What Percentage Do Uber Drivers Get? How It Is Calculated & Factors That Matter


Officially, Uber claims that it charges about a 25% service fee per trip. While this means drivers earn up to 75% off every trip, there is more to how earnings work or what percentage they get. 

This is the primary reason Uber driver A may get higher pay than Uber B despite traveling the same distance. Other factors determining how much you earn as a driver include the service you offer. 

This guide explains (in detail) what percentage Uber drivers get and how the company calculates its charges and payment. You will also discover the factors affecting this percentage and how drivers get paid. 

What Percentage Do Uber Drivers Get, and How Is Their Payment Calculated? 

On paper, drivers get up to 75% of their earnings per trip, while Uber receives 25%. However, these percentages are not static because Uber charges an upfront price based on the distance you are about to travel, traffic conditions, and surges. 

This is why there are times when Uber may charge you up to 50% of your payment and times when it does not take up to the official 25%. A good example is traveling 25 minutes up the highway to pick up a client. 

Uber may refuse to consider that for your upfront fee, probably because a driver closer to the client rejected his or her request. This means you get to earn more. 

Uber calculates payment based on pick-up and drop-off distance, traffic conditions, and waiting time or time delays for pick-up and deliveries. Like with trips, the system also favors longer routes than shorter ones.

Factors That Affect What Percentage Uber Drivers Get 


Knowing the factors that can affect how much you earn per trip or delivery helps you position yourself for better earnings compared to other drivers. These factors include: 

1. Demand and supply 

The market demand and supply for a specific location can affect a driver’s earnings. This is because areas with high demand and a limited supply of drivers typically enjoy surge pricing, a deliberate attempt (by Uber) to attract more drivers. 

When you target these regions, you stand a better chance of earning substantially. You can even double or triple the regular percentage. 

Conversely, areas with low demand and excess drivers will experience a decrease in earnings or get paid a lesser percentage per trip. 

2. Distance and time 

The distance and duration for each trip are other significant factors Uber considers before deducting the service fee. According to the company’s algorithm, drivers earn a higher percentage for longer journeys than shorter ones. 

This is why drivers sometimes earn a higher percentage from a 20-minute tip than a 10-minute trip, even if the distance traveled is the same. 

3. Choice of service 

Uber offers various service levels, each with its pricing structure. For example, UberX (a regular service) is a popular option that often allows drivers to earn higher percentages than premium services like UberBLACK or UberSUV. 

When and How Does Uber Pay Its Drivers?

Drivers receive their payment (an accumulation of varying percentages) once every week via a direct ACH bank transfer alongside a statement of earnings. How quickly it takes your earnings to reflect depends on the bank. 

Aside from this standard mode of payment, drivers can opt to receive their earnings via the following: 

1. Instant Pay 

This payment method does not require you to wait a few days or up until a week for payment to reflect. You can also withdraw your earnings up to five times per day. 

2. Uber debit card 

You can also receive your earnings directly into a special Uber debit card via Instant Pay. Drivers may or may not be charged a transaction fee per withdrawal depending on their debit card choice. 

What are Uber’s best/busiest work hours?

The busiest hours are usually between Friday evenings and Sunday mornings. Drivers should target morning hours from Monday to Thursday

How much do Uber drivers make in an hour?

Averagely, Uber drivers should make at least $19 per hour. This figure can go up to $30 per hour in big cities like New York. 

Does Uber deduct from a driver’s tip?

No, Uber does not deduct from a driver’s tip. Drivers fully control what they want to do with their tips. 

Understanding what percentage Uber drivers get from each trip is important if you want to get started as a Uber driver or maximize your earnings. While Uber claims they pay their drivers about 75% of their earnings per trip, that can change. 

The rideshare company considers several factors when deciding how much it pays its drivers. Significant ones include distance covered, surge pricing, demand and supply, and service level. 

The bottom line remains that you must dedicate enough hours per week (at least 20) and stick to longer trips to earn significantly on Uber. 

I hope you found this guide helpful. If you did, please see what you can do if Uber cannot find you a driver . 

Thanks for reading.

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Ridesharing Driver

See the average hourly, daily, and yearly earnings for Uber drivers!

By Doug H , Updated March 23, 2022 1 Comment

Figuring out how much Uber drivers really make is harder than you might think.

Uber won’t give you any specific earnings numbers, and a lot of the info you see online may not be reliable.

Tiktokkers and Youtubers might say they are making $50 an hour. Then someone who sounds smart on Reddit will say that, actually, drivers make less than minimum wage after subtracting expenses!

Who can you trust? The best thing you can do is look at a variety of data from many different sources to figure out a general number.

We looked at the top employment sites, trusted bloggers, and sources that get income data directly from drivers.

What you need to know

  • Based on the top sources we studied, average Uber driver pay ranges from $15–$25 per hour
  • On a yearly basis, salaries for an Uber driver range from $30,000–$65,000
  • You can make $1000 per week, but it may take 50+ hours
  • According to the BLS, similar drivers make $16 per hour or $35k per year
  • Pay on Uber can be inconsistent. It can change day to day and week to week

Want to drive? Apply to drive for Uber here!

Article Contents

  • Table: How Much Uber Drivers Make
  • Can You Make $100/day? $1000/week?
  • Earnings Data from Salary.com, Indeed, Glassdoor
  • What Trusted Bloggers say about Uber Pay
  • Crowdsourced Data and Government Research
  • True Profit: Gross vs Net Earnings
  • FAQs about Uber Driver Pay
  • Is Driving for Uber Worth it?

How much Uber drivers make, according to top sources

Data from leading sources around the web: Job sites, bloggers, and crowdsourced data.

What does Uber say about driver pay?

Let’s start by going straight to the source. At Uber.com, visit “ how much can drivers make with Uber”  to get a good idea of how they handle this question.

You’ll find that Uber doesn’t make any claims about specific driver earnings .

For example, they don’t list hourly pay, salary, pay per ride, or pay per trip.

The closest you’ll get to a direct answer about driver pay is: “The money you make driving with the Uber app depends on when, where, and how often you drive.”

