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Mt. Fuji Pass

Important Information regarding COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19, operation status of buses/trains/sightseeing facilities are subject to change without notification. Please check the website for the latest information beforehand.

What is "Mt. Fuji Pass"? A Pass let you enjoy Mt.Fuji Area thoroughly!

  • Unlimited rides on the Buses and Trains around Mt. Fuji area.
  • Incluedes entrance tickets & special deals for popular amusement facilities.
  • 1, 2 or 3 Day Passes are available. Choose the one which will suit your needs best!
  • Available for foreign travellers only!

Download Area Route Map

Where to Buy

Mt. Fuji Pass is available at 7 Sales Counters. Please click Pins on the map below for more details.

1.Otsuki Sta. / 2.Kawaguchiko Sta. / 3.Mt. Fuji Sta. / 4.Asahigaoka Bus terminal / 5.Gotemba Sta. / 6.Mishima Sta. / 7.Fujinomiya Sta.


  • このきっぷは、記名人に限って使用できます。また専用チケットが貼付されている場合のみ有効です。
  • 電車・バス・各観光施設をご利用の際は、必ず乗務員・係員に提示してください。また提示する際は、有効期間がわかるようにきっぷを提示してください。
  • 使用中は、旅券を携帯し、係員より請求があるときは、提示してください。
  • 富士山ビュー特急、フジサン特急などの特急列車、富士登山電車をご利用の場合は特急券・着席券など別途料金が必要となります。
  • 「富士急ハイランド」は入園とアトラクションを1回ご利用いただけます。
  • 「遊園地ぐりんぱ」は入園のみとなります。アトラクションをご利用の場合は別途料金をお支払ください。
  • このきっぷは有効期限内に限って使用できます。
  • 紛失(盗難の場合を含む)の場合、再発行はいたしません。
  • 運行中止、休園日、遅延その他の如何なる理由があっても、きっぷの払い戻しや有効期間の延長は致しません。また行程変更に伴う交通費、宿泊代等の追加費用の負担もいたしません。


Special Deals for Mt. Fuji Pass Holders

Transportation service, recommended routes check must-visit spots on each route.

  • Sightseeing Bus (Red Line)
  • Sightseeing Bus (Blue Line)
  • Sightseeing Bus (Green Line)
  • Fujikko-go【F-Line】
  • Gotemba area【A, C, J, O-Line】
  • Shin-Fuji area【S-Line】
  • Fujikyu Railway(Trains)

BUS Sightseeing Bus (Red Line)

Kawaguchiko Monkey Show Theater

Kawaguchiko Herb Hall

Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway

BUS Sightseeing Bus (Blue Line)

Michi-no-eki Narusawa (roadside rest & shopping area)

BUS Sightseeing Bus (Green Line)

Saiko Iyashi-no-Sato Nenba

Saiko Bat Cave

Fuji Omuro Sengen-jinja Shirine

Michi-no-eki Katsuyama (roadside rest & shopping area)

BUS Fujikko-go【F-Line】

Mt. Fuji Radar Dome Museum

Hana no Miyako Park

Benifuji-no-Yu Onsen

BUS Gotemba area【A, C, J, O-Line】

Gotemba Premium Outlets

Grinpa (Closes from October to April)

Snow Town Yeti

Gotemba Sta.

BUS Shin-Fuji area【S-Line】

Shiraito-no-Taki Waterfall

Shin-Fuji Sta.

Makaino Farm Resort

Lake Tanuki

TRAIN Fujikyu Railway(Trains)

Kawaguchiko Sta.

Mt. Fuji Sta.

Shimoyoshida Sta.

Otsuki Sta.


  • Please show your passport at the ticket counter while buying or picking up the Pass.
  • We do not provide Refunds or Extend the ticket's validity period for any reasons (such as closed amusement facilities or bus/train/plane delay).
  • Please check operating hours of the ticket counters before purchase.
  • We cannot Reissue the Pass, please make sure not to lose it. Resale of the Pass and Exchange to cash are strictly prohibited.

(※The details shown above are current as of November 2022. They are subject to change.)

広告枠・その他告知 観光案内所・旅行会社様

mount fuji tourist pass

Mt. Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes Passport: Worth It for Unlimited Tour Bus Rides in the Lake Kawaguchiko Area?

Explore the stunning Fuji Five Lakes region with ease by using the Mt. Fuji and the Fuji Five Lakes Passport. This guide will show you what to see and do, how to get there, and the benefits of the Passport and tour buses.

About the spectacular Fuji Five Lakes region

Getting around the fuji five lakes area, 1. the mount fuji pass, mt. fuji and the fuji five lakes passport, recommended sightseeing plan, starting at 9 am.

At the foot of the iconic Mt. Fuji, the Fuji Five Lakes offer a breathtaking sightseeing destination. This area includes Lake Kawaguchi, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Saiko, Lake Motosu, and Lake Shoji, all of which are steeped in cultural significance as part of the revered "Mt. Fuji Sacred Place and Source of Artistic Inspiration." Formed by ancient eruptions of Mt. Fuji, each lake has a unique charm and undergoes stunning seasonal changes. A visit to these lakes promises an unforgettable experience, filled with mesmerizing views and a multitude of activities that will leave you longing to return.

Lake Kawaguchi: A Haven of Convenience and Spectacular Views

Lake Kawaguchi

Lake Kawaguchi is a favored destination among the Fuji Five Lakes due to its proximity to the Fujikyu Line. It is highly sought-after because of its seamless accessibility to and from the city center. The Lake Kawaguchi area boasts a wide range of accommodations and attractions, which offer a unique blend of relaxation and excitement. Visitors can immerse themselves in hot springs , engage in various activities, and enjoy the astounding vistas of Mt. Fuji that grace the landscape . For photography enthusiasts, Lake Kawaguchi presents an unparalleled opportunity to capture the renowned mirrored reflection of Mt. Fuji on the water's surface. The northern shore is particularly acclaimed as the prime spot to capture this mesmerizing sight, ensuring a frame-worthy shot that will leave a lasting impression.

Lake Yamanaka: A Majestic Gem Among the Fuji Five Lakes

Lake Yamanaka

Lake Yamanaka is the largest and one of the most beautiful of the Fuji Five Lakes . There are many stunning scenic spots to explore, and you can choose to explore them by bus or by renting a bicycle. You can also take a leisurely boat ride or try the unique amphibious bus to enjoy the breathtaking views of Mt. Fuji from the lake . Lake Yamanaka offers options for everyone and guarantees an unforgettable experience that will leave you with memories of natural beauty that will last a lifetime.

mount fuji tourist pass

Lake Saiko: A Realm of Natural Wonders

Lake Saiko

Lake Saiko is a mesmerizing destination that allures visitors with its proximity to the Aokigahara Jukai Forest and the presence of Fuji Marimo, a unique and treasured colony of natural monuments. Fishing enthusiasts are attracted to the lake for the chance to catch 'himemasu,' a type of salmon that has been successfully bred since the early Taisho Era. Moreover, the lake is home to 'kunimasu,' a sockeye salmon species thought to have been extinct for 70 years, which was rediscovered in 2010. Visitors can explore the area's natural wonders by visiting the Lake Saiko Bat Cave, the Fugaku Wind Cave, or the Narusawa Ice Cave, each offering a unique and unforgettable experience.

Lake Shoji: Serene Tranquility and Enchanting Scenic Charms

Lake Shoji

Nestled among the Fuji Five Lakes , Lake Shoji is the smallest in size. Although its surrounding area may not have the same level of tourism development as its counterparts, it exudes a unique charm that evokes a bygone era, earning it the affectionate nickname "Switzerland of East Asia." Its idyllic and nostalgic scenery is particularly attractive to foreign tourists. One of the most awe-inspiring panoramas in the region is the mesmerizing view of Mt. Fuji overlooking the enchanting Aokigahara Forest . Lake Shoji is also a haven for fishing enthusiasts, as its rich plankton population creates an ideal environment for abundant fish. Whether you're seeking tranquility or the thrill of angling, Lake Shoji promises an experience that will leave a lasting impression amidst its serene waters and captivating surroundings.

Lake Motosu: Inspiration for the 1,000 yen bill

Lake Motosu appears on the 1,000 yen bill

Situated at the westernmost frontier of the Fuji Five Lakes is Lake Motosu, which is known for being the deepest among its counterparts. The lake has crystal-clear waters that provide a magnificent background for various water activities, such as diving and kayaking. Adventure-seekers and nature enthusiasts will find peace in the tranquility of this captivating lake . Lake Motosu is also famous among photographers who want to capture the breathtaking natural phenomenon called 'Diamond Fuji.' When the rising sun shines on the peak of Mt. Fuji, the remarkable spectacle unfurls, casting a radiant glow on the peaceful surface of Lake Motosu. This view is so extraordinary that it has been immortalized on Japan's 1,000 yen bill, representing the undeniable charm of this idyllic scenery.

If you want to take your time touring the Fuji Five Lakes area, you may believe the best option for transportation would be a private vehicle or rental car. However, the area around Mt. Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes is well-equipped with public transportation and various routes. Even those without a car or who cannot drive will find they can have a fully enjoyable trip. In this case, the best bet for you would be to purchase the 'Mt. Fuji And The Fuji Five Lakes Passport' sold by Fujikyu Bus, for public transportation access at a great price.

1. The Mount Fuji Pass

The Mt. Fuji Pass is an unlimited ride pass sold by Fujikyu Bus and is valid for 1, 2, or 3 days. With this pass, you have the freedom to seamlessly travel around the stunning Mt. Fuji area, hopping on and off buses and trains at your leisure. Not only does the pass grant you unlimited transportation, but it also includes entrance tickets and special deals for popular amusement facilities, adding an extra layer of excitement to your adventure. Choose the duration that suits your needs best and embark on an unforgettable journey filled with breathtaking landscapes , thrilling attractions, and the wonders of Mt. Fuji.

What are the perks of the Mt. Fuji Pass?

This unlimited pass covers almost all public transportation that service major tourist facilities around Mt. Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes *, which can greatly reduce the total travel cost for sightseeing in the area. The pass also offers discounts and perks at over 25 partnering tourist facilities, including the Kawaguchiko Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway near Lake Kawaguchi, and the above-mentioned Fugaku Wind Caves and Narusawa Ice Caves. *Pass Coverage All route buses (Fuji Five Lakes Area), Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red line), Saiko Sightseeing Bus (Green Line), Narusawa/Shojiko/Motosuko Sightseeing Bus (Blue Line), Fujiyoshida/Oshino/Yamanakako Sightseeing Bus, Fujikko-Go (F-Line), Mt. Fuji World Heritage Site Loop Bus, Railway (Fujikyuko Line) between Kawaguchiko Station and Shimoyoshida Station.

Where to buy the Mt. Fuji Pass

You can purchase the Mt. Fuji Pass online at the link below or at a sales counter at Otsuki Station, Kawaguchiko Station, Mt. Fuji Station, Asahigaoka Bus Terminal, Gotemba Station, Mishima Station, or Fujinomiya Station.

The Mount Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes Passport is a discount pass sold by Fujikyuko Bus. There are two types of passes available: the Mount Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes Passport , which allows unlimited rides on major bus routes and certain sections of the Fujikyuko Line, and the Mount Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes Passport 'Fujikyuko Train Set' which provides unlimited rides on major bus routes and the entire Fujikyuko Line. (All prices are tax-inclusive.)

