Inspired Life

77 Positive and Inspiring Journey Quotes

Embark on a journey of a lifetime with these inspiring journey quotes. Life’s a thrilling ride, filled with ups and downs.

It’s about braving the storms and cherishing time spent with loved ones.

So whether your path is spiritual, an exciting travel adventure, or just starting something new in life, let these quotes fuel your spirit for exploration and discovery.

Journey quotes to begin your path towards greatness

1. “Never give up on your dreams, no matter how painful and difficult your journey is.” – Lisa

2. “The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment.” – Antonio Brown

3. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

positive journey quotes

4. “Sometimes its more about the journey than the destination.” – Jamal Crawford

5. “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe

6. “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” – Greg Anderson

New journey quotes to inspire your success

7. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

8. “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.” – Drake

inspiring journey quotes

9. “Sometimes we make the process more complicated than we need to. We will never make a journey of a thousand miles by fretting about how long it will take or how hard it will be. We make the journey by taking each day step by step and then repeating it again and again until we reach our destination.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin

10. “Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – Nadia Comaneci

11. “Struggle teaches you a lot of things, and I am happy that I witnessed a roller coaster ride. The journey has improved me as a person and made me more matrure.” – Manoj Bajpayee

12. “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind.” – Henri Frederic Amiel

Life is a journey quotes

13. “Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” – Oliver Goldsmith

14. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost

15. “Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it.” – Lolly Daskal

the journey is still long

16. “Life is a journey that have a lot of different paths, but any path you choose, use it as your destiny.” – Unknown

17. “The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” – Steve Maraboli

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18. “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

motivational journey quotes

19. “Everyday you got a chance to make your journey more beautiful than yesterday.” – Nitin Namdeo

20. “Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home.” – Matsuo Basho

21. “Everybody has their own story; everything has their own journey.” – Thalia

Enjoy the journey quotes

22. “Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.” – Marshall Sylver

your journey quotes

23. “Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame.” – Benedict Cumberbatch

24. “Enjoy the journey and try to get better everyday. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.” – Nadia Comaneci

25. “Enjoy the journey, the destination will come.” – Verghese

26. “Don’t wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life.” – Joyce Meyer

27. “Dream big, stay positive, work hard, and enjoy the journey.” – Urijah Faber

28. “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.” – Oprah Winfrey

29. “Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.” – Chanda Kochar

30. “Enjoy the journey, enjoy every moment, and quit worrying about winning and losing.” – Matt Biondi

31. “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” – Babs Hoffman

spiritual quotes about life journey

32. “I haven’t been everywhere but its on my list.” – Susan Sontag

33. “You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.” – Les Brown

Inspirational journey quotes

34. “You can never regret anything you do in life. You kind of have to learn the lesson from whatever the experience is and take it with you on your journey forward.” – Aubrey O’Day

35. “Life is a journey. When we stop, things don’t go right.” – Pope Francis

quotes about the end of a journey

36. “There’s no map for you to follow and take your journey. You are Lewis and Clark. You are the mapmaker.” – Phillipa Soo

37. “I’m different than most people. When I cross the finish line of a big race, I see that people are ecstatic, but I’m thinking about what I’m going to do tomorrow. It’s as if my journey is everlasting, and there is no finish line.” – David Goggins

38. “We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.” – Marcel Proust

39. “Though the road’s been rocky it sure feels good to me.” – Bob Marley

quotes about journey of life

40. “We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.” – Earl Nightingale

41. “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” – Steve Jobs

42. “If my ship sails from sight, it doesn’t mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends.” – Enoch Powell

Motivational journey quotes 

43. “Make voyages. Attempt them. There’s nothing else.” – Tennessee Williams

44. “Gotta take that adventure in order to understand your journey.” – Jennifer Pierre

quotes on life journey

45. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

46. “The beauty of my journey is that it’s always been pretty unpredictable, so stay tuned.” – Andreja Pejic

47. “The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot

48. “The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi

49. “The goal is to die with memories, not dreams.” – Unknown

50. “Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.” – Theodore Roosevelt

51. “The harder you work from something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.” – Sudhashree Acharya

52. “Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy

53. “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – ILHQ

long journey quotes

54. “When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home.” – Rumi

Positive journey quotes

55. “You may only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West

everyone has their own journey quotes

56. “Every day you got a chance to make your journey more beautiful than yesterday.” – Nitin Namdeo

57. “Stay positive. Better days are on their way.” – Unknown

58. “Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.” – Ralph Marston

59. “You make a life out of what you have, not what you’re missing.” – Kate Morton

next journey quotes

60. “Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes.” – Richie Norton

61. “Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths.” – Drew Barrymore

62. “Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don’t think you’ve lost time. There is no short-cutting life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.” – Asha Tyson

63. “And suddenty you know…It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” – Meister Eckhart

64. “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” – Dolly Parton

journey quotes

65. “Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” – Michelle Obama

66. “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

67. “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer

Journey of life quotes

68. “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” – Tony Robbins

our journey quotes

69. “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” – Carol Burnett

70. “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll

71. “You take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing, no one to blame.” – Erica Jong

72. “If all difficulties were known at the outset of a long journey, most of us would never start out at all.” – Dan Rather

73. “It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

74. “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.” – Germany Kent

75. “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz

76. “Our lives are the journey we take to find our true selves!” – Alyssa Gonzalez

embrace the journey quotes

77. “Your braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

Which of these journey quotes were your favorites?

We all have the potential within us to be great.

But greatness isn’t about luck. It’s a choice.

We must choose to succeed and take steps towards it.

Remember, the path to success is a journey, not a quick leap.

Let these quotes inspire you to stay focused on your goals and dreams, no matter what obstacles get in your way along the path.

the journey is still long

Helping people and eating tacos are my jam! This blog exists to help provide tips and resources that can help you achieve your goals and live a better life. Whether you’re looking for tips on personal growth, fitness, advice on starting a side hustle, or resources for working remotely, I’ve got you covered.

Journey to celebrate 50th anniversary with 30 shows in 2024: See where they're headed

the journey is still long

Journey is continuing the celebration of its five-decade career with a run of 2024 shows.

The 50 th Anniversary Freedom Tour kicks off Feb. 9 in Biloxi, Mississippi and will play 30 dates in North America through April 29 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. local time on Sept. 29 via

Toto, which supported Journey on their tour earlier this year to celebrate their "Freedom" album, will again join Journey founder, guitarist Neal Scho n, keyboardist Jonathan Cain, lead singer Arnel Pineda, keyboardist Jason Derlatka, drummer Deen Castronovo and bassist Todd Jensen as show openers.

Journey's tour finds the Rock & Roll Hall of Famers tearing through a set list of anthems including "Any Way You Want It," "Faithfully," "Be Good to Yourself" and, of course, "Don't Stop Believin'."

When "Freedom" arrived in July 2022, Schon told USA Today that the album title was originally tapped for the band's 1986 release, "Raised on Radio," but then-singer Steve Perry didn't like it, "so we sat on it for many years … when we were tossing around album titles said, why not just call the whole thing 'Freedom?' It's for the times right now."

Need a break? Play the USA TODAY Daily Crossword Puzzle.

Schon was also sanguine when reflecting on the band’s legacy.

"It’s quite an accomplishment and I’m very proud of what we’ve done and how we’ve gotten through emotional and personnel changes and survived," he said. "It’s pretty mind-boggling but also a lot of hard work."

More: Journey co-founder George Tickner dies: 'Fly free above the stars'

Here are Journey's 2024 Freedom Tour dates

*Sioux City on sale Thursday, October  5

When the Journey is Too Much for You (1 Kings 19)

There are times when faith seems like a sturdy house, and other times when faith seems like the tiniest rowing boat, lost in an ocean of uncertainty. This week, my social media timelines are full of people feeling overwhelmed, either by life or by faith.

If you are ever looking for good Bible verses for when you’re feeling overwhelmed, you need to jump straight to 1 Kings 19 – Elijah running away from his people, his mission, and even God.

One minute Elijah looks like the most secure believer on the planet: one chapter earlier he was calling fire down from heaven in front of the whole country. The next minute, he is running away, alone into the wilderness, begging God to take his life. He has given up: he just wants to die.

“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.”” (1 Kings 19:3-4)

Sometimes this happens. We are always surprised when doubt and lostness afflict the strongest Christians, but we shouldn’t be. It’s right there in the Bible: God’s chosen mouthpiece to a corrupt generation, the prophet Elijah himself, had freaked out.

We all know the bit where there is a fire, earthquake, and finally a whisper where God speaks. What we don’t know so well is the part in between the fire from heaven and the whisper from God. Before Elijah can encounter God, he must make a journey to Horeb. The trouble is, he’s in no position to be making a journey. Instead, he falls asleep.

“Then [Elijah] lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.”  He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again. The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.”” (1 Kings 19:5-7)

Too weak, physically and emotionally, to do anything else, Elijah gives up ministering and is ministered to. He sleeps. An angel comes to him and feeds him, “for the journey is too much for you.”

Sometimes even the journey towards meeting God is too much for us. There is a long pause in between the despair and the restoration.  It is the space in the wilderness. It is at those times when we need angels to minister to us; we need sleep, food, sustenance, nourishment. We need space, quiet, room to breathe, safety. We need to receive, because we have nothing left to give.

After his food, Elijah then has to travel another forty days and nights before he meets God. Elijah’s break was short, but for some of us it is longer. However long the pause in the desert, is it worth remembering that like Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist and Jesus,  the wandering in the wilderness precedes the revelation of God.

“So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God.” (1 Kings 19:8)

Today I am thinking of those who are spiritually exhausted; who feel abandoned by God, but can’t even travel towards Him because the journey is too much for them.

For you, I pray for angels to minister to you, for sustenance, safety strength. The journey is too much for you. Sit awhile, and be fed.

Spiritual sustenance will look different for everyone, but here are some angels that have helped me in the wilderness:

Memoir: Addie Zierman – When We Were on Fire ; Micha Boyett – Found ; Rachel Held Evans – Searching for Sunday ; Amber C Haines – Wild in the Hollow ; Sarah Bessey – Out of Sorts

Miscellaneous Theology: God On Mute – Pete Greig; God Behaving Badly – David T Lamb; A Praying Life – Paul E Miller

Art: Faces of Christ: Jesus in Art – Jane Williams

Poetry: Night Cycles – Beth Morey; Malcolm Guite

Music: Gungor ; Taize Chants


[tweetit]”We are surprised when doubt and lostness afflict the strongest Christians, but we shouldn’t be.” – @Tanya_Marlow[/tweetit]

[tweetit]”Today I am thinking of those who are spiritually exhausted” – When the Journey is Too Much for You – @Tanya_Marlow:[/tweetit]

[tweetit]”Wandering in the wilderness precedes the revelation of God.” When the Journey is Too Much for You – @Tanya_Marlow:[/tweetit]

[tweetit]”We need space, quiet, room to breathe, safety.” A meditation for those who feel overwhelmed – @Tanya_Marlow:[/tweetit]

Over to you: 

  • What helps you when you have felt overwhelmed? Who are the angels that minister to you in the desert?
  • Why do you think we are so surprised when those Christians who look the strongest are also those prone to burn out?

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absence of God , burn out , relationship with God , spiritual exhaustion , spirituality of suffering , wilderness

17 Responses to When the Journey is Too Much for You (1 Kings 19)

' src=

Excellent article,thank you, I meet with my “angel” /Christian radio= prayer requests,it’s reassuring to know there are people who pray for and with those who are in the wildness or spiritually numb,they have been a spiritual friend many times. God Bless their mission.

#correction; that should read = wilderness or desert,Th.Y.

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I’m so glad you have people who pray for you, too, Mavis.

