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Robinson: The Journey Review

Robinson: the journey review (psvr).

For the purposes of transparency, this review was created using a code provided by the company or their respective PR company. The use of a review code does not affect my judgement of the game.

Crytek’s first Playstation VR game Robinson: The Journey takes you to a planet called Tyson III; when the Esmeralda crashes a boy called Robin survives in an escape pod, and creates a home on Tyson III waiting for a rescue.

As the game starts you find yourself in-front of a nest of what are quite clearly dinosaur eggs, this is start of you getting to know the companions that will be with you throughout the game. Straight away an AI unit from the Esmeralda called HIGS will warn you of the danger of these eggs, due to them being T-Rex eggs. Not long after this an egg hatches and you are introduced to your second companion an orphaned T-Rex who becomes known as Laika. Both these characters become essential to your journey, and your survival. But, HIGS is not happy about you adopting Laika because he knows she is a dangerous animal, or will be one day – with him being against anything that could hurt Robin, all he can try to do is teach Robin she is a danger, and a waste of resources.

This then opens up the story a year later from finding Laika, and puts you completely in charge of Robin, who with the help of HIGS has created a world for himself. He has pod he can call home, a farm so he can grow his own food, and a fence that protects him and Laika from the dangers of the planet around them. Your story starts as you leave your pod and work on getting the land surrounding your home back in order, and while playing hide and seek with Laika, you discover a HIGS unit carcass that was cast from the Esmeralda during the explosion. This starts the true adventure offered in Robinson: The Journey, upon scanning the carcass it unlocks secret information regarding the crash, you then set out to find more HIGS units for any more information you can get– with each revelation becoming more shocking than the last.

robinson the journey quest 2

The gameplay of Robinson: The Journey is all about the adventure of exploring Tyson III, and the challenges that are thrown at you in order to get close enough to scan the further HIGS units you come across. You are taken to a number of areas within Tyson III each one throws a different puzzles at you, which can include challenges like climbing, moving debris (via the multi-tool you are provided with), and repairing equipment to name a few. It is also mixed in with puzzles that you have to solve as HIGS – this is done by looking at HIGS and pressing X. This activates a 3D diorama style view with a power grid on it, in order to restore the power you need to get the right amount of power to set parts of the grid. I thought this was a nice mix in the puzzle aspect of the game. To me the puzzles offered within the game vary in difficulty, and depending on how quickly you can solve them personally will alter the length of the game.

The game is played using the Duel-Shock 4 controller – with the d-pad being used for commands for Laika, the left analogue to move, and the right to turn, the X button is used as your action button, Triangle to toggle the control help, R1 to toggle Levitate and Scan mode on your multi-tool, R2 to Levitate or Scan an object, and L2 becomes a Laser pointer, which can be used to direct Laika places. Also when you come to climbing, your multi-tool will no longer be in your hand and the R2 and L2 are used to grab with the corresponding hand. While the use of the Duel-Shock controller can take a way some of the immersion you could have had with the use of Move Controllers, it was realistically the only way that the control scheme could have work entirely in the game. Although it is reported Crytek may introduce the support for Move Controllers in the future.

One of my worries when I started controlling Robin, was that the movement was fully controlled walking, as previously games using the same control scheme had cause me personally some motion sickness. However, I found I was able to play Robinson: The Journey for a prolonged amount of time, with no feeling of motion sickness at all. This said it is hard to say this would be same for every player as it all depends on each persons tolerance for VR gaming, which can vary.

robinson the journey quest 2

As soon as you get the glare from the sun as you walk out of your pod you call home, you can instantly see that visually Tyson III is going to a joy to explore. This is the best looking Playstation VR game available to date, with a lot of environmental movement that just adds to Tyson III’s immersion. Crytek have done what is required based on the surroundings and the prehistoric nature of the game’s setting. Each creature on the planet from the smallest bug’s to the brontosaurus’s have all been given character and multiple colour schemes, which is paired with the detailed colour rich environment – making for a visually stunning and immersive world.

A long with the story driven areas of the game, Crytek make you want to explore the world they have created more by adding some little extras. When you come across the creatures of the Tyson III, you can use your multi-tool on Scan mode to scan the animals this will add them into HIGS Infotarium. In the Infotarium you can view more information on the creatures, as well as being given a better look at them in what again could be described and a diorama type object. In order to get them scanned to completion you have to scan multiple of each around the planet. Also hidden around the Tyson III are hidden Communicators which you can scan, again these are added in the Infotarium. The Infotarium is accessible using the touch pad on the Duel-Shock controller, and will also include the audio and images located within the HIGS carcass’s that make the story of the game. The menu is opened by pressing the touch pad, this includes the Infotarium, a map, and information on your progress with the games Trophies.

robinson the journey quest 2

One small issue I found with Robinson: The Journey is the check point system, which can be unforgiving. Due to the fact it will not only reset your progress back to the last check point in the game if you die, but if you have scanned or found any new creatures in this time it also loses the progress on them as well.

