15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Nepal

Written by Lana Law Updated Mar 22, 2022

Nepal is a surprisingly diverse country that attracts visitors for many reasons. Some are lured by the call of the mountains and seeking to climb or trek in the Himalayas, others are intrigued by the culture and the famous city of Kathmandu, and yet others come hoping to find some sort of spiritual awakening. Nepal can be an adrenaline adventure, a cultural eye opener, a life-changing experience, or all of the above.

Most travelers spend some time in Kathmandu visiting sacred and historic attractions, and then head out to other parts of the country. Some of the best places to visit outside the capital are Chitwan National Park and Bardiya National Park for wildlife viewing, and the lakeside town of Pokhara , a popular area for embarking on treks.

Trekkers will find a variety of options across Nepal, with the most important areas being the Everest, Annapurna, and Langtang regions.

In 2015, a major earthquake struck Nepal, causing severe damage in Kathmandu and other areas, and restoration is still underway. In Nepal, things take time to happen, and when they do, they tend to happen unevenly, so progress has been substantial in some areas and limited in others. That said, much of the damage to the major sights has been repaired, although some historical treasures were lost forever.

To find the best places to visit, have a read through our list of the top attractions in Nepal.

1. Kathmandu

2. bhaktapur, 3. boudhanath stupa (bodhnath), 5. trekking in the annapurna region, 6. chitwan national park, 7. trekking in the langtang region, 8. swayambhunath (monkey temple), 9. everest & the trek to base camp, 10. bardiya national park, 11. pashupatinath temple, 12. international mountain museum, 13. lumbini, 14. helambu trek, 15. white water rafting.


Kathmandu, the capital and largest city in Nepal, is like no other city in the world. The decaying buildings in the heart of the city are a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere that permeates the streets. The smell of incense wafts from stores while street sellers push their goods, and people go about their daily lives, all against a backdrop of historic temples and carved statues.

For several hundred years, Kathmandu was one of three rival royal cities, along with Bhaktapur and Patan. Situated in close proximity to each other, today these three almost run together.

The highlight of Kathmandu has long been Durbar Square, the largest of the palace squares in the three royal cities and a UNESCO World Heritage Site . Temples and monuments of varying shapes, sizes, styles, and faiths can be found here.

Kathmandu's Durbar Square was severely damaged in the 2015 earthquake, with many buildings destroyed beyond repair, but it still remains a special place to visit.

Kathmandu City Map - Tourist Attractions

Bhaktapur, the third of the "Royal Cities," lies on the old trade route to Tibet, just outside of Kathmandu. For Bhaktapur, the trade route was both an arterial link and major source of wealth. Its relative remoteness at the time allowed the city to develop independently and in ways which distinguish it from the other two cities.

In contrast to Patan and Kathmandu, the population of Bhaktapur is primarily Hindu. The best place from which to begin a tour of the city is Durbar Square, where in addition to the royal palace, several temples are also situated. The whole area is a UNESCO World Heritage Site .

Many of the buildings in Durbar Square in Bhaktapur were damaged in the 2015 earthquake; the main temples are close to being repaired fully. However, other buildings in the complex remain in ruin. The UNESCO-funded restoration work came to a stop in 2019 and the agency had to withdraw due to threats against its workers. The project has been turned over to the Nepali Department of Archeology. Restoration work continues albeit very slowly.

Durbar Square Palace Area, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu Valley Map - Tourist Attractions

The Bodhanath Stupa, just outside Kathmandu, is one of the largest stupas of its kind in the world and dates to some time around the 6th century, possibly even earlier. Like Bhaktapur, it lies on the old trade route to Tibet and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The stupa itself is a symbol of enlightenment but at Boudhanath the symbolism is particularly clear. Each different shape represents one of the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and sphere, which are also the attributes of the five Buddhas. Brought together in the form of the stupa, their unity reflects in abstract fashion the structure of the universe itself.

The stupa sustained minor damage during the 2015 earthquake and is now fully repaired.


Set at the base of the foothills and surrounded by some of the highest mountains in the world – Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Annapurna I – Pokhara is one of Nepal's most scenic cities. For trekkers, Pokhara is the gateway to the Himalayas and the starting point for treks to Jomsom and the Annapurna region. It's also a wonderful spot to relax for a bit, either before or after a hiking trip.

By population, it is the second largest city in Nepal after Kathmandu but still does not feel like a big city. As you travel from Kathmandu, 200 kilometers to the east, you'll notice the much cleaner air and pleasant climate almost immediately. Lake Phewa, with its cluster of lakeside hotels, restaurants, and shops, is ideal for those looking for a little relaxation.

Pokhara, Central Nepal Map - Tourist Attractions

The Annapurna Region is one of the most popular trekking regions in Nepal, with options that range from a few days to a few weeks. Three main routes in the Annapurna Region intersect and combine in places, and you can opt to do a portion or a variation on the routes. The routes are well marked and easy to follow.

The Annapurna Circuit around Annapurna Mountain takes about 21 days to complete and is incredibly popular with people who have enough time. This route is sometimes called the "Apple Pie Circuit," in reference to the fact that most of the teahouses along the route serve their own version of fried apple pie.

A popular hiking destination in this region, often offered in hiking packages in combination with the Annapurna Circuit, is the trek to Poon Hill (3,210 meters) near Ghorepani. Most hikers try to be on Poon Hill early to see sunrise and a stunning view of Dhaulagiri, Annapurna South, Machapuchare, and Singa Chuli.

The Annapurna Sanctuary nestles between the peaks of Annapurna and takes five days to reach. Muktinath is on the way to Annapurna but has since become a destination in its own right. The Muktinath route runs in the Kali Gandaki Valley on the east flank of Annapurna and takes seven days. North of Muktinath is Mustang, a small region that was only opened up to tourists in 1992. This area has its own fascinating culture.

In many regards, the Annapurna Region, north of Pokhara, is an ideal walking area. The dramatic contrasts of the Nepalese countryside are especially visible, from the subtropical vegetation of the Pokhara Valley to the dry rain shadow area, with features of the Tibetan plateau. The people and cultures are also very different: facial characteristics, food, houses, lifestyles, customs, and religion.

The Annapurna region was declared a protected area in 1986. Most importantly, it has a good infrastructure to support the many trekkers that come through this area. The paths are well maintained, and food and lodging are plentiful.

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is the place to come to experience a different side of Nepal. This is a wonderful place for wildlife viewing and it has a safari-type atmosphere. At an altitude of only 100 meters in some areas, much lower than Kathmandu at 1,400 meters, Chitwan has a tropical monsoon climate, quite different than what you'd expect to find in Nepal.

Travelers come here to see wildlife. The park is home to rhinos, Bengal tigers, leopards, sloth bears, gaur (buffalo), deer, and many other critters. Freshwater dolphins (gangetic) and crocodiles inhabit the rivers and streams but are rarely seen. More than 500 species of birds make Chitwan a paradise for ornithologists. Tours from the lodges take you out into the park, either on foot, or more often, on elephants for close-up views of the animals.

Chitwan lies southwest of Kathmandu close to the Indian frontier and is included in the UNESCO list of world cultural heritage sites.

The best time to visit Chitwan is from October to February. Average temperatures hover around 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit), with high humidity, although the mornings can be quite cool. June to September is the monsoon season, with frequent and heavy rain.

Chitwan National Park, Central Nepal - Floor plan map

The Langtang Region, home to Langtang National Park , is an incredible area for hiking, with high passes, extensive views, old monasteries, and beautiful mountain scenery. Rhododendron forests bloom during the spring hiking season adding color to the vistas.

The region, home to the Sherpa people, is less developed than some of the other popular trekking areas in Nepal and generally less busy on the trails, despite its close proximity to Kathmandu. Villages with guesthouses and food can be found along the route, although somewhat more spread out than in other trekking regions.

This area can be reached easily from Kathmandu by jeep in seven to eight hours. On a clear day, the peak of Langtang Lirung (7,245 meters), which dominates the surrounding area of the same name, is visible from Kathmandu.

Trekking lengths and duration in Langtang range from a few days to a couple of weeks depending on the routing. Some trekkers combine Helambu and Langtang for a longer trek.

Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple)

Set on a hilltop to the west of Kathmandu, Swayambhunath is the second most important shrine in the Kathmandu Valley after Boudhanath. Due to the resident monkeys that inhabit parts of the temple, it is more affectionately known as the Monkey Temple.

The Swayambhu Stupa, painted with the eyes of the omnipresent god, forms the centerpiece of the temple complex. It was originally a prehistoric cult site, but the temple complex dates to the 5th century. Swayambhu plays a major part in the lives of the Vajrayana Buddhists of Northern Nepal and Tibet, but especially of the Newari Buddhists of the Kathmandu Valley.

The 2015 earthquake caused some damage to the Swayambhunath temple complex; however, repairs are now complete, and the temple is back to its original condition.

Swayambhunath Temple, Kathmandu Valley - Floor plan map

The summit of Mount Everest, the highest mountain on earth, reaches 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) high. Trekking in the Mount Everest area became popular following the now legendary first ascent of the peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and the Sherpa Tensing Norgay.

Since that time, many more have summited the mountain, but far more trek the route to Everest Base Camp simply for a glimpse of the peak far above. In recent years the mountain has seen its fair share of tragedy and drama. The 2015 earthquake and previous avalanches, along with disputes between climbers on the mountain, have left their mark on Everest trekking and climbing.

The Everest Region is generally not regarded as the most scenic region in the country for trekking, but the allure of Everest makes it a popular destination, both for climbers and trekkers. There are various routes to access base camp and several options for organizing a trip.

Many trekking companies offer a guided hike, either with Nepalese companies or western-based companies. It's also possible to hire a private guide or porter and do it yourself; however, all trekkers are technically required to have a guide. The main hiking seasons are in the spring and fall, from March to May and September to December.

For those not looking to trek to Mount Everest but still wanting to see the mountain , it is possible to see it on clear days from the hill town of Nagarkot near Kathmandu. Hotel staff will knock on guests' doors on clear mornings if Everest is visible. This might be the lazy traveler's best chance of seeing the world's highest peak.

Wild Bengal tiger in Bardiya National Park

Many people are surprised to learn that Nepal has extensive lowland areas where Bengal tigers, rhinos, crocodiles, and elephants roam. One of the best spots to see these animals in their natural habitant is Bardiya National Park (also Bardia National Park). In addition to the large animals, the park is also a bird-watching hot spot, with over 400 species either living in, or transiting through, the region.

Located off on its own in northwest Nepal near the border of India, this area is known for its river valleys, extensive grasslands, and tropical forest dominated by the Sal tree. Areas of the national park were once the exclusive hunting domain of Nepali royalty. Through the years, it has been expanded and now encompasses 968 square kilometers.

Pashupatinath Temple

Dating from the turn of the 17th century, the Pashupatinath Temple is the oldest temple in Kathmandu and also considered one of the most sacred in Nepal. Located in western Kathmandu along the Bagmati River, the temple is known for its beautiful pagoda-style architecture, with copper and gold covering.

The temple is dedicated to Pashupati, one of the incarnations of Shiva. Of the three gates, only the western one is open, and only practicing Hindus of South Asian descent are allowed inside. A good viewpoint of the complex for non-Hindus is located across the river. One note of caution: the monkeys that hang out around this area may look cute, but they tend to be aggressive and should be treated with caution.

International Mountain Museum

Located in the beautiful mountain town of Pokhara, the International Mountain Museum is a must-see prior to heading off on a trek. This very impressive modern building is a bright and airy space and houses all the information you could ever want to know about the mountains of Nepal and the people who inhabit them.

Three main galleries are spread throughout the museum, the first being the Mountain People Gallery. Here, through exhibits and a video, you'll learn about the Indigenous people of Nepal and the Khumbu region in particular.

The second gallery deals with the mountains themselves and provides extensive information on 14 peaks over 8,000 meters, along with an overview of the geology that formed them.

The third gallery provides insight into equipment used in mountain climbing and delves into the mythology of the secretive Yeti. In addition to the galleries, a Lakhang room is available for quiet contemplation.

If you're looking for other things to do nearby, outside is a tall triangular climbing wall along with a smaller version for those less inclined.

Address: Nagpokhari, Naxal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Official site:


Lumbini is famous for being the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, the historic Buddha, known as Buddha Shakyamuni. Situated off the main tourist track, almost 250 kilometers from Kathmandu, Lumbini is a worthwhile detour on the route from Pokhara to the Chitwan National Park.

In this pilgrimage town , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, there is a feeling of tranquility. Most of the visitors are Buddhist pilgrims from around the world, retracing Buddha's footsteps through the stations of his life. The Maya Devi Temple , dedicated to Buddha's mother, is believed to be the spot where Buddha was born. It contains an ancient stone relief from the 2nd century AD depicting Buddha's birth.

Lumbini, West Nepal Map - Tourist Attractions

The Helambu region is a popular trekking area, particularly with trekking companies offering guided hikes. This is largely because it is close to Kathmandu, does not reach astoundingly high elevations, and offers some beautiful mountain scenery.

For many of these same reasons, it is often touted by tour groups as being easy. However, many hikers who come here on tours find it is more demanding than they feel they were led to believe and more difficult than they anticipate.

Trekking in the Himalayas is always demanding, and although it is not as high as other treks, it is still a physically demanding hike and trekkers should be in good physical condition. With that in mind, this is a beautiful trek, with stunning rhododendron trees in bloom in March and April, and it's well worth the effort.

The Helambu region is inhabited by the Sherpas and situated in the upper part of the Malechmi Khola valley. The Helambu Trek can be started in Kathmandu and completed in five to eight days . The typical seven-day itinerary is circular, with the first day's section being repeated at the end of the walk. The sudden contrast between the lower and upper lying regions and their characteristic cultures is striking. Accommodation can be found in lodges and village guest houses.

White water rafting in Nepal

With towering mountains and rushing rivers Nepal is an excellent place for white water rafting. Several options are available depending on how much time you want to spend on the river.

An easy trip for travelers only looking for a one-day adventure is the Trisuli Rafting Day Trip from Kathmandu. Unlike many rafting trips, which are seasonal, this one is available year round. After your day of rafting, you can either go back to Kathmandu or on to Chitwan or Pokhara.

If you are looking to spend more time on the water and interested in more serious rapids, one of the most popular places to go is the Bhote Kosi River .

Bhote Koshi River Rafting trips take two days and are intense. You'll find yourself in the white water shortly after put in, and along the way, you'll blast through class IV and V rapids. The trip is 25 kilometers long and includes camping on the riverbank for one night. Meals are included.

Other multiday trips to consider are on the Tamur, Karnali, Arun, and Bheri rivers.

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Best Tourist Attractions in Nepal

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Located at 2322 metres above the sea level in the Thaha Municipality of Nepal, Daman has inarguably the best view of the Himalayan range in the entire country. On the best of days, the whole stretch from Mount Dhaulagiri in the west to Mount Everest in the east can be seen perfectly. The snow-creste...

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27 Beautiful Places of Nepal you must Visit

27 Beautiful Places of Nepal you must Visit

Nepal is one of the most beautiful countries to visit and truly trekkers paradise for trekker enthusiast. No nation can compete with Nepal’s scenic and natural beauty. Lying is South East Asia between China and India, this developing nation holds eccentric natural and scenic beauty, biodiversity in plants and animals and several ethnic groups, cultures, and traditions all inside this small nation. With eight highest mountains in the world, Nepal is a home to hundreds of peaks and beautiful landscapes and rivers and Nepal has been a paradise for adventure seekers offering them ultimate challenges.

Landlocked by geography, Nepal shares an open border with India. The major identification of Nepal in world platform is for the beauty of mountains, culture, and traditions of people and also for friendly hospitality. Some of the beautiful places of Nepal are:

Table of Contents


Lumbini is the birthplace of Gautam Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Born as Siddhartha Gautam in 563 B.C. The distance from Kathmandu to Lumbini is about 230 KM and is reached in a day through a bus or a plane.

Lumbini is a holy land for all the Buddhist followers around the world and one of the most beautiful places of  Nepal. Lumbini is declared a pilgrimage site for people spreading peace and love. There are some of the world’s best stupas and monasteries in Lumbini area. The eternal flame is also located in Lumbini.

The great Emperor Ashoka, when visited Lumbini built a pillar where Mayadevi, Buddha’s mother gave birth. The pillar is named in honor of Ashoka and still stands firm near the palace.

Everest Base Camp

Evesrest Base Camp

Everest Base Camp is the gateway to the tallest peak of the World, Mount Everest. The base camp is situated at the height of 5,380 meters high up in the Himalayas; the base camp provides a thrilling experience and spectacular view of Everest.

It’s not the base camp but the journey to basecamp that will blow your mind away. The trek to Base Camp passes through exceptional viewpoint such as Kalapatthar at 5,643 meters, considered the best place on earth for watching Everest.

The trek passes through the Khumbu region, and neighboring mountains of Everest is also seen along the way. Everest Base Camp is one of the most sought out destinations in the world and only the people who have reached the camp know how it feels to be under the existing roof of Asia. Undoubtedly, the Everest base camp is among the most Beautiful places in Nepal

Tilicho Lake

Tilicho Lake

Tilicho lake is considered as one of the most beautiful high altitude lakes in the World. Situated at the height of 4,919 meters, it lies in the Annapurna range of mountains. The lake lies in Manang district. The route to the lake is tremendously difficult as trekkers require to climb down a rocky mountain without any support sideways. The trek to Tilicho lake is completed in one day from the Tilicho Base Camp.

Rara Lake

Rara lake is the biggest freshwater lake in Nepal and the most beautiful one too. It is located inside Rara National Park and falls in Mugu district. Trekkers describe Rara as ”a shimmering blue jewel set in a ring of snowy peaks.”

Rara lake lies in an altitude of 2,990 meters above sea level, and the lake surface is 4.2 square miles.

Rara, as surrounded by Rara National Park is abundant with rare birds and animals. The park is also a major bird watching site as the part hosts about 214 species of birds and falls on the list of 50 beautiful places of Nepal. You have to visit the lake to see why Rara Lake is considered as a beautiful place in Nepal.

Muktinath is one of the most visited shrines in Nepal. Muktinath is located at an altitude of 3,710 meters at the foot of Thorong La Pass in Mustang, Nepal. The temple is widely sought out the temple in the world, mainly because it holds significant religious values to two religions, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Access to Muktinath is difficult. Weather conditions are anything but perfect with rapid winds and uneven roads. The best way to travel to this holy temple is to fly to Jomsom from Nepalgunj in the plane and then take a jeep or trek to the temple.

Khaptad National Park

Khaptad National Park

Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve

Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is the only Hunting reserve in Nepal opened in 1987. Tourists are allowed to hunt specified animals in the region. The park was primarily established to cater the needs of sports hunting and the conservation of temperate, subalpine and alpine ecosystems of western Nepal.  

Some events allow hunting of game animals like Leopard, Goral, Serow, Barking Deer, Wild boar, and Himalayan Black Bear. Currently, Bluesheep and Himalayan Tahr are the only animals that are allowed for hunting in the Reserve.

Tengboche Monastery

Tengboche monastery

Tengboche Monastery is also called Dawa Choling Gompa, located at Tengboche Village in Khumjung Nepal. The monastery lies in Khumbu region of Eastern Nepal. Tengboche Monastery is the largest monastery in the Khumbu Region.

The monastery and is its surrounding area is full of spiritual energy and positive vibes, thus falls under one of the beautiful places of Nepal. The monastery lies in Sagarmatha National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and grants a panoramic view of Himalayan Mountains. The ten monastery trail of Khumbu is the main attraction of this region for trekkers and religious tourists. The Tengboche Monastery , built by Lama Gulu in 1916 bears daughter resemblance with Rongbuk Monastery in Tibet.

The earthquake of 1934 destroyed the monastery with the founder Lama Gulu. The fire also damaged the monastery in 1989. The monastery was built with the help of volunteers and donations from all over the world.

Annapurna Base Camp

Annapurna Base Camp

Annapurna Base Camp is the home to Annapurna Range. The massif is 55 km long and hosts many snow-capped peaks. Annapurna Base Camp and the trek itself is a joyous ride through these mountains. Annapurna Base Camp lies in Annapurna Conservation Area, a protected area with an area of 7,629 sq. Km. The only mountain of the area above 8000 meters, Annapurna I has a 38 percent fatality-to-summit ratio, a ratio even higher than that of Mount Everest.

Annapurna Base Camp is a beautiful place in Nepal regarding trekking route, scenic beauty, enjoyment, and experience. Annapurna Base Camp is becoming a popular trek option amidst tourists and domestic people too. The increase in the number of visitors in the area also led to start Conservation Project with the objective to limit outsiders, gathering of firewood, and domestic animal grazing in the protected area.

The trek to Base Camp passes through amazing views of Machapuchare Mountain, the fishtail mountain and also pass traditional Gurung villages, who are the residents of the area.

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is the first national park of Nepal, established in 1973 and attained World Heritage Site status in 1984. The park covers an area of 932 Km. And is located in sub-tropical lowlands of a Terai region of south-west Nepal. The altitude falls between 100 meters and 815 meters. The National park lies in Churia Hills an and wetlands below the hills.

Gosaikunda Lakes

The lake freezes for six months in winter. Gosaikunda holds religious importance to Hindus. The lake falls under the Langtang Trek route. Langtang Valley also adjourns on the Gosaikinda trek.

Bardia National Park

Bardia National Park is the home of the Bengal Tiger. The park houses more than 60 Bengal Tigers and is also considered a Tiger Conservation Unit. Bardia National Park is the largest national park of Terai region of Nepal and the most undisturbed one too. There are no civil settlements inside the park. The previous settlement was resettled outside the park solely to preserve the park without human interference.

Bardia National Park lies in SouthWest Nepal in the Terai Region. Bardia National Park covers an area of 968 Km. Sq and is best for experiencing the natural wilderness of forest in Nepal. Walking Safari, Elephant Back Ride, Bird Watching, and Fishing is most tried out activity by tourists in Bardia National Park . Some endangered animals in the park are Bengal Tigers, One-Horned Rhinoceros,  and the Bengal Florican.

Poon Hill sunset view

Poon Hill lies 400 meters above Ghorepani and is very snowy in the winter season. Clouds block the view after 10 am, and continuous snow and clouds block the view of mountains. The summer season is the best time to travel to Poonhill. There are no lodges or tea house in Poon Hill , and necessary equipment should be carried from Ghorepani. The sunrise from Poon Hill is considered one of the best in Nepal seen from the hilly region. The viewing hill is among the beautiful places of Nepal.

Langtang National Park

  The first Himalayan National Park, Langtang National Park is an ICUN category II national park with area coverage of 1,710 km. The beautiful and sacred Gosaikunda also falls inside the park. Langtang Lirung with a summit at altitude 7,245 meters is the highest mountain inside the park.

Renowned Buddhist Monastery, Kyanjin Gompa also lies just above Langtang. About 4,500 people live inside the national park, and most of them are Tamang ethnic groups. The park is recognized as popular trekking route, white-water rafting and climbing site. The park also homes the endangered Rhesus Monkeys and Red Pandas.

Phoksundo Lake

Phoksundo Lake

Shuklaphanta National Park

Shuklaphanta National Park is renowned for hosting the largest congregation of swamp deers in the world. The vast grasslands and wetlands inside the park is an ideal location for swamp deers. The park covers 305 sq. km of area. Shuklaphanta National Park has 700 species of flora and almost half the area of the park is covered in grassland. The forests are dominant with Sal trees and Khair and Sissoo also grow alongside rivers.

The park also hosts a wide variety of fauna. Shuklaphanta park includes 46 mammals species among which 18 are under CITES protection lists such as the Bengal Tiger, Indian Leopard, Swamp deer, Sloth Bear and Hispid Hare. One horn rhinoceros were brought from Chitwan National Park to establish a new viable population of the species in the country. There are more than 2000 deers in the park.

Shuklaphanta consists of 423 species of birds and has the highest number of Bengal Floricans. The park wetlands home 28 fish species and 12 reptile and amphibian species. Some of these include Rohu and Masheer, Mugger Crocodile, Monitor Lizard, Indian Rock Python, Indian Cobra and Oriental rat snake.  

Kathmandu Durbar Square

Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Kathmandu Durbar Square is one of three royal palaces inside Kathmandu Valley. Dubbed as the home of the Newars, Kathmandu   Durbar Square situates at the heart of Kathmandu . Several heritage sites collapsed in the earthquake on 25 th April 2015 and are in the reconstruction process.

This Durbar Square is considered among the most beautiful places of Nepal. The living goddess “Kumari” also lives inside the Durbar square. Some of the important crafts and temples of the Durbar square are Hanuman-Dhoka Durbar, Taleju Temple, Kasthamandap, Nine-floor Durbar and stone craft of Kal Bhairav.

Time to time, the temples and buildings have gone renovations caused because of natural disasters. The durbars were the home of Malla and Shah rulers of Ancient Nepal.

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

This Durbar Square is also considered one of the most beautiful places of Nepal. Some of other most visited places of Bhadgaon durbar square are Golden Gate, Bhairav Nath Temple, Vatsala temple and the statue of Bhupatindra Malla.

Bhaktapur Durbar Square also suffered major damages in the earthquake of 2015.

Patan Durbar Square

Patan Durbar Square

Patan Durbar Square is amidst the most beautiful places of Nepal. The major structures in the Patan Durbar Square are Krishna Mandir. Krishna Mandir is a major attraction during Krishna Jayanti. Major followers all over Nepal and India visit this temple on that day. Some other renowned structures are Bhimsen Temple, Vishwanath Temple, and Taleju Bhawani. Lalitpur Durbar Square is also famous for its Museum. Patan Durbar Square also suffered damages in the Earthquake but not as significant as Kathmandu Durbar Square and Bhaktapur Durbar Square. The weakened structures are either being mended or given support using bars.

Boudhanath Temple

Another beautiful place of Nepal is Boudhanath,  a stupa located 11 kilometers on northern outskirts of Kathmandu. The spherical dome and massive mandala make the stupa one of the largest spherical stupas in Nepal. In 1979, the stupa made it to the UNESCO World Heritage site. The stupa is one of the most visited sites in Kathmandu Valley. The stupa is vividly apparent from the sky with its massive area span and a large dome.

It is also said the stupa entomb the remains of Kassapa Buddha.

The Boudhanath stupa sustained massive damage from the 2015 earthquake, and the spire and the dome itself cracked severely. The reconstruction of the stupa began in November 2015 and completed with a modern touch. There is provision for lighting the domes in the night that makes the stupa even more beautiful.

Swayambhunath Stupa (Monkey Temple)

  Legend says Swyambhunath originated from a lotus that bloomed in a lake, that was Kathmandu valley itself. The stupa bears high importance to Buddhist followers. The stupa locates in the northwest of Kathmandu Valley on a small hill. The view of Kathmandu Valley is seen from Swayambhunath. The Swayambhu area is also another UNESCO site inside Kathmandu Valley. The stupa is a sight to behold and undoubtedly among beautiful places of Nepal.

The stupa areas consist varieties of shrines and temples dating back to Licchavi Period. A Tibetan Monastery, Library, and a museum are some recent additions in the area. Swayambhunath is the symbol of peace, harmony, and enlightenment. Its eye is supposed to watch over the entire world, which is represented by its dome. Swayambhunath is the pinnacle destination of Buddhism followers and is visited by thousands of people from all over the world.


Pashupatinath Temple

The earthquake of 2015 left the main temple area untouched, but other outer shrines and monuments were quite damaged.

Nagarkot is a tourist city in Bhaktapur District popular as a destination to having a glance of beautiful sunrise and sunset from the view tower. Nagarkot is also famous for viewing the Himalaya range. The Everest views from the top of Nagarkot along with other many mountains like Annapurna Range, Manaslu range, Ganesh Himal Range, Langtang Range and views of Shivapuri National Park. Nagarkot also offers a panoramic view of Kathmandu Valley. It is one of the most visited places by tourists in Nepal. Nagarkot lies 28 km away from Kathmandu Airport and sits at the altitude of 2,195 meters.

Nagarkot also provides hiking and cycling opportunity . There is a hiking trail till Nagarkot. Otherwise, cycling up the hills to reach the tourist destination is also an alternative option to reach Nagarkot.

Illam Tea Area

  Illam is the tea house of Nepal. The tea produced here is exported all over the world. The teal of Illam has an excellent reputation and market image in foreign countries. Tourists visit Illam Tea Garden because the view of the tea garden is breathtaking. The scene of entire hills covered in tea leaves and greenery till the horizon attracts quite a high number of tourists.

The Illam Tea area also has a famous hill called “Love Dada.” The place lies in a place called Kanyam and is also renowned for Horse Riding. The location is called Love Dada because the tea garden seen from the top of the hill forms a giant heart shape, thus named hill of love.

Upper Mustang

  Upper Mustang , often called the Forbidden Kingdom is an isolated region in the Himalayas of Nepal. The place is called forbidden kingdom since it was restricted to foreigners till 1992 and is one of the most preserved locations in the world. The region follows Tibetan culture, traditions, and also speak the Tibetan language.

