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Jungle Cruise’s Trader Sam is gone — for now; Disney still says no plans to update Trader Sam’s

Changes are underway on Disney’s Jungle Cruise, the iconic opening-day attraction at Walt Disney World and Disneyland. In an Instagram post on Saturday, April 3, Walt Disney Imagineer Zach Riddley shared that a phased approach to the ride’s updates would soon be underway, and the ride opened Monday morning at Magic Kingdom with a notable absence: Trader Sam is gone.

Trader Sam Audio- Animatronics

In our recent interview about the changes coming to Jungle Cruise for our Spring issue , we talked to Walt Disney Imagineers Susana Tubert and Kevin Lively about the planned updates to the attraction and asked what the ride’s reimagining could mean for Trader Sam, the jungle’s “head” salesman who appeared near the end of the ride and lends his name to Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar at Disneyland and Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto and Tiki Bar at Walt Disney World. While they did not elaborate on how the character within the ride might be addressed, Tubert did confirm there are no changes currently planned for the eponymous tiki bars, both of which remain closed due to the pandemic.

Photo of the spot where Trader Sam used to be located. Photo by

“As far as Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar at Disneyland Resort and Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto at Walt Disney World Resort, no plans are on the way to update them currently,” Tubert said.

In light of Trader Sam’s disappearance at Magic Kingdom this week, we reached back out to Disney to check in on Trader Sam’s fate. Disney reiterated there are still no planned changes to the Trader Sam’s locations . Of the Audio-Animatronics figure at the end of the ride, they had this to say:

“As part of the changes we previously announced, we are addressing negative depictions of natives in the attraction. We look forward to sharing more about the finale to the enhanced storyline and final scene very soon.”

Riddley confirmed Disney is taking a phased approach to the Jungle Cruise reboot, updating scenes “over the next several months” while the attraction remains open. Tubert and Lively previously shared detailed descriptions of the ride’s new characters and their backstories with us and we’ll be looking out for them to appear as the ride updates continue to be revealed. You can also read more about the new characters on the My Disney Experience app.

As for Trader Sam and the ride’s new finale, it remains to be seen whether Disney will announce the updated storyline or let guests see for themselves when they ride Jungle Cruise.

Do you think Trader Sam will be part of the new Jungle Cruise finale or is he gone for good? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


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Disney has succumbed to the “woke” culture. Everyone already knows they were huge in making propaganda films for World War II. They continue to push garbage government agendas. “Divide & Conquer” is all they do to keep us all separated under silly “group” titles. All the while, stripping the single uniting title we have together… Americans… They will not bring back Trader Sam as black. They are deleting black people everywhere. THAT is offensive. TS will come back as some kind of sexually confused pervert that plays with kids. This culture is ok with that… Just another person that will not step foot in a Disney park ever again

It’s hilarious that you believe what you just said lmao

Grow up Disney, it was an icon of a fantasy ride!

Remember, Mickey AND Minnie Mouse are black!

Lots of studios made war propaganda films. It was considered patriotic to do whatever you could to help in the war effort, because it quite literally WAS a WORLD WAR. Many studios kept open BECAUSE of those films. It was a dark time for everyone.

With regard to being upset at changes, I guess you think they shouldn’t have put Johnny Depp in multiple places in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, or taken out the pirates auctioning the wenches, or the fat wench chasing the pirate?

You should appreciate the fact that “It’s a Small World” still has it’s various ethnic dolls. I somehow doubt that ride would be of interest to you.

WW2 we were fighting fascist,we were against them. We were Anti them you could say, Antifascist, or Antifa, for short.

But I’m sure you want Disney to return to Walt’s Hitler loving time. Walt hated unions and was convince they were a Jewish Bolshevik plot, just like Hitler said the USSR, France, and England were.

I myself am fine with the change. Change is part of growth. For those looking at it in a negative way…it is obvious that they have never been discriminated against. Trader Sam will probably be dressed in better taste and remain within the Jungle Cruise ride, but if not that is okay. In my opinion I don’t believe Walt Disney ever had intentions of discriminating against anyone. In fact Disneyland was meant for EVERYONE to enjoy. It doesn’t matter your color, race, religious beliefs, financial status…It’s a Small World After All. My family is a Disney family and we will continue to enjoy everything Disney has to offer.

I’ve been discriminated against throughout the course of my entire life, and I’m still not offended by the Jungle Cruise, Trader Sam or over the things that everyone else is. It’s not seeing it in a negative way because those that want those things changed were actually the ones seeing it in a negative way. You have to tip toe carefully around those types of people.

So sad but true

I don’t like the way white people are portrayed in the pirates of the Caribbean. Can that be changed too please?

Jimmy Laslo, you say “I don’t like the way white people are portrayed in the pirates of the Caribbean. Can that be changed too please?” I believe it has been changed in a few small ways to be more tasteful. I hope you are pleased by that.

Awesome point!!!

How is it offensive to portray an obvious fact that 100 years ago Africans were still living in the stone age again?

Some things shouldn’t be taken away completely. Maybe upgrade them a bit but leave them for the most part. Trader Sam is an icon. Getting rid of him would mean they have actually won! Keep him! Put some Burmudas on him and a few island tattoos. Some Ray Bans on the shrunkin heads and viola. New and improved. Everyone knows shrunkin heads won’t wear Ray Bans so it will all work out.

They weren’t. That’s the problem, you grow up seeing these things and believe them to be reality. Do some research about historical Africa. Some amazing technology and civilizations there, more advanced than European during different parts of history. It’s a historical ebb and flow and to say TS represents Africans 100 years ago because they lived in the stone age is pure l of education and bias

As a DVC member for 15 years I am seriously considering selling it. I adored Song of the South and other Disney gems as a kid and now I am being told I am racist. Erasing history because one person is offended is offensive and ridiculous. I have spent enough money in WDW to buy a Ferrari. Do any of the people you are trying to appease spend that? DISNEY’S rewrite of history and their wokeness will fail. Just like they ruined Star Wars

I’m Caucasian and I’ve been discriminated against countless times in Japan. Trader Sam should stay!

It’s funny that the bottom man on the new totem pole, about to be gored, is a white male while everyone about him are “men/women of color”. That just about represents how Disney feels about white males these days. The natives on the Jungle Cruise were based on actual tribes, but of course we have to change that. As far as Trader Sam, God forbid we should have a little humor. I am sick of people being offended about everything, especially since the people who complain never go to Disneyland anyway. Since the woke crowd got Disney to bend a knee, there is no stopping them. Look for revisions of Peter Pan, Tiki Room, and Small World next. I’m glad Tokyo Disneyland told the suits that they weren’t changing anything on the ride.

Makes you sick that every one get offended so easily

This is absolutely ridiculous! I understand the need to update the mechanics and artwork of a ride, but to totally make changes to historical and classic Disney rides and films is absolutely ridiculous! The reason people come to Disney with families, children, grandchildren and friends is to revisit memories they share together and make new ones. Yes, there was actually headhunters in the world (jungle Cruise) and yes history did have slavery in the world. (Song of the South) and they did a great job showing the representation of this throughout their history. Some of what I learned from these rides and films peaked my curiosity and I wanted to learn more about history. That was a good thing. So now Disney is on board with slowly erasing all historically correct areas in time and must love the changes we’re making now in this era. I’m sure they love all the political statues being torn down all around the Country too. Again, totally ridiculous! This is why I love universal studios so much! They not so “politically” correct and focus more on the entertainment values and imagination of their visitors. I haven’t been to Disney in 5 years because of Their views, but haven’t stopped going to Universal Studios. Growing up in Florida from 1973 and seeing every change Disney went through since then till now is unreal. I’ve been to Disney about 90 times in my lifetime. I’m Done with it. They’ve now gone too far with their Political correctness and I’m sure it’ll only get a lot worse.

Risperdal Brunn, take it easy. It’s an amusement park. Times advance and evolve. It will be okay.

Bad stuff happened in the past. We, as people, did some messed up stuff, said some messed up things. The only way we’ll move on from there, is if educate and leave be. Now, im in no place to have a deeper opinion than that- HOWEVER, somethings are the way they are- BECAUSE THAT”S THE WAY IT WAS. Erasing it, does not change a thing….- Hey, remember when the Pirates used to drink, smoke, chase women, steal, etc? IM IN NO WAY CONDONING ANY OF THESE BEHAVIORS- But that is a pirate. That is what they did. Historically. They weren’t eye-liner wearing, bad British accent having, dainty lads. I mean, they even changed the change they made. (after putting in Sparrow, they felt as though his hands on two dress form’s butts while hiding in the shadows was a bit too racey and changed that too!) A sexually driven pirate?! How dare he! Point being- Can we PLEASE leave well enough alone?

Some of these comments are beyond ignorant.

Just make trader sam white and be done with it

Yep like all the pirates in pirates of the Caribbean

This stupid world jusr keep getting nicer and nicer. It makes me so mad! lol

A character at Disney World had his hands on butts, and you’re offended by removing that gesture? That is weird.

My reply was to Corey, not Frankly.

Walt Disney was, of course, a proud American man with every advantage. With his cultural upbringing came many of the shared misconceptions and stereotypes of the time period.

Changes, like the removal of the utterly offensive Trader Sam, frankly, are overdue.

The controversial matter of Song of the South is plain. The movie misrepresented the African American slave experience and African Americans in general. That should be enough for adults to refrain from the hyperbolic commentary and childish backlash. Why? Because you are not the butt of the joke and you will never know what it feels like to see your culture or race portrayed in that particular way in a park that is meant to be “The Happiest Place on Earth.”

I am in full support of all of Disney’s recent changes. It shows that they truly do care about the comfort of ALL their guests and cast members, even if it does turn away a few Disney adults with deep pockets.

You are aware that there were very black head hunters in the Congo. And saying that I guess I need to be offended by pirates of the Caribbean as I look at all the white people doing all those bad things? You must want to live in fantasy land and deny the past. I know how blacks were treated in the past is wrong but trader Sam was a plastic object why does that offend anyone that has intelligence?

Reading these comments I’m stoked to go back to Disney Land knowing you lot won’t be there! Enjoy your protest lol

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  • Magic users
  • South American characters
  • Jungle Navigation Company members
  • Jungle Cruise original characters
  • Disney's Polynesian Village Resort
  • Adventure Trading Company
  • Removed elements
  • Jingle Cruise
  • Magical humans
  • Businesspeople
  • Restaurateurs
  • Shopkeepers
  • Adventureland inhabitants
  • Inhabitants of the Amazon rainforest
  • Inhabitants of Polynesia
  • Racist Elements in the Jungle Cruise
  • Trader Sam's
  • Skipper Canteen
  • Inhabitants of Florida
  • Jungle Cruise (Magic Kingdom)
  • Jungle Cruise (Disneyland)
  • Jungle Cruise (Magic Kingdom) characters
  • Jungle Cruise (Disneyland) characters
  • Authors of the Skipper Canteen
  • Neutral characters
  • Edit source
  • 1.1.1 Background
  • 1.1.2 Golden Age of Piracy
  • 1.1.3 Nineteenth century
  • 1.1.4 Adventuring
  • 1.1.5 Indiana Jones & the Jungle Cruise
  • 1.1.6 Later adventures
  • 1.1.7 Polynesian Villager
  • 1.2.1 Creation & changes
  • Jungle Cruise (1955-2021)
  • Trader Sam's
  • Jungle Cruise (2021-)
  • 2.1 Adventure Trading Company
  • 2.2 City of Zootopia
  • 2.3.1 1955-2021
  • 2.3.2 2021-present
  • 2.3.3 Jingle Cruise
  • 2.3.4 Jungle Cruise: Wildlife Expeditions
  • 2.4 Magic of Disney Animation
  • 2.5 Main Street Cinema
  • 2.6 Skipper Canteen
  • 2.7 Trader Sam's
  • 2.8 Trader Sam's Jungle Boutique
  • 2.9.1 Jungle River Cruise: Curse of the Emerald Trinity
  • 2.9.2 Kilimanjaro Safaris
  • 2.9.3 Tropical Imports
  • 3.1.1 Jungle Cruise (film)
  • 3.2.1 Disney Parks Presents: Jungle Cruise
  • 3.3.1 Epic Mickey
  • 3.4.1 Jungle Cruise Adventure Game
  • 7 References

History [ ]

Biography [ ], background [ ].

"Trader Sam" is a South American Indigenous man who comes from a family of hunters and cannibals in the Amazon rainforest . Sam's supposed grandfather was one Billamongawonga or, "Trader Bill" , a shrunken head salesman. Sam himself was an adept magic-user and was born prior to the 18th century, having been an adult by around the 1720s. Sam would take up the family business of head trading though his true interests resided in mixology. This was the apparent result of having been bitten by a literal, " Bartending bug " which some confused for a mosquito . [1]

This interest in bartending lead to Sam travelling the world in search of new beverage recipes. Sam created his first concoction in Cambodia along the Mekong river where he accidentally dumped his brew behind a temple on the Mekong river built by the Khmer Empire (802 BCE-1431). The following day, the liquor in the water resulted in it becoming inhabited by Indian elephants who enjoyed the beverage. For centuries to come this area served as a secret bathing pool for elephants and was even marked by statues connected to the Khmer empire such as a bowing elephant and idol of the Hindu god Genesha .

Golden Age of Piracy [ ]

In the early half of the 18th century, Sam ran a tavern in the Caribbean Sea which was frequented by pirates. Two regular customers of Sam's were the pirate Captain Jack Sparrow and said pirate's mother who loved spending time at the establishment. Sam and Jack also spent time together on Isla de Pelegestos where they encountered the cannibalistic Pelegestos tribe whom made Jack their chief. During this time, Sam also did business with the historic pirate Captain Edward Teach AKA Blackbeard. Sam traded for a spyglass with Blackbeard and also lusted after Blackbeard's daughter, the pirate Angelica Teach. [2]

Jack Sparrow's mother died prior to the year 1729 and through unknown means was transformed into a shrunken head. After Jack obtained this head following the War on Piracy , he left his mother's head in Sam's possession to honour how she loved Sam's tavern in life. [3] Sam would create a grand collection of items of relics from this era which included a locket used by the sea-gods Davy Jones and Calypso , and a ship-in-a-bottle depicting The Wicked Wench pirate-ship which was captained by one Hector Barbossa . [4]

Nineteenth century [ ]

Around 1805, Sam was friends of the Swiss Robinson family which had been marooned on the island of, " New Switzerland " in the East-Indies. Sam would maintain contact with the shipwrecked family when they made New Switzerland their permanent home. Also in the 19th century, Sam was friends with the Texas cowboy Lincoln Costain who himself was marooned on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.

Throughout the 19th century, Sam found work as an early scuba-diver. As a scuba-diver in the 1860s, Sam befriended harpooner Ned Land . [5] In 1868, Ned Land found himself aboard a Victorian submarine known as The Nautilus which he would later inform Sam on. Sam would have further connections to the Nautilus and its owner Captain Nemo , even travelling to Vulcania at some point in time. [6] . Objects which would come to be part of Sam's collection included a portrait of the Nautilus on the island of Vulcania, Ned Land's makeshift guitar which he had crafted on the island, the Jules Verne book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea which was based on the events, and even the mounted arm of the Giant Squid which attacked the Nautilus.

One of Sam's concoctions would be inspired by the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa , an eruption which could be heard (and even seen) around the world. Sam also had a connection to Victorian explorers Archimedes Q. Porter and his daughter Jane Porter and had a photograph of the two departing on their gorilla studying expedition in the Congo. Sam also befriended an alcoholic lighthouse keeper named Lampie from the seaside Maine town of Passamaquoddy . Around the turn-of-the-century, Lampie sent bottled messages to Sam describing a dragon which came to the town. At some point following 1889, Sam travelled to the colony of Mystic Point in Papua New Guinea in-search of new ingredients for his drinks.

Adventuring [ ]

Sam befriended one Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt , seemingly during the time that he was a Rough Rider in the U.S. military. Sam and Roosevelt went on many adventures together and Roosevelt often drank Sam's concoctions. Around the 1900s-1910s, Roosevelt became an original member of a group known as the Adventurers Club of which Sam was aware. Sam would maintain connections to the Adventurers Club throughout the 20th century.

Sam also went on his own adventures such as an elephant-back safari in the East African village of Harambe alongside the Kilimanjaro Safaris company. An adventure which occurred prior to 1912 had Sam meeting one Anna Mary Jones . While on an adventure with Anna, Sam apparently saved her life leading to Sam becoming a friend of her family. Sam would go on to become close friends and frequent business affiliates with her son, Indiana Jones .

Sam had some affiliation with Dr. Albert Falls who founded the Jungle Navigation Company in 1911. Sam brewed the doctor's favourite liquor in the form of, "Schweitzer Falls", a beverage named for a waterfall that Falls had discovered in 1891. Sam had frequent business-relations with the Jungle Navigation Company as he'd trade shrunken heads with them and their customers from an amazon outpost . Sam's cousin Chief Nah-mee also became involved in this operation though he'd also trade in fruits and jewellery. Sam became particularly close with an accomplished JNC skipper called Cap'n Kevin whom Sam was implied to have had a romantic relationship with after saving from a herd of stampeding giraffes .

On the November 6th of 1912, one Vanessa Capshaw of the the recently established New York City Preservation Society sent Sam a portrait of Billamongawonga, recovered from the Hotel Hightower .

In the year 1913, Sam accompanied Theodore Roosevelt for the former-president's final expedition . This took Roosevelt and Sam to the Amazon rainforest where they mapped the River of Doubt along with explorer Colonel Cândido Rondon . This expedition was successful in documenting what was later named the Roosevelt River though on the journey, Theodore contracted terminal-illness. This jungle illness would eventually result in Roosevelt's death years later in 1919.

Indiana Jones & the Jungle Cruise [ ]

In the year 1931, the Jungle Navigation Company became highly successful when new president Alberta Falls started the Jungle Cruise tourism service. This resulted in many businesses finding success around JNC outposts, including a shop run by Trader Sam known as, " Tropical Imports ". [7] This shop was active since at-least 1932 and seemingly built from a middle-eastern structure and would be crewed by Sam's subordinates such as one Louie Majors . The establishment was affiliated with Indiana Jones, the Jungle Navigation Company, and the Enchanted Tiki Room of which Sam was close with cockatoo denizen Rosita . Also in 1931, Indiana Jones and the League of Adventurers discovered the ancient Temple of the Crystal Skull in the Lost River Delta of Cusco, Peru. Sam travelled to the Delta presumably around this time and photographed himself outside of the temple.

