less about the shitty situation and more about picking out each others’ flaws, this is nasty.

If you’re being emotionally or mentally abused, or if things get physical: LEAVE . Reach out for help with domestic abuse from professionals, friends, or family.

If you’re only with someone because you’re afraid you can’t travel alone, let me assure you that you CAN. I thought I would never be able to travel to my favorite countries alone, which was part of the reason I stayed in an unhealthy relationship.

I tried to ignore the deeper problems between me and my ex. But you can’t out-travel a bad relationship .

Traveling as a couple is supposed to be about love. And if you’re doing more fighting than loving, you probably shouldn’t be traveling as a couple.

I finally took my own advice. I left the relationship and did what I thought was impossible: solo travel.

How to Deal With a Break-Up While on the Road 

Breaking up while abroad is never fun. Sometimes it happens on the road, sometimes it happens at home and then you’re thrust into the world of solo travel. 

For a long time, I did not think I could travel alone and it was part of the reason (among many others) that I stayed in a toxic relationship. 

But guess what?

After I decided I could and would travel alone, I literally came to travel in Pakistan solo. It is now my favorite country in the world.

Spoiler alert: it ended up being the best decision I have EVER made.

travelling the world together

So, what to do after a break up abroad?

Get into what YOU love.

If that’s traveling, keep at it. You don’t need to go home just because a relationship went south. Not when there are 7+ billion other people to meet.  

But if things are presently not working out, i.e. if you’re arguing every day, if you’re experiencing emotional abuse etc. don’t stay for the sake of travel.

Travel solo, or go home to re-group. Love the beach? Maybe go find some beaches while backpacking in Bali or something.

On a serious note, remember there IS someone else out there. You WILL find someone to travel with again, if that’s your concern. Things always seem to improve when you leave toxic people behind.

Top Tips for Couples Travelling Together

a couple taking a selfie with a monkey in the monkey forest of ubud, bali

  • Compromise: This, this AND this. Compromising is the single most important practice while traveling as a couple. Take into account what you both prefer, and make sure your backpacking itinerary does too.
  • Be kind: Traveling as a couple, especially long term travel, can be rough. Move on from fights easily (unless there’s some cheating or abuse or something- then you need to GTFO), because at the end of the day you want the best for each other.
  • Start off strong: Especially when long term travel is concerned, make sure your relationship is on stable ground before taking off. Even the most beautiful places in the world won’t fix a failed relationship.
  • Communicate: It sounds basic but it’s the truth. As with successful relationships in general, successful travel relationships work because of communication. Angry about something your partner did? Need a break? Talk to them! Holding things in serves nobody and does exactly nothing to solve the problem.
  • Be patient: Remember that y’all are in a new country, might be experiencing culture shock, home sickness, over-stimulation or a combination of the bunch. And even if you’re chillin’ in a new place, your partner might not be.
  • Trust your gut: If you feel like things aren’t going well, and I mean really not going well, know that you can leave. It doesn’t matter how long the trip was supposed to be or what you had already booked. Red flags are there for a reason.
  • Get insurance! Sounds dorky but hear me out!

Why Wandering Couples Should ALWAYS Have Travel Insurance! 

Yeah, traveling as a couple means you always have someone to take care of you on less-than-fun days on the road. But sometimes you need a bit more than emotional support.

Medical shiz in foreign countries can get expensive quick, and you deff don’t want to have to worry about finances when your health is at stake.

Also, in the worst-case scenario that you and your boo call it quits on the road, you DEFINITELY want to be insured as a solo traveler. This is why you should ALWAYS consider getting travel insurance before any trip. 

The Broke Backpacker recommends  SAFETYWING everytime. They’re easy to use and have comprehensive coverage.

You can get a quote straight off the bat! Getting an estimate from SafetyWing is simple— just click the button or image below, fill out the necessary info, and you’re on your way!

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

travelling the world together

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

I couldn’t help but mention the sexy times! Because what’s traveling as a couple without some crazy sex in hostels stories?

Banging like rabbits, rolling the night away on MDMA on a mountainous lakeside, confessing your deepest feelings under fire-streaked skies… Yea, it’s all possible!

As far as drugs go, know that there will be drugs on the road. If you’re experimenting for the first time or you are trying a new drug, start slow.

Don’t take things too far too quickly. Shit can get crazy quickly – especially in popular backpacking destinations.

monkeys having sex travel as a couple

And as far as sex goes, let me remind you to get a PRIVATE ROOM. It’s just basic etiquette after all, amirite?

Unless you and your partner are happily platonic, sex is obviously going to be a part of traveling as a couple. And honestly, it should be if you want to be happy in your relationship and your trip.

Just remember to close the door, you dirty bastards! 😉

Yass, now you know how to travel as a couple and not kill each other! Yay!

Traveling as a couple is different than roaming with a travel buddy because, duh, LOVE. 

It truly is the most intense force in this universe. When you combine it with some of the world’s most beautiful places, you’re in for one hell of a ride.

The most important thing to remember is that to be in love in a foreign country, you need to first be in love at home . A rocky relationship will only capsize once the challenges of road life are thrown at it. 

But, assuming the love is there and so is the desire for travel, be kind. Take time for understanding, supportiveness and PATIENCE. 

Travel is important, but even more so is human connection and true love. Don’t let petty fights and exhausting travel days dull your drive. Know what it means to be a backpacker before heading out on your trip, and always make sure a whole lot of love is shared each and every day.

Because isn’t the best part of traveling as a couple being able to share awe-inspiring moments with the one you love?

I sure think so 🙂

Two pairs of legs crossed over relaxing on a blanket watching the sunset at the beach

Samantha Shea

Traveling as a Couple 101 Pinterest Image

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75 Best Quotes About Traveling With Friends

Because your epic adventures together call for the perfect saying.

preview for 10 U.S. Destinations for Every Traveler’s Bucket List

It’s no secret that traveling can open your eyes to new experiences, cultures and perspectives. What can make those memorable journeys even better? A companion, of course! Traveling with friends can enhance trips in unimaginable ways. For starters, they can be your personal photographer when selfies won’t suffice. That’s what friends are for, right ?

Exploring the world together can create enlightening experiences that you will look back on for years to come. But, before you embark on your next adventure, we’ve rounded up some of the best traveling with friends quotes to get you excited about the trips that you have yet to take.

From short and sweet to deep and meaningful, these quotes will boost your anticipation for your future travels. If you’ve taken trips together in the past, these travel quotes can help you reflect and reminisce. Text them in your special group chat or post as captions on Instagram . Regardless of how you share them, these quotes and messages are sure to resonate with your travel buddies.

No matter if you’re going with one friend or a group of your closest buds, traveling with friends presents an opportunity to strengthen bonds while having fun. So, pack your bags and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime.

all i need is my girl by my side

  • “ Sharing adventures means enjoying them 100% more .” – Anonymous
  • “ There are no strangers in this world, only friends I haven’t met yet. ” – William Butler Yeats
  • “Friends make everything better, vacations included! ” — Anonymous
  • “ A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face .” – Maya Angelou
  • “ Traveling with a friend is like stepping into a storybook adventure together.” – Unknown
  • “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Travel far, travel wide, but always travel with a friend by your side. ” – Unknown
  • “ Just as the stars shine brighter in the night sky, so do friendships glow stronger amidst the wonders of the world discovered together .” – Unknown
  • “ As the road stretches out before us, I’m grateful for the company of my best friend, knowing that no matter where we end up, the journey together is what truly matters. ” – Unknown
  • “ No matter where our journey takes us, friendship will always be our guiding light. ” —Anonymous
  • “ I can speak to my soul only when the two of us are off exploring deserts or cities or mountains or roads. ” – Paulo Coelho
  • “Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter.” — Izaak Walton
  • “A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.” — Unknown
  • “A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.” — Tim Cahill
  • “No adventure is complete without you by my side.” — Unknown
  • “Friends that travel together, stay together.” — Unknown
  • “It doesn’t matter where you’re going — it’s who you go with that makes it fun!” — Unknown
  • “As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.” — Winnie The Pooh.
  • “Life was meant for great adventures and close friends." — Unknown
  • “You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring!” — Unknown
  • "We all have that one friend who is either on a road-trip or planning a road-trip or thinking about a road-trip or talking to people who are on road-trip or posting quotes about road-trip." — Crestless Wave
  • “It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.” — Unknown
  • “You never know where life will take you, but it will always be better with friends.” —Unknown
  • “We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” — Robert Louis Stevenson
  • “The tans will fade but the memories will last forever.” — Unknown
  • “Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world.” — Chris Bradford
  • ​​“When traveling life’s journey, it’s good to have a friend’s hand to hold on to.” — Unknown
  • “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” — African Proverb
  • “A good trip is an even better one with your bestie.” — Unknown
  • “The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends” —Shirley MacLaine
  • “Embarking on new adventures is a million times better with close pals.” — Unknown
  • “Life was meant for great adventures and close friends.” —Unknown
  • “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” —Mark Twain
  • “Adventure awaits — all you need is your best buddy to make it a reality.” — Unknown

group of friends on road trip driving classic convertible car

  • “Life is a beach, enjoy the waves.” — Unknown
  • “Frozen drinks are better with friends.” — Unknown
  • “With friends by your side, every journey becomes an opportunity to discover the beauty of the world and the depths of your bond.” — Unknown
  • “If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.” — Zig Ziglar
  • “On the road, strangers become friends, sharing stories and laughter, creating bonds that last beyond the journey.” — Unknown
  • “ The best way to travel is to always pack light, with the exception of a friend . ” —Anonymous
  • " If you want to have fun, bring a friend.” — Unknown
  • “ Nothing makes the journey more enjoyable than a friend who can make you laugh.” — Unknown
  • “ I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within .” —Lillian Smith
  • “ In the tapestry of life, friends are the threads that weave together our most cherished travel stories .” – Unknown
  • “ May your travels be filled with the magic of friendship, the wonder of new experiences, and the warmth of shared memories that last a lifetime .” —Unknown
  • " T raveling the world is great, but nothing tops going around the world with a friend ." —Unknown
  • “ The beach and my besties are all I need to have a good time." —Unknown
  • "Travel memories we make alone may fade, but those made with friends will last a lifetime." — Unknown
  • “Away is a place where it’s not about the money you spend. It’s about the moments you share.” —Unknown
  • “Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road.” —The Goofy Movie
  • Life is about doing things that don’t suck with people who don’t suck.” —Unknown
  • “I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once, to see the world. Twice, to see the way you see the world.” —Unknown
  • “Everyone needs this friend that calls and says, “Get dressed, we’re going on an adventure.” —Unknown
  • “Getting to know new people and gaining new friends is one of life’s greatest pleasures. So, conquer your fears and get out there.” —Tony Clark
  • “Traveling with friends is always better.” —Unknown
  • “No road is long with good company.” —Turkish proverb
  • "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." —Anais Nin
  • "In life, it’s not where you go – it’s who you travel with.” — Charles M. Schulz
  • “Exploring new places is always sweeter with your favorite people.” — Unknown
  • “Getting lost with you is a risk I’m always willing to take.”— Unknown
  • “As with any journey, whom you travel with is more important than the destination.” —Unknown
  • “At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.” —Shanti
  • “May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” — Trenton Lee Stewart
  • “I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone.” —Leonardo DiCaprio
  • “Travel should make friendships stronger and memories sweeter.” —Unknown
  • “Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” —Ernest Hemingway
  • “Sometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas.” — Thelma & Louise
  • “One of the great things about travel is that you find out how many good, kind people there are.” —Edith Wharton
  • “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” — Paul Coelho
  • “Sometimes all you need is a great friend and thirst for adventure.” —Unknown
  • “Nothing makes a good trip more memorable than experiencing it with your best friends.” —Unknown
  • “Traveling with a pal can be the foundation for a lifelong friendship.” —Unknown
  • “Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.” —Unknown
  • “The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.” —Unknown
  • “Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”— Richard Bach

Headshot of Karla Pope

Karla Pope is a longtime writer, editor and blogger with nearly two decades of editorial experience. She’s written for a variety of outlets including Good Housekeeping , Woman’s Day , People , Parade , BET.com. WebMD and more. Her coverage includes entertainment, beauty, lifestyle, parenting and fashion content. If she's not exploring New York City with her two young children, you can find her curled up on the couch watching a documentary and eating gummy bears. 

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Intrepid Travel Blog

How to travel with your significant other (without breaking up)

Two people kissing at the pyramids

I met my current boyfriend on an Intrepid tour in 2013, and we’ve been travelling the world together ever since. But I’ll let you in on a little secret: it’s not as romantic as you may think. 

I’m the type of traveller who likes getting to the airport hours early because there’s no better feeling than having time to eat, pee, buy a magazine, drink a beer, charge your phone, then pee again. My boyfriend, on the other hand, takes his sweet time with a super laid-back attitude thinking that the plane won’t leave without him. And yet, we travel together all the time. 


Travelling isn’t easy for every couple  – regardless of whether you’re with a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, friend, sibling or work colleague . The word ‘travel’ originates from the French word ‘travail’, which means work. In this case, you need to work together to have an awesome holiday. Most recently, my boyfriend and I conquered a five-month backpacking trip through South America, which really tested our relationship. During the first few weeks, we struggled with communication, clashing travel styles, and being out of our comfort zone. But then we worked through those struggles, which helped our relationship positively grow.

Here are five things I learned about travelling with a significant oth er over a long period of time.

1. Be transparent about your budget

A young traveller in a traditional Peruvian costume sitting next to a local woman

Making new friends in Peru. Photo by Stephen Parry.

Before you even step on the plane, you and your partner/pal should have ‘the talk’. The talk about the budget. It’s not easy to discuss money as personal finance tends to be a tip-toe topic. But it shouldn’t be. 

When it comes to travelling with your partner, lay it all on the table and create a plan around spending. Discuss the budget for accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. This will help you both be on the same page when it comes to choosing a hostel versus a hotel, or taking a cab everywhere versus public transport versus walking. 


2. Compromise when it comes to activities or clashing travel styles

Two young men on a train in Egypt

Compromise is SO important. Photo by Pat O’Neill.

As I said, I’m a nervous traveller. I get anxious about missing flights or changing plans, while my boyfriend is not a planner or a worrywart. So, naturally, our travel styles clash. I learned that it’s all about compromise. 

In order to help each other through this initial struggle, we had to put ourselves in each other’s shoes. For us, that meant me laying off the planning and letting him take the reins sometimes. That way there’s a little bit of balance. Compromise helped us meet in the middle in order to have the best travel experience.

Doing a group tour is a great option for couples because everything is planned, so there’s less stress about finding accommodation, running for the last train, or finding a (good) cheap restaurant that won’t give you food poisoning. So that saves a lot of possible arguments and frustrations! And when it comes to activities, you’ll have a group to hang back with if you’re not into bungee jumping in Queenstown while your partner already has the harness on. 