With a lot of the titles on offer on Playstation VR feeling more like VR Experiences rather than VR Games, Robinson: The Journey is a fresh of breath air to the Playstation VR. Offering a good story, mixed with great visuals, and a story campaign that can last four to five hours (depending on your proficiency at the puzzles); which is then extended further with the exploration options on Tyson III. This makes what starts off as repairing your living quarters, and playing with Laika, soon escalate to a grand adventure, that has you walking among dinosaurs of a gigantic scale.

Robinson: The Journey does not only offer the best visuals available on Playstation VR, it also offers one the longest story driven VR experiences to date. With an interesting story and a pet T-Rex (which person wouldn’t want one), Crytek have provided a killer exclusive for the Playstation VR.

Also available on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift Developer: Crytek

Article originally created for

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Robinson: The Journey Review – Oculus Rift

What I had believed to be a PSVR exclusive, Robinson: The Journey has made its way to the Oculus Rift. At least it was a six-month exclusive. Robinson: The Journey is a fantastic adventure loaded with exciting action, drama, some clever puzzles, and even a bit of edutainment fit for the entire family, so I certainly don’t begrudge Crytek for expanding their audience, and I certainly don’t mind the enhanced PC performance that includes faster load times and ridiculously improved graphics. My GTX 1080ti card was able to render this at ultra-high resolution then super-sample to my Oculus for a presentation that would never be possible on the PS4 Pro.

I do have a few nits to picks; the largest being no support for the Oculus Touch. I was able to overlook the lack of motion controls when this game was on the PSVR, but considering Robinson has huge rock-climbing sections with controls just like Crytek’s, The Climb , I was sure they would include Touch support for this new version. We’re four months post-release and they are still “looking into it…” Sadly, I’m docking a point for this oversight; especially now that Touch is pretty much a fundamental addition for anyone who owns a Rift. If Touch support is ever added, I’ll add that point back on to the score.

I’m not sure if the developers were going for some sort of homage to Robinson Crusoe on Mars or maybe a Swiss Family Robinson callback, but you’ll be playing as a young boy named Robin, stranded on Tyson III after his colonization ship crashes into the planet. Thankfully, Robin has the companionship of HIGS, an AI drone from the mother ship, as well as his pet dinosaur, Laika. You start the adventure as any other day, waking up inside your escape pod. After a brief tutorial you can exit the ship and revel in the scenic vista before you. The crashed mothership dominates the horizon, but even more impressive is the functional camp you have built for yourself.

Robinson: The Journey is more life-sim than an adventure game. You are tasked with a variety of objectives that will trigger new objectives, often in other exciting locations. When the game starts off you need to conduct a few repairs to restore power to some critical systems. This leads to your reunion with Laika whereupon you can play games like hide and seek or teach a young T-Rex some old tricks. Your main quest will be revealed when you discover that other HIGS units might be scattered about the surrounding areas, upon which you set out to find them and uncover their secrets.

While the game could easily have been non-VR, the VR headset and 3D really immerses you in this fantastic alien planet that ends up being more BBC/Discovery Channel dino-documentary than a video game. I was instantly taken back to a game called Beyond Good and Evil where you had to photograph all the critters in the game. In Robinson, you have this DNA analyzer and there are dozens of lifeforms categorized by land, water and air that you must locate and scan their DNA in this fun little mini-game where you collect green DNA dots and avoid the red ones. Creatures can range in size from ginormous longnecks to a tiny firefly. What’s really cool and quite easy to overlook is that once you register a creature you can call it up in the database to see an amazing 3D model/diorama of that creature that you can rotate and examine.

The game is played with a gamepad even though the multipurpose tool you hold in your hand in the game looks suspiciously like a Move controller or a Vive wand. You can switch your tool from DNA analyzer to an anti-grav beam that allows you to manipulate small and medium objects, or if you are in the blue bubble of a power-boost device you can move large heavier objects. Those are pretty much the only two gameplay devices of the game aside from rock and tree climbing.

Crytek also made a game for the Oculus Rift called The Climb , and while that game is exclusive to that VR system, they took the same mechanics and put them into Robinson: The Journey.   By getting close to any climbable surface or even something like a pole, vine, or cable, hand icons will appear, and you can alternately use the left and right triggers to grip and release various handholds to scale cliffs and other climbable surfaces. It’s a mechanic that is repeated throughout the game, and even though it’s not terribly challenging it turns out to actually be quite fun. But for anyone who has played The Climb before and after the Touch upgrade, you already know how much more immersive this rock climbing is with the Touch, and the fact that Robinson doesn’t have it is nearly unforgivable.

Another fun puzzle repeated throughout the game are these power distribution segments where you have a power source that must be redirected to multiple devices by toggling various power lines to get the proper amount of power to each device. The part I enjoyed most about these wasn’t the actual puzzle but rather how the camera pulled out to create this amazingly detailed 3D diorama of your surroundings. It was the ultimate 3D model that you could look in and explore your surroundings.