' src=

Tanya, I can’t adequately put this into words … but this stirs the deepest, truest part of my soul. And I feel a calmness and love reading this. xoxo

Amy, thank you so much for these wonderful words. You are awesome.

' src=

One of my favorite passages. Thanks for this, Tanya.

Ah, one of my faves too! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. 🙂

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Thank you so much for this post. I really needed to read it.

This makes me glad, lovely Anne.

' src=

Hm, first there was a post on The Mudroom the other day that got me thinking, then I had a conversation with my counselor yesterday where I complained that I can’t pray without falling asleep and she said perhaps sleep is what I need, and now this post. I’m starting to feel like God is telling me I need more rest. (If only I would listen 😉 )

This was beautiful! Thank you!

(first, which is an aside, I wanted to say how impressed I was with the correct idiomatic usage of ‘hm’ – I always have to remind myself that English is not your first language!) And yes, hmmm indeed! Hoping you can be so, so kind to yourself. Rest without guilt, dear friend.

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Thank you thank you for this today.

Thank you so much for saying so! This makes me glad 🙂

' src=

I needed this today. Thank you for this ‘boost’ on the journey 🙂 xx

Thank you Elspeth. I’m so glad it met you where you’re at. 🙂


[…] First of all – the blog post. I am so grateful for it. […]

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1 Kings 19:7

What does 1 kings 19:7 mean.

the journey is still long

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Long Journey Quotes

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the journey is still long

Life is like unto a long journey with a heavy burden.

What do I believe? It has been a long journey of discovery. There have been hesitations and errors along the way, and no doubt will be more, because I am still learning, both about myself and about life.

Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be. Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you’ll live as you’ve never lived before.

I like someone who embraces life; who wants to be on a long journey but has no particular plan or destination in mind. An adventurous man, open to the concept of living life in the moment.

Some days are better than others ... It's been a long journey, but we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

Let me recommend the best medicine in the world: a long journey, at a mild season, through a pleasant country, in easy stages.

It helps, I think, to consider ourselves on a very long journey: the main thing is to keep to the faith, to endure, to help each other when we stumble or tire, to weep and press on.

And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?

If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful roses, what might not the heart of man become in its long journey toward the stars?

I wanted to do my part to help preserve that golden age of travel... I step aboard The Patron Tequila Express railcar, and I go back in time to the days when a long journey was something fun and very special.

A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn.

Respect your soul: don't keep repeating "I'm going to make it". Your soul already knows that, what it needs is to use the long journey to be able to grow, stretch along the horizon, touch the sky. An obsession does not help you at all to reach your objective, and even ends up taking the pleasure out of the climb. But pay attention: also, don't keep saying "it's harder than I thought", because that will make you lose your inner strength.

On a long journey of human life, faith is the best of companions; it is the best refreshment on the journey; and it is the greatest property.

I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

For a small reward, a man will hurry away on a long journey; while for eternal life, many will hardly take a single step.

Education is a lifelong journey whose destination expands as you travel.

Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole long day? From morn to night, my friend.

All writers are exiles wherever they live and their work is a lifelong journey towards the lost land.

The journey for women, no matter what venue it is - politics, business, film - it's, it's a long journey.

The best poems take long journeys. I like poetry best that journeys--while remaining in the human scale--to the other world, which may be a place as easily overlooked as a bee's wing

A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey: The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.

It is impossible - now, at this point in the long journey of human culture - to avoid the sense that pain is necessity; that it is neither accident, nor malformation, nor malice, nor misunderstanding, that it is integral to the human character both in its inflicting and in its suffering, this terrible sense Tragedy alone has articulated, and will continue to articulate, and in so doing, make beautiful...

Climbing is my lifelong journey. And in the same way you go running and you have days where you really feel in tune, you have some days where you don't feel that good. It's this never-ending process. Accepting that and enjoying that for what it is, that's really where the life of climbing is.

By 2025 we expect new spacecraft designed for long journeys to allow us to begin the first ever crewed missions beyond the Moon into deep space. So we'll start by sending astronauts to an asteroid for the first time in history. By the mid-2030s I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth. And a landing on Mars will follow and I expect to be around in see it.


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The legendary rock band journey celebrating the 50th anniversary freedom tour 2023.

October 17, 2022 – One of the most legendary rock bands of all time, JOURNEY, announces the continuation of their highly successful tour with the 50th Anniversary Celebration Freedom Tour 2023 featuring, very special guest TOTO. JOURNEY , Diamond-selling Rock & Roll Hall of Famers will take the stage in 38 cities across North America with their catalog of global chart-topping hits, including "Don't Stop Believin”, "Any Way You Want It", "Faithfully", "Lights" and more.

Presented by AEG Presents, JOURNEY Freedom Tour 2023 begins February 4 in Allentown, PA – making stops in Austin, Montreal, Memphis and more – before wrapping April 25 at the brand new Acrisure Arena in Palm Springs, CA. The 2023 run includes rescheduled dates in Washington DC, Hartford, Toronto and Quebec that were postponed earlier this year due to covid.

Citi is the official card of the JOURNEY 50th ANNIVERSARY Freedom Tour 2023. Citi cardmembers will have access to presale tickets for theU.S. dates beginning Tuesday, October 18th at 10am local time until Thursday, October 20th at 10pm local time through Citi Entertainment (excluding Canada, Washington DC and Hartford shows). For complete presale details visit A limited number of exclusive VIP Packages are also available. These exceptional offers can include an amazing selection of reserved seated tickets, custom merchandise and much more.

Tickets go on sale to the public Friday, October 21 at 10am local time HERE

JOURNEY features Founder,Neal Schon (lead guitarist, ), Jonathan Cain (keyboards, backing vocals), Arnel Pineda (lead vocals) Jason Derlatka (keyboards, vocals), and Deen Castronovo (drums, vocals) and Todd Jensen (bass). Neal Schon, 3x Hall of Fame inductee: Oklahoma Hall of Fame, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Grammy Hall of Fame. Jon Cain is a recipient of two BMI songwriter awards and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Journey.

Neal Schon: “We are all thankful and overwhelmed by the success of our Journey Freedom Tour 2022 this year and have added a new run of dates for 2023” says JOURNEY Founder Neal Schon. “We are looking forward to hitting the road again with our very good friends Toto! Come join us for a special evening full of fun and Rockin’ good memories. See you soon Friends.”

Jonathan Cain adds “Excited to perform for our fans as we tour next year with Toto. The combined hits of both bands represent a couple of decades of excellence that have become a soundtrack for people’s lives. The music of Journey along with the music of Toto is an example of “certain music” during “uncertain times”.

Very special guest TOTO, who have collectively streamed more than 3.3 billion plays on Spotify alone based on hits including “Rosanna”, “Africa” and “Hold the Line”, will join JOURNEY on all dates.

TOTO’s Steve Lukather shares, “'On behalf of myself and the band, we are very honored and excited to do this tour with our old and dear friends JOURNEY. Gonna be a great night of music, and as all the guys are lifelong friends... a blast off stage as well.”


February 4 Allentown, PA PPL Center

February 5 Charlottesville, VA John Paul Jones Arena

February 8 Savannah, GA Enmarket Arena

February 10 Columbia, SC Colonial Life Arena

February 11 Greensboro, NC Greensboro Coliseum

February 14 Lexington, KY Rupp Arena

February 17 Knoxville, TN Thompson-Boling Arena

February 19 Bossier City, LA Brookshire Grocery Arena

February 22 Austin, TX Moody Center

February 23 Lafayette, LA Cajundome

February 26 Jacksonville, FL Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena

March 1* Washington, DC Capital One Arena

March 3 State College, PA Bryce Jordan Center

March 4* Hartford, CT XL Center

March 8 Montreal, QC Bell Centre

March 9* Quebec, QC Videotron Centre

March 12* Toronto, ON Scotiabank Arena

March 13 Ottawa, ON Canadian Tire Centre

March 16 Buffalo, NY KeyBank Center

March 17 Atlantic City, NJ Boardwalk Hall

March 20 Champaign, IL State Farm Center

March 21 Moline, IL Vibrant Arena at The MARK

March 24 Sioux Falls, SD Denny Sanford PREMIER Center

March 25 Lincoln, NE Pinnacle Bank Arena

March 28 Des Moines, IA Wells Fargo Arena

March 31 Tulsa, OK BOK Center

April 1 Memphis, TN FedExForum

April 4 San Antonio, TX AT&T Center

April 7 Springfield, MO Great Southern Bank Arena

April 8 Wichita, KS INTRUST Bank Arena

April 11 Casper, WY Ford Wyoming Center

April 13 Boise, ID ExtraMile Arena

April 14 Spokane, WA Spokane Arena

April 17 Eugene, OR Matthew Knight Arena

April 19 Stockton, CA Stockton Arena

April 22 Bakersfield, CA Mechanics Bank Arena

April 23 Fresno, CA SaveMart Center

April 25 Palm Springs, CA Acrisure Arena

*Rescheduled date. ON SALE NOW.


Since the group's formation in 1973, JOURNEY has earned 19 top 40 singles, 25 gold and platinum albums, and has sold over 100 million albums globally. Their "Greatest Hits" album is certified 15 times-platinum, making JOURNEY one of the few bands to ever have been diamond-certified, and their song "Don't Stop Believin'" has been streamed over one billion times alone.

JOURNEY was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2017, and 2018's co-headlining tour with DEF LEPPARD was the band's most successful tour to date, landing them in the Top 10 year-end touring chart with more than 1 million tickets sold, and earning them the prestigious Billboard "Legends Of Live" touring award. March 2019 saw the release of "Escape & Frontiers Live In Japan", a live DVD/CD set from their concert at the Budokan in Tokyo featuring the band's first-ever performances of the albums "Escape" and "Frontiers" in their entirety. JOURNEY has also received a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame and were inducted into the Hollywood Bowl Hall Of Fame. Additionally, the band is the subject of the award-winning documentary "Don't Stop Believin': Everyman's Journey" about the band's resurgence upon adding Arnel Pineda as lead singer after JOURNEY Founder, Neal Schon discovered the Philippines native on YouTube.

The members of TOTO are celebrating an accomplishment few bands have achieved in the modern era. Cumulative streams of the ensemble’s repertoire

now exceed 3 billion plays. Amongst the most listened to recordings, “Africa” accounts for over one billion streams at Spotify alone. This year the song was recertified by the RIAA 8X Platinum.

Over the past decade, the band has had a major renaissance in popularity like few bands at this point in their career. The audience is truly multi-generational, becoming younger with each passing year. Joining Steve Lukather and Joseph Williams are band members bassist John Pierce (Huey Lewis and The News), drummer Robert “Sput” Searight (Ghost-Note, Founding member Snarky Puppy, Snoop Dogg), keyboardist Dominique “Xavier” Taplin (Prince, Ghost-Note), multi-instrumentalist / vocalist Warren Ham (Ringo Starr) and keyboardist / background vocalist Steve Maggiora,. This line-up marks the fifteenth incarnation of Toto in consideration of band members or sidemen who joined or exited. Individually and collectively, few have had a larger imprint on pop culture than the members of TOTO. The family tree can be heard on an astonishing 5000 albums that together amass a sales history of a half a billion albums. Amongst these recordings, NARAS applauded the performances with hundreds of Grammy nominations.

With now 45+ years together and literally thousands of credits, including the biggest selling album of all time: Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and accolades to their names, TOTO remains one of the top selling touring and recording acts in the world. They are the benchmark by which many artists base their sound and production, and they continue to transcend the standards set by the entire music community, being simply synonymous with musical credibility. They are pop culture and are one of the few 70’s bands that have endured the changing trends and styles continuing to remain relevant.

