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Travel and Tourism essay questions for IELTS

Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "Travel and Tourism" topic.

A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world. Do you think that benefits of tourism outweight its drawbacks?

The best way to travel is travel in a group led by a tour guide.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people claim that immigrants should adopt the local culture when immigrating to a new country. While others think that they can establish a minority community instead.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Tourism has negative environmental impacts on tourist areas.

What are these impacts? How can damaging impacts be lessened?

Ecotourism is now defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment.

What are the advantages of ecotourism?

How can we make ecotourism more popular?

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Sample writing travel and transport topics for task 2

Travel and transport is a topic you will have to discuss and write about in your IELTS writing exam.

Although it is not overly complicated, this topic can be a little confusing while under pressure.

That’s why we created a list of exercises to help you prepare yourself for this part of the exam.

Go down the list of exercises and answer the questions like you would in the actual exam.

Travel and transport practice topics

1. In many countries people tend to move overseas or move to a different part of their country after their retirement. Discuss why they do so and what the outcome of this situation is. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

2. Some people prefer to use energy-saving modes of transportation like hybrid cars and bicycles. Others prefer the usual mode of transportation like buses and trains because it is fast and efficient. Which mode of transportation do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

3. Low-price airlines lack most of the conveniences of normal air plane flights. However, the prices of the tickets are usually lower. Discuss negative and positive aspects of having lower rates of air plane tickets for travellers. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your response.

4. Is it good for families if parents need to travel a lot in their job or if they need to move to other cities? Is moving to a new location positive for children? Discuss your opinion and support it with specific reasons and examples.

5. Better driver education for better driving habits is more effective than heavier punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

6. Some people like to travel outside of their countries. Others would rather travel to the tourist spots in their own country first before travelling abroad. Which do you prefer to do and why? Include specific details and examples to support your choice.

7. Although more and more people use public transport, some city streets are still overcrowded with traffic. How can this problem be solved? Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

8. People are more mobile nowadays. They seldom live in one city all of their lives. Why do you think this is happening? What are the consequences of this trend? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

9. In some countries the government promotes public transport as the primary means of transportation, and discourages private vehicle ownership. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

10. Compared to the past, people can now work in places that are far from their homes because of modern means of transportation. How has this affected the lives of workers? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having modern transportation. Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.

11. Recent surveys show increased interest in relocation and travel to other countries. What may be the reasons for this trend, and what will be the possible outcome from this behaviour? Provide examples for your opinion.

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travel related task 2


IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Travel & Tourism


Updated On Nov 07, 2022


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Travel & Tourism

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The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Organized tours to remote communities and other countries are increasingly popular. Is it a positive or negative development for local people and the local environment?

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Sample Essay

It is true that tours to remote and exotic places on the earth have gained popularity in recent years. While this has several benefits for the local community, I believe that overall the negative consequences are more significant.

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Admittedly, the growth of the tourism industry has brought enormous benefits to local people. More tourists mean greater demand for food, accommodation, and services, all of which create job opportunities and a lleviate unemployment in the area. The development of tourism also has ripple effects on local infrastructure , with more roads and bridges being built to meet tourists’ needs . This can be seen in the case of ABC, a coastal city, and also a tourist destination in [your country].

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The biggest disadvantage of the trend is, however, its adverse effects on the pristine environment and creatures living there. Forests may be cut down to make way for resorts and hotels; marine life might be threatened due to water pollution, and birds have to find other places to inhabit . In some places, waste from the hotel industry is becoming an environmental problem that concerns many people, not just environmentalists. Another drawback is that increased tourism may break social cohesion in the local community. Many people make a living by providing services for travelers and become rich while many others remain poor and struggle for the next meal. This wealth gap is gradually widening and has detrimental impacts on the bond and the shared values of indigenous individuals.

In conclusion, although the growth of tourism to remote areas and exotic countries is beneficial to some extent, it is more likely to have harmful impacts on local people and the environment.

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It is evidently being seen that the tourism and travel industry has been propped in the wake of infrastructural development. It has inevitably impacted the local geographical condition and the ambience thereof. In my opinion, it has been causing a progressive effect on the environment. In the paragraphs to follow, this essay will talk about the reasons for this. 

As the routes and links to the interiors of the far-flung regions have been ameliorated and well-structured, the economic aspect related to it has been in full swing. A mammoth of growth in the terms of the economy has been clearly evinced, with respect to, a major footfall of the travellers all around, catapulting the employment opportunities in the remote regions. It thus has opened the avenues of food shops and stores, hospitality subset, transport arena and so on and so forth. In the deprived wildernesses of umpteen places, for instance, a total revamps and tweaking of the terrain is seen more often than not, thereby needing the human resource for it and eradicating destitution owing to a paucity of wages due to lack of or no work.

Additionally, the disordered and mismanaged natural resources have been able to be utilized and exacted the benefit out of, in the most optimal way, which was not the case prior to the advancing strides made in the travel domain. From the community point of view as well, which were hardly known and cognized to have existed, let alone their acknowledgement, have been brought to the mainstream attention and hence have added to the cultural opulence of the society, as a whole.

Though the side effects of this proliferation in the purview of environmental degradation have been seen as well, with proper protocols and precautionary standards, it could be significantly palliated. However, this couldn’t asphyxiate the growth in the mileage of the journey of progression. 

Conclusively, it could be said that the strides of tourism to the remote communities and areas have helped the demography and geography of the people therein and hence, a fairly positive development.

Click here to find vocabulary and phrases related to travel, tourism and adventure

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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travel related task 2


Posted on Dec 19, 2023

The community tourism is increasingly favoured by most people as the principal tourist attraction in the view of many such organized trips are offered to them. Regarding the tour, the remote community travel has both positive and negative consequences on the local people within their vicinity. Concerning the dilemma, I would be more inclined to support the opportunistic side of local community tourism.

Firstly, the striking point is promotion of remote community travel enables local people to preserve their exotic and pristine environment. Recently, there is surged popularity in organising eco-tourism trip is due to people tend to have short escape from reality. In fact, majority of the citizens are weary about the daily hectic and bustling urban lifestyles. A short getaway trip to remote area in turn will enable them to unwind themselves via viewing the authentic greenery scene. Moreover, as the gradual diminishment of natural habitat progresses, the eco-site attraction brings invaluable experience to the tourists. Thus, the city dwellers can witness the original habitat of flora and fauna which unlock their unprecedented and unique experience with the nature.

The second advantage is the enabler for the room of potential to stimulate local economy. The vast number of community travel provides multitude of incentives to urban dwellers to generate substantial earnings by selling local products such as home-grown nourishments and souvenirs. Apart from selling their products, the commercialisation of the local site visit provides them gargantuan amount of revenues through the admission tickets are being sold. Therefore, the overall earning capacity of the local residents rise dramatically and benefit the community development as a whole. The rise in earnings allow more the local people to contribute to environmental preservation to remain as aesthetic tourist attraction in attracting more travellers.

In a nutshell, strides of community trips have brought lots of benefits to local environment besides preserving environmental climate. Pertaining to effectiveness of remote tourism, the eco-travel industry should be main area of focus on lifting up the local economy.

IELTS Expert

Posted on Dec 20, 2023

Overall Band : 5 Sentences used in the answer are simple and have simple vocabulary. Writer needs to work on the Grammatical Range and the level of vocabulary to get higher bands.

To Get Insights for IELTS Grammar, Avail an Expert-Led session here and Get to Access to BAND 9 Answers as well.

Posted on Oct 25, 2021

Visitors love to visit rarely known places and are enthusiastic about knowing the culture of distinct tribes and countries. I believe this is a positive development.

First and foremost, tourists will encourage local people to preserve their culture. In other words, it is inevitable that cultures and old customs are fading away and foreigners’ visits may work as a motivation for locals to hold their customs tightly. Secondly, natives may be proud of the customs, which previously were a source of embarrassment, because when visitors show excitement about that country’s culture, natives may start to follow their cultures again, which once diminishes in the name of modern living. For example, several communities have special dresses, which are becoming a thing of the past, but tourists might keep them alive. Therefore tours to remote communities will do good but harm.

