Elder Scrolls

Fast Travel (Skyrim)

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Fast Travel is a method of travel in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim . It is a way of quickly "teleporting" to any previously discovered location . The travel takes place almost instantaneously in real-world time through a loading screen , but in game time will still pass by as if the Dragonborn had walked there. When using fast travel, the time elapsed may be longer than the time it would have taken to run to the destination, especially when the distance is short.

Fast Travel can be done via the world map or by using one of the carriages stationed near the main gate of many cities. Fast travel via world map is free, but can only be done to a location that has already been discovered. Travel via carriage is limited to major cities, regardless if they have been visited or not before, with a fee relative to distance and the size of the destination city (for example it costs more to travel from Whiterun to Dawnstar than from Windhelm to Solitude even though the distance between Windhelm and Solitude is greater). The Hearthfire DLC allows the Dragonborn to hire a carriage for their homestead , which will also go to smaller cities  and towns ( Darkwater Crossing , Dragon Bridge , Ivarstead , Karthwasten ,  Kynesgrove , Old Hroldan Inn , Riverwood , Rorikstead , Shor's Stone , and Stonehills ).

With Dawnguard , fast travel can also be done between Castle Volkihar and the main island of Skyrim by boat. With Dragonborn , the initial trip to Solstheim must be by boat. (Conventional fast travel can be used later, between the docks at Windhelm and Raven Rock .)

  • 1 Conditions
  • 2 Fast travel time

Conditions [ ]

The fast travel cannot be done while in any of the following conditions:

  • While indoors
  • While jumping
  • While falling
  • While mounting or dismounting a horse .
  • While being too close to enemies
  • While being pursued by enemies/ Hold Guards
  • While taking health damage (e.g. from poison )
  • Riding on horseback.
  • Under the effect of a Fortify Carry Weight potion that is strong enough. There is no limit on fast travel distance while the potion is in effect. However, the effect of the potion immediately wears off after the arrival causing the Dragonborn to be overburdened again.

Fast travel time [ ]

Approximate time to travel between cities/towns wearing Light Armor , measured by in-game hours:

  • The amount and type of armor worn affects how much time passes during fast travel.
  • Fast traveling while on foot or on horseback takes the same amount of time. The only difference will be how the Dragonborn arrives: on foot next to the horse, or on horseback.
  • Any positive or negative effects (such as from a disease ) will still progress during fast travel.
  • Neither the Dragonborn, their horse, or any companion will encounter any enemies during fast travel.
  • Due to the respawning of enemies , dragons and creatures being scripted to happen when fast travelling; if fast travel is never used, after a certain time, encounters with them will reduce noticeably.
  •  PC     360     PS3    When arriving at a location by fast travel, random creatures can spawn in front of the Dragonborn. For example, a non-hostile bandit might spawn every time they fast-travel, who can be talked to but will become hostile if attacked. A similar bug happens when fast-traveling to Falkreath , causing all of the Hold Guards to spawn at the entrance to the city.
  •  PC    Fast traveling with followers to northern cities like Windhelm or the College of Winterhold can trigger a sliding effect on arrival. Normally, this effect is not critical; however, it is possible to sometimes slide for a very long distance and fall from a cliff.
  •  360    After waiting in a location for a long time (two or three weeks), or if multiple other characters have been played before returning to play as the affected character, fast traveling to a location might spawn enemies that have made into thralls (or raised as zombies) in the past. They will attack each other unless they are in the same faction. (Only bandits or spiders, for example).
  •  360     PS3    If fast travel is selected to any location and the back button is immediately pressed, the fast travel will not occur, the game will no longer be paused and the character menu will not be able to be opened. The pause menu can be opened, but saving the game will be the only option that functions, not loading an existing save. The "quit game" option is available, however, allowing a more time consuming reload of the game by saving and exiting the game. Reloading the game will fix this.
  •  360 (Fix)     PS3 (Fix)    Manually shut down the console, as any attempt to open the Xbox or PS3 menu will result in the loading circles on every option and they will never load.
  •  PC     360    Fast traveling on horseback to the College of Winterhold may cause one to appear several feet above the bridge.
  •  PC (Fix)    Quickly Fast traveling to another place before the horse falls off may solve the problem.
  •  PC     360     PS3    Sometimes, when attempting to fast travel, the game will say "You cannot fast travel while guards are pursuing you," even if guards are not pursuing the Dragonborn.
  •  360     PS4    Fast traveling from a snowy location can sometimes cause it to snow in areas that do not normally experience snowy weather conditions.
  •  PC (Fix)    Fast traveling to any location will fix this.
  •  PC (Fix)    Exiting the game to the desktop restarting will fix this.
  • By opening the Journal and pressing the "show on map" button for quest objectives it is possible to access the map, and thus fast travel even under circumstances that normally prevent access to the map, such as after the Dragonborn dies or at the beginning of the game while Helgen is under attack.
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Skyrim – How to Fast Travel Between Towns, Cities, and More

