Plan Your Trip to Meppadi: Best of Meppadi Tourism

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Things To Do

50 Things To Do In Meppadi

Things To Do In Meppadi

Nestled in the heart of the Western Ghats, Meppadi is a quaint and charming destination waiting to be discovered. Away from the hustle and bustle of mainstream tourist spots, Meppadi offers a serene escape with its lush green landscapes, rolling hills, and a rich cultural tapestry. If you’re planning a visit to this hidden gem, here’s a curated list of things to do in Meppadi that will make your trip truly memorable.

Things To Do In Meppadi

  • Chembra Peak Trek:

Meppadi is home to the iconic Chembra Peak, the highest peak in Wayanad. A trek to the summit promises breathtaking views of the surrounding hills, tea plantations, and the pristine heart-shaped Chembra Lake. It’s a moderately challenging trek, making it suitable for both seasoned trekkers and beginners.

  • Tea Estate Tour:

Meppadi is synonymous with sprawling tea estates that paint the landscape in shades of green. Take a guided tour through one of the tea plantations, where you can witness the tea-making process, interact with local workers, and savor the aroma of freshly plucked tea leaves. Many estates also offer tea tasting sessions for a delightful experience.

  • Explore Soochipara Falls:

Nature enthusiasts will find solace in the mesmerizing Soochipara Falls. A short drive from Meppadi, this three-tiered waterfall is surrounded by dense forests and offers a refreshing dip in its crystal-clear waters. The trek to reach the falls is an adventure in itself, as you navigate through the lush Western Ghats.

  • Visit Kanthanpara Waterfalls:

For a more intimate waterfall experience, head to Kanthanpara Waterfalls. Surrounded by lush greenery, this lesser-known gem allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature in a tranquil setting. The waterfall is easily accessible, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely day out.

  • Edakkal Caves Exploration:

History buffs and adventure seekers alike will appreciate a visit to the Edakkal Caves. These ancient caves, adorned with prehistoric carvings and paintings, offer a glimpse into the region’s rich history. The trek to reach the caves is an adventurous journey through dense forests and rocky terrains.

  • Banasura Sagar Dam Boat Ride:

One of the largest earth dams in India, the Banasura Sagar Dam is a marvel that shouldn’t be missed. Take a boat ride on the serene waters of the dam, surrounded by lush hills and the Banasura hills in the backdrop. The panoramic views and tranquility make it a perfect spot for relaxation.

  • Thirunelli Temple Visit:

Immerse yourself in the spiritual aura of Meppadi by visiting the ancient Thirunelli Temple. Surrounded by mountains and lush forests, this temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is believed to be over a thousand years old. The architecture and the serene surroundings make it a must-visit for those interested in cultural exploration.

  • Pookode Lake Boat Ride:

Serenity meets adventure at Pookode Lake, a picturesque freshwater lake surrounded by lush greenery. Rent a pedal boat or a rowboat to explore the calm waters of the lake. The experience is not just about boating but also about the stunning views and the chance to spot diverse bird species along the shore.

  • Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary Safari:

Wildlife enthusiasts should not miss the Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary, a haven for biodiversity. Take a safari through the sanctuary to encounter elephants, deer, and various species of birds. The guided safari provides insights into the region’s rich flora and fauna, making it a memorable experience for nature lovers.

  • Bamboo Rafting at Kuruva Island:

A short drive from Meppadi takes you to Kuruva Island, a unique spot surrounded by the Kabini River. Experience bamboo rafting as you navigate through the peaceful river, surrounded by dense forests. The island is a bio-diverse hotspot, offering a tranquil escape from the hustle of everyday life.

  • Explore Neelimala Viewpoint:

For panoramic views of the Western Ghats, head to Neelimala Viewpoint. The trek to the viewpoint is an adventure in itself, and once you reach the top, you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking vistas. The lush green hills stretching as far as the eye can see make it a perfect spot for photography enthusiasts.

  • Trek to Kurumbalakotta:

Adventure seekers looking for a less-explored trekking destination can set their sights on Kurumbalakotta. The trek takes you through dense forests and offers stunning views of the Western Ghats. The relatively unexplored nature of this trail ensures a peaceful and immersive experience for trekkers.

  • Try Local Cuisine at Meppadi:

No visit to Meppadi is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. Head to traditional eateries to savor authentic Kerala dishes like Malabar Biryani, Appam with Stew, and various seafood delicacies. Engage with locals to learn more about the culinary traditions of the region.

  • Participate in Local Festivals:

If your visit coincides with local festivals, immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural celebrations. Witness traditional dance forms, processions, and rituals that offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Meppadi.

  • Photography at Sunrise Point:

Capture the first light of the day at Sunrise Point, a vantage point that offers spectacular views of the sunrise over the hills. The tranquil ambiance and the changing colors of the sky make it a favorite spot for photographers and nature enthusiasts alike.

  • Visit Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary:

Nature lovers can delve deeper into the wilderness by visiting Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary. Embark on a jeep safari to explore the sanctuary’s diverse flora and fauna, including spotted deer, Indian bison, and a variety of bird species. The sanctuary offers a unique opportunity to witness wildlife in its natural habitat.

  • Coffee Plantation Tour:

Meppadi is not just known for its tea estates but also for its thriving coffee plantations. Take a guided tour through a coffee plantation to learn about the coffee cultivation process, from planting to harvesting. Engage in a coffee tasting session to appreciate the rich flavors of locally grown beans.

  • Tribal Village Visit:

Gain insights into the indigenous culture of the region by visiting a tribal village near Meppadi. Interact with the local tribes, learn about their customs, traditions, and unique way of life. Such visits provide a cultural exchange that adds depth to your travel experience.

  • Banasura Hill Trek:

For those seeking a challenging trek, consider conquering Banasura Hill. The trek offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and the Banasura Sagar Dam. The sense of accomplishment at the summit, coupled with the breathtaking scenery, makes this trek a favorite among adventure enthusiasts.

  • Shopping for Local Handicrafts:

Support local artisans and bring home souvenirs by exploring the handicraft markets in Meppadi. You’ll find an array of handwoven textiles, traditional artifacts, and indigenous crafts that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region.

  • Ayurvedic Spa Experience:

Indulge in a rejuvenating Ayurvedic spa experience to unwind and revitalize your senses. Meppadi offers wellness centers that provide traditional Ayurvedic treatments, massages, and therapies, ensuring a holistic approach to relaxation.

  • Cycling through Countryside Trails:

Rent a bicycle and explore the picturesque countryside of Meppadi at your own pace. Discover hidden trails, interact with locals, and enjoy the fresh air as you pedal through tea estates, spice plantations, and quaint villages.

  • Attend a Cultural Event or Workshop:

Check for local events, cultural performances, or workshops happening during your visit. Participating in a traditional dance performance, music concert, or a craft workshop can provide valuable insights into the cultural richness of Meppadi.

  • Stroll Through Meenmutty Falls:

Meenmutty Falls, surrounded by dense forests, offers a serene and scenic setting. While a visit to the falls is a must, consider taking a leisurely stroll around the area to fully appreciate the natural beauty and tranquility.

  • Star Gazing at Ambukuthi Mala:

Wrap up your day by heading to Ambukuthi Mala for a mesmerizing session of star gazing. Away from city lights, the clear night sky over Meppadi offers an unparalleled view of the stars, creating a magical and serene experience.

  • Mazhuvannur Maha Siva Kshethram:

Immerse yourself in spiritual tranquility by visiting Mazhuvannur Maha Siva Kshethram, a revered Shiva temple. The architecture, rituals, and serene surroundings make it a perfect place for those seeking moments of reflection and spiritual connection.

  • Zip-lining at Karlad Lake Adventure Center:

For an adrenaline rush, head to the Karlad Lake Adventure Center and try zip-lining across the lush landscapes. The center offers a variety of adventure activities, including zorbing and rock climbing, providing a thrilling experience for adventure enthusiasts.

  • Photography at Phantom Rock:

Unleash your inner photographer at Phantom Rock, a unique rock formation that resembles a skull. The surrounding landscape and the eerie ambiance make it an intriguing spot for capturing stunning photographs, especially during sunrise or sunset.

  • Trek to Pakshipathalam:

Embark on a challenging trek to Pakshipathalam, a hidden gem in the Brahmagiri Hills. This offbeat trek takes you through dense forests and rocky terrains to reach a high-altitude plateau. The destination is known for its diverse flora, fauna, and the presence of ancient caves.

  • Homestay Experience:

Immerse yourself in the local way of life by opting for a homestay experience. Connect with the warm and hospitable locals, indulge in homemade traditional meals, and gain a deeper understanding of the culture and lifestyle of Meppadi.

  • Explore Kozhikode’s Culinary Delights:

Take a short trip to Kozhikode, known for its delectable culinary offerings. Indulge in the famous Kozhikode biryani, explore the bustling street food scene, and savor the authentic Malabar cuisine at local eateries.

  • Rock Climbing at Neelimala Base:

Challenge your adventurous spirit by trying rock climbing at the Neelimala Base. The rocky terrain provides an ideal setting for rock climbing enthusiasts, and the panoramic views from the top are a rewarding outcome for your efforts.

  • Night Camping at Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary:

Experience the thrill of camping in the wilderness by opting for a night camping excursion at the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. Camp under the stars, surrounded by the sounds of nature, for a truly immersive and memorable outdoor experience.

  • Plantation Walks:

Slow down and connect with nature by taking leisurely walks through the tea and coffee plantations. The guided plantation walks offer insights into the cultivation processes, biodiversity, and the eco-friendly practices employed in the region.

  • Visit Jain Temple at Sulthan Bathery:

Explore the historical and architectural richness of the region by visiting the Jain Temple at Sulthan Bathery . The temple, with its intricate carvings and ancient charm, stands as a testament to the cultural diversity of Wayanad.

  • Bamboo Craft Workshop:

Engage in a hands-on experience by participating in a bamboo craft workshop. Learn the art of traditional bamboo weaving from local artisans, creating your own souvenirs to take back home. It’s a unique way to connect with the cultural craftsmanship of Meppadi.

  • Visit Jain Temple at Panamaram:

Explore the cultural heritage of Meppadi by visiting the Jain Temple at Panamaram. This ancient temple, adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, provides a glimpse into the historical roots of the region.