The game is laid out in a somewhat open fashion. At first you are supposed to go repair some stuff at your potato farm, but you can just as easily choose to visit the jungle or the tar pits first. When that half of the map is completed the second half opens up and you can explore the zones leading to the end of the game. Finishing Robinson takes 5+ hours but finding all the collectibles and unlocking all the achievements will take a few more. There are ID bracelets to find, dozens of creatures to photograph, and all sorts of clever challenges and secret objectives like teaching Laika tricks, going fishing, shooting hoops, and even cleaning the toilet. Robinson: The Journey is not only a great adventure, but a fun filled activity set that will delight young and old alike.

While it is possible to die in the game nothing is terribly violent, and nothing is shown. The screen fades to black and the population counter rolls to zero whether you fall off a cliff or get eaten by a raptor. Most of the puzzles are also age appropriate (solvable) by those 12 and up, which is the recommended age for VR gamers.

Robinson: The Journey is a magical adventure that mixes in all the best parts of games like Myst with all the child-like wonder and admiration of dinosaurs. Being able to wander around this lush tropical planet filled with all sorts of prehistoric creatures and wonderful scenery is like taking some futuristic tour at a museum exhibit, and Crytek has put just the right amount of questing and collectibles into the mix to keep you playing just a few more hours than you would otherwise.

This game still holds a place as one of my favorite PSVR games of all time, and even though the PC version can push out some enhanced visuals, the lack of Touch support makes this seem more like a cash-grab port than a truly thought-out port to the Oculus Rift. And why no Vive support? Admittedly, you are going to get the exact same game as PSVR gamers have already experience and probably at better resolution and performance, but it still grinds my gears that some Oculus-specific effort didn’t go into this.

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Buy Robinson: The Journey

About this game, system requirements.

  • OS *: Windows 8.1
  • Processor: Intel i5-4590 / AMD FX 4350 or greater
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA: GTX 970 4 GB / GTX 1060 6 GB or greater | AMD: RX 480 or greater
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 6.73 GB available space
  • VR Support: SteamVR

© 2016 Crytek GmbH. All rights reserved. Crytek, CRYENGINE, Robinson: The Journey and the respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Crytek group in the EU, U.S. and/or other territories. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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New Settings in ‘Robinson: The Journey’ on Rift Let You Max Out Visuals

Launching originally for PlayStation VR, Robinson: The Journey was carefully optimized and tweaked to ensure consistent performance across all PS4 systems. The recently released Rift version— despite lacking Touch support —fortunately puts control into PC players hands, allowing you to max out the visuals, if your computer can handle it.

No one knows how to better eek out gorgeous graphics from CryEngine than Crytek themselves, the company who built the engine and developed Robinson: The Journey atop it. As far as VR games go, Robinson is easily in the top five best looking VR games made yet, bringing a feel of AAA quality to the VR content landscape.


And, if you’re playing on Rift, you may be able to make it look even better. In the game’s Settings menu, a new Graphics option (not present on the PSVR version) lets you toggle Resolution Scale, Shadow Quality, SSDO Quality, Anti-aliasing, and Distant Object Quality.

While the default options are set to allow the game to run great on hardware that meets Oculus’ recommended spec, those of you with more capable PC hardware will be able push the games graphics even further.

The Resolution Scale option is going to make perhaps the biggest difference. This effectively ‘supersamples’ the game, rendering each frame at a higher resolution, and then downsamples to fit the Rift’s display. This results in sharper edges thanks to finer data available during anti-aliasing. The difference between the 1.0x and 2.0x options is significant.

With the rest of the settings maxed out (testing on the Exemplar 2 with a GTX 1080), the game’s lush world and high quality lightning really pushes the graphical bar for VR games, giving you what feels like a ‘AAA’ visual experience.

We captured 15 minutes of Robinson gameplay  on the Rift (see video leading the article), to give you a taste.

This is getting trashed by people due to lack of Octopus touch controls. It’s great to see the dev was brave enough to deliver full locomotion but is Crytek aware Touch exists?

Considering they added Touch support to The Climb over 6 months ago, yes, they know it exists.

So that makes it even more bizarre they’d release with shitty eggbox only controls at this stage. They don’t really seem to be in touch with gamers.

A box of octopus eggs?

The title of my next song.

Craphael can’t you call anything by it’s normal name?

I really tries but I can’t. Palmer unlucky, zeniwanks.

You have to admit that’s a pretty big loss, worst than losing full locomotion for most people.

Have u ever wondered how some of these companies can be so detached from reality? One of us should go to the Crytek HQ and ask them what’s going on? I think you should do it and then report back here. Perhaps some of us can help with the cost of travel for you..

“Have u ever wondered how some of these companies can be so detached from reality” Maybe they’re living in their own “virtual” reality.

And they don’t translate de game to other languages, far worse.

It looks like the PSVR version has support for a number of languages now, not sure about the Rift version:

Another shitty exclusive… FUC*K YOU OCULUS

Really looking forward to this when they support Touch… by the way I feel the same way towards any game only available on console… I would add Sony, etc. to your F.U. list if you want to be consistent about it…

Yeah fuckyou sony

There always has been console exclusives. It’s a different system Thant the PC. But making something exclusive to a peripheral running off a PC is bs.

