
  • TOP UP a mobile phone
  • DISCOVER International Credit Transfer

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Orange Holiday

The european prepaid sim card, two all-inclusive offers on europe’s best 4g networks.

  • 20GB in 4G usable with any unlocked device (data tethering allowed) 120mn + 1000 texts from Europe to worldwide valid 14 days
  • 3GB in 4G usable with any unlocked device (data tethering allowed) 30mn + 200 texts from Europe to worldwide valid 14 days

Ready to Go and easy to use

Once you get in Europe, just insert the SIM card in your device and the SIM will automatically catch the best local network.

Don’t forget to make sure your device is unlocked and roaming data activated.

Customer registration mandatory here for customers who wish to keep using the SIM for more than 30 days. Line stays active indefinitely provided a top-up is made every 6 months

Offering Easy Top-Up

Any question.

Top up online on our website with any international credit cards

Six recharges available:

  • 20MB, 2 hours calls, unlimited SMS valid for 1 week in Europe for 5,5€
  • 1GB valid 2 weeks in Europe for 11€
  • 5GB, 1 hour call and 500 SMS valid for 14 days in Europe for 21,7€
  • 10GB valid for 1 month in Europe for 27,1€
  • 10GB, unlimited calls and texts valid for 1 month in Europe for 32,5€
  • 20GB, 1 hour calls and 1000 SMS valid for 1 month in Europe for 43,4€

Usable in 48 destinations 30 countries in Europe:

Andorra, Azores, Aland islands, Austria, Balearic islands, Belgium, Canary islands, Cyprus, Corfu, Crete, the Cyclades, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faeroe islands, Finland, France mainland, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg. Madeira, Malta. Isle of Man, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Rhodes, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, San Marino, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Vatican

orange travel world

Orange, the Orange logo and any other Orange name or logo used on this site Orange whose URL is https://topup.orange.com are trademarks of Orange Brand Services Limited, a Group company.

Service: The Service is the Orange Top-Up / Transfert Pays service which allows the transfer of telephone communications credits for the reloading of prepaid mobile accounts of Beneficiaries, customers of Mobile Partner Operators. The Service is offered to the Client through a Website accessible online at the URL: top-up.orange.com / transfertpays.orange.com .


Customer: The Customer is the person who orders and pays the Service in order to carry out the reloading of the Credit on behalf of the Beneficiary.

Beneficiary: The Beneficiary is the person for whom the loading is carried out by the Client via the Service. The Beneficiary holds a prepaid mobile account with one of the Mobile Operators partners of the Service. The Beneficiary is individually identified by its international telephone number (+ country code + telephone number).

Mobile Operator Service Partner: A mobile operator partner of the Service is one of the operators of mobile communications with which Orange Link SAS has the technical means and contractual agreements adapted to the realization of the reloading of prepaid mobile accounts in the conditions of the GTC. The current list of partner mobile operators is available on the Site.

Credit: The Credit is a telephone communication credit which, in connection with the supply of the Service, is transferred in the form of a reloading of the Prepaid mobile account of the Beneficiary. A credit is defined as an amount denominated in a mobile communications credit unit: for most Mobile Operators, the credit unit is the local currency of the country in which the Operator operates. This amount, hereinafter referred to as the “Face Value”, corresponds to the recharge that is actually credited and available on the Beneficiary’s mobile account.

Description and Terms of Service

Orange Link SAS does not provide a telecommunication service and is only a reseller of Credit of communication of the Mobile operators telecommunication partners, with a view to the reloading of prepaid mobile accounts of Beneficiaries, customers of these Operators. Orange Link SAS does not provide end-to-end service, the telephone service where reloading is performed is provided by the Mobile Telecommunications Operator. The communication credits of these mobile telecommunication operators are transferred to the Beneficiary, subscriber of the Operator, without recourse against Orange Link SAS in the event of failure of the Mobile Telecommunication Operator. The quality of service disputes, the number of minutes or any other telecommunications service provided by the Operator, the cost, the period of validity of the credit or any other condition of the transferred mobile telecommunication credit shall be dealt with directly The Mobile Operator partner.

Conditions of reloading, ordering and payment

4.1. Conditions of reloading The Site allows only to reload the prepaid accounts of the customers of the Mobile Operators recipients accepting it and having been the subject of an agreement with Orange Link SAS. Operators accepting this reload can change without notice, their list being published on the Site. The list of territories and the list of mobile operators can be modified.

The recharge does not have a monetary value. It is neither exchangeable nor refundable. The number of minutes is variable depending on the conditions and tariff offers of each Recipient Operator. The amount of reloading indicated can also change without notice as modified by the Recipient Operators. Similarly, the recipient Operator may apply any type of charges, such as taxes, taxes or other, without prior notice, thereby reducing the credit associated with the recharge amount in accordance with these changes at any time. Orange Link SAS is not responsible for these conditions and modifications made by the recipient Operator. The value of the Recharge may be modified in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Mobile Partner. Orange Link SAS is in no way responsible for the general conditions of these Mobile Operators or any change of these. Once the credit has been loaded into the Beneficiary’s prepaid mobile account, the use of the available telephone communications credit is then normally governed by the pre-existing contractual conditions between the Beneficiary and the mobile partner operator of which he is a customer. In particular, the validity period of the reload is defined by the mobile partner operator.

4.2. Order Process as an Intermediary, Orange Link SAS supports order taking by the Customer of credit reloads. To this end, Orange Link SAS offers the Customer, on the Site, an interface of order of the recharges of Credit. This interface has the following functional characteristics: – The Customer chooses a country from the list of proposed countries in which the Operators operate; – The Customer is then asked to fill in the telephone number of the Beneficiary, corresponding to the prepaid mobile account to be recharged: this number must be entered in the international format (+ country code + call number); – Then the Customer chooses a Credit amount from the list proposed by Orange Link for the Operator concerned. The TTC price of the Service is displayed to the Customer. The Client must then inform the information about his means of payment necessary for the smooth running of the online payment as described in Article

4.3. Below. The customer is finally invited to confirm his order by clicking on the button “confirm the purchase of the refill”. Through this action, the Customer gives irrevocable mandate to Orange Link SAS to credit the prepaid mobile account of the Beneficiary for its order and on its behalf. In accordance with Article L. 132-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the commitment to pay by card is irrevocable. By communicating his banking information at the time of the sale, the Customer authorizes the Seller to debit his card of the amount relating to the indicated price. The Customer confirms that he is the legal holder of the card to be debited and that he is legally entitled to use it. In case of error, or inability to debit the card, the Sale is immediately canceled and the order canceled. When the customer confirms the reload, Orange Link SAS performs the process of debiting the Customer and reloading the Beneficiary’s mobile account. Once completed, the Customer can not cancel this reload process. Any mobile recharge is final without possibility of refund or exchange. The Client is fully responsible for indicating without error the mobile phone number of the recipient of the mobile recharge. Orange Link SAS is not responsible for reloading to an incorrect or incorrect destination telephone number. The Customer must ensure that the prepaid mobile number indicated to receive the mobile recharge is correct. An automatic acknowledgment of receipt of the order is also sent by SMS to the Mobile Phone Number indicated by the Customer at the time of registration.

4.3. Terms and Conditions of Payment Payment must be made by credit card or by any other means specified on the Site. Any means of payment can be modified under the responsibility of Orange Link SAS. Orange Link SAS reserves the right to reject the order of a Customer with whom it has encountered payment problems.

The prices of the services mentioned on the Site, which are inclusive of all taxes included, are those in force at the time of the consultation of the Site and the validation of the order by the Customer. The content and the price of the offers made are subject to change according to the evolution of the offer of the Operators and also according to the fluctuations of the exchange rates of the respective currencies of the countries in which the Operators have established their activity.


The customer is informed that Orange Link SAS applies the following rules for the use of the service: – Maximum daily amount: € 220 – Monthly maximum amount: € 330 – Number of successful transactions per day: 15 – Number of successful transactions per month: 30 – Restriction CB: Couple IP address / country, – BC valid on site: Visa and MasterCard, Invalid BC on the site: business card or one In addition, Orange Link SAS may suspend the use of the service by the Customer in the event of fraud or attempted fraud from the Customer to the Service, in particular during the Transfer of communication credit made by the Client.

Cancellation of a validated order

In case a credit transfer transaction fails after validation of the order, for whatever reason (mobile account ineligible, refusal of the Operator, technical incident …) , The corresponding Customer’s order is canceled. The Customer’s payment corresponding to this order is also canceled. Orange Link SAS sends an e-mail to the Customer in order to notify him of the cancellation of his order and of the corresponding payment.

Renunciation of right of withdrawal

As the Recharge is an immediate service, and in accordance with Article L.221-28-1 ° of the Consumer Code, the customer expressly agrees to waive the right of withdrawal within the time limit Of 14 days, provided that the use by the Beneficiary of the Credit has commenced before the expiration of the said period of 14 days. Acceptance of the immediate start of the provision of the Service and the express waiver of the right of withdrawal is formalized upon validation of the order. As a result, purchases of credit refills are firm and final. They can not therefore give rise to exchange, refund or the exercise of a right of withdrawal.

Orange Link SAS and the Operator (hereinafter referred to as the “Suppliers”) will make their best efforts to ensure the best availability and quality of the Service. Suppliers will endeavor to keep the Service accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. However, Suppliers reserve the right, for maintenance reasons, to temporarily suspend access to the Service without notice. Interruption shall be entitled to compensation for the benefit of the Client or the Beneficiary. Suppliers shall put in place the means necessary for the smooth running of the Service. They shall take the necessary measures to maintain continuity and quality of service. As such, the Supplier shall not be liable in the event of force majeure within the meaning of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation. In any event, the Supplier shall under no circumstances be liable to repair any indirect damage suffered by the Customer or the Beneficiary in connection with the use of the Service. Indirect damages are those which do not result exclusively and directly from the failure of the Suppliers; Indirect losses include operating losses and commercial damages. The liability of the Suppliers for any reason whatsoever may be incurred only in the case of a fault proved in the execution of the services duly ordered by the Customer. Suppliers’ liability in the event of partial or total breach of their own contractual obligations is limited to the amount of the price received by Suppliers. Finally, the Suppliers are released from all responsibility for the use of the bank card that is covered by the cardholder’s credit card contract between the Client and the Customer’s bank. The site is usually available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, Orange Link SAS reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the site for site maintenance and repair. It is recalled that Orange Link SAS does not provide mobile telecommunications services and it acts only as a reseller of Credit Refills. Therefore Orange Link SAS can not guarantee that the mobile services provided by the mobile operators will be executed without any defects or interruption and can not be held responsible for the performance quality of these mobile services.


In order to benefit from the Service, the Client must create his own account. When creating an account, Customer must provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information as requested on the registration form. The Customer certifies that the information provided is accurate, accurate and complete and agrees to update it if necessary.

Once registered, the Customer receives a user name and password and is fully responsible for any activity occurring under his account, including unauthorized use of his credit card. The Client must immediately notify any unauthorized use of his account at the following address: [email protected] The customer must be of legal age to use the refill purchase service on the Site. Orange Link SAS can not be held responsible for use by customers who have violated this rule. As a result, minors must obtain authorization from their parents (or persons with parental authority over the minor) to purchase Communication Credit for reloading purposes.

Customer Service and Claims

– For any question or information concerning these General Conditions or the Service, the customer can contact our customer service: By e-mail: [email protected] – Any complaint must be sent to Orange Link SAS no later than one month from the date of the event, under pain of forfeiture, and written in writing by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: Orange Link SAS Orange Top-Up / Transfert Pays Customer service 12, Rue Rouget de Lisle 92130 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX Requests must include the following: – the country and the mobile number of the recipient of the reload, – the date and time of the order. – the transaction reference, – the user account identifier, – the specific reason for the claim.

Right of access to files and personal data

Orange Link SAS collects personal data relating to said customer (eg telephone number, e-mail) and the Beneficiary (telephone number) when ordering the Service by a customer. This collection allows Orange Link SAS to process the order but also to be able to improve its services with respect to its customers or to transmit to them in particular information about its services. By using the services of Orange Link SAS, any customer accepts, on the one hand, the processing of his data and, on the other hand, to receive free commercial offers. For the purposes of this Contract, the Beneficiary’s mobile telephone number shall be transferred to the Beneficiary’s Mobile Operator established in a country which may, if necessary, be outside the Union European Union. Such data may also be transferred to any provider or subcontractor involved in the provision of the Service. Pursuant to Articles 38, 39 and 40 of Law no. 78-17, the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique, Files et Libertés) of 6 January 1978 (Law No. 78-17), the customer has the right to object, Access, rectification and deletion of any personal data concerning him obtained by Orange Link SAS when using the Service. To do so, please send your request to [email protected] or to the address of the customer service mentioned in article 11.

We inform the customer that during his visits to the Site, one or more “cookies” can be installed automatically on his computer. A cookie is a small file saved on the client’s hard disk. This file does not identify the client in a nominative way, but saves certain information related to its browsing (pages viewed, date and time of the consultation, IP address, etc …). The information collected is notably for statistical purposes. Such data shall not be passed on to third parties, but in the event of unlawful conduct on the site or a request from a judicial authority, such data may be communicated to the courts.

Applicable Law and Disputes

These General Conditions of Sale are subject to French law. Subject to the application of the provisions of article 48 of the New Code of Civil Procedure, in case of dispute concerning the interpretation, execution and / or validity of the present general conditions, and in case a regulation Amicably in case of dispute could not have been reached, express jurisdiction is attributed to the Courts of PARIS, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or call in guarantee, in all proceedings, contradictory or not, and even in the event of urgent procedures.

Legal information

Version of March 23, 2020. The site is published by Orange Link SAS, with a capital of 111 360 euros, RCS PARIS 501 614 788 – 12 rue Rouget de Lisle 92130 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX. Phone: +33 (0) 1 44 44 22 22. Director of the publication: Frédéric BLEHAUT Hosting : Orange Business Service SA 1 place des droits de l’Homme, 93210 SAINT-DENIS https://cloud.orange-business.com/

Travel Europe on a Budget

The Savvy Backpacker

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Orange holiday europe sim card review | i test this popular tourist-focused data plan.

