• Mexico Visa Exemption

Mexican visa for Rwandese citizens

Visa requirements:, mexico tourist visa requirements:.

  • Holding Rwandese passport that is valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay in Mexico.
  • Proof of onward travel (departure) from Mexico.

If you are looking for Mexico visa information, such as available types of visas, or how to apply from Rwanda, we recommend you visit or contact the embassy or consulate of Mexico nearest your place of residence.

  • Nairobi : The Embassy of in Nairobi, ~ 769.47 kilometers (478.13 mi) away from Kigali, Rwanda. (Working hours: Close now ).
  • Addis Ababa : The Embassy of in Addis Ababa, ~ 1569.65 kilometers (975.34 mi) away from Kigali, Rwanda. (Working hours: Open now. Close in 43 minutes ).

Visa application requirements

Tourism Statistics Chart

The line chart shows the number of visitors from Rwanda traveling to Mexico from 2008 to 2018.

References: UNWTO.org , World Bank and multiple sources. (This data is for informational purposes only. Please see our disclaimer page for more information.)

Mexico & Rwanda comparison

Mexico's area is approximately 1,943,950 km2 (750,562 sq mi), while the area of Rwanda is approximately 24,670 km2 (9,525 sq mi). This means Rwanda is 78.80 times smaller than Mexico.

As of June 2024, Mexico's population is ~134.4 million people - 120,110,615 more people than the population of Rwanda.

We have highlighted Mexico & Rwanda’s relative positions on world's map for your reference.

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many visitors from rwanda travel to mexico in one year.

The number of visitors from Rwanda visiting Mexico in 2018 was approximately 413.

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Do you need a travel visa?

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Today’s Forecast

Useful information.

  • Mexico City to Kigali: 13487.36 km (8380.66 mi)
  • Travel time: 28 hours 5 minutes

This page was last updated on: June 2024

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Trip planning, travel destinations, destination highlights, mexico lifestyles, living & lifestyle, lifestyle planning, real estate, healthcare & wellbeing, leisure assistance, lifestyle assistance, insurance coverages, property assistance, about mexperience, mexico essentials, discover more, mexico entry requirements—for leisure, business or residency.

Passport with immigration entry stamps

This guide explains what you need to know about entry requirements when you are visiting Mexico for leisure, for business, or to take up residency here.

Mexico entry requirements for tourists and short term visitors

Mexico visitors permit, fmm.

Passport holders from countries on Mexico’s no visa required list do not need to apply for a formal visa to visit Mexico. They may, instead, use a visitor’s permit, known as a FMM ( Forma Migratoria Multiple ).

For the countries that don’t need a visa , a Mexico Visitor’s Permit (FMM) is issued in place of a visa. Learn more about Mexico’s visitor permit, the FMM .

How long is your Mexico visitor permit valid?

When you enter Mexico as tourist or business visitor, the immigration official at the port of entry will grant you a number of days stay in Mexico and write this on your visitor permit. This will be a maximum of 180 days; but it may be less than 180 days.

Check to see how many days you are granted to determine your exit date.

Learn more about the number of days being granted  to people arriving in Mexico under the auspice of a visitor permit, FMM.

Visitor permits cannot be extended or renewed

The Visitor Permit (FMM) will always expire after the number of days written on the permit: it cannot be extended beyond the number of days the immigration official grants when you arrive in Mexico, even if this is less than the maximum allowance of 180 days; and cannot be renewed.  You must leave the country before it expires.

Your Mexico Visitor Permit, FMM

Do I Need A Visa to Visit Mexico

Entry to Mexico: Essential Information for All Travelers

Regardless of whether you come to Mexico for leisure, for business or to take up residency here, take note of the following:

Required documentation

For a summary of the documentation required to enter Mexico, see Documents required for travel and entry to Mexico

Minors traveling to Mexico alone

Minors traveling to Mexico alone, or unaccompanied by at least one parent or their legal guardian: Read Traveling with Minors to Mexico .

Passport validity

The maximum period of time that a visitor/tourist may stay in Mexico under the auspice of a visitor permit (FMM, see above) is six months.

Therefore we recommend that your passport, regardless of country of origin, should be valid for a minimum period of six months, however long you intend to stay to avoid any potential problems at the port of entry.

Immigration authorities at the port of entry may allow or deny entry of any person into Mexico. If you have a passport that is valid for less than six months and you intend to stay in Mexico for a short period of time —perhaps a vacation— the Immigration Officer might allow you entry, especially if you can show a return air ticket.

Notwithstanding this, we recommend that you and your family members hold passports valid for at least six months from the date you intend to enter Mexico.

For holders of U.S. Passport Cards

U.S. passport cards are less expensive than passport books and can be used by U.S. citizens who cross the border between the United States and Mexico by land or sea. These look like a driver’s license, and are more robust and less bulky than a passport book. You can learn more about Passport Cards on this page of the US State Department web site. If you are a holder of a U.S. Passport Card, please note that this is NOT valid for air travel to Mexico . Passport Cards can only be used to cross the border between the United States and Mexico by land or sea ports. A passport is required for air travel to and from the the United States.

Traveling to Mexico via the United States:

In January 2009 the United States government introduced new rules for travelers entering the country using the Visa Waiver Program (US State Dept). See Also: Travel to Mexico via the USA

Arriving to Mexico by cruise ship

If you are traveling on a cruise ship that visits Mexico, you will be asked to complete a Visitors Permit/FMM (see information above) at your first Mexican port-of-call.  This permit will be valid for a maximum of 21 days.  Ask your cruise company for details.

Traveling in transit through Mexico

As of February 2004 foreigners passing through one of Mexico’s international airports to a third country no longer require a visa or any migratory documentation, provided that they remain at the airport and depart Mexico within 24 hours of arrival. See Also: Entry Procedure at Mexican Ports

Entry requirements for business visits to Mexico

Mexico welcomes business visitors and makes the immigration procedure for short visits straightforward by means of a special section on the Visitor’s Permit described above.

Business visits to Mexico

If you are traveling on business, or representing a company to conduct business in Mexico, and you hold a passport from a country on Mexico’s “ no visa required list ” you do not need to apply for a formal visa to visit Mexico. You can, instead, use a visitor’s permit —the same entry permit and procedures used by tourists to enter Mexico (see section above for full details).

If the country you hold a passport for does not appear on the no-visa list , you should check with your nearest local Mexican Consulate  for details of visa requirements before you travel to Mexico.

Longer-term business visits to Mexico

If you plan to work or live in Mexico longer periods ( more than 180 days ), you will need to apply for a business visit visa.

This visa enables the visitor to live, work and do business in Mexico, provided that certain criteria are satisfied. You can get more detailed information about long-term living and working permits on Mexperience by connecting to the Immigration Page that contains lots of information and advice about living and working in Mexico. See also: Working in Mexico

Entry requirements for residency in Mexico

People wishing to travel to Mexico to live, work, or retire must meet certain criteria to do so. Mexperience has comprehensive sections of information dedicated to these topics of interest:

Residency visas and immigration

Our guide to Mexico Visas and Immigration page gives an overview of the requirements for temporary and permanent residency in Mexico. Also see the regularly-updated  Mexico Immigration FAQs page for the most-commonly asked questions about immigration to Mexico.

Entry Procedure at Mexican Ports

The entry procedure will vary depending on where you arrive in Mexico and whether you arrive as a visitor or as resident. See also: Procedures for Entering and Leaving Mexico

Mexican Customs procedures and allowances

Like all countries, Mexico has policies on what can be brought in to the country without paying duties or taxes.

Your customs allowances when entering Mexico

Allowances are subject to change without notice, but listed below are the principal items followed by some tips about entry to Mexico.

  • Personal Luggage: including new and used goods for personal use to include clothes, footwear, personal hygiene and beauty items which, according to the form: ‘reasonably respond to the duration of the trip and that due to its quantities may not be used for commercial purposes’;
  • Two photographic or video cameras and twelve rolls of film or videotapes;
  • Two mobile phones or pagers;
  • One used or new laptop; one used or new printer; one projector;
  • Two used or new items of sports gear;
  • One CD player or portable music player; one DVD player;
  • One musical instrument;
  • Three surfboards; four fishing rods; a pair of skis;
  • Ten packs of cigarettes (200 cigarettes total), twenty-five cigars OR 200 grams of tobacco (over 18s only);
  • Vaping imports banned: The commercial import of vaping products was banned in February 2020; however, small quantities  for personal use by visitors to the country should not be confiscated (vaping itself is not illegal in Mexico); bringing an ‘excess’ deemed reasonable for personal use may cause your entire supply to be confiscated.
  • Three liters of liquor AND six liters of wine (if the person is aged over 18 years);
  • There is a US$300 tax exemption on items you import (in addition to those already listed above) when you enter the country by means or air or maritime transport; the exemption is reduced to US$50 if you travel in by land, except at Easter, Summer Holidays and Christmas time, when the land exemption limit is increased to US$300.