Image of Chris Jecks

How to Fast Travel – Skyrim

Fast travelling is going to be your best friend in Skyrim. The world is massive, and you’ll be juggling a ton of quests constantly sending you to each corner of it. To make sure you don’t waste your life running around the map, here’s how to fast travel and save yourself a lot of headaches.

First, you’ll need to make sure you’re outside. You won’t be able to fast travel inside a cave, building, or other structure. Next, make sure you aren’t in combat and that there aren’t any enemies nearby. You won’t be able to fast travel unless you’re safe. And last up on the warnings list, you cannot fast travel if you’re overburdened, or carrying more in item weight than the max capacity your stamina affords you.

Then, pull out your map. Hit Circle on PlayStation and B on Xbox to bring up your menu, then hit the down button to head to your map. Move your cursor over a landmark you’ve visited at least once before, be it a city, a cave, or other notable location. Select this, and choose to fast travel there at the prompt. You’ll then find yourself magically teleported to your desired spot.

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Fast Travel

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Fast Travel is available from the world map . On the map, dark markers indicate locations you know about but have not yet visited, while light markers indicate locations you have discovered. Select any light marker to travel there.

You cannot fast travel from interiors or while in combat . While fast travelling, time moves forward depending on how far you go. If you have a horse, it will fast travel with you. If you fast travel to a city, your horse will be placed in the nearest stable.

The name of this method of transportation can be misleading as within the game, the time taken to reach the destination is not any shorter, it only appears instantaneous to the player.

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Can Esbern fast travel with me?

The elder scrolls v: skyrim special edition, playstation 4 nintendo switch pc playstation 5 xbox one, the elder scrolls v: skyrim special edition (playstation 4).

  • i'm on the esbern quest where i have to escort him and as soon as i exited the dungeon, i fast traveled to riverwood, talked to delphine and told her that esbern is on his way but she said that i actually have to escort him. is he still in the dungeon/riften or can he fast travel? Anonymous - 2 years ago - report

Top Voted Answer

  • When you exit the dungeon, be sure to ask him what happened on the 30th of Frostfall. Delphine told you to ask him that, remember? After his speech, he will say something like "we should keep moving." THEN fast travel to Riverwood. Sometimes you can't fast travel right away because there is an "enemy" nearby... you will find an Argonian woman near Honeyside who has a contract to kill you from Elenwen (Thalmor). Get rid of her, then fast-travel. Esbern should follow you (slowly) to the Inn; but don't worry; he will somehow be ahead of you when you enter! My biggest issue with Esbern is his slow progress in the Ratway; he will constantly stop to look at the dead bodies I left along the way. So keep looking back to make sure he's there. Same problem happens at the Sky Temple. Always try to get him to go first across bridges, or he may take a detour. Don't be in a rush! Tickledpuppy - 2 years ago - report 2   0
  • If he was following you he should have fast travelled with you. He may be at the dungeon or making his way as this mission can be a bit glitchy. wait a day or two in game and he should show up. If not he probbaly waiting for you at the dungeon. It possible you need to finish a conversation to get him to follow. It been a long time since I have played this mission is all. :) Olld-Onne - 2 years ago - report 1   1

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Skyrim survival mode: How to enable survival mode and survival mode tips in Skyrim: Anniversary Edition

How to survive a harsher Tamriel in the Anniversary Edition.