3. Talk it out – but listen, too 

Two girls sitting in a field in Peru

Talk about the little things. Photo by Ciara Johnson.

Communication is key to any relationship, with or without travel. But in this case, I learned that listening is especially important. We can talk all we want, but if no one’s listening, what’s the point? When you’re on the road, you should be able to talk about feelings, plans, likes, and dislikes. 

Express your emotions to your partner rather than bottling things up. You don’t want to be on holiday with a salty attitude because your partner’s stuff is sprawled out over the hotel room. All you have to do is tell them it bothers you and provide a solution so that you two can keep moving forward. Easy, right? 


4. Schedule some alone time 

Two people relaxing in a hammock.

Schedule in some solo time. Photo by Stephen Parry.

Let’s be real: it’s tough being around someone 24/7. Alone time is important because it will help you both take a breather. When I found myself getting annoyed at my partner over something insignificant, I knew it was time to have a few hours to myself. Sometimes that meant taking a walk or doing an activity on my own.

Embarking on a group tour is a smart option for couples or friends travelling together for the first time (or even after multiple travels together). When you’re on a tour, it takes the heat off from spending all your time with one person. Remember, you don’t have to be attached at the hip. Time apart is healthy. What’s that cheesy saying? Distance makes the heart grow fonder… there’s truth to that.


5. Be a team

A couple jumping in the air in Bolivia

Better together! Photo by Marina Nazario.

What do game-winning teams have in common? Communication, honesty, strategies, goals, trust, and respect, to name a few. This should be the same with you and your partner. You two are a team ready to explore the world! You look out for each other, trust each other, and respect each other. That’s the formula for a positive holiday and growing relationship.

After years of navigating through these lessons of travelling with my partner, I’ve found that I’m a better person toward him. I’m more patient, I’m a better listener, and I’m more appreciative. (Don’t be mistaken, I’m still a neurotic traveller.) 

The travel experiences that we’ve had together, such as hiking in Argentina or having our belongings stolen in Thailand, helps us tackle obstacles in our daily life. Plus, travelling together is just more fun.

Travelling with your partner or bestie can be so much easier when you’re part of a group tour. Check out our range of small group adventures for 18 to 35s now .  

Feature photo by Marina Nazario. 

Feeling inspired?

travelling the world together

Marina Nazario

Marina is a freelance travel writer from America with a one-way ticket around the world. When she's not writing about where to have an epic adventure, she's searching for flights and wondering how to get upgraded to business class. Follow her travels on Twitter @marinajane19 or on her blog www.marinasmilestones.com.

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Couple Travel The World

100+ Romantic Couple Travel Quotes

By: Author coupletraveltheworld

Posted on Last updated: July 29, 2023

Categories Instagram , Quotes

Being a Travel Couple ourself, we have you covered with 100+ of our favourite Couple Travel Quotes!

These quotes are simply perfect for your next adventure!

Couple Travel Instagram Captions

“In life, it’s not where you go, it’s who you travel with.” – Charles Schulz

“Travel brings power and love back into your life” – Rumi

Life Plan of Action: Explore every place on earth with you – Unknown

“We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world & the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson.

Planes, trains, and all the feels.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

Happiness is planning a trip together.

See more: Couple Instagram Captions


Couple Trip Quotes

“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.” – Vera Nazarian

“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.”— John Steinbeck

“In Life, It’s Not Where You Go, It’s Who You Travel With” – Charles Schulz

“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” – Ernest Hemingway

“When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.” – Helen Hayes

“And we travel, in essence, to become young fools again- to slow time down and get taken in, and fall in love once more.” – Pico Iyer

“The travel impulse is mental and physical curiosity. It’s a passion. And I can’t understand people who don’t want to travel.”— Paul Theroux

See more: Alaska Travel Quotes


Travel Together quotes

“It doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you.” – Anonymous

“Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” – Antoine Desaint-Exupery

“Will you give me yourself? Will you come to travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” – Walt Whitman

“Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go. And here’s to me, whispering again and again and again and again: I love you” – John Green.

Some souls just understand each other upon meeting” – N.R Hart

“Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all around the world and go to places that are hard to get to and hard to get out of. And when you come back… and if you’re still in love with that person… get married at the airport.”– Bill Murray

“Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others find it in a person.” – Beau Taplin

“Why should a relationship mean settling down? Wait for someone who won’t let life escape you, who’ll challenge you and drive you towards your dreams. Someone spontaneous who you can get lost in the world with. A relationship, with the right person, is a release, not a restriction.” – Beau Taplin

“Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life.” — Pythagoras

When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.” – Helen Hayes


Quotes About Couples Traveling Together

“I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” — Mark Twain

“Travel only with thy equals or thy betters; if there are none, travel alone.” – The Dhammapada

“I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once to see the world. Twice, to see the way you see the world.” – Anonymous

“Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?” – Walt Whitman

“There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharlal Nehru

“Nothing compares to the excitement of exploring every corner of the earth with the person you love most by your side.” – Anonymous

“Travelers are dreamers who make their desires for adventure a reality.” – Anonymous

“Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.” – Lewis Carroll

“Couples who travel together are more likely to stay together and feel more connected.” – Anonymous

Quotes About Couples Traveling Together

Travel Partner Quotes

Here are some of the best travel partner quotes:

“We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world & the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

“A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.” – Unknown

“If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.” – African Proverb

“Only the people you don’t know well enough seem normal. Every person you know well enough is odd, weird and different. This is called friendship!” – Unknown

“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Izaak Walton

“Take only memories, leave only footprints.” – Chief Seattle

“I’ve fallen in love with adventures, so I begin to wonder if that’s why I’ve fallen for you.” – E.Grin

Travel Partner Quotes

Travel Love Quotes

Here are some of the best quotes on the love of travel:

“The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

“I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

“The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous

“Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” – Ray Bradbury

“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

“Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.” – Irving Wallace

Travel Love Quotes

Romantic Travel Quotes

Here are some of my favorite romantic travel quotes:

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” ― Anita Desai

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Shoot for the moon, even if you fail, you’ll land among the stars” ― Cecelia Ahern

“Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.” – Roy M. Goodman

“Go the distance, couples who travel together are more likely to stay together and feel more connected.” – Anonymous

“Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we‘ll go. And here to me, whispering again and again and again and again: i love you.” – Anonymous

“It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves – in finding themselves.” – Andre Gide

“If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.” – Cesare Pavese

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Couple Adventure Quotes

“I want to travel the world with you, go to every country, every city, take pictures and be happy.” –Unknown

“Traveling is the best thing any couple can do. That’s how we had the idea of the honeymoon. Newly wed couples going to a new place on their own so that all they could have is each other.” – Salil Jha

“Our honeymoon will shine our life long: its beams will only fade over your grave or mine.” – Charlotte Bronte

“You’d be surprised who the love of your life turns out to be. After all, adventure fell in love with lost.” – Mary Oliver

“As soon as I saw you, I knew you would be an adventure of a lifetime.” – Winnie the Pooh

“Happiness is planning a trip to somewhere new, with someone you love.” – Marie Cribaillet

“I want to travel the world with two things in my hands: your hand in one and a camera in the other.” – Unknown

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – J.R.R. Tolkien


Traveling with Husband Quotes

If you are traveling with your hubs, here are some quotes that you might like:

“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” – John Steinbeck

“As with any journey, who you travel with can be more important than your destination.” – Anon

“Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

Why should a relationship mean settling down? Wait for someone who won’t let life escape you, who’ll challenge you and drive you towards your dreams. Someone spontaneous who you can get lost in the world with. A relationship, with the right person, is a release not a restriction.”– Beau Taplin

“To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be.”– Anna Louise Strong

“Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family.”– Thomas S. Monson

“Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase

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Traveling with Husband Quotes

Traveling with Boyfriend Quotes

“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” — Paulo Coehlo

“Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go. And here’s to me, whispering again and again and again and again: I love you.” — John Green.

“You’d be surprised who the love of your life turns out to be. After all, adventure fell in love with lost.” — Mary Oliver

“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.” — Jack Kerouac

“Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” — Antoine Desaint-Exupery

“Travel is like love, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.” — Pico Iyer

“All stories begin with “Once upon a time”. And that’s just what this story is all about: what happened, once upon a time.” – Ernst H. Gombrich

“It’s wonderful to travel with somebody you love and we never travel anywhere without one another.” – Roger Moore

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Travelling with a Partner Quotes

“There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with.” – Kristen Sarah

“People are always in good company when they are doing what they really enjoy.” – Samuel Butler

“We are travellers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” – Paulo Coelho

“Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” – Albert Camus

“The more I travelled, the more I realized fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine

“A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.”– Maya Angelou

“We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou

“One of the great things about travel is that you find out how many good, kind people there are.” – Edith Wharton

“If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.” – Zig Ziglar

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Traveling as a Couple is Awesome But Not Easy

Written By: The Planet D

Couples Travel Tips

Updated On: February 8, 2024

Are you and your partner looking forward to mix things up? After these past few years, traveling around the world just might be the ticket. And traveling with your partner is something that is close to our hearts. Dave and I have been married for 25 years. We have traveled extensively since 2000 and for 8 of those years, we were on the road 24/7. Let me tell you a secret, we’ve had a blast traveling as a couple!

traveling as a couple tips

To travel as a couple can be a challenge. The first time traveling together can be overwhelming. Even if you are used to being together, the stress of being on the road can take its toll. But, if you work through the bumps in the road you really can grow closer and have a stronger relationship by traveling together.

Table of Contents

Tips for Traveling as a Couple

travel as a couple

Couples travel can be difficult for many people but we wouldn’t travel any other way. We are able to share life-changing experiences together, and we get to share tears, joy, and the elation that comes with long term travel and adventure. We have grown together.

We find that traveling as a couple has turned us into more well-rounded human beings. By being open to to each other’s suggestions, we end up exploring things that we never would have tried in the first place, and we end up liking things that we never thought we would.

“ We’ve been able to travel together, see the world together and create memories that will last forever as we grow old together. ” We know the joy that traveling can add to a relationship. We have been happily married since 1996 and once we started traveling together, we have had even more fun and excitement in our lives than we could ever imagine.

How to Travel as A Couple

Traveling as a couple can test your relationship and some people end up breaking up after traveling together. We don’t want that for anyone! But we have found that if we follow a few of these simple travel tips, couples can survive and thrive when we travel the world together.

1. Have Patience

how to travel as a couple

Some of our first trips were tough. And there were times we wondered what we were doing? Can our relationship survive this? There was a time when I locked myself in the bathroom because we didn’t have another room to go to in the middle of the night, and there were times we were so mad at each other, we couldn’t look at each other.

Remember, travel couples are going to fight and you’re going to annoy each other. We found that when traveling long-term for the first time, we needed to get over a hump. There are stages to traveling as a couple. There’s the honeymoon stage, the annoyance stage, the I can’t stand the sight of your stage, and then there is acceptance. Work through it and you’ll come out the other end stronger than ever.

2. Be Able to Compromise

couples traveling skating in lake louise

Being able to compromise is always our biggest piece of advice that we give people who want to start traveling as a couple. We have found that a lot of couples are not willing to do this even on a short vacation. How can someone survive traveling the world for months at a time without making any compromises?

You have to be willing to give and take when traveling as a couple. Traveling together can’t be one person dictating where you are going and what you are doing. And it can’t be a constant struggle or tug of war. One of the most romantic places we’ve visited was Santorini. This island was made for couples and it really helped put the romance into our travels. read more: 25 Best Things to do in Santorini, Greece (pictured above)

So what is the solution?

Maybe you love art and culture while your spouse loves sports and adventure. You may want to spend your time at museums and your spouse wants to go see a local game of cricket or join a beach volleyball game. You don’t want to spend your time having separate vacations so give in a little.

Maybe you could go to a sporting museum like the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto or the hurling museum in Dublin. You both get the best of both worlds. Sports and culture wrapped into one! Or, let’s face it, you love each other. Would it be so bad to suck it up for a few hours to go to a football game with the one you love but then the pay off is that you both go to the Museum of Modern Art the next day?

2. Communicate

dave and deb at the twelve apostles

Communication really is the key to surviving a relationship at any point, let alone as a travel couple. We find that when we travel, we need to communicate much more than we do at home. When you are home, you are in your comfort zone and it’s easy to take each other for granted. You have your comfortable space and your “things” that keep you busy and occupied. When traveling around the world, you are going to find that you are more vulnerable and you are going to by hyper sensitive to each others actions.

I think that the success of our relationship is due to how well we communicate. We never play mind games with each other and we talk about everything.

3. Read the Signs

travelling the world together

Most people ignore the problem, hoping it will go away. Sure, we could play dumb and ignore the signs, but the truth is we are all open books if you pay attention. Let’s face it, we all react differently to situations, and while one of you may be completely enjoying one experience, the other may be hating every minute of it. So pay attention to each other and get to know what the signs are when something is wrong.

The key is to not ignore how the other person is feeling. If you are at a crowded festival and you know your spouse is slightly claustrophobic, pay attention to their face. I know when we attended Thaipusam in Malaysia, I was terrified in the huge crowd. Dave saw my face, and led me out of the crowd to a place where we could watch from above.

You may be completely relaxed fascinated by the crowds it but have a look to see how your partner is doing? It’s pretty easy to read the look on people’s faces when they think nobody is watching. A little empathy goes a long way.

When I didn’t want to do the polar plunge in Antarctica, Dave said “you don’t have to do anything you don’t want, Deb.” He listened to my fears, and then by giving me support, I had the courage to jump into that icy water. Because he took the time to listen and I didn’t have to hold my feelings in, I wasn’t uncomfortable or upset anymore.

If he ignored the signs hoping I would just “get over it” we would have come out of the situation angry with each other. I would have been angry that he didn’t offer help and he would have been angry that I ruined his great adventure. 

4. Know Each Other’s Boundaries 

adventure travel couple dave and deb whitewater kayaking

When traveling with your partner you have to be aware of each other’s fears. Don’t force something on each other when you know that there is no way the other is going to give in.  Compromise is one thing, but pushing someone beyond their comfort zone is another.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be open to trying something new! Bunjy jumping is a little too much for me so Dave did that without me, but we then went paragliding together. Maybe whitewater kayaking is a little over the top, but what about giving a guided whitewater rafting trip on some small rapids a go?

Over time, you will probably be able to get each other to try almost everything, but take baby steps at first so you don’t scare the adventure right out of your spouse!

5. Be Willing to Argue

travelling couples in the arctic

As a couple, if you can’t fight with each other, you can’t survive spending every day with each other. You can’t just go out with friends for a break, you are going to be in very tight quarters in your hotel room in a strange city. When traveling the world, you are often stuck together and you are going to have an argument whether you like it or not.

You will blame each other when things go wrong and you will get on each other’s nerves at times. Be prepared for that. Things could get ugly. But if you are ready for it, you can handle it.