Please Note:  Refer to the Mexican Customs web site for full details about customs allowances as these limits are subject to change with little or no notice .


Bringing prescription drugs to Mexico:  You are allowed to bring prescription drugs into Mexico provided that you have the accompanying documentation which proves a medical need. If you or a member of your family are taking prescription drugs, be sure to take the prescription/doctor’s note with you, which includes the patient’s name and the name of the medication(s) to prove medical need of the drugs you are carrying in case your luggage gets inspected.

Don’t bring firearms or ammunition!   A foreign firearms license is not valid in Mexico ; if you own a gun, don’t take it to Mexico with you and don’t bring any ammunition with you either. The only exception is a firearm and ammunition used for hunting purposes; but you will need to apply for a special permit – contact your local Mexican Consulate . Being in possession of lethal knives, firearms of all types, and even a single round of ammunition is a Federal crime in Mexico: caught in possession of a firearm can land you in very serious trouble—even if you have a license for it that was issued in your home country. See Also: Mexico’s Strict Gun Laws

Type and quantity of items : Don’t bring anything that obviously looks like you’re planning to resell goods; for example, several laptop computers. These items will get heavily taxed or confiscated. Items for personal use will be allowed, new or used, but only in quantities that are commensurate with the definition of ‘personal use.’ If you are carrying large quantities of anything, or if the Customs Inspector believes you are trying to commercialize any of the goods you are carrying, then you may be interviewed further.

Drug smuggling: Every year, foreign nationals are arrested and convicted for drug smuggling in Mexico.  Don’t attempt to smuggle any narcotics – not even small amounts of ‘soft’ drugs, e.g. cannabis/marijuana. You may be required to present documentary evidence for any powerful prescription drugs you need to carry on your person (i.e. doctor’s prescription, see note above about prescription drugs.) Narcotic offenses (use of, import, export, dealing) are likely to land you in a Mexican prison for many years. Don’t expect your consulate to bail you out because it won’t be able to. 20-25 year prison sentences for drug and serious firearm-related offenses are not uncommon in Mexico.

What you may take home from Mexico

Customs allowances into your home country will depend on where you live.

If you are planning to do a lot of shopping in Mexico, you should check at the information desk at (air)port of departure in your home country for the latest duty-free allowances.

Most goods classed as art and craft work are free of import taxes and you can bring as many home as many as you like, provided the quantities would be considered ‘for personal enjoyment’. Check with your local port/customs authorities for details.

The following items are are typical of duty-free allowances in many countries:

  • 200 Cigarettes;
  • 50 Cigars or 250g of Tobacco;
  • 2 liters of wine;
  • 1 or 2 liters of liquor (depending on country);
  • 60cl of perfume;
  • In addition to the above: a US dollar or euro amount of goods, ranging from about US$300-$500, depending upon the country. If you go over the monetary limit, duty and tax is usually payable on the whole amount not just the sum above the limit;
  • Exact rates and amounts vary by country/trading block. Check with the information desk at your home country’s port of departure for the latest details on allowances

Leaving Mexico and Consular Contacts

Leaving mexico.

There are some procedures to follow when you depart Mexico, whether you are a visitor, or resident here:

If you are in Mexico as a tourist/visitor: When you leave Mexico, you will need to show your visitor permit you were issued with when you arrived. See also: Your Mexico Visitors Permit, FMM

If you are resident in Mexico be sure to the immigration desk at the airport or land border to show your residency card and get passport stamped before you leave the country . See also: Procedures for entering and leaving Mexico

Foreign Embassies and Consulates

Foreign nationals may be able to get assistance from their country’s consulate.  Read our article about seeking consular assistance in Mexico for further details.

Directory of Mexican Consulates Abroad

Directory of Foreign Consulates in Mexico

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Visa for Mexico

Mexican Visa inside a foreign passport

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FAQs Visitor Permit

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FAQs: Mexico’s Visitor Visas and Visitor Permit, the FMM

These are the most frequently-asked questions we receive in relation to Mexico's visitor visas, and the visitor permit—updated regularly

Time Limits

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Time Limits on Mexico Visitor Visas and Residency Permits

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Embajada de México en Kenia

General information about mexican visa applications.

Dear applicant,

We appreciate your interest in visiting Mexico.

Please read the following information carefully till the end of the page and then click on the link to the type of visa you wish to apply for:

  • Visa applications must be submitted only by the applicant.
  • All foreigners, regardless their nationality, are required to present a valid and not expired passport or travel document when entering Mexico (traveling by air, land or sea).
  • The Mexican government requires that your passport must be valid during the entirety of your trip. Please contact the airline(s) you will be flying on to ensure that they let you board the plane as most East-African countries do have a six months validity rule for passports that may apply.
  • If you have a valid and unexpired multiple entry visa of the following countries : Canada, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and any of the countries of the Schengen Area, you do not need a visa to enter Mexico for tourism, business or transit purposes . All individuals in this category are required to present their valid and unexpired visa along with their passports. Both documents must be valid during your entire stay in Mexico.
  • If you are a Permanent Resident of the following countries : Canada, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, any of the countries of the Schengen Area, and any of the countries members of the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia and Perú), you do not need a visa to enter Mexico for tourism, business or transit purposes. All individuals in this category are required to present their valid and unexpired Resident Card along with their passports. Both documents must be valid during your entire stay in Mexico. US travel document holders must present a US valid Permanent Resident when entering Mexico if they are nationals of the countries listed in the following link: http://www.inm.gob.mx/gobmx/word/index.php/paises-requieren-visa-para-mexico/  
  • A foreigner of any country traveling to Mexico on leisure trips visiting Mexican maritime ports by cruise, are not required to obtain a visa or consular stamp . The passenger must carry a valid and not expired passport or travel document.
  • Early application is highly recommended, no express service will be granted.
  • If the applicant is a minor sponsored by his/her parents, original birth certificate is required (legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
  • If the applicant is sponsored by the spouse, original marriage certificate issued by the Government is required (legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
  • Adult applicants cannot be sponsored by third persons.
  • If you present a document issued from a country different than Kenya, Burundi, Comoros, Rwanda, Tanzania or Uganda, it must come with an apostille or legalization as applicable by the corresponding national authorities and by the Embassy of Mexico accredited to the country where they were issued; and with an official translation to Spanish.
  • Bank account details for visa fee payment for $ 53.00 USD will be provided upon receipt of your documents. The fee is for the reception, study of the application and, where appropriate, the authorization of ordinary visas in foreign passports. PAYMENTS DONE WITHOUT INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT RECOGNIZED NOR REIMBURSED .
  • If the application is denied there will be no reimbursement of the visa application fee.
  • No assurance regarding the issuance of visas can be given in advance, therefore final travel plans or non-refundable bookings should not be made until you have the visa.
  • If granted an appointment for visa interview, you will have to bring originals and copies of all the supporting documents (printed on both sides, no staples) to the Embassy of Mexico to Kenya.
  • The appointment does not guarantee the approval of the visa.
  • After the appointment the Embassy has up to ten working days to issue or to deny the visa.
  • Applicants are only received at the embassy with appointments . All applicants must physically present themselves at the Embassy of Mexico to Kenya for the visa interview. Minors should be accompanied by both parents.
  • If you are granted a Mexican visa, you will be able to travel to Mexico but it does not guarantee entry into the country . Click here for more information.

Please click on the PDF file related to your activity in Mexico to view the complete visa requirements:




rwanda citizen travel to mexico


Todos los logos y marcas pertenecen a sus propios dueños. La opinión expresada en los artículos de este sitio reflejan la opinión de sus autores y no la de esta dependencia Embajada de México en Kenia.

What Documents Do I Need for Mexico Travel?

rwanda citizen travel to mexico

StudioLaurent / Twenty20

  • Passport or PASS Card
  • Acceptable ID
  • Mexico Tourist Card
  • Where You'll Show Documents

Remember to Keep Track of Your ID and Tourist Card

  • Travel Insurance

If you're a U.S. citizen planning a vacation to Mexico, you'll be happy to hear you don't need much in the way of documentation to cross the border. How you are traveling makes a difference, though. The documents you need to travel to Mexico by car or boat differ from what you need if you are flying. Though be aware that no matter which type of transport you choose, you can not travel to Mexico with a Real ID. Read on to discover just what you need to have with you to cross the southern border. 

What documents do I need to fly to Mexico?

To travel between the US and Mexico by air, you must have a valid passport. You cannot fly internationally with a passport card, and you cannot travel to Mexico with a Real ID.

Please be aware that you can no longer use proof of U.S. citizenship, like an embossed birth certificate, with a government-issued photo ID (more on those below) to get into or out of the country. Regardless of your ID choice, you will also need a Mexico tourist card , which you'll be given to fill out on the plane or at the border if you'll be traveling overland.