Survival Mode in Skyrim is a particularly unforgiving experience, but for players who like a challenge, it's a great way to experience something new in the 2021's Anniversary Edition.

This page explains everything you need to know about Survival Mode in Skyrim, such as how to enable Survival Mode , survival mode differences - including changes to travel and camping - as well as our Skyrim survival mode tips .

A feature which ties nicely into the addition of survival mode is fishing - which you can also use in a non-survival mode playthrough.

On this page:

How to enable survival mode in Skyrim, and what to do if not in settings explained

What is survival mode in skyrim survival mode changes, including fast travel, explained, skyrim survival mode tips and tricks, from survival mode camping to cooking.

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Survival mode can be found in the Settings are of the menu, by selecting Gameplay then enabling Survival Mode.

If it is not in the settings, then you are likely in a new save - and you have to complete the tutorial of Skyrim first.

Once you complete the 'Unbound' intro quest with either Hadvar or Ralof, you'll receive a pop-up notification about Survival Mode. It gives you a brief explanation on what to expect from the mode: such as you needing to eat, to be more wary about catching diseases, the need to sleep, etc before asking you whether you want to enable it or not. If that sounds like fun, you select yes.

skyrim ps4 fast travel

From there on out, you'll be playing Skyrim on Survival Mode - which means it's a fair bit harder, but who doesn't love a good challenge?

Nonetheless, if Survival Mode turns out to be too difficult, it's easy to turn off. Head to Settings, go to Gameplay and you'll be able to disable it without having to worry about any consequences.

The opposite of this is also true, as you're able to enable Survival Mode on any previous saves you have started or imported into the Anniversary Edition.

skyrim ps4 fast travel

Survival Mode in the Anniversary Edition is a new, exciting way to make your time in the continent of Skyrim a little more challenging and fun.

When enabling Survival Mode, players will need to meet certain requirements in order not to get sick and die. These requirements are: be well-fed, warm, physically well, and well-rested.

skyrim ps4 fast travel

However, these requirements won't always be easy to meet as Survival Mode puts a heapload of restrictions on you. These are:

  • No Fast Travel: You want to just do a quick trip to Riften to pick up something you forgot? That's no longer possible in Survival Mode. You'll have to walk!
  • Reduced Carry Weight: Skyrim's carry weight restrictions are already pretty unforgiving at times, this makes it so you really do need to just pack the essentials.
  • Level Up via Sleeping: In vanilla Skyrim you can level up wherever and whenever, but here you can only do so after you sleep.
  • Reduced Stamina/Mana: If you're hungry, cold or fatigued, you'll suffer from a reduction of Stamina or Mana, represented by the darkening of the Stamina/Mana bar.
  • Warm/Cold Meters: Depending on whether you're hot or cold, you'll be shown a Snowflake or a Sun at the top of your HUD. This can affect you to the point you can die if you don't cool down or get warm.
  • Health: When in Survival Mode, health doesn't come back after waiting for a little while. You'll need to eat, sleep or use a health potion in order to get back to tip-top shape.

There's a lot of factors to consider with survival mode - here are some tips and tricks to help you along the way:

  • Want to know what's affecting you right now? Head to Active Effects in the Magic menu and you'll see what being hungry, tired and cold does to affect your gameplay.

skyrim ps4 fast travel

  • Don't enter water when cold - you'll more than likely catch a disease and there's a high chance you can die and lose your progress.
  • Warm soup can heat you up - In the frozen tundra with nowhere to go for another 10 miles? Don't fret, eat some soup. It'll not only keep you fed, but will keep you nice and toasty. If that doesn't work, there's always a torch to keep your bones warm.