So why won’t Uber tell you how much you can make? Surely they have tons of data from every city where they operate.

Uber used to make more specific claims about driver earnings, but they were hit with lawsuits claiming that advertised income figures were misleading.

In just one example of many lawsuits, Uber had to pay $20 million in fines for misleading earnings claims.

Making claims about driver earnings is a legal and regulatory minefield, so generally, you won’t see Uber making earnings claims anymore .

Can you make $100 per day driving for Uber?

Uber drivers can make $100 per day, according to the driver pay data from our sources.

The number of hours it takes to reach $100 varies quite a bit, depending on how much you can earn in your city, 

If you earn $20 per hour, you’ll hit $100 in just 5 hours.

But if you’re on the lower end of earnings, like the $14,000 per year figure from Indeed.com, it will take you a lot longer to make $100.

Can you make $1000 per week?

The data we studied shows that some drivers can earn $1000 per week but it is very location dependent and not something that every driver can achieve .

The drivers hitting $1,000 per week are in busy markets during busy times of the year. $1,000 per week is around $50,000 per year, which is on the higher end of most of the data we looked at.

Most of the data shows that full-time drivers will earn about $30,000 to $40,000 per year. So if you drive 50 weeks in a year, that works out to $600–$800 per week.

Put another way; if you make $15 per hour, you’ll have to drive over 66 hours to hit $1,000. That’s not sustainable for most drivers.

You may have a great week here and there or even a $4,000 month, but during slower times of the year, your earnings will likely dip below your target of $1,000.

Is driving for Uber a reliable source of income?

DoorDash is a reliable source of part-time income that can help you earn an extra $100–$1000 per month.

Driving for Uber is a reliable way to earn part-time income, but it may not be as reliable for full-time income.

You can rely on Uber for an extra $100–$1000 per month, and it’s a great way to help cover surprise bills or save up a few hundred dollars every month.

In in smaller, less active markets, you can depend on Uber for side money.

But driving for Uber isn’t as dependable for full-time income. It may be easy to find examples of $1,000 per week or $50,000 per year, but you can’t always expect that to be true in your case.

There are lots of barriers to reliable making a full-time income on Uber: Local demand for rides is constantly changing, Uber regularly changes payout rates, and vehicle expenses are much higher for full-time drivers.

Data from job & career websites about average Uber driver pay

On your first search about Uber driver income, you’ll probably land on one of the big-name job sites that advertise their job listing services all over TV and the internet.

Sites like Indeed and Salary.com are good ways to get a general sense of the pay for a particular job, but there are limitations.

One thing to look out for is that these sites mostly talk about Uber driver pay in terms of salary, but Uber doesn’t pay a salary.

You’re paid for each ride you complete, and there is no guaranteed minimum hourly pay (except in California and NYC).

So when you see that Glassdoor says you can make $50,000 per year with Uber, remember that most drivers actually think about their pay in terms of earnings per hour, per mile, or per trip.

Salary.com: $41,000 per year on Uber

According to Salary.com , the median Uber driver in Los Angeles makes $41,802. That means that half earn more, and half earn less.

The data says that the top 10% of drivers make more than $59,000, and the bottom 10% make around $28,000.

Salary.com doesn’t provide any information about earnings per hour or earnings per trip. Their data is more oriented toward traditional salaried positions, and driving for Uber is anything but traditional.

It’s helpful to see a range of salaries based on location, but the fact that the data doesn’t include any extra nuances about the Uber earnings model indicates that the data isn’t perfectly reliable.

per trip holiday pay uber

Salary.com has pretty visuals with a higher-than-average median

Indeed: ~$30,000 per year for Uber drivers

If you look up ‘uber driver’ at Indeed.com, you’ll find a page for your city or state that lists yearly salaries for drivers.

According to Indeed , an Uber driver in California can expect to make an average of $30,516 per year.

On the low end, drivers earn $14,000 per year, and on the high end, $73,000. That’s a big range!

Indeed doesn’t go into any detail about how drivers are paid. For example, they don’t discuss earnings per trip, earnings per mile, or even earnings per hour.

Indeed.com generally talks about traditional salaried jobs and tries to fit Uber driving into that mold.

Driving for Uber is not a traditional salaried job, but they maintain that their data is from real drivers.

It may be more helpful to think in terms of earnings per hour/trip/mile, but Indeed gives a decent general sense of what you can expect if you drive in your area.

per trip holiday pay uber

Indeed provides another salary-oriented income figure

Glassdoor: $40,000–$100,000 per year

Glassdoor says that an Uber driver in Los Angeles can earn, on average, $63,000 per year, with a likely range of $40,000 to $100,000.

Glassdoor offers the biggest range of pay and the highest maximum pay of all the major job sites. No other large job site says you can make $100k with Uber.

But there is a problem. Glass door breaks the numbers down in terms of ‘base’ pay, ‘additional’ pay, and a ‘pay trajectory’ for drivers. Uber doesn’t offer any of those for drivers.

Those measures are closer to the traditional salary + bonus that salaried workers typically get. Uber doesn’t have a salary or bonus.

However, lower on the page, you’ll find a range of hourly pay that sounds more in line with other data sources: $15–$20 per hour.

And $15–$20 per hour is nowhere near the $60k–$100k range listed on the page. So take these measures to be very general info.

per trip holiday pay uber

Glassdoor had the highest income numbers of all the sources

per trip holiday pay uber

But Glassdoor’s hourly numbers don’t match up to the yearly salary numbers

What trusted blogs say about Uber driver income

Another common data source you’ll find online is rideshare bloggers. Typically these are drivers—or former drivers—who write about Uber.

The Rideshare Guy: $15–$20 per hour

The Rideshare Guy has a comprehensive article going over Uber driver pay. Ultimately, they say drivers can expect to earn around $15 to $20 per hour.

Interestingly, they mention some Uber data that says Uber driver pay is around $19 per hour or about $28–$32 per hour in Los Angeles.

That must be older data from Uber because it seems like Uber no longer publishes any specific earnings data.