What documents do I need to travel to Mexico by car or boat?

To travel by land or sea, you can use a passport card or Enhanced Driver's License (residents of some U.S. states can get these) at the border. The documents you need to travel to Mexico by car or boat include:

  • A passport or
  • A passport card
  • Trusted Traveler cards (SENTRI or FAST)
  • State-issued Enhanced driver's license (when available)
  • Enhanced Tribal Cards (when available)
  • U.S. Military ID with military travel orders
  • U.S. Merchant Mariner credential when traveling in conjunction with official maritime business
  • Native American Tribal photo ID card
  • Form I-872 American Indian Card

Outside of a passport, the above documents are valid only for land and sea travel to Mexico. You cannot fly internationally with any ID except a passport.

Tip: It is far cheaper to get a passport at your leisure than to rush a passport just before you need it. If you need to rush a passport application , though, do it yourself—there's no need to pay even more for a passport expediting service.

How do I get a Mexico tourist card?

A Mexico tourist card, also called an FMM, is a government form declaring that you have stated the purpose of your visit to Mexico to be tourism, and it must be carried with you while you are visiting Mexico. Although more than one kind of Mexico visa exists, this is a simple declaration of your intention to vacation in Mexico for no more than 180 days.

It's essentially a standard arrivals card you have to fill in when entering most countries. At immigration, they'll attach a departure card to your passport to hand back when you leave the country. Make sure to fill this out in advance of arriving back at the airport to save time when passing through immigration. 

If you are driving to Mexico, you can get a tourist card at or near the border. If you are flying to Mexico, you will get a tourist card on the plane. 

Where will I need to show my documents in Mexico?

Whenever you cross the border into Mexico, you will need to show your travel documents.

If you are flying into Mexico, you will need to show your travel documents to the Mexico immigration agents before leaving the airport. You may have to show your travel documents again before picking up your luggage. When you leave Mexico by plane, you will need to show your travel documents before you pass through security and board the plane. You'll be expected to hand in your departure card as you pass through immigration, as well, so make sure not to lose it while you're in the country.

If you are driving into Mexico , you will need to show your identification before crossing the border. You will get a tourist card at or very close to the border, and you'll be expected to carry this with you at all times while you're in the country. If you are driving out of Mexico, you will need to show all of your travel documentation before crossing back into the United States. 

You will need to turn your tourist card in when you leave Mexico. And, while it's rare for you to need to produce your ID, if you're driving around the country you may pass occasional checkpoints. The last thing you want is to be taken down to the police station because you can't produce your ID. 

Tip: Don't Forget Travel Insurance 

Travel insurance is a travel essential, so if you're going to be going to Mexico and you're organized enough to be researching which documents you need, there are no excuses for not getting insured.

Suppose something serious happens while in Mexico, you'll need travel insurance. The costs of medical care can often add up to far more than you'd spend on insurance, and if it's so bad that you need to be repatriated to the United States, you could find yourself in seven figures worth of debt. It's not worth taking the risk: get travel insurance. 

Travel Insurance Documents You'll Need

You'll want to bring at least one copy of your travel insurance confirmation of coverage when you're traveling to Mexico. Your confirmation should have the insurance company's phone number on it in case you need to reach them, your policy number, and a thorough explanation of your coverage. We recommend bringing a digital copy and at least one physical copy, that way you'll have access to it at all times. It wouldn't hurt to have a digital copy of your policy terms and conditions either, just in case you need to refer back to it.

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Travel Documents You Need to Visit Mexico

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Mexican Tourist Cards and How to Get One

Rocky Point: A Complete Guide

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What to Do in an Emergency in Mexico

Driving in Mexico: What You Need to Know

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Guanajuato, Mexico skyline

Visa requirements for citizens of Rwanda travelling to Mexico :

Visa required. Citizens of Rwanda require a visa to travel to Mexico.

rwanda citizen travel to mexico

Check current Covid-19 entry requirements before travelling.


Capital: Mexico City

Location: Central America

Currency: Mexican Peso

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El Salvador

Clipperton island.

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  • Passport of Rwanda
  • Visa requirement for Mexico

Travel from Rwanda to Mexico

Mexico visa requirement for rwandan, destination : mexico.


Origin : Rwanda


Visa Requirement

Visa Required to travel to Mexico for nationals of Rwanda

Entry Recommendations (With visa)

  • Visa Application Form : Fill in the application form for Mexico
  • Passport Photo : Recent Photo no older than 6 months
  • Passport : The original Passport (or Travel document) of applicant. Passport must have 6 months of remaining validity on the date of travel. Passport must have 2 visa pages clear of any markings.
  • Passport Copy : Scan copy of passport of applicant's. Signature page and personal information pages, Photo page, date of issue and expiry pages have to be included. Passport have be valid for at least six months beyond the expiry date of the visa.
  • Appointment Booking : Appointment booking confirmation with the consulate of Mexico.
  • Current Details : If you are Employed: • An employer letter on company letterhead containing contact details, contract type, purpose and duration of the trip. Letter must state that a leave of absence has been granted and that you will be returning to your current job. • The current bank statement of the latest 6 months • Income Tax Return (ITR) • The original pay slips If Self Employed: • Include a copy of your business license • Company bank statement of the latest 6 months • Income Tax Return (ITR) If Student: • Letter from your school stating that you are registered for the upcoming semester and that you are in good standing. • No Object certificate from School or University. If Retired: • Proof of your retirement fund.
  • Accomodation Proof : Hotel or Accomodation reservation in Mexico for the duration of your visit.
  • Travel Proof : A round-trip flight reservations for Mexico.
  • Proof of Funds : Proof of enough money for your stay and to leave Mexico, such as • Personal bank statements • Pay slips if employed • Income Tax Return (ITR) / Tax records You must provide proof of your financial ability so as to support yourself financially during your stay in Mexico and for your return transportation.
  • Residency Proof : Legal residence in applicant's country you are applying from, e.g, visa or residence permit. Confirmation of legal residence, if you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport. Residence permit should be valid for at least 3 months after departure.

Additional informations

Exchange rate.

Currency used in Rwanda is Rwanda Franc ( 100 RWF = 0.1 USD )

Currency used in Mexico is Mexican Peso ( 1 MXN = 0.04 USD )

Weather similarity

  • Visa for Rwandans

Mexico visa requirements for Rwandans

Travel and visa requirements, basic travel requirements for rwandans visiting mexico, travelers are required to fulfill the following requirements in order to apply for a mexican visa..

  • A duly filled and signed visa application form.
  • An original passport or ID Travel document valid for at least 6 months after the stated departure date.
  • One colored 32.0mmx 26mm passport-size photograph.
  • Personal information documents (e.g I.D card, birth certificate, etc) as requested by Immigration Authorities.
  • A copy of the first and last page of your passport.
  • Proof of payment of consular fees.
  • Proof of financial stability for the duration of stay.
  • A detailed flight itinerary and other travel plans.
  • Proof of confirmed accommodation for the duration of stay in  Mexico.
  • A medical insurance document.
  • A return ticket to Rwanda.

Mexico Visa for Rwandans

Facts about mexico.

Mexico is one of the top tourist destinations in the world. The country is known for its beaches, culture and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are a plethora of beaches in the country with the most popular being the resort town of Cancun. University students during their spring break make the resort their top destination during this period. Other beaches include the beach in Acapulco, Cabo San Lucas, Mazunte, etc. Activities to be carried out on the beaches in Mexico include surfing, snorkeling, cliff diving, and fishing.   Tourism in Mexico is the third-largest source of income for Mexico. The country is one of the most visited countries in the world and the second-most visited countries in the Americas. In 2017, the number of visitors in Mexico was close to 40 million which was up 12 percent from 2016. It has been estimated that the number is going to increase at a rate of about 4.2 million per year.   Foreigners visiting Mexico will not be allowed entry into or exit from Mexico with more than $10,000 or its equivalent in any currency. Punishment for drug-related crimes are very severe and those who are caught engaging in any of these offenses will be jailed for a long period of time. 

Types of Mexico Visa

General requirements for mexico visa, mexico tourist visa eligibility & requirements.