  • Fishing at Karapuzha Dam:

Enjoy a peaceful day by the serene waters of Karapuzha Dam. Fishing enthusiasts can try their hand at angling or simply relax by the lakeside, surrounded by the picturesque landscape.

  • Art Appreciation at Muziris Art Gallery:

Immerse yourself in the vibrant art scene of Meppadi by visiting the Muziris Art Gallery. Featuring works from local and contemporary artists, the gallery provides a platform to appreciate the diverse artistic expressions of the region.

  • Off-Roading Adventure:

Satiate your craving for adventure with an off-roading experience through the rugged terrains surrounding Meppadi. Various operators offer guided off-road tours, allowing you to explore the hidden trails and enjoy the thrill of off-roading.

  • Explore Thirunelli Forest:

Discover the untamed beauty of Thirunelli Forest, known for its dense foliage and rich biodiversity. A trek through these woods offers a chance to spot unique flora and fauna, providing an offbeat nature experience.

  • Cycling to Ambalavayal Heritage Museum:

Pedal your way to the Ambalavayal Heritage Museum, a fascinating repository of artifacts showcasing the history and culture of Wayanad. The cycling journey adds an element of adventure to your cultural exploration.

  • Attend Wayanad Nature Festival:

Check the local calendar for the Wayanad Nature Festival, an annual event celebrating the region’s natural beauty. The festival typically includes eco-friendly initiatives, nature walks, and cultural performances, providing an immersive experience for visitors.

  • Bird Watching at Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary:

For avid bird watchers, Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary is a haven. The sanctuary is home to a variety of bird species, including some rare and migratory ones. Guided bird watching tours ensure you don’t miss the feathered inhabitants of this natural sanctuary.

  • Learn Traditional Dance Forms:

Immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry of Meppadi by taking a lesson in traditional dance forms like Theyyam or Kathakali. Local instructors can provide insights into the rich history and intricate movements of these art forms.

  • Hot Air Ballooning over Wayanad:

Soar above the picturesque landscapes of Wayanad with a hot air balloon ride. This exhilarating experience provides a bird’s-eye view of Meppadi’s lush greenery, hills, and plantations.

  • Cultural Exchange with Tribal Communities:

Arrange a cultural exchange program with local tribal communities. Engage in conversations, participate in their daily activities, and gain a deeper understanding of the indigenous way of life in Wayanad.

  • Explore Karapuzha River:

Rent a kayak or a canoe to explore the tranquil waters of the Karapuzha River. The leisurely paddle allows you to absorb the natural beauty along the riverbanks and witness the local life.

  • Stroll Through Tea Gardens:

Take a leisurely stroll through the expansive tea gardens, allowing you to appreciate the rhythmic beauty of neatly arranged tea bushes. The serene ambiance and fresh mountain air create a perfect setting for relaxation.

  • Visit Sulthan Bathery Jain Temple:

Explore the historical significance of Sulthan Bathery by visiting the Jain Temple. The temple, with its ancient architecture and serene surroundings, provides a peaceful space for contemplation.


Meppadi, with its natural beauty and cultural richness, offers a unique experience for travelers seeking an offbeat destination. Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast, a nature lover, or someone looking for a peaceful retreat, Meppadi has something to offer for everyone. Explore the unexplored, and let the charm of this hidden gem leave an indelible mark on your travel memories.

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THE BEST Things to Do in Meppadi

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meppadi tourist places

Meppadi is the most scenic village of the Wayanad District of the Malabar region in Kerala state, India . It has excellent opportunities for hiking and mountaineering. The main attraction of Meppadi are the undulating tea estates.

Meppadi is an unspoilt and undiscovered tourist spot of Kerala. Not being a tourist trap, you can walk in the tea estates not being disturbed by touts and other visitors.

Meppadi is 12 km from Kalpetta town in the Wayanad District. It is 78 km (1½ hr) from Kozhikode (Calicut), 106 km (2½ hr) from Ooty , and 281 km (5 hr 25 mim) from Bangalore.


  • Bus - Plenty of local bus services are available for transportation between the townships.
  • Autorickshaw - Autorickshaws are cheaper compared to taxis and can be used to reach the interior places from the townships.
  • Taxi - Local taxis are also available at cheap rates. In Wayanad, the term taxi is mostly in reference with a Jeep style vehicle.
  • Car - Driving is pleasant as traffic is thin and disciplined unlike other parts of Kerala.
  • Walk - Many places of attractions are near by the towns so you could walk between them.
  • DM-WIMS Campus ( 5 km ), ☏ +91 4936 287000 . DM Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences is the most scenic campus of the entire Kerala state. The road to the campus is a spiritual experience if you want to replace Nature for a god. There is nothing to see inside the spectacular hospital building, but their cafeteria on the mezzanine floor is worth a visit. Visitors are allowed inside if you have some excuse like inquiring about medical college admissions. Buses are available to and from the hospital from Meppadi town. The Supreme Court of India issued a warning to the hospital for building in an environmentally sensitive area. ( updated Jun 2015 )
  • 11.55998 76.14848 2 Kanthanpara Waterfalls , Rippon, Ooty Road ( 10 km ). This is beautiful waterfall near the forest and a nice place for relaxing. Sept-Jan is the best time to visit.  
  • 11.61754 76.17204 3 Karapuzha Dam . Relatively small dam, but located at a very scenic site. Mostly unknown and thus unspoilt by a horde of tourists, it is a perfect way to spend a quiet evening during sunset time.  
  • Mariamman Kovil , Meppadi junction . A temple complex with many little temples dotted among the tea estates. ( updated Aug 2015 )
  • 11.72804 75.88616 4 Meenmutty Waterfalls ( Makkiyad Meenmutty Waterfalls ) ( 12 km from Meppadi ). Very nice and very good trekking. You need to be fit and carry something to eat. You have to pay the forest entry fee and secure a guide. This waterfall is in 3 steps. You can visit the second step (only in Dec-Apr). It involves a good trek through some difficult terrain, but the end result is breath-taking. Not only is the view of the waterfall amazing but you can get wet too. One has to trek inside the jungle for approx 1.5 km to get a view of waterfalls. It passes through coffee and tea plantation. It has an entry fee of ₹300 for a group of up to 10 people, and you get a very skilled guide to help you to hike to the waterfalls and back up .  
  • St. Joseph Shrine , Mooppanad ( 1 km ). Built in 1954 this majestic church gives very good view of the hills around. ( updated Aug 2015 )
  • 11.53884 76.14563 5 Soochipara (Sentinel Rock) Waterfalls . 8AM to 5PM . Spectacular three tiered waterfalls in Vellarimala, surrounded by dense equatorial forest vegetation. Soochipara means 'Needle-like rock'. The 15- to 20-min drive from Meppadi offers scenic views of some of the best tea estates in Wayanad. The waterfalls are 200 m (656 ft) and offer a cliff face that is ideal for rock climbing. The waterfalls are a bit crowded at times. 32 lady volunteers of the VSS control the visitors. After the entrance, a walkway leads to a beautiful viewpoint. From here, approximately 200 steps lead down to the falls. The trek takes approximately 30 minutes, and sometimes requires negotiating boulder steps. The view of the falls is worth the trek. There is generally a guard posted near the falls. The climb back can be hectic. Soochippara falls is appreciably a plastic-free zone, so the entry guards will ask you to store your plastic bags at the guardhouse and reclaim it when you return. Plenty of eating and souvenir-shopping options are available near the entrance. ₹20 . Additional for camera. . ( updated Nov 2017 )
  • Shree Mariamman Temple , Nellimunda Junction, Chooralmala Road ( 3 km ). ( updated Oct 2015 )

meppadi tourist places

  • Ambalakkunnu Walk . Start from Meppadi junction and take the middle road going to Chooralmala. Walk past Onnam Mile village and proceed through the two S-shaped curves. When you reach Nellimunda busstop, take the first right from the junction. Walk upto Ambalakkunnu Masjidh and Madhrassa. There is a Jaffer tea shop at the end of the hill. If you descend from here, you will reach a little cute Srambia masjidh. Turn right and you will reach the post office road at Meppadi junction. The entire route is very scenic and takes around 40 minutes to walk. ( updated Aug 2015 )
  • Post Office Road Walk , Meppadi . Start from the Meppadi junction and select the third road from the fork. The first junction is called Nalam Number where there is a small cute mosque. Turning right takes you to Patham Number village junction or Mele Kadoor. Elemberi resort road joins here. Another two kilometer walk takes you the Cholamala bridge and finally the Cholamala estate gate. This junction with a flag can be your returning point as you have already walked five kilometers. ( updated Aug 2015 )
  • Trekking to Chembra Peak . Start from the Juma Masjidh junction and go down the Chembra peak road. The entire route is very scenic and you will reach Chembra peak within three kilometres. Going by vehicle is not comfortable as the roads are not in good condition. You will need a four wheel drive jeep. ( updated Apr 2015 )

Spices and souvenirs are available in the numerous shops of Meppadi town.

meppadi tourist places

There are four Indian restaurants in Meppadi town. They all serve Kerala-style food with meat and fish. Breakfast is dosa and porottas and at lunch time delicious vegetarian thali with fish is available. Chappathis and fried rice are offered for dinner.

  • Coffee Creek Restaurant , Waterfall Road ( 5 km ), ☏ +91 9496752506 . ( updated Oct 2015 )
  • Grace Bakery and Restaurant , near the post office junction . Upmarket Vegetarian food. ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Hotel Paris , near the post office junction . Meat and fish. ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Metro Hotel , near the bus stand . Meat and fish. ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Vanitha Hotel , inside the bus stand ( only lunch ). Run by a cooperative society of waitresses. ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • 11.55489 76.13935 1 Qassim Bakery And Fast Food , SH29 , ☏ +91 99474 37644 . Famous for its biryanis more than anything. ( updated Jul 2018 )

There are no bars in Meppadi. You can get alcohol only in Kalpetta town.