A hands-on review of the popular tourist-focused data plan from Orange

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orange travel world

I recently traveled to France for two weeks so I needed fast and reliable mobile data for my phone. But I didn’t want to spend a fortune using my current provider’s International Data plan which would have cost me $120 for two weeks (for spotty service and low data limits).

After a bit of research, I came across the Orange Holiday Europe SIM prepaid data plan that looked promising so I wanted to test it out and share my thoughts.

In this Orange Holiday Europe review, I’ll talk about my personal experience with this prepaid SIM card, things to consider before buying the Orange Holiday Europe plan, general tips about prepaid data plans in France/Europe, and I’ll list some alternatives you might also want to consider.

Overview Of The Orange Holiday Europe Prepaid Data Plan

My thoughts after using the Orange Holiday Europe SIM card while traveling in Europe

The Orange Holiday Europe is a prepaid data plan designed for tourists who are visiting Europe and it gives users high-speed data in every European country. As a bonus, Orange is the 11th largest mobile operator in the world and the 4th largest in Europe so they have a robust network and coverage.

The Orange Holiday Europe plan is also designed to be super user-friendly so there is no registration needed—simply install the SIM card into your unlocked phone and it automatically connects to a local mobile provider anywhere in Europe.

The Orange Holiday Europe plan costs around $50 and gives you 20GB of mobile data (although sometimes they have a special where you get 30GB). The main downside is that the data is only valid for 14 days—although you can re-up the plan for an additional 14 days for around $30.

The Orange Holiday Europe Prepaid plan comes as both an Orange Holiday physical SIM version and an Orange Holiday eSIM version . I highly recommend the eSIM version if your phone is eSIM compatible (the price and service are the same but you don’t have to pay for shipping and it’s delivered instantly via email).

My Experience Using The Orange Holiday Europe Prepaid SIM

orange travel world

Ok, let’s get into my personal review of the Orange Holiday Europe plan. I’ve broken this down into multiple sections.

Purchase and Shipping

I got my Orange Holiday Europe SIM from SimOptions and had it shipped to me before I departed. I believe many Orange retail locations throughout Europe sell this same plan but that requires you to hunt down a store—I wanted data as soon as I landed.

I believe delivery was an extra $7 and it took a few days to arrive (so plan ahead).

NOTE: I highly recommend buying the Orange Holiday Europe eSIM if your phone is compatible because you get free, instant delivery via email so you save yourself some time and money. You also don’t have to remove your current provider’s SIM card (i.e. you can use your new eSIM while still using your current plan) so you can keep your old number, etc. UPDATE (June 2024):  Orange has automatically upgraded this $59.90 50GB eSIM plan to 100GB of data for all activations between June 6th and October 9th 2024.

Installation (For The Physical SIM Card Version)

Installing the SIM card is simple.

Just pop out your old SIM and replace it with the Orange SIM card. The kit doesn’t come with a SIM extraction tool so you’ll want to bring a small paperclip so you can pop the SIM slot open.

Keep your original SIM card somewhere safe because you’ll need to reinstall it to get your old service back.

IMPORTANT: Don’t install the SIM until you’re in Europe. The service automatically activates when the SIM is installed so installing it early will count against your 14-day service period.

Orange Holiday SIM Activation

Activation was super simple.

My iPhone automatically recognized the new SIM and the service activated itself as soon as I installed the SIM card.

The entire process took about 2-3 minutes.

If your phone doesn’t automatically connect, you may have to enter the following APN settings into your phone manually:

  • Access Point Name (or APN): orange
  • User name: orange
  • Password: orange

I received a few text messages (in French) from Orange welcoming me and asking to register my card—you can ignore those if you don’t plan on using the service for more than 14 days. You can register your Orange SIM at https://travel.orange.com/en/sim-card-registration/

I believe these texts also tell you what your new French phone number is so write that down if you plan on making/receiving calls.

Speed, Coverage, and Overall Performance

On this trip, I spent most of my time in Paris, on a 3.5-hour train ride to the South of France, and in the South of France (mainly Marsailles but also on a few day trips in the region).

Overall my service was great. I got 4G/LTE just about everywhere I went and it was very rare for me to not have any signal (In fact, I can’t remember ever not having a signal).

I mostly used Google Maps/Google, Instagram, email, some Spotify streaming, and some other basic data usage. 20GB is a solid amount of data for two weeks so most people won’t hit that cap unless they’re doing a lot of video streaming (so limit your multi-hour TikTok sessions while on data).

Other Things I Liked About My Orange Holiday Europe Plan

First, Orange is a huge company so they have a great network with extensive EU-wide coverage.

And unlike a lot of data plans, the Orange Holiday Europe plan allows data tethering so I could use my phone as a hotspot for my laptop. This came in handy when my Airbnb’s wifi stopped working and when I wanted to send a few emails/surf the web while I was on the train.

Additionally, unlike a lot of prepaid data plans, the Orange Holiday Europe plan comes with a French phone number so users can make/receive phone calls and texts (you get unlimited calls and texts in Europe and 120 minutes of worldwide calling plus worldwide 1k texts). This can come in handy if you need to make restaurant reservations or if you need to call your Airbnb host, hotel, etc.

I also liked the convenience of pre-purchasing the plan so I didn’t have to waste time finding an Orange store and dealing with salespeople (I’d rather spend my time finding the best croissants).

Considerations Before Buying The Orange Holiday Europe SIM

Buying the Orange Holiday Europe SIM plan is more expensive than waiting to buy a local SIM card once you arrive in Europe. For reference, you’ll typically pay about $30 for 20GB of data via a local SIM card.

On the other hand, pre-buying Orange Holiday Europe plans means you’ll have data as soon as you land and you won’t have to waste time trying to track down a SIM card retailer. Personally, I don’t mind paying a little extra for the convenience.

However, if you’re traveling for more than a few weeks then you’re probably better off buying a local SIM card since I believe you can only use this card for a max of 28 days.

Who Should and Shouldn’t Buy The Orange Holiday Europe Plan

Not sure if the Orange Holiday Europe plan is for you? Maybe this will help:

Who Should Buy The Orange Holiday Europe Plan

  • Travelers Who Value Convenience: Just activate the plan and you’re online. It’s super easy. No need to find a mobile retailer, no need to speak to anyone, no need to register your SIM or submit your passport, no need to be without data, etc.

Who Shouldn’t Buy The Orange Holiday Europe Plan

  • Ultra-Budget Travelers: If you’re on a super tight budget then you can find other plans that are cheaper if you don’t mind spending time to track them down. You might also want to consider the cheaper Orange Holiday Zen SIM and Orange Holiday Zen eSIM plans that are $30 and have 10-15GB of data.
  • Long-Term Travelers: It ends up being quite a bit cheaper to buy a local SIM card if you’re traveling for more than around three to four weeks.
  • Minimal Data Users: Don’t need 20+ GB of data? Then look at the cheaper Orange Holiday Zen SIM and Orange Holiday Zen eSIM plans that are $30 for 10-15GB of data.

Orange Holiday Europe SIM Alternatives

Ok, let’s take a look at a few other SIM and SIM card options you might want to check out:


Orange Holiday Zen eSIM | Best eSIM For Visiting Europe

  • Price:  $29.90 (Check  SimOptions  for details)
  • Data:  15GB
  • Service Speed:  4G/LTE
  • Calls:  Unlimited within Europe and 30 min outside of Europe.
  • Texts/SMS:  Unlimited within Europe and 200 outside of Europe.
  • Credit validity:  14 day
  • Data tethering allowed
  • Usable on any device (phones, tablets, hotspots…)
  • This eSIM card comes with a French phone number

The Orange Holiday Zen plan is very similar to the Orange Holiday Europe plan but it has less data and it’s cheaper. This is a great option for users who don’t use a lot of data.

O2 GO CARD ESIM: $24.90

orange travel world

  • Price:  $24.90 (Check  SimOptions  for details)
  • Data:  10GB
  • Service Speed:  4G/LTE
  • Calls:  Includes $2 of credit to make calls within Europe
  • Texts/SMS:  Includes $2 of credit to send/receive texts within Europe
  • Credit validity:  30 day
  • This eSIM card comes with a Czech phone number

The O2 Go Card Plan is on the O2 mobile network (the largest mobile network in the UK) so the service quality will be good.

And while it’s slightly cheaper than the Orange Holiday Zen plan, you get less mobile data and you don’t get the benefit of any international calls/texts—you also get a very limited amount of EU calls/texts.


orange travel world

  • Price:  $17.90 (Check  SimOptions  for details)
  • Data:  5GB
  • Calls:  None
  • Texts/SMS:  None
  • Credit validity:  30 day

The Smart Comfort X eSIM is a budget data-only eSIM plan option that gives you 5GB of data but no calls or texts (you can still send iMessage if you’re sending messages between iPhones and make calls/texts via WhatsApp, etc).

Smart Comfort X eSIM is also what’s considered an “international eSIM” so it’s not backed by a specific data provider (i.e Orange, O2, etc.). That means it will connect to a specific partner provider in each country—for example, France (Bouygues), Germany (O2), Italy (WIND), Spain (Telefonica), etc.

Because of its limited data limits, the Smart Comfort X eSIM plan is best for light data users.


Three UK is another large European mobile carrier and their  PAYG AIO15  plan is a good value for people who don’t need the 20GB offered by the Orange Holiday Europe plan. I like how the plan has a validity period of 30 days so it’s good for longer trips.

Plan Specs:

  • PRICE:  $30
  • DATA:  10GB
  • CALLS:  Unlimted in Europe
  • TEXT:  Unlimted in Europe
  • CREDIT VALID FOR:  30 Days


The  Bouygues Telecom Vacation Prepaid Plan  is very similar to the Orange Holiday Zen but the Bouygues plan must be activated in France—so that’s a huge drawback if France isn’t your first destination.

  • PRICE:  $50
  • DATA:  20GB
  • Must be activated in France but can be used anywhere in the EU.

Note:  SimOptions.com  has other cards for sale but these are the best options/deals.


orange travel world

Here are some more helpful articles I’ve written about visiting Europe on a budget:

  • The Best Prepaid eSIM Data Plans for Europe
  • Guide To Data Plans and Smartphone PhonesWhile Traveling in Europe
  • How To Buy A SIM Card and Mobile Data Plans in Europe
  • Backpacking Europe Packing List
  • Europe Packing List for Women
  • The Best Travel Shoes
  • The Best Travel Backpacks  and  The Best Travel Backpacks for Women
  • Recent Posts

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  • How To Buy Train Tickets in France | Guide To Buying French Train Tickets - July 26, 2024
  • France Train Guide — How To Travel France By Train - July 25, 2024
  • Best Prepaid USA eSIM Data Plans For Travelers | eSIM Buyer’s Guide - July 3, 2024

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Home » Gear » Travel Sim's » best international sim cards

9 BEST International SIM Cards for Travel (Buyer’s Guide • 2024)

SIM cards are a royal pain in the butt when travelling. Every time you land somewhere new, you have to perform the same song and dance of going out of your way to get a new sim pretty much as soon as possible.

Usually what happens is that you land in the airport and then you either get ripped off buying a SIM card there or navigate to town without any connectivity. Once you’re in town, you have to navigate a foreign city sifting through local SIM providers, various plans, and also probably getting lost along the way. It’s not the ideal way to start a vacation and I cannot even count the hours I’ve lost shopping for sims in new countries.

That’s why buying one of the best international SIM cards is THE way to go.

An International SIM card is one which will work all over the world meaning that you never have to change it again – no more messing around at the O2 Kiosk in strange airports!

Now, to set the record straight, while there are cheaper travel SIM cards in existence, they still aren’t exactly cheap. Nine times out of ten, a local SIM card is always going to be the cheaper option for budget backpackers.

Maybe you’re a digital nomad who always needs to be connected, maybe you’re a high-flying businessperson with fancy business attire who makes busy business calls while on holiday or maybe (like me) you are just sick of having to change sims.

Either way, this is the list of the best international SIM cards on the market! I’ve done all the leg-work and the research to deliver an international SIM cards review in full. So let’s get ourselves connected.

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Compare The Best International SIM Cards

What is an international sim card, the best sim cards for international travellers, international data sim cards for digital nomads, social media addicts, and tinder aficionados, a quick review of each sim card, frequently asked questions about travel sim cards, should you buy an international sim card.

  • Buy Us a Coffee!

This isn’t the whole roundup but it is my personal pick of the best international SIM cards worth looking into, each one serving a different niche.

onesim card for travellers

  • > e-Sim and Traditional Sims available
  • > Wide and reliable coverage
  • > Low SIM-purchasing fees
  • > $9.95 – $39.95


  • > Virtual sim – no plastic needed!
  • > Excellent range of packages
  • > Download before you leave home

Jetpac eSim

  • > Excellent value – starts at $1
  • > Range of packages available
  • > Great coverage
  • > $1 – $80

orange travel world

KeepGo Lifetime World SIM Card

  • > Reliable connection
  • > Prone to cutting rates
  • > Coverage could be better


  • > Simple rates – no bundle packs
  • > Huge coverage
  • > eSim only…
  • > $10 – $100

orange travel world

Orange Holiday Europe Prepaid SIM Card

  • > Extremely reliable in Europe
  • > Easily sufficient for a two-week holiday
  • > Excludes a number of countries in Europe

International SIMs, roaming SIMs, travel SIM Cards whatever: a rose by any name can still order you a pizza when you don’t want to leave the guesthouse after all right? That’s what an international SIM card is, a SIM card that will have you hooked up from “anywhere” .

Why did you put ‘anywhere’ in quotes?

Because it’s a highly variable anywhere. “Anywhere” really means from the countries that the international SIM covers. That said, some of these travel SIM providers cover over 200 countries.

That also said, there are only 195 countries in the world so I’m not sure how they mathed those numbers out. Still unsure, have a look at our guide to local vs international SIM cards .

orange travel world

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So, how does an international SIM card work?

Without getting too technical, an international SIM card isn’t programmed to one specific network. It’s programmed to operate on a number of networks in a number of different geographical locations – specifically, networks using the GSM (Global Systems of Management Communications) framework.

That’s why to use your cell phone internationally with a travel SIM card it needs to be:

  • GSM-compatible (many phones are).
  • Unlocked, i.e. not tied to a provider.