skyrim ps4 fast travel

  • Cook your food - sometimes it gets desperate when you're in a dungeon and there's no food to eat but the raw fish you caught outside, but it's always better to cook your food before eating it. Just like real life, eating raw food can lead to food poisoning in Skyrim.

skyrim ps4 fast travel

  • Fishing is the best way to get food quickly and easy, as long as you know where the best fishing spots are.
  • Craft camping gear - Included in the Anniversary Edition content through the Content Creation Club, crafting camping gear will make it so you're able to set down camp in the wilderness, giving you a warm fire, a place to cook and a place to settle in for the night.

skyrim ps4 fast travel

  • The colder you get, the slower you are. It also affects your stamina and how fast you swing your weapons and the effectiveness of your stealth.
  • Travelling in a horse and cart to far off places will make you tired and hungry, so don't get into one if you're already pretty fatigued and hungry, otherwise you risk dying on the journey to your location.

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Skyrim:Dragon Riding

skyrim ps4 fast travel

Dragon riding is a new gameplay mechanic added by the Dragonborn add-on . In order to ride a dragon , you must acquire all three words of the Bend Will shout and use it on a dragon. The dragon will then land and allow you to climb onto its back and ride it. You cannot directly control the dragon while riding, but can give it certain instructions. Unlocking the third word of the Bend Will shout starts the final quest of the Dragonborn main questline , in which you're likely to ride your first dragon . After you do this, a help section will be added in the menu for dragon riding.

You can lock on to a single enemy which causes the dragon to attack that target. The dragon will then use a standard aerial attack pattern and can be assisted by you via shouts and spells. Area of effect spells or summons cannot be used while riding a dragon. The use of weapons (such as bows and melee weapons) are mostly limited as well.

To fast travel to different areas, simply select the location on your map as you normally would. In terms of in-game time, fast traveling on a dragon is almost immediate. Once given the command to land, the dragon will return to ground level where you can dismount. The dragon will then either aid you in combat, attack you, or simply leave. You cannot fast travel on a dragon to a different worldspace. This means you cannot travel to and from walled cities, or between Solstheim and Skyrim .

  • 3 Dragon Speech
  • 4 Achievements

Commands [ edit ]

It's impossible to directly control the dragon while riding, but they will follow the following commands:

  • Lock Target: Lock onto any potential targets on sight, hostile or non-hostile. If you give this order while a target is already locked, you can unlock from the previous target.
  • Switch Target: Switch target from all locked ones and decide which one to attack. The health bar of the target will be shown on your screen. You can order your dragon to do so even in combat. Any target in sight can be chosen in this way, regardless of whether it has been found before.
  • Attack: Attack the chosen target. Your dragon will keep attacking the target with its own means until the target dies. You can cancel the attack by switching to another target.
  • Land: Find a potential area to land and dismount your dragon. You can order your dragon to do so even in combat. If you give this order again before landing successfully, the previous landing command will be canceled and you can fly with your dragon back to the sky.

Detailed key set information can be found here .

Combat [ edit ]

During combat, you are allowed to give your dragon commands. If you have given it an attack command and locked onto a target, it will attack the target until its attack has successfully hit the target or until the dragon is called off. It might take some time for the dragon to actually kill the target, as it will continuously circle until it is in the correct position to attack. If the target moves too fast or finds cover, the dragon may be unable to attack; in this case, it will fall back and continue to circle until the target is vulnerable. If there are several enemies around, the dragon will first dispatch its primary target, then select another automatically.

If the dragon you're riding takes too much damage during combat, it can be killed; if this happens, you will plummet to the earth and most likely die. Should your dragon be struck by the Unrelenting Force ‎ shout, you may get knocked off, which will probably also result in your death.

While riding a dragon, you can only use certain spells and shouts. You are limited mainly to Destruction, Restoration, and Alteration spells while mounted. When casting, you need to pay attention to the effective range of your spells and other factors such as the landscape. The dragon has a fast movement speed, so you must remember that it may be hard to actually hit the enemies.