  • This visa is issued to those who want to visit Mexico for tours and relaxation.
  • Applicants of this visa are issued a visitor permit as their visa into Mexico. It is referred to as the ‘Visitante‘ permit.
  • The Visitor Permit is valid for up to a maximum of 180 days and cannot be extended or renewed. Upon its expiration, you will need to leave the country.
  • Applicants would also apply for a Tourist card alongside their visas. This is issued by Mexico's National Immigration Institute (INM).
  • Applicants are strongly advised to have an international credit card. 
  • They are expected to give information regarding the activities that will be carried out in Mexico as well as the ones undertaken in the country of origin.
  • Travelers on this visa cannot engage in gainful activities in Mexico.
  • Mexico visa typically takes 2 days for processing. After you appear in person and submit your documents, you will be asked to pick up your passport the next day or two days after.
  • There is a fee of about $24 for a tourist card. This is different from the visa fee.
  • Upon arrival in Mexico, you will present the filled-in tourist card to the immigration official who will stamp it and write in the number of days that you are allowed to stay in the country. 
  • The maximum is 180 days or 6 months, but the time given is at the discretion of the immigration official (often only 30 to 60 days are granted initially).
  • Upon leaving Mexico, you must surrender your tourist card to immigration officials. Failure to do this attracts a fine.

Mexico Business Visa Eligibility & Requirements

  • This visa is issued to applicants who want to visit Mexico for business purposes.
  • They are also issued the visitors permit which serves as their visa into Mexico.   
  • Applicants are expected to state that they are traveling for simple business matters. 
  • If your travel purpose involve any technical activities or contractual/work activities, you must apply for a visa in person at the nearest Mexico consulate.
  • Applicants' passports should be valid for at least six months beyond their departure date and should have one blank visa page for stamps.
  • You should have proof of sufficient funds relative to your intended length of stay.
  • You should have proof of permanent residence in Rwanda.
  • There should be a letter specifying the purpose of the trip and the dates of entry and departure. 

Mexico Work Visa Eligibility & Requirements

  • This is issued to applicants who want to work in Mexico.
  • An original employment letter should be submitted along with other visa application required documents.
  • The employer letter should state the agreed salary and your relevant technical ability (in some cases this must be accompanied by a photocopy of an official ID of the person who signed it).
  • Applicants are to submit their original qualification certificates and at least one photocopy of the certificates.
  • An original copy of the employing company's payslip for the last six months before the applicant's visa application is important . 
  • Documents proving the applicant's financial stability(e.g bank statements) is also required.

Mexico Visa Fees

Tourist visa

36.00 (USD)

Business visa

60.00 (USD)

Mexico Visa Application Centres & Embassies in Rwanda

Mexican Honorary Consulate in Kigali, Rwanda Plot. 5953 Gulfcourse Avenue Nyarutarama Gasabo Kigali,Rwanda.

(+250) 788-300-380

Speak to a visa consultant about your visa

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Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to travel to mexico, what are the top destinations in mexico, how can travelers exchange money in mexico, i am from rwanda and i want to apply for a tourist visa to mexico, what link should i use to put in my application, timbu.com-visa.

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Travel Advisory March 29, 2024

Rwanda - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued with updates to add area of Level 3.

Exercise normal precautions in Rwanda. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Exercise Increased Caution in:

  • The Rwanda-Burundi border due to armed violence.

Reconsider Travel to:

  • The Rwanda-Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) border due to armed violence.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Rwanda.

If you decide to travel to Rwanda:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Rwanda.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations.  Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel.

Rwanda- Burundi  Border—Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution The Nyungwe Forest National Park abuts the border with Burundi. Borders may not be clearly marked. It is required to obtain permits from the Rwanda Development Board prior to entry. Relations between Burundi and Rwanda are tense and there have been cross-border incursions and armed violence.

Rwanda- Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)  Border – Level 3: Reconsider Travel Armed groups operate in DRC’s North and South Kivu provinces and Virunga Park which is adjacent to Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. The area has experienced escalating levels of armed conflict which could spill across poorly marked borders. Permits are required from the Rwanda Development Board prior to entry to Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Yes. Yellow fever vaccination if entering from a country where yellow fever is endemic and/or where there is an active outbreak of yellow fever.

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Kigali 30 KG 7 Avenue Kigali, Rwanda 

Telephone : +250-252-596-400-7000 (Monday through Thursday, 8:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)  Emergency After-Hours Telephone : +250-252-596-400, and dial 1  Fax : +250-252-596-591  Emails :

To receive Alerts and other information from the Embassy during your stay in Rwanda, please sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) online at step.state.gov.  

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s  Fact Sheet on Rwanda  for information on U.S.-Rwanda relations. 

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Requirements for Entry: 

  • U.S. passports must be valid for six months after the date of entry into Rwanda.  
  • Obtain a 30-day tourist visa at the port of entry for $50 (single entry) or $70 (multiple entry). Credit cards are generally accepted at the Kigali International Airport but are not accepted at some land borders. The U.S. Embassy recommends that travelers arrive at the Kigali International Airport travel with sufficient cash in U.S. dollars to pay for the visa in case credit card transactions are not possible at the time of your arrival. Additional information about this process can be found on the Rwandan Immigration website . 
  • Obtain 30-day, 90-day, or 10-year tourist visa through the Rwandan Embassy in Washington, D.C. Additional information about this process can be found on the Rwandan Embassy’s website .  
  • Immunizations : World Health Organization (WHO) card with yellow fever vaccination if entering from the countries listed on the Rwandan Immigration website .

For information regarding the application process for a residency permit or work permit in Rwanda, please visit the Rwandan Immigration website .  

Contact the  Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration   in Kigali within 15 days of arrival to extend your visa, or apply online through the IREMBO site.  

Dual citizenship is legally recognized in Rwanda; however, the U.S. Embassy recommends that U.S. citizens enter the country on their U.S. passport. 

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Rwanda. 

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs information  on our websites.

Safety and Security

The U.S. Embassy advises all travelers to review the following information:

  • Rwanda- Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)  border, including parts of Volcanoes National Park: Tensions between Rwanda and DRC have been elevated since early 2022 with Rwanda and DRC accusing each other of supporting armed groups that pose security threats to the other.  Multiple armed groups opposed to the Rwandan government operate in eastern DRC and have launched occasional incursions into Rwandan territory. Shells struck Rwandan territory in this area several times in 2022. Congolese armed forces and UN peacekeepers continue to conduct combat operations against rebels, militia, and ISIS-aligned groups in DRC’s North and South Kivu provinces, which abut Rwanda.  Violence, rape, kidnapping, killing, pillaging, armed robbery, and roadside criminality occur in these areas and often target civilians.
  • Rwanda- Burundi  border, including parts of Nyungwe National Park: Relations between Burundi and Rwanda are currently cordial but in previous years there have been incidents of cross-border incursions, armed clashes and attacks on civilian buses. 
  • Rwanda- Uganda border: Relations between Rwanda and Uganda are currently cordial but in previous years there have been elevated tensions in some areas along their shared land border.

Precautions : 

  • Avoid demonstrations and remain vigilant while traveling, especially outside of cities. Even peaceful gatherings can become violent.
  • Exercise extreme caution in border areas as the border may not be clearly marked. 
  • Monitor local news and Embassy  Alerts .
  • Obtain permits before entering Rwanda’s national parks. 

Crime: Most reported incidents involve petty theft and residential and hotel room robberies. Burglars may break and enter, or domestic staff and residential security guards may permit them entry. 

  • Avoid walking alone, especially after dark. 
  • Do not display cash and valuables.
  • Maintain caution in areas frequented by foreigners.  
  • Drive with doors locked and windows closed. 
  • Always carry a photocopy of your U.S. passport and visa. Keep original documents in a secure location. 

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information. 

Victims of Crime:  If you are in immediate danger, your first call should be to the Rwandan police through the emergency hotline number 112.   U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault should also contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance. Report crimes to the Rwanda National Police at 078-831-1124 and contact the U.S. Embassy at 250-252-596-400. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crime. 

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas . 

We can: 

  • Help you find appropriate medical care 
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police 
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written request 
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion 
  • Provide a list of local attorneys 
  • Provide our information on  victim’s compensation programs in the United States  
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in case of destitution 
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home 
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport 

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy for assistance. 

Additional Resources : 

  • Kigali City emergency hotline number is 112. Be aware that victims are often directed to the nearest police station to register a complaint in person. 
  • The hotline number for traffic accidents is 113.  
  • The hotline number to report abuse or attempted bribery by a police officer is 116. 
  • See the complete list of police brigade numbers on  Embassy Kigali’s website . 
  • Emergency Medical Service (SAMU) 112
  • King Faisal Hospital +250 788-309-003 

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities are uncommon. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. Additionally, ambulance services are limited and unreliable. Tourists participate in activities at their own risk. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance.  See our webpage for more  information on insurance providers for overseas coverage . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties :  You are subject to local laws while in Rwanda. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities prior to practicing or operating a business.  

The police may detain you if you are not carrying an acceptable form of identification. Convictions for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs (including marijuana) result in long prison sentences and heavy fines. 

Furthermore, some offenses are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website. 

Arrest Notification :  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our  webpage  for further information. 

Local Attorneys :  You can find a list of local attorneys on the U.S. Embassy’s  website .  