Do be sure about that unlocked phone bit before you go ahead and buy a new one.

Hacker googling

Basically, global SIM cards will plug into a local network from the country you’re travelling to… Consensually, of course.

That’s why coverage so strongly varies among the many international SIMs. Some SIM cards are for worldwide use and programmed accordingly. Some SIM cards are for international roaming in certain regions like Asia, the USA, or Europe (usually, omitting a third of Europe in their coverage).

For example, you’ll need a different sim card for Canada and the USA in most cases, but in Europe you’ll more than likely be able to use the same one.

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Who benefits from buying an international SIM card?

Well, like I said, not so much the longterm backpacker types . A local SIM card is pretty much always cheaper and much more practical (and reliable) for long stays in any country. Unfortunately, actual cheap international sim cards don’t exist yet.

Country-hoppers , on the other hand, may want to consider buying some sort of prepaid international SIM card. Buying local sim cards in Europe for only 1-2 weeks of use eight times in a trip is nobody’s idea of fun, especially if you care about data usage and double especially if you care about plastic ending up in the ocean.

Businessman talking on the phone with a internationally roaming

People living the digital nomad lifestyle may also benefit from a travel SIM. Though a local SIM is much more equipped for longterm stays in a country, sometimes the options or service is crap and sometimes you’ll spend long stretches in transit which is a perfect time to crunch out a few hours. Besides, there is no rule that says you can’t have two SIMs. A prepaid international sim card might be the best option here (more about that later).

Lastly, business people or people that take frequent short trips will benefit from a SIM card for international travel. I might be stereotyping here but I kinda feel that these folk are less concerned with the costs associated. Plus, most SIM cards for overseas use tend to have 1-year validity for purchased credit, so it’s totally viable to park your SIM after a trip and then pop it back in for the next one.

Beginning the list are the top international SIM cards for travelling that do everything a SIM card should do: call, texts, and mobile data . These SIMs have some pretty major coverage globally and for most travellers in the world, are more than sufficient.

Of course, there has to be a best-of-the-best in this international sim card comparison. So first up–the best travel SIM card!

#1 The Best International Physical SIM Card – OneSim


Ok, so what makes OneSim the best travel SIM card? It’s a fine difference between the first few candidates but OneSim edges out on top for a combination of versatility, pricing, and reliability.

First up, they offer multiple different SIM cards each catering to different travelling needs INCLUDING (but not limited to) 2 awesome e-Sim options :

  • OneSimCard e-Sim World (From $9.95) – Coverage of 150 countries with free incoming calls on EU numbers.
  • OneSimCard e-Sim Asiana (From $9.95) – Specially designed for Asia and Oceania. Data packages available.

If your phone is not yet e-Sim ready, then worry not because OneSim also offer some excellent deals on plastic sims:

  • OneSimCard Universal ($29.95) – Coverage of over 200 countries but with a more limited data service (50+) countries.
  • OneSimCard Expedition ($34.95) – Offers much the same coverage as the OneSim Universal travel SIM but with way more data coverage. It’s the choice for the explorers.


How OneSim Works

You’ll get a $10 bonus credit with any OneSIM roaming SIM card purchase, but once that’s gone, you’ll have to continue buying data plans. Rates vary wildly by both the choice of travel SIM card you are using and the country you’re in so you’ll need to check these rates to see if they suit you.

You’ll receive two numbers: a European (Estonian) number and a choice of one from the USA, UK, Australia, or Canada. Incoming calls on the primary European number is free in a large coverage of countries or starting from $0.25/min otherwise. Outgoing calls also start from $0.25/min (dependent on locations) and receiving texts are free.

Casual data rates start at rather hefty $0.20/MB . However, what makes this such a good prepaid international SIM card is that there is a lot of choices to lower your costs. You can buy data bundles ranging from one/two weeks to a month divided by zone or region. There are also discount plans and bundles available for call rates. This makes the OneSIM one of the best international SIM cards for data as well.

So, is it worth it?

Although not strictly the cheapest international SIM card on the market, the wealth of choices means that you can tailor your SIM card to your world travel needs and minimize costs. The added bonus is that OneSim has been kicking around for a while so they know the market well.

They provide a reliable service, as well as a bunch of neat extras, to keep their clients happy chappies. If you’re looking for the best sim card for international travel, OneSIM is definitely one you should consider getting.

#2 Best Global eSim Provider – GigSky


If you have a modern phone (iPhone 11 , Samsung Galaxy S21, etc or above) it will probably be eSim compatible. This means that you don’t actually need a plastic SIM card but can simply download an eSim via GigSky the same way you would download an app.

When I first heard of eSim about one year ago, it was something of a niche product simply because most travellers were using phones and devices that were not eSim compatible. However that is changing fast and by 2024, an estimated 80% of travellers will use eSim. The eSim marketplace is a very exciting one and the providers are contently innovating to come up with some new, better, cheaper packages – according to our research, GigSk are currently leading the pack.

How GigSky Works

I had the pleasure of reviewing Gigsky and It’s really very simple. You either download the GigSky App (which we do recommend) or else go to their website and check out their “Global Plans”. You buy the package you want (in the 5GB World Plan) and download it not your phone BEFORE you fly, using either a link or a QR code.

The joy of eSim is that you can install it before you leave and then activate as soon as the plane touches down meaning you are rocking and rolling all over the world before you even get your luggage.

GigSky offer 1 Global Package only – 5GB over 30 days for $69.99. I can be topped up (if you somehow burn through all 5GB) but it cannot be extended past the 30 days.

So, Is It Worth It?

Well, $69.99 is a lot for a 30 day package but International Sim Packages do not come cheap. GigSky also have a wide range of global carrier partners meaning their offer better connectively than most platers in this space.

Overall though, in terms of sheer convenience yes GigSky is worth it – you you can browse for and install an eSim from the comfort your device and get it ready to use before you even leave home which saves a whole lotta hassle. However, the package does NOT include an actual phone number which is a bit of a bummer.

#3 Great Global eSim Package – Saily


Saily is the eSim app from the people at NordVPN and is well on its way to being recognized as a global leader in the travel eSIM retail market. The company specializes in serving global travellers, enabling them to stay connected while avoiding expensive roaming charges. During my Saily I was well impressed to see they provide country, region and global eSim data packages speedily and easily through their app.

Their services are aimed at offering significant savings on data, calls, and texts compared to traditional roaming options, and they also offer a range of mobile handsets and accessories tailored to the needs of travellers.

How Saily Works

First up, note that Sim Local are an eSim-only provider so if you’re phone is not eSim ready…go elsewhere. Providing it is, you simply hop over to their site or get the app and check out their global packages. At the time of writing their global eSim starts at $8.99 for 1GB over 7 days.

I’ll be frank, eSims are still often more expensive than buying physical sims but they are a lot easier to install and to operate and best of all, you can install them before you even leave home. In my view, $28.00 for $8.99 for 1GB over 7 days is a pretty good price for an international sim.

#4 A Worldwide SIM Card – WorldSIM


WorldSIM gets a mention on this list because it’s another puller in the market with some comparatively awesome rates. It’s also got some really weirdly expensive outlying rates. As such, we certainly don’t feel like it’s a fit for the best SIM card for international roaming.

How WorldSim Works

The WorldSIM international SIM card has no purchasing fee- woo! Now, before you get too excited, it does require a top-up of credit at purchase.

That means that you’re paying a minimum of $33.75 plus shipping . For $67.50 of credit, shipping is free.

The casual rates for outgoing calls, texts, and data usage are the cheapest I’ve found so far with data coverage extending to countries missed out on by OneSim. Except, a lot of the rates in various countries for incoming calls are shockingly high.

As for the data bundles? No idea. Their website isn’t working for that page and is just stuck in an infinitely loading loop.

Our gut says no. But, you do you. You shouldn’t base your decisions on buying an international SIM card on the gut instincts of a stranger online. All the same though, our gut says no.

Between the mildly bait-and-switch-y “$0” SIM purchasing fee, the janky and unwieldy website, and the weird incoming call rates that could potentially trap an unwitting consumer, WorldSIM in review doesn’t feel like an international SIM card worth purchasing, especially in comparison to other choices on the market.

orange travel world

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Are you turn-of-the-century generational that eschews actually phoning people online for commenting how much you miss them on their latest Insta post? What a coincidence – me too! Rather than risking being ripped off when buying a local SIM card, get your hands on an international data card instead.

These are the best international  data SIM cards for those of us that scoot by without the extras.

#1 Best Data Only eSIM Card for International Travel – Jetpac

Jetpac eSim

Jetpac is a Singapore based eSIM company who offer packages, designed primarily for travellers and Digital Nomads. They offer various data plans that can be used across many countries, and the service includes features like free airport lounge access if your flight is delayed.

Jetpac eSIMs are compatible with a range of devices, including many models from Apple, Samsung, and Google. To activate a Jetpac eSIM, users need to sign up on the Jetpac website or app, choose a plan that fits their travel needs, and then scan a QR code to install the eSIM on their device.

We love Jetpac for its ease of setup and reliable connectivity. JetPac makes it a handy tool for international travel, ensuring continuous access to mobile data across multiple destinations. While they don’t offer local numbers, we love that most of their packs last for 30 days by default so you can just concentrate on how much data you need.

Wanna know more: Check out our detailed Jetpac eSim card review here.

How it Works

The Jetpac worldwide eSIM card comes in a variety of different data packages. Data can be topped up with a number of plans ranging from 100 MB up to a slammin’ 25 GB ! The prices of data top-ups are:

  • 1 GB – $1
  • 3 GB – $10
  • 5 GB – $25
  • 10 GB – $30
  • 25 GB – $38

Absolutely. I mean, come on it starts at one-freaking-dollar and works all over the world. All in all we’d consider this one of the best pre paid international data only sim cards on the market.

#2 A Simple Data SIM Card for Worldwide Travel – Surfroam


Yay! No prepaid data packages, no contractual mumbo-jumbo, no running out of data right when you settle in for a long Netflix and poop session: Surfroam keeps it Pura Vida!

It’s data-only with coverage of 200+ countries – even Afghanistan and Yemen are covered! So, what’s the go?

Essentially, you pay €45 for the physical SIM card (which includes €25 credit) and then top-up as you go with pack options starting at €25 . You’re charged a pay-as-you-go rate per megabyte starting as low as €0.01/MB . So that’s way cheaper than the KeepGo data roaming sim card, right? Not quite…

Rates vary substantially by country so while this going to be a cheaper option across, say, Europe, it may not necessarily pan out that way in other places. That said, prices are still pretty cheap for most places and tend to beat out KeepGo.

As a final note, there is an eSIM (€30) available with the same data rates.

Ok, so ‘simple’ might be stretching it upon reflection, however, once you’re away, its streams ablaze! If you’re jet-setting and changing countries a lot, you will need to stay keyed in as to the rates .

Otherwise, the coverage significantly beats out KeepGo, and in many cases, Surfroam will end up being the cheapest international data SIM card you can purchase. It’s the simplest choice for staying connected pretty much anywhere in the world.

#3 The Best International SIM Card for Europe – Orange Holiday Europe

Orange Holiday Zen/Europe

Are you just doing a little banger holiday in Europe and need a physical SIM card for your travels? Orange has got you covered. Specifically:

  • Orange Holiday Europe SIM Card
  • Orange Holiday Zen SIM Card

The Orange Holiday Zen is for light usage or a short trip. It’s a straight prepaid SIM card for travellers in Europe and it couldn’t be simpler.

For $27.29 , you get 8 GB of data, 30 minutes of calls worldwide, 200 texts, all lasting for 14 days before it expires. The Holiday Zen covers 30 countries in Europe including all the heavy-hitters, if you need a sim in Italy , Greece or Spain it’s perfect but it certainly doesn’t cover all of Europe (my boy Serbia – forever underrepresented). Still, this makes it one of the best European SIM Cards for travellers.

The Orange Holiday Europe takes all of that and just upgrades it: 20 GB in data, 120 minutes, and 1000 texts for $44 . The same coverage of countries applies and it’s a 14-day expiry again.

Orange also partners with a bunch of networks around the world- even offering an Israeli sim card called partner. If you take a look around their website, you can find more far-flung networks than you expected!

Both cards are able to be topped up online for more credit.

Yeah, so I wouldn’t call ‘30 countries in Europe’ an internationally roaming SIM card, but it is a super simple choice for anyone just travelling to Europe for a holiday. It’ll keep you safe in an emergency thanks to that fact that it’s not a data only service. Plus: you’ll have a SIM ready from the moment you land!

Orange is a pretty major sim provider in France so you’ll have a consistent connection. There’s no constant checking of rates calculators either. It’s just a perfectly simple prepaid SIM card for any travellers heading to Europe.

Y’all want more? Another option to look at is getting an Airalo eSim instead.

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We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

Woo – a table for a final sexy summary!

Some commonly asked questions about the world’s best travel SIM cards…

How do I activate my international SIM card?

Each international SIM comes with detailed instructions on how to set up and load your SIM. It’s always a good idea to get things set up before you leave home to avoid any mishaps.

What does international SIM mean?

An international SIM is a type of SIM card that will allow you to use your phone internationally by connecting to global carriers. Some of these SIMs will allow you to make calls as you normally would, while others only offer data plans.

What is the best SIM card for international travel?

Some of the best SIMs for international travel include OneSim , Nomad , KeepGo , and TravelSim .

Do international SIM cards expire?

Most of the SIMs on this list require you to recharge at least once a year, but in doing so all your data will remain usable.

will hatton working with a business partner

That depends on how you travel. If you’re adept at buying prepaid SIM cards locally when you hit the ground, then I wouldn’t worry.

However, for the people that an international SIM card suits the travelling style and needs of, then yes, definitely. I think if you’re that person, then you probably already know that you’re that person.

People looking for the all-round ol’ reliable, OneSim is the go-to choice of travel SIM cards. For those who want the best data SIM card they can use overseas, that choice is KeepGo .

Skip the lines and skip the painful errand days in a foreign city. Buy one of the best international SIM cards you can and have yourself connected before you even touchdown on the landing.