The following is a list of spells and dragon shouts which may be cast from the back of a dragon:

  • Other spells can be equipped while riding a dragon for the first time after loading a save, however, they cannot be used and the game will remind you "You cannot cast that type of spell while riding a dragon."

Dragon Speech [ edit ]

When mounted, dragons will give various responses to your commands.

  • " Zu'u fent aam . I am at your command."
  • "Hail, thuri . Shall we fly together?"
  • "How can I serve you, thuri?"
  • "As you command."
  • "Yes, thuri."
  • " Mu fen krif ."
  • "At once. Zu'u fen al ."
  • " Drem . There is no prey here."
  • "I sense nothing nearby."
  • " Krosis , the land below us is empty of prey."
  • " Krosis, thuri . That is impossible."
  • "As you command. Mu daal wah golt .
  • "I will look for a spot to land."
  • "Yes, Thuri. Wah golt . I will land at once."
  • " Bo Pruzaan . Better to fly."
  • "I must leave you now."
  • "I have served you for long enough. Tiidi do ahmik oblaan ."
  • " Zu'u ni zaamiil . You cannot command me forever."
  • " Ahmik oblaan . My service to you is over."

Achievements [ edit ]

One achievement is related to dragon riding:


Notes [ edit ]

  • Sahloknir and Durnehviir are unaffected by the Bend Will shout, and therefore cannot be ridden.
  • Dragon taming is only allowed in the worldspaces of Skyrim, Solstheim, and Apocrypha. Because of this, Alduin , Vulthuryol , and the skeletal dragon encountered in Labyrinthian cannot be ridden.
  • The Throat of the World is listed as a bad location for dragon taming and so Paarthurnax cannot be ridden. Odahviing can be tamed and ridden there though.
  • Your horse will follow you if you fast travel on a dragon to a different location.
  • If a hostile dragon is encountered, the tamed dragon will proceed to fight it and will continue to climb higher into the sky until one of the dragons is reduced to 30% health and flies down to crash land.
  • If you order a dragon you are riding to kill an NPC, you incur a bounty for the death. [ verification needed — Do you actually? (yes) ]
  • In Survival Mode , dragon riding is the only way to use fast travel besides carriages and boats.
  • If you engage another dragon while riding one, the battle will be almost entirely airborne, at least until one or both dragons reaches a certain threshold of health (usually half, or sometimes lower). You will also end up very high in the sky; higher than normal when battling a dragon from the ground.

Bugs [ edit ]

  • When riding a dragon, if the dragon flies through a mountain, you may disappear and the game may crash.
  • Reload a save before riding the dragon to fix this.
  • Reading an Elder Scroll may also fix this.
  • Getting off and then getting back on the dragon may resolve this.
  • While in flight, your dragon and everything around you may slow down to a near walking speed.
  • If a dragon you are riding flies outside the world boundaries you will get stuck in mid air, but still be able to do all the things you can normally do while riding a dragon. Reloading a previous save will fix this. ?
  • When you mount a dragon after taming it, your character may stand with arms and legs wide upon the dragon where your character is supposed to sit.
  • When mounting a dragon from an elevated level, you may mount 'empty space' above the dragon and rapidly rise upwards for a few moments, usually resulting in a fatal fall shortly after. ?
  • If using Bend Will on a dragon and he is killed while speaking to you, he will begin to turn to ash and give you a soul, but still be alive and rideable.
  • Though you are supposed to be able to use certain spells from the Dragon's back, you may be unable to, no matter which or how many Dragons you ride. ?
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Skyrim Special Edition: How To Duplicate Any Item


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Skyrim Special Edition is full of powerful and exciting items that players can craft and use on their journeys in the game. However, doing so requires players to have certain rare ingredients and crafting items that are hard to find. Players are most likely to find only one or two of an item required at a given time and have to wait a long time until they find more.

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But by using a few glitches and exploits, players can acquire these items in higher quantities in just a few minutes. As many of these glitches are fixed in the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch mod, players are recommended to disable it before proceeding.