About AEG Presents

Combining the power of the live event with a focus on true artist development, AEG Presents is a world leader in the music and entertainment industries. Operating across five continents, the company has an unparalleled commitment to artistry, creativity, and community. Its tentpole festivals and multi-day music events — which include the iconic Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival and the legendary New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival alongside British Summer Time at Hyde Park, Stagecoach, Hangout Festival, Electric Forest, and Firefly — continue to set the bar for the live music experience. AEG Presents promotes global tours for artists such as The Rolling Stones, Ed Sheeran, Elton John, Taylor Swift, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber, Kenny Chesney, Paul McCartney, and Katy Perry, in addition to — through its network of clubs, theatres, arenas, stadiums and renowned partner brands such as The Bowery Presents, Concerts West, Frontier Touring, Goldenvoice, Madison House Presents, Marshall Arts,

Messina Touring Group, PromoWest Productions, and Zero Mile Presents — creating and developing an unmatched infrastructure for artist development and audience reach. More information can be found at

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Unleash Your Greatest Potential

Best Motivational Short Stories About Personal Growth, Mindset, and Productivity

Best Motivational Short Stories

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” — Nelson Mandela

Motivational short stories have the power to inspire us, shift our perspectives, and help us overcome challenges to become the best version of ourselves.

These stories can stay with us for a lifetime, providing valuable insights and lessons.

I first heard the story of the Flea and the Jar and the story of The Elephant and the Rope from Tony Robbins.

Later, I heard the story of The Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand from Stephen Covey.

I remember sometime later a mentor told me the story of The Starfish. And another mentor told me the story of The Two Wolves.

It was a while before a mentor told me about The Fisherman and it made me rethink the game of life.

I’ve collected these motivational short stories as reminders of how we can overcome our challenges and sometimes the greatest obstacle we face, is ourself.

So let’s explore the world of motivational short stories and discover the endless possibilities for personal growth and transformation.

Motivational Short Stories on This Page

Here is an index of the motivational short stories on this page:

  • Elephant and the Rope
  • Empty Your Cup
  • Flea in the Jar
  • Happiness is Within You
  • Life is a Race
  • Life is Like a Cup of Coffee
  • Potato, Egg, or Coffee Bean
  • Puppies for Sales
  • Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand
  • Self-Appraisal
  • Sharpen Your Axe
  • The Fisherman
  • The Butterfly Story
  • The Group of Frogs
  • The Two Wolves Story
  • The Retiring Carpenter Story
  • The Saint and the Scorpion
  • The Starfish
  • The Tale of the Pencil
  • The Two Shoe Salesman
  • The Two Wolves

Elephant and the Rope Motivational Short Story

The elephant and the rope story is a metaphorical tale about how limiting beliefs and conditioning can hold us back from reaching our full potential.

In the story, a man comes across an elephant that is tied to a small rope.

Despite the fact that the elephant could easily break free from the rope, it does not even try to do so.

The man is curious and asks the trainer nearby why the elephant doesn’t attempt to break free.

The trainer explains that when the elephant was young, it was tied to the same rope and was not strong enough to break free.

As a result, the elephant became conditioned to believe that it was not capable of breaking the rope, even though it could do so easily as an adult.

The story is often used as a metaphor for how our own beliefs and conditioning can hold us back from achieving our full potential. Just like the elephant, we can become so conditioned to our own limitations that we may not even try to break free from them.

The lesson of the elephant and the rope is to recognize the limiting beliefs and conditioning that hold us back and to challenge them in order to achieve our full potential.

Empty Your Cup Motivational Short Story

The Zen Story of the Empty Cup is a parable that emphasizes the importance of having an open mind and being receptive to new ideas and experiences.

In the story, a scholar seeks out a Zen master to learn from him. The scholar proudly shows the Zen master all that he knows, but the master pours tea into the scholar’s cup until it overflows, demonstrating that the scholar’s mind is already full and cannot accept anything more.

The Zen master then tells the scholar that if he wants to learn, he must first empty his cup – that is, let go of his preconceptions and be open to new ideas and experiences.

The story is often used as a metaphor for personal growth and the importance of having an open mind. It emphasizes that we must let go of our preconceptions and be receptive to new ideas if we want to learn and grow.

The lesson of the story is to approach life with an open mind and a willingness to learn, rather than assuming that we already know everything.

Flea in the Jar Motivational Short Story

The story of the flea in the jar is a metaphorical tale about the limitations that we place on ourselves and how these limitations can become ingrained in our thinking over time.

In the story, a group of fleas are placed in a jar with a lid on it. The fleas initially try to jump out of the jar, but they keep hitting their heads on the lid.

Eventually, the fleas stop jumping as high and learn to live within the confines of the jar.

One day, the lid is removed from the jar, and the fleas are free to jump as high as they want.

However, even though they are no longer confined by the lid, the fleas continue to jump only as high as the lid used to be, as this has become the limit that they have imposed on themselves.

The story is often used as a metaphor for how our own beliefs and limiting thoughts can hold us back from achieving our full potential. Just like the fleas, we can become so used to living within certain limitations that we may not even realize we are capable of breaking free from them.

The lesson of the flea in the jar is to recognize the limitations we place on ourselves and to challenge them in order to reach our full potential.

Happiness is Within You Motivational Short Story

The “Happiness is Within You” story is a fable about a man who travels to a far-off land in search of happiness. He meets a wise old man who tells him that happiness is not found in distant places, but rather within oneself.

The wise man tells the traveler to seek out a certain tree in a nearby forest, which is said to hold the secret to true happiness.

The traveler searches for the tree, but when he finds it, he is disappointed to see that it looks like any other tree.

The wise man appears again and tells the traveler to cut the tree down and open it up. Inside, the traveler finds nothing but plain, unremarkable wood. Confused and frustrated, he asks the wise man what this means.

The wise man tells him that the true secret to happiness is not in external objects or circumstances, but rather in our own perception and attitude.

Happiness is not found in material things or in achieving external goals, but rather in cultivating an inner sense of peace, contentment, and gratitude.

The story is often used as a metaphor for the idea that true happiness comes from within, and that external factors can only provide temporary pleasure or satisfaction.

The lesson of the story is to focus on cultivating inner peace and contentment, rather than seeking happiness in external objects or circumstances.

Life is a Race Motivational Short Story

In this version, the story revolves around a young athletic boy who was hungry for success and measured his success only by winning.

He participated in a running competition and won two races, feeling proud and important.

He then pleaded for another race and was presented with two new challengers, an elderly frail old lady and a blind man.

As the race began, the boy noticed that the elderly lady and the blind man were struggling to run. Instead of rushing ahead, he slowed down and ran alongside them, encouraging them to keep going.

Together, they reached the finish line and the boy realized that the true victory was in helping others and enjoying the journey, rather than just winning.

The story is often used as a metaphor for the importance of slowing down, helping others, and savoring life’s moments.

It emphasizes that life is not just about winning races or achieving goals, but about enjoying the journey and being kind to others.

The lesson of the story is to appreciate the journey, help others along the way, and find joy in the process.

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee Motivational Short Story

The story goes like this:

A group of people were sitting in a coffee house, discussing life. As they talked, the conversation turned to the subject of life being like a cup of coffee.

One person said, “Life is like a cup of coffee. It all depends on how you make it.”

Another person said, “Yes, but you can’t control the water temperature, or the quality of the coffee beans.”

A third person added, “But you can control the amount of coffee and the strength of the brew.”

Then an older man, who had been listening quietly to the conversation, spoke up. He said, “Life is not like a cup of coffee, it’s the coffee cup that matters.

The cup is what holds the coffee and shapes its experience. And just like the cup, we need to focus on what’s around us, on what we have, and appreciate it.”

The group fell silent, pondering the old man’s words. The lesson of the story is that, like a cup of coffee, life is what we make of it.

We can choose to focus on what we have and appreciate it, or we can focus on what we lack and be discontent.

Ultimately, the cup that holds our life experiences is what matters, not the coffee inside.

Potato, Egg, or Coffee Bean Motivational Short Story

A young woman went to her mother and told her about the problems she was facing in life. She said she was tired of fighting and struggling and didn’t know how to keep going.

The mother took her to the kitchen and filled three pots with water. She placed each pot on a burner, turned on the heat, and put a potato in one pot, an egg in the second, and coffee beans in the third.

After a while, she turned off the burners and fished out the potato, egg, and coffee beans, and asked her daughter to observe them carefully.

The potato was soft and had become very weak. The egg, which had been fragile, now had a hardened shell inside. But the coffee beans had transformed the water into a rich and aromatic coffee. T

he mother then explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity – boiling water. However, each of them had reacted differently.

The potato went in strong, firm, and hard, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg had been fragile and had a thin outer shell, but in boiling water, it had become hard inside.

The coffee beans, on the other hand, had changed the water and created something new.

The mother explained that we all face adversity, and how we react to it depends on us. We can either become weak, hard, or transform the situation into something positive.

The young woman realized that she had a choice – to be like a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean.

Puppies for Sales Motivational Short Story

The “Puppies for Sale” story is a fable about a man who sells puppies for a living.

One day, a young boy comes to the man’s shop and asks how much the puppies cost.

The man tells the boy the price, but adds that there is one puppy that he can have for free.

The boy is excited and asks to see the free puppy.

The man brings out the puppy, who is missing a leg and has a limp.

The boy asks why the puppy is different from the others, and the man explains that the puppy was born with a deformity and will never be able to run and play like the others.

The boy looks at the puppy for a moment and then turns to the man and says, “That’s the puppy I want.”

The man is surprised and asks the boy if he understands that the puppy will never be able to run and play like the others.

The boy responds, “I know he can’t run and play like other puppies, but I can love him and take care of him just like any other puppy.”

The story is often used as a metaphor for the value of compassion and acceptance.

It emphasizes that we should not judge others based on their physical appearance or abilities, but rather on their intrinsic worth and capacity for love.

The lesson of the story is to cultivate compassion and acceptance, and to value others for who they are, not just what they can do.

Rocks, Pebbles, Sand Motivational Short Story

The rocks, pebbles, and sand story is a metaphorical tale about the importance of prioritization and time management.

In the story, a teacher holds up a jar and fills it with rocks until they reach the top.

The teacher then asks the students if the jar is full, and they respond yes. However, the teacher then pours pebbles into the jar, which fill the spaces between the rocks.

The teacher again asks the students if the jar is full, and they respond yes. Finally, the teacher pours sand into the jar, which fills the remaining spaces between the rocks and pebbles.

The story is often used as a metaphor for how we prioritize and manage our time.

The rocks represent the most important tasks or goals in our lives, while the pebbles and sand represent the less important tasks or distractions.

If we fill our time with pebbles and sand first, there may not be enough time left for the rocks.

However, if we prioritize the rocks and then fill in the gaps with the pebbles and sand, we can accomplish our most important tasks or goals first and still have time for other tasks.

The lesson of the rocks, pebbles, and sand story is to prioritize our time and focus on the most important tasks or goals first in order to achieve success and fulfillment in our lives.

Self-Appraisal Motivational Short Story

The Self-Appraisal story is a parable that emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection in personal and professional growth.

The story goes that a young man was seeking guidance from a wise elder on how to improve himself.

The elder gave him a task to complete, asking him to spend a week observing himself and writing down everything that he did that he felt was good, bad, or indifferent.

The young man completed the task and returned to the elder, presenting him with a long list of both positive and negative behaviors he had observed in himself.

The elder then gave him another task, asking him to spend the next week observing others and writing down everything that he saw that was good, bad, or indifferent.

When the young man returned with this second list, the elder compared the two lists and pointed out that the things that bothered him most in others were the same things he had observed in himself.

The elder used this realization as a starting point for the young man to work on himself and become more self-aware.

The story highlights the importance of taking the time for self-reflection and self-appraisal in order to identify areas for personal growth and development.