Genocide speech :  Laws about appropriate speech regarding the 1994 genocide in Rwanda are strictly enforced. Promoting ideas based on “ethnic, regional, racial, religious, language, or other divisive characteristics” is prohibited.  Public incitement of “genocide ideology” or “divisionism,” including genocide denial, discrimination, and sectarianism, is punishable by five to seven years in prison and fines of 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandan francs. Please refer to the Rwandan Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement’s website for additional information regarding this topic.

Human Rights Observers, Journalists, NGO workers, and Students :  Rwandan authorities may subject you to more scrutiny at immigration upon arrival if you meet or plan to meet with individuals or organizations who are critical of the government. 

Photography :  Photographing military sites, government buildings, airports, and public monuments is strictly prohibited. 

Currency :  The Rwandan franc (RWF) is the official currency, though U.S. dollars may also be used. Most vendors and banks will only accept U.S. bills printed after 2009, and exchange bureaus and hotels may refuse bills smaller than $100. 

Plastic shopping and grocery bags  are banned and may be confiscated upon arrival. 

Natural disasters :

  • Rwanda is in a seismically active region, which includes Mount Nyiragongo volcano in Virunga National Park. General information about natural disaster preparedness is available from the  U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency: Earthquakes  and at  Ready.gov .   
  • During rainy season from February to May and September to December, Rwanda may experience heavy rains that lead to flooding and landslides. You can monitor weather warnings on the  Rwanda Meteorology Agency website .  

Akagera National Park and Wildlife Areas :  Heed all instructions given by guides and trackers. Approaching wild animals, even in a vehicle, can result in injury or death. 

Drones/Photography :  A permit is required to fly a drone recreationally or commercially in Rwanda. Please visit the Rwandan Government’s Tourism website for additional information. Photographing military sites, government buildings, airports, and public monuments is prohibited. Travelers entering Rwanda with drones, must declare the drone upon arrival, will be subject to additional scrutiny, and will be asked to present their permit.

Faith-Based Travelers :  See the following web pages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers :  There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTQI+ events in Rwanda. However, LGBTQI+ individuals may face societal discrimination and abuse, including harassment by neighbors and police. 

See our  LGBTQI+ Travel Information  page and section six of our  Human Rights Report for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities :  Rwandan law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities,  and the government generally enforces these provisions. Social acceptance of persons with disabilities in public is not as prevalent as in the United States. Expect accessibility to be limited in public transportation, lodging, communication/information, and general infrastructure. Access to transportation, lodging, and public buildings is limited, though newly constructed buildings in Kigali have improved facilities, including elevators.  Sidewalks are not common outside of Kigali and do not include curb-cuts. 

Students :  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips . 

Women Travelers :  Domestic violence is common. Although many incidents are not reported or prosecuted, government officials encourage its reporting. Call the Rwanda National Police hotline at 112. See our tips for  Women Travelers . 

Please visit the Embassy’s COVID-19 page for more information on COVID-19 in Rwanda.

For emergency services in Rwanda, dial 112 for police, 113 for traffic accidents, or 116 to report abuse by a police officer.

Ambulance services are:

  • not widely available and training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards.
  • not equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.
  • not staffed with trained paramedics and often have little or no medical equipment.

Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

We do not pay medical bills. U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance. Healthcare providers require payment in U.S. dollars/Rwandan francs before services are performed. 

Medical Insurance :  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See  our webpage  for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas. 

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation. 

Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with the Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority  to ensure the medication is legal in Rwanda. Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and requiring prescription in the United States, are often readily available for purchase with little controls. Counterfeit medication is common and may prove to be ineffective, be the wrong strength, or contain dangerous ingredients. Medication should be purchased in consultation with a medical professional and from reputable establishments. 

Air Quality : Visit AirNow Department of State for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

Vaccinations : Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations recommended  by the CDC. While the CDC does not generally recommend the  yellow fever  vaccination for travel to Rwanda, the U.S. Embassy recommends travelers bring proof of yellow fever vaccination. The Rwandan government retains the right to turn travelers without the immunization away.

The following diseases are prevalent in  Rwanda : 

  • African Tick-Bite Fever
  • Chikungunya
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Leptospirosis
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Schistosomiasis
  • Yellow Fever

Use CDC-recommended mosquito repellents and sleep under insecticide-impregnated mosquito nets. Chemoprophylaxis is recommended for all travelers even for short stays. 

Schistosomiasis, a parasitic infection that can be spread in fresh water, is found in Rwanda. The CDC recommends travelers avoid swimming in fresh, unchlorinated water, such as lakes, ponds, or rivers. 

The U.S. Embassy maintains a  list of doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic. 

Further Health Information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) 

Health Facilities in General:

  • Adequate health facilities are available in Kigali and other major cities but health care, especially in rural areas, may be below U.S. standards. 
  • Some public medical clinics lack basic resources and supplies.
  • Hospitals and doctors often require payment “up front” prior to service or admission. Credit card payment is not always available. 
  • Private hospitals usually require advance payment or proof of adequate insurance before admitting a patient.
  • While English is widely spoken in Rwanda, in certain areas in the country medical staff may speak little or no English. 
  • Generally, in public hospitals only minimal staff is available overnight in non-emergency wards. Consider hiring a private nurse or having family spend the night with the patient, especially a minor child. 
  • Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals. 
  • Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in the larger cities, with hospital-based care only available through government institutions. 


  • Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and requiring prescription in the United States, are often readily available for purchase with little controls. Counterfeit medication is common and may prove to be ineffective, be the wrong strength, or contain dangerous ingredients. Medication should be purchased in consultation with a medical professional and from reputable establishments.
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration are responsible for rules governing the transport of medication back to the United States. Medication purchased abroad must meet their requirements to be legally brought back into the United States. Medication should be for personal use and must be approved for usage in the United States. Please visit the  U.S. Customs and Border Protection  and the  Food and Drug Administration  websites for more information.  
  • Please review Rwandan rules on medication on the Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority website.

Water Quality

  • In many areas, tap water is not potable. Bottled water and beverages are generally safe, although you should be aware that many restaurants and hotels serve tap water unless bottled water is specifically requested. Be aware that ice for drinks may be made using tap water. 
  • Locally available fruit and vegetables may be contaminated with disease-causing organisms. In addition, these items may also have been treated with pesticides. It is important that all fruits and vegetables be adequately cleaned and prepared before consumption.

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety :  Main roads between Kigali and other major towns are generally in good condition. Many secondary and unpaved roads are accessible by four-wheel drive vehicles but lack shoulders and become impassible during the rainy season, February to May and September to December, when flooding and mudslides occur. U.S. Embassy personnel are prohibited from driving outside of cities after dark. Street lighting is limited, and it is difficult to see pedestrians, cyclists, and roaming animals. Additional risks include: 

  • poor vehicle maintenance 
  • headlights that are extremely dim or not used 
  • excessive speeding 
  • absence of professional roadside assistance. 

Traffic Laws :  An international driving permit and third-party insurance are required. For specific information concerning Rwandan driving permits, vehicle inspection, road tax, and mandatory insurance, visit the website of the Rwanda Development Board .

Cell phone use while driving is illegal unless it is fitted with a hands-free device. After-market tinted window treatments are prohibited on all vehicles. 

Accidents :  Call the police and remain inside the vehicle until they arrive. If a hostile mob forms or you feel your safety is in danger, leave the scene and proceed directly to the nearest police station to report the incident. Do not stop at the scene of an accident or at intersections where people have gathered, as mobs can develop quickly. 

Drivers are responsible for damages if involved in an accident resulting in injuries, even if the driver is not at fault. 

Causing a fatal accident could result in up to eight years imprisonment. 

Drunk drivers are jailed for at least 24 hours and fined up to $400. 

Police roadblocks are common throughout the country. Travelers may be stopped, and vehicles and luggage searched. 

Public Transportation :  Use only official Kigali city buses and licensed taxis, which are orange striped. Confirm the fare before departure. U.S. Embassy personnel are not permitted to use motorcycle-taxis or mini-bus taxis. They are unsafe due to overloading, reckless driving, inadequate maintenance, and the risk of petty crime. Reputable car services are available for hire. Travel agencies and local hotels may be able to arrange private transport on your behalf. 

See our  Road Safety page  for more information. Visit the website of Rwanda’s national tourist office and  national authority  responsible for road safety. 

Aviation Safety Oversight : The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Rwanda’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization aviation safety standards for oversight of Rwanda’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter  and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act (ICAPRA)  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Make two copies of all of your travel documents in case of emergency, and leave one with a trusted friend or relative.


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  • Passports, travel and living abroad
  • Travel abroad
  • Foreign travel advice

Entry requirements

This advice reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Rwanda set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the Rwandan High Commission in the UK .

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for travellers entering Rwanda.

Passport validity requirements

To enter Rwanda, your passport must have an ‘expiry date’ at least 6 months after the date you arrive and at least one blank page for entry stamps.