It WAS an exclusive game on the Playstation 4. They now added Oculus support and I am pretty sure that VIVE will also get it down the line.

They need to fix the movement in the game. Game gave me the worst headache after 15 mins of the choppy movement control the game uses.

If you get Vanishing of Ethan Carter VR and max out the settings it probably beats this game graphically.

Full locomotion? I’ve been waiting for something like this. Don’t really care about the lack of motion controls myself, not every game needs them.

The first 15 minutes were so boring I put the game down and didn’t pick it back up. I will say the visuals are SOOOO much better on PC. Holy crap were they bad on the PS4

VR SLI would be great for such a game. Time to support NVidia VR Works, I’d say.

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Hands-On: 'Robinson: The Journey' Is A Powerhouse For PlayStation VR

Every time I’ve looked at gameplay footage from Crytek’s Robinson: The Journey , I’ve come to a swift, sweeping conclusion: there’s no way it can really look that good running on PlayStation 4. As much as I want it to, it just can’t possibly be done on this hardware, right? Just take a look at the video below; its textures are pristine, its forests are lush and richly detailed, and its prehistoric monsters are every bit as intimidating as you’d expect.

Surely this can’t be running on that little console? That tiny, modestly powered box that both Rift and Vive owners scoff at?

Well, believe me, it is. I’ve played Robinson for myself. I’ve walked along its hollow tree trunk bridges and climbed its leafy ivy walls. I’ve jumped at raptors snapping at my heels and I’ve tried to reach out and touch a giant beast’s scaly skin. We first went hands-on with Robinson at E3, and it still impresses in its latest outing.

Robinson is a powerhouse showcase for PlayStation VR, and proof the PS4 can handle itself in the VR arena. You do lose some of the visual fidelity on PS VR’s 1080p screen, sadly, but it’s still easy to see just how much effort has gone into making this game a visual showcase for Sony’s headset.

But enough gawking at graphics; there’s a game to be played here too or, more accurately, there’s a path to be walked and clambered over, with only a hint of some deeper mechanics for now. Much of my time in Robinson was spent navigating a fairly straightforward path that was occasionally interrupted by some puzzle elements and a climbing mechanic that will be more than a little familiar to fans of Crytek’s past work in VR with The Climb .

Everything’s controlled with the DualShock 4 gamepad, though your character, a young boy named Robin, holds a scanning device in his right hand that looks suspiciously like a PlayStation Move controller, perhaps hinting at possible input updates to come. It can also be used to levitate objects, which forms the foundation of many of the game’s brain teasers. At one point you’ll have to pull on a branch to let water trickle down a tree for example, or knock strange alien fruit onto the floor to distract a plant-eating dinosaur.

Robinson 5

Physics-based puzzles aren’t anything new to VR, but they’re also not really what Robinson is about. This is a game that wants to put you in the shoes of the early scenes in Jurassic Park movies when everything is going well. You know, the bit before everything goes wrong and people start getting eaten.

Still, there are occasional signs of survival mechanics that could inject Robinson with a little more excitement for those that seek it. Early on in a demo I fell into a pit of dinosaurs and was instantly met with a decidedly non-violent demise. The screen comfortably faded to black. At another point my AI companion gives me strict instructions to remain completely still as a pack of pterodactyls soar overhead, and I freeze in real life too. If Crytek can deliver not only the majestic lakeside scene of Steven Spielberg’s beloved 1993 classic, but also the intense kitchen sequence too, then Robinson could be something special.

Even if the game does end up favoring exploration over mechanics, though, it’s shaping up to be something I’d happily sit through, even if it doesn’t always feel like you should be sitting. The climbing mechanic, for example, makes you want to stand up out of your chair and really get into the zone. You’d expect nothing less, though, considering the system is very similar to the one seen in Crytek’s other VR game, The Climb . It does add an extra layer to the exploration that many of Robinson ‘s rivals don’t have, but it’s hard not to feel a little short changed by the familiarity of the system.

That is the challenge with VR, though, isn’t it? If you’re going to climb in VR, why wouldn’t it look and feel exactly the same as it did with your previous climbing game? There aren’t really any controls to tweak and any kind of grip systems or power ups might come off as feeling fake in a world you’re meant to believe you’re actually in.


Standard navigation had a few issues too. When I came to some ramps I found myself slowing to a crawl, as if the game was gradually trying to stop me from getting to the top. It struck me that this was most likely a bug rather than some sort of unnecessary mechanic, as at one point it even caused me to tumble off of the side. When I restarted, I was able to ascend a little easier, though it still wasn’t as seamless as I’d expect.

For an early PS VR title, though, Robinson is still a few steps ahead of where I thought it would be. Simply marveling at the virtual beasts, I can tell that Crytek has no doubt poured hours into making this a sheer delight, and at times I was desperate for a Move controller so that I might reach out and pet some of the less bitey ones.