  • City Tourist Home , Bus Stand Building ( go down the basement ), ☏ +91 9495456865 , +91 9544234782 . Clean rooms and good toilets. Dormitories are also available. Rooms with good view. ₹500 . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Coffee County Resort ( 60 km ), ☏ +91 974 7595 0099 , [email protected] . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Galaxy Dormitory , KB Road , ☏ +91 9048674446 , +91 9600947272 , [email protected] . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Holiday Inn , Chooralmala Road ( 1 km ). ( updated Oct 2015 )
  • K.M.H.Guest House , Opp. Bus station , ☏ +91 9544100149 , +91 4936283976 . ₹100 onwards. Dark and cosy rooms without windows. Clean floors, dirty bed, cubicle like toilet. Monthly rent only ₹2,250 ( updated Aug 2015 )
  • Malabar Tourist Home , Near the Juma Masjidh , ☏ +91 9605802074 . ₹500 . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Meenmutty Heights , Ooty Road, Meenmutty . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Metro Tourist Home , Near the Bus Stand , ☏ +91 4936-28 1801 , +91 9544446544 . ₹1,500 . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Royal Palace , Ooty Road , ☏ +91 9656322867 , +91 9645714777 . ₹750 . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • Welco Hotel , Meppadi , ☏ +91 9605515959 . ( updated Apr 2015 )
  • 11.55391 76.13102 1 Hotel Greenland , Chembra Peak Rd , ☏ +91 4936 282 717 . Budget accommodation. Cheap but Wi-Fi is unreliable and the beds aren't particularly comfortable. ( updated Jul 2018 )
  • Tearoute Homestay , Near Forest range office,Meppadi (2km) 9947147496 Budget Homestay, Car Parking and hotwater, Indipendent villa for families.

Lodges at Vaduvanchal

  • C.K.Tourist Home , Meppadi Road. , ☏ +91 9048470867 . ₹500 .  
  • Grand Tourist Home , Cherambady Road. .  
  • Megha Residency , Opp. Bus station. ( ₹400 ), ☏ +91 9447544501 , +91 4936217441 .  
  • Pearl Residency , Cheambady Road. .  
  • Wayanad Tourist Home and Dorm. , Cherambady Road. .  
  • Soochippara waterfalls. 13 km
  • Sulthan Bathery , 33 km
  • Ooty , 106 km
  • Gudalur — a small less frequented town near Ooty that has many natural attractions
  • Kalpetta — a small town close to the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary that is surrounded by dense coffee plantations and mountains

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Plan Your Trip to Meppadi: Best of Meppadi Tourism

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Meppadi Is Great For

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Top Tourist Attractions in Meppadi

  • Things To Do In Meppadi

Best Things To Do in Meppadi, India

Have you ever visited a new place and felt ‘wow’ about it? For many visitors, it happens at Meppadi.

Meppadi may not be as popular as other cities in India, but don’t let that fool you. Meppadi is a smaller but beautiful upcoming tourist destination that is worth a visit. You will be surprised by some of the unique things to do and places you can explore at this hidden destination.

You might wish to revisit it someday again, to take a break and relax at Meppadi.

If you have plans to visit India and are not sure if Meppadi should be included in your itinerary, keep reading. In this list, we have put together some of the things to do in Meppadi and around. We have a hunch that if you include this city in your travel plans, you will be thrilled you did so.

Tourist Attractions in Meppadi

Here is the list of things to do in Meppadi and tourist attractions in city.

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  • What to do in Meppadi in 1 day
  • What to do in Meppadi in 2 days


20 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Wayanad Kerala In 2 Days


The best places to visit in Wayanad are Tea Gardens, Chembra Peak, Banasura Dam, Lakkidi View Point, Meppadi, Kalpetta, Sultan Bathery, Vythiri, Kuruvadweep, Thirunelly, Camping, Longest Ziplining, Soochipara Waterfalls, Zeno Village, Sky Park, GReaT Trails, Enrroe Village, Wildvibes, Mananthavady, and Pulpally. 2 days are sufficient to visit these places. This article provides information on the places to see in Wayanad, timing, elevation, fees, distances, Hotels, and restaurants.

Best Tourist Places To Visit In Wayanad In 2 days

Tea Gardens

Tea gardens are one of the most famous tourist attractions in Wayanad. There are many famous tea estates in Wayanad. Some of the famous tea estates in Wayanad are Tea Plantation, Tea Garden Holiday Home, Vythiri Tea Garden Retreat, Chateau Woods, Kallat British Resort, Rippon Eco Woods, Horrison Tea Estate, Parison Tea Estate, Achoor Tea Estate, and Woodrose resort. You can stay in the tea gardens and enjoy the beauty of the greenery.

meppadi tourist places

Chembra Peak

Chembra peak is the highest mountain peak in Wayanad surrounded by hills, tea plantations, and a lush green valley. The height of the Chembra Peak is 2100 meters from sea level. It is a picturesque location as the route to the peak past the waterfall and lush greenery. The adventure to this beautiful peak is like chasing a dream. The total length of the trek is 4.5 km. The starting point of the Chembra Peak is Meppadi town. Trekkers are allowed to trek between 7.00 am to 5.00 pm. The duration of the trek is 4 to 5 hours.

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Banasura Dam

Banasura Dam is the largest earth dam in India and the second largest of its kind in Asia. It is located at the foothill of Banasura Hills. The distance between Banasura dam from Kalpetta is 21 km.  The dam was built across the Karamanathodu tributary of the Kabani River. The activities on the Banasura dam are speed boating, kayaking, coracle rides, and trekking. The distance between Banasura dam and Pookode Lake is 22 km by road.  This beautiful place is surrounded by green hills and plantations of coconuts and betel nuts. There is a small park and is the best picnic spot.  

meppadi tourist places

Lakkidi View Point

Lakkidi viewpoint is famous for its mesmerizing scenery. It is situated at an altitude of 700 meters from sea level. It is known for nine hairpin caves and offers a resplendent view of the mountains in Wayanad. It is the best place in Wayanad to watch and enjoy the sunset and sunrise. The distance of Lakkidi Viewpoint is 32 km from Wayanad. This place gets the second-highest rainfall on the planet. It is situated on the Kozhikode – Mysore – Kollegal Highway, Lakkidi, Kerala.

meppadi tourist places

Meppadi is a scenic village in Kerala state of India. The village has lush green hills covered by tea plantations. The hidden places in Meppadi are Attamala and Puthumala. The 900 Kandi forest is situated near Meppadi in the Wayanad district of Kerala. The major attractions in 900 Kandi are jungle walks and swimming in the jungle stream. The other attractions in Kandi are jeep safari, tent stay, off-road biking, glass bridge visit, ropeway, and skywalk. The extremely beautiful hill station is located on the state highway between Kozhikode and Ooty.

meppadi tourist places

Kalpetta is a town in the Wayanad district of Kerala, India. It is famous for coffee and tea plantations. It is a gateway to the lofty Chembra peak and Neelimala View Point which overlooks the waterfall and forested valley. It has majestic hills lurking in the shadows, lush green surroundings, fresh air, and picturesque beauty. There are many hotels, restaurants, and other attractions making it your best destination for visit. It is lying on the Kozhikode – Mysore National Highway in Kerala.  The pin Code of Kalpetta is 673121. Kalpetta has pleasant weather during the winter season which is the best time to visit. 

meppadi tourist places

Sultan Bathery

Sultan bathery is a town in the mountain area of Wayanad. It got its name from the ancient Bathery Jain Temple which was used as an ammunition battery by Tipu Sultan’s Army. It lies on the border of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka state. The best tourist places to visit in Sultan bathery are Edakkal Caves, Phantom Rock, Karapuzha Dam, Kolagappara, Chingeri Hill, and ancient Jain Temple. The distance between Sultan Bathery and Wayanad is 21 km. The Pin Code of Sultan bathery is 673592. The distance between Sultan Bathery and Kalpetta is 25 km by road.

Vythiri is a small town in the Wayanad district of Kerala. Vythiri Resort is one of the best resorts in Wayanad which offers a hotel, rainforest resort, jungle honeymoon cottages, swimming pool, sauna, spa, and wellness center. Vythiri is famous for its spice plantation, beautiful forest, and diverse tradition of tribal communities. It is one of the best picnic spots in the entire Kerala state. Karalad Lake which is just 8 km from Vythiri is a hidden retreat that is slowly gaining popularity with tourists.

meppadi tourist places


Kuruvadweep or Kuruva Island is a 950 acres protected river delta. It consists of three densely wooded uninhabited islands and a few satellite submergible islands which lie on the bank of the tributaries of the Kabini River. It is replete with lush green forests, eco-tourism spots, and nature’s paradise. The island has two freshwater lakes. The bamboo bridge on the island is unique. You can enjoy a boat ride of bamboo rafting to explore the island. The time island is from 9 am to 4 pm and only between October to May as it is closed during the monsoon season. An entry fee is required to visit the Island.

Thirunelly is a small village in the Wayanad district of Kerala. The famous Thirunelly Temple is located in the Brahmagiri forest and has religious significance. The Thirunelly Temple is dedicated to the Lord Maha Vishnu. This temple is compared with the temples in Gaya in Bihar. The rituals are conducted here for the departed soul. The temple has traditional Kerala architecture. The village is surrounded by Kambamala, karimala, and Varadiga mountain peaks. The nearest railway station to Thirunelly is the Mysore railway station at a distance of 123 km.    

meppadi tourist places

Wayanad is the best place for camping in Kerala. There are different types of camping in Wayanad like adventure camping, tent camping, and farm camping. The best campsites in Wayanad are Blue Mango Camping, Wayanad Backpackers Tent Camping, Campper Arrow Hill Camp, Cloud Nine Camping, Camp Monk, Cave Camping, and GET Camping. During the stay camping, you can enjoy the forest stay, staying with tribal, road jeep rides, jungle safari, and peak climbing expeditions. Nature camping is the best way to explore the natural beauty.

meppadi tourist places

Longest Ziplining

The ziplining in the Wayanad is around 300 meters long. It spans over some thicket forest of Wayanad. It is located in Pozhtana in Wayanad. During the adventure of ziplining you will be equipped with a harness, helmet, and gloves. It is always a great idea to go extremely close to nature and witness its magic. You will overlook the tea gardens and Banasura Lake. The longest zipline across the lake in South India is the Wayanad Adventure at Karlad Lake. Other ziplines are Muddy Boots Zipline, Wayanad Adventure camp, Karapuzha Dam, and Hill District Club.  

Soochipara Waterfall

Soochipara waterfall is a three-tiered waterfall located in Vellarimala, Wayanad district, Kerala. It is situated on the Chaliyar River. It is also known as Sentinal Rock Waterfall. It is perhaps the most picturesque spot located in the periphery of Wayanad. The distance of Suchipara waterfalls from Meppadi is 13 km, from Kalpetta 24 km, and from Sultan Bathery is 46 km. The visiting time of the waterfalls is from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm. The entry fee and camera fee are required for the visitors.  Tourists have to take about a 2 km trek from the road to reach the falls.