Upper Mustang trek bases on an ancient salt trading route used by Caravans. The kingdom of Mustang, Lo named Lo Manthang as the capital of the Kingdom. Lo Manthang is currently the capital of Mustang and is one of the major highlights of the trek.

The trek sees numerous human-made and natural caves, unseen geographical gorges, and hills and all the ancient monasteries, houses, and artifacts preserved since ancient times.

Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

  Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve is a protected area in southeast Nepal covering area of 175 sq. Km. The reserve established in 1976 covers wetlands, freshwater marshes, and lies along the SaptaKoshi River. Koshi Tappu is one of the major bird watching areas of Nepal. The reserve hosts rare mammals like Asian Elephant, Spotted deer, Hog Deer, Wild Boar, Golden Jackal and Smooth-Coater Otter. The Ganga river dolphin is also seen sometimes in the Reserve. The last 150 remaining water-buffalo inhibit the area along with Gaur and Blue Bull.

The reserve hosts 481 bird species, and most notable ones are Water cock, Dusky Eagle owl, black-headed cuckoo-shrike, striated grass bird, common-golden eye and gull-billed tern. People loving birds consider Koshi Tappu a paradise for bird watching.

Nepal also has many other beautiful places that are explored extensively and some not so much. There is a natural beauty, diversity in flora and fauna, several animal species because of the altitude differences and topology variations. Nepal is a place where visiting once is not enough. Even if you dedicate your life in visiting Beautiful places of  Nepal only, one life won’t be enough to visit all the places of scenic and artificial beauty of Nepal.


Janakpur is a religious and cultural city basking in early Mithila culture. Janakpur was called Janakpurdham during the Videha Dynasty of Mithila region. The Mithila traditions are famous for their Mithila paintings. There are wall paintings all over the city. People draw these paintings on their wall of houses, streets and also on various objects.

Janakpur is a beautiful place in Nepal regarding culture, traditions, and history. Janakpur’s main attraction point is Janaki Mandir. This place hosted the marriage between Ram and Sita, the main characters of Sanskrit Epics Mahabharata. Sita was the daughter of the King of Janakpur and Ram was the son of Dashrath, King of Ayodhya.

The holy city, Janakpur is also famous for its festivals. The notable festivals to be part of in Janakpur is Rama Navami, the birthday of Lord Rama, Chhath Puja, Holi (festival of colors) and Vivah Panchami, where the wedding of Rama and Sita is celebrated by decorating the Vivah Mandap of Janaki Mandir.

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Best Places to Visit in Nepal

Best Places to Visit in Nepal

Are you looking for the best places to visit in Nepal?

Start with the breathtaking Himalayas, that’s what Nepal is well-known for.

Nepal is relatively a small country yet, there is so much to explore in this beautiful tiny country. You can explore the diverse culture and unique architecture of this beautiful country.

Nepal is also known for its wild landscapes, golden temples, and charming hill villages. The beautiful view of mountains, pristine natural beauty make Nepal one of the world’s great travel destinations.

Some of the Best Places to Visit in Nepal

Kathmandu – a city of the living goddess.

Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal and one of the Best Places to Visit in Nepal. It has an incredibly diverse Hindu and Buddhist religious sites. It is one of the hustle and bustle metropolitan cities, yet, it is among the best places to visit in Nepal. But still, it has retained its ancient traditions, cultures, and religious sites.

This city is purely blessed by the living goddess Kumari and enriched by endless religious festivals and cultural events.

Kathmandu is more than just a city. It is also a living museum where you get an opportunity to relive in the history of Nepal.

Places to Visit in Kathmandu

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  • Kathmandu Durbar Square – Explore the medieval temples and visit Kumari Ghar. You can get a glimpse of the little goddess, Kumari.
  • Thamel – The most happening place Thamel is a must-visit. Here, you can find everything you want. There are a variety of antique shops, trekking gears, bookstores, boutique cafes, clothing stores, and so on. It is only the place where you can experience the night-life.
  • The Boudhanath Stupa – The largest Buddhist stupa in Nepal. It is one of the most sacred places for Buddhists.
  • The Swayambhunath Temple – This temple is the major landmarks of Kathmandu city which is also known as Monkey Temple. This holy place flaunts the white stupa with fascinating buddha eyes.
  • The Pashupatinath Temple – It is a most sacred place for Hindu devotees. The main temple is purely dedicated to Lord Shiva.
  • Patan – It is one of the oldest towns in the valley. You can encounter the beautiful temples, palaces, and monuments. It is nothing less than an architectural treasure.
  • Bhaktapur – It is a well-preserved monumental area within Kathmandu valley. Here, you can find numerous temples like Changu Narayan Temple, Nyatapola, Bhairavnath Temple, and so on.
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Pokhara – A Paradise City

A Nepal tour is incomplete without a visit to the beautiful city, Pokhara.

Pokhara is a beautiful city, surrounded by hills, mountains, and famous landmarks like Begnas and Fewa lake. This city is also known as “ City of Seven Lakes”. This place is truly a heaven on earth.

The major attraction of this place is the Fewa lake surrounded by the panoramic view of Himalayan peaks that reflects in this lake. You can enjoy boating or simply relax at the lakes near the city with the stunning Annapurna mountain at the backdrop.

Pokhara is also for adventure seekers who want to experience life to the fullest. In this city, you can experience everything from paragliding to ultralight flying, skydiving to zip lining.

Pokhara is a starting point for the various trekking trail and expeditions in the Annapurna region. That’s why many travelers choose to stay in Pokhara for relaxation before they head out to the trek.

Places to Visit in Pokhara

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  • Fewa Lake: Fewa lake is one the main attraction for all the travelers. There is the Barahi Temple in the middle of the lake. You can visit the temple and take a boating experience on this lake.
  • Begnas Lake: Enjoy the pristine natural beauty of this lake, all encircled by Himalayan peaks. You can indulge in boating, fishing, and swimming.
  • World Peace Stupa: One of the popular hiking destination in Pokhara. You will get a spectacular view of Annapurna mountains and Pokhara valley from the top of the hill.
  • Sarangkot: You can enjoy short hiking to Sarangkot. From here, you will get the amazing view of Mt Annapurna, Mt Dhaulagiri, Mt Machhapuchhre, and so on. And also do not miss the Sarangkot sunrise view. It will be one of the best experiences of your life.
  • Mahendra Cave: This cave is rich with different types of rocks and glittering stones. The artificial lighting systems are all fitted to illuminate this natural tunnel cave. You will see a statue of Lord Shiva in the middle of this cave.
  • Bat’s Cave: This cave is home to more than 15,000 different species of bat. The entrance to this cave is narrow but the inner part is wide enough. The inner part of the cave is all carved with various images of elephant tusks, gods, and goddesses.
  • Davie’s Fall: Davie’s fall is an area known for its beauty and tranquillity. The best time to visit this place is during monsoon season as the volume of water increases significantly.
  • International Mountain Museum: Here, you can learn about the history of the mountains. You can also do a lot of mountaineering activities. You can also find some of the hidden mysteries related to Mount Everest.

4 Chitwan – Experience Natural Nepal

If you are a nature lover, then Chitwan is a perfect place for you. It has rich flora and fauna.

Chitwan receives more than 200,000 visitors per year from around the world. This National Park is a World Heritage Site registered by UNESCO.

The main attraction of this place is Chitwan National Park. Chitwan national park is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Nepal.

The dense forest and grasslands are homes to rare animals like Bengal tigers, one-horn Rhino, and other exotic birds.

You can also explore the rich culture and history of Chitwan, rather than just a nature to enjoy.

Places to visit in Chitwan

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Chitwan National Park: Exploring the community forest, jungle safaris are the most popular things to do here. Besides this, you can also encounter the lifestyle and culture of local ethnic groups like Tharu, Bate, and Majhi.

Ranipokhari: This is the newest destination in Chitwan where you can indulge in boating as well. This place is also famous for the picnic.

Bis Hazari Taal : The meaning of Bishazari Taal is 20 Thousand Lake. This place is home to many animals like deer, rhino, and tiger. This area also serves as an excellent bird watching center.

Jalbire Waterfall : This waterfall is also known as Lamo Jharana. Filled with flat grasslands and a panoramic view of green hills adds up more beauty to this waterfall. Jalbire Waterfall is also renowned for one of the best Canyoning in Nepal

Chiraichuli Hill: It is one of the new destinations to visit in Chitwan. It is above 946 meters height and an excellent place for the sunrise view.

Lumbini – The Birthplace of Lord Buddha

Lumbini is the place where queen Maya Devi gave birth to Siddhartha Gautam – Gautam Buddha.

UNESCO enlisted the Lumbini as a world heritage sites as it represents the Buddhist history and culture. There are many inscriptions and evidence of Lumbini being the birthplace of Lord Buddha.

This place is purely blessed by the various holy sites and shrines which represent the various stages of Buddha’s life.

You can find varieties of remarkable stupas, monasteries built by Buddhist nations from across the world.

Places to visit in Lumbini

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  • Maya Devi Temple: It is the most important temple of Lumbini which marks the spot where Lord Buddha was born. Later, this temple was re-built in a white building to protect the exact spot of Buddha’s birth, denoted by a marker stone.
  • World Peace Pagoda: This pagoda has a golden statue of Lord Buddha which depicts the position of Buddha when he was born. This pagoda is one of the world’s greatest stupas, constructed by the Japanese at the cost of US 1 million dollars.
  • Lumbini Museum: Lumbini museum is the holy site devoted to the life of Buddha. You can see a different collection of photos and artifacts from Buddhist sites around the world.
  • Myanmar Golden Temple: It is one of the oldest structures in the compound. It has three prayer halls in the Myanmar Golden Temple.

Besides this, there are other temples including China temple, Korean temple, and so on.

Apart from these beautiful cities and towns, you can also explore Nepal to a different level. You can get on to the off-beaten track of Nepal to experience the wild landscapes and majestic high Himalayas. You can explore the true colors of Nepal with unspoiled flora and fauna and spectacular mountain views. Plus, the diverse cultures and charming small villages add to your joy.

Everest Base Camp – A Must Visit Destination of Nepal

A trek to Everest Base Camp will take you to the lap of the highest peak of the world – Mount Everest. You can encounter the breathtaking views of Mt Everest and its neighboring peaks.

It is an epic journey where you’ll trek all the way through rhododendron forests and snowy land. You can get a glimpse of beautiful Sherpa villages, monasteries, and prayer flags throughout the Everest region.

Nothing beats the thrill of this journey and the grace of astonishing mountains up close. Thus, a journey to Everest Base Camp is worthwhile.

Annapurna Region – A Beautiful Region of Nepal

Annapurna region is one of the popular trekking trails in Nepal. There are many amazing treks to this region which offers you the beautiful scenery of mountains and lowland villages.

Annapurna Region in Nepal is hugely dominated with the scenery of the top mountains such as:

Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Nilgiri, Tukche Peak, and many more.

While trekking to this region, you can see spectacular mountain views and fertile farmland. Alongside you will encounter diverse ethnic communities, cultures, and lifestyles.

Langtang Valley – Travel Hidden Nepal

Langtang valley is truly a gem of the Himalayan country, Nepal. It has more than 70 glaciers varied in size. So, this valley is also called the “valley of glaciers”.

A trek to Langtang valley offers you a spectacular view of mountains, splendid nature, and scenic landscapes. You can also experience the wonderful cultures of the native Tamangs.

Langtang valley lies in the Langtang National Park which is the second largest national park in Nepal. This area has diverse flora and fauna and also home to many rare animals and exotic birds.

Rara Lake – Most Beautiful Lake in Nepal

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Rara lake is the largest and deepest freshwater lake, situated in the far western region of Nepal.

The Rara lake, nestled in Rara national park is completely untouched by urbanization. The rich flora and fauna of this park add beauty to this lake. This national park is also home to many endangered species of animals.

The route to Rara lake is quite rough but at the same time, it offers you the beautiful view of lakes, mountains, and hills.

Gosaikunda Lake – Religious Destination of Nepal

Gosaikunda lake is a holy lake and one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in Nepal.

This lake remains frozen for six months in winter and the ice from the lake melts down to form Trishuli River. During Janai Purnima, a large number of Hindu devotees come to take a holy bath in the river.

On the way to this trail, you can see beautiful views of mountains and the numerous small and big lakes. Thus, this lake holds a significant religious value-adding to the religious and natural heritage of the country.

Tilicho Lake – The World’s Highest Lake

Tilicho lake, located in Manang district, is the lake at the highest altitude in the world.

The trek to Tilicho lake offers you some majestic panoramic view, a great variety of cultures, and the finest deep valleys. And you will get the views of the high mountains encircling the giant Annapurna Himal.

The place is rich with a wide range of people and terrain. Thus, trekking to Tilicho Lake grants you a wonderful experience of beautiful views along with the diversity of people.

The trekking leads down to the Muktinath temple which is highly important from a religious point of view and has its own sort of beauty.

The trip to Tilicho Lake is a perfect place to witness natural scenery and learn about the unique culture.

What to See while Traveling in Nepal?

High mountains.

If you want to see spectacular mountains, then visit Nepal and experience trekking to the astonishing high Himalayas.

Nepal is home to 8 of the world’s 14 mountains over 8,000 meters. The beautiful eight high mountains include:

  • Mount Everest (8,848 meters)
  • Kanchenjunga (8,586 meters)
  • Lhotse (8,516 meters)
  • Makalu (8,463 meters)
  • Cho Oyu (8,201 meters)
  • Dhaulagiri (8,167 meters)
  • Manaslu ( 8,156 meters)
  • Annapurna (8,091 meters)

The mountains of Nepal have always held a mysterious charm. Their allure has captivated many people and has made heroes. Some of them have disappeared in their quest and moment of glory.

You can trek to Everest region , Annapurna region , Langtang Valley to see breathtaking mountain scenery.

Cultural Heritage Sites

nepal tourist places images

Nepal has the highest number of heritage sites recognized by UNESCO as world heritage sites.

The eight different places of Nepal are on the list of UNESCO world heritage sites. Out of eight, seven of them are in the Kathmandu valley and one is in Lumbini.

Following are the eight world cultural heritage sites of Nepal

  • Kathmandu Durbar Square
  • Bhaktapur Durbar Square
  • Patan Durbar Square
  • Boudhanath Stupa
  • Swayambhunath Stupa
  • Pashupatinath Temple
  • Changu Narayan Temple

The heritage sites of Nepal is a splendid example of art, architecture, and culture.

Most of the travelers prefer to see Nepal’s cultural heritage sites. You can explore many Hindu temples along with Tibetan Buddhist pilgrims, stupas, and monasteries.

Jungle Adventures

Jungle wildlife tours are an amazing adventure trip in Nepal. It offers you the chance to enter the jungle and view some of the most endangered wildlife on earth. So, the dense forests of Terai could be the best places to visit in Nepal.

Usually, the Jungle safari tour lies in the southern lowlands of Nepal-Terai. This area is fully covered in dense tropical jungles and is home to thousands of bird and animal species.

Nepal has several places for jungle safari tours. Some of the popular destinations for safari tours are:

  • Chitwan National Park
  • Bardia National Park
  • Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

You can experience elephant riding, jungle safari, bird watching, and recreational activities. In Nepal, you will discover the stunning view of the jungle, fascinating wildlife, and exotic birds.

Final Words

Nepal is a small country, yet, it has a lot of popular destinations to visit. You will get a number of options while choosing the best places to visit in Nepal. The diversity in nature and a variety of exotic culture makes Nepal a most popular destination.

In addition to this, there is an innumerable list of places in Nepal that you can visit and explore the beauty of Nepal.

Whether trekking to Mt. Everest or visiting the birthplace of the Buddha, a trip to Nepal is a top destination for many travelers.

For further information and queries, feel free to contact us .

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About Author

Mukti is is the founder and CEO of Himalayas on Foot. He started Himalayas on Foot in 2008 after working as a trekking porter, guide and then a sales manager for a decade.

He has done most of the treks in Nepal such as Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Base Camp, Manaslu Circuit Trek, Poon Hill, Langtang Trek, Annapurna Circuit, etc. Apart from Nepal, he has also travelled to Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Finland, Norway, Germany, Belgium, France and USA.

Mukti was also secretary of Trekking Agency Association of Nepal (TAAN) for the year 2015-2017. TAAN is an umbrella association of trekking agencies in the Nepal.

He speaks fluent English, Japanese and Nepali.

Mukti is friendly and he is the one who answers most of your trip questions. So if you have any inquiry about our trip, don't be shy. Write to us.

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More than mountains: the top things to do in Nepal

Elen Turner

Jun 3, 2024 • 8 min read

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Mountain trekking is a major draw in Nepal – and the downstream rapids are pretty amazing, too © Alex Treadway / Getty Images

Home to eight of the tallest peaks in the world, Nepal is most famous for its enormous mountains.

Which is to say that whatever else you’re interested in, the Himalaya is sure to be a major focal point of any trip to this wonderful country. Trekking in, climbing and admiring the views of Everest, Annapurna and their high-altitude friends are highlights of traveling to Nepal. 

Yet that doesn’t mean mountains are all there are to see and experience in Nepal – far from it. Nepal’s special attractions include its ancient cultures, wildlife-filled jungles and long, navigable rivers.

From the mountains and beyond, here are eight of the best things to do in Nepal, a list with something for every traveler.

A couple on the trek to Everest Base Camp near near Dughla (elev 4620m), Nepal

1. Trek among the highest mountains in the world…

Let’s get one thing out of the way: trekking and mountain climbing are two very different things. You don’t have to climb a mountain to hike along rural paths, through villages, valleys and forests. Nepal is famous for its mountain trekking . With modern-day routes taking advantage of trails used for centuries, there are plenty of simple places to stay and eat along the way. Indeed, much of Nepal lies beyond road access, so the only way to reach many mountain communities is on foot. 

From leisurely day walks at lower altitudes to multi-week expeditions, camping and teahouse treks to those that lead you to upmarket lodges, there’s an itinerary to suit just about any energy level, budget and time constraint. While the Everest Base Camp trek is justifiably well loved, it’s also very easy to get off the beaten track and walk paths that you’ll only share with villagers and their donkeys and yaks. 

Planning tip: Beware asking locals how long it will take to walk to your destination. Many hill- and mountain-dwelling Nepalis are used to walking these high-altitude paths, so they can seriously underestimate how long it will take an outsider to walk the same. Unless you’re very fit and fast, take local estimates with a grain of (Himalayan) salt. 

2. …or climb those mountains, if you’re up for a challenge

Some ambitious people come to Nepal to climb Mt Everest (Sagarmatha in Nepali, Chomolongma in Sherpa), but with so many other mountains in the country, serious mountaineers don’t have to go to such great lengths to conquer a majestic peak. If you have European or North American mountaineering experience, the mountains of the Nepal Himalaya are a natural next challenge. As well as the giants, other popular mountains to tackle are Yala Peak (18,110ft/5520m), Lobuche (20,075ft/6119m), and Imja Tse (20,305ft/6189m). Local mountaineering guides will make sure you’re well prepared and supported to climb.

Annapurna South view from Tolka village at sunrise, Nepal

3. Catch the sunrise from mountain lookouts

You don’t need to reach the top of the mountains to admire gorgeous views. In southwestern Kathmandu , ride the cable car up to Chandragiri Hills Resort for views of the Langtang Range, the snowy giants that rise on the northern horizon, behind the forest-covered hills of the Kathmandu Valley . For an overnight trip from the capital, head to nearby Nagarkot or Namo Buddha, hill towns with good mountain-facing accommodation. Between Kathmandu and Pokhara , the four-tiered pagoda of Manakamana Temple (reached by cable car from Kurintar) offers great views of Mt Manaslu, the eighth-highest mountain in the world, while the old Newari merchant town of Bandipur is a lovely place to spend the night in traditional farmhouse-style accommodation, and also has views of Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and others.

In Pokhara, the Annapurna Cable Car ascends Sarangkot Hill (a top paragliding spot) for views of the fishtail helix of Mt Macchapucchre, while the gleaming white dome of the Shanti Stupa (World Peace Pagoda), south of Pokhara’s central Lake Phewa , presents a panorama of the city, lake, surrounding hills and mountains beyond.

Planning tip: Sunrise is a particularly good time to take in views since – in addition to the attractive golden glow – skies are often clear. 

A white rhinoceros in a river at sunrise, Royal Chitwan National Park, the Terai, Nepal

4. Go on safari on the Terai

A region of plains bordering India , the Terai presents a completely different experience to mountain Nepal. The jungle national parks here are home to a large population of one-horned rhinoceros, smaller numbers of endangered Bengal tigers and gharial crocodiles, and other animals and birds, including mugger crocodiles and many deer species. 

Chitwan National Park is the most popular of the Terai’s parks due to its easy accessibility, about equal distance from Kathmandu and Pokhara; the town of Sauraha in particular is a convenient hub for lodging and arranging safari tours. If you have more time and want a less touristy experience, remote Bardia National Park in Nepal’s far west offers less-than-luxurious accommodations – but a good chance of spotting wildlife undisturbed.

Detour: Even further west than Bardia, Shuklaphanta National Park occupies Nepal’s southwestern corner. This remote area of forests and grasslands is home to many mammals and birds, most notably a good population of critically endangered Bengal floricans (or Bengal bustards, magnificent birds that are among the heaviest flying species).

A person kayaking on white water on the Kali Gandaki River, near Tatopani, Annapurna Conservation Area, Sindhupalchok District, Nepal

5. Splash down rivers on a white-water-rafting trip

The gradient of rivers as they tumble from the high Himalaya to the plains makes for exciting white-water rafting and kayaking in Nepal. One-day rafting trips on the Bhote Kosi, Trisuli and Seti Rivers are offered from Kathmandu and Pokhara, and provide a good taste of the sport if you’re a beginner or short on time. Multi-day rafting tours (with kayaking options for the experienced) are the watery equivalent of a long trek. Spend days paddling and floating down sparkling channels surrounded by forest-covered hills and mountains, and nights camped out on white-sand river beaches. Guides will probably treat you to a-cappella renditions of Nepali folk songs like “ Resham Firiri ” around the campfire after they’ve whipped up a meal for you. The Sun Kosi (meaning “river of gold”), Karnali and Tamur Rivers are especially popular long trips. GRG Adventure Kayaking , Ultimate Descents and Rafting Star can help plan your adventure.

Tandem paragliders soar with the Himalaya in the background near Pokhara, Nepal

6. Fling yourself off mountains or down waterfalls

Thrill seekers can also satisfy their urge to leap off high places while being surrounded by beautiful nature. Thanks to its stable thermals, Pokhara’s Sarangkot Hill is a beloved paragliding spot; you’ll see the colorful sails floating above the lake even if you don’t partake yourself. From Pokhara, you can also try zip-lining, bungee jumping, ATV touring or even flying in an ultralight aircraft. From Kathmandu, The Last Resort , 62 miles (100 km) away, has a canyon swing and a bungee platform high above the Bhote Kosi River, and also offers canyoning adventures. 

Local tip: Between Mugling and Narayanghat, off the Prithvi Hwy, Jalbire is a canyoning spot rated as the best place in Nepal to go canyoning by in-the-know Nepali river guides. The high waterfalls and slick rock slides here are worth the detour.

People move through Durbar Square in Kathmandu, Nepal

7. Experience centuries of history at Kathmandu’s historic sites

Inhabited for thousands of years, Nepal has a culture that’s been influenced by both India to the south and Tibet to the north. While Hinduism is the dominant religion, there’s also a significant Buddhist minority, most visible in Kathmandu and the mountain areas bordering Tibet. You don’t need to be a believer yourself to appreciate Nepal’s many Hindu and Buddhist pilgrimage sites, because these – and other temples, palaces and stupas – provide a fascinating insight into Nepali culture and history. 

Among the concrete sprawl of Kathmandu, be sure to seek out the city’s beautiful and significant architecture. The Kathmandu Valley contains seven monument zones that together form a UNESCO World Heritage Site . If you’re looking for things to do in Kathmandu, these heritage sites should top your agenda.

Planning tip: Make sense of the religious and vernacular architecture of the Kathmandu Valley by visiting the excellent Patan Museum , within the brick and carved wood old palace building at Patan Durbar Square .

Nepalese woman drying raw clay pot on her workshop, Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur District, Nepal

8. Try your hand at (and buy) local handicrafts

Some Kathmandu Valley neighborhoods – particularly Patan and Bhaktapur – are like living museums of local arts and crafts. What sometimes passes as “Nepali” carving, painting or metalwork is more specifically Newari, crafted by artisans from the ethnic group that first inhabited the Kathmandu Valley. Wandering around the backstreets of Patan or Bhaktapur, you’ll see many craftspeople at work in small workshops behind their shop fronts. This is one of the best things to do in Kathmandu if you’re into arts, crafts and generally beautiful things. 

These aren’t just put on for tourists: traditional crafts remain an integral part of local life and worship here. People still use brass ornaments in their daily lives and decor, and furnish their homes with hand-carved window frames and doors. If you’d like to learn more and try making something yourself in a visitor-friendly setting, you can take a craft workshop. Forge a kukri knife, paint a thangka Buddhist devotional painting or create your own mala bead necklace with an expert instructor. 

Detour: Off the main road between Kathmandu and Bhaktapur in the eastern Kathmandu Valley, the lesser-known town of Madhyapur is famous for its pottery. Yet many travelers bypass it or just don’t know it’s there. If pottery’s your jam, take a detour to wander among the terracotta pots laid out to dry in public places on a sunny day. 

Keep planning your trip to Nepal:

  • How to get around Nepal by bus, plane and bicycle
  • 6 must-visit day-trip destinations from Kathmandu   
  • Pick your peak: discovering Nepal's best trekking regions     

This article was first published Jan 6, 2022 and updated Jun 3, 2024.

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21 Best Photo Spots in Nepal: Beautiful Pictures of Nepal

21 Best Photo Spots in Nepal: Beautiful Pictures of Nepal

Balaram Thapa

The magnificent beauty of the country lies nowhere other than in the sight of the viewer. In the land of the Himalayas, each person has their own goal to accomplish. It could be about spending a vacation while trekking, experiencing the culture of the local people, visiting ancient palaces and temples, and engaging in many other adventurous activities. Without any doubt, visitors to Nepal never regret making it their holiday destination. It is also one of the prominent reasons why national citizens prefer exploring vacations within Nepal rather than flying abroad.

In most of the holiday spots in Nepal, it is fortunate for visitors if they carry any means to capture the beauty of the country. Moreover, many people visit Nepal to create beautiful memories and capture them through photography or videography.

Furthermore, capturing beautiful pictures of a country like Nepal will never fade your memory. Travelers equally admire the spots in the Himalayas, local villages, the culture of the people, UNESCO sites, wildlife national parks, and the beautiful valleys of Kathmandu and Pokhara as the best photo spots in Nepal.

Today, we are talking about the 21 best photo spots in Nepal . Comment if you have been to one already. 😊

Annapurna Base Camp

The breathtaking view of the landscape in the lap of the Himalayas has captured the hearts of millions of visitors in Nepal. There are various options to experience photography at the elevation of 8000 meters in Annapurna Base Camp. The region of Annapurna is massively popular among trekkers. However, you have the option to either trek towards Annapurna Base Camp or take a helicopter directly to ABC.

Gradually reaching ABC on foot gives you a closer glimpse of the Himalayas. Each step you take on the snow-covered paths mesmerizes your eyes, and you won't want to stop capturing the scenic beauty. Similarly, you also get a chance to explore the culture of traditional villages such as Gurung, Magar, Brahmins, Thakali, Chhetri, etc.

Manaslu Region

Mt. Manaslu, also known as the mountain of spirit, is the highest peak in the Gorkha district and the 8th highest in the world. Unlike other trekking trails, trekking in the Manaslu conservation area is less crowded due to limited development in the past.

The Manaslu region has many trekking trails to choose from, such as the Manaslu Circuit, Tsum Valley, and others. However, on the trekking circuit, you get a glorious opportunity to admire the beauty of Mt. Manaslu, Mt. Himalchuli, Ngadi Chuli, Ganesh Himal, Shringi, etc. Being an off-beat trail, you get to experience the isolated beauty of this region along the area of Larkya La Pass. The place is full of Buddhist people at the highest elevation of the region at 5220 meters.

Hence, it is a chance to bless your eyesight with one of the most beautiful journeys in Nepal.

Langtang Region

The conservation area in the central region of Nepal follows the trail of Bhote Khosi and Trishuli. The elevation of the region is 7,242 meters in the park. However, the area is full of red pandas, Himalayan bears, snow leopards, as well as over 250 species of birds.

You are surrounded by oak trees and blooming rhododendron on the way to the region. The magnificent views of Manaslu, Annapurna ranges, and Ganesh Himal are worth every mile you visit. You can also immerse yourself in the life of Buddhist people through cameras in Kyanjin Gompa.

With access to the Langtang River and Langtang Valley, you have a beautiful spot at every location in the Langtang region.

Kathmandu Durbar Square

In the bustling capital city, the streets are busy with the livelihood of the people. However, you may wonder if there is a worth spot in such a busy city? Yes, there is. One such site is the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as Kathmandu Durbar Square.