Updated on September 28, 2021 by Talha Bin Rizwan: Players often come across items that are in short supply during their journey through Skyrim. Often, they will find one or two of a rarer item at a time, and usually will have to wait for more to appear in-game. But thanks to an item duplication glitch , players can create multiple copies of any given item. To take advantage of this glitch, all players will need is a follower, some time, and a place where they will not be disturbed. Players will then need to perform certain steps in a certain order to use Skyrim's item duplication glitch — here's how.

Acquire At Least One Quantity Of An Item

For those playing on the PC, duplication is as simple as bringing up the console, selecting the item, and entering the correct console command. However, for console players or PC players who don't want to use console commands, this glitch will allow them to duplicate any item.

Understandably, players must first acquire the item they want to duplicate . Skyrim 's duplication glitch can work on up to five items at a time, but players must make sure to duplicate each item one by one. If players attempt to duplicate multiple items at once, the glitch may not work. Players must also remember to save frequently throughout the process in case things go wrong.

Recruit A Follower

Once players have the items they want to duplicate, they must recruit a follower . The easiest way to do this is to ask a housecarl . Players are assigned Lydia as a housecarl by Jarl Balgruuf during the main quest in Whiterun, and she can be found at Dragonsreach. Alternatively, if players have purchased Breezehome, Lydia can be found there.

Players can also attempt to hire a few followers in various inns across the realm, in exchange for some gold. For example, Marcurio in Riften or Belrand in Solitude are some options to consider .

Followers Handling Stolen Items

In case players want to duplicate items that have been stolen , they must ensure that their follower does not have an issue with crime and handling stolen items. If the follower does not approve of criminal activity, they may refuse to handle the stolen item . Fortunately, many followers do not have an issue with trading stolen items. Players can ask:

  • Any of the housecarls , which are provided to players as soon as they become a Thane of the Hold . Housecarls will do just about anything players ask them to and will have no problem handling stolen items.
  • The College of Winterhold followers , which are available after players join the college and complete each member's personal quests. Players can recruit the Dunmer mage Brelyna Maryon , the Khajiit mage J'zargo, and a Nord mage named Onmund . All three followers will handle any item that players ask them to pick up.
  • The Dark Brotherhood followers , which become available after players complete the main quest for the faction. Players can ask the Dark Brotherhood Initiates to become their followers. Cicero is also available as a follower but he needs to have been spared in "The Cure For Madness" quest .
  • Agmaer and Beleval from Dawnguard faction, who become available after players have completed the "Prophet" quest after siding with the Dawnguard. These two followers have no problem with any crime that the players commit.
  • Teldryn Sero on Solstheim, who can be hired for 500 gold. He is added as part of the Dragonborn DLC and will do anything players ask of him, including handling stolen items.
  • Belrand at the Winking Skeever in Solitude
  • Erik the Slayer at the Frostfruit Inn in Rorikstead
  • Jenassa at the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun
  • Marcurio at the Bee and Barb in Riften
  • Stenvar at Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm
  • Vorstag at the Silver-Blood Inn in Markarth

Travel To City Gates

After acquiring a follower, players must make their way to a door in the world space with a loading screen . Players will be entering and leaving this world space in quick succession. The best candidates would be the player homes; however, in doing so players risk attracting the attention of some unwanted NPCs during certain steps of the item duplication glitch. These characters may pick up the items being duplicated and approach the players, asking if they can keep the item. Moreover, in some cases, a brawl may break out.

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In order to avoid such circumstances, players will need to make their way to the major city gates in Skyrim's various holds . They must look for an isolated corner close to the gate where they can work uninterrupted in peace.

Drop The Items

To duplicate the items they want, players must drop them on the ground one by one and then ask their followers to pick them up . The glitch creates one copy of each item that is dropped on the ground and then picked up.

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If more than one quantity of an item is dropped at once, only one copy will generate regardless of how many items were dropped. Players must also make sure not to duplicate too many items in one go, as it can mess with the scripts for the game . They can duplicate up to five items using this process.