Zeno village- 900 Kandi

Zeno Village is located in 900 Kandi Wayanad in Kerala. The Zeno Wild Village offers villas with well-furnished rooms equipped with all modern facilities and comforts. These villas are great options for travelers looking for accommodations in Wayanad. Along with the villas, there are many tree houses for romantic gateways in Zeno Village. These tree houses feature an outdoor swimming pool, fitness center, sauna, spa, and wellness center. Another great option to stay there is Mountain Tent Camping. When you plan a journey to Wayanad think about the Zeno Village.

The sky park @ 900 Kandi is an adventure park in Wayanad. Sky Park is a green paradise with a lush green forest with adventure and serenity.  The glass bridge in Sky park is a top tourist attraction. The distance of Glass Bridge from Meppadi is 15 km. Glass bridge has fascinating features around the world. This glass bridge is safe for the traverse. This is a newly installed glass bridge at Green Mountain Resort. It is south India’s first Glass bridge in Kerala. Sky park has the fun activity of adventure swing rides.

meppadi tourist places

GReaT Trails Wayanad by GRT

GReaT Trails is a GRT hotel located in the midst of green rolling hills, a coffee and tea plantation. The hotel is a combination of beauty and luxury. It is located at Puzhakkal, Padinjarathara Road, Kerala. It is spread over 3 acres of area on the top of the hill. This hotel offers a rooftop swimming pool, a premium dining venue, and an exclusive spa. This is one of the best options for travelers looking for a resort in Wayanad. Truly it is a slice of heaven in God’s own country.

En Ooru Heritage Village

En Ooru is a tribal heritage village at Pookode in the Wayanad district of Kerala. Sometimes it is called Enrroe Village. This unique village boasts a cafeteria that serves dishes and markets. The village shows the vibrant culture and traditions of tribal communities of the Kerala state. This is the first tribal heritage village open in Kerala and the addition of a new tourism map of Wayanad. To visit the village an entry fee and jeep ride fee are required.  The main object behind starting the village was to introduce the tourist to diverse tribal traditions.

meppadi tourist places

Wildvibes is a budget stay inside the forest of Wayanad. It is located in Kalladi, Ayyappa Temple Road, Vellarimala, Kerala- 673573.  The evergreen beautiful location spans over 70 acres of land. There are 100 years old trees and many species of wildlife and birds. The forest stream flows along the border of the glamping site and is the main attraction for tourists. You can enjoy swimming in the ice-cold water. The contact number of Wildvibes is +91 8921 838 640.


Mananthavady is a municipality and taluka place in the Wayanad district of Kerala, India. It is the transportation hub of Eastern Wayanad and buses to Kozhikode, Kannur, Thalaserry, and many other places. The best places to visit in Mananthavady are Pazhassi Raja Tomb, Pazhassi Raja Museum, Valliyoorkavu Bhagavathi Temple, Pazhassi park, and Mananthavady bus stand. There are many hotels for your stay in.

meppadi tourist places

Pulpally is a mid-sized town in the Wayanad district of Kerala, India. It is also known as the “Land of Black Gold”.  The Sitha Devi Temple which is the only one in Kerala is situated in Pulpally. There are many hotels, attractions, and restaurants making Pulpally the best tourist place. The best places to visit in Pulpally are Seetha Devi Lava Kusa Temple, Eddakal caves, Adrak Mountain Mist Forest Resorts, Kanthanparai waterfall, Jain temple, and Kelakavala Big Banyan Tree.

meppadi tourist places

I hope this article will be useful to find the important places to visit in Wayanad of Kerala, India.

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  • 30 Wayanad Tourist Places

Places to Visit in Wayanad 

Quick navigation, popular wayanad tourist places, edakkal caves.

Edakkal Caves

Edakkal caves are well known for its pictorial depictions (cave art), which are thought to be of 6000 B C. To achieve the hollows, one needs to trek through the Ambukutty Mala. It will take around 45 minutes to climb the hill and you will never get baffled in your outing to these historical caves & it is one of the famous places to see in Wayanad.        

These carvings give incredible confirmation for a very enlightened society that lived in the pre-noteworthy age. Edakkal caves have drawn awesome consideration of archaeologists and students of history around the world. Location:   Edakkal Caves are located at Wayanad, Nenmeni, Kerala 673595 Timings: Opens from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Distance from Bangalore: Eddakal Caves are located at a distance of 273.5 km. Planning a trip to Kerala? Checkout our best-selling  Kerala Honeymoon Packages Also Checkout:  Kerala Family Packages

Kuruva Island

Kuruva Island

A perfect blend of different natural colours makes Kuruva Island one of Wayanad's best places to visit. It is a protected river delta with a number of islands over the middle of the Kabini River, the famous east-flowing river in Kerala. The island is sprawling across an area of 950 acres with a dense population and some rich and rare species of flora and fauna. It protects the evergreen forest ranges which provide a different ambience and thus making it an ideal choice for tourism.  There are bridges made of bamboo trees and many plants we have not even heard of. Natural lovers and adventure enthusiasts will find Kuruva Island the most suitable space for spending quality time with their beloved ones or even alone.

Activities: Boating, rafting, nature walking etc.

Location: It is located 17 kilometers east of Mananthavadi and 10 kilometers North West of Pulpa.

Chembra Peak

Chembra Peak

Looking for a weekend getaway this weekend, then head out to Wayanad and visit the famous Chembra Peak. Eight kilometres south of Kalpetta, close to the town of Meppady, lays the most elevated top in Wayanad. Chembra crest borders Nilgiri slopes in Tamil Nadu and Vallarimala in Kozhikode and it is one of the beautiful places to see in Wayanad.     

There is a heart moulded lake while in transit to the highest point of the pinnacle, which is accepted to have never become scarce, is a noteworthy vacation spot here. With authorization from the Forest Department, one-day treks and two-day natural life treks are conceivable.

Activities: Trekking is one of the most favoured activities here. Soak in the greenery of this region while you visit this destination. Location:  Kalpetta,  Wayanad district, Kerala. Distance from Bangalore: Chembra Peak is located at a distance of 306.5 km. Must Check:  Kerala Tour Packages From Mumbai

Chembra Peak Trek, Wayanad | Book Online & Save 15%

Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary

Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary

If someone makes a list of all the places to visit in Wayanad, Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary would always be a sure thing on that list. Located in the lap of Wayanad and the Western Ghats, this region is famed for the variety of wildlife that one can experience here. 

You can take in the views of several animals living in their natural habitats, like Elephants, Tigers, Leopards, Bears, deer, monkeys, and reptiles, fishes and bird species.

Activities: Wildlife safari Location:  Muthanga and Tholpetty, Kalpetta, India Timings: 7:00AM - 10:00AM and 2:00PM - 5:00PM Distance from Bangalore: 232km from Bangalore

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Chain Tree is one of the less explored Wayanad attractions but with an old history and a lot of admirers from different parts of the world. It is located on the national highway near the Pepper Wayanad Gate hotel. It is a Ficus tree which holds a massive steel chain which has a multiple stories and legends related to its existence and it is one of the best Wayanad tourist attractions. The major story is associated with a local tribal person called Karinthandan. 

He was killed by the British after seeking help from him to discover the routes through the ghat. The wilderness was the habitat of tribal people and there were no roads to cross the forests even during the British period. People believe that the spirit of that tribal person is in the tree and it causes accidents too many who crosses the hairpin bends. 

There is another story also related to it which says the killing of a Mahout who took the British people to Wayanad first and they did not want the Mahout to go back and get the Portugese. His spirit is the one which is in the tree, as the local people say.

Activities: Sightseeing

Location:  SH29, Lakkidi, Kunnathidavaka, Wayanad, Kerala 673576.

Distance from Bangalore: 306.1 kilometer.

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Neelimala View Point

Neelimala View Point

If you are looking for some fun-filled Wayanad tourist places then the famous Neelima View Point is a must visit for you. A place for thrill seekers, Neelimala View point can be reached  by means of trekking at the same time offering a few astonishing trek trails. The perspective of the valley from the best is essentially captivating alongside a beautiful vision of Meenmutty Falls and it is one of the best Wayanad places to see. From the point, vacationers can see the smooth white streams spouting through the walk, advancing towards the waterway.

One should walk a ton to achieve the place, individuals with joint and leg agony should take a legitimate care of themselves. Limited and uneven pathways from the closest motorable street will take voyagers to the perspective with the mountain folds of the Western Ghats towards its left and a sloping incline loaded with grass alongside stones on the privilege.

This magnificent sight in Wayanad is something that one can always remember all through life. Fog and fragrance around making such a spell, to the point that one will be lost in its magnificence for a drawn-out stretch of time. Activities: Few of the activities which are famous here are trekking, hiking. Location: Neelimala View Point is located at Vaduvanchal, Kerala 673581 Timings: Opens from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Distance from Bangalore: Neelimala View Point is located at a distance of 282.9 km. Popular Reads: Top best sightseeing places in Wayanad Great Deals Available On  Kerala Tour Packages From Bangalore

Meenmutty Waterfalls

Meenmutty Waterfalls

A major attraction and one of the scenic Wayanad tourist places is Meenmutty Waterfalls located at a distance of around 29 kilometers from Kalpetta. It is a famous waterfall in the state of Kerala. A three-tiered waterfall is a surprising sight to be visited. The waterfalls fall down from a height of 300 meters. To reach the waterfalls, you can do trekking for about 2 kilometres through the thick jungles from the Wayanad-Ooty Road.  It becomes very dangerous during monsoon and rainy seasons. The gushing waterfalls are located near the Neyyar Reservoir area. People with an adrenaline rush come here plenty to experience the different levels of rock climbing and trekking. The location exhibits an ideal blend of stunning natural sights with amazing trekking trails in Wayanad . Banasurasagar Dam is the closest attraction which gives the waterfalls fame among adventure lovers. Activities:  Trekking, rock climbing, rappelling, swimming etc. Location: Korome- Karimbil Rd, Thondernad, Kerala 670731. Distance from Bangalore: 288.7 kilometers.