What are the benefits of the "Mt Fuji and the Fuji Five Lakes Passport"?

This free pass not only covers most public transportation to the main sights in the Mount Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes area but also offers significant savings. Visitors can enjoy reduced admission fees at over 42 attractions, including the Mount Fuji Panoramic Ropeway near Lake Kawaguchiko and entrances to the Fugaku Wind Cave and Narusawa Ice Cave. It's a cost-effective way to explore and enjoy more for less.

  • All bus routes (Fuji Five Lakes area)
  • Lake Kawaguchiko Loop Bus (Red Line)
  • West Lake Loop Bus (Green Line)
  • Narusawa-Sengenko-Motosuko Loop Bus (Blue Line)
  • Fujiyoshida-Oshino-Yamanakako Loop Bus "Fujiko-go"
  • Mount Fuji World Heritage Loop Bus
  • Fuji Kyuko Railway from Kawaguchiko Station to Shimoyoshida Station (Note: The Fuji Kyuko Train Set allows unlimited rides on the entire Fuji Kyuko Line)

Here's a good example of a Fuji Five Lakes sightseeing plan using the Mt. Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes Passport. The schedule starts at 9:00 AM at Kawaguchiko Station and plans for four attractions by sunset.

Oishi Park: Panoramic view of Mount Fuji over Lake Kawaguchi

Oishi Park

Board the Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red Line) from Kawaguchiko Station heading towards Oishi Park . Your stop, the Kawaguchiko Natural Living Center, is a 30-minute ride away. Once there, take in the stunning views of Mt. Fuji from Oishi Park and capture some memorable photos. Adjacent to Oishi Park is the Hanakaido promenade, a path that blooms with a variety of flowers from spring through winter . The park 's highlights, lavender and autumn kokia, dazzle from June to early July . This period also coincides with local events like the Kawaguchiko Herb Festival, adding to the park 's charm.

Oishi Park

At the Kawaguchiko Natural Living Center, a facility located right next to the bus stop, you can buy products made with blueberries and cherries from nearby farms. This is a great place for souvenir shopping.

  • Address 2525 Oishi, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru, Yamanashi Prefecture
  • Nearest Station Take Lake Kawaguchi Sightseeing Bus (Red Line) from Fujikyuko Kawaguchiko Station (30 minutes)

Kawaguchiko Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway: Enjoy a panoramic view 1075 meters above sea level

Kawaguchiko Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway

From Oishi Park , go eastward halfway around Lake Kawaguchi to Kawaguchiko Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway. Take the 10:00 AM Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red Line) from Kawaguchiko Natural Living Center to the Yuransen Ropeway Iriguchi bus stop. Ride time is approximately 15 minutes. Get off the bus and head to Kawaguchiko Lakeside Station Ropeway Stop. When purchasing your ropeway ticket, remember to present your Mt. Fuji and the Fuji Five Lakes Passport, as you may be eligible for a discount. Ride the Ropeway to Fujimidai Station, only 3 minutes away, and enjoy the vast panoramic scenery.

Tenjoyama - ParrySuwanitch /

This mountain , Tenjoyama, is said to have been the setting of the famous Japanese folk tale, Mt. Kachi-kachi. You will find many themes related to the story and its heroes, such as the Tanuki Teahouse and the Usagi Shrine . There are many popular spots around Fujimidai Station as well, including an observatory and Kawarakenage (clay-disc toss), a popular custom to prevent bad karma.

mount fuji tourist pass

  • Address 1163-1 Asakawa, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture 401-0303
  • Nearest Station Take Lake Kawaguchi Sightseeing Bus (Red Line) from Fujikyuko Line Kawaguchiko Station (10 minutes); walk from Yuransen Ropeway Iriguchi bus stop
  • Phone Number 0555-72-0363

Admission: 900 yen adult round-trip (500 yen one-way), 450 yen, child round-trip (250 one-way) Hours: Weekday: 9:30AM-4:00PM (last departure 4:20PM) Weekend and Holiday: 9:30AM-5:00PM(last departure 5:20PM) Closed: N/A

Oshino Hakkai: Tour one of Japan's most famous ponds

Oshino Hakkai: Tour one of Japan's most famous ponds

Next, head to Oshino Hakkai, where its clear ponds and original Japanese landscape remain. Take the 10:00AM Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red Line) from the nearest bus stop, Yuransen Ropeway Iriguchi at Kawaguchiko Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway. Head to Kawaguchiko Station, then transfer to the bus bound for Oshino Hakkai (Kawaguchiko/ Fujisan /Oshinoko/Yamanakako/Gotemba Outlet route). The scheduled arrival at Oshino Hakkai is around 11 o'clock.

mount fuji tourist pass

Oshino Hakkai has eight ponds, all within walking distance of each other, making it a popular tourist attraction. All ponds are included in Japan's Top 100 Waters, famous for the incredible transparency of their waters. Many thatched-roof buildings also remain in the area, making it a great place to get a taste of old-fashioned Japanese scenery. There are plenty of souvenirs and restaurants at Oshino Hakkai, so you may want to spend about an hour or two and enjoy a traditional lunch of famous, handmade soba , cooked with the underground water of Mt. Fuji.

  • Address Oshino Village, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture 401-0511
  • Nearest Station Take bus from Fujikyuko Line Kawaguchiko Station, 25 minutes (Kawaguchiko/Fujisan/Oshinoko/Yamanakako/Gotemba Outlet route bus), walk from Oshino Hakkai bus stop (5 minutes)
  • Phone Number 0555-84-4222

Admission (for Sokonuki pond): 300 yen adults, 150 yen children, 100 yen children from 1 to pre-elementary age Business Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM (Sokonuke Pond only)

YAMANAKAKO NO KABA: Amphibious bus ride on the largest of the Fuji Five Lakes

Lake Yamanaka amphibious bus

Our final destination is Lake Yamanaka. Take the 1:00PM bus from Oshino Hakkai (Kawaguchiko/ Fujisan /Oshinoko/Yamanakako/Gotemba Outlet route), and enjoy a 15 minute ride through the peaceful mountain and lakeside scenery. Get off at Lake Yamanaka Asahigaoka Bus Stop. *Clockwise route via Fujikko-Go takes about 50 minutes.

mount fuji tourist pass

Lake Yamanaka offers a variety of activities to enjoy, including cycling and pleasure boats. Today, however, our activity of choice is the amphibious bus, YAMANAKAKO NO KABA (advanced reservations required). Enjoy a 30-minute tour of Lake Yamanaka from both above and below as your guide tells the story of the lake 's history and nature . The highlight of the tour is the moment you dive straight into Lake Yamanaka, a powerful experience you will not easily find anywhere else.

  • Address 506-296 Hirano, Yamanakako Village, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture, 401-0502
  • Nearest Station Take a bus from Kawaguchiko Station, 40 minutes (Kawaguchiko/Fujisan/Oshinoko/Yamanakako/Gotemba Outlet route bus), get off at Yamanakako Asahigaoka Bus Stop
  • Phone Number 0555-73-8181

・Tickets: 2,300 yen for adults, 1,150 yen for children, 400 yen for children 0-4 years (no seat) (*Tax included; extra fee in summer) ・Tour Length: 9:15 AM - 4:00 PM (Approx. 30 minutes, 9 departures daily) ・Regular Holiday: Irregular closings

And with the KABA BUS ride, our sightseeing trip comes to a close. Take the 4:00 PM bus (Kawaguchiko/ Fujisan /Oshinoko/Yamanakako/Gotemba Outlet route) back to Kawaguchiko Station.

Kawaguchiko station

In a single day, we were able to enjoy Lake Kawaguchi's Oishi Park , Oshino Hakkai, and Lake Yamanaka. There were also discounts on the ropeway and amphibious bus. In addition to the attractions introduced here, the Mt. Fuji and the Fuji Five Lakes passport, allows you to enjoy various other routes and combinations. If you plan to visit the Mt. Fuji Five Lakes area, give this pass a try. There is nothing to lose!

  • Address Funatsu, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi 3641

mount fuji tourist pass

  • Area Mt. Fuji
  • How To: Sightseeing

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Tokyo Park

Mt. Fuji Pass: How To Buy & Is It Worth It In 2023?

The Mt. Fuji Pass is a versatile and cost-effective solution for exploring the magnificent Mt. Fuji area in Japan. This pass offers visitors the opportunity to discover a wide range of attractions and activities, while enjoying the freedom to explore at their own pace.

With options available for 1, 2, or 3 days, travelers can choose the duration that best suits their needs. The pass provides free admission to popular amusement parks, museums, cableways, and more, allowing visitors to fully enjoy the rich cultural and natural beauty of the region.

Plus, the pass includes unlimited rides on local buses and trains, making it easy to navigate and explore the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas. Whether you’re seeking thrilling rides, scenic views, or cultural experiences, the Mt. Fuji Pass offers an affordable and convenient way to make the most of your visit.

Key Takeaways

Mt. Fuji Pass - Key Takeaways

  • Mt. Fuji Pass is a versatile and cost-effective solution for exploring Mt. Fuji area in Japan
  • Pass offers free admission to amusement parks, museums, cableways, and more
  • Pass includes unlimited rides on local buses and trains
  • Pass allows visitors to explore at their own pace

What is it?

Mt. Fuji Pass - What is it?

With the Mt. Fuji Pass, visitors can enjoy the benefits of unlimited rides on local buses and trains in the area, making it easy to hop on and off and explore at their own pace.

Along With the free admission to major attractions, the pass also offers extra discounts to 12 additional facilities, providing visitors with even more opportunities to save money while enjoying their trip to Mt. Fuji.

Whether it’s taking a ride on the Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway for a breathtaking view of the valley, or visiting the Grinpa amusement park for some thrilling fun, the Mt. Fuji Pass offers an amazing price for a memorable Mt. Fuji trip.

Benefits and Inclusions

Included in the pass are free admissions to amusement parks, museums, cableways, and more, as well as the option to hop on and off local buses and trains in the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas. The Mt. Fuji Pass offers a wide range of benefits and inclusions that cater to the desires of freedom-seeking travelers. With the pass, visitors can explore popular sightseeing spots such as Fuji-Q Highland and Kawaguchiko Excursion Ship. Plus, the pass grants access to exciting activities and convenient transportation, including rides on the Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway and the Fujikyu Railway. On top of that, pass holders can enjoy exclusive discounts to 12 additional tourist attractions, making their Mt. Fuji trip even more affordable and enjoyable. Take advantage of the amazing price and unlimited rides around the scenic Mt. Fuji area with the Mt. Fuji Pass.

To effectively utilize the Mt. Fuji Pass, visitors should familiarize themselves with the instructions for its proper usage. Upon purchasing the pass, travelers will need to redeem their tickets at designated locations, such as train stations or tourist information centers.

It is important to note that the pass is valid for consecutive calendar days, meaning that it starts counting from the day of first use. With the pass in hand, visitors have the freedom to explore the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas by hopping on and off local buses and trains.