Sam also would adopt a pet in the form of a baby Indian Elephant which he named, " Ellie ". The two would do business with customers of the Jungle Navigation Company, trading commodities such as shrunken-heads. Around the mid 1930s, the JNC assisted Sam in opening, " Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar " in the Polynesian isles of the Pacific Ocean, an establishment given magical properties by the local gods . Fellow bar-owner Marion Ravenwood and several members of the Adventurers Club sent Sam gifts to commemorate the bar's opening. After an adventure in 1935, Indiana Jones and his accomplice Wan "Short Round" Li sent Sam a kryta of Jones made by the mad priest Mola Ram . Jones had Short Round instruct Sam to destroy the kryta though for whatever reason, Sam kept it safe in the bar instead. At this village, Sam would womanize the local Polynesian women and also commit serial-murders motivated by cannibalism and shrunken-head obtaining, even killing the bar's opening-day staff. Sam also took up hula dancing lessons from a woman named Karen. [8]

In the December of 1935, the Jungle Navigation Company held their first inaugural, "Jingle Cruise", a Christmas -themed tour of the Rivers of Adventure . The Jingle Cruise practice of continuing the Jingle Cruise would continue for the following years and during one of these tours (potentially even the inaugural Jingle Cruise), an air shipment of holiday decoration missed its marker and was dumped in the rivers. Because of this, the jungles became polluted with Holiday decor that the Jungle Navigation Company condoned as an improvised decoration (despite the harm it caused to the local wildlife). Holiday themed pollution would appear to become a standard tradition of the Jungle Navigation Company's Jingle Cruise celebrations. Sam would take to selling champagne to guests for New Year's while Nah-mee assumed the Santa Claus themed alias of, " Trader Sam-ta ".

Around the summer of 1936, Sam was contacted by Indiana Jones' affiliate Sallah Mohammed Faisel el-Kahir who sent Sam a map of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye, a structure in the Lost Delta of India which he and Jones had been excavating since the June of 1935 . Sallah wished for Sam to bring some of his patrons to the temple for tours due to the archaeological team having been pressured into leading tours by British Colonial Affairs . Following the July 6 of 1936, Sam was again contacted by Jones' affiliate Marcus Brody in hopes that Sam could assist in searching for Jones who had disappeared in the temple while searching for its Jewel of Power. Jones ultimately managed to escape from the temple with the help of tourists sent into the temple by Sallah. The vicinity of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye was admittedly Sam's favourite spot to get water for his bar's, "green drinks". [9]

Around the same time, Trader Sam hosted a, "Free Cooking Course" which he advertised in the community postings section of the Daily Gnus newspaper, asking participants to, "Bring a friend" presumably to cannibalize. Sam used his bar to commemorate the arrive of the colonial Adventure Trading Company in Adventureland, crafting a brew called, "Juju Juice" named for their jujus . Some of Sam's employees at the Enchanted Tiki Bar lost the recipe for his, "Juju Juice" and feared that Sam would decapitate them as punishment. People attempting to join the visiting Adventure Trading Company were able to find them locate the recipe, and were given the Tiki Mask Juju as a reward.

In 1937, Trader Sam was connected to the, "Game Ball Playoffs" which involved using a coconut as a ball which he kept afterwards in his Enchanted Tiki Bar. By 1938, Sam had written and published several books under the pen-name of, " T.S. ". Around 1938, Sam came into possession of a stone tablet which depicted the Crystal Skull of Akator . Also around 1938, Sam was given a new job within the Jungle Navigation Company by Alberta Falls who put him in charge of the company's lost & found. Sam transformed this into, " Trader Sam's Gift Shop! " which sold the collected items to Jungle Cruise customers. From this establishment, he also used an old camera to photograph guests aboard the Jungle Cruise as souvenir-photos.

In the December of 1938, Sam left Ellie and the gift-shop and said he would return in 15 minutes, during which time the gift-shop was overrun by macaques .

Later adventures [ ]

Around the later 1930s/1940s, JNC employee Skip Dockmonkey was made Trader Sam's manager. At some point, he attended the Hollywood night-club The South Seas Club and Clifton's Republic which influenced his own bar operations. In the year 1939, Sam attended a trinket-selling convention where he sold seashells on the sea-shore. Throughout the 1940s, Sam often assisted aviator and Adventurers Club member Hathaway Browne by providing him with enchanted liquor to use as airplane fuel. At some point after the New Year's Eve of 1937, several members of the Adventurers Club went on an expedition and sent a crate of possessions from their headquarters of Pleasure Island , Florida to be kept in Sam's safekeeping. At some point in time, Trader Sam rode the JNC's boat the Yangtze Lotus through Congo where he found the, "Old Family Recipe" of the Angolada rum.

In the year 1941, Sam became acquainted with Walt Disney when Disney, his wife Lillian and their friends, "El Grupo" travelled to South America as a goodwill tour for the US government . Sam had been hired to give the Disney party a tour of the continent with Disney and Sam later becoming friends. Walt Disney would go on to become the best customer of Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar. Also in the 1940s, Sam travelled to Casablanca , Morocco where he was a patron of Rick's Café Américain , an establishment run by one Rick Blaine . Blaine held Sam in high-regards, considering him to be one of the only two Sams which he could trust. At some point, Sam and five other members of his family invited their Cousin Stu to dinner at which-point they murdered him and turned him into a meat-stew which Sam hung a photograph of them eating up in the bar.

In the 1950s, Sam became a fan musical artists such as Elvis Presley and Anette Funicello , decorating his establishments with their covers; the latter of whom became one of Sam's customers. Assorted artifacts kept in the Tiki Bar included a genie's lamp from Agrabah, the idols of various tiki gods, a figurine of the Florida Orange Bird , a coin-jar used to collect money for a travel to Paradise Falls in Venezuela, a post-card from Hawaiian isle of sentient volcanoes Ukulele Island , and a plushy of Donald Duck . Canadian botanist Dr. Leonard Moss left various plants in Trader Sam's care, which Sam suspended from the ceiling of his bar. Sam is also rumoured to have discovered the Fountain of Youth in Florida, leading to him creating a drink called, "La Florida" in his bars. [10] Sam served a drink themed around the Nautilus at his bars, and audio of a Tomorrowland submarine captain departing for a journey under the North Pole played when this drink was ordered.

Sam's bar would host the likes of Indiana Jones, Sallah and Adventurers Club members such as Hathaway Browne, Otis T. Wren and Samantha Sterling. During the winter season, the bar's island was engulfed in paranormal, "Tropical Snowstorms", enhanced by to the nearby volcanoes erupting blizzards.

Polynesian Villager [ ]

Sam, Skip and the JNC also opened a secondary location around the 1950s known as, "Trader Sam's Grog Grotto" along the Polynesian Seven Seas Lagoon . This new establishment was located within the Great Ceremonial House of a village which worshiped some of the same gods that supported the enchanted tiki bar and which had its waters visited by the Nautilus in the past. existence. Amongst the patrons were the aristocratic British toad J. Thaddeus Toad , Esq. whose car-keys Sam had to confiscate, and apparently the popular singer/actress Annette Funicello who to Sam's dismay was at one point thrown into the sea as a joke. Possible patrons of the bar might have included Hathaway Browne, Rosita and Walt Disney with this bar having also brought the, "Tropical Snowstorm" to the village in the winter months.

Around 1955, Sam travelled aboard the shrimping-ship The Miss Tilly in Blustery Bay where he befriended the crew. This ship was subsequently caught in a hurricane which impaled the boat atop the volcanic Mount Mayday in Placid Palms . Sam escaped and was later sent a post-card by the crew from when the palms were transformed into the resort, "Typhoon Lagoon". Sam also visited many tourist locations across Florida including Silver Springs , Parrot Jungle, Monkey Jungle and the Sunken Gardens of St. Petersburg. [11] In the 1960s, Sam retained contacts with Lt. Rob Crusoe, U.S.N. who himself had been marooned in the Polynesian sea before escaping with US government assistance. [12]

Development history [ ]

Creation & changes [ ].

Trader Sam was originally a character who appeared at the end of Disneyland's Jungle Cruise and who was designed by artist Samuel McKim (Sam's alleged namesake). [13] He was integrated in a scene originally portraying an African river which featured a crocodile and gorilla which occupied the same area with said gorilla having been repurposed as the Yeti in Matterhorn Bobsleds (currently found in Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT! ). The Trader Sam figure was also originally adorned with a smiling tribal mask resembling one of African origin despite the character being South American.

Animator Marc Davis designed a different incarnation of the character for the Magic Kingdom's Jungle Cruise. Like his predecessor, this trader was a racist stereotype, here even resembling Davis' infamously racist depictions of Indigenous tribes from the film Peter Pan (1953) . As Jungle Cruise cast-members were encouraged to improvise, the scripts referred to this character as, "Chief (Name)" leading to the creation of Sam's cousin Chief Nah-mee.

In the 1980s/1990s, Trader Sam's tribal mask was removed from his figure. Also the scripts for the Magic Kingdom's Jungle Cruise would be changed for consistency, resulting in the erroneous identification of Chief Nah-mee as being Trader Sam. Sam's characterization was also expanded upon by making him an environmentalist who would kill those who harmed the environment. In 2011, a backstory was created for the character for the opening of Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar in the Disneyland Hotel. Next to Sam was a shield with two glowing green lights, used to assist cast-members by indicating when their boat is switching tracks. [14]

In 2020, the Black Lives Matter movement sparked outrage at corporations perpetuating sterotypes; particularly in theme-parks. Notable outcomes of this included changing the attraction Splash Mountain (based on the infamously banned film Song of the South (1946)) into a Princess and the Frog (2008) themed attraction and Universal Studios being highly criticized for their Harry Potter parks due to the property's owner's insensitive comments on social media. In 2021, a refurbishment was overseen at the Jungle Cruise to remove cultural insensitivities from the attraction such as the audio-animatronic of Trader Sam.

However, Sam was controversially still left in the attraction as part of a scene written by one Kevin Lively . Here, Sam was instead portrayed as the criminal proprietor of a lost & found where he sells stolen items for profit. This scene was apparently originally conceived while Lively worked as a cast-member at Tarzan's Treehouse .

Jungle Cruise (1955-2021) [ ]

Trader Sam was created as a stereotype of the Jivaroan peoples of the Amazon. In the Spanish Colonial Period, conquistadors perpetuated a propagandistic myth that the Jivaro are the antithesis of, "Civilization" in retaliation to being unsuccessful at conquering Jivaroan territory. Sam being a cannibal was based on general myths as the Jivaroan are not known to practice cannibalism nor are any South American Indigenous tribe. Sam's dark-skinned design also seemed to be more based on an African

Shrunken head trading is inspired by how in the 1910s, many South American Indigenous peoples were pressured into selling shrunken-heads to European colonists who considered them to be exotic souvenirs. Traditionally, shrunken-heads are religious items used to bind the spirit of a potentially vengeful enemy, not items sought after for profit or collection.

Trader Sam's [ ]

These bars were based around the character of Trader Sam. Because of this, many of the harmful stereotypes identified with the character were perpetuated in the bars. Amongst these were a shrunken head motif and various references to Trader Sam and his family (represented by shrunken-heads) being cannibalistic. Many of these references were removed in 2021. The bars also revealed Sam to be a magic-user and possibly immortal, an adaptation of the, "Magical Native American" trope which has been criticized for being a minority-token trope that ostracizes Indigenous peoples, exploits Indigenous people as, "Exotic", and trivializes Indigenous spiritualism as Western perceptions of occultism and magic.

Jungle Cruise (2021-) [ ]

The existence of Trader Sam's Gift Shop! has been criticized due to perpetuating Sam's harmful legacy. His characterization also continues to adhere to stereotypes, depicting him as an untrustworthy and greedy thief. This subscribes to the aforementioned negative stereotypes of the Jivaro and general stereotypes of Indigenous peoples being sly, conniving and untrustworthy. In 2023's Jingle Cruise, a sign included a promotion for, "Trader Sam-ta" mentioning a, "Head start" on Holiday shopping, and not that, "Inventory shrinking". [15] [16]

Appearances [ ]

Adventure trading company [ ].

Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar was the location for the Tiki Mask Juju mission. Guests had to find his recipe for the JujuJuice after his employees lost it and they feared he'd sever their heads for it. Also in the Daily Gnus newspaper is a community-posting advertising cooking-classes with Trader Sam. This ad asks for clients to, "Bring a friend", referencing how Sam was a cannibal at the time. [17] Sam's bar and Tropical Imports were advertised in the Daily Gnus, the Jungle Handbook for River Navigation , and the Bird Call . On a map handed out of Adventureland, Sam and Ellie were illustrated along the river. [18]

City of Zootopia [ ]

There is a non-canonical reference to Trader Sam in Zootopia where one of the billboards is for, "Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Nights" at, " Trader Lamb 's".

Jungle Cruise [ ]

1955-2021 [ ].

Sam used to appear as an audio-animatronic in Disneyland's Jungle Cruise. Nigel Greenwater mentioned Sam within his audio-loop, saying that Sam's business Tropical Imports has received a new shipment of quinine . A transmission in the queue had Jack warn his friend that the crocodiles outside of, "Trader Sam's" were biting harder than usual. Another transmission came from Tropical Imports, telling skippers about a new shipment of canned goods, linens, ship's canvas, gunpowder and special orders being ready.

2021-present [ ]

In present-day attractions, Sam is referenced as running, "Trader Sam's Gift Shop!" and being out for a few minutes. Skipper Missy makes announcements for Trader Sam and his gift-shop on the radio.

Jingle Cruise [ ]

During the defunct Disneyland versions of this overlay, Sam sold champagne for the holiday. In the Magic Kingdom version, he was mentioned on a flyer in the queue, asking him not to bring food to the company Christmas potluck. [19]

Jungle Cruise: Wildlife Expeditions [ ]

In the queue for this attraction is a note from a young girl named Molli which reads, "Mr. Skipper, I lov elefans! I lov jungl! I lov Sam! Lov, Molli " along with the crayon drawing of an elephant. [20] In the actual attraction, Sam is replaced by Chief Nah-mee who sells the enchanted Tiger of Courage , Monkey of Cleverness and Elephant of Wisdom medallions while accompanied by Ellie.

Magic of Disney Animation [ ]

Sam is pictured on a poster which was hung up in the Hollywood dressing-room of Minnie Mouse. Said poster was for a film titled, " The Jungle Cruise " (satirizing the film The African Queen ) with Sam also being listed as a cast-member on the film. Next to Sam was a crate labelled, "Dr. Albert Falls" with two skulls atop it and the word, "Discover our two-for-one deal!". [21]

Main Street Cinema [ ]

Outside of the Disneyland Casting Agency is a posting for jungle riverboat skippers. Applicants are requested by the agency to apply for the job under one T. Sam. [22]

Skipper Canteen [ ]

An advertisement for trading with Trader Sam is posted in the mess hall. Additionally, there are five books written by Trader Sam in the library. These books include: Friends for Dinner, Top Hats and Umbrellas , The Banana Trade, What's in a Name and The Missing Mask . Also in the library are books by, " Shakes Speare " titled Sam IV Part 1, Sam IV Part 2, Sam V, Sam VI Part 1, Sam VI Part 2 and Sam VI Part 3 . On the bulletin-board in the Mess Hall, there is a sheet of paper promoting an annual Holiday party for JNC employees. On the topic of a potluck, the paper reads, "*Bring food for a pot luck* (except Trader Sam)", referencing Sam's cannibalistic tendencies. [23]

On the menu was a meal-item called, "Trader Sam's Head-On Shrimp". [24] This food-item was removed from the menu in 2022. [25] Another meal-item referencing Sam is, "Trader Lamb". [26]

Sam is the fictional proprietor of these bars.

Trader Sam's Jungle Boutique [ ]

This is an unbuilt shop conceived for Disneyland Paris' Adventureland which ultimately became the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost .

Other connections [ ]

Jungle river cruise: curse of the emerald trinity [ ].

Sam's business, "Tropical Imports" was advertised in the Daily Colonial Journal .

Kilimanjaro Safaris [ ]

A photograph in Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar identifies him as having travelled with Kilimanjaro Safaris in Harambe around the late 19th century/early 20th century.

Tropical Imports [ ]

Tropical Imports was revealed in the Disneyland Jungle Cruise's queue audio to be run by Trader Sam.

In other media [ ]

Jungle cruise (film) [ ].

Sam is the namesake and inspiration for a female Trader Sam played by Veronica Falcón . She is a member of the Puka Michuna tribe which is affiliated with Frank Wolff and protects the Tears of the Moon tree in 1912. Her predecessor chief from the 16th century also dresses in an outfit resembling that of Sam from the ride.

Printed materials [ ]

Disney parks presents: jungle cruise [ ].

While Sam is not appearing in this children's book, his mask makes a small appearance on the same page as Ellie.

Video-games [ ]

Epic mickey [ ].

In this game is a Tiki Hut shop run by one, " Tiki Sam ", a greedy anthropomorphic dog shopkeep. This store is found in Ventureland , the Adventureland analogue of the Wasteland, a twisted Disneyland that harbours forgotten and discarded characters.

Paraphernalia [ ]

Jungle cruise adventure game [ ].