What’s really exciting right now is that we don’t know where the titular journey is going to take us. The end of my demo hinted at a strong sci-fi vibe, but we’ve only seen a very slim slice of Robinson thus far. I’m hoping for something that surpasses the experience-type software we’re seeing from established franchises, and instead getting a four to five hour campaign at the very least, though I’m fully aware that just might not be viable right now.

Robinson: The Journey will be a launch title for PlayStation VR, hitting on October 13th. We don’t yet know how much it will cost.

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Do NOT blow this, Colin Bridgerton

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Colin and Penelope sharing a look while at an outing in Bridgerton

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Henry Golding and Constance Wu smile at each other and touch noses while slow dancing as other people cheer them on.

Director: Jon M. Chu Cast: Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Michelle Yeoh, Awkwafina

Sure, Constance Wu and Henry Golding have a charming easy on-screen chemistry as Rachel and Nick, but what really makes Crazy Rich Asians stand out is Michelle Yeoh as austere family matriarch Eleanor. Come for the extravagant wedding in Singapore and Rachel’s class clash, stay for the absolutely epic game of mahjong at the end .

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From Netflix: This series follows the 2023-24 Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders squad from start to finish — kicking off at auditions and training camp and continuing all the way through the NFL season. From Emmy Award-winning director Greg Whiteley and the team behind Cheer and Last Chance U, the seven-episode series will give viewers unfiltered access into this iconic team and franchise. Led by longtime director Kelli Finglass, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders open their doors to document the personal stories behind the uniforms – revealing the drive, hustle, and drama among the cheerleaders and coaches. For many, it’s a dream to make the team - but that’s only just the beginning.

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David archuleta lost ‘american idol’ but tells how he won a new life.

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David Archuleta, no longer the boy in this photo, is all grown up now, releasing his new hit about ... [+] leaving his faith, coming out and maturing into a man and his true self (Photo by Jonathan Leibson/FilmMagic)

When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain

On the heels of the recent “American Idol” finale and May’s Mental Health Awareness month and in light of June’s Gay Pride Month, it’s only fitting to highlight the story of one Idol’s journey from boyhood into manhood, from the closet into the light. Like many gay youth, former Idol contestant David Archuleta had to squash his true self in order to gain acceptance from society, his Mormon faith and just to survive psychologically.

I sat down with Archuleta recently, and he spoke about what it’s like to morph from a teenager who did as he was told into a man who embraces the truth about himself— how he broke the bonds of society’s demands and religious expectations. The singer described how that freedom has had a big influence on his identity and mental wellness and how he plans to live a new life according to his own values—not someone else’s.

The Aftereffects Of ‘American Idol’

As a 16-year-old “American Idol” contestant, Archuleta rose to the top, placing second in the 2008 contest, losing to David Cook. But not without significant emotional trauma. Despite “Idol fame,” he was never able to be fully himself like many youth forced to deny or hide their sexual orientation. Compared to heterosexual people, LGBTQIA+ individuals —are 2.5 times more likel y to experience depression, anxiety and substance abuse as they face social pressures, stigma and discrimination.

Imagine the added pressures of being on the biggest show on television, watched by 30 million viewers, and it’s easy to see how that could break anyone. I asked Archuleta about his trauma from the “American Idol” experience. “It’s not just me,” he discloses. “Several other contestants told me they thought they were the only ones going through this. It has affected many of us even years after being on the show.”

The former Idol described panic attacks and trust issues as part of the PTSD. “You’re programmed not to trust people when you’re on the show, at least at the time we were on it,” he reveals. “I’ve spoken with former contestants who go back to appear on Idol, and they say, ‘I don’t know if I can handle this.’ And I’ve felt like that performing, too, terrified and wondering why it was affecting me that way. It makes you ask, ‘What was the mindset this show brings you to have as a performer?’ When you perform, you have a persona and become a character for everyone else. There are some parts that are you and other parts that are not.”

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‘suicide squad: kill the justice league’ ends its weekly updates, 1 dead and 26 hurt in overnight shooting in akron ohio, ‘it felt like a volcano erupting’ before coming out.

He shared his fears of coming out, announcing to the world that he is gay, and how scary it was to leave the comfort of his faith—the only world he knew that defined his purpose and identity.

“When you grow up in an environment where you’re told not to even acknowledge your sexuality because it’s not okay, you get an inkling that it’s possible that can be inside of you, and you disregard it,” he told me. “It’s scary to even play with that idea. I didn’t know that I was too afraid that it could be me until I couldn’t hold it in anymore.”

He sensed there was something about him that others said wasn’t okay but thought there was a misunderstanding around the issue. “First I was told I was going to hell for being a Mormon, and then I was told I was going to hell for coming out as well.”

Archuleta believes human beings naturally fear what’s different from them. “You’re wrong if you’re not like me,” as he puts it. Mormon people would tell him he was a nice person but that he was going to hell, anyway. The singer describes how he saw an anger in people because they didn’t want him to accept his sexuality. “I always wondered why it makes people angry. They’d say because it’s unnatural. ‘But how is that affecting you?’ I would ask. If this is wrong, then let me make a wrong choice. There’s a cultural fear that if you let people be queer, it will contaminate the hetero-normative society and diminish families. Gay people are told you can’t have what we have. So, if we say fine, then we’ll create our own and have relationships and our own families, then society says, ‘Look how disgusting they are. They’re not capable of being normal.’”