If you hold things in and don’t say anything, things are going to build up and you are going to explode. So, speak up. If you aren’t enjoying yourself, say so!

I’m not saying be nit picky at every little thing. I’m talking about letting the person know when something is wrong. It’s important to let each other know when something is wrong. Nobody is perfect and we are all going to make mistakes, but when things reach a point where you need to say something, say it. Chances are the other person won’t even know they were upsetting you in the first place.

6. Don’t Hold a Grudge

travel couple dave and deb in alaska

It’s okay to have an argument and let off some steam, but have the fight, get it over with, and then move on. We never hold a grudge, and we always talk things through no matter how long it takes. Once we forgive, we move on.

Bringing back past mistakes is childish and only leads to frustration. There’s nothing worse than throwing a past mistake in your loved one’s face. That will only leave your partner wondering when you will bring something up again. If you don’t want to let it go, then don’t accept the apology and talk things through until you can move on.

Even if it means a bit of time apart or sleeping on it. Yes, we said sleep on it. We have gone to bed angry many times and woke up wondering what all the fuss was about? Half the time when traveling we don’t even remember what each fight was about. Sometimes we have argued by the simple fact that we were hungry or jet lagged.

Travel can be frustrating, exhausting, and overwhelming. It can be magnified even more when traveling as a couple.You are spending every day together. And when tensions run high, you only have each other to take your frustrations out on. 

7. Know Your Triggers?

travel tips for couples - get to know your boundaries

Traveling as a couple can be difficult on a relationship, but we’ve found that by simply understanding why you are acting the way you are can have a make things easier. So get to know you and your partner’s triggers are? It took us a long time to realize that jet lag played a huge roll in many of our arguments. Jet lag is not only hard on the body it can play with your emotions.

Dave and I noticed a pattern that for the first 3-4 days after landing in a new destination, we would argue over everything. We were irritable and frustrated with each other for no reason. We had never been this way before and wondered why we were so angry with each other. Until we noticed a pattern. A few days after our arrival at a destination when we finally relaxed we would get along again.

Once we understood our pattern, we could control it. We made a pact to never make any important decisions during the first few days of landing in a new destination. We made sure to give each other a break when it came to our emotions during the first few days of being in another country. Whenever we were irritable or frustrated, we took a moment to decide whether we were really and truly upset or whether it was the jet lag talking. Most of the time, it was jet lag.

The moment we knew about our jet lag problem, life became much easier.

8. Make Time for Romance

traveling for couples find the romance

We always set aside time for romantic dinners, and a splurge on a nice hotel or spa day. Even during our most frugal travel days, Dave and I always found money in our budget to stay at an upscale hotel for a couple of nights.

There is nothing better for bringing passion back on the road than enjoying a luxurious room while ordering in room service and spending quality time together free from distractions. We make sure to always set aside Dave and Deb time. It’s kept our marriage strong strong for 24 years. 

9. Set Expectations

travel couple dave and deb in Rio

People put a lot of pressure on making their vacations perfect. Just because you are traveling the world together doesn’t mean everything is going to be perfect all of a sudden. There is a chance that things will go wrong and that people will make mistakes. Many people put pressure on their world travels that it is suddenly going to fix every problem in their life and if something goes wrong, they blow it out of proportion because they have spent money to travel. If things aren’t going as planned you still need to treat each other with respect. It’s important not to point fingers or lay blame.

10. Hugs go a long way

adventure travel couple dave and deb in New Zealand

When things go wrong, give each other a hug . Dave and I have found that a simple hug can make things better. I know that my temper can run higher than Dave’s, and often when I’m fuming mad, he’ll say to me “ come over here and give me a hug .” He won’t take no for an answer and once I give him a hug, I start laughing and realizing that I was frustrated over nothing.

11. Don’t Fall into the Trap of Being Pals

traveling as a couple dave and deb

It’s easy for travel couples to slip into the friend category and become ‘pals’. The worst thing a couple can do to start acting like friends. Remember, even though travel can sometimes be difficult and you are busy sightseeing or running around seeing everything on your bucket list, you need to take time for each other and act like a couple.

Body contact is important when traveling as a couple.  It is easy to forget that we are a romantic and passionate couple. You need intimacy and comfort. You have a deep bond that you need to nourish. If you find that you have focused too much on travels and not enough on each other. Slow down. Take a break and add romance.

If you slow down when traveling, take the pressure off one another, and are aware of each other’s feelings and actions, traveling as a couple can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Save to Pinterest for future inspiration for traveling as a couple.

And you’ll find after your travels that you are closer than you ever thought you could be.

  • The 16 Most Romantic Cities on Earth
  • 10 Most Romantic Italian Coastal Towns for Couples
  • The Best Adventures for Couples with a Splash of Romance
  • 11 Reasons Why Couples Will Love a Honeymoon in Jamaica
  • 9 Valentine’s Day Getaways in Ontario, Canada

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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3 thoughts on “Traveling as a Couple is Awesome But Not Easy”

I completely agree! Traveling as a couple can be amazing, but it also requires a lot of compromise and communication. My partner and I have learned to be flexible and open-minded when traveling together, and it’s made our trips so much more enjoyable. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Awesome blog – has inspired me to book a trip with my wife!

I’ve been traveling with my husband for the last 6 months. And, honestly, we get along better than we did at home. :))

We split our days between part-time jobs and visiting new places. And in all these months we became more and more stress-free, more flexible, more understanding. We met new wonderful people and we learned step by step to enjoy life beyond work.

Probably, from everything you said, communication and patience are the base of all the other things.

travelling the world together


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14 Reasons Traveling as a Couple is the Best Thing for the Relationship

February 20, 2023

Paula Martinelli

Traveling as a couple can help a couple to stay together, but most importantly, STAY HAPPY TOGETHER. You are about to find out from these 14 reasons couples should travel together, and how traveling as a couple helps to bring us together in a better and healthier way.

I have been practicing the best couple therapy out there for 16 years now: Couple’s Travel Therapy! 15 years ago I met my American husband in Brazil while he was living and working there. I was just back in Brazil from living in England and was finishing my MBA.

It was a very good sign for both of us. He took the challenge to work abroad and I was just back from studying abroad and ready for the next adventure anywhere in the world. After a year, of exploring Brazil together, we moved to the USA.

16 years and 40+ countries later traveling as a couple, we continue our journey to visit the Top Dream Destinations in the world , with no plans to slow down. So without any further ado, let’s dive into the joy and lessons learned about traveling as a couple

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14. Make new friends when you travel together

Thailand is a great destionation for couples

The Truth Behind Traveling as a Couple

If I said my marriage is perfect, I’d be lying. Of course, we have our ups and downs just like any couple, but I consider that we have many more ups. And I attribute it to doing things together that we both enjoy and our passion for traveling as a couple and Pin the Planet  together.

Because of this shared passion, we built a solid and happy relationship, based on  love ,  trust,  and  excitement  to discover the next adventure. We love to explore the world together, meet people and make new friends, and build memories in this journey called “life”.

The excitement renews, as the cycle continues:

  • Dream about the next destination ,
  • Plan our trip,
  • Agree and disagree on the itinerary,
  • Talk about our experiences when we are back
  • Start to dream about the next destination…

Traveling as a couple

14 Reasons you should be Traveling as a Couple

1. have a common purpose.

Couples who travel together, stay together because they are doing what you love. For me, traveling equates to exploration, learning, and discovering new cultures, places, and ideas.

Even traveling to a place close to home for a weekend getaway is a break from the routine and a reminder that life is more than what we see on a daily basis.

Couples should travel together, as any new adventure renews the relationship. It is so refreshing to go somewhere new, and at the same time have the anchor of your spouse/best friend by your side.

PRO TIP:  Dreaming together about discovering and exploring your next destination and planning endless adventures with your partner helps to fire up the relationship.  Get inspired with some of the top vacation destinations for couples. Check these 150+ quotes for couples who travel together to add to your next social media post 😉

New Zeland is a great destionation to travel as a couple

2. Finding balance together

A secret to happiness and success in any area of our lives is to find balance. Traveling as a couple is a perfect way to practice balance, as you will have to learn and adapt to the weaknesses and strengths of your partner and vice versa.

If you don’t like to bungee jump, you can take pictures of your partner in action – but the important thing is to respect each other’s style and individual preferences, and find a way to participate in the experiences together.

PRO TIP: We find different ways to balance that make our trips even better. When we order food at a restaurant, we try each other’s food and drinks. We take turns driving or taking pictures. We make plans on the go and adapt to the unexpected together. Check out a self-drive safari adventure in Botswana .

Couples travel together

3. Traveling as a couple helps to get out of the routine

I believe everyone would agree that the best way to kill any relationship, is to have a routine, without anything to look forward to. Imagine a relationship where you work and pay bills while you save for your retirement. Does it sound familiar?

PRO TIP: Get out of the routine now! Book a trip and get excited about it. It doesn’t have to be any crazy exotic place or take a plane across the world – what about a romantic Staycation like the one we did here in Florida ? Or rent a romantic cabin in Vermon t? Or you can simply take a weekend off and just drive somewhere different once in a while. The important thing is, to get out of your routine! Now!

travelling the world together

4. Experience the new together

Build excitement by discovering a new place, meeting new people, tasting a new dish, trying that local wine….Or maybe renting a castle or a villa in Tuscany for a romantic retreat!? Or rent an RV and go on a road trip , it is one of the best ways to share everything for a few days.

There are countless opportunities to experience the new together. I love trying new things, having new experiences, and making the most of life…, especially with my husband. TRAVELING AS A COUPLE!

PRO TIP: After you book a trip, you have plans to make together. On the trip, you will have so many experiences to share and memories to build.  Live in the moment , treasure the present and all of the new discoveries. We frequently talk about our past trips and relive the memories and experiences, and talk about possible future destinations.

travelling the world together

5. Practice detachment when you travel as a couple

It is so easy to get caught up in material things, and to develop the habit of “having things”.

If both are in sync and decide to save money for traveling, it is another positive thing for the relationship. There are additional benefits. Your house won’t be cluttered with things that you don’t need for example.

PRO TIP: When you are on the road and traveling together you’ll face all sorts of situations, such as not having A/C, the most comfortable bed, a Western bathroom, or a hot shower – such as his experience we had to live with a hill tribe in Vietnam …. Detachment is a great exercise to practice while you travel, and even better when you have a partner in crime and practice it together, as a couple.

Couples should travel together

6. Build memories when traveling as a couple

What can be better than building memories? Build memories with your best friend…together as a couple!

Memories are the only really valuable thing we can build in this life that we will hold forever. Making memories together is a sure way to stay in love. Capture some of those moments in pictures and relive the memories…it is almost as good as being there again.

PRO TIP: Plan that honeymoon you never took or book a trip for your anniversary. Or if you have kids, yes, go on a family vacation. Create memories for your family as well. Consider going to Anna Maria Island in Florida for example, is a great couple (or family) vacation.

Traveling as a couple in Namibia

7. Have a great communication

My husband and I ALWAYS have something to talk about!

How many times have you been in a restaurant, looked around, and seen a couple sitting at a table not talking? Instead, one or both are just playing with their phones?  Couples that travel together, always have something to talk about. Our last trip was an amazing Road Trip in Alaska on an RV – and months after our trip, we are still talking about it.

PRO TIP: We often find ourselves talking about past trips and experiences or future options for trips. When you are with family and friends, you will be the  cool couple  who will have something interesting to share, and hopefully, inspire your friends to go on an adventure too. Or, inspire your kids to explore the world.

couples trip

8. Become the best friends

What is your definition of a Best Friend? If it’s someone who stands by your side, no matter what and someone who accepts you just as you are, we would agree.

PRO TIP: You don’t always have to agree, for example when choosing the next Deam Destination to visit, but as long as you have someone to share the amazing moments, and also the hurdles of traveling (or life). It doesn’t matter the challenges you go through or the differences, you have each other and that is all you need.

couples travel together in Paris

9. Traveling as a couple helps to get to know each other

Most couples come from different backgrounds. In my case, we REALLY come from different backgrounds – Brazilian vs. American.

It is the beauty of our relationship. We add, accept, and appreciate, without trying to change each other. We are constantly learning from each other and also together as a couple – and I considered our trip to Namibia in Africa , one of the best opportunities we had to find out more about each other. My husband was a hero driving so many hours and still, cooking dinner while we camped in remote areas.

PRO TIP: Couples should travel together since we learn something new and see things differently. Each person has a unique experience and perspective – even though they are doing the same thing. The chance to exchange our perceptions amplifies and enriches the experience. Whether you are from different cultures or not, sharing your thoughts on your adventure makes it so much better.

travelling the world together

10. Helps to control finances when traveling together

OK…another point that can be very critical and a sensitive topic in any relationship. MONEY! My husband and I share our expenses for our trips. It works great for us, but maybe it is not the case for every couple.

Whatever works for you, the important thing is to have financial control, and this is another great excuse why couples should travel together, as it is a great exercise to control the financials for a great purpose.

PRO TIP: Make a budget together, and travel within your budget. Not changing the car this year, because you have decided to travel instead? As long as both agree, you will be happy to feel that as a couple, adventure makes it so much better. Try to budget for a cheaper destination, such as Backpacking in South America or a Trip to Vietnam are great options.

Traveling together in New Zealand

11. Build an expectation for the future

This is one of my favorite reasons why we should travel as a couple. Remember how great the future was at the beginning of the relationship. It should continue to be like that. The future just keeps getting better.

For a relationship to last, it is important to have positive feelings about the future. Making plans together (no matter how small), keeps your life paths intersecting. Planning and discussing the future is one big way to make sure you have a future together.

PRO TIP: Build excitement and create anticipation of something that you can do together. Share a dream and realize the dream together. Check these 12 Tips to be in shape for your next vacation , and workout with your partner is also a great reason to do things together.

fit couple getting fit for the next vacation

12. Appreciate each other

You rely on each other. During moments of weakness, the other is strong. As I type this one, I am giggling behind my computer remembering things that I have made my husband do, such as hiking the Himalayas at a fast pace while I made him keep up with me just to record a video of me.

Or make him drive a safari in Africa for 12 hours with a pelvic bone broken after an accident, because I was so excited about photographing animals and I didn’t even realize we were driving for so long – OK…my husband is a rock star!

PRO TIP: Even on the little things, remember to appreciate your partner for their efforts. We all like to be appreciated, and what may seem small for you, can be a big challenge for the others. Come on, hiking the high altitudes of the Himalayas during winter is not that hard.

Traveling as a couple to Nepal

13. Continue to discover more things in common

It’s amazing how traveling together helps the couple find LOTS of things in common. You will be in different situations and you will learn so much more about each other. Not only will you learn about your partner, but you will also learn a lot about yourself.

Traveling has a tendency to do that to people. Couples should travel together because we broaden our viewpoints and grow in amazing ways. Traveling with your partner allows you to grow individually and together.