For those looking to make the most of their pass, there are recommended itineraries available, which suggest popular sightseeing spots and activities to visit. Whether it’s a visit to Fuji-Q Highland or a ride on the Kawaguchiko Excursion Ship, the Mt. Fuji Pass offers convenience and flexibility for an unforgettable experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the mt. fuji pass cost.

The cost of the Mt. Fuji Pass varies depending on the duration chosen (1, 2, or 3 day pass). It offers free admission to amusement parks, museums, cableways, and more, along with discounts to additional facilities.

Can I use the Mt. Fuji Pass for multiple days?

Using the Mt. Fuji Pass for multiple days offers several benefits. It allows unlimited access to popular attractions, discounts to additional facilities, and free transportation. To maximize its value, plan your itinerary carefully and take advantage of the pass’s hop-on, hop-off feature.

Are there any age restrictions for using the Mt. Fuji Pass?

There are no age restrictions for using the Mt. Fuji Pass. The pass is valid for 1, 2, or 3 days and allows unlimited rides on local buses and trains in the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas.

Can I use the Mt. Fuji Pass for transportation outside of the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas?

The Mt. Fuji Pass can only be used for transportation within the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas, and not for transportation in Tokyo or Nagoya. It is specifically designed for sightseeing and traveling around the Mt. Fuji area.

Are there any blackout dates or restrictions on using the Mt. Fuji Pass?

There are no blackout dates or restrictions on using the Mt. Fuji Pass. The pass allows for unlimited rides on local buses and trains in the Yamanashi and Shizuoka areas, making it convenient for transportation. There are also no age restrictions, allowing people of all ages to enjoy the pass.

To sum it up, the Mt. Fuji Pass is a fantastic option for travelers looking to explore the Mt. Fuji area in Japan. With its affordable price and convenient access to a variety of attractions and activities, the pass offers great value for money.

From free admission to amusement parks and museums to unlimited rides on local buses and trains, the pass provides a seamless and enjoyable way to discover the beauty of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.

Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or nature lover, the Mt. Fuji Pass is a must-have for an unforgettable experience.

Tokyo Trip Checklist

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mount fuji tourist pass

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Order your Regional Pass

  • SHIRAKAWAGO Bus Pass(TAKAYAMA departure) Takayama, Shirakwago, Gifu
  • TAKAYAMA-HOKURIKU Tourist Pass Kyoto, Osaka, Takayama & Nagoya
  • OSAKA-TOKYO HOKURIKU Arch Pass Tokyo, Osaka, Nagano & Kanazawa
  • ISE KUMANO Tourist Pass Nagoya, Ise, Osaka & Wakayama
  • MT. FUJI-SHIZUOKA Tourist Pass Kawaguchiko, Mt Fuji & Shizuoka

Central Pass


Mt fuji shizooka

Your journey

Mt fuji shizooka

Explore the Mt. Fuji area with the Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass , which gives you access to several types of transport for 3 consecutive days in this mountainous and volcanic region.

With this pass you have access to the train between Matsuda, Gotemba, Numazu, Shuzenji up to Toyohashi. Discover the Mt. Fuji area and the numerous little onsen towns located around the volcano as such Atami, Shuzenji, Toi or even Shimobe. With the Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass, you can travel around Fujisan and admire it from all its sides.

A child price (6 to 11 years of age) is available for this pass. Access to trains is free for accompanied infants aged 5 years or under.  

Adults: $40

Children: $20

The Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Area

Mt. Fuji is a national   symbol and cultural icon of Japan ! An active volcano surrounded by hundreds of little villages and due to the tectonic activity the area is full of natural hot springs, onsen. There are even some outside onsen called rotenburo, some of which have beautiful views of Fujisan. Whether you prefer beach or mountain holidays,  Shizuoka has both! With the pass you can visit the beautiful beach of Miho-no-Matsubara, which has fantastic views of Fuji.

Or take the  Fuji Five Lakes tour and discover the lakes of Yamanaka, Motosu, Kawagushi and Sai and Shoji. 

Conditions of the Mount Fuji Shizuoka Tourist Pass 

Eligibility .

- A rail pass user must be holding a passport issued by a foreign government.


- A rail pass user must be entering in Japan as a "短期滞在 (Temporary Visitor) ".

* "短期滞在 (Temporary Visitor) " is a status of residence defined under Japanese immigration law.

- Individual customers are not allowed to purchase or exchange more than one of the same tickets for the same use period.

- You must present your passport to receive a pass.

- We will send the paper voucher to your home address within 5 days. (Paper voucher is not tickets, you cannot use it without exchange)

You can redeem your voucher for a physical pass in these places.

  • Tokyo Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket office, daily from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm. 
  • Shinagawa Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket office, daily from 9 am to 7 pm. 
  • Shin-Yokohama Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket office, daily from 8 am to 8:30 pm.
  • Atami Station, JR-CENTRAL (inside the station, so please ask the permission before going) Ticket Office, daily form 6:30 am to 9:30 pm.
  • Mishima Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket Office daily from 5:45 am to 10:30 pm.
  • Shin-Fuji Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket Office, daily from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm.
  • Shizuoka Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket Office daily from 5 am to 11 pm. 
  • Kakegawa Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket Office daily 6 am to 8 pm. 
  • Hamamatsu Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket Office daily from 5:50 am to 11 pm.
  • Toyohashi Station, JR-Central Ticket Office, daily from 6:20 am to 9 pm
  • Nagoya Station, JR-CENTRAL ticket Office, daily from 6 am to 10 am and 7 pm to 11 pm, JR Information Center : 10 am to 7 pm.
  • Shin-Osaka Station, JR-CENTRAL (central) ticket Office, daily from 5:30 am to 11:30 pm
  • Tokyo Station, JR Tokai Tours Ticket Reception Desk daily from 8 am to 8 pm, weekends and holidays 8 am to 7 pm.
  • Shinagawa Station, JR Tokai Tours Ticket Reception Desk daily from 8 am to 8 pm, weekends and holidays 8:30 am to 6 pm.
  • Shin-Yokohama Station, JR Tokai Tours Ticket Reception Desk daily from 8 am to 8 pm, weekends and holidays 8:45 am to 7 pm.


What is included with the pass?

  • The JR Limited Express/rapid and local train between Atami and Toyohashi (Tokaido Main Line), between Numazu and Matsuda (Gotemba Line) and between Fuji Station and Shimobe Onsen (Minobu Line).
  • The following public transportations are available with this pass:
  • The Izuhakone Railway between Mishima and Shuzenji.
  • The Izu-Hakone bus network between Numazu Station and Numazu Harbor, the Nagaoka Station and the Izu Mito Sea Paradise Park and between the Shuzenji Station and Shuzenji Onsen.
  • The S-Pulse Dream ferries of two types: the Suruga Bay between the Shimizu and Toi harbors and the Shimizu Port Bay Cruise which goes and comes back from the Hinode Terminal.
  • The Entetsu buses between the Hamamatsu Station and the Hamanako Garden and between the Hamamatsu Station and Nakatajima Shako.
  • The Shizutetsu buses between the Shimizu Station and the Miho Marine Science Museum of the Tokai Univerisity.
  • The Tokai buses between the Mishima Station and Yamanakajoato, between the Numazu Station and the Numazu Minato Shinsenkan, between the Shuzenji Station and the Toi harbor and between the Shuzenji Station and the Shuzenji Onsen.
  • The Fujikyuko company buses between the Shin-Fuji Station and the Fuji Station (Souht Gate), between the Shin-Fuji and the Fujisan Station, between the Gotemba Station and the Gotemba Premium Outlets, between the Gotemba Station and the Kawagushiko Station and between the Gotemba Station and GrinPa.

What is excluded with the pass?

  • It is not possible to take trains without unreserved seats such as the Express Asagiri or the Tokaido Shinkansen. The take a "home liner" train (a commuter type of train), a ticket must be bought.

Seat Reservation  

  • You cannot make a reservation without having exchanged your voucher against the pass.
  • With the pass, no additional fee is required when reserving seats. In order to travel in first classes (Green Car or Gran Class), or on night cars, an extra fee is required.
  • Non-reserved Ordinary class cars can be accessed freely.
  • To access the platforms, show your pass to the staff located at the gate to the platform.
  • To reserve a seat, ask the staff at the the ticket office of the region.
  • It is a personal pass. Please always carry your passport when using the pass as station and train staff may check it.


An unused voucher is refundable for one year from the date of issue.

The voucher can be refunded if it has never been exchanged in Japan.

A cancellation fee of 15% of the value of the voucher will be retained.

No refund is possible for a voucher received by us more than one year from the date of issue.

A refund is not possible for a lost or stolen voucher.

Common Questions

Who is eligible for the pass?

Visitors traveling as a tourists who have a temporary visitor entry status are eligible for this pass. Japanese passport holders are not eligible for this pass.

Do you need to purchase a regional pass for babies and children?

Children under the age of 6 years old can travel for free as long as they travel with a pass holder. However they are not entitled to their own seat. If you want your child to have an individual seat, and even if the child is under 6 years old, you will need to buy a children's Japan Rail Pass.

Children between the age of 6 and 11 years old have to travel with a children's Japan Rail Pass. From 12 years old the child will have to travel with an adult Japan Rail Pass.

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Japan Rail Times

Beyond the brochure: Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass Mini

Beyond the brochure: Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass Mini

Shizuoka Prefecture (静岡県 Shizuoka-ken ) is a prefecture of Japan one hour west of Tokyo City (東京 ) by shinkansen. It is well-known throughout the land for its tea production, wasabi farms, and for being the home of Japan’s most recognizable symbol, Mount Fuji (富士山 Fuji-san ). But besides those features, the region is also a veritable treasure trove of secret onsen , seafood, and ocean power spots which mostly go overlooked by the hordes of foreign visitors who pass by in the Tokaido Shinkansen (東海道新幹線) everyday.

mount fuji tourist pass

(Image credit: Central Japan Railway Company)

The Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass Mini (referred to henceforth as the Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass for this article) is a special travel pass released by JR Central in 2016 to further promote travel around the region with a focus on Mount Fuji. This pass is very unique when compared to the other regional rail passes usually available, as it requires very particular conditions to use. It is only valid for three consecutive days and can be used for most local trains, private railways, buses, and ferries in the area, but NOT on the Shinkansen. Its area of use also does not include nearby major transportation hubs such as Tokyo or Nagoya (名古屋市 Nagoya-shi ), so you will have to arrange a separate mode of transportation to enter the region before you can use it. That being said, it is a very cheap pass which has the potential to give you a great amount of savings in travel costs, so without further ado, here is my personal recommended itinerary to help you explore Shizuoka Prefecture!

Day 1: Hamamatsu

mount fuji tourist pass

Different flowers bloom in Hamamatsu Flower Park year-round, such as these hills of nemophilia. (Image credit: photoAC)

We’ll be starting our trip this time from Nagoya City. Take either the Tokaido Shinkansen (¥3,430, 26 minutes) or a local train (¥1,340, /56 minutes) to Toyohashi Station (豊橋駅 Toyohashi-eki ), the start point of the Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass. From Toyohashi Station, take the JR Tokaido Main Line (東海道本線 Tōkaidō-honsen ) local train to Hamamatsu Station (浜松駅 Hamamatsu-eki ). The main draw of Hamamatsu City is Lake Hamanako (浜名湖), a large saltwater lake dotted with a variety of attractions and hotels along its shoreline.  