When people from different countries travel through various countries, they will spread rare and beautiful anecdotes and cultures around the world. Furthermore, tourism also provides financial aid and creates employment. For instance, many poor countries that do not have many resources but beautiful places and rich cultures, depend on tourism economically. Meanwhile, this is indirectly beneficial for the environment also. As in order to preserve mesmerizing natural sites, governments try to minimise carbon footprint. Take Bhutan, for instance, which has a law that 60% of the land will be allocated for the forest,which makes this country carbon negative.

To conclude, I think trips to remote culturally rich areas bring several benefits and create an ambience of respecting each other’s customs and rituals.

Overall band: 5.5

Grammar: :Learn collocations. The word “inevitable” is wrongly used. Tense incorrect in some parts in para 2.

Posted on Oct 17, 2021

Offbeat destinations are becoming quite popular these days. People are craving to unravel these so called untouched and remote places and hence the tourism industry off late is organising tours to such destinations.

Such a development has its pluses and minuses. In this essay, I shall dwell upon the positive aspects of the tourism industry which is seeking and reaching out to such remote countries and their communities and shall also discuss some of its demerits.

Firstly speaking of the benefits such far off places where not on the tourist map earlier. However recent shift in interests of people to venture to such remote locations and interact with the local communities has given the industry and also these communities the much need fillip. With more and more people visiting these nations, more source of income in the form of home stays have opened up. Employment of the local youth as guides has also given them adequate job opportunities. Overall, there has been considerable influx of money to these otherwise neglected countries.

However on the other hand if we see, such developments have also brought in a lot of vices. More tourists mean more pollution and thus posing greater danger to the fragile biodiversity. Another aspect is the conversion of farmlands to hotels to cater for the huge number of tourists visiting these countries. The local communities are also clearing forest lands to give way to development of infrastructure for the tourists.

Thus to conclude, I would say that the development of tourism industry in remote countries and reaching out to such remote communities is surely a welcome step but it must be done with a sense of responsibilty without hampering the environment or posing a threat to the development of the local people.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 – Topic: TRAVEL

ielts writing topics 2019

1. According to those in the travel business, the nature of the average ‘holiday’ is changing. Rather than seeking a relaxing break in a far-away place, people now want excitement on their holidays and are keen to participate in unusual and challenging activities. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

Holidays are important because they provide a break from our normal daily routine and  from the world of work. Traditionally, holidays have been seen as a time for relaxation  and as an opportunity to visit another country in order to find out about its geography  and customs. Nowadays, however, it seems that other types of holiday are becoming  popular.

Some people want their holiday to be a kind of adventure, and find this more exciting  than going to the beach or visiting museums. On an adventure holiday, you may stay in  quite basic accommodation, rather than a luxurious hotel. Activities may involve things  such as bush walking or cycling, or may form part of an aid project designed to help  communities in remote areas. Holidays such as these are popular with people of all  ages and can often help to promote tourism in rural environments.

The increasing popularity of dangerous sports has also boosted the number of  adventure holidays; for example, water sports, mountain climbing or paragliding. These  holidays are more popular with the younger generation, as they can be both physically  and mentally demanding. Participants are often seeking the sort of thrills that they  cannot get in ordinary life.

There is now greater awareness of the damaging effects of mass tourism and this may  be one reason for the changing nature of holidays. This can only be a good thing. But  perhaps people are also discovering that it is just as refreshing to take an active holiday,  as it is to lie on a beach – though that is still a question of personal preference.

 (266 words)

2.  You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to visit? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

I am a person who likes to travel. I think traveling is a great opportunity to meet new  people, gain more knowledge and experience, and learn new customs and traditions. I  did not travel a lot yet, but I am sure I will have a chance to do it. So, if I had the  opportunity to visit a foreign country I would visit Egypt. I think it is a great and very  interesting country with marvellous history. In the following paragraphs I will give some reasons to support my choice.

First of all, I always dreamed to visit Egypt pyramids. My aunt visited Egypt a few years  ago. She was very excited after that trip and said that she would return there one more  time at any cost. She said that Egypt had impressed her very much with its glorious  pyramids and ancient buildings. Second of all, I think that in that country one can touch  history, feel the hard breath of workers building a pyramid under the parching sun, and  see the chain of camels walking in the desert with the huge trunks full of presents for  Cleopatra on their humps. Finally, I want to see a real dessert and ride the camel. All  my friends who rode the camel say that it is an unforgettable experience.

I believe that I will have a chance to visit this beautiful country someday. Unfortunately,  now I have plenty of plans and things to do, so, I am afraid that I will not be able to  travel for the next two years. I want to finish my education and then find a job, and these  things have higher priority than traveling. My husband wants to visit this country too and  we made an agreement to make our trip to Egypt on our five years anniversary which is  in two years.

In conclusion, I want to add that after my trip to Egypt I will definitely visit Australia. This  country is the second one on my list the most wanted to see.

 (339 words)

3.  Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

The growth of tourism and the numbers of people travelling to other countries for their vacations  has led to debate as to whether this is beneficial. I believe that there are many problems which  arise out of the tourist industry, and will examine these in detail.

Many people argue that travel broadens the mind. However, this statement does not fully hold  water. I would argue that spending a few weeks in another country is not long enough to gain a  proper understanding of an alien culture. A foreigner visiting Britain might be met with the  traditional British reserve, and mistakenly conclude that the British are unfriendly. Furthermore,  some people are unwilling to open their minds. A Western traveller to an Arab country is unlikely  to consider that the veiling of women is acceptable.

Being a tourist in a foreign country brings with it problems that can lead to dislike of the native  people. Firstly, a foreigner is vulnerable, and is often ripped off by locals. Secondly, the  language barrier can lead to misunderstandings. Thirdly, tourists are often hassled to buy  goods, which can ruin a holiday. When I went to Bali, people tried to sell me something every five minutes, and this totally spoilt my sunbathing.

Local people also often end up disliking foreigners. Visitors may mistakenly act contrary to local  norms, or they may just be plain offensive, as many drunken British holidaymakers must seem  to the Spanish. Global tourism can lead to hostility from the native people, who may feel their  traditional way of life is under threat. Additionally, the relative wealth of the foreign visitors can  cause envy and resentment.

In conclusion, I would say that I largely agree with the argument that global tourism creates  misunderstanding between people from different cultures, and that the differences are often a  cause for conflict rather than celebration.

 (308 words)

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IELTS Topics: Travel and Tourism

Posted by David S. Wills | Oct 12, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

IELTS Topics: Travel and Tourism

One of the common IELTS topics that appears in the exam is that of travel and tourism. In today’s lesson, I will help you learn about this topic so that you can do well in your next test.

First we will look at a little vocabulary about travel and tourism , then we will explore some IELTS speaking and writing questions to give you an idea of what to expect.

Vocabulary about Travel and Tourism for IELTS

When you prepare for IELTS, you never need to know any specialist vocabulary, so for questions about travel and tourism you may find that you can give a brilliant answer with just simple language, as long as it is used with grammatical accuracy. Knowing the difference between “I went to London” and “I was going to London” is very important, for example.

Of course, there are other things to know. It helps to know modes of transport and related vocabulary. [You can learn about transport here .] Another interesting aspect is knowing things you might encounter while travelling, such as accommodation.

I made this PPT about travel accommodation many years ago, but I have just uploaded it today. 🙃 I hope you find it useful.

You should also know the necessary language to talk about types of travel or reasons for taking a trip. Sometimes, new words enter the language, such as “staycation,” which is a very recent portmanteau .

travel related task 2

You might also find this list of synonyms for “trip” quite useful:

ielts vocabulary - synonyms for trip

Travel and Tourism Questions [IELTS Speaking]

The topic of travel and tourism is really common in IELTS speaking. It could easily occur in any of the three parts of this test, so you should be prepared to answer a wide range of questions. [You can find some examples here .]

These questions will be pretty general and simple. It is entirely possible that the same basic question could be asked in a number of different ways.

Perhaps the most common question would be “do you like travelling?” This is very similar to “have you done much travelling?” Of course, the focus has changed slightly but the overall meaning is similar: it’s about you and travel .

I’ll give two sample answers to these questions so that you can understand better:

Q: Do you like travelling?

A: Yeah, I absolutely love travelling. I have visited many countries over the past few years, but of course this all stopped recently because of the virus.