The singer states that when you’re not able to be yourself in the workplace, talking with someone can be healthy to get it out so you realize you’re not crazy or wrong, and it’s okay for you to be who you are. He suggests finding someone you can trust and open up about fear of rejection.

“I was a people-pleaser and kept trying to be something I’m not to get approval from the community I’m part of. But inside it felt like a volcano about to erupt like when you shake a carbonated soda and don’t know how to get rid of it. Finally, it pops out because you’ve pushed something down that didn’t belong to be pushed down inside of you. I got to the point of feeling I can’t do this anymore. It’s not honest it’s not sincere.”

The Man Today And His New Release

HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 12: David Archuleta attends The Queerties 2024 on March 12, 2024 in ... [+] Hollywood, California. (Photo by Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images)

No longer the 16-year-old boy who topped “American Idol,” the 34-year-old man told me how he reclaimed the life he wasn’t supposed to lead during his Idol days. As the boy has grown, his mind has expanded, too.

He details how therapy helped him get to know himself, why he had the panic attacks and get through bumpy times. He spells out how, if he had a do-over of his boyhood, he would speak his mind and take more risks.

The man has learned to think for himself. He’s more vocal now and more bold, stretching through his shyness and extending his hand to others in social situations. “I’ve learned not to take everything so personally. If you have a fear of rejection and you get rejected, you say well I’m still here. Okay, my character is still intact.”

His new release “Hell Together ” was inspired by what his mom said to him after he left his Mormon faith and religion altogether. “It was a scary place to leave something that was all I knew and that gave me my purpose to live, but it was something I knew I needed to do as I felt a new sense and purpose for life,” the singer explains. “A few days after I publicly announced leaving the Mormon church my mom texted me saying she had decided to leave, too. I was shocked as she was so devout. I asked what made her feel she needed to leave because she didn’t need to follow my example. She said ‘If you go to Hell, we’re all going to Hell with you. We’re a family, and we’ll always be there for each other, in good or in bad!’ I was really moved by that.”

Archuleta says that most people in his church would think leaving your faith makes you feel dark and lost, but that wasn’t the case for him. “I felt like I found myself!” He exclaims, insisting his new release is meant to show the joy and how by leaving his religion he found a greater light within himself. “I’m enjoying who I am more than ever.”

Catch Archuleta’s performance when he appears on “Good Morning America” on June 28th and keep an eye out for his memoir due out next year.

Bryan Robinson, Ph.D.

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2nd man dies after shootout inside Birmingham’s The Quest nightclub

  • Updated: May. 26, 2024, 8:37 p.m. |
  • Published: May. 26, 2024, 7:06 p.m.


Two people were shot, one fatally, inside The Quest in Birmingham on May 24, 2024. Carol Robinson

A second man has died following the Friday morning shooting inside The Quest nightclub on Birmingham’s Southside.

Birmingham police said they were notified Sunday by the Jefferson County Coroner’s Office that the second victim had died.

Police identified him as 32-year-old Shane Gady.

Terrell Brown, Jr., also 32, died on the scene Friday.

Officer Truman Fitzgerald said both Birmingham men shot each other during a physical altercation.

Officers were called to the club at 416 24th Street South just before 6:30 a.m. Patrons and police rendered aid to both men until Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service arrived.

Brown was pronounced dead on the scene at 6:44 a.m. Gady was taken to UAB Hospital where he remained until his death.

Investigators recovered two guns from inside the nightclub near the “shots fired area.”

The Quest has been a popular dance club since the 1970s.

Fitzgerald said it’s important to point out that multiple incidents of violence have taken place at The Quest.

“In less than three years, at this establishment, we have had a Birmingham police officer shot, a homicide inside the nightclub where two people were shot, an officer had to fight with an individual at the nightclub with a max officer emergency put out because that individual was armed and fast forward to this morning – we have another homicide where someone was killed inside the club,’’ he said.

“We are not in this to destroy anyone’s livelihood by taking their business. However, we are in this to bring as much light as we can when you have incidents taking place at one establishment that is affecting our community safety,’’ he said.

“We as a city, a government, a community have to meet with the business owners and we have to give the same energy that we’ve given to other establishments throughout our city,’’ he said, noting recent lawsuits against two businesses on Third Avenue West and a downtown nightclub.

“Our patrol officers have said this is an address where they are regularly responding to calls to assist security and break up all sorts of disturbances,’’ he said.

In 2022, Michael David Lyle, 45, of Blount County, was an innocent bystander when an argument inside the club led to shots fired. Lyle was pronounced dead on the scene.

Months before Lyle was shot, a Birmingham police officer was shot during a struggle with an armed man at the Southside club.

Gady is Birmingham’s 57th homicide of 2024. Of those, five have been ruled justifiable and therefore aren’t deemed criminal.

There were 51 homicides as of May 26, 2023, in Birmingham.