The information from The Rideshare Guy is much more helpful than the big job sites because they go into a lot of detail about the entire payment system with Uber.

You’ll learn how drivers are paid, how surge pricing works, pay per mile, pay per ride, tips, sign-up bonuses, driver expenses, and how to earn more.

GoBankingRates.com: $8 to $12 per hour

GoBankingRates.com has a top-ranking article about Uber driver pay.

In the article, the author provides a few data points. The first is a pay range of $8 to $12 per hour that cites unlinked studies.

The second piece of data is an earnings table that lists income ranges in a few US cities.

In that table, the median yearly income is around $33k–$43k. That means that half of the drivers earn more, and half earn less.

But much of the data is quite a bit higher than the other stated figure of $8 to $12 per hour.

If you drive 50 hours per week and 50 weeks per year at $10 per hour, your yearly income would only be around $25,000.

The article doesn’t cite their data, but there is other helpful information about how pay works for drivers and other important issues like gross vs. net income.

per trip holiday pay uber

GoBankingRates shows more data variety but didn’t link to their source

Driver income from crowdsourced data and government research

Many of the other sources in this article use secondary data or user-submitted data. The sources below use primary data that comes directly from real drivers.

Gridwise: $12 to $25 per hour

Gridwise is an app for gig economy drivers that uses real earnings information to help drivers earn more.

Users can share their app data with Gridwise, giving Gridwise a direct source of information about driver income.

According to Gridwise , Uber drivers earn anywhere from $12 to $24 per hour. Gridwise data proves that earnings vary substantially from city to city.

Gridwise also has detailed data about earnings per mile and trip, which are much more relevant to Uber drivers than yearly salary figures.

per trip holiday pay uber

Gridwise integrates with individual driver accounts to pull in earnings data

The Bureau of Labor Statistics: $16.67 per hour, $34k per year

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, a federal government agency, doesn’t have a category specially for Uber or other on-demand app drivers. But there is a category that closely matches this type of work.

‘” Passenger vehicle drivers”  is a category at the BLS that may include Uber drivers, and if it doesn’t, it is a close enough match to be helpful for a study of driver income.

The BLS says that the median pay for passenger vehicle drivers is $34,670 per year or $16.67 per hour. Half of the drivers earn more than that number, and half earn less.

The BLS data is in line with other data sources and uses real info from US taxpayers, so it does appear to be a relevant comparison for Uber drivers.

per trip holiday pay uber

For government data, the Passenger Vehicle Driver category is the closest we can get to Uber driver

Calculating your true profits: Gross vs net pay

Most of the sources you’ll find that discuss Uber driver earnings are for gross pay, which means that driver expenses aren’t considered.

Uber drivers have to pay for their own expenses, so a more realistic way to talk about a driver’s earnings is net pay, which is income minus expenses.

Income – Expenses = Net Profit

Without subtracting expenses, you won’t know your true profit.

Significant expenses for Uber drivers include:

  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Vehicle depreciation

After subtracting expenses, your net profit will look much lower than your gross income.

In terms of vehicle expenses, according to data from AAA  a smaller vehicle costs around 40 cents per mile to operate. So if you drive 25,000 miles per year for DoorDash, that’s $10,000 in vehicle expenses.

But wait! There’s a massive tax deduction that changes the equation and accounts for much of your vehicle expenses.

How the standard mileage deduction increases your profits

Uber drivers can claim the standard mileage deduction on their taxes. It’s designed to compensate self-employed drivers for vehicle expenses.

For 2022, the deduction is 65.5 cents per mile.

If you drive 25,000 miles in a year for Uber, your standard mileage deduction is $16,375. That means that your taxable income is reduced by that amount.

Your vehicle most likely does not cost 65.5 cents per mile to operate, so this large deduction will help offset your vehicle expenses by substantially lowering your taxable income.

Carefully track your miles, either with an app or a logbook.

Before tax time, Uber will provide some mileage tracking data, but you will want to use your own numbers because Uber may not include all deductible miles.

  • The Best Free (and Paid) Mileage Tracking Apps
  • Tax Mistakes to Avoid for Gig Workers

FAQs about Uber driver pay

How do uber drivers get paid what’s the earnings formula.

There are currently two earnings formulas for Uber drivers.

The newer formula, called upfront pricing, is now in most markets in the US.

With the upfront model, drivers see how much they will earn for a ride before accepting the request. The ride request shows how far the pickup is, and the drop-off distance & location.

With the upfront model, Uber uses a private algorithm to determine pay. Drivers aren’t paid according to a rate card formula.

In other words, with upfront pricing, you won’t know why you’re being paid a certain amount, but you’ll have plenty of information to see whether a ride is worth it or not.

The other earnings formula is a model that calculates pay based on a set rate card.

In this model, the rate card for each city determines how much you are paid per mile and minute. Then, after a ride, you’ll see exactly how much you earned based on the rate card.

  • How Upfront Fares Work for Uber Drivers

How and when are drivers paid?

Uber pays drivers once per week via direct deposit.

Drivers can also choose to withdraw their earnings at any time with Instant Pay, but there is a fee of 85 cents per withdrawal.

If you sign up for the Uber Pro Card , you can get Instant Pay withdrawals for free, along with other benefits like cash back on gas.

  • How to get instant pay on Uber, Lyft, and delivery apps

Does Uber cover gas or any other vehicle expenses?

No, Uber does not directly compensate drivers for expenses. Drivers must pay for their own gas, auto insurance, maintenance, and other expenses.

  • The Best Gas Rewards Program from Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, and Amazon Flex

What are Quest, Boost, and Surge?

Quest, Boost, and Surge are earnings bonuses that allow drivers to earn more than the standard rate.

With Quest, you earn a bonus for completing a set number of rides.

Boost is an earnings multiplier added to rides that begin and end within a designated area on the map.

Surge is another earnings multiplier that is added during periods of high demand.

  • How to Get More Quest and Boost Promotions

What are the best days and times to drive for Uber?

Morning commute, evening commute, and nightlife hours are the best times to drive in many cities. Other top times are weekend nights and Sundays.

You can use an app like  Gridwise to see the best days and times to drive in your city based on real driver data.