One of the Skipper Specialty cards is called the, " Trader ". The image on the card depicted another boat dropping cargo to pick up, adding 1 extra point to each piece of cargo delivered by the player. [27]

  • Sam might be inspired by the cannibal shrunken-head salesman Queequeg from Herman Melville's Moby Dick.
  • The image of Jack Sparrow and Sam on Isla de Pelegestos might be placing Sam at an event mentioned by Jack in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl when Jack is telling a story of the island and says, "-and then they made me their chief".
  • Sam has newspapers from the San Francisco Bulletin seen at the beginning of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea from when the Abraham Lincoln departed to hunt the Nautilus.
  • Sam has a photograph of Prof. Porter and Jane Porter on the same expedition where they met Tarzan .
  • Alberta's map had the words, " Last chance for provisions: local vendors, open all season, good prices " over Tropical Imports which might reference the shop and/or its proprietor, "Trader Sam" as having been active in the Lost Delta during Dr. Albert Falls' 1891 expedition to map the Rivers of Adventure. [28]
  • The expedition map which Sam and Roosevelt stand next to depicts the 1913-194 expedition through the River of Doubt.
  • Sam was tour-guide of Walt's 1941 vacation to South America in Brazil, Argentina and Chile which inspired the film Saludos Amigos (1942).
  • Concept art of Sam was used in the Enchanted Tiki Bar for the character, "Trader Bill". This name might be an allusion to Jungle Cruise botanist, Bill Evans .
  • In Na'vi River Journey , Trader Sam's effective counterpart is the Shaman of Songs . This is due to the shaman being a rainforest Indigenous person with mystical powers who appears at the end of a Jungle Cruise attraction.
  • Sam is the first of three characters in the Jungle Cruise to have been given the, "Trader Sam" moniker. The second is Chief Nah-mee and the third is their film counterpart. While Sam and Nah-mee are cousins, it is currently unknown if he has any similar connection to the Sam of the film.
  • Sam is similar to the characters of Pecos Bill and Arabella Smith in the Disney Parks as both were proprietors of drinking-establishments that hosted famous figures. Both Smith and Sam were affiliated with Jack Sparrow, Blackbeard and Angelica Teach.
  • It is unknown is Sam or his family have any connection to the Puka Michuna tribe from the Jungle Cruise film.
  • Old promotional materials for the parks used the name of, " Salesman Sam" . [29]
  • Walt Disney, José , Prof. Tom Morrow and Trader Sam are referenced as agents of the Disneyland Casting Agency along with being characters in the Jungle Cruise mythos.
  • Trader Sam, Chief Nah-mee and Ellie are similar to the Hitchhiking Ghosts from the Haunted Mansion in being audio-animatronic characters that acknowledged guests during the falling-action/denouement portion of their respective attraction. Nah-mee was also designed by Marc Davis who designed the hitchhiking ghosts.
  • In a hallucination scene of the Disney+ series Loki, the Loki variant Sylvie drinks from Trader Sam's HippopotoMai-Tai with a mind-controlled member of the Time Variance Authority who had happy memories of the drink.
  • The Missing Persons board of the Amazon River Base mentions individuals implied to be being killed by cannibals, who given the South American setting would likely be victims of Sam or his family. Amongst these are Emma Boylen, C.M. Cooken, and possibly B.N. Eaton.
  • For 2024's Pixar Fest, a small depiction of the Pizza Planet truck from Toy Story made of jungle materials was added to Trader Sam's Gift Shop! as one of 50 Pizza Planet trucks hidden across the park. [30]

Gallery [ ]

Trader Sam Teddy Roosevelt

See also [ ]

  • List of Racist Elements in the Jungle Cruise

References [ ]

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  • 1 Frank Wolff
  • 2 Lope de Aguirre
  • 3 List of Secrets and Easter Eggs in Trader Sam's

‘Jungle Cruise’ Charts a Different Course With a NEW Trader Sam

in Movies & TV

Trader Sam in the theme parks and in the jungle cruise movie

The all-new  Jungle Cruise  film — based on the classic Disney Parks attraction of the same name — includes several Easter eggs from the ride. But someone you absolutely cannot miss is Trader Sam.

Yes, that’s right. Trader Sam, a character Disney fans know well from the Jungle Cruise attraction at Disneyland and Walt Disney World, is also a character in the new movie. Only there is something very different about this Trader Sam — she is a woman , she is a leader, and she is  not  the “head salesman” from the theme parks.

Here’s what you need to know about the Trader Sam Jungle Cruise icon and how the character has changed with the debut of the film.

Jungle Cruise Movie Poster

The  Old  Trader Sam

To give you some background information, Trader Sam is a longtime Disney Parks icon . There are even bars named after him !

For decades, Trader Sam was regarded as the “head salesman” — or, more distinctly implied, the actual  head  salesman — of the jungle. The person was depicted as a native man who sold shrunken heads and was often the subject of some of the last jokes Guests would hear before disembarking their boat.

Trader Sam Jungle Cruise

Though Sam was a popular character that many Guests grew to recognize on the Jungle Cruise attraction, he was removed as part of Disney’s efforts to eliminate insensitive depictions of other cultures within the theme parks . However, Jungle Cruise skippers still refer to Trader Sam on the ride — just not in a way that is offensive. Now, at the end of the boat ride attraction, instead of seeing the Trader Sam animatronic, Guests will see Trader Sam’s gift shop , as Sam is off on an adventure scouring the jungle in search of more goodies to sell.

The  New  Trader Sam

Trader Sam in the film, on the other hand, is entirely different. From her gender to her clothing — to the fact that she actually has a speaking role — Trader Sam in the  Jungle Cruise  movie feels entirely different than the character from the attraction of the same name.

Trader Sam in the jungle cruise movie poster

In the past, the attraction depicted Trader Sam as an animatronic without any audio, and the character did not have a speaking role. In the new film, Trader Sam is a woman with agency.

She is a cunning leader with intelligence, wit, and drive, and her inclusion in the film feels quite intentional. I don’t aim to spoil the movie, but I will say that Sam plays an integral role in moving the story along, and her knowledge is quite important to the other characters’ fate.

So, is Disney reinventing Trader Sam, changing who the character was before? Or were there other “Trader Sams” before this? Perhaps. Some may argue that the Trader Sam we knew from the attraction is different from the one introduced in the film — maybe even a Trader Sam who came before her.

But personally, I think Disney has effectively redefined Trader Sam and reshaped this character into an all-new person, giving viewers of the movie a clearer idea of who Disney Parks refer to when they mention Trader Sam while giving tours on the Jungle Cruise riverboat ride.

The Rock Jungle Cruise

(Want to see Trader Sam in live-action? You’ll have to watch the movie — we’re not showing any screenshots!)

Trader Sam and the Jungle Cruise Attraction Refurbishment

As part of Disney’s efforts to emphasize diverse storytelling and eliminate insensitive depictions of other cultures, the company has made some significant changes to the Jungle Cruise Attraction. One of these changes included the removal of the Trader Sam animatronic from the ride at Disneyland Park at Disneyland Resort and Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort.

Jungle Cruise

But removing the animatronic allows Disney to continue to reinvent and reestablish who Trader Sam is. Now, there is no distinct visual of Trader Sam as a person on the Jungle Cruise attraction. Anyone who watches the  Jungle Cruise  film will be introduced to Trader Sam — and, therefore, their impressions of who Trader Sam is as an individual will change. Anyone who sees the movie could, later, ride the attraction, see Trader Sam’s gift shop, and automatically think of the film character.

Disney has redefined who Trader Sam is, creating a fleshed-out character with personality and wit. Walt Disney once said, “We keep moving forward.” And now, it appears Disney used Trader Sam in the  Jungle Cruise  film to do just that.

jungle cruise disneyland

As the long legacy of the Jungle Cruise will continue in the Disney Parks — and now the new film — who know how many new characters we will see in the future. For now, we can see Sam in the new movie and know that the character lives on in one way or another on the classic Disney ride.

Are you excited to meet Trader Sam in the new  Jungle Cruise  film, in theaters and Disney+ Premier Access on July 30?

Disney Matters

News from around the world, disney releases image of final scene at the jungle cruise, origin of trader sam’s gift shop explained.

  • In Activities , Disneyland , Entertainment , News , Resorts and Travel , Theme Parks , Walt Disney World
  • April 26, 2021

Disney releases image of final scene at the Jungle Cruise, origin of Trader Sam’s Gift Shop explained

This past January, Disney announced the  Jungle Cruise  at Walt Disney World and Disneyland will be building on the original story of this beloved attraction by making a number of changes including updating the storyline. 

“We’re adding more humor , wildlife and skipper heart to the classic attraction, and as part of a much larger effort, this updated experience will welcome new characters from around the world,” stated the Disney Parks Blog.

Disney is also adding more diversity while removing “all scenes that feature unsavory depictions of indigenous characters.” One of those scenes is the finale where Trader Sam, the “head” salesman, is making a special offer to visitors – “he’s offering a killer deal: two of his heads for one of yours! Any takers? C’mon, folks; any way you slice it, you come out a-head!”

Changes begin on the Jungle Cruise, attraction to remain open during refurbishment

Earlier this month, Trader Sam was removed from the attraction as the site was prepped for the installation of the new scene. Disney fans were speculating what Disney had planned for the finale and today the Disney Parks Blog revealed that it would be Trader Sam’s Gift Shop.

The shop was set up as a lost and found location, but Trader Sam has figured out a way to make money from the “passengers” lost possessions by turning it into a gift shop. “Ever wonder what happened to that gramophone you accidentally left behind on the boat during your last adventure? How about that beloved pith helmet that went missing?”

Explaining the origin of the gift shop, the Disney Parks Blog says, “Word on the stream is that Alberta Falls, proprietor of the Jungle Navigation Company Ltd., has entrusted her longtime friend, Trader Sam, to manage the new Lost & Found location.  But, with Trader Sam being Trader Sam, there’s always an opportunity to make some extra money. After all, all the best rides end with a gift shop, right?”

Even though Trader Sam still has a presence in the attraction, as well as Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto and Tiki Bar at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort and the Disneyland Resort Hotel, guests will not physically seem him. Disney states that “while he’s out lost and finding some new inventory, it’s the animals that get the last laugh!”

Replying to the news on the Disney Parks Twitter account, Disney Imagineer Kevin Lively said, “When I worked Jungle at @Disneyland we had Tarzan’s Treehouse as part of our rotation. While getting my cardio, I would come up with ideas for stories, then type them out when I got some. One story was about Skippers that turned Lost & Found into a gift shop. Good ideas never die.”

Work on the Jungle Cruise attraction is ongoing, but Disney has not given a date when these updates will be completed.

  • Disneyland Park
  • Disneyland Resort
  • Jungle Cruise
  • The Jungle Cruise
  • Trader Sam's
  • Trader Sam's Grog Grotto
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DINUS » Trader Sam (Jungle Cruise)

Trader Sam (Jungle Cruise)

Last Updated on: March 23rd, 2024

Who is Trader Sam?

Trader Sam is a character from the Disney theme park attraction, “ Jungle Cruise .” The attraction is a boat ride that takes guests on a journey through various tropical environments, including the Amazon and Congo rivers, and is based on the adventures of jungle explorers.

Trader Sam is a trader who is often depicted as a snake oil salesman, offering various wares and potions to guests as they pass by his raft on the jungle river. He is known for his wit and cunning, and is often shown trying to trick guests into buying his wares. Despite this, he is also depicted as a lovable and charming character who adds to the humor and fun of the attraction.

The Collection:

Here is the Internet’s largest collection of Trader Sam -related movies, TV shows, toys and other products. As always, new pieces are added to this collection regularly.

Movie Appearances

jungle cruise movie

Jungle Cruise

Park appearances.

Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar (Disneyland)

Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar | Disneyland Hotel | Disneyland

Here is everything you need to know about the amazing Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar restaurant at Disneyland including history, reviews, fun facts, photos and more. I hope you find this listing informative and helpful!

Jungle Cruise (Disney World)

Jungle Cruise | Disney World

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Jungle Cruise (Disneyland)

Jungle Cruise | Disneyland

Here is everything you need to know about the amazing Jungle Cruise attraction at Disneyland including history, reviews, fun facts, photos and more. I hope you find this listing informative and helpful!

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto disney world

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto | Polynesian Village Resort | Disney World

Here is everything you need to know about the amazing Disney World restaurant Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto including history, reviews, fun facts, photos and more. I hope you find this listing informative and helpful!

Trader Sam’s Tiki Terrace (Disney World)

Trader Sam’s Tiki Terrace | Polynesian Village Resort | Disney World

Here is everything you need to know about the amazing Disney World restaurant Trader Sam’s Tiki Terrace including history, reviews, fun facts, photos and more. I hope you find this listing informative and helpful!

Related Products

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Polynesian Resort Trader Sam’s Tiki Room Chip and Dip Server Bowls

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In the News

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  • Trader Sam has gone missing from the Jungle Cruise , April 6, 2021
  • Jungle Cruise Adds New Characters, Mischievous Wildlife and Skipper Humor to Classic Attraction , March 20, 2021
  • Permits Filed To Begin Construction of New “Culturally Sensitive” Jungle Cruise Ride Scenes at Disneyland Park , February 26, 2021
  • New Adventures to ‘Cast’ Off Soon Along World-Famous Jungle Cruise at Disneyland Park and Magic Kingdom Park , January 27, 2021
  • ‘Jungle Cruise’ at 65: How the Movie Will Pay Tribute to Disney’s Beloved Attraction , July 18, 2020


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Trader Sam’s Backstory & Details


In our review of Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar at the Disneyland Hotel , we called it “one of the greatest things Disney has built in years.” Our visits to Trader Sam’s since then have confirmed that, and it remains one of our favorite experiences at Disneyland Resort. With this post, I wanted to share photos of 10 of my favorite details (and what they’re referencing), along with the backstory of Trader Sam’s.

Beyond the tiki culture, the big draws of Trader Sam’s are the kinetic energy and layers upon layers of detail. The “bar” aspect of the establishment is a nice perk, but we’d love Trader Sam’s just as much if it were a waffle house (which is one of the big reasons why we recommend Trader Sam’s even to guests who don’t drink).

For regular guests of Disneyland or Walt Disney World, Trader Sam’s will be a familiar place, even upon their first visit. So goes the backstory of Trader Sam, a quirky adventurer and entrepreneur who has worked the shores of Disneyland’s Jungle Cruise as the “Head Salesman” of the jungle. There, Trader Sam is a wheeler-dealer, selling some of his “treasures” that he has collected and making that famous offer of “two of his heads for one of yours.”

Let’s take a look at some of the other details and show elements at Trader Sam’s…


The backstory of Trader Sam’s bar is told through various letters on the walls. Here’s a basic overview: Trader Sam decided to open an Enchanted Tiki Bar where “his expertise in head-shrinking potions grew into an interest in mixology.” Being a very connected man in the import/export business, Sam called on his friends at the Jungle Cruise Navigational Company, to help him decorate the bar. With the artifacts provided by them and his letters and photos from his travels, he managed to thoroughly adorn the walls of Trader Sam’s.

I think it was a savvy move on Disney’s part to tie Trader Sam’s into the Jungle Cruise through its Navigational Company, as that opened the door for “artifacts” from locations all over the globe that share this type theming. Much like how Mystic Manor has expanded the S.E.A. (Society of Adventurers and Explorers) found at Fortress Explorations in Tokyo DisneySea into a worldwide Disney theme parks thing, the Navigational Company allows Trader Sam’s to have Easter Eggs from Disney parks around the globe without these being merely hat-tips or homages to those parks. So far, I’ve spotted artifacts or correspondence from Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room, Typhoon Lagoon, Indiana Jones Adventure, the Tower of Terror at Tokyo DisneySea, the Adventurers Club, Lost River Delta at Tokyo DisneySea, Sunshine Tree Terrace, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I’m sure there are more references that I missed.


Trader Sam traveled all over the world to collect the ingredients for “Sam’s Gorilla Grog,” which is his secret base formula for his drinks. He faced many dangers along the way as he sought after these ingredients, and because of this, some of the drinks he serves have mystical powers. Ordering these drinks “disturbs the tiki gods,” which triggers special effects in the restaurant. We have more about the menu in our Trader Sam’s review, but in short, it’s spectacular, as are the special effects that go off in the bar when certain drinks are ordered.


Unfortunately, in an era where something as insignificant as Starbucks coffee being served on Main Street USA leads to hundreds of blog posts and tens of thousands of forum posts that all more or less say variations of one or two things, there is almost zero documentation on the awesomeness that is Trader Sam’s. We want to do our part to remedy that, and to share some of our favorite details with those who haven’t visited this hidden gem…or who might have visited, but can’t quite remember the details of their visit for some reason or another. 😉

Here’s a look at some details–enjoy!


I’ve heard that there are several nods to the Adventurers Club in Trader Sam’s, but I only have spotted a couple. This postcard is from Samantha Sterling, who was one of the Club Members (a cabaret singer) at the Adventurers Club. There’s also a letter from Pamela Perkins on Adventurers Club letterhead.


You know you’re a Disney theme park geek if you instantly recognize this tribute. It’s to Joe Rohde, Executive Designer and Vice President, Creative at Walt Disney Imagineering. Rohde is the Imagineer responsible for the Adventurers Club, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and Disney’s Aulani Resort. He is also known for his various “ear-wear” and somewhat eccentric style. Based upon his portfolio and look, he’s the perfect Imagineer to honor in Trader Sam’s. (Heck, the restaurant should be named after him, but perhaps legal thought better of that…)


This should be fairly recognizable to anyone who has seen the Indiana Jones movies. There are a few correspondence that tie the restaurant to Indiana Jones–I just wish there was something from Sallah. Thanks to the Indiana Jones Adventure pre-show, he’s now my favorite character from that franchise.


H. Goff stands for Harper Goff, who is a lesser-known original Imagineer who has been dubbed “Walt’s Second Imagineer.” He was a prolific banjo player and was incredibly influential in the original design of Adventureland. He also has a tribute in Adventureland at Disneyland; you can see that tribute and read more about Harper Goff here .


Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room is probably the best-represented attraction at Trader Sam’s, and these animated columns are one such example. Although this is inspired by the columns in the Tiki Room, it also reminds me of the Adventurers Club Mask Room.


This family tree of three shrunken heads is obviously Trader Sam’s family tree, and is a reference to Sam’s position as head salesman of the jungle on the Jungle Cruise. Interesting that Sam is shrinking the heads of his own family…perhaps the three heads he’s trying to trade for your head are his relatives?! Or, perhaps this “family tree” is just a combination of a pun and a nod to the Jungle Cruise joke, and not actually Sam’s family…


This shelf is filled with a variety of artifacts and Disney references (just a bit further down is the coin jar from Up). Most noticeable here is a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea book and a can labeled “Gorilla Grog,” which is Sam’s secret elixir blend.


I really like this one, but it’s perplexing. I have no idea what this “Game Ball Playoffs ’37” is referencing. I know the Adventurers Club opened in 1937, but I don’t know enough about the Club’s history to know if that’s the extent of this reference, or if there’s something more to it. I’ve pondered this question and tried to get help from others, all to no avail. Right now, it remains my great Trader Sam’s unsolved mystery (even though there are plenty of other things I’m sure I’ve missed). Anyone know the answer? Also note the Tiki Drummer in the background.


Thought this was appealing! Get it…? This is an Orange Bird bank sold at Walt Disney World in the 1970s and 1980s, which was installed in Trader Sam’s before the Orange Bird returned to Walt Disney World . I wish the Orange Bird received better representation than a souvenir bank (not exactly what I’d call an artifact), but I’m nonetheless glad that he’s represented.


This one should be pretty obvious to Walt Disney World fans. That’s Mount Mayday, the icon of Typhoon Lagoon. Miss Tilly a shrimp boat that found its way there during a devastating tropical storm and became impaled upon a mountain. Either the boat learned to write, or its namesake sent Sam this postcard, which appears to reference both the storm at the heart of the Typhoon Lagoon backstory and a particularly intense night of drinking that the two shared.

These are just a few of the hundreds of details inside Trader Sam’s that make the place so much fun to explore. Kevin Kidney and the whole team behind the restaurant did a great job with it. The ambiance is spectacular, the drinks and food are great, and it exudes that old level of Disney detailing and storytelling. Hopefully this helps explain why Trader Sam’s is a place where we could spend hours relaxing and conversing–and why it should definitely be a stop on your next Disneyland trip!

For actual Disneyland trip planning tips and comprehensive advice beyond these quick and random tips, make sure to read our Disneyland Trip Planning Guide and related articles.