By understanding and addressing our own flaws, we can become more effective and successful individuals.

Sharpen Your Axe Motivational Short Story

The “Sharpen Your Axe” story is a fable about a man who is tasked with chopping down a tree.

The man sets to work using a dull axe, and despite his best efforts, he makes very little progress.

A wise old man comes by and asks the man why he is struggling. The man explains that he is trying to chop down the tree, but his axe is too dull.

The wise old man suggests that the man take a break and sharpen his axe.

The man is hesitant to take a break, feeling that he doesn’t have time to waste.

But the wise old man insists, explaining that sharpening the axe will actually make the task easier and more efficient.

The man finally takes a break and sharpens his axe.

When he returns to the task of chopping down the tree, he finds that it is much easier and faster with a sharp axe, and he is able to complete the task in no time.

The story is often used as a metaphor for the importance of taking breaks and investing time and effort into self-care, skill-building, and preparation.

It emphasizes that taking time to sharpen our tools and skills can actually save us time and effort in the long run, and make us more effective and efficient in our tasks.

The lesson of the story is to prioritize self-care and skill-building, and to not be afraid to take breaks or invest time and effort into preparation.

The Butterfly Motivational Short Story

“The Butterfly” is a motivational short story about the process of transformation and growth.  Sometimes this story is referred to as “You are Made to Fly.”

In the story, a man finds a cocoon with a small opening and notices a butterfly struggling to emerge.

The man decides to help the butterfly by widening the opening, but the butterfly continues to struggle and cannot fly properly.

The man soon realizes that the struggle to emerge from the cocoon is an important part of the butterfly’s development.

The effort and resistance of the struggle are necessary for the butterfly’s wings to become strong and for it to develop the ability to fly.

The story is often used as a metaphor for personal growth and the importance of facing challenges and struggles in order to achieve our full potential.

Just like the butterfly, we may encounter obstacles and difficulties in our lives, but these challenges can help us become stronger and more resilient.

If we avoid or eliminate all struggles, we may miss out on the growth and development that comes from overcoming them.

The lesson of the butterfly story is to embrace the struggles and challenges in our lives, as they are often necessary for our growth and development.

We should trust the process of transformation, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable, as it can lead to beautiful and meaningful outcomes.

The Fisherman Motivational Short Story

The story of “The Fisherman” is a metaphorical tale about the pursuit of happiness and the importance of living a simple, fulfilling life.

In the story, a successful businessman visits a small fishing village and meets a fisherman who is returning from a day of fishing.

The businessman asks the fisherman why he doesn’t fish for longer each day and use the extra time to grow his business.

The fisherman responds that he is content with his simple life, and that he fishes only enough to provide for his family and to spend time with them.

The businessman is confused by the fisherman’s contentment and explains that if he worked harder and saved more money, he could eventually retire and spend his days relaxing on a beach just like the fisherman.

The fisherman responds by asking why he would need to work so hard and wait so long to enjoy the simple pleasures of life when he can already do so now.

The story is often used as a metaphor for the pursuit of happiness and the importance of living a simple, fulfilling life.

It suggests that we often become so focused on achieving success and accumulating wealth that we forget the simple pleasures and joys of life that can be found in spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, and enjoying the present moment.

The lesson of the fisherman story is to prioritize the things that truly bring us happiness and fulfillment in life, rather than pursuing a never-ending quest for more money, possessions, or success.

It reminds us to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and to focus on the things that matter most to us.

The Group of Frogs Motivational Short Story

The “Group of Frogs” story is a metaphorical tale that highlights the importance of perseverance and support.

In the story, a group of frogs decides to climb a tall tree. As they begin their climb, the other animals around them start criticizing and mocking them, telling them that they will never make it to the top.

Despite the discouragement, some of the frogs continue to climb while others give up and fall back down.

As the climb continues, the criticism and discouragement from the other animals only get louder.

But one frog, determined to reach the top, perseveres and eventually makes it to the top of the tree.

The other animals are amazed and congratulate the frog on his achievement.

When the other frogs ask the successful frog how he managed to persevere despite the criticism and discouragement, he reveals that he is actually deaf and couldn’t hear the negative comments.

He thought the other animals were cheering him on and supporting him.

The story is often used as a metaphor for the importance of perseverance, support, and positive thinking.

It emphasizes that negative comments and criticism can be a hindrance to success, but with perseverance and a positive mindset, we can overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

The lesson of the story is to stay focused on our goals, believe in ourselves, and surround ourselves with positive influences.

The Retiring Carpenter Story Motivational Short Story

The retiring carpenter story goes like this:

A carpenter who had been working for a company for many years announced to his boss that he was ready to retire.

The boss was sorry to see such a good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house before he left.

The carpenter agreed, but it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work anymore. He resorted to using inferior materials and taking shortcuts wherever possible.

When the carpenter finished his work, the boss came to inspect the house. He then handed the front door key to the carpenter and said, “This is your house, my gift to you.”

The carpenter was shocked and embarrassed. If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all differently.

The moral of the story is that every day we build our own lives, and we should always do our best work, even when no one is watching.

The Saint and the Scorpion Motivational Short Story

Once, a saint was walking by a riverbank when he saw a scorpion drowning in the water. The saint decided to help the scorpion and reached out to grab it.

However, as soon as the saint touched the scorpion, it stung him.

Despite the pain, the saint did not let go and instead gently pulled the scorpion out of the water.

As he did so, the scorpion stung him again and again.

A passerby saw the saint struggling with the scorpion and asked why he was helping it when it was only causing him pain.

The saint replied, “It is the nature of the scorpion to sting, and it is my nature to help. Why should I give up my nature to help just because it causes me pain?”

The story teaches us that it is important to help others, even if they may not appreciate it or even harm us in return. It is our nature to be compassionate, and we should not give up on that just because it may be difficult or uncomfortable.

The Starfish Motivational Short Story

The “Starfish Story” is a fable about a man walking along a beach that is covered in starfish that have been washed ashore. As the man walks, he notices a young girl picking up starfish one by one and throwing them back into the ocean.

The man approaches the girl and asks why she is bothering to throw the starfish back into the ocean, as there are too many for her to make a difference.

The girl responds by picking up another starfish and throwing it into the ocean, saying, “I made a difference to that one.”

The story is often used as a metaphor for the power of individual action and the importance of making a difference in the world, even if we can’t solve every problem.

It emphasizes that every small act of kindness and compassion can make a difference to someone, and that we should not be discouraged by the scale of the problems we face.

The lesson of the story is to focus on the good we can do in the world, and to take action in our own lives to make a positive difference, no matter how small.

The Tale of the Pencil Motivational Short Story

The Tale of the Pencil is a metaphorical story that emphasizes the idea that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses that can be used to create something beautiful and meaningful.

In the story, a pencil maker tells the pencil five important lessons as it goes through life.

First, the pencil maker says that everything that happens to the pencil is part of its sharpening process.

Second, the pencil maker reminds the pencil that it can always correct its mistakes.

Third, the pencil maker tells the pencil that what’s inside it – the lead – is what’s most important.

Fourth, the pencil maker says that the pencil will be useful only if it allows itself to be held and guided by the hand that holds it.

Finally, the pencil maker reminds the pencil that eventually it will be left behind, but the marks it leaves behind will make a difference.

The story is often used as a metaphor for personal growth and the idea that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses that can be used to create something meaningful.

It emphasizes that we should accept ourselves for who we are, learn from our mistakes, focus on what’s most important, be guided by others, and make our mark on the world in a positive way.

The Two Shoe Salesman Motivational Short Story

The Two Shoe Salesman story is a well-known parable that illustrates the power of perspective and attitude.

The story goes that two shoe salesmen were sent by a shoe company to a foreign country to assess the market for their product.

The first salesman arrived and immediately sent a message back to the company saying, “There is no potential here – nobody wears shoes.”

The second salesman arrived and sent a message back saying, “This is a fantastic opportunity – nobody wears shoes!”

The story demonstrates how two people can look at the same situation and interpret it completely differently based on their mindset and attitude.

The second salesman had a positive outlook and saw the potential in the situation, while the first salesman had a negative outlook and saw only the obstacles.

This story is often used to illustrate the power of a growth mindset and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in order to succeed in any situation.

The Two Wolves Motivational Short Story

The Two Wolves story is a Cherokee fable about a grandfather who tells his grandson a story about two wolves that live inside each of us.

One wolf is white, representing kindness, compassion, and love, while the other is black, representing hatred, anger, and greed.

The grandfather tells his grandson that these two wolves are constantly fighting inside us, and asks the grandson which one will win.

The grandson thinks for a moment and then answers, “The one I feed.”

The story is often used as a metaphor for the power of our thoughts and the importance of cultivating positive attitudes and behaviors.

It emphasizes that we have a choice in how we think and act, and that our actions determine which wolf we are feeding.

The lesson of the story is to focus on cultivating positive thoughts and behaviors, and to feed the “white wolf” of love and compassion, rather than the “black wolf” of hatred and anger.

Onward and Upward

Motivational short stories have the power to inspire, uplift, and transform us. They remind us that no matter what challenges we face in life, we have the strength and resilience to overcome them.

By reading and reflecting on these stories, we can tap into our own inner strength and find the courage to pursue our dreams, overcome obstacles, and become the best version of ourselves.

So let us continue to seek out and share these stories, and let them guide us on our journey towards greatness.

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23 Bible Verses about Long Journey

John 3:16 esv / 7 helpful votes helpful not helpful.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

1 John 1:9 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ESV / 3 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Revelation 20:12-13 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.

Revelation 18:13 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and slaves, that is, human souls.

Revelation 12:4 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it.

1 John 1:7 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

2 Peter 3:9 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Hebrews 12:8 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

1 Corinthians 11:14 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him,

Luke 17:35-37 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left.” And they said to him, “Where, Lord?” He said to them, “Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.”

Luke 15:11-32 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And he said, “There was a man who had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.’ And he divided his property between them. Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living. And when he had spent everything, a severe famine arose in that country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. ...

Luke 5:32 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Luke 1:1 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things that have been accomplished among us,

Mark 15:23 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And they offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it.

Jonah 3:4 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Jonah began to go into the city, going a day's journey. And he called out, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”

Isaiah 28:1 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Ah, the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, and the fading flower of its glorious beauty, which is on the head of the rich valley of those overcome with wine!

Psalm 14:1 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

To the choirmaster. Of David. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good.

Genesis 9:21 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent.

Genesis 6:2 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

The sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.

Genesis 6:1-22 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. ...

Genesis 1:1-31 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. ...

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Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles , a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at)

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Metal Wani

Steve Perry Gives His Honest Opinion on New JOURNEY Singer Arnel Pineda

  • August 20, 2021
  • 1 minute read

the journey is still long

During a recent conversation with SiriusXM, classic Journey vocalist Steve Perry talked about the band’s new singer Arnel Pineda , who’s been a member of the fold since 2007.

Steve reached the topic while discussing Journey ‘s 2017 Rock Hall induction, saying (via Blabbermouth ):

“When I walked out there, that was a real thrill. They had a whole worked-up thing – they had a big teleprompter, and I said, ‘F that.’ I pulled out my piece of paper. I said, ‘I got some things to talk about here,’ and I just sort of did my thing. The fans, they were so wonderful.”

Asked on why he didn’t perform at the ceremony, Steve replied:

“I’m not in the band. I haven’t been in the band for quite some time. Arnel’s been in the band for almost 10 years, I think. He’s a sweet kid – he’s a wonderful kid. He sings his heart out every night. It’s his gig.

“There was a gentleman who we recently lost named Harry, part of the management team. Harry was there with me and he said, ‘Steve, listen, I don’t know if you know, but Arnel’s running up and down the halls. He heard you’re here, backstage.’