  • The Best Day and Times to Drive for Rideshare and Delivery Apps

How many rides can you do in a day?

Most drivers will be able to do around 2–3 rides per hour. For an 8-hour day, that adds up to 15–24 rides. If you do lots of short trips, the number can climb to 30 or rides in a day.

The most rides we’ve seen in one day is 61! That is an extreme outlier.

  • Most rides in a day on Uber? This driver did 61

Summing it up: Is it worth it to drive for Uber?

When someone is thinking about driving for Uber, they might have two questions: How much can you expect to make, and is it worth it?

It’s hard to find specific, reliable data about Uber driver earnings in any one particular place.

So many variables go into figuring out earnings, and just as many go into figuring out expenses and true profitability.

But in the end, most US Uber drivers earn around $15–$20 per hour. You may make much more on a great week or much less on a bad one.

You could earn $1,000 per week in busy Spring and Summer months, only to see your weekly earnings decline to $500 during slow winter days.

Does that sound worth it to you? Only you can answer that!

More reading about driving for Uber

  • Uber Driver Requirements: Do You Qualify?
  • Vehicle Requirements: You Can Drive with These Cars
  • How to Rent a Car for Uber

About Doug H

Gig economy driver, writer, and expert since 2013. I created Ridesharing Driver to help drivers navigate all of the challenges we face in the on-demand world! Read more about my story!

August 18, 2022 at 11:22 am

The standard mileage deduction is not overly generous as you state in the article. If you look at the Edmunds dot com True Cost to Own calculator you will see that a very economical car like a Prius will cost on average about 50 cents per mile to operate. A car like mine costs on average 60 cents per mile to operate over a 5 year period. The new IRS mileage deduction is 62.5 cents per mile.

I just did some calculations this morning. I drove 94 miles with Lyft. I gave rides to 9 passengers in about 4 hours. I was paid about $62. My mileage deduction comes out to about $59 so I basically made $3 for 4 hours of driving.

It’s just not worth it where I live. It might be worth it if you live in a big city where you don’t have to drive several miles to get to your next passenger like I usually do.

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Potential Surge Pricing!

{{ r.service.company.name }} varies their pricing based on demand. The estimate here is a baseline estimate. To see how demand-based pricing would change the estimates you see here, use the Surge Pricing tool. Surge Pricing tool on the left.

The actual multiplier used when you take your trip may vary depending on time of day, the number of drivers on the road, and the number of users looking for rides.

Uber's "upfront pricing," which is their guaranteed rate, can contain a surge multiplier without warning. If RideGuru's estimate is noticeably different from Uber's proposed price, you may be looking at this secret surge pricing. Beware!

{{ r.service.company.name }} varies their pricing based on demand. The estimate here assumes a multiplier of {{ r.getMultiplier() }}x , which is the current surge multiplier at the time of this estimate, but the actual multiplier used when you take your trip may vary depending on time of day, the number of drivers on the road, and the number of users looking for rides.

To change the surge calculation, use the Surge Pricing tool.

{{ r.service.name }}

{{ r.entity.service_area }}, {{ r.totalfaretext() }}.

1 && r.supportsSurge()">{{ r.surgeDescription() }}

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per trip holiday pay uber

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Posted by AsStibelDude on January 13, 2019

Doesn't this eliminate like 90% of the Uber application.  How the heck am I supposed to get home now?

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Uber has filed a patent for an artificial intelligence system which could be used to tell if passengers are drunk and potentially refuse them service. Its computer scientists have invented an …

Getting around in Gainesville

Posted by Lmede78 on September 10, 2024

My nephew from Japan will be visiting UF Gainesville in October. He‘s staying at an extended stay hotel about 4.5 miles away from the campus, which he will have to visit daily. What is the average/best fare?

Do I need car seats for small children?

Posted by Anonymous on March 27, 2017

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How much does a ride with Uber cost?

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How prices are estimated

In most cities, your cost is calculated up front, before you confirm your ride. In others, you will see an estimated price range (see applicable price terms in your city). Here are some fees and factors that can affect your price:

The base rate is determined by the time and distance of a trip.

Operating fee

In your city, a flat fee might be added to each trip. It helps support operational, regulatory, and safety costs.

Busy times and areas

When there are more riders than available drivers, prices may temporarily increase until the marketplace is rebalanced.

Ways to ride in the area

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After you arrive at your destination and exit the vehicle, your final cost will be automatically calculated and charged to the payment method you’ve set.

Yes, you can request a ride to and from most major airports around the world. Go to our airports page to see the locations where Uber is available.

In most cities, Uber is designed to be a cashless experience. In cities where cash payments are available, this option must be selected before you request your ride.

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Uber will start showing drivers how much they’ll be paid for accepting a trip

They’ll also get to see ride requests in their area.

By Mitchell Clark

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It says it’s trying to make things more flexible for drivers.

Uber says that it’s “completely reimagined the way drivers accept rides” with a feature called “upfront fares,” which shows drivers exactly how much they’ll be paid for a trip and where they’ll end up after dropping a rider off. In its announcement on Friday , the company says the change is part of its push to make driving for the rideshare service more flexible. Uber’s also planning on rolling out a feature that lets drivers see other ride requests in their area, letting them pick specific trips they’d like to do.

For riders, the changes, which have been tested in select locations, could mean fewer canceled trips because a driver doesn’t actually want to go to the destination, or realizes that it won’t be a very profitable trip.

According to an upfront fee support document , the amount shown to drivers before they accept a trip is based on “several factors, including base fares, estimated trip length and duration, pickup distance, and surge pricing.” The document notes that if the rider changes the drop-off address or there’s “unexpected traffic” along the route, the fare will be adjusted. The number also doesn’t include things like tips or wait times.

Upfront fares makes it clear how much drivers will actually earn for taking a trip.

The document does warn that the switch to upfront fares, set to roll out “to most of the US over the coming months,” could mean that some types of trips earn drivers less. As examples, it lists “long and relatively quick (traffic-free) trips” and “trips to high-demand areas.” However, it also says that the new system will mean drivers earn more on short trips, trips with lots of traffic, trips where they end up in an area with fewer riders, or trips where they have to travel a long way before getting to the rider.