Want another kind of sim card? Check out the revolutionary new Nomad e-sim , an app-based sim card covering over 100 countries that can be organised before you leave home! If that’s not enough, there’s another new service from HolaFly which offers similar coverage and deals so check them both out and see which fits your needs best.

Maxwell Smart calls Agent 99 with a roaming SIM card installed in his shoe

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photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

I think eSIMS are the future gamechanger here. You can download a digital SIM to your phone which has eSIM support.

I use a second phone to provide data to my main phone via bluetooth internet sharing. Wifi sharing can be used as well but bluetooth uses less power. On my main phone I leave the mobile data turned off and use the paired second phone for data. This allows me to use my main phone for Whatsapp, iMessage, email, etc.

10/10 review – exactly the type of info I was after. Plus, I liked your no BS style of writing. Thanks.

Thanks! Very useful! My main concern is regarding how long do the sim cards remain active if you are not buying credit regularly. I usually travel at least once or twice to congresses per year, but I wonder if some of these cards would stop working after a long time inactive. Is that information available for the cards discussed here? Cheers!

Heya, absolutely you can find that info! It’ll be in the terms and conditions/fine print for individual cards/plans. I’d like to say most last at least a year (which always seemed standard for SIM cards in general), but defs check that before you go buying any SIMs. Good question though!

You guys should definitely include DENT, a block chain based international E-Sim card, that offers flexibel data exchange. You can sell your unused data and always find the cheapest offer worldwide and cross boarder operational. Can’t be missed from this list!

Dude – hectic! I’m defs not about to go and update this article, but I looked and DENT seems pretty legit and totally worth the investigation. Anyone reading these comments, you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not scoping them out at least! 😀

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Anja On Adventure

27 Orange Places around the World for Vibrant Bucket list

orange travel world

Disclosure: This orange places around the world article may contain affiliate links. If you click it and buy something you like, I’ll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you! Read more in  Disclaimer .

Did you know that visiting orange places around the world is a new travel trend ? Like going on a colorful adventure trip to lift your spirits? It’s called dopamine travel and you will start with orange . Orange places , just like the energetic orange color, will fill you with enthusiasm, positivity, joy, and excitement. A perfect way to start this travel by color blog collection. Below you will find a collection of orange destinations to visit to cheer up your spirit. Like Uluru, Fushimi Inari, and Valley of Fire , all handpicked and personally visited by myself and other travel bloggers .

🥭 If you have been wondering “What is Anja’s favorite orange-colored fruit?”, you will find the answer hidden in the blog.

anja on Adventure

And what is dopamine travel? Dopamine travel is a new travel trend that involves traveling to destinations based on colors, smells, and sounds to increase happiness hormones and feel-good mood. Just imagine how you would feel seeing rose city of Petra, turquoise ocean in Zanzibar, green vegetation in Slovenia, or yellow Izamal in Mexico? It is about visiting aesthetically pleasing destinations bursting with color. Here you are going to find the most captivating orange travel destinations around the world to travel to , dressed in various shades of orange . From tangerine to tiger, apricot to carrot. All leaving you with unforgettable memories and a heart full of joy. Now find out which orange destination you want to add to the top of your bucket list?

and ALSO READ: • What is Colorful Dopamine Travel trend • 31 Beautiful White Places around the World you should visit • 27 Orange Places around the World for Your vibrant bucket list • 25 Vibrant Red Travel Destinations to visit this year • 27 Pink Places around the World you should visit


Table of Contents

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orange travel world

1. Psychology of orange color and emotions it evokes

Orange is a warm color made as a mix of red and yellow. Depending on the various shades of orange, it evokes a wide spectrum of feelings and emotions.  Bright , fiery oranges often bring out a sense of energy, enthusiasm, and excitement . These shades and visiting bright orange places will make us feel more alive and alert. Think of a blazing sunset or a zesty citrus fruit. They also spark positivity and vitality.

On the other hand, softer, more muted shades of orange, such as peach or apricot, tend to release the feeling of warmth and comfort . These hues can evoke a sense of coziness and contentmen t, much like the embrace of a loved one or the soothing glow of a fireplace. Just as the color orange can ignite passion with its bold tones while offering a comforting and inviting aura with its softer variations, so can orange places around the world make you feel more joyful and lively.

orange travel world

2. Orange places around the world on a map

Orange destinations are predominately desert locations , like Arizona’s Antelope Canyon, Sahara, and Namib in Africa or Uluru in Australia. There are also man-made orange cities like Siena in Italy or Cartagena in Colombia or other structures like beehives in Harran or Fushimi Inari in Japan. Find orange places around the world on the map below or search for them on Google Maps .

orange travel world

3. Orange places around the world to visit in Australia

3. 1. karijini national park (np), western australia.

a waterfall on a rocky hillside of Karinji National Park in Western Australia in the orange colors

Name of place: Karijini National Park (NP) Location: Western Australia Highlights Karijini is one of the largest national parks of Western Australia . It’s famous for its red-orange gorges, dramatic waterfalls and jade-green waters. Tips for visiting Karijini National Park (NP) The best time to visit Karijini National Park is during Australia’s late autumn and early winter. During those months, May, June, and July , the days are mild, with maximum temperatures ranging between 24 to 28 °C (75-82 °F) which are perfect for exploring this orange destination. You pay a reasonable entrance fee to enter Karijini National Park. The price is not paid by person but per vehicle and size of your mode of transportation.

What to see & what to do at Karijini National Park (NP) To get an idea of what this park has in store, start by visiting Oxer lookout for a beautiful view of the orange-colored gorges. Another must-do in Karinji NP is the Gorge Rim Walk . This is a 2 km (1,2 mi) return hike that leads you around Dales Gorge. On your hike, you’ll pass by park highlights like Fortescue Fall and Fern Pool . You will love swimming in the latter, a rock pool under a waterfall. Experienced hikers will love wading through waterways on a guided hike from Hancock Gorge to Kermits Pool . Here you’ll be treated to the orange glows of the rocks and jade green waters of the pool. It’s absolutely beautiful! You can easily spend 3 days here while on a road trip through Western Australia . Or you can visit this park on a day trip from the city of Tom Price . Karijini NP is pretty off the beaten path. You need a car, camper, or motorcycle to get around the park, you can’t get there and around using public transport. Where to stay when visiting Karijini National Park (NP) The best accommodation options in Karijini NP are Dales Campground for a back-to-basics camping experience or Karijini Eco Retreat where you can camp out or rent a cabin. Recommended and visited by Saskia from Sas Crossing Countries .

3. 2. Uluru / Ayers Rock, the Northern Territory

Uluru or Ayers Rock at sunset in shades of Orange

Name of place: Uluru (Ayers Rock) Location: The Northern Territory, Central Australia Highlights Uluru is an iconic natural landmark  at the heart of Australia’s cultural identity. This gigantic sandstone monolith towers 350 m (1148 ft) above the arid landscape and the base walk around it is nearly 10 km (6.2 mi). What many people don’t realize is that we see just a tiny piece of the rock, 85% of Uluru is underground .

Tips for visiting Uluru (Ayers Rock) While Uluru glows orange under the desert sun for most of the day, it is at its most captivating at dawn and dusk. At either end of the day, Uluru transforms from orange to deep red and almost purple in the early morning and evening light. It is an awe-inspiring orange destination in the middle of the Australian desert. April to October is the best time to visit Uluru. Try to avoid the Australian summer when temperatures exceed 40 °C (104 °F). There are direct flights to Uluru from most Australian capital cities. Otherwise, you can fly into Alice Springs , but you will have to hire a car for a 5-hour drive to Uluru. If you are travelling independently, once you get to Uluru you will have to buy a National Park pass to enter the area. There are no costs unless you do a day tour from Alice Springs . 

What to see & what to do at Uluru (Ayers Rock) There are many ways to take in the majesty of Uluru. You can walk around it . Guided segway tours are a lot of fun and very informative. Scenic flights over Uluru are also a great way to take in the size of Uluru and the desert landscape. A unique Uluru experience is the Field of Light display . At dawn and dusk, you can see an installation of 50,000 lights create a field of color in front of Uluru. You can also watch nature’s dawn and dusk show at dedicated viewing areas around Uluru for free. Where to stay when visiting Uluru (Ayers Rock) There is an accommodation precinct called Yulara near Uluru . Here you can find everything from campgrounds to 6-star luxury resorts. The next closest town for accommodation is already mentioned, Alice Springs . Recommended and visited by Natalie from Curious Campers.

4. Orange places around the world to visit in Africa & Middle East

4. 1. namib desert, namibia.

a large sand dune in Sossusvlei desert in Namibia and one of the most iconic orange places around the world

Name of place: Namib Desert Location: Namibia Highlights The oldest desert in the world. The highest sand dunes any desert can have. Namib Desert is on the top of the orange best destinations list in Africa. One close-up look at the giant sand dunes stretching as far as your eyes can roam, and you will fall in love with this place. It is a rare place where the desert meets the sea . It is also one of the driest destinations on Earth. Interestingly Namib gets its water supply from the fog that rolls up on almost 180 days in a year. The Namib desert will probably be the highlight of your road trip across Namibia .

Tips for visiting the Namib desert & Namibia Namibia can be visited throughout the year, though the best season to visit is from June to October. It is best to base yourself in the town of Swakopmund and book a day trip to visit the Namib desert . There is no entry fee to this place. What to see & what to do at Namib desert in Namibia You must climb one of the giant sand dunes. Some only manage to climb Dune 45 (80 m/262 ft) though the ones who climb Big Daddy (325 m/1066 ft) hold the most bragging rights. You can have fun sandboarding, cycling , or on a quad bike roaming the desert. A once-in-a-lifetime adventure is to visit the nearby clay pan, Deadvlei . This place has not seen rain in more than 1000 years.

Where to stay when visiting Namib desert, Namibia Most people visit Namibia and the Namib desert on a road trip. This means sleeping in your campervan. For your first and last night, stay in Windhoek . You can also base yourself in Swakopmund . If you don’t feel like driving, sign up for 10-Day Namibia Highlights Tour which already includes lodging. Recommended and visited by Shweta from Zest In A Tote.

4. 2. Sahara desert, Morocco

Orange colored sand dunes in Sahara desert in southern Morocco

Name of place: The Sahara Desert Location: Southern Morocco Highlights The Sahara Desert is a massive desert that stretches across Northern Africa and is the largest hot desert in the World. You can see the desert from multiple countries but you should visit it when in Morocco .

Tips for visiting the Sahara desert & Morocco The best time to visit the Sahara desert is March to early May or late September into October when the weather is milder. To get there, fly into Marrakech , Morocco. You’ll then drive nearly nine hours west to Merzouga . Most trips will break this up with an overnight in Ouarzazate and/or Ait Benhaddou, both filming locations for many popular movies like Gladiator . However, sometimes the weather can be a bit unpredictable. It can get extremely hot in the desert , especially from May to September. Bring a handheld fan with you. It may also get cold at night , so you’ll want to bring layers . Bring a scarf to wrap your face from blowing sand, if it’s windy.

What to see & what to do in Sahara desert in Morocco The most popular thing to do in the desert is to take a camel ride . It’s best to go at sunset or sunrise to avoid the heat and sun of mid-day . The camels are tall but move slowly. Visitors can also rent an ATV to ride up and down the sand dunes. Or, borrow a board from the resort to go sandboarding down the dunes . Where to stay when visiting the Sahara desert, Morocco Yasmina Desert Camp is a fantastic place to stay with both resort facilities and camp facilities. Staying in the camp is like “ glamping “. You’ll be in a sturdy tent with a bed and electricity . There is a communal bathroom building in the camp area, as well as an eating and relaxing area. The main resort has a pool , as well as a big lobby with Wi-Fi and gardens. Recommended and visited by Eleanor from Elevate Your Escapes.

4. 3. Abu Simbel, Egypt

Abu simbel, an Egypt icon

Name of place: Abu Simbel Location: Aswan, Egypt Highlights The Great Temple of Ramesses II and the Temple of Nefertari , known as Abu Simbel are two of the most impressive temples to visit in Egypt . These massive orange temples have actually been lifted up piece by piece and put back together above sea level to save them as Lake Nasser has continued to rise. With incredible detail inside and outside the temples, it is a must-see on any Egypt itinerary .

Tips for visiting Abu Simbel & Egypt Abu Simbel is easily one of the most unique and popular historic temples to visit in Egypt, therefore you can expect crowds. Because of this, the best time to visit is either very early in the morning or at mid-day when tour buses begin to leave. The site is located about 3 hours from the city center of Aswan , so make sure you have a whole day planned to see these stunning temples.

What to see & what to do in Abu Simbel in Egypt The best way to visit is a day trip from Aswan . It is also suggested to have a guide so you can gain deeper knowledge of Egypt’s magnificent UNESCO World Heritage site . Where to stay when visiting Abu Simbel, Egypt It is recommended to stay in the city center of Aswan which is located 3 hours away from the monument by car. Although it is far, Aswan has more to offer , and Abu Simbel is known as just a day trip destination . While in Aswan, the Mövenpick Resort Aswan is an excellent choice and is located right on the Nile River. Recommended and visited by Samantha from Find Love and Travel.

4. 4. Abu Dhabi Desert, Abu Dhabi, UAE

camels and beduin in abu dhabi desert in abu dhabi at sunset when everything is in the shades of orange

Name of place: Abu Dhabi Desert Location: Off Al Ain Road, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Highlights No trip to Abu Dhabi is complete without visiting the desert at sunset . There is no sunset, that compares to those seen in the desert. The glow of the sand and the sky turning orange with the shadows of camels walking across the dunes is out of this world. 

Tips for visiting the Abu Dhabi Desert & Abu Dhabi The best time to visit Abu Dhabi is from November through March, when the weather is much cooler and nicer for exploring, especially for heading out into the desert.  Visiting the desert is free as long as you have a 4WD. However, it is recommended to go on an evening desert safari trip . Guests are picked up from downtown Abu Dhabi and taken out to the desert to enjoy dune bashing in a 4WD before heading to camp to catch the sunset over a traditional Berber meal with live entertainment on giant carpets. It’s such a unique experience.  When visiting the desert, always bring a layer and don’t forget a scarf and sunglasses in case it becomes windy in order to protect the eyes. What to see & what to do in Abu Dhabi Desert in UAE There are tonnes of activities to enjoy in the desert. These include sand boarding, quad biking, falconry, henna painting experience, camel trekking, and more. For those driving independently from Abu Dhabi, visit the Fossil Dunes or Long Salt Lake or go solo camping! The best spot for those incredible colorful photos is at the top of the dune at sunset, especially those within the desert safari camp mentioned.