You can take the Kanzanji Onsen (舘山寺温泉)-bound Entetsu bus (遠鉄バス) from Hamamatsu Station for a 40-minute bus ride to Hamamatsu Flower Park (はままつフラワーパーク) .  With over 3,000 different varieties of plants and flowers, you can always find something blooming spectacularly year-round, from cherry and plum blossom orchards in spring, to fields of chrysanthemum in autumn.

mount fuji tourist pass

Enjoy a panoramic view of Lake Hamanako from the Kanzaji Ropeway. (Image credit: photoAC)

A brisk 1km-walk away from the Flower Park is Kanzanji Onsen , a collection of hot spring hotels on the edge of Lake Hamanako. A stay at some of the hotels and ryokan here may give you access to a beautiful lake-view hot spring bath, a zen experience which may be hard to come by in most hot spring regions. Special seafood delicacies including fugu (フグ blowfish) and unagi (うなぎ freshwater eel) are also abundant in the area, so check in with your hotel to have a scrumptious feast along with your bath!

Day 2: Shimizu/Shuzenji Onsen

mount fuji tourist pass

The ferry route across Suruga Bay is affectionately known as Route 223. (Image credit: Shutterstock)

Take the bus back to Hamamatsu Station, from where we can board a train headed further north into Shizuoka. Drop off at Shimizu Station (清水駅 Shimizu-eki ), where we’ll be spending the first half of our day. Shimizu Port (清水港 Shimizu-kō ) is a small town off the coast of Suruga Bay (駿河湾 Suruga-wan ) which is known for its ferries, sushi, and spectacular views of Mount Fuji. Right outside the train station’s east exit is the Kashi-no-Ichi Market (河岸の市), a fish market that boasts the largest daily catch of tuna in Japan. If you arrive early enough in the morning you should be able to soak in the bustling atmosphere of an authentic wholesale fish market, before gorging yourself on extremely fresh yet cheap seafood across the dozens of restaurants that line the market.

When you’re ready to depart Shimizu Port, head on over to the Shimizu Marine Terminal, where you’ll be able to board the Suruga-Wan Ferry bound for Toi Port (土肥港 Toi-kō ). This luxurious ferry can cross over Suruga Bay and reach the Izu Peninsula (伊豆半島 Izu Hantō ) in just 70 minutes, and on a clear day can provide some of the best ocean views of Mount Fuji. Best of all, this trip is entirely covered by the Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass, so it would be a shame not to take advantage of it! Be wary, however, as only four round-trips of this ferry run daily, so it would be prudent to plan your schedule accordingly on their site here .

From Toi-ko Ferry Terminal, take the Tokai Bus bound for Shuzenji Station (修善寺駅 Shuzenji-ek i). Once you arrive at the station, you can opt to either take a 3-minute bus ride or walk a short distance to get to our final destination of the day, Shuzenji Onsen (修善寺温泉 ) .

mount fuji tourist pass

A wonderful escape from the bustle of the city. (Image credit: Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0 )

While Kanzanji Onsen was a more modern, ocean-facing hot spring resort town, Shuzenji Onsen is an older, far more traditional-looking town with over a thousand years of history and plenty of ryokan (旅館 traditional Japanese inn ) . This beautiful locale has everything you could ask for in a quintessential onsen town experience, from bamboo forests, gushing hot-water streams, and beautiful Edo-era architecture. There are also a good number of attractions in the vicinity which would make for good day trips, including Niji no Sato (虹の郷 an England-themed amusement park) and Tokko no Yu (独鈷の湯 the main public open-air bath house).

Day 3: Gotemba/Fuji

mount fuji tourist pass

Shop til you drop in the mall with the best view ever. (Image credit: Shutterstock)

We’ll be ending off the last day of our Tourist Pass with a day trip to an iconic Mount Fuji landmark. From Shuzenji Station, board the Izuhakone Railway (伊豆箱根鉄道 Izu Hakone Tetsudō ) and head on over to Mishima Station (三島駅 Mishima-eki ) at the end of the line. From there, take a transfer to the Tokaido Line and make a brief ride to Numazu Station (沼津駅 Numazu-eki ), before changing trains one more time and arriving at Gotemba Station (御殿場駅 Gotenba-eki ). A brief summary of the trip to get here can be found below:

mount fuji tourist pass

(Image credit: Gotemba Premium Outlets)

The Gotemba Premium Outlet (御殿場プレミアム・アウトレット) is, well, exactly what it’s called; one of the most popular and premium outlet mall complexes in Japan. A branded goods heaven for all you shopaholics out there, you can treat yourself to a daylong shopping spree with over 200 different stores featuring brands such as Ralph Laurent, Seiko, Prada, and Adidas, just to name a few, with prices that are generally lower than their counterparts in Tokyo.

If shopping is not your thing, fret not, for Gotemba is also a great gateway to access some of the other attractions in the Mount Fuji area. The Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass gives you access to the Fujikyoko Sightseeing Buses (富士急行バス) , which you can board from Gotemba Station. Some of the popular attractions which can be reached through these bus routes include Lake Kawaguchi  (河口湖 Kawaguchi-ko ) , Fuji Q Highland (富士急ハイランド) and Yeti Ski Resort (スノーパーク イエティ Sunōpāku ieti ). For an in-depth look at some of these attractions, check out our other article detailing the Mount Fuji area here !

How much do you save?

mount fuji tourist pass

Information based on Hyperdia

Total cost: ¥8,100 

- Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Area Tourist Pass Mini (3 days) price: ¥4,570

= Savings: ¥3,530!

As you can see in the itinerary above, you can save a pretty penny while exploring a beautiful part of Japan that fewer foreign visitors have yet experienced! More information on the Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass can be found here . The Mt. Fuji-Shizuoka Tourist Pass is available for purchase online and at selected overseas travel counters, including the JTB Rail Pass Counter available at JAPAN RAIL CAFE.

JAPAN RAIL CAFE Address: 5 Wallich St, #01-20, Singapore 078883 Opening hours: 11am - 8pm (daily) ( JTB Rail Pass Counter and Travel Communicators Desk are temporarily closed due to Circuit Breaker)

Header image credit: JR Times

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Fuji Five Lakes: Getting there and around

Getting to fuji five lakes.

  • ¥ 2,200

Fujikyu and Keio Bus operate about two direct buses per hour between the Shinjuku Bus Terminal in Tokyo and Kawaguchiko Station in the Fuji Five Lakes region. The one way journey takes just under two hours and costs 2200 yen (2000 yen if purchased online). Most buses stop at Fujisan Station and Fuji Q Highland before arriving at Kawaguchiko Station and many of them continue on to Lake Yamanakako (just over two hours, 2300 yen one way from Shinjuku). The Japan Rail Pass is not valid on these buses.

Fujikyu and JR Kanto Bus operate one to two direct buses per hour between Tokyo Station (Yaesu South Exit) and Kawaguchiko Station in the Fuji Five Lakes region. The one way trip takes about two hours and costs 2200 yen. Online reservations can be made through Willer and Japan Bus Online . The Japan Rail Pass is not valid on these buses.

  • ¥ 2,100

Fujikyu operates approximately one bus every two hours between Shibuya (Mark City), Fuji Q Highland , Kawaguchiko Station and Fujisan Station. The one way journey takes 2 to 2.5 hours and costs 2100 yen. Online reservations can be made through Willer . The Japan Rail Pass is not valid on these buses.

  • ¥ 2,510 - 4,000

Take the JR Chuo Line from Tokyo 's Shinjuku Station to Otsuki Station (70 minutes, 2360 yen one way by direct limited express train or 100 minutes, 1340 yen by local trains with usually one transfer along the way). From Otsuki, take the Fujikyu Railway Line to Kawaguchiko Station (55 minutes, 1170 yen one way).

There are also a few direct limited express trains per day between Shinjuku and Kawaguchiko in each direction (about 2 hours, around 4000 yen one way, seat reservations are mandatory).

The JR Tokyo Wide Pass covers the entire journey between Tokyo and Kawaguchiko (except panorama seats on limited express trains); however, the Japan Rail Pass and other JR passes are not valid between Otsuki and Kawaguchiko. A supplement fee of 1170 yen (1770 yen for limited express trains) has to be paid for that section.

Above fees and schedules are subject to change. Be sure to check current yen exchange rates .

Getting around

The two major transportation hubs in the Fuji Five Lake region are Kawaguchiko Station and nearby Fujisan Station , both located along the Fujikyu Railway Line. From these two stations, buses depart into all directions, providing access to the five lakes and other attractions.

Bus network map:

The Omni buses are generally the easiest way for tourists to get around. There are three lines starting from Kawaguchiko Station: the red Kawaguchiko Line (buses every 15 minutes) runs along the eastern and northern shores of Lake Kawaguchiko while the green Saiko Line (hourly) runs along the southern shore of Lake Kawaguchiko and around Lake Saiko . The blue Narusawa Shojiko Motosuko Line (every 1-2 hours) serves Lake Shojiko and Lake Motosuko .

For transportation between Kawaguchiko , Fujiyoshida, Oshino Village and around Lake Yamanakako the Fujikko Bus can be useful, with buses running every hour.

Apart from the above-mentioned tourist buses, there is a network of regular buses , which can be useful for access to the more remote Lake Shojiko and Motosuko , as well as in the direction of Oshino , Lake Yamanakako and Gotemba. Another bus line of interest connects Kawaguchiko Station with the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station halfway up Mount Fuji.

A rental car can also be a convenient way to get around, especially if visiting places outside of central Kawaguchiko. A few rental car outlets can be found near Kawaguchiko Station. Similarly, a rental bicycle can be an attractive way to get around, although some roads in the region are rather busy and distances between the lakes are considerable.

Passes and Tickets

Several passes are available for the Fuji Five Lake area, which can provide savings and comfort:

  • Kawaguchiko Saiko Motosuko Bus Pass (1-day: 1500 yen; 2-day: 2000 yen) This pass is valid on the three Omni bus lines and other regular buses around Kawaguchiko , Saiko , Shojiko and Motosuko on one or two consecutive calendar days. It can be purchased at Kawaguchiko Station. The 1-day pass can also be purchased on board of the Omni buses.
  • Fujiyoshida Oshino Yamanakako Bus Pass (1-day: 1500 yen; 2-day: 2000 yen) This pass is valid on the Fujikko bus and other regular buses around Fujiyoshida, Oshino and Yamanakako on one or two consecutive calendar days. It can be purchased at Fujisan Station, at the Yamanakako-Asahigaoka bus ticket counter and inside buses.
  • Fuji Hakone Pass (10,100 yen) The Fuji Hakone Pass is a pass for foreign tourists, which provides transportation within the Fuji Five Lakes region and the neighboring Hakone area in addition to a round trip between Tokyo and Hakone.
  • Fuji Q Highland Plans There are various discount travel plans available for a visit to the Fuji Q Highland amusement park. The plans combine access by bus with park passports and in some cases accommodation.
  • Fujisan Fujigoko Passport This ticket provides unlimited use of Fujikyu buses around the Fuji Five Lakes , including the Omni buses and the Fujikko bus on two consecutive calendar days. The pass is sold at the Fujikyu ticket counters at Kawaguchiko Station, Fujisan Station, Mishima Station, Fujinomiya Station, Gotemba Station and the Asashigaoka/Yamanakako bus stop. Two versions are available: one that also includes the entire Fujikyu Railway Line (4700 yen) and one that includes Fujikyu trains only between Kawaguchiko and Shimoyoshida Station (3300 yen). The following map shows the pass' coverage area:

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Links and Resources

Fuji q highland, omni bus and fujjiko bus, fujisan fujigoko passport, hotels around fuji five lakes.

mount fuji tourist pass

Experiences around Fuji Five Lakes

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mount fuji tourist pass

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Mt. Fuji Pass


Mt. Fuji Pass Includes

Open Dated Ticket

Top Reviews Of Mt. Fuji Pass


I got easy access to the city's popular attractions and entered easily. Fuji-Q Highland with many rides was a great experience.