Exit The Gates And Enter Again

Once the follower picks up the items, players must exit through the city gates and then immediately enter again . The glitch relies on players performing this part of the task quickly. Any delay will mean the glitch may not work as intended . Once players have done so they will find duplicates of the items they dropped at the location they dropped them.

In some cases, the glitch may not work as intended, and players will not find any items on the ground as they re-enter the city. In that case, players must repeat the cycle once more. After they exit the city, players can fast travel to nearby location and then fast travel back to the city directly . The items will be there as intended.

Repeat As Necessary

Once the items are duplicated, players must make sure to take the original items back from their followers. They can repeat the process until they reach their desired number of duplication. Keep in mind that the chance of duplicating the same type of item is much higher than duplicating various items.

In some cases, the glitch may not work, or may yield less than the required number of duplicates. Players can simply repeat the process. Remember that when duplicating equipment, the follower might equip these items if they are better than their current items. In that case, players must first give their followers better equipment and proceed with the glitch so their followers don't equip the duplicated gear.

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  1. Skyrim PS4 Mods: Fast Travel From Interiors (ANYWHERE!!!)

    skyrim ps4 fast travel

  2. How to Fast Travel in Survival Mode┃Skyrim Anniversary Edition

    skyrim ps4 fast travel

  3. Fast Travel: Balancing Player Efficiency With Open World Settings

    skyrim ps4 fast travel

  4. Skyrim Mod: Complete Fast Travel Overhaul

    skyrim ps4 fast travel

  5. Skyrim-Fast Travel To Solstheim

    skyrim ps4 fast travel

  6. Skyrim Mods: 'The Fast Travel Overhaul'

    skyrim ps4 fast travel


  1. Skyrim

  2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

  3. Skyrim part 1

  4. Let's Play Skyrim. Часть 4

  5. Skyrim

  6. How to Fast Travel in Skyrim


  1. Fast Travel (Skyrim)

    Fast Travel is a method of travel in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is a way of quickly "teleporting" to any previously discovered location. The travel takes place almost instantaneously in real-world time through a loading screen, but in game time will still pass by as if the Dragonborn had walked there. When using fast travel, the time elapsed may be longer than the time it would have taken ...

  2. Skyrim

    Hit Circle on PlayStation and B on Xbox to bring up your menu, then hit the down button to head to your map. Move your cursor over a landmark you've visited at least once before, be it a city, a ...

  3. Enable fast travel in Survival Mode? : r/skyrim

    Fast travel is a pinnacle QoL feature in a lot of open world games where exploration and travel are huge aspects of the gameplay. Some people don't have the time to travel 30 minutes to an hour across the whole map just to talk to one NPC at a place they already discovered, but still want to enjoy the challenge of survival mode.

  4. How to fast travel survival mode : r/skyrim

    I'm able to replicate the fast travel bug with survival mode turned on by quickly opening the map immediately after loading into either the main map or into a main city (areas that are normally fast travel enabled in the base game) For note, I am playing on PS4 Skyrim SE with the free anniversary update NOT the paid upgrade. Reply reply. kehton.

  5. Fast Travel on Survival mode for Anniversary Edition. : r/skyrim

    Skyrim becomes a major pain in the butt without fast travel. A basic mundane task because of lack of travel may turn into an annoying 1-2 hour galloping around the world. I like all the survival elements, but slow travel isn't a survival for me, it's just a huge time waste.

  6. How To Fast Travel in Skyrim Survival Mode

    A short video showing how to fast travel in Skyrim survival mode without any glitches, mods, or cheats.

  7. Fast Travel

    Fast Travel is available from the world map. On the map, dark markers indicate locations you know about but have not yet visited, while light markers indicate locations you have discovered. Select any light marker to travel there. You cannot fast travel from interiors or while in combat. While fast travelling, time moves forward depending on how far you go. If you have a horse, it will fast ...

  8. Traveling

    The free horse will walk away after dismounting. Although the horse is not technically not owned by the player, it will travel with you when you fast travel. A benefit to earning and using this ...