Where to stay when visiting Abu Dhabi Desert, United Arab Emirates You can stay in Abu Dhabi and visit the orange Abu Dhabi Desert as part of the tour. Another option is to stay in one of the many desert hotels in Abu Dhabi . Some offer high-end luxury experiences, whilst others offer a traditional Berber camping experience . One place that blends culture and luxury perfectly in the desert is the Telal Al Ain resort . The high-end glamping tents are so beautiful and comfortable.  Recommended and visited by Kaz from Secret Abu Dhabi.

4. 5. Wadi Rum, Jordan

rock arch in wadi rum desert in jordan

Name of place: Wadi Rum Location: Jordan Highlights Situated in southern Jordan, Wadi Rum, also known as The Valley of the Moon , is a UNESCO -listed desert wilderness renowned for its striking orange and red sandstone mountains and rock formations. Wadi Rum looks so out-of-this-world, that it’s been the backdrop for numerous films including Lawrence of Arabia, Star Wars, and The Martian .

Tips for visiting the Wadi Rum & Jordan The best time to visit Wadi Rum is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is most pleasant. Come prepared with plenty of sun protection and appropriate clothing – even in the winter months, the sun is blinding! The evenings in the winter can also get very cold, so take lots of warm layers . Getting to Wadi Rum is relatively straightforward. The nearest airport is King Hussein International Airport in Aqaba , just a short 60 km away. From there, you can opt for public buses or taxis. It’s not recommended to self-drive in the desert. Hotels in Aqaba and Wadi Rum can arrange transportation for you .

What to see & what to do in Wadi Rum in Jordan There’s no shortage of things to do in Wadi Rum, however, to see everything it’s recommended to take a 4X4 Wadi Rum Jeep tour to explore the landscape. Some of the must-see places in Wadi Rum include the Alameleh Inscriptions , Lawence’s Spring as well as Lawence’s House – made famous by T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), and the Umm Fruth Rock Bridge . Where to stay when visiting the Wadi Rum, Jordan Wadi Rum Desert is also where you’ll find local Bedouin culture . You’ll find plenty of Beduin Camps in the area offering anything from basic camping under the stars to luxury UFO moon-capsule style experiences. Recommended and visited by Becki from Meet Me In Departures.

5. Orange places around the world to visit in Europe

5. 1. dubrovnik old town, croatia.

Orange roofs of Dubrovnik in Croatia

Name of place: Dubrovnik Old Town and City Walls Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia Highlights Dubrovnik’s Old Town is the most vibrant part of the city that’s filled with an incredibly rich history and culture dating back to the 7th century . And for any fans of the widely popular Game of Thrones show , Dubrovnik’s Old Town was the filming location for King’s Landing and where you’ll be able to recognize several key scenes from the show.

Tips for visiting Dubrovnik Old Tow n, Croatia For those interested in visiting, the best time to go is during May or September as this is when the city is still full of life but not overwhelmingly crowded. You can reach Dubrovnik by flying into Dubrovnik’s International Airport and then taking an Uber to the Old Town area. What to see & what to do at Dubrovnik Old Tow n, Croatia To see picturesque views of the striking orange roofs of Dubrovnik’s Old Town, you can walk along the City Walls . Or, if you’re looking for a new perspective of the city and a refreshing reprieve from the summer heat, consider exploring the city by way of kayak ! Lastly, to learn insider details about the city’s connection to Game of Thrones, be sure to join a Game of Thrones walking tour !

Where to stay when visiting Dubrovnik Old Tow n, Croatia For a luxury stay, check out Excelsior Dubrovni k, a 5-star waterfront hotel that is conveniently located 10 minutes away from Old Town! Recommended and visited by Kristin of Global Travel Escapades.

5. 2. Modena, Italy

orange travel world

Name of place: Modena Historic Center Location: Modena, Emilia-Romagna region, Italy Highlights Modena is a picturesque city in the north of Italy with a charming historic center . Centuries-old buildings, lined along its cobblestoned streets , are all painted in orange and ochre along with some yellow tones, making the ambiance cozy and cheerful at the same time.  But beauty is not everything Modena has to offer: did you know that Modena is considered one of the top food destinations in Italy ? Or that the Ferrari museum , where you can admire some of the brand’s most iconic cars, is located in Modena? You can even visit the Pavarotti House in this city, as Modena was the birthplace of the famous tenor.

Tips for visiting Modena, Italy Modena is a great place to visit at any time of the year . Even during the high season (July-September), you will not find big crowds. To get there, just take a train from Bologna , and you can be there in just 17 minutes. What to see & what to do at Modena, Italy The  best things to do in Modena  involve exploring its gastronomic scene. Take a balsamic vinegar factory tour (balsamic vinegar originated in Modena), visit Osteria Francescana (one of Italy’s top restaurants), or visit the Albinelli Market. If you want to visit museums, don’t miss the Ferrari Museum and the Pavarotti House.

Where to stay when visiting Modena, Italy The best and most convenient place to stay in Modena is in the heart of the historic center . You can easily get there by foot from the train station, and you will be close to all the main attractions. Recommended and visited by Sharon from the Roads Beyond.

5. 3. Bologna, Italy

orange travel world

Name of place: Bologna Location: Emilia-Romagna region, Italy Highlights If you’re serious about food , then a visit to Bologna can’t be missed! Located in the heart of the Emilia-Romagna region, Bologna is known as Italy’s food capital . This medieval city is the perfect option for those seeking to explore historic architecture , rich culture , and sample the best food you’ll find in the country. Orange, yellow, and red buildings and rooftops catch your eye at every corner while you make your way down a vast network of porticos lining the streets. 

Tips for visiting Bologna, Italy The easiest way to get to Bologna is by train . It can be reached in under two hours both from Rome and Venice , or a quick 40-minute train ride from Florence . A short cab ride will take you to the colorful historic center of Bologna. The vibe in this city is much different than in other places; you’ll find a lot of locals and students strolling the streets and dining at restaurants. What to see & what to do at Bologna in Italy Bologna is one of those cities that at first glance may not appear to have a lot to offer, but it will instantly capture your heart as you find hidden gems scattered throughout the city. Explore on your own or join a Bologna walking tour . Some of the  best things to do in Bologna  are free ! Visit Bologna for the food and stay for the sights and attractions that won’t cost a cent. From finding old hidden canals and peering through a window to an orange wonderland at Finestrella, enjoying one of the many museums in town, or visiting Bologna’s oldest food market , a trip to this ancient city will leave you with a lasting impression.

Where to stay when visiting Bologna, Italy For a comfortable night’s sleep with great amenities, check into Attico di Via D’Azeglio . This cozy upscale 5-bedroom hotel is just a 10-minute walk from Piazza Maggiore . Plush accommodations offer views of the orange terracotta rooftops and mountains, and also include breakfast at a local cafe downstairs. Recommended and visited b y Sarah from In Search of Sarah.

5. 4. Siena, Italy

orange travel world

Name of place: Siena Location: Tuscany, Italy Highlights Siena in Italy is definitely one of the most iconic orange cities in the world ! Located in the heart of Tuscany, this beautiful city is perfect for a short weekend getaway or even a longer stay. Siena has so much to offer, and the countryside is also stunning.

Tips for visiting Siena & Tuscany The best time to explore this orange colored medieval Tuscan gem is during the late spring and early fall months, specifically from April to June and September to October. This time of year offers pleasant weather, fewer crowds , and a chance to witness the famous Palio di Siena , a historic horse race held twice a year. What to see & what to do at Siena in Tuscany, Italy During a city tour of this orange old town, you will be amazed by the many imposing monuments, the many interesting museums, and the stunning medieval buildings. The many enchanting squares are also a dream and perfect for a romantic dinner. One of the highlights is Piazza del Campo . It is one of the most romantic squares in Italy and an absolute must! Admire the magical atmosphere that surrounds this square surrounded by medieval buildings. There is also the Fonte Gaia fountain , which used to supply water to Siena and now delights visitors with its many decorations and details.

A real pleasure is a visit to Palazzo Pubblico , the Town Hall, with the imposing Torre del Mangia , one of Siena’s most important landmarks. Climbing to the top of the 102-meter-high tower offers a magnificent view of the orange old town and the Tuscan countryside. A short walk away is the famous Cathedral of Santa Maria della Scala , one of the most important religious buildings in Italy, which you should visit from the inside . Inside the cathedral there is a whole complex of museums, which are well worth a day’s visit! Where to stay when visiting Siena, Italy Siena offers many wonderful places to stay. One of the best places to stay is B&B La Terrazza Sul Campo , located in a fantastic position overlooking the main square. Recommended and visited b y Martina from PlacesofJuma.

🥭 “What is Anja’s favorite orange-colored fruit?” Mango.

5. 5. Varenna, Lake Como, Italy

orange travel world

Name of place: Varenna Location: Lake Como, Italy Highlights Varenna is a small Italian village perched on the eastern shores of Lake Como . It is bursting with picturesque views that make you never want to leave. Its timeless charm includes vibrant orange villas , narrow cobblestone alleys, and a waterfront promenade. Tips for visiting Varenna & Lake Como The best time to visit the Varenna for ideal weather conditions and fewer crowds is during the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and fall (September to October). You can enjoy the city’s serene charm overnight by staying for a few days, or visit as a day trip from Milan , which is just a short, scenic train ride away. You can reach Varenna from Milan by taking an approximately one-hour direct train ride from Milan’s Central Station to Varenna-Esino Station.

What to see & what to do at Varenna, Lake Como Visit the lush gardens of Villa Monastero , an incredible former monastery-turned-villa . Its sprawling gardens stretch along the lakefront, decorated with various plant species that bloom all year round. The villa itself is a perfection of elegance . Showing a wealth of historical artifacts and intricate architectural details. There gardens and museum are open from 9:30 to 7:30 every day plus they host events like weddings. The panoramic view of Lake Como from the villa is a sight to behold, offering a blend of peace and grandness that will surely impress you. Beyond the beauty of Villa Monastero, Varenna offers you so much more. Adventure seekers can take a hike to the Castle of Vezio , where you can find the best panoramic views of the Lake Como region. If you are an art lover, you can explore the local Church of San Giorgio , a 14th-century marvel with magnificent frescoes. Don’t miss the opportunity to dine in the open air at one of the lakeside restaurants, sampling local cuisine while enjoying a beautiful sunset over the lake. Don’t miss a boat tour on the serene waters of Lake Como while in Varenna. It’s the perfect way to appreciate the area’s stunning landscape and the gloriousness of the neighboring villages.

Where to stay when visiting Varenna, Lake Com o, Italy If you plan on staying overnight Palace Hotel Lake Como offers some of the best views, has breakfast included, and has friendly staff. Recommended and visited b y Kaylee from kayleejanell.com .

5. 6. Collioure, France

orange travel world

Name of place: Collioure Location: France Highlights Collioure is a destination for those who love history, art , and amazing, fresh seafood . Imagine yourself walking on the cobblestone streets where famous artists such as Matisse and Derain studied the light and were inspired to create a whole new style of art. Or wander the ramparts of a castle dating back to the 12 th century where the Kings of Mallorca had their summer home. You can also enjoy fresh oysters with cold white wine in the twice-a-week market. These are just some of the reasons you want to visit this charming town with its picturesque terra cotta roofs.

Tips for visiting Collioure & France Collioure is located on the Mediterranean just north of the Spanish border . The climate is temperate, and it receives 320 days of sunshine . The busy times are during the summer months, but the spring and fall are wonderful times to enjoy this quaint Catalan town without the bigger crowds. With a train station just 350 m (0.2 mi) from the centre of town, it is easily accessible from any major city – Paris, Barcelona , Marseille, Girona, or Perpignan to name a few. What to see & what to do at Collioure in France Enjoy the beach or various watersports, explore the castle , admire the numerous art galleries , shop in the lovely boutiques, or just relax in an outdoor café with a sangria . And since it is nestled at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains, in the largest wine region of France, Collioure is ideally located for enjoying the freshest seafood of the day paired with local wines from the region. This beautiful town on the sea is a wonderful place with something for everyone.

Where to stay when visiting Collioure , France There are many small, family-owned hoteliers located in the pedestrian zone of the old town. La Fregate is open year-round and has an excellent restaurant on site. Recommended and visited b y Kim from Explore Your Bucket List.

5. 7. Vieux Lyon, France

orange travel world

Name of place: Vieux Lyon Location: Lyon, France Highlights Vieux Lyon is the charming historic center of Lyon , with cobblestone streets lined with buildings in shades of red, orange, and ochre.  One of the  best things to do in Lyon  is to explore the traboules , secret passageways through buildings. Some of the traboules open up into gorgeous courtyards complete with towers and arched windows.

Tips for visiting Vieux Lyon The best time to visit Lyon is in the months of May through October. The best time to see Vieux Lyon is on a sunny day so that you can appreciate the vibrant colors of the buildings.  Since the traboules pass through private property, it’s best to avoid visiting too early in the morning or late into the evening. You can search for traboules on your own for free, or take a guided tour.  To get here, fly into the Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport , and take public transportation to get to Vieux Lyon.

What to see & what to do at Vieux Lyon, France Delight your taste buds with a walking food tour of Vieux Lyon, or take a guided tour of the traboules . If you purchase the Lyon City Card , a guided tour of Vieux Lyon is included with your pass.  You’ll get some gorgeous photos of the colorful, picture-perfect courtyards!  There are also plenty of museums in Vieux Lyon including a puppetry museum and the Museum of Cinema and Miniatures. Where to stay when visiting Vieux Lyon , France You’ll love staying at the Villa Florentine , a 5-star hotel in Vieux Lyon .  Plus, it’s only a six-minute walk from a fabulous bakery.  Pastries are the perfect way to start your day in Lyon! Recommended and visited b y Lisa Garrett of Waves and Cobblestones .