Mt. Fuji Pass Overview

Get Mt. Fuji pass with the access of Fuji-Q Highland, Grinpa Amusement Park, Mt. Kachi Kachi Ropeway, Lake Motosuko Pleasure Cruiser- Moguran, Fuketsu Wind Cave, Hyoketsu Ice Cave, and Fujiyama Museum. Fuji-Q Highland is home to roller coasters, water rides, and games.  About the Mt. Fuji Pass: Visit major sights and attractions near the Mt. Fuji area with this pass! Explore Fuji-Q Highland, Grinpa Amusement Park, Lake Yamanakako -Swan Lake, Lake Kawaguchiko Pleasure Cruiser- En Soleil, Mt. Kachi Kachi Ropeway, Lake Motosuko Pleasure Cruiser- Moguran, Fuketsu Wind Cave, Hyoketsu Ice Cave, and Fujiyama Museum in 1-day, 2-day or 3-day pass. Explore the art, history, and culture of Japan with Fujiyama Museum. Enjoy the scenic beauty of Mount Fuji and Swan lake, En Solei lake.  Get access to  Hop on and Hop off buses and trains that operate in the Tamanashi and Shizuoka areas with Mt. Fuji Pass.  Redemption points :  You need to exchange the voucher for a physical ticket. Otsuki Station (Fujikyu Railway) -  Opening hours: 6:00 am-11:10 pm, daily Address- Otsuki Station, 1 Chome-1-1 Ōtsuki, Ōtsuki-shi, Yamanashi-ken 401-0013. To reach here take the JR Chuo line and arrive at Otsuki Station. Reservation Counter at Kawaguchiko Station (Fujikyu Railway) Opening hours: 7:00 am-5:00 pm, daily Address- Kawaguchiko Station, 3641 Funatsu, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken 401-0301. To reach here take a highway bus from Tokyo to Kawaguchiko Station or take Fujikyu Railway and arrive at Kawaguchiko Station. Fujikyu Bus Ticket Counter at JR Mishima Station Opening hours: 7:10 am-6:10 pm, daily Address- Fujikyu Bus Ticket Counter, 16-1 Ichibanchō, Mishima-shi, Shizuoka-ken 411-0036. To reach here take the shinkansen and arrive at JR Mishima Station. Fujikyu Bus Ticket Counter at JR Gotemba Station Opening hours: 7:00 am-6:30 pm Address- Fujikyu Bus Ticket Counter, 1898-3 Niihashi, Gotemba-shi, Shizuoka-ken 412-0043. To reach here take a highway bus from Shinjuku to JR Gotemba Station or take the JR Gotemba Line to Gotemba Station. Note: The Mt. Fuji Pass is open dated ticket that means you can enter the park on any date within the validity period. The ticket is valid until 31 May 2020. Children aged 6-11 years can book child tickets.

  • Sightseeing

Other Inclusions

  • 1-day Mt. Fuji pass to select transportation, sights, and attractions around Mt. Fuji area
  • Access to Fujikyu Railway (from Otsuki Station to Kawaguchiko Station) & Bus
  • Hop on hop off bus services on the Lake Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus, Lake Saiko Sightseeing Bus, Lake Yamanakako and Oshino Sightseeing Bus, Narusawa, Lake Shoji and Lake Motosu
  • Entry tickets to:
  • Fuji-Q Highland (includes an admission ticket to 1 attraction of your choice)
  • Grinpa Amusement Park
  • Kawaguchiko Excursion Ship
  • Narusawa Ice Cave and Fugaku Wind Cave
  • Yamanakako Excursion Ship
  • Mt. Kachi Kachi Ropeway
  • Motosuko Excursion Ship

Things To Carry

  • Valid ID proof
  • Thrillophilia voucher
  • This pass is valid for non-Japanese passport holders only
  • The Mt. Fuji pass is valid until 31 May 2020
  • The ticket is an open-dated ticket, you can enter the park on any date within the validity period
  • This is a group tour

Mt. Fuji Pass : Cancellation Policy

  • Full refunds if canceled prior to the redemption of the voucher before the last day of validity.

Mt. Fuji Pass : Refund Policy

  • The applicable refund amount will be processed within 10 business days
  • All applicable refunds will be done in traveller's thrillophilia wallet as Thrillcash

Mt. Fuji Pass : Booking Confirmation Policy

  • The customer receives a confirmation voucher via email within 24 hours of successful booking
  • In case the preferred slots are unavailable, an alternate schedule of the customer’s preference will be arranged and a new confirmation voucher will be sent via email.
  • Alternatively, the customer may choose to cancel their booking before confirmation and a full refund will be processed.

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Save on transportation and admission tickets with the Mt. Fuji Tourist Pass

Mt. Fuji Pass

From the adrenaline-packed roller coasters at Fuji Q Highland, to the pacific waters of Lake Kawaguchiko reflecting the iconic shape of Mt. Fuji, the area surrounding Japan’s most iconic mountain is filled with sightseeing spots for you to discover.

Mt. Fuji Tourist Pass

The best way to explore them all while saving on transportation fees and admission tickets is to plan ahead and purchase the Mt. Fuji Pass, which includes all local buses in the area as well as Fujikyu Railway trains. The pass also gives you access to popular spots such as Fuji Q Highland, the Pleasure Boat Cruise “En Soleil” on Lake Kawaguchiko, and a ride on the Mt. Kachi Kachi ropeway just to name a few.

Holders can choose between 1-day, 2-day and 3-day passes according to their travel plans and are eligible for endless discount privileges at more than 12 facilities such as Fujiyama Onsen hot spring and the Oshino Ninja Village, as well as several restaurants and shops.

Experiencing explore Mt. Fuji area with Mt. Fuji pass

Three of our WAttention Ninjas had the opportunity to explore Mt. Fuji area using the Mt. Fuji Tourist Pass and this is what they had to say about their trip.

mount fuji tourist pass

Taking the first steps towards Mt. Fuji seemed confusing without a guide, but we had a precise plan of what to visit and how to get there, we just had to follow our itinerary and everything turned out to be very easy. I can’t decide what was my favorite of all the places we visited, the boat trip on Lake Kawaguchiko, the Oshino Ninja Village, the incredible view atop Mt. Kachi kachi Ropeway or the cool rollercoasters of Fuji Q Highland. The buses and the trains that we rode along the way offer amazing sights themselves, and are easy to use, with helpful signs in English at stations and bus stops. A shoutout to the Japanese people for their kindness, to Mt. Fuji and Mt. Kachi kachi Ropeway for their beauty, to the Oshino Ninja Village for inspiring young ninjas and to Lake Kawaguchiko for its peacefulness! I would love to come back to the area sometime and even attempt to climb Mt. Fuji itself!

Mt. Fuji area

The Mt. Fuji Pass gave us the opportunity to discover new places, admire awe-inspiring landscapes, explore a great lake and enjoy ourselves at an amusement park where we could have spent a whole day. I really liked the fact that while we already had a clear plan for which trains and buses to take, it still felt like a relaxed trip, where we had the freedom of enjoying the sights at our pace, without a guide telling you every minute what to do next. The different attractions added variety to our sightseeing itinerary making the whole experience feel like an epic adventure, combining perfectly peaceful landscapes at Lake Kawaguchiko or the ropeway at Mt. Kachi kachi Ropeway, with the thrill at Fuji Q Highland and the fun activities at the Oshino Ninja Village. Even though the weather didn’t allow us to admire Mt. Fuji in all its glory, we had an amazing time and enjoy the attractions to the fullest.

Fujikyu bus

We took an early train ride from Shinjuku to Lake Kawaguchiko, in which we were able to admire the beautiful landscape and take some pictures. When we arrived to Lake Kawaguchiko we first headed to the Mt. Kachi kachi Ropeway, offering great views of the lake and the surrounding nature, despite it being a cloudy day. We continued our journey by local bus, getting off at the Oshino Ninja Village, a fun attraction where you can learn “the ways of the ninja”, ideal for kids. Lastly but not least, we visited Fuji Q Highland, an amusement park filled with record-braking roller coasters and La ville de Gaspard et Lisa, an area that looks straight out of a French village. Since our pass included not only admission to the park but also one attraction, we decided to try Fujiyama, which left me speechless. With both transportation and admission tickets included in our pass, I cannot think of a better way to enjoy our trip and I’m looking forward to visiting the area again.

Fuji Q highland park

Plan your trip in advance and consult the bus and train timetables and learn more about Mt. Fuji Pass and all its benefits by visiting this  website. 

Sample schedule for a day visiting various attractions using the Mt. Fuji Pass


The Mt. Fuji Pass

Cost: 1 day ticket: Adult 5,500 JPY, Children 2,750 2 day ticket: Adult 8,000 JPY, Children 4,000 3 day ticket: Adult 10,000 JPY, Children 5,000 URL: *Adult (Junior High School or older) **Child (Elementary School)


Enjoy the Mt. Fuji Area to the fullest with this useful tool



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Mt.Fuji Pass: How to Get and Use

Mt.Fuji Latest News: Mt.Fuji Pass&Currency Exchange Machine

mount fuji tourist pass

The climbing season for Mt.Fuji is beginning from 1st July. I am introducing two good news related to Mt.Fuji. On the same day as the start of the season, Fujikyu Railway starts to sell Mt.Fuji Pass. With the reasonable pass, you can use transportation and admit sightseeing spots like Fuji-Q Highland around the Mt.Fuji area all you want.

And to solve one of the most troubling problems for foreign tourists, a currency exchange machine has been just set in the mountain. It is getting more convenient to travel the highest mountain in Japan.

*Please note that this article contains affiliate links.

Mt.Fuji Pass

Mt.Fuji Pass is strongly recommended for those who have a plan to spend a full day or more in Mt.Fuji, Fuji Five Lakes and around. Free to ride train and bus run by Fujikyu Railway, admit amusement parks and excursion ships and get discounts at 12 stores and facilities designated.

There are 3 types by day: 1day to 3 days.

<<Click HERE to Book Mt Fuji Pass>>

Adult: JPY5,500(1 day)/JPY8,000(2 days)/10,000(3 days)

Child (less than 12 years old): JPY2,750(1 day)/JPY4,000(2 days)/5,000(3 days)

Does it pay? For example, you can get your money’s worth from the pass by making a round trip from Tokyo area to Mt.Fuji , admitting Fuji-Q Highland , riding an attraction of Fuji-Q Highland , moving to Lake Kawaguchiko by bus or train and boarding an excursion ship . Apart from the good deal, the pass enable you to save the effort of purchasing those tickets point by point.