Preserving the royal palace from the formal development of Kathmandu, the site is a list of heritage sites. You can capture the views of the local Newari community. The antique architectural woodcraft on the walls and the palace area add allure to Kathmandu Durbar Square.

Boudhanath: A revered Buddhist stupa attracting pilgrims and photographers alike.

The land of enlightenment of the world, back in B.C., is Nepal. Boudhanath lies in Kathmandu and attracts hundreds of visitors each day. Buddhists from all over the world visit Boudhanath. Monks and local Buddhists spend their time inside Boudhanath by chanting their mantras. The stupa of Boudhanath has symbols that explain the attributes of the Lord, representing earth, fire, air, water, and sphere.

During Buddhist festivals such as Buddha Jayanti, Udauli, Ubauli, and many others, Boudhanath is decorated with colorful flags for commemoration.

Bhaktapur - Known for its Hindu temples and unique architectural constructions.

Bhaktapur is the town of Hindu temples. There are various well-favored landmarks in Bhaktapur like Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Nyatapola Temple, Bhairabnath Temple, Changu Narayan, Siddha Pokhari, Dattatraya Temple, and many more. Just like other Durbar Squares in Kathmandu and Patan, Bhaktapur has its unique architectural constructions. You can also capture a glimpse of the ethnic Newari community people in Bhaktapur. You cannot forget the scenic beauty of the hills on the way to Changu Narayan Temple. The Siddha Pokhari inside Bhaktapur is a beautiful destination for friends. Try to capture the best architecture on the wood of the palace's roofs and doors.

Patan Durbar Square: A historical site with beautiful temples and cultural heritage

Most people are unaware of the importance of Patan Durbar Square. However, the Newari people built the palace and the temples during the ruling period of Malla Kings. Being an attraction for both Hindu and Buddhist people, it has 136 enclosures and 55 chief temples in the area. The western-faced temples in the palace represent the prominent temples. Around the temples, Krishna Mandir, Bhimsen Temple, Viswanathan Temple, and Taleju Bhawani Temple have cultural and traditional importance since ancient times.

Krishna Mandir is well known for its stone carvings. Likewise, Bhimsen Temple is prominent for the desire to become brave and strong for business and trades. The amatory cravings and the sculpture of the bull around the temple of Vishwanath are immensely popular. Lastly, Taleju Temple is a memorial to the dignity of Malla kings.

Ghandruk Village

Located in the Kaski district of Nepal, Ghandruk is one of the prominent destinations for holiday seekers to spend time through short trekking. For beautiful spots for photos in Nepal, Ghandruk is one of the best options for you. There you can view the beautiful Himalayas sparkling in the backdrop of sparkling waterfalls and the ethnic culture of the traditional people.

Get a chance to capture the scenic beauty of Annapurna ranges, Mt. Machhapuchre, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt. Hiunchuli, and Mt. Gangapurna. The spot in Ghandruk is the starting point for trekkers heading to ABC and Annapurna Circuit Trek. It is also the gateway for the Ghorepani Poonhill trek. Capture the lovely smiles of the local Gurung community so that you can keep the memory forever with you.

Upper Mustang

Most travel agencies allow adventurous treks to Upper Mustang with different trekking permits as there are restrictions in the area. The fascinating glimpse from the first day of trekking to Upper Mustang is full of risky trails.

Get a chance to explore places such as monasteries, Lo Manthang, and the isolated Buddhist communities of Upper Mustang. The view of snow-capped mountains, hills, and the glorious scenery of the entire palace is worth every mile you take. You can capture the lifestyle of the Tibetan Buddhist people in Upper Mustang.

The splendid view of the deep water in Pokhara is Phewa Lake. The stunning sunrise and sunset from Phewa Lake give you the perfect picture. Moreover, there lies a gorgeous holy temple called Barahi Temple that lies in the middle of the Lake. You can indulge in one of the most enjoyable adventurous photography experiences through boating. You are surrounded by hills and the fading shadows of the Himalayas. It is time to capture the best moments by visiting Phewa Lake.

Chitwan National Park

With over 500 species of flora and fauna, Chitwan National Park attracts both locals and foreigners. You can explore the places around Chitwan Nation Park within a short period. Do not miss your jungle safari experience by catching a glimpse of Python, King Cobra, One-horned Rhino, Bengal tiger, Crocodile, river Dolphins, etc. This place is best for your holiday in the humid and hot weather throughout the year.

In the area of 952.63 square kilometers, you can explore the path along with endangered species from around the world. Although you cannot capture the chirping of the birds easily, you can catch a glimpse of them in flight. Chitwan National Park is the best place in Nepal where you can get closer to the lifestyle of flora and fauna.

Lumbini- the birthplace of Buddha, a pilgrimage site with temples and monasteries

Every religion knows about the birthplace of the Lightner of the world. The place is full of pilgrims from the Buddhist community around the palaces and monasteries in the Kapilvastu district of Nepal. The sacred place of Gautam Buddha is now a museum for fellow travelers. There are various temples, monuments, and monasteries with places for meditation.

The beauty of Lumbini lies within the smiles and the positivity of the pilgrims you see there. Lumbini is one of the easiest places to visit where you can create hundreds of memories and capture them through your cameras.


The monkey temple offers you a view of the entire Kathmandu valley. The place is widely famous among the Newari Buddhist community as well as Buddhist people from around the world. The stupa of Swayambhunath is an ancient holy place built with the grace of expert architects. The basement of the stupa has a cubical-shaped top with an artistic representation of the Buddha's eyes. Each part of the stupa has an artistic way of defining the reason to believe in Lord Buddha.

Swayambhunath is among the best spots to take pictures of its unique representation of the stupas. The stairs are made of stones, and there are varieties of trees on the hills of Swayambhunath. Capture your glimpses with the flags around the stupas and the local prayers of Buddhist people.

Poon Hill Sunrise

Poon hill trekking is in the Annapurna region, which is a paradise for mountain lovers. The sparkling sunrise view from the top hill station of Poonhill in Ghorepani is the best for short trekking seekers. The viewpoint of Poon Hill offers you a stunning close-up of Annapurna Ranges and Mt. Dhaulagiri. It grants you the best chance to view peaks from over 6000 meters up to 8000 meters in height. The elevation of the mountains seems like you are almost lying on their lap.

Sunset from Kalapatthar

Most amazingly, Kalapathhar is on the way to Everest Base Camp. It is popular among trekkers as it offers a glimpse of the sunset, which you cannot view from Everest Base Camp. With a short hike of around 3 hours on average per day, you can reach Kalapathhar. Hence, it has become vastly admired by trekkers for the stunning view of the sun striking on the world's highest peak.

During the circuit trek to EBC, you can visit Gokyo Ri. It is the largest glacier in Nepal with the highest number of settlements in the world. The stunning freezing place is famous for the neat view of Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Makalu, and Cho Oyu.

Due to the less crowded trek, you can enjoy nature and the beauties of the Himalayas to capture the most perfect and memorable glimpse.

During the trip to the Gokyo valley, you can also access the general commercial areas of trekking to EBC, such as Phakding, Namche, and Dolle. Get a chance to embrace your journey with the people of the Sherpa community.

Tilicho Lake

Tilicho Lake is the world's highest lake at an elevation of 4919 meters. Once you reach the destination, you find yourself surrounded by Mt. Khangsar, Muktinath peak, Mt. Nilgiri, and Mt. Tilicho itself.

Since it lies in the Annapurna region, you must pass through Thorong La Pass, the most grueling trekking path at 5416 meters. You can also visit the Hindu temple Muktinath on the way back from Tilicho Lake and explore the life of the local people of the Annapurna region, such as Gurung and Thakali.

Manang Village

The northern view of the Marshyangdi River and the shining view of Annapurna ranges is the most memorable glimpse of the journey to Manang. Have you heard of Yaks? Yes, the valley of Manang has Yaks roaming its streets. Similarly, you can also visit the hills and mountains bounded by Gangapurna Lake in the Manang district. The closer view of Gangapurna lake offers access to the snow-covered peaks and the Rocky Mountains. The glimpse of the glacier in the Gangapurna area adds to the chief attraction of the valley. You won't stop capturing glimpses of the valley.

Namche Bazaar

Namche Bazaar is the staging point of trekking trails towards the Everest region. The small developing market has access to all your necessary items. However, the production of cheese and butter is nationally famous. The valley grants access to the view from the slope of the mountain where the Bazaar lies. You can also capture the perfect glance of homemade products, surrounding peaks, and the cultural living style of the Sherpa community.

Mardi Himal Base Camp

The glorious path of snow on the way to Mardi Himal base camp adds to the attraction of the journey. The view of Annapurna ranges following Mt. Machhapuchre, Mt. Hiunchuli, and Mardi Himal captivates your sight with the sparkling reflection. Every single picture you take of the stunning Himalayas is not enough for your vision. There is more on this trek. Since you start trekking from Deurali, you find the dense forest of rhododendron leading to the sparkling village life of local people.

Khopra Ridge

The alternative trekking route to Ghorepani Poonhill trekking is Khopra Danda. However, Khopra Danda offers a view of the stunning southern side of Annapurna ranges, Mt. Nilgiri, Mt. Himchuli, and Mt. Dhaulagiri. With the recent opening of the trail, Khopra Danda is gradually gaining popularity among trekkers. On the way to the Khopra Danda trek, you can also explore the area of Kaire Lake. Since it lies on the north side of the Poonhill trek, it offers an experience with the forest of oak and rhododendron. The adventurous ridge of Khopra is off the beaten path, making the track peaceful. It is the perfect destination to capture the best moments of your short hiking journey that will remain memorable throughout your life. The ethnic tribes of local Gurung and Magar add glory to the journey that you can capture through your cameras. Therefore, Khopra Danda is also ranked as one of the top photo spots in Nepal.

Conclusion about the photo spots in Nepal

Therefore, the magnificent journey in the land of natural beauty always leaves a lasting impression on fellow travelers. Nepal is known as a part of heaven due to its sparkling beauty. No matter where you reach, you find unique exploration opportunities in Nepal. It may be the stunning Himalayas or the ever-flowing water, the greenery of the flora, or the countless species of fauna. From the world's highest peak to the yawning water bodies, Nepal is rich in the diversity of topography and ethnic culture.

The smiling peaks of the Himalayas always beckon you with adventurous trekking trails. Similarly, the birthplace of the Lightner of the world, Gautam Buddha, attracts pilgrims from across the corners of the world. All these are bewildering collections of nature, made for living beings. No wonder how many spots you get to interact with on your trip inside Nepal.

Hence, it's time to experience the best photo spots in Nepal for a remarkable journey of a lifetime. Whether you capture them with your sight or through phenomenal photography, the nation never fails to impress.

  • Photo Spots in Nepal

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Home » Asia » Nepal » 21 Beautiful Places in Nepal (MUST-SEE in 2024)

21 Beautiful Places in Nepal (MUST-SEE in 2024)

Despite its small size, Nepal boasts an impressive selection of tall mountains, dramatic landscapes, and cultural wonders.

With other Southeast Asian countries dominating the tourism scene, the most beautiful places in Nepal have been left to flourish without too much Western intervention – and it shows in all the best ways!

From snow-covered valleys and alpine lakes reflecting magical views to detailed etchings in temples of prayer, Nepal is a melting pot of natural beauty and cultural splendor.

Sure, you’ve heard of the Himalayas and the iconic Mount Everest. But Nepal offers so much more than just its exquisite mountain ranges (although they certainly do steal the show).

With a list of beautiful places in Nepal long enough to make you dizzy, we’ve collated the top twenty-one spots worth a place on the bucket list.

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1. Everest Base Camp

2. kathmandu durbar squares, 3. khaptad national park, 4. panch pokhari, 5. chitwan national park, 6. barun valley, 7. upper mustang, 8. nagarkot, 9. phewa lake, 10. rara lake, 11. sagarmatha national park, 12. boudhanath, 13. annapurna base camp, 14. lumbini, 15. tilicho lake, 16. the garden of dreams, kathmandu, 17. gosaikunda lakes, 18. pashupatinath temple, kathmandu, 19. poon hill, 21. janaki mandir, janakpur, how to see beautiful places in nepal, faqs about beautiful places in nepal, final thoughts on beautiful places in nepal.

A landscape view of the snowy Everest Mount, Nepal

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Mount Everest is the highest peak on our planet. It’s an astounding mountain in the Himalayas that represents endurance and perseverance.

Each year, thousands of mountaineers take to the summit to prove themselves in the hiking world. If you are looking to  backpack Nepal , definitely add this hike to your itinerary!

While the entire mountain and region are breathtakingly beautiful, Everest Base Camp is one of the most exciting. I’ll level with you; I’m not a big mountaineer expert myself, and I haven’t made the journey to base camp, but the legends I hear make it sound like another planet.

And that’s just what it looks like. The lunar landscape looks as far away from planet Earth as the deepest point in the sea.

Trekking to base camp is the best way to experience this (quite literally) breathtaking landscape, which includes views of nearby peaks like Makalu, Cho Oyu, and Lhotse. 

To get to base camp, you’ll have to pass through the Sagarmatha National Park (to come further down the list), home to a variety of plants and wildlife, including the elusive snow leopard. You’ll also pass plenty of small villages and monasteries and learn about the interesting Sherpa culture.

When we think of beautiful places in Nepal, our minds jump to the dramatic natural scenery and mountain landscapes. True, these spots are unrivaled, but there is also something to say about Nepal’s cities and the cultural heritage that lies within them.

Chances are, you’ll start your travels in Nepal by  backpacking through Kathmandu . Give the city the time it deserves, which absolutely includes a visit to the Durbar Squares.

These squares (comparable to European piazzas or plazas, if you will) are public areas surrounded by century-old palaces, temples, gardens, museums, and monuments reminiscent of a time when Nepal was three separate kingdoms.

Vibrant streets at Kathmandu Durbar Squares with its unique temples and palaces

It’s pretty much the heart and soul of the city, home to the most significant cultural, historic, religious, and even governmental buildings. Stroll through the squares and admire the incredible workmanship of the tall spires, temple walls, and intricate details.

Unfortunately, some of the buildings were seriously damaged by recent earthquakes, but the four main squares still offer a lot to learn about when it comes to Nepali culture and history. Enhance your experience by finding the best place to stay in Kathmandu for a truly memorable stay.

Between street food snacks and rustic coffee blends, make your way through temples dedicated to Hindu deities, the fifty-five Window Palace, and the Golden Gate – all of this, and you’ll still only be scratching the surface.

Animal enthusiasts, this one is for you. Known for its abundance of wildlife and birds in particular, Khaptad National Park is an epic spot to view the imperial pheasant, peregrine falcon, and cuckoos.

Among the birds, plenty of leopards, wild boars, Himalayan black bears, and jackals call this beautiful place in Nepal home. The place is undoubtedly one of the best national parks in Nepal .

Barely untouched by human intervention and hardly visited by tourists, the lush and dramatic mountain landscape flourishes across moorlands, steep slopes, and rushing rivers.

A landscape view of vast valleys and mountains in Khaptad National Park, Nepal

In the mid-mountain range of the country, Khaptad National Park was named after a famous swami who came to the region to meditate and worship.

Learn more about this dedicated priest, who supposedly spent 50 years meditating in solitude, here. He later became a saint – and a well-earned one, in my opinion.

For an easy-to-medium-difficult trek, the Khaptad National Park is the best hiking spot out here, with a route winding from Dhangadhi to Silgadhi.

Do yourself a favor and visit during the springtime. You’ll be rewarded with lush grass blanketed in wildflowers and local medicinal plants – it’s a real treat for the senses.

Surrounded by the majestic Himalayan mountain ranges in the heart of the Sindhupalchowk district, Panch Pokhari directly translates to ‘five ponds’ in Nepali. And this is exactly what it is. The historic and sacred pilgrimage site consists of five ponds at a whopping 13450 feet above sea level. 

Hikers: gather around . The path to the ponds follows a safe but steep route, passing through lush forests, alpine meadows, and rocky mountain landscapes.

A ponds surrounded by greenery in Panch Pokhari in Nepal

For your hard work, you will be rewarded with epic mountain views of Langtang, Jugal, and even the Rolwaling mountains. Pack your  finest travel camera,  because the views are  unbelievable .

Around the ponds, flora and fauna thrive, which gives rise to the belief that the ponds have a mystical, spiritual presence. Once you reach the top, you can even take a refreshing dip in the ponds to experience the holy waters on another level. Believe what you want, but this place sure is spectacular to behold.

A tip for the trekkers: visit between April and June or between September and November when the weather is mild.

Folks, take a bow, because this one is a real winner. Located deep in the southern Terai plains, Chitwan National Park is a natural wonderland of dense forests and unique wildlife.

Truly one of the most beautiful places in Nepal , the park covers green forests, lakes, and marsh plains, creating the perfect home for hundreds of bird species. 

But this spot is more famous for its larger wildlife species, including the endangered Royal Benga Tiger, one-horned rhinoceros, Asiatic elephants, and gharial crocodiles. It’s important to be  extremely  careful when choosing to  engage in animal tourism  as a traveler.

Rhino walking along a pathed road with jungle behind

There are plenty of guided trails and adventures to explore in the park. Choose from bird-watching tours, canoe trips, and even jeep safaris that will take you deep into the wild national park.

However, stay aware that there are very wild and hungry animals out there, so you’ll have to visit with a guide to ensure you don’t become a crocodile’s next breakfast. Check out our guide on  avoiding disaster for more tips on how to stay safe in Nepal!

Aside from nature and thriving wildlife, the park houses a Hindu pilgrimage site called Valmiki Ashram. Visit the Ashram and learn about its interesting heritage firsthand. The entire park is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, no surprises here.

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Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

With postcard-perfect views, lush meadows scattered with wildflowers, and mighty snow-capped mountain peaks, few places compare to the beauty of the Barun Valley. 

Nestled deep in the Himalayan mountains, the valley is home to the iconic Mount Makalu. Sure, you may have only heard of Everest, but Makalu is an equally beautiful peak and the fifth-highest mountain in the world . It’s so tall that the peak is almost always covered by an ocean of clouds. 

A landscape view of Mount Makalu and glacial lake Barun valley in Nepal

The valley is part of a national park, which means it is well protected and preserves a variety of wildlife and plant species.

In fact, with absolutely no humans living in the valley, the place gives one the feeling of what Nepal would have been like before the human race existed. The only people you might pass will be other trekkers on their way to the Makalu Base Camp.

And on that note, if you are an avid hiker or want to try your hand at a trek that doesn’t require the same training as Everest, I recommend a hike to Mount Makalu base camp , it’s AMAZING. Make sure to reduce your plastic footprint and bring a water filter instead. DO YOUR PART!

Switch things up with a change of scenery in Upper Mustang. These unique mountains lie north of the Himalayas, in a region where both the local culture and natural scenery are totally different from the rest of the country.

This region alone is a mighty fine reason to visit Nepal !

Lo Manthang was a walled-in city founded in 1380 in Upper Mustang. Historically speaking, the city was once separate from Nepal as its own independent kingdom.

As the trading center and capital of the Kingdom of Lo, it remained this way from its foundation in 1380 until the 18th century. 

A landscape view of Lo Manthang village in the middle Upper Mustang mountains

History is fresh here, with the city only being reintroduced as part of the Nepalese kingdom in 2008. If you ask me, this is what makes Upper Mustang such a unique place to visit in Nepal.

As a testament to the region’s colorful and unique past, the Lo Manthang Valley is home to over ten thousand cave dwellings, some of which bear the traces of those who used to call the caves home.

Some caves hang in the middle of the rocky landscape. How people got in and out of these dwellings is a bit of a mystery. Let us know if you can figure it out!

History aside, Upper Mustang is also a breeding area for the Himalayan Griffon. The bird watchers among us will know just how exciting this is!

Located in central Nepal at the edge of the Kathmandu Valley, Nagarkot, one of the best places to visit in Kathmandu , is famous for its exceptional Himalayan mountain views. 

When it comes to picturesque mountainside villages, there really are few that can compare to the beauty of this town.

Set in the surrounding mountains, there really is no better place to watch the sunrise or sunset over the Himalayas. Not to mention the iconic panoramic views of the Kathmandu Valley.

Garden of Dreams in Kathmandu city centre building with plants in foreground on a cloudy day.

One of the top ten places to visit in Nepal , the surrounding landscape is scattered with hiking and cycling trails.

When you are exploring the mountains, spend some time in the local village, which, like most Nepali towns, is not at all overpopulated with expats or tourists. There are plenty of local restaurants, cafes, and temples to visit in the town. All in all, you can expect a very laid-back experience.

For a taste of local heritage and culture, the ancient pagoda-inspired Changunarayan Temple, dedicated to the gods of Vishnu, is an exceptional example of a Hindu pilgrimage site.

Without further ado, I share with you one of the most popular areas in Nepal for local tourists. Phewa Lake is a large freshwater lake fed by the streams of the snowcapped mountains around it.

The city of Pokhara (a famous town worth its own mention) sits on the banks of the lake, overlooking the serene mountains and valleys. Visiting Pokhara  indulges those in pursuit of a tranquil and laid-back atmosphere.

The lake is surrounded by lush green hills, dramatic valleys and peaks, and even snow-dusted mountains. From the lake, you can also admire the beauty of the Annapurna mountain range, which casts an ominous yet impressive shadow over the lake’s clear water.

Phewa Lake in Pokhara, Nepal on a cloudy day with sunrays breaking through the clouds.

Bring your swimsuits and sunhats because chances are you’ll want to dip in the freshwater, kayak, or even paddle boats around the lake.

What’s more beautiful than a Nepali temple? A Nepali temple in the middle of a lake! Well, located on a small island in Phewa Lake, the Barahi Temple is an exquisite holy Hindu temple that you can access by boat.

As a matter of fact, with a few trek and hike starting points into the Annapurna mountains, Pokhara is sometimes called the ‘Gateway to the Himalayas.’ I don’t recommend hiring a guide or a porter for this trek; the walking distances each day are not long and an unnecessary expense, even for  beginner hikers !

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Blink twice, and you might think you’re on the banks of a Swiss alpine lake. Rara National Park might be Nepal’s smallest, but it absolutely tops the list as one of the most striking. 

The centerpiece of this park is Rara Lake, which, unlike the park it sits in, is the largest and deepest freshwater lake in the whole country. Talk about contrasts.

A person sitting on a cliff gazing at the sunset over Rara lake in Rara National Park in Nepal

While it might look like a European lake, unlike the Alps, this area houses more than 1,500 floral and wildlife species. Among them are the elusive Himalayan snow leopard, red pandas, and even the iconic Himalayan black bear. 

Barely visited by tourists, Rara Lake is a hidden gem in the true sense of the word. Without humans to disturb the peace of nature, it has been able to flourish at an altitude of nearly ten thousand feet above sea level. No wonder so few people make the trip…

While you might not run into a snow leopard (although there is always a chance), you will be able to take in the exquisite forest scenery. Made up of natural pine, oak, and rhododendrons, it is no surprise that these woods are a treat for all the senses.

Views from the snowy Mount Everest  in Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal

Dramatic glaciers and deep gorges and valleys set against a backdrop of the all-encompassing Mount Everest – there aren’t too many landscapes like those of Sagarmatha National Park . It’s also a great place to spot the elusive snow leopard and even a red panda.

Before 1956, Everest was called Sagarmatha, translating to ‘the head of the earth touching the sky’ in Nepali.

Worm's eye view of Boudhanath temple in Kathmandu in front of a perfectly blue sky.

Set in the heart of Nepal’s capital, Boudhanath is a stupa (otherwise known as a Buddhist Temple) in Kathmandu.

The 14th-century structure is one of the most sacred Tibetan Buddhist sites outside of Tibet, and is easily one of the most beautiful places in Nepal .

Woman taking a selfie with other woman wearing a backpack crossing a rope bridge

Step aside, Everest. For a more intermediate adventure, the trek to Annapurna base camp must be on your bucket list of adventures .

You’ll discover massive mountains, exceptional vistas, and a world-class experience without the extreme altitudes and training needed for Everest. Sign me up.

Maya Devi Temple Lumbini

Like Meca or Jerusalem for other religions, Lumbini is one of the holiest locations for the Buddhist faith. It is said to have been the birthplace of the Lord Buddha more than 2600 years ago. 

Other than the spiritual atmosphere, this beautiful temple is a solid example of Nepalese heritage architecture.

Tilicho Lake in Nepal

Holding the prestigious title of the highest lake in the world, Tilicho Lake sits at a height of 16138 feet above sea level.

It sits along one of the most famous hikes on the Annapurna Circuit . At such an altitude, it’s no shock that there are no aquatic organisms living in the lake. 


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Also known as the Garden of Six Seasons of Nepal, this historic garden shows off stunning fountains, manicured hedges, peaceful pavilions, and an array of local flowers and trees depicting the seasonal changes of the country.

First created in 1892, the garden was considered one of the most sophisticated gardens of its era.

Gosaikunda Lake surrounded by mountains in Nepal

There’s no such thing as too many pilgrimage sites, am I right? Another important place for Buddhism, Gosaikunda Lake, is an alpine freshwater lake in the Langtang National Park.

Part of a week-long trek from Kathmandu, the remote lake freezes over in winter and offers impressive views of the surrounding Himalayas.

Nepali women in bright clothes sat on the floor outside Hindu temple in bright clothes making plated of offerings of flowers and food.

One of Nepal’s oldest temples, Pashupatinath is dedicated to Lord Shiva and features double-storied pagodas that are only accessible by Hindu Pilgrims. 

While you might not be allowed to go inside, you will be able to admire the copper and gold-covered roofs and pinnacles from outside.

A landscape view of Poon Hill overlooking the Annapurna Massif mountain range and the Dhaulagiri mountains. 

Poon Hill Trek is one of the most popular hikes in Nepal. The trek takes you to the hill station overlooking the Annapurna Massif mountain range and the Dhaulagiri mountains.  

At the summit, you’ll be rewarded with some of the most exceptional sunrise views on the planet. And that is no exaggeration!

Patan temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, with a tatue of Bhairav and bells hanging from the roof.

One of the three royal cities of Kathmandu (and, in my opinion, the most striking), Patan is a place of impressive craftsmanship and Newari architecture.

The city boasts an incredible collection of both pagoda-style and Hindu temples and palaces, earning it the label “City of Arts” .

Janaki Mandir Janakpur palace with a white facade and blue windows and people walking around it.

As far as Hindu temples go, this one is pretty spectacular. Dedicated to the Goddess Sita, this impressive palatial temple is a sacred place built by the Queen of Tikamgrah in 1910.

With its bright white and gold exterior, three-storied grandeur, tiered pagoda-style, and ornate interiors, it’s enough to turn heads.

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A big part of the colorful experience of traveling through Nepal is getting from point A to point B.

A humble bus ride, while overcrowded and sweaty, will always provide good views. A six to ten-hour trip from Kathmandu to Pokhara would cost around $5 for a local bus and $30 for a tourist bus with Wi-Fi and aircon.

bridges while trekking in Nepal Ana Pereira

Renting a car in Nepal and driving yourself from one beautiful place to another offers the most freedom. I absolutely recommend this, as long as you are not traveling solo and are a (somewhat) confident driver.

I would also advise renting a 4X4 since the roads can be treacherous and unmaintained. A one-day rental might cost between $40 and $60.

Hiring a private car with a driver is also an option, at around $60 per day. This is also an epic way to get the ins and outs of the country from a local.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Nepal’s most beautiful places.

What’s the most beautiful place in Nepal for a honeymoon?

Nagarkot ! This place offers the perfect setting for a calm retreat, far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. With its natural beauty, cultural diversity, and tranquility, Nagarkot makes a great choice for a honeymoon in Nepal.

What’s the most beautiful city in Nepal?

Pokhara ! Of course, all the locals will insist their city is the most beautiful in the country, but my personal experience says Pokhara. The unique blend of adventure and tranquility makes this place an insanely beautiful destination in Nepal. Highly recommend!

What’s the most beautiful place to visit in Kathmandu?

Either Kathmandu Durbar Squares or the Garden of Dreams for me. Kathmandu offers distinct experiences, and each place is unique and beautiful in its own way. The choice is yours to make!

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While you might visit for a view of the world’s tallest mountain (yes, we’re speaking about Everest again), it will be the colorful culture, beautiful monasteries, friendly locals, and flavorful food that will make you want to stay.

Nepal is a treasure trove of natural beauty, featuring some of the most spectacular landscapes and scenic views in the world.

But it also offers incredible cultural heritage, which brings with it magnificent temples, shrines, and authentic and unique places to visit in Nepal .

Sure, you really can’t visit Nepal without laying your eyes on the Himalayas, but make sure to spend some time exploring the Janaki Mandir and Pashupatinath Temples for a taste of the beautiful local culture. I did it and it was unforgettable!

Bungee Jumping in Nepal

  • Check out the best hostels in Kathmandu to kickstart your adventure.
  • Prepare yourself for extremities by learning how to stay safe in Nepal .
  • Join in the fun and embrace culture at one of Nepal’s best festivals .
  • Widen horizons and deepen your experience and impact as a volunteer in Nepal .
  • This guide to Nepal’s best national parks will also help you plan your itinerary.
  • Let’s get you ready for your next adventure with our Vietnam backpacking guide .