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Banasura Sagar Dam

Banasura Sagar Dam

One of the major tourist places to visit in Wayanad is Banasura Sagar Dam which impounds the famous Karamanathodu tributary of the east-flowing river in Kerala that is Kabini River. The dam is encircled by beautiful nature with a lot of options to do trekking and similar adventure activities. Hundreds of tourists arrive at the dam to enjoy its beauty and take photographs. It is a part of the Indian Banasura Sagar Project consisting of a dam and a canal project. Activities:  Sightseeing, trekking, boating. Location:   It is located in Vythiri in Wayanad district, Kerala. Distance from Bangalore: 287.7 km Must Check:  Kerala Tour Packages From Delhi

Bamboo Forests

Bamboo Forests

What could be a better treat to your eyes than a vast greenery with a line of bamboo? All sounds amazing, right? The Nilgiri Biosphere Region additionally reaches out to an extensive extent of teak timberlands, and bamboo trenches and overwhelms. A perfect safari area, deer, buffalo, cheetahs and wild bears are among the spotted creatures here.

The Bamboo woods are simple to access to alternate places to see in Wayanad, for example, Begur, Bandipur, Mudumalai and Nagarhole Wildlife Sanctuaries. The connection between the backwoods and the sightseers in Muthanga has years of oldness. Soak in the amazing beauty of the region while you head out to this place. You will find some of Wayanad's homestays in the forest region which will make you amused by the lush greenery and beauty of the place. Activities: While you are visiting the Bamboo Forest you can indulge in wildlife safaris here. Location:  Muthanga, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala  Distance from Bangalore: Bamboo Forests, Muthanga is located at a distance of 276.4 km via NH275 and NH766 Must Read: Best Homestays in Wayanad for relaxing stay

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Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

A famous animal sanctuary in Kerala and one of the major places to visit in Wayanad is Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary which has an extent of 344.4 square kilometers with four ranges. The ranges are called Sulthan Bathery, Muthanga, Kurichiat and Tholpetty. It acts as a haven for many large and wild animals such Indian Bison, elephants, deer, tigers etc along with some unique birds. It is the second largest wildlife sanctuary in Kerala bestowed with lush green nature. Some endangered species of flora and fauna are there inside the sanctuary. It was established in the year of 1973 and now it is a major part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and a protected area network of Nagarhole and Bandipur of Karnataka in the north east part as well as of Mudumalai in the southeast part. Activities: jungle safari, nature walk, sightseeing, wildlife safari. Location:   Bathery, Puthupally Road, Sultan Bathery, Kerala 673592 Distance from Bangalore: 275.4 kilometers.

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Soochipara Falls

Soochipara Falls

Pookode Lake

Pookode Lake

When you visit Wayanad, a major hill station in Kerala, you should visit Pookode Lake which is considered to be one of the best places to visit in Wayanad. It is the most beautiful freshwater lake located in South India nestled amidst the large evergreen forests and multitudes of mountain slopes.

The lake provides space to Panamaram, a small rivulet that becomes the Kabani River to originate. The Pookode Lake is spreading across an area of 8.5 hectares with a depth of around 6.5 meters. Geographical experts found that the lake resembles the shape of India’s map. It is a perennial freshwater lake protected by the forested hills and it acts as a haven for freshwater fish and a lot of blue lotus flowers. In some Wayanad tour packages visit to this is place is included while in some you have to go on your own. Activities: T rekking, birding, nature walking, boating. Location: Pookode Lake, Kalpetta, Wayanad, Kerala, 673121, India. Distance from Bangalore: 303.1 kilometers. Do Checkout:   Kerala Tour Packages From Kolkata Also Checkout & Book:  Vr Park Dubai Tickets

Jain Temple

Jain Temple

Another Wayanad tourist place that is a must-visit attraction for you is the Jain Temple at Sulthan Bathery. A standout amongst the most imperative among the numerous Jain temples in Kerala, the Bathery Temple in Sulthan Bathery is accepted to have been worked in the thirteenth century. Its plan is emphatically affected by the design style of the then-ruling Vijayanagar Dynasty.

Another interesting element is the somewhat checkered history of the sanctuary which initially filled in as a place of worship, next as a focal point of business exchange lastly, as the ammo store or battery of Tipu Sulthan's armed force. A square rock section with a cutting of Mahavir Jain can be found in the inward sanctorum of the sanctuary which is encompassed by an open verandah.

There is a raised stage made of rock before the principal entrance. This too holds cut columns and their fluted sections end with no crown stones. The encompassing grounds too are cleared in granites.

Location: Jain Temple, Sulthan Bathery is located at Bangalore-Calicut Highway, Sultan Bathery, Kerala 673592

Distance from Bangalore: Jain Temple, Sulthan Bathery is located at a distance of 267.4km.

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Phantom Rock

Phantom Rock

Another fascinating Wayanad tourist place which is a must-see attraction for you is the Phantom Rock. Phantom Rock (Cheengeri Mala) is a prestigious place that is as one of a kind as its name. It's an archaeological ponder that can be not really seen anyplace else on the planet. The stone is normally thrown in the state of the apparition skull and henceforth is well known by the name of Phantom Rock everywhere throughout the world.  The beautiful place is 26 km far from Kalpetta and can be come to by trekking on tight paths. Like different spots of Wayanad, Cheengeri Mala is likewise one of the most loved spots for trekkers and explorers. The pleasant rock is standing tall at a rise of 2600 m over the ocean level and is encompassed by the rich greenery; it's a picture-perfect place for those who are looking for peace and solitude.

Location: Phantom Rock is located at Kumbleri, Kerala 673591

Lakkidi View Point

Lakkidi View Point

Lakkidi is the passage of Wayanad as it is situated at the peak of the serpentine Thamarassery ghat pass. There are nine clasp bends from Adivaram (Downhill) to Lakkidi through the mountains and a voyage through the serpentine ghat pass and it is one of the best Wayanad tourist attractions. The lavish greenery of the slopes, chasms, and streams are seen on the two sides of the section up the slope are certain to wait in the guests' psyche for quite a while.

Visitors frequently stop by Lakkidi View Point, the vantage point which offers stunning perspectives of the encompassing bluffs and valleys. Lakkidi has additionally risen as a well-known hill station with numerous resorts and bungalows.

You can see monkeys skipping through the roadside and once you begin setting out through the street to Vythiri, you will see a ficus tree on the left side. You will likewise see a substantial tie tied down to the ground and tied around the strong branches of the tree.

Location: Lakkidi View Point is located at Kozhikode-Mysore-Kollegal Highway, Lakkidi, Kerala 673576

Distance from Bangalore: Lakkidi View Point is located at a distance of 307 km.

Click here to book:   Kerala Tour Packages From Vadodara

Other Tourist Places in Wayanad

The bamboo factory.

The Bamboo Factory

This is among fascinating Wayanad tourist places. The Bamboo Factory in Uravuis an initiative to bring back the art of making crafts using bamboo. Uravu means ‘the bamboo village’ and quite appropriately the locals here earn their living as bamboo craftsmen.

Here bamboo is used to make various souvenirs and even houses. Wayanad serves the dual purpose of being a source of income for the locals due to its bamboo vegetation and also a responsible tourism spot. One could spend an entire day here learning to make bamboo crafts.

Wayanad with its rich history, abounding folklores, misty mountain ranges and ambitious waterfalls has become an ideal holiday destination over the years. Be it for families, couples, group of friends or corporate teams, very few places in the world offer such appeal and charm that pleases every heart. If you are an adventurous soul or seeking a romantic getaway, searching for history or simply want to relax in the lap of nature...Wayanad will satiate all your needs and desires!

Location:  100 Acres Road Thrikkaipatta, Kerala Timings:  All day. Distance from Bangalore:  280 km from Bangalore

Must Check:  Kerala Tour Packages From Bangalore


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Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary

Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary

Nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts find the places to visit in Wayanad beautiful and they seek for reasons to linger and extend their holidays. One such place in Wayanad every nature lover would love is Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary. It is one of the most important bird sanctuaries in Kerala. Bird watching is a common activity done by the locals as well as tourists here. Ornithologists are found in plenty who come to know more about the world of rare birds. The virgin forests create the protection for these rare species of birds. The pathways leading to the sanctuary is a suitable place for trekking in Wayanad  which let the tourists watch lush greenery, streams and hills. Edible Nest Swift Light is the main reason behind the fame this sanctuary has achieved. Inside the sanctuary, there is the nest which is made of solidified saliva and it is used to make bird’s nest soup. Within the boundaries of the bird sanctuary, one can find a temple and a watchtower to help the tourists to come and go out of the sanctuary easily.

Activities: Trekking, birding, camping etc.

Location: It is located in Tholpetty, 7 kilometers from Thirunelli Temple.

Distance from Bangalore: 264 kilometers.

Must Check:  Kerala Honeymoon Packages From Mumbai

Thirunelli Temple

Thirunelli Temple

An ancient temple which is famous all over Kerala and other states of India is Thirunelli Temple located in Wayanad on the side of Brahmagiri hills. It is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu. One of the major features of the temple is its location at an altitude of around 900 meters in a valley completely bounded by mountains and forest ranges.  But it is one of the most visited pilgrim centre in Wayanad and an important religious place for the majority of population in South India. The name Thirunelli comes from the words nelli which is given to the tree of gooseberry. There is also a belief that there are Puranas in which the temple is mentioned. There are a lot of legends existing related to this temple which are coming from the ancient mythology texts of Hindus. Activities: S ightseeing, pilgrimage etc. Location: North Wayanad, Thirunelly Road, Thirunelly, Kerala 670646. Distance from Bangalore: 257.7 kilometers.

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Karlad Lake

Karlad Lake

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Pazhassi Raja Tomb

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Pallikkunnu Church

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Ripon Tea Factory

Ripon Tea Factory

From its aroma to the refreshing taste, Tea has always been one of the favorite beverages of all time. Spread in an enormous 443 hectares of land at an alarming altitude of 2000 meters from the ground, the Ripon Tea Factory is one of the best stimulating Wayanad tourist places. Considering that the tea factory was established in the 18th century by the British, the place has got a bit of history behind itself.  The factory is also celebrated for its premium quality of extravagant tea that are segregated into dust, leaf and blended flavors. The Ripon Tea Factory is open between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM when visitors can pay a visit here and enjoy various flavors of delicious tea. This should be among the first places to visit in Wayanad, especially for tea lovers. Activities: Witness the tea making process, first hand, Try various kinds of tea. Location: Situated near Meppadi town of Wayanad in Kerala, Wayanad, Kerala 673577 Distance From Bangalore: 289 Km, 6Hr 23 min Must Book & Checkout -  Kerala Tour Packages From Chennai

Sulthan Bathery

Sulthan Bathery

Wayanad Heritage Museum

Wayanad Heritage Museum

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Karapuzha Dam

Karapuzha Dam



Beginning in the Brahmagiri Hills, Papanisini river is one of the most important pilgrim tourist places in Wayanad. Literally, it translates to ‘washes away all sins’ and the river is considered to have divine powers. 