Uber didn’t immediately respond to The Verge ’s request for comment on what areas of the US wouldn’t be getting upfront fares.

Trip radar also shows fares.

Alongside upfront fares, Uber says it’ll be more widely rolling out a feature called trip radar, which gives drivers a list of nearby ride requests. Drivers will be able to pick the trips they want from the list, and if Uber decides it’s a good match, it’ll give them the job. (An article from Uber says that it’ll choose which drivers get their picks based on average wait times for drivers and riders.) Uber also says that drivers will still get individual ride requests, but that they’ll be able to use trip radar to find “another trip that might work better for them.”

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Uber Estimator – Calculate Your Ride Fare

This tool will accurately estimate your Uber fare based on your input details.

Uber Fare Estimator

Use the fare estimator to calculate an estimated cost for your Uber ride. Enter the pick-up and drop-off addresses, the distance between the two locations, and the estimated time of the ride. The calculator will use the parameters you entered, including base fare, cost per mile, cost per minute, and booking fee, to compute the estimated fare.

  • Fill in the pick-up and drop-off addresses (optional, for your reference)
  • Enter the distance between the locations in miles
  • Enter the estimated time of the ride in minutes
  • Optionally adjust the default values for the base fare, cost per mile, cost per minute, and booking fee
  • Click “Calculate” to estimate the fare

Explanation of Calculation

The calculation uses the formula:

Estimated Fare = Base Fare + (Cost per Mile * Distance) + (Cost per Minute * Time) + Booking Fee


Please note that the Uber Fare Estimator provides an approximate value. Actual fares may vary due to factors such as traffic, road conditions, and availability of drivers. Always refer to the Uber app for the most accurate fare estimates.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate fare estimate, choose vehicle type.

Select the type of vehicle you prefer for your Uber ride, whether it’s a standard sedan, an SUV, or an XL car. Each vehicle type comes with its own pricing structure, so you can make an informed decision based on your budget and needs.

View Surge Pricing

Check if there’s surge pricing in effect for your route and adjust your travel plans accordingly. Surge pricing can significantly impact your fare, so it’s essential to be aware of any additional costs before booking your ride.

Compare Pricing Options

Compare the estimated fares for different vehicle types to see which option works best for you. You can view the pricing breakdown for each vehicle type and choose the one that offers the best value for your journey.

Factor in Wait Time

Consider the estimated wait time for your Uber ride when planning your trip. If you’re in a hurry, you may opt for a quicker vehicle type to reduce waiting time, even if it comes at a slightly higher cost.

Estimate Arrival Time

Get an estimate of how long it will take for your Uber to arrive at your pickup location. This feature helps you plan your schedule more effectively and ensures that you’re ready to go when your ride arrives.

Include Tolls and Fees

Account for any tolls or additional fees that may apply to your route when calculating the fare estimate. By factoring in all potential costs, you can avoid surprises and budget your ride effectively.

Split Fare with Friends

Easily split the estimated fare with friends or fellow passengers using the fare splitting feature. This ensures that everyone pays their fair share, making it convenient to travel together without worrying about individual payments.

Track Your Ride

Track your Uber ride in real-time once you’ve booked it to monitor the route, estimated arrival time, and any unexpected delays. This feature provides peace of mind and allows you to stay informed throughout your journey.

Provide Feedback

Rate your Uber ride and provide feedback on the service to help improve the overall experience for both drivers and passengers. Your feedback is valuable in maintaining quality standards and making your future rides more enjoyable.

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How Much Does Uber Cost?

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Whether getting a ride to the airport, heading to a restaurant or looking for a lift to work, many people turn to Uber for their transportation needs. Nearly 28 million Uber trips took place per day in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to Uber’s quarterly earnings press release.

With Uber ride-sharing available in more than 10,000 cities, it’s no wonder so many people choose the platform. But how much does Uber cost, and where does it fit in your budget?

How does Uber work?

The Uber app allows users to input a pick-up location and end destination, providing a cost estimate and route before they commit to the ride.

The app matches users with an Uber driver , and they are notified when the driver is getting close to the pick-up location. After receiving a ride, the rider and driver can leave reviews for each other in the app.

How much does an Uber cost?

Uber uses several factors to determine the price for rides, including:

Trip time and distance of the drive.

Time of day and route. 

Shared rides.

Supply and demand.

If you’re traveling a popular route in a high-traffic zone, you can expect to see surge pricing. This occurs when there are more riders than drivers in an area. The app temporarily increases prices to draw more drivers to an in-demand location.

How much does a 20-minute Uber cost?

Prices range significantly depending on the metropolitan area, distance and traffic. For example, at the time of this writing, a 20-minute afternoon Uber ride in the Midwest from Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to the Amway Grand Plaza in downtown Grand Rapids will cost about $26, assuming the ride is about 14 miles.

But take a 20-minute Uber ride and move it to a congested metro area and you’ll see the price increase. For instance, Gramercy Park in New York City to Carnegie Hall will cost close to $37 in the afternoon, even though the two locations are only 2.6 miles apart.

On the West Coast, an Uber from Los Angeles International Airport to SoFi Stadium in Inglewood costs almost $30 to go travel about 6 miles.

Can your Uber fare change?

Occasionally, the estimated upfront cost differs from the final cost. This is due to circumstances like adding stops, changing your destination or passing through a toll that wasn’t included in the cost estimate. If you are delayed getting to your driver at the designated pick-up time, you may also incur extra fees.

But assuming you don’t run into any unforeseen circumstances on the road, the price shown at the start of your trip is generally the price you'll pay upon completion of the journey.

Should you tip an Uber driver?

Tipping an Uber driver is optional. If you decide to tip, you can do so at the end of your ride with cash or the app, which gives you up to 30 days post-trip to leave a review and a tip. Drivers receive 100% of the tip.