5. 8. Algarve Cliffs, Portugal

orange travel world

Name of place: Algarve Cliffs Location: Algarve, South of Portugal Highlights Welcome to one of the sunniest areas in Europe ! Located in the far south of Portuga l, the Algarve is a stunning region that has become a very popular destination recently. It is not just the fantastic weather and laid-back lifestyle that draw people here, but also the 155 kilometers (96 miles) of vibrant red-orange cliffs, concealing a plethora of hidden coves, natural arches, and secret beaches.

Tips for visiting Algarve Cliffs  & Portugal While the Algarve is a destination that can be visited all year round , the best times for a trip there are from April to June (spring and early summer) and September to October (end of summer and early fall). These months offer the most ideal weather for basking in the sun and hiking the cliffs without the hustle and bustle of tourist crowds. The area is easily reachable thanks to several transportation options available including the plane, train, and bus. An international airport is located right in the heart of the Algarve, in its capital, Faro.  What to see & what to do at Algarve Cliffs, Portugal The Algarve offers a plethora of activities to suit all tastes. It is a popular spot among surfers for the impressive waves that hit its shores. There are also plenty of hiking trails to discover its unique rock formations such as Ponta da Piedade and hidden caves such as the famous Benagil Cave . Don’t miss  the Seven Hanging Valleys Hiking Trail  which offers the best views of the cliffs. And last but not least, the Algarve is a seaside resort renowned for its long and dreamy golden beaches , picturesque towns such as Lagos or Albufeira , and a vibrant nightlife scene .

Where to stay when visiting Algarve Cliffs , Portugal The best place to stay in the Algarve is Lagos . Located seaside, it is one of the largest towns in the region and offers the most dramatic natural scenery. When staying in Lagos, choose  Cascade Wellness Resort for a truly remarkable experience. Recommended and visited b y Nes from Kevmrc .

5. 9. Vilnius, Lithuania

orange travel world

Name of place: Old Town of Vilnius Location: Vilnius, Lithuania Highlights The Old Town of Vilnius , Lithuania is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and one of the largest preserved old towns in Europe, lined with buildings of many colors, including orange. In Old Town you can find St. Anne’s church , built in the late 1400s, Gediminas Tower from which you can get a beautiful panoramic view of the city, and many other medieval buildings with fascinating history.

Tips for visiting Vilnius, Lithuania When planning your visit to Vilnius, Lithuania’s charming capital, consider traveling during the summer months , from June to August, for the most pleasant weather. But this beautiful and overlooked city, is worth a visit any time of year – even in winter . In order to get to Vilnius, fly into the Vilnius International Airport , and take a taxi into Old Town (it’s about a 15-minute ride.) What to see & what to do at Vilnius in Lithuania To indulge in the history of Vilnius , visit the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights, which teaches about the 50 years Lithuania spent under the control of the USSR. To get outdoors and experience nature, head to Kalnai Park . If you climb up to the Three Crosses, you can get a beautiful view of the Vilnius skyline.

Be sure to walk to the Uzupis neighborhood (about 20 minutes from Old Town) which is a self-declared independent country, where you can see a lot of interesting artwork; sculptures in the street, graffiti, and paintings. It’s worth it to head to Trakai Castle , a medieval castle in the middle of a lake just 30 km (18.6 mi) from Vilnius. Consider a guided tour to experience the castle , as well as see all the gems in Old Town. Where to stay when visiting Vilnius, Lithuania A great place to stay is Artagonist Hotel located right in the heart of Old Town on Pilies Street . It’s within walking distance to shops, restaurants, and many of the historical sights. Recommended and visited b y Kristin from Tiny Footsteps Travel .

6. Orange places around the world to visit in North and South America

6. 1. providence canyon state park, georgia, usa.

Orange hues in providence canyon state park in Georgia

Name of place: Providence Canyon State Park Location: Lumpkin, Georgia, USA Highlights This incredible 33.5 m (110 ft) deep canyon began as a 1.5 m (5 ft) ditch 150 years ago ! The product of mismanaged agricultural run-off , Providence Canyon State Park continues to grow and deepen today, showing orange-colored rocks. 

Tips for visiting Providence Canyon State Park , Georgia For the best experience, go hiking in Providence Canyon State Park between October and March . There will be fewer crowds and bugs, and the temperatures are much more pleasant for exploring in the woods.  You’ll also want to bring your own snacks and water as there is limited availability at the small park store, and there aren’t any nearby stores or restaurants. What to see & what to do at Providence Canyon State Park in Lumpkin, Georgia The best thing to do in Providence Canyon State Park is to hike the Canyon Loop Trail , which takes visitors from the visitors center, down onto the canyon floor, and back up onto the rim.  You’ll get incredible views of the reddish-orange clay walls of the canyon from the bottom and top! On the canyon floor, there are 9 optional canyon-side trails . Take at least one or two as each small canyon area has its own unique landscape.

Where to stay when visiting Providence Canyon State Park , Georgia, USA Providence Canyon State Park doesn’t have any overnight accommodations , and the nearby small towns of Lumpkin and Omaha, Georgia , also have limited options. Instead, head over to Florence Marina State Park, a short 10-minute drive west of Providence Canyon. Florence Marina State Park has adorable and reasonably priced 1- and 2-bedroom cabins for rent . Recommended and visited by Natalie from Camping Kiddos.

6. 2. Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA

orange travel world

Name of place: Bryce Canyon National Park Location: Utah, USA Highlights One of the most beautiful orange landscapes in the world is Bryce Canyon in southern Utah. Bryce Canyon National Park preserves the weather-carved hoodoos and arches that tower up from the canyon floor. These sandstone columns look like candle wax drippings on the horizon. In the morning or evening light, the golden colors are spectacular for photos. 

Tips for visiting Bryce Canyon , Utah Bryce Canyon National Park is open 24/7 year round . Bryce is on an elevated plateau , so it tends to be chillier than other Utah National Parks . You need to pay a fee to enter Bryce Canyon on a per-vehicle basis which is valid for 7 days. Visits in the spring and fall offer pleasant temperatures. Winter is a popular time to see the beauty of the hoodoos covered in snow. Summer conditions will be sunny and hot. You can fly into Cedar City Airport and rent a car, however, if you plan to visit more of the national parks of the desert southwest, consider purchasing an America the Beautiful Park pass and flying into an international airport such as Salt Lake City or Las Vegas . What to see & what to do at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah The best way to see the canyon is to hike through the majestic rock spires and fins. The Navajo Loop, a moderate 2.5 km (1.5 mi) trail, is one of the  best canyon adventures  in Utah. The trail descends into the canyon at Sunset Point and climbs out on the switchbacks of Wall Street . A walk along the rim back to the trailhead provides a panoramic view of the orange-colored features of Bryce. Horseback riding is another way to see Bryce’s beauty. Organized trail rides into the canyon follow gently winding trails through the many formations in the park. Other activities popular in Bryce Canyon National Park are  ATV rides , fishing, mountain biking , and canyoneering.

Where to stay when visiting Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA You can find a couple of accommodation options at Bryce Canyon . Lodges, resorts, inns, and B&S’s. The Lodge at Bryce Canyon, a comfortable historic hotel, is located right in the park. Recommended and visited by Karen from Outdoor Adventure Sampler.

6. 3. Zion National Park, Utah, USA

orange travel world

Name of place: Zion National Park Location: 53 km (33 mi) from St George, Utah, USA Highlights The incredible orange vistas of Zion National Park make it one of the most beautiful destinations to visit in the world . Hikers and adventure seekers will love Zion as it is home to some of the most iconic hikes in the country including the incredible Angel’s Landing , a 6.7 km (5.4 mi) round trip hike (using chains) to a peak with stunning views of the National Park below and the Narrows , an adventurous hike through the Virgin River. 

Tips for visiting Zion National Park , Utah Zion National Park is open 24/7 year round . The best time to visit is in Fall from September to November as the weather is lovely at this time of year and there are fewer people. You need to pay a fee to enter Zion National Park on a per-vehicle basis which is valid for a week. If you are planning to visit more than one National Park it is more economical to purchase an America the Beautiful Park pass which gives you year-long access to all National Parks in the USA. What to see & what to do at Zion National Park, Utah As there are lots of things to do in Zion, it is recommended to plan a Zion itinerary to make the most of your time in the National Park and cover as many attractions as possible. Aside from Angel’s Landing and the Narrows, some of the less strenuous walks in the National Park which are beautiful and great for families include the Emerald Pools Trail and the Pa’rus Trail .

Where to stay when visiting Zion National Park , Utah, USA If you don’t want to camp in the National Park itself, it is best to stay in the town St. George , which is about a 30-minute drive away. Here you will find great restaurants and facilities like Walmart and Starbucks . There are lots of good accommodation options in St. George with Ramada by Wyndham St. George being a good choice as it has clean and comfortable rooms at a fair price . Recommended and visited by Bett from Utah Vacationers.

6. 4. Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA

orange travel world

Name of place: Capitol Reef National Park Location: Utah, USA Highlights Capitol Reef National Park is Utah’s hidden gem national park , which features the incredible Waterpocket Fold , a long upward fold of the earth’s crust that created a distinct line of ridges full of canyons and trails to explore.  

Tips for visiting Capitol Reef National Park , Utah The best time to visit Capitol Reef is definitely in the spring and fall, when temperatures are much more moderate and pleasant. Located in southern Utah, Capitol Reef is about 4-5 hours from either the Salt Lake City airport or the Las Vegas airport. Capitol Reef is always open (and its remote location makes for incredible night sky gazing). Many areas of the park are free to visit , but some do require a per-vehicle entrance fee or a America the Beautiful Park pass . What to see & what to do at Capitol Reef National Park, Utah There are a lot of great trails in Capitol Reef , and a favorite is the Cassidy Arch trail – which takes you from the canyon up to the rim of the waterpocket fold, and then to Cassidy Arch, where you can actually walk on it (a very rare allowance for arches in Utah). If you’re only spending  one day in Capital Reef , you definitely need to stop in the Fruita District . Stop by the blacksmith and schoolhouse, then go pick some fruit from the orchards, and finally stop by the Gifford House for a freshly made fruit pie.

Where to stay when visiting Capitol Reef National Park , Utah, USA While you can camp in Capital Reef, the closest town to the park is Torrey , which has a few lodging options. The best hotel in this tiny town is the Broken Spur Inn . Recommended and visited by Stephanie from USA Adventurer.

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6. 5. Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA

orange travel world

Name of place: Antelope Canyon Location: Page, Arizona, USA Highlights Created from millions of years of erosion , Antelope Canyon is a stunning slot canyon formation renowned for its vibrant orange hues, swirling sandstone walls , and ethereal light beams that filter through the narrow openings above. 

Tips for visiting Antelope Canyon, Arizona Located on Navajo Nation lands ,  Antelope Canyon is accessible only through guided tours.  Divided into six sections, the Upper and Lower Canyons are the most popular and may be booked out days or weeks in advance. Although this attraction can be visited year-round, the best lighting effect in the canyon is from March to October , when the light beams create a magical display.  To get to Antelope Canyon, the closest airport is Page Municipal Airport , which offers domestic flights. However, most people start a road trip or join a tour from Las Vegas or other cities in Arizona. What to see & what to do at Antelope Canyon, Arizona Starting from the meeting point, you’ll join your guide for a thrilling 4×4 jeep ride to the canyon entrance, where your hike begins. While the hike itself isn’t lengthy , the amount of photo opportunities along the vibrant sandstone walls abound. Capture that million-dollar shot , just like those seen in National Geographic , while your guide points out different formations. The slot canyon experience extends beyond Antelope Canyon. Page and its surrounding areas are filled with other canyons waiting to be explored.

Where to stay when visiting Antelope Canyon, Arizona , USA For accommodations near Antelope Canyon , consider staying at the Hyatt Place Page , which overlooks the Glen Dam Canyon and Lake Powell and provides easy access to Antelope Canyon. Recommended and visited by Catherine Xu from Nomadicated.

6. 6. Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada, USA

orange travel world

Name of place: Valley of Fire State Park Location: 75 km (46 mi) from Las Vegas, Moapa Valley Nevada, USA Highlights Valley of Fire State Park is the perfect day trip from Las Vegas as it is located less than an hour’s drive away. The best part about visiting this State Park is that it is relatively small which means you can drive through the dramatic and impressive orange vistas and complete most of the best walks in the State Park in only 1 day !

Tips for visiting Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada The State Park is open every day except Christmas from sunrise to sunset. All visitors, with the exception of those camping, are expected to have left the State Park by sundown. A per-vehicle fee is payable to enter Valley of Fire State Park which is valid for 1 day . If you live nearby or plan to visit more than once you can also get an annual entrance permit. The best time to visit Valley of Fire State Park is between October and April. It gets incredibly hot in summer so it is best to avoid the summer heat if possible. What to see & what to do at Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada The single best activity to do in Valley of Fire State Park is simply drive through from one end of the park to the other. It is one of the best  date ideas near Las Vegas  for couples as the scenery is simply breathtaking with impressive orange sandstone rocks on each side of the road. All of the best walks in the State Park are short and easy with some of the unmissable hikes being Mouse’s Tank an easy 1.2 km (0.75 mi) out and back walk ending at a picturesque natural rock basin and Rainbow Vista an easy 1.6 km (1 mi) out and back walk to a panoramic view of the valley.

Where to stay when visiting Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada , USA If you don’t want to camp in the Valley of Fire, it is best to stay in Las Vegas and visit the Valley of Fire as a day trip .  There are lots of great places to stay in Las Vegas but it is best to choose somewhere with easy and accessible parking. The Virgin Hotel and Casino is a good choice for parking. It also has its own casino, a nice pool area, and clean and comfortable rooms. Recommended and visited by  Bett from Couple Travel The World.

6. 7. Red Rock Canyon, Nevada, USA

orange travel world

Name of place: Red Rock Canyon Location: Nevada, USA Highlights Red Rock Canyon is a breathtaking natural wonder located in the Mojave Desert known for its stunning orange-tinted rock formations . And it’s also known for its sunsets. Combining the oranges and reds of a sunset with the orange of the rocks is a beautiful sight. Those sunsets are not to be missed out on!