Mt.Fuji Pass is available to take a local train from Otsuki Station, the transfer station from metropolitan area (1.5 hours from Tokyo Station) to Mt.Fuji Station, Fuji-Q Highland Station and Lake Kawaguchiko Station.


The pass also works for round-trip buses running around Mt.Fuji and Fuji Five Lakes.


*Please note that “Japan Rail Pass” is unavailable for Fujikyu Railway trains or buses.

Admission Free

Fuji-Q Highland 富士急ハイランド

Amusement Park Grinpa 遊園地ぐりんぱ

Mt.Kachi Kachi Ropeway カチカチ山ロープウェイ

Excursion Ship “En Soleil ” (Lake Kawaguchiko) 河口湖遊覧船「アンソレイユ号」

Excursion Ship “Swan Lake” (Lake Yamanakako) 山中湖遊覧船「白鳥の湖」

Excursion Ship “Mogrun” (Lake Motosuko) 本栖湖遊覧船「もぐらん」

Wind Cave & Ice Cave 富岳風穴、鳴沢氷穴

Fujiyama Museum フジヤマミュージアム

Where can you get the Mt.Fuji Pass?

Online: Book Mt Fuji Pass

Fujikyu ticket offices at Otsuki Station/Lake Kawaguchiko Station/Mt.Fuji Station/Asahigaoka Bus Terminal/ Gotenba Station/Mishima Station/Shin-fuji Station/Fujinomiya Station

Official Website:

Currency Exchange Machine

mount fuji tourist pass

In May this year, a currency exchange machine “SMART EXCHANGE” was set in Mt.Fuji for the first time. It is located in the Gogoen Rest House at the 5th station.

The shortage of chances to exchange currency is one of the biggest concerns for tourists. You can resolve the problem right in the mountain. The machine can handle 12 currencies in 4 languages.

12 countries currencies


4 languages


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  • Transportation

Fuji Hakone Pass: Where to Buy and Is It Worth It?

Discounted tickets ideal for sightseeing in mt. fuji and hakone.

If you can go to Mount Fuji and Hakone, two very popular hot spring areas, in the next vacation, it will certainly be a very rare itinerary. But if you pay attention to the local transportation costs, you will probably find that the transportation costs to these two areas are very high. It seems that the itinerary to enjoy the scenery of Mount Fuji and experience the hot springs is not something that ordinary people can afford to arrange.

Indeed, the transportation costs of Mt. Fuji, Lake Kawaguchi, and the Hakone area are really high. Take the Kawaguchiko Tour Bus as an example. If you depart from Kawaguchiko Station, it will cost ¥300 to go to the hot spring hotel next to Kawaguchiko. It is not uncommon for a one-way fare to exceed ¥1,000 yen if it is a long-distance journey. If you want to visit Mt. Fuji and Hakone within a limited transportation budget, it is basically an impossible task.

However, because Mount Fuji and Hakone are both traditional hot spring areas and popular attractions for enjoying Mount Fuji, in order to encourage more people to visit Mount Fuji and Hakone and stay in local hot spring hotels, the Fuji-Hakone Pass was launched. It is specially designed to allow overseas tourists who visit Mount Fuji and Hakone to use the discount package to take unlimited rides on designated transportation in the Mount Fuji and Hakone areas.

Mt. Fuji Day Trip Attractions

Enjoy the entire Mt. Fuji & Hakone with one set ticket! [Best Offer] Mt. Fuji – Hakone Area 3-Day Tour Pass The best choice to save transportation expenses!

Features of the Fuji-Hakone Pass

If you want to visit Mt. Fuji, Lake Kawaguchi, and Hakone within the same itinerary, the Fuji-Hakone Pass will be the most suitable package for you.

Because as long as you purchase this Fuji Hakone Tour Pass, you can use this Fuji Hakone Tour Ticket to take the required transportation to the main attractions during the entire Fuji Hakone three-day tour itinerary.

For example, the Odakyu Electric Railway train departing from Shinjuku Station in Tokyo to Hakone Yumoto, the pirate sightseeing ship in the Hakone area, the Hakone cable car, the climbing tram, the mountaineering bus, etc., or the bus routes connecting the Hakone area - Mount Fuji area, As well as bus routes within the Mt. Fuji and Kawaguchiko areas, you can ride freely.

mount fuji tourist pass

Means of transportation included in the Fuji-Hakone Freepass

The means of transportation included in the entire Fuji-Hakone Pass can be divided into two areas: Hakone and Mt. Fuji. The designated means of transportation include:

Designated means of transportation in Mt. Fuji Kawaguchiko area

  • Mt. Fuji and Lake Kawaguchi Area Sightseeing Bus (designated section, connecting different scenic spots such as Fuji Five Lakes, Gotemba, Oishi, etc.)
  • Fujikyu Railway (Kawaguchiko Station – Otsuki Station)
  • Kawaguchiko Tour Bus, Saiko Tour Bus, and Mt. Fuji Area Tour Bus

Designated means of transportation in the Hakone area

  • Hakone Tozan Tram
  • Hakone Tozan Bus (designated section)
  • Hakone Tozan Ropeway
  • Hakone Ropeway
  • Hakone Lake Ashinoko Pirate Cruise
  • Odakyu Hakone Expressway Bus (designated section)
  • Tokai Bus Orange Shuttle (designated area)
  • Hakone Tozan "Sightseeing Cruise Bus"

Means of Transportation Connecting to Shinjuku, Tokyo

  • Odakyu Electric Railway one-way ticket (Shinjuku Station – Shin-Matsuda Station)

Mt. Fuji Transportation Pass

Itinerary planning for the Fuji-Hakone Freepass

Although the Fuji-Hakone Pass can save you a lot of transportation costs during your travels in Mount Fuji and Hakone, for you who use this Pass for the first time, the transportation arrangements may be too complicated. If you have not decided how to use this Fuji-Hakone Travel Pass, you can also refer to the following itinerary planning, so that this package can save you the most transportation expenses.

Transportation from Shinjuku, Tokyo

Since the Fuji-Hakone Travel Pass only includes the Oda Tetsu Electric Railway ticket connecting Shinjuku and Hakone, not between Shinjuku and Kawaguchiko Fuji Kyuko Bus , or Fuji Tour Train . So when you are planning your itinerary, you should pay attention to whether your Fuji-Hakone three-day tour itinerary will first visit Hakone, or first depart to Kawaguchiko Station.

To put it simply, if you will go to Kawaguchiko Station first and enjoy the view of Mt. Fuji, buy a Fuji-Hakone Tour Pass from Otsuki and Kawaguchiko. Fuji-Hakone Freepass departing from the station. Since the transportation ticket connecting Otsuki, Kawaguchiko and Tokyo Shinjuku is not included in the Fuji Hakone Tour Pass, you only need to buy a bus ticket at Kawaguchiko Station or Shinjuku Station, or JR Fuji You can travel with a ticket.

How to effectively use the Fuji-Hakone Pass?

For the Fuji Hakone Travel Pass, which is only valid for three days, there is only one way to effectively use this package, which is to visit Hakone and Lake Kawaguchi at the same time. The main reason is that if you simply go to Hakone, you can also consider buying a cheaper one. Hakone 3-Day Tour Pass . Since the number of vehicles in Lake Kawaguchi is relatively small, and the fare is not as high as that in the Hakone area, visiting Hakone and Lake Kawaguchi at the same time can maximize the effectiveness of the Fuji Hakone Pass.

Hakone Freepass 2 Days 3 Days Transportation Discount Package

Enjoy the whole of Hakone & hot springs with one set ticket! [Best Offer] Hakone Area 3-Day Tour Pass The best choice to save transportation expenses!

Transportation arrangements in the Hakone area

As for the effective use of the Fuji-Hakone Pass, in the Hakone area, you only need to arrange Hakone day trip Itinerary, and take most of the transportation once, you can almost recover most of the cost of the entire Fuji-Hakone Pass.

For example, the one-way charge for the Hakone Pirate Ship is ¥1,200, and the one-way charge for the Hakone Cable Car is ¥1,500. In addition, the charges for taking the Hakone Tozan Bus and Hakone Tozan Tram to different Hakone attractions are also about ¥2,000. Yen or so. In addition, the fare of the Odakyu Electric Railway connecting Shinjuku Station to Shin-Matsuda Station also costs ¥800.

If you simply calculate the expenses of different Hakone transportation means, basically you only need to arrange a one-day trip, starting from Hakone Yumoto to Motohakone Port, then departing from Motohakone Port to Yuantai Station, and finally returning to Hakone Yumoto Station through Gora Station. Just take all the Hakone transportation once, in fact, you can get back the ticket cost of about 50% of the Fuji-Hakone Pass.

More accommodation options in the Hakone area: Recommended list of Hakone Onsen Hotels

Transportation arrangements between Hakone – Kawaguchiko

Generally speaking, the only way to connect Hakone and Kawaguchiko is to take the Mt. Fuji bus that passes through Gotemba, because other transportation methods take longer to get there.

The Fuji-Hakone Pass will become a must-have ticket package for a three-day tour of Mt.

If the transportation expenses in the Hakone area are included at the same time, before you arrive at Kawaguchiko to visit Mount Fuji, you have already recovered the cost of the entire package ticket, which is about 80%.

Transportation arrangements in the Kawaguchiko area

There are a variety of transportation options throughout the Mt. Fuji area, connecting Kawaguchiko Station to different major attractions. The Fuji-Hakone Tour Pass includes Kawaguchiko Tour Bus, West Lake Tour Bus, Fuji Lake Tour Bus, etc., all kinds of transportation that you have the opportunity to take during the one-day tour of Mount Fuji.

The average one-way fare of these vehicles is about ¥300-¥500. Basically, it can be said that it is not difficult to spend more than ¥1,000 yen on different buses in one day.

If you set off to Oshino Hakkai on the afternoon of the next day, then take a bus from Kawaguchiko Station to Kawaguchiko Spa Hotel , you have already spent about ¥1,500 on transportation, which is the additional cost of getting back the 15% package of the Fuji-Hakone Pass.

If you arrange to visit two scenic spots in the Kawaguchiko area on the third day of the itinerary, such as Tenjō-Yama Park , Kawaguchiko Herb Museum , every time you visit an attraction, you can save ¥600-¥800 in transportation fees, which is about the cost of the 10% package of the Fuji-Hakone Pass.

More Lake Kawaguchi and Mount Fuji travel information: Lake Kawaguchi Tourist Information Classification

Discounts on tickets for the Fuji-Hakone Freepass

In addition to being able to take unlimited rides on designated means of transportation, you can also get additional ticket discounts by using the Fuji-Hakone Travel Pass. like in Hakone Gora Park Allows you to enter for free, at Mount Fuji's fuyue wind point , Kawaguchiko Excursion Boat , Tianshangshan Park Cable Car , and more scenic spots in Kawaguchiko and Mount Fuji areas can get additional ticket discounts.

And these attractions are also some must-see places in the itinerary of Mt. Fuji and Hakone. So if you want to fully recover the cost of the entire package within the three-day Fuji-Hakone itinerary and get more additional discounts, it is actually easier than you think.