“I said, ‘Well, where is he?’ He said, ‘I think he’s outside.’ I said, ‘Okay, I’ll come out.’ I walked out and he was there, and he comes up to me… there was something endearing about the way he looked at me. He was meeting, like, a grandfather. [Laughs] He’s got the gig. It’s his gig. He’s doing great.”

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the journey is still long

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Bring Steve back, ideots

the idiot is the one who can’t spell idiot

Why couldn’t Paul Rogers be a man like Steve Perry. Paul treated Brian Howe like sh*t.

Maybe he is not as good as Arnel’s voice almost copied almost same voice of Steve Perry that’s all I can say


Both ” Arnel and Steve, and add, ” Taka” the lead singer from,” One O.K. Rock” all three would put on the show of shows!

He really is an edyot…

You’re damn right😁🤪.

You re very right!

Hey Andy, Speaking of IDIOTS!!

Bring back Steve Perry to the group so that Arnel may have substitute for vocal …just like john lennon paul mc cartney combination 🙏🥰💥

Steve doesn’t want to come back. He walked and was done with band. Why don’t you go back to an old job? Idiot

Steve can’t sing anymore. How he can do the things you want?


welll idiot steve does not want back if he did he would be sooooo your the idiot idiot

Steve knew he can’t bring back the voice where the Journey was once before..Great that he recognize Arnel as the new lead singer of the band

Lmafol, how you spell Capital I•D•I•O•T🤣🤣🤣

Before I die, I would love to see the original Steve Perry and Journey together performing we need to do

Are you kidding me? Steve Perry- what grace and dignity you bring with this. Well done. Clearly your spirit, your conscience, is every bit as beautiful as your voice. ???

Got to love a class act like Steve Perry much love and respect ?


Well done, Steve.

Awe yes, but he’ll never ever be you❤️

Steve Perry can never be replaced!

And can never sing his song exactly the same as what he did when he was at his prime with the band… that’s why he will never want to come back because he can’t do the same thing as what he did before like what arnel do at the present.

I sew him in concert 3 years ago and he was amazing Steve you will allways be number 1 but agree with Arnel is amazing Think journey is in good hands with him I would of like to seen you perform at the rock roll hall fame cearmoney but I think you were varry kind to say this is arnel crow dosin,t want to over well him I think you made a great choice but thir will allways be 1 Steve parry and that’s you. I’m going see them again next month with billy idol I can’t wait.

No one’s trying to replace Steve. He is Steve Perry. He is Arnel Pineda. Immature ppl don’t get it.



Perry isn’t coming back. Isn’t that obvious? He felt he was screwed/betrayed. Schon mentions trying to communicate with Perry, just to say hi. Perry won’t answer. Does that sound like someone who would want to return even if the offer was made?

Every time someone says “Bring back Perry!” I just shake my head.


Journey is a great group band but who run the group is stupid. ..we filipinos dont need journey for ARNEL PINEDA..we LOVE ARNEL PINEDA with his GREAT TALENT and his GREAT VOICE n SKILL…if there is no stupidity @ journey why steve perry left the group …🤨🤔


Why didnt axl join journey during the nevermind days?

Steve Perry is a real gentleman. I salute him for speaking his heart out.

Schon Lechon is a devil in disguise. He must change his contaminated heart and mind before the Journey becomes NOBODY LIKE HIM.

you are the only ones who think that someone will replace steve even arnel doesn’t think like that infact arnel’s favorite singer is steve perry and he never thinks that he is replacing steve, the only problem is you narrow minded journey fans.

I can’t agree more bro. , a lot of people just keep on complaining and comparing between the which is really non-sense, Steve is Steve no matter what same as Arnel. They are unique in their own way in my opinion. It’s just plain stupid a lot of fans out there keep bashing Arnel for what he is, in reality Arnel has been with the Journey longer than Steve! Since Arnel took over as the front man I think he did the Journey a big favor in joining them as they can’t find any replacement until they discover Arnel on his Youtube channel.

You are one of the greatest artists Please come back to the world The one and only… replica No one can ever replace you

Love always B From Canada 🇨🇦

J Cain once said Arnel is not filling in Perry’s shoes. Arnel got his own shoes that shines.

Steve Perry is one of a kind a class act and amazing performer to this day i listen to Journey when Steve Perry sang


People, note that, Arnel Pineda did not replace Steve Perry he replace or took over the position as the lead singer.

Steve Perry really handled that well. Arnel really admires Perry and knows that he’s a legend. Star struck. Steve Perry is not coming back to Journey and can you blame him? It’s a drama and a mess of a band.

Jrny has always been evolving their music, line up ect. Perry was okay with it till it was his turn to take a pause He could have came back after his hiking accident but he didn’t So they moved on and have done well

Steve is Steve and Arnel is Arnel, both are great singers and should not be a topic for a battle of comparison. Steve Perry is done doing Journey and he won’t be back and that’s all there is to it. The international success is just the icing on Arnel’s cake, but with or without Journey he is doing well as a recording artist with his original band “The Zoo”. That “Bring Back Steve Perry” bandwagon is just very immature and silly, to say the least.

Everyone knows that nobody could ever be a “Steve Perry” However, Arnel Pineda—- I must say that you are very impressive and I love the way you came in and Rocked every single Journey song! Arnel, you’re amazingly BLESSED with a powerhouse of a voice, a great demeanor, and swag outta this world! I definitely am super happy that Journey continues!

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the journey is still long

How to Watch Andrea Bocelli's Musical Special, ‘The Journey’

Plus, where you can buy tickets!

preview for A Robot Conducted Andre Bocelli And An Italian Orchestra

This time, he’s delivering a curation of mind-blowing performances and conversations in the new film The Journey: A Music Special from Andrea Bocelli , which is set to premiere starting April 2, Palm Sunday, through Easter Sunday on April 9.

Naturally, after the preview for the movie, which included this moving duet of "Hallelujah” with Tori Kelly, first made waves around the internet in March, fans are eager to find out how they can watch the film. Luckily, we have just what you’re looking for.

How can I watch The Journey?

It’s been nearly three years since the legendary singer graced his fans and the world with a 25-minute live performance on Easter Sunday , and now another performance will be available in theaters for a limited time, from Palm Sunday through Easter. Supporters can decide whether they would like to purchase individual or group tickets (which are for parties of 25 or more) by following the link on the film’s website.

How much do tickets cost?

Ticket prices for most locations start at around $12 per person. However, due to the limited number of show dates and show times, we recommend snagging them as soon as possible before they sell out.

Can I stream The Journey?

It is not yet clear if the film will be available on streaming services anytime soon, but Bocelli has released recorded performances onto YouTube in the past, so fingers crossed!

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BK Reader

9 Essential Tips for Women Who Want to Leave Their Jobs And Become Entrepreneurs

Posted: May 7, 2024 | Last updated: May 7, 2024

<p>Starting your own business can be a thrilling yet daunting journey, especially for women who have spent years navigating the corporate world. Whether driven by a passion for independence, a desire to fulfill a personal vision, or the need for more flexible work arrangements, the transition from employee to entrepreneur requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make a smooth and successful leap into entrepreneurship.</p>

Starting your own business can be a thrilling yet daunting journey, especially for women who have spent years navigating the corporate world. Whether driven by a passion for independence, a desire to fulfill a personal vision, or the need for more flexible work arrangements, the transition from employee to entrepreneur requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you make a smooth and successful leap into entrepreneurship.

<p>Pitfalls to Avoid: The first step is acknowledging potential pitfalls. Many new entrepreneurs underestimate the financial burden of starting a business, including unexpected costs and the time it takes before the business becomes profitable. To mitigate these risks, thorough market research and a solid business plan are essential. Avoid the common mistake of overlooking legal and tax implications by consulting with experts in these fields.</p> <p>Is It Worth the Uncertainty? While the initial phase of starting a business is fraught with uncertainty, many entrepreneurs find the personal and professional rewards worth the risk. Autonomy, the satisfaction of creating something from scratch, and potentially higher financial returns in the long run are compelling incentives.</p>

1. Understanding the Risks and Rewards

Pitfalls to Avoid: The first step is acknowledging potential pitfalls. Many new entrepreneurs underestimate the financial burden of starting a business, including unexpected costs and the time it takes before the business becomes profitable. To mitigate these risks, thorough market research and a solid business plan are essential. Avoid the common mistake of overlooking legal and tax implications by consulting with experts in these fields.

Is It Worth the Uncertainty? While the initial phase of starting a business is fraught with uncertainty, many entrepreneurs find the personal and professional rewards worth the risk. Autonomy, the satisfaction of creating something from scratch, and potentially higher financial returns in the long run are compelling incentives.

<p>Deciding when to start your business is as crucial as deciding to start at all. It’s not just about having a great idea—it’s about launching at a time when you’re realistically prepared both financially and emotionally. Many successful entrepreneurs recommend starting while you still have a day job. This allows you to build your business with less financial stress. You can test your product or service in the real market, adjust your business model based on real customer feedback, and pivot before you fully commit.</p> <p>Once you decide the timing feels right, the first steps can truly set the pace. </p>

2. When to Make Your Move: Timing and First Steps

Deciding when to start your business is as crucial as deciding to start at all. It’s not just about having a great idea—it’s about launching at a time when you’re realistically prepared both financially and emotionally. Many successful entrepreneurs recommend starting while you still have a day job. This allows you to build your business with less financial stress. You can test your product or service in the real market, adjust your business model based on real customer feedback, and pivot before you fully commit.

Once you decide the timing feels right, the first steps can truly set the pace. 

<ol>   <li>Identify Your Niche: What are you passionate about? What skills can you leverage? Identifying a niche that you understand deeply gives you a competitive edge right from the start.</li>   <li>Craft a Business Plan: This should clearly articulate the purpose of your business, the target market, and detailed financial projections. It’s your roadmap and, potentially, a pitch document for future investors.</li>   <li>Market Research: Understand the demand. Who are your customers? What do they need? How are current needs being met by other businesses? Your aim is to find a gap you can fill.</li>   <li>Pilot Your Idea: Before going full-scale, consider a soft launch or a pilot program. This could be as simple as offering your product on a small scale or conducting a "beta test" of your services with target customers.</li>   <li>Setup the Basics: Register your business, create a brand name, and take care of any legal requirements. Don’t forget about setting up a good accounting system; keeping track of your finances is key.</li>  </ol>

3. Kicking It Off

  • Identify Your Niche: What are you passionate about? What skills can you leverage? Identifying a niche that you understand deeply gives you a competitive edge right from the start.
  • Craft a Business Plan: This should clearly articulate the purpose of your business, the target market, and detailed financial projections. It’s your roadmap and, potentially, a pitch document for future investors.
  • Market Research: Understand the demand. Who are your customers? What do they need? How are current needs being met by other businesses? Your aim is to find a gap you can fill.
  • Pilot Your Idea: Before going full-scale, consider a soft launch or a pilot program. This could be as simple as offering your product on a small scale or conducting a "beta test" of your services with target customers.
  • Setup the Basics: Register your business, create a brand name, and take care of any legal requirements. Don’t forget about setting up a good accounting system; keeping track of your finances is key.

<p>Support Systems Required: Transitioning to entrepreneurship can be isolating without the right support. Build a network of mentors, advisors, and peers who can offer guidance and support. Your circle should also include family who can step in, friends who understand, and even other entrepreneurs who can share their coping strategies. Sometimes just talking things out can make a big difference.</p> <p>Additional professional support can be found in organizations like the <a href="">National Association of Women Business Owners</a> (NAWBO) and <a href="">Women’s Business Enterprise National Council</a> (WBENC) provide networking opportunities and resources.</p>

4: Building a Support System

Support Systems Required: Transitioning to entrepreneurship can be isolating without the right support. Build a network of mentors, advisors, and peers who can offer guidance and support. Your circle should also include family who can step in, friends who understand, and even other entrepreneurs who can share their coping strategies. Sometimes just talking things out can make a big difference.