Tips for visiting Red Rock Canyon, Nevada The best time to visit is during the fall (autumn) and spring when the weather is bearable enough to hike and explore. The summers can be scorching – it is a desert after all – and winters can bring chilly temperatures. Even in the shoulder seasons, make sure to bring plenty of water , sunscreen, and sturdy footwear for hiking. There are entry fees to the area, but they’re very reasonable, based if you come in as a pedestrian or are charged per vehicle. The Red Rock Canyon is open 8 am – 5 pm, 7 days a week.  What to see & what to do at Red Rock Canyon, Nevada You are spoilt for choice of what to do at the Red Rock Canyon. From hiking through the scenic trails to rock climbing, there’s no shortage of opportunities to get active. It’s also the perfect place for birdwatching, photography, and horse riding.  Red Rock Canyon horse riding tours  are one of the most popular reasons to visit the Canyon.  There are lots of tours from Las Vegas taking you to the Red Rock Canyon.

Where to stay when visiting Red Rock Canyon, Nevada , USA The Red Rock Canyon is just a short 32 km (20 mi) drive from the Las Vegas Strip , making it the best place to stay when visiting the Canyon. Recommended and visited by  Josh from A Backpacker’s World.

6. 8. Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, USA

orange travel world

Name of place: Haleakala National Park Location: Maui, Hawaii, United States Highlights Haleakala National Park is home to the world’s largest dormant volcano and offers otherworldly landscapes, including colorful cinder cones and craggy lava fields. Standing at an eye-popping 3.055 m (10,023 ft) above sea level , the summit of Haleakala is a popular destination for watching the sunrise above the clouds and also offers a number of awesome hiking trails, like the  Sliding Sands Trail , which takes you down into the volcanic landscape of the Haleakala Crater.

Tips for visiting Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii To enter the park for sunrise (or anytime before 7 AM), you’ll need to snag one of the coveted 50 daily reservations for vehicles . If you’re unable to get your hands on one of the reservations, go with a tour , or hang out in the park for sunset, which is arguably just as stunning as sunrise — and a little less painful to wake up for! Either way, you’ll need to pay an entrance fee per private vehicle to enter the park. What to see & what to do at Haleakala National Park, Hawaii There are several incredible hikes to explore at the summit of Haleakala. For beginner hikers, the Pā Kaʻoao is an easy trail that leads to the top of a cinder cone and provides excellent vistas over the rim of the volcano. For something a bit more adventurous, consider booking a reservation at one of the wilderness cabins in the park, one of which is actually located at the base of the crater. You can access it by hiking 6 km (3.7 mi) along the Halemauʻu Trail or 12 km (7.4 mi) along the Sliding Sands Trail .

Where to stay when visiting Haleakala National Park, Hawaii The only place to stay in the park is either its campgrounds or wilderness cabins . If you prefer less rustic accommodations, consider a stay at the Paia Inn , in the funky surf town of Paia at the start of the famed Road to Hana . Just be aware that Haleakala is located in a relatively remote section of Upcountry Maui, so you’ll have to drive over an hour from Paia (or most other towns with more formal accommodations) to reach the summit. Recommended and visited by  Jessica from Uprooted Traveler.

6. 9. Old Town in Cartagena, Colombia

orange travel world

Name of place: Old Town in Cartagena Location: Colombia Highlights If you love vibrant cityscapes, Old Town in Cartagena, Colombia, also known as “the walled city,” is a must-visit destination. It’s located on the Caribbean coast of northern Colombia behind a fortress of walls constructed over two centuries. The buildings serve as stunning examples of architecture of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries which made the city a UNESCO World Heritage Site . Walking the narrow streets of Old Town will send you back in time while marveling at the sights and sounds of its colorful present.

Tips for visiting Old Town in Cartagena, Colombia Many travelers wonder if Cartagena is safe to visit , and the answer is yes. It will probably be decades before Colombia loses its reputation as a dangerous place, but tourism  more than tripled from 2006 to 2018.   The best time to visit Old Town in Cartagena is the dry season, from late December through March. What to see & what to do at Old Town in Cartagena, Colombia Begin your walking tour at Baluarte de Santo Domingo , where you can walk along fort walls and enjoy ocean and Old Town views. Head towards Plaza de Bolivar , where you can sit and people-watch or take photos of exquisite colonial buildings.  The attractions near this plaza include the small yet fascinating Museo del Oro Zenu (Gold Museum) and the exquisite Catedral de Santa Catalina de Alejandria , completed in 1612.  Restaurants and street vendors selling food are plentiful in this neighborhood. San Mateo restaurant is just up the street from the Catedral and worth a stop.

Where to stay when visiting Old Town in Cartagena, Colombia Staying in Old Town will cost more than staying in other parts of Cartagena, but it’s worth it. Bocagrande and Getsemani are also popular areas to stay in, but they don’t match the charm and beauty of Old Town’s boutique hotels, known as “casas.”   Recommended and visited by  Meeshka from Sand And Elevation .

7. Orange places around the world to visit in Asia

7. 1. harran beehive houses, türkiye.

orange travel world

Name of place: Harran Beehive Houses Location: Harran, Türkiye Highlights Harran will fascinate you with its beehive houses, called kumbet. They have been built in the same way since 5000 years ago and the present ones are about 200 years old. Their domed shape provides coolness in summer and warmth in winter. Rose oil, straw, clay, and egg white were used for the construction. As the household grew, the houses were expanded by adding new cells. Houses up to 5 meters high inside have survived to this day. You can enter some of the houses to see what they look like inside and how people live in there.

Tips for visiting Harran Beehive Hous es, Türkiye The best time to visit Southeastern Turkey is spring and fall as the summer can be unbearably hot. You can fly into Sanliurfa airport which is well connected to both Istanbul IST and SAW airports. Harran is an open space, free for visitors . What to see & what to do at Harran Beehive Hous e s in Türkiye The beehive houses are only part of the Harran archaeological site . The ancient city of Harran is believed to be approximately 5000 years old . Inside the city walls of the ancient city , you can see the remains of a fortress palace, a mosque, a tomb, a bath, markets, a courtyard with a fountain, a perfume shop, and of course, the beehive houses. One of the earliest known universities in the world was founded in Harran in the 8th century, as well as the first Islamic university.

Where to stay when visiting Harran Beehive Hous e s, Türkiye There is only one hotel in Harran, so you’d better book accommodation in Sanliurfa, which is less than 50 km away.  Recommended and visited by Maria from Map and Camera.

7. 2. Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Kyoto, Japan

one of the two parallel rows of Senbon Torii with vermillion torii gates in Fushimi Inari-taisha as the symbol of orange places around the world

Name of place: Fushimi Inari Taisha Location: Kyoto, Japan Highlights Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine is home to more than 10.000 vermilion torii gates . This is one of the most important Shrines in Japan , dedicated to the goddess of rice . It is one of the most recognizable orange destinations around the world, as Shinto religion believes that orange protects against evil . Statues of foxes inside are believed to capture the human spirit and are considered to be messengers of the gods. It is one of the top 10 orange places around the world to visit.

Tips for visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha, Kyoto Fushimi Inari is one of the free things to do in Kyoto, since there is no entrance fee . It is open all day , every day of the year. You can easily include it in your Kyoto itinerary since you can visit it during the day or at night time. If you wish to avoid the crowds, the best time to visit Fushimi Inari Shrine is early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Fushimi Inari is easy to access by train. From Kyoto station take the JR Nala line and get off at Inari station. The line is included in the Japan Rail pass. What to see & what to do at Fushimi Inari in Kyoto Visiting this orange travel destination is one of the top things to do in Kyoto. Two parallel rows of Senbon Torii, thousands of orange torii gates, are also one of the most famous (and crowded) instagrammable places in Kyoto . There are plenty of other photo spots with fewer crowds along the hiking trail to the top of Mount Inari (2-3 hours return). Even though you can explore the walking trails of Inari Mountain on your own, the best way to see it is by joining the Fushimi Inari Taisha Guided Walking Tour .

Where to stay when visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha, Kyoto To properly experience Japan’s head Shinto shrine and all the temples in cultural capital of Japan, consider staying in the historic Higashiyama District in Kyoto . Opt in for a cozy guest house, luxurious boutique hotel, or stay in a traditional Japanese accommodation, ryokan. Kiraku Kyoto Honmachi is the best Ryokan in Kyoto with a private onsen.  Recommended and visited by Anja from Anja On Adventure.

for general JAPAN TRAVEL TIPS: • GET OVER JET LAG WITH THESE 19 EASY-TO-FOLLOW TIPS • ULTIMATE TRAVELER SAFETY GUIDE: WHAT TO DO DURING AN EARTHQUAKE for JAPAN TIPS: • Ultimate List of 23 Best Apps for Travel to Japan • JAPAN COST OF TRAVEL AND DETAILED BUDGET BREAKDOWN • HOW TO SPEND SEVENTEEN DAYS IN JAPAN: FIRST TIME ITINERARY • 73+ Essential Japanese Travel Phrases for Tourists Visiting Japan & Free cheat sheet for best TOURS IN JAPAN: • TOP 5 RAMEN TOURS IN TOKYO TO UNLOCK YOUR TASTEBUDS • 10 STUNNING JAPAN CHERRY BLOSSOM TOURS THAT YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY LOVE for INSTAGRAM CAPTIONS about JAPAN: • 55 BEST KYOTO CAPTIONS FOR INSTAGRAM – GOLDEN AND KAWAII • 55 BEST TOKYO CAPTIONS FOR INSTAGRAM – KAWAII AND CUTE • 73 Best Ramen Captions for Instagram – Delicious Like Broth • 87 Simplistic Cherry Blossom Captions for Sakura – Sweet and Dreamy • 135 Best Japan Captions for Instagram – Puns, Quotes, Riddles & Jokes

8. Final Thoughts on orange places around the world

Which of these best orange places around the world are on the top of your bucket list? You can also get a boost of joy and happiness in other places that are orange . From pumpkin patches , to stunning displays of fall foliage and orange groves . You can spot orange in nature in monarch butterflies, clown fish, Calendula Flowers, and tulips. To continue with colorful travels, proceed by visiting yellow places and red destinations. Yellow destinations will fill you with feelings of happiness, and optimism and red places with love and excitement. After all, orange is a mix of yellow and red. 

As you plan your next travel by color , remember that the world is full of colors and hues. From green and blue, to black and white and in all the colors of the rainbow. Choose the one that sparks your senses the most. I will see you on your next colorful adventure, Anja

➤ What you should read next …

• How to spend 17 days in Japan • How to say Hello in 101 different languages • 27 Pink Places around the World you should visit • 31 Beautiful White Places around the World you should visit • Why is Colorful Dopamine Travel trend changing the way we travel

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What are the different shades of orange color?

There are around 140 different shades of orange color. Some of the shades are tiger, vermillion, amber, tiger, honey, marigold, apricot, squash, carrot, flame orange, beer orange etc. If you would like to travel by color to orange places, you can find a collection of places in orange on Anja On Adventure travel blog, alongside the tips for visiting every destination.

What emotions do orange colors evoke?

Orange, just like yellow and red, is a warm color and evokes feelings of enthusiasm, joy, and adventure. It gives us a sense of optimism, energy and warmth. If you wish for your colorful adventure to be inspired by orange, you can find a collection of orange places on Anja On Adventure travel blog, alongside the tips for visiting every destination.

What are the 3 best orange places in the world?

Fushimi Inari Taisha in Kyoto, Japan, Uluru in Australia and Antelope Canyon in USA. Find a collection of orange destinations in the world on Anja On Adventure travel blog, alongside the tips for visiting every destination. 

Where is the most orange place on Earth?

There are many orange places around the world. The most orange place on Earth must be either the Sahara desert or Namib desert in Africa.  Find more places that are orange in nature on Anja On Adventure travel blog, alongside the tips for visiting every mentioned destination.

What are some orange travel destinations in the USA?

Antelope Canyon, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Valley of Fire, Providence Canyon State Park, Haleakala National Park and many others. Find orange best destinations list on Anja On Adventure travel blog, alongside the tips for visiting every destination.

Where can I travel to orange places in Europe?

Best destinations orange color in Europe, from rooftops in Dubrovnik, Croatia, Vilnius in Lithuania, cities in Italy like Siena, Modena and Bologna, cliffs in Portugal and towns in France. Find more orange places you can travel to on Anja On Adventure travel blog, with tips for visiting every destination.

What are some orange places in the world to travel to?

From well-known Uluru, and Fushimi Inari, to Sossusvlei in Namibia, Dubai desert, Valley of Fire and Antelope Canyon.  For more dopamine travel by color to orange places you can visit on Anja On Adventure travel blog, with tips for visiting every destination.

❥ About Anja On Adventure

anja on Adventure

Anja On Adventure is a travel blog, a collection of insider tips and information on destinations, that I visited as a solo female traveler, tour guide, teacher, yacht stewardess, and Survivor challenge tester. Anja, is a thirty-something adventure-seeking, sun chasing, beach hopping, gin-loving, tropics enthusiast with a creative mind and sarcastic spirit, who loves coconut and mango but doesn’t like chocolate and sweets. I am passionate about all things travel, maps, and puzzles. Click here to learn more About me .

About the author: Anja

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  • Bucket List

11 Orange Places You Need to Add to Your Bucket List

Sustainable travel expert, adventure seeker

Chicago, IL, USA

orange travel world

Dreamsicle-colored deserts (not desserts , for once) cover our planet…and they’re not the only show-stopping orange places around the globe. Orange festivals, orange cities, orange monuments, orange national parks —whether you prefer to sweat your way through arid ginger-scapes or dance through a valley of delicate flowers, you’ll have ample opportunity for both. Check out these 11 orange travel destinations around the world and add ‘em to your bucket list:

11 Gorgeous Orange Places in the World

Merzouga in morocco.

Merzouga, Merzouga

As the gateway to the mighty Sahara Desert, the small village of Merzouga draws a considerable amount of attention from travelers in Morocco. It’s home to Erg Chebbi — a particular sprawl of sand dunes that lies near the Algerian border. These undulating mountains of sand are rich in color, attracting both migratory birds and also camel-riding adventurers who are keen to try out the desert life for a day or two. This is one of the only places on Earth where you can find orange sand, and it’s a monumental sight.