Tourists flock here during Amavasya to take a dip in its waters and offer their prayers. The enchanting setting of the lush green hills and the gushing waters of the stream makes this river an idyllic spot.

This holy mountain stream also has a sacred rock Pinnappara where the last rites of the dead are performed. 

It is a popular belief that Lord Rama and Lakshmana performed the ‘pithrukarma’ of their father King Dasaratha, standing on this rock. Surrounded by such majestic surroundings and having attached so many popular legends, this place is one of the most interesting Wayanad tourist places.

Location: Thirunelly Temple post, Mananthavady, Kerala

Best Time to visit: One should visit here from the month of September to March.

Timings: The temple remains open from 5:30 am to 12 pm and then from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.

Distance from Wayanad: It is 50 kilometres away from the bus station in Wayanad.

Pazhassi Tomb

Pazhassi Tomb

Paying tribute to one of Kerala’s great king Pazhassi Raja, this tomb is one of the must-visits for history buffs among places to visit in Wayanad. Known as the ‘Lion of Kerala’, Pazhassi Raja was known for his bravery and guerrilla warfare against the British. 

This tomb is built over the land where he was cremated after the British shot him. One of the main attractions of this place is the museum and the sword of Pazhassi Raja that is kept here. 

It is maintained by the Kerala State Archaeology Department and has on showcase many mural paintings, antique coins and other historical artefacts. Pazhazzi Tomb is also a great place to appreciate the beautiful landscape of Wayanad with an interesting trip.

Location: Pazhassi Raja Museum, Mananthavady, Kerala

Best Time to visit: Pazhassi Tomb can be visited throughout the year.

Entry fee: INR 20/ USD 0.31

Timings: The timings are from 9 am to 5 pm. It is closed on Monday.

Distance from Wayanad: The distance between the two places is approximately 20 kilometres.

Varambetta Mosque

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Wayanad Top Attractions


One of the most spellbinding places to visit in Wayanad, Banasura Sagar Dam is a picturesque tourist hotspot. Known for being India’s largest earthen dam, it boasts of extensive natural beauty with beautiful flora and fauna, majestic hills and mesmerising waterfalls. The Banasura Sagar is a photographer’s delight and offers the most beautiful views from the top of the hill.It is also famous among adventure enthusiasts who look forward to thrilling activities like boating, trekking, horse racing and camel rides. For the avid trekkers, Banasura hill peak is hailed as one of the most challenging treks. Along with that Banasura Hill Resort adds to the charm of this place that is known as the only ‘earthen’ resort in the country.Location: Banasura Sagar Dam, Padinjarathara, KeralaBest Time to visit: November to May offers the most ideal time to visit Banasura Sagar DamEntry fee: INR 10/ USD 0.15 per personTimings: The opening timings are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pmDistance from Wayanad: It is just 2.3 kilometres away from the bus station.

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25 Handpicked Tourist Places In Wayanad For Your Hilly Vacation

Photo of Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Wayanad , the green paradise in Kerala is nestled among the mountains of western ghats. It is located at a distance of 76 km from the sea shores of Kozhikode. This beautiful hill station is full of plantations, forests and wildlife. Wayanad offers the calmness of nature along with some mesmerising tourist places which makes it a must try destination for every traveller.

How to reach

The closest railway station is Kozhikode, 110 km away. Kozhikode is well connected by rail to major towns such as Kochi, Chennai, and Bengaluru. The nearest airport is Karipur International Airport at Kozhikode. It is well-connected to many cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai.

Best time to visit

October to May is the best time to visit Wayanad. The times in between December to February are much cooler than the other months of the year with downfall of temperature up to 10°C. so this is the best time to travel to Wayanad.

Photo of 25 Handpicked Tourist Places In Wayanad For Your Hilly Vacation by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Here is a list of 25 tourist places in Wayanad which you must cover during your trips.

1. Banasura Sagar Dam

Banasura sagar dam.

Photo of Banasura sagar dam, Padinjarathara by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

It is the largest earthen dam in India and the second largest of its kind in Asia. The dam is made up of massive stacks of stones and boulders. Situated about 15 km from Kalpetta, the dam holds a large expanse of water and its picturesque beauty is enhanced by the chain of mountains seen on the backdrop. One can enjoy a boat ride here or can indulge in trekking activities.

Entry fee: Rs 10 for adults.

2. Edakkal Caves:

Edakkal caves.

(C) Vengolis

Photo of Edakkal Caves, Nenmeni by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Edakkal Caves are two natural caves at a remote location at Edakkal, 25 km from Kalpetta in the Wayanad district of Kerala. Edakkal Caves are famous for their paintings of figures like human, animals, symbols and letters. These paintings are believed to date back to the 6000 BC. One has to walk for 1 km through the hilly terrain followed by 380 steep steps to reach the caves.

Timimg: 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Monday closed.

Entry fee: Rs.20 for Indians and Rs.40 for foreigners.

3. Soochipara Waterfalls:

Soochipara waterfalls.

(C) Naveen Kashyap GS

Photo of Soochipara Waterfalls, Wayanad, Vellarimala by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Soochipara Falls also known as Sentinel Rock Waterfalls is a three-tiered waterfall in Vellarimala, Wayanad. It is a treat for eyes to see the milky white stream of water making its way to the rivers by passing through the rocky cliffs and clinging trees. The waterfall at the end joins Chaliyar River. Tourists will have to trek for around 30 minutes in downward inclination to reach the main pool, where exciting activities like swimming, bathing and other recreational activities take place.

Timing: 9 a.m to 4.30 p.m.

Entry fee : Rs. 80 per person.

Itinerary for a weekend trip from Bangalore to Wayanad.

4. Chembra peak:

Photo of Chembra, Kozhikode by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Surrounded by hills, tea plantations and lush green valley, Chembra Peak is the highest mountain peak in Wayanad. It is 2100 m above sea level. As per the beliefs, Goddess Sita took bath in the Chembra Peak lake. It is also said this lake has never dried. Walking through the tea plantations, towards the mist-covered views, you’ll have one of the most amazing experience. The place is protected by the forest department, and it has maintained its originality over the years.

Timing: 7 a.m to 5 p.m

Entry fee : Rs 20 per person for Indians & Rs.30 per person for foreigners.

Chembra Peak: Trek to the heart shaped lake

5. Pookote Lake :

Pookode lake.

Photo of Pookode Lake, Kunnathidavaka by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

The Pookot Lake (also Pookode Lake ), a fresh water lake is the most frequented and crowded tourist spot in the entire Wayanad District of Kerala State in Southern India. Located 13 km from district capital Kalpetta, the lake situates amidst evergreen forests and wooden slopes. Surrounded by scenic beauty and peaceful ambience. One fun fact about the lake is its shape. It is shaped like the map of India. Another uniqueness of the lake is that a species of cyprinid fish known as Pethia Pookodensis is found only in the fresh waters of this lake.

Timing: 9 a.m to 5 p.m

Entry fee: Rs. 20 per person.

6. Wayanad Churam:

Wayanad churam view point.

(C) MUhammed Unais P

Photo of Wayanad Churam View Point, Kozhikode by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Wayanad Churam (Wayanad Ghat Pass), popularly known as Thamarassery Churam is a mountain pass with views of Western Ghat covered in mist. It connects Kozhikode and Wayanad districts of Kerala through national highway 212. The pass begins from Adivaram at the bottom in Kozhikode District and ends at Lakkidi at the top in Wayanad District. There is a viewpoint called Lakkidi Viewpoint that offers a beautiful view of the Western Ghat Mountains and the zig zagging roads through which the vehicles comes all the way up the hills.

7. Meenmutty Waterfalls:

Kallar meenmutty waterfalls.

Photo of Kallar Meenmutty Waterfalls, Kallar by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

One of the delightful tourist places in Waynad, Meenmutty Waterfalls is a three tiered waterfall that will take your breath away. A scenic trek through the lush green forest from the Wayanad-Ooty road leads up to this picturesque natural wonder. There are separate decks which can be accessed in different ways to view the different tiers of this spectacular waterfall. Meenmutty Waterfalls is hailed as one of the most thrilling places for adventure lovers in Wayanad.

Entry fee: The entry fees is INR 30 per person.

Timings: It is open from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.

8. Bandipur National park and Tiger Reserve:

Bandipur tiger reserve and national park.

(C) Jincy Jacob

Photo of Bandipur Tiger Reserve And National Park, Bandipur by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Bandipur National Park is regarded as one of the most beautiful national parks of India. Located amidst the picturesque surroundings of the towering Western Ghats on the Mysore-Ooty highway in Karnataka, it is an important part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. It was established in the year 1931 by the Maharaja of Mysore. It was later declared a national park in 1974. The distance of Bandipur National Park from Wayanad is only 40km.

Opening time : 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM and 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (safari timings)

Entry fee : Rs 300 per person Indians (incl. safari charges), Rs 1100 per person foreigners (incl. safari charges), Rs 200 per camcorder.

9. Karapuzha Dam :

Karapuzha dam.

Karapuzha Dam is considered to be the second-largest earth dam in India. It is a fine place for an unwinding evening, with a gentle breeze, amazingly scenic sky and waterfront. A bouquet of nearly a dozen lakes merged together to form this reservoir in Karapuzha river, a small tributary of the Kabani river.

Opening time: From 9 a.m to 6 p.m

Entry fee : for adults : Rs. 30, For children : Rs. 10

10. Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary:

Wayanad wildlife sanctuary.

Photo of Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Sultan Bathery by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

It is one of the most famous tourist places of Waynad. The Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary has four ranges, of which Muthanga is one. Mainly a rainforest, Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the most bio-rich areas in peninsular India. This eco-tourism centre is home to both moist and dry deciduous trees and semi evergreen forests.

Opening Time: From 7 a.m to 10 a.m in the morning & 3 p.m to 4.30 p.m in the evening.