How to fit Uber into your budget

A helpful way to think about how Uber fits into your budget is the 50/30/20 framework . In this budgeting approach, 50% of your income goes toward needs, 30% for wants and 20% for savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

Depending on the situation, Uber could fall into the 50% needs category or 30% wants category. For example, transportation in general is a need. If you don’t own a vehicle and aren't able to use public transportation systems, but you still need to get to work, then taking an Uber to your job may fall into the needs category.

This is different from, say, using Uber on vacation to tour around multiple spots, which would bump the expense into the discretionary category.

If you’re looking to build room in your budget for regular Uber rides, it may be helpful to think about other ways to save money , like reducing shopping or limiting the number of times you dine out. Freeing up money in these categories could create more funds to use for transportation.

How to save money on an Uber

If you plan to use Uber ride-sharing frequently and also enjoy getting takeout delivered to your doorstep, one option for potential savings is purchasing Uber One.

Uber One is a subscription service that costs $9.99 per month or $96 per year. The pass gets you member pricing and access to top-rated drivers on eligible Uber rides, as well as deals on Uber Eats , Uber’s restaurant delivery service. The subscription can be canceled at any time with no penalties or fees.

Another way to cut costs for ride-sharing is taking advantage of UberX Share, which matches you with another rider along the same route. By sharing your ride, you can save up to 20%. You may be joined by up to two other riders and Uber says sharing won’t add more than eight minutes to your trip.

If you’re waiting for a lift in a high-demand location and you’re not in a rush, you have the option to hold off until surge pricing ends to avoid peak costs.

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Uber Drivers' Pay Per Ride Fluctuates — Pay Structure, Explained

Many people are looking for a side hustle and driving for Uber might seem like a good idea but how much do Uber drivers make per ride?

Anuradha Garg - Author

April 5 2022, Published 12:59 p.m. ET

Uber changed the face of modern transportation and became the largest taxi company without owning any vehicles. At one point, Uber was one of the highest-valued private startup companies in the world. It also gave rise to a class of drivers that are able to ply their own trade. The business model was adopted by many other companies including Airbnb and DoorDash . How much do Uber drivers make per ride?

Along with this disruptive idea, Uber has faced criticism over the years. The company has faced allegations of hostile corporate culture , backlash amid surging prices , and issues with fair pay and driver benefits.

Uber has faced controversies related to driver pay.

One of the major controversies surrounding the company and other similar companies including Lyft was the classification of drivers as independent contractors rather than employees. In 2019, Assembly Bill 5 was passed by the California Senate. The law will make it difficult for ridesharing companies to classify their drivers as “independent contractors.”

Uber has a flexible and dynamic pay structure.

However, at the same time, Uber helped thousands of people make money driving taxis and not only as a full-time job but also as a side gig. The company provided a lot of flexibility to workers who can set their own working hours. But how much money do Uber drivers make per ride?

According to Uber’s website, “The money you make driving with the Uber app depends on when, where, and how often you drive.” Therefore, Uber’s pay structure is dynamic and flexible. Moreover, pay may vary on a day-to-day basis. The company provides “earnings estimates” that help drivers identify their estimated profits.

Uber-How are earnings calculated?

The first and the basic type of earnings is the standard fare that a pick-up pays. A driver earns more based on how far and for how long they drive. Per-minute and per-mile rates vary by city. Uber also uses surge pricing when demand is high. Uber drivers can use a local map to find surge prices and time their availability accordingly. This can increase their earnings.

If a rider cancels the ride while the driver was en route, drivers are protected since they receive a cancelation fee. There are additional payments like customer tips and other incentives that Uber drivers can earn too.

Uber has payments for rides as well as delivery.

While Uber drivers get paid for providing rides, drivers can opt to deliver orders through Uber Eats. If Uber drivers opt to deliver food, they can boost their earnings. Uber Eats pays drivers a delivery fare based on pick-up, drop-off, and distance. It also uses surge pricing for food delivery known as “Boost,” which will increase pay at certain times of the day.

How much does an Uber driver earn?

Apart from the gross earnings, an Uber driver’s net earnings will depend on other factors such as car maintenance, gas expenses, tolls, insurance, and so on. The question still remains, how much does an Uber driver earn? Well, it's difficult to average out one number since there are so many moving variables. According to , most Uber drivers earn about $8 to $12 per hour.

The Rideshare Guy explains that without having any promotions or bonuses added in, and without considering expenses, each ride averages around $5.08.

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Uber has launched seaplane flights over an iconic Scottish loch – and they are completely free

As the tech giant branches out with a new experience in a beautiful stretch of the highlands, benjamin parker takes to the sky – and wonders if there’s anything they can’t uber, article bookmarked.

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Loch in: the seaplane cruising over the water

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R ocked back and forth by gentle winds – and the occasional stronger gust – there was little else to do in this 10-seater plane than peer down at Scotland beneath me, Highlands , lochs and coast drifting by.

Like an unfinished painting, the scenery is patchy and blurred in spots, but the hint of detail pulls you in: the white of a lighthouse, the depth of a gorge, contrast of ruined buildings being swamped by nature. The sun flickered off the sea, as though the waves were wrapped in cellophane, and there was no hint of restlessness in the water. The scale of the region is humbling, especially from that vantage point.

My mind is preoccupied with a thought: “Is there anything they can’t Uber ?”

I was soaring over the western border of Scotland for a first taste of the new experience being offered by the ubiquitous US tech firm. For three days later this month, Uber Seaplane will take to the skies from a jetty on the bank of Loch Lomond, following a route that almost mirrors the majestic West Highland Way – and incredibly, it’s free.

The weather can be hit or miss, but Loch Lomond is a beauty at all times

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Pilot John DiMarco – who previously flew seaplanes around the Maldives archipelago – brought the aircraft to life once our seatbelts were fastened. Every seat is a window seat on the Cessna 208 Caravan; you’re low enough to almost feel the splash of loch water during take-off, smoother than one might expect – a gasp of stillness when you’re finally in flight. A short climb and the horizon filled with scarped hillsides, covered with greens and browns. The crisscross of roads and scattering of houses peeled away.