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Your Thoughts…

Which part of Trader Sam’s theming is your favorite? Do you hope to visit Trader Sam’s one day…possibly if one opens at Disney Springs in Walt Disney World? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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Written by Tom Bricker

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This is such a great post – and this post was the reason I ended up visiting Trader Sam’s last year.

1) Would always welcome more detail about Trader Sam’s at DLH. When I’m there looking around, it’s all very interesting, but is more interesting when there is an explanation behind what you’re reading!

2) Have you visited the Trader Sam’s in WDW yet?

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The postcard with Mount Mayday on is wasn’t written by “Miss Tilly” it’s signed by “Crew of Miss Tilly,” so the boat didn’t magically write a postcard to Trader Sam 🙂

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Minor detail. 😉

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I just want to start a petition for this place to serve the Lapu Lapu from the Poly here! Any ideas? I have made the recommendation each time I walk in there. I think it would be the perfect signature drink addition! BTW, thank you for this article but it gets soooo crowded in there at times, I wish less people knew about it. ;>)

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I spent every night at Trader Sam’s on my New Years trip. I am glad you found many of the items from other locations and I would love to see them all listed somewhere eventually. I was trying to explain on a Podcast how there were so many things that referenced or came from other Disney attractions. I would love to link to this blog for my next article that talks about the Trader Sam’s going in at the Polynesian Resort if that would be alright. Just shoot me an email if it is okay. I wonder what items they will gather up for the Trader Sam’s out east. I hear that the Imagnieers are going to retheme much of the Polynesian to have more of an Adventureland feel than it already does.

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Great review! My family hasn’t stayed at the Disneyland Hotel since before the renovation, but we’re heading there in a few weeks. In the past, we’ve used the hotel primarily just as a place to sleep, but after reading this site we’ve decided to spend a day dedicated to simply enjoying the resort, and Trader Sam’s looks like it will be a highlight. I’m a massive sucker for Disney trivia, so this restaurant will be Nirvana.

Thanks for the excellent work on this website. It’s an outstanding resource!

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Oh my goodness! This is mine and my spouses absolute favorite hangout at Disneyland Resort. We liked the Lost Bar but LOVE Trader Sam’s. Every time we go, we pop in usually once a day! We always find something new to look at and have tried every one of the signature drinks! We love it so much we are going to Disney World in Sept for the first time and I wanted to stay at the Polynesian just to get something close!

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Tom, first of all, I loved the article and the accompanying pictures. Second, this is just a hunch, and may be a bit of a stretch, but “Game Ball Playoffs ’37″ may be alluding to Sammy Baugh. In 1937, he was a rookie for the recently moved Washington Redskins.

The Redskins won the NFL Championship that year, 28-21 over the Chicago Bears, thanks in large part to Baugh’s 4th quarter 35 yard pass for a touchdown.

The NFL didn’t start giving out “playoff” MVP awards until 1967 when they merged with the AFL and had the first Super Bowl, so it can be inferred that Baugh may have been given the game ball.

I wonder if the Imagineers are suggesting that Trader Sam and Sammy Baugh are one and the same…or maybe the coconut is supposed to be what Trader Sam used as a football (while prentending to be Sammy Baugh) when he played a game of football with some locals on a trpopical island.

That’s just a guess and if it’s not the explanation, than I too am out of ideas.

That would be a really obscure reference, but it wouldn’t surprise if one of the Imagineers is a fan of the Redskins. My money is still on it being an Adventurers Club reference that I’m just missing…

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Well… a couple of more Adventurer’s Club notes. First, that basket in the second is filled with AC artifacts. That puppet, “Slappy”, was worked by the Colonel in some memorable outings. Note Zeus, “God with Rod”, a Maid’s feather duster, Hathaway’s scarf, and other items. Second, although it is not mentioned in the drink book, the bartenders can (and will) make a Kungaloosh, and should know the club salute. (We even did the creed and sang the club song in the bar). Third, the sinking ship effect is out of the AC. Fourth, there is a yacht with a small colonel piloting it, representing the permanent members out on their cruise with Marcel. The yacht also supposedly has a small gorilla (Marcel) a peacock plume and leopard scarf. Fifth, they have the sinking barstools. Sixth, outside, you will see the diver’s helmet from the Samurai diver. There is probably more. Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

I can’t believe I’ve missed so many of those things. Although in fairness, we only went to the Adventurers Club maybe 4 or 5 times before it closed, and my memory isn’t the best from a few of those evenings.

We’ve had both the “old” and “new” Kungaloosh at Trader Sam’s. I only ever had the “new” one at the Adventurers Club, but both are good at Trader Sam’s.

Thanks for adding to the list. Really appreciate it!

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Though its hard to narrow it down, some of my favorites in Trader Sam’s are the inclusions of art from current tiki artists. There is a carved mask by Kirby on the wall in the southwest corner. Tiki Tony has a small painting behind the bar on an upper shelf. One of Bosko’s carved masks is on the East wall. And the impressive front doors were carved by Leroy Schmaltz of Oceanic Arts. I’m sure I am missing countless others in this abridged list.

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The large “ship in a bottle” over the back of the bar is another relic from the Adventurers Club. I spent two evenings at Trader Sam’s last week and had an absolute blast. Makes me miss the Adventurers Club even more . . .

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You might be right, however the ship in the bottle is the Wicked Wench from the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction. Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily have some pics of them working on that (along with most of the major decor in the bar.)

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does this have any similarities to the enchanted tiki room at magic kingdom? We’ve never made it into the Enchanted tiki room at MK, but I thought it was an attraction/show. Are they at all related?

They are thematically related. This is a bar, the Tiki Room is a (family) show.

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We’re going to visit Disneyland this summer – a thought that really hadn’t much crossed my mind until reading your blog. On the day we get into town we plan to make a stop at the Tiki bar, again, largely on your recommendation. We’ll call this the Bricker-sponsored trip! (no pressure)

As long as “Bricker-sponsored” doesn’t mean I have to pay for it! 😉

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You can totally write a part 2, 3, 4, etc. to this article. There’s so many details left to mention and I’d love to read more!

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I wholeheartedly second Julia’s motion!!! Excellent post Tom, would love to read more. Kungaloosh!

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Like you said, there are hundreds of details that can be mentioned. One of the ones I always liked: Located above the Short Round note is a newspaper article from the movie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. They show the article briefly in the film when talking about the “monster” and the Professor.

Oh wow, that’s pretty obscure. You’d probably have to be a fan of the movie to spot that one!

Haha, I suppose so. I loved the movie when I was young and watched it many times. The article features a picture of a flying “dragon” attacking a ship and that image is something I remember clearly. You should be able to spot the newspaper with the dragon on it pretty easily next time you drop in to Tader Sam’s.

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I’m sooooo there in July- it’s on our list of must-do’s for our first Disneyland trip!

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My favorite are the two Toy Story 3 Tiki Mugs found on the walls (to the left of the bar). One side shows Buzz, the other side shows Woody. I don’t have a picture of them in Trader Sam’s, but they look just like these:

They’re pretty rare since only 500 were made and given as gifts to the TS3 crew by Lee Unkrich. I only noticed them when a Pixar employee who happened to be there pointed them out.

Wow, that’s beyond awesome. Way cooler than what I pictured in my head before clicking the link. Too bad those were never made available to the general public.

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Disney Wiki

  • Jungle Cruise characters
  • Businesspeople
  • Disney characters
  • Neutral characters
  • Magic Users
  • Silent characters
  • Elderly characters
  • S.E.A. characters
  • Native American characters

A female version of the character appears in the Jungle Cruise movie.

  • 1.1 Background
  • 1.2 Development history
  • 2.1.1 Adventure Trading Company
  • 2.1.2 The Jungle Cruise
  • 2.1.3 Main Street Cinema
  • 2.1.4 Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar
  • 2.2.1 Trader Sam's Jungle Boutique
  • 2.3.1 Jungle Cruise
  • 2.3.2 Magic of Disney Animation
  • 2.3.3 Skipper Canteen
  • 2.3.4 Trader Sam's Grog Grotto
  • 3.1 Jungle Cruise (film)
  • 5 External links

History [ ]

Background [ ].

Sam is a (presumed) South American indigenous man who has a long history of affiliations with Disney characters, having an extended (if not outright immortal) lifespan. He was the grandson of one Billamongawonga AKA Trader Bill, a trader of shrunken heads which seemingly lead to Sam becoming part of the family business. Sam's family was also cannibalistic and largely composed of warriors.

Sam himself had an interest in traveling the world to search for enchanted items and different recipes for beverages. This interest was the apparent result of having been bitten by a literal, "Bartending bug" mistaken for a mosquito. Sam's first liquor brew was accidentally dumped into a waterbody behind a flooded Cambodian temple. The booze attracted a large sum of Indian elephants who never forgot the spot.

The earliest references to Sam chronologically places him as having been a grown man during the golden age of piracy in the 18th century. Sam supposedly ran a pub frequented by pirates where he traded for a spyglass from the historic pirate Blackbeard while having held attraction to his daughter Angelica . Through unknown means around this time, Sam obtained a locket which had belonged to either the sea deity Davy Jones or Calypso . Another trophy of Sam's from this era was a ship-in-a-bottle of The Wicked Wench , a notorious pirate ship best known for their sacking of the cursed island of Isla Tesoro .

Sam's pub was frequented by the mother of pirate Captain Jack Sparrow , both of whom he befriended. Sam and Sparrow had even spent time together on Isla de Pelegestos when Jack convinced the Pelegestos people that he was their chief. Following Jack's mother's demise, her head was transformed into a shrunken-head which passed ownership from Jack's father Edward Teague to Jack himself. Jack left his mother's head in Sam's possession to honor how much she loved the pub and Sam would honor this wish by bringing it with him whenever he established a new bar location.

In the early 19th century, Sam befriended the Swiss Robinson family of New Switzerland in the East Indies. Around the mid 1800s, he also befriended one Lincoln Costain , a cowboy from Texas who got shanghaied onto the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. Sam kept in contact with both the Robinsons and Costain via letters which they exchanged via bottles at sea.

Throughout the 19th century, Sam also began working as an early scuba-diver and became good friends with Canadian harpooner, Ned Land . Sam seemingly accompanied Ned in San Francisco around 1868 when Ned was one of many sailors recruited to hunt an alleged, " Sea-monster " which was destroying ships. The two were separated when Ned's ship was attacked by the monster though Ned survived and later sent Sam a harpoon as a gift while recanting the story which transpired between their last meetings . At some point in time, Sam even visited the island of Vulcania where the, "Sea monster" made its port.

Sam had some apparent familiarity with the infamous eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia which occurred the August 26 of 1883. One of Sam's drinks would be inspired by the eruption and named the, "Krakatoa Punch". Sam also was familiar with Prof. Archimedes Porter and his daughter Jane , obtaining or having taken a photograph of them during the beginning of their expedition to the Congo. Another close friend of Sam's around this time was a drunkard lighthouse-keeper named Lampie in the seaside American town of Passamaquoddy . Lampie sent neurotic letters to Sam when a dragon came to Passamaquoddy but no-one believed him. At some point following 1889, Sam travelled to Mystic Point, a colony created in Papua New Guinea by British colonist and aristocrat Lord Henry Mystic .

Around the 1890s, Sam also befriended military Colonel Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt who he would frequently go on adventures with. Through his friendship with Roosevelt, in the early 20th century Sam befriended an organization known as the Adventurers Club ; a splinter-faction of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers which was founded by S.E.A.-member Merriweather Adam Pleasure . Sam would retain close affiliations with the Adventurers Club and its members for decades to come.

One expedition of Sam's took him to the East-African port of Harambe where he travelled with the Kilimanjaro Safaris company on elephant-back. At some point prior to 1912 he saved the life of one Anna Mary Jones and became close with her family the Jones', even becoming a frequent contact of her son Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. On the November 6 of 1912, Sam was contacted by one Vanessa Capshaw of the New York City Preservation Society in New York City , NY. Capshaw sent Sam a portrait of his supposed grandfather Trader Bill which was recovered from the Hotel Hightower as Trader Bill had been the right-hand-man to one Harrison Hightower III prior to Hightower's 1899 death.

In 1911 , the Jungle Navigation Company was founded by S.E.A. member Dr. Albert Falls with the company becoming close to Sam and his cousin Chief Nah-Mee . Sam was seemingly close with Dr. Falls and knew how to brew his favorite drink the, "Schweitzer Falls". Sam also became close to a Jungle Cruise skipper known as Cap'n Kevin who he was seemingly romantically involved with and the two spent nights together in Kevin's hut. Sam was also close with riverboat salesman Charlie Allnut who offered Sam transport alongside advice in dealing with certain Jungle Navigation Company boats and employees.

In 1913 , Sam joined forces with Teddy Roosevelt and Brazilian explorer Colonel Cândido Rondon to plan an expedition through the Amazon Rainforest. This mission was to map out the River of Doubt but also for Roosevelt to try and reclaim his youth following disappointment at having lost the last presidential election. The mission lasted from 1913 to the April of 1914 and while it was successful, it resulted in Roosevelt contracting illnesses which slowly killed him leading to his 1919 death.

Sam's personal businesses began booming thanks to the JNC following 1931 due to then JNC president Alberta Falls beginning the, "Jungle Cruise" riverboat tours as it brought many tourists, Hollywood filmmakers and new businesses to Sam's domain. Around this time, Sam developed a reputation for being the, " Jungle's Head Salesman " and took in a pet baby Indian elephant named, " Ellie ". Sam also ran a shop known as Tropical Imports which was involved in aiding the many denizens of the, " Adventureland " locales. By 1938, Sam would have written at least five books under the pen-name of, " T.S. " all of which were featured in the library of the Jungle Navigation Company's headquarters, these books being: "Friends for Dinner", "What's in a name", "Top Hats and Umbrellas", "Banana Trade", and "The Missing Mask".

Throughout the 1930s, Sam also frequently accompanied and assisted a now adult archeologist Indiana Jones on his adventures, having also been close with Sam's contacts Marcus Brody, Marion Ravenwood , and Sallah Mohammed Faisel el-Kahir . C.1931 Sam travelled to the Lost River Delta of Cusco, Peru where Indiana Jones excavated the Temple of the Crystal Skull . Circa 1935 , Sam assisted Indiana Jones in the containment of three, "Voodoo" dolls made by the mad priest Mola Ram which depicted Indiana and his accomplices Willie and Short-Round. This same year Sam assisted Sallah and the Lost Delta Archaeological Expedition in the Lost Delta of Cambodia with their excavation of the Temple of Mara . When Jones disappeared in the temple, Sallah reached out to Sam to have him aid in bringing tourists to the temple for additional funds.

Around the mid 1930s he opened up a new bar in the Polynesian isles known as, "The Enchanted Tiki Bar" though he would kill his opening day crew and use their heads for decoration. The bar was also decorated with totems of Māori deities while also seemingly having connections to the Enchanted Tiki Room where he was a friend with the sentient bird Rosita . When the, "Adventureland" region(s) hosted the Adventure Trading Company, staff of the Tiki Bar became involved with giving new company members the, "Tiki Mask Juju" in return for assistance after they lost the recipe for Sam's drink the Juju Juice. In the '30s, Sam also visited the South Seas Club of Hollywood, Los Angeles which he kept several mementos of.

Following 1937 , Adventurers Club members, such as Pamelia Perkins , Otis T. Wren , Emil Bleehall, Jr ., Samantha Sterling , Hathaway Browne , Prof. Fletcher Hodges, and Colonel Suchbench began sending Sam memorabilia from their old headquarters on Pleasure Island , Florida to decorate the Enchanted Tiki Bar. Amongst the possessions were a ventriloquist's dummy called, "Slappy" left by the colonel to be in Sam's caretaking while the Adventurers Club went on an expedition.

In 1938 , Alberta Falls who was close friends with Sam put him in charge of the Jungle Navigation Company's lost & found. Sam however converted the lost & found into, "Trader Sam's Gift Shop!" here he would sell off the lost items collected. In 1939 , Sam attended a seaside trinket convention where he sold a multitude of seashells.

In 1941 , Sam was hired by one Walt Disney to give him a tour of South America. Sam and Walt began quite close with Disney going on to become the Enchanted Tiki Bar's best customer. Throughout the 1940s, Sam also used his brewing abilities to assist Adventurers Club resident aviator Hathaway Browne. During World War 2, Sam travelled to Casablanca, Morocco where he befriended cafe owner and fellow bartender Rick Blaine. By the 1950s, other pieces of decor included within the bar were a Lamp which once belonged to a powerful Arabian genie of Agrabah , a doll of Donald Duck , a post card from the volcanic isle of Uku lele , figure of the Florida Orange Bird , and yeti mask from the kingdom of Anandapur.

Sam's manager in the bar was a former J.N.C. skipper by the name of Skip Dockmonkey , who in the 1950s, assisted Trader Sam in opening a new bar location known as the Grog Grotto. This Grog Grotto was located in a different Polynesian locale within a village overlooking the Seven Seas Lagoon which held many of the same tiki gods as the Enchanted Tiki Room, most notably being Maui whose likeness was very frequently used in the Grog Grotto. In this village, Sam became something of a womanizer who had multiple hula-dancer girlfriends. Sam became quite fond of Hawaiian popular music, such as Annette Funicello 's Hawaiiannette ( 1960 ) and the works of Elvis Presley .

Between around 1950 and 1960, Sam also seemingly became acquainted with the Fredricksens, Carl and Ellie , whom he took the habit of collecting coins to travel to Paradise Falls , Venezuela for. A notable customer of the Grog Grotto was on J. Thaddeus Toad who Sam had to confiscate the car-keys of due to a combination of the Toad's wild driving skills with alcohol having the potential to be disastrous. In 1955 , Sam travelled to the tropical Blustery Bay aboard a shrimping-vessel known as the Miss Tilly only for the bay to have been hit by a massive hurricane. The storm impaled the ship atop the volcanic Mount Mayday in the colony of Placid Palms , later renamed to Typhoon Lagoon . In the 1960s, Sam befriended one Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. and the two stayed in contact while Crusoe was marooned on a Polynesian island. The Grog Grotto would continue its operations into the 1970s with paraphernalia being featured within such as a necklace depicting one Colonel Nedley Lostmore and a life-preserver from the Norwegian company Vesta Gruppen .

Development history [ ]

Trader Sam was originally created for the Jungle Cruise as a racist and vilified stereotype of South American Indigenous peoples. He was designed by actor-turned-artist Samuel McKim who is sometimes asserted (but not confirmed) to be Sam's namesake. Trader Sam originally appeared at the very end of the Jungle Cruise attraction, holding a shrunken head aloft in his hand. A "Head Salesman", the Skipper comments that he's offering a special deal: "Two of his heads for one of yours". Skippers may also make a variety of racist and dark humored jokes regarding his head-shrinking business and cannibalism. Sometimes he was characterized as killing those who harm the ecology of the jungle and river to use their heads.