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Suzanne Borders

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Place to Visit in Nepal

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30 Picturesque Places to Visit in Nepal

  • Jun 10, 2024
Nepal is a land of endless surprises and marvels, offering numerous awe-inspiring destinations. However, exploring Kathmandu and Pokhara City – trekking in the Annapurna and Everest regions has stolen the spotlight from Nepal. To help you navigate through plenty of choices, we have prepared this blog highlighting 30 picturesque places that you will want to visit during your stay in Nepal.

Table of Contents

Nepal is a paradise of natural wonders, and there are many places to visit in Nepal for a few days to many days for easy-to-advanture activities. Nepal boasts the prestigious title of being home to the world's highest peak, Mt. Everest (8848.86 meters), and the National Park conquered by Bengal Tigers and One-horned Rhinos. This enchanting country attracts various visitors with its abundant natural beauty, cultural significance, ancient heritage with unique architecture, and centuries-old monasteries. Nepal offers a sensational experience, immersing travelers in a harmonious blend of natural, cultural, and spiritual wonders.

Over the last few decades, Nepal has constantly ranked as the top destination for wanderlust and nature enthusiasts. In this blog, we will recommend some renowned locations and hidden treasures that are undoubtedly worth exploring. Whether you are a first-time traveler or have been to Nepal multiple times, this blog serves individuals from all backgrounds, offering valuable recommendations.

Without any delay, discover the 30 best places to visit in Nepal , which will not only enhance your travel experience but also provide reasons to include them in your travel list. Let’s dive right in and uncover the wonders that await you.

The top 30 best places to visit in Nepal.

1. dhorpatan hunting reserve: enjoy the trill..

Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is the only hunting reserve in Nepal. But don’t let the name mislead you, as the focus in this reserve is on conservation and sustainable hunting practices rather than indiscriminate hunting. It is a unique and captivating reserve that should deserve a spot on your travel list.

Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve

One of the main reasons to visit Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is its remarkable diversity. Nestled below Mt. Dhaulagiri, the reserve is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including Blue Sheep (Baral), Himalayan Tahr, Musk Deer, and the majestic Snow Leopard. This is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers seeking rare and endangered animals.

Beyond the wildlife, the reserve shares stunning landscapes surrounded by lush forests, eye-catching waterfalls, and snow-capped mountains. Moreover, the reserve provides other activities like trekking, camping, bird watching, and, of course, traditional hunting practices.

2. Parsa National Park: Enjoy a jungle safari.

One of the best reasons to visit Parsa National Park in Nepal is to experience the rich, exotic biodiversity along with the cultural ambiance of the southern part of the country. This national park is home to endangered animals like Royal Bengal Tigers, various species of deer, one-horned rhinos, and especially Asian elephants. Exploring the park gives you opportunities to witness these magnificent animals in their natural habitat and contributes to their conservation too.

Parsa National Park in Nepal

In addition to wildlife, Parsa National Park boasts a stunning landscape of vast, stretching grassland, dense forest, and cascading rivers.

This picturesque natural setting creates a perfect chance for a jungle safari, which is the primary reason to visit this park. The peaceful environment and breathtaking scenery of the park also promote other activities like bird watching, and nature walks.

Along with a natural safari, this national park is an excellent destination for cultural exploration. The park is surrounded by the traditional Tharu community, allowing you to immerse yourself in local culture and traditions. Interacting with and learning about the Tharu community adds extra sauce to your travel experience.

3. Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park: Have an awesome picnic.

Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, located closest to Kathmandu city, offers an opportunity for hiking enthusiasts. Being closest to the city, visitors can easily access the park while being treated to incredible views of Kathmandu city and the Himalayan skyline on the horizon. The park’s accessibility and scenic trails make it an ideal spot for picnics and spending quality time escaping the busy life of Kathmandu city.

Nagi Gumba Shivapuri

Furthermore, Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park is compacted with native wildflowers and dense forest, showcasing a diverse range of tree species. The park is blessed with ample water resources and streams that contribute to the creation of beautiful waterfalls. Likewise, the park serves as a vital source of drinking water for the residents of Kathmandu Valley.

Not only that, but this park is renowned for diverse wildlife, including a wide range of rare bird species. It has also been a top spot for bird-watching activities for nature enthusiasts, while the park is teeming with various birds. Notably, this park is home to the Spiny Babbler (a bird), only found in Nepal. With a unique presence of flora and fauna, Shivapuri National Park offers an unparalleled experience for bird lovers and nature enthusiasts. To discover Kathmandu Valley Ridge and Culture: Chisapani Nagarkot Trek 3 to 4 days is the best option.

4. Shuklapanta National Park—for the adventurer in you.

The best reason to visit Shuklapanta National Park is to witness the incredible biodiversity located in the far-western region of Terai. The park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including endangered animals like the Bengal Tiger, one-horned rhino, swamp deer, and over 400 species of birds. Exploring the park offers an opportunity to observe the wildlife in their natural habitat, which deserves a top spot on your travel list.

Shuklapanta National Park

Moreover, the park features vast grasslands, wetlands, and dense forests, creating an amazing landscape that displays the beauty of the Terai region. The peaceful atmosphere and breathtaking landscapes make Shuklapanta National Park an ideal place for nature walks, bird watching, and wildlife safaris.

Plus, this park has as much religious importance as its biodiversity. The park is located near the historic and religious site of Shuklapanta, from which it gets its name. The park has the same value for devotees and pilgrims as for nature enthusiasts alike.

5. Saipal Base Camp, Wild Wild West.

Saipal Base Camp is a lesser-known destination situated in the far-western region of Nepal, introducing the Wild West. The adventure offers a thrilling experience to trekkers seeking to explore remote and rugged areas of the Saipal Himal range.

The base camp is located at an elevation of approximately 4,200 meters above sea level, surrounded by magnificent peaks and pristine alpine landscapes. The trek to Saipal Base Camp is considered a challenging trail and requires a good level of fitness and trekking experience. It takes around 15–18 days to complete the trek, including multiple days of transportation.

The Saipal Himal range is home to majestic Mt. Saipal, which stands at 7,031 meters, accompanied by Mt. Api (7,132 meters) and Mt. Nampa (6,755 meters). The trek provides a wilderness experience with breathtaking vistas of snow-peaked mountains, glaciers, and alpine meadows. As the trail passes through remote areas, teahouses are limited, and a camping team is necessary.

6. Illam: An Introduction to East Nepal.

Illam is a beautiful district located in the eastern region of Nepal, known for its stunning landscape, tea gardens, and cultural heritage. It is often called the ‘Tea Garden of Nepal’ due to its vast expansion of tea plantations. Illam is always ready to introduce eastern Nepal. Illam is blessed with a pleasant climate and fertile soil, making it an ideal region for tea plantations. The tea produced here is known for its exceptional quality and distinct taste. Visitors can explore the tea garden, learn about tea production, and be part of the tea plucking and production process.

Places to Visit in Nepal

Culturally, Illam is rich in culture and ethnic diversity. The district is inhabited by various ethnic groups, like Rai, Limbu, and Lepcha, with their unique cultures and traditions. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture by participating in festivals, trying traditional cuisine, and learning about their daily lifestyle. Ilam is en route to the world's third-highest mountain, Kanchenjunga. The wilderness Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek can last 17 to 22 days, according to requirements. 

7. Kushma: Bungee and Zip-Flyer Capital.

Kushma, situated in the Parbhat district, is a charming hillside village showcasing magnificent scenery consisting of villages, hills, rivers, and valleys. Serving as the headquarters of Parbhat district, it is just 57 kilometers from Pokhara city, ensuring easy accessibility for travelers. The village is famous for a wide range of outdoor activities like bungee jumping , zip-flying, rope cycling , and many more, making it an ideal destination for adventure seekers.

Kushma holds the longest suspension bridge in Nepal, measuring 567 meters. Additionally, it has gained fame for housing the world’s second-highest bungee jumping facilities, attracting thrill-seekers from all around. Other adventurous activities include rafting in the Kaligandaki River to add to the excitement. Beyond thrilling adventure, the village offers an opportunity to immerse oneself in the local lifestyle and engage in volunteer initiatives.

8. Bardia National Park, home of the Bengal Tiger.

Bardia National Park, located in the Terai region, is a renowned wildlife sanctuary for being the home of the Bengal Tiger. The vast grassland, dense forest, and peaceful river, along with the pristine and diverse ecosystem of the park, have attracted numerous wanderlusts throughout the world.

Bardia National Park

Bardia National Park was honored with the TX2 Award for doubling the number of Bengal tigers and for its conservation efforts, which make it the best place to visit in Nepal. Apart from the Bengal tiger, the park is home to other notable animals like Asian elephants, one-horned rhinos, swamp deer, monkeys, and birds.

Visiting the Terai region without cultural immersion is like eating food without salt. And of course, you can get the opportunity to witness the culture of Tharu communities. Interacting with locals, learning about their customs, observing their dances and festivals, and trying cultural attire adds a cultural dimension to the visit.

9. Dhulikhel: Authentic Newari Town.

Dhulikhel is an authentic Newari town situated on the eastern side of Kathmandu Valley, known for its scenic beauty and breathtaking panoramic view of the majestic Himalayas. The town itself has a rich cultural heritage, several ancient temples and shrines, and narrow alleys full of Newari houses. It has become a popular destination for tourists seeking peace and a picturesque retreat.

Dhulikhel is also a famous destination for hiking and nature walks, with backdrop views of Himalayan peaks including Langtang, Dorje Lakpa, Gaurishankar, and other peaks. There are numerous trails that lead to hilltops, viewpoints, and villages offering views of lush greenery, terraced fields, and serene environments to immerse oneself in the natural beauty of the area.

In recent years, Dhulikhel has witnessed the development of resorts, hotels, and guest houses, offering comfortable accommodations. The town also hosts various cultural events and festivals, providing a glimpse into the local traditions and celebrations. Visitors can also engage in meditation retreats, learn about Buddhist philosophy, and find inner peace amidst the tranquil surroundings. In Dhulikhel , you can hike one day to multi-day at Nagarkot Dhulikhel Trekking.

10. Bethanchowk, King of Hills.

Bethanchowk, also known as the King of Hills’, is a picturesque destination in the Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal. Situated at an elevation of 2,200 meters, Bethanchowk shares an alluring view of surrounding hills, valleys, and distant snow-capped mountains. The peaceful environment and cool climate make it an ideal getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The beauty of Bethanchowk lies in its untouched natural landscape, consisting of lush green forests, terraced farming, a river flowing through a gorge, and endless hills. For adventurers, there are several hiking and trekking trails leading towards nearby viewpoints and some of the villages inhabited by Tamang and Newar ethnicities.

In terms of infrastructure, some basic lodges, homestays, and teahouses are established for comfortable accommodation for visitors. With its stunning vistas, cultural richness, and adventure opportunities, Bethanchowk truly lives up to its title as the King of Hills’.

11. Barun Valley—The Beyul Valley.

Barun Valley, Located in the northeastern region of Nepal, is a hidden gem known for its pristine wilderness, awe-inspiring landscapes, and thrilling adventure opportunities. It is often referred to as Beyul Valley, a sacred place of refuge and spiritual significance. For nature enthusiasts, the valley’s untouched beauty and tranquility provide ample opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife spotting.

At the heart of Barun Valley stands the majestic Mt. Makalu, the fifth-highest peak in the world, soaring at a height of 8,463 meters. The mountain’s towering presence adds to the attraction of the valley, attracting mountaineers and adventure enthusiasts around the globe. Trekking through challenging passes like Sherpani Col, West Col, and Amphu Laptsa offers thrilling and rewarding experiences for adventure seekers. Likewise, Makalu Base Camp Trek is an iconic destination of the region. 

The valley is known for its diverse and rich biodiversity. Barun Valley falls within Makalu-Barun National Park, a designated conservation area that covers a wide range of diverse ecosystems. Moreover, the valley offers a glimpse of local culture and traditional ways of life. It is inhabited by Sherpa and Rai ethnic groups, well-known for their warm hospitality and rich cultural heritage.

12. Badimalika-Tribeni Patan

Badimalika, situated in the Bajura District of far-western Nepal, is an admirable destination known for its religious significance and tranquil environment. At the heart of Badimalika lies the renowned Badimalika temple, a sacred pilgrimage site dedicated to Goddess Bhagwati. The temple holds great spiritual value, attracting numerous devotees who seek blessing and fulfillment of their wishes.


In addition to its religious significance, Badimalika is blessed with splendid natural beauty. Nestled amidst the peaceful hills of the Himalayas range, the area surrounding the temple offers lush green forest and a picturesque landscape. The distinct character of the spot is the meadow grassland that covers the hills that your eye can see. The serene ambiance and scenic vistas are perfect for those wanting a connection with nature.

Tribeni Patan, situated nearby, adds icing on the cake for the region. Tribeni Patan is the confluence of three holy rivers: Kaligandaki, Seti, and Triveni. This sacred confluence holds cultural and spiritual significance for Hindi devotees. Overall, the journey to  Badimalika and Tribeni Patan offers captivating adventures and experiences for spiritual seekers, nature lovers, and culture enthusiasts.

13. Bhaktapur Durbar Square: The Living Heritage.

Bhaktapur Durbar Square is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the ancient city of Bhaktapur, Nepal. It is a living cultural and historical gem that showcases the rich living heritages of Newari communities and offers a unique experience distinct from Basantapur Durbar Square in Kathmandu and Patan Durbar Square in Lalitpur.


What sets Bhaktapur Durbar Square apart is its well-preserved Newari architecture, which reflects the traditional Newari culture and craftsmanship of the Newari people. The square is home to numerous palaces, temples, courtyards, and detailed wooden-carved buildings showcasing a blend of pagoda and Shikara-style architecture.

Bhaktapur city also served as a vibrant hub for traditional art, festivals, and rituals. The city celebrates various festivals with great passion, like Bisket Jatra, and Bhaktapur Jatra. In addition to cultural and architectural significance, Bhaktapur is a paradise for food enthusiasts, boosting Newari cuisine where visitors can savor authentic Newari dishes like Juju Dhau, Samya Baji, Bara, Kwati, Yomari, Choyala, and many more.

14. Khumai Danda—Great Machhapuchhre Trail.

The Khumai Danda Trek, also known as the Great Machhapuchhre Trail, is a short and sweet trek in the Annapurna region. It offers a mesmerizing journey through the stunning landscapes of the Himalayas, providing an alternative experience to the popular Mardi Himal Trek. The trek provides dynamic and ever-changing landscapes, from lush forests and terraced fields to rugged mountain trails and alpine meadows.

Khumai Danda trek

One of the main reasons to choose Khumai Danda Trek over Mardi Himal Trek is its less-crowded nature, while Mardi Himal Trek has gained lots of popularity in recent years. It allows trekkers to immerse themselves in the serenity of the mountains and connect with nature without the bustling crowd. The trail shares panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, including the iconic Mt. Machhapuchhre (Fishtail).

Another advantage of the Khumai Danda Trek is the opportunity to explore the authentic culture and lifestyle of local communities. The trail takes you to villages inhabited by Gurung and Magar ethnicities, well-known for their welcoming and warm hospitality. It offers the opportunity to interact with the locals and gain insight into their rich culture and traditions.

15. Gorkha Durbar Square: The beginning of Modern Nepal.

Gorkha Durbar Square is a historical site located on the hilltop of Gorkha Bazaar in the Gorkha district of Nepal. It holds significant historical and cultural importance as it serves as the birthplace of Modern Nepal and the starting point of the unification of Nepal under one rule. Exploring the palace, temples, and surroundings provides a glimpse into the splendor of the past.

Gorkha Durbar Square is dominated by the Gorkha Palace (Gorkha Durbar), which was the residence of the Shah Dynasty during the 18th century. It is a symbol of power and authority and stands as a testament to the rich history of Nepal. Due to its location on the hilltop, it offers a panoramic view of the surrounding Gorkha Bazaar and the skyline of Himalayan ranges like the Mansiri range, the Ganesh Himal range, and the Annapurna range.

The square is adorned with temples, shrines, and historical monuments, showcasing the architectural perfection of that time. The main temple among them is Gorkha Kalika (Gorakh Kali) Temple, dedicated to the goddess Kali, which attracts many devotees from far and wide. The square is also a gateway to exploring the natural beauty of the region, with hiking trails leading to scenic viewpoints and other attractions. Manaslu Circuit Trek goes almost near Gorkha Durbar to cross the mighty Larkya la Pass (5,160 m).

16. Kahpuche Lake—The Glacier Lake

Kahpuche Lake is a captivating natural gem nestled below the glacier of the Lamjung Himal range in Nepal. The glacier-fed lake is surrounded by alpine meadows, dense forests, and attractive waterfalls, adding to the enchanting beauty of the area. Due to its tranquil ambiance and pristine beauty, Kaphuche Lake has become a hidden treasure for nature enthusiasts and trekkers.

Kaphuche Lake boasts stunning natural surroundings. The lake’s crystal-clear water reflects the surrounding snow-capped peaks, creating a postcard-perfect scene. The region also offers hiking, trekking, and mountaineering, allowing trekkers to begin a thrilling adventure in the Himalayan wonders. The area is slowly gaining development in accommodation with basic amenities like bedding, food, toilets, and limited hot water.

Apart from its natural beauty, don’t miss out on the cultural immersion. The trail is compacted with villages dominated by various ethnic groups like Tamang, Gurung, and Sherpa, each with its own way of life, unique customs, and beliefs. Be ready to embark on the journey to the hidden gem, Kaphuche Lake, through pristine beauty towards the Lamjung Himal range.

17. Panch Pokhari: spiritual sensation.

Panch Pokhari, meaning "Five Lakes'' in Nepali, is a sacred pilgrimage site located in the Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal. It is named after the five glacial lakes that are worshipped by both Hindu and Buddhist devotees. The site holds great religious and cultural significance, making it a popular destination among spiritual seekers and trekking enthusiasts.

Panch Pokhari

Situated at an elevation of around 4,100 meters, this appealing lake has magnificent views of the surroundings, including Himalayan peaks like Langtang, Dorje Lakpa, Jugal Himal, and the Rowaling range. The surrounding area of Panch Pokhari is filled with religious shrines and stone monuments, further enhancing the spiritual ambiance of the area.

Trekking to Panch Pokhari not only provides spiritual sensations but also allows you to walk through pristine natural beauty. The trail passes through lush forests, alpine meadows, and remote villages, providing a chance to connect with nature and witness the diverse flora and fauna of the region.

18. Mohare Danda, wild side of Annapurna.

Mohare Danda is a viewpoint situated in the Myagdi District of Nepal. The viewpoint is accessible via multi-day trekking from Pokhara. It is a newly introduced and off-the-beaten trail in the Annapurna region. The trek offers a unique and sustainable trekking experience, allowing travelers to explore the untouched beauty of the Himalayas while supporting local communities.

Mohare Danda Trek

The trek begins in the beautiful city of Pokhara and takes you through scenic villages, terraced fields, dense orange farms, and rhododendron forests. The highlight of the trek is Mohare Danda , situated at a height of around 3,300 meters. From there, you can enjoy the panoramic view of the Annapurna Range and Dhaulagiri Range. Likewise, this trek is suitable for all kinds of trekkers, with easier trails and flexibility in the itinerary.

The difference between the Mohare Danda Trek and other treks is its community-based tourism and sustainable practices. The accommodation, which is an eco-lodge providing clean rooms and good food, is established by the people of the community, and the funds go directly to society and their welfare. And the villages are dominated by Magar ethnic people, who are always eager to welcome travel enthusiasts like you.

19. Kopan Monastery: meditate and relax.

Kopan Monastery is a renowned Buddhist monastery located on a hilltop in northern Kathmandu, Nepal. It is a popular destination for spiritual seekers, meditation practitioners, and those interested in Buddhism. The monastery follows the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and serves as a center for study, meditation, and retreats.

Kappan Gumba

The main building of the monastery features a beautiful prayer hall adorned with colorful murals, statues of Buddhist deities, and intricate artwork. The monastery also has residential quarters for resident monks and nuns, creating a vibrant community dedicated to the study and practice of Buddhism. Visitors to Kopan Monastery can participate in daily meditation sessions, attend teachings and discussions, and engage in spiritual practices.

Kopan Gumba is not only for meditation retreats. Visitors can visit and admire the beauty and architecture of the monastery. The panoramic view of the Kathmandu Valley from the monastery premises is breathtaking, providing a peaceful backdrop for contemplation and reflection. The tranquil gardens surrounding the monastery offer a serene space for walking, meditation, and relaxation.

20. Tilicho Lake: The world's highest lake.

Tilicho Lake, situated in Nepal's Manang district, holds the distinction of being the world's highest lake. Along with its remarkable altitude, the lake is encompassed by towering peaks, creating breathtaking scenery. The trek to Tilicho Lake entails traversing arid landscapes and challenging trails, ensuring an exhilarating adventure for avid trekkers and wanderers.

Tilicho Lake

En route to Tilicho Lake, the trek takes you through the historic Tibetan town of Manang, immersing you in its Tibetan-influenced culture and age-old traditions. The journey offers a multi-dimensional experience as you encounter centuries-old monasteries and settlements, adding to the richness of the trip. Additionally, exploring the local markets and interacting with the friendly inhabitants provides a deeper insight into the vibrant tapestry of the region's cultural heritage.

Being part of the Annapurna Conservation Area, Tilicho Lake resides in a region characterized by a diverse ecosystem. Moreover, the trek to the lake encompasses a transition from tropical to alpine climates, enabling travelers to encounter various facets of Nepal's natural beauty within a single journey. The Tilicho Lake hike can be combined with Thorong La Pass (5,420 m). 

21. Rara Lake: A piece of heaven on earth.

Rara National Park, which covers the surrounding area as well as Rara Lake, is a protected area that has resulted in diverse flora and fauna. Alongside its picturesque landscapes, Rara Lake provides a profound connection with nature. The park is home to several endangered species, including red pandas, musk deer, and Himalayan black bears. The park is also a paradise for bird enthusiasts because it is dominated by numerous bird species.

Rara Lake

Rara Lake offers a serene and pristine environment, untouched by human interference. The calm and peaceful surroundings create a tranquil atmosphere, while the lake's crystal clear waters mirror the majestic mountains, resulting in mesmerizing vistas. In addition to forging a deeper connection with nature, visiting Rara Lake provides opportunities to engage with the friendly local communities and gain insight into their way of life. In Rara National Park, you can do a multi-day trek named Rara Lake Trek . 

22. Shey-Phoksundo Lake, an oligotrophic lake in Nepal.

Nestled within the hilly gorges of Dolpa district in Nepal, Shey-Phoksundo Lake is a breathtakingly beautiful body of water. Renowned for its turquoise-blue water, it is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the Himalayas. One of the best aspects of the lake is that it is identified as an oligotrophic lake. Exploring this remarkable lake provides an opportunity to witness nature's splendor and introduces one to the oligotrophic ecosystem, along with immersion in the rich cultural heritage of the area.

Shey-Phoksundo Lake

The term oligotrophic lake is characterized by its low nutrition content, resulting in exceptionally clear and pristine water. With minimal organic matter and nutrients present in water, it has an alluring color. This creates a unique environment where the lake's transparency allows for a clear view of the lake bed, showcasing the beautiful landscape.

Surrounded by rugged mountain terrain, the lake is nestled within Shey Phoksundo National Park, which is renowned for its diverse flora and fauna. Shey-Phoksundo Trek can be done in 12 days, which offers a tranquil and secluded setting, attracting nature enthusiasts and trekkers seeking an off-the-beaten-path adventure.

23. Langtang National Park: Watch out for red pandas.

Situated in the northern region of Nepal, Langtang National Park stands out as one of the nearest national parks to Kathmandu Valley. The park is renowned for its iconic mountains, such as Mt. Langtang, Dorje Lakpa, and Mt. Yala. The captivating Langtang Valley is a culturally vibrant and picturesque area. If you're seeking a week-long getaway, Langtang National Park offers an ideal destination to unwind and enjoy a memorable vacation.

Langtang National Park Trek

The name "Langtang" originates from a Tibetan phrase meaning the discovery of a lost ox. This signifies that the area was stumbled upon by Tibetans, resulting in a strong Tibetan cultural influence that persists to this day. Thus, Langtang National Park serves as an excellent destination to deeply immerse oneself in the local culture and gain a comprehensive understanding of Tibetan heritage. In essence, the park holds significant cultural and traditional value, making it an important cultural hub.

In addition to its cultural importance, Langtang National Park boasts a rich diversity of wildlife, including the cherished red panda, which is considered a treasure of the park. The park's varied ecosystem provides a habitat for many rare species, including musk deer, snow leopards, langurs, Himalayan tahr, and a wide array of bird species. This makes the park a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts and those seeking to immerse themselves in both nature and cultural experiences. There are various trekking trails in Langtang National Park; however, the Langtang Valley trek can be completed in 7 days, which is the shortest time. 

24. Upper Mustang: The Forbidden Kingdom.

Lo Manthang, popularly known as Upper Mustang, presents a distinct and captivating destination that sets it apart from other regions. Referred to as the forbidden kingdom of Lo, Lo Manthang offers an escape to a realm unlike any other you have encountered. With its unique cultural heritage, ancient customs, and awe-inspiring natural surroundings, it promises an unparalleled travel experience. One of the best reasons to visit Upper Mustang is its well-preserved Tibetan-Buddhist culture. The region was once part of the Tibetan empire and still maintains Tibetan culture. The walled capital city of Lo Manthang, with its ancient monasteries, palaces, and narrow alleys, reflects the rich cultural heritage of the area. Exploring the traditional mud-brick houses and interacting with the warm-hearted locals provides a glimpse into the unique lifestyle and customs of the Mustang people.

Upper Mustang

The distinctive landscape of Upper Mustang is a highlight of the region, with its arid desert-like terrain, deep canyons, and towering cliffs contributing to a surreal and awe-inspiring ambiance. This sets Upper Mustang apart from other regions in Nepal, offering a truly unique and unparalleled experience. Additionally, the area is renowned for its trekking opportunities and a range of outdoor adventures, including biking and mountain biking, providing further excitement and exploration possibilities. There is road access all the way to Lo Manthang and further to the Koro La Tibet border, although the Upper Mustang Trek can be completed in 15 days to avoid the road and explore the hidden settlement in the wilderness area. 

25. Bandipur: Discover the largest cave in Nepal.

Bandipur, located in the Tanahun district of Nepal, is a historic town that holds great significance in terms of its history, natural beauty, and rich cultural heritage. Situated on a hilltop, Bandipur offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, including the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges. Also, be ready to interact with the warm and welcoming people of Bandipur .


Historically, Bandipur was an important trading hub on the ancient trade route between Nepal and Tibet. The town flourished during the 18th century and played a significant role in the region's economy. Today, its well-preserved Newari architecture, charming streets, and traditional houses reflect its prosperous past.

The natural beauty of Bandipur is another highlight of the town. Surrounded by lush green hills, terraced fields, and forests, Bandipur provides a peaceful and idyllic environment. The nearby Siddha Cave , one of the largest caves in Nepal, adds to the natural attractions of the area. In recent years, Bandipur has emerged as a popular tourist destination, offering a peaceful and authentic alternative to the bustling cities of Nepal.

26. Tansen, Palpa, a town in Daka Topi.

Tansen is the headquarters of Palpa district in Nepal, located on the highway between Pokhara and Butwal. Tansen is a small city mostly inhabited by Magar ethnics, whereas the name of the city is derived from the Magar language word tansing," which means northern settlements. It was also one of the trading routes between India and China in the past. Likewise, the city is a cultural hub and is also famous for Dhaka Topi.

Palpa Tansen

Historically, Tansen has been a very important city. In the 16th century, the city was the capital of the Magar Kingdom. It was one of the most powerful kingdoms during the rise of the Shah Dynasty. Later, the Magar King lost its influence during the 18th century and became an important trading route between India and China. Likewise, Maoists targeted Tansen city during the civil war as it was the administrative district of the Kingdom of Nepal.

Tansen also has various tourist spots and activities. Nearby Srinagar Danda viewpoint offers panoramic views of many Himalayan ranges, like the Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri range, Mansiri range, Langtang range, and Ganesh Himal range. Furthermore, you can visit Rani Mahal , T ansen Durbar Square and Museum, Sh ree Amar Narayan Temple , and other attractive locations.

27. Panauti, where God gets salvation.

Panauti is one of the oldest towns in Nepal, and its history dates back to the first century. It is a Newari town located in Sindhupalchowk district, just 32 kilometers from Kathmandu. Listed as a UNESCO tentative site, Panauti is an ideal spot to escape for a couple of days for relaxation and meditation.


The history of Panauti dates back to the 15th century. However, it is believed that it was founded by Ananda Malla in the 13th century. The golden scripture within the Indreshwar Temple, dated 1385, states that King Harisingh Dev founded the town. Indreshwar Temple is one of the biggest pagoda-style temples in Nepal. Besides the temple, it is famous for the confluence of two holy rivers, Rosi and Punyamati. It is said that even Lord Indra got salvation from his sins by bathing in this holy river.