Q: Have you done much travelling?

A: I have done quite a lot of travelling in my life. Altogether, I’ve visited about 50 countries and I try to spend a few weeks each year seeing new places.

Note: It is unlikely that these questions would be asked together because they are very similar. Also, I pretty much answered the second one in the middle of the first answer. I just included them to show how a “do you like travelling” IELTS answer example.

Vaguely Related: Space Travel

I definitely consider space to be a separate topic from travel, but there is some small degree of overlap here. For example, there is a reported IELTS speaking question that goes something like this:

  • Do you want to travel in outer space?
  • Would you want to travel in outer space?

You might also see this incorrectly reported as “do you want to travel in the outer space?” but this is not correct. We cannot say “the” before “outer space.” It is not a single, definite place. [Read about definite articles here .]

There are numerous possibilities for IELTS cue cards about travel. Here are two of them:

  • Describe a place you have visited.
  • Describe a place you would like to visit.

Of course, these would require basically the same sort of vocabulary to answer them, but the key difference would be the grammar. In the first instance, you are talking about the past, but in the second you are talking about a possible future.

Here is another one:

  • Describe a memorable holiday.

This is pretty similar to the first cue card above, but the word “memorable” must guide our approach. You can see my answer in this video:

In part three of the IELTS speaking test, the questions will become more difficult. These will include abstract topics like age, gender, ethics, and so on. You might encounter questions like this:

Q: Do you think men and women enjoy different types of holiday?

A: I suppose that in general they probably do have different preferences, but of course we should acknowledge the fact that everyone is different and so there are women who enjoy stereotypically male holidays and men that enjoy stereotypically female ones. To give an example, it could be argued that men prefer more active, robust holidays that involve uncertainty, adventure, and even danger. However, I know some women who love this type of thing and so it is not really smart to make assumptions about people.

Q: Do you think that travelling abroad always changes people’s perspective on life?

A: No, not at all. While it certainly is possible that travelling can change people’s perspectives, it is by no means guaranteed. In fact, when you travel to places like Thailand, you see that most tourists have no understanding of the local culture and just hold on to their own original views. The experience may change some people, but I think most people live in a little bubble when they go abroad, and this prevents them from really learning anything.

Notes: I described the sort of travel that men like in interesting terms: “men prefer more active, robust holidays that involve uncertainty, adventure, and even danger.” This is good, descriptive language!

Travel and Tourism Essays for IELTS Writing

Now we shall move on from speaking and instead look at the IELTS writing test. In this section, I will show you some questions about travel and tourism, then show you my sample band 9 answer.

Here is a question that features data about people travelling. I thought that this travel and tourism essay was really interesting, so I have included it here alongside my sample answer.

ielts line graph about travel

The line graph displays the numbers of tourists that visited an unnamed Caribbean island between 2010 and 2017. The tourists are divided into two groups – those staying on cruise ships and those staying on the island itself – and these had a loosely inverse correlation. The total number of visitors, however, rose more or less continuously throughout the eight-year period.

In the first year recorded, which was 2010, there were about twice as many tourists staying on the island as those staying on cruise ships. A year later, the number staying on cruise ships doubled to a half million, but this dropped back to around a quarter million in 2012. When the figures for tourists on cruise ships dropped, the number staying on the island rose quickly and over the coming few years, as this sudden increased levelled off, the number of people who stayed on board their ship continued to grow again.

Between 2012 and 2017, there were more and more visitors staying on cruise ships. From just a quarter million, this rose to two million, while the figures for those on the island levelled off at just one and a half million and then dropped slightly in the penultimate year, before finishing at one and a half. This meant that, for the final two years, more tourists stayed on cruise ships than on the island.

Notes on the Answer

In the introduction, I said “an unnamed Caribbean island.” It can sometimes be difficult to introduce something whose name you don’t know, and this is a really convenient way to do it. I strongly recommend you say “an unnamed ___” when this situation arises.

I have also used very few numbers in this essay. Instead of writing 250,000 or 2,000,000, I have said things like “a quarter million” and “two million.” This is much easier. [You can read more about IELTS and numbers here .]

Here is another travel and tourism essay question:

In future, more people will choose to go on holidays in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Band 9 Answer

In recent years, people have coined the word “staycation” to describe the phenomenon of taking a holiday closer to home. This essay will argue that such holidays will become more common in the future.

First of all, it may seem as though international travel will become increasingly common, but in fact it is quite clear that it is an unsustainable trend. The carbon cost of flying to another country is enormous, and so many people have begun to ask whether it is ethical to continue doing this. Beyond just the personal level, it is clear that pretty soon governments will have to impose restrictions to limit the number of flights; otherwise, the world will suffer immensely from the burden of so many journeys.

In many parts of the world, people are probably ready to embrace this situation. Humans have had a terrible impact upon the world and many feel that it is time to undo the damage done. This involves some measure of personal sacrifice, which in this case could be forgoing the sort of international trips that used to be quite common. However, this is not all bad. Although foreign countries and exotic locations are exciting, there are treasures almost everywhere. Countries like the UK have poor weather, which is why so many people travel to warmer climates, but the natural beauty of the landscape and the extraordinary historical and cultural sites present myriad options for curious travellers. There will likely be a resurgence of interest in such trips.

In conclusion, it is quite possible that in the future people will realise how much damage humans have done to the world. Many of them may endeavour to make the sort of sacrifices necessary to counteract this ecological destruction, and one small step is embracing local travel.

Notes on the Essay

First of all, you can see that I incorporated the word “staycation” right at the beginning. When you use modern language like this, please don’t just jam it carelessly into your essay. Often, it is very informal, so you can only use it when properly introduced. In this case, I clearly explained its meaning and commented upon it from a sociological perspective.

Here is some more travel and tourism vocabulary from my essay:

  • unsustainable trend
  • carbon cost
  • impose restrictions
  • international trips
  • exotic locations
  • warmer climates
  • myriad options
  • ecological destruction

You can see that a lot of my language related to the environment, and of course that is often tied to the topic of travel and tourism because of the negative impacts these have on our planet.

I hope that you enjoyed my IELTS essays on travel and tourism, as well as the sample speaking answers I provided. Please remember that your own answers should be unique to you . Don’t try to copy others too much. Your vocabulary will depend upon your life experiences and the places you would or wouldn’t like to visit.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Writing task 2 | International tourism

tourism - palm tree


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Tourism has become a major industry for many countries around the world.

Do the advantages of international tourism outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model structure: Directly say advantages/disadvantages are more serious

The advent of mass tourism has been enabled by the growth of the aviation industry, which has made it easier and cheaper to fly to holiday destinations around the world. The growth of tourism has created hundreds of millions of jobs and is a multi-billion dollar industry which supports businesses and even whole national economies. However, there are also significant environmental impacts that must be prioritised.

Tourism has a major economic impact, especially on countries which have become major destinations for holidaymakers. Firstly, this supports large sectors in the economies of many developing nations. In parts of the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia, the service sector benefits the most. Large resorts have been developed to accommodate travellers, local restaurants experience a booming trade in peak seasons, and the manufacture of local arts and crafts provides livelihoods to millions. In addition, the tax revenue from tourists can be reinvested into education and public services, further improving living standards in these places. These arguments show that there are many advantages of global tourism.

Despite these benefits, tourism has irreparable environmental consequences, and these are more important than short-term economic gains. The development of tourist resorts destroys a great deal of pristine wilderness as areas are cleared to make way for hotels. This threatens vulnerable ecosystems and could drive a loss of biodiversity. Even more importantly, the increasing numbers of international flights emit millions of tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide per year, increasing the rate of climate change and consequent storms and sea level rises. Ironically, the very countries which benefit most from tourism are also most at risk, as coastal areas popular with tourists flood more frequently and many people are killed in devastating tropical storms.

In conclusion, tourism supports jobs and businesses in developing countries and has thrown a lifeline to millions who would otherwise live in poverty. However, this is outweighed by its serious environmental consequences, including ecological damage and carbon emissions from aviation. These impacts are also worse in countries which benefit most from tourism, and thus international tourism is a negative trend overall.