In all of Jefferson County, there have been 80 homicides including the 57 in Birmingham. On this date last year, there had been 68 killings countywide.

Carol Robinson

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Russia's Quest for Aerial Dominance: The Stealthy Journey of the PAK DA Bomber

I n an era where strategic deterrence and aerial supremacy are pivotal to national security, Russia’s development of the Tupolev PAK-DA stealth bomber garners significant attention. The program, initiated as an answer to the U.S. B-2 Spirit bomber, encapsulates Moscow’s ambition to match American stealth capabilities and asserts its place in the stealth technology race, historically dominated by the U.S.

The prototype of the PAK-DA, reportedly nearing completion, is a testament to Russia’s commitment to expanding its strategic bomber fleet, aiming to join the ranks of countries like the U.S. that operate stealth bombers. The projection of building six additional bombers post-prototype completion, as reported,.

The PAK-DA features a flying wing design reminiscent of the B-2 and upcoming B-21 Raider, and it will likely have a subsonic stealthy profile designed to rely on stealth rather than speed to avoid radar detection.The Russians’ only stealth fighter, the Su-57, is understood to have the worst stealth performance of all the stealth fighters, skepticism persists regarding the PAK-DA’s future capabilities.

The envisaged timetable for the PAK-DA suggests mass production by 2027, a deadline that appears ambitious considering Russia’s historical pattern of delayed weapons development rollouts. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine exacerbates these challenges, diverting resources and industrial focus toward immediate wartime exigencies over advanced technology projects. The necessity to prioritize supplies for frontline forces, such as armored personnel carriers and tanks, seems to edge out ambitious stealth bomber projects, casting doubt on the program’s timeline and final fruition.

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– Russia’s PAK DA Stealth Bomber Nightmare Has Just Begun , The National Interest Online, 05/31/2024

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In an era where strategic deterrence and aerial supremacy are pivotal to national security, Russia’s development of the Tupolev PAK-DA stealth bomber garners significant attention. The program, initiated as an answer to the U.S. B-2 Spirit bomber, encapsulates Moscow’s ambition to match American stealth capabilities and asserts its place in the stealth technology race, historically […]


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  2. Robinson: The Journey VR Knight's Review

    HEY GUYS, I HAVE A MONTHLY GIVEAWAYS FREE OCULUS QUEST 2 AND AMAZON GIFT CARDS. For more information please visit my Patreon at:

  3. 'Robinson: The Journey' Review: The Planet Before Time

    It's a neat little mini-game mechanic, that gives a sense of interactivity and purpose to a feature that could have easily become monotonous. You really feel like a kid on the sci-fi field trip ...

  4. Hands-On

    Aiding you on your journey is a hovering robot companion who speaks with a soothing British accent and does his best to keep you out of harm's way. The voice over for your robotic friend is ...

  5. 'Robinson: The Journey' Now Available on Rift

    We're excited to share that Robinson: The Journey is now available for Rift on the Oculus Store!

  6. Robinson The Journey 2 (4 MINUTES Of Gameplay)

    Robinson The Journey 2 takes place 3 years in the future from the first game. The sequel will improve Apon the first games flaws and introduce new mechanics ...

  7. Play Robinson The Journey on Quest : r/OculusQuest

    Play Robinson The Journey on Quest. Hi, I recently got this game on a sale. Although I can play it fine through Link, if I launch it from Steam it uses Vive controller mappings, no matter if I change them in the mapping section. It looks like being launched from Oculus interface it loads in Quest (Rift) mode, so I was thinking if there is a way ...

  8. Robinson: The Journey

    Robinson: The Journey is a virtual reality video game developed and published by Crytek.The game released for the PlayStation 4 in November 2016, and for Microsoft Windows in February 2017. The game uses the PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift or SteamVR Compatible virtual reality headsets respectively on each platform.. The game deals with a space traveler named Robin, who becomes stranded on a ...

  9. Robinson: The Journey on Oculus Rift

    Robinson: The Journey has arrived on Oculus Rift! Experience a mysterious and beautiful world as you navigate dangerous terrain and come face-to-face with dinosaurs in an intensely realistic adventure powered by CRYENGINE. When the Esmeralda crash-lands on Tyson III, a boy named Robin is left stranded. He must rely on his wits - and two unlikely companions - to survive.

  10. Robinson: The Journey Review

    The use of a review code does not affect my judgement of the game. Crytek's first Playstation VR game Robinson: The Journey takes you to a planet called Tyson III; when the Esmeralda crashes a boy called Robin survives in an escape pod, and creates a home on Tyson III waiting for a rescue. As the game starts you find yourself in-front of a ...

  11. Anybody try Robinson: The Journey from Steam recently?

    A place to discuss the Meta/Oculus Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3, and Quest Pro Members Online As a Fan of VR Since It's Inception, Asgard's Wrath 2 Is the First Long Form VR Game to Keep My Attention; I Don't Think it Got it's Due...