Entry fee : For Indians : Rs. 20 & for foreigners : Rs. 110.

11. Arippara Waterfall :

Arippara waterfalls.

(C) Ashok.tcr

Photo of Arippara Waterfalls, Kozhikode by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

This eight-level waterfall is situated around 15 kms from Thiruvambady town in Kozhikode. The mighty Iruvanji river cascades down the rocky hills to form the gorgeous Arippara waterfalls. The name Arippara means ‘rock of rice’ and a lot of small and huge rocks can be seen nearby. Several natural water pools between them make for great swimming experience for tourists. Arippara is most impressive in the monsoon season when it is in full glory, and showers unending streams of white pearls from its majestic heights.

Entry fee : Rs. 10 per person.

12. Ripon Tea Estate :

Rippon tea factory.

Photo of Rippon Tea Factory, Wayanad by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Ripon Tea estate is a well-known tea estate situated near Meppadi town of Wayanad in Kerala. It is one of the popular tourist places to visit in Wayanad and among the best tea estates in Wayanad region. Perched at an altitude of nearly 2000 m, Ripon Tea Estate is spread over an area of 443 Hectares along the slopes of Wayanad Hills. There is also a tea factory built by the British in the 18th century. Visitors can see the entire processing method right from the freshly plucked green leaves to its packaging at the factory.

Timing : 9 a.m to 5 p.m

13. Sulthan Bathery:

Sultan bathery.

(C) Ranjit Periyasami

Photo of Sultan Bathery, Wayanad by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Sulthan Bathery, formerly known as Ganapativatom is located in the Wayanad district of Kerala. It is a quaint and peaceful town. The main attractions for the tourists are the pre-historic caves, jungle trails, sparkling streams and rivers and lush greenery of the undulating hills. Another major attraction of the town is the Jain temple, which was built during the 13th century. This temple was used for storing ammunition (battery) by Tipu Sultan during his invasion of Kerala.

Jain temple timing: 8 a.m to 12 p.m and 2 p.m to 6 p.m.

14. Wayanad Heritage Museum :

Heritage museum ambalavayal.

Wayanad Heritage museum is situated at Ambalavayal, about 12 km from Sulthan Bathery. It is one of the largest and best archaeological museums in Kerala. One of the best-maintained museums in Kerala, Wayanad Heritage Museum houses a rich collection of artefacts which stand in testimony of the fact that there had been an advanced civilisation which existed in the mountains of Wayanad.

Timing: 9 a.m to 6 p.m

Entry fee : Rs. 15 per person.

15. Kanthanpara Waterfall:

Kanthanpara waterfalls.

(C) Kalliyangattu Neeli

Photo of Kanthanpara Waterfalls, Meppadi by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Kanthanpara is a quaint little waterfall situated near Meppadi in the Wayanad district of Kerala. Kanthanpara waterfall drops down from a height of about 100 feet and is widely acknowledged for its secluded and serene vibe. The waterfall is located at two levels amid lush green bamboo gardens and natural forests. The breathtaking attraction of the path leading to Kanthanpara waterfall seems to more beautiful than the fall itself. This scenic and quaint waterfall is a must-visit place for every tourist on a trip to Wayanad.

Timings: 9 a.m to 5p.m. For bird watching: 6 a.m to 9 a.m. For trekking: 8 a.m to 3 p.m

Entry fee: Rs.1000 for Bird Watching(5 persons), Rs. 500 for trekking(4 person)

16. Kuruva Island :

Kuruva island junction.

Located in the middle of Kabini river, Kuruva Island is a natural paradise that is replete with diverse flora and fauna in the most beautiful surroundings. It is blessed with evergreen forests all around that makes it a mesmerising picnic spot away from all pollution and noise of the city.

Timing: 9.30 a.m to 3.30 p.m. Mondays are holiday.

Entry fee : Rs. 80 for Indians and Rs. 150 for Foreigners.

17. Phantom Rock :

Phantom rock.

(C) Kiranchand M R

Photo of Phantom Rock, Kumbaleri by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

Phantom Rock is situated about 13 km from Kalpetta adjacent to the Ambalavayal town. The rock has the shape of a skull and hence the name. Locally called Cheengeri Mala, the place offers great photographic opportunities. This picturesque destination can bereached through a single narrow lane where trekking and camping are also popular activities amongst travellers.

18. Karlad Lake:

Karlad lake.

Karlad is a freshwater lake and one of the top tourist spots of Wayanad. This lake attracts nature lovers for its calmness. Boating and recreational park are well maintained here. Zipline and Zorbing are also very popular activities among the tourists.

Entry fee : Rs. 30 for Indians and Rs. 60 fot foreigners.

19. Bamboo Forest:

Bamboo forest park (ചെള്ളി വില്ല വയനാട് ).

Photo of Bamboo Forest Park (ചെള്ളി വില്ല വയനാട് ), Wayanad by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

One of the most surreal places in Wayanad that you should not miss out on is the beauty of the Bamboo Forest at Muthanga. A visual treat of greenery can be experienced on visiting the canopy of Bamboo Forest. The Nilgiri Biosphere Region consist of the extensive existence of teak timberlands and bamboo trenches are the attraction of this forest. There are homestay’s available to stay and experience the beauty of flora and fauna.

Timings: 8 a.m to 6 p.m

Entry fee : Rs.20 per person.

20. Pakshipathalam Bird Sanctuary :

Pakshipathalam in Wayanad district is among the finest trekking spots in the entire country. At Pakshipathalam, one gets to walk through a thick evergreen forest that provides a safe haven to some of the rarest avian species. Ornithologists consider it a location of great interest and value. At 1,700 m above sea level, it is among the most visited locations in the State.

Timing: 6 a.m to 6 p.m

Entry fee : Rs. 50 for Indians and Rs.200 for foreigners.

21. Thirunelli Temple:

Sree thirunelli mahavishnu temple.

Photo of Sree Thirunelli Mahavishnu Temple, Mananthavady by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

On the side of the Brahmagiri hills in Wayanad lay an ancient temple, dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu, the Thirunelli temple. The temple is surrounded by beautiful hills and forests. The temple is also known as Sahyamala Kshetram and Kashi of South. The rituals in this temple are performed on the banks of stream Papanashini, which originates from the Brahmagiri hills. The stream is considered to have medicinal powers.

Timing : 5.30 a.m to 12 p.m in the morning and 5.30 p.m to 8 p.m in the evening.

22. Pazhassi Raja Tomb :

Pazhassi raja tomb.

Pazhassi Raja, a fierce King, is among the few leaders in the Indian sub-continent to ever score a military victory over the British. He is remembered for his love and undying loyalty towards his subjects till the very end. The tomb was constructed in the place where his body was cremated, and is situated on the banks of River Kabani in Mananthavady. 1996 March this tomb has been converted to museum and today the museum is one of the centres in the State which attracts historians, researchers and students from far and wide.

Timing : 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday is closed.

Entry fee : Rs.20 for adults and rs.10 for children.

23. Pallikkunnu Church :


Photo of Pallikkunnu, Kannur by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

At a distance of 10 km from Kalpetta and 35 km from Sulthan Bathery, Pallikkunnu Church is a Latin Catholic Church situated at Meenangadi in Wayanad. It is a famous pilgrim center in north Kerala and also one of the most popular religious places to visit in Wayanad. It is popularly known as ' Our Lady of Lourdes ' Church. The church has a mesmerizing green surroundings and the calmness and serenity of the surroundings coupled with its peculiar architecture adds to its charm. An interesting aspect of this church is that it has several rituals and practices similar to those prevalent in Hindu temples.

Timing: 7 a.m to 7 p.m

24. Varambetta Mosque:

Varambetta makkam വാരാമ്പറ്റ മഖാം.

Varambetta Mosque is situated about 15 km away from Kalpetta in Wayanad. This mosque is 300 years old and the first mosque built in the Wayanad district. Despite being a Muslim religious site, all tourists are allowed to visit this mosque, ignoring their caste and religion. The Varamvetta Mosque is one of the main attractions of Kalpetta.

Every year in March, annual festival is celebrated with grandeur in this mosque.

25. Chethalayam Waterfall:

Chethalayam waterfalls.

Photo of Chethalayam Waterfalls, Kidanganad by Bongyatri - Sourav and Anindita

This beautiful waterfall in Wayanad is all you need to escape the worries of life and dive into the scenic beauty of nature. It is a seasonal waterfall and located close to the famous Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. It is an ideal trekking retreat with some panoramic spots that will take your breath away.

Timing: 6 a.m to 5 p.m

Wayanad is a beautiful place that you can visit for your weekend getaway. Enjoy the beauty of this town and refresh yourself with inner peace and happiness.

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What's the weather like in Meppadi?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Meppadi for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

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  • Weather in Meppadi in February
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  • Weather in Meppadi in October
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Explore nearby places

  • Vaduvanchal
  • Kolagapaara
  • Sultan Bathery
  • Padinjarathara
  • Kakkadampoyil
  • Mananthavady
  • Nagarhole National Park
  • Karuvarakundu
  • Bandipur National Park

All related maps of Meppadi

  • Map of Meppadi
  • Map of Vaduvanchal
  • Map of Kalpetta
  • Map of Chundale
  • Map of Vythiri
  • Map of Meenangadi
  • Map of Kolagapaara
  • Map of Sultan Bathery
  • Map of Wayanad
  • Map of Thariyode
  • Map of Panamaram
  • Map of Padinjarathara
  • Map of Kidanganad
  • Map of Kakkadampoyil
  • Map of Pulpally
  • Map of Vellamunda
  • Map of Mananthavady
  • Map of Nilambur
  • Map of Wandoor
  • Map of Thirunelly
  • Map of Gudalur
  • Map of Mudumalai
  • Map of Malappuram
  • Map of Kozhikode
  • Map of Nagarhole National Park
  • Map of Karuvarakundu
  • Map of Bandipur National Park
  • Map of Masinagudi
  • Map of Bandipur
  • Map of Beypore
  • Map of Vadakara

Meppadi throughout the year

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Meppadi - Wayanad's gold rush destination

  • The search for gold lasted several decades but it was a futile effort
  • As per lore, the ruler of Mysore, Tipu Sultan, had reached Meppadi before the British


Meppadi in Wayanad had witnessed a gold rush during the time of the British, who reached the place along with workers from various places. At that time, there were 33 British companies prospecting for gold here.