(345 words)

Model structure: Offset the disadvantages

Tourism brings countless benefits to many countries around the world. As more people travel abroad to explore foreign cultures or take advantage of beautiful natural environments, they help to create jobs, support businesses, and redistribute wealth from developed to developing countries. While it is true that tourism can have a negative impact on local environments and cultures, these benefits are too great to ignore, making tourism a positive development overall.

Millions of people travel abroad from wealthy, developed nations to other countries every year. These tourists provide an important income stream to businesses in tourist destinations. They support hotels which provide accommodation, restaurants which cater to their appetites and cultural facilities such as museums, which satisfy their curiosity about local culture and history. This in turn creates countless jobs for local residents, improving their standard of living. As more money is spent in tourist destinations, host countries become more developed, improving their infrastructure and education. These benefits enjoyed by local citizens mean that tourism has many positive economic impacts on countries around the world.

Despite these advantages, tourism can be detrimental to the environment and culture in host countries. Environmentally, some areas may become overdeveloped, which harms local wildlife and ecosystems. While this unavoidable effect of tourism is unfortunate, the areas affected are actually quite small. To offset this problem, governments can use the money generated from holidaymakers to create nature reserves, which better protects their country’s natural environment. Culturally, local lifestyles and customs may be diluted by the arrival of large multinational hotel and restaurant chains. This means that it is important to impose planning regulations to govern the way that resorts develop and ensure local ways of life are preserved. These examples show that managing the problems associated with tourism can mitigate its negative effects.

In conclusion, tourism provides invaluable economic benefits to countries around the world and improves development and living standards, which is especially important in developing nations. There are some drawbacks, such as environmental and cultural effects, but they are relatively minor and can be sensibly managed. As a result, international tourism has been and will continue to be a very positive development.

(358 words)

Model structure: Offset the advantages

International tourism has experienced tremendous growth over the last few decades and changed the way that people go on holiday. It has a large economic effect on destination countries and is often viewed as bringing jobs and prosperity to millions of people. However, alongside the economic benefits, there are also significant drawbacks, including rising costs of living and severe impacts on the quality of life for local residents.

Economically, tourism does provide many benefits to major tourist destinations. Many industries grow around tourism, by either directly providing services to travellers or indirectly supporting the tourism sector. Hotels and restaurants provide services to holidaymakers, and travel and tour operators support companies providing leisure activities and cultural experience. This creates jobs and provides wealth to people involved in the tourism sector. However, alongside this prosperity, tourists increase the costs of food and services by adding to existing demand. This can price the majority of local residents out of many of the services in the areas where they live. Consequently, the standard of living for many people does not actually improve, with only the wealthiest citizens benefitting from increased tourism.

In addition to rising living costs, major tourist resorts have a negative effect on the quality of life for local people. The influx of tourists coming from abroad can make resort towns overcrowded and noisy, which is bad for local residents. This also results in an increase in waste which can put strain on local waste management services, leading to the build up of litter, landfill and other forms of environmental pollution. These costs are borne by the permanent residents of an area, whose towns and countryside are often ruined by the growth of the tourist industry.

In conclusion, there are some advantages to international tourism. It can create jobs for locals, bringing increased wealth in a range of industries. However, price inflation means that these benefits are usually only enjoyed by a minority of people and are accompanied by serious reductions in the quality of life for most local residents. As a result, I believe that the drawbacks of global tourism outweigh the advantages due to the fact that it harms more people than it benefits.

(364 words)

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travel related task 2

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic

Describe a journey you went on..

You Should say:

  • where you went
  • why you went to this particular place
  • what you did and with whom

and describe why you enjoyed your journey? Or, if not, why?

Describe a long walk you had.

You should say

  • When this happened
  • where you walked
  • who were you with

Also, explain how you felt after the long walk.

Describe a hotel you have stayed in.

You should say:

  • Where the hotel is
  • Why you stayed at that particular hotel
  • Give details description of the hotel and the view from it

and explain what makes the hotel special.

Describe a foreign country you have never been to.

  • where the country is
  • when you will go there
  • why you would like to go there

and explain why this is a good country to visit.

Describe a quiet place that you like to go.

You should say :

  • where it is ?
  • when you go there?
  • why you like the place?

also, explain when was the last time you went there?

Describe your holidays.

  • Where you go for the holidays
  • how long they last
  • Who you go with

and talk about anything interesting happens during your holidays.

Describe an interesting holiday destination.

  • what the place is
  • what you can see and do there
  • what time of the year it is better to be there

and explain why you like it.

Describe a city you have visited /Describe your favourite city.

  • what is the name and where is it
  • when you visited it.
  • why did you like it
  • what are the attractive places of this city

and explain what influence did the city have on you.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Travelling – Reasons & Benefits) – Band 6.5

IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Travelling – Reasons & Benefits) – Band 6.5

Let us try to analyse IELTS writing task 2 by one of the candidates preparing for IELTS:

A lot of people are travelling nowadays than before.

What are the reasons for this and what are benefits of travelling?

Candidate’s Response:

Travelling has become more economical and easy today than compared with the older days. In contrast to this, earlier period making a travel plan itself, used to be a tedious task as it included many factors like firstly setting up a budget, arrangement of various place bookings etc.

Today, people are travelling more than ever before due to easy connectivity and reach of many places. Moreover, people have more flexible jobs so they can take time out from their busy lives and and just have a weekend get away to any nearby places. Travelling has also become more affordable due to entry of many multinationals in the country and also mainly due to the reason of too much of competition. So everyone tries to give a better deal to the customer either by offering discounts or by giving an all in all customized package.

Besides the above points, people have also become more open minded in terms of exploring new places. They are willing to spend money and time to visit their favourite destination.

Lately, what we have seen that the trend a lot people travel alone and have started exploring new places. They stay with the locals of that particular place, eat what local people eat and explore the local area around. Due to this, they understand the local culture without spending too much money. Travelling to distant places makes people more independent also.

To sum up, we must all take out time to travel around different places big or small, luxurious or not and find our own space in this world.

Now, we will analyze the above IELTS writing task 1 response as below:


Paraphrasing is attempted

Corrected Erroneous Statement: 

“Travelling has become more economical and easy today than compared to the older days. In the earlier period, making a travel plan itself used to be a tedious task as it was dependent on many factors such as setting up a budget, arrangement of various bookings and so on.”

Body Para 1

Reasons of travelling are given and extended well, and sentence connector (moreover) is used

Corrected Erroneous Statement:

“Today, people are travelling more than ever before due to easy connectivity and reach of distant places. Moreover, people have more flexible jobs. So, they can take out time from their busy lives and just spend weekends going to some nearby tourist places. Travelling has also become more affordable due to entry of many multinationals in the country and also mainly due to the reason of too much of competition. So, everyone tries to give a better deal to the customer either by offering discounts or by giving an “all in all” customized package.

Body Para 2

Good use of sentence connector (besides the above points) is there and there is no error of grammar, tense or sentence structure.

This para can be combined with the first para for proper formatting and paragraphing which can give better clarity to the reader.

Body Para 3

Sentence connectors (lately, due to this) are used

Writing impersonally like “we have seen” can be avoided and replaced with “it is seen”, “trend a lot people” should be “trend is that a lot of people”

Sentence connector (to sum up) is used and conclusive statement is given

“we must all take out time to travel” can be “people take out time”

Expected Band Score: Band 6.5

The candidate writes free from grammar, tense and other errors. However, there are some errors related to sentence structure that interferes in making the statement clear and effectiive, otherwise. it could be Band 7 task response.

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Sample Answer Band 8+

There is a perspective that asserts that traveling to other places is not necessary to learn about the culture of other people, as information can be accessed through books, documentaries, and the internet. However, this essay will argue that firsthand experiences through travel are vital for gaining a comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures.

Firstly, traveling to other places enables individuals to form personal connections with people from different cultures. Interacting with locals provides a unique insight into their beliefs, traditions, and daily lives that cannot be replicated through other means. By participating in cultural activities, such as attending festivals, trying traditional foods, or engaging in local arts, travelers can gain a more authentic understanding of the culture. For instance, learning about Japan’s traditional tea ceremony from books and documentaries is informative, but participating in one alongside a local host offers a deeper understanding. Travelers can experience the host’s warmth and hospitality, observe their attention to detail, and appreciate the ceremony’s intricacies, which are difficult to capture through written or visual media.