With each tilt of the wings, Scotland ’s raw beauty was on show. Clouds clung to the peak of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the British Isles, as we stream past. The route takes in miles of the Glencoe Valley and the Trossachs, where from up high, oak, pine, and birch trees soften otherwise craggy terrain. You’ll spot the sweep of the Glenfinnan Viaduct, recognisable from scenes in the Harry Potter films when the Hogwarts Express steams across.

And what’s that in my ear as we gazed down? The velvety brogue of Alan Cumming, Scottish actor and host of The Traitors US , who provides an audio guide for the tour. In his wonderful timbre, he talks through the highlights of the flight while bringing some life to the Highlands below with tales of his upbringing and affection for the area.

Only a small number of people will be able to experience Uber Seaplane

Read more: The best Scotland islands

We went beyond the expected route, which would normally last 30 minutes, glancing over the Inner Hebrides – appearing as the smallest spits of land from high in the cabin – before swooping around and returning to Loch Lomond, barely a shudder as the floats met water.

It’s quite a departure from pulling up the Uber app to catch a taxi home from the pub after a few too many, or using it to order something deep-fried and delicious to your doorstep (which, I find, can often follow that evening in the pub).

But the company has come a long way since it was simply a ride-hailing or food delivery app. You can book trains through Uber, as well as flights. Bikes and scooters can be hired across cities. It’s taken to the water in London with Uber Boat by Thames Clippers, and launched yachts in European holiday hotspots such as Ibiza and the Greek islands ; in Venice , the company jostles with gondoliers with their “Limo Boat”, for on-demand journeys around the Lagoon.

Oh, and did I mention, hot air balloons in Turkey ’s otherworldly Cappadocia region, Uber Sleigh – which saw reindeers lead guests through the wintry landscapes of Finnish Lapland  – or, during the weekend of King Charles’s coronation, horse and carriage rides (in a replica royal carriage) around Dulwich Park in south London?

High flier: pilot John beside the plane as it waits on Loch Lomond

Read more: How to spend your summer in Scotland

So why the skies above this pocket of Caledonia to add to Uber’s already quirky roster? For Andrew Brem, general manager at Uber UK , it’s simple.

“The Scottish Highlands are one of the most beautiful sights in the world,” he says, adding that it’s a “special place”.

It also happens that there’s been a jump in Uber trips in Scotland – 30 per cent year on year – while train journeys booked with the app were up 448 per cent in July compared to the same month in 2023. Uber says the “roaring success” of the show The Traitors , and events such as the Highland Games and Edinburgh Fringe, are behind this rise – and shows the push to diversify the firm’s offering.

For this strictly limited opportunity – especially when potentially prohibitive costs are removed – it’s a promise of surveying the beautiful, wild Highlands from a remarkable angle that is reason to book.

“What makes it special and unlike the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon, is that the Scottish landscape not only has magnificent colours but changes every half mile,” says David West. He’s the chief pilot and owner of Loch Lomond Seaplanes, which has partnered with Uber, and has been flying for over 40 years.

“Every few moments, the view out the window changes from a castle to a beautiful loch, to an imposing mountain and is continuously changing.

From Loch Lomond the flight route takes in some serious Highland landmarks

Read more: Visit the Scottish town that is at its best in winter – before the golfers return and take over

This is more rough-and-ready adventure than the other Uber experiences – or, to use the Uber taxi terminology, it’s not like you’re booking an Uber Lux. It’s bumpy, loud, and, at times, you’ll feel the change of altitude in your stomach. I’m told that sitting at the back is not the best for those sensitive to the whims of the aircraft; I’m inclined to believe the person who told me, as she promptly threw up once we returned to shore.

If you do want to bolster the flight with something more luxe, the obvious option is a stay at Cameron House ; you’ll board on the loch just metres from the front door of the main building, or “Auld House”. Inside the baronial manor, grand hallways – polished mahogany, high ceilings strewn with chandeliers, plush soft furnishings all around – give way to warren-like corridors.

Otherwise Glasgow – my favourite Scottish city, with its vibrant, unapologetic energy – is only 30 minutes away by car, meaning you can easily pair rural with urban; the Caledonian Sleeper takes under eight hours to reach Glasgow from London (a delightful overnight journey that, as I have been reminded several times, one can book using the Uber app).

During the evening, I asked Andrew Brem what might be next for Uber – whether he believes that if one can travel on it, one would (or should) be able to Uber it. He paused, then said with a smile: “Absolutely.”

I’m not even sure he was joking; I’m sure Uber Camel was mentioned over dinner, though that may have been the effects of the single malt I’d been supping. For a brief spell this month, though, it’s all about watching the Highlands unfold from the sky.

How to do it

The Uber Seaplane experience is available 21–23 September 2024; the experience is free, though passengers must pay a £50 deposit that is refunded after the flight. Includes pick up and drop off in Glasgow and within 30 miles of Loch Lomond Seaplanes; over 18s only.

For more information, visit uberseaplanescotland.co.uk

Read more: The best walking holidays in Scotland

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It's not just you, Uber and Lyft rides are more expensive: How to keep costs down

Portrait of Bailey Schulz

  • As travel picks back up, riders across the country have noticed higher costs from ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft.
  • RideGuru's CEO said travelers can also expect longer wait times and "possibly many cancellations" over the holiday season.
  • Analyst Mark Mahaney said rising fares mean drivers are able to make "materially more" than they did before the pandemic.

As a woman in New York City, Shweta Garg used to prefer using Uber or Lyft to get around town.

"I felt safer, especially at night or going to the airport with my stuff," she told USA TODAY. "I was always the Uber Pool person."

But now, Garg said rides are far too expensive for ride-hailing services to be an option. During a July trip from her home in the financial district to John F. Kennedy International Airport (about 20 miles), Garg was stunned to find Lyft asking for more than $250 for the 45-minute trip that used to cost her less than $70. Uber wasn't much better, pricing out the trip at over $100.

She opted to take the AirTrain tram to the airport (which cost her less than $15) and a taxi ride back home when she returned (which cost about $90 including tip). Garg said Uber and Lyft fares have gotten bad enough that she can't remember the last time she used their apps.