The search for gold lasted several decades. All the hills were dug up by the workers, most of them slaves from nearby Karnataka and Tamil Nadu as well as prisoners from China.  

But it was a futile effort. All the mining carried out in the hills at Edambileri and Vellari produced no yellow metal. The origins of Meppadi town can be traced to this search for fortune.

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Mountain Shadows in Wayanad is a rejuvenating escape surrounded by nature

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The British failed in their effort even though they put in their best, employing workers from even far off China, but did not leave Meppadi. The misty hills enchanted the foreigners, who decided to stay put. They cleared the forests and planted tea and coffee; brought more men to work in the plantations.

Meppadi town, in fact, was founded to accommodate the labourers. 'Pady' demoted the huts where they lived. The area was called Melepadikal, meaning upper padys, which gradually became Meppadi. At that time, the biggest market in Wayanad was in Meppadi. Rice, boiled tapioca and vegetables reached the market from even far off places in Wayanad. Interestingly, the British had abandoned their dreams of striking gold by then.

Hidden gold

Speculations regarding presence of gold deposits have been rife for a long time. However, official records stress that there is no gold in Meppadi. In 1798, the then Bombay government sent officials to the area to carry out mining to locate gold. In some parts of eastern Wayanad, the mining department conducted surveys. However, no major deposits of gold were found by them. When the fortune-seekers realised that their efforts were totally unprofitable, prospecting for gold came to an end in Meppadi. However, even after this, some lone British treasure hunters had roamed around the hills in search of gold. 

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Tipu’s campaign 

According to local lore, the ruler of Mysore, Tipu Sultan, had reached Meppadi before the British. William Logan in his Malabar Manual says that it was Tipu who built the road from Thamarassery Ghats to Cherambadi. This road is part of the Kozhikode-Ooty stretch which passes right through Meppadi town. However, historians have not found any evidence suggesting that Tipu reached the area in search of gold. 

At present, Meppadi and surrounding areas are one of the most thickly populated places in Wayanad district. There are several tourist attractions nearby. Chembra hill which is a favourite among trekking groups is barely 7 km from Meppadi. Other tourist attractions like Soochipara, Meenmutti and Kanthanpara waterfalls are adjacent to Meppadi.

A fact file

meppadi tourist places

There are 22 wards in Meppadi.

Major tourist attractions are Soochipara, Meenmutti and Kanthanpara waterfalls.

Meppadi has the highest population among the panchayats in Wayanad district

It is 7,000 ft above sea level.

Rivers like Nellimunda, Aranamalapuzha, Chooralmalapuzha, Kalladipuzha, Choladipuzha and Nilamburpuzha flow through here.

Perhaps, Meppadi is the only panchayat in Kerala which had a British man as its president. The first president of the panchayat, which was formed in 1935, was T E Haive.

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  1. Meppadi In Kerala Travel Guide, Attractions And How To Reach

    meppadi tourist places

  2. Meppadi- Don't Miss This Gorgeous Place During Your Waynad Trip

    meppadi tourist places

  3. 15 Places to Visit in Meppadi, Tourist Places in Meppadi, Sightseeing

    meppadi tourist places

  4. 6 Remarkable Wayanad Tourist Places You Cannot Miss

    meppadi tourist places

  5. Aranamala peak

    meppadi tourist places


    meppadi tourist places


  1. എന്തും പച്ചക്ക് തിന്നും സുരേഷ്

  2. Meppadi juma masjid. Wayanad #rain #wayanad

  3. കാട്ടാന ആക്രമണത്തില്‍ സ്ത്രീ കൊല്ലപ്പെട്ടു

  4. Wayanad Meppadi resort💃🥰#nasi#shorts#tour


  6. meppadi


  1. THE BEST Things to Do in Meppadi

    Things to Do in Meppadi, India: See Tripadvisor's 787 traveler reviews and photos of Meppadi tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in June. We have reviews of the best places to see in Meppadi. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  2. THE BEST Places to Visit in Meppadi (UPDATED 2024)

    Places to Visit in Meppadi. 1. Heart Lake. This is a beautiful lake which has the shape of heart. Must visit place for nature lovers. Good experience. 2. Circuit Wheelz. 3.

  3. Meppadi Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    Unwind. Peter's Coffee Creek. 51. Green View Wayanad. 4. D'Silva Cottage. 16. Meppadi Tourism: Tripadvisor has 787 reviews of Meppadi Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Meppadi Tourism resource.

  4. 50 Things To Do In Meppadi

    Try Local Cuisine at Meppadi: No visit to Meppadi is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. Head to traditional eateries to savor authentic Kerala dishes like Malabar Biryani, Appam with Stew, and various seafood delicacies. Engage with locals to learn more about the culinary traditions of the region. Participate in Local Festivals:

  5. THE BEST Things to Do in Meppadi (Updated 2024)

    2. Circuit Wheelz. 3. Explore Wayanad. It was 5000 feet high.Amazing views and scenery. Really cool to be at the top with the mist but not recommended for... 4. Wander Wayanad. Top Things to Do in Meppadi, India: See Tripadvisor's 787 traveller reviews and photos of Meppadi tourist attractions.

  6. Plan Your Trip to Meppadi: Best of Meppadi Tourism

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Coffee County Resort. 153. from $64/night. Sky Sierra. 1. Land's End Resort & Spa. 124.

  7. Meppadi

    Walk - Many places of attractions are near by the towns so you could walk between them. See [edit] 1 Chembra Peak (3 km). Standing tall at 2100 metres, the Chembra Peak is the highest peak in Wayanad, and a favorite trekking spot. ... This city travel guide to Meppadi is a usable article. It has information on how to get there and on ...

  8. Meppadi In Kerala Travel Guide, Attractions And How To Reach

    How To Reach Meppadi. By Air: The nearest airport to Meppadi is located in Kozhikode at a distance of about 91 km. From the airport, you can hire a cab or use the public transport to reach Meppadi. By Rail: Nilambur railway station is the nearest railhead to Meppadi at a distance of around 83 km.

  9. THE BEST Things to Do in Meppadi

    Things to Do in Meppadi, India: See Tripadvisor's 1,037 traveller reviews and photos of Meppadi tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in May. We have reviews of the best places to see in Meppadi. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  10. Meppadi, India 2022: Best Places to Visit

    Meppadi Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,039 reviews of Meppadi Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Meppadi resource.

  11. Meppadi, Vaduvanchal, Destinations, Wayanad, District, Kerala, India

    Meppadi in Wayanad is an ideal destination with woods, verdant hillsides and coffee, tea, rubber and vanilla plantations. ... If you are visiting these places during spring, you may be confronted by an explosion of colours, thanks to the blooming flora of the region. ... Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala, Park View, Thiruvananthapuram ...

  12. Things to do in Meppadi

    Meppadi is a smaller but beautiful upcoming tourist destination that is worth a visit. You will be surprised by some of the unique things to do and places you can explore at this hidden destination. You might wish to revisit it someday again, to take a break and relax at Meppadi.

  13. Meppadi- Don't Miss This Gorgeous Place During Your Waynad Trip

    Meppadi is a picturesque village situated in the Wayanad district of Kerala. It is located at an elevation of 2,800 feet above sea level, which makes it an ideal spot for those looking for a cooler climate. The village is surrounded by lush green forests and rolling hills, which offer stunning views and plenty of opportunities for outdoor ...

  14. 20 Best Tourist Places To Visit In Wayanad Kerala In 2 Days

    The hidden places in Meppadi are Attamala and Puthumala. The 900 Kandi forest is situated near Meppadi in the Wayanad district of Kerala. The major attractions in 900 Kandi are jungle walks and swimming in the jungle stream. The other attractions in Kandi are jeep safari, tent stay, off-road biking, glass bridge visit, ropeway, and skywalk.

  15. 30 Wayanad Tourist Places: 2024 (Updated List With Photos)

    Wayanad Tourist Places includes Banasura Sagar Dam, Chembra Peak, Kuruva Island, Edakkal Caves, Chain Tree, Pookode Lake, Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary and more. Adventure Excursions. ... Location: Situated near Meppadi town of Wayanad in Kerala, Wayanad, Kerala 673577

  16. 25 Handpicked Tourist Places In Wayanad For Your Hilly Vacation

    Ripon Tea estate is a well-known tea estate situated near Meppadi town of Wayanad in Kerala. It is one of the popular tourist places to visit in Wayanad and among the best tea estates in Wayanad region. Perched at an altitude of nearly 2000 m, Ripon Tea Estate is spread over an area of 443 Hectares along the slopes of Wayanad Hills.

  17. Meppadi Travel 2024: Best Places to Visit & Restaurants

    Meppadi is a village in the Indian state of Kerala. It is an extremely scenic hill station on the State Highway between Kozhikode and Ooty. The nearest city is Kalpetta, which is the headquarters of the Wayanad revenue district.

  18. Hidden places in Meppadi, Attamala, Puthumala and Chooralmala

    This is the 3rd episode of the Wayanad Travel Series. This part highlights the beautiful tea plantations around #Meppadi, #Chooralmala, #Puthumala, and Attam...

  19. Meppadi

    At present, Meppadi and surrounding areas are one of the most thickly populated places in Wayanad district. There are several tourist attractions nearby. Chembra hill which is a favourite among trekking groups is barely 7 km from Meppadi. Other tourist attractions like Soochipara, Meenmutti and Kanthanpara waterfalls are adjacent to Meppadi.

  20. Meppadi

    3 Tourist attractions. 4 Image gallery. 5 See also. ... Meppadi is a village in the Indian state of Kerala. It is an extremely scenic hill station on the State Highway between Kozhikode and Ooty. The nearest city is Kalpetta, which is the headquarters of the Wayanad revenue district.

  21. Meppadi, Wayanad District, Kerala, India

    Around 22,000 places have been listed in the service. You can find a place by using the search facility or through alphabetical listing. The location finder is based on the book "Routes and Locations in Kerala", a travel directory prepared by Kottayam Baburaj. Meppadi. Kalpetta 9.0 kms. Chundel 11.0 kms.

  22. 900 Kandi

    900 Kandi (Thollayiram Kandi) is a tourist destination located in Meppadi village of Wayanad district, Kerala. Thollayiram in local parlance means "900" and Kandi means "a patch of land". It is one of the hidden areas in the forest of Wayanad and are not visited by many tourists. The off-road trekking through the middle of the forest and a glass bridge located here are the major ...