Alongside Panauti’s history and religious significance, it has various spots to visit, like Namo Buddha Monasteries, Indreshwar Temple, Unmatta Bhairav Temple, and so on. Also, for the visitors, there are some homestays and resorts for comfort. Also, culture enthusiasts can step up and explore deeply with locals and immerse themselves in their culture.

28. Ruby Valley: The Untold Story.

Ruby Valley, located in the Dhading district of Nepal, is a hidden gem nestled in the central Himalayan region. It is a sandwich between the Manaslu region and the Langtang region. Although neighboring regions are famous among nature enthusiasts, Ruby Valley is still unknown to many travelers. The valley is named after the precious gemstone "Ruby" because you can find rubies as well as different types of crystals in this area.

Nestled in the lap of the Ganesh Himal range, the Ruby Valley regions offer natural beauty, with green, lush forests, terraced farming, dense forests, sparkling rivers, and cascading waterfalls. The region is also diverse in flora and fauna, including rare species like red pandas, musk deer, and many more, along with various species of butterflies and medicinal herbs.

The Ruby Valley is home to different ethnic groups like the Gurung, Tamang, and Ghale, who have preserved their unique culture and traditions over generations. Trekking in the Ruby Valley Ganesh Himal  allows visitors to explore picturesque villages, interact with friendly locals, and experience the traditional way of life in the mountains. The trails in the region offer panoramic views of snow-capped peaks, including the Ganesh Himal, Manaslu, and Langtang ranges.

29. Tsum Valley—The Hidden Valley.

Tsum Valley, often referred to as the "Hidden Valley," is a remote and mystical region nestled in the northern part of the Gorkha district in Nepal. Visiting the Valley provides a sense of adventure and exploration, as well as an opportunity to immerse oneself in a hidden sanctuary untouched by modernity. The restricted access and limited tourism have contributed to the preservation of the valley's pristine environment and cultural authenticity.

Tsum Valley Gorkha

Tsum Valley is renowned for its serene and untouched environment, surrounded by majestic snow-capped peaks, including Ganesh Himal, Shringi Himal, and Buddha Himal. The valley is blessed with picturesque landscapes, lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and terraced fields, making it a paradise for nature lovers.

One of the most significant aspects of Tsum Valley is its rich Buddhist heritage. The valley is dotted with ancient monasteries, Chortens (Buddhist shrines), and Mani walls (stone inscriptions), reflecting the deep spiritual traditions of the region. Milarepa's Cave, a sacred meditation site, holds special reverence for Buddhist pilgrims at Lama Gaun en route to the Tsum Valley Trek . 

30. Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha.

Last but not least, Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, does not require much introduction. It is a revered pilgrimage site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, attracting Buddhist devotees and curious travelers from around the world. The area around Lumbini is dotted with monasteries, stupas, and shrines constructed by various Buddhist communities from different countries. These architectural marvels showcase the diverse Buddhist traditions and offer a glimpse into the global reach and influence of Buddhism.

Lumbini Nepal

Exploring Lumbini provides a unique opportunity to delve into Buddhist philosophy, learn about the life of Lord Buddha, and gain insights into the principles of peace, compassion, and enlightenment. Visitors can participate in meditation sessions, listen to Buddhist teachings, and engage with the local Buddhist community.

Lumbini is surrounded by tranquil gardens and a peaceful ambiance, creating a serene atmosphere conducive to reflection and meditation. The centerpiece of the site is the sacred Mayadevi Temple, which marks the exact spot where Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Lord Buddha. Two nights and three days are best for exploring Lumbini, “the birthplace of the Buddha.”

Here is a compilation of 30 must-visit destinations in Nepal for your upcoming holiday. Whether you have a single day or several days to explore, these remarkable locations offer diverse experiences. Take the time to plan your trip accordingly, and we hope you will include these incredible destinations on your itinerary.

  • Best Time to Visit Nepal

Karna Rana

I hearty welcome to Nepal, known as the Kingdom of Himalayans, and the roof of the World “Mt. Everest.” Nepal has been named a Heaven on Earth and is a wonder in the Himalayan. It is the Shangri-La, a cultural Museum, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha, and the country of the living Goddess “ Kumari .”

I am Karna Rana Trekking Tour Operator and Mountain Guide, specializing in Trekking , Tour, Travel in Nepal, Hiking in the Himalayan and other Outdoor Activities, Peak Climbing , Expedition, Adventure Trekking , Rafting, etc. applying for my field expiring in 2000. Meanwhile, I have completed my Master’s degree in Rural Development (2016) from the Tribhuvan University of Kathmandu, Nepal’s leading educational institution. I have been applying my field experience in tourism, especially in remote areas of the country, for sustainable eco-tourism for local empowerment. I enjoyed writing my blog own word sharing my travel experience in the Himalayan, aiming to provide the right information and help to the Nepal Traveler.

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Nepal, often referred to as the “Roof of the World,” is gaining increasing popularity among global travelers.

Its unique combination of cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and adventure opportunities makes it a top choice for wanderlust-seekers.

Nepal, nestled in the heart of the Himalayas , is a haven for intrepid travelers seeking a blend of culture, adventure, and tranquility.

In this article, we embark on a journey through the most popular tourist places in Nepal , each destination a testament to the country’s diverse offerings.

1. Pashupati Nath Temple

2. boudanath, 3. nagarkot, 4. pokhara valley, 5. mahendra gufa, 7: swayambhu mandir, 8: thamel area, 9: bhaktapur, 10: chitwan national park, 🌦 weather conditions of nepal throughout the year, q. what is the best time to visit nepal, q. are permits required for trekking in nepal, q. can i trek to mount everest base camp without prior experience, q. what currency is used in nepal, q. can i explore nepal on a budget, q. is it safe to trek independently in nepal, q. are there wildlife reserves in nepal, 😇 conclusion, ✉ tell us in the comment one of  your favourite popular tourist places in nepal..

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📃 List of 10 Best Places To Visit In Nepal

You have to visit Nepal at least once in your life if you desire to reach close to nature. When you do so, several of these Nepal beautiful places you should visit.

Pashupati Nath Temple

True Hindu fans visit this tourist place in Nepal to get the true blessings of the great goddess. It is one of the most recommended Nepal locations to visit.

This place is likewise among the 7 monolith teams, that supported UNESCO to declare the Kathmandu Valley as a social heritage site.

People from all over the globe visit Nepal so that they are able to visit the temple during Maha Shivratri.

In all these years a whole lot of holy places have actually been constructed in Nepal. However, none of the holy places is as stunning as this.

Some of the holy places that exist in the Pashupati Nath Temple are Vasuki Nath Temple, Unmatta Bhairava Temple, Surya Narayana Temple, Kirtimukha Bhairava Shrine, Budhanilakantha Temple, Hanuman Temple, and 184 Shivalinga temple.

  • Places To Stay: OYO 206 Mount View Homes, The Dwarika’s Hotel, Pashupati Boutique Hotel & Spa,  Kailash Kuti Inn,  OYO 260 Hotel Cultural Inn
  • Tourist Attractions: Panch Deval Complex, silver sheeted doors, Golden Spire of the temple, and the lingams
  • When To Visit: 4 am – 12 noon, 6 pm – 7 pm
  • How To Reach: Take the bus from Kathmandu to Goshala which is the main bus station for Pashupatinath Temple. It takes about 45 minutes to reach.

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Situated 7 kilometers northeast of Kathmandu. The Boudhanath is a popular trip facility and also one of the most famous tourist attractions in Nepal.

The neighborhood, as well as Tibetan trips, visit this spiritual place for reflection. In the year 1979, this place additionally ended up being one of the heritage sites of UNESCO.

This was the place that people from Tibet made use of to get right into Kathmandu Valley.

In the 2015 earthquake, many of the buildings in Durbar Square in Bhaktapur were destroyed, the main temples are close to being completely rebuilt, but progress in much of the surrounding area has not progressed as quickly.

  • Places To Stay:  Dondrub Guest House, Sabila Boutique Hotel, Aarya Chaitya Inn, OYO 206 Mount View Homes ROKPA Guest House.
  • Tourist Attractions: delightful momos, 29 Tibetan Gompas, and thupkas, and the prayer wheel
  • When To Visit:  Open for the whole day!
  • How To Reach: The stupa is 5 km from the city center of Kathmandu. You can take a taxi from Rani Park in Thamel or a shared van. Ask the driver to carry you down to the stupa.


Found close to the Kathmandu Valley. Nagarkot is amongst the famous Nepal tourist places recognized for providing enchanting.

Himalayan sights consist of Mount Everest on the North-Eastern side. Seeing this place to appreciate the stunning sights of the sunrise is liked by visitors.

This place has a 4-hour car excursion, which will certainly assist the tourist in obtaining a really clear suggestion regarding the place. That all happens with the help of an expert overview.

The charm of this place is rising day by day because it looks gorgeous at the time of sunrise. The only issue with this place is the bad climate.

After a bad climate seeing this place is simply a waste of time as well as cash. The tourist division of Nepal is currently really much advertising this place because of its charming appeal.

  • Places To Stay: Hotel Mount Paradise, Hotel Valley View, Hotel At The End Of The Universe, Hotel At The End Of The Universe,  Stupa Resort
  • Tourist Attractions: Trekking, stunning views of the Himalayas, mountain biking, and the dense pine tree forests.
  • How To Reach: Nagarkot is 32 km from Kathmandu and can be transferred by taking a bus from Bhaktapur Bus Terminal in Kathmandu.

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Pokhara Valley

Trekking-Pokhara Valley is amongst the Popular Tourist Places In Nepal. This place is known for being the second-largest valley in the entire nation of Nepal and also one of the finest tourist locations in Nepal.

Pokhara is one of the best places to visit in Nepal. The poon hillside in Pokhara is one of the locations to visit in Nepal near the Bihar boundary.

This place is likewise extremely well-known for having points like boating, rafting, hiking, and various other severe sporting activities.

Pokhara Valley is composed of a whole lot of lakes which is an additional factor why a great deal of vacationers is brought into this place.

A whole lot of people who are right into a journey visit this place just because they desire to experience various experiences sporting activities.

  • Places To Stay: Himalayan Crown Lodge, Hotel Middle Path & Spa, Hotel Visitors Inn P. Ltd, Hotel Fewa Dream,   Pokhara, Gaurishankar Backpackers Hostel.
  • Tourist Attractions: underground caves, Verdant forests, Massif Glaciers, blue skies,  waterfalls, Valley of Orchids,  and majestic views of three mountains- Mt Manaslu, Mt Annapurna, and Mt Dhaulagiri.
  • How To Reach: The visitor bus journey takes about 7 hours to reach Pokhara from Kathmandu.

Mahendra Gufa

Mahendra Gufa is situated in the north of Pokhara. Nepal is one of the most popular natural tourist sites, with a dark and cavernous cave renowned for its rock formations. This kind of cavern is really uncommon in nature.

This is the factor that brings in many vacationers all year round. This cavern likewise has a sculpture of Lord Shiva inside it.

After its exploration, it has actually been the most checked-out place in Pokhara. A great deal of people visit this place to see the statuary of Lord Shiva inside the cavern. You can state that it is one of the popular places in Nepal.

  • Places To Stay: Hotel Pristine Himalaya, Himalayan Front Hotel by KGH Group, Himalayan Crown Lodge, Hotel Pema Tsal, Belgian Hotel Pvt. Ltd.
  • Tourist Attractions: The dark cave with limestone deposits and the idol of Lord Shiva and
  • How To Reach:  A local bus takes an hour while a taxi only takes 30 minutes from Pokhara.

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Lumbini is the best place to visit in Nepal. Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. It’s amongst the favored tourist places to go to in Nepal. An excellent number of people visit Nepal just to discover Lumbini.

It’s a belief that Lumbini is one of the holiest areas in the world for the people who adhere to Buddhism.

According to the people that have actually confirmed this place because of the birthplace of Buddha. All the boundaries of the wall of the garden show that this can be the place where Buddha was born.

However, this place is now protected by the old Monument Preservation Act which was passed within the year 1956.

There are many hotels found around Lumbini so tourists are able to stay during their visit here. Lumbini is one of the Popular Tourist Places In Nepal.

  • Places To Stay: Lumbini Buddha Garden Resort, Lumbini Garden Lodge, Jatak Guest House, The Lumbini Village Lodge, Mirage Inn.
  • Ideal Duration:  1 day
  • Best Time to Visit: October – November.
  • Tourist Attractions: Ashokan Pillar, the Japan Peace Stupa, Buddhist temples,  Bodhi Tree, the Lumbini International Research Institute, and the Lumbini Museum.
  • How To Reach: The bus from Pokhara takes about an hour while the taxi will take only 30 minutes.

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Swayambhu Mandir

Swayambhunath temple is amongst the best places in Nepal near Kathmandu valley

Perched atop a conelike-designed hillside, Swayambhu Temple is among the popular divine temples and tourist places in Nepal. Likewise described as the Monkey Temple.

The temple has numerous tales that make it fairly famous. Also among the leading places to visit in Nepal.

People all across the planet who follow Buddhism try visiting this place once they are in Nepal. This place is one of the explanations why Buddhism is most popular within the entire country of Nepal.

Nepal may be a perfect place to go if you’re trying to find any quiet spiritual motivation.

If you’re visiting Nepal for the first time, then confirm and mention this mandir in your itinerary. So you’re able to visit one of the beautiful places in Nepal.

  • Places To Stay: The SparkliHimalayan Gharng Turtle Backpackers Hostel, Laughing Buddha Home & Villa, Swayambhu View Guest House, Birds Nest Hostel
  • Tourist Attractions: The magnificent golden shire, 365 steps to reach the temple, the huge Tibetan prayer wheel, and the painted Buddha statues.
  • Entry Fee:  NPR 200
  • How To Reach: The old temple is placed on top of a hill and takes about 12 minutes to reach from Kathmandu.

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Thamel Area

Thamel Area is the best among the Nepal tourist places to shop for clothes, jewelry, accessories, and souvenirs. If you’re visiting Nepal and searching for an area to buy then this can be the place.

When you visit this place you’ll definitely be ready to find many tourists around you.

Since the year 2011, this place is fully in a Wi-Fi zone. If you’re trying to find budget hotels to stay in, then this place is ideal for you.

If you’re trying to find clubs to hang out. Then this is an area where all the happening places in Nepal are present.

  • Places To Stay: Arushi Boutique Hotel, Kumari Boutique Hotel, Hotel Roadhouse, Flying Yak Kathmandu, Hotel Jampa.
  • Tourist Attractions: Pashmina, Newari style design, silk, embroidered jacket, jewelry, accessories, and souvenirs
  • How To Reach: If you are in Kathmandu, you can hire a taxi or rickshaw to reach the Thamel area.

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Bhaktapur is a demanding tourist place in Nepal for shopping. It is the best among the Nepal tourist places to shop for clothes and handicraft products.

Bhaktapur was also the capital of Nepal from the 12th century to about the 15th century. It is among the most Popular Tourist Places In Nepal.

A great deal of tourists visit this city annually which aids in the economic climate of the town. The town is full of red blocks that make it look extremely lovely. Something that creates it among the perfect tourist areas in Nepal.

  • Places To Stay: Pottery Guest House, HOTEL LAYAKU DURBAR, Planet Bhaktapur Hotel, Hotel Central Bhaktapur,  Hotel Bhaktapur Inn.
  • Tourist Attractions: Lotus and pretty handicrafts, Terracotta products, and colorful masks.
  • How To Reach: Bhaktapur is 15 km from Kathmandu. You can either hire a taxi or a local bus from Rani Park in Thamel.

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Chitwan National Park

Get to check a special side of Nepal in Chitwan National Park. Also, it’s one of UNESCO’s world heritage sites . It is a natural home of wildlife.

The tropical monsoon climate makes it an ideal place for wildlife. Jungle safari is one of the best places to go to in Nepal. This park is largely located within the south-central part of Nepal.

However, Since the 19th century, this park has been considerably popular and is named the Heart of the Jungle.

However, in the past people were using this place for hunting. Now the government has decided to form a park so all the animals are ready to stay comfortably. Also, one of the popular tourist places in Nepal.

  • Places To Stay: Hotel National Park Sauraha, Hotel Sweetland, Jungle Nepal Resort, Hotel Hornbill, Chautari Garden Resort.
  • Tourist Attractions: The park is home to rhinoceros, sloth bears, freshwater dolphins, and many more.
  • How To Reach: Tourist Ac buses operated from Kathmandu and Pokhara to Chitwan.

Nepal experiences diverse climatic conditions due to its varying topography and elevation. The country can be broadly categorized into three main regions: the Terai (lowland plains), the Hilly region, and the Himalayan region. Each region has its own distinct weather patterns. Here’s a general overview of the weather conditions in Nepal throughout the year :

  • Terai: Hot temperatures, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 40°C (77°F to 104°F).
  • Hills: Mild and pleasant temperatures, ranging from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F).
  • Himalayas: Spring is trekking season in the Himalayas, with temperatures gradually warming up. Daytime temperatures range from 5°C to 20°C (41°F to 68°F).
  • Terai: Hot and humid, with temperatures often exceeding 40°C (104°F). Monsoon rains begin in June and continue through August.
  • Hills: Warm and rainy, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F).
  • Himalayas: Monsoon rains bring heavy precipitation, and trekking conditions can be challenging due to slippery trails.
  • Terai: Temperatures begin to cool down, ranging from 20°C to 35°C (68°F to 95°F). The weather is generally dry.
  • Hills: Clear skies and pleasant temperatures, ranging from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). This is the peak trekking season.
  • Himalayas: Clear and dry conditions make autumn the most popular time for trekking in the Himalayas. Daytime temperatures range from 5°C to 20°C (41°F to 68°F).
  • Terai: Cool temperatures, ranging from 5°C to 20°C (41°F to 68°F).
  • Hills: Cold temperatures, especially in the higher elevations, ranging from 0°C to 15°C (32°F to 59°F).
  • Himalayas: Winter brings cold temperatures, and high-altitude areas may experience snowfall. Daytime temperatures can range from -10°C to 10°C (14°F to 50°F).

Keep in mind that these are general trends, and there can be variations based on specific locations and yearly variations. Additionally, Nepal’s diverse geography means that weather conditions can change rapidly, so it’s advisable to check local forecasts when planning any outdoor activities.

🙋🏻‍♀️ FAQ’s About Popular Tourist Places In Nepal

There are a lot of questions that come to our mind when planning to visit Nepal, some of the commonly asked questions by travelers are answered below.

A. The best time to visit Nepal is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is favorable for trekking and sightseeing.

A. Yes, trekking permits are required for many popular trekking routes in Nepal. Check with local authorities and obtain the necessary permits before starting your trek.

A. While prior trekking experience is beneficial, many trekkers with a reasonable level of fitness undertake the Everest Base Camp trek. It’s crucial to acclimatize properly and be prepared for challenging terrain.

A. The official currency of Nepal is the Nepalese Rupee (NPR). It’s advisable to carry local currency for transactions, especially in rural areas.

A. Absolutely! Nepal caters to all budgets. From budget guesthouses to luxury resorts, and street food to fine dining, there are options for every traveler.

A. While many treks can be done independently, hiring a local guide enhances safety and provides cultural insights. For high-altitude treks, it’s advisable to trek with experienced guides.

A. Yes, Nepal boasts several wildlife reserves, such as Chitwan National Park and Bardia National Park, where you can witness diverse flora and fauna.

Nepal’s allure lies in its diversity – from the bustling cultural hubs to the serene lakes, from challenging mountain treks to spiritually enriching experiences. The country unfolds a tapestry of experiences that cater to every kind of traveler.

In the midst of its ancient traditions and breathtaking landscapes, Nepal invites visitors to connect with its soul. Whether seeking adventure, spiritual solace, or cultural immersion, this Himalayan gem has it all.

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Rahul Siddharth

He is a dedicated travel writer with a wealth of 10 Years + experience that enriches his narratives. He holds a degree in Hospitality and Hotel Administration from IHM Dehradun, which he couples with hands-on expertise in the field. Drawing from his diverse experiences, Rahul's writings offer readers a captivating glimpse into the world of travel. Embark on a journey of exploration and inspiration with Rahul as your guide. Read More

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  • 42 Most Popular Tourist Places In Nepal You Ought To Visit On Your 2024 Trip

11 Jan 2023

Nepal is a beautiful country, blessed with nature’s choicest attractions. The country also boasts of remarkable historical and cultural attractions like temples and monuments that speak volumes about the rich history and culture of the place. The scenic beauty adds a perfect backdrop to these popular tourist places in Nepal and the climate makes it favorable for the travelers to visit and explore. Though over the years, this country has emerged as a holiday destination, there is still a major part of Nepal that remains untouched by urbanization and the pollution it brings along.

Nepal is known for drawing a lot of tourists from all across the world. There are a variety of reasons why Nepal is preferred by a lot of people. Some of the people who are very much interested in visiting Nepal because of the presence of all the different mountains which they can climb and they can also trek in the Himalayas. A lot of people are attracted to this place because of the presence of spiritual guidance in the famous city of Kathmandu. 

Top 42 Tourist Places In Nepal In 2023

If you want to get close to nature, you must visit Nepal at least once in your lifetime. And when you do so, some of these best tourist places in Nepal are a must visit. Keep scrolling down and read along to know more about these places!

  • Pashupati Nath Temple – Spirituality And History
  • Boudanath – For A Meditative Experience
  • Nagarkot – Watch The Sunrise
  • Pokhra Valley – Witness The Himalayan Ranges
  • Mahendra Gufa – Explore The Limestone Structures
  • Lumbini – The Land Of Buddha
  • Swayambhu Mandir – Awe-Striking Architecture
  • Thamel Area – One Of The Best Localities
  • Bhaktapur – For Shopaholics
  • Chitwan National Park – Witness The Wildlife
  • Davis Falls – An Attraction With History
  • Phewa Lake – Scenic Surroundings
  • International Mountain Museum – For A Learning Experience
  • Khokana And Bungamati Villages – Sights Worth Beholding
  • Sagarmatha National Park – Greenery And Wildlife
  • Langtang National Park – Adventure Amidst Nature
  • Rupa Tal Lake – A Peaceful Experience
  • National Museum Of Nepal – Learn Everything About The Country
  • Durbar Square – A Heritage Site
  • White Monastery – For Spiritual Seekers
  • Swayambhunath Stupa – From Stupas To Library
  • Kathesimbhu Stupa – Heritage And Spirituality
  • Siddha Gufa – Explore The Unknown
  • Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve – Nature Lovers’ Paradise
  • Hanuman Dhoka Temple – Learn About The Malla Kings
  • Patan – The Third-largest City
  • Biratnagar – The Metropolitan City
  • Janakpur – Birthplace Of Goddess Sita
  • Chitlang – For Adventurous Expeditions
  • Dharan – Relish Local Food
  • Garden Of Dreams – The Neoclassical Marvel
  • Taudaha Lake – Spot Vibrant Birds
  • Phulchoki – The Land Of Snowfall
  • Khawalung Monastery – Mediate And Relax
  • Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve – Experience the Thrill
  • Parsa Wildlife Reserve – Enjoy Jungle Safari
  • Begnas Tal Lake – Mesmerizing Natural Surroundings
  • Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park – Have an Awesome Picnic
  • Bindyabasini Temple – Seek Blessings
  • Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve – For the Adventurer In You
  • Khaptad National Park – Living Garden Of Herbs
  • Dhulikhel – Authentic Newari Town
  • Jomsom – Quaint Village Town

1. Pashupati Nath Temple – Spirituality And History

Pashupatinath Temple is among the popular Nepal tourist places

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One of the oldest, most renowned and sacred temples in Nepal , the Pashupati Nath Temple is located on the fringes of Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. River Bagmati flows close to this temple dedicated to the revered deity of Nepal, Lord Pashupatinath, also known as Lord Shiva. Ardent Hindu followers visit one of the most iconic Nepal tourist places to gain the blessings of the divine deity. It is one of the most recommended tourist places in Nepal . This is one of the temples which has been inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

This temple has been in the list since 1979. This temple in Nepal is basically a collection of different ashrams, temples, and inscriptions which have been there for a long period of time. This place is also amongst the seven monument groups which helped UNESCO declare the Kathmandu Valley as a cultural heritage site. Generally, on the Maha Shivaratri festival every year this temple is visited by over 1 million people from all across the world. People from all across the world visit Nepal so that they are able to visit the temple during Maha Shivratri.

Places To Stay: Pashupati Boutique Hotel & Spa, The Dwarika’s Hotel, Kailash Kuti Inn, OYO 206 Mount View Homes, OYO 260 Hotel Cultural Inn Tourist Attractions: Golden Spire of the temple, silver sheeted doors, Panch Deval Complex, and the lingams When To Visit: 4 am – 12 noon, 6 pm – 7 pm How To Reach: Take the bus from Kathmandu to Goshala which isthe dedicated bus stop for PashupathiNath Temple. It takes about 45 minutes to reach.

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2. Boudanath – For A Meditative Experience

Boudhnath stupa is nepal is among the best places to see in Nepal

Located 7 km northeast of Kathmandu, Boudhanath is a prominent pilgrimage center and one of the most popular tourist places in Nepal . Local, as well as Tibetan pilgrimages, visit this spiritual place for meditation. The highlight of this temple is its magnificent Stupa that attracts a large number of visitors from far and wide places. It is the largest spherical stupa in Nepal.

Boudhanath is also popularly known as the Khasa Chaitya. This place is in the outskirts and it has a massive mandala which is known to make one of the largest spherical stupas in entire Nepal. One of the best places to visit in Nepal , it is known all across the world for being the largest unique structure. This place at one point in time has helped a lot of refugees get shelter. In the year 1979, this place also became one of the heritage sites of UNESCO.

Soon after this Boudhanath became a very popular spot for tourists to visit when they are visiting Nepal. All the stupa is basically a trade route which is very much ancient between Tibet and Nepal. This was the place where people from Tibet used to enter into Kathmandu Valley. People need to go through a village called Sankhu before they enter Kathmandu. This is also one of the best places to visit near Kathmandu . 

Places To Stay: Sabila Boutique Hotel, ROKPA Guest House, Dondrub Guest House, Aarya Chaitya Inn, OYO 206 Mount View Homes Tourist Attractions: 29 Tibetan Gompas, delightful momos, and thupkas, and the prayer wheel When To Visit: Open for the whole day! How To Reach: The stupa is 5 km away from Kathmandu city centre. You could take a taxi or a shared van from Rani Park in Thamel. Ask the driver to drop you atstupa.

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3. Nagarkot – Watch The Sunrise

Beautiful view of the Himalayas from Nagarkot

Located close to the Kathmandu Valley, Nagarkot is among the popular Nepal tourist places known for offering mesmerizing Himalayan views including the Mount Everest on the North-Eastern side. Visiting this place to enjoy the magnificent views of the sunrise is loved by tourists. This is just 4 hours drive from Kathmandu city and is a perfect place to visit when visiting Nepal in October .

This is the place where tourists will be able to enjoy the natural beauty of all the different mountain ranges. If you are visiting places in Nepal , enjoying the sunset from this place is very much special. It is very much recommended to enjoy the sunset from here when you are visiting Nepal. This place has a 4-hour vehicle tour which will help the tourist get a very clear idea about the place with the help of a professional guide. The highlights of the trip are the car will come to pick up the tourist at 4 am in the morning then they will drive for about 1 hour 30 minutes to reach the destination. This is amongst the best tourist places in Nepal.

Tourists will then be able to enjoy the sunrise in between the Himalayas if the weather is clear. Then the tourists will all be taken to Nagarkot where they will be able to spend an hour and finally they will be dropped to the hotel. This is generally the plan which most of the tourists choose. There is also an option of trekking where the tourists’ can walk in the mountains and spend a day there.

The popularity of this place is increasing day by day because of how beautiful the place looks during sunrise. The only problem with this is if the weather is not clear then visiting this place is just a waste of time and money. The sky needs to be clear to enjoy a good sunrise. The tourism department of Nepal is now very much promoting this place because of its scenic beauty.

Places To Stay: Hotel Valley View, Hotel Mount Paradise, Hotel At The End Of The Universe, Hotel At The End Of The Universe, Stupa Resoort Tourist Attractions: Trekking, mountain biking, stunning views of Himalayas, and the dense pine tree forests How To Reach: Nagarkot is 32 km from Kathmandu and can be reached by taking a bus from Bhaktapur Bus Terminal in Kathmandu.

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4. Pokhra Valley – Witness The Himalayan Ranges

Trekking-Pokhara Valley is among the popular Nepal places to visit

The jewel of Nepal tourism , Pokhara Valley is nestled amidst the Annapurna Himalayan Range. It is the second-largest valley and is one of the best places to visit in Nepal. Among the famous Nepal tourist attractions, Pokhara Valley beckons a large number of tourists who love to admire nature’s marvels. This place is known for being the second-largest valley in the whole country of Nepal and one of the best tourist places in Nepal . This valley basically lies between the western part of the country. The two cities which are inside the valley are Lekhnath and Pokhara. This area is about 203 kilometers away from Kathmandu valley and is located in the Gandaki zone. The city of Pokhara is considered as one of the major cities in Nepal. This Valley is also very much vulnerable to earthquake just like the Kathmandu Valley. Pokhara is one of the popular places for tourists in Nepal. The poon hill in Pokhara is one of the places to visit in Nepal near the Bihar border.