Check with your travel provider that your passport and other travel documents meet requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

You will be denied entry if you do not have a valid travel document or try to use a passport that has been reported lost or stolen.

Visa requirements

You must have a visa to enter Rwanda as a visitor. As a citizen of a Commonwealth country, you can get a free 30-day visa on arrival.

Rwanda’s immigration department has information on visa requirements .

Applying for a visa

You can also apply for a visa from the Rwandan High Commission in London.

You must get a UK Police Certificate before you travel if you’re applying for a resident, business or missionary multiple-entry visa. It usually takes at least 10 working days to process.

Travel between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Check land border crossing opening hours before you travel between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo at Gisenyi-Goma and Cyangugu-Bukavu, as they vary.

You may experience immigration difficulties if you do not have residency status and regularly cross between the 2 countries.

Vaccination requirements

To enter Rwanda, you must have a certificate to prove you’ve had a yellow fever vaccination if you’re coming from a country listed as a transmission risk .

For full details about medical entry requirements and recommended vaccinations, see TravelHealthPro’s Rwanda guide .   

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods you can take into or out of Rwanda . You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

You must declare drones when you arrive. They may be confiscated or held until you leave the country.

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Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( Lock A locked padlock ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

CBP Seal, U.S. Customs and Border Protection:  U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Links to CBP.gov homepage

  • For U.S. Citizens/Lawful Permanent Residents

Are You Planning a Trip to Mexico from the United States?

Warning: it's Illegal to Carry Firearms or Ammo into Mexico.

For border crossing information, tune into the port of entry's Loop Radio on 1620 AM. Report drug and alien smuggling. Call (956) 542-5811 in the U.S., 001800-0105237 from Mexico.

Prohibited/Permissible Items

  • All articles acquired in Mexico must be declared.
  • $800 exemption for gifts and personal articles, including one liter of alcoholic beverages per person over 21 every 30 days.
  • Cuban cigars are prohibited.
  • Check with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) about importing any medications prior to crossing into Mexico.
  • CBP has a zero-tolerance policy on illegal drugs. Any type, in any amount may result in serious fines, seizure of vehicle, federal record and/or imprisonment.
  • Switchblade knives, sea turtle boots or any other articles of endangered species (i.e. spotted cats, coral, crocodile, elephant, etc) are prohibited.

Prohibited/Permissible Agricultural Items

  • Most fruits are prohibited (No oranges or apples)
  • Do not take U.S. fruits and meats to Mexico-You cannot bring them back.
  • Before you go to Mexico, ask a CBP Officer for a list of items you can bring back.
  • Fines of $50 to $1,000 may result if you fail to declared agricultural items.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission

  • You must be 21 years of age to possess alcoholic beverages, if you are not 21, the alcohol will automatically be confiscated.
  • One liter of alcohol and one case of beer may be imported per person every 30 days.
  • No ID=no liquor. You must prove that you are 21 or older. If you show false or altered personal identification, the ID will be confiscated and you will be prosecuted.
  • If you are 18 or over one carton of cigarettes may be imported.
  • It is illegal in Texas to consume or possess with intent to consume alcoholic beverages in a public place on Sundays between 2:15 a.m. and noon or on any other day between 2:15 a.m. and 7 a.m.
  • You are required to pay state tax on all alcoholic beverages and all cigarettes imported into Texas.

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Rwanda Visa Requirements For Mexican Citizens in 2024

Rwanda e-visa types for mexican citizens:.

  • Do I Need to Apply for the Rwanda e-Visa In-Person?

2. Rwanda e-visa requirements for Mexican citizens:

Mexican nationals can obtain the rwanda e-visa in 03 simple steps:, processing time for the rwanda e-visa for mexican citizens:, 4. rwanda visa fee for mexican citizens:.

Rwanda is an African country with a rich natural and cultural diversity; this country exemplifies Africa's power and magic. A trip to this country will provide you with many opportunities to explore and have adventures that you will remember for a lifetime.

When deciding to visit Rwanda, keep in mind that you will most likely need to obtain a visa ahead of time. The good news is that Rwanda has an electronic visa system, which means you can obtain a Rwanda visa for Mexican citizens online.

To learn more about the Rwanda e-visa, read this article to know all information about the Rwanda visa requirements for Mexican citizens .

Rwanda e-visa for Mexican citizens

1. Rwanda e-visa for Mexican citizens:

When traveling to Rwanda, all Mexican passport holders must apply for a visa. The Rwanda visa for Mexican citizens is easy to get through an online application. This visa can be used to enter the country for a variety of reasons, including tourism, business, and medical reasons.

The Rwanda visa is valid for 03 months from the date of entry.

Other types of Rwanda visas for Mexican travelers cover long-term stays and other types of travel, such as business activities and studying or working in Rwanda. To apply for one of these types of visas, Mexican citizens are required to visit at Rwanda embassy in Mexico

There are 4 types of Rwanda e-visa available to Mexican passport holders. Here is a quick overview of each type:

Rwanda e-Tourist Visa: this visa is valid for 03 months from the arrival date with a Single Entry, and Mexican nationals can spend up to 30 days staying in Rwanda.

Rwanda Conference E-Visa: is a travel document available to visitors who wish to attend a conference, seminar, or meeting organized in Rwanda. Mexicans may attend or speak at these events. The Rwanda Conference E-Visa allows Mexican residents to stay in the country for a maximum of 30 days with a single entry into Rwanda.

Rwanda Transit Visa: This single-entry visa is issued to a person who transits through Rwanda. It allows Mexicans to leave the airport and have a short stay in Rwanda within 72 hours from the arrival date.

East Africa Visa: The East Africa Tourist Visa allows for a multiple-entry trip between Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda. This visa is the result of a joint initiative by the respective partner countries' heads of state to promote regional travel and provide opportunities for tourists to explore the diversity of East Africa. An East Africa Tourist Visa allows multiple entries between 03 countries, with the total staying time being up to 90 days.

Do I Need to Apply for the Rwanda e-Visa in person?

Because the Rwanda e-Visa system is entirely electronic, the entire process can be completed online.

This eliminates the need for Mexican passport holders traveling to Rwanda to physically visit a Rwandan embassy or consulate to obtain their visa documents, making the entire visa process faster and more convenient.

In order to submit an e-visa form, it is first necessary for applicants to ensure that they meet the Rwanda visa requirements for Mexican citizens . To successfully complete an application, the applicant should have the following information available:

A valid Mexican passport with at least 06 months of validity and a minimum of 02 blank pages for verification.

A copy of the passport's biographical page.

Valid email address : In addition to the online visa linking to the applicant's passport, they will also receive a digital copy of the e-visa via email. It is recommended that this copy is printed in physical form in case the holder needs to present it to immigration authorities in Rwanda.

Digital passport-size photo : Those applying for the Rwanda e-Visa as holders of a Mexican passport must submit a digital photo of themselves in JPEG or PNG format that adheres to standard passport regulations.

Visitors from Mexico should apply for the Rwanda e-Visa using the same passport they use to visit the country. The Rwanda e-Visa for Mexicans is linked to the holder's passport electronically.

Rwanda e-visa for Mexican citizens cannot be shared with a second travel document or transferred to a new one. This is critical for Mexicans who have dual nationality or who need to replace their passport after filing their petition.

Once the travelers meet the above requirements, they can begin the online application process.

Rwanda e-visa requirements for Mexican citizens

3. How to apply for a Rwanda visa from Mexico:

When you apply for a Rwanda visa from Mexico, the entire process takes only a few minutes to complete. When the Rwanda e-Visa for Mexican citizens is approved, the applicant will be notified via email.

While visa applications are typically processed within three business days, travelers are encouraged to apply as soon as possible before their trip to allow for adequate processing time.

  • Step 1: Fill in the electronic visa form for Mexican nationals. In this step, applicants are asked to provide visa details and their personal information, which includes their full name, date of birth, gender, passport serial number, nationality, and contact information.
  • Step 2: Pay the service fee online by using a valid Credit card or debit card, Visa, American Express, MasterCard, or wire transfer to our HSBC bank account
  • Step 3: Download the Rwanda e-Visa and print it out.

Read more: How to apply for a Rwanda visa online

Mexican applicants must accept the terms and conditions in order for the process to be completed. It is also critical that they double-check the information they have provided, as incorrect or incomplete answers can result in an application being denied or delayed. If a visa application has been denied because of a mistake on the form, the applicant must submit a new form.

The majority of applications are approved quickly. After the relevant authorities have approved the visa application, the visa will be emailed to Mexicans. As a result, it is critical to enter a valid email address that is still accessible.

Mexican applicants are also reminded to check their email inboxes on a regular basis, as updates on the application and the approved visa will be sent directly to their inboxes.

With Rwanda Immigration Services, all Rwanda e-Visa requests are quickly processed, allowing Mexicans to receive a response within 24 hours to 03 business days.