Designs differ significantly between the Disneyland original and the incarnation featured in other versions. Because of these differences, this second version's introduction at Magic Kingdom was eventually scripted as being given the name "Chief (Name)" to allow for Skippers to use whatever they wanted. However, with the sense of humor the attraction encourages in its skippers, they began calling him "Chief Namee". During the Jingle Cruise overlay of Disneyland, Sam sold festive bottles of champagne (somewhat mirroring his later occupation as a bar-proprietor) to passing by skippers and guests.

At some point in the late 2000s , scripts were changed at the Magic Kingdom's Jungle Cruise to maintain consistency with Disneyland and the character was again referred to as Trader Sam. When the Trader Sam's bar opened, the second version was called Chief Nah-Mee in pictures and described as being Trader Sam's cousin. Despite this, Magic Kingdom's Cruise script still used the Trader Sam name for the character. In the Magic Kingdom's version of the Jingle Cruise overlay, Chief Nah-Mee dressed in a Santa Claus costume and is referred to as, "Trader Sam-Ta".

During the ' 80s and ' 90s , the Trader Sam figure wore a colorful tribal mask, though this was removed in 2005 during the refresh of the attraction. The character was further expanded on with the opening of the Trader Sam's tiki bars at the Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Polynesian Village Resort , with a story of Sam deciding to apply his experience of mixing potions to mixing drinks. Sam and Nah-Mee's audio-animatronics were removed in 2021 as part of a refurbishment which among other things, aimed to remove racial stereotypes from the attraction.

The replacement for the animatronics was a JNC "Lost & Found" which was repurposed by Trader Sam as, "Trader Sam's Gift Shop!". This change (along with many other elements of the refurbishment) were however criticized for simply re-theming the racism of the Jungle Cruise rather than actually removing it as the shop still references Trader Sam while also depicting him as an untrustworthy, scheming and greedy thief. It should be noted that the idea was created by white imagineer Kevin Lively, a fan of the original Trader Sam character who apparently received the inspiration years prior while working as a cast-member at Tarzan's Treehouse .

Disney Parks [ ]

Disneyland [ ], adventure trading company [ ].

The Tiki Mask Juju mission of this game had players assist employees of the Enchanted Tiki Bar in brewing the JujuJuice drink after losing Sam's recipe. The employees make reference to the potential of Sam killing them for their heads if he were to find out about them losing the recipe. There was also an illustration of Sam and his elephant Ellie in maps handed out for missions and a posting in The Daily Gnus newspaper for cooking classes with Sam that asked clients to, "Bring a friend".

The Jungle Cruise [ ]

Sam is the fictional proprietor of, " Trader Sam's Gift Shop!" which appears towards the end of the attraction. In Sam's absence, the shop has become overrun with monkeys messing with his inventory meanwhile Ellie trumpets at guests. In the queue for the Disneyland version of the ride, Nigel Greenwater alludes to Sam as being the proprietor of the Tropical Imports shop.

Main Street Cinema [ ]

Outside of the Main Street Cinema is a sheet from the Disneyland Casting Agency composed of several job postings. Amongst them is a posting for skippers needed with said advert requesting that applicants see one, " T. Sam ".

Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar [ ]

Trader Sam is a major character in the story behind Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar in the Disneyland Hotel and Trader Sam's Grog Grotto in Disney's Polynesian Village Resort, putting him in the position of owner and founder of the establishments.

Disneyland Paris [ ]

Trader sam's jungle boutique [ ].

Sam was the namesake for this Adventureland shop which was replaced by the Indiana Jones Adventure Outpost to coincide with the opening of Indiana Jones et le Temple du Péril .

Walt Disney World [ ]

Jungle cruise [ ].

Sam is the fictional proprietor of, " Trader Sam's Gift Shop!" , which appears towards the end of the attraction. In Sam's absence, the shop has become overrun with monkeys messing with his inventory.

Magic of Disney Animation [ ]

The Minnie Mouse meet 'n' greet area of Disney's Hollywood Studios features a poster for a, "Jungle Cruise" film starring Mickey and Minnie. On this poster, Trader Sam's likeness appears on the corner of the poster with him also being listed as a cast-member of the film.

Skipper Canteen [ ]

Five of Sam's books can be seen in the library of the Skipper Canteen. These books being Friends for Dinner, Top Hats and Umbrellas , The Banana Trade, What's in a Name and The Missing Mask . In the, Mess Hall there is also a note on the bulletin-board advertising trades with Trader Sam. Back in the library, there are books by one, "Shakes-Spear" titled Sam IV Part 1, Sam IV Part 2, Sam V, Sam VI Part 1, Sam VI Part 2, and Sam VI Part 3 . These might be in relation to Trader Sam and/or his family members.

Trader Sam's Grog Grotto [ ]

Sam is the fictitious proprietor of this bar in Disney's Polynesian Village Resort .

Other Appearances [ ]

Jungle cruise (film) [ ].

A reimagined, female version of Trader Sam appears in the Jungle Cruise portrayed by Mexican actress Veronica Falcón. This incarnation of the character is the chieftain of the Puka Michuna tribe which protects the Tears of the Moon . She is also an ally of Frank Wolff , having a deal with him and the Jungle Navigation Company . She makes several references to the stereotyping of Trader Sam in the attraction, reimagined as being the character playing with colonial perceptions of her and her people. This Sam also wears a skull mask reminiscent of the mask Sam wore in the attraction.

  • Trader Sam is presumed to be a man of Jivaroan culture/ethnicity given his head-shrinking and location in the Amazon rainforest portion of the ride.
  • Sam is similar to the character of Jock Lindsey in that they are both barkeepers affiliated with Indiana Jones and the Adventurers Club. He is also similar to Pecos Bill who via the Tall Tale Inn is shown to be a long-lived barkeeper affiliated with several Disney characters in the S.E.A. mythos. To a lesser degree, he shares similarities with Arabella Smith from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise who is the fictional proprietor of the Tortuga Tavern .
  • Trader Sam is implied to be an LGBTQ+ individual, as there are photographs of women who were romantically involved with him. "Cap'n Kevin" who is a man implied to have been his past boyfriend.
  • Concept-art by Samuel McKim was hung in Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar as the original character of Billamongawonga or, "Trader Bill".
  • Trader Sam is paralleled in the Jungle Cruise inspired attraction Na'vi River Journey by the Shaman of Songs . This is as they are both Indigenous rainforest dwellers with mystical abilities who appear as audio-animatronics that greet guests at the end of the boat-ride.
  • Sam's tribe in the Jungle Cruise film is also partially inspired by the Africana Umbala tribe from the ride.

External links [ ]

  • Trader Sam on the Jungle Cruise Wiki .

Gallery [ ]

Trader Sam masked in 2001

  • 3 The Emotions


Ultimate Guide to Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto (and why you must visit)

The year is still very young and you’re probably still trying to figure out exciting locations you can visit before the year runs out.

As usual, I’m always looking for all the cool spots for you to visit on your Disney trip!

There’s a long list of exciting places you can visit under the Disney name and featured in our list is Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto located in Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort in Orlando, Florida.

If the name sounds unique and mysterious, it actually is!

Trader Sam Grog Grotto Mountain


What is Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto?

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto is a tiki bar that has a lot of adventure in store for you. Sam’s Grog Grotto serves outstanding food, drinks, gift items, and immersive entertainment theming to make you visit spectacular.

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Uh Oa Plantation Original Dark Rum Bacardi Superior Rum Orange Passion Fruit Guava, Pineapple Grapefruit Juices Falernum, Cinnamon Lime Juice

Many people make this bar top priority on their trip because you never know what to expect from it.

Everything about this secretive lounge and even their mugs is masked in adventurous and shadowy mystery!

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Disney for Adults

I hope that by now, you know that not everything Disney is just for kids. Yeah, kids love having fun there, but a lot of grownups love having fun and doing Disney their own way too!

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Lounge

Gone are the days when Disney resorts satisfied kids more making some adults want the same excitement (you don’t have to admit it).

Disney decided to introduce more places appropriate for adults. Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto is one of those places.

Read: Is Disney’s Magic Kingdom for adults?

As usual, I want to prepare you for the awesomeness you will experience when you visit Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto (and also so that you won’t be that person who asks too many questions).

Trader Sam Grog Grotto

We’ve prepared a list of possible questions you might have concerning Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto and a brief history on this wonderful place.

Let’s get started!

History of Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto is a bar & lounge at Walt Disney World’s Polynesian Village Resort that opened in 2015.

Don’t worry, it was founded by the man, the myth, the legend, Trader Sam!

Adventureland Enchanted Tiki Room. Magic Kingdom Secrets.

The Disneyland Resort’s original , “Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar”, opened as a result of Sam’s expertise with head-shrinking potions growing into a passion for mixology.

Trader Sam is said to love sailing and it was on one of his expeditions that he discovered the perfect location for Sam’s Grog Grotto.

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto has become a must-see spot in the Polynesian Village Resort even though it’s not very obvious.

It’s always referred to as the “hole in the wall” because it’s quite small.

However, as soon as Disney fans discovered just how interesting it is, they have started putting it on their Disney bucket list for their next visit!

What’s So Great About This Tiki Bar?

Uh… everything!

First of all, before your mind is blown with all the things you can enjoy at Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto, is the backstory, drink offerings, and overall atmosphere of this tiki bar.

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Nautilus Cocktail Barbancourt Pango Rhum

Secondly, Sam’s is so unique and exciting. There’s always a surprise waiting for you to experience in the grotto.

Let’s start with the cool diving relics or the tiki mugs or even the artifacts Trader Sam picked from his sea adventures.

Everything about the place feels mysterious and fun and has so much detail to it. Even while you’re waiting for your order, you can move around and look at the interesting items placed around the bar.

When you take one look at these items, you can tell there’s a story behind it.

Guess what else makes this tiki bar so great? The food and drinks do!

They serve special cuisines here and cocktails that bring you back. If you were thinking they serve you the drinks in boring glasses, then you’re wrong.

They don’t just serve their special cocktails in customized mugs; the servers also tell the stories about the special cocktails.

Disney Trader Sam's Grog Grotto Krakatoa Lava Mug on Amazon

There’s also a special drink presentation to the “gods” from time to time.

This should be on your must-see list this year because, it’s amazing and thumbs up to Disney for this place.

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What’s the Atmosphere Like?

The atmosphere at Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto is cozy and it has a Fiji vibe to it.

Just imagine you’re on a tropical with comfortable chairs, no bugs, great ‘food, and tantalizing cocktails; yeah that pretty much sums it up!

Trader Sam's Grog Grotto Artifacts

It has a nautical theme and everything about the decoration and artifacts just makes you feel comfortable and super excited. It’s not quiet or gloomy; instead, it’s loud and fun.

Not sure if that’s what you are look for when coming to Disney World, but it does add a bit of adult flare to your vacation. 

To add to this, the servers make sure you have a great time, giving you a unique Disney experience.

What This Talk About Hidden Gems?

The Hidden Gems at Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto might not make you super rich when you find them but they’re sure to keep you anticipating.

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Artifacts

As mentioned earlier, this tiki bar has so many interesting items to gaze at and wonder about the story behind them.

To add more excitement, there are hidden gems in the bar and if you’re interested (you should be) you can discover some treasures of your own.

If you come with your family or close friends, searching them out will be so much fun!

8 Fun Facts About Trader Sam’s

  • Inspired by the 1950s, 1960s tiki bar boom and culture
  • Based on the Jungle Cruise head salesman , Trader Sam
  • First opened in Disneyland
  • Pays tribute to the Tiki Room attraction
  • Sometimes described as a combination of Adventure’s Club + Jungle Cruise + Tiki Room
  • Barstools go up and down with certain drinks
  • The Cast Members have to memorize pages of notes to give you a vivid description of each drink
  • Look for the massive squid arm near the bar when the Nautilus drink is ordered (a tribute to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea )

Read: 31 Amazing Hidden Magic Kingdom Secrets

What’s on the Menu at Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto?

We have to talk about the cocktails first because they’re totally amazing. They make cocktails that suit you.

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Uh Oha Cocktail

Depending on your choice, the drinks have the right amount of kick to it.

Their special cocktails include the Polynesian Pearl, Nautilus, Uh-Oa (a must-try!), and so on.

With these special cocktails comes with intriguing stories that’ll make you anticipate what next!

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Uh Oa Plantation

As the cocktail is being served, the place becomes a miniature theater ; whether it’s the sound of thunder, the eruption of a volcano, they make it an enjoyable experience.

Trader Sam’s Drink Menu

  • Polynesian Pearl: RumChata Cream Liqueur, Grand Marnier, and Cinnamon with Tropical Juices. The Pearl is yours to keep!
  • Nautilus: Barbancourt Pango Rhum, Appleton Estate Reserve Rum, Combier Crème de Pêche de Vigne Liqueur, Tropical Juices, and Falernum. Available with a Souvenir Mug 58
  • Uh-Oa: Plantation Original Dark Rum, Bacardi Superior Rum, Orange, Passion Fruit, Guava, Pineapple, and Grapefruit Juices, Falernum, Cinnamon, and fresh Lime Juice. Available in a Souvenir Mug 43
  • Spiced Island: Knob Creek Disney Select Single Barrel Reserve Bourbon, St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram, Orgeat (Almond), and Pineapple Juice
  • Rosita’s Margarita: Casamigos Reposado Tequila, Bols Orange Curaçao, fresh Lime Juice, Falernum, and Organic Agave Nectar
  • HippopotoMai-Tai: Plantation Original Dark Rum, Bacardi Superior Rum, Bols Orange Curaçao, Orgeat (Almond), Organic Agave Nectar, and fresh Lime Juice. Available in a Souvenir Mug 23
  • Krakatoa Punch: Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, Pyrat XO Reserve Rum, Orgeat (Almond), Sam’s Gorilla Grog, and Hibiscus Grenadine. Available in a Souvenir Mug 25
  • Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Rum: Pyrat XO Reserve Rum, Cream of Coconut, and Pineapple and Orange Juices dusted with Cinnamon and Nutmeg
  • Shrunken Zombie Head: Gosling’s 151 Black Seal Rum, Appleton Estate Reserve Rum, Bacardi 8 yr Rum, Tropical Juices, Falernum, and Cinnamon. Available in a Souvenir Mug 28
  • Dark & Tropical Stormy: Gosling’s Black Seal Rum, fresh Lime Juice, Ginger Beer, and Falernum
  • Mosquito Mojito: Bacardi Dragon Berry Rum, Organic Agave Nectar, Falernum, Mint, and fresh Lime Juice topped with Soda Water
  • Tahitian Torch: ByeJoe Dragon Fire Spirit, Tropical Juices, Passion Fruit, and fresh Lime Juice
  • Rum Flight (3/4-oz pour of each): Bacardi 8 yr, Pyrat XO Reserve, and Ron Zacapa Centenario 23 yr. Available with Souvenir Glasses 36
  • Spikey Pineapple: Barbancourt Pango Rhum blended with Pineapple Soft-serve

Savory Dishes

The appetizers aren’t left out from the cool themes.

They serve mouth-watering dishes like a Chicken or Tofu Lettuce Cups, Kalua Pork Tacos, Hawaiian Poke, and we can keep going.

Trader Sam Grog Grotto Roasted Chicken and Pork Pâté Bánh Mì Sliders

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto Food Menu

  • Headhunter Sushi Roll
  • Chicken or Tofu Lettuce Cups with Hoisin-Ginger Sauce
  • Kalua Pork Tacos
  • Hawaiian Poke with Sriracha Aïoli
  • Veggie Rainbow Roll
  • Roasted Chicken and Pork Pâté Bánh Mì Sliders
  • Thai Chicken Flatbread with Bacon and Peanut Sauce
  • Pan-fried Dumplings with Soy-Sesame Dipping Sauce

The food will definitely bring you back for more. They also have beers, white wines, and red wines; everyone leaves happy and satisfied.

What’s So Special About Mugs?

Every drink at Sam’s come in customized mugs. They’re fascinating to look at and even cooler to drinking from them.

Trader Sam Grog Grotto Nautilus Cocktail Barbancourt Pango Rhum Appleton Estate Reserve Rum Combier Crème de Pêche de Vigne Liqueur Falernum Mug 58

You’ll feel like you’re actually enjoying your own Polynesian vacation! 

The best part is that you can purchase the mugs when you order your drinks. Taking one or more of the tiki mugs satisfies that feeling of wanting to take a part of Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto home.

It also gets exciting creating a tiki mug collection and going back to get more mugs for your collection. They release new mugs often so there’s always something new to take home.

Also, the mugs are just downright cool!

Disney Trader Sams Zombie Shrunken Head White Mug on Amazon.

Some look like zombies, a fiery volcano, scary masks, a submarine and other weird, but cool things.   

Do You Need Reservations?

No since at this moment they do not take reservations.

At Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto, opening time is from 3:00 p.m. till 12:00 am every day.

From all that’s been said, it’s obvious that before it becomes your favorite place to be, it’s a lot of other people’s favorite place too!

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Spikey Pineapple Barbancourt Pango Rhum blended with Pineapple Soft-serve

The best you can do is to be there by 2:30 p.m. so that you can be among the first persons to get served. Your name is added to a list and then when it’s your turn, you’ll be texted.

On days when it’s just really full, you might have to wait around an hour for a table.  It works on a first come first serve basis.

How Long Is the Wait Time at Trader Sam’s?

To get seated you can expect to wait from 15 to 60 minutes depending on what time you show up.

Trader Sam Grog Grotto Bar Area

The 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. timeframe has been the busiest during my visits.

As far as waiting for your food and drinks, it will depend on what you order.

Just like most places like this, the wait time depends on the appetizer or drink you order. The longest you might have to wait is 45 minutes tops.

No matter how long you wait, the service and atmosphere makes it worth it!

What’s the Best Time to Visit Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto?

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto is always busy so the best time would be when you have enough time to wait if necessary.

Weekends are the busiest.

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Menu

My best advice to you is to come right before it opens or after the predinner rush.

Are There Age Restrictions?

To an extent yes.

You’re probably saying “finally, a place where you can do only grown-up stuff in Disney Parks”; hold on a little.

Trader Sams Grog Grotto Lounge with Volcano Erupting

The age restrictions only start from 8:00 p.m. (only guests 21 and up can be in bar after that time).

Most parents that visit Sam’s get excited and want to show the cool items to their children so, it’s a wise move.

The young ones can hang around till 8:00 p.m. then they have to leave.

Should You Expect Disney Prices?

It’s located in a Disney Park, isn’t it?

Of course, you should expect Disney prices.