PRO TIP: Every year I include a different hike during our trip, and we train together for our vacation, besides bringing us together we also encourage each other to be healthy and fit. Check the Best Hikes in Italy or the Best Hikes in South America for inspiration.

couple trip to Tibet

Last, but not least – Couples that travel together make new friends. And who doesn’t like to make new and great friends? Traveling has the power to bring amazing friends from all over the Planet, and from different cultures.

Instead of having only “his friends” and “her friends” we enjoy making and sharing the same friends together. My husband is introverted while I am not at all, and I just love watching him make the effort and interact with our new friends, and it helps me to see him with new and fresh eyes every time when we travel together.

PRO TIP: As important as making new friends, is to keep your friends. I am a natural communicator and I just love to be close to my friends. Once in a while, we have calls together with our friends we make from all over the world, we change messages, pictures and follow up on each other. Bonding with these new friends helps us to bond with each other.

In Namibia when we traveled on a road trip

Trip Ideas to Travel as a Couple

But before we jump into the 14 reasons you should be traveling as a couple, let me recommend these 10 amazing trip ideas for your Couple Trip Bucket list that I think you will love:

  • Check the top 30 Dream Destinations with your love!
  • One of the most romantic getaways with your love is to go On a trip to visit Tuscany, Italy
  • If you and your partner in crime love the outdoors and nature, I recommend going on a Road trip to Alaska, USA
  • Take your next trip to another level and go on an adventure Road Trip in Namibia, Africa
  • If you love wildlife and outdoor adventures you can plan and go on a Safari in Botswana
  • One of the best destinations on the planet for couples is to take a Road Trip to Iceland
  • Looking to surprise your love? Go on an RV Road trip together
  • A very romantic destination is to Spend Christmas in Austria
  • If you are looking to get married or even renew your vows, the best place is Honeymoon Island in Florida
  • An awesome romantic retreat that you may love is the paradise island of Anna Maria Island in Florida

Traveling as a couple is pure joy

Traveling as a Couple Conclusion

Traveling as a couple is fun! As you can see from this list of 14 reasons couples should travel together, it helps to bring us together as a couple. 

Stress will arise and challenges will present themselves. Still, if you are not having fun together, and building memories, you should reset your relationship and find reasons to have fun together. 

Life is tough at times, and I am just glad that my husband and I get to go through it together and we enjoy things in common, such as traveling as a couple. 

If you have any comments or experiences to share, I would love to hear from you, just leave me a comment below.

You may also enjoy reading:

  • 150+ Travel Quotes for Couples + Sharable Images
  • The Perfect Alaska road trip for couples
  • 12 Tips to be in shape for your next vacation

Travling as a couple

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33 thoughts on “14 Reasons Traveling as a Couple is the Best Thing for the Relationship”

Very beautiful couple,beautiful photo and place you travel . Happy valentine day .

Super points Paula! Kelli and I circled the globe for 8 years so far. Being out of routines as we travel bonds us, helping us get closer as we go with the flow in non comfy conditions. Excellent post.

Thank you Ryan, you guys encourage me to continue to travel as a couple also. You guys rock!

Thank you so much! I cannot wait to go back to Nepal in 2020

These are great reasons! I love traveling with my husband because it creates so many amazing memories for us. I also think it helps with communication and being able to get out of stressful situations.

Hi Francesca, I agree 100% with you. Traveling together improves so much the relationship and communication skills. It seems that every trip we go, things in regular life becomes much easier to handle, because we have been through so much together that the every day stuff becomes easier to deal with.

Nossa realmente fantástico, mas do que um casal, parceiros de viagens, cumplices de sonhos, jornadas e acontecimentos únicos. As fotos são de tirar o folego e muito criativas por sinal. Difícil achar mais alguém no mundo que se conheçam tão intensamente e consigam viver juntos tantas aventuras. O baú de memórias deve estar repleto de experiências e felicidades … conhecer este mundão todo não tem preço. Mais que tudo PARCECEIROS DE VIDA. Parabéns o blog está maravilhoso e super informativo, mas não podia deixar passar tanta intensidade.

Muito obrigada Patricia – isso mesmo, viajar, explorar o novo e nos aventurar juntos ajuda muito a fortalecer o relacionamento. Fico muito feliz que gostou do blog 😉

We have so many things in common, and so many differences. I think we share some key interests and passions that bind us together. Sharing a love for travel, animals, fitness, adventure and exploration strengthen our love for each other. Respecting our differences and savoring our mutual enjoyment of all this life has to offer is the juice that keeps us going! Te amo para sempre!

Such great post and great reasons! I loved each one of it. My husband did not like to get out of home before but I used to drag him and now he loves to travel too!

Some really great thoughts! And I completely agree with everything, especially those not so sexy things like learning to manage money together etc. I feel like my partner and I are always bonded on a new level after a trip 🙂

I’d be lost without my husband on some of my travels, quite literally…he’s the navigator. Great post!

I love this! Thank for sharing and being honest, I love your takeaways. I smiled and giggled as some rang true for us too. You’re so lucky to have a travel life partner!

I absolutely love this post. My husband and I travel together all of the time. I love how it gives us special memories and experiences that we can share in together. I wouldn’t trade my time with him for anything!

I love your post, you made excellent points. Definitely spending time with my husband, while we are traveling, helps a lot in our relationship. He is my favorite travel companion.

HI Cathia – it is awesome that you and your husband are great travel companions, it is so healthy for any relationship. Keep on traveling with the hubby 😉

I am so glad to see when couples are building memories together through travels Michelle. It is for sure one of the best things for a happy and healthy relationship, right?

Thanks Shannon, it is just so fun to explore the world together and to share moments that will last a lifetime. We don’t always travel together – I would say I travel more than he does – but traveling with my husband has been always so amazing and fun!

I love it Agnes – the same here! My husband is the navigator most of the time too. All we need to do is to use our “super powers” to complement each other, and make the traveling an amazing experience 😉

Hi Casey, you are right – I always thought that money is a sensitive topic, as we all have our different backgrounds and different ways to make and spend it. But my husband and I, besides the differences, we do pretty well saving for our travels and sharing bills….and yes, the bond after each trip is so real, isn’t it!?

I am so glad to hear that your husband loves traveling now, and that you guys are building amazing memories together. My husband and I have always loved to travel, even before we met. We combined our our desire to continue to explore the world together, and it works so great for us.

Yes we do! Where is the next destination? 🙂

I really appreciate this post! My significant other and I don’t get to travel together, really, and this is a nice list of things to think about of how to travel together/what to do together.

Tabitha, what about if you go over this list with your significant other and give it a try for at least a short trip and see how it goes? It may end up being a magical experience 😉

Great post, I couldn´t agree more about everything you wrote. For me the best besides spending time together and making unforgettable memories is also the fact we sometimes face difficult and unpleasant moments while travelling and we have to solve those problems together. This certainly bonds us as well and I´m happy we´re able to do deal with the good & the bad. Fingers crossed we can all travel properly soon again 🙂

This is such a great article! I definitely believe that couples who travel together stay together. I hope to one day meet someone who loves adventuring around the world as much as I do. 🙂

My husband and I miss traveling together so much! What beautiful locations youv’e seen together. True travelers. Pinned as inspiration after COVID is over and we can all get back to traveling!

Great reasons you’ve listed! I always travel with my partner now and love it!

I cannot wait to travel safely again and continue to explore our Planet together

Hi Taylor, I am sure you will find an adventure partner – it is so awesome to just share moments with someone who thinks like you.

That is so true Katja – we grow together and each trip we go together I just a few that we have more things in common and it brings us closer together. Thanks for your comment

So true and so wonderfully you have explained. Though I’m more of a solo traveler. But I’m sure traveling with a like-minded partner also must be a real fun.

Thank you so much – I am also a solo traveler, and when I can, I travel with my husband, and you are right, it is so great when we find a like-minded partner to travel with. It is not easy to find one, but when we do, it makes the trip even better to have someone else to share the new adventures.

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30 Best Quotes about Traveling with Friends

Home | Travel | 30 Best Quotes about Traveling with Friends

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These quotes about traveling with friends will inspire you to round up all your favorite travel buddies and plan your next big adventure together. After all, friends make great company when you’re traveling, since they’re supportive, fun, and hopefully up for anything.

This collection of friendship adventure quotes has it all, from short travel quotes with friends and friends road trip quotes to funny friends trip quotes and inspirational quotes about traveling and friends . You’ll be amazed and inspired by all of the incredible things people have said about friendship and travel.

  • Short travel quotes with friends
  • Funny sayings about travel with friends
  • Road trip with friends quotes
  • Inspirational friendship and travel quotes

Don’t forget to save your favorite friends and travel quotes to share with your best buds. You can read them while you’re sitting around the campfire, when you’re on the road together, or to help pass the time on a trail. If you want even more inspiration, be sure to check out our list of the top 100 quotes about travel .

Short Travel Quotes with Friends

These short friends on vacation quotes are perfect for sharing with your pals before you start out on your next adventure.

1. “A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.

This quote about traveling with friends points out that a great trip is not just about the friends you bring with you. It’s also about the friends that you make along the way – hopefully, lots!

2. “Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Izaak Walton

Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter

As this quote about adventures with friends suggests, traveling with friends makes the journey fly by. You’ll be having so much fun that you’ll arrive at your destination before you know it!

3. “Friends that travel together, stay together.” – Unknown

Friends that travel together, stay together

I love this journey with friends quote because it’s so true that travel is a great way to bond. You go through so much together in a short time, which creates memories that will last a lifetime.

4. “There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with.” – Kristen Sarah

There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with

Traveling with a friend means you’ll share unforgettable experiences that will hopefully bring you closer together.

5. “Life was meant for great adventures and close friends.” – Unknown

Life was meant for great adventures and close friends

If you’ve got a bad case of wanderlust and love to travel with friends, then this friendship journey quote is for you!

6. “Good friends follow you anywhere.” – A.A. Milne

Good friends follow you anywhere

This adventure quote with friends shows that the best friendships involve lots of support, loyalty, and spending time together. Hopefully, you’ve found friends who want to travel the world with you!

7. “As with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination.” – Unknown

As with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination

As anyone who’s traveled with not-so-great company will know, this quote about friends traveling together is spot-on. Having your best friends by your side as you explore is sure to enhance any travel experience.

8. “If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together.” – African Proverb

If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together

This lovely quote about trips with friends goes to show that mutual support can take you far, both physically and emotionally.

9. “There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go.” – Anonymous

There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go

If you’re on the fence about traveling with your best friend, this travel with best friend quote is your sign to start planning your trip together!

10. “As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.” – A.A. Milne

As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen

As this friendship and travel quote suggests, sometimes you just know when someone’s going to make a great travel companion. Have you met your adventure buddy yet?

Funny Sayings about Travel with Friends

These funny travel with friends quotes capture the fun, hilarious side of going on an adventure with your closest buddies.

11. “Sometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas.” – Thelma & Louise

Sometimes all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas

Thelma & Louise is an iconic movie about friendship and a road trip, so this quote about road trips with friends is the perfect choice if you need a good caption for a photo from your big adventure.

12. “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them

Hopefully, you’ll already know whether you like traveling with your friends before you go on a trip together. However, as this witty quote about trips with friends shows, you may just find out while you’re traveling.

13. “You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring!” – Unknown

You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring

As this friends holiday quote suggests, it’s always a good idea to bring a friend along on your travels. After all, they’ll be great to have in just about any situation!

14. “We are more than friends. We are like a small travel gang!” – Anonymous

We are more than friends. We are like a small travel gang

If you and your friends travel together frequently, you’ll probably relate to this quote about best friends traveling together .

Road Trip with Friends Quotes

These friends road trip quotes will help you get excited about heading out on the open road together.

15. “Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road.” – A Goofy Movie

Just grab a friend and take a ride, together upon the open road

As this road trip with friends quote shows, friends make the ideal company for a long trip full of driving.

16. “Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies – fully loaded, we got snacks and supplies. It’s time to leave this town, it’s time to steal away. Let’s go get lost anywhere in the U.S.A.” – Red Hot Chili Peppers

Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies – fully loaded, we got snacks and supplies. It’s time to leave this town, it’s time to steal away. Let’s go get lost anywhere in the U.S.A

There’s nothing quite like going on a road trip with your best friends. This quote about a road trip with friends sums up the fun of going on a long journey filled with snacks and good songs on the radio.

17. “Everyone needs a friend that will call and say, ‘Get dressed, we are going on an adventure.” – Unknown

Everyone needs a friend that will call and say, ‘Get dressed, we are going on an adventure

This outing with friends quote captures the excitement of going on a spontaneous friends’ trip. Not all big adventures need to be planned !

Inspirational Friendship and Travel Quotes

These inspirational quotes about friends traveling together will put you in the right mood to plan an epic friends’ vacation.

18. “A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.” – Unknown

A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you

As this friends adventure quote points out, some friends will want to go with you on your travels, while others will just be happy to hear your stories. Both are great types of friends to have!

19. “We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend

This beautiful quote about travel with friends works for travel and also as a metaphor for life. Friendships really do make our lives (and trips!) better.

20. “The fastest way to make a friend for life is to travel with a stranger.” – Unknown

The fastest way to make a friend for life is to travel with a stranger

This friendship and travel quote makes an interesting point since travel is a great way to bond with people. Still, you’re probably better off traveling with people you already know!

21. “I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone.” – Leonardo DiCaprio

I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone

While some people love solo travel, others find it hard to be alone in strange places. If you’re someone who needs a friend to travel with you, don’t worry – you’re not alone!

22. “Travel has a way of removing the gaps in your friendship timeline.” – Christina Pfeiffer

Travel has a way of removing the gaps in your friendship timeline

As this travel and friendship quote suggests, going on a trip together can be a wonderful way to catch up with an old friend.

23. “The more I travelled, the more I realized fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine

The more I travelled, the more I realized fear makes strangers of people who should be friends

I love this quote for travel with friends because the idea that the world is full of potential friends is a beautiful one. Time to get out there and start meeting your new best buds!

24. “When you get lost in a really strange place, nothing is more comforting than finding your friend whom you trust and can show the way.” – Toba Beta

When you get lost in a really strange place, nothing is more comforting than finding your friend whom you trust and can show the way

This traveling with friends quote expresses the joy and comfort that come from having a familiar friend with you in an unfamiliar place. Friends can provide that feeling of home, even when you’re far away.

25. “Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to.” – Unknown

Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to

This best friend travel quote is a celebration of close friendship. I hope you’ve found a friend who makes you feel that free!

26. “Let’s wander, and decorate our memories with wild love, epic adventures, and soul talk with badass people. Help me collect stories people won’t believe, and memories that will keep us warm when we’re old.” – Brooke Hampton

Let’s wander, and decorate our memories with wild love, epic adventures, and soul talk with badass people. Help me collect stories people won’t believe, and memories that will keep us warm when we’re old

As this memorable trip with friends quote reminds us, a trip with your friends will give you lots of amazing memories that you can relive again and again.