  12. Crytek's 'Robinson: The Journey' Prototype Playthrough Video

    Jun 17, 2015. 2. Crytek's new virtual reality demo prototype which debuts at E3 this week, is an impressive testament to Crytek's renewed commitment to VR. Here's a video playthrough and ...

  13. Walkthrough

    Walkthrough. IGN's Robinson: The Journey complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Robinson: The Journey from the title screen to the final credits, including ...

  14. Robinson the Journey on sale on Steam : r/OculusQuest

    A place to discuss the Meta/Oculus Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3, and Quest Pro ... ADMIN MOD Robinson the Journey on sale on Steam Game Deal £4.16 on Steam. Still looks impressive through link. Give it a look. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Share Sort by: Best. Open comment sort options ...

  15. Robinson: The Journey Review

    Tiger Blade Review - Quest 3 & PSVR2 Cyber Manhunt 2: New World is Now Available on Steam Early Access Crow Country: PS1-inspired horror game is OUT NOW! ... Robinson: The Journey has made its way to the Oculus Rift. At least it was a six-month exclusive. Robinson: The Journey is a fantastic adventure loaded with exciting action, drama, some ...

  16. Robinson: The Journey on Steam

    Robinson: The Journey. When the Esmeralda crashes on Tyson III, Robin is left stranded. He must rely on his wits - and HIGS, an AI unit from the ship - to survive. As he searches for the lost crew and comes face-to-face with dinosaurs, Robin discovers that Tyson III is not the paradise once promised. Sign in to add this item to your ...

  17. New Settings in 'Robinson: The Journey' on Rift Let You Max Out Visuals

    Launching originally for PlayStation VR, Robinson: The Journey was carefully optimized and tweaked to ensure consistent performance across all PS4 systems. The recently released Rift version ...

  18. Broken on quest 2 with virtual desktop? :: Robinson: The Journey

    I was not able to get it to launch in virtual desktop, but none the less I adjusted the pixel depth to 2.0 and been loving the game. #3. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. Per page: 15 30 50. Robinson: The Journey > General Discussions > Topic Details. This played fine on my rift S but on the quest 2 with virtual desktop the controls are broken and ...

  19. Steam Community :: Robinson: The Journey

    Robinson: The Journey - A RICH WORLDExploring from a first-person perspective, gamers will encounter an array of dinosaurs and creatures that react to their presence within the ecosystem of Tyson III. An emphasis on interaction with their surroundings encourages players to examine each area of the game in detail - creating a dense atmosphere and adding to the sense that Tyson III is a ...

  20. Hands-On: 'Robinson: The Journey' Is A Powerhouse For ...

    This is a game that wants to put you in the shoes of the early scenes in Jurassic Park movies when everything is going well. You know, the bit before everything goes wrong and people start getting ...

  21. Robinson: The Journey.. is it worth it to get on sale?

    Holy crap! I found an Oculus Quest 2 for $8 at a Goodwill! I still can't believe it. It comes with the expensive hard case as well and everything works. It's even a higher storage than my current Quest so i'm keeping this one!

  22. President Zelensky visits two kings in one week in quest for ...

    President Zelensky visited two kings in one week in a quest for support from European royals. ... Zelensky continued his journey to Belgium where he met King Philippe of Brussels at the Royal Palace.

  23. New to Netflix June 2024: Every movie and TV show

    Available June 1. Too Old for Fairy Tales 2 (Netflix Family) From Netflix: After his mother's new boyfriend moves in, Waldek embarks on a daring journey through the Tatra mountains to find the ...

  24. David Archuleta Lost 'American Idol' But Tells How He Won ...

    David Archuleta, once the "American Idol" teen sensation, has matured, releasing a hit about his journey leaving his faith, coming out, and embracing his true self.

  25. 2nd man dies after shootout inside Birmingham's The Quest nightclub

    Two people were shot, one fatally, inside The Quest in Birmingham on May 24, 2024. Carol Robinson. A second man has died following the Friday morning shooting inside The Quest nightclub on ...

  26. Robinson The Journey no longer works in the Rift version and ...

    "This no longer starts when connected to Quest 2. Worked about 6 months ago. Devs please fix as I'd like to finish the game." "I write this review because of a problem. Robinson: The Journey has been an awesome game. I bought and played it in early 2021, almost a year ago, and it worked fine.

  27. 'The Rings of Power' Actor Confirmed Not Returning for Season 2

    By James Hibberd. May 31, 2024 8:00am. A series regular from the first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is not coming back for the second season. Nazanin Boniadi, who played ...

  28. Russia's Quest for Aerial Dominance: The Stealthy Journey of the ...

    The PAK-DA features a flying wing design reminiscent of the B-2 and upcoming B-21 Raider, and it will likely have a subsonic stealthy profile designed to rely on stealth rather than speed to avoid ...

  29. Robinson The Journey controller problems : r/OculusQuest

    Playing via Virtual Desktop, the controls are awkward (it thinks it's Vive wands) but manageable except I can't figure out how to exit HIGS. Has anyone figured this out? This is the Steam version of the game and I'm launching it directly from VD's interface.I also tried a Quest custom controller binding but it doesn't seem to make a difference.