People generally visit this valley so that they are able to have a clear view of the Himalayan ranges. This place is also very much famous for having things like boating, rafting, trekking in Nepal , and other extreme sports. According to the tourism board of Nepal, the number of tourists in Nepal is increasing day by day in a very rapid manner.

Pokhara Valley also consists of a lot of lakes which is another reason why a lot of tourists are attracted to this place. All the extreme sports in this Valley have made this valley so much popular in the global market. A lot of people who are into adventure visit this place only because they want to experience different adventure sports. The economy of this valley is maintained because of the presence of so many tourists all year round.

Places To Stay: Hotel Middle Path & Spa, Hotel Fewa Dream, Himalayan crown lodge, Hotel Visitors Inn P. Ltd. , Pokhara, Gaurishankar Backpackers hostel Tourist Attractions: Verdant forests, blue skies, underground caves, waterfalls, Valley of Orchids, Massif Glaciers, and majestic views of three mountains- Mt Manslu, Mt Dhaulagiri, and Mt Annapurna How To Reach: The tourist bus ride takes about 7 hours to reach Pokhara from Kathmandu.

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5. Mahendra Gufa – Explore The Limestone Structures

The many views of the Mahendra Gufa

Mahendra Gufa is located to the north of Pokhara. One of the most famous natural tourist places is Nepal , it has a dark and cavernous cave that is known for stalactites and stalagmites. The picturesque structure of the cave makes it a great spot for photography. This cave is basically located near the district of Pokhara which is in the Kaski district. Made out of limestone, it is one of the most breathtaking places to see in Nepal . This type of cave is very much rare in nature and this is the reason it attracts a lot of tourists all year round. This cave also has a statue of Lord Shiva inside it.

This cave is named after Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev. The first time this cave was discovered was in the year 1950 by young shepherds from Pokhara. After its discovery, it has been the most visited place in Pokhara. The first time this cave was surveyed was in the year 1976 by a small group of speleologists who were from the United Kingdom. All the reports of the expedition are now stored in the Royal Geographical Society and all the copyrights are owned by the United Kingdom. These caves are located in the Pokhara city in the western region of Nepal. This cave is about 1100 meters above sea level. A lot of people visit this place to see the statue of Lord Shiva inside the cave. You can say that this place is one of the hidden places in Nepal .

Places To Stay: Himalayan Front Hotel by KGH Group, Hotel Pristine Himalaya, Himalayan crown lodge, Belgian Hotel Pvt. Ltd, Hotel Pema Tsal Tourist Attractions: The idol of Lord Shiva and the dark cave with limestone deposits How To Reach: A local bus takes an hour while a taxi only takes 30 minutes from Pokhara.

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6. Lumbini – The Land Of Buddha

A collage of the popular places to see in Nepal in Lumbini

Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, is among the famous Nepal tourist spots . The peaceful ambiance of the city located in the Kapilavasta region is perfect for meditation. The temples and monuments built in accordance with the Buddhist architecture are highly admired. Lord Shiva is known to born in the year 623 BC in Lumbini which is basically in the southern part of Nepal. A lot of people visit Nepal only to see Lumbini. It is said that Lumbini is one of the holiest places in all over the world for the people who follow Buddhism.

According to the people who have authenticated this place as the birthplace of Buddha all the boundaries of the wall of the garden in Lumbini proves that this is the place where Buddha was born. This place is now protected by the Ancient Monument Preservation Act which was passed in the year 1956. Lumbini has a huge historical significance for a lot of people. All the people who follow Buddhism have a goal to visit Lumbini where Buddha was born. The popularity of Lumbini is increasing day by day because a number of people are converting into Buddhism and planning to visit here. There has been a lot of hotels set up around Lumbini so that the tourists are able to enjoy Nepal sightseeing .

Places To Stay: Jatak Guest House, Lumbini Garden Lodge, Lumbini Buddha Garden Resort, The Lumbini Village Lodge, Mirage Inn Ideal Duration: 1 day Best Time to Visit: October – November Tourist Attractions: Ashokan Pillar, Buddhist temples, the Japan Peace Stupa, Bodhi Tree, the Lumbini Museum, and the Lumbini International Research Institute How To Reach: The bus from Pokhara takes about an hour while taxi will take only 30 minutes.

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7. Swayambhu Mandir – Awe-Striking Architecture

Swayambhunath temple is among the best Nepal places to visit near Kathmandu valley

Perched atop a conical shaped hill, Swayambhu Temple is one of the popular holy shrines and tourist places in Nepal. Also referred to as the Monkey Temple, the temple has many legends that make it quite popular and one of the best tourist places in Nepal . Swayambhu Mandir is one of the ancient religious architectures which are present in Nepal. This temple is very much popular among people who follow Buddhism. People all across the world who follow Buddhism try visiting this place when they are in Nepal. This place is one of the reasons why Buddhism is so much popular in the entire country of Nepal.

Nepal is a perfect place to visit if you are looking for any kind of spiritual motivation. This temple was basically founded by the great grandfather of the famous King Manadeva at the beginning of the 5th century. All the information about the temple is all confirmed from the inscriptions that were made in the walls of this temple. If you are visiting Nepal for the first time, then make sure to add this mandir in your itinerary so that you are able to visit one of the most beautiful places of Nepal.

Places To Stay: Laughing Buddha Home & Villa, Swayambhu View Guest House, The SparkliHimalayan Gharng Turtle Backpackers Hostel, Birds Nest Hostel Tourist Attractions: 365 steps to reach the temple, the magnificent golden shire, the huge Tibetan prayer wheel, and the painted Buddha statues Entry Fee: NRs. 200 How To Reach: The ancient temple is located on top of a hill and takes about 12 minutes to reach from Kathmandu.

Suggested Read: 5 Adventurous Reasons & Best Season To Set Out On Upper Mustang Trek In Nepal

8. Thamel Area – One Of The Best Localities

The many views of the Thamel market area in Nepal

Thamel Area is the best among the Nepal tourist places to buy clothes, jewelry, accessories, and souvenirs. Street shopping can be enjoyed while browsing at a variety of interesting knick-knacks. If you are visiting Nepal and looking for a place to shop, then this is the place. This place basically runs because of tourists. When you ill be visiting this place you will definitely be able to find a lot of tourists around you. This place has lots of narrow alleys with various shops present here. People sell all kinds of things here from fruits and vegetables to clothes and accessories. This is also a perfect place for you if you want to enjoy the local street food in Nepal.

Now because of the increasing traffic in Nepal, most of the streets are declared as a vehicle-free zone which has helped to avoid traffic and crown here. In the year 2011, this place was declared by the government as a full Wi-Fi zone. This is the first full Wi-Fi zone of the country of Nepal. If you are looking for budget hotels to stay in, then this place is perfect for you. This place is crowded but it has its own advantages. Finding transportation here is very much simple. If you are looking for clubs to hang out, then this is a place where all the happening places in Nepal are present.

Places To Stay: Kumari Boutique Hotel, Arushi Boutique Hotel, Flying Yak Kathmandu, Hotel Roadhouse, Hotel Jampa Tourist Attractions: Newari style design, silk, jewelry, pashmina, embroidered jacket, accessories, and souvenirs How To Reach: If you are in Kathmandu, you can take a taxi or rickshaw to reach Thamel area.

Suggested Read: 12 Resorts In Nepal That Are Great For A Cosy And Memorable Stay

9. Bhaktapur – For Shopaholics

Bhaktapur is a popular tourist place in Nepal for shopping

Bhaktapur is the best among the Nepal tourist attractions for shopping for terracotta and handicraft products. Clothes and souvenirs also available. The history of Bhaktapur goes back to about the 8th century. This place was the capital of Nepal from the 12th century to about the 15th century. In the 18th century, this place became a country on its own with boundary walls and gates to the city. The citizen of Bhaktapur are mostly peasants, public employees, handicraft manufacturers or businessman. Shopping at this vibrant destination is certainly one of the top things to do in Nepal.

A lot of tourists visit this city every year which helps in the economy of the city. The city is filled with red bricks which makes it look very beautiful. People will also be able to find a lot of animals present in this area who are kept as a pet, something that makes it one of the best tourist places in Nepal . 

Places To Stay: Pottery Guest House, Planet Bhaktapur Hotel, HOTEL LAYAKU DURBAR, Hotel Bhaktapur Inn, Hotel Central Bhaktapur Tourist Attractions: Terracotta products, lotus and pretty handicrafts, and colorful masks How To Reach: Bhaktapur is 15 km from Kathmandu. You can either take a taxi or a local bus from Rani Park in Thamel.

Suggested Read: 10 Amazing Nepal Mountains You Can’t Afford To Miss On Your Next Trip

10. Chitwan National Park – Witness The Wildlife

rhinos in chitwan national park

Get to see a different side of Nepal in Chitwan National Park , one of the UNESCO’s world heritage site which is a natural abode of wildlife. The tropical monsoon climate makes it a perfect place for wildlife viewing and jungle safari and one of the best places to visit in Nepal. This is the first National park which was built in the country of Nepal. This National Park was established in the year 1973. This National Park is built over an area of the 952.63-kilometer square. This National Park is basically located in the south-central part of the country and is one of the best tourist attractions in Nepal .

The nearest city to this National Park in Bharatpur. This National Park is now governed by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation. Since the 19th century this National Park has been very much popular an is called the Heart of the Jungle. Previously this place was used for hunting but later on, the government decided to make it a National Park so that all the animals are able to stay comfortably. Undoubtedly, it is one of the top tourist destinations amidst the plethora of Nepal tourist spots. This place is also surrounded by some of the best rivers in Nepal. 

Places To Stay: Hotel National Park Sauraha, Jungle Nepal Resort, Hotel Sweetland, Hotel Hornbill, Chautari Garden Resort Tourist Attractions: The park is a home to rhinoceros, freshwater dolphins, sloth bears, and many more Entry Fee: NRs. 150 per person for domestic tourists, NRs. 1,000 per person for SAARC country nationals, and NRs. 2,000 per person for other foreign nationals How To Reach: Tourist Ac buses run from Kathmandu and Pokhara to Chitwan.

Suggested Read: 11 Festivals Of Nepal To Experience The Country’s Heritage

11. Davis Falls – An Attraction With History

famous waterfalls in Nepal

Davis Fall is basically a very popular natural waterfall in Nepal which is located in Pokhara which is in the Kaski district of Nepal. The water which flows through Davis Fall has formed into an underground tunnel upon constantly hitting the bottom of the waterfall over time. The tunnel is about 150 m long and has a depth of 30 meters. In the year of 1961 on 31st of July, a couple from Switzerland called Davi went for swimming in this fall. The woman drowned in the pit because of the overflow of the water and since then this is called Davis Falls.

The body of the women was able to be recovered after 3 days in the river of Phusre after a lot of effort which was made by the locals. In Nepali, this place is called Patale Chango which basically means a waterfall which is underground. After the waterfall, the water passes through a cave which is called Gupteshwor Mahadev. This fall attracts a lot of tourists as well as locals for its historic significance. People often visit here to try their luck on tossing a coin into a pond and wishing for different things. It has become a tradition for the people to come to this place and wish for things they want in their life. A lot of people travel hundreds of miles to make a wish tossing a coin here. Once upon a time, this place was considered as a suicide point but now it has been converted into a tourist spot by the government of Nepal. Safety measures have been taken by the government by putting metal fences around the cliff so that they are able to provide further suicides.

Places To Stay: Bocawina Rainforest Resort, Sattva Land, The Lodge at Jaguar Reef, Buttonwood Guest House, Hopkins Bay Belize a Muy’Ono Resort Tourist Attractions: Underground tunnel, Gupteshwor Mahadev cave, the wishing pond How To Reach: Davis Falls are only 10 minutes away from Pokhara. Take a tourist taxi to get there.

Suggested Read: 5 Eerie Haunted Places In Nepal To Have An Encounter With The Mystical Side!

12. Phewa Lake – Scenic Surroundings

large lake in Nepal

Phewa Lake is basically a very popular freshwater lake of Nepal and one of the best tourist attractions of Nepal . This lake is basically located in the southern side of the Pokhara city. This lake is regulated by dam and water reservoirs and this is the reason this lake is considered as a semi-natural lake. This lake is taking good care of by the people and this is the reason why it looks so much beautiful. This lake is the second largest lake in the country of Nepal. This lake is the largest lake in Gandaki Pradesh. This is the most visited lake in Nepal and is known all across the country for attracting a lot of tourists all year round.

The length of this lake is about 4 kilometers and the width of the lake is about 2 kilometers. This lake is also common for people who enjoy boating in the sunset. Phewa Lake is one of those places where water sport is very much popular. The most popular shore of this lake is the north shore. There has been a lot of hotels and set up around the lake so that all the tourists who are visiting are able to enjoy their stay during Nepal sightseeing . The water which is there in the lake also helps people to generate electricity so that it can be used in all the local places. The Phew Power House is basically located about one and a half kilometers away from the southern side of the lake. Some part of the lake is being used for commercial purposes by the fishermen for fishing. With so many interesting aspects, this lake is considered to be one of the must visit places in Nepal .

Places To Stay: Hotel Spring, Big Pillow Inn, Hotel Diplomat, Hotel Blossom, Pokhra Choice Inn, OYO 173 Hotel Dream Inn Tourist Attractions: Boating, sunset views, fishing How To Reach: Buses in regular intervals of 15 minutes are avaiable from pokhara to Phewa Lake.

Suggested Read: Sagarmatha National Park: A Spectacular Bioreserve In The Lap Of Mount Everest

13. International Mountain Museum – For A Learning Experience

famous museum in nepal

Almost all the tourists who visit Nepal every year make sure to visit the International Mountain Museum. According to the authorities, there are more than seventy thousand domestic as well as international tourists who visit this museum every year. The International Mountain Museum is known to record all the data and documents which are all related to all the mountains which are present in Nepal. There are basically three exhibitions present in the museum. The first one is the Hall of Great Himalayas. The second one is the Hall of Fame and the third one is Hall of World. This museum is known to attract kids as well as adults from all across the globe. People will able to learn more about the flora and fauna of the Mountain areas with the help of this museum.

There are a lot of people who only visit Nepal so that they are able to visit all the historic as well as sacred places all across Nepal. Nepal is not a very big country but it has a great historical significance which attracts a lot of tourists. Nepal is able to earn a lot of revenues from all the tourists. Some of the popular places in Nepal are Chitwan National Park for wildlife viewing and also the lakeside town of Pokhara which is also very much popular. In the year 2015, there was a major earthquake in Kathmandu which eventually ended up causing a lot of damage in the country. It is recommended for all the travelers to check all the area properly before they plan to visit all the remote areas of Nepal.

Places To Stay: Asmi Homestay & Apartment, Hotel K2 Pokhara, Hotel Pokhara Grande, New Annapurna Guest House, Shangri-La Village Resort Tourist Attractions: The three Halls Entry Fee: NRs. 250 per person for SAARC country nationals, NRs. 500 for other foreign tourists and NRs. 100 for domestic tourists How To Reach: The museum is only 10 minutes away from Pokhara

Suggested Read: 11 Nepal Travel Tips For Traveling To The Country Like A Pro!

14. Khokana And Bungamati Villages – Sights Worth Beholding

Khokana Village In Nepal

Image Source If you look at all the pictures of tourist places in Nepal , you’ll surely want to visit the villages of Bungamati & Khokana before any other site. These hamlets are a testimony to the fact that the countryside is always beautiful. Located far away from the chaos of city life in a remote corner of Nepal, these villages are your best bet if you wish to disconnect from the rest of the world and simply relax in the lap of nature. Watching the villages go by their everyday jobs will surely transport you back in time!

Bungamati is famed for its woodcraft. And once you have witnessed these craftsmen create the most awesome wooden handiwork, you can proc to the next attraction – the shrine of Rato Macchendranath, along with other religious monuments here. Khokana, on the other hand, is famous for producing and extracting mustard oil in a unique way. Here, you must also visit the famous three-story temple of Shikali Mai.

Tourist Attractions: The beautiful countryside, woodwork, mustard oil extraction, holy shrines How To Reach: The best way to get there is by taking a private tour.

Suggested Read: 10 Captivating Airports In Nepal That Are Catering To Tourists From All Over The World

15. Sagarmatha National Park – Greenery And Wildlife

sagarmatha national park in Nepal

Situated in north-east Nepal and encircled by the mighty Mount Everest as well as other lofty peaks, deep ravines, and the Himalayan glaciers, the Sagarmatha National Park is among the most visually appealing masterpieces on Earth. Located 135 km away from Kathmandu, this nature reserve happens to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered sacred. With diverse flora and fauna taking shelter amid spectacular landscapes, you’ll find every aspect of nature’s charm preserved here in Sagarmatha.

If you are planning a visit to this Himalayan wonder, don’t forget to keep a lookout for the range of wildlife that this place is famous for, including Himalayan Tahr, Musk deer, Ghoral, snow leopards, wolves, lynx, and weasels. Other than a number of animal species, Sagarmatha National Park is also home to over a thousand rare to endangered bird species, including the likes of Himalayan Monal, Snowcock, Yellow-billed Chough, Blood Pheasant, and the Red-billed Chough. A visit to this paradise will tell you why it’s one of the best tourist attractions of Nepal and referred to as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International.

Places To Stay: Panorama Lodge and Restaurant, Hotel Summit, Hotel Tashi Delek, Hotel Namche, Lama Hotel Tourist Attractions: Diverse flora and fauna, rare bird species, stunning views Entry Fee: NRs. 100 per person per entry for domestic tourists, NRs. 1,500 per person per entry for SAARC nation tourists and NRs. 3,000 per person per entry for other foreign tourists How To Reach: The village of Jiri is the last roadhead to Sagarmatha National Park. Take a bus to Jiri from Kathmandu.

Suggested Read: 15 Engrossing Things To Do In Nepal For All Adventure Junkies!

16. Langtang National Park – Adventure Amidst Nature

Langtang national park

If you want to see some more wildlife in Nepal, then visit Langtang National Park, which is one of the best places to visit in the city. The park not only offers rich wildlife, but also the opportunity to hike and be awestruck! For those who love adventure as well as nature, this is considered to be amongst the most amazing Nepal tourist places . If you are an wildlife enthusiasts or an adventure freak then you must surely head to this stunning wildlife sanctuary.

Tourist Attractions: Wildlife exploring and hiking Entry Fee: NRs. 100 per person per entry for domestic tourists, NRs. 1,500 per person per entry for SAARC nationals, and NRs. 3,000 per person per entry for other foreign nationals How To Reach: Take an early morning bus from New Bus Park to Syabrubesi in Langtang.

17. Rupa Tal Lake – A Peaceful Experience

Rupa Tal Lake

One of the most famous tourist places in Nepal, Rupa Tal lake is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and find peace & tranquility like never before! You can spend quality time with your loved ones and absorb the views. Amongst the tourist places of Nepal, this is something you must visit. This is one of the most pristine lakes in Nepal and is known for offering panoramic views. If you are looking for romantic spots on your Nepal vacation then you can surely head here!

Location: Rupa Lake 33700, Nepal How To Reach: Take a local bus from Pokhara to Begnas village and trek to the point of lake.

Suggested Read: 24 Best International Trips Under 50k For Your Bucket List

18. National Museum Of Nepal – Learn Everything About The Country

National museum of nepal

If you want to know about the history of Nepal, you must head to the National Museum of Nepal. The museum offers artifacts dating back to the golden days on the country and gives you a glimpse of the glorious past. It is one of the top tourist places at Nepal. When looking for some of the most famous places in Nepal , do consider this one! If you have a love for history and love exploring the past stories of the places you are visiting then you must surely head to this museum in Nepal as it fore says the story of this beautiful country.

Location: Kathmandu 44600, Nepal Timings: 10:30 am – 4:40 pm (Closed on Tuesday) Entry Fee: NRs. 50 How To Reach: It is 5 km from the centre f Kathmandu and can be reached via taxi.

Suggested Read: Go Mountaineering In Nepal To Find Your Answer To Why We Climb!

19. Durbar Square – A Heritage Site

Durbar square

Durbar square is a famous area in Nepal and is a World Heritage Site, so you just cannot miss out on it. The place showcases the culture and marvelous architecture of Nepal. If you are visiting Nepal with family, you can visit this place and don’t forget to click pictures. It is definitely one of the best places to see in Nepal . Durbar Square is also the prime spot for cultural programmes in Nepal. You can head here during evenings and spend time with your loved ones. Don’t forget to grab the scrumptious delicacies here offered at the local food stalls.

Places To Stay: Durbar Square Backpackers Inn, Kumari Boutique Hotel, The Glasshouse Hotel, World Heritage Hotel and Apartments, Karma Boutique Hotel Location: Ganga Path, Kathamandu 44600, Nepal Entry Fee: NRs. 150 for SAARC country nationals, NRs. 1000 for other foreign nationals, and free entry for Nepal nationals. How To Reach: The bus driving from Ratna Park to Bhaktapur will drop you at the square.

Suggested Read: Canyoning In Nepal: Get That Adrenaline Rush Experiencing This Enthralling Activity!

20. White Monastery – For Spiritual Seekers

White monastery

This is one of the best tourist places at Nepal. The monastery is white in color which makes it a beautiful sight to see. The monastery is not only a religious site but also offers heavenly views. So, make sure you add it to your list of places in Nepal for a great travel experience. So for peaceful and reviving hours in Nepal you must surely visit White Monastery in Nepal. You can also taking an easy trekking trail here to nourish the budding adventurer in you! This is one of the most beautiful Nepal attractions .

Location: The White Monastery Road, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal How To Reach: You could either hike all the way up to the monastery or rent a bike for a day.

Suggested Read: Nepal Visa For Indians: A Pocket Guide For Planning Your Vacation

21. Kathesimbhu Stupa – Heritage And Spirituality

Kathesimbhu Stupa

Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kathesimbhu Stupa is a rendition of the Swayambhunath Temple. Tucked between Durbar Square and Thamel, the stupa is one of the most visited pilgrimage sites in Kathmandu. Blanketed with statues, smaller stupas, and engravings, it was built with leftover materials from Swayambhunath Temple complex. During the 2015 earthquake, it witnessed some damages. If you have a love for history and you love exploring heritage sites then you can surely visit this beautiful place in Nepal. This is amongst the most beautiful tourist attractions in Nepal .

Tourist Attractions: Hariti Pagoda, Drubgon Jangchup Choeling Monastery Location: Kathmandu 44600, Nepal Duration: Throughout the day How To Reach: It is only 10-minute walk from Thamel.

Suggested Read: Consider These Snug Homestays In Nepal Your Home While Backpacking In The Paradise

22. Siddha Gufa – Explore The Unknown

siddha gufa

Another must-visit place in Nepal, Siddha Gufa is one of the largest caves in the country. Tourists come from all over the world to explore the 437 meters deep caves that are shaped in the form of a cathedral and made with stalactites and stalagmites. One can also opt for 90 minutes trek at these caves and explore this hidden beauty. If you are looking for secluded sites in Nepal where you can revive your soul, away from the hustles of the city life, then you can surely head to Siddha Gufa. It is among the most popular visiting places in Nepal .

Location: Bimal Nagar, Prithvi Hwy, Nepal Duration: 7 am – 7 pm Entry Fee: Rs. 200 for adults How To Reach: You can begin your trek from Bimalnagar on Prithvi Highway in Bandipur

Suggested Read: Safari In Nepal: 9 Spots To Go On An Expedition And Witness The Wild Beasts!

23. Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve – Nature Lovers’ Paradise

Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

When looking for the best place to visit in Nepal in winter , this one is worth considering! Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve is one of the beautiful tourist places in Nepal that you cannot afford to miss. It is a paradise for bird watchers as one can spot nearly 500 species of birds at this reserve if visited at the right time. In addition to this, a visit to this tranquil place will definitely calm your soul. So, do not forget to include this tourist spot in your Nepal itinerary. This place is home to vibrant flora and fauna, making you capture the best pictures on your trip to Nepal. Koshi Tappu Wildlife Sanctuary is surely among the most interesting Nepal tourist spots .

Location: Bairawa 56713, Nepal Duration: 9 am – 3 pm Best time to visit: November-February Entry Fee: NRs. 100 per person per entry for Nepal nationals, NRs. 750 per person per entry for SAARC country nationals, and NRs. 1,500 per person per entry for other foreign nationals How To Reach: Fly to Biratnagar from Kathamndu and take a taxi.

Suggested Read: 12 National Parks In Nepal: Imagining A World Of Splendid Natural Artwork!

24. Hanuman Dhoka Temple – Learn About The Malla Kings

Hanuman Dhoka Temple

This one is one of the major tourist spots in Nepal . Hanuman Dhoka Temple is a part of Durbar Square in Kathmandu that formerly was the abode of Malla Kings. Besides this, it also encompasses the elaborate palaces of the Shah Dynasty. The statue can be dated back to 1672 and has an entrance door which is called ‘dhoka’ in Nepal, hence the name. This is one of the most popular Nepal tourist places and a mandatory spot for tourists heading here from international boundaries. Whether holidaying here with your significant other or looking for a perfect family time, this place in Nepal won’t disappoint you.

Places To Stay: Durbar Square Backpackers Inn, Kumari Boutique Hotel, The Glasshouse Hotel, Karma Boutique Hotel, Arushi Boutique Hotel Tourist Attractions: Hanuman Temple, Mul Chok, Nasal Chok, and Tribhuvan Museum. Location: Hanuman Dhoka Sadak, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal Duration: 10 am – 5 pm How To Reach: It is located at Durbar Square and can easily be reached via auto or taxi.

Suggested Read: Your Guide To Bungee Jumping In Pokhara, Nepal For A Spine Tingling Adventure

25. Patan – The Third-largest City

Patan Village Trail

Patan, another tourist attraction in Nepal is the third-largest city here and is also known as Lalitpur. Located on the band of the River Bagmati, Patan is known for its scenic beauty. Durbar Square is the prime attraction here which is locally called the Patan Museum. It is a popular religious spot for travelers having beliefs in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Tourist Attractions: Patan Square, Royal Palace Patan How To Reach: Taxi takes INR 400 from Kathmandu to Patan

Suggested Read: Move Over Paris! Ring In New Year In Nepal In These 14 Fun Places & Experiences

26. Biratnagar – The Metropolitan City

excellent architecture

Biratnagar is a metropolitan city, located near India’s border in Nepal. The place is popular for its jute mills and one can shop for interesting handicraft items here. The place is also home to the popular Kali Mandir that welcomes pilgrims throughout the year. The place has been named after the King Virat and serves as an entrance point to Eastern Nepal.

Tourist Attractions: Sightseeing, shopping, and religious visits How To Reach: There are buses running daily between Kathmandu and Biratnagar.

Suggested Read: Nepal Nightlife: 10 Hotspots That Are Perfect For Your Evening Escapades

27. Janakpur – Birthplace Of Goddess Sita

Janaki Kund

Janakpur is amongst the most popular places to visit in Nepal as it is the birthplace of Goddess Sita and serves as a significant spot for Hindu devotees. It is also known as the City of Ponds as it comprises over seventy ponds making this place truly mesmerizing. This place gives you a chance to explore the iconic spots of the epic Ramayana.

Tourist Attractions: Janaki Mandir, Ram Mandir, Rolwaling Valley How To Reach: A bus service bwteen Kahtmandu and Janakpur is available.

Suggested Read: Bungee Jumping In Nepal: 2 Places To See The Adventurous Side Of The Country

28. Chitlang – For Adventurous Expeditions

spectacular view

Chitlang village in Nepal was dominated by Newars during the ancient times. Located amidst the enormous range of Chandragiri hills, the place is one of the most beautiful places in Nepal. If you are an adventure enthusiast and looking for some daring excursions on your Nepal trip then you can surely head to Chitlang for hiking and trekking trails. The place is home to over 100 species of birds, offering refreshing chirps during sunrise and sunset.

Tourist Attractions: Swochhanda Bhairab Temple, Satdhara, Bhedafaram How To Reach: Take a bus from Ratna Park, Katjmandu to Thankot and begin your trek to Chitlang.

Suggested Read: Nepal In April: Visit the Himalayan Nation for Unique Travel Experience

29. Dharan – Relish Local Food


Dharan is the best spot for all the travelers who are thinking about visiting places in Nepal that will bring them closer to the culture of the country. Nepal’s sub-metropolitan city, Dharan is the perfect place for the tourists who want to interact with locals and looking for a quiet place. In this city, you can relish the local flavors of Nepal and know about the lives of the locals.

Places To Stay: Hotel Nav Yug, SPOT ON 601 Hotel Buddha Inn , SPOT ON 601 Hotel Buddha Inn, SPOT ON 471 Namuna Hotel And Lodge, Hotel Gajur Palace How To Reach: There are daily buses between Kathmandu and Dharan.

Suggested Read: 7 Best Rivers Of Nepal That Are Perfect Places To Relax, Rejuvenate & Thrill Yourself!