27. “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou

Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends

This beautiful quote about friendship and travel is a wonderful approach to viewing the world. Thinking about strangers as potential friends makes travel exciting and a way of becoming closer to others.

28. “Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world.” – Chris Bradford

Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world

As this friends travel together quote points out, friendships are one of the most beautiful, powerful parts of our lives. Traveling with friends means carrying a bit of home with us everywhere.

29. “It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.” – Anonymous

It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey

This friends travel together quote expresses the power of friendship to transform our lives for the better.

30. “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” – Maya Angelou

A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face

This travel and friends quote reminds us to see the people we encounter around the world as people like us, who we have more in common with than we might think.

I hope these quotes about adventures with friends spark your imagination and inspire you to travel the world with your best friends! Don’t forget to share your favorite quotes with your travel buddies or use them as captions for traveling with friends .

Happy traveling!

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The Gap Decaders

Ten Truths of Travelling Together

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The Highs & Lows of Traveling Together

Long term travelling as a couple takes commitment and a lot of work. Travel together and you will grow as a couple, strengthen your bonds and share the most incredible experiences, which can only make them more special. Here’s why.

Judging by the number of couples travel quotes  out there, plenty of you are heading off to see the world as a travelling twosome. From your first weekend trip together to traveling Europe as a couple, we share the highs and lows of travelling together and our tips to help love on the road thrive.

travelling the world together

It Takes Two

Working together to solve problems, plan a trip or conquer unknowns is powerful and one of the best reasons to travel as a couple . Team work to overcome adversity develops trust, and respect will evolve as you recognise each other’s strengths. If you can get through all the challenges that come with long-term travel, then you can get through anything together.

Our Tip – Successful travelling couples practice unconditional positive regard when things are tricky. We all make mistakes under pressure and the blame game is not helpful when you’re on the road.

Grow Together

When you explore together, you’ll have many amazing couples bucket list travel experiences . Being able to share them with the person you love, who also happens to be your travelling companion, intensifies the experience and opens your mind to other perceptions. These shared encounters and events connect you and help lead you to a deeper understanding of your partner and what makes them tick. 

Our Tip – Listen to, and embrace your different views and learn to appreciate them in each other.  Life (and couples travel) would be boring if we were all the same.

Travelling together

Know the Real Person

Away from work and the social norms, with nothing but time and plans, you’ll find space to talk, debate and discuss. With this will come a deeper insight and understanding of your partner and how you both feel about key life issues, from relationships, politics, religion and everything in between.

Our Tip – Don’t expect to agree all the time. Discuss major differences of opinion that are fundamental to your values and beliefs and work out if they are going to impact long term.  

Celebrate Your Differences

Travel as a couple gives you the perfect opportunity to observe each others idiosyncrasies. They may seem small, but when you’re on the road together, day in, day out, quirks can feel much bigger than they really are. You may be lucky enough to follow the same showering routine, driving style or packing habits, but when your other half has whistled ‘American Pie’ (badly) for the 100th time as you drive your campervan around New Zealand, a deep breath may be required!

Our Tip – Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Learn to see past it.  Or, arrange for a few days of non couple travel and do your own thing.

Ideas for Couples Travel

Amalfi Coast Road Trip

See the Worst

When you’re tired and your day hasn’t quite worked out, it’s likely you’ll take out your negativity on the one constant in your travelling life. Hungry, angry, tired and sick are all factors that will have you reaching for your stress ball of a travel mate.   

Our Tip – If you’re feeling slightly more positive, bouy up your other half until you’ve had a beer and something to eat. Find someone else to talk to or share your meal with; other people can help diffuse tense situations. It will pass and you’ll learn to know the signs of an impending meltdown.

Falling Out is Hard to Do

All couples that travel together fall out.  Manage your expectations around that from day one.  When it happens it will feel like hell until you resolve whatever the cause was.

Our Tip – Big shouty arguments are not ideal on the road.  Learn to recognise the signs and respond before you act in the heat of the moment.  Storming out of a hotel room or hostel into the night of a foreign city is never a good idea.  Budget travel can often be a catalyst; agree how you will spend your money before you leave and stick to it.

See each other at your best; glowing from the sun, laughing and carefree. If you’re into adventure travel, share the adrenalin rush together. Knowing this version of your best selves will help you appreciate your worst selves and laugh instead of cry when the going gets tough.

Our Tip – Laugh; the more you do it, the more you will.

Travelling as a couple

Make Memories

You will look back on this time when you’re older and be in awe of all the things you did and places you saw. You may travel long into your lives or this may be your one ‘big’ trip together before careers, kids and bills get in the way.  Whichever, the memories you make will carry you through tough times and tide you over when things get hard.

Our Tip – Live in the moment, you will never have this time again.  Glory in being free and having the world at your feet.  Take lots of photographs.

Find Purpose

Don’t slob around in yesterday’s pants, and aspire to be a travel bum. Find a purpose as you travel together. This may be working as a digital nomad, blogging and sharing travel tips, taking an online course or capturing your travels on whichever social media is your bag. Whatever it is, purpose brings interest, debate and meaning to your relationship.

Our Tip – Find ‘me’ time to pursue your thing; you can’t be on the road all the time.

Give Your Time

Couples travelling together should make time for each other. It’s easy to get caught up in social media, planning and working out where you’re stopping tonight. Making time means listening, supporting and being in the moment, together.

Our Tip – Put down the devices, forget social media and give 100% unadulterated you to the person you love.

Couples should travel together. You will be stronger, aligned and connected through shared travel experiences. If you can travel together, you can do anything together! Check out these travelling together quotes for more inspiration.

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Ten Truths of Travelling Together

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Relationship Goals: Couples Who Travel Together Stay Together

travelling the world together

They say that travelling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. Well, I’m pleased to tell you that it’s true! Whether it’s solo travellers exploring the world on their own, or couples who travel together because of their mutual desire to discover new cultures (and one another), travelling changes lives.

That’s why we’ve asked a few of our favourite nomadic couples to share insights into their lives and reveal how you and yours can become experts at travelling together. Pull a chair and grab hold of the one you love as these travel bloggers describe how exploring the world in two’s impacted them, what they’ve learnt about each other and how they conquered the stressful moments.

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Collette and Scott, Roamaroo

Traveling together as a couple has strengthened our friendship, deepened our trust for one another, and built a solid foundation of mutual respect. We rely on one another, we confide in one another – we are each other’s best friends and one true love. While we both love travelling far away, we’ve realized that our happy place is anywhere with family.

When you’re travelling in close quarters and living out of a suitcase for 18+ months, disagreements and hiccups are bound to happen. Along with our travels, we’ve had food poisoning, we’ve gotten robbed, we’ve had flights cancelled, endured 10+ hour delays and 14+ hour plane rides, but we did it all with a sense of humour.

We try not take these little (or big) hiccups too seriously because after all, we’re grateful for the opportunity to be travelling together. In the big picture, as long as we have each other, those little “problems” seem even more minuscule.

Amy and Andrew, Our Big Fat Travel Adventure

Travelling together has definitely made our relationship stronger; in fact we just celebrated four years of travel by getting married here in Thailand ! When we lived in London we were so busy working that we saw each other for just a few hours each evening and on the weekends.

Now, we’re together practically 24/7 since we both work online and travel together full time. Since leaving the UK in 2013 we’ve figured out that to be happy we both need to do work we enjoy, have the freedom to live in different parts of the world and just be together.

There are always stressful moments when we travel though. Andrew is prone to getting food poisoning and I struggle when I don’t get enough sleep. We tend to argue when we’re hot, tired and lost, but we always move on from our fights quickly and never hold a grudge. When we were both teaching in Vietnam I’d regularly come home in despair after another disastrous lesson with 50 screaming grade one kids. Andrew was always there to calm me down though and he even took over some of my worst classes!

Petra and Shaun, The Global Couple

Travelling together as a couple has made our relationship so much stronger. When you’re with your other half 24/7 in challenging situations, you learn to help and rely on each other. Our travels have helped us to mature and be more respectful of people from all walks of life, something that can be quite difficult to do if you never leave home. It’s also made us capable of being in small spaces together, so much so that we’ve recently built a tiny house!

We’ve learnt that we are so lucky to love travelling together as a couple. Some couples can’t travel together, but we thrive on it. When one of us gets grumpy and goes silent, food is usually the problem! We’ve learnt to not let ourselves get hungry (or hangry!) on our travels by always having snacks in our bags and stopping regularly for food.

We’re pretty lucky in that we hardly ever have disagreements, but if we do then we try to reach a solution together.

See Also: 12 Reasons Everyone Loves Italy (and why you will too)

Alex and Sebastian, Lost with Purpose

After being on the road together for more than a year, we’ve learned that being attuned to each other’s needs is the most important thing we can do as a couple. In the beginning, we were each too preoccupied with our own needs to notice the other’s, and it led to exasperated bickering over everything from our itinerary to what kind of chips we should buy.

These days, when those moments arrive, we either go separate ways until we can cool off, or we force ourselves to be patient and consider each other’s needs. If I’m too hot and want to get ice cream, Sebastian will come with me and get one too, even if he’s not hungry.

If Sebastian wants to take a nap in the middle of the day, I’ll sit and read or work on our blog until he’s rested and ready. We’ve become much more understanding of each other, and it’s much better than arguing over nothing!

Alex and Bell, Wanderlust Marriage

We met in a hostel in Brugge, Belgium while travelling solo just after college in 2002. Our first planned trip together was a rendezvous in Thailand in 2004, and we ended up getting engaged there. We then got married in Bell’s hometown of Melbourne, Australia in 2005.

If we didn’t plan that trip to Thailand together, maybe we wouldn’t be where we are today. We definitely owe nearly 12 years of marriage to travel because that’s how we met, and it’s still a common passion. We’ve even lived in Europe together for 6 years, between Amsterdam and Dublin, which we may not have otherwise done on our own.

Bell is generally more adventurous in an outdoorsy way. But we both push each other to do different things. I’m more comfortable making last minutes plans and bookings, whereas Bell prefers to plan in advance (she’s become way more flexible over the years).

We do argue sometimes when we travel, some of which stems from long travel days. It’s a good idea to take a timeout from each other when things heat up in a negative way. With a little time apart, it can be easier to resolve the situation later. Don’t be afraid to split up for an afternoon if you each have something different that you want to experience.

Jack and Jen, Who Needs Maps

One of the biggest reasons we are together is actually because we travelled. In fact, travel has saved our relationship. We were a long distance couple for about 4 years and would travel to meet in the middle. Together we have travelled to about 22 countries, learning about each other, pushing each other beyond our fears, and exploring new places in the world together. It has made us a stronger, more adventurous, and understanding couple.

Patience and compromise. We both have different travel styles and try to accomplish different things while we travel. So we have to be patient with each other (because now you’re with each other 24/7 and almost everything can turn into an argument) and listen to what they want to accomplish on the journey. Then we compromise.

When you go from not seeing each other for 6 months to being with them every second of the day, adjusting becomes difficult. Everything from the way they chewed their gum to being too hot to sharing a bed would set us off. But it comes back down to taking a step back, understanding where you are (travelling with your other half), and compromising.

There will be arguments along the road and if you don’t stop and talk about it, the rest of your travels will be on eggshells. In the worst case, you can just sleep in another bed and rest it off!

See Also: The 17 Most Affordable Places to Travel in 2017

Sandeepa and Chetan, SandeepaChetan’s Travel Blog

Tso Moriri, Ladakh, India

When you are travelling for months at a stretch, you are the only friend and companion of each other. We tend to rely on each other more than we would at home, in familiar situations. There is great comfort in knowing there’s always someone to watch your back. We get a chance to communicate a lot more with each other.

We go through so many experiences together, see so many new things, meet so many people. It’s a privilege to have someone to share all of this with. We know for sure that we can trust each other with our lives. Even in the remote corners of the world, if one of us falls sick, we know we will be taken care of.

Traveling as a couple means being together all the time! This does present its own challenges. We had reached Mendoza, supposed to be the “most romantic” city in Argentina , wine capital and all. We had just finished a super fast travel through Patagonia. We were totally on a stimulation overdose. And then we did our finances. Traveling to the far corner of the earth is not easy on the pocket, we realized we had gone a lot over budget. That and just the fatigue of continuous travel got to us. We had a huge fight.

So much so, that we even said, let’s forget all of this and go back home. But this is always temporary. We just took it slow, did normal, routine things. After a week, we were ready to hit the road again!

Stefan and Sebastien, Nomadic Boys

Travelling has brought us closer together. We are almost always together 24/7, whereas before in our 9-5 jobs in London there’d be some separation during the day. As a result we have learnt more about each other than ever before and definitely made our relationship more intense.

The main thing is to learn when to step back and let the other have some alone time – usually caused as a result of fatigue. Travelling definitely takes its toll on you, pushing you to your limits in some cases and it’s easy to snap out on your other half when feeling really tired without meaning to. We’ve learnt when this moment arises in each other and know when is a good time to just take a step back.

When you have that 5am flight to take, which is delayed for X number of hours and you’ve nothing to do other than hang around and wait, you start to feel so fed up that it’s easy to lash out on your other half without intending to.

This sort of scenario happens all the time and we have learnt when to expect it, what causes it and how to deal with it.

The most successful method of coping we’ve found is to try to maintain a positive attitude at all times, at least one of us. It’s the best way to deal with such scenarios especially if you can laugh them off together later.

Drew and Julie, Drive on the Left

The biggest and impactful change occurred after taking a 6-week trip through Asia in 2011. We had never travelled for that long together. We weren’t sure if we would enjoy being away from home for so long and being around each other all the time. Needless to say, the trip went smoothly, and we both began to make changes immediately upon our return.

It may sound silly, but we both get “hangry” easily and with horrible results. We discovered soon after we started travelling together that looking for food, while we were both starving, usually just led to an argument, then a period of bitter silence.

All in all, a quick way to needlessly ruin an afternoon when travelling. Luckily, we recognize when the “hangry” symptoms are on the horizon now, so we know to find a solution swiftly and efficiently. Everyone is happier on a full stomach, right?

From getting lost on back roads, to missed flights, or being stuck in terrible weather, things never go perfectly. So we always try to stress patience and communication with each other. We try to be open about what we want (or don’t want) to do, and try to come to a solution that works for both of us. And in the case of don’t agree on something, we exercise patience because getting angry at each other never solves anything.

See Also: How to Photograph Iceland’s Northern Lights

Jennifer and Tim, Luxe Adventure Traveler

Relationship Goals: Couples That Travel Together Stay Together

We quickly learned that we can’t read each other’s minds and it is really important to speak up. Letting things stew usually leads to a blow-up over the most minute things. Strong communication with each other helps us manage stressful situations when travelling and two minds are always better than one when solving a problem, like dealing with a cancelled flight or even just getting lost in a new city.