Secondly, traveling to other places helps challenge preconceived notions and stereotypes about different cultures. Exposure to diverse ways of life encourages individuals to reevaluate their beliefs and assumptions, fostering open-mindedness and a more accurate understanding of cultural differences. For example, many westerners may have misconceptions about Middle Eastern or African cultures, which can be dispelled through direct exposure and interaction with people from those regions. In this way, travel serves as a powerful tool for dispelling myths and fostering cultural awareness.

In conclusion, while it is true that information about other cultures can be accessed without traveling, I strongly believe that firsthand experiences through travel are invaluable for fostering a comprehensive understanding of diverse cultures.

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IELTS Vocabulary – Travel

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travel vocabulary for ielts

Questions about travel and tourist destinations are extremely common on the IELTS examination. This page contains essential words and phrases that will help you answer questions on the topic of IELTS travel vocabulary. There are exercises for you to IELTS practice with real questions.

Table of Contents

  • Travel Vocabulary
  • Travel Vocabulary Activity
  • Travel Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations
  • Travel Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations Activity

1. Travel Vocabulary

  • Attraction – A place that entices visitors because it is interesting
  • Backpacking – To travel, often to more than one destination, with your belongings in a backpack
  • Camping – A holiday spent in a tent or camper van
  • Cruise – A sea-based trip taking a pre-planned route that involves visiting several ports
  • Excursion – A short trip usually taken whilst on holiday
  • Flights – Journeys that are taken through the air on an aeroplane or helicopter
  • Footfall – The number of people who enter an area/shop
  • Frugal – To be economical and sparing with money
  • Heritage – Objects and characteristics that are valued because of their cultural or historical significance
  • Holiday/Vacation – An extended period of recreation/leisure spent away from home
  • Homeland – The country you were born/brought up in
  • Hostel – Similar to a hotel but cheaper and often caters for young people, travellers, and students rather than the typical tourist
  • Hotel – An establishment that provides rooms and food to paying guests
  • Itinerary – A detailed plan of a route or journey. It usually includes times, dates, prices etc…
  • Luggage – The collective name for the suitcases/bags that you take on a trip
  • Luxurious – Of high quality
  • Safari – A type of holiday/trip to observe or hunt animals. Most common in Africa.
  • Seasonal – Only occurring at certain times of the year
  • Scenery – The natural features of a landscape
  • Sightseeing – The act of visiting different attractions or sights
  • Souvenir – Something you keep as a reminder of a place
  • Storey/Floor – A part of a building with all the rooms are on one level
  • Suitcase – A case with a handle used for carrying clothes or possessions on a trip
  • To travel by… / OR – on a plane/bus/boat/train/bike/the metro – To move from one place to another in a car/taxi
  • Traditional/Quaint – Old-fashioned and attractive
  • Travel agent/agency – The person who helps reserve you a holiday/The place where you reserve the holiday
  • Travel arrangements – The plans/preparations that go into making a trip/journey

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2. General Travel Vocabulary Activity

3. travel idioms, phrasal verbs, and collocations.

There are many collocations, idioms and phrasal verbs used to discuss travel and destinations. Using them correctly will make your answers sound completer and more natural. Here are some common words and phrases that you can use in the IELTS examination, followed by exercises for you to practice using the words in context.

  • Affordable destinations – Places that are within a person’s financial means. Not expensive/luxury
  • Affordable travel – Trips that are within a person’s financial means
  • All-inclusive – A trip where all food, drink, and accommodation are provided
  • Around the world – A large proportion of the world. Many destinations/continents.
  • Bed and breakfast – A type of accommodation that provides a room and breakfast
  • Breathtaking view – A view that is extremely beautiful or amazing
  • Bucket list – The places you want to visit and things you want to do in your lifetime
  • Get around – To move from place to place
  • Get away – To go on holiday/vacation/ (n) The holiday/vacation itself
  • Guided tour – Part of a trip where tourists are taken from place to place and given information by a guide
  • Head for/towards – To go in a certain direction or the direction of a specific place
  • Holiday destination – Place where people go on holiday/vacation
  • Itchy feet/Wanderlust – The desire to travel
  • Long haul/Short-haul destination – A destination far away from your home/ close to your home
  • Long haul/Short-haul flight- A flight that takes 6 + hours / A flight that takes -3 hours
  • Middle of nowhere – A place that is remote and far from civilisation
  • Off the beaten track – Away from where the tourists normally go
  • Out of season – The part of the year when it is not very busy
  • Package holiday – A holiday where the flight and accommodation, and often food, are included
  • Peak season – The busiest time of the year. For example, school holidays and Christmas
  • Swarming with tourists – Lots of tourists in a particular place
  • Tour guide – The person who leads guided tours to visit attractions and sights
  • Tourist trap – A place that attracts and exploits tourists
  • Travelling light – To go on a trip with little bags or luggage
  • When in Rome (do as the Romans do) – When you go to a place you should follow the customs/rules of the local people

4. Travel Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations Activity

For more practice, Visit IELTS vocabulary for Transportation .

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics & Cue Cards with Answers

Are you preparing for the IELTS Speaking Part 2 ? Look no further! We have compiled a list of cue cards on the most common topics, such as travel, sport, hobbies, movies, family, education, and technology.

Additionally, we have provided sample answers to each cue card to help you improve your speaking skills and gain insight into what examiners are looking for.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Travel

Describe a place you have visited that you would like to go back to..

You should say:

  • where the place is
  • what you did there
  • why you enjoyed it

and explain why you would like to go back

Sample Answer:

The place I would like to go back to is Bali, Indonesia. During my stay there, I visited a lot of beautiful beaches, tried surfing, and also went trekking to explore the island’s lush greenery. What I enjoyed the most was the laid-back lifestyle and the warm hospitality of the locals. They were always eager to share their culture and traditions with me. The reason why I wish to return to Bali is because of the unforgettable experiences I had during my stay, coupled with the desire to explore more of the island’s natural beauty and cultural richness.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Sport

Describe a sports event you enjoyed watching..

  • what event you watched
  • where you were
  • who you watched it with

and explain why you think this movie had such an impact on you

Last week, I watched a tennis match between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. I was at my friend’s house, and we watched it together. The match was incredible because both players are so talented and it was hard to know who would win. I enjoyed watching the match because of the high level of play and the competitive spirit of both players. It was also great to watch it with my friend and discuss the different tactics and strategies used by both players. Overall, it was a really fun and engaging experience.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Hobbies/Activities

Describe a hobby or activity you enjoy doing in your free time..

  • what the hobby or activity is
  • how often you do it
  • why you enjoy it

and describe how it benefits you

I enjoy hiking in my free time. I usually try to go at least once a month, but sometimes I’ll go more often if I have a free weekend. I enjoy hiking because it’s a great way to get outside and enjoy nature. It’s also a good workout, and I like the feeling of accomplishment I get from reaching the top of a mountain or finishing a long hike. Hiking also benefits me by reducing my stress levels and helping me clear my mind. Being out in nature is a great way to disconnect from technology and focus on the present moment.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Movies

Discuss a movie that had a significant impact on you..

  • what the movie is about
  • how the movie made you feel
  • how it made you see the world differently

The film that had a significant impact on me is “Before the Flood”, a documentary about climate change. The film follows Leonardo DiCaprio as he travels around the world to learn more about the impacts of climate change and what we can do to stop it. Watching the film made me feel scared and helpless, but also motivated to take action. It made me see the world differently by showing me the real-life consequences of climate change and how it affects people and animals all over the world. I think this film had such an impact on me because it presented the issue of climate change in a clear and urgent way and made me realise that we all have a responsibility to take action to protect our planet.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Family

Describe a person in your family whom you admire..

  • who the person is
  • why you admire them
  • how they have influenced or inspired you

and describe how your relationship with them has changed over time

The person in my family whom I admire is my father. He has always been a hardworking and dedicated person who puts his family first. I admire him for his work ethic and his ability to balance his professional and personal life. He has always been an inspiration to me in terms of his values and his approach to life. Over time, my relationship with him has deepened as I have come to appreciate the sacrifices he has made for our family and the lessons he has taught me about the importance of family and community.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Education

Describe a skill you learnt outside of school that has helped you in your education..