30. Garden Of Dreams – The Neoclassical Marvel

Garden Of Dreams

Places To Stay: Kumari Boutique Hotel, Flying Yak Kathmandu, Karma Boutique Hotel, Arushi Boutique Hotel, Maya Boutique Hotel Location: Tridevi Sadak, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal How To Reach: It is only four minutes way from Kathmandu city centre.

Suggested Read: Things To Do In Pokhara: Experience Adventure And Learning On Your Nepal Trip

31. Taudaha Lake – Spot Vibrant Birds

Taudaha Lake

Taudaha Lake is one of the most famous places in Nepal that should be on your itinerary. This lake is an excellent spot for all those who love birdwatching as you can spot several species of birds here. Some of the most common species are Black kite, Rose-ringed parakeet, Black drongo, Oriental magpie robin, Cattle egret, Jungle crow, and Common Myna.

Location: Kathmandu District, Kirtipur How To Reach: Hire a taxi from Kathmandu to reach lake.

Suggested Read: Dussehra In Nepal: 6 Unmissable Experiences In Nepal During Dashain

32. Phulchoki – The Land Of Snowfall


Phulchoki is one of the best places to visit in Nepal for all those who are crazy about snowfall. Not only Phulchoki is famous as one of the spots in Nepal that receives snowfall but it is also known for the various adventure activities that you can indulge in. You can head for a thrilling trek or a hike and you can even give a try to Mountain biking.

Best Time To Visit: Winters How To Reach: Phoolchowki is a one-day trek from Kathmandu

Suggested Read: Nepal In May: A Handy Guide To Enjoying In Summers

33. Khawalung Monastery – Mediate And Relax

Khawalung Monastery

Founded by Vajra Master Jigme Dorje Rinpoche, Khawalung Monastery is one of the most beautiful monasteries in Nepal. Taking a break from city life and mediating is a must and if you are in Nepal then the best spot for meditation is Khawalung Monastery. This impressive monastery was inaugurated in 2005 and since then it has been one of the top tourist attractions in Nepal .

Location: Kapan, Nepal How To Reach: It is 11-minutes away from Kathmandu and can be reached via taxi.

Suggested Read: Nepal: A Paradise Then. A Paradise Now. Your Holiday Can Bring A Thousand Smiles

34. Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve – Experience the Thrill

nepal tourist places images

Image Credit: Ratish Jung Subedi for Wikimedia Commons

Home to some of the prominent species in Nepal, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is an exclusive hunting reserve in Nepal. Located amidst marshlands within an awe-inspiring environment, featuring snow-capped peaks, this hunting reserve is an ideal place for thrill-seekers.

Location: Dhawalagiri Himalayan range, Baglung district Price: NRs 1,46,470 (including license and local permit) How To Reach: Take a bus from Kathmandu to Tansen and then trek to the Reserve headquarters

Suggested Read: Visiting Nepal In September? Don’t Be Back Without These Exhilarating Experiences

35. Parsa Wildlife Reserve – Enjoy Jungle Safari

nepal tourist places images

Parsa Wildlife Reserve is situated near Narayangadh and is home to different wildlife species, including tigers, pythons, cobras, elephants, leopards and so much more. From canoeing to elephant safari, the reserve offers an array of exciting activities. Experience a safari trip and taste the thrill of meeting wildlife in Nepal. The plethora of wildlife species found at this reserve makes it one of the most exhilarating places in Nepal.

Location: Located amidst the regions of Parsa, Makawanpur, and Bara districts in Central Nepal Price: NRs. 100 per person per entry for domestic tourists, NRs. 750 per person per entry for SAARC country nationals, and NRs. 1,500 per person per entry for other foreign nationals How To Reach: Take a rented cab/taxi from Kathmandu

36. Begnas Tal Lake – Mesmerizing Natural Surroundings

nepal tourist places images

Image Credit: Kalyan8900 for Wikimedia Commons

Situated amidst the Kaski district of Nepal, Begnas Tal Lake encompasses a serene environment and features immense tranquillity. One of the largest lakes of the enchanting Pokhara valley, it is a freshwater lake offering a range of recreational activities, including boating, swimming, and fishing.

Location: Kaski, Nepal Entry Fee: Entry is free How To Reach: A 40-minute bus ride from Pokhara

Suggested Read: 7 Best Hostels In Nepal For A Relaxing And Budget-Friendly Vacay!

37. Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park – Have an Awesome Picnic

nepal tourist places images

Image Credit: Ricky Partel for Wikimedia Commons

Sprawling greenery, home to wildlife and vastly spread woodland is what describes Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, one of the top idyllic tourist places in Nepal. This tourist spot offers fun-filled and engaging activities, including motorbike rides and cycling. Spend a day exploring this enticing landscape and experience picnicking like never before.

Location: Amidst Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Entry Fee: NRs. 100 per person per entry for domestic tourists, NRs. 600 per person per entry for SAARC country nationals, and NRs. 1,000 per person per entry for other foreign nationals How To Reach: Take a rented cab or bus from Kathmandu Airport. It is only 13 km away.

38. Bindyabasini Temple – Seek Blessings

nepal tourist places images

Image Credit: Ganesh Paudel for Wikimedia Commons

Situated on a hilltop in Pokhara, resting in the midst of the spellbinding hills of the Kaski district, Bindyabasini Temple is the oldest temple in Pokhara. With immense religious significance attached to it, this temple is one of the most revered temples in Nepal. The paradisiacal natural surroundings and the stunning views of the Annapurna Himalayan range, make it one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Nepal.

Location: Pokhara-Baglung Hwy Bindhyabasini, Pokhara 33700, Nepal How To Reach: Take a rented taxi/cab from Pokhara city

39. Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve – For the Adventurer In You

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Image Credit: Abhinav Joshi for Wikimedia Commons

First national park of Nepal, Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve is located in the Kanchanpur district and is one of the world heritage sites. This wildlife hunting reserve houses a varied range of wildlife species, such as jackals, tigers, elephants, nilgais, and around 350 exotic species of birds. Harbouring lush green forests and a peaceful ambience, it is an ideal place for an adventurous day-out.

Location: Mahakali, 10400, Nepal Entry Fee: NRs. 100 per person per entry for domestic tourists, NRs. 750 per person per entry for SAARC country nationals, and NRs. 1,500 per person per entry for other foreign nationals How To Reach: It is a 3-hour drive from Dhangadhi to Mahendranagar. You can take a bus or private cab.

40. Khaptad National Park – Living Garden Of Herbs

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Image Credit: Anil Bhatta for Wikimedia Commons

Set amidst the rolling hills, Khaptad National Park is situated near the lush green subtropical forests and awe-inspiring subalpine forests of western Nepal. Popularly known as the living garden of herbs, the national park houses a wide variety of medicinal herbs and approximately 270 species of birds. While it is an ideal destination for birdwatching and photography, it is also home to a variety of wild animals.

Location: 10800, Nepal Entry Fee: NRs. 100 per person per entry for domestic tourists, NRs. 500 per person per entry for SAARC country nationals, and NRs. 1,500 per person per entry for other foreign nationals How To Reach: Take a bus from Dipayal to Silgarhi and then trek from Silgarhi Bazaar

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41. Dhulikhel – Authentic Newari Town

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Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Under 30km from clamouring Kathmandu, the regional town of Dhulikhel is ideal for those looking for quiet reprieve and an eruption of Nepalese culture. Dhulikhel is an old Newar settlement and eminently situated just past the Kathmandu Valley. Reachable for entrancing outings across the lovely open country and home to a verifiably rich focus, Dhulikhel is a brilliant objective for your Nepalese excursion.

Location: Kavrepalanchok District How To Reach: The town of Dhulikhel lies on the crossing point of BP Highway and Araniko Highway, just around 32 km away from Kathmandu. 

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42. Jomsom – Quaint Village Town

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Jomsom is a town in the Annapurna piles of Nepal. It is the capital of the Mustang area of the Dhawalagiri (Dhaulagiri) zone of Nepal. The town is a famous beginning/finishing point for a journey along the Kali Gandaki River valley just as up to Muktinath on the Jomsom-Muktinath Trek. Both the journeys should be possible as a feature of the Annapurna Circuit. It is also one of the most popular destinations for adventure travellers.

Location: Jomsom 33100, Nepal How To Reach: Neighborhood transport administration to Jomsom from Kathmandu is begun. There is an everyday nearby transport from Gongabu bus stop Kathmandu. It is the night transport that begins between 2 to 3 pm. Transport admission is 1,600 Nepali rupees in the event that you get it straightforwardly from the ticket counter.

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Best Time To Visit Nepal

Nepal is a perfect place for an adrenaline rush and a life-changing experience for a lot of tourists. The itinerary of the traveller is totally dependent on how much the tourist is going to enjoy themselves when they are travelling. If you are wondering about the best time to visit Nepal, then keep reading. The best months to visit Nepal lie between March-May and September – November. The weather is pleasant during these months and you can make the most of your vacation.

Further Read: 10 Places To Visit Near Kathmandu That’ll Help You Learn The Essence Of Nepal

So, which of these would you love to visit first? Wanderers exploring these tourist places in Nepal fall prey to the natural charm of the Himalayas, diverse geographies, and the historical attractions on their holiday in Nepal . Know of any more tourist attractions of Nepal? Put them in the comments section below

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Frequently Asked Questions About Tourist Places In Nepal

What is the famous food of Nepal?

Sel Roti, Gundruk, Yomari, Tongba are some of the most famous Nepalese food items that are a must-try.

What is the cheapest thing to buy in Nepal?

Pashmina, stone and beaded jewelry, tea and spices are some of the cheapest things to buy in Nepal.

How much does a trip to Nepal cost?

An average 5 day trip for two people can cost you anywhere between Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 12,000. However, the cost may vary from season to season.

What is there to do in Nepal?

You can find a number of tourist activities which include: 1. Exploring the wilderness 2. Mountain biking 3. Rock climbing 4. Mountain climbing 5. Bungee jumping 6. Trekking 7. Birdwatching 8. Hiking 9. Paragliding 10. Hot air ballooning across the Himalayan range.

Which is the most beautiful place to visit in Nepal?

A few of the most astounding places which you just can't afford to miss out in Nepal are: 1. Rara Lake2. Khaptad National Park 3. Panch Pokhari 4. Ghore Pani Poon Hill Trek 5. Chitwan National Park 6. Gosainkunda Lake 7. Janakpur Dham

What is Pokhara famous for?

Pokhara is a renowned tourist destination in Nepal which is popular for the picturesque views of the Himalayan range and stunning lakes. Pokhara is also a popular site for a number of adventure activities such as boating, rafting, trekking, along with extreme sports such rafting, canyoning and bungee jumping.

When is the best time to visit Nepal?

October to April is the most suitable time to visit Nepal and witness some of the most spectacular views of the Himalayan mountain range.

Do Indians require a visa to visit Nepal?

Indian citizens do not require any visa to enter the territory of Nepal. However, it is advisable that you carry necessary documents along with valid id proof.

Do Indian debit cards work in Nepal?

Most of the Debit cards and Credit Cards do not work in Nepal except for SBI ATM. You can withdraw cash using your SBi ATMs anywhere in Nepal.

Is Thamel safe at night?

Thamel is considerably safer than most places in the world. People usually party in Thamel till 1 am after which the streets are flooded with taxis and cabs.

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12 Top Tourist Attractions in Nepal

By Mike Kaplan · Last updated on April 27, 2024

Nepal is truly unique. This small, mountainous nation has an astounding array of tourist attractions for nature lovers, history buffs and spiritual seekers alike. Nepal is home to the Himalayan mountain range, which is a trekker’s and outdoorsman’s paradise. Among this range is the world’s most famous mountain: Mount Everest. Stretching to 8,848 meters above sea level it is the world’s highest mountain.

Small, remote towns are scattered throughout the country, many of which will transport you back in time through the centuries to kingdoms of yesteryear. Among these towns are religious monuments that have been erected as holy sites of pilgrimages. The following tourist attractions in Nepal are famous for a reason; they showcase the best Nepal has to offer and are just begging to be explored.

12. Pashupatinath Temple [SEE MAP]

Pashupatinath Temple

On the bank of the Bagmasti River sits the most sacred Hindu temple in Nepal: the Pashupatinath Temple. It is considered to be one of the most valuable religious sites in Asia, and is more like a complex than a temple. Consisting of several libraries, temples, courtyards, monuments and shrines, the site is a popular place for cremations.

This is due to the fact that it sits on the riverbank, and the temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Often shocking for visitors, this practice has been taking place in the same location and other places throughout South Asia for thousands of years.

11. Sagarmatha National Park [SEE MAP]

Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park is home to the world’s highest mountains, including Mount Everest. However, there is much more to this park of mountain behemoths than the astounding natural landscape. The mountain ranges are home to some of the world’s rarest and more impressive species: the elusive snow leopard, the red panda, and Himalayan black bear.

There are hundreds of birds who stay within the park, and many musk deer who run wild throughout it. The local people: the Sherpas, have villages here and regularly worship at the holy sites scattered around the park. However, visitors should be wary of the high elevation and take the proper steps towards preventing altitude sickness.

10. Namche Bazaar [SEE MAP]

Namche Bazaar

Namche is often called the gateway to Everest because it is where most people start their trek to the world’s tallest mountain. However, the bazaar in Namche has been a trading center for thousands of years and is famous for its local yak butter and cheese.

Today, the bazaar offers everything one might need for a trek through the Himalayas, or for daily life in the village. As you might expect, the Namche Bazaar is the highest bazaar in the world. For most people, it is a challenge simply to make it to Namche!

9. Ancient Town of Patan [SEE MAP]

Ancient Town of Patan

Patan is only separated from Kathmandu by the cloudy Bagmati River. It is often still called by its traditional Sanskrit name, which means ‘City of Beauty.’ The ancient part of the city is known for having some the best examples of traditional architecture and Newari artistry in all of Nepal.

The most popular attractions in town include the Golden Temple, Mul Chowk, Patan Museum, Krishna Mandri, and Sundari Chowk. All the sights are concentrated in the old part of the city and showcase the history of this stunning little town.

8. Bhote Koshi [SEE MAP]

Bhote Koshi

The Bhote Koshi is the upper river course of the Sun Kosi river, that originates in Tibet. Calling all adrenaline junkies; Bhote Koshi River rafting is perfect for individuals who are looking to take a break from sightseeing and trekking in Nepal, and indulge in some heart pounding adventure.

Bhote Koshi offers the steepest river rafting in all Nepal. It is located just a few hours north-west of Kathmandu near the Nepalese and Tibetan border, nestled between mountain ranges. The glacier fed river offers Level 5 rapids at its height, but if that’s not enough action, there is also an exciting bungee jump located dauntingly high above the river.

It is the highest free fall in the world. Despite the nature of the sport, the bungee is very safe; it was designed by the Kiwis behind the famous Queenstown bungee jump in New Zealand.

7. Durbar Square, Kathmandu [SEE MAP]

Durbar Square

Durbar means royal palace in Nepalese, and that’s exactly what Durbar Square is. The palace square sits in front of the former imperial palace of the bygone Kathmandu Kingdom. Before Nepal was unified in the mid 18th century, the nation consisted of many smaller kingdoms, including the one at Kathmandu.

It was in these Durbar Squares around the country that kings were crowned and royal proclamations were made. Durbar Square in Kathmandu is especially impressive; it showcases some of the country’s best traditional architecture and Newari-style artistry.

Aside from the palace, there are many temples, towers, a former elephant stable, and shrines surrounding the square. Unfortunately, many of the structures were badly damaged in the 2015 earthquake, but restoration efforts are already underway to restore them back to their former glory.

6. Phewa Lake [SEE MAP]

Phewa Lake

This gorgeous freshwater lake near Pokhara is the second largest in Nepal and reflects the impressive Annapurna mountain range in its waters. Most hotels and restaurants sit on the opposite side of the lake from the mountain range, and thus offer lovely views.

For most of the year, snow-capped mountains are the norm. The other side of the lake is too dense with forests and steep hills to be developed. In the center of the lake sits the holy temple of the Goddess Durga. Named the Tal Barahi Temple; this pagoda can only be reached by boat and is very popular with visitors and pilgrims alike.

Otherwise, water activities are popular on the lake. There are various treks and smaller hikes around the lake that offer stunning natural surroundings and views of the lake and mountains.

5. Durbar Square, Bhaktapur [SEE MAP]

Durbar Square

The royal square in Bhaktapur will transport you back 1000’s of years. It offers a quieter alternative to Durbar Square in Kathmandu, as there are less crowds and souvenir stalls. The small shops surrounding the square seem not to completely rely on tourism, but are willing to demonstrate how they produce their local handicrafts; including carvings and clay ceramics.

There are outstanding examples of intricate wooden or stone carvings throughout the square and its many ancient buildings and temples. Entry to Bhaktapur’s Durbar Square is completely free of charge, however, an entry fee may be charged for some of the historical landmarks and attractions encircling the square. These attractions include the 55 Window Palace, Golden Gate, Lion Gate, and the Mini Pashupathi Temple.

4. Chitwan National Park [SEE MAP]

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is famously home to some of the world’s last remaining populations of one-horned rhinos. But impressively, that is not the only iconic animal this national park protects; there are frequent sightings of the famous Bengal tiger in this area.

On top of this, Gharial crocodiles patrol the waters, with sloth bears and leopards roaming the jungles and woodlands. These animals have given the park its nickname: ‘the second Serengeti,’ for its wildlife viewing opportunities.

The landscape here is incredibly lush and made up of wide grasslands, dense jungles, and high mountain ranges. Safaris are a popular way to see the park, and even overnight tours can be arranged.

3. Annapurna Sanctuary Trek [SEE MAP]

Annapurna Sanctuary Trek

The elusive Annapurna Sanctuary can only be reached via a 10 to 15-day trek. It sits on a high glacial basin and is encircled by surrounding mountains. However, for this attraction, it’s more about the journey than the destination.

The Annapurna Sanctuary is reached mid-trip, but the entirety of the trek offers incredible views of the surrounding Himalayan mountain range. Trekkers stay at homestays along the route, often dining with local families.

This is one of the few hikes that does not require a guide, as the trails are very well marked and dotted with villages. The Sanctuary is held sacred by the local people, so visitors should behave accordingly when visiting.

2. Boudhanath Stupa [SEE MAP]


Located just outside the big city of Kathmandu is Boudhanath Stupa. The stupa provides stunning views of Kathmandu and the valley surrounding it. One of the largest Buddhist stupas in the world, it was probably created in the 14th century after the Mughal invasions. Hundreds of colorful prayer flags flutter in the wind around the stark white and gold monument.

At the base of the Stupa are four pairs of eyes, which represent Buddha’s all-seeing, all-knowing nature. A large number of Tibetan Buddhists reside around the Stupa, many of whom fled as refugees from their home country.

1. Everest Base Camp [SEE MAP]

#1 of Tourist Attractions In Nepal

Sitting at the top of the world, Mount Everest is a stunning reminder of our tiny role on this planet. At the base of Everest, Sherpas and mountaineers work overtime to prepare for their trip to the summit.

Holy sites are worshiped at, and puja’s (religious ceremonies) take place in April and May to ensure safe travels. Visitors are welcome to visit Everest Base Camp and soak up the organized chaos of a trip that doesn’t always promise a happy ending. Helicopter trips are a popular way to visit base camp, as is the ‘Everest Base Camp Trek’ that has become increasingly popular in recent years.

This arduous trek can take up to three weeks simply to reach the base, and gives participants a small glimpse of the laborious task mountaineers might experience when climbing Everest.

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25 Best Places to Visit & Things to Do in Nepal

 last updated: 16 may, 2023 by nidhi singh.

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Lonely Planet’s writer once described Nepal as a place where “there is always another adventure,” and this statement holds true. Nepal offers a plethora of opportunities, not only for adventure enthusiasts but for all travelers, from pilgrims to sightseers. It is home to some of the highest mountains in the world, including the tallest peak, Mount Everest. The country’s rich cultural heritage is reflected in its art, music, dance, festivals, and UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including ancient temples, palaces, and monuments. Moreover, the Hindu and Buddhist temples and shrines located throughout the country entice travelers to visit Nepal repeatedly.

This bustling tourist destination can push your limits, surprise you, and make you fall in love with it on several occasions. Although experiencing the best of Nepal may require multiple trips, it is possible to explore the country’s diverse hues in a single visit with proper planning. To make your trip memorable, we have compiled a list of the top 25 places to visit and things to do in this ethereal country.

List of the Best 25 Tourist Places to Visit in Nepal with their Distances from Kathmandu (Tribhuvan International Airport)

Recommended tours.

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03 Nights/ 04 Days

Simply kathmandu.

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Kathmandu Pokhara Sightseeing Tour

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04 Nights / 05 Days

Amazing kathmandu and pokhara tour.

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05 Nights/ 06 Days

Kathmandu & chitwan sightseeing tour.

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06 Nights / 07 Days

Kathmandu, pokhara and chitwan tour.

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08 Nights / 09 Days

Best of nepal tour.

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13 Nights / 14 Days

Nepal extravaganza tour.

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09 Nights / 10 Days

Naturally nepal.

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16 Nights / 17 Days

Annapurna circuit trek.

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22 Nights / 23 Days

Around manaslu trek, must visit places in nepal.



Situated beside the scenic Lake Phewa, Pokhara is the perfect leisure destination in Nepal. Don’t mistake this place for being dull, with nothing to do other than admiring the view of the lake and surrounding areas or spending leisurely hours in your luxurious hotel. Pokhara is known as the ‘Gateway to Annapurna Circuit,’ and it offers unparalleled opportunities for paragliding, unlike any other destination. Despite this, it maintains its poise and tranquility, making it a travel destination in Nepal that you will never forget.

The River Seti, which flanks Pokhara, also provides adventure lovers with the opportunity to enjoy thrilling white water rafting. Additionally, there are numerous treks that start from this beautiful destination in Nepal. So, the bottom line is that Pokhara is a must-visit, and it would be a crime to miss out on this one-of-a-kind place.

Best Places to Visit Pokhara

  • World Peace Pagoda
  • Davis Falls
  • Mahendra Cave
  • Begnas Lake
  • International Mountain Museum

Pashupatinath Temple Kathmandu


It goes without saying that every capital city in the world is touristy and has plenty to offer visitors, and the same goes for Kathmandu . This capital of Nepal offers a glimpse into the country’s different aspects, making travelers even more eager for exploration. Kathmandu is undoubtedly one of the top 10 tourist destinations in Nepal, and its nearby destination, Thamel, is considered an ideal base for adventure trekkers and those wanting to enjoy the view of the famous Mount Everest. Kathmandu is also the best place to buy all your trekking and mountain climbing gear.

Apart from that, the city is ideal for pilgrimage tours. It is home to the Hindu’s most revered temple, Pashupati Nath, and exquisite and sacred Buddhist shrines such as Boudhanath and Swayambhunath. Kathmandu is also the perfect place to try Nepali cuisine, witness traditional crafts, practice and learn yoga and meditation. Flying tours to Mount Everest are also conducted from here.

Best Places to Visit Kathmandu

  • Swayambhunath Stupa
  • Pashupatinath Temple
  • Boudhanath Stupa
  • Kathmandu Durbar Square
  • Patan Durbar Square
  • Thamel, Garden of Dreams
  • Narayanhiti Palace Museum

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If you want the best views of the Himalayan Range from Nepal, Nagarkot is the perfect place for you. This hill station of Nepal is surreal and strategic, promising breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountains not only from the viewpoints but also from the windows of your hotel room. Nagarkot is situated a short distance from Bhaktapur and on the outskirts of Kathmandu Valley, making it a picturesque destination that allows you to savor every mood of the Himalayas. The place is famous for its stunning sunrises and sunsets, and it can also pass as a honeymoon destination in Nepal with its dreamlike settings and views on offer.

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Bhaktapur boasts rich architecture and imposing Hindu temples, though many suffered demolition due to the tragic earthquake of 2015. One can still find enough temples and edifices to mesmerise with their exquisite architecture and art. The Bhaktapur Durbar Square is one of the best places to see the excellent architecture and carvings of the temple. Apart from temple hopping, a traveller would like the shopping experience here. Bhaktapur is known for souvenirs, pottery, puppets, masks and cultural handicrafts, which leave visitors spoilt for choice when it comes to shopping in Nepal.

Best Places to Visit in Bhaktapur

  • Bhaktapur Durbar Square
  • Nyatapola Temple
  • Dattatreya Temple
  • Taumadhi Square
  • Pottery Square
  • Bhaktapur Thim.

Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park


One of the main revenue earners for Nepal tourism, Sagarmatha National Park is as close as you can get to Mount Everest if not attempting a climb. Spread in an area of 1148 sq km, Sagarmatha is home to the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest (8848 m) and the other high peaks like Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Thamserku, Nuptse, Amadablam and Pumori. Sagarmatha is an ideal destination for trekking in Nepal and offers stunning views of Everest and the Himalayan Range. It is also home to unique flora and fauna and especially to the rare Snow Leopard species. It is the diversity in this national park that makes it one of the best places to visit in Nepal.

Top Places to Visit in & around

  • Mount Everest Base Camp
  • Tengboche Monastery
  • Namche Bazaar
  • Gokyo Lakes
  • Khumjung Village
  • Island Peak
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Patan (Lalitpur)



One of the three royal cities of Nepal, Patan or Lalitpur or Yala is something to feast your eyes on. Patan is a famous tourist place in the country and is primarily known for its rich architecture, fantastic wood carvings, and an air of spirituality. It is believed that before the disastrous earthquake of 2015, Patan housed more than 1200 monuments, each unique in its way. However, there are still enough tourist attractions to relish. Most people prefer a day-trip from Kathmandu since it is in close proximity to the capital. However, it would be nice to stay two or more days to enjoy the beauty of its courtyards and squares at a leisurely pace.

Top Places to Visit

  • Golden Temple
  • Krishna Mandir
  • Mahaboudha Temple
  • The Patan Museum
  • Ashok Stupa

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park


This national park is said to be the best place for wildlife tours in Nepal. Spread over an area of 934 sq km, Chitwan is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and that says it all. The park is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, and is believed to be a safe shelter for unique animals like the one-horned rhinoceros. Chitwan also houses 544 species of birds, and it would take at least two days to explore this national park.

For luxury travellers who are also interested in wildlife tours, there are a number of high-end resorts situated right at the edge of the park. Along with pampering you with all the state-of-the-art services, these hotels and resorts arrange excellent wildlife safaris for their guests. For backpackers, on the other hand, Sauraha is the place to find accommodation. This small village is replete with budget-friendly hotels that are ideal for anyone on a shoestring budget and wants to explore Chitwan National Park.

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  • Tharu Village
  • Bishazari Tal (20-Thousand Lakes)
  • Gharial Breeding Centre
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Whether you are a theist or not, Lumbini touches your soul in a very special way. Believed to be the birthplace of Lord Buddha, Lumbini is a pilgrimage destination in Nepal but it surely impresses even the atheist with its monastery and peaceful environ. This sacred place, even though it can be covered in one day, has so much to offer to those who are willing to spend a day or two to gradually explore its beauty. The main attraction here is the Maya Devi Temple, which is situated amidst a large park that comprises lakes and monasteries.

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  • Sacred Garden
  • Ashoka Pillar
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Janaki Temple Janakpur


Janakpur is a place that you would not want to miss in Nepal if you enjoy witnessing a blend of history, culture and religion. Believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama’s consort, Sita and also the destination where the two got married, Janakpur holds a lot of religious importance for Hindu devotees. Mostly Janakpur is seen as a Hindu pilgrimage destination but it is a perfect place to imbibe a rich Maithili culture and explore its rich art and its various forms.

Best Places to Visit

  • Janaki Temple
  • Kalinchowk Bhagwati Temple
  • Dhanushadham
  • Mithila Art Gallery
  • Ganga Sagar
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Clock Tower Dharan


Dharan is a beautiful city, which is located at the foothills of the Mahabharata Range. The city is divided into two parts with one area dotted with banana plants, bamboo-forested hills and rustic shacks, while the other side has countryside feel, with quiet streets lined with posh bungalows, neat pavements, and a country club with a golf course indeed making it one of the must visit during Nepal tour. The two areas are divided by a dusty and crowded market that has a lot to offer to a shopaholic. Dharan is also recognized as a Shaktipeetha, a place where one of the limbs of Sati, the consort of Lord Shiva fell. Thus, Dharan is also a Hindu pilgrimage along with a hotspot for nature lovers.

  • Pindeshwor Temple
  • Buda Subba Temple
  • Dantakali Temple
  • Namaste Waterfall
  • Dharan Clock Tower
  • Dharan Market
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One of the best places to visit in Nepal , Chandragiri is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. This quaint little town is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas and boasts of breathtaking natural beauty. The hilltop offers panoramic views of the Kathmandu Valley, with the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas standing tall in the distance. The Chandragiri Cable Car takes you on a scenic ride up to the top of the hill, where you can explore the historic Chandragiri Fort and visit the Bhaleshwor Mahadev Temple. The town is also known for its delicious local cuisine, friendly people, and rich cultural heritage. Whether you’re a nature lover, adventure seeker, or history buff, Chandragiri has something to offer everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience the beauty and charm of this hidden treasure in Nepal.