Brock and Tangerine, Wandering Hearts – A Travelogue by Brock and Tanj

Traveling has become part of our lives and definitely changed us a couple. It gave us a profound sense that we are just a tiny part of this big world. Traveling taught us the value of investing in experiences – sharing moments and making memorable experiences rather than buying material things. We would much rather save to go on a trip than to get a new piece of furniture or something.

Traveling made us a little restless. While most people look for consistency in their life, we always feel the need for change and yearn for the feeling of excitement you get when you enter a new place.

There is no one else that we would want to be with but each other. Traveling is fun but it’s by no means easy, and since we can make it work, our relationship must be strong. While travelling and living abroad, it transcended our marriage/bond to a deeper level.

Living and travelling abroad forces us to be together a lot. Sometimes we go weeks without having a good conversation with someone other than two of us. So, yes we fight and get sick of each other. The best thing to do in those situations is to vent and quickly move on. Letting things fester will just prolong the inevitable and ruin more of your trip.

See Also: 13 Places in Europe To Propose To Your Partner (That Aren’t the Eiffel Tower)

Bryan and Andrea, Best of World Yet

We’ve been traveling together for almost 8 years – this shared passion is part of what brought us together. For the past 2 years, however, we have been traveling nonstop. Living out of a suitcase, encountering new cultures, languages and uncomfortable situations with your partner can make or break a relationship. Travel always comes with a bit of stress but when you find the right person, dealing with this stress together will strengthen bonds.

With so much shared experience, sometimes it feels as if we are the only people in the world that can relate and understand each other. Travel changes you as an individual. It’s impossible to expand your horizons and return the same person, but when you travel as a couple, you change and grow together.

We’ve learned to focus on each other’s strengths and be aware of our individual weaknesses. Learning to do this has made us a dynamic team who can conquer nearly any situation. Bryan is very organized, logical and thorough in planning each event, thinking through every situation and various outcomes that may arise. He keeps us safe and structured. Andrea is a passionate dreamer, with the kind of determination that has made many of our adventures possible.

We’ve learned to provide space when the other needs it – sometimes a few moments of peace is enough to center your mind and reevaluate situations. It’s important that you can read your travel partner’s moods and are considerate of their needs. It’s also vital to be flexible with your plans – if one of you isn’t happy in your current environment, neither will be. We also discuss our feelings regularly to make sure this lifestyle is one that continues to make us happy.

These very honest conversations are essential in making sure we are both enjoying our time together, and living a life that we both love.

Share your stories of travelling as a couple in the comments below!

travelling the world together

Antonia is a passionate writer and an avid reader. Eat well, travel often - are some of the words she lives by. When she's not writing or reading, she loves getting out in nature, hiking or losing herself in unknown cities.

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16 Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, Taj Mahal, India, chapter travel, Lisanne van Beurden, Jeffrey Sluiter, Nomadic couple,

More and more couples are chasing the dream of travelling longterm together. This is something we’ve done too, as we’ve travelled together for over 1.5 years through Australia and Asia. Of course, travelling together isn’t all rainbows and butterflies and previously we’ve already asked  10 couples how they keep their relationship fun while travelling . This time, we asked 15 couples what the best part is about travelling together and also pitched in ourselves. So are you thinking of travelling together with your loved one? This post contains enough wanderlust to make you want it even more!

Most of these awesome couples also run a blog and/or have an amazing Instagram page about their travels, be sure to check it out! 

1. Christine & Alex from Sweden

What is the best part about travelling as a couple, Travel couple, Inspiring travel couples, Swedish Nomad, Alien Chris, Christine Wedberg, Alexander Waltner, Travelling Couples, Travelling couple, travel the world together, Swedish couple, Travel Couple Inspiration, Inspiration for travel

About Christine & Alex:  Alex & Christine are a Swedish travel blogging couple who have been travelling full-time for about three years now. They run the blogs Swedish Nomad and Alien Chris as well as sharing photos and videos from their adventures on their social media channels.

What is the best part about travelling as a couple?

Alex: The best part about travelling as a couple is all the things you learn about each other. You will experience and see sides of your partner that you would probably not see otherwise. And you will grow together and handle stressful situations as a team.

Christine: What I love most about travelling with my partner is all the memories we create together and all the moments we’re sharing as a couple. And if you feel a bit sad, you have someone who’ll give you comfort and cheer you up!

Instagram:  @swedishnomad & @alienchrisblog Blog:  Swedish Nomad & Alien Chris

2. Paulina from Poland & Pedro from Portugal

About Paulina & Pedro:  Our story began in 2015 when we first met in Barcelona. We met on the beach and from that moment on we started to hang out together. Things between us developed naturally untill the point we realize we shared the same goals and identify with each other. After that, we decided to move together, start to plan our first big trip overseas to Southeast Asia and create our travel blog. Three years passed and we developed a strong bond together, nowadays we are looking forward to new challenges.

The best part of travelling as a couple is that we are able to share our travelling experiences, joys, fears and thoughts with each other which combined strengthen our relationship. Having each other present to give sympathy, love and confidence when it’s needed is that what makes travelling as a couple a great adventure.

Instagram: @moments_of_yugen Blog: Moments of Yugen  

3. Brandon & Amy from California, USA

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, Away Lands, Amy & Brandon, chapter travel, Nomadic couple,

Travelling as a couple teaches you how your partner really, truly is at their core, and you get to know each other so strongly in such a short time frame. Because you’re constantly dealing with new situations, new places and the unexpected, you see how your partner reacts to everything – from missed flights to getting lost in a city without a cell phone, to incredible hotel rooms and seeing places that you had dreamed about your whole life for the first time. If you want to find out if a new relationship is built to last, take a trip to a foreign country early on and see if you still want to be together at the end of it.

The best of travelling as a couple is not dissimilar to the best parts of just being a couple, living together, having new experiences together, solving problems together – just on a heightened scale.

Instagram:  @bburkley  &  @amyseder Blog:  Away Lands

4. Mark & Miranda from Australia

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, The Common Wanderer, Tropic of Capricorn, chapter travel, Nomadic couple,

About Mark & Miranda:  We met 8 years ago and became close friends pretty quickly – though it took us another 3 years to actually start dating! In 2015 we quit our jobs and took to the road, travelling through South East Asia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Europe, and Southern Africa together. We’re now based in London and are enjoying a much slower pace to our travels again!

We think travelling together is one of the coolest things you can do as a couple. Being able to share all those amazing, unpredictable experiences that happen while you’re on the road with someone that you already enjoy a special bond with, is definitely the best part of travel for us. Whether it’s exploring a new country, trying to overcome a language barrier, tasting new flavours, or simply trying to survive a 42-hour bus ride (we’ve been there!), being able to navigate it all together definitely strengthens your relationship and helps you grow together. Plus we’re looking forward to reminiscing about all our adventures together when our hair is a lot greyer! On a practical level, it’s also generally cheaper, and it’s always nice to have a sense of familiarity with your person by your side.

Instagram: @thecommonwanderer Blog: The Common Wanderer  

5. Monica & Alex from Canada

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, Canada, Harbor and Hill, Monica & Alex, chapter travel, Nomadic couple,

About Monica & Alex:  Monica and Alex travelled together extensively over the last year while they took time off work. They created the travel blog Harbor & Hill to inspire others to travel, including honest travel tips, favourite spots and unique ways to explore new places.

There are two things that have been the best parts about travelling as a couple. The first, is that we get a chance to experience everything together. Taking a year off to travel the world is something we have both always dreamed of doing but never really thought would happen. As cheesy as it is, we’ve built memories together and it’s been a great bonding experience.

The second thing is that it has challenged us as a couple. Spending that much uninterrupted time with one person can be hard, especially when you’re constantly being pushed outside of your comfort zone. I’ll admit, we argued more than usual during our travels but being challenged in that way and getting through those tough days makes us think that if we can handle that, we can handle almost anything.

Instagram: @harborandhill Blog: Harbor & Hill

6. Sverrin & Bonita from the Netherlands

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, afrotravelers, Sverrin & Bonita

About Sverrin & Bonita:  In may 2016 we started our travels in South East Asia for six months and we have been wandering around Australia for almost a year now. Although we did not plan to keep on travelling for such a long time, we’re adding new countries to our bucket list on a daily basis and become more and more interested in videography and photography while our travels continue.

For us the best part of travelling as a couple is being able to enjoy the most memorable moments together. We can’t help but feel utterly blessed when we watch the Milky Way at night in the middle of nowhere through the rooftop window of our car. On a bed hard as a rock I must add, but hey, we proudly built it in there ourselves! So cliché, but moments like these have a way of making us appreciate the little things in life. Through travel ups and downs, it is great to have someone to laugh with and someone who always knows how to turn your frown up side down whenever you need it most.

Instagram: @afrotravelers

7. Mikey from Atlanta, USA & Jana from Bulgaria

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, One Love our Love

About Mikey & Jana:  We are husband and wife travel bloggers who enjoy spreading love while travelling the world. Our free spirits met in 2005 in the snowy fairytale of Vail, Colorado. We lived there for the past 12 years faling in love with each other, snowboarding and travelling the world. Now, we live in California while we still travel the world half of the year. We’ve been to 47 countries together and keep on going.

Travelling together as a couple has been the best part of our life journey. We are absolutely the happiest, more loving and positive when we are on the road. We love that we get to share so many experiences, both good and bad together. We get more inspired and we motivate each other constantly. Travelling together brings us even closer and brings the best out of us.

Instagram: @onelove.ourlove Blog: One Love Our Love

8. Esther from Midwest, USA & Jacob from Atlanta, USA

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, Local Adventurer

About Esther & Jacob:  Esther and Jacob are travel bloggers who are passionate about exploring locally and appreciating your hometown. They move to a new city every year and are currently prepping for their move to NYC.

The best part of travelling as a couple is having familiarity. I know it sounds corny to say home is wherever I’m with you, but there is truth to that saying. It is really nice having someone be your constant when everything else around you is constantly changing.

Instagram: @estherjulee  & @jacobthefu Blog: Local Adventurer

9. Cato & Sander from The Netherlands

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, ourtravelfeed, Cato en Sander,

About Cato & Sander:  We’re two dutchies who have been together for five years now. We have one big thing in common and that is that we both love to travel! Since the moment that we’ve met we started to travel around the globe. Right away we booked our very first trip. Since that moment the travel-virus kicked in! We’ve visited almost every continent and we are using all our spare time to travel around.

The best part when you travel as a couple is that you grow together! When you’re travelling as a couple, you really get to know each other. You see each other’s best and worst sides. But if you really get to know each other’s true nature and this matches with your own personality, then that’s the best basis for a longterm relationship.

Travelling as a couple is essential for strength, happiness and success in your relationship. You’re building memories that will last forever. We’re staying at the most beautiful places and we enjoy the most beautiful views together. The best thing of travelling as a couple is that we are not growing only as a person, but also in our relationship. Our travels have shown us adventures where we never dared to dream of. They also brought us closer than we ever imagined and they learned us lessons that we will never forget.

Instagram: @ourtravelfeed

10. Joanna from Brazil & Richard from England

Australia, Fitbackpacker & Richy Feet, Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, chapter travel, Nomadic couple,

About Joanna & Richard : Rich and Joanna met through couchsurfing in Brazil in 2009 when Rich was backpacking across South America. Since then, they have travelled to more than 20 countries together and aren’t planning on stopping any time soon!

Travelling can be really exhausting but sharing special moments with the person you love makes it all worth it! We have been travelling together on and off for over 4 years now and to us the best part about travelling as a couple is that we push each other to do cool stuff all the time. We both love going on hikes and getting up early to watch the sunrise when we are travelling, but sometimes we get lazy. That’s when we rely on each other the most, to make sure that we don’t just sit back and take the easy option.

Instagram: @fitbackpacker  & @richyfeet

11. Maartje & Roxanne from The Netherlands

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, Roxanne & Maartje, Once Upon a Journey

About Maartje & Roxanne:  We’re Roxanne and Maartje, two tall blonde Dutchies travelling the world together. Three years ago we started dating, moved in together, separated for half a year for Maartje’s study abroad and we found out a world travel was inevitable. We finished our bachelor degrees (physical therapy and media & culture), worked our ass off in the cinema and as a nanny and barista, sold all of our stuff and started our big adventure in March 2017. With the plan to travel as long as possible!

Sharing all those amazing moments! Experiencing things together and always having someone to talk to; it’s the best. Travelling together really strengthens the bond; you learn to be a good team and get to know each other better and better. Having a constant factor in your life when travelling long term is so important. Everything is different and new all of the time, but that special someone is always there with you!

Instagram: @onceuponajrny Blog: Once Upon A Journey  

12. Angela & Tino

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, USA, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, Dutch Nomad Couple

About Tino & Angela:  We got married in 2009, both left our 9-5 full-time corporate jobs and made the switch to a free and independent lifestyle as Nomadic Entrepreneurs. We see the world as one big playground, travel to wonderful places to enjoy other cultures and lifestyles and we are exploring our path to becoming global citizens.

We’ve reduced our belongings to a minimalistic level and have no fixed address. Pacing ourselves, we jointly research and visit the most beautiful places in the world. It isn’t our intention, nor do we, rush through cities, townships and villages but we immerse ourselves in the cultures of the places we visit. We aren’t tourists, nor are we backpackers or expats. We believe we are the new generation Citizens of the world .

Sharing experiences and creating memories, we feel, is the most rewarding and precious aspect of travelling as a couple. We enjoy total freedom and independence, which enables us to truly be a couple. A leisurely joint breakfast time followed by working towards ways to further our plans for our business venture while soaking in all which crosses our path. This being our main reason why we have chosen this liberating lifestyle.

Instagram: @dutchnomadcouple Blog: Dutch Nomad Couple

13. Yannick from Germany & Emma from England

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, Australia, Ulururu, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, Luxurybackpacking

About Emma & Yannick:  We met back in 2014 whilst backpacking on the island of Koh Phangan Thailand. We’ve travelled to over 43 countries before turning 21, documenting and photographing our way around the world one step at a time. Having worked in the luxury travel sector, we know a fair bit about travel hacking and finding deals. We’re now digital nomads helping people travel well for less on our blog.

For us, we’ve both always had a passion for travel and believe that those that travel together, stay together. Travelling as a couple has brought huge challenges; we’ve had to compromise, we’ve seen each other at our worst and best. But the best part about travelling as a couple has been the support we’ve given each other on the road. Your partner will always be there when you need someone to talk to or when you want to share your fears and aspirations. When you travel with your partner you’ll learn new things about them every day and see them in a new light than you ever would back home. Whatever way you look at it, travelling as a couple is a unique and such a rewarding experience. It will bring you closer together and create beautiful memories for you both to share that will truly last a lifetime.