If Mexican citizens successfully complete their visa application form, they will receive a confirmation email containing the approved visa in PDF format, which should be printed and presented upon arrival.

The Rwanda visa fee is solely determined by the type of visa service you have chosen, not by your nationality. The cost of an e-Visa is generally lower than a traditional embassy visa.

The Rwanda visa fee for Mexican citizens includes a Rwanda e-visa service fee and a Rwanda Government fee.

The service fee is determined by the option you select for the processing time of your application.

Normal: Your Rwanda visa is ready within 03 business days .

Urgent: Decide to pay a little more to get your visa in less time. Your Rwanda visa is ready within 02 Business Days .

  • Super Urgent: Your application is processed within just 01 Business Day .

The Rwanda government fee is the obligatory fee for Mexican applicants who wish to apply for an e-visa.

Do you need a visa to visit Rwanda?

Rwanda had a visa-free policy for citizens of several countries, while others were required to obtain a visa on arrival or in advance. However, visa policies can change, so it's essential to check with the Rwanda Immigration Services for up-to-date information on visa requirements.

Besides, we also provide other service packages to help customers have a good trip to Rwanda such as  Rwanda travel insurance , e-sim card in Rwanda, car pick-up services in Rwanda


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www.rwandaimmigration.org is part of Rwanda Immigration Services Group - the world leading in Online Travel & Related Services to travel to Rwanda. 1997-2024. Rwanda Immigration Services. All Rights Reserved.

This is a commercial/Private Website, NOT an official website of the government.

This is a commercial website to apply eVisa to Rwanda through Rwanda Government Website, you will be charged a fee. To book a landing visa under our process , we will charge a service fee for providing consultancy, submitting applications and informing the status and results.

Our fee will be higher than you apply directly on Rwanda Government Website or at Rwanda Embassies in your country.

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Rwanda Visa requirements for Mexico citizens

You don’t need a visa to travel to rwanda, having to get a visa to rwanda takes all the fun out of traveling. we are here to get it back. just apply online below and let us do the rest.

Your chosen country may require you to obtain a visa on arrival (VOA). This is a common system in many countries whereby when you arrive, you will need to queue up at a specific visa desk, apply for and pay for a visa to enter. This then gets attached to your passport and you are free to travel in and around that country.

The advantage of this process is that you don’t need to spend the time and money prior to travel getting it arranged, which can reduce stress and worry. However, it does mean you have no choice but to agree to the terms set out at the visa desk, if you wish to enter the country and should you not have everything they need, you risk being turned away and put on a flight back to your home country.

It is important to still do research on the requirements of a VOA and if needed, get advice from experts such as our team, who will be happy to provide you with guidance on how to prepare. Equally, do some investigation online and find out from other travellers about their experiences.

Here is a list of all of the countries of passport holders that will need a visa on arrival.

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Escape Cancun crowds: 8 quieter Mexico beach towns for your next vacation

rwanda citizen travel to mexico

  • Cancun is one of the world’s top tourist destinations, but there are a plethora of other, less popular Mexican beach towns just waiting to enchant travelers.
  • From charming surf towns to snorkeling along sea turtles, travelers should explore the diverse beauty of the rest of Mexico’s expansive coastline.
  • With no shortage of warm weather, sun and surf throughout Mexico, these destinations offer a quieter, less crowded experience.

Cancun reigns as one of the world’s top tourist destinations, and there’s no mystery why. The Caribbean Sea-adjacent locale has a myriad of sprawling beach resorts, clear turquoise waters and a vibrant nightlife. In 2023, Cancun welcomed over 21 million tourists .

While Cancun is beautiful and lively, there are a plethora of other, less popular Mexican beach towns just waiting to enchant travelers. From charming surf towns to snorkeling along sea turtles, travelers should explore the diverse beauty of the rest of Mexico’s expansive coastline.

With no shortage of warm weather, sun and surf throughout Mexico, these destinations offer a quieter, less crowded experience than enjoying Cancun alongside 30 million other tourists. 

Far Homes spotted hidden gems across Mexico’s coast, looking at the destinations’ natural beauty, recreational activity offerings, safety and accessibility to learn and experience the local culture. To assess each town’s safety ratings, Far Homes released a report looking at crime statistics from data by the Executive Secretary of the National Security System. While some of these spots are known to attract tourists, they’re nowhere near as saturated as Cancun or Cabo. 

Here are eight under-the-radar beach towns in Mexico to consider adding to your travel list.

Learn more: Best travel insurance

Cancun without the crowds: Meet Isla Mujeres, a quieter Mexican getaway

Located about an hour from Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita perfectly balances bustling and mellow energy. “Sayulita is a fun little town full of eclectic restaurants and shops,” said Gene Alvarez, a local real estate agent from Net Real Estate who works with Far Homes. “With several great surf breaks and a laid-back atmosphere, it attracts surfers, backpackers, and bohemians.” It’s easy to get around for travelers not well-versed in Spanish, and many people rent mopeds or golf carts to cruise around the town. While the main beach in town, Playa Sayulita, can be crowded for both surfers and beachgoers, travelers can head north to the neighboring village of Playa San Pancho for quieter, more serene beaches.

Fly into Cancun Airport and head about three hours south to Akumal for a quieter escape from Cancun and Tulum. Scoring high with Far Homes for its natural beauty, Akumal has become more known among travelers for its pristine beaches and lush jungles. Must-dos in Akumal include snorkeling with sea turtles in the clear waters of the marine protected area of Half Moon Bay and swimming in the enclosed cenote Yal-Ku Lagoon, said local real estate agent Rob Kinnon from BuyPlaya. Just 15 minutes south is the famous Tulum Archaeological Site, where Mayan ruins made of limestone sit perched upon a cliff.

Puerto Escondido

Located in the Pacific Ocean-facing state of Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido is a rising destination for its world-class surfing breaks and easy-going lifestyle. Travelers can fly directly to Puerto Escondido International Airport, less than two miles from town. “From the trendy bars of Zicatela to the laid back vibes of La Punta, the town has something for everyone,” said local real estate agent Jon Ferioli from Bayside Real Estate. “And with nods from international magazines, Puerto Escondido is quickly becoming the go-to spot for digital nomads seeking inspiration and connection.” The town scored high for its activities offerings. Even if you don’t want to brave the often powerful waves, travelers can go on crocodile boat tours through the mangroves, witness the glowing bioluminescent plankton in two of the nearby lagoons at night, or visit Casa Wabi, a contemporary art and architecture museum. 

Isla Holbox

If you’re really itching to escape the crowds, head to Isla Holbox, a 26-mile-long car-free island located right off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. While the island has grown in popularity and therefore development, it still offers travelers a secluded beachside retreat. Travelers can wander the streets, which are paved in sand, barefoot or in golf carts – the main mode of transportation on the skinny island. To get there, travelers fly to Cancun International Airport then travel by car for two hours to Chiquila to board a 15-minute ferry ride to the island. While it may take more effort to visit Isla Holbox over Cancun or Cabo, it’s well worth it. The resort town ranks high for natural beauty, including bioluminescent lagoons and whale shark tours, and safety. 

Those seeking out the sun and sand will find Huatulco to be paradise with its 36 beaches and nine bays, and endlessly sunny weather. Less developed than Puerto Vallarta and Cancun, the small resort town offers activities like kayaking, hiking waterfalls or scuba diving, and is bordered by the Huatulco National Park. Of course, travelers can just relax on the beach as well. To get there, travelers can fly into Bahias de Huatulco International Airport, a short hour-and-a-half flight from Mexico City. “The international airport is only 10 minutes away, and the area attracts tourists looking for a more authentic Mexican experience and small-town feeling,” said Brent May, founder and CEO of Bayside Real Estate. 

Located on the Pacific coast in Oaxaca, Zipolite’s former hippie culture is still retained with its laidback, rustic charm and a focus on eco-tourism. The community evolved around a hippie beach culture and has now become known for its excellent restaurants, bars, trendy boutique hotels, and low-key party culture,” said May. Over an hour’s drive from Puerto Escondido International Airport, the town scored high for activities and safety, and there are not as many tourist traps as in the more developed parts of Mexico. The massive Zipolite beach remains Mexico’s only legal nude beach, but there’s also a western end known for surfing and a small eastern bay called Playa del Amor that's known among the LGTBTQ+ community. “

This sleepy fishing village of Mahahual has grown in popularity among travelers, thanks partly to cruise ships. However, it still has much to offer travelers, ranking high for culture and safety by Far Homes. “This charming coastal town is best explored by bicycle,” said Gaby Ortiz, sales manager at Maya Ocean, a local real estate broker. “As you pedal through its scenic streets, you can lose track of time, immersed in the natural beauty and tranquility of your surroundings.” To get to Mahahual, travelers can fly into Chetumal International Airport and drive for about two hours. Travelers eager to experience vibrant marine life will find Mahahual to be the perfect destination. Spanning nearly 72 miles, the largest barrier reef system in Mexico and the Caribbean, Banco Chinchorro, is just an hour-long boat ride away. The UNESCO biosphere reserve is home to coral, American crocodiles, rays, turtles, nurse sharks and even sunken ships. On land, travelers can visit the Museum of Costa Maya and the Chacchoben Mayan ruins to learn more about local history and culture. 