Additional professional support can be found in organizations like the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) and Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) provide networking opportunities and resources.

<p>Resources Required: Essential resources include initial capital, industry-specific tools, technology, and possibly a dedicated workspace. Plan for personal financial sustainability during the early stages when business income might be unstable.</p> <p>Available Resources: Many resources are available to women entrepreneurs. Websites like the <a href="">Small Business Administration (SBA)</a> offer tools, loan information, and business guides. For women of color, <a href="">Black Girl Ventures</a> provides access to community and funding opportunities tailored to the unique challenges faced by black women entrepreneurs. Organizations like <a href="">DigitalUndivided</a> focus on supporting women of color in tech and entrepreneurship through data and advocacy.</p>

5. Preparing for the Transition

Resources Required: Essential resources include initial capital, industry-specific tools, technology, and possibly a dedicated workspace. Plan for personal financial sustainability during the early stages when business income might be unstable.

Available Resources: Many resources are available to women entrepreneurs. Websites like the Small Business Administration (SBA) offer tools, loan information, and business guides. For women of color, Black Girl Ventures provides access to community and funding opportunities tailored to the unique challenges faced by black women entrepreneurs. Organizations like DigitalUndivided focus on supporting women of color in tech and entrepreneurship through data and advocacy.

<p>Balancing your entrepreneurial dreams with family life can definitely feel like a juggling act, but with some smart strategies, you can keep all the balls in the air. Here’s a straightforward approach to managing both:</p>

6. Juggling Family and Entrepreneurship

Balancing your entrepreneurial dreams with family life can definitely feel like a juggling act, but with some smart strategies, you can keep all the balls in the air. Here’s a straightforward approach to managing both:

<p>Time management can be a lifesaver. Here are a few tactics:</p> <ul>   <li>Prioritize wisely: Always tackle tasks that must get done today and push less critical things to a later date.</li>   <li>Batch similar tasks: Do all your errands at once or schedule all meetings for the same day to free up other days for deep focus work or family time.</li>   <li>Block your time: Plan your days in chunks; one for work tasks, another for family activities, and even some downtime for yourself.</li>  </ul>

7. Sharpen Your Time Management Skills

Time management can be a lifesaver. Here are a few tactics:

  • Prioritize wisely: Always tackle tasks that must get done today and push less critical things to a later date.
  • Batch similar tasks: Do all your errands at once or schedule all meetings for the same day to free up other days for deep focus work or family time.
  • Block your time: Plan your days in chunks; one for work tasks, another for family activities, and even some downtime for yourself.

<p>Life changes and so will your balance strategy. Regular check-ins with yourself and your family about what’s working and what isn’t can help you stay flexible and adjust as needed.</p> <p>By creating firm boundaries, staying open with your family, and managing your time efficiently, you can make room for both a fulfilling career and a happy home life. It’s all about finding what works for you and being willing to tweak things along the way.</p>

8. Keep Assessing and Adapting

Life changes and so will your balance strategy. Regular check-ins with yourself and your family about what’s working and what isn’t can help you stay flexible and adjust as needed.

By creating firm boundaries, staying open with your family, and managing your time efficiently, you can make room for both a fulfilling career and a happy home life. It’s all about finding what works for you and being willing to tweak things along the way.

<p>Navigating the path of entrepreneurship as a woman requires savvy, resilience, and a strong support network. Don’t shy away from using resources tailored for women entrepreneurs. Remember, the key is to balance your personal well-being with your professional ambitions; taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your business.</p> <p>For mor stories like this visit <a href="">BK Reader</a> and <a href="">Her Power Network</a></p>

9. Summing It Up

Navigating the path of entrepreneurship as a woman requires savvy, resilience, and a strong support network. Don’t shy away from using resources tailored for women entrepreneurs. Remember, the key is to balance your personal well-being with your professional ambitions; taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your business.

For mor stories like this visit BK Reader and Her Power Network

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The Protesters and the President

Over the past week, thousands of students protesting the war in gaza have been arrested..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

From “New York Times,” I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.”

Free, free, Palestine!

Free, free Palestine!

Free, free, free Palestine!

Over the past week, what had begun as a smattering of pro-Palestinian protests on America’s college campuses exploded into a nationwide movement —

United, we’ll never be defeated!

— as students at dozens of universities held demonstrations, set up encampments, and at times seized academic buildings.


response, administrators at many of those colleges decided to crack down —

Do not throw things at our officers. We will use chemical munitions that include gas.

— calling in local police to carry out mass detentions and arrests. From Arizona State —

In the name of the state of Arizona, I declare this gathering to be a violation of —

— to the University of Georgia —

— to City College of New York.


As of Thursday, police had arrested 2,000 students on more than 40 campuses. A situation so startling that President Biden could no longer ignore it.

Look, it’s basically a matter of fairness. It’s a matter of what’s right. There’s the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos.

Today, my colleagues Jonathan Wolfe and Peter Baker on a history-making week. It’s Friday, May 3.

Jonathan, as this tumultuous week on college campuses comes to an end, it feels like the most extraordinary scenes played out on the campus of the University of California Los Angeles, where you have been reporting. What is the story of how that protest started and ultimately became so explosive?

So late last week, pro-Palestinian protesters set up an encampment at the University of California, Los Angeles.

From the river to the sea!

Palestine will be free!

Palestine —

It was right in front of Royce Hall, which I don’t know if you are familiar with UCLA, but it’s a very famous, red brick building. It’s on all the brochures. And there was two things that stood out about this encampment. And the first thing was that they barricaded the encampment.

The encampment, complete with tents and barricades, has been set up in the middle of the Westwood campus. The protesters demand —

They have metal grates. They had wooden pallets. And they separated themselves from the campus.

This is kind of interesting. There are controlling access, as we’ve been talking about. They are trying to control who is allowed in, who is allowed out.

They sort of policed the area. So they only would let people that were part of their community, they said, inside.

I’m a UCLA student. I deserve to go here. We paid tuition. This is our school. And they’re not letting me walk in. Why can’t I go? Will you let me go in?

We’re not engaging with that.

Then you can move. Will you move?

And the second thing that stood out about this camp was that it immediately attracted pro-Israel counterprotesters.

And what did the leadership of UCLA say about all of this, the encampment and these counterprotesters?

So the University of California’s approach was pretty unique. They had a really hands-off approach. And they allowed the pro-Palestinian protesters to set up an encampment. They allowed the counterprotesters to happen. I mean, this is a public university, so anyone who wants to can just enter the campus.

So when do things start to escalate?

So there were definitely fights and scuffles through the weekend. But a turning point was really Sunday —


— when this group called the Israeli American Council, they’re a nonprofit organization, organized a rally on campus. The Israeli American Council has really been against these pro-Palestinian protests. They say that they’re antisemitic. So this nonprofit group sets up a stage with a screen really just a few yards from the pro-Palestinian encampment.

We are grateful that this past Friday, the University of California, stated that they will continue to oppose any calls for boycott and divestment from Israel!


And they host speakers and they held prayers.

Jewish students, you’re not alone! Oh, you’re not alone! We are right here with you! And we’re right here with you in until —


And then lots of other people start showing up. And the proximity between protesters and counterprotesters and even some agitators, makes it really clear that something was about to happen.

And what was that? What ended up happening?

On Monday night, a group of about 60 counterprotesters tried to breach the encampment there. And the campus police had to break it up. And things escalated again on Tuesday.

They stormed the barricades and it’s a complete riot.


Put it down! Put it down! Put it down!

I went to report on what happened just a few hours after it ended.

And I spoke to a lot of protesters. And I met one demonstrator, Marie.

Yeah, my first name is Marie. M-A-R-I-E. Last name, Salem.

And Marie described what happened.

So can you just tell me a little bit about what happened last night?

Last night, we were approached by over a hundred counterprotesters who were very mobilized and ready to break into camp. They proceeded to try to breach our barricades extremely violently.

Marie said it started getting out of hand when counterprotesters started setting off fireworks towards the camp.

They had bear spray. They had Mace. They were throwing wood and spears. Throwing water bottles, continuing fireworks.

So she said that they were terrified. It was just all hands on deck. Everyone was guarding the barricades.

Every time someone experienced the bear spray or Mace or was hit and bleeding, we had some medics in the front line. And then we had people —

And they said that they were just trying to take care of people who were injured.

I mean, at any given moment, there was 5 to 10 people being treated.

So what she described to me sounded more like a battlefield than a college campus.

And it was just a complete terror and complete abandonment of the university, as we also watched private security watch this the entire time on the stairs. And some LAPD were stationed about a football field length back from these counterprotesters, and did not make a single arrest, did not attempt to stop any violence, did not attempt to get in between the two groups. No attempt.

I should say, I spoke to a state authorities and eyewitnesses and they confirmed Marie’s account about what happened that night, both in terms of the violence that took place at the encampment and how law enforcement responded. So in the end, people ended up fighting for hours before the police intervened.


So in her mind, UCLA’s hands-off approach, which seemed to have prevailed throughout this entire period, ends up being way too hands off in a moment when students were in jeopardy.

That’s right. And so at this point, the protesters in the encampment started preparing for two possibilities. One was that this group of counterprotesters would return and attack them. And the second one was that the police would come and try to break up this encampment.

So they started building up the barricades. They start reinforcing them with wood. And during the day, hundreds of people came and brought them supplies. They brought food.

They brought helmets, goggles, earplugs, saline solution, all sorts of things these people could use to defend themselves. And so they’re really getting ready to burrow in. And in the end, it was the police who came.


So Wednesday at 7:00 PM, they made an announcement on top of Royce Hall, which overlooks the encampment —

— administrative criminal actions up to and including arrest. Please leave the area immediately.

And they told people in the encampment that they needed to leave or face arrest.


And so as night falls, they put on all this gear that they’ve been collecting, the goggles, the masks and the earplugs, and they wait for the police.


And so the police arrive and station themselves right in front of the encampment. And then at a certain point, they storm the back stairs of the encampment.


And this is the stairs that the protesters have been using to enter and exit the camp. And they set up a line. And the protesters do this really surprising thing.

The people united!

They open up umbrellas. They have these strobe lights. And they’re flashing them at the police, who just slowly back out of the camp.


And so at this point, they’re feeling really great. They’re like, we did it. We pushed them out of their camp. And when the cops try to push again on those same set of stairs —


Hold your ground!

— the protesters organized themselves with all these shields that they had built earlier. And they go and confront them. And so there’s this moment where the police are trying to push up the stairs. And the protesters are literally pushing them back.

Push them back! Push them back!

Push them back!

And at a certain point, dozens of the police officers who were there, basically just turn around and leave.

So how does this eventually come to an end?

So at a certain point, the police push in again. Most of the conflict is centered at the front of these barricades. And the police just start tearing them apart.



They removed the front barricade. And in its place is this group of protesters who have linked arms and they’re hanging on to each other. And the police are trying to pull protesters one by one away from this group.

He’s just a student! Back off!

But they’re having a really hard time because there’s so many protesters. And they’re all just hanging on to each other.

We’re moving back now.

So at a certain point, one of the police officers started firing something into the crowd. We don’t exactly know what it was. But it really spooked the protesters.

Stop shooting at kids! Fuck you! Fuck them!

They started falling back. Everyone was really scared. The protesters were yelling, don’t shoot us. And at that point, the police just stormed the camp.

Get back. Get back.

Back up now!

And so after about four hours of this, the police pushed the protesters out of the encampment. They had arrested about 200 protesters. And this was finally over.