Instagram: @luxurybackpacking Blog: Luxurybackpacking

14. Lena & Bassam from California, USA

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, Taj Mahal, India, chapter travel, Lisanne van Beurden, Jeffrey Sluiter, Nomadic couple, 15 Travel couples share the best thing about travelling together, Happily Ever Adventures, Bassam & Lena

About Lena & Bassam: Our goal is to find the adventure in everyday life, whether we are traveling or at home. We believe that finding the fun and adventure in everyday whether through food, home décor, travel, exploring our home, etc, makes our relationship stronger and our lives happier.

Our favorite thing about traveling together is that we have the opportunity to try new things that we ordinarily wouldn’t have. We both have really different travel styles and while it was initially challenging to combine them, our travel has become so much more well rounded. For example, I’m obsessed with adrenaline pumping activities while Bassam is scared of heights. I convinced him to take a glacier helicopter ride in Alaska and he LOVED it. Now he’s obsessed with helicopter rides and wants to do them everywhere! We even went on an open door helicopter ride in NYC.

Bassam loves that his interests have been expanded and he was able to conquer a major fear. I like to be on the go all the time when I travel and get the most out of the experience. Bassam prefers to have time to relax. Because of that we’ve incorporated a bit of a slow travel mentality, even when we don’t have time. This was initially difficult for me, but now I love it and feel I really got to experience a destination even if we didn’t get to “do” everything.

Instagram: @happilyeveradventures Blog: Happily Ever Adventures  

15. Amrita & Richard from Canada

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, @conciergecouple

About Amrita & Richard:  We are high school sweethearts who began travelling in University with the minimal funds we had and we were hooked right away. We continued to talk about the places we dreamed to go and year after year we made it happen. Any vacation time we have, we plan a getaway, whether it be far or near our goal is to keep making memories as we explore the world together. We recently had a baby boy and it is important to us to keep travelling as a couple and as a family. We want to share the world with him!

We encourage one another to get out of our comfort zones and try something new. We do have many shared interests but sometimes we have to be willing to participate in an activity we may not have otherwise chosen and it often ends up being a memorable and bonding experience. Whether it’s going to high tea, attending a sporting event or sleeping on a beach in Thailand. We both see the importance of broadening our interests and ensuring both of our dreams are being fulfilled as we explore this beautiful world.

Instagram: @conciergecouple

16. Jeffrey & Lisanne from The Netherlands

Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, Taj Mahal, India, chapter travel, Nomadic couple, Lisanne van Beurden, Jeffrey Sluiter

About Jeffrey & Lisanne: During our first official date we already talked about travelling longterm together. Since then we’ve travelled for over 1.5 years through Australia, Asia and now closer to home in Europe. On Chapter Travel Lisanne writes travel guides, tips and more, while Jeffrey is often the photographer of the two.

For us the best part about travelling as a couple is definitely creating all those special moments together. After we travelled together for so long we always have something to talk about. By travelling together you get to know each other so well too! We feel that if we shouldn’t be together, it would’ve definitely be clear by now. You’re forced to figure everything out when it goes bad and lucky to enjoy all the amazing parts in travel when everything is going great.

Instagram: @chaptertravel Blog: The one you’re currently reading! 

Hope you were inspired by all these travel couples! Do you travel with your loved one? What is the best part about travelling as a couple according to you?

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Travel Couples Share the Best Part about Travelling Together, travel couples, travelling together, wanderlust, couple inspiration, #travelcouple, what is the best part about travelling together, what is the best part about travelling as a couple, Taj Mahal, India, chapter travel, Lisanne van Beurden, Jeffrey Sluiter, Nomadic couple, 16 couples share the best things about travelling together

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Thanks so much for featuring us in this post! We loved reading about the other couples travel blogs! Team Couple Blogs! 😛

We husband and I also travel together and blog about our adventures. I enjoyed ready these responses as I could relate to each one. You definitely learn about one another, the good, the bad, and the ugly. LOL. But the memories created will forever be priceless!

Aww lovely post! Traveling as a couple is so much of a learning experience, not only for newbies but for others who have been doing so for many years. We are also a travel couple and are currently in East Europe. Would like to contribute our lessons learnt in your next series.

Great list of travel couples! Some of them I already follow on Instagram and have even met in person! Thoroughly enjoyed this post and thank you for sharing!

I’m a sucker for romance and this just made me go awwwww

Love this. I travel with my boyfriend now, though I started out with solo travel. I met him along the way and he definitely makes life so much better and travel so much easier. I just wrote about all my travel mishaps and I can honestly say, it was so much easier getting through travel mishaps with someone going through them with me. Great post!

Wow, these couples are all so inspirational! Feeling very motivated after reading this as it is my partner and my dream too to travel more long term one day! I loved what Mikey and Jana said, that travelling together as a couple has been the best part of our life journey – I feel the same and can’t wait to do much more travelling with my partner 🙂

This was such a cute read – I loved reading all the different takes on traveling long-term as a couple. It sounds like it can be really challenging. I’m not sure I could travel long-term with my partner!

Thanks Mae-Gene, travelling with your partner definitely can be challenging!

Aww you guys are all couple goals! I hope to have a partner to travel with – soon! 🙂

Ah thanks Caroline! You’ll find a perfect partner soon, I bet!!

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Quotes for Travelling with Friends

101+ Of The Best Quotes For Travelling With Friends

  • July 31, 2023
  • One Comment

Friends who travel together stay together. Keep reading for 101+ of the best travelling with friends quotes to help prepare you for an awesome trip with your buddies.

Regardless of how long you’ve known each other, travelling with friends is one of the best ways to solidify your friendship. All the incredible experiences and life-changing challenges you’ll face will bring you closer together than ever. And, of course, make for magical stories that you’ll talk and laugh about for years to come.

At the same time, travelling with somebody else can be a daunting prospect. You may have known this person all your life which is a journey of its own. However, there isn’t much that can prepare you for spending 24 hours a day with someone for two weeks, a month, or even longer.

In this article, you’ll find a realm of quotes and captions about travelling with friends that will help to convey all the emotions you might be feeling. So, whether you’re looking for something funny or inspiring. Or you just need a kick up the butt to plan that trip with your friends, there’s a quote in here for you.    

So let’s get to it; here are 101+ of the best quotes for a trip with friends.

*While I have tried my best to credit the legitimate author of each of these quotes, please do let me know if you spot any mistakes. Also, if you choose to use any of these quotes for Instagram or the like, please be sure to credit the author.   

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The Best Travelling with Friends Quotes

“The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.”  –  Unknown .

“We are all travellers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.”  –  Robert Louis Stevenson.

“A good friend listens to your adventures. A best friend makes them with you.”  –  Unknown .

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“Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to.”  –  Unknown .

“In life, it is not where you go, but who you travel with.”  –  Charles Schultz.

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“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”  –  A.A. Milne.

Journey with Friends Quotes

“Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”  –  Richard Bach.

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”  –  Marcel Proust.

“I can make new friends and teach them how to be crazy too in order to be wise. I’ll tell them not to follow the manuals of good behaviour but to discover their own lives, desires, adventures, and to live.”  –  Paulo Coehlo.

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“Friendship isn’t about being inseparable… it’s being separated and knowing nothing will change.”  –  Unknown.

“Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”  –  Marcel Proust.

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understand where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”  –  William Shakespeare.

Travelling with friends quotes

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrate it for everything that it is.”  –  Mandy Hale.

“I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth. Then I ask myself the same question.”  – Harun Yahya.

“Let’s wander, and decorate our memories with wild love, epic adventures, and soul talk with badass people. Help me collect stories people won’t believe, and memories that will keep us warm when we’re old.”  –  Brooke Hampton.

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“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”  – Anthony Bourdain.

“True friends will always push you towards the great possibilities of your future, false friends will always chain you to the mistakes in your past.”   – Seth Brown.

“Happy is the soul that has a friend. Happier is the soul that trusts in the truth of the heart of a friend. Happiest is the soul that knows the solemnity of friendship and honours its laws.”  – Ogwo David Emenike

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“Come sit with me. No agenda, no sensors. Just you and me and our favourite songs. Let’s talk about how strange the world is, and what the f**k we’re actually doing here, and then laugh until it doesn’t scare us anymore.”  –  Brooke Hampton.

Cute Travelling with Friends Quotes

“Don’t call it a dream. Call it a plan.”  –  Unknown.

“The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.”  –  Unknown.

Travel with Friends Captions

“We are more than friends. We are like a small travel gang.” –  Unknown.

“We have nothing to lose and a world to see.”  –  Unknown.

“Happiness is travelling with a friend.”  –  Unknown.

“Good friends follow you anywhere.”  –  A.A. Milne.

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“True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart.”  –  Unknown.

“Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world.”  –  Chris Bradford.

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“To the world, you may be just one person. But to one person, you may be the world.”  –  Brandi Snyder.

“Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”  –  Albert Camus.

“Travelling in the company of those we love is home in motion.”  –  Leigh Hunt.

Trip with Friends Quote

“We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.”  –  Katie Thurmes.

“Of all the books in all the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport”  – Unknown .

“We all start as strangers.”  –  Unknown.

“When travelling life’s journey, it’s good to have a friend’s hand to hold on to.”  –  Unknown.

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Going on an Awesome Trip with Friends Quotes

“Friends, sun, sand, and sea – that sounds like a summer to me.”  –  Unknown.

“Life was made for good friends and great adventures.”  –  Unknown.

Adventure with Friends Quote

“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.”  –  Tim Cahill.

“There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend, and go!”  –  Unknown.

“Good company on a journey makes the way seem shorter.”  –  Izaak Walton.

“As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.”  –  Winnie the Pooh.

Trip with Friends Caption

“Experiences you share with those dear to you are a treasure that lasts a lifetime.”  –  Unknown.

“Will you come travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?”  –  Charles Bukowski.

“The man who goes alone can start today, but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.”  –  Henry David Thoreau.

“There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with.”  –  Kristen Sarah.

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“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent in the office or mowing your lawn.”  – Jack Kerouac.

“ An acquaintance merely enjoys your company, a fair-weather companion flatters when all is well, a true friend has your best interests at heart, and the pluck to tell you what you need to hear.”   – E.A. Bucchianeri.

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive.”   – Anais Nin.

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“I want to live in a world made of sunsets, campfires, coffee, and starry nights. I want to wander through that world meeting weird people, eating good food and writing about everything good and true and real.”  –  Brooke Hampton.

Related Read: 100 Beautiful & Inspiring Quotes for Travel Couples

Instagram Captions for a Trip with Friends 

“Friends. Backpacks. Adventure. Repeat.”  –  Unknown.

Travel Buddy Quote

“Friends that travel together, stay together.”  –  Unknown.

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“It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.”  –  Unknown.

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“Any day spent with you is my favourite day.”  –  A.A. Milne.

“I want to travel and meet beautiful souls. I want friends in every city.”  –  Unknown.

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“Life by the water is always better, especially with a few good friends in tow.”  –  Unknown. 

“Travel sparks our imagination, feeds our curiosity, and reminds us how much we all have in common.”  –  Deborah Lloyd.

“In the end, what you do isn’t going to be nearly as interesting or important as who you did it with.”  –  John Green.

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“Sometimes, all you need is a great friend and a tank of gas.”  –  Unknown.

Road Trip with Friends

“Wanderlust isn’t about running away from it all. It’s about experiencing the outside to discover the inside.”  –  Unknown.

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”  –  Saint Augustine.

“Don’t listen to what they say. Go see.”  –  Chinese Proverb.

“At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling.”  –  Shanti. 

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  “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.”   – Aldous Huxley.

“Travel leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”  – Ibu Battuta.

“Wild child, you’re gonna be alright – you just need a little freedom and some rock & roll.”  –  Brooke Hampton.

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“Good times and crazy friends make the best memories.” –  Unknown.

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“Not all those who wander are lost.”  –  J. R. R. Tolkien.

Inspiring Travel Buddy Quotes

“It doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you.”  –   Unknown.

“The more I travelled, the more I realised that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.”  –  Shirley MacLaine.

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“You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you.”  –  Unknown.

“One of the great things you travel is that you find out how many good, kind people there are.”  –  Unknown.

“The fastest way to make a friend for life is to travel with a stranger.”  –  Christina Pfeiffer.

travelling the world together

“Here’s to all the places we went. And here’s to all the places we’ll go.”  –  John Green.

“Travel has a way of removing the gaps in your friendship timeline.”  –  Christina Pfeiffer.

“Those who have nothing can share nothing; those who are going nowhere can have no fellow travellers.”  –  C.S. Lewis.

“I trust the ones who realise how far they have yet to travel. We have so much more to learn. All of us. Let’s walk together, side by side.”  –  Jeff Brown.

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“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive. And it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”  –  Anais Nin.

“A friend may be waiting behind a strangers face.”  –  Maya Angelou.

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.”  –  Maya Angelou.

“Travel like Gandhi, with simple clothes, open eyes, and an uncluttered mind.”  –  Rick Stev.

“Status, money, followers, fame… those things don’t mean shit to me. If I’m hanging out with you, it’s because I love your soul and feel authentically connected to you. There’s a lot of fake things in this life – love and friendship should never be among those things.”  –  Brooke Hampton.

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“Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”  –  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

“Travel far enough; you meet yourself”  – David Mitchell.

“When you get lost in a really strange place, nothing is more comforting than finding your friend whom you trust and can show the way.”   – Toba Beta

“Stick with the wild ones who are full of life and madness.. the ones who bring out the creativity and magic in you.”  –  Brooke Hampton.

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“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”  –  Unknown.

Funny Quotes About Travelling with Friends

“You cannot do epic shit with basic people.”  –  Unknown.

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“I have found that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.”  –  Mark Twain.

“You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring.”  –  Unknown.

“Everyone needs a friend that says “Get dressed, we’re going on an adventure.”  –  Unknown.

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“I just want to be the woman who goes after her dream, travels the world, is kind to everyone, and looks good doing it.”  –  Unknown.

“And if I am not alone, then neither are you, and hand in hand we can marvel together at the strangeness of the human condition.”  –  Stephen Fry.

“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.”  –  Ernest Hemingway. 

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo. But what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”  –  Oprah Winfrey.

“Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly – all these make for great stories.”  –  Chuck Palahniuk.

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“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it’s lethal.”  –  Paula Coelho.

“Life is like a camera: you focus on what is important, capture the good times, develop from the negative, and if things do not work out, take another shot.”  –  Unknown.

“I don’t know the question, but travel is definitely the answer.”  –  Unknown.

“Only the people you don’t know well enough seem normal. Every person you know well enough is odd, weird and different. This is called friendship!”   – Unknown

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“There are seven days in the week, and someday isn’t one of them.”  – Unknown.

Travel Planning

Now we’ve inspired your wanderlust, it’s time to start planning your trip of a lifetime. We have countless travel guides and itineraries to help with your trip planning, alongside packing lists , safety tips & more.