Transportation methods and travel times connecting Mt. Fuji and Hakone

When planning the itinerary for the next day, that is, when taking a bus from Hakone to Lake Kawaguchi, or from Lake Kawaguchi to Hakone, you must pay attention to the traffic time, bus route, and departure time of different buses.

especially when looking at different Traffic APP Sometimes, it may show that it only takes about 2.5 hours to travel from Hakone-Yumoto Station to Kawaguchiko Station. However, because there are not many buses departing from Gotemba Station, there is only one bus per hour.

So if you want to check into the room of Kawaguchiko Onsen Hotel on time at 15:00 in the afternoon, it would be better to reserve about 4 hours of traffic time, that is, it would be better to start from Hakone Yumoto Station at 11:00 in the morning, so that you can enjoy the hot springs every minute, every second.

Travel time between Mt. Fuji, Kawaguchiko and Shinjuku

How to purchase the Fuji-Hakone Freepass

If you plan to use the Fuji-Hakone Tour Pass to go sightseeing in Lake Kawaguchi and the Hakone area, you can buy a package ticket at the Shinjuku West Exit Odakyu Tourist Service Center. Under normal circumstances, you only need to tell the staff where to start, and provide your passport to the staff for verification.

Odakyu Customer Service Center where the pass is sold

Another way to buy a Fuji-Hakone Pass is to pre-purchase tickets before departure and use Ticket discounts provided by klook , exchanged for a physical package ticket upon arrival at Shinjuku Station. Compared with the general on-site ticket purchase, this kind of ticket purchase method can get an additional discount of about 5%. For some passengers who have already decided on their itinerary, it is definitely a way to buy tickets that cannot be missed.

If you like the scenery of Mount Fuji and enjoy the hot springs, the Fuji-Hakone Pass is the most suitable package for this trip, because it allows you to save more transportation costs when taking the main means of transportation. . At the same time, the discount of the Fuji-Hakone Tour Pass is designed around the main itinerary, so that you can get additional discounts on admission tickets when you visit different attractions.

If you are planning to visit Mt. Fuji, Lake Kawaguchi, and Hakone, in addition to purchasing the Fuji-Hakone Travel Pass before departure, you can also open the Fuji-Hakone travel information category. We have prepared more scenic spot information, accommodation discounts, Ticket discounts. I believe that you can get a new and different experience in this trip.

More Mt. Fuji and Hakone travel information

Mount Fuji area

Mount Fuji hot spring hotel recommendation: Hotel Room with Hot Spring, Private Bath and Exclusive View on Mount Fuji! Bus Route Guide to Mount Fuji Kawaguchiko Station! JR train from Shinjuku to Kawaguchiko Station? The first choice for railway fans Fuji-Hakone Pass purchase discounts, itinerary planning sharing How to plan the itinerary of Lake Kawaguchi? Attractions, Transportation, Food and Overview The Flower Sea in front of Mt. Fuji Lake Kawaguchi》Annual Lavender Festival ⋯⋯ and MORE

Hakone area

Recommended Hakone Onsen Hotels》A list of high-end hot spring hotels with private baths! How to plan your trip to Hakone? Hakone Attraction Transportation Itinerary Sharing! Fuji-Hakone Pass purchase discounts, itinerary planning sharing Hakone Yumoto Attractions, hot spring hotel selection near the station ⋯⋯ and MORE

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10 Best Ryokan in Kawaguchiko with Private Onsen

Hakone yumoto station: onsen, shopping street and things to do, more different travel information, fujikyu bus》list of bus transportation routes from shinjuku, tokyo to lake kawaguchi & mount fuji.

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Japan imposes new fees on Mount Fuji climbers to limit tourists

Park rangers on Japan’s sacred Mount Fuji officially started this year’s climbing season about 90 minutes before sunrise on Monday, levying new trail fees and limiting hiker numbers to curb overcrowding.

FUJIYOSHIDA, Japan — Park rangers on Japan ’s sacred Mount Fuji officially started this year’s climbing season about 90 minutes before sunrise on Monday, levying new trail fees and limiting hiker numbers to curb overcrowding.

At 3 a.m. (2 p.m. Sunday ET), officials opened a newly installed gate at a station placed just over halfway up the 12,388-foot peak that is a symbol of Japan and a magnet for tourists, now swarming into the country at a record pace.

Climbers must pay 2,000 yen ($12) and their numbers will be limited to 4,000 a day after complaints of litter, pollution and dangerously crowded trails flowed in last year.

“I think Mount Fuji will be very happy if everyone is more conscious about the environment and things like taking rubbish home with them,” said Sachiko Kan, 61, who was one of about 1,200 hikers gathered on the first day of the new measures.

The yen’s slide to a 38-year low has made Japan an irresistible bargain for overseas visitors.

They are injecting record sums into national coffers but are also putting strains on facilities for travel and hospitality, not to mention the patience of locals.

Hordes of tourists became a traffic hazard at a nearby photography spot where Mount Fuji appeared to float over a convenience store , driving officials to put up a barrier of black mesh to obstruct the view that had gone viral online.

The climbing season this year on Mount Fuji, which straddles the prefectures of Yamanashi and Shizuoka about 85 miles from Tokyo, runs until Sept. 10, after which the weather gets too cold and snowy.

A still active stratovolcano whose last eruption was in 1707, Mount Fuji has been a site of Shinto and Buddhist worship for centuries.

The number of climbers recovered to pre-pandemic levels last year, with about 300,000 annually, the environment ministry says. Hikers typically start in the wee hours to make it to the top in time for sunrise.

For their money, climbers receive a wristband giving access to the trail between 3 a.m. and 4 p.m., excluding those with reservations for mountain huts closer to the peak, to whom the daily limit on visitors will not apply, authorities say.

The new trail curbs were necessary to prevent accidents and incidents of altitude sickness, particularly among foreign “bullet climbers,” or those racing to the top, Yamanashi governor Kotaro Nagasaki said last month.

Japan should focus on attracting “higher spending visitors” over sheer numbers of people, he told a news conference.

Geoffrey Kula, one overseas climber waiting to scale Mount Fuji on opening day, took the restrictions in stride.

“This is not Disneyland,” said Kula, a visitor from Boston. “Having some sort of access control system to limit the amount of potential chaos is good.”

mount fuji tourist pass

mount fuji tourist pass

Japan’s Mount Fuji implements tourist tax in response to overcrowding concerns

M ount Fuji, a UNESCO World Heritage site and an icon of Japan, has put new regulations in place for climbers amid concerns about overcrowding.

Beginning July 1, climbers must pay 2,000 yen ($12.40) per person, with a daily maximum of 4,000 climbers per day.

“By strongly promoting comprehensive safety measures for climbing Mount Fuji, we will ensure that Mount Fuji, a treasure of the world, is passed on to future generations,” said Koutaro Nagasaki, governor of Yamanashi Prefecture, when announcing the new regulations earlier this year.

“In order to revive traditional mountain climbing from the foot of Mount Fuji, we will gain a detailed understanding of the Fuji-ko and Oshi culture that supported Mount Fuji worship. We look to link these cultures to this mountain climbing, as it is rooted in the cultural values of the religion.”

Fuji-ko is a religion specific to the mountain.

Human traffic jams, foothills littered with garbage and inappropriately attired hikers – some attempting the ascent in sandals - are among the issues plaguing the popular Japanese site.

In addition, there will be new guides who manage safety on and around the trails. They will inform climbers when they’re violating etiquette on the mountain, such as sleeping by the side of the trail, starting a fire or wearing unsuitable clothing.

According to prefectural data, five million people hiked Mount Fuji in 2019, a rise of three million from 2012.

“Overtourism – and all the subsequent consequences like rubbish, rising CO2 emissions and reckless hikers – is the biggest problem facing Mount Fuji,” Masatake Izumi, a Yamanashi prefectural government official, told CNN Travel last year .

In 2023, a volunteer named Tomoyo Takahashi told CNN she would ask visitors to voluntarily contribute 1,000 yen ($6.20) toward maintaining the mountain.

“Not everyone pays the 1,000 yen, and it makes me sad. There should be a mandatory entrance fee that’s much much higher so only visitors who truly appreciate Mount Fuji’s heritage come,” she said at the time.

Now, Takahashi will get her wish.

The new rules, though, only apply in Yamanashi prefecture, which is where the more popular hiking trails are. Fuji is also located in Shizuoka prefecture, which has not yet implemented any taxes or visitor limits. Governor Nagasaki told reporters that he and the governor of Shizuoka would meet at the end of the climbing season to compare notes.

Japan’s tourism headaches

Overtourism has become a bigger issue in Japan since the country reopened following the pandemic.

In Kyoto, locals in the historic Gion quarter have expressed their concern with tourists who flock there to photograph and sometimes harass the geisha who live and work there, earning the nickname “ geisha paparazzi .”

While the city has put up signs and placards asking visitors not to photograph geisha, some locals told CNN Travel that it wasn’t enough. One suggestion offered by the neighborhood council is issuing fines or tickets.

And the town of Hatsukaichi, in Hiroshima prefecture in southwestern Japan, has been affected too. The small town is home to the famous orange “floating shrine” torii gate, which is part of a 1,400-year-old Shinto complex.

In October 2023, the town began charging 100 yen (62 cents) per visitor to the shrine. The money from the “tourist tax” goes toward maintaining the site and its infrastructure.

Editor’s Note: This story was originally published in March 2024 and has been updated. CNN’s Hanako Montgomery contributed reporting.

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This 2023 photo shows a crowd of visitors beginning their Mount Fuji ascents. - Mathiad Cena/AFP/Getty Images

Mt. Fuji climbing season starts with new fees, control on numbers


Mt. Fuji's climbing season started Monday when one of the four main hiking trails opened, with local authorities for the first time charging entrance fees and restricting numbers of climbers to ease congestion.

Yamanashi Prefecture now accepts a maximum of 4,000 climbers per day on the Yoshida Trail, the most commonly used route up the 3,776-meter mountain, and charges 2,000 yen ($12). The route to the summit is expected to remain open through Sept. 10.

A gate has been set up at the 5th station to close the trail between 4 p.m. and 3 a.m. to anyone without a prior overnight reservation in a mountainside hut.

mount fuji tourist pass

The move was made to deter "bullet climbing," or the attempt to reach the summit and return without sleeping mid-climb.

According to the city of Fujiyoshida in Yamanashi Prefecture, around 160,000 people used the Yoshida Trail last year.

Designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2013, Japan's highest peak straddling Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures is a popular tourist destination.

The new measures address the problem of congestion caused by a surge in the number of climbers.

"We are extremely worried about a kind of domino effect accident," said Yamanashi Gov. Kotaro Nagasaki at a press conference in June ahead of the start of the climbing season.

The official climbing season of the other three trails on the Shizuoka Prefecture side is scheduled to begin on July 10.

The weather disappointed climbers on the first day of the season, with the mountain shrouded in heavy cloud.

"It's too bad. We couldn't see (the sunrise). But I look forward to the next time," said Teruyo Kurahara, a 53-year-old English teacher who was climbing with her friends.