And I’m just curious, Jonathan, because you’re standing right there, you are bearing witness to this all, what you were thinking, what your impressions of this were.

I mean, I was stunned. These are mostly teenagers. This is a college campus, an institution of higher learning. And what I saw in front of me looked like a war zone.


The massive barricade, the police coming in with riot gear, and all this violence was happening in front of these red brick buildings that are famous for symbolizing a really open college campus. And everything about it was just totally surreal.

Well, Jonathan, thank you very much. We appreciate it.

Thanks, Michael.

We’ll be right back.

Peter, around 10:00 AM on Thursday morning as the smoke is literally still clearing at the University of California Los Angeles, you get word that President Biden is going to speak.

Right, exactly. It wasn’t on his public schedule. He was about to head to Andrews Air Force base in order to take a trip. And then suddenly, we got the notice that he was going to be addressing the cameras in the Roosevelt Room.

They didn’t tell us what he was going to talk about. But it was pretty clear, I think. Everybody understood that it was going to be about these campus protests, about the growing violence and the clashes with police, and the arrests that the entire country had been watching on TV every night for the past week, and I think that we were watching just that morning with UCLA. And it reached the point where he just had to say something.

And why, in his estimation and those of his advisors, was this the moment that Biden had to say something?

Well, it kind of reached a boiling point. It kind of reached the impression of a national crisis. And you expect to hear your president address it in this kind of a moment, particularly because it’s about his own policy. His policy toward Israel is at the heart of these protests. And he was getting a lot of grief. He was getting a lot of grief from Republicans who were chiding him for not speaking out personally. He hadn’t said anything in about 10 days.

He’s getting a lot of pressure from Democrats, too, who wanted him to come out and be more forceful. It wasn’t enough, in their view, to leave it to his spokespeople to say something. Moderate Democrats felt he needed to come out and take some leadership on this.

And so at the appointed moment, Peter, what does Biden actually say in the Roosevelt Room of the White House?

Good morning.

Before I head to North Carolina, I wanted to speak for a few moments about what’s going on, on our college campuses here.

Well, it comes in the Roosevelt Room and he talks to the camera. And he talks about the two clashing imperatives of American principle.

The first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The second is the rule of law. Both must be upheld.

One is freedom of speech. The other is the rule of law.

In fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues. But, but, neither are we a lawless country.

In other words, what he’s saying is, yes, I support the right of these protesters to come out and object to even my own policy, in effect, is what he’s saying. But it shouldn’t trail into violence.

Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It’s against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses —

It shouldn’t trail into taking over buildings and obstructing students from going to class or canceling their graduations.

Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. It’s against the law.

And he leans very heavily into this idea that what he’s seeing these days goes beyond the line.

I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. In America, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn’t mean anything goes.

It has crossed into harassment and expressions of hate in a way that goes against the national character.

As president, I will always defend free speech. And I will always be just as strong and standing up for the rule of law. That’s my responsibility to you, the American people, and my obligation to the Constitution. Thank you very much.

Right, as I watched the speech, I heard his overriding message to basically be, I, the president of the United States, am drawing a line. These protests and counterprotests, the seizing and defacing of campus buildings, class disruption, all of it, name calling, it’s getting out of hand. That there’s a right way to do this. And what I’m seeing is the wrong way to do it and it has to stop.

That’s exactly right. And as he’s wrapping up, reporters, of course, ask questions. And the first question is —

Mr. President, have the protests forced you to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region?

— will this change your policy toward the war in Gaza? Which, of course, is exactly what the protesters want. That’s the point.

And he basically says —

— no. Just one word, no.

Right. And that felt kind of important, as brief and fleeting as it was, because at the end of the day, what he’s saying to these protesters is, I’m not going to do what you want. And basically, your protests are never going to work. I’m not going to change the US’s involvement in this war.

Yeah, that’s exactly right. He is saying, I’m not going to be swayed by angry people in the streets. I’m going to do what I think is right when it comes to foreign policy. Now, what he thinks is that they’re not giving him enough credit for trying to achieve what they want, which is an end of the war.

He has been pressuring Israel and Hamas to come to a deal for a ceasefire that will, hopefully, in his view, would then lead to a more enduring end of hostilities. But, of course, this deal hasn’t gone anywhere. Hamas, in particular, seems to be resisting it. And so the president is left with a policy of arming Israel without having found a way yet to stop the war.

Right. I wonder, though, Peter, if we’re being honest, don’t these protests, despite what Biden is saying there, inevitably exert a kind of power over him? Becoming one of many pressures, but a pressure nonetheless that does influence how he thinks about these moments. I mean, here he is at the White House devoting an entire conversation to the nation to these campus protests.

Well, look, he knows this feeds into the political environment in which he’s running for re-election, in which he basically has people who otherwise might be his supporters on the left disenchanted with him. And he knows that there’s a cost to be paid. And that certainly, obviously, is in his head as he’s thinking about what to do.

But I think his view of the war is changing by the day for all sorts of reasons. And most of them having to do with realities on the ground. He has decided that Israel has gone far enough, if not too far, in the way it has conducted this operation in Gaza.

He is upset about the humanitarian crisis there. And he’s looking for a way to wrap all this up into a move that would move to peacemaking, beginning to get the region to a different stage, maybe have a deal with the Saudis to normalize relations with Israel in exchange for some sort of a two-state solution that would eventually resolve the Palestinian issue at its core.

So I think it’s probably fair to say that the protests won’t move him in an immediate kind of sense. But they obviously play into the larger zeitgeist of the moment. And I also think it’s important to know who Joe Biden is at heart.

Explain that.

He’s not drawn to activism. He was around in 1968, the last time we saw this major conflagration at Columbia University, for instance. At the time, Joe Biden was a law student in Syracuse, about 250 miles away. And he was an institutionalist even then.

He was just focused on his studies. He was about to graduate. He was thinking about the law career. And he didn’t really have much of an affinity, I think, for his fellow students of that era, for their activist way of looking at things.

He tells a story in his memoir about walking down a street in Syracuse one day to go to the pizza shop with some friends. And they walk by the administration building. And they see people hanging out of the windows. They’re hanging SDS banners. That’s the Students for a Democratic Society, which was one of the big activist groups of the era.

And he says, they were taking over the building. And we looked up and said, look at those assholes. That’s how far apart from the antiwar movement I was. That’s him writing in his memoir.

So to a young Joe Biden, those who devote their time and their energy to protesting the war are, I don’t need to repeat the word twice, but they’re losers. They’re not worth his time.

Well, I think it’s the tactics they’re using more than the goals that he disagreed with. He would tell you he disagreed with the Vietnam War. He was for civil rights. But he thought that taking over a building was performative, was all about getting attention, and that there was a better way, in his view, to do it.

He was somebody who wanted to work inside the system. He said in an interview quite a few years back, he says, look, I was wearing sports coats in that era. He saw himself becoming part of the system, not somebody trying to tear it down.

And so how should we think about that Joe Biden, when we think about this Joe Biden? I mean, the Joe Biden who, as a young man, looked upon antiwar protesters with disdain and the one who is now president and his very own policies have inspired such ferocious campus protests?

Yeah, that Joe Biden, the 1968 Joe Biden, he could just throw on a sports coat, go to the pizza shop with his friends, make fun of the activists and call them names, and then that’s it. They didn’t have to affect his life. But that’s not what 2024 Joe Biden can do.

Now, wherever he goes, he’s dogged by this. He goes to speeches and people are shouting at him, Genocide Joe! Genocide Joe! He is the target of the same kind of a movement that he disdained in 1968. And so as much as he would like to ignore it or move on or focus on other things, I think this has become a defining image of his year and one of the defining images, perhaps, of his presidency. And 2024 Joe Biden can’t simply ignore it.

Well, Peter, thank you very much. We appreciate it.


Here’s what else you need to know today. During testimony on Thursday in Donald Trump’s hush money trial, jurors heard a recording secretly made by Trump’s former fixer, Michael Cohen, in which Trump discusses a deal to buy a woman’s silence. In the recording, Trump asks Cohen about how one payment made by Trump to a woman named Karen McDougal would be financed. The recording could complicate efforts by Trump’s lawyers to distance him from the hush money deals at the center of the trial.

A final thing to know, tomorrow morning, we’ll be sending you the latest episode from our colleagues over at “The Interview.” This week, David Marchese talks with comedy star Marlon Wayans about his new stand-up special.

It’s a high that you get when you don’t know if this joke that I’m about to say is going to offend everybody. Are they going to walk out? Are they going to boo me? Are they going to hate this. And then you tell it, and everybody cracks up and you’re like, woo.

Today’s episode was produced by Diana Nguyen, Luke Vander Ploeg, Alexandra Leigh Young, Nina Feldman, and Carlos Prieto. It was edited by Lisa Chow and Michael Benoist. It contains original music by Dan Powell and Marion Lozano, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.

That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Michael Barbaro. See you on Monday.

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Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Jonathan Wolfe and Peter Baker

Produced by Diana Nguyen ,  Luke Vander Ploeg ,  Alexandra Leigh Young ,  Nina Feldman and Carlos Prieto

Edited by Lisa Chow and Michael Benoist

Original music by Dan Powell and Marion Lozano

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube

Warning: this episode contains strong language.

Over the past week, students at dozens of universities held demonstrations, set up encampments and, at times, seized academic buildings. In response, administrators at many of those colleges decided to crack down and called in the local police to detain and arrest demonstrators.

As of Thursday, the police had arrested 2,000 people across more than 40 campuses, a situation so startling that President Biden could no longer ignore it.

Jonathan Wolfe, who has been covering the student protests for The Times, and Peter Baker, the chief White House correspondent, discuss the history-making week.

On today’s episode

the journey is still long

Jonathan Wolfe , a senior staff editor on the newsletters team at The New York Times.

the journey is still long

Peter Baker , the chief White House correspondent for The New York Times covering President Biden and his administration.

A large crowd of people in a chaotic scene. Some are wearing police uniforms, other are wearing yellow vests and hard hats.

Background reading

As crews cleared the remnants of an encampment at U.C.L.A., students and faculty members wondered how the university could have handled protests over the war in Gaza so badly .

Biden denounced violence on campus , breaking his silence after a rash of arrests.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Jonathan Wolfe is a senior staff editor on the newsletters team at The Times. More about Jonathan Wolfe

Peter Baker is the chief White House correspondent for The Times. He has covered the last five presidents and sometimes writes analytical pieces that place presidents and their administrations in a larger context and historical framework. More about Peter Baker

Luke Vander Ploeg is a senior producer on “The Daily” and a reporter for the National Desk covering the Midwest. More about Luke Vander Ploeg


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Many years after the reign of Caesar, a young ape goes on a journey that will lead him to question everything he's been taught about the past and make choices that will define a future for a... Read all Many years after the reign of Caesar, a young ape goes on a journey that will lead him to question everything he's been taught about the past and make choices that will define a future for apes and humans alike. Many years after the reign of Caesar, a young ape goes on a journey that will lead him to question everything he's been taught about the past and make choices that will define a future for apes and humans alike.

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Where to find the married at first sight season 18 cast on instagram, married at first sight: 8 times emily balch was cringe in season 17 & online.

  • Clare and Cameron's MAFS journey started off well but quickly soured due to differing beliefs and lack of affection.
  • Cameron accused Clare of being a "puppet master" and faking their relationship, leading to animosity among the season 17 couples.
  • Clare has moved on from Cameron and is now in a serious long-distance relationship, supported by her MAFS girl clique.