  • what skill it is and how you learnt it
  • why you decided to learn it
  • how it has helped you in your education

explain how this skill could be useful for other students as well

A skill I learnt outside of school that has helped me in my education is learning how to code. I learnt it by taking online courses and attending coding boot camps. I decided to learn it because I wanted to understand how software worked and how I could create things on my own. This skill has helped me in my education by allowing me to automate tasks, analyse data, and create interactive projects. It has also opened up opportunities for me to pursue a career in technology. This skill could be useful for other students as well because it develops problem-solving abilities and helps them understand how technology works, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s world.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Technology

Describe a device that you find useful..

  • what the device is and how it works
  • when and where you got it
  • how you use it in your daily life

and explain how this device has improved your daily routine

One of the most helpful devices I own is my fitness tracker. It is a small device that tracks my physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns. I got it as a gift last year and use it every day to monitor my fitness goals. It helps me stay motivated, reminds me to move more, and tracks my progress. It provides me with insights into my sleep quality, which helps me adjust my sleep routine. It has improved my daily routine by making me more active and aware of my physical health. It motivates me to push myself towards achieving my fitness goals. Overall, my fitness tracker is a great addition to my life that I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to improve their fitness and health.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 340 - the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide..

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Home / IELTS Speaking Topics in 2024 / IELTS Speaking topic – Travelling #2

IELTS Speaking topic – Travelling #2

This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases.

IELTS Speaking Part 2

  • what the place was
  • when you went there
  • what was special about it

and say if the visit have affected your life in any way

Model answer

Some twenty years ago my family decided to travel to Italy, so they booked a package holiday. They would always do that back then just for the sake of convenience. The country was great and it made a huge impact on me, but one particular place really struck a chord with me. It was Dali’s museum of art with finest examples of his works as well as complete compositions of art objects.

One thing that made it especially memorable was the museum guide who explained the context of the works. Each reflected a particular period of Dali’s development and let us in on his emotional state then. The impact was so great that when I came home I couldn’t help willing to learn more about him. His art became a gateway to surrealist genre for me and to this day I am very grateful for that. 

IELTS Speaking Part 3

How do you think technology has changed the way people travel nowadays.

Well, technology has definitely redefined the way we approach travelling. One thing to name is GPS navigation that over the years has become increasingly efficient. Not only do they show you the shortest route to your destination, they also warn you about traffic congestion, roadworks with many other nifty features. A soothing voice prompt will lead the way, warn about the upcoming turns and intersection, without you having to distract from driving. These effectively made traditional paper maps obsolete. Reading such maps is already becoming a lost art, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise, given how awfully convenient GPS navigators are.

What are some of the benefits of travelling within your own country rather than travelling abroad?

The benefits are numerous and quite honestly rather obvious. The first thing that comes to mind is price – it’s much more accessible, especially if you are on a tight budget. You get more bang for your buck! Secondly, you get to know your country better. You probably will go to historic sites, learn about local history, maybe even get to know your ancestors! It probably helps to feel more pride for your country once you familiarise yourself with it. Finally, it’s less of a fuss since you don’t have to cross the border and deal with all the bureaucracy. It might not be a reason strong enough to give up on travelling abroad, but it’s still a factor, right?

Some people prefer to travel alone, while others like to travel with companions. What are your thoughts on both options?

The two options have their benefits as well as drawbacks, as is the case with most things I guess. Travelling with somebody else is the conventional choice, and reasonably so. Together you feel more confident, it’s probably a case of safety in numbers. Going somewhere distant, using train or plane, dealing with all the papers can feel intimidating. Hence a shoulder to lean on is always welcome. Then comes the fun factor – the trip feels more enjoyable when you have someone else along for the ride to share all your positive emotions with. Finally, when it comes to renting a car or a place to crash it’s always cheaper when several people chip in.

Travelling on your own has its merits too. One thing is that you go whenever you want to go – whether your thing is lush forests of the Amazon or bustling night life of Tokyo – and there is nobody else who would rather go elsewhere. I had to deal with difference of opinion like that so I can really relate. Come to think of it, I guess that’s the only good thing about solitary trips.

In some countries, tourists are criticized for not respecting local customs and traditions. What advice would you give to someone visiting a foreign place for the first time?

It is true that people might feel entitled when travelling. But just because you have paid for the airline ticket doesn’t mean you own the place.  People could also act inappropriately out of ignorance rather than lack of respect for others. I guess tourism agencies should brief people leaving for a distant country for the first time. One advice they could give them is to take in the culture slowly, observe to fit in rather than stand out. Oriental and occidental cultures can be shockingly contrasting, so it wouldn’t hurt to educate yourself before leaving for a distant location. The internet is bustling with all information one could ever need and then some. So it really is a non-issue as long as people are ready to fill in their cultural gaps before setting off.

Has tourism become more accessible and affordable in recent years? If so, what impact does this have on people’s destination choices?

I’d say the situation really varies from country to country and the corresponding income levels. But broadly speaking, tourism is definitely within financial reach for most today. Affordable, so-called “low-cost” airlines make travelling on a budget reality as long as you are not to picky with dates and ready to get on the plane on a short notice. I guess they basically sell vacant seats at a hefty discount at the last minute. Accommodation options like hostels have made travelling without splashing on it a reality too. Resorts and hotels have been around for ages, as long as your are willing to pay. Hostels offer bare necessities without costing you an arm and a leg.

As for the way it has changed the map of tourism, I guess the destinations became more unorthodox. People don’t see tourism as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity anymore since the costs are almost negligible. As a result of this they can choose paths less trodden, some exotic locations that haven’t been commodified by travel agencies. People love feeling like trail-blazers, you know? That’s what affordable tourism offers – a nice new experience with no financial strings attached.

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Pittsburgh Fireworks Task Force responds to 89 calls on 4th of July

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PHOTOS: Pittsburgh celebrates Independence Day with fireworks

PITTSBURGH — Pittsburgh Public Safety released the number of calls the Fireworks Task Force responded to during the Fourth of July holiday.

The Task Force responded to 89 calls of service during the day and issued a total of 62 warnings.

>> Thousands head to Point State Park to celebrate 4th of July

Since June 30, the Task Force has responded to 124 fireworks-related calls.

The Task Force will remain in effect Friday evening.

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How much does a Utahn need to make to rent an average 2-bedroom unit?

By ashley fredde, | posted - july 4, 2024 at 1:26 p.m., a sign reading “for rent” in salt lake city on feb. 10. the average amount of money a utahn would need to make to afford a two-bedroom rental is rising. (megan nielsen, deseret news).

Estimated read time: 3-4 minutes

SALT LAKE CITY — A lot has changed since 2020, including the average amount of money a Utahn would need to make to afford a two-bedroom rental and still pay the rest of their bills.

In Utah, the fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment is estimated at $1,398, according to Department of Housing and Urban Development data. To afford this estimated rent and utilities without paying more than 30% of income on housing, a household must earn $4,661 monthly or $55,930 annually, according to a 2024 National Low Income Housing Coalition report .

Comparatively, the organization's 2020 report found that the fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment at the time was approximately $1,031, bringing the household earning necessity to about $3,438 monthly or $41,251 annually.

In 2020, the hourly wage to afford the unit was estimated to be $19.83 — with it rising just four years later to $26.89, just over $7 more.

"Although most indicators show that the U.S. economy is strong, the lowest-income renters continue to confront significant challenges finding and maintaining access to safe and affordable rental housing. Insufficient wages, rising rents, and an inadequate housing safety net all contribute to the problem. Only sustained, long-term federal investments in affordable rental housing can ensure that the lowest-income renters have affordable homes," stated the report released during Utah's legislative session.

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute estimated that the average real wage increased at a rate of 0.5% between 2021 and 2022 but that wage increases were not seen across all sectors. The minimum wage has remained at $7.25, making it harder for low-income families to keep up with the rising costs of inflation , housing and transportation .

Other considerations include those who are on Social Security income; for rent to be considered affordable for them, it would be around $238, added the report. Senior homelessness has risen in Utah in recent years with a 27% increase from 2020 to 2024 — or around 1,064 individuals, according to data from Workforce Services.