Torii Gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine, Japan

Fushimi Inari Taisha, Kyoto

A fiery-orange tunnel of gates greets you at Fushimi Inari Shrine , one of Japan’s more popular destinations (and now photo ops, since the age of Instagram) located in the city of Kyoto. Hundreds of gates line a pathway that winds up the mountain, creating a stunning canopy of color you can walk right through. Since there’s no admissions fee, it’s the perfect stop for those looking for budget-friendly things to do in Japan .

Arches National Park in Utah, US

Arches National Park,

Few places in the world can match the whimsical pull of Arches National Park . This natural feat is chock-full of precarious-looking rock arches that are the shade of autumn pumpkins, and they’re a sight to behold. Highlights such as Delicate Arch and Balanced Rock steal the show here, but with over 2,000 naturally formed arches, you’ll end up with way more than you bargained for experience-wise.

Dubrovnik in Croatia

Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik

Hyped up Game of Thrones fans and regular ole travelers will take delight in Dubrovnik regardless of what they’re after. Being a city full of carrot-hued rooftops, it makes for quite the sight when taken in from above. Not only does it take credit for a large portion of GOT’s magnificent scenery — the walled Old Town area is known for stellar seafood in charming eateries, medieval history, and wow-worthy views of the Adriatic Sea.

King’s Day Holiday in Amsterdam, Netherlands

orange travel world

There’s pretty much one rule when it comes to King’s Day in Amsterdam: wear orange. This might be the world’s rowdiest birthday bash, beginning way back in 1891 on Queen Wilhelmina’s special day. Since then, it’s safe to say it has wholly transformed. In recent years it has drawn anywhere from 600,000 to upwards of 1 million partygoers, so get ready for one hell of a hangover if you choose to join in.

Mt. Etna in Italy

Mount Etna, Adrano

Although you certainly wouldn’t want to be anywhere near it to experience the height of its orangey-red color, Mt. Etna still makes our list for being pretty freakin’ badass. One of the best things to do in Sicily , this active stratovolcano is the highest in Europe. For the past 500,000 years, it has soared above the city of Catania. The mountain is no stranger to lava flows, but luckily, they’ve always cooled down and solidified before getting a chance to reach civilization.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in Australia

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Uluru

Australia’s most iconic rock formation is more than intriguing to the eye. It has rich history as a longstanding part of Aboriginal culture, considered sacred to the Anangu people. This absolutely massive sandstone monolith stands alone in the middle of the Australian outback, tucked into Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park , where the stargazing is otherworldly. You’ll feel a million miles from civilization. 

Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve in California, US

Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve State Natural Reserve, Lancaster

“Why have a mere bouquet of poppies when you could have a gigantic, sprawling field full of ‘em?” — whoever decided to create Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve , I presume. Take California’s official state flower (the poppy) and put it on steroids: That’s what you’ll get here. It’s a treat to the eyes with plenty of orange-clad soft slopes, and it’s only an hour and a half outside of downtown Los Angeles.

Deadvlei in Namibia

Deadvlei, Sossusvlei

The name Deadvlei means “dead marsh,” which sounds ominous enough and looks even more so. Remnants of trees jut from the ground with sun-soaked branches, starkly contrasting the bright orange backdrop of desert dunes. The ground surrounding these tree skeletons is a dried up white clay pan, adding another layer of uniqueness to this already mind-boggling sight.

Holi Festival in India


Oh-so energetic Holi Festival could easily be categorized as any shade of our travel rainbow, but we happen to think orange looks extra fabulous. India’s festival of colors has been celebrated for centuries, signifying the victory of good over evil. It’s a day filled with happiness, love, and some of the best energy around — just make sure you’re down to get completely saturated with powdery dye. Don’t worry; it’s highly worth it.

Wadi Rum in Jordan

Wadi Rum Village, Wadi Rum Village

You can call it another desert, but we prefer “Mars on Earth.” Wadi Rum desert is one of Jordan’s most notable destinations for travelers, and one of the coolest orange places on Earth. Here, you can try out glamping if you’re feeling fancy — or a more traditional Bedouin desert camp if you want an authentic experience. Chill out with some camels or get your adrenaline kicks with some ATV and off-road tours; this fiery desert has you covered on things to do.

Like this list of colorful orange places? Don’t worry, there’s plenty more where that came from. Scroll through our list of robust  red places , mellow  yellow places , verdant  green places , cool  blue places , plum  purple places , and pretty in  pink places  around the world. When you see a spot you like, click “Save to List” to add it to your bucket list.

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11 red travel destinations for your bucket list, 9 yellow places you need to add to your bucket list, 14 green places you need to add to your bucket list, 9 blue places you need to add to your bucket list, 20 pink places you need to add to your bucket list, 8 purple places you need to add to your bucket list.

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Orange Cassidy Hopes He Gets To Punch Wheeler Yuta In The Face On 9/4 AEW Dynamite

Orange Cassidy explains the bond he and the other members of The Conglomeration have and expresses his desire to punch Wheeler Yuta in the face when they're on opposite ends of a tag team encounter on the September 4 episode of AEW Dynamite.

Orange Cassidy used to have some best friends, but now he is part of a conglomeration. In fact, he is part of The Conglomeration in AEW. Other members of The Conglomeration include Kyle O'Reilly, Mark Briscoe, "Big Tom" Tomohiro Ishii, Willow Nightingale, and Little Jay Briscoe.

Speaking to Fightful's Iridian Fierro for WGN Radio , Cassidy hyped the upcoming match on the September 4 AEW Dynamite, where he will team with Kyle O'Reilly and AEW International Champion Will Ospreay against the current AEW World Trios Champions PAC, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta.

Orange Cassidy explained his history with his three opponents for the evening; he also detailed how The Conglomeration came together and their bond as individuals who were feeling lost on their respective journeys.

"I mean, obviously, I have some deep-rooted issues with Wheeler Yuta. There's a lot of history there. I helped train him, and then he left me to go team with a bunch of bullies that beat people up," he said. "Then, like I mentioned before, PAC, I think he's been my greatest rival here in AEW, since the beginning. We've had many, many different matches against each other. He's, obviously, he's one of the best ever to do it. Then you have Claudio, who's a monster. He's Claudio. He's incredible. They're all very mean, and they hit very hard.

"So I'm glad I have Will Ospreay on my team," continued Cassidy. "Also, Kyle O'Reilly, who is part of the group, The Conglomeration. Honestly, this is a bunch of words I don't think people are going to understand, but I'm in a group of people who like to conglomerate. That's Willow Nightingale, who you said was on your show before , Mark Briscoe, Kyle, O'Reilly, and Tomohiro Ishii. We're all together. We're a bunch of people who just love to conglomerate [and] get after it. We were actually going through all the same things. When my friends decided to ditch me, leave me alone, and turn their back on me, I was alone. I was lost, and you shut down. I decided to open up, and I found out there's a bunch of people going through the same thing that I'm going through, and we all decided to come together and band together. So that is what The Conglomeration is all about. So it's going to be interesting tonight. Hopefully, I can punch Yuta in the face, get some revenge."

In the past, Cassidy has opened up about how the betrayal of his friends made him question himself and whether or not he is a toxic friend. Read his comments here .

Check out the full card for the September 4 AEW Dynamite here .

Fightful covers AEW Dynamite live every Wednesday night as it airs on TBS and AEW Plus. We also have a podcast that breaks down all the action after the show airs on our YouTube channel.

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit the original source with a H/T and link back to Fightful for the transcription.

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Orange Travel - World eSIMs 4+

Affordable travel esim plans, designed for iphone, iphone screenshots, description.

Buy a prepaid Orange eSIM plan from anywhere in the world and stay connected during your trip abroad Don’t worry about staying connected in 4G or 5G during your trip abroad. With Orange Travel app, you can buy from home, top up and manage a generous local eSIM plan comfortably, in a few clics and avoid roaming fees. Orange thought about travelers and introduced this advanced eco friendly solution, to make communication abroad easier. Providing generous and affordable eSIM plans, for any destination in the world. Your next trip hack To save you time, we propose you a simple and very quick eSIM download with no QR code scanning, and an automatic identity verification thanks to eKYC technology when requested. No need to search for local SIM stores to get connectivity. No need to insert a physical SIM on your device. No need for a second smartphone during your trip to scan any QR code. No time wasted during your trip. What is eSIM?: It’s a downsized version of a SIM card that is fully integrated by manufacturers within a device such as a smartphone, tablet, or connected watch. It works just like a classic SIM card, providing calls, SMS, and the internet. All you need is a compatible device. With eSIM, you can enjoy the same services as with a plastic SIM card, you can use it immediately wherever you are! The eSIM just has to be recognized by the operator network from which you bought the eSIM Explore the world and keep in touch without fear with your relatives: catch up with your family and friends while enjoying your trip at its fullest. Use data, voice calls and sms to share your daily activities and look for the best spots to visit. In 1, 2 ,3 steps you got your plan. =>Choose the plan you’re interested in => Pay simply with your credit card =>Install your eSIM with no need QR code scanning Your eSIM is activated automatically More freedom for your trip We provide different plans covering any destination in the world, choose the plan that suits you best, only data or data + sms and calls, as you wish. If you plan to stay longer, or need more abundance, use our top up feature, and manage your eSIM according to your need. Orange is known for​: -Competitive prices for 253 million customers. -Network quality, with worldwide partnerships, presence in 26 countries -Investing in eco friendly and sustainable projects. List of main eSIM compatible Apple devices: Iphone Xs, Xs Max and Xr under iOS 12.2 at least Iphone 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max Iphone 12, 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 12 Mini & iPhone SE 2 (2020) and SE 3 (2022) Iphone 13, 13 Pro, 13 Mini, 13 Pro Max IPhone 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Max iphone 15, 15 Plus iPad Air (3rd Gen or later) iPad (7th Gen or later) iPad mini (5th Gen or later) iPad Pro 11 and 12.9 Have a good trip with Orange

Version 1.9.3

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  1. Orange Travel

    As a telecom operator in 30 countries with partnerships with the best local carriers all over the world, Orange provides one of the best network quality worldwide. Our customer service is ...

  2. Purchase SIM Card Orange Holiday World details for World

    14 days. €44.99. Buy now. Offer details. Countries covered. The SIM includes : Up to 10GB en 4G/LTE across Europe and the world depending on the area. Credit valid for 14 days from the 1st use (1st ...

  3. Buy a SIM or eSIM

    As a telecom operator in 30 countries with partnerships with the best local carriers all over the world, Orange provides one of the best network quality worldwide. Customer service. Our customer ...

  4. Orange Travel

    Search. First steps. Installation and activation. eSIM/SIM registration. Use of the eSIM/SIM. Top-ups. More help. Top articles. How to install and configure an Orange Travel eSIM with a QR code on an Android device?

  5. ‎Orange Travel

    With Orange Travel app, you can buy from home, top up and manage a generous local eSIM plan comfortably, in a few clics and avoid roaming fees. Orange thought about travelers and introduced this advanced eco friendly solution, to make communication abroad easier. Providing generous and affordable eSIM plans, for any destination in the world.

  6. When do I need to buy, download and activate my eSIM?

    Orange Travel English (US) Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português

  7. Orange Holiday Sim Card

    Any question. Top up online on our website with any international credit cards. Six recharges available: 20MB, 2 hours calls, unlimited SMS valid for 1 week in Europe for 5,5€. 1GB valid 2 weeks in Europe for 11€. 5GB, 1 hour call and 500 SMS valid for 14 days in Europe for 21,7€. 10GB valid for 1 month in Europe for 27,1€.

  8. My SIM card or eSIM is not working, what can I do?

    1- Make sure you have enabled data roaming on your phone. To do this, go to your phone's settings. If you have an iPhone: Settings > Mobile data > Mobile data options > Enable data roaming. If you have an Android: Settings > SIM card and mobile data > Select SIM card > Enable data roaming. 2 - Make sure your phone is unlocked.

  9. ‎Orange Travel

    ‎Don't worry about staying connected in 4G or 5G during your trip abroad. With Orange Travel app, you can buy from home, top up and manage a generous local eSIM plan comfortably, in a few clics and avoid roaming fees. Orange thought about travelers and introduced this advanced eco friendly solution,…

  10. Orange Travel

    About this app. Stay connected during your trip at affordable prices with our eSIMs. Don't worry about staying connected in 4G or 5G during your trip abroad. With Orange Travel app, you can buy from home, top up and manage a generous local eSIM. plan comfortably, in a few clics and avoid roaming fees. During your travel, going from wifi to ...

  11. Orange Travel

    Orange Travel - World eSIMs. Don't worry about staying connected in 4G or 5G during your trip abroad. Orange Travel - World eSIMs. by Orange. iPhone. FREE in the App Store What is it about?

  12. Does anyone have personal experience using Orange Travel eSIM ...

    I ordered Orange Holiday 20 gb All-Inclusive for a 10 day trip to France in July 2023. I purchased ESIM directly from Orange's travel site directly. The esim worked immediate upon landing in CDG and flawlessly provided data through Île-de-France southwest (Nouvelle-Aquitaine & Bordeaux) and northeast (Reims).

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    Plans are usually pre-paid and then you can top them up for additional days, weeks, or months. Orange offers plans valid for 14 days, which is perfect for a trip in Europe. You can top them off as needed. The Orange Holiday Europe 20 GB eSim plan for 39.99€‎ includes unlimited calls and texts in Europe, along with 20 GB of data.

  16. Orange Holiday SIM Registration

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  17. Selection of the Orange Holiday World offer for World / Physical SIM

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  22. Orange Travel

    With Orange Travel app, you can buy from home, top up and manage a generous local eSIM plan comfortably, in a few clics and avoid roaming fees. Orange thought about travelers and introduced this advanced eco friendly solution, to make communication abroad easier. Providing generous and affordable eSIM plans, for any destination in the world.

  23. Choosing a mobile credit top-up offer

    As a telecom operator in 30 countries with partnerships with the best local carriers all over the world, Orange provides one of the best network quality worldwide. Our customer service is ...

  24. Selection of the Orange Holiday World offer for World / eSIM card

    Competitive prices. With 250 million customers Orange is able to provide attractive offers worldwide for its tourists and business travelers. Network quality. As a telecom operator in 30 ...

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