Married at First Sight season 17 just wrapped up, and it's time to look at what Clare Kerr has been doing since the cameras stopped rolling. Married at First Sight experts Dr. Pepper Schwartz, Pastor Cal Roberson, and Dr. Pia Holec paired Clare with New Zealand native Cameron Frazer. Season 17 was arguably the worst and most unsuccessful season of the hit Lifetime show yet. There was a set of firsts for the franchise. Denver hopeful Michael Shiakallis was matched with an initial mystery bride who ended up meeting him at the altar only to say she couldn't marry a stranger and bail on the experience.

Then, the experts gave Michael a chance to get Married at First Sight again, and he accepted. He married Chloe Brown and the pair began the experiment when the other couples were already halfway through. Chloe said yes to Michael on Decision Day but Michael said no. In fact, all five season 17 couples chose divorce. Lauren Goodger and Orion Martzloff split right after the honeymoon, while Cameron and Clare came next. Austin Reed and Becca Haley said yes on Decision Day but broke up the next day. Emily Balch and Brennan Shoykhet broke up shortly before Decision Day.

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Clare & Cameron's MAFS Journey

They began on a high note.

27-year-old Clare, who is a triplet, wanted to find a "goofy" person who also knew how to be a mature and independent partner. The therapist was matched with 33-year-old Cameron who owns a bike shop and who the experts thought checked all Clare's boxes. And it seemed like they were well-matched on their wedding day. They had chemistry and they looked like they were attracted to one another (via Lifetime .) However, the disconnect began on their wedding night.

Cameron and Clare got into their first fight on the way to their honeymoon when Clare got annoyed that Cameron didn't help her with her bags and ran off. From there, they could not find their initial spark again, and Clare had trouble showing affection.

More trouble came when they moved in together back in Denver and they had an impassable problem. Clare wanted to raise her kids in the church and with religion while Cameron was adamantly against it. Moreover, Cameron was attracted to Clare but Clare was icy and did not return the feeling.

They mutually decided to separate, with little help from the experts, on their one-month anniversary. Shortly after the split, Cameron was diagnosed with a serious heart problem and had to have surgery. Clare wanted to be there for Cameron but Cameron wanted to be distant and not engage with Clare. They both showed up to Decision Day where they painted an amicable picture but unsurprisingly said no to each other. Then, during the Married at First Sight season 17 group gathering the day after, the truth came out.

Clare & Cameron Were Faking Things

They tried to outsmart the show.

At the post-Decision Day group gathering, the women of season 17 were speaking out against the men and the injustices they felt slighted by. That's when Clare accused Cameron of trying to silence her. Cameron stormed off and spilled the tea to the camera and he called Clare a "puppet master."

"I've literally lied every single day of this fucking marriage to protect [Clare]. "

He said he had been instructed on what to say by Clare so that they could control the optics and how their story was told.

" The fact that she's not attracted to me — that's one of those things she told me I couldn't say out loud. Oh, there we go! I just broke a promise! "

Things got even uglier come Reunion time when Cameron accused Clare of having a boyfriend she was in love with throughout the experience and who she was sleeping with. He also questioned Clare's motivations while he was going through his heart problems and insinuated that she wanted to make herself look like a good person. The truth also came out in general about the mass Married at First Sight season 17 dupe.

All the couples, minus Michael and Chloe, agreed to endeavor to control their narratives and not let the truth in their relationships out. They wanted to control the optics in a highly controversial move that soured the whole season and everyone's experience in it. It was allegedly Cameron's idea, and the whole experience created overwhelming animosity between the men and the women of season 17.

Clare & Cameron Are Not On Good Terms

Cameron called clare a "puppet master".

Clare, and the other Married at First Sight season 17 women, felt massive resentment towards their ex-husbands and all the men of the season. They felt like their husbands thought optics and viewer perceptions were more important than trying to make their marriages work. They accused the men of having ulterior motives for being on the show and called them out as clout chasers. The men thought the women were just bitter and couldn't get over things not working out.

Cameron came for Clare during the Reunion. But in a surprising turn of events during their Reunion one-on-one, Cameron ended things with Clare by saying he would be open to trying to have a romantic relationship again. Clare was disinterested and it was hard to tell whether Cameron said that just to make himself look better. With so much bad blood and murky realities, it is unlikely Clare and Cameron will ever get to a good place.

Clare Is In The MAFS Season 17 Girl Clique

The clique has a lot of resentment.

Clare apparently found lifelong friends in Emily, Becca, and Lauren. They showcased their toxic girl clique at the Reunion where they all wore pink in solidarity and went in on the men of season 17 ( via Lifetime .) In the "Where Are They Now?" episode, the foursome let the Married at First Sight audience know they were still best friends. Clare and Emily even got matching wave tattoos. Clare 's Instagram is private, as are the rest of the women's, but they frequently post pictures together.

Clare Is In A Long-Distance Relationship

Clare has allegedly moved on.

It also came out in the "Where Are They Now?" episode that Clare has a boyfriend whom she is serious about. Her Married at First Sight girl clique has met him, and they all approve. The timeline of Clare and her boyfriend's relationship is unclear, but she was smitten in the episode. Clare said her relationship with her mystery boyfriend was long-distance and that he lived in Seattle. She wasn't sure whether she would be moving there. Cameron does not have social media, so it's unknown whether Cameron and Clare would even follow each other at this point.

Married At First Sight seasons 1-16 are available to stream on Discovery+.

Source: Lifetime /YouTube, Lifetime /YouTube, Clare Kerr /Instagram

Married At First Sight

Based on the Danish version of the series, Married at First Sight is a reality show/social experiment that gives singles a chance to find a lifelong partnership with one particular caveat: they must agree to marry a stranger arranged the moment they meet. Experts provide counseling and guidance as they help couples navigate their new marriage with their unknown partner and highlight the journey of the newlyweds from wedding to honeymoon to beginning their new lives together. At the end of eight weeks, couples will decide to stay married or divorce.

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the journey is still long

LEXINGTON, Ky. (April 27, 2024) — This week, the University of Kentucky will celebrate its newest alumni at the May 2024 Commencement Ceremonies , taking place Friday, May 3, and Saturday, May 4, at Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center.

For many of this spring’s graduating seniors, this will be their first-ever graduation ceremony, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting closings and cancellations that occurred in spring of 2020, when they graduated high school.

Around 4,300 graduates have registered to participate across the four ceremonies (out of 5,736 total degree candidates conferred by the UK Board of Trustees). Those who are registered are receiving email communication with details regarding the ceremonies, and should continue to read those emails up until the day of the ceremony for important information and updates. 

To ensure everyone is well-informed and prepared, UKNow went directly to some of these graduating students to ask what additional questions they still have, or may have missed in the hustle and bustle of wrapping up their academic journey at UK. 

Do you need tickets to attend Commencement?

No. There are no tickets or assigned seats for guests of graduates during Commencement.

What time should graduates and guests arrive at Rupp Arena?

Graduates should arrive ONE hour before their ceremony for check-in. The entrance is located on West High Street and there will be signage directing graduates to check-in. Grads can find their college’s ceremony time here: .

Guests of graduates may arrive up to one hour before the ceremony start time. Doors to Rupp Arena will not be open prior to one hour before the ceremony.

Where should graduates and guests park? Is there a shuttle?

The Rupp Arena at Central Bank Center parking lot is located on West High Street and will have free parking for all guests and graduates. To ensure all graduates and their families have an enjoyable experience, guests are asked to move their vehicle from the High Street Lot immediately after their ceremony concludes to ensure the next ceremony can start on time. A map of these locations can be  found here .

Shuttle services will run continuously from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, and 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday from Administration Drive (across from Cornerstone Garage, Parking Structure #5) to Rupp Arena​ at Central Bank Center. The Cornerstone parking structure, located on 401 South Limestone, will also be open for those interested in shuttling from campus. Entrances to the parking structure are located on both South Limestone and South Upper Street.

Is there a processional of graduates at the beginning of the ceremony?

No. After graduates check in they will make their way into the arena and find a place to sit with their college. Faculty marshals and posted signage will direct graduates on where to go. The platform (stage) party will process into the arena at the beginning of the ceremony when all graduates are seated. 

Which side of the floor is my college sitting? Where should I tell my family to sit so they can see me?

Seating charts for each ceremony are available here . Families may opt to sit on the side that faces their graduate’s college.

What’s the walking order for the colleges in my ceremony?

The walking order for each ceremony is listed here: .

Will there be a speaker?

A graduating student will give a 5-minute address and there will also be a brief performance by a spoken word poet. 

How will I know when it’s my turn to cross the stage?

During check in, graduates will receive a card with their name on it. They will hold on to this card until it's time to walk across the stage. During the presentation of diplomas, graduates will be instructed to stand and line up by the faculty marshals. Just before going on stage, graduates will hand their card to event staff who will run the card through a device that will display the graduate’s name/degree on the jumbotron/livestream, and the reader will say the graduate's name as they walk across the stage.

What happens after I receive my diploma? Where should I go?

After being handed their diploma, graduates will take a quick professional photo on stage, exit the stage/arena, take an additional portrait against a backdrop, and be greeted with a gift from the UK Alumni Association. Graduates are then welcome to follow signs over to Club C on the Lower Level of Central Bank Center for Grad Gathering , hosted by the Alumni Association, where they can meet up with their family and friends and enjoy refreshments, receive a gift and take their own photos against a Commencement backdrop. 

Does Commencement follow Rupp Arena’s security policies?

Yes, with some adjustments. Patrons may only have  one clear bag  (no larger than 12"x12"x6 " ) or one small clutch purse, with or without handle or strap (no larger than 9”x 5”) for their personal items. All bags and items will be searched.

All signs, flags, posters and amplification devices (megaphones, speakers, etc.) are strictly prohibited.

Is there ceremony livestreamed?

Yes. All ceremonies will be livestreamed on UK’s  YouTube channel . Links and embedded videos of the streams will be available to watch and share via the  UK Commencement  website and UKNow the day of the ceremonies. Full video of each ceremony should remain available to watch on YouTube after the event concludes.

How long do the ceremonies last?

Ceremonies are expected to last around two hours depending on how many students participate. This may vary from family to family as students will leave after walking across the stage, so graduates may not be inside Rupp Arena for the full two hours.

Is there a reception following the ceremony?

Yes! The Alumni Association hosts a Grad Gathering following each ceremony. Graduates and their families are encouraged to attend and meet up in Club C on the Lower Level. Signage will direct graduates to the reception after they exit the stage/arena. Learn more here .

The UK Commencement ceremonies will take place at 9 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Friday, May 3, and 9 a.m. Saturday, May 4. A list of college and ceremony times can be found at .

Find more information and answers to additional FAQs here .

Congratulations to the May 2024 UK grads! Share your special day on social media by using the hashtag #UKgrad.

As the state’s flagship, land-grant institution, the University of Kentucky exists to advance the Commonwealth. We do that by preparing the next generation of leaders — placing students at the heart of everything we do — and transforming the lives of Kentuckians through education, research and creative work, service and health care. We pride ourselves on being a catalyst for breakthroughs and a force for healing, a place where ingenuity unfolds. It's all made possible by our people — visionaries, disruptors and pioneers — who make up 200 academic programs, a $476.5 million research and development enterprise and a world-class medical center, all on one campus.   

In 2022, UK was ranked by Forbes as one of the “Best Employers for New Grads” and named a “Diversity Champion” by INSIGHT into Diversity, a testament to our commitment to advance Kentucky and create a community of belonging for everyone. While our mission looks different in many ways than it did in 1865, the vision of service to our Commonwealth and the world remains the same. We are the University for Kentucky.   

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    It just fell out of me. Simple. But profound. I've always wanted to feel that in my bones. Suddenly I do. It took a long time and a lot of work to get here. To any of who on your own journey, and to the countless number of you who've shared your hearts, kindness, hidden truths, and stunning responses to my essay … I see you. I do.