"It's a joke between (my friends) now. If someone's like, 'I'm going to come in an Uber or Lyft,' it's like, 'OK, you're Bougie,' " she said. "It's really frustrating because it's something I felt safer doing, but it's also something I can't afford, and I'm sure a lot of other women can't afford. It's really just a shame." 

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Garg isn't alone. As travel picks back up , riders across the country have noticed higher costs from ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft. While company heads say they expect prices to drop as the pandemic ebbs, industry experts say costs will remain elevated throughout the holiday travel season .

Fares could 'get worse' over the holidays

Mark Mahaney, an analyst with investment banking advisory firm Evercore ISI, said there's "no question" ride-hailing prices have spiked over the past year, with costs double pre-pandemic rates in some areas.

"Riders should be prepared for elevated pricing," he told USA TODAY. 

Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said earlier this month that average U.S. Uber prices were up 20% year-over-year, with the price hike largely driven by a shortage of drivers.

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"This has been, to some extent, a giant pricing experiment that no one wanted to get into," Khosrowshahi told investors during a Nov. 4 earnings call. 

Ippei Takahashi, CEO of travel search engine RideGuru, said ride hailing is a "driver's market" these days, with travel demand outpacing the supply of available drivers. Along with higher fares, he said travelers can expect longer wait times and "possibly many cancellations" over the holiday season. 

"It might even get worse over the holiday season as the travel demand explodes," Takahashi said. At busy locations like airports, "it's not uncommon to see 2x, 3x or 4x prices. ... We're talking about a ride that usually costs $50 costing $200. So those definitely hit consumers' pockets directly."  

When will Uber and Lyft prices drop?

Khosrowshahi of Uber believes "pricing will ease a bit" now that more drivers are signing on to work. He said the number of active drivers at Uber is up more than 65% since January, allowing both wait times and surge pricing incidents to drop. 

Lyft CEO Logan Green said earlier this month that the company has also seen a "material improvement" in driver supply, with the number of active drivers in the third quarter up 45% compared to the same period the year prior. 

But the ratio between travelers and drivers is still too wide, according to Takahashi of RideGuru. He said many gig workers he's spoken with switched to food delivery apps like Uber Eats and DoorDash during lockdowns when travel was low and have yet to return.  

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With Uber and Lyft, "you're locked up in a small vehicle literally all day with multiple people. So their level of contact is much, much higher, and these are people who may or may not be vaccinated," Takahashi said. "They consider (food delivery) to be safer, more reliable."

Not all have steered clear of ride-hailing gigs. Mahaney said rising fares mean drivers are able to make "materially more" than they did before the pandemic, which is helping boost the number of drivers and lower rates. 

But riders shouldn't hold out hope that they'll see pre-pandemic rates return any time soon. Lyft Chief Financial officer Brian Roberts said he expects Lyft prices will drop as "we fully emerge (from) the pandemic."

"I think the marketplace will rebalance itself," Mahaney told USA TODAY. "(But) that level of elevation will continue to moderate as we go over the next three to six months."  

Tips for keeping costs down

Uber and Lyft prices and wait times can vary, especially during busy travel periods. Here are some tips ahead of the holiday travel season that can help riders get to destinations quickly and without breaking the bank:

► Share a ride:  Uber relaunched a revamped Uber Pool – now called UberX Share – earlier this month. The ride-sharing feature, which was suspended during the pandemic, lets riders save 5% on their fare and get Uber Cash if they're paired with a co-rider. The updated riding option asks riders to take a selfie to verify that they're wearing a mask when requesting a shared ride and limits two co-riders per trip. Lyft's lowest-priced option, shared rides, is back in a single market, Philadelphia, and "coming soon" to Chicago and Denver, according to a company spokesperson.   ► Wait and save:  Uber says riders who aren't in a rush can save money by waiting a few minutes to request a ride to see if prices go down. Lyft riders also have the option to use the "wait & save" feature , which lets riders opt for a longer wait time with a lower fare. ► Compare options: Takahashi said now more than ever, travelers should do their research and compare options before booking a ride. That means not only comparing Uber and Lyft, he said, but factoring in public transportation or taxi prices, which can be cheaper at times in certain markets since their prices are regulated and don't surge. "Taxi is definitely making a comeback," Takahashi said.   ► Book in advance: Uber riders can book their ride in advance through Uber Reserve. Reservations made at least two hours in advance are backed by an on-time pickup guarantee; if a ride is more than five minutes past the scheduled pick up time, riders will get up to $50 in Uber Cash. The feature is also available at airports and lets users have a ride ready upon arrival, even if their flight is early or delayed.  Lyft riders in select regions can also schedule their rides up to seven days in advance. The company does not guarantee a driver will be available in the area at the requested pickup time.    Takahashi said scheduling a ride in advance is "very smart," but warned that it doesn't let riders to avoid surge pricing during busy travel times.  ► Split the fare: Uber riders can automatically split the fare equally with a friend who is sharing the ride. Lyft also lets riders split costs through Venmo.  ► Use priority pickup: Lyft riders worried about running late can pay extra for priority pickup in select areas. Uber also lets platinum and diamond members access faster pickups at select locations based on driver availability. 

Follow USA TODAY reporter Bailey Schulz on Twitter: @bailey_schulz . 


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  15. Get a price estimate for your trip

    Get a price estimate for your trip Visit the page below to get a price estimate for a trip anywhere Uber is available:

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  17. Uber Estimator

    Uber Fare Estimator Use the fare estimator to calculate an estimated cost for your Uber ride. Enter the pick-up and drop-off addresses, the distance between the two locations, and the estimated time of the ride. The calculator will use the parameters you entered, including base fare, cost per mile, cost per minute, and booking fee, to compute the estimated fare.

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    How much does an Uber cost? Uber uses several factors to determine the price for rides, including: Trip time and distance of the drive. Time of day and route. Shared rides. Supply and demand.

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    It also happens that there's been a jump in Uber trips in Scotland - 30 per cent year on year - while train journeys booked with the app were up 448 per cent in July compared to the same ...

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