Expansions of affordable housing for seniors have shown to be effective, with the opening of the Point at Switchpoint facility in Salt Lake City last year. Once 100 beds were introduced by the facility, the total number of people over 55 sleeping in shelters in Salt Lake County declined during the following two months by 124 people, according to the state data dashboard.

The 2024 report also found that:

  • One would have to work at least 148 hours per week at minimum wage to afford a two-bedroom rental home (at fair market rent) or at least 124 hours per week for a one-bedroom.
  • You would need 3.7 full-time jobs at minimum wage to afford a two-bedroom rental home (at fair market rent) or at least 3.1 full-time jobs at minimum wage for a one-bedroom.

Other key differences between the two reports included Ogden-Clearfield falling off the state's list of most expensive areas, being replaced with Kane County. Other areas included on both lists were Summit County, Salt Lake City, Wasatch County and St. George.

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KSL Weather Forecast

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Fox Weather App on an iPhone, Fox Weather logo overlapping

Fourth of July weather: Who will have holiday travel headaches?

Fox weather highlights weather trouble spots day-by-day through to the weekend after the fourth so you can plan your holiday..

FOX Weather is tracking your Fourth of July holiday travel forecast day by day whether you are hitting the road, the air or just the backyard.

Check your holiday travel forecast, all week long

FOX Weather is tracking your Fourth of July holiday travel forecast day by day whether you are hitting the road, the air or just the backyard.

FOX Weather has your one-stop-shop for the Fourth of July holiday-week road travel, air travel and fireworks forecasts across America.

"Active weather is expected to continue impacting the U.S. leading up to the 4th of July. With several storm systems in play, travelers are facing major disruptions as they try to get to their holiday destination," warns the FOX Forecast Center. "And the ripple effect of airport delays and cancelations will take its toll as we approach the weekend. Mounting issues will cause a backup of flights, creating headaches for those trying to get out of town."

AAA forecasts a record 71 million people traveling 50 miles or more through the weekend after the holiday, beating pre-pandemic numbers. Over 60 million people will hit the road. More than 57 million will take to the air, and almost 5 million will be cruising or taking buses and trains.

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Stormy weather shifts into the Southeast on Monday. Watch for flash flooding across South Carolina and Georgia. Travel conditions improve across the Northeast throughout the day.

Oppressive heat sets up over the south-central U.S.

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An impressive storm charges into the Midwest , bringing the chance of thunderstorms that will stretch down to the southern Plains. The heat presses west into California, where Excessive Heat Advisories are in place.

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Moisture surges into the four corners and could touch off thunderstorms . These bring the threat of flash flooding in some areas and could create dangerous conditions for wildfires .

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4th of July weather forecast

Barbecue, beach, boating and parade forecast:.

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Fourth of July day forecast. ( )

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Keep an eye on the sky across the Midwest and Ohio Valley as afternoon thunderstorms bring the threat of damaging wind gusts and heavy rain .


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Hopefully, most of you will already be at your holiday destinations because airport travel could be challenging from Minneapolis and Chicago through to New Orleans . Unsettled weather creeps back into the Mid-Atlantic.


Here is the fireworks forecast:

The fireworks forecast.

(FOX Weather)

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Watch for storms across the Southern Plains to the Ohio Valley.


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Travel will be easier in the morning on both Saturday and Sunday.


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FOX Weather will be watching the Gulf Coast for any tropical activity .

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Why janeway hates time travel in star trek.


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10 Most Important Star Trek Time Travelers

Star trek: voyager’s kes/seven of nine swap was more unique than you know, i’ve always hated that star trek: voyager brought kes back in season 6.

WARNING: Contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Star Trek: Prodigy season 2!

  • Admiral Janeway navigates time travel complexities in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, drawing from her Star Trek: Voyager experiences.
  • Time travel challenges put the Star Trek multiverse at risk, as Janeway and her crew attempt to rescue Chakotay without creating a new timeline.
  • The Loom, temporal parasites feeding on aberrant timelines, pose a significant threat to the multiverse's existence in Prodigy season 2.

Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) has a familiar refrain of " I hate time travel " in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, and it's thanks to her experiences during Star Trek: Voyager . Now commanding the USS Voyager-A in Prodigy season 2, Admiral Janeway is tasked with rescuing Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) from an alternative future, while preserving the prime Star Trek timeline . One false move in their mission to rescue Chakotay after he sends the USS Protostar to Tars Lamora, and Janeway and her young warrant officers could create an entirely new timeline.

The complexities of time travel are so vast that Starfleet Academy has even compiled a textbook, Temporal Mechanics 101 , which Dal R'El (Brett Gray) struggles to get his head round in the opening episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy season 2. However, Dal's not the only member of the Voyager crew to get a headache from time travel. Reunited with her fellow Star Trek: Voyager characters , the Doctor (Robert Picardo) and Chakotay, Janeway repeatedly complains about her own dislike of time travel, and looking back over Janeway's experiences with temporal mechanics, it's easy to see why.

Time travel is a staple of Star Trek stories, and several time traveling characters have had a significant impact on the Star Trek timeline.

Star Trek: Voyager Is The Reason Janeway Hates Time Travel

"my advice on making sense of temporal paradoxes is simple: don’t even try.".

Admiral Janeway's hatred of time travel in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is pretty on-brand for the former captain of the USS Voyager . In "Timeless", when Janeway tells Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) to " not even try " to understand temporal paradoxes, Star Trek: Voyager heavily hinted that, like Dal in Prodigy , Janeway wasn't a particularly keen reader of Temporal Mechanics 101 . This was established earlier in one hilarious moment from the Voyager season 3 two-parter, "Future's End" when Janeway outlined her feelings on time travel and temporal paradoxes to Chakotay, saying:

"Time travel. Ever since my first day in the job as a Starfleet Captain, I swore I'd never let myself get caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes. The future is the past, the past is the future. It all gives me a headache."

Janeway's desire to get caught in " godforsaken paradoxes " becomes more and more ironic across Voyager 's seven seasons . In "Year of Hell", Janeway aborts an entire alternate timeline by destroying a Krenim timeship. Then, in "Relativity", Janeway helps a time-hopping Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) to stop Captain Braxton (Bruce McGill) from destroying the USS Voyager. Finally, in the Star Trek: Voyager finale, "Endgame", Captain Janeway accepts help from her older self to escape the Delta Quadrant . The older Janeway had a more relaxed attitude to time travel and the Temporal Prime Directive, advising her younger self to just " ignore it ".

In Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, episode 15, "Ascension, Part I", Chakotay states that Starfleet based their new uniforms and combadges on the older Admiral Janeway from "Endgame".

Star Trek: Prodigy Is Janeway’s Most Dangerous Time Travel Mission

The fate of star trek's multiverse hangs in the balance..

Admiral Janeway's newest time travel mission puts the fate of Star Trek 's multiverse at stake. As Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 begins, the USS Voyager-A is tasked with sending a small ship through the wormhole to retrieve Chakotay without polluting the timeline. When that mission goes drastically wrong, and Chakotay escapes with the USS Protostar a new timeline is created , which puts the very existence of Gwyndala (Ella Purnell) at risk, and causes great ruptures across the multiverse. To make matters worse, the failure to preserve the timeline attracts the attention of the terrifying Loom, temporal parasites that feed on aberrant timelines.

As someone who's always hated time travel and paradoxes, Janeway's mission in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 is her biggest headache to date. The USS Voyager's time travel missions were largely confined to preserving the ship's personal timeline or bending its rules to get home faster. In Prodigy season 2, Admiral Janeway faces something far bigger than anything she ever faced in Star Trek: Voyager , a threat to every single reality. Lucky for Janeway, Dal R'El has brushed up on his copy of Temporal Mechanics 101.

Star Trek: Voyager

*Availability in US

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The fifth entry in the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek: Voyager, is a sci-fi series that sees the crew of the USS Voyager on a long journey back to their home after finding themselves stranded at the far ends of the Milky Way Galaxy. Led by Captain Kathryn Janeway, the series follows the crew as they embark through truly uncharted areas of space, with new species, friends, foes, and mysteries to solve as they wrestle with the politics of a crew in a situation they've never faced before. 