  9. Skyrim AE ~ How To Fast Travel In Survival Mode

    This quick video guide shows a little trick to enable fast traveling with Survival mode turned on. This could be used only when necessary or when you're ust ...

  10. How to Fast Travel

    Open the map and click on a destination you've already been to before to fast travel there.

  11. Unlimited Fast Travel at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

    You can fast travel: When in combat/enemies nearby. While over-encumbered. While taking damage. If pursued by guards. While in the air. From indoors and other locations where fast travel is not allowed. When fast travel is disabled by scripts/console. To restricted locations while riding a dragon (use with caution)

  12. Can Esbern fast travel with me?

    Get rid of her, then fast-travel. Esbern should follow you (slowly) to the Inn; but don't worry; he will somehow be ahead of you when you enter! My biggest issue with Esbern is his slow progress in the Ratway; he will constantly stop to look at the dead bodies I left along the way.

  13. Skyrim survival mode: How to enable survival mode and survival mode

    Survival mode changes, including fast travel, explained. Survival Mode in the Anniversary Edition is a new, exciting way to make your time in the continent of Skyrim a little more challenging and fun.

  14. Skyrim: Complete Guide To Survival Mode and Camping

    For Survival Mode Skyrim changes a lot about the way players experience the world: temperature matters, for example, and fast travel is disabled to force players to explore the world on foot.

  15. Helpful Skyrim Tricks Help Players Fast Travel and More When Over

    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is out now for PC, PS3, PS4, Switch, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. MORE: Game of Thrones Would Be Perfect For A Skyrim-Scale Video Game Adaptation Gaming News

  16. Skyrim:Dragon Riding

    To fast travel to different areas, simply select the location on your map as you normally would. In terms of in-game time, fast traveling on a dragon is almost immediate. Once given the command to land, the dragon will return to ground level where you can dismount. The dragon will then either aid you in combat, attack you, or simply leave.

  17. How to Fast Travel in Survival Mode┃Skyrim Anniversary Edition

    In this video, I show a quick fix for not being able to fast travel in Skyrim's survival mode.If you subscribe I'll bake you cookies^^PC Specs:Total Storage ...

  18. Skyrim Survival Mode Enable Fast Travel

    Allows you to fast travel when Survival Mode is enabled. Also check out my other mods which are related to Survival Mode. Skyrim Camping Supplies For Sale . Skyrim More Foods For Sale . Skyrim Survival Mode Carry Weight Setting. Skyrim Survival Mode Modified. Skyrim Survival Mode Temperature Setting. Allows you to fast travel ...

  19. Journeyman

    Fast Travel Many Survival-oriented mods remove fast travel from the game. This encourages exploration and adds to the immersiveness that many players experience when using these mods. Unfortunately, it also sucks massive donkey balls, because playing without fast travel makes it extremely clear that Skyrim was designed around fast travel.

  20. Immersive Fast Travel Mod(s) for Survival Mode : r/skyrimmods

    Carriage Guards - Not a fast travel mod but adds to the immersion of using carriages. Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim also has a master Alteration spell called "Milestones" that allows you to place obelisks in the world to travel between. 2. Award. Playing with Survival Mode, but would like some options for traveling.

  21. Any mod for PS4 Skyrim Survival Mode to have fast travel in ...

    Hello I'm new to this subreddit, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere else. Basically, I'm doing a PS4 Skyrim playthrough with the Creation Club Survival Mode installed. The only issue is I'm doing a mage build and not being able to fast travel out of Winterhold is a big problem.

  22. Skyrim Special Edition: How To Duplicate Any Item

    A glitch in Skyrim Special Edition allows players to duplicate any item. ... players can fast travel to nearby location and then fast travel back to the city ... PS4 Gamer Buys Copy of The Last of ...

  23. Skyrim PS4 Mods: Fast Travel From Interiors (ANYWHERE!!!)

    This extremely useful mod let's you fast travel from any point in the base game INCLUDING interiors. This even works with some modded houses so make sure you...