Todos Santos 

About an hour’s drive from Los Cabos International Airport on Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, Todos Santos is known as a haven for artists and creatives as well as its colonial architecture. Nestled between the coast and the desert, the town ranked highly for natural beauty, safety and culture with Far Homes. If travelers venture away from the bustling town center – home to boutique galleries, shops and restaurants – they can go surfing at the nearby Playa Los Cerritos or hike the coast of Punta Lobos. “At one time a small fishing village, Todos Santos now boasts several chic hotels and world-class dining, but it hasn’t lost its indie soul. Make sure to stop at Jazamango for a true Todos Santos dining experience,” said Nancy Costa, a local real estate agent with Costa Cabo Realty. 

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected] .

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

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  1. Mexico tourist visa for Rwandan citizens in 2024

    Rwandan citizens must obtain a visa before travelling to Mexico. Mexico Tourist visa is required for Rwandan citizens. Mexico tourist visa is also know as Mexico Visitor visa. With this tourist visa stay is usually short with a period of 30 days and visa expires in 90 days. Applicant is required to be present when applying for Mexico tourist visa. A total of 10 documents are required for ...

  2. Mexico visa requirements for Rwandan citizens

    Is it safe to travel to Mexico? Mexico has a current risk level of 3.60 (out of 5). We highly recommend to reconsider your need to travel to Mexico. The safety index is based on travel advisories from independent 7 sources. Safety index is provided by www.travel-advisory.info: 06/03/2024.

  3. Mexico for Rwanda citizens in 2024

    Rwanda citizens need a transit visa to transit through Mexico. Documents required for Mexico from Rwanda include passport and other supporting documents. A total of 4 documents are required. Passport: Original Passport or Travel document of country with at least 6 months remaining validity on the date of travel and have at least 2 visa pages ...

  4. Mexico visa requirements for Rwandese citizens

    Mexico tourist visa requirements: Holding Rwandese passport that is valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay in Mexico. Proof of onward travel (departure) from Mexico. If you are looking for Mexico visa information, such as available types of visas, or how to apply from Rwanda, we recommend you visit or contact the embassy or ...

  5. Mexico Entry Requirements—For Leisure, Business or Residency

    Mexico entry requirements for tourists and short term visitors Mexico Visitors Permit, FMM. Passport holders from countries on Mexico's no visa required list do not need to apply for a formal visa to visit Mexico. They may, instead, use a visitor's permit, known as a FMM (Forma Migratoria Multiple).For the countries that don't need a visa, a Mexico Visitor's Permit (FMM) is issued in ...

  6. Rwanda Visa Requirements For Mexico Citizens

    Mexico Visa requirements for Rwanda citizens You don't need a visa to travel to Mexico; How to apply for Mexico visa 1) The most time-consuming option. Prior to starting your journey, you can send your passport and application to Mexico embassy, or apply in person at the embassy. This is the more traditional choice as it ensures everything is ...

  7. Visa for Mexico

    Visa applications must be submitted only by the applicant. All foreigners, regardless their nationality, are required to present a valid and not expired passport or travel document when entering Mexico (traveling by air, land or sea). The Mexican government requires that your passport must be valid during the entirety of your trip.

  8. Mexico International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  9. What Documents Do You Need to Travel to Mexico?

    To travel by land or sea, you can use a passport card or Enhanced Driver's License (residents of some U.S. states can get these) at the border. The documents you need to travel to Mexico by car or boat include: A passport or. A passport card. Trusted Traveler cards (SENTRI or FAST)

  10. Mexico visa for citizens of Rwanda

    Citizens of Rwanda require a visa to travel to Mexico. Check current Covid-19 entry requirements before travelling. — FAST FACTS — Mexico. Capital: Mexico City. Location: Central America. Currency: Mexican Peso. More Destinations. Visa requirements for. Nicaragua. Visa requirements for.

  11. Travel Advisory: Update for Mexico

    Location: Mexico Event: The U.S. Department of State updated the Mexico Travel Advisory and the Mexico country information page on August 22, 2023. The Travel Advisory includes individual risk assessment levels for each state. Actions to Take: Read the Mexico Travel Advisory, including the detailed state summaries and advisory levels for information on your specific travel destination.

  12. Visa requirement to travel to Mexico for Rwandan

    Entry Recommendations (With visa) Visa Application Form : Fill in the application form for Mexico. Passport Photo : Recent Photo no older than 6 months. Passport : The original Passport (or Travel document) of applicant. Passport must have 6 months of remaining validity on the date of travel. Passport must have 2 visa pages clear of any markings.

  13. How to get Mexico Visa from Rwanda

    Travelers are required to fulfill the following requirements in order to apply for a Mexican Visa. A duly filled and signed visa application form. An original passport or ID Travel document valid for at least 6 months after the stated departure date. One colored 32.0mmx 26mm passport-size photograph.

  14. Mexico Travel Advisory

    Reissued after periodic review with general security updates, and the removal of obsolete COVID-19 page links. Country Summary: Violent crime - such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery - is widespread and common in Mexico.The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in many areas of Mexico, as travel by U.S. government employees to ...

  15. Rwanda International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  16. Entry requirements

    To enter Rwanda, your passport must have an 'expiry date' at least 6 months after the date you arrive and at least one blank page for entry stamps. Check with your travel provider that your ...

  17. Are You Planning a Trip to Mexico from the United States?

    Report drug and alien smuggling. Call (956) 542-5811 in the U.S., 001800-0105237 from Mexico. Prohibited/Permissible Items. All articles acquired in Mexico must be declared. $800 exemption for gifts and personal articles, including one liter of alcoholic beverages per person over 21 every 30 days. Cuban cigars are prohibited.

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    Is it safe to travel to Rwanda? Rwanda has a current risk level of 3.00 (out of 5). We advise to use some caution when travelling to Rwanda. The safety index is based on travel advisories from independent 4 sources. Safety index is provided by www.travel-advisory.info: 06/03/2024.

  23. Mexico Visa Requirements For Rwanda Citizens

    Rwanda Visa requirements for Mexico citizens You don't need a visa to travel to Rwanda; Having to get a visa to Rwanda takes all the fun out of traveling. We are here to get it back. Just apply online below and let us do the rest. Your chosen country may require you to obtain a visa on arrival (VOA). This is a common system in many countries ...

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    Travel Advisory Level 3: Reconsider Travel Travel Advisory Level 3: Updated to reflect lowering the overall Travel Advisory to Level 3, information about southern Lebanon, the border with Syria, and refugee settlements in Lebanon, information on crime and political violence, kidnapping, unexploded landmines, civil unrest, and the "If you decide to travel" section.

  25. Message for U.S. Citizens: Travel Disruptions at Jorge Chavez

    Review your travel plans to adjust for possible delays and disruptions. Contact your airline or travel company for assistance. Monitor local media for updates. Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or crowds. Register in STEP to receive alerts and messaging from the U.S. Embassy in Lima.

  26. Skip Cancun crowds, discover these 8 hidden beach towns in Mexico

    Here are eight under-the-radar beach towns in Mexico to consider adding to your travel list. Learn more: Best travel insurance Cancun without the crowds: Meet Isla Mujeres, a quieter Mexican getaway

  27. FestPAC 2024

    FestPAC exemplifies the United States' dedication to the Pacific Islands. At the 2023 U.S.-Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Summit, the U.S. launched the "7 for 70" initiative, aiming to establish seven new sister city relationships by 2026 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Sister Cities International.

  28. Best Senior Travel Insurance Of June 2024

    We analyzed 26 policies and found that PrimeCover and Seven Corners offer the best senior travel insurance, earning five out of five stars in our analysis. Not all travel insurance policies ...

  29. 2025-2026 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

    The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship is a Fulbright Program exchange that allows accomplished mid-career professionals who have demonstrated leadership potential to travel to the United States for one year of non-degree graduate study, leadership development, and substantial professional collaboration with American counterparts. Through academic ...

  30. Security Alert: San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, México (June 3, 2024)

    From Mexico: 55 8526 2561. From the United States: +1-844-528-6611. Department of State - Consular Affairs: +1-888-407-4747 or +1-201-501-4444 Links: Mexico International Travel Information. U.S. Citizens in Mexico WhatsApp Channel. U.S. Passports. Traveler's Checklist. Department of State on Facebook and X. U.S. Embassy Mexico on Facebook ...