Christmas at the Polynesian Resort with Tiki God in Holiday Garb

As usual, the prices are totally worth it for the full experience inside this dive bar.

Plus, Disney always knows how to go all out to make sure that you have the best experiences on your adult vacation.

The food, drinks, atmosphere, and services will blur out the thought of “too expensive”.

Hipster Power Tip: Trader Sam’s offers free WiFi and accept major credit cards. There are also areas to to sit outside for live music, and it is wheelchair accessible.

Are There Parking Spaces?

I probably should have mentioned this earlier; they have free parking spaces, valet service, and other basic services.

However, parking can be a bit tricky.

Magic Kingdom Secrets at Walt Disney World in front of Cinderella Castle

In order to combat abuse of its free parking system (like parking at Polynesian Resort in order to visit the Magic Kingdom without paying for parking), for guests wanting to enjoy resort restaurants without staying there, Disney requires for you to have a reservation.

The only problem is that Trader Sam’s doesn’t have a reservation option yet. So, you have to let the parking attendee know that you’re visiting the tiki bar and it’s left up to their discretion if they want to let you in.

I truly HATE this about visiting lounges and bars at onsite Disney resorts!

Can You Order Take-Out?

You sure can!

There’s an outdoor bar for Trader Sam’s where you can make your take-out order from there.

Grog Grotto Volcano Eruption on one side with peace on the other side

I recommend eating the food inside the tiki bar, but if you really want to eat outside on the beach, it’s alright too.

You may also catch a live band every once while in the outdoor area of the bar.

What Should You Wear to Trader Sam’s?

You can wear anything you want as long as they don’t include coconut bras!

A casual outfit is perfect when visiting. I mentioned earlier that it does fill up quite easily so avoid putting on anything that might make you uncomfortable.

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Is Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto Open to The Public?

Yes, it is.

This tiki bar is very much opened to the public which also means that Disney tickets aren’t used here and you also don’t have to be a Polynesian Resort guest.

Review of Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto

First things first, Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto has to be on your list of Disney must do’s.

Secondly, Trader Sam’s is like a tropical breath of fresh air and a way to decompress from the intense theme park day.

Inside the bar, there are many interesting things to keep you busy and fascinated.

Trader Sam Grog Grotto Thai Chicken Flatbread with Bacon and Peanut Sauce

The servers are very polite, funny, and attentive. Plus, they make the place even more welcoming for you.

Also, many of the people who visit Trader Sam’s are friendly so there’s a high chance you can meet nice people and make new friends while chatting about the adventures of Sam.

The food and drinks are like major bonuses to the bar too!

The Flatbread and Hawaiian Poke are delicious and their intoxicating drinks like the Uh-Oa and the Nautilus are to die for!

The entertainment and surprises will keep you anticipating on what’s next. This helps you to feel even more relaxed and comfortable on your visit.

Trader Sam’s is all forms of exciting and it’s a perfect place to make memories with your spouse, your family or even on your solo Disney trip.

Disney Free Lei at Polynesian Resort with NikkyJ

This place isn’t like any other tiki bar I’ve ever been to. You can even say they have a dramatic way of doing things which keeps you captivated at all times.

While on your Disney vacation, use this opportunity to try something unique and amazing.

Final Thoughts on Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto

I hope that you are as excited as I am about all the adventures Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto has in store for you.  

Whenever you’re visiting Disney Parks, you should check out Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto and see why I’m so psyched about it!

Trader Sams Grog Grotto at Disney World

Until next time, Happy Park Hopping Hipsters!

(Original Article Date: February 27, 2015/Updated January 26, 2020

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Jungle Cruise Trader Sam

Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort underwent a massive rehab in 2014 including its iconic interior lobby in the Great Ceremonial House. I miss the massive waterfall that was the handiwork of Imagineer Fred Joerger who was also responsible for the Canadian Rockies at Epcot and the rock work for Fort Wilderness’ River Country among many other things.

However, I understand the business reasons behind its removal and I am grateful for the addition of the Pineapple Lanai location just outside the back door where I can get a Dole Whip without having to battle through the Magic Kingdom. However, the little figure of Maui and mini waterfall in the center of the lobby just does not have the same impact.

One of the most welcome additions because of the rehab arrived in April 2015 with the opening of Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto inspired by the Disneyland Hotel’s successful Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar that opened in May 2011.

Both new venues were the work of Imagineer Brandon Kleyla who worked for Disney in that role from 2009 to 2016 when he moved over to Universal Creative. A former Disneyland Jungle Cruise skipper, he incorporated some of that same quirky humor into both locations.

Kleyla told me, “Trader Sam’s are actually what I would call “explorer bars” and that allows for so much imagination. I’ve never thought of them as tiki bars.

It’s still surreal as I was just building a place I wanted to hang out in. I never thought other people would want to, certainly not to the extent it has.”

The character of Trader Sam is a cannibal salesman prominently located near the end of the iconic Jungle Cruise attraction since the early days of Disneyland. He is the “head salesman” of the jungle trying to get ahead by offering two of his shrunken heads for “one of yours” as the Jungle Cruise skippers gleefully informs boat passengers because “his business is shrinking.”

In the Florida attraction he looked physically different than his more realistic and serious west coast counterpart and was referred to as “Chief Namee.” There are at least two versions of how that latter name came to be used.

In the beginning, a revised script for the WDW attraction was incomplete so a Jungle Cruise skipper read “Chief (name)” in the script as “Chief Nah-Me,” which amused everyone so the name stuck. Another story is that there was a contest to come up with a new name for the character and a skipper wrote “Name” in the blank, and “Name” won the vote as the best name.

At Disney World, the character’s name officially changed back to Trader Sam in 2009 and he is now identified as the cousin of the Disneyland character. The Florida character with the bowler hat and umbrella was created by Disney Legend Marc Davis, known for injecting humorous characters into Disney theme park attractions.

As Kleyla told me when I interviewed him in 2019, “Anaheim Trader Sam is the true Trader Sam. This came up several times when we started working on the Florida Trader Sam’s. At one point it came up to remove the Marc Davis Sam from the Jungle Cruise attraction and replace him with Anaheim Sam, which I think the majority of us opposed.

“ So, I simply came up with the fact that the Florida Sam is Anaheim Sam’s cousin, and he runs the east coast. Simple and we get the best of both. And I concreted that idea by creating a black and white photo of the two of them standing together and posted it on the wall.”

As Kleyla tells the story, “Sam’s expertise in head-shrinking potions magically grew into an interest in mixology. Bitten by the bartending bug (just one of thousands he’s been bitten by), Sam sailed the Seven Seas. Countless tropical locales were explored for mystical ingredients to mix into his delectable libations.

“ Along the way, he picked up many of trinkets and artifacts that you see around here. In the tiki bar business, it’s a jungle out there. But once Trader Sam began serving his exotic elixirs to his guests, the word really spread!”

Kleyla also decided that Sam’s long, possibly magically immortal, life included being involved with many of Disney’s adventure-related characters throughout the decades including members of the well-beloved Adventurers Club, Indiana Jones, Captain Jack Sparrow, Ned Land (of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ) and the Swiss Family Robinson among others.

Kleyla worked closely with Imagineer Kyle Barnes who was the Art Director for the Polynesian rehab and they both agreed that the Florida Trader Sam’s should be different than the Anaheim version.

Kleyla told me, “Enchanted Tiki Bar is set 1930-1950. It plays off of the Adventureland look and stories. Every photo is sepia or black and white; the walls are dark; it’s more of your classic aesthetic. It is really a love letter to Adventureland.

“ Grog Grotto picks up as a different adventure and takes us 1950-1970. Kyle and I agreed that each bar should be different and should have a different tagline. So, in Grog Grotto, all photos are in color or colorized. It’s a Technicolor adventure. I hand colored almost every photo in the place. That was fun! There’s much more color in the space, beta tapes, cassettes. It’s a later time.

“ One of the truly unique elements about Sam’s is everything he’s collected is one-of-a-kind discoveries, so you won’t find two props that match on either coast. That was certainly challenging, but very exciting to accomplish. Even the drinks and mugs are different.”

For instance, the Grog Grotto has several elements from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (including a good looking specialty mug) that don’t exist in the west coast version because being in Florida it references the extinct Magic Kingdom attraction with the Captain Nemo submarines.

Kleyla said, “I just wanted the bars to be a dash of Adventureland, two dashes of Jungle Cruise, a sprinkling of Indiana Jones, and a little Tiki Room icing on top. One of my biggest concerns was that we had to make sure people knew that this wasn’t The Adventurers Club even though there are interactive elements. 

“ I grew up in Florida and was always too young to get into the Adventurers Club.  So I actually never got to go in ever!  I was there for the night it was closing and didn’t get in so I did not get a chance to experience The Adventurers Club. 

“ That being said, I certainly did my homework, talked to some of the original cast, and watched plenty of videos. Certainly there are references to the Club in both locations but we tried hard to differentiate ourselves.

“ In California, I put The Ship in the Bottle that was actually designed by Yale Gracey for the Haunted Mansion but never used there! It was later dusted off and finally built for the Adventurers Club.

“ Very few other things came from the Adventurers Club: a couple framed images. Zeus’ fishing pole is in Anaheim. When it came to salvage the Club, most of the stuff was in such bad shape from just being in there so long, that you really couldn’t get much more use out of it. That and the fact that people were stealing things right off the walls before the club closed.  A lot of the stuff from the Club actually got picked over and taken to Mystic Manor in Hong Kong.”

However, Kleyla made sure to include some special Walt Disney World elements into the Grog Grotto. “There’s a life ring from Maelstrom at Epcot for instance,” he told me.

“ I actually found the statue of UhOa from WDW’s Enchanted Tiki Room Under New Management in the Animation building in Glendale one day. She was leaning up against the wall, some months after the fire in the attraction. And I freaked out, ran down to Kyle and said we have to get this. The animation department let us have her, so then we had to redesign the wall where she sits now, because it was never planned to have her there.

“ I like a lot of the effects we did just for the Grog Grotto, because we had a budget to really have fun. I love the Shrunken Zombie Head effect in Orlando. The drink doesn’t have any effect in Anaheim. As a non-drinker, I usually have an off-menu Gorilla Grog.”

Yes, both Trader Sam locations have secret drink menus including a Kungaloosh from the extinct Adventurers Club. Both the original version of the book and the revised updated one that existed in the club’s final years are available by request.

I mentioned that many Disney fans, myself included, were disappointed that the Trader Sam locations are so small.

Kleyla responded, “ I think this complaint falls into an overall thought that we as Disney were introducing people to Tiki Bars. The majority of people who came through Sam’s doors had never been in a tiki bar in their life, and they’ve told me this. So I think the complaint of size comes from the fact that nobody is used to Disney building a tiny space.

“ We did that because we had no choice. The space in Anaheim came out of a corner of Hook’s Pointe, the restaurant there before. We didn’t build a new space; it was repurposed.

“ Same thing in Orlando. I was there one day and noticed an empty arcade, so I took photos and sent it to Kyle and said here’s the Florida location. So again, we didn’t build something new; we repurposed the Arcade space.

“ On the flip side of that, Tiki Bars are supposed to be small; they always have been. Even some of the more recent “big” locations are still small and tight. It is an intimate experience and that is what we created. Part of the magic is that it literally looks like a tucked away, hole-in-the-wall Tiki bar. The size I think is fun and when you’re in, the camaraderie and inclusion is a lot like Adventurers Club and everyone belongs.”

Kleyla also shared with me one final secret about Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto. It was the reason he quit Imagineering. While working on the tiki bar, he met his wife and they decided they preferred staying in Florida where both had grown up. They had a tiki wedding and built a tiki themed backyard with a lagoon pool and bar.

Kleyla, under his nickname Trader Brandon, authored the hundred page 2018 book The Field Guide to Tiki Decorating ( ) that is only the first volume of a proposed series of books. It is a do-it-yourself tutorial about tiki bar theming. He has almost finished the second volume.

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'Jungle Cruise': Veronica Falcón on Playing Trader Sam and Joining ‘Ozark’s Final Season


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The original Jungle Cruise attraction at Disneyland opened with the theme park on July 17, 1955, and after various changes and updates, it’s now inspired an epic adventure for the big screen, giving one of the characters from the ride a very welcome reimagined twist. While wisecracking skipper and pun-lover Frank Wollf ( Dwayne Johnson ) makes his way down the Amazon with resourceful researcher Dr. Lily Houghton ( Emily Blunt ) and her brother MacGregor ( Jack Whitehall ), their search for an ancient tree with unparalleled healing abilities brings them face-to-face with numerous dangers, supernatural forces, and Trader Sam ( Veronica Falcón ), who is now a strong-willed woman leading her tribe in the jungle of the Amazon.

During this 1-on-1 virtual interview with Collider, which you can both watch and read, Falcón talked about her Jungle Cruise audition process alongside male actors, going on the adventure of a lifetime with this cast and director Jaume Collet-Serra, bringing the look of the character to life, imagining the type of woman Trader Sam is, and how much fun it would be to get to further explore the character in some way. She also talked about her role in the upcoming fourth season of Ozark , her experience on Perry Mason , and the impact that COVID made on her Falcon and the Winter Soldier role.

Collider: I was very excited about this movie and your character. I also cover theme parks and I’ve been going to Disneyland since I was a child, the whole idea of this movie was so much fun to me and I love the changes that they made to this character.

VERONICA FALCÓN: That’s good to hear.

There has been a lot of talk about how problematic this character is, for a long time. I love the female energy that they’re bringing to some of the rides at Disneyland now.

FALCÓN: Yes, me too. I think it’s fantastic.

When this role of Trader Sam in a big Disney movie based on the Jungle Cruise ride came your way, how much were you actually told about it? How did they describe the character? What did they tell you?

FALCÓN: There were very little things that they told me. I knew they were still deciding if they wanted a woman or a man to play it, so I knew they were casting actors that were both female and male. I knew the character a little bit because, like you, the first time I came to Disneyland, I think it was probably the first or the second ride I jumped in. I remembered the character. I knew it was gonna be different. I don’t exactly recall the description in the casting, but it the character was a little bit of a merchant, a little bit of an inventor, a little bit of a chief of a tribe, a little eccentric, funny, and had a good business sense. The way I read it, it read to me that it could be a bit eccentric, and I loved that. I loved not only that he was taking care of his tribe, or her tribe in this case, but in the beginning, we didn’t know if it was a man or a woman, and I loved the creativity of the character. He can turn something into a business and he can turn something into something it was not meant to be used for. That creative aspect, being protective of the tribe and trying to provide for them and help them, I really liked about the character. The idea that I could potentially be cast to play a character in a Disney ride was fantastic for me. As a little girl that came from Mexico, to finally go to Disneyland for the first time in my life at 11 or 12 years old, and to think that I was going to possibly be able to do a character like that was quite a fantastic.

RELATED: Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt on Why It Took So Long for ‘Jungle Cruise’ to Get Made

It’s cool because it is one of those classic rides that was there on opening day, and it’s a ride that everybody goes on, since it’s not too scary. It’s really fun that they were able to pay homage to that, but still make changes to the character.

FALCÓN: Thank you for saying that.

It seems really fun to get to be a part of a big epic adventure.

FALCÓN: It is a lot of fun. I didn’t think I got the movie. I did the audition and, of course, this is one of the characters that comes once in a lifetime, in an actor’s life. You want it, but you don’t know. I work hard at it and I hope they like the audition, but that’s all you can hope for. You know you are gonna be competing with actors that are equally as good or much better than you, so you really throw it out there and just have to let go because you can not worry about that too much. Something really funny happened. I auditioned for this role and two or three weeks later, I was in Mexico city. A dear friend of mine, who’s a fantastic actor that does work all over, in the States and in Mexico, was auditioning for this part. He told me, “I’m auditioning for a really interesting part in a Disney movie.” I said, “I know which one.” And he was like, “How do you know?” And I said, “Because I auditioned for that too.” He was like, “But you’re a woman.” And I said, “Yeah, you’re a man. And here we are. I don’t know who they’re going to choose.”

It was funny. He’s such a fantastic actor. It would have been very interesting to see him, if the character had been male, but I got lucky. So, after that happened, I thought, “Okay, it’s probably not gonna be for me.” I really respect him as an actor and I was sure they were seeing a lot of great people, so I let go of that and I went on a family vacation with my son. I was in Barcelona, which is actually the city where (director) Jaume Collet-Serra is from. They called me and were like, “The director wants to talk to you.” So, I talked with Jaume. He was very nice, and he explained to me what they wanted and what they liked, and that was that. Three days later, I got the call that I got to play this role. It was very surreal, the whole thing, to just go there and be able to play this character and see Dwayne [Johnson] dress as a skipper and the whole Jungle Cruise thing. The sets were incredible. It was incredible. The tagline of the movie says, “The adventure of a lifetime,” and I felt like it was my adventure of a lifetime.

As an actor, you want to be able to tick at least one box, whether that’s a good script, a good director, or a good cast, and you have all of those things, along with this big adventure, and then the Disney connection and the ride. It just seems like so many cool and fun elements at once.

FALCÓN: Of course, you have all of these checked boxes, which are great, but on top of that, I got to work with people that are very kind, very generous and very supportive, which is not always the case. You can find all sorts of people, but in the case of Jungle Cruise , I was very lucky. Mostly, I’m very lucky with the casts and the people I work with, but especially in Jungle Cruise . The way Emily [Blunt] and Dwayne and Jack [Whitehall] and Jaume and Disney received me, they were so kind and supportive. I’m not just saying this. When you see Dwayne and Emily and Jack joking around and the chemistry they have in the movie, it’s real. It really happened behind the scenes. So, I had like the most fun because I would just look at them or sometimes participate in this great rapport that they had. It was one of those wonderful projects.

Was there also a process for figuring out the look of the character, once you had been cast? Did you try various looks before the one we see in the film, or was there always a very clear idea of what she would wear and how she would look?

FALCÓN: Paco Delgado and Joel Harlow are fantastic. They’re really masters of what they do. The design of the character was already done. They were adjusting little things. Not only were they incredibly prepared, but they were also very open and generous. If I had something that was not comfortable or I couldn’t move, or I wanted to suggest something, they always incorporated that. My character is very gestural and moves her hands a lot. I was talking about it with Joel, our makeup designer, and he was like, “Okay, so maybe I’ll put more stuff on your hands,” and he put the eye [on my hand], like you see on the poster. They really are so good at what they do. They know that an actor needs to make the design together. It’s not just the actor. It’s a whole bunch of people working, so that the character can be seen the way it is, and we all are very respectful of one another. Paco Delgado, our costume designer, was the first guy I met and I saw these incredible amount of pictures, paintings and costumes that he was thinking about for the character. I was just really amazed because I really loved all of them. We tried some of the costumes and some things were a little difficult to move in, and he would adjust it and I would be able to move. That’s what makes them great. Not only are they creative, but they also know how to work with actors and how to help us create the character and move with their costumes and with the makeup.