Star Trek: Prodigy

Star Trek: Prodigy is the first TV series in the Star Trek franchise marketed toward children, and one of the few animated series in the franchise. The story follows a group of young aliens who find a stolen Starfleet ship and use it to escape from the Tars Lamora prison colony where they are all held captive. Working together with the help of a holographic Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), the new crew of the USS Protostar must find their way back to the Alpha Quadrant to warn the Federation of the deadly threat that is pursuing them.

Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

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Get Roundtrip Flights to South America for Less Than $200 With This Airline's Flash Sale

The deal ends July 5.

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DC_Colombia/Getty Images

Flying to South America just got cheaper with a new flash sale from LATAM Airlines — but there’s not much time left to snag a bargain.

“Only for a few days!” the airline shared about the promotion on its website . “Fly to South America with the Big Deals and embark on the best adventure!

The sale, which ends on Friday, July 5, at 12 a.m. ET, has nonstop routes to South America for as low as $197 round-trip. Travelers can book flights on LATAM’s flight deals page for travel through the fall, depending on the route.

Travel + Leisure found the best economy round-trip deals as part of this promotion:

  • New York (JFK), Miami (MIA), and Orlando (MCO) to Bogota, Colombia (BOG): Starting at $197.30
  • Miami (MIA) to Quito, Ecuador (UIO): Starting at $314.05
  • Boston (BOS), Hartford (BDL), Las Vegas (LAS), and Raleigh-Durham (RDU) to Lima, Peru (LIM): Starting at $404.85
  • Orlando (MCO) and Miami (MIA) to Santiago, Chile (SCL): Starting at $517.30
  • Atlanta (ATL) to Cartagena, Colombia (CTG): Starting at $568.30

The airline also has several premium economy and business class deals for travelers looking to upgrade their comfort. For instance, a nine-hour flight from Miami to Santiago can be booked for under $2,000 round-trip, and there are other deals worth looking at on the promotional page. 

As the largest airline in South America, travelers can visit Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and beyond with LATAM. Furthermore, LATAM Airlines has a codeshare partnership with Delta Air Lines on many of its North American and South American routes, so you can find deals from both carriers. 

Delta SkyMiles members can earn up to 200% in SkyMiles and up to 40% in Medallion Qualification Dollars (MQDs) depending on the distance of the flight. The exact rates are variable depending on the ticketed fare class with LATAM. Finally, Delta's frequent fliers will enjoy the same elite benefits, including priority boarding, lounge access, and extra baggage on partner flights. 

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Low-carbon transportation materials grants program funding.

The LCTM program is a discretionary program that focuses on accelerating the use of materials and products that have lower levels of embodied greenhouse gas emissions on eligible projects funded under Title 23.

From this Program, up to $1.2 billion is available to State DOTs for LCTM awards under the State Request for Applications (RFA). All awards of LCTM funds are available for obligation through September 30, 2026, and available for expenditure before September 30, 2031.

FHWA anticipates at least $22 million will be made available to each State DOT that addresses the eligible application factors and subfactors outlined in the RFA. Remaining funds available from the pool of $1.2 billion may be distributed equally among State DOTs that submit acceptable applications, not to exceed the amount requested in the State DOT's application. FHWA does not have a limit on maximum award size.

$800 million is available to non-State applicants for LCTM award under a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in the coming months. The program requirements will be the same as for State DOTs.

Application Details

State departments of transportation applicants.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA, Pub. L. 117-169, August 16, 2022) established the Low Carbon Transportation Materials (LCTM) Program Title 23, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 179), which provides funding for the use of construction materials that have substantially lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is requesting applications from State DOT as part of the LCTM Program. This RFA will result in the distribution of up to $1.2 billion, subject to the availability of funds. Funds made available for the LCTM Program will be awarded for the use of substantially lower carbon materials and products on construction projects funded under 23 U.S.C. and necessary work to identify appropriateness for use of these materials on eligible projects.

States shall refer to the following documents for application information and program details:

  • Request for Applications for State Departments of Transportation (amended, March 25, 2024) - closed June 10, 2024

Implementation Process Reports

Implementation Process Reports (IPRs) shall be developed by States post-award. More information can be found in the Appendix A of the RFA .

Non-State Applicants

More information on the Notice of Funding Opportunity for non-State applicants will be posted on in the coming months.

Eligible Recipients [ 23 U.S.C. 179(c)(2) ]

  • A unit of local government,
  • A political subdivision of a State,
  • A territory of the United States,
  • An entity described in 23 U.S.C. 207(m)(1)(E) (Federally recognized Tribes),
  • A recipient of funds under 23 U.S.C. 203 (Federal Land Management Agencies),
  • A Metropolitan Planning Organization (as defined in 23 U.S.C. 134(b)(2)), or
  • A special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function.

Eligible Projects

Eligible construction projects are limited to projects eligible under Title 23, including:

  • Federal-aid highways
  • Tribal transportation facilities
  • Federal lands transportation facilities
  • Federal lands access facilities.

Funding Limitations

  • Amounts made available under this program shall not be subject to any restriction or limitation on the total amount of funds available for implementation or execution of programs authorized for Federal-aid highways. [§ 23 U.S.C. 179(b)(4)(B)]
  • Funds cannot be used for a project for additional through travel lanes for single-occupant passenger vehicles. [§ 23 U.S.C. 179(b)(4)(C)]

Email Notification

  • Join the FHWA Low-Carbon Transportation Materials Email List to receive updates about the Program

For additional information about the Low-Carbon Transportation Materials Program, please email: [email protected]


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  1. IELTS Writing task 2: Travel and Tourism questions

    Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "Travel and Tourism" topic. A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world.

  2. Sample writing travel and transport topics for task 2

    1. In many countries people tend to move overseas or move to a different part of their country after their retirement. Discuss why they do so and what the outcome of this situation is. Provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 2. Some people prefer to use energy-saving modes of transportation like hybrid cars and bicycles.

  3. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Travel & Tourism

    Click here to find vocabulary and phrases related to travel, tourism and adventure. More Writing Task 2 Essay Topics. For School Children, Their Teachers Have More Influence On Their Intelligence And Social Development Than Their Parents; Some People Believe That Visitors To Other Countries Should Follow Local Customs and Behavior

  4. IELTS Writing Task 2

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  5. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic Travel

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  6. 50 Latest Tourism IELTS Topics

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    More and more people today are choosing to travel internationally. 2. This positive development is mainly because of a rise in middle class income coupled with advances in aviation. Paraphrase the overall topic for the essay. Write your opinion. 1. People today can afford to travel as it has become more convenient. 2.

  8. 15 Tourism and Travel Prompts for IELTS Writing Task 2

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  9. IELTS Topics: Travel and Tourism

    Vaguely Related: Space Travel. I definitely consider space to be a separate topic from travel, but there is some small degree of overlap here. For example, there is a reported IELTS speaking question that goes something like this: ... Task 2. Here is another travel and tourism essay question: In future, more people will choose to go on holidays ...

  10. IELTS Writing Task 2: Travel (Opinion Essay)

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  11. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics: Travel

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  12. IELTS Writing task 2

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  13. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Travel

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  16. IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Travelling

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  17. IELTS Writing Task 2

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  18. IELTS Travel and Tourism Vocabulary

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  22. IELTS Speaking topic

    IELTS Speaking topic - Travelling #2. This is a sample response for IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3. In addition to the model answer there are highlighted words and phrases. Teal is for vocabulary relating to this topic, yellow is for generally useful words and phrases.

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  24. How much does a Utahn need to make to rent an average 2 ...

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  26. Why Janeway Hates Time Travel In Star Trek

    Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) has a familiar refrain of "I hate time travel" in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2, and it's thanks to her experiences during Star Trek: Voyager.Now commanding the USS Voyager-A in Prodigy season 2, Admiral Janeway is tasked with rescuing Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) from an alternative future, while preserving the prime Star Trek timeline.

  27. This Snorkeling Experience Between 2 Tectonic Plates in ...

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  29. Low-Carbon Transportation Materials Grants Program Funding

    This RFA will result in the distribution of up to $1.2 billion, subject to the availability of funds. Funds made available for the LCTM Program will be awarded for the use of substantially lower carbon materials and products on construction projects funded under 23 U.S.C. and necessary work to identify appropriateness for use of these materials ...