Are you heading to Asia ? Enjoy vibrant culture in India . Ride a motorbike across the stunning landscapes of Vietnam . Discover the mountains of Nepal . Experience the magic of Bali . And experience the diversity of Malaysia .

Or perhaps you’re hitting the cities of Europe ? Berlin is one of our favourite cities, along with Prague and Budapest . We also have a locals guide to London , to ensure you experience all the big smoke has to offer.

Thank You For Reading

That concludes  our list of The Best Quotes for a Trip with Friends . If you enjoy reading travel quotes check out our ultimate list of travel couple quotes to help inspire your wanderlust.

If you have any questions or feel we have missed anything, please reach out to us in the comment section below, through our contact us page. Don’t forget to follow us on  Instagram here , where we share further travel advice & inspiration.

Stay adventurous and Happy travels.

Charlotte & Natalie x

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What Our Clients Say

I went on the Arches Park Tour. Needless to say I think we all had a blast. Jennifer made sure that everything was planned to the littlest detail. She took great care of us and provided lots of fun an adventure! Would definitely travel with this group again!

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Linda Patrick

I had the pleasure taking a trip to Ireland thru Women Traveling the World with Jennifer Vander Lind as Tour Director. It was truly an amazing trip. It was with women from all over and our group was 9 ladies. Loved that it was a small group. We traveled around Ireland with a private driver all week and he was awesome, loved Martin. Jennifer put a lot of thought in the itinerary and dinner arrangements that were best suited for our group. I loved what we did at each day. I truly enjoyed my Ireland experience. My favorites were the Temple Bar, the food, drinks, Guiness Beer and the Irish music; and of course the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher. I look forward to planning another trip thru Jennifer.

I have traveled with Women Traveling the World on two amazing trips with Jennifer. The Ireland trip was one of my favorite trips I have ever been on. I think not only because it was beautiful and amazing but because I got two meet women from different places some of who I still keep in touch with. I recently went to Sedona with her group and again it was awesome! Most everything is prearranged and many meals are prepaid and already reserved. Many entry fees are also fully included so it takes the stress off. We get a private vehicle so we are always all together. I will definitely be booking a future trip with Jennifer most likely to Greece! Can’t wait! We always get cute welcome gifts with matching backpacks a very nice touch. If you want to travel but not do it alone this is the right choice! Making friendships and feeling comfortable while traveling to great places is what you will get.

Jennifer put together a custom tour for me to Italy. I would have never been able to accomplish this on my own. She set up private drivers, wine tastings, and tours to cities. The price was so affordable and it saved me so much time. Susan

Susan, Boca Raton

I have traveled with Jennifer on two different occasions. I just returned from her Ireland trip and I cannot say enough good things about it. The accommodations, itinerary, and all the little extras she adds along the way makes the trip amazing. She really listens to her clients and makes sure they have the best experience. I am already booked on a third trip with her.

Lori, Birmingham, AL

I saw the Greece tour and wanted to do something similar but private for me and my daughter. Jennifer was able to customize the tour to meet our needs. She made all the arrangements and even suggested some special tours and a cooking class. I would never have been able to do this on my own. Thank you and I will use your services again.

I took the Bali trip and truly was the most amazing trip and experience ever. Our guide was so informative and really made the trip special. I met the most amazing girls and hope to travel with them again.

My ten day tour of the Greek Islands with Women Traveling the World far exceeded my expectations. Everywhere we visited was fabulous! It is worth every penny.

Victoria H.

We are so glad we booked our tour of Italy with Women Traveling the World. Jennifer had all the hard stuff worked out; transfers, accommodations, the best guides, authentic Italian restaurants, fun activities, and plenty of free time too.

I had a wonderful trip and will be traveling with your agency again in the future. The group was so wonderful and I am enjoying keeping in touch with the women via Facebook. It was an incredible trip and an experience of a lifetime for me !!

My daughter and I had a great time especially with this great group of ladies. We especially loved the trolley wine tour in Napa and the lunch at Benzinger Winery. Looking forward to the Greek Isles in September!

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Still ticking: biden heading to ritzy hamptons fundraiser today after calls to drop out.

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President Biden is gearing up for a big-money fundraiser with mega-donors in the Hamptons on Saturday — ignoring calls for him drop out of the 2024 presidential after a catastrophic debate performance.

Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will head off from La Guardia airport at noon to a reception in East Hampton, NY, hosted by hedge-fund billionaire Barry Rosentein and his wife Lizanne.

The event kicks off at 2:45 at their sprawling 18-acre ocreanfront estate in the exclusive Long Island enclave.

US President Joe Biden delivering a speech at a campaign rally in North Carolina with a large crowd behind him.

The $147 million property set a record for most expensive residential real estate sale when the Rosenteins bought it in 2014.

Art dealer Larry Gagosian and hedge-fund manager Jim Chanos, another longtime Biden superdonor, are neighbors.

Fellow hedge-fund titan Eric Mindich and his Tony Award-winning producer wife Stacey, celebrity couple Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick, and actor Michael J. Fox are all listed as members of the host committee, with tickets going for as much as $250,000 a head according to the East Hampton Press .

On Friday President Biden spent the day in New York City celebrating LGBT Pride Month and the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots with Elton John.

He also hit another fundraiser at the Hammerstein Ballroom.

Team Biden — which remains adamant about their man staying in the race — also boasted Friday that the campaign raised $14 million on debate day and the morning after, besting Team Trump, which announced a haul of $8 million.

Barry Rosenstein and Lizanne Rosenstein wearing red hats at Amante 1530 x Genio Della Pizza, Una Pizza Napoletana event in Manhattan, New York on 07 Feb 2024.

The president and first lady are scheduled to hit a second campaign reception in Middletown, NJ Saturday evening at the waterfront home of Gov. Phil Murphy.

The town’s Republican mayor, Tony Perry, warned the visit would cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. “It’s going to be a logistical nightmare,” Perry told News12 New Jersey.

The Bidens are expected to end the weekend at the presidential retreat of Camp David in Maryland.

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US President Joe Biden delivering a speech at a campaign rally in North Carolina with a large crowd behind him.



Eleanor elaine 'elle' donato.

Eleanor Elaine 'Elle' Donato

Donato, Eleanor Elaine, "Elle" 94, most recently of Eden Prairie. Elle entered into the presence of her Lord and Savior Jesus on 5/9/24, surrounded by her family. Born September 23, 1929 in Uniontown, PA to Cooper and Edith Byers. She grew up in a loving family with sisters, Ruth and Dorothy and brothers, Leslie and Roger who have gone on before her and welcomed her into heaven. Elle hit the jackpot in 1947 when she met her soul mate, a handsome tenor nicknamed Mickey at the All-County Choir. It was love at first sight! They married on October 2, 1950. Together, they focused on raising a family, serving at church, and traveling the world. Elle lived a blessed life filled with singing, decorating, entertaining, volunteering, reading, shopping, and family gatherings. She was a skilled Bridge player, enjoyed needlework and shelling on the beach. She excelled as a professional secretary but, more importantly, she thrived as a wife, mother, and homemaker. Her husband and family were her calling, joy and passion. A woman of style - hair, clothes and shoes - she was never without lipstick. Elle is remembered as loving, caring, calm, creative, encouraging, wise, social, inclusive, and gracious. She leaves a legacy of deep Christian love for her children: Michael (Holly) Donato of Hayward, WI; Susan (Bob) Blakely of Eden Prairie; Ruth (Rick) Hayes of Eden Prairie; Jeff (Gina) Donato of Frisco, TX; 11 grandchildren, their spouses, and three great grandchildren. Memorials preferred to Grace Hospice or Alzheimer's Association (Minnesota-N. Dakota chapter) or Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Celebration of Life on Sunday, July 14 at 11:00 a.m. at Washburn- McReavy, Eden Prairie Chapel, 7625 Mitchell Road, Eden Prairie, MN, with one-hour visitation prior. The service will be live-streamed (or viewed up to three months after) at: Washburn-McReavy.com Eden Prairie Chapel 952-975-0400

Published on June 30, 2024

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Bianca Censori and North West were all smiles spending the day together in Japan

Bianca Censori  has been spotted spending quality time with her husband Kanye West around the world. The couple has been spotted traveling around Europe and Asia in recent weeks, attending exclusive events in Paris and Italy, and seemingly doing some business in Japan.

Bianca Censori’s sister Angelina Censori spotted with Chris Brown in Los Angeles

Kim kardashian and bianca censori's similar look with sheer tights and fur, bianca censori steps out in sheer cut-out bodysuit and pink hair.

This time Bianca seems to have taken the day off and was spotted hanging out with Kanye and Kim Kardashian's daughter North West. The Head of Architecture design at Yeezy, who was also working on some designs new designs with her husband, was seen having a girls' day with North, visiting a popular cafe in Harajuku.

The pair were spotted in Tokyo, spending the evening with mini pigs inside a cafe. Bianca and North were all smiles having a casual conversation and petting the pigs, showing that they have grown closer since Kanye first introduced Bianca to North. 

North wore a pink and white kimono, paired with brown slides. Meanwhile, Bianca sported one of her signature ensembles, including skin-colored leggings and a bodysuit. She also wore a white top and styled her short hair in a wet look. "They were holding the pigs and hanging out and laughing," a source said to The U.S Sun after photos of their outing were posted on Instagram.

The insider said that paired looked "close," which is no surprise as the pair have been spotted before, having dinner in Paris, going to Disneyland, and spending the day in Los Angeles. Bianca seems to have an amicable relationship with Kim as well, as the pair were spotted next to each other during a listening party.

Bianca Censori and North West were all smiles spending the day together in Japan

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Make-a-wish, camping world work together to surprise young girl with cystic fibrosis.

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Make-A-Wish and Camping World teamed up to surprise a local girl with a cystic fibrosis diagnosis.

The two organizations came together to donate the family a pop-up camper.

Inside the camper were toys and games donated by Camping World employees.

The family said the camper will make traveling much easier.

"With a camper, we can have all her equipment there. We can have a safe space for her that doesn't have extra germs and things like that, where she'd have more risk. And actually, my family all lives in Canada, so we drive to Canada often. So, we thought this could be awesome for when we make trips to visit my family in Canada and have a little place to camp out," said Davina Griffith.

Griffith said Make-A-Wish is a fantastic organization and urges people to donate if they can.

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  • CEO Interviews

Nathaniel Pieper, CEO, oneworld Stitching together networks to shrink the world

Nathaniel Pieper, CEO, one world, says alliances offer efficiencies for airlines and customers.

web NatPieper oneworld CEO - Credit: Credit wecompress.com

Why are alliances still relevant to the industry?

Alliances are still relevant for a number of reasons. First, because of network utility. Stitching together the networks of 13 member airlines of one world gives us over 900 global destinations to which we can offer efficient service, effective connectivity, consistent loyalty, lounges, and a great passenger experience. That’s what we strive to deliver.

For an airline, being able to sell 900 global destinations is great from a financial perspective, it's really effective. It’s much more efficient if you know that a partner, in their home market, is going to offer a level of service quality consistent with your own. You feel comfortable selling that.

Also, the pandemic reset the value of a global alliance. Carriers necessarily retreated to their core during the COVID-19 outbreak and had to rely on partners to fly elsewhere. And they saw that this made sense for the reasons I mentioned. Partners can serve some markets more efficiently than your own airline.

What opportunities do you see for one world?

Twenty-five years ago, the founding members had the idea to combine networks and make it a more seamless travel experience for their customers. And until recently, the alliance has evolved along those lines, adding airlines to improve the number of destinations and ease of connectivity.

But the opportunity to add airlines is waning. In another 25 years, one world won’t consist of 30 airlines rather than the 15 it will have once Fiji Airways becomes a full member. The alliance won’t be twice as big in those terms. Rather, the aim, in the near term at least, is to improve product consistency, ensure we are serving the right destinations for our customers, improve lounges, and so forth. It is in these softer areas where you will see the biggest changes.

Of course, we are always looking at the white spaces on the map. Where are the markets that travelers want to go that are not yet served by a one world partner? We believe that most of the white space will be covered by the organic growth of existing carriers. That is a better way forward, but it obviously depends on the aspirations of our carriers and their resources.

If other carriers are interested in joining one world, we run the numbers, we look at those white spaces. But the driving force in our thinking is whether a new carrier will maximize the value of existing members.

We want to focus on that customer experience and ease of connectivity. If you are flying a connecting itinerary on one world airlines, then it should be the same experience as if you were using a single airline. You should be able to use the Qatar Airways app to manage your Alaska Airlines connection, for example.

The customer must be in control of their journey and experience.

All one world members are contributing data to IATA CO2 Connect. Why is tracking emissions so important?

It is really important to have visibility if you want to change behaviors. Joining the CO2 Connect program will provide real data for airlines, governments, and our customers that can be leveraged to improve sustainable performance.

All our airlines were comfortable sharing that data through IATA as it is a trusted industry partner. But it’s vital for our customers too. They tell us they want us to be sustainable and, clearly, they are telling us they want to fly judging by the demand for our product.

That means airlines must be efficient and sustainable going forward. And you can only achieve that if you measure your starting point.

There are a number of cross carrier initiatives, which we need somebody like IATA to organize, so that we all feel comfortable sharing data. And I think this is a great example of it. Safety obviously is another one.

Will the industry reach net zero by 2050?

This is a multi-faceted problem and, for sure, if this was 2049 we wouldn’t make it.

But the industry works well when we have a common objective. Again, look at safety—it unites us. And sustainability is the same. It would be hard to achieve net zero if it was just one airline, but if we all come together we have a much better chance of making it happen.

Nobody knows for sure how we’ll get there because there are such a lot of unknowns. But having sustainable aviation fuels at an attainable price will be a major element.

Momentum is coming from a couple of different places. Number one, I think airlines are hearing from their guests. This is important to us. But equally, it's also crucial that we continue to fly and offer all the benefits that air connectivity brings. Surveys show that people value air travel and want to continue to enjoy shrinking the world, going to new places, visiting their family that live on the other side of the globe—all of which generates jobs and boosts economies.

Air travel is the most efficient way to make all that happen.

But, of course, people are concerned about the potential impact on our planet. And so, as airlines are fiscally responsible, we've got to figure out a way to efficiently handle the demand, do it at a fare level that people can afford but also do it in a sustainable way that ensures that generations to come can fly as well.

Is shared technology at the heart of an alliance or is there a stronger glue?

The network is the primary glue right now, but technology could well become the glue in future. It is another layer for an alliance. It is a platform in which airlines make investment for the common good. It is not just about the connectivity and sharing that technology makes possible. Investment in technology is also a signal of commitment about the alliance and partnerships with other airlines.

How can we improve diversity in the industry?

One thing that is fun about being the CEO of one world is the different cultures we embrace. It is a real exchange of ideas and disparate viewpoints. People of all backgrounds and cultures come together in alliance. In many ways, an alliance is diversity in action. It is part of our DNA.

Credit | one world / wecompress.com

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