I love that we get a real sense of history and a backstory with this character and with her relationship with Frank. Did you think much about what she’s doing, when we don’t get to see her, and what kind of life she lives when she’s not scheming with him?

FALCÓN: Absolutely, I thought about it a lot. One of the things she loves doing is experimenting with things. She’ll find something left from an expedition, like some eyeglasses, and she would find 10,000 different uses for the eyeglasses. I also can imagine her training and playing with kids. She’s a little bit of a kid herself because of this creativity. I also can imagine her sitting and meditating, looking at the stars and thinking of either some really deep philosophical question that she doesn’t even know how deep it is, or how she’s gonna trick Frank again, or how they can make a better deal. I can see her totally worrying about what’s going on in the Amazon. In those days, it wasn’t as terrible as it is now. I can see that she’s someone that could see ahead. I also could imagine her dreaming about traveling. She’d love that. She loves animals. She loves food. All of those things, I really imagine in her world.

One of things that helped most, and I wasn’t expecting, the first time I saw the tree where she leaves in the a village, literally I’m not kidding you, I almost felt like crying. It was that beautiful. It was lit in such a way where you step into it and I was like, “That’s her world.” It really felt like that. I remember telling that to Dwayne and to our producers. I said, “I’m sorry, guys, I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but this is really fantastic.” I was very, very excited about it. They were probably like, “Yeah, we know it’s fantastic. We worked hard at it.” I was very surprised by the feelings.

RELATED: Producers John Davis & John Fox on ‘Jungle Cruise,’ Visiting the Secret Disney Vault, and How the Movie Industry Has Changed

You’ve also joined the final season of Ozark . Since you don’t typically get to read scripts for an entire season of a TV show ahead of time, what made you want to be a part of that series? Was it specifically the character, or had you seen the show?

FALCÓN: They invited me to audition, and I was just hoping for the best. It’s not like I choose projects. I’m not in that position. But I do get to audition for great shows. Of course, I had seen Ozark and I loved it. I love Laura [Linney] and Jason [Bateman]. I follow Laura Linney, as an actress. She’s incredibly talented and inspiring. So, when I audition for her Ozark , it was just exciting to be invited to audition for them. When they gave me the role, it was incredibly exciting. It’s funny because it’s very, very different from what I do in Jungle Cruise. As an actor, it’s a really great gift, if you’re given the opportunity to play characters that are so incredibly different. I’m very grateful for that.

What can you say to tease the final season and your character, and how she’s going to fit into this world?

FALCÓN: I can’t tell you much. I can tell you that it’s a season that is gonna really blow everyone away. They’re gonna love it. Most of the time you don’t get the script, but little by little. But they had worked so hard on this show and they’re so precise that they sent me the scripts. It was a big bunch of scripts to read. I was like, “Oh, my God, I hope I can finish it in some time.” I literally read them in two nights. That’s how good they were. I was reading them like, “Oh, my God, no. Oh, my God.” If that was my first reaction when I read the scripts, I think that once you see them on screen, you’re really gonna go crazy. Everybody will. It’s not only great writing and great actors, and everybody is good on the show, but it’s the heart that they put into the work. It was the same with Jungle Cruise . Every single show or film that I’m blessed to work with, that is successful, I think a lot of it has to do not only with the quality, but also with the heart and the soul that people are really putting into it. That cannot be faked. People can see it and sense it. That’s why I think, even though they’re very different, they’re both very successful because of that, aside from all of the other things.

What’s it like to join such a popular show and to do so in its final season? Does it make things more nerve-wracking? Is it more reassuring? Do you always get nervous on a new project?

FALCÓN: I always get nervous the first day, especially if I haven’t worked with a cast. Of course, as I said, I’m a big fan of Laura, as an actress, and the moment I met her, she was so warm. She opened her arms and said, “Veronica, welcome to Ozark .” I fell in love with her right away. I said, “Oh, my God, this is gonna be fun.” And the same with Jason and with (showrunner) Chris [Mundy], and with everybody else. It is a bit nerve-wracking because they are just so good at it and you just want to do good. It was the same with Emily and Dwayne and Disney. They’re so good at what they do and they are so precise, and you just wanna honor it and you just wanna be good. That puts a little bit of pressure on, but once you start working, it’s just fun because they’re so good at it. You just need to be prepared and be ready with what you have to do, and then they will help you out. It’s great.

How was your experience on Perry Mason ? That’s another show that was a real surprise to me because I went into it thinking it might be one thing, and then I fell in love with the look of the show, especially being from Los Angeles and getting to see Los Angeles in a way that I haven’t really seen it.

FALCÓN: Yeah, that was another one of these incredibly blessed projects. I read the character of Lupe, and when HBO sent the casting, they were really open for different ages. They were casting actors from 30-something to 40 or 50-something. I thought I would not really have much of a chance because Matthew Rhys is younger than me and it’s not always easy to get these roles, as older actresses, even though, thank god, that’s changing, which is very necessary. But I knew it was HBO and I know they’re so good and so professional with every decision. I thought, if they like it and if they think it works, even if I’m older or younger, they will just give it to me because it works, so I don’t have to worry about that. I knew that. I thought I might not get the chance, but even if I didn’t, just to audition for the role was gonna be fun. So, I auditioned for it, and luckily I got it. And then, I got to meet Matthew Rhys, because most of my scenes are with Matthew, and again, it was like what happened with Jungle Cruise and Ozark . It was great people doing great work, being incredibly kind, generous, and supportive. It was amazing, and I’m getting spoiled. I get to work with people that are at the top of their game, but they’re also so genuinely supportive and nice, and happy to have a Latina actress in the show, and happy to work with different kinds of actors. That’s very inspiring and it’s very important.

What was it like to shoot the sex scene in Season 1? Do you have a laugh when you do something like that?

FALCÓN: Yes, you do. First of all, it’s incredibly choreographed. Whenever we get asked these questions, all of the actors say, “It’s very technical,” and everybody rolls their eyes and says, “Yeah, sure it is.” But it really is, especially with that scene because we had to break the bed, literally. It was very funny when we were rehearsing because we just got into all of these positions, trying to figure out a way that it would be believable that they could break the bed. We laughed a lot. One of the loveliest things was that Matthew was always like, “Are you comfortable? Are you okay? Do you feel okay?” It was lovely. We had a lot of fun doing that scene, but it was very technical. Nowadays, in production, what have what is called an intimacy coordinator, who’s there to make sure everything is okay and you’re comfortable, and everybody’s being heard, and all the scenes are precisely done. We rehearsed that scene for around two or three hours, and then the day after, we shot it. It was fun, and people seem to like it. It’s a funny scene. I like the way the woman takes control. I think it’s important to see all sorts of scenes, when you’re watching sex scenes.

Will you be in Season 2 of the show? Have you had conversations about returning?

FALCÓN: Well, they will do a Season 2 and we all were happy. I know they were happy with my work, and I was certainly incredibly happy with being a part of it. Of course, if they would invite me, I would love to do it, but they’re figuring out the whole second season. I guess we’ll hear about it, if they need me for the season. But if I don’t get invited, I’m still gonna watch the show and applauded it because I love everyone and I think it’s a great show. It’s very well done.

And it’s beautiful to look at it.

FALCÓN: Yeah, I’m also a fan of that Los Angeles. For me, it was beautiful to see how they rebuilt so many parts of the city, and then go visit them. I’m a big fan of that era.

It sounds like your role in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was greatly affected by COVID. How much more had you shot than what we got to see?

FALCÓN: Well, I was hired to be in four episodes. We went to Prague to do that, and I finished the four episodes. Actually, the day that I finished shooting my last episode, that was the day that everything got closed for COVID. It was incredibly strange for everybody because we still couldn’t believe it. We had no previous experience, none of us, all over the world, for what happened. We couldn’t believe it. It almost felt surreal. So, I remember arriving at the hotel and they said, “Okay, we need to get everybody out. This is very serious.” They didn’t finish the show in that moment. They had to go back and do it. And then, at the end of the day, they had to reconstruct and rearrange the show, and in that reconstruction and rearrangement, my character got to be less and I’m only in one or two very, very little scenes.

They did a great show, but everybody was adapting to the circumstances. They did wonderfully. The show was very liked by the audience. Maybe one day, I’ll get to play that character again, or maybe they’ll do something with it, but if not, I totally understand what they did because we were all trying to do the best we could with what we had. That was so many hours of work and so much time, that whatever they needed to do, in terms of editing, to make the show work for the audience, that was absolutely the right call. I still had a wonderful time shooting there. I got to visit Prague, which I had never been to before, and I love the city. Everyone was kind. It was a wonderful two weeks that I was there. I’m so glad to hear the show is doing great.

It was such an odd situation because, when production shut down, everybody thought it might just be a couple of weeks. And then, people wondered if anything would ever be able to get back into production again. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier really seemed like one of those shows that was heavily in the middle of all of that. Did they call and explain everything to you? How did you find out about what they were doing?

FALCÓN: They are very decent. I knew what was happening because I was there, and then they did call my agent and say, “Listen, we love Veronica, but this is what happened. We look forward to working with her again.” That’s more than a lot of companies would do. Marvel and Disney do take care of their talent. At least in my case, I had a wonderful experience with both of them, which is the same. But they give a quick call to my agent and I really appreciated it because they really didn’t have to. They are solving bigger problems, like having a huge production with a lot of people and a pandemic on top, and they still had the time to tell me what happened. I would have been fine, either way, but I really appreciated the call. I totally understand and, believe me, we’re all trying to do the best we can with everything that’s happening.

You’re doing projects that are all over the map, as far as genre and the types of characters that you’re playing. At this point in your life and career, what do you look for? Is there something that’s most important to you? Does it start with the script? Is there anything that is an absolute no for you? How do you approach that?

FALCÓN: I like characters that are well-written. That’s one thing that, for me, is very important, how well written the character is and if it’s rounded and believable, and all of that. Of course, I love working with people I admire, that I think I can learn from, and that can provide a professional challenge, to learn and to be a better actor. I’m very curious about all sorts genres and media. The only absolute no, for me, would be disrespect. When there’s a set or someone that is disrespectful to anybody, to people in general, or they’re unkind, that’s a no-no for me. I don’t care who they are. We have to treat everybody with respect and kindness. But luckily enough, I’ve never had to worry about that. I’ve been very, very blessed with that. Now, I just want characters that are challenging and take me from one place on the spectrum to the other. I would love to do a Shakespearian character, for example. That’s something that I’ve never done in film or in television. I did a little bit of theater like that. I would love to do characters that require a lot of physical work because, let’s face it, I don’t know how much longer I can do that. Of course, we’ve seen Helen Mirren do action and she’s killing it and she’s gorgeous, but I think she was gorgeous the whole time. It’s not like I’m gonna turn into Helen Mirren. I wish. I would love to do something that’s shot in a place I’ve never been, just because you have a chance to meet the people and to be in that location. I want a good story. It’s the story that calls me.

I would be all for like a Disney+ series of Trader Sam and what her life is like, outside of what we see in Jungle Cruise .

FALCÓN: Yeah, I would love to do something like that. That would be like an absolute gift, to be able to explore a character that way. I could only be so blessed, if that happened. After going through the pandemic, I’ve been an actor for over 30 years and every single thing I get now, I just see it as a gift I try to work very hard, I try to honor it, and I try to do the best I can. That’s already a lot.

With the female pirate that’s been added to the Pirates of the Caribbea n ride and now a female Trader Sam, I think it was an awesome choice to change the role in that way.

FALCÓN: Me too. I love that Disney is doing that. It’s really important for women and for little girls everywhere and, in general, for everybody because it’s not only a woman thing. The more we treat each other with equality and with respect, the better we’ll all be, whether you’re a man or a woman. Disney is doing their part, and I love being a part of that.

Jungle Cruise is in theaters and available at Disney+ Premier Access.

  • Jungle Cruise

Trader Sam’s Reviewed – 8 Things You Need to Know

trader sam jungle cruise disney world

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto, hidden away in the Polynesian Resort, is one of Disney World’s popular lounges. We love this watering hole because it’s so much fun! Inspired by the classic Disney attraction, The Jungle Cruise, this isn’t your average bar. Even finding it is an adventure. Tucked in the very back corner of the resort, the entrance is almost hidden. The sign is smaller than those on the restrooms, and if you weren’t looking for it, you might mistake it for a janitor’s closet and walk right by. It’s almost as if Trader Sam himself wants to make sure only true adventurers are admitted into this intimate experience. With some looking, we managed to find it. From there the fun began.

Intimate is definitely the word to describe the establishment. With a capacity of only 50, there is no danger of being overwhelmed or lost in the crowd. While this creates some significant wait times for seating (no reservations here), we found it to be a critical element in the experience. From the moment you enter, you know this isn’t a normal bar. The view from the “windows” shows a great view of the local volcano. Try not to anger the island goddess, or bad things could happen! Among all the other decorations, it’s hard to miss the bunch of Trader Sam’s shrunken heads or the octopus at the ready with a bottle of rum.

The décor isn’t just about ambiance. It’s part of the show. And that’s what makes this place unique. Are the food and drinks good? Yes. But what sets Trader Sam’s apart from other lounges is the element of entertainment in the service and location. Having a drink at Trader Sam’s is interactive. Without giving too much away, don’t be surprised when the room comes alive. You should also be ready to be pulled into the fun.

As cool as the room is, the cast members are the true magic here. With excellent service and even better humor, I got the sense that it was as much play for them as it was a job. The inspiration of the Jungle Cruise is even more evident here than in the design of the lounge. Cast members had fun with each other and guests as they played up the routine and treated guests to a non-ending stream of jokes so bad you couldn’t help but laugh. Jungle Cruise fans will recognize much of the humor. There’s a script that plays out through the night that largely corresponds to drink orders, and as east coasters become more familiar with the shtick, they will learn to play along more and more.

So, the atmosphere, cast members, and entertainment are all top-notch. But how about food and drink? There is a full selection of wines, beers, and spirits. However, the specialty mixed drinks, mostly tropical inspired, are undoubtedly the stars of the show. They also trigger “the show” as each drink will bring different elements of the room alive and come with specific jokes. Even the delivery of the drinks to your table is well scripted and out of the ordinary.

We ordered the Castaway Crush and Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Rum (think about it for a bit). Both were good, but the Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Tiki Rum was delicious. For extra fun, you may want to sing the order of this drink. In fact, bartender Kat “didn’t catch” my order at first as I missed a “Tiki.” Singing it solved the problem. The Castaway Crush had a very unique flavor profile and was more bitter than sweet.

Overall, Trader Sam’s reminds me of 50’s Prime Time Diner. There is heavy theming throughout the experience, and the servers play a huge part in the story. The experience is heavy on “shtick,” and you’ll find yourself loving the place in a way that has very little to do with what is being consumed. We really enjoyed our visit and are looking forward to getting back there as soon as possible.

I highly recommend carving out time for Trader Sam’s. That being said, here are 8 things you need to know before you go.

8 – The Outdoor Trader Sam’s Tiki Terrace is Not the Same

Polynesian resort also has an outdoor bar just off the indoor lounge called Trader Sam’s Tiki Terrace. Please note that while the drink and food choices are the same as the indoor grotto, you will not get the same experience. For full effect, the indoor location is a must.

7 – Be Ready to be Part of the Show

If you’re looking for a quiet, subdued experience, this isn’t the place. The first 10 minutes you’ll be wondering what the heck you walked into, but you’ll quickly get into the groove. Your server will go way beyond simply taking your order and may join you if there’s an empty seat at the table. If you’re not an on-stage type person, don’t worry. We didn’t see anyone put in an embarrassing situation. It’s a group effort, and you are free to participate as much or as little as possible.

6 – Be Prepared to Sit with People You Don’t Know

There are three distinct seating options in the lounge. First, the bar offers a limited number of stools (fixed too far away from the bar, hard to get comfortable). There is also one long community table in the center of the room. Finally, there are small 4-person tables along the outside edge of the room. Obviously, if you are seated at the community table you will be sitting with people you don’t know. However, if you are a party of two sitting at a table don’t be surprised if another couple is seated with you. With such limited capacity, they will fill every possible seat.

5 – This is Not a Restaurant

While there is a pretty good selection of appetizers and the food was certainly good, keep in mind that this is not a restaurant. If you enjoy sampling several small plates or tapas, you’ll be fine. However, if you require a more substantial meal, you’ll want to plan this around a dinner reservation somewhere else. For ease and best use of time, make a reservation somewhere at a monorail resort and then start or end the night here.

4 – No Children Allowed After 8 pm

Underage guests are allowed until 8 pm, and there wasn’t anything about the experience that would make me uncomfortable about bringing my kids to Trader Sam’s early in the day. There was some very mild innuendo in some of the humor, but it would most certainly go over the head of children (and probably many adults). However, remember that this is not a restaurant. This is very much a lounge where drinks are the main event, and the limited food options play supporting roles. Kids are unlikely to appreciate the experience thoroughly. After 8 pm children will not be allowed no matter how nicely you ask.

3 – You Don’t Need to be a Drinker to Enjoy the Visit

If you choose not to drink alcoholic beverages, there are still options available to you. Trader Sam’s offers a respectable line up of non-alcoholic mixed drinks.

2 – Ask Your Server About Drink Flavors Before Ordering

Like everything else at Trader Sam’s, the drinks are unique, and guests may be surprised to find that something that sounds familiar will taste very different. For example, the Castaway Crush could only be described as strange. Not bad, but strange. I was glad the bartender took the time to talk to us about it before we committed. I highly recommend asking what a drink taste like before ordering.

1 – Get There Early or be Prepared to Wait

As mentioned earlier, Trader Sam’s is not only very popular; it’s also very small. This adds up to long waits for a seat. One strategy for dealing with this is to get there early and beat the crowds. Trader Sam’s opens at 4 pm, but folks start lining up earlier. Make sure your phone is fully charged, grab a bottle of water and get in line by 3:30 pm or so. You’ll still need to wait a bit, but the wait will probably be shorter, and you’ll know that when the doors open your wait will be over.

Overall Ratings

  • Service = A+
  • Atmosphere = A+
  • Drinks = A-

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EPCOT Food & Wine Festival

If You LOVE Trader Sam’s, You Should Try These Other Spots in Disney World

By Lydia Storks Leave a Comment

Raise your hand if you’re a big fan of Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto at Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort !  This HEAVILY-themed (and discreetly concealed) bar has become VERY popular among Disney fans, and even more so since it reopened in July 2021 .

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Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto has a really inconspicuous entrance!