  • Chandragiri Cable Car
  • Chandragiri Fort
  • Bhaleshwor Mahadev Temple
  • Thankot Park
  • Kathmandu Valley View Point

Sarangkot is a beautiful village located in the western part of Nepal, just outside the city of Pokhara. The village is perched on a hilltop at an altitude of around 1,600 metres, offering stunning views of the Annapurna range and the surrounding landscape. It is a top tourist destination in Nepal for both domestic and international tourists, and for good reason. The village is renowned for its breathtaking sunrise and sunset views, which attract many visitors who are looking for a serene and peaceful environment to enjoy the natural beauty of Nepal. One of the main attractions of Sarangkot is the panoramic view of the Annapurna range. From the hilltop, you can see the peaks of Annapurna South, Annapurna I, Hiunchuli, Machhapuchhre, and Dhaulagiri. The views are especially stunning during sunrise and sunset when the mountains turn a beautiful shade of pink and orange.

  • Sarangkot Viewpoint
  • Bindhyabasini Temple

Bardiya National Park

Bardiya National Park in Nepal is a truly magnificent place that embodies the beauty and diversity of nature. This park is a vast expanse of lush forests, grasslands, and wetlands that are home to a wide variety of exotic wildlife such as tigers, rhinoceroses, elephants, and over 250 species of birds. The park is situated in the Terai region of Nepal and is one of the largest and most unspoiled wilderness areas in the country. Visitors to Bardiya National Park can experience the tranquillity of nature, explore the rugged landscape, and witness the majesty of the wildlife in their natural habitat. The park’s stunning scenery, combined with its rich cultural heritage and unique biodiversity, make it one of the must-visit places for nature lovers and adventurers alike.

  • Karnali Bridge
  • Samsara Safari Camp
  • Crocodile Breeding Centre

Langtang is a small yet beautiful region located in the north-central part of Nepal. It is a hidden gem that offers spectacular views of snow-capped peaks, lush forests, and charming villages. The Langtang Valley Trek is one of the most popular treks in Nepal and is a must-visit for any trekking enthusiast. The trek takes you through picturesque villages such as Langtang Village, Kyanjin Gompa, and Thulo Syabru, where you can experience the local culture and way of life. The region is also home to several endangered species of animals and birds, including the snow leopard and the Himalayan monal. The Langtang National Park, which covers the region, is also a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts. With its stunning natural beauty and unique cultural heritage, Langtang is undoubtedly one of the best places to explore for anyone seeking an adventure in Nepal.

  • Langtang National Park
  • Kyanjin Gompa
  • Langtang Valley
  • Gosaikunda Lake
  • Tamang Heritage Trail

Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas lies the breathtaking region of Helambu in Nepal, a special part of Nepal Tourism. Known for its unparalleled beauty, Helambu offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of the Hyolmo people, who have inhabited the region for centuries. Surrounded by majestic snow-capped peaks, the valley is a paradise for nature lovers, with picturesque trails leading to stunning waterfalls and forests teeming with wildlife. The region is also famous for its production of sweet and delicious apples, which are grown in abundance in the orchards that dot the landscape. Helambu is definitely one of the best destinations to visit in Nepal, offering visitors an unforgettable experience that will leave them with memories to cherish for a lifetime.

  • Helambu Trek
  • Melamchi Gaon
  • Tarke Gyang
  • Shivapuri National Park

Top Things to Do in Nepal

Trekking in annapurna and langtang region.

Annapurna trek


It is no surprise that Nepal is called the trekkers’ paradise. This incredible country is home to some of the most exotic treks in the world, and thus it is difficult to miss such a wonderful opportunity that comes knocking at your door during your Nepal tour. Although one may be spoiled for choices and even confused sometimes as to which trek to pick, those who opt for trekking in the Annapurna or Langtang regions are in for a memorable experience.

Annapurna is one of the most popular trekking regions in Nepal, taking trekkers through valleys, dense forests, and semi-frozen waterfalls. One can expect to be mesmerized by the spectacular views of the lofty mountains and wide vistas. During the Annapurna Circuit, the Ghorepani Poon Hill Panorama trek is a must-try, as this particular trail is the most colorful part of the region and offers the best of trekking in Nepal. On the other hand, the lesser-known Langtang Region has all the wonders to surprise you. Throughout this trek, one can witness the superb natural beauty and hear the therapeutic gushing sound of the Langtang River.

Fishing on Lake Phewa

Phewa lake fishing


Nepal can easily be designated as the paradise for fishing and angling enthusiasts. The country is home to a large number of rivers and lakes that are teeming with fish. For one of the best fishing experiences in Nepal, Phewa Lake in the Pokhara valley is ideal. Covering an area of 4.4 sq. km, the lake is home to around 22 native species of fish, making it the perfect place for a satisfying fishing experience in Nepal. The best time to go fishing on Phewa Lake is during the months of October to December and February to April when the weather is usually pleasant, and the fish are more active.

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Flight over the Everest

Flight over Mount Everest


Now, this is an experience of a kind. Even if you are capable of trekking and have dreams of making it to the Advanced Base Camps of Everest, a flight tour is still an experience to try. Mountain flights offer eye-level views of the mountains by flying at an average height of 7,000 meters, making it quite an adventure. An hour-long flight, offered regularly in the morning, gives you a tour of Himalayan giants like Everest, Annapurna, Kanchenjunga, Makalu, Ganesh Himal, Gauri Shankar, Lhotse, Nuptse, Langtang, Manaslu, Lamjung Himal, and Dhaulagiri. However, you should book your flight in advance, as these tours are popular among travelers and sell out quickly. And don’t forget to bring a camera and snap some amazing photos of the scenery.

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Visiting Boudhanath Stupa

Boudhanath Stupa


Witnessing Boudhanath, a major attraction of Nepal tourism, is undoubtedly one of the best things to do during a visit to the country. Considered to be Asia’s largest stupa, Boudhanath is one of the few sacred places in the world where Tibetan Buddhist culture is open and accessible. Evening is the ideal time to visit Boudhanath, when the place comes to life with thousands of butter lamps lighting up the stupa.

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Boating in Narayani River

Boating in Narayani River

An early morning boat ride on the glistening Narayani River near Chitwan National Park is undeniably an ideal thing to do. It is believed that the boating experience on this whimsical river is as fascinating as river rafting. The rippling waters and rich fauna both in and around it make Narayani an unmissable experience. Those with a thing for birdwatching would enjoy sighting various birds like the river/red-wattled lapwing, Ruddy shelduck, Osprey, and Kingfishers. The thrill of boating here multiplies with the possibility of spotting gharial/alligators in its water.

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Paragliding in Pokhara and Bandipur

Paragliding Pokhara


A paragliding experience in Nepal is a must-try for adventure lovers. The two best places for paragliding in Nepal are Pokhara and Bandipur. You can choose to fly over the beautiful Pokhara or the Annapurna Mountain Range, or even opt for Sarangkot. Whether you prefer a free-flying foot launched aircraft or a non-motorized foot launched inflatable winded glider, there are options for everyone. You can also take a 10-day paragliding course to attempt this adventure activity on your own. The best time for paragliding in Pokhara and Bandipur is from September to November (autumn season) and from February to April (spring season). These months have stable weather conditions with clear skies, moderate temperatures, and low humidity, making it ideal for paragliding.

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Biking in Godavari, Bungamati, Chapagaun and Shivapuri National Park


There are countless trails in Nepal, most of which are unpaved, but lead to some of the most gorgeous places in the country. Biking expeditions on these trails can offer an exhilarating experience. All you have to do is hire a bike and head out in any direction in Nepal, and you will certainly end up in some exotic place. However, many people choose to take their biking trip in the region of Godavari, Bungamati, Chapagaun, and one of the best national parks in Nepal, Shivapuri.

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View Mount Everest from Gokyo Lakes

Mount Everest View from Gokyo


These offbeat sets of six lakes are the world’s highest freshwater lake system, of which Thonak Lake is the largest. Undoubtedly one of the most appealing vantage points and treks in Nepal, the Gokyo Lakes are a perfect place to relish the unsurpassed view of the majestic Mt. Everest. If you are a trekker and have done a few treks, the Gokyo Lakes trek can be one of the best things to do in Nepal, especially if getting an unforgettable view of Everest is on your mind. The lakes are located in the Khumjung Village Development Committee of the Solukhumbu District in the Sagarmatha Zone in northeastern Nepal and are considered sacred by both Hindu and Buddhist devotees. Hundreds of Hindus take a holy bath in the water of these lakes during the Janai Purnima festival.

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River Rafting and Bungee Jumping in Bhote Koshi River

Rafting the Bhote Koshi


Bhote Koshi River in Nepal needs no introduction. Housing the third highest platform for Bungee Jumping in the world, this gorgeous river compels one to take up two adventure activities, namely river rafting and bungee jumping. The experience of river rafting in Bhote Koshi is undoubtedly exciting, the river has challenging rapids with big bounces making your rafting expedition quite a thing to remember. And when it comes to bungee, nothing can beat the feel of this place. The suspension bridge from which the bungee jumping activity is taken up is at a dizzying height of 160 m and one can very well imagine the feeling of the ‘great fall’ from here.

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Kayaking in Seti River

Kayaks on the Seti River


Enhance your tour of Nepal with an hour and a half of adrenaline-rushing adventure by kayaking in the Seti River. Although kayaking can be enjoyed in both Upper and Lower Seti River, the upper side of the river is noteworthy. With spectacular views of the Annapurna mountains, crystal-clear water, and a beautiful gorge adorned with a suspension bridge and prayer flags, the Upper Seti River is a must-visit for kayaking in Nepal. Adventure lovers have the opportunity to face Grade III and IV rapids while relishing the exotic views. The best times to enjoy kayaking in this river are from September to November and from March to May.

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Nepal truly is a paradise for travelers, so if you haven’t yet decided to visit this little Himalayan country, it is time to plan a trip. Need we say that a lot of experience is waiting for you there. You can always give us, Tour My India a shout for planning the perfect trip for you and that too in the budget of your choice. Just give us a call at +91-9212777223/24 or drop your queries at [email protected]. Our promise is to provide the best Nepal travel packages and the experience you have dreamt of.

Other Important Nepal Tourism Links

  • Kathmandu Travel Guide
  • Pokhara Travel Guide
  • Lumbini Travel Guide
  • Kapan Monastery Travel Guide
  • Nagarkot Travel Guide

Quick Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time for holiday vacation in nepal.

The best time to have holidays in Nepal is between October and December.

What are the top must visit tourist attractions in Nepal?

Some of the top tourist places in Nepal are Kathmandu Durbar Square, Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa, Chitwan National Park, Pokhara, Lumbini, Langtang National Park, etc.

How to get a tourist visa for Nepal?

If you are planning to visit Nepal as a tourist, you will need to obtain a tourist visa. Here are the steps to obtain a tourist visa for Nepal:

1- Fill Out the Visa Application Form Online: You can fill out the visa application form online by visiting the official website of the Department of Immigration of Nepal.

2- Submit the Required Documents: Once you have filled out the visa application form, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • A valid passport with at least six months of validity and two blank pages
  • A passport-sized photograph
  • Proof of your travel itinerary and flight details
  • Proof of hotel reservations or accommodation arrangements
  • A copy of your travel insurance policy

3- Pay the Visa Fee: You can pay the visa fee online using a credit or debit card or at the Nepalese embassy or consulate in your country.

4- Wait for Visa Approval: After submitting your visa application and required documents, you will need to wait for visa approval. You can check the status of your visa application online.

5- Collect Your Visa: Once your visa application is approved, you can collect your visa from the Nepalese embassy or consulate in your country or on arrival at the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu.

Please note that the visa requirements and procedures may vary depending on your nationality, so it’s best to check with your nearest Nepalese embassy or consulate for the latest information.

How is the weather in Nepal?

Nepal has a diverse climate due to its varying topography, which ranges from lowland tropical regions to high altitude mountains. Generally, Nepal experiences four seasons: spring (March to May), summer (June to August), autumn (September to November), and winter (December to February). The best time to visit Nepal for trekking and mountain climbing is during the spring and autumn seasons. However, if you prefer to avoid the crowds, winter is a good time to visit Nepal.

What are the popular adventure activities to do in Nepal?

Some of the popular adventure activities to do in Nepal are trekking, mountaineering, rafting, bungee jumping, paragliding, mountain biking, jungle safari, etc.

What are the best places to visit for trekking in Nepal?

Some of the best places to visit for trekking in Nepal are Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Langtang Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek, Upper Mustang Trek, etc.

Which are the must visit temples in Nepal?

Some of the must-visit temples in Nepal are Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Stupa, Changu Narayan Temple, Muktinath Temple, Manakamana Temple and Janaki Temple.

What are the top wildlife places to visit in Nepal?

The top wildlife places to visit in Nepal are Chitwan National Park, Bardiya National Park, Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Sagarmatha National Park, Annapurna Conservation Area, Makalu Barun National Park and Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve.

How many days are required to explore the best of Nepal Tourism?

A minimum of 10-14 days are required to explore the best of Nepal Tourism.

How are the accommodation facilities for tourists in Nepal?

Nepal has a wide range of accommodation facilities for tourists, ranging from budget-friendly guesthouses and hostels to luxury resorts and hotels. Some popular types of accommodations in Nepal are Guesthouses and Hostels, Tea Houses, Hotels, Resorts, etc.

Published: 04 May, 2023 By Nidhi Singh

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About the author

Nidhi Singh

Nidhi Singh

From the Lake District, Nainital, Nidhi Singh is a travel writer whose love for mountains can be seen in her write ups. Talk about solo travelling, indulging in adventure activities, binging on good food, planning budget trips or the Aurora Borealis and you will get all her attention. It is the wanderlust that keeps her going and if at all she could get one wish granted she would love to live a life less ordinary. Follow her on Twitter , Facebook & Instagram .

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13 most beautiful places in nepal that you should visit once.

Flowers in valley - Nepal

August 22nd, 2018 by OYO Team

Home to the Himalayas, Nepal is blessed with natural and unsullied beauty. Unlike other hill stations, the most beautiful places to visit in Nepal are nothing related to man-made forts and museums. Here, nature shines in full glory! From lakes perched on hilly summits to trekking trails that lead you on to a place that feels like heaven, Nepal is truly breathtaking!  

Here are the 13 most beautiful places to Visit in Nepal

  • Panch Pokhari
  •  Chitwan National Park
  •  Garden of Dreams
  •  Phewa lake
  •  Everest Base Camp

Langtang Region

  •  Tilicho Lake
  •  Gosainkunda Lake

Rara lake, Nepal

Located in Jumla and Hugu districts, Rara lake is the biggest and the deepest freshwater lake in Nepal. Often referred to as “heaven on earth” for its natural beauty, it has an average depth of 100m (330ft) and is spread across 5.1 km of area. Tourists often trek to this lake and camp overnight by the lakeside. Once you climb up the Manma point, the alluring beauty of the lake takes you over and you can see the lush green dense forest all around.

How to get there: There are a few ways to reach Rara lake from Kathmandu. You may take a fight to Talcha airport or catch one of the buses that run on the route covering a 16-20 hours journey. You can also hire a private jeep that will drop you close to the lake and from there you can take a 25-minute walk to reach the Rara lake. However, the best way to enjoy the beauty is to trek to the lake like most tourists do.

Panch Pokhari

Panch Pokhari

At the base of Jugal Himal in northeast Kathmandu is Panch Pokhari, a group of 5 holy lakes. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, these lakes in the middle of the green-carpeted massifs look surreal. The reason this group of lakes is holy is because of a traditional ritual called Janai Purnima. Every year in the month of August, Brahmins travel to these lakes to perform the ritual of changing the sacred thread they tie around their body called ‘janai’.

How to get there: The trek starts at Chautara in northeast Kathmandu and goes through Sherpa and Tamang village which gives you a peek into Nepal’s culture.

Chitwan National Park


Chitwan National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Settled at the base of Himalayas, it is home to many wild animals like monkeys, elephants, cobras, wild boar, etc. There are also a few army base camps inside the park. Hire a guide who will help you in spotting animals and will tell you tales about the park. Chitwan National Park is located in Southern Central Terai of Nepal and is spread across 932 square kilometres.

How to get there: Reaching Chitwan is easiest from Sauraha where resorts are available for a stay. To reach Sauraha you can take buses from Kathmandu or Pokhara.

Garden Of Dreams

Garden of Dreams

Lush green gardens with abundant peace always make for a beautiful place. Garden of Dreams is also such a place and an absolute favourite of tourists and residents alike. All you have to pay is 200 NPR as entry fee to see this spectacular garden. People come here to see the huge variety of flowers and find calm amidst running fountains. The Swapna Bagaicha or the Garden of Dreams also has a cafe which serves some of the best Nepali dishes in town in a cozy setting. You can easily spend an hour or two at this peaceful place or even re-visit if you’d like.

How to get there: The garden is at a walking distance from Thamel, the main tourist market of Kathmandu.


Pokhara is the leisure city of Nepal. It’s scenic beauty is captivating and adventure opportunities keep tourists excited. Pokhara is said to be the best venue for paragliding and you can spot many paragliders enjoying a ride in the sky. You can also indulge in trekking, boating, paragliding, hiking or zip flying. Sit peacefully in the tranquil surroundings and enjoy the beautiful lake view draped by hills.

How to get there: Although local buses are available, taking a flight is recommended because the road trip from Kathmandu to Pokhara can get a little uncomfortable. Yeti airlines has a number of options you can choose from.


Phewa Lake is the largest lake in Pokhara spread across 4 km. It is surrounded by many lakeside restaurants and bars which makes it a great spot, especially in the evening. You can take a stroll or ride a bicycle around the lake. To soak in the picturesque views, take a boat ride. In the middle of the lake, there is Barahi temple which can be reached by boat.

How to get there: Phewa lake is in Pokhara. So to reach there from Kathmandu, you’d need to take a local bus or flight which are readily available.


Nagarkot is located 32 km east of Kathmandu. It is famous for a beautiful view of Mount Everest which looks particularly dramatic during sunrise and sunset. Nagarkot is a quaint village with mountain trails, flora and fauna, and some amazing sightseeing spots that you wouldn’t want to miss. Located in the Bhaktapur district, it has many hotels near famous tourist attractions like Changu Narayan, Kailashnath Mahadev Statue, Sankhu Bajrayogini Temple and Buddha Peace Park.

How to get there: The cheapest and most convenient way to reach Nagarkot is by taking a local bus from Kathmandu for Kamalbinayak which is in Bhaktapur. It costs NPR 25.

Everest Base  Camp

Everest Base Camp

Trekking to the Everest base camp is not difficult if you go slow and steady. Perseverance is what it takes! The trek starts at Lukla at 3000 meters and goes up to 5,364 meters reaching the base camp. There are two base camps, one is the North base camp at 5,150 meters in Tibet and the other is South base camp at 5,364 meters in Nepal. On the way to the camp, you will come across extraordinary views of villages, vast blue sky and snow-covered peaks that seem to come close with each step. You might also get a chance to experience snowfall at the camp.

How to get there: The trek to the base camp starts from Lukla. You can reach Lukla from Kathmandu by air (Yeti airlines).


Langtang is 30 kms away from Kathmandu towards the Tibetan border. If you are short on time but want to experience trekking in Nepal , Langtang is where you should go. The trekking trail is rewarding with beautiful views of lakes, mountains and flowers. It has about 70 glaciers and a number of high altitude lakes. The trek route was affected in the Nepal earthquake but is now open for trek and tourism.

How to get there: Take the early morning bus from Macha Pokhari in Kathmandu to Langtang. There are also some express buses available.

Tilicho Lake


The beauty of this lake has remained in tact and pristine because of the fact that only a few people actually go to this lake trekking all the way up. Tilicho lake is one of the highest high-altitude lakes in the world at 4,949 m height. It derives its azure blue water from the melting glaciers. Located at a distance of 55 kms from Pokhara, it also finds a mention in the Holy Hindu book Ramayana which says that this the place where Lord Shiva found solace after losing his wife Sati.

How to get there: To reach Tilicho lake you have to trek from Pokhara. There are many tour guides that conduct the trek in groups of 15. Most favourable time for a visit is March to June.

Gosainkunda Lake


Gosainkunda lake is a holy site for the people of Nepal and India. This lake is said to be created by Lord Shiva himself. Legend has it that when Lord Shiva consumed and stored poison in his throat, he searched for a cool place to ease the burning. While exploring, he found Gosainkunda and dug up a lake here to seek respite. Devotees still believe in the deity’s presence at this place.

How to reach there: Dhunche is the most preferred point to start the trek from. Take an early morning bus from Kathmandu to Dhunche. It’s best if you pre-book the bus tickets as it gets frenetic in the morning and finding a seat might be hard.

Poon Hill - nepal

Located in Pokhara, Poon Hill is at a height of 3210m in the Myagdi district. Along with the panoramic view of the Himalayas, you also get a glimpse of the local culture as you trek to the Poon Hill. It is located in the Annapurna mountain range in Nepal. This place is ideal for a visit in the summers, trekking through the valleys in chilly temperatures for a magnified Himalayan view.

How to get there: The Trek begins from Nayapul. Climb up to reach the Poon hill on the second day.


Situated 80 km from Kathmandu, Helambu is home to Hyolmo people. Nestled comfortably in the middle of snow covered mountains, Helambu has lots of greenery and cultural influence. The view is beautiful, overlooking the Langtang range. A week-long trek to Helambu is a crazy adventure with parks, meadows, local culture and wildlife encounters waiting for you along the way.

How to get there: Reach Helambu by local bus or taxi that can be taken from Kathmandu.

These are not the only beautiful places in Nepal! Even after the tragic earthquake it still remains one of the most alluring places on earth retaining its evergreen natural beauty. Other beautiful places in Nepal are Annapurna Base Camp Trek (ABC Trek), Upper Mustang Trek, Khaptad National Park, Everest Tea Garden in Sindhupalchok and Karnali.

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  3. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Nepal (UPDATED 2024)

    Places to visit in Nepal. Top Things to Do in Nepal. Places to Visit in Nepal. Explore popular experiences. See what other travellers like to do, based on ratings and number of bookings. See All. Nature and Wildlife Tours (1,221) Private Sightseeing Tours (2,087) Mountains (56) Extreme Sports (1,111)

  4. 31 Places To Visit In Nepal

    1. Kathmandu. 4.5 /5. 1 out of 31. Places to visit in Nepal 50. Tourist attractions. Sprawled over its namesake valley surrounded by Himalayan mountains, Kathmandu is Nepal's capital and most-visited destination, full of ancient temples, golden pagodas, natural beauty and fascinating villages. At an elevation of 4,344 feet, Kathmandu marks ...

  5. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Nepal

    Visitors can observe traditional cremation rituals and admire the serene ambiance. See ways to experience (390) 2024. 3. Swayambhunath Temple. 6,339. Religious Sites. Serene temple sanctuary atop a steep climb with 365 steps, adorned with prayer wheels and flags, offering tranquil views and spiritual solace.

  6. 27 Beautiful Places of Nepal you must Visit

    Muktinath. Muktinath is one of the most visited shrines in Nepal. Muktinath is located at an altitude of 3,710 meters at the foot of Thorong La Pass in Mustang, Nepal. The temple is widely sought out the temple in the world, mainly because it holds significant religious values to two religions, Hinduism and Buddhism.

  7. 8 of the best places to visit in Nepal

    Active travelers have many trekking options. Australian Camp/Dhampus and Poon Hill are among the best places in Nepal to visit with family as the treks are easy but the views no less spectacular. If you have more time and stamina, the Annapurna Circuit, Annapurna Sanctuary, Mardi Himal and Lake Tilicho treks are some other options.

  8. 10 Most Beautiful Places To Visit In Nepal In 2024 (With Photos)

    One of the most beautiful places in Nepal near Kathmandu, Boudhanath Stupua is a must-visit for its beauty and profound spiritual significance. How to reach: By air: Tribhuvan International Airport is the nearest airport, 4.9 km away. Best time to explore: During the Tibetan New Year - Lhosar in February.

  9. 10 Best Places to Visit in Nepal [Including Reviews & Photos]

    Places to Visit in Pokhara. Fewa Lake: Fewa lake is one the main attraction for all the travelers. There is the Barahi Temple in the middle of the lake. You can visit the temple and take a boating experience on this lake. Begnas Lake: Enjoy the pristine natural beauty of this lake, all encircled by Himalayan peaks.

  10. 8 of the best things to do in Nepal

    1. Trek among the highest mountains in the world…. Let's get one thing out of the way: trekking and mountain climbing are two very different things. You don't have to climb a mountain to hike along rural paths, through villages, valleys and forests. Nepal is famous for its mountain trekking .

  11. Top Things to Do in Nepal

    Things to Do in Nepal, Asia: See Tripadvisor's 563,174 traveller reviews and photos of Nepal tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend or in July. We have reviews of the best places to see in Nepal. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  12. 21 Best Photo Spots in Nepal: Beautiful Pictures of Nepal

    Ghandruk Village. Located in the Kaski district of Nepal, Ghandruk is one of the prominent destinations for holiday seekers to spend time through short trekking. For beautiful spots for photos in Nepal, Ghandruk is one of the best options for you. There you can view the beautiful Himalayas sparkling in the backdrop of sparkling waterfalls and ...

  13. 21 Beautiful Places in Nepal (MUST-SEE in 2024)

    8. Nagarkot. Located in central Nepal at the edge of the Kathmandu Valley, Nagarkot, one of the best places to visit in Kathmandu, is famous for its exceptional Himalayan mountain views. When it comes to picturesque mountainside villages, there really are few that can compare to the beauty of this town.

  14. Top Things to Do in Nepal (with Photos)

    Things to Do in Nepal, Asia: See Tripadvisor's 562,739 traveller reviews and photos of Nepal tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend or in July. We have reviews of the best places to see in Nepal. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  15. 30 Picturesque Places you'll must to visit in Nepal

    Nepal is a paradise of natural wonders, and there are many places to visit in Nepal for a few days to many days for easy-to-advanture activities. Nepal boasts the prestigious title of being home to the world's highest peak, Mt. Everest (8848.86 meters), and the National Park conquered by Bengal Tigers and One-horned Rhinos.

  16. 30 photos that will make you want to visit Nepal

    30 PHOTOS THAT WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO VISIT NEPAL. the future is female: how the women of panauti are breaking barriers in rural nepal. chaos and colour: 21 incredible things to see and do in kathmandu. nepal's best short hike:a guide to the stunning poon hill trek. more than mountains: the best places to visit in nepal.

  17. 10 Most Popular Tourist Places In Nepal [2024]

    Bhaktapur is a demanding tourist place in Nepal for shopping. It is the best among the Nepal tourist places to shop for clothes and handicraft products. Bhaktapur was also the capital of Nepal from the 12th century to about the 15th century. It is among the most Popular Tourist Places In Nepal.

  18. 10 Best Places to Visit in Nepal (+Map)

    The city's Durbar Square, or "noble court," features a must-see site known as the 55-Window Palace, a 15th-century structure that is now home to the National Art Gallery. 2. Annapurna Circuit [SEE MAP] gregw66 / Flickr. The Annapurna Circuit in northwest Nepal offers hikers an outdoor experience nonpareil.

  19. 42 Tourist Places In Nepal For Every Travel Junkie In 2023!

    Here is a list of the 42 most popular tourist places in Nepal in 2023. These include the scenic views of the Himalayas, religious places, and market areas. Blog. Honeymoon; ... making you capture the best pictures on your trip to Nepal. Koshi Tappu Wildlife Sanctuary is surely among the most interesting Nepal tourist spots. Location: Bairawa ...

  20. 16 Beautiful Places to Visit in Nepal

    If you take a walk upwards from the cremation sites through the Slesmantak forests, you will discover many other old temples and find plenty of places to sit down and take in the ancient energy of this place. 2. Bhaktapur. Bhaktapur's Taumadhi Square, with the impressive Bhairava and Nyatapole temples.

  21. 12 Top Tourist Attractions in Nepal (+Map)

    The most popular attractions in town include the Golden Temple, Mul Chowk, Patan Museum, Krishna Mandri, and Sundari Chowk. All the sights are concentrated in the old part of the city and showcase the history of this stunning little town. 8. Bhote Koshi [SEE MAP]

  22. 25 Best Places to Visit & Things to Do in Nepal

    Spread in an area of 1148 sq km, Sagarmatha is home to the world's highest peak, Mount Everest (8848 m) and the other high peaks like Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Thamserku, Nuptse, Amadablam and Pumori. Sagarmatha is an ideal destination for trekking in Nepal and offers stunning views of Everest and the Himalayan Range.

  23. 13 Most Beautiful Places In Nepal That You Should Visit Once

    Rara Lake. Located in Jumla and Hugu districts, Rara lake is the biggest and the deepest freshwater lake in Nepal. Often referred to as "heaven on earth" for its natural beauty, it has an average depth of 100m (330ft) and is spread across 5.1 km of area. Tourists often trek to this lake and camp overnight by the lakeside.