The bad weather also left more than 100 vehicles lined up at the entrance of the Fuji Subaru Line, as the toll road to the 5th station was closed until 9 a.m. due to strong winds.

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Japan Imposes New Fees on Mount Fuji Climbers to Limit Tourists


Climbers and visitors gather on the first day of the climbing season at Fuji Yoshidaguchi Trail (Yoshida Route) at the fifth station on the slopes of Mount Fuji, in Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan July 1, 2024. REUTERS/Issei Kato

By Tom Bateman

FUJIYOSHIDA, Japan (Reuters) -Park rangers on Japan's sacred Mount Fuji officially started this year's climbing season about 90 minutes before sunrise on Monday, levying new trail fees and limiting hiker numbers to curb overcrowding.

At 3 a.m., officials opened a newly installed gate at a station placed just over halfway up the 3,776-meter (12,388-ft) peak that is a symbol of Japan and a magnet for tourists, now swarming into the country at a record pace.

Climbers must pay 2,000 yen ($12) and their numbers will be limited to 4,000 a day after complaints of litter, pollution, and dangerously crowded trails flowed in last year.

"I think Mount Fuji will be very happy if everyone is more conscious about the environment and things like taking rubbish home with them," said Sachiko Kan, 61, who was one of about 1,200 hikers gathered on the first day of the new measures.

The yen's slide to a 38-year low has made Japan an irresistible bargain for overseas visitors.

They are injecting record sums into national coffers but are also putting strains on facilities for travel and hospitality, not to mention the patience of locals.

Hordes of tourists became a traffic hazard at a nearby photography spot where Mount Fuji appeared to float over a convenience store, driving officials to put up a barrier of black mesh to obstruct the view that had gone viral online.

The climbing season this year on Mount Fuji, which straddles the prefectures of Yamanashi and Shizuoka about 136 km (85 miles) from Tokyo, runs until September 10, after which the weather gets too cold and snowy.

A still active stratovolcano whose last eruption was in 1707, Mount Fuji has been a site of Shinto and Buddhist worship for centuries.

The number of climbers recovered to pre-pandemic levels last year, with about 300,000 annually, the environment ministry says. Hikers typically start in the wee hours to make it to the top in time for sunrise.

For their money, climbers receive a wristband giving access to the trail between 3 a.m. and 4 p.m, excluding those with reservations for mountain huts closer to the peak, to whom the daily limit on visitors will not apply, authorities say.

The new trail curbs were necessary to prevent accidents and incidents of altitude sickness, particularly among foreign "bullet climbers", or those racing to the top, Yamanashi governor Kotaro Nagasaki said last month.

Japan should focus on attracting "higher spending visitors" over sheer numbers of people, he told a press conference.

Geoffrey Kula, one overseas climber waiting to scale Mount Fuji on opening day, took the restrictions in stride.

"This is not Disneyland," said Kula, a visitor from Boston. "Having some sort of access control system to limit the amount of potential chaos is good."

(Reporting by Tom Bateman; Writing by Rocky Swift; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Japan’s Mount Fuji Caps Visitors and Adds Fees on Overcrowded Trail to Summit

Dawit Habtemariam

Dawit Habtemariam , Skift

July 1st, 2024 at 1:51 PM EDT

Japan's most iconic peak is scaling new heights in tourism management. A new entry fee may be modest, but a daily cap on visitors should reduce overtourism on peak days.

Dawit Habtemariam

This summer, tourists will no longer have free access to the popular Yoshida Trail that goes to the summit of Mount Fuji, Japan’s most iconic peak. On Monday the trail became a testing ground for a new approach to containing overtourism — one that tries to balance access to natural wonders with the pressing need for conservation.

Authorities began charging a new mandatory fee of 2,000 yen (around $12) to climb Mount Fuji on the most popular trail, according to Yamanashi Prefecture , the local government. Authorities have also set up a new reservation system and an entry gate to enforce the cap.

In an interview with Skift, Eri Hirose, a senior director at the Japan National Tourism Office , said the measures are necessary for maintenance and to protect the mountain from congestion and overcrowding.

The small new toll itself may not deter overtourism on this route to Mount Fuji as much as a new daily cap of 4,000 hikers a day . The goal is to reduce tourism on peak days. On some days last year, the number of hikers well exceeded 4,000 a day, even though the average through the season was only about 1,900 a day .

On its first day, 1,129 people made reservations, reported Asahi Shimbun , a leading national newspaper. Nearly 1,700 entered the mountain through the newly set up gate.

Income from the tolls will go towards trail management, maintenance, safety measures and guides, reservation observation expenses, and emergency services. Some tourists have been leaving trash and damaging the mountain, the Associated Press reported.

The government also wants to encourage climbers to take more breaks. For those seeking to reach the summit, it’s now required to reserve an overnight spot at a mountain hut. Trailheads will also now be closed for the first time to prevent overnight hiking.

There are a few other less popular trails up Mount Fuji that remain unrestricted .

@vivchowvals We did the Mount Fuji Yoshida Trail in one day from Tokyo! Make sure you take the earliest bus to Mt Fuji station to leave you enough time to complete the trail. Time is tight as the last bus back to the train station to get us back to Tokyo was at 645pm. It took us 8 hours to complete the climb. But it can take up to 11 hours for some. Yoshida Trail is one of the most accessible trail and quickest route to the top. It is recommended that you stay overnight to acclimatize acclimatise to the altitude and there are plenty of hut options but you gota book in advance. You would require a good level of fitness to do this climb, especially the bullet climb as the route is pretty steep. There aren’t many food options in the huts, mainly snacks and cup noodles, so it’s best to bring your own sandwiches/Japanese Rice balls up and eat at the 5th station before you set off. It’s less crowded if you do the day hike, the sunrise climb is usually busier. Let me know if you have other questions! #japan #mountfuji #visitjapan #holiday #travel #hiking #adventure #trek #bulletclimb #yoshidatrail #japanese #mountain #hike #climb ♬ original sound – Vivchowvals

Mount Fuji is one of Japan’s most popular attractions and a bucket list attraction. Visitors can clog up spots on the mountain to take the best shots of themselves and post them on Instagram, said Hirose. Last year, local authorities proposed a light rail project to transport visitors to the mountain and discourage vehicle use.

Japan is undergoing a tourism boom. A big boost has come from the weakness of the Japanese yen to the U.S. dollar— its lowest in 37 years.

Nearly 14.6 million visitors came to Japan between January and May, up 6.5% from last year, according to the Japan National Tourism Organization .

To combat overtourism, some attractions and restaurants have started to or are considering charging foreigns more than locals. Himeji City Mayor Hideyasu Kiyomoto proposed to raise its entry fee to visit Himeji Castle from around $6 to $30 for foreigners.

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Mount Fuji begins charging entrance fees as overtourism prevention measure

Tourists in front of the restaurant and shopping area of Mount Fuji's 5th Station, which leads to the popular Yoshida trail for hikers climbing the mountain, in Narusawa, Yamanashi Prefecture, on June 19.

Yamanashi Prefecture will begin charging an entrance fee of ¥2,000 to all climbers looking to ascend the most popular route up Mount Fuji as the climbing season starts Monday. The new fee is part of an effort to ease congestion and prevent unsafe climbing .

“As more and more climbers visit Mount Fuji, it has long been plagued by the danger of accidents caused by overcrowding near the summit, increased environmental impact due to illegal dumping of trash and poor manners by spontaneous climbers,” Yamanashi Gov. Kotaro Nagasaki told reporters in June during a test run of the new system.

“Overtourism on Mount Fuji is an urgent issue that cannot wait to be addressed and has been a challenge for us since it was registered as a World Heritage Site (in 2013). We are therefore launching a new initiative that will push our country's overtourism prevention measures forward.”

The entrance fee will apply to the mountain's most popular and commonly used route, the Yoshida trail, and those who are planning to climb beyond the 5th Station will now be required to pay a fee of ¥2,000 at the booth near its entrance. Both cash and credit cards will be accepted.

Visitors who pay for admission will receive a wristband that must be worn in order to be admitted through a temporary gate set up for this year’s climbing season, with a guard stationed nearby at all times. Nagasaki says that a permanent gate will be constructed for the 2025 season after the current season ends in September.

Mount Fuji is one of Japan's most enduring symbols.

The gate will only be open between 3 a.m. to 4 p.m., restricting entry to between those times.

In order to prevent overcrowding on the trail — an issue that the mountain has faced in recent years as tourism in the country has spiked — the prefecture will now limit the number of visitors admitted through the gate at 4,000 per day and will refuse entry to those who come after.

Updates on how many people have started on the trail each day will be made through the mountain's official X account and staff will keep visitors at the foot of the mountain updated in order to prevent situations where climbers are turned around at the 5th Station.

To secure a spot, the prefectural government encourages visitors to utilize the reservation portal on the mountain’s official website to book and pay entrance fees in advance for a set day during the climbing season, which lasts from July 1 to Sept. 10.

It has been rare for the number of climbers to exceed 4,000 — it only happened on five days in 2023, and between 10 to 20 days a year prior to the pandemic.

With the new regulatory measures, Nagasaki says he hopes that Mount Fuji's World Heritage legacy can be conserved by reducing environmental damage and using the money earned from entrance fees to fortify the system and related facilities.

Yamanashi staff demonstrate how wristbands will be checked, at the temporary gate constructed at the entrance of Mount Fuji's Yoshida trail.

Efforts are also being made to prevent unsafe climbing by “bullet climbers” — visitors who choose to scale Mount Fuji on a whim, arriving unprepared and then experiencing things like altitude sickness and hypothermia on the trail.

That said, for the many foreign tourists who visit the mountain, the additional fee seems to be of little concern.

“Considering (the money) will go into the upkeep of the trail and everything, I think it's worth it,” said Bryce Gaul, a traveler from Australia in his 20s who was visiting Mount Fuji for the first time. “I know that tourism brings a lot of money to the economy, so why not?”

“It would not stop my choice (to climb Mount Fuji),” added Kimberly who was visiting from Minnesota with her family. She requested that her surname not be published. “In the United States you pay a fee anyways of similar amounts to go to the national parks — it's probably inevitable.”

However, to workers doing business in the area, the measure could hit their bottom line.

Yamanashi Gov. Kotaro Nagasaki demonstrates how to check in as a reserved ticket holder.

“It's the first-ever case of its kind so I don’t know (the effects of it) until it starts,” said an employee working the horse-riding booth at the 5th Station who requested to remain anonymous for privacy reasons. “But I do think it's unfair that they are only doing it here (at the 5th Station) when there are many entrances.”

Indeed, the fact that the regulations will be put in place for only one route in Yamanashi Prefecture has raised concerns that it may just push the climbers to the Shizuoka Prefecture side of the mountain and overcrowd other trails, a scenario that Nagasaki admits may happen.

“Shizuoka Prefecture is also taking action and so each prefecture is implementing measures independently and concurrently,” he noted at a news conference in June. “But after the climbing season is finished there will be a pooling of knowledge and information, including a sharing of ideas of how we can improve existing measures and how the two prefectures can best work together in the long term. ”

The gate at the Yoshida trail will be a test run for this climbing season, Nagasaki said. Depending on its effectiveness, other measures may be implemented along other routes in following years.

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  30. The 10 Best Things to Do in Elektrostal

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