After it reopened, it even had a virtual queue for a while. However, now if you want to get in, you’ll need to head to Trader Sam’s to put your name on the walk-up waitlist . You’ll get a text when you can get in — IF you can get in, that is. So where do you go if you can’t get in but still want a similar experience ? Today we’re sharing some places you should definitely check out if you’re a lover of Trader Sam’s!

If You Like Trader Sam’s…

We certainly can’t blame you for loving Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto . It’s a super fun environment with over-the-top drinks , tasty appetizers, exciting shenanigans, and tons of decorations. You come here for a good time. Strong drinks and silly antics abound! 

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Don’t anger the tiki goddess!

This place is SO stinkin’ fun. BUT… it’s also REAL tiny. Max capacity in here is only about 50 people, but looking around the small room you might think it’s even fewer than that.

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This bar is fun but SMALL

The bar itself is themed after a bit of a mish-mash of Disney rides like the old 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Submarine Voyage, Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room, Jungle Cruise (the name of the bar should be a dead giveaway on that one!), and more. Basically bottle the vibes of Adventureland (especially the witty Skippers at Jungle Cruise), add alcohol, and you’ve got this place. 

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What’s…happening here?

The big appeal of the spot (aside from the great theming) is the wonderful array of tiki drinks. You don’t come here for the same ol’ bar menu you’ll find at a lot of spots around Disney World. You come here for unique, strong, clever tiki cocktails (plus some beers, non-alcoholic drinks, and more). What is even more exciting about the drinks, though, is the antics that ordering some of them can trigger. Order a Krakatoa Punch, for instance, and…well…

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The Volcano is angry!

…stuff comes alive in the bar! There’s even a silly cephalopod (AKA an octopus) chilling behind the bar! Order the right drink and he might just wake up and help serve it.

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There’s a lot to take in here!

The Cast Members, called “Skippers” to keep the Jungle Cruise vibes going, really make it special by participating in all the fun and interacting with guests in a unique way.

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Trader Sam’s Cast Member

You might get squirted with water or snuck up on by an eager zombie ready to deliver your cocktail. 

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See what we mean!

Even the chairs can get in on the action in here! You might find yourself slowly sinking, and whether that’s a product of too many cocktails or a cool trick of the bar is up to you.

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The Sinking Barstools

Note that a number of drinks here are available with or without souvenir tiki mugs . The bar typically offers a few limited-release mugs throughout the year as well. These are very popular collector items and a huge part of the Trader Sam’s experience for some fans.

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The newest limited edition mug — the Congo Queen!

This bar is a great place to hang out with your friends, especially after a long day in the parks. No kids are allowed inside after 8PM, so it becomes an adults-only spot late at night. And guess what? No park tickets are required!

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We love hanging out in here!

Trader Sam’s is certainly a unique part of the Disney World experience — there’s truly nothing quite like it. We think it’s a must-do at least once! But if you can’t make it over there (or don’t want to wait to get in) or you’re looking to try a similar experience, then we have some suggestions!

Here’s What Trader Sam’s is Like After Reopening!

…then you might like jock lindsey’s hangar bar.

If you’re looking for another silly bar scene, try visiting Jock Lindsey’s Hangar Bar in Disney Springs . Here, they serve up several unique drinks and food options with some really fun themes and names.

trader sam jungle cruise disney world

Plan a trip to Jock’s bar!

This bar is inspired by the Indiana Jones movies with several nods to the films and artifacts to check out. Jock Lindsey is Indy’s snake-wielding pilot in the first film, and this is his watering hole. This spot definitely keeps the same Adventureland vibes of Trader Sam’s but with extra love for movie buffs. For instance, you can take a seat in the super cool diving bell booth…

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Jock Lindsey’s Hangar Bar

…or lookout for the hidden reference to R2-D2 (another George Lucas film nod). Ask Cast Members to point out their favorite details — they’re EVERYWHERE here. (We especially like the “is it real or not?” dino tooth outside and the note from Indy by the restrooms.) Make sure to point some of the details out to your friends during your visit!

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Hey there R2!

And during the holiday season, this restaurant transforms into Jock Lindsey’s Holiday Bar ! You’ll be able to enjoy limited-time foods and beverages and check out all the kitschy decorations during this seasonal makeover. 

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What a fun festive look!

Based on our experiences, we’ve actually enjoyed the food at Jock Lindsey’s better than the options at Trader Sam’s. The charcuterie pretzel is a top-notch choice , and tacos are a great option as well. The food menu at Sam’s can be a bit limited, and there’s a lot more to pick from at Jock’s. 

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Air Pirate’s Cargo Loaded Pretzel

Another benefit of Jock Lindsey’s is that it’s easier to get into than Trader Sam’s. First of all, it’s a LOT bigger than Sam’s. You also won’t need a park ticket to get here since it’s in Disney Springs. And we’ve never seen this spot get so busy that a waiting list was required. You don’t have to go through the hassle of getting into a resort, either. You can use the Disney Springs parking garages (Lime Garage is closer) and walk right over.

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They even have outdoor seating.

The drinks here are tied to the Indiana Jones films too. You’ll find sips like The Scottish Professor (Indy’s dad, played by Sean Connery) or the Cool-Headed Monkey (ahem…inspired by “chilled monkey brains” from Temple of Doom ).

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Look at these drinks!

You might even find nods to Reggie, Jock’s pet snake . And we all know how Indiana Jones feels about SNAKES!

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Reggie’s Cage

Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto is really entertaining with all the shenanigans from the Cast Members, but you can still enjoy entertainment at Jock Lindsey’s as well. Outside of the bar, there’s an amphitheater where various performers pop up periodically. The patio area is great for both enjoying drinks AND taking in the music. And, you’ll be able to check out all the musical guests and entertainment around Disney Springs before or after your stop at the bar.

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Definitely put this place on your to-do list!

Note this location usually has a souvenir cup or two available for purchase with certain drinks , so check when you’re there. This has been hit or miss in terms of availability on our last few visits but, when available, this can definitely help scratch the Trader Sam’s tiki collectible mug itch.

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Cool Headed Monkey Glass

In addition to the collectibles and theming, you really can’t beat Jock Lindsey’s location! You’ll be close to a variety of dining and shopping options, and directly across the walkway from the restaurant, you’ll find the ever-popular Gideon’s Bakehouse . ( If you ask us, that’s a reason to stop by all on its own! ) So hop on that virtual queue for cookies and enjoy a few drinks next door while you wait.

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…or jungle navigation co. ltd. skipper canteen.

But what about if you’re in a park? Well, good news — fans of Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto will likely also enjoy Jungle Navigation Co. Ltd. Skipper Canteen!   Surprise, surprise: it’s IN Adventureland. 

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Otherwise known as the restaurant with the unnecessarily long name.

You won’t have to leave Magic Kingdom to eat at this spot , plus you can book it in advance with a dining reservation , so you’re not at the mercy of crowds or a long waitlist. You won’t have to work out the transportation complications to get to a resort where you’re not staying, and you’ll be able to fit your meal easily into your park day.

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Jungle Navigation Co., Ltd. Skipper Canteen

Skipper Canteen is also a little more kid-friendly than either of the other two spots. While kids are welcome at most bars in Disney World, you’ll definitely get more of a family restaurant vibe when you’re at a Magic Kingdom restaurant. Adults will still be able to order drinks, and you won’t be hanging out here late at night. It’s a win-win!

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There’s so much to see inside this restaurant!

Just like Trader Sam’s, the Cast Members are into the charade here. They’re skippers from the nearby Jungle Cruise attraction (that’s the backstory), so they’ll tell the same flavor of corny jokes and participate in fun shenanigans.

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“Hardy Har Char” Siu Pork

All around Skipper Canteen, you’ll find some very interesting decor , especially for Disney history fans . The restaurant is definitely “in” on the joke. Many of the decorations you’ll see are nods specifically to the Society of Explorers and Adventurers (the S.E.A.), the made-up secret society that connects various Disney attractions around the world.

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Society Member Caps

Several attraction characters are notable members of the society, like Albert Falls (Jungle Cruise), Henry Mystic (Mystic Manor), and even Jock Lindsey, so you may notice references to those people and attractions.

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Take a look at the photos and all the items in the decor!

Plus, you’ll spot quite a few sight gags. If you know anything about the Jungle Cruise skippers, you know that they’re big fans of puns and jokes!

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Look at the books!

Everything here, down to the menus, is FUN. It’s lighthearted and silly in the most dad-joke way possible.

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Backside of Menu

One thing worth noting here with drinks — you ARE in Magic Kingdom, and that means that alcohol IS sold in sit-down restaurants , but it’s limited. Don’t expect a full menu of strong cocktails here. Rather, you’ll find a limited selection of beer, wine, and sometimes sangrias here. If your main goal of going to Trader Sam’s was for drinks, you might be a tad disappointed here, but the food and theming can make up for it.

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Cerulean Blue Sangria at Jungle Navigation Co., Ltd. Skipper Canteen

And as far as the food goes, Skipper Canteen is one of the best options in Magic Kingdom! You’ll actually be able to enjoy a full meal here (the other bars can have some filling options, but they lean a little more towards lounge-style food choices). The options on the menu are really unique compared to what you find at other theme park restaurants, and they’re rather delicious. It’s “normal” foods — chicken, steak, pasta type thing — with a more exotic, but still approachable, twist. 

So the next time you’re looking for somewhere fun, well-themed, and over-the-top to grab a bite and something to drink, make sure to consider all three of these options! Stay tuned to DFB as we continue to share more “alternative” dining options soon. We’re your source for Disney food news, reviews, and updates.

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trader sam jungle cruise disney world


  1. FIRST LOOK: Disney Reveals New Trader Sam Jungle Cruise Scene

    trader sam jungle cruise disney world

  2. PHOTOS: Trader Sam's Gift Shop Now "Open" on Disney World's Jungle

    trader sam jungle cruise disney world

  3. PHOTOS: First Look at the NEW Trader Sam Scene for Disney World's

    trader sam jungle cruise disney world

  4. PHOTOS: Trader Sam's Gift Shop Now "Open" on Disney World's Jungle

    trader sam jungle cruise disney world

  5. PHOTOS: First Look at the NEW Trader Sam Scene in Disney World's Jungle

    trader sam jungle cruise disney world

  6. Disney Reveals New Jungle Cruise Final Scene with Tribute to Trader Sam

    trader sam jungle cruise disney world


  1. Jungle Cruise, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, (HD)

  2. Jungle Cruise Greeter

  3. LEGO Jungle Cruise update 3

  4. Jungle Cruise Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Florida

  5. Tiki Land Day Takes Over Disneyland

  6. Jungle Cruise In the Rain


  1. Jungle Cruise's Trader Sam is gone

    Changes are underway on Disney's Jungle Cruise, the iconic opening-day attraction at Walt Disney World and Disneyland. In an Instagram post on Saturday, April 3, Walt Disney Imagineer Zach ...

  2. BREAKING: Trader Sam Animatronic Completely Removed from The Jungle

    We assume that Trader Sam will not be returning to the Jungle Cruise, though Disney did announce that the two bars named for him will remain. The ride's makeover is one of many initiatives promote diversity and remove culturally insensitive imagery from the parks.When completed, this new version of the Jungle Cruise will have a fresh storyline featuring characters such as Alberta Falls ...

  3. Trader Sam

    This article is about the character from Disneyland's Jungle Cruise.For the character of the same name from the Jungle Cruise film, see Trader Sam (chieftan).For Trader Sam's Walt Disney World counterpart, see Chief Nah-mee. Trader Sam is a character from the Jungle Cruise. He is also the central character and namesake of the Trader Sam's bars at the Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Polynesian ...

  4. PHOTOS: First Look at the NEW Trader Sam Scene for Disney World's

    PHOTOS: First Look at the NEW Trader Sam Scene for Disney World's Jungle Cruise. By Madison Owens. Posted on May 27, 2021. Disney announced last year that it would be updating the classic Jungle Cruise in both Magic Kingdom and Disneyland to remove some "outdated cultural depictions.".

  5. 'Jungle Cruise' Charts a Different Course With a NEW Trader Sam

    Yes, that's right. Trader Sam, a character Disney fans know well from the Jungle Cruise attraction at Disneyland and Walt Disney World, is also a character in the new movie. Only there is ...

  6. More of Trader Sam's Gift Shop revealed at the Jungle Cruise

    Trader Sam's Gift Shop uncovered. Although the new set is uncovered, the concept art shows more props and figures will be added to the scene. Jungle Cruise concept art. Disney has said that the ride will be completed later this summer and will remain in operation throughout with no closures needed. Trader Sam's Gift Shop uncovered.

  7. PHOTOS: First Look at the NEW Trader Sam Scene in Disney World's Jungle

    One of those is the reimagining of the Jungle Cruise — and we've been keeping a close eye on this project!The work is expected to wrap up this summer, but the ride is OPEN in the meantime.That means we're constantly hoppin' aboard to see what's new.. We've already told ya that the famous Trader Sam scene has been removed from the ride — and that Disney announced a replacement.

  8. Disney releases image of final scene at the Jungle Cruise, origin of

    Explaining the origin of the gift shop, the Disney Parks Blog says, "Word on the stream is that Alberta Falls, proprietor of the Jungle Navigation Company Ltd., has entrusted her longtime friend, Trader Sam, to manage the new Lost & Found location. But, with Trader Sam being Trader Sam, there's always an opportunity to make some extra money.

  9. FIRST LOOK: Disney Reveals New Trader Sam Jungle Cruise Scene

    Magic Kingdom's Jungle Cruise is remaining open throughout the retheme, giving us the opportunity to spot changes as they're made to the attraction. And now, we have a peek at what's coming! We noticed earlier this month that Trader Sam had been removed from the Magic Kingdom Jungle Cruise. While Disney hadn't announced what Trader Sam ...

  10. Trader Sam (Jungle Cruise)

    Trader Sam (Jungle Cruise) Last Updated on: March 23rd, 2024. Who is Trader Sam? Trader Sam is a character from the Disney theme park attraction, "Jungle Cruise."The attraction is a boat ride that takes guests on a journey through various tropical environments, including the Amazon and Congo rivers, and is based on the adventures of jungle explorers.

  11. Disney Reveals New Jungle Cruise Final Scene with Tribute to Trader Sam

    Trader Sam himself will not be returning as part of the Jungle Cruise refurbishment at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom, but his name will live on as part of the new final scene. In the updated storyline, Alberta Falls, proprietor of the Jungle Navigation Company Ltd., has entrusted her longtime friend, Trader Sam, to ...

  12. PHOTOS: Trader Sam's Gift Shop Now "Open" on Disney World's Jungle Cruise

    The Jungle Cruise at Disney World has been undergoing a lot of changes over the past few months!. We've seen a new scene pop up, a new building, and even new characters.The animatronic Trader Sam was removed from the ride not long ago and we've seen artwork for the new scene meant to replace him.Today we finally caught a glimpse of Trader Sam's Gift Shop and we can't wait to share it ...

  13. PHOTOS, VIDEO: New Trader Sam's Gift Shop Scene Unveiled Aboard Jungle

    Trader Sam's Gift Shop, replacing Trader Sam himself, has been uncovered at the Jungle Cruise in Magic Kingdom. We first learned about the new scene in April. It's one of many cultural sensitivity changes to the attraction. In the story, Trader Sam has turned the lost and found of Jung

  14. Trader Sam's Backstory & Details

    For regular guests of Disneyland or Walt Disney World, Trader Sam's will be a familiar place, even upon their first visit. So goes the backstory of Trader Sam, a quirky adventurer and entrepreneur who has worked the shores of Disneyland's Jungle Cruise as the "Head Salesman" of the jungle.

  15. The Jungle Cruise Overhaul Includes Trader Sam, But Not How You Think

    Disney has shared an update on what's happening to the final scene at the Jungle Cruise now that the Trader Sam animatronic has been removed.. On Monday, April 16, Disney announced on the Disney Parks Blog that Trader Sam will continue to be part of the classic attraction at both Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World (WDW) and Disneyland Park on the west coast.

  16. Trader Sam

    Trader Sam is a character from the Jungle Cruise attraction in Disneyland, known as the "Head Salesman of the Jungle". A female version of the character appears in the Jungle Cruise movie. Sam is a (presumed) South American indigenous man who has a long history of affiliations with Disney characters, having an extended (if not outright immortal) lifespan. He was the grandson of one ...

  17. Ultimate Guide to Trader Sam's Grog Grotto (and why you must visit)

    Trader Sam's Grog Grotto is a bar & lounge at Walt Disney World's Polynesian Village Resort that opened in 2015. Don't worry, it was founded by the man, the myth, the legend, Trader Sam! Adventureland Enchanted Tiki Room. The Disneyland Resort's original, "Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar", opened as a result of Sam's expertise ...

  18. Walt Disney World Chronicles: The Trader Sam Story

    Trader Sam hawking his wares on the Jungle Cruise in Adventureland at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida. Nikon D740/24-120VR, 1/250s, f/8, ISO 6400, EV 0, 120mm Focal Length. Disney's Polynesian Village Resort underwent a massive rehab in 2014 including its iconic interior lobby in the Great Ceremonial House.

  19. PHOTOS: Trader Sam's New Jungle Cruise Gift Shop ...

    And the crazy thing is that Disney didn't even close the ride to make the new changes — the ride updates have been happening bit by bit every day. We've had a lot of fun spotting all the new stuff every time we ride it! We're excited to see the new characters, new scenes, more backstory, and everything else!. For those of you familiar with the Jungle Cruise, you'll know that Trader ...

  20. Jungle Cruise: Veronica Falcón on Playing Trader Sam in the Disney Movie

    The original Jungle Cruise attraction at Disneyland opened with the theme park on July 17, 1955, and after various changes and updates, it's now inspired an epic adventure for the big screen ...

  21. REVIEW: Does Trader Sam's Still Live Up To The Hype in Disney World

    Trader Sam's Grog Grotto is one piece of the Jungle Cruise story in Disney World (and Disneyland), so you'll get another flavor of punny jokes and entertainment here. Avoid the head salesman (and his bar) if: You're not a big fan of tropical drinks. Trader Sam's is a tropical-themed bar and all of the drinks will feature some sort of ...

  22. Trader Sam's Reviewed

    Trader Sam's Grog Grotto, hidden away in the Polynesian Resort, is one of Disney World's popular lounges. We love this watering hole because it's so much fun! Inspired by the classic Disney attraction, The Jungle Cruise, this isn't your average bar. Even finding it is an adventure.

  23. If You LOVE Trader Sam's, You Should Try These Other Spots in Disney World

    Air Pirate's Cargo Loaded Pretzel. Another benefit of Jock Lindsey's is that it's easier to get into than Trader Sam's. First of all, it's a LOT bigger than Sam's. You also won't need a park ticket to get here since it's in Disney Springs. And we've never seen this spot get so busy that a waiting list was required.